Wolstan Dixey Maior.

The Abridgement of an Acte of Common counsel passed at the Guildehal in London the seconde day of July 1586. in the xxviij. yere of the raigne of our soueraigne Lady Elizabeth, by the grace of God Queene of England France & Ireland, defender of the faith &c. And there at the same time established for a law, for the better seruice of hir Maiestie in hir cariage be­longing to hir highnesse housholde, and for the better gouernement of Cartes, Carters, Carres and Carre men, and the gouernement thereof by the authoritie of the same Act committed to the Gouer­nours of Christes Hospitall.

The same Acte is to take place from the xv. day of the saide moneth of July.

THe gouernement of Cartes, Carters, Carres and Carre­men, committed to the Go­uernors of Christs hospital.

2 The Quéenes Maiesties Purueyors are to be associate with the sayde Gouernours in all matters concerning the Queenes seruice.

3 No man dwelling within the Citie of [Page] London or the liberties therof, shall haue the vse of a long Carte, Carre, or any maner of Carte, except he be allowed and marked by the same Gouernours, vpon paine of forfey­ture of xv. shillings for euerie time he shall occupie any such long Carte.

4 All Cartes and Carres which shall be allowed and marked by the Gouernours, shall be of the standarde or skantling hereaf­ter following, viz. Euerie long Carte shall containe in length betwéene the Tugge hole and the Eare breadth behinde xiiij. foote of assise, and in breadth betwéene the Raues in the bodie of the Carte iiij. foote of assise, and euerie Carre shall containe in length be­tweene the Tugge hole and the Eare breadth xij. foote and iiij. ynches, and in breadth be­tweene the Raues in the bodie of the Carre iij. foote and vij. ynches of assise.

5 No Carters shall take vp cariage in London, but such as dwell within the Citie and liberties, except it be at Sturbridge faire time, Midsommer faire time, and S. Iames faire time, and except the Carters and Ca­riers of such Cities, Townes and places, as doe wéekely bring cariage to London, the Cariers of which Cities, Townes and pla­ces are by this Acte lycensed to take vp cari­age [Page] to lade themselues backe againe.

6 That none shal take more cariage than he is able to carie in his Carte at one iour­ney, vpon paine of forfeiture of xx. shillinges for euerie such offence.

7 That none shall ingrosse cariage and sende it out of London to meete with other Cariers by the way to take it at their hands. And that no Carreman shall bring cariage to such Cariers lodging, vpon paine to forfeit for the first offence xx. shillings, for the second xl. shillings, & for the third offence to be seclu­ded from vsing a Carte or Carre in or about London. It is prouided in this Artide that a Carren: an may carie to any Carters iod­ging, resorting within a mile of London, as much cariage as the saide Carter brought to London, or as much as the saide Carter or Carier can carie away in that Journey.

8 All Cartes in London and all Carters resorting to London, shall serue the Quéene foure turnes in the yeare in her cariage béeing thereto appointed, vpon paine of for­feyture of xx. shillings for euerie time refu­sing or not seruing beeing appointed or warned.

9 That no Oxe Waines shall be charged with cariage of her Maiesties stuffe, or other [Page] cariage whatsoeuer.

10 There shall be a booke kept of all the names of them that dwell in London and the Liberties that are charged with long Cartes, by which booke the saide Gouer­nours and the Yeoman Purueyor shall limit and apportion the turnes and courses of seruice of the long Cartes in some certaine order, which order béeing knowen, euery one may prepare himselfe for to goe his turne against the course shall come to him by the saide order.

11 No man shall kéepe a great Wood­wharfe, except he kéepe a Long Carte and seruiceable Horses and furniture thereto belonging▪ vpon paine of forfeyture of all the wood which shall be taken vp vpon his Wharfe, or xx. shillings for euerie loade, and that no Woodmonger shall hyre any other mans Carte or Carre than his owne for cariage of his woode.

12 Euerie two pettie Wharfes to kéepe betweene them a long Carte.

13 Euerie Brickeman, Sandeman, Loameman, and euerie owner of the Pla­carde Cartes shall serue the Queene foure times in the yeare with a Long Carte, vpon paine of forfeiture of xx. shillings for [Page] euerie default.

14 He that hath two long Cartes shall serue the Quéene his double turne vpon the like penaltie.

15 None shal lay down his long Cart, ex­cept he giue thrée moneths warning in wri­ting to the Gouernours at a Court by them holden, vpon paine of forfeyture of xl▪ shillings.

16 The Gouernours and Purueyors shall elect the Officers called the Cart ta­kers.

17 The Carte takers shall from time to time report to the Gouernours who serued his turne last, that it may appeare to the Gouernours where the course of seruice ly­eth, and howe it is kept vpon paine of for­feyture of vi. shillinges viij. pence by the saide Carte takers.

18 The Carters shall bring backe their emptie Caskes to the place where they shall be appointed, and shall not kéepe the caske in their custodie aboue one night, vpon paine of forfeyture of iiij. shilllings for euerie of the Caske.

19 That all Waynes, Cartes & Carres shall pay quarteridge quarterly, viz. euerie quarter xij. pence.

20 That all Carremen which haue the vse of a Carre or Carres shall serue one turne with a long Carte, vpon paine of for­feyture of xx. shillings.

21 That no Carremen shall put aboue one Horse in his Carte at one time, vpon paine to forfeite ij. shillings vj. pence for e­uerie offence.

