The iust censure and reproofe of Martin Iunior.

Wherein the rash and vndiscreete hea­dines of the foolish youth, is sharp­ly mette with, and the boy hath his lesson taught him, I warrant you, by his reuerend and elder brother, Mar­tin Senior, sonne and heire vnto the renowmed Martin Mar-prelate he Great.

Where also, least the springall shold be vtterly discouraged in his good meaning, you shall finde, that hee is not bereaued of his due commendations.

The reproofe of Martin Iunior, by his elder brother.

WHo then! And boyes will now be a Pistle-ma­king, either without their fathers leaue, or their elder brothers aduise, we shall haue our fa­thers Art brought to a prettie passe within a while, I could a told tis long agoe, that my father would get him so many sons, as Iohn Canturbury woulde haue no cause to sitte quiet at dinner or supper, for looking to his young nephewes. I thought boyes would be a doing. But, foolish stripling, canst thou tell what thou hast done? I weene not, if my father should be hurt, either at the Groine, or at the sub­urbes of Lisbone, is this the way either to cure him, or to comforte him, to publishe his scrabled and weather-beaten papers in this forte? What if hee hadde in purpose to write no more, seeing the daunger and trouble that comes of it? Will this be any meanes to worke the olde mans quietnes, for a foolish and a headie springal, to go set abroad his papers? Thou sawest wel enough, that Martins doings were now almost forgot & huisht. And the Beare wit­nes, Reader, that I giue my Lordes their right titles. men of sinne themselues, I meane the Cantur­burie Caiphas, with the rest of his Antichristian beasts, who beare his abominable marke, were content in a maner to turne his purposes from a serious matter, to a point of jesting, wherewith they would haue onely rimers and stage-players (that is, plaine rogues, as thou hast well noted) to [Page]deale. So that had not thy vntimely folly bewray­ed it selfe, it may be, that the syllogismes whereby our father hath crackt the crowne of Canturbury, should haue had no other answere, or he himselfe none other punishment but this. I faith lette him go, Martin is a madde knaue. Whereas now vp­pon this scrabbling and paltring of thine, marke whether Iohn Canturburie will not sende for all the knaue pursuvants that belongs vnto his pope­dome, and set them a worke with the confutation of Martin, vsing some such speach as this is, in the direction of them, for the choice of their Argu­ments against him.

An Oration of Iohn Can turburie to the pursu­vants, when he directeth his warrants vnto them to post after Martin.Now sirs, is not her Majesties high commission, and my selfe also being the chiefe thereof, and one of her Majesties priuie counsell wel set vp, with a company of messengers, as long as we haue you to goe of our busines? What thinke you? Haue you beene carefull of vs and our places, to sinde vs out the presse and letters, wherewith these seditious Martins are printed? Or, haue you diligently soght mee out Walde-graue the Printer, Newman the Cobler, Sharpe the booke binder of Northamp­ton, and that seditious Welch man Penry, who you shall see will prooue the Author of all these li­belles? I thanke you Maister Munday, you are a good Gentleman of your worde. Ah thou Iudar, thou that hast alreadie betrayed the Papistes, I thinke meanest to betray vs also, Diddest thou not assure me, without all doubt, that thou wouldest bring mee in, Penry, Newman, Walde-graue, presse, letters, and all, before Saint Andrewes day last. And nowe thou seest we are as farre to seeke for them, as euer we were. Nay, vnlesse we haue [Page]them now, they are like to trouble But not the church of Christ good vncle: you doe not so great­ly eare though they did. our Churche more then euer they did. For here is a yong Mar­tin hatched out of some poysoned egge of that se­ditious libeller, Old Martin. Why truly it grieues me, at the heart, that I, by her Maiesties fauor, ha­uing more authoritie in mine hande to represse these Puritanes, then any bishop else hath had in England these thirtie yeeres, yet shoulde be more troubled and molested by them these sixe yeeres, then all my predecessors haue beene these six and twentie yeeres. And all this commeth by reason of your vnfaithfulnes and negligence, whome wee send for them. Well, I giue you warning, looke better vnto your offices, or else let mee be dam­ned body and soule, Neuer conditi­on for the mat­ter man, for ex­cept thou re­pent, thou arte sure of that alreadie. if I turne you not all out of your places. Therefore looke to it: for nowe e­uery one of you shal haue warrants, both for him­selfe, and as many as you will substitute vnder you besides. Bring vs whomesoeuer you suspect, your warrants shall serue you to doe it. And if you can sinde vs eyther young or olde Martin, Penry, or Walde-graue, so that you bring the presse and let­ters, hee shall haue fortie poundes for his labour, who so euer will bring them, his charges and all bonie cleare. But if you bring vs neither Martin, the presse, nor those aforenamed, neuer looke vs in the face more. And me thinkes for your owne good, you shoulde be carefull to get in these sediti­ous men: for if we that are Lordes of the Cleargie go downe once, then shall you be sure to fall: for, poore men, you haue nothing but what you get in And you haue nothing neither your selues, but what you get in the seruice of your Lorde and Master the diuel. our seruice that are your Lordes and Maisters. And me thinkes, if these wayward men had anie conscience in them, they woulde not seeke our o­uerthrowe [Page]with tooth and naile, as they doe, seo­ing so many honest poore men, yea, and manie a good Gentleman too by my troth, liue onely by vs and our places.

