Or an Alphabeticall Table of the names of euery Marke within the same fields, with their true distances accor­ding to the dimensu­ration of the line.

Newly gathered, and amen­ded by Iames Partridge.

LONDON, Printed by G.M. for Iohn Partridge, and are to be sold at the signe of the Sunne in Pauls Church-yard. 1628.

To all that affect the fa­mous exercise of Archerie frequenting Finsbury fields.

SHooting in the long bow be­ing of it selfe very laudable, and our English nation in al ages surpassing therein all others, yea neither the Getes, Scythes, Parthians, Sarmatians, Armi­aspes, famous for that quality, nor any other people could become equall with English Archers: and yet (a matter to be lamented) this laudable exercise of late hath be­come cold in most places of this land, famous London retaining the most ardent desire to main­taine [Page]the same, as appeareth by the daily concourse of Citizens, to their great commendations, in diuers companies in the conueni­ent fields about the City, but most specially in that choice place Finsburie, most specially garni­shed with many beautifull Markes in this booke Alphabe­tically mentioned, whereby the benefactors therin shall haue per­petuall memory recorded by the titles of their seuerall erections.

And for that euery hand ought to bring some portion of helpe to­wards the preseruation and in­crease of so commendable actiuity I haue reprinted, enlarged, and a­mended this little worke, the ra­ther [Page]because in these warlike times the vse of the bow, as for­merly, so it may againe be neces­sary and very seruiceable to the state, wishing it may worke a con­tinuing in the old, and a growing good-will in such beginners as by perusing the same haue a desire to come to the knowledge of the markes, and thereby to good shooting.

Rules touching the vse of the Treatise.

1 First note, that sundry Marks haue two or three words for their names. Looke for the marke al­wayes in the first word: as, in the Kings Mace, looke not for Mace, [Page]but for Kings: also the House of Lancaster, looke for House, not for Lancaster, and so in the rest.

2 Note further that the first number sheweth the scores, the second the yards. You must shoot long ayme because this is set down by measure of the line.

3 Againe note, that the markes are to be taken all going into the fields: and if you be cōming home­ward, looke for the marke you shoot at, and not for the mark you stand at. And the markes are pla­ced frō the left hand to the right, leauing out none from 9. score to 18. or 19. score. And when a marke is found along a banke, you must alwaies looke for the marke [Page]from the West toward the East.

4 Also for the aide of yong shoo­ters there is in the end of the book a Table of the names of all the markes, with direction in what page to finde them, for the ease of those that are vnacquainted with the names of the markes.

And for the better aduertise­ment of such as are not acquain­ted with the order of the game and custome of the field, whereby often arise controuersies, and di­uerse times grow rash and vnad­uised oathes, to the derogation of Gods glory, here are set downe such orders as are sittest to be ob­serued in this exercise.

1 First, for the finding of your [Page]marke it must be within euerie mans reach. Also the precise na­ming of your marke preuenteth much cauill.

2 Secondly for whites you may haue as many as you will, so they be all forwards: and if you shoote at any loose white, if it be striken out of sight, it is no marke.

3 Thirdly, for the highest of stakes, although the wood be a­boue the pin, you are to measure at the pin if there be any, because it is put in for the same purpose.

4 Fourthly, if you find a bush or a black, whatsoeuer you find high­est in it, being within the compasse of the marke, you are to take it for the height.

5 Fifthly, for all trees you are to measure at foot and pole, except in the naming of it you say, At the naile in such a tree, or hole in such a tree, or being a tree of so small height, that you may reach the top of it with halfe your bow, then you may take the highest.

6 Sixtly, if in measuring of a shoot, by hast the marke is stirred, he is to lose the shoot that measu­reth it.

7 Seuenthly, when you come to the marke and claime two, and the contrary sides draw their ar­rowes, and when your mate com­meth he saith, his would win too, you are to winn no more then you claimed.

8 Eightly, if you name one mark and shoot at another, you are to lose your shoot, and they are to follow at the marke named.

