THE ARTICLES WHICH WERE PRO­pounded to the Jesuites to subscribe them in the Parliament, on Sunday the 14. of March, &c. 1626. By reason of a hurtfull and detestable Booke, which is published vnder the name of Anthonius Santarellus.

The Sentence which the Court of Parliament hath giuen against the Ie­suites of the Colledge of Clemont on the 17. of March, &c. 1626.

The Censure which the Diuines of the Vniuersitie of Paris haue made against a Booke, which is instiled, ANTONIj SANTARELLI ex Societate Iesu tractatus de Haeresi, Schismate, Apostasia, Sollicitatione in Sacramento Poenitentiae, & de potestate summi Pontificis in his dilictis puniendis. Ad Serenis­simum Principem Mauritium à Sabaudia. Romae, apud haeredem Bartholomaei Zan­nettj, 1625. Superiorum permissu.

Printed at ROVAN, By Jacques Besonge, dwelling within the Court of the Palace. M.DC.XXVI.

With Licence.

The Articles which were propoun­ded to the Iesuites to subscribe them in the Parliament, on Sunday the 14. of March, anno 1626 By reason of a hurtfull and detestable Booke, which is published vnder the name of Antho­nius Santarellus.

  • 1. THat the King holdeth his State onely from God, and his Sword.
  • 2. That the King acknowledged none in his Kingdome aboue him, but God onely.
  • 4. That the Pope hath no power to Ex­communicate or execrate, either the King or his Kingdome, nor discharge his Subiects from their Oath of aleagiance which they owe vnto him, be it for what­soeuer cause, or occasion.
  • 4. That the Pope hath no power ouer the King, neither di­rect nor indirect, mediate nor immediate, compulsiue nor coer­citiue, be it for whatsoeuer cause or occasion.

Here followeth a Sentence giuen by the Court of Par­liament of Paris on the 30▪ of March, Anno 1626. by which the Booke which hath beene printed at Rome (in the yeare 1926. Instiled Anthony Santarelli de societate Iesu tractatus de Haresi, &c. That is to say, the Treatie of Heresie, &c. written by Antonius Santarellus of the secie­tie [Page 2] of Iesus, containing in the 30. and 31. chapter, many propositions which are preiudicious both to the Soue­raigne powers of Kings, which are ordained, and establi­shed by God, and to the rest, and tranquilitie of their States) hath beene condemned to bee burned by the hand of the Hangman before the Palace. It is ordained that the Provinciall, three▪ Rectors, and three of the ancients of the Iesuits shall bee sent for to come the next day into the Court for to be heard.

On the 17. of March 1625. haue the Courts of the Great chamber of Tournelle, and of the Edicts compelled the Iesuites by a sentence giuen the same day, to make the fol­lowing disadvow.

WEe of the Company of Iesus, which haue sub­scribed this writing, declare that wee disadvow, and detest the wicked doctrine contained in the Booke of Santarellus, concerning the Persons, Authoritie, & states of Kings, which we acknowledge that their Maiesties hold immediately from God, and wee are readie to shed our blood, and venture our liues in all occasions, for the con­firmation of this truth. Wee are likewise ready to sub­scribe the censure, which may be made against pernicious and wicked doctrine, by the Clergie or Sorbonne, and promise to professe neuer any opinions or doctrine, which shall be contrary to the same which shall bee held by the aforementioned Clergie, the Vniuersities of this King­dome, or the Sorbonne.

Signed by
  • Piere Cotton,
  • Ignoce Armand,
  • Charles de la Tour,
  • Iean Suffren,
  • François Garassus,
  • Fran­çois Gaudillon,
  • Dionisius Petavius,
  • Iean Fillean,
  • Iean Bros­saut,
  • Estlienne Guerry,
  • Ludovicus Mairat,
  • Iean Sirmond,
  • Piere Royer,
  • stienne Bauny.

