MARKHAMS METHOD OR EPJTOME: WHEREIN IS SHEWED his aprooued Remedies for all diseases whatsoeuer incident to Horses, Oxen, Kine, Bulls, Calues, Sheep, Lambs, Goats, Swine, Dogs of all kind, Conies, all sorts of Poultrye, all Water-soule, as Geese, Ducks, Swans, and the like,) Pigeons, all singing Birds, Hawks of all kind; and other Creatures seruice­able for the vse of man:

Deuided into twelue generall Points or Heads.



Printed at London by G. E. for Thomas Langley, and are to be sold at his shop ouer against the [...]

TO THE RIGT WORSHIPFVLL AND his most deare respected friend Maister IOHN MASSY of Codington in Cheshire.

GOod Sir, Hee that much doth, may much miscarry, be­cause danger euer is the Companion with labour: and in these dayes mens braines are so sickly and subiect to [Page] take surfaits, especially where either the feast is (in their owne conceits) too full, or the dishes not drest an­swerable to their stomacks, that, to bee a Cook to please all mens varie­ties, were to ascribe a cunning har­dly bestowed vppon Angels; from which consideration I haue beene many times induced to haue obscu­red this small and inrespeccted Epi­tome, as willing to hold from mis­taking mindes (which poyson with false construction) a benefit so good and certaine, as I know they will be fruitfull in diuulging my dis­praise, and finding knots in smooth rushes, adding to my title, vaine prate and ostentation; But by many [Page] of my better friendes, and some whose approued wisedomes are wor­thy, and some whose knowne loues doe and euer shall gouerne mee, I am inforced to disesteeme the vaine battery of the enuious, and boldly publish this Treatise, which I doubt not but will bee a generall good to all the whole Kingdome, for whose seruice I was onely cre­ated. As for your worthy selfe who was the first that euer beheld it, and to whose handes it flew before it had taken any perfit or true forme, as knowing how able you were both to iudge of the defects, and to crowne the perfections, not a Gentleman in this Kingdome of [Page] your ranke going one steppe before you, either in loue or knowledge of Horsemanship: To whom I say but you should I send this my last In­fant; to bee nourished and defended, since it pleased you to accept it with much loue, when it was vnlikely of life any where but in your bo­some. Then worthy Sir, let mee be­seech you to take it to Protection, and whilst nothing but enuy as­saults it, bee you its constant guar­dian; But when eyther a stron­ger or better skill proues ie vaine, then leaue it againe to my selfe, and wee will both dye inrespec­ted; till when, (which will not bee whilst any thing is) at least [Page] not whilst Men ride on Horse­backe, I will euer rest a faithfull and true Caba­net, full of your Goodnes.


To the old and new Readers.

THis is an Age, (gentle Reader) of much inqui­sition & exami­nation of mens printed workes: neither is it in my conceit either vnreasonable or vnnecessary that men should giue account for their labours, especially where they make the world beleeue [Page] they doe the world a particular pro­fit, for otherwise the world might come to bee cosened: Therefore for my selfe, thus me thinkes I heare the world say: Sir why loade you thus both mens mindes and the Booke-sellers stalles with such change and variety of bookes, all vppon one subiect, as if men were tyed to your readings? mee thinks the little Pamphlet you first pub­lisht, might haue giuen satisfaction; To this I answer: that Pamphlet was the milke of my first experi­ence, drawne, not to nourish the world, but to giue a little satis­faction to a noble Kinsman I had, from whom a very corrupt copy was stolne, and in printing without my knowledge; so that to shield both mine owne shame and the bookes, I was compeld to put it forth in that manner as it went, [Page] & then, many iudicious Gentlemen in the same art found faint in the breefnes therof, saying, that the scan­ting of my rules took away much sa­tisfaction from the yong scholler, an that there was a lamenesse therein, because I had not handled the whole members of the art, but heere a fin­ger and there a toe, as I was led by mine owne fancy. Hence it came I writ the great Boohe Cauelorice, and in it omitted nothing in my knowledge appertinent to Horse­manship: but by reason of a too greedy and hasty Booke-seller, and the distributing of the worke into the handes of many Printers, it was not onely exceeding falsly printed, but also most part of the booke of cures left out, which was such a maime to the booke, that I was many yeares stird vp by my friends to repaire that error; which I did by writing that booke intituled the Master-peece, wherein I haue set [Page] downe euery disease & euery medi­cine, so full & so exactly that there is not a farrier in this kingdome, which knowes a medicine for any disease, which is true & good indeed, but I wil find the substance thereof in that booke yet this book did not satisfie my friends, for they said though it was a worke right good and ne­cessary, yet the greatnesse of the booke and the great price thereof, depriued poore men of the benefit; and that the multiplicity of the me­dicines, and the cost of the ingre­dients, were such as poore men stood amazed at, and found that their beasts perisht before they could compasse that should cure them: from hence onely I haue with much labour and experience found out the Contents of this booke, where with twelue medicines, not oftwele pence cost, and to bee got com­monly euery where, I will cure all [Page] the diseases that are in Horses, what­soeuer, and they almost 300. This booke I hope the price will not hin­der, for it is determined onely for the good of the needfull, to whose vse if it proue as fortunate as it is faithfully and iustly set downe, they will haue cause to praise God and loue me.


A briefe Preface of the nature of the Horse.

A Horse, of all the vnreasonable creatures vpon the earth, is of the greatest vnderstanding, ha­uing in them (as the Schole men affirme) a certaine naturall in­stinct, not onely of the knowledge of their riders, and keepers, but also of their owne generation and descent, knowing their Sires, and Dams, in such wise that they will refuse (as Pliny saith) to couple, or ingender with them: they are also of all creatures, the aptest to learne any motion, and the readiest to o­bey their teachers, hauing a greater loue to exercise then any other beast. They are of infinite great courage and valour, taking an exceding delight in the warres, and (as some Schole-men affirme) haue a certaine fore­knowledge of battell, and will prepare them­selues man-like for the same. They wil mourne for the losse, or deathes of their maisters, and are so apt to endure labor, that it is written of the horses of the Sama [...]rans, that they would gallop a hundred and fifty miles end-wayes, without rest or stay: they ate naturally of [Page] long life, and by choice keeping, haue bene brought to summe vp fifty yeares; but for thirty yeares it is much ordinary. The Mares are lesse liued, as till twenty, or fiue and twen­ty at the most. They are of all beasts the most beautifull of shape, they are fit for the saddle at foure yeares of age, for the warres at six, for the race at eight, and for hunting, or for extreame matches, at ten or eleuen: the fe­males beare their Foales full eleuen months, and foale in the twelfth: the best time for their ingendring is in March at the increase of the Moone, or in the middle part thereof, and the Mare foaleth her foale standing: they are supposed to be so louing and kinde to their ge­neration, that if a foale loose the damme, yet the other mares which are milche, will of their owne accord lend their teates, and feede or nurse vp the orphan foale. Horses are subiect to more diseases then any other beast, for they haue full as many as belongeth vnto a man; and yet notwithstanding, all those dis­eases may be cured by twelue medicines one­ly, as you shall finde by reading of the sequell which followeth.

[Page] How to cure all the infirmities in Horses, either inward, or outward, with twelue medicines onely, and all not worth twelue-pence.

The first poynt.

All these infirmities are cured by the first me­dicine following.

  • All Feuers in generall.
  • The pestilence.
  • A Horse taken.
  • The falling euill.
  • The palsey, or shaking euill.
  • The night mare.
  • Hyde-bound,
  • All consumptions.
  • The brest griefe.
  • The anticor.
  • All tyrednesse:
  • The loathing of meat.
  • Casting out of drinke.
  • All surfeits.
  • The hungry euill,
  • Sicke liuer.
  • Sicke gall.
  • Sicke spleene.
  • Sicke kidneys.
  • The yellowes.
  • The dropsie.
  • Costiuenes in the bo­dy.
  • The Botts.
  • All wormes.
  • Pissing bloud.
  • The mattering yard.
  • Shedding of the seed.
  • Falling of the yard.
  • Eating of hens dung.
  • The falling of the crest.

The first Medicine.

