The Actes of Christe and of Antichriste, concer­nyng bothe their life and doctrine: diligent­ly gathered and now taken out of his workes, by Thomas Becon.

2. Corin. 6. ¶What fellowship hath righteousnesse with vnrighteousnesse? Or what cō ­panie hath light with darkenesse? Or what concorde hath Christ with Be­liall? Or what parte hath he that be­leueth with an Infidell.

The Actes of Christ and Antichriste, concernyng bothe their life and doctrine.
Of their life.

FIrste. Psalme. 110. Christe as tou­chyng his deitie, Math. iiii. is the true and naturall Sonne of the liuyng and immortall God: Luke. i. and as cōcernyng his humainitie, Roma. i. he is the true and naturall Soonne of Marie the Uirgine.

Antichrist bothe bodie and soule is the childe of wrathe, Ioan. iii. and the Sonne of perdi­tion, yea, Ephes. ii. and that synfull man. whiche is an aduersarie to God and all godlinesse, ii. Thessal. ii. to Christ and to all christianitie.

2 Christe beyng borne, brought into the worlde greate ioye, high peace, and euer­lastyng saluation as the Aungell saied to the Shepheardes: Luke. ii. Beholde, I bryng you tidynges of greate ioy, whiche shall come to all people: For vnto you is borne this [Page] daie in the Citee of Dauid, a Sauiour, whiche is Christe the Lorde.

Again, Glory be to God on hie, and peace on the yearth: and vnto God a good will.

Antichrist beyng borne, bringeth with him not ioy, but greef of minde, not peace but trouble of bodie, not Saluation, but plaine distructiō bothe of bodie and soule to so many as embrace hym.

3 Christ, Luke. ii. when he should be borne, could haue no roume in the Iune, and therefore was borne in a Stable: and beyng wrap­ped in poore and homely swadlyng clou­tes, he was laied in a maunger.

Antichrist, before he bee borne, hath a gorgious & richely apparelled house pre­pared for him, with all suche furniture, as becōmeth suche a wicked worldlyng.

4 Christ, Ihon. 1. when he was borne, was not ioyfully receiued of the worlde, Math. ii. no, not of thē to whom he was promised & sent, but rather hated & persecuted moste cruelly.

Antichrist beeyng borne, is moste ten­derly embraced, loued, kissed, and coulled: and in all pointes warely kepte, and cir­cumspectly attēded, that no greef or mis­fortune chaunce vnto hym, so deare is he [Page] to the children of this worlde.

5 Christ, Math. ii. when accordyng to his age, he ought to haue been bothe tenderly and quietly norished, was compelled through the crueltie of Tyrauntes, to bee caried from countrey to countrey, and yet hard­ly founde he reste at any tyme, so in all pointes did the Crosse followe hym, euen from the verie cradle, as thei vse to saie.

Antichrist is bothe delicately and ten­derly fostered, and brought vp without al noise and disquietnesse. All Epicures and worldlynges delight in hym. Thei seeke to pleasure hym. He is free at all tymes from all Crosse.

6 Christ, Luke. ii. when he was borne, had little resorte vnto hym, Math. ii. for to releeue his poore and miserable state, beside the Shephear­des, and the wise men of the Easte, with a verie fewe other.

Antichrist hath the whole worlde floc­kyng to hym, which cease not to giue, and offer vnto hym greate & precions giftes, although otherwise ouerflowyng with the aboundance of all thynges.

7 Christ beyng but twelue yeres of age was studious of Goddes worde, Luke. ii. and so de­sirous [Page] of the knowledge thereof, that for­gettyng his carnall freendes, and their companie, he remained in the Temple of Salomon at Ierusalem, sittyng in the middes of the Doctours, hearyng them and posyng them.

Antichriste hateth the knowledge of Goddes worde, and so many as fauour it, forasmuche as it is contrarie to his filthy will, and beastly pleasure, and deliteth on­ly in that doctrine, whiche serueth his vo­luptuous appetite.

8 Christe was obediente to Marie his mother, Luke. ii. and to Ioseph her houseband, she­wyng hereby a good example of submis­sion, and obedience to all children.

Antichrist will obeye no man, but rule ouer all men, giuyng hereby an example of pride, and disobedience to all men.

9 Christe (as some affirme) from the tyme of twelue yeres of age, till he was thirtie yere old, accompanied Ioseph his Mothers housebande, whiche was a Car­penter by his occupation, No manne ought to be idle in a chri­sten common weale. and laboured diligently in that arte, by this meanes gettyng his liuyng with the trauaile of his hādes, and with the sweate of his bro­wes, [Page] accordyng to the commaundemente of his heauenly Father, i. Thess. iiii. giuyng a good example in this behalf, ii. Thess. iii, to all that professe his name, Genes. iii. that none in a Christian Com­mon weale ought to liue idlely, Psalm. 128. but euery manne woorke some good thyng that he maie haue not onely whereof to liue hym self, Marke. vi. but also to giue vnto the needie. And hereof commeth it, that Christe is called a Carpenter in the Scripture.

Antichrist is altogether otherwise af­fected. For he vseth no exercise, that god­ly and profitable is, but liueth altogether idlely, of the labour of other mennes han­des, and of the sweate of other mennes browes, contrary to the commaundemēt of God, beyng in deede a verie vnprofita­ble clod of the yearth. And as he hym self is estraunged from all Godlie and vertu­ous exercises: The idlenes of the popish spiritualtie, So likewise doeth he en­fraunchise, and make free from all worke and laboure, all his spirituall smered sha­uelynges, appointyng thē, not to preache the woorde of God, nor to administer the Sacramente of Christe purely and since­rely, accordyng to Christes Institution, but to saie Mattens, Masse, and Euen­song, [Page] and to sette forthe his ordinaunces and decrees, &c. that thei maie seem at the least to doe somewhat, although that som­what in deede be nothyng.

10 Christ as he prospered in age, Luke. ii. so like­wise did he in wisedome and fauour, with God and men.

Antichriste the older he waxeth, the worse he is, hated both of God and of all Godly men.

11 Christ disdained not to bee Baptised of Iohn Baptiste, Math. iii. a poore man and a prie­stes sonne. Marke. i.

Antichrist will haue nothing ministred vnto hym, Antichrist cā not abide the Mariage of Priestes. but of great princes, mightie prelates, and such as be famous honoura­ble and of greate glory in the worlde. As for poore menne hee regardeth not, and as touchyng the lawfull children of prie­stes, he can by no meanes abyde them as a matter condempned in his deuilishe de­crees and Luciferlike lawes.

12 Christe although sente doune for that purpose, Math. iii. tooke not on hym the office of preaching, Marke. i. till he was openly called of his heauenly father hauing his vocation con­firmed by a visible signe of the holy ghost, Luke. iiii. Ihon. i. [Page] which came doune from heauen vpō hym in the likenesse of a Doue.

Antichrist thrusteth hymselfe in the mi­nistery without any certaine callyng, yea and that not to doe good, whiche is con­trary to his nature, but to doe euill, euen to corrupt the congregation of God with his pestilente doctrine, and corrupte ma­ners, and vnfruitfully to eate the Milke of the sheepe, and to bee apparelled with their wolle, by this meanes defraudyng both the true Ministers and also the pore members of Christ of their liuyng: being of the number of them, of whom God by the Prophet speaketh on this maner: Ieremi. xxiii. I spake not vnto theym, and they prophe­cied I sent them not, and they ran.

13 Christe, although called of God vnto the office of preachyng, and annointed with the Oyle of gladnesse, that is to say, the holy ghost, aboue his fellowes, fel not streight waies vnto preaching, but seque­styng himselfe from the company of all men, gaue himselfe by the space of fortie daies and forty nightes to fastyng and praier, that he might be the more able to fulfill that worke, wherunto God had cal­led [Page] hym, Psalm. xlv. vnto the glory of gods most glo­rious name, and vnto the profit of his ho­ly congregation.

Antichrist after he hath thruste hymself into the ministerie, Math. iiii. rashly and without a­ny aduisement, Mark. i. vnworthely and without any due preparation vnto so worthy my­steries, Luke. iiii. as a filthy Sowe and vomityng dogge, taketh in hand the diuine offices, geuyng hymself neither to praier, nor yet to fastyng, but rather to carnall pleasure and beastly belly chere, nothyng caryng for the glory of God, nor for the profit of his people, so that he may liue wealthily and accordyng to the lustes of the fleshe.

41 Christe in the tyme of his fastyng and praier, Math. iiii. was greuously tempted of Sa­than, and of the infernall army, Luke. iiii. whom all, hee mightely and valeauntlie ouercame with the moste mightie and valeaunt ar­moures of Gods worde.

Antichrist as he neuer fasteth and pra­yeth a right: so is he neuer tempted of sa­than for the probation and triall of hys faith and constancie, as one that is alrea­dy in Sathans nettes, and in his posses­sion as a moste miserable slaue and vile [Page] paysaunt. And if at any tyme he will de­fende himselfe against Sathan, and suche like wicked spirits, he fleeth not vnto the worde of God, but vnto holy water, holy Bread, holy palmes, holy candels, holy fyre, &c.

15 Christe when he beganne to preache, Math. iiii. preached repentaunce and faith. Marke. i.

Antichrist preacheth penance and faith in his Pardons and bulles for the remis­sion of sinnes.

16 Christ by his preachyng brought the people out of darkenes into light. Math. iiii. Esay. xix. Luke. ii.

Antichrist through his sermons brin­geth his hearers out of the light of gods woorde, into the damnable darkenes of mens trifelyng tradicions.

17 Christe confirmed his doctrine with true and most certaine miracles. Math. xi. Luke. vii.

Antichrist ascertaineth his teachyng with false signes and fained wonders▪ Math. xxiiii. Luke. iiii. Ioan. iiii

18 Christe painefully trauailed into ma­ny & diuers countreyes to preache Gods worde, sekyng the saluation of all men.

Antichrist sitteth at home in his palace vpon his fine Cushins and Carpets both gorgiously and gloriously, not seekyng o­ther [Page] mennes saluation, but his owne ease and promotion.

19 Christe, Math. x. that the moe with the more expedition might be conuerted and tur­ned vnto the faith of GOD and vnto his holy Religion, Marke. vi. did chose vnto him twelue Disciples. Luke. vi.

Antichrist to enlarge his kingdome ta­keth vnto hym innumerable swarmes of Hipocrites, A swarme of Hipocrites. as Cardinals, Patriarches, Archebishops, Bishops, Priestes, Dea­cons, Subdeacons, Monkes, Friers, Chanons, Heremites, Anckers, Arche­deacons, Commissaries, Officials, Par­doners, Proctours, Doctours, Scribes, Lawyers, Sonmners, Apparitours, In­quisitours, Accusatours, Persecutours, Traitours, Condemners, false Prophe­tes, liyng preachers, relique sellers, soule cariers, purgatory rakers, Massemon­gers, sainct worshippers, workselles, pil­grimage goers, Idolatours, Transub­stantiatours, Breadhonorers, Traditio­naries, Papistes, &c.

20 Christ did choose such to be his Dis­ciples and Preachers of his heauenly fa­thers will, Math. viii. as were maried and had wiues [...] Cor. ix. Philip. iiii. Actes. xxi. [Page] and children.

Antichriste admitteth none vnto his priestishe orders, but suche ars are wiue­lesse, and professe for euer after to leade a single and vnmaried life.

21 Christe chosed Disciples to this end, Math. x. xviii. that they should be Preachers. Ihon. xx.

Antichrist chooseth his shauelynges to be Massemongers, Sacrificers, Purga­tory rakers, charmers, and Coniurers of vncleane spirites, of Deuils, of Salt, of water, of bread, of waxe, of palmes. &c.

22 Christ would haue his disciples kno­wen by the fruites of the holy Ghost. Marke. xvi. Ihon. xv.

Antichrist hath his Chaplens knowen by docking and douking, by smering and shauyng, by massyng and mattensyng, by tippetyng and gownyng, &c.

23 Christ commaunded hys Disciples to preache repentaunce and remission of sinnes in his name to all nations. Luke. [...]

Antichrist commaundeth his Shaue­linges to saye Mattens, Masse and euen­song: to sing for soules in purgatory: to heare confessions, to enioyne penaunce, Math. x. to giue absolutions, Marke. xvi. to halow the font, &c. Actes. iii. iiii.

24 Christ confirmed the doctrine of his [Page] disciples with workyng of miracles.

Antichrist stablisheth the teachyng of his Chaplens, with the terrible and gre­uous thunderbolt of excommunication, with imprisonmente, with persecution, with sworde, fagot, fyre, halter, &c.

25 Christe sendyng forth his disciples to preache, Math. x. commaunded theim to doe their office freely, that is to say, to preache and to heale the sicke for nothyng, saiyng vn­to them: Freely ye haue receaued: freely giue.

Antichrist and his birdes are like vnto Iudas. For they all doe so well loue the purse, All for mo­ney. that without money a man can get nothyng of them. They blesse, they curse, they sing, they say, they patter, they praie, they mumble, they rumble, they tumble, they iumble, they talke, they walke, they bleare, they bleat, they fast, they eate, they talke, they walke, and what not? And all for money according to the common pro­uerbe: no peny, no Pater noster.

26 Christ, Math. x. when he sent forth his Disci­ples to preache, Ioan. xvi. said vnto them: Beholde, I send you forth as shepe among wolues, For in the world ye shall haue trouble.

[Page] Antichrist sendeth forth his Trumpet blowers as wolues among shepe, readie to kill, flea and murder, if any withstand their Antichristian doctrine. Ioan. xv. The world, hateth them not, but loueth them derely, bicause they are of the world, and speake of the world.

27 Christ pronounced them blessed that are poore, Math. v. and he himselfe was so poore, that he had not where to rest his head, Luke. vi. be­yng in this behalfe much inferiour to the birdes of the ayre, Math. viii. whiche haue their ne­stes, and to the foxes of the earth, whiche haue their holes.

Antichrist whiche calleth hymself chri­stes vicare and Peters successour, agre­yng with theim in doctrine and maners, as Beliall with Christ, and Sathan with God, hateth and abhorreth suche as are poore and without money, as people no­thyng meete to bye his merchandise, An­tichrist himselfe is so riche, and hath such abundance, that he is able to compare in substaunce with worldlye Princes and earthly potestates. He shameth not to say: Rome is myne, Cecilia is myne, Corcia is myne. The whole empire is mine. And in [Page] his lousy lawes and deuelishe decrees, he commaundeth that if any man either of lowe or high degree presume to take any of the Churche goods, he should be with­standed, not onely with the spirituall, but also with the temporall sword. And if any chaunce to dye for the defence of mother holy Church goods, he affirmeth plainly, that they dye a blessed death, and shall ob­taine life euerlasting. O Antichrist. This Antichriste had rather haue the bloud of many thousandes both moste cruelly and vniustly shed, than he would loose one of his worldly pelfe, so swete vnto him is the sauour of lucre.

28 Christ, Ihon. vi. when they would haue chosen hym to be their king, fled awaie aloue frō them into the Mountaines, and gaue him self to praier and spirituall meditations, vtterly eschewing al worldly pompe, glo­rie, and dignity: whiche thyng he shewed openly in ridyng simply and plainly vpon a borowed Asse, accordyng to the prophe­cie of Zachary, Math xxi. whiche saieth: Marc. xi. Behold the king commeth vnto thee, Luke. xix. meeke, Ihon. xii. simple, Zachar. ix. lowly, ii. Cor. viii. or of pore degree. Ihon. xviii. He became pore, saieth the Apostle that wee through his [Page] pouerty should waxe riche. And he said to Pilate: My kingdome is not of thys worlde.

Antichrist aduaunceth and lyfteth vp hym self aboue all Kynges, Princes, Ru­lers and Emperours, chalengyng vnto hym aucthority and power, both to exalte and depose Kynges, Princes, and Empe­rours at his pleasure, which thyng, as we reade, he hath in tymes most cruelly and tyrantlike practised in diuerse and many noble Princes. He aduanceth hymselfe not only to excelle all power and auctho­ritie, but also to be lorde of both realmes, heauenly and earthly, and that the Em­perour is his Subiect, Dist. 96. Cap. Si Imperator. as it is mencio­ned in his owne decrees & lawes: againe, that if the Empire at any tyme be voide, he is right heyre to the same. And in to­ken that he is lorde and kyng ouer three realmes, one more then GOD hymselfe hath, that is to saye, Heauen, Earth, and Purgatory, he weareth a triple crowne vpon his pylde pate. This authority, The Popes triple crown, what it signi­fieth., this Antichrist receaued of the diuell, Math. iiii. for the seruice that he hath doone hym, whiche Christ vtterly refused, when he said vnto [Page] hym: All these thynges all the kingdomes of the vvorlde and the glory of them, will I giue thee: if thou wilt fall doune and worship mee. This Antichrist and his ad­herentes, that so vilely deuise the higher powers, [...]. Peter. ii. are spoken of in the Epistle of saint Peter, whiche saieth: They walke after the fleshe, in the luste of vncleanesse, and despise authorie. Presumpteous are they and stubborne, whiche feare not to speake euill of them, which excell in wor­ship. &c.

29 Christ came not to bee serued, Luke. xxii. but to scrue, Philip. ii. takyng vpon hym the similitude of a seruaunté, and makyng himselfe of no reputation to serue and aduaunce vs.

Antichrist wil be serued, Dist. 86. Cap. Quando. and suffer kin­ges to giue hym water, yea and saieth, it were a shame if he should otherwise hum­ble hym selfe, as it appeareth in his owne lawes and decrees.

30 Christ full lowly and mekely washed his Disciples feete, Ioan. xiii. and taught theym so likewise, saiyng: I haue giuen you an ex­ample, that as I haue doone to you, so ye should do one to an other.

