¶ Short questions and answeares, con­teyning the summe of Christian Religion.

Deut. 6.6.

6 These wordes which I com­maund thee this day, shalbe in thy heart:

7 And thou shalt rehearse them continually vnto thy children, & shalt talke of them when thou tariest in thy house, & as thou walkest by the way, and when thou lyest downe, and when thou risest vp.

¶ Imprinted at the three Cranes in the Vinetree, by Thomas Dawson. 1579.

¶ To Christian parentes, and Housholders, grace, and mercie in Christ.

THe blessings of God powred vpon this Realme, in so great abundance, as the prea­ching of the Gospell, peace, prosperitie and wealth, vnder the rule and gouernement of our merciful Queene, causeth me in thankes­geuing to ioy. But the contempt and abuse of these blessinges, mingleth my ioy with greefe and causeth Gods children for sorow to mourne and lament. And this gree­uing of Gods Spirite in his children, shall fa­thers of children, and maisters of housholdes (though manie other do greeuously offend) especially answeare for before GOD. The great blessinges sent of God, the lawes made by the Prince, the woorde preached by the Ministers, take small effect, and bring foorth little fruite: because parentes and maisters shew such examples of loose libertie in them selues, and throwe the raines of licentious­nesse into the neckes of others. They re­member not the honourable calling whiche they haue of the Lorde, that he hath placed [Page] them as it were in his owne roome, and geuen them his own names, that they might gouerne, teache, and direct others, to ho­nour and serue him, vppon whom their preeminence doeth wholy depende. But (alas) they do not their duetie in gouerning, they applie not themselues in teaching them that are committed to their charge: and therefore youth not gouerned, nor taught, nor praying at home, can not pray, nor learne in the congregation. But as the deuises of men are ready to find excuses, so seke they vp figge leaues in this, to couer their shame. First they wil say, We geue thē meate & mo­ny for their worke, what should we do more? So do you bestowe vpon your beasts, in buy­ing & feeding them: but your seruantes are more pretious in the eye of the Lord, & you are charged in the fourth commaundement, to see that they serue GOD. Some say, they sende them to the Church on the Sabbaoth, and so answeare that charge: But the Lorde cōmaundeth you your selues also to rehearse his lawes to your children and housholdes. Deu. 6.7. If they plead ignorance, it wil be but a weake answeare to the Lord. Some say, they are ashamed to teache and pray with their housholdes. I say, because it is good, they are [Page] ashamed, else euerie thing they are ready to performe with brasen browes in open pla­ces. Some say, it is hypocrisie to performe their dutie: let such pray for new hearts: for if their owne consciences condemne them of hypocrisie, God is greater than their con­sciences. Some say, it will let and hinder their seruantes from worke, as Pharaoh obiected to Moses. Exod. 5.4. But our Sauiour answea­reth such, in his answeare to Martha, Luke. 10.41. (This I speake, not to nourse anie in idlenesse, for such should not eate, 2. Thess. 3.10.) Some say, they shalbe scorned by worldlinges: If you seeke to please men, you are not the seruantes of Christ, Galat. 1.10. Yet this was Christes portion, and they are but faint souldiours that flee for a woorde, for we must buckle with the diuell hande to hande, who will not leaue vs, till death, ex­cept by Apostasie we yeelde to him both bo­dies and soules. Some say, that they can­not bring the vnlearned in letters to this knowledge: but they do not remember, that God geueth knowledge of his mysteries, euē to the simple that feare him, Psalme. 25.14. And in foure monethes space, I haue seene these principles and answeares learned by Gentlemen, Yeomen, Horsekeepers, Shep­heardes, [Page] Carters, Milkemaides, Kitchen-boyes, & al in that houshold (where these or­ders were obserued) excepting three or foure whose capacitie was but meane & simple, & yet the simplest went not without some pro­fite. Some say, youth are so stubborne, that they will abide no such orders: I say, better is the roome of suche then their companie, for if admonitiōs appointed by the Lord, winne them not, auoyde them: and so shalt thou a­uoyde the infecting of the rest of thy house­holde by them, so shalt thou make others to feare, so shalt thou by making them ashamed of their sinnes, driue them to repentaunce, & principally thou shalt auoyde Gods iudge­ment against thee and thy houshold. If thou knowest that thou keepest an ignorant & su­perstitious Papist, a blasphemous swearer, a disobediēt subiect, to God, Prince, & Ruler, a licentious and loose liuer, which giueth his bodie to fighting, whooring, and stealing, & his tongue to quarelling, filthie talking, and lying, & thou seeke not to refourme him by the order of God, doest thou not make thy house his stewes, & thy selfe his bawde? Re­moue such, lest God remoue thee. Is it writtē in vaine, that the plague shall neuer goe from the house where the swerer is? & that it shalbe [Page] full of plagues? Will not the Lord perfourme that which he hath spokē by his prophet Za­charie. 5.5. That there shal remain a plague in such houses, to consume them with the tim­ber & stones therof? I would they would cō ­sider what God saide to Elie in the like case, Thou honorest thy children aboue me, ther­fore I wil cut thee and them off. The comfort he had of his youthes in the ende, was this, the Arke (the witnesse of the Lordes pre­ [...]ence) was lost, thirtie thousand of the peo­ple slayne, his two sonnes killed, this liued he to heare, and so in sorrow fell backward, and brake his necke: then his daughter in lawe fell in trauell, and in trauell died: the remnant of his house were glad to crouche and begge for a small peece of siluer, and a morsell of bread, If our Englishmen could beholde these plagues, the remouing of Reli­gion to a people that shall bring foorth fruit of it, the taking away of our Queene, the wayling of their wiues, the murdering of their children, and the cutting of their owne throtes by straungers: they woulde looke better about them. O Fathers of children and housholdes, if you woulde before hand arreigne your selues before Gods iudgment seate, and there finde your selues endited [Page] readie to be condemned, for sending your posteritie to begge at straungers doores, for spoyling your children of their liues, this realme of religion, Queene, and peace, and that you shoulde see there your children, wiues, countrie, Churche of GOD, and Queene, accusing you for murtherers, and traytoures, what will you answeare? what can you say? Turne your musicke to mourning, your feasting to fasting, your riotting to re­penting: and say with Dauid, and with Da­niel. 2. Sam. 12.13. Dan. 9.5. We haue sinned, and committed iniquitie, done wickedly, & haue rebelled against thee, O Lorde: righte­ousnesse belongeth vnto thee, and vnto vs open shame and confusion of faces. Say with the men, Actes. 2.37. and with Paule, Act. 9.6. say, Lorde what shall we doe? And you shall be taughte to ioyne amendement to repen­tance, you (I say) which were woont to aske how you shoulde passe the long Winter eue­nings without gaming, shall learne to turne your playing at Cardes, and Dice, and Dan­sing, to singing of Psalmes, teaching your housholde, and praying with them. It is e­nough (as Paule sayeth. 1. Ephe. 4.3.) that you haue spent the times past after the fashion of the world: and how yll, madde, or straunge, [Page] [...]hey account of the matter, that you runne not with them to the former excesse of riot, say you and performe with. Iosua. 24.15. We and our housholds will serue the Lord. And you O Ladies, Mistresses, and Dames, say e­uery one of you with Hester, I & my maides will do the like. Hest. 4.16. And howsoeuer the world cōdemne you, the Lord will reuele himselfe vnto you, powre his blessinges of knowledge, of peace, of religion, of good rulers, and will continue the same vn­to the remnant of our children and posteritie, which shall come after vs, which he graunt for his Christes sake. Amen.

