THE Compleat Gentleman Fashioning him absolute in the most necessary Commendable Qualities concerning Minde or Bodie that may be required in a Noble Gentlema [...].

By Henry Peacham. M r. of Arts Sometime of Trinity Coll: in Cambridge.

—inutilis olim Ne videar vixisse—

Anno 1622

Imprinted at London for Francis Constable and are to bee sold at his shop at the white liō in Paules churchyard

The Compleat Gentleman, whose Titles are contained in these Chapters following.

  • Chap. 1. OF Nobilitie in Generall.
  • Chap. 2. Of the dignitie and necessity of Lear­ning in Princes and Nobilitie.
  • Chap. 3. The time of Learning, &c.
  • Chap. 4. The dutie of Parents in their Childrens Education.
  • Chap. 5. Of a Gentlemans carriage in the Vniuersity.
  • Chap. 6. Of stile in speaking, writing, and reading Historie.
  • Chap. 7. Of Cosmography.
  • Chap. 8. Of memorable obseruation in suruey of the Earth.
  • Chap. 9. Of Geometry.
  • Chap. 10. Of Poetry.
  • Chap. 11. Of Musicke.
  • Chap. 12. Of Drawing and Painting in Oyle.
  • Chap. 13. Of Armory or Blazing Armes.
  • Chap. 14. Of exercise of the body.
  • Chap. 15. Of reputation and carriage.
  • Chap. 16. Of Trauaile.

Ad optimae spei, generosissimae (que) in­dolis adolescentem, D. Gulielmum Howard, illustriss. ac vere honoratiss. Thomae Comitis Arundeliae, sum­mi totius Angliae Mares­challi, &c. filium tertio­genitum.

Ingenio, genio, dum vis Generosus haberi,
Ingenua haec discas, ingeniose puer.
Stemma nihil, cultis animum nisi moribus ornes,
Et studeas studijs nobilitare genus.

TO THE TRVLY NO­BLE AND MOST HOPE­FVLL M R. WILLIAM HOVVARD, third and youngest Sonne to the Right Ho­norable THOMAS Earle of Arundell and Surrey, Earle Marshall of England, &c.

WHat Motiue (Noble Sir) may induce others in their Dedi­cations, I know not: sure I am none other hath incited me, then the regard of your owne worth, and that natiue inge­nuitie and goodnesse of Spirit, I haue euer perceiued in you, since it was my good hap to enioy your acquaintance, and to spend some houres with you at your Booke in Norwich; where at this present you haue your education vnder the Reuerend, Religious, and my Honorable good Lord, the now Lord Bishop of Norwich. And indeed, to whom rather of right should appertaine these my Instructions, in regard of their subiect, which is the fashioning of [Page] Nobilitie after the best Presidents, then to your selfe euery way so Nobly descended. Beside, it is affirmed, that there are certaine sparkes and se­cret seeds of vertue innate in Princes, and the Children of Noble personages; which (if che­rished, and carefully attended in the blossome) will yeild the fruit of Industry and glorious Acti­on, not onely aboue the strength of the vulgar, but euen in the scient, and before the time Nature hath appointed. Pindar. in Ne­ [...]sis, Ode 3. So Achilles, while hee was yet very young, vndertooke to shoote the fiercest Li­ons and Boares, and was so nimble on foote, that he was able to take a wilde Beast without either [...]oyle or Dogge. Io [...]es Mo­nach. in vita Alexandri. Alexander also, when an E­gyptian Priest saluted him, being very young, by the names of Son and Child, replyed; But you shall finde me a Man before the walls of Athens. But to omit Heathenish examples, Regum 1. cap. 3. ver. 9. Salomon wee reade, when he was but euen a child, begged wis­dome of God, and grace to gouerne well: and Ignatius, Ignatius lib. Epist. cap. 3. that holy Martyr writeth, Salomon was scarce 12. years of age, when he decided that hard controuersie betweene the two Harlots: so Iosias was but eight years old, when he walked religi­ously before God. And mee thinkes (Sir) as in that Cornelian Stemme (whereof Scipio was said to be the top, and In quo (vt plura genera in vnam arborem) videtur infita multorum illuminata sapi­entia: Cicero.) already you grow apace, reflecting as from a faire Glasse, that Princely Moderation and Ho­nesty of heart, of the good Duke your great Grand-father, the Honourably disposed mind of [Page] my Lord, your Noble Father, together with his loue and admiration, of whatsoeuer is honest or excellent: so that verily you need no other pat­terne to the absolute shaping of your selfe, then the Images of your fore-fathers. Arist. in E [...]i­cis. But as Aristotle saith of the Vine, by how much it is laden with Clusters, by so much it hath need of props: so say I of Greatnesse and Nobilitie, euer fruitfull, and apt to abundance, it hath hourely need of support and helpe, by all timely aduice and instru­ction, to guide and vphold it from lying along.

Wherefore, since the Fountaine of all Coun­sell and Instruction, next to the feare of God, is the knowledge of good learning, whereby our affections are perswaded, and our ill manners mol­lified, I heere present you with the first and plai­nest Directions (though but as so many keies to leade you into far fairer roomes) and the readiest Method I know for your studies in general, and to the attaining of the most commendable qualities that are requisite in euery Noble or Gentle-man. Nothing doubting, but that after you haue here­in seene the worth and excellence of Learning, how much it addeth to Nobilitie; what errors are hourely comitted through Ignorance; how sweet a thing it is to conuerse with the wisest of all Ages by Historie; to haue in-sight into the most pleasing and admirable Sciences of the Mathema­tiques, Poetrie, Picture, Heraldrie, &c. (where­of I heere intreat, together with the most com­mendable exercise of the body, with other gene­rall directions for Carriage, Trauaile, &c.) you [Page] will entertaine this Discourse, as Vlysses did Mi­nerua at his elbow [...] your guide to knowledge; the ground, not onely of the sweetest, but the hap­piest life. And though I am assured there are num­bers, who (notwithstanding all the Bookes and Rules in the world) had rather then behold the face of heauen, burie themselues in earthly sloath, and basest idlenesse; yet M r. William Howard at the least, let vs recouer you from the tyrannie of these ignorant times, and from the common Edu­cation; which is, to weare the best cloathes, eate, sleepe, drinke much, and to know nothing. I take leaue, from my house at Hogsd [...]n by London, May 30.

Who is, and shall be euer yours, HENRY PEACHAM.

To my Reader.

I Am not ignorant (Iudicious Reader) how many peeces of the most curious Masters haue beene vttered to the world of this Subiect, as Plutarch, Eras­mus, Viues, Sadolet, Sturmi­us, Osorius, Sir Thomas Eli­ot, M. Askham, with sundry others; so that my small Taper among so many Tor­ches, were as good out, as seeming to giue no light at all. I confesse it true. But as rare and curious stamps vpon Coynes, for their varietie and strangenesse, are daily enquired after, and bought vp, though the Sil­uer be all one and common w [...]th ours: so fares it with Bookes, which (as Meddailes) beare the Pictures and deuices of our various Inuention, though the matter be the same, yet for variety sake they shall bee read, yea (and as the same dishes drest af [...]er a new fashion) perhaps please the tastes of many bet­ter. But this regard neither mooued me. When I was beyond the Seas, and in a part of France, adiorning vpon Artoise, I was inu [...]ed oftentimes to the house of a Noble personage, who was both a great Sould [...]er [Page] and an excellent Scholler; and one day aboue the rest, as we sate in an open and goodly Gallerie at dinner, a young English Gentleman, who desirous to trauaile, had beene in Italy, and many other places, fortuned to come to his house; and (not so well furnished for his returne home as was sitting) desired entertaine­ment into his seruice. My Lord, who could speake as little English, as my Country-man French, bad him welcome, and demaunded by me of him, what hee could doe: For I keepe none ( quoth he) but such as are commended for some good qualitie or other, and I giue them good allowance; some an hundred, some sixtie, some fiftie Crownes by the yeare: and calling some about him, (very Gentleman [...] like, as well in their behauiour, as apparell) This ( saith he) rideth and breaketh my great Horses, this is an excellent Lutenist, this a good Painter and Surueyer of land, this a passing Linguist and Scholler, who instructeth my Sonnes, &c. Sir ( quoth this young man) I am a Gentleman borne, and can onely attend you in your Chamber, or waite vpon your Lordship abroad. See (quoth Monsieur de Ligny, for so was his name) how your Gentry of England are bred: that when they are distressed, or want means in a strange Coun­trey, they are brought vp neither to any qualitie to preferre them, nor haue they so much as the Latine tongue to helpe themselues withall. I knew it gene­rally to be true, but for the time, and vpon occasion excused it as I could; yet he was receiued, and after returned to his friends in good fashion. Hereby I onely giue to know, that there is nothing more deplo­rable, then the breeding in generall of our Gentle­men, [Page] none any more miserable then one of them, if he fall into miserie in a strange Country. Which I can impute to no other thing, then the remisnesse of Pa­rents, and negligence of Masters in their youth. Wherefore at my comming ouer, considering the great forwardnesse and proficience of children in other Countries, the backwardnesse and rawnesse of ours; the industry of Masters there, the ignorance a [...]d idlenesse of most of ours; the exceeding care of Parents in their childrens Education, the negligence of ours: Being taken through change of ayre with a Quartane Feuer, that leasure I had [...], as I may truly say, by fits I employed vpon this Discourse for the priuate vse of a Noble young Gentleman my friend, not intending it should euer see light, as you may perceiue by the plaine and shallow current of the Discourse, fitted to a young and tender capacitie. Howsoeuer I haue done it, and if thou shalt find here­in any thing that may content, at the least, not distaste thee, I shall be glad and encouraged to a more serious Peece: if neither, but out of a malignant humour, disdaine what I haue done, I care not; I haue pleased my selfe: and long since learned, Enuie, together with her Sister Ignorance, to harbour onely in the basest and most degenerate breast.

Of Nobilitie in Generall: that it is a Plant from Heauen; the Roote, Branches, Fruit.

IF we consider arightly the Frame of the whole Vniuerse and Method of the all-excellent Wisedome in her worke; as creating the formes of things infinitely diuers, so accor­ding to Dignity of Essence or Vertue in effect, wee must acknowledge the same to hold a Soueraigntie, and transcendent praedominance, as well of Rule as Place each ouer either. Among the heauenly bodies wee see the Nobler Orbes, and of greatest influence to be raised aloft, the lesse effectuall, depressed. Of Elements, the Fire the most pure and operatiue to hold the highest place; in compounded bodies, of things as well sensible as insensible, there runneth a veine of Excellence procee­ding from the Forme, ennobling (in the same kind) some other aboue the rest.

The Lyon we say is King of Beasts, Sy [...] in his Fairy Queene. the Eagle chiefe of Birds; the Whale and Whirle-poole among Fishes, Iupiters Oake the Forrests King. Among Flowers, wee [Page 2] most admire and esteeme the Rose: Among Fruite, the Pom-roy and Queene-apple; among Stones, we value aboue all the Diamond; Mettals, Gold and Siluer: and since we know these to transferre their inward excellence and vertues to their Species successiuely, shall we not ac­knowledge a Nobilitie in Man of greater perfection, of Nobler forme, and Prince of these?

Can we be curious in discerning a counterfait from the true Pearle; to choose our siens of the best fruit, buy our Flowers at twenty pounds the roote or slip: and not regard or make difference of linage, nor be carefull into what Stocke we match our selues, or of what Parents we choose a Seruant?

Surely, to beleeue that Nature (rather the God of Nature) produceth not the same among our selues, is to question the rarest Worke-mistris of Ignorance or Par­tialitie, Nobilitie de­fined. and to abase our selues beneath the Beast. Nobi­litie then (taken in the generall sence) is nothing else then a certaine eminency, or notice taken of some one aboue the rest, for some notable act performed, bee it good or ill; and in that sence are Nobilis and Ignobilis v­sually among the Latine Poets taken. More particular­ly, and in the genuine sence, Nobilitie is the Honour of blood in a Race or Linage, conferred formerly vpon some one or more of that Family, either by the Prince, the Lawes, customes of that Land or Place, whereby either out of knowledge, culture of the mind, or by some glo­rious Action performed, they haue beene vsefull and be­neficiall to the Common-wealths and places where they liue.

For since all Vertue consisteth in Action, and no man is borne for himselfe, we adde, beneficiall and vsefull to his Country; for hardly they are to be admitted for No­ble, who (though of neuer so excellent parts) consume their light, as in a dark La [...]thorne in contemplation, and a Stoicall retirednesse.

[Page 3]And since Honor is the reward of Vertue and glorious Action onely, Vice and Basenesse must not expect her fa­uours: as the people of Rome created C. Fla [...]ius from a Tribune, Senator and Aedil [...] for stealing of a book of Records. Eushicrates, Euph [...]rbas, and Phylagrus, were ennobled for Treason: and C [...]ttier by Lewis the eleuenth, the French King, vnworthily aduanced from a mender of Stockings, to be Lord Chancellor of France.

Neither must we Honor or esteeme those ennobled, or made Gentle in blood, who by Mechanicke and base meanes, haue raked vp a masse of wealth, or because they follow some great man, weare the Cloath of a Noble Personage, or haue purchased an ill Coat at a good rate; no more then a Player vpon the Stage, for wearing a Lords cast suit: since Nobilitie hangeth not vpon the aic­ry esteeme of vulgar opinion, but is indeed of it selfe es­sentiall and absolute.

Beside, Nobilitie being inherent and Naturall, can haue (as the Diamond) the lustre but only from it selfe: Honors and Titles externally conferred, Aentas Siluius lib. 4. de ge [...]is Alyhonsi. are but atten­dant vpon desert, and are but as apparell, and the Drape­ry to a beautifull body.

Memorable, Georg. F [...]s [...]llus as making to our purpose, is that speech of Sig [...]smund the Empero [...]r, to a Doctor of the Ciuill Law, This happe­ned at the Councell of Constance, where the Doctors and Knights were (about some serious busi­nesse) diuided into two seue­ral assemblies. who when he had receiued Knighthood at the Em­perours hands, left forthwith the societie of his fellow Doctors, & kept company altogether with the Knights: which the Emperour well obseruing, smilingly (before the open assembly) saide vnto him; Foole, who pre­ferest Knighthood before Learning and thy degree; I can make a thousand Knights in one day, but cannot make a Doctor in a thousand yeares. Now for as much as the Weale publique of euery Estate, is preserued Ar­mi [...] & consilio, this faire Tree by two maine branches dis­spreddeth her selfe into the Militarie & Ciuil Discipline; vnder the first I place Valor and Greatnesse of Spirit: [Page 4] vnder the other, Iustice, knowledge of the Lawes, which [...] Consilij fons; Magnificence, and Eloquence.

For true Fortitude and greatnesse of Spirit were enno­bled (we reade) Iphicrates, that braue Athenian, who ouer­threw in a set battaile the Lacedaemonians, stopt the furie of Epaminondas, and became Lieutenant Generall to Artaxerxes King of Persia, yet but the sonne of a poore Cobler.

Eumenes, one of the best Captaines for valour and ad­uice Alexander had, was the sonne of an ordinarie Carter.

Dioclesian was the sonne of Scriuener, or Book-bin­der: Valentinian, of a Rope-maker; Maximinus, of a Smith; Pertinax, or stubborne, so sir-named, be­cause he came from his Fa­ther, who would haue made him a Scholler, he choosing ra­ther to be a Wood-mon­ger. Capitolinus [...]. Pertinax, of a Wood-monger; Seruius Tullus, sonne of a Bond-woman, thence his name Seruius: Tar­quinius Priscus, of a poore Merchant, or rather Pedler in Corinth: Hugh Capet, the first of that name, King of France, the sonne of a Butcher in Paris; who when Lewis the sixth, sonne of Lothary, was poisoned by Blanch his Wife for Adulterie, being a stout fellow, and of a reso­lute Spirit, hauing gathered a company like himselfe, and taking his aduantage of the time, and distempered hu­mour of the State, carried himselfe and his businesse so, that he got the Crowne from the true heire, See the Trea­sure of Times. Charles the Vnckle of Lewis.

Lamusius, the third King of the Lombards, was the sonne of a common Strumpet, found laid and couered with leaues in a ditch by King Agelmond, who by chance riding that way, and espying a thing stirre in the ditch, touched it with the point of his Lance, Ex Historia Lo [...]bard. to see what it was: which the Infant with the hand taking fast hold of, the King amazed, and imagining it as a presage of some good fortune toward the child, caused it to be taken out of the ditch, and to bee brought vp, which after (nursed in the lap of Fortune) by many degrees of Honor, got the Crowne of Lombardy.

[Page 5]Neither are the truly valorous, or any way vertuous, ashamed of their so meane Parentage, but rather glorie in themselues that their merit hath aduanced them aboue so many thousands farre better descended. And hence you shall many times heare them freely discourse of their beginning, and plainely relate their bringing vp, & what their Parents were. I remember when I was in the Low-Countries, and liued with Sir Iohn Ogle at Virecht, the re­ply of that valiant Gentleman Colonell Edmondes, The inge [...] ­ous reply of Colonell Ed­monds. to a Countrey-man of his newly come out of Scotland, went Currant: who desiring entertainment of him, told him; My Lord his Father, and such Knights and Gentle-men, his Couzins and Kinsmen, were in good health. Quoth Colonell Edmondes, Gentlemen (to his friends by) be­leeue not one word hee sayes; my Father is but a poore Baker of Edenbourgh, and workes hard for his liuing, whom this knaue would make a Lord, to currie fauour with me, and make ye beleeue I am a great man borne, &c.

So that the valiant Souldier you see, measureth out of the whole cloath his Honour with his sword: and hence in ancient times came Rome, Athens, Carthage, and of late the Ottoman Empire to their greatnesse. Honor be­ing then highly prized, euery one aymed at Nobilitie, and none refused the most desperate attempts for the good of his Countrey. Thus the Decij, Cato, Mar­cellus, with infinite others, became ennobled, and had their Altars, Statues, Columnes, &c. and were welnigh adored with as great respect, as their Gods themselues.

From no lesse meanesse of birth and beginning, we find many great and famous Bishops, Ciuilians, Orators, Poets, &c. to haue attained to the greatest dignities, both of Church and Common-wealth, and to haue checked with their Fortunes, euen Glorie her selfe. Pope Iohn the two and twentieth, was a poore Shooe-makers sonne; Nicholas the fifth was sonne of a Poulter; Sixt [...] the fift, [Page 6] of a Hog-heard: Alphenus but a Tailors Apprentice, who running from his Master, went to Rome, and there studied the Ciuill Law, and so profited, that for his lear­ning and wisedome, he was after created Consull. Vlpian but meanely borne, yet Tutor to Alexander the Empe­rour. Cicero was borne and brought vp at Arpinum, a poore and obscure Village: Virgil, the sonne of a Potter; Horace, of a Trumpeter; Theophrastus of a Botcher, with infinite others, I might alledge as well of ancient as moderne times.

For doing Iustice, Plutarch. in Lycurgi & Numa comp. the Romanes of a priuate man and a stranger, chose Numa for their King: and on the con­trary, (as Plutarch writeth, comparing them together) Lycurgus of a King, for Iustice sake, made himselfe a priuate man: for, A goodly thing (saith Plutarch) it is by doing iustly to obtaine a Kingdome, and as glorious to pre­fer Iustice before a kingdome; for the vertue of the one (Nu­ma) made him so esteemed and honoured, that he was of all thought worthy of it; of the other, so great, that he scorned it.

In like manner, for their good Lawes and doing Iu­stice, were aduanced to their Thrones and goodly Tri­bunals, Minos, Rhadamantus (though subiects of Poets fables.) Aratus, Solon, &c. And how fairely (beyond their Lawrels) the name of Iust, became Aristides, Tra­iant, Agesilaus, with many others, I leaue to Historie to report.

For Magnificence, Machiauell. Hist. Floren [...]in. lib. 7. and obliging the places wherein they liued, by great benefits, were ennobled, Tarquinius Priscus, a stranger, and a banished man: and of later times, Cosmo di Medici in Florence, vpon whose vertues, as vpon a faire prospect, or some princely Palace, giue me leaue a little, as a traueller to breathe my selfe, and shew you afarre off the faire Tutrets of his more then royall Magnificence, being but a priuate man, as I finde it recorded in his Historie by Machiauell. This Cosmo (saith he) was the most esteemed, and most famous Citi­zen [Page 7] (being no man of warre) that euer had beene in the me­morie of man, either in Florence, or any other Citie; because he did not onely excell all others (of his time) in Authoritis and Riches, but also in Liberalitie and Wisedoms. For among other qualities which aduanced him to be chiefe of his Coun­trey, he was more then other men liberall and magnificent, which liberalitie appeared much more after his death then be­fore. For his sonne Piero found by his Fathers Records, that there was not any Citizen of estimation, to whom Cos­mo had not lent great summes of Money: and many times also he did lend to those Gentlemen, whom he knew to haue need. His magnificence appeared by diuers his building: For within the Citie of Florence hee builded the Abbaits and Temples of S. Marco, S. Lorenzo, and the Monastery of S. Verdiana, & in the mountains of Fiesole, S. Girolamo, with the Abbey thereto belonging. Also in Mugello he did not only repaire the Church for the Friers, but tooke it downe, and built it anew. Besides those magnificent buildings in S. Croce, in S. Agnoli, and S. Miniato, he made Altars, and sump­tu [...] Chappels. All which Temples and Chappels, besides the buildings of them, were by him paued, and furnished throughly with all things necessarie. With these publique buildings, wee may number his priuate houses, whereof one within the Citie mee [...]e for so great a personage, and foure other without, at Carriaggi, at Fiesole, at Casaggiuolo, and at Trebio, all Palaces fitter for Princes, then priuate persons. And because his magnificent houses in Italy, did not in his opinion make him famous enough, he builded in Ie­rusalem an Hospitall to receiue poore and diseased Pilgrims. In which worke he consumed great summes of Money. And albeit these buildings, and euery other his actions were prince­ly, and that in Florence he liued like a Prince; yet so gouer­ned by wisedome, as he neuer exceeded the bounds of ciuill mo­destie. For in his conuersation, in riding, in marrying his Children and Kinsfolkes, he was like vnto all other modest and discree [...]e Citizens: because he well kn [...]w, that extraordi­narie [Page 8] things, which are of all men with admiration beheld, do [...] procure more enuy, then those which without ostentation be honestly couered. I omit, as followeth shortly after, his great and excessiue charge in entertaining of learned men of all professions, to instruct the youth of Florence: his bountie to Argiropolo a Gracian, and Marsilio Fi [...]ins, (whom he maintained for the exercise of his owne stu­dies in his house, and gaue him goodly lands neere his house of Carreggi,) men in that time of singular lear­ning, because Vertue reares him rather to wonder then Imitation.

To proceed, no lesse respect and honour is to be attri­buted to Eloquence, whereby so many haue raised their esteeme and fortunes, as able to draw Ciuilitie out of Barbarisme, and sway whole kingdomes by leading with Described by Lucian to be aged, b [...]ld, & wrinckled, browne co­loured, clad with a Lio [...]s skin, holding in his right hand a club, in his left a bow, with a Q [...]er at his back, & long small chaines of Gold and Amber fast­ned through little holes to the tip of his tongue, draw­ing a multi­tude of people willing to [...]ol­low after him, onely shad­dowing vnto vs the power of Eloquence. Plato in Timaeo. Celticke Hercules, the rude multitude by the eares. Marke Anthony contending against Augustus for the Romane Empire, assured himselfe he could neuer obtaine his purpose while Cicero liued, therefore he procured his death. The like did Antipater, a Successor to Alexander, by Demosthenes, aspiring to the Monarchy of Greece. And not long since a poore Mahumetan Priest, by his smooth tongue, got the Crowne of Morocco from the right heire, being of the house of Giuseph or Ioseph. And much hurt it may doe, if like a mad mans sword, it be vsed by a tur­bulent and mutinous Orator; otherwise we must hold it a principall meanes of correcting ill manners, reforming lawes, humbling aspiring minds, and vpholding all ver­tue. For as Serpents are charmed with words, so the most sauage and cruell natures by Eloquence: which some inter­pret, Pi [...]r. Vak [...] ­ [...] lib. 6. to be the meaning of Mercuries golden Rod, with those Serpents wreathed about it. Much therefore it con­cerneth Princes, not onely to countenance honest and eloquent Orators, but to maintaine such neere about them, as no meane props (if occasion serue) to vphold a State, and the onely keies to bring in tune a discordant Common-wealth.

[Page 9]But it shall not be amisse ere I proceede further, Of bastardie. 1. Question. to re­moue certaine doubts, which as rubs clog the cleere pas­sage of our Discourse: and the first concerning Bastar­die, whether Bastards may be said to be Nobly borne or not: I answere with Iustinian, Sordes inter praecipuos nomi­narinon merentur. Yet it is the custome with vs, and in France, to allow them for Noble, by giuing them some­times their Fathers proper Coate, with a bend Sinister, as Reignald Earle of Cornewall, base sonne to the Con­querour, bare his Fathers two Leopards passant gardant, or in a field Gules, with a bend sinister Azure: The like Hamlin, base sonne to Geoffrey Plantagenet, Earle of Sur­rey [...] Some their fathers whole Coate, or part of the same in bend dexter; as Iohn Beauford, a Bastard of Somerset, bare partie per pale argent and Azure, a bend of England, with a labell of France. Sir Roger de Clarendon, base son to the Blacke Prince, his fathers three Feathers, on a bend Sable, the field Or. I willingly produce these ex­amples, to confirme our custome of ennobling them; and though the Law leaneth not on their side, yet stand they in the head of the troope, with the most deseruing: yea, and many times (according to Euripides) proue [...] in Andr [...]eda. bet­ter [...]hen the legitimate. Who are more famous then Re­mus and Romulus, who laid the first stone of Rome; more couragious and truly valiant, then Hercules, Alexander, our King Arthur of Britaine, and William the first? more critically learned then Christopher Longolius, Iacobus Fa­ber; more modest, and of better life, then Coelius Calga­guinus, the delight of his Ferrara, with infinite others? and where decretals and Schoolemen may beare the bell, those two Grandes, Gratian and Lombard?

A second question ariseth, Concerning vice and base­nesse. whether he that is Noble descended, may by his vice and basenesse lose his Nobi­litie or no. It is answered, that if he that is ignoble and inglorious, may acquire Nobilitie by Vertue; the other may very well lose it by his Vice. But such are the mise­rable [Page 10] corruptions of our times, that Vices go for prime Vertues; and to be drunke, sweare, wench, follow the fa­shion, & to do iust nothing, are the attributes and marks now adaies of a great part of our Gentry. Hence the Agrigentines expelled their Phalaris: the Romanes ex­tinguished the memorie of the whole race of the Tar­quines, with those Monsters of Nature, Nero, Heliogaba­lus, &c. the Sicilians Dionysins the later, with others.

Thirdly, Concerning Pouertie. 3. Question. whether Pouertie impeacheth or staineth Nobilitie. I answere, Riches are an ornament, not the cause of Nobilitie; and many times wee see there lyeth more worth vnder a thrid-bare Cloake, and within, a thatched Cottage, then the richest Robe, or stateliest Pa­lace. Witnesse the Noble Curij and Fabritij, taken from a poore dinner of Turneps and Water-cresses in an ear­then dish, to leade the Romane Army, and conquer the most potent Kings of the world.

Fourthly, Of Aduo­cates and Phi­sitians. 4. Question. concerning Aduocates and Physitians, whe­ther we may rancke them with the ennobled or no. Ad­uocates or Counsellors being Interpreters of the Law, their place is commendable, and themselues most neces­sarie Instruments in a Common-wealth; wherefore, saith the Ciuill Law, Extat Lex Con­stantini, lib. 10. Co [...]ici [...]. their calling is honorable, they ought to be freed of mulcts, publike charges, and all impositions; and to be written or sent vnto, as vnto persons of especi­all worth and dignitie.

Touching Physitians, though the profession by some hath beene thought seruile, and in times past was practi­sed by seruants, as Domitian (saith Seneca) imper auit me­dico seruo, vt venenum sibi daret; and that slouenly Epithite of [...] be by Aristophanes Aristophanes in Pluto. bestowed vpon Aescula­pius: yet it is an Art nothing seruile and base, but noble and free, since we know not onely Emperors and Kings, but Saints, yea, our blessed Sauiour to haue cured the sicke; To whom was first giuen, be­ing a deuoute and most reli­gious King, the gift of cu­ring the Kings Euill, whence it hath beene deriued to our Kings of Eng­land his Suc­cessors. as Constantine, Adrian, Edward the Confessor King of England, Mithridates King of Pontus, (whose Anti­dote [Page 11] yet beareth his name,) Artemisia Queene of Caria, who first found the vertue of Mugwort, bearing her name in Latine; Gentius King of Illyricum (now Sclauo­nia) who immortally liueth in the herbe Gentiana: as al­so Lysimachus in his Lysimachia, Achilles in Achillea, or the Yarrow: Apollo, Podalirius, Moses, Esay, Salomon, E­zechias. Honor the Phisitian, saith Ecclesiasticus: then a­gaine, All Phisicke or medicine is from God, and he shall re­ceiue a reward from the King: The skill of the Physitian shall exalt his head, &c. And as Ptolomy sometime obie­cted against Zoilus concerning Homer, so may I vnto our Lordly [...], or Physicke-haters: Which of them all, trebble their reuenewes, can maintaine so many as one poore Galen or Hippocrates, who though dead many hundreds of yeares since, feed many thousands of fami­lies, euen at this present? I heere intend no common Chyrurgians, Mountebancks, vnlettered Empericks, and women Doctors (of whom for the most part there is more danger, then of the worst disease it selfe) whose practise is infamous, Mechanique and base.

Fiftly, Of Merchants 5. Question. concerning Merchants; the exercise of Mer­chandise hath beene (I confesse) accounted base, and much derogating from Nobilitie, except it be exercised & vndertaken by a generall Estate, or the Deputies thereof. Aristotle therefore saith, Hippolitus à Collibus, Axi­om, de Nobili­tate. That the Thebanes and Lacedae­monians had a Law, that none should bee esteemed and held capable of Honor in their Common-wealth, except they had ten yeares before giuen ouer Trading and Mer­chandise: and Valerius Maximus reporteth, that among other things the Romanes had to disparage Tarquinius Priscus withall, and make him odious to the people, was that he was a Merchants sonne. Chrysost, super Mathaeum. Francis. Pa [...]i­cium de Repub. lib. 1. cap. 8. Saint Chrysostome vpon that place of Mathew, Hee cast out the buyers and sellers out of the Temple: gathereth, that Merchants hardly and seldome please God. And certaine it is, that the ancient Romans neuer preferred any that exercised Merchandise, [Page 12] to any eminent place or office in their Commonwealthe perhaps agreeing in one with Aristotle, Arist. politic. 7. cap. 4. who speaking of Merchants and Mechanickes, saith; Vilis est huiusmodi vita, & virtuti aduersa, The kind of life is base, and con­trary to vertue.

But some may obiect vnto me the great Estates of Ve­nice, Genoa, Florence, Luca, &c. where their Nobilitie is nothing disparaged by the exercise of Merchandise. I an­swer; as their Coines at home they may raise themselues high or lower at their pleasure: but abroad (like Citie Maiors) in other Countries they fall vnder value, and a great deale short of their reckoning.

But if the owner of the Earth, and all that therein is, hath so bestowed and disposed of his blessings, that no one Countrey affordeth all things, but must be beholden not onely to her neighbours, but euen the most remote Regions, and Common-wealths cannot stand without Trade and Commerce, buying and selling: I cannot (by the leaue of so reuerend iudgements) but account the honest Merchant among the number of Benefactors to his Countrey, while he exposeth as well his life as goods, to the hazzard of infinite dangers, sometime for medi­cinall Drugges and preseruatiues of our liues in extre­mitie of sicknesse; Of Salomons Merchants. See Chroni­cles 2. cap. 1. verse 16. another, for our food or cloathing in t [...]mes of scarsitie and want, haply for vsefull necessaries for our vocations, and callings: or lastly, for those, Sensus & animi oblectamenta, which the Almightie prouidence hath purposely, for our solace and recreation, and for no other end else created, Chron. 2. 9. verse 21. as Apes, Parrots, Peacockes, Canarie, and all singing Birds; rarest Flowers for colour and smell, pretious Stones of all sorts, Pearle, Amber, Corall, Cristall, all manner of sweete odou [...]s, fruites, infinitely differing in forme and taste: Colours of all sorts, Of Mechani­call Arts and Artists. 6. Question. for painting, dying, &c. but I proceed.

Sixt and lastly, touching Mechanicall Arts and Artists, whosoeuer labour for their liuelihood and gaine, haue no [Page 13] share at all in Nobilitie or Gentry: As Painters, Stage-players [...] Tamblers, ordinary Fidlers, Inne-keepers, Fen­cers, Iuglers, Dancers, Mountebancks, Bearewards, and the like; (except the custome of the place determine the contrary) as Her [...]d [...]tus and Xenophon Xenophon in Occ [...]mica. witnesse to haue beene obserued, both among the Aegyptians, Scythians, and Corinthians. The reason is, A faint and spent reason. because their bodies are spent with labour and trauaile, and men that are at their worke, Assidui & accibui vmbratiles esse cogumur. Yea, if a Noble man borne in captiuitie, or constrained through any other necessitie, shall exercise any manuall occupation or Art, hee by the opinion of some, loseth his Nobilitie Ciuill, but not Christian, [...]ippolyt. à Coll. in Axiomat. Nobilis atis. and shall at his returne bee restored. Where I said the custome of the Country, I intend thus: by the law of Mahomet the Grand Signior, or great Turke himselfe, is bound to exer­cise some manuall Trade or Occupation (for none must be idle:) as Solyman the Magnificent, that so threatned Vienna, his trade was making of Arrow-heads; Ach­mat the last, horne rings for Archers, and the like.

From the roote and branches, let vs taste the fruite, The fruit and vse of Nobilitie. which fall not (like the Apples of Sodoms) with a light touch into nothing, but are as those of Hesperides, gol­den, and out of the vulgar reach.

First, Noble or Gentlemen ought to bee preferred in Fees, Honors, Offices, and other dignities of command and gouernment before the common people.

They are to be admitted neere, Which was the office of a Ba­ [...]on in ancient times. and about the person of the Prince, to be of his Counsel in warre, and to beare his Standard.

We ought to giue credit to a Noble or Gentleman, before any of the inferior sort.

He must not be arrested, or pleaded against vpon co­senage.

We must attend him, and come to his house, and not [...]e to ours.

[Page 14]His punishment ought to be more fauourable, & honora­ble vpon his tryall, and that to bee by his Peeres of the same Noble ranke.

He ought in all sittings, meetings, and salutations, to haue the vpper hand, and greatest respect.

They must be cited by Bill or Writing, to make their appearance.

In criminall causes, Noblemen may appeare by their Arturney, or Procurator.

They ought to take their recreations of hunting, haw­king, &c. freely, without controule in all places.

Their imprisonment ought not to bee in base manner, or so strict as others.

They may eate the best and daintiest meate that the place affordeth; to weare at their pleasure Gold, Iewels, the best apparell, and of what fashion they please, &c.

Beside, Nobilitie stirreth vp emulation in great Spi­rits, not onely of equalling others, but excelling them; as in Cimon, the elder Scipio Africanus, Decius the sonne, Alexander, Edward our Blacke Prince, and many others.

It many times procureth a good marriage, as in Ger­many, where a faire Coate and a Crest, is often preferred before a good reuenew.

It is a spurre in braue and good Spirits, to beare in mind those things which their Ancestors haue nobly at­chieued.

It transferreth it selfe vnto Posteritie; and as for the most part wee see the children of Noble Personages, to beare the lincaments and resemblance of their Parents: so in like manner, for the most part they possesse their vertues and Noble dispositions, which euen in their ten­derest yeares, will but forth and discouer it selfe.

Hauing discoursed of Nobilitie in Generall, the diuisi­on, and vse thereof: giue me leaue in a word, to in [...]eigh against the pittifull abuse thereof, which like a plague, I think, hath infected the whole world. Euery vndeseruing [Page 15] and base Peasant ayming at Nobilitie: which miserable ambition hath so furnished both Towne & Country with Coates of a new list; that were Democritus liuing, hee might haue laughing matter for his life. In Naples, such is the pride of euery base groome, that though he be di­stalla, he must be termed Signore, and scarce will [...]e open a note from a poore Calz [...]lai [...], to whom he hath beene a twelue month indebted for his Bootes, if D [...]n be not in the superscription.

In Venice likewise, euery Mechanique is a Magnifice, though his magnificenza walketh the Market but with a Chequin.

In France, euery Peasant and common Lacquay, is sa­luted by name of Mounsieur, or Sire, the King himselfe hauing no other Title. The word Sire immediatly pro­ceeding from Cyrus, the Persian word for a Lord or great Prince, In Lexic [...]. as H. Stephanus well noteth; or as it pleaseth some, from [...] authoritie, or [...], a Lord or Gouernor, [...]. Goe but from Paris to Anjo [...], Demost. Oly [...]th. [...]. and see if you find not all, from the Count to the Esculiers, al­lyed either to the King, some Prince of the blood, Noble Peere, or other.

In the Low Countries, mine old Host at Arnhem in Gil­drerland, changed his Coate and Crest thrice in a fort­night, because it did not please his young Wife. For there ye must vnderstand, they are all Gentlemen by a Grant, (they say) from Charles the fift, in considerati­on of a great summe of money they lent him in time of his warres. Come into what house soeuer, though miju heer weert, be but a Gardiner, Ropemaker, or Aqua [...]ita seller, you shal be sure to haue his Armes, with the Beauer full faced (allowed to none but Kings and Princes) in his Glasse-window, with some ingenious Motto or other of his owne deuice. I remember one T [...]link there, gaue for his Coate a wilde Goose in the water, with this witty one; Volans, natans. Another, three Hogs falling vpon a [Page 16] Dog, who was lugging one of their fellowes; with this, Concord makes might Endracht mackt macht. Another, three great drinking Bowles, Orbiquiers, with this truly Dutch, and more tollerable then the rest, vnderneath, Quem non f [...]re disertum? with infinite others of like Nature: yet the an­cient Nobilitie (whereof there are many Honorable fa­milies; as Hohenlo, Egment, Horne, Brede [...]ode, Waggen [...]r, Betsolaër, with sundry others) keepe themselues entire, and maintaining their ancient houses and reputation, free from scandall of dishonour, as well as wee laugh at these their boorish deuices.

Some againe, by altering letters or syllables, or adding to their names, will insinuate themselues into Noble hou­ses, and not sticke many times to beare their Coates.

But the most common and worst of all, is in all places the ordinary purchasing of Armes and Honors for Mo­ney, very preiudiciall to true Nobilitie and politique go­uernment: for who will hazzard his person and estate to infinite dangers for Honour, when others at home may haue it si [...]e sudore & sanguin [...], onely by bleeding in the vena c [...]n [...], called marsupium? The pure Oyle cannot min­gle with the water, no more this extracted quintessence and Spirit of Vertue, with the dregges and subsistence of vnworthinesse. Hippolytu [...] à Collibus. Euripides, when his Father told him he was knighted, made him this reply; Good Father, you haue that which euery man may haue for his Money. And certainely, Vertue dum petis ar du [...], will not stoope to take vp her reward in the streete. The French man is so bold, as to terme such intruders Gentil-villaines; but I dare not vse that word, lest some that challenge the first part of it, should returne me the latter.

Lastly, to conclude, most pittifull is the pride of ma­ny, who when they are nobly borne, not onely staine their stocke with vice, and all base behauiour, relying and vaunting of their long pedigrees, and exploits of their Fathers, (themselues liuing in sloath and idlenesse) [Page 17] disparage and disgrace those, who by their vertuous en­deuours are rising. To these and such, I oppose Marius, and that stout reply of his in Salust: They contemne me [...] as an vpstart, I scorn [...] their sloath and basenesse. Againe, What they idlely heave and reade at home, my selfe hath ei­ther acted or seene; if they scorne me, let them scorne their Ancestors, who came by their Nobilitie as I haue done: If they [...] mine Honor, let them also enuy my labours, mine innocence, my perils, &c. Now see how equally they deale: that which they arrogate to themselues from the vertue of others, that they deny me from mine owne, because I haue no Images, and my Nobilitie is new, &c. Shortly after: I cannot, to prooue my descent, bring forth the Images of my Ancestors, their Triumphs, their Consul­ships; but if neede be, I can shew Launces, my Ensigne, Caparisons, and other such warlike implements, beside a number of scarres vpon my breast: these are my Images, my Nobilitie, not left me by descent and inheritance, &c. And as resolute of late yeares, was the answer of Ver­dugo a Spaniard, Commander in Friseland, to certaine of the Spanish Nobilitie, who murmured at a great feast, the sonne of a Hang-man should take place aboue them, (for so he was, and his name importeth:) Gentlemen (quoth he) question not my birth, or who my Father was, I am the sonne of mine owne desert and Fortune; if any man dares as much as I haue done, let him come and take the Tables [...]nd with all my heart.

CHAP. 2.
Of the dignitie and necessity of Learning in Princes and Nobilitie.

SInce Learning then is an essentiall part of Nobilitie, as vnto which we are beholden, for whatsoeuer de­pendeth on the culture of the mind; it followeth, that who is nobly borne, and a Scholler withall, deserueth double Honour, Si ad naturam eximiam erudi­ti [...] accesseris [...] singu­lare quoddam existere sole [...], Cit. [...]te A [...]chia Po [...]ta. being both [...] and [...]: for hereby as an Ensigne of the fairest colours, hee is a farre discer­ned, and winneth to himselfe both loue and admiration, heigthing with skill his Image to the life, making it pre­tious, and lasting to posteritie.

It was the reply of that learned King of Arragon to a Courtier of his, who affirmed, that Learning was not requisite in Princes and Nobilitie, Questa è voce d'un but, non d'un Huom [...]. For if a Prince be the Image of God, gouerning and adorning all things, and the end of all go­uernment the obseruation of Lawes, that thereby might appeare the goodnesse of God in protecting the good, and punishing the bad, that the people might bee fashio­ned in their liues and manners, and come neere in the light of knowledge vnto him, who must protect and de­fend them, by establishing Religion, ordaining Lawes; by so much (as the Sunne from his Orbe of Empire) ought he to out-runne the rest in a vertuous race, and out-shine them in knowledge, by how much he is moun­ted neerer to heauen, and so in view of all, that his least eclipse is taken to a minute.

What (tell me) can be more glorious or worthy the Scepter, Nic [...]phorus, lib. 17. cap. 40. then to know God aright; the Mysteries of our saluation in Iesus Christ, to conuerse with God in soule, Regum. 1. cap. 4. 33. and oftner then the meere naturall man, to aduance him in his Creatures; to bee able with Salomon to dispute, [Page 19] from the loftiest Cedar on Libanus, to the lowest Hysop vpon the wall; to bee the Co [...]duit Pipe and instrument, whereby (as in a goodly Garden) the sweete streames of heauens, blessings are conueied in pietie, peace and plentie, to the nourishing of thousands, and the flouri­shing of the most ingenious Arts and Sciences.

Wherefore, saith the Kingly Prophet, Psalm. [...]. Erudimini Re­ges, &c. as if he should say; How can you Kings & Iud­ges of the earth vnderstand the grounds of your Reli­gion, the foundation and beginnings of your Lawes, the ends of your duties and callings; much lesse determine of such controuersies, as daily arise within your Realmes and circuits, define in matters of Faith publique Iustice, your priuate and Oeconomicke affaires, if from your cradles yee haue beene nursed (as Solomons foole) with ignorance, brutish Ignorance, Prou. 15. Plato, lib. 5. de Re [...]ub. mother of all miserie, that infecteth your best actions with folly, ranketh you next to the beast, maketh your talke and discourse loathsome and heauy to the hearer, as a burthen vpon the way, Ecclesiast. 15. your selues to be abused by your vassals, as blinde men by their Boyes, and to bee led vp and downe at the will and plea­sure of them, whose eyes and eares you borrow.

Hence the royall Salomon, aboue all riches of God, de­sired wisedome and vnderstanding, that hee might go­uerne, and go before so mighty a people. And the anci­ent Romanes, Vo [...]isc [...]i [...] Taci [...]. when their voyces were demaunded at the Election of their Emperor, cryed with one consent, Quis melior quam [...] literatus? Hence the Persians would elect none for their King, except he were a great Philosopher: and great Alexander acknowledged his, [...] from his Master Aristotle.

Rome saw her best daies vnder her most learned Kings and Emperours; Plutarch in Corialano. as Num [...], Augustus, Titus, Antoninus, Constantino, Theodosius, and some others. Plutarch gi­ueth the reason, Learning (saith hee) reformeth the life and ma [...]ers, and affoordeth the wholesomest aduice for [Page 20] the gouernment of a Common-wealth. I am not igno­rant, but that (as all goodnesse else) shee hath met with her mortall enemies, the Champions of Ignorance, Eutropiu [...] as Licinius gaue for his Mot or Poesie: Postes Reipublica li­terae; and Lewis the eleuenth, King of France, would euer charge his sonne to learne no more Latine then this, Qui nescit dissimulare, nescit regnare: but these are the fancies of a few, and those of ignorant and corrupted iudge­ments.

Since learning then ioyned with the feare of God, is so faithfull a guide, that without it Princes vndergoe but lamely (as Chrysostome saith) their greatest affaires; they are blinde in discretion, ignorant in knowledge, rude and barbarous in manners and liuing: the necessitie of it in Princes and Nobilitie, may easily be gathered, who how­soeuer they slatter themselues, with the fauourable Sun­shine of their great Estates and Fortunes, are indeede of no other account and reckoning with men of wisedome and vnderstanding, then Glowormes that onely shine in the darke of Ignorance, and are admired of Ideots and the vulgar for the out-side; Plutarch. Alcia [...]. in Em­blem. Statues or huge Colossos full of Lead and rubbish within, or the Aegyptian Asse, that thought himselfe worshipfull for bearing golden Isis vpon his backe.