Well, if euer you meane to do anie good in this matter, take mee this course, which wee here in commission haue thought meetest; let a six or se­uen of you, or your substitutes that stay heere in London, watch mee Paules Churchyard, especi­ally haue an eie to Boyles shop at the Rose. And let some one or two of you that are vnknowen goe in thither, and if there be any strāgers in the shop, fall in talke with them of Martin, commend him, and especially his sonnes last libell, (and heere, hee that will take that course, take me this, that if need be you may shew it) shewing, that by great friend­shippe you gote one of them, saying also, that you vnderstoode a man might there helpe his friend to some, if he were acquainted with Master Boyle, and offer largely for it. Now sir, if any shall either enter with you vnto any speches against the state, and in defence of these libelles: or else, if any can procure you to the sight of the bookes, be sure to bring them before vs. Though you learne not their names, yet your warrants shall serue your turnes, in as much as you doe suspect them. And thus I would haue some of you bestowed.

Let three or foure more of you or your substi­tutes be euery day at the Blacke Friers, Lincolnes inne, White-chappell, Paules chaine, as often as Charke, Gardiner, Egerton, or Cooper do preach. And truely, my Lorde of London, I marueile Surelie nuncle I dare sweare for him he is not in the fault: for they stand a­gainst his will. you suffer these men all this while, to trouble the state by their preachings: by the masse I had not thoght [Page]they should haue stoode halfe this time) and there see if you can drawe by speach anie thing from any Martinist, and let vs talke with them. Especially marke if you see any before the sermon beginnes, setting their heads together, and whispering vnder their cloakes, if you doe, be sure they are reading Martin, and haue them foorthwith to the prison vntill we send for them, or cause them to putte in sufficient sureties, to appeare the next court day.

You that stay here in London, must also be sure, if possibly you can, to haue a watch at al common innes, to see what carriage of paper, and other stuffe, either goes from, or commes to London. Thereby you may happely learne something. And marke if any Puritane receiueth any thing, open his packe, that you may be sure hee hath no Mar­tins sent him. We will direct our warrants so, that you may search all packes I hope the pur­suvants in time shall be able to make a good li­uing, in taking toll of those packes which they do not open at your discretion. We will take order also, that the Court may be watch­ed who disperse, or reade these libelles there. And in faith I thinke they doe my Lord of Essex greate wrong, that say, he fauours Martin: I do not think he will be so vnwise, as to fauour these, who are e­nemies vnto the state. For if hee doe, her Maje­stie, I can tell him, will withdraw her gratious fa­uour from him; but take you no care for the court. Watch you London, and learne mee where New-man and Walde-graues haunt is, and there be sure to watch earely and late. Haue an eie also vnto all the Puritanes houses in London, especially my L. Maiors, Alderman Martins, and the Preachers houses. Let none that you suspect be vncited.

As for you that goe into the countrey, I woulde haue ye especialy go into Northampton and War­wicke [Page]shires, and command the Maior, and Con­stables of Northampton to keepe watch and warde for Sharpe and Penry, and if they can take them, let them bring them vp, and we wil be sure to con­tent them well for their paines. Others must goe into Essex, Suffolke, and Norffolke. And if you can bring vs no Martinists from thence (at the least, that by that meanes your charges may be borne, I would ye might starue for me.) There is Moore, there is Aline, there is Knewstub, there is Wright, with many others, all very seditious men, that is pitty by my troth, that so many worshipfull and good nurtured knights and gentlemen, are carried away with them, and their way wardnes, as in those partes are seduced. But I hope her Majestie will haue an vniformitie. To be briefe, I haue saide e­nough vnto you alreadie, but my meaning is, that you should [...] her Majestie hath, or finde out Martin. Goe me to Deuonshire, and to the North partes, where my Lords grace of Yorke also will direct his warrants by you, to seeke this traitour Martin. For I will haue him, or else I wil no longer be archbishop of Canturbutie. He die at the Groine, as they saie? Naie, heele be hanged ere heele die there. He is in some corner of Eng­land, lurking and doing mischiefe. I tel you true, I He beleeue you o your word doe thinke him and his brood to be worse then the Iesuits. These Martinists are all of Sauing your reuerence vncle Cantur. you lie in your throate. them trai­tors and enemies vnto her Majestie, they will o­uerthrowe the state, they are most rebellious and disobedient vnto all good proceedings. No war­ning will serue them, they growe worse and worse. I perswaded my selfe, that none euer durst attempt to write besides this desperate wretch Martin him­selfe, [Page]if he still enjoy his libertie, his broode wil be­come as desperate as himselfe, his impunitie will make them presume to speake against the state. And therefore, either get him, or wee shall neuer staie their course. And I thinke I shall grow starke a madde with you, vnlesse you bring him. Amen, good Iohn, if thou doest not be long to the Lord, ka M. Martin Se­nior. There­fore, my maisters, as you haue anie care for the pa­cifieng of the state, and your owne preferrement, some waie or other compasse mee to finde the first Martin himselfe wheresoeuer hee bee. Spare no charges. Get him, and see what weele do for you. For if we were not in hope to come by him throgh your meanes, we woulde cast about another waie, to suppresse his libelling. For wee woulde make friendes to haue him proclamed traitour, and haue it fellonie, if wee coulde, for anie manne to reade his writings. And heere an ende with you.