¶These are the orders which I haue sene obserued in a Christian Gentlemans house, to the profit of his houshold, example of others, cōfort of Gods childrē, & honor of God.

WHile they had a Minister, the whole hous­hold met at the Church twise euerie Sab­both, and once euerie weeke day: but since the restraint of their Minister, they meete euerie morning in the weeke day in the Parlor, where their Maister kneeleth downe with them, and prayeth, vsing these prayers following,

The confession of sinnes, with morning prayer for priuate housholdes, for men before their labour, for the Churche, the Realme, the Queene and Magistrates, the Lordes prayer, and Confession of faith, all which prayers are in the booke of Common prayer.

If he be from home, or sicke, then doth his Ste­ward, or some such like of thē say those prayers.

After prayers, the houshold departeth, either whether necessitie of their Offices call them, or whether delight in honest exercises for recreati­on doeth carrie them.

Before prayer meditate of these places.

Prou. 1.28. They shall call vpon me, but I will not answeare: they shall seeke me early, but they shall not finde me,

[Page] 26. Because thay hated knowledge, and did not chose the feare of the Lorde.

Iam. 4.3. You aske, and receiue not, because you aske amisse, that you might consume it on your lustes.

Rom. 8.26. The spirit helpeth our infirmities: for we knowe not what to pray as we ought: but the spirite it selfe maketh request for vs, with sighes which cannot be expressed.

27. But he that sercheth the heartes knoweth the meaning of the spirite, for he maketh re­quest for the Sainctes, according to the will of God.

At meales, the Maister saith grace, both before and after.

Prayer before meales.

