¶The com­playnte and testament of a Popiniay

Which lyeth sore wounded and maye not dye, tyll euery man hathe herd what he sayth:

Wherfore gentyll readers haste you y t he were oute of his payne.

Incipit prologus.
_ [...]ppose I had ingyne angelicall
[...]ith sapience super salomonicall
[...] not what mater put in memory
The poetis olde in stile heroycall
In breue subtile termes rethoricall
Of euerylk mater tragedie and story
So ornatly to their hie laude and glory
Hath done indite whose supreme sapience
Transcendeth fer, the dull intelligence.
Of poetis now in tyll oure vulgar toung
For why the bell of retorik is roung
By Chaucer Goweir and Lidgate laureate
Who dare presume these poetis till impoung
Whose swete sentence through Albion bene soung
Or who can now the werkes contrefate
Of kennedy with termis aureate
Or of dumbar whylk language had at large
As may be sene in till his goldin targe
Quintyne / Me [...]r / [...]wle / Henderson / Hay / & holland
Though they bene deed her libellis bene lyuand
Whilke to reherse makes reders to reioyse
Alas for one whilk lampe was of this land
Of eloquence the flowyng balmy strand
And in our Inglysshe rethoryk the roise
As of rubeis the charbuncle bene choise
And as Phebus doth sinthea precell
So Gawane douglase byshop of dunkell,
Had when he was in to this lande on lyue
Aboue vulgare poetes prerogatyue
Both in practik and speculation
I saye no more good reders may descryue
His worthy werkes in nomber mo than fyue
And specially in the true translation
Of Uirgyll whilk bene consolation
To cunnyng men to knowe his great ingyne
As well in naturall science as diuyne
And in the court bene present in this dayes
That balletes breuis lustely and layes
Whylkes to our prince dayly they do present
Who can say more than syr Iames Inglysshe sayes
In ballattes farssis and in plesand playes
But Culrose has his pen made impotent
Kid in cunnyng and practik ryght prudent
And steward whilk desiris a stately style
Full ornate werkes dayly doth compyle.
Steward of lorn wyll carp ryght curiously
Galbrayt kinloch when they lyst them apply
In to that art ar crafty of ingyne
But now of late is stert vp hastely
A cunnyng clerk whilk wryteth craftely
A plant of poetes callid ballantyue
Whose ornate werkes my wyt can not defyne
Get he in the court auctorite
He wyll precell Quintyne and kenedy.
So though I had ingyne as I haue none
I wote not what to write be sweit saynt Iohane
[Page] [...]y in all the garth of eloquence
[...] nothing lefte but barayne stok and stone
The polit termes / are pullid euery one
Be these fornamid poetis of prudence
And seing I find none other new sentence
I shall declare or I depart you fro
The complant of a woundid papingo.
Wherfore because my mater bene so rude
Of sentence and of rethorik denude
To rurale folk my dityng bene direct
Fer flemit frome the sight of men of gud
For cunning men I know will sone conclude
It dow nothing but for to be deiect
And when I here my mater bene detract
Than shall I swere I made it but in mowes
To vplandishe lassis whilk kepeth kye and yowes
Here endis the prologue
And begynnis the complant.
Who clymmis to hyghe ꝑforce his fete [...]
Expresse I shall that by experience
Yf that ye please to here a pituouse tale
How a faire bird by fatale violence
Deuourid was and myght make no defence
Contrary the deth so fayleth naturall strength
As after I shall shewe you at more length
A papingo ryght pleasant and perfyte
Presentid was to our most noble kyng
Of whom his grace long tyme had great delite
More faire of forme I wote flew neuer with whing
This proper bird he gaue in gouerning
To me whylk was his semple seruiture
On whom I did my deligence and cure
To lerne her language artificiall
To play plat fote and whissill fot before
But of her inclination naturall
She countrefeted all foulis lesse and more
Of her corage she wolde with out my lore
Sing like the merle / and kraw like the cocke
Pew like the gled / and chant like the lauerocke.
Bark like a dog / and kekill like a ka
Blait like a hog / and buller like a bulle
Gaile like a gock / and great when she was wa
Clyme on a cord / synge laughe and play the fule
She myght haue bene a menstrell agaynst youle
This blisfull bird was to me so pleasand
Where euer I went / I bare her on my hand.

¶The discription of her murnyng.

