[Page] [Page] CORNVCOPIAE, Or diuers secrets:

Wherein is contained the rare secrets in Man, Beasts, Foules, Fishes, Trees, Plantes, Stones and such like, most pleasant and profitable, and not before committed to bee printed in English.

Newlie drawen out of diuers Latine Authors into Eng­lish by Thomas Iohnson.



Printed for VVilliam Barley, and are to be sold at his shop at the vpper end of Gratious streete nere Leaden-Hall. 1595.

CORNVCOPIAE, OR diuers secrets: wherin is con­tained the rare secrets in Man, Beastes, Foules, Fishes, Trees, Plantes, Stones and such like, most pleasant and profitable and not before committed to bee printed in English.

MAnie are the woon­ders & mar [...]ailes in this world, and almost incredible, were it not that experience teach­eth the contrarie: for who could bee perswaded to be­leeue that the Owstridge could eate or deuoure cold & hard Iron, or that hote burning Iron could not hurt her stomacke, were it not that it hath and is daylie seene and knowne.

There is a little fish called Echines, which cleauing to the keele or mast of the Shipe, will [Page] so retaine the shippe that no violence of winde or weather can remoue it.

The Salamaunder and the worme Piransta liue in the fire, and although they seeme to con­sume and burne away yet are they not hurt or burned at all.

The Satyres haue heads like vnto men, and bodies like vnto goats, and are capable of rea­son and speech, which is both strange & won­derfull.

The Loadstone hath vertue to drawyron to it: yet if you holde a Diamond by him, that vertue will bee taken away so long as the A­damant is by him.

The stone found in an Eagles neast, bound to the left arme of a woman with child preser­ueth from abortion, but bound to her thigh in her trauaile, causeth easie and speedie deliue­rance. Also it is saide that if a theefe eate a peece of this stone any manner of way, it shall ueuer passe through him. A theefe can not swallow any broth wherin this stone hath bin sodden.

The Iasper stone restrayneth bleeding.

If any thinge be laid in salt and there left re­mayning, in processe of time it becommeth salt itselfe.

Many thinges are holpen by their like, as Phisitions can tell that the braines of manye thinges are helpefull to the braine of man, the [Page] Iunges to the Iunges, the eye to the eye, & foote to the foote, &c.

The right eye of a Frogge applied to the right eye of one that is purblinde, or the left eye to the left healeth the party.

So doth the eye of a Crabfish.

The snaile applied in the same sorte helpeth the gout.

Euerie barren Beast or Foule causeth steri­lity or barrennes, especiallie the Uri [...]e, ma­trice or stones anie waies taken.

So doth the milke of a Mule once in a month eaten, oause her that ea [...]e it not to con­ceaue.

If you would moue loue, take such creatures as loue most, such are the Turtle, the Spar­row, the Swallow, the Waggetaile.

If you would moue audacity, respect the Li­on and the Cocke.

The dog, the rauen, the cocke, the nighting­gale, the bat or remouse & such like, especiallye the head the hart & the eyes are said to profit in vigilancy, or to keepe one from sleeping.

The hart of a Crowe or a Batte borne vppon one suffereth not the partie to sleepe till it [...]ee taken awaie.

The head of the Batte brought to powder, & bound to the right arme doth the like, but put vppon the stomacke of one that is a sleepe, it is saide that he shall not a wake till it bee taken a­waie.

[Page]The Frogge and the Toade are much effec­tuall to make one talkatiue.

The tongue of a water Frogge put on the head of one sleeping: causeth him to speake in his sleepe.

The heart of a Toade or of a Night Crowe, or the fatte of a Hare put vpon the brest of one sleeping, causeth them to tell whatsoeuer shall be asked them.

All beasts of long life are said to bee helpers to long life.

The Hart renueth his age by eating of the Serpent.

The Phenix by the fire.

If the right foote of the Pellican bee put in hotte dung for three months, thereof will bee ingendred a Pellican.

The Load-stone doth not onelie draw iron to it, but also maketh that iron to drawe other iron to it, if the Load-stone berubbed there­with.

It is supposed that in like maner the smock or other apparrell of a strumpet beeing worne of others, giueth a certaine impudencie and shameles boldnes to those parties.

Euen so if a Woman behold her selfe [...]fte in the glasse wherein an whore hath accustomed to looke in, it maketh her not onely impudent bold but also the more prompt to further offen­ding.

[Page]Also a blacke cloth which hath beene vsed o­uer the Coffin of dead folkes bringeth a certain kinde of sadnes or melancholly to them that weare it in apparrell.

The Load-stone hath the vertue attractiue, the Emerauld giueth great probability to ob­tain riches, the Iasper helpeth byrths, the stone Achates giueth sweet and pleasant speech.

The root of the hearbe Aproxis draweth fire to it a farre off.

The Palme tree of the male kind and of the female kinde growing together, doo folde the branches one within another, as it were em­bracing each other, neither will the female beare any frute without the company of the male.

The Uine is greatly delighted with the Elme and yeeldeth more frute being placed to­gether.

The Almond tree sollitarily planted is lesse fruitfull.

The myrtle tree and the Oliue tree loue each other mutually, euen so doth the Oliue tree and the figge tree.

In like manner as in plants, so also in foules and beastes is there a mutuall amity, as be­tweene the Owsell and the Felfare; between the Crow and the Hernshawe; betweene the Doue and the Peacocke, betweene the Turtle [Page] and the Popiniay.

Also the fish called Musculus loueth the Whale so, that he leadeth the Whale from dan­ger of Rocks: Also there is a great amitie be­twixt it and the Chirlepoole.

It is supposed that the Cat so much reioyceth with the herb Nep, that euen by the rubbing o [...] her selfe against it, she bringeth young by that meanes, supplying the defect of the Male.

Also manie Mares in Capadocia conceaue e­uen by the blowing of the winde, and drawing in of the same by the nostrils.