9 Lastly, if your arrow breake, you may measure to the nearest peece that hath wood and head, or wood and feather.

I. N.


  • ADam bel to bownes Sta. 9, 10.
    • Thurloes rose 10, 15.
    • Lion 10.
    • Saplin 11, 2.
    • Three trees 12, 16.
    • Tree in the lane 14.
    • Neues tissick 9, 10.
    • Baines his needle 13, 10.
    • Sheffe of arrowes 13, 6.
    • Watergap 16, 4.
    • Chapmans ware 16, 7.
  • Aeolus to Pinder 17, 17.
    • Lees lurching 15, 2.
    • Diall 12, 5.
    • Nelson 10, 5.
    • Martins May-floure 12, 1.
    • Greenes stake 13, 16.
    • Swan harnestman 16, 15.
    • Teuels timber 18, 7.
    • Speering sport 17.
    • Brownes stake 15, 9.
    • Egpie 13.
    • [Page 2]Sea-griffin 14.
    • Yong Powel 17, 10.
    • Dawsons daunce 15, 10.
    • Harison 13, 17.
    • Gosson 11.
    • House of Yorke 13, 15.
    • Prichards hope 15.
    • Quinies pillar 17, 5.
    • Aldermanbury Lion 16, 6.
    • Wades mill 14, 3.
    • Founders sonne 14, 14.
  • Aldermanbury Lion to the Egpie 11
    • Brownes stake 14, 8.
    • Sea-griffin 9.
    • Speerings sport 16.
    • Teuels timber 17, 11.
    • Young Powel 9.
    • Samuels round 10, 18.
    • Flint 12, 6.
    • Clarkes delight 14, 1.
    • Kempton 9, 10.
    • Mab 17.
    • [Page 3]Starre 14, 7.
    • Smarts Sentinell 13, 18.
    • Hodges pleasure 13, 9.
    • Cuckoe 13.
    • Goues gift 16, 10.
    • Bush vnder bush 10, 10.
    • Brownes boy 11, 18.
    • Barlow 13, 1.
    • Bakers boy 14, 10.
    • Humfry Iames 16, 12.
    • Samuels stake 13, 9.
    • Nightingale 14, 7.
    • Boxes arme 15, 4.
    • Bassings hall 17.
    • Piper 14, 11.
    • Blacke nan 12, 8.
    • Quinies faulchin 11, 11.
  • Archdale to the three Cranes 11, 1.
    • Peramides 13, 14.
    • Westensigne 9.
    • Iefferies 16, 10.
    • [Page 4]Bores head 11, 1.
    • Chamber 15, 2.
    • Adam bell 15, 13.
    • Turkes whale 18, 9.
    • Brandes boy 9.
    • Wilsons George 15, 11.
    • Pilgrim 15, 16.
    • Graueleys lambe 17.
    • Camell 14, 14.
    • The feather 10, 12.
    • Swan harnes 9.
    • Greene 9, 4.
    • Prices primerose 12, 18.
    • Sheffe of arrowes 17.
    • Chapmans ware 16, 10.
    • Saint George 13, 4.
    • Blackwell hall 12, 5.
    • Saint Andrew 9, 10.
    • Teuels timber 12, 12.
    • Speerings sport 13, 4.
    • Brownes stake 14, 10.
  • Askwiths Achorue to Bradle is stone 15, 1 [...]
    • [Page 5]Coxes content 12, 11.
    • London stone 16, 8.
    • Mel hews 11, 3.
    • House of good fellowship 13, 19.
    • Puttocke 16, 2.
  • Bains his needle to Turks whale 18, 13.
    • Lion 18, 6.
    • Pigeon 9, 8.
    • Three trees 14, 10.
    • Daines delight 13.
    • Plaice 15, 17.
    • Fields fellowship 16, 12.
    • Neues delight 13, 18.
    • Martins monkie 11, 8.
  • Bakers boy to Mab 11, 9.
    • Carters whip 12, 6.
    • Dudleis darling 14.
    • Parks his pleasure 15, 10.
    • Chapmans ware 18, 10.
    • Wilsons Ward, 16, 12.
    • Swans stake 15, 4.
    • Hodgets heart 14, 6.
    • [Page 6]Martins Monkie 14, 12.
    • Neues delight 14, 18.
    • Cat and fiddle 15, 4.
    • Fields fellowship 17, 8.
    • Holdens healthcocke 15, 9.
    • Pakes pillar 14, 14.
  • Barlow to Mab 11, 10.
    • Further tree 9.
    • Carters whip 12, 14.
    • Dudleis darling 14, 5.
    • Parks his pleasure 15, 16.
    • Wilsons Ward 17, 1.
    • Swans stake 16.
    • Hodgets heart 15.
    • Martins Monky 15, 11.
    • Goues gift 9.
    • Neues delight 16.
    • Cat and fiddle 16, 15.
    • Fields fellowship 19.
    • Holdens healthcocke 16, 16.
    • Pakes pillar 15, 16.
    • Brothers holiday 10, 8.
    • [Page 7]Bassings hall 10, 12.
    • Boxes arme 10, 7.
  • Bassings hall to the Bakers boy 10, 15.
    • Humfrey Iames 11, 7.
    • Goues gift 14, 4.
    • Beehiue 12.
    • Further tree 13.
    • Cornish chough 13, 4.
    • Brothers holiday 14, 10.
    • Hither tree 10.
    • Harisons sapling 11, 16.
  • Beehiue to Daines delight 17, 16.
    • Plaice 15, 17.
    • Fields fellowship 13, 16.
    • Martins Monkie 12.
    • Neues delight 11, 16.
    • Turners stone 12.
    • Cat and fiddle 11, 12.
    • Holdens heathcocke 11, 8.
    • Pakes pillar 10.
    • Stake at the stile 16, 16.
    • Target tree 16, 12.
  • [Page 8]Begraues Phoenix to Harison 14, 12
    • Gate by Harison 15, 2.
    • Sea-griffin 16, 9.
    • Dawsons daunce 15, 12.
    • Yong Powell 17.
    • Iulius Caesar 9, 10.
    • Loues increase 10, 7.
    • Townes end 11, 12.
    • Mercers maide 12, 14.
    • Bush vnder bush 14.
    • Brownes boy 15, 2.
    • Cuckoe 17, 8.
    • Barlow 16, 2.
    • Bakers boy 17, 10.
    • Samuels stake 14, 8.
    • Nightingale 13.
    • Boxes arme 12, 11.
    • Bassings hall 14, 12.
  • Beswicks stake to the Swan 10, 4.
    • Wilsons good will 16, 16.
    • Queenes 15.
    • Saint Andrew 13, 3.
    • [Page 9]Archdale 16, 4.
    • Saint George 17, 17.
    • Blackwell hall 15, 15.
    • Speering 9, 5.
    • Teuels timber 11, 3.
    • Carters whip 18.
    • Mab 16, 12.
    • Clarkes delight 14, 9.
    • Flint 12, 15.
    • Samuels round 12, 1.
    • Young Powell 11, 2.
    • Dawsons daunce 9, 18.
    • Starre 16, 16.
    • Smarts Sentinell 17, 15.
    • Hodges pleasure 18, 10.
    • Mercers mayd 18, 5.
    • Townes end 17.
    • Loues increase 16.
    • Iulius Caesat 15.
    • Quinies pillar 13, 18.
    • Aldermanbury Lion 13, 10.
    • Prichards hope 12, 2.
    • [Page 10]House of Yorke 10.
  • Blackwell hall to Swan Wilcox 1 [...], 14.
    • Piggins loue 15.
    • Bores head 17, 14.
    • West ensigne 16, 12.
    • East ensigne 12, 4.
    • Cardies castle 10, 10.
    • Pilgrim 14, 10.
    • Baines his needle 9, 10.
    • Camell 11, 15.
    • Welds friendship 9, 4.
    • Graueleys lambe 13, 11.
    • Pigeon 16, 5.
    • Bricklaiers mold 13, 18.
    • Watergap 10, 9.
    • High tree 12, 9.
    • Rainbow 15, 3.
    • Swans stake 10, 8.
    • Neues tissick 11, 10.
    • Hodgets heart 13, 7.
    • Martins Monkie 15, 13.
    • Neues delight 18.
    • [Page 11]Goues gift 16, 16.
  • Black Nan to Quinies pillar 12, 13.
    • Iulius Caesar 13.
    • Loues increase 13, 18.
    • Townes end 14, 19.
    • Mercers maid 15, 17.
    • Mercers maid 15, 17.
    • Bush vnder bush 16, 19.
    • Brownes boy 18.
    • Samuels stake 16, 8.
    • Nightingale 14.
    • Boxes arme 12, 16.
    • Bassings hall 14, 12.
  • Bores head to Trefoile 10.
    • Bownes stake 14, 10.
    • Sapling by the Lion 15, 6.
    • Lion 16, 10.
    • I slip 10, 12.
    • Pigeon 13, 18.
    • Neues tissick 15, 13.
    • Bricklaiers mold 16, 5.
    • Graueleys lambe 12, 10.
    • [Page 12]Camell 11, 4.
    • Pilgrim 10.
    • Crooked tree 12, 12.
    • Baines his needle 18, 11.
    • Sheffe of arrowes 17, 18.
  • Boxes arme to the Bakers boy 10, 1 [...].
    • Goues gift 14, 5.
    • Humfrey Iames 11, 13.
    • Beehiue 12, 13.
    • High tree 12, 10.
    • Further tree 14.
    • Hither tree 12.
    • Cornish chough 14, 6.
    • Brothers holiday 15, 12.
    • Harisons sapling 13.
    • Simsons sapling 11, 7.
  • The boult to pinder 14, 7.
    • Lees lurching 12, 1.
    • Martins mayflower 10, 10.
    • Greenes stake 12, 8.
    • Speerings sport, 16, 6.
    • Egpie 13, 18.
    • [Page 13]Seagriffin 15, 10.
    • Gosson 14.
    • House of Yorke 16, 10.
    • Lees Leopard 10, 10.
    • Thiefe in the hedge 11, 10.
  • Bradleis stone to dickman 15.
    • Sir Rouland 18, 4.
    • Marshes stake 18, 6.
    • Hookers stake 12, 14.
    • Weeping crosse 9, 12.
    • Partridge his pillar, 16, 10.
    • Saunders backe 11, 9.
    • Lockleis mouth 12, 15.
    • Guie of Warwick 15, 8.
    • Walkers dragon 16, 16.
    • Partridge his primose 15, 10.
  • Brands boy to the Bores head 9, 10.
    • Chamber 11, 2.
    • Pyramides 10, 4.
    • Turks whale 13, 9.
    • Tresoile 15.
    • Bownes stake 17, 16.
    • [Page 14]Sapling by the Lion 18, 6.
    • Iefferies 11.
    • Lion 18, 3.
    • Islip 11, 16.
    • Tree in the lane 12, 12.
    • Pigeon 11.
    • Bricklaiers mold 10, 10.
    • Baines his needle 1 [...].
    • Wels phissick 16, 3.
    • Watergap 13, 6.
    • Sheffe of arrowes 9.
    • Rainbow 17, 4.
    • High tree 13.
    • Chapmans ware 10, 18.
    • Wilsons ward 13, 13.
    • Swans stake 16, 8.
  • Bricklayer to Robinhood 9, 11.
    • Wilies goodwill 12, 18.
    • Bradleys Stone 17, 9.
    • Melhuse 12, 16.
    • Coxes content 14, 9.
    • London stone 17.
    • House of good fellowship, 1 [...] [...]
    • [Page 15]Puttocke 15, 16.
  • Bricklayers boy to Dickman 11, 8.
    • Sir Rouland 12, 4.
    • Marsh 11, 14.
    • Dunstans diall 11, 18.
    • Dayes deed 12, 11.
    • Saint Martins 14, 10.
    • Boult 13, 5.
    • Stone by S. Martins 13, 10.
    • Aeolus 15, 19.
    • Partridge his pillar 9, 15.
    • Hayes stake 17.
    • House of Lancaster 18, 2.
    • Stone in the plaine 10, 4.
    • Cowpers stake 16, 12.
    • Walkers dragon 10, 19.
  • Bricklaiers mould to Bownes 14, 6.
    • Sapling by Lien 13, 4.
    • Lion 12, 8.
    • Lattle sapling 11, 16.
    • Rainebow 9, 12.
    • Daines delight, 15.
  • [Page 16]Brothers holiday to Daines delight 15, 15
    • Plaice 13, 2.
    • Fields fellowship 10, 14.
    • Cat and fiddle 9.
    • Stake at the stile 13, 1.
    • Target tree 12, 14.
  • Brownes stake to the hand and Rose 15, 5.
    • Swan Wilcox 16, 4.
    • Kings kindnesse 12, 16.
    • East ensigne 18, 7.
    • Wilsons goodwill 11, 2.
    • Cardies castle 17, 1.
    • Brands boy 15, 12.
    • Fether 13, 16.
    • Prices Primrose 13, 1.
    • Sheffe of arrowes 15.
    • Baines his needle 17, 8.
    • Watergap 17, 10.
    • Saint George 10, 8.
    • Perins past brush 17, 13.
    • Chapmans ware 13, 9.
    • Wilsons Ward 14, 10.
    • [Page 17]Swans stake 16.
    • Hodgets heart 17, 17.
    • Parks his pleasure 12, 6.
    • Dudleis darling, 10, 18.
    • Carters whip 9, 12.
    • Starre 10.
    • Smarts Sentinell 11, 6.
    • Hodges pleasure 12, 12.
    • Cuckoe 14, 9.
    • Bakers boy 17, 3.
    • Barlow 16, 8.
    • Brownes boy 15, 16.
    • Bush vnder bush 15.
    • Mercers mayd 14, 10.
  • Brownes boy to Teuels timber 17, 2.
    • Mab 11, 11.
    • High tree 10, 10.
    • Carters whip 12, 12.
    • Dudleis darling 14, 7.
    • Flint 9.
    • Parks his pleasure 16.
    • Wilsons Ward 17, 9.
    • [Page 18]Swans stake 16, 10.
    • Hodgets heart 16.
    • Martins monkie 16, 7.
    • Neues delight 16, 10.
    • Cat and fiddle 17, 9.
    • Holdens heathcocke 17, 16.
    • Pakes pillar 16, 17.
    • Brothers holiday 11, 8.
    • Bassings hall 10, 16.
  • Bunhill to Sawpit 13, 2.
    • Tinkers budget 11, 4.
    • Princes stake 13, 10.
    • Askwiths Achorne 12, 15.
    • Colbrand 12.
    • Great stone 10, 14.
    • Bricklayer 12, 7.
    • Whailbone 13, 17.
  • Bush vnder bush to Teuels timber 16, 18.
    • Blackwell hall 19.
    • Clarkes delight 9, 12.
    • Mab 11, 14.
    • [Page 19]Carters whip 13, 3.
    • Samuels round 9, 10.
    • Dudleis darling 14, 13.
    • Parks his pleasure 16, 10.
    • Wilsons Ward 17, 18.
    • High tree 11, 12.
    • Swans stake 17, 2.
    • Hodgets heart 17.
    • Martins monkie 17, 8.
    • Neues delight 18, 2.
    • Pakes pillar 18, 4.
    • Brothers holiday 12, 17.
    • Cornish cough 11.
    • Bassings hall 11.
    • Boxes arme 10, 4.
  • Carnell to Turks whale 11.
    • Trefoile 11, 18.
    • High tree 9, 10.
    • Bownes stake 13, 15.
    • Lion 13, 7.
    • Rainebow 13, 15.
    • Watergap 11, 3.
    • [Page 20]Saplin 13, 10.
    • Three trees 12, 10.
    • Wels his phissick 10, 16.
    • Crooked tree 16.
    • Wilsons Ward 13.
    • Swans stake 15, 3.
    • Hodgets heart 17, 12.
  • Cardies castle to the Chamber 9, 9.
    • High tree 13.
    • Turks whale 12, 2.
    • Trefoile 13, 16.
    • Bownes stake 17.
    • Islips stake 11, 5.
    • Sapling by the Lion 17, 7.
    • Lion 17, 17.
    • Pigeon 11, 10.
    • Bricklaiers mold 12.
    • Wels his phissick 17, 9.
    • Neues tissick 10, 10.
    • Tree in the lane 14, 10.
    • Baines his needle 12, 5.
    • Watergap 15.
    • [Page 21]Sheffe of arrowes 11.
    • Chapmans ware 12, 18.
    • Wilsons Ward 15, 14.
  • Carters whip to Wilsons good will 13.
    • Cardies castle 17, 8.
    • Brands boy 15, 7.
    • High tree 13, 5.
    • Camell 16, 8.
    • Neues Tissick 14, 10.
    • Graueleys lambe 17, 4.
    • Baines his needle 10, 18.
    • Tree 12, 5.
    • The Feather 12, 6.
    • Prices primrose 10.
    • Rainebow 13, 5.
    • Bricklaiers mold 16, 8.
    • Tree in the lane 12, 10.
    • Daines delight 16, 3.
    • Plaice 17, 2.
    • Fields fellowship 17.
    • Cat and fiddle 14, 18.
    • Neues delight 12, 8.
    • [Page 22]Mattins monkie 10, 3.
    • Turners stone 14, 2.
    • Holdens heathcocke 16, 15.
    • Pakes pillar 17, 9.
    • Brothers holiday 15, 18.
    • Cornish chough 14, 18.
    • Beehiue 13, 13.
    • Humsrey Iames 13, 4.
  • Cat and siddle to Perins branch 15, 6
    • Tree in the lane 15, 12.
    • Carington 15.
    • Blacke boy 16.