And so befell vpon a mirthfull morowe
In to my garth I past me to repose
This bird and I as we were wont afforowe
Among the floures fresshe fragrant & formose
My vitall sprete duly did reioyse
When phebus rose and raise the cloudis sable
Through bryghtnes of his bemes amiable
Without vapoure was well purificate
The temperat ayre soft sober and serene
The erth by nature so edificate
With holsome herbes blewe / white / reed / and grene
Whilkis eleuate my spretis frome the splene
That day Saturne nor Mars did not appere
Nor Eol out of his caue durst not stere.
That day perforce behoued to be fayre
By influence and course celestiall
No planet pressid for to perturbe the ayre
For Mercurius be mouing naturall
Exalted was in to the trone triumphall
Of his mansion vnto the fyftene gre
In his owne souerayn signe of virginye
That day did phebus plesantly depart
From Gemini and enterid in Cancer
That day cupido did extend his dart
Uenus that day communed with Iupiter
That day Neptunus hid him like a sker
That daye dame nature with gret besines
Furth [...]d flora to proue hir craftines
And retrograid was Mars in Capricorne
And sinthea in sagittar assesid
That day dame Ceres goddes of the corne
Full ioyfully Iohan vpland applesid
The bad aspect of Saturne was appesid
That day by Iuno of Iupiter the Ioy
Perturbynge spretis caused to hold coy.
The sound of birdis surmounted all the skyes
With melody of notis musicall
The balmy droppis of dew Tytan vp dryis
Hanging vpon the tender twystis small
The heuenly hewe and sound angelicall
Sik perfyte plesure prentid in my hart
That with great payne from thens I myght depart
So still among the herbis amyable
I did remayn a space for my pastance
But wordly pleasure bene so variable
Mixid with sorowe, drede and inconstance
That founde therin is no contynuance
So myght I say my short solace alas
Was dryuen in dolour in a lytle space.
For in that garth among the fragrant floures
Walkyng alone none but my bird and I
Unto the tyme that I had said my houres
This birde I set apon a branche me by
But she began to clymbe ryght spedely
And in that tre she did so hie ascend
That by no way I myght hir apprehend
[...]de I sayd beware, mount not ouer hye
[...] in tyme, perchaunce thy fete may fayle
Thou art ryght fat, and not well vsed to fle
The gredy glede, I drede shall the assayle
I wyll ascende ꝙ she, chaunce what be chaunce me
It is my kynde to clym ay to the hyght
Of fether and bone, I wote wele I am wyght
So on the hyghest lytell tender twyst
With whynges displayde she sate full wantonly
But Boreas blewe a blast or euer she wyst
Whylk brake the braunche, and blewe her sodeynly
Downe to the ground with many a carefull crye
Upon a stub she lyght on her breest
The bloode russhed out, and she cryed for a preest
God wote yf than my hert was wo begone
To se that foule flytter amonge the floures
Whylk with great mournyng gan to make her mone
Now are come sayd she my fatale houres
Of bytter deth now must I suffre the shoures
O dame nature I pray the of thy grace
Lende me leysure to speke a lytell space
For to complayne my fate infortunate
And bequeth my naturall gere or I departe
Seynge of all comfort I am desolate
Alone excepte the deth with his darte
With awfull chere redy to perse my harte
And with that worde she toke a passion
Syne flatiynges fell and swapped in to swowne
With sory hert persed with compassion
And salt teres distelling from mynt eyne
To heare that birdis lamentation
I did approche vnder a hauthorne grene
Where I myght here and se, and not be sene
And when this bird had swowned twyse or thryse
She gan to speke sayeng on this wyse
O false fortune why hast thou me begyled
This day at morne who knewe this carefull case
Uayne hope in the my reason hath exiled
Hauing sik trust in to thy feyned face
That euer I was brought to the court alas
Had I in forest flowne amonge my feres
I myght full well haue lyued many yeres.
Wyse and true counsell alas I dyd refuse
Agayne reason vsyng my appetite
Ambition did so my hert abuse
That Eolus had me in great dispite
Poetis of me hath mater to indyte
Whylk clam so hye and wo is me therfore
Not doubtyng that deth durst me deuore.
This day at morne my forme and fetheren fayre
Aboue the proude pecok were prece land
And nowe a caytyfe carion full of care
Bathing in blode downe from my hert distelland
And in my eare the bell of deth bene knelland
O false world fy on thy felicite
Thy pryde, auarice, and immundicite.
In the I se nothing bene permanent
Of thy short solace sorow is the ende
Thy false infortunate gyftes bene but lent
This day full proude the morne nothing to spend
O ye that dothe pretende ay till ascend
My fatale end haue in remembraunce
And you defend frome sik vnhappy chaunce.
Whether I was stryken in extasy
Or through a stark ymagination
But it appereth in my fantasy
I herd this dolent lamentation
Thus dullid in to desolation
Me thought this bird dyd discriue in hyr manere