Antichrist saieth: Cap. Cūolim Emperours and Kyn­ges [Page] shall knele vnto me, and kisse my feet, and is not ashamed to expresse it in his lawe.

31 Christ went on hys feete with his dis­ciples both in wette and drye, heate and colde, Ioan. iiii. to teache and instruct the people, Math. iiii. as it is euident throughout al the gospel.

Antichrist keepeth his feete full cleane with shoes of gold and siluer, The Pope is no prea­chyng Pre­late. set with pre­cious stones, & will not preache the word of God, but saieth, it is sufficient to cause other to preache, as it appeareth by hys lawe: Uerely after this manner mighte the Turke be Pope also.

32 Christ sat at meate among his Disci­ples full lowly and poorely: Math. xx. and hee did not require the highest seate. Luke. xxii.

Antichrist sitteth full high in a curious throne and will be serued gloriously with greate Princes and Potestates: and hee wil haue men with iagged cotes to carue his morselles, blasphemyng GOD with othes, and committing many other vices as ye maye daiely see.

33 Christ fasted, and sought for the fruite on the tree to eate, Luke. xxi. when he was hungrie, and found none thereupon.

[Page] Antichrist hath great prouision made in cities and townes to gette hym of the best that maie be found: and that must be well dressed and deintily to make good di­gestion, with Spices and Sauces, and si­rops coloured out of kinde.

34 Christ lay and slepte in a bote on the harde bourdes, Math. viii. and had to his chamber­laines but poore fishers. Marke. iiii. Luke. xiii.

Antichrist lyeth full softe and easly in beds of downe, where he slepeth swetely, and no man may wake him, vntill he haue slepte enough. His Chamberlaynes are men of honour, which are full ready with marshals and vshers to keepe his cham­bers from noyse, and the Porter at the gate to keepe out the poore.

35 Christ was in hilles weping and prai­yng, Luke. vi. and walked in deserte, Math. xiiii. feedyng many thousands both with meate & preaching. Ihon. vi.

Antichrist sitteth in his Castelles and Towers with minstrelsie, laughter, and all kinde of melodie. As for the hungrye and poore, they shall die and starue: for foode get they none of hym. He thinketh it great shame for hym, to followe Chri­stes example. As touchyng preachyng, he [Page] doth not so muche as once dreame of it.

36 Christ rode poorely and simply on an Asse, Math. xxi. and had xii. poore men that followed hym one foote. Marc. xi.

Antichrist rideth royally on a moyle, or on a white palfrey, and hath moe than .xii. followyng hym on horesebacke to attend and waite vppon hym, with Sweardes, bylles, and halberds, as it were men rea­dy to battayle.

37 Christ as de passed through cities and townes, Math. iiii. viii. x. xii. xv. hunted fiendes out of men, that they dwelled in, with the woordes of his mouth.

Antichrist hunteth the wilde deare, the foxe and the hare in his cloased Parkes, with greate cries and hornes blowyng, with Houndes and Rachettes runnyng, besides a great swarme of Sym Shake­bucklers.

38 Christ praiyng to almightie God his heauenly Father, Ihon. xvii. in his praier called him holy Father.

Antichrist is called, the moste holy Fa­ther of sathans children, and like Lucifer taketh that name on hym. Ephe. iiii. His Disciples say, i. Timoth. ii. that he is God on earth: where as we [Page] are taught by Christes law, i. Timoth. ii. that there is but one God.

39 Christ sat in the middes of the Doc­tors, Luke. ii. not thinkyng scorne to enquire and to heare them in the lawe of his heauenly father.

Antichrist sitteth in his glorious throne and ministreth his owne lawes and tra­ditions to all menne, and holdeth a small mater longe in pleatyng, whiche might sone be determined by the lawe of God, if hee would vse it. But then his winnyng should be the lesse, his lawe without pro­fite, and his consistory colde.

40 Christ sent the holy ghost in feruent loue and charitie, Ioan. 14. 15. 16. to teache them, whiche were the elect and chosen of God, al truth necessarie vnto saluation.

Antichrist sendeth out his commissions all about to curse and aske vegeaunce on them, that resiste his tyranny: and will for money absolue them cleane againe. A pae­na & culpa toties quoties. All his doctri­nes haue golden tayles. For money is e­uer the ende. The vetue of money. Geue hym money, and ye haue fulfilled all his lawes.

41 Christ fulfilled and kept both the old Math. iii. v. [Page] lawe and the newe, and al righteousnesse.

Antichrist will haue his owne traditi­ons and lawes kept. But as for the lawe of God, it is cleane out of his minde.

42 Christ saied, Ioan. x [...]. that men should knowe his Disciples by their charity, if they lo­ued one an other, as he had loued them.

Antichrist causeth his chaplens to bee knowen by their habites and vestures, by their long gounes and shauen crownes, How Anti­christes cha­plens are knowen. and punisheth them, if they vse not their habites. But for their couetousnesse, am­bition pride, whoredome, and suche other wickednesse, he neuer punisheth them.

43 Christ promiseth forgiuenesse of sinne and the kingdome of heauen vnto theym that will repent and amend their liues. Math. xli. Marke. i. Luke. xxiiii. Cap. Omnes.

Antichrist saith, that no man can be sa­ued, except he be first shriuen of his Prie­stes and Friers. For they bryng in mo­ney.

44 Christ would not suffer, Mathew. xxi. that doues, Marke. x [...]. sheepe, Luke. xix. and oxen for the offering, Ihon. ii. should be solde in the temple of God, but draue out the byers and sellers with whippes.

Antichrist suffereth hys Chapmen in the Church to sell the Sacraments, Omnia vena­lia Romae. that [Page] they should freely minister to the Chri­sten people. In his court also there is sel­lyng of Bishorikes, prebendes, free chap­pels, benefices, dignities, Abbotshippes, offices, &c. And all for money.

45 Christ lay in a stable with fewe cloa­tes, Luke. ii. betwixt an oxe and an asse. For there was no place in the Innes for his paren­tes, bicause they were poore.

Antichrist lieth in rich chambers with quiltes, curtaines, carpettes, and cushins spred all aboute, with sweete smelles, pleasaunt odours, painted walles, with hanginges of clothe of golde.

46 Christ would haue men to visite the poore prisoners, to comfort them, and to deliuer them.

Antichrist hath no pitie on the poore: yea he persecuteth the poore Christians, putteth them in prison for y truthes sake, and in fine, most cruelly murthereth them.

47 Christ did neuer imprison or perse­cute any man, Math. v. but he cōmaūded his disci­ples, that they should loue their enemies, Luke. vi. and doe well to theym, yea and praie for them that did pesecute them.

Antichrist that taketh on hym to stande [Page] in christes steade, and to follow his exam­ple, persecuteth, punisheth, prisoneth, and putteth to death theym that are disobe­dient to his voluptuous pleasures. See ye not, howe faste he followeth Christes steppes.

48 Christ healyng the sicke, Math. viii. and doyng miracles, Luke. viii. did for the more part euer com­maunde, that thei should tell no man, who had healed them.

Antichrist altogether desirous of vain glorie, worldely praise, and mortall re­nome, giueth greate giftes, and large be­nefices to Pardoners, to Proctours, to Lawiers, to Liers, to Minstrels, to Msa­sengers, to Friers, to Flatterers, and to suche like Parasites, to blase his name a­broade, his holinesse and godlinesse, that he maie haue honour and worship in this wicked worlde.

49 Christ had no Courtes, Math. v. to pleate the matters of his Disciples in: for he com­maunded them, that thei should not resiste euill.

Antichrist hath his Courtes, and ma­ny riche menne of Lawe to oppresse the poore, and to call vnto iudgement whom [Page] he lusteth. For whatsoeuer cause he will, he vexeth all maner people without mer­cie. For forgiue he will not.

50 Christ bad them that he healed, Ihon. v. viii. to go their waie, and to synne no more.

Antichrist giueth licence to the peo­ple, to continue in sinne, and giueth them licence also to keepe, and maintaine Ste­wes and baudy houses, and receiueth mo­ney therefore.

51 Christ refused to bee Iudge betwene the twoo brethren, Luke. xii. in diuidyng their in­heritaunce, as a matter not incidente to his office, whiche was to preache the will of his heauēlie Father, but appertaining vnto worldly Iudges, and temporall ma­gistrates.

Antichriste taketh vppon hym to bee Iudge in all maner of matters, Spiritu­all or Temporall, Ghostly or Worldly. There is no cause, whiche he will not take vppon hym to determine, namely, if thei bryng money. He will all menne, in matters from all menne, Non. q. 3. Conquestus. to appeale vnto hym, and vnto his Courte for sentence, Math. xxvi. without any resistance or against saiyng. Ihon. xviii.

52 Christe would not bee defended in a [Page] righteous matter, with martiall armou­res, but he commaunded Peter to put vp his swearde into his sheath. For he that striketh with the swearde, saieth he, shall perishe with the swearde.

Antichriste commaunded Emperours, Kynges, Princes, and Lordes with their Subiectes, to take Sweardes, Spea­res, Halberdes, and Gunnes, and to helpe hym to slea all suche, as will not obeye his tyrannie. And this muste the Empe­rour doe, or els he must bee periured, yea, and also deposed, because he is no meete manne to reigne, forasmuche as he stout­ly defendeth not the liberties of holie Churche. After this manner came it to passe, that Iulius secundus bishop of Rome caused to be slaine sixtene thousande men in one daie. Was not that well pastured? Was not this a worthie Uicar of Christ, and a noble successour of Peter?

53 Christ gaue free libertie to all men, Math. xv. to eate all meates at all tymes, Titus. [...]. for as muche as that, 1. Timoth. [...]. whiche entereth into the mouthe, defileth not manne, but that com­meth out of the mouthe. For all thynges are pure to theim that are pure: and no­thyng [Page] is to bee caste awaie, if it bee recei­ued with giuyng of thankes. For it is sanctified by the woorde of God, and by praier. Yea, it is the doctrine of Deuil­les, to forbidde that to bee eaten, whiche God hath made to bee receiued with thā ­kes giuyng.

Antichrist plainly condemneth al suche as presume to eate Egges, Milke, Dist. 4. Cap. statuimus. butter or Cheese, but specially Fleshe, on those daies y t he hath commaunded to be fasted, and denounceth them heretikes. This a­greeth with Christe, as light with darke­nesse. And yet haue wee been so blinded, these many yeres paste, through the iug­lyng of our Spirituall Sorcerers, that we could neuer perceiue this Antichrist, till nowe in the latter daies, when that manne of synne muste bee reueled and vt­tered, ii. Thess. ii. accordyng to the Prophecie of the Apostle.

54 Christ gaue authoritie vnto his di­sciples, to binde and to loose, Math. xvi. saiynge: Whatsoeuer ye binde in earth, shall bee bound in heauen. Ind whatsoeuer ye lose in earth shall bee loosed in heauen. But Christ spake nothing of binding and loo­sing [Page] in purgatory for money concerning the soules departed.

Antichrist chalengeth greater power, and larger authoritie. For he will loose soules out of purgatory, and commaunde the Angels to fetche them out: and all for money. For without money ye can gette nothyng of hym.

55 Christ is head of the Churche, Ephes. i. as the holy Apostle Paule doth testifie: Coloss. iii. and also he is the stone, i. Cor. ii. whereon the Churche is builded. And this Church is the congre­gation of faithfull Christen people, and the very body of Christ.

Antichrist saith, that he is head of that Churche: Dist. xix. Cap. and that the Sea of Rome is the stone, Enimuero. whereon that Churche is buil­ded. Dist. xix. Cap. Can any thing be more contrary vn­to the honour and glory of GOD, Ita dominus. than thus to despoile hym of his kingdome whiche he so derely hath bought, shedyng his precious bloud for it?

56 Christ gaue vs a lawe, ii. Tim. iii. whiche is the holy Scripture. ii. Peter. i. This holy Scripture as it was giuen by the inspiration of the holy ghost: so did the same spiritie infuse it aboundauntly into the heartes of the A­postles, [Page] and likewise doth at this present, with the faithfull: and of the same spirite hath this holy Scripture his endurance and true interpretation.

Antichrist is not ashamed too bragge, that hee is Lorde ouer the Scripture to alowe or disalowe it. For of me, Ca. Si omnes. saith he, O Antichri­ste. it taketh his full authoritie. And for a to­ken of this, the Scripture of Christe is laied vnder his fete, when he is at Masse.

57 Christe commaunded by his Apostle sainct Paule, i. Timoth. ii. that a bishop should be apte to teache, Titus. i. and that hee ought to bee well learned, that he may be able by his whol­some doctrine both to exhort and to ouer­come all theym that resiste and be against the faith.

Antichrist will neither teache nor di­spute with any man in the holy scripture for the maintainaunce of the Christen faith, but onely for to augment his owne kingdom, and to stablish his owne lawes. And if any dispute with him, they shall be cast first into prison: where he and his mi­nisters haue deuised and inuented proper engins too wryng their fingers so sore, The crueltie of [...]he Papi­stes. that the bloud shall braste out of their fin­gers [Page] endes. Moreouer he will peine them and scourge them, and with infinite other tormentes punishe theim, to make theim forsake the trueth: and afterwarde make them sweare on a booke, that they shall tell no man of it. Thus cruelly doth An­tichrist entreate man for the truthes sake againste all iustice. And if he can not sub­due them to his will, then either he mur­dereth theim priuely in Prison, or els hee committeth them vnto the seculer power as vnto his Hangmen or Butchers to be burned. And thus is the disputation en­ded, and Antichrist hath gotten the victo­rie. Sed viuit dominus, qui custodit verita­tem in seculum seculi, Psalme. 148. & facit iudicium iniu­riam patientibus.

58 Christe cursed the Figge tree, vppon whiche he found no fruite, Math. xxix. and forthwith the Figge tree wethered, and neuer bare fruite after.

Antichrist hath cursed, and enterdited Landes and Realmes, and yet did not the people dye: but they prospered well: and the earth brought forth her fruite and en­crease no lesse then before, yea, much more aboundauntly, thankes be vnto God, that [Page] [...] [Page] [...] [Page] this saiyng may bee founde true, Maledi­cent illi, Psalm. 108. tu autem benedices. They shall curse, but thou shalt blesse.

59 Christ calleth hymselfe the good she­pheard, Ihon. x. saiyng: I am the good shepheard. The good shepeheard geueth hys life for his sheepe.

Antichrist saieth, that he is a good shee­peheard, and yet he pollet and pilleth, hee sheareth and scrapeth the sheepe so neare, that he leaueth not one locke of wolle on their backes. And thinke ye not, that hee is in al pointes the selfe same shepeheard, of whom Zacharias prophecied? whiche saieth in the persone of God: Zachar. xi. Behold▪ I will raise vp a Shepheard in the Lande, whiche shall yot seeke after the thinges that be lost, nor care for such as go astray. He shall not heale the wounded. He shall not nourishe the thyng that is whole, but he shall eate the fleshe of suche as be fatte, and teare their clawes in peeces, &c. Hee shall nourishe hymselfe, and not the shepe. And this Prophete criyng out on hym, saieth: O thou shepheard and Idoll, for­sakyng the flocke. As though hee shoulde say: thou bearest the name of a shepheard, [Page] but thou arte an Idoll, and counterfaite. Thou art called a Shephearde, but thou art a plaine murderer. Thou arte named a feeder, but thou art a destroyer. Is it to bee thought that this Shephearde will giue his life for his Shepe?

60 Christ chargeth Peter three tymes, to keepe well and nourishe his Shepe.

Antichrist chargeth his Officers, Ihon. xxi. to keepe well his money. And as for the Shepe, he hymself taketh paines to shere theim, and to keepe theim lowe with iufi­nite exactions.

61 Christ gaue a commaundement, Math. v. xix. that a manne should forsake his wife, or putte her awaie for no cause, but onely for ad­ulterie.

Antichrist if he bee well monied, will make diuorces for what soeuer cause a manne will haue hym: yea, and for money he will ioyne theim together, whom the Lawe of GOD by no meanes suffereth to marrie.

62 Christe beside the twelue Disciples, sent forthe to Preache seuentie and twoo other Disciples, Luke. x. whiche freely promised heauen to theim, that would beleue in the [Page] name of Christe.

Antichriste sendeth out his Preachers and Pardoners, whiche teache the peo­ple to beleue his power, and to truste to his Pardons for their saluation, addyng, that thei can not otherwise bee assoiled, nor come to heauen. And all for money.

63 Christe tooke awaie from his Disci­ples all temporall iurisdictiō, Luke. xxii. and world­ly power, saiyng vnto them: The kynges and Princes of the Gentiles haue rule & power ouer them: but ye shal not so haue.

Antichriste lifteth vp hym self aboue al power, and saieth: Emperours, Kynges, and Lordes bee my Subiectes. This is daiely read in his Bulles, wherein he cō ­maundeth the Nobilitie, like as a Master doeth commaunde his seruaunt.

64 Christ gaue commaundement to his Disciples, Math. xxiii. saiyng: Looke whiche emong you will bee greatest, Marke. viii. let hym bee the lo­west of all.

Antichrist saieth: The Emperour must sweare vnto me, Cap. tibi. do­mino. dist. 63. as vnto his Lorde, that he will bee my subiect, and exalt and wor­ship me with honour, as his owne Lawe testifieth.

[Page]65 Christe in all places of the holie Scripture reiecteth, Math. xv. and casteth awaye mennes Traditions and Decrees. Marke. vii. Thei worshipp me in vaine, saieth he, teachyng doctrines, that are the commaundemen­tes of menne.

Antichriste magnifieth the Traditions and Decrees of his Canon Lawe, Cap. Si om­nes. dist. 63. and saieth, that thei ought to bee kept as due­ly, as if GOD hymself had commaunded them: Or as if sainct Peter had preached them hym self.