Sigismund King of the Romanes, Iacob. Wimphe [...]. and sonne to Charles the fourth Emperour, greatly complained at the Coun­cell of Constance, of his Princes and Nobilitie, whereof there was no one that could answer an Embassadour, who made a speech in Latine; whereat Lodouicke, the Elector Palatine tooke such a deepe disdaine in himselfe, that with teares ashamed, he much lamented his want of lear­ning; and presently hereupon returning home, beganne (albeit hee was very old) to learne his Latine tongue. Eberhard also, the first Duke of Wirtenberge, at an assem­bly of many Princes in Italy (who discoursed excellently in Latine, while he stood still and could say nothing) in a [Page 21] rage strook his Tutor or Gouernor there present, for not applying him to his Booke when he was young. I gladly alledge these examples, as by a publike Councell to con­demne Opinion of Heresie, beleeuing to teach, and tea­ching to beleeue, the vnnecessitie of Learning in Nobi­litie; an error as preiudiciall to our Land, as sometime was that rotten Chest to Aethiopia, whose corrupted ayre vented after many hundreds of yeares, brought a plague not onely vpon that Country, but ouer the whole world.

I ceasse to vrge further, the necessitie and dignitie of Learning, Appian. hauing (as Octaui [...]s said to Decius, a Cap­taine of Anthonies,) to the vnderstanding spoken suffici­ent; but to the ignorant too much, had I said lesse.

CHAP. 3.
Of the time of Learning, Dutie of Masters, and what the fittest Method to be obserued.

AS the Spring is the onely fitting seede time for graine, setting and planting in Garden and Or­chard: So youth, the Aprill of mans life, is the most naturall and conuenient season to scatter the Seeds of knowledge vpon the ground of the mind, Plato p [...]litic. 6. [...], saith Plato, It behooueth in youth out of hand, to de­sire and bend our minds to Learning: neither as good Hus­bands, while time serueth, let slip one houre; for, saith he, elsewhere, Our ground is hard, In Ph [...]dre. and our horses be wild; with­all, if we meane to reape a plentifull haruest, take we the counsell of Adrastus in Euripides, To looke that the seed be good. For, in the foundation of youth, well ordered and taught, consists (saith Plato againe) the flourishing of the Common-wealth. This tender Age is like water spilt vpon [Page 22] a table, which with a finger wee may draw and direct which way we list; or like the young Hop, which, if wan­ting a pole, taketh hold of the next hedge: so that now is the time (as Waxe) to worke it plyant to any forme.

How many excellent wits haue we in this Land, that smell of the Caske, by neglecting their young time when they should haue learned! Horace his Quo semel, once fit for the best Wine, since too bad for the best Vineger, who growne to yeares of discretion, and solid vnder­standing, deepely bewaile their misspent, or misguided youth, with too late wishing (as I haue heard many) that they had lost a ioynt, halte their estates, so that they had beene held to their Bookes when they were young. The most (and without cause) lay the fault vpon bad Masters; to say truth, it is a generall plague and com­plaint of the whole Land; for, for'one discreete and able Teacher, you shall finde twenty ignorant and carelesse, who (among so many fertile and delicate wits as Eng­land affoordeth) whereas they make one Scholler, they marre ten.

The first and maine Error of Masters, The first and maine errors of Masters. is want of dis­cretion, when in such varietie of Natures as different as their countenances, the Master neuer laboureth to try the strength of euery capacitie by it selfe, In E [...]bi [...]. which (as that Lesbian stone Aristotle speaketh of) must haue the rule fitted to it, not that brought to the rule: for as the selfe same medicines haue seuerall operations, according to the complexions they worke vpon; so one and the selfe­same Method agreeth not with all alike: some are quick of capacitie, and most apprehensiue, others of as dull; some of a strong memorie, others of as weake; yet may that dullard, or bad memorie, (if he be obserued) proue as good, yea (in Aristotles opinion) better then of the other. But we see on the contrary, out of the Masters carterly iudgment, like Horses in a teame, they are set to draw al alike, when some one or two prime and able wits [Page 23] in the Schoole, [...] (which he culs out to admiration if strangers come, as a Costardmonger his fairest Pip­pins) like fleete hounds goe away with the game, when the rest need helping ouer a stile a mile behind: hence being either quite discouraged in themselues, or taken a­way by their friends (who for the most part measure their learning by the forme they fit it) they take leaue of their bookes while they liue.

A second ouer-sight nigh a kin to the former, is indis­cretion in correction, in vsing all Natures alike, and that with immoderation, or rather plaine crueltie: true it is, Quo quisque est solertior & ingeniosior, Cicero pro Rose. Comaedo. Quintilian, lib. inst [...]ti [...]. 1. cap. 3. hoc docet iracundi­or. But these fellowes beleeue with Chrysippus in Quin­tilian, that there is no other Method of making a Schol­ler, then by beating him, for that he vnderstandeth not through their owne fault; wherein they shew themselues egregious Tyrants, for, Correction without instruction is plaine tyrannis.

The Noble, generous, and best Natures, are won by commendation, enkindled by Glory, Virgil. which is fax mentis honestae, to whom conquest and shame are a thousand tor­tures. Of which disposition for the most part, are most of our young Nobilitie and Gentlemen, well borne, in­heriting with their being, they vertue of their Ancestors, which euen in this tender greennesse of year wil bewary it selfe, as well in the Schoole as abroad at their play and childish recreations.

Quintilian aboue all others, desireth this disposition to make his Orator of, and whom chiding greeueth, to be tenderly dealt withall; yet haue I knowne these good and towardly Natures, as roughly handled by our Pla­gosi Orbilij, as by Dionysius himselfe taking reuenge vpon the buttockes of poore Boyes for the losse of his king­dome, and railed vpon by the vnmannerly names of block-heads (oft by farre worse then block-heads) asses, dolts, &c. which deepely pierceth the free and generous [Page 24] Spirit; for, Senec. de mori­bus. Ingenuitas (saith Soneca) non recipit contemp­tum; Ingenuitie or the generous minde, cannot brooke contempt; and which is more vngentlemanly, nay bar­barous and inhumane, pulled by the eares, lashed ouer the face, beaten about the head with the great end of the rod, smitten vpon the lippes for euery slight offence with the Ferula, (not offered to their Fathers Scullions at home) by these Aiaces flagelliferi; fitter far to keep Beares, (for they thriue and are the fatter for beating, saith Pliny) then to haue the charge of Noble and Gen­tlemen.

In Germanie the Schoole is, and as the name importeth, it ought to be meerely Ludus literarius, a very pastime of learning, where it is a rare thing to see a Rodde stirring: yet I heartily wish that our Children of England were but halfe so ready in writing and speaking Latine, which Boyes of tenne and twelue yeares old will doe so round­ly, and with so neate a phrase and stile, that many of our Masters would hardly mend them; hauing onely for their punishment shame, and for their reward praise. Ca­uendum à plagis (saith Quintilian) sed potiùs laude aut aliorum praelatione vrgendus est puer: that is, wee must hold our hands, and rather bring a Child forward with praise, and preferring of others. Beside, there ought to bee a reciprocall and a mutuall affection betwixt the Master and Scholler, which iudicious Erasmus and Lodo­uicus Viues, Erasm. in Epist. ad (Christianum Iubece [...]sem. Pl [...]. epist. l [...]b. 4. (sometimes teacher to Queene Marie, and a Spaniard, who came into England with Queene Kathe­rine her mother) doe principally require, Patris in illum in duendo affectum, by putting on a Fathers affection to­ward him: and as Pliny saith, Amore, non artifice docen­te, qui optimus Magister est: To win his heart and affe­ction by loue, which is the best Master, the Scholler a­gaine the contrary. So may a discrect Master, with as much or more case, both to himselfe & his Scholler, teach him to play at Tennise, or shoot at rouers in the field, and [Page 25] profit him more in one moneth, beside his encourage­ment, then in halfe a yeare with his strict and seuere vsage. But in stead heereof, many of our Masters for the most part so behaue themselues, that their very name is hatefull to the Scholler, who trembleth at their comming in, reioyceth at their absence, and looketh his Master (returned) in the face, as his deadly enemy.

Some affect, and seuerer Schooles enfore, a pre­cise and tedious strictnesse, in long keeping the Schol­lers by the walls; as from before sixe in the morning, till twelue, or past: so likewise in the afternoone; which beside the dulling of the wit, and deiecting the Spirit, (for, Clcero pr [...] Plan [...]. Otij non minùs quam negotij ratio extare debes) breedeth in him afterward, a kinde of hate and carelesnesse, of studie when hee commeth to bee sui i [...] ­ris, at his owne libertie, (as experience prooueth by many, who are sent from senere Schooles vnto the Vniuersities:) withall, ouer-loading his memorie, and taking off the edge of his inuention, with ouer hea­uy taskes in Themes, Verses, &c. To be continually po­ring on the Booke (saith Socra [...]s) hurteth and weake­neth the memorie very much; Conue [...]se with the lear­ned better th [...] reading. affirming learning to bee sooner attained vnto by the eare in discourse and hea­ring, then by the eye in continuall reading. I verily be­leeue the same, if we had Instructors and Masters at hand, as readie as Bookes. For wee see by experience, those who haue beene blinde from their birth, to retaine more by hearing, then others by their eyes, let them reade neuer so much: wherefore Fabius would haue, Istud ediscendi taedium protinùs à pueris deuorari, this same toyle or tediousnesse of learning by heart, to bee presently swallowed or passed ouer by Children.

Wherefore I cannot but commend the custome of their Schooles in the Low Countries, where for the auoy­ding of this tedious sitting still, & irksome poring on the [Page 26] booke all day long; after the Scholler hath receiued his Lecture, he leaueth the Schoole for an houre, and walk­eth abroad with one or two of his fellowes, either into the field, or vp among the trees vpon the rampire; as in Andwerpe, Breda, Vtrechs, &c. where they conferre and recreate themselues till time calls them in to repeate, where perhaps they stay an houre; so abroad again, and thus at their pleasure the whole day. For true it is, that Lipsius saith, Iipsius in epist. ingenia vegeta, must haue suos re [...]essus, strong and liuely wits must haue their retrait or intermission of exercise, and as Rammes (engines of warre in old time) recoyle backe to returne with the greater force; which the mind doth vnto study after pause and rest, not vnlike a field, which by lying fallow, becommeth farre more fat and fruitfull.

A fourth error, is the contrary (for, Stulti in contraria currunt,) too much carelesnesse and remissenesse in not holding them in at all, or not giuing them in the Schoole that due attendance they ought: so that euery day is play-day with them, bestowing the Summer in seeking Birds-nests, or haunting Orchards; the Winter, in kee­ping at home for cold, or abroad all day with the Bow, or the Birding-peece: they making as little conscience in taking, as their Master in giuing their learning, who for­getreth belike, Plutarch. ad Trasanum. that Rumour layeth each fault of the Schol­ler vpon his necks. Plato remembreth one Protagoras, a Bird of the same feather, who when hee had liued three­score yeares, made his boast, he had spent fortie of those threescore, in corrupting and vndoing youth. We haue, I feare, a race of those Protager-asses euen yet among our common Schoole-masters in England.

But the diseases whereunto some of them are very subiect, are Humour and Folly (that I may say nothing of the grosse Ignorance and in-sufficiency of many) where­by they become ridiculous and contemptible both in the Schoole and abroad. Hence it comes to passe, that in [Page 27] many places, especially in Italy, of all professions that of Peda [...]eria is held in basest repute; the Schoole-master almost in euery Comedy being brought vpon the Stage, to paralell the Zani, or Pantaloun. He made vs good sport in that excellent Comedy of Pedantius, acted in our Trinitie Colledge in Cambridge: and if I bee not decei­ued, in Priscianus vapulans, and many of our English Playes.

I knew one, who in Winter would ordinarily in a cold morning, whip his Boyes ouer for no other purpose then to get himselfe a heat: another beat them for swearing, and all the while sweares himselfe with horrible oathes, he would forgiue any fault sauing that.

I had I remember my selfe (neere S. Albanes in Hert­forshir [...] where I was borne) a Master, who by no entrea­tie would teach any Scholler he had, farther then his Fa­ther had learned before him; as if he had onely learned but to reade English, the sonne, though he went with him seauen yeares, should go no further; his reason was, they would then prooue saucy rogues, and controule their Fathers; yet these are they that oftentimes haue our hopefull Gentry vnder their charge and tuition, to bring them vp in science and ciuilitie.

Beside, most of them want that good and direct Me­thod, whereby in shortest time and with least labour, the Scholler may attaine vnto perfection; some teaching priuately, vse a Grammer of their owne making; some againe, none at a [...]: the most Lillies, but praeposterously posted ouer, that the boy is in his Quantitie of Syllables, before hee knoweth the Qualitie of any one part of speech; for he profiteth no more then he mastereth by his vnderstanding. Nor is it my meaning that I would all Masters to be tyed to one Methode, no more then all the Shires of England to come vp to London by one high way; there be many equally alike good. And since Me­thod, as one saith, Phil [...], 1 Physic [...]rum. is but [...], let euery Master if he [Page 28] can, See M. Do­ctor Webbe his Appeale to Truth. by pulling vp stiles and hedges, make a more neere and priuate way to himselfe, and in Gods name say with the diuinest of Poets:

—deserta per avia dulcis,
Georgio. 3.
Raptat amer, invat ire iugi [...], quà nulla priorum
CAST ALIAM molli diuertitur orbita clive.
With Sweet Loue rapt, I now by Desart's passe,
And ouer hilles, where neuer track of yore:
Descending easily, yet remembred was,
That led the way to CASTALIE before.

But in stead of many good they haue infinite bad, and go stumbling from the right as if they went blindfold for a wager: hence commeth the shifting of the Scholler from Master to Master, who poore boy (like a hound among a Companie of ignorant hunters hollowing euery decre they see) misseth the right, begetteth himselfe new la­bour, and at last by one of skill, but well rated or beaten for his paines. They cannot commonly erre, if they shall imitate the builder, first to prouide the Scholler with matter, then cast to lay a good foundation, I meane a sol­lide vnderstanding of the Grammar, euery rule made fa­miliar and fast, by short and pleasant examples, let him bring his matter into forme, and by little and little raise the frame of a strong and well knit stile both in writing and speaking; and what doth harme in all other building, is heere most profitable and needfull, that is, Translation. For I know nothing that benefiteth a Scholler more then that; first by translating out of Latine into English, which laid by for some time, let him translate out of English into Latine againe varying as oft as he can both his words and Phrases. Dosetus who hath gathered all the Phrases of Tullie into one volume, Manutius, Erasmus his Cop [...]a, and Drax his Callipo [...]a with others, will helpe [Page 29] him much at the first; let him after by his owne reading enrich his vnderstanding, and learne haurire ex ipsis fon­tibus, next exercise himselfe in Theames and Declamation if he be able. The old method of teaching Grammar, saith Suetonius, was disputation in the fore-noone, and decla­mation in the after-noone; but this I leaue to the discre­tion of the iudicious Master.

I passe ouer the insufficiencie of many of them (with ill example of life (which Plato wisheth aboue all things to be respected and looked into) whereof as of Physicke and ill Physitians, there is many times more danger then of the disease it selfe; many of them being no Grammari­ans at all, much lesse (as Quintilian requireth in a Schoolemaster) Rhetoricians to expound with proper and purest English, an Eloquent Latine or Greeke Au­thor, vnfold his inuention: and handling of the subiect, shew the forme and fluencie of the style, the apt disposi­tion of figures, the proprietie of words, the weight of graue and deepe Sentences which are nerui orationis, the sinewes of discourse. Musitians, without which Grammar is imperfect in that part of Prosodia, that dealeth onely with Meter and Rhithmicall proportions. Astronomers to vnderstand Authors who haue written of the heauens and their motions, the seuerall Constellations, setting and rising of the Planets, with the sundry names of cir­cles and points; as Manilius and Pontanus. And lastly, Naturall and Morall Philosophers, without which they canot as they ought, vnderstand Tullies Offices, or Aesops Fables, as familiar as they seeme.

Farre be it that I may bee thought to question the worth and dignitie of the painfull and discreete teacher, who, if Learning be needfull, must be as necessarie: be­sides, I am not ignorant, that euen the Augustus and Octa [...]us Caesar. D [...]ny [...]ius. 1. Armelius. [...] &c. greatest Princes, with the most reuerend Bishops, and most profound Schollers of the world, haue not beene ashamed of tea [...]ching the Grammer: or that I inueigh in the least, against [Page 30] the learned and worthy Masters of our publike Schooles, many of whom may be ranked with the most sufficient Schollers of Europe. I inueigh against the pittifull abuse of our Nation by such, who by their ignorance and neg­ligence deceiue the Church and Common-wealth of ser­uiceable members, Parents of their Money, poore Chil­dren of their time, esteeme in the world, and perhaps meanes of liuing all their liues after.

CHAP. 4.
Of the dutie of Parents in their Childrens Education.

NEither must all the blame lye vpon the Schoole­master, fond and foolish Parents haue oft as deep a share in this pretious spoile; as he whose cocke­ring and apish indulgence (to the corrupting of the minds of their Children, disabling their wits, effeminating their bodies) how bitterly doth Plato taxe and abhorre? For auoiding of which, In Gorgia. the Law of Lycurgus commaunded children to be brought vp, and to learne in the Country, farre from the delicacie of the Citie; and the Brutij in Italy, a people bordering vpon Lucania, following the custome of the Spartans, sent their children after the age of foureteene away, to be brought vp in fields and For­rests among Shepheards and Heardsmen; without any to looke vnto them, or to waite vpon them: without ap­parell, or bed to lye on, hauing nothing else then Milke or Water for their drinke, and their meate such as they could kill or catch. And heare the aduice of Horace:

Horac. lib. 3.
amice, pauperiem pati
Robustus acri militia puer
Ode 2.
Condiscat, & Parthos feroces
Vexet eques metuendus hasta,
Vitamque sub die, & trepidis agas
In rebus, &c.
Friend, let thy child hard pouerty endure,
And growne to strength, to warre himselfe inure;
Learne brauely mounted, sterne Caualeir,
To charge the fiercest Parthian with his speare:
Let him in fields without doores leade his life,
And exercise him where are dangers rife, &c.

If many of our young youths and Gallants were die­ted in this manner, Mercers might saue some Paper, and Cittie Laundresses goe make Candles with their Saffron and Egges; Dicing houses and ten shillings Ordinaries, let their large Roomes to Fencers and Puppit-players, and many a painted peece betake her selfe to a Wheele, or the next Hospitall. But now adaies, Parents either giue their Children no education at all, (thinking their birth or estate will beare out that:) or if any, it leaueth so slender an impression in them, that like their names cut vpon a Tree, it is ouer-growne with the old barke by the next Summer. Beside, such is the most base and ridi­culous parsimony of many of our Gentlemen, (if I may so terme them) that if they can procure some poore Bat­cheler of Art from the Vniuersitie to teach their Chil­dren, say Grace, and serue the Cure of an Impropriati­on, who wanting meanes and friends, will be content vp­on the promise of ten pounds a yeare at his first com­ming, to be pleased with fiue; the rest to be set off in hope of the next aduouson, (which perhaps was sold before the young man was borne:) Or if it chance to fall in his time, his Ladie or Master tels him; Indeed Sir wee are beholden vnto you for your paines, such a liuing is lately fallen, but I had before made a promise of it to my Butler or Bailiffe, for his true and extraordinarie seruice: when the truth is, he hath bestowed it vpon him himselfe, for fourescore or an hundred peeces, which indeede his man two daies before had fast hold of, but could not keepe.

It is not commonly seene, that the most Gentlemen [Page 32] will giue better wages, and deale more bountifully with a fellow who can but teach a Dogge, or reclaime an Hawke, then vpon an honest, learned, and well qualified man to bring vp their children? It may be, hence it is that Dogges are able to make Syllogismes in the fields, when their young Masters can conclude nothing at home, if occasion of argument or discourse be offered at the Ta­ble. Phili [...] de Com­mines, lib. 1. Looke vpon our Nebilitie and Gentry now adaies (saith a wise and graue Historian) and you shall see them bred, as if they were made for mother end then pastime and idlenes; they obserue moderation neither in talke nor apparell: good men, and such as are learned, are not admitted a­mongst them; the affaires of their estates they impose vpon others, Seneca ad Lucil. epist. 31. &c. But to view one of them rightly, (saith Se­n [...]ca) looke vpon him naked, lay-by his estate, his Honors, et aliae fortunae mendacia, his other false disguisements of Fortune, and behold his mind, what and how great he is, whe­ther of himselfe, or by some borrowed greatnesse.

But touching Parents, a great blame and imputati­on (how iustly I know not) is commonly laid vpon the Mother; not onely for her ouer tendernesse, but in win­king at their lewd courses; yea, more in seconding, and giuing them encouragement to doe wrong, Matres omnes silys in p [...]ccato & Auxilio in paterna inu [...]ia e [...]se solem. Terms. [...] Heaut [...]. though it wore, as Terence saith, against their owne Fathers.

I dare not say it was long of the Mother, that the son told his Father, he was a better man, and better descen­ded then he.

Nor will I affirme that it is her pleasure, the Cham­ber-maid should be more curious in fitting his tuffe, then his Master in refining his manners.

Nor that it is she that filleth the Cisterne of his lauish expence, at the Vniuersitie, or Innes of Court; that af­ter foure or fiue yearesspent, hee returnes home as wise as Ammonius his Asse, that went with his Master euery day to the Schoole, to heare Origen and Porphyrie reade Philosophy.

[Page 33]But albeit, many Parents haue beene diligent enough this way, and good Masters haue likewise done their parts, and neither want of will or abilitie of wit in their Children to become Schollers, yet (whether out of an ouer-weening conceipt of their towardnesse, a pride to haue their sonnes out-goe their neighbours, or to make them men before their times) they take them from Schoole, as Birds out of the nest ere they be slidge, and send them so young to the Vniuersitie, that scarce one among twentie proueth ought. For as tender plants, too soone or often remooued, beginne to decay and die at the roote; so these young things of twelue, thirteene, or foureteene, that haue no more care then to expect the next Carrier, and where to sup on Fridaies and Fasting nights: no further thought of studie, then to trimme vp their studies with Pictures, and place the fairest Bookes in openest view, which poore Lads, they scarce euery o­pened or vnderstand not; that when they come to Lo­gicke, and the crabbed grounds of Arts, there is such a disproportion betweene Aristotles Categories, and their childish capacities, that what together with the sweetnesse of libertie, varietie of companie, and so many kinds of recreation in Towne and Fields abroad, (being like young Lapwings apt to be snatched vp by euery Buzzard, they prooue with Homers Willow [...], and as good goe gather Cockles with Calign­las people on the Sand, as yet to attempt the difficulties of so rough and terrible a passage.

Others againe, if they perceiue any wildnesse or vn­staiednesse in their Children, are presently in despaire, and out of all hope of them for euer prouing Schollers, or fit for any thing else; neither consider the Nature of youth, [...] nor the effect of time, the Phisition of all. But to mend the matter, send them either to the Court to serue as Pages, or into France and Italy to see fashions, [Page 34] and mend their manners, where they become ten times worse. These of all other, if they bee well tempered, prooue the best mettall; yea Tulli [...] as of necessitie desi­reth some aboundant ranknesse, or superfluitie of wit in that yong-man, he would choose to make his Orator of. Vellem (saith he) in adolescente aliquod redundans & quod amputem: 1. De Oratore. I wish in a yong man something to spare, and which I might cut off. This taken away ere degenerate with luxurious abundance, like that same ranke vine the Prophet Ieremie speaketh of, Ier. 2. 21. you shall finde the heart divino sain editum: and sound timber within to make Mercurie of, qui non fit ex quouis lign [...], as the prouerbe saith.

And some of a different humour will determine, euen from the A, B, C. what calling their children shall take vpon them, and force them euen in despight of Nature, like Lycurgus his whelpes, to runne contrarie courses, and to vndertake professions altogether contrarie to their dispositions: This, saith Erasmus, is, peccare in genium. And certainly it is a principall point of discretion in pa­rents to be throughly acquainted with, and obserue the disposition and inclination of their children, and indeed for euery man to search into the addiction of his Genius and not to wrest nature as Musitians say, out of her key, or (as Tullie saith) to contend with her, making the Spaniel to carrie the Asses loade; which was well obserued by the Lacedamonians and ancient Romanes, in laying forth in­struments of sundry occupations, before their children at a certaine age, they to choose what liked them best, and euer after to take vpon them that profession whereunto they belonged.

How many are put by worldly and couetous fathers inuita Minerua, to the studie of the lawes (which studie I confesse to be Honourable and most deseruing,) who notwithstanding spend most of their time euen in Diui­nitie at the Innes of he Court? and how many Divines [Page 35] haue we, (I appeale to the Courts,) heires of their fa­thers, friends, (or purchased) advousons, whom the buck­ram bagge would not better beseeme then the Bible? be­ing neuer out of law with their parishioners, following their Suites and Causes from Court to Court, Terme to Terme, no Atturney more.

In like manner I haue knowne many Commanders and worthy Gentlemen, aswell of our owne Nation as strangers, who following the warres, in the field and in their Armes, haue confessed vnto me, Nature neuer or­dained them for that profession, had they not fallen acci­dentally vpon it, either through death of friends, harsh­nesse of Masters and Tutors, thereby driuen from the V­niuersitie (as an Honorable friend of mine in the Low Countries hath many times cōplained vnto me:) or the most common mischiefe, miserablenesse of greedie pa­rents, the ouerthrow and vndoing of many excellent and prime wits; who to saue charges, marrie a daughter, or preferre a yonger brother, turne them out into the wide world with a little money in their purses (or perhaps none at all) to seeke their Fortunes, where Necessitie de­iects and besots their spirits, not knowing what calling or course to take; enforceth them desperate to begge, borrow, or to worse and baser shiftes (which in their owne natures they detest as hell) to goe on foote, lodge in Ale-houses, and fort themselues with the basest compa­nie, till what with want and wandring so long in the Cir­cle, at last they are (vpon the center of some hill) con­strained to say (as Hercules between his two pillars) Non vlterius.

Much lesse haue parents now a daies that care to take the paines to instruct, and reade to their children them­selues, which the greatest Princes and noblest personages haue not beene ashamed to doe. Octauius Augusins Cae­sar, read the workes of Cicero and Virgil, to his children and nephewes himselfe. Anna the daughter of Alexi [...] [Page 36] the Grecian Emperour, Shee is cited by B Iewel in his Apologie. was by her father so instructed, that while shee was yet a yong and goodly Ladie, shee wrote of her selfe a very learned and authentique Histo­rie of the Church. Aemilius Paulus the sonne (who so brauely ended his daies at Cannas when his Colleague forsooke him) seeing the fauour of the State not in­clineable towards him, left the Citie, and onely spent his time in the Countrey, in teaching his owne children their Latine and Greeke; notwithstanding he daily maintai­ned Grammarians, Logicians, Rhetoricians, Painters, Caruers, Riders of great horses, and the skilfullest Hunts­men he could get, to instruct and teach them in their se­uerall professions and qualities.

The three daughters of euer-famous Sr. In Farragine Episle larum. Thomas Moore, were by their father so diligently held to their booke (notwithstanding he was so daily emploied being L. Chauncelor of England) that Erasmus saith, he found them so readie and perfect in Liuie, that the worst Schol­ler of them, was able to expound him quite through with­out any stop, except some extraordinarie and difficult place. Quod me (saith he) aut mei similem esset remoratu­rum. I shall not neede to remember, within memorie those foure sisters, the learned daughters of S r. Anthonie Cooke, and rare Poetresses, so skilfull in Latine and Greeke, beside many other their excellent qualities, eter­nized alreadie by the golden pen of the Prince of Poets of our time; with many other incomparable Ladies and Gentlewoman in our land, George Bucha­nan. some yet liuing, from before whose faire faces Time I trust will draw the curtaine.

Lastly, the fault may be in the Scholler himselfe, whom Nature hath not so much befriended with the gift of vn­derstanding, as to make him capable of knowledge; or else more vniust, disposed him to sloath, or some other worse inbred vice. Marcus Cicero, albeit hee was the sonne of so wise, so eloquent, and so sober a father (whose very counsell and companie had beene enough, to haue [Page 37] put learning and regard of well liuing into the most bar­barous Gete:) and had Crattippus, Cicero Offic. lib. 1. so excellent a Philoso­pher to his Reader at Athens: yet by the testimony of Pliny, Marcus Cicero, cum pater ab­stin [...]tis simus suiras, bi [...]os congros hauri­re [...]olitus est (test [...] Plani [...].) Temulen [...] impegis Scyphum M. Agrippa. Valer. Max. he proued so notorious a drunkard, that he would ordinarily drinke off two gallons of Wine at a time, and became so debauched euery way, that few of that age exceeded him. Sundry the like examples might be pro­duced in our times, but one of this nature is too many. Others on the contrary, are [...], and haue no other helpes saue God, and their owne industry; wee neuer reade of any Master Virgil euer had. S. Augustine like­wise saith of himselfe: Se didicisse Aristotelis Categorias nemine traden [...]: That he learned Aristotles Categories, or Praedicaments, no man instructing him; which, how hard they bee at the first to wade thorough without a guide, let the best wit of them all try. And Beda our Countrey-man, (for his profound learning in all Scien­ces) sir-named Venerabilis, attained to the same within the limits of his Cell in Northumberland, though it is said he was once at Rome. Ioseph Scaliger taught priuat­ly many yeares in a Noblemans house, and neuer made abode in any Vniuersitie, that euer I heard of, till called in his latter yeares to Leyden in Holland: and many ad­mirable Schollers and famous men, our Age can pro­duce, who neuer came at any Vniuersitie, except to view the Colledges, or visit their friends, that are inferiour to few Doctors of the Chaire, either for Learning or Iudg­ment, if I may so say, Pace matris Academiae.

CHAP. 5.
Of a Gentlemans carriage in the Vniuersity.

HAuing hitherto spoken of the dignitie of lear­ning in generall, the dutie and qualitie of the Master, of a readie Method for vnderstanding the Grammar, of the Parent, of the child: I turne the head of my Discourse, with my Schollers horse, (whom mee thinkes I see stand ready brideled) for the Vniuersitie. And now, M. William Howard, giue me leaue (hauing passed that, I imagine, Limbus puerorum, & those perillous pikes of the Grammar rules) as a well willer vnto you and your studies, to beare you company part of the way, and to direct henceforth my Discourse wholly to your selfe.

Since the Vniuersitie whereinto you are embodied, is not vntruly called the Light and Eye of the Land, in re­gard from hence, as from the Center of the Sunne, the glorious beames of Knowledge disperse thēselues ouer al, without which a Chaos of blindnesse would repo [...]esse vs againe: think now that you are in publike view, and nu­cibus reliclis, with your gowne you haue put on the man, that from hence the reputation of your whole life taketh her first growth and beginning. For as no glorie crow­neth with more abundant praise, then that which is heere won by diligence and wit: so there is no infamie abaseth the value and esteeme of a Gentleman all his life after, more then that procured by Sloath and Error in the Vni­uersities; yea, though in those yeares whose innocencie haue euer pleaded their pardon; whereat I haue not a lit­tle meruailed, considering the freedome and priuiledge of greater places.

But as in a delicate Garden kept by a cunning hand, [Page 39] and ouerlooked with a curious eye, the least disorder or rankness [...] of any one flower, putteth a beautifull bed or well contriued knot out of square, when rudenesse and deformitie is borne withall, in rough and vndressed pla­ces: so, beleeue it, in this Paradise of the Muses, the least neglect and impression of Errors foot, is so much the more apparant and censured, by how much the sacred Arts haue greater interest in the culture of the mind, and correction of manners.

Wherefore, your first care, euen with pulling off your Boots, let be the choice of your acquaintance and company. For as infection in Cities in a time of sicknesse, is taken by concourse, and negligent running abroad, when those that keepe within, and are warie of them­selues, escape with more safetie: So it falleth out here in the Vniuersitie; for this Eye hath also her diseases as wel as any other part of the body, (I will not say with the Physitians more) with those, whose priuate houses and studies being not able to containe them, are so cheape of themselues, and so plyable to good fellowship abroad; that in mind and manners (the tokens plainly appearing) they are past recouerie ere any friend could heare they were sicke.

Entertaine therefore the acquaintance of men of the soundest reputation for Religion, Life, and Learning, whose conference and company may bee vnto you [...], [...] a liuing and a mouing Library. Euripides in Andromache. For con­ference and conuerse was the first Mother of all Arts and Science, as being the greatest discouerer of our ignorance, and increaser of knowledge, teaching, and making vs wise by the iudgements and examples of many: and you must learne herein of Plato, [...], that is, To be a louer of knowledge, desirous to heare much; and lastly, to inquire and aske often.

For the companions of your recreation, consort your selfe with Gentlemen of your owne ranke and qualitie; [Page 40] for that friendship is best contenting and lasting. To be ouer free and familiar with inferiors, argues a basenesse of Spirit, and begetteth contempt: for as one shall here at the first priz: himselfe, so let him look at the same rate for euer after to be valued of others.

Carry your selfe eeuen and fairely, Tanquam in sta­têra, with that moderation in your speech and action, (that you seemed with Vl [...]sses, to haue Minerua alwaies at your elbow:) which should they be weighed by Enuy her selfe, the might passe them for currant; that you bee thought rather leauing the Vniuersitie, then lately come thither. But hereto the regard of your worth, the digni­tie of the place, and abundance of so many faire presi­dents, will be sufficient Motiues to stirre you vp.

Husband your time to the best, for, Seneca de bre­uitate vitae, Cap. 1. & 3. The greedy desire of gaining Time, is a couetousnesse onely honest. And if you follow the aduice of Erasmus, and the practise of Plinius secundus, Diem in operas partire, to deuide the day into seuerall taskes of studie, you shall finde a great case and furtherance hereby; remembring euer to referre your most serious and important studies vnto the morning, Which sin sheth alone (say the learned) three parts of the worke. Iulius Caesar hauing spent the whole day in the field about his militarie affaires, diuided the night al­so, for three seuerall vses; one part for his sleepe; a second, for the Common-wealth and publique busi­nesse; the third, for his booke and studies. So care­full and thriftie were they then of this precious treasure, which we as prodigall lauish out, either vainely or vi­ciously, by whole moneths and yeares, vntill we be called toan account by our great Creditor, who will not abate vs the vaine expence of a minute.

But for as much as the knowledge of God, is the true end of all knowledge, wherein as in the boundlesse & im­mense Ocean, all our studies and endeuours ought to em­bosome th [...]selues: remēber to lay the foundation of your [Page 41] studies, The feare and seruice of God, by oft frequenting Prayer and Sermons, reading the Scriptures, and other Tractates of Pietie and Deuotion: which howsoeuer prophane and irreligious Spirits condemne, and con­temne, as Politian a Canon of Florence, D. Pezel 2. Po­st [...]ll. being vpon oc­casion asked if hee euer read the Bible ouer; Melan [...]l on. Yes once (quoth he) I read it quite thorough, but neuer bestowed my time worse in all my life. Preferring [...] o [...] eouer wickedly and prophanely the Odes of Pindar, before the Psalmes of Dauid. Beleeue you with Chrysostome, that the ignorance of the Scriptures, is the beginning and fountaine of all euill: That the word of God is (as our Sauiour calleth it) the key of knowledge; which giuen by in­spiration of God, is profitable to teach, to conuince, to correct and to instruct in righteousnesse. And rather let the pious and good King Alphonsi [...]s, Chrysoft. in epist. ad Celoss. cap. 3. be a president vnto you, and to all Nobilitie, who read ouer the Bible nor once, nor twice, but foureteene times, Luke 11. 52. 2. Tim. 2. 3. In vita Al­phonsi. with the Postils of Lyra and Burgensis, containing thrice or foure times as much in quantitie, and would cause it to be caried ordinarily with his Scepter before him, whereon was engrauen, Pro lege & Grege.

And that worthy Emp. & great Champion of Christen­dome, Charlemaigne, who spent his daies of rest (after so mnay glorious victories obtained of the Saracens in Spain, the Hunnes, Saxens, Gothes and Vandals in Lumbardie and Italy, with many other barbarous Nations, whereof mi­lions fell vnder his Sword) in reading the holy Scrip­tures, and the workes of the Fathers, especially S. Au­gustine, Eginardue in vita Caroli magni. and his bookes De Ciuitate Dei, in which hee tooke much delight: Whom besides, it is recorded, to haue beene so studious, that euen in bed, he would haue his Pen and Inke, with Parchment at his Pillow readie, that nothing in his meditation, nothing might ouer-slip his memorie: and if any thing came into his mind, the light being taken away, a place vpon the wall next him, was thinly ouer-laid with [...]Waxe, whereon with a brasen pin he would write in the darke. And we reade, as oft as [Page 42] a new King was created in Israel, he had with the orna­ments of his kingly dignitie, the Booke of the Law deliuered vnto him; signifying his Regall authoritie, was lame and defectiue, except swaied by Piety and Wise­dome, contained in that booke. Whereunto alludeth that deuice of Paradine, an Image vpon a Globe, with a sword in one hand, and a booke in the other, with, Ex vtroque Caesar; and to the same purpose, another of our owne in my Minerua Britann [...], which is a Serpent wrea­thed about a Sword, placed vpright vpon a Bible, with the word, Initium Sapiemia.

CHAP. 6.
Of stile in speaking and writing, and of Historie.

SInce speech is the Character of a man, Cicero 1. de Orato [...]e. and the In­terpreter of his mind, and writing, the Image of that; that so often as we speak or write, so oft we vn­dergoe censure and iudgement of our selues: labour first by all meanes to get the habit of a good stile in speaking and writing, as well English as Latine. I call with Tully, that a good and eloquent stile of speaking. Ci [...]. in prolog. R [...]tor. Where there is a iudicious fitting of choise words, apt and graue Senten­ces vnto matter well disposed, the same being vttered with a comely moderation of the voyce, countenance and gesture. Not that same ampullous and Scenical pompe, with emp­tie furniture of phrase, wherewith the Stage, and our pettie Poeticke Pamphlets sound so big, which like a net in the water, though it feeleth weightie, yet it yeeldeth nothing; since our speech ought to resemble, wherin nei­ther the curiousnesse of the Picture, or faire proportion of Letters, but the weight is to be regarded: and as Plu­ [...]arch saith, when our thirst is quenched with the drinke, [Page 43] then we looke vpon the ennameling and workmanship of the boule; so first your hearer coueteth to haue his desire satisfied with matter, ere hee looketh vpon the forme or vinetrie of words, which many times fall in of themselues to matter well contriued, according to Horace:

Rembe [...] dispositam vel verba invita feq [...]untur.
An Arte Po [...]t.
To matter well dispos'd, words of themselues do fall.

Let your stile therefore bee furnished with solid mat­ter, and compact of the best, choise, and most familiar words; taking heed of speaking, or writing such words, as men shall rather admire then vnderstand. Herein were Tiberiu [...], M. Ante [...]ie, and M [...]cenas, much blamed and iested at by Augustus, himselfe vsing euer a plaine and most familiar stile: and as it is said of him, Verbum in­solens tanquam scopulum effugiens. Then sententious, yea better furnished with sentences then words, and (as Tully willeth) without affectation: Hen [...]icus Oila­uus Angliae Rex in cysstola quadam ad Erasmum Ro­ [...]crod. in Farra­gi [...] Epist. for as a King said, Dum tersiari studemus eloquendi formula, subterfugit nos clan­culùm, apertus ille & familiaris dicendi modus. Flowing at one and the selfe same height, neither taken in and knit vp too short, that like rich hangings of Arras or Tapi­stry, thereby lose their grace and beautie, as Themisto­cles was wont to say: not suffered to spred so farre like soft Musicke in an open field, whose delicious sweetnesse vanisheth, and is lost in the ayre, not being contained within the walles of a roome. In speaking, rather lay downe your words one by one, then powre them forth together; this hath made many men naturally slow of speech, to seem wisely iudicious, and be iudiciously wise; for, beside the grace it giueth to the Speaker, it much helpeth the memorie of the hearer, and is a good reme­die against impediment of speech. Sir Nicholas Bacon, sometime Lord Chancellor of England, and father to my [Page 44] Lord of S. Alb [...]n [...]s, a most eloquent man, and of as sound learning and wisedome, as England bred in many Ages: with the old Lord William Burgbley, Lord Treasurer of England, haue aboue others herein beene admired, and commended in their publique speeches in the Parliament house and Starre-Chamber: for nothing drawes our at­tention more then good matter, eloquently digested, and vttered with a gracefull, cleere, and distinct pronun­tiation.

But to be sure your stile may passe for currant, as of the richest alloy, imitate the best Authors as well in Ora­torie as Historie; beside the exercise of your owne In­uention, with much conference with those who can speak well: nor bee so foolish precise as a number are, who make it Religion to speake otherwise then this or that Author. As Longolius was laughed at by the learned, for his so apish and superstitious imitation of Tully, in so much as hee would haue thought a whole Volume quite matred, if the word Possibile had passed his pen; because it is not to be found in all Tullie: or euery Sentence had not sunke with, esse posse videatur, like a peale ending with a chime, or an Amen vpon the Organes in Paules. For as the young Virgin to make her fairest Garlands, ga­thereth not altogether one kind of Flower; and the cun­ning Painter, to make a delicate beautie, is forced to mixe his Complexion, and compound it of many Co­lours; the Arras-worker, to please the eyes of Princes, to be acquainted with many Histories: so are you to ga­ther this Hony of Eloquence Exod. 4., A gift of heauen, out of many fields; making it your owne by diligence in colle­ction, care in expression, and skill in digestion. But let me leade you forth into these all-flowrie and verdant fields, where so much sweete varietie will amaze, and make you doubtfull where to gather first.

First, Cicero. Tullie (in whose bosome the Treasure of Elo­quence seemeth to haue beene locked vp, and with him [Page 45] to haue perished) offereth himselfe as Pater Romani elo­quij: whose words and stile (that you may not bee held an Heretique of all the world) you must preferre aboue all other, as well for the sweetnesse, grauitie, richnesse, and vnimitable texture thereof; as that his workes are throughout seasoned with all kind of Learning, and re­lish of a singular and Christianlike honesty. There wan­ted not in him (saith Tacitus) knowledge of Geometry, Tacitus in Ora­tore. of Musicke, of no manner of Art that was commendable and honest; he knew the subtiltie of Logicke, each part of Mo­rall Philosophy, and so forth. How well he was seene in the Ciuill Lawes, his Bookes De legibus, and his Actions in Verrem, will shew you: which are the rather worthy your reading, because you shall there see the grounds of ma­ny of our Lawes heere in England. For the integrity of his mind, though his Offices had lien suppressed, let this one saying (among many thousands) perswade you to a charitable opinion of the same: Ad Atticum, lib. 13. Arecta conscientia trans­uerfum vnguem, non oportet quenquam in omni sua vita discedere. Whereto I might adde that tale of Gyges ring in his Offices, which booke let it not seeme contempti­ble vnto you, because it lyeth tossed and torne in euery Schoole; but be precious, as it was sometime vnto the old Lord Burghley, Lord high Treasurer of England, be­fore named; who, to his dying day, would alwaies carry it about him, either in his bosome or pocket, being sufficient (as one said of Aristotles Rhetoriques) to make both a Scholler and an honest man. Imitate Tullie for his phrase and stile, especially in his Epistles Ad Atticum; his Bookes De Oratore: among his O­rations, those Pro M. Marcello, Pro Archia Poeta, T. Annie Milone, Sext. Rose. Amerino, Pub. Quinctio: the first two against Catiline; and the third Action a­gainst Verres. These in my opinion are fullest of life, but you may vse your discretion, you cannot make your choice amisse.

[Page 46]After Cicero, I must need [...] bring you Caesar, Caesar. whom Tullie himselfe confesseth of all Orators, to haue spoken the most eloquent and purest Latine; Cicero, lib. 4. de claris Ora­toribus. Et haue bene loquen­di laude [...] (saith he) [...] uteris, & ijs quidem reconditis & exquisith, summoque studio & diligentia est consequ [...]tus. And, Quintilian. lib. 10. a [...] filium. In qūo (saith Quintilian) [...]anta vis, id acumen, ea con­citatio, vt illum codem animo dixisse appareat quo bellauit. In whom there was so great vehe mency, that fine iudement, that courage and motion, that it seemes hee wrote with the same Spirit hee fought. To reade him as you ought, you must bring with you an able iudgement, beside your Dictionarie; by reason of the diuersitie of Countries. Tracts, Places, Riuers, People, names of ancient Cities and Townes, to be sought out, in moderne, strange, and vnknowne names: of materials in buildings (as in his bridge ouer the Rhine framed, Ex tignis, trab [...]bus, fibulis, sublicis, longurijs, &c.) which, except you were seene in Architecture, you would hardly vnderstand: then strange names and formes of warlike Engines and weapons then in vse: sundry formes of fortification, water-workes, and the like; which notwithstanding, since haue beene made knowne and familiar vnto vs, by the painefull la­bours of those all-searching wits, Lipsius, Ramus, Gio­nanni de Ramellis, and others: and may be read in English excellently translated and illustrated, by that learned and truly honourable Gentleman, S r Clement Edmondes Knight, Clearke of his Maiesties most honorable Priuie Counsell, my worthy friend: though many excellent workes of Caesars, as his Epistles, his Astronomy, &c. through the iniquitie of enuious Time, are vtterly lost and perished.

Now offereth himselfe Cornelius Tacitus, Corn. Tacitus. the Prince of Historians; of whō I may not vntruly say (as Scaliger of Virgil) & euius ore nil tomere excidit, as well for his di­ligence as grauitie; so copious in pleasing breuitie, each Sentence carrying with it a kind of loftic State and Ma­iestie, [Page 47] such as should (me think) proceed from the mouth of Greatnesse and Command; in sense retired, deepe, and not fordable to the ordinarie Reader. Hee doth in part speake most pure and excellent English, by the industry of that most learned and iudicious Gentleman; whose long labour and infinite charge in a farre greater worke, haue wonne him the loue of the most learned, and drawn not onely the eye of Greece, but all Europe to his admi­ration.

But there being, as Lipsius saith, Suus cui (que) lingua ge­nius: Let me aduise you of this by the way, that no Tran­slation whatsoeuer will affect you, like the Authors owne and proper language: for to reade him as hee spake, it confirmeth our iudgments with an assured boldnesse and confidence of his intent and meaning; remouing that scruple of Iealousie we haue commonly of ignorant and vnfaithfull pens, which deale many times herein, sublesta fide. Besides, it is an iniurie to the Author, who heereby loseth somewhat of his value: like a peece of rich stuffe in a Brokers shop, onely for that it is there at a second hand, though neuer worne, or newly translated but ye­sterday.

The next Titus Liuius, T. Liuius. whom like a milky Fountaine, you shall euery where finde flowing, with such an ele­gant sweetnesse, such banquetlike varietie, that you would imagine other Authors did but bring your mouth out of taste. In his first Decade, you haue the comming of Aeneas into Italy, the building of Rome, the first choise of the Senate, the religious rites of Numa, the braue combate of the Horatij and Curiatij, the tyranny of Tarquine, the rape of Lucrece by Sextus his sonne, and first Consuls created.

