THE BLESSEDNES OF BRYTAINE, OR A Celebration of the Queenes Holyday, Conteining, A Breefe rehersall, of the inestimable Benefits, generally had & enioyed, not only all England ouer, but also in forrein Partes, through the gracious Bountie, and incomparable blessed Rule of our Royall Queene ELIZABETH.

Composed, and set foorth, in due Reuerence, & ioyfull Memoriall, of her Maiesties present entrance into the Thirtieth yeere of her most triumphant raigne, with hartie prayer, for the long continuing, and prosperous pre­seruing of the same: by Maurice Kyffin.

Deum Timete. Regem Honorate.

1. Pet. 2.17.

Fiant preces pro Regibus & Principibus, vt tranquillam & quietam vitam degamus, cum omnipietate & honestate.

1. Tim. 2.2.

Published vvith Authoritie.

LONDON. Imprinted by Iohn Windet, dwelling in Adling streete, at the signe of the White Beare, neere Baynardes Castell.


Plura Posthac.

TO THE RIGHT HONORBLE and Renoumed in all Heroicall Vertues, Sir Robert Devreux Knight, Erle of Essex and Ewe, Vicount Hereford, and Bourgchier, Lord Ferrers of Chartleigh, Bourgchier and Lovain, and Maister of her Maiesties horse.

THE faithfull loue, and dutie, (Right honorable) long since deseruedly born, by my deceased Father, both to your lord­ships Noble Graundfather, and likewise to the famous and woorthie Erle your Father, (vnto whom for diuers respects, he was much bounden being aliue, & be­ing dead, left the like Bond of dutie, in vs his Children towards your Lordship) hath the more emboldened me, (presu­ming on your Lordships great Courtesies) To publish, vnder your fa­uourable protection, these my vnpolished verses, of her Maiestie: wher­in, though I haue but showen my leaden skill, in a Golden Cause, yet hath the same proceeded from such ardent desire, and deuotion in me, as thereby it may seeme, in some meane, to merit Tolleration, especi­ally, sith it carrieth a duitifull remembrance, of her Maiesties most pro­sperous and peaceable raigne ouer vs: which hauing run the full, and Blessed Course, of Nyne and Twentie yeeres; doth now, begin the Thirtieth, to the great ioy, & in speakeable comfort of this her royall Kingdome; In reuerend regard whereof, this poore Poem is most chief­ly intended: I humbly therefore, present it to the Courteous accepta­tion of your most Honorable Lordship: Whome I be seech the Highest to blesse, and enriche, with increase of all perfect Honor, long life, and euer during felicitie.

Most humble at your good Lordships commaundment. Maurice Kyffin.

D. P. To the Reader.

TWO things make blisfull Realmes, Religion pure and Peace:
Which Two our England hath enioyd, long time with large increase.
The God of peace be praisd, who grauntes our Birth and Being,
In this same Realme, with this Rare Prince, these gladsome Seasons seeing.
And pray we God likewise, this State still to defend:
Preseruing it, in perfect Peace, till that the world take end.
The Author of this booke, deserues a during fame,
Who chose a good Ground, for his worke, and wrought well on the same.

T. LL. In praise of this booke, and the Author.

WHo list to see her Noble deeds displaid,
Whose golden gifts, eche creature doth adore,
Whose Vertues Rare, haue hauty harts dismaid,
Whose Name, and Fame, encreaseth more & more:
Let them peruse this Poem, with Aduise.
By Kyffins pen, put down in perfect wise.
A work of woorth, beseeming well his Arte,
So fitly framd, and fraught, with tryed Truthe.
As may Reioyce, eche loyall subiects hart,
To heare, and see; which hidden had bin Ruthe.
Our Queenes long Raigne, to our still during ioy,
The King of Kings, preserue free from Annoy,

J. H. In commendation of this worke, & the writer.

THe Persian Cyrus, Xenophens penne, Achilles, Homers found:
King Alexanders valure great, did Curtius stile resound,
Their worthie fame, those worthie wittes, to skies aloft do send,
Those worthie wits, cake by their fame themselues to fame commend.
Though skilfull Muses notes, come short to sound this Princes prayse,
Her Princely giftes, her Iustice mylde, her Peacefull lasting dayes:
Yet Kyffins Muse in stately stile, hath shot so neare the same,
That by resounding worthie praise, himself deserueth fame.

