THE ARCH'S OF TRIVMPH Erected in honor of the High and mighty prince. Iames. the first of that name. King, of England. and the sixt of Scotland. at his Maiesties Entrance and passage through his Ho­norable Citty & chamber of London. vpon the 15 th. day of march 1603

Invented and published by Stephen Harrison. Ioyner and Architect: and graven by William Kip.

TO THE RIGHT HONORABLE SIR THOMAS BENNET KNIGHT, LORD MAIOR OF THIS CITIE, THE RIGHT WORSIP­full the Aldermen his Brethren, and to those Worshipfull Commoners, elected Committies, for the Mana­ging of this Businesse.

THE loue which I beare to your Honour and VVorships: and the duty wherewith I am bound to this honourable Citie, makes me appeare in this boldnesse to you; To whome I humbly Consecrate these fruites of my inuention, which Time hath nowe at length brought foorth, and ripened to this perfection. That Magnificent Royalty, and glorious En­tertainement, which you your selues for your part, out of a free, a cleare, and verie bounteous disposition, and so many thousands of woorthie Citizens, out of a sincere affection and loyalty of his Maiestie, did with the sparing of no cost, bestowe but vpon one day, is here newe wrought vp againe, and shall endure for euer. For albeit those Monuments of your Loues were erected vp to the Cloudes, and were built neuer so strongly, yet now their lastningnes should liue but in the tongues and memories of men: But that the hand of Arte giues them here a second more perfect beeing, aduaunceth them higher then they were before, and warrants them that they shall doe honour to this Citie, so long as the Citie shall beare a name. Sory I am that they come into the world no sooner: but let the hardnesse of the labour; and the small number of handes, that were busied about them, make the faulte (if it bee a faulte) excu­sable. I would not care if these vnpainted Pictures were more Costly to me, so that they might ap­peare curious enough to your Lordship and VVorships; yet in regard, that this present Age can lay be­fore you no President that euer any in this land performed the like, I presume these my endeuours shall receiue the more worthie liking of you. And thus Dedicating my Labours and Loue to your honourable and kinde Acceptations, I most humbly take my leaue, this 16 of Iune 1604.

Most affectionately deuoted to your Lordship and Worships, Stephen Harrision.


Babell that stroue to weare
A Crowne of Clo [...]es, and vp did reare
her foreheadhye,
With an ambitious lust to kisse the skie,
Is n [...]w or dust, or not at all,
proud Nymrods wall,
And all his Antique monuments,
Left to the world as presidents,
Cannot now shew (to tell where they did stand,)
So much in length as halfe the Builders hand.
The Mansolaean tombe;
The sixteene curious gates in Rome,
which times preferre,
Both past and present: Neroes Theater,
That in one day was all gilt o're:
Ad to these more,
Those Columnes, and those Pyramids, that won
Wonder by height: the Col [...]sse of the Sun:
Th' Aegyptian Obelisks: are all forgotten:
Onely their names grow great: themselues be rotten.
Deare friend! what honour then
Bestow'st tho [...] on thy Country men?
Crowning with praise,
By these thy l [...]bors, (as with wreathes of bayes)
this royall City: where now stand,
(built by thy hand)
Her Arches in new state; so made,
That their fresh beauties n'ere shall fade:
Tho [...] of our English Triumphes rear'st the Fame,
Bo [...]e those of old; But aboue all, thy nam [...].
Tho. Dekker.


Tri [...]mphes were wont with swet and bloud bee croun'd:
To e [...]ery brow
They did all [...]w.
The li [...]ing La [...]r [...]r which begirted round
Their rusty Helmets, and had power to m [...]ke
The Souldier smile, while mortall wound did ake.
But our more ciuill passages of state
(like happy feast
of In'- [...]rd rest
Which bels and woundlesse Canons did relate,)
Stood high in Ioy: since warlike Triumphes bring,
Remembrance of our former sorrowing.
The memory of these should quickly fade,
(for pleasures streame
is like a dreame.
Passant and fleet as is a shade,)
Vnlesse thy selfe which these faire Models bred,
Had giuen them a new life when they were dead.
Take then (good Country man and friend) that merit,
which folly lends.
(not i [...]dgement sends,)
To forraine sh [...]res for stranger to i [...]herit:
Perfection must be bold with front vpright,
Though En [...]y g [...]ash her teeth whilst she would bite.
Ioh. Webster.

The Deuice called Londinium.

THese fiue Triumphall Arches were first taken in hand in the beginning of Aprill 1603. presently after his Maiesty was pro­claimed. It being expected [...]hat his passage would haue bene through his honourable City and Chamber to his Coronation vpon Saint Iames his day [...]ollowing: But by reason of the sicknesse, it ple [...]sed his Maiestie to be solemnely Crowned at West­minster, without sight of these Triumphs: Notwithstanding the businesse being set on foote, went on with all expedition; till Bartholmew-tide and then ceased because of the great mortalitie, 40. dayes more was giuen for the preparing of this Triumphall Arch. In which time, the str [...]etes for that purpose were d [...]l [...]gently surueyed, heighths, breadts and distances taken, as it were to make For­tisications for the [...]lemnities: Seuen peeces of ground lik [...] so many fields for a battell) were plotted forth, vpon which these Trium­phes should be erected: The gladsome and long [...]esired Morning at length is come, In which the Streetes seeme to bee paued with people, that in heapes flocke together, to behold their proud heads that were aduanced in this manner.