22 That the Carremen in London shall supplie all kinde of cariage for her Maiesties seruice, whilest she is resident at White Hall, S. Iames, or Sommerset house, or else­where in the Citie or Suburbes.

23 The Countrey Cartes to be warned to serue when the Cartes of London & such as resorte to London to serue haue serued their foure seuerall turnes.

24 Euerie long Cart shall haue a Carre roume.

25 He that kéepeth two long Carts shall haue two Carre roomes.

26 The Raker of euerie Warde shall haue a Carre roome.

27 The Chamber of London shall haue two Carre roomes.

28 That no Wharfe kéeper shal denie or disturbe any Carreman to come vpon their Wharfe, Hyue or Docke for cariage, paying [Page] such duetie as is due to the place, vpon paine of forfeyture of vi. shillings viij. pence.

29 That no Carreman shall set ouer or lende his Carre without licence of the Go­uernours, vpon paine of forfeiture of vj. shil­lings viij. pence.

30 That the brasen roomes shall not be set ouer without licence vpon the like pe­naltie.

31 That no Carremans seruaunt goe with a Carre before he be allowed and pre­sented to the Gouernours, vpon paine of for­feiture of ij. shillings vj. pence for euerie day that he shall goe with the Carre.

32 That no Carreman shall set ouer his seruant without licence, vpon paine of forfei­ture of vj. shillings viij. pence for euerie such offence.

33 That all Forrainers to whom Carre roomes be admitted, shall goe with their Carres in their owne persons, except they be lame, or doe seruice to the Quéene with a long Cart, vpon paine of forfeyture for the first offence v. shillinges, for the seconde offence x. shillings, and for the third to be secluded from the vse of a Carre.

34 That no Cart or Carre shall stand in the stréet by night, vpō paine of forfeiture for [Page] euerie such offence xij. pence.

35 There shall not stande in the stréete aboue the number of Carres hereafter men­tioned, viz. At or néere the litle Conduite in Cheape at all times foure Carres. At or néere Friday stréete ende in Cheape when market is doone thrée Carres. At or neare Bred stréete ende when market is doone thrée Carres. At or neare the great Con­duite in Cheapeside when market is doone tenne Carres, and in the market time at or neare that place foure Carres. At the Stockes neare Cheapeside at all times two Cars. On the west side the Conduit in Corne hill next to Cheapeside when the Exchange is doone thrée Carres. On the other side the same Conduit towards Burchen Lane ende when the exchange is doone foure Carres. At Burchen Lane ende thrée Carres. At or neare Leaden Hall in the market time sixe Carres, and when market is doone twelue Carres. At Lymestréete ende at all times thrée Carres. At the pumpe at Aldegate at all times two Carres. In Fanchurch stréete neare Fanchurch at all times thrée Carres. At Grace Church when market is doone foure Carres. Betwéene the Conduit at Grace Church & Eastcheape at all times [Page] two Carres. At the backe gate at Leaden Hall at all times thrée Carres. At or neare the Cardinall Hat without Newgate thrée Carres. In Newgate market when mar­ket is doone three Carres, vpon paine to for­feit for the first offence xij. pence, and for e­uerie other offence Imprisonment at the pleasure of the Lorde Maior for the time beeing.

36 That no Carreman shall run his Horse a trotte in the stréete, vpon paine of forfeyture of two shillings for euerie such offence.

37 That euerie Carreman shal leade his horse by the head, vpon paine to forfeite xij. pence or his Horse collor.

38 That no Cartes or Carres that are occupied in this Citie, shall be shodde with yron, vpon paine of forfeiture of vj. shillings viij. pence by the Owner for euerie day such a Cart is so occupied.

39 That no Cart or Carre shall pipe or creake in the stréete for want of greasing, vp­on paine of forfeiture of ij. shillings for eue­rie day it is hard so creaking.

40 That al Carmen resort to the Gouer­nours vpon lawfull summons, vpon paine of forfeyture for the first offence xij. pence, and [Page] for the second ij. shillings, without a reasona­ble let or excuse.

41 A generall suruey of all Cartes, Car­ters and Carremen, and a generall seale of all Cartes and Carres shall be had once a yere, at which time shal be present one of her Maiesties purueyors.

42 As often as any contention or quar­rell shall arise by reason of the méeting and contrarie course of Cartes, Drayes or Cars, that such Carter, Carreman or Drayman as shall bée found wilfull and will not doe his indeuour to cleare the passage, shall be taken by the next Constable to the place next adioyning, and shall be brought and committed to one of the Counters, and there shall remaine vntill the Lorde Maior for the time being shall sée good to discharge him. And if such offence be giuen and committed by any Carreman allowed by the saide Go­uernours, that he shall not onely receiue im­prisonment for such his disorder, but shall haue his Carre taken vp, and not for to vse it for the space of one moneth then next fol­lowing.

43 That the President, Treasurer, and any two Gouernours, or the Treasurer and any thrée Gouernours may execute any or­dinance [Page] in this booke, except such ordinances which doe specially concerne the Quéenes seruice, to which one of the Purueyors is to be present.

44 That all fines, penalties and profites arising out of this gouernement, shall goe to the vse of the Children of Christes Hos­pitall.

45 Remedie by the way of distresse for the leuying of the paines, forfeitures and dueties rising out of this gouernement.

46 The distresse to be redéemed within ten dayes, or else to be solde.

God saue Queene Elizabeth.

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