Frogges, Toades, Serpents and all kinde of venemous things, reioyce greatly in a kinde of Persly called Apium risus, a most venemons weede, whereupon who soeuer eateth dyeth soone after in laughing.

The Snaile being hurt of the Serpent, is comforted by earing Organie and in like case the Storke. The weasell helpeth her selfe o [...] poyson by eating of Rue. And by these meanes it is found out that Organy and Rue are great resisters of poyson.

The Toade beeing bitten or hurt by anye meanes hasteth to Rue or Sage, and rubbeth the wound there against, and by that meanes is healed.

So men haue learned many precious reme­dies for many diseases euen by brute [...], as we see by the swallow, who hath taught vs [Page] that the ioice of Celandine is singuler for the eies, for that she restoreth sight to her yong ones with Celandine.

The chattering Pie being sick bringeth the bay leafe into hir nest and so is restored.

The Gay, the Partridge, the Owsell & such do yearely purge themselues with Bay leaues, and in like case the Craw with the same extin­guisheth the poyson of the Cameleon.

The Lion being diseased is holpen in deuou­ring the Ape. The Lapwing with eating mai­den haire.

The Hart striken with an arrow, knoweth how to driue it out with eating of Dict [...]m herb.

The Hinde before her time be to bring forth yong, purgeth her selfe with the herb Siler.

Swine hurt of Serpents, are healed by the Crabfish.

The Beare hurt in eating of Mandrakes, takes help in deuouring the Pismires or Ants.

Duckes, Geese and other birds of the wa­ter helpe themselues with an herb called Side­rits that groweth on walles and tyles.

Pigions. Turtles, [...]ennes and such like are healed with the herb Helxine: Cranes with bulrushes, Panthers with mans order, Bores with Iuie, Hindes with Artechokes.

Neither do Plants, Herbs, Beasts and such like, want a certaine kinde of hatred or enmi­tie▪ as we see Ru [...]ar be hateth choller. [Page] Treacle, poyson, th [...] S [...]hire stone, al [...]o bur­ning feuers and griefes of the eyes. The A­matist resisteth drunkennesse, and the Iasper bleeding and hurtfull fantasies. The Emrauld restraineth lust. The stone Achates resisteth poyson: the Topace couetuos [...]es, lnxurie and all outrages of loue.

The Pismire detesteth the herbe Organie & Coleworts, that the one killeth the other placed together.

The Oliue tree so detesteth the Coweumber that being placed nere together, they wil turne backe and growe hookewise lest they shoulde touch one another.

The gall of a Crow hid in some priuie or vn­knowne place, is saide to feare men for com­ming to that place where it is hidden.

The Adamant disagreeth in such sorte with the Load-stone, that being together Iron will not be drawne.

Sheepe flie from the Herbe called Apimu ra­uinum, as from a most deadlie poyson & which is most strange in the liuer of such sheep as di [...] of the eating of that herbe, the verie picture of the herbe is to be found.

Goates of all other herbes detest Bassll.

The Weasell and the Mouse are at deadlie hate, so that if you put the braine of a Weasell into your rennet or cheeslepe wherewith you gather the curde of cheese, the Mise will neuer [Page] taste or eate the cheeses.

There is a beast like a Lizard that is called Stellio hauing blacke spots like starres, which is so contrarie vnto the Scorpion, that his ve­rie sight terrefieth him that he presently putri­fieth and becommeth an oile which is singuler to heale hurt receaued by Scorpions or other venomo [...]s beasts.

There is also a mortall hate betwixt the Mouse and the Scorpion, in such sorte that a Mouse applied to the biting of a Scorpion, helpeth the griefe.

Serpents haue no greater enemies than Crabfishes, & for that cause swine bitten with Serpents are holpe [...] with Crabbes.

If a Crocadile b [...]uched with a quill or fe­ther of the bird called Ibis, it makes immoue­able.

There is a bird like a Partridge called Oti­dis that cannot abide the sight of an horse.

The Hart cannot abide the sight of the Ra­uen, neither the sight of the Uiper.

The Elephant is feared most when he hea­reth the grunting of a swine: the Lyon when he seeth a Cocke.

There is also enmity betweene the Wolfe, the [...]wan, the Bull and the Rauen.

There is continuall war betwixt the Crow and the Owle, the Kite and the crow, the Hart and the Dragon.

[Page]Enmitie also betweene the Dolphin and the [...], the Codfish and the Seawolfe, the Cunger and the Lampraie.

The Lobster so feareth the fish Polipus, that at his sight he dieth incontinent.

The Lambe and the Wolfe are at enmitie, and the Lamb so feareth the Wolfe, that if a peece of the skin of a Wolfe bee hanged on the crib, they will not eat for verie feare.

It is thought that the Oliue tree is so con­trarie to whoredome, that if an harlot do plant it, either it will die or els bare no fruite.

The Lyon is thought to bee tamed by none other meanes than with burned firebrandes, which he vtterly detesteth and is a feard of: & the Wolfe who feareth neither staffe nor yron, yet the casting of a stone is so contrarie to him, that in the same place where hee is hit with a stone are wormes ingendred.

The Horse feareth the Cammell greatly, so that hee can not brooke neither his sight nor smell.

The Elephant thoughe neuer so outrage, yet seeing a Ramme is eftsones tamed.

A Snake flyeth and feareth a naked man, and pursueth or followeth one that is not na­ked.

A Bull though neuer so fierce, becommeth quicklie verie gentle beeing tyed vnto a figge tree.

[Page]Amber commonlie draweth all thinges vn­to it but Bassell and such thinges as are an­noynted with Oyle, which sheweth some na­turall discorde betweene them.

Moreouer it is woonderfull to consider the courage in the Lyon, and the Cocke, the feare and timerousnes in the Hare and in the Lamb, the capacitie and gluttonie of the Wolfe, the craft and deceit of the Foxe, the flatterie of the Dogge, the couetousnes of the Crowe and the Rauen, the pride and stomacke of the Horse, the reuengement in the Tyger and the Bore, the melancholike sadnes in the Catte, the venerie or lust in the Sparrow, the bold­nesse of an Harlot, the feare of a Theefe, and such like innumerable.

