Seria iocis.
[printer's or publisher's device]

LONDON Printed by E. Allde, for William Timme, dwel­ling in Pater noster-rowe, at the signe of the Flower de Luce and Crowne neere Cheapside. 1606.

TO THE RIGHT WOR­shipfull, and worthy Louer of lear­ning, and vertue, Maister Francis Coppin­ger, Esquire. A. N. wisheth all health and happinesse.

HAuing (Right Wor­shipful) resolued with my selfe, to publish this little Treatise, & knowing it subject to much preiudice, ex­cept it were graced with some worthye Patron, (I meane not by the learned, for they are too courteous, to be Carping; nor by the well minded, for they cherrish Science: but by Detractors, who hauing no learning to iudge, want no libertie to reprooue) I haue followed the [Page] example of Metabo. King of the Volschi, who de­sirous to deliuer his only Daughter frō al peril, & danger, consecrated and dedicated her to the Si­ster of the Surne. So I no lesse carefull of my labours, then the King of his Camilla, with delibe­rate, and aduised iudgement, wholy deuote, & offer my Booke to your fauour and protection; who being the true Maecenas of the Muses, and iudicial in their exercises, are of power to relieue my weaknes by your worthines, & to priuiledge me from enuy, though she were prest to deuoure me. If midst your generall fauour to all desert, your worship vouchsafe this particuler benefite to my industry; no day or time (as Tully coun­saileth) shall define the memorie of your bene­fits: But as a true remembrance of your fa­uours, my future study and labour, shall be imployed to doe you all ready and willing seruice.

By him that desires to be a more deseruer of your loue. Antho: Nixon.

To the Reader.

GEntlemen, I here presume to present you with this little Treatise, occasioned chiefly by the late treacherous proceedings, although it bee mixed with various matter to please con­ceipt, because that hath already beene suffici­ently handled by others. I know some wil look at it narrowly, and say the shape is but bad, though the opera­tion may bee good. Zoylus with his squint eyes will finde fault both with matter and Methode: But I care not though they bee crabbed, if I finde you courteous. Let an Asse strike me, I will neuer lift my heele. And if Diogenes bee cynicall I will shake off his frumpes with Aristippus. Some odde scoffing companion that hath a common-wealth of Selfe-loue in his head, may perhappes say, the Subiect of this Pamphlet is more common then commendable: I answere him with a com­mon principle of Philosophy.

Bonum quò communis, cò melius.

If that will not serue, let him eyther amend it or sit downe and blow his fingers, or else goe learne to knit Nets of couen­try-blew for Woodcockes. I know (Gentlemen) fooles wil haue Bolts, and they will shoote them as well at a bush, as at a Bird: and some will haue frumpes, if it bee but to call their Father whoresonne: But howsoeuer, I knowe, facilius est cauillare quam corrigere, and a Dogge will haue a barking Tooth, [Page] though he bee warned. To such I write not, let them be still vaine: but to those whom education and learning hath indu­ed with curtesie and generous spirits. If I finde them respect­iue of me, I haue the full desired end of my labours. Resting in hope, whereof I commit my selfe and my Booke to your fauo­rable censures.

Yours Antho: Nixon.

The Blacke yeare.

BY this yeares Reuolution, which is the Sunnes entrance into the signe of the martiall Ramme, there shall many blacke enormities, & dis com­modities happen to the world: Men forgette those good vertues, which are naturally graffed in thē; whose ef­fects bec, to doe good to others: and wherein the Image of God is resembled in man, and sen­sually cherrish their bodies with a moment of pleasure, to be after punished with an eternitie of paine. And shall fol­low the conditions of the world, dissembling still with the same, holding themselues happie that can flye from the seeing eye not from the sinne, that can applaud in pub­lique and defraude in priuate. Such as bee rich, shall bee sure of friendes, But they that are poore, may spend mo­ney when they can get it. Those that haue no Mittens in Winter, may blow their nailes by authoritie, for no man will pittie thē that are needy: Such as carry empty purses, may dine by wit, if it will preuaile, or walke in Paules by Duke Humphry for Charitie is fled that should feede the hungrie. Old familiaritie shall bee forgotten, and friend­ship draw backe, if habilitie grow bare, according to that of the Poet.

Quem noui tacitus me praeterit: Os mihi clau­dit paupertas, cum &c.

Many men for lacke of witte, shall followe Bacchus, not Ceres, and esteeme better of mault, then wheate: and many for lacke of honestie shall swell by Venus, and make more reckoning of a Chamber then a Church. The greatest holinesse shall not be in the granest shewe; nor the longest bearded prooue the wisest. Many by superfluities, & in­ordinate repastes shall winne vnder the froath of Lust, and by Gluttony, not onelye sinne in Letchery, but sincke in blockishnes and folly. For Pinguis venter non generat sub­tilem sensum. Many shal be so new-fangle in their formes of apparrell, that a new fashion shall scarcelye appeare in the French Kings Kitchin, but it shall be presently tran­slated ouer into the Court of England. But that shal cause Mercers to haue many bad debtors, and make Catch­poles to be Gentlemen, for like bug-beares they shal cause such as feare them to flye from them: for they are as ter­rible to the sight of a poore debtor, as a Butchers knife to an Essex Calfe, or a cup of small Beere to an Ale-knight in a frosty morning. Such as keepe not day shall faile to bor­rowe when they neede. Crackt-credit shall haue lesse com­moditie, and pennuty shall bee bought with Repentance by such Gentlemen as sell land in reuertion, while their fa­thers are liuing. Diuers shal this yere be so cōuersant with Venus, that by pleasing her they shall displease thēselues, & surfet with such a heate after their labour, y t the very haires shal be banished frō their heads, & poore Barbers be made beggers for wāt of work. Such as climbe aboue their reach shall be sure of a counterchecke, and such as plot treache­ry shall haue a halter for their labour, and Derick shal make [Page] th [...] shorter not by the hayre, but by the head.

Traytors shall couet to flye like Swallowes,
Fearing their secrets to be reuealed:
And Pope-sworne Tretchers shall kisse the gallowes,
Their cunning plots shall not be concealed,
In their best hopes they haue euer failed,
Then what befell to Catesby and that crew,
Befall to them that are not subiects true.

