METROPOLIS CORONATA, THE TRIVMPHES OF Ancient DRAPERY: OR, Rich Cloathing of England, in a se­cond Yeeres performance. In Honour of the aduancement of Sir IOHN IOLLES, Knight, to the high Office of Lord Maior of London, and taking his Oath for the same authoritie, on Monday, being the 30. day of October. 1615. Performed in heartie affection to him, and at the bountifull charges of his worthy Brethren the truely Honourable Society of Drapers, the first that re­ceiued such Dignitie in this Citie. Deuised, and written, by A. M. Citizen, and Draper of LONDON.

Printed at London, by George Purslowe. 1615.

METROPOLIS CORONATA: OR, The olde Drapery and Cloathing of England, triumphing a second Yeere.

HAuing in our last yeeres discourse of Himatia Poleos, sufficiently approued the true antiquitie, and primary Ho­nour of Englands Draperie, heere in the Citie of London, first granted by King RICHARD the first, and se­conded by his brother King Iohn, by enstalling that fa­mous noble Gentleman, Sir Henry Fitz-Alwine Knight, in the first dignity of L. Maior of London, wherein he continued (by yeerely election) the space of twenty foure yeeres and an halfe, and longer had done, if hee had longer liued: Seeing likewise, that Drapery triumpheth now two yeers together, by suc­cession of two Lord Maiors in one and the same So­ciety: I held it not fit (finding my selfe not barren of inuention, in a Theame of such scope and large ex­tendure) to runne againe the same course of antique honour: but rather to iumpe with the time, which [Page] uermore affecteth nouelty, in a new forme of this se­cond yeeres triumph, prepared for that honourable and worthy brother of Drapery, Sir Iohn Iolles, Knight and Alderman, on the day of his entrance into so high a dignitie.

On Monday, being the 30. of October, 1615. ac­cording to auncient and most honourable custome, the L. Maior being to passe by water to Westmin­ster, in company of his worthy Brethren, and atten­ded by all other Companies in their seuerall Bardges made fit for triumph, after such manner as formerly hath been obserued: The first deuice that welcom­meth him to the water, is an inuention proper to that nature, and thought apt to conduct him in his pas­sage. He being both a Draper and Stapler, and these two professions (in former times) appertaining to the Brethren of Londons Drapery, trading only in wools and woollen cloth, the then chiefe riches of the king­dome: both these mysteries meeting together so con­ueniently in one man, I did account it as a sinne in me to sunder them, and therefore made vse of that Creast or Cognizaunce of the Golden Fliece, giuen by aun­cient Heraldrie to them both, and remaining still in firme force with the Draper, as their Escutchion of Armes maketh manifest.

In a goodly Argoe, shaped so neere as Art could yeeld it, to that of such auncient and honourable fame, as conuaied Iason and his valiant Argonautes of Greece, to fetch away the Golden fleece from Cholchos; we make vse of that memorable historie, as fit both for the time and occasion. Therein aloft sitteth Medea, whose loue to Iason, was his best meanes for obtaining [Page] the Golden fleece: And therefore, as still witnes­sing the fiery zeale of her affection towards him, she sitteth playing with his loue-lockes, and wantoning with him in all pleasing daliance, to compasse the more settled assurance of his constancy: His noble Companions, as Hercules, Telamon, Orpheus, Castor, Pollux, Calais and Zethes the Sonnes of Boreas, are seated about him in their seuerall degrees, attired in faire guilt Armours, bearing triumphall Launces, wreathed about with Lawrell, Shields honoured with the Impresse of the Golden fleece, and their heads circled with Lawrell, according to the manner of all famous Conquerors. This Argoe is rowed by diuers comely Eunuches, which continually attended on Medea, and she fauouring them but to passe vnder the fleece of Golde, had all their garments immediatly sprinkled ouer with golde, euen as if it had showred downe in droppes vpon them, and so they rowe on in Iasons triumph.