    • Harisons sapling 11.
    • Simsons sapling 14.
  • Chamber to Bownes stake 9, 6.
    • Sapling by the Lion 11.
    • Lion 12, 2.
    • Wels his phissick 17, 10.
    • Pigeon 11, 10.
    • Bricklaiers mold 14, 15.
    • Graueleys lambe 10, 15.
    • Camell 10, 5.
    • [Page 33]Baines his needle 17, 19.
    • Sheffe of arrowes 18.
  • Chapmans ware to pilgrim 13, 8.
    • Wilsons George 14, 9.
    • Camel 10, 10.
    • Islip 17, 10.
    • Graueleis lambe 11, 10.
    • Pigeon 13, 8.
    • Bricklaiers mold 10, 8.
    • Wells his phissick 13, 3.
    • Daines delight 14, 3.
    • Welds friendship 10, 5.
    • Plaice 16, 4.
    • Fields fellowship 16, 14.
    • Holdens heathcocke 17, 17.
    • Cat and siddle 15, 16.
    • Neues delight 13.
    • Martins Monkie 10, 4.
    • Beehiue 18, 10.
  • Clarks delight to S. Andrew 10, 16.
    • Black well hall 9, 10.
    • [Page 34]Saint George 10, 9.
    • Wilsons good will 14, 16.
    • Kings kindnesse 16, 10.
    • Brands boy 18, 2.
    • The feather 15, 11.
    • Price his primrose 13, 11.
    • Sheffe of arrowes 13, 9.
    • Baines his needle 15, 8.
    • Watergap 14, 7.
    • Rainebow 17, 12.
    • Chapmans ware 10, 17.
    • Wilsons ward 10, 10.
    • Swans stake 11.
    • Goues gist
    • Hodgets heart 12, 4.
    • Martins monkie 14.
    • Neues delight 15, 6.
    • Cat and fiddle 17, 13.
    • Brothers holiday 16, 12.
    • Cornish chough 15.
    • Beehiue 13, 2.
    • Humfrey Iames 11, 10.
    • [Page 35]Bakers boy 10, 11.
    • Barlow 10, 2.
    • Brownes boy 9, 15.
    • Samuels stake 13, 17.
    • Nightingale 17, 10.
  • Colbrand to Bradleis stone 16, 12.
    • Wilies goodwill 11, 10.
    • Coxes content 13, 10.
    • London stone 17.
    • Melhews 11, 18.
    • House of good fellowship 14, 4.
    • Puttocke 16, 7.
  • Cornish chough to Neues delight 10, 13.
    • Cat and siddle 9, 18.
    • Daines delight 16, 9.
    • Plaice 14, 3.
    • Fields fellowship 11, 17.
    • Holdens heathcocke 9, 10.
    • Stake at the stile 14, 13.
    • Target tree 14, 7.
  • Cowpers stake to Dunstans diall 17, 2.
    • Dayes deed 15.
    • [Page 36]Stone by S. Martins 11, 14.
    • Saint Martins 12, 3.
    • Aeolus 10, 15.
    • Partridge his pillar 10, 16.
    • Hayes 9, 16.
    • Beswicks stake 17, 6.
    • Lamberts goodwill 16, 5.
    • Lees I▪ copard 15, 5.
    • Theefe in the hedge 12, 8.
    • Wades mill 14, 16.
    • Founders sonne 10, 9.
  • Cowpers worme to
    • Mildmays Mayslower 10, 15.
    • Bricklaiers boy 13, 16.
    • Weeping crosse 11, 12.
    • Hookers stake 16.
    • Saunders backe 10, 3.
    • Partridge his pillar 15, 10.
    • Stone in the plaine 14.
    • Stone by S. Martins 18.
    • Gilberts good will 15.
    • Lees lion 16, 13.
    • [Page 37]Saint Martins 18, 18.
    • Aeolous 18, 10.
    • Hayes 18, 5.
    • House of Lancaster 18.
    • Mildmayes rose 18, 2.
    • Silk worme 18.
    • Cowpers stake 10, 8.
    • Plaisterers stake 12, 2.
    • Hercules club 14, 6.
    • S. Leonards 17, 7.
  • Coxes content to Hawes 13, 14.
    • Red dragon 9, 12.
    • Bricklayers boy 9, 10.
    • Hookers stake 14, 3.
    • Weeping crosse 10.
    • Partridge his pillar 18, 6.
    • Saunders backe 10, 13.
    • Lockleys mouth 11, 7.
    • Guy of Warwicke 13, 6.
    • Walkers dragon 14, 7.
    • Cowpers worme 12, 4.
    • Partridge his primrose 11, 14.
  • [Page 38]Cuckoe to Mab 9, 4.
    • Carters whip 10, 8.
    • Dudleis darling 12.
    • Parks his pleasure 13, 11.
    • Blackwell hall 16, 14.
    • Saint George 17, 7.
    • Chapmans ware 16, 9.
    • Sheffe of arrowes 19.
    • Wilsons Ward 14, 18.
    • Swans stake 14
    • Hodgets heart 13, 10.
    • Martins monkie 14, 2.
    • Neues delight 14, 18.
    • Fields fellowship 18.
    • Cat and fiddle 15, 16.
    • Turners stone 15, 10.
    • Holdens heathcocke 16, 9.
    • Pakes pillar 15, 12.
    • Cornish chough 9.
    • Brothers holiday 10, 16.
    • Bassings hall 13, 2.
    • Boxes arme 12, 13.
    • [Page 39]Nightingale 10, 6.
  • Dawsons daunce to the Swan 12, 10
    • S. Andrew 13, 12.
    • Teuels timber 9, 10.
    • Blackwell hall 13, 12.
    • S. George 15, 12.
    • Chapmans ware 17, 9.
    • Wilsons Ward 17, 2.
    • Parks his pleasure 14, 18.
    • Dudleis darling 13, 3.
    • Carters whip 11, 4.
    • Mab 9, 17.
    • Smatts Sentinell 9, 8.
    • Goues gift 13.
    • Hodges pleasure 9, 13.
    • Cuckoe 10, 3.
    • Beehiue 16, 16.
    • Humfrey Iames 14, 10.
    • Bakers boy 12, 14.
    • Barlow 11, 10.
    • Brownes boy 10, 14.
    • Bush vnder bush 9.14.
    • [Page 40]Samuels stake 14, 10.
    • Night ingale 16, 13.
    • House of honesty 14, 10.
    • Kempton 16.
  • Daves deed to Pinder 13, 5.
    • Queenes stake 14, 10.
    • Archdale 17.
    • Lees Lurching 10, 16.
    • Swan harnestman 15, 12.
    • Greenes stake 12, 11.
    • Martins May flower 10, 11.
    • Lamberts goodwill 10, 9.
    • Teuels timber 18, 7.
    • Speerings sport 17, 2.
    • Brownes stake 16, 6.
    • Egpie 15, 1.
    • Lees leopard 12.
    • Seagriffin 16, 16.
    • Harison 17, 9.
    • Gosson 15, 8
    • Theefe in the hedge 13, 9.
    • House of Lancaster 9.
    • [Page 41]Silkeworme 12, 13.
    • Mildmayes rose 11.
  • Daines delight to the stake at the stile 10.
    • Target tree 11, 2.
    • Pakes pillar 10, 17.
  • Diall to piggins loue 13, 15.
    • Archdale 9.
    • Hand and rose 11, 17.
    • Swan Wilcox 14.
    • West ensigne 17, 15.
    • East ensigne 16, 6.
    • Cardies castle 16.
    • Kings kindnesse 11, 1.
    • Brands boy 15, 17.
    • Wilsons goodwill 12, 4.
    • The Feather 16, 6.
    • Prices primrose 17, 7.
    • Saint George 16, 4.
    • Blackwell hall 14, 10.
    • Saint Andrew 10, 17.
    • Teuels timber 11, [...]0.
    • Speerings sport 10, 19.
    • [Page 42]Brownes stake 11.
    • Egpie 12.
    • Seagriffin 14, 10.
    • Clarks delight 18.
    • Flint 17, 4.
    • Samuels round 17, 2.
    • Yong Powell 16, 18.
    • Dawsons daunce 16, 8.
    • Harison 16, 5.
    • Gosson 16.
    • House of Yorke 18, 9.
    • Lamberts goodwill 11, 9.
  • Dickmans marigold to Pinder 14, 12
    • Queenes stake 16, 6.
    • Lees lurching 14, 13.
    • Diall 16, 13.
    • Dunstans diall 11, 2.
    • Daves deed 13, 17.
    • Boult 15, 10.
    • S. Martins 17.
    • Hooker 10.
  • Dudleis darling to Swan Wilcox 17 2. [Page 43]
    • East ensigne 18.
    • Cardies castle 16, 5.
    • Brands boy 14, 6.
    • The Feather 11, 5.
    • Camel 15.
    • Grautleis lambe 16, 2.
    • Pigeon 18, 4.
    • Neues tissick 12, 14.
    • Pilgrim 18.
    • Brick laiers mold 14, 17.
    • Rainebow 11, 7.
    • Baines his needle 9.
    • High tree 11.
    • Daines delight 14, 18.
    • Martins Monkie 9, 10.
    • Plaice 16, 2.
    • Fields fellowship 15, 18.
    • Neues delight 11, 17.
    • Cat and siddle 14, 9.
    • Holdens heathcock 16, 6.
    • Pakes his pillar 17, 2.
    • Brothers holiday 16, 15.
    • [Page 44]Cornish chough 15, 13.
    • Beehiue 14, 12.
    • Goues gift 10, 18.
  • Dunstans dial to Pinder 11, 12
    • Lees lurching 9, 10.
    • Queenes stake 13, 2.
    • Archdale 16, 6.
    • Swan harnestman 16.
    • Greenes stake 13.
    • Martins Mayflower 11, 4.
    • Brownes stake 17, 10.
    • Egpie 16, 16.
    • Dunstans darling 9, 12.
    • Beswicke 10, 16.
    • Lamberts goodwill 12, 16.
    • Lees leopard 14, 1 [...].
    • Theefe in the hedge 16, 4.
    • Hayes 9, 10
    • House of Lancaster 12, 4.
    • Mildmayes rose 13, 16.
  • Silkworme 15, 10.
  • Dunstans darling to the Queenes stake 12, 18. [Page 45]
    • Archdale 14, 4.
    • Hand and rose 16, 12.
    • Swan Wilcox 18, 7.
    • Kings kindnesse 14, 16.
    • Wilsons goodwill 15.
    • S. Andrew 11, 13.
    • Teuels timber 10, 7.
    • Blackwell hall 14, 15.
    • Saint George 16, 17.
    • Carters whip 17, 10.
    • Mab 16, 12.
    • Clarks delight 14, 18.
    • Flint 13, 8.
    • Samuels round 12, 17.
    • Yong Powell 12, 3.
    • Dawsons daunce 11, 2.
    • Harison 10, 8.
    • Gosson 9, 15.
    • Starre 17, 4.
    • Smarts Sentinel 3, 9.
    • Loues increase 17, 12.
    • Iulius Caesar 16, 15.
    • [Page 46]Quinies pillar 16.
    • House of Yorke 12, 4.
    • Prichards hope 14, 4.
    • Aldermanbury I ion 15, 12.
  • East ensigne to Turks whale 11, 4.
    • Trefoile 13.
    • Bownes stake 16, 10.
    • Saplin by the Lion 17, 4.
    • Thurlow 14, 11.
    • Lion 17, 15.
    • Islip 11, 4.
    • Pigeon 12.
    • Bricklaiers mold 13, 2.
    • Neues tissick 11, 18.
    • Graueleis lambe 9, 13.
    • Baines his needle 13, 18.
    • Tree in the lane 16, 4.
    • Watergap 16, 15.
    • Shesse of arrowes 12, 13.
    • Price his primerose 9, 10.
    • Chapmans ware 14, 10.
    • Wilsons ward 17, 10.
  • [Page 47]Egpie to Archdale 17, 5.
    • Hand and rose 18, 11.
    • Wilsons good will 15.
    • Kings kindnesse 15, 14.
    • The Feather 17, 16.
    • Saint Andrew 10, 9.
    • Prices primerose 16, 18.
    • Sheffe of arrowes 18, 10.
    • Saint George 14.
    • Blackwell hall 11, 19.
    • Chapmans ware 16, 12.
    • Wilsons ward 17, 6.
    • Swans stake 18, 8.
    • Parks his pleasure 15, 5.
    • Dudleis dailing 13, 12.
    • Carters whip 12, 2.
    • Mab. [...]0, 9.
    • Starre 10, 12.
    • Smarts Sentinell 11, 10.
    • Hodges pleasure 12, 8.
    • Goues gift 16.
    • Cuckoe 13, 17.
    • [Page 48]Humfrey Iames 18.
    • Bakers boy 16, 12.
    • Barlow 15, 10.
    • Brownes boy 14, 14.
    • Bush vnder bush 13, 14.
    • Mercers mayd 12, 16.
    • Townes end 12.
    • Loues increase 11, 8.
  • The Feather to the Bores head 12, 9.
    • Chamber 13, 15
    • Iefferies 13, 6.
    • Turks whale 15, 10.
    • Adam bell 10, 14.
    • Wilsons George 9.
    • Trefoile 16, 18.
    • High tree 11.
    • Pigeon 11.
    • Wels his phissick 15, 10.
    • Watergap 10, 15.
    • Rainebow 14, 17.
    • Tree in the lane 10, 10.
    • Hodgets heart 15, 17.
    • [Page 49]Swans stake 13, 8.
    • Wilsons ward 10, 17.
    • Parks his pleasure 10, 6.
  • Fields fellowship to Carington 14.
    • Black boy 15.
    • High tree 15, 10.
    • Harisons Sapling 13, 3.
    • Simsons Sapling 14, 10.
  • Flint to Swan harnesman 11.
    • Saint Andrew 11.
    • Wilsons goodwill 15, 12.
    • Blackwell hall 10, 3.
    • Saint George 11, 18.
    • Brands boy 19.
    • The Feather 16, 12.
    • Price his primerose 14, 17.
    • Sheffe of arrowes 15.
    • Baines his needle 17.
    • Watergap 15, 19.
    • Chapmans ware 12, 10.
    • Parks his pleasure 10, 6.
    • Goues gift 9.
    • [Page 50]Townes end 9.
    • Wilsons ward 12, 10.
    • Swans stake 13.
    • Hodgets heart 14.
    • Martins monkie 15, 15.
    • Neues delight 17, 12.
    • Brothers holiday 17, 10.
    • Cornish chough 16.
    • Beehiue 14.
    • Humfrey Iames 12.
    • Bakers boy 10, 18.
    • Barlow 10.
    • Samuels stake 13, 14.
    • Nightingale 17, 2.
  • Founders sonne to Beswicke 17, 12.
    • Lamberts good will 15, 10.
    • Lees leopard 13, 6.
    • House of Yorke 13, 8.
    • Prichards hope 12, 13.
    • Harison 16, 6.
    • Seagriffin 18, 4.
    • Gosson 13, 10.
    • [Page 51]Theefe in hedge 9.
    • Aldermanbury lion 12, 6.
    • Quinies pillar 13, 18.
    • Iulius Caesar 15, 17.
    • Poores partridge 11, 16.
    • Kings mace 12, 2.
    • Begraues phoenix 12, 9.
    • Snowball 13, 12.
    • House of honestie 15, 13.
    • Kempton 16.
    • Piper 17.5.
    • Quinies faulchin 14, 3.
    • Blacke Nan 14 10.
    • Stile post 10, 10.
  • Gate by Harison to the Swan 12, 15
    • Saint Andrew 14, 5.
    • Saint George 16, 5.
    • Blackwell hall 14, 12.
    • Teuels timber 10, 10.
    • Smarts Sentinell 9, 6.
    • Parks his pleasure 16, 10.
    • Dudleis darling 14, 12.
    • [Page 52]Bush vnder bush 10.
    • Carters whip 12, 8.
    • Mab 11, 6.
    • Hodges pleasure 10, 7.
    • Cuckoe 11, 2.
    • Goues gift 14, 2.
    • Beehine 17, 12.
    • Humfrey lames 15, 10.
    • Bakers boy 13, 12.
    • Barlow 12, 10.
    • Brownes boy 11, 10.
    • Samuels stake 14, 15.
    • Nightingale 17, 2.
    • House of honestie 13, 19.
    • Kempton 15, 10.
  • Gilberts goodwill to Dunstans diall 15, 18.
    • Dayes deed 13, 3.
    • Saint Martins 9, 18.
    • Nelson 17, 12.
    • Dunstans darling 15, 2.
    • Beswicks stake 13, 10.
    • Lamberts goodwill 12, 2.
    • [Page 53]Lees leopard 10, 15.
    • Gosson 12, 6.
    • Dawsons daunce 18, 12.
    • Harison 16, 6.
    • House of Yorke 14, 12.
    • Prichards hope 14, 17.
    • Alderman burie lion 15, 12.
    • Quinies pillar 16, 18.
    • Poores partridge 17.
    • Wades mill 10, 10.
    • Kings mace 18.
  • Gosson to Martins may flower 12, 1 [...]
    • Greene 13, 5.
    • Swan harnesman 14, 12.
    • Saint Andrew 16, 17.
    • Teuels timber 13, 12.
    • Speerings sport 11, 18.
    • Brownes stake 10, 5.
    • Carters whip 17, 5.
    • Mab 15, 11.
    • Clarks delight 12, 15.
    • Flint 10, 14.
    • [Page 54]Starre 14, 2.
    • Smarts Sentinell 14, 8.
    • Hodges pleasure 14, 11.
    • Cuckoe 15, 14.