If the horse haue bene brought weake by sicknesse, and that you finde it proceedeth from some inward infection, or corruption of bloud, you shall giue him in the morning fast­ing two spoonefull of the powder of Diapen­te, well brewed and tost to and fro in a pinte of sweete wine, as Muskadine, or Malmsey, and then ride or walke him vp and downe in the Sunne an hower after: then set him vp ve­ry warme in the stable, and let him fast an hower, and then giue him such prouender as he will eate, and his hay sprinkled with a little water: But if his sicknes proceed from any colde cause, as from ouer-riding, and too sodaine cooling, or from washing when he was hot▪ or such like, then you shall giue the same quantity of Diapente in Sacke, or other hot wine, in the same manner, as aforesaid: But if his sicknes be lesse contagious, or that wine is not ready to be had, then you shall giue the same quantity of the aforesaid pow­der, either in a quart of strong Ale, or a quart of stronge Beere, obseruing all the instructi­ons formerly declared. Now for this powder which is called Diapente, or (of some) Horse Methridate, because it is a generall Antidote [Page 5] or preseruatiue against al poysonous infection, you shall make it in this manner. Take of Aristolochia rotunda, of Gentiana, of Mirrhe, of Bachilauri, and of Ebori, of each a like quantity, beat them all togither in a morter to a very fine powder, and then searse it till not any grossnes be left, and then keepe it ei­ther in a close pot, or in a bladder, and vse it as before saide when you shall haue occasi­on, and obserue to doe it diuers mornings to­gither, if the sicknes be violent. Now for as much as this powder may many times be wan­ting, or at least hard to come by on the so­daine, therefore in case of such extreamity you shall take a good handfull of Cellodine, rootes and leaues and all, and hauing pickt and clen­sed them, you shall take of Wormewood, and of Rue, of each halfe an handfull, boyle these in a pottle of stronge Ale or Beere, till a full halfe be consumed, then straine it, and presse the hearbes excedingly, and then dissolue in­to the drinke almost halfe a pound of sweete butter, and an ounce and a halfe of the best treakle: and being no more but luke warme, giue it the horse to drinke in the morning fasting, and ride or walke him an hower after it, then set him vp warme, and let him fast an other hower, then giue him meate as afore­said: and doe thus diuers mornings accor­ding [Page] to the greatnes of his sicknes. Now in this cure, you must by no meanes forget to let the horse bloud in the neck-veine, an hower or two before you giue him the first drinke, and let him bleede till you see the corrupt bloud change & begin to looke pure, to know which, you shall saue the first bloud, and the last bloud, in two saucers, and as they coole, they will easily shewe you the diffe­rence. Now if your horse happen to fall so­denly sicke vnder you, as you trauell, when there is no towne nor helpe neere you, then you shall presently light from his backe, and with a sharp poynted knife, or bodkin, or for want of both, with a stronge poynt tagge, you shall pricke him in the roofe of the mouth amongst the barres, somewhat neere to his vppermost teeth, and make him bleed well, walking him foreward, and suffering him to champe and eate his owne bloud which is ve­ry wholesome, and almost a present cure: Now if the bloud stanch of it selfe (as com­monly it will) then you shall presently pisse in his mouth, and so ryde him with all gentle­nesse and ease home-ward, and being set vp warme, wash his mouth and nostrills with vi­neger, and the next morning let him bloud in the necke-veine, and giue him either of the drenches before prescribed, and no doubt [Page] but you may hold on your iourney without danger. Now if in the pricking of the horse in the mouth, you either strike your knife too deepe, or else cut the veine in sunder, where­by you cannot stanch the bloud (as it many times hapneth) in this case you shall put some big roūd peece of wood into the horses mouth (to keepe him from byting) and then take a little of the fine downe of a Hares skinne, or a Conies skinne, or (for want of them) the fine linte of any wollen cloth, and hold it hard to the wound and it will stanch it, neither will it be lickt away with the horses tongue.

All these infirmities are cured by the second Medicine following.

  • All head-ach.
  • All frenzie.
  • The lethargie.
  • The staggers.
  • The posse.
  • All coldes.
  • All coughes, or wet or dry.
  • All shortnes of breath.
  • Broken winde.
  • Rotten lungs.
  • The Glangers.
  • Mourning of the chyne.
  • Laxe, or loosenes.
  • The bloudy fluxe.

The second Medicine.

For any of these diseases of the head, or [Page 8] lunges, or other parts by them offended, you shall in any wise first let the horse bloud in the necke-veine, and let him bleed exceeding well, that is to say, till you see the bloud change, and that corruption come to pure­nesse, then stanch the veine, and take of Assae­fetida as much as a hassell nut, and dissolue it in a saucer full of strong wine vineger, and then take fine flaxe hurds and dip them therein, and then stop the same hard into the horses eares, and with a needle and a thred stich the tippes of the horses eares together, to keepe the medicine in from shaking forth▪ then take of the white cankerous mosse, which growes vpon an old oake pale, or other oake wood, a good handfull or more, and boyle it in a pottle of new milke till one halfe be consu­med then strayne it, and presse the mosse exce­dingly, and being luke warme giue it the horse to drinke fasting in the morning, and ride or walke him an hower after it gently, then set him vp warme, and hauing stood an hower, then offer him such meat as he will most willingly eate, and in any wise sprinckle his hay with water, and thus doe diuers mor­nings together, according to the greatnes of his sicknes: but if you shall perceiue that he casteth foule and filthy matter at his nostrils, then you shall euery morning as soone as you [Page 9] haue giuen the drench, take of Auripigmen­tum two drammes of Tussilaginis made into powder as much, then with Turpentine worke them to a stiffe past, and make little round cakes thereof, the compasse of a groat, but much thicker, and dry them a little; then take a chafing dish and coales, and laying one or two of these cakes thereon, couer them with a tunnell, such as you tunne wine or beere into bottles with, that the smoake may ascend through the same: then hauing made the horses head fast, put the smoak to his nost­rils, and perfume him well with the same, and though at the first he be somwhat coy to take the smoake, yet hauing once felt the smell thereof, he will take such delight therein, that he will of his owne accord thrust his nose to the same: assone as you haue perfumed your horse, you shall ride him forth till he begin to sweat, and then bring him home and set him vp warme, and hauing so stood an hower or more, then giue him meate as before sayd, but by no meanes let him drinke any cold water, either in his sicknes or out of his sick­nes, but when you may ride him after it, which if either weaknes, leasure, time or place doe hinder you to doe, then you shall heate a pottle of water on the fire scalding hot, & put it into a gallō or two of cold water, so that it [Page] may onely take the coldnesse away▪ and then cast a handfull or two of ground malt or wheat branne into the same and so giue it the horse to drinke.

All these infirmities are cured by the third medicine following.

  • Impostumes in the Eares.
  • The Vines.
  • Vlcers in the nose.
  • All wens whatsoeuer.
  • The Colt euill.
  • Sweld stones.
  • Incording or bursting.

The third Medicine.

For any of these outward infirmities or swellings, you shall take a penniworth of pep­per beaten to fine pouder, a spoonefull of Swines grease, the iuyce of a handfull of Rue, two spoonfull of strong wine vinegar, and mixe them well altogether: then if the swelling be about the horses head, face, or throat, you shall take flaxe hurds and steepe them therein, and stop it hard into the horses eares and stich the tippes together with a needle and a thread, as in the second medi­cine, [Page] renewing it once in two dayes till the swelling goe away. But if it be in any other part of the body, then with this oyntment you shall anoynt the greeued place twice a day, till the infirmity consume away. Now for the swelling about the Cods or priuy members, it shall be good before you anoynt them with this oyntment, to bath them well with cold water, as either by trotting the horse into some deepe ponde, or els by taking a paile of cold water, and dipping a cloth into the same, to bath, clap, and wash the Cods therewith, then drying them with another cleane cloth, lay on the oyntment, which is a present cure.

All these infirmities are cured by the fourth medicine following.

  • The pole euill.
  • Swelling after blood­letting.
  • The withers hurt.
  • All galld backs.
  • All stittfasts.
  • The nauell-gall.
  • The Strangle.
  • The botch in the groyne.
  • All Fistulas.
  • Biting with venomous beasts or wormes.

The fourth medicine.

For any of these filthy imposthumations, galls or swellings, you shall take the earth lome of a mudde wall which hath no lime in it, but onely earth, straw, or litter, and you shall boyle it in strong wine vinegar till it be­come very thicke like a pultus, then being ve­ry hot apply it to the sore, renewing it once in twelue or foure and twenty houres, and it will not only ripen it and breake it, but also draw it, search it, and heale it most perfectly: as experience wil manifest it.

All these infirmities are cured by the fift me­dicine following.

  • Mangines in the maine.
  • Mangines in the tayle.
  • The Mallander.
  • The Sellander.
  • The paines.
  • The Scratches.
  • All kyb'd heeles.
  • The leprosie.
  • The farcye.
  • The generall scab.
  • All lice or nittes or o­ther vermine.

The fift Medicine.

First in any wise you shall let the horse blood in the necke-veine, and you shall suffer [Page 13] him to bleed very well (because corruption of blood is the onely breeder of these infir­mities) then hauing with knife, launcet, cur­ry combe, hayre-cloth, or such like, opened the knots or pustules, and rubd away al skurfe or filthinesse, laying the sores open and raw and as it were ready to bleede, then you shall take of yellow A snicke beaten to fine pow­der, and clarified hogges grease, of each a lit­tle quantity, and beat them well together till they come to a perfect oyntment, then hauing tyed the horses head vp fast to the rack, in such wise that hee can neither licke nor bite himselfe, with this oyntment anoynt all the sores & other offended places very well ouer, holding some hot barre of iron or fire-shouell heated against the same, that the oyntment may the better and speedilier enter into the same: and being thus anoynted, let him stand the space of two or three houres at the least tyed as beforesaid: which done, take of the strongest vrine you can get, and with the same wash away all the oyntment wheresoeuer it was layd, and then vntye the horse and put him to his meate: and thus doe once a day, till the sores drye vp and beginne to shill away.

[Page] All these infirmities are cured by the sixt medicine following.

  • All woundes in gene­rall.
  • All Synewes cut.
  • All woundes with shot.
  • Burning with lime.
  • Mad dogge biting.
  • Foundering.
  • Frettizing.
  • Surbaiting.
  • All loose hoofes,
  • Casting of the hoofe.
  • Hoofe-bound.

The sixt Medicine.

Take of Turpentine, waxe, and hogges grease, of each a like quantity, first melt the yellow waxe and hogges grease vppon a soft fire, then take it off and dissolue the turpen­tine into it, and stirre it very well together, then put it into a Gally pot and let it coole: & with this salue, tent, or plaister any wound or sore, & it wil heale it: also with the same anoint the cronets of your horses hoofes, and put­ting wheat branne vnto it, being boyling hot, stop vp your horses feet therewith, in case ei­ther of founder, frettize, surbat, or such like infirmity.

[Page] All these infirmities are cured by the seauenth medicine following.

  • All old vlcers.
  • The Shackle gall.
  • The Canker,
  • The Anbury.
  • All bruises broken.
  • All ouer-reaches.
  • The crowne scab,
  • The crownet hurt.
  • Grauelling.
  • Prick in the soale.
  • A retrait.
  • Cloying.
  • The rotten frush.

All these infirmities are cured by the way onley contained in the seauenth medicine follow­ing.

  • The bloudy rifts.
  • The bladders.
  • The lampas.
  • All mouth Cankers.
  • All heat in the mouth.
  • The tongue hurt.
  • The paps.
  • The tooth-ake,
  • Shedding of hayre.
  • The felter worme.

The seauenth Medicine.