66 Christe wishyng no man to erre, Ioan. xiiii. no manne to bee deceiued, no manne to pe­rishe, or to bee damned, called hym self in his Sermons the waie, the truthe, and the life. I am saith he, the waie, the truth, and the life. Beleue in me and folowe me in my learning, and rule you by the scrip­ture: For that shall bee your Iudge.

Antichrist saieth, Dist. 11. cap. ye shall in all thinges followe the Churche of Rome, Quis nesciat. Cap. Si Ro­manorum. meanyng thereby, hym self and his Cardinalles, as appeareth in his owne Lawe. And as for the Scripture, saith he, it standeth in my power and aucthoritie: For I maie make of it, whatsoeuer pleaseth me.

[Page]67 Christe loued them that were his en­nemies, Luke. xxii. blessed theim that cursed, i. Peter. ii. and did good to them, that hated hym.

Antichrist can not finde in his harte, to loue and blesse his ennemies, nor to dooe good to his aduersaries: but suche as in any point be against hym, he curseth with the great cursse, and will not absolue them, till thei haue made perfect submis­sion, and paied greate sommes of money.

68 Christe commaunded his Disciples that thei should not resiste euill, Math. v. but if a manne strike them vpon the one cheeke, that thei should offer hym the other also.

Antichriste will suffer nothyng, yea, he teacheth, that he maie auenge, and driue awaie force with force.

69 Christe by open voice from Heauen, was pronounced of God the Father, Math. xvii. to bee his dearely beloued Soonne: Marc. xi. and so many as purpose to bee saued, and to bee made enheritours of eternall life, are cō ­maunded to heare hym.

Antichriste giueth straight commaun­demente, Dist. 93. Cap. Si cuius. that vnder paine of euerlastyng damnation, we heare hym, obeye, and ob­serue his Decrees and Lawes.

[Page]70 Christe laied lighte burdeines, Math. xi. and swete yokes vpon his Disciples neckes.

Antichrist saieth intollerable burthēs, Dist. xix. Cap. memoriam▪ and moste greeuous yokes vpon mennes shoulders: and notwithstandyng he saith: If any commaundemente or burthen bee so heauie, that it can not bee sustained and borne, Math. xxiii. yet shall ye obeye me. In this be­halfe Antichrist, is like the olde Hypocri­tes emong the Iewes, of whom our Sa­uiour Christe speaketh on this maner: Thei binde together heauie burthens, Luke. xi. and greeuous to bee borne, and laie them on mennes shoulders: But thei theim sel­ues will not heaue at theim with one of their fingers. Againe, woe vnto you, ye Lawiers: For ye lade menne with bur­thens, whiche thei bee not able to beare: and ye your selues touche not the packes with one of your fingers.

71 Christe paied Tribute to Cesar: Math. xviii. and gaue commaundemente to all his, Math. xxii. that thei should giue to the Temporall Ma­gistrate, Roma▪ xiii▪ whatsoeuer is due vnto hym, as the Apostle saieth: Giue to euery manne his duetie: Tribute to whom Tribute belongeth: Custome to whom Custome [Page] is due. &c.

Antichriste despiseth bothe this exam­ple and doctrine of Christe, Dist. i. Cap. Si quis. and excom­municateth all them, that aske any Tolle or Tribute, either of hym or of his. For he hath made theim all free by his Lawe, from all suche charges and paimentes.

77 Christe, when he liued in this worlde, was beneficiall, Math. 6. & 23. Osee. vi. liberall, and plentifull in doyng the workes of mercie to the poore, and exhorted other to doe the like, euer commendyng mercie, aboue Offerynges and Sacrifices.

Antichrist hath no pleasure at all in the woorkes of mercie, neither careth he for the poore: But his desire is, that menne should giue their money for Pardons, for Masses, for Dirges. &c. and bestow their gooddes vpon Images gildyng, Taber­nacles pointyng, chaūtries building, &c. so that he will no mercie, but all offeryn­ges. And he that saieth: It is better to giue our charitie to the poore, (as Christ saieth) is counted halfe an Heretike, be­cause he goeth about to marre Antichri­stes market.

73 Christe the Mirrour of meekenesse, [Page] and example of humilitie, charged his di­sciples, that thei should not desire to bee called masters, Math. xxiii. nor yet fathers on yearth.

Antichriste will not onely bee called the Lorde and Maister of all Christen­dome, but also the moste holie Father in yearth, Goddes Uicar in yearth, Peters Successour in yearth, and Heade of the Churche in yearth. &c.

74 Christe disdained not to goe vnto the Mariage, Ihon. ii. when he was called: and sanctified the same with the firste fruites of his miracles.

Antichrist despiseth mariage, and com­maundeth his Shauelynges, by no mea­nes to bee at theim, as a kinde of life, vn­perfecte, and vnworthie their high per­fection, and pure state of their vocation or callyng.

75 Chirste refuseth not to goe, Math. viii. Ioan. iiii. whersoe­uer he was desired, so he might doe good to other.

Antichriste is so delicate and fine, and vnpacient of labour, that he refuseth to goe any where, excepte it bee to profite, and to doe good to hym self,

76 Christ thought no scorne (suche was Math. viii. [Page] his good will toward all men) euen with his hande to touche the Leper, when he healed hym.

Antichriste disdaineth once to looke v­pon the poore, so farre it is of that he will handle, and touche the miserable diseased and lothsome people with his holie han­des. His delight is to haue to dooe with the greate God Mammon, and with the nise nimphes of Ladie Uenus court.

77 Christe had greate pleasure, and sin­guler delight, Math. iiii. to be emong thē that were sicke and diseased.

Antichrist hath al his delight and plea­sure, to bee emong the minions of the worlde, and the lustie galauntes, Dicers, Carders, Minstrelles, Gameplaiers, and all suche as maie prouoke hym vnto plea­sure, mirthe, and ioye.

78 Christe kept companie with sinners: whores, Math. ix. and Publicanes, to the ende, that he might allure theim from wickednesse, Luke. xv. vnto Godlinesse, saiyng: Thei that are whole, haue no neede of a Phisition, but thei that are sicke. For I am not come to call the righteous, but synners to repen­taunce.

[Page] Antichriste delighteth to accompanie the Princes, and Rulers of this worlde, that he maie enlarge, and encrease sainct Peters patrimonie, and enriche Mother holie Churche, whiche beginneth now to waxe old, and hath greate neede of helpe. As touchyng them that are runne astraie from God, he knoweth none other waie vnto saluation, but to exhort them to buy his Pardons, Masses, &c.

79 Christe in his Sermons had no re­spect of persones, Math. xxii. but rebuked al degrees a like, that were rebukeable.

Antichrist preacheth neuer, prateth oft, great and noble personages he flattereth although neuer so wicked and vngodlie, namely when he hopeth and looketh for gaine. As touchyng the poore and mise­rable, he thundereth at them with the sen­tence of the greate curse.

80 Christe, Luke. ix. iiii. Reg. i. when his Disciples Iames and Ihon, would haue had fire come doun from heauen, as in the daies of Elias vp­pon the Samaritanes, for their ingrati­tude and vnthankfulnesse, and so to haue destroied them, rebuked them, and saied: ye wote not, what maner spirit ye are of [Page] For the Sonne of manne is not come to destroie mennes liues, but to saue them.

Antichriste, when any, although neuer so little displeasure is doen against hym. so fumeth and fometh, so braieth and brauleth, so roareth and rageth, that straight waies, out of his firie place, he casteth out his moste greeuous thunderbolte, of that terrible great excommunication. If that will doe no good, then prouoketh he prin­ces vnto warres out of hand, and to mur­ther for his sake, many thousande of inno­cent soules, neuer ceasyng from his furi­ous madnesse, and madde furie, vntill he be auenged to the vttermoste, forgettyng this commaundement of GOD: venge­aunce is myne, and I will reward saieth the Lorde.

81 Christ alwaie defended his disciples against the Scribes and Phariseis, Deut. 32. with the aucthorities of Gods worde. Rom. xii. Math. ix. Math. xii.

Antichriste defendeth his adherentes with bannyng and cursing, with Sweard and Speare, with Bowes and Arowes, with Gonne and Pollaxe, and suche like martiall armoures,

82 Christ tooke paciently the opprobri­ous [Page] wordes that were spoken against his owne persone: Ioan. viii. but the railyng blasphe­mies vttered of the blasphemous ene­mies of the truthe againste the glory of GOD, he could by no meanes abyde, but mightely defended it.

Antichriste regardeth not the blasphe­mies spoken or written against the glory of God & the manifest truth of his blessed worde: but if any thing be spoken against hym and his deuilishe decrees, then ra­geth he like a mad man, and neuer ceaseth vntill he be reuenged, except his furie be apeaced with good sommes of money.

83 Christ proued and defended his Doc­trine againste the enemies thereof, Math. 21. 2 [...] with the testimonies of Moses, Ihon▪ i [...]. of the Psalmes and of the Prophetes.

Antichriste proueth and defendeth his Decrees and Traditions with generall Councels, with constitutions prouincial, with the authorities of forefathers, with the prescriptes of olde customes, with the Sophisticall and Carnall reasons of the Scholemen: and if al these wil not serue, with Fire and Fagotte, with Swearde and halter.

[Page]84 Christ so trauailed in goyng aboute from countreye to countreye, Ihon. iiii. preachyng the will of his heauenly Father, that hee was many tymes weary of his iourney.

Antichrist taketh his ease, sittyng at home in his riche Chaires, vpon his gol­den Cushins and precious Carpettes. If at any tyme he will take the ayre abroad, either he is caried vpon mens shoulders as a GOD of the Earth, or els he rideth vpon his Moyle gorgiously trapped and harnessed.

85 Christ beholdyng the lamentable tea­res of the Widowe, Luke. vii. whose Sonne was dead and caried forth to be buried, had pi­tie and compassion on her, and saied vnto her: Weepe not, and immediatly he deli­uered her Sonne aliue againe vnto her, that tofore was dead.

Antichrist euidently seyng greate enor­mities and manifolde, The Papi­stes can not abyde any reformation. most greuous abu­ses in the Churche of Christ, whereof he braggeth himself to be the head, although moued and prouoked with the humble supplications, feruent desires, and ear­nest praiers of many good and godly men both by writyng and otherwise, neither [Page] taketh awaie the enormities, nor correc­teth the abuses, but rather as a sworne aduersary against God and all godlinesse, he goeth forth daily more and more to sta­blishe and confirme those abhominations seekyng no redresse, as the experience of this our tyme doeth moste manifestlie declare.

86 Christ disdained not to come vnto La­zarus graue, Ioan. xi. nothyng beeyng dismaide with the euill sauour of the dead corps, al­though tofore therof warned, and to raise hym vp from death vnto life.

Antichrist abhorreth nothyng more thā euill sauours, hauing his great delight in sweete perfumes and pleasaunt odours, beyng of the nūber of those which on this wise speake in the booke of Wisedome: Come on, Sap. iii. let vs enioy the pleasures that there are, and let vs sone vse the creature like as in youth. Lette vs fill our selues with good Wine and Ointment, and let there no flower of the time goe by vs. Let vs crowne our selues with Roses, afore they be withered. Let there bee no faire Medowe, but our luste go thorowe it. Let euery one of you be partaker of our vo­luptuousnesse. [Page] Lette vs leaue some token of our pleasure in euery place. For that is our portion, els get we nothyng.

87 Christe wepte when he came to raise vp Lazarus, Ioan. xi. consideryng with hym self, that synne is the cause, not onely of the death of the bodie, but also of the death of the soule, and of all other euils & plages.

Antichrist reioiseth in euill doyng, and is gladde, when sinne reigneth, florisheth and triumpheth. For then is hys Mar­chaundise wel bought, as Pardons, Mas­ses of Scala caeli, Absolution, &c.

88 Christ is that louyng and gentle she­pheard, Luke. xv. which when one of his sheepe was gone astraie, lefte the residue, and neuer ceased till he had founde her out. Beeyng found hee sweetely laide her vppon his shoulder, and tenderly brought her home againe with greate ioy and muche glad­nesse: and callyng together his louers and neighbors, he said vnto them: Oh re­ioice with me: for I haue found my shepe, which was lost.

Antichrist is of an other disposition, and contrary minded. For if any runne astray neuer so little from his lowsie lawes, tri­feling [Page] traditions, diuelishe decrees, and crooked constitutions, canckered custo­mes, &c. straightwaies he is excommuni­cate, and cursed as blacke as a Crowe, with booke, bell, and Candell euen boune to the deepe dongeon of Hell fire without redemption, except he will be reconciled to Mother holy Church, and make suche satisfaction as shall bee thought meete of the most holy Father, and of his deuoute Chaplens. If he wil not obey, doune with hym, accite hym, suspend hym, apprehend hym, accuse hym, condemne hym, to the fort with hym, away with him.

89 Christ is that most louyng Samari­tane, Luke. x. whiche had pitie on the wounded man, bound vp his woundes, poured oyle and Wine, set hym on his owne Beaste, brought hym into a common Inne, and made prouision for hym.

Antichrist is that abhominable theefe, and cruell murderer, whiche without all pitie and compassion robbeth, woundeth, and slaeth bothe the bodies and soules of men: the bodies, with his exactions, op­pressions, pollinges, pillinges, tyranny, murder, death: the soules, with false do­ctrine, [Page] vnwritten verities, decrees, con­stitutions, infidelitie, misbeliefe, super­stition, &c.

90 Christ is appointed of God the Fa­ther to be the Phisicion and Sauiour of Math. ix. the worlde. Luke. i.

Antichrist is appointed of the Deuill the Father of lyers, Ihon. viii. to be the corruptour and destroyer of the world.

91 Christ is the light of the world. Who soeuer followeth hym and his doctrine, Ioan. i. viii. shall neuer stumble, nor erre.

Antichrist is the darkenes of the world. He that foloweth hym and his decrees, shall neuer walke the righte waie vnto heauen, but cast hymself hedlong into vt­ter darkenesse, Math. xxii. where weepyng and gna­shyng of teeth shall be.

92 Christe is that bread of lyfe, Ioan. vi. whiche came doune from heauen. He that eateth of that bread, shall neuer hunger, but haue life euerlastyng.

Antichrist is that bread of death, which came vp from Hell. Whosoeuer tasteth of that bread, he shall dye the death euer­lastyng.

93 Christ is our peace maker. Ephe. ii.

[Page] Antichrist is our dissention maker.

94 Christ is our wisedome, i. Cor. i. righteous­nesse, sanctifiyng and redemption.

Antichrist is our foly, wickednes, cor­ruption, and destruction.

95 Christ is that lambe of God without spot, Exod. xii. whiche taketh awaie the sinne of the worlde. Ihon. i.

Antichrist is that wolfe of Sathan, full of all sinne and wickednesse, whiche daily encreaseth the synne of the worlde.

96 Christe is the head of Gods Church. Ephes. i.

Antichrist is the head of Sathans Si­nagoge. Coloss. iii.

97 Christe is our mediatour, i. Cor. ii. aduocate and intercessour. i. Timoth. ii.

Antichrist is our disturber, i. Ioan. ii. bate maker, Rom. viii. and destroyer. Ioan. iii. i. Cor. x.

98 Christ is that Rocke, out of whiche issueth and floweth forth the water of life. Whosoeuer shall drinke thereof, shall ne­uer thurst more.

Antichrist is that vyle and stinkynge puddle: He that drinketh thereof, shall dye euerlastingly.

99 Christ is y t seed of the woman, Gen. ii. which hath troden doune the Serpentes head. Gala. 3.

[Page] Antichrist is that seede of the Serpent, whiche like a roaryng Lion, continually seketh whom he may deuour.

100 Christ is that blessed seede of Abra­ham, Gen [...]. xv. in whom all nations of the earth are blessed and saued.

Antichrist is that cursed seede of Sa­than, in whom and through whom so ma­ny as leane to his wicked and damnable doctrine, perishe and are damned.

101 Christ is Alpha and O Mega, that is to saye, Apoc. i▪ the beginnyng and endyng of all our saluation.

Antichrist is the aucthour of all mis­chief and abhomination, so that whatsoe­uer followeth hym and his Antichristian doctrine, may be sure to come vnto dam­nation.

102 Christ praied to his heauenly father, Luke. xxii. that Peters faith might not fayle.

Antichrist praieth that Peters patri­mony (as they call it) may neuer fayle.

103 Christ refuseth no paine to doe good Esay. v. to his congregation. Math. xxiii.

Antichrist refuseth no payne, so that he may haue lucre and gaine.

104 Christ went vp willingly to Ierusa­lem Marke. x. Ioan. x. [Page] to suffer death for the elect people of God.

Antichrist hateth nothyng more then the crosse. As for Gods people, he regar­deth them not, except they bring money.

105 Christ, Ioan. xviii. when he might haue escaped, and gone awaie from his enemies, freely gaue himselfe into their handes to be cru­cified for the saluation of other.

Antichriste resisteth his enemies with tothe and nayle, with hande and Sword, and with all that euer he is able to make: neither suffereth he gladly any aduersity, except it be for the maintainaunce of hys owne pompe and glory, and for the en­richement of Saint Peters patrimonie.

106 Christ was striped out of his clo­thes, and was all to beaten and scourged, Math. 26. 27. and false witnes brought in against hym.

Antichrist is well clothed with preci­ous garments, and hath chaunge for eue­ry day, and commaundeth other to be bea­ten and sore puished, and false witnesse to be brought in to testifie, whatsoeuer hee will haue against the poore innocent chri­sten people.

107 Christ being most vniustly & wrong­fully [Page] accused, Esay. 53. and hauyng many vntru­thes obiected againste hym, Actes. iii, i. Peter. ii. as a Lambe dum before his shearer, opened not his mouth. When he was reuiled, he reuiled not againe: when he suffred▪ he threatned not, but committed the vengeance to him that iudgeth righteously.

