MARKHAMS MAISTER-PEECE OR, What doth a Horse-man lacke.

Containing all possible knowlege whatsoeuer which doth belong to any Smith, Farrier or Horse-leech, touching the curing of all maner of diseases or sorran­ces in horses; drawne with great paine and most approued experience from the publique practise of all the forraine Horse-Marshals of Christendome, and from the priuate practise of all the best Farriers of of this kingdome.

Being deuided into two Bookes.

The first containing all cures Physicall. The Second whatsoeuer belongeth to Chirurgerie, with an addition of 130 most principall Chapters, and 340 most excellent medicines, receits and secrets worthy euery mans knowledge, neuer written of, nor mentioned in any Author before whatsoeuer.

Together with the true nature, vse, and qualitie of euerie Simple spoken of through the whole worke.

Reade me, practise me, and admire me.

Written by Geruase Markham Gentleman.

Pro. 12. ver. 10.

A iust man hath pity on his beast: but the mercies of the wicked are cruell.

LONDON, Printed by Nicholas Okes, and are to be sold by Arthur Iohnson, dwelling at the signe of the white Horse neere to the great North doore of S. Pauls Church. 1610.


IF the tribute of poore mens labours (Right Honourable, and my most best Lord) be the al-witnesses of our most seruiceable loues: then I hope mine which comes to kisse your hand, will protest and vowe for me, that my zeale and duty towards you and your house, hath no date but in my last breath. And al be this worke, which hath beene my many yeares experience (for the rude and defor­med collection) may seeme too hum­ble [Page] for your support: yet in as much as I know both your owne excellent and well approued knowl [...]dge in the same art (and so best able to iudge either of my worth or vanitie) and your most noble affection to men of any vertue, I dare with better bold­nesse present you with this my last sacrifice of writing, beseeching you in it to behold not only how my time is imployed, but how infinit my lon­ging is to bee numbred onely your creature.

Your Honors in all humble duty to command, Geruase Markham.

THE FIRST BOOKE containing all cures Physicall, or such infirmities as being inward, craue the administration of Physicke, and are called in Horse-leach-craft, Horses sicknesses.

CHAP. 1. Of the naturall composition of horses bodies.

MAny, yea euen of those which are nearest to my studies, will not onely wonder, but in part condemne me for this worke when they shall but reade the title, without any excuse ima­gining, that I hauing in my last booke done my vttermost en­deuour, and spent my best skil in this subiect, that sure­ly this reiteration, can be nothing but either meere Tautologie, or some surfaite of ostentation. But how much I hate the one & condemne the other, both my selfe and those with whom I hold any comercement, can iustly and truly witnesse: [...]or beleeue it, I neuer stood affected either to Absalons pillars or to the mu­sique of mine owne words. Truth it is, that at the publishing of my last booke, I intended to haue inser­ted [Page 2] this in the same forme and methode as now it is, but the ouer hastie greedinesse of a selfe-hurting Sta­tioner, and the confusion of many Printers (one poore booke being mangled into diuers hands) did both so confound, and defeate all my better purposes, that I was compeld to giue way to their wils, and to suffer it to come forth with that mishapen and di­stract face which now it beareth; euery page being loaded with the Printers faults, and no way to saue their reputation, but by most wilful neglecting to fixe to any Errata. Well, for euery part of that booke (ex­cepting that of cures) the Printers faults excussed, I dare boldly defend it against either enuy, censure, or any preiudication; and though it be not the perfe­ction or most perfect (for those fruites grow not on my tree,) yet it is such, and so sound as shall giue a ful satisfaction to euery indifferent and vpright iudge­ment. As for that part, (the booke of cures I meane) which my selfe must needes confesse, giueth not that ample satisfaction which I intended, I haue in a­mends thereof compiled this volume with such ear­nest care, practise and diligence, that I dare engage euen my best fortunes, that simplicity and ignorance it selfe (I meane such as neuer intermedled with this art in the whole circuit of their liues) shall not onely with good iudgement performe as great and as in­uincible cures as the best Smith-farriers of this king­dome, but also shall giue such substantiall reasons and vncontrollable accounts for whatsoeuer they do, (which yet neuer Smith that I knew was able to do) that not the best artist shall be able with vndoubted truth to refute them. And with this protestation and full assurance to euery well practizing reader of this [Page 3] worke, I will proceede to my purpose, according to euery branch and head in the title.

It is most necessary then for euery man who shall endeuour himselfe to haue knowledge in this art, first to learne whereof and how a horses body is compounded, that according to the naturall compo­sition thereof, and the vnnaturall workings in those compositions, he may compound his medicines, and make them agreeable with the effects of his infirmi­ties; and not as our farriers do, many times vse one medicine for all inward diseases, and one salue for all sores.

Touching therefore the true composition of a horses body, you shall vnderstand that it is as the bo­dy of a man is, compounded of thirteene seuerall things, that is to say, seuen naturall and sixe not natu­rall; the seuen naturall are, Elements, Temperaments, Humours, Members, Powers or Vertues, Actions or Ope­rations, and Spirits; all which be called naturall, because the naturall profession and excellency of euery sensi­ble body, doth wholly depend vpon them, and hath his mouing no longer then they haue power of wor­king. The sixe which are not naturall, be the Aire, Meate and Drinke, Motion and Rest, Sleepe and VVatch, Emptinesse and Fulnes, and the Affects or motions of the minde; and these are called not naturall, because as (being rightly and in due order applyed) they pre­serue, sustaine, and fortifie the body; so being misgo­uerned, or vsed in any excesse or disorder, they are the onely corrupt destroyers of the whole body: and of these thirteene simples which compound the fabricke or whole frame of the body, I intend to speake seuerally.

CHAP. 2. Of the foure Elements, their vertues and operations.

FIrst, for the exposition of this word Element, you shall vnderstand that it is the primere or first be­ginning of things, being of it selfe pure, vncorrupt and simple; all things being first made thereof, and all things at the last being resolued into the same againe. It is also in it owne nature so bright, cleare, and with­out contraction or impurity, that it is not to be discer­ned by any sensible eye whatsoeuer. Lastly, it is the least part or Atomie of that thing which is made, or proceedeth from it.

Now of these elements which are the vsuall first mouers or beginners of all mouing things, there are onely foure in number, that is to say: Fire, Aire, Water and Earth; meaning not that fire, aire, water and earth, which is visible here with vs beneath, and which through the grossenes thereof, is both palpable and to be discerned; but those which are mounted aloft, and through their purity inuisible, and concealed from vs, (for the other are compounded bodies and not simple) And of these perfect and distinct elements you shall know, that the fire is the highest, as being fixed or ioyned next vnto the Moone, being hot and drye, yet naturally exceeding or being most predo­minant or ruling in heate.

The aire is placed next vnto the fire, and is natu­rally light and hot, yet his predominant or chiefe quality is moist.

The water is adioyned vnto the ayre, the dispo­sition thereof, being heauy and moist, but his predo­minant [Page 5] or chiefe quality onely cold.

Lastly, the earth adioyned to the water, is the low­est, and it is most heauy and cold; but the predomi­nant or chiefe quality thereof is onely drinesse.

Now for the vertues, properties, and operations of these foure elements, you shall vnderstand, that first the fire by meanes of his heate, moueth matter to ge­neration, and stirreth vp warmth in all liuing things; it is that which the Philosophers call Heterogenia, which is in mixt bodies to separate things of diuers kindes, one from another, and also to ioyne things of like kindes together, which they likewise call Homogenia. For by vertue of the fire, the bones of horses are sepa­rated from the flesh, the flesh from the sinewes, the si­newes from the veines, the veines from the arteries, the heart from the liuer, the liuer from the spleene, and so forth, in such sort as we see the diuers parts of the fuell we burne, by the vertue of the fire and heate to be separated and deuided one from another, as the vapour from the smoake, the smoake from the flame, and the flame from the ashes. And as in these things, so in many other things, as in the tryall of mettals and such like, where the fire by vertue of his heate, sepa­rateth body from body, that is, mettall from mettall, and corruption from incorruption, gathering and knitting together euery thing of one and the selfe same kinde. Besides, the vertue of the fire is to ripen, order and digest things raw and vndigested, mingling the dry with the moist, and opening the powers that the aire being somewhat more solide and grosse, may enter into the body; and lastly, it breatheth and mode­rateth the coldnesse of the water and the earth, so that it may not distemper or confound the body.

[Page 6]Touching the vertue and operation of the aire, you shall vnderstand that by the moistnesse thereof it ma­keth the matter apt to receiue shape either naturall or accidentall, and by the helpe and assistance of the fire, bringeth the powers and influences of the hea­uens and starres into the inferour bodies, making the mixt bodies, not onely subtile and penetrable, but al­so light and mounting, to the end they may neither be too grosse nor too heauy. Secondly, the ayre through his moistnesse cooleth the burning heate of the heart, liuer and intrails, as we dayly see by the of­fice of the lights and lungs, which like a paire of bel­lowes draweth vncessantly fresh ayre vnto the heart and inward members. And albeit the ayre doth not seeme to the sence of our outward eyes, to bee any thing neare so moist as the water, yet according to the opinions both of our bookes and best Physitions, it it is by much the moister; which is well proued, say they, by the abundant fluxe it containeth, which fluxe spreadeth it selfe so farre abroad in the body, that it fil­leth euery empty part and corner thereof with the speciall properties and characters of moistnesse; and by that reason is much harder to be kept within his owne bounds then the water is. Lastly, as the water was altered by God from his first naturall place, for the better profite both of man and beast, euen so the ayre, according to Schoole-mens opinions was not left altogether in his first naturall disposition, lest be­ing ouermoist it should so confound and suffocate all sence, that neither man nor beast should be able to breathe or liue.

Now for the vertue and operation of the water, it is to be noted that through the coldnesse thereof, it [Page 7] conglutinateth and bindeth in mixt bodies, both parts & members together, which be of diuers kinds, as bones with flesh and sinewes, flesh with sinewes & bones, and sinewes with bones and flesh. Euen as for a familiar example, we see in the time of any great frost, the strength of the cold how it bindeth things of diuers kinds together, bringing into one masse or sub­stance both water, dirt, stones, strawes, stickes and leaues: the water also with its coldnesse, doth temper and coole the inflammation and heate of the fire, gathering together those thinges which otherwise the violent heate would disperse and scatter abroad.

Lastly, for the vertue and operation of the earth, it is through his drinesse in mixt bodies, so to harden and fixe them together, that they may retaine their shapes, which otherwise by the power of the ayre and water, would be so soluble and loose, that they could not hold together; as we may see in paste, waxe, and such like, which whilest it is moist will receiue no print, but being once hardened it retaineth any forme that is prest into it. And here to be noted, that according to the opinion of Hippocrates, when any sensible body dyeth, not onely euery quality but e­uery substance and part makes his returne to the ele­ment from whence it came; as heate to the fire, moist­nesse to the ayre, coldnesse to the water, & drinesse to the earth. And thus briefly you see, that of these foure common elements or common beginners of things, the fire being hot separateth, the aire being moist shapeth, the water being cold bindeth, and the earth being dry hardeneth and retaineth. The vse that you are to make of this knowledge, ouer and beside the composition of a naturall body, is, that when you [Page 8] find any sicknesse or infirmity which proceedeth from the fire, as inflammations of the body, or such like; that then you apply simples of the nature of the aire or water, which may moisten and coole the violence of that heate. If the infirmity proceede from the aire, as fluxe of blood, or too much moisture; then you shall apply simples of the nature of the fire or earth, whose heate and drinesse may disperse and harden such moisture. If the disease spring from the water, as colds, rheumes, apoplexies and such like, then you shall seeke simples of the nature of the fire and aire; that through the heate of the one, and the moist light­nesse of the other, all such cold, grosse and solide hu­mors may be dispersed. But if the disease proceed from the earth, as manginesse, and leprosie, or their like that are dry & hardened infections, then you shal seeke sim­ples of the nature of the fire onely, whose heate may dissolue & loosen those ill knit, dry, and hard humors. Thus you see too much heate is abated by coldnesse and moistnesse, too much moistnesse by heate and drinesse, too much coldnesse by heate and moistnesse, too much drinesse by heate onely.

Thus much of these foure common elements, which begin all things liuing and vnliuing, sensible and vnsensible; yet of sensible things which liue and haue bloud, there be other more neare elements or beginnings, which are called proper elements or generation, as the ingendring seede, and menstruall bloud, from whence euery beast taketh his first shape and beginning; and yet these proper beginnings haue their whole dependancy and hanging vpon the qualities of the first common beginnings already spoken of, which is moist, dry, hot and cold; for [Page 9] without them they are nothing, nor can do any thing.

CHAP. 3. Of Temperaments and their seuerall kindes, and how farre euery way, they extend in horses.

THese Temperaments or Temperatures, which are the second things in a horses composition, do spring from the commixture of the foure elements, and are nine in number, whereof eight are vnequall, and the ninth is equall. Of the eight vnequall, foure are [...]im­ple, and those be hot, cold, moist, and dry, which Physitions call the first qualities; and of these, the first two be actiue, and the other two passiue: the other foure are compound, and they be hot & moist, hot & dry, cold and moist, cold and dry. Now the equall temperament is diuided into two, an vniuersall and a speciall. The equall Temperament vniuersall, is when the foure elements are in an equall proportion, gene­nerally diuided through the whole body, nature en­ioyning no more from the one then from the other. The equall Temperament special, is when the elements are proportioned according as euery kind doth most properly require, be it either plant or beast: in plants, when euery plant hath that commixture of elements which are proper to its kinde, the hot plant being hot, the cold being cold, and so forth: whereas contrari­wise, to haue a hot plant cold, or a cold hot, to haue rue cold, or sorrell hot, were a false and vnequal com­mixture of elements. So likewise of beasts, that horse, that dogge, that swine is said to haue his due Tempe­rament, when hee is of such temperature as is most proper vnto his kinde; which onely is best discerned [Page 10] by his actions or motions. As thus, the horse is known to be hot and m [...]st by his l [...]g [...]tnesse, swiftnesse, vali­antnesse and long life; and also to be of a temperate nature, in that he is easily tamed, docible, obedi­ent and familiar with the man. And so long as either horse or any other thing, continueth in the mediocri­ty and excellencie of his proper Temperament, so long we may truly iudge him of a good temper & dispositi­on; but if there be any ouerflow of qualities, or ex­cesse in his humors, as either in heate, coldnesse, moist­nesse or drinesse, then we say, he is either a hot chole­ricke horse, a cold dull horse, a dry mischieuous horse, or a moyst cowardly horse, according to the ouer­flow of that quality which raigneth in him.

Againe, euery horse is sayd to haue his due Tem­perament according to his age, and the country where­in he is bred▪ and sometimes according to the time of the yeare wherein he liueth. And thus a horse in his foal [...]-age, which is till he be sixe yeares old, is natu­rally hot and moist. In his middle age, which is till twelue, more hot and dry then moist; and in his old age, which is past eighteene, more cold and dry, then either hot or moist. So likewise the horses which are bred in southerne parts, as either in Spaine, Barbary, or Greece are naturally more hot then those which are bred either in the seuenteene lands, Germany, or En­gland; either is there any horse which is in good state of body, that is so hot in the spring time of the yeare, as in the summer, nor so cold in the summer as in the winter. All which obseruations are with most curi­ous diligence to be obserued of euery horse-leach, when he goeth about to cure any sicknes: for vnlesse he consider their natures & temperatures, and euery [Page 11] other circumstance already declared, he shall right soone be deceiued in the administration of his phy­sicke. Therfore I earnestly aduise euery Farrier, before he giue any drench or potion, first to enquire the kinde, race, and disposition of the horse, next his age, then the country, and lastly the time of the yeare: and so according to the truth thereof, to mixe his re­ceipts.

It is most expedient also for euery horse-leach to consider the second qualities, which are so called, be­cause they take their beginnings from the first quali­ties already declared; of which second qualities some be called palpable, or to be touched, as these, soft­nesse, hardnesse, smoothnesse, roughnesse, toughnesse, brickelnesse, lightnesse, heauinesse, thinnesse, thick­nesse, smalnesse, grosnesse, and such other like. Some againe are not palpable, as those which appertaine to hearing seeing and smelling, as noysses, colours, o­dours and such like; and by obseruing well these se­cond qualities, he shall with much ease, know whe­ther the horse be disposed to any sicknes or not, as shall be more largely declared hereafter in euery par­ticular chapter.

CHAP. 4. Of humours, and to what end they serue.

NOw concerning Humours, which are the third composers of a horses body, and so likewise of e­uery other beast also; you shall vnderstand that they are foure in number, that is to say, Bloud, Fleame, Cho­ler and Melancholy. As touching bloud, it is in it owne nature vncorrupted, and therefore hot and moyst, [Page 12] and sweet in taste, as participating of the elements, Fire and Aire. Fleame is cold and moist, and either sweet or wallowish without any taste at all, as partici­pating of the elements water and aire. Choler is hot and dry, and bitter in taste, as participating of the ele­ments fire and earth. Melancholy is cold and dry, and in taste [...]ower and heauy, as participating of the ele­ments water and earth: so that these foure humours by their qualities, are euery way allied vnto the ele­ments. For to speake briefly, and according to the manner of Physitions, Bloud is of the nature of aire, it being most predominant therein; Fleame of the na­ture of water, Choler of the nature of fire, and Melan­choly of the nature of the earth. And albeit these hu­mours are simbolized or mixt through euery part of the body; yet euery one of them, aboundeth more in one part then in another, and haue their places of re­sidence absolute and peculiar to themselues, as Bloud about the heart, Fleame in the braine, Choler in the li­uer, and Melancholy in the spleene. Now as these hu­mors do more or lesse abound, or haue greater or les­ser soueraignty in the body of the horse: so is the beast naturally better or worse coloured, qualified or dispo­sed, as thus. That horse in whom bloud hath the grea­test predominance, & may be called a horse sanguine, is bright bay of colour, and in disposition pleasant, nimble, and of temperate or moderate motion. That horse in whom fleame hath the greatest dominion, and may be called a flegmatike horse, is for the most part, of a milke white colour, and so consequently slow, dull and heauy. If choler beare the greatest rule in his constitution, then is his colour commonly a bright sorrell, and by that meanes of disposition hot, fiery, [Page 13] and of little strength. Lastly, if the earth haue got­ten power aboue the other elements, so that he may be called a melancholy horse, then is his colour com­monly a mouse dunne, and his disposition cowardly, faint and slothfull. But because these particularities are properly appertaining to the complexions of horses, of which we shall haue cause to speake more largely hereafter, I will not stand vpon any greater relation; onely I giue you thus much in conclusion: to vnderstand that euery one of these aforesaid hu­mours hath his proper vse or end, whereunto it ser­ueth, as thus. Bloud serueth most properly to nou­rish the body. Fleame giueth motion to the ioynts. Choler prouoketh the auoydance of excrements, and Melancholy begetteth an appetite or longing to his meate. Now during the time that these humours do possesse their naturall qualities, so long they are wholesome, and bee called by their simple names, without glosse or addition; but if by any mischance they be disordered or corrupted, then they are vn­wholesome, and are no longer called by their simple names, but haue other epithetons annexed vnto them, as Melancholy Bloud, Salt Fleame, Choler adust or Burnt Choler, and fretting Melancholy, whereof proceedeth many pestilent and dangerous diseases, as shall be at large declared hereafter. And thus much for the state of humours.

CHAP. 5. Of Members and their seuerall kinds.

TOuching Members, which are the fourth maine instruments in this great fabricke of a horses bo­dy, [Page 14] they are by Schoolemen diuided into two parts. The first is called similaria, which is like, semblable or one and the same thing. The other is called instru­mentall, and are contrary to the first.

Members alike are those which being separated or di­st [...]buted into parts, yet euery part thereof is alike in substance to the whole, neither altering in definition, appellation or nature; as flesh, bone, sinew, and such like: for flesh being cut or incised into many parts, yet is euery part still flesh, so reputed and so called, as well as when it was in combination altogether, and as of this so likewise may it be said of bones, sinewes, and their like.

Now for members instrumentall, they bee those which being made of parts semblable, and diuided into parts; yet the parts are not alike, neither haue all one name with the whole, as the head, legge, foote, and such like: for euery part of the head is not cal­led the head, nor euery part of the legge, the legge; but haue other appellations, as the brow, the tem­ples, the knee, the feetlocke, and so forth. Now these instrumentall members, in doing of their offices and duties are of much more perfection then the sembla­ble members; wherefore Schoole-men haue made amongst these instrumentall members foure soue­raignes or princes aboue the rest; that is, the Braine, the Heart, the Liuer, and the Stones; of which the first three are the preseruers of the singular body; and the fourth of the whole kinde: the first three giuing mo­tion and agitation to the body, the fourth generati­on and [...] to succ [...]eding ages.

Now from these principall members, like branches from a well growne tree, do spring other members [Page 15] which do them seruice▪ as from the braine springeth [...]inewes, whose office is feeling: from the heart arte­ries, whose office is sprightinesse and liuely hood; from the liuer, veines, whose office is warmth and strength; and from the stones the seede vessels, whose office is procreation and increase. Now for as much as from those doth likewise proceede a world of other mem­bers, as Tendants, Ligaments, Lungs, Spl [...]ene, Guts and such like; all which, in as much as the knowledge of them doth more properly belong to the office of the Chyrurgian then to the Physitian (though most ne­cessary for both) I am her [...] to aduertise euery studi­ous reader, that when he shall haue occasion to med­dle with any member about a horse, that he turne to the second booke in this volume, which treateth one­ly of surgery; and there he shall not only find euery member and lineament in a horse, but also the true anatomies so liuely demonstrated, that there shall be nothing wanting to the perfecting of his vnderstan­ding. And thus much in this place of members.

CHAP. 6. Of Powers and how a Horses body is go­uerned by them.

POwers which by some are called vertues or prin­cipall faculties, and do gouerne and controll both the body of man or beast, and haue the fift place in this worke, are in number three, that is, the Power animall the Power vitall, and the Power naturall. The Power animall is a vertue incident to the braine, which through the sinewes coming like little conduit pipes from the braine, distributeth feeling and mouing to [Page 16] all the parts of the body. The Power vitall is a vertue belonging to the heart, which doth giue life and spi­rit to all the body by meanes of the arteries; which proceeding from the heart, which is the chiefe foun­taine of naturall heate, carries in their little channels ouer the whole body, that aire and spirituall bloud which makes it full of lightnesse and alacrity. The Power naturall is a vertue belonging to the liuer which giues nourishment vnto all the body, and to eue­ry part thereof, by meanes of the veines, which do likewise proceede from the liuer like greater con­duites, carrying the bloud from the liuer which is the fountaine of bloud, into euery part of the body. Besides the Power naturall containeth foure other ver­tues, that is, the vertue attractiue which draweth food meete to sustaine the body; the vertue retentiue, by which it retaineth and keepeth the foode receiued: the vertue disgestiue whereby it concocteth and dis­gesteth the same. And lastly the vertue expulsiue, by which it expelleth excrements and superfluities. Thus these powers or vertues being of no lesse validity then you perceiue by this discourse. it is the part and duty of euery good Horse-leach, to haue a most carefull and vigilant respect vnto them: for if any of them faile, the horse cannot liue. Therefore whensoeuer you see that either your horse refuseth his foode, or that he doth not retaine and keepe his food [...], but ca­steth it vp againe, or that he doth not digest his food, but keeps it corruptly in his stomacke, or that he can not void his excrements in a naturall manner, but holds it burning in his body, take them for most cer­taine signes of mortall sicknesse. And thus much of powers or vertues.

CHAP. 7. Of Actions or Operations, and whereto they belong.

AS touching Actions or operations, which are the sixt columne or pillar which doth vphold this na­turall body of which we treate, they are not onely belonging, but euen deriued from the three powers immediatly spoken of in the former chapter, as thus. The action and operation of the Power animall, is to discerne, to moue, and to feele. Horses discerne by meanes of the vertue Imaginatiue, Discoursatiue, and Memoratiue, whereof the first is placed in the fore­head, the second in the middle of the braine, and the third in the hinder part of the head. All which are cō ­prehended vnder the Power animall. Horses moue by meanes of the vertue Motiue, whose action & operati­on is to straine or let slacke the sinewes, whereby eue­ry member hath his mouing. And horses feeling is by meanes of the vertue Sensitiue, whose action or opera­tion is busied in the fiue sences, as to See, Heare, Smell, Tast, and Touch; and all these actions spring from the Power animall.

The action or operation of the Power vitall, is to restraine and loosen the heart, and the arteries, which proceede from the heart, which action whether it be hurt or disturbed in a horses body is easily knowne of euery good Farrier or horse Marshall by the vnequall beating of his pulse, that is to say of the arteries which cometh downe from the heart, to the insides of both his fore legges, a little below the knuckles of his shoulders, and likewise crosse both the temples of his head, a little higher then his eyes. And if any [Page 18] man be so simple to imagine that the thicknesse of the horses skinne shall be any impediment to the feeling of this motion, let him remember that as a horses skin is thicker then a mans, so also are his arteries greater, and beate with more violence; and so consequently to be felt without any great difficulty.

The actions or operations of the Power naturall, are to ingender, to increase, to nourish, to desire with appetite, to attract, to change, to disgest, to retaine and to expell, and many others of like kinde. These actions there­fore are carefully to be looked vnto by euery Farrier, to the intent that he may learne by them, not only the whole state of a horses body, but also what particular member thereof is euill affected, as thus. If either in your horse you finde much forgetfulnesse, vnnimble­nesse of his limbes, or dulnesse vpon correction, it is a signe of sicknesse in the braine, and that the Power ani­mal is euillaffected. If you find that his pulses do beate extraordinarily flow, or much to fast, it is a signe that his heart is grieued, and his Power vitall euill affected; but if you finde that he doth consume, pine away, & loseth his stomacke, it is a signe that his liuer is per­plexed, all his inward parts out of frame, and his Pow­er naturall euill affected.

Now you shall againe vnderstand that of actions some be voluntary, some not voluntary.

The voluntary actions be those which a horse may either further or hinder, stay or let when themselues pleaseth, as the mouing of the legges: for they may go, stand, or lye downe, at their owne plea­sure.

The actions not voluntary, are those which de­pend not vpon the will of any beast, but be done of [Page 19] their owne accord and naturally, as the mouing of the heart and of the arteries, and the passage of the bloud: the first whereof beateth sleeping and wa­king; and the other hath his course euery minute. And thus much of actions and operations.

CHAP. 8. Of Spirits, and in what parts of the horses body they remaine.

SPirits, which is the seuenth naturall builder of this naturall worke, are to be vnderstood to be that fine, pure, cleare, and ayrie substance which is ingen­dred of the finest part of the bloud, whereby the ver­tue of euery principall member may visite all the o­ther parts of the body, making them to do their du­ties according to the rules of nature. Now of spi­rits, according to the opinion of some Physitians, there are but two kinds, that is, the Spirit animall and the Spirit vitall. The Spirit animall is that which giueth power of feeling and mouing to a horse, and hath his resting place in the braine, from whence through the sinewes it is dispersed into all other parts of the body; and as it is ingendred of the vitall spirit, being more vehemently wrought and laboured, and partly of continuall breathing: euen so it is partly preserued by the Chaule of the braine, which doth howrely wa­ter and nourish it.

The Spirit vitall is contained in the heart, from whence it floweth into euery part of the body, being the chiefe cause of all naturall heate; and it is preserued and nourished, both by breathing and bloud.

[Page 20]To these two spirits, there be some Farriers, both Italians and French, which adde a third spirit, and call it the Spirit naturall, saying, it hath its residence in the liuer & the veines; but the two former are of such power, and haue such superiority, that the body can­not liue without them, nor haue any being at all; wherefore it is the office of the Farrier continually in all his medicines to haue euer some comfortable sim­ple which may maintaine and keepe these spirits in their full strength, liuelyhood and vertue. And thus much touching spirits, & those seuen naturall things which compact a naturall body.

Chap. 9. Of the sixe thing not naturall, how they profit, and how they hurt.

HAuing spoken of the naturall things whereof a horses body is compounded, it is needfull now that we speake something of the other sixe which be not naturall, so farre forth as they concerne the of­fice of the Farrier and no further: for with other mat­ters we haue not to do. The first thing then which is not naturall, yet preserueth a horses body in good state, is the aire, which being pure, sharp, cleare and piercing, giueth great life and nourishment to a horse, but being contrary, that is, grosse, thicke, and full of putrifaction, it cannot chuse but alter the good ha­bit of his body, and breede in him many infirmities. Therefore euery Farrier shall haue great respect to the aire wherein a horse either liueth or was bred in, as if a horse that was bred in a hot aire, come to liue in a cold, and through that exchange grow sicke, [Page 21] the Farrier shall by warme dyet, close house, and mo­derate cloathing, bring his nature to a stronger ac­quaintance: also when a horse exceedeth in any of the foure qualities, that is, in heate, moystnesse, coldnesse, or drinesse, it is best for him to, liue in that aire which is contrary to that quality wherein hee exceedeth. Lastly, in many diseases, the change of the aire is most wholesome, as shall be shewed at large in the particular diseases.

For the meate and drinke of a horse which is the second thing not naturall in a horses composition, it is not to be doubted but whilest it is sweete, cleane, & good, as bread well made and baked, dry oates, dry beanes, dry pease, sweet hay, sweet straw, or short grasse, so long it nourisheth and preserueth the horses body; but if it bee fully, raw, corrupt and vncleane, or if he eate tares, fitches, rye, or barley, then must hee needes bee vnsound and full of infirmities. Therefore the Farrier shall be carefull to keepe him from all such foodes as breede naughty euill bloud; as for his water, the more pure it is, the better, and the more muddy, thicke and pleasant, so much the more vnhealthfull.

Now for his mouing and rest, that is either his tra­uell or standing still, which is the third thing not na­turall in a horses composition, doubtlesse they be great preseruers of a horses health: for as moderate exercise dissolueth grosse humours, ingendreth appetite, and addeth strength vnto the limbes, so likewise indiffe­rent rest, causeth disgestion, comforteth the sinewes, & maketh the heart cheareful against ensuing labour. But on the contrary part, immoderate trauell or ex­ercise, when a horse is ridden beyond his strength, [Page 20] [...] [Page 21] [...] [Page 22] breedeth many dangerous & mortall sicknesses, as the foundring in the body, the consumption of the lungs and liuer, molten grease and such like, besides the pis­sing of bloud, manginesse, farrye, and such like; all which inward diseases craue strong purges, and the outward sharp and correding medicines▪ Immoderate rest, which is when a horse doth stand long still with­out any exercise. Feeding foule and grosly is as great an enemy to a horses health as the other: for it con­gregateth & bindeth together all sorts of ill humours, breedes corruption in the bloud, rottennesse in the flesh, & generally as many diseases as any il dyet what­soeuer.

The sleepe or watch of a horse (which is the fourth thing in our composition) is so necessary a comfort to a horse, that he cannot liue without it; it is the grea­test mouer of disgestion: and so consequently giues comfort to the whole body. For whilest a horse slee­peth, the Powers animall do take their rest, which o­therwise would be ouer-wearied, and neither able to discharge their duties, nor to continue their actions and operations, which is the giuing of feeling and mouing only: & whilst a horse doth sleep the powers natural haue more liberty to do their work, in conco­cting the meate, and comforting the bodie; in so much that I account sleepe to be the onely quieting of the sences, ordained by nature to ingender strength. Sleepe is begotten by sweet, fatty and grosse vapours, (& not by their contraries) which are raised from the heart to the braine; with the coldnesse of which braine those vapours being congealed and thickned together do stop the pipes of the sensitiue spirits, so as they can not resort to the instruments of the sences, to giue the [Page 23] body feeling & mouing, wherby the body at that time is depriued of those motions. And according as those vapours do more or lesse fill the pipes, so is the horses sleepe more or lesse found and vndisturbed; but when this sleepe shall at any time grow into excesse, and you shall perceiue a horse to sleepe beyond both na­ture and custome, then you shall know that such sleep cometh from an euill habite of the body, and is a signe either of Lethargie, and a numbnesse of the spirits, or else that he hath some inward griefe and paine in his limbes when he standeth; which being eased by ly­ing, makes him couet a continuall rest and sleeping. Now for the watch of a horse, because it is the meere contrary to sleepe, there needes little to be sayd more then this: that as the excesse of the one sheweth the want of the other, so the vnnaturall working of ei­ther shewes the euill state of a horses body, and giues the Farriers warning to expect ensuing sicknesse.

Now for emptinesse and fulnesse (which is the fift not naturall compositor) for as much as it is onely an adding to, and a taking away, some Farriers haue held opinion, that all Physicke belonging to a horses body, consisteth in them two onely; and truly I am of this minde, that whosoeuer can take away corruption, and adde perfection, shall without doubt, euer keepe an able and substantiall body. But to our purpose, of this fulnesse there are two sorts, the one fulnesse by excesse of humors, the other fulnesse by excesse of meate; either of which perturbing the spi­rits are the grounds of sicknes. Againe, excesse of hu­mours are of two kindes, the one an equall encrease of all maner of humours gathered together, and the other a particular excesse either of too much Melan­choly, [Page 24] Fleame, or other waterish humours whatsoeuer, the first being termed an aboundance of humours, the latter an excesse of euill iuice or nutriment: last­ly, their fulnesse in quantity, and fulnesse in quality. Fulnesse in quantity is when a horse is full of bloud or any other simple humour. Fulnesse in quality is when any of those humors is too hot or too cold, too grosse or too thin. Now for emptinesse, as all diseases of fulnesse must be cured by it onely, so all diseases of emptinesse must be healed by fulnesse, as by taking of bloud, by purge, friction, scarification, boxing, swea­ting, bathing, and a world of such like, as shal be very largely set forth hereafter.

Lastly, touching the affections of a horses minde, you shall vnderstand that so farre forth as the sensitiue soule doth stretch, so farre they haue sence and feeling of affections, as namely to loue, to hate, to be angry, to reioyce, to be sorry, and to feare: for all which, there needs no great apologie, sith we haue it in dayly experience: as who seeth not the loue of some horses to their keepers, their hate to strangers, their anger in their fights, their ioyes in their prides & wooings, their sorrowes in their sicknesses, and their feares vn­to their riders? Now these affections sith many times they are the grounds of strange motions in the body; therefore they ought carefully to be looked vnto by the Fa [...]rier, and that the horse be not ouer-oppressed with any of them; especially feare and hatred, the first whereof compelleth the bloud and spirits to flye to the inward parts, and to leaue the outward without sence or feeling, and the latter makes him to be vnquiet, fierce and raging; both together breedes distemperature in a horse, and those distemperatures [Page 25] ingender mortal sicknesses. And thus much for these sixe things, being held not naturall in a horses com­position.

CHAP. 10 Of Horses complexions.

HAuing spoken of whose thirteene naturall and not natural things, wherof a horses body is com­pounded, we will now in a somewhat more particular manner speake of the complexions of horses, which is one of the most necessary faces that a Farrier can be­hold, both for the iudging of a horses infirmities, and also for the true compounding of his medicines for euery disease: therefore you shal first vnderstand that by the color of the horse you shal euer iudge his com­plexion: for looke which of the elements is most pre­dominant in him, from that element we draw his complexion, as thus. If he participate more of the fire then of any of the other elements, then we hold him to be a cholericke horse, and his colour is either a bright sorrell, a cole blacke without any white, or an yron gray vnchangeable, that is, such a gray as nei­ther will euer turne to a daple gray, to a white or to a flea-bitten; and these horses are of nature light, hot, fiery, and seldome of any great strength: these horses are much subiect to pestilent feuers, yellowes, and inflammations of the liuer. Therefore euery Farrier shall be carefull in the composing of any medicine for such a horse, to purge choler; yet very moderately, and not with any extraordinary strength in the potion or drench: because the horse being in his best strength not reputed strong, should you apply any violent [Page 26] thing to him, that little strength being abated, there were great danger in the confounding of the whole body.

If the horse participate more of the aire then of the other elements, then is he of a sanguine complexion, and his colour is either bright bay, or darke bay; which hath neither skouling countenance, mealy nose, nor white flanke, or a white flea-bitten, white lyard like siluer, or a blacke with white starre, white rache or white foote; these horses are of nature plea­sant, nimble, free, and of a good strength. The diseases to them most incident, is consumption of the liuer, leprosie, glanders, or any disease that is infectious. They are of a good strong constitution, and may en­dure strength in their medicines, especially any thing that cooleth the bloud.

If the horse participate more of the water then of the other elements, then is he of a flegmaticke com­plexion, and his colour is either a milke white, a yel­low dun, a kiteglewd or a pyedball, in whom there is an equall mixture of colours, that is, as much white as of the other color: otherwise if the bay, the blacke, or the dunne exceed the white, he is sayd to be of that complexion of which the color is greatest. These hor­ses are of nature slow, dull, and apt to leese flesh; the diseases which are most incident vnto them, is colds, head-atch, rheumes, staggers and such like. They are able to endure the reasonable strength of any medi­cine; because the abundance of fleame which is in them, sufficeth both nature and the potion to worke vpon: all cold simples are to them exceeding hurtfull, so are also they which are violently hot in the third degree; the first because it bindeth too soone; the lat­ter [Page 27] because it disperseth too suddenly, therefore sim­ples of a moderate meane are the best.

If the horse participate more of the earth then of the other elements, then is he of a melancholy com­plexion, and his colour is mouse dunne, russet, ches­nut, a sky gray, darke bay, with mayly nose, redde or white slanke, or a reddish bay, hauing long white haire, like goates haire growing on his legges. These horses are of nature heauy, and saint hearted: the dis­eases to them most incident, is inflammations in the Spleene, Frenzie, Dropsie and such like. They are com­monly of better strength then they will suffer to ap­peare by their actions, and are able to endure the strength of any reasonable medicine: all cicatrizing and dry simples are hurtfull vnto them; the cold and moist are the most profitable.

Hauing thus shewed you these foure complexions, Cholerike, Sanguine, Flegmatike and Melancholy, together with their qualities and strengths, you shall vnder­stand now that amongst Farriers there is another com­plexion, or fift constitution, which is called the com­position or mixture of complexions, that is, when­soeuer a horse doth participate of all the foure ele­ments equally and in due proportion, none being greater or lesse then another; and this complexion of all other is the best and and most perfect; and the horse which is of this complexion, is euer of one of these colours, that is to say, either a faire browne bay, da­pled or not dapled, a daple gray, a blacke, full of sil­uer haires, or a faire roane redde or blacke. And those horses are of nature most excellent, most temperate, strongest, gentlest, and most healthfull; though they may haue any disease, yet are they naturally inclined [Page 28] to no disease; but what infirmity soeuer falleth vnto them is meerely accidentall, and not through any o­uerflow of naturall distemperature. All medicines must be compounded for them according to the na­ture of the sicknesse, and the time of their languish­ment: for if their sicknesse be young and new bred, then are they able to receiue any well composed re­ceipt; but if it be old, & the inward powers and facul­ties feebled, then you must bee carefull to helpe na­ture, by adding to euery medicine of what nature so­euer, some simple of comfort, that as euill humours be clensed, so strength may still be repayred & main­tained. And thus much for complexions.

CHAP. 11. Of inward sicknesse, the causes and seuerall kindes thereof.

SIth I haue already passed ouer al those things which haue a naturall and perfect working in a horses bo­dy, and do maintaine, vphold and preserue the same in good state and health, except accidentally they be encountred and crossed by some excesse, or in dyet, or in exercise: it shall now be meete that we begin to speake of the things which be contrary and against nature, which are all those things whereby at any time, the healthfull estate of the horses body is any way impeached; and they be three in number, that is, the causes, the sicknesse, and the accidents which fol­low euery sicknesse.

Now the causes of sicknesse are all vnnaturall af­fects, and euill dispositions, which going before, do as it were by violence, bring sicknesse after them: [Page 29] and of these causes there be two sorts, some internall, some externall; the internall be those which breede within the body of the horse, as euill humours, euill obstructions and euill iuice. Externall are they which communicate with the outward parts of the body, as heate, cold, wounds and such like, of which I shall speake more in the second booke: and for so much as I intend at the beginning of euery particular dis­ease, to shew the cause of that disease, I will at this time speake no more of that subiect.

Now for sicknesse it selfe which is any thing that is contrary to nature, it is diuided into three generall kindes: the first an euill temperature, the second an euil state or composition, and the third a loosening or diuiding of an vnity. Now of these two latter, I in­tend not to speake in this place, because they apper­taine to surgery, which I reserue for the second booke; but for the first kinde which is an euill temperature, it is taken two fold, that is, either simple or compound; simple, when one quality onely doth abound or ex­ceede, as to be too moist or too dry: compound when mo qualities then one do grow into excesse, as for a horse to be too hot, and too dry, or too cold and too moist. Againe, sicknesses are sayd some to belong, as consumptions, glanders and such like, which lin­ger and weare a horse away by small degrees. Some short, as the staggers, yellowes, anticor, and such like, which as soone as they be perceiued, so soone they be mortall.

Now of inward sicknesses, some do occupy all the whole body, some but particular parts; those which occupy the whole body are feuers, the pestilence, conuulsions and such like: those which occupy parts [Page 30] or members, are colds which annoy the head, sur­faits which perplexe the stomacke; and so likewise all outward infirmities proper to euery particular mem­ber, as splents vpon the legs, spauens on the houghes, pearles in the eyes, and such like, as shall be amply shewed hereafter. And thus much for sicknesse and the seuerall kindes thereof.

CHAP. 12. Of the signes of sicknesse, and of what na­ture it consisteth.

THe signes and faces by which sicknesse is discer­ned, are many, and almost numberlesse; yet in the best sort that I may, I will shew you such and so many as shall amply serue for any mans vnderstan­ding. Know then first that there be according to the rules in physicke, foure especiall wayes to iudge of inward and outward infirmities. First, by accidents, as by the shape, number, quantity, & place of the mem­ber grieued: for if it carry not his true proportion, or be more or lesse in number or quantity, or out of his proper place, then questionlesse it is diseased. Second­ly, by alteration of the quality, as when it is either too hot, too cold, too moist or too dry. Thirdly, when a­ny member in the body is hindered from doing his office; as when the eye cannot see, or the foote can­not treade: and fourthly, by excrements, as by his dung or his vrine. But for as much as in the specu­lation of these qualities, many of the ignorant sort may be either amazed, distract or deceiued; and that my desire is to giue an absolute satisfaction to all sorts of people, I will briefly and plainly shew you the most [Page 31] vndeceiueable signes of all sorts of inward sicknesses, as thus. If a horse be slower in labour, or duller in the spurre then he hath bene accustomed, if he be shor­ter breathed, if his eares hang downe more then they were wont; if his haire be more staring, if his flankes be more then vsually hollow, if he burne betwixt his eares or about his pasternes, if in trauell his stomacke faile him; or his mouth that in labor was vsually wont to be foaming, become dry; all these are most ap­parant signes of inward sicknesse.

When a horse holdeth downe his head which was wont to be of a chearefull countenance, it is a signe either of a feuer, head-ache, or else foundring in the body.

If a horse be dimme of sight that was cleare sigh­ted, it is a signe either of head-ache, the staggers, or sore eyes.

When a horse turneth his head backward to the place grieued, if it be to the right side▪ it is a signe of obstructions in the liuer; but if he turne it downe to his belly, then it is a signe either of cholericke, bots or wormes.

When a horse hath water running from his mouth, it is a signe of the staggers or the wet cough.

If a horses breath stincke, or foule matter issue from his nosthrels, it is a sign of an vlcer in the nose or head; but if the matter be white, then it is a signe of glaun­ders: if the matter be blacke, then it is a signe of the mourning of the chine; but if the matter be yellow, then it betokens the consumption of the liuer; but if he cast little lumps out of his mouth, then it betokens the consumption or rottennesse of the lungs.

If a horses body and breath be hot, it is a signe of [Page 32] a feuer and heate of the stomacke, if therewithall he forsake his meate, it is a signe of inflammation in his liuer, and either of dry or moist yellowes.

If the temples of a horses heade be very hollow, it is a signe either of the strangle or old age.

Shortnesse of breath, and a breathing flanke, is a signe either of a feuer or the strangle; but if the pas­sage of the throate be stopped, it is a signe the filme of the lungs is broken, & the spleene troubled, or else broken winded.

If any thing lye on both sides the forehead, which may be felt beate, it is a signe of the staggers.

If there be any swelling betweene the eares, it is a signe of the polle euil; swelling vnder the eare, a signe of the viues; and swelling in the mouth, a signe either of canker, flaps or lampasse.

Swelling vnder the throat is a signe of the glaun­ders; and swelling about the tongue rootes▪ a signe of the strangle; but if there be about the tongue rootes, nothing but little small knots like waxe kyrnels, then it is a signe but of cold onely.

Swelling on the left side is a signe of a sicke spleene. Swelling in the belly and legges, a signe of the drop­sie; and swelling in the flanke, of the cholericke onely.

To cough, or to offer to cough, is a signe either of the glaunders, of the mourning of the chine, of a fea­ther in the weasand, of the wet or dry cough, of the filme broken, of the dry malady, of a consumption, or of foundring in the body.

Staggering is a signe either of a feuer, of the staggers, or of swaying in the necke; but if he stag­ger, or rolle behinde onely, then it is a signe either of foundring in the body, or of paine in the kidneyes.

[Page 33]Trembling is a signe of a feuer, or of foundring in the body: and here is to be noted, that a horse which trembleth after the drinking of cold water, hath during that time of trembling, a very certaine sit of an ague; and if any Farrier or other, will but ob­serue it, he shall finde that the horse after he hath done trembling, will burne and glow in as great extremity at least an howre and an halfe after; and some horses after their burning, will sweate also.

The hollownesse of a horses backe is a signe of the dry malady or the dropsie.

Haire staring, is a signe either of a cold stomacke or of foundring in the body.

If a horse stale with much paine, it is a signe either of foundring in the body, the wind cholike, or the stone; and if the vrine which comes from him be yel­low, it is a signe of the glaunder; but if it be blackish and thicke, it is a signe of paine in the kidneyes.

Leannesse and gauntnesse is a signe of hide-bound, or of the consumption, of the dry malady, of foun­dring in the body, inflammation of the liuer, the yel­lowes, cholicke or wormes.

Laxatiuenesse or loosnesse of the body, is a signe of a hot liuer.

Costiuenesse in the body is a signe of dry yellowes, or of diseases in the galle.

If a horses dung stinke, it is a signe of a hot liuer; if it haue no smell, then of a cold liuer; but if it be vn­disgested, then either of a consumption, or of a drye malady.

If a horse go stiffe, it is a signe either of wrinching, hipping, stifling or foundring either in body or legs; if he go crouching behinde and stiffe before, then the [Page 34] griefe is in his forelegges; but if he go onely weake behinde, then is the griefe in his hinder legges onely.

If a horse desire extraordinarily to lye downe on his right side, it is a signe of heate in the liuer. If on the left side, then of a diseased spleene; if he be oft vp and downe, finding no rest, then it is a signe of bottes, wormes, chollicke, or griping in the belly; if when he is downe he spreade himselfe abroad, it shewes the dropsie; if he groane when he is downe, it shewes ei­ther a sicke spleene, moist yellowes, chollicke, bots, or filme broken; if he be not able to rise when he is downe, then either mortall weaknesse, foundring in the body or legges.

To be troubled with much wind is a signe either of griefe in the spleene, or losse of much bloud.

If a horse forsake his meate, it is a signe either of a feuer, head-ache, strangle, staggers, consumption, or dry malady, anticor, foundring in the body, a hot and consumed liuer, moyst yellowes, cholicke, or the wormes; but if when he forsaketh his prouender he doth, as it were, chauell or chaw a little hay, and in his chawing doth make a certaine sharp noyse in his mouth, and if his tongue could not well part from the roofe without a kinde of chanking, it is then a cer­taine signe that the horse is troubled with the falling of the palate of the mouth, a disease which only com­meth by ouer much trauell, or too sore a burthen.

If a horse desire to eate much and drinke little, it is a signe of a cold liuer; but if he desire to drinke much and eate little, it is then a signe either of a feuer, rot­ten lungs, heate in the stomacke, heate in the liuer, or the dry yellowes.

If a horse both eate and drinke with an extraordi­nary [Page 35] greedinesse, it is a signe of rotten lungs, or a dis­eased spleene.

Lazie and heauy going contrary to true nature, is a signe either of a feuer, sicke spleene, yellowes, or else obstructions of the liuer.

If a horse strike with his foote at his belly, it is a signe of the chollike; but if when he striketh, he fiske with his taile also, then is it either bots or rough wormes.

If a horse be scabby and vlcerous all ouer his body, or but about his necke, it is a signe of the mangie; if it be an vlcer full of knots, creeping alongst a veine, it is the farcy; if spreading abroad onely in one place, it is a canker; if the vlcer be hollow and crooked, it is a fi­stula, but if it be a spongie wart, full of bloud, it is then an Anburie.

If a horses tongue hang out, and be swolne, it is a signe of the strangle.

To conclude, if a horse in health beate short, thicke, & fast in the flanke, it is a signe of sicknesse in the lungs & lights, which we call broken winded; with a world of other such like signes and tokens, as shall be more amply declared in euery particular chapter.

CHAP. 13. Generall obseruations in the Physicking of Horses.

AFter you can by these signes and characters iudge and approue either the health or sicknesse of a horse, it is then necessary that you learne some gene­rall rules and obseruations which belong to the phy­sicking of a horse; lest that either by your rashnesse, [Page 36] vnskilfulnesse or vncleanlinesse in what you go about to do, you commit errours more grosse then the me­dicine you administer hath power to do good. Know then first, that whensoeuer you go about to giue your horse any inward potion or drench, you must first take very carefull heede that your drinke be no more then milke warme: for there is nothing more mor­tall to a horse then the scalding of his stomacke. Next you must be very carefull that you giue the drench easily and gently, lest in making too much haste, the drinke passe into his weasand or winde­pipe, and so force him to an extreme coughing, and almost suffocate him; which if it do, you must then let his head loose, and walke him vp and downe, till the passion be past. Lastly you shall obserue in gi­uing a drench, to draw out the horses tongue before you put in the horne, and then presently let it loose againe: for that will compell him to swallow whe­ther he will or no. And this is principally to be vsed when you giue your horse pils, as butter and garlike, bulter and Saunders, or butter and sauen. Also euery drench will worke the better, the longer you keepe the sicke horse fasting, both before and after his me­dicine; wherein is likewise to be obserued, that mo­derate exercise (as gently walking, or trotting vp and downe according to the horses strength after his drench is receiued) is most wholesome, and maketh the medicine worke a great deale the better.

You shall likewise obserue if your horses sicknesse be a feuer, to mixe alwayes your simples either with warme water, with hony, or with oyle; but if the dis­ease be coughes, rheumes or any thing that procee­deth of cold causes, then you shall mixe your simples [Page 37] with good ale or wine; and if your horse be brought low & weake with sicknesse, then you shall mixe your simples with milke or egges.

You shall also obserue that in bloud letting, you must take but halfe so much from a yong colt as from an old horse; and but the fourth part from a year­ling foale: also in letting bloud, you must carefully regard the age and strength of your horse, taking more or lesse according to his ability of body. Lastly, let­ting of bloud is either to diuert sicknesse and pre­serue health, or to refresh and coole the spirits, or to diminish bloud, or else to purge grosse and badde humours.

Obserue before you let your horse bloud, first mo­derately to chafe or exercise him; then let him take rest a day before his letting bloud, and three dayes af­ter; not forgetting that Aprill and October are the two principall seasons of the yeare for that purpose, except vrgent occsion be ministred.

Obserue whensoeuer you rake your horse with your hand (which is to draw his ordure out of his fundament when hee cannot dung) that then first you annoynt all your hand with sallet oyle; the like you must euer do when you put vp any suppositary; but when you administer any glister, you shall then but annoynt the glister pipe onely. Many other ob­seruations there are which be more particular, and those you shall finde annexed to the seuerall cure of euery disease. Thus much then of these generall ob­seruations.

CHAP. 14. Of the vrine and excrements of an horse.

AFter you haue made your memory acquainted with the signes and obseruations before specifi­ed, and so in the end finde a horse which by the de­monstration of some of these signes appeareth most certainly to be sicke and diseased; my aduice is then (if conueniently you may, and that the violence of the sicknesse do not vrge the contrary) that before you administer any thing vnto him, in any case you see his vrine, from which vrine you shall reape these knowledges.

First, if the vrine of a horse be of a pale, whitish, yel­low colour, like vnto amber, & therewithall somewhat strong smelling, and not very cleare, then you shall be assured that the horse is in good state of body, strong and healthful; but if it be extraordinary white, and as it were, creamy, then it is a signe the horse hath weake reines and is subiect to the stone, and the stop­ping in the kidneyes.

If the vrine of a horse be somewhat high coloured, bright and cleare like lamber and not like amber, or like a cup of strong march beere; then it sheweth the horse hath inflammation in his bloud, and that he hath either a feuer, or else some great surfaite; but if it be red like bloud, then is his inflammation more geat, and his surfaite is onely an ouer heate taken by ouer-riding; insomuch that if present remedy be not applyed, either by scouring or other healthfull phy­sicke, the horse cannot chuse but fall into some mortal sicknesse.

If the vrine of a horse be of a pale greenish colour, [Page 39] thicke and slimy, it is a signe of a weake backe, and consumption of the seede.

Lastly, if the horses vrine be high colored, yet there­withall cloudy and full of blacknesse, then it is a signe that the horses sicknesse is mortall, and hardly to be preserued by any physicke; but if the blacknesse and cloudinesse of the vrine do not remaine, as it were, bound vp together in one body, but is broken & dis­persed, shewing many cloudes in one water, then it is a signe that the violence of the sicknesse departeth away, and there is great hope, by good gouernement, that the horse will recouer his health, as at the begin­ing.

Now for the excrements or dung of a horse, which is no lesse worthy of note then the vrine. You shall first vnderstand, that if his dung be euer of alliance with his foode, I meane either in part or whole co­loured like vnto that he eateth; as thus for example: If your horse go at grasse, his dung wil euer be greene, and the brighter such greennesse is, and being in a meane betweene hardnesse and softnsse, the sounder and in more perfect estate the horse standeth; but if the greennesse be bright, yet the ordure so soluble and loose, that it cometh from the horse like water, then you shall vnderstand that either the horse hath eaten vp some feather, or else that he hath an inward coldnesse both in his stomacke and bowels.

If a horses dung be of a reasonable thicknesse, nei­ther too costiue nor too soluble, yet the greennesse inclined to some blacknesse, it is a signe that the horse hath a hot stomacke, and is easile subiect either to the yellowes or staggers.

If the horses dunge be in round hard pellets, and of [Page 40] a blackish greene colour, like the dung of a sheepe, or a Deere, then it is without faile that the horse hath had some great surfait, either by ouer-riding, or by ill food, or else is certainly possest either of the yellowes, or feuer, or foundred in the body.

Now if your horse be fed onely vpon straw, then his colour will be of a high coloured yellow, rather costiue then soluble, and the graine thereof long, and not well coutched together: and all these be good signes of great healthfulnesse; but if the colour be inclined to rednesse; or if it be exceeding dry with­out moisture, or if it be thinne like the dung of an Oxe or a cow, they be all apparant signes of inward sicknesse; but if the rednesse turne to blacknesse, and that his ordure doth leese the strength of its smelling, then it is a great signe of death and mor­tality.

If your horse be fed with hay and prouender, then your perfect and sound dung will be of a browne yellow colour, the graine somewhat long, yet moist and well fixt together; but if the brownnesse turne to rednesse, it is a signe of distemperature; and if it turne to blacknesse, then of death. Now for the smell of this dung, you must vndestand that the more prouender you giue, the greater will be the smell, and the lesse prouender, the lesse smell.

Lastly, if you feede your horse onely vpon prouen­der, as bread, oates, and such like, then the dung which shewes a perfect and a sound body, will be of a pale yellow colour, like course hony, firme like a thicke salue, hauing within it when you tread vpon it, or break it, little white graines, like those which are in sope; or if the dung be harder, like the ordinary [Page 41] ordure of a man, it is not amisse: for both be signes of health and strength; but if the dung looke redde, then it is a signe that the horse hath taken some in­ward heate, and his stomacke and bowels do rest still inflamed.

If his dung be browne and slimy, or if it shine and looke greasie, it is a signe that he hath had some of his inward grease molten, and that it resteth and putrifi­eth in his body; but if with his dung you see him void great clods and lumps of grease, then you may be assured that his grease was molten, but nature hath ouercome infirmity, and the worst danger is past already; but if his dung be matter vndigested, so that you may either perceiue therin whole corns or whole bits of bread, it is a signe the horse hath either taken a late surfaite, or is entring into a mortall consumpti­on. Lastly, if his dung be blacke, or haue lost the smell, it is an apparant signe of death. And thus much for vrine and excrements, and the seueral know [...]ledges are attained by them.

CHAP. 15. Of Feuers in generall, and the diuers kindes thereof.

THat horses haue feuers, and those feuers of diuers and sundry natures, there is nothing more cer­taine, as by strict obseruation may daily be perceiued, especially when either we vse much trauell, or disor­derly diet: for questionlesse from these two and none other heads do spring most feuers whatsoeuer. But first, that I may giue you an account what a horses fe­uer is, you shall know that it is an vnnaturall and [Page 42] immoderate heate, which proceeding first from the heart, disperseth it selfe not onely through all the ar­teries, but euen the veines of a horses body, & there­by hindereth all the actions and wholesome mouings of the same. Now of feuers, some Farriers make three forts: the first those which breede in the spirits, being inflamed and set on fire beyond the ordinary course of nature: the second those which breede in the humours, being likewise distempered by heate: and the third those which breed in the firme parts of the body, and are continually hot. Now I for your better memory, will diuide them onely into two parts, that is to say: Ordinary and extraordinary. The ordinary feuers are all those which are bred either in the spirits or in the humours, as namely: Quotidians, Tertians, Quartans, Feuers continuall, Feuers Hectique, Feuers in Autumne, Sommer, or Winter. And the feuers extraordinary are all those which are bred in the firme parts of the body, and are euer hot, as Pestilent Feuers, and the Plague, which euer are accompanied with vl­cers; and the feuer accidentall, which proceedeth from the anguish and paine of some mortall wound.

Now for the causes from whence these feuers do proceede: you shall vnderstand that all these which I call ordinary feuers, do generally spring either from surfaite by extreme labour, or from surfaite by naugh­ty meate, as raw pease, rawfitches, raw oates, mouldy and vnwholesome bread, and such like: sometimes they do proceede from the extreme violence and heate of the Sunnes beames, when trauelling with disorderly haste in the extremest heate of the day, those two heates mixing together, labor & the Sunne, there cannot chuse but be bredde in the horse some [Page 43] mortall inflammation: and for mine owne part I haue seene horses fall downe dead in the high way: for whose deaths I could find no reason more then their labour and the heate of the Sunne. Feuers sometimes spring from a contrary cause, as from extreme cold in this maner: when a horse in the Winter time hath bene trauelled sore all the day, and is brought into the house hot, if after his bloud and inward powers are setled and cooled, you then presently or the same night, giue him cold water as much as he will drinke, you shall see him out of hand fall into an extreme quaking, and from that quaking, into a violent burning, with all other distemperatures of a Fe­uer.

Now for extraordinary feuers, they euer proceede either from corruption of bloud, or from infection of the aire; and albeit these feuers are not vsually knowne vnto our Farriers, yet they are as common as the for­mer; onely the violence of them is so great, and the poison so strong, that they euer carry with them some other mortall sicknes, as namely, Staggers, Yellowes, Anticor, and such like, which neuer are, but a pesti­lent feuer euer goeth before them. And they, like the markes of the plague, are seldome seene till the cure be desperate; and then the vnskilfull Farrier, neither noting, nor knowing if he did note, the effects of the feuer, doth euer mis-baptise the name of the hor­ses infirmity, and taking the lesser for the greater, failes many times to do the good office & cure which he intendeth.

Now the signes to know a feuer be these: first he will euer hold downe his head, he will quake and tremble; but when his trembling is past, then will [Page 44] his body burne, and his breath be hot, he wil breathe fast, and his flanke will beate; he will reele, he will forsake his meate, his eyes will be swolne and closed vp, yet therewithall much watring; his flesh will, as it were, fall from his bones, and his stones will hang downe low, he will oft lye downe, and oft rise vp a­gaine; all his desire will be to drinke, yet at no time drinke much; neither will he at any time sleep. Now for the generall cure of these generall feuers, you shall vnderstand, that some Farriers vse to let the horse bloud in the face, temples and palate of the mouth, and the first day to giue him no meate, but warme drinke onely, by a little at a time, and after, the finest grasse or finest hay wet in water, keeping him warme, and often walking him vp and downe in a temperate aire, and giuing him good store of litter; then when he begins to mend, to feede him with barley sodden, huskt and beaten as you do wheate before you make furmity. And this cure is not amisse, for it agreeth with the ancient experience of the Italians; but in our English horses (through the clyme as I suppose) it often faileth.

The best cure therfore that I haue found is, as soone as you perceiue him to begin to shake, to giue him the yolkes of three or foure egges, beaten with seuen or eight spoonefull of aqua-vitae to drinke; and then chase him vp and downe till his shaking be past, and then set him vp close and warme, and with many clothes make him sweate an howre: let his foode be oates very well dryed and sifted, and one day some washt in ale. If his shaking fit be past before you per­ceiue his sicknesse, you shall onely giue him a pint of Muskadine, and an ounce of sugar-candy beaten to [Page 45] powder, and brewd together, to drinke, and so let him rest, feeding him by little and little as aforesaid, and giuing him no water but such as is warme; and this order you shall obserue at the beginning of euery fit if you can note them, or else euery morning if his sicknesse haue no ceassing.

CHAP. 16. Of the Quotidian or one dayes feuer, and the cure.

THe Quotidian or one dayes feuer is that which ta­keth a horse, and holdeth him with one fit once euery day; it will at first appeare somewat violent, but seldome or neuer endureth long, if the Farrier haue a­ny discretion. It proceedeth most commonly from extreme riding, either after water or a full stomacke; and then suddenly after his heate, being thrust into a stable, & neither stopt nor rubbed, a suddaine coldnes to that suddaine heate begers a shaking, and so conse­quently the effects of a feuer.

The signes to know it, are watrish and bloud-shot­ten eyes, short and hot breathing, panting, loathing of his meate, and stiffnesse in his limbes; but aboue these, to know it is a Quotidian, you shall ob­serue that these signes together with the sicknesse, will not last aboue sixe or eight howres in one day, and then he will be cheerefull and in health againe, till very neare the same howre of the next day, at what time his fit will begin againe. And here is to be noted, that the more it altereth the howres, the more hope there is of his health, as if it take him at se­uen of the clocke of the one day, and at three of the [Page 46] clocke of the other, and so forth. The cure is: You shall only during his fit, giue him nothing but a sweet mash made of malt and water being luke warme, and walke him gently vp and downe in a temperate aire; then as soone as his fit is past, you shall set him vp, and rub his body & legs exceedingly: then foure howres after, you shall giue him this drinke. Take of strong ale a quart, and boyle therin halfe a handfull of worm­wood, of long pepper and graines two ounces, of the best treacle two ounces, and of the powder of dryed rue one ounce: now when a third part of the ale is consumed, take it from the fire and straine it; then put therein three ounces of sugar-candy, beaten to powder; then when it is luke warme giue it him with a horne to drinke. Do this twice at the least, or thrice if his fits continue, and there is no doubt but he will recouer.

CHAP. 17. Of the Tertian Feuer.

THe Tertian feuer is that which cometh euery o­ther day, holding the horse with one sicke day, and one sound: it is not so violent as the Quotidian, but much longer lasting; it happeneth oftest in the spring time of the yeare, when bloud begins to en­crease, and most commonly to colts and yong horses: it proceeds of the same causes that the Quotidian doth and sometimes of ranknesse and ill bloud. The signes to know it, are all the signes formerly spoken of, and this as the chiefest, that the horse will be apparantly sicke, as it were, on the Munday, then apparantly well on the Tuesday, and sicke on the Wednes­day [Page 47] following. This feuer is neuer seene, but it begin­neth with shaking. The cure therefore is, assoone as you perceiue the horse to begin to shake, you shall take a certaine hearbe, or rather weede, called stone-croppe, and bruising it in a stone morter, take some foure spoonefull of the iuice thereof, and in­fuse it in a quart of strong alè, and giue it the horse to drinke; then walke him gently vp and downe in some temperate aire for an howre, then set him vp, & with the helpe of clothes put him into a sweate for an o­ther howre, then coole him; and in any wise till his fits leaue him, let him drinke no cold water, and let his prouender be the oldest and dryest oates you can get, onely vpon his good dayes before his fits come, keepe him very long fasting and empty.

CHAP. 18. Of the Quartane Feuer.

THe Quartane feuer is that which some Farriers call a third daies sicknesse, as thus. If his fit begin on the Munday, he will be well on the Tuesday and Wednesday, and sicke againe one the Thursday. It proceedeth from the same causes that the Tertian fe­uer doth, yet in his working is not so apparantly vio­lent, but of much longer continuance: for if great care & helpe be not, these feuers will last some a quar­ter of a yeare, some halfe a yeare, and some a whole yeare. There needes no other signe to know it, then the coming and going of the fits as hath bene decla­red already. And for the cure, it is the selfe same which is described in the former chapter for the Ter­tian feuer: onely if his fits do not leaue him at the first [Page 48] taking of the medicine, you shall then giue it him a­gaine the second time, but not aboue thrice at the most in any wise.

CHAP. 19. Of the Feuer Continuall.

THe feuer continuall is that which continueth without any intermission, and it is most dange­rous and violent: for there is in it the effects of all the former feuers, euer one taking place as the other en­deth; as a Quotidian beginning, is pursued by a Terti­an, and a Tertian by a Quartane, and those two supply so many howers till the Quotidian doth begin againe. This kind of continuall feuer, most often springeth from some inflammation or violent heate ingendred in the pricipall members about the heart: and the signes thereof are want of rest, and falling away of the flesh, besides certaine inflammations or swellings, which will appeare about his withers and flanks. The cure is, first to purge his head by neesing, the manner whereof you shall finde in a particular chapter hereaf­ter; which done, you shall giue him this drinke. Take of Iermander two ounces, of gumme dragant, and dryed roses, of each halfe an ounce, beate them into fine powder, and put them into a quart of ale, adding thereunto of oyle Oliue two ounces, and as much hony; and when it is luke warme, giue it the horse to drinke: then walke him a little space, and after set him vp close and warme, keepe him from cold water, and let his prouender be dry oates.

CHAP. 20 Of the Hectique Feuer.

THe Hectique feuer in horses, is a dangerous and mortall feuer, being in a horse the first originall breeder of a consumption; it is a certaine hot and dry humour, which runneth betweene the skinne and the flesh, proceeding from a sicke stomacke, which ha­uing bene scalded with hot drinks (as those ill dyeted running horses be, which feede vpon much spice, or those which take hot drenches vpon euery foolish and sleight occasion) hath almost cleane lost the power of disgestion: it sometimes happens to those horses which men too carefully teaching to drinke beere and wine, do so conti [...]ually apply them thereunto, that in the end they become subiect to this sicknesse. The signes to know it is: the horse will neuer eate with any appetite, and when you draw out his tongue you shall finde it rawe and almost scalded; his flesh wil be loose and flaggy, and his body will be subiect to a continual trembling. The cure is, first wash his tongue either with the sirrop of mulberries, or with allome, running water, sage, and woodbinde leaues boiled to­gether; then giue him fasting in a morning, this drink. Take of aloes one ounce, of agarike halfe an ounce, of licoras and aniseseeds of each a dram, beaten to pow­der, & let him drinke it with a quart of white wine, luke warme, & made sweet with sugarcandy or hony; let him drinke no drinke but warme mashes of malt & water, and let his meate be sweete bay, or greene corne blades; and euer after his medicine l [...]t him be chafed a little, kept fasting two or three howres, and stand warme and well clothed.

CHAP. 21. Of the Feuer taken in Autumne, or the fall of the leafe.

ALl these feuers before spoken of, do for the most part, commonly happen to horses in the spring time of the yeare, by reason that the new bloud is euer aptest to be inflamed; yet notwithstanding we finde by experience, that feuers will somtimes come at the fall of the leafe, which we call Autumne, and they are of longer continuance then the other. The signes are none other but such as I haue already declared▪ for they are the same feuers, onely altering in the time of the yeare. If therefore your horse do chance to catch a feuer at the fall of the leafe, you shall let him bloud on his necke veine, and in the palate of his mouth, and you shall giue him to drinke the same drinke which is formerly set downe for the feuer continuall, and there is no doubt of his recouery.

CHAP. 22. Of the Feuer taken in the Summer season.

A Feuer taken in the Summer season is the worst of al ordinary feuers whatsoeuer, especially all such as are taken in the Dog daies; because according to the opinion of Farriers, al accidents are then most furious: the especial signes of this feuer are, that his arteries wil beate most palpably, & wheresoeuer he staleth, there you shall perceiue he sheddeth his seed also. The cure according to the ancients is▪ to let him bloud on the great veine which he hath on his hinder haunch, al­most foure inches beneath his fundament; but for [Page 51] mine own part, because that vein is not so easily found of euery ignorant Smith, & that many times by mista­king, they may cut the artery in stead of the veine, I hold it fully as good to let him bloud vpon the necke veine; which done, giue him to drinke two howres and a halfe after, this drinke. Take the iuice of a hand­ful of purslaine, and mixe it with gumdragant, anise seedes, and damaske rose leaues beaten to powder; then put them into a quart of strong ale made sweete either with sugarcandy or hony, and faile not to giue him this drinke three mornings together, keeping the horse warme during his sicknesse.

CHAP. 23. Of the Feuer taken in the winter season.

A Feuer taken in the winter, is not so dangerous touching the life of a horse, as the feuer before mentioned; yet is it a feuer which will continue long, and aske great circumspection in the cure: the causes thereof are the same which are formerly described; and the signes are no other then hath bene already de­clared. Touching the cure it is thus: you shall first purge his head by making him neese, that done you shall let him bloud both in the necke, and the palate of the mouth, and then two howres and a halfe after, giue him this drinke. Take of treus three ounces, of round pepper halfe an ounce, of bay berries and the seede of smallage, of each halfe an ounce; boyle these in white wine, and giue it him to drinke luke warme. Other Farriers vse to take a pint of new milke, and to put therein two ounces of sallet oyle, of saffron one scruple, & of mirre two scruples, of the seede of smal­lage [Page 52] a spoonefull, and to make him drinke it luke warme; but the horse which taketh this drinke, must be in good strength, for it he be brought low, it is somewhat too strong.

The ancient Italians did vse for this feuer, to giue this drinke: Take of Aristolochia halfe an ounce, of Gentian, of Hysop, of wormwood, of Southerwoort, of each halfe an ounce, of dry fat figges three ounces, of the seede of smallage an ounce and an halfe, of rue halfe an handfull; boyle them all with running water in a cleane vessel, vntil almost halfe be consumed; then when it beginnes to thicken, take it from the fire, straine it, and giue it the horse luke warme. Now there are not any of these drinkes but are sufficient for the cure; but the first is best. Now for his dyet, be sure to keepe him fasting long before his fits come, and let his drinke be onely warme mashes of malt and water. Now if you perceiue that his fits continue, and bring the horse to any weaknesse, you shall then to comfort and quicken the natural heate of the horse, rubbe and chafe all his body ouer, either in the Sunne, or by some softe fire with some wholsome friction, of which frictions you shall finde choyce in a particular chap­ter hereafter following, together with their seuerall natures and vses.

CHAP. 24. Of the Feuer which cometh by surfaite of meate onely.

THe Feuer which cometh by surfaite of meate one­ly, without either disorder in trauell of corrupti­on of bloud, is knowne by these signes: The horse [Page 53] will heaue and beate vpon his backe, his breath will be short, hot, and dry, and his winde he will draw on­ly at his nose with great violence. The cure therefore is, you shall let him bloud in his necke, vnder his eyes, and in the [...]late of his mouth, you shall also purge his head by making him nee [...]e; then keepe him with very thin dyet, that is, let him fast for more then halfe of the day, and let him not drinke aboue once [...] foure and twenty houres, and that drinke to [...] [...]arme water: you shal also once or twice chafe his body with wholesome friction; and if during his cure he chance to grow costiue, you shall cause him to be raked, and afterward giue him either a suppositary, or a glister, of both which, and of their seuerall natures, you shall reade sufficiently in a chapter following.

CHAP. 25. Of Feuers extraordinary, and first of Pestilent Feuers.

WE find by many ancient Italian Writers, that both the Romans, and others their countrymen, haue by experience found many horses subiect to this pestilent feuer, which is a most contagious and pestiferous disease, almost incurable; & for mine own part, I haue seene it in many colts and young horses. Surely it proceedeth, as I iudge, either from great cor­ruption of bloud, or from infection of the aire. The signes thereof is, the horse will hold downe his head, forsake his meate, shed much water at his eyes, and many times haue swellings or vlcers rising a little be­low his eare rootes. The cure is, first you shall not faile to let him bloud in the necke veine: then two or [Page 54] three howres after you shall giue him a glister: then make this plaister: Take of squilla fiue ounces, of el­der, of castoreum, of mustard-seed, and of euforbium, of each two ounces; dissolue the same in the iuice of daffadill and sage, and lay it all about the temples of his head, and betweene his eares: then giue him to drinke for three or foure dayes together, euery mor­ning, two ounces of the best treacle dissolued in a pint of good muskadine. The Italians vse to giue him diuers mornings, a pound of the iuice of elder roots, or in stead of his hay, a good quantity of that hearbe which is called Venus haire; but if the time of the yeare be such that they cannot haue it greene, then they boyle it in water, and straine it▪ and giue it him to drinke; but I hold the first drinke to be most suffici­ent, his dyet being thin, and his keeping warme.

CHAP. 26. Of the Plague or pestilence in Horses, of some cal­led the gargill, or murraine.

THis pestilence, murraine, or gargill in horses, is a contagious and most infectious disease, procee­ding either from surfaite of heate, cold, labour, or hunger, or any other thing breeding corrupt hu­mours in a horses body, as the holding too long of his vrine, drinking when he is hot, or feeding vpon grosse foule & corrupt foods, as in low grounds after flouds, when the grasse is vnpurged, & such like. Somtimes it springs from som euil influence of the planets, corrup­ting the plants and fruites of the earth, and cattell too somtimes also, & from diuers other such like causes; but howsoeuer, when the disease beginneth, certaine it is, [Page 55] that it is most infectious, and if there be not care and preuention vsed, of multitudes it will not leaue one. Not any of the ancient Italian Farriers, nor any of our English Farriers that I haue met with, do or can yeeld me any signe or token to know this disease, more then that one or two must first dye, & then by their deaths I must adiudge & preuent what wil follow; but they are mistaken: for this disease is as easily known by outward [...]ignes as any disease whatsoeuer, as namely the horse will first begin to lowre and hang downe his head; & within two or three dayes after such lowring, you shal see him begin to swell vnder his eare rootes, or vnder the rootes of his tongue, and that swelling will run vniuersally ouer all one side of his face, being very ex­treme hard and great. Moreouer all his lips, mouth, & whites of his eyes, will be exceeding yellow, and his breath will be strong, and stinke exceedingly.

The cure of this disease, according to the maner of the Italians & French men, is first to separate the sound from the sicke, euen a farre distance from that aire where the sicke breatheth: then let them bloud in the necke veines, and giue euery one seuerally to drinke, two spoonefull of the powder of Diapente brewd in a pint of strong sacke; of the composition of which Di­apente, and of the particular vertues thereof, you shall reade in a chapter following. If you cannot readily get this Diapente, you may then take a pint of Muska­dine, and dissolue it in two ounces of the best treacle, and it will serue the turne. Questionlesse these medi­cines are both exceeding good, for they are great pre­seruatiues against all inward infections; yet that which I haue found, farre to exceede them, and to be most excellent not onely for this plague amongst horses, [Page 56] but for the plague or murraine (of some called the mountaine euill) amongst beasts, is this. Take a good quantity of old vrine, and mixe therewithall a good quantity of hens dung, stirre them well together till the dung be dissolued: then with a horne giue to e­uery horse of beast a pint thereof luke warme. This haue I seene helpe hundreds.

CHAP. 27. Of the Feuer accidentall, coming by some wound receiued.

IF a horse shal receiue any grieuous and sore wound, either by stroake or thrust, by which any of the vi­tall powers are let or hindred: certaine it is that the paine and anguish of such wounds will bring a horse to a hot feuer, and then his life is in great danger: be­sides, a horse being naturally subiect to moist distillati­on in his throate, there will many times rise therein great swellings and vlcers, through the paine whereof a horse will fall into a burning ague. The signs where­of are, that he will couet much to drinke, but cannot drinke, and his flesh will fall away in much extraor­dinary fashion. The cure besides the remedies before mentioned, is, to let him bloud vnder his eares and in the mouth: and then to take a fine manchet, & cut­ting it in slices, steep it in muskadine, and compel him to swallow them: it shall also be good if once in three [...]ayes you steepe your manchet in sallet oyle, and make him eate it. As for his drinke let it be onely warme mashes of malt and water, which if he cannot drinke, you shall then giue it him with a horne. And thus much touching feuers both ordinary & extraor­dinary.

CHAP. 28. Of the diseases in the head.

AS a horses head is composed of many parts, so are those many parts subiect to many and sundry grieuances, as namely, the panicles or thin skins, which cleauing to the bones, do couer the whole braine, are subiect to headache, mygram, dizinesse, and ama­zes; the whole braine it selfe, is properly subiect to breede the frenzie, madnesse, sleeping euill, the ta­king, and forgetfulnesse. And here is to be noted, that many Farriers, and those of approued good skils, haue strongly held opinions, that horses haue very little or no braines at all: and my selfe for mine owne part, being carried away with their censures, did at last vpon good considerations [...]ut vp the heades of diuers horses, some dead, some in dying, and I could neuer find any liquid or thin braine, as in other beasts, but onely a very thicke, strong, tough, and shining sub­stance, solid and firme, like a tough ielly, which I e­uer held to be onely a panycle, and so resolued with others that a horse had no braine; but after vpon fur­ther discourse with men of better learning, I had this solution giuen me: That a horse being a beast of extra­ordinary strength and ability, made euen to endure the worst of all extremities, either by sore labour or heauy burthen, that nature in his creation had en­dowed him with members answerable to such vigor: as namely, that his braine was not liquid and moist, as subiect to fleet, or to be distempered with euery small disorder; but tough and hard, euen vnpen [...]trable, and not to be pierst by any reasonable motion. And for the panicles, they shewed me those thin skinnes ouer [Page 58] and besides that great substance; so that by experi­ence I saw, and now know, that a horse hath both brain and a panicle, and in them two are bred the dis­eases before mentioned. Now in the ventricles, or cels of the braine, & in those conduits by which the liuely spirits giue feeling and motion to the body, there do breede the turne-sicke or sturdy, the staggers, the falling euill, the night mare, the apoplexie, the palsey, and conuulsion, or crampe, the catharre, or rheume, and lastly the glaunders. And thus much of the head in generall.

CHAP. 29. Of head-ache, or paine in the head.

THe head-ache is a paine that commeth either of some inward cause, or of some cholericke humor, gathered together in the panicles of the braine, or else of some extreame heate or cold, or of some suddaine blow, or of some noysome sauour. The signes are the hanging downe of the horses head & eares, drop­ping of his vrine, dimnesse of sight, swolne and wa­trish eyes. The cure according to the opinion of some of our English Farriers, is to let him bloud in the eye veines, and to squirt warme water into his nosthrels, and for that day giue him no meate; the next morning fasting, giue him warm water and some grasse, at night giue him barley and fitches mixt toge­ther, and so keepe him warme till he be sound; but this cure I do not fancy, the best help is first, to make him neese by fuming him, then let him bloud in the palate of the mouth, and keepe him fasting at least twelue howres after: then powre into his nosthrels [Page 59] wine, wherein hath bene sodden euforbium, frankin­sence, and after feede him, and keepe his heade warme.

CHAP. 30. Of the frenzie and madnesse of a horse.

THe madnesse of a horse by the most ancient and best approued Farriers, is diuided into foure pas­sions: the first is when some naughty bloud doth strike the panicle of the braine but in one part onely, it presently makes the horse dull both of minde and sight: and you shall know it by this signe, the horse will turne round like a beast that is troubled with the sturdy; the reason being, because the outside of the head is grieued onely. The second is when the poyson of such bloud doth infect the middle part of the braine: then the horse becommeth franticke, leaping against walles or any thing. The third is when that bloud filleth the veines of the stomacke, and infecteth as well the heart as the braine, then is he said to be madde. But the fourth and last is when that bloud not onely infecteth the braine and heart, but euen the panicles also, and then he is said to be starke madde, which you shall know by his biting at euery man which comes neere him, by his gnawing of the man­ger and walles about him. And lastly by tearing of his owne skin in peeces. Now for the cure, you shall cause him to be let bloud in all the lower parts of his body, to draw the bloud from his head, as namely, on the shackell veines, the spurre veines, the plat veines, and the thigh veines, and you shall let him bloud a­boundantly, then giue him this drinke: Take the roote [Page 60] of wild cowcumber, or where that cannot be gotten, take a handfull of rue and mints, and a handfull of blacke elleborus, and boyle them in strong red wine, and giue it luke warme to the horse in a horne. Some vse to giue mans dung with wine, three mornings to­gether; and also to rubbe his body ouer with a fricti­on at least twice a day, and not to faile to giue him moderate exercise. Other vse to pierce the skinne of his head with a hot yron, to let out the ill humours. Others as the most certaine of all medicines, vse to geld him of both, or one stone at the least; but I like it not for mine owne part: the cure I haue euer vsed for this griefe, was either to make him swallow down hard hens dung, or else to giue him to drinke the root of Virgapastoris st [...]mpt in water; and for his ordering during the cure, I would haue his stable quyet, but not close, and his foode onely warme mashes of malt and water, yet but a very little at one time, for the thinnest dyet is best.

CHAP. 31. Of the Sleeping euill, or Lethargie in horses.

THe sleeping euill is an infirmity which maketh a horse to sleepe continually, depriuing him there­by both of memory, appetite, and all alacrity of spirit. It is most incident to white and dunne horse, because it proceedeth only from flegme, cold & grosse, which moysturing the braine too much, causeth heauinesse and sleepe: There needes no other signe more then his sleeping onely. The cure is to keepe him waking whether he will or no, with great noises and affrights▪ then let him bloud in the necke, and the palate of the [Page 61] mouth, and giue him to drinke water luke warme, wherein hath bene boyled camomill, mother woort, wheate, branne, salt and vinegar; you shall also per­sume his head, and make him neese, and annoynt the palate of his mouth with hony and mustard mixt to­gether: it shall not be amisse if with the ordinary wa­ter which he drinketh, you mixe either parsley seede, or fennell seede, for that will prouoke vrine, you shall also bath his legges and stop his houes with bran, salt, and vinegar boyled together, and applyed as hot as may be, and his stable would be lightsome and full of noyse.

CHAP. 32. Of a Horse that is taken, or of shrow running.

THose horses are supposed by Farriers to be taken, or as some call it, planet strooke, which are de­priued of feeling or of mouing, not being able to stirre any member, but remaineth in the same forme as he was at his time of taking. Some hold it proceedeth from choler and fleame, when they are superaboun­dantly mixt together, or of melancholy bloud, which being a cold dry humour, doth oppresse and sicken the hinder part of the braine. Other ancient Farriers hold, it cometh of some extreme cold, or extreme heate, or raw disgestion, striking into the empty veins suddainly; or else of extreme hunger caused by long fasting. The signes thereof are numbnesse, and want of motion before spoken of: as for the cure, it is di­uers; for first you must note whether it come of cold, or heate; if it come of cold, you shall know it by the [Page 62] stuffing and poze in the head, which euer is ioyned with the disease: if of heate, by the hotnesse of his breath, and cleare fetching of his winde. Now if it proceed from cold, you shall giue him to drinke one ounce of Lacerpitium mixt with sallet oyle and mus­kadine luke warme: if it proceede of heate, you shall giue one ounce of Lacerpitium with water and hony luke warme; but if it proceede of crudity or raw dis­gestion, then you shall helpe him by fasting; and if it proceede of fasting, then you shall heale him by fee­ding him often with good meate, as with wholesome bread, and dry oates; yet but a little at a time, that he may euer eate with a good stomacke.

