
[Page] MAYERES HIS TRAVELS: Containing a true Recapitula­tion of all the remarkable passages which befell in the Authors Peregrination and Voyages, as namely in these Im­ployments following: viz. his

  • 1 Voyage for the wars in Ireland in Queen E. R.
  • 2 At Breda, under one of the four English Colonell Regiments.
  • 3 With Count Mansfield.
  • 4 To Cales.
  • 5 To the Ile of Rhee.

Wherunto is added a speech the Author held with great King Hunger in his journey over the Alpes.

Collected and written by him who was both an actor, and an eye witnesse in the above named severall imployments, the space of forty yeeres, R. M. S. Gent.

Published with License and Authority.

LONDON, Printed by T. H. for Richard Harper, and are to [...]

TO THE RIGHT Worshipfull and much ho­nored Iohn Potham, Knight and Baronet, a poor Souldier wisheth all happines in this life, and eternall felicitie in the life to come.


IT is said that the silly Wren, the least of all Birds, takes her chiefest shelter under the Eagles wings, and that the Princely Vnicorne [Page] delighting in Musick would stand stil to heare (after the sweet singing Phi­lomela had sounded out her melodious and silver sounding tunes) the poore Thrush to warble out her chat, and so sometimes, that great Augustus (who made the VVorld to tremble) would vouchsafe to hear and read, the home­ly work of a rustick Shepherd, aswell as the learned and lofty Verse of Vir­gill: All which imboldneth me (poor Vassall) to dedicate this poore Pam­phlet, being the tragicall discourse of my lives Catastrophe to your noble selfe, Verse I dare not call, neither prose; it is but a poor, plain, brief and true rehersall of my disasters in that little service and poore travell that I have undergone, being the space of forty yeares: Beseeching your noble [Page] selfe, to be the Eagle, to shelter this my poore Wren-like worke, under the shadow of your loving wings; and to heare the Rurall tune of a poore Ru­sticke Souldier clattering in an Iron coat, aswell as Orpheus with his dain­ty Musick, clad in a Peacock coloured sute, singing out his delighting Sirens songs more then Philomela like, and as Augustus to daigne to looke down so low, as to take the view of tragicall discourse of a poor souldiers unfortu­nate passages, as the thrice noble verse of learned Spenser, Draiton, and their fellows: happy shall I think my selfe, if you will not be displeased at my pre­sumption, but much more happy shal I bee, if your Worship will but give my poor widows mite your kind and favourable acceptance: I hope the [Page] better, in regard I found your favour once in Bohemia, being utterly un­known, being then (as I am still) very poore, it was not then, nor is not now for any gift I sought or seek more then your noble and loving countenance, and respect. Thus will I rest, leaving your noble self to the Lords protecti­on, and my self and my poore Cata­strophe to the VVorlds view, and sharpe censure of many viporous and malignant tongues.

Your Worships in all service, RANDULFH MAYERES.

GEntle Reader, I intreat thee, that if thou find­est any things amisse in this Catalogue of my disasters, and thy selfe couldest have done much better, laugh not this to scorn, but doe that better thou canst doe, and give the glorie to God that hath given thee those better parts: for poor man that I am, what I have done, I have done it as no scholler but a poore soul­dier, not seen in any poeticall Fi­ction, or Aenigmaticall invention, much lesse in any patheticall cu­riositie [Page] of dainty discourse, but plain as poor, for I can no better: Wherefore I beseech thee speake sparingly, censure lovingly, judge charitably of a poore unlearned souldiers Catastrophe: hee is one that will not wrong thee nor no man, but favours all, hates none, loves God, honours his King and Country, and hopes to die in Gods fear, and after to live with him in glory, and so I rest thine in all dutie,

R. M.
TO be a souldier, is an honour; such
As all may speak but none cōmend too much.
To be a Poet, that doth farre transcend
Mortality: Man, hath his propos'd end:
But the Muse is immortall, upward flying
To what is ever-lasting, never dying.
But where these, in one Centre shall combine,
Though souldiers terrene, and the Muse divine;
Yet both of them make a sweet harmony,
'Twixt Mars the god of warre, and Mercury.
Great Caesar, fam'd in many a glorious sight,
Still, what he did by day wrote down by night
And was his own Chronologer: what he
Deserv'd in that, may be conferd on thee
(My worthy Friend) who nothing here sett'st
(But as it justly may be call'd thine own)
So, of those passages thou dost descry down,
Thou hast bin witnesse, both in eare and eye.
In the French wars thou hast an Actor been,
And in the Irish, serv'd the Maiden Queen
Eliza, of blest memory: the skars
Thou wear'st about thee of the Belgick wars,
Thou also wast a sharer in the fate
Of the sad losse, in the Palatinate,
Thy worthy service hath been known to bee
Both in Cales Voyage, and the Isle Del-ree.
And needs must thou immortall glory winne,
To give so fair account where thou hast bin,
Both Arms and Arts thy meeter doth expresse,
In thy prayse therfore I could write no lesse.
Th. Haywood.

Humfrey Crowch To the Author Master Randulph Mayres.

TO thee brave Mayres whose spirit's not confin'd
Within the limits of a cowards minde,
For as the Elements of fire and water,
When as they meet do strive which shall be greater,
So feare and valour in a souldiers brest,
Do strive in volentars, and some thats prest,
But like a flash of lightning valour did
Put life in thee, when feare struck others dead,
In a good cause valour made thee resolu'd,
To venter forth which made thee be extold,
And what thy youth perform'd in field and town,
Now crowns thy age with honour and renown,
To try the worst of ills thou tookst a pride,
As this Book shews which cannot be denide,
Hard lodging, hunger, cold, could not displant thee,
Nor yet grim death himself could ever daunt thee,
When cowards fled, and some that staid prov'd base,
Thou stout didst brave King Hunger to his face,
Thy daring heart did clime the Alps so high,
Not high enough for thee, I grieve that I
Want matter to extoll thee as I should,
Whose name deserveth to be writ in gold.
The losing of Breda is thy relating,
The Ile of Ree which set the French a prating:
[Page] That though our men were beaten from that coast,
Thou shew'st the French have no great cause to
And since to talk of wars is thy delight:
All the Bohemian wars thou dost recite, boast,
Thou being an eye-witnesse of these things,
The news unto thy native Country brings.
Rest (worthy man) from all thy pains and toyles,
For age, we know, the stoutest souldier foyles.