Hauing thus borrowed the helpe of this well knowne storie, to honour the day of our London Ia­son: we doe Poetically inferre, that Neptune hauing declared himselfe kinde in their comming hither, and Thamesis shewen her selfe as gracious, in passing ouer her watry bosome, To make his triumph more maie­call, they lend the assistance of their Sea Chariot, wherein they vse to sport themselues on their watry regiment, it being shaped like to a Whale, or the huge Leuiathan of the Sea. Therein is placed the shadow of Sir Henry Fitz-Alwine, to grace this dayes honour, both by water and land, and by him are sea­ted eight royall Vertues, bearing the Ensignes of [Page] Armes of eight honourable Drapers and Staplers, with beautiful shields, that declare each mans name, vz. Poultney, Cromer, Aeyre, Wotton, Sidney, Bulloin, Capell, Champion. Many more we could haue brought to accōpanie them, but neither place nor time might afford it: only these are remembred for their high de­seruings, as our Chronicles (at large) doe more am­ply declare, Fame triumphing in the top, and Time guiding the way before. No sooner is my Lord and his Brethren seated in their Bardge, and such silence obtained as the season can best permit: but Fitz-Al­wine saluteth him in this manner.

Sir Henry Fitz-Alwines Speech on the Water, at the three Cranes.

IT is now a compleate yeere,
Since in the borrowed shape I beare
Of olde Fitz-Alwine, I was raysde from rest.
On that dayes Triumph fully was exprest
The honour due by graue Antiquitie,
Then giuen to Londons Draperie,
By Royall RICHARD, who in me,
K. Richard the First.
First stilde the name of Maioraltie:
Which I held foure and twenty yeere,
As in good Records may appeare.
[Page] In all this time my labouring soule,
Not quitted from the high controule
Of diuine Poesie; hath waited still
Vpon her great commanding will;
By information, that another
Of mine owne band, a Draper Brother,
Was to succeed in dignitie;
Of Londons famous Maioraltie,
This was a motiue of such might,
That made me houer day and night,
To honour this solemnitie,
With whatsoere remaines in me.
Two Drapers to succeede each other?
I beeing their first aduanced Brother▪
To both must my affection prooue
Of cordiall and sincerest loue.
Then Sir, as I am taught to know yee,
So doe these goodly Ensignes shew yee
Draper and Stapler; so was I,
And both but one Societie
In those graue times when woollen Cloth
Seru'd best for King and subiect both.
The Draper and the Stapler then
I tell yee were right worthy men,
And did more needy soules maintaine,
Then I feare will be seene againe.
But times must haue their reuolution,
And each their seuerall execution.
But passe wee them; And come to say
What Honours now doe crowne this day▪
The Golden Fleece being the crest
Of ancient Drapery; we digest
[Page] The story of the Golden Fleece,
Fetcht by the Argonautes of Greece
From Cholcos in resemblance here,
Where Iason and those Greekes appeare,
Which in that trauaile did partake,
Both for his loue and honours sake.
Medeas powerfull charmes preuailde,
And all those dreadfull Monsters quailde,
That kept the Fleece in their protection,
Which then was wonne by her direction.
By way of Morall application,
Your Honour may make some relation
Vnto your selfe out of this storie,
You are our Iason, Londons glorie,
Now going to fetch that fleece of Fame,
That euer must renowne your name.
An Oath of Faith and Fealtie
Vnto his sacred Maiestie,
That makes you his Great Deputie
Or Image of Authoritie.
No Monsters dare confront your way.
Imagine then, as well you may,
That all this faire and goodly Fleete,
Do in meere loue (on purpose) meete,
Like to those Argonautes of Greece,
That then fetcht home their Golden Fleece,
To tend the Argoe where you ride,
Behind, before, on euery side
With all applauding melodie,
That best this day may dignifie.
Neptune and gracious Thamesis,
To honour such a day as this,
[Page] Haue sent out of their watry store
Their owne Sea Chariot, which before
They nere would part with. But as now,
Their sacred Deities allow
Our vse thereof, which we employ,
To make more full this day of ioy.
Eight Royall Vertues take the paine
Eight honoured Ensignes to sustaine
Of eight Lord Maiors, as you may see
Described by their Heraldrie,
Drapers, and Staplers Brethren kinde,
Leauing rare monuments behinde
Of their affection to this Citie,
For the poores good whom they did pittie.
Poultney, Cromer, Eyre, Wotton,
Sidney, Bullen, Capell, Champion.
Time checks me, that I may not tell
Their seuerall deedes. Nor fits it well
In serious businesse to delay:
On then a Gods name, lets away.