The eye of the Basili [...]ke is so odious to man that it seeth man before he come nere him, euen by looking vpon him.

So doth the eye of a certaine Wolfe called Hyena astonish euerie Beast that hee seeth, in such sort that they cannot mo [...]e nor stirre.

There be certaine wild beasts in the woods of Germanie that haue no ioynts in their legs, & therfore neuer lie down but stand and leane to rest them, which the Hunters knowing sawe the Trees (whereunto they are accustomed to leane vnto) half a sunder, then the trees falling the Beasts also are taken.

Euen so there be many Wolfes which [Page] if they see a man before the man see them, doth amaze them euen with their sight, and maketh them hoarse, so that they cannot cry nor call be­cause they haue taken away the vse of their voyce.

Also if a man carrie the hart of a Dogge a­bout him, all Dogges will fly from him.

The liuer of a Goat is quite contrary to but­terflies, and moathes and such like▪ & Wolfes will not eate such pullen as haue eaten of the liuer of a Wolfe.

The Pellican reuiues her young ones being killed with her own blood.

When the Oister gapeth for aire against the tide, the Crabbe putteth a stone betweene the two shelles to keepe them open while he ea­teth the meate.

The stone of a mad Dog put into drinke is said to cause dissention betweene the parties that drinke thereof.

Plinie reporteth that if when you first heare the Cucko, you marke where your right foote standeth and take vp of that earth, fleas will not breed where it is throwne.

Also Plinie affirmeth that if one that hath the f [...]lling sicknes doo marke the place where his head fell at the first beginning of the disease and in that place doo driue an Iron naile ouer the head, that it will presently help or deliuer him from falling any more.

[Page]Take the paringes of the nailes of any that hath the quartaine Ague, and put them in a linn [...]n cloth, and tie the same about the necke of a quicke [...]ele, putting the saide Eele into the water, and it will deliuer the partie from his disease.

The Rauen bringeth forth two egs, where­of are ingendred a Male and a Female Ra­uen.

If you phance to see [...]ne Rauen flying alone, it signifieth the partie to be a Widdower, or to lead his life as a Widdow.

If a Rauen or a Crow doe crooke towards [...] it pretendeth some aduerse fortune, either of person, honour, wife, children or substance, as Epictitus Stoicus [...] most graue Philosophet doth affirme.

The merrie countenance of the Swan doth presage to shipmen a happie adventure, and to passengers ioy by their iourney.

The Eagle is said to drinke no water but blood, and therefore flying ouer an hoast or ar­my of Souldiers, doth signifie an happie vic­torie.

The [...] promiseth most happie successe, but the Uultur most lamentable stratagems.

The Pellican noteth some danger for doing [...] to others.

The [...] is [...] signe of concord, the chat­tering [...] sheweth▪ some guestes from that [Page] part from whence he looketh, and this is true by daylie experience.

The Scrich Owle and the Night-Crow, euermore prognosticate death, and this also is daylie approued.

The finding of a toade in any vncouth [...] noteth death.

The Hawke flying ouer your heade pr [...]ten­deth death to the partie.

The fighting of Hawkes one with an other▪ noteth mutation of kingdomes.

The Swallow is a signe of enioying a pa­trimonie or inheritance.

The meeting of a Remouse or [...], signifi­eth euasion from enemies.

To meete the sparrow flying is a signe of e­uill lucke, but in loue matters it noteth good.

The meeting of a [...] is accounted for­tunable.

It is not good to meete with an Hare in a iournie, for manie haue proued it euill [...]y com­mon experience.

Also the Mule, the Hogge and the Horse are not verie fortunable to meete in desert places. Sheepe and Goates prete [...]d good: So doe Oxen & Dogs to be met in a iournie.

The Mouse pretendeth euill.

The Spider drawing [...] her thredde from ab [...]ue, is a signe that there is hope to re­ceaue monie, and this is a common sentence.

[Page]The meeting of a snake giueth warning to beware of some euill tonged enemie.

Woonderfull are the portraitures and pro­portions of men.

Let a man stand vpright and holde vp his hands ouer his head, then is there his cubitte from the top of his heade to the long fingers ende.

The length of the arme from the elbow to the end of the fingers, is iust the length from the middle of the whorlebone to the sole of the fo [...]te.

The nauill is iust in the middle of a man, for looke howe much distance is from the fingers ends holden vpright ouer the heade to the na­uil, so much is there from the nauill to the sole of the feete, and so like wise in the bredth.

The nauill is also the middle point from the crowne of the head to the knee.

From the top of the shoulder bone to the el­bow is the fourth part of a man.

Foure cubittes, or foure times the length of halfe the arme: that is to say, from the elbow to the fingers end is the stature of the man.

The length of the whole arme from the top of the shoulder to the end of the longest fin­ger, is halfe the length of the man.

The space betweene the toppe of the one shoulder to the top of the other ouer the back, is also the fourth part of that mans length▪

[Page]Six handfulles make [...] oubite [...] [...]ome hand­fulles make a foote, and foure fingers make an hands bredth.

The length of a man, is foure and twentie of his hand bredths.

Six f [...]et of a well set man maketh his full length, but of slender tall men, seauen feete in length are his height.

Fourescore and sixteene si [...]gers bredth is al­so the length of the partie that measureth them.

The length of the brest from the top to the bottome is the sixt part of his stature.

The space from the highest part of the brest to the top of the forhead euen to the rootes of the haires is the seauenth part of his length.

From the crowne of the head to the bottom of the chin maketh the eight part of the length of a man.

If you measure the compasse of a mans head along by the fore head and rootes of the haire, then haue you the first part of his length.

The length of the face from the top of the middle of the forehead to the bottome of the chinn [...] is the tenth parte: so is the length of the hand from the wrest to the forefingers end: so also the distance betweene the two dugges, and from the bottome of the throat to either of the dugges is the like distance, making right triangle equall on euerie side.