Her counssall to the king as ye shall here.

¶Here begynnes the first Epistell of the papingo derect tyll hyr so­uerane lord king Iames the fift.

PRepotent prince pereles of pulchritude
Glorie / honour / laude / triumphe / and victory
Be to thy hie excellent celsitude
With merciall dedis digne of memory
Seyng Atropos consumed has my glory
And dolent deth alas muste vs depart
I bequeth to the my true vnfayned hart
To gidder with this cedull subsequent
[...]ith most reuerend recommendacyon
I grant thy grace gettis many a document
Be famouse faders predication
With many notable narracyon
Be pleasand poetis in stile heroycall
How thou sholde guyde thy seat imperiall.
Some doth deplore the great calamities
Of diuers realmes transmutation
Some petiusly doth trete of tragedies
All for thy graces informacyon
So I intende without adulacyon
In my barbarous rusticall indite
Among others syr, somthynge for to write
Souerayne conceyue this syple similitude
Of officeres seruing thy segnory
[...]ho guydes them well gettis of thy grace great gud
[...]ho bene iniust degraded ar of glory
And cauncelled out of thy memory
Prouiding syne more pleasand in theyr place
Beleue, ryght so shall god do with thy grace
Considering well thou bene but officiare
And va [...]ell to that kynge incomparable
haest the to please that puissant prynce preclare
Thy ryche rewarde shall be inestimable
Exalted hye in glory vnterminable
Aboue archangels vertus and potestates
Pleasantly placid among the principates.
Of thy vertue poetes perpetually
Shall make mencyon vnto the worlde be ended
So thou exercyse thy office prudently
In heuen and erth thy grace shall be commended
Wherfore beware that he be not offended
Whilk has exalted the to sik honour
Of this people to be a gouernour.
And in the erth hath made sik ordinance
Under thy fete all thing terrestriall
Are subiect to thy pleasure and pastance
Bothe foule and fishe and bestes pastorall
Men to thy seruice and wemen they bene thrall
Hawkyng / huntyng / iustyng / and laufull amour
Preordinate ar by god for thy pleasour.
Maysters of musik to recreate thy sprete
With dauted voyce and pleasant instrument
Thus may thou be of all pleasure replete
So that in thy office thou be diligent
But be thou founde sleuthfull or necligent
Or els iniust in thyne execution
Thou shalt not fayle deuyne punycyon.
Wherfore seyng thou has sik capacite
To lerne to play so pleasantly and sing
Ryde horses / ryue speres with great audacite
Shote with handbow crossebow and culuering
Among the rest, syr, lerne to be a kyng
Proue on that craft thy pregnant freshe ingine
Graunted to the by influence deuyne
And seyng the diffinicion of a kyng
Is for to haue of people gouernaunce
Adresse the, first aboue all other thyng
To put thy body to suche ordinaunce
That thy vertue thyne honour may auaunce
For how shulde pryncis gouerne great regions
That can not onely guyde theyr owne persons.
And thy grace wolde lyue ryght pleasantly
Call thy counsell and cast on them the cure
Theyr iust decretis defend and fortefy
Without good counsell may no prince longe indure
Wyrke with counsell then shall thy werke be sure
Chose thy counsell of the most sapient
Without regarde to blode, ryches or rent
Among all other pastyme and pleasure
Nowe in thy adolescent yeres yenge
Wolde thou euery day study but half an houre
The regiment of princely gouernynge
To thy people it were a pleasaunt thynge
Theyr myght thou fynd thy owne vocation
How thou sholde vse thy scepture swerd and crown.
The cronicles to know I the exhort
Whiche may be myrrour to thy maieste
There shalte thou fynd bothe good and euyll report
Of euery prince after his qualite
Thoughe they bene deed theyr dedes shall not dye
Trust will thou shalte be styled in that storye
As thou deseruest put in memorye.
Request that roy whiche rent was on the roode
The to defend frome dedes of defame
That no poete report of the but good
For princes dayes endures but a dreame
Seyng fyrst kyng Fergus bare a diadeame
Thou arte the last kynge of fiue score and fiue
And all ar deed and none but thou on lyue.
Of whose nombre fyftye and fyue bene slayne
And most parte in theyr owne mysgouernaunce
Wherfore I the beseche my souerayne
Consyder of theyr lyues the circumstaunce
And when thou knowest the cause of theyr myschaunce
Of vertue than exalte the sayles on hye
Trustynge to scape that fatall destenye
Entreate euery true baron as he were thy brother
Whiche mon at nede the and thy realme defende
When sodeynly one dothe oppresse an other
Let iustice myxed with mercy them amende
Haue thou theyr hertes, thou hast ynough to spende
And by the contrary, thou art but kyng of bone
From tyme thyne heres hettes be from the gone.
I haue no leysure for to wryte at length
My hole entent vnto thyne excellence
Decreassed so I am in wyt and strenth
My mortall wound doth me such violence
People of me may haue experience
Bycause alas I was incounsolable
Now mou I dye a caytyue miserable.