To the gentle Reader of Master Randulph Mayeres his travels.

GEntle Spectators of this Pamphlet small,
The Author doth desire no prayse at all,
His works prayse him so worthily he writes,
To read his travels he the world incites,
The name of Poet he doth here refuse,
Yet we may understand he hath a Muse.
Souldier and Scholler, it seems he is belike,
For he can use his pen as well as Pike,
He is no Venus Darling, you shall know it,
A sonne of Mars, a Souldier, and a Poet:
So then regardlesse of vain Criticks cavils,
Honour his person, and read o're his travels.
H. C.


Th. Wykes.
MY Muse is mounted and perforce will write,
Putting mee on, to write some new found thing,
But I cannot from a shall [...]w brain indite
Any that's new, but must old tydings bring:
Yet still my Muse, she doth me much reprove
And bids me cease, unlesse I write of love.

1 Nothing in this age is so delightfull as love­toyes, and lascivious rimes, wherin youth takes his chiefest felicity, for Venus the great Goddesse of Love, with her three children base begotten, as Pride, Beauty, and Riches, with her neer Kinsman the great god Bacchus at her elbow, bears all the sway in these days: so that one sheet of paper is more valued writ as a Love-toy, then a Reame of paper writ in this nature.

And tels me that, Bellona's banish'd cleer,
And hides her face, even as a coward base
And dare not once the goddesse Love come neer,
For love not war is holden all in grace:
But yet I cannot, but of war must speak,
And not of love although my heart should break.

2 Yet could I wish the wise to consider that as Venus hath her three delightfull Daughters, and a frolick Kinsman: So hath the Goddesse Bellona's three Handmaids, Fire, Sword, and Famine, which being sent abroad: make such havock of Venus Images, as nothing then, is so much in respect as Mars his messengers, which indeed is poor souldiers, which in this age is most of all men rejected: and disrespected, unlesse it be of some noble spirits, and the learned Patrons of divine Contemptations, & Managers of Martiall affairs.

Nor can I write as Satyrists use to do,
Against what, not some harsh invective verse,
Nor strive I can to put my Muse unto
The pleasure of fair Venus to reherse:
Nor can I write, as fittest is indeed,
Of bloudy Mars, oft made my body bleed.
Then Muse give leave, for I am minded now,
To warble out the whole Catastrophey
Of the disasters I have wandred through,
They are intricate as is Menanders way,
A Labyrinth wherin I have laboured sore,
And yet my labour still is more and more.

4 I call this my Catastrophe, for that it is the rehearsall of all, or most what of my lives passage since I was able to beare Armes as a Souldier, being a tragicall discourse of a Souldier, a Tra­veller, a Prisoner, a Pilgrim, a Begger, and in some small measure a poor Scholler.

My labour hath been for to travell much,
To search the secrets on this Orbe of earth,
But yet, alas, my sorrows they were such
In Lethe's ditoh, that I have, lost my breath:
For nothing finde I but the rolling stone,
That had no mosse, nor none will grow upon.

5 This ditch or floud of Lethe, is the ditch or floud of all forgetfulnesse: which made mee forget my sorrows so quickly. The stone of Sisiphus is al­ways turning, yet never gets any thing unlesse it be filth, but is still barer and barer, and so am I.

A Scholler once I did desire to be
In learning lore I took a great delight,
But ere the vertue, therin I could see
The States to me bore such a deadly spight,
Before my portion I could half possesse,
They took it from me, left me motherlesse.

6 My mother died ere I came to any perfection in learning, which was my undoing.

Then being yong and fresh in youthfull years,
My minde so green with every wave was tost
Which to repent I do with many tears,
To see how fondly I my time then lost,
And eke how vainly I my time did spend,
And never thought, how want would come ith' end.

7 I thought of no want, when I went first to the wars, which now makes mee come home by weeping crosse, more is my sorrow.

For nothing then would rellish with my taste,
But what was got in great Bellona's wars
Instead of Pen, with Pike my time I waste,
Stil searching out where Mars did keep his jars
Til means & friends & hopes & all were gone
Then old and maymed I returned home.

[Page 5] 8 He that puts the hazard of his fortunes being yong, to the hope of friends comfort being old, is more like to die a begger in contempt, then at his death to give a dole to the poor to gain him commendation.

Where that I hoped, I should justly finde
True recompence for losse of means, and bloud,
Since for my Nation I have been so kinde,
To venter life and limbe for Countries good,
But I instead of love and courtesie
Received losse, pain, grief and misery.

9 Here I end my Exordium.

But to begin my catalogue of wo,
And of the sorrows I have undergone,
And of my service done against my fo,
Of all the passage, you shall heare anon,
Tho simply done, pardon my want of skill,
It is the truth accept it for good will.

10 And begin my catalogue.

It is no Poem nor no Pamphlet rude,
The one I cannot learning I do want,
And into Pamphlets I durst nere intrude,
Nor thrust my self, because my brain's to scant,
To flourish up as Poets can do well,
Such dainty phrases I could never tell.

[Page 6] 11 I am no Poet, nor am I a Pamphlet-maker, I want learning for the one, and cunning practice & curious phrases for the other.

Yet Rurall like the truth I will set forth,
Poor as it is, made by as poor a man,
And may be holden of as little worth,
Because a Souldier seemeth time to scan:
Into a verse to shew the spight of fate,
Which he hath bought at too too dear a rate.

