LONDON, Printed by T. P. for Thomas Spencer.



TO THE NOBLE, AND GENEROVS WELL-WISHERS TO VERTVOVS ACTIONS, AND LEARNING: The Regent and Professours of the Musaeum Minervae, wish all honour and happinesse.

HOwbeit publick actions and undertakings doe usually receive no Preface, it being needlesse to divulge that, which of it selfe will be ex­posed to all mens Censures: neverthelesse new enterprises (how good, or iust soever they be) are com­monly subiect at least to suspicion, if not unto oblique in­terpretation; which frequent experience, as well as in o­ther things hath manifested in this our new institution of an Academy here in England: Which though already it hath been iustified, and approved by the wisdomes of the Kings most sacred Maiestie, and many of the Lords of his Maiestie, most Honourable privy Councell, and confirmed by his Maiesties Letters patents: and these the [Page]following Constitutions and Discipline thereof ratified under the hands and seales of the right Honourable, the Lord Keeper of the great seale of England, and the two Lord-Chief Justices. Yet for a further and more full satisfaction of all men, aswell ignorant detractours, as vertuous Favourers of this Designe, some remonstrance may not seem impertinent, but rather necessary to be print­ed, and published for the better understanding of what hath been undertaken.

Therefore for as much as we conceive, that it is not generally nor cleerly understood, what the nature of an Academy is: nor wherefore the institution of such a Colledge is here necessary, as well as in other great transmarine Cities: we have thought it requisite, for the bringing of vertue into action, and the Theo­rie of liberall Arts into more frequent practise to show that such an institution is fit to be established here according to the laudable custome of other Nations: who even in the middle of their Ʋniversities have their Academies, as Rome, Bononia, Padua, Paris, Wittenberge, and other places: wherein our Aymes are directed to this end, that England may he as well furnished for the vertuous education, and discipline of her own Natives, as any other Nation of Europe.

It is sufficiently known, that the subiects of his Maiesties dominions, have naturally as noble mindes, and as able bodies as any Nation of the earth: and [Page]therefore deserve all accommodations for the ad­vancing of them, either in speculation, or action. Neverthelesse such hath been the neglect, or under­valueing of our selves, and our own abilities, and overvalueing of forreigne teachers, that hitherto no such places for the education, and trayning up of our own young Nobilitie, and Gentrie, in the practise of arms, and arts have been instituted here in England, as are in Italy, France, and Germany but that by a chargeable and sometimes an unfortunate experience, we to our own losse, and disgrace doe finde the noble and generous youth of this kingdome is sent beyond the seas, to learn such things at excessiverates, from strangers abroad, wherein they might be as well, and with lesse expence, and danger, instructed here at home.

The experience not onely of the honour, but the gaine which other Nations reape by the confluence of our Nobilitie and Gentry to them, for instruction might be a sufficient au [...]horitie, and warrant for the erection of such Academies, in the chiefest Cities of this kingdome, as are beyond the seas: were it not for some iealousies, and suspicions which the novel­ty of every publick action doth bring with it, as indi­ [...]iduall concomitants: and therefore in the particu­ [...]r of this first institution of that nature, some short answeres are requisite to be given to some [Page]places, whose foundations have so long and so honour­ably been confirmed.

And for as much as we are to give reasons that the institution of an Academy is necessary amongst other noble qualities, and arts, (if taught, yet not practized in the Ʋniversities nor Innes of Court:) the scien­ces of Navigation, Riding, Fortification, Architec­ture, Painting, and such like being most usefull ac­complishments of a gentleman doe require a peculiar place and institution for them. And albeit many of them are taught in London, in dispersed places; yet it cannot but be iudged more convenient to reduce, and unite them in one certain place: likewise whereas ma­ny men teach them perfunctorily rather for gain then any other respect: it was held necessary to select cer­tain men who upon oath should undertake to see them learnedly and sufficiently taught: and in brief, where­as in the Citie of London diverse strangers professe to teach sundry, or rather all the liberall arts and scien­ces of which many have been found to be upon examina­tion, and triall egregiously ignorant, whereby our youth loose both their tyme, an [...] m [...]ney: it could not but be thought most necessary for the benefit, and conv [...]nien­cie of all such vertuous disposed youths, as live about the Citie, as also for the honour of our nation: that such a house should be er [...]cted in which they might be regu­larly taught to practise the aforesaid sciences and [Page]qualities: and in a vertuous societie, have such gene­rous, and fitting recreations, as might divert them from the too much frequenting of places of expence, and of greater inconveniences.

