
Mount Taraghs Triumph. 5. Iuly. 1626.

To the tune of the Careere.
KIng Charles be thou blest, with peace and with rest;
who caus'd this assembly hither.
Welcome yee Peeres, yee Earles of our Shires,
yee Viscounts, and Barons together.
Taragh the Mount, his ioyes doth account,
being grat'd with your gratefull presence.
Nobles then all, at Falkland his call,
to Charles see you giue your obeysance.
Knights of great merits, generous of spirits,
to Taragh ye'are welcome this day:
Esquiers, and gentrie, the force of our Countrie,
so march on in battle array:
Spirits of great worth, from the South to the North,
whose hearts doe to honor aspire,
To stand with renowne, for Charles and his Crowne,
is your onely delight, and desire.
The Squadrons appeere, the Troupes they Careere,
from the foote of the Hill, to the top:
With force (like a flood, being mainely withstood)
their courage indureth no stop.
King Charles to thy Troupes, the hill of Taragh stoupes
that long a Royall Mansion hath beene:
With Ecchoes in the skies, it shouts and it cries,
long life to King Charles and his Queene.
What can your foes, expect but your blowes,
and the force of your conquering hands?
If they be bent, to take their euent,
to approach to your shoars, or your sands;
Backe you will send them, or altogether end them:
for the heauens and your right will vphold you:
Captaines why then, come marshall your men,
As if Mars, or King Charles did behold you.
Falkland behold, this Armie most bold,
most constant, and loyall of hearts;
To make vp their Fortes, or to maintaine their Portes,
prepar'd to performe their parts:
With hearts they doe show such homage as they owe,
and straight at a call doe attend:
King Charles his Pauillion against an arm'd Million
of foes, they will stoutly defend.
The Median-soyle, vnpatient of the foyle,
is the heart of our natiue land;
Mount Taragh of fame is the heart of the same
whereon this Royall armie doth stand:
That heart, of her heart, with euery other part,
faire Ireland presents to her King,
With Trumpets and Drums (not fearing for that [...])
King Charles his triumph let vs sing.
Yee Gentlemen and Squiers, yee Knights of the Shires,
your seruice with courage maintaine:
In euerie degree let noble Falkland see
that your hearts, with your Prince doe remaine:
Then will be relate vnto the King and State,
that Ireland breeds subiects most loyall,
Yee Barons, Viscounts, Earles, giue thankes to King Charles▪
who caus'd this assembly most royall.

God saue the King.

Imprinted at Dublin,

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