Now for the French Farriers, as Monsieur Horace and the rest, who call this disease Surprius, they hold it cometh onely from cold causes, following hot acci­dents; and they vse for their cure to let him bloud on the breast veines, and then put him into a sweate, ei­ther by exercise, or multiplicity of clothes, but many clothes is better, because the horse is not capable of labour: and sometimes they will bury him all saue the head in an old dunghill, till throuh the heate thereof his limbs receiue such feeling that he begins to strug­gle out of the same. All which cures are not much a­misse; yet in mine opinion, this is the best, easiest, and surest way: First to let him bloud in the necke and breast, then to annoynt all his body with oyle Petroli­um, then giue him this drinke. Take of malmsey three pints, and mixe it with a quarterne of sugar, cynamon and cloues, and let him drinke it luke warme: then take old rotten wet litter, and for want thereof, wet hay, and with clothes, sursingles and cords, swaddle al his whole body ouer with the same of a good thick­nesse, [Page 63] and renew it once in three daies till he be whole, let his stable be warme, his exercise moderate, and if he grow costiue, let him first be raked, and after giue him either a glister, or a suppositary, according to his strength. There is also another kinde of taking, and that is when a horse is planet strooke, or stricken with thunder; but it is vtterly vncurable, and therefore I will omit to speake further of it. The last kinde of ta­king is when a horse is shrow runne, that when a horse lieth sleeping, there is a certain venemous field mouse, called a shrow, whose head is extraordinary long, like a swines head, and her feete shorter of the one side then the other. This mouse if she happen to runne o­uer any of the limbes of the horse, presently the horse leeseth the vse of that limbe she ranne ouer; and if she runne ouer his body, he commonly leeseth the vse of his hinder loynes; and these accidents hauing bene often found vnexpected, common Farriers haue held the horse to be taken, or planet strooke. As for the cure thereof, the best is to seeke out a bryer which groweth at both ends, and take the horse or beast that is thus vexed, and draw him vnder the same, and it is a present remedy. For mine owne part, I haue heard much, both of the infirmity, and of the cure, but I haue had no experience of it, but only in one yong foale, which being suddainly lame, was as suddainly helped to my much contentment.

CHAP. 33. Of the Staggers.

THe staggers is a dizzy madnesse of the braine, proceeding from corrupt bloud, or grosse, tough, [Page 64] and heauy humours, which oppresse and make sicke the braine, and from whence proceedeth a vaporous spirit, dissolued by a weake heate which troubleth all the whole heade; it is almost of all diseases the most common, yet very mortall and dangerous: it cometh many times from surfaite of meate, surfaite of trauell, or from corruption of bloud. The signes to know it, is dimnesse of sight, swolne and watrish eyes, a moyst mouth, staggering and reeling of the horse, and bea­ting of his head against the walles, or thrusting it into his litter. The cure is diuers, for almost euery Smith hath a seueral medicine, yet these which I shal rehearse are the most approued. The ancient Farriers, both Italians and Fren [...]h, vse to let the horse bloud in the temple veines, and then with a knife make a hole of an inch long, ouerthwart his forehead, vnderneath his foretop, and raising the skinne vp with a cornet some two or three inches about, stop the hollownesse with a taint dipt in turpentine and hogges grease molten together; but some of our Smiths finding this cure faile, except the disease be very young, vse to stoppe the hollownesse with a docke roote. Others with a cloue or two of garlicke. Others vse for this disease to take selladine, and stamping it, to stoppe it into his eares, and so tye vp his eares, or stitch the tippes of his eares together, that he may not shake the medicine out. Others vse to mixe salt and water together thicke, & to put it into his eares. Others vse to mixe ground­fill and and aquauitae together, and to put that into his eares. Others vse to take garlicke, rue, and bay­salt, and beate them grosly, then mixe vineger with them, and put it into the horses eares, then wet wolle or tow in the medicine, and stoppe that in his eares [Page 65] also: let the medicine rest so foure and twenty houres, and if he forsake his meate, wash his tongue with vi­negar, and it wil recouer his stomacke. Others vse, first to perfume the horses head to make him neese, then to take halfe a handfull of selladine, and as much hearb of grace, three or foure cloues of garlicke, and a little bay salt, and stampe them all together: then mixe therwith two or three spoonful of vinegar or verdges, and thrust it hard into the horses eares: then tye vp his eares with a soft inckle string, that no aire may come in, and let this medicine remaine the space of a day and a night: then let him bloud in the neck veine, and giue him a comfortable drench, of which dren­ches you shall find great plenty, together with their vses in a chapter following. There be some Smiths which onely take rue and selladine, of each like quan­tity, and stamping them with white salt, thrust it into the horses eare, and it helpeth. Others take an ounce and a halfe of the oyle of bitter almonds, two drams of an oxe gall, an halfe peny in blacke Ellaber stam­ped, and fiue drams of the graines of Casterum, vinegar and verdges; seeth them all together till the vinegar be consumed, then straine them, and put it into the hor­ses eares. All these medicines haue bene diuers times approued to be singular good, and for mine owne part I haue found great effect in them; yet that which I haue found at all times most excellent, is, if the dis­ease be young and early taken (that is, before the horse be growne into any extremity of weaknesse) to take onely verdges and bay salt, and mixing them well to­gether, to stoppe it into the horses eares. But if the disease be old, and the horse brought to a desperate state of mortality, then you shall take Assafetida, and [Page 66] hauing dissolued it in vinegar, warme it vpon a chaf­fing dish and coales, and with round balles of towe, thrust it hard into the horses eares, and so bind them vp for foure and twenty howres, after which time giue him a comfortable drink. Now whereas some Smiths do vse to stampe aqua-vitae and garlicke together, and stoppe that into his eares, I for my part, thinke it too strong, except the horse be in great lust, and full of flesh, which if he be, doubtlesse it may do well inough.

CHAP. 34. Of the Falling euill.

THis falling euil, or as the Italians call it, this Malea­duco, is nothing else but that which we call in men the falling sicknesse, in beasts the falling euill: for it doth for a certaine season, depriue them of all sense whatsoeuer, it is a disease not commonly incident to our English races; but amongst the Italian, Spanish and French horses, many times found. Now considering that the most of our best English stables are furnished euer with some horses of these countries, I thinke it not amisse to write something touching the disease. It proceedeth from cold and grosse fleame gathered to­gether in the forepart of the head, betwixt the pani­cle and the braine, which being by any hot vapour disperst ouer the whole braine, it doth instantly cause this falling. There be others which suppose that it is gouerned by the Moone; and that by a certaine course thereof both horses and other beasts do fall, and as it were, dye for a small time. The signes to know the disease is, the horse will fall suddainly, both through [Page 67] the resolution of his members, and the dissention of his sinewes; all his body will quake and quiuer, and they will foame much at their mouthes; yet when you thinke them past all hope of life, they will start vp suddenly and fall to their meate. Now if you will know whether these fits will come often or but sel­dome, you shall feele the gristle betwixt his nosthrels, and if it be cold he will fall oft, but if it be warme he will fall seldome. The cure is, you shall first let him bloud on the necke veine, taking good store of bloud away: then within foure or fiue dayes after, you shall let him bloud on his temple veines, and on his eye veines: then annoint all his body ouer with a comfor­table friction, then bathe his head and eares with oyle de bay, liquid pitch and tarre mixt together, and of the same put some into his eares: then make him a cap or bgigin of canuasse quilted with wolle, to keep his head warme: then giue him a purgation or scouring, of which you shall find plenty in a chapter hereafter: you shall also force him to neese, but if the disease notwithstanding continue still, you shall then with a hot yron pierce the skin of his forehead in diuers pla­ces, and after annoynt it with sweet butter, for there­by you shall draw out the grosse humours which do oppresse the braine; and in any wise during the time that he remaineth in phisicke, let his stable be kept ex­ceeding warme, and his dyet thin.

CHAP. 35. Of the Night-mare.

THis disease which we call the Night-mare, is an infirmity which onely troubleth the horse in the [Page 68] night season, stopping the drawing of his breath, in such violent sort, that with the struggling and striuing he will be driuen into a great sweat and faintnesse: it proceedeth, according to the opinion of ancient Farriers, from a continuall crudity o [...] raw disgestion of the stomacke, from whence grosse vapours ascen­ding vp into the head, doe not onely oppresse the braine, but all the sensitiue parts also. Now for my part, I rather hold it an infirmity of the stomacke and inward bowels, which being cloyed with much glut and fat, doth in the night season so hinder the spirits and powers from doing their naturall office, that the beast hauing, as it were, his breath strangled, doth with an vnnaturall struggling in his sleepe, put his body into an extreme sweat, and with that passion is brought to much faintnesse; of which I haue had much and continuall experi [...]nce, onely in horses ex­ceeding fat and newly taken from the grasse, but espe­cially from such horses as are either fatted vpon eddish grasse, which in some countries is called after-maths; or such as are taken vp fat in the winter season. The signes to know this disease is, that in the morning when you come early to your horse, you shall finde him all of a great sweate, and his body something panting; or perhaps you shall but only find him sweat in his flankes, vpon his necke, and at the rootes of his eares: either of both are signes of this sicknesse, espe­cially if at night when you litter him, you finde that he is dry of his body, and giueth no outward signe of inward sicknesse. Now there be some that will ob­iect against me, and say: that this infirmity is not the night-mare, but an ordinary infirmity ingendred by superfluity of cold, grosse, and vnwholesome food, [Page 69] got in the winter season: which nature, through the helpe of warme clothes, and a warme house, expels in this manner, in the night season. To this obiection I answer, that if they do disallow this sicknesse to be the night-mare, that then without all contradiction, there is no such disease as the night-mare at all, and that it is but only a name without any substance or consequence; but forasmuch as this sicknesse is not onely very vsuall, but also carrieth with it all the ef­fects and attributes ascribed vnto the night-mare, and that it is as yet a disease vnnamed, I do not think I can giue it a more proper terme then to call it the night-mare. The cure whereof is, euery morning and eue­ning, both before and after his water, to giue the horse some moderate exercise, as to make him go at least a mile and more for his water; and after he is watered, to gallop him gently on the hand a good space: then when he is brought into the house, and well rubbed, to giue him his prouender, being oates, and to mixe therewith a handfull or better of hempseede; onely in this cure you must be carefull, that your exercise do not enforce him to sweate, nor shall you haue need to vse it longer then you finde that he sweateth much in the night season. This exercise and medicine will not onely cure this infirmity, but also any cold that is newly gotten whatsoeuer.

CHAP. 36. Of the Apoplexie or Palsey.

THese palseyes or apoplexies which happen vnto horses, are of two sorts: the one generall, the o­ther particular. The generall palsey is when a horse is [Page 70] depriued of all sense and mouing generally ouer his whole body, which is seldome or neuer found out by our Farriers; because the mortality and suddainnesse of death which pursues the disease, takes from them all notes & obseruations of the infirmity: and indeed for the generall palsey there is no cure, and therefore there needs no description of signe or cure. For the particu­lar palsey, that is, when a horse is depriued but of some part or member of his body, and most commonly it is but the necke onely, as both my selfe and others haue found by dayly experience. The disease proce­deth from foulnesse of foode, or from fenne feeding, which breedeth grosse, cold, and tough humours, which ioyning with crudities and raw disgestions, oppresse the braine violently altogether; it also cometh many times by meanes of some blow or wound gi­uen vpon the temples of the head. The signes to know the disease, are the gathering together of his body, go­ing crookedly, and not straight forward but seldome, and holding his necke awry without motion; yet ne­uer forsaking his prouender or meate, but eating it with greedinesse and much slauering. The cure is to let him bloud on his necke veine, and temple veine, on the contrary side to that way he wryeth: then an­noynt all his necke ouer with the oyle Petroleum, and with wet hay ropes swaddle all his necke ouer, euen from his breast to his eares, but hauing before splen­ted his necke straight with splents of wood, made strong, smooth & flat for the purpose: then for 3 mor­nings together, giue him a pint of old muskadine with two spoonefull of this powder to drinke. Take of Opoponax two ounces, of Storax three ounces, of Gentian three ounces, of Manna Su [...]carie three ounces, [Page 71] of Mirre one scruple, and of long pepper two scruples; beate all these into fine powder. Now there be some Farriers, which for this disease vse to draw the horses necke on the contrary side, with a hot yron, euen from the necke to the shoulder, and on the temple of his head, of that side also, a long strike, and on the other a little starre in this maner,


, and from his reines to his midde backe, small lines in this maner.


But I that know this sicknesse proceedeth from the braine and sinewes, cannot conceiue how any helpe should come from burning of the skinne, because it is the sinewes themselues, and not the skinne, that is drawne vp and straightned: and therefore I would wish euery Farrier to forbeare this tormenting, vnlesse he apparantly see that the skinne it selfe, through dis­like and weaknesse is shrunke also, and then the cure is not amisse.

CHAP. 37. Of the generall Crampe, or conuulsion of sinewes.

THese generall crampes or conuulsions of sinewes are most forcible contractions or drawings toge­ther of the sinewes and muscles; and they happen sometimes generally into many parts of the body, somtimes particularly, as but into one member and no more: when they are generally diperst in horses, they proceede commonly from some wound, where­in a sinew is halfe cut and no more; and so there run­neth a generall contraction ouer the whole body by degrees. When they are particular, as but in one member, then they proceede either from cold win­dy [Page 72] causes, or from the want of bloud. For the gene­rall contraction which cometh by a wound, you shall reade the cure thereof in the booke of Surgery follo­wing, where, the sinew being cut in two peeces, the contraction ceasseth. For the particular, where but one member is grieeued, you shall know it by these signes: the member will be starke and stiffe, inso­much that neither the beast nor any man will be able to bow it: the sinewes will be hard like stickes, and the horse being downe, is not able to rise during the time of the contraction; he will also halt extreme­ly whilst the fit is vpon him, and presently go well a­gaine, as it were in one moment. The cure is, to chafe the member exceedingly, either with linseede oyle, sheeps foot oyle, or neats foot oyle; & during the time of his chafing, to hold vp the cōtrary foot that he may stand vpon the limbe which is most pained. There is also another crampe or conuulsion of sinewes, which doth extend into the necke, and reines of the horses backe, & so almost vniuersally ouer the horses whole body: it proceedeth euer either from some extreme cold, as by turning a horse suddainly out of a warme stable and warme clothes into the piercing rage of the cold winter; or by the losse of much bloud, where­by great windinesse entreth into the veines, and so be­numbeth the sinewes: or else by too much phisicking & drenching of a horse, whereby the naturall heate is much weakned or dried. The signs of this conuulsion is, his head and neck wil stand awry, his eares vpright, & his eyes hollow, his mouth will be clung vp that he cannot eate, and his backe will rise vp in the middest like the backe of a Cammell. The cure hereof is, with great store of warme wollen clothes, as blanckets, [Page 73] and couerlids, some foulded double about his body, and some girded all ouer from his head to his taile, to force him into a sweate; but if the clothes will not force him to sweate; then you shall either fould all his body ouer with hot wet horse litter, or else bury him all saue the head in a dunghill or mixion; then when he hath sweat an howre or two, and is moderatly coo­led, you shall annoynt him all ouer with this oynt­ment (holding hot barres of yron ouer him, to make the oyntment sinke into his body:) Take of hogges grease one pound, of terpentine a quarter of a pound, of pepper beaten into powder halfe a dramme, of new waxe halfe a pound, of old oyle oliue one pound, boyle all these together, and vse it, being made warm. There be other Farriers which vse this oyntment: take of new waxe 1. pound, of terpentine 4. ounces, of oyle de bay as much, Opoponax two ounces, of Deeres suet, and of oyle of Storax, of each three ounces, melt all these together and vse it warme. There be others which vse after his sweate, nothing but oyle of Cy­presse, and oyle de bay mixt together, and with it an­noynt his body ouer. After this vnction thus applied, you shall take twenty graines of long pepper beaten into fine powder, of Ceder two ounces, of Nitre one ounce, of Lacerpitium as much as a beane, and mingle all these together with a gallond of white wine, and giue him a quart therof to drinke, euery morning for foure dayes▪ Now for his dyet and order, let his food be warme mashes and the finest hay, his stable exceeding warme, and his exercise gentle walking a­broad in his cloathes, once euery day about high noone.

CHAP. 38. Of the cold or Poze in the head.

THe cold or poze in a horses head is gotten by di­uers suddaine and vnseene meanes, according to the temper and constitution of the horses body, in so much that the best keeper whatsoeuer cannot some­times warrant his horse from that infirmity. Now ac­cording as this cold is old or new, great or small, and according to the aboundance of humours which a­bound in the head, and as those humours are of thick­nesse or thinnesse, so is the disease & the danger there­of greater or lesser, stronger or weaker. For you shall vnderstand that if the horse haue but onely a cold that is newly taken, the signes are, he will haue many knots like waxe kyrnels betweene his chaules about the rootes of his tongue; his head will be somewhat heauy, and from his nosthrels will runne a certaine cleare water; but if about his tongue rootes be any great swelling, or inflammation like a mighty botch or bile, then it is the strangle; but if from his nosthrels do issue any thicke, stincking or corrupt matter, then it is the glanders, of both which we shall speake here­after in their proper places. Now for this ordinary cold which is ordinarily taken (the signes whereof besides his much coughing are before declared,) you shall vnderstand that for the cure being very easie, it is helped sundry wayes: some cure it onely by purging his head with pils of butter and garlicke, the manner whereof you shall finde in the chapter of purgations. Other Farriers cure it with purging his head with fumes, and forcing him to neese, the manner whereof is in the chapter of neesing; which done, you shall [...] [Page 79] because those kyrnels are called of the Italians, Glandu­le, that thence we borrow this word glaunders; ad­ding moreouer that a horse which is troubled with this disease, hath great kyrnels vnderneath his iawes, easie to be felt, paining him so that he cannot eate or swallow any thing. Others say, it is a swel­ling vpon the iawe bones great and hard, which being inflamed doth putrifie and rot; but both these opini­ons I hold erronious: for although our old Farriers might (according to the custome of our nation which loueth the imitation of strangers) borow this word glanders from the Italian Glandule; yet these inflamma­tions vnder the chappes of the tongue rootes, is that disease which we call the strangle, and not the glaun­ders; and whereas they would call the strangle the Quinzie, or Squinancie, there is no such matter, neither hath a horse any such disease, except they will call the Viues, by that name which is farre more fitter for the application.

Now for the glaunders, you shall vnderstand that it is a running impostume ingendred either by cold, or by famine, or by long thirst, or by eating corrupt and musty meate, or by being kept in vnsauery places, or is taken by standing with infected horses. It is a ga­thering together of moyst and corrupt humours, which runneth at the nose; or may be said to be a fluxe of rheume, which issueth sometimes at one, some­times at both the nosthrels: the cause being the wide­nesse of the passage, so that the cold liberally entring into the braine, bindeth and crusheth it in such man­ner that it maketh the humours there to distill; which descending to the spirituall parts, and possessing them, in the end suffocates the horse either by their aboun­dance, [Page 80] or killeth him by corrupting the principall parts; or else by coniealing there by little and little, ouerrunneth the naturall heate. Now that distillati­on that by cold cometh from the braine and breedeth this glanders, is of three sorts. The first is a cold which maketh indigest humours to passe from the braine, which cometh by taking off the saddle suddainly when the horse is hot, or by letting him drinke before he be inwardly cooled, or before his body be dryed: this distillation commonly is slimy matter that smels not, and is easie to be cured: for it is no inward vlcer, but only abundance of humor, the substance where­of is grosse and white. The second is a greater cold, ingendred and coniealed, causing humors something thin and slimy, of the colour of marrow, or the white of an egge: this descendeth to the throate and lyeth there till it be discharged through the nosthrels. The third is by long continuance thicker and therfore har­der to be cured: if the colour thereof be yellow, like a beane, then is the glaunders most desperate, and ly­eth also in his throate; but if it be a browne or darkish yellow, then commonly a feuer will accompany the disease. To these three distillations there is common­ly added a fourth, which is, when the matter which comes from his nose, is darke, thinne, and reddish, like little sparkes of bloud; but then is it not said to be the glaunders, but the mourning of the chine, which is a disease for the most part, held incurable. It is therefore most necessary for euery good Farrier, when he shall take this cure in hand, to consider well the matter which issueth from the horses nose: for if the humour be cleare and transparent, so that it may be seene through, then it is not greatly hurtfull, or of [Page 81] much moment. If it be white, it is worse, yet with much ease cured. If it be yellow, separate him from the sound horses, for he is infectious, yet to be cured: if that yellow be mixt with bloud, it is with much difficulty helped; or if the matter be like vnto saffron, the horse is as hardly to be saued: he must also consider whether the matter stinke or haue lost the smell: the first is a signe of an vlcer, the latter of death: also whe­ther he cougheth with straightnesse in his chest or no: for that also is a signe of an inward vlcer, and that the disease is past cure. Now for the cure of these three distillations, which are all that make vp a complete glaunders, you shall vnderstand that when the glaun­ders is of the first sort, it is easily helped by moderate exercise, and by warme keeping; but if it be of the se­cond sort, you shall giue him warme mashes of malt & water, and perfume his head well, and purge it by neesing: and into his mashes you shall put fennell seedes bruised. Others wil take a pint of white wine, a handfull of soote, a quart of milke and two heads of garlike bruised; brew them together, and giue it the horse to drinke. Others will take a pottell of vrine, a handfull of baysalt, and a good quantity of browne sugarcandy, boyle it to a quart: then adde licoras and anise seedes beaten to fine powder, and giue it luke warme to drinke. Others will take larde or swines grease, and boyle it in water: then take the fatte from the water, and mingle it with a little oile oliue, a good quantity of vrine, & halfe as much white wine; giue a quart of this luke warme to drinke. Others vse to giue of ale a quart, of grated bread an ounce and a halfe, the yolkes of two egges, of ginger, saffron, cloues, cy­namon, nutmegs, cardimonium, spicknard or lauen­der, [Page 82] galingale and hony, of each a pretty quantity; mixe these together, and giue it to drinke. Now if the distillation be of the third sort, which is the worst of the three, you shall take halfe a pound of swines bloud, and melt it at the fire, adde to it a pound of the iuice of beets, with three ounces of Euforbium finely beaten; and when it hath boyled a little, take it from the fire, and adde an another ounce of Euforbium to it: keepe this oyntment, and annoynt therewith two ve­ry long feathers, or little roddes, lapt with linnen a­bout; and so annoynted, put them into his nostrhrels, and after rubbing them vp and downe, tye them to the nose-band of the bridle, and walke him abroad: do thus three dayes together, and it will either absolutely cure him, or at least take away the eye sore. Others vse to take a quart of ale, an halfe peny worth of long pepper, a little brimstone, and a penny worth of Ga­lingal, two peniworth of spygnal of Spaine, two peny waight of saffron brayed, with two ounces of butter boyled in the ale; when it is luke warme, cast the horse and holding vp his head, powre it equally into his nosthrels: then hold his nosthrels close till his eyes stare, and that he sweate; which done, giue him bayes and ale to drinke: then let him rise, and set him vp warme, feeding him with warme graines and salt, or with sweet mashes; but the best is, if the weather be warme, to let him runne abroad at grasse. Other Far­riers vse to dissolue in vinegar three drams of mustard-seede, and as much Euforbium: then to giue him one dram at his nosthrell euery day before he drinke. O­thers vse to take of Mirre, Iris Illyrica, seedes of smal­lage, Aristolochia, of each three ounces, Sal-niter, Brim­ston, of each fiue ounces, bayes, two ounces, saffron [Page 83] one ounce; make this into powder, and when you giue it, giue part in pils, made with paste and wine, and part by the nosthrels with strong ale: do this for the space of three dayes at the least. Others vse to take of malmsey a pint, of strong ale a pint, of aqua-vitae foure spoonefull, and brew them together with a pre­ty quantity of anise seeds, licoras, ellocampane roots, long pepper, garlicke, and three or foure new layed egges, and a little buter; giue this luke warme to drink: then walke him abroad, and set him vp warme: do thus euery other day for a weeke together. Others vse to take stale vrine that hath stood three or foure daies, and ten garlicke heades, and seething them together, giue it the horse to drinke. Others vse to take swines grease well clarified, and as much oyle de bay as a wal­nut, and giue it the horse to drinke with faire water luke warme. Others vse to take of ellocampane, anise seeds and licoras, of each one peny worth, boyle them in three pints of ale or beere til one pint be consumed; then adde vnto it a quarter of a pint of sallet oyle, and giue it him to drinke luke warme: then with a quill blow Euforbium vp into his nosthrels, and within three dayes after, take mustard foure spoonefull, vi­negar a pint and an halfe, butter three ounces, boyle them together, then adde thereto halfe an ounce of pepper, and giue it the horse luke warme to drinke: vse this medicine a fortnight. Others vse to take a handfull of pild garlicke, and boyle it in a quart of milke till a pint be consumed: then adde thereto two ounces of sweet butter, and a pint of strong ale, stirre them well together, and giue it the horse fasting to drinke luke warme: which done, ride him a little vp and downe, and vse this the space of nine dayes. [Page 84] Thus I haue shewed you the opinions & practise of all the best Farriers both of this kingdome and of others, & they be all very good & effectual; yet for mine own part, that which I haue found euer the best in my pra­ctise is, if the disease be of the first or second sort, to giue the horse to drinke fasting euery morning for a fort­night together, a pint of strong ale, and fiue spoone­full of the oyle of oates, the making of which oyle, you shall reade in a particular chapter following; but if the disease be of the third sort, which is most des­perate, you shall then take of Tanners ouse a pint, and of new milke a pint, and of oyle oliue halfe a pint, and the quantity of a head of garlicke brui­sed, and a little turmericke; mixe these well toge­ther, and giue it the horse to drinke: do this thrice in one fortnight, and it will helpe if any helpe be to be had.

CHAP. 41. Of the mourning of the Chine.

THis disease which we call the mourning of the chine, or as some Farriers terme it, the moist mala­dy, is that fourth sort of corrupt distillation from the braine, of which we haue spoken in the chapter be­fore, shewing from whence it proceedes, and the signes thereof; to wit, that the corrupt matter which issueth from his nosthrels, will be darke, thinne, and reddish, with little streakes of bloud in it. It is suppo­sed by some Farriers, that this disease is a foule con­sumption of the liuer, and I do not dissent from that opinion: for I haue found the liuer wasted in those horses which I haue opened vpon this disease; and [Page 85] this consumption proceedes from a cold, which after growes to a poze, then to a glaunders, and lastly to this mourning of the chine.

The cure whereof, according to the opinion of the oldest Farriers, is to take cleare water, and that hony which is called Hydromel a quart, and put thereunto three ounces of sallet oyle, and powre it into his no­strels each morning the space of three dayes; & if that helpe not, then giue him to drinke euery day, or once in two dayes at the least, a quart of old wine mingled with some of the soueraigne medicine called Tetra­pharmacum, which is to be had almost of euery Apo­thecary. Others vse to take garlicke, houslicke & cher­uill; and stamping them together, to thrust it vp into the horses nostrels.

Others vse to let the horse fast all night; then take a pint and a halfe of milke, three heads of garlicke pild & stamped; boyle them to the halfe, and giue it to the horse, some at the mouth and some at the nose; then gallop him a quarter of a mile, then rest him; then gallop him halfe a mile, and rest him againe: thus do twice or thrice together; then set him vp warme, and giue him no water till it be high noone: then giue him a sweete mash: vse this cure at least three dayes together. Others vse to take halfe a pecke of oates, & boyle them in running water till halfe be consumed; then put them into a bagge, and lay them very hot vpon the nauell place of his backe, and there let it lye thirty howres, vsing thus to do three or foure times at the least. Others vse to take wormewood, Peu­sedanum, and Centorie, of each like quantity: boyle them in wine; then straine them, and powre there­of many times into his nosthrels, especially into [Page 86] that which most runneth. Others vse to take hare­hound, licoras, & anise seeds, beaten to powder: then with sweete butter to make pils thereof, and to giue them fasting to the horse Others vse to take wheate flower, anise seedes, and licoras, stamped in a mortar, fiue or sixe cloues of garlike bruised; mixe all these to­gether & make a paste of them; then make it into pils as big as walnuts, & taking out the horses tongue, cast the balles downe the horses throate three or foure at a time, then giue him two new layed egges, shelles and all after them. Now after all these, the best and most approuedst medicine, is to take as much of the middle greene barke of an Elder tree growing on the water side, as will fill a reasonable vessell, putting thereunto as much running water as the vessell will hold, and let it boyle till halfe be consumed, and then fill vp the vessell againe with water, continuing so to do, three times one after another: and at the last time when the one halfe is consumed, take it from the fire, and straine it exceedingly through a linnen cloath; then to that decoction, adde at least a full third part of the oyle of oates, or for want of that, of oyle oliue, or of hogges grease, or sweete butter; and be­ing warmed againe, take a quart thereof, and giue it the horse to drinke, one horne-ful at his mouth, and a­nother at his nosthrels, especially that which casteth out the matter. And in any case let the horse be fa­sting when he taketh this medicine: for it not onely cureth this, but any sicknesse proceeding from cold whatsoeuer: it shall be also good to vse to his body some wholesome friction, & to his head some whole­some bathe, of which bathes you shall reade more hereafter in a chapter following. For his dyet, his food [Page 87] would be sodden barley and sweete hay, and his drinke warme water or mashes; but if it be in the Summer season, then it is best to let him runne at grasse onely.

CHAP. 42. Of the Cough.

COughing is a motion of the lungs, raised natural­ly from his expulsiue power, to cast out the hurt­full cause, as neesing is the motion of the braine. Now of coughes, there be some outward, and some inward: those are sayd to be outward which proceed of outward causes, as when a horse doth eate or drinke too greedily, so that his meat goeth the wrong way; or when he licketh vp a feather: or eateth dusty or sharpe bearded straw, and such like, which tickling his throat, causeth him to cough: those which are sayd to be inward, are either wet or dry, of which we shall speake more hereafter. Now of these outward coughes, they may proceede from the corruption of the ayre, which if it do, you shall boyle in running water, figges and currants together; then straining the water, adde to a quart thereof, three spoonfull of Diapente, and it will helpe. It may also proceed from dust; and then you must wash it downe by powring into his nosthrels ale and oyle mingled together. It may come by eating sharpe and sowre things; and then you must put downe his throat, pils of sweete butter, whose softnesse will helpe him. It may pro­ceede from some little or sleight taken cold; and then you shall take the whites & yolkes of two egges, three ounces of sallet oyle, two handfull of beane flowre, [Page 88] one ounce of Fenugreeke; mixe them with a pint of old malmsey, and giue it the horse to drinke three daies together: or else take tarre and fresh butter; mixe them together, and giue pils thereof to the horse foure times in seuen dayes, that is, the first, the third, the fift, and the seuenth day. There be others which vse to take a gallon of faire water, and make it ready to seeth: then put thereto a pecke of ground malt, with two handfuls of boxe leaues chopt small, and a little groundsel; mixe them altogether, and giue him euery morning and euening a pint for a weeke together. If to the boxe leaues you adde oates and bettony, it is not amisse, so you keep the horse warme. Others vse to giue a horse a pint of swines bloud warme. Others vse to boyle in a gallon of water, one pound of Fenugreeke; then straining it, giue the water morning and euening by a pint at a time to drinke; then drying the Fenugreeke, giue it the horse with his prouender. Others vse for all maner of coughes, to take a quarterne of white currants, and as much clarified hony, two ounces of sweet marioram, with old fresh grease, and a head of garlicke; melt that which is to be molten, and punne that which is to be beaten; mixe them together, and giue the horse bet­ter then a pint thereof three mornings together. O­thers vse to giue a horse the guts of a young pullet dipt in hony and being warme; and certainly there is not any of these medicines but are most soueraigne and well approued. Now whereas some Farriers vse to thrust downe the throat of the horse, a willow wand, rolled about with a linnen cloath, and an­noynted all ouer with hony, I for my part do not like it: for it both torments the horse more then there is [Page 89] occasion; and doth but onely go about to take away that which is gone in the struggling before the medi­cine can be vsed: for it is onely for a cough which cometh by a feather or some such like matter.

CHAP. 43. Of the inward and wet Cough.

TOuching all inward coughs which are gotten and ingendred by colds and rheumes of long conti­nuance, being not onely dangerous, but sometimes mortall, you shall vnderstand that they are diuided in­to two kindes, the one wet, the other dry: the wet cough proceedeth from cold causes taken after great heats; which heat dissoluing humours, those humors being againe congealed, do presently cause obstructi­ons and stoppings of the lungs. Now the signes to know this wet cough is, the horse will euer after his coughing, cast out either water or matter out of his nosthrels, or champe and chaw with his teeth, the thicke matter which he casteth out of his throate, as you shall easily perceiue, if you heedfully note him: he will also cough often without intermission; and when he cougheth he will not much bow downe his head, nor abstaine from his meate: and when he drin­keth, you shall see some of his water to issue out of his nosthrels. The cure is, first to keepe him exceeding warme; then for as much as it proceedeth of cold cau­ses, you shall giue him hot drinkes and spices, as sacke, or strong ale brewd with cinamon, ginger, cloues, treacle, Long pepper, and either swines grease, sallet oyle, or sweete butter: for you shall know that all cold causes are cured with medicines that open and warme; and [Page 90] the hot with such as cleanse and coole. Some vse to take a pretty quantity of Beniamine, and the yolke of an egge; which being well mixt together, and put in­to an egge shell, cast all downe into the horses throat, and then moderatly ride him vp and downe for more then a quarter of an howre: and do this three or foure mornings together. Others vse to keepe him warme, and then to giue him this drinke. Take of barley one pecke, and boyle it in two or three gallons of running water, till the barley burst, together with bruised lico­ras, anise seeds, and of raisins, of each a pound; then straine it, and to that liquor put of hony a pint, and a quarterne of sugarcandy, and keepe it close in a pot to serue the horse therewith foure seuerall mornings, and cast not away the barley nor the rest of the strai­nings, but make it hot euery day to perfume the horse withall in a close bagge; & if he eate of it, it is so much the better: and after this you shall giue the horse some moderate exercise: and for his dyet let him drinke no cold water till his cough abate; and as it lessoneth, so let his water be the lesse warmed. Now for mine own part, though all these receits be exceeding good and very well approued; yet for mine owne part, in this case, thus hath bene my practise. If I found either by the heauinesse of the horses head, or by the ratling of his nosthrels, that the cough proceeded most from the stopping of his head, I would only giue him foure or fiue mornings together, three or foure good round pils of butter and garlicke, well knoden together, in the morning fasting; and then ride him moderately an howre after; but if I found that the sicknesse re­mained in the chest or brest of the horse, then I would giue him twice in foure dayes, a pint of sacke, halfe a [Page 91] pint of sallet oyle, and two ounces of sugarcandy wel brewd together, and made luke warme; and then ride him halfe an howre after; and set him vp warme, suffe­ring him to drinke no cold water till his cough began to abate or leaue him.

CHAP. 44. Of the dry Cough.

THis disease which we cal the dry cough, is a grosse and tough humour, cleauing hard to the hollow places of the lungs, which stoppeth the winde-pipes so that the horse can hardly draw his breath. It doth proceede by ill gouernment from the rheume, which distilling from the head, falleth downe to the breast, and there inforceth the horse to striue to cast it out. The especiall signes to know it is, by eating hot meates, as bread that is spiced, straw, dry hay, or such like, his extremity of coughing will encrease: by ea­ting cold and moyst meates, as grasse, forrage, graines, and such like, it will abate and be the lesse: he cough­eth seldome; yet when he cougheth, he cougheth vi­olently, long time together, and dryly with a hollow sound from his chest: he also boweth his head downe to the ground, and forsaketh his meate whilest he cougheth; yet neuer casteth forth any thing either at his mouth or nosthrels. This cough is most dange­rous, and not being taken in time, is incurable: for it will grow to the pursicke or broken winded altoge­ther. The cure according to the opinion of the anci­entest Farriers is, that for as much as it proceedeth from hot humours, therefore you shall perfume his head with cold simples, as Camomill, Mellilot, Licoras, [Page 92] dryed red Roses and Camphire boyled in water, and the fume made to passe vp into his mouth and nosthrels. Others vse to take a close earthen pot, & to put therin three pints of the strongest vinegar, and foure egges shels & all vnbroken, and 4. heades of garlicke, cleane pild & bruised; & set the pot-being very close couered in a warme dunghill, or a horse mixion, & there let it stand foure and twenty howres; then take it forth and open it, and take out the egges which will be as soft as silke, and lay them by vntill you haue strained the vi­negar and garlicke through a linnen cloath: then put to that liquor a quarterne of hony, and halfe a quar­terne of sugarcandy, and two ounces of licoras, & two ounces of anise seedes, beaten all into fine powder; and then the horse hauing fasted all the night, early in the morning, as about seuen or eyght a clocke, o­pen the horses mouth with a drench staffe and a cord, and first cast downe his throate one of the egges, and then presently powre after it a horn-full of the afore­sayd drinke being made luke warme; then cast in a­nother egge and an other horn-full: and thus do till he haue swallowed vp all the egges, or three at the least; then bridle him, and couer him warmer then he was before, and set him vp in the stable, tying him to the bare racke for the space of two howres; then vn­bridle him▪ and giue him either some oates, hay, or grasse, yet in any case giue him no hay, vntill it haue bene somewhat sprinkled with water: for there is no greater enemy to a dry cough then dry hay, dry straw, or chaffe; let him haue no cold water the space of 9. daies. Now if you chance the first morning to leaue an egge vntaken, you shall not faile to giue it him and the remainder of the drinke the morning following. If [Page 93] you find by this practise that the cough weareth not away, you shal then purge his head with pils, of which you shall reade in the chapter of purgations: after his pils receiued, you shall let him fast 3. howres, standing warme clothed & littered in the stable: you shall also now and then giue him a warme mash, and once a day trot him moderatly abroad. There be other Farriers which for this dry cough take onely the hearbe called lions foot, or Ladies mantle, spurge & smallage, of each like quantity; seeth them either in a quart of old wine, or a quart of running water till some part be consu­med, and giue it the horse to drinke; if in stead of the hearbs themselues, you giue the iuice of the hearbs in wine, it is good. There be others which take a good quantity of white currants, & as much hony, two oun­ces of Marioram, one ounce of peniriall, with 5. pounds of fresh grease, and nine heades of garlicke; beate that which is to be beaten, & melt the rest; giue this in 4. or 5. dayes like pils dipt in hony. Others vse to take Myrre, Opoponax, Iris Illyrica, & Galbanum, of each two ounces, of red Storax three ounces, of turpentine foure oun­ces, of henbane halfe an ounce, of opium halfe an ounce; beate them to a fine powder, and giue two or three spoonfull with a pint of old wine, or a quart of ale. Others vse to take forty graines of pepper, foure or fiue rootes of radddish, foure heades of garlicke, and sixe ounces of sweet butter; stampe them all well together, and giue euery day a ball of it to the horse for a weeke together, making him fast two howres after his taking it; and surely it is a most excellent approued medicine for any old grown cold or cough. Other Farriers vse to take of oyle de bay and of sweete butter, of each halfe a pound, of garlicke [Page 94] one pound, beate it together vnpild; and being well beaten with a pestill of wood, adde your oyle and but­ter vnto it: then hauing made it into balles, with a little wheat flowre, giue your horse euery morning for a weeke or more, three or foure balles as bigge as walnuts, keeping him fasting after from meate, three howres, and from drinke till it be night, prouided that still his drinke be warme, and his meate if it pos­sible may be, grasse, or hay sprinkled with water; as for his prouender, it would be oates, and Fenugreeke sprinkled amongst it. Now if you perceiue that at a fortnights end, his cough doth nothing at all abate, you shall then for another weeke, giue him againe the same physicke and dyet; but truly for mine owne part, I haue neuer found it to faile in any horse what­soeuer; yet I would wish all Farriers not to be too bu­sie with these inward medicines, except they be well assured that the cold hath bene long, and that the cough is dangerous.

CHAP. 45. Of the frettized, broken, and rotten Lungs.

COughes do many times proceede from the cor­ruption and putrifaction of the lungs, gotten ei­ther by some extreme cold, running or leaping, or by ouer-greedy drinking after great thirst; because the lungs being inclosed in a very thinne filme, they are therefore the much sooner broken; and if such breach be made, without instant cure, they beginne to in­flame and apostume, oppressing and sickning the whole lungs. Now the signes to know this disease [Page 95] is, the horses flankes will beate when he cougheth; and the slower they beate, the more old and dange­rous is the disease: he will also draw his winde short, and by little at once: he will groane much, be feare­full and loath to cough, and often turne his head to the place grieued: to conclude, he will neuer cough but he will bring vp something, which he will champ in his mouth after. The cure is, giue him two or three ounces of hogges grease, and two or three spoonfull of Diapente brewd in a quart of barley water, wherein currants hath bene sodden. Other Farriers vse to take a pound of licoras, and being scrapt, and flist, to steep it in a quart of water foure and twenty houres; then to straine it; then to boyle three or foure ounces of currants in it, and so giue it the horse to drinke, & keep him fasting 3. or 4. howres after. There be other Farri­ers which vse to take of Fenugreeke, and of linseed, of each halfe a pound, of gum dragant, of masticke, of myrre, of sugar, of fitch flowre, of each one ounce; let all these be beaten into fine powder, and then infused one whole night in a good quantity of warme water, and the next day giue him a quart of this luke warme, putting thereunto two ounces of the oyle of roses; and this you must do many dayes together: and if the disease be new, it will certainly heale; if it be neuer so old, it will assuredly ease him; but in any case let him drinke no cold water: and for his food, grasse is the most excellent. Others vse to take of malmsey a pint, of hony three spoonful, mixe them together; then take of Myrre, of Saffron, of Cassia, & Cynamon, of each like quantity; beate them to a fine powder, and giue two spoonfull thereof in the wine to drinke; do this at least a fortnight together, and it is certaine it will helpe [Page 96] these frettyzed and broken lungs, but for the putry­fied and rotten lungs, we will speake more in this next chapter.

CHAP. 46. Of putrified and rotten Lungs.

THis disease of rotten and exulcerated lungs, you shall know by these signes: he will cough oft & vehemently, and euer in his coughing he will cast lit­tle reddish lumps out of his mouth; he will decay much of his flesh, and yet eate his meate with more gredinesse then when he was sound; and when he cougheth he will cough with more ease and cleare­nesse then if his lungs were but onely broken. The cure whereof, according to the practise of our ordi­nary English Farriers is, to giue the horse diuers mor­nings together a pint of strong vinegar warmed, or else as much of mans vrine, with halfe so much hogs grease brewd warme together▪ but the more ancient Farriers take a good quantity of the iuice of purslaine mixt with the oyle of roses, adding thereunto a little Tragaganthum which hath before bene layd to steep in goates milke, or for want thereof in barley or oaten milke strained from the corne; and giue him a pint thereof euery morning for seuen dayes together. This medicine is but onely to ripen and breake the impo­stume, which you shall know if it haue done; because when the sore is broken, his breath will stinke excee­dingly: then shall you giue him for other seuen dayes this drinke. Take of the roote called Costus two oun­ces, and of Cassia or Cinamon three ounces beaten into fine powder, and a few raisins, and giue it him to [Page 97] drinke with a pint of malmsey: Others vse to take of Frankinsence, and Aristolochia, of each two ounces beaten into fine powder, and giue the horse two or three spoonfull thereof with a pint of malmsey. O­thers take of vnburnt brimstone, two ounces, of Ari­stolochia one ounce and a halfe beaten to powder, and giue the horse that with a pint of malmsey.

CHAP. 47. Of shortnesse of breath or pursinesse.

THis disease of short breath or pursinesse, may come two seuerall wayes, that is naturally, or ac­cidentally: naturally as by the straightnesse of his con­duits which conuey his breath, when they want liber­ty to carry his breath freely, or being cloyed vp with fat, force stoppings & obstructions in his windpipe, & thereby makes his lungs labour & worke painfully. Accidentally as by hasty running after drinking, or vpon a full stomacke, by which, humours are com­pelled to descend downe into the throate and lungs, and there stoppeth the passage of the breath. The signes of this disease are a continuall panting and hea­uing of his body without any coughing, great heate of breath at his nosthrels, and a squeesing or drawing in of his nose when he breatheth; besides, a coueting to hold out his head whilest he fetcheth his winde. The cure, according to the opinion of some of our best Farriers, is to giue him in his prouender the kyr­nels of grapes, for they both fat and purge; and you must giue them plentifully. The warme bloud of a sucking pigge is excellent good also. Other Farriers vse to take Venus-haire, Ireos, Ash-keyes, Licoras, Fenu­greeke, [Page 98] and Raisins, of each a dram and an halfe, pepper, Almonds, Borage, Nettleseede, Aristolochia and Coloquin̄ ­tida, of each two drammes, Algaritium, one dramme and an halfe, hony two pound, dissolue them with water wherein licoras hath bene sodden, and giue him one pint euery morning for three or foure mor­nings. Others vse to take Molline or Longwort & make a powder thereof, and giue two spoonefull thereof with a pint of running water, or else powder of Gen­tian in the foresayd manner, and do it for diuers mor­nings. Others vse to take of nutmegs, cloues, Galin­gale, graines of Paradise, of each three drammes, Care­away seede and Fenugreeke, a little greater quantity, as much Saffron, and halfe an ounce of Licoras; beate them all into fine powder, then put two or three spoonefull thereof to a pint of white wine, and the yolkes of foure egges, and giue it the horse to drinke: then tye his head vp high to the racke for an houre after: that done, either ride him or walke him vp and downe gently, and keepe him fasting foure or fiue howres after at the least: the next day turne him to grasse and he will do well. There be other which vse to let the horse bloud in the necke veine, and then giue him this drinke. Take of wine and oyle of each a pint, of Frankinsence halfe an ounce, and of the iuice of Horebound halfe a pint; mixe them well toge­ther, and giue them to drinke. Others vse to giue him onely somewhat more then a pint of hony, hogges grease and butter molten together, and let him drinke it luke warme. Egges made so [...]t in vinegar, as is shew­ed in the chapter of the dry cough, is excellent for this shortnesse of breath, so you giue the egges encrea­sing▪ that is, the first day one, the second three, and [Page 99] the third fiue; and withall to powre a little oyle and wine into his nosthrels, is very good also. There be o­ther Farriers which vse to take a Snake and cut off her head and taile, and then take out the guts and entrails, boyle the rest in water till the bone part from the flesh: then cast the bone away, and giue euery third day of this decoction more then a pint till you haue spent three snakes; and this is excellent good for the dry cough also. Now the last and best medicine for this shortnesse of breath (for indeede in this case I do not affect much physicking) is onely to take anise seeds, licoras, and sugarcandy, all beaten into very fine powder; and take foure spoonfull thereof and brew it well with a pint of white wine, and halfe a pint of sallet oyle: and vse this euer after your horses trauell, and a day before he is trauelled.

CHAP. 48. Of the broken winded or Pursicke Horse.

THis disease of broken winded, I haue euer since I first began to know either horse or horse-leach­craft, very much disputed with my selfe, and for many yeares did constantly hold (as still I do) that in truth there is no such disease; only this I found by dayly experience, that by ouer hasty or sudden run­ning of a fat horse (or other) presently after his water, or by long standing in the stable with no exercise and foule foode, that thereby grosse and thicke humours may be drawne downe into the horses body so abun­dantly, that cleauing hard to the hollow places of the lungs, and stopping vp the wind-pipes, the wind may be so kept in, that it may onely haue his resort back­ward, [Page 100] and not vpward, filling the guts, and taking from the body great part of its strength and liue­lihood; which if from the corruption of our old inuen­tions, we call broken winded, then I must needs con­fesse, that I haue seene many broken winded horses. The signes of which disease are these, much and vio­lent beating of his flankes, especially drawing vp of his belly vpward; great opening and rising of his no­sthrels, and a continuall swift going to and fro of his tuell; besides, it is euer accompanied with a dry and hollow cough. The cure, I must needes say in so great an extremity (for it is the worst of all the euils of the lungs which are before spoken of) is most desperate; but the preseruations and helpes, both to continue the horses health and his dayly seruice, are very many, as namely (according to the opinion of the ancient Farriers) to purge your horse by giuing him this drinke. Take maiden haire, of Ireos, of Ashe, of Licoras, of Fenugreeke, of Basnis, of each halfe an ounce, of Cardanum, of pepper, of bitter almonds, of Baurach, of each two ounces, of nettle seed, and of Aristolochia, of each two ounces; boile them altogether in a sufficient quantity of water; and in that decocti­on dissolue halfe an ounce of Agaricke, & 2. ounces of Coloquintida, together with 2. pound of hony, & giue him a pint & a halfe of this at a time for, at least, a week together; and if the medicine chance at any time to proue too thicke, you shall make it thin with water, wherein licoras hath bene sodden; and some Farriers also besides this medicine, will with a hot yron draw the flanks of the horse to restraine their beating, and slit the horses nosthrels to giue the wind more liber­ty; but I do not affect either the one or the other: the [Page 101] best diet for a horse in this case, is grasse in Summer, & hay sprinkled with water in Winter. There be other Farriers which for this infirmity hold, that to giue the horse 3. or 4. daies together sodden wheat, and now & then a quart of new sweet wine, or other good wine, mixt with licoras water, is a certaine remedy. There be other Farriers which for this disease take the guts of a hedgehogge, and hang them in a warme ouen till they be dry, so that a may may make powder of them: then giue your horse 2. or 3. spoonfull thereof with a pint of wine or strong ale: then the rest mixe with a­nise seeds, licoras, & sweet butter, & make round balles or pils thereof, & giue the horse 2. or 3. after his drink; and so let him fast at least 2 howres after. Now when at any time you giue him any prouender, be sure to wash it in ale or beere; then take Comin, Anise seeds, Li­coras and Sentuarie of each like quantity; make them (being mixed together) into fine powder, & strew two spoonful therof vpon the prouender being being wet. This physicke must be vsed for a fortnight at the least. Others vse to take of cloues & nutmegs 3. drams of ga­lingale & Cardomonum, 3. drams, of foot, of bay seeds, & comin, of each 3. drams, & make them into fine pow­der, & put it into white wine, being tempered with a little saffron: then put to so many yolkes of egges as may coūteruaile the other quantity: then mixe them with water, wherin licoras hath bene sodden, making it so thin that the horse may drink it, and after he hath drunk the quantity of a pint & halfe of this drinke, tye vp his head to the racke, & let him so stand at least an howre after, that the drinke may descend into his guts: then walke him gently abroad, that the medi­cine may worke, and in any case giue him no water [Page 102] for foure and twenty houres after: the next morning giue him some grasse to eate, and the branches of willow or sallow, which will coole the heate of the po­tion. Now there bee other Farriers which take of Paunces, Longwort, Mayden-haire, the crops of nettles, Carduus benedictus, hearbe Fluettin, the rootes of dra­gons bruised, the roots of Elecampana bruised, of wa­ter hempe, of peniriall, of light wort, of Angelica, of each of these a good handfull▪ or so many of these as you can conueniently get; bruise them, and lay them all night in two or three gallons of water, and giue it a boyle in the morning, and let the horse drinke there­of as much luke warme as hee will; then after this drink, giue him a pretty quantity of sodden wheat: vse this dyet for a weeke or more at the least: and then if the season be fit, put him to grasse. This cure is of great reputation, and thought to helpe when all other fai­leth: for mine owne part I wish euery man to iudge it by the practise.

There be others which onely for nine or ten dayes together, will giue their horse water, wherein licoras hath bene sodden, mixt with wine, and hold it a most soueraigne helpe. There be others which will onely giue new milke from the cow; but I despaire in that cure, because milke being onely flegmatike, flegme is the onely substance of this disease. Other Farriers vse to keep the horse fasting foure & twenty howres, then take a quart of ale, a quarter of an ounce of Fe­nugreeke, halfe a quarter of bayes, of the greene barke of Elder trees, of sugarcandy, of water cresses▪ of redde mints, of redde fennell, of haw-tree leaues, and of prim-rose leaues, of each halfe an ounce, the whites of sixe egges; beate these in a mortar and seeth them [Page 103] in the ale, giue it him to drinke: then let him fast af­ter twelue howres: then giue him meate and prouen­der inough, yet but little drinke. Others vse to giue him wet [...]ay and moderate trauell: then take twenty egges, and steepe them in vinegar foure and twenty howres, giuing the horse two euery morning, and af­ter the egges are spent, a pottell of new milke from the cow. Now there be other Farriers which one­ly will dissolue in vinegar fifteene egges, and giue the horse the first day three, the second day fiue, and the third seuen, and hold it a good helpe. Others will take an ounce of frankinsence, two ounces of brimstone, & mixe it with a pint of wine, and halfe a pint of hony. Others will take Sal-niter, burnt with the powder of pitch, and giue it with the same quantity of wine and hony. Others will onely giue Sal-niter mingled with his meate, prouided alwayes, that in euery cure you keepe your horse from cold and labour; and dayly chafe his head with oyle and wine.

CHAP. 49. Of the dry Malady or Consumption.

THis disease of the dry malady, or as the ancient Farriers terme it, a generall consumption, is no­thing but a meere exulceration of the lungs, procee­ding from a cankerous, fretting and gnawing humour ingendred by cold and surfaite, which descending from the head, sickneth & corrodeth the lungs. Some of our ignorant Farriers will call it the mourning of the chine; but they are thus farre forth deceiued: that the mourning of the chine doth euer cast some filthy matter at the nose, and the dry malady neuer casteth [Page 104] forth any thing. The signes to know this dry malady or consumption are these: his flesh and strong estate of body will consume and waste away, his belly will be gaunt, his backe bone hidde, and his skin so stret­ched or shrunke vp, that if you strike on him with your hand, it will sound hollow like a tabor; his haire will hardly shed; and either he will vtterly forsake his meate, or the meate he eateth will not disgest, pros­per, or breede any flesh on his backe; he will offer to cough but cannot, except in a weake maner, as though he had eaten small bones; & truly according to the o­pinion of others, so I find by practise, that it is incu­rable; yet that a horse may be long preserued to do much seruice, I haue found it by these helpes. First, to purge his head with such fumes and pils as are good for the glaunders, which you may finde in the chap­ter of purgations▪ then to giue him cole-worts small chopt, with his prouender, & now & then the bloud of a sucking pigge warme. There be others that in stead of the bloud, will giue either the iuyce of leekes mixt with oyle and wine, or else wine and frankin­sence, or sallet oyle and the iuice of rue mixt toge­gether; but in my conceit, the best cure is to purge his body cleane with comfortable and gentle scou­rings; and then to be suffred to runne to grasse, both for a Winter and a Summer, and there is no question but he must necessarily end or mend; for languish long he cannot.

CHAP. 50. Of the Consumption of the flesh.

THis disease which we cal the Consumption of the flesh, is an vnnaturall or generall dislike or falling away of the whole body, or, as we terme it, the wa­sting of the flesh; which proceedeth from diuers grounds, as namely, from inward surfaits, either by naughty foode, or ill dyet, or from vncleane, moist and stinking lodging; but especially from disorderly labour, as by taking great and sudden colds after vio­lent heate, or such like; all which procure the wasting or falling away of the flesh. The signes whereof are these: first, an vnnaturall and causlesse leannesse, a dry and hard skinne cleauing fast to his sides, want of sto­macke, or appetite to his meate, a falling away of his fillets, and a generall consumption both of his but­tockes and shoulders. The cure whereof, according to the ancients, is to take a sheeps head vnfleayed, and boyle it in a gallon and a halfe of ale, or running water, vntill the flesh be consumed from the bones; then straine it through a cloath, and put thereto of su­gar halfe a pound, of cinamon one ounce, of conserue of roses, or barberies, & of cherries, of each one ounce; mingle them together, and giue the horse euery morning a quart thereof luke warme, till two sheeps heades bee spent; and after euery time he drin­keth, let him be gently walked or ridden vp and downe according to his strength, that is, if the wea­ther be warme, abroad; if it be cold and windy, then in the stable or some close house, suffring him neither to eate nor drinke, for two howres after his medicine; [Page 106] and from cold water you shall keepe him the space of fifteene dayes. Now for his ordinary foode or pro­uender, you shall repute that best which he eateth best whatsoever it be; and that you shall giue by little and little, and not any grosse, or great quantity at once, because the abundance and glut of food taketh away both the appetite and nutriment which should proceede from wholesome feeding.

CHAP. 51. How to make a leane Horse fat.

BEsides this generall consumption of a horses flesh, which for the most part, or altogether proceedeth from sicknesse, there is also another consumption or want of flesh which proceedeth from neshnesse, ten­dernesse, freenesse of spirit, and the clymate vnder which the horse is bred; as namely when a horse that is bred in a warme clymate, comes to liue in a cold, or when a horse that is bred vpon a fruitfull & rich soile, comes to liue in a barren and dry place. In any of these cases the horse will be leane without any appa­rant signe of griefe or disease, which to recouer there be many receits and medicines, as namely: the ancient Farriers did vse when a horse either grew leane without sicknesse or wound, or any knowne di­stemperature, to take a quarter of a pecke of beanes, and boyle them in two gallons of water till they swell or burst, then to mixe with them a pecke of wheate branne, and so to giue it the horse in maner of a mash: or in stead of prouender: for it will fat suddenly. O­thers, and especially the Italians, will take cole-worts, and hauing sodden them, mixe them with wheat bran [Page 107] and salt, and giue them in stead of prouender. There be others which take the fatty decoction of three Tor­toyse being well sodden, (their heades, tayles, bones, and feete, being reiected) and giuing it the horse, suppose it fatteth suddenly: or if you mixe the flesh of the Tortoyse so sodden with your horses prouen­der, that is good also; But as the simples are Italian, and not English, so for mine owne part, I referre the vse rather to them then to my country men. There be others which vse to fat vp their horses by giuing them a certaine graine which we call bucke, in the same manner as we giue oates or pease. There be o­thers which to fat a horse, will giue him onely par­ched wheat, and a little wine mixed with his water, and amongst his ordinary prouender alwayes some wheate branne; and be exceeding carefull that the horse be cleane drest, well rubbed, & soft littered: for without such cleanly keeping there is no meate will enioy or do good vpon him; and also when he is fed, it must be by little at once and not surfaited. There be other Farriers which to feede vp a leane horse, will take Sage, Sauin, Bay-berries, Earth-nuts, Beares grease to drinke with a quart of wine. Others will giue the entrailes of a Barbel or a Tench with white wine. O­thers will giue new hot draffe, and new branne, and twenty hard roasted egges, the shels being pulled off, then bruise them, and then put thereto a pretty quan­tity of salt; then mixe all together, and giue a good quantity thereof to the horse at morne, noone, and euening for his prouender; and once a day, (which would be at high noone) giue him a quart or three pints of strong ale; and when the horse beginneth to be glutted vpon this meat, then giue him dryed oates: [Page 108] if he be glutted vpon that, then giue him bread, if he leaue his bread, giue him malt or any graine that he will eate with a good appetite, obseruing euer to keepe the horse very warme; and with this dyet in foureteene dayes, the leanest horse will be made ex­ceeding fat. There be other Farriers which to make a horse fat, wil take a quart of wine, and halfe an ounce of brimstone finely beaten with a raw egge, and a peny waight of the powder of Myrre; mixe all together and giue it the horse to drinke many mornings toge­ther. Others will take three-leaued grasse, halfe greene and halfe dry, and giue it to the horse in stead of hay, by little at once; and it will fat suddenly, onely it will breed much ranke bloud. Other Farriers vse to take two peny worth of pepper, and as much saffron, anise seeds, and turmericke, a peny worth of long pepper, two peny worth of treacle, a peny worth of licoras, a good quantity of peniryall and archangell; giue the horse these with the yolks of egges in milke to drinke. Others take wheat made cleane, and sod with salt and lard dryed in the sunne, & giue it twice a day before each watering. Others giue a pint of good wine with a raw egge beaten, & a quantity of brimstone & Mirre beaten to powder. Others strong ale, Myrre, [...]allet oyle and twenty graines of white pepper; and in stead of the ale, you may take the decoction, that is, the water wherein sage & rue hath bene sodden, & it will soone make the horse fat. Others take sodden beanes well bruised and sprinkled with salt, adding to the water foure times so much beane flowre or wheat bran, and giue that to the horse, and it will fat him suddenly. Wine mixt with the bloud of a sucking pigge, made luke warme, or wine with the iuyce of featherfeaw, [Page 109] or an ounce of sulphur, and a peny waight of Myrre, well made into powder, together with a new layed egge, will raise vp a horse that languisheth. Barley dryed, or barley boyled till it burst, either will fat a horse. But the best way of fa [...]ting a horse (for most of the wayes before prescribed, are not to breede fat that will continue) is first to giue your horse three mornings together, a pint of sweete wine, and two spoonefull of Diapente brewed together: for that drinke will take away all infection and sicknesse from the inward parts▪ then to feed him well with prouen­der at least foure times a day, that is, after his wa­ter in the morning, after his water at noone, after his water in the euening, and after his water at nine of the clocke at night. Now you shall not let his prouender be all of one sort, but euery meale, if it may be, change, as thus: if in the morning you giue him oates, at noone you shall giue him bread, at euening beanes or pease mixt with wheat branne, and at night sodden barley, and so forth; and euer obserue of what food he eateth best, of that let him haue the greatest plenty, and there is no question but he will in very short space grow fat, sound, and full of spirit without either mislike or sicknesse.

CHAP. 52. Of the Breast-paine, or griefe in the breast.

THough most of our Farriers are not curious to vn­derstand of this disease, because it is not so com­mon as others; yet both my selfe and others find, it is a disease very apt to breed, and to indanger the horse with death. The Italians call it Granezza di petto; [Page 110] [...] [Page 111] [...] [Page 110] and it proceedeth from the superfluity of bloud, and other grosse humors, which being dissolued by some extreme and disorderly heate, resorteth downeward to the breast, and paineth the horse extremely that he can hardly go. The signes are a stiffe, staggering and weake going with his forelegges; and he can very hardly, or not at al, bow down his head to the ground, either to eate or to drink, and will groane much when he doth either the one or the other. The cure is first to bathe all his breast and foreboothes with the oyle of Peter; and if that do not help him, within three or foure dayes, then to let him bloud on both his breast veines in the ordinary place, and then put in a rowell either of haire, corke, horne, or leather, of all which, and the maner of rowelling, you shall reade in a more particular chapter hereafter in the booke of Surgery. Now there be other Farriers which for this sicknesse will first giue the horse an inward drench, as namely, a pint of sweet wine, and two spoonfull of diapente: then bathe all his breast and legges with wine and oyle mingled together, and in some tenne or twelue dayes it will take away the griefe.

CHAP. 53. Of the sicknesse of the heart, called the Anticor.

THis sicknesse of the heart, which by the ancient Farriers is called Anticor, as much as to say, a­gainst or contrary to the heart, is a dangerous & mor­tall sicknesse, proceeding from the great abundance of bloud which is bredde by too curious and proud keeping, where the horse hath much meate, and little [Page 111] or no labor, as for the most part, your geldings of price haue, which running all the Summer at grasse, do no­thing but gather their own food, and such like, where the maisters too much loue and tendernesse, is the meanes to bring the horse to his death, as we find day­ly in our practise: for when such naughty and corrupt bloud is gathered, it resorteth to the inward parts, and so suffocateth the heart. The signes whereof are, the horse will many times haue a small swelling rise at the bottome of the breast, which swelling will en­crease and rise vpward, euen to the top of the necke of the horse, and then most assuredly it kils the horse; he will also hang his head either downe to the manger, or downe to the ground, forsaking his food, and groa­ning with much painfulnnesse. This disease is of ma­ny ignorant Smiths, taken somtimes for the yellowes, and sometimes for the staggers; but you shall know that it is not so by these obseruations. First, neither about the whites of his eyes, not the inside of his lips, shall you perceiue any apparant yellowes, and so then it cannot be the yellowes; nor will he haue any great swelling about his eyes, nor dizzinesse in his head be­fore he be at the poynt of death; and so consequent­ly it cannot be the staggers. The cure thereof is two-fold: the first a preuention or preseruatiue before the disease come: the second a remedy after the disease is apparant. For the preuention or preseruatiue, you shall obserue that if your horse liue idly, either at grasse or in the stable, and withall grow very fat, which fat­nesse is neuer vnaccompanied with corruptnesse, that then you fayle not to let him bloud in the necke veine before you turn him to grasse, or before you put him to feede in the stable; and likewise let him bloud [Page 112] two or three moneths after, when you see he is fedde; and at each time of letting bloud, you must make your quantity according to the goodnesse of the bloud: for if the bloud be blacke and thicke, which is a signe of inflammation and corruption, you shal take the more; if it be pure, red, and thin, which is a signe of strength and healthfulnesse, you shall take little, or none at all There be others which vse for this pre­uention, to giue the horse a scouring or purgation of malmsey, oyle, and sugarcandy, the making and vse whereof you shal reade in the chapter of purgation; & this would be giuen immediatly when you put your horse to feede, and as soone as you see his skin full swolne with fatnesse.

Now for the remedy, when this disease shall be apparant, you shall let him bloud on both his plat veines, or if the Smiths skill will not extend so farre, then you shall let the horse bloud on the necke veine, and that he bleede abundantly: then you shall giue him this drinke. Take a quart of malmsey, and put thereunto halfe a quarterne of sugar, and two ounces of cinamon beaten to powder, and being made luke warme, giue it the horse to drinke: then keepe him very warme in the stable, stuffing him round about with soft wisps very close, especially about the sto­macke, least any winde do annoy him: and let his or­dinary drinke be warme mashes of malt and water, & his foode only that, whatsoeuer it be, which he eateth with the best stomacke▪ Now if you see any swelling to appeare, whether it be soft or hard, then besides let­ting him bloud, you shall strike the swelling in diuers places with a steame or launcet, that the corruption may issue forth; and then annoynt it with hogges [Page 113] grease made warme: for that will either expell it, or bring it to a head, especially if the swelling be kept exceeding warme. There be other Farriers which for this disease, vse first to let the horse bloud as is aforesayd, and then to giue him a quart of malm­sey, well brewed with three spoonfull of the pow­der called Diapente; and if the swelling arise, to lay thereunto nothing but hay well sodden in old vrine; and then to keepe the same dyet as is aforesayd. Others vse after the letting of bloud, to giue the horse no drinke, but onely tenne or twelue spoone­fuls of that water which is called Doctor Stephens wa­ter, and is not vnknown to any Apothecary; and then for the rest of the cure to proceede in all things as is before specified, & questionlesse I haue seene strange effects of this practise.

CHAP. 54. Of tired Horses.

SInce wee are thus farre proceeded into the in­ward and vitall parts of a horses body, it is not amisse to speake something of the tiring of hor­ses, and of the remedies for the same; because when a horse is truly tyred (as by ouer extreme la­bour) it is questionlesse that all his vitall parts are made sicke and feebled. For to tell you in more plainesse what trying is, it is when a horse by extreme & vncessant labour, hath all his inward and vitall po­wers which should accompany & reioyce the heart, expelled and driuen outward to the outward parts, & lesse deseruing members, leauing the heart forlorne and sicke, insomuch that a generall and cold faintnesse [Page 114] spreadeth ouer the whole body and weakneth it, in such sort that it can endure no further trauell, till those liuely heates, faculties, and powers, be brought vnto their naturall and true places backe againe, and made to giue comfort to the heart whom their losse sickned. Now for the tiring of horses, though in truth it pro­ceedeth from no other cause but this before spoken; yet in as much as in our common and vulgar speech, we say euery horse that giueth ouer his labour is ty­red, you shall vnderstand that such giuing ouer may proceede from foure causes: the first from inward sicknesse, the second from some wound receiued, ei­ther of body or limbe; the third from dulnesse of spirit, cowardlinesse or restinesse; and the fourth from most extreme labour and trauell, which is true tired­nesse. indeede. Now for the first, which is inward sicknesse, you shall looke into the generall signes of e­uery disease, and if you finde any of those signes to be apparant, you shall straight conclude vpon that dis­ease, & taking away the cause thereof, haue no doubt but the effects of his tiring will vanish with the [...]ame. For the second, which is by some wound receiued, as by cutting or dismembring the sinewes, ligaments, or muscles, or by straining or stooming any bone or ioynt, or by pricking in shooing, or striking nayle, y­ron, stub, or thorne into the sole of the horses foote, and such like. Sith the first is apparant to the eye, by disioyning the skinne, the other by halting, you shall take a suruey of your horse, and finding any of them apparant, looke what the griefe is, repaire to the latter part of this booke, which intreateth of surgery; and finding it there, vse the meanes prescribed, and the ti­ring will easily be cured. Now for the third, which [Page 115] is dulnesse of spirit, cowardlinesse or restinesse, you shall finde them by these signes: if he haue no appa­rant signe either of inward sicknes or outward griefe, neither sweateth much, nor sheweth any great altera­tion of countenance; yet notwithstanding tireth and refuseth reasonable labour, then such tyring procee­deth from dulnesse of spirite; but if after indifferent long trauell the horse tire, and then the man descen­ding from his backe, the horse runne or trot away, as though he were not tired; the man then mounting a­gaine, the horse vtterly refuse to go forward, such ty­ring proceedeth from cowardlinesse; but if a horse within one, two, or three miles riding, being tempe­rately vsed, and being neither put to any tryall of his strength, nor, as it were, scarcely warmed, if he in his best strength refuse labour, and tire, it proceedeth onely from restinesse and ill conditions. Then for the cure of any of all these, proceding from dulnesse, fearefulnesse, and vnwillingnesse, you shall take ordi­nary window glasse, and beate it into fine powder: then take vp the skinne of each side the spurre veine betweene your finger and your thumbe, and with a fine naule or bodkin, make diuers small holes through the skinne, then rubbe glasse powder very hard into those holes; which done, mount his backe, and do but offer to touch his sides with your heeles, and be sure if he haue life in him, he will go forward, the greatest feare being that he will still but go too fast: but after your iourney is ended, and your allighted, you must not faile (because this powder of glasse will corrode and rot his sides) to annoynt both the sore places with the powder of Iet and turpentine mixt together: for that will draw out the venom, and heale [Page 116] his sides againe. There be others which vse when a horse tireth thus through dull cowardlinesse or resti­nesse, to thrust a burning brand or yron into his but­tockes, or to bring bottels of blazing straw about his eares; there is neither of the cures but is exceeding good.

But for the true tired horse, which tireth through a naturall faintnesse, drawne from exceeding labour: the signes to know it being long trauel, much sweat, and willingnesse of courage during his strength: the cure thereof according to the opinion of some Farri­ers, is to powre oyle and vinegar into his nosthrels, and to giue him the drinke of [...]he [...]pes beades menti­oned in the chapter of the consumption of the flesh, being the fiftieth chapter of this booke; and to bathe his legges with a comfortable bath, of which you shal finde choyce in the chapter of bathes: or else charge them with this charge. Take of bole armony, and of wheate flowre, of each halfe a pound, and a little ro­sen beaten into fine powder, and a quart of strong vi­negar; mingle them well together, and couer all his legs therwith; & then if it be in Summer, turne him to grasse, and he will recouer his wearinesse. Others vse to take a slice of fresh beefe, hauing steeped it in vinegar, lappe it about your bit or snafle, and hauing made it fast with a threed, ride your horse there­with and he will hardly tire; yet after your iour­ney is ended, be sure to giue your horse rest, much warmth and good feeding, that is, warme mashes and store of prouender, or else he will be the worse whilest he liueth.

Now if it be so that your horse tire in such a place as the necessity of your occasions are to be preferred [Page 117] before the value of your horse, and that you must seeke vnnaturall meanes to controlle nature. In this case you shall take (where the powder of glasse be­fore spoken of cannot be had) three or foure round pibble stones, and put them into one of his eares; and then knit the eare that the stones fall not out, and the noyse of those stones will make the horse go after he is vtterly tyred; but if that faile, you shal with a knife make a hole in the flappe of the horses eare, and thrust a long rough sticke full of nickes through the same; and euer as the horse slackes his pace, so saw and fret the sticke vp and downe in the hole, and be sure whilest he hath any li [...]e he will not leaue going. Many other torments there are which be needlesse to rehearse, onely this is my most gene­rall aduice, if at any time you tire your horse, to take of old vrine a quart, of salt peter three ounces, boile them well together, and bathe all the horses foure legges in the same, and without question it will bring to the sinewes their naturall strength and nim­blenesse; and for other defects warme and good kee­ping will cure them. And although some of our Northerne Farriers do hold that oaten dough will preuent tiring, yet I haue not approued it so, be­cause I neuer could g [...]t any horse that would eate it, the dough would so sticke and clambe in the hor­ses mouth: therefore I hold the cures already reci­ted to be fully sufficient.

CHAP. 55. Of the diseases of the stomacke, and first of the loathing of meate.

THis disease of the loathing of meate, is taken two wayes, the one a forsaking of meate, as when a horses mouth either through the inflammation of his stomacke, doth break out into blisters, or such like ve­nemous sores: or when he hath the lampas, gigges, woolfes teeth, and such like. The cure of all which you shall readily find in the second part of this booke which treateth of surgery: the other a dislike of his meate through the intemperature of his stomacke, be­ing either too hot, as proceeding either from rank­nesse of bloud, or extremity of trauell; as you may perceiue by dayly experience, when a horse is set vp in the stable very hot, and meate instantly giuen him, it is all thing to nothing but he wil loath and refuse it. Hence it comes, that I did euer hate the noone-tide bayting of horses, because mens iourneys commonly crauing haste, the horse cannot take such an naturall cooling as he ought before his meate, and thereby breeds much sicknesse & disease: for meate giuen pre­sently after trauell when a horse is hot, is the mother of all infirmity: or else it proceedeth from the intem­perature of the stomacke being too cold, as being caused by some naturall defect. Now if it proceede from heate onely, which you shall know either by his sudden loathing of his meate, or the extreme heate of his mouth and breath: then to coole his stomacke a­gaine, you shall either wash his tongue with vinegar, or giue him to drinke cold water mingled with oyle [Page 119] and vinegar. There be other Farriers which vse to giue this drinke: take of milke and wine, of each one pint, & put therunto of Mel Rosatum 3. ounces, and ha­uing washed his mouth with vinegar & salt, giue him the drink luke warme with a horne. But if the loathing of his meate proceede from the coldnesse of his sto­macke, which onely is knowne by the standing vp and staring of his haire: then by the opinion of the ancient Farriers, you shall giue him wine & oyle mixt together diuers mornings to drinke; but others of our late Farriers giue wine, oyle, rue, and sage boyled to­gether by a quart at a time to drinke. Others to the former compounds will adde white pepper & Myrre. Others vse to giue the horse onions pild and chopt, and Rocket seede bruised and boyled in wine. Others vse to mixe wine with the bloud of a sow pigge. Now to conclude, for the generall forsaking or loathing of meate, proceeding either from hot or cold causes in the stomacke, there is nothing better then the greene blades of corne (especially wheate) being giuen in a good quantity, and that the time of the yeare serue for the gathering thereof. Others in stead thereof, will giue the horse sweet wine and the seedes of Gith mixt together, or else sweet wine and garlike well pild and stampt, being a long time brewd together.

CHAP. 56. Of the casting out of a Horses drinke.

THe ancient Farriers, especially the Italians, con­stantly do affirme, that a horse may haue such a paulsey, proceeding from the coldnesse of his sto­macke, and may make him vnable to retaine and [Page 120] keepe his drinke, but that many times he will vomit and cast it vp againe: for mine owne part, from those causes I haue not seene such effects, yet from other causes, as from cold in the head, where the rheume binding about the roots and kirnels of the tongue, hath, as it were, strangled and made straight the pas­sages to the stomacke; there I haue many times seene a horse cast his water that he drunke, in very abundant sort backe againe through his nosthrels, & sometimes striue with great earnestnesse to drinke, but could not at all. The signes of both (from which cause foe­uer it proceede) is onely the casting vp of his drinke or water; and the cure thereof is onely to giue him cordiall and warme drinkes, as is malmsey, cinamon, anise seedes, and cloues, well brewd and mixt toge­ther, and to annoynt his breast and vnder his shoul­ders, with either the oyle of Cypresse, oyle of Spike, or the oyle of pepper; and to purge his head with fumes or pilles, such as will force him to neese, of which you may see store in a chapter following: for such fumigation ioyning with these hot oyles, will soone dissolue the tumors.

CHAP. 57. Of surfaiting with glut of prouender.

THere is not any disease more easily procured, nor more dangerous to the life of a horse, then this surfaite which is taken by the glut of prouender; it cometh most commonly by keeping the horse ex­treme sharpe or hungry, as either by long trauell or long standing empty; & then in his height of greedi­nesse, giuing him such superabundance of meate, that [Page 121] his stomacke wanting strength to disgest it, all the whole body is driuen into an infinite great paine and extremity. The signes are great weaknesse and feeblenesse in the horses limbes, so that he can hard­ly stand, but lyeth downe oft, and being downe, walloweth and tumbleth vp and downe as if he had the bots.

The cure thereof according to the ordinary pra­ctise of our common Farriers, is to take a halfe pe­ny worth of blacke sope, and a quart of new milke, and as much sweete butter as sope; and hauing on a chafing dish and coales, mixt them together, giue it the horse to drinke: this will cleanse the horses stomacke, and bring it to its strength a­gaine.

But the ancient Farriers did vse first, to let the horse bloud in the necke veine, (because euery sur­fait breedes distemperature in the bloud) then trot the horse vp and downe an howre or more; and if he cannot stale draw out his yard and wash it with white wine made luke warme, and thrust into his yard either a cloue of garlicke or a little oyle of camomill, with a peece of small waxe candle. If he cannot dung, first with your hand rake his fundament, and then giue him a glister, of which you shall read hereafter: when his glister is receiued you shall walke him vp and downe till hee haue emptyed his belly, then set him vp and keepe him hungry the space of two or three dayes, obseruing euer to sprinkle the hay hee eateth with a little water, and let his drinke be warme water and branne made mash-wise; after he hath drunke the drinke let him eate the branne if he please, but from other prouender keep him fasting [Page 122] at least tenne dayes. There be other Farriers that in this case, vse onely to take a quart of beere or ale, and two peny worth of sallet oyle, and as much dra­gon water, a peny worth of treacle; make all these warme vpon the coales, then put in an ounce of cina­mon, anise seedes, and cloues, all beaten together, and so giue it the horse luke warme to drinke. All these re­ceipts are exceeding good; yet for mine owne part, and many of the best Farriers confirme the same, there is nothing better for this disease, then moderate exer­cise, much fasting, and once in foure or fiue dayes a pint of sweete wine, with two spoonefull of the powder Diapente.

CHAP. 58. Of foundring in the body, being a surfaite got either by Meate, Drinke, or Labour.

THis disease of foundring in the body, is of all sur­faits the most vile, most dangerous, and most inci­dent vnto horses that are dayly trauelled, it procee­deth according to the opinion of some Farriers, from eating of much prouender suddenly after labour, the horse being then, as it were, panting hot (as we may dayly see vnskilfull horsemen do at this day) whereby the meate which the horse eateth, not being disg [...]sted, breedeth euill and grosse humours, which by little & little spreading themselues through the members, do at the length oppresse, & almost confound the whole body, absolutely taking away from him al his strength, insomuch that he can neither go nor bow his ioynts, nor being layd, is able to rise againe: besides, it taketh [Page 123] away from him his instrumentall powers, as the office both of vrine and excrements, which cannot be per­formed but with extreme paine. There be other Farriers, and to their opinion I rather leane, that sup­pose it proceedeth from suffering the horse to drinke too much in his trauell being very hot, whereby the grease being suddenly cooled, it doth clappe about, and suffocate the inward parts with such a loathsome fulnesse, that without speedy euacuation, there can be no hope but of death onely. Now whereas some Farriers do hold that this foundring in the body, should be no other then the foundring in the legges, because it is (say they) a melting and dissolution of humours which resort downeward, they are much deceiued: for it is not as they hold a dissolution of hu­mours, but rather a binding together of corporall and substantiall euils, which by an vnnaturall accident doth torment the heart. Now for the hold which they take of the name Foundring, as if it were drawne from the French word Fundu, signifying melting, truly I thinke it was rather the ignorance of our old Farriers, which knew not how to entitle the disease, then any coherence it hath with the name it bea­reth. For mine owne part, I am of opinion that this disease which we cal foundring in the body, doth not onely proceede from the causes aforesayd, but al­so and most oftest by sudden washing horses in the winter season, when they are extreme fat and hot with instant trauell, where the cold vapour of the water striking into the body, doth not onely astonish the inward and vitall parts, but also freezeth vp the skin, and maketh the bloud to leese his office. Now the signes to know this disease, are holding downe of [Page 124] his head, staring vp of his haire, coughing, staggering behinde, trembling after water, dislike of his meate, leannesse, stiffe going, disability to rise when he is downe: and to conclude, which is the chiefest signe of all other, his belly will be clung vp to his backe, and his backe rising vp like a Camell. The cure accor­ding to the opinion of the Farriers, is first to rake his fundament, and then to giue him a glister: which done, and that the horses belly is emptyed, then take of malmsey a quart, of sugar halfe a quarterne, of ci­namon halfe an ounce, of licoras and anise seedes, of each two spoonefull beaten into fine powder; which being put into the malmsey, warme them together at the fire so that the hony may be molten, then giue it the horse luke warme to drinke: which done, walke him vp and downe either in the warme stable or some warme roade the space of an howre; then let him stand on the bit fasting two howres more, onely let him be warme clothed, stopt, and littered; & when you giue him hay, let it be sprinkled with water, and let his prouender be very cleane sifted from dust, and giuen by a little at once; and let his drinke be warme mashes of malt and water. Now when you see him recouer and get a little strength, you shall then let him bloud in the necke veine, and once a day perfume him with Frankinsence to make him neese, and vse to giue him exercise abroad when the wether is warme, and in the house when the weather is stor­my.

Now there be other Farriers which vse for this disease to take a halfe peny worth of garlicke, two peny worth of the powder of pepper, two peny worth of the powder of ginger, two peny worth of [Page] graines bruised, and put all these into a pottell of strong ale, and giue it the horse to drinke by a quart at a time, dyetting and ordering him as is aforesayd; and when he g [...]tteth strength either let him bloud in the necke veine, or the spurre veines, or on both; to conclude, there is no drinke nor dy­et which is comfortable, but is most soueraigne and good for this infirmity.

CHAP. 59. Of the greedy Worme or hungry Euill in Horses.

THIS hungry Euill is a disease more common then found out by our Farriers, because the most of our horse-maisters out of great ignorance, hold it a speciall vertue to see a horse eat [...] eagerly, whereas indeeede this ouer-hasty and greedy ea­ting, is more rather an infirmity and sicknesse of the inward parts; and this disease is none other then an insatiate and greedy eating, contrary to nature and old custome; and for the most part, it followeth some extreme great emptinesse or want of foode, the beast being euen at the pinch, and ready to bee chappe-falne. There bee some Farriers which suppose that it proceedeth from some extreame cold, outwardly taken by trauel­ling in cold and barraine places, as in the frost and snow, where the outward cold maketh the stomacke cold, whereby all the inward powers are weakned. The signes are onely an alteration or change in the horses feeding, hauing lost all temperance; and [Page 126] snatching and chopping at his meate as if he would deuoure the manger. The cure, according to the opi­nion of some Farriers, is first to comfort his stomacke by giuing him great slices of white bread toasted at the fire and steeped in muskadine, or else bread vntoa­sted & steeped in wine, & then to let him drink wheat flowre and wine brewed together. There be others which vse to knead stiffe cakes of wheate flowre and wine, and to feede the horse therewith. Others vse to make him bread of pine-tree nuts and wine kno­den together: or else common earth and wine min­gled together; but for mine owne part, I hold no­thing better then moderately feeding the horse many times in the day with wholesome beane bread, well baked, or oates well dryed and sifted.

CHAP. 60. Of the diseases of the Liuer in generall, and first of the inflammation thereof.

THere is no question but the liuer of a horse is sub­iect to as many diseases as either the liuer of a man or any other creature, onely through the igno­rance of our common Farriers (who make all inward diseases one sicknesse) the true ground, and causes not being looked into, the infirmity is let passe, and ma­ny times poysoned with false potions; but truth it is, that the liuer sometimes by the intemperatenesse thereof, as being either too hot or too cold, too moist, or too dry, or sometimes by meanes of euill humors, as choler or fleame ouerflowing in the same, heate in­gendring choler, and coldnesse fleame, the liuer is subiect to many sicknesses, and is diuersly payned, as [Page 127] by inflammation, apostumation or vlcer, or by ob­structions, stoppings, or hard knobs; or lastly, by the consumption of the whole substance thereof The signes to know if the disease proceede from hot cau­ses, is leannesse of body, the loathing of meate, voy­ding dung of a strong sent, great thirst, and loosnesse of belly. The signes to know if the disease proceed from cold causes, is good state of body, appetite to meate, dung not stincking, no thirst, and the belly neither loose nor costiue. Now to proceede to the particu­lar diseases of the liuer, and first of the inflammation, you shall vnderstand that it cometh by meanes that the bloud through the abundance, thinnesse, boyling heate of sharpnesse thereof, or through the violence of some outward cause, breaketh out of the veines & floweth into the body or substance of the liuer; and so being dispossest of his proper vessels, doth im­mediately putrifie & is inflamed, corrupting so much of the fleshly substance of the liuer, as is either tou­ched or imbrewed with the same; whence it cometh, that for the most part, the hollow side of the liuer is first consumed, yet sometimes the full side also: this inflammation by a naturall heate, is sometimes tur­ned to putrifaction, & then it is called an apostumati­on, which when either by the strength of nature or art, it doth breake and runne, then it is called an vl­cer or filthy sore. Now the signes of an inflammati­on on the hollow side of the liuer (which is least hurt­full) is loathing of meate, great thirst, loosnesse of bel­ly, and a continuall vnwillingnesse to lye on the left side; but if the inflammation be on the full side of the liuer, then the signes be short breathing, a dry cough, much paine when you handle the horse about the [Page 128] wind-pipe, and an vnwillingnesse to lye on the right side. The signes of apostumation is great heate, long fetching of breath, and a continuall looking to his side. The signes of vlceration, is continuall coldnesse, staring vp of the haire, and much feeblenesse & faint­ting, because the filthy matter casting euill vapours abroad, doth many times corrupt the heart, and occa­sion death. Now for the cure of these inflammations, some Farriers vse to take a quart of ale, an ounce of myrre, and an ounce of Frankinsence, and brewing them well together, giue it the horse diuers mor­nings to drinke. Others vse to take three ounces of the seedes of smallage, and three ounces of Hysop, and as much Sutherwort, and boyle them wel in oyle and wine mingled together, and giue it the horse to drinke; keepe the horse warme, and let him neither drinke cold water, nor eate dry dusty hay.