Now to let all men know that the intention of the erection of this Academy is as well for the prevention of inconveniences, and dangers; as for the positive benefit of our Gentrie: there is no understanding man, but may resent how many of our Noble men, and young gentlemen travell into forreigne countries before they have any language, or knowledge to make profit of their tyme abroad; they, not being any way able to get knowledge for want of language, nor lan­guage for want of tyme: since going over so young, their yeares of licence commonly expire before they can obtain to sufficient ripenesse of understanding; which no nation is known to doe but the English: for what children of other nations come over to us before they are of able age, and ripenesse? To prevent which inconvenience we by this publick Act, give notice unto all men, that one great end of our institution is, to give language and instruction with other orna­ments of travell unto our Gentlemen (if they shall stay some tyme in this Academy) before their under­taking any long iourneys into forreigne parts.

Moreover whereas it is found by lamentable ex­perience that Noblemen, and Gentlemen for want of an [Page]Academy here, are as it were necessitated, to send their sonnes beyond the seas for education: where through change of Climat, and dyet, and for want of yeares of discretion, they become more subiect to sicknesses and immature death, then otherwise they might have been: we leave it to carefull prudent parents to con­sider how necessary the institution of an Academy here in London is, in which especiall order may be ta­ken for the bringing up of young Gentlemen, untill both for yeares, and learning they may be fit as well to travell and make benefit of their tyme abroad, as to gain some knowledge how to prevent the dangers both of forreigne aire, and dyet.

Now in the last place we humbly desire that it may not be imputed an affectation of singularitie, or of vain glory, that we publish these our Constitutions: for that divers have been desirous to see them, and more are ignorant whether we have any setled disci­pline or not: which because the institution is the first of this nature in this kingdome, it may seem more excu­sable to be done, in this particular, rather then by any other Colledge in the Ʋniversities, whose formes of discipline are sufficiently known: And if this Designe, and the subsequent Constitutions may be so fortunate, as being seen and published to receive a condigne ap­probation (albeit we the present members thereof be­ing all of us farre strucken in yeares are likely to re­ceive [Page]little benefit to our selves, for all our great la­bours other then the reward of a good conscience) we cannot but hope since our institution, and colledge is al­ready made capable by his Maiesties gracious fa­vour, and letters patents of donation in land, as well as goods: that if not the present age, yet posteritie will afford some noble benefactours who by their boun­ty to this foundation in upholding and continuing of what we have begun, will perpetuate their own ever honoured memory. And thus having upon the aforesaid reasons been induced to manifest our actions, and fu­ture intentions in this plain, and sincere manner, un­to the view of the world: we hope that our endea­vours herein, will by all as favourably be interpreted, as they are by us true­ly and sincerely meant; and in­tended to the glory of God, the honour of his Maie­stie, and the publick good of the com­mon wealth. *⁎*


INPRIMIS, It is agreed, and constituted by the Regent and Professours of the Musaeum Minervae, that every man that shall be ad­mitted into the said Musaeum shall bring a testimoniall of his Arms and Gentry, and his Coate Armour tricked on a table to be conserved in the Musaeum. Provided, that the sonnes of benefactours such whom the Regent and Professours shall judge worthy to be admitted, be not excluded.

Item, Every man to be admitted into the Musaeum shall be approved by the Regent and Major part of the Profes­sours for the time being, for his civill conversation: yet af­ter admittance if any behave themselves to the disturbance or evill example of the rest, and will not in convenient time be reclaimed, by the same power that admitted them, they are to be dismissed.