R. Cooke, in commendation of his friend M r. Kyffin.

THe frutefull Muses seeme, to haue conspird, with full assent,
Vplifting Kyffins lore, with weightie woords to work Content:
The subiect of his Verse, is sacred, firme, and full of grace,
Whereon his Web is wrought, whose learned skill, none can deface,
Momus the carping God, to Cauill here can finde no cause,
And Zoylus spitefull wretch, hath here wherewith to stop his iawes.


PEarce Clio Muse, my weake, vnwoorthie wit:
Caliope, set foorth my stile with strength;
Vnfold her Fame (with words foorth sounding fit,)
Whome Kings adore, & Lords in worldly length:
VVhose Sacred Hand the Stately Scepters hold,
And Royall, Rules her Realmes in Crowned gold.
A Monarch Mayden Queene adorned rare,
VVith Regall Heauenly dowres, of diuers kinde;
In whome, who list dame Natures Workes compare,
VVith those rich Thewes, & Vertues of her Minde,
Shall much admire, at such a Myrrour sheene,
At such a Prince, at such a Peereles Queene.
The Starre of VVomen Sex, Graue Wisedoms store:
Sententious, speaking Tongs in filed phraze,
Profoundly learnd, and Perfect in eche Lore,
Her Fame, no Rav'ning Time, shall euer Raze:
Hater of Wrong, high Refuge eke for Right,
Concord, and Peace, continuing by her Might.
VVhat should I Nymphs, or Goddesses Recount?
Or Aegypt Queenes, or Romane Ladies
Befides that such manner of Reciting strange and Hethenish Names, were here altoge­ther inconue­nient, The au­thor doth also of very pur­pose, some­what shun that bea ten high way, to fil paper with pestring Names of fai­ned Gods, Goddesses, Nymphs, Per­sians, Greci­ans, Romans, &c. Being a thing of some somtimes v­sed, too too much, and to little effect.
Sith as Supreme, our Sov'raigne dooth surmount,
In choice of Good, the cheefe of all those same?
For to compare the Great, with simple small,
Is thereby, not to praise the Best at all.
Elizabeth, Large Light of Sov'raigne Seat,
VVhose Iustice, Prudence, Temprance, Fortitude,
Ingrafted yong, are grown foorth spreading Great,
Throughout the world, mong Nations wise & rude:
No land, but laudes this right Resplendant Rose,
Tutor to Frends, and Terror vnto Foes.
As Shyning Sunne recleeres the darkned Skye,
The reestabli­shing of the Gospel, by her Maiestie, a work of in­estimable worth, euerla­stingly fa­mous for euer and euer. Primaris Principis Cura, Religio. Dauid. 1. P. 13. Asa. 2. Par. 14. Ichos. 2. P. 17. Ioosh. 2. p. 23. Iosias, 2. Reg. 22. Hezechiah, 2 Par. 29.
And foorth recalles eche thing, from shiv'ring Shrowds,
So hath our Second Sunne, both farre and nye,
by brightning Beames, outcleerd erronious Clouds:
Apow'rfull Prop of Christes Euangell pure,
One whose Support, it rests Reposed sure.
Our Currant Coyne was Mettall base and meane,
Argentum tuum Scoris. Isaiah. 1.22.
Till her most princely Grace, the same put out,
By perfect Gold, and pured Siluer cleane,
Base Coynes abolished by her highnes.
VVhich passe for cōmon Coynes, her Realms throughout.
A Deede, deseruing her Perpetuall Praise,
And Publik Profit, to this Land alwaies.
Ad hereto Armour, and Artillery,
The royal in­crease of Ar­mour, & Ar­tillery, by her Maiestie for the defence of the Realme. Foelix est ea Resp. quae tem­pore pacis, Bella inactat. Laur. Gr [...]nal. de optimo Senatore fol. 71.
Of her most Royall Charges cheefely found;
As store of Arming steele defensiuely,
And Roring Gunnes, far rendring fired sound;