    • Barlow 16, 2.
    • Aldermanbury Lion 15, 2.
    • Mercers mayd 12.
    • Townes end 10, 16.
    • Kempton 15, 11.
    • House of honestie 13, 18.
    • Snowball 12, 17.
    • Kings mace 12, 10.
    • Poores partridge 10, 17.
  • Goues gift to parks his pleasure 12 5
    • Saint George 17, 1.
    • Sheffe of arrowes 17, 19.
    • Chapmans ware 15, 14.
    • Watergap 16, 2.
    • Hull 17.
    • Rainebow 17, 17.
    • Wilsons ward 13, 5.
    • Swans stake 11, 16.
    • [Page 55]Hodgets heart 10, 16.
    • Martins monkie 11.
    • Neues delight 11, 15.
    • Cat and fiddle 12, 10.
    • Daines delight 17, 10.
    • Plaice 16, 18.
    • Fields fellowship 14, 14.
    • Holdens heathcocke 13, 1.
    • Pakes his pillar 12, 5.
  • Golden cup to the sawpit 9, 15.
    • Robinhood 15.
    • Saint Botulphs 14, 12.
  • Graueleys lambe to Turkes whale 10, 17.
    • Trefoile 11, 9.
    • Bownes stake 12, 4.
    • High tree 10.
    • Sapling by the Lion 11, 12.
    • Little Sapling 11, 15.
    • Wels his phissick 9, 10.
    • Crooked tree 14, 10.
    • Lion 11, 8.
    • Three trees 9, 16.
    • [Page 56]Rainbow 13.
    • Watergap 10, 13.
    • Swans stake 15, 7.
    • Hodgets heart 17, 8.
  • Great stone by the Bricklayer to
    • Robinhood 11.
    • Saint Botulphs 10.
    • Bradleys stone 19, 10.
    • Wilies goodwill 14, 9.
    • Coxes content 16, 7.
    • Melhews 14, 12.
    • House of good fellowship 16.
    • Puttocke 17, 10.
  • Greenes stake to Archdale 9, 5.
    • Piggins loue 14, 9.
    • Hand and rose 11, 6.
    • Swan Wilcox 13.
    • West ensigne 17, 16.
    • East ensigne 15, 5.
    • Cardies castle 14, 10.
    • Brands boy 13, 15.
    • The Feather 13, 2.
    • [Page 57]Prices primrose 13, 10.
    • Saint George 11, 16.
    • Blackwell hall 9, 10.
    • Shesse of arrowes 16, 12.
    • Chapmans ware 15, 16.
    • Wilsons ward 17, 15.
    • Parks his pleasure 16.
    • Dudleis darling 15.
    • Carters whip 14, 6.
    • Mab 13, 8.
    • Starre 15, 12.
    • Smarts Sentinel 17, 8.
    • Hodges pleasure 18, 9.
    • Clarks delight 13, 2.
    • Flint 12, 7.
    • Samuels round 1 [...], 5.
    • Yong Powell 12, 8.
    • Dawsons daunce 12, 6.
    • Gate by Harison 12, 8.
    • Harison 12, 11.
    • Seagriffin 10, 6.
    • Guy of Watwicke to Sir Rowland 17, 7.
      • [Page 58]Marshes stake 15, 16.
      • Dunstans diall 13, 15.
      • Hooker 10.
      • Dayes deed 12, 12.
      • Stone by S. Martins 11.
      • Saint Martins 11, 17.
      • Aeolus 11, 16.
      • Hayes stake 12.
      • House of Lancaster 12, 5.
      • Mildmaies Mayflower 12, 18
      • Silkeworme 13, 2.
      • Theese in the hedge 17, 2.
      • Lees lion 12, 8.
      • Gilberts goodwill 10, 15.
      • Founders sonne 17, 17.
      • Plaisterers stake 10, 17.
      • Hercules club 13, 18.
    • Hand and rose to the chamber 12, 5.
      • Pyramides 10, 4.
      • Iefferies 13, 7.
      • Adam bel 12, 9.
      • Turks whale 15, 10.
      • [Page 59]Three Cranes 9, 6.
      • Trefoile 17, 8.
      • Islip 15, 12.
      • Iefferies 13, 7.
      • Wilsons George 12, 2.
      • Pilgrim 12, 8.
      • Pigeon 16, 3.
      • Graueleys lambe 13, 9.
      • Neues tissick 14, 18.
      • Camell 11, 2.
      • Prices primerose 10, 2.
      • Baines his needle 15, 13.
      • Sheffe of arrowes 14.
      • Chapmans ware 15, 4.
      • Parks his pleasure 17, 4.
      • Dudleis darling 17.10.
      • Saint George 11, 8.
      • Saint Andrew 9.
      • Blackwell hall 11, 2.
      • Teuels timber 12, 15.
    • Harisons fellowship to the Swan 13, 4.
      • Saint Andrew 14, 16.
      • [Page 60]Teuels timber 11, 2.
      • Blackwell hall 15, 8.
      • Saint George 17, 8.
      • Parks his pleasure 17, 6.
      • Dudleis darling 15, 10.
      • Carters whip 13, 17.
      • Mab 12, 3.
      • Clarks delight 9, 4.
      • Starre 10, 12.
      • Smarts Sentinell 10, 16.
      • Hodges pleasure 11, 1.
      • Cuckoe 11, 16.
      • Goues gift 14, 18.
      • Bechiue 18, 6.
      • Humfrey Iames 16, 1 [...]
      • Bakers boy 14, 8.
      • Barlow 13.
      • Brownes boy 11, 19.
      • Bush vnder bush 10, 17
      • Samuels stake 15, 4.
      • Nightingale 17, 9.
      • Kempton 15, 9.
      • [Page 61]House of honestie 13, 12.
      • Snow ball 13, 2.
    • Hawes stake to Sir Rouland 11, 12.
      • Marsh 12, 16.
      • Dunstans diall 14, 15.
      • Dayes deed 16, 17.
      • Hookers stake 10, 2.
      • Partridge his pillar 16, 14.
      • Weeping crosse 11, 10.
      • Saunders backe 13, 3.
      • Lockleis mouth 14, 10.
    • Hayes stake to Lees lurching 16, 9.
      • Diall 13, 8.
      • Nelson 11, 2.
      • Dunstans darling 9.
      • Martins Mayflower 13, 2.
      • Greenes stake 14, 10.
      • Swan harnestman 17, 3.
      • Teuels timber 18, 5.
      • Speerings sport 16, 9.
      • Brownes stake 15, 6.
      • Egpie 13.
      • [Page 62]Scagriffin 13, 10.
      • Young Powell 17.
      • Gosson 10, 4.
      • Dawsons daunce 15, 2.
      • Harison 13, 5.
      • House of Yorke 12, 8.
      • Prichards hope 13, 12.
      • Aldermanbury Lion 14, 1 [...].
      • Quinies pillar 16.
      • Wades mill 12, 16.
      • Founders sonne 12, 19.
    • Hercules club to S. Martins 17, 12.
      • Stone by S. Martins 17, 3.
      • Aeolus 15, 16.
      • Hayes stake 14, 8.
      • House of Lancaster 12, 18.
      • Mildmayes rose 11, 12.
      • Lees lion 9.
      • Silkeworme 10, 2.
      • Theese in the hedge 14, 2.
      • Wades mill 13.
    • Hodges pleasure to Blackwell hall 14, 10. [Page 63]
      • Saint George 15, 6.
      • Prices primerose 18.
      • Sheffe of arrowes 17.
      • Chapmans ware 14, 9.
      • Parks his pleasure 11, 11.
      • Dudleis darling 10.
      • Wilsons ward 13.
      • Watergap 16, 16.
      • Swans stake 12, 8.
      • Hodgets heart 12, 5.
      • Martins monkie 13, 2.
      • Neues delight 14, 8.
      • Cat and fiddle 15, 11.
      • Turners stone 15, 2.
      • Fields fellowship 17, 13.
      • Holdens heathcocke 16, 9.
      • Pakes pillar 15, 18.
      • Brothers holiday 11, 16.
      • Cornish chough 10, 2.
      • Harisons sapling 12.
      • Bassings hall 15, 5.
      • Nightingale 12, 8.
      • [Page 64]Boxes arme 14, 15.
    • Hodgets heart to Bricklaiers mold 14, 17.
      • Stake at the stile 14, 15.
      • Target tree 15, 10.
      • Baines his needle 9, 5.
      • Pakes pillar 10, 14.
      • Sheffe of arrowes 9.9.
      • Brothers holiday 12, 11.
      • Cornish chough 12, 10.
      • Wels his phisick 14, 7.
      • High tree 10.
      • Neues tissick 13, 15.
      • Beehiue 12, 15.
      • Harisons sapling 15, 3.
      • Simsons sapling 16.10.
    • Holdens heathcocke to Blacke boy 14.
      • Harisons sapling 10, 2.
      • Simsons sapling 12, 10.
    • Hookers stake to Pinder 17, 6.
      • Lurching stake 15, 12.
      • Diall 15, 3.
      • Nelson 15, 14.
      • [Page 65]Dunstans darling 16, 6.
      • Beswieke 16, 19.
      • Saint Martins 10, 5.
      • Aeolus 11, 15.
      • Hayes stake 13, 2.
      • House of Lancaster 14, 13.
      • Mildmayes rose 16.
      • Silkeworme 17, 9.
      • Lees lion 17, 9.
      • Gilberts goodwill 16, 8.
      • Cowpers stake 16.
    • House of good fellowship to Bradleis stone 13, 2.
      • Red dragon 15.
      • Bricklaiers boy 13, 9.
      • Weeping crosse 12, 3.
      • Hooker 17, 8.
      • Mildmayes mayflower 10.
      • Saunders backe 11, 9.
      • Lockleys mouth 10, 16▪
      • Guy of Warwicke 10, 17.
      • Walkers dragon 10, 15.
      • Cowpers stake 15, 19.
      • [Page 66]Plaisterers stake 17, 14.
    • House of honestie to yong Powel 15 2
      • Samuels round 16, 3.
      • Flint 17, 7.
      • Clarks delight 18, 10.
      • Starre 17, 18.
      • Mercers maid 9, 6.
      • Smarts Sentinell 16.1 [...]
      • Hodges pleasure 15, 10.
      • Cuckoe 14, 4.
      • Nightingale 9, 2.
      • Goues gift 17, 4.
      • Bush vnder bush 10, 16.
      • Brownes boy 11, 16.
      • Barlow 12, 16.
      • Bakers boy 14, 2.
      • Humfrey Iames 16.
      • Beehiue 17, 18.
      • Samuels stake 10, 16.
      • Bassings hall 11, 6.
    • House of Lancaster to Lees lurching 18, 4.
      • Diall 15, 3.
      • Nelson 12, 13.
      • [Page 67]Dunstans darling 10, 3.
      • Martins Mayflower 14, 9.
      • Greenes slake 15, 18.
      • Swan harnestman 18, 10.
      • Speerings sport 17, 17.
      • Brownes stake 16, 5.
      • Egpie 13, 4.
      • Gosson 9, 10.
      • Seagriffin 13, 8.
      • Samuels round 18, 7.
      • Yong Powell 17.
      • Dawsons daunce 15, 6.
      • Gate by Harison 14, 2.
      • Harison 13, 2.
      • Wades mill 11, 4.
      • House of Yorke 11, 15.
      • Prichards hope 12, 10.
      • Loues increase 18, 9.
      • Iulius Caesar 16, 18.
      • Quinies pillar 15.
      • Alderman bury Lion 13, 16.
      • Samuels diet 15, 14.
      • [Page 68]Poores partridge 16, 17.
      • Kings mace 18, 4.
      • Founders sonne 11, 2.
    • House of Yorke to Martins Mayflo­wer 15.
      • Greenes stake 15, 3.
      • Swan 16, 9.
      • Brownes stake 11, 7.
      • Speerings sport 12, 19.
      • Saint Andrew 18.
      • Teuels timber 14, 12.
      • Black well hall 18, 10.
      • Dudleis darling 18, 13.
      • Carters whip 16, 12.
      • Mab 15, 3.
      • Clarks delight 12, 5.
      • Flint 10, 4.
      • Starre 13, 3.
      • Smarts Sentinell 13.
      • Hodges pleasure 13.
      • Cuckoe 13, 7.
      • Goues gift 16, 10.
      • Humfrey Iames 17, 7.
      • [Page 69]Bakers boy 15, 5.
      • Barlow 13, 18.
      • Brownes boy 12, 13.
      • Bush vnder bush 11.
      • Samuels stake 15, 1.
      • Nightingale 16, 12.
      • Boxes arme 17, 2.
      • Kempton 12, 13.
      • House of honestie 11.
      • Snowball 10, 6.
      • Piper 18.
      • Blacke Nan 15, 14.
      • Quinies faulchin 14, 18.
      • Begraues phoenix 11, 11.
      • Kings mace 10, 2.
    • Humfrey Iames to Kingstone bridge 14, 2.
      • Parks his pleasure 15, 7.
      • Chapmans ware 18, 8.
      • Wilsons ward 16, 7.
      • Swans stake 14, 13.
      • Hodgets heart 13, 4.
      • Martins monkie 13, 3.
      • [Page 70]Neues delight 13, 6.
      • Cat and fiddle 13, 8.
      • Fields fellowship 15, 9.
      • Plaice 17, 10.
      • Holdens heathocke 13, 9.
      • Pakes pillar 12, 10.
    • Iefferies stake to Lion 11.
      • Little saplin 12.
      • Three trees 14, 10.
      • Pigeon 12, 5.
      • Baines his needle 16, 18.
    • Islips stake to the Rainbow 18.
      • Watergap 17.
      • Wels his phissick 12, 10.
      • Baines his needle 13, 18.
      • Tree in the lane 14.
    • Iulius Caesar to the Egpie 10, 19.
      • Brownes stake 13, 17.
      • Speerings sport 15, 5.
      • Teuels timber 16, 10.
      • Dudleis darling 18, 2.
      • Carters whip 16, 7.
      • Mab 14, 10.
      • [Page 71]Kempton 9.
      • Aspinals Ape 11, 12.
      • Flint 10, 4▪
      • Samuels round 9, 16.
      • Cuckoe 9, 16.
      • Starre 11, 10.
      • Smarts Sentinell 10, 12.
      • Hodges pleasure 10, 2.
      • Goues gift 13, 2.
      • Cornish chough 17, 12.
      • Beehiue 15, 6.
      • Humfrey Iames 13, 3.
      • Bakers boy 11.
      • Barlow 9, 10
      • Nightingale 11, 8.
      • Boxes arme 12, 16.
      • Bassings hall 14, 10.
      • Piper 14, 13.
    • Kempton to Townes end 10.
      • Mercers maid 10, 14.
      • Bush vnder [...] 11, 16.
      • Brownes boy 12, 17.
      • [Page 72]Barlow 13, 18.
      • Aldermanbury Lion 9, 6.
      • Bakers boy 14, 18.
      • Humfrey Iames 17.
      • Iulius Caesar 9, 6.
      • Beehiue 18, 8.
      • Maidens blush 9, 6.
      • Dawsons daunce 16.
      • Nightingale 9, 4.
      • Yong Powell 16, 18.
      • Samuels round 17, 10.
      • Flint 18, 18.
      • Smarts Sentinell 17, 13.
      • Hodges pleasure 16, 15.
      • Cuckoe 15, 3.
      • Goues gift 18, 2.
      • Samuels stake 11, 6.
      • Bassings hall 10, 18.
    • Kings kindnesse to the three Cranes 12, 13.
      • Bores head 11, 12.
      • Pyramides 12, 19.
      • Chamber 14, 9.
      • [Page 73]Adam bell 1 [...], 8.
      • Wilsons George 12, 10.
      • Pilgrim 12, 10.
      • Pigeon 15, 18.
      • Bricklaters mold 15, 4.
      • Gate by pigeon 15, 2.
      • Graueleys lambe 13.
      • Camel 10, 15.
      • Hercules stone 15, 7.
      • Tree in the lane 16, 6.
      • Baines his needle 14.
      • Sheffe of arrowes 12.
      • Watergap 16, 2.
      • Chapmans ware 12, 14.
      • Parks his pleasure 14, 18.
      • Dudlers darling 14, 18.
      • Carters whip 15, 12.
      • Mab 16
    • Kings mace to the Seagrissin 15, 12.
      • Harison 13, 5
      • Gate by Harison 13, 15.
      • [Page 74]Dawsons daunce 14, 12.
      • Yong Powell 15, 12.
      • Samuels round 16, 10.
      • Flint 17, 9.
      • Townes end 10, 10.
      • Mercers maid 11, 12.
      • Bush vnder bush 13.
      • Brownes boy 14, 3.
      • Barlow 15, 6.
      • Bakers boy 16, 11.
      • Humfrey Iames 18, 13.
      • Smarts Sentinell 18.