In the third, the Historie of the second Punicke warre, Hannibals passage against the league ouer the Riuer Ibe­rus, who after eight moneths siedge; tooke Saguntum; his passage ouer the Pyrenean hills, his forraging of [Page 48] France: after ascending the Alpes, with his ouerthrow of the Romanes, with his Horse troop [...]s at the Riuer T [...] ­cin [...], where Scipi [...] (after A [...]ricanus) rescued his father, beeing verie grieuously wounded. His second ouer­throw of the Romanes, at the Riuer Trebia, his hard passage in cruell weather and tempests, ouer the Ap­ponin [...], &c.

In the fourth, is recorded the occasion of the warre, against Philip King of Macedonia (concerning the com­ming in of two young men of Acarnania, into the Tem­ple of Ceres at Athens:) Against whom Sulpitius was sent, by whom the Macedonians were ouerthrowne in a [...] horse battaile: how L. Furius subdued the rebellio [...]s Gaules, ouerthrew Hamilcar with thirtie fiue thousand Carthaginians; with many other expeditions of Philip of Macedon, and Sulpitius.

In the fift, the going out of the fire in the Temple of Vesta; how Titus S [...]mpronius Gracch [...], Subdued the Cel­tiberian Spaniards, and built a Towne in Spaine called Gracchuris, after his name; Posthumius Albinius trium­phed ouer the Portugals: the number of the Citizens of Rome reckoned by the poll, with the Law of Volu [...]ius Saxa, by which no woman was to inherit, &c.

Be then acquainted with Quintus Curtius, Q. Curtius. who pas­sing eloquently with a faithfull penne and sound iudge­ment, writeth the Life and Acts of Alexander; in whom you shall see the patterne of a braue Prince, for Wise­dome, Courage, Magnanimitie, Bountie, Courtesie, A­gilitie of body, and whatsoeuer else were to be wished in Maiestie; till surfeiting (in the best of his age) on his excessiue Fortunes, and euen burthensome to himselfe: by his ouer-greatnesse, T [...]liad 6. he became [...], an vn­profitable burthen of the earth, and from the darling of heauen, to be the disdaine of all the world.

After him (whom indeed I should haue preferred be­fore, Salustius. as being honoured with the Title of Historia [...] [...]) [Page 49] followeth Salust, commended most for breuitie; as also for the richnesse of his speech and phrase; but wherein his breuitie consisteth, the most are ignorant. Our Grammarians imagine, because his Discourses (as they say) are only of the matter and persons barely and na­kedly described, without circumstance and preparation, counsels and deliberations had before, effects and euents after: which is quite contrarie; as may be seene by the Conspiracie of Catilin [...], which hee might in a manner haue set downe in three words. But how amply, and with what adoe doth he describe it? what circumstances more open, more abundant, then where he saith; The Romane Souldiers being amazed with an vnwonted vp­rore, betooke them to their Weapons: some hid themselues, others aduised their Companions to stand st [...]tly to it: they were afraid in euery place, the multitude of Enemies was so great. The heauen was obscured with night, and thicke Cloudes, the perill wis doubtfull: and lastly, no man knew whether it were safest for him to flye, or to stay by it? And let them now see their error, who affirme his Dis­course to be vnfurnished of Counsels, Deliberations, Consultations, &c. Is not the reason set downe, why Iugurth assaulted Cirtha at the arriuall of the Embassa­dours? the intent and preparation of the warre by Metellus the Consull, laid open in an ample manner, wherein consisteth the richnesse of his Discourse? His breuitie indeed, worthy your obseruation and imitati­on, consisteth in shutting vp whole and weightie Sen­tences in three words, fetching nothing afarre, or put­ting in more then needs; but in quicke and stirring Asyndeta's after his manner: Scaliger Pe [...]t. lib. 4 cap. 24. as the most learned haue out of him obserued.

And since it is Tullies aduice, as was his owne vse (as himselfe testifieth) Non in Philosophia solum, sed etiam in dicendi exercitatione, cum Gracis Latin [...] con [...]ngere: By [Page 50] this time acquaint your selfe with that golden Cyri p [...]dia of Xenophon, Xenophon. whom heere you shall see a couragious and braue Commander, marshalling an Army: there a most graue and eloquent Philosopher, in the person of Cyrus, shaping out vnto vs with Inke of Nectar, a perfect and absolute Prince, (to the example of all Princes and No­bilitie) for his studies, his dyet, his exercise, his carriage, and euery way manner of liuing: insomuch, as the No­ble Scipio Africanus, as well in his warres abroad, as in peace at home, aboue all other held Xenophon in highest regard, euer saying, he could neuer commend him suffi­ciently, or reade him ouer often enough.

Hitherto haue I giuen you a taste (at your own choice) as well for vniuersall Historie, as your imitation in wri­ting and speaking. That I account vniuersall, which entreateth of the beginning, increase, gouernment, and alterations of Monarchies, Kingdomes, and Common­wealths: and to further you herein, you may reade Iu­stine, Diodorus Siculus, Zonaras, Oresius; of more later times, Sabellicus, Carion, with some others.

For speciall Historie, Speciall Hi­story. that reporteth the affaires and gouernment of particular Estates; you haue the most an­cient Herodotus, the Noble and eloquent Thucydides, Arrianus, Halicarnassaeus, Polybius, Suetonius, and o­thers.

All Historie diuideth it selfe into foure branches: History, how diuided. the first spreadeth it selfe into, and ouer all place, as Geogra­phie: the second, groweth and gathereth strength with tract of time, as Chronologie: the third, is laden with de­scents, as Genealogie: the fourth and last (like the golden Bow Proserpins gaue Aeneas) is that, A [...]id. 6. truly called by Ci­cero, Lux veritatis, which telleth vs of things as they were done, and of all other most properly is called Historie. For all Historie in times past, Cic. 2. de Ora­tore. saith Tullie, was none other then Annalium Confectio, the making of Annales, that is, [Page 51] recording of what was done from yeere to yeere. But while I wander in forraigne Historie, let me warne you, nefis peregrinus domi: that you be not a stranger in the Historie of your owne Countrey, The old Lord Treasurer Burleigh, if a­ny one came to the I. I. of the Counsell, for a Licence to trauaile, he would first ex­amine him of England; if he found him ig­norant, would bid him slay at home and know his own countrey first. which is a common fault impoted to our English Trauellers in forreine Countries; who curious in the obseruation and search of the most memorable things and monuments of other places, can say (as a great Peere of France told me) no­thing of their owne our Countrey of England, being no whit inferior to any other in the world, for matter of An­tiquitie, and rarities of euery kinde worthy remarke and admiration. Herein I must worthily and onely preferre vnto you the glorie of our Nation, M. Camden, aswell for his iudgement and diligence, as the puritie and sweet fluence of his Latine style; and with him the rising Starre of good letters and Antiquitie, M. Iohn Selden of the Inner Temple. His Britannia with the Life of Queene Elizabeth. As for Giraldus, Geoffrey, Higden, Ranulph of Chester, Walsingham a Monke of S. Athanes with the rest, they did cum saculo caecutire, and tooke vpon credite many a time more then they could well answer; that I may omit Polydore Virgil and Italian, His lanus Angl. who did our Nation that deplorable iniurie, Titles of Ho­nour. in the time of K. Henrie the eight, for that his owne Historie might passe for currant, he burned and embezeled the best and most ancient Records and Monuments of our Abbeies, Together with his Ma [...]e clausum, though not yet printed. The iniurie Polydore Vir­gil, did to our Nation. Priories, and Cathe­drall Churches, vnder colour (hauing a large Commissi­on vnder the Great Seale) of making search for all such monuments, manuse. records, Legier bookes, &c. as might make for his purpose; yet for all this he hath the ill lucke to write nothing wel, saue the life of Henrie the seuenth, wherein he had reason to take a little more paines then ordinarie, the booke being dedicated to Henrie the eight his sonne.

No subiect affecteth vs with more delight then Hi­storie, imprinting a thousand formes vpon our imagina­tions, from the circumstances of Place, Person, Time, [Page 52] Matter, manner, and the like. And, what can be more pro­fitable (saith an ancient Historian) then sitting on the Stage of humane life, Diodorus Sicu­la. to be made wise by their example, who haue trod the path of error and danger before vs? Bodin tels vs of some, who haue recouered their healthes by reading of Historie; and it is credibly affirmed of King Alphon­sus, that the onely reading of Qui [...]. Curtius, cured him of a very dangerous feuer. If I could haue beene so rid of my late quartane ague, I would haue said with the same good King: Valeat Avicenna, vi [...]at Curtius; and haue done him as much honour, as euer the Chians their Hippocrates, or the Sun-burnd Aegyptians their Aescula­pius.

For Moralitie and rules of well liuing, deliuered with such sententious grauitie, weight of reason, so sweetened with liuely & apt similitudes, Plutarch, how highly valew­ed among the learned. entertaine Plutarch; whom according to the opinion of Gaza the world would pre­serue (should it be put to the choice to receiue one onely Authour (the Sacred Scriptures excepted) and to burne all the rest) especially his Li [...]es and Morals. After him, the vertuous and diuine Seneca, who for that he liued so neere the times of the Apostles, and had familiar ac­quaintance with S. Paul (as it is supposed by those Epi­stles that passe vnder either their names) is thought in heart to haue beene a Christian; The iust praise of Se­neca. and certes so it seemeth to me, by that Spirit, wherewith so many rules of Pati­ence, Humilitie, Contempt of the world, are refined and exempt from the dregges of Paganisme. Some say that about the beginning of Neroes raigne, he came ouer hi­ther into Brittaine; but most certaine it is, he had diuers lands bestowed on him here in England, In vita Sene­ca. and those suppo­sed to haue laine in Essex neere to Camalodunum, now Maldon.

Againe, while you are intent to forreine Authors and Languages, forget not to speake and write your owne properly and eloquently: whereof (to say truth) you shall [Page 53] haue the greatest vse, (since you are like to liue an emi­nent person in your Countrey, and meane to make no profession of Schollership.) I haue knowne euen excel­lent Schollers so defectiue this way, that when they had beene beating their braines twentie, or foure and twentie yeeres about Greeke Etymologies, or the Hebrew roots and Rabbines, could neither write true English, nor true Orthographi [...]: and to haue heard them discourse in pub­like, or priuately at a table, you would haue thought you had heard Loy talking to his pigges, or Iohn de Indagine, declaiming in the praise of wild geese; otherwise for their iudgement in the Arts and other tongues very sufficient.

To helpe your selfe herein, make choice of those Au­thors in prose, who speake the best and purest English. I would commend vnto you (though from more Anti­quitie) the life of Richard the third written by Sir Thomas Moore, the Arcadia of the noble Sir Philip Sidney, whome Du Bartas makes one of the foure columnes of our language; The late pub­lished life of Henrie the seauenth. the Essayes and other peo­ces of the excellent Master of Eloquence, my Lord of S. Albanes, who possesseth not onely Eloquence, but all good learning, as hereditarie both by Father and Mother. You haue then M. Hooker his Politie; Henrie the fourth well written by Sir Iohn Hayward; that first part of our English Kings by M. Samuel Daniel. There are many others I know, but these will tast you best, as proceeding from no vulgar iudgments: the last Earle of Northampton in his ordinary stile of writing was not to be mended. Pro­cure then, if you may, the Speeches made in Parliaments frequent learned Sermons, in Terme time resort to the Starre-Chamber, and be present at the pleadings in other publique Courts, whereby you shall better your speech, enrich your vnderstanding, and get more experience in one moneth, then in other foure by keeping your Me­lancholy studie, and by solitarie meditation. Imagine not that hereby I would binde you from reading all [Page 54] other bookes, since there is no booke so bad, euen Sir Be­ [...]is himselfe, Owleglasse, or Nashes herring, but some com­moditie may be gotten by it. For as in the same pasture, the Oxe findeth fodder, the Hound a hare, the Stork a li­zard, the faire maide flowers; so we cannot, except we list our selues (saith Seneca) but depart the better from any booke whatsoeuer. Seneca Epist. 109.

And ere you begin a booke, The Epistles of Bookes, oft times the best peece of them. forget not to reade the Epistle; for commonly they are best laboured and pen­ned. For as in a garment, whatsoeuer the stuffe be, the owner (for the most part) affecteth a costly and extraor­dinarie facing; and in the house of a countrey Gentle­man, the porch of a Citizen, the carued gate and painted postes carrie away the Glorie from the rest: So is it with our common Authors [...] if they haue any [...] at all, they set it like veluet before, though the backe, like (a banke­rupts doublet) be but of poldauie or buckram.

Affect not as some doe, that bookish Ambition, to be stored with bookes and haue well furnished Libraries, yet keepe their heads emptie of knowledge: to desire to haue many bookes, and neuer to vse them, is like a childe that will haue a candle burning by him, all the while he is sleeping.

Lastly, How to keepe your bookes. haue a care of keeping your bookes handsome, and well bound, not cas [...]ing away ouermuch in their gil­ding or stringing for ostentation sake, like the prayer bookes of girles and gallants, which are carried to Church but for their outsides. Yet for your owne vse spare them not for noting or interlining (if they be prin­ted) for it is not likely you meane to be a gainer by them, when you haue done with them; neither suffer them through negligence to mold & be moath-eaten, or want their strings and couers.

King Alphonsus about to lay the [...] at Naples, The answer of King Al­phonsus, con­cerning Vitru­ [...]ius. called for Vitr [...]vius his book of Archite­cture; the booke was brought in very bad case, all dustie and without couers: which the King obseruing said, He [Page 55] that must couer vs all, must not goe vncouered himselfe: Then commanded the booke to be fairely bound and brought vnto him. So say I, suffer them not to lie neglected, who must make you regarded; and goe in torne coates, who must apparell your minde with the ornaments of know­ledge, aboue the roabes and riches of the most magnifi­cent Princes.

To auoide the inconuenience of moathes and moldi­nesse, Mappes and Pictures. let your studie be placed, and your windowes open if it may be, towards the East, for where it looketh South or West, the aire being euer Subie [...]t to moisture, moathes are bred and darkishnesse encreased, whereby your mappes and pictures will quickly become pale, loosing their life and colours, or rotting vpon their [...]loath, or pa­per, decay past all helpe and recouerie.

CHAP. 7.
Of Cosmographic.

THat like a stranger in a forraine land, yee may not wander without a guide, ignorant of those places by which you are to passe, and sticke amused, ama­zed in the Labyrinth of Historie: Cosmography a second Ariadne, bringing Meridians, Paralels, &c. lines enough is come to your deliue­ry, whom imagine standing on a faire hill, and with one hand, pointing and discoursing vnto you of the Coelesti­all Sphaere, the names, vses, and distinctions of euery cir­cle, whereof it consisteth, the scituation of Regions ac­cording to the same, the reason of Climates, length and shortnesse of dayes and nights, motion, rising and setting as well of fixed stars, as erratique, eleuation of the Pole, Paralells, Meridians, and whatsoeuer els respecteth that Coelestiall body.

[Page 56]With the other hand downeward, she sheweth you the globe of the earth, (distinguished by Seas, Mountaines, Riuers, Rockes, Lakes and the like,) the subiect of Geo­graphie, which defined according to Ptolomey and others, is an imitation of the face (by draught and picture) of the whole earth, and all the principall and knowne parts thereof, with the most remarkeable things [...] belonging.

A science at once both feceding the eye and minde with such incredible varietie, and profitable pleasure, that euen the greatest kings and Philosophers, haue not one­ly bestowed the best part of their time in the contem­plation hereof at home, but to their infinite charge and perill of their persons, haue themselues trauailed to vn­derstand the Scituation of farre countries, bounds of Seas, qualities of Regions, manners of people and the like.

So necessary for the vnderstanding of Historie (as I haue said) and the fables of Poets, The necessity of Cosmo­graphy. (wherein no small part of the treasure of humane learning lyeth hid) that with­out it we know not how the most memorable enterprises of the world haue bin carryed and performed; we are ig­norant of the growth, flourish and fall of the first Monar­chies, whereat Historie taketh her head and beginning: we conceiue nothing of the gouernment, and commodi­ties of other nations, wee cannot iudge of the strength of our enemies, distinguish the limits betweene king­dome and kingdome, names of places from names of people: nay (with Mounsier Gaular [...]) we doubt at Pa­ris whether wee see there the same Moone wee haue at London or not: on the contrary, we know this and much more, without exposing (as in old time) our bodies to a tedious trauaile, but with much more ease, hauing the world at will, or (as the saying is) the world in a string, in our owne chamber. How praeiudiciall the ignorance of Geography hath beene vnto Princes in forraine expedi­tions [Page 57] against their enemies, vnfortunate Cyrus will tell you, [...]h [...] beeing ignorant of Oaxis and the Streights, was ouerthro [...]ne by Thomiris the Scythian Queene; and of two [...] thousand Persi [...]ns in his armie, not one escaped through his vnskilfulnesse herein, as Iustine re­porteth.

And at another time what a memorable victorie to his perpetuall glorie carryed L [...]onidas from the Persians, onely for that they [...] vnacquainted with the Streights of Thermopy­lae that long hill of Greece through which there is a straight & a narrow pas­sage enviro­ned with a rough sea and deepe senne; so called from the wels of who [...] wa­ters which are there a­mong the rocks. Thermopylae?

And the foule ouerthrow that Crassus receiued by the Parthians, was imputed to nothing else, [...]hen his igno­rance of that Countrie, and the passages thereof.

Alexander, therefore taking any enterprise in hand, would first cause an exact mappe of the country to bee drawne in collours, to consider where were the safest en­trance, where he might passe this Riuer, how to auoide that Rocke, and in what place most commodiously giue his enemie battaile.

Such is the pleasure, such is the profite of this admira­ble knowledge, which account rather in the member of your recreations then seuerer studies, it beeing beside quickly, and with much ease attained vnto. Prince Hen­ry of eternall memory, was herein very studious, hauing for his instructour that excellent Mathematician, Cosmogra­phy a sweet and pleasant study. and (while hee liued) my louing friend Master Edward Wright.

To the attaining of perfection herein, The princi­ples of Geo­metry first to be learned. as it were your first entrance, you are to learne and vnderstand certaine Geometricall definitions, which are first Punctum, or a pricke; a Line, a Superficies either plaine, Convexe or Con­cave, your Angels right, blunt and sharpe, Figures, Cir­cles, Semicircles, the Diameter, Triangles, Squares of all sorts, paralells and the like, as Master Blundevile in his first booke of the Sphaere will shew you; for you shall haue vse of many of these, to the vnderstanding thereof. [Page 58] Cosmography containeth Astronomie, Astrologie, Geo­graphy and Chorography. Vide clerian. in Sacr [...]bos [...], ed [...]t [...] [...]l [...]. Astronomie considereth the magnitude and motions of the coelestiall bodies.

The Coelestiall bodies are the eleuen heauens and Sphaeres.

The eleuenth heauen is the habitation of God and his Angels.

The tenth the first mooouer.

The ninth the Christall [...]ne heauen,

The eight the starry firmament.

Then the seuen Planets in their order, The Planets in their or­der. which you may remember in their order by this verse.

Post Sim SVM sequitur, vltima LVN Asub [...]st:
Would you count the Planets soo [...]e,
Remember SIM SVM and the MOONE.

The first Letter S for Saturne, I for Iupiter, M for Mars, S for the Sunne, V Venus, M Mercurie; lastly the Moone.

The Imperiall Heauen is immoueable, most pure, im­mense in quantitie, and cleere in qualitie.

The tenth Heauen or first moouer, is also most pure and cleare, and maketh his reuolution in foure and twen­tie houres, carrying with the swiftnesse the other Hea­uens violently from East to West, from their proper re­uolutions, which is from West to East.

The ninth, or Christalline heauen, moueth by force of the first mouer, first from East to West, then frō West to East vpon his owne poles, and accomplisheth his reuolu­tion in 36000. yeares. And this reuolution being fini­shed, Plato was of opinion, that the world should be in the same state it was before; I should liue and print such a book againe, and you reade it in the same apparell, and the same age you are now in.

Two Schollers in Germany hauing laine so long in an [Page 59] Inne, A merry tale of two poore Schollers and their Host. that they had not onely spent all their Money, but also ran into debt some two hundred Dollers; told their Host of Plat [...]s great yeare, and how that time sixe and thirtie thousand yeares the world should be againe as it was, and they should be in the same Inne and Chamber againe, and desired him to trust them till then: Quoth mine Host, I beleeue it to be true; and I remember sixe and thirty thousand yeares agoe you were here, and left iust such a reckoning behind to pay, I pray you Gentle­men discharge that first, and I will trust you for the next.

The eight Heauen or glorious starry Firmament, hath a threefold motion, ( viz:) from East to West in foure and twenty houres, secundism primum Mobile; then from West to East, according to the motion of the ninth Hea­uen; then sometimes to the South, and somtime towards the North, called motus trepidationis.

Touching the motions of the Planets, since you may haue them in euery Almanacke, I willingly omit them.

The Spheare of the world consisteth of ten Circles, the Aequinoctiall, the Zodiacke, the two Colures, the Horizon, the Meridian, the two Tropiques, and the two polar Circles. Diuision of the Spheare.

The Aequinoctiall, The Aequi­noctiall line. is a circle diuiding the world, as in the midst equally distant from the two poles: it contai­neth three hundred and sixtie degrees, which being mul­tiplyed by sixtie, (the number of miles in a degree) make one and twentie thousand and sixe hundred miles, which is the compasse of the whole earth. The third part of which (being the Diameter) about seuen thousand and odde miles, is the thicknesse of the same. Those who dwell vnder the Aequinoctiall, hauing no Latitude ei­ther to the North or South, but their daies and nights al­waies of an equall length.

The Zodiacke is an oblick circle, The Zodiack. diuiding the Spheare athwart the aequinoctiall into points, ( viz:) the be­ginning of Aries and Libra: In the midst whereof is [Page 60] the Eclipticke line; the vtmost limits thereof are the two Tropiques, Cancer and Capricorne: the length thereof is three hundred and sixtie degrees, the bredth sixteene. It is diuided into twelue signes, sixe Northerly, and sixe Southerly: the Northerne are, Aries, Taurus, Cancer, Gemini, Leo, Virgo; Southerne, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittari­us, Capricornus, Aquarius, Pisces: he turneth vpon his owne poles from West to East.

The two Colures, The Colures. are two great moueable Circles, pas­sing through both the poles of the world, crossing one another with right Sphearicall Angles: so that like an Apple cut into foure quarters, they diuide into equall parts the whole Spheare: the one passeth thorough the aequinoctiall points and poles of the world, and is called the aequinoctiall Colure: the other passeth through the Solstitiall points, and is called the Solstitiall Colure.

The Horizon, The Horizon is a Circle immoueable, which diuideth the vpper Hemispheare, or halfe part of the world from the neather: it hath the name of [...], which is termin [...], or to bound or limit; because, imagine you stood vpon High-gate, or the Towre hill at Greenewich, so farre as you can see round about as in a circle, where the heauen seemeth to touch the earth, that is called the Horizon: The poles whereof, are the point iust ouer your head, calleth Zenith in Arabian; and the other vnder your feete, passing by the Center of the world, called Nadir.

The Meridian is an immoueable circle, The Meridian passing through the poles of the world: it is called the Meridian of Meri­dies Noonetide, because when the Sun rising frō the East, toucheth this line with the Center of his body, then it is noone to those ouer whose Zenith that Circle passeth, and midnight to their Antipodes, or those who are iust vnder them in the other world.

The number of Meridians, are 180. (allowing two to euery degree in the Aequinoctiall) which all concenter in either pole, and are the vtmost bounds of Longitude.

[Page 61]By the Meridian, the Longitude of all places is gathe­red, and what places lye more Easterly or Westerly from either.

The Longitude of any place, Longitude. is that distance you find vpon the Aequinoctiall, betweene the Meridian of the place, whose Longitude you desire; and the first Meri­dian which directly passeth ouer the Canarie, or Fortu­nate Ilands: which distance or space you must account by the degrees, purposely set vpon the Brazen Circle; or if you please by miles, allowing sixtie to euery de­gree. Longitude is onely taken East and West.

Latitude is the distance of the Meridian, Latitude. betweene the verticall point (or pole of the Horizon) and the Aequinoctiall, being euer equall to the height, or eleuati­on of the pole aboue the Horizon: or more plainly, the distance of any place, either North or South from the Aequinoctiall, which you are to take (vpon the standing Globe) by the degrees of the brazen Meridian, that Countrey or place in the Globe, whose Latitude you de­sire, being turned directly vnder it.

The Tropicke of Cancer is an imaginary Circle, Of the Tro­pickes. be­twixt the Aequinoctiall and the Arcticke Circle; which Circle the Sunne maketh about the thirteenth day of Iune, declining at his farthest from the Aequinoctiall, and comming Northerly to vs-ward; then are our daies at the longest, and nights shortest. Capricorne the like to the Antarcticke Circle, making our daies the shortest a­bout the twelfth of December.

The Arcticke Circle The Arcticke Circle. (anciently accounted the Hori­zon of Greece) is a small circle: the Center whereof is the North pole of the world, which is inuisible; It is so called from Arctes the Beare, or Charles W [...]ine, the Nor­therne Starre, being in the tip of the taile of the said Beare.

The Antarctike, The Antar­cticke Circle. which is neere to the South pole, and answering the other vnder vs.

[Page 62]But I had rather you learnd these principles of the sphere by demonstration, and your owne diligence (being the labour but of a few houres) then by meere verball de­scription, which profiteth not so much in Mathematicall demonstrations.

Wee will therefore descend to Geographi [...], which is more easie and familiar, (the definition I gaue you be­fore.) I come to the Subiect, the Terrestrial Globe, which is composed of Sea and Land.

The Sea is a mightie water, The Sea. ebbing and flowing conti­nually about the whole Earth, whose parts are diuersly named according to the places whereupon they bound. In the East it is called the Indian Sea; in the West the Atlanticks, so named from the Mount Atlas in Mauri­tania: in the North, the Hyperborean; in the South, the Meridionall, or South Sea, commonly called Mar del Zur.

The Mediterranean sea, is that which stretcheth it selfe by the middest of the earth from West to East, diuiding Europe, Asia, and Africa.

Sinus (or a Gulfe) is a part of the sea, A Gulfe. insinuating and embosoming it selfe within the land, or betweene two se­uerall landes: as the gulfe of Venice, the Persian gulfe, the Red Sea, Sinus Mexicanus, Vermilius, Gangeticus.

Fretum (or a Streight) is a narrow passage betweene two lands, A Streight. as the Streight of Magellan, Anian, Gibral­terre, &c.

An Hauen, A Hauen. is the entrance of the sea within the land, at the mouth of some Riuer or Creeke, where shippes may ride at Anchor.

A Lake, A Lake. is a great and wide receptacle of water, euer standing still, and not mouing out of the place; as the Lake Asphal [...]i [...]es, Lacus Larius, or Lago di Como, Lansan­n [...] by Geneva, &c.

The Earth, Of the Earth. is either Continent or Iland.

A Continent is the land, A Continent. continued without any diuision [Page 63] of Sea, as the Low Countries to Germany, that to Au­stria, Austria to Hungary, &c.

An Iland, An Iland. called Insula, quasi in Sale, is a land encom­passed round with the Sea, as Great Britaine, Ireland, Corsica, Candia, &c.

An Isthmus, An Isthmus. or Chersonesus, is a Streight or necke of land betweene two Seas, as Cimbri [...]a, Chersonesus, Tauri­ca, Aurea, and Achaica.

Peninsula Peninsula. (quasi penè Insula) is a Land enuironed with the Sea, except at some narrow place or entrance; as that vaste Continent of Peru and Brasil in America, were an Iland, but for that Streight or Necke of Land, betweene Panama and Nombre de dies: which Philip the second, King of Spaine, was once minded to haue cut for a shor­ter passage for ships into the South Sea, but vpon better deliberation he gaue ouer his proiect.

A Cape A Cape. or head of Land, is the vtmost end of a Pro­montorie, or high Land, standing out into the Sea, as the Cape De Bu [...]na Speranza, Cape Mendozi [...], S. Vincene, Cape Verde, the great Cape S. Augustine in America, &c.

Proceeding now to vnderstand the seuerall parts and Regions of the world, with their scituation (as it is meet, dwelling in an house, you should know all the roomes thereof) you may if you please, obserue Ptolomi [...]s Me­thod, Ptolo [...]i [...]s Me­thod best to be obserued. beginning first with Europe; and herein with our Northerne Ilands of Great Britains, Ireland, the Orcha­des, and Thule, which are the Contents of his first Table, and so forth into Europe: but he was erronious in his de­scriptions, obscure by reason of his Antiquitie, the names of places since changed; Nauigation by the benefit of the Load-stone, perfected; the want whereof heretofore hath beene occasion of infinite errors among the anci­ents, as well Diuines as Historiographers and Geogra­phers: as Lactantius and S. Augustine, could neuer bee perswaded, that there were Antipodes, or people going [Page 64] feete to feet vnder vs; the contrary whereof experience hath taught vs. The sundry errors of Hi­storians and others, for want of skill in Geography Arrianus, that much esteemed Greeke Authour, affirmed the scituation of Germany to be very neere to the Ionique Sea. Stephanus also, another Coun­trey-man of his, saith that Vienna was a Citie of Galilie. Strabo saith, that Danubius hath his head neere to the Adriatique Sea, which indeed (being the greatest Riuer of Europe) riseth out of the hill Arnoba in Germany, and by Hungaria, and many other Countries, runneth into Sclauonia, receiuing threescore other Riuers into his Channell: it is therefore farre more safe to follow our later Writers.

In euery Countrey (to giue one instance for all) in your obseruation you are to follow this Method; What to ob­serue in a strange Coun­trey. first to know the Latitude, then the Longitude of the place, the temperature of the Climate, the goodnesse or barren­nesse of the ground, the limits of the Countrey, how it is bounded by Sea or Land, or both; by East, West, North, or South: into what Prouinces it is diuided with­in it selfe, the commodities it affoordeth, as what Mines, Woods or Forrests; what Beasts, Fowles, Fishes, Fruits, Herbs, Plants; what Mountaines, Riuers, Fountaines and Cities: what notable matter of wonder or Antiqui­tie: the manners, shape, and attire of the people; their building, what Ports and Hauens; what Rockes, Sands, and such like places of danger, are about the place: and last of all, the Religion and Gouernment of the Inha­bitants.

You shall haue drawne vpon your Globe or Mappe, Of the Mari­ners Com­passe. vpon the vastest Seas (where most roome is to bee spa­red) a round figure, representing the Mariners Com­passe, with the two and thirtie winds; from euery of which there runneth a line to the Land, to some famous Citie, Hauen, or either; to shew you, in that Sea and place what course you are to keepe to goe thither, whe­ther full North, North-east, South, or South-west, and [Page 65] so forth. These winds, of the Spaniards are called Rom­bes: and for that, Columbus and Vesputius, Italians, with others, first discouered the East and West Indies; the eight principall winds, are commonly expressed in the Italian. This Compasse hath the needle in manner of a Flowre-deluce, which pointeth still to the North,

I could wish you now and then, Washing of Mappes and Globes in co­lours, very profitable to a learner. to exercise your Pen in Drawing, and imitating Cards and Mappes; as also your Pensill in washing and colouring small Tables of Countries and places, which at your leasure you may in one fortnight easily learne to doe: for the practise of the hand, doth speedily instruct the mind, and strongly con­firme the memorie beyond any thing else; nor thinke it any disgrace vnto you, since in other Countries it is the practise of Princes, as I haue shewed heretofore; also many of our young Nobilitie in England exercise the same with great felicitie.

I haue seene French Cards to play withall, the foure suites changed into Maps of seuerall Countries, of the foure parts of the world, and exactly coloured for their numbers, the figures 1. 2. 3. 9. 10. and so forth, set o­uer the heads; for the Kings, Queenes, and Knaues, the Pourtrai [...]s of their Kings and Queenes, in their seuerall Countrey habits; for the Knaues, their Peasants or Slaues; which ingenious deuice, cannot be but a great furtherance to a young capacitie, and some comfort to the infortunate Gamester; when, what he hath lost in Money, he shall haue dealt him in land or wit.

CHAP. 8.
Obseruations in Suruey of the Earth.

FIrst, how Almightie God by his Diuine prouidence so disposed the Earth in the first Creation (not fal­ling out by chance, as some haue thought) that one Countrey, Countries had not their sci­tuations by chance. in one place or other, is so neerely ioyned to the next; that if after it might happen to be ouer peo­pled, as wel man as beast, by some smal streight or passage might easily bee prouided of a new habitation: which Acosta hath well obserued, resoluing vs that doubt, how wilde beasts, as Wolues, Foxes, Beares, and other harm­full beasts, should swim ouer so vaste Seas, and breede in Ilands.

Secondly, The wit and constitution of men, accor­ding to the temper of the body. how the wit, disposition, yea, deuotion and strength of man, followeth the qualitie and temperature of the Climate; and many times the Nature of the soyle wherein he liues: as wee see the Easterne people of the world, very quicke in their inuentions, superstitious vn­to Idolatry, as in Chin [...], Calecut, Ia [...]a, and other places. On the contrary, those as farre North in Lapla [...]d, [...]e­land, and other places, as dull, and in a manner senc [...]lesse of Religion, whereupon they are held the most notori­ous Witches of the world.

We see those that inhabit Mountaines, Mountainers more barba­rous, then those of the vallies. and mountai­nous places, to be farre more barbarous and vnciuill, then those that liue in the plaines: witnesse the Inhabitants of the huge hils Sierras, and the Andes in America, the mountainous North part of N [...]ua Franci [...], the Nararrois in Spaine, and the Highland men in Scotland.

We see and finde it by experience, that where the soile is dry and sandy, the ayre is most pure; and consequently, [Page 67] the spirits of the Inhabitants actiue and subtile, aboue those who inhabite the Fens and Marishes.

Thirdly, consider the wonder of wonders, Of the Ocean, the diuers & wonderfull motions ther­of. how the Ocean so farre distant, holdeth motion with the Moone, filling our shoares to the brim from the time of her ap­pearing aboue the Horizon, vntill she hath ascended the Meridian: then decreasing as much vntill she toucheth the line of midnight, making his tide twice in foure and twentie houres and odde minutes: how the Atlantick or Westerne Ocean is most rough and dangerfull, the South Sea, And so swift, that from Mo­abar to Mae­dagascar (or the Ile of S. Laurence) they may come in twentie daies, but are not a­ble to re [...]nne in 3. moneths. So from Spain into America in thirty daies, but cannot re­turne in three monthes. or Del Zur, albeit of infinite vastnesse, on the con­trary so calme and quiet, that you seemed rather to saile vpon dry Land then water.

How in the Sea of Cal [...]cut it is high water, but at eue­ry full Moone: in the Sea by the shore of Indus, but at euery new Moone: how in the maine Ocean the cur­rant runnes from East to West, toward the streight of Magellan, but from West to East in the Med [...]er­ranean.

Fourthly, how in one place the North-wind, as vpon the Coast of Scythia, neere the mouth of the great Ri­uer Duin [...], bloweth in a manner perpetually, so that the West or South-west winds are scarce knowne.

In another, Iul. C. Scaliger, excre. 37. the East: in the Indian Sea the winds keep their turnes, obseruing the course of the Sunne, which being in Aries and Libra, the Westerne winds blow per­petually.

Neither lesse admirable are the in-land stoods, The strange properties of Floods and Lakes. and fresh waters for their properties, as Nilus, who onely by his ouerflowing, maketh Aegypt fertile (where it neuer raineth.) Eur [...]pus an arme of the Sea by Eub [...] (an Iland of the Sporades in the Aegean Sea) which [...]bbeth and floweth seauen times in a day. Likewise, much may bee said of our Lakes and Fountaines in England, Scotland, and Ireland, of turning Wood into Stone, Iron, and the like.

[Page 68]Fiftly, Beasts & Birds vseful to man, liue in heards and flocks. it is worthy the consideration, how the Diuine wisedome for the behoofe of mankind, hath set an enmi­tie betweene Birds and Beasts, of prey and rapine, who accompany not by heards: as Lyons, Beares, Dogges, Wolues, Foxes, Eagles, Kites, and the like; which if they should doe, they would vndoe a whole Countrey: whereas on the contrary, those which are necessary and vsefull for mankind, liue gregatim, in heards and flockes, as Kin [...], Sheepe, Deere, Pigeons, Partridges, Geese, &c.

Sixtly, Of the crea­tures in hot and cold Countries. how Nature hath prouided for the Creatures of the Northerne parts of the world, as Beares, Dogs, Foxes, &c. not onely thicke skinnes, but great store of haire or feathers, to defend them from the extremitie of the cold there: on the other side, to those in Guiena, by reason of the extreame heate, none at all; as you may see by the Guiney Dogges, which are daily brought ouer.

Seuenthly, Of Riuers. how God hath so disposed the Riuers, that by their crookednesse and winding, they might serue ma­ny places.

Let vs then consider, how the most fruitfull places and beautifull Cities, haue become the dwellings and homes of the most slaues, as Spaine ouer-runne by the Moor [...]s, Italy by the Gothes and Vandals; and at this day, a great part of Europe by the Turke.

How the Earth like an aged mother, is become lesse fruitfull, as we see by the barrennesse sometime of the most fertile places, the decay of the stature and strength of men within these few yeares.

It is also worthy obseruation, to see how the Earth hath beene increased by the accesse of Ilands, and againe beene diminished by inundation and Gulfes breaking a­gaine into the same.

The Ilands of the Echinades, Of certaine Ilands cast vp by Seas and Riuers. were cast vp by the Riuer Achelous, and the greatest part of Aegypt by Nilus, so were the Rhodes and Delos. Of lesser Ilands beyond Me­lon Anaphe, betweene Lemnos and the Hellesp [...]nt Nea, [Page 69] (as one would say new-come) and else-where Alône, Thera, Therasia, and Hiera, which also from the euent was called Automate.

And that sundry goodly Countries on the contrary, haue beene eaten vp by the Sea, our neighbour Zeland, Many Coun­tries againe lost by inun­dation. and many other places will giue lamentable testimonie: beside the face of the Earth hath since the Creation, bene much altered by avulsion or diuision of the Sea, as Sicily was diuided and seuered from Italy; Cyprus, from Syria; Eub [...] from Boetia, Atlas and Macris from Eub [...], Barbycus from Bythinia, Lencosia from the Promontorie of the Syrenes: and as some suppose, Le [...]bos from Ida, Prochyta and P [...]th [...]usa from Misena; and which is more, Strabo lib. 1. Spaine, from Barbarie, as Strabo is of opinion.

Againe, Great Brit­taine supposed to haue beene one conti­nent with France. it is affirmed by Volseus, that our Great Bri­taine hath beene one Continent with France, and that tract betweene Douer and Calais, hath beene gained by the Sea, there called Mare Gess [...]riacum.

Excellent is that contemplation, to consider how Na­ture (rather the Almightie wisedome) by an vnsearcha­ble and stupendious worke, sheweth vs in the Sea, the likenesse and shapes, not onely of Land Creatures, as Elephants, Horses, Dogges, Hogges, Calues, Hares, Snailes, &c. but of Fowles in the Ayre, as Hawks, Swal­lowes, Vultures, and numbers the like; yea, it affordeth vs men and women, and among men, euen the Monke: but hereof see Iu [...]tius in his Batania, See Olaus Magnus his description of the Nor­therne parts of the world. At Swartwale neere Brill in Holland, is to be seene a Mermaides dead body hanging vp. and if you please Alex: ab Alexandris with some others.

Moreouer what inestimable wealth it affoordeth in pearles, Corall, Amber, and the like.

By reading you shall also finde what strange Earth­quakes, remoouing of whole Townes, Hilles, &c. haue beene vpon the face of the Earth, raising of it in one place, leauing gulfes, and Vastitie in another: and Lucius Marcius, and Sextus Iulius being Consuls in Rome, in the Country of Mutinum, two mountaines met and ioyned themselues together.

[Page 70]In the raigne of Nero, Vectins Marcellus being ouer­seer of Nero's affaires, and Steward of his Court, Me­dowes and Oliue trees were remooued from a Common high way side, and placed a good way off on the contrary side; so whereas they stood before on the right hand, as one trauelled, they were now on the right hand. The like happened within these few yeeres to Pl [...]rs a towne of the Grisons among the Alpes.

Lastly, let vs take a view of the Earth it selfe, which because it was diuided with the Sea, Riuers, Marshes, &c. yet making one absolute Circle, Homer calleth it [...] and for this cause Numa Pompilius dedicated a Temple to Vesta in a round forme: The roundnesse of it is proo­ued of Mathematicians by shadowes of Dials, and the Eclipses; also by descent of all heauie things to the Cen­ter, it selfe being the Center of the vniuerse, A [...]ist. lib. Me­ [...]or. 1. cap. 4. as Aristotle and Ptolomey affirme. Ptolom. cap. 6. Alphrag [...] disert. 14.

Now in respect of heauen, it is so small a point, that the least starre is not darkened with the shaddow there­of: for if the smallest starre, albeit in iudgement of our sence, seemeth but a pricke or point, yet farre exceedeth the bodie of the Earth in greatnesse, it followeth in re­spect of heauen, that the earth must seeme as little.

Beside, if the earth were of any quantitie in respect of the higher orbes, the starres should seeme bigger or lesse in regard of those Hypsomata (Altitudes) or the Climes: but it is certaine that at the selfe same time, sun­drie Astronomers finde the same bignesse and eleuation of the selfe same starre obserued by their calculation, to differ no whit at all; whereby we may see if that distance of place which is on the Earth (in respect of the Heauen­ly orbes) exceedeth all sence, it followes that the Earth (poore little point as it is) seemes the like, if it be com­pared with Heauen: yet this is that point, which with fire and sword, is diuided among so many Nations, the mat­ter of our Glorie, our seate; heere we haue our Honours, [Page 71] our Armies, our Commands; heere we heape vp riches, at perpetuall warre and strife among our selues, who (like the Toad) shal fall asleepe with most earth in his pawes: neuer thinking how of a moment of time well spent vp­on this poore plot or dung-hill common to beasts as well as our selues, dependeth Eternitie, Augustine. and the fruition of our true Happinesse in the presence of Heauen, and court of the King of Kings for euer and euer.

Now I must take leaue of our common Mother the Earth, so worthily called in respect of her great merits, of v [...]i for shee receiueth vs being borne, shee feedes and cloatheth vs brought forth, and lastly as forsaken wholly of Nature, shee receiueth vs into her [...]p, and couers vs vntill the dissolution of all, and the last iudgement.

Thus haue I onely pointed at the principles of Cos­mographie, hauing as it were giuen you a taste, and stop­ped vp the vessell againe, referring the rest to your owne diligence and search. And herein you shall haue your helpes, M. Blund [...]ile in his treatise of Cosmographie and the Sphaere, D. Deo, M. Cooke in his principles of Geometrie, Astronomie and Geographie: Ge [...] Fri­sins, M. Hughes de vs [...] Globiyr. at Frankford, Amsterdam, and turned into French. M. Edward Wright de vs [...] Sphera. Ortelius, Copernicus, Cl [...]nius the Iesuite, Ioannes de Monte Regis, Mercator, Munster, Hunter, and many o­thers; of ancient writes Ptolomey, Dionisius Halicar nas­seus. For mappes I referre you wholly vnto Ortelius and those set last forth by Hondius being later then Plancius, and more perfect by reason of the late discouerie, made by Scho [...]ten, vnto the 57. and 58. degrees of Southerly latitude beyond the streight of Magellan; and of late M. Henrie Hudson, to the 61. or 62. to the North-west, be­yond Terra de Labrador: to omit that terrible voyage of Barentson and his companie, for the discouerie of the North-east passage, by the backe-side of Noua Z [...]mla, which out of a Dutch translation you may reade in Eng­lish.

CHAP. 9.
Of Geometrie.

SInce Plato would not suffer any to enter his Schoole, which was [...], or not entred into Geometrie; and Xenocrates turned away his auditors, if vnfurni­shed with Geometrie, Lacrius lib. 4. Musicke and Astronomie, affir­ming they were the helpes of Philosophie: I am also bound by the Loue I beare to the best arts and your stu­dies, to giue it you also in charge. Philo the Iew calleth it the Princesse and mother of all Sciences, and excellent­ly was it said of Plato, that God did alwaies [...]; but more diuinely of Salomon: Wisedome chap. 11. That God did dispose all his creatures according to measure, number and weight; that is, by giuing the Heauens their constant and perpetuall motion, the elements their places and praedominance ac­cording to lightnesse or grauitie, and euery creature its number and weight, without which, it were neither able to stand vpright or mooue. To the cōsideration of which depth of wisedome let vs vse the helpe of this most inge­nious and vsefull Art, worthy the contemplation, and pra­ctise of the greatest Princes, a Science of such importance, Petrach de reg­no lib. 2. [...]. 14. that without it, we can hardly care our bread, lie drie in our beds, buy, sell, or vse any commerce else whatsoeuer.

The subiect of Geometrie is the length, breadth, and height of all things, Protiu in Eu­cl [...]d. lib. 2. c. 14. comprised vnder the figures of Tri­angles, Squares, Circles, and Magnitudes of all sorts, with their termes or bounds.

It hath properly the name from measuring the earth, being first found out in Aegypt; for when Nilus with his ouer-flowing drowned and confounded the limits of their fields, certaine of the inhabitants more ingenious [Page 73] then the rest, necessitie compelling, found out the rules of Geometry, by the benefit whereof, after the fall of the water, euery man had his owne portion of ground lot­ted and laide out to him: so that from a few poore and weake principles at the first, Martianus Ca­pellain Geem. Precleses in Eu­clid. lib. 2. c. 4. it grew to that height that from earth it reached vp to the heauens, where it found out their Quantities, as also of the Elements and the whole world beside.

Out of Aegypt, Thales, brought it into Greece, where it receiued that perfection we see it now hath.

For by meanes hereof are found out the formes and draughts of all figures, greatnesse of all bodies, all man­ner of measures and weights, the cunning working of all tooles, with all artificiall instruments whatsoeuer.

All engines of warre, for many whereof (being anti­quated) we haue no proper names; as Exosters, Sam­bukes, Catapultes, Testudo's, Scorpions, &c. Petardes Grenades, great Ordnance of all sorts.

