IHon by the prouidence of God Bishop of London. To all Parsons, Vicars, Curates and Churchwardens within the Cittie of London, and the Counties of Middlesex and Essex, Greeting.

Whereas this bearer Thomas Butler of the towne of Colchester, within the Countie of Essex aforesaid Gunpowderma­ker, being at worke for the making of Gunpowder in the Countie of Kent, about fiue yeeres now past, by sudden misfortune was pittifully burnt and spoyled of his Eyes and Armes apparant yet to behold, then losing all that he had, and since brought greatly indebted, and where also the Byaliffes of the said towne of Colchester tenderly respecting his wofull and diseased estate, directed their certi­ficate to the right honorable the Lord Chauncelor of England, thereby beseeching his Lordship to graunt vnto him hir Maiesties lycense vnder the greate Seale of England, to aske the charitie of well disposed people in seuerall Counties, to which the Lord Chauncelor of his wonted clemencie graunted, but now the saide Tho­mas Butler by reason of extreeme pouertie, is farre vnable to compasse the chardge of getting out the saide Seale. Therefore these are to request you, and euery one of you, to whome these presentes shall come, that you reade and publish this in your Churches, and other places of assemblies, moouing the people to extend their bene­uolence and charitie vpon this poore man, that he may the better be able to obtaine his sayd request. And this present writing to continue for the space of one whole yere next ensuing after the date hereof.

God saue the Queene.

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