THE first [...]egme was erected in Fanchurch-streete, the backe of it so learning on the East ende of the Church, that it ouer-spread the whole streete. And thus we describe it.

It was a Flat-square, builed vpright; the Perpendicular-line of the whole Frame, (that is to [...]ay, the distance from the bottome to the top,) as the Ground-line, is (also in this, so in all the rest) to be found out and tried by the Scale, diuided by 1. 2. 3. 4. and 5. and set at the lower end of the Peece: By which figures feete are represented: So that in all the descriptions, where mention is to bee made of Heights, Breadths, or any other Commensurable proportions, you shall find them left thus—with a blancke, because we wish you rather to apply them to the Scale your selfe, then by setting them downe, to call either your skill or iudgement in question.

And note withall, that the Ground-plot hath not the same Scale which the vpright hath, for of the two Scales, which you see annexed, the Lesser is of the Ground, and standeth in the Ground-plot, the Greater, for the Edisice or Building it selfe.

This Gate of Passage, then (into which his Maiesty made his first entrance) was deriued from the Tuscana (beeing the princi­pal pillar of those 5. vpon which the Noble Frame of Architecture doth stand,) for the Tuscane Columne is the stro [...]gest & most wor­thy to su [...]port so famous a Worke, as this Fabricke was, considering that vpon his Rusticke Pillars, the goodliest Houses, Turrets, Steeples, &c. within this City, were to be borne: And those Models, stood as a Coronet on the forehead or Battlements of this Great and Magnificent Edisice.

The cheekes or sides of the Gate, were (as it were) doubly guarded with the Pottraitures of Atlas King of Mauritania, who (according to his owne shortnesse and thicknesse) from the Symetry of his foote, caused a pillar to be made, whose height with Base and Capitall was 6. times the thicknesse in height. And so is this of ours, bearing the name of Tuscana, as we sayd before, and reaching to the very point of the Arch, from whence wee did deriue Dorica which bore vp the Architiue, Frize, and Coronixe, and was garnished with Corbels or Croxtels sitting such worke, besides the beauty of Pyramids, Beasts, Water, Tables, and many other in­richments, which you may find exprest in the Peece it selfe.

From a Gallery directly ouer the gate, the sound of loud Musicke (being the Waites and Hault-boyes of the City) was sent forth.

At the foot of the Battlemēts was in Capitall letters inscribed this word Londinium, & beneath that, these words Camera Regia.

In this Pegme or Arch Triumphall, were placed 12. personages, of which she that had the preeminence to sit highest, was cald Monarchia Britannica.

At her feete sate Diuine Wisedome.

On her right hand sate three of the daughters of Genius Vrbis, whose names were
  • Veneration,
  • Prompt [...]tude,
  • Vigilance:

On her left, the other three, viz.
  • Gladnesse,
  • Louing Affection,
  • Vnanimit [...]se.

Beneath all these stood the Genius of the Citty, richly attirde, being supported on the right hand by a person figuring The Councell of the City; and on the left by a person figuring the Warlike force of the City.

Directly vnder these, in an Abacke thrust out before the rest, lay Thamesis the Riuer, leaning his Arme vpon a [...]rde, out of which, water with liue fishes were seene to runne forth, and play about him.

The speakers were onely Thamesis and Genius, who vttered these speeches following on the other side.

The speeches of Gratulation.