A furth'ring Strength for Peace, and safe Repose:
And Meanes, resisting Rage, of Warring foes.
I may not here omit in Silent sorte,
The incompa­rable Nauie Royall, built & maintained by her Maie­stie. Pericles A­then, ait: Vnā pecunia parā ­da rationem put and am, Naues quam­plurimas ha­bere, alias ve­ro extra eam rationes, nal­lius momenti existimandas.
Her Royall Ships strong wrought for stearnful warre,
(VVhereof all worldly Realmes do raise Report)
Through raging Seas discouering Regions farre:
A Scowre-sea Nauy all bright & brauely burnisht
Foorth spowting fire, faire, huge, and fully furnisht.
VVhen floorisht Learning to such Type of height?
Plentiful ex­ercise of Reli­gion, perfecti­on in all kind of learning, & right whol some lawes, enioyed by her Maiesties most gracious meanes.
Or purefull Preaching, when had it more place?
VVhen was Gods worde so knowne to euery weight,
VVhich heretofore, did suffer such Deface?
VVhen raignd Religion so deuoyd of cryme?
Or rightfull Lawes, as in her Royall tyme?
VVhen was this Realme so rich of glittring Gold,
The Realme wonderfully enriched with Gold and Sil­uer. The earth most abun­dantly blessed with sertili­tie, And eue­ry man quiet­ly enioying his own, vnder her highnes prosperous gouetnement.
Of plated Siluer, pearle, and precious stones?
VVhen was more Tillage on this fertile Mold?
Or more riche streaming Graces growne at ones?
Or more Concordant life, in Country and Towne,
Then since her Regall Highnes came to Crown?
Her Sacred Senate by their graue foresight,
The vigilant Care, and in­cessant trauell of her Maie­sties most ho­norable priuy Councel.
Prouide for Publik Good and Ev'ls preuent,
Conseruing Common weale, from Perils plight,
In Rightfull Ruling, Concord, & Concent:
A Senate well besitting Such a Charge;
Prudent, & prompt in Lore and Wisdome large.
From Wrathfull VVarre, her People rest in Peace:
The most blessed and peaceable state of her Maiesties sub­iects in com­parison of o­ther Nations, round about them. Strangers gra­ciously recei­ued, and re­seeued by hae Highnes, within her own king, dom.
From wasting VVoes, her Subiects liue Secure:
And yet our Neighbour Nations VVarres not cease,
Their dire distresse, and wailfull VVoes still dure;
The Most of Might, eke makes her Realm a Towre
Strangers to shield, from many a balefull Showre.
A Mightie Queene, pure with Compassion prest,
Her Maiesties gracious aide vnto her di­stressed neigh bours abroad. Regia (credo mibi) res est succurrere laplis, Conue­nit vt tanto, quantus es ipse viro. Ouid. li. 2. do Pon.
Rendring Reliefe, to Neighbour freends forlorn:
Her helping Hand, holds vp the weake distrest,
And hath the haughtie, dreadfull, oft downborn:
VVhereof Records, full rife re naining store;
Note Scotland,
Low Coun­tries.
Belgia, and many places more.
Lib'rall Rewarder of Heroicall Acts;
Her Highnes bountiful li­beralitie. Her Mercy towardes of­fenders. Imperi [...] duo­bus potissi­man continē ­tur, Nempe, Proemio & Pana [...] teste So­lone. Iusticia sine Misericordia Crudelitas. Misericordia sine Iustitia fa [...]ittas.
Ritch in Reward, large giuing Gwer dons great;
Prone eke to pardon, many offending facts,
Yea though the same, concern her Regall Seat;
Rigor of Iustice, in Reuenging Lawes,
Mylde by her Mercy, wreaks not eche Cause.
A Blessed Branch of Brutus Royall Race;