CHAP. 61. Of Obstructions, stoppings, or hard knobs on the Liuer.

THese obstructions, or stoppings of a horses liuer, do come most commonly by trauelling or labou­ring on a full stomacke, whereby the meate not being perfectly disgested, breedeth grosse and tough hu­mours, which humours by the extremity of trauell are violently driuen into the small veines, through which the liuer ought to receiue good nutriment, and so by that meanes breedeth obstructions & stoppings. Now from these obstructions (when they haue conti­nued any long time) especially if the humours be cholericke, breedeth many times hard knobs on the [Page 129] liuer, which knobbes maketh the horse continually lye on his right side, and neuer on the left; because if he should lye on the left side, the waight of the knob would oppresse the stomacke, and euen sicken all the vitall parts in him. The signes of these obstructions or stoppings, are heauinesse of countenance, distention or swelling, great dulnesse and sloth in the horse when he beginneth his trauell, and a continuall looking backe to his short ribbes, where remaineth his greatest paine and torment. Now the cure there­of is to seeth continually in the water which hee drinketh, Agrimony, Fumitory, Camomill, VVorme­wood, Licoras, Anise seedes, Smallage, Persley, Spicke­nard, Gentian, Succory, Endyue, and Lupyns, the ver­tues whereof are most comfortable to the liuer. But for as much as the most part of our English Farriers are very simple Smithes, whose capacities are vnable to diue into these seuerall distinctions; and that this worke (or maister peece) is inten­ded for the weakest braine whatsoeuer, you shall vnderstand that there bee certaine generall signes to know when the liuer of a horse is grieued with any griefe, of what nature or condition soeuer it be; and so likewise generall receipts, to cure all the grieues without distinguishing or knowing their natures: you shall know then if a horse haue any griefe or paine in his liuer by these signes. First, by a loathing of his meate, next, by the wasting of his flesh, drynesse of his mouth, and roughnesse of his tongue, and great swelling thereof, and re­fusing to lye on the side grieued; and lastly, a con­tinuall looking backeward. Now the generall cures for the sicknesse of the liuer, is, according to the [Page 130] opinion of the ancient Farriers, to giue the horse a­loes dissolued in sweet wine: for it both purgeth and comforteth the liuer. Others vse to giue him to drink Ireos stampt and mixt with wine and water together, or in stead of Ireos, to giue him Calamint, called of the Latines Pollimonia. Others giue Sauery with oyle & wine mixt together. Others vse liuer-wort and agri­mony with wine and oyle. Others vse comfortable frictions, and to steepe his prouender in warme wa­ter, and to mixe with his prouender a little Nitrum, not forgetting to let him stand warme and lye soft; but that which is generally praised aboue all medi­cines, is to giue the horse a Wolfes liuer, beaten to powder, and mixt either with wine, water, oyle, or a­ny other medicine.

Now for a conclusion of this chapter, if the Farri­ers skill be so good that he can distinguish the nature of each seueral infirmity about the liuer, then I would haue him to vnderstand that for inflammations (which are the first beginners of all diseases) would be vsed simples that mollifie and disperse humors, as be these, Linseed, Fenegreeke, Camomil, Anise seeds, Mellilot, and such like; to which mollifying simples would be euer added some simples that are astringent or binding, as are these: red Rose leaues, Bramble leaues, Wormewod, Plantaine, Myrre, Masticke, Storax, and such like. Now for apostumes, they are to be ripened and voyded, & vlcers must be cleansed and scoured downeward ei­ther by excrement or vrine; and therefore the vse of such simples as prouoke either the one or the other (of which you shall find plenty in other chapters) is most necessary.

CHAP. 62. Of the Consumption of the Liuer.

OF this consumption of the liuer, I haue spoken something in the chapter of the mourning of the chine; yet because amongst our best Farriers it is di­uersly taken, I will shew you their diuers opinions. First, some hold it cometh onely from sudden cold after heate, taken either by drinking or standing still. Others hold it cometh of any humour, especially of cholericke matter, shead throughout the whole sub­stance of the liuer, which rotting by leasurable de­grees, doth in the end corrupt and confound all the substance of the liuer, proceeding as they thinke, from corrupt meates, and sweet drinkes: and the last thin­keth it cometh by extreme heate gotten in trauell, which inflaming the bloud doth afterward putrifie, corrupt, and exulcerate the whole substance of the li­uer: because the liuer is spongious like the lungs, therefore the cure of this disease is held desperate; yet it bringeth no speedy or suddaine death, but a wasting and lingring infirmity: for the liuer being corrupted, disgestion is taken away, and so the body for want of good nutriment, doth in time consume. The signes of this disease is a loathing of meate, and a stretching forth of the horses body at length as he standeth; hee will seldome or neuer lye downe, his breath will stink maruellously, and he will continually cast exceeding foule matter either at one nosthrell or at both, accor­ding as one side or both sides of the liuer is con­sumed: and on that side which hee casteth, hee will euer haue betwixt his nether iawes, about the midst of them, a hard knobbe or kirnell about the bignesse [Page 132] of a wal-nut. Now the preseruatiue for this disease, (for in truth it is incurable) is, according to the opi­nion of some Farriers, to take halfe a pint of malm­sey, and as much of the bloud of a young pigge, and to giue it the horse luke warme to drinke. O­ther Farriers vse to giue the horse no other food for the space of three dayes, then warme wort, and oates baked in an ouen, being sure that the horse be kept fasting the first night before he receiue his medicine. Others suppose that if into the wort which he drinketh, you do put euery morning two or three spoonfull of the powder made of Agrimony, red rose leaues, Sac [...]harum, Rosac [...]um, Diarchadon, Abbatis, Di­santalon, Licoras, and of the liuer of a Wolfe, that is more excellent. Others hold that this powder gi­uen with goates milke luke warme, is very good. Others hold that malmsey and the iuyce of feather [...] few giuen to drinke is also good. Others vse (and I hold it equall with the best) to take an ounce of Sulphur vi [...]e, beaten into fine powder, and a peny waight of Myrre, beaten to very fine powder; mixe them together with a new layed egge, and giue them to drinke with halfe a pint of Malmsey: vse this diuers times, and keep the horse warme; yet sepa­rate him from other horses, for this disease is infecti­ous.

CHAP. 63. Of the diseases in the Gall.

AS is the liuer, euen so the gall of a horse is sub­iect to diuers and many infirmities, as to obstru­ctions, from whence floweth the fulnesse and empti­nesse of the bladder, and stone in the gall; and these [Page 133] obstructions do chance two seuerall waies: first when the passage by which choler should passe from the li­uer vnto the bladder of the gall, as vnto his proper receptacle is stopped, and so the bladder of the gall remaineth empty: for you are to vnderstand that the gall is none other thing then a long, slender, little greenish bladder fixed vnderneath the liuer, which doth receiue all the cholericke bitter moysture, which would otherwise offend not onely the liuer, but the whole body also. Now if the passage vnto this neces­sary vessell be stopped, there cannot chuse but follow many infirmities, as either vomiting, the laxe, or the bloudy flixe.

Secondly, when the way whereby such choler should issue forth of the bladder of the gall downe into the guts and excrements, is closed vp, and so su­peraboundeth with too much choler; from whence springeth dulnesse of spirit, suffocating, belching, heate, thirst, and disposition to rage and fury; and truly to any beast there is not a more dangerous dis­ease then the ouerflowing of the gall. The signes of both these kindes of euils or obstructions, are yel­lownesse of the skinne infected with yellow iaundise, and a continuall costiuenesse of the body: and the cure of them are, according to the most ancient Farriers, to giue the horse milke and great store of saf­fron, boyled together, or in stead of milke to giue ale, saffron, and anise seedes mixed together. But there be other Farriers, with whom I much more do agree, which hold that selladine roots and leaues chopt and bruised, & boiled in beere, or for want of selladine, rue or hearbe of grace, and giuen the horse luke warme to drinke, is most soueraigne.

[Page 134]Now for the stone in the gall, which is of a blackish color, it cometh from the obstruction of the conduits of the bladder, whereby the choler being too long kept in, becommeth dry, and so conuerteth first into grauell, and after into a sollide and hard stone, of which both the signes and the cure, are those last be­fore rehearsed.

CHAP. 64. Of all such diseases as are incident to the Spleene.

THe Spleene is a long, narrow, flat, spongy sub­stance, of a pale fleshy colour, ioyning with the liuer & the gall; it is the receptacle of melancholy and the dregges of the bloud, and is as subiect to infirmi­ty as any inward member whatsoeuer, as to inflamma­tions, obstructions, knobbes and swellings; it through the sponginesse is apt to sucke in all manner of filth, and to dilate and spread the same ouer the whole bo­dy: the appearance thereof, is on the left side vnder the short ribs, where you shall perceiue some small swelling, which swelling giues great griefe to the mid­riffe, especially after a full stomacke, taking away much more of the horses disgestion then his appe­tite, and being suffered to continue, it makes faint the heart, and growes in the end to a hard knob, or stony substance.

This disease or diseases of the spleene, are incident to horses most in the Summer, proceeding from the surfaite or greedy eating of greene meates. The signe of which diseases are these, heauinesse, dul­nesse, paine on the left side, and hard swellings, short [Page 135] breath, much groaning, and an ouer hasty desire to his meate. The cure according to the opinion of our best Farriers, is to make the horse sweate either by la­bour or cloathes, then to giue him to drinke a quart of white wine, wherein hath bene boyled the leaues of Tamariske bruised, and a good quantity of comin seede beaten to powder, and giue it luke warme. O­thers vse after the horse hath sweat, to powre into his left nosthrell euery day the iuyce of Mirobalans, mixt with wine and water to the quantity of a pint. Others take of comin seede and hony, of each sixe ounces, of Lacerpitium as much as a beane, of vinegar a pint, & put all these into three quarts of water, and let it stand so all night, and giue the horse a quart thereof next morning, hauing fasted all night. Others make the horse a drinke of garlicke, nitrum, hore-hound, and wormewood, sodden in sharpe wine, and to bathe all the horses leftside with warme water, and to rubbe it hard. There be others which vse to cauterize or scarifie the horses left side with a hot yron; but it is barbarous and vile, and carrieth no iudgement in the practise.

CHAP. 65. Of the Yellowes or Iaundise.

AS before I sayd, from the obstructions or ouer­flowings of the gall and spleene doth spring this disease which our common Smiths call the yellowes, and our better Farriers the iaundise; and you shall vn­derstand, that of this yellowes or iaundise there are two kinds, the first an ouerflowing of choler procee­ding from the sicknesse of the gall, and it is called sim­ply [Page 136] the yellowes, or yellow iaundise; because the out­ward parts of the body, as eyes, skinne, mouth, inside of the lips, and such like, are dryed, and coloured yel­low: the other an ouerflowing of melancholy procee­ding from the sicknesse of the spleene, & is called the blacke yellows or blacke iaundise, because all the out­ward parts are blacke. Now both these iaundises or yellowes haue their beginnings from the euils of the liuer; the yellow iaundise when the liuer by inflam­mation, hath all his bloud conuerted into choler, and so ouerwhelmes the body: and the blacke iaundise when some obstruction in the liuer veine, which go­eth to the spleene, hindreth the spleene from doing his office, and receiuing the dregges of bloud from the liuer; or else when the spleene is surcharged with such dregges of the bloud, and so sheddeth them back againe into the veines. Now although this distinction of the blacke iaundise or blacke yellowes, will ap­peare strange vnto our common Farriers; yet it is most certaine that whensoeuer a horse dyeth of the yellowes, he dyeth onely of the blacke yellowes: for when it cometh vnto the case of mortality, then are al the inward powers conuerted to blacknesse, and the yellow substance is cleane mastered; but whilest the matter is yellow, so long the horses body is in good state of recouery. Besides, these yellowes do euer fol­low one the other, and the lesser hath no sooner got preheminence, but the greater pursues him; of all the inward diseases in a horse body, this is most com­mon, oftest in practise, and yet most mortal if it be not early preuented. The signes of this disease of yellow iaundise, are yellownesse of eyes, nosthrels, inside of lippes, the skinne, the yard and the vrine: his eares and [Page 137] his flankes will sweate, and he will groane when he lyeth downe, and he will not onely be faint, but vt­terly forsake his meate also. The cures which are at this day in practise for this disease, are infinite, and a world of them corrupt and poysonous: euery Smith almost making a medicine of his owne inuen­tion, God knowes weake and to little purpose; but for the best receipts which at this day are vsed by a­ny good Farrier whatsoeuer, I will deliuer you the whole catologue.

First, for the ancient Farriers, both Italian & French, they did vse to take of tyme and comin, of each like quantity, and stamping them together to mingle it with wine, hony, and water; and then to let him bloud in the pasternes.

But now the Farriers of latter dayes vse, first to let the horse bloud in the necke veine, suffering him to bleede till you perceiue the bloud to grow pure; then to giue him this drinke: Take of white wine or ale a quart, and put thereunto of saffron, of turmericke, of each halfe an ounce, and the iuyce that is wrong out of a great handfull of selladine, and being luke warme giue it the horse to drinke; then keepe him warme the space of three or foure dayes, giuing him warme water with a little branne in it. Others vse after the horse is let bloud in the necke veine: First to rake him then to gim him a sup­positary made of Salt, Hony, and Marioram, and then giue him to drinke, halfe an ounce of myrre, dissolued in a quart of wine or ale. Others vse to giue after bloud letting, onely cold water and ni­trum mixt together. There be others which after bloud letting, will onely stoppe his eares with [Page 138] felladine, and then bind them fast vp, and let him haue no exercise for twelue howres after. Others vse after the letting him bloud to giue him a glister; then to take saffron and turmericke, and mixing them with a quart of milke to giue it him to drinke luke warme. Others vse to let the horse bloud in the third barre of the roofe of his mouth with a sharpe knife, and after he hath bled well, to take a halfe peny worth of En­glish saffron, and a peny worth of turmericke, and a new layed egge, with the shell and all small broken, and mixe it in a quart of stale ale or beere; and so set him vp warme. Others vse to take after bloud let­ting of turmericke and of saffron a like quantity, and two or three cloues, and sixe spoonefull of vinegar or verdges, and to put into each eare of the horse, three spoonefull thereof, and then stoppe his eares with black wolle, & so tye them vp for seuen or eight dayes after. Others take long pepper, graines, turmericke, and licoras, all beaten into fine powder; then brew them with a quart of strong beere or ale, and giue it the horse to drinke. Others vse after raking & bloud letting to take the iuyce of Iuy leaues, & mingling it with wine, to squirt it into the horses nosthrels; and to let him drinke only cold water mixt with vitrum, and let his foode be grasse, or new hay sprinkled with wa­ter. Thus you haue seene, I dare well affirme, all the best practises which are at this day knowne for this disease; & where they all faile▪ there is no hope of cure; yet let me thus farre further informe you. This disease of the yellowes or iaundise, if the keeper or maister be not a great deale the more skilfull and carefull, will steale vpon you vnawares, and (as I haue often seene) when you are in the middest of your iourney, remote [Page 139] and distant farre from any towne that can giue you succour, it may be your horse will fall downe vnder you, and if you should let him rest till you fetch him succour, questionlesse hee will bee dead. In this ex­tremity you haue no helpe but to draw out a sharpe poynted knife, dagger, or rapier for a neede, and as neare as you can (opening the horses mouth) strike him bloud about the third barre of the roofe of his mouth; and so letting him eate and swallow his owne blood a good while, then raise him vp, and be sure he will go as fresh as euer he did; but after you come to place of rest, then bee sure to bloud him and drench him as aforesayd, or else there will a worse fit come vpon him. Now to conclude for the blacke iaundise, which of some Farriers is called the dry yellow, though for mine owne part I hold it to be incurable, yet there be other Farriers which are of a contrary humour, and prescribe this physicke for the cure thereof: first, to giue the horse a glister made of oyle, water, and nitrum, after his fundament is raked; then to powre the decoction of mallowes, mingled with sweete wine, into his nosthrels, and let his meate be grasse, or hay sprinkled with water, and a little nitre, and his prouender dryed oates: hee must rest from labour, and be often rubbed. Now there be other Farriers, which for this disease would onely haue the horse drinke the decoction of wilde cole-worts sodden in wine; the effects of all which I onely referre to experience.

CHAP. 66. Of the Dropsie, or euill habit of the body.

WHereas we haue spoken before of the con­sumption of the flesh, which proceedeth from surfaits, ill lodging, labour, colds, heates, and such like: you shall also now vnderstand, that there is another drinesse or consumption of the flesh, which hath no apparant cause or ground, and is called of Farriers a dropsie or euill habite of the body; which is most apparantly seene when the horse by dislike doth leese his true naturall colour, as when baynesse turnes to dunnesse, blackes to duskishnes, & whites to ashinesse; and when he leeseth his spirit, strength, and alacrity. Now this cometh not from the want of nutriment, but from the want of good nutriment, in that the bloud is corrupted either with fleame, choler, or melancholy, coming (according to the opinion of the best Farriers) either from the spleene, or the weaknes of the stomacke or liuer causing naugh­ty disgestion. Others thinke it cometh from fowle fee­ding, or much idlenesse; but for mine owne part, al­beit I haue had as much tryall of this disease, as any one man; and that it becometh not me, to controll men of approued iudgements; yet this I dare auerre, that I neuer saw this disease of the euill habite or euill colour of the body, spring from any other groundes, then either disorderly and wilde riding: or from hunger, or barraine woody keeping. Be­twixt it and the dropsie, there is small or no diffe­rence: for the dropsie being diuided into three kindes, this is the first thereof, as namely an vniuer­sall [Page 141] swelling of the body, but especially the legges, through the aboundance of water lying betweene the skinne and the flesh. The second, a swelling in the couering or bottome of the belly, as if the horse were with foale; which is onely a whayish hu­mour abiding betwixt the skinne and the rimme: and the third a swelling in the same place by the like humour, abiding betwixt the great bagge and the kell. The signes of this disease are shortnesse of breath, swelling of the body or legges, losse of the horses na­turall colour, no appetite vnto meate, and a continu­all thirst; his backe, buttockes, and flankes, will be dry, and shrunke vp to their bones; his veines will be hidde that you cannot see them; and wheresoe­uer you shall presse your finger hard against his body, there you shall leaue the print thereof behind you, and the flesh will not rise of a good space af­ter: when he lyeth downe, he will spreade out his limbes, and not draw them round together, and his haire will shedde with the smallest rubbing. There be other Farriers which make but onely two drop­sies, that is, a wet dropsie, and a windy dropsie; but being examined, they are all one with those recited, haue all the same signes and the same cure, which according to the ancient Farriers is in this sort. First, to let him be warme couered with many cloathes, and either by exercise or otherwise driue him into a sweate; then let his backe and body be rubbed against the haire, and let his foode be for the most part, cole-worts, smallage, and Elming bowes, or what else will keepe his body soluble, or prouoke vrine: when you want this foode, let him eate grasse, or hay sprinckled with water, and sometimes [Page 142] you may giue him a kinde of pulse called Ciche, stee­ped a day and a night in water, and then taken out and layed so as the water may drop away.

There be other Farriers which only would haue the horse to drinke parsley stampt and mixt with wine, or else the roote of the hearbe called Panax stampt and mixt with wine. Now whereas some Farriers aduise to slit the belly a handfull behinde the nauell, that the winde and water may leasurely issue forth, of mine owne knowledge I know the cure to be most vile; nor can it be done, but to the vtter spoyle and killing of the horse: for a horse is a beast, & wanting know­ledge of his owne good, will neuer be drest but by violence, and that violence will bring downe his kell, so as it will neuer be recouered. Now for these dropsies in the belly, although I haue shewed you the signes and the cures, yet are they rare to be found, and more rare to be cured; but for the other dropsie, which is the swelling of the legges, and the losse of the colour of the haire, it is very ordinary and in howrely practise: the best cure wherof, that euer I found, is this. Take of strong ale a gallon, & set it on the fire, & skum off the white frothwhich riseth: then take a handfull of wormwood without stalke, and as much rue in like manner without stalkes, and put them into the ale, and let them boyle till it be come almost to a quart, then take it off, and straine it exceedingly: then dis­solue into it three ounces of the best treacle, and put in also an ounce and a halfe of long pepper, and graines beaten to very fine powder: then brew them all together till it be no more but luke warme, and so giue it the horse to drinke; the next day let him bloud on the necke veine, and annoynt his fore­legges [Page 143] with traine ovle, and so turne him into good grasse, and feare not his recouery.

CHAP. 67. Of the diseases in the Guts of a horse, and first of the Cholicke.

THe guts of a horse are subiect to many and sundry infirmities, as namely, to the winde cholike, fretting of the belly, costiuenesse, laxe, bloudy flixe, and wormes of diuers kinds. Now for the cholicke, it is a grieuous and tormenting paine in the great gut or bagge, which because it is very large and spacious, and full of empty places, it is the more apt to receiue diuers offencied matters, which do breede diuers in­firmities, especially winde, which finding no ready passage out, maketh the body, as it were, swell, and of­fendeth both the stomacke & other inward members. This disease doth not so much appeare in the stable as abroad in trauell: and the signes are these: the horse will often offer to stale but cannot, he will strike at his belly with his hinder foote, and many times stampe, he will forsake his meate, and towards his flanke you shall see his belly appeare more ful then ordinary, and he will desire to lye downe and wallow. The cure thereof according to the most ancient Farriers, is one­ly to giue him a glister made either of wild cowcum­bers, or else of hens dung, nitrum, and strong vinegar, the manner whereof you shall see in the chapter of glisters; and after the glister labour him.

Others vse to giue the horse the vrine of a child to drinke, or a glister of sope and salt water. Others vse to giue him fiue drams of myrre in good wine, and then [Page 144] gallop him gently thereupon. Others vse to giue him smallage and parsley with his prouender, & then to trauell him till he sweate; but for mine owne part, I hold it best to take a quart of malmsey, of cloues, pepper, cinamon, of each halfe an ounce; of sugar halfe a quarterne, & giue the horse luke warm, & then ride him at least an houre after; but before you ride him annoynt all his flankes with oyle de bay, or oyle of Spike. Now if whilest you ride him he will not dung, you shal then take him, and if neede be, enforce him to dung, by thrusting into his fundament a pild onion iagged crosse-wayes, that the tickling of the iuice may enforce ordure; and by no meanes for foure of fiue dayes let him drinke no cold water, nor eate any grasse or greene corne, but keepe him vpon wholesome dry meate in a warme stable.

CHAP. 68. Of Belly-ake, or fretting in the Belly.

Besides the cholike, there is also another grieuous paine in the belly, which Farriers cal the belly-ake, or fretting in the belly; and it proceedeth either from eating of greene pulse when it growes on the ground, or raw vndryed pease, beanes or oates: or else when sharpe fretting humours, inflammations, or aboun­dance of grosse matter, is gotten betweene the great gut and the panicle. The signes are much wallow­ing, great groaning, and often striking at his belly, and gnawing vpon the manger. The cure according to the opinion of some Farriers, is first, to anoynt your hand with sallet oile, or butter, or grease; & then thru­sting it in at the horses fundament, pull out as much [Page 145] dung as you can reach, which is called raking a horse; then giue him a glister of water and salt mixt toge­ther, or in stead thereof, giue him a suppositary of ho­ny and salt, and then giue him to drinke the powder of centuary and wormwood brewd with a quart of malmsey. Others vse onely to giue the horse a suppo­sitary of New-castle sope, and for mine owne part, I hold it onely the best.

CHAP. 69. Of Costiuenesse, or Belly-bound.

COstiuenesse or belly-bound is when a horse is so bound in his belly that he cannot dung; it is a dis­ease of all other most incident to running horses, which are kept in a dry and hot dyet. Now my mai­sters, the great Farriers, affirme, that it proceedeth from glut of prouender, or ouer much feeding, and rest; or from winde, grosse humours, or cold, cau­sing obstructions and stoppings in the guts; but I sup­pose (& imagine that all the best keepers of hunting or running horses, will consent with me) that it rather proceedeth from much fasting, whereby the gut wanting fresh substance to fill it, doth out of it owne great heate bake and dry vp that little which it con­taineth: for it is a certaine rule that nothing can ouerflow before it be full. Or else it may proceede from eating too much hot and dry foode, which suc­king vp the fleame and moysture of the body, leaues not sufficient whereby it may be disgested; how­euer, it is a dangerous infirmity, and is the be­ginning of many other euils. The signes are onely abstinence from the office of nature (I mean dunging) [Page 146] which is most vsuall in all beasts. The cure whereof according to the opinion of the ancientest Farrier, is to take the water wherein mallowes haue bene long boyled to the quantity of a quart; and put thereto halfe a pint of oyle, or in stead thereof halfe a pint of butter very sweete, and one ounce of Benedicte Laxa­tiue, and powre that into his fundament glister-wise: then with a string fasten his tayle hard to histuel, and then trot the horse vp and downe a pretty while, that the medicine may worke so much the better; then let his tayle loose, and suffer him to voyd all that is in his belly: then bring him into the stable, and hauing stood a while, giue him a little well clarified hony to drinke; then couer him and keepe him warme, and let his drinke for three or foure dayes, be nothing but sweete mashes of malt and water. Other Farriers vse to take eleuen leaues of Lorell, and stamping them in a morter, giue it the horse to drinke with one quart of strong ale. Others vse to take an ounce of brimstone finely beaten to powder, and mixing it with spurge, to giue it the horse in a mash to drinke. Now for mine owne part, I would wish you, if the disease he not ve­ry extremely violent, onely but to rake the horses fundament, and then to gallop him in his cloathes till he sweate, and then giue him a handfull or two of cleane rye, and a little brimstone mixt with it: for brimstone being giuen with prouender at any time, will scoure; but if the disease be raging and vio­lent, take a quarter of a pound of white sope, and a handfull of spurge, bray them very well together, and giue it the horse to drinke with a quart of ale luke warme; then let him fast and exercise him more then halfe an howre after, and be sure to keepe him very [Page 147] warme, and let his drinke be onely warme mashes. A world of other scouring receipts there be; but you shall finde them more at large in the chapter of purga­tions, glisters and suppositaries.

CHAP. 70. Of the Laxe, or too much scouring of Horses.

THe laxe, or open fluxe of a horses body, is a dan­gerous disease, and quickly bringeth a horse to great weaknes and faintnes: it proceedeth sometimes from the aboundance of cholericke humors, descen­ding from the liuer or gall down into the guts: some­times by drinking ouermuch cold water immediately after prouender, sometimes by sodaine trauelling vp­on a full stomacke before his meate be digested, somtimes by hasty running or galloping presently af­ter water; & sometimes by licking vp a feather, or ea­ting hens dung: there is no disease that taketh more sore vpon a horse in short time then this; and yet sith nature her selfe in this disease seemeth to be a Physiti­on to the horses body, I would not wish any Farrier to go about too suddenly to stop it; but if you finde that by the continuance, nature both leeseth her owne strength, and the horse the good estate of his body, then you shall seeke remedy, and the cure thereof ac­cording to the opinion of ancient Farriers, is this. Take of beane flowre and Bolarmony, of each a quarterne; mixe them together in a quart of redde wine, and giue it the horse luke warme to drinke, & let him be kept very warme and haue much rest: also let the water that he drinketh be luke warme, and mixt with beane flowre; yet by no meanes let him drinke aboue once in foure and twenty howres; and then [Page 148] not to his full satisfaction. Others take a pint of redde wine, the powder of one nutmegge, halfe an ounce of cinamon, and as much of the rinde of a pomegranat, and mixing them together, giue it the horse luke warme to drinke; and let him not drinke any other drinke, except it be once in foure and twenty howres, halfe a horses draught of warme water mixt with beane flowre. Others take a halfe peny worth of a­lume beaten into fine powder, and Bole-armony bea­ten small, and a quart of good milke; mingle them together till the milke be all on a curd, and then giue it the horse to drinke, obseruing the dyet before rehearsed; but if this disease shall happen to a suck­ing foale, as commonly it will, and I my selfe haue seene many that for want of experience haue peri­shed thereby, you shall then onely giue it a pint of strong verdges to drinke, and it is a present remedy: for the foale feeding only vpon milke, and that milke auoyding in as liquid forme as it was receiued, the verdges will curdell it, & so make it auoyd in a grosser and more tougher substance.

CHAP. 71. Of the Bloudy flixe in Horses.

IT is not to be doubted but that a horse may haue the bloudy flixe, for in my experience I haue seene it, besides the confirmation of all my maisters, the old Farriers. Now of the bloudy flixe they make diuers kindes: for somtimes the fat of the slimyfilth which is voyded, is sprinkled with a little bloud: sometimes the excrement is a watrish bloud like the water wherein bloudy flesh hath bene washed: sometimes [Page 149] bloud mixed with melancholy, and sometimes pure bloud; but all these proceeding from one head, which is the exulceration of the gut, they may all very well be helped one cure. Yet that you may know whe­ther the exulceration bee in the inward small guts, or in the outward great guts, you shall obserue i [...] the matter and bloud be perfectly mixt together, then it is in the inner small guts; but if they be not mixed, but come out seuerally, the bloud most commonly follo­wing the matter, then it is in the thicke outward guts. Now this bloudy flixe cometh most commonly of some sharp humors, ingendred either by naughty raw food, or vnreasonable trauell; which humours being violently driuen, and hauing to passe through many crooked & narrow wayes, do cleaue to the guts, and with their heate and sharpnesse fret them, & cause ex­ulceration & grieuous paine. Sometimes this bloudy flixe may come from extreme cold, extreme heate, or extreme moistnesse, or through the violence of some extreme scouring formerly giuen, wherein some poysonous simple, as Scamony, Stibium, or such like, might be applyed in too great a quantity; or it may come from the weaknesse of the liuer, or the other members which serue for disgestion. The signes of this disease, is onely the auoyding bloud with his excrements, or bloud in stead of excrements: and the cure according to the opinion of the ancient Farriers, is to take saffron one ounce, of Myrre 2 ounces, of sou­thernwood 3 ounces, of parsley 1 ounce, of rue 3 oun­ces, of spittlewort & hyssop of each 2 ounces, of cassia which is like cinamon, one ounce; let all these be bea­ten into fine powder, & mingled with chalk & strong vinegar, wrought into paste; of which paste make little [Page 150] cakes, and dry them in the shadow, and being dry­ed, dissolue some of them in a pint and a halfe of bar­ley milke, or for want thereof, in that iuyce which is called Cremor ptisanae, and giue it the horse to drinke: for it not onely cureth the bloudy flixe, but being gi­uen with a quart of warme water, it healeth all griefe and paine either in the belly or bladder, which cometh for want of staling. Now for mine owne part, I haue e­uer vsed for the bloudy flixe but this medicine only. Take of red wine 3 pints, halfe a handful of the hearbe called Bursa Pastoris, or shepheards purse, and as much Tanners barke taken out of the fat and dryed; boyle them in the wine till somewhat more then a pint be consumed, and then straining it very hard, giue it the horse luke warme to drinke: if you do adde vnto it a little cinamon, it is not amisse. There be other Farriers which vse to dissolue in a pint of red wine foure ounces of the sirrop of slowes, and giue it the horse to drinke; but either of the other medicines are fully sufficient.

CHAP. 72. Of the falling downe of a horses Fundament.

HOrses sometimes by meanes of the disease for­merly spoken of, which is the bloudy flixe, and sometimes by a naturall weaknesse in the inward bo­wels, coming through the resolution of the muscles seruing to draw vp the fundament, will many times haue their fundaments fall downe in great length, both to the much paine of the horse, and great loath­somenesse to the beholders. Now the resolution or falling downe, may come partly by ouermuch strai­ning [Page 151] to dung when a horse is costiue, and partly by o­uer great moysture, as it happens in young children: for then a horse, no creature hath a moyster body. Now the signe is the apparant hanging downe of the fundament, and the cure is this. First, you shall looke whether the fundament be inflamed, that is, whether it be much sweld or no; if it be not inflamed, then you shall annoynt it with oyle of roses warmed on a cha­fing dish and coales, or for want of such oyle, you shall wash it with warme red wine; but if it be infla­med, then you shall bathe it well with a soft spunge dipt in the decoction of mallowes, camomill, linseed and fenegreeke, and also you shall annoynt it well with oyle of camomill and dill mingled together, to asswage the swelling; and then with a gentle hand & warme linnen cloathes, thrust it faire and softly vp in­to his true place: that done, bathe all the tuell about with red wine, wherein hath beene sodden Acatium, galles, acorne cuppes, and the parings of quinces: then throw vpon it either the powder of Bolearmo­nicke, or of frankinsence, or Sanguis Draconis, Myrre, A­catium, or such like, & then giue him to drinke the dry pils of Pomegranats beaten to powder, either with wine or warme water; and be sure to keepe the horse very warme, and in his body neither too soluble or loose, nor too costiue or hard bound, but of a meane and a soft temper: for the extremity of either is most hurtfull.

CHAP. 73. Of the Bots, Truncheons and wormes in a horses body.

MY Maisters, the old Farriers, are of opinion that the guts of a horse do breede three sorts of [Page 152] wormes, that is to say, little short wormes with great red heads, and long smal white tayles, which we call bots; short & thick worms all of a bignesse like a mans finger, which we call Truncheons; and great long wormes as bigge as a mans finger, and at least sixe inches in length, which we call by the simple name of wormes onely.

Now for mine part, I am of opinion, that the first which are bots, are not bred in the guts but in the sto­macke onely; because hauing cut vp many horses, I neuer could finde any one bot in the guts, yet great store of both the other wormes; nor euer cut vp the stomacke of a horse, but I found great aboundance of bots, and neither of the other wormes: whence I am confidently opiniated, that bots are euer bred in the stomacke, and both the other sorts of wormes in the guts: truth it is, that all three do proceede from one selfe cause, which is a raw, grosse, & flegmatike matter apt to putrifaction, and ingendred by foule & naugh­ty feeding; and as they proceede from one selfe cause, so haue they all one signe and one cure. The signes then are, the horse will forsake his meate, and not stand vpon his legges, but wallow and tumble, and beate his belly with his feete; and sometimes the paine will be so extreme that he will beate his head a­gainst the ground; and truly the violence of these wormes are wonderfull: for I haue seene horses whose stomacks haue bene eaten quite through with them, so that the meate which they ate, could not a­bide in their stomacke, but fell vpon the swallowing into the body, making the body swell like a tun, and so haue dyed with huge torment. Now the cure, ac­cording to the ancientest Farriers, is to take a quart [Page 153] of sweete milke, of hony a quarterne, and giue it him luke warme; then walke him vp and downe for the space of an houre after, and so let him rest for that day with as little meate and drinke as may be; and by no meanes suffer him to lye downe. The next day when the horse is fasting, take of rue a handfull, of Sauin as much, and being well stampt, put thereunto a lit­tle brimstone, and a little foote of a chimney beaten into fine powder; put all these things together in a quart of wort or new ale, and there let them lye in steepe the space of an howre or two, then straine it hard through a faire cloath, and giue it the horse to drinke luke warme: then bridle him and walke him abroad the space of an howre, then set him vp, and let him stand on the bit, two or three howres after, and then giue him a little hay. Other Farriers vse on­ly to giue the horse for this disease, the warme guts of a new slaine henne or chicken, being thrust downe the horses throate; and sure it is passing good, espe­cially if a little salt be mixed with them: and this must be done three mornings together fasting, kee­ping the horse from drinking three or foure howres after. Others vse to take three ounces of the rootes of Caphers beaten with halfe so much vinegar, and put it downe the horses throate: or else a pint of milke, & a spoonfull of sope giuen the horse to drinke, or brimstone and milke giuen to drinke, all be very so­ueraigne. Others vse to binde about the snafle or bit mans dung new made, and so ride him therewith. O­thers take of Gentian, Aloes, and Sauin, of each halfe an ounce, and brew them together with hony and strong ale. Others vse to take onely a quart of cold sweete wort. Others take Sauin & Southerwort, or else [Page 154] wormewood, and the tops of broome small chopt, and mixe it with the horses prouender. Others vse to giue the horse to drinke luke warme, elder berries sodden in milke. Others vse to giue the horse with his prouender, his owne haire chopt small, and mixt with bay salt. Others put hot embers in water, and presently straine it and giue it the horse to drinke. O­thers make little round balles of honey, and the fine powder of chalke, and putting them into ale make the horse swallow them. Others vse to take, especial­ly for the long wormes, a halfe peny worth of Fene­greeke, of anise seedes, a quarter of a pound, a halfe­peny worth of bay berries, as much licoras, and as much turmericke, and a little quantity of brimstone; beate them into powder, put them into a quart of ale, and giue it the horse fasting luke warme to drinke; then ride him an howre after, then set him vp warme foure and twenty howres after. Others vse, especially for the Truncheons, to take two spoonefull of the powder of wormewood, finely fearst, and put it in a pint of good malmsey, and after it is brewd a while, let it stand and soake all night; then giue it the horse in the morning fasting, then keepe him without meate or drinke foure houres after. Others vse to giue the horse to drinke, two spoonefull of wormeseede, & as much brimstone or powder of Sauin, with a quart of malmsey, ale, or beere. Others vse to take as much blacke sope as a wal nut, and as much brimstone bea­ten to powder, and a heade or two of garlicke pild & bruised, and put into a quart of good ale, and giue it the horse luke warme to drinke. This medicine also may be administred to a Mare great with foale if she be troubled with the bots or other wormes, so that [Page 155] the blacke sope be left out; for it is a violent purger, and may kill the foale in the mares belly; yet for mine owne part, I neuer giue any inward physicall medi­cine to a mare great with foale; but if I finde her to be troubled with wormes, as is easie to be done by the stinking of her breath, by the sliminesse of her mouth, and by the greatnesse of the worme veines vnder her lips: then presently I do nothing but let her bloud in the roofe or palat of her mouth, and make her eate her owne bloud: for that I know, will both kill worms, and help most inward maladyes. But leauing mares with foale, let vs returne againe vnto horses. There be other Farriers which vse to take a handfull of new hens dung, & a quart of stale ale, and braying them well together, then take a handfull of bay­salt, and put two egges to it, and hauing mixt them all well together, giue it the horse to drinke, Others vse to take a halfe peny worth of saffron, and as much allum, and mixe them with a pint of milke, and giue it the horse to drinke: or else giue him greene willow and greene reede to eate. Others vse (and thinke it the best of all other medicines) to take the guttes of a young hen, or pidgeon, and rolle it first in a little blacke sope, then in baysaylt, and so force it downe the horses throate. Others vse (especially for the Truncheons) to let the horse drinke hennes dung, mints, sage, and rue, with beere or ale, and to let him bloud in the nosthrels. To conclude, except you see the horse very much pained, you shall need to giue him nothing but rosen and brimstone mixt together, and blended with his prouender, hauing care that e­uer you giue it fasting, and long before the horse do drinke.

CHAP. 74. Of paine in the horses Kiddneyes.

There is no question but the same infirmities which do belong vnto the liuer or spleene of a horse, do also belong vnto the kidneyes, as inflammations, obstructions, apostumes and vlcers; and truly in o­pening of horses, I haue found the kidney sometimes wasted, which I imputed to some matter of inflam­mation: I haue likewise found much grauell, which was onely through obstructions; and I haue seene the kidneyes as blacke as inke, which could not come without an vlcerous apostumation: But forasmuch as a horse is a beast, who cannot tell the manner of his paine, nor we so heedfull as we might haue bene, to obserue the Symptome of euery griefe, we are enforst to conclude all vnder one name, which is paine in the kidneyes, gotten either by some great straine in lea­ding, or by some great burthen bearing. The signes are, the horse will go rolling and staggering behind, his vrine will bee blackish and thicke, and his stones, if he haue any, will be shrunke vp into his body; if he haue none, you shall perceiue the sheath of his yard to be drawne backeward, and the great veine which runneth vp the inside of his thigh, cal­led the kidney veine, will flacke and beate continu­ally. The cure according to the opinion of the ancient Farriers, is first, to bathe his backe and loynes, with oyle, wine and Nitrum, warmed together; and after he is bathed couer him with warme clothes, and let him stand in litter vp to the belly; then giue him to drinke water wherein hath ben sodden dill, fennell, [Page 157] anise seedes, smallage, parsley, spicknard, myrre, and cassia, or as many as you can conueniently get of these simples. The next morning fasting giue him to drinke, a quart of ewes milke, or for want thereof, halfe so much sallet oyle, and Deeres suet molten together: or, if you can get it, the roote of daffadill boyled in wine, and let his prouender bee dryed oates; and in this dyet keepe him about tenne dayes, and he will recouer.

CHAP. 75. Of the diseases belonging to the Bladder or Vrine, and first of the Strangury

ACcording to the determinate opinion of all the best & ancientest Horse-leaches, the bladder of a horse is subiect to three dangerous diseases, as first, the Strangury or Strangullion; the second, the Paine­pisse; & the third, the Stone, or Pissupprest. Now for the first, which is the strangury or strangullion, it is, when the horse is prouoked to stale often, and auoydeth nothing but a few droppes: it com­meth questionlesse, either by the heate & sharpnesse of vrine, caused either by great traueil, or by sharpe and hot meates and drinkes, or else by the exulce­ration of the bladder, or by meanes of some ap­postume in the liuer and kidneyes, which apostume being broken, the matter resorteth downe into the bladder, & with the sharpnes thereof causeth a conti­nuall prouocation of pissing. The signes are (as I sayd before) a continuall desire to pisse, yet auoiding no­thing but a few drops, & those with such pain, that he will whiske, wry, and beate his taile as he pisseth.

[Page 158]The cure whereof, is to bathe the horses hinder loines with warme water, and then take bread and bayes of Laurell, and temper them together with May butter, and giue him two or three balles thereof downe his throate three dayes together. Others vse) and I haue euer found it the best) to take a quart of new milke, & a quarterne of sugar, and brewing them well together, giue it the horse to drinke sixe mornings together, ob­seruing to keepe the horse from all sharpe meates, as mow-burnt hay, bran, and such like.

CHAP. 76. Of the Paine-pisse or pissing with paine.

THis disease of Paine-pisse, is when a horse cannot pisse but with great paine and labour, and doth proceede sometimes from the weaknesse of the blad­der, and the cold intemperature thereof; and some­times through the aboundance of fleame and grosse humors stopping the necke of the bladder: the signes whereof are, the horse will stretch himselfe out as though he would stale, and thrust out his yard a little, and with the paine clap his taile betwixt his thighes to his belly, and hauing stood so a good while, in the end stale a good quantity. The cure whereof, accor­ding to the opinion of some Farriers, is to take the iuyce of leekes, sweete wine and oyle, and mingling them together, to powre it into his right nosthrel, and walke him a little vp and downe vpon it: or else to giue him to drinke smallage seede, or else the roote of wilde fennell sodden with wine. Others vse to put fine sharpe onions cleane pild, and a little bruised into his fundament, and then to chafe him immediatly [Page 159] vpon it, either by riding him, or running him in a mans hand; or else to take the scraping of the inward parts of the horses owne houes, beaten into powder, and mingled with wine, and powre it into his right nosthrell, and then ride him vpon it. Others vse to leade the horse to a sheepe-coate, or sheepe-pen, where great store of sheepe are wonted: and ma­king the horse to smell of the dung and pisse of the sheepe, it will prouoke him to stale presently. Others vse to giue the horse white dogges-dung, dryed and mingled with Amoniacum, salt, and wine, to drinke, or else hogges dung onely with wine, or the dregges of horse-pisse and wine.

CHAP. 77. Of the Stone or Pissupprest in a Horse

THe stone or pissupprest in a horse, is when a horse would faine stale, but cannot at all; and therefore may well be called the suppression of of the vrine: it proceedeth according to the opinions of my masters, the old Farriers, sometimes from the weaknesse of the bladder, when the water conduit is stopped with grosse humours, or with matter descending from the liuer; or from some inflammation or hard knobs gro­wing at the mouth of the conduit; or for that the si­newes of the bladder are numbed, so as the bladder is without feeling: or it may come by keeping a horse in long trauell, and not suffering him to stale; but most commonly and oftest it cometh from obstructi­ons in the kidneyes, where, by the causes aforesayd, a certaine redde grauell being bred and falling downe into the conduits, by the mixture of fleame and other [Page 160] grosse humours, is there brought to be a hard stone, and so stoppeth the passage of the vrine: for the signes there needeth no more but this, that he would faine pisse, but cannot. The cure accor­ding to the opinion of the most ancientest Farriers, is first to draw out his yard and bethe it well with white wine, and pricke it and scoure it well, lest it be stopped with durt and filthinesse; then put a little oile of camomill into his yard with a waxe candle, and a bruised cloue of garlike; but if that will not force him to stale, then take of parsley two handfuls, of cori­ander one handful: stamp them and straine them with a quart of white wine, & dissolue therein one ounce of cake sope, and giue it luke warme vnto the horse to drinke; and see that you keepe him as warme as may be, and let him drinke no cold water for the space of fiue or sixe dayes; and when you would haue him to stale, let it either bee vpon good plenty of straw, or vpon the grasse, or in a sheep-coate. Others (& those of the best esteeme for Horse-leach-craft at this day) vse onely to giue white wine, cake sope, and butter ve­ry well mixt together, and let the horse drinke it warme. Others vse to annoynt the horses belly first with warme water; then when it is dryed, to annoynt it againe with sallet oyle, horse-grease and tarre mixt together and made warme, and to hold a hot yron a­gainst his belly whilest it is in annoynting, that the oyntment may the better enter the skin: but I hold this medicine to be much better for the strangury or any other paine in the belly then for the stone; yet it is approued good for all. Others vse to take a pint of white wine or ale, & mixe with it a little garlicke, and the whites of ten egges, & giue it the horse to drinke: [Page 161] or else giue him the iuice of red cole-worts, mixt with white wine, or the roote of Alexanders, bruised & sod­den in wine to drinke, & wash his yard with vinegar. Others vse to take either wormewood, southerne­wood, or galingale, or mallowes, or pimpernell; some of these, or any one of these, stampt and strained, and giue it the horse with ale to drinke. Others vse to take a pint of white wine, halfe a pint of burre seede bea­ten very small, two ounces of parsley seede, halfe a handfull of hyssop, halfe an ounce of blacke sope; mixe them all well together, and warme it, and giue it the horse to drinke: or else take vnset leekes, and stampe them small, and sope, milke and butter; and being mixt together, giue it the horse to drinke. O­thers vse to take a nutmegge and a handfull of parsley seed, beate them to powder; then take as much but­ter and mixe them altogether in a quart of strong ale, and giue it the horse luke warme to drinke: or else take the seede of smallage, parsley, Saxefrace, the roots of Philupendula, cherry-stone kirnels, grummell seeds, and broome seedes, of each a like quantity; beat them into fine powder, and giue it the horse with a pint or a quart of white wine. Now albeit all these medicines before rehearsed, are in dayly practise, and approued very soueraigne, yet for mine owne part, I haue found none more soueraigne then this. Take a quart of strong ale, and put it into a pottle pot: then take as many keene radish rootes, cleane washed, being slit through and bruised, as will fill vp the pot: then stop­ping the pot very close that no ayre may come in, let it so stand foure and twenty howres; then straine the ale and the rootes very hard into a cleane vessell, and giue it the horse fasting in the morning to drinke: [Page 162] then ride him a little vp and downe, and so set him vp warme, and watch him, and you shall see him stale. This you must do diuers mornings together.

CHAP. 78. Of a Horse that pisseth bloud.

THere is nothing more certaine then that a horse many times will pisse bloud in stead of vrine, the cause (as the most ancient Farriers suppose) procee­ding from some one of these grounds: either ouer­much labour, or too heauy a burthen▪ especially when the horse is fat: for by either of them the horse may come to breake some veine in his body, and then you shall see cleare bloud come out, & no vrine at all; but if the bloud be mixt with vrine, then they suppose it cometh from the kidneyes, hauing some ragged stone therein, which through great trauell doth fret the veines of the kidneyes, and makes them bleed, through which as the vrine passeth, it taketh the bloud away with it also; but for mine owne part, I haue not found any greater cause for the pissing of bloud then the taking vp of a horse from grasse in the strength of winter (as about Christmas) and present­ly without a dayes rest in the stable, to thrust him vn­to a long and weary iourney: from this cause I haue seene many horses after two or three daies iourney to pisse bloud in most grieuous manner. The signes are needlesse. The cure according to the opinion of the ancient Farriers, is this: First, let the horse bloud in the palate of the mouth, to conuert the bloud the con­trary way; then take of Tragagant which hath bene steeped in wine halfe an ounce, & of poppy seed, one [Page 163] dramme, and one scruple, and of Storax as much, and twelue pine-apple kirnels; let all these things be bea­ten and mingled well together, and giue the horse thereof euery morning the space of seuen dayes the quantity of a wal-nut, infused in a quart of sweete wine. Other latter Farriers vse to let the horse bloud in the necke, and boyle that bloud with wheate, and with the powder of dryed pomegranate pils; then straine it, and giue it him three or foure mornings to­gether to drinke; and let him by no meanes trauell thereupon: or else giue him of husked beanes boyled with the huskes of acornes, beaten smal, and mixt to­gether. Others vse to make him a drinke with the rootes of Daffadill mingled with wheate flowre, and Sumach sodden long in water, and so to be giuen to the horse with sweet wine: or else to make him a drink of goates milke and sallet oyle, straining thereunto a little frumenty: or else to giue him sodden beanes & Deeres suet in wine; each of these are of like force & goodnesse. Now there be others which for this dis­ease do take barley, and seeth it in the iuyce of Gum­folly, and giue him the barley to eate, and the iuyce to drinke: or else take the powder of licoras and anise seeds, rold vp in hony, and make round balles there­of, and cast downe the horses throat two or three of them: or else licoras, anise seeds and garlicke bruised together with a little sallet oyle and hony, and giuen in a quart of new milke to the horse to drinke, is very soueraigne also; and these two medicines last rehear­sed, are exceeding good also for any cold or glanders.

CHAP. 79. Of the Colt euill.

THe colt euill by the most ancient Farriers, espe­cially the Italians, whose hot country affoordeth the beasts of more hot and strong natures then ours doth, is thought to be a continuall standing together with an vnnaturall swelling of the yard, proceeding either from some winde filling the arteries and hol­low sinew, or pipe of the yard; or else through the a­boundance of seede prouoked by the naturall heate of the horse; but our Farriers, who haue not seene that experience, because our horses are of colder temper, say it is onely a swelling of the sheath of the yard, and of that part of the belly about the yard, to­gether with the codde also, proceeding from corrupt seede which commeth out of the yard, and remaining within the sheath, there putrifieth: and this iudge­ment we finde by experience to be most true. Now you shall vnderstand that Geldings as well as horses are subiect thereunto, because they want naturall heat to expell their seed any further. The signes are onely the outward swelling of the sheath and codde, and none other: and the best cure is first to wash the sheath cleane with luke warme vinegar; then draw out the yard and wash that also: which done, ride the horse twice euery day, that is, morning and euening, into some deepe running water vp to the belly, tos­sing him to and fro, to allay the heate of members till the swelling be vanished; and if you swim him now & then, it will not do amisse. Others vse to bath his cods and yard with the iuice of houslicke, or with the wa­ter wherein kinholme hath beene sod. Now this [Page 165] colt euill will sometimes stoppe the horses vrine that he cannot pisse: then you shall take new ale, and a little blacke sope, and giue it the horse to drinke. Others vse to wash the horses coddes and sheath with butter and vinegar made warme. Others vse to wash his yard and coddes with the iuyce of hemlocke, or else take beane flowre, vinegar and Bolearmonicke, and mixing them together, lay it plaister-wise to his sheath and coddes. Others make him a plaister of wine-lees, houslicke and branne mixt together, and layd to his sheath and coddes; but if the first receipt will serue, I would not wish you to vse any other medicine.

CHAP. 80. Of the Mattering of the Yard.

THis disease of the mattering of the yard, is sel­dome seene but amongst the hot races or breedes of horses, as is the Ienet, the Barbary, and such like; and it happeneth euer at couering time, when the horse and mare both being too hot, do burne them­selues, by which meanes there issueth forth of the horses yard much filthy matter. The signes are the fal­ling downe of the matter, and a swelling at the end of the yard; and the horse can by no meanes draw vp his yard, or couer it within his sheath. The cure is to take a pint of white wine, & boyle therein a quar [...]erne of roch allum; & with a large serring or squirt, squirt in three or foure squirtfull into his yard one after a­nother; and be sure that your squirt go home vnto the bottome, that the liquor or lotion may scoure the bloudy matter away: this do fiue or sixe times euery day till the horse be whole.

CHAP. 81. Of the shedding of the Seede.

THe shedding of the seed, or the falling away of the sperme in horses, is none other then that which we call in men, the running of the reines: it cometh as our old Farriers say, either by aboundance & rank­nesse of seed, or by the weaknesse of the stones and seede vessels, not able to retaine the seede vntill it be disgested and thickned; but truly for mine owne part, I thinke it cometh oftner (especially amongst our En­glish horses) by some great straine in leaping, or by teaching a horse to bound, and making him bound the compasse of his naturall strength. The signes are onely the shedding of his seede, which will be white, thinne, and waterish. The cure according to the ancient experiments, is first to ride the horse into some cold water vp to the belly, insomuch that his stones may be couered with water: which done, bathe his fundament with water and oyle; then couer him exceeding warme, and giue him euery day to drinke, red wine and hogges dung till the fluxe of his seede stay; but latter experience hath found this receipt better. Take of red wine a quart, and put therein a little Acatium, the iuyce of plantan, and a little ma­sticke, and giue it him to drinke; and then bath all his backe with red wine, and oyle of roses mixt together; but other Farriers take Venice Turpentine, and being washt, beate it well with halfe so much sugar, & then make round balles as bigge as wal-nuts, and giue the horse fiue euery morning till the fluxe stay.

CHAP. 82. Of the falling downe of the yard.

THe falling downe of the yard is when a horse hath not strength to draw vp his yard within the sheath but lets it hang downe betweene his legges ill fauou­redly: it cometh (as our best Farriers suppose) either through the weaknesse of the member, by meanes of some resolution in the muscles and sinewes seruing the same, caused by some great straine or stripe on the backe: or else through extreme wearinesse and tiring. The signe is only the apparant hanging downe of the member: and the cure is (according to some opinions) to wash the horses yard in salt water from the sea, or for want thereof with water and salt; but if that do not preuaile, then pricke all the outmost skinne of the yard with a sharp needle, but yet as sleightly as may be, & not deep; and then wash all the pricks with strong vinegar, & this will not onely make him draw vp his yard againe, but also if at any time his funda­ment chance to fall, this cure will put it vp againe.

There be other Farriers which for this disease, will put into the pipe of the horses yard, hony and salt boyled together and made liquid, or else a quick flye, or a graine of Franckinsence, or a cloue of gar­licke cleane pilled and bruised, and bathe his backe with oyle, wine, and Nitre, made warme, and min­gled together. But the best cure according to our English practise, is first, to wash all the yard with white wine warmed, and then annoynt it with oyle of roses and hony mixt together, and so put it vp into the sheath, & with a little bolster of canuase keep it from falling downe; and dresse him thus once in [Page 168] foure and twenty howres, vntill he be recouered, and in any case let his backe be kept as warme as is possi­ble, both with cloth and a charge or plaister made of Bolearmonicke, egges, wheat-flower, Sanguis Dra­conis, Turpentine and vinegar, or else lay next his backe a wet sacke, or wet hay, and a dry cloth ouer it, and that will keepe his backe exceeding warme.

CHAP. 83. Of diseases incident to Mares, and first of the barrennesse of the wombe.

THe onely disease incident to the wombe of a Mare (as farre fourth as our Farriers are experien­ced) is barrennesse, which may proceed from diuers causes, as through the vntemperatnesse of the matrix, being either two hot and fierie, or two cold and moist, or too dry, or else too shorte, or too narrow, or ha­uing the necke thereof turned awry, or by meanes of some obstruction, or stopping in the matrixe, or in that the Mare is too fat, or too leane, and diuers other such like causes. Now the cure thereof according to the old Farriers, is to take a good handfull of leeks, and stampe them in a morter, with foure or fiue spo [...]nefull of wine, then put thereunto twelue flies called Cantharides, then straine them altogether with a sufficient quantity of water to serue the Mare there­with two daies together, by powring the same into her nature with a glister-pipe made for the purpose, and at the end of three daies next following, offer the horse vnto her that should couer her, and after she is couered, wash her nature twice together with cold water. There be others which vse to take of Nitrum, [Page 169] of sparrowes dung, and of Turpentine, of each like quantity well wrought together, and made like a suppositary; and put that into her nature, and it will cause her both to desire the horse, and also to conceiue. There be some of opinion, that it is good to put a nettle into the horses mouth that should couer her. Of all which let onely experience be your warrantise.

CHAP. 84. Of the pestilent Consumption in Mares.

THere is a certaine pestilent consumption incident to mares when they are with foale, proceeding from cold fleame, gathered by raw foggy food in the winter season, which descending from the kidneyes doth oppresse the matrixe, and makes the mare con­sume & pine away, so that if she be not holpen, she will want strength to foale her foale. The signes are a sudden leannesse, and a drooping of spirit, with much dislike of meate, and a continuall desire to be layed. The cure is to powre into her nosthrels three pints of fish brine, called Garume, three or foure mor­nings together, and if the griefe be very great, then to take fiue pints; and it will make her vent all fleame at her nosthrels.

CHAP. 85. Of the rage of Loue in Mares.

IT is reported by some of our English Farriers, that mares being proudly & high kept, will at the spring of the yeare, when their bloud begins to waxe warme, [Page 170] if they chance when they go to the water, to see their own shadowes therin, that presently they will fall into an extreme loue therewith, and from that loue into such a hot rage, that they will forget either to eate or drinke, and neuer cease running about the pasture, gazing strangely, and looking oft both about and be­hinde them. The cure of this folly is presently to leade the mare to the water againe, and there to let her see herselfe as before; and that second sight will vt­rerly extinguish the memory of the first, and to take away her folly.

CHAP. 86. Of Mares which cast their Foales.

THe occasions why Mares cast their Foales, that is, to foale them either before their times, or dead, are very many, as straines, stroakes, intemperate ri­dings, rushings, hard wintring, or too great fatnesse, and such like. Now you shall vnderstand that this a­borsment, or vntimely casting of a foale, is most dan­gerous to the life of the mare: for nature being, as it were, detained from her true and perfect custome, which is the preseruation of health, cannot chuse but giue way to the contrary, which is death and morta­lity, and the body and pores being set open to the aire before it be able to defend the cold, cannot chuse but be suffocated with vnwholesome vapours. If there­fore you haue a mare at any time which doth cast her foale, and withall falleth sicke vpon the same, you shall presently take her into the house, and set her vp very warme; then giue her two spoonful of the pow­der Dyapente, well brewd in a pint of strong sacke, and [Page 171] feede her with sweete hay and warme mashes for at least a weeke after.

CHAP. 87. Of Mares that are hard of foaling.

If it happen by any mischance, or otherwise, that the passages or other conduites, which leade from the matrix, be so straitned that the mare cannot foale, and so be in danger of her life: then it shall be good that you helpe her by holding and stopping her nosthrels with your hand in a gentle manner, that her breath may not haue passage; and she will foale with a great deale more ease, and much sooner: and sure the paine is nothing, because a mare alwaies foaleth stan­ding. Now if at any time when your mare hath foa­led, she cannot auoyd her secundine, which is the skinne wherein the foale is wrapped, in that naturall maner as she ought, you shall then take a good hand­full or two of fennell, and boyle it in water: then take halfe a pint of that, and another halfe pint of old wine, and put thereto a fourth part of oyle, and min­gle them altogether ouer the fire, and being but luke­warme, powre it into the mares nosthrels, and hold her nosthrels close with your hand to keep it in a pre­ty while after, and no question but she will voyd her secundine presently.

CHAP. 88. Of making a Mare to cast her Foale.

IF at any time you would haue your mare to cast her foale, as hauing present occasion to vse her, or [Page 172] in that the foale is not worthily inought begot, you shall take a pottle of new milke, and two handfuls of sauin chopt and bruised, and putting them to­gether, boyle them till one halfe bee consu­med; then straine it very hard, and giue it the mare luke warme to drinke; then presently gallop her a good pace, then set her vp; do thus two mor­nings, and before the third she will haue cast her foale. Other vse with their hand to kill the foale in the mares belly, but it is dangerous, and the former me­dicine is more sufficient. And thus much of the in­firmities of mares. Now let vs returne againe to hor­ses and mares in generall.

CHAP. 89. Of the drinking of Horse-leaches by Horses.

IF a horse at any time drinke downe horse-leaches, they will sucke his bloud, and kill him. The signes are, the horse will hang downe his heade to the ground, and aboundance of filthy slauer will fall from his mouth, and sometimes some bloud also. The cure is presently to giue him a pint of sallet oyle to drinke, and that will make them fall away and kill them.

CHAP. 90. Of swallowing downe Hens dung, or eating any vene­mous thing whatsoeuer.

IF a horse chance to swallow downe any hens dung with his hay, it will fret his guts, and make him to auoyd most filthy matter at his fundament. The [Page 173] cure whereof is to take a pint of wine, halfe a pint of hony, and two spoonefuls of smallage seede brui­sed, and mixing them well together, to giue it the horse to drinke; and then to walke him well vpon the same, that he may empty his belly. But if the horse chance to licke vp any other venemous thing, as neute, or such like, which you shall know by the instant swelling of his body, and the trembling of all his members; then the cure is first, to put him into a sweate, either by cloathes or exercise; then to let him bloud in the palate of the mouth, and looke how much hee bleedeth, so much let him swallow downe hot: or else giue him strong wine and salt mixt together: or else take the roote and leaues and fruite of bryony, which being burnt to ashes, giue the horse a good spoonefull thereof, with a pint of sweete wine to drinke. Now for mine owne part, I haue euer vsed to take a pint of sallet oyle, and two spoonefull of sugarcandy beaten to powder, and as much of the powder Diapente, and brewing them together, giue it the horse to drinke: or for want of Diapente, so much of the shauings ei­ther of Iuory, or of an old Stagges horne, especially the tippes thereof.

CHAP. 91. Of Purging Medicines in generall, and first of the Suppositary.

PVrging is sayd of our most ancientest Farriers, to bee an emptying and discharging of all super­flouous humours which distemper the body with their euill qualities: for such humours breede euill [Page 174] nutriment, which when it will not be corrected nor holpen with good dyet, alteration, nor the benefite of nature and kindly heate, then must it of force ei­ther be taken away by Purgation, Glister, or Supposi­tary. Now forasmuch as a horse is troubled with ma­ny diseases in the guts, and that nothing can purge the guts with that gentlenesse which a suppositary doth, I will here first begin to speake of suppositaries.

Vnderstand then that a horse being surfaited and full of euill humors, needing to be purged, it is best first to giue him a suppositary; lest if you should come to apply a glister, the great gut being stopped with dry, hard, and hot excrements, the me­dicine not able to worke beyond it, leese both labour and vertue; so that I make account the suppositary is but onely a preparatiue to the glister, and but onely to cleanse and make loose the great gut, which com­meth to the tuell. The gentlest suppositary then, and that which purgeth fleame in the best manner, is to take a square peece of cake sope, or white New-castle sope, about fiue or sixe inches long, and shauing it round till it be not aboue three inches about in the midst, & a little smaller at each end then in the midst; then annoynt it ouer with sallet oyle, & so with your hand thrust it vp more then a full spanne into his fun­dament; then suddenly clappe his taile to his tuell, and hold it hard and close more then halfe an howre, in which space the most part of the supposita­ry will be wasted; then gently take away your hand, and let him voyd the suppositary at his pleasure. The next suppositary to this, and which purgeth choler a­boundantly, is to take Sauin stampt small, staues-aker and salt, and boyle them in hony till it be thicke; then [Page 175] take and knead it, and rolle it of a pretty thicke long rolle, as before you were taught for the hard [...]ope, and administer it at his tuell. The next to this, and that which purgeth melancholy, is to take a keene onion, and pilling off the skinne, iagge it a little crosse-wise with your knife; and so thrust it vp into the horses fundament. There is besides these suppositaries, one o­ther suppositary, which is to take a quart of hony, and boyle it vpon the fire till it come to be thicke like a salue, then powre it forth vpon a table and knead it like a peece of dough: then when it begins to harden or grow stiffe (as it will do when it begins to coole) then rolle it vp vnder your hand, and make it in the forme of a suppositary, as is before shewed, and ad­minister it in the same maner. This suppositary is good to purge the gut off any foule humour, and therewith­all is comfortable vnto the body.

Now you must also vnderstand, that as these suppo­sitaries are preparatiues before glisters, so they are like­wise to be vsed simply of themselues, where the sick­nes of the horse carrieth no great danger: for vpon e­uery sleight occasion, or small drynesse which is to be dissolued with the most gentle medicine, to admini­ster a glister, were to bring the horses body to such an intemperate loosnes as would proue much worse then the contrary drynesse. Therefore I wish euery careful Farrier (because the body of a horse would not be tampered withal with too much physicke) first, in the case of costiuenesse, or inflammation of the inward parts, to approue a suppositary; which if it worke effe­ctually, and keepe the horses body soluble, then to proceede no further; but in case it do not, but that the offensiue matter still increaseth, then to admini­ster [Page 176] a glister; and where that faileth to take away the offence, to administer a purgation. Now by the way, you are to take with you this generall rule, and neuer to faile in the performance, which is, neuer to admi­nister either suppositary or glister, but first immediatly before you giue it, to take your horse, which raking is in this maner. First, you shall annoynt all your hand and arme ouer either with sallet oyle, sweete butter, or fresh grease; and then thrust it into the horses fun­dament, and draw out all the dung, fleame, and filthy matter that you can feele, euen as high vp as the great bagge: which done, then administer either your suppositary or glister, which you please, at your plea­sure; and in any case, whilest the horse is thus in phy­sicke, keepe him exceeding warme.

CHAP. 92. Of Glisters and their vses.

THe natures and properties of glisters are diuers, and therefore it is necessary that euery carefull Farrier learne to know to what end they serue, and with what drugs or simples they ought to be com­pounded: for euery glister is to be made according to the disease. Now of glisters, some are to ease griefes, and to allay the sharpnesse of the humours, some to binde, some to loosen, and some to purge, and some to heale vlcers. These glisters by cleansing the guts, refresh the vitall parts, and prepare the way before for euery inward and stronger purgation. Therefore whensoeuer a horse through the grosnesse of humors, corruption of bloud, or aboundance of fleame, cho­ler, or melancholy, is brought vnto that euill habite [Page 177] of body, that of necessity he must be purged, and that especially his paine is in his guts and body, you shall then as before I sayd (hauing made a probation of a suppositary) first of all administer a glister; lest by pur­ging suddenly with any purgation or potion, you stirre vp a multitude of euill humours, which finding no passage downeward (because the guts be stopped with winde and dregges) do strike vpwards, and so perhaps put the horse into much greater danger.

Now for the composition of glisters, you shall vn­derstand that they be made of foure things, that is, of decoctions, of drugges, of oyle, or such like vnctious matters, as butter, or soft grease; and fourthly of di­uers salts, to prouoke the vertue expulsiue. A decocti­on is the broth of certaine hearbs and simples boyled together in water vntill the third part be consumed. Now sometimes for want of such decoctions, you may if you please, vse some fat beefe broth, or the broth of a sheeps head, or such like, or milke or whay, or some such like liquor, mingled sometimes either with hony or with sugar, according to the quality of the disease; the glister being either lenitiue, that is to say, easing of paine; or glutinatiue, which is, ioyning of things together; or else abstersiue, which is, wiping away or cleansing of filthy matter. Now of this de­coction or broth being cleane strained, you shall neuer take aboue three pints at the most, and many times but a quart, into which you shall put such drugges as are needfull, exceeding not at the most, aboue three or foure ounces, according as the simples be more or lesse violent: of oyle you shall neuer vse in a glister a­boue halfe a pint, and of salt not aboue three or foure drams. You shall also continually administer your [Page 178] glister luke warme, either with some long horne, or a large glister pipe made for the purpose, and fixed to the largest bladder you can get; and this glister pipe is of all the best, and doth least loose labour. When you do administer a glister, you shall set the horses hinder parts somewhat higher then his foreparts, and then you shall put the glister pipe in at his tuell into his fundament vp to the head, and hauing the confecti­on within the bladder, wring it with good strength into his body. A glister would be administred to a horse when he is rather empty then full paunched, whether it be in the forenoone or after noone. Now for the retaining or holding of the glister in the horses body, three quarters of an howre is sufficient of what quality soeuer it be. Now you are to note by the way, that as soone as the glister is administred into the horses body, you must draw out the pipe with all the gentlenesse that may be, and suddenly clappe his taile to his tuell, and so hold it with your hand, with­out any mouing or stirring of the horse till the medi­cine haue had his full time of working. Now to come vnto particular glisters, that you may know which gli­ster is for which purpose, the first is: take of the pulpe of Coliquintida halfe an ounce, of Dragantium 3 quar­ters of an ounce, of Centuary & of wormewod, of each halfe a handfull, of Castoreum a quarter of an ounce; boyle them in three pints of water, then being strai­ned you shall dissolue therein of Gerologundinun three ounces, of salt three quarters of an ounce, and of oyle oliue halfe a pint, and so luke warme administer it gli­ster wise, as hath bene before expressed: this glister is exceeding soueraigne for the pestilence in horses, or for any feuer of what nature soeuer.

[Page 179]The next is to take the decoction of mallowes, and to mixe therewithall, either fresh butter, or sallet oyle, and so luke warme administer it: this is of all glisters the most gentlest, and as the former glister is abster­siue or cleansing, so this is leuitiue and a great easer of paine; it is most soueraigne for a horse that is taken, or that hath any contraction or convultion, and gene­rally for any costiuenesse in a horse whatsoeuer, pro­ceeding from inward surfaite or sicknesse, as from the surfaite by prouender, foundring in the body, and such like. The next is to take of salt water, or cleane brine a quart, and dissolue therein a pretty quantity of sope, and then luke warme administer it: this gli­ster is good for the cholicke or any s [...]cknesse of the guts or belly. And thus from these three glisters you may compound many glisters; but in mine opini­on, if you vse no more but them onely, they will be fully sufficient.

CHAP. 93. Of Purgations and their vses.

THe purging of horses is euer by one of these two wayes, either by pils or by potion: pils are any so­lid and substantiall stuffe fixed together in one body, and being made into round balles, are cast downe the horses throat; and potion, is when you giue the horse any liquid purging matter to drinke, whether it be purging powders dissolued in wine or ale: or that it be any other liquid stuffe. Now for pils they onely purge and make cleane the head and braine, bringing fleame and other grosse humours downe into the ex­crements; and potions cleanse the stomacke, guts, and [Page 180] euery other inward member. Now the art of the care­full Farrier is in choosing the simples, whereof these pils or potions are to be compounded, and in aptly or artificially applying the same. First then, it is need­full that euery Farrier (before he go about to purge his horse) know with what ill humour a horse is opprest, as whether it proceede from choler, fleame, or melan­choly, and where the humours do most abound; and then what simples are best to purge those humors, and with what property, quality and temperament they bee indued; f [...]r some simples are most violent, and next cousins to strong p [...]ysons, as Scamony, or Coloquin­tida: some againe are gentle, and rather nourishing then medicinall, as Manna, Cassia, whay, prunes, and such like: and some are neither too violent, nor too gentle, but of a meane, as Rewbarbe, Agaricke, Sene, & Aloes. Now the ancient Farriers did vse to purge their horses with the pulpe of Coloquintida, somtimes with the rootes of wild cowcumbers, and sometimes with the broth of a sodden whelpe mixt with Nitrum, and such like; but at this day they are not of our practise, and therefore I wish him that for his experience will make a tryall of strong medicines, or know the wor­kings of euery seuerall simple (which is a most praise-worthy ambition,) first, to make his proofes vpon iades whose losse he respecteth not, and so by that working to aduenture on better horses. But to return to my purpose, the Farrier who goeth about to purge a horse by purgation, must consider the nature of the horses disease, and the strength of the horse, and with them ioyne the nature, strength, and quantity of the medicine; he must also consider the climate vnder which the horse is bred, the time of the disease, the [Page 181] time of the yeare, and the time of the day: for as the diseases, and the humours which cause the diseases, are sundry, so they must be auoyded by sundry medi­cines, sundry wayes compounded, according as ex­perience from a continuall practise shall instruct you; wherein you are to obserue, that weake, delicate, and tender horses are not to be purged with that violence which strong, stubborne, and sturdy horses are; and therefore in such cases, the quality and quantity is to be looked into of euery simple. The climate is to be respected, as whether it be hot or cold; and the time of the disease: for some diseases must be purged at the beginning, as feuers, pestilence, yellowes, staggers, & all violent inward diseases; and some not till the mat­ter be throughly disgested, as colds, strangles, and a­postumations. Now albeit the sicknesse proceed from cold humours, yet you must not administer as hot simples in summer as in winter, nor in the contrary case, so cold things in winter as in the summer; where­by you see the season of the yeare is to be respected. Then touching respect of the day, you are to obserue that day to be best which is most temperate, sith too much heate maketh a horse faint, and too much cold doth hinder the medicine from working. A little re­gard is to be had to the wind & weather: for a moyst day with a South winde, is to be preferred before a North winde with a dry day. Now the best howre of receiuing any potion, is euer in the morning after he hath fasted from meate and drinke all the night be­fore. As soone as your horse hath receiued any pill or potion, let him be walked or gently ridden vp and downe one howre at the least; and then set vp, and suffered to stand on the bit two howres after, wel litte­red, [Page 182] cloathed and stopped; but if you perceiue that he beginneth to grow sicke (as most commonly horses will) then you shall suffer him to lye downe, & assoone as his sicknesse is past, you shall offer him a mashe of malt and water luke warme: for any other meate keep him fasting till his medicine haue done working.

Now to come to particular receipts and medicines themselues, you shall vnderstand that although the ancient Farriers do make but two kindes, that is to say, pils and purgations, yet I diuide them into three, that is to say, scourings, pils, and purgations. Scou­rings are those wholesome naturall and gentle pur­ging medicines, which stirring vp no great fluxe of humours, do onely keepe the body cleane from such euils as would grow, being euery way as wholesome in health as in sicknesse, and may most properly be termed preparatiues or preparers of the body to en­tertaine more stronger medicines. To speake then first of the most gentlest and naturall scouring, it is on­ly grasse being giuen to a horse only fifteene dayes to­gether, and no more; for after that it fatteth and not scoureth. Next vnto grasse is forrage, which is onely the blades of greene corne, as wheat, rye, barley, and such like, being giuen seuen dayes and no more. Next is greene thistles, being cut vp, and giuen the horse to eate the space of fiue daies and no more: and the last of this nature is the mash made in this manner: take a pecke of ground malt, and put it into a peale, then take a gallon and a halfe of water boyling hot from the fire, and put it to the malt: then with a staffe mash and stirre them together at least halfe an howre, till tasting the water you feele it as sweete as hony, then being luke warme, giue it the horse to drinke. All [Page 183] these scourings do onely but cleanse the guts and coole the body, adding comfort to the spirits, and in­gendring strength, onely the mash is to be vsed after labour, or in stead of drinke in the time of any great sicknesse. Scourings of a little stronger nature are these: first, when you giue your horse any prouender, to mixe with halfe a pecke of oates, a handfull or two of cleane drest hemp seede: or else to take a good quantity of boxe leaues, and put them into a pewter dish, then set them before the fire, and let them dry leasurely till they be so hard that you may crush them to powder; then take as much of the powder of brim­stone as there is powder of boxe, and mixe them to­gether, and amongst halfe a pecke of oates mixe a handfull of this powder, and giue it the horse to eate; both these scourings are to be vsed after labour, espe­cially when the horse hath sweat much. These two scourings worke vpon no matter but what nature is willing to expell, they purge the stomacke, head, and intrailes, they kill all manner of wormes, and dry vp fleame. Scourings of the strongest nature, are to take of sallet oyle halfe a pint, and of new milke from the cow a pint, brew it together, and giue it the horse luke warme: or else take a pint of muskadine, and halfe a pint of sallet oyle, and being mixed together, giue it the horse to drinke: or else halfe a pint of oyle, and a pint of sacke mixt together, and giuen the horse to drinke luke warme. These scourings cleanse the head, body, and guts, of all fleame or molten grease, which any violent labour hath dissolued: they are exceeding good for any manner of cold or stoppings in the winde-pipes. Now for pils, you shall vnderstand that the first and easiest are these, either to take twenty [Page 184] cloues of garlike cleane pild and bruised, then a quar­ter of a pound of sweete butter; and so rolle vp the garlicke in foure or fiue balles or pellets, as big as two wal-nuts a peece: and so taking out the horses tongue thrust them downe his throate one after another; or else to take a quarter of a pound of butter, and as much red saunders; beat them well together in a morter, & then make it into foure or fiue balles, and put them downe the horses throat. Pils of a somewhat stronger nature, are to take a handfull of rosemary leaues, and chopping them small, mixe them with a quarter of a pound of sweet butter; and then making it into round bals, giue them vnto the horse: or else take round pee­ces of raw mellons, and thrust them downe the horses throate: or else to take fiue greene figges, and put them downe the horses throate. The strongest pill is this: take of lard two pound, layd in water 2 howres, then take nothing but a quarter of a pound of the cleane fat thereof, and stampe it in a mortar, & there­to put of licoras, of anise seedes, and of fenugreeke, of each beaten into powder, one ounce and a halfe; of a­loes likewise in powder one ounce, of Agaricke halfe an ounce; knead all these together like paste, and make thereof foure or fiue balles, and giue it to the horse. This last recited pill is singular good for the dry cough, and all the other pils are most soueraigne for all infirmities of the head, which grow either from fleame, melancholy, or any other cold or moist cause whatsoever. Now for purgations which are the strongest cleansers of the body, they be these: Take two ounces of Myrre, and mixe it with a pint of wine, and it wil purge all sicknesse which proceedeth of cho­ler: the signes whereof are, his belly will swell, be [Page 185] very hot, and he can neither dung nor breake winde. Take a pint of wine, and beate a raw egge therein, and adde to it a quarter of an ounce of brimstone, & halfe an ounce of Myrre beaten to powder, and giue it the horse luke warme, and it will purge all inward diseases proceeding of melancholy. Two spoonefull of the powder Diapente, giuen with halfe a pint of swines grease, purgeth all diseases proceeding of fleame. Take as much blacke sope as a wal-nut, a quart of new milke, and a quarter of a pint of sallet oyle, and giue it the horse luke warme, and it purgeth all cold infirmities. Take the guts of a Tench or Barbell, being cut into little small peeces, and giue it the horse in a quart of white wine, and it will purge the horse from all co­stiuenesse or paine in the guts. Rye being boyled, so that it burst not, then dryed againe, and giuen the horse in stead of prouender, purgeth and killeth all manner of wormes. Take of radish rootes one ounce, of the roote called Panax, and of Scamony, of each halfe an ounce; beate all these together, and boyle them in a quart of hony, then giue the horse two spoonefull of this in a quart of ale luke warme to drinke, and it will purge all grosse humours, from whence proceedeth either the falling euill or any dis­ease of the braine. Take and boyle Elicampanam roots in milke till they be so soft that you may bruise them to pappe, and then adding thereto halfe a pint of sal­let oyle, giue it the horse to drinke luke warme, and this will purge and cleanse any glaunders. Take of sweete sope a quarter of a pound, and make it into three balles, and giue them to the horse, & it wil purge all euill humors whatsoeuer, both violently and most aboundantly.

CHAP. 94. Of Neesing or Fumigation, and the vse thereof.

THere is also another maner of purging of a horse, and especially his head, and that is, by forcing him to neese or snurt violently at his nose, casting forth all filthy and grosse matter, which otherwise would offend and oppresse the braine; and this neesing is wrought sometimes by fumes or smoakes, sometimes by powders, and sometimes by oyles; the sharpnesse of which tickling the tender and quicke parts of the head, do compell this snurting and neesing: surely there is no purgation more wholesome, for as it clean­seth and separateth grosse matter, so it comforteth and maketh strong the braine. Now to come vnto the par­ticular medicines which do procure this neesing, they be these: Squirt into an horses nosthrels, either mans vrine which is old, or the vrine of an oxe which hath had much rest, and it will force a horse to neese, and is most wholesome for any quotidian feuer. Take the powder of gumdragant, Ensens, and damaske roses, well mixt together, and blow it with a quill into the horses nosthrels, and it is good either against the feuer in sommer or winter. Take warme vinegar and squirt it into his nosthrels, & it is comfortable against the feuer which cometh by raw disgestion. Take of garlick stalkes a handfull, being broke into little pee­ces, and a good quantity of frankinsence, and being put vpon a chasing dish and coles, hold the chasing dish vnder the horses nosthrels, so that the fume may ascend vp into his head; and this is most excellent a­gainst [Page 187] the head-ache. Take feathers and brimstone, & burne them on a chafing dish and coales vnder the horses nose; or blow pepper and Perithre beaten to powder vp into his nosthrels; either of both these are most excellent against the sleeping euill. Take the powder of motherwort, and blow it vp into a horses nostrels, and it is good against the falling euill. Take two goose feathers annoynted ouer with oyle de bay, and thrust them vp and downe in the horses no­sthrels: or else to take sage, penyriall, and wheate, long sodden together, and put into a bagge as hot as may be, which bagge would be so close fastned to the horses head, that all the smoake and sauour thereof may ascend vp into his nosthrels: or take a clout an­noynted with sope or oyle de bay, and rub it vp and downe his nosthrels as high as may be. Any of all these, or all these together, are most excellent against any cold, poze, or other obstruction in the head. Take orpiment and sulphure, and burn them on the coales, and hold it vnder the horses nose: or take oyle de bay, Euforbium, and white Ellebore, and annointing two fea­thers therewith, thrust them vp into the horses no­sthrels; both these are good against the glaunders. Take of the stalkes of bryony or wilde vine, two hand­fuls, and bruise them betwixt two stones, and being so bruised, put them into a linnen bagge, and fasten the bagge so to the horses head, that the sent may go vp into his nosthrels without touching the hearbe with his mouth: and this is excellent against the mourning of the chine, or any inward cough. Take of rosemary, of narde, and of sage, dryed and beaten in­to fine powder, or each like waight, and with a quill blow them vp into the horses nosthrels: or take the [Page 188] powder of white pepper, or of Sal-niter, or of Iris Ili­rica, or blacke Eleboris, and blow them with a quill vp into the horses nosthrels: or take linnen cloth dipt in the dregs of oyle; & setting it on fire, then suddenly put it out againe, and let the smoake ascend vp into the horses nosthrels: or squirt into his nosthrels Ari­stolochia mixt with wine: or Sal [...]niter mixt with wa­ter: or salt and ro [...]he allum mixt with wine: or take ground Iuy beaten small, and thrust vp into his nose: or bay-berry beaten small, and burnt on the coales vn­der the horses nose: or a coale of fire put into a lump of wet hay, making a smoothering smoke, and held vnder the horses nose. Any of all these are most ex­cellent against any disease of the head, especially stag­gers, colds, glaunders, strangle, and such like.

CHAP. 95. Of Frictions or Bathes, and of their seuerall vses.

FRictions or Bathes, are a certaine rubbing, annoin­ting or bathing of a horses body all ouer, especial­ly against the haire, because the medicine may sinke in so much the better with comfortable and soue­raigne vnguents, whose vertues do loosen the skinne, cheare vp the inward spirits, and spread a liuely heate and feeling ouer the whole body: and of frictions, both according to the opinion of the old Farriers, & also all the best of this present age, these are the most soueraigne. Take of damaske roses one pound, of old oyle a pint, of strong vinegar a pint and an halfe, of mints and rew, beaten into powder, of each one ounce and a halfe, together with one old dry nut; beate them, and mingle them well together: then [Page 189] being strained and made luke warme, if it be in the sommertime, and that the Sunne shine hot, take the horse abroad; but if otherwise, keepe him in the stable, and heating a barre of yron exceeding hot, hold it ouer and on each side the horse, and with the oyntment, rubbe and chafe the horse all ouer a­gainst the haire, vntill the horse beginne to sweate; then cloathe the horse very warme, and let him stand. This friction is excellent against all winter feuers, or any inward sicknesse that cometh of cold. Take of blacke Elleborus two or three handfuls, and boyle it in a sufficient quantity of strong vine­gar; and with that rubbe and chafe all the horses head and body quite ouer once or twice a day; and it is most excellent against frenzy, madnesse, or any drynesse or scallynesse of the skinne. Take oyle de bay, or Dialthea, and annoynt all the horses body all ouer therewith, holding a panne of coales, or a hot panne of coales neare the oyntment to make it sinke in; or else make him a bathe of running water, wherein is boyled rew, wormewood, sage, Iuni­per, bay leaues, and hyssope, and bathe all his body therewith: either of these are most soueraigne for the mourning of the chine, or any disease of the li­uer, lungs, or spleene. Take wine and oyle, and ha­uing mixt them together, chafe and rubbe the horses body therewith, and it is most soueraigne for any in­ward sicknesse especially of the liuer. To bathe a horse in salt water is very wholesome, both for the horses skinne, and also for any disease of the sto­macke. Lastly, take of mallowes, of sage, of each two or three handfuls, and a rose cake; boyle them together in water, then being boyled till the water [Page 190] be all consumed, then adde a good quantity of but­ter or [...]allet oyle, and mixing them together, bathe all the horses foure legges therewith, and all the parts of his body also; and there is nothing more soueraigne for a horse that hath bene tyred or ouer-trauelled. To let bloud, and with that bloud and oyle and vi­negar, presently to annoynt his body, helpeth most sorts of infirmities.

