THE Birth, Purpose, and mortall VVound of the Ro­mish holie League.

Describing in a Mappe the enuie of Sathans Shaue­lings, and the follie of their wisedome, through the Almighties proui­dence.

By I. L.

Psalm. 2. Ʋers. 2. & 4.
The Kings of the earth band themselues, and the Princes came together against the Lord, and and against his Anointed. But hee that dwelleth in Heauen shall laugh: the Lord shall haue them in derision.

Imprinted at London for Thomas Cadman. 1589.

The Birth, Purpose, and mortall VVound of the Romish Holie League.

THe Antichristian intrusion into the Empire, ha­uing manifested the Pope to be that man of sinn whereof S. Paule speaketh to the Thessalonians; and the innumerable deceiuing fantasies, tradi­tions and vaine inuentions, wherewith the erro­nious Church of Rome hath made dronke the Nations of the earth, discouering her to bee that purple Whore sitting on the Beast with seauen heads, or rather (as the Angell interpreteth in the Reuelation) on the Citie with seauen hills: hath (through the mightie working of Gods spirit by his zealous Ministers) so laid open the skirts of their filthines, that the most part of Christian Princes with their people haue imbraced the free libertie of the Gospel, and freed themselues from her An­tichristian yoake. Whereupon Sathan (chiefe Patrone of that Regiment) seeing the decaie of his Empire, the discredite of his Vice-gerent, and the open defamation of his infamous Spouse (the Romish Church); thought it high time to set too his helping hand, the rather for that his kingdome draweth so neere an ende. Therefore in the silentst time of night (a fit houre for the Prince of darknesse to take in hand a hellish enterprise) he posted to his terrestriall Pallace at Rome; where seating himselfe in the secret chamber of his Papall Vicar, heethus began: The care (right trustie and welbeloued) of infinite thy predecessors, together with thy approued diligence for the suppressing of Christian ve­ritie, (the onelie obstacle and hindrance of my happinesse) is to me no lesse knowen, than graciouslie accepted: but thou seest that notwithstanding all your trauells (being my deuice) as gi­uing indulgences and promising heauen to traitrous subiects for the dispatching of their naturall but our aduerse Princes, or the dailie excommunications thundred against the said Princes, we canneither by the cursing of the one, or the blessing of the other so preuaile, but that the disciples of Luther, Caluine, Beza, and such like back-sliders from our Church of Belial, do openlie & hourelie preach and publish his Almightinesse, whose name I tremble to rehearse; attributing to him, and none but him, all power to forgiue sinne: whereby my kingdome (founded vpon [Page]me the chiefe corner stone, and laide together by diuers Popes, Cardinals, Abbots, & other Cloisterers is so sorelie shaken, our pardons, pilgrimages, and purgatorie so little feared, that as the walls of Iericho, so fall our principals at this Euangelicall sound. This therefore is my will, (which may in no wise bee delaied) that seeing there is yet some hope, by reason euerie Christian Prince is not fullie disswaded from our faction, there be foorth-with a vniforme League of fatall confederacie by such as fauour vs, against our foes; especiallie our Arch-enemies, Elizabeth Queene of England, & Henrie King of Nauarre: This League proceeding from my spirite of malignitie, (as a Daughter wor­thie no other father) I would haue thee beautefie with some hy­pocriticall stile of outward holinesse, and if thou list call it the Holie League. Touching the Princes thou shalt confeder, I need giue small instructions: onelie this I charge that thou be sodain and circumspect to assemble thy Synode, among whom I will as a chiefe Compeere sit. The Diuell had no sooner saide these words, but a Senate of sacriligious Shauelings were assembled, and Sathan himselfe by the Popes high Chaire proudlie seated? ( as appeareth in the Mappe at the letter A.) Here was it conclu­ded, how this League now named Holie, shuld also proue migh­tie in operation against the Princes professing the Gospell. First it was ordeined, that the Duke of Guise (being by nature ambi­tious and bloodie, yet through riotous excesse vtterlie vnable) should haue his necessitie supplied with Spanish & Romish su­perfluitie: prouided that