Loe, sir boy, haue you not spunne a faire threed, for our fathers ease and quietnesse, and for the quietnesse of your brethren? If our vncle Cantur­burie should take this course, where shall the old man staie then? You see England wil be made too hore for him, if hee be liuing. Whie thou simple and vnexperienced ladde, thou, my father, my fa­ther, I tell thee had beene better, it maie bee, that thou haddest neuer, I tell thee trueth, learned a worde of Irish in thy life, then to haue in this heate of the yeare published his vnperfite questions. Do­est thou not see, thy vncle Canturburie abroad in his visitation? Doest thou not see with how manie men Esau rides, that if hee meete with his poore brother Iacob, he maie be sure to sucke his blood. Is seuen score horse nothing, thinkest thou, to bee in the traine of an English Priest? whereof also [Page]there are thirtie Golde chaines? Doest thou thinke, that the kingdome of Christ which thy fa­ther seeketh to builde shall be able to stand, seeing Iohn Canturburie, with so manie menne rideth a­bout the countrie, to proclame nothing else but fire and sworde, vnto as manie as professe them­selues to be the true subjects thereof? Whie thou seest he goes a visiting purposlie for no other end, but to make it knowen, what an enmitie and ha­tred hee beareth to the Gospell and kingdome of Christ Iesus, and to shew howe carefull he is, that that heresie of preaching maie not preuaile. Do­est thou then perswade thy selfe, seelie stripling, that there is anie good to be done, in sending a Pi­stle vnto him, seeing he hath so man e men in his traine who will sweare for him, that he loues none of these hote preachers. Mee thinkes my father himselfe shoulde be afraide of him, beeing so well horsed as he is. And therefore follie for one of his young sonnes, to thinke his strength sufficient to beare the encounter.

It may be thou wilt say, that thy father is euerie day in the weeke able to make as many men of his owne charges; I woulde he were else: if hee be, it is more then I knowe, I promise thee, and I thinke more then thou canst prooue. But howsoeuer it goes, thou seest what a credite it is for an English Priest▪ to haue so many men following of him, as in the day of judgement there may be enough, of those that ware his liuerie, to witnes against him, that in this life he was a monstrous Antichristian pope, and a most bloody oppressor of Gods Saints.

Be it, my father were dead, as you seeme to giue out, and for mine owne parte, I will not gainesay [Page]you, because I for my parte maie truelie saie, that his eldest childe neuer knewe him, and therefore is ignorant whether he be liuing or dead: yet bro­ther Martin, I doe see in the publishing of these things by you, two great slippes committed; the one of inconsideracie, the other of vnduetifulnes. Your rashnes, and want of wisedome other men, I see are like to feele, your vnduetifulnes is onelie towardes my selfe, which I cannot well put vp, and because of thy rashnes.

Marke whether those poore men beforenamed, to wit, Penry, Sharpe, Walde graue, Newman, &c. with many other good men, who I dare sware for them, did neuer medle nor make at anie time, with the metropoliticall writings of our renowmed fa­ther, shal not be now as hotlie pursued after, as e­uer they were. And al this comes of thy foolish and paltrie meddling in matters too high for thy capa­citie. And thus other men are like to smart by thy follie.

As for my selfe, to omitte the honourable men­tion that my father (my father, I saie, Quem honoris causa nomino, quoties nomino, nomino autem saepissime) made of me in his writings, whereas hee did not once vouchsafe to speake a worde of such a dilling as thou art, I should haue thought, that the verie name of an elder brother shold haue taught thee, that there had beene one in the world, to whome by right of inheritance, the Pistling of bishops had belonged, after the decease of reuerend Martin himselfe. Whie who should sette out my fathers writings but I, Martin Senior, his sonne? At the least, who should publish them without my leaue? So that herein thy vndutifulnes is no lesse thē thy [Page]headie and rash inconsideracie.

To retourne againe vnto our reuerend father. Of all other things I would wish thee not to come within his reach, if hee be liuing, for an thou do­est, I can tell thee heele giue thee such a lesson for thy saweinesse, as I thinke thou shalt neuer be Lord bishop while thou liuest. For it may bee, that the expectation which menne haue conceiued of the proofe of such points, My father, I tell you, sa­uing his worship, standes vpon the credit o his children. as thou hast laid downe, will force him to alter his purpose in, More worke for the Cooper, and fall a proouing of these thinges, least men should hold themselues deluded by thee. And will this be no paine thinke you, sir boy? Will it be no labour for a man, hauing finished a booke, to alter his course, and make it wholie newe? And this thou knowest he must do, vnlesse his wisedom hath before hand preuented the inconuenience. I deny not in deede, but it is easier for him to alter his course, then for any one writer that I knowe of, because hee hath chosen him such a methode as no man else besides hath done. Nay, his syllo­gismes, exiomes, method, and all are of his owne making, hee will borrowe none of these common schoole rules, no not so much as the common grā ­mar, as it apeareth by that excellent point of poe­trie, written in Latin by him against Doctor Wing­ken de Werd. D. Prime. There thou shalt see such grammar, such Arte, such wit and conueiance of matter, as for the varietie of the learning, and the pleasaunt­nesse of the stile, the like is not else-where to bee found.

