Mercurius Davidicus, OR A Patterne of Loyall Devotion.

Wherein King DAVID sends his PIETIE TO KING CHARLES, His Subjects.

Being the practice of the Primitive Christians, Martyrs, and Confessors, in all Ages; Very fitting to be used both publick and private in these disloyall TIMES.

Likewise Prayers and Thanksgivings used in the Kings Army before and after BATTELL.

Published by His Majesties Command.

Oxford, Printed by Leonard Leichfield. 1634.

Mercurius Davidicus, OR, A Patterne of Loyall DEVOTION, Taken out of KING DAVIDS Psalmes.

O LORD of Hosts,Psal. 2. v. 3. 4. stand up wee be­seech thee against them that stand up against thee, and take counsell against thee and against thine Anointed.

Laugh them to scorn, and have them in derision; speak unto them in thy wrath, and vex them in thy sore displeasure.

In thy strength let the King rejoyce;Ps. 21 v. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8. give him his hearts desire; denie him not the request of his lips; Prevent him with the blessings of goodnesse; Set a Crown of pure gold upon his head; Give him a long life, even for ever and ever. Let his Honour be great in thy salvation; lay upon him glory and great worship. Give him everlasting felicity; make [Page 2] him glad with the joy of thy countenance;Psal. 21.8, 9, 10. Let him put his trust in thee, and in thy mercy let him not miscarry: Let his enemies feel thy hand, and let thy right hand finde out them that hate him; Make them like a fiery oven in the time of thy wrath; destroy them in thy displeasure: Root out their fruit from the earth, and their seed from among the children of men; because they have intended mischief against thine Anointed Charles, and imagined such a de­vise, which wee beseech thee they may not be able to performe

Psal. 33. v. 15. Psal. 44.7.He cannot be saved by the multitude of his Hostes, nor delivered by his much strength: It is not his sword: nor his Bowe that can helpe him: Doe thou therefore save him from his ene­mies, and tread them under that rise up against him.

Psal. 45 6 Ps. 54 1, 2, 3 4, 5, 7Let thy Arrows be sharpe amongst the Kings enemies.

Save him for thy Names sake, and avenge him in thy strength; Hear his Prayer, O God, and hear­ken unto the words of his mouth, because Rebells are risen up against him, and Tyrants and Traytors seek after his soul: Be thou his helper, and be with them that seek to uphold him Reward evill to his enemies, and destroy them in thy truth; Deliver him out of all his troubles, and let his eye see his de­sire upon his enemies;ps. 55 19. ps. [...]7 1, 2, 4, 5, 6. Deliver his soule in peace from the battell that is against him.

Vnder the shadow of thy wings let his Refuge bee untill this Tyrany be overpassed and now that he calls upon thee, doe thou performe the cause which he hath in hand. Save him from the reproof of them that would eat him up; Send forth thy Mercy and Truth; for his soul is among Lions, and lyes among them that are set on fire, whose Teeth are spears and Arrows, and their tongue a sharpe [Page 3] sword: Set up thy self O God above the heavens, and thy glory above all the earth.psal. 57.7. His enemies have laid a net for his feet, and would presse down his Soul; they have digged a pit before him; but let them fall into the midst of it themselves.

Break their teeth O God in their mouthes smite the Iaw-bones of these lyons, O Lord;ps. 58 6, 7, 8 9. set them fall away like water that runneth apace, and when they shoot their Arrows, or Gunnes, let them be rooted out: Let them consume away like a Snayl, and like the untimely fruit of a woman; Let thine Indignation vex them, as a thing that is raw; and let our Righteous King rejoyce, when he sees thy vengeance, and wash his foot-steps in the blood of the ungodly Rebells.

Deliver him from his enemies, O God,ps. 59 1, 2, 3 4 5, 1 [...]1, 12, 13 defend him from them that rise up against him: Deliver him from wicked Doers, and save him from the Blood-thirsty man that will have no Accommoda­tion. See, O God, how they lie wayting for his soul, and how the mighty men are gathered against him, without any offence, or fault of his; O Lord. They run as Volunteers, before they be called, and prepare themselves; Arise thou there­fore to helpe him: stand up, O Lord of Hosts to vi­site the Rebells, and be not mercifull to them that offend of malitious wickednesse: slay them not lest their posteritie forget it, but scatter them abroad a­mongst the people and put them down: Let them be taken in their pride, for the sin of their mouth, and the words of their lips; for their Preaching is of cursing and lies; Consume them in thy wrath, consume them, that they may know it is God that rules in England, and hath a care of his Anointed.

