THE ARCH­CONFRATERNITY of the holy ROSARY of our Blessed Lady

[publisher's device consisting of a Christogram with a cross and heart pierced by three nails]


THE ARCH­CONFRATERNITY of the holy Rosary of our Blessed Lady.

The Origin of the holy Rosary

THis holy Company was begun by S. Do­minick, founder of the renowned Reli­gious order of the Friar Prea­chers, about the year 1216. to extirpate the Heresie of the Al­bigenses, as it did; and after­wards, brought such fruit to the Church of God, that Popes, the more to recommend and make it famous, have endowed it with many priviledges and indulgen­ces, as you shall here see.

At their first entrance or admittance.

Entring into this noble Con­fraternity, [Page 2]they gaine a plena­ry Indulgence, granted by the Popes, Pius V. & Clement VIII.

The first Sundayes of the month.

Every first Sunday of the Month, (principally of October-having confessed & communi­cated, thy gain a plenary Indul­gence. Also visiting the Church or being present at the Processi­ons of the Rosary, a plenary in­dulgence. Greg. XIII Paul V.

Ʋpon the seaven feasts of our Lady.

On the Purification, Annun­ciation, Visitation, Assumption, Nativity, Presentation, and Conception of the Blessed Vir­gin, being confessed and com­municated, or having a will to do it in due time, a plenary in­dulgence. Also, visiting the Church, or being present at the Processions of the Rosary, a [Page 3]plenary indulgence. Pius IV.

To every Mystery of the holy Rosary.

They are fifteen, devided in­to three parts. Five, are c [...]lled joyful, whereon they are to me­ditate in saying the first Chapler (or Beads of five Decads of our Lady, the Annunciation, Visi­tation of S. Elizabeth, Nativity of our Saviour, his Presentati­on, and the Finding of him in the Temple; Five, called dolo­rous, in saying the second Chap­let, the sweat of Bloud, Whip­ping at the pillar, crowning with thornes, larrying of his Crosse and Crucifixion; and, Five glorious, in saying the third Chaplet, the Resurrection, Ascension, coming of the Holy Ghost, Assumption of our bles­sed Lady, and her Coronation: Upon all, and every the feasts of which Mysteries, as also on the [Page 4]celebrity of the crown of our Saviour, the Invention and Ex­altation of the holy Crosse, and the day of all Saints, visiting the Alter of the Rosary, may be gained, a plenary Indulgence. Greg. 9.

Of the Masse of the holy Rosary.

Every time that one sayeth it, causeth it to be sayd, or is pre­sent at it, a plenary Indulgence. Alex. VI. Paul. III.

For saying and carrying the Rosary about one.

Saying the whole Rosary, they gain three hundred sixty thousand and fifteen yeares, five quarantaines, and a hun­dred fourty dayes pardon. In­noc. 8. Alex. 8. Clem. 5. Adri­an. 6. Sixt. 4. Clem. 8. Alex. and Raimond Legats. And, [Page 5]which is more, a plenary indul­gence. Paul. 3.

Carrying publikely, and for to give good example, the Rosa­ry or Chaplet blessed by a Do­minican Friar, they gain every day two hundred quarantaines of indulgence. Inno. 8. Alex. 6.

Indulgences of the Stations of Rome, which every day are ple­nary, in one part or other of the Citty, with delivery also of soules out of Purgatory.

THey are gained by visiting five Altars, and saying be­fore every one of them five Pa­ter nosters, and five Ave Mari­as, or else, five and twenty Pa­ters and Ave, before one only Altar, if there be no more. Paul 3. Clement 8. Yea, it suffiseth to say only five Paters and A­ves, but before an Altar of the Rosary. Pius. 5.

At the discretion of the Bro­thers of the Confraternity.

Twice in their life, on the dayes they please to make choice of, being confessed and com­municated, they may gain a plenary indulgence. Innoc. 8. Clement 8.

The Salve Regina.

Hearing the Salve Regina after Complet in the Churches of S. Dominick, a hundred yeares and fourty dayes of In­dulgence. Paul. 5. Alex. Legat.

Doing of good workes.

Every time they visit the Chap­pell of the holy Rosary, or goe to see the sick exhorting them to receive the Sacraments, a hundred and sixty dayes of In­dulgence. Greg. 13. Clement 8.

Being present at the divine Offices, publike or private as­semblies of the Rosary, making peace between those who are at discord, and, whatsoever o­ther good work, sixty dayes of pardon. Clement 8.

For those who are sick or hindred.

The sick, or such as for other lawful impediments, cannot be present at the meeting of the Confraternity, communicating, and saying the Rosary, or sea­ven Psalmes, before some devout picture, gain all the same indul­gences, which they get who are assistant. Pius 5. Greg. 13. Sixt. 5.