[Page]The compasse of the neoke is as much as from the top of the brest to the chin: euen like distance is from the haight of the brest to the nauill.

From the top or crowne of the head to the [...], sheweth halfe the compasse of the mid­dle.

From the end of the forefinger measured on the backe of the hande to the third ioint of the said finger, is of equalitie with the length from that ioynt to the backe side of the wrest.

Also the length of the long finger by the out side from the end of the naile to the third ioynt thereof, is of equall length with the space from the wrest, to the bending of the first ioynt of the said finger in the inner side of the hand.

The space from the nethermost ioynt of the thumb to the greater ioynt of the same, is e­quall to the haight of the forehead.

The two hands are as much as the whole face, for with their inside may you couer right­ly the whole conntenance.

The length of the nose, the haight of the fore­ [...], and bredth of the mouth are equall one with another.

The bredth of the sole of the foote and the palme of the hand are both alike.

The compasse both of the eye, and also the [...]are, and the opening of the mouth are all one.

[Page]If you measure from the crowne of the head vnder the chin to the crowne of the head againe, then haue you the compasse of your middle.

The length of your hand from the wrest to the longest fingers ende, is the length of the foote.

The compasse of the caulfe of the legge, is the compasse of the necke.

Twice the compasse of the wreste, is the compasse of the caulfe of the legge.

Thrise the compasse of the first ioynt of the thumb, is the compasse of the wrest.

Twise the length of the long finger from the great or third ioynt to the ende of the fin­ger, is the length of your span.

These ought to be obserued in mē of meane stature, and such as are not missformed nor diseased.

Marueilous in our eies are the hidden qua­lities in other thinges, as is the nature of a stone named Abeston found in Araby, of the co­lour of Iron, which hath not onelie a kinde of Wooll growing about it, which some say is the doune of the Salamaunder, and of truth will not burne and consume awaye with fire: but the stone also it selfe beeing once hotte will neuer afterwards bee cooled againe.

[Page] Achates the stone sometimes hath t [...]e repre­sentation of the nine Muses, sometimes the picture of Uenus, sometime it hath the colour of Corall, sometimes of Christall.

Plinie and others affirme that by the smoke made by burning of this stone, stormes and tempestes are driuen awaie, euen as it is a common experiment in all countries that the ringing of Belles, doth scatter and put awaie thunder.

Galactides the stone beeing verie blacke without, yet being broken sendeth out a licour both of the same taste and whitenesse of milke:

Straunge it is that the fish called an Horn­beake, ca [...]eth out her spaune by none other meanes, but onely by opening of her bellie, & that after the casting of the spaune, the woūd closeth againe.

The Adamant or Diamonde stone is so hard, that nothing may break it but the blood of a Goate.

Among straunge matters, this may seeme to bee none of the least, that in Egipt it seldome or neuer raineth: yet by the ouer-flowing of the riuer Nilus, it is so aboundant of all thinges, that it may be compared euen with the chiefest▪ yet is there not a Uine in all E­gipt.

The Eele commeth or is ingendred of the [Page] earth and mud without anie spawne, neither is there either male or female of them.

It is said that an Hare is one yeare male, & another yeare female.

There is in Syria a water called Asphaltum, whose vertue is such, that there cannot anie thing sinke or be drowned in it that hath life.

Affricke yeeldeth a little s [...]rpent called Aspis, the stinging stroke whereof cannot by any [...] meanes bee healed but by the drinking of the stone of some ancient king.

Wonderfull it is that Plinie writeth of this misc [...]ieuous worme: for the male (saith he) & the female goe both together, and if anie man kill one of them, the other stil pursueth the slai­er, and wil neuer leaue him til he be reuenged: yea and will followe him euen through an as­sembl [...] of people, so that there is no helpe but to passe ouer some water which it cannot passe.

Athanasi [...]s the famous Bishop of Alexandria is reported to haue liued six whole yea [...]s in a dry cesterne where he neuer saw the sunne▪

It is strange to consider the hugeu [...]s of the Citty of Babilon, for by report it was in com­passe threescore miles, the walles therof three hundred feete in [...]night, three [...]core and fifteene foote in bredth, hauing one hundred gates of brasse, the tower that Nimroth builded, abo [...]e fine miles in haight.

[Page]Woonderfull is the inhumanitie of the peo­ple in the further most part of Persia, who whē their Parentes bee verie sicke or aged they throwe them vnto fierce and wilde dogges which doe rent and deuoure them.

The dogge-fish is saide to make a noise like the barking of a dogge when the fisher hath taken him.

In the bankes of the riuer Nilus is ingen­dred a little beast which hath such venemosi­tie in his eyes, that who so be holdeth them di­eth incontinent.

The Cammelles of Bractria will run aboue an hundred miles in one day.

There is a kinde of Carbuncle stone called Carehedonius of a woonderfull nature, for being in an house it is of a purple colour, but in the aire it is fierie against the sunne, it sen­deth forth sparkes, and if wax bee put to it, it melteth awaie.

Strabo writeth that in Tartarie nere the Sea Caspium, be a kinde of people, that if they per­ceaue that their Parentes li [...]e or exceede the age of three score & ten yeares, they put them into a close place, and so most vnnaturally doe famish them, which done they draw them out and leaue them in some desart, going a far off from them, and beholding them. Nowe if birdes doe deuoure them, they then accounte them blessed: if dogges or wild-beastes do it, [Page] they doe not account it so happy: but if Dogs and wilde beastes doe, they esteeme those mē most vnhappie.

There are Cedar trees in Siria one hundred and thirtie foote high, and fiue or six fathome in compasse: the wood will neuer rotte ney­ther will wormes breed in them.

The little beast the Chamelion beeing spot­ted, chaungeth those spottes at his pleasure, according to the thinge then presente in his sight, he sleepeth with his eyes open, so that his eyes bee neuer shut, hee neuer eateth nor drinketh but liueth only by the aire.