GOod Lord blesse vs, blesse al thy creaturs, send downe thy holy spirit into our hearts, so to direct vs, that we may looke for the spiritu­all foode of our soules: and finally, euerlasting peace, through thy sonne Jesus Christ. Amen.

In meale time some one of the seruantes readeth a Chapter of the Bible distinctly and reuerentlie, first praying thus.

O Lorde whose word is a two edged swoord, to cut downe all things that shall rise vp a­gainst the same, the maiestie whereof shaketh the heauens, and the earth also: graunt that our [Page] proude and vaine affections being cut downe, we may with reuerence reade it, and humbly in obedience submit our selues vnto it, through Je­sus Christ our Lorde. So be it.

Or this.

O Lorde, whiche hast prouided these earthly creatures, for the feeding of our natural bo­dies, direct vs carefully to seeke, with delight to tast of thy most holie woorde, that we may by that immortall seede, be begotten to be thy chil­dren, and thereby be nourished and fedde, vntill we become perfect men in thy sonne Christ Je­sus. So be it.

A sentence to be said after the Chapter.

Blessed are they that heare the worde of God, and keepe it.

After meales, be carefull for thy selfe, as Iob was for his children. Cha. 1.5. And in me­ditation of thy words, thy behauiour, and vse of Gods creatures, say:

O Lord, if thou markest what is said, or done amisse, who shall be able to abide it? For­giue vs our sinnes, & amend our imperfections, and graunt vs the grace of thy holie Spirite, as thou hast fedde vs plentifully, that we may serue thee faithfully. Preserue the Queenes Ma­iestie, saue thy Church vniuersall, graunt thy Gospell a free passage, confounde Antichrist, [Page] and all heresies, finish soone these dayes of sinne, and bring vs to euerlasting peace, through thy sonne Christ Jesus our Lord. So be it.

The Seruingmen likewise haue grace before and after meales, and a Chapter read be­fore they rise.

AFter they haue supt, and the Officers haue done in their offices, they come together into the Parlour or Hall, and there spende one houre in singing Psalmes, learning, and an­swearing some fewe of these pointes of Religi­on, and praying:

Remember to sing Dauids Psalmes, with Dauids spirit.

1. Cor. 14.15. Sing with the spirit, and sing with vnderstanding.

A prayer vsed in the Euening, be­fore Catechising.

O Lord, prepare our heartes to prayer, for if we pray with our lippes onlie, our prayers are abhominable. Teach vs by thy holie spirit to pray rightly, according to thy will, and geue care to our calling,

We heartily thanke thee (O merciful father) for all thy blessings bestowed vpon vs from the beginning of the world, to this time, for our e­lection, our creation, our redemption, our sanc­tification, and continuall preseruation: namely, [Page] for that thou hast kept vs this day from all pe­rils and daungers both of soule and bodie, and hast geuen vnto vs health, foode, apparell, and manie other blessinges, which many of thy deare childrē do lack, being notwithstanding as preciously bought with the bloude of thy deare sonne, as we are, and yet lye in miserie and cala­mitie, oppressed with wo & wretchednes, in im­prisoment or banishment: in which case (deare Father) thou mightest haue left vs, saue that in mercie thou hast dealt otherwise with vs, than with them. We besech thee to direct vs (in con­sidering thy mercies) to acknowledge and con­fes our sinnes, which should prouoke thee rather to curse, than to blesse vs, to confound vs, rather than to preserue vs. Wee haue sinned against thee both in deede, worde, and thought: graunt vs, that we seeing the horrour of our sinnes, and fiercenesse of thy wrath, may without hypocrisie and dissimulation, be ernestly sorie, and heartily repentant for our former wickednesse: graunt vs that in sorow for sinne we fal not with Caine Saul, and Judas, to despaire: but that in bitter­nesse of our griefe with Dauid and Peter, wee may haue comfort by faith, in thy sonne Christ, that our offences are forgiuen. And as thou hast brought vs hither together at this time (for which we hartily thanck thee) so we besech thee [Page] to direct vs, that we may haue ioy and comfort in the presence and companie one of another. and that our wordes and heartes may so be or­dered at this time, that we may truely vtter, and reuerently receiue the principles of thy holy re­ligion, to the strengthening of our faith, to the comfort of our consciences, to the amende­ment of our sinfull and lewde liues, and to the glorie of thy most holy name, through Je­sus Christ our Lorde. A­men.


WHo made you?

Answeare. God. Gen. 1.17. Iob. 31.15.

Q Who redeemed you?

