☞THE CATECHISME, ❧ That is to say, ane cōmone and catholik instructioun of the christin people in ma­teris of our catholik faith and religioun, quhilk na gud christin man or woman suld misknaw: set furth be ye maist reue­rend father in God Iohne Aschbischop of sanct Androus Legatnait and primat of ye kirk of Scotland, in his prouincial counsale haldin at Edinburgh the xxvi. day of Ianuarie, the ȝeir of our Lord 1551. with the aduise and counsale of the bischoippis and vthir prelatis with doctours of Theologie and Canon law of the said realme of Scotland present for the tyme.

S. Aug. libro 4. de trinitate. cap. 6. Contra rationem nemo sobeius, contra scrip­turam nemo christianus, contra ecclesiam nemo pacificus senserit.

Agane reasone na sober man, agane scripture na christin man, agane the kirk na peaceabil or quiet man will iudge, or hald opinioun.


HIc liber est sacer, diuini dogmata verbi
Continet, ipse pius nocte die (que) legas.
Hic disces Christum, pater hūc tibi misit vt esse [...]
Iustitia, et vitae regula certa tuae.
Hic tibi tot lucent stellae, tot sydera fulgent,
Haud secus ac si sit gemmea tota domus.
Hunc tu viperea caueas percellere lingua:
Neue Theonino rodere dente velis.
Laudatur merito, multis qui maxima prestat
Commoda, sed detur gloria tota deo.
TOtius legis (fateor) volumen.
Continet summi documenta patris:
Non vacat cunctis tamen immorari sedulo cartis.
Quicquid humane liber hic saluti
Est oportunum tenet, ergo quisquis
Vult fide Christum colere, audiat, vel discat ad vnguem.
Consula [...] equi pie lector, at (que)
Candidae, nostrum precor vt laborem▪
Qui tibi monstrat breuiter tenenda
Pectore firmo.

❧IOHNE BE THE MERCIE OF GOD Archbischop of sanct Androus, Metrapolitan and primat of the hail kirk of Scotland, and of the seit Apostolyck Legatnait, till all & sindry Personis, Vicars and Curattis, specially within our awin Diocye, and general­ly within the boundis of al our hail primacie of Scotland, desyris grace and peace in Christ Iesu our saluiour.

AFTER that the diuine proui­dence of God had promouit vs to the office of ane Archbischop and general primacie of yis kirk of Scotland, we thocht oft ty­mes, that na thing culd be to God mair plesand, to the christin pepil mair ex­pedient, and to our office mair conuenient and consonant, than with all diligence to prouide, that the christin pepil (of quhome we haue spiri­tual cure vnder God) mycht be instruckit in the faith and law of God, with ane vniforme and concordant doctrine of Christis religioun, ag­greabil in all pointis to the catholyk veritie of halie kirk. For sen swa it is (as S. Paule sais) that we ar all regenerat in Christ with ane bap­tyme, all oblissit to haue ane faith, all redemit w t ane blud & dede of our mediatour Iesus Christ, all leuand in ane hoip of the eternal glore, all subieckit to the seruice of ane lord, all gydit with ye directioun of y e haly spreit, quhilk is ane daily [...]echeour & gouernour of ye hail vniuersal kirk. [Page] Quhat can be mair conuenient, ȝe mair necessarie▪ yan yat we al baith prelatis & subieckis, superiours and inferiouris, alwais agre & cōcord togeddir in y e vnite of ane catholik doctrine, cōcerning al pointis belangand to our christin religioun? Quhat vthir thing requirit s. Paule of his Corinthianis (quben be so ernestly maid supplicatioun to thame) sayand thus: [...] Cor. [...]. Obsec [...]o vos fratres, per nomen dn̄i nostri Iesu Christi, vt idipsum dicatis omnes, et nō sint in vobis scisma [...]a, sitis autē perfecti in eodem sensu et eadem sentētia. Brether, I beseik ȝow for y e reuerence yat ȝe aucht to our Lord Iesus Christ, yat all ȝe say ane thing, and lat na scismes, discord or diuisioun be a­mangis ȝow, bot be ȝe perfite in ane mynd & in ane sentence. In yir wordis ȝe may plainly vnderstand quhow luffingly & tendirly the Apostil exhortis his Corinthianis, [...] Cor. 14. & in yame vs all, to keip vniformitie and cōcord in setting furth to ye people the doctrine of our christian faith & religioun, quhen he sais: all ȝe say ane thing. As he mycht say plainely. In all materis yat cōcernis our catholyk faith and christin maneris, se yat ȝe be vniforme, se yat ȝe agre togid­der in the cōfessioun of our faith▪ se yat ȝe cōcord ane with ane vthir in the forme of teching the trew word of God, yat as the samyn Apostil writtis to the Ro­manis: [...]ma. xv. vnanimes vno ore honorificetis deum. Al ye beand of ane mynd may w t ane mouth honour God And as he exhortis to concord in doctrine, swa he plainly forbiddis al scismes and discord in teching, sayand: Let na scismes be amang ȝovv. Quhat trew christin hart will nocht be discontent, [...]ament & sor­row, to se sa mony sectis of doctrine, sa gret diuer­sitie [Page] of opiniouns, sa mekil cōtentioun, & sa detesta­bil heresis as we se daily amāgis y e christin people? swa yat now s. Paule may trewly say: Phllip 5. Videte canes videte malos operarios, videte cōcisionē. Behald ye doggis, behald euyl workeris behald cōtentioun and diuisioun. As he mycht say plainely, quha sa ar geuin to cōtention & stryif in materis of our christin religioun, ar mair lik to doggis yan to trew christin men, of quhom it is writtin: Actuum 4 Multitudinis credentiū etat cor vnum et aia vna. The multitude of yame y t beleuit in Christ Iesu was all of ane hart & of ane mynd. It is vndoutand ane synfull & ane dānabil thing to varie & discord in maters of our faith seing yat s. Paule sais: God (sais he) is nocht god of discē ­tioun, bot he is god of pece. i. Cor. 14. Quhair for it followis y e all gud men & wemen yat wald be ye trew seruādis of God, suld labour w t all diligence to eschew & put away all variance & discēt [...]oun, yat occurris or may apperandly occure, in y e materis of our faith, & to be (as he sais) perfite in the sam mynd, & in the samyn sentence. To yat effect we haue exhibet to ȝow this present Catechisme: quhairin is contenit breuely & trewly, y e sowmme of our christian doctrin, agreand in all pointis to the wordis of halye scripture, trew expositioun of ye auld and catholyk doctouris, and in materis of cōtrauersie, agreand to the decisiouns and determinatiouns of general counsallis, lauch­fully gaderit in the halye spreit, for the corrobora­tioun of our faith. Quhair for first we exhort ȝow, ȝe also requiris ȝow as ȝe will answeir to vs afore God, that ȝe vse this present buke to ȝour awin eruditioun, and als mekil as ȝe may be the grace of God, to ȝour awin spiritual edificatioun in Christ [Page] Iesu our saluiour. For trewly to vs and ȝow ye wordꝭ ar spokin, writtin in haly scripture: Nolit [...] negligere vos enim elegit deus vt stetis corā eo. 2. Pa. 29. Be nocht negligent in doing ȝour office, for god hes chosin ȝow to stand afore him, that is to say, to mak ministratioun to his maiestie for the salua­tioun of the pepil. And suppose negligence is to be repreuit in all man & woman, ȝit trewly maist of all it is to be repreuit in to yame yat hes cure of christin pepil, according as s. Augustine [...]ais ad Valerium: Dist. 40. [...]. Nihil in hac vita facilius, leuius et ac­ceptabilius hoibus episcopi, presbyteri aut diaconi officio. Sed si ꝑfunctorie id est negligenter res aga­tur, nihil apud deū miserius, tristius at (que) dānabilius. Nathing in yis life apperis to warldly mē mair facil, mair esie & mair acceptabil than y e office of ane bischop, preist or dekin, bot and the samyn office be done negligētly, yair is na thing afore God mair miserabil, mair heuy & mair dānabil. Heirfor it is to ȝow expedient to vse this present Catechisme, first to ȝour awin instruction, remē ­bring quhat is writtin: Ignorātia mater cunctorū errorū maxime ī sacerdotibus vitāda est, qui officiū docēdi in populo susceperūt. Dist. 38. [...]gnorātia Ignorance the mo­ther of al errours suld maist of al be eschewit in preistis, quhilk hes ressauit the office of teching amang the christin pepil. Secundly, acccor­ding to the decreit maid in our prouincial coun­sale, our will is that ȝe reid y e samyn Catechisme diligently, distinctly & plainly ilk ane of ȝow to ȝour awin parochianaris, for thair cōmon in­structioun & spiritual edificatioun in ye word of [Page] God, necessarie of thame to be knawin. For as ane scholar quhilk is to leir ony special science, man first leir ye beginning or rudimentis of yar science, & swa procede or ascend to ye mair perfit vnderstanding of y e samyn science. Sa we haue thocht it expedient to teche the christin pepil cō ­mittit to our cure, the begynning or rudimentis of our christin doctrine, contenit schortly, trewly and plainly in this present buke, that thai being sufficiētly instruckit in y e samyn, may mair esely cum to y e vnderstāding of hicar doctrine, cōtenit in ye euangels & epistils vsit to be proponit & declarit to yame be precheouris of y e word of god.

Exhortand also all thame yat is to reid or heir this cōmon instructioun to follow the counsale quhilk the Wisman geuis thame, sayand thus: Eccle. [...]. Altiora te ne quesieris et fortiora te, ne scrutatus fueris, sed que precepit tibi deus illa cogita semp & in pluribus operibus eius ne fueris curiosus. Seik nocht to vnderstand thai thingis y t is aboue thi intelligēce, seik nocht to ken ya [...] thingis quhilk ar aboue thi capacitie, bot euirmair remembre of yai thingis yat god hes cōmandit the to do, & be nocht curious to vnderstand the werkis of god quhilk is nocht necessarie or profitabil to the to knaw for thi saluatioun. Pro. 2 [...]. Remembre quhat Sa­lomon sais in his Prouerbis: Perscrutator ma­iestatis opprimetur a gloria. He yat inquiris ouir hiely yai thingis yat belangis to the maiestie of God, sall be oppressit be the glore. yat is to say, as ane mā yat lukis directly apon the cleir schi­ [...]and sonne ony lang tyme, hurtis & makis dy [...] [Page] the powar of his corporal sycht, sa he yat hiely sekis to knaw ye haly misteris & secretis of god, hurtis & dullis his intelligence & powar of vnderstanding. Thairfor we request all man & woman to keip the rewil yat S. Paule geuis to the Romanis, Roma. xii sayand: Dico enim per gratiam que data est mihi oībus qui sunt inter vos non plus sapere (quam) oportet sapere, sed sapere ad sobrietatem & vnicui (que) sicut deus diui sit mensuram fidei. Be that grace of God that is geuin to me, I say till all yat is amang ȝow, that na mā seik mair than it behoiffs him to seik, bot to in­queir yai thingis yat ar sufficient for him to knaw & euerilk man as God hes geuin ane mesour of faith or ane gift of grace, sa vse it to the glore of God & the edificatioun of him self and of his nychtbouris, that in all thingis God may be honourit.

And to be schort & plaine with ȝow all yat ar spiri­tual curattis vnder vs, our hail intentioun is (as God we tak to our witnes) to help als mekil as lyis in vs the christin people ȝour parochionaris out of blynd and dangerous ignorance, & to bryng thame to knawlege of thai thingis that belangis to thair saluatioun. And thairfor euerilk sonday and prin­cipal halydaie, quhen yair cummis na precheour to thame to schaw thame the word of God, to haue yis Catechisme vsit and reid to yame in steid of pre­ching, quhil God of his gudnes prouide ane sufficient nowmer of catholyk and abil pre­cheouris, quhilk sal be within few ȝei­ris as we traist in God, to quhom be honour & glore for euir. Amen.

❧Ane tabil of all the principal materis and cōmon placis ordourly intraitrit and declarit in the foure partis of this present Catechis.

FIrst ye prologe declaris compendiously, how ne­cessare it is to al christin mē & wemen to ken yair awin miserabil stait quhairin thai leif, and agane to ken ye gret gudnes of god towart yame, and all yai thingis quhilk be­langis to thair christindome, schawād ane cōuenient cause of the setting furth of this present Catechis.