TIme, Fate, and Fortune haue at length conspir'd,
To giue our Age the day so much desir'd.
What all the minutes, houres, weekes, moneths, and yeares,
That hang in file vpon these siluer haires,
Could not produce, beneath the Britane stroke,
The Ro [...]an, Sax [...]n, Dane, and Norman yoke,
This [...]oint of Time bath done▪ Now London rear [...]
Thy forehead high, and on it striue to we [...]re
Thy [...] Gems [...] Teach thy ste [...]pe Towe [...]s to rise
H [...]gher with people: S [...]t with sparkling eyes
Thy spacious windowes: and in eu [...]ry streete,
Let thronging [...]oy, Loue, and Amazement meete.
Cleaue all the aire with showtes, and let the cry
Strike through as long, and vniuersally
As thunder; For, thou now art blist to see
That sight, for which thou didst beginne to be.
When Brutus plough first gaue thee infant bounds,
And [...], thy GENIVS walk's auspicious rounds
In euery furrow; Then did I forelooke,
And saw this day mark't white in Clotho's booke.
The seuerall Circles, both of change and sway,
Within this Isle, there also figur'd lay:
Of which the greatest, perfectest, and last
Was this, whose present happinesse we taste.
Why keep yo [...] silence Daughters? What dull peace
Is this inhabites you? Shall office cease
Vpon th [...]aspect of him, to whom you owe
[...] Shall TIME knowe,
That [...], wherein your flame stood still,
An [...] Now heauen auert an i'd
Of that blacke l [...]oke. Ere pause possesse your breasts
I w [...]sh you more of Plagues: "Zeale when it rests,
Leaues to be zeale. Vp thou tame RIVER, wake,
And from thy liquid limbes this slumber shake:
Thou drown'st thy selfe in inofficious s [...]eepe;
An [...] these thy sluggish waters seeme to creepe,
Rather them flow. Vp [...]rise, and swell with pride
Aboue thy bankes. "Now is not euery Tyde.
TO what vaine end should I contend to show
[...] powers, when Seas of pompe o'reflow
The Cit [...]ies [...]ace: and couer all the shore
W [...]th san is more rich than Tagus wealthy ore?
When in the stood of I [...]y, that comes with him,
He drownes the world; yet makes it liue and swimme,
And spring with gladnesse: Not my fishes heere,
Though they be dumbe, but do expresse the cheere
o [...] these bright streames. No lesse may These, and I
Boast our delights, albe't we silent lie.
INdeed, true Glad [...]esse doth not alwayes speake:
"Ioy bred and borne but in the tongue, is weake.
Ye [...] (least the feruor of so pure a flame,
As this my City beares, might loose the name,
Without the apt euenting of her heate)
Know greatest IAMES (and no lesse good, than great.)
In the behalfe of a [...]l my vertuous Sonnes,
Whereof my eldest there, thy pompe forerunnes,
(A Man without my flattering, or his Pride,
As worthy, as hee's blest [...]o be thy guide)
In his graue name, and all his Brethrens right,
(Who thirst to drinke the Nectar of thy sight)
The Councell, Commoners, and Multitude;
(Glad, that this day so long deny'd, is viewd)
I tender thee the heartiest welcome, yet
That euer King had to his Empires seate:
Ne [...]er came man, more long'd for, more desir'd
And being come, more reuerenc'd, lou'd, admir'd:
Heare, and record it: " In a Pri [...]ce it is
" No little vertue, to knowe who are [...]is.
With like deuotions, do I stoopet'embrace
This springing glory of thy Godlike race;
His Countries wonder, Hope, Loue, Ioy and Pride:
How well dooth he become the royall side
Of this erected, and broad spreading Tree,
Vnder whose shade may Brittane euer be.
And from this branch, may thousand branches more
Shoote or'e the Maine, and knit with euery shore
In bonds of Mariage, Kinred, and Increase;
And stile this Land, the Na [...]ill of their peace.
This is your Seruants wish, your Cities vow,
Which still shall propagate it selfe, with you;
And free from spurres of Hope, that slow minds [...]:
" He seekes no hire, that owes his life to Loue.
And heere she comes that is no lesse a part
In this dayes greatnesse, then in my glad heart.
Glory of Queenes, and Glory of your Name,
Whose Graces do as farre out-speake your Fame,
As Fame doth silence, when her Trumpet rings
You Daughter, Sister, Wife of seuerall Kings:
Besides Alliance, and the stile of Mother,
In which one title you drowne all your other.
Instance, be that faire shoote, is gone before
[...]our eldest Ioy, and top of all your store,
With those, whose sight to vs is yet deni'd,
But not our zeale to them, or ought beside
This City can to you: For whose estate
She hopes you will be still good Aduocate
To her best Lord. So, whilst you mortall are,
No taste of sower mortalitie once dare
Approach your house; nor Fortune greete your Gra [...]
But comming on, and with a forward face.



The Italians Pegme stood in Gracious-streete.

THE second Triumphall Arch was erected by the Italians: the cost theirs: the Inuention their owne: It tooke vp the whole breadth of Gracious-streete (on which it stood) being —foote: the height of it was—foote. The lower parte of this Building, was a large square, garnished with foure great Corinthia Columnes: In the midst of which square, was cut out a faire and a Spacious hie gate, Arched, being—foote in the Perpen­dicular-line, and—in the Ground-line: directly ouer the gate were aduaunced the Armes of the Kingdome, the Supporters whereof were fairely cut out to the life.

On the top of this first square (beeing flat) was erected another Square which bare in the fore side foure more lesser Columnes, on which were all the garnishments belonging to those pillars: as namely, the architriue frize and Cornish, on which Square was placed a great Canted Pedestall, which with his moldinges did diminish vpwards to smaller Cants, on which top was fixed a Personage carued or molded out to the life, her left hand leaning on a sword, with the point downeward, and her right hand reaching forth a Diademe, which, shee seemde by bowing of her knee and head, to bestow vpon his Maiestie.

On the foure Corners of this vpper parte, stoode foure naked Portractures (in great) with artificiall trumpets in their hands.

All which Shapes that were erected in most liuely colours, together with Pyramides, long Streamers, Galleries, and all o­ther inrichments belonging to this Archtriumphant: I referre you to the Modell or Peece it selfe, for the Front of it, as the next leafe will shewe you, so likewise proportionall was the backe side to the fore- Front.

The Italians, were placed within two little Galleries very richly and stately hung, vnder the Arch of the Passage: In whose behalfe, thus much Latine was deliuered.

The Italians Speech.

SAlue, Rex magne, salue. Salutem Maiestati tuae Itali, foelicissimum Aduentum laeti, foelices sub te futuri, precamur. Eccè hic Omnes, Exigui Munere, pauculi Numero: sed magni erga Maiestatem animi, multi obsequij. At nec Atlas, qui Coelum sustinet, ne; ipsa Coeli Conuexa, altitudinem attingant meritorum Regis optimi, Hoc est, eius quem de Teipso expressists doctissimo (Deus!) & admirabili, penicillo, Beatissimos populos, vbi & Philosophus regnat, & Rex Philosophatur. Salue; Viue Rex Potentissime, foeliciter. Regna, Rex sapientissime, foeliciter. Itali optamus Omnes, Itali clamamus Omnes, Omnes, Omnes.