hee fill France with inhumane massa­cres, ( explaned in the letter B.) thereby to weaken the King of Nauarre: to which he was animated by the Popes Messenger, who to whet him on powrde treasure at his feete ( letter C.) per­swading him also to stir vp such ill affected English as he might against the person of their Royal Souereigne. But Nauarre for­tefied from heauen, armed at all points like a Christian Cheua­lier defended the Gospel ( letter D.) & England happie through her Elizabeth, sate crowned with a wreath of peace (making Christ her hope) as a Rocke vnmooueable ( letter E). This fret­ted the Pope; and Philip King of Spaine made drunke and de­ceiued with the superstitious cup of Romish abhomination, was [Page]whetted on according to his promise in the Holie League, chā ­pion-like to prepare his people, and discharge his abundance of Indian earth: in satisfaction of which I warrant yee, hee had no small rewards, for his verie Horse was trapt with Bulls and par­dons ( letter F.) Allen also that caitiffe Cardinall, and English Arch-traitor, from his Cannon of corrupt conceipt dischargeth two seditious Libels against his Souereign: to which the English Friers and Seminarie Priests giue fire ( letter G). Now to make this League an able Bodie, to beare downe the aduersaries of Antichrist both by land and sea, her head was beautified with a horned Moone ( letter H) of huge and mightie shippes, readie to ioyne with the bloodie Guise, and also to vnite them to the Prince of Parma, that in a moment they might swallow vp lit­tle England, as the rauenous Crocodile dooth the smallest fish in the seauen mouthd Riuer Nilus. But God the onelie Patrone of England and our Elizabeth dismaied first the appointed Ar­mie of the Prince, so that like the Syrians that besieged Samaria in the daies of Eliseus the Prophet, they fled away vnsought with from ioyning with their fellowes at Sea, and woulde not by the gentle intreaties nor seuere threatnings of the Prince their Ge­nerall ( letter I) be anie waie perswaded to set foote aboord the smal Skiffes, appointed to transport them to their holie or rather vnhallowed mates: their feare arising (as it euidentlie appea­red) from that Fleete whereof the Lorde Seymor was Generall ( letter K) which with the Hollanders was readie to giue them their deserued welcome. This Fleete and all the rest of their worthie warre-fellowes ouershaddowed with the wings of the Almightie, honorablie vowed to sell their worthie liues in the defence of this Iland, (his little Israel, and their natiue Nourse) animated couragiouslie euerie man his mate, with resolution to attempt the ruine of this vnhallowed League: whose Moo­ned Cronet was deckt with sundrie pendants, of painted Saints, (sufficient guides for superstitious sotts full gaudelie adornde with the finest golde, rakte out of wretched Indiaes Wombe, whose senselesse bowells the Spaniards (slaue-like) ceaselesllie teare out ( letter L), onelie to satisfie the rauenous appetites of their Wooluish Inquisitours, who submit forthwith at the feete [Page]of their Papall God, the trauailes both of Prince & people, ma­king them vassals to an vnworthie Priest: and applying their la­bours gained with venter of their liues, & hazard of their soules to the strengthning of the forenamed League. But all is vaine: for the breath of the Lords mouth hath dimmed the brightnesse of her Moone, and scattered those proud shippes, whose masts seemed like Cedars to dare the Sunne, the treacherous Libels of traiterous Allen, are with himselfe helde infamous to the world: The Guise also (one of greatest helpes) is dead deserued lie. She being with these sorrowes surcharged, and mangled with manie maimes, she languisheth in a consumption on her bed ( letter M.) The Pope (on earth her cheefe Patrone) promiseth his helpe in what he maie, & feeling her pulses, assureth her there is yet good hope. But the Deuill belike being the better Doctor, and not louing to dissemble where his daughter was Patient, protests af­ter he had cast her water, there was euident signe of death. Thus is this diuelish League deuised by the Diuell, and confirmed by the Pope, weakned and wasted through the Spirite of Truth, & power of our Lord Iesus Christ: To whome let England sing so all her victories; Not vnto vs ô Lord, not vnto vs, but vnto thy Name be praise.