The Speech being ended, the Companies witnes­sing their ioy for his taking water, and the same fur­ther confirmed by a gallant peale of Ordenance: wee waite on my Lord so farre as conueniently we may, euermore hauing care of our further employment in the land seruice, the time being so short, and our pre­paration requiring such decencie in order: yet much abused by neglect in marshalling, and hurried away with too impudent hastinesse, albeit so aduisedly set downe in proiect, that nothing but meere wilfulnesse can misplace them.


The Shewes appointed for seruice on the LAND.

FIrst, a faire and beautifull Shippe, stiled by the Lord Maiors name, and called the Ioell, appea­ring to bee lately returned, from trafficking Wool and Cloth with other remote Countryes; vshereth the way for her worthy Owners seruice, and is well gouerned by her Captaine, Master, Mate, &c. Neptune, who hath been auspicious to all her aduen­tures, and Thamesis, by bringing her alwaies safely within her owne bounds, beeing mounted in trium­phall manner, the one on a pelletted Lyon, the sup­porter to the Drapers Armes, and the other on a sea-Horse, belonging to the Lord Maiors Armorie, doe both (with their presence) approue this dayes de­lighting. Then followeth a goodly Ramme or Gol­den Fleece, the honoured Creast (as already hath been sayd) to Drapers and Staplers, hauing (on each side) a housewifely Virgin sitting, seriously imployed in Carding and Spinning Wooll for Cloth, the ve­ry best commoditie that euer this Kingdome yeelded. The Argoe succeedeth this Fleece or Ramme, accor­ding to our former description: and then, in stead of Neptunes Whale on the water, commeth another Sea-deuice, tearmed The Chariot of Mans life, an­swerable in all respects to Times relation thereof; as also that other Monument of London and her twelue Daughters, at this time imploying Metropolis Coro­nata, the Kings chiefe Citty and Chamber, most de­sertfully [Page] crowned, as being the ancient Mother of the whole Land, and first receiuing honour, by the triple imperiall Crownes of Draperie.

After all these shewes, thus ordered in their ap­pointed places, followeth another deuice of Hunts­men, all clad in greene, with their Bowes, Arrowes and Bugles, and a new slaine Deere carried among them. It sauoureth of Earle Robert de la Hude, some­time the noble Earle of Huntington, and Sonne in Law (by Marriage) to olde Fitz-Alwine, raised by the Muses all-commanding power, to honour this Triumph with his Father. During the time of his out-lawed life, in the Forrest of merry Sh [...]wood, and elsewhere, while the cruell oppression of a most vn­naturall couetous Brother hung heauy vpon him, Gilbert de la Hude, Lord Abbot of Christall Abbey, who had all, or most of his Lands in morgage: hee was commonly called Robin Hood, and had a gallant company of men (Out-lawed in the like manner) that followed his downecast fortunes, and honoured him as their Lord and Master; as little Iohn Scathlocke, Much the Millers sonne, Right-hitting Brand, Frvar Tuck, and many more. In which condition of life we make instant vse of him, and part of his braue Bowmen, fitted with Bowes and Arrowes, of the like strength and length, as good Records deliuer testi­monie, were then vsed by them in their killing of Deere.

Now, because after my Lords landing, protracti­on of time necessarily required to be anoyded, in re­gard of the Lords of his Maiesties most honourable priuie Councell, and other great personages, inuited [Page] guests to this solemne Feast: such speeches as should haue beene spoken to him by the way, were referred till his Honours returne to Saint Paules in the after­noone. And then, another man, of no meane sufficiency, both for knowledge and exquisite vse of action, who had in the morning guided and directed Neptunes Whale, made in the forme of a Triumphall Chariot on the water, and held the same office in the other Chariot vpon the Land of Mans life: neere to the little Conduit in Cheapside, hee deliuereth this briefe speech (importing a narration of the o­ther deuises) to the Lord Maior in manner follow­ing.