At the hour of death.

At the hour of death, being confessed and communicated, a [Page 8]plenary Indulgence. Having the blessed candle of the Con­fraternity, a plenary Indul­gence. Saying with mouth or heart JESUS MARIA, a plenary Indulgence; and, such an absolution as one is thereby restored, to the purity and inno­cency which he had by ba­ptisme. Innoc. 8. Adrian 6. Greg. 13. Pius 5.

For the Dead.

Accompaning the Dead to their buriall, a hundred sixty dayes of Indulgence. Greg. 13. Clement 8. Being present at the Masses and Offices of the Dead, they gain five thousand four hundred yeares, and a hundred and fourty dayes par­don. Sixt. 4. Alex. 6. Greg. 13. Clem. 8, Every time they say the whole Rosary, they gain [Page 9]the delivery of a soul out of Purgatory. Paul 3. Whosoever of the forenamed on fraterni­ty, sayeth, causeth to be said, or is present when one saith Masse of the Rosary, to that intention, delivereth a soul out of Purga­tory. Paul 5. All the pardons granted to the living, may be applyed to the Dead, by com­municating, saying the Rosary, Masse, or making the stations for them. Leo 10.

For all Faithful people.

At the sound of the Ave Ma­ria at night, saying:

Angelus Domini nunciavit Ma­riae, & concepit de Spiritu Sancto: Ave Maria. Ecce ancilla Domini: fiat mihi secundum verbum tuum, Ave Maria. Et verbum caro fa­ctum est, & habitavit in nobis: Deo gratias, Ave Maria; They [Page 10]gain a plenary Indulgence. Paul 3. When the hour stri­keth, by saying an Ave Maria, a thousand dayes pardon. Leo 10. Saying the Office of our blessed Lady, at every Cano­nicall hour, they gain fourty dayes of Indulgence. John. 22. and other fifty granted by Pius 5. Invoking the holy names of JESUS and MARIA, ninety five dayes of pardon. Urban. 4. John 22. Pius 5. Bending reverently at the hea­ring or pronouncing of the said holy names of JESUS and MARIA, two hundred yeares, In the Ave maria, af­ter Jesus adding Christus, six­ty dayes pardon, saying withall the rest of the same, Sancta Maria, and the Salve Regina. As also standing up at Mag­nificat, fourty dayes of par­don. [Page 11]John 22. Reciting the prayer Ave Sanctissima Ma­ria, eleven thousand yeares of Indulgences, granted by Sixtus 4. Saying: Blessed and praised be the most holy Virgin Marie, a hundred yeares of Indulgen­ces. Paul 3.

Triviledges of the Confraters.

THey are as Religious of the holy Order S. Domi­nick, and (besides their own) are partakers of all the good works of that renowned Re­ligion, the whole world through both before and after Death. A rare priviledge. Innoc. 8. At Easter, Nativity, Annunciati­on, Visitation, Purification, and Assumption of our Lady, and three dayes before, the Do­minican Fathers may absolve [Page 12]them from all cases reserved, even to the Pope, (so they be not comprehended In Bulla Coenae) and release them of all oathes, and change their vowes, except the five ordinary. Leo 10. Being Dead, they have at least four Masses a year said for them in the Convents of S. Dominick, and places where there is a Confraternity; And who shall be there present the dayes after the Purification, Annunciation, Assumption, and Nativity of our Lady, shall gain a thousand nine hun­dred dayes of pardon. Granted by nineteen Cardinals of the said Confraternity, in the year 1479.

Conditions requisite for Admittance.

They must make their names be writ in a book kept for that end, confesse and commu­nicate, and say at least a Chap­let or pair of Beads of five de­cads. Pius 5. If one should cause Children to be admitted, of such as were absent, or dead, (a thing very frequent) he were not at all obliged, either for them, or for himself, under pain of sin, nor bound to pay ought, without he freely of h [...] own accord should please to be­stow it. They are to say three pair of Beads the week of five Decads, or their Chaplet, at one or more times. Paul 3. And that in such a place, and posture of body, as they themselves please, and when they omit to [Page 14]say them, though there be no of­fence, yet gain they not the par­dons for that time. Yet, in case, they have said, or shall say them double, (that is, twice so many Chaplets, or Beades of five Decads,) the week be­fore, or after, or should cause any other of the Confraternity to say them for them, they should not loose the pardons. An easy matter to do.

All the aforesaid matters are gathered out of authentick bookes and buls confirmed by Paulus V. 1608. bulla cumo­lim foelic. record.

A prayer against the plague taken out of the chronicle of the Sera­phical order of the fryers Minors written by the Reverend Father Francis Genzaga of the same Order.