A. Jesus Christ. Iohn. 1.29.

Q. Who sanctifieth and preserueth you?

A. The holie Ghost. Gen. 1.2. Rom. 8.9.10.

Q. What is the Father?

A. God. Deut 4.35.

Q. What is the Sonne?

A. God. Mat. 1.23. Iohn. 1.1.

Q. What is the holy Ghost?

A. God. Math. 28.19.

Q. How many persons are there?

A. Three persons, and one God. 1 Iohn. 5.7.

Q. Wherefore hath God made, sanctified, and preserued you?

A. To seeke his glorie. Rom. 11.36.

Q. In seeking to set foorth Gods glorie, howe manie thinges ought you principally to be carefull for?

A. 2. First howe to escape Gods iudgement. Matth. 16.26.

Secondly, how to serue him. Luke. 1.74.

Q. How will God be serued?

A. After his wil reueled in his word. De. 12.32.

Q. How manie things doth the worde teach vs [Page] principally?

A. 4. Obedience to the commaundementes.

Faith in Christ. Note: Heb. 6.12.



Q. Into howe manie tables are the commaun­dementes deuided?

A. Into two. Exod.

Q. What doth the firste table concerne?

A. Our duety to God conteined in the foure first commaundementes. Matth. 22.37.

Q. What doth the second table concerne?

A. Our dutie to our neighboures, contained in the sixe last cōmaundements. Matth. 22.39.

Q. In this order of the tables, that the duetie to God, is set before our duetie to our neigh­bour, how manie lessons doe you learne?

A. 2. First, I learne to serue him before all thinges, and not to regarde substance, no nor life it selfe, in respect of his glorie. Matth. 6.33. Exod. 32.32.

Secondly, if I render my dutie to God, I must doe my dutie to my neighbour, for if I neg­lect it to my neighbour, whō I see daily, it is euident, that I doe so to God. 1. Iohn. 3.14. and. 4.20.

Q. How many commaundementes are there?

A. Ten. God spake these wordes, and saide, &c.

[Page] Q. Is this a commaundement?

A. No, it is but a preface or introduction to the commaundementes.

Q. How many lessons learne you out of it?

A. 3. First, in that is sayed, God spake these woordes, and saide, I learne that God is the author of them.

Secondly, in that he saieth, I am the Lorde, I learne that he is of might, maiestie, and po­wer to punish the offenders.

Thirdly, in that is said, Thy God which brought thee out of Aegypt and bondage, I learne his mercie to them, that loue and seeke his will.

Q. What is the first commaundement and summe of it?

A. Thou shalt haue none other Gods but me. wherein I learne to worship God, and him alone.

Q. In howe manie poyntes standeth this worship?

A. 4. First, in louing God aboue al. Mar. 10.37

Secondly, in fearing God aboue all. Mal. 1.6.

Thirdly, in praying to God, and to none but him. Matth. 6.9.

Fourthly, in acknowledging God to be the gui­der of all thinges, and therefore to trust in him. Act. 17.25.26.

[...]. How manie thinges do you learne in the se­cond [Page] commaundement? Thou shalt not mak to thy selfe any grauen image, &c?

A. First, that wee make no image of God. Iohn. 1.18.

Secondly, that we make no image of any other thing, either to worship the image, or any o­ther thing by it. Exo. 34.13. Iere.

Thirdly, that we worshippe not God after our fansie, but as he commaundeth. Iohn. 4.24. Matth. 15.9.

Q. What is the thirde commaundement and the summe thereof?

A. Thou shalt not take the name of the Lord, &c. which sūmarily teacheth me to vse the name of God with most high reuerence, both in tongue and thought.

Q. Howe many lessons learne you in this com­maundement?

A. 3. First, it is sinne and blasphemie to applie the name of God, to enchauntment, sorcerie, cursing, or periurie. Deut. 18 10.

Secondly, to sweare by creatures is a setting of his name at naught, Psal. 16. Iere. 5.7.

Thirdly, in our ordinarie communication wee must neuer sweare. Matth. 5.34. Iam. 5.12.

Q. Tell me by whom we must sweare?

A. By God: for it is a part of his glorie, whiche he will giue to none other. Deut. 6.13. Psal. 63.11.

[Page] Q. In what causes, and where, is it lawfull to sweare?

A. Where the glorie of God is sought.

Or the saluation of our brethren. Iere. 4.2.

Or before a Magistrate. Heb. 6.16.

Q. Which is the fourth commaundement, and the summe thereof:

A. Remember that thou keepe holie the Sabboth day, &c. Wherein the Lord appointeth, that his creatures should haue a time to rest and serue him in.