The Speech of Time in the after­noone, at the Lord Maiors going to PAVLES.

HOnourable Lord, Time hath nothing else to tel you, but the briefe meaning of these seuerall inuentions. The water-deuices haue already sufficiently spoken themselues. This Ship, bearing your owne name, and called the IOEL, trafficking Englands Drapery with all other Countries, as by the goodly Ramme or golden Fleece of England appea­reth, where two Houswifely Virgins sit carding and spinning, is (after many happie voyages) re­turned to honour the day of her worthie Owner, be­ing safely brought home by Neptune and Thamesis, who (mounted on a Lyon and Sea-horse) vouch­safe their attendance on your triumph. And in stead of that Sea Chariot, which waited on the Argoe in [Page] the morning, they bring another, graced with the same Royall Vertues, and Ensignes of Armes be­longing to those honourable Drapers. On the top is placed a Spheare or Globe, intimating the world, created for the vse of man, and such expence of time as is allotted him. It is supported by the foure Ele­ments, Water, Earth, Ayre, and Fire, as their figures and Emblemes doe aptly declare. It runneth on se­uen wheeles, describing the seuen ages of man; his Infancie, Child-hood, Adolescency, or Stripling e­state, Youth-hood, Man-hood, Age, and Ages extre­mity, or decrepit condition: all of them subiected to the power of the seuen Planets, as on each wheele they beare their Characters. It is drawne by two Ly­ons and two Horses of the Sea, figuring what swift motion hastneth on the minutes, houres, months and yeeres of our frailtie: and the whole frame or body guided by Time, as Coach-man to the life of man. That other goodly Monument or Pageant, with the glorious Sunne in continuall motion ouer it, apper­taining to the Drapers Armory; presents yee London in the supreme place of eminence, and the twelue Companies (her twelue Daughters) all seated about her in their due degrees, onely Drapery is neerest to her, as being the first and chiefest honoured Society before all other. As supports to Londons flourishing happinesse, and continuance of the same in true tran­quilitie: foure goodly Mounts (as strong and defen­siue bulwarkes) are raysed about her, bearing Em­blemes of those foure especiall qualities, which make any Common-wealth truly happy. Learned Religi­on, [Page] Militarie Discipline, Nauigation, and Home­bred Husbandrie.

For thus, my Lord, I truely vnderstand,
No greater Crosse can hap to any Land,
Then lacke of Schollars, Souldiers, Saylers, Husband-men,
Long may we haue them all, Time sayes Amen.

Euening hastening on speedily, and those vsuall Ceremonies at Paules being accomplished: darke­nesse becommeth like bright day, by bountifull al­lowance of lighted Torches, for guyding all the se­uerall shewes, and my Lord homeward. The way being somewhat long, the order of march appeared the more excellent and commendable, euen as if it had been a Royall Maske, prepared for the marriage of an immortall Deitie, as in the like nature we hold the Lord Maior, to be this day solemnely married to Londons supreame Dignitie, by representing the awe­full authority of soueraigne Maiestie. No sooner commeth he to his owne Gate, but there our suppo­sed Sir Henry Fitz-Alwine, on behalfe of the honou­rable company of Drapers, who made no spare of their bounty, for full performance of this dayes so­lemne Honor; speaketh this ensuing speech.

Fitz-Alwines Speech to the Lord Maior at Night.

NOw honour'd Lord, since day is done,
And you to your owne house are come,
With all delight that we can make yee:
Me thinks we should not yet forsake yee,
But that strict Time will haue it so,
And parts vs, whether we will or no,
All then my Lord that I shall say,
Is, that your Honour would well weigh
Your worthie-minded Brethrens loue,
Who haue in firme affection stroue;
How best they might renowne this day:
In honouring you. And I dare say,
That neuer men did more desire
To stretch their loue and bounty higher
Then they haue done, and could afford
For such a worthy minded Lord,
Which they by me humbly commend
Still at your seruice: So I end.