☞The contentis of the first part, quhilk is of the ten commandis.
  • Quhat is the law or cōmand of God?
  • How we suld obserue y e cōmā ­dis to y e plesour of god. Ca. i.
  • Cōminatiouns of paynis tē ­poral, spiritual, and eternal, aganis the brekaris of the cō mandis of God. ca. ii.
  • Promis of rewardis tēporal, spiritual, and eternal, maid to the keparis of Goddis com­mandis. cap. iii.
  • Quhairin standis the trew knawlege of god quhilk he requiris of vs all in the be­ginning of ye first cōmand
  • That the beginning of y e trew seruice of God is to feir him. cap. iiii.
  • Ane declaratioun of y e twa principal vertewis callir Faith & Hoip, quhairwith we aucht to serue God in our hartꝭ, quhilk seruice he requiris of vs in the first command. ca. v.
  • Of the trew lufe of God, quhilk is y e fourt principal vertew requirit to the trew seruice of God, quhilk we aw to hī in our harts. ca. vi
  • Of the trāsgressours of ye first command. and first of thame yat feiris mā abone God.
  • Of heretikis.
  • The discriptioun of ane heretike.
  • How ye verite of our faith may be discernit fra herely. Of hoip in mā abone God
  • [Page]Of hoip in our awin strenth, richis, and wisdome. cap. vii.
  • Of infidelite. Dispiratioun.
  • Presumptioun.
  • Spiritual ydolatrie.
  • Al kind of witchecraft and su­perstitiouns.
  • Temptatioun of God.
  • Elatioun and pryde, with ane schort decla [...]atioun of ye rycht vse of ymagis. cap. viii.
  • Comminatioun of paynis a­ganis the brekaris of the first cōmand, & promis of rewardis to the keparis of y e sa [...]. ca. ix.
  • The cōminatioun of paynis, and promis of mercy, quhilk is expremit in special, in y e end of the first cōmand. cap. x.
  • The rycht keping of y e secund cōmand, standis in v. pointis.
  • Confessioun of our faith.
  • Louing & thanking of God.
  • Teching the word of god.
  • Faithful and deuoit prayar.
  • Lauchful swering be ye name of god. cap. xi.
  • Brekaris of the secund com­mand, with comminatiouns of paynis aganis the breikaris, and promis of rewardis to the [...]e [...]aris. cap. xii.
  • Declaratioun of the sabboth day.
  • The ceremonyis of the sab­both day.
  • The moralitie of the sabboth day.
  • The translatioun of the sab­both day, to the sonday.
  • The spiritual and continual rest of our conscience.
  • The rycht keping of ye thrid command.
  • Quha brekis yair haly dais? Vthir halydais to be kepit by the sonday.
  • Cōminatiouns of paynis a­ganis the brekaris of ye haly dayis, w t promis of rewardis to the keparis of the samyn. cap. xiii.
  • Expositioun of the command of lufe, quhilk we aw to our nychtbour.
  • How we suld lufe our self & sa our nychtbour, with ane honest & haly lufe, with ane trew and vn [...]enȝet lufe, with ane cōstant & perseuerent lufe, w t ye ordour of cheritie. cap. xiiii
  • Quha is o [...]r nychtbour?
  • Of the lufe quhilk we aw to our ennymye.
  • [Page]How we suld lufe our nycht­bouris persone, & het his euil conditiouns.
  • Quhat thingis mouis a man to lufe his nychtbour as him self. cap. xv.
  • Thre maner of fatheris, natural, spiritual and temporal.
  • Of honour, lufe and obediens dettit til our natural fatheris.
  • Of the honour, lufe and obe­diense dettit till our spiritual fatheris.
  • Of honour, lufe and obediens dettit till our tēporal fatheris.
  • Of obedience dettit till our prelatis.
  • The rycht keping of ye fourt command.
  • Quha breikis the fourt com­mand, with punitioun of the breikaris, and reward of the keparis. cap. xvi.
  • The expositioun of our salui­our, maid to the fift cōmand. Yat y e law of god is spiritual. How it is nocht ane thing to be crabit at our brotheris per­sone, and to be crabit at our brotheris falt.
  • Of lesum crabitnes necessare till Iudgis, Maisteris, and officeris.
  • The rycht keping of y e fift comand, is to to forbeir slauch­ter, and all occasiouns of the samyn, and to be til our nychtbouris persone pacient, kind, liberal, and mercyful.
  • Thai breik the fift command that slais ony man or woman in yair hart be wraith malice, hettret or cōsent to the samyn. Or yat slais ony man w t yair toung be coūsale or cōmand. Or with yair deid be writing or violence by the ordour of iustice. And be vnmercyful­nes, quhen thai may saif yair nychtbouris lyfe with help & supply and will nocht.
  • Temporall Iudgis kepand the ordoure of Iustice, in sla­ing of misdoars synnis nocht aganis the fift command.
  • Tēporal Iudgis synnis gre­uously in twa pointis.
  • The punitioun of y e brekaris of the fift command, and pro­mis of rewardis maid to the keparis of it. cap. xvii.
  • The expositioun of our sal­uiour maid the saxt cōmand.
  • [Page]The rycht keping of y e saxt command is to forbeir all kindis of lechorie and also all occasiouns of the same. And that ilk man suld leiue ane chast lyfe according to his stait.
  • Of ye chastitie of mariage, wydohed, and virginitie. Brekaris of y e saxt cōmand ar all adulteraris, deflo [...] ­ [...]aris of virginis, rauissa­ [...]is of wemen. Incesteous personis. Cōmittaris of ye syn aganis nature. Sim­pil fornicatouris and pro­uokaris to the synne of le­chorie. cap. xviii.
  • Declaratioun of temporal paynis aganis adulterars & al vthir lechorus ꝑsonis. That blindnes of the hart is the dochtir of lechorie.
  • Cōminatioun of paynis e­ternal aganis al lecherous men and wemen.
  • Special rewardis ꝓmissit til all thame quhilk leiuis ane chast lyfe. cap. xix.
  • The rycht keping of the se­uint cōmand is to geue al­ [...]us, To len without ok­kir. And tik a man to wyn his awin leiffing with sum cōuenient labour according to his stait.
  • Brekaris of the seuint com­mand ar these. Reffaris, re­setttaris of theft and reft.
  • Princis y e fauouris theiuis or reffaris.
  • Iugis quhilk for lufe of re­wardis dois ony thing by ye ordour of iustice.
  • Patronis of bn̄ficis, quhilk for lufe of warldly geir pro­motis ony man to ane bene­fice of the kirk.
  • Cōmittaris of sacrilege.
  • Hurtaris of the cōmon weil for lufe of yair singlar weil.
  • Vsuraris.
  • Defraudaris of waigis fra seruandis or labouratis.
  • Strikars of vnlesū counȝe.
  • Merchandis that vsis vn­lesū wais of bying & selling All kind of craftis men that vsis ony falset or vnlesum wais in thair craft.
  • All kind of benef [...]cit menne quhilk dois nocht thair of­fice, nother spendis the geir of yair benefice conforme to [Page] the word of God and lawis of haly kirk.
  • Gentilmen that gettis & ke­pis ony heretage be wrang­ous wais.
  • Taka [...]is of ouir mekil mail or farme, to the herschipe of the tenentis. cap. xx.
  • Also thai synne aganis the seuint command that com­mittis symonye.
  • Quhat is symonye?
  • How monye maner of wais may symonye be committit.
  • How mony maner of way [...]s may iustice be peruertit be iudgis and men of law?
  • Lykwais yai synne yat fyn­dis ony vthir mens geir and restoris it nocht agane to ye awner. Quha sa wil nocht pay thair dettis.
  • Quha sa wil nocht pay yair teindis.
  • Executouris of testamentis that dois nocht thair dewty in fulfyllyng of y e dedis last will.
  • Medicinaris and Chirurgeraris that begylis the seik & hur [...] men, takand wagis fra yame largely, quhen yai can do thame na gud.
  • Potegareis that sellis cor­ruppit drogaris.
  • Also how it is Gods com­mand to mak restitutioun of all wrangous geir.
  • Cōminatioun of paynis a­ganis the brekaris of ye se­uint command. cap. xxi.
  • Promis of rewardis to the keparis of the seuint com­mand, quhair it is declarit largely how God rewardis all yame yat giffis a [...]mdus to thair powar for goddis saik, w t rewardis temporal, spiritual & eternal. cap. x [...]i
  • Ye rycht keping of y e au [...]ht command is to speik al our wordis to y e plesour of god and profit of our nychbour That to the gud gyding of our toung thre thingis ar necessare.
  • Discretioun, quhilk is comparit to ane bridil of a hors and also to ane Rother of a schip.
  • Consideratioun of gret s [...]aith that cummis of ane euil toung, also that refor­matioun of our hart is ne­cessarie [Page] to the gud gyding of our toung.
  • Brekaris of ye aucht cōmand ar wrang spekars in iugemēt quhidder thai be iudgis▪ accu­sacis▪ witnessis, procuratours or aduocatis. Also lyaris, fla­ [...]raris, bakbitars, heiraris of bakbyting. Quha interpretis on [...] vthir mannis wordis or deidis to the worst part.
  • Quha dissimulis to schaw the veritie, quhen and quhair yai [...]d schaw it.
  • The punitioun of thame that brekis the aucht cōmand, and the reward of yame yat keipis the same. cap. xxiii.
  • The rycht keping of the nynt and tent cōmandis is to haue ane cleir ee and ane clein hart▪ quhair is declaris the cleir ee of our intentioun to God, and also the cleir ee of our inten­ [...]ioun to be had to our nycht­bour.
  • The discriptioun of ane clein hart?
  • The discriptioun of ane foule hart.
  • Quha breikis these twa last commandis.
  • Yat our carnal concupiscen [...]e is to vs na dedelie synne▪ [...]a lang as we consent nocht with ane deliuerit mynd to the de­lectatioun or deid of the sam. cap. xxiiii.
  • Quhat is the cause yat car­nal concupiscence remains in our f [...]esche [...]f [...]r Baptyme, quhair is geuin four rewlis or lessonis, yat techis how we suld dant our flesche fra all vnlauchfull lustis & desyris. The punitioun of thame that brekis ye twa last cōmandis, and rewardis of the keparis. cap. xxv.
  • Of the rycht vse of the law or ten commandis of God, de­clarit plainely be foure fami­liar exempillis drawin fra ye haly scripture. cap. xxvi.
❧ The contentis of the se­cund parte, quhilk is the expo [...]itioun of the xii. a [...]tikils of the Crede.
  • Ane introductioun to the Crede contenand ane declaratioun of the necessitie of our christin faith.
  • Of twa sortis of faith, gene­ral and special.
  • How general faith is necessa­rie bot nocht sufficient to our sa [...]uatioun.
  • Yat special faith (that workis throw lufe) is baith necessarie and su [...]ficie [...]t to our saluation That the special faith suld be lo [...]it & lust it for mony excel­lent operations, quhilk it wor­kis in christin men & wemen. The Crede is deuidit in to iii. principal partis according to y e faith, quhilk we aucht to haue in the blissit Trinitie, the fa­ther, the sonne and the halye spreit, thre personis and ane God. cap i.
  • Yat ilkane christin man and woman suld haue in yair awin self ane special faith.
  • How the artikillis of ye crede can nocht be comprehendit be natural reasone.
  • Yat to trow in God pertenis to the special faith of ane chri­stin man.
  • How thair is goddis be false nominatioun.
  • How thair is goddis be par­ticipatioun of Go [...]s auctorite and Gods grace.
  • How yair is but ane leuand & eternal God be trew nature, and properteis of the godhed.
  • Yat sum knawlege is geuin to vs of y e maist excellent ma­iestie of God.
  • Yat our saluiour Iesꝰ Christ is only the sōne of God be na­tural & eternal generatioun.
  • Yat all faithful and gud men and wemen ar sonnis or bar­nis of god be the grace of ad­optioun.
  • Of the gret cōfidence quhilk we aucht to haue in the help & prouidence of our eternal fa­ther almychty God.
  • How y e fundatioun & ground of all our faith, is to trow sic­ki [...]ly that God is almychty.
  • [Page]How yat trow nocht ferme­ly that God is almychtye, quhilk denyis that the pre­cious body and blud of our saluiour Christ is really present in thehaly sacrament of the Altar.
  • That be yis word creatioun we suld also vnderstand the conseruatioun, prouisioun, protectioun and gouernans quhilk God hes of all his creaturis. cap. ii.
  • The sence of the first artikil of the Crede.
  • Morall lessonis of vertew gadderit of the first artikil of the Crede.
  • The first lessone is to ken God be his creatouris.
  • The secund lessone is to gife thankis to god, because yat he hes geuin to vs all his creatouris.
  • The thrid lessone is to haue pacience, because all aduer­sitie cummis of God.
  • The fourt lessone is to vse all creatouris to the plesour of God. cap. iii.
  • The secund part of our Crede contenis vii. artikils pertenand to y e faith quhilk we aucht to haue in our saluiour Christ.
  • Yis word Iesus, quhilk is the propir name of our saluiour, excellis all names of all creatouris, in significa­tioun, vertew and maiestie.
  • Yis word Christ betakins the maist excellent dignitie and office of our saluiour, quharby he is our hie king and hed bischop.
  • Our saluiour Iesus Christ is the only sonne of God be eternal generatioun.
  • All faithfull gud men ar sonnis of God be grace of adoptioun.
  • How the halye spreit beris witnes to our spreit, yat we ar the sonnis of God.
  • That Iesus Christ is our lord be doubil rycht, baith be resone of creatioun & also of redemptioun.
  • How we suld be ye exempil of y e glorious virgin Mar [...] consaue and beir the word of God. cap. iiii.
  • We suld trow in the sonne of God.
  • [Page]How y e haly spreit was wor­kar of y e blissit incarnation.
  • Declaratioun of the blissit natiuitie of our saluiour.
  • Of the perpetual virginitie of ye glorious lady Christis mother.
  • How the glorious virgin was the begynning of our saluatioun.
  • Yat be ye blissit incarnation of Christ we ar mekil inducit to ane ferme faith, we ar lif­tit vp in our hoip, our hartꝭ ar kyndlit in feruent cherite and lufe of God. cap. v.
  • Ane exhortatioun to heir deuoitly the artikill of the passsioun of Christ.
  • Quhat paynis our saluiour tholit for our redemptioun.
  • Quha was Iudge to him, quhat kynd of dede tholit he for vs.
  • Quhat fruit or profite gat we be the meritis of his pas­sioun.
  • Yat his berissing was honorabil.
  • The sentence of ye fourt ar­tikil.
  • Morall lessones of vertew gadderit of the fourt arti­kil o [...] the crede.
  • Exempil of perfite lufe and cheritie.
  • Exempil of perfit pacience.
  • Exempil of perfit obediens cap. vi.
  • Quhait is hel?
  • How mony distinct partis or placis is in hel?
  • Quhom deliuerit our sal­uiour out of hell.
  • Moral lessonis gadderit of the fift artikil of the crede.
  • We suld hoip fermely in the help of our saluiour.
  • We suld leir to consaue the feir of god. cap. vii.
  • Yat our saluiour raise fra the dede be his awin mycht and powar.
  • Yat our saluiour raise to ane lyfe immortal and glo­rious.
  • Quhy he raise ye thrid dai?
  • The sentence of the saxt artikil of the crede.
  • Morall lessonis of vertew gadderit of the saxt artikil of the crede.
  • [Page]Be the exempil of our saluior we suld ryse spiritually.
  • We suld nocht differre our spiritual resurrectioun.
  • We suld ryse to ane new lyfe.
  • Quhen we ar ryssing, we suld nocht dee agane be cōmitting dedlie lymme. cap. viii.
  • How bie ascēdit our saluiour?
  • How we suld vnderstand that our saluiour settis at the rycht hād of god y e father almychty.
  • The sentence of the seuint ar­tikil of the crede.
  • Moral lessonis gadderit of ye seuint artikil of the crede.
  • How profitabil was til vs the ascentioun of our saluiour. cap. ix.
  • Quha sall be iudge in the day of the extreme iudgment.
  • Quha sal be iudgit in the day of extreme iudgement.
  • Quhair of sal all men and we­men be iudgit?
  • Of all deidis, of all wordis, of all thochtis.
  • The sentence of this artikil.
  • Ane moral lessone, yat we suld leir to feir the extreme iudge­ment of God. cap. x.
  • Yat y e haly spreit is trew god That the haly spreit is gi [...]ar of all halynes.
  • Yat syndry names of ye haly spreit, declaris syndry opera­tiouns of the lamyn spreit.
  • The sentence of the nynt ar­tikil. cap. xi.
  • Yat the haly kirk is callit the mistike bodye and spouse of Christ, and also the new citie of Hierusalem.
  • The sentence of y e tent artikil Quhat is the halye catholyk kirk, and quha ar memberis of it?
  • Quha ar outtith y e haly kirk.
  • Of the vnitie of halye kirk.
  • Quhat is communioun of sanctis.
  • Quha ar priuate the commu­nioun of sanctis.
  • That remissioun of original synne is gettin be faith and ye sacrament of Baptyme.
  • Yat remissioun of actual syn is gettin be faith and the sa­crament of Pennance.
  • That pennance is the gift of god, and thairfor we suld ask it at god in our daily prayar.
  • [Page]Quha gettis remissioun of synnis fra god. cap. xii.
  • That the resurrectioun of bo­deis sal be general.
  • Yat all men & wemen sall ryse to ane lyfe immortal.
  • Of the gloir of the bodeis yat sall be geuin till all gud men and wemen.
  • Of ye glore of y e saule, quhilk is vntelabil.
  • In heuin we sall fulfil the cō ­mand of lufe perfitly.
  • Of the dede eternal, quhairto all euil men and wemen apon domis day sall be condemnit. cap. xiii.
☞The contentis of the thrid part of the Catechis quhilk is declaratioun of the seuin sacramentis.
  • First of all we exhort the christin pepil to tak tent to the declaratioun of ye seuin sacra­mentis because yai ar spitual wellis of grace.
  • The hail nowmer of the sacramentis.
  • The diffinitioun of ane sacrament of the n [...]w testamentis declarit. cap. i.
  • Syndre causis of the institu­tioun of the sacramentis.
  • Sensibil takins of Christis religioun.
  • Instrumētis of grace and of our saluatioun.
  • Tha war ordanit also for our humiliatioun instructioun, & spiritual exercitioun.
  • Yat ane sacrament is consti­tute or maid of twa principal partis, the tane is ane sensibil signe, & the tother is the word of god. cap. ii.
  • Twa principal partis of Baptyme.
  • Of the wattir of Baptyme.
  • How the wattir of Baptyme was figurit be ye flud of Noe and the red see.
  • Of the wordis of Baptyme.
  • Of the promis of Baptyme.
  • The sentence of the wordis of Baptyme.
  • Of ye couenand or condition maid in baptyme betwix god and man.
  • [Page]Yat circumcisioun was ane figure of Baptyme.
  • Of the vertew and effect of Baptyme.
  • The first effect of Baptyme is remissioun of all synnis.
  • The secund effect of Bap­tyme is ressauing of the ha­ly spreit.
  • The thrid effect of baptyme is to be cled with the rychte­ousnes of our saluior christ.
  • Yat carnal concupiscence ef­tir Baptyme is nocht synne but consent of our free will.
  • The fourt effect of baptyme is breking and diminution of the violent powar of car­nal concupiscence. cap. iii.
  • Conuenient causis and rea­sonis of the ceremoneis vsit in Baptyme.
  • Quha is minister of the sa­ment of Baptyme. cap. iiii.
  • How expedient it is to re­saue the sacrament of Con­firmatioun.
  • The sacrament of Cōfirmatioun is declarit be twa pla­cis of the scripture.
  • Of crisyme, quhilk is y e sen­sibil signe or mater of Con­firmatioun.
  • Of y e word of Cōfirmation The sentence of the wordis of Confirmatioun
  • Of ye vertew and effeck of Confirmatioun. [...]cap. v.
  • Of the seuin giftis of the haly spreit.
  • Of the gift of wisdome.
  • Of ye gift of vnderstāding
  • Of the gift of counsale.
  • Of the gift of fortitude.
  • Of the gift of science.
  • Of the gift of pietie.
  • Of the gift of feir. cap. vi.
  • Of ye necessare institutioun of ye sacrament of ye altar.
  • Of the figuris of yis maist excellent sacrament.
  • Of the syndry names of yis precions sacrament.
  • Quhi is yis sacrament cal­lit the suppar of our Lord.
  • Of ye propir mater & sensi­bil signe of this haly sacra­ment, quhilk is breid and wyne.
  • Of the word of God yat be­langis to the consecratioun of this diuine sacrament. cap. vii.
  • [Page]Of the veritie and real ex­istens of the body and blud of our saluiour in the sacra­ment of the altar.
  • Of ye frutis and effectis of yis sam sacramēt, quhilk ar spiritual fude of our saulis.
  • Incorporatioun to our sal­uiour Christ.
  • Augmentatioun of the me­ritis of our faith.
  • Lyfting vp of our hoip.
  • Augmentatioun of cheritie.
  • Quyck remembrance of the passioun of Christ.
  • Vnitie & concord amang ye christin pepil. cap. viii.
  • How christin men & wemen suld prepare yame self wor­thely to the ressauing of yis holy sacrament w t ane rycht intentioun, with ane perfite and hail faith, w t ane clein conscience, and with deuote prayar and orisoun. cap. ix.
  • Of ye necessare institutioun of ye sacrament of pēnance.
  • The vertew of Pennance.
  • The sacrament of pēnance.
  • Quha hes powar to forgife synnis in the sacrament of Pennance?
  • Quhat thingis ar requirit to the worthi ressauing of y e sacrament.
  • That faith is ye ground of ye sacrament of pennance.
  • Of contritioun y e first part of pennance. cap. x.
  • Of Confessioun the secund part of pennance.
  • Of satisfactioun the thrid part of Pennance.
  • Quhat remeid quhen we can nocht get ane cōfessour a preist, or may nocht mak our cōfession being stoppis with lauchful impediment cap. xi.
  • How expedient it was to or­dane the sacrament of ex­treme vnctioun.
  • That our saluiour Christ ordanit ye sacrament of ex­treme vnctioun.
  • Sanct Iames settꝭ furth & declaris the same sacramēt.
  • Ye word of God vsit in yis sacrament.
  • The promis of mercy an­nexit to the sacrament.
  • The sensibil signe or mater of this sacrament.
  • The fruitis and effe [...]tis of [Page] this sacrament.
  • Exhortatio in maid to y e pepil to vse this sacrament. cap. xii.
  • Of the necessarie institutioun of the sacrament of Ordour.
  • Yat auctoritie of ministration of the sacramentis was geuin to the Apostillis, & also to yair successouris ministeris of the kirk, to indure be cōtinual successioun to ye end of ye warld.
  • Yat ordour is ane sacrament.
  • The promis of grace annexit to ordour.
  • The ordinatioun of ministers in the kirk of god belangis to bischopis.
  • The auctoritie of ane priest is to minister fiue sacramentis, to preiche the word of God, & to pray for the christin pepil.
  • That the euil lyfe of the mini­ster stoppis nocht the effect of the sacrament.
  • The auctoritie of ane bischop is declarit.
  • Powar to curs is geuin to bi­schoppis.
  • How cursing weil vsit is ane spiritual medicyne.
  • That our saluiour Christ gef to bischoppis ye powar of cursing. cap. xiii.
  • Of ye first institutioun of matrimony.
  • Four conuenient causis of ye institutioun of matrimonye.
  • That matrimonye is ane sa­crament.
  • How matrimonye was dege­nerat fra the first perfetioun.
  • How our saluiour Christ re­storit agane matrimony to the first perfectioun.
  • Twa singular cōdiciouns of the matrimony yat is amang christin men and wemen.
  • Agane how matrimonye is ane sacrament.
  • The sensibil signe and mater of matrimonye.
  • The forme of wordis vsit in the contrack of matrimonye.
  • The promis of grace annexit to matrimony.
  • The fruitis & effectis of ma­trimonye.
  • How a marreit man may syn with his wyfe. cap. xiiii.
❧ The cōtentis of the fourt part of yis Catechis, is the ex­positioun of the Pater noster. And first the prologe schawis the maner how christin men and wemen suld mak yair prayar to God.
  • Yat prayar suld be maid with ane trew faith.
  • That faith techis twa thingis necessare to be had in making of our prayaris.
  • That be the lycht of our faith we suld knaw our awin gret pouertie and miserie.
  • That be the lycht of our faith we suld behald and see y e gret gudnes of God towart vs.
  • Hoip is the secund vertew ne­cessarie in prayar.
  • Hoip hes twa properteis, sic­kir cōfidence in ye help of god promissit to vs.
  • Pacience and lang sufferance committand to God baith the maner & tyme of our helping.
  • Cheritie is the thrid vertew requirit to be had in makin our prayar.
  • How we may afore our prayar kindil our hartis in the lufe of God.
  • How we may be ardent in the lufe of our nychtbour.
  • Quha sa forgiffis nocht to his nychtbour all offensis, sal nocht be hard of God in his prayar. cap. i.
  • How the prayar of obstinate synnars is nocht hard of god
  • How the prayar of penitent synnaris is hard of God.
  • Yat fasting & almous deidis disponis a mā to deuot praiar
  • How we may mak to god lāg prayaris.
  • Of the preeminens and ex­cellent dignitiee of the Pater noster. cap. ii.
  • Sen Christ hes leirit vs to call God, father, we suld pray to him with gret confidence.
  • Quhat is our dewtie to be doin to God our father.
  • Sen Christ hes leirit vs to say to God, O our father: we suld pray to god for our nychtbour as for our self.
  • How god almychty is in the heuins.
  • How God is in al placis, bot specially in the heuin empyre be manifestatioun and giffin of his glore.
  • [Page]Ane deuote prayer maid apon the first wordis of our lordis Orisone. Cap. iii.
  • Quhate is the name of God?
  • How the name of god suld be sanctifyit. How the name off god is fylit be iii. sortis of mē:
  • Gentilis, Iowis, & euyl, chri­stin men and wemen.
  • Ane deuote prayer maid apon the first petitioun. Cap. iiii.
  • Off wardlie kingdomes.
  • Of ye kingdome of y e Deuyl.
  • How the deuyl is ye prince of this warld.
  • Of the kyngdome of gode in grace and rychteousnes.
  • Off the kingdome of gode in glore and lyfe eternall.
  • Ane deuote prayer maid apon ye secund petitioun. Cap. v.
  • That the hie way tyll heuin is to fulfyl y e wyl of god, schawin tows in his commandis.
  • How it is the wyll of gode that all trewe seruandis of Iesus Christ sall haue eternal lyfe.
  • That it is the wyl of god that al men & wemen keip his com­mandis.
  • Ane deuote prayer maid apon ye thrid petitioun. Cap. vi.
  • We suld ask at god our dalie fude, baith for bodie & saule.
  • We may lesūlie desyre of god our necessarie sustentatioun.
  • We suld desyre at god yat we may wyn our necessare sustē ­tatioun be lauchfull wayis.
  • Yat we suld nocht haue ouir mekil cair for our temporall leuing.
  • That suppose we labour for our leiuing, ȝit we suld trow that it is geuin to vs be the li­beral hand of God.
  • The fude of our saule is the word of god, and also the pre­cious sacrament of the Altar.
  • Ane prayar maid apon the fourt petitioun. cap. vii.
  • Yat be our dettis is signifyi [...] our synnis.
  • How we ar al synnaris in the sycht of God, and thairfor we suld be meik and lawly in our hartis.
  • Ane prayar maid apō the fift petitioun. cap. viii.
  • Quhat is temptatioun?
  • That thair is temptatioun quhairby man temptis God, and that is alwais euil.
  • That thair is temptatioun [Page] quhairby God tempis man, and yat is alwayis gud.
  • That th [...]ir is temptatioun quhairby our spiritual enne­myis tēpis vs to euil, quhair to gif we consent, we ar ouir­cummit, And gif we consent nocht, we euircū and pleasis God.
  • Quhat it is to be led in temp­tatioun?
  • Ane prayar maid apon the saxt petitioun: cap. ix.
  • How god almychty deliueris his seruandis fra temporall troubil thre maner of wayis: First quhen he sēdis to waik personis easie & lytil troubil: secundly quhen he giffis gret pacience and consolatioun in gret troubil. Thridly quhen [...]e causis the trubil to lest bot [...]chort tyme.
  • Ane deuoit prayar maid apō [...]he seuint petitioun. cap. x.
  • Ane preface before the Aue Maria.
  • Ane breif expositioun of all the wordis contenit in the Aue Maria.
  • In the end is proponit twa questiouns. The first to quhem suld we pray?
  • Answeir. We suld pray to God only as giffa [...] of all grace and gudnes.
  • We suld pray to gud men in erd, and specially to sanctis in heuin as intercessours to god for vs, that we may obtene grace and gudnes fra God.
  • The secund questioun for quheme suld we pray.
  • Answeir. We suld pray for all men & wemen, nocht only for yame y t ar leuand, bot also for all christin saulis, quhilk ar in Purgatory and may be helpit be our prayar.