It is suposed that the Stork hath no tong, and that the yong ones much succour and pro­uide meate for the old ones.

Corrall is a tree or bush growing in the sea, which beeing once gathered & out of the wa­ter becometh a stone: such is the straunge na­ture thereof.

Strange it is that the Goate should be con­tinuallie troubled with an Ague, and the Quaile with the falling sicknes.

In Sicile Ileland are Giants which haue but one eye and that is in the middle of their foreheades.

In Sicillia is a Riuer which runneth from the great Mountaine Taurus of such an ex­ceeding cold nature, that if any man remaine therin any time, it mortifieth the whole body.

[Page]The beaste Canips which is some what like an Ape, but that he is more greater and more puissant, and his head more like vnto a Dog: is of a wonderfull strange nature: for besides that they haue a voice like a man, they shewe euery houre of the day and night by their ma­king of water, for at euery houre doe they pisse: to wit foure and twentie times in a na­turall day. Also they so lament the wane of the Moone, that during the time of her dark­nes before her change they neuer wil look vp­ward or eate any thing, but hanging downe their heads show a countenance of sorrow.

There bee people vnder the great Cham which haue heads like vnto our dogs.

In A [...]thiope by a towne called Debris is a Well of a strange property, for the water in the day time is cold as y [...]e, and in the night it is boyling hote.

The Dolphin is so wōderful swift in swim­ming, that wer it not that his mouth is so nere his belly no fish might escape him, but by reson of his mouth he can tak no fish but lying with his belly vpward: his m [...]uable tong is apt for voyce, & is greatly delighted with musick & is thought of all fishes best to loue mankinde.

Certaine people called Derli [...]es, haue this custome: when their friends come to the age of 70. yeres, they slay them & eat them calling all their neighbors to the feast, but the womē [Page] they strangle and then burie them as they doe others that die within that age: they punishe euerie offence bee it neuer so little euen with death.

There is a stone to be had in the heade of a Dragon if you sodainely strike off the Dra­gons head, for otherwise the stone dissolueth while the Dragon dieth.

The Dromedarie beeing in iournying, can endure from anie drinke, for the space of three dayes.

In the roote of an Oake is founde a little worme of so mischieuous poyson, that if one tread on him barefooted, foorthwith the skin commeth o [...] and all the legge swelleth, and which is more to be maruailed at they that do handle him that is hurt looseth his skin.

In Solinus you may sinde it mentioned, that in Affricke there bee certaine people which if they praise faire [...], goodly corne, prettie children, goodly cattell, and such like they die presently. And Plinie also writeth of some, which beholding any person stedfastlye with an angry countenance they destroy them; and this is founde true man [...]etimes heere euen a­mongst vs.

Of all foure footed beastes the Elephant is the greatest [...] ▪ and most [...] and of most vnderstanding▪ [...]his age is [...] dred yeares. Plinie saith that [...] none [Page] aduontrie, and that if they meete with a man in the Wildernes being out of anie waie, they will gently goe before him and bring him into the plaine way. To this Solinus seemeth to agree.

The Elephant is at continuall warre with the Dragon, who like an enuious person will not be satisfied but with the blood of the Ele­phant, and therefore lying in waite as the E­lephant passeth by the Dragon, beeing of an exceeding length, windeth his taile about the hinder legges of the Elephant and so letteth his going, and then thrusteth his head into the Elephants nose and sucketh or exhausteth his breath, or els biteth him in the eare, whereto he may not reach with his nose, and when the Elephant is faint, so that he can no longer in­dure, hee falleth downe vppon the Dragon which is full of blood and with the poysen of his bodie breaketh him: so that the blood of the Dragon and of the Elephant, runneth a­bout mingled together, which is that which we rall Sinopre.

If one doe stedfastly behold the birde Eal­gulus that hath the yeallow Iaundise▪ foorth­with the partie is dliuered and the birde hath the disease.

Amongst manie strange thinges found in India, this is to be remembred. There is a beast called Gazella, which naturally hath a [Page] superfluous blood congealed on his belly and groweth like an impostume, and when it is ripe, the beast goeth to a tree, or a stone and rubbeth his belly thereon vntill that humor breaketh out like vnto corrupt matter, which at the first doth stinke filthely, but when it hath beene hanged in the ayre for a season it waxeth ripe, and than hath it an odoriferous sauour, and that is it which wee commonly call muske.

That which wee call Ciuet is nothing else but as it were a superfluous sweate found be­tweene the flanks of a beast much like vnto a Cat.

It is reported that the Hearing liueth only by water.

The tree whereof groweth the wood Ebe­nus which is as black as ieat, beareth neither leafe nor fruit which is rare.

There are people called Hippopodes dwel­ling in the Scithicke Ocean, which haue feet like vnto horses.

In Iudye they haue euer two summers, and fruites and graine is twise a yeere gathered, the winds are alwaies there very calme, tem­perate, and not troubleus: their beasts and foules more greater than in other Countries, and of many more kinds.

Straunge is the nature of the Larix tree which perisheth not neither by totting nor by [Page] eating of wormes, neither will it burne in a flame, nor be brought into coales, neither will it swim vppon the water as other trees doo, and therefore they are either carried in ships or laid vppon firre trees, and so pinned toge­ther close that they may not stirre one from an other when they are brought at any time ouer the sea.

The vrine of the beast called Linx who is faced like a Lion and spotted like a Panther, hath this quality in his vrine, that immediat­ly after the making or comming away from it sodainely turneth to a stone.

It is said that there is a certain kind of fish which in latine is called Loligo, wee haue no english name for it, this fish hath his head pla­ced between his feet & his belly most strang­ly, and hath two bones one like a knife, and the other like a pen.

Among thinges of woonder this is not the meanest, that is written of the tree called Lu­tos, which groweth in Affrick, for if any stran­ger doth eat of the frute therof, he doth incon­tinently forget his owne Country wherein l, [...] was borne.