Antichrist being iustly accused both of false doctrine and corrupt manners, and admonished to amend, will by no meanes geue eare, but seeketh al mea [...]es possible to bee reuenged. He will bee iudge of all menne, but iudged of none. He will con­demne whom he lust, and he will not once be touched. His doctrine although neuer so vnpure, he defendeth with fyre and fa­got, with sworde and halter. Whosoeuer disdaine to embrace and maintaine it, all theim hee excommunicateth, cut of from the body of Christ, appointeth them vnto euerlastyng damnation, interditeth their Landes, Realmes and countreys, where­soeuer they dwell, as experience in these our daies teacheth aboundantly. As con­cernyng hys life and maners, although neuer so wicked and detestable, no man may once reproue, except he will feele the [Page] bitter boltes of the most bitter curse.

108 Christ had a crowne of sharpe thor­nes set vpon his head, Math. xxvii. with so great vio­lence that the bloud runne doune ouer all his amiable face: Mark. xv. and boystrous nayles driuen thorowe his precious handes. Ihon. xix.

Antichrist weareth vpon his head three crownes of gold, richly set with precious stones: and hath his handes and finger all royally decked with owches and ringes. He passeth poore Christe farre farre.

109 Christ tooke the crosse of painefull affliction vpon hymselfe, Math. x. and commaun­ded his Disciples likewise to follow him saiyng: He that will not take his Crosse and folow me, is not meete for mee.

Antichrist taketh the Crosse of pryde, and hath it borne before hym, well gilte and ameled: to sette forthe his pride and pompe before the worlde like vnto Luci­fer. As for other crosse, he knoweth none.

110 Christ praied his Father to forgiue them that trespassed against hym: Luke. xxiii. yea he praied for them that put him to death.

Antichrist commaundeth both kynges and princes, and Emperours to auenge his quarell, and to slea all them that resist [Page] his mynde, promisyng thē that if thei die in his quarel, thei shall die glorious mar­tyrs in the sight of God, & straight waies come vnto heauen, yea, before their bloud bee colde. As touchyng forgeuenesse, he hath none acquaintaunce therewith.

111 Christ aproued his Lawe, Heb. ix. and confir­med it with his owne death.

Antichrist is full busy to destroye the law of Christ, and to maintaine his owne decrees, and that with the death of all them that will say the contrary.

112 Christ was buried in a poore monu­ment, Sepulchre, Math. xxvii. or graue, without any funerall pompe.

Antichrist is buried in a glorious tōbe well gilt, and very gorgious set out, with many torches and greate solemnitie, and with Angelles gloriously portured, that beare his soule to heauen, when, notwith­standyng it is to be feared, that hee goeth to suppe with the Diuell, whom he hath so diligētly serued al the daies of his life.

113 Christ suffred death for our sinnes, Rom. iiii. & rose againe for our iustification: i. Cor. xv. or els al we should haue perished and been damned. Ioan. xii.

Antichrist for the forgeuenesse of oure [Page] sinnes and of our iustification, sendeth vs to his Pardons and Bulles, to his yeres of Iubile, and Masses of Scala celi, yea he sendeth vs to a Grayefryers Coule, and willeth vs to be buried in that, promising vs by that meanes both remission of syn­nes and euerlastyng life. Is not this too treade vnder foote the sonne of God, and to count the bloud of the Testament, as an vnholy thing, yea and to doe dishonour to the Spirite of grace? Is not this that beast, whiche opened his mouth to speake blasphemies againste the moste highest God, & against his most glorious name? Is not this that sinnefull man, that sonne of perdition, that aduersary, whiche exal­teth hymself aboue all that is called God, or that is worshipped, Heb. x. so that he doth sit in the Temple of God, Apoc. xiii. boastyng hymselfe to be God? ii. Thess. ii. O Antichrist.

114 Christ after his resurrection appea­red to his Disciples and brought vnto Ioan. xx. them peace and greate ioy. Luke. xxiiii.

Antichriste when hee commeth abroad and sheweth himselfe vnto men, commeth like a game player in his Papalibus, full gloriously and gorgiously, and bringeth [Page] to the beholders blessynges, that is, cros­singes, and wagginges of fingers, with suche other vaine and triflyng toyes.

115 Christ reproued in his Disciples vn­faithfulnesse, Luke. xxiiii. and hardnesse of hearte. Marke. vi.

Antichrist findeth faulte with his cap­tiues, if they be vnfaithfull and disobe­dient to his decrees, and slacke in paiyng of money.

116 Christ sought all meanes possible to confirme the faithe of his disciples in the article of his resurrection. i. Cor. xv.

Antichrist seketh all maner of waies to plant, confirme and stablishe in the hartes of men his authority and primacie aboue, not only all Bishops, but also all kinges, Princes and Emperours.

117 Christ so talked with certaine of hys Disciples by the waie that their heartes burned within them: Luke. xxiiii. so swetely and lo­uingly did he open vnto theim the true & right vnderstandyng of the Scriptures.

Antichrist doeth so talke, and vttereth suche doctrine, that it enflameth not, but apalleth the heartes of the hearers: it quickeneth not, but rather dismaieth. For it is not the word of the spirite but of the [Page] fleshe: not of light, but of darkenesse, not of life but of death, and in fine, not of con­uersion and saluation, but of desperation and eternall damnation.

118 Christe breathed vpon his disciples, Ihon. xx. and gaue theim the holy ghoste, saiyng: Take ye the holy ghoste, that they beyng endued with his Spirite, might brynge forth the fruites of the same, and be ther­by, knowen to his Apostles.

Antichrist doth breath the spirit of Sa­than into his shauelinges, and will that they shall be knowen to be his chaplaines by their long gownes, shauen crownes, horned cappes, flaryng tippets, &c.

119 Christ sent forthe his disciples for to Math. xxviii. preache vnto all nations. Marke. vxi.

Antichrist sendeth forth his chaplaines to be Massemongers, Luke. xxiiii. soule cariers, Pur­gatory rakers, Godmakers, Ihon. xx. coniurers of salte water, bread, fyre, &c.

120 Christ commaunded his disciples to preache, Luke. xxiii. not mennes traditions, but the Gospell, that is to say, repentaunce and remission of sinnes in his name, to all creatures.

Antichrist commaundeth his praters [Page] to set forthe to the people his lawes, and decrees, and to entermedle them with ta­les out of Legenda aurea, and narrations out of Festiuall Martyrologe, &c. He sen­deth forth also his Pardoners to publike fables and lyes vnto the people, and ther­to graunteth he Letters and Seales, and many daies of Pardon, and all for money.

121 Christ willed his disciples to say vn­to their hearers, Marc. xvi. that whosoeuer beleueth and is Baptised, he shall be saued. But he that beleueth not, shall be damned.

Antichrist commaundeth his Trom­petters, too blowe abroad into the eares of the people, that whosoeuer will buye his pardons, shall be absolued a paena & culpa toties quoties and then must he nee­des be saued. And he that teacheth other­wise, is an heretike. This his Bulles and Pardons do plainly testifie.

122 Christe charged his Disciples dili­gently to teach the people, Math. xxviii. to obserue and kepe those thynges, that he commaunded theim: and so doyng he promised to bee with thē vnto the very ende of the world, meanyng not bodily, but ghostly.

Antichrist giueth a great charge to his [Page] Chapelaines to inculcke, and beate into the peoples heades, vnder paine of dead­ly synne, and euerlastyng damnation, the keepyng of his Canons and Lawes: and in so dooyng, he promiseth to assiste them continually with the Spirite of Errour and falshode.

123 Christe a little before his Ascension into the Kyngdome of his Father, Ioan. xxi. gaue a greate charge to Peter and his fellowe Apostles, that thei with al diligēce should feede his Lambes and Sheepe, with the moste wholsome pasture of his most swete woorde, saiyng: Pasce, pasce, pasce, Feede, feede, feede.

Antichriste giueth straight commaun­demente to his Captiues, that thei shall poison the people with the Pharisaicall Leauen of his Lawe, and by no meanes teache them the truthe of Gods woorde, least thei should spie out his falsehod, and aboue all thynges plaie Tolle, Tolle, Tol­le: Poll, Poll, Poll, pill, pill.

124 Christe commaunded his Apostles, Actes. [...]. not to departe from Ierusalem, but to waite for the promes of the Father.

Antichrist thrusteth forthe into the mi­nisterie, [Page] his Greaslynges and Shauelin­ges, without any consideration or motiō of Goddes Spirite. If thei can Masse it, or Mattens it, he careth for no more.

125 Christe, Luke. xxiiii. when he should departe, and goe vp into Heauen, lifted vp his hande, and blessed his Apostes, that is to say, wi­shed well vnto them.

Antichrist lifteth also vp his hāde, and blesseth the people, that is to saie, wag­geth his fingers ouer them. But whether he curseth or blesseth, that is vncertaine.

126 Christe by the power of his Deitie, Marc. xvi. Ascenden into heauen, Luke. xxiiii. perfecte God, and perfect man. Actes. i.

Antichrist through the multitude of his moste detestable synnes, and vile wicked­nesse, descendeth into hell bothe body and soule, and hath his portion with Idola­tours, Witches, Theefes, Adulterers, Whoremongers, cursed speakers. &c. in that Lake that burneth with Fire and Brimstone: Apoc. xxii. where he and all his shall bee tormented with moste intollerable pai­nes, worldes without ende.

Hetherto of the life of Christe, and of Antichriste.

¶Of the doctrine of Christe, and of Antichrist.

FIrste. Christe Ioan. xviii. saieth, that he Ihon. xvii. came for this Ioan. 14. 15. 16. purpose into y e worlde, euen to testifie & beare witnesse of the truth, and that his woorde is the Truthe: Againe, that the holie Ghoste shall leade vs into all Truthe: hereby manifestly declaryng, that in his holie woorde, is contained sufficiente do­ctrine for our saluation, ii. Timoth. ii. as saincte Paule saieth: All Scripture giuen by inspira­tion of GOD, is profitable to teache, to improue, to amende, and to instructe in righteousnesse, that the manne of GOD maie bee perfecte, and prepared vnto all good woorkes. Likewise saied the wo­man of Samarie to Christe: I knowe that Messias shall come, whiche is called Christ: When he is come, he shall tell vs [Page] all thynges. Ioan. iiii. And the Apostle in his ex­hortation to the Elders of Ephesus, said: I haue kepte nothyng backe, Actes. xx. that was profitable vnto you, &c. Againe, I haue shewed you all thynges.

Antichriste saieth, that though it bee truthe, that is contained in the Bible, yet all truthe necessarie to saluation, is not there to bee founde, but there are other truthes as necessarie to bee beleued, Unwriten vereties. vn­der paine of damnation, as those that bee contained in the holie scripture, and thei bee called vnwritten verities. He saieth moreouer, that his Decrees and Lawes, are necessarily to bee kepte, as the Com­maundementes of God, and addeth more­ouer, that thei bee of equall aucthoritie with the worde of God.

2 Christe saieth, Ioan. vi. that no man can come vnto hym, Esay. liiii. except his Father drawe hym: Againe, that all shall bee taught of God: Signifiyng hereby, that no man can vn­derstand, and perceiue the misteries con­tained in the woorde of God, excepte thei bee reueled, and opened vnto hym by the Spirite of God, whiche alone is the au­cthour thereof: i. Cor. ii. for asmuche as a naturall [Page] manne, can not come vnto the vnderstan­dyng of those thynges, that belong vnto the Spirite of God. ii. Peter. i And as sainct Peter saith, that the Scripture is not a priuate interpretation, that is to saie, not to bee expounded after the iudgemente of rea­son, and as euery man of his owne braine fantaketh, but as GOD is the alone au­cthour of the worde, so is the true vnder­standyng thereof to bee begged of God alone, by feruent praier, and by diligente conference of the scriptures. Dauid con­sideryng this, praied to God on this ma­ner: Open thou myne eyes, Psalme. 119. that I maye see the wonderous thynges of thy lawe. Make me to vnderstande the waie of thy Commaundementes, and so shall I talke of thy wonderous woorkes. O learne me true vnderstandyng and knowledge. O giue me vnderstādyng, that I may learne thy commaundementes. &c. And Sainct Paule writyng to Timothe, ii. Timoth. i. saieth: God giue thee vnderstandyng in all thynges.

Antichriste saieth, that the interpreta­tion of the Scripture, hangeth of the iud­gement of the Fathers, and old auncient writers, and of the aucthoritie, and con­sente [Page] of the Churche of Rome, whiche is the true Churche, and mother of all chur­ches, and can by no meanes erre, without the approbation of the whiche, no inter­pretation of the Scripture can bee good and catholike.

3 Christe will all menne to searche the Scriptures, Ihon. v. and to leane vnto them, Psalm. 19. in all matters of controuersie, Esay. viii. as faithfull witnesses of the Lordes truthe.

Antichriste commaundeth, that when any question arise, aboute matters of Re­ligion, menne should haue recourse vnto the Canons, and generall Councels, but spicially vnto the See of Roome, where all doubtfull matters are to bee decided. As for the Scripture, it hath no more aucthoritie, then it pleaseth the Churche, that is to faie, the Pope and his adheren­tes, to giue vnto it.

4 Christe teacheth, that all mennes tra­ditions, oughte to giue place vnto the woorde of God: and that whatsoeuer is decreed of menne, although of neuer so greate ancthoritie and wisedome, contra­ry to the woorde of God, is vtterly to bee neglected, reiected, and caste awaie.

[Page] Antichriste teacheth plainely, that all suche constitutions, and ordinaunces of men, as bee decreed, and set forthe by the aucthoritie of Counselles, and holie Fa­thers) whiche are alwaies gathered to­gether by the instincte, and consent of the holy ghost) although thei are not, nor can not bee grounded on Goddes worde, are notwithstādyng good and profitable: and menne are bounde vnder paine of deadly synne, to obtaine and keepe them. For the Churche can not erre.

5 Christe teacheth, Luke. iiii. that there is but one onely, Luke. iiii. true liuyng and euerlastyng God whiche alone is to be honoured, worship ped, and called vpon: by whose name also alone we ought to sweare.

Antichriste also after a certaine sorte, confessed also one God with vs, and that he is to be honoured and called vpon, but not alone. For he teacheth, that the sain­ctes in heauen, bothe maie and ought to be honoured and called vpō, yea, and that we maie also sweare by their names.

6 Christe in his holie Lawe, Exod. xx. bothe by Moses, the Prophetes, and Apostles, for­biddeth to make, sette forthe, or kepe any [Page] Image to bee worshipped. But aboue all thinges, he forbiddeth vs to make any I­mage of God.

Antichrist saieth, it is lawfull not one­ly to haue images and to sette them vp in Temples, Images. Chapels, Oratories. &c. but also to worshippe theim, to kneele before theim, to kisse them, to praie before them, yea, & to them, to knele before them, to set candels before them, to decke and trimme them, to offer vnto them, to sense them, to put of our cappes vnto them, and at the laste, Beliques. what not? Antichriste also diggeth out of the ground the olde rotten bones or reliques of sainctes, translateth them, encloseth them in Golde, keepeth them in precious shrynes and costly Clausures, and setteth them forth to the people to be kissed, The Image of the Tri­nity descri­bed. and worshipped. Moreouer he is not ashamed contrarie too the manifeste woorde of God, to make the Image of the blessed Trinitie. He formeth and frameth God the father like an old broken backed man, with a white head, winckled forehed, holow eied, slender cheeked, sharpe nosed, tothlesse, wide mouthed, hangyng doune lipped, crooke chinned, graye bearded, [Page] small necked, leane handed, and in fine, al­together monstrous. GOD the Sonne Antichrist setteth forth as a lusty younge younker with his yelow lockes: and God the holy Ghost he maketh like a yong lu­stie White flickeryng Doue. But this blasphemous image causeth hee to be set in Churches and in all other places, not onely to be considered, but also to be wor­shipped vnto the greate dishonour of god, the slaunder of the Christen religion, the offence of all good men, and vnto the glo­rie of all Gods ennemies. But what da­reth not Antichrist doe?

7 Christ teacheth, Ioan. iiii. that the true worship­pers muste worshippe God in spirite and Math. xv. trueth: againe, that they worship God in vaine, whiche honour hym after the tradi­tions of men.

Antichrist affirmeth, that it is lawfull to worship God any maner of waie, so it commeth of a good entent, good mynde, good zeale, good deuotion, &c. For God casteth awaie the good intent of no man. Antichrist therefore teacheth vs to wor­ship God with Golde, Siluer, precious stones, sumpteous vestures, candels, pal­mes, [Page] Ashes, bread, water, Salt, &c. With long patteryng, curious singyng, plea­saunt pipyng, loude ringyng, &c. With Surplesses, Copes, Uestimentes, Caps, Coules, &c. with Massyng, with Pilgri­mage goyng, with Pardons biyng, with Beades saiyng, &c. And all these thinges he taught to be more precious and accep­table in the sight of GOD, than to helpe the poore, or to doe any worke of mercie. For that is done but to manne, the other vnto God.

8 Christ in his sweete Sermon that hee made, Math. v. in the mount saieth, that he came to fulfill the Lawe, that is to saie, to accom­plishe, whatsoeuer was prefigured of him in the ceremonies of the olde Testament, so that by his comming he hath put away and vtterlie abolished all Ceremonies, euen as the shadow is remoued by the en­trance of the light. For as the Apostle saieth. Heb. x. The lawe he meaneth the ceremo­niall law was nothyng els than a shadow of good thinges to come. The good thin­ges are come and geuen, therfore the sha­dow ceaseth: wherby we euidently learne that the Christians are nowe free from [Page] suche cloudy lawes & darke ceremonies.