Ane prologe to the Cathecysme.

THE fourt buke of the kingis, 4. Reg [...] vltimo. (o Christiane peple) makis menti­oun, that the sonnis of Israel, vtherwais callit the peple of the Iewis, was led in captiuite into Babylone, be ye king of ye Assy­rianis, callit Nebu [...]hodono [...]or, [...] thair greit miserie and confusioun. The cause quharof is plainlie expremit in the fift cheptour of Esaie, quhair God almychty sais thus: Esaie. 5 [...] Propterea capi [...]s ductus est populus meus, quia non habuit scientiā. Thairfor is my peple ( [...]ais almychty God) ledde in captiuite, because that thai haif nocht had knawlege or vnderstanding. Gyf ȝespeir, quharof had thai na vnderstanding or knawlege? Treulie nother of yame self nor of thair God, for baith thai miskend yame self & yair Lord God, quhilk thing, was the special cause of thair captiuite & miserable thirldome in Babylone. That yai miskend yame self, it is clerlie schawin in the secund cheptour of Ieremie, quhair oure Lord spekis thus to ye same peple: Iere. 2. Si laueris te nitro & multiplicaueris tibi her­bam borith, maculata es in iniquitate tua corā me dicit dn̄s. Quomodo dicis nō sū polluta? Post Baa­lim nō ab [...]i. Vide vias tuas in conualle & scito quid feceris. Suppoise thow wesche thi self with saip, & gather a greit heip of ye herbe callit Borith quhilk hais greit vertue of clēging ȝet in my sycht yow ar fylit be reson of thi wyckites and syn sais oure Lord. Quhy sais thow swa? I am nocht fylit, I haif nocht gaine efter Baalim that ydole be ydola­trie. [Page] Behald & see thy wais quhilk thow hes gaine in the vail or den quharin yow vsit to commit ydolatrie. Ken quhat thow hast don. And eftir hend, in the same cheptour God sais thus to the same peple: Et dixisti abs (que) peccato et innocen [...] ego sum er propterea auertatur furor tuus a me: Ecce ego in iuditio cōtendam tecum, eo ꝙ dixeris non peccaui: Quam vilis facta es, nimis iterans vias tuas. Thow hes said, I am an innocēt without sinne. And thairfor O Lord lat thi wraith be turnit fra me. Behald sais oure Lord, I will strif with the in iugement, because yow sais: I haif nocht synnit. How vile & euil fauorit hes thow made thi self, ouir oft doand euil deidis. Be thir wordis ȝe may weil persaif, that the pe­ple of ye Iewis miskend thame self, in sa mekil that thai war abhominab [...]l synnaris, & ȝit thai thocht yame self innocentis and without sinne wharin thai falȝeit mkeil, because that the be­ginnyng of all perfectioun is, first a man to ken his awin falt, syne to seik for the mercy of God. And mairowyr the Iewis nocht onlie miskend thame self, bot alswa yai miskend yair Lord God and his godlie lawis & commandis geuin to thame, to ken and keip to ye plesour of God and thair saluatioun, accordyng to ye cō ­plant that God makis in the first cheptour of Esaie sayand thus: Esaie. i. Cognouit bos possessorem suū et Asinus presepe domini sui, Israel autem me non cognouit & populus meus nō intellexit. The Oxe hes knawin the man that aucht him, & the Asse [Page ii] has knawin the mangier of of his maister, bot Israel hes nocht knawin me, and my peple hes nocht hade vnderstanding, that is to say, sup­poise I am thair only awner, Lord & maister, and my word is the fode of thair saulis, ȝit thai haif nocht knawin me for thair awner, Lord & maister, nother haif thai had vnderstanding of my worde quhilke is the fuode of thair saulis. Will ȝe plainlie vnderstand how mekil God re­quiris of vs all to ken his hie maiestie and his haly word? Here quhat he sais in ye sext of O­ser? Misericordiam volui et non sacrificium, Osee. 6 [...] & sci­entiā dei plusquam holocaustū. I preferre deidis of mercy abone all corporal and outwart sacri­fice, and I preferre the trew knawlege of God abone all brount offeringis, quhilk was wont to be offerit corporallie amang the Iewis in ye auld law. Iere. 9. Heir alswa quhat he sais in the nynt cheptour of Ieremie: Non glorietur sapiens in sapientia sua, et nō glorietur fortis in fortitudine sua et nō glorietur diues in diuitiis suis, sed in hoc glo­rietur qui gloriatur scire et nos [...]e me, quia ego sum dn̄s, qui facio misericordiam & iudicium et iusticiā in terta. Lat nocht the wisman glore in his wis­dome, lat nocht ye ste [...]k mā glore in his strenth lat nocht the riche man glore in his riches, bot lat him glore yat gloris, to ken & vnderstād me, that I am ye lord quhilk giffis mercy & makis iugement and rychteusnes in the erde. Be this it is manifest and plain, that our Lord God re­qu [...]is of vs all, to ken his maiestie & his godlie [Page] will or lawis & yat with ane perfite knawlege, cle [...] and ionit with his lufe and obediens. Of ye quhilk knawlege ye halie Apos [...]il S. Ihone sais thus: In hoc scimus quoniam cognouimus cum, [...]. Iohn. 2. si mandata eius seruamus. Qui dicit se nosse deum et mandata eius non custodit mendax est et in hoc veritas non est. Be this we vnderstād that we ken God, gif we keip his commandis, for he that sais yat he kennis God & kepis nocht his commandis, he is ane lear, and in him yair is na verite. We grant yat part of euil men hes some knawlege of God, bot because yat yair knawlege is nocht io [...]t & cled with sincere affection, lufe & obediens th [...]rfor thair knawlege is comptit of God as na knawlege, because it is nocht ple [...]and & acceptable to him. Now thairfor christin peple with all diligens lei [...] to ken ȝour self, that is to say ȝour awne miserabil s [...]ait quha i [...]e stand be reson of ȝour sinnis, and againe leir token ȝour Lord God, how gratious and mercifull he is to al trew penitent and faithful persones, and how richteous and iust he is in his iugem [...]tis againe al synnaris yat perseueris in thair synnis, & wil nocht ken thaime self and thair God as we haif schawin to ȝow. Call to your remēbrance quhat S. Paul sais to the Corinthianis: i. Cor. 14. Qui ignorat ignorabitur. He yat miskennis salbe miskennit. Quhasumeuer miskennis thai thingis wylfullie quhilk God re­quiris of yame to ken & keip for thair saluacioun, salbe mi [...]kennit of God in ye day of extreme iuge­ment▪ [...]uhen the heuinlie iuge [...]al say to siclike per­sonis, the wordis writtin in S. Mathewi [...] eu [...]gel: [Page iii] Amen dico vobis nescio vos. Mat. 25. Veralie I say to ȝow I ken ȝow nocht, as he mycht say plainlie: because ȝe wald nocht knaw & keip my wordis and my com­mandis, quhilk I spak to ȝow be my seruādis send to ȝow in my name and autorite tharfor this day I will nocht admit ȝow to be of the nowmer of thain [...] that sal enter into ye kyngdom of heuin. Let vs all bewar of oure self and ta [...]e gud tent, that we be nocht siclike wilful ignorant and mi [...]kennand men as certane of the Iewis was, of quhome God said thi [...] wordis Ipsi vero nō cognouerūt vias meas qui bus iura [...]i in ira mea si intro [...]bunt in requiem me [...]. Psal. 904 Thai haif nocht knawin my wayis (that is to say) my mercy & my iugemēt, according as it is written in the Psalme: Psal. 24. Vniuerse vie domini misericordia & veritas. All the wayis of our Lord is mercy & veri­te. Now because yai haif nocht knawin my wayis, to thame I haif sworne in my wraith, that thai sall nocht enter into my rest, as he mycht say, I haif de­termit to vse agains thame the rigour of iugement and w [...]l nocht admit thame to entir into my land o [...] rest quhilk is eternal life. Thairfor christin peple that ȝe may esch [...]ip the dangerous thirldome and captiui [...]e of ye deuil and all his powar, that ȝe may haif the knawlege of God quhilk he requiris of ȝow sa specially and finally that ȝe may be admittit to ye glorious kyngdome of eternal rest, do as the Apostil S. Iames counsels ȝow say and thus: Iaco. i. Ab­ [...]icientes omnem immunditiam & abundantiā ma­litie, in māsuetudine suscipite insitum verbum quod potest saluare animas [...]estras. &c. Quhair for (sais [Page] he) put away all vnclenes & abundance of ma­lice, with meiknes ressaue the word, that is plā ­tit or sawin amongis ȝow, quhilk is able to sa [...]f ȝour saulis. And se that ȝe be doaris of ye word and nocht heraris only, dissauing ȝour selfes, For gif ony heris ye word and do it nocht, he is like vnto ane mā, that behaldis his bodaly lace into ane myrrour, for alssone as he hais lukit on him self, he gais away & incōtinent forȝettis quhat his fassioun was, bot quha sa lukis on ye law of perfite libertie and perseueris tharin (gif he be nocht ane forȝetful herar, bot a doar of ye wark) the same mā salbe happy in his deid. And breuely, as he is nocht worthy to be callit ane craftis man, quhilk kennis nocht quhat belan­gis to his craft, na mair is ane man or woman worthy to be callit ane christin man or ane chri­stin woman, gif he or sche will nocht ken quhat belangis to thair christindome. Thairfor yat al christin men and wemen, specially thai that ar sympil and vnleirit in haly writ, may haif trew knawlege and plaine vnderstanding quhat be­langis to thair christindome, it is thocht expidient to propone to yame ane Catethisme, y e is ane cōmon instruction contenand schortly & plainly thai thingis quhilk ar necessary to yame to ken and keip, to the plesour of God & thair eternal saluation. And veralie siclike ane Catechisme, was had and vsit in the Apostils tyme. as it is manifest be y e wordis of s. Paul writand thus to thame quhilke els war instruckit in ye Cate­chisme: [Page iiii] Q [...]apropter intermittontis inchoationis Christi sermonem ad perfectionem fe [...]amur, Hebre. 6. nō rur sum iacientes fundamētum penitentie ab operibus mortuis, et fidei ad de [...]m, baptismatum doctrine, impositionis quo (que) manuū, ac resurrectionis mortu orū et iudicii eterni. Thairfor lat vs laif the do­ctrine pertening to ye beginning of ane christin lyf, and lat vs ga vnto perfection, and now na mair laying ye fundatioun of penance fra dede warkis, and of fayth toward God & of doctrin of Baptime. of laying on of handis, of the re­surrection of ye dede, & of general iugement. In thir wordis saint Paul declaris that the Cate­chisme vsit in the beginning of ye kirk, had sax partis: The first declarit penāce to be done for all dedely synnis, quhilke ar transgressionis of Gods commandis. The secund [...]echit fayth to be geuin to ye word of God. The third contenit the doctrine of Baptime. The fourt gaif in­struction of ye sacrament of Cōfirmation. The fift declarit the general resurrection of ye dede. And ye last part schew plainlie ye general iuge­ment. Thus christin peple ȝe se, yat to haif ane Catechisme or cōmō instructiō, to be set furth & declarit generallie to all christin men, is na new thing. bot a thing yat was vsit in ye beginning of ye kirk. This present Catechisme or cōmon instructiō, quhilk we purpose to ꝓpone to ȝow, The diui­sion of yis Cate­chisme. schortly & plainly is reducit & deuidit into four principal partis. Quharof y e first techis y e law of God contenit in ye X. cōmandis▪ The secund [Page] declaris ye trew fayth yat GOD requiris of vs all concerning the articles of the Crede. The third settis furth plainlie, the seuin sacramentis of halie ki [...]k, institute be oure saluiour Christ, to be to vs as instrumētis of our saluatioun, infallabil signis or takins of grace quhilk thai contene & betakins. The fourt declaris the trew inuocatioun of God, quhilk our saluiour IESVS CHRIST le [...]it vs to pray to God in the seuin pe [...]i [...]ions of the Pater noster, and thairfor is propirlie callit the prayer of our Lord. As for the seuin dedlie synnis yai may be kennit be declaratioun of the X. commandis be­cause thai ar transgressionis of the same. And the vii. workis of merci, may be kennit be declaratioun of [...]harite, quhilk we aucht to our neychtbour. Sa that in the foure partis of this Catechisme, is com­prehendit ye soume of our christin doctrine, necessarie & sufficient to al vnleirit men & wemen, giffand to yame instructioun, quhat thai suld beleif and do for the optening of thair saluatioun eternal.

That ilk ane of ȝow may the better leir and re­member ye twa first partis of this instructioun, we think maist expediēt to ꝓcede be schort questionis, and plaine ansueris to the same, to that effeck that quhen ony of ȝow is sperit ony questioun necessary for ȝow token, other concernyng the law and com­mandis of God, or ony article of ȝour faith, ye same persone sa sperit, may ansuer in forme & maner as is here expremit.