By the benefit likewise of Geometrie, See the Hun­garian Histo­ry. we haue our goodly Shippes, Galleies, Bridges, Milles, Charriots and Coaches (which were inuented in Hungarie and there called Cotzki) some with two wheeles, some with more, Pulleies and Cranes of all sorts. Whence Couch had the name

Shee also with her ingenious hand reares all curious roofes, and Arches, stately Theaters, the Columnes sim­ple and compound, pendant Galleries, stately Win­dowes, Turrets, &c. and first brought to light our clockes and curious Watches (vnknowne to the ancients:) lastly our kitchin Iackes, euen to the wheele-barrow. Beside whatsoeuer hath artificiall motion either by Ayre, wa­ter, winde, sinewes or chords, as all manner of Musicall instruments, water workes and the like.

Yea, moreouer such is the infinite subtiltie, and im­mense depth of this admirable Art, that it dares contend euen with natures selfe, in infusing life as it were, into the sencelesse bodies of wood, stone, or mettall: witnesse the [Page 74] wooden doue of Archytas, so famoused not onely by A­gellim, but many other authors beyond exception, which by reason of weights equally peized within the bodie, Agellius l. 10 cap. 12. and a certaine proportion of ayre (as the Spirit of life en­closed) flew cheerefully forth as if it had beene a liuing Doue.

Albeit Iul. Cals. Scaliger Scaliger [...]uer­cis. 326. ad Cardanum. accounteth this Doue no great peece of workemanship, when he saith, he is able to make of his owne inuention with no great labour, a ship which shall swimme, and steere it selfe, and by the same reason that Architas his Doue was made, that is, by ta­king the pith of rushes couered ouer with bladders, or those thinne skinnes, wherein gold-beaters beate their leaues, and wrapped about with little strings of sinewes, where when a Semicircle shal set one wheele on going; it mooning others, the wings shall stirre and mooue for­ward. This Archytas was a most skilfull Mathematician, as it may be gathered out of Horact, Horat. lib. 1. C [...]rm. Ode [...]8. who calleth him Mensorem, a Measurer

Et marie & terra, numero (que) carentis arena,
Of sea and land, and number-wanting sand.

And not inferiour to the aforesaid Doue of Archytas was that woodden Eagle, Bartas le 6 [...] du 1. Semain. which mounted vp into the aire, and flew before the Emperour to the gates of No­rimberg of which, as also of that yron flie, that flew about a table, Salust lord of Bartas maketh mention. Ramus attributeth the inuention of either of these, in the pre­face of his 2. booke of his Mathematicall obseruations, to Ioannes Regiom [...]ntanus.

Callicrates, if we may credite Plinie, Plin. l. 7. c. 21. & lib. 36. c. 5. made Antes and other such like small creatures of Iuorie, that their parts and ioynts of their legges could not be discerned.

Myrmecides Milesius also among other monuments of his skill, made a Coach or Waggon with foure [Page 75] wheeles, which together with the driuer thereof, a flie could easily hide and couer with her wings: Besides a Ship with her sailes, which a little Bee could ouerspread. Varr [...] Varr [...] de ling [...] a Latin. lib. 6. teacheth how small peeces of this nature and sub­tilest workmanship, may be discerned, that is, saith he, by laying close about them, blacke horse haires. Of later times, Hadrian Iunius Iunius lib. ani­mad cap. 6. tels vs that he saw with great de­light and admiration, at Mechlin in Brabans, a cherrie stone cut in the forme of a basket, wherein were fifteene paire of dice, distinct each with their spots and number, very easily of a good eye to be discerned.

And that the Ilias of Homer written, Plin. lib. 7. cap. 21. was enclosed within a nut, Cicere tels vs he saw it with his eyes, though Alexander thought it worthy of a farre better case, the rich Cabinet of Darius. By the statue of Homer the an­cients vsually set a nightingale (as by Orpheus a Swanne) for the manifold varietie and sweetnesse of his voice, or the continuance or holding out to the last the same sweetnesse: for some are of opinion, that the perfection of Musicall sounds are to be discerned in the Nightingales notes. Plinie Pliny lib. 10. cap. 29. reckoneth vp sixteene seuerall tunes shee hath, and fitteth them to Latine words very properly as vnto Ditties, which the translator of Plinie hath nothing neere so well fitted in the English which might surely haue beene as wel done, as I haue obserued in their notes. But to returne, Ex [...]rcitat. 326 Scaliger (whether in iest or earnest I know not) tels Cardanus of a flea he saw with a long chaine of gold about his necke, kept very daintily in a boxe, and being taken forth, could skip with his chaine, and some­time sucke his mistresses white hand, and his belly being ful, get him to his lodging againe, but this same [...] Alexander wittily scoffed, when he gaue a fellow onely a bushell of pease, for his paines of throwing euery time a pease vpon a needles point standing a pretty way off.

Archimedes to the wonder of all the world, framed a brasen heauen, wherein were the seauen planets with [Page 76] their motions. Hereof Claudian wrote a wittle Epigram.

Sap [...]r King of Persia (as Du Bartas in the sixt day of his diuine weeke mentioneth) had an heauen of glasse, which, proudly sitting in his estate, he trod vpon with his feete, contemplating ouer the same, as if he had beene Iupiter, and vpon this occasion calling himselfe brother to the Sunne and Moone, and partner with the Starres; for in his letter to the Emperour Constantius he begin­neth thus: Rex regum Sap [...]r, Carl. Rhodigin. lib. 8. cap. 3. particeps Syderum, frater Soli [...] & Luna, &c.

Nor must I forget that heauen of siluer sent by Ferdi­nand the Emperour, P. [...]onius & Sabellicus is Suppleme [...]: Hist. lib. 24. to Solyman the great Turke, wherein the motions kept their true courses with those of the heauens, This Heauen was carried by 12. men before Soly­man, and ta­ken to peeces and set vp a­gaine by the maker. the starres arising and setting, the Planets kee­ping their oblique motion, the Sunne Eclipsed at his iust time, and the Moone duely changing euery Moneth with the same in the Heauen. By these see the effects of this di­uine knowledge, able to worke wonders beyond all be­leefe, in so much as Archimedes affirmed, hee would moue the whole Earth, might a place bee giuen him whereon to stand. But I rather beleeue him, who saith, The Founda­tion thereof shall neuer be mooued. Plutarch in Marcello. [...] Psalm. 24. Much was it, that with his left hand only, he could by his skil draw after him the weight of fiue thousand bushels of graine, and deuise (at the cost of Hier [...]) those rare engines, which shot small stones at hand, but great ones a farre of; by benefit of which deuice onely, while the stones fell as thicke as haile from heauen among the enemies, Syracusa was preferred from the furie of Marcellus ready to enter with a reso­lute and most powerfull Armie. The Oracle of Apollo being demanded when the warre and miserie of Greece should haue an end, replyed: If they would double the Altar in Delos, which was of a cubique forme; which they tryed by adding another cube vnto it, but that auailed nothing. Plato then taking vpon him to expound this riddle, affirmed the Greekes, were reproued by Apollo [Page 77] because they were ignorance of Geometry. Nor heerein can I blame them, since the doubling of the Cube in So­lides, and Quadrature of the Circle in plaine, hath euer since so troubled our greatest Geometricians, that I feare except Apollo himselfe ascend from Hell to resolue his owne probleme, we shall not see it among our ordina­rie Stone-cutters effected.

But in briefe, the vse you shall haue of Geometry, will be in suruaying your lands, affoording your opinion in building anew, or translating; making your milles aswell for grinding of corne as throwing foorth water from your lower grounds, bringing water farre off for sundry vses. Seeing the measure of Timber, stone and the like (wherein Gentlemen many times are egregiously abu­sed and cheated by such as they trust) to contriue much with small charge and in lesse roome. Againe, should you follow the warres (as who knowes the bent of his Fate) you cannot without Geometry fortifie your selfe, take the aduantage of hill or leuell, fight, order your Battaglia in square, triangle, crosse (which forme the Prince of Orange hath now alate taken vp) cres [...]entwise (and many other formes Iovius sheweth) leuell and plant your Ordinance, vndermine, raise your halfe Moones, Bulwarkes, Casamates, Rampires, Rauesins, with many other meanes as of offence and defence, by fortification. So that I cannot see how a Gentleman, especially a Soul­dier and Commander may be accomplished without Ge­ometrie, though not to the heighth of perfection, yet at the least to be grounded and furnished with the princi­ples and priuie rules heereof. The Authors I would commend vnto you for entrance hereinto are in English. Cookes Principles, and the Elements of Geometry, writ­ten in Latin by P. Ramus, and translated by M. Doctor Hood, sometime Mathematicall Lecturer in London. M. Blundeuile, Euclide translated into English. In Latine you may haue the learned Iesuite Clauius, Melancthon, [Page 78] Frisius, Valearius his Geometry Military. Albert Du­rer hath excellently written heereof in high Dutch, and in French Fercadell vpon Euclide, with sundry others.

CHAP. 10.
Of Poetrie.

TO sweeten your seuerer studies, by this time vouch­safe Poetry your respect: which howsoeuer censured and seemeth fallen from the higest Stage of Honour, to the lowest staire of disgrace, let not your iudgement be infected with that pestilent ayre of the common breath, to be an infidell; in whose beleefe, and doer of their con­trary Actions, is to be religious in the right, and to me­rit if it were possible by good workers.

The Poet, as that Laurell M [...]i [...] dreamed of, is made by miracle from his mothers wombe, and like the Dia­mond onely polished and pointed of himselfe, disdaining the file and midwifery of sorraine helpe.

Hence Tullie was long ere he could be deliuered of a few verses, and those poore ones too: and Ovid, so backeward in prose, that he could almost speake nothing but verse. And Experience daily affordeth vs many excellent yong and growing wits, as well from Plow as the Pallace, en­dued naturally with this Diuine and heauenly guift, yet not knowing (if you should aske the question) whether a Metaph [...]re be flesh or fish.

If bare saying Poetrie is an heauenly gift, be too weake a proppe to vphold her credite with those buzzardly poore ones, Plato in P [...] ­dro. who hauing their feathers moulted can creepe no farther then their owne puddle, able onely to enuie this Imperi [...]ll Eagle for sight and flight; let them if they can looke backe to all antiquitie, and they shall finde all lear­ning [Page 79] by diuine instinct to breathe from her bosome, [...] as both Plato and Tullie in his Tusculanes affirme.

Str [...] saith, Poetrie was the first Philosophie that e­uer was taught, nor were there euer any writers thereof knowne before Musaus, Hesiod and Homer: by whose authoritie Plato, Aristotle and Gale [...], determine their weightiest controuersies, and confirme their reasons in Philosophie. And what were the songs of Linus, Orphens, Amphi [...], Olympus, and that dittie I [...]pa [...] sang to his harpe at Did [...]'s banquet, but Naturall and Morall Philo­sophie, sweetened with the pleasaunce of Numbers, that Rudenesse and Barbarisme might the better taste and di­gest the lessons of ciuilitie? according to Lucretius (Ita­lianized by Ariosto) and englished by Sir Iohn Harring­ton,

Sed veluti putri [...] [...] hia tetra medentes,
Cum dare conantur, priùs or as pocula circum
Contingunt mellis, dulci flavo (que) liqu [...]re,
Vt puerorum at as impr [...]vida Iudificetur, &c.
As Leaches when for children they appoint,
Their bitter worme-wood potions, first the cup
About the brimme with honnie sweete they noint,
That so the childe, beguild may drinke it vp, &c.

Neither hath humane knowledge beene the onely sub­iect of this Diuine Art, but euen the highest Mysteries of Diuinitie. What are the Psalmes of Dauid (which S. Hil­lari [...] Hil. in Prologo Psalm. so aptly compareth to a bunch of keies, in regard of the seuerall doores, whereby they giue the soule en­trance, either to Prayer, Reioycing, Repentance, Thanks­giuing, &c.) but a Diuine Poeme, going sometime in one measure, sometime in another? What liuely descriptions are there of the Maiestie of God, Psal. 80. the estate and securi­tie of Gods children, Psal. 90. the miserable condition of the wic­ked? [Page 80] What liuely similitudes & comparisons, as the righ­teous man to a bai [...] tree, Psal. 1. the Soule to a thirstie Hart, Psalm. 104. v [...]i­tie to oyntment, and the dew of Hermon? What excel­lent Allegories, as the vine planted in Aegypt; what Epi­phonema's, prosopopoca's and whatsoeuer else may be requi­red, to the texture of so rich and glorious a peece?

And the song of Salomon (which is onely left vs of a thousand) is it not a continued Allegorie of the Mysticall loue betwixt Christ and his Church? Moreouer the Apo­stles themselues haue not disdained to alledge the autho­ritie of the heathen Poets, Aratus, Me [...]ander and Epime­nides; as also the fathers of the Church, Nazianzen, S. Augustine, Bernard, Pr [...]demius, with many others, beside the allowance they haue giuen of Poetrie, they teach vs the true vse and end thereof, which is to compose the Songs of Sion, and addresse the fruite of our inuention to his glorie who is the author of so goodly a gift, which we abuse to our loues, light fancies, and basest affections.

And if Mechanicall Arts hold their estimation by their effects in base subiects, how much more deserueth this to be esteemed, that holdeth so soueraigne a power ouer the minde, can turne brutishnesse into Ciuilitie, make the lewd honest (which is Scaligers opinion of Vir­gils Poeme) turne hatred to loue, cowardise into valour, and in briese, like a Queene command ouer all affections?

Moreouer the Muse, Mirth, Graces, and perfect Health, haue euer an affinitie each with either. I remem­ber Plutarch telleth vs of Telesilla, a noble and braue La­die, who being dangerously sicke, and imagined past re­couerie, was by the Oracle, aduised to apply her minde to the Muse and Poetrie; which shee diligently obseruing recouered in a short space, and withall grew so sprightly couragious, that hauing well fortified Argos with diuers companies of women onely, her selfe with her cōpanions sallying out, entertained Cleomenes K. of the Lacedamoniās with such a Camisade, that he was faine to shew his back, [Page 81] leauing a good part of his people behinde, to fill ditches; and then by plaine force of Armes draue out Demaratus another king, who lay very strong in garrison within.

Alexander by the reading of Homer, was especially mooued to goe thorough with his conquests.

Leonidas also that braue King of the Spartanes, being asked how Ti [...]taus (who wrote of warre in verse) was e­steemed among Poets, replied excellently [...] For my souldi­ers, quoth he, mooued onely with his verses, runne with a resolute courage to the battaile, fearing no perill at all.

What other thing gaue an edge to the valour of our ancient Britons, but their Bard [...]s (remembred by Athe­naus, Lucan and sundry other,) recording in verse the braue exploits of their nation, and singing the same vnto their Harpea at their publike [...]easts and meetings? a­mongst whom Taliessi [...] a learned Bard, and Master to Merlin, sung the life and actes of King Arthur.

Hence hath Poetry neuer wanted her Patrones, and euen the greatest Monarches and Princes, as well Chri­stian as Heathen, haue exercised their Inuention herein [...] as that great Glorie of Christendome Charlemaine, who among many other things, wrote his Nephew Roulands Epitaphe, after he was slaine in a battell against the Sar­racens, among the The place to this day is called Row­lands vallie, and was in times past a great pilgri­mage, there being a Chap­pell built ouer the tombe, & dedicated to our Ladie, cal­led common­ly but cor­ruptly our Ladie of Rou­ceuall. Pyrenaan hills: Alphonsiu King of Naples, whose onely delight was the reading of Virgil: Robert King of Sicilie; and that thrice renowned and learned French King, who finding Petrarchs Toombe without any inscription or Epitaphe, wrote one himselfe, (which yet remaineth) saying; Shame it was, that he who sung his Mistresse praise seauen yeares before her death, and twelue yeares should want an Epitaphe. Among the Heathen are eternized for their skill in Poesie, Augustus Caesar, Octanius, Adrian, Germanicus. Panormitan, lib. 1. de geslis Alphensi.

Euery child knoweth how deare the workes of Homer were vnto Alexander, Euripides to A [...]yntas King of Ma­cedon, [Page 82] Virgil to Augustus, Theocr [...]us to Ptolomey and [...]v [...]nic [...], King and Queene of Aegyp [...]: the stately Pin­dar to Hiere King of Sicilie, Ennius to Scipie, Ausonius to Gratian, (who made him Pro-consull:) in our owne Countrey, Who gaue him, it is thought, his Mannor of Ewhilme in Oxfordslhire. To Charles the eight & Lewis the twelfth. Chaucer to Richard the second, Gower to Henrie the fourth, with others I might alledge.

The Lady Anne of Bretaign [...], who was twice French Queene, passing through the Presence in the Court of France, espying Chartier the Kings Secretarie, and a fa­mous Poet, leaning vpon his elbow at a Tables end fast asleepe, shee stooping downe, and openly kissing him, said; We must honour with our kisse, the mouth from whence so many sweete verses and golden Poems haue proceeded.

But some may aske me, How it falleth out, that Poets now adaies are of no such esteeme, as they haue beene in former times? I answere, because vertue in our decli­ning and worser daies, generally findeth no regard: Or rather more truly with Aretin [...] (being demaunded why Princes were not so liberall to Poesie, and other good Arts, as in former times) Because their conscience telleth them, how vnworthy they are of the praises giuen them by Poets; as for other Arts, they make no account of that they know not.

But since we are heere (hauing before ouer-runne the Champaigne and large field of Historie) let vs a while rest our selues in the garden of the Muses, and admire the bountie of heauen, in the seuerall beauties of so many diuine and fertile wits.

We must beginne with the King of Latin [...] Poets, whom Nature hath reared beyond imitation, and who aboue all other onely, deserueth the name of a Poet; I meane Vir­gil. In him you shall at once finde (not else-where) that Prudence, Prudence. Efficacie, Varietie, and Sweetnesse, which Scali­ger requireth in a Poet, and maketh his prime vertues. Vnder Prudence is comprehended out of generall lear­ning and iudgement, that discreete, apt suting and dis­posing, [Page 83] as well of Actions as Words in their due place, time and manner; which in Virgil is not obserued by one among twentie of our ordinary Grammarians, Who (to vse the words of the Prince of learning hereupon) onely in shallow and small Boates, In Poetie. lib. 3. qui & Idea, ca. 25. glide ouer the face of the Vir­gilian Sea. How diuinely, according to the Platonickes, doth he discourse of the Soule? how properly of the Na­ture, number of winds, seasons of the yeare, qualities of Beasts, Nature of Hearbs? What in-sight into ancient Chronologie and Historie? In briefe, what not worthy the knowledge of a diuine wit? To make his Aentas a man of extraordinary aspect, and comlinesse of personage, he makes Venus both his mother and Ladie of his Horoscope. And forasmuch as griefe and perpetuall care, are insepa­rable companions of all great and noble atchieuements, he giues him Achates quasi [...], his faithfull compa­nion? What immooued constancy, when no teares or en­treaty of Eliza could cause him stay? What Piety, Pitty, Fortitude, beyond his companions. See how the Diuine Poet gaue him leaue to be wounded, lest his valour in so many skirmishes might bee questioned, and that a farre off, not at hand, that rather it might be imputed to his Fortune, then his rashnesse or weaknesse; then by one who could not be knowne, to giue the enemie occasion rather of feare, then of challenging the glorie. And whereas he bringeth in Camilla, a couragious Lady, and inuincible at the Swords point in encountring other; yet he neuer bringeth her to try her valour with Aeneas. Aeneid, 11. A­gaine, that Tarchon and she might shew their braue deeds he makes Aeneas absent: as also when Turnus so reso­lutely brake into his Tents. Lastly, what excellent iudg­ment sheweth he in appropriating the accidents and Hi­stories of his owne times, to those of the ancient, as where he bringeth in Venulus plucked by force from his Horse, and carried away with full speed? The like Caesar confesseth to haue happened to himselfe. Aene as with his [Page 84] right arme naked, commaunds his Souldiers to abstaine frō slaughter. The like did Caesar at the battaile of Pharsa­lie, Par [...]ise ciuibus. and with the same words. But thus much out of the heape and most iudicious obseruations of the most lear­ned Scaliger.

Efficacie is a power of speech, which representeth a thing after an excellent manner, neither by bare words onely, but by presenting to our minds the liuely Idea's or formes of things so truly, as if wee saw them with our eyes; as the places in Hell, the fierie Arrow of Acesta, the description of Fame, the flame about the Temples of Ascanius: but of actions more open, and with greater Spirit, Aneid. 4. as in that passage and passion of Dido, preparing to kill herselfe.

At trepida & coeptis immanibus effera Dido,
Sanguineam voluens ac [...]em, m [...]ulis (que) trementes
Interfusa genas, & pallida marte futura,
Interior a domus irrumpit limin [...], & altos
Conscendit furibunda rogos, ensem (que) recludie
Dardanium, &c.

Which for my English Readers sake, I haue after my manner translated, though assured all the translations in the world must come short of the sweetnesse and Maiesty of the Latine.

But she amazd and fierce by cruell plots,
Rouling about her bloody eye, her cheekes
All-trembling and arising, full of spots,
And pale with death at hand, perforce she breakes
Into the in-most roomes.—
Enraged then she climbes the loftie pile,
And out of sheath the Dardane sword doth draw:
Ne're for such end ordained; when a while
The Troian garments, and knowne couch she saw,
[Page 85]With trickling teares her selfe thereon she cast,
And hauing paus'd a little, spake her last.
Sweete spoiles, while Fates and Heauens did permit,
Receiue this soule, and rid me of my cares;
What race my Fortune gaue I finish'd it, &c.

Moreouer, that liuely combat betweene Nisus and Volscens, with many other of most excellent life.

A sweete Sweetnesse. verse is that, which like a dish with a delicate Sauce, inuites the Reader to taste euen against his will; the contrarie is harshnesse: hereof I giue you an example in the description of young Pallas (whom imagine you see laid forth newly slaine vpon a Biere of Crabtree and Oken rods, couered with Straw, and arched ouer with greene boughes) then which no Nectar can be more de­licious.

Qualem virgine [...] demessum pollice florem,
Aeneid. 11.
Seu mollis viola, seu languent is Hyacinthi,
Cui nec sulger adhuc, nec dum sua ferma r [...]cessit,
Non iam mater alit tellus vires (que) ministrat, &c.
Euen as the Flower by Maidens finger mowne,
Of th'drooping Hy'cinth, or soft Violet,
Whose beautie's fading, yet not fully gone;
Now mother Earth no more doth nourish it, &c.

The like of faire Eurialus breathing his last.

Purpureus veluti cum flos succisus aratro,
Aeneid. 9.
Languescit moriens, lassove papauera collo
Demisere caput, pluvia cum fortè gravantur.
Looke how the purple Flower, which the Plow
Hath shorne in sunder, languishing doth die;
Or Poppies downe their wearie neckes do bow,
And hang the head, with raine when laden lie, &c.

[Page 86]This kind, [...] Plutarch tearmeth Flowery, as hauing in it a beautie and sweete grace to delight, as a Flower.

Varistie, is various, and the rules of it so difficult, that to define or describe it, were as to draw one picture which should resemble all the faces in the world, chan­ging it selfe like Pr [...]tens into all shapes: which our Di­uine Poet so much, and with such excellent art affecteth, that seldome or neuer he vttereth words, or describeth actions spoken or done after the same manner, though they be in effect the same; yea, though the conclusion of all the Bookes of his Aeneides bee Tragicall, saue the first; yet are they so tempered and disposed with such varietie of accidents, that they bring admiration to the most diuine iudgements: among them all not one like another, Pale Scal. lib. 3. P [...]c [...] cap. 27. saue the ends of Turnus and Mezentius. What varietie in his battailes, assailing the enemies Campe, be­sieging Cities, broyles among the common people, set battailes in fields, aides of horse and foot? &c. Neuer the same wounds, but giuen with diuers weapons, as heere one is wounded or slaine with a peece of a Rock, a Flint, Fire-brand, Club, Halberd, Long pole: there another with a drinking Boule or Pot, a Rudder, Dart, Arrow, Lance, Sword, Phalari [...]a. Bals of Wildfire, &c. In diuers places, as the throat, head, thigh, breast, hip, hand, knee, before, behind, on the side, standing, lying, running, flying, tal­king, sleeping, crying out, entreating. Of place, as in the field, in the Tents, at Sacrifice, vpon the guard, in the day time, in the night. To proceede further, were to translate Virgil himselfe; therefore hitherto of varietie. I forbeare his most liuely descriptions of persons, times, places, and manner; his most sweete and proper Simili­tudes, as where he resembleth Aeneas, who could not be mooued by any entreatie or teares of Dido, or her Sister Anna, to a stubborne Oake after this manner.

At veluti annosam valido cum robore quercum,
Alpini Borea nunc hinc,
Aeneid. 4.
nunc flatibus illinc,
[Page 87]Eruere inter so certant; it strider, & altè
Consternunt terram concusso stipite frendes, &c.
As when the Alpine winds with each contend,
Now this, now that way, with their furious might,
Some aged Oake vp by the rootes to rend,
Lowd whistling's heard, the earth bestrewed quite
(The body reeling) all about with leaues:
While it stands firme, and irremoued cleaues
Vnto the Rocke; for looke how high it heaues
The loftie head to heauen-ward, so low
The stubborne roote doth downe to hell-ward grow.

Againe, that elegant comparison of Ar [...]ns (hauing cowardly slaine the braue Ladie Camilla, and retired himselfe for feare [...] into the body of the Armie) to a Wolfe that had done a mischiefe, and durst not shew his head.

At velut ille prius que [...]tela inimica sequantur,
Aeneid. 11.
Continuò in montes sese anius abdidit altos
Occiso pastore Lupus, magnove iuvenco
Conscius audacis facti, caudam (que) remulcens
Subiecit pauit antem vtero, sylvas (que) petiuit, &c.
And as a Wolfe that hath the Shepheard slaine,
Or some great beast, before the Countrey rise,
Knowing him guiltie, through by-waies amaine
Hath got the Mountaines, lee [...]ing where he lies,
Or clapt his taile betwixt his legges, in feare
Tane the next Coppise, till the Coast be cleare.

After Virgil, I bring you Ouid, Ouid. as well because they li­ued in one time, (yet Ouid confesseth he saw Virgil Virgilium [...] v [...]di. but once in all his life) as that he deserueth to be second in imitation, for the sweetnesse and smooth current of his stile, euery where seasoned with profound and antique [Page 88] learning: among his Workes, his Epistles are most wor­thy your reading, being his neatest peece, euery where embellished with excellent and wise Sentences; the num­bers smoothly falling in, and borrowing their lustre and beautie from imitation of natiue and antique Simpli­citie: that of Acontius is somewhat too wanton; those three, of Vlysses, Demophoon, and Paris to O [...]none, are sus­pected for the weaknesse of conceit, in regard of the o­ther, to be none of Ouids.

Concerning his bookes, Amorum and de Arte amandi, the wit with the truly ingenuous and learned will beare out the wantonnesse: for with the weeds there are deli­cate flowers in those walkes of Venus. For the Argument of his Metamorphosis, he is beholden to Parthenius, and diuers others, and those who long before wrote of the same subiect.

About the yeare 1581. when the King of Poland made warre in Moscouia, Vide Surium, in Commentari [...] retum in orbe gestarum. certaine Polonian Embassadours tra­uailing into the in-most places of Moscouia, as farre as Podolia and Kiouia: Anne 1581. fol. 1026. they passed the great Riuer Borist­henes, hauing in their company a certaine young Gen­tleman, very well seene in the Latine, Greeke, and He­brew tongues; withall, an excellent Poet and Historian: he perswaded the Polonians to well horse themselues, and ride with him a little further; for he would (said he) thew them Ouids Sepulcher; which they did: and when they were gone six daies iourney beyond Boristhenes, through most vaste and desolate places, at last they came into a most sweete and pleasant valley, wherein was a cleere running Fountaine, about which the grasse growing very thicke and high, with their Swords and Fauchions they cut it downe, till at last they found a Stone, Chest, or Coffin, couered ouer with stickes and shrubs, whereon, it being rubbed and cleansed from Mosse and filth, they read Ouids Epitaph, which was this:

[Page 89]
Hîc situs est vates, quem Diui Caesaris ira
Augusti, Latia cedere iussit hume:
Sapè miser voluit Patrijs occumbere terris,
Sed frustrà: hunc illi fata dedere locum.

This his Sepulcher (saith mine Authour) remaineth vpon the borders of Greece, neere to the Euxine Sea, and is yet to be seene.

Of Lyricke Poets, as well Greeke as Latine, hold Ho­race Horace. in highest account, as the most acute and artificiall of them all, hauing attained to such height, that to the dis­creete iudgement, he hath cut off all hope of equalizing him: his Stile is elegant, pure and sinewie, with most wit­tie and choice sentences, neither humili contentus Stylo (as Quintilian saith of him) sed grandil [...]quo & sublimi. Yea and if we beleeue Scaliger, more accurate and sententi­ous then Pindar. His Odes are of most sweete and plea­sant inuention, beyond all reprehension, euery where il­lustred with sundrie and rare figures, and ve [...]ses so sluent, that the same Scaliger Scaliger Poet. lib. 6. protesteth he had rather be a com­poser of the like, then be King of whole Arragon. In his Satyres he is quicke, round and pleasant, Totius T [...]a­co [...]usis Rex. and as nothing so bitter, so not so good as Iuvenal: his Epistles are neare; his Poetica his worst peece, for while he teacheth the Art, he goeth vnartificially to worke, euen in the verie beginning.

Iuvenal of Satyrists is the best, Iuvenal. for his Satyres are far better then those of Horace, and though he be sententi­ously tart, yet is his phrase cleare and open.

Persius, Persius. I know not why we should so much affect him, since with his obscuritie hee laboureth not to affect vs; yet in our learned age he is now discouered to euery Schoole-boie: his stile is broken, froward, vnpleasing and ha [...]sh.

In Martial Martial. you shall see a diuine wit, with a flowing puritie of the Latine tongue, a true Epigrammatist: his [Page 90] verse is cleare, full, and absolute good, some few too wan­ton and licentious, being winked at.

Lucane Lucane. breathes with a great spirit, wherefore some of our shallow Grammarians, haue attempted to equall him with Virgil: but his errour is, while hee doth ampullare with bigge sounding words, and a conceipt vnbounded, furious and ranging, and cannot with Virgil containe himselfe within that sweete, humble and vnaffected mo­deration; he incurreth a secret enuie and ridiculous con­tempt, which a moderate and well tempered style auoi­deth.

Seneca, Seneca. for Maiestie and state yeeldeth not to any of the Grecians whosoeuer, Cultu & ni [...]ore, to vse Scaligers words, farre excelling Euripides: and albeit he borrowed the Argument of his Tragaedies from the Graecians, yet the Spirit, loftinesse of sound, and Maiestie of stile is meerely his owne.

Claudian, Claudian, Ignobili subie­cte oppressus. Statius. is an excellent and sweete Poet, onely ouer­borne by the meannesse of his subiect, but what wanted to his matter he supplied by his wit and happie inuen­tion.

Statius is a smooth and a sweete Poet, comming nee­rest of any other to the state and Maiestie of Virgils verse, and Virgil onely excepted, is the Prince of Poets aswell Greekes as Latine; for he is more slowery in fi­gures, and writeth better lines then Homer. Of his works his Sylue are the best.

Propertius Propertius. is an easie cleare and true Elegiacke, fol­lowing the tract of none saue his owne inuention.

Among Comicke Poets, how much antiquitie attributed to Plautus Plautus. for his pleasant veine (to whom Volcatius gi­ueth the place next to Cacilius, and Varro would make the mouth of Muses) so much doe our times yeeld to Te­rence, Terence. for the puritie of his stile: wherefore Scaliger wil­leth vs to admire Plautus as a Comoedian, but Terence as a pure and elegant speaker.

[Page 91]Thus haue I in briefe, comprised for your behoofe, the large censure of the best of Latine Poets, as it is co­piously deliuered by the Prince of all learning and Iudge of iudgements, the diuine Iul. Cas. Scaliger. But while we looke backe to antiquitie, let vs not forget our later and moderne times (as imagining nature hath hereto­fore extracted her quintessence, and lest vs the dregges) which produce as fertile wits, as perhaps the other, yea and in our Brittaine.

Of Latine Poets of our times in the iudgement of Be­za and the best learned, Buchanan Buchanan. is esteemed the cheife: who albeit in his person, behauiour, and fashion, he was rough hewen, slouenly and rude, seldome caring for a better out side then a Rugge-gowne girt close about him, yet his inside and conceipt in Poesie was most rich, and his sweetnesse, and facilitie in a verse, vnimitably excel­lent, as appeareth by that Master peece his Psalmes; as farre beyond those of B. Rhenanus, as the Stanza's of Pe­trarch the times of Skelton: Iul. Cas. Scali­ger. but deseruing more applause (in my opinion) if hee had fallen vpon another subiect; for I say with one, Mihi spiritus diuinus eiusmod [...] places quo scipsum ingessit a Patre, & illorū piget qui Dauid Psalmos suis calamistris inustos sperarant efficere plausibiliores. And certaine in that boundlesse field of Poeticall inuention, it cannot be auoided, but something must be distorted beside the intent of the Diuine enditer.

His Tragedies are loftie, the stile pure, his Epigrams not to be mended, saue heere and there (according to his Genius) too broad and bitter.

But let vs looke behinde vs, and wee shall finde one English-bred (whose glorie and worth, although Cineri suppôsta doloso) is inferiour neither to Buchanan, Ioseph of Exe­ter. or any of the ancients, and so much the more to be valued, by how much the brighter he appeared out of the fogges of Barbarisme and ignorance in his time; that is, Ioseph of Exeter, who liued vnder Henrie the 2. and Richard [Page 92] the first, who wrote that singular and stately Poeme of the Troian warre, after the Historie of Dares Phrygius, which the Germanes haue printed vnder the name of Cornelius Nepos. He died at Bourdeaux in France, where he was Archbishop, where his monument is yet to bee seene.

After him (all that long tract of ignorance, vntill the daies of Henrie the 8. (which time Erasmus calleth, the Golden Age of learning, in regard of so many famously learned men, it produced more then euer heretofore) flourished Sir Thomas More, Sir Thomas More. sometime Lord Chancellor of England: a man of most rich and pleasant inuention: his verse fluent, nothing harsh, constrained or obscure; wholly composed of conceipt, and inoffensiue mirth, that he seemeth ad lepôres fuisse natum. How wittily doth hee play vpon the Arch-cuckold Sabinus, scoffe at Frenchified Lalus, and Herney a French cowardly Captaine, beaten at the Sea by our English, and his shippe burned, yet his victorie and valour to the English disgrace, proclaimed by Brixius a Germane Pot-aster? What can be more loftie then his gratulatorie verse to King Henrie vpon his Co­ronation day? more wittie then that Epigramme vpon the name of Nicolaus an ignorant Phisitian, that had beene the death of thousands, and Abyngdons Epitaph? more sweete then that nectar Epistle of his, to his daugh­ters Margaret, Elizabeth, and Cicelie? But as these inge­nious exercises bewraied in him an extraordinary quick­nesse of wit and learning, so his Vtopia his depth of iudg­ment in State-affaires, then which, in the opinion of the most learned Budaus in a preface, before it our age hath not seene a thing more deepe & accurate. In his yonger yeeres, there was euer a friendly and vertuous emulati­on, for the palme of inuention and poesie, betweene William Lillie William Lillie. the author of our Grammer, and him, as appeareth by their seuerall translations of many Greeke Epigrammes, and their inuention tried vpon one subiect; [Page 93] notwithstanding they lou'd and liu'd together as deerest friends. Lillie also was beside, an excellent Latine Poet, a singular Graecian; who after he trauelled all Greece o­uer, and many parts of Europe beside, and liued some foure or fiue yeeres, in the Ile of the Rhodes: he retur­ned home, and by Iohn Collet Deane of Paules, was ele­cted Master of Pauls Schoole, which he had newly foun­ded.

Shortly after, began to grow eminent, aswell for Poe­sie as all other generall learning, Sir Thomas Challoner Sir Thomas Challoner. Knight (father to the truly honest, and sometime louer of all excellent parts, Sir Thomas Challoner, who attended vpon the late Prince) borne in London, brought vp in Cambridge; who hauing left the Vniuer sitie, and followed the Court a good while, went ouer with Sir Henry Knyuet, Embassadour to Charles the fift, as his friend and companion: what time the Emperour being preparing a mightie fleete against the Turkes in Argier, the English Embassadour, Sir Thomas Challoner, Henry Knowles, M. Henry Isam, and others, went in that seruice as volunta­ries with the Emperour. But the Galley wherein Sir Thomas Challoner was, being cast away by foulenesse of weather, after he had laboured by swimming for his life as long as he was able, and the strength of his armes fal­ling him, he caught hold vpon a cable throwne out from another galley, to the losse and breaking of many of his teeth, and by that meanes saued his life. After the death of King Henry the 8. he was in the battaile of Musklebo­rough, and knighted by the Duke of S [...]mmerset. And in the beginning of the raigne of Queene Elizabeth, hee went ouer Embassadour into Spaine, where at his houres of leisure, he compiled ten elegant bookes in Latine vers. de Ropub. Anglorum instauranda; superuised after his death by Malim, and dedicated to the old Lord Burgh­ley, Lord Treasurer. Being sent for home, by her Maie­stie, he shortly after died in London, and was buried in [Page 94] Paules neere to the steppes of the Quire, toward the South-doore, vnder a faire marble; but the brasse and epitaphe written by Doctor Haddon, by sacrilegious hands is since torne away. But the Muse and Eternall Fame haue reared him a monument more lasting and worthy the merit of so excellent a man.

Of English Poets of our owne Nation, esteeme Sir Geoffrey Chaucer Sir Geoffrey Chaucer. the father; although the stile for the an­tiquitie, may distast you, yet as vnder a bitter and rough rinde, there lyeth a delicate kernell of conceit and sweete inuention. What Examples, Similitudes, Times, Places, and aboue all, Persons, with their speeches, and attri­butes, doe as in his Canterburie-tales (like these threds of gold, the rich Arras) beautifie his worke quite tho­rough? And albeit diuers of his workes, are but meerely translations out of Latine and French, yet he hath hand­led them so artificially, that thereby he hath made them his owne, as his Troilus and Cresseid. The Romant of the Rose, was the Inuention of Ithan de Mehunes, a French Poet, whereof he translated but onely the one halfe: his Canterburie-tales without question were his owne inuen­tion, all circumstances being wholly English. Hee was a good Diuine, and saw in those times, without his spe­ctacles, as may appeare by the Plough-man, and the Par­sons tale: withall an excellent Mathematician, as plainly appeareth by his discourse of the Astrolabe to his little sonne Lewes. In briefe, account him among the best of your English bookes in your librarie.

Gower Gower. being very gracious with King Henrie the 4. in his time carried the name of the onely Poet, but his verses to say truth, were poore and plaine, yet full of good and graue Moralitie: but while he affected altoge­ther the French phrase and words, made himself too ob­scure to his Reader; beside his inuention commeth farre short of the promise of his Titles. He published onely (that I know of) three bookes, which at S. Marie Oueries [Page 95] in Southwarke vpon his monument lately repaired by some good Benefactor, lie vnder his head; which are, Vox clamantie, Speculum Meditantis, and Confessio Amantis. He was a Knight, as also was Chaucer.

After him succeeded Lydgate, Lydgate. a Monke of Burie, who wrote that bitter Satyre of Peirs Plow-man. He spent most part of his time in translating the workes of others, hauing no great inuention of his owne. He wrote for those times a tollerable and smooth verse.

Then followed Harding, Harding, Skel­ton. and after him Skelton, a Poet Laureate, for what desert I could neuer heare; if you de­sire to see his veine and learning, an Epitaph vpon King Henry the seauenth, at West-minster will discouer it.

In the latter end of King Henrie Henrie Batle of Surrey. the 8. for their ex­cellent facultie in Poesie were famous, the right noble Henrie Earle of Surrey (whose Songs and Sonnets yet extant, are of sweete conceipt:) and the learned, but vn­fortunate, Sir Thomas Wyat. Sir Thomas Wyat.

In the time of Edward the sixth liued Sternhold, whom King Henry his father, a little before had made groome of his Chamber, for turning certaine of Dauids Psalmes into verse: and merrie Iohn Heywood, North­mimmes in Herford-shire neere to S. Albanes. who wrote his Epigrammes, as also Sir Thomas More his Vtopia, in the parish wherein I was borne; where either of them dwelt, and had faire possessions.

About Queene Maries time, flourished Doctor Phaer who in part translated Virgils Aeneids, after finished by Arthur Golding.

In the time of our late Queene Elizabeth, which was truly a golden Age (for such a world of refined wits, and excellent spirits it produced, whose like are hardly to be hoped for, in any succeeding Age) aboue others, who ho­noured Poesie with their pennes and practise (to omit her Maiestie, who had a singular gift herein) were Ed­ward Earle of Oxford, the Lord Buckhurst, Henry Lord Paget; our Phoenix, the noble Sir Philip Sidney, M. Edward [Page 96] Dyer, M. Edmund Spencer, M. Samuel Daniel, with sun­dry others; whom (together with those admirable wits, yet liuing, and so well knowne) not out of Enuie, but to auoide tediousnesse I ouerpasse. Thus much of Poetrie.

Of Musicke.

MVsicke a sister to Poetrie, next craueth your ac­quaintance (if your Genius be so disposed.) I know there are many, who are adeo [...], and of such disproportioned spirits, that they auoide her companie; as a great Cardinall in Rome, did Roses at their first com­ming in, that to auoide their sent, he built him an house in the champaigne farre from any towne: or as with a Rose not long since, a great Ladies cheeke in England, their eares are readie to blister at the tendrest touch thereof. I dare not passe so rash a censure of these as Pindar doth, or the Italian, hauing fitted a prouerbe to the same ef­fect, Whom God loues not, that man loues not Musicke: but I am verily perswaded, they are by nature very ill dispo­sed, and of such a brutish stupiditie, that scarce any thing else that is good and sauoureth of vertue, is to be found in them. Neuer wise man (I thinke) questioned the law­full vse hereof, since it is an immediate gift of heauen, bestowed on man, whereby to praise and magnifie his Creator; to solace him in the midst of so many sorrowes and cares, wherewith life is hourely beset: Deut. 32. and that by song, as by letters, the memorie of Doctrine, and the benefits of God might be for euer preserued (as we are taught by the Song of Moses, and those diuine Psalmes of the sweete singer of Israel, who with his It was an in­strumēt three square, of 72. strings, of in­comparable sweetnesse. Psalterie so lowdly resounded the Mysteries and innumerable bene­fits [Page 97] of the Almightie Creator,) and the seruice of God aduanced, as we may finde in 2. Samuel 6. vers. 5. Psalme 33. 21. 43. and 4. 108. 3. and in sundrie other places of Scripture, which for breuitie I omit.

But, say our Sectaries, the seruice of God is nothing aduanced by singing and instruments, as we vse it in our Cathedrall Churches, that is, by Answering one another in the Quire. Antiphonie, Restes, Re­petitions, Varietis of Moodes and Proportions with the like.

For the first, that it is not contrary, but consonant to the word of God, so in singing to answer either: the practise of M [...]riam the Prophete [...]se, and Sister of Mo­ses, when she answered the men in her song, will approue; For repetition, nothing was more vsuall in the singing of the Leuites, and among the Psalmes of Dauid, the 136. is wholly compounded of those two most gracefull and [...] figures of repetition, Symploce and Anaphora.

For Resting and Proportions, the nature of the Hebrew verse, as the meanest Hebrician knoweth, consisting ma­ny times of vneuen feete, going sometime in this num­ber, sometimes in that; one while (as S. Hierome saith) in the numbers of Sappho; another while of Alcaus, doth of neoessitie require it: and wherein doth our pra­ctise of singing and playing with Instruments in his Maiesties Chappell, and our Cathedrall Churches, differ from the practise of Dauid; the Priests and Leuites. Chron. 2. ca. 5. ver. 12. and 13. Doe we not make one sound in praising and thanking God, with voyces and instruments of all sorts. D [...]e (as S. Hierome saith) reboet laquear [...]empli: the roofe of the Church ecchoeth againe, and which lest they should cauill at as a Iewish Ceremonie, we know to haue beene practised in the ancient puritie of the Church; but we returne where we left.

The Physitians will tell you, that the exercise of Mu­sicke is a great lengthner of the life, by stirring and reui­uing of the Spiri [...]s, holding a secret sympathy with them; [Page 98] Besides, the exercise of singing, openeth the breast and pipes; it is an enemy to melancholy and deiection of the mind, I [...] lib. de A [...] ­gore animi. which S. Chrysostome truly calleth, The Deuils Bath. Yea, a curer of some diseases: in Apugli [...], in Italy, and therea bouts, it is most certaine, that those who are stung with the Taramula, are cured onely by Musicke. Beside, the aforesaid benefit of singing, it is a most rea­dy helpe for a bad pronunciation, and distinct speaking, which I haue heard confirmed by many great Diuines: yea, I my selfe haue knowne many Children to haue bin holpen of their stammering in speech, onely by it.

Plato calleth it, [...] A diuine and heauenly practise, profita­ble for the seeking out of that which is good and honest.

Homer saith, Musitians are worthy of Honor, and re­gard of the whole world; [...] Odyll. 8. and we know, alb [...]it Ly [...]urgu [...] imposed most streight and sharpe Lawes vpon the Lace­daem [...]ni [...]ns, yet he euer allowed them the exercise of Mu­sicke.

Aristotle Arist. Politic. auerreth Musicke to be the onely disposer of the mind to Vertue and Goodnesse; wherefore he rec­koneth it among those foure principall exercises, where­in he would haue children instructed.

Tulli [...] saith, there consisteth in the practise of singing, and playing vpon Instruments, great knowledge, and the most excellent instruction of the mind: and for the effect it worketh in the mind, he termeth it, Sta [...]ilem, Thesau­rum, Cicero T [...]sc. quast. lib. 1. qui moros instituit, componi [...] (que), ac mo [...]tit [...]rarum ardo­res, &c. A lasting Treasure, which rectifieth and ordereth our manners, and allayeth the heate and furie of our an­ger, &c.

I might runne into an infinite Sea of the praise and vse of so excellent an Art, but I onely shew it you with the finger, because I desire not that any Noble or Gen­tleman should (saue his priuate recreation at leasurable houres) prooue a Master in the same, or neglect his more weightie imployments: though I auouch it a skill [Page 99] worthy the knowledge and exercise of the greatest Prince.