12 Though it be not a work of Pean, I am sure it is not of Pan, for hee was a rich shepherd, and I am a poor souldier, and this is mine own work tru­ly, though never so homely.

For first of all a friend that was me near,
Intreated me whom I could not deny,
In Ireland in Arms for to appear
In compleat course my loyalty to try:
In the behalf of that same noble Queen,
Whose like (I think) on earth was never seen.

13 The first service that ever I was in, was in Ireland, at a place called the Curlewes, being then the great O-neile his Country, where was one of the worst days that the English had in Ireland: for there was lost Sir Coniers Clifford then Colo­nell, a noble Commander, Sir Alexander Rad­cliffe [Page 7] Lieutenant Colonell, and brave Sir Iames Harrington, all of high birth and very noble, with a world of English more, to the great grief of the Queen: There I staid still, and served in divers parts after, as at Dungannon where was good ser­vice, at the Isle of Muck, wherein going on was drowned Sir Samuel Bagnall his Ancient, which made many prognosticate worse successe then fell out, also at Kinsale, where was a lamentable sore Leager, and a long, but a happy for us in the end.

For when my hopes in learning it was lost,
I then took arms as holding it the best,
Since Fortune had my towardnesse so crost,
I thought I could not be no better blest
Then for my Queen & honor'd country fight,
For to maintain their true and lawfull right.
Though I but one, yet one must needs begin
A number that is number numberlesse,
Then a souldier needly must come in,
To make the number be it more or lesse
(For why) I play'd a souldiers faithfull part,
I did my best both with my hand and heart.
But after that a hard time I had been,
A souldier there my Queen being dead & gone
[Page 8] I got reward a shot may yet be seen,
And that was all and then away did come
Home into England to my Friends again,
Who did disdain my service, love and pain.

16 At the Queenes death I came into England with a sore shot, not whole, yet as welcome to my friends, as the poore Mariner makes water into his ship, especially my stepmother.

And bad me go once more another Voyage,
And see if that I could finde any worse,
For my own Father dear swore in his rage
The day that I was born, that he would curse
And rather wish me in untimely grave,
Then I one houre, a future life should have.
When I poor soul, had done nothing at all
But what was just and honorable both,
And for defending the State generall,
The best I could my minde being very loth
To do that thing, might not me well beseem,
In the defence of Country and my Queen.
Which when I saw my Friends obdurity,
And that my entertainment it was such
[Page 9] And saw nothing but present misery
And that for love, my Friends hate me so much
A wish'd that ere, I might here live in scorn,
That I might die, where I was never born.
Then did I crave a Souldier prest to be,
Which was well liked by the better sort
And did commend my love and duty free
And to this day I have their good report
That I would go unto the wars again,
To venture life, ere live with Friends disdain.

20 After this new supplyes went for Ireland, I was prest to go again, not much unwillingly, seeing the refractory & harsh dealing of my dearest friēds, for as the old saying is, In prosperity a friend is ea­sily found, but in adversity not one of a thousand, so hath it been with mee, for ever when I came in­to England with a full purse, the dearest and neerest Friends I had, would helpe me to spend it and make it empty, but when I came home poor, I was not for their company.

Which I did do, and then did much endure
A second time in Ireland again
[Page 10] And further means I never could procure,
Saue that I got my labour for my pain.
For when Sir Cary Dougherthy was dead,
I came to England forc'd to beg my bread.

21 I served in Ireland untill the last Rebelli­on in Loughfoyle, beginning at the Diry by Sir Cary Dougherthy, in which time I served under the command of Sir Oliver Saint Iohn, after Lord Deputy, also Sir Edward York, Sir Richard Hansard, Captain George Malary, & Sir George Flower.

Where that I found such simple courtesie,
As caused me again to leave the land,
And then I travaild into Italy,
When noble Payton did our Force command,
Vnder the Signior and Venetian State,
Where I bought wit at such an extream rate.

22 After my second time comming from Ireland, I found such poor respect of my friends that I tra­velled into Italy, and served under the English Re­giment at Venice, Sir Henry Payton being Gene­rall, my Captain was Billingsley.

As that I did, beside, my losse of bloud,
Indure the hard and cruell slavery
[Page 11] Even of the Turks where I found nothing good,
But all I got, was stripes and misery:
But God in mercy, after a time was pleas'd▪
I from the Turkish slavery was eas'd.

23 But going an unfortunate Voyage to Sea for desire of gain, I got instead a world of pain being taken prisoner by the Turks, where I remayned a slave a long time, but by Gods providence (beyond expectation of any humane reason, I was by the help of the Christians, released, to wit, a man of Flo­rence, who brought mee to Ligorne, a dainty Ha­ven Town seated to the Sea upon the foot of the Ri­ver Arno; which runs up from thence to the rare and goodly City Florence, but rather I may say the River Arno runs from Florence to Ligorne, being about fifty miles.

And did return to Florence Citie fair,
Where now again I came to Italie,
And was ore-joy'd to see that City rare,
In my conceit the prime of Lombardie.
Tho many praise some other Cities more,
Yet do I think they are mistaken sore.

24 The saying is that Italie is the ganden of the World, and that Lombardy is the garden of Italie, and Florence, the garden of Lombardy, which in­deed it is, for it is curious for building, delicatly [Page 12] seated, and very bravely peopled and full of plenty, it hath in it a very stately Grand Dome, or Church all of pure checker work white and black Marble corner wise set, there is a great and massie ball of beaten gold on the top of the high Steeple.

Tho Venice it be rich, and Genoa proud,
Padua be learn'd, and Belogna brave,
And mighty Rome for spaciousnesse abow'd,
Dainby, Verona, yet none of these you have:
So Dainby fair, a curious seat to see,
As Florence is within all Italie.