THe whole City of Conimbris, being visited with a most grievous plague this place also (that is to say the Monastery of those sisters of S. Clare who are termed the urbanist nuns) be­gan to be infected; and whilst the Abbesse stood very solicitous at the grace. for the disposall of the sisters subjected un to her, to some place, for the safety of their lives; then suddenly appeared a begger, demanding the cause of her so great sorrow and so­licitude? and being thereof cer­tified, he delivered, her a small scroul of parchment, saying, If you will cause, the Anthemne [Page 16]and the prayer contained in that small scroul, to be often and daily repeated; this place shall not be touched with any plague at all, and having thus spoken, he vanished away; the nuns took this begger to be S. Bartholomew; but whosoever that was; without all doubt it is; that the monastery from that time, stood free from any pesti­ferous contagion; when the Ci­ty of Conimbris it self stood infected.

The Prayer.

STella Coeli extirpavit, quae lactavit Dominum, mortis pestem quam plantavit primus parens hominum. Ipsa stella nunc dignetur sydera compesce­re, quorum bella plebem cae­dunt dirae mortis ulcere, O pi­issima stella Maris, a peste su­curre [Page 17]nobis. Audi nos domina; nam filius tuus nihil negans te honorat. Salva nos Jesu, pro quibus virgo mater te orat.

Vers. Ora pro nobis sancta Dei genitrix.

Resp. Ut digni efficiamur pro­missonibus Christi.

Oremus. DEus misericordiae, Deus pi­etatis, Deus indulgentiae, qui misertus es super afflictionem populi tui, & dixisti Angelo per­cutienti populum tuum; conti­ne manum tuam: ob amorem illius stellae gloriosae, cujusube­ra pretiosa contra venenum no­strorum, delictorum quam dul­citer suxisti, praesta auxilium gratiae tuae: Et ab omnipeste & improvisa morte secure libere­mur, & a totius perditionis in­cursu misericorditer salvemur. [Page 18]Per te Jesu Christe Rex gloriae, qui vivis & regnas in saecula saeculorum.

Resp. Amen.

The starr of heaven (that gave suck to our Lord) ex­tirped the plague of death, which the first parent of men planted; let that starr now be pleased to appease the skyes, whose distem­perature, Killeth the people with an ulcer of dreadfull death.

O most holy starre of the sea preserve us from the plague, hear us OB. Lady, for thy son, de­nying thee not any thing, ho­noureth thee, save us O Jesu for whom the Virgin Mother pray­eth thee.

Vers. Pray for us O holy Mo­ther of God.

Resp. That we may be made worthy of the promises of Christ.

Let us Pray. O God of mercy, God of pi­ty, God of pardon, which hast mercy upon the affliction of thy people, and said to the Angel wounding the people, hold thy hand, even for the love of that glorious starr, whose pretious brests, against the ve­nime of our sins, thou didst most sweetly suck, vouchsafe us, the help of thy grace, that we may be safely delivered, from all plague & unprovided death, and that we may be mercifully saved from the assault of all perdition; through thee JESUS CHRIST, King of Glory, who livest and Reignest world without end. Amen.

A Prayer to S. Francis.

HAyl O holy Father S. Fran­cis, the light of the Coun­trey, the forme of the minors, [Page 20]the mirour of vertues, the way of right, the rule of manners; bring us from the exile of flesh, to the Kingdome of heaven.

Vers. Pray for us holy S. Francis.

Resp. That we may be made worthy of the promises of Christ.

Let us Pray. O God which dost by the merits of S. Francis enlarge thy Church, with the fruit of a new issue, grant us, by his imi­tation to despise worldly mat­ters, and continually to enjoy the participation of heavenly guifts: through Christ our Lord. Amen.

LITANIES of our B. Lady.