This yeare shall be bad to such as buy sutes in Birchin­lane vpon credit, for eyther they shall bee badly sowed, Or if the outside deceaue them not, yet shall the inside bee all olde stuffe, and no sooner on but a seame out. Some Bookesellers this yeare shall not haue cause to boast of their winnings, for that many write, that flowe with phra­ses, and yet are barrein in substance, and such are neyther wise, nor wittye: others are so concise, that you neede a co­mentarie to vnderstand them, others haue good wittes, but so criticall, that they arraigne other mens works at the Tribunall seate of euery censurious Aristarchs vnderstan­ding, when their owne are sacrificed in Paules Church­yard for bringing in the Dutch Curtezan to corrupt Eng­lish conditions, and sent away Westward for carping both at Court, Cittie and countrie. For they are so sodaine witted, that a Flea can no sooner friske foorth, but they must needs cōment on her. Others shal be so subiect to af­fectiō, that whē they haue don any thing worthy of praise, they eyther like Hennes that goe cackling, in regard of their new laid Egge, and blaze their owne workes abroad, or indeauour by secret insinuation to bee commended by others, as the Italian Poet did, who hauing made an Epi­gram which much pleased himselfe, shewed it to some of his friendes, praysing it aboue the skies:

[Page] They presently demaunding who was the Author? He for very shame of pride would not tell them it was his, but with a fleeting countenance gaue them to vnderstād, that the verses and the laughter were Cosi [...]-germaines, and issued both frō the same proud heart, Therin discouering both his owne selfe-loue and vanitie.

Doctor Aloander with a myraculous insight, espied that by reason of some retrograde influence it should happen, that this yeare, many Countries shall bee highly troubled with warres, Commotions, sicknesses, and Plagues. The Spirit (saith hee) among the Godlyc shall warre with the flesh, and honest plaine dealing shall bee at deadly fewde with Peter Pick-thanks secret insinuation. A dreadfull de­bate shall be betwixt the Wife and the Husband, who shall beare moste sway and authoritie: insomuch as the wife shall sitte playing in the Chamber aboue, when the Husband shall stand working in the shop belowc. There shall be also as much strife among Players, who shall haue the greatest Auditory, as is warre among the foure knaues at Cardes, for superioritic. Brokers and Vsurers shall so pinch the poore this yeare, that for euer after, they shall be no better then Knaues by estimation. Land-lords and Lease-mongers shall peele their Tennants, raysing rents, and taking houses ouer mens heads, to the vndoing of Man, wife and Children. Gentlemen that were wont to keepe good houses, and maintaine Hospitalitie in the Countrie, shall this yeare depart from thence, giuing ouet­house keeping, and come to London, And eyther keepe a chāber there, or waite at the Court (vncalled) with a man, and a Lackey after him, where he was wont to maintaine halfe a score proper men to attend on him, and thirtye or fortie other persons besides, euery day in the weeke.

[Page] Tapsters shall this yeare in Sommer, be indyted for mingling their bottle Ale with small Beere, and Ale-wiues in winter for filling three pots to one toste, and for selling flesh on Frydaies without lycence. Many black tempests shall be in Taphouses, for Cannes shall flye about, (and light on mens heads) without winges: and with the rich, poore men shall bee accounted knaues without occasion.

Some shall be so costiue in their stomackes, as they shall cary hollowe hearts vnder holy shapes, and weare braue hoodes, that haue but bare learning. Those that can flatter least, shall speede worst, Qui nescit dissimulare, nescit vi­ [...]ere. And he that cannot verba dare ad voluntatem, and sooth vp his superiours in their follyes and imperfections, shall as hardly thriue this yeare, as it is likely that men will be affraide of a good fyre at Midsomer, if it bee possible to haue a frost of three weeks continuance in Iuly.

For tell but Quintus, that his breath doth stincke,
And doe not cogge and say 'tis sweete and cleere,
Heele let thee passe, and neuer bid thee drinke,
When as Auphidius shall haue good cheere,
For now who loues to play a worldlings part,
Must teach his tongue refraine to tell his heart.
Hee is a ga [...]ant, fit to serue a Lord,
And at the Court to haue a speciall place,
Which can both claw, and sooth at euerie word,
And sweare that's rare, which doth deserue no grace,
And when his Lord an idle tale doth tell,
Cryes (by this hand) you haue spoke passing well.

In this dangerous yeare shal happen many Combattes [Page] betweene the flesh & the spirit, & our inordinate passions (will wee nill wee) shall not cease almost hourely to rise vp against Reason, and so molest vs, perturbting our rest and inward quietnes. For example whereof I wil recite vnto you, what was related in the life of S. Anselme: once Arch­bishop of Canterbury, that as hee walked into the fields, he saw a Shepheards little Boy, who had caught a Bird and In vita An­selmi. tyed a stone to her legge with a thrid, and euer as the Bird mounted vp to soare aloft, the stone drewe her downe a­gaine. The reuerend old man much mooued at this sight, fell presently a weeping; lamenting thereby the miserable conditions of men, who no sooner indeauour to ascend to heauen by contemplation, but the flesh hales the heart backe againe, and drawes to earth, enforcing the soule to lye there like a Beast, which should haue soared in the hea­uens like an Angell.

Some shall haue so much wit, that they shall surfet on it and striue so long against the streame, as their bodyes shall faile to carrie their heads any longer. Some shall haue such large consciences, as they shall build fayre houses by bribe­rie, gather much wealth by contention and crueltie, and ere they are aware, heap vp riches for an other, & wretch­ednesse for themselues. For

Vna opibus poterit nox quo (que) obesse tuis.

Water shall this yeare bee so weake an Element in the world, that men and women shall scarce haue teares suffi­cient to bewaile their sins: and there shall be such a dearth of Onyons, that Widdowes shal want moysture to follow their Husbands to their Funeralles. Fewe shall wax beg­gers by giuing of Almes, for in our time the world is so far from giuing, as a Nigards purse will scarce bequeath his maister a good dinner. Many shall be so seduced by blinde [Page] opinions, that digging a pit for others, they shall fall into it themselues, and cry peccaui when the Popes pardon shall not preuaile against their Treachery. Coyne shall [...]uaile more then cōscience, for they that haue the one, & are not much troubled with the other, study nothing lesse then to doe good, nothing more then to doe hurt, and spitte their worst, least they should die in the Deuils debt. Few that are poore shal haue more money then they need, and many that are wealthy, not so much wit as they want.

The hearts of the wicked shall be so hardned, as they shall say, [...]ush we can neuer be cast downe, for there shall no harme happen vnto vs. yet the fattest Oxe we s [...]e is rea­dyest for slaughter, and the felicitie of fooles is their owne destruction.

It is hard (saith Aristotle) to finde a man, which in pro­speritie Arist. Li. Li. 2. Rhetor. ad Theodect­ten. cap. 10 is not proud, disdainful, & arrogāt, such are many, whome strength, whome ritches, whome Clyents, whom authoritie, whome fauour hath exalted: for if dignitie and honour (which seldome make men better) bee oftentimes lincked to this diuelish behauiour, what can be looked for else, but many prodigious monsters, hurtful to men, & ex­ecrable before God: according to that

Asperius misero nilest, dum surgit in altum.

Yet howe sodenlye they haue consumed and come to fearefull ends, there need not be called to minde any long fore-passed remembrance to testifie.