Take of new milke three quarts, a good handfull of Plantaine, let it boyle till a full pint be consumed, then take three ounces of Allome, and one ounce & an halfe of white sugar Candy, both beeing made into a very fine pouder, and three spoonefull of strong [Page 16] wine vineger, and put them into the milke, then let it boyle a little till it haue a hard curde, then straine it and saue the whay, wher­with you shall first bath the sore, the whay be­ing made warme: then with a cleane cloth dry the sore, and then apply to it this salue: take of turpentine, yellow-waxe and hogs-grease of each an ounce, and of verdigrease ground to fine pouder an ounce and a halfe, mixe all these very wel together on a soft fire, & then put it into a gally pot and let it coole: but in case where the bruise is not broken, yet likely to breake, there you shall only ap­ply the fourth medicine onely, mentioned before.

All these infirmities are cured by the eighth medicine following.

  • All conuulsions of si­newes.
  • All Crampes whatso­euer.
  • The necke-cricke.
  • Shoulder splat.
  • All sweld legges.
  • Ouer-reach in the backe sinew.
  • All windgalls.
  • Wrench in the nether ioynt.
  • All bruises vnbroke.
  • All straines whatso­euer.

The eight Medicine.

Take strong wine vineger & patch grease of each a like quantity and boye it on the fire then with wheate branne make it into a hot pultus and being so warme as the horse may well indure it, apply it twice a day to the grieued place, but in case the sorance bee where you cannot bind any pultus vnto it, then you shall onely take patch grease and be­ing mol [...]en very hot with the same, bath the horse twise or thrice a day and giue him very moderate excercise before and after his dres­sing, and it will not onely take away all paine and anguish but also remooue all swellings, gourdings, or any other eyesore whatsoeuer.

All these infirmities are cured by the ninth medicine following.

  • All light galls.
  • To skinne sores.
  • To dry vp humors.

The ninth Medicine.

First bath the sore place with hot moulten Butter, then strow vppon it the pouder of Rossen, lastly take a spoonefull or two of very thicke Creame, and with the soote of a Chimney bring it to a very thicke past, then spread it also vpon the sore and it will heale drye and skinne it in a short space.

[Page 18] All these infirmities are cured by the tenth me­dicine following.

  • All watry eyes.
  • All blood-shotten eies
  • All dimnesse of sight.
  • The pin and web in the eye.
  • All Pearls or spots.
  • All lunaticke eyes.
  • All vlcers in the eyes.
  • All cankers in the eyes.
  • All Fistulas in the eies.
  • The hawe in the eye.

The tenth Medicine.

Take true ground-Iuy, which of some is called alehoofe, and beat it well in a morter, and if it be very drye drop a little white rose-water into it, or a little of the water of the hearbe Eyebright, then straine it well into a cleane glasse, and with that iuyce wash, a­noynt, or tent the sores in the eyes at least three or foure times a day: as for the hawes or hogs in a horses eyes, euery common Smith knowes in what sort to cut them away, and that easily.

All these infirmities are cured by the ele­uenth medicine following.

  • All splents.
  • All Spauens.
  • All Curbs.
  • All ringbones.
  • All quitterbones.
  • All bony excrescions.

The eleuenth Medicine.

Take white Arsnicke ground to pouder and make a little slit vppon the head of the excrescion the length of a barley corne, and downe to the bone, then rayse vp the skinne with a fine cornet, and put in as much of the Arsnicke as wil lye vppon a three halfepence, and then bind vpon the sore a little dry flaxe hurds, which done tye vp the horses head to the racke, so as he may not bite the sore place, and let him so stand the space of two or three houres, for in that time the anguish will bee gone and the medicine will haue done wor­king, then put the horse to his meat either in the house or abroad, and the excrescion will rotte & fall away of it selfe, which seene you may heale vp the sore, either with the sixt or the ninth medicine specified before.

All these infirmities are cured by the twelfth Medicine following.

  • All broken bones,
  • All bones out of ioynt.
  • Swaying of the backe▪
  • Weakenesse in the backe.
  • Horse-hipped.
  • Horse-stifled.

The twelfth Medicine.

The bones being placed in their true and proper places, according to the forme of the [Page 20] member, you shall first bath the grieued place with warme patch greasse, then clap about it a bynding plaster of pitch, rosen, masticke, and sallet oyle, well mixt togither and mol­ten on the fire, then fould the limbe about with sine flaxe hurds, and then splent it with broade, flat, strong and soft splents, and re­moue not the dressing for the space of fifteene dayes, except you finde the roulers to slacken which is a very good signe and then you may strayten them againe, or if you finde the mem­ber increase in swelling, and that the roulers grow as it were straiter and strayter then you may giue the members ease, for it is a signe it was rould too straight before, and thus you shal dresse it but twice in thirty dayes, or there abouts, in which time the bones will be knit, but if through the breatch or dislocation, you finde any grose substance to appeare about the grieued place, then you shall twice or thrice a day bath it with hot patch greasse, & that wil take away the eie sore in a short space.

The emperour of all medicines concer­ning Horses, The second poynt.

TAke of wheat meale six pounds, or as much as wil bring all the other simples following to a stiffe paste: of Annis-seeds two ounces, of Commig-seedes six drams, of Car­thamus one dram and a halfe, of Fenugreeke seed one ounce and two drammes, of Brimston one ounce and a halfe, of Sallet oyle, one pint and two ounces, of Hony one pound & a halfe, of white wine foure pints, and all this must be made into a very stiffe past, the hard sim­ples being pounded and fearst to a fine pow­der and so mixt with the wet simples, af­ter this past is thus made, it must be kept in a very cleane cloth, and when you haue occa­sion to vse it, you shall take there of as much as will make a round ball as big a mans fist, and this ball you shall by continuall washing or lauingng dissolue in a gallon or two of faire running water, and so giue it the horse to drinke, either after his heates, or after any violent labour or exercise, or when he is sicke poore, leane, or inwardly diseased, and full of foule surfaits, and then you shall suffer him to [Page 22] drinke thereof as much and as oft as he plea­seth. Now it may be at the first, that partly through the colour thereof, & partly through the smell, the horse will be coy to tast it, but care not you therefore, but be sure to keepe him from all water else but it onely, and that he may the readier take it, you shall doe well at first to offer him this water in the darke, that the colour may not offend him, of which when he hath but once tasted, he will then forsake all water whatsoeuer to drinke of this water onely, as I haue often knowne by expe­rience. Now touching the vertues which ap­pertaine to this medicine, they are these: first if your horse be neuer so poore, leane, surfai­ted and diseased, if you giue your horse of this water with the ball dissolued in it as afore­said, it will in fourteene dayes not onely clense and scowre him from all infirmitie, but also feede him and make him sat with good and sound flesh, so as he shall be fit either for the Market, or for present trauell: Secondly, if your horse be inwardly foule and fatt, and haue ei­ther by orderly or disorderly riding had his grease molten within him, then this medi­cine vsed as aforesaid, is a most excellent and soueraine purge or scowring, and maketh the horse not onely auoid all such filthy and ill matter as lies molten in his body, and would [Page 23] breed most dangerous and mortall sicknesses, but also it comforteth and strengthneth the inward parts, and breedes great courage and spirit in the horse, whence it comes to passe that it is of especiall and great vse for hunting horses, & rūning horses, to be giuen after their heates, because it doth clense the body, pre­uents all inward sicknesses, keepes a horse coole and soluble in his body, and adds more courage & mettle then any other foode what­soeuer: Lastly the vse of this medicine one fortnight is as good as a quarter of a yeares grasse at any time of the yeare, and worketh as many and more good effects, especially in this, that this medicine is to be had at al times, and grasse is to be had but onely in the Sum­mer season: and whereas at grasse (if it be ranke and sweet) a horse is in danger of many sicknesses, as the yellowes, staggers, and ma­ny other which proceed from the corruption of the bloud, or the heat of the season, by the vse of this medicine all those infirmities are ta­ken away, and the horse recouereth flesh, strength, and liuelihood of spirit, without any danger, as proofe shall testifie, much better then my writing.

The third poynt. How to cure all the diseases in Cattell, as Oxe, Cowe, Bull, or Calfe, with seauen medicines onely.

The Caracter, or nature of the Oxe, Bull, Cowe, or Calfe.

THe Oxe, Bull, Cowe, or Calfe, for indeed they are but one & the selfe same in gene­ration, are beasts naturally of a slow and hea­uy disposition, yet fit for the draught, being temperately handled, and especially the Oxen or Bulls, the Cowes may be and are somtimes imployed in the same worke, but yet they are more fit for the paile, or for yeelding of milke, which they yeeld in greater aboundance then any other beasts whatsoeuer, their flesh is the best and most wholsomest for the suste­nance of man, and therefore when they are past labour, or other commodity, they may be fedde and sould to the shambles: The fat of these beasts is soft, and apt vpon any violent exercise to melt whence it proceeds that in their labour they may not be driuen aboue an ordinary foote-pace: their skinnes are of very [Page 25] great price, being a leather of that firme, fast and hard composition, that with ordinary li­quering or working in oyle, it withstandeth all wet and weather, and out weareth all other leather whatsoeuer. Of these kinde of Cattell with vs in this Iland of great Brittaine are foure sorts: the first, and best, are those which are bred in the west parts, as in Somerset­shire, Gloster-shire, Dorset-shire, and the Countries adioyning, these are for the most part of a bloud red colour, with great, large, and long bodies, tall of stature, and slenderly cast downewards, their hornes are little and crooked, and the milke which the Cowes giue is the most best and wholsomest of all o­ther. The second sort are bred in the coun­tries of Darby-shire, Chesse-shire, Lancha-shire, Yorke-shire, and the countries adioy­ning: these are for the most part of a coole blacke colour, with large bodyes and short legges, stately large and white hornes, and the Cowe most fruitfull of all other for breed. The third sort are bred in Lincolneshire and the countries adioyning and are of a pied co­lour, very tall, and large of body, onely slen­der and long legged. The fourth sort are bred in the extreamest part of the North as in Nor­thumberland and beyond the Tweede, they are the least of all the other with short low [Page 26] bodies and very little hornes, yet is their flesh most excellent and the sweetest beefe of allo­ther, whence our ancient heardsmen con­clude, that the west country beast is best for the paile, the yorkshire best for the hide & tallow, the Lincolnshire for trauell, and the Northumberland for the shambles: they haue all as many diseases as the horse, yet all may be cured by seauen medicines onely.