Ane introductioun to the commandis.

The first cheptour.

AFoir we entir to the special declaratioun of ye X. commandis, we think it expediēt to declare in general foure pointes, concernyng the law or commandis of God. First, quhat is the law or commandis of God? Secund how suld the com­mandis of GOD be obseruit and kepit to ye ple­sour of GOD and our saluation? Third quhat pu­nitions ar yai that GOD in haly scripture bostis & schoris aganis all the brekaris of his commandis? And fourtly, quhat ar the rewardis, quhilk GOD almychty promissis in haly scripture to all the ke­paris of his commandis.

Quhat is the law or command of GOD? Quhat is ye lavv or command of God. It is a rewil geuin to vs of GOD, for the gud gyding of our self, quhilk declaris and schawis to vs quhat the wil of GOD is, that we suld do, & quhat we suld nocht do in our thochtis, wordis and deidis. Quhy say ȝe yat ye law is a rewil geuin for ye gud giding of our lyif? For as ane biggare cā nocht make ane euin vp wal without direction of his lyne, a Mason can nocht hew ane euin aislair staine without direc­tioun of his rewill, ane skyppar can nocht gyde his schip to gud heuin w tout direction of his Compas, sa a man or a woman can nocht ordour or gyde his lyif euin and strecht to the plesour of GOD without direction of the commandis. Quhy say ȝe that thir commandis is giuen of GOD? For without dowe God hais geuin thame to vs, first in the law of na­ture quhilk is prentit in our hartis, secund in the law of Moyses written with his awne fingar (that [Page] is to say be y e vertew of the haly spirit) in twa tables of stayne, & last of all our saluiour CHRIST baith God and man hes ratifeit and exponit thame in ye new law or Euangil. Quharfor with all diligence we suld study to obserue and keip thir commandis, nocht only because yat yai ar sa expedient and pro­fitable to vs, but specially because y t thai ax geuin to vs of God and declaris to vs his godly will, to quhome we and all creturis suld be obedient. Se­cundly how suld we obserue & keip ye cōmandis of God to his plesour and tharby to obtene of him re­ward in heuin? Hovv suld the com­mandis be obseruit. Luc. 1. Trewly we suld keip thame thre maner of wayis. First hailelie in perfite nowmer. Exempil of zacharie and Elizabeth father and mo­ther of saint Ihone Baptist of quhome saint Luke sais to yair greit cōmendatioun: Incedētes in o [...] ­bus mādatis, & iustificatiobus domini sine querela▪ Thai obseruit all the commandis and ceremonyis of our Lord but ony complaint. For it is nocht yneuch to keip part of the commandis of God, and leif part of thame vnkepit, bot as ane harper will tune all his stringis, to that effect that he may mak ane plesand sound to y e heraris, sa we man keip all the cōmandis of God, or els our keping will nocht be plesand to God. Sa it is declarit be s. Iames: Qui totam legem seruauerit, offendit autem in vno, factus est omnium rens. Iaco. 2. Quhasaeuir sall keip the hail law, and ȝeit fail in ane point, he is giltie in al yat is to say, gif he depart fra this life without trew penance, he sal be condemnit perpetually to want y e glorious sycht of God, alsweil as he that brekis al [Page vi] the commandis. Nochtheles the ma commandis that a man brekis in this lyif, & sa dee without penance, he salbe condemnit to mair sensible paine in hell according to y e grauitie of his syn. Secundly we suld keip the commandis of GOD with ane rycht intencioun, and for the lufe of God. Thane we haif ane rycht intēcion, quhen we keip yame allanerlie, for the honour & glore of God, and nocht for ony honour and glore to be geuin to vs of man in this lyif. For quhasa­euir in doing of his gud deidis intendis principally to get honour, glore or reward of man, hais ane wrang intencion, and his deid sa doin (suppose it be cōmandit of god) is nocht plesand & acceptable to God. Of this rycht intencioun spekis our saluiour Christ sayand: Si oculus tu­us fuerit simplex, totum corpus tuum lucidum erit. Math. 6. Si autem oculus tuus fuerit nequā, totū corpus tuū tenebrosum erit. The lycht of thi bodie is thyne ee, thane gif thyne ee be simpil and clere, al thi bodie is clere, but & gyf thyne ee be euil, all thy bodie is myrk, as it mycht be said plainlie: lyke as the ee of our bodie quhen it is hail & cleir, it direckis al the membris of our bodie in thair o­peratiouns and deidis, and quhen it is hurt & nocht cleir, all the membris of oure bodie dois yair deidis as it war in myrknes. Siclik quhen ye intencioun of our mynd is cleir and richt, in­tending principally the honour, glore & louing of God, yane our deid being conforme to y e law of God and done to y e intencioun is richt & cleir [Page] plesand & acceptable to God, bot and gif our intencion be principally, to get any fauour, louing glore or reward of man thane is our deid sa done myrke, yat is to say, displesand & nocht acceptable to God. Sa we suld keip the commandis of God with ane rycht intencion according as S. Paul exhortis vs thus saying: i. Cor. [...]. Siue māducatis siue bibitis s [...]ue aliud quid facitis, omnia in gloriā dei facite. Quhidder ȝe eit or drink or do ony vther thing, do al to y e glore of God, [...]o all with that intencion that God may be glorifyit. Thirdly we suld keip the commandis of God with constance & perseuerance, for as our sal­uiour sais: Math. x. Qui perseuerauerit in finē hic saluus erit Quhasaeuir perseueris to the end, he sal be [...]auf. Sa constantly we suld kepe Gods cōmandis y t na tēporal paine, bostit or put to vs in this warld suld moue vs to breke thame. Sik ane cōstant seruand to God was Susāna, Dani. xiii of quhome we reid in y e buke of Daniel, that quhen sche was prouok it to the syn of adultery be twa auld Iugis, vnder na les paine, thane to be accusit in opin iugement quhilk was deid be the law, sche wald nocht grant to that synful deid, bot said thir wordis: It is bettir for me to fal in ye handis of men nocht doand euil, than to brak the law of my Lord God. Siclyke, that honorabil ald mā Eleazarus was ane constant kepar of gods law, [...]. Mac. 6. for he chesit earar to thoile ane cruel deid, yane he wald transgres and brek ane litil command of y e law quhilk was to forbeare the eting of Swynis flesche. Heir quhat he sayd a litil afoir he deit. I will leif to ȝoung men a stowt exempil, for I will w t [Page vii] ane constant mynd, dee ane honest deid, for y e maist haly law of God. To keip the commandis of God with ane constant mind, and nocht for to brek yame for feare of ony temporal payne. We haif ane excel­lent exempil of ye vii. brether and thair mother, de­clarit in the buke of Machabeis, quharof ane [...]ayd thir wordis to y e tyrrand: Parati sumus magis mori, 2. Mac. 7 (quam) patrias dei leges preuaricari. We ar reddy and content erar to dee than to brek the lawis of God, quhilk our forfatheris kepit. Mairouer thair mo­ther gaf exhortaciō to ilkane of yame, erar [...]o suffer deid, thane to brek ye commandis of God. Siclike all the Apostils and Martyris, with vther saintis in heuin kepit the cōmandis of God with constāce and perseuerance. Thus ȝe may leir how ȝe suld keip the commandis of God to his plesour. First keip thame all in thair hail nowmer. Secund keip thame all with ane rycht intencion, and for the lufe of god and eternal reward, quhilk is God himself. And thirdly keip thame al with ane constant mynd and perseuerance to the end of ȝour life, sa doand ȝe keip thame to the plesour of God, and ȝour eternal saluacioun.

The secund Cheptour.

QVhat panis or punitiones ar thai, Comminatiouns of panys a­gan [...]s the brekars of the com­mandis. Psal. 11 [...]. quhilkis eftir the scripture, God schoris to al the bre­kars and transgressouris of his cōmandis? The first punitioun in general, is the curse or ma­leson of God, according as the Prophet sais in the Psalme: Maledicti qui declinant a mandatis tuis. War [...]it and cursit ar thai quhilk gangis by ye commandis [Page] of God. Deut. 27 Thir cursingis ar expremit in speciall, in y e buke of Deuteronome, quhare we reid that the Leuitis, that was the ministeris of Gods lawis, stude on the hill callit Heball, & be the cōmand of God, pronuncit thir wordis. Cursit & wartit ar thai, The vva­ryingis o [...] malesonis of god, a­ganis the brekars of the com­mandis. quhilkis makis a gra­uin ymage, as ane God (and giffis ony godly honour to it) for it is abhominabil to God. Nochtwithstanding ymagis may be maid and had swa thai be weil and lawfully vsit as salbe declarit to ȝow eftirwart in the expositioun of y e first command. It folowis in the text of Deu­teronome. Cursit & wariit is he that honouris nocht his father and mother. Cursit and wariit is he y e transferris or takis away the trew mar­chis or boundis betuix his neichtbour and him self. Cursit & warryit is he yat causis ane blind man gang wrang in his iorney. Cursit & wariit is he y e peruertis ye iugement of ane puir stran­geir ane freindles man or woman or wedow. Cursit and wariit is he, that sleipis with his fatheris wif & opinnis vp ye couering of his bed, or that sleipis with his sister, or with his wiffis mother, or with his neichtbours wyf, & he yat strikis his nychtbour. Syne concluding thus: Maledictus qui non permanet in sermonibus legis huius. Cursit and wariit is that persone quhilk bydis nocht with perseuerance▪ in the wordis of this law. And to ilkane of thir cursingis & wa­ryingis afore rehersit, the peple ansuerd Amen. [Page viii] Eftir hend all this, Deut. 28. Le. xxvi. yai turnit thame to the bre­karis of the law, & spak to thame mair scharply saying: Cursit and wariit sall thow be in ye ci­tie, & cursit in the feild, cursit is y e barne quhar­in thow puttis thi corne, cursit is the frute of thi wambe, and the frute of thi erde, cursit is the drift of thine Oxin, and ye flockis of thi scheip. Thow salbe cursit comand in & gangand furrh It war to lang to reherse heir all the malesonis waryingis or cursingis, quhilk God in ye same cheptour schoris to the transgressouris of his commandis. Bot breuelie and schortelie, thair is na calamitie, na sorow or mischeif yat may chance to mā or woman in this warld, bot it is expremit yare. Sa horribil a sin it is to disobey wilfully the cōmand of God, & to do our awin will and nocht the will of God. Bot ȝit tell vs mair specially, quhat ar the plaigis quhilk God is wont and vsis to send to the peple for trans­gressioun of his commandis? Thai ar thre in special, hunger, pestelence, and the suerd, and repetit in syndry placis of the auld testament. Leu. xxvi. Esaie. i. The tem­poral pla­gis send of God a­ganis the brekaris of ye commandis. He that is makar and Lord of heuin & erde sais thus in Esaie: Gif ȝe will heir me, ȝe sal eit the guddis of the erde, bot & ȝe will nocht, bot pro­uoke me to anger, the suerd sall deuore ȝow. Mony siclik comminatiouns in Ieremie. Mo­ny in Ezechiel, mony in the laif of the Prophe­tis, full of terribil panys, bostit be God aganis the transgressouris of his commandis. [Page] And that siclike schoringis of God is nocht spokin in vaine testifeis well ye distruction of sa mony ex­cellent citeis, townis, castils: sa mony nobil kingis, princis & Emperouris. Was nocht y e cities of So­doma & Gomorra, Seboim & Adoma with Segor vtterly destroyit? Quhair is Troia & Babylone? Rome is nocht quarter samekil now as it was in Iulius Cesars dayis. Quhat was the cause that king Saul tynt his kingdome fra himself and all his posterite, i. Reg. 5: and efterwart was slaine in battall? Quhat was ye cause? Veraly his rebellion agains God, dispisand to do as the seruand of God Sa­muel commandit him to do in Gods behalf. Was it nocht ane miserabil mischance and calamitie that fell apon Sedechias king of Iewrie, quhilke for his rebellioun againe the king of Babylone, 4. Re. 25. to quhome he was thane subieck it be the ordinatioun of God, he was takin and bound with chenȝeis, his sonnis was slaine before his eyne, syne was baith his eyne put out, and was led blind in captiuitie in Babylone. Quharto suld we seik sa far of exem­pils of this mattir? Nocht lang syne, ȝe & alswa in our awin dayis, rycht many excellēt citeis and cun­treis with mony nobil mē, hes bein distroyit for na other cause bot that thai wald nocht obey the com­mādis of God. Thus ȝe may clerely se how sair ar the temporal plaigis, quhilk be the hand of God cummis vpon ye trāsgressouris of his cōmandis, Nochtwithstanding, to vs that ar christin pepel, ye spiritual plaigis of God suld be mair terribil. Quhat call ȝe the spirituall plaige of God? The [Page ix] spiritual plaig of God, Spiritual panis a­g [...]nis the brekars of the com­mandis. quhene he be his rych­teous iugement withdrawis & takis away his special grace & fauour fra ony man or woman. This he schoris in the Cantikil of Moyses, a­gane the peple of Israel: Abscondam faciem meā ab eis, e [...] considerab [...] nouissima eorū. I sall hyde my face fra thame, that is, I sall withdraw my fauour, presence & special protectione fra yame, and thane sal I considder quhat salbe yat [...] end. Eftir this maner, God almychty plaigit y e auld Gentils for yair abhominabil ydolatrie, quhen as saint Paul sais: Tradidit illos deus in desi­deria cordis eorum in immundiciam. Roma. [...] Tradidit illos deus in passiones ignomin [...]e. Tradidit illos deus in reprobū sensum, vt faciant ea que non conueniunt. God gaif th [...]me vp [...]nto thair hartis lust, that is to say, tholit thame to folow the lustis of yair hart into vnclenes, to defyle yair awin bodies in thame self. And a litil eftir, God gaif thame vp into schameful lustis. And ȝit againe: and as thai regardit nocht to ken GOD, euin sa GOD gaif thame vp, that is to say, tholit thame to fall into a peruersit mynde to do thai thingis quhilk was nocht cumlie. And nocht onlie the Gentilis was strikin with this plaige of sub­tractioun of grace, bot alswa the Iewis, as the Prophet sais in the Psalme: Psal. 80. Dimisi eos secundū desideria cordis eorum. I haif left thame to leiue eftir the desyris and lustis of thair hart. And suppoise warldlie and carnal peple quhilk ar geuin allanerli. to the lufe and cure of ye warld [Page] and of thair flesche, thinkꝭ yat this spiritual plaige be subtractioun of grace, is na plaig nor punicioun of god▪ ȝit in varai deid, yair is na temporal scurge of God to be comparit to this spiritual plaig. For it is writtin: Si prestes anime tue concupiscentia [...] eius, Eccle. 18. faciet te in gaudium inimicis tuis. And thow gif to thi self all thi sensual desiris and lustis, it sall cause the cum in greit dangeir, to the ioy of thi ene­meis. And quhat plaig can be greiter thane the pe­ple of God to want ye spiritual fude of yair saulis? quhilk plaig God schoris be the Prophet Amos: Ecce dies ueniunt dicit dominus, & mittam famem in terram, Amos. 8. non famē panis, ne (que) sitim aque, sed au­diendi verbum domini. Et cōmonebu [...]tur a mari vsque ad mare, et ab aquilone vsque ad orientem, circuibunt querentes verbum dn̄i & non inuenient. Behald the dayis cummis sais our Lord, and I sall send hungir vpon the erde, nocht the hungir of breed, nor the thri [...]t of wattir, bot of hering of the word of our Lord God, and yai salbe commouit fra the see to the see, and fra the North to the Eist thai sall gang about seik and y e word of our Lord God, and sall nocht fynd it. We haif now to ȝow rehersit temporal and spirituall plaigis, quhair with God strikis his peple for trasgression of his cōmandis. Is yair ȝit na other plaig of god, quhilk he schoris to the brekaris of his lawis? ȝis trewlie, the maist terribil, cruel and fairest of all without comparison ar ye panis of b [...]lt, quhilk salbe eternal w tout end, quhair of saint▪ [...]one the Baptist makis this com­minatioun: Math. iii. Ilk tre that bringis nocht furth gude [Page x] frute, sal be hewin doune and cassyn into y e fyre. The eter­nal panis orda [...]t for ye brekaris of the com­mandis. And the same sentence our saluiour giffis in the seuint cheptour of sainct Mathew, quhan to a­ [...]reis the sentence geuin agane ye vnprofitable seruand quhilk sal be cassyn into the outwart myrknes, thair salbe murning and chatering of teith. Bot abone all the laif the maist horrible wordis sall be pronuncit be our saluiour on the daie of extreme iugement, quhen he sall say to all thame that salbe found on his left hand that day, Math. 2 [...] depart fra me ȝe cursit creaturis into euer­lasting fyre, quhilk is preparit to the deuil and his angels.

The thrid Cheptour

NOw as we haif declarit syndry kindis of plaigis quhilk God schoris to al ye trās­gressouris of his commandis, Tēporall revvardis p [...]omissit to the ke­pa [...]s of ye cōmandis Leui. 26. sa na dout God almychty of his liberal gudnes hais pro­missit in the scripture greit rewardis to thame that kepis his command [...]s, temporal, spiritual and eternal. Of the first we reid in the buke of Leuitici: Si in preceptis meis ambulaueritis, et mādata mea custodieritis, et feceritis ea, dabo vo­bis pluuias temporibus suis, & terra gignet germen suum, et pomis arbores replebuntur. Gyf that ȝe gang in my lawis, and keip my commandis and do thame, I sal gif ȝow rayne in tyme conuenient, the erde sall bring furth the corne, the treis sall be full of frute, ȝe sal eit [Page] ȝour bred with fouth, & sall dwel in ȝour land with­out feir. I sall gif peace to all ȝour bordouris, ȝe sall sleip & na mā sal inquiat ȝow. I sal take away euil bestis, and ye sue [...]d sall nocht pas throw ȝour cuntrie, ȝe sall persew ȝour enemeis, & thai sall fall doune before ȝow, v. of ȝow sal persew ane hūdreth aduersareis, & ane hundreth of ȝow sal persew ten thousand enemeis, ȝour enemeis sal fal be ye suerd in ȝour sicht. I sall behald ȝow and mak ȝow grow and multiplie, w t mony siclyke wordis that folowis in the same, and mony other placis of the auld testament, GOD promissis temporal prosperitie to the peple quhilk keipis his commandis. And our sal­uiour Christ in y e euangil with ane word cōfermis the same promis saying: Math. [...]. Querite ergo primū regnū dei, et iusticiam eius, et hec o [...]a ad [...]cientus vobis. Seik first the kingdome of God, and ye rychteus­nes thairof, sa sall all the temporal thingis be mi­nistred to ȝow Gyf this be trew y t we say, how was it that certane Martyris deit for hunger, & alswa mony gude men and wemen leuis in greit pouertie and skantnes of yair necessare sustentation, quhilk S. Paul affermis of himself? It is trew that God sendis to his seruandis, sumtyme greit skantnes & extreme pouertie, and that for yair probatioun and encres of yair meritis be paciens, quhilk he thinkꝭ to thame maist expedient, bot maist commonlie the word is trew that is said afore: Seik for the king­dome of God, & ye rychteusnes yair of. Leiue nocht mydilnes, do ȝour deuore and dewtie exer [...]e ȝour self in conuenient laboris ilk ane man conforme to [Page xi] his stait, degre and vocatioun, and God will nocht tho [...]e ȝow want ȝour dailie sustentatioun.