But least I should vtterly discourage thee poore knaue, I will before I touch the rest of thine ouer sights, attribute vnto thee thy deserued common­dations. [Page] I confesse then, that thou canst doe pren­tily well; thou canst enter reasonablie into the sy­nows of thine vncle Canturburies popedome, and make a tollerable Anatomie thereof. I must needs also say for thee, Iacke, that thou fearest none of these popes. And I promise thee, I thinke thou hast a pretie mother wit of thine owne; but, poore boy, thou wantest wisedome, withall to gouerne thy witte. Thou wantest that which thine vncka Brid­ges hath not, that is, wisdome to direct thee in the carriage of those pretie crochets that thou hast in thy head. And the poore old Drone o Sarum lacks that altogether, wherewith thou arte prettily fur­nished, viz. a naturall wit. Neither doe I deny, boy, but that thou art Tom tell-troth, euen like thy fa­ther, and that thou canst not abide, to speake vnto thine vnckle Cantur. by circumloquutions and pa­raphrases, but simply and plainely thou breakest thy minde vnto him, and tellest him vnto his face, without al these friuolous circumstances of, What is your name? and, Who gaue you that name? of, Ant please your worshippe, &c. Thou tellest him plainelie to his face, I say, that he is a very Anti­christian beast, and an intollerable oppressour of Gods Church. And mee thought, when I read that point in thy Epilogue: then thought I, it will prooue a vengeable boy in time. For mee thinks that already, patrizat sat bene certe. And trust mee Iacke, I commend thee for thy plainenesse. And doe so still, boy, for trueth neuer shames the Mai­ster I warrant thee, and take it o my word. For in­deed thine vncle Cantur. is no lesse thē a most vile and curssed tyrant in the Church. And a plain An­tichrist he is euen by the doctrine of the Church [Page]of England, and so by the doctrine of our Church are the rest of our curssed bishops, in the proofe of which point by and by I will a little insist. And because manie take snuffe, that my father shoulde account them, yea, and prooue them petrie Anti­christs, I will manifestlie prooue them to be so, euen by the doctrine of the Church of Englande, maintained by statute and her Majesties roiall pri­uiledge. For my father now hath taught vs suche a waie to reason against these Caiphases, in the Theses set downe by thee, as wil anger al the vains in Iohn Canturburies heart. And that is, to shew, that they are ennemies vnto the doctrine of our church. Vnto the point I will come anone. But, first, brother Martin, I will schoole you in a pointe or two for your learning, in these things wherein I finde your Epilogue to be vnperfite. First then, I trow, I woulde haue had some other manner of ac­cusations against our Puritans for their slackenes, then wherwith you haue charged them, as presently I will declare. Secondlie, I would haue propoun­ded some things of mine own against our bishops, or else it shoulde haue cost mee a fall. And that should haue beene after this, or the like sort:

I Martin Senior Gentleman, sonne and heire to the reuerende and woorthie Metropolitane Martin Mar-prelate the Great, doe protest, affirme, say, propoūd, and object against Iohn Canturburie and his brethren, in maner and forme following;

First I protest and affirme, that the foresaide Iohn Whitgift, alias Canturburie, which nameth [Page]himselfe archbishop of Canturburie, is no Minister at all in the church of God, but hath, and doeth wrongfully vsurp, and inuade the name and seate of the ministerie, vnto the great detriment of the Church of God, the vtter spoyle of the soules of men, & the likelie ruine of this common-wealth, together with the great dishonour of her Majestie and the state. And in this case do I affirme al the Lord bishops in England to be.

2 Item I do protest, that the entering in of this curssed man Iohn Whitgift, and of all others our bishoppes in Englande, is not an entring into the church of God by the doore Christ Iesus. Where­fore I affirme all of them to be theeues, robbers, wolues, and worriers of the flocke, and therefore no true shepeheards.

3 Item I do proclame the saide Iohn Cantur­burie, with the rest of our Prelates, to bee common simoniarkes, such as make merchandize of church liuings and benefices, by faculties, dispensations, &c. and make as common a gaine of Church cen­sures, by absolutions & commutations of penāce, &c. as anie men in the lande doe of their lawefull trades and occupations.

4 Item I do propound and affirme, that the said Iohn Canturburie and his brethren, do hinder and lette with all their might, the true knowledge of God amongest her Majesties louing subjectes, the inhabitants of this kingdome, and thereby, besides their owne fore-prouided damnation, are guiltie of the blood of infinite thousands.

5 Item I doe proclaime, that the saide Iohn Whitgift with the rest of his brethren, doth spend and waste the patrimonie of the Church (which [Page]ought to be employed, in the maintenance of true faithfull Ministers, and other church vses) in the persecuting the true members of Christ, her Ma­jesties most trustie and louing subjects, and also v­pon their owne pompe and ambitious pride, in maintening a rude vngodlie traine of vile men, & a companie of lewde and gracelesse children.

6 Item I doe propound, that the said Ioh. Whit­gift and his brethren, do, as much as in them lieth, sowe sedition and discontentednes, betweene her Majestie, and her true loyall subjectes, by preten­ding that their pracrises in auoiding subscription, and in depriuing men contrarie to lawe, as for the surplise, denieng to subscribe, &c. is at her Majes­ties commandement. As though her Highnesse would commaund that which were contrarie vn­to the true doctrine of our church, and contrarie vnto her lawfull statutes and priuiledges: Or, as though shee woulde so delude her louing subjects, as publikelie to maintaine that true doctrine, and these godlie statutes, which priuately shee woulde haue violate and troden vnder feete.

7 Item I the saide Martin Senior, do protest and affirme the saide Iohn Whitgift, with the rest of his brethren, to haue incurred the statute of premunire facies, for depriuing of Ministers, for not subscri­bing, not wearing the surplise, and for other their manifolde proceedings against law and equitie.

8 Item I doe propound all our bishops for their saide practises to be, ipso facto depriueable, and that her Majestie, if she will doe them but right, may by lawe depriue them al to night before to morrowe.

9 I do also propound and auouch the said Iohn Whitgift, and the rest of his wicked fraternitie, [Page]though by outwarde profession they are in the church, yet to be none of the church, but to haue, vntill they repent and desire to bee receiued into the church, cut themselues (by the persecuting of the trueth, and other their hamous sinnes) from the church, and so without their repentance from the interest and inheritance of the kingdom of heauen.

Item I do protest & affirme that the true chur­che of God ought to haue no more to do with Io. Canturburie his brother, and their synagogue, namely, with their Antichristian Courts of facul­ties, &c. with their officers of commissaries, arche­deacons, chancellors, officialles, dumbe ministers, &c. then with the synagogue of Sathan. And that hee their head and pope, together with his fore­saide rabble, are not to bee accounted for that church, whose censures we are to reuerence and obey, and in the vnitie whereof we are to remaine.