CHAP. 96. Generall Drenches, or Medicines for all the inward diseases or surfaits in Horses.

THere is no medicine more soueraigne for all dis­eases which breede in a horses body, then to take two spoonefull of the powder called Diapente, and brew it with a pint either of sacke or muskadine, and so giue it the horse to drinke fasting in a morning; and do this at least three mornings together, especially when the horse beginneth first to droope. The next to this▪ is to take of selladine two handfuls, both root and leaues, choppe them and bruise them: then take of rew as much, of redde sage and of mints as much, and of aloes halfe an ounce; boyle these in a pottle of beare or ale till the one halfe be consumed; and then giue it the horse luke warme to drinke. [...] foure ounces of Diapente, and mixe it with foure ounces of clarified hony, and keepe it in a close glasse, and giue halfe an ounce thereof with a pint of sweete wine to the horse to drinke, and it is an excellent drench. Take of licoras an ounce, of anise seedes, of comin seedes, of each halfe an ounce, of Elicampanam rootes as much; of turmericke and bayes, of each a quarter of [Page 191] an ounce, of long pepper and fenugreeke of each two drammes; beate these small and searse them, and put fiue spoonefull thereof into a quart of ale warmed with a little butter or oyle, & it is very soueraigne for any disease coming of cold causes. Take a quart of good ale or wine, a raw egge beaten & mingled with twelue scruples of quicke sulphure, and foure scruples of Myrre made into powder, and giue it the horse to drinke; it is a good drench. The powder of brim­stome mixt with sweete wine is a good drench also. The roote of the sea onion, the rootes of popler cal­led in Greeke Rhammos, mingled with common salt, giuen in water, keepeth the horse long in health. Take fiue pound of fenegreeke and bruise it, seeth it in water till it waxe thicke, adde a pound of sweete but­ter, an ounce of linseede oyle, and as much of the oyle of nuts; mingle them well together, and giue it the horse in three or foure dayes to drinke, by a pret­ty quantity at a time. Selladine simply of it selfe, or rew simply of it selfe, boyled in beere or ale, and as much brimstone as a wal-nut, is an excellent drench for any long taken surfaite. Garlicke and housleeke beaten together in a mortar, and then boyled in beere or ale from a pottle to a quart; then mixt with lico­ras, anise seedes, and sugarcandy, and a pretty quan­tity of oyle, is an excellent drench for any inward sick­nesse which doth proceede from hot causes, as is the Frenzy, the Anticor, and such like. And thus much of generall drenches and their vses.

CHAP. 97. How to make the powder called Diapente.

THis word Diapente is as much as to say, a compo­sition of fiue simples: for the receipt is thus com­pounded. Take of Gen [...]ian, of Aristolochia, of Bay ber­ries, of Myrre, and of the shauings of Iuory, of each like quantity; beate them into very fine powder, and then searce it. This powder is praised to be a soue­raigne preseruatiue or medicine against all inward diseases: and therefore I would wish euery Farrier, and all such as are the maisters of good horses, neuer to be without it.

CHAP. 98. A most famous Receipt, which is both a singular Drench, and a singular Oyntment.

TAke of Euforbium halfe an ounce, of Castoreum one ounce, of Adarces halfe a quarter of a pound, of Bdelium halfe an ounce and halfe a quarter, of pep­per a quarter of a pound, Foxe-greace halfe an ounce, Opoponax, one ounce, Lacerpitium three quarters of an ounce, Amoniacum halfe a quarter of a pound, pidgi­ons dung as much, Galbanum halfe an ounce, Nitrum one ounce, one quarter, Spuma nitri three quarters of an ounce, Ladanum a quarter of a pound, Perethrum & bay berries, of each three quarters of an ounce, Car­danun two ounces, seede of rew, halfe a quarter of a pound, seede of Agnus Castus one ounce, parsley halfe an ounce, dryed rootes of Trees or flower-deluce one ounce, one quarter; hyssop & Carpobalsamum a quarter [Page 193] of a pound, oyle of flower-deluce a quarter of a pound and halfe a quarter, oyle de bay as much, oyle of Spikenard three quarters of a pound, Oleum Cypri­num three quarters of a pound and halfe a quarter, the oldest oyle oliue one pound and a halfe, pitch a quarter of a pound and two ounces, Turpentine a quarter of a pound; melt euery one of these that will melt, seuerally by themselues, and then mingle them together with the rest of the sim­ples beaten to fine powder; and after that they haue bene a little boyled on the fire take it off, and straine it into a faire vessell; and whensoeuer you will giue your horse any thereof, giue it him with wine, or foure or fiue spoonefull with a pint of sacke or muskadine: and if with long keeping it waxeth hard, then soften it with the oyle of Cy­presse, so that it may bee good and thicke. This confection is both a medicine and an oyntment, if you put it in the horses nostrels, it will draw out all noysome humours, and discharge his head of all griefe: if you annoynt his body therewith, it healeth all convultions, colds, and drynesse, or wi­thering of the body; and if you bathe his limbes therewith, it driueth away all wearinesse and tyring; and if you giue it him with wine to drinke, it cureth all kinde of inward maladies.

CHAP. 99. How to make the oyle of Oates.

TAke of milke two gallons, and warming it on the fire, put thereto a quarter of a pound of burnt allum, which will make it runne of curds; then take [Page 194] out the curd, and cast it away; then straine the whay through a course cloath into a cleane vessell, then take a quarter of a pecke of cleane husked oates that were neuer dryed, and put them into the whay, and set them on the fire till the oates burst, and be soft; then take them off, and powre them into a collander that is full of holes, so that the whay may goe gently from them without any pressing (for you must keepe the oats as moist as may be:) this done put the oats into a frying pan, and set them ouer the fire; stirring them continually till you see the vapour or smoake of them not ascend vpwards, but as it were runne about the pan; then suddenly take them off, and putting them into a presse, presse them most exceedingly, and looke what cometh frō them, is only the oile of them, which you must saue in a close glasse. Now there are other more artificiall and curious waies, to distill and ex­tract this oyle, but this of all is the most easiest, and su­rest for euery meane capacity. This oyle of oates is of all medicins & simples whatsoeuer, the most excel­lent and soueraigne for a horses bodie, as being extra­cted from the most naturall, wholsome and best food which doth belong vnto a horses body. This oyle being giuen by foure or fiue spoonefull in a pinte of sweete wine, or a quarte of strong ale, and some of the whay powred into the horses nosthrels, doth cure the glaunders before all other medicines. It is also (gi­uen in the same manner) the best of all purgations; for it purgeth away all those venemous and filthy humors, which seedeth the most incurable farcy whatsoeuer. And for mine own part as long as I can conueniently come by this oyle of oates, so long I will neuer in any medicine whatsoeuer, vse any oyle or vnctious [Page 195] matter then it onely; I hauing found by experience, that it is the soueraigne of al simples of that kind, what­soeuer they be.

CHAP. 100. Certaine briefe Obseruations to be obserued at home and a­broad whilst the horse is in health.

THese obseruations following are gathered from the most exact principles, and vnfallible grounds of all the best and surest approued horsemen, either of this kingdome, or of any other nation within Chri­stendome. First then for the generall feeding of your horse, when he is in health you shall feed him with straw, hay, oates, fine little wheat, beanes, barly, bread made of beanes, pease, or fitches, or any other meate that swels not in the horses body.

It is the opinion of Camerarius first to giue prouen­der, then hay, and lastly water; but our English cu­stome is, first hay, then water, and lastly prouender.

In your trauell feed your horse betimes for all night, that thereby the horse may sooner take his rest.

The quantity of prouender which you shall giue your horse at one time, shall be as much as you can hold in the palmes of both your hands at sixe times.

Horsebread which is made of cleane beanes, cleane pease, or cleane fitches feedeth exceedingly.

Let your horses meate and drinke be exceeding sweete and cleane, yet his water by no meanes ex­treme cold running water from the rocke; for it pear­ceth to much.

To rubbe your horses mouth with salte and wine, will make him both eate and drinke with a much bet­ter [Page 196] appetite.

Let your horse neither eate when he is hot, nor drinke when he is hot, neither presently after his tra­uell.

Labour your horse moderately when the weather is either extreme hot or extreme cold, that so you may auoide extreme heats or suddaine colds.

Trauell not your horse too late, that your owne eye may see him well dried and well fed before you take your owne rest.

Neuer take the saddle from your horses backe sud­denly.

Lend not your horse, least your selfe walke on foot.

Let your horse lye cleane and dry, keepe your stable sweete, let no swine lye neere it, nor let any pullen come whithin it.

Let your horse euer be tyed with two reines.

Let the light of your stable be euer towards South and North, yet so as the North windowes may in the winter be shut vp close at pleasure, and opened in the sommer to giue fresh aire,

Ride your horse oft a little on stony waies, that he may the better feele his feete, and harden his houes.

Haue euer neere your stable some close plaine greene, that your horse being let loose, he may oft tumble himselfe thereon.

Let your horses bed be of soft sweete straw some­what aboue his knees, of which rie straw is the best; for though barley straw be the softest, yet a horse wil couet to eate it, and it is vnwholesome; and wheat straw though it be not vnwholsome to eate, yet it is hard to lye vpon: as for oate straw it is the best in the [Page 197] superlatiue; for it is both wholsome to eate, and soft to lye vpon.

Curry or dresse your horse twise a day before water, and when he is curried, rubbe him with your hand and with a rubber; his head would be rubbed with a wet cloth, and his coddes made cleane with a dry cloth; his foretop, his maine, and his taile, would be oft wet with a wet maine combe, and euer where the horses haire is thinnest there curry the gentlest.

Let the plaunchers of your stable lye euen and le­uell, that your horse may stand at his ease, and not proue lame, by too much oppressing his hinder partes.

Let not any mud wal be within your horses reach; for he will naturally couet to eate of it, and nothing is more vnwholesome.

Giue your horse plenty of garbadge (which is chopt wheat straw) both with his prouender, and without.

Let your hay bottles be very little, and tyed very hard: for so your horse shall eate with the best sto­macke, and make least waste.

To sprinkle water vpon your hay, is most whole­some, and to sprinkle fenugreeke vpon your prouen­der, is as soueraigne; the first is good for the winde, the latter for wormes.

Giue your horse dayly exercise: for that gets the best stomacke to his meate.

Purge your horse once a yeare with grasse, or with greene blades of corne, called forrage, for fifteene daies together; yet before you so purge him, in any case let him bloud, and whilest he is in purging, by no meanes let him haue any prouender.

[Page 198]A horse after trauell hath euer more bloud then any beast whatsoeuer.

Greene grasse or forrage cleanseth the bloud, en­creaseth strength, healeth diseases, auoydeth melan­choly, helpeth the horses growth, and maketh the skin smooth; whilest the horse is at soile, by no meanes let him take cold.

The Northerne man watereth two howres before he rideth at the least: then lets the horse eate a little hay, then giues prouender, but not much, and bridleth the horse vp a quarter of an howre before he rideth: at night he watereth two miles before he taketh his lodging, then rideth easily; he neither walketh his horse, nor stuffeth him, nor looseth any gyrth, but on­ly rubbeth him very cleane, & so lets him bite vpon his bridle halfe an howre after, with good store of litter vnder him; then he giues the horse hay, and after pro­uender; before he goeth to bed, he watereth againe, (yet but a little) then sees the horse throughly well drest and rubbed, well littered, and most sufficiently meated.

There be others which walke after labour, then rubbes well, littereth and vnbridleth; both which be good, so that the one haue not too much walking, nor the other too cold a stable. But howsoeuer, stuffe not your horse backward, but betwixt his forelegges, and formost gyrth: for backward stuffing is perillous, lest drawing his yard when he would stale, he draw backe into his sheath any of the lit­ter that stoppes him. The Northerne mans vse agreeth with the French principles, which saith, Vse no other walking then yourselfe on your horses back, by riding him gently till you come to your Inne; [Page 199] and so make him cold; then shake litter vnder him, rub his legges, his belly, and euery parte of his body well till he be dry, then vnbridle him, rub his head wel, and giue him hay; slacke no girth till it be night that the windowes be shut, suffer the horse to drinke but a lit­tle at once to auoyd suddaine cooling of the stomacke, or driuing the horse into a shaking feuer: at night rub and curry well, and feede according to the horses sto­macke.

Other good horsemen ride gently till the horses sinewes be chafed, and neuer water in trauell till the horse haue staled, and forbeare to trauell him fast be­fore he haue drunke, that he may not drinke in his great heat, and they hold the standing water the best; after water for a mile they ride softly till his water be warmed in his belly, and before they come to their Inne they do not water, nor of an howre after they haue vnbridled; then they clothe well, and giue pro­uender, hauing a care that their horses stand not in the wind, and that they haue ben rubbed dry and cleane. Now all these principles are exceeding good; yet I would wish euery traueller to learne how his horse hath beene vsed, and that custome (if it be not too much against reason) still to follow.

If you come late to your Inne, and that your iour­ney be greate and hasty, so that your horse will not eate till he haue drunke, and yet is hote notwithstan­ding, then let his drinke be milke giuen in the darke, lest the whitenesse make him refuse it; this is both cor­diall and pleasant: if you cannot get milke enough, then mingle milke with water luke warme, for no drinke would be giuen to a horse hotter.

If your horse either by labour or surfaits be brought [Page 200] low, leane, and weake, you shall giue him mates milke to drinke many daies together, and it will make him strong.

It is not good to wash your horse, if he be either very hot or very fat; otherwise you may wash his legges aboue the knees, so that in no case you wash his belly, and that you ride him a good round pace after his washing; then by no meanes walke him, but set him vp and dresse him: the purer the water is where­in you wash your horse, the more wholesome it is, so that it be not too extreme cold.

The best howres to water your horse in (when he liues at rest) is betwixt seauen and eight in the mor­ning, and foure and fiue in the euening.

When you trauell, at euery steepe hill light, both to refresh your horse and your selfe.

Let a fat or hot horse haue his water at foure times, and not as much as he will drinke at once; giue him prouender twise at night, & but once in the morning; let his cloth neither be too hot, nor with straw too much stuffed; when he eateh good hay, let him haue lesse prouender then when he eateth straw: giue his meate by a little at once to auoyd glutting of him, and let him stand two howers euery day without meate.

Rubbing much, hard, and well, doth profite, pre­serue, and doth keepe both strength of body and legges: for in rubbing and combing, a horse doth take much delight, and it is better then much meate.

To feede with barley (according to the opinion of the ancient Italians) ingendreth good bloud, en­creaseth strength and courage, and maintaineth health; but with vs here in England, we finde oates to be a much better feeding.

[Page 201]In the dogge daies it is not wholesome to ride your horse oft into the water, to allay his naturall heate.

The maisters eye to see his horse well curried, and with the hand well rubbed, and well meated, and the stable sweete and cleane kept, preserueth health, and wonderfully feedeth the horse.

Cleanse and picke the soales and bottoms of your horses feet oft, and stuffe them with Oxe dung, and annoynt his houes with fresh grease, tarre, or Turpen­tine.

Much rest is the mother of many diseases.

When you ride, looke often to your saddle & your horses shooes, and you shall finde much more ease in your iourney.

CHAP. 101. Certaine speciall Principles in Foales and in Horses.

THe Foales whose legges be long wil euer be talle: for of all beasts their legges in length euer grow the least, and by the bignesse of their legges, you shall gesse the strength and greatnesse of their bodies.

Let your colts if you can possible, neuer be housed till they be past three yeares old.

The Greeke horse (which we call the Turky horse) is a most excellent horse, swift, bold, well headed, tall and strong, many of them be white, some bay, some sorrell, and some blacke.

The Arabian horse is most swift, and most beauti­full.

The horse of Affrica, which we call the Barbary horse, is of good courage, swift and nimble; & there­fore both the Turky horse and he must be vsed with [Page 202] all lenity and gentlenesse, and not with beating.

The Freesland horse is firy, yet the worst of any.

The Flemish horse is better then the Freesland.

The Spanish Ienet is good, swift, and light.

The Neapolitan courser for all vses is most excellent and beautifull.

And the English horse is best both for great bur­then or long trauell.

Obserue euer to winne your horse by patience and gentlenesse, and neuer be angry or madde with your horse, if he be of great mettall, onely the dull horse must with much beating be quickned and inflamed.

Annoint your bit when you put it first into your horses mouth, with hony, and the powder of licoras, or else with hony and salt; and at no time put any bit or snafle into your horses mouth before you haue washt.

Neuer take your horse backes before you haue the bridle reynes fast in your hand; and when you walke downe any hill, by no meanes driue your horse loose before you.

If your horse haue a long backe, let him haue a large saddle, if he haue a low backe, let the saddle haue a high seate; and if his backe be short, let the sad­dle boulsters stand the nearer and closer together.

If your horse be dull, you must spurre him soundly, and after such spurring, rub his sides with salt.

CHAP. 102. Certaine generall Obseruations concerning Mares.

IN length and height, a mare groweth till she be fiue yeares old, and a horse till he be sixe.

[Page 203]When a mare is past two yeares old she may be co­uered, but the best time is after foure yeare old.

Common mares may bring foales euery yeare; but let your best mares bring but euery second yeare, e­specially if they bring horse colts.

After couering by no meanes trauell your mares.

To get horse colts, couer before the full of the moone; and to get mare colts couer after the full.

To make a mare stand to her horsing, set her by the horse two or three dayes, that he may much desire & be acquainted before he couer her: after bring them out, and let him serue her, and haue ready a pale of water, which when the horse shrinketh from her, powre vpon the ridge of the mares backe; then set them so farre asunder as that the one may not heare the other: do this three mornings & three euenings together, then let her not come neare the horse after, till she be knit, lest the desire of him againe, make her to shoot out that which he kept before.

To know whether your mare be with foale about Christmas or no, powre a little water into her eare, and if she onely shake her head, she is then with foale, both if she shake both head and body also, she is not with foale.

When you weane your foales, take them from the mares foure dayes before the full of the moone; and after the foales haue so remained foure and twenty howres, let them againe sucke till they wax very full; then remoue them for altogether, and the next mor­ning giue euery one three slippes of Sauin, and so af­ter let them haue till they be three yeares old, all plen­ty of meate abroad, rather then in the stable.

Let your stallion for trotters be either Neapolitan [Page 204] courser, or Arabian, Turke, or Barbary; and for am­blers, either the Spanish Ienet, or the Irish Hobby.

Put your mares to the horse from midde March till midde May or midde Iune, the moone hauing newly changed.

It is good to put the horse and the mare for three or foure nights together in some vast empty house, and in the morning take the horse away and feede him well; but feede your mare sparingly, especially giue her little water.

At the end of sixe moneths, by no meanes chafe your mares: for then they are in quickning, and may easily be made to cast their foales.

The walle eye either in mare or in horse, doth ne­uer see perfectly, especially when there is any snow on the ground.

A mare goeth with foale, eleuen moneths and ten daies.

Let your mares be of a meane stature, large and broad, and of good shape; and the Stallion of like shape, but somewhat taller; and temper their na­tures thus: Put vnto the hote horse the coole mare, and to the hote mare the coole horse; and let your grounds wherein you breede, be dry, hilly, and with running streames in it.

CHAP. 103. Certaine speciall Notes to be obserued in the buying of a horse.

FIrst, marke his colour and his shape, that is to say, a comely well proportioned head, with an out­looking eye, good well raised shoulders, and a thicke [Page 205] large breast, broad brawne, large and broad flatte legges, short pasternes, and little seete: for long pa­sternes shew weaknesse, and broad feete shew dul­nesse; feele if he haue no glaunders, betweene his chappes, no splents, curbe nor spauen; looke he be not pursicke or broken winded, put your hand be­fore his eyes, to know if he see well: looke into his mouth for his age, if he be past eight yeares old; feele all downe the strunte of his taile with your hand, and if you feele that it be smooth, then the horse is not very old; but if it haue any rough knobs towards the end, buy him not, for his good dayes are past. Let him runne at the halters end: for if he be lame, (hauing that liberty) he will fauour that legge which is amisse, and leane vpon it. If he turne vp the white of his eye, or lay his eare to his necke when he is ridden, he is a sullen iade, and full of naughty qualities; if when you stirre him in the stable, he stare and looke backe vpon you with a stout countenance, it is a token of a good stomacke in him, and great aptnesse to be taught; if he stirre the end of his taile as he passeth out and is ridden, and yet doth not whiske it, it sheweth that his pace is vnperfect; be sure to see him turne as short as may be, that you may know whether he be swayed in the backe or no, the middle stature is the best, and the short knit horse is the strongest. The wall eye euer seeth the worst. The horse that is of nature gentle, swift, light, nimble, of easie pace, good co­lour, strong feete, good loynes, speedy in eating, and good at his prouender, is euer the best for vse, and the readiest money in the market. See if the haire in the spurring place be white: for it argueth slownesse [Page 206] and spur-galling. The horse that will paw and beate the ground with his foote when he is stayed from go­ing forwards, is euer likely to be good and durable in trauell. Many other notes there are, which by the ob­seruing of these, will easily come into your memo­ry.

CHAP. 104. Generall Notes concerning some simples al­ready spoken of.

ALL manner of marrowes or pitches, of what kinde soeuer they be, must be kept by them­selues in a dry coole place, and preserued from all filth or vncleannesse, and from the annoyance ei­ther of winde or fire, and so they will last fully out a whole yeare.

You shall keepe no Sirrops, nor sweete Electu­aries, nor pilles, nor Powders, nor conserues of flowres, nor any oyntments, Sewets, or emplaster, aboue one whole yeare; onely bitter electuaries, or conserues of fruites or rootes will last fully out two yeares.

Of oyle some will last long, some must bee new made: oyles extract out of wood or mettals will last long.

Gather rootes in Autumne, but take the small sprigs from them and make them cleane and dry.

Dry small rootes in the shade and winde, and great rootes either in the winde and Sunne, or by the fire, lay them in a dry place towards the South, and they will keepe long, prouided that neither Sun nor mo [...]sture hurt them.

Gather all manner of hearbes when they do most [Page 207] flourish, and dry them in the shade, except they be very moist and apt to putrifie; they last for the most part a whole yeare.

Gather seedes and fruites when they be fully ripe; they also last but one whole yeare.

Gather the rinde or barke of any simple when the hearbe is ripe; dry them and they will last many yeares.

The end of the first Booke.

THE SECOND BOOKE Containing all cures Chyrurgicall, or such infirmities as being onely outward, craue the vse of Surgery, and are called in Horse-leach-craft, Horses Sorrances.

Written by Iaruise Markham.



CHAP. 1. What proportion of measure is required in euery member of a well shapen Horse.

FORASMVCH as the great substance of this Art of Surgery, or second part of Horse-leach-craft, applyed onely vnto out­ward infirmities, consisteth of in­cisions, cauterizings, corrodings, and dismembrings, as well as of comforting, incarnating, clean­sing, conglutinating, and binding vp members in their true forme; and that all iointly together, go but about to make a true and well formed body: I thinke it meetest that I begin with the true proportion and measure which is required in euery member of a well shaped horse, that the carefull Farrier thereby vn­derstanding how, and in what fashion euery linea­ment should be placed, or what proportion & quan­tity they do containe, he may at no time through ig­norance either dismember or disgrace the same; as I haue many times seene simple Farriers do, when con­trary to all art and rule they haue cut in sunder the maine cords, sinewes, and tendants, by which a horses limbes are gouerned. To begin then, you shal vnder­derstand that according to the description of the most [Page 212] ancient & worthy Farriers) there are in a horses pa­late of his mouth, 12 barres or degrees like steps, one aboue another, standing (when his mouth is turned vpward) like a paire of staires, his tongue would be halfe a foote long, his vpper lippe sixe inches, and his neather lipppe fiue inches long, each of his iawes would be ten inches long, his head from his eie down­ward full twelue inches long, his eares fiue inches long, the circuit of compasse of his eie, foure inches about, his necke from the nape of his head vnto the withers would be seuen handfuls, from the withers to the fillets twelue handfuls, and from the fillets to the setting on of the taile sixe handfuls: the length of the shoulder would be twelue inches, and the length of his shanke sixe inches; the length of his hinder hough would be twelue inches, and his cambrell fiue inches, and the length of the whole body from the head to the taile would be one hundred inches. Now as horses are bigger or lesser, so these measures either exceede or are lesse, neither do I confident­ly build vpon th [...]se inch quantities of the ancient Farriers, because I hauing my selfe measured many horses, I neuer yet could finde any certainty in the proportions; onely this is the most certainest rule that euer I could finde, that looke what quantity is betweene the nape of the horses necke, and the vttermost part of the withers, there must euer bee twice so much betweene the withers and the set­ting on of the taile; and looke what quantity is be­tweene the toppe of the shoulder-blade, or toppe of the withers to the elbow of the horse, it must be twice so much from the elbow to the setting on of the hoofe; and looke how much it is from the [Page 213] toppe of the hippe to the stifling place, it must bee twice so much from the stifling place to the setting on of the hinder hoofe: and this is the certainest rule that euer I could finde for a horses truest proporti­on. And therefore for your better satisfaction, be­hold this picture, which is the true anatomy of a most perfect horse, with lines drawne from euery member, directing and shewing all the outward diseases or for­rances belonging to a horses body.

CHAP. 2. Of the Veines belonging to a Horse, and how many there be.

IT is most necessary that euery carefull Farrier know all the principall veines in a horses body, especially those which in the time of neede, or in sicknesse, are to be opened▪ and therefore to begin you shall know that from the liuer which is the fountaine of bloud, both in man and beasts, doth a­rise one maine great conduit or large veine, which as­cending into the body, doth diuide it selfe into thus many seuerall branches or lesser riuers. First, within the palate of the mouth, aboue the first and third barres, are two notable veines which the best Farri­ers do touch or strike when the horse hath any dis­ease in his head, braine, or stomacke▪ he hath also o­ther two which descend down from the lower part of his eies vnto his nosthrels, & are euer opened for any griefe in the eies: he hath two others which are aboue his eies, and run crosse the temples of his head, & are called the temple veines, which are likewise opened for all maner of cold diseases in the head; he hath also [Page 214] two great maine veines running alongst each side of his wind-pipe, euen from the vppermost ioint of his neather chap downe to the breast, which are called the necke veines; and are those which are ordinarily o­pened for any disease whatsoeuer. He hath then two veines which arise vpward from betweene his forelegs to the top of his breast, & are called the breast veines; & they are opened when the horse hath any feuer, or is sicke at the heart. He hath other two which likewise ascend from betweene the forelegs, but do not mount so high as the breast veines, but rest vpon the formost bought of the forelegge: and they be called the palate veines, and they be opened either for foundring, or o­ther griefe in the limbs. He hath other 2 veines which run downe from the elbow of the foreshoulder, down all along the inside of the forelegs, and are called the shanke veines, which are opened for splents, mallan­ders, or such like. He hath then foure veins which run alongst the fetlocks of the horse, & are called the sha­kell veines; which albeit they are but smal, yet they are many times opened for stiffnesse in the ioints, or for ti­ring: then he hath foure veines about the cronets of his hoofes, & are called the cronet veins, and are ope­ned for foundring in the feet, or for ring-bones: then he hath foure veines within his foure hoofes, running about his toes, & are called the feet veins, and are only opened for foundring or frettizing in the feet: he hath then two maine great veines which descend downe from his stones alongst the inside of his thighes to his cambrell; & are called the kidney veines, which only are opened for diseases in the kidneies: he hath then two other veines which descend from aboue the hin­der cambrel, all alongst the inside of the hinder legges [Page]


[Page 216] downe to the fetlocks, & are called the spauen veines, which are opened for the bloud spauen only: he hath then 2 veines in his flankes, which are called the flanke veins, & are opened for any griefe in the r [...]ines or fil­lets: he hath then 2 veins in his hinder hanches called the hanch veines, & are opened for any maner of con­sumption of the flesh, or such like: then he hath two veines which run alongst his side, euen from the elbow of the forelegge vnto the flank, & are called the spurre veines, & are opened for foundring or spur-galling. Lastly, he hath one single veine in his taile, which is called the taile veine, & is opened for the shedding of the haire or any manginesse. So there is in a horses bo­dy of principall veines which vpon occasion must be opened, iust 37. as you may perceiue by this figure, which is the true anatomy of all the principall veins & others within a horses body; where you are to vnder­stand that the letter A sheweth the temple veine, B the eie veine, C the palate veines, D the necke veine, E the breast veine, F the plat veines, G the shank veins, H the cronet veines, I the hoofe veines, K the spurre veins, L the kidney veines, M the spauen veines, N the flanke veines, O the hanch veines, P the taile veine, & Q the fet-locke veines. Now for the other small threeds, or veines, which as it were, ouerspread the whole body, because nature will allow no part or member to be empty or void of bloud, they be also veines, deriued from the other maine great veines, yet of no efficacy or force, but such as vpon any necessary incision may very well be cut asunder without any fluxe of bloud, or other danger; but for the other maister veins, they may not be cut but with great perill. And thus much for veines, which are the instruments of heate.

CHAP. 3. Of the Sinewes in a Horses body.

TOuching the sinewes within a horses body, you shall vnderstand that from the braine, which is the principall fountaine or well spring of sinewes whatsoeuer, there is deriued one great maine sinew or tendant, which passing through the hollownesse of the necke and backe bone, doth extend it selfe euen to the nethermost ioynt in the horses strunt: from this maine sinew is deriued two smaller branches, which passing through certaine holes in the top of the hor­ses skull, runne downe alongst the horses cheekes, e­uen to the point of his nosthrels: then hath he two other branches, which passing through certaine holes in his nether chap, knit that and the vpper together, and so run downe by his great teeth, and meete iust below his nether lippe: then hath he twenty eight small threeds, which running through so many small holes in the seuen bones of his necke, knit them fast together: so likewise hath he small threeds which run­ning through small holes, knit all his chine euen to the nether end of his strunt fast together; the number whereof is infinite and vncertaine: then hath he two maine great sinewes which extending themselues o­uer both the spade bones, are deuided into many branches, and runne downe into the forelegges, euen into the coffins of the houes, and knit euery ioint fast and substantially together: then hath he two other maine sinewes which coming through two holes in the great columell or flat bone of the hippes or huc­kell, do extend themselues (being diuided into many branches) downe both the hinder legges, euen with­in [Page 218]


[Page 219] the coffin of the hoofe also, and bind all these seue­rall ioints fast and strongly together. Now lastly you shall vnderstand, that from the setting on of the horses necke, vnto the flat columell or huckell bone, doth extend one great broad sinew of three inches broad, being of one only thicke and smooth substance, with­out any one threed or branch deriued from it, which not only holdeth together the shoulder blades, but also couereth all the horses chine quite ouer; and this of the common Farriers is called pax-waxe: so that a horse hath in all of maine and principal sinewes, from whence a world of other sinewes are deriued, iust 38. as you may more plainly perceiue by this picture, which is the perfect Anatomy of all the sinews with­in a horses body, and how they are diuided.

CHAP. 4. Of the number and situation of Bones in a Horses body.

FIrst you shall vnderstand, that euery Horse or Oxe hath in his whole body, iust 170 seuerall bones, and no more; that is to say, in the vpper part of his head two bones, from the forehead to the nose two bones, his nether iawes two bones, of foreteeth 12. of tushes 4. of grinders 24. from the nape of the necke to the points of the spade-bones, seuen; from the spade-bones to the huckel bones eight, from the huc­kell bones to the end of the taile seuen: then is there the great broade hinder bone, which hath twelue seames or ioints in it; then is there the two spade-bones, and from thence to the forcels or canel bones other 2 bons called the marrow-bones; & from thence [Page 220]


[Page 221] to the first ioynt aboue the legges other two bones, and from thence to the knees two called the thigh bones, and from thence to the pasternes other two called the shanke bones, and from thence downward into the houes be in all 16. little bones. Then there is a great bone in the horses breast whereunto are fa­stened 36. ribbes great and small, and to the columel behinde be two bones, and from the molairs to the ioynts other two bones; and also two bones towards the ribbes, from the bending of the houghe vnto the legge, are two small bones, and from the legges to the two focils of the legge other two little bones, and from the pasternes into the hoofe, sixteene little bones; all which and their seuerall s [...]ituations you shall more plainly behold in this picture, which is the most perfect Anatomy of the bones of a horse, being simply compounded together, that can bee made by demonstration.

CHAP. 5. How and when a Horse should be let bloud, the end whereof, and the signes of the necessity.

THe ancient Farriers, and those of these present times, are at great difference touching the letting of a horse bloud: for some would haue him let bloud foure times in the yeare, that is to say, in the spring, in sommer, in Autumne and in winter. Others would haue him onely let bloud three times in the yeare, namely in May when he is turned to grasse; because then the bloud beginneth to encrease: secondly in September, that blond if it be inflamed may then e­euacuate and breathe forth: and thirdly in Decem­ber, [Page 222] to let go the grosse and knotty bloud which is bred by labor or careles keeping. Others would haue a horse to be let bloud but once in the yeare, namely in the beginning of May onely when he is to be put to grasse, alledging this reason, that if the horse be not let bloud in the spring, the new bloud being mixt with the old corrupt bloud, wil be apt to be inflamed, and so draw vpon the horse some grieuous sicknes. Others would haue the horse to be let bloud in the necke veine not aboue once in the yeare, namely at the be­ginning of May; but in the palate of the mouth they would haue him let bloud at the least once euery mo­neth, alledging that it wil cleare the sight, comfort the braine, & giue him good appetite to his meate; but to conclude, there is not any of these opinions, but are sound & good, so the horse be yong & in strength, his bloud encreasing, but if he be old & his bloud in the eb, then you cannot let bloud too seldome. Now that it is fit a yong horse should be let bloud, is proued by the daily experience of the Polander horses, who being at liberty out of a naturall instinct in themselues, faile not once a yeare to let themselues bloud; yet we haue diuers of our best Farriers who would not haue a horse let bloud before there be vrgent necessity, lest the vse of letting bloud bring a horse to an euill cu­stome, and draw on sicknesse vnexpected; but with that opinion I cannot agree, because I hold it more vertue to preuent a danger before it come, then to driue it away being present. Now that oft letting of bloud breedeth in a horse weaknesse, and maketh the bloud to resort to the inward parts, cloying the heart & intrails, & making the outward parts fat & vnwel­dy, there is no question but that the letting a horse [Page 223] bloud twice in the yeare, namely at the beginning of May, & the end of December (at which times onely I would haue a horse let bloud & no other) should be accounted oft, I see no reason. Now for stallions, the ancient Farriers would by no meanes haue them let bloud, because, say they, the couering of mares is as great an expence of bloud as may be, affirming that one ounce of seed doth counteruaile fiue ounces of bloud, & truly I am of that opinion to; but whereas they likwise aduise by no means to let geldings bloud, because the losse of their stones is the losse of their na­turall heat; to that I am much contrary, because I haue found it by continuall experience, that geldings do as oft dy through the corruption & abundance of bloud as horses; nay & much more ofter, in as much as they want the helpes which horses haue for purging their blouds from vncleannesse. Now in the leting of hor­ses bloud, euery carefull Farrier is first to respect the climate vnder which the horse is bred, knowing that those horses which are bred in cold countries, haue e­uer more bloud then those which are bred in the hot; then he must consider the time of the yeare, which would euer be the spring, or the fall of the leafe, both those times being most temperat, neither exceeding in heate nor in cold. Next he must regard the time of the day, which would euer be in the morning fasting, so it be not at the horses awaking from sleepe, but at least an houre or two after: then he must look vnto the state of the moone, that the signe be not in that part of the body where he intendeth to let bloud: next he must looke to the horses age, for if he be yong & not come to his growth, it will hinder his waxing; & if he be old and come to decrepidnes, his bloud had more [Page 224] neede be repaired then wasted. Lastly he shall looke to the horses strength and ancient custome, and so ac­cordingly he shall deale with him, obseruing that some horses may better spare two or three pound of bloud then other some one pound. Now thus much I haue spoken touching ordinary & natural letting of bloud without compulsion of any sicknesse or disease; but in case where sicknesse or infirmity craueth this office of letting bloud, there you shall neither respect climate, season of the yeare, time of the day, signe, age, strength nor custome, but setting all aside, apply your selfe onely to the remouing of the infirmity. Now the signes to know if a horse stand in neede to be let bloud, are these: his eyes will looke redde, and his veines will swell more then ordinary; also hee will haue a certaine itch about his maine and his taile, and will be continually rubbing them, and sometimes wil shed some of his haire also; he will now and then pill about the roots of his eares, or in those places where the head-stale of the bridle lies: his vrine will be red and high coloured, and his dung will be blacke and hard: also if he hath redde inflammations, or little bubbles on his backe, or doth not disgest his meate well, it is a signe the horse would be let bloud: or if he haue any apparant signe of yellowes in the whites of his eyes, or in the inside of his lippes, either vpper or nether▪ it is a signe he would be let bloud: for after any of these signes doth most commonly follow some one or other grieuous sicknes, which to preuent is the true art of a skilfull Farrier Now it is meete that when you intend to let a horse bloud (hauing leasure to do the same) that you suffer him to be thinly dy­etted a day or two before he be let bloud, to the end [Page 225] that his body may be quiet & not troubled with dis­gestion. Now for the maner of letting a horse bloud, you shall as neare as you can, let him stand vpon euen ground, & if it be the necke veine which you would strike, you shall take a small long cord with a noose, and putting it ouer the horses necke, as close to the setting on of the shoulder as you can, there draw it a straite as is possible, and then fasten it with a run­ning knot, and straight you shall see the veines to ap­peare as bigge as a mans little finger, euen from the nether chap down the neck. Now you are to obserue that the place where you are to strike the veine in, is e­euer within 3 fingers or 4 fingers at the most, of the ne­ther chap; as thus, if your horse haue a long, fine, thin necke and skin, then you may strike the veine within three fingers or lesse of the chap (sith the higher is e­uer the better;) but if he haue a short chub neck, with a thicke skin, and many wreathes, or rolles, about the setting on of his chaps, then you shall strike the veine at least foure fingers from the chap, lest those wreaths together with the thicknesse of the skinne, do so de­fend the veine that your fleame cannot reach it. When you haue thus raised the veine vp, you shall cause one to stand on the contrary side the horse, and with his fist to thrust the veine forth hard against you▪ then you shall either with a wette sponge, or with a little spettle, wette that part of the veine which you meane to strike, and then separating the haire, set your fleame euen and directly vpon the veine; and then with a good smart blow, strike it into the veine: which done, you shall cause one to put his finger into the horses mouth, and tickling him in the roofe thereof, make him chaw and moue his [Page 226] chappes, for that will force the bloud to spinne forth. Now the bloud which you take from the horse, it is very necessary that you saue in diuers vessels for di­uers causes, as first, that you may see when all the cor­rupt bloud is come forth, and that when the colour thereof is growne pure, and so remaineth being cold, that then you suffer the horse to bleed no more; or else that you saue it to bath the horses body therwith; which is most wholsome: or else to make a medicine therewithall by mingling with the bloud vinegar and oyle, and so bathe the horses body therewith, especi­ally that place which was let bloud; for the ancient Farriers hold an opinion that it is indued with a cer­taine naturall vertue and power to comfort the weake and feeble members of a horse, and to dry vp all euill humors. Now as soone as your horse hath bled suffi­ciently, you shall let loose the cord, & immediatly the veine will stoppe; then with that cord you shal stroake down the veine iust ouer the orrefire twise or thrice, which wil both close vp the hole & also turn the course of the bloud this done set the horse vp in the stable, & let him stand fasting 2. or 3. howres after, and then after diet him according as in your discretion you shall thinke meete, that is to say, if he be a sicke horse, then like a sicke horse with good prouender & warme mashes; but if he be a sound horse, then like a sound horse, either turne him to grasse, or keep him in the sta­ble after his ancient custome. Now if you would let your horse bloud either in the temple veins or the eie veins, you shal then cord him hard about the midst of the necke, and not neare his shoulders, hauing care that you touch not his wind-pipe, & so throttell him: for it wil make both those veines shew most apparant­ly. [Page 227] If you intend to let the horse bloud in the breast veines or plat veines, of some called the fore-thigh veines, you shall then cord him behind the shoulders close to the elbowes of the horse, and ouerthwart his withers, & that will make those two veines shew. Now you shall vnderstand, that not any of these veins last spoken of, as about the head or the breast, must be let bloud by striking them with a fleame, (though it be the manner of our common Smithes) for it is most beastly & butcherly, and also full of much danger by striking through the veine; but you shall with a fine sharpe lancet open the veine, euen in such sort as you see a skilfull Chirurgian open a veine in a mans arme. Now for the letting of a horse bloud in the palate of the mouth, you shall but onely with a sharpe pointed knife, pricke the horse betweene the second and third barre, as deepe as a barley corne is long, and he will bleede sufficiently: as for all other veines in a horses body whatsoeuer, which are to be opened, you shall vnderstand that whensoeuer it is needfull that they bleede, that then they must bee taken vp and not corded at all. Now touching the taking vp of veines, and the manner how to do it you shall reade more at large in a particular chapter to­wards the end of this booke.

CHAP. 6. Of outward Sorrances what they are, and of certaine generall obseruations in the cure of them.

OVtward sorrances, according to my meaning in this place, are taken two manner of waies, that is to say, either it is an euill state and composition of [Page 228] the body, which is to be discerned either by the shape, number, quantity, or site of the member euil affected & diseased: or else it is the loosning and diuision of an vnity, which as it may chance diuersly, so it hath di­uers names accordingly. For if such a diuision or loosning be in the bone, then it is called a fracture: if it be in any fleshy part, then it is called a wound, or an vlcer: if it be in the veines, then a rupture; if in the sinewes, then a convultion or crampe; and if it be in the skinne, then it is called an excoriation: and of all these seuerally I intend to intreate in the following chapters. Now forasmuch as in this gene­rall art of Surgery or Sorrances, there are certaine generall obseruations or caueats to be held inuio­late, I will before I proceede any further, giue you a little taste thereof. First therefore, you shall vnder­stand that it is the duty of euery good Farrier, neuer to burne or cauterize with hot Iron or with oyle, nor to make any incision with knife where there be either veines, sinewes, or ioints, but either somewhat lower, or somewhat higher.

Item, You shall neuer apply to any ioynt or finewie part, either Resalger, Arsnicke, Mercury sublimate, nor a­ny such violent corrosiue.

Item, It is euer better to lance with a hot Iron then a cold, that is, it is better to cauterize then to incise.

Item, Bloud doth euer produce white and thicke matter; choler a waterish thin matter, but not much; salt fleame great abundance of matter: and melancho­ly many dry scabs.

Item, when you let bloud, you must take but the fouth part from a colt, which you take from a growne horse.

Item, You must neuer let bloud, except it be either [Page 229] to diuert sicknesse and preserue health, or to refresh and coole the bloud, or else to diminish bloud, or to purge bad humours.

Item, In all impostumes or swelling soares, called Tu­mors, you must obserue the 4 times of the sicknes, that is to say, the beginning of the griefe, the encrease of the griefe, the perfection and state of the griefe; and lastly, the declination and amending of the griefe.

Item, In the beginning of euery such swelling apo­stumes (if you cannot quite destroy them) vse reper­cussiue medicines, if they be not neare some princi­pall part of the body; but then not, for feare of en­dangering life; in the augmentation, vse mollifying medicines, and supling to ripe them; and when they are ripe lance them, and let them out, or dry them vp; and in the declination of them, vse cleansing and hea­ling medicines.

Item, All swellings are either hard or soft, the hard commonly will corrode, the soft will continue long.

Item, If you thrust your finger vpon any swelling vpon a horses legges, then if it presently rise againe and fill, then is the hurt new and recouerable; but if the dent do remaine and continue still behind, then is the hurt old, and cometh of cold humors, and askes great art in the healing.

Item, When soares begin to matter, then they heale, but if the putrifaction be great, then beware they rot not inwardly.

Item, All cauterizing or burning with hot Irons, straineth things enlarged, dryeth vp what is too much moistned, dissolueth things gathered toge­ther or hardened, draweth backe things which are dis­persed, & helpeth old griefes: for it ripeneth, dissol­ueth, [Page 230] and maketh them to runne and issue forth mat­ter.

Item, You must sometimes burn vnder the soare, to diuert humors, and somtimes aboue, to defend and withhold humors.

Item, It is euer better to burne with copper then with yron, because yron is of a malignant nature; steele is of an indifferent vertue betwixt both.

Item, All actual burning is to burn with instrument, and potentiall burning is to burne with medicines, as are caustiks and corrosiues,

Item, If you vse oft to blow pouders into a horse eies, it will make him blind.

Item, By no meanes take vp any veines in the fore­legges, vnlesse great extremity compell you: for there is nothing that will sooner make a horse stiffe and lame. Many other obseruations there are, which be­cause they are not so generall as these be, and that I shall haue occasion to speake of them in other particular chapters, I thinke it here meete to omit them, and the rather because I will not be tedious.

CHAP. 7. Of the diseases in the Eyes, and first of the weeping and watering Eye.

THe eies of a horse are subiect to many infirmities, as first to bee rheumatike or watry, then to be bloud-sh [...]tten, to be dimme of sight, to haue the pinne and webbe, the haw, the wart in the eye, the inflammation of the eies, the canker in the eye, or a stroake in the eye; of all which, some come of inward causes, as of humours resorting to the eyes; and some [Page 321] of outward causes, as heate, cold, or else by some stripe or blow.

And first to begin with the rheumaticke or watry eye, you shall vnderstand that according to the opi­nion of the ancient Farriers, it doth proceed many times from the fluxe of humours distilling from the braine, and sometimes from the anguish of some blow or stripe receiued. The signes are, a continuall watering of the eye, and a close holding of the liddes together, accompanied sometimes with a little swel­ling. The cure, according to the opinion of some Far­riers, is to take of Bole-armonicke, of Terra-sigillata, and of Sanguis Draconis, of each a like quantity; make them into powder, and then adde vnto them as much of the white of an egge and viniger, as will make them moist; and then spread it plaister-wise vp­pon a cloth, and lay it to the horses temples of his head aboue his eyes; and do this three daies together. Others vse to let the horse bloud in the veines vnder his eyes, then to wash the eye twice or thrice in the day with white wine, & then to blow into the soare eye with a quill, the powder of Tartaz Salgam, and cu [...]tell bone, of each like quantity: or else take the yolke of an egge roasted hard, and mixe therewith the powder of comen, and binde it hot to the eye, and so let it rest a night or more. Other Farriers vse to take of pitch and rosen, and of masticke a like quan­tity; melt them together: then with a little sticke, ha­uing a clout bound to the end thereof, and dipt there­in, annoynt the temple veines on both sides a hand­full aboue the eyes, as broade as a twelue pence; and then clappe vnto it, immediatly a few flockes of like colour to the horse, holding them close to his head, [Page 232] with your hand, vntill they sticke fast to his head; then let him bloud on both his eye veines, if both eies be sore; and then wash his eies with white wine. Others vse onely to take a pretty quantity of life ho­ny, and to dissolue it in white wine, and to wash the horses eies therewith: and sure if it proceede from a­ny blow, it is a medicine sufficient inough; but if it proceede from any rheume or inward causes, then you shall take ground Iuy, beaten in a mortar, and mixt with waxe, and so laied to the eyes like a pla­ster, or else boyle wormewood in white wine, and wash the horses eyes therewith: also to spurt beere orale now and then into the horses eyes, will cleare the sight passing well.

CHAP. 8. Of the Bloud shotten eye; proceeding from any cause whatsoeuer.

FOr any bloud-shotten eye, proceeding from any cause whatsoeuer, either outward or inward, you shall take (according to the opinion of the most an­cient Farrierss) of rose water, of Malmsey and of fen­nell water, of each three spoonefull; of Tutie as much as you may easily take vp betweene your thumbe and your finger; of cloues a dozen beaten in­to fine powder; mingle them well together, and be­ing luke warme, or cold, if you please, wash the in­ward puts of the eye with a feather dipt therein twise a day vntill the eye be well: or in stead hereof, to wash the eye either with the white of an egge, or with the iuyce of Selladine. Others vse to take the toppes of hawthornes, and boyling them in white wine, wash [Page 233] the eye therewith. Other Farriers take a dramme of Synoper, and as much of life hony, and as much of wheate flowre; mixe them with faire running wa­ter, so that they may be liquid and thinne: then seeth them with a very soft fire vntill they be thicke like an oyntment, and therewithall annoynt the eye. But the best receipt that euer I found for this griefe, is to take take the whites of two egges, and beate it till it come to an oyle; then put to it two spoonefull of rose water, and three spoonefull of the iuice of housleeke; mixe them well together: then dippe therein little round plegants of flat cakes, of soft towe as bigge as a horses eye, and lay them vpon the horses eyes, renuing them as oft as they grow hard, and in a day or two it will make the horses eyes sound againe.

CHAP. 9. Of Dimnesse of sight, or Blindnesse.

DImnesse of sight, or blindnesse, may happen to a horse diuers wayes, as by some straine when the inward strings of the eyes are stretched beyond their powers, or by the violence of great labour, or by the supporting of a great burthen beyond the horses ability, or by some blow or wound: any of these are mortall enemies to the eyes and sight. The signe is the apparant want of sight, and an euill affected co­lour of the eye. Now for the cure it is thus: If the sight be gone, and yet the ball of the eye be sound, then you shall take according to the opinion of some Far­riers, a pretty quantity of May butter, with as much rosmary, & a little yellow rosen, with a like quantity of [Page 234] [...]ladine; then stamp them all together, & fry them with the May butter; then straine it, and keepe it in a close boxe (for it is a iewell for sore [...]ies) and annoint your horses eyes therewith at least twice a day: it is also good to heale any wound. Other Farriers vse to let the horse bloud in the eye veines, and then wash his eyes with red-rose water. Others vse to take the gall of a blacke sheepe, and beate it, and straine it; and then to wash the eyes therewith. Others vse to burne the horse vnder the eyes, that the ill humours may distill forth; and then to annoint his eyes either with the marrow of a sheepes shanke, and rose water mixt together, or else with the iuice of ground Iuy. O­ther Farriers vse to take a Mould-warpe, and lapping her all ouer in clay, burne her to ashes; and then to take of that powder, & blow it into the horses eyes. O­ther vse to take an empty egge shell, and fill it with baysalt; then burne it till it be blacke: then adde to it of burnt allome the quantity of your thumb; beate them together to fine powder; then mixe some of this powder with fresh butter, and wipe it into the horses eyes with a feather; then clappe the white of an egge dipt in flaxe, ouer his eyes: do this once a day for a seuen night, & after but once in two dayes: this is most excellent for any filme, and also for a pearle. Others vse to take two dry tile-stones, and rubbe them together, and blow the powder of it with a quill into the horses eyes three or foure dayes to­gether.

CHAP. 10. Of the Pearle, Pinne, Webbe, or any spot in the Horses eye.

THe Pearle, the Pinne, the Webbe, or any vnna­turall spot, or thicke filme ouer a horses eye, pro­ceedeth, for the most part, from some stroake recei­ued; yet the pearle, which is a little round, thicke, white spot like a pearle, growing on the sight of the horses eye, comes many times from naturall causes, and euen from d [...]scent of Sire and Damme, as I haue o [...]ten found by experience. The signe is, the appa­rant sight of the infirmity; and the cure, according to the opinion of the most ancient Farriers, is to take sixe leaues of ground Iuy, and a branch of selladine, and bray them in a mortar, with a spoonefull or two of womans milke; and then straine it through a cleane linnen cloth, and put it into a close glasse, and then droppe of it as much into the horses eye at a time, as will fill halfe a hazell nut shell: and it is the fittest to be done at night onely: do thus thrice at the least, and for three daies after, keepe the horse as much as may be, from any light. Other Farriers vse to annoint the horses eyes with the marrow of goates shankes, or Deeres shankes, and rose water mixt together; or else to wash his eyes with the iuice of the berries and leaues of ground Iuy, or other Iuy mixt with white wine; and to blow into his eyes the powder of blacke flint, or of land oysters; but that powder must be made so exceeding fine, as by art in scarcing can any waies be brought to passe. And then for the taking away of any filme or pearle, there is no medicine more soue­reigne. [Page 236] There be other Farriers which vse to take the leane of a gammon of bacon, & dry it, & therof make a powder, & blow it into the horses eye. Others vse to take white ginger made into very fine powder, & blow it into the horses eies; yet before you so do, if the web haue continued any long time, it shall not be amisse, first to annoint the horses eye with capons grease. O­thers vse to blow into the horses eye, the powder of elder leaues dryed, or else the powder of mans dung dryed, or the powder of a gray whetstone mixt with the oyle of hony, and put into the horses eie. Others vse to take the yolke of an egge, with salt burnt & bea­ten to powder, and blow it into the horses eye: or else the powder of the cuttell bone Others vse to take either elder leaues dryed, or mans dung dryed, & mixe it with the powder of the shel or bone of the crab-fish, and blow it into the horses eye. Others take Tutty beaten to powder, & with a quill blow it iust vpon the pearle. Other Farriers vse to take (and sure it is not inferior to any medicine whatsoeuer) a good quanti­ty of white salt, & lapping it round vp in a wet cloth, put it into the fire, and burne it to a red coale: then taking it forth and breaking it open, you shall finde in the midst thereof, a white chore as bigge as a beane, or bigger: then picke out that chore, and beate it to powder, and mixe it with a little white wine: then after it hath stood a while, take the thicke thereof that lyeth in the bottome, and put it into the horses eye; and with the thin wash his eye: do thus once a day till the pearle be consumed. Others vse to take the iuice of rue, and put it into the horses eye: or else to make a hole in an egge, & put forth all that is with­in it, and fill the shell with pepper; and closing it in [Page 237] an earthen pot, put it into a hot burning ouen till it be white hot: then take it forth, and beate the pepper to powder, and blow thereof into the horses eye. O­thers vse to take of pommis stone, of Tartarum, and of Sal gemma, of each like weight; and being bea­ten into very fine powder, to blow a little of that in­to the horses eye, continuing so to do till the eye be well. Others vse onely to blow the powder of Sandeuoire into the horses eye, affirming that it a­lone hath sufficient force and vertue to breake any pearle or webbe in a very short space, without any o­ther composition; but surely I haue found the pow­der of flint, and the powder of white salt burnt, to be much more stronger.

CHAP. 11. Of the Haw in the Horses eye,

THe haw is a gristle growing betwixt the neather eye lidde and the eye, and it couereth some­times, more then the one halfe of the eye. It pro­ceedes of grosse and tough fleamy humours, which descending downe from the head, and knitting toge­ther, do in the end grow to a horne or hard gristle. The signes thereof, are a watering of the eye, and an vnwilling opening of the neather lidde; besides an apparant shew of the haw it selfe, if with your thumb you do but put downe the nether lidde of the horses eye. The cure is, first take a needle & a double threed, put it through the tippe of the horses eare, which done, put the needle likewise through the vpper eye lid of the horse vpwards, and so draw vp the eye lidde, and fasten it to the eare, then with your thumbe [Page 238] put downe the neather lidde, and you shall plainly see the haw: then thrust your needle through the edge of the haw, and with the threed draw it out, so as you may lay it vpon your finger; then fasten the threed a­bout your little finger to hold it constantly; and then with a very sharp knife cut crosse the gristle of the in­side next the horses eye; and so separating the skin & the fat from the gristle, cut the gristle quite out: then cutting your threedes, draw them cleane out, both of his eye liddes and out of the haw: then wash all the horses eye either with ale, beere, or white wine, and plucke away all the long haires from about the horses eyes, being sure to leaue no bloud within the horses eye. And in this maner of cure you must obserue, that by no meanes you cut away too much of the wash or fat about the haw; nor any part of the bl [...]cke that groweth by the end of the haw; for that will make the horse bleare eyed. There be other Farriers which vse after they haue cut out the haw, to annoint the eye sixe dayes after with sallet oyle, the marrow of sheeps shanks & salt mixt together. Others vse to take of the iuice of ground Iuy stampt in a mortar, with the iuice of Iuy berries, and mixe them either with water or white wine; and so plaister-wise lay it to the horses eye, renuing it morning and euening, and it will eate away the haw. Others vse after the haw is cut away, to lay to the eye a plaister of camomill and of hony beaten together; any of all which is suffici­ent enough. Now you are to note by the way, that the horse which hath one haw, commonly hath two: for they continually go together.

CHAP. 12. Of Moone eyes or Lunaticke eyes.

THe moone eyes, or lunaticke eyes, are of all soare eyes the most dangerous and noysome, and do proceede from hot humours, descending from the head, and stirred vp by the extremity of ouer-riding, or compelling a horse to do more then nature will giue him leaue; as I haue seene a slothfull and heauy horse brought to be moone eyed by the folly of his rider, who would force him to stand, and trot contra­ry to the vigor of his spirit; so likewise I haue seene delicate mettald horses brought to be moone eyed, when their riders would not temper the freenesse of their natures, but haue giuen them leaue to runne into all violence. Now they be called moone eyes, because if the Farrier do obserue them, he shall perceiue that at some times of the moone, the horse will see very prettily, and at some times of the moone, he will see nothing at all. Now the signes hereof are, when the horses eyes are at the best, they will looke yellowish and dimme; and when they are at the worst, they will looke redde, fiery, and angry. The cure is to lay all ouer the temples of the horses head, the plaister of pitch, rosen, and masticke, mentioned in the chapter of watery eyes: then vnder each of his eyes with a sharp knife make a slit of an inch long, about foure fin­gers beneath his eyes, and at least an inch wide of the eye veines; then with a cornet loosen the skin about the breadth of a groat, and thrust therein a round peece of leather as broad as a two-pence with a hole in the midst, to keepe the hole open; and looke to it [Page 240] once a day, that the matter may not be stopped; but continually runne the space of ten dayes: then take the leather out, and heale the wound with a little flaxe dipt in this salue. Take of Turpentine, of hony, and of waxe, of each like quantity, and boyle them together; which being a little warmed will be liquid to serue your purpose; and take not away the plaisters which are vpon his temples, vntill of themselues they fall a­way; which being falne, then with a small hot draw­ing Iron, make a starre in the midst of each temple veine, where the plaisters did lye, which starre would haue a hole in the midst, made with the butten end of your drawing Iron in this sort.


Now there be other Farriers which in stead of the slits vnder the eye, and the peece of leather, which is a plaine rowell, onely do take a small blunt hot Iron, and about an inch and an halfe beneath the neather lidde, to burne some 5 holes all of a row, according to the compasse of the horses eye, and to burne those holes euen into the bone; and then once a day to an­noynt them with fresh grease or sweet butter.

CHAP. 13. Of the Canker in the eye.

A Canker in the eye commeth of a ranke and cor­rupt bloud, descending from the head into the eye, where it congealeth a little worme in manner, as it were the head of a pismyre, which groweth in the neather end of the horses eye, next to his noseward. It proceedeth many times in the gristle of the nose, which if it chance to eate through, it will then passe into the head, and so kill the horse. The signes there­of [Page 241] are, you shall see redde pimples, some great & some small, both within and without the eie, vpon the eye lids, and all the eye it selfe will looke redde and be full of very corrupt matter. The cure, according to the ancient Farriers, is to take as much burnt allome as an hazell nut, and as much of greene copporas, and bake them b [...]th together vpon a tile-stone; and then grinde them into powder, and put thereto a quarter of a spoonfull of hony, & mixe them all together; and then with a clout dipt therein, rubbe the sore, till it bleede: and d [...] thus seuen daies together, and it will cure the canker. There be other Farriers, which for this canker in a horses eye, will first let the horse bloud in the necke veine of the same side that the soare eye is, and take away to the quantity of a pottell of bloud: then take of roach allome, and of greene copporas, of each halfe a pound, of white copporas one ounce; and boyle them in three pints of running water, vntill the halfe be consumed: then take it from the fire, and once a day wash his eye with this water, being made luke warme with a fine linnen cloth, and clense the eye therewith, so as it may looke raw: and do this till the eye be whole.

CHAP. 14. For a Stripe or Blow vpon a Horses eye.

IF a horse shall catch any stripe or blow vpon his eye, either with whippe, rodde, cudgel, or any such like mischance, or by one horses biting of another, when they either play or fight: then for the cure thereof, (if you take it when it is new done) you shall onely blow into his eye, either the powder of [Page 242] Sandeuoire, or the fine powder of white salt, after the eye hath bene washt with a little beere; but if the eye be more soare, and haue continued longer, then you shall take a small loafe of bread, and pull out all the crummes; then fill the loafe full of burning coal [...]s, vn­till it be well burned within: then take of that crust and put it in white wine; and after it is well soaked, lay it to the soare eye; then take sope water, and cold water mixt together, and wash all the eye browes therewith, and if for all that it go not away, then you shal let him bloud on the temple veines; and if he do rubbe or chafe his eie, you shall let him bloud of the veines vnder his eyes, & wash his eyes with cold sope water; but if his eies do chance to looke redde with the bl [...]w, then you shall lay vnto them a plaister of redde lead and [...]all▪ toyle beaten well together. Others vse to take the iuice of plantane, stampt and mixt with white wine, and so layed to the soare eye. O­thers vse both for this disease, or any other soare eye, to stampe strong nettles with a little beere, and then straining it to squirt thereof into the horses eye, twice or thrice together: then to put of the fine powder of Sandeuoire a little into his eye and then be carefull to keepe the horses eye from winde or cold; but if you must neede [...] r [...]de him, then put a wollen cloath before the horses eye; also it is not amisse to let him bloud on his eye veines, and the twice dressing will be suffici­ent. Other Farriers vse first to annoynt the soare eie three daies together with hennes or capons grease to mollifie it: then take a little life hony, and warming it, wipe it into the horses eye with a feather. Others take the iuice of plantane mixt with hony, or else the iuice of tyme mixt with hony, and put it into the [Page 243] horses eye Others vse to take the ashes of an old shooe s [...]le burnt in an ou [...]n, & put it into the horses eye: or else the powder of a gray whetstone blowne into the so [...]re eye; both are speedy remedies. Others vse to take the iuice of smallage and of fennell, and mixing them with the white of an egge, put it into the horses eye once a day till the eye be whole.

CHAP. 15. For a Wart in the Eye.

A Wart in a horses eye, is a fleshy excretion, or a fleshy knot growing either vpon the eye, or vp­pon the edge or inside of the eye liddes. It proceedeth from a thicke fleame, which descendeth to the eye by meanes that the horse is too much kept in a darke sta­ble without light; and this infirmity will make a hor­ses eye consume and grow little. The cure is to take roach allome, and burne it on a tile-stone, and then put as much white copporas thereunto not burnt, and grinde them to powder; then lay some of that powder iust vpon the head of the wart; and do thus once a day till the wart be consumed away.

CHAP. 16. For any Inflammation in a Horses eies.

HOrses may diuersly haue inflammations in the eyes, as by long standing in the stable, with fowle feeding and no exercise, or by moats falling into his eyes, or by ranknesse of bloud and such like; any of which will breed an inflammation or sorenesse in the eyes. The signes are itching and rubbing of the eies, [Page 244] and a little swelling, with some loathnesse to open the eye liddes. The cure is, first to let him bloud vpon the temple veines, and vpon the eye veines; and then to wash his eyes with milke and hony mixt together. Others after bloud letting, will wash the horses eyes with hony and Aloes epatica mixt toge­ther: and others will wash his eyes with Aloes dissol­ued in white wine; any of which is approued to be most excellent for any soare eye.

CHAP. 17. Of the Impostume in the eare of a Horse.

IMpostumes which breed in the eare of a horse, pro­ceede from diuers causes, as from some great blow about the head, or from wringings with a hard halter, or from some euill humours cong [...]aled in the eares by some extreme cold. The signes whereof appeare plain­ly by the burning and painfull swelling of the roots of the eares, and the other parts thereabout. The cure thereof, is first to ripe the impostume with this plaister: take of linseed beaten into powder, and of wheat flowre, of each halfe a pint, of hony a pint, of hoggesgrease, otherwise called barrowes grease, one pound; warme all these things together in an ear­then pot, and stirre them continually with a flat sticke or slice, vntill they be throughly mingled and incor­porated together; and then spread some of this plaister being warme, vpon a peeee of linnen cloth or soft white leather, so broad as the swelling and no more, and lay it warme vnto it; and so let it remaine one whole day, and then renew it againe, continuing so to do vntill it either do breake, or else grow so ripe [Page 245] that you may lance it downeward, so that the matter may haue passage out; then taint it with a taint of flax dipped in this salue euen to the bottome, that is to say, take of Metrosa [...]um, of sallet oyle and turpentiue, of each two ounces, & mingle them together, & make the horse a biggen of canuase to close in the soare, so as the taint with the oyntment may abide within the soare, renewing the taint once a day vntill it be wh [...]l [...]; but if the horse haue paine in his eares, without any great pain or inflammation, then thrust into his eare a little blacke wolle, dipt in the oyle of camomile, & that will ease him; but if the impostume be bro­ken before you perceiue it, and that you see matter runne from the horses eares, then you shall take of oyle of roses, of Venice turpentine, and of hony, of each like quantity, and mixing them well together, warme it luke warme vpon a few coales, and then dipping blacke wolle therein, thrust it downe into the horses eare that runneth, renewing it once a day vntil the eare leaue running.

CHAP. 18. Of the Polle euill.

THE Polle euill is a great swelling inflammation or apostume in the nape of a horses necke iust betweene his eare towards his maine, and procee­deth sometimes from the horses struggling or stri­uing in his halter, especially if the halter be of hard new twound hempe; sometimes it proceedeth from euill humors, gathered together in that place, or else from some stripe or blow giuen to the horse by some rude keeper, carter, or man of little discretion: for that [Page 246] part being the weakest and tenderest part about the head, is the soonest offended and grieued with sor­rance The signes of this disease is an apparant swel­ling betw [...]ene the horses eares, and on each side his necke, which in continuance of time, will breake of it owne accord, yet doth euer rot more inwardiy then outwardly, from whence it comes that this disease is more commonly called of our common and ignorant Farriers, the fistula in the necke, then the polle-euill; and i [...] truth it is an vlcer, so hollow and so crooked, and so full of sharpe matter, like vnto lye, that it very little differeth from a fistula, and is of all impostumes, except the fistula it selfe, the most hardest to cure: therefore I would wish euery car [...]full Farrier to take this cure in hand so soone as is possible, that is to say, before it breake if it may be.

Now for the general cure (according to the opinion of the ancient Farriers) it is thus: Fi [...]st, if it be not bro­ken, ripe it with a plaist rof hogs grease, layd vnto it so hot as may be, and make a biggen for the powle of his head to keep it from cold; which biggen would haue two holes open, so as his eares may stand ou [...]; and re­new the plaister euery day once vntill that it breake, ke [...]ping the soare place as warme as may be; and if that you see it will not breake so soone as you would haue it, then looke where it is soft [...]st, and most mee­test to be opened; take a round hot Iron, or a copper Iron (for that is the better) as bigge as a mans little finger, and sharpe at the point made in this figure;


and then about tw [...] inches beneath the soft place, thrust it in a good deepnesse vpward, so as the point of your cauterizing Iron may come out at the ripest place, to the intent that the matter may de­scend [Page 247] downeward, and come out at the neather hole, which would alwaies be kept open; and therefore taint it with a taint of flaxe dipt in hogs grease warm, and lay also a plaister of hogges grease vpon the same, renewing it euery day once for the space of foure dayes: which is done chiefly to kill the heate of the fire; then at the foure dayes end, take of Tu [...]p [...]n­tine halfe a pound, cleane washed in nine sund [...]y w [...] ­ters, and after that throughly dryed, by thrusting out the water with a slice on the dishes side; then put thereunto two yolkes of egges, and a little saffron, and mingle them well together: that done, search the depth of the hole, either with a quill or a probe, and make a taint of a peece of dry sponge neuer wet, so long as it may reach neare the bottome, and so bigge as it may fill the wound; and annoint the taint with the foresaid oyntment, & thrust it into the wound ei­ther with that quill, or else by winding it vp with your finger and thumbe by little and little, vntill you haue thrust it home; and then lay on the plaister of hogges grease made luke warme, renewing it euery day once or twise vntill it be whole; but if the swelling ceasse, then you neede not to vse the plaister, but one­ly to taint it; and as the matter decreaseth, so make your taint euery day lesser and lesser vntill the wound be perfectly whole. Now if this disease of the polle-euill haue broken of it selfe, and by negligent looking vnto, haue continued so long that it is turned to a fi­stula, which you shall know both by the great and crooked hollownesse inwardly, and by a sharpe thin water which will issue out thereof outwardly: then you shall take (according to the opinion of other Far­riers) of vnsleckt lime, and of Arsnicke, of each like [Page 248] quantity; beate them together into very fine powder, put thereto of the iuice of garlicke, of onions and of wal-woo [...]t, of each like quantity, & of holly as much as all the rest; boile them vpon a soft fire, & stirre them al well together vntill they be as thicke as an ointment; then wash the soare with very strong vinegar, & fil the hole full of the aforesaid ointment, by dipping a taint therein twice a day; then lay a plaister of hogs grea [...]e vpon the tent to make it keep in, and vse this vntil the ho [...]se be whole. Other Farriers vse to take orpiment, vnleackt lime, and verdigrease of each like quantity temper them with the iuice of pellitorie, blacke inke, hony and strong vinigar of each like quantity, boile them and stirre them well [...]ogether, vntil they be very thicke, then make thereof smals rolles, and put them into the hollow place of the same sorance: now you are to note that both this and the last recited salue before this are onely to kill the ranckerous and sharpe humor which brings the sore vnto a fistula, which so soone as you haue killed, which you shal know by the matter which will be white and thick, then you shall heale vp the sore either with the pouder of Sauin or the pouder of hony and lime backed together, or else by annointing it with tarre and sallet oyle or fresh hogges grease mixt together. There be other Farriers which for this sorance doe first open the sore with a hot yron, and then take redde lead or blacke sope, and mixing them very well with water till it be good and thicke, taint the horse therewith till he be whole. O­thers vse to t [...]ke a quart of water, halfe a pound of roach allome, foure peny worth of Mercury, a quarter of a pound of verdigrease, and mixing them well to­gether, wash the horses soare with this water till it be­gin [Page 249] to dry vp, and then heale it with the pouders be­fore named.

CHAP. 19. Of a Horse that is laue ear'd, and how to helpe him.

For a horse to be laue ear'd, is as foule a disgrace, and as much deformity to his beauty as to want the true proportion and vse of any outward member whatso­euer. It proceedeth from a naturall infirmity, and is ingendred euen from the first conception; and al­though few of our Farriers either haue endeuored themselues, or know how to helpe it; yet there is no­thing more certaine then that in this sort it may be cured. First take your horses eares and place them in such manner as you would haue them stand, and then with two little boords or peeces of trenchers three fin­gers broad, hauing long strings knit vnto them, bind the eares so fast in the places where they stand that by no meanes or motion they may stirre; then betwixt the head and the root of the eare, you shall see a great deale of empty wrinkled skinne, which with your fin­ger and your thumbe you shall pull vp, and then with a very sharpe paire of sizers you shall clip away all the empty skin close by the head: then with a needle and redde silke you shall stitch the two sides of the skinne close together, and then with a salue made of turpen­tine, Deeres suet and hony, of each like quantity mel­ted together and made into an oyntment, heale vp the sore; which done, take away the splents which held vp his eares, and you shall see his eares will keepe the same place still as you set them, without any altera­tion, and this you shall euer find as certaine as the healing of a cut finger.

CHAP. 20. Of the Viues or har [...] Kirnel, betweene the chappes and the necke.

THe viues are certaine great kirnels which grow f [...]om the roote of the horses eare, downe to the lower part of his neather iaw betweene the chappe and the necke; they are in proportion long, narrow, and round, and are naturall things proper and due to euery horse; but when either through ranke­nesse of bloud, or aboundance of corrupt humours resorting to that place they begin to be inflamed, then they become very foule sorrances and impostumati­ons most dangerous; they are inwardly very full of little white salt kirnels, and they breede great paine in the horses throat. This disease as farre forth as I can finde by any demonstration, is the disease which in men we call the squinansie or quinzy, and not as some of the old Farriers suppose, the strangle, for that hath no coherence with the infirmity. For the signes of the disease there needes small repetition, insomuch as the griefe is apparant to the eye; and the cure, according to the opinion of the oldest Farriers, is thus: If you see the kirnels to ranckle and swell, you shall take the horses eare, and laying it downe alongst the necke of the horse, at the very end or tippe of the eare, cut a hole through the skinne of the necke, the length of an almonde or bet­ter, and then with a crooked wire picke out all those kirnels which you finde inflamed; which done, fill the hole full of salt: then about the end of three dayes you shall finde the soare beginne to [Page 251] matter: then wash it either with barke water, or with the iuice of sage: then take of hony, of sweet but­ter, and of tarre, of each halfe a spoonefull, and melte them together; and as soone as you haue washt the soare cleane, put into it of this oyntment the quantity of a beane, and so dresse the horse once a day vntil he be whole. There be others of our most ancient English Farriers, which for this sorrance vse first to draw the soare right downe in the midst with a hot Iron from the root of the eare, so farre as the tip of the eare wil reach; being pulled down, & vnder the root againe draw [...]. strikes on each side like an arrow head in this forme: then in the


midst of the first line, lance them with a lancet, and taking hold of the kirnels with a paire of fine thin pinsons, pull them so farre forward as you may cut the kirnels out without hurting the veine: that dore, fill the hoale with salt, and heale it vp as aforesaid. Now the most of the Italian Farriers vse this cure: First, take a sponge steeped well in strong vinegar, and binde it vnto the soare place, renewing it twice a day vntill the kirnels bee r [...]tted: that done, lance it in the neathermost part, where the matter lyeth, and let it out, and then fill vp the hole with salt fine­ly brayed, and the next day wash all the filth away with warme water and a sponge; and then an­noint the place with hony and fitch flowre mixt toge­ther; but in any case beware during this cure, that you touch not the kirnels with your bare finger, for feare of venoming the place, which is very apt for a fistula to breede in. Now there be other English Farriers, which vse either to ripen the soare by laying [Page 252] to a plaister of hot hogges grease, or a plaister of bar­ley meale, mixt with three ounces of raisins, sod well together in strong wine, or else they cut out the kir­nels Now whether you cut them out, burne them out, or rot them out (of all which I hold rotting the best) you shall euer fill the hole with nettles and salt being chopt and mixt together: or else taint it with tents dipt in water, and mixt with sallet oyle and salt. Others vse to burne them downeward with a hot I­ron in the midst, from the eare to the iaw bone, dra­wing two crosse stroakes, and then lance it in the midst, and plucke out the kirnels, and fill the hole with bay salt, and the croppes of nettles well chopt toge­ther: or else put onely salt into the hole, and take the croppes of nettles well chopt and mixt with baysalt, and two spoonefull of strong vinegar, and straine it, & put in either eare a spoonefull thereof, and put some black wolle after it, & so bind vp his eares. Others vse to ripen them either by laying to the soare, wet hay, or hot horse litter, & as soone as they are ripe (which you shall know by the softnesse, to lance the skinne, and take out the kirnels, and then fill the hole with the powder of hony and vnsleckt lime mixt together and burnt. Others vse after the kirnels are ripened & taken out, to take of Egrimony, hony, and violet leaues, of each like quantity, & stamping them well together, to plaister the soare therewith, till it be whole. Others vse after the kirnels are taken out, to wash the soare with copporas water, and then to tent the hole with flaxe dipt in the white of an egge; and after to heale it with waxe, Turpentine, and hogges grease molten well together.

CHAP. 21. Of the Strangle.

THe strangle (howsoeuer our old Farriers make a long discourse thereof) is not (as they suppose) a kinde of quinzy, but a meane inflammation of the throate, proceeding from some cholericke or bloudy fluxion, which comes out of the branches of the throat veines into those parts, and there breedeth some hot inflammation; being stirred vp either by some great cold in winter, or cold taken after labour: it is a great and a hard swelling betweene the horses neather chappes vpon the roots of the horses tongue, and about his throate; which swelling, if it be not pre­uented, will stoppe the horses wind-pipe, & so stran­gle or choake him; from which effect, and none o­ther the name of the disease tooke his deriuation. The signes of this disease besides the apparant sight thereof, and the palpable feeling of the same, is, the horses temples of his head wil be hollow, & his tongue will hang out of his mouth, his head and eyes also will be swolne, and the passage of his throat so stopt, that he can neither eate nor drinke; and his breath will be exceeding short. The cure thereof according to the most ancient Farriers, is with a round small hot Iron to t [...]rust a hole through the skinne on both sides the wessand; and then after it beginneth to matter, to mixe butter, Tanners water and salt together, and e­uery day annoynt the soare therewith till it be whole. Other of the ancient Farriers vse first to bathe the horses mouth and tongue with hot water; and then annoint the soare place with the gall of a bull: that [Page 254] done, giue him this drinke: take of old oyle two pounds, of old wine a quart, nine figges, and nine leekes heades well stamped and brayed together, and after you haue boiled these a while, before you straine them, put thereunto a little Nitrum Alexandrinum, and giue him a quart of this euery morning and e­uening: also you may if you will let him bloud in the palate of the mouth, and powre wine and oyle into his nosthrels, & also giue him to drinke the deco­ction of figs & Nitrum sodden together, or else to an­noint his throat within with Nitre, oyle & hony, or else with hony and hogges dung mixt together. O­ther Farriers vse to rowell the horse vnder the throat, and to draw the rowell twice or thrice a day, annoin­ting it with fresh butter and keeping his head warme. Other of our latter and better experienced Farriers, vse first (if his yeares will permit it) to let the horse bloud in the necke veine: then to lay to the soare this ripening plaister: take of mallowes, linseed, rue, smal­lage, and ground Iuy, of each like quantity; boyle all these together in the grounds of beere: then put to a pretty quantity of oyle de bay, with a little Dia Al­thea: then take it from the fire, and therewith make your plaister, and lay it to the soare, suffering the horse by no means to drink any cold water: after the soare is broken, lay bran steept in wine vnto it, till it be whole. Others vse to cut the kirnels out betweene the iawes, & then to wash the soare with butter & beere, giuing the horse to drinke new milke & garlike, and iuyce of the leaues of birch, or in winter the barke of birch, or else to annoint it with tarre and oyle till it be whole. Now, for mine owne part, the best cure that euer I found for the strangle was this: As soone as I found [Page 255] the swelling to arise betweene his chappes, to take a waxe candle, and holding it vnder the the horses chappes close to the swelling, burne it so long till you see the skinne be burnt through▪ so that you may, as it were, raise it from the flesh▪ that done, you shall lay vnto it, either wet hay, or wet horse litter, and that will ripen it, and make it breake: then lay a plaister vnto it only of Shooe-makers waxe, and that will both draw, and heale it. Now if it breake in­ward, and will not breake outward, and so auoy­deth onely at his nose, then you shall twice or thrice euery day, perfume his head by burning vn­der his nosthrels either Frankinsence or masticke, or else by putting a hote coale into wet hay, and so making the smoake thereof to ascend vp into the horses head.

CHAP. 22. Of the Cankerous Vlcer in the Nose.

THat which we cal the cankerous vlcer in the nose, is onely a fretting humor eating and consuming the flesh, and making it all raw within, and not being holpen in time, will eate through the gristell of the nose. It cometh of corrupt bloud, or else of a sharpe hunger ingendred by meanes of some extreme cold. The signes are, the horse will oft bleede at the nose, and all the flesh within his nose will be raw, and filthy stinking sauours and matter will come out at his nose. The cure thereof, according to the ancient Farriers, is: take of greene copporas and of allome, of each one pound, of white copporas, one quarterne; and boile these in a pottell of running water, vntill a pinte [Page 256] be consumed, then take it off and put thereunto halfe a pint of hony: then cause his head to be holden vp with a drenching staffe, and squirt into his nosthrels with a squint of brasse or pewter, some of this water being luke warme, three or foure times one after ano­ther; but betwixt euery squirting giue him li­berty to hold downe his head, and to snurt out the fil­thy matter; for otherwise perhaps you might choake him: and after this it shall be good also without hol­ding vp his head any more, to wash and rubbe his no­sthrels with a fine clowt bound to a stickes end, and dipt in the aforesaid water; and do thus once a day vntill the horse be whole. Other Farriers vse if they see this canker to be of great heate, and burning in the soare with exceeding great paine, then you shall take the iuice of purslaine, lettice, and night-shade, of each like quantity, and mixe them together, and wash the soare with a fine cloath dipt therein, or else squirt it vp into his nosthrels and it will all [...]y the heate. Others take of hyssope, sage, and rue, of each a good handfull, and seeth them in vrine and water to the third part of them: then straine them out, and put in a little white copporas and hony, and aqua-vitae, and so either wash or squirt the soare place with it: then when the canker is kild, make this water to heale it: Take of rib-woort, bettony, and daysies, of each a handfull: then seeth them well in wine and water, & wash the soare three or foure times a day therewith vntill it be whole. Others vse to take Chrystall, and beating it into fine powder, to strow it vpon the can­ker, and it will kill it.

CHAP. 23. Of bleeding at the Nose.

MAny horses, (especially yong horses) are oft subiect to this bleeding at the nose, which I imagine proceedeth either from the great aboun­dance of bloud, or that the veine which endeth in that place, is either broken, fretted, or opened. It is o­pened many times by meanes that bloud aboundeth too much, or for that it is too fine or too subtile, and so pierceth through the veine. Againe, it may be bro­ken by some violent straine, cut, or blow. And last­ly, it may be fretted or gnawne through by the sharp­nesse of the bloud, or else by some other euill hu­mour contained therein. The cure is, according to the ancient Farriers, to take the iuice of the rootes of net­tles, and squirt it vp into the horses nosthrels, and lay vpon the nape of the horses necke, a wadde of hay dipt in cold water; and when it waxeth warme, take it off, and lay on a cold one. Other Farriers vse to take a pint of redde wine, and to put therein a quar­terne of Bole-armoniacke beaten into fine powder; and being made luke warme, to powre the one halfe thereof the first day into his nosthrell that bleedeth, causing his head to be holden vp, so as the wine may not fall out, and the next day to giue him the other halfe. Others vse to let the horse bloud on the breast veine on the same side that he bleedeth at seuerall times: then take of frankinsence one ounce, of aloes halfe an ounce, and beate them into fine powder, and mingle them throughly with the whites of egges vn­till it be as thicke as hony; and with soft Hares haire thrust it vp into his nosthrell, filling the hole so [Page 258] full that it cannot fall out, or else fill his nosthrels full of ashes, dung or hogges dung, or horses dung mixt with chalke and vinegar. Now for mine owne part, when none of these will helpe (as all haue fai­led me at some times) then I take two small cords, and with them garter him exceeding hard, some ten inches aboue his knees of his forelegges, and iust be­neath his elbowes; and then keepe the nape of his necke as cold as may be with wet clothes or wet hay, and it will staunch him presently.

CHAP. 24. Of the boody rifts, or choppes in the palate of the horses mouth.

THese choppes, clefts or rifts, in the palate of a hor­ses mouth, doe proceede (as some Farriers sup­pose) from the eating of rough hay, full of whims, thistels, or other pricking stuffe, or else prouender full of sharpe seedes, which by continuall pricking and fretting the furrowes of the mouth, do cause them to ranckle, swell, and breede corrupt and stinking matter; and without speedy preuention, that vlcer will turne to the foulest canker. The cure thereof is (according to the opinion of the ancient Farriers) to wash the soare places very cleane with salt and vinegar mixt together, and then to annoint it with hony. Other Farriers vse (especially if the palate be much swelled, to pricke the roofe of the mouth with an hot Iron, that the humour may issue out abundantly, and then to annoint the place with hony and onions boyled together till they be whole.

CHAP. 25. Of the Gigges or Bladders in a horses mouth.

THese gigges, bladders, or flaps in a horses mouth, are little soft swellings, or rather pustules with blacke heads, growing in the inside of the horses lips, next vnto his great iaw teeth; they will sometimes be as great as a wal-nut, and are so painfull vnto him that they make him let his meate fall out of his mouth, or at least keepe it in his mouth vnchawed, whereby the horse can in no wise prosper: they do proceede either of eating too much grasse, or naughty rough prick­ing hay or prouender: they are most apparantly to be felt, and the cure is (according to the opinion of the oldest Farriers) first to draw out the horses tongue of the one side of his mouth, and then take a lancet and slit the swellings the length of a date; and then with a probe picke out all the kirnels like wheate cornes very cleane: then take the yolke of an egge, and as much salt as will temper it thicke like leauen; then make it into little balles, and thrust into euery hole one; and do so once a day vntill it be whole. Other Farriers vse after they haue slit them with an incision knife, and thrust out the corruption, onely to wash the soare places either with vinegar and salt, or else with allome water. Others vse with a small hot Iron to burn the swellings, and then wash them with beere and salt, or ale and salt, and it will heale them. Now that you may preuent this disease before it come, it shall be good to pull out the horses tongue often, and to wash it with wine, beere, and ale, and so shal no bli­sters breede thereon, nor any other disease.