Item, the Regent and Professours shall be accomptable for the proficiencie of the Gentlemen admitted (according to [Page 2]their capacities, diligence and time) to those parents, or friends that have recommended them to their care.

Item, The Regent and Professours shall be tyed in ho­nour without respect of persons or partialitie, to instruct the Gentlemen admitted with all convenient celeritie accord­ing to their severall capacities.

Item, the Gentlemen admitted that by their diligence and continuance have fulfilled the term of three yeares and an halfe, if afterwards they chance to discontinue, shall notwithstanding have priviledge of accesse to the Musaeum without any further charge to benefit themselves by any convenient conference with their former Professours, and these shall have the title of Triennalls.

Item, the Gentlemen who shall have the aforesaid privi­ledges of Triennalls shall be such as have studied or practi­sed three severall sciences, Arts or Qualities, at least for the space of the said three yeares and an half under three severall Professours or their Assistants.

Item, the Gentlemen that by their diligence and continu­ance have fulfilled the term of seven yeares, if afterwards they chance to discontinue, shall have notwithstanding pri­viledges of accesse to the house, without any further charge to benefit themselves by any convenient conference, and to studie and practise what they please: and shall have libertie and licence to benefit themselves at times appointed, by any books Charts, Experiments, Secrets, or Demonstra­tions that shall be conserved in the Musaeum, and found out while they live fit for them: according to the judgement of the Regent and Professours.

[Page 3] Item, of such whose title is Septennalls and the major part of Professours, the Regent shall be chosen in vacancy of a Regent.

Item, by the Major part of Prof [...]ssours and the Septennalls (as many of them) as shall be found resident about the Citie the Professours hereafter (when [...]ny of their places are va­cant) shall be chosen.

Item, the Gentlemen who intend to be Triennalls or Sep­tennalls, shall stay the first foure vacations after their first yeares admittance to learn or practise constantly in the Mu­saeum: but in case they shall have urgent avocation, they shall stay other foure vacations, when their businesse will permit them.

Item, no Gentlemen admitted shall suddenly leave one Science Art or Qualitie which he hath undertaken to learn or practise, and goe to another Professour before the Re­gent be made acquainted with it, who shall make iudgement of his proficiencie in the former, because the end of the Musaeum, is to have all that are admitted (if possible) more then vulgarly instructed.

Item, no Gentleman admitted, till the afternoon shall speak to the Regent except it be about necessary businesse.

Item, noe Gentleman shall speak in the forenoon to the Regent about any businesse, but either in Italian, French or Latine: but if any Gentleman be deficient in all these Lan­guages, then shall he deale with some Professour or other to speak unto the Regent for him in the morning, but in the afternoon free accesse shall be granted to all that have any [Page 4]occasions to conferre with him.

Item, no Gentleman admitted shall exercise himself at onc [...] about more then two particular Sciences Arts or Qualities whereof one shall be Intellectuall, the other Corporall, to avoi [...] confusion: yet if the capacitie of the scholler be extraodi­nary, this may be dispensed withall, according to the di [...] ­cretion of the Regent and maior part of Professours.

Item, no visits are to be made of any person whatsoeve [...] either to the Regent or any of the Professours, or any schol­ler in the forenoon at the Musaeum.

Item, no Professour nor Gentleman nor any other admit­ted, or belonging to the Musaeum Minervae shall make any comparisons amongst themselves, but shall strive to excel in humanitie, and in giving every one his due for the conti­nuance of concord and amity.

Item, it is agreed and constituted by the Regent and Pro­fessours of the Musaeum Minervae, that these things follow­ing shall be read and taught there severally by the Regent, and Professours and their Assistants.