Quhat is the spiritual rewardis, quhilk GOD ꝓmi [...]sis to yame yat ar kepars of his commandis? Spiritual revvardis promissit to the ke­paris of the com­mandis. Eccle. i. Eccle. 6. First eftir the wisman, he promissis spirituall wis­dome: Fili concupiscens sapientiam conserua iusti­ciam, & deus prebebit illam tibi. Sone gif yow de­siris wisdome keip rychteusnes, and God sall gyf wisdome to the. And in ane vther place he sais. Co­gitatum tuum habe in preceptis dei, et in mandatis illius maxime assiduus esto et ipse dabit tibi cor et cōcupiscentia sapientie dabitur tibi. Haif thi thocht in the commandis of God, and in his commandis be yow diligent, and God sall gyf the ane hart, and desire of wisdome sall be geuin to the. This is de­clarit weil be exempil of king Dauid, saying thir wordis: Super senes intellexi, Psal cxviii quia mandata tua quesiui. I haif had vnderstāding aboue my eldaris because gud Lord I socht thi commādis. Secund, he promissis incressing of grace and vertew, as it is said in the Prouerbis of Salomon: Pro. iii. Mis [...]ricordia et veritas te nō deferent, circundes eas gutturi tuo, et describe in tabulis cordis tui, et inuenies gratiam et disciplinam bonam coram deo et hominibus. Lat nocht mercy and verite forsake the, and thow sall find grace & fauour afore God and man. And saint Paul exhortand his Corinthianis to gif almous, sais thus: 2. Cor. 9. Augebit incrementum iusticio vestre. That is to say, quhen ȝe gyf almous accor­ding to the command of God, God sall make ȝow grow dalie in grace and vertue. Thridly, our sal­uiour [Page] promissis to the doars of the commandis the eternal blis of heuin, Eternall revvarde promissit for the keping of ye cōmandis Math. xix saying thus: Si vis ad vitam ingredi, serua mandata. Gyf thow will en­tir into the lyif, keip the commandis. Now ȝe haif hard quhow that God almychty schoris to punis the trangressouris of his commandis, w t panis tēporal, spiritual and eternal. And all wa quhow that he hais promissit to rewarde the keparis of his cōmandis with reward tēporal, spiritual & eternal. Quhairfor I can say nocht ellis to ȝow at this tyme, bot the same wordis quhilk Moyses y e seruād of God said to y e peple of Israel: Deut. xxx Testes inuoco ho die coelum et terram, quod ꝓposuerim vobis vitā et mortem, benedicti­onem et maledictionē. Elige ergo vitā, vt & tu viua [...] et semen tuū, & diligas dn̄m deū tuum at (que) obedia [...] voci eius et illi adhereas. Ipse est enim vita tua, & lōgitudo dierum tuorū. I call to witnes this day heuin & erde, that I haif proponit & schawin to ȝow, lyf and deed, blissing and cursing. Cheis thairfor the lyif yat thow may leiue and thi seid eftir the, that thow may lufe thi Lord God, and be obedient to his voce, and cleiue to him, for he is thi lyif and the lenth of al thy dayis.

The fourt cheptour.

The first cōmand.THe first table of Moyses, contenis thre cōmandis, quhilk schawis vs the dewtie or seruis quhilk we aucht to God in our hartis, our wordis and deidis. Wald ȝe knaw ye first command word be word as God gaif it? The seruand of God Moyses to quhome God spak face for face, rehersis it on this maner. [Page xii] Ego sum dn̄s deus tuus, Exo [...]xx. qui eduxi te de terra Egypti, de domo seruituris. Non habebis deos alienos corā me. Nō facies tibi sculptile, ne (que) omnem simi­litudinē que est in coelo desuper, et que in terra de­orsum, nec eorum que sunt in aquis sub terra. Non adorabis ea, ne (que) coles: Ego sum dn̄s deus tuus for­tis zelotes, visitans iniquitatem patrum in filios, in tertiam & quartā generationem eorum qui oderunt me, et faciens misericordiā in milia, his qui diligunt me, et custodiunt precepta mea. I am ye Lord thi God, quhilk hais brocht ye fra the land of Egypt, fra the house of bondage. Thow sall haif na other goddis bot me, y u sal nocht mak to y e (as gods) ony grauit ymage, nother ony similitude of ony thing y e is in the heuin aboue, or in ye erd beneth, nor of ony thing yat is in the watter vnder the erd. Thow [...]al nocht adorne yame, nor worschip yame (as goddis). Quhat gud dedis ar yai quhilk God biddis vs do in this first command? First the will of GOD is in yir wordis, y t we ken him trewlie in our vnderstanding, syne y t we serue him perfitly in our hartis & wil. How suld we ken god, or quharin standis ye trew knawlege of God quhilk he re­quiris of vs all. The trew knawlege of God is techit vs in thir wordis: Ego sum dn̄s deus tuus, Quhairin standis ye trevv kna­vvlege of God, quhilk h [...] requi [...]i [...] of vs. qui eduxi te de terra Egypti de domo seruitutis. I am y e lord thi god, quhilk hais brocht the fra ye land of Egypt, fra the house of bondage. First quhen god sais this word, I am. We suld leir y e God is eternal, quhilk had neuir begīning, nor sal haif endīg. He is allanerly in verai deid, for be his awin nature he is, nocht creat or maid of ony other [Page] thing bothe him self allanerlie is makar & former of all vther thingis. Exod. iii. Thus he sais in Exodi: Ego sum qui sum. That is to say, I am he that hais bein of my self only. And he bade Moyses schaw his name on this maner: Qui est, misit me ad vos. He y e is, send me to ȝow. Be ye quhilk wordis it is geuin vs to vnderstand, that God allone is be him self, of his awin natural existens, & that all thingis of this warld quhider yai ar visible or vnuisibil, able to be sein of vs, or vnable to be sein of vs, thai ar al creaturis of God, and hais thair being of him. In [...]a­mekil that thai may nocht be a moment of ane hour bot gif yat God almychty keip yame in yair being, sustein yame & gyde thame. Secund, quhen he sais this word: Exod. xx. Ego sum dominus I am the Lord. We suld leir to vnderstād y e hie maiestie of God, quhilk is the vniuersal Lord of all this w [...]rld Lord of all Lordis, and king of all kingis, quhais power is e­ternal, to quhom na creature may mak resistens, in quhais hād is our lyif and our dede, our saluacion and damnacion, a Lord of all knawlege & swa na thing can be hyd fra him, a Lorde off all wisdome, and swa misteris na counsellar, a Lord of al mycht power and autoritie and sa misteri [...] na helpar. Sa he only of rycht may be callit thus in general, the Lord, the Lord for alsmekil as he dois all thingis according to the plesour of his will, as saint Pau [...] sais to the Ephesianis: Ephe. i. Qui operatur omnia secun­dū consilium voluntaris sue. He wourkis al thingꝭ according to the counsel of his awin will. Thridly, quhen he says: Exod. xx. Deus tuus. Thy God▪ we suld vn­derstand [Page xiii] him to be the only giffar of all grace, the well quhilk can nocht be dryit, & perpetuall spring of gudnes, our lyf, our lycht, our strenth, our singular defence & protectioun, breuely our only saluiour and God of al consolacioun and confort, quhilk in all tymes and in all placis is redy to be to vs (als mekle as lyes in him) gētil, large, liberal, and mair merciful thane we can think or say. Hais God done ony special thing to vs, quhairin he hais schawin him self to be our Lord God? ȝe veraly. He schew him self to the peple of Israel, to be thair mychty lord and gracious God, quhen he brocht yame out fra y e la [...]d of Egypt, quharin yai dwelt mony ȝeiris as in a house of miserable th [...]ldome and bondage. Bot vnto vs al that ar trew christin peple specially he schew him self to be our mychty Lord & gracious God, quhen he deliuerit vs fra the dangier of the myrknes of hell, and fra the miserable captiuitie of the deuil, quharin we war all borne and haldin in. Bot he saffit vs nocht be y e mediation of Moyses, bot be the bitter and painfull passion of his awin naturall sone our mediatour and redemar IESVS CHRIST. Tharfor be all rycht we suld apply all our wittis, power and diligence to ken and keip all the cōmandis of our mychty & maist gracious God quhilk nocht only in general, The trevv seruice of god. quhilkvv [...] avv to him in ou [...] hartis. bot alsua in special hais done sa mekle for vs. Now eftir yat we haif declarit to ȝow the trew knawlege of God, we will gang fordwart and tel plainly quharin standis the trew and principal seruice quhilk we aucht to God in our hartis, quhilk he requiris of vs in the first [Page] command? In the first command quhilk is yis: Non habebis deos alienos coram me: Thow sall haif na vther gods bot me allone. God requiris of vs thir iiii. vertous, Feare, Fayth, Hoip and Lufe to be geuin to him, as to ane trew leifuād God. And quhen we gif thir vertewis or ony of thame, mair to ony creature than to him, quhilk is our only trew and leifuād God, than we haif in our hartis strange gods, quhilk is forbiddī in this first cōmand. The first principal vertew quharin standis the trew seruice of God, The feir of god. is y e feare of God, as it is writtin in y e buke of Deu­teronomi: Dominum deū tuum timebis, et illi soli serueis. Thow sall feare thi Lord God, and him only as thi God sall thow serue. How suld we feare our Lord God? Twa maner of wayis. The ane, as y e seruand fearis his maister, doand his maisters cōmand for feir of punision. And of this it is writtin in the buke of Prouerbis: Principium sapientie timor dn̄i. Prouer. 9 The beginning of wisdome is the feare of God. Quhat thing suld moue vs maist to feare god on this maner? Trewly to beleif sickirly the iugemētis of god, and vther panis & punitions quhilk God sēdis to synnaris temporallie, spirituallie & eternally, as we haif rehersit to ȝow afore in the prologe of the law. And oft tymes to haif in our mynd yis artikil of our Crede: Inde venturus est iudi­care viuos et mortuos. Fra heuin Christ our sal­uiour sal cum to iuge baith quik & dede. Thus the haly prophet and excellent king Dauid cō ­sauit [Page xiiii] in his hart the feare of God, quhen he said in the Psalme: Psal cxviii A iudiciis enim tuis timui feci iudiciū et iustitiā. I haif had dreddour & feare throw con­sideratioun of thi iugementis. And our saluiour Christ in the euangil of sainct Luke biddis vs haif this feare sayand: Timete eum qui postquā occide­rit corpus, habet potestatē mittere in gehennam. Luce. xii. Ita dico vobis hunc timete. Feir him quhilk eftir he hais slaine ȝour bodie, hais powar to cast ȝow in­to hel, I say to ȝow feir him. Secund▪ we suld feir our lord God as y e gud son feiris his father, doand his cōmand, nocht principally for feir of punicion, bot maist of all, yat he displese him nocht nor offend him in ony sort, lest he put him out of his company. And yis feir of God springis of lufe, for y e mair we lufe him y e mair we feir to offend him, and to depart fra his company. And of this feir it is writtin in ye Psalme: Psal xviii. Timor domini sanctus permanet in seculū seculi. The haly feir of our Lord enduris for euir­mair.

The fift cheptour.

THe secund principal vertew quharin stādis the trew seruice of GOD, The faith of god. Eccle. 2. quhilk he requiris of vs in this first command is fayth, quhar­of it is writtin: Qui timetis dominum credite illi, et non euacuabitur merces vestra. Ȝe that feris our Lord haif faith in him, or gif credit to him, and ȝour reward sall nocht be takin fra ȝow.

Quhat is fayth? Na dout bot the fayth quhilk is [Page] commendit in the scripture is ane vertue quharby we beleif nocht allanerly that thair is ane trew le­uand God, quhilk is eternal, almychty, mercifull, rychteous & faithful, bot alswa we gif ferme credit to his word, quhilk is sa trew that na thing can be trewar. Quhat thing suld moue vs to beleif the word of God? Trewly twa thingis. The ane is ye eternal and infallible verite of God, fra quhom na lesing may ꝓcede, na mair than myrknes may cum fra the cleir schenand sonne. Thairfor it is writtin: Non est deus quasi homo vt mentiatur, nec vt filius hominis vt mutetur. Nu. xxiii. God is nocht as a mā yat may mak ane lesing, nor ȝit as y e sone of man yat may be changeit. And our saluiour said spekand as GOD: Ego sum via veritas et vita. I am the way, ye verite and lyif▪ Ihon. xiiii And he sais alswa: Coelum et terra tran­sibunt▪ Luce. xxi. verba autem mea non transibunt. Heuin and erd sall pas, bot my word sall nocht pas. Thus we suld gyf ferme credit to the word of GOD, because GOD that spekis it, is y e eternal & infallible verite. The secund thing y e suld moue vs to beleif y e word of GOD & to knaw quhilk is the worde of GOD, quhilk ar the haly bukis quharin the word of GOD is contenit, and quhat is the trew sence of the same [...]ukis is ye consent and authorite of our mother the haly kirk, fra the Apostils tyme hitherto, and speci­ally quhen it is lawfully gadderit be the haly spirit in ane generall counsel, quharof sainct Augustine sais thus: Contra e­pistolam fūdamēti. Ego non crederem euāgelio nisi me am­moneret ecclesie authoritas. I wald nocht gif cre­dence to the euangel except that the vniuersal kirk [Page xv] warnis me sa to do And tharfor leir thir twa lesso­nis. The ane is, quhatsaeuir the haly spirit reuelis and schawis to vs, other in the bukis of haly scrip­ture, or in ye determinatiouns and diffinitiouns of general counsellis lawfully gadderit for the corro­boracion & maintenans of our fayth, we suld beleif ye same to be ye trew word of God, and thairto gyf ferme credens as to the verite that is infallible. The secund lesson, ȝe that ar simple and vnleirnit men & wemen suld expresly beleif al the artickils of ȝour Crede, as for al vthir hie mistereis & matteris of the scripture ȝe aucht to beleif generally as the kirk of God beleiffis. And this fayth is suffient to ȝow, for the perfectioun of that faith quhilk ȝe ar bund to haif, quharof we sal spek mair largelie in the expositioun of the Crede. The hoip of god. Eccle. 2. The thrid principal vertue is Hoip, quharof it is writtin: Qui timetis dominum sperate in illū, & in oblectationem veniet vobis misericordia. ȝe that feris our Lord, hoip in him, and his mercy sall cum to ȝow with plesour. Quhat is Hoip? It is ane vertew quharby we lip­pin to get all gudnes fra God, mercy and grace in this warld, and eternal blys in the warld to cum. Psal. 146. Of the first sais the Prophet in the Psalme: Be­neplacitum est domino super timentes eum, et in eis qui sperant super misericordia eius. Our Lord hais plesour vpō yame yat fearis him, and allwa vpon yame yat hoippis vpon his mercy. And quhy suld we nocht put all our traist and con­fidens in the mercy of God, seand that he biddis vs call vpon him in tyme of our nede, and promissis to [Page] heir and help vs: Psal. 49. Inuoca me in die tribulationis, eruam te et honorificabis me. Call vpon me (sais our Lord God) in the day of thi trubil, and I sal delyuir the, and for that thow sall honour me. And suerly we suld nocht mistrest him, for he sais thus be his Prophet Esaie: Nunquid obli­uisci potest mulier infantē suū, vt nō misereatur filio vteri sui? Esaie. 49 & si illa oblita fuerit, ego tamen non obli­uiscar tui. Will a woman forȝet hir ȝonge barne, and nocht haif pitie on the sone of hir wambe, & suppois sche forȝet, ȝet I sal nocht forȝet ye, sais our Lord. Of the secund and principall part quhilk is expectatioun or loking for the blys of heuin to be geuin to vs be ye grace of God principally, & our merittis secundly (quhilk merittis als ar ye giftis of God eftir sainct Augustine.) Sainct Paul sais thus: Roma. 5. Gloriamur in spe glorie filiorum dei. We glore and ar blyth throw y e hoip quhilk we haif to cum to the glore quhilk is promissit to the sonnis of God. Quhat suld moue vs maist to hoip in ye mercy and glore of God? Veraily that God is trew & faythful in keping of his promis, according as ye Prophet sais in the Psalme: Psal. 144 Fidelis dn̄s in omnibus verbis suis, & sanctus in omnibus operibus suis. Faythful is our Lord in all his wordis, & haly in all his deidis. Now as he hais els fulfillit his promis in ge­uing of his mercy & glore to his sainctis in he­uin, as Patriarchis, Prophetis, Apostils Martyris, Confessours & Virginis, sa suld we traist and hoip, that he will fulfill his promis to vs, [Page xvi] gif we feir him and with ane leifuād faith beleif in him.