The same in English.

ALL haile mightie Monarch! wee (the Italians) full of Ioy to behold thy most happie presence, and full of hopes to inioy a felicitie vnder thy Royall wing, doe wish and pray for the health of thy Maiestie. Behold, here wee are all; meane in merite: fewe in number: but towards thy Soueraigne selfe, in our loues great, in our duties more. For neither Altas, who beares vp heauen, no nor the Arched roofe it selfe of heauen, can by many-many degrees reach to the toppe and glorious height of a good and vertuous Kinges deseruings. And such a one is he, whome (Good God!) most liuely, most wisely, and in wonderfull colours, thou didst then pencill downe in thine owne person, when thou saydst those people were blest, where a Philosopher rules, and where the Ruler playes the Philosopher. All haile thou royallest of Kinges; liue thou mightiest of Princes: Reigne thou wisest of Monarches in all prosperitie: these are the wishes of vs Italians: the hearty wishes of vs all: All, euen All.

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The Pegme of the Dutchmen.

THE third welcome that his Maiesty receiude, was from the Belgians, who had builded [...] stately Triumphall Arch, to entertaine him in, and thus was it contriude.

So wide did the bodie of it extend it selfe, that it swallowed vp the breadth of the whole streete, neere the Royall Exchange in Cornehill. The Passage of state was a gate, comely, and large, ascending—foote in heigth, and—foote in the breadth, neately Arched, and gra­ced with two lesser Posternes on the sides, whose dimensions you may behold in the modell.

Sundry inscriptions were in golden Letters to bee seene, both ouer the Gate, and in the Tables, fild with excellent Pictures; as the King in his Imperiall Robes: with other Portractu [...]es of Princes, and Poeticall Emblemes of Peace, &c. On the back part also were peeces, wherein were drawne the people of the Seuenteene Prouinces at their Husbandry; their Exchange: their Mart: Also seuenteene children on the fore side, representing the seuenteene Prouinces, sate in degrees, each of them hauing a Scutcheon in his hand, figuring his Prouince.

On the shoulders of this Belgicke body, stood rowes of Balysters with Pedistals, that supported Lyons rampant, bearing vp Banners: And aboue them in the midst of another square about with Balysters likewise, was aduanced a woman (figuring Diuine Prouidence, her feete fastned to a great Pedestall, whose toppe was curiously connexed and knit together with the tailes of two D [...]lphins.

Other Garnishments there were that gaue illustration and beauty to this building, as Columnes, Pyramids, &c. whose pro­portions your eye may measure on the other side. The speech, wherein the loue of these Strangers was testified, was deliue­red by a boy in Latine, and is thus much in English.

The speech of the Dutchmen.

GREAT King, those so many Scepters, which euen fill thy right hand, are all thine owne, onely by the Prouidence of heauen. Behold, heauen it selfe laughes to see thy Subiects smile, and thunder out l [...]a Plaudities, to heare their Aues. This honor of Soueraignty bee­ing at the beginning of the world bestowed but vpon few; vpon the heads of few were the cares of a Crowne set, for to sway onely but one Empire (happily) as it is a labour hard: So none can vndergoe the waight but such as are mightie: But (with a becke as it were) to controle many Nations (and those of different dispositions too) O! the Arme of man can neuer do that, but the finger of God. God therefore (that guides the Chariot of the world) holds the Raynes of thy Kingdome in his owne hand: It is he whose beames lend a light to thine. It is hee that teacheth thee the Art of Ruling, because none but hee made thee a King. And therefore as thou growest in yeares, thou waxest old in Vertues: of all thy Vertues, Religion sitting highest. And most worthy; for by Religion, the hearts of barbarous Nations are made soft: By Religion, Rebellion hath a yoke cast about her necke, and is brought to beleeue, that those Lawes to which thou submittest euen thy royall selfe, are most easie. With Religion Iustice keepes companie, who once fled from this prophane world, but hearing the name of King Iames she is againe returned. By her side sits her sister Fortitude, whose life is readie (in Heroike actions) to bee spent for the safety of thy people. Besides to make these Vertues full, Apollo and the Muses, resigne, the one his Golden lyre, the other their Laurell, to thy royall hands, whilest Plenty (daughter to Industry) layes the blessings both of Countrey and Cittie in heapes at thy feete. These are the gifts of heauen: the fame then spreading it selfe so farre, that (to wonder at them) both the Poles seeme to come together. We (the Belgians) likewise come, to that intent: a Nation banisht from our owne Cra [...]l [...]s, yet nurst and brought vp in the tender bosome of a Princely mother, Eliza. The loue which we once dedicated to her (as a Mother) doubly do We vowe it to thee, our Soueraigne, and Father: Intreating wee may bee sheltred vnder thy wings now, as vnder hers: Our Prayers beeing, that he who through the loynes of so many Kingdomes, may likewise mul­tiply thy years, and le [...]gthen them out to the age of a Phoenix: And that thy Queene (who is one part of thy selfe) with thy Progeny (who are the second hopes of thy people,) may both giue too, and receiue from, thy Kingdome Immortall glory.

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The Deuice called, Noua foelix Arabia, The new Arabia foelix.

THIS Pegme presented it selfe aboue the great Conduit in Cheape: and caried the name of the New Arabia, vnder which title the whole Island of Britannia was figured.