King Henrie the eight could not onely sing his part sure, but of himselfe compose a Seruice of foure, fiue, and sixe parts; as Erasmus in a certaine Epistle, Erasm. in Far­ragine Epist. testifieth of his owne knowledge.

The Duke of Venosa, D. of Venosa an Italian Prince, in like manner, of late yeares, hath giuen excellent proofe of his know­ledge and loue to Musicke, hauing himselfe composed many rare songs, which I haue seene.

But aboue others, who carryeth away the Palme for excellency, The iust praise of Maurice Lan [...]graue of Hessen. not onely in Musicke, but in whatsoeuer is to be wished in a braue Prince, is the yet liuing Maurice Landgraue of Hessen, of whose owne composition I haue seene eight or ten seuerall sets of Morets, and solemne Musicke, set purposely for his owne Chappell; where for the greater honour of some Festiuall, and many times for his recreation onely, he is his own Organist. Besides, he readily speaketh [...]en or twelue seueral languages: he is so vniuersall a Scholler, that comming (as he doth often) to his Vniuersitie of Marpurge, what questions soeuer he meeteth with set vp, (as the manner is in the Germane and our Vniuersities) hee will Extempore, dispute an houre or two (euen in Bootes and Spurres) vpon them, with their best Professors. I passe ouer his rare skill in Chirurgeri [...], he being generally accounted the best Bone­setter in the Country. Who haue seene his estate, his hos­pitalitie, his rich furnished Armorie, his braue Stable of great Horses, his [...]tesie to all strangers, being men of Qualitie and good parts, let them speake the rest.

But since the naturall inclination of some men, dri­ueth them (as it were) perforce to the top of Excellen­cie: examples of this kind are very rare, yea great per­sonages many times are more violently carried, then might well stand with their Honours, and necessitie of their affaires: yet were it to these honest and commen­dable [Page 100] exercises sauouring of vertue, it were well: but many neglecting their duties and places, will addict themselues wholly to trifles, and the most ridiculous and childish practises. [...]. As Eropus King of Macedonia, tooke pleasure only in making of Candles: Domitian, his recre­ation was to catch & kill flyes, and could not be spoken with many times in so serious employment. [...]. P [...]olomans Philadelphus was an excellent Smith and a Basket maker. Alphonso Atestino Duke of Ferra [...]ra, delighted himselfe onely in turning and playing the Ioyner. Rodolph the late Emperour in setting of Stones, and making Watches. Which, and the like, much eclipse State and Maiestie, bringing familiaritie, and by consequence contempt with the meanest.

I desire no more in you then to sing your part sure, and at the first sight, withall, to play the same vpon your Violl, or the exercise of the Lute, priuately to your selfe.

To deliuer you my opinion, whom among other Au­thors you should imitate and allow for the best, there be­ing so many equally good, is somewhat difficult; yet as in the rest herein you shall haue my opinion.

For Mo [...]s, and Musicke of pietie and deuotion, as well for the honour of our Nation, as the merit of the man, I preferre aboue all other our Phoenix, M. William Byrd, M. William [...]yrd. whom in that kind, I know not whether any may equall. I am sure, none excell, euen by the iudgement of France and Italy, who are very sparing in the com­mendation of strangers, in regard of that conceipt they hold of themselues. His Cantiones [...], as also his Gra­dualia, are meere Angelicall and Diuine; and being of himselfe naturally disposed to Grauitie and Pietie, his veine is not so much for light Madrigals of Canzonets, yet his Virginella, and some others in his first set, cannot be mended by the best Italian of them all.

For composition, I preferre next Ludouico de Victoria, Ludouice de Victoria. a most iudicious and a sweete Composer: after him [Page 101] Orlando di Lasso, a very rare and excellent Author, who liued some forty yeares since in the Court of the Duke of Baueir. He hath published as well in Latine as French many sets, his veine is graue and sweete: among his La­tine Songs, his seuen poenitentiall Psalmes are the best, and that French Set of his wherein is Susanna vn jour. Vpon which Dittie many others haue since exercised their inuention.

For delicious Aire and sweete Inuention in Madrigals, Luca Mar [...]zio Luca Mar [...]nzio. excelleth all other whosoeuer, hauing published more Sets then any Authour else whosoeuer; and to say truth, hath not an ill Song, though sometime an ouer-sight (which might be the Printers fault) of two eights, or fifts escape him; as betweene the Tenor and Base in the last close, of, I must depart all haplesse: ending according to the nature of the Dittie most artificially, with a Minim rest. His first, second, and third parts of Thyrsis, Veggo dolca [...] ben chi fa hoggi mio Sole Can­tava, or sweete singing Amaryllie, are Songs, the Muses themselues might not haue beene ashamed to haue had composed. Of stature and complexion, hee was a little and blacke man: he was Organist in the Popes Chappell at Rome a good while, afterward hee went into Poland, being in displeasure with the Pope for ouermuch famili­aritie with a kinswoman of his, (whom the Queene of Poland, sent for by Luca Marenzio afterward, she being one of the rarest women in Europe, for her voyce and the Lute:) but returning, he found the affection of the Pope so estranged from him, that hereupon hee tooke a con­ceipt and died.

Alphouse Ferabosco the father, while he liued, Horatio [...]. for iudg­ment and depth of skill, (as also his sonne yet liuing) was inferior vnto none: what he did was most elaborate and profound, and pleasing enough in Aire, though Ma­ster Thomas Morley censureth him otherwise. That of his, I saw my Ladie weeping, and the Nightingale (vpon [Page 102] which Dittie Master Bird and he in a friendly aemulation, exercised their inuention) cannot be bettered for sweet­nesse of Aire, or depth of iudgement.

I bring you now mine owne Master, Horatio Vecchi Horatio Vecchi. of Modena; beside goodnesse of Aire most pleasing of all other for his conceipt and varietie, wherewith all his workes are singularly beautified, as well his Madri­gals of fiue and sixe, as those his Canzonets, printed at Norimberge: wherein for tryall, sing his Viuo in fuoco amoroso Lucretia mia, where vpon I [...] catenat [...] more, with excellent iudgement, hee driueth a Crotchet thorough many Minims, causing it to resemble a chaine with the Linkes. Againe, in S [...]is potessi raccor'i m [...]i Sospiri, the breaking of the word Sospiri with Crotchet & Crotchet, rest into sighes: and that, fa mi vn Canzon [...], &c. To make one sleepe at noone, with sundry other of like conceipt, and pleasant inuention.

Then that great Master, Giou [...] Croce and Master not long since of S. Markes Chappell in Venice; second to none, for a full, loftie, and sprightly veine, following none saue his owne humour: who while he liued, was one of the most free and braue companions of the world. His Poenitentiall Psalmes are excellently composed, and for pietie are his best.

Nor must I here forget our rare Countrey-man, Peter Phillips, Peter Phillips. Organist to their Altezza's at Bruxels, now one of the greatest Masters of Musicke in Europe. He hath sent vs ouer many excellent Songs, as well Motets as Madrigals: he affecteth altogether the Italian veine.

There are many other Authors very excellent, as Bos­chett [...], Boschett [...] his Motets of 8. parts, printed in Rome 1594. and Clandie de Monte Verde, equall to any before named; Gimmoni Ferreti, Stephano Felis, Giulis Rinaldi, Phillipe de Monte, Andrea Gabrieli, Cyprian de Rore, Pal­laui ceno, [...], with others yet liuing; whose seue­rall workes for me here to examine, would be ouer tedi­ous and needlesse; and for me, please your owne eare and [Page 103] fancie. Those whom I haue before mentioned, haue bene euer (within these thirtie or fortie yeares) held for the best.

I willingly, to auoide tediousnesse, forbeare to speake of the worth and excellency of the rest of our English Composers, Master Doctor Douland, Tho: Morley, M. Alphonso, M. Wilbie, M. Kirbie, M. Wilkes, Michael East, M. Bateson, M. Deering, with sundry others, inferior to none in the world (how much soeuer the Italian attri­butes to himselfe) for depth of skill and richnesse of conceipt.

Infinite is the sweete varietie that the Theorique of Musicke exerciseth the mind withall, as the contempla­tion of proportions, of Concords and Discords, diuer­sitie of Moodes and Tones, infinitenesse of Inuention, &c. But I dare affirme, there is no one Science in the world, that so affecteth the free and generous spirit, with a more delightfull and in-offensiue recreation, or better disposeth the minde to what is commendable and ver­tuous.

The Common-wealth of the Cynethenses in Arcadia, Polyb. lib. 4. cap. 7. falling from the delight they formerly had in Musicke, grew into seditious humours and ciuill warres, which Polybius tooke especially note of: and I suppose, heere­upon it was ordained in Arcadia, that euery one should practise Musicke by the space of thirty yeares.

The ancient Gaules in like manner (whom Iulian Iulian Imperat. in Epist. ad Antioch. tear­med barbarous) became most curteous and tractable by the practise of Musicke.

Yea, in my opinion, no Rhetoricke Rhetorique and Musicke their affinitie. more perswadeth, or hath greater power ouer the mind; nay, hath not Mu­sicke her figures, the same which Rhetorique? What is a Reuert but her Antistrophe? her reports, but sweete Ana­phora's? her counterchange of points, Antimetabole's? her passionate Aires but Prosopopoe's? with infinite other of the same nature.

[Page 104]How doth Musicke amaze vs, when assures of discords she maketh the sweetest Harmony? And who can shew vs the reason why two Basons, Bowles, Brasse pots, or the like of the same bignesse; the one being full, the o­ther emptie, The strange effects and properties of Musicall pro­portions. shall, striken, be a iust Diapason in sound one to the either; or that there should bee such sympathy in sounds, that two Lutes of equall size being laid vpon a Table, and tuned Vnison, or alike in the Gamma, G sol re vt, or any other string; the one stricken, the other vn­touched shall answer it?

But to conclude, if all Arts hold their esteeme and va­lue according to their Effects, account this goodly Sci­ence not among the number of those which Lucian pla­ceth without the gates of Hell, as vaine and vnprofita­ble: but of such which are [...], the fountaines of our liues good and happinesse: since it is a principall meanes of glorifying our mercifull Creator, it heigthens our deuotion, it giues delight and ease to our trauailes, it expelleth sadnesse and heauinesse of Spirit, preserueth people in concord and amitie, allaieth fiercenesse and an­ger; and lastly, is the best Phisicke for many melanchol­ly diseases.

CHAP. 12.
Of Drawing, Limning, and Painting: with the liues of the famous Italian Painters.

SInce Aristotle numbreth Graphice generally taken, for whatsoeuer is done with the Pen or Pencill (as writing faire, Drawing, Limning and Painting) a­mongst those his [...], or generous practises of youth in a well gouerned Common-wealth; I am bound [Page 105] also to giue it you in charge for your exercise at leasure, it being a quality most commendable, and so many waies vsefull to a Gentleman. For should you (if necessitie re­quired) be employed for your Countries seruice in fol­lowing the warre, you can describe no plot, manner of fortification, forme of Battaglia, Situation of Towne, Castle, Fort, Hauen, Iland, course of Riuer, passage through Wood, Marish, ouer Rocke, Mountaine, &c. (which a discreete Generall doth not alwayes commit to the eye of another) without the helpe of the same. In all Mathematicall Demonstrations nothing is more required in our trauaile in forraine regions. The manifold vse of pain­ting or l [...] ­ning. It bring­eth home with vs from the farthest pa [...] of the world in our bosomes, whatsoeuer is rare and worthy the obser­vance, as the generall Mappe of the Country, the Ri­uers, harbours, hauens, promontories, &c. within the Landscap, of faire hils, fruitfull vallies: the formes and colours of all fruites, seuerall beauties of their floures, of medicinable Simples neuer before seene or heard of: the orient colours, and liuely pictures of their Birdes, the shape of their beasts, fishes, wormes, flyes, &c. It presents our eyes with the complexion, manner, and their attire. It shewes vs the rites of their Religion, their houses, their weapons, and man­ner of warre. Beside, it preserueth the memory of a dea­rest friend, or fairest Mistresse. And since it is onely the imitation of the surface of nature, by it as in a book [...] of golden and rare-limmed letters, the chiefe ende of it, wee reade a continuall Lecture of the wise­dome of the Almightie Creator, Iob: 9. 16. by beholding euen in the feather of the Peacocke a [...]. miracle, as Aristotle saith.

And that you should not esteeme basely of the practise thereof, let me tell you that in ancient times painting was admitted into the first place among the liberall arts, & throughout all Greece taught only to the children of [Page 106] Noble men in the schooles, and altogether forbidden to be taught to seruants or slaues.

In no lesse honour and esteeme was it held among the Romanes, as we finde in Plinie and many others who euery where advance the professors; and the dignity of the practise thereof nothing base or seruile, since one of the most Noble families in Rome, the Fabij thought themselues much honoured by the addition of that Sir­name Pictor. For the first of that name, although he was most honourably descended, honoured with many Ti­tles, Consulships and Triumphs, excellently learned in the lawes, and beside accounted in the number of the O­rators of his time; yet he thought his skill in painting ad­ded to these Honors, and his memory would heare the better of posteritie, for that he was endued with so excel­lent & quality: for after with his owne hand he had pain­ted the Temple of Salus round about within, and finished his worke, he wrote in faire letters in an eminent place, Quintus Fabius pinxi.

Neither was it the exercise of Nobilitie among the ancients onely, but of late dayes and in our times we see it practised by the greatest princes of Europe, without praeiudice to their Honors. Francis the first, king of France, was very excellent with his pencill; and the vertu­ous Margaret Queene of Navarre beside her excellent veine in Poesie could draw and limne excellently; the like is reported of [...] Duke of Savois. Lomazi [...]e

Nor can I ouerpasse the ingenuitie and excellency of many Noble and Gentlemen of our owne nation herein, of whom I know many; but none in my opinion, who de­serueth more respect and admiration for his skill and practise herein then Master Nathaniel Bacon of Broome in Suffolke (younger sonne to the most Honourable and bountifull minded Sir Nicholas Bacon, Knight, and eldest Barronet,) not inferiour in my iudgement to our skilful­lest Masters. But certainely I know not what fauoura­ble [Page 107] aspect of Heauen that right noble and ancient family, which produceth like delicate fruites from one Stemme so many excellent in seuerall qualities, that no one name or family in England can say the like.

Painting is a quality I loue (I confesse) and admire in others, because euer naturally from a child, I haue beene addicted to the practise hereof; yet when I was young, I haue beene cruelly beaten by ill and ignorant schoole­masters, when I haue beene taking, in white and blacke, the countenance of some one or other (which I could do at thirteene and fourteene yeares of age: beside the mappe of any towne according to Geometricall Propor­tion, as I did of Cambridge when I was of Trinitie Col­ledge, and a Iunior Sophister,) yet could they neuer beate it out of me. I remember one Master I had (and yet li­uing not farre from S. Athanes) took me one time draw­ing out with my pen that peare-tree and boyes throw­ing at it, at the end of the Latine Grammar [...] which he per­ceiuing, in a rage strooke mee with the great end of the rodde, and rent my paper, swearing it was the onely way to teach mee to robbe Orchard as beside, that I was pla­ced with him to bee made a scholler and not a painte [...], which I was very likely to doe; when I well remember he construed vnto me the beginning of the first Ode in Ho­race, Edite, set ye forth, [...], the sportes, atavit R [...] ­gib [...], of our ancient kings; but leauing my ingenious Ma­ster, to our purpose.

For your first beginning and entrance in draught, make your hand as ready as you can (without the helpe of your compasses) in those generall figures of the Circle, o­vall, square, triangle, cylinder, &c. for these are the foun­dation of all other proportions. As for example, your o­vall directs you in giuing a iust proportion to the face. Your Square or Cube for all manner of ground plots, formes of fortification, wherein you haue no vse of the Circle at all. Your Circle againe directs you in all orbi­cular [Page 108] formes whatsoeuer, and so forth of the rest.

Hauing made your hand fit and ready in generall pro­portion, learne to giue all bodies their true shaddowes according to their eminence and concauity, and to heig­then or deepe as your body appeareth neerer or farther from the light; which is a matter of great iudgment, and indeede the soule (as I may say) of a picture.

Then learne all manner of draperie, that is, to giue garments and all manner of stuffes, as cloth, silke, and linnen their naturall and proper soldes; which at the first will seeme strange and difficult vnto you, but by imita­ting the choisest printes and peeces of the most iudicious masters, with your owne obseruance you will very easily attaine the skill. But since I haue already published a booke of Drawing and Limming; wherein I haue discoue­red whatsoeuer I haue thought necessa [...]ie to perfection herein, I will referre you for farther instruction to it, and onely here giue you the principall Authors for your Imitation.

Since, as I said, proportion is the principall and chiefe thing you are first to learne, I commend vnto you that Prince of Painters and Graund-master Albert Durer, Alber [...]. Durer. who beside that his peeces for proportion and draperie are the best that are, hee hath written a very learned booke of Symmetrie and proportions, which hath beene since translated out of high Dutch into Latine. And though his peeces haue beene long since worne out of presse, yet you may happen vpon them among our skil­full painters, which if you can get reasonably keep them as iewels, since I beleeue you shall neuer see their like: they seeme old, and commonly are marked with a great D in an A.

For a bold touch, [...]ub Gol [...]ius. varietie of posture, curious and true shaddow: imitate Goliziu [...], his printes are commonly to be had in Popes head alley. Himselfe was liuing at my last being in the low Countries at Harl [...]; but by reason of [Page 109] the losse of one of his eyes, he hath giuen ouer a Hinge in copper, and altogether exerciseth his pencill in oyle.

The peeces of Michael Angelo Michael An­gelo. are rare and very hard to be comeby. Himselfe liued in Rome, and was while hee liued esteemed the best painter in Europe, as verily it seemeth by that his famous peece, of the last iudg­ment in the Popes Chappell, being accounted one of the best in the world.

Hans Holben Ha [...]ns Holben. was likewise an excellent Master, hee li­ued in the time of King Henry the eight, and was emploi­ed by him against the comming of the Emperor Charles the 5. into England. He painted the Chappell at white Hall, and S. Iames Ioseph of Ari­mathia, Laza­rus rising from the dead, &c. were his. I haue seene many peeces of his in oile, and once of his owne draught with a penne a most curious chimney-peece K. Henry had bespoke for his new built pallace at Bridewell.

Of later times and in our age the workes of Shadan, Witrix, Ioan. Sha [...], Witrix. and my honest louing friend Crispin de Pas Crispin de Pas [...]e of V­trecht are of most price; these cut to the life, a thing pra­ctised but of late yeares: their pieces will best instruct you in the countenance, for the naturall and [...] dowes therof, the cast and forme of the eie, the touch of the mouth, the true fall, turning & curling of the haire, for ruffes, Armour, &c.

When you are somewhat ready in your draught (for which you must prouide pens made of rauens quils, black lead, dry pencils made of what color you please by grin­ding it with strong wort, & then rowling it vp pencilwise and so let it dry) get my booke, entituled the Gentlemans Exercise, which will teach you the vse and ordering of all manner of colours for limning, as how to make any one colour what you please by the composition of many, as a scarlet, carnation, flame colour, all manner of greenes for leaues or banckes, purples for the breake of the morning, the violet, the hyacinth, &c. all manner of changeable co­lors in garments of silke; brownes & blackes for haire co­lours, the colours of barks of trees, the sea, foūtains, rocks, flesh colours or carnations for the face & complexiō, with the manner of preparing your card, & inbriefe whatsoe­uer [Page 100] is needfull to be knowne of a practitioner. Now ha­uing your colors in their shels finely ground and washed, and varietie of pencills great and small, beginne first to wash ouer some plaine printes, then after to imitate to the life (according vnto my directions in that booke:) wherein by degrees you will take incredible delight, and furnish your conceipts and deuices of Emblems, Ana­grams, and the like with bodies at your pleasure, without being beholden to some deare and nice professed Artist.

Painting in Oyle Of painting in oyle. is done I confesse with greater iudg­ment, and is generall of more esteeme then working in water colours; but then it is more Mechanique and will robbe you of ouer much time from your more excellent studies, it being sometime a fortnight or a month ere you can finish an ordinary peece. I haue knowne Michael lanss of Delf in Holland, the most excellent painter of all the Low Countries, to haue beene (at times,) a whole halfe yeare about a picture, yet in the end to haue blur­red it out (as it is his manner) for some small disresem­blance, eyther in the eye or mouth; so curious is the workemanshippe to doe it well: beside oyle nor oyle co­lours, if they drop vpō apparell, will not out; when water colours will with the least washing. But lest you should think me ignorant or enuious, I wil not conceale frō you the manner of working herein, and though it may bee you shall not practise it, it may profit others. Of preparing your table for an oyle picture.

First for your table whereupon to draw your picture, plane it very euen, and with Size (made of glue sodden long in faire water, till the glue be quite dissolued) min­gled and heat with Spanish white finely ground, white it ouer; then let it dry, then white it ouer againe, and so the third time, when being dry, scrape it very euen with a sharpe knife till it be smooth, then prime it with red lead or some other colour, which being drie, draw your pi­cture out vpon it with a peece of chalke, pencill of coale, lastly, with black lead; so lay on your colours.

Grind all your colours in Linseede oyle, [...]aue when [Page 111] you grinde your white for ruffes and linnen; then vse the oyle of walnuts, for The fi [...]er for our yea­low ruffes. linseede oyle will turne yeallowish.

Hauing all your colours ready ground, with your pal­let on the thumbe of your left hand, & pencills for euery colour, in the same lay your colours vpon your pallet thus: first, your white Lead, then Lake, Iuorie, blacke, Seacoale blacke (as you see the complexion) lampe blacke, vmber for the haire, red lead, yealow oaker, ver­digreace; then your blewes, Masticot and Pinke, the rest at your pleasure, mixing them on the other side of the pallet at your pleasure.

To begin a picture, first drawe the Eye, the white thereof make of white lead with as little char-coale black; hauing finished it, leaue from the other Eye the distance of an Eye, then draw the proportion of the nose, the compasse of the face, after that make the mouth, the eare, the haire, &c.

After you haue made the white of the eyes and pro­portion of the nose, &c. lay your carnation or flesh co­lour ouer the face, casting in here and there some sha­dowes which worke in with the flesh colour by degrees. Your flesh colour is commonly compounded of white lead, lake, and vermilion, but you may heighthen or dec­pen it at your pleasure.

Then shadow the face all ouer as you see cause, and fi­nish the nose, compassing the tippe of it with some darke or light reddish shadow.

The shaddowes for your face are compounded com­monly, of Iuory, blacke, white lead, vermilion, lake, Sea-coale blacke, &c.

Then shaddow your cheekes and lippes (with the mouth stroke, which make of lake onely) with vermilion and lake as you list mixed together.

Now make the Circles of the Eyes. For the gray eye, take charcoale blacke and white lead heighthened or deepened at your pleasure.

For the blacke Circle of the Eye, take Vmber, Sea-cole-blacke, [Page 112] and a little white, and mixe them as you thinke fit.

For the round ball in the eye take lampe-blacke and verd-greace, for lampe-blacke will hardly dry without it.

For the hands and the shaddowes betweene the fingers vse the same flesh-colours and shaddowes as in the face for heighthening or deepening.

If you would make a flesh-colour of a swarthy com­plexion, mingle white Lead, Lake, and yealow oker to­gether, and in the shadodwes, put in some vmber and Sea-coale blacke.

For blacke haire, take lampe [...] blacke onely, and when you will haue it brighter, mixe it with a little vmber, white, and red Lead.

For flaxen haire, take vmber, and white lead; the brow­ner you will haue it, put in the more vmber, the whiter more white; but if darker, yet adde to a little sea-coale blacke.

For yealow haire, take masticote, vmber, yealow oker, and a little red lead; if you will haue it redder, put in the more red lead and vmber.

For a white haire, take halfe Iuorie blacke, and halfe of vmber, and with your knife temper them well vpon your pallet with white lead, with more white, or vmber, or I­ [...]ory, raising or deepening it at your pleasure.

For the teeth, take white Lead, and shaddow it with char-coale blacke.

For Ruffes, Lawnes, and Linnen.

For Linnen, take white Lead mingled with char-coale black, so making it whiter or darker at your pleasure; for your sine Lawnes, put a little oyle smalt in amongst it, and with a fine little bagge of Taffata stuffed with wooll or the like, take vp the colour and presse it hard downe where you would haue it.

For Veluets of all colours.

For blacke-veluet, take Lampe-blacke and verdigreace, [Page 113] for your first ground; but when it is dry, lay it ouer with Iuory blacke and Verdigreace, (to help it to dry) and for the shaddow vse white Lead, with a little Lampe blacke.

For Greene Veluet, take Lamp blacke, and white Lead, and worke it ouer like a Russet Veluet; then being dry, draw it onely ouer with Verdigreace, and a little Pinke, and it will be a perfect Greene Veluet.

For a Sea-Water Greene Veluet, lay on the aforesaid mingled Russet Verdigreace onely, if you will haue it more grassy, put to more Pinke.

For a Yellowish Greene, put a little Masticot among your Verdigreace at your pleasure: but note this, al your shaddowing must be in the Russet, and these Greens one­ly drawne lightly ouer.

For Red Veluet, take Vermilion, and shaddow it with Browne of Spaine, and where you will haue it darkest, take Sea-cole blacke mingled with Spanish Browne, and shaddow where you will, letting it dry, then glaze it ouer with Lake, and it will be a perfect Red Veluet.

For a Crimson or Carnation Veluet, put the more or lesse white Lead to the Vermilion, as you shall see cause.

For Blew Veluet, take Oyle Smalt, and temper it with white Lead; [...]he brighter you will haue it, put in the more White; the sadder, the more Smalt.

For Yellow Veluet, take Masticot and yellow Oker, and deepen it for the shaddow with Vmber.

For Tauny Veluet, take Browne of Spaine, white Lead, and Lampe blacke, mixed with a little Verdigreace to shaddow it, where you see occasion; and when it is dry, glaze it ouer with a little Lake, and red Veluet added vn­to it.

For Purple Veluet, take Oyle Smalt, and temper it with Lake, halfe Lake, halfe Smalt; then take white Lead and order it as bright or as sad as you list.

For Ash-coloured Veluet, take Char-cole blacke, and [Page 114] white Lead, and make a perfect Russet of the same, deep­ning it with the black, or heigthening it with your white at your pleasure.

For Haire-coloured Veluet, grinde Vmber by it selfe with Oyle, and lay it on your picture, and heigthen with white Lead and the same Vmber.

For Sattens in Oyle Colours.

For Blacke Satten, grinde Lamp black with Oyle, then mixe it with some white Lead; where you will haue it shine most, mingle some Lake with your white Lead.

For White Satten, take white Lead ground with Oyle, then grinde Iuorie black by it selfe, and where you will haue it sad, adde more of the blacke.

For Greene Satten, take Verdigreace and grinde it by it selfe, then mixe some white Lead with it; and where you will haue it bright, adde some Pinke: if more incli­ning to a Popingiay, adde more Pinke to your white Lead; and to deepen it more, adde more Verdigreace.

For yellow Satten, grinde Masticot by it selfe, yellow Oker by it selfe, and Vmber by it selfe; where you will haue it lightest, let the Masticot serue; where a light shaddow, let the Oker serue, where the darkest or sad­dest, Vmber onely.

For Blew Satten, take Oyle, Smalt, and white Lead, ground by themselues; white Lead for the heigthening, and Smalt for your deepening, or darkest shaddow.

For Purple Satten, mixe Oyle, Smalt, with Lake, and white Lead: heigthening with white Lead.

For Orenge Tauny Satten, take red Lead and Lake, where you will haue it brightest take red Lead by it selfe, and where made sad, Lake.

For Red Satten, grinde Browne of Spaine by it selfe, mingling Vermilion with the same; where you would haue it light, put in a little white Lead.

For Haire coloured Satten, take Vmber and white [Page 115] Lead; heigthen with your white Lead, and for the darke shaddow of the cuts, adde to your Vmber a little Sea-cole blacke.

For Taffata's.

Make your Taffata's all one as you doe your Sattens, but you must obserue the shaddowing of Taffata's; for they fall more fine with the solds, and are thicker by much.

For changeable Taffata's take sundry colours, what you please, and lay them vpon your garment or picture one by another; first casting out the solds, then with your Pencill driuing and working them finely one into another.

For Cloth.

Cloth likewise is as your Sattens, but that you must not giue so shining and suddaine a glosse vnto it.

For L [...]ther.

As Buffe, take yellow Oker, and some white Lead mixed with it: and where you will haue it darker by de­grees, mixe Vmber with it, and when you haue wrought it ouer, take a broad Pencill and frieze it ouer with Vm­ber and a little Sea-coale blacke.

For yellow Leather, take Masticot and yellow Oker, shaddow it with Vmber at your pleasure.

For blacke Leather for shooes, Lampe blacke, shaddo­wed with white Lead.

For white Leather, white Lead, shaddowed with Iuo­rie blacke.

To expresse Gold and Siluer.

To expresse Gold vpon Armour, or the hilt of a Sword or Rapier, take Vmber, Red Lead, and Masticot; lay your ground onely Red Lead, if you please, mixed with a [Page 116] little Pinke, and where you will haue the shaddow darke, vse Vmber, where the light, Masticot.

For Siluer, take Char-coale blacke and white Lead; where you will haue it darke, vse more Char-coale, and for the light, giue it a bold and suddaine stroke with your white. And thus you make your Pearle. Note, that you must grind your Sea-coale and Char-coale (of a sallow, if you can get it) in faire water first, and when it is dry, grind it in Oyle.

For Skie and Landscape.

For a Sky or Landscaps, that seeme a great way off, take Oyle Smalt, or Bice if you will, and with Linseed Oyle onely temper it on your pallet (for in grinding Smalt or Bice, they vtterly lose their colour) with white Lead, and where it looketh redde as the morning, vse Lake, &c.

Of Wood colours, Barkes of Trees, &c.

Your Wood colours are compounded either of Vm­ber and White, Char-coale and White, Sea-coale and White, Vmber blacke and white, or with some greene added. Sometime adde a little Lake or Vermilion.

Of sundry Greenes in Oyle.

For a deepe and sad Greene, as in the in-most leaues of trees, mingle Indico and Pinke.

For a light Greene, Pinke and Masticot: for a middle and Grasse-greene, Verdigreace and Pinke.

Remember euer to lay on your Yellowes, Blewes, Reds, and Greenes, vpon a white ground which giueth them their life.

To make cleane your Pencils, rub Soape hard into them, and lay them by a while, after wash them in warme water.

To make cleane your grinding stone and Mullar, rub it ouer with crums of bread.

[Page 117]To keepe your Colours from drying in the heate of Summer, set them in the bottome of a bason of water.

If you would get farther experience, acquaint your selfe with some of our excellent Masters about London, where there are many passing iudicious and skilfull.

The onely and most esteemed Peece in the world for Iudgement and Art, is the battaile (commonly called, the Battaile of Doomes day) fought in the night be­tweene S [...]lym the first, Emperour of the Turkes, and Ish­ma [...]l Sophi King of Persia. It is a night peece done by Bellino, the famous Venetian Painter, by the commande­ment of S [...]lym, after his victorie, and sent as a present to the Duke and State of Venice, where it yet hangeth in their Counsell Chamber.

There is likewise a very rare and admirable peece in And warpe, done by a Blacksmith vpon this occasion. This Smith falling in loue with a Painters Daughter, (who vowed neuer to marrie any, but of her fathers profession) gaue ouer his Trade of a Smith, and sell to painting some foure or fiue yeares: in which time, the hope of gaining a faire maid guiding his hand, hee be­came so cunning, that he not onely obtained his Wench, but a masse of wealth by his Pencill; there being offe­red for this one peece alone, seauen thousand Crownes. It hangeth in one of the great Churches there, S. Georges or our Ladies, I remember not well which. But thus much of Drawing and Painting in generall.

Now it shal not be amisse, for the aduancement of this excellent skill, which none can loue or admire more then my selfe (that I may omit the liues of the ancient Grae­cian and Romane Painters) to come neerer our times, and acquaint you with the best Masters Italy alone hath affoorded.

Ioannes Cimabus.

Italy being ouer-runne, and miserably wasted with warres, what time all good learning and Arts lay negle­cted, [Page 118] about the yeare 1240. Painting and Painters were there so rare, that they were faine to send into Greece for men skilfull herein. Of whom the Italians learned the rudiments and principles of this Art, in a manner quite lost amongst them. So that while certaine Graecian Pain­ters, sent for by some of the Nobilitie of Florence, were painting a Church in Florence, one Ioannes Cimabus a young man, and naturally affecting this Art, grew so farre into familiar acquaintance with them, that he lear­ned the manner of their draught, and mingling colours, that in a short time he excelled the best Masters among them; and was the first that I can find among the Itali­ans, that brought Painting into credit, and got a name by his skill herein. For some of his peeces for the raritie, were carried out of his house into the new Church in Florence, with Musicall Instruments of all sorts, and so­lemne procession [...] others being vttered at great rates ouer all France and Italy; in so much, as Charles the French King moued with his fame, came to Florence to see his Worke. He died in the yeare 1300. leauing be­hind him his Scholler Giotto, who by the opinion of Dantes in his Purgatorie farre surpassed him: He was so humorous, saith the Interpreter of Dantes, that if him­selfe or any other espyed any fault in his work, he would (like Mishael Ianss, now liuing at Delft in Holland) deface and breake it in peeces, though he had bestowed a tweluemoneths paines thereon.

Andrea Taffi.

About this time also, the Graecians brought the Art of working in Musiue, or Mosaique to Venice, where in S. Markes Church they wrought it; with whom Taffi falling acquainted, hee drew one of the best Masters among them, named Apoll [...]m, to Florence, who taught him to bake Mosaique Glasses, and to temper the size for them: so they wrought together; but the rudenesse of that age [Page 119] was such, that neither they nor their workes were in that esteeme as they deserued.

Gaddo Gaddi.

About this time also liued Gadde Gaddi, a very rare Master, a Florentine borne (for the fine and subtile aire of Florence, hath produced men of more sharpe and excel­lent spirits, then any other place of Italy) who excelled in Mosaique, and wrought it with better iudgement then any before him; insomuch as hee was sent for to Rome, Anno. 1308 the yeare after the great fire, and burning of the Church of S. Iohn Lateran [...], and the Pallace of Pope Clement the fifth: whence well rewarded, he retur­ned backe into Tuscane, where he dyed Anno 1312.


Margarit [...]n [...] was borne in Arezz [...], a very skilfull Master: he was the first that deuised laying Gold or gil­ding vpon Bole Armoniacke to be burnished, as we see it in knops now adaies vpon the Valences and Canopics of beds; and to make a Glew for Picture Tables, that should neuer decay.


Giotto was not onely a rare Painter, but also an excel­lent Architect, for all manner of curious conceipt in buil­ding: and to say truth, was the first who of latter times in Italy brought picture into admiration, and her true height. He was borne at Vespign [...], a village fourete [...]ne Italian miles from Florence: his father was an husband­man, and Gi [...]tt [...] being a Boy of some twelue yeares of age, was set by him to keepe sheepe: but Nature hauing ordained him for another end; the Boy while hee was tending his sheepe, would be practising with a sticke vp­on the sand, or dustie high-way, or vpon void places vp­on walls with a Coale, to draw whatsoeuer sorted with his fancie. It fortuned on a time, while he was drawing [Page 120] the picture of one of his sheepe, Cimabus to passe by, who admiring such Art in the Boyes draught, (who had neuer any other direction saue out of his naturall incli­nation) demanded of him if he would dwell with him: who answered, Yea, if his father were so contented. The father agreed, and placed him with Cimabus, who in short time so excelled, that he farre surpassed the rusticke Greeke manner of working, bringing forth a better Mo­derne Art, and the true working by the life, which had not beene knowne in two hundred yeares before. He was very inward and familiar with Dantes the Poet, whose picture he drew: he was of all others famous for his skill and conceipt in expressing affections, and all manner of gesture, so that he might be truly called Natures Schol­ler. His workmanship is especially seene at Acesi, a Citie of Vmbria, in the Cloisters of S. Francis, where the bo­dy of S. Francis lyeth buried: where among other rare inuentions of his, is to be seene a Monke kneeling before Obedience, who putteth a yoake vpon his necke, he hol­ding vp both his hands to heauen, and shee laying her forefinger vpon her mouth, casteth vp her eyes towards Christ, from whose side the blood issueth in great abun­dance. On either hand of her stand wisedome and humili­ty, to shew where true obedience is, there is wisedome and humility, which helpe to finish euery good worke: on the other side is an historie where chastity standeth vpon a strong and high rocke, as not to be won, or mooued by the force of kings, though they seeme to offer Crownes, Scepters, and Palmes. At her feete lyeth purity, in the shape of a childe washing it selfe, and by chastity standeth pennance, hauing diuen away with her discipline win­ged Loue: in a third place standeth pouerty barefooted, treading vpon thornes, a dogge barking at her; at one side, a child throwing stones at her, on the other, another child with a sticke putting the thornes towards her legs. This pouerty is marryed to Saint Francis, whom Christ [Page 121] giueth by ioying their hands: in a fourth place is Saint Francis, praying with such great deuotion, and inward affection expressed in his countenance, that it detaineth the beholder with singular admiration. From thence re­turning toward Florence, he wrought in distemper (as we call it) or wet with size, sixe histories of patient I [...]b, wherein are many excellent figures: among others the positures and countenances of the messengers bringing the sorrowfull newes vnto him, which are not to be men­ded: withall a seruant, with one hand keeping off the slies from his sore master, and with the other stopping his nose: the countenances and draperies of the standers by done with such grace and iudgement, that the same here­of presently went ouer all Italy. Insomuch that Pope Benedict sent a messenger from Rome into Tuscany to know what manner of man Giotto was, and what his workes were; beeing purposed to beautifie Saint Peters Church with sacred Histories by the hand of some excel­lent master. This Messenger or Courtier from the Pope, taking his iourney to Florence, passed by Siena, and still en­quiring out the best masters, tooke a draught of some­thing from euery one of them to carry back to the Pope, to choose as he thought best: comming to Florence in a morning betimes, he came to the shop of Giotto, desiring (as he had done of others) to giue him a touch with his pencill, or some peece to show his Holinesse. Giotto being merily disposed, tooke a sheete of paper, vpon which, with a pencill (setting one arme vnder his side) hee drew so absolute a Circle, that by no co [...] ­passe a truer could be drawne; hauing done, smiling he gaue it to the Cour [...]ier, saying, There is my draught. The Cour [...]ier imagining he had flouted him, said, is this all? Giotto replyed, it is all, and more then enough. When the Pope with others of iudgement saw it, and heard the manner how carelesly he did it, he admired and confessed, he passed all men of his time in excellency it this being knowne, it grew a pro­uerbe [Page 122] in Italy, M [...]re round then Giotto's Circle. The Pope after this, did him much honour, and very liberally re­warded him. Hee had painted vpon a certaine wall the picture of the Virgin Mary, and when this wall was to be mended, such care (by reason of the excellency of his Art) was had of this picture, that it was cut square and taken downe whole out of the wall with a great deale of paine and cost. He made in Mosai [...], in the fore court of Saint Peter, the ship wherein Peter and the Apostles were in danger of drowning, their actions and gestures full of feare, the sailes full of wind, with the behauiour of Fisher­men in such extremitie. At Avag [...], hee wrought for Pope Cle [...] the fift; & in many other places of France his workes are yet remaining. Anno 1316. he was at last sent for by Robert king of Naples, for whom there (in the Church of the Cloyster of Saint Clare) he made ma­ny histories both of the old and new Testament, with the whole historie of the Reuelation: it is said that herein his invention was admirable, and that he was much holpen by his deare and ingenious friend Dan [...]es the Poet. The King was not onely pleased with the excellencie of his hand, but with his many witty answers and conceipts; wherefore sometime he would sit by him halfe a day to­gether to see him worke. Once the King said vnto him, Giotto I will make thee the foremost man of my Court; I beleeue it (quoth Giotto) and that (I thinke) is the reason why I am lodged in the Porters lodge at your Court gate. Another time also the King said thus vnto him, Giotto, if I were as thou, the weather is so exceeding hot, I would giue ouer Painting for a while; whereunto Giotto replyed, Indeed Sir, if I were as you, I would let it rest indeed. Another time, being at worke in the great Hall of the Court, the King merily requested him, to paint him out his kingdome; Giotto made no more adoe, but presently painted an Affe with a Saddle on his backe, and smelling at another new saddle that lay before him [Page 123] at his feet, as if he had had a mind to that, rather then the other vpon his backe; and vpon each saddle a crowne and a Scepter: the King demanded what he meant there­by; Giotto replyed, Such is your Kingdome and Subiects, for they desire new Lords daily. In his returning to Fl [...] ­rence, he made very many rare peeces by the way, deui­sed many excellent Models for building; beside other his workes in Caruing, Plaistique, &c. The Citie of Flo­rence not onely Roially rewarded him, but gaue him and his posteritie a Pension of an hundred crownes a yeare, which was a great summe in those times.

He died to the griefe of many, in the yeare 1336. and was buried at Florence, vpon whom Angelus Politia­nus wrote this Epitaph worthy so excellent a man.

Ille ego sum per quem pictura extincta re [...]ixis,
Cui quam recta manu [...], [...]am fuit & facilis.
Natura decrat, nostra quad defuit arti,
Plus licuit nulli pingere necmeli [...].
The Modell of the steeple of the cheefe Church in Florence
[...]turri [...] egregiam sacre are sonantem,
Hac qu [...] (que) de module cre [...]it ad astra [...];
Deni (que) sum Iottus, quid opus suit illareferre?
Hoc nomen lengi carminis instar erit.

Stephano Fiorentino.

This Stephano beeing Giotto's scholler, what with his masters furtherance, and his owne industry, became not onely equall to his master, but in some respects excelled him, as many of his works doe manifest, namely the Vir­gin Mary in the Church called Camp [...] Sante at Pisa, which to say truth, excelled that of his Masters in the Cloister of Sant [...] Spirit [...] in Florence. He painted the trans­figuration of our blessed Sauiour in the Mount with Mo­ses and Elias, where the light was seene to shine downe vpon the Apostles, who with such a faire action lay so [Page 124] wrapped in their mantles that ye might perceiue all the foldings vpon the ioints, and made the nakednes to shine through their thinne cloathes, which was neuer seene be­fore or vsedby Giotto. In another Chappell he made the fall of Luci [...]er, wherein hee shewed many excellent fore­shortnings of bodies, armes, and legges; wherefore by the Artists of his time. He was named Occhi [...] di Natura, the eye of nature, he wrought at Rome, Milane, and many other places: Many excellent pieces of his are yet to bee seene in Florence, which for breuity I omit the dyed Anno 1350.

Petro Laurati of Siena.

Petro Laurati was famous in his time, especially for making of Glories, wherein he surpassed all others before him. At Arezze with excellent skill hee painted vpon a [...]eeling Angels dancing as in a ring about Mary, seeming to sing and play on instruments; where in their eyes and countenances you may see expressed a true godly ioy: another troope of Angels with various and delicate a­ction carrying her vp into heauen. He dyed, 1350.

B [...]namic [...] Buffalmacco.

Buffalmacco was scholler to Taffi, and as excellent in his profession, so was he merry and of pleasant conceit: wherefore hee was familiar with Brun [...] and Calandrin [...], rare Artists and of his owne humour, many of whose iestes are recorded by Boccace. Buffalmacco being a young youth while he dwelt with Taffi, was called vp by his master by two or three of the clocke in winter mornings to his worke, grinding of colours or the like, which grie­ued him much; and bethinking himselfe how to make his master keepe his bed, he got vp in the fields some thirty or forty Dorres or Beetles, and a little before his master should rise, fastning little waxe candles vpon their backs, [Page 129] puts them in lighted, one by one into his masters cham­ber; who seeing the lights moouing vp and downe, began to quake for feare, committing himselfe to God with hattie prayer, and couered himselfe ouer head and eares in his bed, hauing no mind to worke or awake Buffalmac­co. In the morning [...]ee asked Buffalmacco if hee had not seene a thousand Diuels as he had; who answered no, for he was asleepe, and wondered he called him not: Called? saide Taffi, I had other things to thinke of then to paint, I am fully resolued to goe dwell in a­nother house. The night following though Buffalmacco had put in but onely three lights into his chamber, yet could he not sleep for feare al that night: it was no sooner day but Taffi, left his house with intēt neuer to come into it againe. Buffalmacco hereupon went to the priest of the parish to desire his aduice, telling him that in his con­science the Diuell next vnto God hated none more then painters, for that, said Buffalmacco, we make him odious in the peoples eyes by painting him terrible and in the vgliest shape we can deuise; and more to spight him, wee paint nothing but Saints in Churches to make the peo­ple more deuout then otherwise they would, wherefore the diuels are very angry with vs, and hauing more power by night then by day, they play these prankes, and I feare they will doe worse except we gine ouer this wor­king by candle light. This he spake so confidently, and in so deniure a manner to the priest, that the priest anou­ched it to be true, and with great reasons perswaded Taffi euer after to keepe his bed; which beeing published about, working by candle-light was left through the towne euer after. The first proofe of his skill he shewed at a Nunnery neere Pisa now wholly ruined, being the birth of Christ, where Herod killed the children of Beth­lem; where the affections and lookes of the murtherers, Mothers, Nurses resisting with biting, scratching, tea­ring, pulling, &c. are excellently expressed. Moreouer, he [Page] [Page] [Page 130] drew the foure Patriarkes, and the foure Euangelists, where he expressed Saint Luke with great art, blowing the inke in his pen to make it runne. He was in his time one of the merriest and finest companions of the world: he di­ed, Anno 1340.

Ambrosio Lorenzetti of Siena.

This Ambrosio was a painter of Siena, he was chiefely commended for that grace he had in contrining postures and accidents of History: he was the first that most liue­ly could resemble tempests, stormes, raine, &c. He was very moderate, and went rather like a Philosopher then a painter. He dyed at Siena.

Petro Cavallini of Rome.

This was scholler vnto Gi [...]tt [...], and wrought with him in the ship of Mosaique in the front of Saint Peters in Rome. There is yet a Crucifixe of his yet to bee seene at Arezzo, and another in the Church of Saint Paul in Rome, of admirable life and skill. He was wondrous de­uout and Religious. He dyed 1363. and lyeth buryed at Pauls without Rome with this Epitaph.

Quantum Romana PETRVS decus addidi [...] vibi,
Pictur [...], tartum da [...] decus ipse P [...]l [...].

Simon of Siena.