All these infirmities are cured in Cattell by the first medicine following.

  • All Feuers.
  • The pestilence.
  • The gargill.
  • The mourraine.
  • All misliking.
  • All leannes.
  • All fluxes.
  • The pissing of blood.
  • Hide-bound.
  • The drie skinne.
  • The Lunge-growne.
  • Swallowing of all poi­son whatsoeuer.
  • All wormes.
  • Vomiting of blood.
  • Milting.
  • To prouoke vrine.
  • The ouerflow of the gall.
  • A Cow wethered.
  • All faintnes.
  • How to breed milke.
  • The Pantas.
  • The losse of the cud.
  • The rot.

The first Medicine.

First assoone as you perceiue your beast to droop, you shall in any wise let him bloud in [Page 27] the necke veine, and let him bleede well (that is to say) till you see alteration in the blood; then take of plantaine, of rewe, of worm­wood, of housleike, of woodrosse, of sheppards purse, of Smallage, and of galworte▪ of each of these (or of so many as you can conueniently get) halfe a handful, beat them wel in a morter and then mixe therewith a pinte of vrine & a handfull of henns dunge strayned all toge­ther exceeding much, then put this Iuyce so strayned to a full ale-quarte of stronge beere or strong ale, & so set it on the fire and boyle it till a full halfe bee consumed, then take it from the fire, & dissolue into it halfe an ounce of the best treacle and a spoonfull of the iuyce of Garlicke, then take of Myrhe, of Iuory, of Bay-berries, of Cinamon, and of Annis seedes beaten to fine pouder two good spoonefull, and brew it very well with the ale, then be­ing sufficiently wel cool'd giue it the beast to drinke with a horne, early in the morning fasting, and chase the Beast vp and downe, halfe an houre after, then put him where hee may come to no meate for an houre and an halfe after, and thus do two or three mornings together according to the greatnes of his sicknes: But if you find his dewe-lap begin to swell, then you shall with a sharp knife slit it, and opening of the skinne you shall thrust in­to [Page 28] it halfe a handfull of Speare-grasse and salt chopt together, and then stitch it vp againe and anoint it with butter and tarre mixt toge­ther, and so put the beast to a fresh pasture, but by no meanes let the grasse be too ranck, for that is most dangerous.

All these infirmities are cured by the second medicine following.

  • The belly ake.
  • All colds in generall.
  • Dropping nostrils.
  • All costiuenes.
  • All coughes or hausts.
  • All shortnesse of breath.
  • A generall purge for Cattell.

The second Medicine.

First, you shall in any wise let the beast bloud, as in the former Medicine, then take a quart of stronge Ale and boyle it on the fier and scume it well, then take it of and disolue into it a spounfull of tarre and a spounfull of the Iuice of Garlike, which done take of su­garcandy of Fenugreeke, and of brimstone, all being beaten to a fine pouder, the quan­tity of three sponfull, brew them well toge­ther with the Ale till it be sufficiently well cold, then put to it a quarter of a pint of Sal­let-oyle and so giue it the beast to drinke fa­sting, [Page 29] and chase him and vse him as was before prescrybed in the former Medicine.

All these infirmities are cured by the third Medecine following.

  • The Sturdy,
  • The neck gald,
  • The neck bruysd,
  • The neck sweld,
  • The closh,
  • All swellings in gene­rall in any part.
  • All impostumes,
  • All Byles,
  • All Botches,
  • The dew-boulne,
  • Catell goared
  • All wounds what-so­euer.

The third Medecine.

First in case of the sturdy you shall open the skull vpon the forehead and take out the bla­der, then heale the sore with the salue follow­ing, but in case of deweboulne where the bleane riseth on the tongue or in the mouth, there you shal first break the bleane, and thrust out the filth then rub the sore with salte and earth, and after apply the salue following, which is this. Take the greene leaues of Ari­stolochia of fresh grease, of tallow, of the ashes of an old burnt shoe, of terpentine, of tarre, and of lyllie roots of each a like quantity, beate them all in a morter till they come to a perfit salue which if it proue too lenwicke or moyst then you shall take as much yellow [Page 30] waxe as will stiffen it, and with this salue a­noynt the sore places, and it is a present re­medie.

Al these infirmities are cured by the fourth Medicine following.

  • The Barbs,
  • The Bleane,
  • The Canker in the mouth,
  • Loose teeth,
  • The tonge venomed
  • The falling of the palate.

The fourth Medicine.

First thtust your hand into the beasts mouth, and if there be any Blisters risen or the pal­lat falne, rub the one away and put vp the other, then take of woodbine leaues, of Sage, of Plantain and of Salt, of each halfe an hand­full, boyle them well in a quart of running water, a pint of vinegar, & halfe a pint of hony, then with the water wash the sore places very well and it is a present remedy,

All these infirmities are cured by the fift Me­dicine following.

  • All sore eies,
  • The haw in the eie,
  • The pinne in the eie,
  • The web in the eye,

The fift Medicine.

First you shall let the horse blood in the tem­ple [Page 31] veines, and cut out the hawes if they offend him, which euery ordinary Smith can doe, then take an egge and open it in the crowne, and put out halfe the white, then fill it vp againe with salt, and then roste it in the hot embers so long and so hard that you may beat it to a fine powder, which done, dissolue some of that powder in a spoonefull of the wa­ter of eiebright, and a spoonefull of the iuyce of house-leeke, & with the same wash the beasts eye twice or thrice a day, & it is a pre­sent remedie.

All these infirmities are cured by the sixt me­dicine following.

  • The worme in the tayle.
  • The generall scabbe.
  • The party colour scab.
  • The Itch or scurse.
  • The byting of a mad dogge.
  • The byting with ve­nemous beasts
  • All lyce or tickes.
  • All prickes with thornes, or stubbes.
  • To be shrewe-runne.

The sixt medicine.

You shall first make a strong lye with old vrine, and the ashes of ash-wood, then take a pynte of this lye and adde to it of tarre, o [...] blacke sope, of coperas, of boares grease, of brimston, of peper, of staues-aker, and of [Page 32] plantaine of each a like quantity, as much as will bring the lye to a thicke and stiiffe salue, then with the same annoynt all the sore pla­ces: but in case the beast be shrew runne onely and haue no other infirmity, then you shall take a bramble which groweth at both ends, and with the same beate all ouer the body of the beast, and if you can conueni­ently, you shall also drawe his whole body vn­der a bramble which groweth at both ends as aforesayd.

All these infirmities are cured by the seuenth medicine following.

  • All staines whatsoeuer
  • All sorenes in the si­newes.
  • All stifnes in the neck.
  • The goute.
  • All broken bones.
  • Al grieues in the houes
  • The foule.

The seauenth medicine.

Take mallowes, chikweede, and galling-gall, and boyle them in vrine, butter, burgun­dy, pitch, tallow, and linseed oyle till they be so soft that you may beat them to a salue, which done, apply that salue to the grieued place very hot, either as an oyntment, or as a pultus, and it is a present remedy, as hath bene often proued.

The fourth poynt. How to cure all the diseases in Sheep with six medicines onely.

The Caracter or nature of the Sheepe.

SHeepe are naturally of a hot disposition, weake & tender, yet so free from gredines that they will liue of lesse foode then any o­ther beast of their bignes: they are of a most singular profit and esteeme, as hauing in them not about them any thing which is not of some good vse, the worst of which are their houes, and yet the very treading of them vp­on the ground are a good manuring and in­riching of the same: as for their fleeces, their flesh and other intralls, who knowes not the excellent goodnes thereof? The Rams and Ewes are fit for generation from two yeares of age till they be ten, and after that they are onely for the shambles: the Ewes carrie their lambes in their bodyes a hundred and fifty dayes and no longer, according to common computation. Sheepe in our Iland of great Brittaine (which is not inferior to any king­dome in the world for the excellencie of good [Page 34] Sheepe) are of sundry natures, according to the alteration of the climats, for where the ground is most firtile, there the sheep are large of body, and deepe woold, yet is the staple but of an indifferent finenes, rather inclining to some coursenes, then yeelding the best thrid others are bred of a more barraine and wilde earth, yet if the leare be colde then is the sta­ple most course, and the wooll both short and harie, and the least that are bred on the most barraine earth, though the sheepe be the least of body, and the least of burthen, yet if the leare be warme and well coloured, the wooll is of all the finest, and the staple of a fine and silke-like handling. To conclude, it is bet­ter and more naturall for a sheepe to be bred abroade in the fields amongst the flocke then domesticke at home in the house, for so shall both his flesh and fleece be better both for the tast, and for all other seruice.

All these infirmities in sheepe are cured by the first medicine following.

  • All Feuers.
  • The red water.
  • The lunge-sick.
  • All coughes,
  • All colds.
  • All diseases of the gall.
  • The Iaundisse.
  • All sicknes comming of choller.
  • [Page 35]All tough fleagme.
  • The Poxe.
  • The wood euill.
  • The crampe.
  • All licking of poyson
  • To cause easie deliue­rance.
  • To increase milke.
  • All wormes inward.
  • The losse of the cud.
  • The Staggers.
  • The generall rot.
  • Water in the belly.

The first Medicine.