Q. What must we do vpon the Sabboth day?

A. Holy thinges.

Q. What are those holie thinges?

A. Hearing and learning the worde of GOD preached, praying, receiuing the Sacra­mentes, and meditating vpon his creatures,

Q. What thinges must we not doe?

A. Those thinges that necessitie doth not com­pell, nor holinesse commaunde. Isa. 58.13. Matth.

Q. Who must keepe holie the Sabboth?

A. Thou, thy Sonne, thy Daughter, thy man, thy maide, thy cattell, and the straunger.

Q. In the fift commaundement, Honour thy fa­ther and thy mother, &c. What is meant by this word Honour?

A. To honour, is to loue, feare, obey, & releeue. [Page] Matth. 15.4. 1. Tim. 5.17.

Q. What is meant by father and mother?

A. Our naturall parentes, the fathers of our countrie, or of our houses, the aged, and our fathers in Christ.

Q. How is the blessing of long life geuen, when the disobedient liue long, and the obedient and good for the most part die speedily?

A. The wicked liue to their further venge­ance, & the godlie enioy it so farre as it shall be well for them. Deu. 5.16. Isa. 57.1.

Q. How manie lessons learne you out of this commaundement? Thou shalt not kill.

A. 4. First I learne to tie my handes, tongue, and countenance to peace, from fighting, quarelling, and mocking. Matth. 5.22.

Secondly, it condemneth all anger in heart. Leui. 19.17.

Thirdly, he commaundeth to prese [...]ue life. Matth. 25, 35.

Fourthly, he commaundeth to loue one another, euen our enimies. Matth. 5.44.

Q. Which is the seuenth commaundement, and the summe it?

A. Thou shalt not commit adultrie: wherein he taketh order that his institution of Matrimo­nie might be mainteined.

Q. How many lessons learne you out of it?

[Page] A. 4. First, God forbiddeth all adulterie and vn­cleannesse in our bodies. Leuit. 18.24,

Secondly, all vnpure thoughtes and lustes of the heart. Matth. 5.28.

Thirdly, all vnchast behauiour, talke, songes, apparell, and pastime, that might entice vs to such vncleannesse. Ephe. 4.29. Ephe. 5.3. 1. Thessa. 5.22.

Fourthly, he commaundeth vs to keepe our bo­dies chast, as the temples of the holie Ghost. 1. Cor. 6.15.

Q. Howe manie thinges are forbidden in the. 8. commaundement? Thou shalt not steale.

A. 3. First, all stealing & robbing. Leui. 19.11.

Secondly, all desire of any mannes goodes wrongfully. Ephe. 5.5.

Thirdlye, all vnlawfull getting. 1. Thessa. 46.

Q. Howe many thinges are we commaun­ded?

A. 3. First, to be cōtent with that portion which the Lorde hath lent vs. 1. Tim. 6.6.

Secondly, that wee laboure for our liuing, 2. Thessa. 3.10.

Thirdly, to be helpefull to them that neede. 1. Tim. 6.18.

Q. How manie lessons learne you out of the. 9. commaundement? Thou shalt not beare false witnesse against thy neighbour.

[Page] A. 4. First, we are forbidden to speake falsely in witnesse bearing. Prou. 19.5.

Secondly, to lie, flatter, or dissemble. Ephe. 4.25,

Thirdly, that we neuer backebite anie man Psal. 15.3.

Fourthly, in priuate offences to say nothing of our brother, if by priuate admonition he may be wonne. Matth. 18.15.

Q. Whiche is the tenth commaundement, and what learne you out of it?

A. Thou shalt not couet thy neighboures house, Thou shalt not couet, &c. Whereby I learne that the motions of our heart separate from the loue of God, or our neighbour, though we neuer yeld consent to it, is sinne. Rom. 7.7

Q. Is anie man able to keepe the commaunde­mentes?

A. No. Rom. 3.10. Iob. 4.18. &. 15.15.

Q. What is the breach of the lawe?

A. Sinne. Rom. 7.7.

Q. What is the rewarde of sinne?

A. Eternall death. Rom. 6.23. Deut. 27.26. Gala. 3.10.

Q. Shall I escape this death by the workes of the law?

A. No. Luke. 17.10. For the lawe is the mini­ster of death.

[Page] Q. Sith the law doth not iustifie but condemn what profite hath a Christian by it?

A. First, it is a way for Gods children to walke in. Psal. 1.2.

Secondly, it teacheth man not to trust to his owne innocencie. Rom. 3.4.

Thirdly, it pulleth downe the pride of man, and humbleth him before God. Rom. 3.19.

Fourthly, it is a scholemaister to Christ. Gal. 3.24.

Q. As you haue shewed me the profit of the law, so tell me why we should doe good woorkes, sith they doe not saue?

A. First, to shew our loue to God our Father, in walking as becommeth his childrē. Iohn. 14.15.

Secondly, to shew our loue to our selues, ma­king thereby our election certaine to our sel­ues. 2. Pet. 1.10.