¶Here begynneth the secon­de epistle of the Papin­go, dyrecte to her brether of the Court.

BRether of court with mynde precordiall
To the great god hertely I commende you
Imprent my fall in your memoryall
Togyther with this cedull that I sende you
To preysse ouer hye I pray you not pretend you
The vayne ascence of court who wyll consydder
Who syttes most hye, shall fynde the seat most slydder
So ye that now bene lansing vp the ledder
Take tent in tyme holding your fyngers fast
Who clymmeth most hye, most dynt hath of the wedder
And leest defence agaynst the bytter blast
Of fals fortune whylke takes neuer rest
But most redoubted dayly she downe thrynges
Not sparing papes, emperours, nor kynges.
Though ye bene mounted vp aboue the skyes
And hath both kynge and court in gouernaunce
Some was as hye whylk now ryght low lyes
Complaning sore the courtes variaunce
Theyr preterit tyme may be experience
Whylk through vayne hope of court dyd clyme so hye
Syne wanted whingis when they wend best to flye
Seyng ylk court bene vntrust and transitorye
Chaungyng as oft as wether cocke in wynde
Some makynge glad and other som ryght sorye
Formest this day the morne may go behynde
Let not vayne hope of court your reason blynde
Trust well some men wyll gyue you lande as lordes
Whylkes wolde be glad to se you hang in cordes
I durst declare the miserabilite
Of dyuers courtes were not my tyme to shorte
The dredfull chaunge vaynglory and vilite
The paynefull pleasures as poetes doth report
Somtyme in hope somtyme in disconfort
And how som men doth spend theyr youthed all
In court, syne, endeth in the hospitall.
How som in court bene quiete counsalours
Without regarde to commen welth or kynges
Castynge theyr cure for to be conquerours
And when they bene hye raysed in theyr rynges
How chaunge of court them dolefully downe thrynges
And when they bene frome theyr estate deposed
How many of theyr fall bene ryght well resioysed
And how fonde fayned fules and flatterars
For small seruice opteyneth great rewardes
Pandars pikthankes custrouns and clatterars
Loupes vp frome laddes, syne lyghtes among lordes
Blasphematours braggars and common bardes
Somtyme in court hath more auctorite
Than well lerned doctours in diuinite.
How in some court be barnes of Beliall
Full of dissimuled paynted flattery
Prouokynge by intoxicate counsall
Princes to hooredome and tyll hasardry
Who dothe in prynces prent syk harlotry
I say for me suche pert prouocatours
Sholde punissed be aboue all stronge traytours.
What trauars, trouble, and calamite
Hath ben in court within this hundreth yeares
What mortall chaunges, what myserite
What noble men be brought vpon theyr beares
Trust well my frendes folow ye mon your feares
So seynge in court is no tranquilite
Set not on it your hole felicite
The court chaungeth somtyme with sik outrage
That fewe or none may make resistence
And spareth not the prynce more than the page
As well appereth by experyence
The duke of Rosey myght make no defence
Whylke was pertenand roy of this region
But dulefully deuored in pryson
What drede, what dolour, had that noble kynge
Robert the thyrde from tyme he knewe the case
Of his two sonnes the dolent departynge
Prynce Dauid deed, and Iames capityue alas
Tyll true scottes men, whylk was a carefull case
Thus may ye knowe the court bene varyand
When bloode ryall the chaunge myght not gaynstand.
Who clam in court more hye and tryumphand
Nor duke Murdok, whyle that his dayes endured
Was he not great protectour of Scotland
Yet of the court he was not well assured
It chaunged so his lange seruyce was smured
He and his sone fayre walter without remeed
Forfalted were, and put to dulefull deed
Kynge Iames the fyrst, patrone of prudence
Gem of angyne, and perle of polecy
Well of iustyce, and floode of eloquence
Whose vertue doth transcende my fantasy
For to discryue yet when he stode most hye
By false exhorbitant conspyracyoun
That prudent prynce was pituously put doun
Als Iames the seconde, roy of great renoun
Beynge in his super excellent glore
Through rerheleffe shotyng of one great cannoun
The dolent deth alas dyd hym deuore
One thynge there is, of whylk I meruayle more
That fortune had at hym syk mortall feed
Through fyfty thousande to wale hym by the heed
My hert is persed with paynes for to paunce
Or wryte that courtes variacyon
Of Iames the thyrde when he had gouernaunce
The dolour, drede, and desolacyon
The chaunge of court and conspiracion
And how that cochrane with his company
That tyme in court clam so presumptuously
It had ben good those barons had bene vnborne
By whome that noble prynce was so abused
They grewe as dyd the wede aboue the corne
That prudent lordes counsell was refused
And helde hym quiet as he had bene inclused
Alas that prynce by theyr abusyon
Was finally brought vnto confusyon
They clam so hye, and get suche audience
And with theyr prynce grewe so famylyar
His germane brother myght get no presence
The duke of Albane, nor the erle of Mar
Lyke banysshed men were holden at the bar
Tyll in the kynge there grewe syk mortall feed
He flemit the duke, and put the erle to deed
This cochrane with his caytyue companye
Forced them to fle, but yet they wanted tedders
Aboue the hyelyders of Libanye
They clam so hye tylt they lap ouer the ledders
On Lauder brig syne kepped were in tedders
Strangled to deth, they got none other grace
Theyr kynge captyue, whiche was a carefull case
Tyll put in forme that fate infortunate
And mortall chaunge perturbeth myne ingyne
My wyttes ben weyke / my fyngers fatigate
To dyte or wryte the rancour ruyne
The ciuyll warre, the battell intestyne
How that the sone with banner brode displayed
Agayne the father in batayle came arayed
Wolde god that prince had bene that day comfortid
With sapience of the prudent Salomone
And with the strengh of strong Sampsone supportid
With the bolde oste of great Agamennone
What shuld I wishe remedy was there none
At morne a kynge with ceptour swerde and croun
At euen a deed deformed carioun
Alas where is that ryght redouted roy
That potent prynce gentill kynge Iames the ferd
I pray to Chryst his saule for to conuoy
One greater noble raygned not in erd
O Atropos wary we may thy werd
For he was myrrour of humilite
Lood ster and lamp of liberalite
During his tyme so iustice did preuayle