CHAP. 26. Of the Lampasse.

THe lampasse is a swelling or growing vp of the flesh, which ouergroweth the vpper teeth, which are the shearers in the vpper chappe, and so hindreth the horse from eating. They do proceede from a­boundance of bloud, resorting to the first furrow or bare of the mouth, I meane that which is next to the vpper foreteeth; it is most apparant to be seene, and therefore needeth no other signes. The cure is (ac­cording to the custome of the oldest Farriers, first with a lancet to let them bloud in diuers places of the swelled flesh: then take an Iron made at one end broad & thin, and turned vp according to this figure,


and heating it redde hot, burne out all that superfluous sweld flesh which ouergrowes the foreteeth; and then annoint the soare place with fresh butter till it be whole. O­thers vse after it is burnt out, onely to rub the soare place with salt onely, or wash it with salt and vinegar till it be whole. Others vse to take a hooked knife made very sharpe and very hot, and therewith cut the swolne places in two parts crosse a­gainst the teeth; but if they be little swelled, then cut but the third ranke from the teeth, and so let him bleede well: then rubbe it with a little salt, and the horse will be well; but if you finde after­wards that either through too much burning or cut­ting, or through the eating of rough meate, that the wound doth not heale, but rather ranckleth: then you shall take a saucer-full of hony, and twelue pep­per cornes, and bray them together in a mortar, and [Page 261] temper them vp with vinegar, and boyle them a while, and then once a day annoint the soare there­with till it be whole.

CHAP. 27. Of the Camery or Frounce.

THE Camery or Frounce in horses, are small pimples or warts in the midst of the palate of the mouth aboue, and they are soft and soare; they will also sometimes breede both in his tongue and in his lippes: it proceedeth sometimes from the ea­ting of frozen grasse, or by drawing frozen dust with the grasse into their mouthes; sometimes by eating of moist hay, that Rats and other vermine haue pist vpon; and sometimes by licking vp of venome. The signes are the apparant seeing of the pimples or whelkes, and a forsaking of his foode, both through the soarenesse of them, and through the vnsauou­rinesse of the food that he hath eaten before. The cure (according to the opinion of the oldest Farriers) is first to let him bloud on the two greatest veines vnder his tongue; and then wash all the soare places with vi­negar and salt: then get the horse new bread which is not hot, and giue it him to eate, and the horse will do well inough. Others vse with a hot Iron to burne the pimples on the head, and then wash them with wine and salt, or ale and salt vntill they bleede, and they will soone heale. Other Farriers vse to take out his tongue, and to pricke the veines thereof in seuen or eight places, and likewise vnder his vpper lippes also, and let him bleede well: then rub euery soare place with salt very much: then the next day [Page 226] wash all the soare places with white wine warme, or else with strong vinegar, and rubbe it againe with salt: then for two or three dayes let the horse drinke no cold drinke and he will do well.

CHAP. 28. Of the Canker in the mouth.

A Canker is said of the ancient Farriers to be no­thing but a rawnesse of the mouth and tongue, which is full of very soare blisters, from whence will runne a very hot and sharpe lye, which fret and cor­rode or rot the flesh, wheresoeuer it goeth. The signes are, the apparant sight of the soare, besides the forsa­king of his meate, because he cannot swallow it down but lets it lye halfe chawed betweene his iawes; and sometimes when he hath chawed his meate, he will thrust it out of his mouth againe, and his breath will sauour very strongly, chiefly when the horse is fasting. This disease proceedeth oftest from some vnnaturall heate comming from the stomacke, and sometimes from the venome of filthy foode. The cure is (as the oldest Farriers instruct vs) to take allome half a pound, of hony a quarter of a pint, of collombine leaues, of sage, of each a handfull; boyle all these together in three pints of running water vntil one pint be con­sumed, and wash all the soare places therewith, so as they may bleede; and do thus once euery day vntill it be whole. Other Farriers vse first to cast the horse, and with a rolling pin to open his mouth; then with a crooked Iron wrapt about with tow or flaxe, to rake out all the stincking grasse or other meate that lieth in his iawes, and vnder the roote of his tongue: then [Page 263] when you haue cleansed it thus, you shall heat strong wine vinegar somewhat warme, and then with the same Iron wrapt with new tow, and dipt in the vine­gar, you shall wash all the soare places till they bleede: then wash all his tongue and his lips with the same vi­negar, and so let him rise; and then feed him at least 7 dayes with warme mashes and hot graines; but in no wise with any hay, and he will soone be whole. Other Farriers vse to take of the iuice of daffadill roots seuen drams, of the iuice of hounds tongue as much, of vi­negar as much, and of allome one ounce; mixe these well together, and wash the canker therewith once a day vntill it be whole. Others vse to take of sauen, of baysalt, and of rue, of each like quantity, and stampe them together with as much barrowes grease, and an­noint the soare places therewith vntill the canker be kild, which you may know by the whitenesse, & then heale it vp onely with allome water. Others vse first to wash the canker till it bleede with warme vinegar, to take a good quantity of allome beaten into very fine powder, and to mixe it with strong vinegar till it be as thick as a salue; then to annoint all the soare pla­ces therewith, and do thus twice or thrice a day vntil the canker be whole. Now for mine owne part, the best cure that euer I found for this sorrance, is to take of ginger and of allome, of each like quantity, made into very fine powder: then with strong vinegar to mixe them together till they be very thick like a salue, then when you haue washt the canker cleane, either with allome water or with vinegar, anoint it with this salue, and in twice or thrice dressing the canker will be whole.

CHAP. 29. Of heate in the mouth and lippes of a Horse.

THe vnnaturall and violent heate which ascen­deth vp from the stomacke into the mouth, doth not alwaies breed a canker, but sometimes onely hea­teth and inflameth the mouth and lippes, making them onely swell and burne, so as the horse can take no ioy in his foode, but through the griefe refuseth his meate. The cure thereof is, first turne vp his vp­per lippe, or that which is most sweld, and with a lancet iagge it lightly, so that it may bleede; and then wash both that, and all his mouth and tongue with vinegar and salt.

CHAP. 30. Of the Tongue being hurt with the Bitte, or otherwise.

IF the tongue of a horse be either hurt, cut, or gal­led, by any accident or mischance whatsoeuer, the best cure is (as the old Farriers suppose) to take of En­glish hony, and of salt lard, of each like quantity, a little vnsleckt lime, & a little of the powder of pepper; boile them on a softe fire, and stirre them well toge­ther vntill they be thicke like vnto an oyntment: then wash the wound with white wine warmed: after that anoint the wound with the said ointment twice a day, and by no meanes let the horse weare any bit vntill he be whole. Other Farriers vse first to wash the soare with allome water; and then to take the leaues of black bramble, and to choppe them together small with a little lard: that done, to binde it with a little clowt, [Page 265] making it round like a ball: then hauing dipt the round end in hony, to rubbe the tongue therewith once a day vntill it be whole.

CHAP. 31. Of the Barbes or Pappes vnderneath a Horses tongue.

THE Barbes are two little pappes which natu­rally do grow vnder euery horses tongue what­soeuer, in the neather iawes; yet if at any time they shoote out, and grow into an extraordinary length, or by the ouer-flow of humours become to be in­flamed, then they are a sorrance, and with the ex­tremity of their paine, they hinder the horse from feeding. The cure of them is both according to the opinion of the ancient and late Farriers, abso­lutely to clippe them away with a paire of sheares close by the iaw; and then to wash the soare either with water and salt, or with salt tartar and strong vinegar mixt together, or else with vinegar and salt. Any of all which will heale them.

CHAP. 32. Of paine in a Horses teeth, of Woolfes teeth and Iaw teeth.

A Horse may haue paine in his teeth through di­uers occasions, as partly by the descent of hu­mors from the head downe vnto the teeth and gums, which is very proper to colts and yong horses, and plainly to be seene by the rankenesse and swelling [Page 266] of the gummes, and also he may haue paine in his teeth, by hauing two extraordinary teeth, called the woolfes teeth, which be two little teeth growing in the vpper iawes, next vnto the great grinding teeth; which are so painefull to the horse, that he cannot en­dure to chaw his meate, but is forced either to let it fall out of his mouth, or else to keepe it still halfe cha­wed. Againe, a horse will haue great paine in his teeth when his vpper iaw teeth be so farre growne as they ouer-hang the neather iaw teeth; and there­with also be so sharpe, as in mouing his iawes they cut and raze the insides of his cheekes, euen as they were razed with a knife. Lastly, a horse may haue great paine in his teeth, when either by corruption of bloud, or some other naturall weaknesse, the horses teeth grow loose & soare in such maner that through the tendernesse therof, he is not able to chaw or grind his foode. Now for the seuerall cures of these infir­mities you shall vnderstand that first as touching the generall paine in a horses teeth, which doth come by meanes of the distillation of humors, it is thought fit by the ancientest Farriers, first to rubbe all the out­side of the horses gummes with fine chalke and strong vinegar well mixt together. Other Farriers vse after they haue so washed the gummes, to straw vpon them the powder of pomegranat pils, & to couer the tem­ples of the head with a plaister of pitch, rosen, and ma­sticke molten together, as hath bene before declared. Now for the cure of the wolfes teeth, or the iaw teeth (acocrding to the opinion of the ancient Farri­ers) it is thus. First, cause the horses head to be tyed vp high to some post or raster, and his mouth to be o­pened with a cord so wide that you may easily see [Page 267] euery part thereof: then take an instrument of Iron, made in all points like vnto a carpenters gouge, and with your left hand set the edge of the toole at the foote of the woolfes teeth, on the outside of the iaw, turning the hollow side of the toole downward, hol­ding your hand steadily, so as the toole may not slip not swarue from the foresaid teeth: then hauing a mallet in your right hand, strike vpon the head of the toole a good stroake, wherewith you may loosen the tooth, and make it bend inward: then straining the midst of your toole vppon the horses neather iaw, wrinch the tooth outward with the inside or hollow side of the toole, and thrust it cleane out of his head: which done, serue the other woolfes tooth on the o­ther side in like manner, and then fill vp the empty holes with salt finely brayed. Other Farriers vse (and I haue in mine experience found it the better practise) only when the horse is eirher tyed vp or cast, and his mouth opened, to take a very sharp file, and to file the woolfes teeth so smooth as is possible, and then wash his mouth with a little allome water. Now if the vp­per iaw teeth ouerhang the neather iaw teeth, & so cut the inside of the mouth as is aforesaid, then you shall take your former toole or gouge, and with your mal­let strike and pare all those teeth shorter by little and little degrees, running alongst them euen from the first vnto the last, turning the hollow side of your toole towards the teeth, by which meanes you shall not cut the insides of the horses cheekes: then with your file, file them all smooth without any raggednes, and then wash the horses mouth with vinegar & salt. Lastly if the paine do proceede from the loosnesse of his teeth, then the cure is, according to the opinion [Page 268] of the ancient Farriers, first to cast the horse, and pricke all his gummes ouer with a lancet, making them bleede well; then rubbe them all ouer with sage and salt, and it will fasten them againe. Others vse to let the horse bloud in the veine vnder his taile next the rumpe, and then to rubbe all his gums with sage, and to giue him in his prouender, the tender croppes of blacke bryars; or else wash all his mouth with hony, sage, and salt beaten toge­ther; and by no meanes let the horse eate any moist meate: for cold, moist, and marrish feeding in the winter, onely breedeth this disease of loosnesse in the teeth; and it is of all other, most proper to the Sorrell horses.

CHAP. 33. Of diseases in the Necke and VVithers, and first of the Cricke in the necke.

THe Cricke in the necke of a horse, is when he can­not turne his necke any way, but holdes it still right forth, in so much that he cannot bow downe his head to take vp his meate from the ground, but with exceeding great paine; and surely it is a kinde of convultion of sinewes, which proceedeth from cold causes, of which we haue spoken very suf­ficiently before: it also proceedeth sometimes from ouerheauy burthens▪ that be laid vpon a horses shoul­ders; or by ouer-much drying vp of the sinewes of the necke. The cure whereof, according to the opi­nion of the ancient Farriers, is, first to thrust a sharp hot Iron through the flesh of the necke in fiue seueral pla­ces, euery one distant from the otther three inches, [Page 269] (but in any case beware of touching any sinew:) then rowell all the aforesaid places either with horse haire, flaxe or hempe, for the space of fifteene daies, and an­noint the rowels with hogs grease, and the necke will soone be restored. Others vse if the cricke causeth the horse to hold his head straight forward, which she­weth that both sides are equally perplexed, to take a hot drawing Iron, & draw the horse from the root of the eare, on both sides the necke, through the midst of the same, euen downe the breast, a straw deepe, so as both ends may meete on the breast: then make a hole through the skin of the forehead, hard vnder the foretop, & thrust in a cornet vpward betwixt the skin and the flesh, a handfull deepe: then either put in a goose feather doubled in the midst, and annointed with hogs grease: or else a rowell of either horne or leather with a hole in the midst: any of which will keep the hole open, to the intent the matter may issue forth: and this you shall keepe open the space of ten daies; but euery day during that time the hole must be [...] cleansed once, and the feather or rowell also cleansed, and fresh annointed, and put in againe; and once a day let him stand vpon the bit an houre or two, or else be ridden abroade two or three miles, by such an one as will beare the horses head, and make him bring it in; but if the cricke be such that it maketh the horse to hold his head awry vpon the one side, which sheweth that but one side of the neeke is troubled, then you shall not drawe the horse with an hote Iron, on both the sides of the necke, but onely on the contrary side, as thus: If hee bend his head towardes the right side, then to drawe him, as is aforesaid, onely on the left [Page 270] side, and to vse the rest of the cure as is abouesaid, and if necessity do require, you may splent the horses necke also straight strong with splents of wood. I haue cured this cricke in the neck only by bathing the hor­ses neck in the oile of peeter very hot, and then rolling it all vp in wet hay, or rotten litter, and keeping the horse exceeding warme, without vsing any burning, wounding, or other violence.

CHAP. 34. Of Wennes in the necke.

A Wenne is a certaine bunch or kirnell vpon the skinne, like a tumor or swelling; the inside where­of is sometimes hard like a gristell, and spongious like a skinne full of soft warts; and sometimes yellow like vnto rusted bacon, with some white graines among. Now of wennes some are great and some be small, al­so some are very painfull and some not painfull at all. They proceede as some imagine, of naughty grosse flegmaticke humours, binding together in some sicke part of the body. And others say they proceed from taking of cold, or from drinking of waters that be most extreme cold; but I say, that albeit they may proceed from these causes, yet most generally they proceed frō some pinching, bruising, biting, ripping, or galling ei­ther of girthes, halter, coller, or any other thing what­soeuer. The cure thereof is this: take of mallowes, sage, and redde nettles, of each one handfull; boile them in running water, and put thereunto a little but­ter and hony; and when the hearbes be soft, take them out, and all to bruise them, and put thereunto of oyle de bay two ounces, and of hogges grease two ounces; [Page 271] and warme them together ouer the fire, mixing them well together: that done, plaister it vpon a peece of leather, so bigge as the wenne, and lay it to so hot as the horse can endure it, renewing it euery day in such sort the space of eight dayes; and if you perceiue it will come to no head, then lance it from the midst of the wenne downeward, so deep that the matter in the bottome may be discouered & let out: which done, heale it vp with this salue: Take of Turpentine a quar­terne, and wash it nine times in faire water, then put thereunto the yolke of an egge, and a little English saffron beaten into powder, and make a taint or rolle of flaxe, and dip it in that ointment, and lay it vnto the soare, renewing the same euery day once vntill the wenne be cured. Others vse in this case, with a hot I­ron to burne and seare away all the superfluous flesh, & then to heale vp the soare either with the ointment last rehearsed, or else with the powder of hony and lime mixt together; and this manner of cure is by much the speedier.

CHAP. 35. Of swelling in the necke after bloud-letting.

THe swelling of a horses necke after bloud-letting may come through diuers occasions, as namely by striking through the veine, so as some of the bloud being gotten betwixt the flesh and the veine, it there corrodeth and turneth to an impostume; or else by striking the veine with a rusty fleame, whereby the veine rankleth; or by some cold winde striking sud­denly into the hole: or lastly by suffering the horse too soone to thrust downe his head, & graze or feed, [Page 272] whereby humours resorting to that place, breedes a great impostumation. The cure is according to the o­pinion of some Farriers, to take hemlocke and stampe it, and then to mingle it with sheepes dung, and vi­negar, and so making a plaister thereof, to lay it to the swelling, renewing it once a day vntill it be whole. Other Farriers vse first to annoint the place with the oyle of camomill warmed, and then to lay vpon it a little hay, wet in cold water, and binde it about with a cloath, renewing it euery day the space of a weeke, to see whether it will grow to a head, or else vanish a­way: if it grow to a head, you may then lance it, and thrust out the matter: then heale it vp by tainting it with flaxe dipt in turpentine and hogges grease mol­ten together, dressing it so once a day vntill it bee whole.

CHAP. 36. How to stanch Bloud.

IF your horse either by wound or other accident, or by the ignorance of any vnskilfull Farrier that let­teth him bloud when the signe is in that place, bleed so exceedingly that he will not be staunched, you shall then according to the opinion of the old Farri­ers, lay vnto the wound a little new horse dung, tem­pered with chalke and strong vinegar, and not to re­moue it from thence the space of three dayes; or else to lay vnto it burnt silke, burnt felt, or burnt cloath, any of which will stanch bloud. Others vse to powre into the wound, the iuice of coriander, or else to let the horse chew in his mouth the leaues of periwinkle. Others vse to take of bruised nettles, and lay them to the wound: or else wilde tansey bruised, or hot hogs [Page 273] dung. Others vse to take bruised sage, & lay it to the wound: or else the coame about the Smithes forge: or else a sodde of earth, or bruised Hyssope, or the soft croppes of hawthorne bruised: or else to take the quantity of two ounces of the horses bloud, and boyle it till it come to a powder, and then put that powder into the wound; but when all these faile, as in some extremities I haue found them do, then for your onely refuge, you shall take the soft downe either of a Hares skinne, or of a Co­nies skinne, and stoppe the wound well therewith, holding it hard to with your hand till the bloud stanch; and if it bee any grieuous soare wound, then as soone as the bloud is stayed, spread a plaister of Bole-armonicke and vinegar mixt together ouer the wound.

CHAP. 37. Of the falling of the Crest.

THe falling of a horses crest, is when the vpper part of a horses necke which is called the Crest, leaneth either to the one or the other side, and will not stand vpright as it ought to do. It proceedeth most commonly from pouerty and hard keeping, and especially when a fat horse falleth away sud­denly vpon any inward sicknesse. The cure (accor­ding to the oldest Farriers) is first to drawe his crest a full strawe breadth deepe on the contrary side with a hot Iron, the edge of which Iron would be halfe an inch broad, and make both your begin­ning and ending somewhat beyond the fall, so as the first draught may go all the way hard vpon the edge of the maine, close by the rootes of the same, [Page 274] bearing your hand right downeward into the necke­ward: then answer that with an other draught be­neath, and so farre distant from the first as the fall is broade, compassing, as it were, all the fall; but still on the contrary side, & betwixt those 2. draughts, right in the midst, draw a third draught: then with an Iron button of almost an inch about, burne at each end a hole; & also in the spaces betwixt the draughts, make diuers holes, distant three fingers one from another, as this figure doth plainely shewe you. That done, to kill the fire,


annoint it euery day once with fresh butter for a weeke or more: then take of mallowes, and of sage, of each one handfull; boile them well in running water, and wash the burning away till it be raw flesh, and then dry it vp with the powder of hony and lime. Other Farriers vse for this infirmity, first to cast the horse vpon some soft dung-hill, or other easie place, and with a long knife to cut away the flesh on the han­ging or vnder side of the crest, euen from the fore-end thereof to the hinder end, sixe inches broad, and two inches thicke, or somewhat more in the middle there­of where it is thickest: then groping the crest with your hands, to pare the thickest part thereof, till it come all to one thinnesse; then holding the horse still fast bound, to couer all the place with great handfuls of swines dung prepared for the purpose, and held to the sore place an houre together, til the bloud be stan­ched: then let the horse arise, and leade him into the stable, tying him in such sort, that he may neither rub his necke nor lye downe: then the next morning take [Page 275] good store of burnt allome beaten to powder, and strew it all ouer the soare place, and so let him stand for two daies after without any stirring, lest the wound should bleed againe: then at the end of those two daies you shall bathe the soare gently with a fine linnen cloath, dipt in warme vrine; and then drying the soare, againe throw more burnt allome vpon it; and after annoint all about the out side of the edges of the soare with Vnguentum Album Camphiratum, more then an inch broad: thus you shall dresse him euery day once on that side of the crest which did fall: then for the contrary side you shall draw his maine there­on, and plat it in many plats: which done, you shall to those plats with thongs of leather fasten a cudgell of a foote and a halfe long: then to the midst of that cudgell, you shall hang a peece of lead with a hole in it, of such weight as will poise the crest vp euen, and hold it in his right place: then shall you draw his crest on that side the weight hangs with a hot drawing I­ron, euen from the toppe of the crest, downe to the point of the shoulder, making diuers stroakes, one an inch and an halfe from another: then shall you lay vpon the burnt places, a plaister of pitch, tarre, and ro­sen, molten together, and so let the weight hang till all the soare places be healed, and there is no question but the crest will stand both vpright and strongly.

CHAP. 38. Of Manginesse in the Maine.

THe manginesse which is in the maine of a horse, and maketh him shed his haire, proceedeth either from the ranknesse of bloud, pouerty or lowsinesse; or [Page 276] else of rubbing where a mangie horse hath rubbed, or else of filthy fretting dust lying in the maine for want of good dressing. The signes are the apparant rubbing and itching of the horse about the maine and necke, and the scabbes fretting both the flesh & skin, besides the shedding and falling away of the haire. The cure (according to the opinion of some of our old Farriers) is, first let him bloud on the neck veine, and cut away all the haire from the scabs; then with a hot Iron as bigge as a mans finger, seare all the soare place euen from the one end to the other: then annoint all the place you so burnt with blacke sope, and now and then wash it with strong lee and blacke sope mixt together. Other Farriers for this mangi­nesse onely take of fresh grease one pound, of quick­siluer halfe an ounce, of brimstone one ounce, of rape oile halfe a pint, mingle them together, and stirre them continually in a pot with a slice, vntill the quicksiluer be so wrought with the rest, as you shall perceiue no quicksiluer therein: that done, take a blunt knife, or an old horse-combe, and scratch all the mangy pla­ces therewith vntill it be raw and bloudy, and then annoint it with this ointment in the sunne-shine, if it may be, to the intent the ointment may sinke in, or else hold before it either a hot fire pan, or a hot barre of Iron, to make the ointment melt into the flesh, and if you see that within three daies after thus once an­nointing him he leaue not rubbing, then marke in what place he rubbeth, and dresse that place againe, and questionlesse it will serue.

CHAP. 39. Of the shedding of the haire in the Maine.

HAire, for the most part, sheddeth or falleth from the maine of a horse by reason of certaine little wormes which eate and fret the rootes of the haire a­sunder. The cure whereof is first to annoint the maine and crest with blacke sope, and then to make a strong lye either of running water and ashe ashes, or else of vrine and ashe ashes, and with that to wash the main [...] all ouer and it will helpe him.

CHAP. 40. Of paine and griefe in a horses Withers.

BOth to a horses withers, and also to his backe, do happen many infirmities and sorrances, some pro­ceeding from inward causes, as of the corruption of humors, and sometime of outward causes, as through the galling, pinching, and wringing of some naugh­ty saddle, or some heauy burthen layed on the hor­ses backe, or such like; and of these griefes some be small, and some be great: the small are onely su­perficiall blisters, swellinges, light galles, or brui­sings, and are easily cured; but the great are those which pierce to the very bone, and be most dange­rous, especially if they be nigh to the backe bone. Then to speake first of the smaller gallings, when­soeuer you shall see any swelling to arise, either a­bout your horses withers, or any other part of his backe, the cure is (according to the opinion of some of the old Farriers) first if the place be much swolne and festered, then to pierce it with a sharpe [Page 278] hot Iron in many parts on both sides of the necke, & then put into the same, tents of linnen cloath, dipt in warme sallet oile; and then after to dry and heale it vp with the pouder of hony and lime mixt together.

Others vse to take butter and salt, and to boile them together vntill they be blacke, then to powre it hot on the swelling; & then to take a flake of warme horse-dung, and lay it on the soare backe vntill it be whole, dressing it once a day.

Others (especially the best of the ancient Farriers) vse as soone as they see any swelling to arise, to binde vnto it a little hot horse-dung, to see if that wil asswage it; which it will not, then to pricke it round about the swelling with a fleame, knife, or lancet, yet not too deepe, but so as it may pierce the skinne, and make the bloud issue forth: that done, take of mallowes, or smallage, two or three handfuls, and boile them in running water vntill they be so soft as pappe: then straine the water softly from it, and bruise the hearbs in a traine dish, putting thereunto a little hogges grease or else sallet oyle, or sheepes sewet, or any other fresh grease; boyle them and stirre them together, not frying them hard, but so as they may be soft and sup­ple; and then with a clout lay it warme vpon the soare, renewing it euery day once vntill the swelling be gone: for it will either driue it away or bring it vnto a head, which lightly chanceth not in these small swel­lings, except some gristell or bone be perished. O­thers of the ancient Farriers vse when they see any swelling to arise about a horses backe, first to shaue the place with a razor; and then to lay thereunto this plaister: Take a little wheate flowre, and the white of an egge beaten together, and spread it on a linnen [Page 279] clout, which being laied vnto the swelling two or three daies, and not remoued, will bring it to a head; & when you come to take it off, pull it away so softly as you can possibly; and where as you see the corrup­tion gathered together, then in the lowest place there­of, pierce it vpward with a sharpe Iron somewhat hot, that the corruption may come out; and annoint the soare place euery day once with fresh butter or hogs grease vntill it be whole. Others of our latter Farriers vse when they see any swelling, onely to lay wet hay vnto it: for that will either driue it away, or bring it vnto a head; and then when it is broken you shall lay vpon it a plaister of wine lees, renewing it as often as it growes dry; and if your lees be too thinne, you may thicken them with wheate flowre: or if you like not this medicine, then you may make a plaister of thicke barme, as great as the soare, and renew it once a day vntill the swelling be asswaged, but if you see that a­ny corruption be knit together, then you shall lance it in the neathermost part, and let out the matter: then wash the soare either with vrine, ale, or beere, made scalding hot; then dry vp all the moisture from the soare, either with a linnen cloath or with a sponge: then couer all the soare ouer with burnt allome beaten to powder: and thus dresse the horse once a day vntill the flesh be growne vp so high as you would haue it; then shal you dresse the soare but once in two or three dayes. But if you see it skinneth but slowly, then may you annoint the edge of the soare al about after it hath bene washed as aforesaid, with Vnguentum Album, for that will make the skinne to come fast; but if you do perceiue that by dressing it thus seldome, there doth beginne any proud flesh to grow, then shall you take a [Page 280] dram of Mercury, and mingle it with an ounce of Vn­guentum album, and annoint all the soare place there­with, once in two daies, this will correct the proud flesh, and cause it to skin and heale suddenly. Others vse for the abating of these swellings, to boile mallows in the grounds of ale, & to clap it hot to the swelling: then if the swelling do breake, then wash it with pisse, and powre hot molten butter vpon it. Others vse to shaue away the haire, and then to lay very hot vnto it, a handful of leekes stampt & mixt with boares grease; or else to take a turfe of earth burnt red, and layed to as hot as the horse can suffer it. Other Farriers vse to take nettles beaten to peeces, and mixt with hot vrine, and so lay it on hot, and then set on the saddle: and then if after two or three daies dressing, the swelling breake, then looke if there be any dead flesh within the soare, and either eate or cut it out: then take a pound of fresh grease, and a pound of sallet oyle, three oun­ces of white waxe, one ounce of turpentine, and three drams of verdigrease; melt all these together, and taint the soare therewith till it be whole: for this wil both eate away the ill flesh and incarnate good. Others take greene cole-worts, and stampe them with swines grease, and then lay it plaister-wise on the soare, and it will asswage it, especially if you ride the horse a little, to make the medicine enter in. Now if there be no great swelling, but onely the skinne chafed off, then you shall wash the place with water and salt, or else with warme wine and sprinkle vpon it the powder of hony and lime; or else the powder of Myrre, or the powder of burnt silke, or felt, or cloath, or of any old poast. Other Farriers vse when onely the skinne is gald off, to take a spoonefull of thicke creame, and to [Page 281] put as much chimney soote vnto it as will make it like an ointment, and then to lay it vpon the sore, and questionlesse it will skinne it presently.

CHAP. 41. Of any gold backe, or Withers, how great soeuer the swel­ling or inflammation be.

IF the swelling, pince, wringing or gall, either vp­on the withers or any parte of the backe of a horse, be extraordinary great and much inflamed, so that there is no apparant hope that it can be got away, without much apostumation, then the cure accor­ding to the opinion of the ancientest Farriers, is, to take barme, and mixe it with so much soote of a chim­ney, and make it so thicke therewith, that it shall seeme like tarre: and with that make a plaister, and lay it to the sore place, renewing it twise a day, and it will both draw and heale it. Other [...] vse, to take a hand­full of bay salt, a handful of great and small oatemeale, and put a quantity of old stale thereto, and stirre them altogether, and temper it like pappe or past, and then make round bals thereof; then throw them into a fire, and make them red hot, then take them forth and beat them to fine powder; and then strow of that powder all ouer the sore, so oft as you shall see any part thereof bare, and it will heale it. Other Farriers vse if they see the swelling to be any thing great, first to draw round about the swelling with a hot yron, and then crosse him with the


same yron, in manner of this figure: then take a round hot yron, hauing a sharpe point, and thrust it into the [Page 282] swelling place on each side vpward, towards the point of the withers, or toppe of the backe, to the entent that the matter may issue downewards at both the holes; that done, taint both the holes, first with a taint dipt in hogges grease to kill the fire, and also annoint all the burnt places therewith, continuing so to do vn­til the swelling be asswaged, renewing the tent euery day once, vntill the fiery matter be fallen away: then tent him againe with washed turpentine, mingled with yelks of egges and saffron, renewing the tent euery day once vntill it be whole. But if for all this the swelling do not goe away, then it is a signe of some in­ward inpostumation, and then it shall be good that you launce it, and let out the corruption▪ then take of hony halfe a pint, of verdigrease two ounces, beaten to powder, and mixe it together with the hony; then boile them in a pot vntill they looke redde, then being luke warme, make either a tent or a plaister, according as the wound shall require, renewing the same euery day once vntill it be whole. But the sore may be so ve­hement that for lacke of looking to in time, if it be on the withers, it will pierce downewards betwixt both the shoulders euen into the body, which is most dan­gerous, and mortall; therefore whensoeuer you shall feare any such hollownes, you shall tent the hole with the salue last mentioned, and thrust after it a good peece of dry sponge, as well to keepe the hole open as also to sucke out the corruption, and this you shall re­new once a day vntill the sore be whole. Others of our latter Farriers vse to take butter, vinigar, and bay salt, and melting them together lay it to the sore warme vntill it breake, then strow vpon it either soote or the powder of a clay wall; but if it be much feste­red [...] [Page 287] weight or knobs lying directly behind the saddle: of all bruisings on the backe, it is the most vilde and dangerous, and you shall perceiue it by puffed vp and spungie flesh looking like old rotten lights about the mouth of the sore. The cure therefore is accor­ding to some of the ancients Farriers, first to cut away all the dead or proud flesh euen to the bone, then burne a hole foure inches lower then the nauell gall, and put a rowell of horse haire through it; then take the powder of oyster shels or of an old shooe sole burnt, and strow it on the sore, and euer as it waxeth moist put on more powder. Others for the nauell gall take the white of an egge, wheate flowre, hony, mustard, and sope, of each like quantity, and mixing them together make a plaister thereof; and after the dead flesh is taken out, and the sore washt with ale, butter & vrine, then lay on the plaister: & if the proud flesh beginne to grow againe, then the powder of an old burnt shooe, or nerue oile, or verdigrease will kill it, and the powder of oyster shels will skinne it. Other of the ancient Farriers vse, after they haue cut out all the rotten and dead flesh, to take the white of an egge and salte beaten together, and lay that plaister wise to the sore vpon a little toaw, renewing it once a daie the space of two daies, then take of hony a quarterne of a pinte, and of verdigrease one ounce beat into powder, and boile them together in a pot, stirring it still vntill it looke red, and being luke warme make a plaister with toaw, and clap it to the wound, washing and clensing well the wound, first with a litle warme vinigar or white wine, continuing so to do once a day vntill it beginne to heale and to skinne; then dry it vp by sprinckling thereon this powder following. Take [Page 288] of hony a quarterne, and as much of sleckt lime as will thicken the hony and make it like past, and in a fire-pan ouer the fire, stirre it still vntill it be hard ba­ked, so as it may be beaten into powder; but euer before you throw on the powder, wash the wound first with warme vinegar, continuing so to do vntill it be perfectly skinned. Others vse, to heale this gall by laying on the sore, a plaister of chimney soote and barme mixt together, or else to mixe nettle seeds and sallet oile together, and annoint the sore therewith. Others vse onely to wash the sore with warme water, and then annoint the place with fresh grease and salt mixt together; or else to take of bettony, powder of brimstone, Ellibor, pitch, and old grease, of each like quantity, and stampe them together, and when you haue washed the sore with chamber lie, then annoint it with this ointment, vntill it be whole.

CHAP. 46. Of the swaying of the backe.

A horse is said to be swaied in the backe, when ei­ther by too great a burthen, or by some slippe, straine, or ouer hasty and straight turning, he hath ta­ken an extreme wrinch in the lower part of his backe below his short ribs, and directly betweene his fillets: the signes whereof, are a continuall reeling and row­ling of the horses hinder parts in his going, and also he will folter many times, and sway sometimes backe­wards, and sometimes sidelong and be ready to fall e­uen to the ground; besides, the horse being laid will with great difficulty rise vp againe. The cure, accor­ding to the opinion of the old Italian Farriers, is, to [Page 289] take of the fat of the fruit of the pine tree, two ounces, of Olibanum three ounces, or rozen foure ounces, of pitch foure ounces, of Bole-armonicke one ounce, and of Sanguis Draconis halfe an ounce; incorporate all these well together, and lay it plaister wise all ouer the reines of the horses backe, not taking it by any means away till it fall of. Others of our owne Farriers, vse first to couer the horses backe with a sheeps skinne, coming hot from the sheepes backe, laying the fleshy side next to his backe, and then lay a warme houssing cloath vpon the same, to keepe his backe as hot as may be, and so let it continue vntill it begin to smell; then take the old skinne away, and apply a new vnto it, continuing so to do the space of three weekes, and if he amend not with this, then draw his backe with a hot yron, right out on both sides of the ridge of his backe, from the pitch of the buttocke, vnto a handful within the saddle: and then againe ouerthwart accor­ding to this figur, & let e­uery


line be an inch one from another; neither let the stroak be deep, & burned no more then that euery one may looke yellow; then lay vpon the burning this charge or plaister. Take of pitch one pound, of rozen halfe a pound, of Bole-armonicke halfe a pound, made into powder, and halfe a pint of tarre, and boile all these together in a pot, and stirre it vntill euery thing be molten, and throughly mingled together, then being luke warme daube all the burning there­with very thicke, and thereupon clap as many flockes of the horses collor as you can make to abide on, and remoue it not before it fall away of it selfe; and if it be in sommer you may turne the horse to grasse.

CHAP. 47. Of speciall weaknesse in the Backe.

ACcording to the opinion of our oldest Farriers (though my selfe haue taken little notice of the infirmitie) there is an other kind of weakenesse belon­ging to a horses backe, which they call the fretting or biting of the reines, which doth proceed from abun­dance of humors resorting to that place, whereby all the hinder parts of the horse doe l [...]se their feeling and strength, and the horse falleth downe to the ground; yea and such humors many times resorting to the hart doe suffocate the same, and in two or three howres do cause the horse to die. The cure accor­ding to their opini [...]n is, first to let the h [...]se bloud a­boundantly in the necke veine and to draw his backe with a hot yron, in such sort as is declared in the last Chapter, and then to make him swim a p [...]ety while in some riuer; then rowell him vpon the haunches neare vnto the huckell bones and then to annoint the sore place, with hogges grease and three leaued grasse stamped together, vntill he be whole.

CHAP. 48. Of the swelling of the Coddes or stones.

THis kind of swelling or inflammation of the cods cometh either by some wound receiued, or by the stinging or else biting of some venemous beast, or else by some great straine, either in running or lea­ping, or by the biting of one horse with an other. The cure is, according to the opinion of the [Page 291] most ancient Italian Farriers is, first to bathe the cod with water, wherein hath bene sodden the rootes of wilde cowcumbers and salt, and then to annoint it with an ointment made of oile, goats grease, and the white of an egge; or else to bathe the cod in warme water, Nitrum, and vinegar mingled together, and also to be annointed with an ointment made of chaulke, or of potters earth, oxe dung, commin, water, and vinegar mingled together; or else to be annointed with the iuice of the hearb called nightshade, or with the iuice of hemlocke, which growes on dunghils; and if need require, to let him bloud on the flanck veines. But out later Farriers, who hold that this disease cometh oftest after some sicknesse, or surfait with cold, being a signe of amendment from that sicknesse, doe cure it in this sort; take of beane flowre, wheat meale, commin, and hogges grease, of each like quantity, and making a plaister thereof, spread it all ouer the horses cods and stones. Others boile groundsell in wine and vinegar, and so bathe the hor­ses coddes therewith; or else take a quarte of good ale-worte, and set it on the fire, with the crummes of browne bread strongly leauened, and better then a handfull of commin made in powder; then with beane flower make a plaister of them all, and apply it to the griefe, as hot as it can be suffered; or if this helpe not, take cowes dung and seeth it in milke, and lay it vpon the swelling as hot as may be, and it will asswage it. But if this inflammation proceed from rancknes of seed, which you shall perceiue by the moist slimi­nesse of his yard, then you shall first make him couer a Mare, then keepe him without prouendar, and let him bloud aboue the great veine, which is betweene [Page 292] his hips, & lay thereto hard egges, beaten in his owne dung, and make a plaister of the same and lay it to his coddes, and once a day wash his coddes with cold water. Others vse to let the horse bloud in his flancke veines, and then take of oile of roses, and of vinegar of each halfe a pinte, of Bole armonick halfe a quar­terne beaten to powder; mixe them together in a cruse, and being luke warme annoint the cods there­with, with, two or three feathers bound together; and the next day ride him into the water, so as his coddes may be within the water, giuing him a turne or two therein, and so returne faire and softly home vnto the stable; and when the horse is dry annoint him againe as before, and doe thus euery day vntill the horse be whole. Now there be other Farriers which hold that this disease may come by meanes of euill humors and corrupt bloud, which resort vnto the cods, and then the cure is to couer all the coddes ouer, with a charge made of Bole-armoniacke and vinegar wrought together, renewing it euery day once vntill the swel­ling goe away, or that it breake of it selfe, and if it breake, then to taint it with Mel Rosatum, and make him a breech of canuas to keepe it in, renewing the tent euery day once vntill it be whole.

CHAP. 49. Of incording, or bursting, or the rupture in horses.

THis rupture, or as our old Farriers call it, this in­cording or burstinesse in horses, is when the rim or thinne filme which holdeth the guts vp in a horses body is broken, so that the guts falleth downe either into the cods of the horse, or into the horses flancke, [Page 293] as I haue seene diuers: now this burstnesse cometh either by some stripe or blow of another horse, or else by some straine in leaping ouer a hedge or ditch, or by teaching a horse to bound when he is too young, or when a horse goreth himselfe vpon some pole or stake, or by forcing a horse when he is full to runne beyound his strength, or by stopping a horse too sud­dain [...]ly vpon naughty ground, whereby the stradling and slipping of his hinder feete, may stretch or teare his rim: the signes to know this sorrance before it be apparant to the [...]ie are, the horse will forsake his meat and stand shoaring and leaning alwaies on that side that he is hurt, and on that side if you search with your hand, betwixt the stone and the thigh, vpward to the body, and somewhat aboue the stone, you shall finde the gut it selfe bigge and hard in the feeling; whereas on the other side you shal find no such thing. Now for the cure, although for mine owne parte I both doe and shall euer hold it incurable as long as a horse is a beast without reason, yet for your satisfacti­on I will not stick to repeat what the best Farriers and my selfe haue practiced, in as much as it worketh much good though no absolute cure. The cure then is to bring the horse into some house or place which hath ouer head a strong baulke or beame going ouerthwart and strow that place thicke with straw, then put on foure strong pasternes with foure ringes on his feet, and fasten one end of a long rope to one of those rings, then thred al the other rings with the loose end of the rope, and so draw all his foure feet together & cast him on the straw; that done, cast the rope ouer the baulke, and hoist the horse so as he may lie flat on his backe, with his legges vpward without strugling; [Page 294] then bathe his stones well with warme water and butter molten together, and the stones being some­what warme and well mollified, raise them vp from the body with both your hands, being closed by the fingers close together, and holding the stones in your hands in such manner, worke downe the gut into the body of the horse, by striking it downewards conti­nually with your two thumbs, one labouring imme­diatly after another, vntill you perceiue that side of the stone to be so small as the other; and so hauing retur­ned the gut into his right place, take a list of two fin­gers broad, throughly annointed with fresh butter, and tie his stones both together with the same so nigh the body as may be, yet not ouer hard, but so as you may put your fingar betwixt; that done, take the horse quietly downe, and leade him gently into the stable, where he must stand warme, and not be stirred for the space of 3 weeks: but forget not the next day after you haue placed his gut in his true place, to vnloosen the list & to take it away, & as wel at that time, as euery day once or twice after, to cast a dish or 2 of cold water vp into his cods, and that will make him to shrincke vp his stones, and thereby restraine the gut from falling downe; and at the three weekes end to make your cure so much the suerer, it were not amisse to geld the stone on that side away, so shall he hardly be bursten againe on that side; and during the cure let him not eate much nor drinke much, and let his drinke be alwaies warme.

CHAP. 50. Of the Botch in the groines of a Horse.

IT is the opinion of all the best horse-leaches, that if a grosse horse which is full of humors be sodainely and violently laboured, that then the humors will re­sort into the weakest parts, and there gather together and breed a botch, and specialle in the hinder parts betwixt the the thighes, not farre from the coddes. The signes ar [...], the hinder legges will be all swolne & specially from the cambrels or houghs vpward, and if you feele with your hand you shal find a great knob or swelling, and if it be round and hard it will gather to a head; the cure according to the generall practise is, first to ripe it with this plaister, take of wheat flow­er, of turpentine, and of hony, of each like quantity, stirring it together to make a stiffe plaister: and with a cloth lay it to the sore, renewing it euery day once vn­till it breake or waxe soft; and then launce it, so as the matter may runne downeward, then taint it with tur­pentine, and hogges grease molten together, renewing it euery day once vntill it be whole.

CHAP. 51. Of the Itch, Scab, or Manginesse in the taile, or generall falling of the haire.

Horses through the corruption of bloud or the ful­nesse of rancke feeding, or through ouer heating and labouring, or by the infection of other horses, do many times get the generall scab, itch, or manginesse in the taile; and sometimes in the spring time horses [Page 296] are troubled with the truncheon wormes in their fundament, which will make them rub their tailes, & fret the haire, yet are free both from mange and scurfe; wherfore if then you only rake the horse with your hand annointed with sope, and pull out the wormes, you shall cause the horse to leaue his rubbing; but if you perceiue the haire to shed and fall from the taile, through some small wormes that growes at the rootes of the haire, or through some little fretting scurfe, then you shall annoint all the taile with sope euen to the ground, and then wash it with very strong lye af­ter, and that will both kill the wormes, and scoure out the scurfe; but if much of the taile be fallen away, then you shall keepe the taile continually wet, with a sponge dipt in faire water, and that wil make the haire to grow very fast. Now if in the horses taile shall grow any canker, which will consume both the flesh and bone, and make the ioints to fall away one by one, then you shall wash all his taile with Aqua fortis or strong water made in this sort. Take of greene copporas and of allome, of each one pound, of white copporas a quarterne, boile all these together in three quarts of running water, in a very strong earthen pot vntill the one halfe be consumed; and then with a little of this water being made luke warme, wash his taile with a little clout, or flaxe bound to the end of a sticke, continuing so to do euery day once, vntill it be whole. But if as I said before, through the corrup­tion of bloud, foode, or labour, this scabbe, itch, or manginesse, spread vniuersally into many parts of the taile, you shall then likewise wash it with the same strong water, vntill it be whole.

CHAP. 52. Of the generall Scab, Mainginesse or Leprosie, ouer the whole body.

THe generall manginesse or leprosie, which run­neth all ouer the horses body, is a cankred filthy scurfe which couereth the same, proceeding from a­bundance of melancholy corrupt bloud, ingendred by infection or vnwholsome food, or else by indiscreet labour. The signes whereof are, the horse will bee all mangie, and couered ouer with a white filthy scurfe, full of scabs, and raw plots about the necke & flankes, and euill fauored to looke on, and rubbing, scratching and biting, of all diseases there is none more infectious, nor will more certainely kil a horse if it be not preuented. Now the cure according to the opi­nion of the ancientest Farriers, is, first to let the horse bloud in the one side of the necke veine, and within two daies after on the other side of the necke, and within two daies after that, in the flancke veines, and last of all in the veine vnder the taile; then wash all the sore places with salt brine, & rubbing them hard with a wispe of straw hard twisted, so as they may bleed well and be all raw; that done, annoint the places with this ointment, take of quicksiluer one ounce, of hogs grease one pound, of brimstone beaten into powder a quarterne, of rape oile a pint, mingle these things wel together, vntill the quicksiluer be throughly incorpo­rated with the rest, and hauing annointed all the raw places with this ointment, make it to sincke into the flesh, by holding and weauing vp and downe ouer it, a hot broad barre of yron, and then touch him no [Page 298] more againe the space of two or three daies, during which time, if you see that he rubbeth stil in any place, then rubbe that place againe with an old horse comb, to make it raw, and annoint it with fresh ointment. But if all this will not helpe, then with a hot yron round and blunt at the point, so bigge as a mans little finger, burne all the mangy places, making round holes, passing only through the skinne and no further; for which intent it shall be needfull to pull the skinne first from the flesh with your left hand, holding it still vntill you haue thrust the hot yron through it, and let euery hole be a spanne one from another, and if need be, you may annoint those holes with a little sope, and let the horse be very thinne di [...]ted, during this curing time. Now for mine owne part, I doe vtterly dislike this burning, for it is a foule manner of cure, and breedeth much eie-sore in the horse, and therefore other of our latter Farriers vse for this di­sease after they haue let the horse bloud in the necke veine, to take a good quantity of fresh grease, and mixe it well with the powder of chalke, then put thereto a good quantity of the powders of brimstone and el­lecampany roots, and stirre them all well together; then take a pretty quantity of quicksiluer, and kill it with your fasting spittle, or sallet oile, & mixe it with all the rest very well together, and so annoint all the sore places about the horse with this ointment. Others vse to take of lampe oile, the fine powder of brimston, of black sope, of tarre, of hogs grease, and the soote of a chimney, of each a like quantity, & then mixe them all well together, by boiling them on the fire, and then annoint all the sore places therewith, as hot as the horse can suffer it, alwaies prouided that the horse [Page 299] be let bloud before you vse the ointment. Others vse, after the horse is let bloud, to take of oile de bay a pound, and of quicksiluer one ounce, and mixing them together, neuer leaue stirring thereof, till the quicksiluer be kild, & incorporated with the oile▪ then annoint all the sore places therewith, after you haue made them raw by rubbing them. Other Farriers vse first to let the horse bloud, then to wash all the sore places within two daies after, with water where­in yong broome, or the hearb of arsmanarck hath bin well sod in, and smally chopt, and mix [...] with a lit­tle soote; and rubbe him well vntill the sore places bleed, then take a pound of blacke sope, a pottle of keene mustard, foure peniworth of brimstone made into powder, three peniworth of quicksiluer well killed with fresh grease, two peniworth of verdigrease, a quarter of a pint of grease; stirre all these together in a vessell, till the grease and other things, be molten with labour and without fire, and therewithall an­noint all the sore places, and with once annointing and twise washing, this will cure him. Others vse if the horse be young, to let him bloud on both sides the necke, and then to cut the skin downe the middest of his forehead two fingars in length, then with a cor­net open the skin an inch wide on both sides the slit, and put therein thinne slices of the greene roote of Ellecampane or Angelica, which is the better; so let them remaine vnder the skinne till the matter rot, then crush it foorth after two or three daies, and in twelue daies the rootes will fall out as it healeth; and this will cure the mange, prouided, that you annoint all the sore places with the powder of brimstone, verdi­grease, and oile oliue, mixt vpon a fire very well toge­ther. [Page 300] Others vse after bloud letting, to rowell the horse vnder the necke, that the euill humors may haue issue foorth, then to rubbe all his body ouer with an hard haire cloth or an old curry combe, vntill the horse bleedeth; after that take of sulphur, salt, & tartar, of each a like quantity, beate them and temper them, with very strong vinegar and as much common oile, and therewith annoint all the sore places; or else take very strong vinegar, the vrine of a boy vnder twelue yeares of age, and the iuice of hemlocke, mixe them together and wash the horse therewithall. Other Farriers vse after bloud letting, to annoint the horse with one of these ointments, the sore hauing bene be­fore rubbed till it bleed, either with brimstone, oile, vi­negar, salte, soote, swines dung, and vnsleckt lime, of each like quantity, well mixt and boild together, or else with brine water sod with nettles, or else with vi­negar, allume and salte-niter boild together, or else wash the sore with beefe-broth; then boile pepper bea­ten to powder, verdigrease, & cheruell in fresh grease, and annoint the horse all ouer therewith, holding a chaffing dish and coales or a hot barre of yron to his body, to make the ointment sinke in. Lastly, and as good as any of the rest, after the horse hath bene let bloud, take an old curry combe, or a wooll card, and rub euery sore place about the horse till it bleed, then take of the oldest pisse you can get, a pottell, and of greene copporas three quarters of a pound; mixe & stir them well together, then set them on the fire, and boile them a while; then as hot as the horse can suffer it wash him with the same; after his washing is a littell dryed, take of oile an ounce & an halfe, of quicksiluer 2 oun­ces, of white Elleborus one ounce, with a good quanti­ty [Page 301] of swines grease, mingle all these well together, till no part of the quicksiluer can be seene, and then annoint the horse all therewith; and if the first time doe not cure him, the second will most assu­redly, prouided that during the time of cure you keepe the horse with a very thinne diet.

CHAP. 53. How to know when a horse halteth before, in what part his griefe is.

THere is nothing more necessary for any mans vn­derstanding that shall haue occasion at any time to vse a horse, especially for the skilfull Farrier, then to know the reason why a horse halteth, and where the griefe remaineth, as well because those griefes lye most concealed, as also because our kingdome is so full of subtill vnconscionable horse-coursers, that they are carefull most to conceale that which may soonest cozen their neighbours; you shall know then that no horse halteth before, but his griefe must be either in his shoulders, in his legges, or in his feete: if it be in his shoulders, it must either be on the toppe of the shoulder blades, which we call the withers, or at the bottome of the shoulder blade ioining to the marrowbone, which is the fore pitch of the breast, or in the elbow of the horse, which ioines the nether end of the marrowbone and the leg toge­ther.

Now for the general knowledge whether the griefe be in the shoulder or no, looke if the horse do not lift vp his leg, but traileth it vpon the ground, then it is in the shoulder, & is a new hurt: if he cast his leg more out [Page 302] in his going then the other, and that almost with an vnbended knee, then it is also in the shoulder, and it is an old hurt; if you take him by the headstall of the bri­dle, and turne him as short as you can possible of both hands, if then you see him when he is turned on the lame side, to fauour his legge very much (as he can­not chuse but doe) then also his griefe is in his shoul­der; or if when a horse standeth in the stable, he stret­cheth out his sore legge, and setteth it more forwarde then the other, it is partly a signe the griefe is in the shoulder, but not absolutely. Now when you know generally that the griefe is in the shoulder, then you shall learne to know in what part of the shoulder, as thus; if the horse halteth more when the rider is vpon his backe, then when he is off, then the griefe is on the top of the withers; if when with your hand you gripe & handle him vpon the top of the shoulder blades you find that he shrinketh much, and offereth to bite at you (not hauing had any gald backe before, for that may deceiue you) then assuredly the griefe is on the withers. If the horse goeth bowing vnto the ground, and tread his steps very thicke, then it is a signe the griefe is in his brest, betweene the nether parte of the spade bone, and the vpper parte of the maribone; and therefore if with your thumbe you presse him hard in that part, you shall see him shrinke, and be ready to fall downe. Now if when you take his elbow in your hand betwixt your fingars, and your thumbe, and gripe it, the horse presently taketh his foote from the ground and lifts vp his legge, offering therewith­all to bite at you, then the griefe is only in the elbow. Now if the griefe whereof a horse halteth be in his leg, it is either in his knee, in his shanke, or else in the pa­storne [Page 303] ioint: If it be either in his knee or pastorne ioynt, he will not [...]ow them in his going like the other, but will goe very stifly vpon them; if the griefe be in the shanke, then it is by meanes of some splent, screw, windgall, or such apparant griefe most appa­rant to be seene. Now, if the griefe of his halting be in the foote, then it is either in the cronet, in the heele, in the toe, in the quarters, or in the sole of the foote; if it be in the cronet, either the griefe will be apparant, the skinne being broken of swolne some manner of way, or else laying your hand vpon the cronet it will burne and glow exceedingly, & then he hath got some straine of the ioint within the hoofe; if it be in the heele, as by ouer-reach, or otherwise, then it is to be seene, and he will tread altogether vpon the toe, if vpon any of the quarters, which is to be vn­derstood from the midde hoofe to the heele, then go­ing on the edge of a bancke or hilly ground, he will halte more then on the plaine ground, and by the hor­ses comming towardes you, and going from you vp­on such edge or bancke, you shall easily perceiue whether his griefe be in the inner quarter or the out­ward quarter; also he may halt vpon his quarters by the pricking of a naile, & then you shal with a paire of pin­sons [...]ip the head of euery naile and his hooue toge­ther, and where he complaineth there draw the naile, and if the naile sincke, then there is his paine. If he halt in the toe, which is seldome or neuer seeme, then he will tread altogether vpon his heele; if his griefe be in the sole of his foote, as by the treading vpon some naile or stubbe, or by surbaiting or such like, then he will halte all after one sort, vpon any ground, vnlesse it be vpon the stones, and then he will halte the most. [Page 302] [...] [Page 303] [...] [Page 304] Now to be sure in what parte of the foote the griefe is; it shall be good, first to make him goe vpon the plaine ground, and then vpon a hard & stony ground, and after vpon a bancky ground, and by taking care­full notes, and carefully handling him, you shall easily seee of what member he halteth.

CHAP. 54. Of halting behind, and where the griefe is.

IF a horse halte behind, his griefe of necessity must either be in his hippe (of some called the huckle bone) or in the stifle, in the hough, in the hamme, in the legge, in the neather ioint, in the pastorne, or in the foote. If he halte in the hip of any new hurt, the horse wil goe side-long, and not follow so well with that legge as with the other, neither will he be able to turne vpon that side without much fauouring of his legge; but if it be any old hurte, then the sore hippe will shrinke and be lower then the other, and it is best seene when he goeth vp a hill, or vpon the edge of some bancke, so as the worst legge may goe on the higher side, for then he will halte so much the more, because it is painefull vnto him to goe so vneuenly wrinching his legge; if the griefe be in the stiflle, then the horse in his going will cast the stiflle ioint out­ward, and the bone on the inside will be farre bigger then the other, neither can he any more then touch the ground with his toe; if his griefe be in the hough, then it is by meanes of some spauen, which is appa­rant both to be seene and felt, or else of some straine or blow: and then the swelling will appeare, and the like is to be said of the hamme, wherein may be seene [Page 305] the sellander or such like apparant sorrance causing the horse to halte; if the griefe be either in the legge, pastorne, or foote, you shall find it by such signes as haue bene taught you in the former chapter.

CHAP. 55. How to know if a Horse haue any hidden griefe in him, that may make him to halte, when he commeth to trauel, and whence it proceeds.

NOw for as much as there be some horses which through long rest & running at grasse, will weare out the worst of their grieues, so that when they come to be but gently ridden they will couer their halting, and through a naturall awe they beare vnto the man will whilst he is on their backes, goe as if they were as sound as might be, yet be truly, of themselues very vnperfect; in this case both to keepe your selfe from cosening, and to discouer the most hidden infirmitie, you shall first take the horse out of the stable in a long string, and causing one to runne him in his hand, at the length of the halter, marke how he sets downe his legges, for if any be imperfect, then that he will fa­uour; but if at first he goe vpright, and fauour no leg, then take his backe and ride him a while roundly vp and downe a rode, then light from his backe, and let him stand still an howre, then as before let him be run in a mans hand, at the halters length, without any man on his backe; and beleeue it as a most certaine rule, if he haue the least griefe that may be, he wil then shew it, and fauour that limbe which is pained; for by this rule only are many bad horse-coursers discouered. Now to know whereof these griefes proceed, you [Page 304] [...] [Page 305] [...] [Page 306] shall vnderstand that if the griefe proceede of a hot cause, then the horse halteth most when he trauelleth or is chaft. But if it proceed from cold causes, then he halteth most when he is cold, and least when he is hot and much trauellled.

CHAP. 56. Of the griefe and pinching in the shoulder.

THe griefe or pinching of the shoulder, commeth either by labouring and straming the horse too young, or by the cariage of too great burthens. It is to be knowne by the narrownesse of the breast, and by the consumption of the flesh of the shoulders, in so much that the sore parte of the shoulder bone, will sticke out and be much higher then the flesh, & if it be of any long continuance, he will be very hollow vp­on the bysket towards the fore-boothes, and he will goe wider beneath at the feete then at the knees. The cure thereof according to the opinion of some Farri­ers, is, to make a slit of an inch long, with a sharpe knife, vpon both sides, an inch vnder the shoulder bone, and blowing the skinne well from the flesh, with a swans quill, both of the one and the other shoulder, euen vp to the toppe of the withers, and stroaking the wind vp equally with your hand into both the shoulders, and then when they are full, sticke the windy places with a hasell sticke ouer all the shoul­der; then loosening the skinne from the flesh againe, rowel both the slits, either with tampins of horse haire, or with round peeces of vpper leather of an old shoe, with an hole in the midst, for the matter to issue foorth at, and let the tampins be at least two handfuls longin [Page 307] the skinne, and the round rowell at least three in­ches broad, and beeing so put as they may lie plaine and flat within the cut, then once a day you shall turne the rowels in the skinne, & thrust out the mat­ter; but if the hole grow so straight that the matter cannot easily come out, with a sharpe knife you shall enlarge it▪ then put a paire of pasterns on his forelegs, and so let him stand fifteene daies, at the end whereof walke him abroad, and try how he goeth, and if he do not goe to your liking, then continue him in the same manner other fifteene daies, and he will goe sound. But our best Farriers vse, after they haue rowelled the horse, as is aforesaid, then to lay this charge or plaister all ouer his withers, shoulders, and breast. Take of pitch & of rozen, of each a pound, of tarre halfe a pint, boile all these together in a pot, & when it is somwhat cooled, take a sticke with a woollen cloath bound to the end of it, and dippe it into the charge and couer, or daube all the shoulders therewith; that done, clap floxe of the collor of the horse, or as neare as you can get it vpon the charge, & euery other day make your rowels cleane, and put them in againe, continuing thus to do the space of fifteene daies; then take out the rowels, and heale vp the wounds, with two tents of flaxe dipt in turpentine, and hogges grease molten to­gether, renewing the same euery day once, vntill the wounds be whole, but let the charge lye still vntill it fall away of it selfe; and if you let the horse runne at grasse, til he haue had a frost or two, there is no questi­on but he will be a great deale the sounder. There be other Farriers which vse to rowell the horse, as is afore said, yet crosse wise, that is, one ouerthwart the other, then draw all the shoulder ouer, with a hot drawing [Page 308] yron in the comliest wise you can, making many scortches downe his shoulders: then annoint both thē and the rowels once a day, with sweet buttter & walke the horse vp and downe euening and morning, that the humors may flow to the sore places and issue foorth, and with your hands once a day at the least thrust out the matter; this cure is to be likewise conti­tnued the space of 15 daies, & then the horse will be whole, yet for mine owne part, in so much as the cure is foule, I doe not much affect it.

CHAP. 57. Of the wrench in the shoulder.

THe wrench or straine in the shoulder, cometh of some dangerous slipping or sliding, either in the stable or abroad, or of too s [...]ddaine stopping, when a horse gallops, or by falles, either on the planks, or on slippery ground, or by too sodaine turning vnsure ground, or by going too rashly out of some dore, or by the stroake of another horse: you shall perceiue it by his trailing his leg vpon the ground close after him. The cure is, to let him bloud vpon the plat veine, & take a­way the quantity of 3 pints of bloud, which bloud you must saue in a pot, & put thereunto, first of strong vine­gar a quart, & halfe a dozen broken egges, shels & al, & so much wheat flowre as wil thicken al that liquor; that done, put therunto of Bole-armoniack beaten into fine powder, a pound, of Sanguis Draconis 2 ounces, & min­gle them altogether, so as the flowre may not be per­ceiued, and if it be too soft, you may adde a little more vinegar: then with your hand daube all the shouder from the maine downewarde and betwixt the fore-bowels [Page 309] all against the haire, and let not the horse de­part out of that place, vntill the charge be surely faste­ned vnto the skinne, that done, carry him into the stable, and tye him vp to the racke, and suffer him not to lie downe all the day, and giue him a little meat, dyetting him very moderately the space of fifteene daies, during which time he may not stirre out of his place, but only to lye downe: and euery day once refresh the shoulder point with this charge, laying still new vpon the old; and at the fifteene daies end leade him abroad to see how he goeth, and if he be somewhat amended, then let him rest without trauelling the space of one moneth, and that will bring his shoulder to perfection: but if he mende nothing at all, for all this that is done, then you shall rowell him as is before shewed in the former Chapter, iust vpon the shoulder point, & so keep him rowelled the space of fifteene daies, not forgetting to stirre the rowell and clense the wound each other day, and then walke him vp & downe faire and softly, and turne him alwaies on the contrary side to the sore; and when he goeth vpright pull out the rowell, and heale vp the wound with turpentine and hogges grease molten together, as is before said: but if all this will not serue, then it shall be needfull to draw him chequor-wise with a hot yron, ouer all the shoulder point, & also to make him to draw in a plough euery day two howers at the least, to settle his ioints, for the space of three weekes or a moneth; and if any thing will helpe, these two last remedies will set him sound. Now there be other Farriers, which for this griefe first let the horse bloud in the breast veine, and then rowell him from the neather parte of the [Page 310] spade bone downe to the point of the shoulder, which done, you shall set a patten shoe vpon the sound foote, and so turne the horse to grasse for the space of a moneth, not forgetting euery other day to stirre and remoue the rowels, and to thurst out the matter▪ then assoone as you see him go sound, you shall take off his patten shoe, and pull out the ro­wels, and then let him runne still at grasse, till he haue taken a frost or two, and no doubt but he will conti­nue sound.

CHAP. 58. Of the wrench in the wither ioint.

THis wrench cometh by treading his foote in some hole, or in some rough or stony way. The signes whereof are these, the horse will halte, and the top of his backe vpon the points of his shoulder blades will be swolne and somewhat hard to handle. The cure is, take of blacke or gray sope halfe a pound, and ha­uing made it hot in a pan, take a handfull or two of towe, and dippe it into the sope, then lay it very hot ouer all the horses withers; then clappe a plaister of waxe, turpentine, and hogges grease, molten toge­ther ouer it, then couer it with two or three warme cloathes, and keepe the ioints as warme as may be: thus let him stand twenty foure howres ere you dresse him againe, and continue this manner of dressing for fifteene daies, and the horse will goe soundly. Now there be other Farriers, that in stead of this sope will take wine lees, and wheate flowre mingled together, and making a plaister thereof lay it very hot to the greeued place, and so renew it once a day vntill the horse goe [...]ound.

CHAP. 59. Of splayting the shoulder, or of shoulder torne.

THe splaiting of the shoulder, is when by some dangerous slippe or slide, either vpon the side of some bancke, or vpon the plaunchers, the horse hath his shoulder parted from his breast, and so leaues an open clift, not in the skinne, but in the flesh and filme next the skinne, whereby the horse halteth, and is not able to go: it is to be seene by the trayling of his legge after him in going. The cure whereof is thus, first put a paire of straite pastornes on his forefeet, keeping him still in the stable without disquieting of him; then take of Dialthea one pound, of sallet oile one pint, of oile de bay halfe a pound, of fresh butter halfe a pound; melte all these things together in an earthen pot, and annoint the grieued place therwith, and also round a­bout the inside of the shoulder; and within 2 or three daies after, both that place and all the shoulder will swell, then either pricke him with a launcet or fleame in all the swelling places, or else with a sharp hot iron, & then annoint it still with the ointement before said; but if you see that it will not goe away, but swell still and gather to a head, then launce it where the swel­ling doth gather most and is softest vnder the fingar, and then taint it with flaxe dipt in turpentine, and hogges grease molten together, as is before shewed, renewing the taint twice a day till the sorrance be whole.

CHAP. 60. Of the shoulder pighte.

THe shoulder pighte is when a horse by reason of some great fall, rush, or straine, hath the point of his shoulder thrust out of ioint, which is easy to be seen in that the pointe of the sore shoulder will sticke out much farther then the other, and the horse will halte downe right. The cure whereof, as the old Farriers hold it, is, first to make him swimme in a deepe water, vp and downe a dozen turnes, for that will make the ioint returne into his true place, then make two tough pins of ashen wood as much as your little fingar, being sharpe at the points, each one fiue inches long; that done, flit the skinne an inch aboue the point, and an inch beneath the point of the shoulder, and thurst in one of the pins from aboue downewarde, so as both ends may equally sticke without the skinne; and if the pinne of wood will not easily passe through, you may make it way first with an yron pinne; that done, make other two holes crosse to the first holes, so as the other pinne may crosse the first pin right in the midst, with a right crosse, and the first pinne would be somewhat flat in the midst, to the intent that the other being round, may passe the better without stoppe, and close he iuster together; then take a peece of a little line somewhat bigger then a whippe cord, and at one end make a loope, which being put ouer one of the pinnes ends, winde the rest of the line good and straight a­bout the pinnes ends, so as it may lye betwixt the pinnes ends and the skinne, and fasten the last end with a packe needle and a packe threed vnto the rest [Page 313] of the cord, so as it may not slippe; and to doe well, both the pinnes and the cord would be first annoin­ted with a little hogs grease, then bring him into the stable, and let him rest the space of nine daies: and let him lye downe as little as may be, and put a pa­storne on the sore legge, so as it may be bound with a cord vnto the foote of the manger, to keepe that legge alwaies whilst he standeth in the stable more forward then the other, and at the nine daies end, take out the pins, & annoint the sore places with a little Dialthea, or with hogges grease, and then turne him to grasse. Other of our latter Farriers, vse first to lay good store of straw vnder the horse, & then put a paire of strong pastornes on his forelegges, and another on his hin­der, then hauing throwne him vpon his back, to hang him vp by the legs from the ground with two ropes drawne ouer some beame or baulke, which will put the bone into his true place againe, then hauing let him downe againe faire and softly, loose the fore pa­storne of the sound legge, and with a cord before you let him rise, tye the lame legge to the foote of the man­ger, so shorte as in his rising he shall be forced to hold his legge before him for feare of putting his shoulder out of ioint, and let him stand so tyed for the space of three daies; and presently when he is vp, burne all the point of his shoulder with a hot drawing yron chec­kerwise, a ful foot square at the least, & let euery stroke be no more then an inch distant one from another: and hauing burned him well, charge all these burned places, and all the rest of his shoulder with pitch, ro­zen, and tarre molten together, and laid on some­thing hot, with a cloath tyed to a sticks end; then clap floxe of the collor of the horse vpon it, then charge [Page 314] him againe ouer the floxe, and at the three daies end loose his foote, and put a paire of pastornes vpon his feete, and let him neither lye downe, nor stirre out of the stable for the space of sixteene or twenty daies: then may you leade him abroad, & see whether he go well or no, and if he be not perfect, you may then giue him as much more rest, & that will recouer him.

CHAP. 61. Of the swelling of the fore legges after great labour.

HOrses not much vsed to trau [...]ll, will after great labour swell vpon their fore legges, because heat and violent exercise will cause humors to resorte downe into the legges, especially if such horses shal be inwardly very fat; for the indiscreete labour will melt that inwarde grease, and make it descend downe into the legges. The cure according to the practise of some Farriers, is, to take a pound of nerue-oile, a pound of blacke sope, and halfe a pound of boares grease melten, and boile them all well together, and then straine it, and let it coole; then annoint your hor­ses legges therewith being made luke warme againe, and then keepe his legges cleane from dust. Other Farriers vse to bathe his legges in butter and beare, or in vinegar & butter, some with sheeps foot oile, some with neates foote oile, some with traine oile, and some with pisse and salte peeter boild together, of all which pisse & salt peeter is the best; & after any such bathing, you must roll vp the horses legs with hay ropes wet in cold water, euen from the pastorne to the knee, but in any wise not too straite for feare of doing hurte, so let him stand continually when he resteth. Now [Page 315] other Farriers somewhat more curious, vse for the swelling of the legges this bathe; take of mallowes three handfuls, a rose-cake, of sage one handfull, boile them together in a sufficient quantity of water, and when the mallowes be soft, put in halfe a pound of butter, and halfe a pinte of sallet oile, and then being somewhat warme, wash the swelling therewith euery daie once the space of three or foure daies: and if the swelling wil not go away with this, then take wine lees and cummin, and boile them together, and put there­unto a little wheate flower, and charge all the swel­ling therewith, and walke him often; and if all will not serue, then take vp the great veine aboue the knee on the inside, suffring him not to bleed from aboue, but all from beneath: and it will take away the swelling.

CHAP. 62. Of a Horse that is foundred in his feete.

A horse is said to be foundred of his feete, when he hath such a numbnesse, & pricking or tingling within his houes, that he hath neither sence nor feeling of his feete, but is in all respects like a man that by hard or crooked sitting hath both his feete [...] asleepe (as wee call it) du [...]ing which passion we know we can neither well goe nor stand; and euen so it fareth with a horse in this case, for the course of the bloud being stopped, those obstructions causeth this torment. It commeth most commonly when a horse is very fat, and hath his grease molten within him, and then so­dainely cooled by taking his saddle off two soone; or by standing still in the cold vnstirred, or else by letting him stand still in some shallow water little higher then [Page 316] his fetlocks. A horse also may be foundred, by wea­ring straight and vneasy shoo [...]s, especially in the som­mer season, when a horse trauelleth vpon the hard ground. The signes, to know it, is, the horse goeth crouching, and drawing all his foure feete within the compasse almost of a pecke, and will stand so feare­fully as though he stood vpon needles. Now you shall vnderstand, that a horse will sometimes be only foundred of his foref [...]ete, and not of his hinder, which you shall know in that the horse will tread one­ly vpon his hinder feete, and not on his fore­feete, and goe as though his buttockes would touch the ground; and sometimes he will be foun­dred vpon his hinder feete, and not vpon his fore­feeet, and that you shall perceiue by his feareful­nes to set his feet to the ground, being also so weake behind that he will stand quiuering and quaking, and couet alwaies to lye downe, and sometimes he will be foundred of all his forefeete, the signes whereof were first declared.

Now for as much as the cures be all of one and the selfe same nature, and what cureth the first, cureth also the rest, I will ioine them all together, with this aduice, that if you find the horse to be foundred of the sorefeet only, then to apply your medicine to the foreparts only, if on the hinder feete, then to the hinder parts; but if of all foure feete, then to lay your medicine to all the seuerall parts of the body, as shall be presently declared.

To come then to the cures, (according to the opinion of a worthy Knight well experienced in this disease) if your horse be foundred of all his foure feet, you shall cause him to be let bloud on his two breast veines [Page 317] of his two forelegges somewhat aboue his knees, also you shall let him bloud on his two spurre veines, and on the veines of his two hinder feete a little aboue the hoofe, betweene the hoofe and the pa­storne: you shall let these veines bleed well to the quantity of a quarte or three pintes, which bloud you must saue in some vessell, and stirre it with a sticke to keepe it from clearing: and when he hath bled as aboue said, put it all into one vessell, then stoppe the [...] with some horse dung, or some earth▪ and make a charge with the bloud in this sort: take as much wheat meale, branne and all, as will make the bloud somewhat thicke, and put it into the bloud: take eight or tenne egges, and breake them also into this bloud, shels and all: take a pinte of strong vinegar, and a quantity of Bole-armoniacke braid, and put them into the bloud also, which done, you shall stirre them altogether; then shall you with your hand lay the said charge all along vpon the reins of the horses backe, vpon his buttockes, and downe his shoulders: when you haue laid on this charge thus, you shall take two long linnen ragges dipped in the same charge, with which so dipped you shall garter the horse aboue the knees of his forelegges somewhat hard, and likewise with two other like ragges so dipped, you shall garter him hard aboue both his hinder hoofes also: that done, cause him to be walked vpon the hardest ground you can find, for the space of two or 3 howers: if he be loath to go, as com­monly he will be, let one follow him, and beate him with a stick or wand to force him to go: then after this walking let him be set vp & tyed to the racke, that he [Page 318] lye not downe, and there let him rest two or three howres; which done, let him be walked againe two or three howers more as aforesaid, then set him vp, and let him feed; and when you giue him drinke, which you may doe within two or threee howres after his feeding, let it be a warme mash of malte and water, and then let him feed a little after it, then ride him a little; and if you let him stand an howre or two in a poole of standing water vp to the belly, and one vpon his backe, it is good also, and after that ride him againe a little: then let him be set vp well dressed and co­uered, and so by little and little ride him a day or two, and then may you boldly iourney him; for it is ri­ding that bringeth the horse to the perfectnesse of his feete, and you shall find your horse as sound as euer he was.

Now during this cure, you are to take these obser­uations in your memory.

First you shall not need to remoue or stirre the hor­ses shoes: then you must after twenty foure howres rub off the charge from the horse backe.

Item, you shall take away his garters after twelue howres, and rub his knees & houghes with your hand, and with wispes, to take away the numbnesse.

Item, if you cannot get wheat meale, you may take oaten meale.

Item, if he will will not bleed in the veines be­fore named, then you may take your bloud from the necke veine.

Lastly, if you take the horse in hand to cure within twenty foure howres after he is foundred, he will be sound againe within twenty foure howres after; if he goe longer, the cure will be longer in doing.

[Page 319]Now the ancient Farriers of this kingdome, and a­mongst the Italians, differ not much in their practise from this already rehearsed, only into the charge they adde of Sanguis Draconis halfe a quarterne, and as much beane flower, as wheat flowre, and of turpen­tine halfe a pound; then if they [...]id see that within foure daies the horse did not recouer, then they did know that the hurtfull hum [...]rs did only lye in the horses feete, and there you must search his feete with your butterysse, paring all the soles of his feete so thin, that you may see the water issue through the sole: that done, let him bloud at the toes, & let him bleed well; then stoppe the veine with turpentine, & hogs grease molten together, and laid vpon a little flaxe, & then tacke on his shoes, & cram the place where you did let him bloud hard with tow, to the entent it may be surely stopt; then fill all the soles of his feete with hogges grease and bran boild or fried together so hot as is possible, and vpon that stopping clappe a peece of leather, and two crosse splents, to keepe in the stop­ping; and immediatly after this take two egges, and beat them in a dish, and put thereunto as much Bole-armoniack and beane flowre as will thicken the same, & mixe them well together, and make thereof two plai­sters, such as may close each foote round about somewhat aboue the cronet, and bind it fast with a list or roller, that it may not fall away nor be remo­ued for the space of two daies; but let the soles of his feete be cleansed, and new stopped euery daie once, and the cronets to be remoued euery two daies vntill the horse be sound: during which time let him rest vnwalked for feare of loosening his houes: but if you see that he beginne to amend, you may walke him [Page 320] faire and softly once a day vpon some softe ground to exercise his legges and feete, and let him not eate much, nor drinke cold water; but if his foundring breake out aboue the hoofe, which you shall perceiue by the loosenesse of the coffin aboue by the cronet, then when you pare the sole, you must take all the forepart of the sole cleane away, leauing the heeles whole: to the entent the humors may haue the freer passage downeward, and then stoppe him, and dresse him about the cronet, as is before said. Now if the horse during this cure, chaunce to fall sicke, or grow so dry in his body that he cannot dung, then you shall first rake him, & after giue him a glister of mallowes, three handfuls boild in water from a pottle to a quart: then after it is strained, put to it halfe a pound of but­ter, and a quarter of a pint of sallet oile, and so admi­nister it; then when the horse hath emptied his belly giue him this comfortable drinke. Take of malmsey a quart, and put thereunto a little cinnamon, mace & pepper beaten into fine powder, and of oile a quarter of a pint, and giue the horse to drinke of that luke­warme; that done, let him be walked vp and downe a good while together, if he be able to goe; if not, then tye him vp to the racke, and let him be hanged with canuas and ropes, so as he may stand vpon the ground with his feete, for the lesse he lieth downe, the better; but these extremities do seldome happen. Now there be other Farriers, which for the foundring of a horse, only take verdigrease, turpentine and sallet oile, and ho [...]ges grease, of each like quantity, of bees waxe one ounce, boile altogether, and so dip flaxe or tow in it▪ then hauing pared his feete thinne, and let him bloud on the toes, stoppe all his feete with that oint­ment [Page 321] very hot: or else they take the rootes of nettles, and hemlocke, with elder pilles of each a handfull; boyle them tender in boares grease, or hogges grease, so let him bloud in the midst of the foote on the toe veine; then bathe and chafe his ioynt and legge therewith all about from his knee vnto the feetlocke, and then clappe it to, and binde a cloath fast to as hot as you can. So vse this once a day till he be well.

Now for mine owne part, although there is not a­ny of these former recited practises but are found per­fectly good in their kindes, yet I haue not found any so absolute either for old or new founder, as this which I will rehearse. First you shall with a very sharp drawing knife, draw euery part of the soles of the horses feete so thinne as is possible, euen till you see the very water and bloud issuing forth, and being sure to draw or pare euery part alike, which can hard­ly be done with a butterys: then at the very sharpe end of the frush of the horses foote you shall see the veine lye, then with your knifes end lift vp the hoofe and let the veine bleede (which as long as you hold open the hoofe wil spinne a great way forth) when it hath bled better then a pint, you shall close the hoofe and so stoppe the veine: then tacke on his foote a hollow shooe made for the purpose: that done, clap a little tow dipt in hogges grease and turpentine vp­pon the veine very hard: then take two or three hard egges roasted, and comming burning hot out of the fire, and burst them in the sole of the horses foote: then powre vpon them hogges grease, turpentine, and tarre boyling hot, and as much flaxe dipt therein as will fill vp the hollow shooe, then lay on a peece of leather to keepe all the rest in, and splint it sure: [Page 322] and in this manner dresse his foure fe [...]te, if all bee foundred, otherwise, no more then are foundred; and thus you shall dresse the horse three times in one fort­night, and without any further trouble you shall bee sure to haue the horse as sound as euer he was. Now if the horse be foundred through the straitnesse of a shoo, which in truth is not a founder, but a frettizing which is a degree lesse then foundring, then you shall for that sorrance, you shall first take off his shooe, and let him bloud on the toes, then stopping the place with bruised sage, then tack on his shooe againe, and stop it with hogs grease and bran boiled together, as hot as is possible; and do thus twice in one fortnight, and it will helpe him.

CHAP. 63. Of the Splent as well on the inside of the knee as of any other part of the legge.

A Splent is to the outward feeling, a very gristle, or rather a hard bone, sometimes as big as a hazell nut, sometimes as big as a wal-nut, according to the age thereof, growing vpon the inside of the forelegge, betweene the knee and the vpper pasterne ioynt, and somtimes iust vnderneath, and close vnto the knee, which is of all other the most dangerous splent, and doth the soonest make a horse lame: it cometh by trauelling a horse too yong, or by ouerpressing him with heauy burthens, wherby the tender sinews of his legs are offended. Now for the knowledge thereof it is easy, because it is apparant vnto the eie, & most pal­pable to be felt. The cure according to the opinion of the ancient Farriers, is to take an onyon, & pricking out the chore, put into it halfe a spoonfull of hony, & [Page 323] a quarter of a spoonfull of vnsleckt lime, and 4. peny­waight of verdigrease; then closing vp the onion, roast it in hot embers vntil it be soft, then bruise it in a mor­tar, & as hot as the horse can suffer it, lay it to the splent & it will take it away; but in any case cut no skin. O­ther of the ancient Farriers, vse first to wash the splent with warme water, & then to shaue off the haire, and lightly to scarifie or pricke the skin with the point of a razor, so as the bloud may issue forth: then take of Cantharides halfe a spoonful, & of Euforbium as much, beaten into fine powder, & mingle them together with a spoonful of oyle de bay, & then melt them in a little pan, stirring them well together so as they may not boile ouer; & being so boiling hot, take 2. or 3. fea­thers & anoint al the soare places therwith: that done, let not the horse stir frō the place where you so dresse him, for an houre after, to the intent hee shake not off the oyntment: then carry him faire & softly into the stable, & tye him so as he may not reach with his head beneath the manger: for otherwise he will couet to bite away the smarting & pricking medicine, which if it shold touch his lips would quickly fetch off the skin; & also let him stand without litter al that day & night; the next day anoint the soare place with fresh butter, continuing so to do euery day once for the space of 9. daies: for this will allay the heate of the medicine, & cause both that & the crust of the splent to fall away of it selfe. There be other Farriers which vse with a fine hot drawing Iron to burne the sorrance downe in the midst the full length of the splent, & then ouerthwart like this figure;


then 4. houres after such burning, take cows dung new made, & sallet oile mixt & wel beaten together, & therwith anoint al the soare places; and this must be done when the splent is very yong.

[Page 324]Others vse to slit the sorrance with a knife the whole length of the splent, and then with a cornet to open the slit, & lay the splent bare; then to make about the wound a coffin of clay, all open at the toppe; then take boares grease made scalding hot, and powre it into the wound vntill the clay coffin be full; then let it rest vntill the grease be cold: after that let the horse rise, and this with once dressing will take the splent cleane away without any blemish or eye sore. Others vse to beate the splent with a sticke, and to bruise it well, then pricke it with an awle, and thrust out the bloud; then lay on whitleather, and with a hot Iron make the grease scald it, or else melt into it pitch and verdygrease, and then lay a plaister of pitch ouer it, not remouing it vntill it fall off by it selfe; or else af­ter you haue beat and prickt the splent, take out the chore of an onyon, and fill it with baysalt; then roast it soft, and lay it hot to the splent, and in steed of the onyon you may, if you will, binde to a hard roasted egge, being fire hot. Other Farriers vse to slit the skinne the length of the splent, then to dippe a little peece of linnen in warme wine, and sprinkle verdy­grease thereon, and so lay it to the slit, renewing it once a day vntill the splent bee gone. Others vse to shaue off the haire, and to rubbe the splent twice a day with tarre very hard, till the splent be gone; but this splent must be very yong and tender, for fasting spettle is as good as tarre. Other Farriers vse to take a blacke snaile and slit her, and put in bay salt, and lay it to the splent being opened, renewing it once a day vntill the splent be gone: then let the veine aboue the knee be taken vp, and let it bleede from below, lest it feede the splent againe. Others vse if the splent bee [Page 325] vpon the knee, to burne it as is before said; then take wormewood, smallage, pellitory of the wall, and branke vrsine stampt with swines grease, and lay it to the burnings, prouided that first the haire bee shaued off, and if the splent be below the knee, this cure is good also, and much the safer. Now after all these former recited practises, you shall vnderstand that the most cleanelyest way to take away a splent, is first, af­ter you haue cast your horse, with a hazell sticke of a pretty poyse and bignesse, gently to beate the splent at the first, and then by degrees a little harder and harder till the splent grow soft in euery part; then with the poynt of your lancet let out all the bloud and water; then take a brick-bat, and hauing laid it in the fire when it is exceeding hot, fold it vp in a red cloath, and therewith rubbe the splent, and smooth it vpon the top till you haue dryed away the bloud, & that no more moysture commeth out; then take of pitch, of rosen, and masticke, of each a like quantity, melt them well together, and being very hot, lay it ouer and all about the splent, then clappe floxe of the colour of the horses legge vpon it, and so let it rest vpon the splent, vntill it fall away of it selfe; and if when it is fallen away, you perceiue that any part of the splent remaine behinde, which hardly will be if it be orderly beaten, then you shall dresse that remainder as you did the other before, and the splent will be perfectly cured. Now for the surest and most certainest way to take off a splent, it is thus: with the poynt of a sharpe knife, make a slit of more then a bar­ley corne length iust vpon the top in the midst of the splent, and let it be so deep that you may be sure that the bone of the splent is bare; then put into that slit [Page 326] with the point of your knife as much arsnicke as the quarter of an hazell nut; and within 3. or 4 daies, it wil so haue eaten the splent, that it will fall out of it selfe; then you shall heale vp the sore either with fresh but­ter molten, or with a plaister of hogs grease and tur­pentine, mingled & melted together; onely in this cure you must beware that you tye the horse so as for 24. houres he may not touch the soare place with his mouth. Now in conclusion I am to giue you this smal precept, to beare euer in your minde, that is both for the healing of this, & of al other tumors whatsoever. You must first stay the falling downe of new humors to the place troubled, as by binding plaisters, as pitch, rosen, masticke, red-lead, oyle, bole-armony, and such like; then to draw out the matter which is there ga­thered, with drawing simples, as waxe, turpentine, & such like: and lastly, to dry vp the relicks with drying pouders, as hony, & lime, oister shels, soot, & such like; and also you must know, that all splents, spauens, or rubs, must either be taken way at the beginning, or af­ter the full of the moone.