The Regent shall see these performed.
  • Heraldrye.
  • Blazon of Coates and Arms
  • Practicall knowledge of Deeds and
  • Evidences.
  • Principles and Processes
  • of common Law.
  • Knowledge of Antiquities▪
  • Coynes, Medalls,
  • Husbandry, &c.
The Doctour of Philoso­phie and Physick shall reade and professe these.
  • [Page 5] Physiologie.
  • Anatomie, or any other parts
  • of Physick.
The Professour of Astro­nomie shall teach these.
  • Astronomie.
  • Opticks.
  • Navigation.
  • Cosmographie.
The Professour of Geo­metrie shall teach these.
  • Arithmetique.
  • Analyticall Algebra.
  • Geometrie.
  • Fortification.
  • Architecture.
The Professour of Musick shall teach these.
  • Skill in singing and Musick to play upon
    • Organ.
    • Lute.
    • Violl, &c.
The Professour of Lan­guages shall teach these.
  • Hebrew.
  • Greek.
  • Latine.
  • Italian.
  • French.
  • Spanish.
  • High Dutch.
The Professour of De­fence shall teach these.
  • Skill at all weapons and wrestling.

Also Riding shall be taught, Dancing and behaviour, Paint­ing, Sculpture, Writing. Lastly there shall be annexed a School for the young Gentlemen, whose Parents are desirous to [Page 6]have them brought up in the Musaeum from their first yeares

Item, these Arts Sciences or Qualities rehearsed, the Professours and their Assistants, shall teach by Demonstration and Experiment as much as the nature of the Art and Sci­ence requireth, and as much as in them lyeth.

Item, the present Professours and successours of every of them, forever shall leave in writing some memoriall of the most selected Points, Secrets, Experiments, and Demonstrati­ons which doe belong to every of their Arts or Sciences for the greater advancement of learning and knowledge unto the worlds end. And this shall be done at their deaths, when they dispose their estates, if they shall be then of abilitie.

Item, because learned men are many times anticipated by death, and their excellencies die with them, Every Pro­fessour shall also every new yeares day every yeare, or with­in the twelve daies of Christmas give some Raritie in writing or otherwise, to the Library of the house concerning their own Professions, And the Regent shall see them have re­wards out of the Treasurie according to their severall de­serts.

Item, the Assistants to the Regent and Professours, or to any of them shall be the most able in their severall professi­ons that may be had or chosen.

Item, at time of sicknesse, great imployment, or for any reasonable cause it shall be permitted to the R [...]gent or any Professour to substitute a [...] d [...]putie for some daies at his own procurement. P [...]ovided alwaies, that the Deputie work ac­cording to the Regent and Professours information and ap­pointment, [Page 7]And that his directions be according to the Con­stitutions of the Musaeum.

Item, the Professour of Philosophie and Physick and his As­sistant or Assistants shall from time to time according to their abilities and opportunities make experiments of naturall things, chiefly for medicinall use, and what they finde cer­tain shall be recorded, and what they finde otherwise shall in a book by it self be noted, how and in what manner expe­riment was made, and how it failed, that men may not after­wards spend their pretious time and meanes in vain, and that the licentious abuses of Impostors hereafter may be de­tected.

Item, it is agreed and constituted by the Regent and Pro­fessours of the Musaeum Minervae: that there shall be alwaies a Regent and six other Professours in the said Musaeum, according as is granted and expressed in the Letters patents belonging unto the said Musaeum, confirmed by his Maiesties great Seale.

Item, in vacancie of the Regent or any of the Professours, another shall be chosen within six weeks or sooner.

Item, the Regents after the death of Sir Francis Kinaston the first Regent shall be chosen out of the Septennalls, if there shall be found sufficient choice, and the most worthy shall be chosen by the Professours and Septennalls, who shall be found resident about the Citie, otherwise by the maior part of Professours onely.

Item, the Professours in vacancie are to be chosen by the Regent and maior part of Professours, but when there shall [Page 8]be Septennalls, the voices of these also shall be required as many as shall be found resident about the Citie, and the most worthy shall be chosen.

Item, the Regent and Professours shall be chosen by [...] balletting box.

Item, no forreigner or aliene born out of his Maiesties dominions shall at any time for ever hereafter be elected or admitted to be either Regent or Professour of any of the a­foresaid Sciences, Arts or Qualities, except he be onely ad­mitted as an Assistant by the approbation of the Regent and maior part of Professours. And in case by any over­sight or deceipt any such forreigner shall be admitted either Regent or Professour, upon better knowledge of him, he is to be dismissed immediately ipso facto, and another to be chosen according to the true intents of these Consti­tutions.