The Birth, purpose, and mortal wound of the Romish Holie League.

IN silent night, when each thing takes it rest,
Yet wakes the Deuill, who neuer shuts his eyes:
In darksome night he leaues his lothsome nest
All in a rage, and towards Rome he flyes.
Where when to Pallace of the Pope he came,
He enters in, and thus his tale doth frame.
Draw néere my sonne, and listen to thy Sire,
The world waxeth old and may not long endure,
The time drawes on apace, it must consume with fire:
Then ends thy kingdome too, which standeth nothing sure;
Because the Gospell spreads it selfe apace;
While thou and thine, runne headlong to disgrace.
A Councell call of all thy Prelates great:
Cardnalls, Friers, and Shauelings of each sort:
And I with thee will sit vpon thy stately Seate,
And for thy ruin'd state, erect a mightie fort,
And build the same with Princes of this land,
With other Kings fast bound in follies band.
Which band, though it be bound, by thee and me my sonne,
Yet must it be adorn'd, with title of deuotion;
And call it Holie League, or els we are vndone,
And thou wilt tumble downe from all thy high promotion;
And he the Spanish King which Phillip hath to name,
Must be the chiefest of this League, and maister of the game.
He hath great store of gold, and will not spare for cost:
He can supplie the Guizes want, which now is farre in debt,
By ryot and excesse, his coyne is spent and lost:
And what will he not do, if that it be to get?
I tell thee héere my sonne, thou hast not such a boy,
From East to West, or any where within thy princely sway.
A fayre religious Cloake, do spread vpon his backe,
To couer his ambition, his cruell bloodie mind:
But Pistolets of Spayne, and Coyne he must not lacke
To execute thy tyrannie, whereto he is assignd,
Against both Christ & Christians that do professe his word:
Yet say he sheddeth blood, with noble Gedeons sword.
And I will rule his heart, for there I haue my seate;
Thy Butcher he shal be, and humaine flesh shall sell:
No age his hand shall spare from smallest to the great,
His minde I will so vexe with furies out of Hell:
But chiefly he shall ayme at the good Nauarre King,
He is the marke, shoot right at him, for thats the only thing.
Giue him no leaue, nor leisure, for to muse
Upon the sacred word of his eternall God:
But still do him pursue, as other Popes did vse,
Being yet in mothers wombe, with their afflicting rod:
And euer since his birth he hath béen chased still:
And yet vnto our woe, we cannot haue our will.
He must be made away, because he is the heire,
And next vnto the Crowne of Fraunce, by orderly discent:
Tis he, tis he, that puts vs all in feare,
And he must downe, or els you will be shent.
He cares not for thy Curse, our Guyze must do the deede,
Thy Bulls nor yet thy Charmes, can neuer make him bléede.
And yet there is a greater foe, and she of greater might;
Gainst whom our dearest Guize, nor scarsely Spayne I wéene
May well preuaile, to put her from her right;
She rules braue Britaine Isle, I meane the English Quéene;
Gainst her my sonne, this League must ioyne in one,
For all too weake our Spayne will be alone.
Her Father first did wound thee to the hart,
Her brother next thy wound did still renewe:
But sister yet did salue againe thy smart,
And heald thy wound as all the world did viewe:
Till she came in that ouerthrewe thy Crowne,
And in her Land by force doth keepe thee downe.
Yea many other Foes, both Kings and Dukes of fame.
I knowe we haue, but first these two must downe.
Bend all thy force against that stately Dame;
And then the rest will shrinke, if thou but frowne.
This Sathan sayd, wherewith away he vades,
He leaues the earth, and flyes to darksome shades.
This guest thus gone, they all allowe his tale,
And straight proceede to practise his pretence:
Wherein they had such lucke, there blewe so braue a gale,
They got their whole desire, and that with small expence:
The King, the Peeres, and many Princes seales,
Gainst Heauen, gainst Christ, & Christian Common weales.
And Phillip now bestirres his aged limmes,
He beates his braines, he tyres his wearie wit,
He sends for Gold, and homeward fast it swimmes,
And sayth, herewith the marke I meane to hit
Whereat so long I aymed haue in vayne,
To ioyne that famous Land vnto the Crowne of Spayne.
And Antichrist doth whippe his posting hast with speede:
And Cardnall Allen he must play the gunner stout,
And shoot abroad great bragges, without respect or heed,
As Champion chiefe amongst this ruffling rout;
So blazing foorth his shame, as one deuoyd of grace,
Gainst his and our good Prince, her Crowne & royall place.
Then hugie Shippes, as earst were neuer seene,
Proud Spayne prepares for to inuade our Land:
And all against the most renowmedst Quéene,
That euer yet bare Scepter in her hand.
Oh Lord what hath thy Handmayd done to these,
That thus assault her Kingdome and her Seas:
But worthely in thy great iudgements iust,
Of thy good will thou didst confound their pride,
And made them feele the smart of their ambicious lust,
