WHEREIN HER LIFE, MAN­ners and death is liuely layed abroad and opened, and the forged cauils and allegations that our aduersaries vse for her, throughly vnrip­ped and confuted.

Necessarie for all those that are not fully ac­quainted with the storie, and not vnfruitfull to all them that loue and embrace the true re­ligion of Christ, and abhorre the sottish illusions of Romish Antichrist.

Written by I. M.


Imprinted at London by Richard Field dwel­ling in great Woodstreet. 1624.

To the reasonable Reader.

THou hast here mine Anatomie of Pope Ioane briefly comprised: if not cunning­ly as it ought, blame mine insufficiencie: if not as an expert Chirurgion, impute the fault to want of skill, and not of good will. How­beit, errare fortassis possim, hareticus esse non possum. The matter hereof is so manifest, that corun copiae were needlesse to polish it, and the truth so euident, that the Pumi-stone of ex­quisite and superficiall eloquence would not haue bene requisite to flourish and smooth it. Reade therefore willingly, iudge indiffe­rently, and correct friendly. Let reason rule thee, authoritie moue thee, and truth enforce thee. And let vs both pray together, that the truth may be maintained, all errors confoun­ded, and Gods name glorified. Fare-well.

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