Simon of Siena was a rare Artist, and liued in the time of the famous and Laur [...]ate Poet Francis Petrarch, in whose verses he liueth eternally, for his rare art & iudge­ment showne, in drawing his Laura to the life. For invention and variety he was accounted the best of his time.

Andreas Orgagna.

Andreas Orgagna was a Fl [...]rentine, and both a Pain­ter, Poet, Architect and Caruer, though hee began first with caruing. One of his best peeces he wrought in Pisa, which was all sorts of worldly and sensuall Epicures, rio­ting and banquetting vnder the shaddow of an Orenge tree, within the branches and bowes whereof, sly [...] little Amorettos or Cupids, shooting at sundry Ladies lasciui­ously dancing and dallying amongst them; which Ladies were then liuing, and all discerned by their seuerall coun­tenances: as also many Gallants and Princes of that time drawne in the same table. On the other side of the table, he made an hard Rocke, full of people, that had left the world, as being Eremites, seruing of God, and doing di­uers actions of pietie, with exceeding life; as here one prayeth, there another readeth, some other are at worke to get their liuing, and among the rest, there is with ad­mirable art and iudgment, an Eremite milking of a Goat. Withall, Saint Macharius, who sheweth the miserable estate of man to three Kings riding on, hunting in great state with their Queenes, and sheweth the [...] a graue wherein lie three dead Kings, whose bodies are almost rotten; whereon they looke with a great feare, liuely ex­pressed in their countenances, and one wishly looking downe into the graue, stoppeth his nose, &c. Ouer this flyeth death in blacke with a Sith in his hand: all about on the earth lye people along of all ages, sexe, and condi­tion, slaine, and dying by sundry meanes. He also painted the Iudgement, where hee placed in hell most of his foes that had molested him, and among the rest a Scrive­ner, whose name was Cecehode Ascol [...], and knowne for a notable knaue in his profession, and a Coniurer be­side, who had many wayes molested him: He was by chil­dren and boyes discerned to be the same man, so well had [Page 132] he exprest him to the life. He dyed aged 60. yeares, 1389. and lyeth buryed at Florence.

Thomas Masaccio.

This Thomas, sirnamed Masaccio or the Slouen (for that he neuer cared how hee went in his cloathes) was borne in the Castle of Saint Iohn de Valderno; and being a youth, so much addicted his mind vnto painting, that hee cared in a manner for nothing, not so much as to demand money of his debters where it was due, but when meere necessitie draue him thereunto; yet was he curteous vnto all. He excelled in Perspectiue, and aboue all other ma­sters laboured in Nakeds, and to get the perfection of foreshortning, and working ouer head to bee viewed standing vnder. Amongst other his workes, that of Saint Peter taking a penny out of the fishes mouth, and when he payeth it for tole, is famous. In briefe, he brake the Ice to all painters that succeeded for Action in Nakeds and foreshortnings, which before him were knowne but of few. For by his peeces and after his practise, wrought Fryer Iohn of Ficsole, Frier Phillip Phillipine, Alessan: Baldovinetti, Andrea del Caslagna, Verochio Dominico de Grillandaio, di Botticello, Leonarde de Vinci, Pedro di Peru­gia, Frier Bartholome [...] of Saint Marks, Mariotte, Alberti­nell, the rare and euer admired Michael Angelo, Bonarotti, Raphael d' V [...]bine, and sundry others. He dyed it was sus­pected of poison in the 26. yeare of his age. His Epitaph was written in Italian by Hannibal Coro.

Leon Baptista Alberti.

This Alberti was an excellent linguist, hauing his La­tine tongue very exactly. He was borne in Florence, and was both an excellent Painter and Architect; hee wrote tenne bookes of Architecture in Latine, which he publi­shed [Page 133] in print, Anno. 1481. Moreouer hee wrote three bookes of the Art of Painting, a Treatise of measuring heigthes, besides certaine bookes of Policy, with many other discourses. He was descended of a Noble house, and was very inward with pope Nicholas the fi [...]t. He was ex­cellent for the descriptions of Battailes, night workes, glittering of weapons, and the like.

Frier Phillipo Lippi.

Phillipo Lippi borne in Florence, was a poore Childe, and left fatherlesse and motherlesse, was brought vp by an Aunt; at eight yeares of age, placed in a Monasterie of the [...]cobines, where out of his naturall inclination, he practised Drawing and Painting; and in short time grew to that excellence, that he was admired of all: making in his Cloyster many Histories in we [...], after Masaccio's manner. At seuenteene yeares of age he forsooke his or­der. Being in La Marcad' Ancona, he put himselfe with some friends to Sea, but were in short time taken by the Pirats of Barbaris, and sold into the Country for slaues, wearing heauie chaines about their legges. In this estate liued Phillipo eighteene moneths, but growing familiar with his Master, one day, when he saw his time and his Master in a good humour, tooke a coale, and vpon a white wall drew him from head to foot: this being seene of his fellow slaues, and shewed vnto his Master, who had neuer seene a picture before, was cause of his deliue­ance: for making his escape, or at least his Master wink­ing thereat, he made shift to come to Naples, where hee wrought in colours a most curious Altar-table for King Alphonsus. Hence hee went to Florence, and made ano­ther Altar-table, which pleased Cosmo de Medicis won­drous well; whereupon hee was employed by Cosmo in making many small Pictures, whereof some were sent vn­to Eugenius the fourth, whereupon he grew in great fa­uour [Page 134] with the Pope. He was so addicted vnto Women, that what euer he got, hee bestowed and spent it among them: whereupon Cosmo shut him vp into a Chamber in his house, that he might follow his worke close; but ha­uing beene thus mewed vp by the space of two daies, the humou [...] of gadding tooke him againe in the head; and one euening cutting his sheets, made ropes of them, and so gat out at a window. But shortly after, found and brought to Cosmo againe, he had libertie to go and come at his pleasure, and was better attended and serued then before. For said Cosmo. The excellence of rare Spirits are heauenly formes, and no burden-bearing Mules. Many ex­cellent peeces he made in Florence, admired and applau­ded by the best Masters. At Pr [...]t [...]o by Florence, where hee was acquainted, the Nunnes of Sancta Margarita procured him to make their high Altar-table, where be­ing at worke, hee espied a beautifull virgin, a Citizens daughter of Florence, whose name was Francisco Bati: This maid was there kept to be made a Nunne; she was most beautifull, her name was Lucretia, & so he wrought with the Nunnes, that he obtained leaue to draw her Pi­cture; but by continuall gazing vpon her countenance, he became so enamoured of her, that what by close mes­sengers and other meanes, he got her out of the Nunne­rie: he got her away and married her, and by her he had a sonne, named also Phillip, who became an excellent Painter. This Frier Phillips workes are to bee seene at Prato. And amongst other S. Bernard layed out dead, his brethren mourning about him, and many Cripples and diseased persons, which (as it was said) with touching the Herse and his body, were healed. Then hee most ex­cellently wrought the Martyrdome of S. Stephen, the be­heading of S. Iohn Baptist, with many others. He died aged fiftie seuen, Anno 1438. Hee had a stately Monu­ment of Marble erected ouer him; his Epitaph was writ­ten by Angelus Politianus, which for the elegancy I will set downe.

[Page 135]Co [...]ditus his ego sum, picturae fama Philippus,
Nulli ignota mea est, gratia mir a manus.
Artifices, potui digitis animare colores:
Sperata (que) animos fallere voce di [...].
Ipsa mess stupuit Natura expressa figuris,
Me (que), suis fassa est artibus esse parem.
Marmorco tu [...]ulo Medices Laurentius hic me
Condidit; antè humil [...] p [...]l [...]ere tectus eram.

Antonello de Messino.

Antonello borne at Messino, ought not to be forgot­ten, who was the first that brought painting in Oyle into Italy. For certaine Oyle peeces being sent by the Mer­chants out of Flanders to Alphonsus, the first King of Naples, which the King had in great admiration, for that they could not be washed out with water: comming to the view of Antonello, Antonello could neuer be in qui­et vntill he had found out the Inuentor, whose name was Iohn Van Eyck, who entertained Antonello very curte­ously, and shewed him his Art what he could; but at last, Iohn van Eyck dying, Antonello returned vnto Venice, where his workes of the Magnifici were much admired, and for that he brought the working in Oyle the first in­to Italy; he was honored with this Epitaph.

D. O. M.

Antonius pict [...]r, pracipuum Messan [...] & t [...]tius Siciliae ornam [...]ntum, hac hum [...] contegitur, non sol [...]m suis picturis in quibus singulare artificium, & venustas fi [...]t, sed & quod coloribus el [...] miscendis splendorem & perpetuitatem primus Italica pictura con [...]ulit, summo semper artificum, [...]di [...] celebratus.

Dominico [...]irlandaio.

This Dominico was a Florentine, by profession at the first a Gold-smith, but falling to Painting, hee became a [Page 136] great Master therein. His first worke was a Chappell for the family of the Vespucci, wherein hee drew in his Sea habit, and standing vpon an vnknowne shoare, Americus Vesputius, who gaue America her name. His best peeces are to be seene at S. Maria N [...]vella in Florence. He died Anno 1493.

Raphaell D'Vrbine.

I ouerpasse for breuitie sake, many other excellent and famous Artists of Italie, equalling the former, as Bellino, Pallaiuoli, Botticello, Verrocchio, Andreas Mantegna of Mantua, so highly esteemed and honoured of Duke Luduvico Gonzaga; Francesco Francia, Michael Angelo: and will comprise them in the excellencie of one onely Raphaell D'Vrbine, who was borne at Vrbine; whose fa­thers name was Gi [...]vanni de Santi, a Painter also. This Raphaell was brought vp vnder Petro Perusini in Perusia, where he so gaue his mind from a child vnto Drawing and Painting, that in short time hee contended for the Palme with the greatest Masters of Europe, and was for his admirable inuention, sirnamed the Wonderfull. There was a great aemulation betweene Raphaell and the afore named Francesco Francia, who liued and wrought at B [...] ­logna, till at the last through meere admiration, by report of each others skill, they grew most louing friends, gree­ting each either by letters continually; yet had Francia neither seene Raphaell Vrbine, nor any of his workes (by reason he was old and could not trauaile, abiding alwaies in Bologna) vntill it fortuned that Raphaell Vrbine hauing made a S. Cicilia in a faire Altar-table, for the Cardinall De Pucci Santi quatro, which was to be set at Bologna, at S. Giovanni Sopra Monte (or on the Hill:) which Table he shut in a Case, and sent it to Francia, as vnto a deare friend, that if any thing were amisse, or it happened to be defaced or iniured in the carriage, hee would amend it: and beside, so much befriend him, as to set it vp in the [Page 137] place appointed, and to see it want nothing fitting. When he vnderstood thus much by Raphaels Letter, hee opened the Case with great ioy, and set the peece in a good and faire light; which when he had throughly view­ed, he was so amazed, and grew so out of conceipt of himselfe and his owne worke, confessing his worke to be nothing, in respect of Raphaell Vrbines: which so strucke him to the heart, that he died (presently after he had set the peece in his place) Anno 1518. The fame of Raphael Vibine at this time was so great, that he was sought for and employed by the greatest Princes of Europe, as namely, the Popes Adrian and Leo; Francis the first, King of France, Henry the eight, King of England; the Dukes of Florence, Vrbane, Mantu [...], and diuers others. Those stately hangings of Arras, containing the Historie of S. Paul out of the Acts (than which, eye neuer be­held more absolute Art, and which long since you might haue seene in the banquecting house at White-hall) were wholly of his inuention, bought (if I be not deceiued) by King Henrie the eight of the State of Venice, where Raphaell Vrbine dyed. I haue no certainty, but sure I am, his memorie and immortall Fame, are like to liue in the world for euer. If you would reade the [...] at large of the most excellent Painters, as well Ancient as Modern, I refer you vnto the two volumes of Vasari, well written in Italian (which I haue not seene, as being hard to come by; yet in the Libraries of two my especiall and worthy friends, M. Doctor Mountford, late Prebend of Pauls, and M. Inigo lones, Surueyer of his Maiesties workes for building) and Caluin Mander in high Dutch; vnto whom I am beholden, for the greater part of what I haue heere written, of some of their liues.

CHAP. 13.
Of Armorie, or Blazon of Armes, with the Antiquity and Dignitie of Heralds.

IT is meete that a Noble or Gentleman who beareth Armes, and is well descended, bee not onely able to blazon his owne proper Coate; deriue by pedegree the descent of his family from the originall, know such matches and allies as are ioyned to him in blood: but al­so of his Prince, the Nobilitie, and Gentry where he li­ueth, which is not of meere ornament, as the most sup­pose, but diuersly necessary and of great consequence: as had I fortuned to haue liued in those times, when that fatall difference of either ROSE was to be decided by the sword; with which partie in aequitie and conscience could I haue sided, had I beene ignorant of the descent and pedegree Royall, and where the right had beene by inheritance of Blood, Match, or Alliance.

How should we giue Nobilitie her true value, respect, and title, without notice of her Merit: and how may we guesse her merit, without these outward ensignes and badges of Vertue, which anciently haue beene accounted sacred and precious; withall, discerne and know an in­truding vpstart, shot vp with the last nights Mushrome, from an ancient descended and deseruing Gentleman, whose Grandsires haue had their share in euery foughten field by the English since Edward the first? or my selfe a Gentleman know mine owne ranke; there being at this instant the world ouer, such a medley (I had almost said Motley) of Coates, such intrusion by adding or dimini­shing into ancient families and houses; that had there not beene within these few yeares, a iust and commendable [Page 139] course taken by the Right Honorable the Earles Mar­shals, for the redresse of this generall and vnsufferable a­buse, we should I feare me within these few yeares, see Yeomen as rare in England, as they are in France.

Besides, it is a contemplation full of pleasing varietie, and for the most part, sympathizing with euery Noble and generous disposition, in substance the most refined part of Naturall Philosophie, while it taketh the princi­ples from Geometry, making vse almost of euery seue­rall square and angle. For these and other reasons, I desire that you would bestow some houres in the studie of the same: for a Gentleman Honorably descended, to be vt­terly ignorant herein, argueth in him either a disregard of his owne worth, a weaknesse of conceipt, or indispo­sition to Armes and Honorable Action; sometime meere Ideotisme, as Signeur Gaulart, a great man of France (and none of the wisest) inuiting on a time many great perso­nages and honourable friends to his Table, at the last seruice a March-pane was brought in, which being al­most quite eaten, hee bethought himselfe, and said; It was told mee, that mine Armes were brauely set out in Gold and Colours vpon this March-pane, but I haue loo­ked round about it and cannot see them: Your Lordship (said one of his men) eate them vp your selfe but now. What a knaue (quoth Mounsieur Gaulart) art thou? thou diddest not tell me before Ieate them, I might haue seene what they had beene.

The dignitie and place of an Herald, among the an­cient Romans was very great; Lib. 1. that same lus Feciale, or Law of Armes, being first instituted by Ancus Martius, as Liuis testifieth, though some ascribe it to Numa Pom­pilius, who ordained a Colledge of Heralds.

The office of an Herald, was to see that the Romanes Dionysius Ha­licarna [...] anti­quit. Rom. lib. 2 made not warre iniustly with any of their confederates; to determine of warre, peace, leagues, agreements, [Page 140] wrongs taken or offered by them or their enemies, and the like.

Now if the enemy had offered them wrong, or taken away any thing from them by violence, they first sent Messengers to demaund their right, and the restoring of that they had taken away; which was done in a soleanmne [...]sorme, and the words pronounced distinctly, and with a loud voyce: and this manner of deliuering their mes­sage, was called Clarigatio. The forme was this, Ioucn [...] ­egotestem facio, siego impiè iniuslet (que), illas res dedier populo Romano mibi (que) exposco, [...]unc patriae compotem nunquam sinas esse. If they refused their demaunds, or to make [...]stiitu­tion: first all league and friendship (if any were betwixt them) being renounced and broken, after thirty daies, (which they solemnly obserued) they proclaimed open warre, and with fire and sword inuaded the enemies Countrey, and by force recouered their owne.

Neither was it lawfull, for either Consull or Senate, or any of the common people, to take vp Armes against an enemy, without the consent and approbation of the Heralds.

Among the Heralds, Bal [...]asar Aya­la de [...]nic & off [...]s Bell. lib. 1. there was one the cheese and a­boue the rest, whom they called Pater Patratus; and hee was chosen one who was to haue children, and his owne father aliue: him one of the inferior Heralds, crowning his head and Temples with Veruaine, made him the cheese or King, either in concluding peace, or denoun­cing warre.

The most ancient forme of denouncing warre, is set downe at large by Liuie. I [...]n. lib. 1. & [...]. lib. 16 cap. 4. & Dion. Ha­licarn. lib. 2. antiquit. Rom. The Tybarens are reported to haue beene so iust in their making warre, and defiance of their enemies, that they would neuer meete them, but first they would send them word of the day, place, yea, and very houre they meant to fight.

Moreouer, if any complaint by the enemy were made [Page 141] of breach of the league, the Heralds examined the truth, and hauing found out the Authours, they deliuered them vp to the enemy to doe with them as hee listed: or if any without the consent of the people, Senate & Heraldes, eyther fo [...]ght or made peace, entred league, &c. the Ro­manes freede them­selues again, by deliuering vp the Au­thors to their enemies. So were the Consuls T. Veturi [...]s. & Sp. Postumius for their error at Caudium, and making peace with the Samnites contrary to the will of the peo­ple and Senat, together with T. Numicius and Q. Aemili­us Tribunes, deliuered to the enemy. The words of Postu­mius himselfe, (who made request that himselfe with the rest, who had offended, might be deliuered to the enemy) are thus recorded by Livie. Livi [...] l. [...]. 9. Dedamur per ficiales, nudi vincti (que) ex [...]lvamus religions populu [...], fi qua obligavimns: ne quid divini bum [...]ive obstet, quo minus instuns piun. qu [...] de integreine [...] bellum. The forme and words on their deliuery to the enemies hands, were these: Quando­quidem hice homines iniussu populi Romani, Quiritum soedus ictu [...] iri sposponderunt, atque ob [...]am rem noxam nocuerunt: ob eam rem quo populus Romanus Seelere impio sit so­lutus, bos [...]e homines vobis dedo. And so, many yeares after was C. Mancinus deliuered to the Numan­tines, with whom hee had entred into league contra­ry to the will, and without the knowledge of the Se­nate. Cicero Offic. lib. 3. Flor. l. 2. cap. 18.

Heraldes also examined and determined of wrongs and iniuries done vnto Embassadours, Vide No [...]um Marecellum. lib. 3. and punished them by deliuering vp in like manner, the parties offending, vn­to the nation or State offended.

They looked also to the strict obseruing of euery branch of the league, or truce; in briefe their Authority was comprised in these few words, Cicero lib. 2. delegitus. 'Belli, pacis, foederum, induciarum, oratorum feciales indices sunte.

Spurius Fusius was the first Herald that cuer was crea­ted [Page 142] among the Romanes, and had the name of P [...]ter Pa­tratus in the warre which Tullus Hostitius made against old Latines.

Their priuiledges were great and many, and too long for me here to reckon vp. And to conclude, for farther search of their institution, priuiledges, and Office, I re­ferre you to Iehan le Feron, De laprimitive Institution d [...]s [...]ys, He­rauldz et pour­sus vans d' armes. a French Authour.

I purpose not heere to enter into a large field and ab­solute discourse of Blazonry with all the lawes & termes thereof, hauing beene already preuented by Bara, Vpton, Gerrard Leigh, Master Ferns, Master Guillim (late Port­culleis pursuiuant) in his Methodicall Display of Heral­dry, with sundry others. So that, in a manner, more can­not bee saide then hath beene: my selfe besides hauing written something of this subiect heretofore, but onely to poynt vnto you as a stranger vpon the way, the fairest and shortest cut vnto your iournies end in this Art.

The word Blazon is from the French E [...]blasonner; and note that we in England vse herein the same tearmes of Art with the French: because the ancients of our Nobi­lity for the greater part, acknowledge themselues to bee descended out of Normandy, and to haue come in with the Conquerour, many retaining their ancient French names, & Charges vnto this day; as Beauchamp, Beaumont, Sacuill, Neuill, with many others.

Your A. B. C. in this Art, let be the knowledge of the sundry formes of Shieldes or Escotcheons which are, and haue beene ordinarily borne in ancient times. Among all nations we of Europe haue onely two kinds in vse (the Lozen [...]s excepted) viz. that we vse in England, France, Germany, &c. and the Ouall they beare in Italy: which forme they yet (from the old Romanes) holde in vse.

The word Escotcheon is deriued from the French un esci [...], that from the Latine Scutam, and that againe from [...] in Greeke, which is leather; because the ancients had their Shieldes of tanned leather, the skinnes laid thicke [Page 143] one ouer another, as appeareth by that of Vlysses, vpbrai­ding Aiax:

Quae nisi fecissem, frustra Telamone creatus,
Gestasset laeva taurorum tergora septem.

And Caesar (saith Cābrensis) fighting hand to hand with Nennius, Girald. Camb. a British King fast had his sword, nayled into Nennius his shield (being of hard leather,) at which ad­uantage Nennius had slaine him, had not Labienns the Tribune stepped in betweene, and rescued his master.

Now the ancient shields by reason that they were long, and in a manner of that forme as some of the Knights Templers had theirs, as appeareth vpon that their monument in the Temple Church, differed much from the buckler or target which was round, as it may appeare out of Livie. [...]iv. lib. 8. Clypeis a [...]tem Romani vsi sunt (saith he) deinde postquam facti sunt stipendiarij, scuta pro clypeis fectre. And Virgil compareth the great eye of Cy­cl [...]ps to an Argolican Target, for who will deny but that an eye is round?

That their shieldes (as I haue said) were long, and in a manner couered the whole body, he saith else-where, ‘Scutis protecti corporalongis.’

Hereupon Scutum was called in Greeke [...], because it resembled a dore, which is euer more long then broad.

The Carthaginians made their shieldes of gold. M. Aufidius tels vs that his ancestours (being Romanes) had theirs of Siluer.

Alexander king of the Iewes opposed against Prolomy 8000. fighting men, which hee tearmed H [...]catomachi, Iosephus. as much to say as, fighting each man against an hundred, because they vsed brasen shields.

The Numidians vsed shieldes made of Elephants hides [Page 144] impenetrable to any dart, yet on the other side they had this discommoditie, that in rainy weather they would like a sponge so soake in the water, and become hereby so hea­uy, the souldiers could hardly beare them.

The shield in times past was had in such honour, that he who lost or alienated the same, was accounted as base­ly of as he that with vs runnes from his colours, and was seuerely punished: and the Graecians fined him at a grea­ter rate who lost his shield, then he who lost his sword or speare. Plutarch in vita Pelop [...]a. Because that a souldier ought to take more care that he receiueth not a mischiefe, then he should doe it of himselfe.

Bitter was that iest of Scipio, when hee saw a souldier bestow great cost in trimming and glazing his shield: I can not blame thee (quoth he) that thou bestewest so much cost vpon thy shield, because thou trustest more to that then to thy sword.

The Lacaeademonians of all other the most warlike, by the lawes of Lycurgus, brought vp their children to the vse of shields from their infancy; and famous is that La­caedemonian mother for that her speech to her son, when she deliuered him a shield going to the warre [...], Sonne either bring backe this shield, or bee thou brought backe thy selfe (dead) within it. But thus much of the shield or Escotcheon.

Armes or Ensignes at the first had their chiefe vse for distinction of Tribe from Tribe, armie from armie being composed of two or moe colours, whereof one was euer white or yealow, which we now tearme Mettals, and that of necessitie; for without the mixture of one of these, the other as too darke of themselues, could not bee discerned farre, neyther of white and yealow onely, as participa­ting too much of the light. Hence they say (though not generally true) where there is wanting colour or mettal, it is false armorie.

I will not stand here to dispute ouer philosophically, [Page 145] as some haue done, of the praeeminence of one colour a­boue another, or out of profound ignorance affirme blacke to be the most ancient colour, because darkenesse was vpon the face of the earth in the Chaos; as if colour were not qualitas visibilis luminis beneficio, and privati [...] were formarum susceptibilis; and white the next, because God said fiat Lux, as if light were a qualitie resulting of an lementarie composition, it beeing created be­fore all mixed bodies: yea with Aristotle I rather affirme blacke properly to be no colour at all, as partaking of the pure Elements nothing at all, for he saith [...], Arist [...] lib. [...]. of the Elements mingled together, as earth, water, aire, not yet reduced to their proper substance, as wee may see in charcoales, all bo­dies consuming but not consumed, whereupon it is cal­led Niger, of the Greeke [...], which signifieth dead, as a colour proper to dead things. The colours, to say truth, immediately proceeding from the Elements, are yellow and white: yellow beeing an effect of the fire. and all heate (as we may see in gold) begotten by the heate of the Sunne, by the mixture of the clearest and most pure quicke-siluer, and the finest red brimstone, in fruite and corne ripened by the heate of the same, in choller, vrine, lie boyled, the bellies of hot venemous Serpents and the like. The white is proper to the water and earth, as we way see in all watery bodies congealed, as Ice, Snowe, Christall, glasse, pretious stones beaten in­to to powder: also the most rootes, the pulpe of apples, peares, and the like of watry substance, of earth in the a­shes of wood and stones burned, all which turne white, being by the fire purged from water and aire. Concerning the aire it selfe, it hath no colour at all.

Now after your two Mettals, yealow and white, Gold or Siluer, which in Armory we cal Or & Argent, you haue foure principall colours, viz. Sable or blacke, Azure or Blew, Gules or Red, Verd or Greene. There are others, as [Page 146] Purpure sanguine Tenn [...], which are in more vse with the French and other Nations then with vs in England.

From simple colours and diuision by bare lines, they came to giue their charges quicke and liuing things, such as sorted best with their fancies and humours, neyther without reason. The Alani a warlike people, and ex­treame louers of their liberty, gaue in their Ensigne a Cat, a beast which of all other cannot brooke bo [...]ge. The Gothes to expresse their crueltie with their ranging resolution, gaue a Beare; the Romanes gaue the Eagle, which euery Legion seuerally bare. The reason whereof Iosephus giueth, Iosephus lib. 3. Quòd & vniuersarum anium regnum ha­beat, & sit valentistima, So did the Thebans and Persians, as Forcatulus reports; beside, Xenophon (saith he,) remem­breth he saw in the armie of Cyrus a golden Eagle dis­played, borne vpon a long speare, Xenophon. de Cyri. paed. lib. 7. Curtius lib. 3. as his ensigne. Yet generally Plinie saith, the charges of their ensignes were of Siluer, because that mettall was most sutable to the day light, and was to be discerned farther: so Portius Latro telleth Catiline of his siluer Eagle borne before him as the ensigne of his rebellion and furie. Besides the Eagle, the Romanes vsed to beare in their banners the Wolfe, Martij pueri. in memorie of Remus and Romulus, fed by the milke of a shee-wolfe, as Livie sheweth. When they vn­dertooke any expedition wherein great secrecy was to be vsed, then they aduanced the Minotaure in their stan­dards, to shew that the counsaile of Commanders ought to be no lesse kept secret then the Labyrinth which was the abode of the Minotaure. Withall they bare the Horse, as the most Martiall beast, and seruiceable in the warre, being full of furie, and desirous of victorie; and in the Ides of December, a Horse was sacrificed to him who had broken the right wing of his enemies battaile: Last­ly, they bare a Hogge in their ensignes, because the warre being finished, they vsed to make a truce by sacrificing a young Swine; which whosoeuer violated or went backe [Page 147] from, ought forth with as a Hogge to be stoned to death: hereupon they had a forme of Battaglia which they tear­med the Hogges face. Porcina srons, pitrius lib. 9. Hierog. [...]. But all these (the Eagle onely ex­cepted) were by Caius Marius turned out of vse: but I shall haue elsewhere occasion to write more at large of these and the like Imperiall badges.

The kings of Portugall bare in a field Argent fiue es­cotcheons Azure, The corte of Portugall. each charged with as many Plates; on a bordure Gules tenne Castles, or, in remembrance of fiue kings, whom (each seuerally leading a mightie ar­my) Alphonsus the first, king of Portugall ouerthrew neere to the City of Scallabis in Portugal now called Tru­gill [...]; Osorius de R [...]gis institutions. there appearing at the same time (saith Osorius) Christ crucified in the heauen, whose fiue wounds those fiue plates represent. Those Castles are his holds in Bar­bary which he wonne from the Moores.

The Dukes of Bavaria D. of Bavaria. haue anciently borne their Armes Palie Bendy arg. and Azure, for that it resembled the party coloured Cassocks of the ancient B [...]ij, M Freeherus in origine, Palasi­na [...]. who were those Gaules that attempted the Surprise of the Capitol, whom Virgil describing as by night, saith, Vir­gatis lucens Sagulis, which hee vnderstandeth by the white, as most easily to bee discerned in the night time.

The towne of Dort or Dordrecht in Holland, from a ci­uill broile that long since occasioned much slaughter, staining the streetes (being onely two aboue a mile in length, (the riuer running in betweene) with blood, bare in a field gules a pale argent.

The City of Collen, in regard it can shew the monu­ments of the three kings who offered to our Sauiour, beareth Argent, on a chiefe gules three crownes Or.

The City of Andwarpe in Brabant, Verslegan. for that sometime a Tyrant Prince was Lord of that place, and punished offenders in cruell manner, by cutting off their hands (whose pourtraiture cut in stone to the life, stands ere­cted [Page 148] ouer one of the Ports toward the Sceld, with a sword in one hand, and a mans hand smitten off in the o­ther) beares foure hands, Couptè in Salteir, an Eagle dou­ble necked, displaied in chiefe, to signifie that it is an im­periall Citie; and hence had it the name of Antwerpe, as much to say as Hand [...]werpen, which in Dutch signifieth to cast or throw away the hand.

The Stoute and warlike Henry Spencer Bishop of Norwich, who supprest by his courage and valour, that dangerous rebellion, and about Nerthwalsham, ouerthrew Litster the Captaine, hath (as it is to bee seene vpon his monument in the body of the Qui [...]e of Christ-Church in Norwich) ouer his proper coate of Spencer, vpon an helmet, his Episcopall Miter, and vpon that Michaell the Arch-Angell with a drawne sword.

Marie Coates are conferred by the Prince or State vpon merit and desert, for some honourable act perfor­med to the Common-wealth, or honour of the Prince; as that deuice vpon Sir Francis Drake (which was Q. Elizabeths owne) now vsurped and borne (the colour of the field changed siō Sable into Azure) by Oliuer à Noert of Vtrecht, who also of late yeares sailed about the earth. And at my last being in the Low Countries, was Captaine of a foot Company of Dutch in Huysden. The said Coate fairely cut in stone, standeth ouer a Porch at the entry of his house there.

The Mound or Ball with the Crosse, [...]. Freherus. Dr Origine ya­la [...]. was by Charles the fifth, added by way of augmentation, to the Armo­ries of the Palsgraue of the R [...]ine, in regard of Vienna, so brauely defended by Phillip Earle Palatine, together with the Count Solmas, against the furie of Solyman, Solymans opi­nion of the Emperour Charles. who laid siedge to it with aboue 300000. men; yet glad (at the rumour of the Emperour Charles his comming) to shew his backe. For Solyman, (as himselfe was wont to say) seared not Charles as he was Emperour of Germany, [Page 149] but that good fortune which euer attended him in his greatest enterprises. And no doubt but the blessing of God was vpon him, as being one of the most religious, iust and worthiest Princes that euer liued.

The family of the Haies in Scotland, Holinshead in the T [...]le of Scotland. bare Arg. three Escotcheons Gules, vpon this occasion. At what time the Danes inuaded Scotland, and in a set batraile had put the Scots to the worst: one Hay with his two sonnes being at plow not farre off, The originall of the Noble Family of the Ha [...]es in Scot­land. and seeing his Countrey-men fly­ing frō their enemies, to come vp a narrow Lane walled with stone on both sides, towards him; with their Plow­beames in their hands, meeting them at the lanes end, in despite beate them backe to charge their enemies afresh, reuiling their cowardize, that now hazarded the whole kingdome: whereupon with a stout resolution they put themselues againe into array, and returning backe vpon the Danes (who were both disordered, and in a feare lest a new supply had come downe to the Scots succour) ouer­threw them vtterly, and regained a most memorable vi­ctory. He [...]eupon Hay was by the King ennobled, and had giuen him for his bearing, in a field Siluer, three Es­cotcheons Gules: the rest a Plow-man with his Plow­beame on his shoulder: and withall for his maintenance, as much Land as a Faulcon put off from hand could sly ouer erc she did alight, which Land in Scotland is to this day called Hay his Land; and the Faulcon alighting vp­on a stone, about seuen miles off, gaue it the name of the Falcons stone, euen to this day.

Armes againe are sometimes taken from professions, and those meanes by which the bearers haue raised them­selues to honourable place; as the Dukes of Florence, for that they are descended from the family Di Medic [...], or Phisitians, bare in a field Azure, sixe Lozenges.

Sometimes they are wonne in the field from Infidels, (for no Christian may directly beare anothers Coate by his sword) as was the Coate of Millan from a Sarace [...]; [Page 150] it being an Infant naisant, or issuing from the mouth of a Serpent. Aluares de violla. And after the winning of Granad [...] from the Moores, in the times of Ferdin [...] and Is [...]bell, Kings of Castile, the Pomgranate the Armes of that kingdome, was placed in the bast of the Escotcheon Royall; and in regard it was gained principally by the meanes of Ar­cherie, the Bow and Quiuer of Arrowes was stamped vpon the Spanish sixpence, which remaineth at this day to be seene.

Coates sometimes are by stealth purchased, shuffled into Records and Monuments, by Painters, Glasiers, Caruers, and such: But I trust so good an order hath beene lately established by the Right Honorable, the late Cōmissioners for the Office of the Earle Marshalship, & carefull respect of the Heralds with vs, that all hope of sinister dealing in that kind, is quite cut off from such mercenary abusers of Nobilitie.

Many times gained at a cheaper rate, by bearing, as the Boores in Germany, and the Netherlands, what they list themselues; neither can their owne Inuentions con­tent them, but into what land or place soeuer they tra­uaile, if they espy a fairer Coate then their owne (for they esteeme Coates faire or good, as our Naturals, ac­cording to the varietie of colours) after their returne they set it vp in Glasse for them and their heires, with the Crest and open Beauer, as if they were all Princes; as at Wodrichom or Worcom, hard by Louestein, I found ouer a Tradesman Coate, no worse Crest then the three Feathers in the Crown, and in many other places whole Coates of the French Nobilitie. Heereof examples in those parts are so frequent, that I must say, Inopem me copia fecit.

Now being acquainted with your colours, the points and euery place of the Escotchcon, which the Accidence of Armorie of Master Guillims Display, will at large in­struct you in, begin to practise the Blazon of those Coats [Page 151] which consist of bare and simple lines, without charge, as that ancient Coate of Waldgra [...], who beareth onely party per pale Arg. and Gules; and the Citie of Virecht partie per bend of the same.

Then your fields equally compounded of moe lines, Fields of e­quall compo­sition. as Quarterly, B [...]ndey, Barrey, Gyronned, Checkey, Masculie, &c. Withall, know the names and vse of all manner of your crooked lines, as Endemed, Embat [...]elled, Nebulè, or Vndeè, Danncé [...]è, &c. Know then those Honorable and prime places, or Ordinaries, with their Species, as the cheese, so called of Chef in French, that of [...], because it possesseth the head, or vpper third part of the Escotcheon.

The Fesse holding the middle third part of the shield, The Fesse. containeth vnder it the Barre, Barrulet, Coste, Barres­gemells, &c. The Bend, the Bendlet, single and double Cotize.

Next know the Furres, Counterchangings, Bordures, Tressures, Orles, Frets; all formes of Crosses, differen­ces of Brothers, Roundles of euery kind; as Beasan [...]s, Pla [...]es, Pommices, &c.

Then proceede to the blazon of all vegetable things, as Flowers, Trees, &c.

Then to all quicke and liuing things, as Beasts, Birds, Fishes, Serpents, and the like.

When you haue done, know Honorable additaments, whether they be by way of augmentation, or markes and differences of alliance.

Coates of augmentation, as those of Queene Ka­therine Parre, Queene Katherine Howard, and Queene Iane Seymor, conferred by King Henry the eight.

By Cantons, as Ferdinand King of Spaine, Remaines. M. Guillim in his Display. honoured Sir Henry Guilford with a Canton of Granado: and King Iames, Molin [...], the V [...]ne [...]ian Embassadour, with a Can­ton of the Rose of England, and Thistle of Scotland empaled.

[Page 152]Then ensue differences of alliance, by Bordures, Labels, Bends, Quarterings, and the like.

By the Bordure, Of difference by the Bor­dure. no where more frequent then in the Soueraignes Coate, when the blood Roiall was deriued into so many veines, to the distemper of the whole body, vnder the dissention of Yorke and Lancaster.

Thomas of Woodstocke, as also Humphrey Duke of Glo­cester (who lyeth buried in the Abbey of S. Albanes, vpon the South-side of the Quire, and not in Paules) bare the Soueraigne Coate within a Bordure Argent.

Richard Plantagenet (sonne and heire of Richard Earle of Cambridge) Duke of Yorke, and father to Edward the fourth, bare quarterly France and England, within a Bor­dure Argent, charged with Lionceeaux purpure.

Edmund of Hadham, sonne of Owen Tuder, by Queene Katherine, the Soueraigne Coat within a Bordure Azure, with Martlets and Flower-de-luces Or.

Iohn Beaufort, sonne of Iohn of Gaunt, and his posteri­tie, the same within a bordure Componeè, Argent and Azure.

Charles the seuenth, Tillet. King of France, in the yeare 1436. gaue leaue vnto Nicholas Duke of Ferrara, to beare the Armes of France in a Shield, within a Bordure Componeè Or and Gules, before the Armes of Ferrara, in recog­nisance of the league and fidelitie, wherein hee promi­sed to stand bound to serue the King at his own charges.

And for the like respect, Lewis the eleuenth, in May, 1465. allowed Pietro de Medici, to beare three Flower-de-luces in his shield, which I haue seene borne in cheife, vpon one of his sixe Lozenges.

Of Difference by the Labell.

A second difference is by the Labell, borne chieefely as the difference of the elder Brother. As Edward the blacke Prince, and all our Princes of Wales, eldest sonnes [Page 153] to the King, beare their Fathers Soueraigne Coate, with a Labell of three points, Siluer.

Iohn of Gauns had his Labell Ermin.

Edmond of Langley Duke of Yorke, on his Labell Sil­uer, nine Torteauxes.

Edmond Plantagenes, sonne and heire of Richard Duke of Yorke, Earle of Ru [...]land, (who being a Child scarce twelue yeares of age, was stricken to the heart with a Dagger by the Lord Clifford at the battaile of Wakefield) had vpon his Labell of fiue points Argent, two Lion­ceaux Gules, with nine Torteauxes. The Coate of Vls [...]er and Mortim [...]r being [...]mpaled with his owne, as may be seene in the windowes of F [...]deringhay Castle, the man­sion house of the Duke of Yorke, where by his father Ri­chard Duke of Yorke, and Cicely Nevill his mother, hee lyeth buried; whose bodies remoued out of F [...]deringhay Church-yard, (for the Chancell, in the Quire wherein they first were laid, in that fury of knocking Churches and sacred Monuments in the head, was also felled to the ground) lapped in Lead, were buried in the Church by the commandement of Queene Elizabeth, and a meane Monument of Plaister wrought with the Trowell, ere­cted ouer them, very homely, and farre vnfitting so No­ble Princes.

I remember Master Creuse, a Gentleman, and my w [...]r­thy friend, who dwelt in the Colledge at the same time, told me, that their Coffins being opened, their bodies ap­peared very plainly to be discerned; and withall, that the Dutchesse Cicely had about her necke, hanging in a Silke riband, a pardon from Rome, which penned in a ve­ry fine Romane hand, was as faire and fresh to be read, as it had beene written but yesterday.

Of Difference by the Bend.

A third difference, is by the Bend Baston, &c. as the [Page 150] house of Bur [...] beareth Fr [...], with a B [...]tune Gules, though the proper and true Coate of [...] is Of, a Ly­on Gules, within an Orle of Escallops Azure.

Lewis Earle of Eureux in Normandy, brother to Phi­lip le B [...]ll, bare Seme de France, with a Batune Componeè, Argent and Gules.

Iohn Earle of L [...]aster, and Brother to Richard the first (afterward King) bare for his difference a Batune Azure.

If the mother be of the ligne Royall, many times her Coate is preferred into the first quarter; as H [...]nry Earle of D [...]nshire, and Marqu [...]sse of Exeter, [...]re his mother K [...]tharines Coate, who was daughter to King Edward the fourth. And the like Humphrey Stafford, who was the first Duke of Buckingham by Anne Platag [...]n [...]: his mother, [...] the Coate of Thomas of Woodstocke, whose daughter she was. This Coate, I remember, standeth in the great Chancell window in the Church of Kimbal­t [...]n.

In France it hath beene, Tillet. and it yet a custome among the Nobilitie, to [...] their owne proper Coates, and take others; as perhaps their Wi [...]es, or the Armes of that Srig [...], whereof they are Lords: or whence they haue their Titles, as Mons. Hugues, brother to King Phi­lip, marrying the daughter and heire of Herbere Earle of Ver [...]d [...]s, forsooke his proper Coate, and bare his Wiues, which was Checky, Or, and Azure, onely three Flower-de-luces added in chiefe, to shew he was of the blood. And Robert Coun [...] de Dreux, albeit he was brother to King Lewis [...], bare Checky, Azure and Or, with a Bordure Gules.

Robert Duke of Burgogne, brother to Henry the first, tooke for his bearing, the ancient Armes of the Dukes of Burgogne, which was bendy Or and Azure, within a Bordure Gules, giuen by Charlemaigne to Sanson Duke of Burgogne.

[Page 151]And whereas we in England allow the base sonne his Fathers Coate, with the difference of a bend Batune, si­nister, or bordure engrailed, or the like: it was in France a long time forbidden (I thinke vnder the Capets) to the Princes of the blood; as [...] Earle of M [...]mfort, base sonne to King Robert, was forced to leaue his Fa­thers Coate, and beare Gules, a Lion à la queue fourcheè Or, passeè per à lentour, Argent; for, Le maison de France [...]tant les bastardes, no leur endurè son armeirè, &c. saith Tillet.

The last and least obseruation is of Crests, the Helmet, the Mantle, and doubling thereof, which according to the manner of diuers Countries, are diuersly borne. In Ger­many they beare their Beauers open with Barres, which we allow in England to none vnder the degree of a Ba­ron: in some places they haue no Crests at all. If you would farther proceed in Nobilitie or Heraldry, I would wi [...]h you to reade these bookes of [...] ob [...]itie in gener [...]:

Simon Simonius de N [...]ilit [...]e, [...] at Leipsig. 1572.

Chassan [...], his Catalogus Gloria mun [...].

Hippolitus à Collibus, his Axumata Nobilitatis.

Conclusiones de Nobilitate & Doctorain. published by one of Meckleburg, who concealeth his name, printed 1621. dedicated to the Archbishop of Breme.

Petrus Eritzius, Coun [...]er to the Elector of Branden­burge, published Conclusiones de Nobilitate, in quarto.

Lionellus De pracedentia [...]omi [...]um.

Of the Spanish Nobilitie these Authors haue written.

Ioannes ab Arce Offalora, in folio.

Priuilegios y Franquezas y libertades des bijos d [...]algos De Senniorio de Vizcaia, &c. in fol.

Ludovicus de Moll [...]a, De primog [...]nior [...]m Hispanicorum iure, &c. in fol.

[Page 156]Iosephus de Sesse, in Decis. Aragon. Decis. 8. 9. 10. &c.

Gonzales de C [...]rte, his Nobliza del Andaluzia, in fol.

Of Italy, Sicily, Naples, &c.

Scipie Mazzella nelle Neapoli Illustrata, in quarto.

Paulus Merula in Cosmograph. lib. 3. pt. 3. in Italian.

Of France.

The Workes of Tillet, Fer [...], Charles L'Ois [...], Chop­pin, Theatre d'Honneur.

Of Germany, or the Empire.

Fran. Contzen, his Politiques, in fol.

The Collections of Goldastus, with some others.

The practise of Blazonrie.


HE beareth Azure, a Sal­teir Or. This was the Coate of the pious and deuout Off a King of the Mer­cians, who liued about the yere of Christ 793. and in the three and thirtieth yere of his raigne, builded the goodly Monasterie of S. Albanes in H [...]rtfordshire, vpon the way of Watlingstreet, to entertain Pilgrims: the King himselfe laying the first stone of the foundatiō therof, with these words; Ad Honorem D [...]i Patris, Filij, & Spiritus Sancti, & Mar­tyris sui Albani [...] terra me [...] Proto­martyris. Hee ordained it a Conuent of an hundred Monkes of the order of S. Benedict, electing Willegod who was his Kinsman, to be the first Abbot; he endow­ed it with goodly reuenues, as here appeareth. After he [Page 157] had begun this magnificent worke, Ex M [...]bas. S. Alban [...]. within foure or fiue yeares, he dyed, and was buryed in a little Chappell hard without the towne of Bedford, vpon the banke of the riuer of Ouse or Vse, which by the riuer long since hath beene eaten and worne away.

Willeged the first Abbot dyed the same yeare that Off a did, of very griefe it was thought, for the death of his king and kinsman, whom he dearely loued.

Anno 8 [...]8. After him succeeded these in order.

  • Eadricke.
  • Vulsigus.
  • Wul [...]us.
  • Eadfrithus.

Wulsinus, Who built Saint Peters Church, Saint Michaels and Saint Stephens, and made a faire mar­ket place in the towne.

  • Alfricke.

Aldredus, Who digged vp and searched the ruines of Verlam-cesire, which in his time were dens of theeues and whores; saued all the tile and stone for the repaire of the Church, and in digging vpon the North side in the vale found oaken plankes pitched, Shelles peeces of oares, and a rusty Anchor or two.

Eadmer, after his death (being a religious and a good man) imitating his predecessour, saued all the ancient coines, vrnes and other antiquities hee could finde there.

Leofricke, was sonne to the Earle of Kent, and after be­ing chosen to be Archbishop of Canterburie, he refused it: this Abbot in a time of dearth solde all the Iewels of his Church to buy bread for the poore. After him succee­ded

  • Alfricke.
  • Leostan.
  • Fr [...]theric.

Paul. In this Abbot were giuen to the Mo­nastery [Page 158] of Saint Albanes, the Celles of Wallingford, of Tinnemuth, of Bealvare, of Hertford and Binham.