Many shall this yere haue their eyes so dazeled, as they shall not knowe themselues, many so pust with pryde as striuing beyond their compasse, they shall crye peccaui in the Poultrye, for their borrowed brauerie. Manye shall bee troubled with that fault, which Tully calles Defectum naturae, (cowardice, or weakenes of spirrit) [Page] that their finger shall no sooner ake, but they must straite to the Physition, & so inrich him, impouerish themselues, and yet neuer be without diseases.

This yeare shall be Cares, and griefe of minde,
And alteration of weather some where:
It shall be hard iudging for men that are blinde,
As by wandring the wrong way may appeare.
Of all things true friendship, shall be most deare,
Mercury and Saturne in combust declare,
That Pick-thankes this yeare, shall vtter much ware.
Great trouble by the heauens impressions,
Great mischiefe doone by wicked people:
Some worthy death by their owne confessions,
Take good heede of Guato and his Disciple:
Rents shall be raised double, and triple,
Land lordes this yeare, some good, some bad,
Young women and Widdowes, both wise and mad.
The poore shall be vext with such paine i'th purse,
As he that lackes money, may also lacke meate:
The Vsurer shall haue the beggers curse,
Ambition shall striue for honours seate:
Mault shall cause many to sell their wheate,
The Cuckowe in Summer shall temper his throate,
To pipe mine Hostesse a merrie note.

Diuers shall be troubled with a defect, and imperfecti­on that proceedes from the corruption of nature, namelye with Curiositie or a diligent inquisition of other mens faults, and an extreame negligence in their owne. Moale­hilles [Page] in other men shall seeme mountaines, and craggye Rocks in themselues, smooth rushes: Other mens faultes shall bee before their eyes, but their owne behinde their backes. The reason why men iudge more quickly other mens follies then their own, partly proceedes from Selfe-loue, which blindeth them in their owne actions, partly be­cause they see other mens defects directly, and their owne by a certaine reflexion, For as no man knoweth his owne face, because he neuer see it, but by reflexion from a glasse, and other mens countenances, hee conceaueth moste per­fectly, because he viewes them dyrectly, & in themselues, So by a certaine circle we winde about our selues, where­as by a right liue wee passe into the corners of other mens soules at least by rash iudgements and sinister suspitions. Galen to this purpose relateth Aesop, who said, euery man Galen. de cog. amin. Morb. C. 2. had a wallet hang'd vpon his shoulders, the one halfe vpon our brest, the other halfe vpon our backes: the former was full of other mens faults, which we continually beheld, the part behinde loaden with our owne offences, which wee neuer regarded.

Some shall haue too much familiaritie with scoffing, & gibing, the which proceedes from pride and enuie, and is hardly continued without dissention, for men are not at all times apt to receiue iestes. Many that in conuersing are (for a time) able to discourse wel, shal after that time their oyle is spent, thrust out all they haue on a sodaine, and after be­come verie barren. Such are they that at a Table wil haue all talke, when others in place shall be silent, that are better able then themselues to vse effectual speech in any matter propounded. But these men are commonly neither witty, nor humble, for wittie men are seldome drawne drie in their conceipts, and humble men will distill their know­ledge [Page] according to their talents, & not aboue their reach.

Some shall haue such nimblenes in their choppes, as they shall deuoure more at a meale, then they are able to pay for in a month. Some such a buzzing in their brayne, as they shall not admitte good counsaile or admonition, but shall esteeme better of their own vnstayed, and headstrong resolution, then the graue aduice of Time-bought experi­ence. To such is assigned a whip of nettles to scourge their Sic volo with Noli poenitentiam tanti emere. If that will not serue the turne:

A pound of Hempe, three Standers, and three flattes,
Are very fit to make such mates new hattes.

Some shall be stopt in their heartes with such an Aconi­ton of obediencie, as they shall bee vtterly obstinate to re­ceiue the Antidote of grace, and so be giuen ouer to a re­probate sence, that they shal perseuet in vanitie, without a­ny touch or feeling of their follie. Such without mature Repentance & amendment shal neuer attaine that caelesti­all land, nor inioy that heauenly repast, which

Nemo nouit nisi qui accipit.

Many that are wicked and vnlearned, impudent in face, and egregious Parasites in behauiour, shall be exalted to glorie, when men famous, as well for learning as religi­on, shall be eyther condemned, or of Sycophantes defaced, or for some small occasion vnworthily disgraded. As hap­ned to Beliserius, who lost his eyes by Iustinian.

Darknes shall not abide the light, nor ignorāce (through her Impudency) refraine to set herselfe against learning and knowledge, For as Quintilian doth witnesse, Quo quis (que) minus valet, hoc se magis attollere, et dilatare conatur. Quintil. l. 2. Cap. 3. The least of power, the more vaineglorious, And againe. [Page] Quo minus sapuit, minus habēt pudoris. The more foole the more impudent.

Some shall be blinde in their owne and politique in o­ther mens matters, some loue a bowling-alley better then a Sermon, and suspect their wiues at home, because them­selues play false abroad.

Amongst all other euills (by my speculation, & know­ledge of this blacke) there shall bee none more ri [...]e, then the Mumpsimus, which shall so swell some womens lippes, as they shall haue a longing desire to kisse others besides their Husbands. Many shall haue their cheekes so mon­strously swolne, as (although they be tempted with large fees) yet they shall not haue power to speak in a iust cause.

This yeare shall breede diuers Monsters in our Nation, whereof some shall haue such long tongues, as they can keepe no counsell. But whatsoeuer they heare, they shall presently blab foorth, & often times make a matter worse in telling. Some others shall haue such lightnesse in their braines, that albeit they know little, yet they shall meddle much, and thrust themselues so farre into others affayres, that for lacke oflooking into their owne, they shall eyther daunce a Beggers Galliard, or feele the price of such follies as follow Hadiwistes. There shal be also such various won­ders, such strange inundations, such miraculous comoti­ons, as such as want legges shall be glad to goe on crutches and such as lost their horses and carres at the last Lotterie, and pawnd their [...] apparell to venture for a blancke paper, shall euer heereafter weare a fooles Cap for their labour, and if they runne not mad at their folly, yet shall they bee glad to drudge with a basket at their backs for hazarding that was their owne into other mens handes, by such slye and secret cousnage.

[Page] So the poore Car men shall cursse Aristotle that said Corruptio vnius est generatio alterius, for their olde Carts being gone, they haue no stocke to buy others.

Many shal driue whole A [...]-tubbes into consumptions and so drowne their stomacks in liquor, as if in a short time they pisse not out their wealth, and cause the [...]ot to infect their purses, and eate out the bottome, yet shall they con­sume their bodies, and make themselues sicklye, or ten to one, not possibly escape the dropsic.

Gentlemen, shall this yeare be much wronged by their Taylors, for their consciences are now larger then euer they were: for where they were wont to steale but halte a yard of broad cloath in making vp a payre of breeches, now they doe largely nicke their Customers also in the lace, and take more then enough for the new fashion sake, besides their olde fees.