Item, in elections and other matters where voyces are ne­cessarie, the Regent shall have two voyces, and the rest of the Professours each of them one a piece.

Item, the Assistants shall be chosen by the Regent and maior part of Professours.

Item, the Receiver shall be chosen by the Regent and ma­ior part of Professours.

Item, all officers shall be chosen by the Regent and maior part of Professours.

Item, if any man make any suit by power and authoritie for [Page 9]the Regents place, or for any place of the Professours, or for any place of Assistants, it shall be denied him for ever.

Item, the admittance money which Gentlemen are to pay, is five pound at the least.

Item, the said admittance money is to be paid when the said Gentlemen are admitted.

Item, The Professours are to have a monthly Salary, as they use ordinarily to have in other places.

Item, if any complaint be made of any Professour for asking too much: the Regent and maior part of Profes­sours shall regulate the matter.

Item, what Professour soever shall be desired to teach out of the Musaeum, shall not goe to teach any not admitted of the Musaeum, except he first acquaint the Regent or his deputie with it, and have leave of one of them.

Item, if any Professour finde any agreevance any way, either in his place, or maintenance: he shall propound it to the Regent and rest of the Professours, and they shall re­dresse it as brotherly and charitably, as if themselves were agreeved according as the nature of the matter shall permit, being collated with the state of the Musaeum.

Item, no Professour nor Assistant shall teach any man within the Musaeum not admitted, except he shall have leave of the Regent, or of his deputie in his absence.

Item, the Regent and Professours or maior part of [Page 10]them shall dispose and imploy for the good of the Musaeu [...] Minervae all benefits, moneys, lands, or whatsoever shal [...] be given or received by such Agreements, Orders or Rule [...] as they shall see reason to make for the said end, from time to time, as occasion shall be offered.

Item, all admittance moneys, benevolences of money or lands, or what gifts soever shall be paid and delivered into the hands of the Receiver, to the use of the Musaeum Minervae.

Item, twice a yeare all receipts and expences shall be cast up and examined by the Regent and major part of the Pro­fessours, after a moneths warning given unto the Receiver.

Item, what lands soever are bestowed upon the Musaeum Minervae, shall revertunto the Donours or their Heires, if the Musaeum Mineruae shall wholly cease, and finally be dis­solved.

Item, the Regent and Professours shall make covenants with all Assistants or Deputies of the said Musaeum from time to time, as they shall iudge it best, for the well governing, and upholding of the said Musaeum.

Item, it is agreed and constituted by the Regent and Pro­fessours of the Musaeum Minervae, that every Professour shall hold his place during his life, doing the duties of it by himself, while he may without dammage or hurt to him­self, and by deputie at such times as he is reasonably hin­dered.

Item, no Regent or Professour shall relinquish his place upon any reason, or for any benefit, except he first give se­curitie [Page 11]to the Regent and the rest of the Professours accord­ing to their reasons and desires.

Item, no Regent or Professour shall be displaced for any cause, except for some enormous act against the state and discipline of the Musaeum, such as shall tend to the destructi­on thereof, or hath brought some notorious infamy upon it, which shall be judged so (according to right iudgement) by the Regent and Professours, or by the maior part of them.

Item, for the better continuance: the Regent and Profes­sours shall by all possible means preserve the bond of peace among themselves, and without all emulation or detraction [...]very one of them shall doe his best endeavour to advance the estimation and credit of every one of his fellow Profes­sours for the publick good of the Musaeum.

Item, that the bond of peace may be more firm, no man shall pertinaciously dispute at meetings of Professours, but onely decently and temperately propound what he iudgeth best, and shall no way for any end of his own raise disturb­ance, or be troublesome in over many words, or in words uttered in any cholerick manner, especially if the scope of the speech shall make against the benefit, honour, or end of the Musaeum, which rules if any Professour shall break, he shall be sentenced at twenty shillings, which shall be bestow­ed upon the Assistants of Musick, or other Officers of the Musaeum.