Richard, who liued in the time of William Rusus, when the Cell of Saint Marie de Wymonaham or Windham in Norfolke was giuen vnto this Abbey, beeing sounded by William de Albeney, father to William de Albeney first Earle of Arundell.

Gaufridus, who founded the Nunnery of Sopwell ther­by on the other side of the riuer, founded and so called vpon this occasion: two poore women hauing built them­selues a small cabben, liued in that place a very austere life, praying, and seruing God with great deuotion; and for that they liued for the most part with no other suste­nance, saue bread and the water of a Well there, wherein they vsed to soppe or dippe their bread, it had (saith mine Author (a Monke sometime of that Abbey) the name of Sopwell. Then

  • Radulphus.
  • Robert.
  • Simon.
  • Garmus.
  • Iohn.
  • William &c.

Off a gaue to this his Abby of Saint Albans, these towns following, viz. Theil, Edel [...], Wiclesfield, Cages [...]o cum suis, Berechund, Rike [...]aresworth, Bacheworth, Crok [...]leie, Michelfield, Britchwell, Watford, Bilsey, Merdell, Alduham. Hal­denham, Spr [...]t, Enefeild, St [...], H [...]ted, Winelesham, Biscopsco [...], C [...]d [...]dune, and Mild [...]dune.

Egelsride his sonne and successour gaue Sandrige. Sandruge and Penefield.

Alfrick [...] Abbot of this Church, (after Archbishop) & Leofrick his brother gaue Kingesbury, C [...]ealdwich, West­wic, Flamsted, Nort [...], R [...]hang W [...]field, Birstan, and Vpton.

[Page 159] AEthelwold Bish. of Dorchester gaue Girshuna, Cuicumba, Tyme, Aegelwin, Redburne, Thuangnā, Lingley, Grenburga.

One Tholfe gaue Estune and Oxaw.

One Sexi gaue H [...]chamsted.

One Ha [...]dh gaue Newha [...] and Beandise.

Therefeld, a religious woman gaue [...] Sceanl [...]a & Bridel.

Aegelwina another gaue Batesden, Offal and Standune.

One Aegelbert gaue Craniford.

A [...]an, Cutesham.

Winsimus gaue Esenden.

Osulsus and his wife gaue St [...]dham and Wilsin [...]: o­thers Walden, Cudicote, Scephal, Bethell, with sundry other Celles, Churches, and goodly possessions of me vnnamed. If I should set you downe the inestimable wealth consi­sting in Plate, Iewells, Bookes, costly Hangings, Altar­cloathes, and the like, which by our English Kings, No­bilitie and others haue from the foundation vnto the dis­solution, with the sundry priuiledges this Abby had, I should weary my selfe with writing, and you with rea­ding; but I omit them, hauing onely proposed a mirrour to the eyes, not of the Church pillars of ancient, but the Church pillers of our times.


He beareth quarterly Or and Gules, ouer all a bend Vaire. This is the Coate Ar­mour of the Right Honoura­ble, Richard Sackuill Baron of Buckh [...]rst, and Earle of Dor­set, none of whose Aunce­stors (nor yet himselfe) did euer desire to quarter any o­ther Coats with it, (although of Right they may (for it is a very auncient Coate Ar­mour, as appeareth by the booke of Knights of King Edward 1. as also by diuers [Page 160] Seales of these very Armes, fixed to sundry deeds, made by this familie in the time of King Henry the third, a­bout which time they were painted and set vp in the windowes of their Mannor house, called Sackuills, and in the Churches of Bergholt and Mount Bures in Essex, where they yet remaine, as also in the Abbey of Begham in Kent, sometime of their foundation in the Raigne of King Iohn: and in Withyham Church in Sussex, where successiuely they haue beene buried more then 300. yeeres, with seuerall Tombes.

The Auncestors of this Noble family were French­men borne, taking their Surname of a Towne in Nor­mandy called Sackuill, whereof they were Lords, and came into England, to the aide of Duke William the Conque­rour, as appeareth by an auncient Manuscript or Chroni­cle of Brittaine, now in the Custody of M r. Edward Gwinn, where he is called a Chiefetaine, and is the seauenth man ranked in a Catalogue of names there; for as it may be obserued out of M r. Camdens Remaines, that the better sort about the time of the Conquest began to take vp Surnames, so againe they were not setled amongst the common people vntill the Raigne of King Edward the second. He moreouer affirmeth, that the most ancient and of best account, were deriued from places, whereof this name of Sackuill is one, and to adde yet more vnto it, Ordericus Vitalis the Monke, in his Normane story saith, that Herbrann de Sackuill, was liuing in the time of William the Conquerour, being father of three Noble Knights, Iordan, William, and Robert de Sackuill, and of a vertuous and beautifull Ladie, named Auice, who was married to Walter Lord of Alfage & Hugleuill, by whom shee had issue; Iordan L. of Alfage & Hugleuill, that mar­ried Iulian the daughter of one Gods [...]all, who came into England with Q. Adelize, of Lo [...]ine, the Wife to King Henry the first: After whose death, the said Queene marri­ed to William de Albency Earle of Arundell, from whom the now Right Honorable, Thomas Earle of Arundell, and [Page 161] Surry, and Earle Marshall of England is descended. S. Iordan de Sackuill Knight, the eldest sonne, was Sewer of England by the gift of the said Conquerour, but liued and died in Normandy. S. Robert de Sackuill Knight, the yon­ger sonne liued in England, and gaue together with his body the Mannor of Wickham in Suffolke [...] to the Abbey of S [...]. Iohn Baptist in Colchester, leauing issue a son named S [...]. Iordan de Sackuill, a very eminent man in the time of King Richard the first, as appeareth by a Charter of the said King, made to the Monkes of Bordes [...]ey in Bucking­hamshiere. S [...]. Iordan de Sackuill, that obtained of King Iohn a Friday Market weekely, and a Faire once a yeare in his Towne of Sackuill in Normandy, as saith the Kings Publike Records in the Tower of L [...]don. Holiinshed, fol. 186. doth there ranke Iordan de Sackuill, as a Baron, cal­ling him one of the assistants to the 25. Peeres of this Realme, to see the Liberties of Magna Charta confirmed. And for further proofe, that they were men of no meane [...]anke, it is apparent in the Red booke of the Exchea­quer in the 12. and 13. yeeres of the said Kings Raigne, in these words, Hubertus de Anestie tenes, 2. food. in Ane­stie, & parua Hornmcad, & dimid. [...]. in Anestie de Ho­nore Richard [...] de Sack [...]yle. Agai [...]e, S [...]. Iordan de Sackuill Knight, grand [...] childe to the said Iordan de Sackuill, was taken prisoner at the battaile of E [...]esham, for siding with the Barons against King Henry, the third, in the 49. yeare of His Raigne, whose sonne and heire, named An­drew Sackuill, being vnder age at the time of his fathers death, and the Kings Wa [...]d, was like wise imprisoned in the Castle of Deuer, Ann. 3. E [...]n. 1. and afterward by the speciall command of the said King, did marry Ermyn­ [...]de an Honourable Ladie, of the houshold to Queene [...] or, whereby he not onely gained the Kings fauour, but the greatest part of his Inheritance againe. From whom the aforesaid Richard Earle of Dorset, with S [...]. Edward Sackuill Knight of the Bathe, his brother (and [Page 162] others) are descended; one of whose Auncestors, by marrying a daughter and co-heire of Rase de Denn, sonne of Rodbert Pincerna, that held the Lordship of Buckhurst, with diuers other Mannors and Lands in Sussex, about the time of the Normain Conquest. In right of which marriage they haue euer since continued Lords of the said Mannor of Buckhurst with diners other Manors and L [...]nds in Sussex, &c.


He beareth Sable 3. Hartes heads cabbaged argent, tired or, by the name of Cavendish, & [...] is borne by the right Honora­ble, William, Baron Cavendish of Hardwick in the Countie of Derbie, Earle of Deuonshiere, and Vncle to William Caven­dish, Knight of the Bath, Baron Ogle, and Viscount Mansfield.

Which William Earle of Devonsh [...] was sonne of S [...]. Wil­liam Cavendish, of Chattesworth in the said Countie of Derby knight, Treasurer of the Cham­ber to King Henry the eight, Edward the sixt, and Queene Marie; by his wife Elizabeth, daughter of lohn Hardwick, of Hardwick Esquire.

The Auncestors of this Noble Familie, called them­selues G [...]r [...]ms, whose issue in processe of time, assumed to themselues, the Surname of Cavendish, as being Lords of the Towne and Mannor of Cavendish in Suffolke; out of which familie disbranched that famous Trauailer, Mr. Thomas Cavendish, who was the third that trauailed a­bout the world, whose voyage you shall finde, set downe at large in the English Discouerers, written by Mr. [...].

[Page 161]


He beareth pearle on a bend of the Diamond, three Roses of the first with a Crescent vpon a Crescent for a diffe­rence, by the name of Carey. This is the proper coate of the Right Noble Henry Lord Ca­rey, Baron of Hunsd [...]n, and Viscount R [...]chford, descended from the ancient family of the Careys in the countie of De­v [...]n.


This forme of bearing, is tearmed a Lozenge, and is proper to women neuer marryed, or to such in cour­tesie as are borne Ladies; who though they be marryed to Knights, yet they are com­monly stiled and called after the Sirname of their fathers, if he be an Earle;for the grea­ter Honour must euer extin­guish the lesse: for example, the bearer hereof is the Lady Mary Sidney, the late wife of Sir Robert Wroth Knight, and daughter of the right Honourable, Robert Lord Sidney of Penshurst, Viscount Lis [...]e, Earle of Leicester, and companion of the most no­ble Order of the Ga [...]ter, who seemeth by her late published Vrania an inheritrix of the Diuine wit of her [Page 162] Immortall Vncle. This coate you shall blaze thus: shee beareth (on a Lozenge) Or, a Pheon Azure, which is the head of a dart (saith Leigh, in his Accedence of Armo­ [...]y.)


Hee beareth of the Rubie, three Roses pearle, on a chei [...]e of the first, three Roses of the second. This coate appertay­neth to the right Honourable Sir lulius Caesar Knight, Master of the Roules, and one of his Maiesties most Honourable priuie Counsell, who is descen­ded of the Noble and ancient family of the Dalmarii in [...]aly, a gentleman worthy to be honoured, aswell for his since­rity, as his lo [...]e to good learning and all excellent parts, vnto whom I acknowledge my selfe to bee many wayes obliged.


Hee beareth Sable, Deux [...]anches Ermine, Sur le tout vnè est [...]le a buict ra [...]s, [...]raions d'or. The first institution of this Coate was with a starre of 8. points, as appeareth by sun­dry Churches in N [...]rfolke, where this family had its be­ginning, where it is as I haue seene it drawne with sixe. It is ignorantly mistaken, for the 8. [Page 163] points were fitted to the proportion of the field, there­by adding more lustre and beautie to the Coare, dispred­ding themselues from the nombrill or middle part of the Escotcheon.

It is borne by the name of Hobart, and was the pro­per Coate of Sir Iames Hobart Knight, Atturney Gene­rall vnto King Henry the seauenth; a right good man, withall of great learning and wisedome: hee builded the Church of Lodd [...]n, and Saint Olaues, commonly called Saint Toolies bridge in the County of Norfolke.

This worthy Knight lyeth buryed vnder a faire mo­nument in the middle lle on the Northside in Christs Church in Norwich But it is now borne (with the Coate of Vister by the gift of King Iames vnto him as a Barronet) by the Honourable and Nobly minded Sir Henry Hobart Knight and Baronet, So that Iames was Atturney ge­nerall vnto Henry, & now Henry vnto Iames. Lord chiefe Iustice of the Common Pleas, of Blickling in the County of Norfolke; whose vprightnesse in Iustice, and loue to his country, hath (like his owne Starre communicatiue of it selfe) dispersed the fairer beames into all places.


He beareth Azure, an Eagle displayed Siluer, by the name of Cott [...]n. It is thus borne (with an Escotcheon of Vlster) by the learned and Honourable Sir Robert Cott [...]n Knight and Baronet of Cunningt [...]n in the Countie of Huntingd [...]n, descen­ded anciently by a yonger bro­ther from the Bruces of Scot­land; a Gentleman, vnto whom not onely our Brittaine but Europe her selfe is obliged, for his industry, cost, and care in collection of so many [Page 164] rare Manuscripts and other Monuments of venerable Antiquity, being of the same most free and communica­tiue, to all men of learning and quality.


He beareth Sable, a Cheveron betweene three Cinque soiles Ermine, a Canton dexter of V [...]ster, as he is Baronet by the name of Woodhouse. This coate thus borne belongeth to Sir Philip Woodhouse, Knight and Barronet of Kimberly in the County of Norfolke: this family is very ancient, for they were gentlemen of good ranke in the time of King lohn, as it appeareth by many ancient G [...]ants and Euidences of theirs, which I haue seene. Moreouer, I [...]inde out of a faire parchment Manuscript in French, or collection of the Parliaments all the time of Edward the third (which my Honoured and worthy friend Sir Robert Cotten hath) and in the fourth yeare of his raign, at a Parliment to be holden at Westminster, a writ thus di [...]ected to one Robert de Woodhouse, his Chaplaine and Treasurer.

R [...]x dilect [...] [...] s [...]o Roberto de Woodhouse, Archidia­cone de Richm [...]nd Thesa [...]rario s [...]o salutem. Negotia [...]os & statum regni contingentia, &c. vobis mandamus [...]irmiter i [...] ­iungentes quod omnibus alijs prater [...]issis &c. Beside I haue s [...]ene the will of King Henry the fourth, and He [...]rie the fifth, M. Iohn Wood­house. where one was a gentleman of Henry the fourth's chamber, and by his will made one of his executors; as also he was to Henry the fifth, who wrote his letter to the P [...]ior, and Chapter of the Church of the Trinitie in Norwich, to giue him leaue to build himselfe a Chappell in their Church. So that from time to time, they haue [Page 165] held an Honourable place, and at this day are worthy stayes and pillars of Iustice in their Countries. Nor must I heere let fall the worth of two sons of this Gentleman, Sir Thomas Woodhouse Knight (who marryed Blanch Si­ster to the right Honourable Henry now Viscount Roch­f [...]rt) and Master Roger Woodhouse his brother, Gentle­men, not onely learned, but accomplished in what euer may lend Lustre to worth and true gentilitie.


He beareth Pearle, a Cheue­ron Saphire, betweene three Squerrels Seiant of the Rubi [...], by the name of Louell. This Coat is thus borne by the Right Worshipfull Sir Francis Louell, Knight, in the Countie of Nor­folke.

This was also the Coate of Sir Thomas Louell, Knight of the Garter, made by King Henrie the seuenth, of whose ho [...]se hee was Treasurer, and President of the Counsell. This Sir Thomas Louell was a fift sonne of Sir Ralphe Louell of Barton Bendish, in the Countie of Norfolke. This his Coate with the Garter about it, standeth ouer Lincolnes Inne Gate. He founded the Nunnery of Halliwell (where was also his house) on a wall of which not ma [...]y yeares since was to be read this inscription.

All ye Nuns of Halliwell,
Pray ye both day and night:
For the Soule of Sir Thomas Louell,
Whom Harry the [...] made Knight.

[Page 166]It appeareth also that Sir William Louell Lord Morley, was Knight of the Garter: for in Morley In Norfolk. Church the seate of his Baronnie, is yet remaining in a Glasse win­dow (which I haue seene) this Coate with the Garter about it.


He beareth Argent, 3. pallets Gules, ouer all a Cheueron Or. This Coate is thus borne by the Right Honourable Sir Edward Barkham Knight, now Lord Maior of the Citie of London; who for his care and wisedome, in the discharge of his so high a place, worthily meriteth to bee ranked with the most deser­uing.


Hee beareth Sable, a Fesse engrailed between three Flo­wer-de-luces Siluer, by the name of Ashfield of Stow Langton in the Countie of Suffolke.

This Coate Armour is verie ancient, as is proued by sundry bookes of Armes, Church win­dowes, and seuerall deeds, wher­of I haue seene two bearing date Anno 18. Richard the 2. with seales of this very Coate fixed thereunto, with this in­scription about the same (viz:) Sigillum Robertide Ash­field; as also another deed bearing date, Anno 3. Henrie [Page 167] the fixt, made from Robert the sonne of Iohn Ashfeild of Stow-Langton, Esquire, to Simon Finchan [...], and Iohn Whitlocke, with a faire Seale of red Waxe: whereupon was a Griff [...] S [...]iant, with his wings displayed, ouer whose body is this Armes, with this inscription about the who [...]e Seale (viz:) S. Robertide Ashfeild Armig. The aboue named Robert Ashfeild builded the Church of Stow Lang­ton, in the Quire whereof (which I haue seene) hee ly­eth butied vnder a faire Marble; he was seruant vnto the blacke Prince, whom he followed in his warres in France. This Coate is thus borne by Sir lohn Ashfeild, Knight, sole heire of that Family, now Gentleman of the bedde Chamber to Prince Charles.


He beareth partie per pale, Argent and Gules, a bend coun­terchanged. This was the pro­per Coate of our famous Poet, Sir Geoffrey Chaucer Knight, who was sometime Master of the Custome-housd in London, and allyed by Katherine Swin­ford to lohn of Gaunt Duke of Lancaster. Hee lyeth buried at W [...]stminster: his Epitaph being made ouer him by Master Nicholas Brigha [...].

[Page 168]


He beareth Fusilie, Ermine and Sable, on a cheife of the se­cond three Lillies. This is the Coate of Magdalen Colledge in Oxford, founded by that fa­mous Prelate William de Wain­flet, sirnamed Patten. He was borne in Waineflet, a little towne by the Sea in Lincolnshire, Anne 1459.


Heere are two Coates impa­led: and thus the husband bea­reth his Wi [...]es Coate: In the first hee beareth Luna, on a cheife Mars, three Lions heads erazed of the Sunne, by the name of Richardson: and it is thus borne by Sir Thomas Ri­chardson of Hunningham, in the Countie of Norfolke, Knight, Serieant at the Law, and late Speaker of the house of Com­mons in Parliament: the second is borne by the name of Southwell, and appertaineth to Dame Vrsula his Wife, who was daughter to Master lohn Southwell of Barham, in the Countie of Suffolke, Esquire, a very good Ladie: Master Serieant himselfe deseruing much to be respected, for his diligence and depth of iudgement in his profes­sion.

[Page 169]


He beareth quarterly, eight Coats, ( viz.) the first, quarter­ly Gules and Vaire, ouer all a Bend Dor, by the name of Con­stable: the second Gules, a pale Fusile Or, by the name of Haul­ [...]n: the third Or, a cheife azure by the name of Lizo [...]rs: the 4. Checkey Or & Gules, on a cheif argent, a Lyon passant sable, by the name of Comberworth: the fist, argent, tow barres in­ [...]ra [...]led sable, by the name of Staines: Note that Sir Iohn F [...] doth set downe for Nigells Coat, Or, a Lion ramp [...] pur­pure: but o [...] learned H [...] ­ [...]aulds deny the same, af­firming it to be La [...]s Coate, Baron of [...], and haue re­gistred for Nigell true Coate, Gules, a pale [...], Or, as [...] ­said. the fixt, argent, a cheueron betweene three Martlets, sable, by the name of Argum: the seauenth Or, a plaine crosse Vert, by the name of Hussey: the eight and last, Argent on a cheife sable, two Mullets Or, peirced Gules, by the name of Salueyne; vpon the Center, an Eschocheon, with the Armes of Vlster, being an augmentation of honour gi­uen by our Soueraigne Lo. King Iames, to the Order of Barroners, &c. which are the quarterings of the much respected, Sir William Constable of Flamburgh in the County of Yorke, Barronet. Here I can not passe, (ha­uing occasion, but giue a little touch of the Antiquity of this Family of Constable, taking their Sirname from the office of Constable of Chester, called in Latine, Conesta­bilis, & Constabular [...]s, si [...]e magister mili [...]um, which their ancestors held. For King william the Conquerout pre­sently after the Conquest, made Hugh Lupus the first Earle Palatine of Chester, to hold the said whole County of him, it [...] libere ad gladium s [...]e [...]t ipse Rex tenebat Angli­am ad Coronam; And the said Earle Hugh, for the peace­able gouernment of his country, &c. ordained vnder him, (as the learned Camden saith) eight Barons, they all be­ing his trusti [...] friends; whereof the principallest was Ni­gell [Page 170] his cosen, whom he created Baron of Haulten: and for the valiant courage and boldnes which Earle Hugh had often exper [...]enced to be in the man, he ordained him al­so Constable of Chester, an office of speciall trust, as in whom is reposed the charge and guiding of all the soul­diours, horses, Armor, and other prouision of warres, ap­pertaining to the said Lupus, which then was a Princely person, and of great dignity. The said Nigell was sonne of Iuon, Viscount Constantyn in Normandy, by E [...], si­ster to Adam, Earle of Britaine; and had issue, William the Constable of Chester, founder of the Abbey of Nor­ton, whose daughter Agnes heire to his brother William, was marryed to Eustace Fitz-Iohn (a noble Baron) the son of Iohn Monoculus, This Eustace Fitz Iohn kept the Ca­stell of Mal­ton against King Stephen, as saith R [...]g [...] Honeden, fol. 227, inno. 1137. Lord of Knarsburgh, brother and heire of Serlo de Burg [...], who in the Raigne of the Con­querour builded the Castle of Knarsburgh, in the County of Yorke [...] the said Serl [...] and Iohn, being the sonnes of Eu­stace a Norman; And the aboue named Eustace Fitz [...] Iohn, with the consent of the said Agnes his first wife, founded the Monastery of Watton in the County of Yorke. After her death, he marryed Beatrix, the onely daughter and heire of I [...], Lord Vescy, with whom he had the Barronies of Malton and Alnwick [...]; and with her consent, he also founded the Abbeys at Malton and Aln­wick, and the hospitall of Broughton: & shortly after, the said Eustace Fitz Iohn lost all his lands; but by mediati­on of friends, hee recouered them all againe of the King, except Knarsburgh. He was a great man, and [...]mi­nent amongst the chiefest of the Realme, both for his great Estate and wisedome; at last hee was slaine in the warres against the Welch, together with Robert Courcy and many others, in the first yeare of Henry the second; leauing issue by the said Beatrix, William, who assumed to himselfe and his posterity, the Sirname and Armes of Vesey, from whom by the Attons and Bro [...]fletts, the La­dy Anne Clifford, Countesse of Dorset is lineally descen­ded. [Page 171] And the said Eustace Fitz Iohn, by his first wife Ag­nes, had issue, Richard Fitz Eustace, Baron of Haulton and Constable of Chester, who in the beginning of the raigne of King Henry the second, held one Knights see in S [...]th, in the County of Yorke. Ex libr [...] rub [...] in Sca [...]ari [...] Westmonaster [...] reseruat [...]. The said Richard Fitz Eustace marryed Albred daughter and heire of Eude de Lizours, and sister by the mother, but not by the father, of Robert de Lacy, Baron of Pontesract, and his heire, quia non habuit aliam tam propinquam, Vt yate [...] per Inquisi [...]nem tempore Regi [...] Iohann [...]. as Master Camden noteth: in whose right her posterity enioyed 60. Knights Fees of the Ho­nour of Ponte [...]ract. The said Richard Fitz Eustace and Albred, had issue Iohn Constable of Chester, and Baron of Haulton, Lord of the Mannour of Flamburgh, who liued in the 18. yeare of Henry 2. and Roger Lord of Wark­worth in Northumberland, from whom the ancient Ba­rons of Clauering, the Baron Euers, and Sir Iohn Cla­uering of Caloley in Northumberland are descended. The said Iohn Constable of Chester dyed in the holy land, in the first yeare of Richard [...]. at Tyre (as Roger Hou [...]den hath) leauing issue, Roger Constable of Chester, Baron of Haul­ton, &c. (father of Iohn de Lacy, Earle of Lincolne) and Robert Lacy, whose posterity assumed vnto themselues the surname of Constable: from which Robert in a direct line are descended, Sir William Constable of Flamburgh, Baronet; Marmaduke Constable of Eueringham, Esquire, sonne of Sir Philip Constable, Knight, late dec [...]ased; Chri­stopher Constable of Hatfield, Esquire; Iames Constable of Cliffe, Esquire, Iohn Constable of Carthorpe, Esquire; Mar­maduke Constable of Kerby, Esquire,— Constable of Wassam, Esquire; Sir Iohn Constable of Dromandby Knight, with many others also liuing this present yeare, 1622.

[Page 172]


He beareth quarterly foure Coats, ( viz.) the first Gules a cheueron Or, betweene three Cocks Argent, beaked, combed and membred Or, by the name of Crow: the second parted per­pale Gules and azur, a Lyon ram­pant Argent pelleted, by the name of Stockets: the third Gules a Boare passant Argent, by the name of Boare: the fourth & last quarterly Or and Gules, a bend Vaire distinguished with a Cressant Sable for a difference, by the name of Sackuill. And for his Creast on a wreath of his colours a Cocke argent, beaked, combed and membred Or.

This ancient name and family of Crow, was anciently of Suffolke; for about the time of K. Edward the 4. Thomas Crow of Suffolke the elder, purchased Bradsted in Kent, whose sonne Thomas Crow the yo [...]ger married Ioane the onely daughter and heire of Nicholas Boare, son of Iohn, sonne of Richard Boare, that married Lora the daughter of Simon Stocket of Bradsted in Kent. The aforesaid Ioane brought to Thomas her husband, his house called Stockets with a Chancell built by the aboue named Simon Stockets, as appeareth by a French deede tempore Edw. 2. As also a house and certaine land called Boars, by whom shee had issue Iohn Crow the elder, father of Henry Crow, father of William Crow of Bradsted Esq. who married Anne the second daughter and coheire of Iohn Sackuill of Chidding­leigh in Sussex Esq. The said Mannor of Chiddingleigh hath beene in the possession of the Sackuills aboue three hundred yeeres, and at this day is part of the inheritance of the Right Honorable Richard Sackuill Earle of Dorset and Baron of Buck [...]urst; which William Crow and Ann [...] his wife, hath issue, Sackuill Crow their sonne and heire now liuing, with others.

[Page 166]


He beareth Azure, two Lions endorsed Or. This is an Hono­rable bearing; and was (saith Ger [...]ard Leigh) the Coate of Achilles at the siedge of Tr [...]y.


Hee beareth Pearle, a Fesse betweene sixe Annulets of the Rubie, by the name of Lucas. This Coate belongeth vnto M. Thomas Lucas of Colchester in the Countie of Essex, Esquire. This worthy Gentleman is much to bee commended in the education of his children, spa­ring neither cost not diligēce to fu [...]nish them with the best and most commendable Qualities. I know not (I speak free­ly) whether not onely Ess [...]x, but England, can shew a young Gentleman of fifteene yeares of age, more ac­complished euery way then M Iohn Lucas his sonne, who not onely vnderstandeth and speaketh the Latine, French, Italian; and is well entred into the Spanish, a good Logician, playeth his par [...] on the Violl, daunceth, rideth a great horse admirable well, yet neuer trauailed, or saw Vniuersitie: but by his Father for the languages, and the diligence of Masters in other qualities, Intra do­mesticos parie [...]es, heerein he h [...]th attained for his yeares [Page 170] to no meane perfection. And if hereto personage, carri­age and good demeanor may adde ought, I thinke him second to none of his age and ranke whatsoeuer. I speake the more liberally, for that I see great numbers of our hopefull Gentry, to spend many yeares abroad in fruit­lesse trauaile, returning for the most part worse then they went, and to waste much time and Money to no end in the Vniuersities, which it had beene better for some they had neuer seene.


He beareth Vert, fretted Or, with a Cressant for a difference, by the name of Whitmore. This is the proper Coat of the Right Worshipfull and worthy M r. George Whitmore, at this time one of the Sheriffes of the Ho­norable Citie of London. Green of all colours is saide most to comfort and preserue the sight, and naturally gladdeth the hart of man; the earth in her greatest pride being of this colour: so that Vert and Gold are colours most glorious to behold, and to the bearer imply Riches and Comfort, which I wish he may not want, being reputed a right ho­nest Gentleman.

[Page 171]


He beareth Ermine, a bend Gules, cotized Or, by the name of Ienney. It is a faire and an ancient Coate, the field being Ermine, it is esteemed the ri­cher: the Duke of Bretaign [...] Coate being onely Ermine, without any other charge, is esteemed one of the fairest bea­rings of Europe. And for that the Lord Z [...]uch is descended from the Dukes of Bre­taigns, hee beareth with his Beasants a Canton Ermine. This Coate is borne (though with a difference) by M. Arthur Ienney, Esquire, a Gentleman in his owne worth answering euery way the goodnesse of his Coate.


He beareth Or, a Lion Ram­pant Sable, armed and langued Gules, betweene three Flower-de-luces Azure, by the name of Faireclough. This is an an­cient Family in the Countie of Lancaster, whence the Fairecloughes of Weston in Hertfordshire, and those of Bedfordshire deriuethemselues; as also my selfe and my bro­ther M r. Richard Peacham of Le [...]erton, in Holland, in the Countie of Lincolne, our mother being of the same name and Family. A Gentleman of this house was Standard­bearer vnto the Lord Stanley at the battaile of Bosworth, who came with his Lancashire forces to the aide of the Earle of Richmond, who next vnder God was assuredly the meanes of gaining that day.

[Page 172]


He beareth quarterly in the first quarter Gules; a Salteir be­tweene [...]oure Croslets Fitchees Siluer, by the name of Brampton of Brampton. The second Ermin, a cheife endented Gules, by the name of Bro [...]me; the third as the second, the fourth as the first. Either of these Coates are ancient, and borne thus quarte­red by M. Henry Brampton of Blo-Norton, in the Countie of Norfolke, Esquire.


He beareth Or, a Dolphine hariant Azure; if hee stood in Fesse hee were naiant or swim­ming: the Dolphine is to bee reckoned among those Crea­tures which are [...], or friendly to man. For hee will follow a shippe at sea many leagues to enjoy the sight of men. Our Painters commonly draw him crooked and ben­ding, when he is as straight a Fish as any other. Hee is borne (of these colours) naiant by the Dolphine of France.

[Page 173]


He beareth Gules, three keies Siluer betweene three flower­deluces Or, had the field beene Azure, I would haue suppo­sed it to haue beene the Armes of some great City or port towne in France; those keyes borne as a signe of the great trust they were put in, and as a remembrance of their fidelitie.


He beareth Siluer, a Pine tree with the Apples propper, it is borne by the name of Pine. The Pine groweth abundantly vpon the cold mountaines of Nor­way, in Denmarke, Lies [...]nd, and those countries whence wee haue them for Mastes for shippes. There are two sorts of them, the male and female, the one called Pi [...]aster or the wilde Pine, the other female, onely Pinus: which hath caused a generall errour among our Schoolemasters in construing that in the Grammar, Mas pinus, Mas oleaster, Lillie expla­ned. whereof the most ignorant construe it Pinus, a Pine tree, Mas, the Masculine. Those that thinke themselues of better iudgement turne it to Spinus, (and so many Grammars haue it printed) but that is as false as the other, Spinus being euer by consent of all Di­ctionaries and Authors the foeminine gender: the truth [Page 174] is, Mas Pinus, the male or he Pine tree; for indeed Lillie might had said to haue put it out of question, Pina­ster, Mas Oleaster, but then it had beene an harsh and vn­pleasing Cacemphaton, as your owne eare will tell you, but this by the way.


He beareth empaled, the first Argent on a bend Gules cotized Sable, three wings em­paled of the first (with a mul­let for a difference) by the name of Wingfeild, the se­cond pearle betweene three Talbots passant of the Dia­mond, a Cheveron of the Ru­bie, by the name of Talbot. I giue you more instances of empalements: because I desire you should be better acquainted with the same.

This Coate of Talbot belongeth vnto the Right wor­shipfull Master Thomas Talbot, Doctour of the Ciuill Law of Miliers Hall in Wim [...]ndham in the Countie of Norfolke, a very learned and honest Gentleman.

[Page 175]


He beareth Argent, three Pheons Sable. This coate is anci­ent, and borne by a worthy Gentleman a friend to the Mu­ses in all good parts, and now liuing beyond the seas.


He beareth Azure, two cres­sents in chiefe Or, and one in bast Siluer. I know not the ow­ner of this Coate, onely I found it in a Church in Bra­ban [...], and for the raritie, (for seldome haue I seene the like) placed it here to conclude the rest.

[Page 176]


He beareth argent: a Cheue­ron azure between three Trey­foiles vert. The Treyfoile is the Herald of the Spring, & the first gras [...]e that appeareth, hereupon it was the Embleme of Hope. For Hope anciently was pain­ted like a young and a beauti­full child of a sweete and smi­ling countenance, Hope, how among the Ancients described. standing on tiptoe, in a long and wide roabe of white and greene, with a treifoile in the hand; the ten­der age sheweth the Infancy of Hope; the smiling cheare, the sweetnesse and pleasure shee apprehendeth in her thoughts; standing on tiptoe, sheweth her vncertainty and vnsteddinesse: the long and wide roabe declareth, she [...]euer pincheth or bindeth her conceipt, but alloweth her imagination the largest scope: the trey foile signifieth, it is alwayes Spring with her, whose colours white and greene, she is clad in.

If you would proceede further in blazonry, and the true knowledge of the des [...]ts of our English Nobility, I refer you to that exact, Master [...]ug. Vincent. iust and elaborate worke of my singular and learned friend Master Augustine Vincent, Rouge-croix, very shortly to be published [...] which let it be vnto you (of all that haue written in that kinde) instar omnium. So I referre you henceforward to your priuate reading and obseruation.

CHAP. 14.
Of Exercise of the Body.

I Now from your priuate studie and contemplation, bring you abroad into the open fields, for exercise of your Body, by some honest recreation, since A­ristotle requireth the same in the Education of Nobilitie, and all youth. Since the mind from the Ability of the Body gathereth her strength and vigor. In L. Sol [...]. [...]. de Alea lusu & Ale [...]. Anciently by the Ciuill Law these kinds of Exercises were onely al­lowed of, that is, [...], and [...], which are the exercise of Armes by single combate, as running at Tilt-barrians, &c. coiting, throwing the hammer, sledge, and such like. Running, iumping, leaping, and lastly wrestling: for the first, it is the most Noble, those Epithites of [...], Of Horse­manship. and [...], haue beene the attri­butes of Kings and Princes, whose delight in auncient times was to ride and mannage great horses. Hereby you are ennabled for command, and the seruice of your Country. And what, saith Tullis, can bee more glorious, then to bee able to preserue and succour our country, when she hath neede of our helpe? It is the onely com­mendation that Saluste giues to Iugurth, who did not (saith he) giu [...] himselfe ouer to be corrupted by Sloath and Riot (as many of our Gallants now adayes doe) but as it is the cu­stome of that Nation, exercised himselfe by riding, throw­ing the dart, and running with his equals: and though he excelled all other in the height of glorie, notwithstan­ding he was held deare and beloued of all men, &c. And Casar vsed the exercise of [...]iding so much, and hereby be­came so actiue and skilfull, that laying his hands behinde him, he would put his horse to his full carreer, make him [Page 178] on the suddaine take hedge or ditch, & stop him, put him into a ring, and the like. And Marius after he had beene seauen time [...] Consul, and fourescore yeares of age, exercised himselfe daily in the field of Mars with the Romane youth, instructing them to handle their weapon, to ride, &c. The like also did Pompey euen to his last expedition. And Virgil speaking (I take it) of the Spartan youth: saith,

Venat [...] invigilant pueri, Sylva [...] (que), fatigans.
Flect [...]r [...] ludis equos, & spicula tendere cornu, &c.

And at this day it is the onely exercise of the Italian Nobility, especially in Naples, as also of the French; and great pitty of no more practised among our English Gentry.

Running at the tilt is a generous and a Martiall exer­cise, Of Tilting and Tornea­ments. but hazardous and full of danger; for many hereby (euen in sport) haue lost their liues, that I may omit Henry the French King, with many other Princes and noble personages of whom Historie is full.

Tilting and Torneaments were inuented by Manuel Comnenus Emperour of Constantinople, Guide Panci­ [...]llo. in lib de reb. no viter re­ [...]ertis, tit. 20. Nicetas, lib. 3. as saith Nicetas, who wrote about the yeare 1214. before his time wee reade not any where that this exercise was vsed vnder the Romane Empire.

The same Nicetas reporteth of a solemne Iustes or Torneaments which the saide Manuel Comnenus shew­ed vnto the Latines at Antioch, what time they went to make warre in the holy land: for the Latines making a braue shew in their rich Armour well horsed, with their Lances, and presenting themselues before the Emperor; the Emperour to shew them that the Graecians were no­thing inferiour vnto them in brauery or courage, ap­pointed a day when they and the Latines (for the glory of either Empire) should so many to so many, and with [Page 179] lances without points, encounter eyther brauely moūted, and made one of the number with his Graecians; who, saith Nicetas, so brauely carryed himselfe, that he vnhor­sed two Latine Commanders, casting them from the saddle to the ground.

In our launces now adayes (of what wood soeuer they are made of) there is nothing so much danger as hath beene in times past: neyther in our moderno practise of warre haue they almost any vse at all. The Prince of Orange hath abandoned them, hauing not a Launce in his whole Armie, but hath Carbines in their roome. Spinola hath some troopes of them, yet not many, as I obserued. Those of Shertogen-bosch vnder Grobbendonckse, are esteemed the best horse Spinola hath.

For throwing and wrestling, I hold them exercises not so well beseeming Nobilitie, Of throwing, leaping, and wrestling. but rather Souldiers in a Campe, or a Princes guard: neither haue I read or heard of any Prince or Generall commended for wrestling, saue Epaminondas Achmat the last Grand Sig­neur and Emperor of Turkie, who tooke great delight in throwing the Hammer, and was so strong that he ouer­threw his stoutest Iauizaries, there being reared in Con­stantinople for one extraordinary cast which none could come neere, two great pillars of marble.

Running and Agility of Body haue beene esteemed most commendable in the greatest Princes and Com­manders that euer liued; Of running. and the old Romanes (next af­ter trial made of their strength, and view of their limmes and person) chose their souldiers by running, for it was an old custome among them, to assault the enemy by running all close together in grosse to the charge. And Casar tells vs that strokes are surer laid on, C. Casar in Epistolis. and the soul­dier made more nimble and ready in running and by motion. Homer gaue Achilles (which perhaps some of our great feathered gallants would disdaine, yet hap­ly better deserue) the epithite of [...], or swiftfooted. [Page 180] And To cure the smalnes [...]e of his voice, he would vsually run vp a hil, a fit Embleme for such as when they haue ascended the heigth of preferment, both looke and speak big. Alexander we reade excelled all his Court in run­ning. Sertorius a braue commander vnder Caesar, could nimbly runne vp the most steepe Mountaines, leape bro­ken and vnpasseable Rockes, and like inuious places; insomuch as Metellus beeing sent with a powerfull Ar­mie against him, he knew neither where to finde him, nor how to come by him, by reason of his nimble foote­manship. Thereupon he sent his Colleague Pompey, who beeing by Sextorius ouerthrowne at the first encounter, escaped very narrowly; for beeing vnhorsed, and ha­uing receiued a great wound, while the souldiers were busied in striuing, some for his horse, others for the most rich furniture (his caparison, bridle, saddle, stir­rops, being in a manner all of gold, and shining with pre­tious stones of inestimable valew) watching his oppor­tunity, by swiftnes of foot escaped from them all, and re­turned safe to his quarter.

Leaping is an exercise very commendable, Of leaping. and health­full for the body, especially if you vse it in the morning, as we reade Alexander and Epimanondas did. Vpon a full stomacke or to bedward, it is very dangerous, and in no wise to be exercised.

The skill and art of swimming Of swim­ming. is also very requisite in euery Noble and Gentleman, especially if he looketh for emploiment in the warres; for hereby (besides the pre­seruing of his owne life vpon infinite occasions,) he may many waies annoy his enemie. Horatius Cocles onely by the benefit of swimming saued his country, for when himselfe alone had long defended, and made good the bridge ouer Tyber against the Hetruscans, the Romanes brake it downe behind him, Liv. lib. 2. Decad. 1. wherewith, in his armour, he casthimselfe into the Riuer, & (notwithstanding a shower of darts & arrowes were sent after him) swam with safety into the city, which rewarded him with a statue erected in the market place, and as much land as he could en­compasse with a plough in a day.

[Page 181]And as desperate was the attempt of a number of Ro­mane Gentlemen in the first Carthaginian warre, who leaping in a night from the hatches of their ships into the Sea, by maine force thrust and drew the Carthaginian shippes into the hauen, and deliuered them to Luctatius their Generall.

And as resolute was that attempt (no whit inferiour to the former) of Gerrard and Haruey, The resolute aduenture of Gerrard and Haruey in 88. two Gentlemen of our owne Nation, who in eightie eight in the fight at Sea, swam in the night time, and pierced with Awgers, or such like Instruments, the sides of the Spanish Galli­ons, and returned backe safe to the fleete.

Scauola, a man of inestimable courage, and who came with Caesar in his expedition for Brittaine, after hee had made good a whole day together, a mightie Rocke or passage against the Brittaines, in the night time loden with double Armes and an heauy shield, cast himselfe in­to the deepe, and swam safe to Caesar and his fleete.

Neither is it to be wondred at, that the Romanes were so skilfull in swimming: for they were daily exercised in the same after their other exercises, and had a place in the Riuer of Tyber appointed vnto them for the same pur­pose, adioyning to the field of Mars; and another of great depth, rough and full of whirlpits on purpose, to exercise their horses in.

Shooting also is a very healthfull and commendable recreation for a Gentleman; Of shooting. neither doe I know any other comparable vnto it for stirring euery part of the body: for it openeth the breast and pipes, exerciseth the armes and feet, with lesse violence, then running, leaping, &c. Herein was the Emperour Domitian so cunning, that let a Boy a good distance off hold vp his hand, & stretch his fingers abroad, he would shoote through the spaces without touching the Boyes hand, or any finger.

And Commodus (saith Herodian) had so good an aime, that he would fixe on the brow of a Deere two shafts as [Page 182] euenly, and spreading in distance, as if they had beene his owne hornes.

But for the further excellence and vse of this exercise, I referre you to that excellent booke of M. Aschams, intituled Toxophilus, wherein you shall finde whatsoeuer is requisite to be knowne of a compleate Archer.

Hawking and Hunting are recreations very commen­dable and befitting a Noble or Gentleman to exercise; Hunting especially, which Xenophon commendeth to his Cyrus, calling it a gift of the Gods, bestowed first vpon Chiron for his vprightnesse in doing Iustice, and by him taught vnto the old Heroës and Princes; by whose vertue and prowesse (as enabled by this exercise) their Coun­tries were defended, their subiects and innocents preser­ued, Iustice maintained. For there is no one exercise that enableth the body more for the warre, then Hun­ting, by teaching you to endure heate, cold, hunger, thirst; to rise early, watch late, lie and fare hardly: and Eusebius is of opinion, that wilde beasts were of purpose created by God, that men by chasing and encountring them, might be fitted and enabled for warlike exercises. Heereupon Alexander, Cyrus, and the old Kings of Per­sia, employed themselues exceeding much herein, not to purchase Venison and purucy for the belly, but to main­taine their strength, and preserue their health, by encrea­sing and stirring vp the naturall heate within, which sloth and sitting still wasts and decaies: To harden the bodies by labour against the enemy; and withall, to search out the Natures of wilde beasts, which knowne, they might leaue the same recorded to their posteritie. Langius, lib. 2. Epist. 59. Quercetan. in Diatetico poly. hist. Sect. 2. Cap. 11. And the fa­mous Phisitian Quercetan, aboue all other exercises com­mendeth this as most healthfull, and keeping the bodie sound and free from diseases.

The old Lord Gray (our English Achilles) when hee was Deputie of Ireland, to inure his sonnes for the war, would vsually in the depth of Winter, in frost, snow, [Page 183] raine, and what weather soeuer fell, cause them at mid­night to be raised out of their beds, and carried abroad on hunting till the next morning; then perhaps come wet and cold home, hauing for a breakfast a browne loase, and a mouldie Cheese, or (which is ten times worse) a dish of Irish Butter: and in this manner the Spartans and Laconians dieted, and brought vp their children till they came vnto mans estate.

Hawking was a sport vtterly vnknowne to the anci­ents, as Blondinus and P. Iouius in the second booke of his Historie, where he entreateth of the Muscouitish af­faires witnesseth; but was inuented and first practised by Fredericke Barbarossa, Iul. Firmicus lib. 5., cap. 8. when he besieged Rome: yet it ap­peareth by Firmicus, that it was knowne twelue hundred yeares since, where he speaketh of Falconers, and teach­ers of other Birds: and indeed beyond him, I thinke it can no where be found that Falconrie was knowne. There haue beene many who haue written of Falconrie, Frede­ricke the second, Emperour of Germany (whom Melan­cthon worthily commendeth, Melancthon lib. 5. Chron [...]. folio 789. and equalleth to the anci­ent Heroës, for his many victories archieued by his va­lour: his skill in all learning, being able to speake foure­teene seuerall languages: his libertie, magnificence, affa­bilitie, mil [...]nesse, &c. Insomuch, that in him alone, saith he, ended and died the remainder of Ancient Maiestie) wrote heereof two excellent bookes, which Ioachi [...] Camerarius (hauing by him the first Coppie in a Manu­script) published together, with a Treatise of Albertus Magnus, of the Nature of Hawkes, and printed it at Norimberge. Budaus hath also written a large Discourse of Hunting and Hawking, Budaus de ve­natione & Au­cup [...]o. part whereof is annexed to the latter end of Henry Estienn [...]s French and Latine Di­ctionarie: in English M. Blundeuiles booke is the best that I know.

By the Canon Law Hawking was forbidden vnto Clergie men, Concil Au [...]el. cap. 4. as afterward Hunting, by reason the exer­cise [Page 184] and instruments wherewith beasts are slaine, Agath [...]usi. 55. Epanneusi. [...]. 4 [...]. Ex [...]. de Clerico [...]enatore. are mi­litarie, and not so well agreeing (as they giue the reason) with spirituall warfare: but I cannot see but that they (many of them being great Princes, and pillars of the Church, daily employed and pressed with the weight of State affaires) may haue their recreatiōs as well as others. But to preuent their pastime, there is such an order ta­ken with their Parkes, that many of our best Bishopricks can now adaies scarce shew one of ten, or twentie. Nor­wich had thirteene Parkes, and of all other was most in­iustly dealt withall. If they had taken away twelue and left the odde one, it had beene indifferent; but to rob the Church of all, was more then too much.