25 After I left Florence, I was at divers cu­rious Cities of marvellous beauty, of which I have named some, especially Genoa, where the Mar­quesse Spinola had a curious house. Genoa exceeds for high building any place that ever I saw. Padua is a dainty Academy, especially for Physick, and so is Mantua, Verona a very fine City, as also Bel­logna, Brussia, Bargamore, and many others, Rome me thought was but a ragged great thing, and not very beautifull, the chiefest things of note is the Bridge of Tyber, and Saint Angeloes, the Pyra­mides, the Popes Pallace and his gilded gate, with the great and Metropolitan Church of Saint Pe­ter: as also I must remember their Panthaon, which was the Temple of the old Roman gods, which is a [Page 13] mighty thing built round either for fear their gods should fall by the eares for prerogative Royall, as indeed it was, or else for feare they should run out at the West end of the Church like stout gods, and turn cowards.

But leaving Italie, thus after I
Had bin from England almost twice five years,
I past the Alps, those mighty Mountains high
Where I did weep more drops of brinish tears,
Then I got water for to drink that time,
Saving cold snow to slake the thirst was mine.

26 I came out of Italie over the Alps in winter, where I was not perished so much with cold, but hungry, also being sixteene days without a bit of bread, comming Hanibals way when their was no Convoy, upon which I made the following Fiction.

Yet for my thirst it was not so extream,
But that I could have undergone the same,
But for vilde hunger, I could finde no mean,
It was so grievous and so much to blame,
That I was glad to satisfie his force
By eating bark from tree, & that was worse.
For I was glad passing that desert way,
Which Hanibal (they say) for's Army made
Weary by night, and travelling by day,
Where many a filthy root my taste assay'd,
Before I came unto the Silvian Wood,
Where cōfort none I foūd, nor nothing good.
Betwixt these mountaines & these desert woods,
Me thought I heard a hollow sounding voice,
Come from the crags wheras poore silly shrubs
Do grow secure, there did I heare this noise:
Even as an echo sounding forth to me,
His name, his nature, and his quality.
Which when I heard, my sences was amaz'd
'Twixt hope & fear, (I stood) as one half dead
To hear a voice out from those rocks so rais'd,
To cry to me, and aske me for some bread:
When I poor man, had nothing for to eat,
Tears for my drink, and sorrow for my meat.
Alas (quoth I) my sorrow is too much,
And thou art hunger, I do know thee well,
[Page 15] I do not love companions to have such,
Nay, stay (quoth he) a tale I must thee tell:
How once in plenty thou didst make no spare
Now hast thou hunger, nought else for thy share.

A Speech made by the great King Hunger.

AM not I Hunger and of force will be,
The great Commander of each Monarchy,
When Pride doth come, with riches in his hand,
Thinking my power he can perforce withstand
What is my plot, to bring him down to bow
And beck to me, (ô) I shall tell thee how.
Envy I send, and sweet Ambition both
To pride and riches which are very loth
To part with either, untill they have brought,
Both pride & riches and themselves to nought
By mortall warre, or by such vain desires
As Envy, Pride, Ambition still requires
Then do I laugh to see their bravery
Brought down so low, as subject be to me
And being subject brought unto my thrall,
Their life is hatefull, death is best of all.
[Page 16] For tho a mean, in all extreams there be,
Yet their no mean, nor mercy found in me
For I am hunger, and so extream strong,
Ile make the wife to do her husband wrong.
Nay, I am hunger, and do prick so deep,
Ile make the strongest heart on earth to weep:
Ile make the nak'd man run as he were mad,
To beg a crust, and of the same be glad
To feed me hunger poor King that I am,
And think himself more then a happy man.
Nay, I command a strong beleagred Citiy,
And of their sorrows I do take no pity
When fire and sword and all the wrath of man,
Cannot them conquer, if I come I can
Nay, I can make them with old Me [...]iana weep,
And force them search even in the donghill
To finde a Maggot if she be not their,
To eat their children and to make good cheer, deep,
And tyranny even such as this I do,
Yet thou vilde pride that puts me therunto,
For if thou pride, with riches would assent
To give the poor, poor natures poor content,
And keep thy self from foule ambitious hate,
And be content and gripe no more estate,
But help the poor, and hurt him not at all
And come not in, base envies filthy thrall
Which ruines kingdoms much more may do thee
Although thou live in great security,
[Page 17] And when I hunger, knocks, and lets thee see
How that the poor is hunger-starv'd by me,
If thou wouldst helpe them with thy poorest crums
That from the dainties of thy table comes.
What need I plead upon this wofull stage,
But that it is a more then Iron-age,
For pity mercy, and all love is fled,
But pride and envie never will be dead,
Vntill I ceaze upon their bodies brave,
Then do I bring envie and pride to grave.
Am not I King the strongest then on earth,
Save onely he which gives all vitall breath?
Which being said this (Hunge) voice was gone,
Yet I was left with hunger all alone.
The end of this Fiction.
Now after nineteen days were quite ore past,
Those desart Hils and Woods I left them all,
And unto Basil I did come at last,
And then with, th' Rhine toward Germany did fall:
And shortly came to Strasburgh City brave,
Where loving entertainment that I have.

33 The first Towne of note I came to on this side the Alps was Basil, being seated very high on the Rhine.

For there I found an English Gentleman,
One Middleton a Corporall there was he,
Who doth not spare, to do the best he can
In any kind, then for to comfort me.
For to a Gest-house he me present sent,
Where that I found good Christian like con­tent.

34 Here at Strasburgh, I had kinde entertain­ment, by the means of Master Middleton: I lay there in the Gest-house being a very dainty stove to be in: reasonable good meat and wine, with curious good lodging, where I lay five days.

Here did I stay five days my self to ease
And went to view the Churches fabrique fair,
And there I saw, the eye of man to please,
The Sun and Moone, and Heavens by motion rare,
How each from other doth passe and impart
Strange for to see, all wrought by curious art.

