THE ADMIRABLE DELIVERANCE of 266. Christians by Iohn Reynard Englishman from the captiuitie of the Turkes, who had beene Gally slaues many yeares in Alexandria.

The number of the seuerall Nations that were captiues follow in the next page.

LONDON Printed by Thomas Dawson, and are to be sold at the little shop at the Exchange 1608.


Englishmen 03 266
Scotts, 12
Irishmen. 10
Frenchmen, 18
Spaniardes. 26
Venetians. 14
Genowayes. 19
Portugalls. 35
Hollanders. 21
High Allmaynes. 08
Polanders. 23
Danes. 01
Greekes. 39
Muscouites. 18
Hungarians. 19

❧ The Copie of the Certifi­cat for Iohn Reynard and his companie, made by the Pryor and the Brethren of Gallipoly, where they first landed.

WE the Prior and Fathers of the Couent of the Amerciates of the citie of Gal­lipoly, of the order of Preachers, doe testifie that vpon the ninteenth of Ia­nuarie, there came into the said citie a certaine Gally from Alexandria, taken from the Turkes with two hundred fiftie and eight Christians, whereof was principall Maister Iohn Reynard an English man a Gunner, and one of the chiefest that did accomplish that great worke, whereby so many christians haue recouered their libertie. In token and remembrance whereof, vpon our carnest request to the same Iohn Reynard, he hath left here an old sword wherewith he slew the kee­per of the prison: which sword wee doe as a mo­nument and memoriall of so worthy a deed hang vp in the chiefe place of our Couent house. And for because all things aforesaid are such as we will testifie to be true, as they are orderly passed, and haue therefore good credit that so much as is a­boue [Page] expressed is true, and for the more faith thereof, we the Prior and Fathers aforesaid haue ratified and subscribed these Presents. Geuen in Gallipoly.

  • I Frier Vincent Barba Prior of the same place, con­firme the premises as they are aboue written.
  • I Frier Albert Damaro of Gallipoly Subprior, con­firme as much.
  • I Frier Anthony Celleler of Galli, confirme as afore­said.
  • I Frier Bartilmew of Gallipoly, confirme as aboue­said.
  • I Frier Francis of Gallipoly, confirme asmuch.

❧ The Bishop of Rome his Letters in the behalfe of Iohn Reynard.

BE it knowne vnto all men to whome this writing shall come, that the brin­ger heereof Iohn Rey­nard Englishman a Gun­ner, after hee had serued Captiue in the Turkes Gallies by the space of fourteene yeares, at length thorow God his helpe taking good oportunitie the third of Ianuary, slew the keeper of the prison, whom he first strooke on the face, together with foure and twenty other Turkes, by the assistance of his fellow prisoners, and with two hundred sixty six Christians, (of whose li­berty hee was the author) launched from Alexan­dria, and from thence arriued first at Gallipoly in Candie, and afterwards at Tarento in Apulia: the written testimony and credit of which things as al­so of others, the same Iohn Reynard hath in publike tables from Naples.

Some few daies since he came to Rome. and is now determined to take his iourney to the Spanish Court, hoping there to obtaine some reliefe toward [Page] his liuing, wherefore the poore distressed man hum­bly beseecheth, and we in his behalfe, do in the bow­els of Christ desire you, that taking compassion of his former captiuitie and present penurie, you doe not onely freely suffer him to passe throughout all your cities and townes, but also succour him with your charitable almes, the reward whereof you shall hereafter most assuredly receiue, which we hope you will afford to him, whom with tender affection of pitty we commend vnto you. At Rome.

  • Thomas Grolos Englishman Bishop of Astraphen.
  • Richard Silleun Prior Angliae.
  • Andreas Ludouicus, Register to our Soueraigne Lord the Pope,which for the greater credite of the premises, haue set my seale to these presents.
Mauricus Clenotus, the Gouernour and keeper of the English hospitall in the Citie.

❧ The King of Spaine his Letters to the Lieuetenant, for the placing of Iohn Rey­nard in the office of a Gunner, &c.

TO the illustrious Prince, Ves­pasian Gonsaga Colona, our Lieuetenant and Captaine Ge­nerall of our Realme of Valen­tia. Hauing consideration that Iohn Reynard Englishman, hath serued vs, and was one of the most principall which tooke away from the Turkes a certaine Gallie, which they haue brought to Tarento, wherein were two hundred, fiftie, and eight Christian cap­tiues:

Wee licence him to practise, and giue him the of­fice of a Gunner, and haue ordained that hee goe to our saide Realme, there to serue in the saide of­fice in the Gallies, which by our commaundement is lately made. And wee doe commaund, that you cause to bee payd to him eight Duckats pay a Mo­neth, for the time that hee shall serue in the saide Gallies as a Gunner, or till wee can otherwise pro­uide [Page] for him, the saide eight Duckats monethly of the money which is alreadie of our prouision pre­sent and to come, and to haue regarde of those which come with him. From Escuriall.

I the King. Iuan del Gado.
And vnder that a confirmation of the Counsell.

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