There shall bee a mightie conspiracie amongst Bakers, Butchers and Brewers, insomuch as they that lacke mo­nye, or haue not good credit, shall neither haue breade, meate, nor drinke, when they are drye or hungrie. Poore men are much threatned that Lawyers shall pleade none of their causes without coine, for if they should, Westmin­ster-Hall would bee little troubled with rich men, and so Pettie-loggers, Lifters, and Cut-purses would bee greatly hindred, and impouerished.

Schollers shall bee preferred, when such as sing Bases, leaue to loue good drinke, Or when such dye of surfettes, that keepe a temperate dyet. But flatterers shall haue great giftes, when the good and godly labours of Schollers shall be scarce worth Gramercies.

Sextons shal this yere complaine of their hard fortunes, for that their gettinges shal decrease, & what they purcha­sed [Page] in the plague time, they shall now haue leysure to con­sume, [...] wring the marrow of the malte, and so sucking in, a cup of Spanish Sacke, that when their two or three yeares gaynes has been but one yeares spending, they shal at last be serued with a fieri facias and pray for the imploy­ment of Coffin-mongers, and that there may not growe such rust vpon Spades & Pick-axes. But amongst all these blacke and disaster accydents: this yeare promiseth good fortune to Saylors, and Souldiours, for what they gette by the sword, they may spend at their pleasures, & if beyond count and reckoning they haue anye thing paide them by the Treasurer, if they build not Hospitalles with it, they may imploy it on apparrell, or to the maintenance of the honest knot of friendship. Players shal haue libertie to be as famous in pride and idlenes, as they are dissolute in li­uing, and as best in their marriages for communitie, as vn­happie in their choyces for honesty.

Women are like to bee endued with such masculine courage, as if they once haue their willes, they will euer af­ter striue for the maisterie, therfore marryed mē of weakest wit, and worst courage had best to bee prouided of good weapons, to defend themselues from assaults, for such hus­bands as are not able to resist them valiantly, are awarded to pay a Sheepes-head to their next neighbour in pen­nance of their pusillanimitie. Seeing then that the oyle of Holly is a present remedie for a shrewd huswife, he is a flat foole, that suffers his wife to crowne him with a Pispotte.

The French disease in this westerly partes is like to proue verie dangerous, especially to such as are not prouided to vndergoe the charge of three weekes dyet, without which they shall neuer be without Ache in their bones, vntill the Vsurers of London sweare to bestowe a new Steeple vp­pon [Page] Paules Church. This shall be a blacke yeare for Theeues, and seditious persons, for all kinde of [...] shall so prosper both in Vpland groundes and in high-waies, as the verie stalkes thereof shall almoste touch the top of Ty­borne.

Those that are thinne clad & want fuell may not straine curtesie to goe cold to bed, vnlesse better order to proui­ded for the price of Sea-coales, that priuate gaine may not enhance the rate thereof to publique griefe, and discom­moditie. It is to be much doubted that this yeare there shal be such store of Caterpillers, as they shal not only deuoure blossoms, but consume the best of our possessions, & such plentie of thankles Trencher-flyes, as will hang on the ful­nesse of prosperitie, and flye from declyning estate, and ad­uersitie according to that of the Poet.

Non deerunt socij rebus (mihi crede) secundis,
aduersis, nullus te putat esse bonum.

Neuer was such a curious generation clasped vnder the cope of heauē, as is in these our miserable daies. For what vaine studyes exercise (for moste part) our iudiciary Astro­nomers, by calculating Natiuities, fore-telling euents, pre­scribing the limits of mens liues, fore-shewing their perrils, and daungers but meere cousnage, and idle curiositie? who many times shutting a knaue in a circle, and looking about for the deuill, finde him lurk in their bosomes.

Such shall bee the corruptions of mens mindes, that In­gratitude shall forgette her best benafactors, and raysed by insinuation to sublime condition) shall bee vnmindefull of the happinesse, that followes content, & is enemie to am­bitions aspiring.

For seldome can Presumption be enthronde,
To liue esteem'd, or dye to be bemoan'd,
An humble coate entapissed with mosse,
A lowly life that feares no sodaine losse,
A minde that dreades no fall, nor craues no Crowne,
But makes his true-content, his best renowne.
These are the choice contents, the goods, the gaine,
which rightly can bee ours; The rest are vaine,
If then thou see a troope of garded Knaues,
waite at Aagastoe's heeles, like seruile slaues,
Be not agast, admire not at his state,
"For now the world is bent to serue, and hate,
Tis true: that slaue whome Pompey did promoate,
was he that first assaid to cut his throate.

Iudas shall this yeare walke about the world, and sell his Neighbour for commoditie to any man: But the Iewes shall bee of an other disposition, for hauing taken out a pē ­nie in the shilling these many yeares, they shall nowe with good conscience venture vppon three pence with the ad­uantage. From the superfluitie of mens braynes shall bee hatched that hideous monster (selfe conceite) & like a Ty­rant so raigne in peoples hearts, that many men shall think their opinion is their God & many women imagine that none are so fayre as themselues. Many shall apparantlye prooue themselues knauish, yet [...]in their owne opinions will be accounted honest. The Cobler shall say the Shoe­maker is a botcher, & Cherillus shal sweare he is more lear­ned thē Homer. Craftes in occupations, & sectes in Religi­ons shal abound this yeare, and Rebelles are promised to fare no worse, then Hennes doe among Foxes.

[Page] Such as are penitent in this world, shall haue comfort in a better, but they that depend on destinie, and not on God, may perchaunce looke through such narrow latyces as the world shall laugh to see impyetie sequestred from impunitie.

There shall bee this yeare many rare deuises, for some shall so long deuise for other men, that they shall bee bar­rayne them selues. Some shall deuise snares for others and intrappe themselues. Vulcan shal make a nette to catch Venus, and Iealousie shall lay a bayte to entangle Vulcan.

To be verbis tenus, factis procul, to promise much, and to performe little, shall be as vsuall this yeare, as it is ordi­narie with boyes in Lent time to loue Figges on Thurs­day, better then twigs on Fryday, or with Maides about midnight to fall a dreaming, and see visions, to the heart­griefe oftentimes of their Parents.

It shall bee hard for to prosper, if they wash not their handes cleane, for by soyling their worke they are in great danger to lose their workmaisters. Many strange conflicts shall be in cuppes and Cannes, for good liquor shall make some so ventrous, as they will destroye the Turke and all his power at one draught.

This yeare is like to proue fatall to such as followe the Garden Alleyes, for as some haue gone before, so the rest are like to followe, and marre their drinking with an hem­pen twist vnlesse they leaue Harlotte-hunting, with more good will then Millers haue minde to morning prayer if the winde serue them in any corner on Sundaies. Dawes shall leaue to build in Steeples, & beginne to dwel in Cit­ties. And if dissimulation doe this yere forsake Court and Countrie, I will giue him that first findes the same, full leaue and lycence to call mee lyer.