35 Here in this Church is this worke of won­der, for by motion you may see how the whole Orbe moveth, also how the Sunne and Moone passeth the Heavens, as also the four age of man, as infancie, youth, strength, and old ages, as also the foure quarters of the yeere, as Spring, Summer, Har­vest, and Winter, passing by motion with the foure quarters of the houre, and then when the Clocke strikes, the brasen Cocke crowes and claps his wings.

Besides the crowing of a brasen Cock,
With dainty voice both audible and shrill,
Once in an houre by motion as a Clock,
And other wonders of exceeding skill,
Beside the Steeple, being cald they say,
A wonder of the World as well it may.

36 For this Steeple it is builded eight square, [Page 20] exceeding high, all arches one upon another, so that which way soever you passe you may see quite through it, and for the curious workmanship to be in such a stone, I thinke the like is not to be seene.

For though the Church of Florence builded be
Of checker-work, and Diamond wise to view,
Also the steeple curious work to see,
Grac'd with a ball of beaten gold so true:
Yet it's not like to Strasburgh steeple faire,
Nor for the building, it's not half so rare.
For that it is of such exceeding height,
Arch bound most dainty to spectators view,
Arch upon Arch by perfect art and sleight,
He that nere saw it, scant will think it true,
That such a worke within the World were wrought,
By mortall man, since man was made of nought.
Here did I see brought in by Burgers two
A man (they said) was call'd the wandring Iew
But I with him, had nought at all to do,
So that for me, he may be false or true,
For what he was as then I did not care,
My mind was more, my supper not to spare.

[Page 21] 39 Here I saw this old Pilgrime, who Master Middleton told mee was noted to be the wandring Iew: but for my part I did take no great regard of him more then I have writ.

A black tall man of stature that he was,
With visage stern, his colour pale and wan,
And Pilgrime he both up and down did passe,
Within the town where I did see him than,
Grones, sighes & sobs, I hard him often give,
But what of him (they said) I scarce believe.
This town environ'd with the noble Rhine,
Govern'd by States within themselves all free
And guarded strong by souldiers brave and fine,
Stout men of body as a man shall see,
Courteous and kinde, to strangers that they be
This can I say, for they were so to me.

41 This town of Strasburgh is a free State of it selfe, environed by the River Rhine a very strong thing, and a braue Garrison of souldiers in it well maintained: when I was there they wore red velvet Cassocks with the Flower Deluce in blue cloth, and edged with silver very comely.

So now to Savrine that I take my way,
And through a desart and a mighty Wood,
Vnto Panspoyce, but there I could not stay,
For there I found not any thing was good,
But harbour cold, and courtefie so much
I do not care, how seldome I have such.

42 I came by many other places I cannot name, also it is needlesse.

Then did I come to the Duke of Lorains land
And to the dainty City of Nancie,
Dainty it is and sweetly it doth stand
For aire most sweet and good commodity
For Corn and Cattle, Wood, and water fair,
It hath enough and can to others spare.

43 If this Citie of Nancie be not of late rui­nated, it is as fine a little sweet thing as ever a man can see on earth for all outward blessings naturall for mans content: a little before I came to it, I was at a great Monastery where was many English Ie­suites, and other Priests called Saint Nicholai.

So now by Tow and Fow, Tholas, and Bar,
I passe my way, with cold and hunger both,
And tho indeed I come my Country war
To help my need, theres few, or none that doth
Vnlesse poor man I got a bit of bread
Which few would give for to relieve my need.
So on I came unto the Champion Plain,
Where fourteen days I travailed with wo,
For nothing had I, all within the same,
But what the Cloysters help me then unto
Some meat and drink, and harbour poore I had,
Tho it was poor, yet of it I was glad.

45 This Champion Countrey is a very scant Countrey for fire, but very rich of Corn especial­ly, also there is prety good store of hard wine to keepe out the cold.

For winter it was cold, and I was poor,
My clothing thin, and bare-foot then I was,
And all my limbes was numb'd & grown so sore,
That ten miles on a day I could not passe,
[Page 24] Yet in the end I came to Paris Citie,
Where I did finde some comfort, love and pitie.

46 I will speak nothing of these parts of France, being all in Picardy and Normandy, which every one almost knows they are so neer hand.

So then to Roane where Merchants kind I found,
And then to Deep a daintie Haven town
Where I got shipping for our English ground,
And came to Dover poor and eke unknown,
But yet I had the Gest-house courtesie,
Iohn Bangor then was in the Majoraltie.

47 Iohn Bangor was Major, when I landed at Dover.

From him a Passe to London that I had,
Being both poor, lame and in misery,
Where when I came my heart indeed was glad,
For there I got good clothes even presently:
For that some monies fell unto my lot,
That former sorrows they were all for [...]ot.
Then news was come of the Bohemian wars.
For which my minde was presently so bent
That I would see, how there would go the jars,
And did indeed, for thither that I went
With noble Gray and many worthy men,
Who did not come again not one of ten.

49 I went into Bohemia with Sir Andrew Gray being Generall we were not there long before all was lost, yet for the time there was some sharpe doings and much losse.

For tho indeed the service it was short,
Because at first the hopes was very poor,
Yet Pilsen it can tel there was brave sport,
When all the ground with bloud was turned gore,
And Prague can say and other parts indeed,
That in these warres many a brave heart did bleed.
Thus when I saw the hopes was poor and bare,
No staying then at all, there was for me
For nothing saw I fall unto my share,
But service hard with want and misery:
Away I came to the Palatinate,
And for my welcome there a shot I got.
There was in service to defend the land
Of Englishmen so brave a Regiment,
Whom noble Vere, as Generall did command
The like I never saw where ere I went.
For of a hundred scarce you could find ten,
But by their birth, or worth were Gentle­men.
Oxford and Essex noble Earles were there,
And many Gallants under their command,
Brave Rich and Wentworth and Burlassie were
With Colours flying, fair in field did stand
That noble Burroughs, & brave Herbert too,
Fairfax and Wilmot all their best to do.