C [...]AP. 64. Of the Serew▪ or therrow Splent.

ALthough diuers of our Farriers do distinguish & make a difference betwixt a serew & a splent, say­ing, that the serew is euer of the out-side of the leg, as the splent is of the inside; yet it is most certaine, that the disease & infirmity is all one, & may as wel be cald a splent on the outside of the leg, as a splent of the in­side of the leg, and this splent on the outside is euer least dangerous. Now a horse many times will haue both these splents at one time, & vpon one legge; nay [Page 327] I haue seene them so iust opposite one to the other, that one would haue thought they had gone through the horses leg whence it hath come to passe, that ma­ny foolish Farriers being of that minde, haue entitu­led them a therrow splent; and I haue seene my selfe some well reputed Farriers, that hauing the cure brought vnto thē, haue refused the same, saying it was a therrow splent, and therefore most incurable; but the opinion is most absurd & ridiculous: for the shin bone being hollow, and full of pith & marrow, there can nothing grow through it but it must confound the marrow, & then the bone cannot hold, but must pre­sently breake in sunder, especially when such a weake spongy substance as a splent is, shall possesse the whole strength of the leg. Now for the cure, as the splent & it are all one, so they haue all one cure, & what helpeth the first, with more ease helpeth the later, in as much as it is not ful so dangerous, nor so neare the maine si­newes.

CHAP. 65. Of the Mallander.

A Mallander is a kind of dry hard scab, growing in the forme of lines or strakes ouerthwart the very bought or inward bent of the knee, & hath hard hairs with stubborn roots, like swines bristles, which corrup­teth and cankereth the flesh like the roots of a childs scabbed head; & if the sore be great and deepe, it will make the horse go stiffe at his first setting forth, and halt much. It doth proceed either from the corruptiō of bloud, or from neligent keeping, when the horse wanteth cleane dressing▪ for you shal know that some horses naturally are giuen to haue long haire from the top of the bought of the knee down to the feetlocke, [Page 328] and that haire in the bought of the knee is oft apt to curle, whereby those horses if they be not very care­fully and cleane kept, are much subiect to this dis­ease. Now for the cure according to the opinion of the old Farriers, it is thus. Take a barreld herring out of the pickell, with a soft roe, and two spoonefull of blacke sope, and so much allome; beate all these in a mortar well together, and then lay it to the soare, renewing it once a day for three dayes, and it will kill the mallander; prouided alwaies that before you lay any thing vnto a mallander, you euer pull off the dry scabbes first, and leaue no haire growing within the soare. Other Farriers vse to take a paring of cheese, & roasting it very hot, annoynt it with hony, and so hot lay it to the mallander, and renew it once a day till the mallander be whole: or else beate hens mucke & gillyflowers wel together, and lay it to the soare till it be whole. Other Farriers vse after they haue washt the soare cleane with warme water, and shaued off the haire and the scabs, to take a spoonful of sope, and as much lime; mingle them together that it may be like paste, then spread as much on a clout as will couer the soare, and binde it fast on with a list, renewing it euery day once the space of two or three dayes; and at the three daies end take away the plaister and annoint the soare with oyle of roses made luke warme, and that will fetch away the scurse or crusty asker, bred by meanes of the burning plai­ster: which scurfe being taken away, wash the soare place well euery day once with his owne stale, or else with mans vrine, and then immediatly strow vpon it the powder of burnt oyster shels, continuing so to do euery day once vntill it be whole.

[Page 329]Others of our later Farriers vse to take a quart of water, hafe a pint of oyle, and as much flower as will thicken it with seething; then lay that hot to the soare twice a day for foure daies together; then take ma­sticke, frankinsence, beaten to fine powder, quicksil­uer, kild either in the iuice of lemans, or in strong vi­negar, of each an ounce; then of Litergie halfe an ounce, of Cer [...]se tenne ounces, and as much of swines grease cl [...]rified: incorporate and mingle all these to­gether with vinegar and oyle, and lay it to the soare vntill the mallander bee kild; then heale it vp as is be­fore shewed. Others vse after they haue washed it & and shaued it, to rub it with pisse and sope vntill it be raw: then to lay to it, nerue-oyle, hony, and strong mustard, vntill it be whole. Others vse to take Sul­phure, vitrioll, sal-niter, sal-gemme, mixt with oyle de bay, and to rub the mallander well therewith. Now to conclude, you shall vn [...]erstand that some horses will haue two mallanders vpon one legge, one aboue anot [...]er, and sometimes one a lit [...]le aboue the inward bending of the knee, and another a little below the inward bending of the knee; but the cure is all alike, and as you dresse one, so you may dresse two or three.

Now for mine owne p [...]rt, I haue not found any thing better for a mallander, then after the soare is cleansed, to take the ordure or dung of a man, and annoynt the soare therewith, and it will kill it and heale it.

CHAP. 66. Of an vpper attaint or ouer-reache vpon the backe si­new of the flanke, somewhat aboue the pasterne ioynt.

THis which we call an vpper attaint, is nothing else but a painfull swelling of the master sinew, or backe sinew of the shanke bone, by reason that the horse doth sometimes ouer reach & strike that sinew with the toe of his hinder foote, and thereby causeth the horse to halt much. Now the signes are both the swelling and the halting: and the cure, according to some of the old Farriers, is, to dresse the soare place with a plaister made of wine lees and wheat flowre laid hot too, or else to take of blacke sope and boares grease of each like quantity, scalding hot; make a plaister or seare-cloath thereof, and clap it all about the soare place: or else if the swelling by no salue wil dissolue, take a fine thinne hot drawing Iron, & draw his legge all downward with the haire in many small striks from the one end of the swelling to the other; & make the strikes very thicke together, and somewhat deep: then anoynt his burning for 2. or 3. daies with blacke sope, and so turne the horse to grasse; but if he will not runne at grasse, then euery day giue him some moderate exercise; but this burning I fancy not much, for it is soule, & all be it take away the swelling, yet the seames of the burning, when they are cured, wil keepe the member bigge, as if it were still swelled.

Now other of the ancient Farriers, vse first to wash the legge with warme water, then to shaue off the haire as farre as the swelling goeth; then to scarifie the soare place with the poynt of a razor, that the bloud [Page 331] may issue forth: then take of Cantharides and Eufor­bium of each halfe an ounce, mingle them together with halfe a quarterne of sope, and with a slice spread some of this oyntment ouer all the soare, suffering him to rest there where you dresse him for one halfe hower after; and then you may carry him into the sta­ble, and there let him stand without litter, and so ty­ed as hee may not touch the soare with his mouth: & then the next day rese him in the same manner a­gaine: then the third day annoynt the place with fresh butter, continuing so to do the space of nine dayes, and at the nine dayes end make him this bath: Take of mallowes three handfuls, a rose cake, of sage, an handful; boyle them together in a sufficient quan­tity of water, and when the mallowes be soft, put in halfe a pound of butter, and halfe a pint of sallet oyle; and then being somwhat warme, wash the soare place therewith euery day once vntill it be whole. Others vse to cleaue a chickin or a pidgeon, and to clap it hot to the swelling, and it will abate it: or else take Dial­thea, Agripa and oyle, and mixing it together, lay it to the swelling. Others vse to take of frankinsence, of rosen, of tarre, of Euforbium, of turpentine, and fe­nugreeke, of each a quarter of an ounce; of suet an ounce, of oyle an ounce, of waxe three ounces, and three quarters of an ounce of Myrre; mixe and melt them altogether, and plaister-wise lay it to the soare place till it be whole: or else take for this sorrance, 3. quarters of an ounce of Sanguis draconis, an ounce of bole-armony, as much oyle, three ounces of masticke, and as much suet, and as much swines grease; melt and mixe them together, and lay it to the swelling, and it will take it away; then make the shooes [Page 332] of his hinder feete shorter then the hornes of his toes by a quarter of an inch, and let the horne hang ouer vncut away, and make the foreshooe no longer then his heele, but rather the shorter.

CHAP. 67. Of a neather Attaint, or ouer-reach on the pasterne ioynt.

THe neather Attaint, or ouer-reach on the midst, and in the hollow of the pasterne ioynt is a little bladder full of ielly, like vnto a winde-gall; and though it be not apparant to the eye, yet it is easie to be felt, and may come as well by some wrinch or straine, as by an ouer-reach, and it will make a horse halt much. The signes are, the neather ioynt towards the feetlocke will be very hot, and somewhat sweld, and the little soft bleb will easily be felt. The cure, af­ter the opinion of the old Farriers is, take a small cord, and roll him somewhat strait from the knee to the neather ioynt, and then in the pasterne betweene the hoofe and the ioynt with a fleame strike him in the midst of the swelling, and let out the matter: then take the white of an egge, and beate it with a little salt, and then dipping flaxe therein lay it vnto all the swelling, and then vnroll his legge and renew the salue twice a day till all the griefe be gone. But in any case let him not be laboured or ridden whilest he is in curing.

CHAP. 68. Of an Attaint or ouer-re [...]ch on the heele.

AN attaint or ouer-reach vpon the heele, is when a horse striketh the toe of his hinder shooe into his heele, iust vpon the setting on of the hoofe; and this ouer-reach if it be not looked vnto, will fret and ranckle so much inward, that it will endanger the horses hoofe, and you shall commonly see by the cut the skinne hang ouer the horses heele, and it will make a horse halt. Now the cure is, first to cut away the skinne, and also the hoofe and the flesh, till you haue made the soare euen & plaine without any hol­lownesse; then wash it very well with beere and salt, then bind vnto it a little flaxe dipt in the white of an egge, mingled with a little bole-armony, renewing it euery day once the space of three or foure dayes, and that will heale it.

CHAP. 69. Of the Mellet on the heele.

A Mellet is a dry scabbe that groweth vpon the heele, sometimes through the corruption of bloud, and sometimes for want of cleane rubbing and dressing when he is wet set vp: it appeareth like a dry chap without any moysture, and will bee some­times as well on both heeles as on one. The cure is, according to the practise of the old Farriers, to take halfe a pint of hony, & a quarter of a pound of blacke sope, and mixe them together: then put thereto foure or fiue spoonefull of vinegar, and as much of [Page 334] allome as an hennes egge vnburnt, and two spoone­full of rye flowre; mixe them all well together, and then lay it plaister-wise to the soare as farre as the mellet goeth, and let it lye thereto fiue dayes, and then take it away, and wash all his legge and foote with salt beefe broth; and then rope his legge all a day with wet hay-ropes, and hee will be sound: pro­uided alwayes that before you dresse him, you euer take off the dry scab or scurfe, and make the loare as cleane and as plaine as is possible.

CHAP. 70. Of false Quarters.

A False Quarter is a rift or open back seame, some­times in the outside, but most oftest in the in­side of the hoofe, because the inside is euer the wea­ker part; which sides are euer called quarters: whence this sorrance taketh his name, & is called a false quar­ter, as much as to say, a sicke and vnsound quarter: for it is as if it were a peece set vnto the hoof, & the hoofe not all of one entire peece as it ought to be. It cometh many times by euill shooing, and euill paring, and sometimes by pricking the horse and such like hurts. The signes to know it are, the horse will halt much, and the rift will bleede, and when the shooe is off, the whole sorrance is apparant to be seene. The cure according to the ancient Farriers, is to take off the shooe, and cut away so much of the shooe on that side where the sorrance is, as the shooe being imme­diatly put on againe, all the whole rift may be vnco­uered: then open the rift with a drawer, and fill all the rift with a roll of tow dipt in turpentine, waxe, and [Page 335] sheepes suet molten together, renewing it euery day once till it be whole: and the rift being closed in the toppe, draw him betwixt the haire and the hoofe with a hot Iron ouerthwart that place, to the intent that the hoofe may shoot all whole downeward; and when the horse goeth vpright, ride him either with no other shooe then this, or else with such a shooe as may beare in euery part but onely vpon the false quarter, vntill the hoofe be hardened. Others vse to annoynt it once a day with sheeps suet and oyle mixt together, and that will close the rift. Others vse to cut away the old corrupt hoofe, and then take seuen whites of egges, the powder of incence, of vnsleckt lime, of masticke, of verdigrease, and of salt, of each three ounces; mixe them well together, then dippe in as much hurds as will couer the soare hoofe; lay it on, and then aboue it lay swines grease an inch thicke, and likewise below it also: bind this on in such sort that it may remaine vnstird a fortnight, then renew it so againe, and it will make perfect his hoofe. But if there be any corrupt matter gathered within the false quarter, and therby causeth the horse to halt, then you shall lay your finger vpon it, and if the horse shrinke thereat, then it is ripe; then open it with a drawing knife, and let out the matter; then lay on horse dung, oyle, salt, and vinegar mixt together plai­ster-wise, and that will heale it, and make the hoofe good; yet howeuer, you must haue care in shooing him till his hooues bee hardened, as is before shewed you

CHAP. 71. Of a horse that is hipped, or hurt in the hippes.

A Horse is said to be hipped when either by straine, blow, or other accident, the hippe bone is re­moued out of his right place. It is a sorrance as hard to be cured as any what [...]euer: for if it be not taken euen at the first instant, there will grow within the pot of the huckel bone such a thicke hard substance, that it will leaue no place for the bone, and then it is vtterly vncureable. The signes to know the sorrance, are, the horse will halt much, and goe sidelong, and will traile his legge a little after him; the soare hippe also will be lower then the other, and the flesh will waste away on that side of his buttocke. The cure is, according to the best Farriers, if you take him in good time, first to cast him on his backe, and then hauing a strong pastorne on his grieued legge, with a rope draw that legge vpright, and with your handes on each side his thigh bone, guide it directly into the pot: that done, let it downe gently, and so suffer him to rise with all meeknesse; then go with him in­to the stable, and there charge all his hippe & backe wih pitch and rosen molten together, and layd on warme; and then some floxe of his owne colour to be clapped vpon the same, and so turne the horse to grasse vntill he go vpright. But if the ho [...]se be not hip­ped, but onely hurt in the hippe, and that newly, then first take of oile de bay, of Dialthea, of nerue-oile and of swines grease, of each halfe a pound; melt them all together, stirring them continually vntill they be throughly mingled together, then annoynt [Page 337] the soare place therewith against the haire, euery day once the space of a fortnight, and make the ointment sinke well into the flesh by holding a hot barre of I­ron ouer the place annoynted, weauing your hand to and fro vntil the oyntment be entred into the skin; and if at the fortnights end you see the horse not any thing amended, then slit a hole downeward in his skinne an inch beneath the hippe bone, making the hole so wide as you may easily thrust in a rowel with your finger; and then with a cornet and a quill, blow the skinne from the flesh aboue the bone, and round about the same, so broad as the rowell may lye flat and plaine betwixt the skinne and the flesh: and this rowell would be made of soft calues leather with a hole in the midst, and a threed tyed vnto it; to pull it out when you would cleanse it, or the hole: and if the rowel be rolled about with flaxe fast tyed on, and annoynted with the oyntment vnder written, it will draw so much the more. Now you must thrust in your rowell first double, and then spread it abroad with your finger: that done, taint it with a good large taint of flaxe, dipt in a little turpentine and hogs grease molten together, and made warme, and cleanse the hole and the rowell euery day once; and also renew the taint for the space of a fortnight, and be­fore you dresse him, cause him euery day to be led vp and downe a foote pace a quarter of an howre, to make the humors come downe; and at the fortnights end pull out the rowell, and heale vp the wound with the same salue, making the tent euery day lesser and lesser vntill it bee whole: and so soone as it is whole, with a hot drawing Iron draw crosse lines of eight or nine inches long right ouer the hippe bone, [Page 338] so as the rowelled place may bee in the very middest thereof, and burne him no deeper but so as the skin may looke yellow; and then charge all that place, and ouer all his buttocke with this charge. Take of pitch one pound, of rosen halfe a pound, and of tarre halfe a pint; boyle them together, and then be­ing good and warme, spread it on with a clout tyed in a riuen sticke, and then clap on a few floxe of the hor­ses colour; and if it bee in sommer, let the horse run to grasse a while, for the more he trauelleth at his own will, the better it is for him.

CHAP. 72. Of Stifling, and hurts in the Stifle.

THat horse is said to bee stifled, when the stifling bone, which is a little bone of 2. inches in length, lying betwixt the neather end of the thigh bone, and the vpper end of the great hough bone of the hinder legge, is by any straine, stroake, slippe, or such like, thrust out of his right place; but if the stiflling bone be not remoued nor loosned, and yet the horse hal­teth by meanes of some griefe in that place, then we say the horse is hurt in the stiflle, and not stifled. The signes are these. If the horse be stifled, the stiflle bone will sticke out more of the one side then of the other, & is apparant to the eye, and in his halting he will no more but touch the ground with his toe. The cure, according to the opinion of the old Farriers, is to thrust 2. round pins crosse the stifling bone, through the skinne, in such sort as you were taught for the shoulder pight; but the pinnes would not bee any thing neare so bigge, nor so long, because the stifling [Page 339] bone is not so broad as the shoulder: and standing in the stable let him haue a pastorne and a ring vpon his sore legge, and thereunto fasten a cord, which cord must go about his necke, and let it be so much strai­ned, as it may bring his sore legge more forward then the other, to keepe the bone from starting out; but this cure is foule and troublesome, wherefore other Farriers of better experience, vse only to set on a pat­ten shooe vpon his sound foot, and so turne him a­broad, that hee may bee compeld to treade vpon his lame foote; and that straining of it will in a day or two make him as sound as euer he was, and put the stifling bone into his true place againe. But if you cannot readily get a patten shooe, then you shall take either a plaine sursingle, or any other broad binding web, that will go three or foure times about the hor­ses legge, and with it you shall garter vp the horses sound legge three fingers aboue his hamme, euen vp­on his maine great sinew, so strait as your selfe and a­nother man can draw it; and then turne the horse a­broad where he may go vp and downe, and in eight and fortie howres the horse will be as sound as euer he was; then take off the garter, and rub the place that was gartered vp with fresh butter, for it will be much swelled.

Now if this mischance of stifling happen vnto your horse in your trauell, and that your occasions will not suffer you to stay for any of these cures, then you shall take your horse either to some deepe pond or deepe riuer that hath easie going in and out, and there swimme him vp and downe a dozen turnes: which done, you may after trauell him at your plea­sure: for the more he is laboured, the sounder he will [Page 340] go. Now if your horse be not sti [...]led, but onely hurt in the sti [...]le, either with some stripe, or some straine, then the bone will not stand out, yet perhaps the place will be much sweld. The cure, according to the opinion of the old Farriers, is to make a little slit in his skinne a handfull below the soare place, and then with a quill blow all the skin from the flesh vpward, then with your hand presse out the winde againe, & then thrust in a rowell of horse haire from the first slit to the vpper part of the stifle bone: this done, take a pottell of old pisse, and boyle it to a quart, and clense it well; then take a handfull of mallowes, and halfe a pint of fallet oyle, and adde them to the pisse, & then boyle them well together: then bathe all the soare place therewith, euery day once the space of seuen or eight dayes, and let him not stirre out of the stable during the cure, and in twentie one dayes he will be sound. Other Fariers vse only to take a pound of bole-armony, a quart of red wine vinegar, sixe egges bea­ten, shels and all, two peny worth of English hony, & as much Venice turpentine, one quart of flowre, and one good handful of bay-salt; put all these in a pot, & incorporate them wel together; then keep them close one night, and the next day annoynt the soare place with some of it: and thus dressing it once a day the space of nine daies, it will make the horse sound.

CHAP. 73. Of the bone-Spauen or dry Spauen.

THe bone-Spauen, or dry Spauen, is a great hard knob as big as a wal-nut, growing in the inside of the hough, hard vnder the ioynt, neare vnto the mai­ster veine; it groweth at the first like a tender gristell, [Page 341] and by processe of time, it cometh to be a hard bone, & causeth the horse to halt much. This sorrance will come sometimes by nature or descent, as when either the [...]ire or the dam of the horse haue had the same dis­ease; & somtimes (which is most generall) it cometh when a horse is laboured too yong: for a horse in that part of his hinder leg hath smal bones knit all together vpon one cluster, which being pressed before they be naturally hardened, cānot chuse but thrust forth these vnnatural excretions. Otherwhiles it proceedeth from extreme labour & heate, dissoluing humors, which do descend through the maister vein, continually feeding that place with euil nutriment, & causeth the place to swel; which swelling in cōtinuance of time becometh so hard as a bone, & therfore is cald the bone spauen. The signes are the apparant sight of the sorrance; and truely for mine owne part, I am of the mind of other Farriers, that it is very hard absolutly to cure it; yet that the eie-soare may be taken away, & the halting much eased, is not hard, for I haue done it many times. Then to proceed to the cure therof, according to the opini­on of the old Farriers, is thus: First, slit the skin iust o­uer the head of the spauen or excretion, and open it with a cornet, and in any case haue a care that you touch not the maister veine, but put it by: then with your lancet lay the spauen all bare, then with a fine chessell about a quarter of an inch broad, or little more, strike off the head of the spauen, to the quantity of a quarter of an almond, or ac­cording to the bignesse of the spauen: then take two peny waight of verdigrease beaten to fine powder, & two peny waight of nerue-oyle, and beate them all well together: then laying some of it vpon fine lint, [Page 342] lay it vpon the spauen; then lay dry lint betwixt the medicine and the veine, that the medicine may not touch the veine: then lay a plaister of pitch, rosen, turpentine, and hogges grease molten together, all ouer the hough, both to comfort the ioynt, and to keepe in the medicine. And thus dresse him the space of three daies, and it will cleanse away the spauen euen to the bottome; at the end of three dayes you shal wash away the corrosiue and the mat­ter either with tanners water or with vinegar, and lay no more of that salue thereto for hurting the bone; then make a plaister of Diaculum, and lay it vpon a linnen cloath, and lay that plaister vnto the spauen, renewing it euery day once for the space of 7. dayes, and it will heale him vp.

Others of the old Farriers vse first to wash the spa­uen with warme water, and shaue off the haire so farre as the spauen extendeth, and then scarifie the place and make it bleede: then take of Cantharides one dozen, and of Euforbium halfe a spooneful; beate them in powder, and boyle them together with a little oyle de bay, lay this boyling hot vpon the soare, and let his taile be tyed vp for wiping away the me­dicine; and then within halfe an howre after set him vp in the stable, and tye him so as hee may not lye downe all that night for feare of rubbing off the me­dicine; and the next day annoynt it with fresh butter, continuing thus to do euery day once the space of 5. or 6. dayes; and when the haire is growne againe, draw the soare place with an hot Iron in this sort,


iust vpon the spauen: then take another hot ronlike a bodkin, somewhat bowing at the poynt, and thrust it in at the neather end of [Page 343] the middle line, and so vpward betwixt the skinne & the flesh, an inch and an halfe; and then taint it with a little hogges grease and turpentine molten together, and made warme, renewing it euery day once the space of nine dayes; prouided that first immediatly after his burning you take vp the maister veine, suffe­ring him to bleed a little from aboue, then with a red silke tye vp the vpper end of the veine, and leaue the neather end open, to the intent that hee may bleede from beneath vntill it ceasse of it selfe; and this will diminish the spauen, but not take it cleane away.

Now there be other Farriers which vse after they haue burnt it in manner aforesaid, and taken vp the maister veine, to annoynt it with fresh butter, till the burning beginne to scale, and then take of sage, and nettles, of each a handfull, and boyle them with 4. handfull of mallowes in faire water; and then put thereto a little butter, and with that bathe him euery day once for three or foure dayes till the burning be whole, and let him not wet his feete during the cure. Others vse to pricke the spauen with a sharp poynted knife, then take a peece of a candle, and lay a peece of browne paper vpon it, and with an hot Iron melt the tallow, & after annoynt it with butter. Others vse first to pricke the spauen well, then to lay vpon it for three or foure dayes together, euery day, mans dung: after that lay to it Galbanum till the soare matter and rheume, and the humour come forth: then wash it with vrine, and lastly heale it vp with oyle and hony boyled together, for that will bring on the haire

Now to conclude, that which I haue euer found to bee the surest and cleanest way to take the bone [Page 344] spauen quite away, if it bee vsed with discretion and care, is to take of Vnguentum Apostolorum, & of white mercury, of each a like quantity, but of mercury ra­ther the more; mixe them well together: then after you haue cast your horse, make a slit iust the length of the spauen, so that you touch not the maister veine: then opening it, and laying all the spauen bare, with a sharpe instrument s [...]all the spauen a little; then make a plegant of lint iust so bigge as the excretion or bone spauen is: then spreading some of the salue thereon, lay it vpon the spauen: then with dry lint defend all other parts of the member, especially the maister veine from the corrosiue: then lay the plai­ster of pitch, rosen, turpentine, and hogges grease before spoken round about his hough, and so let him rest foure and twenty howres: then take away all that medicine, and scalling the bone a little, if you finde the corrosiue haue not gone deepe inough, then dresse it in the same manner the second time, and that will be altogether sufficient: then take of turpentine, of Deeres suet, and of waxe, of each a like quantity, and mixe and melt them well together, then dresse the soare place therewith being warmed▪ and lint or tow dipt therein; and within a day or two you shal see the whole crust of the spauen come cleane away, then may you with the same salue, heale vp the wound; and this hath neuer failed me in any prac­tice.

CHAP. 74. Of the bloud Spauen, wet Spauen, or through Spauen.

THe bloud Spauen, wet Spauen, or through Spa­uen (for all is one disease) is a soft swelling, grow­ing [Page 345] on both sides the hough, and seemes as though it went through the hough, wherby it is called a through spauen; but, for the most part, the swel­ling on the in-side, (because it is fed continually of the maister veine) is greater then the swelling on the outside. It proceedeth from a more fluxible and sleamy humour, and not to viscous and slimy as the other spauen doth, and therefore this neuer waxeth hard, nor groweth to a bone; and therefore it is a much easier cure then the other. The signes there­of are like the other, the apparant sight thereof; and for the cure, it is, according to the opinion of the old Farriers, in this manner: [...]irst, wash the spauen with warme water, and then dresse it with Canthari­des and Euforbium, in such sort as was at large shewed in the former chapter; onely you shall not boyle them, but onely mixe them together, and dresse the soare therwith 2 daies together: then annoynt it with butter, and after burne it with a hot Iron both with­out & within, in manner as is shewed also in the for­mer chapter; but you shall by no means taint it: then immediatly you shall take vp the maister veine, & let it bleed, as was shewed before: and then for the space of 9. dayes, annoynt him euery day once with butter vntill the burning begin to scale, & then wash it with this bath: Take of mallowes 3. handfuls, of sage one handfull, & as much of red nettles; boyle them in water vntill they be soft, then put thereto a little fresh butter, and bathe the place euery day once for the space of three or foure daies; and vntill the burnings be whole, let the horse come in no wet. Other Farriers vse after they haue shaued off the haire and taken vp the veine, to take of M [...]stard seede, of [Page 346] the great mallow roote, and of oxe dung, of each a like quantity, and as much strong vinegar as wil mixe them together like a salue; then beate them all well together, and make thereof a soft plaister, or else an oyntment, and lay it vpon the spauen; change it e­uening and morning, and binde it in such sort to the sorrance with some peece of cloath, that it may not fall off or be remoued; and when the spauen is cleane gone, lay vpon the place a plaister of pitch very hot, and take it not off▪ vntill it fall away of it owne ac­cord. Other Farriers vse vnto this former medicine to adde oyle de-bay, turpentine, and bole-armo­ny. And other Farriers vse but onely to take vp the veine, both aboue and below the spauen, and suffe­ring it to bleed well; then to knit vp the veine, and annoynt it with butter till it bee whole, and it will consume the spauen.

CHAP. 75. Of the Sellander.

THe Sellander is a certaine kind of dry scab, grow­ing in the very bent of the hamme of the hin­der leg; and it extendeth out into ill fauoured chaps or chinkes which if it bee not preuented by medi­cine, it will fret in sunder the sinewes of the hough: it is in all poynts like vnto a Mallander, and proceedeth from the selfe like causes, and requireth the selfe same cures; therefore looke into the chapter of the mallan­der, and whatsoeuer you finde there that will cure the Mallander, the same will also cure the Sellander.

CHAP. 76. Of the Hough Bonny.

THe Hough bonny is a round swelling like a Paris ball, growing vpon the very tip or elbow of the hough, and commeth euer of some stripe, or bruise; but especially when he beateth his hough either a­gainst the post which standeth behinde him, at the neather end of his stall, or against the barre which doth diuide him from another horse; which many raunish Iades will do, when they seeke to strike at the horse that standeth next them. Now the cure there­of is thus, according to the opinion of the old Farri­ers, take a round Iron somewhat sharpe at the end, like a good bigge bodkin, and let it be somewhat ben­ding at the poynt; then holding the soare with your left hand, pulling it somewhat from the sinewes, pierce it with the Iron, being first made red hot, thrusting it beneath in the bottome, and so vpward into the ielly, to the intent that the same ielly may is­sue downeward out at the hole: and hauing thrust out all the ielly, taint the hole with a taint of flaxe dipt in turpentine and hogges grease molten together, and also annoynt the outside with hogges grease made warme, renewing it euery day once vntill the hole be ready to close vp, making the taint euery day lesser and lesser, till it be all whole. Now for mine owne part, both for this sorrance, or any other bruise in this part, I haue found this cure euer the best. First ei­ther with rotten litter or hay boyled in old vrine, or else with a plaister of wine lees & wheat flowre boy­led together, to ripen the swelling, and bring it to pu­trifaction, [Page 348] or else to driue the swelling away; but if it come to a head, then to launce it in the lowest part of the softnesse, with a thinne hot I­ron, and so to let out the matter: then to taint it with turpentine, Deeres suet, and waxe, of each like quantity molten together, laying a plaister of the same salue ouer it, to hold in the taint vntill it be per­fectly whole.

CHAP. 77. Of the Curbe.

A Curbe is a long swelling a little beneath the el­bow of the hough in the great sinew behinde, hard aboue the top of the horne, which causeth the horse to halt after a little labour: for the more his sinew is strained the greater is his paine, and the more he hath rest, the lesse is his griefe; it commeth as the spauen comes, either from descent, or from great bur­thens when the horse is yong, or else from some strain or wrench. The signes are the apparant view thereof; and the cure according to the old Farriers, is, first to shaue off the haire, then pricke it with a fleame in three or foure places, and for three or foure dayes to­gether, lay vnto it twice a day mans dung; then lay Galbanum to it likewise twice a day till it rot, and that the matter doth issue forth; then wash it with vrine: and lastly, heale it vp with hony and oyle boy­led together, renewing the same twice a day till the Curbe be gone; and in any case let all your salues bee applyed warme and new made, and if you make an issue with a hot Iron in the bottome of the Curbe, it will not do amisse.

[Page 349]Others vse to take a very hot Iron, and hold it as nigh the soare as may be, but not touching it: then when it is warme, vent it in sixe or seuen places: then take a spoonefull of salt, halfe a spoonefull of nerue-oyle, and a peny waight of verdigrease, & the white of an egge; mixe these well together, & dipping flaxe in the same, lay it to the Curbe: and this in few dressings will take it away. Other Farriers vse to chafe and rub the Curbe well with their hands: then take redde wall-wort leaues, and borage, and braying them well together, lay it to the Curbe, renewing it once a day for a seuen night together. Others vse to slit the Curbe all the length, then take a peece of lin­nen cloath, and wet it in wine made warme: then strow verdigrease therupon, & bind it to the soare, re­newing it once a day vntill the curbe be gone. Others of the ancient Farriers take of wine lees a pint, of co­min halfe an ounce, and as much wheate flowre as will thicken it, and stirre them well together; and be­ing made warme, charge the soare place therewith, renewing it euery day once the space of 2. or 4. daies, and when the swelling is almost gone, then draw it with a hot Iron made very thin in this sort,


and couer the burning with pitch and rosen molten together, and laid on good and warme, and clappe thereon some floxe of the hor­ses colour, or so nigh as may be gotten, and remoue them not vntill they fall away of themselues; and for the space of nine dayes let the horse rest, and come in no wet. Now there be other Farriers which to this last recited salue, will adde tarre, and it is not a­misse, onely it will not sticke so well. Now for mine owne part, I haue euer found this practise the best: [Page 350] First, with a broad inckle to binde the hough strait a little aboue the cod: then with a smooth hazell stick to beate, rubbe, and chafe the curbe: then with a fleame strike it as deepe as you can in two or three places of the curbe: then thrust out the corrupt bloud; and after vpon the poynt of your knife, put into euery hole as deep as you can thrust it, the quan­tity of two barly cornes of white arsnicke, and so let the horse rest foure and twenty howres after; then af­ter onely annoynt the soare place with hot molten butter till it be whole, once a day at the least.

CHAP. 78. Of the Paines.

THe paines is a certaine vlcerous scabbe growing in the pastornes of a horse, betwixt the fetlocke and the heele, full of fretting matterish water, and co­meth onely for want of good rubbing and cleane dressing, after the horse hath bene iourneyed in the winter wayes, by meanes whereof the sand and durt remaining in the haire, fretteth the skinne and flesh, and so breedeth to a scabbe; and therefore your Fri­sonds, and Flaunders horses and mares, which now are so much in vse with vs for the coatch, are the soo­nest troubled with this disease, if the keeper bee not much the more carefull. The signes hereof are, his legges will be swolne and hot, the scabbe will be pal­pable to be felt, and the water will issue out of the scabbe; which water is so hot and fretting, that it will scald off the haire, and breede scabbes where it goeth. The cure, according to the ancient Farriers, is: Take of turpentine, hogs grease, hony, and blacke [Page 351] sope, of each a like quantity, and hauing molten them vpon a soft fire, take it off & put in a little bole-armony, finely beaten into powder; then worke all these things well together with a sticke in your right hand, & a dish of wheat floure by you, that with your left hand you may put it in by a little at once, till you haue made it thicke like an oyntment or soft salue: then spreade it vpon a linnen cloath, as bigge as the soare, hauing first cut away the haire, and made the soare raw, apply to the salue, and dresse him thus once a day vntill it be whole.

This medicine is well approued to cure all sorts of Paine, Scratches, Moully heeles, or any other sciruy scalls whatsoeuer, that may breede in a horses leg or heeles, whether they come by meanes of euill humors, or for lacke of good dressing or cleane keeping, whether they be mattery and filthy running soares, or else drye scabbes. Others of the old Farriers vse for this sor­rance to take a pint of red wine lees, and a handfull of wheate branne, a saucerfull of hony, and halfe a pound of the powder of powdred beefe burnt, and as much of barke dust, and halfe a pound of allome, and a quarter of a pound of swines grease, and halfe a handfull of veruine; beate all these together in a mor­tar, and then fry them ouer the fire, and make a hote plaister thereof, and lay it to the soare as hot as the horse may suffer it, letting it abide there the space of three dayes, and in once or twice thus dressing him, it will make him sound; yet some hold, if you doe with a hot drawing Iron seare the great veine ouer­thwart, a handfull aboue the fetlocke, and then take a spoonefull of tarre, a spoonefull of butter, and a spoonefull of hony; and warming them well toge­ther, [Page 352] anoynt the veine therwith euery day til the cure be perfected, and it is much availeable. Other Farriers vse, first to wash all the horses pastornes with butter & beere wel warmed together, and then his legge be­ing somewhat dryed, clip away all the haire that doth annoy the soare: then take of turpentine, of hogs grease, and of hony, of each like quantity; mingle them together in a pot, and put thereunto a little bole-armony, the yolkes of two egges, and as much wheat flowre as will thicken the thinges aforesaid; and so by long working it, make it like a plaister; then spreade it vpon a linnen cloath, and lay it round a­bout the horses pastorne, and binde it fast on with a roller, renewing it once a day till the horse be whole; and in no wise let the horse come in any wet during the cure▪ Others vse, first to chafe the soare place with a hay-rope, or with a haire-cloth, till it either bleed or be raw; then take a little strong mustard, beane flowre, and fresh grease, with a little fenugreeke; then mixe all together in a dish, and make thereof a salue, and therwith annoynt the soare vntill it leaue mattering: then take hony, the white of an egge, and fresh but­ter; mixe them together, and annoynt the soare place therewith vntill it be whole. Others vse only to bathe the soare with beefe broth, and then for foure or fiue dayes after, to annoynt it with sope, or else first to plunge his feete in scalding water twice or thrice, & bathe the soare in scalding water: then haue ready a hard roasted egge, cleaue it in the midst, and clappe it to as hot as you can, and let it lye bound all night; vse this once or twice, and you may aduenture to ride him. Others vse to take pepper, garlicke stampt, cole­worts, and old hogges grease, of each like quantity; [Page 353] then beate them in a mortar till they come to a salue, and so lay it to the soare, renewing it once a day till it bee whole. Others vse first to take vp the shackle veines on both sides, then take the soft roe of a red herring, & mustard, & blacke sope, and when they are well beat together, boyle them in vinegar til they come to a salue, & apply it to the soare; this will cure the Pains, albe you do not take vp the shackle veines. If you cannot readily get this salue, you may take butter & hony molten together, & it wil helpe them; or else take a pound of hogs grease, a peny worth of verdi­grease 2. ounces of mustard, halfe a pound of oyle de­bay, a quarter of a pound of nerue-oyle, halfe a pound of hony, halfe a pound of English waxe, one ounce of arsnicke, 2. ounces of red lead, & halfe a pint of vine­gar; boyle all these together, and make an oyntment of it: then hauing clipt and made the soare all bare, apply the medicine thereunto very hot, and renew it once a day vntill it be whole. Others vse to take 5. ounces of orpiment, 5. of tartar, once of verdigrease, halfe an ounce of Sulphur, as much of vitrioll made into powder, the iuice of foure Citrions, the whites of two egges, with three ounces of sallet oyle; let all these bee very well beaten together, and applyed once a day to the soare, and it will not onely heale this dis­ease, but any salt humour whatsoeuer. Mingle with soft grease, vinegar, hony, orpiment, and arsnicke: but let arsnicke bee the least, and it will cure this disease, so will also white waxe, turpentine and Camphora mixt together. Others vse to take a hun­dred blacke snailes in the moneth of May, slit them, and put them into a bagge with a pint of bay-salt; then hang them ouer the fire, with a vessell [Page 354] set vnder to receiue what drops from them, and keep it in a close glasse: then annoynt the soare euery day therewith, and it will heale this sorrance. Others take hony and vinegar, of each a like quantity, a little oyle, and suet of a he goat, of each a like also; boyle them with a soft fire, and stirre it well: when it waxeth redde, adde of verdigrease, and vitriolle, of each like quantity made into powder, still stirring it till it bee red and thicke; then being warme annoynt the soare place therewith once a day after it hath bene washed with warme water: and this not onely helpes the paines, but also any sorrance whatsoeuer of like na­ture about the legges. Also greene copporas, & roach allome of each halfe a pound, and a handfull of bay-salt, boyld in a gallon of running water, will heale it; or else vnto it adde a pint of hony, and boyle it ouer againe, and it will bee the better: then when you haue annoynted the soare therewith, rubbe it after with the powder of glasse, mustard and vinegar mixt together, and afterward skinne it with creame, and the inner rinde of Elder beaten to a salue, which must be applyed to the soare twice a day at the least.

CHAP 79. Of the Mules, or Kybe heeles.

THese Mules, or kybed heeles, are certaine drye scabbes, or chappes breeding behinde vpon the heeles of a horse, and so a little inward euen to the fetlocke, in long chaps & chi [...]ewes: it proceedeth ei­ther from corruption of bloud, or from being bred in wet marrish grounds, or else from vncleane and negligent keeping, in such manner as the Paines are [Page 355] bred: this sorrance will make the horses legge to swell much, especially in the winter, and about the spring time, and he will goe stiffly, and halt much. Now for the cure, you shall vnderstand, that whatso­euer healeth the paines, the same will in like sort heale these kybed heeles; yet for more particularity, you shall know, that the old Farriers did vse for this sor­rance, if they tooke it at the beginning, but onely to annoynt it for two or three dayes with sope, and then after to wash it with strong vrine or beefe broth till it were whole: but if it were of any longer continuance, then first to cut away the haire, and lay the soare open and plaine; then take two ounces of vnslekt lime, one ounce of sope, and the white of an egge, or else an ounce of vnslekt lime, and as much salt, and 3 ounces of foot, and mingling them with strong vinegar, an­noynt the soare therewith, and it will heale and kill them. Other Farriers vse to calcinate Tartar, and dis­solue it in water: then congeale it like salt, and mingle it with sope like an oyntment, and then dresse the soare therewith, and this will in 48. howres, heale any mules, paines, or scratches whatsoeuer. If you take the iuice of the leaues and roots of elder, it is very good to dry vp any of these euill humors.

CHAP. 80. Of Winde-gales.

THe wind-gall is a little blebbe or bladder full of corrupt ielly, or like the white of an egge, grow­ing on each side of the maister sinew of the leg, hard aboue the pastorne. Now of them some will be bigge and some will be little, and there will bee sometimes [Page 356] more then one or two of a cluster, and they are so painfull, especially in the Sommer season, when the weather is hot, & the waies hard, that the horse is not able to trauell, but halteth downe right: they pro­ceed commonly from extreme labour in the Sommer time, vpon hard waies, whereby the humors being dissolued, do flow and resort into the hollow places a­bout the nether ioynts, which are most beaten & fee­bled with trauell, and there are congealed & couered with a thin skin like a bladder: they are most apparant to bee seene & felt, & the cure therof, according to the old Farriers, is to take a knife and open it the length of a beane, piercing no further into it then through the skinne of the bladder, and then thrust out the ielly, which, as I said before, will be like the white of an egge; then take the yelke of an egge, and as much oyle de­bay as a good nut, and mixing them together, make a plaister therof and lay it to the soare, & in 2. or 3. daies it wil heale it. Others of the old Farriers dresse it with Euforbium and Cantharides, in such sort as is shewed for the taking away of the splent; but if that will not serue, then with a hot drawing Iron to draw the wind-gall in this sort,


then to open the middle line with a launcet the length of a beane, and thrust out the ielly: then lay pitch and ro­sen molten together vpon it, and then a few floxe, and that will take it cleane away. Other Farriers vse to take vp the maister veines on the inside of his legges, and suffer him onely to bleede from below: then hauing put vp the veine, couer all his legge ouer with a plaister of wine-lees and wheat flowre mingled together, and roll it with a long roller: dresse him in this sort once a day till he be whole.

[Page 357]Others vse to open the skin and put out the ielly: then take a spoonefull of oyle de bay, a spoonefull of turpentine, a penyworth of verdigrease, the white of an egge, and a quarter of an ounce of red lead; boyle them together till it come to a salue; then lay it to the wind-gall and it will cure it; or else after you haue let out the ielly, take rosen, sheepes suet, & brimstone, of each a like, & melt them together, and lay that vpon the wind-gall, so it be not too hot, and it will cure it. Others take the rootes of comin and beate them well with a little salt, and lay that to the wind-gall; or else annoynt them with the iuyce of onions or leeke blades, and that will allay them: or else ground Iuy and wormewood with the rootes sod in wine and layd to the wind-gall, will take them away. Others of our later experienced Farriers, take an ounce of white waxe, an ounce of rosen, two oun­ces of raw hony, three ounces of swines grease, two ounces of oyle of the yelkes of egges, fiue ounces of oyle de bay; mixe all these well together and straine them; then rub them into the wind-gall, by holding a hot barre of Iron against the oyntment, and it will take the wind-gall away. Now for the making of the oyle of yelks of egges, it is thus: First seeth the egges hard, then stampe them, and then seeth them in an earthen pot with a soft fire, and so straine them. Now this medicine will not onely heale the wind-gall, but the ring-bone also, it is very good for the abating of the wind-gall, & for making the medicine to work the better, to let the horse stand in a cold running streame an howre morning and euening. The scum of the foure salts sod in mans vrine, and layd to the wind-gall, will take it away.

[Page 358]There bee others which take a pottle of vi­negar, a pound of orpiment, a quarter of a pound of g [...]l [...]es, and as much of the hearbe molleyne stampt small; mingle these well together, and put them into a pot, then euery day therewith bathe the wind-gal, and in three weekes it will dry them cleane vp; it will also take away a curbe or a spauen, or a ring-bone, if you take them at the first breeding. Other Farriers take of Ciuill oyle and brimstone, of each like quantity, and seeth them in mans vrine, and stirre them well together; after put in the quantity of a wall-nut of sope, to keepe the haire from scalding off; then bathe the wind-gall with this hot, thrice to­gether, rubbing it well in [...] then annoynt it aboue with nerue-oyle, & oyle de-bay, and make it, by hol­ding to it a hot barre of Iron, or a hot-fire pan, to sinke into the flesh, and in three dayes it will dry vp any wind-gall.

Now for mine owne part, the best medicine I haue found in my practise for this sorrance, and the easi­est, is with a fine lancet to open the wind-gall, making the hole no bigger then that the ielly may come forth: then hauing thrust it cleane forth, lap a wollen wet cloath vpon it, and with a taylors hot pressing I­ron, rubbe vpon the cloath till you haue made the cloath sucke in all the moysture from the wind-gall, and that the wind-gall is dry: then take of pitch, of rosen, and of masticke, of each like quantity, and be­ing very hot, daube it all ouer the wind-gall; then clappe good store of floxe of the colour of the horse vpon it, and so let the horse rest or runne at grasse, till the plaister fall off by it owne accord, and be sure the wind-gall will be gone.

[Page 359]Now I am to giue you this for a rule, that by no meanes you vse to a wind-gall, either arsnike, or resa­gall: for commonly then the wind-gall will come a­gaine; neither must you burne much, nor make any great incision; for any of these will turne the soft sub­stance of the wind-gall to hardnesse, and then the horse will be lame without cure.

CHAP. 81. Of a Straine in the Pastorne ioynt, or Fet locke.

A Horse may be strained in the fetlocke or pastorne ioynt, either by some wrinch in the stable when the plaunchers are broken vnder him, or by treading awry vpon some stone, or vpon some cart-rout, as he trauelleth by the way. The signes whereof be these, the ioynt will be swolne and soare, and the horse will halt; and the cure, according to the old Farriers, is, take a quart of stale vrine, and seeth it till the foame a­rise; then straine it, and put thereto a handfull of tansey, and an handfull of mallowes, and a saucerfull of hony, and a quarter of a pound of sheepes suet: then set it on the fire, and seeth them all together till the hearbes be sodden soft; and then being very hot, lay this pultus to the ioynt, and couer it ouer with a blew cloath; and in 3. tmes dressing it will helpe the straine. Other Farriers take of Dialthea halfe a pound, and as much of nerue-oyle, mingle them together, and annoynt the soare place ther with, chafing it wel with both your hands that the oyntment may enter in, continuing so to do euery day once vntill the oint­ment be all spent, and let the horse rest; but if this [Page 360] will not preuaile, then they will vse Cantharides, as in case of the splent; but I do not hold that cure conue­nient, because it will make a double griefe. There­fore I had rather you should take pompillion, nerue-oyle, and blacke sope, of each a like, and heate them hot on the fire, and then annoynt the soare place therewith, and it will make the horse sound.

CHAP. 82. To remedy any manner of halting that commeth by straine, stroke, or any other accident.

NOw forasmuch as halting is such a generall sor­rance amongst horses, that not any man that is maister of a horse, but euen in his smallest trauell, is at one time or other vexed with the same, I will heere before I do proceed any further, set you downe cer­taine generall receipts selected and culd out of the priuate practise & experiments of the best Farriers in Christendome, of which I may giue the bolder te­stimony, because I haue made practise of their vertues.

If then your horse haue taken any halt, ei­ther by stiffenesse of sinewes, straine, wrinch, stroke, or any other accident, if the griefe bee in his legge, you shall take smallage, oxe eye, and sheepes suet, of each like quantity, chop them all together, and boyle it in mans vrine, and bathe all the legge therewith: then with hay-ropes wet in cold water, rolle vp his legge, and he will be able to trauell the next day: or if you seeth a pound of blacke sope in a quart of strong ale till it looke like tarre, and anoynt the legge therewith, and it will supple his sinewes, & [Page 361] bring them to their true course. If you wash his limbs in the grounds of beere or ale made warme, and then rope them vp in hay-ropes, wet in the same, it will re­couer a straine. If you take of the flowre of linseed, of turpentine, and of life hony, of each a like, and boyle them with white wine vntill they be thicke, like vnto an oyntment: then spread it on a cloath, and lay it to the griefe, and it will take away any atche or paine in the sinews: likewise a plaister of wine lees and wheate flowre, or a plaister of blacke sope and boares grease will doe the like. If you mixe nerue-oyle, oyle de bay, and aqua-vitae together, and warme it, and chafe it in, and vpon, and about any straine, it will take the anguish quite away. If the griefe be in the shoulder, or the hinder legge, then burne him vpon the very ioynt by taking vp the skinne with a paire of pinsons, and thrust the skinne through with a hot iron ouer­thwart; and if this cure him not, then his paine is be­twixt the thinne skinne and the bone, which must then be rowelled. If the griefe be in the shoulder, or in the hippe, or else where, then let him bloud, and sauing the bloud, mixe therewith the powder of fran­kinsence, and annoynt the horse with the same. If the griefe be only in the sinews, then take the plaister cald Sologliatium, made of gum-dragant, new waxe, pitch, and turpentine mixt together; or else take the yelkes of two egges, an ounce of frankinsence, and a little branne, and beate them well together, and lay it to the paine. If the griefe do proceed from a hot cause, then let the horse bloud, & with that bloud mixe vi­negar & oyle, & anoynt him, & chafe it well in. But if it proceed from a cold cause, then let him bleed a little and with figs soaked a day in warme water, & as much [Page 362] mustard seed, make a plaister and lay to the griefe. If it come either by any rush or stripe, let the horse bloud, and with that bloud mingle strong vinegar, egges, shels and all, three ounces of Sanguis draconis, foure of bolearmony, and fiue of wheate meale, and daube it all ouer the soare place. If the griefe be in the shoulder, and the skinne broken, take galles of Soria pund, and mingle them with hony, and lay it to the soare. If his paine come from the stiffenesse of his ioynts, take a pound of blacke sope, and boyle it in a quart of ale till it be thicke, and it will comfort the ioynts. If the ioynts be sweld, take rosen, pitch, tur­pentine, and Sanguis draconis, molten together, and lay it to the swelling something warme, and it will either take away the swelling, or else ripen it & make it runne. If you take of the oyle of Camomile, oyle of Dill, butter, and Agripa, of each a like quantity; or else make a plaister of an ounce of turpentine, halfe an ounce of verdigrease, and the marrow of a Stagge; or bathe the horse with warme water, wherein Rose­mary hath bene sod, and it will ease any paine what­soever. If the horses paine be in his shoulder, first with a launcet pricke the skinne through betweene the spade bone and the marrow bone: then putting in a quill, blow the skinne from the flesh euen all about: then thrusting out the winde with your hand, put in a rowel; then take a pottle of stale vrine, seeth it with a pound of butter, & as much swines grease, a handfull of mallows, a handful of tansey, a handfull of veruine, a handful of red nettles, a handful of southernwood, and a handfull of balme leaues; then beate them all well together, and so annoynt his shoulder therwith, and let him not go forth of the stable for seuen daies. [Page 363] If his griefe bee in any neather ioynt, then take a handfull of laurell leaues, and of prim-rose leaues, of ground Iuy, of crowfoot, of mallowes, of red fennel, and of fine hay, of each of them seuerally as much; seeth them well together, and then let them stand foureteene dayes; then bathe the ioynt once a day, & binde of the hearbes vnto it for foure dayes together: then after chafe into the ioynt fresh grease and oyle mixt together, and it will ease all his paine. Now to conclude, if any ioynt or member about a horse be by the fluxe of humors sweld and growne out of shape whereby the horse goeth stiffe, and halteth; then to dissolue those humors take wormewood, sage, rosemary, the barke of the Elme tree, and of a Pine, together with lin-seed, and boyling these together, make a bathe or pultus thereof, and lay it to the sicke member, and it will dissolue the humours, and so likewise will figs being stampt with salt, and applyed to the soare.

CHAP. 83. Of Enterfearing.

ENterfearing is either when a horse through a na­turall straitnesse in his pace, or through euill and too broad shooing goeth so narrow behinde with his hinder feete, that he heweth the one against the other vpon the in-side of his legges, euen with the pastorne ioynt; and by meanes of this hewing there groweth hard mattery scabbes, which are so soare, that they many times make the horse to halt much. The signes are the straitnesse of his going, and the appa­rantnesse of the scabbes. Now the cure consisteth as [Page 364] much in preuention as in salue: for the preuention, which is to keepe a horse from hewing one legge vp­on another, it consisteth onely in the office of the Smith, and the making of his hinder shooes, whereby he may goe wider, and not touch; of which wee shall speake more at large when wee intreate of paring and shooing of each seuerall foote. For the salue which is to cure the hurt being once receiued, it is thus: You shall take of May butter (if you can get it) or else fresh grease, or fresh butter, with a quantity of rosen, and as much nerue-oyle: then fry them all together in a pan, and then let it stand till it be cold, and put it in a pot, and put to it a little cow dung: and then plai­ster [...]wise apply this vnto the soare, renewing it once a day, and it will not onely heale this soare, but also any pricke by a naile whatsoeuer.

CHAP. 84. Of the Shackell-gall, or gall in the Pastorne, either by shackel or locke.

IF a horse be galled in the pastorne, on the heele, or vpon the cronet, either with shackell or locke, as it many times happens in the Champion countries, where the Farmers vse much to teather their horses: then for such a soare you shall take hony and verdi­grease, and boyle them together till the one halfe be consumed, and that it looke red: then after it is a little cooled, you shall annoynt the soare place therewith twice a day, and then strew vpon it a little chopt floxe to keepe on the salue. This is excellent for any gall whatsoeuer, and chiefly for the Scratches.

CHAP. 85. Of hurts in the legges which commeth by casting in the halter.

THe hurts which a horse getteth by being cast in the halter, are many, and proceed from diuers ac­cidents, as when the reines of the coller are so long, & will not run to and fro, that the horse getteth one, or both his forelegs ouer them, & then with struggling, woundeth & galleth them much; or else when a horse hauing desire to scratch his eare with his hinder foote rubbing it to and fro, in the end fasteneth his foote either in the coller or the reines; and then the more he striueth to loosen it, the more he galleth & woundeth it, euen somtimes to the very bone. Now for the cure, according to the opinion of the old Farriers, it is thus: Take of oyle oliue one ounce, of turpentine two or three ounces; melt them together ouer the fire, and then put thereunto a little waxe, and working them all well together lay it plaister-wise vnto the soare, re­newing it once a day vntill it be whole. Now there be other [...]arriers which only annoynt the soare with the whites of egges & sallet oyle mixt together; and then when the soare cometh to a scab, annoint it with but­ter being molten vntill it looke browne. Now for mine owne part, the cure which I principally vse for this sorrance, is to take of waxe, of turpentine, and of hogges grease, of each an ounce, and hauing mingled & molten them well together, put them into a pot: then take an ounce of verdigrease beaten to powder, and an ounce of hogges grease, and mixe them very wel together, & put that into another pot: then when [Page 366] you dresse the soare, take of the first salue two parts, and of the later a third part, and mixing them well to­gether in the palme of your hand, annoynt all the soare place therewith, doing thus once a day till it be whole.

CHAP. 86. Of the Scratches, Crepanches or Rats-tailes.

THe Scratches, Crepanches, or Rats-tailes, being all but one sorrance, are long, scabby, dry chaps, or rifts, growing right vp and downe, and ouerthwart on the hinder legges, iust from the fetlocke vnto the place of the Curbe; and as the Paines are vnder the fetlocke, so the Scratches are aboue the fetlocke: and do proceede either from dry melancholy humors in­gendred by outward filth, or else by the fuming of the horses dung lying either neare or vnder him. The signes are both the apparant sight, and the easie fee­ling of the same, besides the staring, deuiding, and curling of the haire, as also that the sorrance will stinke much. The cure is according to the opinion of the old Farriers, to take any of these former medi­cines whatsoeuer, which are already recited, either for the Paines, or Mules; yet for your more particular vnderstanding, you shall know, these medicines are most proper for this sorrance. First you shall shaue a­way the haire, and make the soare raw: then take of turpentine halfe a pound, of hony halfe a pint, of hogges grease a [...]quarterne, and three yolkes of egges, & of bolearmony a quarterne beaten into powder, of beane flower halfe a pint; mixe all these well together and make a salue thereof, and then with your fingar annoynt all the soare places therewith, and let the [Page 367] horse come in no wet during the cure. Other Far­riers vse (and sure it is the better practise) first, after they haue shaued away the haire, and layd the soare raw, to wash it well with old vrine very warme; then take blacke sope, mustard and vinegar, of each a like quantity, and mixe therewith some of an Oxe gall; then stirre them well together, and chafe and rubbe the place therewith, and binde thereto a cloath, so vse it once a day till it be whole: then after annoynt it with neats foote oyle to supple the sinewes againe. O­thers vse to take the finest hay, and burne it to ashes vpon a faire boord, then mixe it with neats foot oyle, and make a salue thereof; then all to rubbe the soares vntill they bleed almost, and then annoynt them with the said salue, and rope his legges, and keepe them from wet. Others vse after they haue washt the soare with old stale, then to take a quantity of strong mu­stard, vinegar, gray sope, barrowes grease, and some quickesiluer; mixe them together, and therewith an­noynt the soare. Other Farriers take a quantity of vn­sleckt lime, halfe so much blacke sope, and so much of strong vinegar as shall suffice to make it like an oyntment: then the haire being cut away, and the soare washt with vrine, lay to this oyntment, renew­ing it not the space of two dayes, and it will kill the sor­rance: then wash the place once or twice with warme wine; then after heale it with turpentine and hogges grease molten together, and in no wise let the horse come in any wet. Others vse after they haue washt the soare place with vrine, and clipt away the haire, and made the wound raw, to take butter and tarre, of each a like, and boyling them together, annoynt all the soare place therewith euery day till it be whole. [Page 368] Others take of hony and verdigrease of each a like, and boile them together vntill halfe bee consumed, and then annoynt the soare therewith once a day vntill it be whole. Others of our latter Farriers vse either to shaue off the haire, or scald it off with orpiment, and vnsleckt lime boild in strong lee; then wash it with warme vinegar, or white wine, then when it is dry annoint it with this oyntment. Take of orpiment one ounce, of verdigrease three ounces, of soote fiue ounces, a lttle vnsleckt lime, and of hony one pound; mingle them all well together vpon a soft fire, and being made like an oyntment vse it as aforesaid once a day to the soare; or else take hony, sope, verdigrease, vnsleckt lime, and vinegar, and boyle them with allome, galles, and maile, till it come to a plaister, and then apply it vnto the soare; or else boyle sallet oyle with a little suet and sope, then skinne it and take it from the fire; then adde an ounce of quickesiluer resolued, two ounces of verdigrease, three ounces of vnsleckt lime, and one ounce of white waxe: when all these are well mixt together, and made into a salue, then apply it once a day vnto the soare, vntill it bee whole. Other Farriers vse, after they haue sha­ued the place, to boyle vinegar and the skinne of larde or bacon together, and to apply that to the soare three daies together: then take larde molten, litargie, masticke, verdigrease, and soote mingled together, with goates milke, and lay it to, renewing it once a day vntill the soare bee healed. The scraping of a pannes bottome mixt with the inner pilles of Elder, are also good for the Scratches; or new mans dung applied for fiue dayes, aud after annoynt the soare with oyle and sope mixt together. Others take of vnsleckt [Page 369] lime, the dowder of glasse, and of verdigrease, of each-one an ounce; of orpiment an ounce, of oyle and of fresh grease, of each foure ounces; mixe all these well together, and apply it to the soare vntill it be whole; If you take blacke snailes and burre rootes, and beate them together, it willl also helpe this sorrance. Other Farriers take an ounce of sope, two ounces of vn­sleckt lime, and as much lye, or strong vinegar as will temper it, and so dresse the soare vntill it bee whole. Others take fenugreeke and beate it, three oranges cut in peeces, halfe a pound of sheepes suet, newe sheepes dung; boyle all these in the grounds of good ale, and then bathe the horse therewith as hot as may bee: then rope him vp with hay ropes, and so let him stand three daies, then bathe him him so againe. Others take hogges grease, sope, brimstone, soote, and hony; boyle them, and lay them too cold, you may also adde verdigrease; but before you lay on this oyntment, scrape the scabbes off and make them bleed, and rubbe them with sope, mustard, and vi­negar, mixt together.

CHAP. 87. Of the ringbone.

THe ringbone is a sorrāce, which appeareth aboue vpon the cronet of the hoofe, being a certaine hard gristell going sometimes round about the same: it proceedeth as some Farriers hold opinion either either from some blow of an other horse, or by stri­king the horses foot against some stubbe, or stone or such like accident: but surely I hold that it also procee­deth from some imperfection innature; for as much as I haue seene many foales foaled with ringbones on [Page 370] their feete. These ring-bones do breed a viscous and slimy humour, which resorting to the bones that are of their owne nature cold and dry, waxeth hard, and cleaueth to some bone, and so in processe of time be­cometh a bone. The signes of the sorrance are the ap­parant sight of the sorrāce, being higher then any part of the cronet, the staring of the haire, & the halting of the horse; & the cure, according to ancient Farriers, is first to scarifie the skin aboue the ring-bone with a lancet; then take a great onion, & picke out the chore: then put into it verdigrease & vnsleckt lime: then co­uer the hole, and rost the onion soft, then bruise it in a mortar, & so very hot lay it to the ring-bone: do thus 4 daies together, and it will cure it. Others of the old Farriers vse first to wash the sorrance with warme wa­ter, and shaue away the haire: then scarifie it lightly with the point of a razor so as the bloud may issue forth: then dresse it with Cantharides & Eu [...]orbium in such sort as hath bene taught for the splent, vsing him, & curing him after the same manner; but when the haire beginneth to grow againe, then draw the soare place with a hot drawing iron in strait lines, from the pastorn down to the coffin of the hoofe, in this maner


and let the edge of the drawing iron be as thick as the backe of a meate knife, and burne him no deeper then that the skin may looke yellow: that done, couer the burning with pitch and rosen molten together, and clap thereon floxe of the horses owne colour, and about three daies after lay againe some of the last mentioned plaister, and also new floxe vpon the old, and there let them remaine till they fall away of themselues.

Others vse to shaue off the haire, and to scarifie the [Page 371] soare with a launcet till it bleed: then strew vpon it the powder of Tartar, and salt, of each a like mixt together, and binde it straite: then after annoynt it with fresh grease; or else soften the ring-bone with the skinne of old bacon, the fat being scraped off, that you may see through the skinne, and layd to after it is shauen and made bleede: after launce it and let out the ring-bone. Others vse to launce the skinne with a razor; then opening the skinne with a cor­net, pricke the ring-bone. Lastly, strew vpon it the powder of vitriolle, and binde it on so as it may not stirre for nine dayes; then thrust out the matter which is dissolued. Lastly, wash it with salt, with vrine, and vinegar mixt together. Other Farriers doe vse after they haue shaued it, to lay vnto it a plaister made of bran, & hony, with the yong leaues of worme-wood, pellitory, and Branke-vrsine min­gled with swines grease, and beaten together, and boyled, and vsed as hot as the horse can suffer it. This medicine will not onely cure the ring-bone, but any other hard swelling whatsoeuer. Also a plai­ster of the leaues of smallage being beaten to peeces, is not onely good for this sorrance, but for any wind­gall also. To wash a ring-bone continually with strong vinegar will abate it: or else to shaue away the haire, and take halfe a lemmon, and sprinkle ars­nicke thereupon, and lay it to the ring-bone, and it wil eate it away off; if twice or thrice a day you bind a hard egge burning hote vnto the ring-bone, it will take it away. Lastly, if you take Euforbi­um, and mingle it with the oyle of Giniper, salt, and pepper, and so apply it to the ring-bone, it will in a very short space consume the ring-bone quite [Page 372] away; alwaies prouided that you keep the horse from any wet during his cure.

CHAP. 88. Of hurts on the Cronet by crossing one foote on another.

IF your horse by crossing one foote vpon another, chance to wound or hurt the cronet of his hoofe, you shall then, according to the opinion of the old Farriers, first wash it well with white wine, or with warme vrine, and then lay vnto it the white of an egge mixt with chimney soote and salt; and that, if it be renewed once a day, will in two or three dayes dry vp the soare. Other Farriers vse first to pare or cut away the hoofe that it touch not the hurt, and keepe it cleane from filth by washing it with vrine: then seeth two egges hard, and take off the shels, then presse them with your hand long, and first roast one hot, and tye it to hard; when that is cold vse the o­ther: after make a plaister of soot, salt, and oyle boy­led together, and lay it to the soare, renewing it once a day vntill it be whole.

CHAP. 89. Of the Crowne Scabbe.

THe crowne scabbe is a filthy and stinking scabbe, breeding round about the cronets of the hoofe, and is a cankerous & painfull sorrance: it cometh oft­times by means that the horse hath bin bred in a fēny, marrish ground, where the cold, striking corrupt hu­mors vp to his feete, ingendreth this sorrance, which [Page 373] is euer more painful in the winter then in the sōmer. The signes are, the haires of the cronet will be very thin, and staring like bristles, and the cronets will bee alwayes mattering, and run on water. Now the cure, according to the opinion of many Farriers, is to take the skinne of bacon, and lay thereon soote and salt beaten together, mingled with grease or suet, waxe, and pitch molten together: and if the flesh chance to grow proud, eate it away either with verdigrease, beaten to powder, or with the scrapings of a Harts horne, or an oxe horn made into fine pow­der. Other Farriers vse to take of sope, and of hogges grease, of each halfe a pound, of bolearmony a little, of turpentine a quarterne; and mixe them well to­gether, and make a plaister and binde it fast on, re­newing it euery day once vntill it leaue running; and then wash it with strong vinegar being luke warme, euery day once vntill the soare be cleane dryed vp, and let the horse come in no wet vntill the sorrance be whole. Others vse onely to bathe it continually with old stale sod with salt, and that will dry vp the humour and heale it.

CHAP. 90. Of the Quitter-bone.

THe Quitter-bone is a hard round swelling vpon the cronet of the hoofe, betwixt the heele & the quarter, and groweth most commonly on the in-side of the foote: it breedeth commonly by meanes of grauel gathered vnderneath the shooe, which fretteth inward, & forceth an vlcer to breake vpward: or else it cometh by the cloying or pricking of some naile driuē [Page 374] by an ignorant smith, the anguish whereof looseneth the gristell, and so breedeth euill humors, whereof the quitterbone springeth: the signes are, the horse will halte much, and the swelling is apparant to the eye, which in foure or fiue daies commeth to a head, and will breake out with matter at a little deepe hole like a fistula; and surely then this quitterbone, there is no outward sorrance whatsoeuer more dangerous to a horse. The cure thereof according to the opini­on of some of the ancient Farriers is, first to cut the hoofe to the quicke: then seeth a Snake or an Adder till the flesh part from the bone, and be molten as an vnguent; then annoint the soare place therewith very warme euen to the bottome, and during the cure keepe the foote cleane from any filth; for this both drieth, and killeth the quitterbone. Other of the old Farriers, first burne about the quitterbone with a hot yron, in maner of a halfe circle, & then with the same yron draw another right through the midst thereof in this sort


: then take of arsnicke the quantity of a beane beaten into fine powder, and put it into the hole, thrusting it downe to the bottome with a quill, and stop the mouth of the hole with a little tow, and bind it so fast with a cloth and a roller, that the horse may not come at it with his mouth, and so let it rest for that day; and the next day if you see that the soare looketh blacke within, then it is a signe that the arsnicke did worke well; then to allay the burning of it, taint the hole with flaxe dipt in hogges grease, and turpentine molten together, and couer the taint with a plaister of pitch, rosen, waxe, and turpentine molten together, but there must be as much terpentine as of all the rest: and thus [Page 375] you must continue to doe vntill you haue gotten out the chore, which the arsnicke did eate; then shall you see whether the loose gristel in the bottome be vnco­uered or not: and if it bee not vncouered, then feele with your fingar or with a quill, whether you be nigh it or not; and if you be, then raise the gristell with a little crooked instrument, and pull it cleane out with a paire of smal nippers or mullets made for the pur­pose: that done, thrust it againe with a full taint, dipt in the foresaid oyntment, to asswage the anguish of the last dressing, and stop it hard to the intent that the hole may not shrinke together or close vp: and the next day take out that taint, and taint it anew with hony and verdigrease boild together, till they looke redde, renewing it euery day once vntill it be whole, keeping alwaies the mouth of the soare as open as you may, to the intent that it heale not vp too fast, & let not the horse come in any wet, nor trauell vntill he be perfectly whole. Other Farriers vse to cut the hoofe open to the quicke; then take G [...]lbanum, Sagape­num, pitch of Greece, Olibanum, Masticke, oyle, & white waxe, of each an ounce, with halfe a pound of sheepe suet: melt them vpon a soft fire, and incorporate them well together, and therewith dresse the soare place vntill it be whole. Others vse after the soare is opened, to put in the salt of Tartar, and when that hath eaten away the quitterbone, to heale it vp with hony and verdigrease boild as aforesaid. Others take of goates dung two ounces, of sheepes tallow three ounces, and as much strong vinegar as will suffice to boyle them well in, and then therewith to dresse the quitterbone, vntill it bee cleane whole.

CHAP. 91. Of grauelling a Horse.

Grauelling is a certaine fretting of grauell, sand, or dirte vnder the foote betwixt the sole and the shooe, sometimes on the inside, and sometime on the outside of the foote, and sometimes of both sides of the heele. It commeth, as I said, by meanes of little grauell stones getting betwixt the hoofe, or calking or sponge of the shooe, which by continuall labour and trauell of the horse, doth eate through the hoofe into the quicke of the foote; and the rather if the horses heeles bee soft and weake, or that the shooe do lye flat to his foote, so as the grauell being gotten in it cannot get out againe. The signes whereof are these, the horse will halt much, and couet to goe most on his toe, to fauour his heele, and the softer the way is, the more is the horses case. Now for the cure according to the old Farriers, it is thus; first pare the hoofe till you may see the soare, then take an ounce of virgin waxe, and a quarter of an ounce of rossen, and a quarter of deares suet, & halfe an ounce of boares grease, and beate them all well together in a morter, and then melt them toge­ther on the fire; that done, dip good stoare of flaxe therein, and so stop vp the soare close and hard, and then you may trauell the horse whither you please; and do thus once a day vntill the foote bee sound. Other of the old Farriers vse, first to pare the hoofe, and to get out the grauell with a drawing knife, lea­uing none behind; then stop the soare place with turpentine and hogges grease molten together, and [Page 377] laid one with a little tow or flaxe, and then clap on the shooe, to keepe in the stopping, renewing it eue­ry day once vntill it be whole, and suffer the horse to come in no wet vntill it be healed. Now you must vnderstand that if a grauelling be not well stopt to keepe down the flesh, it wil rise higher then the houe, and so put the Farrier to much more paine, both in bolstring it, and abating that ill growne substance. Others vse onely to pare the foot, and pricke out all the grauell cleane, then wash it well with beere and salt; then melt into it tallow, rosen, and pitch: then couering it hard and close with flaxe, set on the shooe againe, and doe thus once a day. Others vse after they haue cleansed the soare, to lay hurds into it, being dipt in the white of egs, then after heale it with salt beaten small & mixt with strong vinegar, or else with the powder of galles, salt, and Tartar, mixt together which also is good for any cloying or pricking.

CHAP. 96. Of Surbating.

Svrbating is a continual beating of the hoofe against the ground, & it commeth sometimes by meanes of euill shooing lying too flat to his foot, or by going long barefoot; and sometimes by the hardnesse of the ground, and the high lifting of the horses feete, either in his trot, or in his amble; and the horses which are most subiect to this sorrance, are those which haue ei­ther great round feete, or such as are flatte footed, the coffins whereof are weake and tender, and also those which haue weake heeles. The signes of the griefe are, the horse will halt much, and goe creeping and [Page 378] stiffe, as if he were halfe foundred; and the cure, ac­cording to the opinion of the old Farriers, is to roast a couple of egges exceeding hard, and then in the very violence of their heate, to burst them in the horses feete, and then powre hot boyling sallet oyle also amongst them, and to stoppe the shooe vp close with a peece of leather, and two crosse splents of wood, and doe thus thrice in one fortnight, and it will helpe him. Others of the ancient Farriers, take off the horses shooes, and pare him as little as may be; and if the shooes be not easie, that is to say, long, large, and hollow enough, then make them so, and tacke them on againe with foure or fiue nailes: that done, stoppe his feete with hogges grease, and branne boyled together so hot as may bee, and also couer all the coffin round about with the same, bin­ding all in together with a cloath, and a list faste­ned about the ioynt, renewing it euery day once vntill it bee sound; and giue the horse during the cure, warme water to drinke, and let him stand drye, and not haue much trauell. Now if your horse surbate in your trauell, if euery night you stoppe his feete well with cowes dung, or with cowes dung and vinegar, it will make him endure out his iourney.

CHAP. 92. Of the Pricke in the so [...]le of the Foote, either by treading on a naile, or any other sharpe thing.

IF a horse in his trauell chance to treade either on stubbe, naile, thorne, or any other sharpe thing [Page 379] whatsoeuer, by meanes whereof hee is prickt in the soale of the foote, the rider shall perceiue the same by the sudden faltring of the horse, who will instantly stand still and lift vp his foote, as desiring helpe: and if it chance at any other time, then the halting of the horse, and the diligent searching of a care­full Farrier must finde out the mischiefe. Now the cure, according to the opinion of the ancient Farriers, is first to pull off the shooe, and pare the foote, and with a drawing knife, vncouer the hole, making the mouth so broade as a twopence: then tacke on the shooe againe: that done, stoppe it by powring into the hole turpentine and hogges grease molten together, and lay some flaxe or tow vpon it; and then stoppe all the horses foote with cowes dung, and so couering it with a peece of leather, splent it with two crosse stickes so as the stopping may abide in, renewing it euery day once vntill it be whole, and let the horse treade in no wet.

Now you must bee very carefull in the curing of this sorrance: For if it bee not healed from the bottome, besides that it is dangerous to the life of the horse, it is also a great hazard that the soare will breake out at the toppe of the hoofe, and so loosen the hoofe round about, and perhaps make it fall cleane away; but if you see that it beginne to breake out aboue, then make a greater issue be­neath, by opening the hole wider, and taking more of the soale away, that the flesh may haue the more liberty: then take of bolearmony halfe a quarterne, and of beane flowre as much, and two egges; beate them, and mingle them well together, and make a plaister thereof vpon tow, and lay it round about [Page 380] the cronet, binde it fast on, and so let it remaine the space of two daies, and then renew it againe, not failing so to do euery two dayes vntill you see it waxe hard and firme aboue: for this plaister being restrick­tiue, will force the humours to resort alwayes downeward; which humours must bee drawne out with turpentine and hogges grease, as before, vntill it leaue mattering; and then drye it vp with burnt allome beaten into powder, and strewed vppon the soare, with a little flaxe layd againe vppon that, continuing so to doe euery day once vntill it bee hardened; and let not the horse come in any wet vntill it bee whole. Other Farriers vse to taint the soare with tallow, tarre, and turpen­tine being molten together, and anoynt all the coffin and cronet of the hoofe with bole-armony and vi­negar beaten together till the soare bee whole, e­specially if the thing which did pricke the horse was venemous or rusty.

CHAP. 93. To draw out either Stub, Thorne, or Iron, either out of the foote, or any other part of the body.

IF either the Stubbe, the Thorne, the Iron, or any thing whatsoeuer, wherewith your horse is wounded, bee gotten so deepe into the flesh that you cannot get hold vpon it to pull it out, then, according to the opinion of the old Far­riers, (if you finde that albeit it bee too deepe, yet it is not much too deepe) you shall take a good quantity of blacke sope, and lay it to the soare for a whole night, and it will make it to ap­peare, [Page 381] so as you may pull it out with a paire of nip­pers: but if it lye very deepe, then you must o­pen the place with a launcet, and thrusting in your mullets or nippers, pull it out by strength, and af­terwards heale vp the wound, as was before taught in the last chapter.

Other Farriers say, that the rootes of reedes being stampt and mixt with hony, it will draw out any stubbe or naile: so will also blacke snailes being stampt and wrought with fresh butter. Now if the place bee much swolne, then it is good to mol­lifie it with a plaister made of worme-wood, pa­rietory, beares foote, hogges grease, and hony, well boyled and mixt together, which will asswage any new swelling that commeth by stripe or other­wise.

Now when you haue gotten out that which you sought for, then you shall first powre into the wound scalding oyle Oliue; when that is cold, powre into it as hote turpentine; when that is cold, strew on the powder of Sulphure, and then bol­ster his foote or the soare with hurds, and keepe it from all wet and filthinesse.

CHAP. 94. Of the Figge.

IF a Horse hauing receiued any hurt, as is be­fore said, either by stubbe, great naile, thorne, bone, splent, or stone, either in the soale, or any other part of the foote, and bee not well dressed, and perfectly cured, there will grow in that place a certaine superfluous peece of flesh, like vnto a [Page 382] figge, full of little white graines as you see are in figs. The cure whereof according to the opinion of the ancient Farriers is, first with a hot yron, to cut the figge cleane away, and keepe the flesh downe with turpentine, hogges grease, and a lit­tle waxe molten together, and laid on with a little tow, stopping the hole hard that the flesh rise not, renewing it once a day vntill the soare bee whole. Now other of our latter Farriers vse after they haue as before said, cut away the figge, then to take the crops of young nettles, & chopping them very small, lay them vpon a cloth, iust as bigge as the figge▪ then take the powder of verdigrease and strew it thinne vpon the chopt nettles, and so bind it to the soare, re­newing it once a day vntill the hoofe haue couered the soare, and this is a most certaine cure.

CHAP. 95. Of a Retrait.

A Retrait is when a horse by the ill gouernment of the smith, is prickt in the foote with some ill dri­uen naile, yet in such sort that it is immediatly espied, and the naile drawne backe againe; and although it proceedeth of test from the negligence of the smith, yet it may also come by reason of the weakenesse of the naile, and the hollowesse of the shanke: for when the naile is a little too weake, the point many times bendeth awry into the quicke, when it should go right foorth; and when it is hollow it shiuereth in the driuing into two parts, whereof one part razeth the quicke in pulling out, or else perhaps breaketh a­sunder, and so remaineth still behind: and this kind of [Page 383] pricking is the worst of all other, because it will ranc­kle worst, in as much as the flaw cankereth and remai­neth stil in the foot. The signes hereof are, 1. the appa­rant shrinking & struggling of the horse assoone as the quick is touched, and next his much halting: last­ly you shall search his foote with a hammer, by knoc­king vpon the clinch of euery naile: for when you knocke vpon that naile where the griefe is, the horse will shrinke vp his foote; and if that will not serue, then grope the hoofe with a paire of pinsons round about vntill you haue found the place grieued. Now the cure, according to the opinion of the ancient Far­riers is, first to pull off the shooe, and then open the place grieued, either with a butteris or with a draw­ing knife, so that you may perceiue either by feeling or seeing, whether there be any peece of naile or not; if there be, then pull it cleane out; after take of nettles halfe a handfull, and bruise them in a mortar, and put thereto a spoonefull of redde vinegar, and a spoonefull of blacke sope, and two ounces of brocks grease, or the fat of salt bacon, and bray all these wel together, and stop well the hole of the soare with this, and then tacke on the shooe againe, & you may safely aduenture to trauel him. Other Farriers vse after they haue opened the soare to stop vp the hole with turpentine, waxe, and sheepes suet molten together; and so poured hot into the hole, and then lay a little tow vpon it, & clap on the shooe againe, renewing it thus euery day once vntill it be whole; during which time the horse must not come in any wet, and it must be stopped in this sort, though it be but prickt without any peece of naile remaining: & if for lacke of looking to in time, this retrait causeth the horse to [Page 384] breake out, then you shall cure it either with a re­strictiue plaister of bolearmony, beane flowre, and egges, mentioned in the 97. chapter: or else with chopt nettles and verdigrease, spoken of in the last chapter.

Now there be other Farriers, which not onely for this retraite, but for any pricke in the horses foot, vse after they haue layd open the wound, to take of turpentine one ounce, of tarre one ounce, of pitch one ounce, of beefe suet one ounce, and one head of garlicke; boyle them all together, and lay them to it so hot as may be suffered; and if it chance to breake out aboue the hoofe, then apply also the same medicine vnto it, and it will cure it.

CHAP. 96. Of Cloying.

A Horse is said to bee cloyed with a naile, or prickt with a naile, when the whole naile is stric­ken into the quick of the foote, and so remaineth stil in the same, & is clinshed as other nailes be, by means wherof the horse halteth extremly. Now this griefe is knowne by searching the grieued place with a ham­mer or pinsons as is before said. Now for the cure, ac­cording to the opinion of the old Farriers it is thus; if the horse halt immediatly, then pul off his shooe and open the hole vntill it beginne to bleed, and then stop vp the hole with turpentine, waxe, and sheepes suet molten together, and poured in very hot, renew­ing it once a day vntill it be whole; and let the horse tread in no wet, and let his shooe bee tackt on againe as soone as he is drest. Others vse onely to poure into [Page 385] the hole hot scalding butter, and that will heale it; or else to burne the hole with another naile, and that will cure it. Other Farriers vse after they haue ope­ned well the soare to take halfe a pound of frankin­sence, a pound of rosen, a pound of pitch of Greece, halfe a pound of blacke pitch, a pound of new waxe, a pound of goats grease, halfe a pound of varnish, halfe a pound of turpentine, two ounces of oyle oliue; and melt them altogether, and lay this vnto the hoofe plaisterwise, and it will not onely heale any pricke whatsoeuer, but also any crackes, chincks, or clifts in the hoofe howsoeuer they breed; prouided that you let the horse tread in no wet during the cure; but if the soare chaunce to breake out on the toppe of the hoofe, then you shal take two or three yelks of egges, whites and all beaten together, and adde thereunto an ounce of bolearmony, and as much beane or wheate meale as will thicken the same: then make a plaister thereof two fingers broad, and as long as will goe round on the toppe of the horses hoofe, bind it fast on with a roller, and renew it once a day vntill it be whole.

Other Farriers vse after they haue searched and laid open the wound, to put into it hurdes dipt in the white of an egge, then stoppe the whole with salte beaten very small, mingled with veruin, and strong vinegar, and couer it with flaxe dipt in strong vinegar; or else holding vp the horses foote, poure into the wound hote scalding oyle oliue; and when that is cold▪ poure in hote turpentine, and that being cold strew vpon it the powder of sulphure; then lay on a bolster of flaxe, then shooe him, and keepe him from treading in any wet. Others vse to take tallow, [Page 386] the powder of Sulphure, mallowes, and very strong vinegar; boyle them together vntill they be thicke like an oyntment: then lay the same to the soare, as hote as the horse can endure it, re­newing it once in twelue howres till it be whole. Others vse to take of hony and vinegar, of each a like quantity, a little oyle, and suet of a he goate; boyle them with a soft fire, and stirre it: when it waxeth redde, adde verdigrease and vitriolle, of each a like, made into powder, still stirring it till it bee thicke and redde; then stoppe the soare eue­ry day therewith vntill it be whole, after you haue washed it well with salt and vinegar. Others take pepper, garlicke, and cabbadge leaues beaten with swines grease, and lay that to the soare: or else take tallow, and horse dung, and mixing them well together, stoppe the soare therewith, and in short space it will cure it.

Other Farriers vse to take off the shooe, then ha­uing opened the soare, to wash it with wine: then lay vpon it the inner rinde of Elder, and through that melte in grease with a hot Iron: then tacke on the shooe againe, and doe thus diuers dayes together, and it is a certaine cure.

CHAP. 97. Generall Obseruations for the Feete and Houes of a Horse.

FOrasmuch as the feete and houes of a Horse are the onely instruments of labour, and that a small griefe in that part depriues a man of the be­nefite and vse of the rest; I thinke it not amisse [Page 387] before I speake of the particular diseases of the houes, to shew you some generall notes and obser­uations which you shall obserue for the benefite of the feete. Know then that first it is meete that you let your shooes before be short, with strong spunges, but no cawkins, and your nailes to haue speciall good heads.