Item particularly, concerning Iohn Canturbu­rie himselfe, I doe affirme, but yet no further then quatenus probabile, that is, by great likelihoodes, that he is so finally hardened in his hainous sinnes a­gainst God and his church, that as hee cannot be reclaimed, for his mouth is full of cursing against God and his Saintes, his feete are swift to shed the blood of the holie ones, hee teareth in peeces the churches which hee ought to foster, wilfully pul­ling the shepheards from their sheepe, and so scat­tering them in a most lamentable sorte, making much of wicked men that mainteine his pope­dome, and smiting the righteous for gainesaying his wayes, bringing in daily into the church, ei­ther by himselfe or his hang Ions newe errors not [Page]heard of before. Blaspheming the way of trueth. And being rooted in mallice against that truth of Christ Iesus (who is blessed for euer) which he may see, if he did not hood-winke himselfe, hee with all his power contrarieth and striueth against the going forwarde of the Gospell, least by the light thereof his sinnes shoulde be reprooued. Finally, hee hath in him too too many likelie testimonies of an heire of the kingdome of darkenesse, where, without his true turning vnto the Lorde, hee shall liue in hell for euer.

And wicked man! if thou meanest to bee else­where receiued, that is, into Christes kingdome, turne thee from thy wickednes, and let men and Angelles be witnesses of thy conuersion. Thy high place cā not saue thee from his wrath whose truth thou suppressest, and whose members thou doest persecute and imprison. And I woulde not wishe thee to deferre thy repentance, least thou callest with the foolish virgins when there is no opening. Thou seest euen heere vpon earth manifest tokens of Gods anger towards thee. For thou seekest for honour; but alas, I know none more contempti­ble then thy selfe, the poorest faithfull minister in the Lord, hath more true reuerence in one day, then thou hast had since the first time of thy pope­dome. There are almost none of Gods children, but had as lieue see a serpent, as meete thee, not because they feare thy face, but in as much as it greeueth them, that their eyes are forced to looke vpon so wicked an enemie of God and his church. Thine owne creatures them selues honour thee, but as tyrants are commonlie honoured of their parasites and sycophants. Thy brother the pope [Page]hath the like honor vnto thine, that is, an honor whose end will be shame and confusion of face for euer. The fearefull and contemptible ende, that haue beene brought vppon many of them, ought to terrifie thee. Nay, the message of death which the Lord sent lately euen into thine owne house, ought to mooue thee, and force thee to confesse, that thy yeares also, yea, and dayes are nombred. Doctor Perne, thou knowest was thy joy, and thou his darling. Hee was the dragon from whose ser­pentine breasts, thou diddest first drawe this poy­son, wherewith nowe thou infectest the church of God, and feedest thy selfe vnto damnation. Hee liued a persecutour, an atheist, an hypocrite, and a dissembler, whome the worlde poynted at, and he died, thou knowest, the death due vnto such a life as he ledde; thou knowest hee died suddenly euen at thine owne palace of Lambehith, when, in thine owne judgement he was likelie, in regarde of bo­dilie strength, though not of age to out-liue thee. And take thou his death for a forewarning of thy destruction, except thou repent.

And these, brother Martin, with such like points, or some of those positions, wherwith I could haue thwacked my vncles about the shoulders I weene, an I had beene in thy place. There is one questi­on more which I woulde haue propounded for mine vncka Bridges his sake; O I loue him, thou knowest. And therefore thus woulde I haue sette downe my proper-sition on his behalfe:

I Martin Senior, Gentleman, doe heere protest, affirme, propound, and defend, that if Iohn Can­turburie will needs haue a foole in his house, wea­ring a wooden dagger, and a cockes-combe, that [Page]none is so fitte for that place as his brother Iohn a Bridges Deane of Sarum. And that he viz. Iohn Bridges is by right to displace the other, with whō Lambeth now playes the asse, and is him selfe to be after a solemne maner, according to the booke of ordayning bishoppes and priestes inuested vnto that roome. Hauing for his officers and daily at­tendants these gentlemen following. First and for­most D. Robert Some for his confessor, who also, when his maister Iohn Sarum hath no vse of his seruice, may be at my Lordes graces commande­ment, to reade the starue-vs booke in his Chappell at Lambeth. Secondly, if he were not something touched with the coinquinatiō of the flesh, I would appoint none but D. Vnderhill to be his Almoner. Thirdly, Bancroft, and drunken Grauate should be the yeomen of his Cellar. Anderson This chap­lein robbed the poore mens box at Northamp­ton played the Potters part in the morrice daunce, and begotte his maide with child in Lei­cestershire: and these things hee did since he was firste Priest. parson of Stepney, should make roome before him with his two hand staffe, as he did once before the morrice daunce, at a market towne in the edge of Bucking­ham or Bedford shires, where he bare the Potters part. His two supporters alwayes to leade him by the armes, must be sir Lenard Wright, and sir Tom Blan o Bedford, the one whereof also must carrie his bable, and the other a looking glasse for their Maister, to see whether his catercappe doth euety way reach ouer his eares, and so stand according to his calling. As for Mar-Martin, and Iohn Freg­neuile, they alterius vicibus, shall be the groomes of his stoole. The rest of his officers I referre to the discretion of my father, vnto whose censure also I doe humbly submit this conceit of mine. And it may be, I am bolde, to appoint these men their of­fices, who happily are at my fathers direction, to [Page]giue their attendance, where hee hath appointed thē their places. But this Ile bide by, though my fa­ther shoulde say nay, that Iohn Bridges deserues to haue his place that weares the wooden dagger, the cockescombe, and the copper chaine at Law­behith. Ise abide by it, come what wil of the matter.