Tho' thou hast cast him a great way off,ps. 60 1, 2. Yet be not displeased too long, but turn thee unto him again; Though thou hast moved the Land, and devided it, [Page 4] yet now heal the soars thereof;Psal. 60.3, 5. Though thou hast shewen thy people heavie things, and given them a drink of deadly wine; yet now deliver thy beloved servant, our gratious King, with all his true-hearted Nobilitie, Gentrie, and Infantery, and helpe them with thy right hand.

ps. 61.6, 7.Grant the King a long life, that his yeers may en­dure a long season; Let him dwell before thee; o pre­pare thy loving Mercy, and Faithfulnesse to preserve him.

ps 62 3, 4, 10.Let not the Rebells any longer imagine mischief against him; If they will, let them be slaine all the sort of them; yea, as a totterring wall let them be, and like a broken hedge; Because their device is to put out, and pull down him, our King, whom thou hast, and wee trust, wilt still exalt; Let them there­fore that delight in wrong and robbery, that give themselves over to vanitie, and seek to hurt his soul,ps. 63 10, 11 12. Goe under the earth, and fall by the edge of the sword; and let the mouth of them that speak lies be stopped; but let the King rejoyce in thee, and all they that sweare for him be com­mended.

ps. 64 1, 2, 4 5, 6 7, 8.Hear his voice, ô God, in his Prayer, and pre­serve his life from fear of the enemie; Hide him from the gathering together of the froward, and from the insurrection of wicked doers, which whet their tongues like a sword, and shoot out their Arrows, even bitter words, that they may privily hit him; which courage themselves in mis­chief, and commune among themselves how they may lay snares that imagine wickednesse, and pra­ctise it, which they keep secret (in a close Com­mittee) among themselves: O God, doe thou sud­denly shoot at them with a swift arrow, that they may be wounded, and let their own tongues make them fall.

Thou hast stilled the raging of the sea,Psal. 65.7. and the waves; ô shew now also one miracle, and cure the madnesse of the people.

Arise, O God, and let thine enemies be scattered,ps. 68 1, 2, 12, 17 21, 30 and all them that hate thine Anointed, flie before him; Drive them away as the smoak that vanish­eth, and let the ungodly Rebells perish at thy pre­sence, as wax melteth at the fire; yea, let their king­lings, with their Armies flie, and be discomfitted: scatter them with thy twenty Thousand Chariots, even with the Thousands of thy Angels; wound them in their heads, and hairy scalps, if they goe on still in their wickednesse; Rebuke the company of Spear-men, the multitude of the Bulls, with the Calves of the people, till every one submit him­self with pieces of silver; Scatter thou the people that delight in 69 4, 6, 18, 19 20. More are they then the haires of his head that hate him without a cause; they that are his enemies, and would destroy him guiltles are mighty; Yet let not us that trust in thee O Lord God of Hosts, be ashamed for the Kings Cause, neither let us that seek thee for him, be confounded; Hide not thy face from him thy ser­vant in his trouble; Draw nigh unto his soul, and save it; O deliver him because of his enemies; bet his adversaries, that have cast upon him shame, reproof and dishonour, And seek after his soul,ps 70.2. ps. 71 11.20. be ashamed, turned backward, and put to confusion: Let them be covered with shame and dishonour that seek to doe him evill; and for those great troubles and adversities which thou hast shewed him, quicken him, and bring him up from the depths of the earth again.

Give him, the King, thy judgements,ps. 72 1, 2, 3 and thy Righteousnes unto Prince Charles, his Son; That he may judge the people according unto right, and defend the poor; That he may bring Peace and [Page 6] Righteousnes unto his people, and keep the simple folke by their right, and defend the children of the poor,Psal. 72.4, 8. and punish the wrong doer; Let his Domi­nion be from one sea to another, over England, Scotland and Ireland.

ps. 74.3, 4.5, 7, 8, 11, 12 19, 23With the Tribe of Iuda, thinke upon the tribe of thine own Inheritance, and upon Mount Sion, wherein thou hast dwelt; Lift up thy feet, that thou mayest utterly destroy every enemy which hath done evill in thy Sanctuary, and roare in the midst of thy Congregations, and set up their Banners for tokens; Which break down all the carved worke thereof with Axes and hammers; and set fire upon thy holy Places, and defile the dwelling Place of thy Name even to the ground; O, let not the Ad­versary still doe this dishonour, nor let thy ene­mies blaspheme thy Name for ever; withdraw not thy hand; pluck thou the right hand out of thy bo­some to rebuke the enemie, and foolish people, which blaspheme thy Name; yea, the foolish man, that blasphems thee daily.

ps 75.12. ps. 76.6. ps. 78.73. ps. 79. 1, 2, 12.Break the hornes of the ungodly people; and at thy rebuke let both the Horse and his Charriot fall; That thy servant David, and our Soveraigne Charles, may againe feed us with a faithfull and true heart, & rule us prudently with all his power.