      • Hodges pleasure 17, 8.
      • Cuckoe 16, 8.
      • Samuels stake 13, 18.
      • Nightingale 12, 17.
      • Boxes arme 12, 12.
      • Bassings hall 14, 12.
    • Lamberts goodwill to Greenes stake 9, 4.
      • Swan 11, 16.
      • Wilsons goodwill 18, 10.
      • Saint Andrew 14, 17.
      • [Page 75]Blackwell hall 16, 10.
      • Teuels timber 12.
      • Speerings sport 10, 9.
      • Carters whip 17, 13.
      • Mab 16, 10.
      • Clarks delight 14, 3.
      • Flint 12, 5.
      • Samuels round 11, 4.
      • Yong Powell 10, 5.
      • Starre 16, 6.
      • Smarts Sentinell 17.
      • Hodges pleasure 17, 10.
      • Cuckoe 18, 8.
      • Bush vnder bush 17, 10.
      • Mercers maid 16, 5.
      • Townes end 15, 10.
      • Loues increase 13, 13.
      • Iulius Caesar 12, 14.
      • Quinies pillar 11, 15.
      • Prichards hope 9, 12.
      • Aldermanburie lion 11.
      • Poores partridge 15, 5.
      • [Page 76]House of honestie 18, 10.
      • Snowball 17, 10.
      • Kings mace 17.
      • Begraues phoenix 18, 9.
    • Lees leopard to Martins mayflower 11, [...]
      • Greenes stake 11, 16.
      • Swan harnesman 13, 16.
      • Saint Andrew 16, 7.
      • Teuels timber 13, 14.
      • Speerings sport 11, 17.
      • Brownes stake 10.
      • Mab 17.
      • Clarks delight 14, 10.
      • Flint 12, 6.
      • Samuels round 11, 10.
      • Yong Powell 10, 2.
      • Starre 16, 5.
      • Smarts Sentinell 16, 13.
      • Hodges pleasure 17, 4.
      • Cuckoe 18.
      • Bush vnder bush 17.
      • Mercers maid 14, 17.
      • [Page 77]Loues increase 12, 6.
      • Iulius Caesar 11, 3.
      • House of honestie 16, 8.
      • Snowball 15, 10.
      • Falcheon 19, 14.
      • Begraues phoenix 16, 6.
      • Kings mace 15, 4.
      • Poores partridge 13, 16.
      • Gace 10.
      • Gace 10.
      • Wades mill 10, 5.
    • Lees Lion to Dunstans diall 16, 2.
      • Dayes deed 13, 10.
      • Stone by S. Martins 9, 5.
      • Saint Martins 9, 16.
      • Nelson 17, 2
      • Dunstans darling 14, 10.
      • Beswicks stake 12, 11.
      • Lamberts good will 10, 16.
      • Lees leopard 9.
      • Egpie 16, 7.
      • Seagriffin 15, 17.
      • Dawsons daunce 17.
      • [Page 78]Gate by Harison 15, 16.
      • Harison 14, 19.
      • Gosson 11, 4.
      • House of Yorke 12, 16.
      • Loues increase 18, 18.
      • Iulius Caesar 17, 3.
      • Quinies pillar 15, 5.
      • Prichards hope 13, 6.
      • Aldermanbury Lion 13, 17.
      • Samuels diet 14, 13.
      • Poores partridge 15, 9.
      • Snowball 17, 13.
      • Kings mace 16, 8.
      • Begraues phoenix 17, 7.
    • Lockleys mouth to Dickman 16, 3.
      • Sir Rouland 15, 4.
      • Marshes stake 14.
      • Dunstans diall 12, 9.
      • Dayes deed 11, 16.
      • Boult 11, 16.
      • Saint Martins 12, 2.
      • Stone by S. Martins 11, 3.
      • [Page 79]Aeolus 12, 10.
      • Hayes stake 12, 18.
      • House of Lancaster 13, 16.
      • Mildmayes rose 14, 12.
      • Silk worme 15, 6.
      • Lees Lion 14, 12.
      • Gilberts goodwill 13, 1.
      • Cowpers stake 10, 9.
      • Plaisterers stake 13, 17.
      • Hercules club 16, 10.
    • London stone to Alhallowes 15, 2.
      • Hawes 13, 8.
      • Dickmans marigold 17.
      • Sit Rowland 18, 8.
      • Marshes stake 17, 16.
      • Dunstans diall 17, 9.
      • Dayes deed 17, 12,
      • Hooker 11.
      • Partridge his pillar 14, 6.
      • Stone in the plaine 13, 18.
      • Stone by S. Martins 17, 14.
      • [Page 80]Saint Martins 18, 13.
      • Cowpers stake 16, 10.
      • Walkers dragon 10, 3.
      • Partridge his primerose 9.
    • Loues increase to Brownes stake 13, 17.
      • Speerings sport 15, 2.
      • Teuels timber 16, 6.
      • Dudleis darling 17, 2.
      • Carters whip 15.
      • Mab 14.
      • Flint 9.
      • Clarks delight 10, 14.
      • Starre 10, 6.
      • Smarts Sentinell 9.
      • Goues gift 11, 7.
      • Humfrey Iames 11, 8.
      • Beehiue 13, 10.
      • Nightingale 10.
      • Cornish chough 16, 3.
      • Brothers holiday 18.
      • Bassings hall 13, 4.
      • Boxes arme 11, 16.
    • [Page 81]Lees lurching to the three Cranes 17
      • Bores head 17, 10.
      • West ensigne 15, 5.
      • East ensigne 14, 10.
      • Swan Wilcox 12, 5.
      • Piggin 11, 4.
      • Hand and rose 9, 16.
      • Swan harnesman 9.
      • Cardies castle 14, 12.
      • Kings kindnesse 10, 2.
      • Brands boy 14, 19.
      • Wilsons goodwill 11, 16.
      • The Feather 15, 18.
      • Prices primerose 17, 8.
      • Saint George 16, 17.
      • Blackwell hall 15, 11.
      • Teuels timber 13, 9.
      • Saint Andrew 11, 14.
      • Speerings sport 13, 6.
      • Brownes stake 13, 12.
      • Egpie 15, 2.
      • Sea griffin 17, 9.
      • [Page 82]Beswicke 12.
      • Lamberts goodwill 14, 12.
    • Mab to Cardies castle 18, 5
      • Kings kindnesse 16.
      • Brands boy 16, 9.
      • The Feather 13, 12.
      • Prices primerose 11, 6.
      • Sheffe of arrowes 10, 12.
      • Baines his needle 12, 10.
      • Cuckoe 9, 5.
      • Tree in the lane 14, 4.
      • Watergap 11, 3.
      • Rainebow 14, 12.
      • Daines delight 17, 10.
      • Plaice 18, 3.
      • High tree 14, 4.
      • Fields fellowship 17, [...]0.
      • Hodgets heart 9, 3.
      • Martins monkie 11, 9.
      • Neues delight 13, 10.
      • Cat and fiddle 15, 18.
      • Holdens heathcocke 17, 9.
      • [Page 83]Pakes pillar 17, 13.
      • Brothers holiday 16.
      • Cornish chough 14, 11.
      • Beehiue 13.
      • Humfrey Iames 12, 2.
    • Marshes stake to Pinder 10.
      • Queenes stake 11, 18.
      • Archdale 15.
      • Hand and rose 18, 17.
      • Swan harnestman 17.
      • Greenes stake 14, 2.
      • Martins Mayslower 12, 13.
      • Nelson 10, 12.
      • Dunstans darling 12, 6.
      • Beswicke 13, 15.
      • Lamberts goodwill 15, 16.
      • Saint Martins 9, 17.
      • Aeolus 11, 16.
      • Hayes stake 13, 15.
      • House of Lancaster 15, 9.
    • Martins Mayflower to Archdale 9, 16. [Page 84]
      • Piggins 15, 3.
      • Hand and rose 12, 5.
      • Swan Wilcox 14.
      • East ensigne 16, 16.
      • Kings kindnesse 10, 13.
      • Cardies castle 15, 18.
      • Wilsons goodwill 10, 13.
      • Brands boy 15, 4
      • The Feather 14, 18.
      • Prices primerose 15, 8.
      • Sheffe of arrowes 18, 12.
      • Saint George 12, 15.
      • Black well hall 11, 5.
      • Chapmans ware 17, 11.
      • Parks his pleasure 18.
      • Dudleis darling 16, 17.
      • Carters whip 16.
      • Mab 15.
      • Starre 16, 15.
      • Clarks delight 14, 4.
      • Flint 13, 11.
      • Samuels tound 13, 7.
      • [Page 85]Yong Powell 13.
      • Dawsons daunce 12, 13.
      • Seagriffin 10, 10.
      • Harison 12, 8.
    • Martins monkie to the Stake at the stile▪ 12, 9
      • Wels his phissick 15, 6.
      • Target tree 13.
      • Brothers holiday 11, 4.
      • Pakes his pillar 9.
      • Cornish chough 11, 9.
    • Melhuse his mirth to hawes 15, 16
      • Red dragon 12.
      • Hooker 15, 15.
      • Bricklaiers boy 11, 6.
      • Weeping crosse 11, 8.
      • Saunders backe 11, 13.
      • I ocklies mouth 12, 4.
      • Partridge his pillar 18, 10.
      • Guy of Warwicke 13, 15.
      • Walkers dragon 14, 16.
      • Partridge his primerose 11, 10.
    • [Page 86]Cowpers worme 11, 10.
  • Mercers maid to Speerings sport 15, 9.
    • Teuels timber 16, 8.
    • Clarks delight 9, 16.
    • Mab 12, 12.
    • Carters whip 13, 10.
    • Dudleis darling 15, 8.
    • Parks his pleasure 17, 3.
    • Wilsons ward 18, 16.
    • Swans stake 18, 5.
    • Hodgets heart 18, 2.
    • Brothers holiday 14, 10.
    • Cornish chough 12, 16.
    • Beehiue 9, 12.
    • Bassings hall 11, 12.
    • Boxes arme 10, 11.
    • Harisons sapling 13, 10.
    • Simsons sapling 12, 5.
  • Mildmayes Mayflower to hawes 11, 12.
    • Dickmans 14, 12.
    • Sir Rowland 15, 12.
    • Hooker 10, 4.
    • [Page 87]Marshes stake 15.
    • Dunstans diall 14, 18.
    • Dayes deed 15, 4.
    • Saint Martins 16.6.
    • Stone by S. Martins 15, 10.
    • Stone in the plaine 11, 4.
    • Aeolus 17.
    • Partridge his pillar 11, 10.
    • Cowpers stake 15, 10.
    • Plaisterers stake 18, 16.
    • Walkers dragon 9, 10.
  • Mildmayes rose to the diall 17.
    • Nelson 14, 7.
    • Martins Mayflower 15, 4.
    • Greenes stake 17, 5.
    • Dunstans dailing 11, 12.
    • Beswicke 9, 14.
    • Speerings sport 16, 18.
    • Brownes stake 16, 18.
    • Egpie 13, 14.
    • Yong Powell 17, 2.
    • Dawsons daunce 15, 6.
    • [Page 88]Seagriffin 13, 16.
    • Gate by Harison 14.
    • Harison 12, 16.
    • Gosson 9, 7.
    • House of Yorke 11, 4.
    • Prichards hope 12.
    • Loues increase 17, 10.
    • Iulius Caesar 16, 2.
    • Quinies pillar 14.
    • Aldermanbury Lion 12, 17.
    • Samuels diet 14, 8.
    • Gate by diet 13.
    • Poores partridge 15, 6.
    • Kings mace 16, 14.
    • Begraues phoenix 17, 15.
    • Snowball 17, 15.
  • Nelson to Archdale 11, 5.
    • Hand and rose 13, 18.
    • Queenes stake 9, 15.
    • Piggins 16, 5.
    • Kings kindnesse 12, 10.
    • Swan Wilcox 15, 15.
    • [Page 89]East ensigne 18, 2.
    • Cardies castle 17, 12.
    • Brands boy 17, 4.
    • Wilsons good will 12, 15.
    • The Feather 16, 9.
    • Prices primerose 17, 10.
    • Saint George 16.
    • Black well hall 13, 17.
    • Saint Andrew 10, 9.
    • Teuel [...] timber 10, 2.
    • Mab 17, 4.
    • Clarks delight 16.
    • Flint 14, 18.
    • Samuels round 14, 10.
    • Yong powell 14, 3.
    • Dawsons daunce 13, 10.
    • Seagriffin 11, 6.
    • Gosson 12, 12.
    • Harison 13.
    • House of Yorke 15, 5.
    • Prichards hope 17, 5.
  • [Page 90]Neues delight to Stake at the stile 9▪ 1 [...]
    • Target tree 10, 7.
    • Brothers holiday 10, 2.
    • Harisons saplin 12, 12.
    • Saplin next Simsons 14, 15▪
  • Neues tissick to Pyramides 14, 1 [...]
    • Chamber 14, 10.
    • Turks whale 14, 13.
    • Trefoile 15, 3.
    • Bownes stake 15, 15▪
    • Lion 14, 7.
    • Little saplin 13, 18.
    • Three trees 10, 10.
    • Rainebow 9, 6.
  • Nightingale to the Beehiue 10, 8.
    • Cornish chough 12, 4.
    • Brothers holiday 13, 11.
    • Harisons sapling 12.
    • High tree 10, 6.
  • Pakes pillar to the pillar of Pauls 1 [...], [...]8
    • Carington 13, 12.
    • Blacke boy 13, 10.
  • [Page 91]Parks his pleasure to East ensigne 17, 8.
    • Cardies castle 15, 10.
    • Brands boy 13, 10.
    • The Feather 10, 9.
    • Camell 13, 15.
    • High tree 9, 10.
    • Pilgrim 16, 9.
    • Wilsons George 17, 10.
    • Graueleys lambe 14, 10.
    • Pigeon 16, 11.
    • Neues tissick 11.
    • Rainebow 9, 15.
    • Wels his phissick 14, 17▪
    • Bricklaiers mold 13.6.
    • Daines delight 13, 12.
    • Welds friendship 12.
    • Plaice 15, 3.
    • Fields fellowship 15, 5.
    • Neues delight 11, 5.
    • Cat and fiddle 14.
    • Holdens heathcocke 16.
    • Pakes pillar 16, 15.
    • [Page 92]Brothers holiday 17, 3.
    • Cornish chough 16, 9.
    • Beehiue 15, 10.
  • Partridge his pillar to Dickman 14 18.
    • Sir Rowland 10, 14.
    • Marsh 9.
    • Lurching 15, 4.
    • Nelson 12, 10.
    • Martins mayflower 14, 16.
    • Dunstans darling 11, 17.
    • Beswicks stake 11, 13.
    • Lamberts goodwill 12, 6.
    • Lees leopard 13, 5.
    • Gosson 14, 16.
    • Theefe in the hedge 13, 4.
    • Mildmayes rose 9, 15.
    • Silkeworme 11, 2.
    • Lees lion 11, 7.
  • Partridge his primrose to red dragon 12, 10.
    • Bricklaiers boy 9, 10.
    • Hooker 1 [...], [...]5
    • [Page 93]Partridge his pillar 11, 4.
    • Stone in the plaine 9, 10.
    • Saint Martin 14, 15.
    • Stone by S. Martin 13, 16.
    • Aeolus 14, 8.
    • Hayes stake 14, 12.
    • House of Lancaster 14, 16.
    • Mildmayes rose 15, 6.
    • Silkeworme 15, 12.
    • Lees lion 14, 10.
    • Gilberts goodwill 12, 16,
    • Founders sonne 19.
    • Plaisterers stake 11, 8.
    • Hercules club 14, 2.
  • Pyramides to Bowne 11, 16.
    • Tree by the lion 12, 16.
    • Lion 14
    • Pigeon 12, 5.
    • Bricklaiers mold 15.
    • Graueleys lambe 11.
    • Camel 10, 4.
    • Baines his needle 17, 18.
    • [Page 94]Crooked tree 10, 5.
    • Gate 11.
  • Piggins loue to Iefferies 12, 5.
    • Trefoile 16, 7.
    • Turks whale [...].
    • Chamber 10, 18.
    • Islips stake 15, 13.
    • Adam bell 12, 10.
    • Wilsons George 12, 15.
    • Pilgrim 13, 10.
    • Camell 13, 8.
    • Graueleis lambe 15, 6.
    • Price his primerose 13, 9.
    • The Feather 11.
  • Pigeon to Bownes stake 10, 9.
    • High tree 9, 8.
    • Rainebow 13, 3.
    • [...]ion 9, 4.
  • Pilgrim to Bownes [...]ake 10, 18.
    • Thurlow 14.
    • Lion 10, 12.
    • Saplin 11, 8.
    • [Page 95]Baines his needle 10, 3.
    • Three trees 11.
    • Watergap 13, 5.
    • Wells his phissick 11, 3.
    • Rainebow 15, 5.
    • Tree in the lane 10, 15.
    • Sheffe of arrowes 10, 15.