Thirdly, to winne our brethren to Christ by our godlie life and conuersation. Matth. 5.16. 1. Pet. 3.1.

Q. Howe manie thinges are principally to bee considered in good woorkes?

A. First, that they be ruled by the line of Gods worde. Ephe. 2.10.

Secondly, that they proceede from a heart pur­ged by faith. Rom 14.23.

[Page] Q. By what meanes shall I escape death?

A. By faith in Christ. Rom. 3.28.

Q. What is faith?

A. A full persuasion and stedfast assurance. Rom. 8.38.39.

Q. Where is it planted?

A. In the heart. Rom. 10.9.

Q. Upon what is it grounded?

A. Upon the promises of God. Rom. 4.3.12.

Q. By whome is faith wrought in man?

A. By the holie Ghost. Ephe. 3.16.17,

Q. Upon whom must faith be setled & stayed?

A. Upon Christ Jesu. Gal. 3.26.

Q. What profit haue we by this?

A. I am assured that all the benefits of Christes passion, and his righteousnesse, is as surely mine, as if I had wrought them my selfe. 2. Cor. 5.21.

Q. Howe manie articles are there of the faith, and which are they?

A. Twelue. I beleeue in God the Father. &c.

Q. How many things do the articles set down?

A. First, concerning God the Father, in the first article.

Secondly, concerning God the Sonne, in the sixe articles.

Thirdly, concerning God the holie Ghost in the eight article.

[Page]Fourthly, concerning Gods people called the Churche, in the foure last.

Q. Howe many thinges doe you learne in the first article? I beleeue in God the Father al­mightie, maker of heauen and earth.

A. First, that God is my Father, and I am his childe. Iohn. 1.12. Gal. 3.26.

Secondly, he being almightie, maker of hea­uen and earth, and I his childe, shall lacke nothing. Rom. 8.27.

Q. What learne you out of the seconde and third articles?

2. And in Iesus Christ his onely Sonne our Lord,

3. Which was conceiued by the holy Ghost,

Borne of the virgin Marie

A. First, in these wordes, His onely Sonne our Lord, which was conceiued by the holie Ghost, I learn that he is God, able to beare whatso­euer is due for our sins. Luke. 1.35. Ioh. 3.16.

Secondly, in that he was Borne of the virgin Marie, I learne that he was readie to suffer whatsoeuer was due. Rom. 1.3. Heb. 2.14.

Q. What learne you out of the fourth article? He suffered vnder Pontius Pilate, was cruci­fied dead, buried. He descended into Hell.

A. First, the passion that he suffered in bodie for the redemption of my bodie, namely that vn­der Pontius Pilat, he was nailed to a crosse, [Page] died, and was buried. Matth. 27. Gal. 3, 14.

Secondly, the passion that he suffred in soule, for the deliuerance of my soule, namely that hee descended or humbled himselfe vnto the tor­mentes of hell for our saluacion. Isa. Luke. 22.44. Matth. 27.46.

Q. What learne you out of the fift article, The third day be rose againe from the dead.

A. First, that he is risen, and hath ouercome death and hell for my iustification. 1. Cor. 15.57. Rom. 4.25.

Secondly, I learne to rise frō sinne, & to delight in righteousnesse. Rom. 6.4. Col. 3.1.

Thirdly, by his rising, I am assured that my bo­die shall rise againe. 1. Cor. 15.16.

Q. What learnest thou by the sixt article? He ascended into heauen, and sitteth at the right hand of God the Father.

A. First his ascension is a pledge to me, that I likewise shall ascend after him. Iohn. 14.3.

Secondly, he being ascended, maketh prayer for me. Rom. 8.34.

Thirdly, by his sitting at the right hande: (which signifieth the power of God) I be­leeue that all power is giuen him, Matth. 18 18. Ephe. 1.20.

Q. What learnest thou out of the seuenth arti­cle? From thence, &c.

[Page] A. First I learne to my comfort, that he that is my Sauiour, shalbe my Judge. Iob. 19.25. Matth. 19.28.

Secondly, to the terrour of the godlesse, that he shalbe their Judge, whom they haue refused & despised. Matth. 25.41. 2. Thes. 1.8. Leu. 1.7.

Q. What learne you out of the third part, being the eight article? I beleeue in the holy Ghost.

A. First, I beleue the holy Ghost to be God, who doth assure me, that I am Gods childe, and that all Christes benefites are mine. Rom. 8.16.

Secondly, he maketh sinne to die in me, and stir­reth me vp to holines of life. Ephe. 4.23.

Q. What learne you out of the. 9. article, the first of the fourth parte? The holie Catholike Church, the Communion of Saintes.