Antichrist teacheth, that although the Ceremonies Ceremonies of the olde law be abolished by the commyng of Christ, yet that hin­dreth nothing but that the Church, which is the spouse of Christ, may appoint what Ceremonies she wil, without any offence of her husband Christ, whiche delighteth in her and in her doynges, as in himselfe, yea and that so muche the more bicause a­mong the christians there are many rude grosse, and thei must be rudely and grosse­ly handled, and brought by little and little vnto perfection thorowe suche Ceremo­nies, and outward obseruaunces: whiche Ceremonies and Ordinaunces of Chri­stes spouse the Churche, are with no lesse reuerences to bee obserued, than if they had beene commaunded of Christe her husbande.

9 Christ Iesus in his doctrine teacheth, that he alone is our Sauiour, our Redee­mer, our Bishop, or Pastour, our head, our reconciliatour, our peacemaker, and in fine, all our hope and comfort, in so muche that whosoeuer beleueth in hym, shall not perishe, but haue euerlastyng life.

[Page] Antichriste in his doctrine teacheth, that saluation and remission of synnes, is to bee obtained also at his handes, at his Pardons, Indulgences, yeres of Iubile, Masses, Coules, Pilgrimages, &c. A­gaine, that he is heade of the vniuer­sall Churche of Christendome, Christes Uicare, Peters Successour, the higheste Bishop, the greatest Priest, the moste ho­lie, and moste blessed Father, to whom a­boue all other, the keyes of the kyngdom of heauē are committed, fo that whatsoe­uer he bindeth in yearth, is also bounde in heauen: and whatsoeuer he looseth in yearth, is in like maner loosed in heauen, so that whosoeuer cleaueth vnto hym, can not perishe, but haue life euerlastyng.

10 Christe taught vs, Ioan. xiiii. that whensoeuer wee will desire any thyng of God the Fa­ther, Ioan. xvi. wee should aske it in his name. i. Timoth. ii. For no manne commeth to the Father, i. Ihon. ii. but by hym. Rom. viii. And in the writynges of the Apo­stles wee reade, Roma. v. that Christe alone is our Mediatour, Aduocate, and Intercessour, by whom alone wee haue free, and graci­ous accesse vnto God the Father, and ea­sely obtaine of hym all good thynges.

[Page] Antichriste setteth forthe vnto vs, Inuocation of Sainctes. o­ther Mediatours, Aduocates, and Inter­cessours, euen the soules and spirites of them that are departed: and commaun­deth vs to call vpon them, to make inter­cession vnto theim, that thei for vs maye call vpon God, praie vnto hym, and make Intercession vnto hym, that by this mea­nes, our praiers maie be the soner heard, and our petitions the more easely graun­ted. Thus Antichrist goth about to make Christ, Iacke out of office.

11 Christe hangyng on the Crosse, and ready to giue vp his Spirite, into the hā ­des of his heauenly Father, Ihon. xix. saied: It is fi­nished: signifiyng hereby, that by the one and alone Sacrifice of his Passion and death, al thyng is wrought, and perfectly doen, whatsoeuer appertaineth vnto the saluation of mankinde, so that now there remaineth no more any Sacrifice, or ob­lation for synne, as the Apostle saieth: With one onely Oblation hath Christe made perfect for euer, them that are san­ctified. Againe: We are sanctified by the offeryng vp of Christes bodie, Heb. x. doen once for all.

[Page] Antichriste hath sette vp diuerse Sa­crifices for synnes, The Sacri­fice of the Masse. but namely the vile and abhominable sacrifice of the Masse, whiche he calleth a propiciatorie, expia­torie, and satisfactorie Sacrifice for the synnes of the quicke and the deade, neces­sary Ad salutem. This Sacrifice he brag­geth to bee of like dignitie, and of equall price with that Sacrifice, whiche Christ the high and euerlastyng Bishop, offered on the Altar of the Crosse, yea, to bee the verie same: againe, that he and his Chap­lens in that Sacrifice of the Idolatrous Masse, doe daiely offer vp the Soonne of God to the Father of heauen, for the dai­ly synnes of the people. Antichrist more­ouer is not ashamed to saie, that Christe by the Sacrifice of his death, doen on the Altare of the Crosse, did onely put awaie originall synne: but he and his shauelyn­ges, by the Sacrifice of their Masse, put­teth awaie all other synnes at all tymes, bothe actuall, veniall, mortall, &c.

12 Christe in his blessed Testament tea­cheth, i. Ihon. ii. that wee are purged, Heb. ix. cleansed, and made pure from all synne by his bloud. Apoc. i.

Antichriste for the mainteinaunce of [Page] his idle Cleargie, that thei might liue of the laboure and sweate of other mennes hands and browes, hath deuised an other Purgatorie after this life, Purgatory. wherein the soules of them, that haue not doen due sa­tisfaction for their sinnes in this worlde, muste bee moste miserably tormented, vn­till either thei by sufferyng moste gree­uous paines, haue satisfied the iustice of God, or els thei bee deliuered by the Sa­crifice of the Masse offered for theim, or by some other charitable deedes of mer­cie. Is not this to counte the bloud of the Testamente, Hebre. x. as an vnholie thyng, and to doe dishonour to the Spirite of grace.

13 Christe teacheth, Ephes. ii. that the Churche, whiche is the felowship of Sainctes, Ioan. x. and companie of faithfull people, is built vp­pon hym self, whiche is the true rocke, is gouerned by his Spirite, heareth his voice, and is ruled by the same.

Antichrist saieth, that the Churche is not builte on Christe alone, but also on Peter and his successours: againe, that it is not onely gouerned by the woorde of GOD, but also by the Decrees of the Churche of Rome.

[Page]14 Christe saieth, Ihon. x. that thei, whiche are his Shepe, and belong vnto his Shepe­fold, that is, vnto his holy congregation, heare not the voice of straungers, but flee frō them, giuyng eare onely to the voice of their owne Shepehearde.

Antichrist saieth, that thei whiche are of the Churche, maie not onely heare the voice of Christe, but also the woordes of the Bishop of Rome, whiche is Christes Uicare: and knowledge hym to bee the v­niuersall Bishoppe, whose voice to heare, and whose decrees to obey, we are bound vnder paine of euerlastyng damnation.

15 Christe ordained in his Churche, Ephe. iiii. to sette forthe the Gospell of our saluation, i. Cor. xii. and to gouerne his flocke, Apostles, Pro­phetes, Euangelistes, Pastoures, tea­chers. &c.

Antichrist appointed in his Churche, Monkes, Friers, Chanons, Nonnes, Ankers, Ankresses, Recluses, Priestes, Sa­crificers, Soulecariers, Purgatorie ra­kers, Pardonners, Proctours, Som­ners, Apparitours, Commissaries, Offi­cialles. &c.

16 Christe in his holie Lawe, Math. xix. freely per: [Page] mitteth all spirituall Ministers, i. Timoth. ii. Bishops Deacons, Titus. i. &c. to marrie.

Antichriste in his Deuilishe decrees The Ma­riage of Priestes. forbiddeth, and condemneth the mariage of spirituall Ministers.

17 Christe by his holie Apostle, Heb. xiii. calleth Mariage honourable, and the bedde vn­defiled, yea, & that emongest all men, none excepted.

Antichrist shameth not to call the ma­riage of the Spirituall Ministers, an vn­cleane, filthie, and fleshly kinde of liuyng.

18 Christe gaue equall power to all the Ministers of his Churche. Ioan. xx.

Antichriste denieth that, and saieth, that the Bishoppe hath more aucthoritie then the Prieste, and the Archebishoppe more then Bishoppe, and the Pope, more then thei all.

19 Christe in his blessed Newe Testa­mente, Actes. vi. appointeth Deacons to be Mini­sters vnto the poore, Deacons. and to see that thei lacke no good thyng: Bishops. And the Bishoppes or Spirituall Ouersears, he ordained them to preach the worde, to enstruct the people, to minister the Sacramentes, &c.

Antichrist ordaineth Deacons to saie [Page] mattens of the daie, to reade the Gospell at Masse, to stande on the Priestes right hand, to helpe hym in all thinges, to haue a shauen crowne, to liue vnmaried, &c. Archdeacons he hath also appointed cer­taine tymes in the yere to visite the chur­ches, Archdeacōs. to see if the church and churchyarde be in good state: if the Uestmentes, Alter clothes, Copes, Banner clothes, Crosse clothes, Curteines, Towels, Boxes, Py­xes, Chrismatories, Fontes, holy water bucket, holy bread basket, Bels, Candel­stickes, Sensers, Crosses, Cruettes, and suche like ornamentes of the Churche be well and sufficiently repared: againe, if the Hosts be well kept of the Curate, that they be not moulde, fustie, euill sauoured, cankered, worme eaten, &c. As for proui­sion makyng for poore and needie people, there is no mention. That ought to bee collected of the Archdeacons among the mercifull Christians, for the ayde and reliefe of the poore members of Christe in their visitation, is nowe vnfrutefully de­uoured, spent, and consumed of the Arch­deacons themselues and of their Offi­cers, so that the office of an Archedeacon [Page] at this time in the kingdome of the Pope is now come altogether vnprofitable, and to muche chargeable to the Churche of God.

20 Christ appointed his Apostles to bee the ministers and seruauntes of his holy i. Cor. iiii. Churche. i. Peter. v.

Antichrist ordaineth his Priestes and Prelates to be Lordes and Masters ouer Gods people: yea, he maketh them to be of greater authoritie and power thā Em­perours, Kinges, Princes, &c. of higher dignitie, than all the Angelles in heauen, or than the blessed Uirgin Mary. More­ouer he doeth so greatlie aduaunce the di­gnitie of his smered shauelynges, Sacramētes. that he calleth them the maker of their maker. And to set forthe their royall and kingly priesthode, he maketh them euer to weare a shauen crowne.

21 Christ instituted in his holy testament two Misteries, Math. xxviii. or Sacramentes, that is to say, Marke. xvi. Baptisme and the Lords Supper, Ihon. iii. whiche he added to his worde, Math. xxvi. as Signes and Seales of his good wil vnto vs, Marc. xiiii. that thei might be the same to the eye, Luke. xxii. that the worde is to the eare: i. Cor. xi. and so ioyned toge­ther [Page] thorowe the operation of the holy ghoste, bryng saluation too the faithfull beleuers.

Antichrist not content with so small a number, hath added fiue moe, so that now they be seuen in number, which are more openly knowen, than they neede here to be rehearsed.

22 Christe, Math. xxviii. as concernyng the outward Ministerie, Marc. xvi. ordained the Sacramente of Baptisme to consiste of the worlde, and of the water.

Antichriste not content with so slender furniture, hath added many thinges, as the Exorcismes or Coniurations of the deuill out of the childe, salte, spittle, cros­sing, halowyng of the Fonte, candlebur­nyng, with diuerse other toyes.

23 Christ at the institution of the sacra­ment of his bodie and bloud vsed only the worde, Math. xxvi. bread and wine.

Antichrist mingleth Wine and water together in his ministration, and misera­bly handleth the words of the institution.

24 Christe appointed his holie Supper to bee a Sacrament, Luke. xxii. that is to saie, an ho­lie signe of his bodie and bloud. i. Cor. xi.

[Page] Antichriste saieth plainely, that the Lordes Supper is not onely a Sacra­mente, and holie signe of Christes bodie and bloud, but it is also the thyng it self, that is Christes naturall body and bloud with as good reason, as though a manne should saie, that the Iuiebushe, whiche hangeth before the Tauerne, is not one­ly a signe, that there is Wine to sell, but also that it is the Wine it self. Notwith­standyng, whosoeuer denieth thys hys Doctrine, muste needes bee counted an Heretike, and iudged to bee burned at a stake.

25 Christe makyng the breade and wine Sacramentes, Math. xxvi. and holie signes of his bodie and bloud, i. Cor. x. xi. altered not the substaun­ces of that holie breade, and holie wine, but thei remained in their olde nature, substaunce, and propertie, as tofore.

Antichriste teacheth in his dotyng and Deuilishe Decree, that after the woordes of consecration, This is my bo­die, This is my blood: Transub­stantiation. there remaineth no substaunce of breade and wine, but the substaunce of breade is tourned miracu­lously, by the vertue of cōsecratyng wor­des, [Page] into the substaunce of Christes natu­rall bodie: and the substaunce of the wine, into the substaunce of Christes naturall bloud, the accidentes of breade and wine onely remainyng, without their proper substaunces. O prodigious and monste­rous doctrine.

26 Christ ordained his holy Supper, to be a remembraunce of the sacrifice, Luke. xxii. which he offred on the alter of the Crosse for the redemption of the worlde, that when wee behold the Sacramental bread and wine broken and shed, we should call to remem­braunce that Christes body was broken, and his bloud shead, for the remission of our sinnes, i. Cor. xi. as he hymselfe saieth: Dooe this in remembraunce of mee. Item the Apostle: So ofte as ye shall eate of thys Bread, or drinke of this Cup, ye shall re­membre the Lordes death till he come.

Antichrist teacheth, that it is not only a remembraunce of the Sacrifice, but al­so the Sacrifice it self, Receauing of the Sa­crament. of the same digni­ty, might, and power.

27 Christ ordained that all that bee par­takers of his holy Supper, shoulde not onely eate of the Mistery of his body, but [Page] also drinke of the mistery of his bloud.

Antichrist taketh away f [...]om the Com­munion of the Laity, yea and of the Spi­ritualty also (except they Masse it them­selues, and make Gods body) the Cup of the mistery of Christes bloud, contrary to the commaundement of Christe, Math. xxvi. and con­trarie too the practise of the Primatiue Churhe.

28 Christe, Actes. iii. bicause he would take awaie his naturall bodye from the yearth, and place it vntill the day of iudgement in the glorious kingdome of his heauenly Fa­ther, ordained the Sacrament of than­kesgiuyng to be a memoriall of the same.

Antichrist teacheth plainly, that wher­soeuer the consecrate hoaste is, though it be in infinite places, The vbiqui­tie of Chri­stes naturall body. there is also the bo­dy of Christe, euen the [...]ry same body of Christe, that was borne of Mary the Uir­gin, & hanged on the altare of the Crosse. He saieth moreouer, that the sacred hoast beyng whole, is but the body of Christe: and the same hoaste beyng broken in an hundred peeces, euery parcell thereof al­though neuer so little, is but the body of Christe, euen as he hanged on the Crosse. [Page] O doctrine more than twise monstrous.

29 Christe in his holy woorde teacheth, that the Sacramentall Bread and wine should bee eaten and dronken, Luke. xx. in the re­membraunce of his body breakyng and bloudshedyng. i. Cor. xi.

Antichrist commaundeth, that the Sa­crament should be heaued and lifted vp a­boue the priestes head, that it may be wor­shipped of the people, hanged vp in the Pixe, caried about in solemne Procession in pompes and vayne pastymes.

30 Christ teacheth that the next waye to Math. iiii. heauen is to repent vs of our former life, Marc. i. and to beleue the Gospell. Luke. xxiiii.

Antichrist saieth, that the rediest waie vnto saluation, is to bye his Pardons, to put on a Grayfryers Coule, to purchase certaine Masses of Scala celi, to truste in the praiers and intercessions of sainctes, to bye the Suffrages of the Churche, to prouide to bee partaker of the Monkes praiers, watchinges, fastinges vowes, deuotions, &c.

31 Christ declareth in his heauenly do­ctrine, i. Ihon. i. that there is no satisfaction too God the father for our synnes, Galat. vi. but onely Ephes. ii. Coloss. i. [Page] his helthfull and most precious death.

Antichrist saieth, that the woorkes of penaunce do satisfy the diuine iustice, and appeace his wrath kindled against vs for synne.

32 Christ declareth in his doctrine, Luke. xv. that when we haue offended our heauenly Fa­ther, Ioan. xvi. and gone astraye from the pathes of his holy commaundementes: Math. xvii. we shoulde conuert and tourne vnto hym, i. Ihon. i. and make our hūble confession vnto hym, and craue forgiuenesse of our synnes at his hande, for his sonne Christ Iesus sake.

Antichrist sendeth vs vnto his Prie­stes, commaunding vs to publish and con­fesse our synnes vnto hym, and take pe­naunce and absolution at his hande, with this faithe, that so doyng we are forgiuen and deliuered from all synne.

33 Christ saith, Ioan. xi. that whosoeuer beleueth on hym, Rom. iii. although he were dead, yet shall hee liue, ascribyng oure iustification and righteous makyng to faithe alone.

Antichrist teacheth that not by faithe alone, but by faith, hope, charity, and wor­kes together, we are iustified, Roma. iii. v. when not­withstandyng the Apostle saieth, Galat. ii. that we [Page] are iustified by faithe without the workes of the lawe. And the greatest parte of the auncient writers ascribe iustification to faith alone without workes.

34 Christ by the Apostle saith, Galath. v. that faith worketh by loue, signifiyng here by, that faith is the mother of charitie, and that charitie issueth and floweth out of faithe, as the small riuers, out of the great and mayne fountaines.

Antichrist saith, that faith is wrought by Charitie, and also that charitie is the Parent or Mother of faith, so that in the matter of iustification charitie goeth be­fore faithe. Is not this that Antichriste, that shoulde tourne the rootes of Trees upwarde?

35 Christe saieth, either make the Tree good, Math. xii. and his fruit good also, or els make the Tree nought, and his fruite nought also: meanyng that the Tree shoulde bee [...] good, and thā bring forth good fruit. The fruite maketh not the Tree good, but the Tree doth make the fruite good, although we can not know that the Tree is good, but by his fruites. For we can iudge nothyng but by his outwarde ope­ration, [Page] yet God seeth the quickenesse that is in the roote, lindx; whiche in the tyme that GOD hath appointed hym, shall bryng forth his fruite: and approueth the Tree to be good, although it seemeth dead vn­to vs. The Tree is faithe, Note well. whiche is the mother of al good workes, and euer wor­keth by charitie, whensoeuer occasion is offered. And for this cause is a faithfull man in the Psalmes compared to a Tree planted by the riuers syde, Psalm. i. which yeldeth and bringeth forth her fruite in her time.