For with the world the world dissembles still,
And to their owne confusions follow ill,
Holding it true felicitie to flye,
Not from the sinne, but from the seeing eye,
Truth is pursude by hate: He is deem'd wise
That to the world, his worldly witte applyes,
And in this age who winkes at each estate,
Hath found the meanes to make him fortunate.

Fauours and Offices (to persons of desert) shall not be graunted without suite, and supplycatiō, for many so gape for preferment; as they ayme rather at the gaine, then the paine. Goodnesse and true-loue (principally discouered in the bountifull giuing, and bestowing of benefits (shall not this yeare winne to many eternall same, as it did to diuers, (whereof Histories make mention) and for which experi­ence this old and true verse was penned.

Si quis in hoc mundo vult cunctis gratus haberi
det capiat, quarat, plurima pauca, nihil.
He that to all will heere be gratefull thought,
must giue, accept, demaaud much, little, naught.

For instead of this, men onely leuell at priuate profit, & commoditie, and be so farre from doing good deedes, that no man shall finde in his heart to teach Grantham steeple to hold vp his head manly againe by the assistance of lear­ned Masons.

Gamesters, and such as consecrate themselues to play at Dice, Cardes, and such other games, shall haue bad for­tune this yeare, for in a minute they shall lose more then they can gather againe in a month. These are vnprofita­ble Members, and deserue to bee cut from the bodye of a [Page] common-wealth, for they are as vnfit to liue in the same, as a Candle is to burne in a straw-bed.

Tydes shall this yeare mount beyond their boundes, insomuch as many striuing to stretch beyōd compasse shal so heate themselues on New-market-heath, that they shall be constrained to coole their heeles in New-gate, where they are no sooner arryued, but foure knaues in the cardes shall sodenly leape from out the bunch, and desperately be ready (as partners) to entertaine them. This black yeare threatens diuers and sundty sortes of Takers, for some one shall be desirous to be taken for wise, who is indeede Sapi­entum octauus. Some will bee glad to take bad Siluer of poore debtors, and a Bottle of Ale, when they cannot get a pottle of wine. Some shall take their neighbours bed for their owne: some the Maide for the Mistresse, especially in houses, where Virgo is so predominant with the Maister, and wants a Mistresse to looke, narrow­ly vnto her.

This yeare is vnlikely to be fauourable to Maisterlesse men, and pennyles companions, for hee that has but one shirt to shift him, may not thinke scorne to weare a fowle on Sundaie. Tripe-wines should bee exquisite Phisitions, for in one of [...]al (as Ned Beck sayes) they shal find more sim­ples then euer Gallen gathered since hee knew what phy­sicke ment.

Olde Fowlers, and young Farmers may not think much if their successe bee but bad this yeare: for the one shall Catch Lobcockes insteede of Larkes, and the other sell their free-holde for Pease-pottage.

But now Seria iocis.

There are besides these, many other accidents that may serue to shew the many enormities, wherewith hu­maine conditions make their soules blacke, and putrified, for wee see all men grow A malo ad peius, and all thinges we perceiue to waxe dayly worse, and worse, and to de­crease in their vertue. The ayre is oftentimes corrupt, sometimes with vntimely showres, sometimes with vn­profitable drinesse: now with two much colde, now with extreame heate. The fruitfulnesse of the field is not such as it hath beene before time. Ritches, and substance we see consumed, the progeny of Noble men we perceiue not to be multiplyed, but decreased either by discord or disloyal­tie. Lords and great men bend their cogitations to the op­pressing of their poore Tennants, and by often fines, and exactions, bring honest men to beggery, and by the exam­ple of Pharo make Slaues of their Seruants and Subiects.

Another great argument of this yeares, (or rather of the worldes corruption) is, that all good artes and lear­ning are so contemned and little rewarded, or respected. The Vniuersities, Schooles and Scelestiall Discipline, (which are the causes and fountaines of knowledge) now pilipended, and not regarded. Although God in this last age, hath shewed his good will, and maruellous loue to­wards vs, especially (in that so great barbarousnesse of our Predecessors, when all artes and liberall learning, was hid, and knowne to fewe, the Latine tongue polluted: the faculties not apprehended) by raysing vp so many lear­ned men, which with great study & paines, haue brought all the Scyences to their puritie, and deliuered vnto vs a more easie way, to the attaining the perfect knowledge of them all.

[Page] Yet experience teacheth that these guestes that haue of long time beene at the ful, doe now decrease, and grow to be lessend. For not that aduised iudgement, not that in­dustry, not those exercises in studies, are now which haue beene. Euerie man hath his particuler manner of parley, striues to speake in print, hunts after Metaphors, coynes Phrases, and labours extreamely that his words may smell of subtilty, elegancie, and neate deliuerie, in such affected sort, hat for the moste he leaues nothing behinde him, but a sent of verball pride and foolish affection.

This is that time wherein aboundeth marueilous secu­ritie. By which ariseth not onelye in [...]ffable wickednesse a­gainst God, but also a lamentable disorder and confusion in common-weales. For if wee compare the time present with that which is past, wee shall perceiue vice to haue come to his ripenesse, and to raigne (almost) without con­trolement. [...]or (notwithstanding God hath giuen vs dis­cipline whereby we are taught to frame our affections to his will, and to dwell in vnity according to his word) what desire of good life, or zeale in religion is there to be found? Many a man thinkes himselfe sufficiently religious, if hee can seemingly fashion himselfe to the frequenting of Ser­mons, and repayring to ordinarie seruice and ceremonies, when

—Fronte politus.
austutam vopido seruat sub pectore vulpem.

Many thinke well of themselues in making the Doct­rine of loue, peace, and vnity, the occasion of strife, conten­tion and heresie. Many suppose they serue God well, (if knowing some of contrarie opinion, though not in the chiefest point of Religion) they doc condemne them with wordes, and commit them with curses to the Deuils pun­nishment: [Page] when they themselues in the meane time, in a certaine spirituall pride, and pust vp through a vaine opy­nion of learning, doe take heart of grace. Their aduersaries oftentimes defending the better part, and more agreeable to the will of the highest, And yet forsooth this must not be called the spirit of sinne, but of Religion, & godly zeale. Oh black time! Oh dangerous daies! Oh deuillish beha­uiour▪ what neede many wordes? we may now plainelye perceiue greatest vice to bee accounted chiefest vertue. And those men to be moste extolled, that with a superfici­all shew of dissembled sanctitie can shadow their [...]rses, when of all others for impietie they are moste worthily to be throwne downe and deiected.

Crafty and deceitefull, are esteemed wise. Couetous, good Husbands; Spend-thriftes, liberal: and rich men, are deem'd the best men: they haue promotions, & although by wicked meanes they attaine them: yet

Diues clarus erit, fortis iustas,
Horat. Lib. Serm. 2.
sapiens, etiam & Rex, & quicquid volet.

