Saylors for my money.

A new Ditty composed in the praise of Saylors and Sea affaires, breifly shew­ing the nature of so worthy a calling, and effects of their industry.

To the tune of the Iouiall Cobler.
COuntrie men of England,
who liue at home w t ease:
And litle thinke what dangers,
Are incident o'th Seas:
Giue eare vnto the Saylor
Who vnto you will shew:
His case,
His case:
How ere the winde doth blow.
He that is a Saylor▪
Must haue a valiant heart:
For when he is vpon the sea,
He is not like to start:
But must with noble courage,
All dangers vndergoe.
How ere the wind doth blow.
Our calling is laborious,
And subiect to much woe:
But we must still contented be:
With what falls to our share.
Wee must not be faint hearted▪
Come tempest raine or snow:
Nor shrinke:
Nor shrinke:
How ere the winde doth blowe.
Sometimes one Neptunes bo­some
Our ship is tost w t waues
And euery minite we expect,
The sea must be our graues
Somtimes on high she moūteth
Then falls againe as low:
with waues:
with waues:
When stormie winds do[?] blow.
Then with vnfained prayers,
As Christian duty bindes,
Wée turne vnto y e Lord of hosts,
With all our hearts and minds,
To him we flée for succour,
For he we surely know,
can saue:
can saue,
How ere the wind doth blow.
Then he who breaks the rage:
The rough & blustrous seas▪
When his disciples were afraid[?]
Will straght y e stormes apease.
And giue vs cause to thanke
On bended knees full low:
who saues:
who saues,
How ere the wind doth blow.
Our enemies approaching,
When wée on sea espie,
Wée must resolue incontinent
To fight, although we die,
With noble resolution
Wee must oppose our foe,
in fight,
in fight:
How ere the wind doe blow.
And when by Gods assistance,
Our foes are put to'th foile,
To animate our courages,
Wée all haue share o'th spoile,
Our foes into the Ocean,
Wee back to back do throw,
to sinke,
or swimme,
How ere the wind doth blow.

The Second part.

To the same tune.
THus wée gallant seamen,
In midst of greatest dāgers,
Doe alwaies proue our valour,
Wée neuer are no changers:
But what soe ere betide vs,
Wée stoutly vndergoe,
How ere the wind doth blow.
If fortune doe befriend vs.
In what we take in hand,
Wée proue our selues still gene­rous
Whē ere we come to land,
Ther's few y t shall out braue vs
Though neere so great in show,
wée spend
and lend,
How ere the wind doth blow.
We trauell to the Indies,
From them we bring som spice
Here we buy rich Marchandise
At very little prize;
And many wealthy prises,
We conquer from the foe:
In fight:
In fight,
How ere the wind doth blow.
Into our natiue Country,
With wealth we doe returne:
And cheere our wiues & childrē,
Who for our absence mourne.
Then doe we brauely flourish,
And where so ere we goe:
We roare:
We roare:
How ere the wind doth blow.
For when we haue receiued▪
Our wages for our paynes:
The Uintners & the Tapsters▪
By vs haue golden gaines.
We call for liquor roundly,
And pay before we goe:
and sing:
and drinke,
How ere the wind doth blow.
Wée brauely are respected,
When we walke vp & downe,
For if wée méete good company,
Wée care not for a crowne,
Ther's none more frée then say­lrrs
Where ere he come or goe,
th'elle roare
o'th shore,
How ere the wind [...] doth blow.
Then who would liue in Eng­land
And norish vice with ease,
When hée that is in pouertie,
May riches get o'th seas:
Lets saile vnto the Indies,
Where golden grasse doth grow
to sea,
to sea,
How ere the wind doth blow.
M. P.

Printed at London for C. Wright.

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