Let your shooes behinde haue a cawkin on the out-side; but if he enterfeare, let the cawkin bee on the in-side to make him cast outward, and let the inside of that side inward haue a welt an inch deepe, or be twice as thicke as the out-side: but if all this helpe not his enterfearing, then bring him to an amble; but if hee will not amble, burne him with a hote Iron betwixt the legges, that the soarenesse therof may make him goe wide be­hinde, which is an odinary practise amongst the French-men.

Let your shooes bee made of Iron that will not breake, of which our English is best, the Spanish next, and the Danske worst. Let them also be light, yet so as they may bee able to beare the burthen of the horse, being broader at the toes, then at the caw­kins or spunges.

Let your cawkins be short, and blunt at the points, and your spunges long and thicke.

Let your shooe be full as straite as the horne of the hoofe so farre as the nayles goe, and from the two heele-nayles backward, let the shooe be broa­der then the hoofe, that the shooe may be without the horne.

Giue vnto euery shooe nine nailes, on each side foure, and one in the midst; and let the shankes of [Page 388] the nailes bee very flat and thin, that if the hoofe be naught, they may yet keepe the shooe firme with little hold, and the nearer that your nailes are driuen backeward towardes the heele (so it bee without danger) the faster the shooe will sit, and the harder to be puld away.

Let your cawkins sit a strawes breadth behinde the corner of the coffin, and let your naile heads enter into the shooe, especially on the outside, and by all meanes hollow your shooe so little as may be.

Pare very little or nothing at all from the heele of a horse; yet open his heeles as sufficiently as may be, because euer the heele must be thicke, and the toe thin.

In faire waies pare the soale thin, but in frost or sto­ny wayes, pare as little as may be.

To conclude, when the hoofe is higher on the out-side then on the in-side, it will make a horse en­terfeare; and when it is higher on the in-side, it will make a horse straddle, so that a faire smooth table is of all most conuenient. After trauell euer stoppe the in-side of the hoofe with cowes dung, and rubbe the out-side and the cronet with the sward of fat bacon: for that will keepe a tough, smooth, and a sound hoofe.

CHAP. 98. Of loosening of the Hoofe.

A Hoofe is sayd to bee loosened when there is a dissolution or parting of the horne or coffin of the hoofe from the flesh, at the setting on of the [Page 389] cronet. Now if this dissolution or parting bee round about the cronet, then it proceedeth by meanes of some foundring; but if it bee but in part, then it proceedeth from the anguish caused ei­ther by the pricking of some canell naile, or other naile piercing the soale, or quarters of the foote; or by some quitterbone, retraite, grauelling, or cloy­ing, or such like accident. The signes of the disease be these: When it is loosened by foundring, then it will breake first, and the dissolution will appeare on the fore part of the cronet right against the toe, be­cause the humour doth couet alwayes to descend towards the toe; but if it proceede from pricking, grauelling, or such like, then the hoofe will loosen round about, equally euen at the first; but when it proceedes from some quitterbone, or hurt vpon the cronet, then the hoofe will breake right aboue the place that is offended, and most commonly will go no further. Now the cure, according to the opinion of the ancient Farriers, is, of what cause soeuer the loose­ning proceed, first to be sure to open the hoofe in the soale of the foot, so as the humor may haue free pas­sage downeward; and then to binde about the toppe of it, the restrictiue plaister spoken of in the 97. chapter, and in the 100. chapter, and in such sort, as it is there written, and then heale it vp with tur­pentine and hogges grease molten together. Others of the ancient Farriers take three spoonefull of tarre, and a quarter of a pound of rosen, and halfe a hand­full of tansie, and halfe an handful of rew, and halfe an handfull of red mints, and halfe an handfull of sou­thernwood, and bray all these together in a mortar: then adde halfe a pound of butter, and a penyworth [Page 390] of virgine waxe, then melt them all together ouer the fire vntill it come to a thicke plaister or salue, then spread some of it vpon a cloth, and lay it to the soare, renewing it once a day for seauen daies, and it will heale it. Others vse to take the braines of a swine or a pig, and to stop his hoofe very wel therewith, three daies together, renewing it twice or thrice a day; and it will grow fast, and endure as well, or rather bet­ter then euer it did. Other Farriers vse to cut out the sole below, letting it bleed well; after stop it with hurds dipt in the whites of egs, tye this to for twenty foure howers, then wash it with strong vinegar war­med, after fill it with tartar, and salt of each a like quan­tity, let that remaine in 2 daies; then annoint it with the oyntment made of Olibanum, masticke, pitch of Greece, of each a like, and a little Sanguis draconis, and of new waxe, and sheepes suet as much as of the first, and melte, and boyle them all very well toge­ther, and let this oyntment be applyed once a day till the soare be whole. But if you perceiue that any new hoofe come, then cut away the old, lest the hardnesse of the one hinder the tendernesse of the other; and then annoynt the new hoofe with suet, oyle, & waxe, of each a like boyled together, to make it grow; or else with pitch of Greece, mastick, Olibanum, Sanguis draco­uis, & Galbanum, of each alike, being molten with suet: for this will make the new hoofe to grow also, so will also new waxe, hony, oyle, swines grease, and sheeps suet, being boyled together; and when it is cold adde masticke, Sanguis draconis, and Frankensence, and in­corporate them all together; for nothing sooner then this will make either new or old hoofe grow. Others vse to take shell snailes and stampe them, and lay them [Page 391] twice a day to the soare, and they will either fasten the old hoofe, or quickly bring foorth a new. Now there bee other Farriers which first fill the soare with turpentine, and after it hath laine twenty foure how­ers, then wash the soare with vrine or copporas water; then fill it either with verdigrease, or with sheepes tallow, pitch, and rosen boyld together, in which ha­uing dipt hurdes lay it to the soare very hot twice a day vntill it be whole.

CHAP. 99. Of casting the hoofe.

THe casting of the hoofe is, when the whole cof­fine thereof falleth cleane away from the foote; which commeth of all the former causes re­hearsed in the last chapter, & is so apparant to the eye that it nedeth none other signes. Now for the cure it is thus, take of turpentine one pound, of tarre halfe a pint, of vnwrought waxe halfe a pound, of sheepes suet halfe a pound, & of sallet oyle halfe a pint; boyle all these things together, and stirre them continually vntill they bee throughly mixt together; then make a boote of leather with a strong sole fit for the horses foote, to be laced fast about the pastorne; then dresse his foote with the salue aforesaid, laid vpon flaxe or tow, and bolster or stop his foote with soft flaxe, so as the boote may grieue him no manner of waies, renew­ing it euery day once vntill the new hoofe come: then as the hoofe beginneth to harden, if it grow either thicke, crompled, or out of order; with a fine rape-file keepe it smooth and plaine till the hoofe bee perfect, and then put him to grasse, that there it [Page 392] may take a kindly hardening and toughnesse.

CHAP. 100. Of the Hoofe-bound.

THe hoofe-bound is nothing else but a shrinking in of the whole hoofe in the vpper parte thereof, making the skinne to stare aboue the hoofe, and to grow ouer the same. It proceedeth from keeping the horses hoofes too dry in the stable, or from straite shooing▪ or from some vnnaturall heate after foundring; and the signes of the disease are, that the horse will halt much, and his hoofes will be hot; and if you knocke vpon them with an hammer, they will sound hollow like an empty bottle; and if both his feete bee not hoofe-bound, then the soare foote will euer be the lesser: and you shall also vnderstand that this disease of some Farriers is called a dry foundring. Now for the cure thereof according to the opinion of the ancient Farriers, it is thus, take a pound of the sward of bacon, and a quarterne of a pound of white sope, and a handfull of balme, and a handfull of bay leaues, and foure or fiue branches of rew, and stampe them well together; and then fry them, and lay them about the cronet of the hoofe very [...]oat, suffering it so to abide the space of fiue daies, and then renew it, but in no case let him tread in any wet, and this will helpe him. Other of the ancient Farriers vse, first to pull off his shooes, and to shooe him with halfe moone shooes called Lunets or Lunet, the shape whereof you shall see in an other place; then raze both the quar­ters of the hoofe with a drawing knife, from the cro­net vnto the sole of the foote, so deepe that you may see the dew come foorth: and if you make two razes [Page 383] on each side, it shall bee so much the better, and in­large the hoofe the more; that done, annoint all the hoofe aboue next vnto the cronet round about with the oyntment described before in the last chapter of casting the hoofe, continuing so to do euery day once vntill hee beginne to amend; and let him bee ridden vpon some soft wet ground an howre or two euery day once for the space of a moneth; and if hee goe not well at the moneths end, then take off the halfe shooes, and pare all the soles, [...]rushes and all so thinne, that you may see the dew come foorth, and tacke on a whole shooe, and stoppe all the foote within with hogges grease and branne molten toge­ther, and laid very hote to the foote, renewing it eue­ry day once the space of nine daies, to the intent the sole may rise; but if this will doe no good, then take away the sole cleane, and clap on a whole shooe, and stoppe the foote with nettles and salte braid to­gether; yet stop it not too hard, to the intent the sole may haue liberty to rise; & let this be renewed euery day once, till the sole bee growne againe, then let him bee shod with Lunets, and so sent to grasse. O­ther Farriers vse onely to raze the hoofe from the cronet to the verdge of the hoofe in foure or fiue places, and rubbe it twice or thrice a day with salt, and that will open the hoofe. Others vse onely to open the horse exceeding much at the heeles once a weeke, and to shooe him with very wide open shooes, and then for a moneth or two to draw him in some carte, that by beeing forced to set his foote hard to the ground, hee may thereby stretch foorth and widen his hoofe. Now to preuent this soar­rance, it is good to annoynt his hoofes with [Page 384] neats foote oyle, or with turpentine, and to stop them vnderneath with cowes dung.

CHAP. 101. Of the running or rotten Frush.

THe Frush, which of some is called the Frogge of the foote, is the tenderest part of the hoo [...]e to­wards the heele, and is fashioned like a forked ar­row head, being onely that part of the foot which Farriers cut forth, when they say they cut forth the soale of the horses foote. Now in this frush breedeth many times a rottennesse or corruption pro­ceeding of humors which cometh out of the legges, by which the legge is kept cleane from wind-galles, and all other tumors or swellings by meanes that the humours haue passage that wayes; notwithstan­ding the mischiefe of this sorrance is greater then the benefite, because it maketh the horses foote so weake and tender, that he is not able to treade vpon any hard ground. The signes of the sorrance are, the horse will halt much when he trauelleth either vpon loose stony ground, or vpon stiffe dirty waies, and go­eth euer best vpon greene swarth; but aboue all hee halteth most when the pas [...]age of the humour is stop­ped with any grauell gathered into the frush, and not being stopt, it will continually runne, and stinke so extremely that a man can hardly endure it; be­sides, in some places it will looke rawe. Now the cure, according to the opinion of the ancient Farri­ers, is thus: First take off the shooe, and pare away all the corrupt places, and make them raw, so as you may see the water issue out of the raw places: then [Page 385] tacke on the shooe againe, being first made wide and large enough: that done, take of soote one handfull, of salte as much; bruise them well to­gether in a dish, and put thereto the whites of three egs, and temper them altogether; & with a little [...]ow dipt therein, stoppe all the foote, and especially the frush, and splent it in so as it may not f [...]ll out, re­newing it once a day the space of seuen dayes, and certainly it will cure him. Now during the cure, the horse must rest, and come in no wet; and at the se­uen dayes end, leaue stopping him, and ride him a­broad, and alwayes when hee commeth in, let his soare foote be cleane washed: for there is no greater enemy vnto the sorrance then grauell and dirt. O­ther of our later Farriers, onely take off the shooe, and pare him well, and keepe the soare cleane, both from dirt and his owne dung, by washing it three or foure times a day with vrine, and that alone will cure him as well as any medicine.

CHAP. 102. Of euill Houes.

HOrses partly through a naturall inclination, partly through the stoninesse of the soyle where­in they are bred, and partly through mischaunce or ill gouernment, will haue ill fauoured and naughty houes, as either wrinckled, or crumpled, or else moul­ded awry, or such like: all which needes no signes because of the apparant sight thereof: then to a­mend them, the best cure is with a fine rape-file to smooth the wrinckles away, and to annoynt the cronet of the hoofe with the fat swarde of bacon [Page 386] rubbed in foote: then let the horse stand for at least a fortnight vpon his owne dung, whereon you shall cast good store of water, onely remoue away the dung euery night; and then presently after the change of the moone, shooe the horse with strong shooes, keeping the soale of the foote by paring, so hollow as you can possible, and it will shape his hoofe to your pleasure.

CHAP. 103. Of brittle Hooues.

IF a Horse either through the heate of his owne na­ture, or in that he hath bene either heated on his feete by labour, or foundred and euill cured, shall happen to haue his houes so brittle and short, that they will hardly beare a shooe: the signes whereof are, the hoofe will be white and crumbling: then the best cure, according to the opinion of the best Far­riers, is to take Oxe dung and vinegar, and mixing them very well together, warme them on the fire, and so binde it both vnder and aboue round about the horses hoofe, and then lace on his boote of strong leather as is aforesaid in the chapter of ca­sting of the hoofe. Other Farriers vse to let the horse stand vpon his owne dung, and annoynt all the vpper part of his hoofe with the fat of bacon sodde and mixt with turpentine: And this you must doe euery day once till you see his houes come to some toughnesse. Others vse to take turpentine, hogges grease, & hony, of each a like; melt them well toge­ther, and being warme annoynt all the hoofe there­with: then dip tow therein, and fold it all about the [Page 387] horse foot both vnder & aboue; and then put on his boote: dresse him thus once a day, and once in two daies let him stand foure houres without his boote, that his hoofe may grow as well hard as tough.

CHAP. 104. How to preserue Houes.

IF you meane to preserue your horses hoofes either from any of the former sorrances, or any other griefe whatsoeuer, you shall, according to the opini­on of the ancient Farriers, take three heads of garlicke, a little bundle of rewe, sixe ounces of allome, beaten into powder, two pound of old grease, and the dung of an Asse; boyle them all ve­ry well together, and stoppe your horses hoofes therewith once a day. Other Farriers take of vine­gar a quarterne, of tarre halfe a pint, of hogges grease halfe a pound, of oyle a pint, and a good handfull of wormwod, and foure or fiue heads of garlicke; boyle all these together to a thicke oyntment, and there­with annoynt all the horses hoofes. Others vse to boyle beanes till they burst, and then temper them with hony, and therwith annoynt all the hoofes: or else wash all the hoofes with warme vinegar, and then annoynt them with horehound, wormewod, & grease molten together. Other Farriers take of Olibanum and new waxe, of each an ounce, of Dialthea and turpen­tine, of each three ounces, of butter foure ounces, of old oyle sixe ounces, & of sheeps suet & plantaine, of each a pound; boyle them all well together, & there­with annoynt the hoofes twice a day. Other Farriers annoynt his hoofes with turpentine, hogges grease, [Page 388] and hony warmed and molten together, of each a like quantity; then pare the foote well, and shooe him in t [...]e new of the moone two or three daies after the change. Others vse to take chaulke and white lead mingled together; or else barke-dust and hony mixt together, and being heated in a posnet, and laid hote on the bare flesh, is most excellent to make any houe grow; to conclude if a horse stand vpon his owne dung (being very well watered) so he doe not lye in it, it is most soueraigne for the preseruing of the houes

CHAP. 105. For any hurt vpon the houes.

IF your horse shall receiue any hurt vpon his houes, either outwardly or inwardly, as either by any false treading or crossing one foote vpon an other, or by a­ny bruise either vpon cogle stone, flint, or such like, then for the cure thereof you shall first stoppe the hoofe with hony and vinegar mixt together, for the space of three daies at the least; and then afterward with the leaues of Tamariske, well bruised & beaten to­gether, vntil the hoofe be sound againe. Other Farriers vse onely to stoppe the hoofe with sheepes grease and horse dung well mixt together, renewing it one­ly once a day vntill it be well.

CHAP. 106. How to soften houes.

THe houes of horses will, by long & dry standing vpon dry plaunchers, grow so hard that they will [Page 389] not be pared, nor cut by any butteris; besides, they will so take from the horse the sence and feeling of his feete, that the horse wil goe very stiffe and vnnim­bly: wherefore when you shall perceiue any such de­fect, which is best knowne by offering to pare the hoofe, then presently you shall take an ounce of sope, two ounces of vnsleckt lime, with as much strong lye as will make it soft like a lenwicke salue, then with that stoppe the horses feete dayly till they come to a conuenient softnesse.

CHAP. 107. How to harden houes.

AS dry standing & dry keepinng doth harden the houes too much, so wet and moist keeping, as continuall going in marrish grounds, or continuall standing either vpon dirt or the horses owne dung, will make a horses houes too soft; in so much that the horse through the tendernesse thereof will neither bee able to goe nor to beare any shooe, which you shal perceiue by the soft and easy cutting of the hoofe; the manner then to harden and cure them is, accor­ding to the opinion of the ancient Farriers, first to burne an old shooe sole, then seeth it well in vinegar, and therewith bathe the horses houes, at the least twice a day, and it will harden them. Other Farries vse to take of the powder of galles, of branne, and of salt, of each a handfull; boyle these well in a pottle of strong vinegar, and therewith bathe the hoofes, and in a short space it will harden them.

CHAP. 108. Of the Maltlong on the hoofe.

THe maltlong, or as some Farriers call it, the malt-worme, is a cankerous soarrance aboue the hoofe, iust vpon the cronet, which will breake out into knobbes and branches, and out of the same will runne a waterish sharpe lye or humor, which will ve­nome the whole foote; as for the signes, they are the apparant sight of the sorrance, and the continuall run­ning out of the thinne water. Now the cure accor­ding to the opinion of the ancient Farriers is, if it bee in the sommer time, to take blacke snailes, and burre rootes: and beating them wel together lay them vnto the soare, and renew them once in twenty foure howres. But if it bee in the winter, then take the scraping of a pannes bottome or of a cauldron, and put thereto an handfull of the inner greene barke or pils of the Elder tree; and hauing beaten them well together in a mortar, lay it vnto the soare, and renew it once a day, and it will heale it. Others vse to take garlicke, pepper and hony, of each like quantity; stamp them very well together, then annoynt his tongue with a little thereof, and then lay some to his pastorns, and that will cure the soarrance.

CHAP. 109. How to skinne any soare foote.

THere is nothing better to skinne any soare foote of what accident or soarrance soeuer it procede, then to take turpentine simply of it selfe, and there­with [Page 391] euery day to annoynt the soare foote, and it will not onely gather skinne but hoofe also, if it bee in a place where any such need requireth.

CHAP. 110. Of gourded or swolne legges.

THe gorge or gourded legges, is an ill sorrance, be­ing a grieuous swelling in the neather part of the legges, proceeding either from the melting of the grease by immoderate labour, & then wanting where­with to auoide that grease out in the excrements, it falleth downe into the limbes, and there breedeth this swelling; or else when a horse is exceeding­ly heated, and then without care set vp, and taketh cold, in so much that the blood falleth downe into his legges, and there congealeth, and maketh his legges to swell. To conclude, they doe sometimes proceede from hard beating in hard waies in the sommer time, which first raiseth vp windgals, and then those windgals offending the sinews, maketh them to swell, and this is the worst gourding, be­cause euer for the most parte lamenesse doth fol­low it.

The signes are, the horses legges will euer bee most swolne when hee standeth still in the house, and least when he is in trauell, especially if hee trauell in much water; and the swelling most commonly is accompanied with some small scabs, and in the end it will breake out into the scratches. The cure accor­ding to the opinion of the ancient. Farriers is, to draw him with a hot yron a handfull aboue the knee, & then rope his legs with a soft rope of hay wet in [Page 392] cold water, and let it so remaine a day and a night, and it will take away all the swelling. Other Farri­ers take two pound of nerue oile, two pound of black sope, a pound of Boares grease, and melt and boyle all th [...]se well together: then straine it, and so let it coole: then when you haue [...]y need, annoynt and chafe your horses legg [...]s therewith; and to make it sinke in the better, annoynt him first with nerue-oyle, and hold a hote Iron against his legges to make it melte: then vse the other oyntment in the same manner: which done, keepe his legges cleane from dust by lapping a linnen roller about them.

Others of our later Farriers vse to take vp the veines beneath the knee, and let him bleede well: then knitte the veine both aboue and below, and then annoynt his legges with this oyntment: Take of frankinsence, rosen, and fresh grease, of each a like quantity, and hauing boyled them very well together, then straine it, and vse it once a day as you shall haue occasion, and it will heale any Gorge whatsoeuer; onely for the taking vp of the veines, you may if you will, forbeare it, sith if it bee not done with great cunning, it will make the horse stiffe euer after.

CHAP. 111. Of the Farcy or Fashions.

THe Farcy (of our ignorant Smiths called the Fashions) is of all outward sorrances the vilest, the most poysonous, infectious, and the most dange­rous (being any whit neglected,) otherwise the most easiest, and with the least cost or trouble to bee hel­ped. [Page 393] It is a kinde or [...]eeping [...]lcer, growing in knots, euer following amongst some one veine or other, and sometimes alongst diuers or sundry veines, ac­cording to the strength of the infection. It procee­deth sometimes from corrupt bloud ingendred in the body, sometimes from outward wounds or hurts receiued by cankerous or poysonous instruments, as rusty spurres, rusty forkes, biting [...] of dogges or hor­ses, bitings of tickes, hogges lice, or such like; some­times by the rubbing of swine against the legges of the horse, or by lying in the litter where swine haue laine, or by enterfearing, or hewing one legge vpon an other: but generally it proceedeth from an e­uill habite of the body, being surfaited by disor­derly and vnruly trauell, whereby the bloud be­ing heated, the grease melted, and sudden cold ta­ken, there groweth such obstructions in the bloud, and such putrifaction in the body, that it can no way euacuate or auoyde, but by these small knots, pustules, or vlcers, which are so infectious, that as many horses as doe gnawe or enappe vpon the horse infected, will within one moneth haue the same disease: or if the horse infected doe bite a­ny other, hee will infect him also; and this infe­ction without present cure, is mortall, and will kill any horse; therefore whensoeuer you haue any horse troubled with this sorrance, see that you se­parate him from other horses to preuent the daun­ger.

Now for the signes, they are the apparance and palpable feeling of the knottes, which knottes are neuer but accompanyed with great swellings and rancklinges, running alongst as the veines runne, [Page 394] and diuiding themselues as the braunches of the veines diuide, the number of the knottes multi­plying and encreasing vntill the body bee either v­niuersally couered ouer, or else that the member (if it bee in a member) bee vtterly deformed and mishapen.

Now the cure, (according to the opinion of the ancient Farriers) is, first let him bloud on his necke veine, and on both his spurre veines: then giue the horse this drinke: Take a gallon of water, and put into it a good handfull or rewe, and a pound of hempe-seede, both being first bruised in a mor­tar: then boyle them in the water till the one halfe bee consumed, and giue the horse this to drinke in the morning, fasting, being cold, for diuers mor­ninges together, and it will cure him. Others of the ancient Farriers vse first to let the horse bloud in that veine where the sorrance first riseth, as nigh the soare place as may bee, and let him bleede well: then fire or cauterize euery knotte one by one, taking the knotte in your left hand, and pulling it so hard as you can from his body, to the intent you may the better pierce the knotte with a round blunt hote Iron, of the bignesse of a mans forefin­gar, without doing the body any hurt, and let the matter out, leauing none vnburned, bee it little or much: that done, annoynt euery knotte so burned with hogges grease warmed euery day once vntill the coares bee ready to fall away; and in the meane time prepare a good quantity of old vrine, & when you see the coares ready to fall, then boyle the vrine, and put therein a little copporas and salt, and a fewe strong nettles, and with that water being warme, [Page 395] wash out all the coares, and all the corruption: that done, fill euery hole immediatly with the pow­der of sleckt lime, continuing thus to do euery day once vntill the holes bee closed vp; and if any bee more ranker then others, fill those with verdigrease; and during this cure let the horse bee thinly dyet­ted, that is to say, with straw and water onely, vn­lesse it be now and then to giue him a loafe of bread, or a little other prouender: for the lower hee is kept in flesh, the sooner hee will heale; and in a­ny wise let his necke either bee yoaked in an old bottomlesse paile, or else splented with the staues in such sort that hee may not come to licke any of his soares, and the lesse rest hee hath, the better will bee his amendment. Now there bee other later Farri­ers which for this sorrance take a good quantity of mistellthoe, hony, and blacke sope, and boyle them very well in old vrine, and being very warme, wash your horse all ouer therewith, euery day once for the space of fiue or sixe dayes, and it will helpe it. Others vse to cut the horse two inches long, downe the forehead, and open it in the midst thereof on both sides two inches, and put therto a tampin made of the inner rinde of Elder barke which is greene, and looke that it lye crosse the cut: for so it will destroy all the venemous humour in his body, and it will heale him very perfectly hauing bene very oft appro­ued. Others vse to take a very sharpe bodkin, and to thrust it crosse-wise through the neather part of the horses nose, euen through the small gristle, so that he may bleed well, or else to let him bloud in the necke veine, then feele the knots, and as many as are sort, lance them and let them run: then take strong lye, [Page 396] lime and allom, and mixing them well together bathe all the soare [...]herewith; and it will cure him. Others take a sharpe launce knife, and in the toppe of the horses forehead somewhat aboue his eyes make a long slit euen vnto the skull; then with a blunt instru­ment for the purpose, loose the flesh from the scalpe a good compasse, then take carret rootes cut into lit­tle thinne round peeces, and put them betweene the skinne and the skull, or for wante of carret rootes you may take redde dock rootes, and see that they be a little be [...]ten or bruised before you put them in, and once a day see that you thrust out the matter, but by no meanes thrust out the rootes: but if the rootes will not stay in, then with a needle and a silke stitch the wound together that it may hold in the medicin; then once a day annoint the wound with fresh butter: this is held a very certaine cure for the farcy, for looke how this wound thus made▪ shall rot, wast, and grow sound, so shall the sorrance breake, dry vp, and be healed; onely the fault of this cure is, that it will bee somewhat long in healing, and is a foule eyesoare vntill it bee whole. Now there be other Farriers which after the putting in of the rootes, as is aforesaid, vse to burne all the soare places round about with a hote yron; and then with another blunt hote yron as bigge as a mans fingar, to burne the soares in the midst till the white matter come foorth; then with a paire of pinsons plucke out the knots: this done, an­noynt all the soare places with sope, and then dresse him no more the space of foure or fiue daies, in which time you must prepare a good quantity of strong pisse, with the which you must wash him euery day, the pisse being first made scalding hote, and rubbe [Page 397] the soares well vntill they begin to bleed; then hauing dryed all the soare places, throwe [...]n the powder of vnsleckt lime, or of burnt allome, which will heale better then lime. Now if you see that in any of the soares through negligent dressing there riseth proud flesh so high, that you cannot c [...]rrect it sufficiently with the aforesaid powder, then may you burne any such place so soare or soarer as you did at the first, and dr [...]sle it as before. Now there bee other Farriers which when they see the farcy to haue beene old and long gone, and that it is so farre entred into one member or other, that the member is disfigured, they will then first [...]urge the horse▪ with some strong purga­tion, of which you may find choice in a chapter be­fore written, and then vnder hi [...] belly put in one ro­well either of haire or leather: and on the pitch of his shoulder of his grieued legge (if it bee before) or else on the stifling place, if his griefe be behind, put in another rowell, and so keepe those two places together with the issue in his forehead open, vntill the cure bee finished; then with an other hote yron burne all his legge downe with long strikes, euen from the body to the hoofe, not aboue an inch one strike from another, the edge of the yron being not aboue a strawes breadth, and draw your stroake euer downeward with the haire, and burne him no deeper then that the skinne may looke browne. Now when by this practise you haue cured the disease, if then the member bee vnfashionable, or by swellings out of all forme, then you shall lay vnto the member a plai­ster made of wine lees, and wheate flower, & rolle it with a wollen roller, renewing it once in twenty toure howres till the member bee asswaged; and this pra­ctise [Page 398] will heale any greate sweld legge, if it be applied and continued with patience; but if by former dressings, burnings, manglings, or cuttings of some ignorant Farriers, there be any extraordinary hard or horny substance growne about the member which the plaister aforesaid will not resolue; then you shall take of virgine waxe halfe a pound, of mirrhe one pound, of raysins a pound, of Galbanum halfe a pound, of Costus sixe ounces, of armoniarcke sixe ounces, of swines grease two pounds; put your swines grease first into an earthen pot, and hauing placed it in a broad cauldron full of water, then make a soft fire vnder it, to the end that your water may boyle; and when you do perceiue your swines grease is almost melted, then shall you put in all your other simples, except the Costus: and when they are all molten, which will aske fiue or sixe howres boyling at the least, then your Costus, which is a white roote, being beaten into fine powder, you shall adde to the aforesaid things af­ter it is taken from the fire, and incorporate them all very well together; then make a plaister thereof vpon a peece of sheepes leather, somewhat bigger then the soare, and this plaister without renewing will serue for at least thirty daies with a very little refresh­ing, onely you must once a day take it off, and rub his legge very well, for feare it itch, which may cause the horse to beate and stamped with his foote, and so rather increase then decrease the swelling; and you must regard, that you doe not rolle him to straite, for that is most hurtfull. It shall not be a misse now and then to ride him into the water, and walke him an howre after; then bringing him into the stable, rubbe his legge well; then warme his plaister ouer a chafing-dish [Page 399] and coales, and so lay it to againe: and this pra­ctise in two or three moneths will take away any de­formity of swelling, be the member neuer so vncom­ly. Now there be other Farriers which for this farcy if it bee but young, and especially if it bee about the head or face of a horse; will take onely of aqua vitae two spoonefuls, of the iuice of garlicke two spoone­full, and of the iuice of rew, or hearb of grace, two spoonefull; mixe them well together, then take ple­gants or round bals of flaxe, and steepe them therein, and then stoppe them hard into the horses eares; then take a needle and thred, and stitch the tips of his two eares together, by meanes whereof he cannot shake out the medicine, and vse the horse thus three seuerall mornings together, and it will kill the farcy as hath beene oft proued. Other Farriers vse to take drag­worts, or groundsell, and beate it well in a mortar with white salt, and then stop it hard into the hor­ses eares, and so either stitch them together, or with a broad inckle bind them vp; renewing it once in foure­teene howres for three or foure dressings, and it will heale any reasonable farcy. Others vse to annoynt all the soares either with tansey and verdiuice boyld together, or else with boares grease very hote, and that will kill it. Others vse first to wash the soares with old vrine, then take the powder of glasse, brimstone, and hogges grease well stamped and beaten together; then opening or slitting the knotes annoynt them all therwith, and it wil cure them immediatly; Other Far­riers vse to let the horse blood if it be at the beginning of the disease, or else not; & then to burne all the knots as is aforesaid, & then to heale the burnings with tar, oyle & hony mixt together, & giue him with a pint of [Page 400] malmsey, two or three spoonfull of the powder Dia­pente: or else giue him 4 ounces of the powder of wal-wort, or dan-wort, with a pint & a halfe of malmsey, 3. daies together; after that, take an ounce of Aloes, one ounce of Centuary, one ounce of Opoponax; beat them all into sine powder, and giue them him to drinke in a pint and an halfe of malmsey warmed, wherein the roots of the aforesaid hearbe called wal-wort, or dan-wort, haue bene sodden: vse to ride him oft vntill he sweate; and when the disease is killed, turne him to grasse: for running in the open aire is very wholsome. There be others which take blacke sope, Arsnicke, vn­sleckt lime, verdigrease, & red lead; work all these well together, and opening the knots, dresse them there­with till you see they begin to dry vp and dy. Others open the knots with a hot Iron, and then take blacke sope, & great salt beaten together, and halfe so much as of them of verdigrease, and boyle the verdigrease with fresh grease, and then take a saucerful of mustard, and put them all together, and dresse the soares there­with. Others take▪ ounces of quicksiluer, and put it into a bladder, with 2 spoonfull of the iuice of oren­ges or lemons, and shake them together to coole the quicksiluer: then take halfe a pound of fresh hogges grease, & of verdiuice an ounce; put all these in a trend dish, & worke them well together: then annoynt the knots with this oyntment, till they rot: then let them out with a sharpe knife, & annoynt them still, and put into his eares the iuice of rag-weed, and the soares wil dry vp. This medicine is very well approued. Others take blacke sope, mustard made of wine vinegar, and red lead; mixe all these together, & anoynt the veine all along, holding a hote Iron close to the soare, [Page 401] to make the oyntment sinke in; & do thus once a day vntil the soares dry vp. Other Farriers take of the iuice of hemlocke a good quantity, & dipping tow therein, stop his eares therewith: then open all the knots and thrust in salt. Lastly, giue him to drinke sweete worte mixt with fennell & treacle. Other Farriers take the butter burre, and being dryed & beaten to powder, strew it vpon the knots after they haue bin opened, & then giue him 2. or 3. spoonfull of the same powder with a pint of malmesey to drinke, & it will cure the Farcy, and it is also exceeding good for all manner of vlcers; the root is strong in smell, & bitter in taste. O­thers take sulphure, orpiment, vnslekt lime, and mixing them together, put it into the knots, and it will kill the Farcy: which done, annoynt him with bolearmony made into powder, & incorporated with strong vinegar, the iuice of houslicke, and of white leekes, and Solatro. Other Farriers after they haue let the horse bloud will boyle in vinegar, beane flowre & swines grease, then adde a prety quantity of oyle; and then straine it, then adde one part of aloes, & two of brimstone, & boyle it a little: then being warme an­noynt all the soare places therewith, or else annoynt them twice a day with the iuice of smallage, and the yelkes of egges beaten together. There be other Farri­ers which take 2 ounces of oyle de bay, one of Eufor­bium, & 2 ounces of arsnicke; & mixing them together, annoynt the soares therewith, & it will kill the Farcy. Now after all these many receipts, of which not any but hath bene approued to be very good, yet these 2. which I wil now rehearse, I haue euer found to be the most excellent for any manner of Farcy whatsoeuer, whether it be, as our simple Smithes tearme it, a drye [Page 402] Farcy, a wet or water Farcy, or a running Farcy, all be­ing indeed but one Farcy, & proceeding from one & the selfe same cause; only some horses not hauing such flux of humors in them as others haue, the knots will be vnwilling to breake, and then they say it is a drye farcy: others of the contrary part will breake as fast as the knots do arise, and run filthy matter; and then they call it a water farcy: others will spread in many parts of the body, yet not breake, but as it were moue be­tweene the skin & the flesh, and that they call a run­ning farcy. Now all these, as I said before, are but one farcy, and haue but one certaine cure, which is this: first, with diligent heed marke vpon what principall veine in the horses body the knots do arise, and note how they spread & run; then if the farcy bee diuided into sundry branches, according as the veine doth di­uide, you shall take the last knot of euery braunch, which, for the most part, will be hard, and not come to rottennesse; and then slit them, and fill them with your kniues point full of white arsnicke: then those which you find to be rotten, let the matter forth, and annoynt them with blacke sope and arsnicke mixt to­gether: then within 2. or 3. dayes you shall see those which you drest with arsnicke simply, to haue their coares fall out, and the rest which you drest with blacke sope, will dry vp: then annoynt them all with fresh butter molten till they be whole. Now if you do perceiue any new knots to arise, then you shall dresse them likewise with arsnicke simply, as was said before, & not leaue any vncured. Now if the farcy be not ve­ry contagious, but, as it were, newly begun, then if you only take blacke sope & arsenicke, as beforesayd, and annoynting your fingar and your thumbe [Page 403] therewith, do but nippe and bruise euery knot, and within two or three daies after, they will dry vp and heale. But if the farcy be fowle and desperate, that is to say, either vniuersally spread ouer the body, or so gotten into any limbe or member, that the limbe is deformed, and hath lost his proportion, so that a man can neither iudge which way the veines runne, nor in what part the knots are most venemous, be­cause that healing one, two new ones will arise; In this case you shall first giue your horse a strong scou­ring or purgation, according to the strength of his body, of all which a pint of muskadine, or a quart of strong ale, with halfe a pinte of the oyle of oates, is the most soueraigne: then shall you take a peny­worth of tarre, and two good handfuls of pidgions dung, and twelue penyworth of white mercury; mixe all these very well together, and make them in­to a salue: then with a slice daube it all ouer the soare place, leauing no parte of the member vnco­uered: then heating a barre of Iron red hote, hold it so neare that it may drye the salue vpon the soare: then lay more fresh salue on, and dry it in like maner, & let it so rest vntill it fall off, and it will kill any farcy whatsoeuer at the first or second dressing. Now there bee others which will stoppe the knots with the powder of verdigrease and of arsnicke mixt to­gether, or else wash the soares with Aqua-fortis, but they are neither so good as the other before re­hearsed.

CHAP. 112. Of the Canker in any part of the body.

A Canker is a poysonous creeping vlcer, fretting & gnawing the flesh in great breadth, whose be­ginning is knotty, not much vnlike vnto the farcy, & spreadeth it selfe into diuers places: and being exul­cerated, gathereth together at the length into one wound or filthy soare; from whence there runneth a thinne sharpe lye, which galleth off the skin where­soeuer it goes; and so both increaseth the vlcer, and maketh it more incurable. It proceedeth from me­lancholy and filthy bloud, ingendred either by ranck­nesse of keeping, or else by too extreme pouerty; and if this naughty bloud be mixt with sharpe and salte humors, then it causeth more painefull and grieuous exulceration. It also may proceede from some loath­some wound which is neither cleane kept, nor well drest, but in such sorte that the corrupt matter thereof poysoneth the other cleane partes of the body; for signes of the sorrance, there needeth no more but the description already mentioned. And for the cure, according to the opinion of ancient Farriers, is, first to let the horse bloud, in those veines which are next the soare, and make him bleed well; then take of allom halfe a pound, of greene copporas as much, of white copporas one quarterne, and a good handfull of salt; boyle all these things together in faire running water from a pottle to a quart: and this water being warme, wash the soare therewith with a clout: and then sprin­kle thereon the powder of slecked lime, continu­ing so to doe euery day once the space of fifteene [Page 405] daies; and if you see that the lime doe not mor [...]ifie the rancke flesh and keepe it from spreading any fur­ther, then take of sope halfe a pound, of quick-siluer halfe an ounce, and beate them together in a pot vntil the quicksiluer be so well mingled with the sope as you can perceiue no quicksiluer in it, & with an yron slice or splatter, after that you haue washed the soare with the strong water aforesaid, couer the wound with this oyntment, continuing thus to doe euery day once vntill the canker leaue spreading abroad. And if it leaue spreading, and that you see the rancke flesh is well mortified, and that the edges beginnes to gather a skinne, then after the washing dresse it with lime, as before▪ continuing so to doe vntill it be whole; and in the dressing suffer no filth that commeth out of the soare, to remaine vpon any whole place about, but wipe it cleane away, or else wash it away with warme water: and let the horse during this cure, bee as thinly dicted as may bee, and throughly exerci­sed; now if this cankerous vlcer happen to be in the taile of the horse, as it is often seene, and which you shall perceiue as well by the falling away of the haire, as also by the wound, then you shall make a bolster either of soft cloth, or spunge, and wet it with vinegar both within and without, and so bind it fast to the soare; & alwaies when it waxeth dry you must wet it a­gaine; do thus twice or thrice a day, if it be done ofte­ner it is better: so shal you continue for three or foure daies, and then heale it vp, as you heale vp any ordinary wound; that is with hogges grease and tur­pentine molten together, or such like. There be o­ther Farriers which for the canker on the body doe take one ounce of the iuice of the roote of Affedeli, [Page 404] [...] [Page 405] [...] [Page 406] three ounces of vnsleckt lime, two ounces of orpi­ment or arsnicke; put this in an earthen vessell close stopt, and either boyle or bake it in an ouen till it come to a powder; then first wash the soare with strong vinegar, and after strow this powder thereon. Others vse to take garlicke, and beate it in a mortar with swines grease till it come to a salue, and then hauing washt the soare either with vinegar, allome water, copporas water, or old vrine, then annoynt it once or twice a day with it till it bee whole. Other Farriers take the hearbe Mullen and bruise it, and mix it with salt, and verdigrease, and then dresse the soare therewith morning and euening for the space of three or foure daies; then vse the same salue as long a­gaine without verdigrease: then lastly vse the hearbe alone; but if at any time, you see it doe beginne to waxe raw, then beginne againe as is aforesaid, and e­uer before you annoynt it, wash it first with vinegar and grease mixt together. Others take sauin, bay salte, and rew stampt with barrowes grease, and an­noynt the soare therewith, and when the ill humors are kild (which you shall know by the whitenesse) then heale it with tarre, oyle and hony mixt toge­ther lastly, (and which I hold the best) take vinegar, ginger, and allome, and mixe them together, till they come to a salue, and with it annoynt the soare, and it will both kill the poyson, and heale the vlcer.

CHAP. 113. Of the Fistula.

AFstula is a deepe, hollow, crooked, mattering vlcer, and for the most parte commonly a great [Page 407] deale straiter at the mouth then at the bottome, being ingendred in some wound, soare, bruise, or canker not throughly healed. The signes to know it are, the hollownesse of the soare, descending downewarde from the orifice, and the thinnesse of the matter which issueth from the same; besides, the crookednes which you shall finde in the vlcer when you search it. Now for the cure, according to the opinion of the ancient Farriers it is thus: first search the bottome thereof with a goose or swannes quill, or with a small rodde, well couered with fine linnen cloth; and ha­uing found the bottome thereof, cut it so large with a razor that the matter may haue free passage downe­wards; but take heed in launcing it, that you cut not any master sinew or maine tendant: then hauing stan­ched the blood either with swines dung or such like, take of good hony a pint, of verdigease one ounce, & boyle them well together vpon a soft fire three quar­ters of an howre; then hauing cleansed the soare by tying a taint of flaxe or fine linnen cloth to the point of your quill, with a threed draw it softly into the wound: then cut off your quill, or feather so long that you may take good hold in the neather end of the tent, which then shall come out at the bottome of your soare: then dip another tent in the aforesaid salue, and then with a needle & a thred, make fast your tent to your first clout at the vpper end thereof; then draw out your first tent downeward, so shal you draw your tent with the medicine easily into the wound, and your first tent will haue cleansed the soare very cleane; & if the matter do abound much, then it shall be good to dresse him twice a day, but you must not dresse him with this medicine, no more but one day, [Page 408] and afterward you shal dresse him with this medicine following: Take of turpentine, of swine grease, of hony, and sheeps suet, of each a like quantity, & melt them together, and make a salue thereof, wherewith you shal dresse your horse foure daies for one day that you dresse him with your former medicine made of hony and verdigrease; and take heede that you make your tent of very soft linnen cloath, or fine flaxe, and let not your tent be too big after the first and second time dressing, but presently after the first dressing, you must couer the soare place, & round about the same, with this Pultus here following: First, take two gal­lons of faire water, and hauing boyled and scummed it so long till you haue perfectly cleansed it of all cor­ruption, then take two or three handfuls of mallowes, and as much of violet leaues, and two or three hand­fuls of oat-meale, and hauing boyled all these 3. things well in your former prepared water, you shall adde thereto of hogges mort, and fresh butter, of each a pound: then shall you let it boyle so long till it be­come thicke, like paste, or pap, and then apply it hot to the soare; and take heed that in opening this soare you let not any aire strike into it: and on the other side, that you keep it not too hot. And if this fistula be in the horses withers, you must take heede that you ty his head to the racke so as he may neitherly down, nor put his head lower then his manger: for if you suffer him to feede on the ground when he hath a­ny grieuous soare in his withers, it shal hardly be pos­sible euer to cure him; but if you perceiue the wound to heale apace, and that it matter but a little, then shall it be enough to dresse him once a day: and also it shall be good to take great heed that you make not [Page 409] your tent too big, and see that you vse your Pultus till it be perfectly cured. Now there be others of the an­cient Farriers which vse for this cure, first to search the depth of the fistula either with a quill, or with some other instrument of lead, which may be bowed euery way: for vnlesse you finde the bottome of it, it will bee very hard to cure: and hauing found the bottome, if it be in such a place as you may boldly cut and make the way open with a launcet or razor, then make a slit right against the bottome, so wide, that you may thrust in your fingar to feele whether there be any bone or else gristle perished, or spungy or loose flesh, which must bee gotten out; and then taint it with a taint of flaxe dipped in this oynt­ment: Take of Mirre, of Aloes, and of Sarcocolla, of each one ounce, of good hony sixe ounces, and of verdigrease two ounces, and melt all these on a gentle fire, and make them into a salue; then being luke warme, dresse the taint therewith, and bolster the tent with a bolster of flaxe, and if it be in such a place as the tent cannot conueniently be kept in with a band, then fasten on each side the hole, two ends of a shooe-ma­kers threed right ouer the bolster to keepe in the tent, which ends may hang there as two laces to ty and vn­ty at your pleasure, renewing the tent euery day once vntill the soare leaue mattering, and then make the tent euery day lesser and lesser vntill it bee whole: for you shall vnderstand that this salue doth purge this fistula of putrifaction; incarnateth & breedeth flesh; conglutinateth, and eateth away all naughty flesh. Now when you haue done as afore­said, then you shal close it vp by sprinckling thereon a little sleckt lime: but if the fistula bee in such a place [Page 410] as a man can neither cut against the bottome, nor nigh the same: then there is no remedy but euery time you dresse it, to powre into it either through some quill, or by some small squirt or serring, some strong white copporas water, or some allome water, so that it may goe downe to the bottome, and drye vp the filthy matter: and this you must doe twice a day at least vntill it bee whole. Now there bee of our later Farriers which vse this cure, after they haue searcht the Fistula to the bottome, to take a pottle of white wine vinegar, of cam­phaire halfe an ounce, of mercurie precipitate halfe an ounce, of greene treacl [...] three ounces, of redde sage an handfull, of yarrow and rib-wort, of each an handfull, of hony halfe a pint, of boares grease halfe a pint; boyle all these together till a quart hee consu­med, and with this you shall wash and cleanse the wound: then to heale vp the same, you shall take oyle of roses, virgin waxe, and rosen, of each a like quantity, of turpentine fiue ounces, of the gumme of Iuy and Deeres suet as much, boyle these together vnto a salue, and then dresse the soare therewith vn­till it be whole, obseruing euer, both in this cure, and all the rest, that as soone you haue put in your tent, to clap a plaister ouer it of pitch, rosen, masticke, tur­pentine, and hogs grease, molten together, which will both comfort the wound by taking away euill hu­mors, and also keep in the tent from falling out Now if the fistula be in or about the head of the horse, then you shall take the iuice of houslicke, and dippe therein a locke of wolle, and put it into the horses eares, and it will stay the inflammation; but if it be ex­vlcerated and broken, then you shall cut away all the [Page 411] rotten and false flesh, and then bathe it well with the grounds of ale made warme, and then wipe the bloud cleane away: then take butter, rosen, and frankinsence a little, and boyle them altogether, and boyling hote powre it into the wound, & then clap on the plaister; do thus once a day till the horse bee whole. Now if there be any inflammation behind the horses eares, or that it grow to any impostumation in that place, then you shall boyle the roots of mallows in water till they waxe tender, then bruise them and straine out the wa­ter cleane, & being warme apply it to the soare, and it will heale it. There be other Farriers, which for this g [...]nerall fistula vse as a preuention thereof, to take ho­ny, and sheepes suet, and making it scalding hot, to scald the soare extreamely therewith, vpon the first swelling, and it will keepe the fistula that it shall not breed; but if it be bred, then you shall launce it in the neathermost part, and put into it as much Mercurie Sublimatum as a pease, being first abated with sallet oyle, and laid on with a feather; after that take of ver­digrease foure penyworth, of vitriolle a halfe peny­worth, or redde lead three penyworth; beate these together, and euery day wash the wound with cop­poras water, made with copporas and Elder leaues in Sommer, and with the inner greene barke in Win­ter; after the washing, take the powder, & put it on the soare, and after it drop on a little oyle. Other Farriers take the outermost greene shels of walnuts, and put thē in a tub, strowing 3. or 4. handfuls of bay salt vpon them, some in the bottom, some in the midst, & some on the top, & so keep them all the yeare; & when you will vse them, take a pint of them, & a little bay salt, & halfe a quarter of a pound of blacke sope, with halfe a [Page 410] [...] [Page 411] [...] [Page 412] spoonefull of May butter (& for want thereof other butter) and mixe and incorporate them together; and then spread it on the soare, or taint the sore there­with; but two howres before you lay it on, annoynt the soare with Venice turpentine, and do thus till the fistula bee whole. Other Farriers take Vnguentum E­gyptiacum (which is made of hony) a pint, vinegar halfe a pint, allome a quarterne of a pound, and ver­digrease one ounce and an halfe; and seeth them al­together till they be thick, and of a tawny colour; this is called Egyptiacum, and to make it the strongest way, is to put in of Mercurie Sublimatum one ounce made in powder, and of arsnicke two scruples, and boyle it together: with either of these, especially the strongest, dresse any fistula, canker, or foule old vlcer whatsoeuer, and it will kill it; and the weaker of these which wanteth the Mercury and the arsnicke, may bee applied to a fistula in the mouth of a horse. Other Farriers take of Sublimatum made into powder one ounce, the midst of well leauened bread slacke baked three ounces, of Nenin ten drams; mingle them to­gether with a little rose water, and make tents there­of, and dry them vpon a tile; and at your pleasure tent your fistula therewith, and it will assuredly kill it. Others take strong lye, hony, roach allome, and Mercury, and seeth them together: and squirt it into a fistula, and it will kill it at the bottome; and when you meane to dry vp a fistula, take redde wine, goats dung, and beane flowre, and seeth them together, and apply it to the fistula, and it will dry it vp. Now if you intend to sinke downe the swelling of a fistu­la, first of all seare it with a drawing yron in this pro­portion


, and then take rosen, sheepes suet, & brim­stone, [Page 413] and boyle them together, and lay it vpon a fistula very hot with a cloth: and it will sinke downe the swelling. It is also most excellent to take away a windgall if it bee laid on after the windgall is prickt, but not too hote, but very reasonable, and it will keep it also very cleane. There bee other Farriers which for a fistula take verdigrease, butter, and salt, melted together, and poure it scalding hote into the soare, and vse this till all the flesh looke redde; then taint it with verdigrease, burnt allome, wheate flowre, and the yelks of egges well beaten and mingled together: last of all, skinne it with barme and soote mixt together. Other Farriers take of that Resagallo that is made of orpiment, vnsleckt lime, and brimston, and it will kill a fistula being applied vnto the bottome; yet it is a strong corrosiue, and desireth much descretion in the administration.

CHAP. 114. Of the Anbury.

AN Anbury is a great spungy wart full of blood, which may grow vpon any part of the horses body, chiefly about the eye browes, nostrels, or pri­uy parts, & it hath a roote like vnto a cocks stone. Now the cure, according to the opinion of the ancient Far­riers is, 1. to tye it about with a threed, so hard as you can pull it, and the threed will eate in by little and little, in such sort as within seuen or eight daies it will fall away of it selfe; & if it be so flat that you can bind nothing about it, then take it away with a sharpe hote yron cutting it round about, and so deepe as you leaue none of the roote behind, and then dry it vp [Page 414] with the powder of verdigrease; but if it grow in such a sinewie place so as it cannot bee conueniently cut away with a hote yron, then it is a good to eate out the coare with the powder of Resalgar, and then to stop the hole with flaxe dipt in the white of an egge for a day or two, and lastly to dry it vp with the powder of vnsleckt lim, and hony as is before taught. Other Fariers in stead of tying the wart with a thred doe tye it with two or three horse-haires; and that is a great deale the better, and will rot it off sooner and safer.

CHAP. 115. Of the Cordes.

THe cordes is a certaine string, which commeth from the shackell veine to the gristell in the nose and betweeene the lippe, the length of an almond; or they be two strings, like threds which lye aboue the knee, betwixt the knee and the body, and goeth like a small cord through the body to the nosthrels, ma­king the horse to stumble much, and sometimes to fal also; & it is a disease very much incident to many yong horses. The signes are, an apparant stiffe going, and much stumbling, without any outward or visible sorrance; and the cure is, according to the opinion of our ancient Farriers, to take the end of a crooked hartes horne that is sharpe; put it vnder the cordes, and twind it ten or twelue times about, till the horse be constrained to lift vp his foote, then cut the corde asunder, and put a little salt into the issue, or cut it first at the knee, then at the end of his nose; and so draw it vpwards, a spanne length, and cut that off. O­ther [Page 415] Farriers let the horse blood in the veine that de­scendeth in the inside of the legge, by the breast, and take away at least a pottle of blood, and after seauen daies wash him with beefe broth, and it wil heale him. Other Farriers take mustard, aqua vitae, and sallet oyle, & boyle them on the coales, & make a plaister, & bind it to the place grieued; and it will helpe. Others take the grounds of ale, and being made warme bathe his legges therewith, and then rope them vp with wet hay ropes, and it will make the horse perfect­ly sound.

CHAP. 116. Of the string-halte.

The string-halt, of some called the mary-hinchcho, is a sodaine twitching vp of the horses hinder legges, as if hee did tread vpon needles, and were not able to indure his feete vpon the ground; the signes whereof bee, an apparant ill fauoured manner of hal­ting, most visible to the eye. And the cure is to take vp the middle veine, aboue the thigh, and vnderneath the same; then vnder the said veine, there lyeth a string, which string must bee cut away: and then annoynt him with butter, and salt, and he will both doe well, and goe plainely.

CHAP. 117. Of a Horse that is spurgald.

IF a horse by the indiscretion of an euill rider bee spurre-gald, which is a disease most plaine both to bee felte or seene, then the cure is either to [Page 416] bathe it with vrine and salt mixt together, or with wa­ter and salt, or with warme vinegar, or else binde vnto the place the crops or leaues of nettles stamped; and any of these will cure him.

CHAP. 118. Of Wounds in generall.

VVOunds, according to the opinion of all Far­riers, is a solution, diuision, or parting of the whole: for if there be no such solution or diuision, then it is rather called a bruise then a wound; and therefore wounds are most commonly made with sharpe or piercing weapons, and bruises with blunt weapons: notwithstanding if by such blunt weapons any part of the whole bee euidently broken, then it is to bee called a wound as well as the other; and these wounds do proceed from some stroke, pricke, or violent accident. Now of wounds some bee hol­low and some bee deepe and hollow: againe, some wounds chance in fleshy parts, and some in bony & sinewy places: and those which chance in the fleshy parts, though they be very deepe, yet they bee not so dangerous as the others, and therefore I will speake first of the most dangerous. If then a horse haue a wound newly made, either in his head, or in any o­ther place that is full of sinewes, bones, or gristles, then according to the opinion of the most ancient Farri­ers, you shall first wash the wound well with white wine warmed, and keepe it euer whilest you are in dressing it, couered with cloathes wet in warme white wine: that done, you shall search the bottome of the wound with a probe, or small instrument of [Page 417] steele made for the purpose, suffering the wound to take as little winde or aire as you can possible: then hauing found the depth, stoppe the hole close with a cloute vntill your salue bee ready: then take of turpentine, of Melrosatum, oile of roses, of each a quar­terne, and a little vnwrought waxe, and melt them together, stirring them continually that they may bee well mingled together; and if the wound bee a cut, make a handsome rolle or round plegant of soft tow, so long and so bigge as may fill the bot­tome of the wound, which, for the most part, is not so wide as the mouth of the wound: then make an other rolle or plegant somewhat bigger to fill vp the rest of the wound, euen to the hard mouth, and let both these rolles bee annoynted with the oynt­ment aforsayd made luke warme; onely this you must euer obserue, that if the wound bee long and large, that then it is best, if you can conueniently, to stitch the wound together with a needle and a crimson silke: for that will make it heale the sooner, and make the scarre lesse. But if the hurt bee like a hole made with some pricke, then make a stiffe tent either of tow or lint, such a one as may reach the bottome, annoynted with the aforesaid oyntment, and bolster the same with a little tow; and ouer both this & the other, or any wound whatsoeuer, assoone as your rolles, plegants, or tents, are put in, you shal clap a sticking plaister made of pitch, rosen, masticke, and turpentine melted together, as hath bene before taught, both to keepe in your salue, and to comfort the soare. Now if the mouth of the wound bee not wide inough, so as the matter may easily runne forth, if it be in such a place as you may do it without hur­ting [Page 418] any sinew: then giue it a pretty slit from the mouth downward, that the matter may haue the freer passage, and in any wise haue an especiall regard that the tent may bee continually kept in by one means or other, and also that it may not be drowned within the wound, but by tying some threed about the vpper end thereof, so kept that it may bee ta­ken out at pleasure. Now if the hole bee deep, & in such a place as you may not cut it, then make your tent full as bigge as the hole, of a drye sponge that was neuer wet, so long that it may reach the bottome; and the tent being made somewhat full, with con­tinuall turning and wrying of it, you shall easily get it downe, & then dresse the wound with this twice a day, cleansing the wound euery time with a little white wine luke warme: for this sponge annoyn­ted with the oyntment aforesayd, will both draw and sucke vp all the filthy matter, and make it so faire within as is possible; and as it beginneth to heale, so make your tent euery day lesser and lesser vntill it be ready to close vp, and neuer leaue tainting it so long as it will receiue a taint, bee it neuer so short: for hasty healing of wounds breedeth fistulaes, which properly bee old soares, and therefore must bee hea­led like fistulaes. Now if the wound proceed from any ancient impostumation, then you shall take two or three great onyons, and taking out the coares, put therein a little baysalt, and a litle whole saffron, and so roast them in the hote embers: then plaister-wise lay them all hote on the wound, renewing it once a day till the wound bee healed. Now if the vpper skinne of the wound bee putrified, and you would haue it away, then make a plaister of [Page 419] cowes dung sodde in milke, and clappe it to for foure and twenty howres, and it will leaue nothing that is vile about the wound. Other Farriers vse generally for any cut whatsoeuer, to take a quarter of a pound of fresh butter, of tarre and blacke sope, of each halfe so much, and a little turpentine; boyle all but the sope together: then when you take it from the fire, put in the sope, and with this oyntment dresse any cut, and it will heale it. Others vse onely to take hogs grease and Venice turpentine and to melt them together, and it will heale any wound. Other Farriers take eight drammes of turpentine, foure drammes of new virgin-waxe; melt them in a pew­ter vessell, and stirre them well together, and when they are well melted and mixed, take them from the fire, and by and by whilest they be hot, powre into them halfe a pint of white wine, then after they be cold throw away the wine, and annoynt your hands with oyle of roses, and worke the waxe & turpentine well together: after that put them into the pewter ves­sel againe: then put to them halfe an ounce of the gum of fir-tree, & three drammes of the iuice of bettony: then seeth them well together vntill the iuice of bet­tony be wasted: then put to it 3. drams of womans milke, or the milke of a red cow, and seeth them once againe vntill the milke be wasted; and then put it in a close pot or glasse, and with this dresse any wound whatsoeuer, & it will heale it. Others vse to take rose­mary, & dry it in the shadow, and beate it to powder, then wash the wound with vinegar, or the vrine of a child, & strew thereon the aforesaid powder, & it will heale any indifferēt wound. Other farriers take worm­wod, Marioram, Pimpernel, Calamint, Olibanum; beate [Page 420] them all into fine powder, then take waxe and bar­rowes grease, and boyle them on a soft fire, vntill they bee as thicke as an ointment or salue; with this dresse any wound and it will heale it. Others vse to take the toppes of nettles, butter, and salt, and beating them well in a mortar till it come to a salue, and it will draw and heale a wound. Now the powder of hony, and l [...]e▪ or turpentine simply by it selfe will dry vp and skinne any wound. Take turpentine, hony, hogges grease, waxe, and sheepes suet, of each a like, melt them well together to a salue, and they will heale any wound. Now if a horse be goared vpon a stake, then you shall cast him, and powre into the wound butter scalding hote, and so let him lye till it be gone downe into the bottome, and doe thus once a day, till the wound be whole. If you desire to keepe a wound open, put into it the powder of greene c [...]p­poras, and it will doe it, but if you intend to heale it speedily, then wheate flowre and hony well beaten together to a salue wil do it, dressing the wound once a day therewith.

CHAP. 119. Of a hurte with an Arrow.

IF a horse be shot or hurte with an arrow, taint the hole only with hogges grease and turp [...]ntine mol­ten together, & renew it once a day vntill the wound be whole.

CHAP. 120. Of the healing of any old soare, or vlcer.

OLde vlcers or soares are of three kinds, the first deepe, hollow, and crooked, and they be called f [...]stu [...]aes; the second, broad, shallow, but much sprea­ding, [Page 421] and increasing, and they bee called cankers: & the last broad, deepe, blacke about the sid [...]s, and bot­tome, yet not much increasing, although not at all healing; and they be onely called old soares or vlcers: they proceede either from some great bruise, wound, or impostume, which is either venomed or abused in healing by contrary salues; or through the fluxe and abundance of humors flowing downe to those parts th [...]ough the negligence of a most vn­skilfull Fa [...]rier. The signes are, the long continuance of the soare, the thinnesse of the matter, which issueth away, and the blackenesse of the soare which is euer full of inflammation. Now for the cure, according to the opinion of the most ancient Farriers it is thus, first cleanse the soare well with white wine; then take copporas and the leaues of Lillyes, beate them well in a mortar with swines grease till it come to a perfect salue, and lay it vpon the soare with flaxe, and then couer it with a plaister as in case of wounds, and renew it once a day, and it will heale it. Other Farriers take lime, and tough horse dung, and mixe it very well together with pepper and the white of an egge, and lay it to the soare, renewing it once a day, till the vlc [...]r be whole. Other Farriers strow on the soare the powder of galles, and that will dry it vp. Others scald it once a day with hote oyle oliue, and that will heale it.

CHAP. 121. Of brusings or swellings.

ALL bruisings and swellings come vnto a horse either by accident, as by some blow, rush, pinch; [Page 422] or outward venoming; or else naturally, as through the fluxe of cold or hote humors; or through the corrup­tion of blood, or through the aboundance of winde. The signes are, the sightly apparance in what place or member soeuer they be: and the first, which are those which come by accident, are properly called bruisings or swellings; and the other if they do rotte or corrode, and so turne to matter, are called impo­stumes. Now for the generall cure of any bruise or swelling, according to the opinion of the ancient Far­riers it is thus, take of dry pitch, of gumme, of each an ounce; of Gal­banum, of lime, of each foure ounces, of Bitumen two ounces, of waxe three ounces; melt and boyle them very well together: then annoynt the soare place therewith once a day, and it will heale it. But if the swelling proceede onely from some bruise or rush, then you shall take two pints of verdiuice, one pint of barme, and putting a little fine hay there­into, boyle them very well together, then bind the hay to the swelling very hote, and after powre on the liquor: doe thus three or foure daies together, and it will take away the swelling. Other Farriers take the toppes of wormewood, pellitory of the wall; Branck vrsnie, beate them well together with swines grease, then seeth them; then adde a pretty quantity of hony, lin-seed oyle, and wheate meale; then stirre it ouer the fire till all againe be sodden together, then lay it to the swelling, and renew it once a day till the swelling bee goe. Other Farriers vse first, to pricke the swelling with a fleame: then take of wine lees a pinte, as much wheate flowre as will thicken it and an ounce of comen; boyle them together, and lay this somewhat warme vnto it, renewing it euery day [Page 423] once vntill the swelling, either depart or else come to a head, which if it doe not, then launce it, and heale it according to a wound. Other Farriers take of rosen, of turpentine, and of hony, of each halfe a pound, dissolue them at the fire: then straine them, and adde of myrrhe, Sarcocoll, and the flowre of fe­negreeke, and of lin-seed oyle, of each an ounce, in­corporate them altogether, & then make it thicke like a salue, with the meale of lupins, and lay it to the swel­ling, and it will asswage it. Other Farriers take of Galbanum, and of Ceruse, of each an ounce, of oyle two ounces, and of waxe three ounces, mixe them toge­ther ouer a soft fire, and when they are brought to a salue; then lay it vnto the swelling, and it will asswage. If you take onely rotten litter, or hay boyld in strong vrine, and apply it dayly vnto any swelling, it will take it away. Now if the swelling be vpon the legs, and come by any straine, then you shall take of nerue-oyle one pound, of blacke sope one pound, of boa [...]s grease halfe a pound; melt and boyle them al well to­gether, then straine it, and let it coole; then when occasion serueth, annoynt and chafe your horses legs therewith, holding a hote yron neare thereunto, to make the oyntment enter in the better; then rope vp his legges, and keepe them cleane from dust or dirt; but if the swelling be vpon any part of the backe or body; then take of hony and tallow of each a like, and boyle them together: then spread it on a cloth, and lay it on the swolne place, and let it there sticke till it fall away of it selfe. Now if the swelling proceede from any windy cause, and so appeare onely in the horses belly, then you shall take a sharpe poin­ted knife or bodkin, & arme it so with some stay that it [Page 424] go not to deepe for piercing his guts: then strike him therewith through the skinne into his body, before the hollow place of his haunch bone, halfe a foote be­neath the backe bone, and the winde will come out thereat: then if you put a hollow quill therin, or some feather to keepe it open a while, the winde will auoyd the better: then heale it vp againe. It is also ve­ry good to rake the horse, and to annoynt all his belly with the oyle of sauen, and to ride him vp & downe a little: but if the swelling be vnder the horses iawes, or about any part of his head, then you shall take his owne dung hot as soone as hee makes it, and with a cloath binde it fast thereto, renewing it twice a day till the swelling be gone.

CHAP. 122. Of Impostumes, and first how to ripen them.

IMpostumes are a gathering, or knitting together of many most corrupt humors in any part or member of the body, making that part to swell extremely, & growing into such violent inflāmation that in the end they rot & breake out into foule, mattery, and running soares: they commonly proceed either from corrup­tion of foode, or corruption of bloud; they are at the first appearance, very hard & very soare; which hard­nesse is the principall signe that they will rot. And of these impostumes, some be hot impostumes, and some be cold; yet forasmuch as euery impostume must first be ripened and brought to matter before it can bee healed, we will first speake of the ripening of them. If therefore you will ripen an impostume (according to the opinion of the ancient Farriers) you shall take [Page 425] of Sanguis draconis, of gum Arabicke, of new waxe, of mastick, of pitch of Greece, of incense, & of turpētine, of each a like quātity; & melting thē together, & strai­ning them, make a plaister thereof, & lay it to the im­postume without remouing it; and it will both ripen, breake, and heale any impostume. Other Farriers take swines grease, red waxe, and the flowre of Euforbium, and mixing them on the fire well together, lay it to the impostume, and it will do the like. Other Farriers take of hony, and of wheat meale, of each a like quan­tity, and either boyle it in the decoction of mallows, or else mixe it with the yelke of an egge, and it will ri­pen, breake, and heale; yet it must bee renewed once a day. Other Farriers take barley meale, and boyle it with wine and pidgions dung, and so lay it to the im­postume plaister-wise, and it will ripen exceedingly. Other Farriers take a handfull or two of sorrell, and lapping it in a docke leafe, roast it in the hot embers as you would roast a warden, and then lay it to the impostume as hot as may be, renewing it once a day, and it will ripen, breake, and heale. A plaister of shooe-makers waxe will doe the like also. Other Far­riers take mallow roots, and lilly rootes, & then bruise them, and put thereto hogges grease, & linseed meale, and plaisterwise lay it to the impostume, and it will ri­pen it, breake it, and heale it perfectly.

Chap. 123. Of cold Impostumes.

IF the impostume do proceed from any cold causes, as those which rise after cold taking, or when a horse is at grasse in the winter season, then you shall take the [Page 426] hearbe balme, and stampe it and hogges grease well together, and so plaister-wise apply it to the soare, & it will heale it: or else when the impostume is ripe, open it in the lowest part with a hot Iron, then wash it with warme vrine: after that, annoynt it with tarre & oyle well mixed together; and if you make your incision in the manner of a halfe moone, it is the better. Other Farriers take white mints, & seeth them in wine, oyle, ale, and butter, and so lay it to hot, and it will heale it. Other Farriers take cuckoo-spit, and stamp it with old grease, and so apply it, and it will heale it. Other Farri­ers take a handfull of rew, and stampe it well with the yelke of an egge and hony, and then apply it plaister-wise, and it will heale any cold impostume.

CHAP. 124. Of hot Impostumes.

IF the impostume proceed from any hot causes, as from the extremity of trauell, the parching of the Sun, or the inflammation of the bloud, then, accor­ding to the opinion of the ancient Farriers, you shall take liuer-wort, and stampe it, and mixe it with the grounds of ale, hogs grease, and bruised mallowes, and then apply it to the soare, and it will ripen, breake, and heale it: but if you would not haue the swelling to breake, then take the grounds of ale or beere, and ha­uing boyled mallowes therein, bathe the soare place therewith, and it will driue the swelling away. Other Farriers take either lettis seede or poppy seede, and mixe it with the oyle of redde roses, and lay it to the soare plaister-wise, especially at the beginning of the swelling, and it will take it cleane away.

CHAP. 125. Of the Tetter.

A Tetter is a filthy kinde of vlcer like vnto a can­ker, onely it is somewhat more knotty, and doth not spread, but remaineth most in one place, aud ma­ny times it will remaine betweene the skinne and the flesh, like a knotted Farcy, and will not breake. The cure thereof, according to the opinion of the ancient Farriers, is to make a strong lye with old vrine, ashe-ashes, and greene copporas, and to bathe the knots therewith, and it will kill, and heale them. Other Far­riers take a snake, and cut off the head and the taile, and cast them away, the rest cut into small peeces, and roast them on a spit: then take the grease that droppeth from them, and being hot, annoynt the sorrance therewith, and it will heale it in very short time, but looke that you touch no part of the horse therewith, saue onely the sorrance onely: for it will venome.

CHAP. 126. Of sinewes that are cut, prickt, or bruised.

IF a horse by the mischance of some wound, shall haue any of his sinewes either cut, prickt, or soare bruised, then if there be no conuultion of the sinews, you shall, according to the opinion of the most an­cient Farriers, take tarre, and beane flowre, and a little oyle of roses, and mixing them together, lay it hot vnto the place, and if it do not present good, take wormes and sallet oyle fryed together, or else the oyntment of wormes which you may buy of euery [Page 428] poticarie, and applying either of them, they will knit the sinewes againe if they be not cleane asunder; but if there bee a conuultion, then with a paire of sheares you must cut the sinew in peeces, and then take ro­sen, turpentine, pitch, and Sanguis draconis; then melting them together, clappe it somewhat hote vnto the soare; then take flaxe, and put vpon it, for that will cleanse and defend it; and then this medicine there is none better for any swolne ioint whatsoeuer. Now if the ioint bee not much sweld, but onely that the sinewes are exceedingly stiffe, through the great brui­sings, then you shall take of blacke sope a pound, and seeth it in a quarte of strong ale, till it waxe thicke like tarre; then reserue it, and when you shall see cause vse to annoynt the sinewes, and ioynts therewith, and it will supple them, and streatch them foorth although they bee neuer so much shrunke, as hath been appro­ued.

CHAP. 127. Of fretting the belly with the fore-girths.

IF when you saddle and girde your horse, the girths bee either knotty, or crumpled, and therewithall drawne too straite, they will not onely gall and wound the horse vnder the belly very much, but they will also stoppe the blood, which is in the principall veines▪ called the plat veines, in such sorte that they will occasion most extreme and hard swellings. The cure whereof is, according to the generall opinion, to take of oyle de bay, and oyle of balme, two ounces, of pitch two ounces, of tarre two ounces, and one ounce of rosen; mingle them well together and [Page 429] then annoynt the horses fore bowels therewith; then take either floxe, or chopt flaxe, and clappe vpon it, and so let it abide vntill it fall away of it selfe; and it will surely cure him. Other Farriers vse to take vine­gar, and sope, and heate them well together: and stir it with a sticke or cloth, and then all to rubbe and wash the galled place therewith, and doe thus at least twice a day, and it will dry it vp in two or three daies at the most; but if the galling be about any parte of the horses necke, then you shall take the leaues of Briony (called the hedge vine) and stampe them, and mixe them with wine, and then plaister-wise lay it to the soare, and it will heale it.

CHAP. 128. Of Blisters.

BListers are certaine waterish hollow blebs, which doe arise betwixt the skinne and the flesh, procee­ding either from some sleight burnings, scaldings, or chafings, and they bee very full of thinne matter. The cure thereof, according to the opinion of the most generall Farriers is, first in the Sunne to fret them till they bleed; then take of the rootes of Iuy, and stamping them in a mortar, mixe them with as much tarre, brimstone, and allome till they come to a salue; and then dresse the blister therewith, and it will heale it.

CHAP. 129. To take away all manner of bones, knobs, or any superfluous flesh.

VVHen a horse hath any bone growing vpon any part of his body, more then naturall, or when he hath any lumpes or bunches of super­fluous flesh, otherwise then of right doth belong to his true proportion; then such bones, knobs, or bun­ches, are called excresions, proceeding from tough & flegmatique substances, stirred vp either by most soare bruises, imperfect healed wounds, or other naughty putrifaction of the blood, being most apparant to the eye, and most palpable to the hand. Now for the cure (according to the generall opinion of the most Farriers) you shall first vse corrosiue medicines, after drawing medicines, and lastly drying medicines; or more particularly thus you shall cure them, first with an incision knife scarrifie the excression; then ap­ply sulphure and Bitumen, or Coloquintida burnt, and sifted, and when it hath eaten the excression away, then heale it vp with drying salues, as the powder of hony and lime, or bolearmony, or such like. Other Farriers vse after they haue made the excression to bleed well, then to take two ounces of the ashes of Vitis, and as much vnsleckt lime, mixt with sixe oun­ces of strong lye first strained, then sodde till halfe be consumed, and so brought to a firme substance; then keepe it in a glasse in a dry place, and apply it to the excression till it haue eaten it away, and then heale it vp as is before said. Other Farriers vse to take a pound of strong lye, and sope, and a quarter of a pound of [Page 431] vitrioll Romane: one ounce of Sal-armoniacke, and as much roach allome, and boyle them altogether vntill they bee very thick, and then with that oyntment eate away the excression. Other Farriers take of Gipsi­acum the strongest kind, and lay it on the excression with a cotton, three or foure times, and it will take it cleane away: this medicine is most excellent for any splent, and of no small importance, if it bee vsed a­gainst a fistula; for it wil sinke it, although it were in the crowne.

CHAP. 130. How to eate away any superfluous or dead flesh.

IF when your horse hath any wound, vlcer, or other soare, you shall perceiue that their groweth therein any dead flesh, which dead flesh you shall know partly, by the insensibility thereof, and partly in that it is a spungy, hollow, naughty flesh, not substantial as the true flesh is▪ and either of a blackish, or an high redde colour; then it shall be meete that you seeke all meanes possible, how to consume and eate away that superfluous and naughty flesh, because the soare that is pestred therewith, neither can nor will euer heale, till it bee cleansed of the same; therefore according to the opinion of the most ancient Farri­ers, the best meanes to eate it away, is, to boyle fresh grease, and verdigrease, of each a like quantity together, and either to tent or plaister the soare there­with, till the dead flesh bee consumed. Other Farriers take either the scrapings of harts horne, or oxe horne, and mixing them with old sope, dresse the soare therewith, & it will eate away dead flesh. Other Farriers take Spongia Marina, or sea spung, & therewith [Page 432] d [...]esse the soare, and it will do the like. Other Farriers vse the powder of Risagalio or Risagre, but it is a great d [...]le too strong a f [...]tter. Oth [...]rs vse Litergie or lime, in lye, but they are likewise very violent and strong eaters. Others vse to take either white or blacke E­leborus, incke, quicke Sulphure, orpiment, Litergie, vitriolle, vnsleckt lime, roche allome, gals, soote, or the ashes of Auel [...]an, of each halfe an ounce, and they will consume dead flesh; likewise quicke-siluer extinct, and verdigrease, of each an ounce made into powder, will do the like: the iuice of Borrage, of Sca­bious, of Fumitarie, and of a docke, of each halfe an ounce; a little old oyle and vinegar, boyled with a soft fire; put to it tarrre, and it will likewise eate away any dead flesh. There be other Farriers which take Cantha­rides, oxe dung, and vinegar and mixe them together, and lay it to the soare, and it will fetch away the dead flesh. Others vse first to pounce the soare with a razor, then annoynt it with grease, and strew vpon it a pret­ty quantity of orpiment. Other Farriers vse in steed of Risagallo, to take the powder of verdigrease and or­piment, of each an ounce, of vnslekt lime, and tartar, of each two ounces; mixe them together, and therwith dresse the sore, after you haue washt it wel with strong vinegar; and if you please, you may adde thereunto vitriol, and allome; for they are both great consumers of dead flesh. Other Farriers take the powder of tartar, and mans dung burnt with salt, and then beaten into powder, and strewed on the soare; or else take salt, vnslekt lime, and oyster-shels; and beate them in a mortar with strong lye or old vrine, till it bee like a paste: then bake it in an ouen, & after beate it to pow­der, and strewe it on the soare, and it will eate a­way [Page 433] dead flesh. Other Farriers vse first to wash the soare with ale, wherein nettle seeds haue bene sodden, & then strew vpon it the powder of verdigrease. Now to conclude, you must euer obserue, that before you vse any of these medicines, you do shaue away the haire, that it be no impediment to the salue; also after you haue drest it once, and see that there is an asker raised, then you shal dresse it with some mollifying, or healing salue, till the asker come away, and then dresse it with your eating salue againe: and thus doe vntill you behold that all the dead flesh be consumed, and that there is nothing but perfect and sound flesh, and then heale it vp as in case of wounds.

CHAP. 131. For Knottes in Ioynts, Hardnesse, Crampes, or any Inflammations.

THere do grow in ioynts three sorts of swellings, namely, a hot swelling, a hard swelling, and a soft swelling; all which you may easily distinguish by your feeling, and they doe proceede either from a­boundance of grosse humours, ingendred by foule keeping; or else by accident, as from some wound, rush, or straine. The cure whereof, according to the opinion of the most ancient Farriers, is to beate the powder called Diapente, together with oyle, till it be like an oyntment, and then apply it once a day to the griefe, and it will take it away, especially if it be a crampe, or an inflammation. Other Farriers vse to incorporate with oyle, halfe an ounce of liquid Sto­rax, two ounces of turpentine, sixe of waxe, and ten of bird-lime, and apply that to the griefe, and it will [Page 434] ease it. Other Farriers take wine, old oyle, and tarre, mingled and boyled together, and therewith dresse the soare place, and it will helpe it. Other of our later Farriers take halfe a pound of grease, three scru­ples of mustard, and the like of baysalt; mixe these with vinegar, and apply it to the griefe. Others vse to make a plaister of figs, and the roots of fearne and rocket, or mingle them with grease and vinegar, and apply it to the griefe. Other Farries vse to take the Vnguentum basilicon, which is made of ho­ny, Storax, Galbanum, Bdelium, blacke pepper, bay-berries, the marrow of a Stag, of each a like quan­tity; twice as much of Armoniacke, and of the powder of frankinsence as much as of any of the other, and in­corporate them with sheepes suet, and apply it to the griefe, and it will helpe it. Other Farriers take dry pitch, pitch of Greece, of each one part, of Galba­num, and of lime, of each foure parts, of Bitumen two parts, of waxe three parts; melt them all together, and annoynt the place therewith very hot, and it will take away the griefe, and peraduenture also the eye-soare.

CHAP. 132. How to cure any wound made with the shot of gun-powder.

ACcording to the opinion of the most ancient Farriers, you shall first with a probe or long instrument, search whether the bullet remaine within the flesh or no; and if you finde that it doth, then with another instrument for the purpose, you shall take it forth if it be possible, if otherwise, let it remaine: for in the end nature it selfe will weare it out of it owne accord, without any griefe or impediment; because lead will not corrode or can­ker; [Page 435] then to kill the fire you shall take a little var­nish, and thrust it into the wound with a feather, an­noynting it well within euen vnto the bottome: then stoppe the mouth of the wound with a little soft flaxe dipt in varnish also: then charge all the swolne place with this charge: Take of bolearmony a quar­terne, of linseed beaten into powder, halfe a pound, of beane flowre as much, and three or foure egges, shels and all; and of turpentine a quarterne, and a quart of vinegar, and mingle them well together ouer the fire; and being somewhat warme, charge all the soare place with part thereof; and immediatly clap a cloath or a peece of leather vpon it, to keep the wound from the cold aire, continuing both to an­noynt the hole within with varnish, and also to charge the swelling without, the space of foure or fiue dayes: then at the fiue daies end, leaue annoynting of it, and taint it with a taint reaching to the bottome of the wound, and dipped in turpentine and hogges grea [...]e molten together, renewing it euery day twice vntill the fire be throughly killed; which you shall perceiue by the mattering of the wound, and by falling of the swelling: for as long as the fire hath the vpper hand, no thicke matter will issue out, but onely a thinne yellowish water, neither will the swelling asswage; and then take of turpentine washed in nine seue­rall waters, halfe a pound, and put thereunto three yelkes of egges, and a little saffron, and taint it with this oyntment, renewing it euery day once vntill the wound bee whole. But if the shotte haue gone quite through the wound, then you shall take a few weauers linnen thrummes, made very knot­ty, and dipping them first in varnish, draw them [Page 436] cleane through the wound, turning them vp and downe in the wound at least twice or thrice a day, and charging the wound on either side vpon the swolne places, with the charge aforesaid, vntill you perceiue that the fire be kild; then clappe onely a comfortable plaister vpon one of the hoales, and taint the other with a taint in the salue, made of washt turpentine, egges, and saffron, as is before said. Other Farriers vse onely to kill the fire with the oyle of creame, and after to heale the wound vp with turpentine, waxe, and hogges grease, molten together. Other Farriers kill the fire with snow water, and charge the sweld place with creame, and barme beaten together: and then heale vp the wound, by dipping the taint in the yolke of an egge, hony, and saffron well beaten and mixt together.

CHAP. 133. Of burning with lime, or any other fiery thing.

ACcording to the opinion of the ancient Farri­ers, you shall first wash the soare round about, and in euery part very cleane with warme water; then kill the fire, by annoynting the place with oyle and water beaten together, dressing him so euery day vntill the soare bee all raw, and then annoynt it with hogges grease, and strew thereupon the powder of slecked lime, dressing him thus euery day once, vntill hee bee whole. Other Farriers vse first to wash and cleanse the soare with sallet oyle onely warmed; then to kill the fire with creame, and oyle beaten to­gether, and when it is raw, then to spread vpon it creame and soote mixt together; and lastly to strewe [Page 437] vpon it the powder of hony and lime vntill it bee perfectly skinned.

CHAP. 134. Of the biting with a madde dogge.

IF your horse at any time bee bitten with a madde dogge, the venome of whose teeth will not onely driue him into an extreame torment, but it will also infect and inflame his blood, in such sort that the horse will bee indangered to dye madde: The cure there­fore, according to the opinion of the ancient Farri­ers is, to take of goats dung, of flesh that hath laine long in salt, and of the hearbe Ebulus, called generally dan-worte, of each halfe a pound, and fourty wal­nuts; stampe all these together, and lay part thereof to the soare, and it will sucke out the venome, and heale vp the wound; but vpon the first dressing, you shall giue the horse wine and treackle mixt together to drinke. There be other Farriers, which first giue the horse sacke and sallet oyle to drinke, then with a hote yron cauterize and burne the soare, and lastly heale vp the wound, with the salue first recited. O­ther Farriers, first giue the horse two or three spoone­fuls of the powder of Diapente to drinke, in a pint of muskadine; then take a liue pidgeon, and cleauing her in the midst, lay it hote vnto the wound and it will draw out the venome; then heale the soare with turpentine, and hogges grease well molten to­gether.

CHAP. 135. Of hurtes by the tuskes of a boare.

IF a horse bee striken by the tuskes of a boare, you shall take copporas, and vitrioll, and the powder of 2 dogges head, being burned, after the tong hath ben pulled out, and cast away; and mixing them together, apply it once a day to the soare, and it will cure it: yet yet before you dresse it, first wash the soare very well either with vinegar or with white wine.

CAAP. 136. To heale the biting, or stinging of Serpents, or any venomous beasts whatsoeuer.

IF your horse be either bitten or stung either with serpent or any other venomous beast, which you shall easily know by the sodaine swelling either of the body or member; then you shall first chafe him vp and downe till the sweate, and then let him blood in the roofe of the mouth; and lastly, take a young cocke or a pidgeon, and cleauing it in the midst, clap it hote to the wound, and then giue the horse white wine & salt to drink. Other Farriers take a good quan­tity of the hearb called Sanicula; stampe it and distem­per it with the milke of a cow, that is al of one colour, and giue it the horse to drink, and it will heale him. Other Farriers clappe to the soare hogges dung, or oxe dung, or henbane bruised, or else the ashes of reedes; then giue him to drinke mugworte, or great tansey, with wine and camomill stampt together; or else giue him wine and Oleum Rosatum mixt toge­ther. [Page 439] Other Farriers make a plaister of onions, hony, and salt, stampt and mingled together, and lay that to the soare place, and giue the horse wine and treackle to drinke, or else white pepper, rew and Time, mixt with wine. Other Farriers take Alphodillus, Hastula regia, stampt with old wine, and laid to the [...]oare: for it is most soueraigne good.