As Horace said, The rich man shall be Noble, valiant, vp­right wise, yea and a King and what he wil.

And in another place.

Aurea nunc virè sunt saecula, plurim [...] auro;
Horat. L. 1. Epist.
venit honos, Auro conciliatur amor,
Auro pulsa fides, Aura venalia iura
Auram lex sequitur mox sinè lege pudor,
Scilicet vxorem cum dote fidem (que) & amicos
& genus & formam Regina pecunia donat.
[Page] Now are the braue and Golden daies,
now fame with golde we gaine:
And Gold can shew vs many meanes,
mens fauours to attaine.
By gold we heare the Mussicke sweete,
and lawes we buy with golde,
Law seekes for Gold and straite (vnmeete)
our name by it is solde.
Yea wife with wealth, and faith and friendes,
and kinne with comely hue,
Doth madame Money, Prince, and Queene,
moste mortall men endue.
And Boêtius lib. 1. ante prosam.
Vndè habeant cura est paucis, sed oportet habere
per scelus, at (que) nefas, Pauper vbi (que) iacet.

How they doe get few men respect but ritches haue they must: By hooke, or crooke, we dayly see, the weake to wall are thrust.

These and the like vices both Poets, and Philosophers reprehended in their daies, whē wickednes did but spring, as they themselues haue testified. Then how earnestlye is God to be desired, that the times may now be bettered & these euils redressed. For albeit all manner of wickednesse hath in this age ascended verie high, yet are they not so come to the toppe, but that more horrid, and mischeuous confusions then euer were, may bee seene in Common­weales through euill gouernment. We may continuallye perceiue that such as are Parasites, and Flatterers, that can temporize, and sort their humors to be pleasing, beate all then braines, ( [...]hough without desert, learning or honesty) and bend al their studies to be gracious in the eyes of the [Page] that are placed in the highest seate & authoritie, by which it falles out many times, that (for a season) they are wel ac­cepted, euen of the best, but good Magistrates can smell them out, and will banish their companye knowing that friendship not to be of countenance that is not grounded on the respect of vertue.

It is therefore to be wished, that all Christian Princes would carefullye commit these wordes to contynuall re­membrance? you shall know them by their frute. Men doe not gather grapes of Thornes, or Figges of Thistles. And againe, A naughty tree cannot bring forth good frute. What [...]od­nes then may bee looked for at their hands, whose delight hath beene euer in the execution of euill? How can they then be profitable to their Princes, faithfull to their coun­trie, or carefull of keeping Iustice, and Lawes, which in all their life haue beene faithlesse to the King of Kings, and so farre from keeping of Iustice, that they neuer had any sure knowledge of the same? what agreemēt, or good mixture can fire haue with water? heate with cold, equity with vn­righteousnes? How can it be, that men should haue a care of that countries prosperitie, from which their hearts are alienated, as if it were not their natiue soile? Againe: can men drowned in volumptuousnes (whose studie is, Quae­rere Ouid. lib. [...]. fast. vt absumant, & absumptarequ [...]ere certant: to seek, that they may spend, and striue to finde that is naughtily spent: ambitious, and louers of themselues) with honestie pre­ferre the Princes prosperitie, before tbeir priuate profitte? & the Common-weales good, before their own gaine? So that to place such in authoritie (if histories all times were noted) is to betray the Prince, ouerthrow the Kingdome, and to yeild the simple sheepe to the crueltie of rauening [...]olues.

[Page] But because (in respect of this title to this small dis­course,) it may perhaps bee expected that somewhat bee spoken of the late insolent and trayterous practise of Pear­cy and his conspiracie, which I confesse there hath aready been much learnedly written, and for that among other coloured and shadowed courses for their Rebellion, this principally was one: namely to reforme religion, and for his, and their conscience sake: whose Religion (if they had any) whereof they made outward shewe and profession, was according to the Romish Church, taught & brought heather from the Shambles, & Slaughter-house of soules, (I meane the Church of Rome) & continued heere by Ie­suites, and Seminarie-Priestes, who closely, and in disguised manner steale into this Land, and seduce and drawe many soules of men from the true loue, and worship of God and his will, and from their natiue loyaltie and obedience to their King and Countrie. I haue in regard thereof set downe these speciall points ensuing: by which the church of Rome is made so glorious, & which are stifly taught, & maintained by it, that it may be iudged and censured whe­ther it be the true Spouse of Christ: or on the contrarie, whether it be not the false Church, and the apparant sinck and Synagogue of Sathan.

1. First, whereas the Church of Rome will be known to be the true church, by the Visibilitie, Antiquitie and multi­tude thereof, and so bee seene and pointed at with the out­ward eye, and finger: you shall finde that Visibilitie, Anti­quitie, & multitude, are not the markes of the true Church but a little flocke, few in number and yet of greatest Anti­quitie: as by these places may appeare. For tell me I pray Act. 8. 1. you where the Church was visible, when being assembled at Ierusalem, there arose agreat persecution against it, in­somuch [Page] as they were all dispersed and [...]ca [...]red: And where or [...] the church visible, when Christ was smit­ten, Mat. 12. 17 and all the rest was scattered, and hid, and concealed themselues. Doth not S. Iohn in his Reuelation expresly wit­nesse, Reuel. 12. 6. 7. that the church of Christ (signified there by a woman) fled into a desert or wildetnesse, where shee had a place pre­pared for her of God, and where she could not for a certaine season be found of the persecutors? Where was the Church in the time of Elias the prophe [...]? when he said, They haue for­saken 1. Kinges. 19 [...] &c. thy [...] they haue destroyed thine Altar, and sla [...]ne thy Prophets with the sword, and I am left alone. Agai [...] That vn­der the raigne of Achas there was takē patterne of a the Altar 2. King. 16 of the Idol [...]ters of D [...]sens, and Vrias the high-priest remoued the Altar of the Lord. It appeareth thereby that the Priest­hood was corrupted, the Altar remooued & consequentlye the sacrifice ceased. I trust then there is no Papist so impu­dent to [...]ay, that either the true Church [...]as in the Scribes & Pharises, or in the time of Achas, M [...]asses, and many other Kinges of Israel, so visible and populous, as they would haue it: But that the Church of Christ, were in that small number where so [...]uer dispearsed.

2. Secondly, the Church of Rome holdes, that Ignorance is the mother of de [...]tion. But Christ saith, Ignorance is the mother of [...]rr [...]r, saying you [...]rre, not knowing the Scriptures: And Christ Ma. 22. 29. Ioh. 5. 39. Coloss. 3. 16. Act. 17. [...]iddeth the people to search the Scripture. Paul commaūded that word of God should dwell p [...]sly in the people, whereby they might themselues: and the Bereans examined the Scriptures.