The sauage ylis trubled for terrour
Eskdaile emsdaile liddisdaile and anuerdaile
Durst not rebell doutyng his dintis dour
And of his lordes had sik perfit sauour
So forte shawe that he fered no fone
Out through his realme he wold ride him alone.
And of his court through Ewrop sprang the fame
Of lusty lordes and lufsome ladyes yeng
Triumphant tornays Iusting and knyghtly gaine
With all pastyme according for a kynge
He was the glory of pryncely gouernynge
Tyll through the ardent loue he had to Fraunce
Agaynst Ingland dyd moue his ordinaunce
Of Flowdon felde the ruyne to reuolue
O [...] that most dolent daye for to deplore
Inyn, for drede that dolour you desolue
Shew [...] how that prynce in his tryumphant glore
Destroyed was, what nedes proces more
Not by vertue of the Englysshe ordinaunce
But by his owne wylfull mysgouernaunce
Alas that day had he ben consolable
He had opteyned laude, glory, and victory
Whose petuous proces bene so lamentable
Ine w [...]ll, at length it put in memory
I neuer red in tragedye nor story
At one iourney so many nobles slayne
For the defence and loue of theyr souerayne
Now brether make in your remembraunce
A myrrour of theyr mutabilities
So may ye knowe the courtes inconstaunce
When prynces bene thus pulled from theyr sees
After whose deth whose straunge aduersitees
What great mysrule in to this region rang
When our yonge prynce couth neyther speke nor gang
Durynge his tender youthe and innocence
What slouth, what stelth, what murther & myschaunce
There was nought elles but werkynge of vengence
In that courte there range syk varyaunce
Dyuers rulers, made dyuers ordinaunce
Somtyne our quene reygned in auctoritie
Somtyme the prudent duke of Albanie
Somtyme the realme was ruled by regentes
Somtyme leeftenauntes ledars of the law
Than reygned so mony inobedientes
That few or none of an other stode in awe
Oppression dyd so loude his bugle blawe
That none durst ride but in the feyr of weir
Iak vpland that tyme dyd mysse his meir.
Who was more hye in honour eleuate
Nor was Margarete our hye and mithty prynces
Such power was to her appropriate
Of kyng and realme she was gouernores
Yet came one chaunge within a short proces
That perle preclare that lusty pleasand quene
Long tyme durst not in the corut be sene
The archebisshop of saynt Androus Iames Beton
Chancellar and primate in power pastorall
Clam next the kyng / most hye in this region
The ledder shooke he lap and gat a fall
Auctoritie nor power spirituall
Riches frendiship myght not that tyme preuayle
When dame Curia began to stere her tayle.
His hygh prudence preuayled hym not a myte
That tyme the court bare hym syk mortal feed
As presoner they kepte hym in despite
And somtyme wyst not where to hide his heed
But disguysed lyke Iohn̄ the reif he raed
Had not bene hope that bare hym company
He had bene strangled by melancoly
What cummet and care was in the court of Fraunce
When kyng Francys was takin presonere
The duke of Bourbon and his ordinaunce
Deed at one stroke ryght balefully brought on bere
The court of Rome that tyme ran all arere
When pape Clement was put in strong preson
The noble citie put to confusion
In England who had greater gouernaunce
Nor theyr tryumphand courtly cardinall
The common weale some sayes he dyd auaunce
By equall iustice both to great and small
There was no prelate to hym peregall
Englysshe men sayth, had he raygned long space
He had deposed saynt Peter of his place
His pryncely pompe, nor papale grauite
His palace royall ryche and radious
Nor yet the flude of superfluite
Of his ryches nor trauayle tedious
From tyme dame Curia held hym odious
Preuayled hym not nor prudence most profounde
The ledder brake and and he fell to the grounde
Where bene the doughty erles of douglas
Whylkes ryally in to this region rang
Forfayt and slayne what nedeth more proces
The erle of Marche was marchelled them amang
Dame Curia them dolefully downe thrang
And now of late who clam more hye amang vs
Nor dyd archbald vmwhyle erle of angus.
Who with his prynce was more familiar
Nor of his grace had more auctorite
Was he not great wardeyn and chauncellar
Yet whan he stode vpon the hyghest gre
Trustyng no thyng but perpetuite
Was sodaynly deposed from his place
Forfayt and flemit, he gat non other grace
Wherfore trust not in auctorite
My dere brethren I pray you hartely
Presume not in your vayne prosperite
Conferme your trust in god all hooly
Syne, serue your prynce with entier hert truly
And when ye se the court bene at the best
I counsall you than draw you to your rest
Where bene the hye tryumphant court of troy
Of Alexandre with his twelue prudent peres
Or Iulius that ryght redoubted roy
Agamemnon most whorthy in his weres
To shew theyr fyne my frayed hert efferes
Some murdred were, some poysoned petiously
Theyr carefull courtis disparsid dolefully
Trust well m [...] frendes there is no constāt court but one
Where Chryst is kynge whose tyme interminable
And hygh tryumphant glory is neuer gone
That quiete court mirthful and vmmutable
Without varyaunce standith ay ferme and stable
Dissimilance flatery nor fals report
In to that court shall neuer get resort
Trust well my frendes this is no fayned fare
For who that bene in the extreme of deed
The verite without doubte they sholde declare.
Without regarde to fauour or to feed
Whyle ye haue tyme dere brether make remede
Adue for euer, of me ye get no more
Besekand god to brynge you to his glore
Adue Edinburgh, you hygh triumphant towne
Within whose boundes ryght blythfull haue I bene
Of true marchauntes the rote of this regiowne
Moost redy to receyue court kynge and quene
Thy polecye and iustyce maye be sene
Were deuotion wysdome and honeste
And credence tint, they myght be founde in the
Adue fayre Snadowne, with thy toures hye
Thy chappell, ryall, parke, and table rounde
Maye, Iune, and Iuly, wolde I dwell in the
Were I a man to heare the byrdes sounde
Whylke doth agayne thy ryall rocke redounde
Adue Lythko, whose palayse of pleasaunce
Myght be a patron in Portingale or Fraunce
Farewell Falklande, the forteres of of Fyfe
Thy polyte parke vnder the lowmonde lawe
Somtyme in the, I led a lusty lyfe
The followe dere to se them reke on rawe
Court men to come to the, they stande great awe
Sayenge thy burgh ben of all burrowes vale
Because in the they neuer get good ale