53 Never went a more noble company of volun­tary souldiers out of England, then went to this Voyage of the Palatinate, and had worse successe.

Knowls and kind Thornix they were not behinde
With many Gallants here to try their luck,
And many mo, who was of noble minde,
Even as Bonithon and brave Captain Buck:
Who came to looke for honour in the field,
For to the fo, that they would never yield.
Once here we had, hope of a noble day,
And was prepared with the Fo to fight,
When noble Oxford led our Vangard way
Having the Fo before us in our sight,
Thinking none other but without all doubt,
To end that war by then to fight it out.

55 This was the day that the Palatinate was lost, for if wee had gone on, we had such vantage, eve­ry way, especially in horse, as also our souldiers very able, and as forward to go upon service, wee had good store of Canon and all mounted, our horse had given fire to the enemy, wee had all things just in readinesse for the Battail: then Marquesse Baden being Generall of the Field betrayed the Coun­trey, and would not let us fight that night, so in the morning the enemy was fled and got his trenches, and so we lost all.

Our forlorn hopes were ready, all drawn forth
And Doctor Burgesse gave brave encourage­ment
To all our souldiers, who was of that worth
That all was ready, and to battail bent,
But Marquesse Baden all our hopes then bard,
And all our pastime for that day was mard.
For after that our Canon mounted was
Fair for to play against the enemy,
Also our horse faln on: like hearts of brasse,
To shew their valour and fidelity:
And we were ready, both with hart & hand
To fight our parts, as long as we could stand.
But present tydings came we should not fight,
But every man his quarter fair should keep
Because it grew, even some what to ward night,
Which made the heart of many a souldier weep:
To see how basely that same day was lost,
Which did indeed the Palsgraves Countrey cost.
For that same night, our fo their trenches got,
Which was more safe then any Castle strong,
Not caring then what we could do a jot,
And in the same they did remain so long:
Till that they had even so increas'd their force,
That they were able to give us the worse.
For winter comming, and our force grew weak,
Our fare being hard, and eke our payment bad,
[Page 29] Our Captains then, with us did all betake,
To severall towns, and of the same were glad:
And there we did in Garrison remain,
Till we were forc'd to yield them up again.
But not with ease, this dare I tell you plain,
Nor with the losse of small or little bloud,
But with hard war they did the Country gain,
With wofull spoil, and but with little good:
Town after town, when they were very poor,
For untill then, we would not give them ore.
For there we kept unto Commission came
From Englands King unto our Generall,
And Chichester that Lord brought him the same,
With Frankindale we should deliver all:
Then we with honour marched quite away,
For in the country, there we might not stay.

62 After that most, nay, indeed all the Palatinate was lost both higher and lower, yet my Lord kept Frankindale till my Lord of Chichester brought Commission from King Iames, to deliver it up by way of composition.

Then every man had leave for to depart,
Vnto his Country or where lik'd him best,
Being glad to march with poor and heavy heart,
To finde some place where hee might take his rest,
But many a man, this can I truly say
Did lose his life, in comming thence away.
But God above, did then preserve me so
That I got down along the noble Rhine,
And did me keep even from the mortall Fo,
That not one hurt I got in that same time,
But safely came to Utrich where indeed
I did get means for to relieve my need.

64 I got down the Rhine and came to Vtrich in the Netherlands, where I served Sir Ferdinando Knightley untill I came for England, to goe over with the foure Regiments.

And here I stay'd under the States a while,
Being under pay, of noble Knightley he
Thinking the best, and time so to beguile
Till he thought good, his Passe to give to me,
[Page 31] Then did I come to Englands shore again,
But here I staid not long for to be plain.
For that four noble Peers were ready bent
In forraigne parts, their valour for to try,
And each of them a warlike Regiment,
Being men of courage and of spirits high,
Oxford and Essex, and Southampton three,
The fourth of these was noble Willoughby.

66 These foure Peers had each a Regiment that went over at the first time Breda was beleagred and wonne by the Enemy, and where (more was the pitie) the Lord Henry Earle of Oxford, with over­heating himself at Treheyes Sconce, got such a ve­hement surfet, that at the Hage in short time after he died: as also did the Earle of Southampton, and the yong and noble Lord Wriothesley his sonne, to the great grief of all the whole Regiments. At this Voyage I got a shot in my head, and then I came for England.

These Nobles had Captains of high degree
To follow them, being men of high renown,
And each of them a worthy company,
Of souldiers stout, & of brave courage known:
But yet indeed this Voyage was not the best,
Two of the Earles did die besides the rest.
That in this great exploit did hope for gains,
And went with these same Lords their worths to try,
But had no more, but death even for their pains
As it did prove, and with them then went I,
But yet I came a Fool as I did go,
With one shot mo, that I got from the Fo.
Then presently a presse was new prepar'd,
For noble Mansfield, dainty Voyage was that
As ever was in any age yet heard:
For hunger and extreams, Ile tell you what,
Yet can I scarcely now the same rehearse
(For why) I shame to put it in my verse.

69 This Voyage of Mansfields was the poorest that ever souldiers made, for if they had lost their lives in service and fair fight, it had redownded to their honour, but dying so basely as they did, being starved, was such a poor proceeding as hath not bin hard of.

It was so poor and bad and base withall,
That he declar'd I cannot well tell how,
For noble Mansfield so I will him call,
Was in no fault, this dare I swear and vow:
[Page 33] He did his best, his souldiers to maintain,
And honour to himself and them to gain.
For many went in this disastrous Voiage,
Brave noble harts, and valour truly tri'd,
As noble Cromwell, Dutton, wise and sage,
That honor'd Ramsey, and gallant Rich beside,
And Sir Ralph Hopton that same noble Knight
Whose worth is more then I can write of right.
For when some others left their souldiers poor,
Those that were his, and left to hungervild,
He did not leave them, nor did give them ore,
But like a faithfull Captain meek and milde:
Did them relieve, and left them safe & sound,
Though that it cost him many a hundred pound.
Now doe I think I heare the vulgar cry,
That at this Voyage some fault, for sure there was,
(Else) with vild hunger, why did so many die
Vpon shipboard, and not to land did passe:
[Page 34] The souldiers fault that was so bad at home,
The States would not, let them on their land come.