Her Maiestie Princesse of Wales, where the Inhabi­tants enioy Gods worde in their own language, through the meere grace & goodnes of her highnes.
To Brytish wightes a Blisfull worldly ioy,
Puissant Princesse of Their Natiue place,
To shield their Earthly liues from all annoy:
And to their Sickly Soules, a Sov'raigne Leche,
Graunting Christs Gospel, in their Country speche.
Princely Possessor of this Realme full Right,
And Heire apparant to the Heav'nly Crown:
Assigned to serue Gods Truthe, with Maine & Might
Vpraising Vertue, Vice depressing downe:
Frutefull in Faith, though fruteles, wanting feere:
Such brings shee
A perpetual memory of her manifold goodnes, in steade of Sonnes and daughters. Praferre pa­tr [...] liberis Regem decet. Seneca in Tr.
Frute, in stead of Children heere.
Such Rare, Renowmed Deeds,
Omnis la [...] virtutis in Actione con­sistis Arist.
our Queene hath don
And more than my poore powre may well expresse:
Violenta ne­mo Imperit continuit diu. Sen. in T.
Long hath her Raigne, this Glorious Race foorth run
Long may it last, foorth bringing frutes no lesse:
Great is the Good, thus grown foorth, frō her Grace:
Great good shal grow, through her like lēgthned space.
Owretched Wights, that would this Queene enharme,
A reproof vnto Tray­tors.
By close contryuing of her Cruell Death;
VVhat cursed Circes, could their mindes so charme,
They rewar­ded me Euill for Good: for they haue priuily laid their Net to destroy me without cause. Psalm. 35.
As not to recke, to reaue their Liege of breath?
Fell Raging Rome, all this is long of thee,
From whome, no Troubling Treasons, here are free.
Our kingly Rooted Rose, fresh flowring stands;
Garded by Gods great Powre, and Prouidence:
A masing much, all Traitours trembling hands,
VVhich plye to pluck this Plant by violence:
Magna est veritas, & Prau [...]let. Esdras. 3. c. 4.
Truthe downe treading Treason vnto shame,
Victor suruiues, by vanquishing the same.
Thrise happie Land, whose Sov'raigne Ladies life,
The Lord enlengthning, saues from soddein haps;
Though Ciuile Bronds, and forrein Furies rife,
Conioyning erst, haue threatned Thunder claps,
Yet Maugre Malice,
Si Dent nobis­cum, quis con­tra Nos. Paul. 8. Rom.
Foes are put to foyle,
And safe remaines, our Sov'raigne, & our Soyle.
Thrise happy Queene,
The Angel of the Lord tarryeth about them that fear him, and that put th [...]ir trust in him. Psal. 34. There is no King that can be saued by the multitude of an Hoste, &c. Behold the Eye of the Lord is vpon them that fear him, and that put their trust in his Mercy. Psal. 33.
acknown of God so deere,
Gainst whome, what secret Mischeefs haue bin sought,
But that the same, would presently appeere,
By meanes Miraculous, as yet vnwrought?
A Sured Signe, whome God protects to Ioy,
No lurking Ev'l, can thereto worke Annoy.
O Glorious Ruler of the glistring Hev'n,
Prolong her Health, with Heapes of happie Yeeres,
That as her Rule hath Raignd twise Lev'n & Sev'n,
The prayer & wish of all good Sub.
So may shee still, surpas all Potent Peeres,
To liue, and long time wield the Ciuile swoord,
As far, as course of Nature can affoord.
Far Forrain lands, be are witnesse of her Name;
Far surging Seas, haue felt her warlik Ships;
Both Seas, & Lands, foorth thunder out her Fame,
Fama manet fact [...], posito velamine, con­runt; Et me­morem Famā, qui bene ges­sit habet. Ouid. l [...]. 2. Fast.
Through force of flowring Acts, free from Ecclips:
Elizabeths due praise shall neuer dye,