36 Christe comaundeth that the poore should bee bidde too dinner, Luke. xiiii. and that wee should geue to the needy, Math. vi. and so laye vp treasure for our selues in heauen.

Antichrist sommoneth and citeth them bee they neuer so poore, not regardyng their lette and aduersitie, but he curseth them, if they come not at the time appoin­ted: and if they come, they go away sorier and sicker both in Soule and Purse, then they came.

37 Christe teacheth that wee should not sweare at al, Math. v. but that we should vse in our communication to affirme, Iac. v. yea, and to de­ny, naye. For whatsoeuer is more com­meth [Page] of euill.

Antichrist saieth: Cap. Signifi­casti de elect. if any man will re­ceaue any Office vnder vs, hee shall bee sworne before, that he will be true, faith­full and iuste vnto vs. If any manne also haue any thyng to doe in his Courtes, he must first of all sweare by God and by the holy Gospell, that this or that is true: a­gaine, that hee shall truely and faithfully aunswere to all suche thynges as shall be required of hym.

38 Christ commaunded his Disciples to knowe his Lawe: Ioan. v. and badde the Iewes searche the Scriptures. And Moses ex­horted the Israelites to teache the Lawe of God to their young children, Deut. vi. and that they should haue it bounde as a signe in their handes, that it might be euer before their eyes: he caused them also to write it on the postes and doores of their houses.

Antichrist saith, it is not meete for the lewde people to knowe the Misteries of Gods woorde, but to beleue as Mother holy churche teacheth them without any further inquisition: yea he maketh it He­resie and Treason againste Kynges and Princes to knowe Christe or his Lawes. [Page] He hath digged Cesternes of his owne traditions, and hath stopped vp the pure fountaynes of Christes doctrine. He can not abyde, that the Laity should reade the Scripture, least they should perceaue his iuglyng: neither can hee suffer that the Scriptures should bee painted either in publique Temples, or in priuate houses. The blinder the people be, the warmer is his Kitchin.

39 Christe taught his disciples on this wise: Math. xviii. if thy brother trespasse against thee, goe and tell hym his faulte, betwene hym and thee alone. If he heare thee: thou hast wonne thy brother. But if he heare thee not, then take yet with thee one or twoo, that in the mouthe of twoo or three wit­nesses, euery matter maie bee stablished. If he heare not them, tell it vnto the con­gregation. If he heare not the congrega­tion, let hym be vnto thee as an Heathen man, and as a Publicane.

Antichriste vseth an other kynde of doctrine. For if any offende and displease hym, he will straight waies (suche is his burnyng charitie) caste them into prison, there to remaine in hard and cold yrons, [Page] to make theim to reuoke the truthe, con­trary to the truthe, and contrary to their owne conscience, and so at the laste too graunte to his will. But if he bee strong through the Spirite of GOD (without whom, no man is able to stande in suche a case) and will not forsake the truthe: then after long and many moste greuous tormentes, secretely ministered to those constant, and faithfull Martyrs of Christ, at the laste he bryngeth foorthe, accuseth, iudgeth, condemneth, and in fine, deliue­reth to the temporall officers, as to their Butchers and hangmen, to bee burnte at a stake vnto ashes. As for that charitable reconciliation, that our Sauiour Christ gaue in commaundemente, vnto as many as take vpon them to bee his Ministers, he vtterly refuseth, and will none of it.

40 Christe saieth: If thou wilte bee per­fecte, goe and sell all that thou haste, Math. xix. and giue it to the poore: and thou shalte haue treasure in heauen.

Antichriste saieth: If thou wilte bee perfecte, giue me thy money, and I will giue thee a Pardon, by the vertue where­of thou shalte bee absolued a paena & cul­pa, [Page] and make thee as cleane, as that daie thou were borne: Yea, I will for thy mo­ney, giue thee the keyes of heauen gates, so y t thou shalt enter in, without any stop.

41 Christ saieth: Ihon. xv. Ye are my freendes, if ye do those thinges, that I cōmande you?

Antichriste saieth: 25. quest. Cap. Sut quidam. Ye shall dooe as I commaunde you. For I haue power and authoritie to make lawes, and after them shall ye liue.

42 Christ saieth: When ye haue doen al thynges that I haue cōmaunded you: Luke. xvii. yet saie, that ye are vnprofitable seruauntes.

Antichrist saieth: Doe those thinges that I commaunde you, and take a sure cōscience vnto you, that ye are righteous in the sight of God, & haue deserued hea­uen: yea, if you doe all that I commaunde you, ye shall not onely haue good workes enough, wherewith to saue your selues, but also to saue other. And these woorkes are called Opera supererogationis, Dist. 40. As for myself, Si Papa. though I doe neuer so wickedly, so that through my wicked and leude be­hauiour, I bryng many thousandes with me into damnation: yet maie no man re­buke me, but call me the mooste holieste [Page] Father.

43 Christe saieth: Math. v. Whosoeuer breaketh one of the leaste of my commaundemen­tes: he shalbe called the least in the kyng­dome of heauen.

Antichriste roareth out and saieth: What haue I to doe with Christes lawe? I am subiecte to no lawes, but all lawes are obedient to me, and to my power. By this meanes Antichrist doeth but seldom right, but is alwaie against the right, yea and against his owne lawe also, as often as menne bryng him money. For that lo­ueth he aboue all thynges.

44 Christe saieth: Math. v. Blessed are the peace­makers, for thei shall bee called the son­nes of God.

Antichriste saieth: Blessed are they that fight, and goe together by the eares, for the defence of sainct Peters patrimo­nie: for thei shall bee called the children of our Mother holie Churche.

45 Christe saieth: Luke. vi. Woe bee to you that laugh now: for ye shall wepe and lament.

Antichrist saieth: Blessed are thei, that make mery, and take no thought: for thei are sure to haue a good, and ioyfull porti­on [Page] in this worlde.

46 Christe saieth: Ioan. viii. My kyngdome is not of this worlde.

Antichriste saieth: My kyngdome is of this worlde. The Emperour with his Empire, the Kyng with his kyngdome, the Duke with his Ducherie, and all o­ther with al that euer thei haue, are mine, and at my commaundemente: Yea, my kyngdome is, not onely in this worlde, but also in Heauen, and in Purgatorie, yea, and in Hell also. For euen out of Hell doe I deliuer damned soules, by the ver­tue of my Masses: and the paines of di­uerse there also doe I mitigate, by thyn­ges doen at myne appointemente. Thus am I lorde of Heauen, of Hell, of Yearth, of Purgatorie.

47 Christe saieth, Ihon. [...] that no man can come to hym, that is to saie, beleue in hym, ex­cepte his heauenly Father, by his holie Spirite drawe hym.

Antichrist saieth: If any will not be­leue: Fire, Fagotte, Sworde, and Halter shall make hym to beleue.

48 Christe by his holy Apostle teacheth that a Bishoppe, ii. Timoth. ii. whiche ought to bee the [Page] seruaunte of the Lorde Christe, muste bee quiet and gentle, no fighter, nor tyraunte, but suche one as is readie to enfourme suche as doe erre, and with wholsome do­ctrine, to reduce theim vnto the waye of truthe.

Antichriste commaundeth, The cruelty of the Po­pish bishops. that suche as are Bishoppes, should bee stoute and sturdie, and couragious in the defence of his doctrine. If any bee stubborne, and will not relente: his will is, not that they should refourme hym by the woorde of GOD, wherof the greatest part of them hath no knowledge at al, but handle them accordyng to the Decree of his Lawe, whiche is to burne them. It maie not be considered, whether the matter be right, or not. Nos habemus legem, Ioan. xix. & secundum legem nostram debet mori.

49 Christ commaunded in his doctrine, that the Tares whiche grow emong the Wheate, Math. xiii. should not bee plucked vp, but suffered to grow vntil the Haruest come, when the Wheate shall bee gathered of the Reapers into the barne, and the Ta­res shall bee burnte with vnquencheable fire.

[Page] Antichriste cleane contrary behaueth hymself. For the good Wheate he pluc­keth vp and burneth, and the Tares he suffereth still to growe. Note. By the good wheate, I vnderstande the true and faith­full Preachers of Goddes worde, and so many as vnfeignedly embrace, and pro­fesse the sincere & pure religion of Christ. These as his moste extreame enemies, Antichrist persecuteth, apprehendeth, ac­cuseth, iudgeth, condemneth, and giueth ouer to the Seculare power, with fire to bee consumed vnto ashes. By the Tares, I meane Tyrauntes, Persecutours of Goddes truthe, commonly called Inqui­sitours, Canonistes, Scotistes, Hypocri­tes, Monkes, Friers, Chanons, Nonnes Arkers, Ankresses, Uotories, Uowesses, Pardonners, Proctours, Promotours, Purgatorie rakers, Massemongers, Pil­grimage gadders, and all other supersti­cious and vngodlie people. These as his moste deare and tender frēdes, he kisseth and culleth: he promoteth, and auaunceth vnto high dignities, promotions, Bisho­prickes, Cardinalshippes, Archedeacon­ries, Prebendes, Parsonages. &c. and di­ligentely [Page] watcheth, as a moste diligente watcher, and Pastour ouer his flock, that no crosse, no aduersitie, no misfortune, no trouble chaunce vnto them, but all game and glee, all sporte and comforte, all ioye and solace. &c.

50 Christe taught not his owne, Ioan. vii. but his Fathers doctrine: and what he receiued of his heauenly Father, that taught he to the people.

Antichriste setteth naughte by the worde of GOD, excepte it bee to colour his wicked tyrannie withall. He teacheth his owne deuilishe Decrees, and triflyng Traditions, and enforceth the peopl [...], e­uen with violence to followe them.

51 Christe would haue his doctrine no further beleued, Ihon. v. then it did consente, and agree with Moses, the Psalmes, and the Prophetes.

Antichrist will haue his Traditions and Constitutions, beleued and obeyed, though Moses and the Prophets, Christ and his Apostles should saie naie. For thei bee of no further aucthoritie, then it shall please hym to limite, and appointe.

52 Christe saieth: Math. xi. Learne of me▪ For I [Page] am humble and meeke.

Antichrist saieth: ye that belong vn­to me; muste bee stoute and lustie. For I your Lorde am lustie, and stoute in all quarters rounde aboute, neither will I loute or stoupe, either to Kyng or Kesar. Yea, whom it pleaseth me I will exalte and aduaunce, and at my pleasure will I hym againe depose. All without excepti­on, yea, the verie Angelles also in heauen shall obeye me, and accomplishe my com­maundement.

53 Christe entreatyng of Fastyng, ap­pointeth no certaine daies or tymes, Math. vi. but leaueth it free to all that professe his holy Lawe that thei maie faste, when occasion is offered, and when the Spirite of God moueth theim, yea, and that after suche sorte, The ende of fastyng. as thei bee taught in the woorde of God, that is to saie, to mortifie their car­nall affectes, to subdue the bodie to the spirite, and to spare out of our owne beal­lies, that wee maie haue the more liberal­ly, to giue vnto the poore, accordyng to this commaundemente of GOD by the Prophete: Breake thy breade to the hun­grie: and leade the needy waifaryng man [Page] into thy house. When thou seest a naked man, couer hym, [...]say. lviii. and despise not thy flesh.

Antichriste prescribeth certain daies to bee fasted, yea, and that vnder paine of euerlastyng damnation, as the tyme of Aduent, Lent, Embryng daies, Saincts euens, &c. All these daies must bee fasted, of all maner of people, that bee twelue yere olde and vpwarde.

54 Christe saieth: Math. xxi. My house is the house of Praier.

Antichriste saieth: My house is the house of money. He that bryngeth not money, commeth not in there, neither is there any place for hym.

55 Christe saieth: Luke. xvii. The Kyngdome of God commeth not with waityng for, that is to saie, with outwarde obseruaunces, and externall ordinaūces at the appoint­ment of men, For beholde, the kyng [...]me of God is within you.

Antichrist saieth: Weare this cappe, or that Caule, this graie habite, or that white habite. Professe this rule, or that rule, Faste this day or that daye. Bye this Pardon or that Pardō, &c. and thou shalt be saued.

[Page]56 Christ saieth: If any man saye vnto you: Math. xxiiii. Loe here is Christ, or there: beleue it not. For there shall arise false Christes and false Prophetes, and shall shew great wonders and miracles, insomuche that if it were possible, the verie electe should be deceaued. Beholde, I haue tolde you be­fore. Wherefore if they saye vnto you: Beholde, he is in the deserte, goe not ye forthe: Beholde, he is in the secrete pla­ces, beleue it not.

Antichrist saieth: Loe here is Christe at this Altare, and at that Altare: in this Priestes hande, and that Priestes hande: in this Pixe and that Pixe, in this Boxe and that Boxe. Come, and see thy Ma­ker. Worshippe hym, meekely kneelyng vppon thy knees. Holde vp thy handes vnto hym. This is he that killed thy fa­ther. This is the Aplemaker of Kente. If thou wilte not beleue that this is thy Maker, thou shalt burne for it without redemption.

57 Christe saieth: Math. xxiiii. The Gospell of the kingdome shall bee Preached in all the world, for a witnesse vnto all nations, and then shall the ende come.

[Page] Antichrist saieth: I and my Compli­ces, the Cardinalls, Bishops, Priestes, Monkes, Fryers, Lawyers, &c. will to the vttermost of our power suppresse the preachyng of the Gospell, and so many as either preach it or professe it, that the end of this worlde may not come. And so shall wee still continue in pleasure, ioye and myrthe. For that is our portion.

58 Christ saieth: Math. x. Whosoeuer shall giue vnto one of these little ones to drinke, a cup of colde water onely (in the name of a Disciple (verely I say vnto you, he shall not loose his rewarde.

Antichrist saieth: What haue I to doe with the poore? Euery man for himself, & the Deuill for vs all. Whosoeuer giueth any thyng to this fraternitie or that fra­ternitie, to this Guilde or that Guilde, to this Cloisture or that Cloisture, to thys Chauntry or that Chauntry, to this par­don or that pardon, to this altare and that altare, to this morowe Prieste and that morowe Prieste, &c. He shall not loose his rewarde. And the more hee giueth, the greater shall be his rewarde.

59 Christ saith: Math. x. Beware of men: for they [Page] shall deliuer you vp too the counsels, and shall scourge you in their Sinagoges. And ye shal be brought to headrulers and kinges for my sake, &c.

Antichrist saith: Ye my Shauelinges with the reast of myne Adherentes, feare no manne liuyng. For they shall not once touche you. Psalm. 105. Is it not written. Nolite tan­gere Christos meos, & in Prophetis meis ne malignemini? Are ye not my greased, my sineared, and mine holy annointed. Are not ye my Prophettes and Preachers? Doe not ye execute my wil and pleasure? Who then may be bolde to touch you? I haue made a decree to curse all them that laye violente hande either of Prieste or Clerke, and that they shal not be assoiled, but onely at my hande, and where I ap­point. Therefore feare ye not, neither be he dismaide. And as for any bringing of you before y e head rulers, take no thought. I haue enfraunchised you and made you free from all their power and aucthority, so that they haue nothyng to do with you in any matter. I haue made you a pecular kingdome by your selues. You may con­uent all menne before you, and summone [Page] them to appeare before you in your spiri­tuall courtes, to lay to their charge what­soeuer shall please you: but with you they shall haue nothyng to doe. No, they shall reuerence you, thei shall crouch and knele vnto you. They shall Maister you, They shall Lorde you. They shall Grace you. Yea, the basest among you all thei shall sa­lute with Domine, that is to saie, Lorde, or Sir.

60 Christe saieth: Luke. xi. Blessed are they that heare the word of God, and keepe it.

Antichrist saith: Blessed are they that heare my decrees, and obserue them.

61 Christ saith: Beware of the Scribes, Luke. xx. whiche will go in long clothing, Math. xxiii. and loue greetinges in the markets and highest seates in the Sinagoges, and the chiefe roumes at Feastes, whiche deuoure Wi­dowes houses, by fainyng long praiers: the same shall receaue the greater dam­nation.

Antichrist saieth: Though my Chop­loches Chaplens, and chapmen be in this behalfe like vnto the sausy Scribes, fine Pharesies, lustye Lawyers, patterynge priestes, braggyng Bishops, liyng Leui­tes, [Page] satanicall Saduces and suche other, whiche liued amonge the Iewes in the daies of Christe, so that they also goe in long gownes, loue gretinges in the mar­kets, and the hiest seates in the Sinago­ges, and the chiefe roumes at feastes, and deuour widdowes houses vnder the pre­tence of long praier, &c: yet see, that ye neither contemne nor condemne theym, but make much of them, reuerence them, worship them, and honour them: for they are in dignitie more excellent than An­gels, in honour farre passyng Kynges, Princes, Emperours, or any other mor­tall creature, although neuer so noble. For they are the makers of hym, that made them and the whole worlde.

62 Christ in his Sermons cried wreck, Math. xxiii. woe, and damnation vpon those Scribes, Pharesies, and Hipocrites, whiche tithed Mynte, and Anyse, and Comyn, and lefte the weighty matters of the Lawe: iudge­ment, mercie, and faith.

Antichrist saith: What haue I to doe with iudgement, mercie, and faith. Bring in your Tythes. Paye your Offeringes. Geue your Dirige groates, your Masse [Page] pence, and your Confessional pence, with al your other good and godly deuotions. Bye my Pardons Geue ten shillings for a trentall, fortie pence to the hye Altare, twelue pence to the Sepulchre light, sixe pence too Lampes. Euer bee geuyng of somwhat, though it be but a Cheese, or a peece os Bacon to the holy order of swete Sainct Fraunces, or to any other of my Fryers, Monkes, Chanons, &c. Holy Churche refuseth nothyng, but gladly ta­keth whatsoeuer commeth.