3. Thirdly, the Church of Rome teacheth, that the Scriptures [...] to [...]read, and prayers to be vsed in a strange tangue. Saint Paul faith, He that speaketh in a strange tongue, speaketh not 1. Cor. 1 [...] [...] but vnto God, for no man heareth him, howbeit, in the spirit hee speaketh secret thinges. Hee that speaketh in a [Page] strange language edifieth himselfe. I would that you al spake strange languages, but rather that you prophecied. For grea­ter is hee that prophecieth, then hee that speaketh diuers tongues, except he expound it, that the church may receaue edification.

And now bretheren, if I come vnto you speaking diuers tongues, what shall it profit you? &c. Morcouer things with­out life which giue a sound, whether it bee Harpe or Pipe, except they haue a distinction in the sound, how shall it bee knowne what is piped, or harped? So likewise by the tongue except you vtter wordes which haue signification, how shall it be vnderstood what is spokē, for you shal speak in the ayre.

4. Fourthly, The Church of Rome doth teach there is a Pur­gatorie, Christ in the Gospell, sheweth onely two places, namely heauen and hell. Christ said to the good Theefe, this day shalt thou bee with me in Paradlce, Christ saith, verily, Luke. 16. Lu. 23. 43. Ioh. 5. 25. Phil. 1. 2. 3 2. Cor. 5, 1. Reu. 14. 13 verily I say vnto you, he that heareth my wordes, and beleeueth him that sent me, hath eternall life, and commeth not into con­demnation, but passeth from death to life. Saint Paul saith, I co [...]et to be dissolued, and to be with Christ, Againe for we know that when this earthly Tabernacle of ours is dissolued, we haue a building of God, not made with handes, but eternal in the hea­uens.

Againe, Blessed are the dead which die in the Lord; from hence foorth they rest from their labours, and their workes followe them. And Saint Peter, telleth the Sa [...]tes and Children of God, and assureth them of it, That the end of their fayth is the Saluation of their soules. 1. Pet. 1. 9.

5. Fiftly. The Church of Ro [...]e teacheth, that since the fall of A­dam, man hath free-will, whereas God saith, After that time, Gen. 6. that the imaginations of mens heartes are onely, euill e [...]er [...]e day. Christ saith, No man c [...]n come vnto me, except the Father draw Ierem, 7. Rom. 3. 10. him. Againe, Conuert thou me, and I shall be co [...]erted. Also [Page] There is not one that dooth good [...] not one. Againe, without Heb. 11. [...]. Ro, 14. 23. Ioh. 15. 1. [...] faith it is impossible to please God. And againe, whatsoeuer is not of faith, is sinne. Also except men be ingrafted into him they can bring foorth no fruites &c.

6. Sixtly, the Church of Rome deliuereth the Sacrament, [...] in one kind, namely bread. Christ saith, Drink ye all of this Cup. Mat. 26. 27 1. Cor. 11. 23. 28. Paul saith, Let a man examine himselfe, and so let him [...]ate of this bread, and drinke of this Cup.

7. Seauenthly, The Church of Rome holdeth Transubstantia­tion in the Sacrament, and this they would seeme to ground vpon these wordes. This is my bodie▪ which they wil haue to be ex­pounded liberally. But why then doe they not expound the wordes of Christ literally also concerning the cupp? For the Text saith, in the 27. and 28. verses, that he tooke the Cup and said, this is my blood: I am sure they wil not say that the Cup was the blood of Christ, (as the wordes bee) but they will graunt a signe in those wordes, namely, that by the Cup is meant, the wine in it.

If then they will admitte a figure in this, why may there not be a figure in the other? namely, this is my body, should be vnderstood thus: This bread is a figure of my body, (which was broken for you,) circumcision was called the Lordes couenant, when indeed it was not the couenant. So likewise the Pascall Lamb is called the Passouer, when indeed it was but a signe of the Passouer.

Christ saith, Doe this in remembrance of mee. And Saint Paul saith plainelye, and expresly, that the communicants 1. Cor. 1 [...]. 26. 28. doe eate bread, and therefore it remaineth breade after the wordes of consecration. For if it were transubstantiated into the bodye of Christ, then were there no Breade to eate, but the bodye of Christ is the thing that should be ea­ten: But none doe eate the verye bodye of Christ, For if euerie Communicant did eate the verie bodie of [Page] Christ nturally, c [...]rnally, & really, (as they [...]ossely suppo [...], Christ should haue a number of bodies. [...]esides, if C [...] gaue his body to be eaten really by his Disciples, at the tim [...] of the institution of this Sacrament, what was it that did hang vpon the Crosse on the morrow [...]? moreuer it is said as touching the bodie of Christ. The heanens mus [...] contai [...] [...] to the end of the world.

Eightly, The Church of Rom [...] hol [...] the Pope h [...]th [...]ori­tie to depose King [...] and Pri [...]s. God deposeth the mightye from the [...]r seates, and ex [...]lteth them of the low degree. It is Luke. 1. Dan. 2. 20. & 4. 14. & [...]1. 2. Cor. 10. 4. Ro. 13. 1. 2 3. 4. 1. Pet. 2. 13 Tit. 3. 1. Ioh. 18. 36. Iohn. 6. 15. Ma. 22. 21. God that testifieth of himselfe, by me Kings raigne, & Pri [...] ha [...] domini [...]n. Paul confesseth plain [...]ly, that the weapons of their war-fare are not carnall, but mightie through God th [...] is spirituall. And it manifest by the practise of the Apostles, and all their precepts, (commaunding all Christians to obey their rulers, their Kinges, & Princes, yea though they wer [...] persecutors) and the Apostles n [...]er had any such authoritie committed to them. Christ himselfe saith, this Kingdome was not of this world: and refused to be made a King: Christ himselfe paid tribute vnto C [...]sar, & co [...]nded others to giue the [...] and all other d [...]etie of subiecti [...], and obedience to Caesar.