A. First, that God hath an vniuersall Church in all places of the worlde, and at all times. Matth. 28.19. Act. 10.34. 1 King. 19.18.

Secondly, that in the same there is a felowship of Sainctes, of true faithful people, al which the Lorde knoweth, of which number I be­leeue my selfe to be one. Ephe. 5.26.

Q. What learne you out of the tenth article? The forgiuenesse of sinnes.

A. First, I beleue that Christ hath suffered whatsoeuer was due for my sinnes. 1. Ioh. 22

[Page]Secondly, my sinnes being freely forgeuen, shal neuer be laide to my charge againe. Iere. 31.34. Luke. 5.18.

Q. What learne you out of the. 11. and. 12. arti­cles? The Resurrection of, &c.

A. First, that my bodie shall rise from the earth 1. Thessa. 4.14.

Secondly, it shall rise a glorious bodie. 1. Cor. 15.42. Phi. 3.21.

Thirdly, my bodie being risen a glorious bodie, shall liue with Christ for euer in his king­dome. 1. Thessa. 4.17.

Q. By what meanes or wayes doe we attaine this faith?

A. First, by an ordinarie and plaine way, the hearing of the worde preached. Rom. 14.17. Gal. 3.2.

Secondly, by the wonderfull and secrete infusi­on of Gods spirit.

Q. By what meanes is this faith maintained and strengthened in vs?

A. 4. First by the word preached.

Secondly, by the Sacramentes.

Thirdly, by discipline.

Fourthly, by Prayer.

Q. What is a Sacrament?

A. A signe that may be seene, of grace that can not be seene.

[Page] Q. How many sacramentes are there?

A. Two, Baptisme, and the Lordes Supper.

Q. In Baptisme, which is the signe that may be seene?

A. Water. Iohn. 1.26.

Q. Which is the grace that cannot be seene?

A. The washing away of sinnes by the bloud of Christ. 1. Iohn. 17.

Q. In the Lordes Supper, which is the signe that may be seene?

A. Bread and wine. Matth. 26.26.27.

Q. Which is the grace, that cannot be seene?

A. The bodie and bloud of Christ. 1. Cor. 10.16

Q. To the strengthening of our faith, how ma­nie thinges doe you principally learne by Baptisme?

A. First, as water washeth away the filthi­nesse of the fleshe: so the bloud of Christ doth washe awaye sinne from my soule. Mark. 1.4.

Secondly, I am taught to rise to newnesse of life. Rom. 6.4.

Q. For the strengthening of your faith, howe many thinges doe you principally learne in the Lordes Supper?

A. First, as by the hand and mouth, my bodie receiueth bread and wine, so by fayth my soule feedeth of the bodie and bloude of [Page] Christ. Iohn. 6.35.

Secondly, al the benefites of Christes passion, and his righteousnesse, are as surely sealed by it to be mine, as if my selfe had wrought them. Rom. 4.25.

Q. Is the bread and wine turned into the body and bloud of Christ?

A. No. For if you turne or take away the signe that may bee seene, it is no Sacrament.

Q. Going to the Supper of the Lorde, what ought a man to doe principally?

A. Examine himselfe. 1. Cor. 11.28.

Q. Why ought a man to examine himselfe?

A. First, because the vnworthie receiuer is guiltie of the bodie and bloude of Christ. 1. Cor. 12.25.

Secondly, because he prouoketh the Lorde to wrath, and so eateth and drinketh his owne damnation. 1. Cor. 11.29.

Q. Whether may fooles, madd men, or children be admitted to the Supper of the Lorde?

A. No. For they cannot examine themselues 1. Cor. 11.28.

Q In how many thinges ought a man princi­pally to examine himselfe?

A. First, whether he hath faith or no.

Secondly, whether he be sorie for his sinnes, & doth detest and abhorre them.

[Page]Thirdly, whether he hath sought reconciliation with them to whom he hath geuen offence.

Q God knoweth before wee aske what wee neede, so that he neede not to be put in mynd, he is not slouthfull that he neede to be stirred vp, he hath appointed in his prouidēce what he wil bestow, how, and when, therefore why should we pray?

A. First, to stirre vp our selues to seeke him.

Secondly, to exercise our selues in meditating vpon his promises.

Thirdly, that we may discharge and vnloa [...]e our cares into the bosome of God.

Fourthly, that we may testifie our selues, and others, that wee hope and aske for all good from God alone.

Q. How manie thinges ought we to be carefull of in prayer?

A. 5. First that we pray to God through Christ. Iohn. 16.23.

Secondly, that we be inwardly touched with that we pray for. Rom. 8.26.