This was beautified with a large Gate in the midst: On each side was cut out a Posterne, either of which was—foot wide, and—foot high: before which Posternes two Portals were built from the same, hauing their sides open foure seuerall wayes, and seruing as Pedestals (of Rusticke) to support two great Pyramids, whose bases were held vp with foure great Bals, and foure Lyons.

This Mechanicke body had other dead limmes, (which you may behold cut out on the other side.) The liuely and stirring parts were these. viz.

In the most eminent place was aduanced a person, representing Arabia Britannica, and within a Nesete (beneath her) stood Fame.

Directly vnder her, in a wide hollow square, were exalted fiue greene Mounts, the one swelling aboue the other; vpon which the fiue Senses, (Hearing, Seeing, Feeling, Smelling and Taste,) sate heauily drooping: before which Mounts, an Artifi­ciall Lauer was erected, called the Fount of Vertue; out of which (from sundry pipes) vpon his Maiesties approach, ranne wine very plenteously.

At the foote of this Fount lay Detraction and Obliuion, Sleeping till his Maiesties approach; but beeing arriued at the place, and the Trompe of Fame, starting vp the Senses, they two likewise awaked, doing their best, with clubs to beate downe the Fount, but were hindered by the Senses, and a person representing Circumspection.

Vpon seuerall Ascensions, (and close adioyning to the Pyramids,) were seated at one side, the three Graces, and on the other side the three Howres.

The speakers were Fame, Howres, Euphrosine (one of the Graces) and Circumspection, who was mounted on a Stage, raild round about with Pilastres, beeing drawne foorth some thirtie foote in length from the other Building. And thus sounded their voyces.

TVrne into yce mine eye-bals whilst the sound,
Flying through this brazen tromp, may back rebound,
To stop Fames hundred tongues, leaning them mute,
As is an vntoucht bell, or stringlesse Lute,
For Vertues Fount, which late ran deepe and cleere,
Dries: and melts all her body to a teare:
You Graces: and you Houres that each day runne,
On the quicke errands of the Golden Sunne,
Hereupon Fame sounding her Trumpet, the Sences start vp, Detraction and Obliuion, awaken, and vanish, whilest Cir­cumspection appeares, vttering thus much to the K [...]ng.
Great [...] Monarch of the West, whose glorious Stem,
Does new support a triple Diadem,
[...] more then that of thy graund Graund-sire, Brute.)
Thou that mayst make a King thy Substitute,
And doest besides the Red-rose and the white,
With the rich flower of France, thy garland dight,
Wearing about kings now, or those of old,
A double Crowne, of Lawrell and of Gold,
O let my voyce passe through thy Royall care,
And whisper thus much, that we figure here.
A new Arabia, in whose spiced Nest,
A Phoenix liu'd, and dide in the Sunnes brest,
Her losse made Sight, in Teares to drowne her eyes,
O say? to Vertues Fount what has befell,
That thus her Veines shrinke vp.
We cannot tell.
Behold the fiue-fold guard of Sense, which keepes
the sacred streame, sits drooping: neare them sleepe,
Two horrid monsters: Fame, summon each sense,
To tell the cause of this strange Accidence.
The Eare grew deaffe, Taste like a Sick-man lyes,
Finding no rellish: Euery other Sence
Forgat his office, Worth and excellence,
Whereby this Fount of Vertue gan to freeze,
Threatned to be drunke vp by two enemies,
Snaky Detraction, and Obliuion,
But at thy glorious presence both are gone.
Thou being that sacred Phoenix, that doth rise,
From th'ashes of the first; Beames from thine eyes
So vertually shining, that they bring
To Englands new Arabia, a new spring:
For Ioy whereof, Nymphes, Sences, Howres and Fame,
Eccho-loud Hymnes to his Imperiall name.

At the end of this speech, a song (to an excellent Musicke) was deliuered, which being finisht, his Maiestie went on.

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The Deuice called, Hortus Euporiae, Garden of Plentie.

THE fift Pegme was a sommer Arbor, and seemed to growe close to the little Condu [...]t in Cheape, which [...]oy­ning to the backe of it, serued (or might bee supposed to haue bene) as a Fountaine to water the fruits of this Garden of Plenty.

This greene bower spread it selfe likewise (as all the rest did) ouer the whole breadth of the street [...]; hauing two Gates arched and grated Arbor-wise, to the height of—feete, and breadth of—: the sides of which gates were borne vp with foure great French termes, standing vpon Pedestals, which con­teined in their full height—foote. Betweene these open Passages were a paire of st [...]ires mounted, at the bottome of which (on two pillers) were fixed two Satyres, carued out in wood. Both the roo [...]e and sides of these Gates, were Artificially hung with Pompions, Cowcumbers, Grapes, Cherries, Peares, Apples, and all other fruits, which the land bringeth foorth. The vpper part also (which was closed with three round tops, Fortune standing on the midst of the three) was garnished with lesser fruits, and with all sorts of Flowers, made by Art.

The whole Frame of this sommer house, stood (at the Ground-line) vppon— [...]oote, the Perpendicular, stretching it selfe to—.

Peace and Plentie had the highest places in this Bower, and sate to gether: directly vnder them, sate two other persons, re­presenting Gold and Siluer, supporting the Globe of the world betweene them: On each side of them sate two other persons, the one Pomona, Goddesse of Fruits, the other Ceres, Goddesse of Corne.