Behold, O God, what people are come into thine Inheritance, how they have defiled thy Tem­ple, and made a great part of thy Ierusalem an heap of stones: They have slain thy servants, and given their dead bodies to be meat unto the fowls of the Aire; Oh at length let the sorrowfull sighing of the Prisoners come before thee, and according to the greatnesse of thy power, preserve thou those who are appointed to be Plundered of their Names and Estates;ps. 83.4. By those wretched people, that say,

Come, and let us root them out, that they be [Page 7] no more a people, & that the Name of K. Charles, and a Conformable Orthodox Clergy be no more in remembrance;Ps. 83.5, 9, 11 12.13 14, 17. That cast their heads with one consent; and are confederate against thine Anoin­ted: But doe thou unto them, as unto the Ma­dianites, unto Sisera, and unto Iabin at Edge-hill: Make all their kinglings and princelings, that say, Let us take the Houses of God,ps 86.14.16 17. and revenews of the Church in Possession, like Zeba and Salmuna, like unto a wheel, and as the stubble before the winde; As the fire that burnes up the wood, and as the flame, that consumes the Mountains; Let them be confounded and vexed;ps. 89.3, 4, 21 22, 23 24, 25 28, 29 30.38.41 Let them be put to shame and perish: The proud are risen against thine Anointed, and the congregation of naughty men, that have not set thee before their eyes, seek after his soul: But turn thou unto him, and have mercy upon him, and give thy strength unto thy servant, and helpe the Son of thine hand-maide; shew some good token upon him for good, that they which hate him, may see it, and be ashamed, because thou Lord doest help him, and comfort him; Thou hast made a covenant with thy chosen, thou hast sworn unto David (unto Charles) thy servant; O doe thou establish his seed for ever, & set up his throne from one generation to another; Thou hast Anoin­ted him with thy holy Oile, now let thy Hand hold him fast, and thine Arm strengthen him; That the enemie may not be able to doe him violence, nor these sonnes of wickednesse to hurt him; Smite down his foes before his face, and plague them that hate him; Let thy truth and mercy be with him, and in thy Name let his strength be exalted; Make him higher then the Kings of the earth keep thy mercy for him for evermore, and let thy Cove­nant stand fast with him: Let his seed endure for ever, and his throne as the dayes of Heaven; Cast [Page 8] not his Crown to the ground; Set not up the right hand of his enemies, neither make his Adversaries to rejoyce:Psal. 89.42.50. take not away the edge of his Sword, but give him victory in the battell: Remember Lord the rebukes thy servants have, and how wee bear in our bosomes the Rebukes of many people, wherewith thine enemies have blasphemed, and slandered the foot-steps of thine Anointed.

Ps. 91 3, 4, 7, 12, 16Deliver him from the snare of the Hunter, and from the noysome pestilence: Defend him under thy wings, keep him safe under thy feathers; let thy Faithfulnesse and Truth be his shield and buckler; Though a thousand fall beside him, and ten Thou­sand at his right hand, yet give thine Angels charge over him, to keep him in all his wayes: Let them bear them in his hands, till thou hast satisfied him with long life, and shewed him thy salvation; un­till his eye see his lust upon his enemies,Ps. 9 [...] 10. and his car hear his desire of the wicked that are risen up against him:

Ps. 94 2, 5, 23.Arise thou Iudge of the world, and reward the Rebells after their deserving that smite down thy people, and trouble thy heritage: Recompense them their wickednesse, and destroy them in their owne malice.Ps. 98 2.

With thine own right hand, and with thy holy Arme, give thy servant Charles the victory.

Psal. 105.15. Psal. 106.17. Psal. 118.25. Psal. 120.2.6.He is thine Anointed; and therefore let no hand of wickednesse touch him: If they will still goe on, let the earth open, and swallow up their Lea­der, and cover the congregation of all the Rebells.

Helpe the King now, O Lord; ô Lord shew him now prosperity.

Deliver his Soul, O Lord from lying lips, and from a deceitfull Tongue; even from the lying lips of those deceitfull tongues, who make themselves ready for battell, when he perswades, and intreats, [Page 6] and invites, and speaks unto them of peace: Be thou, O Lord, his Keeper,Psal. 121.5, 6, 8. and Defence upon his right hand; Let not the sun goe down upon him by day, in open violence, nor the moon by night, in secret trechery, preserve him from all evil in his goings out, and comming in from this time forth for evermore.