In the Iles of Maniolae beyonde the riuer Ganges, are such rocks all of Load stones that they draw euen whole shippes that haue yron nailes in them.

There haue been diuers men by report that [Page] haue had no teeth but onely one bone, so had king Phirrus and Monodos.

In the east parte of the worlde are men ha­ [...] but one legge, wherewith they goe by [...]apes, and that more swiftly than any beast.

Such like also are saide to bee in Ind [...]e that one legge being so great that therewith they they couer themselues from the sun [...]e.

It cannot be but strange that the vermine called a Shrew going ouer anie beast, should make that part lame which she toucheth, yea and if shee bite aniething it swelleth vp to the hart, and the beast dieth thereof.

Strabo writeth of a certaine kind of Calkey clay, whereunto if fire bee put it kindleth in such wise, that if a little water be cast thereon it burneth more feruently, and may onely be [...] with abundance of water or viniger, allume and birdlime. Plutarche saith there is [...]ore thereof in Babilon.

They that inhabitite in the countrie of Hun­garie, report that they haue a certaine riuer, in the which if Iron be often dipped it wil turne to copper.

Strange it is that all beasts so marueslous­ly delight with the sweete [...] that com­meth from the Panther: in somuch that smel­ling the sweete aire where they haue their re­sort, thither will all beasts come, and are not afraide but onely of the Panther his fierce [Page] lookes: wherein also marke as strange a secrete in nature, the Panther perceauing this, of a subtiltie hideth his head suffering the rest of his bodie to be gazed vpon, that he may at the bet­ter aduantage take his pray of the sillie dismai­ed cattell.

These Panthers the Hircanes rather poison with a poyson called acoint than with weapon: wherein also see an other secret in the nature of the Panther, feeling himselfe to be poysoned, hasteth immediatlie to finde the ordure or dunge of mankind, and by the eating thereof are pre­serued. If all the bowelles of these beastes bee quite taken out of their bodies, yet will they liue a long while as some report.

Who can but woonder at the Birde called a Phoenix shoulde liue sixe hundred yeares, and [...] carrying sweet spices vp to a mountaine [...] the heat of the sunne & labour of hir wings, kindleth fire, whereby shee being all consumed and burned, of her ashes riseth another of that kinde, and it is supposed that there is but onely one of them.

What should I say of the Giant Polycrates, who in [...] suffred any griefe, [...] [...]) into the Sea, to the intent hee [...] suffer [...] and thereby [...] the [...] But marke the ende, the [Page] ring cast into the sea the fish deuoured the ring, and the same day was caught of the fisher and giuen to the King for [...] thereof, and being opened the ring was found in the fi­shes belly, wherat as well he ād all other about him maruailed greatly.

The fly Pytalis is ingendred of the fire, and as long as it is in the fire it liueth, but when it is far from it, it dyeth incontinently.

The Robin-red-brest if he find a man or wo­man dead, will couer all his face with mosse, and some thinke that if the body should remaine vn­buried, that hee woulde couer the whole body also.

Plinie sayth, that if a traueller binde Mug­wort to any part of him, it keepeth him from be­ing weary in trauell.

The Sicamore tree beareth not fruit out of the toppes of the boughs as the figge tree doth vnto which it is like neither will the graine nor fruit ripen except it be scraped with an yron in­strument.

It is straunge that in the Ile Tiros which is in the Indian sea, should be trees whose leaues doo neuer fall. Also woo [...] groweth there vpon trees which doo beare gourds of the [...] of Quinces, which being ripe, [...] the [...] is contained the wooll whereof is made very fine cloaths.

In the Riuer Ganges, men say are certaine fishes called Vermes, three score Cubits in length [Page] hauing such strength that when Oliphants come to the water and do drinke, they will take them by the nose, and by great force draw them vnto them.

All beastes doo detest the female Pimpernell and not the male: Also it is reported, that Pim­pernell laid vnder the threshold of the doore dri­ueth away all manner of inchantments and witchcraft.

Chickwood beginneth to spring in the mid­dle of winter, and in the middle of summer it vanisheth away.

Fuchius writeth that that house is neuer stro­ken with Thunder nor Lightning, vppon the which doth growe Housleeke, or Syngreene.

Prickmadam floureth thrise euery yeare.

Plinie reporteth that Mugwort is of woon­derfull effect for womens diseases, in so much as if women doo but vsually carry it about them they shall not at any time be hurt neither of corrupt medicines, nor of any beast, nor of any beast, nor of the sunne his heate.

If you tye a browne threed, packthreed, or o­ther like about the brim or outer edge of a bell, if that bell bee so rong, it will breake inconti­nent.

It is to be maruailed at, that vppon Midso­mer Eue which is the Eue of the feast day of saint Iohn Baptist, iust at noone is to bee founde vnder euery Roote of Plantine and also of Mugwort, a Coale ether of Charcole or else [Page] a seacole, which cole as diuers affirme is profi­table to be borne about one against the plague, the ague and other like diseases. In credit it is that it should theu bee founde and at no time els but euen iust at noone. I dare be bold to'note it for truth, for that I my selfe haue founde it di­uers times in the presence of many at that houre, and hauing sought for the same at other times, it is not to be found: but whether it hath such vertue as some affirme, I cannot iustlie affirme: yet doe I coniecture that it may well be, for the strange finding of it at such an houre, in my iudgement is more wonderfull than the vertues, yea and I dare assure you that I ne­uer knewe any that euer carried it about them, that euer had the plague or was troubled with any kinde of ague.

It is also incredible that Mugwort put info Ale or Beere in the heate of summer, shoulde keepe the same from sowring, yet daylie expe­rience she weth the contrarie: so that you put in quantitie according to the proportion of your drinke, for the greater quantitie requireth also the greater quantitie of Mugwort.