Vpon two large Descents (a little belowe these) were placed at one ende the nine Muses, at the other end the seuen liberall Sciences.

Syluanus, and his followers, (who vpon sight of his Maiestie, played vpon Cornets) gaue entertainement to his Maiesti [...], in these speeches following.

The speech.

MOST happie Prince, pardon me, that beeing meane in habite, and wild in appearance (for my richest liuery is but leaues, and my stateliest dwelling but in the woods) thus rudely with piping Syluancs, I presume to intercept your Royall passage. These are my walkes, yet stand I not here to cut off your way, but to giue it a full and a bounteous welcome, beeing a messenger sent from the La [...]y Eirene my mistresse; those that sleepe vnder the warmth of her winges adore her by the Sacred aud Celestiall name of P [...]ace; her daughter Euporia (well knowne by the name of Plenty) is at this present with her, (being indeed neuer from her side:) Vnder yonder Arbor they [...]it▪ which after the daughters name is called Hortus Euporiae (Plenties Bower.) Chast are they both, and both maidens, in memory of a Virgine to whom they were Nu [...]se-children, for whose sake (because they were bound to her for their life) me haue they charged to lay at your Impe­riall [...]eete, (being your hereditary due) the tribute of their loue. And with it thus to say. That they haue languished many heauy moneths for your presence, which to them would haue bene, (and proud they are that it shall be now so) of the same operation and influence, that the Sunne is to the Spring, and the Spring to the Earth; hearing therefore what treble preferment you haue bestowed vpon this day, wherein besides the beames of a glorious Sunne, two other cleere and gracious Starres shine cheerefully on these her homely buildings; Into which (because no du [...] should be wanting) she hath giuen leaue euen to Strangers, to be sharers in her happinesse, by suffering them to bid you likewise welcome: By me (once hers, now your vassaile) shee intreates, and with a knee sinking lower then the ground on which you treade, do I humbly execute her pleasure, that [...]re you passe further, you would deigne to walke into yonder Garden. The Hesperides liue not there, but the Muses, and the Mu­ses no longer than vnder your protection. Thus farre am I sent to conduct you thither, prostrately begging this grace (since I [...]are not, as being vnworthy, Lackey by your Royall side) that yet these my greene Followers and my selfe may be [...]oyfull fore [...]unners of your expected ap­proch. Away Syluans.

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The Deuice called, Cozmoz Neoz, New World.

THE sixt Triumphall Arch, was (in the shape which you see it caries on the other side) erected aboue the Conduit in Fleetestreete; extending it selfe ouer the whole streete, to the length of —foote, and in height—foote: The Gate of it was—foote wide, and—foote hie. The two Posternes were answerable to those of others set downe before: and were cut out of the two round Towers which riz vp in proportionable measures, from the ground on the foreside with battlements and Ballisters round enclosing the tops, containing in all their heights— foote: ouer the Gate, and iust in the midst of the Building, (which was spacious and left open) a Globe was seene to moue being fild with all the estates that are in the land; And this Engine was turned about by foure persons, representing the foure Elements, (Earth, Water, Aire, and Fire) who were placed so queintly, that the Globe seemed to haue his motion euen on the Crownes of their heads.

The liuely garnishments to this Building were 23 persons, of which the principall and worthiest was Astraea (Iustice) who was aduanced to the highest Seate: Beneath her in a Cant by her selfe, Arete (Vertue) was placed: and at her feete Fortune, who trod vpon the Globe.

In a darke and obscure place (neere Vertue) sate Enuy: beneath whom, on seuerall Ascensions were placed the Cardinall Ver­tues, Iustice, Fortitude, Temperance and Prudence; and in an opposite seate, the foure kingdomes, England, Scotland, France and Ireland.

Zeale was the Presenter of this Deuice, who spake thus.

THe populous Globe of this our English Ile.
Seemed to moue backward at the funerall pile
Of her dead female Maiesty: All states
From Nobles downe to Spirits of meaner Fates,
Moou'd opposite to Nature and to Peace,
As if these men had bene Th'antipodes.
But see, the vertue of a regall eye,
Th'attractiue wonder of mans Maiestie,
Our Globe as drawne in a right line agen,
And now appeare new faces and new men:
The Elements, Earth, Water, Ayre and Fire,
(Which euer c'ipt a naturall desire,
To combat each with other) being at first
Created enemies, to fight their worst,
See: as the peacefull presence of their King,
How quietly they moue without their Sting.
Earth not deuouring: Fire not defacing,
Water not drowning: and the Ayre not chasing:
But propping the queint Fabricke that here stands,
Without the violence of their wrathfull hands.
Mirror of times, loe, where they Fortune sits
Aboue the world, and all our humaine wits,
But thy hie Vertue aboue that: what pen
Or Art, or Braine, can reach thy Vertues then?
At whose Immortall brightnesse and true light,
Enuies infectious eyes haue lost their sight:
Her Snakes (not daring to shoote forth their stings,
Gainst such a glorious Obiect) downe she flings
Their forkes of Venome into her owne mawe,
Whilst her ranke teeth the glittering poysons chawe,
For tis the property of Enuies bloud,
To dry away at euery Kingdomes good,
Especially when she had eyes to view
These foure Maine Vertues which here figure you,
Iustice in causes: Fortitude gainst foes,
Temp'rance in spleene; and Prudence in all those:
And then so rich an Empire, whose faire brest
Containes foure Kingdomes by your entrance blest,
By Brute diuided, but by you alone,
All are againe vnited, and made One:
Whose fruitfull glories shine so farre and euen,
They touch not onely earth, but they kisse heauen,
From whence Astraea is descended hither,
Who with our last Queenes Spirit fled vp thither,
Fore-knowing on the earth she could not rest,
Till you had lockt her in your rightfull brest,
And therefore all estates, whose proper Arts
Liue by the breath of Maiestie, had harts,
Burning in holy Zeales Immaculate sires,
With quenchlesse Ardors and vnstain'd desires.
To see what they now see, your powerfull Grace,
Reflecting Ioyes on euery Subiects face.
These painted flames and yellow-burning stripes,
Vpon this roabe being but as shewes and types,
Of that great Zeale; And therefore in the name,
Of this glad Citty, whither no Prince euer came,
More lou'd, more longd for, lowly I intreate
You'ld be to her as gracious as y'are great:
So with reuerberate shoutes our Globe shall ring,
The Musicks cloze being thus, God saue our King.