Send peace within his walls,P. 122 7. ps. 123 3, 4. and plenteousnesse within His Pallaces.

Have mercy upon him, O Lord, have mercy up­on him; for he hath been despised, and filled with the scornfull reproof of the wealthy, and with the despitefulnesse of the proud.

Be thou on his side, ô Lord, even thou thy self,ps. 42 1, 2, 4, 6. now that men rise up against him least they swal­low him up quick, now they are so wrathfully dis­pleased at him: and that the deep waters of the proud may not goe over his soul, break the snare that they have laid for him, that he may escape as a bird out of the snare of the Fowler.

If they will still turne back upon their owne wickednesse, lead them forth with the evill doers;ps. 125 5. but let peace be upon Israel even upon K. Charles, and all his loyall subjects.

Many at me have they fought against him; yea,ps. 119 1, 2, 4 5. many a time have they vexed his soul from his youth up, yet, blessed be thy Name, they have not prevailed against him; how thou their ungodly snares in pieces; convert them, if it be thy good will, if not, Confound them, even as many of them, is have evill will at Sion, or at the King of Sion, King Charles.

Lord, remember this David of thine,ps. 132 1, 10, 19. and all his troubles; and turne not away the presence of thine Anointed; Clothe his enemies with shame, but up­on himself let his Crown flourish.

Give victory unto the King, and deliver Charles [Page 10] thy servant from the perill of the sword and Gun in the day of battell, and evermore, O thou King of Hosts, wee beseech thee thorow Iesus Christ, the Prince of peace. Amen.

A Thanksgiving for the good successe it hath pleased GOD to give His Anointed.

Psal. 111.1, 4, 6 9.WEe doe and will give thanks to thee O Lord, with our whole hearts: secretly among the faithfull, and publikely in the congregation; because thou hast done such a marvellous work for the King in shewing his people the power of his works, and given us a hope of Redemption, by a late glori­ous victor [...] at Edge-hill.

ps. 111.1.Wee doe give thanks unto thee, O Lord, and con­fesse thou art gracious, because thou hast taken part with thine Anointed, and them that helpe him, against the desire of his enemies at Brainford.

ps. 136 2 3.Wee give thanks unto thee the God of all Gods: wee give thanks unto thee the Lord of all Lords; because thou hast continued thy mercy to thine Anointed, and conquered him who was called the Conquerour and given the King a glorious victory over him at the Devizes.

ps. 144 1Blessed be thou O Lord, our Soveraigns strength, and our owne; who hast taught our hands to warre, and our fingers to fight: our hope, our fortresse, our castle and Deliverer, our Defendour, in whom wee trust, which hast subdued the people under him; and given him a glorious victory over his rebellious Subjects at Cicester.

ps. 145 1, 2, 6 7 8, 14.Wee magnifie thee, O God our King, and will praise thy Name for ever and ever. Every day will we give thanks unto thee, and praise thy Name for ever and ever; wee will speak of the might of thy [Page 11] marvellous acts, and tell of thy greatnesse. We will remember thine abundant kindnesse, and sing of thy righteousn sse; Because thou hast been gracious, and mercifull, and of great goodnesse, in uphold­ing our Soveraign, who was falling, and lifted up him thy servant, who was down, by many a glorious victory in the North.

Our souls shall praise thee while wee live,ps. 146 1, 6. yea as long as we have any being, wee will sing praises un­to thee, because thou hast helped him to right (who suffered wrong) in returning the Citizens of Bristol and Exceter, the inhabitants of Barstable, Bedde­ford and Appleford to their pristine Loyalty.

None of these thy mercies, nor any other shall goe out of our remembrance; wee will never cease praysing of thee for thy mercies passed, nor praying unto thee for thy mercy future; which wee beseech thee to multiply upon the head of our King, and in the heart of his Kingdome, by covering Him in the day of battell, and sending peace within our walls; which we beseech thee to accomplish to us, and him, thorow Iesus Christ our Lord, Amen.

Another of th [...] same.