The vi. Cheptour

QVhat is ye fourt principal vertew quhar in standis the trew seruice of God? Th [...] lufe of god. Eccle. 2. It is ye maist excellēt vertew of cherite, quhar of it is writtin be ye wisman: Qui timetis dominū diligite illū, & illuminabuntur corda vestra. Ȝe yat feris our Lord lufe him, and ȝour hartis salbe lichtit with the licht of grace in this warld, and with the lycht of glore in the warld to cum. Quhate is cherite? It is lufe, quharbywe lufe god for his awin saik, because he is al gudnes, & fra him cummis al gudnes, and our neichbour for gods saik, or in God. Quhow suld we lufe God? Four maner of wayis, as it is gaderit out of syndrie placis of the scripture, & al rehersit togidder in sainct Lukis euangil: Luce. x Diliges dominū deum tuum ex toto corde tuo, et ex tota anima tua et ex oībus viribus tuis, et ex tota mente tua. Thow sall lufe thi Lord God with all thi hart, with all thi saule and with all thi strenth and with all thi mynde, That is to say, lat all thi thochtis, all the partis of thi lyf, all thi wittis and vnderstanding, all thi labour strenth and diligence be direckit to God, and occupied in his lufe and seruice, of quhom yow hais all thir thingis geuin to the. Ȝet schaw vs plainly quha luffis God with all thair hart? [Page] Trewly thai that luffis God with ane trew knaw­lege in yair vnderstanding, haifand ane trew fayth in y e word of God without ony dout errour or heri­lie. Thairfor quhasaeuir doutis or erris in y e faith or stifly haldis ony fals opinioun condemnit be the kirk for herisie, yai lufe nocht God with al yair hart Secund, quha luffis GOD with all thair saule? Thai that luffis GOD with trew obediens in yair frewill without ony murmur, rebellioun or contra­dictioun. Sa yat quhatsaeuir God hais comman­dit yame to do, yai ar content to do it willingly with out ony cōpulsioun. And thairfor quhasaeuir dois ony deid commandit be God mair for lufe of tem­poral geir or for feare of temporall payne than for ony lufe thai haif to God, thai lufe nocht God with all thair saule. Thridly quha luffis God with all thair mynd? Thai that luffis God with ane perfite remembrāce, and forȝettis nocht quhat God hais done for thame, bot euir mair to yair powar thinkꝭ of y e benefitis of God quhilk he hes geuin to yame in thair creatioun▪ conseruatioun, redemptiun and dalie prouisiun▪ baith temporal & spirituall in body and saule. Tharfor quhasaeuir rememberis nocht siclike benefitis of God or giffis na thākis to him for thame thai lufe nocht God with all thair mynd. And last of all thai lufe God with all thair strenth and powar, quhilk ar content to occupy the strenth of thair body and al the powar thairof in ye seruice of God, according to his command all the dayis of yair life. Thai lufe nocht God with al thair strenth quhasaeuir occupyis yair strēth in doing euil dedis [Page xvii] or perseueris nocht in yair gud life. Thus we suld lufe God with all our hart be trew knawlege, with all our saule be perfite obediens in keping his commandis, with all our mynd be perfite remē ­brance, and with al our strenth be perseuerance. Quhat suld moue vs maist of all to lufe God? Trewly the lufe of God towart vs. For gif we consider quhat God hes done for vs in our creation, cōseruation & dalie ꝓuision, bot specially quhat lufe h [...] hes schawin to vs in our redēptiō, of necess [...] [...] mone conclude y t we ar oblissit to lufe god. Greit is y e lufe quhilk y e natural father & mother hes to yair childer, gret is y e luf quhilk the g [...]d mar [...] man hais to his gud wife, greit is the lufe quhilk ane trew freind wil haif to ane vther, bot as our saluiour sais: Ihon. 15. Maiorem hac dilectionem nemo habet, quam vt animā suam po­nat quis pro amicis suis. Greiter lufe hais na mā than yis, yat a man spend his life for his frein­dis. Sa hais our saluiour done for vs accor­ding as sainct Paul declaris to ye Ephesianis sayand thus: Christus dilexit ecclesiam, Ephe. 5. & seipsum tradidit pro ea, vt illam sanctificaret, mundans eam lauachro aque in verbo vite, vt exhiberet ipse sibi gloriosam ecclesiam, non habentem maculam aut rugam, aut aliquid huiusmodi, sed vt sit sancta et immaculata. Christ hais luffit the kirk, that is to say, the congregatioun and company of all faithfull men and wemen, and hais geuin him self for it, to sanctifie it, and clengit it in the fyuntaine of watter be the word of lyfe, to mak [Page] it to him self ane glorious congregacioun, haiffand na spot nor runkil, nor ony siclike thing, bot that it suld be haly & without repreif. And our saluiour sais in the euangil of sanct Ihone. Sic deus dilexit mundumvt filium suum vnigenitum daret, Ihon. iii. vt omnis qui credit in eum non pereat sed habeat vitam eternam. Sa God hais luffit the warld, yat he hais ge um his awin sone, that quhasaeuir belei [...]is in him can nocht perisch, bot mone haif the lyif eternal. This lufe of GOD toward vs plainly declarit [...]aint Ihone the Euāgelist saying: In hoc apparuit cha­ritas dei in nobis, i. Ihon. 4 quoniam filium suum vnigenitum misit deus in mundum, vt viuamus per eum. In this apperit the greit lufe of GOD towart vs, yat he hes send his only natural sone in yis warld, y t we mycht leiue be him. Maicatour y e same Apostle sais thus: In hoc est charitas, nō quasi nos dilexerimus deum sed quoniam ipse prior dilexit nos, et mifit filium suum propitiationem pro peccatis nostris. In this standis the greit lufe of GOD quhilk he hais scha­win to vs, yat we preuenit nocht god with our lufe, luffand him first, bot he preuenit vs first with his lufe schawand his infinite lufe first of all to vs, in that, yat he hais send his awin son [...] our saluiour Iesus Christ to vs, to mak ane perfite mendis, & iust satisfaction for all our synnis. Gyf we wil thar­for con [...]iddir the greit lufe of GOD syndry wayis schawin to vs it will doutles steire and prouok vs to lufe God agane. And thus ȝe haif four principal vertewis sch [...]rtly decla [...]it to ȝow, quhilk God com­mandis vs to haif in this first command, quhairin [Page xviii] standis the trew seruice, quhilk we aucht to God in our hartis.

The vii. Cheptour.

QVha brekis this first command? The trās­gressouris of the first command Math. x. First al yai yat feiris mā mair than God, for y e quhilk yai do mony thingꝭ wittinglie agane ye cōmand of God for feir of yair king, yair Lord, Lard, maister and siclike, quhilk is forbiddin be our saluiour saying: No lite timere eos qui occidunt corpus, animā autē non possunt occidere, sed potius timete eum, qui potest et animā et corpus per [...]ere in gehennā. Feir nocht yame yat slais ȝour body▪ and may nocht slay ȝour saulis, bot erar feir him quhilk eftir y t he hais slaine ȝour body▪ Heritykis hais powar to cast ȝour saule and body into hel. Secund al herityckis, quhilk stifly haldis false opinions aganis the trew faith of haly kirk, groundit vpon the haly scripture and de­terminatiouns of the kirk & counsellis of the same. The di­scripcion of herisie.

Heir it is expedient to descriue quha is ane he­rityk, quhilk discription we will nocht mak be our awin propir inuencion, bot we will tak it as it is els made and geuin to vs be twa of the maist excellent doctouris of haly kirk, Hierome and Augustine. Thir ar the wordis of S. Hierome, quhilk he sais in his Commentarie vpon the Epistle of S. Paul to the Galathianis: Quicun (que) aliter scripturam in­telligit quam sensus spiritus sancti flagitat quo conscripta est, licet de ecclesia nō recesserit, tamen he­reticus appellari potest. Quhat christin mā or wo­man saeuir thai ar, quhilk vnderstandis the haly scripture vtherwayis than the mind of y e haly spirit [Page] requiris, (be quhais inspiracion the scripture was writtin) suppois he gang nocht [...]a the company of the kirk, ȝit he may be callit ane heretyk. Now heir y e wordis of S. Augustin dis [...]riuand quha is ane heretyk: In lib. de vtilitate tredendi ad hono­ratum. Hereticus est vt meafert opinio, qui alicuius temporalis cōmodi, & maxime glorie principatus (que) sui gratia, falsas & nouas opi­niones vel gignit, vel sequitur. Eftir my opinion (sais he) he is ane heretyk, quhilk because of ony warldly profeit and maist of all, because of his awin glore and promotion leiffeis y e new [...]aith, and other makis or folowis [...]als and new opi­nions. hovv may the verite of our faith be discernit fra herisie Gyf ȝe speir agane at me, how may ȝe knaw the t [...]ew sence of [...]he [...] be ye haly spirit, & sa discerne y e verite of our faith, fra new and fals opin [...]uns callit hereseis? Trewly this ȝe may knaw and discerne be thre wayis. First be trew collat [...]oun, applicatioun and conferring ane place of [...] scripture til ane vthir, Collation of ye scri­pture. for cōmonly y [...] quhilk is put in ane place of the scripture obscuirly, the same sentē [...]e is put in a [...] othe [...] place of the scripture plain­ly. Aug de doctrina christiana lib. 2 ca. 9 Than quha sa hais the ingyne, cunning or knawlege to cōferre y e obscu [...]re place to ye plain place, may cum to ye trew vnderstanding of the obscu [...]e place. And maist o [...] al, it helpis vs to y e trew intelligence of y e scripture, to tak gud tent to the wordis that a [...] writtin immediatly afore the [...]e [...] [...]at [...]e [...]e [...]r or [...], and alswa yat fo­lowis eftir hend ye same▪ for sum tyme ye wordꝭ writtin afore, sum tyme the wordis writtin eftir [Page xix] hend, sumtyme baith ye wordis afort & eftir op­pinnis til vs ye trew and plaine sence of yat tex [...] of ye scripture quhilk we desyre to vnderstand. Bot because mony men reidis y e scripture, & hes nocht ye gift of y e haly spirit, call [...]t interpre [...]atio sermonū, the interpretation of wordis, that is to say (eftir ane exposition) of difficil and ob [...]cuire placis, Thairfor it is expediēt to cum to y e secu [...] way quhilk is y e expositiō of autentyk doctours appreuit be y e auctorite of haly kirk, & resauit be lang consent of y e christin peple, as Hierome, Expositiō of the d [...] ­cro [...]s. Ambrose, Augustine, Gregorie, Chrisostome, with mony vthir siclike, to quhome y e haly [...]pirit gaif ye gift of interpretacion & exposition of ye scrip­ture, & alsua leirit y e trew sence of ye same at yair doctouris & eldaris, quhilk likwais letrit y e same trew sence at thair doctouris & eldaris sa ascen­dāt to y e Apostils. Thairfor lat ilkane of vs heir and tak tent quhat the wisman sais: Eccle. 8 Non re pre tereat narratio seniorum ipsi enim didicerunt a patribus suis, quoniā ab ipsis disces intellectum, et in tēpore necessitatis dare responsum. Lat nocht t [...]e narration or instruction of thi wise eldaris pas by the, for yai leirit fra yair fatheris, & of yame thow sall lei [...] vnderstanding, & in tyme of neide to gif ane wise answer. Sa sanct Augustine writand aganis Iuliane y e Pellag [...]ane, Aug cōtra Iulian [...] Peligia [...] lib. 1. c. [...] rehersis c [...]r­tane doctouris quhilk was afore his tyme, and sais thir word [...]s: Quod credunt credo, quod tenēt teneo, quod docent doceo, quod predicant predi­co istis cede et mihi cedes▪

[Page]That thai beleif (sais he) I beleif, that thai hald, I hald yat yai teche, I teche, yat yai preche, I preche. gyf place to thame and yow sal gif place to me. As he mycht say plainly, & yow beleif ye auld doctouris afore me, yow alswa wil beleif me, for my doctrin in al pointis is conformit to yair doctrine. The thrid way to knaw quhat ar y e bukis of haly write, quhat is the trew sence of the same, The general coun­sellis. quhat ar the articlis quhilk ar herisie, is the declaracioun determina­tioun, diffinitioun and decisionis of general coun­sellis, gaderit togiddir and concludit be the inspiratioun of the haly spirit, quhame the father eternall and our saluiour IESVS CHRIST his natural sone hais geuin to the kirk to be ledar techar, and direckar of the same kirk, in all matteris cōcerning our catholike faith and gud maneris of the christin peple, quhilk catholike kirk is trewly representit in al general counsellis lauchfully gaderit in the haly spirit. Quharfor, he that will nocht heir resait and obey ye diffinitionis & determinationis of lauchful general counsellis concerning materis of our faith he is nocht to be acountit a trew christin man, accor­ding to the wordis of our saluiour: Math. 18. Si ecclesiam nō audierit, sit tibi tanquā Ethnicus et Publicanus. Gyf he will nocht heir the kirk, lat him be to the as ane infidele, vnchristinit, and ane Publican. Thus ȝe haif quha is ane herityk, and how he brekis the fi [...]st command. Of quhome saint Paul sais yi [...] wordis to his disciple Titus: Ad titum vlt [...]mo. Hereticū hominē post vnam et secundam correptionē deuita, sciens quia subuersus est qui huiusmodi est, et delinquit cum sit [Page xx] proprio iudicio condemnatus. A man yat is geuin to herisie, eftir the first and secund monitioun fle & forbeir his company, and knaw yat he yat is siclike is subuertit and synnis, euin damnit be his awin iugement, for als me [...]le as he resaiuit the fayth as trew & catholik, & eftir hend in sum part he gaugis fra it, & impugnis it. Or we may say yat he is danit be his awin iugemēt, y e is to say, he is damnit afore God, throw his awin, or for his awin electioun, wil­fulnes and stifnes of his hart, & will nocht leiue his herisie and returne to the catholike faith. Hoip in mā abone God. Iere. xvii. Thridly all thai brekis this command that lippinis mair in in the powar & help of man than of god, of quhome it is said: Maledictus homo qui confidit in homine. Cursit & wartit is yat man yat traistis & puttis his hoip in man. And thairfor the Prophet lais in the Psalme: Nolite confidere in principibus, psal. 145. in filus hominum in cuibus non est salus. Traist nocht principally in princis nor in y e sonnis of men in quhome is na saluatioun. Fourt all thai quhilkis [...]aistis owyr mekle in yair awin wisdome, Hoip in our avvin strenth ri­ches and vvisdome i. Cor. i. Psal. 48. strenth or riches and sa in tyme of thair neid callis nocht to GOD dewly for help, of quhome God sais thus: Pardam sapientiam sapientium, et prudentiam prudentium reprobabo. I will distroy the wisdome of the wise, and will cast away ye vnderstanding of the prudēt. And ye prophet in the Psalme reprei [...]is yame yat lippinnis in yair awin strenth and powar, and glo­ris in the abundans of thair riches.

The vii. Cheptour.

[Page] InfideliteFIft, al infidelis quhilk wantis the faith of Christ, and will nocht resaif it, of quhome it is writtin: Qui incredulus est filio, non vi­debit vitam, Ihon. iii. sed ira dei manet super eum. He that will nocht haif faith in ye son of God, sal nocht se ye lyse, bot the wrath of God bydis vpon him because he beleiffis nochtin y e only sone of God. Sext, Despera­tioun. Ephe. 4. al yai quhilk disparis of ye mercy of God promissit to vs in Christ. Of siclike sanct Paul sais to the Ephesianis: Qui desperātes, semetipios tradiderunt impudicitie, in operationem immundi cie omnis in auariciā. Thai be desperacion gaif yame self to wātones in doing of al vncleinnes and couatousnes. Presump­cioun. Seuint, yai yat presumis owyr mekil of thair awin nakit frewill and gud deidis doin be the powar of the same, traistis to be saiffit, and nocht principally be the grace of God, and be the merittis of Christ Iesu. Of quhome sanct Paul sais: Roma. x. Ignorantes enim iusticiā dei, & suam querentes statuere, iusticie dei non sunt subiecti. Miskenning the rychteousnes of God, and willing to maintene thair awin rychteous­nes, thai ar nocht subdewit to the rychteousnes that is of valour afore God. Aucht, quha euir luffis ony creature abone god, Spiritual ydolatrie or mair yan god, that same man in a maner makis a God of that creature, and cōmittis spiritual ydolatrie. Sa the couatous man makis a god of his warldly geir, the glowton makis a god of his wambe, gif a man dois ony thing aganis the command of God for plesure or lufe of his wyfe or barnis [Page xxi] in a maner he makis a god of his wife & his barnis. Quhasa also for lufe and pleasour of thair prince, yair Lord, or ony vthir freind, hurtis ony vther mā and hareis him out of house and harbarie, that mā forsakis the trew God of heuin & in maner makis a god of his king, his Lord or his Lard.

Alswa thai syn agane this command, Corporall ydolatrie that com­mittis corporall ydolatrie, quhilk is, quhen men or wemen, nocht only giffis till certane creaturis, or thair ymagis ye seruice of yair hartis, yat is to say, Faith, Hoip and Lufe, quhilk aucht to be geuin to God, bot alswa yai gif to yame the outwart seruice of thair body, as honour, worschip and reuerence, quhilk aucht to be geuin to God. Thus in ald tyme the Gentilis throw the blindnes of thair hartis, in­strunctioun and prouokation of the deuil, cōmittit corporal ydolatrie, to the greit iniure of God and damnation of yair saulis. Part of thame worschip­pit with godly honour the Sone, Sapi. xiii. the Mone and the sternis. Part of thame worschippit with godly honour the fyre, wynde or ane of the elementis. Some of thame gaif Gods honour to thame that was mortal men, as Iupiter, Mercurius, Mars, Venus, Diana with mony vthers. And nocht only thai tuke for thair goddis siclike mortal men and vther creaturis, bot alswa the ymagis of men and of vther creaturis, of quhome S. Paul sais thus: Roma. i. Mutauerunt gloriam incorruptibilis dei insimilitu­dinem imaginis corruptibilis hominis et volucrum et quadrupidum et serpentum. Thai turnit & gaif the glore of the immortal GOD vnto ane ymage, [Page] made nocht only efter the similitude of ane mortall man, bot alswa of Byrdis and four futtit beistis, & of creping beistis. And amang all the leife of ye be­nefitis of God, this is nocht the leist, that throw the preching of the euangil, he hais deliuerit vs fra all corporal ydolatrie, quhilk in auld tyme was wont to be vsit amang the peple, Psal. cxii. sa that now (thankis be to God) the wordis of the Prophet in the Psalme may be verifiet: A solis ortu vs (que) ad occasum, lauda bile nomen domini. Fra the rising of the Sone to the ganging downe of the same, laudable is the name of our Lord. That is to say, in all partis of y e warld y e haly name of ane eternal god is laudable.