Who can but wonder that in some countries the Sunne should day by day continuallie rise at six of the clocke in the morning, and set at sixe at night without alteration: Also that in other coūtries some daies to be a month, two, three, or foure months: I meane that in so longtime the Sunne setteth not but shineth continually. [Page] Yea and that those that dwell directlye vnder the poles of the worlde, haue but one onely day in the whole yere, that is to say that they haue for six months, or for halfe the yeare continuall day and the other halfe yeare haue the continu­all night with seeing the Sunne.

When the Sunne riseth with vs, it is noone with some, with others Sunne setting, with others midnight &c.

Aboue other countries Spaine, Iberia, Dalmatia, Tolosa, India & the Aethiopian Ilands, are most fruitfullest of gold, by the report of Matialis, Pli­nie, Michaell, Anglicus and others.

Corinthus, Caristos, Dodoua, aboūd in Brasse.

Aboue all other places, England, Italie, Thracia, and Calabria, excell in multituds of beastes and cattell,

Affricke, and Arcadia, in plentie of Asses.

For plentie of Crees, the mount Atlas & Cau­casus: the fortunate Ilands, India, Cirene, and Hiccinia.

The City of Antron in Thessalie, for dennes and caues.

In the fortunate Ilands by the report of Plinie, are trees that are aboue 144. feete in height.

Also he sayth that in India are trees of such an exceeding height that one cannot shoote to the top of them.

Hibla in Sicilie surpasseth for Bees and plenty of hony. Also for Hares the hill Erimanthus in [Page] Arcadie for wild Boares.

The fortunate Ilands, for plenty of byrds of all sorts, and store of Apples.

The Englishmen, Armenians, Arabians, Ithyreians, some Parthians excel in shooting.

The Irish in casting of the dart.

Plinie reports that in Iudie are reeds or canes of such length & greatnes, that betweene knot and knot may bee made a Boate to carry three or foure men.

In Egipt is vineger made so excellent, that it is sold for more thau the wine it selfe.

Egypt bringeth forth the venemons serpents Aspids of whom if any man be stroken, there is no remedy but to cut out the wound so deepe that none of the venemous matter be remai­ning otherwise they dye.

For Aromaticall things Persia challengeth principality.

An Eels will liue 300. yeares and will en­dure eight dayes without water. The Riuer Ganges by the report of Plinie & Solinus, bree­deth Eeles 30 feete in length.

Egipt, Macedonie, and the Iland Melus, hath the best Alum.

The best Anise seeds are in Siria.

Aloe in India and the gumme Aloe out of A­rabia and asia.

The chiefest Alablaster commeth from In­dia, Damascus, and from Sparta.

The Silke out from the Riuer Orantes and [Page] from Assit [...]

Celadusa, she [...] in Sicely and England abound in Oxen and Kine.

In Phenicia the kine are of such hugenes, that the women doe stand and milke them. [...] saith; that by the red sea bee Oxen that haue hornes which you may winde or bende, which way you please.

In India they will [...] as fat as Horses.

In Euboia all their beasts for the most part, be white.

The wilde Beasts of Aethiop do moue their [...], euen in like case as [...] the [...]r ea [...]es.

[...], a towne in Cilicia, is accounted to haue the best and greatest plentie of Saffron, but now our English Saffron is most accepted of in all Countries.

The Canarie Ilands hath the greatest store of Dogges, and thereof (after Plinie) tooke the name. Others affirme that Sparta is most plentifull of Dogges.

The Ilands of Creete, tooke his name of the abundance of Chalke or Fullers earth that is found there.

The Riuer Nilus, of all other places bring­eth [...] Crocodiles. These being bred of egges, grow into a greater forme thā any other thing whatsoeuer that is hatcht of an egge. They haue no tongues, and liue both vpon land & also water; and for foure months in the winter sea­son▪ [...] any thing at all.

[Page]The Iland Capra [...] tooke the name of the number of Goates that [...] there.

The City of Auella [...] hath the grea­test store of nuts and the [...] th [...] called in latine nuces Auellanae.

The mountaine Hym [...] and [...] [...]ue t [...] greatest sto [...]e of [...] [...] ­tude of Bees.

It is reported that [...] is such great abundance of igeons that [...] they goe forth to fight against them.

The hill of [...] [...] the [...] of Lydia [...] b [...]he price: yet Volater [...] othe [...] [...] ­ly [...]nd England for plenty of [...].

The Inhabitance about the Alpes haue gret plenty [...] [...]ron and steele, but in m [...]de not co [...] [...]to England.

The City [...] in the Ile of Pontus is most abounding [...] to [...]

England hath the greatest plenty of Conyes.

Calabria and Malta haue the name for plenty of Cotton.

Aquitane aboundeth in Chesnuts: Massilia in Affrick for Dragons. Also in India bee Dragons that bee of equall bignes with the Elephant. Plinie.

Of all other cities Syracusa hath beene sup­posed to be the richest in the world.

Scithia aboundeth in Horses; Argos for the best Horses amongst▪ the beste▪ [...] [Page] [...] in Ireland.

Affrick for Elephants, Aethiop for the [...]ood [...]nus. India hath Ants and Pismires as bigge as Dogges.

Babilonia by Herodotus report is one of the fruitfullest countries in the world: as well for the plentie of trees, vines, oiles, and such like: as also for corne and Fodder.

[...] and Scythia are most plenti­full of wilde beastes: and no meruaile sith they haue no certaine place of abode, but are carried [...] and [...] in Cartes like vagarant peo­ple.

The [...] of Egipt is so great, that the sheepe there bring forth Lambs twice a yeare, and there the Sheepe are shorne twice euerie yeare.

The best Marble commeth from Sinada in Phrigia. The next to it commeth out of Nu­midia and 'tis speckled with purple spots.

The greene marble is brought from Laco­nia and of manie is accounted the most pre­cious.

The Cittie of Corinthus was so laciuions & giuen to venerie, that they built there a Tem­ple of Uenus, where there was about a thou­sande of the fairest and finest common women that could be founde, which were obedient to each mans call, the chiefest of them were cal­led Lais, Ceren [...], Leaena, Synope, Phryne, and Si­ [...].

