THat the Statute of 17. Edwardi 4. made to preuent the abuses in making of Tyles, not prouiding sufficient remedie against the great mischiefes arising by the great increase of building. And there being no Law at all touching the making of Brickes.

Thereupon Queene Elizabeth Anno 10. did incorporate the M r. Keepers, or Wardens of the Tylers and Brick-layers of LONDON, and to haue the gouernment and ordering of that Art and Mystery, and all things pertayning thereunto, within LONDON, or fifteene miles compasse thereof, with power to make Ordinances: which Charter is sithence confirmed by his Maiestie.

The Master and Wardens (among other things) did ordaine that it might be lawfull for them twise euery yeere, or oftner, to enter into any place, where any earth or clay shall be digged, within fifteene miles compasse of LONDON, to make any Tyles or Bricke; or where any Chalke or other stone shall be digged, to be vsed with the laying of Bricke or Tile, or for making of Lyme, to view the same to be good and well done. And whether euery Bricke intended for sale, be in length nine Inches, in bredth foure Inches and a quarter, in thicknesse two Inches and a quarter; euery plaine Tyle in length ten Inches and a halfe, in bredth sixe Inches and a quar­ter, in thicknesse halfe an Inch and a quarter; euery Roofe-Tyle in length thirteene Inches, in thicknesse one Inch, with conuenient depth; euery Corner-Tyle or Couer-Tyle, in length ten Inches and a halfe: That euery Sand-Cart should con­taine eighteene Bushels at the least, and euery Lime-Sacke a Bushell of burned lime, being knit together, and that it be well burned; with diuers other Ordinances: All which were confirmed by Sir Nicholas Bacon Knight, Lord Keeper of the great Seale; William, Marques of Winchester, Lord Treasorer of England; Sir Robert Catline Knight, Lord chiefe Iustice of England, vnder their Hands and Seales.

But seeing the abuses of this kinde increase [...]ily, to the great labour and ex­pense of the said Master an [...] Wardens:
They humbly pray,
THat it may be Enacted, that the Assize of Bricke and Tyle, and the measur [...] of Lyme and Sand, may be obserued in LONDON, and in all places within fifteene miles compasse thereof, according to the said Ordinances.

And that the Master and Wardens, or their Deputies, may enter and search for any defaults and offences, and finding any, to make entry thereof, and of the cer­tainetie thereof, in some Court of their Company, to be held within one Moneth after.

And that euery person offending in making, selling, or offering to put to sale any Bricke, Tyle, Lime or Sand, contrary to the said Ordinances, shall forfeite as follow­eth ( viz.) for euery 1000. of Bricks iij s. iiij d. For euery 1000. of plaine-tyle iij s. iiij d. For euery 100. of Roofe-tyle xii d For euery 100. of Gutter-tyle, or corner-tyle, xij d. For euery Load of Sand iiij d. And for euery 100. of Lyme ij s. vj d.

And that in lieu of their great paines in searching and viewi [...]g, they may haue for Brickes, Tyles, Lyme and Sand, put to sale in LONDON or [...]hin fifteene miles compasse as followeth ( viz.) for euery 1000. of Bricke j d. For euery 1000. of Tyles j d. For euery Load of Sand ob. For euery 100. of Lyme j d.

And that they may distraine for the same. The one moyetie to the King, the other to the Master and Wardens: And they to pay the Kings moyetie yeerely in Michaelmas Tearm [...] into the Exchequer.

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