All kind of vvitch­craftis & supersti­onis.The nynt, thai brek this command, quha saeuir vsis wichecraft, Nicromansie, Enchantment, Iu­glarie or trastis in thame, or seikis thair help, quhasa lippinnis to werdis or dremis, quhasa lippinnis to defend thair self or thair beistis, or geir aganis fyre, watter, swerd, noy [...]um beistis, with certene ta­kinnis or writingis supersticiously.

And gyf ony mā or woman wald say: Oft tymis we se, that thingis cūmis to passe, quhilk diumaris sais. Oft tymes men & beistis ar helpit be wytchis charmis. Oft tymes geir tynt or stowm, is gettin a­gane be cowngerars, and sa apperandly, it is nocht euil done to seike for siclike help. O y u wretchit and blind man or woman, yat thinkꝭ or sais siclike wor­dis. Knaw thow weil and vnderstand, that quhen sa euir thow speris or seikis for ony help, counsel, re­mede, consolation or defence at ony wytche, socerar cowage [...]ar or siclike dissaueris, thow dois greit in­iure [Page xvii] to thi Lord God, because that thow takis the honour & seruice quhilk aucht to be geuin to GOD allanerly, & giffis it to the deuil, quhilk is deidly enemie to thy saul, For without dout, all Wytches, Nigromanceris and siclike, workis be operatioun of y e deuil vnder a paction, condition, band or obli­gation of seruice and honour to be made to him. Mairouir yow sa doand, Aug. lib. [...]. d [...] [...] christ [...] cōdemnis thi awin saule to panis eternal, because that thow forsakis vtter­ly thi Lord God quhilk hais creat the to his awin ymage and liknes, & redemit the with na lesse price than with y e precious blud of his awin natural sone our saluiour IESVS CHRIST. Attouir yow bre­kis thi condition and band of seruice made to him in the sacrament of Baptyme. Fynally y u a [...]t made as ane Pagan, Saracene or Infidele and sall pe­rische for euirmair, except y u amēd thy lyfe be trew, [...] c [...]xli. de tempore. scharp, and lang penance. Quhat is deidly syn, bot wilfull transgressioun of the command of God? Than, how can yow that is ane wytche, or giffis credite to be helpit be Wytchcraft, excuse the f [...]a deidly syn and endles damnation s [...]and that GOD almychty expresly in his haly law forbiddis al kin­dis of wytchecraft and siclike deuilie saiand thus: Leui. xix. Non augurabimini nec obseruabitis somnia. Vse na kynd of wytchcraft, and tak na tent to dremis. And a litle efter hend: Non declinetis ad Magos, nec ab ariolis aliquid sciscitemini▪ vt polluamini ꝑ eos, ego dominus deus vester. Gang nocht to wit­chis for ony help or confort, nother seik for counsell at ony socerar, for sa doand, ȝe ar fylit in ȝour saulis [Page] be yame, for I am ȝour Lord God. And to mak an answar to thi argument. The deuil sumtyme in smal matters schawis to the the verite, bot to yat effeck, y finally he may cause ye gif credit to his lesingis and black falset, in maters of greit wecht concerning thi saul. Sumtyme he will help the to get agane the guddis of this warld, bot his intent is, yat finally he may cause y e tyne the guddis of the warld to cum. Sumtyme he wil help the to recouer the helth of thi body, bot to that effeck, that finally he may bring the to e­ternal dede of thi saul. Quharfor all trew chri­stin men and wemen, suld nocht only be the com­mand of God vse na kind of witchcraft, bot al­swa suld seik for na help at witchis, because yat all siclik doingis is iniurius to God, & damna­ble to mans saul.

Nother can thai excuse thame self fra trans­gression of the first command, yat supersticious­ly obseruis ane day mair than ane other, as cer­tane craftis men, quhilk will nocht begin thair warke on the saterday, certane schipmen or ma­rinars will nocht begin to sail on the satterday. certane trauelars will nocht begin thair iornay on ye satterday. quhilk is plane superstition, because that God almychty made the satterday as well as he made all other dayis of the wouke. Quharfor all lesum warkis may be begon als well on the Satterday as ony other day of the wouke, quhilk is nocht commandit haly day. Syclik supersticion is amang thame, that will [Page xxiii] nocht berisch or erde the bodis of thair freindis on the North part of the kirk ȝard, trowand yat thair is mair halynes or vertew on the South syde than on the North. It is nocht vnknawin to vs, that many and sundry vther sinfull and dānable kindis of witchecraftis & superstitiōis ar vsit amang sum men and wemen, quhilk at this tyme we can nocht reherse and reproue in special, thairfor according to our dewtie we re­quire ȝow forbeir thame all, because thai ar all damnable to ȝour saulis.

The tent, Temtatiō of god. yai breke this cōmand yat tempis God, and exponis thair bodie & saule to perrel, quhen thai may help thame self be vther lauch­ful menis and wayis.

The leuint, quha presumis of yame self ony thing, or is hilie and proud of goddis giftis, Elatioun and pride or makis a vant of yair wisedome or rychteous­nes, quha wyrschippis or luffis God allanerlie for temporal geir.

The twelft, quha lippinnis nocht vpon God in al places, in al thair lesum warkis and coun­sellis, quha doutis in goddis promis, or dispa­ris of his merry.

Fynally all kind of vnfaithfulnes, mistrast & desperation and presumption, or quhasaeuir is vnpacient & murmuris aganis aduersite send to thame be GOD, belangis to the breking of this command. And to ye keping of it pertenis al, quhat the hal [...] scripture spekis of the feir of GOD, Fayth, Hoip and Cherite.

[Page] Of imagisAr ymagis aganis the first command? Na, sa thai be weil vsit. Quhat is the rycht vse of ymagis? Imagis to be made na haly writ forbiddis (sais venerabil Bede) for the sycht of thame, specially of the crucifixe giffis greit compunction to thame quhilk behaldis it with faith in Christ, and to thame yat ar vnletterat it geffis a quik remēbrance of y e passion of Christ. 2. Para. 4 iii. Reg. 7 Num. xxi. Salomon in tyme of his wisdome, nocht without the inspiration of God, made ymagis in ye temple. Moyses the excellent prophet and trew seruand of God, made and ereckit a brassin ymage of a serpent (quhilk figurit the liftyng vp of our sal­uiour Iesus Christ vpon the crosse) and als, be the cōmand of God, causit mak the ymagis of twa an­gellis callit Cherubinis, quhilk thing thir twa sa excellēt men in wisedome wald neuir haif done, gif the makin of imagiswar aganis y e cōmand of god. It is to be thocht, that yair was neuir ȝit ony pure mortal man that had mair and perfitar vnderstan­ding of this cōmand than had Moyses▪ to quhome the law was geuin be the Angel of God in Gods behalf. And to Salomon was giffin mair wisdom yan was geuin to ony mortal king. Bot vtterly yis command forbiddis to mak ymagis to that effeck, that thai suld he adornit & wirschipp [...]t as goddis, or with ony godly honour, ye quhilk sentence is ex­premit be thir wordis: Exo. 20. Non adorabis ea ne (que) coles. Thow sall nocht adorne yame nor wirschip thame as goddis. Now we suld nocht gif goddis honour or Christis honour to ony ymage bot to God alla­nerly, representit be ane image▪ And the ymagis of [Page xix] the Apostils and Martyris with vtheris, represen­tis thair trew and co [...]ta it faith, quharin thai deit with greit panis for Christis lufe, quhilk quhen we se & remēberis, we suld beseik God in our praieris to gyf lykwais to vs a constant faith and a feruent lufe of God, quhairby we may be trew seruādis to God as yai war, & to folow yair gud exemple, that finaly we doand as thai did, may cum to be, quhair thai ar in heuin, Alsua the ymage of our lady the glorious virgine Marie, beirand in hir arme the bony ymage of hir sone commonly callit the baby Iesus, representis to vs the blissit Incarnatioun and haly byrth of our saluiour, yat he was borne of the glorious virgine Marie, that sche was and is the mother of y e natural sone of God as concerning his manly nature, thairfor the samyn ymage be re­presentatioun techis vs to honour & lufe the samyn glorious virgine as the mother of God.

The ix. Cheptour.

QVhar panis ar thai, Comminatioun of panis a­ganis the brekaris of the first command Eccle. 27 quhilk eftir ye scripture God almychty schoris to the brekaris of yis first cōmand? We sall reherse thame plainly and schortly. First, aganis thame quhilk wantis the feir of God, or that feiris man mair than God, it is writtin thus: Si non in timore domini tenueris te instanter, cito subuertetur domus tua. Gyf yow hald nocht thi self continually in the feir of God, thi house sall be soine cassyn downe. And in the secund cheptour of Ieremy it is writtin thus: Iere. 2. Scito et vide quia malum et amarum est, reliquisse te dn̄m deum tuū, et nō esse timorem mei apud te dicit domiuus [Page] deus exercitu [...] ̄. Ken and se, yat it is euil & bitter to y e, because yat thow hais left thi Lord God, & that my feir is nocht in the sais our Lord God of hostis. And aganis thame quhilk will nocht haif ye trew faith of halie kirk, or y e giffis nocht ferme credit to y e enangil of our saluiour Christ it is writtin in sanct Ihonis euangel: Qui incre­dulus est filio, Ihon. iii. non videbit vitam, sed ira dei mane [...] super cum. He that will nocht gif sure faith to ye sone of God, sall nocht se lyfe, bot the wrath of God, yat is to say, y e rychteous iugemēt of god bydis vpon him. And to gyfe bot ane example: quharfor was the fair and excellent citie of Ie­rusalem vterlie destroyit, in the xlii. ȝeir efter the passiō of our saluiour, quharin perisched al [...]uin hundreth thousand men and wemen, as it is gaderit fra Iosephus, Flauius and Egisippus? Trewlie for na vther cause principallie, bot yat thai wald nocht knaw the tyme of thair visita­tion, yat is, y e thai wald nocht resaif the faith of our saluiour Iesꝰ Christ, quhen he in his awin propir persone viseit yame with his preching & miraculis. Thridly, quha that wantis hoip in the mercy & help of God, or that lippinnis mair to the help of man, than of God, lat thame heir the maleson that God giffis thame be his Pro­phet Ieremie, Iere. xvii. quhilk is this: Maledictus homo qui confidit in homine, et ponit carnem brachium suum, et a dn̄o recedit cor eius. Cursit and wariit is that man quhilk traistis and lippinnis in mā mair thane in God almychty, & puttis his hail [Page xxv] defence, and principal succure in tyme of neid in ony flesche (thai is to say) in mortal men quhilk of yame self is brukkil, revil and waik, and vnable to help vs by the will and powar of God. And mekil mair thai fall in the same maleson of GOD, quhilk puttis thair traist and confidence in heip & succure of the deuil quhilk is our per­petual enemie, and fra the beginning hais bene a man slaar and stude nocht in verite, bot [...]u [...] ­mair is a lear, and the father and first beginnar of all lelingis. And of thame quhilk hais nocht the trew lufe of god and tha [...]r nychbour sanct Ihone the euangelist sais thus: i. Ihon. iii Qui non diligit manet in morte. He that hais nocht the lufe of God and his nychbour, dwellis in dede (that is to say) he remanis in deidly syne, and sa is giltie of eternal damnation. And thus ȝe may se, that quhasaeuir wantis ye four principal verteous quhilk God requiris in this first command, in­curris the indignatioun of GOD. Promis of revvardis to the ke­parsis of this com­mand. Ps xxxiii. Psal. xxxii And quhat rewardis ar promissit in the scripture to thame quhilk hes y e forsaid four verteous, ȝe may soine vnderstand. First it is writtin in the Psalme: Non est inopia timentibus eum. Commonlie thai want na warldly geir, quhilk feiris God. And agane in the Psalme: Oculi dn̄i super timentes eum, et in eis qui sperant super misericordia eius, vt eruat a morte animas eorum, et alat eos in fame. T [...]e eyne of our Lord behaldis on thame that feiris him. and alswa vpon yame quhilk hoipis on his mercy to deliuer yair saulis fra dede, & to [Page] feid thame in tyme of hunger and skantnes. And it is said in ane vthir Psalme: Psal. cxi. Beatus vir qui timet dominum. Happie or blissit is yat mā quhilk feiris our Lord, with mony siclike autoriteis. And to all yame quhilk hais the trew leiffand and wourkand faith, our saluiour makis this promis as we haif in sanct Markis Euangil: Mar. xi Omnia quecun (que) orantes petitis credite quia accipietis, et euenient vobis. Veralie I saie to ȝow, quhatsumeuir ȝe desire in ȝour praier, beleif yat ȝe sall resaif it, & ȝe sall haif it. And in the secund of Abacuk and in the first of the Romanis this promis is maid: Abacuk 2 Roma. i. Iustus meus ex fide viuit. My rychteous man be fayth (sais almychty god) sal leif. That is to say, y e mā or woman quhilk is iustifeit or maid rychteous in my sycht throw a leiff and faith, & therin is perseuerand, the same mā is he yat sal leiue the lyfe eternal. And it is said ex­presly in sanct Ihonis euangil: Qui credit in filiū dei, i. Ihon. iii habet vitam eternam. He yat trowis & fermely beleiffis in the sone of God, hais euirlastand lyfe, in this warld in hoip, & in the warld to cum in deid. Attour, how God almychty rewardis & sall reward all yame yat puttis yair hail hoip and confidence in his mercy and gloir, it is declarit in sindry placis of the scripture, specially be sanct Paul writand thus to the Hebrewis: Hebre. x. No lite amittere confidentiam ve­stram, que magnam habet remunerationem. Tak gud tent, that ȝe tyne nocht ȝour confidence, ȝour traist or hoip in God, for it hais greit reward. How can ony mortal man haif greitar reward than to be deliuerit and saffit fra ye deuil, syn, & eternal dede [Page xxvi] and to haif geuin to him eternal blys and ioy that neuir fall end? Roma. 8. Heir quhat sanct Paule sais to the Romanis: Spe enim salui facti sumus. We ar maid saif throw hoip. To quhome agreis the prophet in the Psalme sayand thus: Psal. 2. Beati omnes qui confidūt in eo. Blissit ar all thai quhilk puttis thair traist in God. The same halie prophet exhortand the pe­ple to put yair hail confidence in God, sais yit wor­dis: Psal. 6 [...]. Sperare in eo omnis congregatio populi O ȝe congregatioun of peple hoip in God: Effundite co­ram [...]o corda vestra. Powr out ȝour hartis afore him be trew & humyle confession of all ȝour synnis, Deus adiutor noster meternū. For God is our hel­par and sall neuir leiue vs. Shortly, and ȝe will knaw quhow largelie and diuersly God rewardis yame yat hais in him trew hoip and confidence, [...]eid or heir with diligence the Psalme that begynnis: [...] habitat in adiu [...]orio altissimi, Psal. 81. and ȝe sall find [...]ndry g [...]eit consolacionis, throw special promissis of defens, help and mercy & of eternal glore quhilk GOD makis in the same Psalme. And las [...] of all quha that lu [...]is God with perfite cherite, as this first cōmand requiris, optenis and gettis greit be­nefittis and giftis fra God temporal, spiritual and eternal. Roma. 8. Of the first spekis sanct Paul to the Ro­manis on this maner: Scimus quoniam diligētibus deum, omnia cooperantur in bonum. We knaw weil (sais sanct Paul) that all thingis cummis for y e best till all thame that luffis God. As he mycht say plainlie, God almychty hais sik ane special cure & prouidens on yame yat luffis him, yat he pe [...]mittis [Page] na thing [...] chance and cum to thame, quhilk he [...] not [...]t to yair weil & ꝓfeit. For quhen he [...] to yame prosperite, he turnis it to yair cō ­solatio [...], gi [...] thai get aduersitie, he turnis it to tha [...] pacience, & be his special grace, in tyme of yair seiknes yai ar exercit in meiknes, be mennis affliction [...]s & contradictionis, yai leir wisdome, be mennis hattred and malice, thai grow in lufe doand gud for euil. Thai vse all vertew to the gud gyding of thair life. Thai vse the precious body of our saluiour Christ being in the sacra­ment of the Eucharist to yair spiritual fude and refectioun. Thai vse the word of God to thair inst [...]ctioun. Thai vse the knawlege of sanctis and all gud men and wemen to thair exemple & edificatioun. Thai vse ye knawlege of euil men to thair zeile & compaciens. Thai vse the knaw­l [...]ge of yair awin synnis (quharof thai haif trew penance) to thair continual humiliatioun.

Thus we may vnderstand, that quhasaeuir luffis God with trew lufe vnfenȝetlie, be his special grace, all thingis turnis to thair weil & pro­fit. Of the secund our saluiour sais thus in the Euangil of S. Ihone: Ihon. xiiii Si quis diligit me sermonē meum seruabit, & pater meus diligit eum, & ad eum veniemus et mansionē apud eum faciemus. Quha­saeuir luffis me, he sall keip my command, & my father sall lufe him, and to him sall we cum, and mak our dwelling with him. Quhat thing can be to ane christin man better, or mair precious, [Page xxvii] than to haif the bliss [...]t Trinitie dwelland in the chalmyr of his hart, for doutles siclike men ma weil say with sanct Paul: Roma. 8. Si deus pro nobis quis contra nos. Gyf God be with vs quha can be a­ganis vs? And of the thrid reward quhilk is e­ternal, the Apostil sanct Iames writis plainlie on this maner: Beatus vir qui suffert tentationem, Iaco. i quoniam cum probatus fuerit, accipiet coronā vite quam repromisit deus diligentibus se. Happy is y e man that tholis trubil, for quhen he is preuit knawin, he sall resaif the croune of lyfe, quh [...] God hais promissit till thame that luffis him

The x. Cheptour.