Item, the Receiver shall hold his place during his life, except there be found some great cause to dismisse him, as fraud or the like.

[Page 12] Item, the Schoolmaster is to hold his place during his life except for some insufferable neglects of his dutie in his place or some enormous act against the good of the Musaeum, [...] for some enormous scandall he deserve to be displaced.

Item, it is agreed and constituted by the Regent and Pro­fessours of the Musaeum Minervae, That every Professour shall keep such houres for the instruction of Schollers (as shall be set down by the Regent and maior part of Professours) as much as conveniently he may.

Item, the Astronomicall Professour shall keep an exact Di­ary of every of the Coelestiall Apparances and of the weather, that at last we may finde the causes of our insularie varieties. And every moneths observations shall be fairely written out, and given up to the Library.

Item, the Regent and Professours shall have power to or­der and regulate all other matters which pertain to the dis­cipline of the house for the greater help of Gentlemen, and better ornament of the Musaeum, alwaies from time to time, as occasion or necessity shall require.

Item, the daies and houres of all Lectures and Exercise [...] shall be set down in a Table to be seen by all the Gentlemen.

Item, the day of publick Musick is Tuesday, beginning at two of the clock in the afternoon.

Item, to Publick shewes, Presentations, and Musick meet­ings, none shall be admitted but such as shall bring with them that character which shall be given forth by the Re­gent for that time.

[Page 13] Item, Private Lectures, Instructions or Exercises shall be eve­ry day read and taught, the daies of Dispensation excepted, which the Regent and maior part of Professours shall sett down, by the Professours of Astronomie, Geometry, Musick, Languages and Defence, in any or all their severall Arts or Sci­ences undertaken, if their schollers come unto them.

Item, Private instructions of schollers by all the Assistants of the Musaeum shall be given every day to the Gentlemen their schollers, the daies of Dispensation before mentioned except­ed in all the several Arts and Qualities undertaken by them.

Item, Publick Lectures which are to be read by the Re­gent and Professours of Philosophie and Physick, Astronomie, Geometry, Musick, and Languages, shall be made in daies of full term onely, except for some reasons the Regent and Pro­fessours shall willingly at other times reade publickly.

Item, the Qualities of Riding, Dancing, Painting, Sculpture, Writing, and the rest shall be taught every day in like man­ner as before.

Item, although there be publick Lectures as aforesaid: yet that onely shall be accounted and received for the doctrine and learning of the Musaeum Minervae, which shall be found true, after sufficient experiment, or demonstration, and no other.

Item, it is agreed and constituted by the Regent and Pro­fessours of the said Musaeum Minervae, that no Constitution Order or Rule made by any man shall be valid for the go­vernment of the said Musaeum, or any particular man, Pro­fessour, Officer or office of it, except it be first confirmed by the Regent and Professours.

[Page 14] Item, the orders and Constitutions of the Musaeum, sha [...] at any time receive, increase, diminution, or alteration, sufficient cause be found by the Regent and Professours, be­fore the death of Sir Francis Kinnaston. Provided that no new Change or addition, hurt, but rather helpe the Continuance of all things at first established, As also the honour and Esti­mation of the Musaeum, and such things which are for the bettering of such as shall be admitted.

Item, after the death of Sir Francis Kinnaston, the Funda­mentall orders and Constitutions agreed upon by him the first Regent and Professours shall never after be abolished or changed.

Item, the Regent is to remember as he shall see oppor­tunitie from time to time both publickly and privately, to ex­cite the Noblemen and Gentlemen to vertuous and heroick mindes by the example of the most renowned, but especi­ally to set before their eyes, the Images of the Worthies of our own Nation, and of their own Ancestours, in their se­verall families: so that having taken impression in the Musaeum from the best Id'as, the whole kingdome of inferiour peo­ple, in those severall Counties, where they shall be distribu­ted to live, and shine, may finde example, help, reason, and happinesse in and being under them.

