Most easie instructions for reading, specially penned for the good of those who are come to yeares: by S.W.A.

a b c d e f g h i k l m n o p q r r s s t u w x y z & i v


a e i o u y

ai ay ei ey oi oy au eu ou ea eau ee eo ie oa oo ua ue ui

b e d f g h k l m n p q r s t w x z and i v y

te, il; vb: dg. q p (punctel) nu! (s s) ee-

s r f l h
3.5.h n m t g
p v c2.3 k [...]
f y3.5. w5. x [...] ....
sa) a e i o u (as
bla bl br ch cl ct ab
dr dw fl fr gl
gn kn pl pr sc
sk sh sl sn sn
sp st sw sq th
tr tw wh wr
chra chr sch scl scr
shr skr spl spr [...]
s r f l h
phr sph thr thw phl


ct sl fl ss ff f [...] fi:

1 go, I do se we dy. ty my py by mo. 2 oh! all of vs are ill. ah! I am vp. 3 or if it is as od, ad one in, at an ox. 4 I go vp to se if it be so or no. ye se 5 in me no ly to be. If we do il, si 6 on vs al. wo be to me if I do ly.

7 o my God be aye on my side, A 8 now and all my life-time.

9 o Lord God, B be thou my good 10 guid, and keepe me from all ill: 11 and ayd me to doe that, that is thy 12 will, and not mine. use with good 13 men, and sure thou shall get good 14 by them: flye from ill men, for be 15 thou sure that ill shall fall on thee, 16 if thou vse much with them, for 17 the Lord doth loue the good, and 18 hates the il.

19 be true in word and deed. C vse oft 20 to pray. be of a good minde. the 21 Lord is good to all them that fear 22 him, and will not let them want.

the lord be my good speed. D call 23 oft for grace of the Lord thy God. 24 loue peace: and seeke to bee 25 in loue and peace with all men. o 26 my soule, trust thou stil in the great 27 lord of all lords, and king of all 28 kings. abreuiations. 29

for am or an. ē em or en. ō om or on. E 30 ū u n or un. frō from or fron. thē them 31 or then. y e the. y t that. y u thou. w t with or 32 what w c which. &c. & & so forth. 33

if ye a-bide in mee, F & my words 34 abide in you, aske me what you 35 will, and it shall be done to you. 36 with my whole heart haue I 37 sought the lord, let me not go from 38 thy law. 39

Christ is that true vine, G which 40 hath brought soules from sin, by 41 his word, and hath bought them 42 with his blood. o sweet Christ let 43 me be a braunch in that vine tree. 44

45 Obseruations on the variable sound of 46 some letters, as (c) for (ks,) (ph) for (f,) 47 (g) for (j,) (t) for (c s.)

48 (ph) in the be-gin-ning, I midst, 49 or end of a word, hath the sound of 50 (f) and so is written for it, as in phi­sicke, 51 Phi-lip, pro-phet, Ce-phas, tri­umph, 52 a-saph, E-le-phant.

53 Note that (c) hath the sound of 54 (k) and (s.) of (k) as in ca co cu, K as 55 in call, cold, locke: of (s) as in ce, 56 ci, as (se si) as in cer-taine, ci-tie, 57 face.

58 (ps) beareth the sound of (s) as 59 in Psalme, L psal-ter, and some-times 60 like (z) as in phrase.

61 (g) hath the sound of the greeke 62 letter gamma, M as (God giueth grace) 63 or of the He-brew con so-nant jod, 64 as in ge-ne-a-lo-gie, sage, bridge.

65 (t) hath one sound proper to it, N 66 as time, tri-eth, truth, or the sound of (c) or (s) as na-ti-on, esti-ma-ti-on. 67

So often as you find (ti) before 68 (on) you are to sound it as (ci) as 69 in con-di-ti-on, sal-ua-ti-on. O Except 70( x s or h) go in the midst of a word 71 before, as in mix-ti-on, bu-sti-on 72 fil-thi-est: and some times be-fore 73 an or en, as in ga-la-ti-ans, pa-ti-ēce. 74

Except a per-fect word en-ding 75 in (ti) be ad-ded to a syl-lable be-gin-ning 76 with a vo-well, P as if ing 77 be added to migh-ti, or (est) to pit-ti, 78 it is migh-ti-est, pit-ty-ing. 79

Psal. 134. 80

Be-hold (now) praise the Lord: Q all 81 ye ser-uants of the Lord. 2 Ye that by 82 night stand in the house of the Lord: e­uen 83 in the courts of the house of our 84 God. 3 Lift vp your hands in the sanc­tu-a-ry 85 & praise the Lord. 4 The Lord 86 that made hea-uen and earth, giue thee 87 bles-sing out of Si-on. 88

[sample fonts: partial alphabets and symbols]

O Praise The Lord, All Yee Hea-then, praise him all ye Na-ti-ons. 2 For his Mer­ci-full Kind-nesse Is E-uer more and more to-wards Vs: and the truth of the Lord en-du-reth for e-uer. Praise the Lord.

Thinke on thy end at all times. Stand fast in the faith and Be strong. Watch and pray: Quench not the Spi-rit: In all things Giue thankes: Giue to all men their due.

Psal. CXVII.
O all ye na-ti-ons of the world
praise ye the Lord al-wayes,
And all ye people e-ue-ry where,
set forth his noble praise.
2 For great his kind-nesse is to vs,
his truth en-dures for aye:
Where-fore praise ye the Lord our God,
praise ye the Lord I say.
Let-ters which in re-spect of their neare like-nesse in com-bi-na-ti-on, are hardly known.
  • sh as should
  • sl as sleeue
  • si as sinne
  • ss as asse
  • st as stand
  • fl as flesh
  • fi as first
  • ff farre off
  • sp as speach
  • ffl as afflict
  • ae as Aeneas
  • ee as three
  • oo as good
  • oe as coelestiall.

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