The Sentence which the Court of Parliament hath giuen against the Jesuites of the Colledge of Clemont on the 17. of March, anno 1626.

ON this day hath the Procurator (or Kings Sollicitor) Generall shewne to the Court, that the Deputies of the Priests and Schollers of the Colledge of Clemont, ha­uing beene heard in the Court, it was found necessarie for the good of the Kings seruice, and his Royall Authoritie and Rites of the French Church, to looke to the matter which is taken in deliberation. The Court, the great Chamber, and that which is called Tournelle, and the said Assembly haue ordained, and ordaine, that the Prouinciall of the aforementioned Priests▪ and Schollers of the Col­ledge of Clermont within the space of three dayes shall as­semble the said Priests of the Colledges of the three houses which are in this Town, and shall make them to subscribe the Censure which the Diuines of the Sorbonne haue made on the 1. day of December 1625. against a Booke which is Instiled Admonitio ad Regem, that is to say, A warning gi­uen to the King, and that they shall by deed disavow, and detest the Booke of Santarellus, containing many Propo­sitions and Maximes which are scandalous, seditious, and to draw the subuersions of States, and to drawe the sub­iects of Kings, and Soueraigne Princes from their obei­sance, and to induce them to attempt against their annoyn­ted Persons: And that they shall bring thereof act in the Greffie (or Secretarie) within the space of 3. dayes after their foresaid assembly: They are likewise to bring the like Actes of all the chiefe Rectors, and of the sixe Ancients of the Colledges of their Companie which are in France, containing the approbation of the afore-mentioned Cen­sure of the Sorbonne, and the disprouing of the aforemen­cioned Booke of Santarellus, which they are to bring into the said Secretarie or Greffie, within the space of two mo­neths afterwards. They Ordaine that the Prouinciall and Priests of the said Colledge shall appoint two out of them [Page 4] for to write in the name of their Company within the space of eight dayes, and to bring in to the Secretarie the same writing within the afore-mencioned time. For other­wise if they shall faile to doe it in the time, and it shall bee expired, there shall be proceeded against them, as being guiltie of Crimen lesae Maiestatis, and perturbators of the common rest, and tranquilitie. And this sentence is to bee signified by the aforementioned Procurator Generall the King, to the Prouinciall of this Citie of Paris, to the intent that he may carrie himselfe accordingly and giue satisfaction.


The Censure which the Diuines of the Vniuersitie of Paris have made against a Booke which is instiled, Antonij Santa­relliex Societate Iesu tractatus de Haeresi, Schismate, Apo­statia, Solicitatione in Sacramento Poenitentiae, & de po­testate summi Pontificis in his dilictis puniendis. Ad Se­renissimum Principem Mauritium à Sabaudia. Ro­mae, apud haeredem Bartholomaei Zannetti 1626. Superiorum permissu.

IF there is any one that doubted that wee are not come neere to the end of the world as the Apostle speaketh, 1 Corinth. 10. let him consider a little these latter times, and compare them with the former, and he shall easily perceiue, that the enemie of mankinde hath not left any thing behinde which might serue not onely to offend, but also to ruine effectu­ally all Policies, as well Ciuill as Ecclesiasticall. There haue bin found some vngodly persons, which being so bold as to speake blasphemie against heauen, haue employed their Pens and swords against the Church which is the Bride of Iesus Christ. But some wicked men considering that the Secular powers are not without reason armed with the Sword, haue by an other manner of way set vpon the po­licie, and haue tryed to extirpe, and annullate it by the meanes of execrable bookes, executing their wicked de­signes more couertly by the meanes of such embuscados.