Not daring long our royall Shippes abide,
But fled away like shéepe before the hound,
Still héere and there, some going to the ground.
They felt the force of Brittish braue young bloodes,
Which queld the Spanish harts, & made them hide their heads:
Some crept belowe the Decke and prayed to their Roodes,
And other some to other Saints, while Friers tooke their beads.
Then at the length, when we forsooke the chase,
Both wind and waue defied them to the face.
But all this while proud Parma with his barges,
Could nought preuaile to driue his men aboorde,
But lost his toyle, with all his costes and charges:
Sometime he spake them faire, straight threatning w t his sword;
But all in vaine, his Sailers ranne away,
And left his Boates to set him home his hay.
They wift full well, that in the narrowe Seas
Was nothing got but stripes and English blowes;
Which they forsooke, as glad to liue at ease,
And left the Prince quite bored through the nose.
But God (my friends) he tooke away their barts,
To make them knowe his power and furie of his darts.
Yet that which most doth shewe the arme of God,
In all these bloodie broyles we lost not threescore men;
To them a certaine signe of Heauens heauie rod,
To vs a shewe of loue: let vs be thankfull then,
And praise that Lord, which is the Lord of hoast,
That doth defend and shield our English Coast.
And makes our Land abound with flesh and bread,
And cloath most fine, from colde to gard our backe:
With Timber store, good Iron, Tinne and Lead,
And many other things, which other Nations lacke:
But yet a greater grace, we haue his word in peace,
God graunt it may continue, and bring forth more increase.
Let Spanyard then go delue and digge for hidden gold;
Let him go rend rich Indies bowels out;
Let him go trie his friends, and let his Buls be sold;
Let him raise taxes more, and let him cast about;
Let him, let Pope, let Deuill and all the rest,
Do what they can, yea let them do their best.
Let them not cease to boast and bragge to come againe;
Let them with speede prepare like Forces trebble tolde:
Let vs repent, amend; pray for our Princes raigne;
Let vs be true in one, let vs together holde:
Come Deuill then, come Pope and all the crewe,
And as you sped of late, so shall you speede a newe.
For England yet both is, and shall be English still:
And English Brutes do brauely keepe the same:
Though bastard Britaines boast and bragge their fill,
And leaue their Land and skorne the English name:
They skorne not vs, but bring themselues in skorne;
By leauing vs, they léese themselues and seede vnborne.
Our Papistes play the Batte, that left the flying foule;
Because he thought that Beastes more stronger were than they:
Who dares not now appeare, but with the skriching Owle
Flyes alwaies in the night, not daring view the day:
So do our Papistes proud, who skorne our little Ile,
In flying to the mightie Beasts, which now haue got y e foile.
They would be Birds againe, but shame doth beate them back:
They wish themselues vnborne, or els vntimely birth:
Their hope is ouerthrowne, their Beastes be gone to wrack:
So they bewaile their losse, while we sing praise with mirth.
We praise our God which doth vs safely keepe,
While they may howle like hounds, & wring their hands and wéepe.
And long may you so houle, till you repent and chaunge,
And turne vnto the Lord, from whom you go astray;
And yéeld vnto your Realme, from which you runne & raunge:
Good subiects to your Prince, become while yet you may;
Orels be sure, more plagues will still ensue
Upon your loathsome League, and also vpon you.
Which League now lieth sicke, your Doctors doo despaire:
Your Pope doth scratch his head, your Spanish ships are lost:
Your Cardinalls crie out, your Friers teare their haire:
Your combes now are cut, your Clergie cease to boast:
The French king now espies wherto your league was hatche
And like a King he cutteth short those that him ouer-matcht.
Because he suffered long, you thought that he would beare:
Because that he forbore, you thought ye might him lade:
Because once you made him flye, ye thought him still to feare:
Because he would not be of Romish League and trade,
You thought to cut him off, you thought him to betray;
Which beede your Guize must do, and make the King away.
But Guize hath his reward, and in his guise is slaine
The bloodie Guize hath bloodie end, most iustly to his hire,
The bloodiest man that France ere bred, y t made of blood a gaine,
Lyes now in dust, who was your hope and toppe of your desire.
Lothe then y e League that leaueth you, & is in falling downe,
Gainst Christ it first was made, and Heauens thereat frowne.
Forsake the Church of Rome, and flye that man of sinne,
Returne to Christ his fold, that you with vs may ioy;
And pray with vs in heart, yea let vs neuer lin,
That God protect his Church, and keepe from all annoy
Our thrice renowmed Quéene, our royall Realme and Land,
From secrete foes at home, and from the Romish band.

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