WEe praise thee, O God, we acknowledge thee to be the Lord; the Lord of Hosts, and the God of Peace; the Lord of Hosts in going forth with the Armies of thine Anointed, our Soveraigne Charles; and given him one glorious victory at Edge-hill, and a second at Brainceford, and a third at Cicester, and a fourth at Skimer, and a fift at the Devizes, and many a one in the North, and the God of peace, in returning the Citizens of Bristoll and Exceter, the inhabitants of Barstable, Beddeford & Appleford to their pristine Loyalty; O be thou plea­sed still to take part with him, till thou hast redu­ced [Page 12] all his other Cities and Cittizens; all his other Townes and Subjects to the same duety of Loyaltie, and happinesse of peace. Give them that still stand out, the grace both of Illumination and Saectifica­tion; of Illumination, that they may know their du­ty, and of Sanctification, that they may doe their du­ty, and confirm us w o are already loyall, that nei­ther for fear of death or torment, nor for hope of life or preferrment, we may ever decline our Duety; but continue constant to the end, and in the end re­ceive that Crown which thou hast promised to them that persevere, and exchange this gratefull. An­them, Not unto us, O Lord, not unto us, but to thy Name, we ascribe the glory, into that everlasting Halleluiah, Honour and glory, and praise be unto thee, and to the Lambe at thy right hand, for ever and ever, Amen.

The Loyall Subjects Prayer, in these disloyall times.

O Almighty God, King of all Kings, and Governor of all things, whose power no creature is able to resist, to whom it belongeth iustly to punish sinners, and to be mercifull to them that truly repent; Save and deliver our gratious King Charles, his royall Consort the Queen, our hopefull Prince Charles, and the rest of their Princely Issue: his royall Ne­phews, his loyall Nobility, Gentry and Infanterie, who are now up in arms under him, and for him, and to maintain thy Glory, and true Religion, his Honour and just prerogatives, the Parliaments lustre and true Priviledges, the Kingdoms Laws, and the subjects Liberty, from the hands of thine, his, and our enemies: Gi [...]e them, even them a sight & sense of that Rebellion they are run into, of the effusion of blood, they have caused, of that perjurie, by breaking the Oaths of Allegiance, Supremacie, and their own late Protestation, they stand guilty of that yet at last they may return to the duety of Pie­ty they owe thee, to the duety of Loyalty they owe their King, to the duety of Vnity they owe the Church, to the duety of Equity they owe the Kingdom, to the duty of Sobriety they owe themselves, & to the duty of Charity they owe us and all men; that so they may pertake of thy mercy and the Kings, [Page 13] in the pardon both of their sin and punnishment: If they wil not be converted, then O God, insatuate their heads, conster­nate their hearts, euervate then hands, abate their pride, as­swage their malice, & confound their devices: and when the Armies meet, let these, and all other the enemies of thine, and the King, be as the dust before the winde, and the Angel of the Lord scattering them: These are the men that have raised this war by gro [...]dies Fears & Iealousies, & deleght in this War by gracelesse Treacheries & Conspiracies, and therefore ac­cording to thine own promise scatter, scatter thou the people that delight in war: Let every one of the Kings Army chase ten of the Rebells, ten of his an hundred of theirs, & an hun­dred a thousand; and what he could not gain by pieus Orito­ry, doe thou give him by a glorious Victory, Peace, the peace of God, the peace of the Church, the peace of the kingdom, and doe thou exchange all this peace on earth, to him our King and to our selves his Subjects, into the Peace of Glory in Hea­ven, thorow Iesus Christ, Amen.

A Thanksgiving for His Majesties late great Victory over the Rebells in the North.

O Most Mighty God, whose dwelling is above the Heavens, yet hum­blest thy self to dispose of all things done either in Heaven or earth, who in thy unsearchable Iudgements hast suffered the Sheba [...] of these times to blow the Trumpet of Rebell on in every corner of this Land, but withall hast istuly turned th s sufferance of thine into their Ruine; We praise and magnifie thy great and glorious Name, that ha­ving given of late to th [...]e Anointed so many pledges of thy favour, thou hast yet added to the heap of blessings a New and notable victory over the Rebells in the North; Goe on, O thou God of ovr Salvation, goe on, as thou hast begun, leave us not wee beseech thee, till thou hast ac­complished the great work thou hast so apparently taken into thine own hands; Passe by our personall sins, O Lord, though they cry loud, hear them not, but look to the righteousnesse of our Cause; See the seamlesse Coat of thy Son torne, she Throne of th ne Anointed trem­pled on; thy Church invaded by Sacriledge, and thy people miserably deceived with his. See it O God, (as see it thou dost) and vindicate what thou seest upon the heads of those who lead theft Whetches to de­struction, till by their frequent overthrows (if nothng else can possi­bly reduce them) thou hast scourged them into obedience, and t [...]d these enemies of there and ours into a desire of peace, that so having at last subdued their hearts (which is the best of victories) thy David may return to his Ierusalem in Peace, and thy people once more ioy under his Government, blessing thy goodnesse, which hath wrought this for us through the Mediation of thy Son Iesus Christ, to whom with thee, and thy blessed Spirit, be all praise, and glory world without end. Amen.

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