9. Ninthly, The Pope of Rome holdes that he h [...]h absol [...]t [...] p [...]w­er to forgiue sinners. But the Scribes in the Gospel could say, none can f [...]rgiue sinnes but God. Iob saith, who can bring a clea [...]e thing out of filthines, there is not one. And Esay saith, speaking Mark. 2. 7 Iob. 14. 4. Esa. 45. 11. in the person of God, I, e [...]n I, [...] he that p [...]tteth away thine i­niqui [...]ies for mine owne sake, and will not remember thy si [...]es. And Paul confidently affirmeth when he saith Who shall lay a­ny thing to the charge of Gods chosen, it is God that instifieth, who shall condemne? it is Christ which is dead, yea, or rather, Rom. 8. 33 34. which is risen againe, who is also at the right hand of God and maketh request for vs. Againe the Lord i [...] [...]w to anger and of great mercie, & forgiuing iniquity. And in another place God Numb. 14. [...]8. [Page] speaking in [...]i [...] [...] person said, T [...]s [...]e [...]th [...] f [...] Exo. 34. 7. [...]ds [...], and transgr [...] [...]. &c. 10. T [...]nthly, the Church of Rome doth teach, that the Scrip­t [...]es c [...] no [...] all tho [...]gs n [...]cessarie [...]sal [...]ati [...]n; but their v [...] ­written traditions must (as they say [...]e all recei [...]ed with [...]q [...]ll, and like authoritie, for so [...]ath the Coun [...]ll of Trent determi­ [...]d. But S, I [...]h saith that, these thinges are written that yee may bele [...], and that in b [...]l [...]ing yee may ha [...]e life eternall. And Saint Paul saith that, the Scriptures are profitable t [...] repr [...] to 2. Tim. 3. 15. Deut. 4. teach, and correct, to instr [...]ct and p [...]fect th [...] man of God: and f [...]ther that the Script [...]es are able to [...]ake men wise vnto sal­nati [...], and God himselfe doth say, yee shall p [...] no [...]ng to the word▪ wh [...]ch I cōman̄d you, neith [...]r take [...]ght there frō. Againe Deut. 1 [...] whatsoe [...]er I comma [...]nd you, that ta [...]e h [...]d y [...] doe put nothing thereto, n [...] take oug [...]t th [...]re from. And S. Iohn in his Reuela­tion Reuel. 22. saith, that If any man shall adde to t [...]is thing, God shall [...] vnto him, the plagues which are written in this booke, and sha [...] ta [...] aw [...]y l [...]s part out of the booke of life. I might yet adde fur­ther touching the Offices of Christ, for that the Church of Rome will yeeld that the Office of Christ consisteth in these three poin [...]es, namely that he i [...] both a Proph [...]s, a Priest and a [...]g: which in wordes onely, not in deedes and veritie they w [...]ll acknowledge. For how miserably the Church of Rome, hath mangled and defaced the reuealed will of this sacred Prophet, their, vnwritten traditions, their popish Canons, & their owne deuises makes too apparan [...]. Touch [...]ng his Priest­hood (which consisteth in two things, namely the offering vp of himself for once a ful, perfect, & sufficient sacrifice: & his intercession to his father, which remaineth to the worlds end it is so pittifully defrauded, abused, and dshonoured by them, as no pen with any modestie can set downe. As by their purgatory picck-pu [...]sc, their propitiatory Masses for the quick and the dead, the blasphemous titles attribute to the Virgin [Page] Mary. For he call [...]th her the Qu [...]n of [...], the gate of Pa­radice, their life & sweetnes, [...]he [...]easure of [...]race, the re [...]ge of sinners, and the Mediatrix of [...]n. And not onely to her, but to Saintes departed they intreate wi [...]h like in [...]ercession, and holde them the [...]r mediators.

Touching how they deale with Christ in hi [...] rule and go­uerment, the Pope he will raigne in mens consciences, and will be tituled with Holy vniuersall Mother Church, which can­not erre: holy father the Pope, Bishop vniuersal [...] Prince of Priests, supreame head of the Ch [...]r [...]h, Vicar of Christ: and the admirati­on of the world. & [...]. Touching his iurisdiction, hee challen­geth to himself both the swords; that is, the keyes of the spiri­tuall, and the Scepter of the Laitie, Not onely subduing all Bishops vnder him, adua [...]cing himselfe aboue Kinges, and Emperors, causing some of them to lye vnder his fee [...]e, some to holde the stirrope: Kings to leade his horse by the Bridle, Some to kisse his fee [...]e: placing and displacing al degrees of people: pretending power and authoritie to inuest Bishops, to giue benefices, to spoile Churches, to giue authoritie to binde and lose, to call generall councelles, to sette vp religi­ons, to cannonize Saintes, to take appeales, to binde consci­ences, to make lawes, to dispense with the lawe and word of God, to deliuer from purgatorie, and to commaund An­gels &c. By which it appeares, that as hee presumeth to goe beyond Christ in this world, so wold he (if he knew how) ex­pulse him also from heauen.

Now in equall ballance, single eye, & honest heart, it may easily be censured, whether the church of Rome be the spouse of christ, and whether Gods word allowe, and warrant his dooings. I haue but in briefe past ouer the particulars, for to discourse of these pointes would aske large volumes. Yet I doubt not but all indifferent men, may beholde by this, vp­pon what rocke these Treasons haue beene builded if the [Page] cause (as is pretended) hath beene in regard of Religion, and their conscience: and such (of what condition soeuer) [...] beene, and are still ledde on to daunce after the Pipe of Priestes, Iesuites, and Seminaries, may see what ground and warrant they finde to approue and allowe their actions & liues, in desending, and setting foorth the Kingdome of their Maister (the Pope) whose creeping in corners, whose out­ward holynesse, whose Hypocrisie, Masses, Dirges, Beades, Crucifixes Prayers, Vowes, whippings, crosses, and Agnus deies, haue heatherto brought foorth nought b [...] rebellion, and disobedience to Prince, and breach of Lawer and go­uernment.

Sybil Erithra [...] speaking of Rome, telleth that her name Libro. 8. dooth comprehend manye woefull destinies, and that in these verses translated out of Greeke into Latine by Casta­lion.

Porro quater decies complebis ter (que) trecentes
Annos, at (que) octo, cum te pertingere metam
Tristia fata, tuo completo nomine cogent.

Nowe after what sorte that Prophecye is fulfilled, Casti­lion shewes in his Annotations vpon the same place, name­ly that Antychrist should bee ouerthrowne and strangled with linnen, that is, with interpretations of holy Scripture, imprinted in paper made of linnen.

That Rome else-where hath a name according to her na­ture, it is apparant by a certaine answere of Pasquill.

Roma quid est? qualis doc [...] [...] ordo.
Quid docuit? iung [...] [...]s.
[...] amor est, Amor est? qualis praeposterus▪ vnde hoc.
Roma, Noli dicere plura [...].

Heereof also in respect of her outward falshood, which is lincked oftentimes w [...]h the spirituall [...]ornication, she is wor­thyly called in holy scripture, an Harlot &c.

Let vs [...]en abandon all good respects of her and her po­pish instruments, let vs tu [...]ne frō these seducers, their curssed Doctrine. and superstitious ceremonies, & imbrace the pure word of God, and willingly [...]nd thankefully come to heare the same taught and preached. And if this yeare (the premi­ses remembred, and their treacheries from time to time due­ly considered) proue not blacke, and fatall to them, that was intended to be balefull to vs: If (I say) their pride [...]w not now suppressed, to the rooting out of their Hypocrisie, & the set­ting forth of Gods glory, (fo [...] which euery faithfull Christian prayeth) we may then expect their conspiracies to be still se­cretly continued, t [...]ei [...] [...]tes to be encouraged and his Kingdome (so happy made by the late discouerie) not to be yet from imminent dangers throughly freed, or secured.


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