Take of wormewood flowers, of rue, of Coltsfoote, of lunge-wort, of plantaine, of lettice, of rosemary, of cinquefoyle, of horse­mint, of dyll, of Sage, of tanscy, and of holy thistle, or of so many of those as you can con­ueniently get, of each a like quantity and beat them very well in a morter, then straine forth the iuyce thereof, and to a pint of a very sweet honnied water made with the best honny and running water, adde fiue or sixe spoonefull of this iuyce, then set it on the fire and boyle it with two spoonfull of the pouder of anny seeds, licoras, long pepper, and bay­berries made of equall quantities, then being taken from the fire put in as much sweet but­ter as a walnut, and two spoonfull of that Salt which is called Adcoces, which is salt gathe­red (and made by the violence of the sunnes heat) vppon the salt marshes after the tide is gone away, or for want of it (because it is scarse) you may take as much of the best Spa­nish [Page 39] salt, and all being well stirred together, so soone as it is luke warme giue it the sheepe to drinke with a horne, and morning and e­uening rubbe his mouth very well with the salt aforesaid, and it is a certaine cure, and hath beene often proued.

All these infirmities are cured by the second medicine following.

  • The Scabbe or Itch.
  • All maggots whatso­euer.
  • The worme in the clawe.
  • All wild fier.
  • The Sturdy.
  • The turning euill.
  • The more founde.
  • Sheepe taggd.
  • Sheepe belted.

The second Medicine.

First you shall let the Sheepe bloud in the eye-veines, then take tarre and fresh grease of each a like quantity, and mixing them wel to­gether with a little Brimstone and the iuyce of Cheruile, bring it to a salue, and with the same (after you haue bared, clensed, and made all the sore places raw) anoint all the grieued place, or in case of the sturdy after you haue opened the skull and taken out the bladder, plaster the sore therewith, and it is a certaine cure.

[Page 37] All these infirmities are cured by the third medicine following.

  • All paine in the ioynts.
  • All bones out of ioynt.
  • All Broken bones.

The fourth Medicine.

First after you haue placed the member right (which you may doe by the example of the sound member) then you shall bath the grieued place wel with butter and beere, then make a scarcloth of patchgrease and yellow waxe, and warming it very hot lap it about the member, and if need require then splent it, and in case the member be broken renew it not til fifteene dayes be past, otherwise re­new it once in three dayes.

All these infirmities are cured by the fourth medicine following.

  • All greiues in the eyes.
  • All dimnesse of sight.

The fourth Medicine.

You shal first let the sheepe bloud in the eye-veines, then take of the iuyce of Cello­dine, that is to say, of the leaues in summer and of the roots in winter, and with the same wash the sheeps eyes, and it will helpe them.

[Page 38] All these infirmities are cured by the fift me­dicine following.

  • All greiues in the mouth.
  • All loosenesse of teeth.

The fift Medicine.

First you shal let the sheepe bloud in the gummes, then you shall take of earth, of Sage and of Salt, of each a like quantity, and beat them well together, and with the same rub the mouth of the sheep very well, but espe­cially where it is greeued▪ and it helpeth.

All these infirmities are cured by the sixt medicine following.

  • All sicknesse in Lambes.
  • Lambes that are yea­ned sicke.

The sixth Medicine.

First you shal take vp the lambe and breath into the mouth thereof, then suckell or feede it with mares milke and a little water mixt together and made luke warme, and in any case during the sicknes keepe it very warme for that is the greatest nourishment that can bee giuen vnto them, and best agreeth with them.

The fift poynt. How to cure all the Diseases in Goates with two Medicines onely.

The Carracter or nature of Goates.

GOates are naturally of a wanton, light, & ayry disposition, giuen to much wildnes whence it comes that they are in many coun­tries preserued, as wee preserue our Deere wild, and for the chase, and surely they will make excellent sport in their hunting: They doe bring forth their young kids in more a­bundance then sheepe doe lambes, for they doe seldome bring forth vnder two, very of­ten three, and sometimes foure, they carry their kids in their bodyes fiue monthes as sheepe doe, and seldome growe barraine but through extreame fatnes, they begin very early to goe to the bucke as in the first yeare, whence it comes that they continue not long in bearing as not aboue three or foure yeares at the most: Their greatest and best foode is the brouzing vppon young trees and there­fore they should so go to the buck, that they [Page 40] might bring forth their yong ones in the month of March or Aprill, when euery tree begins to bud: They are naturally euer good Phisitions for themselues▪ and when they find any imperfection wil seeke out cures for the same, as by letting themselues blood vppon briers, thornes, bulrushes and such like, they are much subiect to aborsement or casting of their yong ones, especially in extreame cold seasons, whence it comes that they should haue euer a shed prouided for thē in the win­ter season: The hayre of the goates in some countryes is yearely shorne off, and a course stuffe made thereof▪ wherewith they cloth the meaner sort of people: They do naturally see as well by day as by night, and their ages are best knowne by the knots and round ri­sings about the nether part of their hornes. To conclude, their teeth are very dangerous for the spoyling of young trees, especially the oliue tree, which if they but chance to lick on the tree, neuer beareth any fruite af­ter it.

All these infirmities in Goates are cured by the first Medicine.

  • The pestilence,
  • The dropsie,
  • Hardnes to kidd,
  • The Staggers.

The first Medicine.

First you shall let the Goate bloud vnder the eies, and in the tayle, then you shall take of celladine leaues, of rushes, of reedes greene and of wormewood of each a like quantity, beate them in a morter and straine out the iuyce: then take foure or fiue spoonfull of that iuyce and mixe it with a pince of veruine and water, then put in a spoonfull of salte, & halfe a spoonfull of cloues beaten to fine pouder, & being luke warme giue it the Goate to drinke fasting, and let it fast two houres after it.

All these infirmities are cured by the seond medicine.

  • All stoppings in the teats,
  • The tuell stopt,
  • The tetter,
  • The dry scabbe,
  • The itch,
  • All maggots.
  • All flye-blowings.

The Second medicine.

First you shall take and clense away all the filth and scurffe which any way stoppeth or offendeth the grieued place, then take of ho­ney, of Capons-grease, of blacke sope, of tarre, of brimston, and of the soote of a chim­ney, of each a spoonefull, and of Goates milke fiue spoonefull, mixe them all very well together till it come to a perfect oyntment, [Page 42] then it with annoynt the sore place very well, morning and euening; and if the stoping haue bene very longe, or that the Goate be much inwardly dryed, then you shall take two inch­es of a smale candles end and thrust it vp into the Coates tuell, in the manner of a supposito­ry, and it will not onely clense the bagge and giue the Goate greate ease in his body, but also keepe the place from stopping euer after.

The sixt poynt. How to cure all the diseases in Swine with three medi­cines onely.

The Caracter or nature of the Swine.

SWine are naturally of a sluttish, sloathfull, and deuouring disposition, giuen onely to gredynesse and spoyle, whence commeth the saying of the husbandman, that the swine is neuer good till he be in the dish: they are of most creatures the most apoundant in their breede, for they bring forth their litters three times in the yeare, and will bring forth ten [Page 43] twelue, fifteene, and twenty somtimes in a litter, yet they wil neuer bring vp more pigges then she hath teates to giue suck with: such pigges as are piggd the begining or the last of December haue teeth immediatly, the o­ther haue not. Swine, of all other beasts, doe sonest shewe their sicknes, for if you pull but a bristle from their backes and finde it blou­dy at the neather end, or if he carry his neck on the one side, you may be well assured of present sicknes: Swine are to be vsed three seuerall wayes in the house, that is, for brawne, for bacon, and for porke: for brawne, the bore is onely in vse, and he is to be franke fed, and not stye fed for the franke hardneth the flesh best: the Hogge is best for porke, most tender and sweetest, and fittest for pre­sent seruice: and the spayd Guylt, or spayd or guelt Sowe is best for bakon: feedeth soun­dest, taketh fat soonest, and hangeth by the walles vncorrupt longest▪ As there be house­hold and tame swine, so there be also wilde and sauadge swine, and they are somwhat lesse then the tame swine, yet by much more fierse and cruell, they differ little or nothing in nature, onely they are by their wildnes and much ranging, a great deale lesse apt to take infirmity or be sicke: To conclude, they are a good and wholsome meate, hauing no­thing [Page 44] in them or about them vselesse, as is found by daily experience.

All these infirmities in Swine are cured by the first medicine following.

  • All feuers.
  • All hid sicknesses.
  • The mourraine.
  • The pestilence.
  • The Catharre.
  • The gall.
  • The meazle.
  • The poxe.
  • The laxe.
  • All vomiting.
  • The sleeping euill.
  • All paine in the myte.

The first medicine.

First you shall let the Swine blood in the tayle, and vnder the eares, then binde vp the sores with the greene barkes of oziers, which done, you shall take of barley meale two or three handfull, of red oaker and hens dunge of each a handfull, of the iuice of liuer wort, gall wort, and wormewood halfe a pynte, of treakle an ounce, mixe all these well with a pottle of honey and vrine blended together, then put it into a gallon or two of sweete warme wash or swillings▪ and so giue it the swine to drinke, and annoynt all the sore pla­ces of his body with brimston & bores grease mixed together, and during the time of his sicknes let his foode be onely dry beanes spel­ted on a mill.

[Page 45] All these infirmities are cured by the second medicine following.

  • All impostumes.
  • All leanenes or mislike
  • All scurfe or mangi­nes.
  • Swine that are luggd
  • All maggots in the eares.

The second medicine.

First you shall let the swine bloud in the tayle as aforesayde, then if the imposthume be rype, launce it, and thrust out the filth, then heale the sore with tarre and butter mixt togi­ther, but if the impostume be hard then one­ly rub it with wheat meale and salt till it dis­solue, but if the infection be vniuersall then annoynt the swine all ouer with boares grease, brimston, vineger, blacke soape and hony mixt togither, each of like quantity, and ha­uing formerly rubd all the scurfe and filth a­way with a wooll card.

All these infirmities are cured by the third medicine following.

  • All vnnaturalnes in Sowes deuouring their births.

The third Medicine.