  • Kyrie eleison.
  • Lord have mercy upon us.
  • Christe eleison.
  • Christ have mercy upon us.
  • Kyrie eleison.
  • Lord have mercy upon us.
  • Christe audi nos.
  • Christ hear us.
  • Christe exaudi nos.
  • Christ graciously hear us.
  • Pater de coelis Deus. Miserere nobis.
  • God the Father of Heaven, have mercy upon us.
  • Fili Redemptor mundi Deus miserere nobis.
  • God the Son Redeemer of the world have mercy upon us.
  • [Page]Spiritus sancte Deus miserere nobis.
  • God the holy Ghost have mer­cy upon us.
  • Sancta Trinitas unus Deus Miserere nobis.
  • Holy Trinity one God, have mercy upon us.
  • Sancta Maria, ora pro nobis.
  • Holy Mary, pray for us.
  • Sancta Dei Genitrix ora.
  • Holy Mother of God, pray.
  • Sancta Virgo Virginum, ora.
  • Holy Virgin of Virgins, pray. for us.
  • Mater Christi, ora.
  • Mother of Christ, pray.
  • Mater Divinae gratiae, ora.
  • Mother of Divine grace, pray.
  • Mater purissima, ora.
  • Most pure Mother, pray.
  • Mater Castissima, ora.
  • Most chast Mother, pray.
  • Mater inviolata, ora.
  • [Page]Undefiled Mother, pray.
  • Mater intemerata, ora.
  • Untouched Mother, pray,
  • Mater Amabilis, ora.
  • Amiable Mother, pray.
  • Mater Admirabilis, ora.
  • Admirable Mother, pray.
  • Mater Creatoris, ora.
  • Mother of our Creatour, pray.
  • Mater Salvatoris, ora.
  • Mother of our Saviour, pray.
  • Virgo prudentissima, ora.
  • Most prudent Virgin, pray.
  • Virgo veneranda, ora.
  • Venerable Virgin, pray.
  • Virgo praedicanda, ora.
  • Renowned Virgin pray.
  • Virgo potens, ora.
  • Potent Virgin, pray.
  • Virgo clemens, ora.
  • Clement Virgin, pray.
  • Virgo fidelis, ora.
  • Faithfull Virgin, pray.
  • Speculum justitiae, ora.
  • [Page 22]Mirour of Justice, pray.
  • Sedes sapientiae, ora.
  • Seat of Wisdome, pray.
  • Causa nostrae laetitiae, ora.
  • Cause of our gladnesse, pray.
  • Vas Spirituale, ora.
  • Spirituall vessell, pray.
  • Vas insigne devotionis, ora.
  • Vessell of Singular devotion, pray.
  • Rosa Mistica, ora.
  • Misticall Rose, pray.
  • Turris Davidica, ora.
  • Towre of David, pray.
  • Turris Eburnea, ora.
  • Towre of Ivory, pray.
  • Domus Aurea, ora.
  • House of Gold, pray.
  • Foederis Arca, ora.
  • Ark of the Covenant, pray.
  • Janua Coeli, ora.
  • Gate of Heaven, pray.
  • Stella Matutina, ora.
  • Morning starr, pray.
  • Salus infirmorum, ora.
  • [Page 23]Health of the weak, pray.
  • Refugium peccatorum, ora.
  • Refuge of Sinners, pray.
  • Consolatrix Afflictorum, ora.
  • Comfort of the afflicted, pray. for us.
  • Auxilium Christianorum, ora. pro nobis.
  • Help of Christians, pray.
  • Regina Angelorum, ora.
  • Queen of Angels, pray.
  • Regina Patriarcharum, ora.
  • Queen of Patriarchs, pray.
  • Regina Prophetarum, ora.
  • Queen of Prophets, pray.
  • Regina Apostolorum, ora.
  • Queen of Apostles, pray.
  • Regina Martyrum, ora.
  • Queen of Martyrs, pray.
  • Regina Confessorum, ora.
  • Queen of Confessours, pray.
  • Regina Virginum, ora.
  • Queen of Virgins, pray.
  • Regina Sanctorum omnium ora pro nobis.
  • [Page 24]Queen of all Saints, pray.
  • Regina Sanctissimi Rosarii, o­ra pro nobis.
  • Queen of the most Blessed Ro­sary, pray.
  • Agnus Dei, qui tollis peccata mundi, Parce nobis Domine.
  • Lamb of God, who taketh away the sins of the world, Spare us O Lord,
  • Agnus Dei qui tollis peccata mundi, Exaudi nos Domine Lamb of God who taketh away the sins af the world, Hear us O Lord.
  • Agnus Dei qui tollis peccata mundi, Miserere nobis.
  • Lamb of God who taketh a­way the sins of the world, Have mercy upon us.
  • Christe audi nos.
  • Christ hear us.
  • Christe exaudi nos.
  • Christ gratiously hear us.
  • [Page 25]Kyrie eleison.
  • Lord have mercy upon us.
  • Christe eleison.
  • Christ have mercy upon us.
  • Kyrie eleison.
  • Lord have mercy upon us.

WEe fly unto thy protecti­on O holy Mother of God, despise not our prayers in our necessities, but deliver us continually from all dangers; O glorious and Blessed Vir­gin.

Vers. Pray for us O holy Mo­ther of God.

Resp. That we may be made worthy of the promises of Christ.

Let us pray. O God who under the misti­call Rosary of the Mother of God, dost represent unto us all the misteries of thy life, death and glory; grant that whom­soever we do get to be of this plantation, may be crowned with a triumphant garland of the heavenly Garden; who livest and reignest for ever and ever Amen.


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