CHAP. 137. Of lice or vermine, and how to kill them.

THe lice or vermine which breed vpon a horse bee like vnto geese lice, but somewhat bigger, and do breed most commonly about the eares, necke, maine, taile, and generally ouer the whole body; they doe proceede from poue [...]ty, or feeding in woodes, where trees are continually dropping vpon them: the signes are, the horse will bee alwaies rubbing and scratching, and all be he eate much meate, yet hee will not pros­per; and with his continuall rubbing hee will fret and weare away all his maine, and taile, and you shall also perceiue the lice when the Sun doth shine, run­ning on the tops of the haires. The cure, according to the opinion of the ancient Farriers, is, to take of sope one pound, and of quick-siluer halfe an ounce, mixe and beate them together well, vntill the quick-siluer bee killed, and then annoynt the horse all ouer therewith, and it will consume the lice so­dainely. Other Farriers take stauesaker and sope, & mixing them together, annoynt the horse all ouer therewith. Other Farriers take vnripe Mulberries and their rootes, or stalks, and seeth them in strong vrine, & then wash the horse therwith; after that annoynt all [Page 440] his body ouer with Sanguis draconis, the iuice of [...], salt, pitch, oyle, and swines grease, very well mixt together. Others vse to chafe all his body o­uer with quicke-siluer and soft grease mixt together, till the quick-siluer be kild, and in two or three dres­sings the lice will be consumed.

CHAP. 138. How to saue Horses from the stinging of Flyes in Sommer.

IF you will saue your horse in the Sommer time from the stinging or biting of flyes, which is very troublesome vnto them, then you shall anoynt all the horses body ouer either with oyle and bay-berries mingled together, or else binde vnto the head-stall of his collar, a sponge dipped in strong vinegar: some vse to sprinckle the stable with water wherein hearbe of grace hath bene layd in steepe; or else to perfume the stable with the smoake of Iuy, or ca­lamint, or with Githe burned in a panne of coales: But the surest way of all, both in the stable and a­broad, is to make two good wispes of rew, and therewithall to rubbe the horses body all ouer, and no flye will light vpon him, or touch him, as hath bene often approued.

CHAP. 139. Of bones being broken or out of the Ioynt.

OVr common English Farriers are very farre to seeke in this cure, because they neither do per­fectly acquaint themselues with the members of a [Page 441] horse, nor haue so much inuention in this extremi­ty, to make a horse, being an vnreasonable creature, to suffer like a reasonable person; and also in that the old traditions in Horse leach-craft affirme, that all fractures aboue the knee, are incurable; and so despairing, they ceasse to make practice: but they are much deceiued: for neither the fracture aboue the knee, nor the fracture below the knee, is more incu­rable in a horse then in a man: if the Farrier can tell how to keepe the horse from struggling or tormen­ting the member grieued. If therefore your horse haue any bone broken, which is most easie to be dis­cerned by the depriuation of the vse of that member, & as easie to be felt by the separation of the bones, the one part being higher then the other, besides the roughnesse and inequality of the place grieued: you shall then for the cure thereof, first take a strong double canuasse, which shall bee as broad as from the horses foresholder to the flanke; and shall haue another double canuasse, which shall come from betweene the horses soreboothes vp to the top of the withers, where meeting with the rest of the canuasse, & hauing exceeding strong loops, to which strong ropes must be fastened, you shall by maine force sling vp the horse from the ground, so as his feete may no more but touch the ground: and if it be a forelegge that is broken, then you shall raise him a little higher before then behind: if a hinder leg, then a little higher behinde then before, so that the horse may rest most vpon the members most sound. When your horse is thus slung, then you shall put the bones into the right place; which done, wrappe it close about with vnwashed wolle newly pulled from the [Page 442] sheepes backe, binding it fast to the legge, with a smooth linnen roller, soaked before in oyle and vine­gar mingled together, and looke that your roller lye as smooth and plaine as may be; and vpon that againe lay more wolle dipt in oile & vinegar, and then [...]plent it with three broad, smooth, & strong splents, binding them fast at both ends with a thong; and in any case let the horses legge be kept out very straight, the space of 40. daies, and let not the bonds bee loosned aboue thrice in twenty daies, vnlesse it thinke, & so require to be new drest and b [...]u [...]d againe; but faile not eue­ry day once to powre on the so [...]re place through the splents, oyle and vinegar mingled together: and at the forty daies end, if you perceiue that the broken place bee sowdred together againe with some hard knob or gristle, then loosen the bonds, and ease the canuasse, so as the horse may treade more firmly vpon his soare foote; which when he doth, you shall loosen him altogether, and let him goe vp and downe faire and gently, vsing from thence forth to annoynt the soare place either with soft grease, or else with one of these plaisters or oyntments: Take of Spuma argenti, of vinegar, of each one pound; of sallet oyle, halfe a pound, of armoniacke, and of turpentine, of each three ounces; of waxe and of rosen, of each two ounces; of Bitumen, of pitch, and of verdigrease, of each halfe a pound; boyle the vinegar, oyle, and Spu­ma argenti together, vntill it waxe thicke: then put thereunto the pitch, which being molten, take the pot from the fire, and put in the Bitumen, without stirring it at all; and that being also molten, put in then all the rest, & set the pot againe to the fire, & let them boyle altogether, vntill they be all vnited in one: that [Page 443] done, straine it, & make it in plaister forme, and vse it as occasion shall serue. Other Farriers take of liquid pitch one pound, of waxe two ounces, of the purest & finest part of frankinsence one ounce, of Amoniacum, foure ounces, of dry rosen, and of Galbanum, of each one ounce, of vinegar two pints; boyle first the vine­gar and pitch together: then put in the Amoniacum, dissolued first in vinegar, and after that all the aforesaid drugges; and after they haue boyled all together, and be vnited in one, straine it, and make it into a plaister, and vse it according to occasion. Other Farriers take of old sallet oyle, a quart, and put thereunto of hogs grease, of Spuma nitri, of each one pound and let them boyle together, vntill it begin to bubble aboue: then take it from the fire, & when you vse any of the oint­ment, let it be very warme, and wel chafed in, & then one of the two former plaisters folded aboue it, and it is most soueraigne & comfortable for any bone that is broken.

CHAP. 140. Of Bones out of Ioynt.

IF a horse haue any of his bones out of the ioynt, as either his knee, his shoulder, his pasterne, or such like, which you shall both perceiue by the vncomli­nesse of the ioynt, and also feele by the hollownesse of the member that is displaced: then your readiest cure is to cast the horse on his back, and putting foure strong pasterns on his feet▪ draw him vp so as his backe may no more but touch the ground: then drawe the g [...]ieued legge higher then the rest▪ till the poyse and waight of his body haue made the ioynt to shoote into its right place againe; which you [Page 444] shall know when it doth, by a sodaine and great crack which the ioynt will giue, when it falleth into the true place; then with all gentlenesse loose the horse, and let him rise: and then annoynt all the grieued place ouer, either with the last oyntment rehearsed in the last chapter, or else with the oyle of mandrake, or the oyle of swallowes, both which are of most so­ueraine vertgue.

CHAP. 141. To dry vp humors, or to binde being astrictiue or binding charges.

TAke of Vnguentum Triapharmacum made of Lither­gie, vinegar, and old oyle, boyled till they bee thicke, onely take as much oyle as of both the others, and it will stay the fluxe of any humors.

If you take strong lye, it is a great dryer and a bin­de of humors.

Dissolue in vinegar Rosen, Affalto, & Myrrhe, of each an ounce, of redde waxe, halfe an ounce, with a little Galhanum, of Bitumen halfe an ounce, & of armoniack halfe an ounce; mingle them wel together in the boy­ling: for this salue dryeth wonderfully, bindeth al loose members, and comforteth all parts that are weakened.

Take of lard two pounds, and when it is sodden straine it with three ounces of ceruse, and as much al­lome molten, and it both dryeth and bindeth ex­ceedingly.

Dry figges beaten with allome, mustard, and vine­gar, doth dry very aboundantly.

Oyle or soft grease beaten to a salue with vitrioll.

Gals and allome, and the powder of pomegra­netes, [Page 445] salt, and vinegar both dry and binde suffici­ently.

Sope and vnsleckt lime mixt togethe [...] dryeth per­fectly after any incision

Verdigrease, orpiment, Sal-armoniack, and the powder of Coloquintida, of each a like, made into a plaister with milke or waxe, drieth and bindeth.

The grease of snakes roasted, the head & taile being cut away, is a great dryer.

To conclude, the barke of a willow tree burnt to ashes is as great a dryer, and binder, as any simple whatsoeuer.

CHAP. 142. A plaister to dry vp superfluous moisture, and to bind partes loosened.

Take of Bitumen one pound, of the purest part of Frankensence three ounces, of Bdelium Arabicum one ounce, of Deares suet one pound, of Populeum one ounce, of Galbanum ounce, of the drops of Sto­raxe one ounce, of common waxe one pound, of Re­sin Cabial halfe a pound, of Viscus Italicus one ounce and an halfe, of Apoxima one ounce, of the iuice of hyssop one ounce, of the droppes of armoniack one ounce, of pitch halfe a pound; let all these bee well and perfectly molten, dissolued, and incorporated together according to art, and then make a plai­ster thereof.

CHAP. 143. Another plaister to dry vp any swelling, wind gall, splent, or bladders, in or about the ioints.

TAke of virgin-waxe halfe a pound, of rosen one pound and a quarter, of Galbanum one ounce [Page 446] and an halfe, of Bitumen halfe a pound, of Myrrhe secondary one pound, of armoniacke three ounces, of Costus three ounces; boyle all these things toge­ther in an earthen pot, sauing the armoniacke, and Costus, which beeing first ground like fine flowre, must bee added vnto the other things, after that they haue bene boyled and cooled, and then boyled altogether againe, & well stirred, so as they may be incorporated together and made alone substance, and then applied as occasion shall bee administred.

CHAP. 144. Receipts to dissolue humors.

TAke of wormewood, sage, rosemary, and the barke of an elme, or of a pine, of each a like quan­tity, and boyle them in oyle with a good quantity of lin-seed; and making a bathe thereof, bathe the grie­ued part, and it will dissolue any humors that are ga­thered or bound together.

A pound of figs stampt with salt, till it come to a perfect salue, dissolueth al manner of humors, by ope­ning the poores, and giuing a large passage.

CHAP. 1 [...]5. How to mo [...]lifie any hardnesse.

TAke of lin-seed pund, and of Fenegreeke, of each foure ounces, of pitch, and rosen, of each three ounces, of the flowres of roses two ounces, pitch of Greece sixe ounces; boyle them together, then adde three ounces of turpentine, sixe ounces of hony, and a little oyle; and then applying this salue, it will mollifie any hard substance.

[Page 447] Maluauisco wel sod, and stampt with Oleum Rosatum, being laid hote vnto any hardnesse, will make it soft.

Boyle Branck vrsin, & mallowes together, & beate them with grease, oyle, and lard, and they will mol­lifie, and heale most exceedingly.

Maluauisco, coleworts, Branck vrsin, hearbe of the wall, and old grease, being beaten together, mollifie very much.

The oyle of Cypresse, both mollifieth and healeth.

Wheat meale, hony, pellitory, Branck vrsin, and the leaues of wormewood, being beaten with swines grease, and laid hote vnto any harde tumor, doth so­dainely mollifie it, and is passing good for any stripe also.

Grease, mustardseed, and comen, boyled together, doth mollifie very much,

Take of sope halfe an ounce, of vnsleckt lime an ounce, and mixe them well with strong lye, and it will mollifie, euen the hardest houes.

The iuice of the leaues and rootes of Elder, or a plaister made thereof, doth dry vp and mollifie hu­mors maruellously.

So doth the iuice of the toppes of Cypresse, and dry figges macerated in vinegar and strained, of each three ounces; and if you adde to it of Sa [...]niter an ounce, of armoniack halfe an ounce, of alloes & opo­ponaxe a little, and make it into an oyntment, it wil mollifie any hardnesse very sufficiently.

Mallowes, nettles, Mercorella, and the rootes of cowcumbers, and turpentine, being beaten together with old grease, wil mollifie any hardnesse speedily.

CHAP. 146. To harden any softnesse.

THe soale of an old shooe burnt, and sodden in vi­negar, wil harden houes, & so will also the powder of gals boyled with bran and salt in strong vinegar.

The powder of hony & lime, or the powder of oy­stershels, or the powder of burnt felt, or thicke creame & soote mixt together, wil harden any soare whatsoe­uer.

CHAP. 147. To conglutinate.

IRis Illiri [...]a beaten and sifted, mingled with pepper, hony, corrants, and giuen the horse to drinke with wine, and oyle, helpeth and conglutinateth any in­ward rupture or burstnesse whatsoeuer.

Dragant, saffron, the fruit of the Pine, with the yelkes of egges, giuen likewise to drinke with wine and oyle, doth also conglutinate any inward member or veine broken.

Incense, masticke, and cute, doth the like also.

Poligano sod in wine, & giuen to drink, is good also.

The roots and seedes of Asparagus sodde in water, and giuen to the horse: then after for three dayes giue him butter and opoponaxe, with hony and myrre, and it will conglutinate any inward vlcer or rupture whatsoeuer.

CHAP. 148. To mundifie or cleanse any soare

TAke oyle of oliues, swines grease clarified, the grease of a yong Fox, turpentine, allome, and white waxe; seeth them all together, till they be most throughly incorporated together; and with this [Page 449] oyntment dresse any foule soare whatsoeuer, and it will mundifie, and cleanse it most sufficiently.

CHAP. 149. Of repercussiue medicines, or such as driue backe humors.

REpercussiue medicines, or such as driue euill hu­mors backe, are commonly called amongst Farri­ers, plaisters, or salues defensitiue, and are to be vsed a­bout euery great wound and vlcer, lest the fluxe of hu­mors flowing to the weake part, both confound the medicine, and breede more dangerous exulcerations. Now of these repercussiue medicines these are the best, either vinegar, salt, and bole-armoniacke beaten together, and spread round about the soare, or else white lead and sallet oyle beaten also together; or red led and sallet oyle, or else Vnguentum Album Camphi­ratum, and such like.

CHAP. 150. Of burning Compositions.

BVrning Compositions are, for the most part, cor­rosiues, of which we shall haue occasion to speake more at large in a chapter following; yet forasmuch as some are of better temper then others, you shall here vnderstand that of all burning compositions, the gentlest is Vnguentum Apostolorum: next to it is ver­digrease and hogges grease beaten together; next to it is Precipatate, and turpentine mixt together; next to it is ar [...]nicke allayd with any oyle, or healing salue; next to it is Mercurie sublimate, likewise allayd with some cooling salue; and the worst is lime and sope, or lime and strong lye beaten together: for they will [Page 450] corrode & mortifie the soundest part of mēber what­soeuer.

CHAP. 151. For all maner of hurts about a horse, whatsoeuer.

TAke an ounce of oyle, two ounces of turpentine, and a little waxe; mingle them at the fire: this will heale any wound or gall, and keepe it cleane from filth, water, and dirt.

Take vinegar and hony, & boyle it together, when it is cold, adde the powder of verdigrease, copporas, and brasse, burnt; mingle them well together: this will take away all ill and dead flesh, and cleanse and heale any old vlcer.

Take waxe, pitch, swines grease and turpentine, and mixe them well together: this will heale any bone or spell, or any other stubbe.

Take house snailes, and seeth them in butter, and they will draw out any thorne or naile, being oft re­newed. So will also the roots of reedes being brui­sed and applyed.

The roots of an Elder beaten to powder, and boy­led with hony, is good for any old soare.

Take salt, buter, and hony, or white waxe, turpen­tine, and oyle Rosatum, of each a like quantity, with twice as much beane flowre as of any of the other; mixe it very well together, and make it into a salue, & it will heale any soare, either old or new, whatsoe­uer.

Take waxe, turpentine, and Deeres suet, or the mar­row of a Stagge, and mixe them well together, and it wil heale any wound or impostume: so will also wax, [Page 451] oyle, masticke, frankinsence, and sheepes suet, well molten together, or the powder of masticke, frankin­sence, and aloes, mixt and molten well together.

The whites of egges beaten with Oleum rosatum, and salt, and so layd vpon flaxe hurds, healeth any wound that is not in any principall part where the muscles are.

If you will ceanse and heale any soare, take three pints of well clarified hony, and boyle it with one pint of vinegar, and one of verdigrease, and so apply it; or else take of masticke, and verdigrease, of each halfe an ounce, of frankinsence one ounce, of new waxe foure ounces, of turpentine sixe ounces, and of hogges grease two pound; boyle and incor­porate all these together, & then apply it to the loare, and it will both cleanse and heale.

Chick-weed, grounsell graise, and stale vrine, ve­ry well boyled together, will heale any galling or hurts by halter, or other accident, or any straine, or stripe, or swelling, which commeth by any such like mischance.

Take of new milke three quarts, a good handfull of plantaine; let it boyle till a pint bee consumed: then adde three ounces of allome made into pow­der, and one ounce and an halfe of white sugarcandy, made likewise into powder: then let it boyle a lit­tle, till it haue a hard curde: then straine it; with this warme, bathe any old vlcer: then dry it, and lay on some Vnguentum Basilicon: this cleanseth, dryeth, strengtheneth, and killeth the itch, and healeth the foulest vlcer either in man or beast, that may bee. Also, if you take of milke a quart, of allome in powder two ounces, of vinegar a spoonfull; when [Page 452] the milke doth seeth, put in the allome and vinegar, then take off the curde, and vse the rest, and it will likewise dry vp and heale any foule old soare whatso­euer.

CHAP. 152. How to make the powder of hony, and lime.

TAke such a quantity of vnsleckt lime, as you shall thinke fit, beat it into very fine powder; then take so much hony as shall suffice to mingle it together, & make it into a stiffe past, in the forme of a thick cake or loafe: then put the same cake or loafe into a hot ouen, or a burning fire, till it bee baked, or burnt glowing redde; then take it foorth, and when it is cold, beat it into very fine powder, and then vse it as any occasion shall serue. It dryeth, healeth, and skinneth any soare whatsoeuer very maruailously.

CHAP. 153. The order of taking vp of veines, and wherefore it is good.

FIrst before wee speake of the order of taking vp of veines, you shal vnderstād, that al veines except the neck veines, the eie veynes, the breast veine, the palate veines, and the spurre veines, are to bee taken vp, and not stricken with the fleame; partly because they bee so little and thinne, that if you strike them you shall either indanger the striking thorrow them; or partly because they are so neere adioyning to arteries and si­newes, that if in striking you should hit and pricke ei­ther artery or sinewe, it were a persent laming of the horse, as I haue oftentimes seene and noted in the practise of many ignorant smiths. Now touching the [Page 453] order of taking vp of a veine, it is thus. First you shall cast your horse either vpon some soft ground, grasse, some dunghill that is not very moist, or in some light­some house, vpon good store of sweete straw; then when the horse is thus cast, you shall looke for the veine which you intend to take vp, and if it be either so small, or lye so deepe, that you can hardly perceiue it; then you shall with warme water, rubbe, chafe & bathe all that part where the veine lyeth; then take a narrow silke garter, and a handfull or two aboue the veine (if it bee of any of the horses legs) garter the member very strait; but if it bee a veine to be taken vp on the body, or breast; then with a sufringle ei­ther close behinde the hinder point of the shoulder, or within a handfull of the place, where you meane to take vp the veine, gird him very straite, and pre­sently you shall see the veine to arise; then marke that part of the skinne which couereth the veine, and with your fingar and your thumbe, pull it some­what aside from the veine, and then with a very fine incision-knife slit the skinne cleane through, without touching the veine, and in any wise cut no deeper then through the skinne, and that longwise too, in such sort as the veine goeth, yet not aboue an inch at the most in length: that done, remoue your finger and your thumbe and the skinne will returne againe into his place, right ouer the veine as it was before, in­somuch that but opening the orifice, or slir, you shall see the veine lye blew, and bare before your eyes; then take a fine smooth corner made either of the browantler of a stag, or of an old bucke, and thrust it vnderneath the veine, and lift it vp a prety distance (that is to say, halfe the thicknes of the cornet) aboue [Page 454] the skinne; that done, you shall then loose either the garter or the sursingle, for they are but onely helpes for you to find out the veine; and where the veine will appeare without them, there by no meanes you shall vse them. Now when you haue thus taken your veine vpon your cornet, you shall then either put a redde silke threed, dipt in oyle, or butter, or else a small shoomakers threed, vnderneath the veine also, some­what higher then the cornet, which silke or threed must serue to knit the veine when time requires; then the cornet standing still as before, with your kinfe slit the toppe of the veine longwise, the length of a bar­ly corne, that it may bleed; then stopping the neather part of your veine with the silke or threed, suffer it to bleed well from aboue; then with your silke or threed remoued aboue, knit it fast with a sure knot aboue the slit suffering it onely to bleed from beneath, and hauing bleed there also sufficiently, then knit vp the veine beneath the slit with a sute knot; then fill the hole of the veine with salt, and heale vp the wound of the skinne with turpentine and hogges grease mol­ten together, or else with a little fresh butter, laid on with a little flaxe or tow. Now the vertue which redounds from this taking vp of veines, first it is very necessary, and doth ease all grieues, straines, and stif­nesse of the limbs; for the taking vp of the plat veins easeth al paines in the breast, and grieues in the chest; the taking vp of the fore-thigh veines easeth farcies, and swellings of the legges; the taking vp of the shackle veines before, helpeth gourding, quitter bones, and the swelling of the ioynts, scabbes, and scratches; the taking vp of the hinder hough-veines, helpeth spauens of both kinds, most especially any [Page 455] farcy in those parts, and generally all swellings or im­postumes; the taking vp of the pastorne veines behind helpeth swellings about the cronet, or neather ioints, Paines, mules and all manner of kibed heeles, besides sundry other such like diseases.

CHAP. 154. Of cauterizing or giuing the fire, the kinds and vses.

THe giuing of fire which amongst the best Farri­ers is called cauterizing, and amongst the simpler, burning, searing, or blistering, is (according to the ge­nerall opinion of all the most ancientest Farriers) the chiefest remedy, and as it were the last refuge of all diseases incident to any horses body, whether they be naturall or accidentall; for the violence of fire se­parating and disgesting all manner of humors, into a thinne aire, and loose body, cleanseth and auoydeth those grosnesses which are the materiall causes of all putrifaction, and vlceration. Now of cauterization there bee two kinds, the one of them actuall, which is that which is done by the hand, and with the in­strument: that is to say of the hote yron of what fashion soeuer: the other potentiall, which is done by the applying of medicine, whose nature is either corrosiue, putrifactiue, or caustique. Now the first of these, which is the cautery actuall, is principally to be vsed when there is any appostumation in any si­newie part or member, or amongst any of the most principall veines: also when you shall dismember or cut away any ioynt, or make any incision where there is feare of any fluxe of blood, or [Page 456] where you shall finde either the skinne or muscles shrunke or straitned, and in many such like cases. The cauterising potentiall is to bee vsed in old can­kered vlcers, wennes, or any spungy excresion ei­ther of flesh or bone whatsoeuer, of whose natures, and properties you shall reade more hereafter in a following chapter.

CHAP. 155. Of the cauterize actuall, and the forme of Instruments.

AN actuall cautery, according to the opinion of the most ancient Farriers, being moderately v­sed, is a notable remedy to stop all corruption in members, to keepe perfect the complexion of the same, and also to staunch the bloud; onely you must haue a carefull regard that in the handling of your yron, you touch neither sinewes, tendants, cords, nor ligaments, lest you doe vtterly disable the member, or breede crampes or conuultions; ex­cept it bee when you dismember or cut away any ioynt; as when you doe make curtals, geld horses, or such like: and then your cautery is to bee vsed onely to feare the veines, sinewes, and ligamens, till such time that you are perfectly assured that all fluxe of bloud is stopped, whatsoeuer.

Now againe the actuall cautery bindeth together parts loosened▪ it doth attenuate parts blowne, and puffed vp, it dryeth vp superfluous moysture, it looseneth, disperseth, and diuideth euill mat­ter gathered together into knots, it asswageth old grieues, it rectifieth those parts of the body that [Page 457] are corrupted by any manner of way, reducing them to their first perfect estate, and suffereth no aboun­dance of euill humours to grow or increase: for the skinne being separated and opened with the hot Iron, all putrifaction through the vertue of the fire, is first digested and ripened, and then so dissolued, that the matter doth issue out aboundantly at the holes, whereby the grieued or sickened member is now healed, and eased of all paine and griefe; yea, and insomuch that the holes being once closed, and cleane shut vp, the place is stronger and better knit together, and couered with a tougher skinne then e­uer it was before; onely the great [...]st [...]lemish that can any way be found in cautery, is, that it commonly leaueth a great scarre, which is many times an eye-soare more then is tollerable; and therefore the vse of cauterizing is onely to be preferred but in despe­rate cases of great extremity; for albeit it worke foule, yet it is most certaine, it workes most sure. Now as touching the instruments wherewith you must cauterize, their substance, and proportion, you shall vnderstand that the most curious Farriers doe pre­ferre either gold or siluer to be the best mettal to make them of, in that few or no euill accidents doe follow where they burne: But the wisest, best, and most skilfullest Farriers take copper to be sufficient inough, and a mettal without any lawful exception; yet where copper instruments cannot be had, there you may, with commendations inough, vse such instruments as are made of iron, and finde your worke no deale at all hindered. Now for the fashion or proportion of your instruments or Irons, they are to be referred to the soare, or place grieued, wherewith you are to [Page 458] meddle, according to the diuersity whereof your in­struments are to bee made of diuers fashions, as some are to bee made knife-wise, either with thinne edges, or broad edges; and they bee called drawing kniues, or searing kniues, because they are principally im­ployed in the drawing of strait lines shallow, or deepe, and sometimes in circular or diuers squares: some are made like straite, and some like crooked bodkins, and they are imployed either in fleshy ex­cresions, to cause exulceration; or else in impo­stumes to open small passages for the matter; some are made like hookes or sickles, and they are to bee vsed where the wound is crooked, for the burning out of dead flesh, or such like hidden euils, which cannot bee reacht by any straite instrument: others are made either with great buttons, or little buttons at the end; and they are vsed to open impostumes, or else to burne into the sound flesh where you in­tend to make any new soare or issue for the drawing or keeping backe of other euil humors: and in making of these irons, the Farrriers owne iudgement is to be of great valew, because he must either increase and diminish them according to the manner of the place grieued; and be sure that he euer make them fit for his right purpose. Now for the vse of these instru­ments, there are two principall things to bee regar­ded: First, the heating of the iron, and next, the true temper, or bearing of the Farriers hand. Touch­ing the heating of the iron, you shall vnderstand, that the backe of the iron must neuer bee so hote as the edge, that is to say, you must neuer make the backe of the iron redde hote, for feare that thereby it yeeld too much heate, and so consequently breede [Page 459] inflammation: therefore whensoeuer you see the backe of your iron as hote as the edge, you shall a little coole it with water. Now for the temper, or bearing of your hand, you shall vnderstand that the more euenly, and lightly it is done, so much the better it is done; and heerein is to bee considered, the finenesse or thicknesse of the horses skinne, which you shall know most commonly by his haire: for if it bee short and fine, then the skinne is thin; if it be long and rough, then is his skinne thicke and boysterous.

Now the skinne that is fine, must bee cauterized or feared with a very light hand, in as much as the skinne is soone pierced through, and the thicke skinne with a heauy hand, and both of them with such a tempered hand, that the skinne must no more but looke yellow; wherein you shall euer finde that the fine skinne will sooner looke yellow then the thicke skinne, the reason being, because the thicknesse and roughnesse of the haire of the thicke skinne doth coole and choake the heate of the Iron, insomuch that if it be not layd to with a more hea­uy hand, and the instrument so much the more and the oftener heated, it cannot worke that effect which in art it should do. Now you shal also obserue, that in drawing of any line or other cauterize whatsoeuer, that you euer draw with the haire, and neuer against the haire, whether the lines be short, long, deepe, shal­low, straight, crooked, or ouerthwart, according as the griefe doth require. Now to conclude, you are to ob­serue in cauterizing, these fewe precepts: First, that you doe not giue fire to any sinewie place, except there bee some apparant swelling, or else [Page 460] impostumation; secondly, that you giue not fire to a­ny bone that is broken, or out of ioynt, for feare of breeding a general weakenesse in the whole member. Thirdly, neuer to giue the fire so deepe, or suffer your hand to be so heauy, that you may either mis­shape or deforme the horse, either by vnnecessary fi­gures, or vncomly scarres. Thirdly, not to be too rash or hasty in giuing fire, as if euery cure were to be wrought by that practise onely (as I know some ve­ry well reputed Farriers holde of opinion,) but onely to attempt all other good meanes before; and when all hope else is desperate, then to make the fire your last refuge, as an extremity that must preuaile when all other practises doe perish. Lastly, I would not haue you like those foolish Farriers which know nothing, vtterly to contemne and neglect it, as if it were vse­lesse, but with all moderation and discretion to apply it in fit time and place, whereby the poore horse may gaine ease, your selfe good reputation, and the owner profite; which is most certaine, as long as you are gouerned by wisedome.

CHAP. 156. Of cauterize by medicine, which is cauterze potentiall.

THe potentialll cauterize or [...]earing of the flesh by medicine is (as I said before) when the medicines are either corrosiue, putrifactiue, or caustick; corrosiue, as when they doe corrode, rot, gnaw, and fret the flesh; putrifactiue, when they doe corrupt the com­plexion of the member, and doe induce a maine scar like dead flesh, causing infinite paine, in such sort that they are often accompanied with feuers & mortality, [Page 461] and therefore are not to be administred, but to strong bodies, & in very strong diseases; & caustick, which is as much to say as burning, when the operation is so strong, that it inclineth, and commeth nearest to the nature of fire, and so burneth and consumeth what­soeuer it toucheth. Now these potentiall cauterizes doe exceed and excell one another, by certaine de­grees, as thus, the corrosiues are weaker then the pu­trifactiues, and the putrifactiues are weaker then the caustickes; the corrosiues worke vpon the vpper part in the soft flesh, the putrifactiues in the depth of the hard flesh; and the causticks haue power to breake skin sound or vnsound, both in hard and soft flesh, & that very deepely also. Now of corrosiues, some bee sim­ple, and some bee compound; the simple corrosiues are, roach allome, burnt or vnburnt, the spung of the sea somewhat burnt, lime, redde corrall, powder of mercury, shauings of an oxe or harts horne, Precipi­tate, verdigrease, and such like: the compound corro­siues are, blacke sope, and lime, Vnguentum Apostolo­rum, and Vnguentum Aegyptiacum, and Vnguentum Ceraceum, and many such like; and these are to be ap­plied vnto soares, vlcers, or excressions, after they are corroded. The putrifactiues are arsnicke, either white or yellow, Sublimatum, Resalgar, or any medi­cine compounded with any of them; besides Sanda­racha Chrysocollo, and aconitum. Now if you would haue your putrifactiue medicines to be crustiue, that is breeding a great scar, and hote in the fourth degree; then they are vnsleckt lime, and the burned dregges of wine; and these are to be vsed to carbunckles, cankers, and anburies. The causticke medicines are those which are made of strong lye, called Capitellum or Ma­gistra, [Page 462] of Vitriole Romane, Sal-niter, Aqua fortis, Apium, Cantharides, Ciclamine onions, strong garlicke, Melana­cardinum, the stones or graines of briony, and many such like. Now in the conclusion I would wish, e­uery diligent Farrier, seldome or neuer to vse either Arsnicke, Resalgar, or Mercury Sublimate, simply of of themselues, but rather to allay them (if the sub­stance whereon they are to worke be very great) with Vnguentum Apostolorum; but if it be very little, then with hogges grease, turpentine, or such like: and thus much for this potentiall cauterizing and the proper vses.

CHAP. 157. Of the rowelling of horses, and the vse thereof.

THe rowelling of horses is, amongst our ignorant and simple smiths, the most ordinary and gene­rall practise of all other whatsoeuer, insomuch that not any disease can almost be found, about a horse either how sleight or great soeuer it be, but presently without any reason or sence therefore, they will ro­well him for the same; whereby they not onely put the horse to a needlesse torment, but also bring down now and then such a fluxe of naughty humors, that they lame the horse which otherwise would be per­fectly sound; but it is not my theame to dispute of their ignorances, onely this I must say of rowelling, it is a practise as necessary & commendable for the good estate of a horses limbs, and body, as any medicine whatsoeuer, so it be applyed in his due time, and in his due place; otherwise on the contrary part, it is contrary to all goodnesse. The helpes which are got [Page 463] by rowelling, are these, it separateth and dissolueth all euill humors, which either through naturall or vn­naturall corruptions are gathered, and knit together in any one place, hindering the office of any member, or deforming the body by any superfluity of euill substance; it looseneth parts that are bound, and bindeth those parts that are weakened; it giueth strength vnto sicke ioynts, & comforteth whatsoeuer is opprest with any cold fleame, or hote chollericke substance; the generall vse of rowelling is, either for old inward straines, especially about the shoulders or hips, or else for great hard swellings, which will not be mollified, or corroded by any outward medi­cine, which is either plaister or vnguente: for you must vnderstand, that when a horse receiueth any straine or bruise, either in the vpper ioynts of his shoulder, or his hips, which ioynts doe not stand one vpon another, as the lower ioyntes do, but they goe one into another, as the one end of the marrow-bone into the pot of the spade-bone, and the other end into the pot of the elbow, which is a double bone: now as I say, when a bruise is receiued in these parts, if by present application of hote and comfor­table medicines the griefe be not taken away, then eftsoones there gathers betweene the pot and the bone a certaine bruisd jelly, which continually offen­ding the tender gristell which couers the ends of euery bone, makes the horse to halt vehemently; and then is this corrupt matter not to bee taken away by any outward medicine, but by rowelling onely; & as I speake of the shoulder, so I speake of the hips also where the vpper thigh-bone goeth into the pot of the cannel-bone, & there beeedeth the like infirmitie.

[Page 464]Now for the manner of rowelling it is in this sort: First, when you haue found out the certaine place of the horses griefe, as whether it bee on the fore­pitch of the shoulder, on the hinder elbow, or on the hippe, then you shall (hauing cast the horse vpon some dung-hill, or soft ground) make a little slit more then a handfull below the place of his griefe through the skinne, and no more, so bigge as you may well thrust in a swannes quill into the same: then with your cornet raise the skinne a little from the flesh, and then put in your quill, and blow all the skinne from the flesh vpward; euen to the toppe, and all ouer the shoulder; then stopping the hole with your finger and your thumbe, take a smalll hazell sticke, and all to beate the blowne place all ouer; and then with your hand spread the winde into euery part, and after let it go: then take a tampin of horse haire twound together, or which is better, of red sarcinit, halfe the bignesse of a mans lit­tle finger, and aboue a foote, or sixtcene inches in length, made in this forme:


putting it into your rowel­ling needle, which would bee at the least seuen or eight inches long; thrust it in at the first hole, and so putting it vpward, draw it out againe at least sixe inches aboue; & then, if you please, you may put in a­nother aboue that: and then tye the two ends of the tampins or rowels together, and moue & draw them to and froe in the skinne, in any wise not forget­ting, both before you put them in, and euery day after they are in, to annoynt them well with butter, hogges grease, or oyle de bay.

Now there bee other Farriers which in that they [Page 465] are opiniated that these long rowels, or tampins of hairemor silke, doe make both a double soare, and a great scarre, therefore they make their rowels of round peeces of stiffe leather, such as is the vpper part of an old shooe, with a round hole in the midst, according to this forme:


and then dou­bling it when they put it in, as soone as it is within, to spreade it, and lay it flatte betweene the flesh and the skinne, and so as the hole of the rowell may answere iust with the hole that is made in the horses skinne; and then once in two or three dayes to cleanse the rowell, and to annoynt it, and so put it in againe. Other Farriers do vse to make the rowell of lanthorne-horne, in the same fashion as it is made of leather, and in like sort to vse it. But for mine owne part, I haue vsed them all, and truly in my practise, finde not any better then o­ther; onely the leather or the horne is somewhat more cleanly, and lesse offensiue to the eye, yet they aske much more attendance. Now if you rowel your horse for any swelling, then you shall euer put in your long rowell the same way that the veines runne, and seldome, or neuer crosse-wise, and the more you blow the skinne for a swelling, so much the bet­ter it is: for the winde is it which onely occasioneth putrifaction, and makes the festered humours to dis­solue, and distill downe from the secret hollowes of the ioynts, into those open places where it falleth a­way in matter, and so the beast becomes cured.

CHAP. 158. How to geld Horses or Colts.

THere is to be obserued in the gelding of horses, first, the age; secondly, the season of the yeare; and lastly, the state of the Moone. For the age, if it be a colt, you may geld him at 9. dayes old, or 15. if his stones be come down: for to speake the truth the sooner that you geld him, it is so much the better, both for his growth, shape, and courage; albeit some hold an opinion, that at two yeares old should be the soonest, but they are mistaken, and their reasons are weake therein. Now if it be a horse that you would geld, then there is no speech to be made of his age: for it is without any question, that a perfect Farrrier may geld a horse without danger at any age whatso­euer, being carefull in the cure. Now for the season of the yeare, the best is in the Spring, betweene A­prill and May, or in the beginning of Iune at the fur­thest, or else about the fall of the lease, which is the la­ter end of September. Now for the state of the Moone, the fittest time is euer when the Moone is in the waine: as touching the manner of gelding, it is in this sort, whether it bee foale, colt, or horse: First, you shall cast him either vpon straw, or vpon some dung-hill; then taking the stone betweene your fore­most finger and your great finger, you shall with a ve­ry sine incision knife slit the codde, so that you may presse the stone forth and no more: then with a paire of small nippers, made either of steele, boxe-wood, or brasill, being very smooth, and clap the strings of the stone betweene them, very neere vnto the setting on of the stone, and presse them so hard, that there [Page 467] may be no fluxe of bloud: then with a thin drawing cauterizing Iron made red hot, seare away the stone; then take a hard plaister made of rosen, waxe, and tur­pentine, wel molten together, and with your hot Iron melt it vpon the head of the strings: then seare the strings, and then melt more of the salue, till such time as you haue layd a good thicknesse of the salue vpon the strings: then loose the nippers, and as you did with that stone, so do with the other also: then fill the two slits of the codde with white salt, and annoynt all the out-side of the codde, and all the horses belly and thighes with hogges grease cleane rendred; and so let him rise, and keepe him either in some very warme stable, or in some very warme pasture, where he may walke vp and downe; for there is nothing better for a horse in this case, then moderate exercise. Now if after his gelding you doe perceiue that his codde and sheath doth swell in any extraordinary fashion, then you shall chafe him vp and downe, and make him trotte an howre in a day, and it will soone recouer him, and make him sound without a­ny impediment.

CHAP. 159. Of the making of Curtals, or cutting off of the tailes of Horses.

THe curtalling of Horses is vsed in no nation whatsoeuer, so much as in this kingdome of ours, by reason of much carriage, and heauy burthens which our horses continually are excercised and im­ployed withall, and the rather sith wee are strong­ly opinated, that the taking away of those ioynts [Page 468] doth make the horses chine or backe a great deale the stronger, and more able to supporte burthen, as in truth it doth, and we daily finde it by continuall ex­perience. Now for the manner of curtalling of hor­ses, it is in this sort. First your shall with your fingar and your thumbe, grope till you find the third ioint from the setting on of the horses taile; and hauing found it, raise vp all the haire, and turne it backeward; then taking a very small strong corde wrappe it about that ioynt, and pull it both with your owne strength, and an other mans, so straite as you can possible pull it: then wrappe it about againe, and draw it as straite or straiter againe, and thus doe three or foure times about his taile, with all the possible straitnesse that may be; and then make fast the ends of the cord: then take a peece of wood, whose end is smooth and euen, of iust height with the strunt of the horses taile, & set­ting it betweene the horses hinder legges (after you haue tramelled all his foure legges, in such sort that he can no waies stirre) then lay his taile thereupon, and taking a maine strong sharpe knife made for the pur­pose, set the edge thereof so neare as you can gesse it, betweene the fourth and fift ioynt, and then with a great smithy hammer striking vpon the backe of the knife, cut the taile asunder; then if you see any blood to issue foorth, you shall know that the corde is not straite inough: and therefore you must draw it straiter; but if no blood follow, then it is well bound; this done, you shall take a


redde hote burning yron of the full compasse of the flesh of the horses taile, made round after this fashion, that the bone [Page 469] of the taile may goe through the hole, and with it you shall seare the flesh, till you haue mortified it; and in the searing you shall see the ends of the veines start out like pape heads, but you shall stil con­tinue searing them, vntill you see all to bee most smooth, plaine and hard, so that the blood cannot breake through the burning; then may you bold­ly vnloose the cord, and after two or three daies that you see the soare beginne to rot, you shall an­noynt it with fresh butter, or else with hogges grease, and turpentine, vntill it bee whole.

CHAP. 160. To make a white starre in any part of a horse.

IF you will at any time make a white starre, either in your horses fore-head or in any other part of his body, you shall according to the opinion of the most ancient Farriers, take a tile stone, and after you haue burned it, beate it into fine powder; then take lilie rootes, dasie rootes, white bryer rootes, of each a like quantity, and hauing dryed them beate them also into fine powder, and mixe them with the first; then with a razor shaue that part of your horse where you would haue your starre: and then with this powder rubbe it so ve­hemently, that you scarce leaue any skinne on; then take a good quantity of hony-suckle flowres, and a like quantity of hony, & the water wherein a moule hath bene sodden; & then distill them into a water, and with that water, wash the soare place the space [Page 470] of three daies together, and keepe the winde from it, and you shall presently see the white haires to grow; for this receipt hath bene often very well approued. There bee other Farriers, which take a crabbe, and roast it, and being fire hote, bind it to that part which you would haue white, and it will scald away the old haire, & the next haire that groweth wil be white. Other Farriers vse after they haue shaued the place to take the iuice of sharpe onions or leeks, and to bathe the place very much therewith; then to take barley bread, as fire hot as it commeth from the ouen, and clap it to the shauen place, suffring it to lye so till it be cold: and then after annoynt it with hony, and the white haire will come. Other Farriers vse to an­noynt the shauen place with the grease of a moldy-warpe sodde, and that will bring white haires. Other Farriers vse after they haue shaued it, to rub the place well with salte, and then twice euery day for a fort­night, to wash it with the broth wherein a mouldy-warpe, and some swines grease hath bene sodden. Other Farriers vse to boyle a mouldy-warpe in salt water for three daies together, or else in strong lye; and euer as one liquor consumeth, to supply it with an other; then with this decoction being warme, annoynt the shaued place, and it will bring white haires sodainely. Other Farriers take the gall of a goate, and rubbe the shaued place therewith, and it will bring white haires also. Other Farriers take sheepes milke and boyle it, and in that wet a linnen cloth, and being very hote lay it to, renewing it till you may rubbe off the the haire with your fingar; this done, apply the milke to twice a day luke warme, till the haire doe come againe, which without all [Page 471] question will be white. Other Farriers take the rootes of wilde cowcumbers, and twice so much Nitrum mingled with oyle and hony, or else adde to your cowcumbers Sal nitrum, beaten, and hony, and an­noynt the shauen place therewith, and it will bring white haire. Other Farriers vse to take a peece of a bricke-bat, and with it gently to rubbe and chafe the place, till by the continuance therof, you haue rubbed away both the haire and the skinne, so broad as you would haue the starre, and then after to annoynt it with hony, till the haire come againe; or else to roast a colewort stalke like a warden, or an egge, til it be stone hard: and then as they come hote out of the fire, to clappe either of them to the horses forehead, and it will scald off the haire, then to annoynt it with hony till the haire come againe. Now to conclude, and to shew you the most perfect & absolute experiment which I haue euer found to bee most infallible, it is thus; you shall take a very fine, sharpe, long bodkin, made for the purpose, and thrust it vp betwixt the skinne and the bone vpward, so long as you would haue the star; and in thrusting it vp you shall hollow the skin from the bone, the bignesse that you would haue the starre: this done, you shall


take a peece of lead, made in the true shape of your bodkin, & draw­ing out the bodkin, thrust in the lead into the same hoales; then you shall thrust the bodkin croswise, the forehead vnderneath the lead; and then thrusting in such another peece of lead, you fhall see it in the horses face to present this figure, [Page 472] which being done, you shall take a very strong packe­threed, and putting it vnderneath all the foure ends of the leads, and drawing it with all straitnesse, you shall gather all the hollow skinne together on a purse, folding the packe-threed oft and oft about, and stil straiter and straiter, so that you shall see it then to present vnto you this figure:


this done, you shall let it rest at least the space of eight and forty howres, in which time the skinne will bee, as it were, mortified: then may you vnloose the pack-threed, and draw forth the lea­den pinnes, and with your hand close the hollow skinne to the fore-heade hard againe; and shortly after you shall see the haire to fall away, and the next haire which com­meth will bee white; and this experiment is most infallible. Now there bee some Farriers which will not put in pinnes, nor vse any packe-threed, but onely will slit the fore-head, and open the skinne on both sides, and then put in either a horne or a plate of leade as bigge as the starre, and so let it re­maine till the skinne rot; then take out the horne or lead, and annoynt the place with hony, and the water of mallowes sod, and it will bring white haire: and surely this experiment also is most infallible, but it maketh a foule soare, and is somewhat long in bringing his vertue to effect.

CHAP. 161. How to make a blacke starre, or white haire blacke.

IF at any time you would make vpon a white horse a blacke starre, you shall take a scruple of inke, & 4. scruples of the wood of Oliander beaten to powder; incorporate this in as much sheepes suet, as will well suffice, and then annoynt the place therewith, & it wil make any white haire black. Other Farriers vse to take the decoction of fearne roots, and sage sod in lye, and wash the place therewith, and it will breede blacke haire; but you must wash the place very oft there­with. Other Farriers vse to take the rust of Iron gals, and vitrioll, and stampe them with oyle; or else take soutter inke, gals, and rust, and beate them well toge­ther, and then annoynt the place therewith, and it will turne any white haire to blacke.

CHAP. 162. To make a red starre in a Horses face.

IF you desire to make in your horses face, or any o­ther part, a red starre, you shall take of Aqua fortis an ounce, of Aqua-vitae a penyworth, of siluer to the va­lew of eighteene pence; put them into a glasse, and heate them well therein, and then annoynt the place very well therewith, and it will immediatly turne the haires to be of a perfect red colour, only it wil endure no longer then till the casting of the haire; and there­fore at euery such time you must renew the haire a­gaine, if you will haue the starre to continue.

CHAP. 163. How to make haire to come very soone, very thicke, and very long.

IF you would haue haire to come very soone in a­ny bare place, or to grow thicke where it is thin, or long where it is short, you shal take (according to the opinion of the most ancient Farriers) the vrine of a yong boy, and with it first wash the place; after that, take lye made of vnsleckt lime, Ceruse, and Litargie, and with it wash the haire oft, and it wil make it come soone, long, and thicke. Other Farriers vse to wash the place with water wherin the roots of Althaea haue bene sod: then after drye it gently with your hand, and it will encrease haire much. Other Farriers vse to wash the place with oyle mingled with the ashes of nut-shels burnt, or else snayle-shels burnt, and it will encrease haire also. Other Farriers take Agrimonte pund with goats milke, & with it annoynt the place, or else oyle wherein a mouldiwarpe hath bene boy­led, and annoynt the place with either of them, and it will encrease haire very much. Other Farriers take the dung of goats, allome, hony, and the bloud of a swine; mingle them altogether, and stirre th [...]m till they be ready to boyle, and being hot, rubbe the bare place therewith. Other Farriers take nettle seeds brui­sed with hony, water, and salt, & then rub the place therewith. Other Farriers take the roote of a white lilly beaten and sodde in oyle, and annoynt the place therewith. Others take the iuyce of a long onyon, or else the iuyce of radishes, and annoynt the place there­with. Others take tarre, oyle oliue, and hony boyled [Page 475] together, and with it annoynt the bare place. O­ther Farriers take the soote of a cawdron mixed with hony, and oyle, and anoynt the place therwith. There bee other Farriers which take greene wall-nut-shels, & burne them to powder, and then mixe it with ho­ny, oyle, and wine, and annoynt the place therewith, and it will encrease haire wonderfully.

CHAP. 194. To make haire smooth, sleeke, and soft.

IF you will make your horses coate to be smooth, sleeke, soft, and shining, you shall with suffici­ent store of cloath, keepe him warme at the heart; for the least inward cold will make the haire stare: then you shall make him sweate oft: for that will rease vp the dust and filth, which makes his coate foule and hard: then you shall, when the horse is in his greatest sweate, with an old sword blade, turning the edge towards his haire, scrape, or as it were, curry away all the white foame, sweate, and filth which shall bee raised vp, and that will lay his coate euen, and make it smooth; and lastly, you shall when you let him bloud, rubbe him all ouer with his owne bloud, and so let it remaine two or three dayes, and then curry and dresse him wel, and this will make his coate shine like glasse.

CHAP. 165. How to take off haire in any part of a Horse.

IF you will at any time take off the haire from a­ny part of a horse, you shall dissolue in water, [Page 476] (according to the opinion of the most ancient Far­riers) eight ounces of vnsleckt lime: and then boyle it till a quarter bee consumed, then adde vnto it an ounce of Orpiment, and then lay a plaister thereof, to any part of the horse, and it will in very few ho­wers bring all the haire away. There bee other Farri­ers which boyle in running water rust, and Orpiment, and with it beeing very hote, wash the place, and it will soone bring the haire away.

CHAP. 166. How to cast or ouerthrow a horse.

WHensoeuer you intend to cast or ouerthrow your horse, after you haue brought him in­to a conuenient place, as namely either vpon some greene swarth, or vpon some dunghill, or in some barne vpon good store of soft straw, you shall take and double a long rope, and cast a knot a yard from the bought: then put the bought about his necke. and the double rope betwixt his foure legges, and about his hinder pasternes, vnderneath his fetlocke; then put the ends of the rope vnder the bought of his necke, and draw them quickly, and they will ouer­throw him, then make the ends fast, and hold down his head, vnder which alwaies you must bee sure to haue good store of straw. Now if you would at any time▪ either brand your horse on the buttocke, or doe any thing about his hinder legges, that he may not strike, take vp his contrary forelegge; and when you doe brand your horse see that the yron be redde [...]ote, and that the haire be both scared quite away, and the flesh scortched in euery place before you let him [Page 477] goe, and so you shall lose no labour.

CHAP. 167. How to know the age of a horse.

THe age of euery horse is knowne, either by his teeth, or by his hoofes, or by his taile, or by the barres in the roofe of his mouth. It is knowne by his teeth thus; at two yeares old, h [...]e changeth foure foremost teeth in his head; at th [...]ee yeares old he changeth the teeth next vnto them, & leaueth no more apparant foales teeth but two of each side, aboue and below; at foure yeares old he chan­geth the teeth next vnto them, and leaueth no more foales teeth but one on each side, both aboue and be­low; at fiue yeares old, he hath neuer a foales tooth before, but then he changeth his tu [...]hes on each side; at sixe yeares old, hee putteth vp his tu [...]hes, neare about which you shall see apparantly growing a little circle of new and young flesh; besides, the tush will be white, small, short, and sharp; at seuen yeares old, the two outmost teeth of his neather chap on both sides will bee hollow, with a little blacke specke in them; and at eight yeares old, all his teeth will be full, smooth, and plaine, the blacke specke beeing cleane gone, and his tushes will bee somewhat yel­low, without any circkles of young flesh; at nine yeares old, his foremost teeth wil be very long, broad, yellow, and foule, and his tushes will be blunt; at ten yeares old, in the inside of his vpper tushes wil be no hoals at all to be felt with your fingars end, which till that age, you shall euer most perfectly feele; besides, the temples of his head will beginne to bee crooked [Page 478] and hollow; at eleauen yeares of age, his teeth will bee exceeding long, very yellow, blacke, and foule; onely he will cut euen, and his teeth will stand direct­ly opposite one against another; at twelue yeares old, his teeth will be long, yellow, blacke, and foule: but then his vpper teeth will ouerreach, and hang ouer his neather teeth; at thirteene yeares, his tushes will be worne close to his chappe, if he bee a much ridden horse, otherwise they will bee blacke, and foule, and long like the fanges of a boare. If a horses hoofes bee rugged, and as it were seamed, one seame ouer a­nother; if they bee dry, full, and crustie, it is a signe of very old age: as on the contrary part, a smooth, moyst, hollow, and well sounding hoofe, is a signe of young yeares. If you take your horse with your fin­gar and your thumbe by the sterne of the taile, close at the setting one by the buttocke, and feeling there hard; if you feele betwixt your fingar & your thumbe of each side his taile, a ioynt sticke out more then any other ioynt, by the bignesse of an hazell nut, then you may presume, the horse is vnder ten yeares old; but if his ioynts be all plaine, and no such thing to be felt, then hee is aboue ten, and at least thirteene. If a horses eies bee round, full and starting from his head, if the pits ouer his eyes be filled smooth and euen with his temples, and no wrinckles either a­bout his brow or vnder his eyes, then the horse is young: if otherwise you see the contrary caracters, it is a signe of old age; if you take vp a horses skinne on any part of body, betwixt your fingar and your thumbe, and plucke it from the flesh: then let [...]ing it goe againe, if it sodainely returne to the place from whence it came, and be smooth and plaine, without [Page 479] wrinckle, then the horse is young, and ful of strength: but if beeing pulled vp it stand, and not returne to his former place, then hee is very old and wasted. Lastly, if a horse that is of any darke colour shall grow grissell onely about his eye browes, or vnderneath his maine, it is then an infallible signe of most extreme old age: and thus much touching a horses age.

CHAP. 166. How to make an old horse seeme young.

TAke a little small crooked yron, no bigger then a wheate corne, and hauing made it red hot, burne a little blacke hole in the toppes of the two outmost teeth of each side the neather chappe before, next to the tushes; and then with an aule blade pricke it, and make the shell fine and thinne; then with a sharpe scraping yron make al his teeth white and cleane: this done, take a fine launcet, and aboue the hollowes of the horses eyes which are shrunk downe, make a little hole onely but through the skinne, and then raising it vp, put in a quill, that is very small: as the quill of a rauen or such like: and then blow the skinne full of winde till all the hollownesse bee filled vp, and then take out the quill, and lay your fingar a little while on the hole, and the wind will stay in, and the horses countenance will be as if he were but sixe yeares old at the most.

CHAP. 169. How to make a horse that hee shall not neigh either in company, or when he is ridden.

IF either when you are in seruice in the warres, and would not be discouered, or when vpon any other [Page 480] occasion, you would not haue your ho [...]se to ney, o [...] make a noyse, you sh [...]ll take a list of wollen cloath, and tye it fast in many foldes about the midst o [...] your horses tongue; and beleeue it, as long as the tongue is so ty [...]d, [...]o long the horse can by no meanes ney, or make any other extraordinary noise with his voyce, as hath bene oft [...]n tryed.

CHAP. 170. How to make a horse exceedin [...] quicke of the spurre.

IF your horse either bee dull of the spurre through his naturall inclination, or through tiring, or any o­ther accident, you shall fi [...]st haue [...]im he breadth of a saucer on both the sides, [...]u [...]t in the spurring [...]l [...]ce, on both sides the veine: then with a launcet make sixe issues, or small orifices on both sides: then raising the skinne from the flesh, you shall put into the holes a pretty quantitie of burnt sal [...], which will make the soare to ranckle. In this sort you shall keepe it 3. dayes, and by no meanes ride the horse: the third day being ended, you shall set a child on his backe with spurs, & make him spurre the horse in the soare place: which done, you shall wash the place with pisse, salt, and nettles, sodden well together: and this will make his sides smart so extremely, that hee will neuer abide the spurre after. Now you shall let him stand after his washing three dayes more, and then take halfe a pint of hony, and with it annoyn [...] his sides once a day till they be whole.

CHAP. 171. How to make a horse that tires, or is restife, to goe forward.

IF your horse (as it is the common nature of iades) through the naughtines [...]e of his nature, or dulnes [...]e of spirit, be either [...]o restife, or so tired that hee will not goe forward a foote, but standeth stocke still; you shall then make a running suickle of a small cord, and put it about his coddes, and stones in such sort that it may not slippe: then you shall draw the rest of the cord betweene the girths and the horses body, and bringing it vp betweene the horses forelegges, be sure to hold the end of the cord in your hand as you sit in the saddle: then ride the horse forward, and when he beginneth to grow restife, or to stand still, then plucke the cord, and crampe him by the stones, and you shall see that immediatly hee will goe forward: and in this manner you shall vse him for at least a fort-night, and it will cleane take away that euill quality.

CHAP. 172. How to make a Horse to follow his maister, and to finde him out, and challenge him amongst many people.

IF you will haue your horse to haue such a violent loue towardes you, that hee shall not onely follow you vp and downe, but also labour to find yo [...] out and owne yo [...] as soone as he hath found you; you shall then take a p [...]und of oat-meale, & put thereto a quarter of a pound of hony, and halfe a pound of Lunarce; and then make a cake thereof, and put it in your bosome next vnto your naked skinne: then runne or [Page 482] labour your selfe vp and downe vntill you sweate: then rub all your sweate vpon your cake: this done, keepe your horse fasting a day and a night, and then giue him the cake to eate, which as soone as hee hath eaten you shall turne him loose; and he will not onely most eagerly follow you, but also hunt and seeke you cut when he hath lost, or doth misse you; and though you be enuironed with neuer so many, yet he wil find you out, and know you; and you shall not faile but euery time that he commeth to you, you shall spet in his mouth, and annoynt his tongue with your spet­tle: and thus doing he will neuer forsake you.

CHAP. 173. The nature and speciall qualities of all the simples that are spoken of in this whole worke, set downe in the man­ner of Alphabet.

  • ABrotonum, which we cal in English southernwort is hot and dry in the third degree, and openeth the pipes of the body, and is good for short winde.
  • Absinthium, which we call wormewood, is hote in the first degree, and dry in the second; it cleanseth and bindeth, and is good for the stomacke.
  • Aceto, which we call vinegar, especially if it bee of wine, is cold and piercing, to wit, cold in the first, and dry in the third degree.
  • Agaricum is hote in the first, and dry in the second degree; it expelleth humors, purgeth all fleame and choler, and is good for the liuer and kidneyes.
  • Allium, which we call garlicke, is hot and dry in the fourth degree; it draweth, openeth, and expelleth all euill humors.
  • Agrecum, which we call cresses, is hot and drye in the [Page 483] fourth degree; it burneth, draweth, and resolueth, & is good for scurse, or wild scabs, or for the lungs.
  • Agripa is a knowne vnguent that is good against all tumors. Allome, called roche allome, it hot and dry in the third degree, and is good for cankers.
  • Alder, or Elder tree is hot and dry, it purgeth choler & fleame, and healeth wounds.
  • Aloes is hot in the first, and dry in the third degree; it cleanseth and dissolueth, and also comforteth.
  • Althea, which we call white mallowes, is hot and dry: it looseth & scattereth humors, warmeth & moi­steneth.
  • Almonds is hot and moist in the first degree: it pro­uoketh vrine, and is good for the lungs or liuer.
  • Ambrosia, which we call wood-sage, represseth, dri­ueth backe, and bindeth humors.
  • Ammoniacum is hot in the third, and dry in the se­cond degree, it softeneth and dis [...]olueth humors.
  • Anetum, which we call Dill, is hot in the third, and dry in the second degree: it ripeneth crude humors, & expelleth heate.
  • Aniseseeds is hot and dry in the third degree, expel­leth cold, & dissolueth humors, and prouoketh vrine.
  • Antimonium, or Stibium, is cold and dry, it bindeth, mundifieth and purgeth.
  • Appio, which we call smallage, or parsley, is hot in the first, and dry in the second degree: it ripeneth, cleanseth, openeth, and prouoketh vrine.
  • Aristolochia, which we call birthwort, or hartwort, is hote, and cleanseth: but if it be Ro [...]unda, then it is so much the stronger, being hot and dry in the fourth degree: it draweth, and purgeth thin water & fleame, and is good to open the lungs.
  • [Page 484] Armoni [...]cke d [...]hieth, cooleth, softneth, and draweth.
  • A [...]tem [...]si [...], which wee call great tansey or mugwort, is hote in t [...]e second, and dry in the third degree; it is good fo [...] the wormes, and swellings in the sinewes.
  • A [...]siuck of both kinds i [...] hote in the third, and dry in the second degree; it bindeth, eateth, and fretteth being [...] very strong corrosiue.
  • Assafetida is a gum that is hot in the third, and dry in t [...]e fi [...]st degree; it cleanseth euill humors.
  • A [...]phaltum is a pitch that is mixt with Bitumen; it is hote and dry, and comforteth any swelling.
  • Asso [...]teo, is hote in the first, and dry in the second deg [...]ee: it cleanseth and dryeth, and is good for the stomacke.
  • Assungia, which we call soft or fresh grease, is hote and moist in the first degree: it mollifieth, ripeneth, and healeth any wound, impostume, or vlcer.
  • Auena, which we call oates, are naturally dry; they doe dry, binde, cleanse, and comfort all the inward parts, and are the onely principall simple which doth naturally agree with the compositiō of a horses body; and therefore the oyle or quintes [...]ence of them is the onely absolute and perfect medicine that can be ad­ministred for any inward sicknesse, as experience will approue and make perfect.
  • A [...]elanne, which wee call the ashes of nut-shells burnt, are hote and dry, and do skinne or stop the flux of matter.
  • Bay-berries are vehemently hote and dry, and are g [...]od [...]or al [...] manner of rhcumes, or shortnesse of wind, especially for any disea [...]e in the lungs.
  • Balsamum is hote and dry in the second degree; it [Page 485] clean [...]eth, draweth, and comfo [...]t [...]th.
  • Bdel [...]um is a gum that is hot [...] and dry; it so [...]tnet [...] and draweth away mois [...]ure, and is exc [...]ll [...]nt ag [...]inst all hard swellings whatsoeuer.
  • Ber [...]o [...]icum or Bettonicum, which we call dogs [...]ene or k [...]gw [...]t is hote and dry in the first degree; it purgeth and cleanseth all euill humo [...]s.
  • Bi [...]cca is cold & dry in the second d [...]gree; it closeth things opened, it [...]o [...]tens hardnes, filleth places emp­tied, and doth extenuate all ex [...]essions.
  • Bictole, which we call Beets, is cold and moist, and cleanseth vlcers.
  • Bitumen is a kind of brimstone, or fatnesse from the sea, and it is hote and dry in the second degree, and is comfortable against any swelling.
  • Bottiro is hote in the first, and moist in the second degree, and it [...]ipeneth impostumes.
  • Bolearmonia is a certaine earth which is cold & dry; which bindeth, and driueth backe euill humors, and is also an excellent defensiue against fluxes of blood.
  • Branck vrsin is a wonderfull great mollifier.
  • Brasica which we call coleworts, is very dry, it doth conglutinate wounds, it healeth vlcers and tumors; it holdeth the seed, and killeth euill humors.
  • Brotano which is the same that Abrotonum is, looke there.
  • Brusco which we cal butchers broome, or knee holm, is ho [...]e in the [...]cond d [...]gree, and dry in the fi [...]st; it prouoketh vrine.
  • Bry [...]nie of it are two kinds, the white and black, but th [...] white is more [...]ff [...]ctuall; th [...] [...]oote of it is hote and dry in the second deg [...]ee; it cleans [...]th & [...], [Page 486] and is good for all cold diseases, it also dryeth, draw­eth, and mollifieth all manner of hardnesse.
  • Cal [...]fonia or Colophonia doth incarnate vlcers, & doth conglutinate things which are separated.
  • Calamamento which wee call wilde penyriall or wilde mint, of which that which growes on the mountaines is the best, is hote and dry in the third degree, doth resolue tumors, and draweth away hu­mors.
  • Calcina vina which we call vnsleckt lime, is hote & dry in the fourth degree; it adusteth, dryeth, and cor­rodeth.
  • Camamila which wee call camomile, is hote and dry in the first degree; it mollifieth & dissolueth al grieues, and is good especially for the liuer.
  • Camedros which we call geomander, is hote & dry in the third degree, and is good against al moist colds.
  • Camphora is a kind of gum which is cold, and dry in the third degree; it preserueth the body from pu­trifaction, and bindeth humors.
  • Canabis which wee call hempe, is hote, the seede whereof driueth away extraordinary colds; it ripe­neth and dissolueth humors: and mollifieth and dry­eth inflammations.
  • Cinamon is hote and dry in the third degree; and is comfortable in all inward sicknesses.
  • Canna which we call reeds, especially the hegde reede, draweth out pricks, if you lay the rootes too with the knobbes.
  • Cantharides are certaine flies, which are hot and dry in the third degree; they wil raise blisters in the sound parts.
  • [Page 487] Capilli Venere which wee call maidens haire, is dry, and bindeth loose humors.
  • Cardimonium is hote; it extenuateth humors, and being mixt with vinegar killeth scabbes.
  • Cloues are hote and dry in the third degree, and are very comfortable to the inward parts.
  • Carrowaies are hot and dry in the third degree; it hel­peth wind, and cleanseth euill humors.
  • Cassia is hote and moist, in the first degree; it expel­leth wind, dissolueth humors, and purgeth the sto­macke of choler and fleame.
  • Castoreum is hot and dry, and purgeth much.
  • Cabbage is hote in the first, and dry in the second de­gree; it cleanseth and ripeneth humors.
  • Cenere which wee call ashes, are hote and dry in the fourth degree, and cleanse mightily.
  • Centauria which wee call wilde running Bettonie, smelling like Marioram, is hote and dry in the third degree; it bindeth wounds, and conglutinateth, and is good for diseased liuers, for the wormes, old soares and wounds, and is commonly called centuarie.
  • Cepe which we call onions, is hote in the fourth de­gree: it doth cleanse corruptions, & ripens swellings.
  • Ceruill is hote and dry, and bindeth much.
  • Cerusi is a white oyntment made of oyle & white lead, it is cold and dry in the second degree: and for the effects it hath all those which Braccha hath.
  • Cereocollo: see Serococollo▪ Chelidonium which wee call Seladine, is hote and dry in the third degree; it cleanseth al putrifactiue humors, & is excellent against inward sicknesses, especially yellowes or iaundies.
  • Cicuta which wee call hemlocke, is cold in the fourth degree: it numbeth and astonieth.
  • C [...]coria, which we call succory, is cold & dry in the [Page 488] first degree, and bindeth much.
  • Com [...]n is hot in the third degree, and dry in the se­cond: it mollifieth and ripeneth.
  • Cipolle, which is leekes, or as wee call them, chiues: see Cepa.
  • Cinaber, or Sanguis draconis, or as we call it, Vermili­on, is a certaine mettall drawne from quicke sulphure, and quick-siluer; it dryeth, healeth, incarnateth, bin­deth, and comforteth vlcers.
  • Cito, or Cisto, is dry in the second degree, and bin­deth much.
  • Citrons, or Cithrons, are cold & moyst in the second degree, they do cleanse and pierce.
  • Coloquintida, is hot and dry in the third degree, and mundifieth onely.
  • Colofonia, which wee call earth-pitch, or Greeke pitch, is hot & dry in the third degree: it conglutina­teth and gathereth together. see Pece Graeca.
  • Cocumeri, see Cucumeri.
  • Cowsolida which we call Camphrey, is cold: it con­glutinateth and bindeth, & is good against ruptures.
  • Costro, or Cosso, being bitter, is hot, & healeth vlcers.
  • Costus is hot in the third, and dry in the second de­gree: and it raiseth vp wormes, and is that which we call hearbe Mary, or the roote of Angelica.
  • Corno di Ceruo, which we cal harts horne, is dry, yet it strengtheneth very much.
  • Crocum, which we call s [...]ffron, is hot in the second, & dry in the first degree: it bindeth, comforetth, and resolueth impostumes.
  • Cucumeri seluaggi is hot and dry in the third degree: it dissolueth, softeneth, and purgeth fleame.
  • Cucumerielaterium is cold & moist in the second de­gre; it cleanseth much, & is made of the iuice of wild [Page 489] cow cumbers.
  • Dates are hot and moyst in the second degree; they do resolue and disperse things knit together.
  • Diacatholicon, purgeth all offensiue humors which offend the body, whatsoeuer.
  • Diasinicon, or Diaphenicon, purgeth winde excee­dingly, and compacteth all grieues of the belly which are begot by crude humors, springing from cholickes or such like paines.
  • Dialtea, or Dialthea, is an oyntment made of holy-hoxe, or sea-mallowes: it warmeth and moysteneth.
  • Dragonwort is hot and dry, and bindeth much.
  • Ebuli which we call Elder, is hot & dry in the third degree: it drieth and driueth out water, and expel­leth choler and thin fleame, see Sambucus.
  • Edera terrestris, which we cal ground luy, see Hedera.
  • Elaterium, see Cucumeri.
  • Elleboro, which we call neesing powder, of it are two kinds, the white and blacke: it is hote and dry in the third degree.
  • Eruca which we call rocket, and of which the wild is the best: the seeds thereof are hot and dry, and ex­pelleth vrine, wormes, and water.
  • Esula, which is an hearbe like spurge, is hote in the fourth degree, and dryeth and cleanseth exceedingly, and of some is called wolfes milke.
  • Eusorbium is a gum that is hot in the fourth degree: it drieth, purgeth, cleanseth, and exulcerateth much.
  • Exerusion which is that which we call Oxicration, is a certaine composition or mixture made of Aceto, and water, and is good to allay swellings and tumors.
  • Faha, which we call a beane, is cold and dry, and it cleanseth, and dissolueth.
  • Farina, which we call bran, is hot and dry in the first degree, and dissolueth very much.
  • Fearne is dry and binding, but the roote is hote and cleansing, and killeth wormes.
  • Felle which we call gall, is hot and dry, & it clean­seth and mundifieth.
  • Ferugo, which we call the rust of iron, is hot and dry in the second degree, it comforteth and restraineth euill humors.
  • Fici aridi, which we call dry [...]igges, are hot and dry in the second degree: they ripen tumors, soften and consume hardnesse, and are good for pursicknesse, coughes, and diseases of the lungs.
  • Filomontano, which we call a dodder, being a thing that cleaueth to hearbes, winding about them like threeds; it openeth the liuer and milt, and purgeth all fleame and choler.
  • Filonio is a composition, which will astonish or be­numbe any part or member.
  • Fennel is hot in the third, and dry in the first degree: it doth dissolue all manner of grosse humours, and is good for the liuer or lungs.
  • Foligine, which we call foot, is hot & dry, and it dry­eth maruellously, and so doth all soots whatsoeuer.
  • Gallanga which we cal Galingale is hote & dry in the third degree: it easeth the stomacke of all grieues which proceed from cold causes: it strengtheneth the braine, and comforteth the senses.
  • Galbanum is hote in the third degree, and dry in the [Page 491] second: it softeneth, stoppeth, and draweth away euil humors, and is good against colds.
  • Galla, which we call gals, or a light fruit of okes, are hot and piercing.
  • Garifilata, which we call hearbe bennet, is hote and dry in the second degree.
  • Garofoli, which we call cloues, is hot and dry in the 3. degree, & are very comfortable for inward sicknesse.
  • Genger is hot, and is excellent to preserue heate in the inward parts.
  • Ginista, or Ginestra, which we call broome, is hote and dry in the third degree: it killeth worms, and scou­reth much.
  • Gentian, especially the root, is hot in the third, & dry in the second degree: it doth extenuate, purge, and cleanse all euill humors, and is good for the liuer and stomacke, and for wounds and soares.
  • Giglio which we call lillies, softeneth sinewes, and are good for wounds and soares.
  • Giniper is hot and dry in the third degree.
  • Gramen, which is any manner of graine or pulse, is cold and dry, except wheate, and that is temperatly hot and moyst: they do incarnate and mundifie.
  • Grasso, which is any manner of fat, is hot and moist, and doth ripen and soften.
  • Harundini [...] cortex, which we call cane reed, is hot & dry in the third degree.
  • Hedera, which we cal Iuy, is a great drawer, & opener.
  • Helxine, which we call pellitory of the wall, cleanseth and bindeth, and is good for any old cough, or for any inflammations.
  • Hyssopo, which we call hyssope, there is both wilde [Page 492] and that of the garden, but the garden is the best; it is hote and dry in the third degree; it cleanseth and warmeth, and is good for inflammations of the lungs, old coughs, poses, rheumes, and short winde.
  • Hordeo which we call barly, is cold and dry in the first degree, and it mundifieth and cooleth.
  • Incenso which we call Frankinsence; it dryeth, and incarnateth: see Olibanum.
  • Ipericon which we call Saint Iohns wort, expelleth moisture, and healeth burnings,
  • Ireos Florentina which we call Flower de luce, espe­cially the roote, it warmeth, ripeneth, and cleanseth, and is good for the cough, and is hote and dry in the third degree.
  • Iride Illyrica: see Helpine.
  • Iris is a roote that is hote and dry: it cleanseth and ripeneth, and is good against colds, & purgeth vlcers.
  • Iasquiani which wee call henbane, is cold in the fourth degree: it astonieth, and benumbeth.
  • Ligustum which wee call louage, is hote and dry in the third degree; it expelleth winde, especially the seed and roote.
  • Lapathum which wee cal a docke, is cold and moist, and it mollifieth.
  • Lauri which we call laurell, or bayes, are hote and dry, and they cleanse and mundifie.
  • Lentisco is a gumme that is like maslicke; it is dry in the second degree, and moderately bindeth, it is bitter in tast, and euer greene.
  • Linosa which we call slaxe or line, the seed thereof is hote and dry, & it ripeneth and mollifieth tumors.
  • [Page 493] Lee is hote and dry in the fourth degree; it is very adustiue, cleansing, and piercing.
  • Lithargirio of which there are two kinds, the one of the colour of gold, the other of siluer; it is very dry, it bindeth, softeneth, incarnateth, cooleth, and closeth vp; and of these two, that which is like gold is the best.
  • Lolium which wee call cockle, is hote and dry in the third degree, and dissolueth much.
  • L [...]mache which we call house-snailes without shels, doe conglutinate very much.
  • Mal [...]a is cold and moist, it stoppeth, softneth, and mitigateth paine.
  • Maluaniscus is very dry, it softeneth, looseneth, and incarnat [...]th.
  • Mace is dry in the third degree, without heate, and onely bindeth.
  • Manna is of equall temper hote and dry; it ope­neth, it mollifieth, and incarnateth.
  • Mariaton or Martiaton, is a hote vnguent against all cold humors; it helpeth the griefe of sinewes, purgeth cold watry matters, and ripens tumors.
  • Marrobio which we call horehound, of which there are two kinds, the white and blacke, but the white is the better; it is hote in the second, and dry in the third degree; it helpeth obstructions in the liuer, openeth and purgeth, and is good against colds, or for soares.
  • Masticke is hote in the first, and dry in the second de­gree; It draweth, and dryeth, bindeth, and sofineth, and is good against old cold.
  • Medulla which we call marrow, of what kind soeuer, is cold & moist, & mollifieth vlcers; now the best mar­row [Page 494] is that of the hart or old stagge, the next that of a calle, the next that of a sheepe, and the last that of a goate.
  • Mel which wee call hony, is hote and dry in the second degree; it cleanseth the stomacke and entrails, stoppeth humors, and incarnateth wounds.
  • Melissa which we call balme, is hote in the second, & dry in the first degree; it cleanseth, & conglutinateth.
  • Mentha which we call Mints, is hot in the third, and dry in the second degree; of which the wilde minte is best, it killeth wormes, it bindeth, it dissolueth, and is good for the stomacke, or a cold liuer.
  • Minio which we cal redde lead, is cold and dry, and good against swellings.
  • Mirre or Mirrha is a soueraigne gum; it is hote & dry in the second degree; it conglutinateth, bindeth, and cleanseth wounds, is good against al colds, killeth wormes, and helpeth the pursicke: for though it doth cleanse much, yet it doth not exasperate the arteries; also it doth incarnate.
  • Morcosita or Marcasita is hot and dry; it comforteth, bindeth, and melteth humors.
  • Mertilla is the fruite of the mirtil tree, it is dry in the third degre; it doth bind good, & loosen euil humors.
  • Morcas which we call the mulbery, the vnripe is cold and dry, in the second degree; the barke, but chiefly the roote, is hote and dry in the third degree: it doth cleanse, purge, and bind; the roote thereof killeth wormes, and the gumme thereof doth loosen, and the iuice of the berry doth heale cankers or soare mouths.
  • Narcissi radix which we call the roote of white Daffa­dill, [Page 495] [...], or else prim-rose pearlesse, is dry, it cleanseth, and draweth, and healeth wounds
  • Nardiradix which wee call setwal, is hot in the first, and dry in the second degree; it bindeth, and Spico Nardo prouoketh vrine.
  • Nasturtio is hote and dry in the fourth degree; it burneth, it draweth and melteth, and killeth wormes: see Agrecum which wee call cresles.
  • Nigilla which we call git, is hote and dry in the third degree; it stayeth wind, killeth wormes, and looseneth; yet to giue too great a quantity is dangerous.
  • Nitro is of the same nature, that salte-peter is, and it mundifieth exceedingly.
  • Olibanum is a gumme, it is hote and dry in the se­cond degree; it warmeth, bindeth, closeth woundes, and incarnateth.
  • Oyle of Oliues is of a very temperate nature, and changeth his qualities according to the nature of the simples which are mixt with him.
  • Opium, is cold and dry in the fourth degree; and is a liquor made of poppy dried and mixt with saffron; it doth astonish and prouoke sleede.
  • Opoponax is a gumme, that is hote in the third, and dry in the second degree; it softeneth and stayeth hu­mors; is good against all colds: see Papauer, Galbanum, Bdelium, and Sagapenum.
  • Orpimento is a kind of mettall, of which the artificial is called Arsnick, is hote in the third degree, and dry in the second; it bindeth, corrodeth, burneth and fret­teth, and is a corrosiue.
  • Origono which wee call wilde marioram, or pe­nyrial, is hote and dry in the third degree; it taketh [Page 496] away stoppings, and is good for coughes.
  • Orobus, which we call fitches, are hote in the first, dry in the second degree: they do open & cleanse.
  • Orzo, which we call barley, is cold and drye in the first degree; it ripeneth and cleanseth.
  • Ortica, which we call nettles, are hote and dry: they are biting, & wholesome for the lungs, or for soares.
  • Oria which we call egges, the white is cold, and the yolke is hot, and doth incarnate.
  • Panacea, is that hearbe whose fruite wee call Opopo­nax.
  • Panico is a graine which wee call panicke, it is cold and dry, and bindeth.
  • Papauer, which we call poppy, the seeds thereof are white, and hote in the fourth degree: see Opium.
  • Pastinache, which we call parsnips, are hot, and doe prouoke vrine.
  • Pece which we call pitch, is hot & dry in the second degree, it draweth, drieth, and ripeneth.
  • Pece liquida, which we call tarre, is hote and dry in the second degree, is good against colds, or euill hu­mors gathered together in the breast, and draweth wounds.
  • Pece Rasina, which we cal rosen, or pitch of Greece, it draweth, healeth, and incarnateth.
  • Pece Rasina, & liquida, which we call turpentine, it doth draw, skinne, incarnate, and conglutinate things together.
  • Pepper is hote and dry in the fourth degree, it is both attractiue and mundificatiue, and good for all diseases of the breast or lungs.
  • Peaches are cold and moyst in the second degree: [Page 497] they binde, and stirre vp wormes.
  • Petasites, which we call butter burre, is drye in the third degree.
  • Petrolium is a certaine oyle made of salt-peter and Bitumen, it is hot and dry in the second degree: it hea­leth wounds, and comforteth weake members.
  • Petrosellium, which we cal parsley, or stone parsley, is, & especially his seed, hot and dry in the third degree: it staies winde, openeth, and prouoketh vrine.
  • Phylonium, of which there are two kinds, Phylonium Romanum, & Phylonium Persicum, are excellent compo­sitions, and most comfortable after the losse of bloud.
  • Poligono, which we call knot-grasse, is cold in the se­cond degree, and keepeth backe humors.
  • Plantago, which we call plantaine, is cold and dry in the third degree: it comforteth, dryeth, bindeth, and incarnateth wounds.
  • Porrl, which we call leekes, scallions, or onyons, are hot & dry, and do extenuate obstructions, and raise vp and loosen all euill humors in the body.
  • Puere or porrum, is hot in the second degree, and is good for all cold waterish stomackes.
  • Pulegum, which we call penyryall, is hot and dry in the third degree: it doth vehemently dry vp moisture, warmeth, ripeneth, and is good for the lungs: see O­rigono.
  • Punicum Malum, which we cal pomegranate, is cold & dry: it bindeth, prouoketh vrine, & is good for the stomacke.
  • Rasano, or Raphanus which we call radish, is hot in the third, and dry in the second degree: they com­fort, and are good for old colds; but especially they prouoke vrine.
  • [Page 498] Resina, which we call rosen, is hot and dry in the se­cond degree; it stoppeth, softeneth, cleanseth, draw­eth, and purgeth wounds, and is good against cold causes.
  • Resalgar. See Risigallo.
  • Regoritio, or Rigolitio, which we call licoras, is tem­perat [...] in heate, & moisteneth, & ripeneth, and is good for heate in the stomacke or liuer, and profitable a­gainst wounds.
  • Risigallo, is a composition of Sulpure, orpiment, and vnsleckt lime; and is a most strong corrosiue.
  • Rosaeflos which we call rose leaues, or rose cakes, are dry and binding.
  • Rubea, which we call madder, is dry, it comforteth, and incarnateth, the root thereof prouoketh vrine, & is good for the yellowes.
  • Ruberb or Rubarb, is hote and dry in the second degree: it purgeth choler and fleame, and putteth a­way stoppings.
  • Ruta, which we call rue, or hearbe of grace, is hote and dry in the third degree: but the wild rue in the fourth degree, and therefore exulcerateth: the gar­den rue disgesteth, and mightily comforteth all in­flammations, it ripeneth, and dryeth, and expelleth winde.
  • Sauina, which we call Sauine, is hot and dry in the third degree: it openeth, dissolueth, and dryeth migh­tily, and is most soueraigne against wormes.
  • Sacaro is hot and moyst and comfortable.
  • Sagapenum. See Serapino.
  • Sagina, or Saggina, or Sorgo, of some called panicum Indicum, is onely hote and dry.
  • [Page 499] Sale which we call salt, is hot and dry in the second dregree; and it cleanseth.
  • Salamora, which we call brine, or water and salt, is of the same nature that salt is.
  • Sal [...]armoniacke is hot and dry in the fourth degree, & it cleanseth.
  • Salee, which we call sallowes, or willow, it bindeth and drieth vehemently.
  • Salgemma is a kinde of salt which is hote and dry, it cleanseth and mundifieth.
  • Saluitro, some vse for this salt-peter; it is hot & dry, & euaporateth: it comforteth sinewes, and taketh away tiring or wearinesse.
  • Saluia, which we call sage, is hot and dry in the se­cond degree: it cleanseth and bindeth, is good for wounds or exulceration of the lungs.
  • Sambucus, which we call Elder tree, or wal-wort, that is like Elder tree, is hot in the second degree, and dry in the first: it dryeth, disgesteth, and conglutinateth.
  • Sandolo, which we call saunders, are cold and drye in the second degree, and driue backe humors.
  • Sandolo Rosso, or Sandolo Bianca, which wee call red sand, or whitesand, are hote and dry, and bring on skin.
  • Sanguis draconis, see Cinaber; yet some take it for the red docke, or red patience, but it is not so.
  • Sapone, which we call sope, is hot; it draweth, molli­fieth, drieth and purgeth.
  • Sassifragia, which we call saxifrage, is hote and dry, and binding.
  • Scabioso, which we call scallions, is hot and dry in the second degree: they do regenerate, and are good for scabs, for the lungs, or for soarenesse in the breast.
  • [Page 500] Seamonium which is the iuice of a roote, is hote in the third degree; it disgesteth and purgeth choler, but must neuer be giuen inwardly, vnlesse it be corrected.
  • Scariola which we call endiue, is cold, and dry, and binding.
  • Scarcocolla is a gumme of the kind of Euforbium: it is hote and dry in the second degree, it cleanseth, incar­nateth, and comforteth wounds.
  • Sea onion is hote in the second, and dry in the first degree; it ripeneth and expelleth humors: it hin­dereth putrifaction, and preserueth health.
  • Semola which we call young coleworts, are hot and dry in the first degree.
  • Semperuine which we call housleeke, and some call stonecrop, is cold in the third, and dry in the second degree; it is good for burnings, or frettings, or for inflammations of vlcers, it driueth backe humors, coo­leth, and bindeth.
  • Seua dolce is hote in the second and dry in the first degree: it cleanseth, and openeth.
  • Serapino is a gum of Ferula, it is hote in the third and dry in the second degree; it mollifieth, looseneth, and is good for colds.
  • Serpillo which we call wilde running Bettonie, or Time smelling like marioram, is hot & dry in the third degree.
  • Sinapi which wee call mustard, is hote and dry in the fourth degree; it draweth and resolueth, and is good for scurfes or wild scabbes.
  • Solatro which wee call night shade is cold in the third degree.
  • Sulphure viue which we call brimstone, is hote and dry in the third degree; it draweth, disperseth humors,

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