If your Sowe be giuen to much vnnaturalnes, and that she will deuoure her pigges so soone [Page 46] as she hath pigged them, you shall watch her piging and take them away as they fall, then take the wreckling or worst pigge, and an­noynt & bath it all ouer with the iuyce of the hearb Stonecroppe, and then giue it the Sowe to deuoure, which so sone as she hath done, it will immediately make her so exceding sick and cause her to vomite so excedingly, that she will neuer after doe the same againe.

The seauenth poynt. How to cure all the diseases in Dogges, with three medi­cines onely.

The Caracter, or nature of the Dogge.

THere be of Doggs diuers kindes, though all concurre & come to one nature in the matter of diseases and infirmity, The Grey-hound. for there is first the Grey-hound which exceedeth in swiftnes, and is preserued for the chase, as ether to course the wilde Deere, the Hare, the Bore, the Wolfe, or other vermine, he is a beast of infinite valoure and spirit, yet tender and apt by his fiersenes to much casualty, and his onely vertue consisteth in the swiftnes of [Page 47] his foote. Then there is the Hound which is of a more duller temper, whose onely glory is in his smell, The Hound hunting and finding out by his scent the tractes and footestepes of all sorts of wilde beasts: in which he showeth so much cunning, that not any winding, turning, or art full double can preuent his search, hee is both valiant and industrious, and so vnappa­led with labour, that only by the continuance of his toyle hee maketh himselfe maister of what prey soeuer he hunteth. Next vnto them is the Spaniell, which also is singular for his smell vppon Birdes, and the hound vppon Beasts: The Spani­ell. whence it comes that neither Par­trige, Phesant, Raile, Quaile, Pecock nor any other Bird can escape their search, they are of all other Dogges the most louingest, hum­blest, and most familiar with the man: then there is the water Spaniell, whose scent is also his only glory, yet that scent is taken aloft from the ayre vppon the water, whereby it comes to passe that no water foule is safe from his search, he is also of a most exceeding strong constitution, being so very able to in­dure the cold, that no sharpnesse of winter nor frost troubleth him, but the water is as familiar with him as the ayre: Then there is the Mastiue, whose vertue is onely in his cou­rage, strength, sharpnes of tooth, and aptnes [Page 48] to encounter with any fierce wilde beast, as Lyons, Beares, Bulls, Wolues, Tigers, and such like, against which they are so apt, wil­ing, and so cunning in their fight, that they sildom or neuer part but victors. Tumblers & Mongrils To conclude, for your Tumbler or Lurcher, whose delight is onely in killing the Cony, for the Lice [...]cea which onely enuieth the Foxe, and for your generall Mongrils whose vses are either for chasing away vermine or defence of the hus­bandmans yard, they were, and are in their speciall natures and qualities with the other forenamed dogges, and touching their disea­ses, they are cured by one and the selfe same medicines.

All these infirmities in dogges are cured by the first medicine following.

  • All wormes inward­ly.
  • All coldes or stop­pings.
  • The stone.
  • Costiuenes or belly-bound.

The first Medicine.

Make a strong decoction of worme-wood and of Southern-wood, then take a pint of the decoction and dissolue into it as much Aloes as halfe a hazell nut, and a good spoon­full of the pouder of Iuory and Brimstone mixt together, then being luke warme giue [Page 49] it the Dogge to drinke, and administer at his tuell two inches of a candles end in maner of a suppository.

All these infirmities are cured by the second Medicine following.

  • All lice or fleas.
  • All wormes outward­ly.
  • All Serpent-bitings.
  • All mad Dogge bi­tings.
  • All Galls or tetters.
  • All itch or scab or mangie.
  • All hurts by wild beasts.
  • All gallings of feet.
  • All frettizing in the feet.
  • The Canker.

The second Medicine.

Make a strong decoction of Rewe, Sage, Mints, and a handfull or two of salt, then with the decoction wash ouer all the Dogges body, then take treakle, hogges-grease, yellow waxe turpentine and coperas of each a like quantity melt and mingle them together and with that oyntment anoynt all the sore places, especial­ly those which hee cannot come to licke, or else scratcheth most, and it will speedily cure him.

[Page 50] All these infirmities are cured by the third Medicine following.

  • All tirednes.
  • All wounds whatso­euer.
  • All bruises.
  • All paine in the eares.

The third medicine.

Frst if the wound be great and gaping or in any fleshy part, you shall stitch it vp with a needle and a little red silke, then take the yelke of an egge, and as much soot of a chim­ney, and twice so much of the iuyce of greene tobacco, and the iuyce of Mellilot, with as much fresh butter as will bring all these to a salue, being molten and mingled well toge­ther on a soft fire, then with this salue either tent or plaister the greeued place, and it is a present remedy for all the former greeuances, as hath beene often by me and others experi­enced.

The eighth poynt. How to cure all the Diseases in Conies or Hares, with one Medicine onely.

The Character of Hares or Conies.

HAres or Conies are small Beasts of a much more melancholy disposition then other beasts, whence commeth the hardnes of their liuing, for as it is written they will feed fat with the white rinde of the frost, or the snow either: certaine it is that in the frost and sharpest time of winter they feed best, because then the frost biting the foggy grasse maketh it most sweet, vppon which they delight most to feede: they are aboundant in their in­crease bringing forth their broods once euery month, and of those broodes not vnder three or foure at the least: neither doth she so soone disburden one broode but she presently run­neth to the bucke and ingendreth for ano­ther: the male of these kindes are very vnna­turall, for if they can find where the yong ones are kindled, they presently deuoure them: whence it comes to passe that the female at [Page 52] her time compleat withdraweth her selfe and hideth her yong, daubing and damming vp the hole till they bee able to runne and shife for themselues, and then she openeth the hole by little and little, giuing them liberty to take the ayre and vse their owne exercise: as for the profit of them, besides their flesh, which is an excellent food, their skins are of great price, be a most excellent furre, and little in­feriour for warmth, sweetnes, and goodnes, to any other: againe, the wool or haire of them is very good to make felts of, and indeed is so soft and fine that it is but a little inferior to the beauer: with which wool if it be mixed it maketh a most perfect and good felt. To conclude, they are beasts of much hardnes, and therefore no long life, and they take de­light in hard and sandy grounds which are drye, for they haue no greater enemy then the wet, whence it proceedeth that their grea­test infirmity is rottennes: yet such Hares or Connies as doe liue and delight in the clay earthes are euer the greatest, fattest, stoutest, and best either for the dish, or any sport what­soeuer.

[Page 53] All Conies or Hares are subiect but to two infirmities onely, which are cured by this one medicine following.

  • The Rotte,
  • Madnes.

The Medicine.

For these infirmities aboue named, you shall onely take the finest, sweetest, and dryest hay you can get, and mixe it very well with the herbe hare-thistle, and there­with feede your Conies and Hares especi­ally in the winter season, and it will not on­ly preuent the infirmities, but also recouer and cure the sicknesses, when at any time they are infected.

The ninth poynt. How to cure all the diseases in Poultrye, as Cockes, Hens, Capons, Chikens, Turkies, Peacockes, Pheasants, Partrige, Quales, Rayles, Doues of all kinde, and such like with foure medicines onely.

The Carracter or natures of all sorts of Poultrye.

THe Cocke, from whence the Henne, Ca­pon & Chicken proceedeth, The Cocke and his kinde & so all one, being the centinell & watch of the house, is a lusty, proude, valiant, and couragious birde, taking both delight in himselfe and in other mens praises of him. It is writ of them that they are Astronomers, and know the course of the starres; certaine it is that they keepe a true distance in their times, and crowe more after proportion then order, they are great commanders and rulers of their owne kinde, and so iealous of their wiues, that they will die ere any strange Cocke inioy the least showe of their presence. Of all beasts whatsoeuer, none but he reioyceth after the act of genera­tion: [Page 55] the Hens are no lesse valiant then the Cocks if they be true bred, and will with their opposites fight to the last drop: they are exce­ding louing and naturall to their young, and will not onely fight in their defence, but also starue themselues to giue the Chickens suste­nance. Your Turkey is not vnlike vnto these birds, for the Cocke is proude▪ valiant, The Turkey and apt to fight, onely the Hens are much lesse na­turall, though somewhat more doting, for from her too much loue she will drawe her Chickens abroad, and by her wandring will loose them, neuer respecting her number, but so long as she hath one to follow her, so long she respecteth not what hapneth to the rest. Of this nature also is the Peacocke, The Pea­cocke who for beauty, pride, and vnderstanding excedeth all other birds, yet onely are carelesse of their young. The Peacocke is a birde of long life, ordinarily liuing to the yeares of fiue & twen­ty or vpwards, he is a dish much vsed at ban­quets, for showe, more then for rast, for his flesh is not held exceeding wholesome: for it is certaine that if he be neuer so well and dry rosted ouer night, yet he will be bloud-rawe the next day following. Now contrary to the Peacocke; the Pheasant, Partridge, The Phea­sant the Partrige, Quaile and Raile. Quaile and Raile, are excellent birds for the table, and more dainty and wholsome then any other: [Page 56] they are also excellent flights, and make rare sport before the hauke, they flye not high but nere to the ground, and though not very nim­ble of winge, yet swift after they are on winge: they loue not to flye long by reason of their much earnestnesse, but must haue many rests, but being so slaine with the hauke, they are the best, tenderest, and most pleasing foode: they bring forth their broods in great aboun­dance, and hauing once disclosed them, the young ones are able to defend themselues by flight, euen when the shel is on their crownes: so strong & wilie they are by nature as house Doues are, of an innocent nature, and very chast, and neither male nor female change their make, but keepe together one true to the other, liuing as coupled by the bond of marriage, keeping their owne hen continu­ally neuer visiting the holes of others, vnlesse they be single by the death of their make: The females are humble to their males: the male and female are both carefull of their young ones, nay, you shall haue the Cocke oft times chastice the hen if she keepe not the nest well, and yet kinde they be to them when they are about to build, lay, and set, as may be seene by their readines to them in that case: when the hen cometh off the nest, the Cocke goeth on presently. The Cocke will goe a­broad [Page 57] and first feede himselfe well, and gorge himselfe, & when he commeth home will dis­gorge himselfe againe, feeding his hen or his young ones. Stock-doues liue ordinarily (as Pliny affirmeth) thirty yeares. The Turtle doues of all the rest are the louingst to their make: for you shall see them alwaies flye to­gether, vnlesse the one of them be kild, then the other will not liue long after but pine a­way.