[Page]Damascus in Siria surpasseth for [...], Calabria for Peares▪ [...] i [...] [...] for leeks and Onions.

Briefely Calabria is most [...] [...] Assiria for the profitable [...] [...] [...] Ay­metus [...] a for [...], Dodoua in Greece for [...], [...] [...] Spaine for [...]mbling ho [...]ses, Indi [...] [...] [...] mirre, the cittie [...] by Roome for [...] [...] [...], Germanie for black-bi [...]ds, [...] [Page] [...], the riuer Ganges for Pearles, and to [...]y the truth England for all thinges: for if it [...] well waied, what store of graine this I­la [...] [...] is wonderfull: hauing both suffici­ [...] [...] inhabitance thereof, and also to help [...] countries that want. [...]hat country in [...] to England? what more [...]? wherein if it be con­ [...] [...] of fe [...]ell? what store [...] what multitude of Cattell are occu­ [...] [...], it may seeme straunge from [...] they haue it? [...]hat cittie in the world [...], [...] merchantable, more rich, more [...] with women of most amiable counte­ [...] and beautie, more ciueller in their atire? [...] is there more [...] buildings? what [...] stored with [...], with pre [...]ions [...]ples? what nation more [...] for honie, for [...]nne, [...] lead, for soule, for beasts and cattel, for [...], for plentie of wooll, for clothing, for [...] and costly hangings? [...]here [...] gold & plentie of s [...]luer? where [...] [...]ittes, more profound and learned [...]? nay where so many, where [...] & schooles of learning? [...] valiant and couragious souldiers? [...] [...], to the persecuted, to the afflicted? [...] what cou [...]ie or nation in the worlde is th [...] at this [...] that [...]urisheth so manie [...] from [...] p [...]rts of the world as England [Page] doth? [...]e haue our mines, ou [...] quarries for stones, our gems, our pretious stones and all other necessarie and profitable things, our good God he blessed and praised th [...]t [...].

Wee are not troubled with poyioning Ser­pents, nor with fierce Lyons, or with deu [...]n­ring Tigers, Beares, Wolfes, Panthe [...] [...] a­ny such hurtfull beas [...]es as other [...] are.

The cittie Bifuntium in [...] hath a field, wherein there be two wel [...]es, the water of the one is very sweet, and the water of the other is apt to be made salt.

Alos the Cittie of [...] is famous for s [...]lt, euen so is England.

In [...] Swine [...] so [...] and [...]ed so fat, they can scarce moue themsel [...]es: so that Plinie saith, there hath [...]in [...] [...]at making her [...]est vpon the bodyes.

Aquitanie hath the name for Salmo [...]s: [...]o may England.

Sparta excelleth for [...]orke, [...]ricia and [...] mascus for [...], A [...]abia for [...].

In India they haue [...] she is that they [...] ­uer the houses there with, as we do [...] ours with s [...]ate and tile, yea in some places they vse them for boates.

Statius saith that there is Riuer in [...], which causeth all the beastes that drinke [...]her­of to become white; which is the reason at their beasts for the most part [...] of white colour.

England and the Cittie [...] in Camp [...] [Page] for bathes are most notable.

Thessalie, the Ile of Pontus, and Colches, I [...]eria and Scithia, haue more poyson & veno­ [...]ous [...]erbes than all other Countries.

In [...] be white Beares so infected with poyson, that they kill such dogges as hunt them euen with the breath.

Genoesa a cittie in Aetolia is alwaies & con­tinually [...] with great windes.

No countrie to [...]es compared to Iudie for glasse.

Varr [...] saith what countrie is comperable to Campania for meals, to [...] for wine, to [...] for wheate, to England for wool [...], tin, and lead.

Strange it is that the Iland G [...]uleegalata by Carthage, breedeth no Scorpions: nay the very earth killeth them.

Euen so in Ireland we know no [...]enomous beast is bred, or if any bee brought from other places thether they die.

The Iland Sicaros in Arabia breedeth no da [...]s, and if a [...]ie be set on shore there, they run ra [...]ing vp and downe till they die.

Affricke only hath no Deere, neyther is there any Beares.

Scithia & the Ile of Pontus haue no Asses breeding in them, by reason that they bee colde countries, for Asses can not well indure the cold.

Arabia bringeth fort [...]ne [...] of any [...]orte: [Page] Neither is there a [...] found in Bo [...]otia, or Hares in Itha [...]a.

In Ebusus are found no Connies, nor on the mountaine Olimpus, any wolfes: neither [...]oth England breed any wolfes, & as some affirme: such as are brought thether will not liue.

In the Ile of Creet are no foxes, nor beares nor any other noisome beast.

Plinie saith that in Affrick there [...] bores, nor Har [...]s nor Goates, nor Beates.

In the Cittie of Thebes commeth n [...] swal­lowes.

In Creete are no Owles nor Night cr [...]wes, yea and if any be brought thether they will not liue.

There is a place in Italie where is not anie Storkes: so also in a field by Roome.

There is not any bird to be seene in the Ile of Pontus, where Achisses was buried.

In Egipt could neuer Cherrie tree bee made to growe by anie meanes that euer could bee v­sed.

The herbe Time was neuer [...] he to growe in Arcadia: neyther on the mountaine [...] in Creete was euer any flie found.

There is no moathes found to bee either in Thrasia or Phrigi [...].

In India they haue neyther [...] nor lead, but doe exchaunge precious stone and such like for them.

In the Ile of [...] are neuer seen [...] any [Page] mise.

In the towne of Dawlis by Delphos is ne­uer heard Nightingale.

Strabo saith that in Portugall are no hilles nor mountaines.

Gauleon breedeth no Serpents, neither doth Coronea in Boeotia bring out anye moulde­warpes.

Italie hatchet [...] [...], [...]raunce ex­cesse of pride, Engla [...]d [...] Scotland craftinesse, Ireland [...], Flaunders drun­kennesse.

‘Laboris condimentum ocium.’

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