The next thing that we are to consider, brother Martin, is, a more just reprehension of the Puri­tanes, then that wherewith thou blamest them. For thou findest fault with the Preachers onely, and that justly, I confesse, because they are no more forward in casting off these our popes. But I say, that with more equitie thou mightest haue blamed both the gentlemen and people together, with the Ministers, then the Ministers alone. For the Ministers, although they be faultie, yet not­withstanding thou canst not denie, but the Gentlemen and people are as deepe in faulte as they are. And I woulde wish them both the one & the other, to take this, or some such course, as I heere set downe, which also for a great parte of it, though not all, I sawe in a Puritans hand, and so came by a coppie of it, thinking if I coulde haue heard of my father, to let him haue the vse of my copy: but now you see I publish it my selfe. I would then haue al the Puritans in the land, both lordes, knights, gentlemen, ministers, and people, to be­come joint suiters in one supplicatiō vnto her Ma­jestie, and the Lords of her honorable priuie coun­sell in these petitions;

1 First, that there may be a redresse of the great ignorance wherewith our whole land is ouergro­wen by placing, able, and faithfull teachers ouer euery congregation as neere as may be.

2 Secondly, that al vnlawful and sinful callings may be remoued out of our ministerie & church.

3 Thirdlie, that the church within her Majes­ties dominions may bee gouerned by these offices and officers onelie, which the Lorde Christ Iesus hath set downe in his worde.

4 Fourthlie, that for the quiet and orderlie ta­king vp of these controuersies which are risen in our church, concerning the gouernement and ce­remonies thereof, betweene our Prelates, and those learned men, which are contrary minded vnto them, there might be had a quiet meeting of both the parties, and the controuersies determi­ned on their side, who shall be found to deale for (and not against) the trueth: Or, if this fourth pe­tition cannot take place, I would haue this in the steade thereof, viz.

That it may please her Majestie, and the Lordes of her Majesties honourable priuie counsell, to see that the true subjects of this crowne, may not bee troubled, as nowe they are, for defending such points, as being according vnto the word of God, are also according to the priuiledged doctrine of the church of England, which is maintened by the statutes of this land, and that in case the Prelates doe molest any man, as now they doe, for maintei­ning the doctrine of our church, or otherwise con­trary vnto the lawes of our land, it may be lawfull for him or them thus injuried, to haue his reme­die at the Kings bench, against the saide Prelates.

Nowe Iacke, what sayest thou? I am sure thou canst not denie, but these petitions, in thy judge­ment would be an easie sute. I trowe so too, and I thinke, that now thou findest greater fault, or at [Page]the least as great, with the Puritane noblemen, gentlemen, and people, as with the ministers, be­cause this or the like course goeth not on forward. And I can tell thee there would be gotten an hun­dreth thousand hands to this supplication, of kno­wen men in the land, all her Majesties most loyall and trustie louing subjects. Thou mayest then well thinke what a stroke so many woulde strike toge­ther, especiallie in so reasonable and just a suite. And heereby our bishoppes shoulde be prooued to be Lord bishoppes in deede, that is, A pretie briefe definition of a Lord bishop. vngodlie and slaunderous lyars. When her Majestie sawe, that the Puritanes seeke not any intollerable course, (for if the foresaide petitions be not to be borne, I know not what is sufferable) as the bishops woulde pretend. And further it should appeare, that they are not a fewe, and of small reputation, but in a maner the strength of our land, and the synowe of her Majesties royall gouernement, which our bi­shops do falsely note with the names of Puritanes. The consideration whereof, I tell thee, euen in po­licie, woulde make, that this their suite shoulde not be hastely rejected, especially in such a time, as wherein wee nowe liue in daunger of our enne­mies abroad, and therefore had neede of no cau­ses of discouragement at home. Whie man, this were also such a course as it would descrie our bi­shops English, to be plaine slaunder and treacherie against the trueth, and the mainteiners thereof, as indeede it is.

The bishops English wilt thou say? Bishops English. Now I pray you, reuerend brother, what is that? Whie Iacke doest thou not vnderstand what our bishoppes En­glish meaneth? I doe not greatly maruell, because [Page] I my selfe came but latelie vnto the knowledge of it aright. But nowe that I haue bestowed a little studie that waie, I doe thinke there are but a few in England, that see into it as farre as I doe, Semper excipio Platonem you know, I alwayes gine place to my father, for he made the first grammar and lexi­con in our time for the vnderstanding hereof. Thy small experience then considered, I wonder not of thine ignorance in this poynt. But to satisfie thy demaunde, the bishops English is to wrest our lan­guage in such sorte, as they will drawe a meaning out of our English wordes, which the nature of the tougue can by no meanes beare. As for example, Receiue the Holy-Ghost, I am sure, that they woulde not for forty pence, that, Receiue a bishopricke, shoulde be ex­pounded vnto, wish thou may­est receiue a bishopricke when they re­ceiue the Holie-Ghost. in good bishops English is as much as, J pray God thou mayest receiue the Holy-ghost. And againe, My desire is, that J may be baptized in this faith, to their vnderstanding, and in their dialect is after this sort; My desire is, not that J my selfe, but that this childe vvherevnto J am a vvitnesse, may bee baptized in this saith. Further to intreate her Ma­jestie, and the Parliament, that the miseries of the church may be redressed, in the Prelates language is, to seeke the ouerthrowe of the state, and the dis­quietnesse of her subjects. And if a man shoulde goe and aske thine vncle Canturburie: (but stay boy, I meane not that thou shouldest goe and de­maunde the question of him) what it were in the tongue, which he and his brethren doe commonly vse, to put vp such a dutifull supplication as before I haue set downe, why his answere woulde be pre­sently, that to deale in such a suire, were to rebell against her Majestie, to pull the crowne off of her head, to make a faction to wrest the scepter out of her hand, and to shake off all authoritie. A won­derfull [Page]thing in thy conceit I knowe it will bee, to thinke, that humbly and duetifullie to entreate, shoulde in the English tongue signifie by vnbride­led force vnduetifullie to compell, and that to seeke the remoouing of vnlawefull callings out of the church should be to threaten, that the lawfull magistrate should bee thrust out of the common­wealth: but, simple boy, such English must thou stu­die to vnderstand, or else thou shalt neuer be able to Pistle thine vncle Canturburie so learned lie as my father and I can doe. And therefore I woulde wish, that of the first money, which thou meanest to bestowe in bookes, thou wouldest buie thee thy fathers These bookes act not yet prin­ted. Grammar and his lexicon, with a briefe thing called his capita concerdantiarum, and studie these well but one moneth, and out o doubt, thou shalt, with the pretie skill which thou hast already, be able to ouerturne anie catercap of them all. I would thou knewest what great light to the vnder­standing of all the bishops treacheries a little time bestowed in these volumes haue affoorded vnto me.