All these infirmities in Poultrye are cured by the first medicine following.

  • The fluxe of the belly.
  • Drowsines of the braine.

The first Medicine.

You shall take pease-branne and scald it, either with water or sweet whay, and giue it the poultrye to eate, and it will stop any scow­ring in these house-foule whatsoeuer, as hath bene often experienced.

All these infirmities are cured by the second Medicine following.

  • [Page 58]The stopping of the belly.
  • All molten grease.
  • To auoid bruis'd bloud.

The second Medicine.

Take either bread made of wheat, or wheat corne, but bread is the better, and put it in­to a small trough, then put to the same a good quantity of mans vrine newly made & warme, and let the poultrye eate the bread or corne out of the vrine, and it will scowre them.

All these infirmities are cured by the third medicine following.

  • The pip.
  • The roope.
  • All lice.
  • The stinging by wormes or vene­mous thinges.

The third medicine.

First you shall pull away the scale from the pip, and the black scurfe from the roope, and lay the sore raw and bare, then take of salt, Rue, Pepper, and sweet butter, of each a like quantity, and beat them togither in a morter till it come to a salue, then with the same an­noynt the sores and it helpeth.

All these infirmities are cured by the fourth medicine following.

  • All sore eyes
  • All dimnes of sight.

The fourth medicine.

Take a leafe or two of ground Iuy, or as some call it alehoofe, and chawe it well in your mouth, then sucking the iuyce thereof hard, spit it into the eyes of your poultrye, and thus doe twice or thrice a day, and it is a most certaine cure, and often proued.

The tenth point. How to cure all the diseases in water-foule, as Geese, Duckes, Swanns, Taylls, Widgeons, Sheldraks, Plouers, Herns, Puets, Bytters, Gulls, and such like, with one medicine onely.

The Character and natures of wilde Foule.

WIlde Foule though they differ much in name and proportions, yet in their generall natures there is small variety: they all loue to liue together in flockes and heards, and in like manner they flye together, yet not in route but like souldiers either in sin­gle or double files, and for the most part they flye triangle wise, one as it were leading the way, and the rest in two wide branches fol­lowing, [Page 60] by which meanes they gather more winde vnder them, and are more able to mount their flights higher, which is that in which they most ioy: some write they flye so close one after another that the hindmost resteth his head on him that flyeth before him: how euer it is most certaine that they fly in a most decent and comely order: They doe for the most part keepe euer one nest, and in nourishing their young are most carefull and diligent, hyding them in holes, and in sedge bushes, and neuer discouering them till they be able by strength of winge to saue them­selues in flying. They are of all creatures most vigilant and watchfull, sildome sleeping but when they are guarded by some of their owne company. They bring forth their broods com­monly once a yeare, yet sometimes twice: yet those foule are rather domesticall then wilde, for such fruitfulnes euer springeth from some extraordinary keeping.

All water foule for the most part are subiect but to one infirmity onely, which is cured by this one medicine following.

  • The Gargill.

The Medicine.

Take a cloue of Garlicke cleane pilld, and [Page 61] bruise it a little, and then roule it vp in sweet butter in the fashion of a Capons cram, and so giue it to your foule, and thus giue about three cloues of Garlicke at one time, and no more, and it is a present cure for this disease, or for any other inward sicknesse which shall offend your water-foule at any time whatso­euer.

The eleuenth poynt. How to cure all the diseases in singing birdes▪ as the Nightingale, Lynnet, solitary Spar­row, Goldfinch, Bull-finch, Myskin, Spynke, Canary-byrde, Cordiall, Larke, Callander, Black-birde, Robin, Throstell, and such like with three Medicines onely.

The Character, and nature of all manner of singing Birdes.

ALl singing Birdes generally doe once a yeare change their colours in feathers, and altet their voyce in singing, and that in such sort that of a sodaine a man would say they were other birdes, which is a thing which [Page 62] hapneth not vnto the greater foules except it be onely the Crane, for they will at some times of the yeare grow blacker then at other some, especially in their old age: so likewise the black-bird will grow reddish, The Black-bird. and in sum­mer he singeth cleare and tunable, and in win­ter hee stutreth and stammereth, but in De­cember commonly hee is cleane mute and dumbe altogether: also after the black-bird is a yeare old, and especially the males, their billes turne white like Iuory, The Thro­stle or Ma­uis. so likewise the Throstles or Mauisses all summer are painted about the necks with sundry colours, but in the winter they are all of one colour. The Nightingale also singeth almost fifteene dayes together in the height of the spring, The Night­ingale. and will learne easily to whistle: and so gene­rally all other singing birds sing more at one time of the yeare then at another, except it bee such birdes as are altogether domesticall and tame, vsed onely to heare musicke, the voyces of men, and continuall clamors, can­dle light and torch light, such I say will not onely sing all the yeare long, but also all day and night without ceasing, as may bee dayly discernd in many Noblemen and Gentlemens houses. These singing Birdes seldome sing the first yeare, onely in the winter time they wil a little record, and then when the Spring [Page 63] approacheth they will breake forth with their voices, and sound their notes full and perfect, And of all these singing birdes, the Linnet, Robin, Bulfinch, Stare, The Linnet The Robin redbrest. The Bull­finch. is most docible and aptest both to tune, and to learne all seuerall tunes: they take delight in their cages and seruitude, onely they are apt to feed soden­ly, and with their too much fatnes often cor­rupt and dye sodenly, therefore it is not good at any time to let them bee without chalke, sugar or chickweed, which is a great preser­uatiue and present helpe against the disease of fatnes, and you must shift them in a fresh Cage euery month, and take their dung from them euery morning, and then blow their meat, and when you shift their cages, put the two dores together and blow on them, and they will shift themselues, for to handle them is dangerous, and when they moult or cast their feathers, sprowt a little wine on them, and it will the sooner make them moult their old coat: and for those birdes that you would teach and bring vp to whistle, you must hang their Cages in such a place where they shal not heare the chirping of Sparrowes for na­turally they will rather take the wild note, as I haue knowne by experience, & haue heard birdes, some crow like a Cocke, and coun­terfeit notes of birdes of other kinds contrary [Page 64] to their owne kind: The Stare. The Stare of all other Brides is very apt, ready, and tractable to be taught to whistle, and speake any thing with­out cutting or clipping the tongue, as I haue heard many speake as plaine as any parrat, but you must keepe them couered all ouer sa­uing a place where they may see their meat and water, and as you would teach a parrat, so teach them: And for the dieting of Birdes, the Stare feedeth cheefely on raw beefe and bread soaked in water, Dieting of birdes. both mixt together and small minced: the Blackbird and thrush feedeth on raw beefe being whole, and stickt on a stick in their Cage: the Bullfinch and Linnet feede on Rapeseedes, but you must take heed of mustardseed, for they are like to the rape seedes, and will make them pine away: The Canary Bird doth feed on canary seedes and rapeseedes mixt together: The Robin and Nightingale feede on oatmeale, or raw meat: but if you get them now and then some of the wormes, that doe breed a­mong the flower at the bakers, it will much auaile them.

[Page 65] All these infirmities in singing Birdes are cu­red by the first Medicine following.

  • All melancholly.
  • Leannes or mislike,
  • Strangling of the brest.
  • Moutting.
  • All lite.
  • The Roupe.
  • The Pthisicke.
  • The Apoplexie.
  • To bring the voyce againe.
  • The pippe.
  • All costiuenes.
  • The priuie sicknes.

The first medicine.

Take Sugar, Saffron and figges, of each a like quantity, and either chaw them or beat them in a morter, till they come to a past, and then giue it the bird to eat during the time of her sicknesse, and into her water put mellon seedes bruised and chopt very small, prouided euer that you forget not in case of the pippe, or roope, first to pluck off the scale or scab, and then to giue the medicines after.

All these infirmities are cured by the second medicine following.

  • All fores or wounds.
  • All impostumes,
  • All Gouts.

The second medicine.

Take of Butter and of h [...]s grease, of each [Page 66] a like quantity, and melte them and mixe them well together vppon a soft and gentle fire, then with a feather dipt into it when it is reasonably warme anoint all the sore pla­ces, and if the wound be very great or deepe, then with a fine needle or a little red silke stitch it vp, and then anoint it, and thus doe twice a day at the least and it will helpe them.

All these infirmities are cured by the third medicine following.

  • All blindnesse.
  • All sore eyes.
  • All dimnesse of sight.

The third Medicine.

Take halfe a spoonfull of cleare running wa­ter, and a full spoonefull of the iuyce of beets and mixe them very well together, then with a feather either anoint the birdes eyes, or ta­king a little of it into your mouth, spirt it into the birdes eyes, and thus do twice or thrice a day at least, and it will helpe them pre­sently.

The twelfth and last poynt. How to cure all the Diseases in Haukes of what nature or quality soeuer they be, with sixe Medicines onely.

The Character or nature of all sorts of Haukes.