In Earth, nor Seas, nor in the starrie Skye.
Right Reu'rend Princesse, rare is thy Renown,
Though Spitefull Enuie, spue foorth poysned gall;
Naught shall it crase, thine Acts Eternall Crowne,
Nor minish much, thy sound successe at all:
No Best may shunne fell
Ars prima Regni, est pos­se Inuidians pati. Sence. in Here. fur.
Enuies sowrfull stench,
VVhom Kezars, Kings, & Queenes, haue faild to quench.
As Highest Hils, bide fiercest force of VVeather,
And Tall Trees tops, be are greatest stresse of VVinde,
As finest Blacke, yelds showe of smallest fether,
And in Pure VVhite, the least black More we finde:
So Enuies shaft, is shot at
Summa petis liuor, per­flant altissima venti. Ouid.
Highest Marke;
And pries in Purest Things, whereat to barke.
No Ruler Such hath weld this Realme of yore,
Fewe Realmes haue ioyd, so long a
Iniq [...]a nu [...] ­quam regna, perptuo ma­nent. Senec. in Med.
Peacefull Rule:
No Realme is read, t'haue Rul'de bin heretofore,
By such a Queene, safe quelling Ciuile Brule;
VVho raigning still, a Prince withouten peere;
Her highnes now, holds on her Thirtieth yere.
Adore Nouembers sacred
More fit to be solemni­zed, than ma­ny other dayes noted in the Ka­lender.
Sev'nteenth Day,
VVherein our Second Sunne began her Shine:
Ring out lowd sounding Bels; on Organs play;
To Musikes Mirth, let all Estates incline:
Sound Drūmes, & Trūpets, renting Ayre & Ground
Stringd Instruments, strike with Melodious sound.
Ye Mightie Men of Mars ennobled Knights,
Aduaunce your selues, on fiery foming steedes:
Reuiue This Tymes Remembrance, with all Rights,
In Armour bright, and gorgeous warlik weedes:
At Tylt, & Turnay, trying Martiall Might;
And Battring strokes, at Barriers forcefull fight.
Ye Cuntry folke, foorth stalking in your feelds,
Lowd Carols sing, to celebrat This Tyme;
Show Signes of ioy (as Cuntry manner yeldes,)
In Sporting Games, with Daunce, and rurall Ryme:
Eche Swayne, and Sheppard, sound his piping Reede,
For ioy, enioying Feelds, & Flocks to feede.
Ye Bryttish Poets, Repeat in Royall Song,
(VVith waightie woords, vsde in King Arthurs daies)
Th' Imperiall Stock, from whence your Queene hath sprong;
Enstall in verse your Princesse lasting prayes:
Masters in the Science of Musick.
Pencerddiaid, play on Auncient Harp, and Crowde:
Expert men in singing.
Atceiniaid, sing her prayses pearcing lowd.
Let Hilles, & Rocks, rebounding Ecchoes yelde,
Of Queene Elizabeths long lasting Fame;
Let woody Groaues, and VVatry Streames be fild,
And Creeks, & Caues, with sounding of the same:
O Cambria, stretch, & straine thy vtmost breth,
To praise, and pray for Queene Elizabeth.
Her Third tyme Ten yeres Raigne, we now possesse;
Thrise three times Ten,
[...] euery faithfull sub­ject say [...]m [...].
god graūt her grace may raign
To this her Realmes long wisht for wealfulnesse,
VVhereby, eche long erst Losse, it may Regain:
And so Redound, the happiest Realme for ay,
Vnturnd from Truthe, ev'n till the Latter Day.

God Preserue Queene Elizabeth.

O Hierusalem praise the Lord: Psalm. 147. Praise thy God, ô Sion. For he hath strengthned the Barres of thy Gates: And hath Blessed thy Children within thee. He hath made all thy Borders Peace: And with the good Nutriment of Wheat doth satisfie thee, &c. He hath not done thus to euery Nation els: Praise we all the Lord therefore. Amen.


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