[Page 5] The marke which Saint Iudas proposeth vnto vs to know such persons is, that they contemne the soueraigne powers, and blas­pheme against the Maiestie. It were to bee wished, that they rested themselues with their contemning andspeaking ill; but it is so farre from it, that to the contrary these damnable writers, vnder the pretext to establish in the Church a certaine temporall power, they teach and affirme, that it is in the power of those which gouerne Ecclesiasticall matters, to put Kings out of their Thrones, yea, euen for small and ridiculous matters, and to substitute in their places, ei­ther Soueraigne or annuall, yea, euen daily Magistrates, as they shall thinke fit. Therefore the Diuines of the Vniuersitieof Paris, consi­dering that they intend by such meanes to ruine the Ciuill Policies, and especially the French Monarchie which is gouerned by our Most Christian, most Gracious, and most Iust King; they to follow the steps of their predecessors haue to shew their affection which they beare to his Maiestie and all this Kingdome, and to satisfie the gene­rall desire of all good persons chosen amongst other a Booke which is newly come to light, vnder the title of Antonij Sanctarelli Iesuitae, de Haeresi, Schismate Apostasia, &c. in the generall congregation which hath extraordinarily beene kept on the sixt day of the Moneth of March which is last past, appointed some Doctors which they haue particularly named to reade, and examine the same Booke. But seeing that it treateth of many things which concerne not the matter which is now principally questioned, and haue resolued that but two chapters of the same Booke should be examined, namely, the 30. and 31. of the treatie of Heresie.

So it is that on the first day of the moneth of Aprill, in the yeare 1626. after the Masse of the Holy-Ghost, the assembly being made according to custome in the Hall of the Colledge of the Sorbonne, there was heard the report of the Doctors which were appointed by the Diuines, and delared that in the two chapters which were shewn vnto them, are contayned the following Propositions, namely, That the Pope may punish the Kings and Princes with temporall paines, and that he hath power to Depose and bereaue them of their King­domes and States for crime of Heresie, and to discharge their Sub­iects, of their obeisance: and that such hath alwayes bin the custome of the Church: and that not onely for heresie, but likewise for other causes, viz. for their sinnes, if it be fitting: If the Princes be negligent: [Page 6] If they be incapable, and vnprofitable: Moreouer, that the Pope hath power, both ouer spirituall and temporall powers: and that hee hath such power by Gods law. That man must belieue that there is giuen power to the Church and her Soueraigne Pastor to punish (the Prin­ces) which offend against the diuine and humane lawes, with temporall paines: and that especially if their crime be heresie. They haue likewise said, that the Author of this Booke affirmeth, That the Apostles al­though they were in effect subiect to the secular Princes, were not by right their Subiects, as likewise that as soone as the Maiestie of the Soueraigne Bishop hath beene established all Princes haue beene subiect vnto him. To be briefe, they haue reported that this man explicated these words of Iesus Christ, All that whatsoeuer you shall binde vp­on earth, &c. are not onely to be vnderstood of the spirituall power, but also of the temporall: and that he hath corrupted the Text of St. Powell in cutting off of a deniall, and that he maketh many Au­thors to speake such things which they haue neuer imagined or con­ceiued: And concluding thereupon, that both these and other things deserued very well the correction and censure of this facultie of Di­uinitie: The Deane hauing thereupon taken the matter in delibera­tion, and all the opinions of the Doctors being heard, and their voy­ces gathered, This facultie hath reproued and condemned the do­ctrine which is contained in these propositions, and conclusions of the said chapters, as being new, false, erronious, and contrary to the word of God; alleaging that it maketh odious the dignitie of the Soueraigne Bishop, and opened the way to Schisme; that it tendeth to the preiudice of the soueraigne authoritie of Princes, which de­pendeth onely from God, and that it hindereth the conuersion of vn­faithfull and hereticall Princes; that it troubleth the publike peace, and hindereth the welfare of Kingdomes, States, and Common­wealths; And to be short, that it draweth and distracteth the Sub­iects from the obeysance which they owe to their Soueraignes, and prouoked them to factions, rebellions, and seditions, and induceth them to attempt against the liues of their Princes.

By the command of the Deane. and Doctors of the Ʋniuersitie of Paris.

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