Nouem. 22. Numb. 42.

The continuation of our weekly Newes, Containing these particulers following.

¶ The warlike proceedins and good successe of the French and their Confederates in the Grisons and Valtoline.

The great Victories which the Hollanders haue gotten in Perue.

The taking of seuerall Townes in the land of Marke by the Forces of the Marquis of Brandenburg, and the States of the vnited Prouinces.

¶ The Incursion of the Tartars vpon Podolia, when the Turkes inuaded Hungary.

¶ The Commaund of the Emperor to bring in all the protestant Bookes in Anstria, and a sum­mons of all the Protestant Preachers to appeere at Ʋienna whether priuate in Gentle­mens houses, or others.

¶ Certaine Letters from Thu [...]in concerning the meeting of seuerall Embassadors of France, of Venice, of England; with their consultations with the Duke of Sauoy concerning the recouery of the Valtoline.

The Death of the Lord of Southampton and his Sonne the Lord Wriotheously, with the valiant exploit of thes Lord of Oxford and Essex vpo [...] the En [...]mies Conuoy, whereupon the Lord of Oxford receaued some hurt; [...]ey g [...]ined of the Enemy some 20. W [...]gons besides o [...]ther spoiles.

With the Newes of diuers other Parts of Christendome.

London Printed by E. [...] for Nath Butter and Nicho. Bou [...], 1624.

The continuation of our weekely Newes, from Italy, Germany, Spaine, France, the Low-Countries, and diuers other places.

NEWES FROM the Low-Countries.


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