63 Christ by the parable of the ten Uir­gines, Math. xxv. wherof fiue were wise, and fiue foo­lishe, declareth twoo thynges manifestly. One is, that no man hath good dedes suf­ficient for hym selfe. The second is, that after this life no good deedes doone can profite vnto saluation.

Antichrist teacheth the contrary, and saieth: Some men in this worlde growe vp vnto suche perfection in doyng good workes, that they haue not onely plentie and enough for their owne saluation, but they haue also sufficient for other: where as we be taught in the worde of God, that no man liuyng can iustifie himselfe in the [Page] sight of GOD. He teacheth also, that the good deedes done of other for theym that are departed, profite them greatly, either vnto the diminishyng of their paine, if they be in hell, or vnto the aduauncement of their glory if they be in heauen, or vn­to the dispatchyng of their tormentes if they be in purgatory.

64 Christ in his doctrine teacheth, Ioan. iii. that whosoeuer beleueth in hym may bee sure to haue euerlastyng life, as it is written: He that beleueth on the Sonne of God, Esay. xxvii. hath euerlastyng life. Rom. x. But hee that bele­ueth not on the Sonne of God, Ihon. xi. shall not see life, but the wrath of God abideth vpō hym. Againe, euery on that putteth his trust in hym, that is to saie, Christe, shall not bee confounded. And our Sauioure Christe hymselfe saieth: I am the resur­rection and the life: He that beleueth on me, yea though he were dead yet shall hee liue. And whosoeuer liueth and beleueth in mee, he shall neuer dye. Sainct Paule beyng certaine of his saluation thorowe faithe in Christe, saieth: I am now readie to bee offered, and the tyme of my depar­tyng is at hande. I haue fought a good [Page] fight. ii. Timo. iiii. I haue fulfilled my course. I haue kepte the faithe. From henceforthe there is laied vp for me a croune of righteous­nesse, whiche the Lorde, whiche is a righ­teous Iudge, shall giue me at that daye, not to me onely, but vnto all theim also that loue his commyng. ii. Tim. i. Again, I knowe and am sure, that he (in whom I haue put my truste) is able to keepe that, whiche I haue committed to his keepyng againste that daie.

Antichriste saieth: No manne in this worlde, can bee certaine and sure of his saluatiō, and therefore he ought to doubt, and to stande in feare, whether he shall be saued, or not, accordyng to that whiche is writter: Nemo nouit, an amore, vel odio sit dignus, Eccle. ix. sed omnia in futurnm seruantur in certa. Antichrist wreasteth these textes. No man knoweth, whether he be worthie loue or hate: i. Cor. iiii. but all thynges are kepte vncertaine for the tyme to come. Againe, Nihil mihi conscius sum: at non in hoc iustificatus sum: I knowe nothyng by my self: yet am I not thereby iustified.

65 Christe in the Parable of the menne, Math. xx. that were hired to woorke in the Uine­yarde, some at one tyme of the daie, some [Page] at an other, some betymes, some late, and yet notwithstandyng, all receiued like re­ward at night, semeth euidently to teach, that all the Sainctes of God haue one, and the same full glorie in Heauen, and that one hath not a greater rewarde then an other, but the same ioye, the same glo­rie, and the same honour is giuen, with­out any difference to all the soonnes of GOD a like, forasmuche as it commeth not of workes, but of grace: Againe, that there is no respect of persons with God. By grace are ye saued, saieth S. Paule, Ephes. ii. through faithe, and that not of our selues. It is the gifte of God, and commeth not of woorkes, least any manne should boast hym self. Againe, Roma. vi. Euerlastyng life is the gifte of God, through Iesus Christe our Lorde.

Antichriste teacheth, Ioan. xiiii. that as there be many mansions in the kyngdome of Hea­uen, so are there many diuersities, and differences of glories and ioyes in the same, for the inhabitauntes thereof. As there is one maner glorie of the Sunne, and an other glorie of the Moone, and an other glorie of the Starres, i. Cor. xv. (for one [Page] starre differeth one frō an other in glory) so is the state of the Sainctes in Heauen. One hath an higher place then an other, one more glorie then an other, euery man according to his degree, euery manne ac­cordyng to his woorkes, merites, and de­sertes. Hereof it should then followe, that there is respecte of persones with God, and that the heauēly glory is ours, not of mercie, but of merite, not through Christ, but through our owne workes.

66 Christe saieth: Whosoeuer putteth a­waie his wife (excepte it bee for fornica­tion) and marieth an other, Math. xix. breaketh wed­locke: giuyng here libertie to the gilt­lesse and innocent manne, hauyng an har­lot to his wife, and suche one as hath bro­ken her weddyng vowe and promise, and hath ioyned her self to an other man, by this meanes cuttyng of her self, from the bodie of her housebande, and makyng her self one fleshe with an whoremonger, not onely to bee diuorced from that harlotte, sometyme his wife, but also to marrie a­gaine, and take an other woman to his wife, in the feare of God. It is a common saiyng, Iere. ii. saieth Ieremie: If a manne put a­waie [Page] his wife, and she goyng awaie from him, marrieth an other manne, shall he re­sort any more vnto her after that? Shall not that woman be defiled and vncleane?

Antichriste in his lawe saieth: If a manne haue an whore to his wife, it shall bee lawfull for hym to bee deuorced from her, bothe from bedde and borde, but he maie by no meanes marrie again, liue as he maie.

67 Christe also by his holie Apostle gi­ueth libertie, i. Cor. vii. to the faithfull man or wo­man, beyng coupled in marriage to suche an Idolatour or Infidell, as will by no meanes forsake his Idolatrie or Infide­litie, but rather goeth about not onely to defende it, but also to bryng his faithfull yokefellowe vnto it, so that the faithfull can not liue with the vnfaithfull with a good conscience, and accordyng to the woorde of God, to marrie againe. These bee the woordes: If the vnbeleuyng de­parte, lette hym departe. A Brother or a Sister is not in subiection to suche. But God hath called vs in peace.

Antichriste will by no meanes suffer any diuorcement so to bee made, that ma­riage [Page] shall followe, although the giltlesse persone burne neuer so greately, and bee neuer so muche combered, bothe in bodie and conscience. Take the whore againe if ye will, other wife get ye none.

68 Christe saieth: Math. xix. Honour thy Father and thy Mother: In the whiche cōmaun­demente is required of children, that thei giue not theim selues to Mariage, with­out the consent of their godlie parentes. Therefore read wee that emong the peo­ple of God, none were coupled in Matri­monie, but with the consent of the paren­tes. What the Ciuill Lawe determineth also in this matter, the learned knowe.

Antichriste in the bestowyng of chil­dren in Mariage, requireth not the con­sente, and good will of the Parentes: but if thei theim selues Marrie, without the knowledge, or consent of their Parentes or Tutours, he alloweth it to bee well doen, and the Mariage to bee lawfull. By this meanes is a greate parte of that ho­noure taken awaie from Fathers and Mothers, that is due vnto them by their children.

69 Christe beyng presente at a mariage, Ihon. ii. [Page] with his Mother, and with his disciples, teacheth euidentely, that Matrimonie ought to bee solemnely, and openly pro­clamed and celebrated, and that it ought not to bee doen in corners.

Antichriste for money graunteth dis­pēsations to all men, for to Marie where thei will, when thei will, and with whom thei will. All thynges are decent and law full, if money come. All thynges obeye money.

70 Christe in his doctrine did neuer for­bidde mariage to be contracted betwene any persones, excepte those degrees one­ly, whiche his Heauenly Father had to­fore forbidden by his seruaunt Moses.

Antichriste in his Lawe prohibiteth many and diuerse degrees to Marrie to­gether, whom God hath sette at libertie. He hath decreed also that Christen Gos­sippes, that is to saie, those men and wo­mē that haue been Godfathers, and God­mothers together of one childe at Bap­tisme, maie not Marrie together, nor yet their children. If thei doe, he praclaimeth their Marriage to bee incestuous, and that diuorcemente muste bee made out of [Page] hande. This is to bee vnderstanded, ex­cepte thei purchase a licence of hym for money, for money maketh all thynges lawfull in the Courte: Neither are his Lawes any other thyng, then Nettes for money.

71 Christe freely permitteth Marriage to all degrees, none excepted, if thei haue not the gift of continencie: neither doeth he appoincte any tyme, when it shall not be lawfull to solemnise Matrimonie, but giueth libertie to all menne, at all tymes freely to Marrie.

Antichriste as wee haue tofore heard, denieth Marriage to all his clatteryng Clergie, rather sufferyng them to burne, and to runne a Whoryng, then he will suffer them to haue wiues of their owne, that this Prophecie of sainct Paule may i. Timoth. iiii. bee fulfilled. The Spirite speaketh eui­dently, saieth he, that in the latter tymes, some shall departe from the Faithe, and shall giue heede vnto the Spirities of er­rour, and Deuilishe doctrines of them, whiche speake falsly through Hipocrisie, and haue their consciences marked with an hotte yron, forbiddyng to Marrie, &c. [Page] And as he forbiddeth certaine degrees of menne to Marrie, so doeth he forbidde at certaine tymes of the yere, to celebrate Matrimonie, in somuche that whosoeuer presumeth in those forbidden tymes to Marrie, is not onely accursed, but his Marriage also is not lawfull. Notwith­standyng, if any man will bryng money, and purchase a licence to Marrie. he shall easely obtaine it, though it were on good Fridaie, so deare and tenderly beloued is that greate God Mammon, in Antichri­stes courtes. But if it bee lawfull at these tymes to Marrie for money: Is it not lawfull to marrie without money? Doth money make a thyng either lawfull, or vnlawfull? God destroye thy kyngdome, O Antichriste. Thy money perishe with thee. For thy harte is not right in the sight of God.

72 Christe in his holie Gospell com­maundeth Actes. viii. vs to praie, Math. vi. but he prescribeth no certaine tyme of Praier.

Antichriste appoincteth certaine ty­mes to Praie, whiche tymes whosoeuer doeth not obserue, he is coumpted grec­uosly to offende.

[Page]73 Christe by his blessed Apostle sainct Paule, i. Timoth. ii. giueth vs libertie to praie in eue­rie place, liftyng vp pure handes with­out wrathe, or doubtyng. And he hym self in the Gospel, saied to the woman of Sa­maria. Woman, beleue me, the hower cō ­meth, and now is, when the true worship­pers, shall worshippe the Father in Spi­rite, Ihon. iiii. and in the truthe. For suche also the Father requireth to worshippe him. God is a Spirite: and thei that worship hym, must worshippe hym in spirite and in the truthe.

Antichrist teacheth, that though wee maie praie to GOD in all places, yet ought wee moste chiefly to praie in suche places, as his Bishoppes and Prelates haue consecrated, and hallowed for mo­ney, as Oratories worthie for their ver­tue and holinesse, wherein our Praiers maie the soner bee hearde, and the better accepted. And yet in these places ap­pointed of hym for Praier, one is coun­ted more holie then an other, and more meritorious to praie in, as the Churche is holier then the Chappell, & the Chan­cell holier then theim bothe: and yet the [Page] Chauncell holier then them both: and yet the Cathedrall Church, otherwise called the mother Church more holy than them all three. But to praie at the Shrynes of his canoniced Sainctes, or in places of Pilgrimage, where the Deuill worketh stiracles. I would saie, miracles, but na­mely at Rome, at Compostella, at Ieru­salem, &c. this passeth all. Praiers made in those places with this confidence, that they be the sooner hearde, and the better accepted by the reason of the places, flye to heauen, as it were a polde henne.

74 Christ appointed a certaine forme of Math. vi. praier, after the whiche we should directe Luke. xi. our Praiers vnto our Heauenly Father: wherein also he declareth, what thinges wee shoulde specially aske of GOD the Father.

Antichrist appointeth diuers and ma­ny formes of praiyng, not to God, but to this he Sainct, and to that she Sainct, yea and that for manie and sundry causes, to euery sainct for a contrary thing. And thus are men taught to worship the crea­ture in steede of the creator, robbing God of his glory, and committyng moste wic­ked [Page] and damnable idolatrie.

75 Christ saieth: Math. vi. when thou praiest, thou shalte not bee as the Hipocrites are, For they vse to stande praiyng in the Sina­goges, and in the corners of the stretes, that they may be seene of men.

Antichrist saieth: I will that my Cha­plaines and my quire men shall pray, sing and saie in none other places, then in the Sinagoges, that is to saie, in Churches and Chappelles and suche other Orato­ries, yea and specially, when the people are moste of all gathered together, al­though they vnderstande not one worde, what is either song or said, or on the Or­gans plaid. And bicause they may be seen of men, and haue the greater assembly of people at their praiers, he commaundeth that now one Bell shal be rong, now two, now three, now all the belles in the steple, by the which diuersitie of ringing menne maye the better knowe not onely when Antichristes Chaplaines and their com­plices may be sene to praie, but also when it is Festum simplex, or Festum duplex, or Festum principale, that is to saie, single feast, or double feast, or principall feast.

[Page]76 Christ saith: when ye praie, Math. vi. bable not much, as the heathen doe. For thei thinke it will come to passe, that they shall bee hearde for their much babling. Be ye not therefore like vnto them.

Antichrist doth so lade and burden hys The long praiers of the Papists. captiues with innumerable multitudes of praiers, that they haue almost no tyme to breath. They haue Mattens of the day, and Mattens of oure Ladie with Prime and howres. They haue long Nocturns. They haue long Letanies, long Seuen Psalmes, long fiftene Psalmes with ma­ny and diuers Orisons. They haue long Masses and long commemoration. They haue long Diriges and long commenda­tions. They haue Euensong of the daie, with Euensong of our Lady, and Com­plin to them both. And all these thinges must be saied or song vnder paine of dead­ly synne. But how thei be mumbled and iumbled vp, all the world may see: Uerely without all godly affection of the minde. The hearte goeth one waie, and the voice an other way, so that they agree together as Harpe and Harow, and come one to an other as iuste as Iermyns lippes, Of [Page] such kinde of beadmen speaketh our Sa­uiour Christ on this maner: Math. xv. This people draweth nighe, Esay. xxix. and honoureth mee with their lippes, but their heart is farre from mee, Uerely they worship mee in vaine, teachyng doctrines, euen the commaun­dementes of men.

77 Christ would haue suche loue among vs that bee his Disciples, that we should gladly, willingly, and freely without mo­ney pray one for an other.

Antichrist willeth his Chaplaines to praye for none, excepte they haue money, accordyng to the common prouerbe: No peny no Pater noster. If money come, they will be ready at all times to sing and say: If there bee no money, then here is the doore and there is the waye: Farewell gentle Geffray: and as the Porters crye in Sturbridge Fayre: a newe Maister a newe, and hang vp the olde. They will no longer sing or saye, than ye haue Money for to paie. Bring money and ye shal haue Masse of Scala celi, Masse of Requiem, Masse of Recordare, Masse of Si iniquita­tes, with an hundred kind of Masses besi­des for whatsoeuer purpose ye will. For [Page] our Massemongers haue Masses in store for all kynde of thinges good or badde. Onely bryng Money, and ye shall wante nothyng, so desirous are Antichristes men of money, O Mammonistes.

78 Christ by his Apostles commaundeth i. Timo. i. that euery congregation should haue his pastour or preacher, to feede the Christen flock with the most holsome fode of Gods worde, so that euery spirituall Minister should attende vppon his owne cure, and not bee distracte with the care of diuers congregations.

Antichrist can not away with this, Pluralities of Benefices that one man should haue but one benefice, and one liuyng, therefore he dispenseth with his Chaplains for money, to haue as ma­ny Benefices as they can get, neuer ta­kyng thought for the discharge of the cu­res. He graunteth them dualities, triali­ties, pluralities, and tot quots, to snatche as many as they can catch. Though God would haue one Pastour to haue but one flocke, and one Beneficed man to enioye but one benefice: yet Antichrist contrarie to this moste righteous will of GOD, graunteth to one man for money through [Page] dispensation to haue multitudes of Be­nefices both against all right and consci­ence, and againste the auncient practise and vsage of Christes church. It is more tollerable and praise worthy, that two or three pastoures should haue the ouersight of one Congregation beeyng large and great in multitude of people (as we read, that in the City of Philippos, Philip. i. there were diuers bishops and diuers Deacons that did attend vpon the flocke of Christ) than one man to haue the charge of many Pa­rishes. How can one manne bee in diuers places? can one man doe that whiche is denied to Angels? I meane to be in ma­ny and diuers places at once. Will they commit the charge of them to other? and hire other to satisfie their office? But our Sauiour Christ saith: Ioan. x. A good shepheard giueth his life for his Sheepe. An hyred seruant, and he that is not the shepheard, neither are the sheepe his owne, seeth the Wolfe commyng and leaueth the sheepe, and flieth, and the Wolfe catcheth and scattereth the Sheepe. If Antichristes Chaplaines be not able to serue so manie Cures (as they are not able in deede) as [Page] they place other in their stead, so let them resigne and giue ouer, to their Curates and Ministers those benefices, where thei serue, and they themselues serue not, that they may be the more able to doe their du­tie. And would God suche order might be taken, that one Benefice might bee made of suche valour, that it might aboundant­ly suffice on man and suche as necessarily appertaine vnto hym, that these plurali­ties of Benefices may once bee taken a­waie, which without doubt hath bene the occasion and yet is, of the destruction of many mens soules.