    • Wilsons ward 15, 14.
    • Swans stake 17, 17.
  • Pinder to the three Cranes 14, 9.
    • Bores head 15, 5.
    • West ensigne 13.
    • East ensigne 13.
    • Swan Wilcox 10, 18.
    • Pyramides 17, 16.
    • Cardies castle 13, 7.
    • Kings kindnesse 9.
    • Brands boy 14.
    • Wilsons good will 11, 18.
    • The Feather 15, 10.
    • Prices primerose 17, 6.
    • Saint George 17, 7.
    • [Page 96]Blackwell hall 16, 4.
    • Saint Andrew 12, 13.
    • Greene 9.
    • Swan harnestman 10, 12.
    • Teuels timber 15.
    • Martins may flower 9.
    • Speerings sport 15, 2.
    • Brownes stake 15, 12.
    • Egpie 17, 11.
    • Dunstans darling 12, 10.
    • Beswicke 14, 17.
    • Lamberts goodwill 17, 9.
  • Piper to loues increase 15.
    • Townes end 15, 12.
    • Mercers maid 16, 6.
    • Bush vnder bush 17, 1.
    • Brownes boy 17, 18.
    • Samuels stake 15, 11.
    • Nightingale 12, 12.
    • Boxes arme 10, 17.
    • Bassings hall 12, 12.
  • Plaisterers stake to Dayes deed 17, [Page 97]
    • Saint Martins 15.
    • Stone by S. Martins 14, 12.
    • Aeolus 13, 9.
    • Partridge his pillar 14, 10.
    • Hayes stake 12.
    • House of Lancaster 10, 15.
    • Mildmayes rose 9, 11.
    • Lamberts good will 17, 15.
    • Theefe in the hedge 13.
    • Wades mill 11, 9.
  • Plaice to Blacke boy 16, 10.
    • Harisons sapling 15, 10.
    • Simsons sapling 17, 8.
    • High tree 14, 2.
  • Prices primerose to the Bores head 15, 2.
    • Chamber 16, 4.
    • Iefferies 15, 4.
    • Turks whale 17, 12.
    • Pyramides 15, 10.
    • I slip 14, 12.
    • Adam bell 12, 8.
    • Pigeon 11, 11▪
    • [Page 98]Wells phissick 14.
    • Rainebow 12, 12.
    • Bricklaiers mold 9, 2.
    • Daines delight 18, 8.
    • Swans stake 10, 12.
    • Grauele [...]s lambe 9.
    • Hodgets heart 13, 5.
    • Chapmans ware 9.
    • Martins monkie 15, 11.
    • Neues delight 18.
  • Princes stake to Yomanson 14, 5.
    • Coxes content 11, 7.
    • Wily 9, 10.
    • London stone 15, 8.
    • Mel [...]hews 10, 5.
    • Mildmayes Mayflower 18.
    • House of good fellowship 13, 12.
  • Poores partridge to Harison 11, 6.
    • Gate by Harison 11, 16.
    • Egpie 15, 8.
    • Seagriffin 13, 7.
    • Dawsons daunce 12, 13.
    • [Page 99]Yong Powell 13, 18.
    • Samuels round 15, 2.
    • Flint 16, 11.
    • Clarks delight 18, 2.
    • Starre 18.
    • Smarte Sentinell 16, 17.
    • Hodges pleasure 16, 5.
    • Cuckoe 15, 7.
    • Townes end 9, 5.
    • Mercers mayd 10, 9.
    • Bush vnder bush 12.
    • Brownes boy 13, 8.
    • Barlow 14, 11.
    • Bakers boy 15, 17.
    • Humfrey Iames 18, 3.
    • Samuels stake 13, 10.
    • Nightingale 13.
    • Boxes arme 13.
    • Bassings hall 15, 2.
  • Prichards hope to Martins Mayflo­wer 17, 4.
    • Greenes stake 17, 9.
    • Swan 18, 8.
    • [Page 100]Egpie 9, 15.
    • Brownes stake 13, 4.
    • Speerings sport 14, 16.
    • Teuels timber 16, 9.
    • Samuels round 10.
    • Flint 11, 9.
    • Clarks delight 13, 2.
    • Starre 13, 19.
    • Smarts Sentinell 13, 8.
    • Hodges pleasure 13, 3.
    • Cuckee 13, 2.
    • Goues gift 16, 10.
    • Bush vnder bush 10, 13.
    • Brownes boy 12, 6.
    • Barlow 13, 8.
    • Bakers boy 14, 18.
    • Humfrey Iames 17, 3.
    • Samuels stake 14, 1.
    • Nightingale 15, 6.
    • Boxes arme 16, 9.
    • Bassings hall 18, 2.
    • Kempton 10, 14.
    • [Page 101]Piper 16.
    • Begraues phoenix 9, 10.
    • Quinies faulchin 12, 18.
    • Blacke Nan 13, 14.
  • Puttocke to Wilies goodwill 13, 16.
    • Bradle is stone 15, 14
    • Coxes content 10, 19.
    • London stone 9, 12.
    • Mildmayes Mayflower 11, 8
    • Red dragon 17.
    • Bricklayers boy 15.
    • Weeping crosse 13, 12.
    • Saunders backe 12, 8.
    • Hooker 18.
    • Lockleys mouth 11, 9.
    • Guy of Warwicke 10, 12.
    • Walkers dragon 9, 16.
    • Cowpers stake 14, 6.
    • Plaisterers stake 15, 12.
    • Hercules club 17, 10.
  • Queenes stake to the three Cranes 13, 7.
    • Bores head 13, 19.
    • [Page 102]Pyramides 16, 6.
    • Swan Wilcox 9.
    • Chamber 17, 16.
    • Greene 9.
    • West ensigre 11, 12.
    • East ensigne 11, 7.
    • Cardies castle 11, 13.
    • Brands boy 12, 7.
    • Camell 18.
    • The Feather 13, 17.
    • Wilsons goodwill 9, 15.
    • Prices primerose 15, 16.
    • Saint George 15, 18.
    • Blackwell hall 14, 14.
    • Saint Andrew 11, 8.
    • Swan harnestman 10.
    • Teuels timber 14.
    • Speerings sport 14, 8.
    • Brownes stake 15.
    • Egpie 17, 4.
  • Quinies faulchin to Harison 18.
    • Quinies pillar 11, 18.
    • [Page 103]Iulius Caesar 12, 10.
    • Loues increase 13, 4.
    • Townes end 14, 5.
    • Mercers mayd 15, 4.
    • Bush vnder bush 16, 8.
    • Brownes boy 17, 10.
    • Samuels stake 16.
    • Nightingale 13, 16.
    • Boxes arme 12, 14.
    • Bassings hall 14, 12.
  • Quinies pillar to the Egpie 10, 15.
    • Brownes stake 13, 18.
    • Speerings sport 15, 5.
    • Teuels timber 16, 18.
    • Samuels round 9, 12.
    • Flint 11, 6.
    • Kempton 9, 3.
    • Clarks delight 12, 18.
    • Mab 15, 19.
    • Carters whip 17.
    • Starre 13, 1.
    • Smarts Sentinell 12, 9.
    • [Page 104]Hodges pleasure 11, 19.
    • Cuckoe 11, 12.
    • Goues gift 15.
    • Brownes boy 10, 10.
    • Barlow 11, 11.
    • Bakers boy 13.
    • Humfrey Iames 15, 4.
    • Beehiue 17, 7.
    • Samuels stake 12.
    • Nightingale 13.
    • Boxes arme 14, 5.
    • Bassings hall 16.
    • Piper 14, 11.
  • Rainbow to Fieldsfellowship 11.
    • Stake at the stile 16, 5.
    • Plaice 9.2.
    • Target tree 17, 4.
    • Three trees 14, 4.
    • Neues tissick 9, 6.
    • Holdens heathcocke 13, 7.
    • Pakes pillar 14, 18.
    • Cat and fiddle 11, 7.
    • [Page 105]Brothers holiday 18, 17.
  • Red dragon to Sir Rowland 11, 10.
    • Marshes stake 11, 12.
    • Dunstons diall 12, 6.
    • Dayes deed 13, 12.
    • Boult 15.
    • Saint Martins 16.
    • Stone by Saint Martins 15, 5
    • Partridge his pillar 11, 16.
    • Stone in the plaine 12, 13.
    • Aeolus 17, 6.
    • Red crosse 16, 12.
    • Guy of Warwicke 12.
    • Walkers Dragon 13, 17.
    • Partridge his primrose 12, 10
  • Robinhood to the Red dragon 15, 8.
    • Bricklaiers boy 15, 10.
    • Weeping crosse 16.
    • Saunders backe 16, 18.
    • Lockleys mouth 17, 10.
    • Partridge his primerose 16, 3.
    • Mildmayes Mayflower 13.
    • [Page 106]London stone 10, 10.
    • House of good fellowship 11, [...].
    • Puttocke 14, 2
    • Cowpers worme 16, 15.
  • Saint Andrew to Piggins 13.
    • Three Cranes 18, 10.
    • Swan Wilcox 9, 6.
    • Bores head 17, 11.
    • West ensigne 15, 6.
    • East ensigne 11, 12.
    • Cardies castle 10, 3.
    • Wilsons George 16, 6.
    • Pilgrim 15, 18.
    • High tree 15, 10.
    • Camell 13, 5.
    • Welds friendship 11.
    • Graueleys lambe 15, 10.
    • Pigeon 18, 4.
    • Neues tissick 14, 4.
    • Baines his needle 12, 15.
    • Sheffe of arrowes 10
    • [Page 107]Watergap 14, 5.
    • Chapmans ware 9, 6.
    • Raine bow 18, 8.
    • Tree in the lane 15, 4.
    • Wilsons ward 12.
    • Dudlers darling 9, 1 [...].
    • Swans stake 14, 2.
    • Hodgets heart 16, 14.
    • Parks his pleasure 10, 2.
    • Statte 13, 2.
    • Carters whip 9, 10.
    • Smarts Sentinell 14, 12.
    • Hodges pleasure 16, 10.
    • Cuckoe 18, 10.
  • Saint Botulphes to the Red dragon 15, 14.
    • Bricklaiers boy 15, 10.
    • Bradleys stone 9.
    • Mildmayes Mayflower 12, 8.
    • Weeping crosse 15, 12.
    • London stone 9, 4.
    • Saunders backe 16, 4.
    • Lockleys mouth 16, 16.
    • [Page 108]Partridge his primerose 14, [...].
    • Guy of Warwicke 18, 6.
    • Cowpers worme 14, 12.
    • Puttocke 11, 13.
  • Saint George to Piggins loue 15, 4.
    • West ensigne 16, 3.
    • East ensigne 11, 17.
    • Adam bell 14, 15.
    • Cardies castle 10, 2.
    • Islip 17, 6.
    • Wilsons George 13, 12.
    • Pilgrim 12, 17.
    • Swans stake 9, 6.
    • Camell 10, 3.
    • Bricklaiers mold 11, 18.
    • Graueleys lambe 11, 10.
    • Pigeon 14, 9.
    • Neues tissick 9, 6.
    • Rainebow 13, 2.
    • Wells his phissick 16, 10.
    • Daines delight 18, 8.
    • Tree in the lane 9, 10.
    • [Page 109]Swans stake 9, 10.
    • Hodgers heart 12, 6.
    • Martins monkie 14, 9.
    • Neues delight 17.
  • Saint Martins to Pinder 16, 2.
    • Queenes stake 17, 1.
    • Nelson 9.
    • Lees lurching 13, 7.
    • Diall 10, 14.
    • Martins Mayflower 11.
    • Greenes stake 12, 19.
    • Swan harnestman 16.
    • Teuels timber 17, 18.
    • Speerings sport 16, 9.
    • Brownes stake 15, 4.
    • Egpie 13, 8.
    • Seagriffin 14, 18.
    • Gosson 12, 4.
    • Yong Powell 18, 3.
    • Lees leopard 9, 10.
    • Dawsons daunce 16, 12.
    • Gate by Harison 15, 10.
    • [Page 110]Harison 14, 18.
    • Theese in the hedge 9, 10.
    • House of Yorke 15.
    • Prichards hope 16, 12.
    • Aldermanbury Lion 17, 17.
    • Wades mill 16, 3.
    • Founders sonne 16, 4.
  • Samuels stake to Mab 15, 10.
    • Carters whip 16, 5.
    • Dudleis darling 18, 2.
    • Hodgets heart 18, 10.
    • Pakes pillar 17, 10.
    • Cornish chough 9, 10.
    • Brothers holiday 11, 2.
  • Samuels round to the Swan 11, 17.
    • Saint Andrew 12.
    • Wilsons goodwill 16, 10.
    • Black well hall 11, 10.
    • Saint George 13, 5.
    • P [...]es primerose 16.
    • Sheffe of arrowes 16, 5.
    • Baines his needle 18, 10.
    • [Page 111]Chapmans ware 14.
    • Dudleis darling 10.
    • Parks his pleasure 11, 12.
    • Wilsons ward 13, 15.
    • Swans stake 14, 2.
    • Watergap 17, 10.
    • Hodgets heart 15.
    • Martins monkie 16, 10.
    • Goues gift 10, 2.
    • Cornish chough 16, 2.
    • Beehiue 13, 19.
    • Humfrey lames 12, 6.
    • Bakers boy 10, 16.
    • Barlow 10.
    • Samuels stake 13, 8.
    • Nightingale 16, 2.
    • Boxes arme 18, 10.
  • Saunders backe to Dickman 14, 17
    • Sir Rowland 14.
    • Marshes stake 12, 17.
    • Dunstans diall 11, 16.
    • Dayes deed 11, 10.
    • [Page 112]Boult 11, 16.
    • Saint Martins 12, 8.
    • Stone by Saint Martins 11, 8.
    • Aeolus 13.
    • Hayes stake 13, 18.
    • House of Lancaster 14, 10.
    • Mildmayes rose 16.
    • Silkworme 17.
    • Lees Lion 16.
    • Doues stake 14, 9.
    • Gilberts goodwill 14, [...].
    • Cowpers stake 12, 3.
    • Plaisterers stake 15, 8.
    • Hercules club 18, 10.
  • Sawpit to Bradleis stone 14.
    • Coxes content 12, 5.
    • Mildmayes Mayflower 18, 19.
    • London stone 16, 10.
    • House of good fellowship 15, 18.
    • Puttocke 18, 8.
  • Seagriffin to the Swau 10, 18.
    • Saint Andrew 12, 6.
    • [Page 113]Wilsons good will 17.
    • Price his primerose 18.
    • Blackwell hall 13, 9.
    • Townes end 9, 6.
    • Saint George 15, 6.
    • Chapmans ware 17, 4.
    • Parks his pleasure 15, 17.
    • Wilsons ward 17, 12.
    • Swans stake 18, 12.
    • Dudleis darling 13, 17.
    • Carters whip 12.
    • Mab 10, 13.
    • Goues gift 14, 10.
    • Hodges pleasure 10, 16.
    • Humfrey Iames 16, 8.
    • Bakers boy 14, 12.
    • Samuels stake 16.
    • Barlow 13, 6.
    • Brownes boy 12, 13.
    • Bush vnder bush 11, 12.
    • Mercers maid 10, 10.
    • [Page 114]House of honestie 15, 14.
    • Kempton 17, 4.
  • Sheffe of arrowes to Islip 15, 2.
    • Pilgrim 1 [...], 16.
    • Pigeon 11.
    • Wilsons George 12.
    • Pyramides 17, 13.
    • Adam bell 13, 14.
    • Wells his phislick 11, 6.
    • Three trees 16, 6.
    • Daines delight 14, 10.
    • Plaice 17, 3.
    • Graueleys lambe 9.
    • Fields fellowship 18.
    • Cat and fiddle 17, 8.
    • Neues delight 14, 10.
    • Martins monkie 12, 2.
    • Hodgets heart 10.
  • Silkworme to the Diall 18, 2.
    • Nelson 15, 10.
    • Martins Mayflower 17, 5.
    • Greenes stake 18, 5.
    • [Page 115]Dunstans darling 12, 18.
    • Beswicke 10, 15.
    • Gosson 9, 5.
    • Brownes stake 17, 10.
    • Egpie 14, 10.
    • Yong Powell 17.
    • Dawsons daunce 15, 10.
    • Seagriffin 14, 3.
    • Gate by Harison 14, 3.
    • Harison 13.
    • House of Yorke 11.
    • Prichards hope 11, 8.
    • Loues increase 17.
    • Iulius Caesar 15, 2.
    • Quinies pillar 13, 10.
    • Aldermanbury Lion 12.
    • Poores partridge 14, 2.
    • Kings mace 15, 4.
    • Begraues phoenix 16, 9.
    • Snowball 16, 10.
  • Sir Rowland to Queens stake 11, 12
    • Archdale 15, 2.
    • [Page 116]Pinder 9, 5.
    • Hand and rose 18, 12.
    • Swan harnestman 17, 15.
    • Greenes stake 15, 3.
    • Martins Mayflower 13, 17.
    • Diall 9, 18.
    • Nelson 12.
    • Dunstans darling 13, 18.
    • Beswikes stake 15, 10.
    • Lamberts goodwill 17, 12.
    • Saint Martins 11, 18.
    • Stone by S. Martins 11, 18.
    • Aeolus 13, 18.
    • Hayes stake 17, 15.
    • House of Lancaster 17, 9.
  • Smarts Sentinell to Blackewell hall 12, 18.
    • Saint George 14.
    • Prices primerose 16, 18.
    • Sheffe of arrowes 16.
    • Chapmans ware 13, 4.
    • Baines his needle 17, 10.
    • Watergap 15, 17.