¶Here begynneth the commo­nynge betwyxte the Pa­pingo and hyr Exe­cutours.

THe pye p [...]rceyued the Papingo in payne
[...]ed downe and feyned hym to grete
Syster sayd he alas who hath you slayne
I pray you make prouision for your sprete
Go test your gere and you confesse complete
I haue power by your contrition
Of all your mysse to gyue you full remission
I am sayth he a channon regulare
And of my brether pryour pryncipall
My white rochet, my clene lyfe doth declare
The blake bene of the deth memoriall
Wherfore I thynke your goodes naturall
Shold be submytted hole in to my cure
Ye know I am a ryght holy creature
The rauin came raupand when he herd the rare
So dyd the gledde with mony a petuous pew
And feynedly they counterfeyted great care
Syster sayd they, your retchlesnes we rew
Now best it is our iust counsell ensew
Seyng we pretend tyll hye promotion
Religious men of great deuotion
I am a blak monke sayd the rutland rauine
So sayd the gledde I am a cordilere
And hath power to bryng you quyk to heauin
It is well knowen my conscience bene full clere
The blak bible prounce I shall perquere
So tyll our brether ye wyll gyue some good
God wate if we haue nede of lyues food
The Papingo sayd fader be the rood
Howbeit your rayment be religious lyke
Your conscience I suspect be not good
I did perceyue when preuely ye dyd pike
A chykyn from a hen vnder a dyke
I grant sayd he, that hen was my good frende
And I that chekyn toke but for my teynde
Ye know the sayth by vs men be susteynde
So by the kyrk it is preordinate
That sprituall men shold lyue vpon theyr teynde
But well wote I ye bene predestinate
In your extreme to be so fortunate
To haue syk holy consultation
Wherfore we make you exhortation
Sen dame nature has graunted you syk grace
Leysure to make confession generall
Showe forth your synne in haste whill ye haue space
Then of your gere make a memoriall
Whe thre shall make your feestes funerall
And with great blysse bury we shall your bones
Syne trentalles tuenty / trattle all at ones
The rukes shall rair that men shall on them rew
And crye commemoratio ammarum
We shall gar chyckens chepe, and geslynges pew
Suppose the gese and heanes shol [...] crye alarum
And we shall serue secundum vsum Sarum
And make you safe we fy [...]d saynt Blase to borgh
Cryand for you the carefull corynogh
And we shall syng aboute your sepulture
Saynt Mungoise matyns and the mekill creed
And syne deuoutly say I you assure
The olde placebo bakwart and the beed
And we shall were for you the mournyng weed
And though your sprete with Pluto were profest
Deuoutly shall your dirige be adorest
¶Fader sayd she your facound wordes fayre
Full sore I dreed be contrary to your dedes
The wyues of the village cryes with care
When they perseyue you moue ouer theyr medes
Your fals consayt both ducke and drake sore dredes
I meruell shorthly ye be not ashamed
For your defaltes beyng so defamed.
It doth aborre my pore perturbed spryte
To make tyll you ony confession
I here men sayen ye be an ypocryte
Exempt from the syse and the session
To put my gere in your possession
That wyll I not so help me dame nature
Nor of my corps I wyll you gyue no cure
But had I here the noble nyghtyngale
The gentyll iaye▪ the merle / and turtour terwe
My obsequies and feestes funerale
Order they wo [...]d with notes of the newe
The pleasand panne most angelik of hewe
Wold god I were with hym this day confest
And my deuyse duly by hym addrest.
The mirthfull mauis with the gay gold spynke
The lusty larke wold god they ware present
My infortune forsoth they wold forthynke
And comfort me that is so impotent
The swyft swallow in practyk most prudent
I wote she wold my bledyng stent belyue
With hyr most vertuous stone restringitiue
¶Counte me the case vnder confession
The glede sayd proudly to the Papingo
And we shall swere by our profession
Counsell to kepe and shaw it to no mo
We the beseke or thou depart vs fro
Declare tyll vs some cause reasonable
Why we bene holden so abhominable.
By thy trauell thou hast experience
Fyrst beinge bred in to the orient
Syne, by thy good seruice and diligence
To prynces made here in the occident
Thou knowest the vulgare peoples iugement
Where thou transcurred the hote meridionale
Syne, next the pole the plage septentrionale
So by thy hygh ingyne superlatise
Of all countreys thou knowest the qualityes
Wherfore I the coniure by god of lyfe
The verite declare without in lyes
What thou hast herde be landes and by seis
Of vs kyrk men both good and euill report
And how they iudge shawe vs we the exhort.
¶Fader sayd she I caytiue creature
Dare not presume with syk mater to mell
Of your cases ye know I haue no cure
Demande them, wilk in prudence doth precell
I may not pew my paynes bene so fell
And also perchaunce ye wyll not stand content
To know the vulgars peoples iugement
Yet wyll the deth alyte withdraw his dart
All that lyes in my memoriall
I shall declare with trew vnfeyned hart
And first I say to you in generall
The commone people says ye bene all
Degenerate from your holy primitiuis
As testifyes the proces of your liuis
Of your perelese prudent predecessours
The begynnyng I graunt was veray gude
Appostles, martyrs, virgyns, and confessours
The sounde of theyr excellent sanctitude
Was herd ouer all the world by land and flude
Planting the faith by predication
As Chryst had made to them narration
To fortefy the fayth they toke no fere
Afore princes prechyng full prudently
Of dolorous deth they doubted not the dere
The verite declaryng feruently
And materdome they suffered paciently
They toke no cure of land, ryches, nor rent
Doctrine and dede ware both equiuolent
To shewe at length theyr werkes were great wunder
Theyr myracles they were so manyfest
In name of Chryst they heled many hunder
Raysyng the deed / and purgyng the possest
With peruest spretes whiche had bene opprest
The croked ran the blynde men gate theyr eyen
The defe men herd, the lyppres were made cleen
The prelates spoused were with pouerte
The dayes when so they florysshed in fame
And with hyr companed lady chastite
And dame deuotion notable of name
Humble they were semple and full of shame
Thus chastite and dame deuotion
Was principall cause of theyr promotion.
¶Thus they contynued in this life deuyne
Ay tyll there raygnyd in Romes great cite
A potent prynce whose name was Constantyne
Perceyued the kyrke had spoused pouerte
With good entent and moued of pite
Cause of dyuorse / he fand betwyxt them two
And parted them withouten wordes mo
Syne shortly with a great solempnite
Withouten ony dispensacyon
The kyrke he spoused with dame properte
Whylke hastely by proclamacyon
To pouerte garte make narracyon
Under the payne of persynge of her eyne
That with the kyrke sholde no more be sene
Syluester that tyme was pape in Rome
Whiche fyrst consented to the maryage
Of properte the whylke began to blome
Takynge on her the cure with hye corage
Deuotion drewe her tyll an hermytage
When she consydered lady properte
So hyghe exalted in to dignite
¶O Syluester where was thy discrecyon
Whylk Peter dyd renounce, thou dyd recayf
Androwe and Iohn̄ dyd leaue theyr possession
Theyr shyppes, theyr nettes, lynes, & all the layf
Of temporall substaunce nothyng wolde they hayf
Contraryous to theyr contemplacyon
But soberly theyr sustentacyon
Iohn̄ the Baptyst went to the wyldernesse
Lazarus, Martha, and mary Magdalaine
Lefre heritage and goodes more and lesse
Prudent saynt Paule, thought properte prophaine
From towne to towne he ran in wynde and rayne
Upon his fete, techynge the worde of grace
And neuer was subiecte to ryches
The gled sayd yet I heare nothynge but good
Procede shortly and thy mater auaunce
The Papingo sayd fader by the rood
It were to lang to shew the circumstaunce
How properte with her new alliaunce
Grew great with chylde as true men to me tolde
And bare two douthers goodly to beholde
The eldest doughter named was ryches
The seconde syster sensualite
Whiche dyd encreace within a short proces
Preplesaunt to the spiritualite
In great substaunce and excellent beaute
These ladyes two grewe so within few yeres
That in the worlde ware none myght be theyr peres
This ryall ryches and lady sensuall
From that tyme forth toke hole the gouernaunce
Of the most part of the state spirituall
And they agayne with humble obseruaunce
Amorously theyr wyttes dyd auaunce
As true louers theyr ladyes for to please
God wote gyf than theyr hertes were at ease
Soone they forgate to studye, pray, and preche
They grewe so subiect to dame sensuall
And thought it but payne pore people for to teche
Yet they decreed in theyr great counsall
They wolde no more to maryage be thrall
Trusting surely to obserue chastite
And albegyled quod sensualite
Apperandly they dyd expell theyr wyues
That they myght lyue at large without bondage
At liberte to leade theyr lusty lyues
Thynkyng men thrall that bene in mariage
For new faces prouoketh new corage
Thus chastite they turne in to delyte
Wantyng of wyues bene cause of appetyte

¶The banyshyng of chastite.