73 Now by the censure of the common and vul­gar sort Count Mansfield was much blamed, but altogether unjustly and unworthily, for he was a ve­ry noble Gentleman and of a high spirit▪ stout and very couragious, wise and gentle, and expert in the wars, he was ever loving to an honest souldier, but hated a sharke, he had too many in this Presse, more was the pitie, for it kild his noble, heart, when hee was cut off from landing them, for (indeed) the fault was neither his, nor any of the Commanders then appointed for that service, for they were very noble Gentlemen: but the mayn cause of this much losse on shipboard, was the very rogery & inhumane carriage of the vulgar prest souldiers, which made such spoyle in all places of England as they went, especially in Kent: that the tydings came both to the eares of the French King, as also to the States: who hearing what hurt and inhumane parts they play'd in their own Country: being a Kingdome of a commendable and civill government, thought they would make havock in theirs, where warrs is kept a foot: therfore to prevent a greater mischief, they would not a mit them to come to shore, and this their own base carriage brought their owne ru­ines: [Page 35] and this was the maine cause of so much losse on shipboard.

O Getheringbarch, what wofull work was there,
When over-board so many men were thrown
That every morn, the water did appear,
With dead mens corps for to be overflown!
O souldiers then, beware, take heed by this
In your own Country never do amisse.

74 Nothing can be more hatefull to GOD, then for a souldier who is commanded to fight for the truth of the Gospell, and for his King and Country to be a traitor and enemy to it, and by any colour or pretence to wrong the inhabitants of his owne Na­tion: as God knows too many of these souldiers did was then prest, therefore God shewed his judgemen [...] upon them.

But strive to do your King and Country good,
And not the Kingdome harm before you go,
For if you do, you sure will lose your bloud,
If not thus basely, yet before your fo,
You shall have shame and with disgrace shall die,
For God is just, and justly will you try.
Then souldiers all bear you an honest minde,
And being prest take hearts of valour then,
And to your Country, ere be true and kinde,
And with your fo, be sure to fight like men,
So shall you gain credit and comfort brave,
And to your Countrey much more welcome have.

76 Nothing in a souldier is more honorable then to be well conditioned and true to his Country.

Then after this another Voyage, I went
To Cadiz fair where Sack did make such spoile,
That souldiers had their wits therwith so spent,
That then with shame, the fo gave us the foile:
Besides commission it was counted bad,
And said the worst, that ere Generall had.

77 This Voyage is too wel known, therfore I will say no more of it: but that I went from Hull with Sir William Courtney, I had as good have had staid at home.

But what it was, I cannot truly tell
But by report, and fame may tell a lie,
For with edge-tools, I do not love to mell,
For they will cut, therfore Ile let them lie,
But how it was, I cannot truly say,
Many were glad they came so well away.
But presently we had another Presse
Where I was sent into the North Country,
And did receive three hundred men no lesse,
All able men, as any man might see,
Where that indeed, I then Conductor was,
And brought them safe to Hull where they did passe.

79 This Voyage I went also from Hull with Cap­tain Francis Conisby to the Long Line, to General Morgan, then for Stoad Leager, but presently I came back.

Over the Seas with all the Northerne men,
To Denmark's Voyage, and to the Leager poor
Which was at Stoad, but I with them as then
There did not stay but presently came ore,
Even from Long Line, where noble Conisby
Did send me back with Sir Iohn Burlassie.
Now here I must the Muses summon all
With trumpets sound, chiefly Melpomene,
To aid me here, and shew the heavy fall
Even of such Worthies as I dare well say
Will vex great Mars within his Court to finde,
So many Worthies of so noble minde.

81 This Ile of Ree Voyage was not so poore as pitifull by reason of so great a losse of noble Soul­diers & great Commanders: the passages of it is too well known, therfore I will say no more of it.

As here was lost, wo to that fatall chance,
And wo unto that more then dismall day,
That England had that overthrow by France,
Which makes the French for to presume & say,
From Englands yoke that they have eas'd their neck,
And brought brave England for to bow and beck.
Aswell as they had formerly been kept
Vnder command of Englands Royall Kings,
Now that obedience they away have swept,
And of Heroick victory now sings
[Page 39] Having their green died with our Crimson gore,
Of noble bloud, whose losse we may deplore.
But out (alas) what doth the Frenchmen say,
And as the Spaniard; nay, the Bo [...]ish Dutch
Lay Sack enough but in the English way,
They need no fo, their valour is so much
The'le kill each other in their drunken fits,
For Bacchus is their god, and spoyles their wits.

84 It is an ordinary brag of the Spaniard to give out: that throw but a Butt of Sack in the way of the English, and with their own help killing one an­other being drunk, will do more hurt in an English Army, then a thousand Spaniards can do in Arms.

For Mars is banish'd quite, and valour to,
Vnlesse it be in some brave minded men
Which are so few, alasse what can they do,
When in a hundred scarce you shall finde ten,
That ere is prest but they are bred so base,
That they have, neither valor, truth nor grace.

85 And the Dutch braggeth that they have changed trades with the English, for we have lear­ned them to fight, and they us to drink, or else we [Page 40] have taken the trade up at our own hands, never being any apprentices to the same, yet free, without any order of L [...]w: So now we English are the drin­kers, and the drunken Dutchmen brave souldiers, more is the pitie.