    • [Page 117]Rainebow 18, 5.
    • Parks his pleasure 10, 8.
    • Wilsons ward 11, 16.
    • Swans stake 11, 10.
    • Hodgets heart 11, 9.
    • Martins monkie 12, 11.
    • Neues delight 14, 3.
    • Cat and fiddle 15, 11.
    • Fields fellowship 17, 12.
    • Holdens heathcocke 16, 13.
    • Pakes his pillar 16, 8.
    • Brothers holiday 12, 12.
    • Cornish chough 11.
    • Harisons sapling 13.
    • Simsons sapling 13.
    • Nightingale 13, 12.
    • Boxes arme 16, 2.
    • Bassings hall 16, 16.
  • Snowball to the Seagriffin 15, 8.
    • Gate by Harison 13, 10.
    • Dawsons daunce 14.
    • Yong Powell 15, 5.
    • [Page 118]Samuels round 16.
    • Flint 17, 12.
    • Townes end 9.
    • Smarts Sentinell 17, 8.
    • Hodges pleasure 16, 10.
    • Humfrey Iames 17, 11.
    • Bakers boy 15, 11.
    • Mercers maid 10, 12.
    • Bush vnder bush 12.
    • Brownes boy 13, 3.
    • Barlow 14, 2.
    • Samuels stake 12, 12.
    • Nightingale 11, 8.
    • Boxes arme 11, 5.
    • Bassings hall 13, 5.
  • Speerings sport to Hand and rose 1 [...]
    • East ensigne 17.
    • Swan Wilcox 14, 17.
    • Wilsons goodwill 9, 16.
    • Kings kindnesse 11, 4.
    • Cardies castle 15, 8.
    • Brands boy 14.
    • [Page 119]The Feather 12, 3.
    • Camell 18, 2.
    • Prices primerose 11, 8.
    • Sheffe of arrowes 13, 9.
    • Baines his needle 16, 1.
    • Watergap 16, 10.
    • Chapmans ware 12.
    • Wilsons ward 13, 7.
    • Swans stake 14, 19.
    • Parks his pleasure 11.
    • Dudleis darling 9, 19.
    • Carters whip 9.
    • Starre 9, 16.
    • Smarts Sentinell 11, 8.
    • Hodges pleasure 12, 8.
    • Cuckoe 15.
    • Bakers boy 17, 14.
    • Barlow 17.
    • Brownes boy 16, 7.
    • Bush vnder bush 15, 14.
  • Starre to Blackwell hall 11, 3.
    • Saint George 12, 2.
    • [Page 120]Wilsons goodwill 17.
    • The Feather 12, 5.
    • Princes primerose 15.
    • Sheffe of arrowes 14, 4.
    • Baines his needle 15, 18.
    • Watergap 14, 8.
    • Rainebow 17, 2.
    • Chapmans ware 11, 10.
    • Wilsons ward 10, 10.
    • Swans stake 10, 6.
    • Hodgets heart 10, 18.
    • Martins monkie 12, 6.
    • Neues delight 14.
    • Cat and fiddle 15, 18.
    • Plaice 18, 12.
    • Fields fellowship 17, 18.
    • Holdens heathcocke 17, 2.
    • Pakes pillar 17.
    • Brothers holiday 13, 19.
    • Cornish chough 12, 10.
    • Beehiue 10, 8.
    • Samuels stake 11, 2.
    • [Page 121]Nightingale 15, 12.
  • Stone in the plaine to Dickman 16, 12.
    • Sir Rowland 12, 15.
    • Marshes stake 10, 17.
    • Lees lurching 17, 3.
    • Diall 15, 3.
    • Nelson 14, 2.
    • Martins Mayflower 16, 5.
    • Dunstans darling 13.
    • Beswickes stake 12, 9.
    • Lamberts goodwill 12, 17.
    • Theefe in the hedge 12, 15.
    • Lees leopard 13, 15.
    • Silkworme 10
    • Wades mill 17, 15.
    • Founders sonne 16, 16.
    • Lees Lion 9, 18.
    • Hercules club 15, 13.
    • Plaisterers stake 12, 10.
  • Swan harnestman to the Hand and rose 10.
    • Swan Wilcox 11.
    • Archdale 9.
    • [Page 122]West ensigne 16, 9.
    • East ensigne 13, 6.
    • Piggins loue 13, 8.
    • Cardies castle 12.
    • Brands boy 11, 3.
    • Camell 16, 3.
    • Neues tissick 12, 16. 1 [...]
    • Graueleys lambe 18, 10.
    • The Feather 10, 4.
    • Welds friendship 13, 15.
    • Prices primerose 10, 6.
    • Sheffe of arrowes 13, 10.
    • Baines his needle 16.
    • Watergap 17, 6.
    • Chapmans ware 12, 15.
    • Wilsons ward 14, 19.
    • Swans stake 17.
    • Parks his pleasure 13.
    • Dudleis darling 12, 8.
    • Carters whip 11, 18.
    • Mab 11, 12.
    • Clarks delight 11, 10.
    • [Page 123]Starre 14.
    • Smarts Sentinell 15, 17.
    • Hodges pleasure 17, 1.
    • Cuckoe 19.
  • Swan Wilcox to the Chamber 10, 10.
    • Turks whale 13, 13.
    • Three Cranes 9, 3.
    • Trefoile 15, 10.
    • Iefferies 11, 5.
    • Islips stake 13, 9.
    • Pilgrim 10, 4.
    • Pigeon 13, 18.
    • Graueleys lambe 11, 7.
    • Neues tissick 12, 16.
    • Baines his needle 14, 5.
    • Bricklaiers mold 14, 6.
    • Watergap 17.
    • Sheffe of arrowes 12, 14.
    • Prices primerose 9, 2.
    • Chapmans ware 14, 5.
    • Saint George 10, 16.
    • Parks his pleasure 16, 1 [...].
    • [Page 124]Wilsons ward 17, 1.
  • Swans stake to the Pigeon 16, 19.
    • Welds friendship 9.
    • Wells phissick 13, 17.
    • Neues tissick 11, 10.
    • Bricklaiers mold 13, 6.
    • Daines delight 9, 16.
    • Plaice 11, 5.
    • Fields fellowship 11, 10.
    • Stake at the stile 17, 8.
    • Cat and fiddle 10, 8.
    • Neues delight 10.
    • Holdens heathcocke 12, 10.
    • Pakes pillar 13, 6.
    • Brothers holiday 14, 18.
    • Cornish chough 14, 9.
    • Beehiue 14, 5.
    • Harisons sapling 17.
  • Teuels timber to Swan Wilcox 13, 10.
    • Kings kindnesse 9, 17.
    • East ensigne 15, 8.
    • Cardies castle 13, 19.
    • [Page 125]Brands boy 12, 10.
    • Camell 16, 8.
    • Graueleys lambe 18, 7.
    • Baines his needle 14, 3.
    • Neues tissick 16, 10.
    • Sheffe of arrowes 11, 14.
    • Welds friendship 14.
    • Watergap 14, 15.
    • The Feather 10, 8.
    • Chapmans ware 10, 6.
    • Wilsons ward 11, 16.
    • Swans stake 13, 10.
    • Hodgets heart 15, 8.
    • Parks his pleasure 9, 5.
    • Martins monkie 18, 4.
    • Starre 10.
    • Smarts Sentinell 11, 17.
    • Hodges pleasure 13, 2.
    • Cuckoe 15, 2.
    • Goues gift 16, 3.
    • Bakers boy 17, 10.
    • Barlow 17, 19.
  • [Page 126]Theefe in the hedge to the Diall 16, 18.
    • Nelson 13, 18.
    • Martins May slower 14, 14.
    • Greenes stake 15, 16.
    • Swan 17, 18.
    • Dunstans darling 10, 16.
    • Egpie 10, 12.
    • Brownes stake 14, 7.
    • Speerings sport 16.
    • Teuels timber 17, 12.
    • Clarks delight 17, 17.
    • Flint 15, 18.
    • Samuels round 14, 9.
    • Yong Powell 13, 4.
    • Dawsons daunce 11.
    • Gate by Harison 9, 13.
    • Seagrissin 10.
    • Bush vnder bush 18, 2.
    • Mercers maid 16, 12.
    • Townes end 15, 5.
    • Loues increase 13, 8.
    • [Page 127]Iulius Caesar 11, 17.
    • Quinies pillar 10.
    • House of honestie 15, 15.
    • Kempton 17.
    • Snow ball 14, 3.
    • Samuels diet 10, 12.
    • Poores partridge 11, 16.
    • Kings mace 13, 8.
    • Begraues phoenix 14, 11.
    • Quimes faulchin 17, 10.
    • Blacke Nan 18, 6.
  • Three Cranes to the Gate 14, 10.
    • Turks whale 9, 18.
    • Thur low 9, 10.
    • Trefoile 11, 18.
    • Bownes stake 16.
    • Crooked tree 14, 10.
    • Sapling 17, 13.
    • Turks whale 9, 18.
    • Islips stake 13, 6.
    • Pigeon 16, 13.
    • Graueleys Lambe 15, 6.
    • [Page 128]Camell 13.18.
    • Adam bell 10, 11.
    • Pilgrim 13.
    • Cardies castle 9, 12.
    • Brands boy 11, 11.
    • The Feather 14, 10.
    • Prices primerose 17, 5.
  • Tinkers budget to Bradleys stone 16, [...]
    • Wilies goodwill 11, 9.
    • Coxes content 13, 18.
    • Mel hews 12, 12.
    • London stone 17, 17.
    • House of good fellowship 15, 18.
    • Puttocke 17, 17.
  • Townes end to Brownes stake 14, 3.
    • Speerings sport 15.
    • Teuels timber 16, 8.
    • Flint 9.
    • Clarks delight 10, 2.
    • Starre 9, 2.
    • Mab 12, 19.
    • Carters whip 14, 2.
    • [Page 129]Dudleis darling 16.
    • Parks his pleasure 17, 18.
    • Brothers holiday 16.
    • Cornish chough 14, 4.
    • Beehiue 11, 7.
    • Bassings hall 12, 6.
    • Boxes arme 10, 18.
    • Kempton 10.
  • Trefoile to Pigeon 10, 10.
    • Three trees 13, 15.
    • Brick laiers mold 14, 10.
  • Turkes whale to Pigeon 10, 9.
    • Three trees 14, 14.
    • Bricklaiers mold 14, 4.
    • Wells his phissick 17, 9.
  • Tree in the lane to Wilsons George 12.
    • Pilgrim 10, 15.
    • I slip 14
    • Three trees west 12.
    • Three trees North 14, 6.
    • Plaice 14, 6.
    • Fields fellowship 15, 12.
    • [Page 130]Turners stone 13, 10.
    • Neues delight 12, 16.
    • Martins monkie 11.
  • Wades mill to Dunstans darling 1 [...] 2
    • Beswicks stake 14, 16.
    • Lees leopard 10, 5.
    • Lamberts goodwill 12, 6.
    • Brownes stake 18, 10.
    • Egpie 15.
    • Seagrissin 13, 9.
    • Harison 11, 8.
    • Dawsons daunce 13, 19.
    • Yong Powell 15, 8.
    • Samuels round 16, 16.
    • Flint 18.
    • Brownes boy 18, 8.
    • Bush vnder bush 17.
    • Mercers mayd 15, 7.
    • Townes end 13, 18.
    • Loues increase 11, 16.
    • Iulius Caesar 10.
    • House of honestie 10.
    • [Page 131]Kempton 11.
    • Piper 15.
    • Blacke Nan 11, 19.
    • Quinies faulchin 11.
  • Walkers dragon to Hookers stake 11, 8.
    • Marshes stake 17, 7.
    • Dunstans diall 15, 4.
    • Dayes deed 13, 15.
    • Saint Martins 12, 15.
    • Stone by S. Martins 11, 16.
    • Aeolus 12.
    • Partridge his pillar 9, 10.
    • Hayes stake 12.
    • House of Lancaster 12, 2.
    • Mild mayes rose 12, 10.
    • Silkworme 12, 16.
    • Gilberts goodwill 9, 19.
    • Lees Lion 11, 12.
    • Theefe in the hedge 16, 17.
    • Founders sonne 16, 14.
    • Hercules club 12, 2.
  • Watergap to the Pigeon 12, 8. [Page 132]
    • Wells phissick 9, 8.
    • Daines delight 9, 10.
    • Plaice 12, 18.
    • Fields fellowship 14.
  • Weeping crosse to Dickman 13 2.
    • Sir Rowland 12, 19.
    • Marshes stake 12, 4.
    • Dunstans diall 11, 9.
    • Dayes deed 11, 16.
    • Boult 12, 9.
    • Saint Martins 13, 3.
    • Stone 12, 4.
    • Aeolus 13, 18.
    • Hayes stake 15.
    • House of Lancaster 15, 17.
    • Mildmayes rose 17.
    • Silkworme 18.
    • Lees Lion 17, 8.
    • Gilberts goodwill 16, 6.
    • Cowpers stake 14.
    • Plaisterers stake 17, 4.
    • Red crosse 11, 14.
  • [Page 133]Welds friendship to Bores head 10, 8.
    • Pyramides 10, 6.
    • Three Cranes 13.
    • West ensigne 9, 16.
    • Chamber 10, 8.
    • Iefferies 9, 16.
    • Turks whale 12, 4.
    • I slip 9, 7.
    • Trefoile 13, 8.
    • Wels his phissick 13.
    • Saplin 15, 10.
    • Tree in the lane 10, 5.
  • Wells his phissick to Bownes 15, 10.
    • Lion 13.
    • High tree by Lion 14, 2.
    • Little Saplin 11, 12.
    • Tree by the Gate 11.
    • Daines delight 12, 6.
    • Plaice 16.
  • West ensigne to Trefoile 12.
    • Bownes stake 16, 10.
    • Thurlow 11, 14.
    • [Page 134]Saplin by the Lion 17, 8.
    • Lion 18.
    • Turks whale 10.
    • Crooked tree 15, 6.
    • Islip 12.
    • Pigeon 14, 16.
    • Neues tissick 15, 17.
    • Graueleys lambe 12, 12.
    • Pilgrim 10, 12.
    • Camell 10, 18.
    • Baines his needle 17, 19.
    • Shesse of arrowes 16, 19.
    • Price his primerose 13, 17.
    • The Feather 11, 1.
  • Wilies good will to hawes 14, 14.
    • Red dragon 12, 3.
    • Hookers stake 16, 18.
    • Bricklaiers boy 12, 8.
    • Mildmayes Mayslower 10, 3.
    • Weeping crosse 13, 7.
    • Saunders backe 14, 4.
    • Lockleys mouth 15.
    • [Page 135]Guy of Warwicke 16, 10.
    • Walkers dragon 17, 9.
    • Partridge his primerose 15, 6.
    • Cowpers worme 15.
    • House of good fellowship 10, 14.
  • Wilsons good will to West ensigne 1 [...], 10
    • Three Cranes 14, 10.
    • Bores head 13.
    • Pyramides 14, 10.
    • Chamber 15, 7.
    • Adam bel 13, 18.
    • Islips stake 16, 8.
    • Iefferies 15, 15.
    • Wilsons George 12, 10.
    • Pilgrim 12, 5.
    • Neues tissick 12.
    • Pigeon 15, 5.
    • Bricklaiers mold 14, 2.
    • Graueleys lambe 12, 7.
    • Camell 10.
    • High tree 14, 10.
    • Sheffe of arrowes 10.
    • [Page 136]Baines his needle 12.
    • Watergap 14, 6.
    • Tree in the lane 14, 4.
    • Chapmans ware 10, 3.
    • Wilsons ward 13.
    • Swans stake 15, 10.
    • Hodgets heart 18
    • Parks his pleasure 12, [...].
    • Dudlers darling 12, 6.
    • Carters whip 13.
    • Mab 13, 1 [...].
  • Wilsons George to Lion 9, 10.
    • Saplin 11, 4
    • Wells h [...]s phissick 12.
    • Three trees 11, 14.
    • Baines his needle
    • Sheffe of arrowes 11, 17.
  • Wilsons ward to Graueleys lambe 13, 10.
    • Pigeon 15, 7.
    • Daines delight 11, 10.
    • Plaice 13, 12.
    • Neues tissick 9, 10.
    • [Page 137]Wels his phissick 13, 17.
    • Fields fellowship 14.
    • Neues delight 10, 2.
    • Cat and fiddle 12, 18.
    • Holdens heathcocke 15, 2.
    • Pakes his pillar 16.
    • Brothers holiday 17, 3.
    • Cornish chough 1 [...], 14.
    • Beehiue 16, 4.
    • Harisons sapling 18.
  • Yong Powell to the Swan 12, 3
    • Saint Andrew 12, 12.
    • Wilsons goodwill 17.
    • Black well hall 12, 6.
    • Teuels timber 9.
    • Saint Geo ge 14, 5.
    • Prices primer ose 17, 4.
    • Sheffe of arrowes 17, 16.
    • Chapmans wa [...]e 15, 8.
    • Dudleis darling 11, 8.
    • Wilsons ward 15, 6.
    • [Page 138]Parks his pleasure 13, 2.
    • Carters whip 9, 10.
    • Swans stake 15, 17.
    • Hodgets heart 16, 18.
    • Martins monkie 18, 13.
    • Goues gift 11, 2.
    • Cornish chough 17, 7.
    • Beehiue 15.
    • Humfrey Iames 13, 2.
    • Bakers boy 11, 6.
    • Barlow 10, 9.
    • Samuels stake 13, 8.
    • Nightingale 16, 9.
    • Boxes arme 18, 6.