Wel, by this time I thinke thou perceiuest what a braue waie this supplication which I speake of, were, to prooue our bishops to be treacherous and vile slaunderers. For hereby her Majestie should perceiue, that the rumors which the bishops raise falsly, concerning the great daunger that woulde ensue vnto her crowne, by the reformation which the Puritanes seeke and labor for, are nothing els, but in a cunning and mysticall kind of vnnaturall English to translate, The Puritanes by the establishing of the kingdome of Christ, seeke the sure vpholding of the crovvne and dignitie of their dread soueraigne ladie Eli­zabeth, [Page]into this handsome bishoplike miter: The Puritanes by their platforme of reformation seeke the vt­ter ruine and subuersion of Ladie Elizabeth, her Crovvne and d [...]gnitie. I am sure her Majestie woulde welfa­uouredlie laugh at such a translation as this is, and yet beholde, such she must be content with, if shee will vouchsafe to yeelde her eares vnto a bishops perswasion. Yet thus much must I say of them, namelie, that although they bee not the best ex­pounders of wordes that euer I read, yet doe they neuer translate anie thing everbo ad verbum, which by learned men is commended as an especial ver­tue in a translator. But O that I, as simple as I am might reade a lecture or twoo concerning this bi­shoplike translation, if not before her Majestie, yet at the least before some of her nobles, I woulde not doubt but to vnfolde such a deale of strange Eng­lish (and yet the verie vernacula viz. the naturall mother tongue of our vnnaturall Prelates) as was neuer heard of in this land since the Saxons time.

Here I knowe, that thou arte readie to enquire two points of mee for thine instruction; the one, how our Prelates can be prooued Antichristes by the church of England, the other, howe thou may­est come by those bookes of my father before quo­ted. Well, thus I will brieflie aunsweare thee in both.

For the first, Maister Tindall in the Preface of his booke called, The Obedience of a Christian man pag. 102. prooueth them to bee Antichristes, in as much as in their doctrine, and their dooings, concerning nonresidencie, they are directlie a­gainst Christ and his worde. I charge thee reade the place, because at this time I am not at leisure [Page]to set it downe; I can tell thee the reading of it wil be double woorth thy paines.

My fathers bookes afore spoken of, are not in print, I confesse, I would they were. Yet it may be I could direct thee where to go, to haue mine. But bicause I meane yet further to punish thee for thy slippes in thy Pistle, I will not doe thee that plea sure. For now in deede it commeth into my mind, that thou hast dealt foolishlie in two points, beside all other thy fore-reckoned ouersights.

First thou hast hereby exasperated against thy father and other poore men his well willers, not onely thy vncle Caiphas, but hast set on the most of thine neames, to giue their aduise howe to en­trap him and his fauourers. For tenne to one, but that Beelzebub of London will discharge the pur­suvants, to go to their busines with this or the like madmonition.

My Masters, you must not sleepe in this matter. The maintenāce of the peace of our church stan­deth now in your faithfulnes and care. They are desperately set to ouerthrowe al. And by the masse I will be a pursuvant my selfe, rather then abide this tumult. And if I were, I trowe I would watch about Trauerse his house in Milke streete, who go in and out there, and I would know what they ca­ried vnder their cloakes too, euen anie of them al. There is Paget at Hounslo, I beshrewe my heart if I would shewe him anie such fauour as my Lordes Grace heere doeth. They are naught, they are naught, all the packe of them, Ile trust none of them all. There is Cartwright too at Warwicke, he hath got him such a companie of disciples, both of the worshipful, and other of the poorer sort, as we [Page]haue no cause to thanke him. Neuer tell me, that he is too graue to trouble himselfe with Martins conceits. Tush, they will doe anie thing to ouer­throw vs, that they might haue our liuings anie o them all. I knowe what a good liuing is able to do with the best of vs all. Cartwright seekes the peace of our Church no otherwise then his platforme may stand. And you knowe, my Lord, that there is no biting to the olde snake. And I doe not see o my troth, but that Martins abetters may be worse then himselfe, and doe more mischiefe. There­fore goe me to all their houses, spare mee none of them, knights, gentlemen, and all. For I trust the high commission may go to anie knight, yea, or no­ble mans house in England. Therfore, my Lords, I woulde wish, that some continuall spie may be in all those places which are most suspected. And let him learne to be wise, to creepe into acquain­tance with some of the preciser sorte, and looke smoothlie for a time, vntill hee can execute his commission.