THere be in Falconry, sixteene kindes of Haukes or birds that liue vpon prey, and though euery one haue in them a speciall note or Character of much valour, yet some are much more valiant then other some, as the Ea­gle, the Vulture, the Gerfaulcon, Faulcon, and such like, are more valiant then the Gosse­hauke, Lanner, Kilt, Ringtaile, and such like. The valiant hauke euer trusseth her prey in the ayre, the lesse valiant taketh her prey neere vnto the ground, and most commonly vpon the ground. The valiant haukes alwaies builde vpon the hie rockes, and on the steepe cliffes, against which the rage of the Sea and water continually beateth. And the lesse valiant haukes build in tall timber trees where they haue some shelter and refuge: as for those which build in some walls, or vpon the ruins [Page 68] of ould houses, as the Kestrills and such like, they are most base and cowardly, and neither fit for vse nor imployment. The long wingd haukes are fittest for the riuer, and kill both the Herne and other smaller foule, as is the Mal­lard and Tayle▪ and the short wingd haukes will kill the Hare also. The Merlin and Hobby take most delight in killing the Larke: the Sparrow-hauke sn killing the Black-bird, and the Musket in killing the Sparrowe onely, ma­ny other flights there be, as at the Pye, Iay and such like, but they are to be measured according to the mettle of the Hauke, for they are flights of danger and force, ond therefore it behoues the hauke to haue much cunning and much exercise before she be brought to such flights, least that her mettle and rashnes become her owne ruine, as many Faulkoners finde in daily experience.

All these infirmities in Haukes are cured by the first medicine following.

  • All inward and priuy sicknesses of body.
  • The pantas.
  • Casting of the gorge.
  • All sorts of wormes.
  • Purging of glut.
  • Costiuenes in the bo­dy.
  • To cause disgestion.

The first Medicine.

Take as much Agaricke as a pease and wrap it either in a warme Pidgions heart, or Chickens heart, or any other warme & blou­dy flesh, and giue it the hauke to eate fasting in the morning, and it is a most ready and cer­taine cure.

All these infirmities are cured by the second medicine following.

  • All priuy grieues in the head.
  • All rhumes.
  • The Rye.
  • All apoplexies.

The second Medicine.

Take as much mustardseed bruisd as will lye vpon a three halfe-pence, and lap it as afore­said, either in a warme Pidgions heart, Chick­ens heart, or other warme flesh, and then dip it in the iuyce of Rosemary and Sage well mixt together, and so giue it the hauke to eate fast­ing in the morning, and it will not onely purge and clense her, but also comfort and strength­en the brayne excedingly, as by proofe you shall finde.

All these infirmities are cured by the third Medicine following.

  • [Page 70]All diseases in the eies.
  • All dimnes of sight.
  • All bloud-shotten eies
  • The pynne and web.

The third Medicine.

Take of the iuyce of ground Iuy or ale-hoofe halfe a spoonefull, and put it to as much fine searst ginger as will lye on a three halfe-pence, and being well mixt togerher with a small soft feather annoynt the haukes eye therewith, morning, noone, and night, and it is a most certaine cure, and often approued.

All these infirmities are cured by the fourth medicine following.

  • All diseases in the mouth
  • The Frounce.
  • All Cankers.

The fourth medicine.

Take roch alume and beate it to as fine a powder as you can possible get it, then take a spoonefull or two of the strongest and best wine vineger, and mixe your allome with the same till it be as thicke as puddle, then take a fine rag of cambricke or lawne, and dip it therein, and with the same rub the sores well till they be ready to bleede, both morning, noone, and night, and it will cure it in a short space.

[Page 71] All these infirmities are cured by the fift medicine following.

  • All imposthumes.
  • All wounds whatso­euer.
  • All bruises whatsoeuer
  • All excrescions.
  • The formicas.
  • To stanch blood.

The fift medicine.

First where there is any excrescion of horny or bony substance, you shall cut it away, and lay the sore open and bare, and then apply the salue which followeth, but in case of wounds, if the wound be great or deepe, you shall first stitch it vp with a fine needle and a litle red silke, then take twenty raisons of the sunne, and hauing pickt out the stones, boyle them in halfe a pinte of wine till it be thicke like pap, then beat it well together, and being ve­ry warme apply it to the sore places, renew­ing it once in foure and twenty howers till all the soares be healed: but if the fluxe of bloud be great, then you shall take merchants waxe and drop it vpon the veine which bleedeth, & it will presently stanch it.

All these infirmities are cured by the sixt me­dicine following.

  • [Page 72]The pinne in the foote
  • The broken pounce.
  • Bones broken.
  • Bones out of ioynt.

The sixt medicine.

First you shall place the member right if there be either breath or dislocation, then take of Galbanum, of white Pich, and of Tur­pentine of each a like quantity, and melt them together on a soft fire, then plaister-wise spread it vpon a linnen cloth and so fould it a­bout the sore, then splent it if neede require, otherwise onely roule it vp with a fine linnen ragge, and the remedy will soone be effected, as hath bene often by me and others seene, and proued by experience.

The nature of red and fallow Deere.

THough the Deere by a secret instinct of nature and the Prouidence of God are their owne Phisitian & not needing the helpe of man, yet because they are so seruiceable for the vse of man. I thought it not much im­pertinent from my discourse to shew their Character or nature. The Hart of all other beasts loueth to heare musicke, and meruaileth at all thinges that he seeth, and taketh great [Page 73] pleasure to behold them, as hath beene often seene by their gazing at the bowe and ar­rowes of the hunter, or at a Carter and the like, they are at mighty enmity with Serpents and renew their strength by eating of them, they haue also a strange property, that if they goe to feed in yong springs or coppes they go full against the wind, and so can tell whether there be any person there or not: and if any man chance to spit or pisse vppon any spring or branch in the coppes, they will find it out presently and vtterly abandon the place: be­ing hunted and ready to bee taken by the houndes, they will for their last refuge fly to houses and places of resort, rather yeelding to man then to the dogges: and as Plinie saith they can indure to swimme thirty miles end­wayes: and when they are to passe any great riuer to goe to rut in some Ile or forest, they assemble themselues together in great heards, and knowing the strongest and best swimmer they make him goe formost, and then hee which commeth second stayeth vp his head vppon the back of the first, and all the rest in like manner euen vnto the last: the formost being weary the second taketh his place, and he cometh backward: they go to rut about the middest of September, and beare their young ones 8. monthes: somtimes they bring [Page 74] two calues at once: their little ones they practise and exercise to vse their legges from the very beginning, leading them vp to high rocks, teaching them to leape, run, & fly away acquainting them with their dens and secret places of harbor: the males are horned, and they aboue all other liuing Creatures cast them euery yeare once at a certaine time of the spring, and to that purpose a little before their mewing they seeke out the most secret corners and most out of the way to hide themselues: when they are Pollards they keepe close hidden as if they were disarmed: and all this they doe as if they enuied that men should haue good of any thing they had. Their age may bee knowne by their heads, (for euery yeare they haue one more branch then they had the last yeare before) vntil they come to sixe, after which time: they come new euer alike, so that their age cannot be discer­ned any more by their head, but their marke is taken by their mouth and teeth: for as they grow in age they haue few or no teeth at all: yet the branches grow out of the root, wher­as all the while they were yonger they vsed to haue them breake forth and standing out at the very forehead. At the first when they breake out againe, they be like to the glandu­ells or kernells of drye skin, that new put [Page 75] forth, then grow they with tender stalkes to certaine round and long knots couered all o­uer with a certaine plume downe like veluet, so long as they be destitute of their hornes & perceiue their heads naked, they go forth to releefe by night, and as they grow bigger and bigger they harden them in the hot Sunne, eftsoones making proofe of them against trees: and when they perceiue they be tough and strong enough, then they go abroad bold­ly. The Harts and Hindes may liue an hundred yeares and vpward.

Thus gentle Reader I haue breefely ended my short Epitome, crauing nothing but this at thy handes, that when thou hast made tri­all of these my approued remedies and findest the profit to redound to thy selfe (as ma­ny heeretofore haue done) praise God, and thinke well of me thy friend.


A briefe Table shewing the Contents of the twelue Poynts handled in this BOOKE.

  • THe first Point sheweth the Character or nature of the Horse; and how the Horse, being subiect almost to 300 diseases, yet all may be cured by twelue medicines, and com­monly to be gotten. Fol. 3 &c.
  • The second Point containeth the rarest Medicine that euer was found out for Horses. from Fol. 21 to 24
  • The third Poynt sheweth the nature of the Oxe, Bull, and Calfe, and how to cure all the diseases incident to them with seauen me­dicines as, from Fol. 24 to 33
  • The fourth poynt sheweth the nature of Sheepe, and how to cure all the diseases in them with sixe medicines, from Fol. 33 to 39
  • The fift point sheweth the nature of Goats, and how to cure all the diseases in them with two medicines▪ as from Fol. 39 to 42
  • [Page]The sixt point sheweth the nature of Swine and how to cure all diseases in them with three medicines, from Fol. 42 to 46
  • The seauenth Poynt sheweth the nature of all kind of Dogges, and how to cure all the diseases in them with three medicines onely, from Fol. 46 to 51
  • The eighth Point sheweth the nature of Hares and Conies, and how to cure all the diseases in them with one onely medicine, from Fol. 51 to 54
  • The ninth point sheweth the nature of all sorts of Poultrye as, Cockes, Hennes, Ca­pons, Chickens, Turkies, Peacocks, Phea­sants, Partriges, Quailes, Cranes, House-doues, Stocke-doues, Turtle-doues, and the like, and how to cure all the diseases in them wtth foure medicines, from Fol. 54 to 59
  • The tenth Point sheweth the nature of al Waterfoule, as Swannes, Geese, Duckes Tayles, Widgions, Sheldrakes, Plouers, Herns, Puets, Bitters, Gulles, and such like, and how to cure the diseases in them with one medicine onely, from Fol. 59 to 61
  • The eleuenth Poynt sheweth the nature of all singing and whistling birdes, as Night­ingale, Robbin, Bullfinch, Linnet, solitary, Sparrow, Goldfinch, Miskin, Spinke, Cana­ry bird, Calander, Blackbird, Throstle, Cor­diall [Page] Larke and such like and how to cure all the diseases in them with three medicines as from Fol. 61 to 67.
  • The twelfth and last Poynt sheweth the Character and nature of all sorts of Haukes, and how to cure all the diseases in them with sixe Medicines, as from Fol. 67. to 73.
  • And concludeth with the nature of red and Fallow Deare.

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