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The Deuice called, Templum Iani, Temple of Ianus.

THE seuenth and last Pegme (within the Citie) was erected at Temple-barre, beeing adioyned close to the Gate: The Building was in all points like a Temple, and [...] dedicated to Ianus Quadrifrons.

Beneath that Foure-fac'd head of Ianus was aduancd the Armes of the Kingdome, with the Supporters cut out to the life: from whence being remoude they now are placed in the Guild Hall.

The wals and gates of this Temple were brasse; the Pillars siluer, their Capitals and Bases gold: All the Frontispice (downeward from those Armes) was beutified and supported by twelue rich Columnes, of which the foure lowermost, being great Corinthian pillers, stood vpon two large Pedestals, with a faire V [...]x ouer them in stead of Architriue, Frieze and Cornice: Aboue them, eight Columnes more, were likewise set, two and two vpon a large Pedestall; for as our worke began (for his Maiesties entrance) with Rusticke, so did wee thinke it fit, that this out Temple, should end with the most famous Columne, whose beauty and goodlinesse is deriued both from the Tuscane, Doricke, Ionicke and Corinthian, and receiued his full perfection from Titus Vespasi [...]n, who aduanced it to the highest place of dignitie [...] his Arch Triumphall, and (by reason that the beauties of it were a mixture taken from the rest) he gaue it the name of Com­posita or Italica: within the Temple stood an Altar, with burning Ince [...]se vpon it, before which a Flamin appears, and to the Flamin comes the Genius of the City. The principall person in this Temple, was Peace. At her feete lay Warre groueling. At her right hand stood Wealth. On the same hand likewise, but somewhat remote, and in a Cant by her selfe, Quiet was seated, the first hand maide of Peace, whose feete stood vpon Tumult. On the left hand (at the former distance) Liberty the second hand-maide of Peace had her place, at whose feete Seruitude lay subiected. Beneath these (on distinct degrees) sate two other hand maides of Peace, Safe [...]y and Felicity, Safety trampling vpon Danger and Fel [...]city vpon Vnhappinesse. Genius and Flamin spake thus much.