Lo yongman, do not you deserue stripes, for fle­shing on these blood-hounds in this fort? Let men looke to keep them in as good temper as possiblie they can, yet wil they haue The mani­fest token of a mad dog. a blacke tooth in their heads, do what we may. But yet I would haue born with all this, if thou haddest taken a little paines in ryming with Mar-Martin; that the cater-caps may knowe, howe the meanest of my fathers sonnes is able to answeare them, both at blunt and sharpe. And for thy further instruction against an other time, heere is a sample for thee of that, which in such like cases thou art to performe, if I or my fa­ther should set thee a worke.

¶ The first rising, generation, and origi­nall of Mar-Martin.

From Sarum came a gooses egge,
with specks and spots bepatched,
A priest of Lambeth coucht thereon:
Mar-Martin en­gendred of Can­turburie and Sarum.
thus was Mar-Martin hatched.
Whence hath Mar-Martin all his wit,
but from that egge of Sarum?
The rest coms all from great Sir Iohn,
who rings vs all this larum.
What can the cokatrice hatch vp,
but serpent like himselfe?
What sees the Ape within the glasse,
but a deformed Elfe?
Then must Mar-Martin haue some smell
of forge or else of fire,
A sotte in wit, a beast in minde:
for so was damine and fire.

Or else thou mightest haue requited him in this Epitaph thus:

If that Mar-Martin die the death, that to the dog is due,
Vpon his tomb engrane this verse, & you shal find it true:
He lies endiched here that from the ladder toppe
Did once beblesse the people thus, but first he kist the rope
Mar-Martins au­ricular confession from the toppe of a giber.
Come neere, quoth he, take heede by me,
I loued to lie by ryming,
Tis just you see, and doth agrece,
that now I die by climing:
What wretch but I, that vowed to lie,
all falshoode still defending?
Who may say fie? No beast but I.
loe here you see my ending.
I liued a wretch, I die the stretch,
my daies and death agree:
Whose life is blameful, his death is shame­ful,
be warnd ye rogues by mee.
The justest I hated, the godliest I rated,
and thus I railed my fill:
The good I detested, the best things I wre­sted,
to serue mine owne beastlie will.
Religion I lothed, my selfe I betrothed,
to all the lewd snares of sinne.
Tis shame to saye more, take heede of a whore,
Beleeue him then, but drinke not with him.
markes sticke yet in my skinne.
Aske you the cause? I spurnd at Gods laws,
and hence comes all my wracke,
Where should he dwel, that feares not hel,
but with the furies blacke?
A beast that braues, a tongue that raues,
wil God reuenge in ire.
Then vengeance must (for God is iust)
fall to Mar-Martins hire.
My tongue in ribaudrie,
Take example then my cleargie Chapleins, by this lamentable fall of your Mar-Martin.
My heart in villanie,
My life in treacherie,
Hath wrought me my fall.
I stroue for the prelacie,
And so shooke off honestie,
O vile indignitie!
Yet woulde this were all.

Loe youth; though I were loth to file my fingers with such a brothell beast as this Mar-Martin is, yet because thou diddest let him goe by thee (mee thought) halfe vnbranded, I was the willinger as thou seest, to giue him a wipe or twoo, which I be­leeue he wil neuer claw off with honestie while he [Page]liues. And I would wish him, with the rest of the ri­mers, if they be wise, to take heede of my next Pi­stle. Indeede I denie not, but thou hast said pretily to him, neither woulde I haue thee discouraged in thy good and honorable course against these pre­lates. Neuertheles, I muze thou diddest let him go cleare away with his poperie of sir Nicholas Priestes. Also, where like a good Catholike hee counsels vs (we thanke him) to say a rounde Pater noster for Q. Elizabeth, I muze thou saidst nothing to that, considering how much her Majestie is be­holden to him in that regarde. And much more had shee beene, if hee had added an Aue Marie to it: those both together, with a peece of S. Iohns Gospell about ones loines, woulde haue beene a principall receit for the collicke. But sure nowe I thinke on it, he brought it in one lie but to make vp his ryme. And if you scanne it well, tis a pretie one, marke it well: ‘O England novv ful often must thou Pater noster say.’

How sayst thou, hast thou anie skil in Musike? If thou haue, then I am sure thou wilt confesse with mee, that this bastarde pentamenter verse hath a fine sweete loose at the latter ende, with a draught of Darbie ale. But what sayest thou to it? Whe­ther likest thou better of these Nicholas Priestes that can so amble away with the Pater noster, or of that little priest of Surrey, who bade his maide in her extreamitie of sickenesse say, Magnificat, say Magnificat?

Well boy, to drawe to an ende, notwithstanding thy small defectes, perswade thy selfe, that I loue thee: doubt not of that. And here before we part, take this one graue lesson of thine elder brother: [Page]Be silent and close, heare manie, conferre with few. And in this point doe as I doe; know not thy father though thou mayest. For I tell thee, if I shoulde meete him in the streete, I woulde neuer aske him blessing: walke smoothely and circum­spectly. and if anie ofter to talke with thee of Mar­tin, talke thou straite of the voyage into Portugal, or of the happie death of the Duke of Guyse, or some such accident; but meddle not with thy fa­ther. Onely, if thou haue gathered anie thing in visitation for thy father, and hast a longing to ac­quaint him therewith, doe no more but intreate him to signifie in some secret printed Pistle where a will haue it lefte, and thatle serue thy turne as good as the best. The reason whie wee must not knowe our father is, that I feare least some of vs shoulde fall into Iohn Canturburie his hand, and then heele threaten vs with the racke vnlesse wee bewray all we knowe. And what get we then by our knowledge? For I had rather be ignorant or Thatle do me no good, then know Thatle hurt me, ka M. Martin Senior. Farewell boy, and learne to reue­rence thy elder brother.

Pag. 6. line 18. for, giue all the good, reade, go all the ground

Pag. 14. line 12. for, auoiding, reade vrging

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