79 Christe by his blessed Apostle com­maundeth i. Timoth. iii. that suche should bee chosen to Titus. i. be Bishops and Pastors of Gods flocke, as be apte to teache, that is to saye, to ex­horte by wholsome doctrine, and to im­proue them that say against it.

Antichrist repelleth and putteth backe none from taking cure of soules, if he can reade his Portasse and his Missall, and be weli seene in the Pye. As for preachyng and teachyng, except it be foure tymes in the yere to reade to the people a generall curse, or to tell them some narrations out [Page] of the Festiuale, or Sainctes lyes, lyues I should saie, out of Legenda Aurea, he ca­reth not for it, yea, he abhorreth it. More­ouer Antichrist is growen vp vnto suche fauour and madnesse, that he is not asha­med for Money to dispense with Boyes, and to licence them to haue cure of Sou­les, and to enioye spirituall promotions, whiche ought to bee the liuynges of the true and faithfull Pastours, and of suche as labour and trauaile in the Lordes har­uest, where as the boyes are not able too haue cure of their owne Soules, beeyng more meete to be taught, then to teache. O thou Antichriste whiche burnest with an vnquenchable thirst of worldly goods, what an whorishe forehead haste thou put on, that thou darest commit the cure of Soules, and the liuinges appointed for the same, to children, to boyes, to suche as be like Moyles and Horses, that haue no vnderstandyng? Is it sitting, meete and conuenient, that those soules, which were so derely bought with the precious bloud of Gods owne Sonne, should be commit­ted to the cure, charge, and ouersight of boyes and children? Is not this to offer [Page] the flocke of Christ, a spoyle to the wolfe? Is not this to throwe mens soules head­long doune into the deepe dungeon of hel fyre for lacke of knowledge? Is not this vtterly to deface the ministery, and cruel­ly to spoyle the worthy pastours of their liuinges, and the Christen people of doc­trine and true administration of the Sa­cramentes? wo worth thee, O Antichrist with thy God that wicked Mammon.

80 Christe by his holy Apostle, i. Peter. v. chargeth all Postours to feede their flocke diligen­tly, and to bee residente vpon their Bene­fices, and not like an hirelyng or theef, to forsake the flocke, and to haue no care thereof.

Antichriste contrarie to this charge, and commaundemente of Christe, graun­teth for money: non Residences to so ma­ny as come, not caryng for the flocke, so he maie haue the money, nor yet regar­dyng the will of God, so that his pouche maie bee filled with golde and siluer. Let the Shepe of Christ runne a straie where thei will, hange on euery Brier, fall into euery ditche, bee deuoured of euery wolfe yea, sincke doune into Helle: he forceth [Page] not. For money he licenceth the Shepe­heard to goe whether he will, to be where he list, and to doe, what hym moste deligh­teth. The Pastour hauyng a good opiniō of his Dispensation, and non residence, is ledde with no care toward his flocke, but doeth what he will, and yet gorgiouslie and deliciouslie, although absent, liueth of the Wolle and Milke of the flocke, like a Theefe, whiche as our Sauiour Christe saieth, Commeth not but for to steale, to kille, and to destroye. Againste these non Residenciaries, Ihon. xi. GOD crieth out by the Prophete, and saieth: O Pastour and I­dole, that forsaketh his flocke. By an o­ther Prophete GOD crieth out also a­gainste Ezech. xiii. those Shepeheardes, that feede theim selues, and not the flocke, saiyng: Woe bee vnto those Shepeheardes that feede them selues. Should not the Shep­heardes feede the flocke? Ye haue eaten vp the fatte. Ye haue clothed you with the Wolle. The beste fedde haue ye slain, but the Flocke haue ye not nourished. The weake haue ye not holden vp: The sicke haue ye not healed: The broken haue ye not bound together: The outcastes haue [Page] haue ye not brought againe: The loste haue ye not sought, but churlishely and cruelly haue ye ruled thē. Thus are thei scattred here and there without a Shep­hearde, yea, all the beastes of the fielde de­uoure them, and thei goe a straie.

81 Christe saieth, Marke. x. the workeman is wor­thie of his meate. i. Cor. ix. And the Apostle saieth. The Lorde hath ordained, that thei that Preache the Gospell, should liue of the Gospell. Againe he saieth: i. Timo. iii. The Elders that rule well, are worthie of double ho­nour, moste specially thei that labour in the worde and teachyng. For the Scrip­ture saieth: Thou shalte not moosell the mouthe of the Oxe, that treadeth out the corne. And the labourer is worthie of his rewarde.

Antichriste suffereth monstures, Againste the impropriati­ons of Be­nefices. and vnprofitable cloddes of the yearth, to liue and to waxe fatte of the gooddes of the Churche. Moreouer, in diuerse and innu­merable places of Christendome. Anti­christ taketh awaie the corne, and the best fruites of Benefices, from the true and faithfull Pastours, wherwith thei should liue, and suche as belong to them, and bee [Page] the more able to maintaine hospitalitie, to releue the poore, to comfort the waie­faryng man, and to succour the poore af­flicted Christians, and he giueth it to mō ­struous Monkes, to flatteryng Friers, to chatteryng Chanons, to patteryng Pri­stes, and to suche like vnprofitable mem­bers of the christen common weale, wher­by it is come to passe, that the true Shep­heardes, whiche watch ouer those flockes of the Lorde, are moste miserablie hande­led, vniustlye and against all right & cons­cience depriued of their duetie, and thro­wen (alas for pitie) into extreme pouer­tie: hospitalitie decaieth, the poore are not succoured, the needie are not reliued, yea nothyng is done in those Parishes by the Pastours, whereby the comfortlesse may be comforted. No maruell when the Papistes themselues, haue not wherwith to relieue their owne necessitie, but are compelled daily, as we may see before our eyes (such is their miserie) to leaue their flockes, whiche as Sheepe destitute of shepheardes, wander here and there, and too seeke other places, where they maie haue whereof to liue, whereas if they had [Page] that whiche is due vnto theim, but other­wise vniustly taken awaie from theim by Antichristes decree, they should not onely be able to liue themselues, but also abun­dantly to relieue the poore. O Antichrist, what deuill breathed this wicked affec­tion into thy hearte, that thou shouldest take awaie from the painefull Pastours their right, and geue it to idle and slug­gishe Monstrous, whose God their bellie is. Phillip. iii. The Idolatrous Princes in tymes paste gaue greate aboundance of worldly possession to their idolatrous priests. And arte thou nothyng ashamed to take that awaie from the priestes of Christ, whiche both the law of God, and the lawe of man hath geuen theim. To robbe and spoile a priuate man of his goods, hath alwaies bene counted an hainous fault and synne worthy of death: and shall it be lawfull for thee (O thou Antichriste) to take awaie from the Ministers of Christ their duety and their right, and to geue it where it pleaseth thee, O thou Godrobber. Is not this to commit sacrilege, and also to deny the workeman his meate, the laborer his rewarde, the Shepheard his Milke, the [Page] vinekeper his wine, the warriour his wa­ges, and to moosell the oxes mouthe, that treadeth out the Corne. And that wicked Spirite occupieth their myndes also in these our daies, whiche againste all right, and againste their owne conscience, vnto their greate damnation, except thei short­ly repent and amende, go forthe to kepe, hold, and possesse these liuyngs and good­des of the poore Pastours? Antichriste as thei them selues confesse, neither can thei denie it, by his Deuilishe Decree moste vniustly, and moste tyrauntlike, tooke a­waie, the beste portion of the Tithes frō the true owners, and gaue them to a sort of monstruous Hypocrites: why then are thei now retained of theim, that seeme to bee enemies to Antichriste, to condemne his Antichristian actes, and to wishe that all abuses might be taken awaie, and that a perfecte reformation might bee made, accordyng to the woorde of GOD? Can there bee any greater abuse, then accor­dyng to Antichristes Lawe, wrongfullie and vniustly to withholde from the true Pastoure, and Preacher of the Lordes woorde, that whiche is properly his due? [Page] The wise man saith: Eccle. xxxiiii. the bread of the nedy is the life of the poore: he that defraudeth him of it, is a murtherer and a manslaier. What then is to be thought of thē, which take awaie frō the Ministers of the Lor­des worde, the Tithe corne, whereof thei should haue bread to eate, and to giue vn­to the nedie? Is not this to plaie the part of a murtherer? The nedie Pastour & his familie, would gladly eate bread, and the corne, whereof it should be made, is taken awaie frō thē, and vnfruitfully consumed and deuoured of those, whiche do no good at al to the parishes. Is not this to pluck the meate out of y e mouthes of the pastor, and his familie? Whiche thyng what o­ther is it, then to plaie the murtherer? I deserue damnatiō, if I fede not the nedy: shal it thē be lawfull for me to take awaie the right of y e nedy? If I giue not of mine owne to the hungrie, I synne: & shall I be counted to doe wel, when I wil not suffer other mē to enioy their own, but through the pretēce of an Antichristiā decree, vio­lently withhold it frō thē? Uerely it were better for suche, as thus vniustly by y e ver­tue of Antichristes lawe, to possesse y e law­full [Page] duetie, of the lawfull Pastours, to rē ­der those dueties to the owners, though their delicate fare should somewhat be a­bated thereby, then to goe foorthe thus wickedly to retain, that is not their own. What doeth it profite a man, saieth our Sauioure Christe, to winne the whole worlde, and to lose his soule. it is truelie saied of the Wiseman: Better is a little with the feare of the Lorde, then greate treasure, Math. xvi. with sorrowe. Prouer. xv. xvi. and xvii. Again: Better is a drie morsell with quietnesse (of consci­ence:) i. Timoth. iii. then an house full of fatte offeren­ges with strife, Titus. i. that is to saie, with greef of mynde. Once againe he saieth: Better it is to haue a little thyng with righte­ousnesse, then greater treasures with so­rowe. Moreouer, the blessed Apostle S. Paule in the description of a bishoppe, or spirituall Pastour, sheweth, that he ought to bee a maintainer of hospitalitie. Now what hospitalitie can there bee maintai­ned, where those thynges are takē awaie, that cheefly vphold, and maintaine hospi­talitie, yea, without whiche no hospitali­tie can be had? Take awaie corne, where­of breade and drinke is made, whiche is [Page] the beste portion, that delongeth vnto the maintenaunce of hospitalitie, and what remaineth behinde, wherewith the Pa­stour maie be able to keepe open his doo­res, and to releeue either hym self, or any other? Take awaie his Corne, as it is at this day come to passe, through Antichri­stes decree, and the vpholders of thesame: maie not then the Spirituall minister be called Pastor a pascendo, sicut mons a mo­uendo? God haue mercie on vs, and sende vs once a redresse of this greate abuse, yea, of this thefte, sacrilege, and tirannie.

Furthermore, Malach. iii. God by his Prophete commaundeth, that all maner of Tithes should bee brought into his Barne, that there maie be meate in his house? Is not the Pastours Barne, his Barne? And is not the Pastours house, his house? Now God commaundeth that all tithes should be brought into the Pastours barne, that there may be meate in the Pastors house. But how can there bee meate in the Pa­stors house, whiche God calleth his owne house, because his poore-mēbers are, and ought to bee, refreshed in the same, when as the cheef and principall tithes, can not [Page] be suffered through Antichristes decree, to be brought into the Pastours Barne, whiche GOD calleth his owne Barne? God cammaundeth one thyng, and Anti­christe willeth the contrarie, and yet the wicked worldlynges, and voluptuous E­picures, whose GOD the beallie is, goe forthe to maintaine the same, and vniust­ly to possesse the gooddes of the true, and faithfull Pastoures, so greately hath the God of this worlde blinded their eyes, I meane the Deuill, and that wicked Idoll Mammon, that this saiyng of the Apostle maie be founde true in them all: All seeke their owne, & not the thynges, whiche are Iesus Christes. Philip. ii. By this wicked Decree of Antichrist, is the lawe of God broken, the true pastors depriued of their liuyng the poore people robbed of their beleefe, hospitalitie decaied, parishes left desolate the Pastorall houses fall into ruine, the people are vntaught, scholes are not ma­intained, the youth is neglected, both old and yong rū clene out of order, no degree doeth his office, the ministers is despised, the worde of God neglected, y e preachers of God nothyng regarded, and in fine, an [Page] whole sea of euills brasteth into the boū ­des of the Christian common weale, and would God with the same, there were not made a Shipwracke of all goodnesse and godlinesse. Notwithstandyng, who lamē ­teth these thynges, and earnestly seeketh a redresse thereof? God amende all that is amisse: and sende corne where none is.

82 Christe in all his doctrine teachyng Math. xix▪ humilitie, when a certaine manne called hym good, aunswered, that no manne is good, but God alone.

Antichriste beyng moste wicked, and moste synfull, will bee called the beste, and the moste holie.

83 Christe continually studied to dooe good, bothe to the bodies and soules of menne.

Antichrist doeth his whole endeuour how he maie hurte, bothe the bodies and soules of menne: the bodies by bringyng theim, and their gooddes into captinitie, the soules by drounyng theim in supersti­tion, and Idolatrie.

84 Christ in all his doynges, Ihon. viii. sought the glorie of God his Father.

Antichrist in all his actes, seketh his [Page] owne glorie, and wisheth to bee taken of all men as a God, callyng hym self Gods Uicare in yearth, and supreme head of the vniuersall Churche of Christe, through­out the whole worlde.

85 Christ promised to the thefe hanging Luke. xxiii. by hym on the Crosse, Paradise freely.

Antichriste for money promiseth re­mission of synnes, deliueraunce out of Purgatorie, and euerlastyng life.

86 Christ had no greate regard of them Math. xii. that were his kinsefolke, after the fleshe.

Antichrist hath a speciall regard vn­to theim, and exalteth theim vnto moste high dignities and promotiōs, although moste vnworthie.

87 Christe when his Disciples at any Math. xx. tyme were at contention, Luke. xxii. brought theim againe straighte waies vnto vnitie and concorde.

Antichrist setteth them together by the eares, that are at peace, and neuer cea­seth to set Kynges, and Princes at vari­aunce. For then goeth it beste with his Kyngdome.

88 Christ did chose suche to attende vpō hym, as were homelie, simple, and plaine.

[Page] Antichriste admitteth none vnto his seruice, Actes. iiii. but suche as bee full of gile, i. Cor i. craft, and subtiltie. Iacob. ii.

89 Christe compelleth no man againste his will, to beleue his Gospell.

Antichriste with suspension, and Ex­communication, with apprehension, and persecution, with Fire and Faggot, with Sweard and Halter, enforceth menne to receiue his Deuilish Decrees, and trife­lyng Traditions.

90 Chirste in all his aduersitie, fledde vnto Praier.

Antichriste in his trouble, flieth vn­to armour.

91 Christ fought against Sathan with Goddes worde. Math. iiii.

Antichriste fighteth againste his ad­uersaries, with the Temporall Sweard.

92 Christe made hym self subiect to the Lawe: Galat. iiii. when notwithstandyng he was Lorde of the Lawe.

Antichriste hymself will be obedient to no Lawe, and giueth licence for money to other also to breake lawes.

93 Christe by fulfillyng the Lawe, Galat. iii. deli­uered vs from the cursse of the Lawe.

[Page] Antichrist through his disobedience vnto Lawes, openeth a windowe vnto al wickednesse, and through his euill exam­ple, prouoketh other to fal vnto leudnesse, and so to run into the cursse, and displea­sure of God, vnto their greate damnatiō.

94 Christe in his doctrine taught none other, but the lawe of his heauēly father.

Antichriste teacheth Lawes of his owne makyng, not onely not agreeable, but also contrarie to the woorde of God, and with violence, enforceth men to kepe the same.

95 Christe by no meanes could abide, Luke. xxii. that his Disciples should striue for the Math. xx. supremacie.

Antichriste chalengeth supremacie, not onely ouer the Clergie, but also ouer Kynges, and Emperours, yea, and ouer the whole worlde.

96 Christe by his doctrine and death, Ephes. ii. made the Iewes and Gentiles, Ihon. x. whiche to fore were at variaunce, one Spirituall Kyngdome.

Antichriste through his wicked tra­ditions, and Deuilishe Lawes, hath made the Greke and Latine Churches, whiche [Page] before were at greate vnitie and concord, concernyng matters of Christen Religi­on, to be at variance, one affirmyng this, an other deniyng the same.

97 Christe in his laste Sermon, Ioan. xiii. xv. gaue a speciall commaundemente to his Disci­ples, that thei should loue one an other.

Antichriste straightly chargeth his Champions, that thei striue and fight va­liantly, for the liberties of holie Church, and that thei by no meanes loue, and fa­uour suche as hate his decrees & Lawes.

98 Christe in the aforesaied Sermon, Ihon. xv. makyng mention of his corporall depar­ture out of this worlde, promised to sende to his Disciples the holie Ghost, whiche should leade them into all truthe.

Antichriste in stede of the holy Ghost sendeth Pardoners, Friers, Canonistes, and Scotistes, to teache vs not the waie of truthe and saluation, but the waie of falsehode and damnation.

99 Christ in his holy Gospell teacheth, Math. xxviii. that although he bee absent, concernyng his corporall presence, yet is he alwaie presente with his holie congregation, as touchyng his Diuine Maiestie, grace, [Page] might, vertue, and power.

Antichriste saieth, that Christ is not only spiritually, but also corporally with vs, so that the Priest maketh hym daiely, handleth hym daiely, breaketh him daiely eateth hym daiely, offreth hym daiely, &c.

100 Christe with his doctrine, Ihon. viii. bryngeth to all them that receiue it with sure faith remission of synnes, and euerlastyng life.

Antichriste with his Decrees, brin­geth to all his Captiues death, and euer­lastyng damnation.

¶Giue the glorie to God alone.

Imprinted at London, by Ihon Daie.

¶Cum gratia & priuilegio Regiae Magistatis per decennium. 1577.

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