Item, the Noblemen and Gentlemen at their first admit­tance shall have this Constitution immediately going be­fore, read unto them after their admittance, that themselves may know, that one of the principallends of their admittance into the Societie of the Musaeum, is the happinesse of his Ma­jesties kingdomes, as well as their own good.

[Page 15] Item, neither the Regent nor any Professour shall doe any Act or Acts of consequence, which shall concern the state of the Musaeum, of himself, without first acquainting all the rest of the Professours with it, and shall have it assented unto by all, or the maior part of them, except he be both cl [...]er in his iudgement that he shall doe a good benefit for the Musaeum, and also that the omission of it till the Regent and Professours be acquainted with it, may prove a prejudice to the Musaeum.

Item, the Regent and Professours shall keep secret what­soever they agree upon to be kept secret, and that without generall leave, and consent of the Regent and maior part of Professours, it shall not any way be divulged: Provided their Consultations be onely for the good of the Musaeum.

Item, all the Consultations of the Regent and Professours shall be in private.

Item, at times of Consultations of the Regent and Pro­fessours, the Regent is first to speak or propound, Then se­condly the Professour of Philosophie and Physick, and so eve­ry one in that order and rank as they are set down and named in the former Constitutions.

Item, if any two or more differ in their Consultations, they are to be heard by the rest to dispute it briefly and tem­perately, and one after another in order: and then the Re­gent and maior part of Professours agreeing, shall make de­cision.

Item, no man shall interrupt the Regent in his discourses, nor any of the Professours one another, but they shall have [Page 16]libertie to speak what they please for the good of the Mus [...] ­um, or themselves, Provided they be not over tedious [...] their discourses, which thing the Regent shall moderate.

Item, all matters taken in Consultation shall not be af­fectionately, nor hastily decreed, but seriously weighed and if more matters are propounded, that shall first be de­creed, which is of most and present necessitie: otherwise what is first propounded, shall be concluded before other matters come into deliberation.

Item, once every week shall be a meeting of the Regent and Professours to consult for the good of the Musaeum, which shall be on Saturday in the afternoon, between two or three of the clock, under a pen [...]ltie of tenne shillings, to the stock of the house, except it be dispensed withall upon no­tice given before hand, or afterwards sufficiently proved, that notice could not be given in time.

Item, the Regent in his absence from the Musaeum, shall appoint one of the Professours to supply his place, whom he shall iudge most able to discharge it, who shall doe gene­rally and in particulars, as may be according to the Regents directions.

Item, it is agreed and constituted by the Regent and Pro­fessours of the Musaeum Minervae, that all summes of mo­ney shall be taken by the Receiver, and delivered unto him.

Item, the Receiver shall give sufficient securitie to the Re­gent and Professours.

Item, the Receiver shall distribute all such summes of mo­ney [Page 17]as he receiveth, according to the appointment of the Regent and maior part of Professours for the occasions of the Musaeum, and not otherwise.

Item, the Receiver shall keep a book of all admittances which shall be very fairely written.

Item, the Receiver shall keep a book of all Receipts and disbursements.

Item, the Regent and Professours shall from time to time and at all times use and imploy the best of their endeavours to the [...]nlargement and building or adorning of the Musaeum, or to any other thing which shall by the Regent and maior part of Professours be iudged to conduce to the honour and ad­vancement of the same, out of such moneys and revenues of lands as shall come to their Receivers hands by the boun­ty or benevolence of Benefactours or friends given to the said Musaeum Minervae, the Pensions of Regent, Profes­sours, Schoolmasters, Assistants and Officers being first paid.

Item, it is agreed and Constituted by the Regent and Professours of the Musaeum Minervae, That the Bookes of Se­crets, Experiments, and Demonstrations shall be communicated to none but to the Professours, Septennalls and Receiver, or such other, as the Regent and Professours shall upon a very great reason see cause to yeeld unto.

Item, if any Gentleman shall have any naturall Experi­ment or Secret, and shall communicate it to the Musaeum, and upon tryall it be found true and good, his name and Experi­ment shall be recorded in Libro Nobilium, for a perpetuall ho­nour unto him.