Dame chastite dyd steale away for shame
From tyme she dyd perceyue theyr puruyance
Dame sensuall one letter gart proclame
And her exiled Ytaly and Fraunce
In Englande coude she get none ordinaunce
Than to the kyng and court of Scotlande
She marked her wi [...]houten more demande
Trustyng in to that court to get comfort
She made her humble supplication
Shortly they sayd she shold get no support
But boosted her with blasphemation
To preestes go make you protestation
It is, sayd they, many an hundred yere
Sen chastite had ony enteres here
Tyred for trauell she to the preestes past
And to the rulars of religyon
Of her presens shortly they were agast
Sayeng they thought it but abusion
Her to receyue so with conclusion
With one aduyse decreed and gaue dome
They wolde receyue no rebell out of Rome
Sholde we receyue that Romains has refused
And banisshed England / Ytaly and Fraunce
For your flattery than were we well abused
Passe hens sayd they and fast your way auaunce
Among the nunnes go seke your ordinaunce
For we haue made othe of fidelite
To dame ryches and sensualite
Than paciently she made progression
Toward the nunnes with herte syghyng full sore
They gaue her presens with procession
Receyued her with honour, laude, and glore
Purposyng to preserue her euermore
Of that nouelles came to dame properte
To ryches and so to sensualite
Whylkes sped them at the post ryght spedely
And set one syege proudly about the place
The selly nunnes dyd yelde them hastely
And humbly of theyr gylt asked grace
Syne gaue theyr bandes of perpetuall peace
Receyu and them they kept open wyckettes wyde
Than chastite wold no longer abyde
¶So for refuge fast to the freres she fled
Which sayd they wolde of ladyes take no cure
Where is she now than sayd the gredy gled
Not among you sayd she I you assure
I trust she bene vpon the burrow mure
By south Edynburgh and so full many menes
Profest among the systers of the senes
There hath she founde her moder pouerte
And deuotion her owne syster cordiall
There hath she founde fayth, hoope, and charite
Togyther wich the vertuous cardinall
There hath she founden one couent yet vnthrall
To Sensualite nor with ryches abused
So quietly those ladyes bene inclused.
The pyote sayd, I dreed, be they assayled
They wyll render them as dyd the holy nunnes
Doubt not sayd she for they bene so artayled
They purpose to defend them with theyr gunnes
Redy to shote they haue six great cannouns
Perseuerance, constance, and conscience,
Austerite, labour, and abstinence
Tyll resist, subtyll Sensualite
Strongly they bene armed feete and handes
By abstinence, and kepeth pouerte
Contrary ryches and all her false seruandes
They haue one bumbard brased vp in bandes
To kepe theyr port in myddes of theyr close
Whilk is called domine custodinos.
Within whose shote, there dare no enemyes
Approche theyr place, for dreed of dyntes doure
But nyght and day, they warke lyke besy bees
For theyr defence reddy to stand in stoure
And hath syk watchis on theyr vtter toure
That Sensualite with siege dare not assayle
Nor come within the shot of theyr artayle
The pyote sayd wherto shold they presume
For to resyst swete sensualite
Or dame ryches wich rulers bene in Rome
Are they more constant in theyr qualite
Than the captayns of the spiritualte
Whylkes pleasandly withouten obstakle
Has them reseyued in theyr habitakle.
How longe trowe ye, those ladyes shall remayne
So solitary in suche perfection
The Papingo sayd brether in certayne
So long as they obey correction
Chosyng theyr heedes by election
Unthrall to ryches or to properte
But as requires theyr necessite
O prudent prelates where was your prescience
That toke on hande tyll obserue chastite
Without austere lyfe / labour / and abstinence
Perseyued ye not the great prosperite
Apperandly tyll come of properte
Ye knew good chere, great ease, and ydelnes
To lechery was moder and maystres
Thou raues vnroked the rauyn sayd by the roode
For to repreue ryches or properte
Abraham and Isaac / were ryche and ay good
Iacob and Ioseph had prosperite
The Papingo sayd, that is verite
Ryches I graunt is not to be refused
Prouydyng alwaye it be not abused.
Than made the rauen a replicacion
Syne, sayde thy reason is not worth a myte
As I shall proue with protestacyon
That no man take my wordes in despyte
I say the temporall prynces has the wyte
That in the kyrk syk pastours doth drouyde
To gouerne soules that not them selfe can guyde
Longe tyme after the kyrke toke properte
The prelates lyued in great perfection
Unthrall to ryches or Sensualite
Under the holy spretes protection
Orderly chosynge by election
As Gregore, Ierome, Ambrose, and Angustyne
Benedict, Bernard, Clement, Clete, & Lyne
Syk pacient prelates entred by the porte
Pleasynge the pepole by predication
Now dyke lowpers, dothe in the kyrk resorte
By symonye and supplicacyon
Of patrons by theyr presentacyon
So sely soules that bene Chrystes shepe
Are gyuen to hungry gormond wolues to kepe
No meruayle is though we religious men
Degenerat be and in our lyues confused
But synge and drynke, none other crafte we ken
Our spirituall faders has vs so abused
Agayne our wyll they trukours bene intrused
Lay men has now religious men in cures
Profest virgyns in kepynge of stronge hures
Prynces prynces, where bene your hye prudence
In disposition of your benefyces
The guerdonyng of your courticience
Is some cause of your great enormiteis
There is one sort waytand lyke hungry fleis
For spirituall cure though they be nothyng able
Whose gredy thrystes bene insaciable
Prynces I pray you be no more abused
To vertuous men hauyng so small regarde
Why sholde vertue through flattery be refused
That men for cunnyng can get no rewarde
Alas that euer a braggar or a barde
An hoore mayster or a common hasature
Shold in the kyrk get ony kynde of cure
Were I a man worthy to were a crowne
Ay when there vaked ony benefyse
I shold gar call a congregation
Of principals of all the prelacyse
Most cunnyng clerkes of vniuersyties
Most famous faders of religion
With theyr aduyse make disposition
I shold dispone all offices pastorayles
Tyll doctours of diuinite or iure
And cause dame vertue pull vp all her sayles
When cunnyng men had in the kyrk most cure
Garlordes send theyr sonnes I you assure
To seke science and famous scholes frequent
Syne, them promote that were most sapient
Great plesure were to here a bysshop preche
A deane, or a doctour in diuinitie
An abbot whylk couth well his couent teche
A parsone flowyng in philosophie
I tyne my tyme tyll wyshe whylk wyll not be,