But as allow not altogether that seuere education of the old Spartan [...] in their Children, hazzarding many times the healths of young and tender bodies, by some tedious ague; yea, also their liues, by the mischance of a leape or stumbling of your horse: so as much doe I detest that effoeminacie of the most that burne out day and night in their beds and by the fire side, in trifles, gaming, or courting their yellow Mistresses all the Winter in a Citie; appearing but as Cuckoes in the Spring, one time in the yeare to the Countrey and their tenants, leauing the care of keeping good houses at Christmas, to the ho­nest Yeomen of the Countrey.

Some againe are so intent to their pleasure, that they neuer care for keeping within, as sometime was Mithri­dates, that it is reported of him; Volatteran, lib. 7. av [...]iq [...]. Ionius in Bar­naba. For seauen yeares space together hee neuer came within house, neither in Citie nor in the Countrey. And Barnaby Viscount of Millan, was so carried away with the loue of Hunting, that hee made a Law; whosoeuer should kill any wilde Boare, or had kil­led any in fiue yeares before that his Statute was enacted (contrary vnto an ancient Edict) or were priuy to the eating of any at any Gentlemans table, should be impri­soned and tortured after a greeuous manner. Beside, he [Page 185] afflicted the Countrey marueilously, by dispersing many thousands of Dogges to be kept and brought vp in vil­lages and among the Paisants, to their infinite trouble and charge. Mahomet Sonne to Amurath, on the con­trarie, when he made warre in Caramania, [...] lib. 7. turned out of seruice 700. of his fathers Faulconers, and caused as ma­ny of olde huntsmen to follow Armes, and his Campe, in stead of the kennell.

CAP. 15.
Of Reputation, and Carriage in generall.

THere is no one thing that setteth a fairer stampe vp­on Nobilitie then euenesse of Carriage and care of our Reputation, without which our most gracefull gifts are dead and dull, as the Diamond without his foile: for hereupon as one the frontispice of a magnificent Pal­lace, are fixed the eies of all passengers, and hereby the heigth of our Iudgements (euen our selues) is taken; ac­cording to that of the wiseman, Ecclesiastic. By gate, laughter, and apparrell, a man is knowne what he is. Wherefore I call it the crowne of good parts, and loadstone of regard. The principall meanes to preserue it is Temperance and that Moderation of the minde, wherewith as a bridle wee curbe and breake our ranke and vnruly Passions, keeping as the Caspian Sea, our selues euer at one heigth without ebbe or refluxe. And albeit true it is that Galen saith, we are commonly beholden for the disposition of our minds, to the Temperature of our bodies, yet much ly­eth in our power to keepe that fount from empoisoning, by taking heede to our selues; and as good Cardinall Poole once said, to correct the malignitie of our Starres with a second birth. For certainly vnder grace it is the [Page 186] roote of our Reputation and honest Fame; without the which, as one saith, we are dead long before we are buryed. [...].

For Moderation of the minde and affections, which is the Ground of all Honestie, I must giue you that prime receipt the kingly Prophet doth to a yong man, teaching him wherewith to cleanse his way, that is; by keeping, saith he (oh Lord) thy Statutes, Psal. 1 [...] 9. 9. meaning the feare of God in generall, without which (hee euer first striking at the head) our Iudgements are depraued, and left to our selues we are not able to giue any thing his true esteeme and value. Therefore first to be truly Honest is to bee truly Religious, for if the feare of men be a great motiue to keepe our selues within compasse, much more will the Feare of God, recall vs from our lusts and intemperance. Hereby the minde getteth the dominion and vpperhand, wisely gouerning that goodly kingdome Nature hath allotted her. And if it was sometime said of Fabiu [...], Citiùs Solē è sua sphara diuelli, quam Fabium ab honestate potuisse, how heedfully ought a Christian who carrieth the lan­terne in his hand, looke to his feete, when an Heathen could goe so directly in the darke, onely by the glimpse of Nature and without stumbling?

Moreouer since the Ciuill end of our life is, v [...] in Ho­nore cum dignitate v [...]vamus, you shall withall finde good Learning and the Artes to conferre a great helpe and fur­therance hereunto, being a polisher of inbred rudenesse and our informitie, and a curer of many diseases our minds are subiect vnto: for we learne not to begge to ourselues admiration from other, or boastingly to lay to view so rich and pretious furniture of our minds, but that we may be vsefull to others, but first to our selues; least (as some pretious receipt) while we keepe that in a boxe which can cure another; our selues lie lame and dis­eased.

The first vse then hereof (I meane your learning) as an Antidote against the Common plague of our times, [Page 187] let it confirme and perswade you, that as your vnderstan­ding is by it ennobled with the richest dowrie in the world, so hereby learne to know your owne worth and value, and in choice of your companions, to entertaine those who are Religious and Learned: for as I said here­tofore, Conuerse of old was the mother of skill and all vertuous endeauours, so say I now, of all vice and base [...]es if regard be not had. Therefore hold friendship and ac­quaintance with few, and those I could wish your betters, at the least of your owne ranke, but endeare your selfe to none; gaud [...]bis minùs, minies dolebis. The best Natures I know delight in popularitie, and are pliable to company­keeping, but many times buy their acquaintance at ouer deare a rate, by being drawne either into base Actions and Places of which they are ashamed for euer after; or to needlesse expence by laying out or lending to impor­tunate base and shamelesse companions, gaining losse of their monies, time, sorrow and griefe of friends, disre­pute of the better sort, and lastly contempt of the vilest among the Common vulgar.

Anti [...]chus Epiphanes, King of Asia, for his popularity and delight in company, Athenaeus lib. 5. cap. 4. Diodorus lib. 20. was sir-named the Mad: and likewise for the same Appius Claudius was depriued of his Office, and fearing beside shame the hatred of the Senate, counterfeiting blindnesse, for euer after kept himselfe at home. We reade also of a certaine King of the Gothes, who making his Souldiers his drinking com­panions, 1. Magnus lib. 7. cap. 17. was for his free and kind heart at the last drow­ned by them in a Tub of Ale.

Nor mistake me that I swerue so much on this side, that I would deny a Prince or Gentleman the benefit of discourse and conuerse with the meanest: for Maiestie and greatnesse cannot alwaies stand so bent, but that it must haue the remission and relaxation sometime to des­cend from the Court to the Cottage, which cannot choose but giue it the better tast and rellish. Adrian the Empe­rour [Page 188] would most curteously conferre with the meanest, Erasim lib. 6. Apotheg. ca Spartians. detesting those his high minded Courtiers, who vnder a colour of preseruing his Estate and Honour, enuied him this sweetnesse of humilitie and priuacie. Xi [...]hilinus. Vespasian in like manner was woont not onely to salute the chiefe Se­nators of Rome, but euen priuate men, inuiting them ma­ny times to dine and suppe with him, himselfe againe go­ing vnto their houses. Plutarch. in Philo [...]m. Philopoemen was so curteous and went so plaine, his Hostesse in Meg [...]ra tooke him for a s [...]ruing-man. And certainly this Affabilitie and Curtesie in Greatnesse, draweth our eyes like flowers in the Spring, to behold, and with admiration to loue it where­soeuer we finde it.

There is no better signe (saith one) in the world of a good and vertuous disposition, Philip Com­mines, c. 34. then when a Prince or Gentleman maketh choice of learned and vertuous men for his companions; for presently he is imagined to bee such an one as those to whom he ioyneth himselfe: yea saith Aristotle, it is a kinde of vertuous exercise to bee conuersant with good and vnderstanding men.

Whom then you shall entertaine into the closet of your brest, first sound their Religion; then looke into their Liues and Carriage, how they haue beene reckoned of others. Lastly, to their Qualitie how or wherein they may be vsefull vnto you, whether by aduice and Counsell, direction, helpe in your studies, or seruiceable­nesse in your exercise and recreations.

There is nothing more miserable them to want the Coun­sell of a friend, and an admonish [...]r in time of neede: Ludouis Viues. Which hath beene and is daily the bane of many of our yong Gentlemen, euen to the vtter ruine of themselues and their posteritie for euer. In Emblem. Who when like Alciates fig­tree vpon the high and innacessible Rocke, they are out of reach and cannot be come vnto by men who would dresse and preserue them; espied a farre off are onely preyed vpon and haunted by Vultures and Dawes; and [Page 189] while one addeth fewell to the fire of his expence, for the which he is like to pay twentie for two, at twentie and one; another sootheth him in play (knowing the best fishing is in troubled waters) another tēdreth him a match of light stuffe: all at once preying for themselues, these greene things of sixteene or eighteene are quite deuou­red before they were ripe.

Wherefore I must next commend vnto you Frugality, Of Frugalitie. Iustine. the Mother of vertues, a vertue which holdeth her owne, layeth out profitably, auoideth idle Expences, Super­fluity, lauish bestowing or giuing, borrowing, building, and the like: yet when reason requireth can be royally bountifull, a vertue as requisite in a Noble or Gentle­man, as the care of his whole Estate, and preseruation of his name and posterity; yet as greatly wanting in ma­ny, as they come short of the reputation and entire E­states of their forefathers, who account thrift the obiect of the plow or shoppe, too base and vnworthy their con­suleration, while they impose their faire Estates and most important businesse, vpon a cheating Steward, or craftie Bailiffe, who in few yeares (like the young Cuc­kow) are ready to deuoure their feeder; and themselues like sleepie Pilots, hauing no eye to the compasse, or sounding their Estates, are runne on ground ere they be aware.

First then assoone as you shall be able, looke into your Estate, labouring not onely to conserue it entire, but to augment it either by a wise forethought, Marriage, or by some other thriftie meanes: and thinke the more yee are laden with abundance, the more neede (like a vine) ye haue neede of props and your soundest friends to ad­uise you. Neither doe I imagine you will be so rash as to giue no care to good counsell, to your ruine, as Caesar did, when hee refused a booke of a poore scholler, wherein the intended plot against him was discoue­red.

[Page 190] Marcus Ca [...]o, who was so victorious in warre, so prudent in peace, so eloquent in the oratorie, learned in the lawes, neglected not thereby his estate, but loo­ked, as Livi [...] saith of him, euen into his husbandry him­selfe: and Plutarch writeth of Philopoemen, Plutarch in Philopoemen. a great and famous commander, that notwithstanding his great af­faires and employments, hee would euery morning bee stirring by breake of day, and eyther to dressing of his vines, digging or following his plough: and Cicero to heighthen the Honor of king D [...]iostar [...]s reporteth thus of him, Ci [...] pro Deiota­ro. in Deiotaro sunt regia virtutes, quod i [...] Ca [...]sar, igno­rare non arbitror, sed pr [...]cip [...]è singularis & admiran­da frugali [...]as. And the Romanes had a lawe that hee who could not looke into his owne estate, Iulia [...]us [...] decura [...]urio: and imploy his land to the best, should forfeite the same, and be held for a foole or a mad man all his life after. A­ristid [...]s, albeir he was an excellent man otherwise, Plutarch in Aristide. yet herein he was so carelesse that at his death he neither loft portion for his daughters, nor so much as would carry him to the ground, and defray the charge of his fune­rall.

Be thriftie also in your apparrell and clothing, least you incurre the censure of the most graue and wisest cen­sor, Cui magna corporis cultus cura, [...] magna virtutis intu­ria: and Henry the fourth, last king of France of eternall memory, would oftentimes merily say, By the outside onely, he could found the depth of a Courtier: saying, Who had least in them made the fairest shew without, inviting respect with gold lace and great feathers, which will not be wonne with toyes. Neyther on the contrary, be so basely parsunonious or frugall, as is written of one of the kings of France, in whose accounts in the Eschequer are yet remaining. Item so much for red Sat­ten to sleeue the kings old Doublet: Item a halfe­penny for liquor for his bootes, and so foorth. Or to bee knowne by a hat or doublet tenne or twenty yeares; then [Page 191] with some miserable vsurer curse the maker for the slightnesse of his felt or sluffe, murmuring it will not last to see the Reuolution of the First Moouer. But vsing that moderate and middle garbe, which shall rather les­sen then make you bigger then you are; which h [...]th been [...], and is yet obserued by our greatest Princes, who in outside goe many times inferiour to their groomes and pages. That glory and champion of Christendome, Charles the fift, would goe (except in times of warre) as plaine as any ordinary gentleman, The modesty and humility of Charles the fifth. commonly in blacke or sadde stuffe, without lace or any other extraordinary cost; onely his Order of the golden Fleece about his necke in a ribband: and was so naturally frugall, not out of parsimonie (being the most bountifull minded Prince that euer liued) that as Guicciardin [...] reporteth of him, if any one of his points had chanced to breake, he would tye it of a knot and make it serue againe. And I haue many times seene his Excellence the Prince of Orange that now is, in the field, in his habite as plaine as any country gentleman, wearing commonly a suite of haire-coloured slight stuffe of silke, a plaine gray cloake and hat, with a greene feather, his hatband onely exceeding rich. And Ambrose Spin [...]la Generall for the Archduke, when he lay in Weasell at the taking of it in, one would haue taken, but for an ordinary merchant in a plaine suite of black. And the plainnes of the Late Duke of Nor­folke The Duke of Norfol [...]. derogated nothing from his Esteeme. So that you see what a pitifull Ambition it is, to striue to bee first in a fashion, and a poore pride to seeke your esteeme and regard, from wormes, Shells, and Tailors; and buy the gaze of the staring multitude at a thousand, or fifteene hundred pounds, which would apparrell the Duke and his whole [...]rande Consiglio of Venice. But if to do your Prince Honour, at a tilting, employed in embassage, comming in of some great stranger, or you are to giue entertainment to Princes or Noble personages at your [Page 192] house, as did Cosmo de Medici, Machiauest [...] in Host. Florent. or haply ye command in the warres, spare not to be braue with the brauest. Phi­lopoemen caused his souldiours to beespare in Apparrell and Diet (saith Plutarch,) In Philopoem. and to come honourably ar­med into the field: wherefore hee commanded in gold­smiths shoppes to breake in peeces pots of gold and sil­uer, and to be imployed in the siluering of bittes, guil­ding of Armours, inlaying of Saddles, &c. Plutarch. For the sump­tuo [...]s cost vpon warlike furniture, doth encourage and make great a noble heart: but inother sights it carryeth away mens minds to a womanish vanitie, and melting the courage of the mind, (as Homer saith it did Achill [...]s, when his mother laid new Armes and weapons at his feete.) The Spaniard when he is in the field, is glorious in his cassocke, and af­fecteth the wearing of the richest iewels; the French huge feathers, Scarlet, and gold lace: the English, his armes rich, and a good sword: the Italians pride is in his Nea­politan Courser: the Germanes and low Dutch to be daw­bed with gold and pearle, wherein (say they) there is no losse except they be lost. But herein I giue no prescrip­on.

I now come to your diet, Of Diet. Seneca Rhet. 7. Cicero pro Cae­tio. wherein be not onely fru­gall for the sauing of your purse, but moderate in regard of your health, which is empaired by nothing more then excesse in eating and drinking (let me also adde Tobacco taking.) Many dishes breede many diseases, dulleth the mind and vnderstanding, and not onely shorten, but take away life. We reade of Augustus that he was neuer cu­rious in his di [...]t, but content with ordinary and com­mon viandes. And Cato the Censor, sayling into Spaine, dranke of no other drinke then the rowers or slaues of his owne galley. Pluta [...]h de Sanitate tuen­da. And Timotheus Duke of Athens was wont to say, (whō Plato invited home to him to supper,) they found thēselues neuer distempered. Contrary to our Feastmakers, who suppose the glory of entertainment, and giuing the best welcome to consist in needelesse su­perfluities [Page 193] and profuse waste of the good Creatures, Plutarch. in Scylla. as Scylla made a banquet that lasted many dayes, where there was such excessiue abundance, that infinite plenty of victualls were throwne into the Riuer, and excellent wine aboue forty yeares old spilt and made no account of; but by surfetting and banquetting, Sab [...]ll. Em [...]ad. 2. at last he gat a most miserable disease and dyed full of lice.

And Ca [...]sar in regard of his Lybian triumph, Su [...]toni [...]. Euery Ro­mane penny was about seuen pence halfe penny of our mony. C. Rh [...]digi [...]. lib. 6. cap. 35. at one banquet filled two and twenty thousand roomes with ghests, and gaue to euery Citizen in Rome ten bushels of wheate, and as many pounds of oyle, and besides three hundred pence in mony.

We reade of one Smyndirides, who was so much gi­uen to feasting, and his ease, that hee saw not the Sunne rising nor setting in twenty yeares; and the Sybarites for­bad all Smiths and knocking in the streetes, and what thing soeuer that made any noise, to bee within the City walls, that they might eate and sleepe: whereupon they banished cocks out of the city, Suidas & Politian. lib. 15 Miscellan. and invented the vse of chamberpots, and bad women a yeare before to their feasts, that they might haue leisure enough to make themselues fine and braue with gold and Iewels.

Aboue all, Drinking the destruction of wit, & plague of our Eng­lish Gentry. learne betimes to auoide excessiue drin­king, then which there is no one vice more common and reigning, and ill beseeming a Gentleman, which if growne to an habit, is hardly left; remembring that hereby you become not fit for any thing, hauing your reason de­graded, your body distempered, your soule hazarded, your esteeme and reputation abased, while you sit ta­king your vnwholesome healthes,— vt iam vertigine te­ctum Ambulet, & geminis exsurgat mensa lucernis. Inv [...]nal. Saty [...].

—Vntill the house about doth turne,
And on the board two candles seeme to burne.

By the Leuiticall law, who had a glutton or a drun­kard to their Sonne, they were to bring him before the Elders of the City, and see him stoned to death. And in [Page 194] Spain [...] at this day they haue a law that the word of him that hath beene convicted of drunkennesse, shall not bee taken in any testimony. Within these fiftie or threescore yeares it was a rare thing with vs in England, to see a Drunken man, our Nation carrying the name of the most sober and temperate of any other in the world. Drunkennes not many yeares since very rare in England. But since we had to doe in the quarrell of the Netherlands, about the time of Sir Iohn Norrice his first being there, the custome of drinking and pledging healthes was brought ouer into England: wherein let the Dutch bee their owne Iudges, it we equall them not; yea I thinke rather excell them.

Tricongius and the old Romanes had lawes and statutes concerning the Art of drinking, Plin lib 4. Historia sub finem. which it seemes, are re­uiued, and by our drunkards obserued to an haire. It be­ing enacted, that he who after his drinks faltered not in his speech, vomited not, n [...]yther reeled, if he dranke off his cups clean [...]ly, seek not his wind in his draughs, spit not, left nothing in the pot, nor spilt any vpon the ground, he had the prize, & was accounted the brauest man. If they were contented herewith, it were well, but they daily inue [...]t new and dam­nable kinds of carrow [...]ing (as that in North-holland and Frizeland (though among the baser sort) of vpsi [...] Moni­kedam, which is, after you haue drunke out the drinke to your friend or companion, you must breake the glasse full vpon his face, and if you misse, you must drinke a­gaine,) whence proceede quarrelling, Prouerb. 23. re [...]iling, and ma­ny times execrable murthers, as Alexander was slain in his drunkennesse; and Domitius, Nero's father slew Libe­rius out right, because he would not pledge him a whole carrowse, and hence arise most quarrells among our gal­lant drunkards: vnto whom if you reade a lecture of sobrietie, and how in former ages their forefathers dranke water, they sweare water is the frogges drinke, and ordained onely for the driuing of milles, and carry­ing of boates.

[Page 195]Neither desire I, you should be so abstemious, as not to remember a friend with an hearty draught, Ecclesiast. 31. vers. [...]7. since wine was created to make the heart merry, for what is the life of man if it want wine? Moderately taken it preserueth health, comforteth and disperseth the naturall heate o­uer all the whole body, allayes cholericke humours, ex­pelling the same with the sweate, &c. tempereth Me­lancholly. And as one saith, Athena [...]s. hath in it selfe [...], a drawing vertue to procure friendship.

At your meate to be liberall and freely merry, is very healthy and comely, and many times the stranger or guest will take more content in the chearelinesse of your countenance, then in your meate. Augustus the Empe­rour had alwayes his mirth greater then his feasts. And Suctonius saith of Titus, Vespasians Sonne, he had euer his table furnished with mirth and good company. And the old Lord Treasurer of England, Lord William Burgh­ley, how emploied soeuer in State affaires, at his table hee would lay all businesse by, and bee heartily mer­ry.

Charles the Great vsed at his meates to haue some History read, whereof hee would afterwards discourse. And Francis the first, King of France, would commonly dispute of History, Cosmography, Poetry. Sleidan lib. 19 His Maiesty our Soueraigne, altogether in points and profound questions of Diuinity. When I was in Virocht, and liued at the ta­ble of that Honourable Gentleman, Sir Iohn Ogle, Lord Gouernour, whither resorted many great Schollers and Captaines, English, Scottish, French, and Dutch, it had beene enough to haue made a Scholler or Souldier, to haue obserued the seuerall disputations and discourses among many strangers, one while of sundry formes of battailes, sometime of Fortification, of fireworkes, History, Antiquities, Heraldrie, pronunciation of Lan­guages, &c. that his table seemed many times a little A­cademic.

[Page 196]In your discourse be free and affable, Affability in Discourse. giuing enter­tainment in a sweete and liberall manner, and with a cheerefull courtesie, seasoning your talke at the table a­mong graue and serious discourses, with conceipts of wit and pleasant inuention, as ingenious Epigrammes, Emblemes, Anagrammes, merry tales, wittie questions and answers, Mistakings, as a melancholy Gentleman sitting one day at a table, where I was, started vp vpon the suddaine, and meaning to say, I must goe buy a dagger, by transposition of the letters, said: Sir, I must goe dye a begger.

A plaine country man being called at an Assize to bee a witnesse about a piece of land that was in controuersie, This hapned in Norfolke. the Iudge calling, said vnto him, Sirrha, how call you that water that runnes on the South-side of this close? My Lord (quoth the fellow) our water comes without calling.

A poore souldier with his musket and rest in Breda, came one day in, Of a Souldi­er of Breda. and set him downe at the nether end of the Prince of Orange his table, as he was at dinner (whi­t [...]r none might bee priuiledged vnder the degree of a Gentleman at the least to come:) the Gentleman-vsher of the Prince demanded of him, if hee were a Gentle­man: yes quoth the Souldier, my father was a Gold­smith of Andwarpe: but what can you doe in your fa­thers trade, (quoth he) I can set stones in mortar, for he was a bricklaier, Pasqu [...]e, a marble Image in Rome, on which they v [...]e to sixe li­bels. and helped Masons in their workes.

For Epigrammes, Pasquine will afford you the best and quickest I know. You shall haue them all bound in two volumes. I remember hee tells vs once vpon a Sunday morning, Pasquine had a sowle shirt put on, and being as­ked the cause, Because an Earle in Rome had marryed a chamber­maide. Pasquine made answer, because my Laun­dresse is become a Countesse.

You shall haue a taste of some of my Anagram [...] such as they are.

  • [Page 197]Vpon the Prince.
  • ô Clarus.
  • Charles Prince of Wales.
  • All Fraunce cries, ô helpe vs.

Of the Queene of Bohemia and Princesse Palatine of the Rhene, my gracious Ladie,

  • Has Artes beata velit.

Being requested by a Noble and Religious Ladie, who was sister to the old Lord, De la Ware, to try what her name would afford, it gaue me this:

  • Entua Iesû.

And vpon the name of a braue and beautifull Ladie, wife to S r. Robert Mordaunt, sonne and heire to S r. Le Straunge Mordaunt Knight and Barronet in the Country of Norfolke:

  • Amie Mordaunt.
  • Tumore Dianam.
  • Tumore Dianam.
  • Minerua, domat.
  • Me induat amor.
  • Nuda, ó te miram.
  • Vi tandem amor.

Vpon the name of a faire Gentlewoman this in I­talian:

  • E [...]la nuda Diana.

Vpon a sweete and modest young Gentlewoman, Mistris

  • Tuame amaris

[Page 198]To comfort my selfe liuing in a Towne, where I found not a Scholler to conuerse withall, nor the kindest respect as I thought: I gaue this my Poesie, the same backward and forward


Of M. Doctor Hall Deane of Worcester, this, added to the body of a Glorie, wherein was written Iehouah in Hebrew, resembling the Deitie.

  • All his Hope.

Of a vertuous and faire Gentlewoman at the request of my friend who bar [...] her good will:

  • Barres in Fancy.
  • And this,
  • Theod [...]sia Dixon.
  • O Dea, dixit Honos.

Of my good friend M. Doct. Dowland, in regard hee had slipt many opportunities in aduancing his fortunes, and a rare Lut [...]nist as any of our Nation, beside one of our greatest Masters of Musicke for composing: I gaue him an Embleme with this;

  • Annos Iudendo hausi.

There were at one time in Rome very wittie and vn­happy libels cast forth vpon the whole Cōsistory of Car­dinals in the nature of Emblemes. I remember Cardinal Farnesi had for his part a storke deuouring a frogge, with this, Mordeo non morde [...]tes. Bellarmine a Tiger fast chained to a post, in a scroule proceeding from the beasts mouth in Italian: Da mi mia libertà, vederete chi io Sono: that is, giue me my Libertie, you shall see what I am, meaning perhaps he would be no longer, &c. And those were ve­ry knauish that were throwne vp and downe the Court [Page 199] of France, the Escotcheon or Armes of the partie on the one side of a pastboard, and some ingenious deuice on the other; as one had the Armes of the house of di Medici of Florence, on the one side, on the other an inkhorne with the mouth turned downward, with this tart Pasquil: Elle faut d'encre: and so of the whole Court.

Emblemes and Impresa's if ingeniously conceipted, are of daintie deuice and much esteeme. The Inuention of the Italian herein is very singular, neither doe our English wits come much behind them, but rather equall them e­uery way. The best that I haue seene, haue beene the de­uises of Ti [...]tings, whereof many are reserued in the pri­uate Gallery at White Hall, of S r. Phillip Sidn [...]ie's, the Earle of Cumberland, S r. Henry Leigh, the late Earle of Essex, with many others, most of which I once collected with intent to publish them, but the charge disswaded me.

But aboue all, in your talke and discourse haue a care euer to speake the truth, remembring there is nothing that can more preiudice your esteeme then to be lauish­tongued in speaking that which is false, and disgracefully of others in their absence. The Persians and Indians had a law, that whosoeuer had beene thrice conuicted of spea­king vntruth, should vpon paine of death neuer speake word all his life after. Cato would suffer no man to bee praised or dispraised, Plato saith, it is onely al­lowed, Physi­tions to lie for the com­fort of the sicke. but vsed alwaies such discourse as was profitable to the hearers; for as one saith, Dict [...]ria minuum Maiestatem. Iestes and scoffes doe lessen Mai [...] ­stie and greatnesse, and should be farre from great per­sonages, and men of wisedome.

CHAP. 16.
Of Trauaile.

I Will conclude with Trauaile, which many disallow in Gentlemen, yea and some great trauellers themselues; but mee thinkes they are as one who hath filled his owne belly, and denieth the dish to his fellow. In my o­pinion nothing rectifieth and confirmeth more the iudg­ment of a Gentleman in forteine affaires, teacheth him knowledge of himselfe, and setleth his affection more sure to his owne Country, then Trauaile doth: for if it be the common Law of Nature, D [...]ys. Hali­carna [...]. that the learned should haue rule ouer and instruct the ignorant, the experien­ced, the vnexperienced, what concerneth more Nobility, taking place aboue other, then to be learned and wise? and where may wisedome be had, but from many men, and in many places? Hereupon we find the most eminent and wise men of the world to haue beene the greatest Trauailers (to omit the Patriarches and Apostles them­selues in holy writ) as Plato, Pythagoras, Aristotle, Theo­phrastus, Osyris King of Aegypt, who trauelled a great part of the world, and caused to be engrauen vpon his Sepulcher, D [...]er. s [...]c. lib. 1. Heere vnder I lie King Osyris, eldest sonne of Saturne, who haue left no part of the world vnsearched, whi­therto I haue not come, teaching againe whatsoeuer I haue found, for the vse and commoditie of mankinde. And Xe­nophon to intimate vnto vs the benefit and excellent vse of Trauaile, saith that Cambyses, by his trauaile learned many excellent things, which he taught Cyrus his sonne: and hauing trauailed as farre as Mero [...] (as a perpetuall monument of his long voyage) he built a Citie in the forme of a Persian shield. And it was the vsuall boast of [Page 201] Alexander (said Archelaus a Cosmographer) that he had found out more with his eies, Di [...]g L [...]ers. lib. 2. in vita Ar­thel. then other Kings were able to comprehend in thought: and to no small commenda­tion of himselfe, Menelaus in Homer, reporteth that hee had beene in Aegypt, Cyprus, Phoenicia, and seene Thebes hauing an hundred gates, and at euery gate two hundred horse-men for the guard. But say some, few of our Gen­tlemen are bettered by their trauaile, but rather returne home worse then they went in manners, and many times in Religion, therefore it were better they [...]arried still at home, according to Clandian:

Fulix qui patrijs avum transegit in agris,
Ipsa domus puerum quem vid [...]t ipsa senem:
Qui bacule nit [...]s, in qua repta [...]it arena,
Vni [...] numerat Sacula longa casa.
Hee's blest who in's owne Countrie ends his daies,
Whose homestead see's his old age and his birth, &c.

But this happinesse is but pu [...]rorum bea [...]tude, as one saith; and the greatest vnhappinesse to the truly generous and industrious minde.

If therefore you intend to trauell, you must first pro­pound vnto your selfe; the End, which either is ad v [...] ­luptatem vel ad vtilitatem, pleasure or profit. For the first, euery one naturally affecteth, and the foole himselfe is tickled with the sight of strange townes, towers and ha­bits of people. Therefore you must hold you to the other which is profit, which againe hath two branches, your owne priuate, or the publique; your priuate, as the reco­uery of your health, by some outlandish meanes, as the water of the Spaw, some Phisitian, famous for his cure in such & such kinds, change of aire, or gaining as a Mer­chant by trasique, or some profession wherein you excell others. The publique is the generall good of your Coun­trey, [Page 202] for which we are all borne, it challenging a third part of vs.

But before you trauaile into a strange Countrey, I wish you (as I haue heretofore said) to be well acquain­ted with your owne; for I know it by experience, that many of our yong gallants, haue gone ouer with an in­tent to passe by nothing vnseene, or what might bee knowne in other places; when they haue beene most ig­norant here in their owne natiue countrey, and strangers to their iust reproofe could discourse, and say more of England then they.

In your passage, I must giue you in either hand a light, Preseruation, and Obseruation. Preseruation of your minde, from Errors, and ill manners; of your bodie from distemperature, either by ouer eating, drinking, violent or venereal exercise.

For there is not any nation in the world more subiect vnto surfets then our English are, whether it proceedeth frō the Constitution of our bodies, ill agreeing with the hotter climates, or the exchange of our wholsome diet and plentie, for little and ill drest; or the greedinesse of their fruits and hotte wines, wherewith onely wee are sometime constrained to fill our bellies, I am not cer­taine. No lesse perill there is, Lipsiu [...]. ab istis callidis & calidis Soli [...] [...]liabus, which almost in euery place will offer themselues, or be put vpon you by others.

Keepe the fountaine of your minde from being em­poisoned, especially by those Serpents, Error and A­theisme, which you shall finde lurking vnder the fairest flowers: and though you heare the discourses of all, and listen to the charmes of some, discouer your Religion or minde to none, but resembling the needle of the com­passe, howsoeuer for a while mooued or shaken, looke Northerly, and be constant to one. To be carried away with euery fancie and opinion, is to walke with C [...]i [...] in the land of Nod. Gene. 4. giddinesse, the greatest punishment that God laied vpon him.

[Page 203]Before you enter into Obseruation, first seeke the language that you may be fit for conference, and where the language is best spoken there settle, and furnish your selfe with the discreetest and most able Masters. For as heere in England, so in other places, the language is spo­ken with more elegancie and puritie in some places more then others. For the French, Orleans and thereabouts is esteemed the best. Florence for the Italian, Lipsick for the high Dutch, and Valledolid for the Spanish.

To helpe you in coniugating your verbes, you may vse the helpe a while of a Grammer of that language, but in generall you must expect your perfection from confe­rence; for hereby the true accent, and the natiue grace of pronunciation (which no booke can teach) is onely at­tained.

Now aswell for neighbourhood sake, as that the French tongue is chiefely affected among our Nobility, it being a copious and a sweete language, wherein so many fa­mous workes by as great wits as any euer Europe bred, haue beene published: I wish you first of all to see France, being seated vnder a temperate and most wholesome cli­mate, and shall not endanger your health so much, as be­ing sent vpon the suddaine from a colde Countrey, into the scorching heate of another more remote.

I will not stand to make any Topographicall descrip­tion of the Countrey, M. Dallington. I being herein both preuented long since by a faithfull pen; beside I remember I am to write onely one Chapter, not a volume.

You shall finde the French, I meane of the noblest and better sort, generally free and curteous, vnto whom e­uen among their Princes, State and Maiesticque retired­nesse are burthensome, so that sometime you shall see them familiar with the meanest. La Nouë speaking of the French Nobilitie, saith Elle est tres vallere [...]se & Courtoise: et [...] y à Estat en la Chrestienté, on elle soit [...] si grand [...]brè. They are exceeding valiant and curteous, [Page 204] and there is no estate in Christendome where they are in so great number.

They delight for the most part in Horsemanship, Fen­cing, Hunting, Dancing, and little esteeme of Learning and gifts of the minde; contrary to the Custome of the ancient Roman [...]s, as Cate the Cens [...]r, C [...]sar, Pa [...]lus Ae­mylius and many others, no lesse famous for knowledge then action; whereof themselues and their friends often­times complaine. Commi [...]s layeth the fault vpon the re­missenesse of parents in their education. Il [...] nourissent leur enfans seulement à faire les s [...]ts, en habillements et en pa­r [...]lles: de nulle le [...]tre ils n'ont cognoissance, They breed their children to play the wa [...]ton fooles, both in apparell and words, but as for learning they know nothing.

The French are full of discourse, quicke witted, sud­den in action, and generally light and inconstant; which C [...]sar found long since, writing of them, quod sunt in con­silijs capiendis mobiles, & nouis plerumque rebus student, Casar Com. 3. and else-where, he calles Galloru [...] subita & repentina consilia, Moreouer as among the Spanish and Dutch, one fashion of Apparell still obserued amongst them, argueth a con­stancie of minde and humour, so their change and varie­tie, their vainnesse and leuitie; for euery two yeere their fashion altereth.

Their exercises are for the most part Tennise play, Pallemaile, shooting in the Crosse-bow or Peece, and Dancing.

Concerning their dyet, it is nothing so good or plen­tifull as ours, they contenting themselues many times with meane viandes [...] onely in the solemne feasts, and ban­quets of entertainment, they are bountifull enough, yea farre exceede vs: as for the poore paisant, he is faine of­tentimes to make vp his meale with a mushrome, or his grenoilles (in English frogs,) the which are in Paris and many other places commonly sold in the market.

Concerning their building, is it very magnificent [Page 205] and I know not whether in all Europe, any buildings may for Maiesty and State be compared with those of France, (though they haue beene miserably spoiled by the last ciuill wars) they being the best Architects of the world; vpon the view of some of which (as breathing on a faire hill) I will detaine you a while. And first wee will begin with the Lovure The Lovure. in Paris. The Lovure is the royall seate of the kings of France, famous throughout all Europe, si­tuate neere to the towne walles on the West side: by which ru [...]neth the riuer of Se [...]e, which in old time ser­ued rather for a fortresse then a Kings house, and herein was a tower wherein were kept the king [...] reuenues and treasure. Which after by King Francis the first, was pul­led downe, and in this place was begun the building of the front, which is of Masonry, so enriched with pillars, frizes, architr [...]es and all sort of architecture with such excellent symmetry and beauty, that throughout all Eu­rope, you shall hardly finde the like. It was begunne by Francis the first, finished by Henry his sonne, vnder the appointment of the Lord of Clagny, and afterwards en­creased by Francis the second, Charles the 9. Last of all made the wonder of all other workes by that beautifull Gallery, the worke of Henry the 4.

The Tuilleries The Tuilleries sometime belonged to the Suburbes of Saint Honorè in Paris, by the side of the Lovure, and was indeed a place wherein they made tiles, and by reason there were many faire Gardens about it, the Queene mo­ther drawing the plot her selfe, seeing it a pleasant and fit place, began first to build here. It is a roiall worke all of free stone. The portall or entrance is very stately of marble pillars and Iasper.

Fontaineblea [...] Fontaineblea [...]. is scituate in the forrest of Biere, in a plaine encompassed with great woods, and was in olde time a retiring place for the kings of France. Francis the first, who loued to build, tooke great pleasure in this seate and builded here the house, as we see it at this present; the [Page 206] base Court hereof is esteemed the fairest of all Franc [...] in the second Court there is the purest and fairest fountaine esteemed in the world, wherefore it was called Bell [...] [...]au [...], and so Fontaine Belle [...]. R. Francis loued this place so well, that he spent most of his time here, beautifying it while hee liued with all sorts of commodities, goodly galleries, Sto [...]es, &c. and caused the r [...]rest Masters of Eu­rop [...] in painting tobe sent for, for the beautifying it with all manner of Histories. Also heere he placed the rarest Antiquities he could get. In briefe, whatsoeuer he could wrap or wring, he thought too little for this place; it is about 1. 4. leagues from Paris.

Bl [...]is Bl [...]is. is an ancient Castle [...] from the Riuer of Lo [...]e vpon an hill. Here the old Kings of France were wont to reside, especially Louis the twelfth tooke delight in this place, who was called Pater patri [...]. It hath belong­ing vnto it two goodly forrests, one on this side the ri­ner, the other on the other. Going forth of the gardens of the house, you passe into the forrest vnder foure rowes of elmes, at the least 12. hundred paces: this is rather re­markeable for the antiquity then the beauty. The towne standeth beneath, about the which are these faire places within 2. or 3. leagues, Bury, B [...]gard, Ville-sansm, Chin­d [...]ny, and some others.

Amboise Amboise. is one of the principall buildings of France, it also standeth vpon the Loire vpon a high Sea [...]; at the foote hereof is the towne, and neere that a goodly For­rest: this castle is seene a great way off both by the hill, and the valley yeelding so goodly a prospect, as I neuer beheld a better, for from the terrasses that enuiron the Castle, you may easily discerne Tours and the Abbay of Mar [...]stier seauen leagues off; the Castle standeth vp­on a Rocke, at the foote whereof there is a Cloister.

This house is in Picardi [...], Villiers Cos [...]e­re [...]. vpon the way from Paris to Soissons, distant from Paris 16. leagues, 5. from Soiss [...]n [...]; it standeth close vpon the forrest of Ret [...] it is of very great [Page 207] receipt, as may appeare by the enclosure of the par [...]e. Here King Francis (whose onely delight was in building) for many yeares together set Mason [...] a work [...], the rather because it adioyned vnto the greatest [...]orrest of all France, himselfe louing hunting exceedingly. Here are the goodliest walkes in Europe, for the tre [...]s themselues are placed in curious knots, as we vse to set our her [...]s in gardens.

Charleval Charleval. is in Normandy vpon the way from Paris to R [...]v [...]n, neere to the village of Fl [...]ry. It was built by Charles the 9. at the instance of the Lord of [...] it standeth in a valley enclosed with mountaines aboue, which is the Forrest of Lyons: among [...]hose Mountaines are many goodly prospects one within another, it is 3. leagues by a pleasant valley easily discerned to the ri­uer Seime [...] had it beene quite finished it had been [...] the chiefe building of France.

This Castle or Royal house is called B [...]is de Vin [...] The Castle of [...]. it is scituate within one league of Paris, and two of Saint Denuis the place of buriall of the French Kings, so that these three stand in a manner in a triangle. It is a very sumptuous worke and of admirable Art: it was begun by Charles Countie of Valeis, brother to Philiy the faire, and finished a good while after by Charles the fift. This house hath many faire Courts in it, withall about it a Parke, containing in circuit 16, or 17. thousand pace [...], which a­mount to two leagues and an halfe, stretching on the South, euen vnto the riuer of S [...]ine, and by North vnto the riuer of Mar [...], which ioyning at the village of Con­stuen [...] (so called of their meeting) neere Chare [...] fall downe vnto Paris. This in ancient times was the vsuall Court and abode of the French Kings, but now little free­quented, and falling in a manner to ruine.

But I omit farther to speake as well of the Royall houses, and those of the Noblesse, being indeed the beau­ty of France. Whereof there are many other, as S. Ma [...], [Page 208] Chen [...]ncean, Chamb [...]rg, Boul [...]gu [...], Creil, Coussie, Folembray, Montargis, S. Germain and la Mu [...]tl [...], which are all the Kings houses and worthy your view and regard, if you happen to finde them in your way. In briefe hold France for one of the most rich, fertilest, and brauest Kingdomes of the World.

And since Spaine Of Spaine. and France, are but one Continent, let vs passe the Pyrenean hils, and take some obseruations there.

Spaine lyeth Southerly from France, in Northerne lati­tude from 37. to 44. degrees or there about, in the same heigth and paralell with the Azores Ilands. It is farre hotter then Fra [...]e, a very dry Country, yet abounding in sweet Springs, Riuers, and all sorts of fruites. Pasture there is little or none in respect of the great heat, but in­finitely furnished with Vineyards, Oliue trees, hauing Corne sufficient saue onely in the skirts of the Coun­try, which are mountainous, hilly and barren, yet aboun­ding in Goates and other Cattell.

For victuals you shall finde it very scarce, not that the Counttey affordeth not a sufficiency, but that the people beingby cōstitution, hot & dry, are not able to digest hea­uy and more solid meat, like vnto ours; but rather chuse Fruits, Sallets and sweet meates, as Mermalade, by them called Membrillada (for membrill [...] is a Quince) and con­serues of all sorts, for coolenesse and lightnesse of dige­stion. The people are by nature generally proud and haughty, but withall very ciuill, faithfull to their friend, and aboue all to their Prince, for seldome or neuer haue any of that Nation bin known to haue bin Traitors: their souldiers are infatigable, resolute, and obedient vnto their Commanders, but withall lasciuiously giuen, and too cruell in victory.

The Gentry affect not the Countrey, but desire to liue in walled Townes altogether, where they dedicate themselues either to some imployment of State, or busi­nesse [Page 209] of Warre, saue such who are of the better sort, de­dicated to the Church, of whom there is at the least a third part.

Their habite in apparell is all one for colour and fashi­on, which hardly makes a distinction of parties; onely they are discerned by their seruants (in whom they ob­serue an excellent equipage) their regelado horses, Ca [...]o­ches and horselitters.

The women are blacke, and little, but very well fauou­red, and for discourse admirable: these haue a more emi­nent distinction of habit, and are all discerned by their apparell of what qualitie they are, they affect strangers much, and are liberall in their conuerse with them.

The heart of the Countrey is very scarce of fish, that which they haue, are either Tons or Pilchards, brought salted from Biscay, on the one side, and from Valencia on the other: Yea, the Church for want of fish is faine to giue a licence to cate the entrailes of beasts vpon fasting dayes.

All their meate, fruits and bred are sold by the pound, and not except before an Officer which they call Alcal­da, so that no stranger can be dec [...]iued either in waight or price.

They treade their Corne out with Oxen in the fielde assoone as it is reaped, their Mules and horses eating the Straw with Barley, for Oates they are not so well ac­quainted with. It is a Countrey for Trauaile very com­bersome in respect of lodging and dyet, except when you come into the walled Townes, where you shall according to their manner be accommodated well enough.

They trauaile all on Mules, keeping their Horses for beautie and shew, putting them to no vse, saue onely to be led vp and downe.

Their Coines are the best of Europe, [...]ince all their neighbours make a gaine of them, as a peece of eight reals (or sixe pence of our money) goeth in France for [Page 210] foure shillings & sixe pence: a doublon in gold, that which is a Pistolet with them, being thirteene shillings, is in France and other places 29. reals, which is 14. s. 6. pence of our money. Most of the Coine that passeth for or­dina [...]y and triuiall things, as Wine, Bread, Melons, Pea­ches, is of Brasse, which they cal Quartas and Quartillias. Of their Marauedies, twenty make three pence. Their buildings are faire and stately, and the King, though hee hath many goodly houses & palaces, as in Siuill. Grana­do, Toledo, Cordo [...]a, Valladolid, &c. yet the Esc [...]rial, seuen leagues from Madrid, is the place where the King most resides, and this exceedes all the buildings of Christen­dome, for beauty and curiosity in contriuing, to which i [...] adioyned one of the goodliest Monasteries of the world, wherein are to be seene the rarest Water-workes that men can deuise.

Spaine being diuided into many Kingdomes or Pro­uinces, you are allowed to carry about you, onely but an hundred reals; what you haue aboue it is forfeited, and for that purpose, at euery bridge or passage where the Countries part, you are to be searched.

And I hope you haue heard so much of the Inquisiti­on and the danger thereof, that I shall not here need to giue you any caueat.

Na [...]arre affordeth, by reason of the Mountaines, Yet the finest Wooll is of S [...]g [...]uia. a ve­ry hard passage. Whereof Pampel [...]na is the chiefe Ci­tie, herein are the best Muttons, and made the strongest Wines: this Countrey is so abundant in Rosemary, that they make it their ordinary fewell in heating their Ouens, and for their other vses.

Aragon aboundeth in Wine and Corne, which Portu­gall so wanteth, that all the Corne in that Kingdome is not able to suffice Lisbone onely, but they are faine to haue it of the Bretaigners, Hollanders, and from the A­zores Ilands.

Last of all it is worthy the noting, how that in their [Page 211] Vniuersities, as Salamanca, Alcala, C [...]nimbra, &c. and o­ther of their Colledges, they care little for the Latine, but dispute and keepe their exercises in Spanish or the Portugueze tongue, yet haue they great Schollers in all professions.

Thus haue I onely giuen you a taste how and what, especially to obserue in your trauaile. I willingly omit to speake of Italie, Germany, and other Countries, by rea­son they haue beene so exactl [...] described by Master Sands and others, vnto whose ample discourses (excep­ting your personall experience) I referre you, it being here mine onely intent, but to giue you some few directions in generall: and so I conclude, wishing all happinesse to your selfe, and pros­perous successe to your studies.


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