A Table of the names of all the markes in Finsbury Fields.

  • ADam bell. 1
  • Aeolus. 1
  • Aldermanbury Lion. 2
  • Archdale. 3
  • Askwiths achornt. 4
  • BAines his needle. 5
  • Bakers boy. 5
  • Barlow. 6
  • Bassings hall. 7
  • Beehiue. 7
  • Begraues phoenix. 8
  • Beswicks stake. 8
  • [Page]Blackwell hall. 10
  • Blacke Nan. 11
  • Bores head. 11
  • Boxes arme. 12
  • Boult. 12
  • Bradlies stone. 13
  • Brands boy. 13
  • Bricklayer. 14
  • Bricklayers boy. 15
  • Bricklayers mold. 15
  • Brothers holiday. 16
  • Brownes stake. 16
  • Brownes boy. 17
  • Bunhill. 18
  • Bush vnder bush. 18
  • CAmell. 19
  • Cardies castle. 20
  • Carters whip. 21
  • Cat and fiddle. 22
  • Chamber. 22
  • Chapmans ware. 33
  • Clarks delight. 33
  • [Page]Colbrand. 35
  • Cornish chough. 35
  • Cowpers worme. 36
  • Coxes content. 37
  • Cuckoe. 38
  • DAwsons daunce. 39
  • Dayes deed. 40
  • Daines delight. 41
  • Diall. 41
  • Dickmans marigold. 42
  • Dudleis darling. 42
  • Dunstans diall. 44
  • Dunstans darling. 44
  • East ensigne. 46
  • Egp [...]e. 47
  • FEather. 48
  • Fields fellowship. 49
  • Flint. 49
  • Founders sonne. 50
  • GAte by Harison. 51
  • Gilberis goodwill. 52
  • Gosson. 53
  • Goues gift. 54
  • Golden cup. 55
  • Graueleys lambe. 55
  • Great slone. 56
  • Greenes stake. 56
  • Guy of Warwicke. 57
  • HAnd and rose. 58
  • Harisons fellowship. 59
  • Hawes 61
  • Hayes stake. 61
  • Hercules club. 62
  • Hodges pleasure. 62
  • Hodgets heart. 64
  • Holdens heathcocke. 64
  • Hookers stake. 64
  • House of good fellowship. 65
  • House of honestie. 66
  • House of Lancaster. 66
  • [Page]House of Yorke. 68
  • Humfrey Iames. 69
  • IEfferies stake. 70
  • Isl [...]ps. 70
  • Iulius Caesar. 70
  • KEmbton. 71
  • Kings kindnesse. 72
  • Kings mace. 73
  • LAmberts goodwill. 74
  • Lees Leopard. 76
  • Lees Lion. 77
  • Lockleis mouth. 78
  • London stone. 79
  • Loues increase. 80
  • Lees lurching. 81
  • MAb. 82
  • Marshes stake. 83
  • Martins May flower. 83
  • Martins monkie. 85
  • [Page]Mercers maid. 86
  • Mildmayes Mayslower. 86
  • Mildmaies rose. 87
  • NElson. 88
  • Neues delight. 90
  • Neues tissick. 90
  • N [...]ghtingale. 50
  • PAkes his pillar. 90
  • Parks his pleasure. 91
  • Partridge his pillar. 92
  • Partridge his primerose. 92
  • Pyramides. 93
  • Piggins loue. 94
  • Pigeon. 94
  • Pilgrim. 94
  • Pinder. 95
  • Piper. 96
  • Plaisterers stake. 96
  • Plaice. 97
  • Princes primerose. 97
  • [Page]Princes stake. 98
  • Poores partridge. 98
  • Prichards hope. 99
  • Puttocke. 101
  • QVeenes. 101
  • Quinies faulthion 102
  • Quinies pillar. 103
  • RAinebow. 104
  • Red dragon. 105
  • Robinhood. 105
  • SAint Andrew. 106
  • Saint Butolphes. 107
  • Saint George. 108
  • Saint Martin. 109
  • Samuels stake. 110
  • Samuels round. 110
  • Saunders backe. 111
  • Sawpit. 112
  • Seagriffin. 112
  • [Page]Sheffe of arrowes. 114
  • Silkworme. 114
  • Sir Rowland. 115
  • Smarts Sentinell. 116
  • Snowball. 117
  • Speerings sport. 118
  • Starre. 119
  • Stone in the plaine. 121
  • Swan harnesman. 121
  • Swan wilcox. 123
  • Swans stake. 124
  • TEuels timber. 124
  • Theefe in the hedge. 126
  • Three eranes. 127
  • Tinkers budget. 128
  • Townes end. 128
  • Trefoile. 129
  • Turks whale. 129
  • Tree in the lane. 129
  • WAdes mill. 130
  • Walkers dragon. 131
  • [Page]Walergap. 131
  • Weeping crosse. 132
  • Welds friendship. 133
  • Wells his phissick. 133
  • West ensigne. 133
  • Wilies goodwill. 134
  • Wilsons goodwill. 135
  • Wilsons George. 136
  • Wilsons ward. 136
  • Yong Powell. 137

There are here diuers new stakes set vp in place of such as were decayed and gone: Ar­chers may do well to call them by their new names, to encou­rage others to bee at like cost when need requires.

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