Were not the prechyng of certeyn beggyng freres
Tint were the fayth amange the seculeres.
¶As for theyr prechyng ꝙ the Papingo
I them excuse for why they bene so thrall
Tyll properte and her dygne doughters two
Dame ryches and fayre lady sensuall
They may not vse no pastyme spirituall
And in theyr hahytes they take syk delyte
They haue renounsed russat and course whyte
Clekande to them scarlot and cramosie
With meneuer / martrik / grece, and ryche armyne
Theyr low hertes exalted are so hye
To se theyr papall pompe it is a pyne
More ryche arraye is now with frenges fyne
Apon the braudryng of a bysshopes mule
Nor euer had Paule or Peter agayne youle
Seyng fayre ladyes theyr cheyne may not escape
Sensualite so such seed has in them sawne
Lesse skathe it were with lycence of the Pape
That ylk prelate a wyfe had of his awne
Then se theyr bastardes throughout the cōtrey blawne
For as sone as they be comyn from the scules
They fall to werke as they were common bules
Pew quod the gled thou preches all in vayne
The secular folk has of our cases no cures
I graunt quod she yet men wyll speke agayne
How ye haue made an hundreth thousande hures
Whylkꝭ neuer had bene were not your lychorus lures
And gyf I lye hertely I me repent
Was neuer byrd I wote more penitent
Than she shroue her with deuoute countenaunce
To that false gled wylk feyned hym a frere
And after he had enioyned her penaunce
Full subtelly at her he gan inquere
Chose you sayd he, whylk of vs brethren here
Shall haue of all your naturall gere the cures
Ye know none bene more holy creatures
I am content quod the pore Papingo
That ye frere gled and corby monke your brother
Haue cure of all my goodes and no mo
Seyng at this tyme frendsshyp I fynd none other
We wyll be to you as true as tyll our mother
Quod they and sware to fulfyll her entent
Of that sayd she I take an instrument
The pyote sayd what shall my offyce be
Ouerseer sayd she vnto the other two
She rowpand rauyn sayd swete syster lat se
Your hole entent for it is tyme to go
The gredy gled sayd brother do not so
We wyll remayne and holden vp her heed
And neuer depart from hyr tyll she be deed
The Papingo them thanked tenderly
And sayd seyng ye haue tane on you this cure
Depart my naturall goodes equally
That euer I had or hath of dame nature
Fyrst to the howlot indegent and pure
Whilk on the day for shame dare not be sene
Tyll her I leaue my gay galbert of grene
My bryght depured eyen as cristall clere
Unto the bak ye shall them both present
In Phebus presens whylk dare not appere
Of naturall syght she is so impotent
My burneshed beik I leaue with good entent
Unto the gentill petuous pellicane
Tyll help to perse her tender hert in twane
I leaue the golk whylk has no songe but one
My musyk with my voyce angelicall
And to the guse ye gyue when I am gone
My eloquence and tonge rethoricall
And take and drye my bones great and small
Syne, close them in a case of euour fyne
And them present vnto the fenix shyne
To burne with her when she her lyfe renewes
In Arabie ye shall her fynd without fere
And shall knowe her by her most heuenly hewes
Gold, asure, gowles, purpour, and sinopere
Hyr date is for to lyue fyue hundreth yere
Make to that bird my commendation
And als I make you supplication
Seyng of my corps I haue you gyuen the cure
Ye spede you to the court without tarying
And take my herte of perfyte portrature
And it prent vnto my souerayne kyng
I wote he wyll it close in to a ryng
Commend me to his grace I you exhort
And of my passion make hym true report
Ye thre my trypes shall haue for your trauell
With lyuer and lunge to part equall among you
Prayand Pluto the potent prynce of hell
Gyf ye fayle that in his fete he fang you
Be to me true thoughe I nothyng belang you
Sore I suspect your conscience be to large
Doubt not sayd they we take it with the charge
Adue brether quod the pore Papingo
To talkyng more I haue no tyme to tary
But sen my sprete mon from my body go
I recommende it to the quene of fary
Eternally in to her court to tary
In wyldernes amonge thyr holtes hore
Than she included her heed & spake no more
Plunged in tyll her mortall passion
Full greuously she grypped to the grounde
It were to longe to make narracyon
Of syghes sore with many stauke and stounde
Out of her wounde the bloode so abounde
A compace rounde was with her bloode made reed
Without remedy there was nothynge but deed
And by she had in manus tuas sayd
Extincted were her naturall wyttes fyue
Her heed full softly on her shulder she layd
Syne yeld the sprete with paynes pungitiue
The rauen begane rudely to roug and ryue
Full gormondlyk, his empty throte he fed
Gate softly brether sayd the gredy gled
Whyle she is hote depart her euen amonge vs
Take you one halfe and reke to me another
In tyll our ryght I wote no wyght dare wrang vs
The piot sayd the fynde receyue the sother
Why make ye me stepharne and I your brother
Ye do me wrang syrgled I shrow your hart
Take there sayd he the puddynges for thy part
Than wot ye well my hert was wonder sayre
For to beholde that dolent departyng
Her angell fedders fleyng in the ayre
Except the hart was left of her nothyng
The piot sayd this perteynes to the kyng
Whylk tyll his grace I purpose to present
Thou quod the gled shall fayll of thyn entent
The rauyn sayd, god nor I rax in a rape
And thou get this other to kyng or duke
The piot sayd playne I not to the pape
Than in one smedy I be smored with smuke
With that the gled the pece caught in his cluke
And fled his way the layfe with all theyr myght
Tyll chace the gled flew all out of my syght
¶Now haue ye herde this lytle tragedye
The sore complaynt, the testament & myschaunce
Of this poore byrde, whylke dyd ascende so hye
Besekyng you excuse myne ignoraunce
And rude endyte, whylk is not to auaunce
And to the queyre I gyue the commaundement
Make no repayre, where poetes bene present
Because you bene but rethoryk so rude
Be neuer sene besyde none other boke
With kyng nor quene, with lorde nor man of gude
With cote vnclene, clayme kynred to some coke
Stele in a nuke, when men lyst on the loke
For smell of smuke men wyll abhorre to bere the
Here I mensuer the, wherfore to lurke go lere the.
¶Here endes the complaynt, & testament of the kynge of Scottes Papinpo, compyled by Dauid Lyndesay of the mount, and finysshed the .xiiij. day of Decem­bre, in the yere of our lord. 1530

¶Imprynted at London in Fletestrete, at the sygne of the Sonne, by Iohn̄ Byddell. The yere of our lorde. M.D.xxxviij.


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