Thirdly, that they be grounded vpon Gods pro­mises. 1. Iohn. 5.14.

Fourthly, that wee bee not wearie of prayer, Luke. 18.1.

[...]ftly, that wee pray according to that rule, which God himselfe geueth. Matth. 6.9.

[Page] Q. What needes the riche man daily to pray for daily bredad, who hath enough in store for many yeares?

A. First, he is to pray for the poore as for him­selfe.

Secondly, his substance and dainties shall doe him no good without Gods blessing.

Q. Howe manie things doe you pray for in this petition? Forgeue vs our, &c.

A. First, that God woulde forgiue vs our tres­passes.

Secondly, that we may be directed by him to forgiue one another.

Q. How many lessons learne you out of it?

A. First, that all men are sinners.

2. Man must seeke for forgiuenes, for he cannot satisfie.

3. None can forgiue sinnes but God.

4. To the enuious man there is no forgiuenesse,

Q. In this sixt petition, Leade vs not into temp­tation, but deliuer vs from euil, What is ment by Led into temptation?

A. To be deliuered bodie and soule to Sathan.

Q. What is meant by euil?

A. The diuell and sinne.

Q. What pray you for in this petition?

A. We pray that we be no further tempted than [...] God geueth gs power to beare.

Q. What learne you in this

A. First, that all Ch [...]istians are in warres, [...] [Page] haue neede to watch.

Secondly, we are all weake, and haue neede of helpe.

Thirdly, that Sathan can doe nothing, vnlesse God giue leaue.

Fourthly, the Lorde is our deliuerer from all temptations.

Q. How many things learne you out of the con­clusion? Thine is the kingdome, the power, and glorie, for euer and euer.

A. First, these wordes doe kindle our heartes, to desire the glorie of God.

Secondly, to ground vpon none but God.

Thirdly, that his kingdome is mightie and euerlasting.

Q. What meaneth this worde Amen?

A. It signifieth, So be it, or, So it shalbe: first she­wing a feruent desire to haue that I aske.

Secondly, it is an assurance to my conscience, that I shall haue that I aske.

Q. Where finde you the like examination of the people after they haue bene taught.

A. I finde that our Sauiour Christ, after he had taught, did againe examine them, howe they had profited, and in examination did teache them further, in Matt. 13.51. and the .16.13 14.15.17. and the .17.25. Iohn. 6.5.


A Prayer vsed after Catechizing in the Euening.

WE heartily thanke thee, O mercifull father, for that thou hast bestowed the inestimable treasure of thy holy woorde vppon vs most vile and sinfull wretches. And sith it is not in him that plāteth, nor in him that watereth, but in thy mercifull hand to mortifie our sinfull lustes, and to create new hearts in vs, we beseech thee so to order and direct vs, that we proue not like the greene figge tree flourishing without fruite, nor be of the number of those hypocrits, which with tongue can say Lorde Lorde, in thy name can prophesie, cast out diuelles, and do many great woorkes, and yet are condempned for wicked because their heartes are not right: nor like to them, which are swept and garnished, but emptie, wherevnto the vncleane spirit returnes with seuen worse than himselfe, and so our ende be worse than our beginning. But gouerne vs with thy spirit, that in hart we may loue & seeke thee, and in body and soule obey and serue thee in righteousnesse and holinesse all the dayes of our life. And here we offer vp vnto thee our selues, our soules, our bodies, our liues, and all that we haue, in assurance, that that cannot perishe whiche is committed to thee. Take vs into thy hande, and keepe vs this night, that [Page] our bodies may sleep, & our soules may watche for the comming of thy sonne Christ, that so both our bodies and soules may be the more apt and the better able to serue thee, in that estate and calling, wherein it shall please thee to place vs. As we pray for our selues, so we beseech thee to looke with fauoure vppon thy whole Churche, increase the number of thy children, graunt thy Gospell a free passage, comfort the comfortlesse, raise vp them that are fallen, and strengthen them that stande, that they fal not: haue mercie vppon this Realme, long continue thy bles­singes of peace and quietnesse towardes vs, and remoue farre from vs al let [...]es and hinderan­ces of the same. Gouerne the heartes and the swordes of all Magistrates, that they may not lift vp themselues in vaine glorie to please them selues, but that they may applie the authoritie which thou hast geuē them, to the aduancement of thy glorie, for the comforte of thy Children, and the terrour of thine enimies. And sith the continuance of our peace (in these our dayes) next vnder thee, consisteth in the preseruation of our Queene, blesse vs with her, and blesse her with all giftes fitte for so high a calling, and whosoeuer shall attēp, deuise, or conspire ought against her maiesties person, crowne, dignitie, and royall estate, we beseeche thee in mercie to


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