For any slave, if he be nere so bad,
Is holden good enough to serve the King,
Nay, any thief, whence ere he can be had
Which doth good souldiers oft to ruine bring,
For when they should doe service as they ought,
Prest to be gone, they are then to be sought.
Which makes brave hearts come oft by weeping crosse,
And lofe their lives by such disasters base,
Which might have honor, but comes home with losse,
Both of their lives, and with most vild disgrace
And then these slaves to England will come ore.
Saw nere the fo, yet beg for souldiers poor.
And tell you tales how Cannons they do rore,
And how great Mars his trumpet brave doth found,
[Page 41] And how they are lam'd and made exceeding poor
By that hard warre, in which they nere were found,
But run away before it did begin,
To beg or steal, their former course of sin.
But why do I use this prolixity,
To speak of that which I can never mend?
Yet pray I will, and that most heartily,
That God & King would better souldiers send
Against the foes of his blest royall bloud,
For untill then, that we shall nere do good.
Yet still me thinks the trumpets sound amayn,
Wo and alas, when shall I ever see
Such noble hearts tread English earth again,
As now was lost in this same Ile of Ree,
Rue we may call, and rue we may that day,
The Duke did finde, ore Neptunes floud the way.

90 Gentle Reader give me leave this by the way to let thee understand, that at our first going on, we had good sport, and very noble service, and bravely performed, and with great credit to the Lord Ge­nerall the Duke: And tho at our comming off we had the worse, yet the French for all their brag­ing [Page 42] need not so much boast of their gaines or noble victory, for first and last they lost a world of fine fellows: But indeed it was Gods providence, and foreseeing determination. That we should know wee were all at his disposing, and not as some scandalous and filthy reprochfull tongues did use to give out to the derogation of the noble Dukes honour being the Generall all which for as far forth (as I for my part) could ever discern, was altogether unjust, for never could any Generall carry himselfe more lo­vingly to all his souldiers, then hee did not onely to the Commanders and Officers, but even to the poo­rest Centinels, and none that was a souldier of worth and quality, will (I think) or can justly say but he was truly noble, of a very amiable and loving dis­position to all that had any sute unto him. Some foule tongues [...]ave out that at the retreat and com­ming off that my Lord Duke was then on shipboard, but I am sure, when it was darke night hee was in the field, and brought to the Bridge a good quanti­ty both of shot and powder: For as hee was of an amiable condition, so was he of a stout and couragi­ous spirit, ever forward to further an honest & good souldier in his suite, but a coward or a man of a pre­posterous or foule carriage hee could never abide; but never man yet lived or died without enemies (especially one so eminent) no more did he, much more was the pitie.

Brave Rich & Burrows you there lost your breath,
And so did Bret and Bingley both beside,
And Radcliffe sweet, my Captain turn'd to earth,
Brave Coningam, whose fame yet never di'd,
Heidon & Blundell both two noble Knights.
With York and Thornix took their last good nights.
With many mo brave Captains of great fame,
Which lost their lives, & bodies turn'd to dust,
Whom I for we cannot but weep to name,
Why say I so, for to them that I must?
For sure I am, all flesh was born to die,
As was these Gallants most unhappily.
For formerly no age hath ever known,
That Englishmen receiv'd such vile disgrace,
Nor Chronicle past memory hath shown,
That bragging France did England so debase,
As it did then within this paultry Ile,
So many Worthies of their lives beguile.
Mars did envy against great Neptunes floud,
Great Neptune he was vext at Mars again,
To see that Ile drownd with our English bloud,
Which water had enough about the same:
But now their pits are fild with purple gore,
As they were fild with saltish brine before.
But for to leave this more then haplesse place,
And those sweet souls in blisse that dide therin,
For tho their bodies be interr'd so base,
Yet do their souls a Halleluia sing
Vnto Iehovah the blest God above,
Who oft doth visit whom he best doth love.
But I poor man 'mongst all these worthy dead,
Did scape alive and came to English shore,
Being in my travell forc'd to beg my bread,
With wofull wounds which was both greene and sore,
Vntill to London that at length I came
Where I poor man, a long time did lie lame.
But when I was recovered of the same,
Vnto the Belgick States that I went ore,
And there indeed I did take armes again,
To see what Fortune would befall me more:
Thinking far better there to live in pay,
Then for to burthen England any way.
But yet (alas) I had not there been long
Till Mastrick Leager fell out very sore
And cruell fate again did me that wrong,
That yet a shot unto my share fell more.
Beside I lost my noble Colonell good,
Stout and devout as on the earth ere stood.

98 Here at Mastrick I got another shot for my reward, and that was all the preferment that fell to my share.

So I poor soul, being then disabled quite,
Was forc'd to take the Gesthouse courtesie,
Where comfortlesse and without all delight,
I did remayn in pain and misery:
Vntill poorly, recovered that I was,
Then left I armes and did to England passe.
For after that my limbes I got again,
I to my Country, then did make repayre,
Where for my service, travell, losse, and pain,
I did request some pension for my share:
For I had served thirty yeers and more,
In constant service, never gave it ore.
For which poor I must need [...] constrained be,
To end my days like to an Anchorist,
And with what means the Gentry will give me,
Content my self untill I take my rest,
In earth's wide wombe where I must rot to dust,
God grant my soul it may live with the just.
Now armes farewell, brave souldiers all adiew,
I was a souldier, but I am none now.
Yet is my heart to souldiers ever true,
For I to Mars have made a constant vow:
That I will be a servant to him still,
In what I can his service to fulfill.
For though I cann't do King, nor Country good,
Yet I a souldier from henceforth will be
To Iesus Christ, who shed his precious bloud,
To save that soul, immortall is in me.
[Page 47] Thus will I rest, in faith and hope will I
Resolved be, and never fear to die.
Thus you have heard the whole Catastrophe
Of the disasters, I have wandred through,
Of th' intricate Meanders weary way,
Though it be little, yet it is enough:
And he that covets, for to have it more
Let him begin, for now will I give ore.

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