[Page 18] Item, if any Gentleman shall be come any waies a Benefactour to the Musaeum, he shall ever be honourably remembred in Libro Nobilium.

Item, there shall be Liber Nobilium alwaies kept, in which Benefactours and their benefits are to be recorded, begin­ning with King Charles our first and royall Benefactour.

Item, if any accidentall masters in any facultie, shall come to conferre with any Professour of the Musaeum, and shall impart any singular demonstration in Science, or Se­cret in nature profitable, they shall receive an Honorarium of the Musaeum, and be also honoured in Libro Nobilium totie [...] quoties, but the quantity and quality of the Honorarium shall be agreed upon by the Regent and maior part of the Pro­fessours.

Item, no book shall be noted or blotted with ink, lead, or other matter.

Item, no book shall be lent out of the Musaeum but to the Professours onely, and no Professour shall take any book out of the Librarie, or ordinary place where it standeth, ex­cept he leave in a paper book there being for the purpose, his name, and the name of the book, and the time when he took it, and also except he acquaint the Library keeper with it.

Item, every book lent, when it is to be restored to the Li­brary again, is to be viewed by the Library keeper or some of the Professours which are most likely to know it best.

Item, in the minor Libraries every Professour shall be [Page 19] [...]rged with the books of his owne Library, and no Profes­ [...]r shall take out any book out of one anothers Library with [...] the knowledge of the Professour of that Art or Science.

Item, no Book, Charte, Instrument or Raritie whatsoever be­ [...]ging to the Musaeum, shall be any waies alienated, altered [...] changed, except for the greater good and benefit of the [...]usaeum, neither shall any alienation, alteration or change [...] made of any Book, Charte, or Instrument, or any other [...]ng belonging to the Musaeum, but by consent of the Re­ [...]nt and maior part of the Professours of the Musaeum.

Item, if any Regent or Professour hereafter of the Musae­ [...] shall make away, or endeavour to destroy, or open his [...]outh to destroy any books of what Art or Science soever, [...] any Antiquitie or other matter which hath been once re­ [...]ved into the Musaeum by the Regent and Professours, [...]d laied up there for the benefit of the Noblemen and Gen­ [...]men, or for their delight, or for any other reason, for which it was by the Regent and Professours at the first re­ [...]ived, and there conserved: He shall ipso facto be dismis­ [...]d, without any after restitution to his place again, or any other office in the Musaeum Mineruae for ever.

Item, the Regent and Professours from time to time shall take care that such of themselves as doe survive, shall ho­nourably interre and solempnize the Funeralls of the Regent [...] any of the Professours deceased according to their places, [...]d as they have deserved in the Musaeum or otherwise, for [...]e good of the kingdome: and also that there be Funerall [...]ations made, such as may be to the honour of the decea­sed, for the reasons before mentioned, and for incitement of the living unto the best deserts.

The Oath to be administred to the REGENT and PROFESSOVRS OF THE MƲSAEƲM MINERVAE, Within three daies after their Election.

I. A. B. doe promise and swear to yeeld and perform from ti [...] to time and at all times all fidelity and allegiance unto our Sovraigne Lord King Charles, and doe swear and promise to execu [...] and discharge from time to time with all fidelity my place and off [...] of

  • Regentship
  • Professourship

in the Musaeum Minervae.

And also to perform and keep to the utmost of my power and sk [...] as long as I live, all and singular such Constitutions of the s [...] Musaeum Minervae, which doe and may concern my said pl [...] and office according to the true intent and meaning of the said Co [...] stitutions.

And also I swear and promise alwaies to advance the hono [...] benefit and good estate of the said Musaeum Minervae to the [...] most of my power.

And to preserve and augment as much as in me lyeth, the es [...] mation and credit of the Regent and Professours of the said Musaeum Minervae.

And lastly, never to dispense with my fidelity, honestie or co [...] science in the Election of any Regent, Professour, Deputie [...] Assistant, or in doing any Act wittingly cont [...] to the [...] stitutions and Orders of the said Musaeum Minervae, or prej [...] diciall to the same Musaeum, for any temporall respects whatsoever.

So help me God.


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