STay, what art thou, that in this strange attire,
Darst kindle stranger, and vnhallowed fire
Vpon this Altar?
Rather what art thou
That darst so r [...]dely interrupt my vowe?
My habite speakes my name.
A Flamin?
And Martialis cald.
G [...].
I so did gesse
By my short view, but whence didst thou ascend
Hither? or how? or to what mysticke end?
The noise, and present tumult of this Day,
Rowsd me from sleepe, and silence, where I lay
Obscur'd from light; which when I wak [...] to see,
I wondring thought what this [...]reat pompe might be.
When (looking in my Kalender) I found
The [...]des of Marche were entred, and I bound
With these, to celebrate the Geniall feast
Of Anna stil'd Perenna, Mars his guest;
Who, in this Month of his, is yearely cal'd
To banquet at his Altar [...]; and instald,
A Goddesse with him, since she files the Yeare,
And knits the oblique scarse that gyrts the spheare.
Whilest foure fac'd [...]anus turnes his vernall looke
Vpon their meeting howers, as if he tooke
High pride and pleasure.
Sure thou still dost dreame.
And both thy tongue, and thought rides on the strea [...]e
Of Phantasie: Behold here Hee nor Shee,
Haue any Altar▪ Fane, or Diety.
Stoope; read but this Inscription: and then view
To whome the place is consecrate. Tis trew
That this is Ianus Temple, and that now
He turnes vpon the Year his freshest browe;
That this is Mars his moneth; and these the Ides,
Wherein his Anne was honored; Both the Tides,
Titles, and Place, we knowe: But these dead rites
Are long since buried, and new power excites
More highe and hartie flames. Loe, there is he,
Who brings with him a greater Anne then shee:
Whose strong and potent vertues haue de [...]ac'd
Sterne Mars his statues, and vpon them plac'd
His, and the worlds blest blessings: This hath brought
Sweete Peace to sit in that bright state she ought
Vnbloudy, or vntroubled; hath forc'd hence
All tumults, [...]eares, or other darke portents,
That might in [...]ade weake minds; hath made men see
Once more the face of welcome Liberty:
And doth (in all his present acts) restore
That first pure world, made of the better Ore.
Now Innocence shall cease to be the spoile
Of rauenous Greatnesse, or to sleepe the soile
Of raised Pesantrie with teares, and bloud;
No more shall rich men (for their little good)
Sul [...] to be made guiltie; or vile Sp [...]es
Emoy the lust of their so murdering eyes:
Men shall put off their Yron minds, and hearts;
The I [...]me forget his olde malicious artes
[...] this new minu [...]e; and no print remaine
Of what was thought the former ages staine.
Backe Flamin, with thy superstitious fumes,
And s [...]nse not heere; Thy ignorance presumes
Too much, in acting any Ethnick rite
In this translated Temple: Heere no wight,
To sacrifice saue my deuotion comes,
That brings in steed of those thy Masculine gummes.
My Cities heart, which shall for euer burne
Vpon this Altar, and no Time shall turne
The same to ashes: Heere I fixe it fast,
Flame bright, flame high, and may it euer last.
Whilest I, before the figure of thy Peace,
Still tend the fire; and giue it quicke increase
With prayers, wishes, vowes; whereof be these
The least, and weakest: that no Age may leese
The memory of this so rich a day;
But rather, that it henceforth yearely may
Begin our spring, and with our spring the prime,
And first account of Yeares, of Months, of Time:
And may these Ides as fortunate appeare
To thee, as they to Caesar fatall were.
Be all thy Thoughts borne perfect, and thy Hopes
In their euents still crownd beyond their scopes.
Let not wide Heauen that secret blessing know
To giue, which she on thee will not bestow:
Blind Fortune be thy slaue; and may her store
(The lesse thou seest it) follow thee the more.
Much more I would: but see, these brasen Gates
Make hast to close, as vrged by thy Fates;
Here ends my Cities office, here it breakes:
Yet with my tongue, and this pure heart, she speakes
A short farewell; and lower then thy feete,
With feruent thankes, thy royall paines doth greete.
Pardon, if my abruptnesse breed disease;
He merits not t'offend, that hasts to please.

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Lectori Candido.

READER, The limmes of these great Triumphall bodies (lately disioynted and taken in sunder) I haue thou seest (for thy sake) set in their apt and right places againe: so that now they are to stand as perpetuall monuments, not to be shaken in peeces, or to be broken downe, by the malice of that en­uious destroyer of all things, Time. VVhich labours of mine, if they yeeld thee either profit or pleasure, thou art (in requitall thereof) to pay many thankes to this honourable Citie, whose bounty towards me, not onely in making choise of me, to giue directions for the intire workmanship of the fiue Trium­phall Arch's builded by the same, but also (in publishing these Peeces,) I do here gladly acknowledge to haue bene exceeding liberall.

Nor shall it be amisse in this place to giue thee intelligence of some matters (by way of notes) which were not fully obserude, nor freely inough set downe in the Printed Booke of these Triumphes: amongst which these that follow are chiefest.

His Maiestie departed from the Tower betweene the houres of 11. and 12 and before 5. had made his royall passage through the Citie, hauing a Canopie borne ouer him by 8. Knights.

The first Obiect that his Maiesties eye encountred (after his entrance into London) was part of the chil­dren of Christs Church Hospitall, to the number of 300. who were placed on a Scaffold, erected for that purpose in Barking Church-yard by the Tower.

The way from the Tower to Temple-Barre was not onely sufficiently grauelled, but all the streetes (ly­ing betweene those two places) were on both sides (where the breadth would permit) raild in at the charges of the Citie, Paules Church-yard excepted.

The Liueries of the Companies (hauing their Streamers, Ensignes, and Banerets spred on the tops of their railes before them) reached from the middle of Marke Lane, to the Pegme at Temple Barre.

Two Marshals were chosen for the day, to cleere the passage both of them being well mounted, and attended on by sixe men (suteably attirde) to each Marshall.

The Conduits of Cornehill, of Cheape, and of Fleetestreete, that day ran Claret wine very plenteously: which (by reason of so much excellent Musicke, that sounded foorth not onely from each seuerall Pegme, but also from diuerse other places) ran the faster and more merrily downe into some bodies bellies.

As touching the Oration vttered by Sir Henry Mountague (Recorder of the City) with the gifts besto­wed on the King, the Queene, and the Prince (beeing three Cups of gold) as also, all such songs, as were that day sung in the seuerall Arch's, I referre you to the Booke in print, where they are set downe at large.

And thus much you shall vnderstand, that no manner of person whatsoever, did disburse any part to­wards the charge of these fiue Triumphes, but onely the meere Citizens being all free-men; heretofore the charge being borne by fifteenes and the Chamber of London (as may appear by auncient presidents) but now it was leauied amongst the Companies. The other two Arch's erected by Merchant-Strangers ( viz the Italians and Dutchmen) were only their owne particular charge.

The Citty elected 16. Committies to whom the managing of the whole businesse was absolutely re­ferred: of which number 4. were Aldermen, the other 12. Commoners, viz. one out of each of the 12. Companies. Other Committies were also appointed as ouer-seers and surueyors of the worke. Farewell.

Imprinted at London by Iohn Windet, Printer to the Honourable Citie of London, and are to be sold at the Authors house in Lime-Street, at the signe of the Snayle. 1604.

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