Afterward, as occasion best presenteth it selfe, when the heate of all other employments are calmly ouerpast: Earle Robin Hood, with Fryer Tuck, and his other braue Huntes-men, attending (now at last) to discharge their duty to my Lord, which the busie turmoile of the whole day could not before affoord: they shewe themselues to him in this order, and Earle Robin himselfe thus speaketh:

The Speech spoken by Earle Robert de la Hude, commonly called Robin Hood.

SInce Graues may not their Dead containe,
Nor in their peacefull sleepes remaine,
But Triumphes and great Showes must vse them,
And we vnable to refuse them:
It ioyes me that Earle Robert Hood,
Fetcht from the Forrest of merrie Shirwood,
With these my Yeomen tight and tall,
Braue Huntsmen and good Archers all:
Must in this Iouiall day partake,
Prepared for your Honours sake.
No sooner was I raysde from rest,
And of my former state possest
As while I liu'd: But being alone,
And of my Yeomen seeing not one:
I with my Bugle gaue a call,
Made all the Woods to ring withall.
Immediatly came little Iohn,
And Scathlock followed him anon,
With Much the honest Millars Sonne.
And ere ought else could be done,
The frollicke Frier came tripping in,
His heart vpon a merrie pinne.
[Page] Master (quoth he) in yonder brake,
A Deere is hid for Marians sake,
Bid Scathlock, Iohn, or honest Brand,
That hath the happy hitting hand,
Shoote right and haue him. And see my Lord
The deed performed with the word.
For Robin and his Bow-men bolde,
Religiously did euer holde,
Not emptie-handed to be seene,
Were't but at feasting on a Greene.
Much more then, when so high a day
Calls our attendance: All we may,
Is all too little, tis your grace,
To winke at weakenesse in this case.
So fearing to be ouer-long,
End all with our olde hunting Song.
But good Master ere they sing,
Fauour me to moue one thing.
A boone, a boone, for Fryer Tuck,
Who begges it with a lowly ducke.
What is it Fryer?
Since we are thus raysde from our rest,
In honour of this famous feast,
And for his sake that may commaund,
(Next to my Master) heart and hand,
Of mee and all these good Yeomen:
Ere we returne to ground agen,
Seeing iolly Christmas drawes so neere,
When as our seruice may appeare,
Of much more merit then as now,
Which doth no larger scope allow,
[Page] Then that which is already done;
Your loue, my Lord, so much hath won
Vpon the Fryer and his Compeeres,
As we could wish to liue whole yeeres,
To yeeld you pleasure and delight,
Be it by day, or be it by night.
For we haue choise delights in store,
Command them, and I craue no more.
You heare (my Lord) the Fryers motion,
Out of meere loue, and pure deuotion.
You see beside that all my men,
(For any season, where or when,)
Second his sute. May it please you then,
Not to dislike his kinde request,
Earle Robin frankly doth protest,
We will all striue to do our best,
When any occasion shall require,
The offer of our merry Fryer,
For such a worthy minded Lord,
Robin Hood seales it with his word.
Thankes my deare Domine,
And to you noble Homine,
For to this Indenter,
Frier Tuck subscribes Libenter.
Now lest we offer wrong,
Fall to your Sing Song.
The Song of Robin Hood and his Huntes-men.
NOw wend we together, my merry men all,
Vnto the Forrest side-a:
And there to strike a Buck or a Doae,
Let our cunning all be tride-a.
Then goe we merrily, merrily on,
To the Green-wood to take vp our stand,
Where we will lye in waite for our Game,
With our bent Bowes all in our hand.
What life is there like to Robin Hood?
It is so pleasant a thing a:
In merry Shirwood he spends his dayes,
As pleasantly as a King a.
No man may compare with Robin Hood,
With Robin Hood, Scathlocke and Iohn:
Their like was neuer, nor neuer will be,
If in case that they were gone.
They will not away from merry Shirwood,
In any place else to dwell:
For there is neither City nor Towne,
That likes them halfe so well.
Our liues are wholly giuen to hunt,
And haunt the merrie Greene-wood:
Where our best seruice is daily spent,
For our Master Robin Hood.

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