ANd to cause all men and wemen leir & keip this first command with mair diligens, Ane gre­uous commination of panis & ane grati­ous ꝓmis of mercy quhilk God giffis in the end of the first command al­mychty God hais e [...]kit to the same ane greuous commination of panis, and ane gracious promis of mercy. Thir ar goddis wo [...]dis: Ego sum dominus deus tuus, fortis, zelotes, visitans ini­quitatem patrum in filios, in tertiam et quartā ge­nerationem, eorum qui oderunt me, et faciens mi­sericordiam in millia his qui diligunt me, et custo­diunt precepta mea. I am the Lord thi God, stark and iolious or eyndland, visityng or punising the iniquite or synnis of the fatheris vpon thair sonnis, into the thrid & fourt generatioun, of thame quhilk hettis me, and giffis mercy till a thousand of thame quhilk luffis me, & keipis my commandis.

[Page]Because thir wordis ar verrai excellent, & contenis sum difficultie, we think it expedient to opin yame to ȝow at lenth. Quharfor, it is to be notit, that in yir wordis & in mony v [...]hir placis of the halie scrip­ture, God requiris verray mekil ane thīg of vs al, quhilk is to knaw how he behaiffis him self towar [...] vs? Trewlie til thame quhilk contemnis, dispysis, and lythleis him & his godly lawis, he is ane mych­ty and potent iuge, to quhais powar & will na crea­ture may mak resistence. Bot till thame yat luffis him and his commandis, he is ane merciful father. And to cause vs vnderstand this ane thing, he [...]e­peittis thir wordis in the end of the first co [...]mand, quhilk he proponit in the beginning of the same quhilk ar exponit and declarit to ȝow in the same place. And that ȝe may vnderstand quhy he callis him self ane iolius or eyndland God, haif in ȝour remembrance, that in syndry placis of the scripture, God almychty comparis him self to a gud man, the saule of man, or the synagoge of the Iewis or the faithfull congregation of christin men and wemen, till ane spouse or ane gud wyfe. And the t [...]ew faith in GOD to a mariage as he sais be his Prophet Osee: Osee. 4. Sponsabo te mihi in fide. I sal marie the to my self in faith, & affermis the same, sayand be his Apostil sanct Paule writand to the Corinthianis: Dispondi vos vni viro, 2. Cor. xi. virginem castam exhiber [...] Christo. I haif mareit ȝow to ane man, to be ane chast virgin to Christ. Now thairfore, quhen al­mychty God callis him self ane Ioliꝰ or eyndlande God▪ he makis ane sair comminacion and greuous [Page xxviii] bosting of punition aganis all yame quhilk leiffis his faith, and gangis to idolatrie and heresie, fallis fra his hoip and confidens, to mistraist and disperacioun, & hais na trew lufe of God, bot rather con­temptioun. All siclike personis leiffis God the spi­ritual husband of thair saule, and committis spiri­tual fornicatioun with y e creaturis. Aganis quhom the Prophet sais thus in the Psalme: Perdi disti omnes qui fornicantur abs te. Psal. 7 [...] Thow O gud Lord hais destroyit all thame quhilkis committis forni­catioun, luffand ony creature mair thane the. As it is plainlie knawin, yat man is properly callit a Ie­lius or eyndland man, quhilk luffis his wife sa me­kil, that all tymes with greit cure and diligens, he takis tent, that na man steir or prouok hir till adul­trie, that sche be nocht begylit throw faire wordis or giftis spokin or giffin to that effeck. Efter siclike maner of speking, GOD almychty is callit ane Ie­lius or eyndland god, for als mekil as he will nocht be content gyf we lufe ony creature mair thane him, feir ony, or traist in ony creature mair thane in him, quhilk gif we do we commit spiritual fornica­tioun to the displesour of God, and damnatioun of our saulis. And to this effeck, in the end of yis first command, God giffis a sair comminatioun of ry­gorous punitioun aganis thame that leiffis him & contemnis him, and alswa ane swete & plesand promis of his mercy till al yame quhilk bydis & cleuis fast with trew fayth, hoip and cherite to him, to the entent, that the transgressouris, at the leist for feir of paine, may begin to turne agane to him, and all [Page] gud men and wemen, with ioy & blythnes may gang in the way of Gods commandis, till the kingdome of heuin. The sentence of the commi­natioun is this. I will visit & punis the synnis quhilk the fatheris dois, nocht only on the fa­theris, bot alswa on thair sonnis, procedand to the thrid & fourt generatioun, gif sa be that the sonnis follow the euil exemple of yair fa [...]heris gif yai het me as yair fatheris hettit me, gif yai transgres my commandis as yair fatheris trās­gressit, sa that the sonnis kei [...]and the command of God, be trew lufe as yai aucht to do, sal nocht be punissit with the eternal paine for t [...]air fa­theris synnis, suppoise sum tyme the sone is punissit with sum temporal paine for his fatheris syne, and that be the rychteous permissioun of God, for sum gud cause seyn to his deuine ma­iestie, and vnknawin to vs.

Now quhat is the swete and plesand promis of mercy, quhilk God makis till all gud men? It is this. I will schaw and gif mercy vntill a thousand, quhilk luffis me and keipis my com­mand. Behald christin man, how (as y e prophet sais) the mercy of God is aboue all his warkis, and as sais sanct Iames: Iaco. 2. The mercy of God gangis aboue his iugement, according as he sais in the Psalme: Psal. 88. Visitabo in virga iniquitate [...] eorum, et in verberibus peccata eorum, misericor­diam autem meam non dispergam ab eo. I sall vi­sit and punis thair wyckidnes with a wa [...]d, & thair synnis with strakis, ȝet I will nocht tak [...] [Page xxix] away fra yame my mercy. And thir wordis ar said to that effeck, that suppose we be greit synnaris, ȝit we suld nocht dispair of ye mercy of God, knawand weil and we will be his grace turne to him, he will haif mercy vpon vs, and gif we perseuere in his seruice he sal croune vs with the croune of glore in the kingdome of heuin. And gyf we will nocht turne to him, bot stiflie ganestand his vocatioun and folow our awin sensual will, lat vs nocht dout bot GOD sall be til vs ane rychteous iuge and ane rygorous punissar of our synnis. Thus we mak ane end of the first command, quhilk we haif declarit to ȝow sumquhat largelie, because it is the g [...]und & foun­datioun of all perfection, conteynand the trew and perfeit seruice, quhilk in our hart we aucht to gil til our Lord God, toquhome be honour and glore for euirmair. Amen.

☞The secund command.☜

The xi. Cheptour.

NON assumes nomen Dn̄i Dei tui in vanum, Exo. xx. nec enim habebit inson tem dominus eum, qui assumpserit nomen Domini Dei sui frustra. Thow sall nocht tak the name of thi Lord God invaine, for thi lord God sal nocht leif him vnpuni [...]it, quhilk takis his name in vayne. The or­dour of y [...] secund cō mand. How folowis the secund cōmand efter the first? As the first command techis the hart to feir god, to beleif fermelie his haly word, to t [...]aist [Page] vpon God, lippin all gud vpon him, to lufe him & to loue him thairfore, The rycht keping of ye secund command sa the secund command techis the mouth, how it sal vse y e name of God. And thairfor we sall schaw ȝow the rycht vse of ye name of God, quhilk standis in [...] pointis speciallie. Cōfession of our faith. First to confesse opinly the name of God and of our saluiour IESVS CHRIST, granting & expreming with our mouth, ye faith of our saluiour afore all men, quhen neid requi­ris, and nocht to cesse fra confession of the same for ony plesour or panis yat may be doine to vs be men. Of this cōfession our saluiour sais: Qui me confessus fuerit coram hominibus, Math. x. confiteb or & ego eum coram patre meo qui in coelis est. He that confessis me afore men, I wil confesse him afore my father quhilk is in heuin. Secundly, nocht only with our hart, as the first cōmand requiris bot alsua with our mouth, we suld loue god and thank him in all tymes, Louing & thankin of God. Ps. xxxiii. baith in prosperite and in aduersite, say and with the Prophet in the Psalme: Benedicam dominum in omni tempore, sempe [...] [...]aus eius in ore meo. I will blis the Lord in al tyme, euirmair his louing be in my mouth. Sayand alswa with Iob: Iob. 2. Si bona suscepimus de man [...] dei, mala quare nō sustineamus. Gyf we haif resaiuit guddis fra the hand of the Lord, quhy suld we nocht thoil payne or punissioun? Iob. i. Domi­nus dedit, dominus abstulit, sicut domino placuit, ita factum est, sit nomen domini benedictum. The Lord hais giffin, the Lord hais takin away, as it plesit the Lord, sa it is done, blissit is ye name [Page xxx] of the Lord. Thridly, Teching or prechīg the vvord of God. the name of y e Lord God is richteously vsit, quhen his haly word is trewly set furth, baith priuatlie & opinly. Priuatly quhen ye father techis his childrin & barnis, the master his seruandis, the scuile master his disci­ples, how thai suld trow the artikillis of thair Crede, how thai suld keip & ken the cōmandis of God, and fle fra all synnis, and how thai suld pray to God for grace, be deuote and faithfull prayar and sayng of thair Pater noster.

Opinlie, quhen trew ministaris of Goddis word declaris it sincerelie and purely, to the edi­ficatioun of the peple, in Faith, Hoip & Cherite. Quhilk office belangis in special to al & syndry prelatis & personis of ye kirk, to ilkane of yame sanct Paul sais thir wordis: Predica verbū, insta opportune, importune, argue, obsecra, increpa, 2. Timo. vltimo. in omni pacientia et doctrina. Preche thow the word, be feruent, quhidder it be takin in seasson or out of seassoun (that is, quhidder the peple be content or discontent with the trew worde) ympreif, repreif, exhort with all suffering and doctrine.

Fourtly, Faithfull praying to God. we vse the name of God, as we suld do, quhen we make trew and faythfull inuoca­tioun to his name, prayand to him deuotely for his grace, yat we may ordayn all our thoch­tis, wordis and deidis to his godly plesour, and that he wald deliuer vs fra all our aduer­sareis according to his plesour.

[Page]This is y e trew seruice quhilk God requi [...]is of vs, that we lippin nocht in our awin powar, wisedome, and g [...]dnes, bot only in the powar▪ wisedome, and gudnes of God euirmair calling for his grace to be with vs in all our deidis, quhilk gyf we do, we sall suerly be sai [...]fit, according to y e promis of God maid in the secund of Iohel: Omnis qui inuocauerit nomen Domini, Ioh [...]l. 2. saluus erit. Quhasaeuir sall call vpon the name of our Lord God, sal be saiffit.

The fift point, quharin standis the rycht keping of yis cōmand, is (quhen necessite requiris) to sweis lau [...]hfully be the name of God, according as it is wri [...]tin: Deut. 6. Dominum deum tuum timebis, et illi sol [...] ser [...]es et per nomen illius iurabis. Thow sall [...]ei [...] thi Lord God & him only (as God) sal thow serue, and be his name thow sall sweir. Heir it is expedi­ent to schaw quhat is sweiring. & quhow mony verteous conditionis ar requi [...]it to lauchful sw [...]i [...]ing?

As conce [...]ning the first: Sweiring is nocht els bot inuocatioun or calling on God to beir witnes to vs, that our wordis ar trew, quhen we a [...]fe [...]me ony thing to be trew, or that we sall fulfil ou [...] promis. For as sanct Augustine sais: it is all ane thing to say, be God, & to say, God is my wytnes. Secund, quhow many verteous conditionis ar requirit to ane lauchfull eith? Thre, quhilk ar plainly expre­mit in the fourt of Ieremie: Iere. 4. Et iurabis: v [...]ui [...] domi­nus, in veritate, et in iudicio, & in iustitia. Thow sal sweir, the Lord le [...]ffis (that is to say, as trew as the Lord lei [...]fis) in verite, iugement, and rychteousnes.

The first conditioun requirit to ane lauchfull [Page xxxi] eith is verite or truth. Thow suld be sikkar that the cause or matter quhilk thow confermis with ane eith is trew. The secund conditioun is rychte­ousnes. Thow suld be sykkar yat the thing quhilk thow [...]ais is iust, or yat, quhilk yow promi [...]is to do with ane eith, may be iustly and lauchfully done. The thrid conditioun is iugement (that is to say) discretioun For thow suld nocht sweir at all tymes nor for all matteris, suppose thai be trew and iust, bot allanerlie quhen greit neid requiris, and thane with greit deliberatioun, discretion, and auisement. Gyf thow wantis ony of thir thre conditionis, thi eith is vnlauchful, & (as sanct Heirome sais) plaine periurie or meinsweiring. When thow sweris with out verite, thow makis ane fals eith. Agane, quhē thow sweiris w tout rychteousnes, thow makis ane vniust and wi [...]kit eith. When thow sweiris hastelie without the iugement of discretioun, thov makis ane vaine and fulehardie eith. And [...]a doand thre maner of wayis yow brekis this command ta [...] and the name of God in vaine. And this doctrine is cō ­forme to the expositioun of this command, quhilk our saluiour giffis in ye euangil, sayand thus: Math. v. Au­distis quia dictū est antiquis, nō periurabis, reddes autem dn̄o iuramenta tua. Ego autem dico vobis, nō iurare omnino, nec per coelum, quia thronus dei est, ne (que) per terram, quia scabellum est pedum eius, ne (que) per hierosolimā, quia ciuitas est magni regis, ne (que) per caput tuum iuraueris, quia non potes vnū capillum album facere aut nigrum. Sit autē sermo vester est est, non non, quod autem his abundantiu [...] [Page] est. a malo est. Ȝe haif hard quhow it was said to thame of auld tyme, thow sal nocht forsweir thi self, bot sall performe thi [...]ith to God: bot I say to ȝow, sweir nocht alutterly (that is to say, sweir nocht without verite, rychteousnes and discre­tioun as is aforesaid) nother be heuin, for it is goddis sei [...], nor ȝit be y e erd, for it is his futstule, nother be Ierusalem for it is the citie of y e greit king, nother sall thow sweir be thi heid, because thow can nocht mak ane hair quhyt or black. Bot ȝour talking sal be, ȝe ȝe, na na, for quhat­ [...]uir is mair thane this, that cummis of euil. Qu [...]ilk suld be vnderstand swa, yat nochtheles quhen my nychbouris neid or profit requiris & t [...]e Iuge biddis me sweir y e verite, [...] God. I may sweir lesumlie thane, for that is nocht to tak the name o [...] God in vaine, bot to haif it in greit price, & as maist halie, quhen ye verite and rycht is confer­mit be it, the lesing is confoundit, men is brocht to peace and rest, obediens aucht to the Iugis, and hear auctoriteis is completit, ye pley ceissit, Sanct Paul swair oft tymes in his Epistils, Roma. i. to conferme the verite, saying thus: Testis enim mihi est deus. God is my witnes, or I tak God to witnes.

The xii. Cheptour.

Brekaris of the se­cund command.QVha brekis the secund command? Thai yat sweris be the name of god fulehardie, nocht taking tent of ane euil vse, thai yat sueris ane lesing, mainsueris yame self, wariis, [Page xxxii] bannis and widdillis thair saule, to excuse yair fault, or for ony vaine mater. Thai that brekis thair eith or vow, quhilk was wisely maid, and mycht be kepit to the louing of God. And that that sweiris lesum mariage amang yame self & keipis it nocht, ar mainsworne & brekis this cō ­mand. Thai that vowis and oblissis thair self be ane eith, to ony vnlesū euil thing. Thai that tellis thair awin fantaseis for Goddis worde, or takis Goddis word to conferme thair fals te­ching or heresie with al. Thai that luffes nocht and louis nocht the name of God for all thing, baith in prosperite & aduersite. Thai yata [...]u [...]s the name of god to coungeir y e deuil be inch [...] ­mentis, be expresse or priuat pactio [...]is with him or waittis on siclike or ony of the laif of the a­busis of the name of god, & mendis thame nocht to thair powar. Thai that will nocht chasteis or snibe yair barnis fra lesingis, sweiring, ban­ning & widling, and techis thame nocht to lofe GOD and thank him at al tymes, nocht allanerly for meit or clayth or temporal geir, bot for all gudnes in saule and bodie, and will nocht teche thame to call vpon the name of God in all ne­cessiteis and perillis, to defende thame fra all thair enemeis. For thair is na thing that d [...] ­plesis the deuil samekil and stoppis all euil, as to call vpon goddis name with faith and de­uotioun. Fynallie, thai brek this com­mand, that ar in thair wordis prydful, h [...]l [...] [Page] vaine glorious, thai that auantis or prysis thame self of thair wisdome, rychteousnes, ryches, strenth or ony vther thing, ascriuand the samyn to thame selfis, or yair throw dispysis yair nychtbour, as did the pridful Pharisiane. For the quhilk & all vther gud, the glorious name of God allanerlie suld be louit and thankit And (yat suld haif bein said first) all thai abusis the name of God aganis the secund cōmand, quhilk being ouircummit w t fair wordis, giftis or panis, denyis God our saluiour Christ, & the trew catholik faith of haly kirk. Alswa, thai yat with yair euil maneris, lyfe & conuersatioun, causis the name of Christ to be blasphemit amang ye In­fidelis. Alswa, all negligent and ignorant prelatis & personis quhilk aucht be thair office to set furth the word of God and instruck ye peple quhilk be­langis to thair cure and negleckis or will nocht do it, yai syne aganis this command.

Comminatioun of panis to the bre­ka [...]is of this com­mand.To the secund command is eikit a greuous cō ­minatioun of punisioun aganis all the transgres­souris of the same: Nec enim habebit dn̄a insontem eum, qui sumpferit nomen dei sui frustra. Our lord God sall nocht a compt him to be ane innocent, that is sal nocht lat him be vnpunissit, quhilk takis the name of his Lord God in vaine. The sentence of this cōminatioun is this, quhasaeuir yai ar, quhilk abusis ye name of God, be ony vniust, fals or vaine eith▪ sal be greuously punissit of God other in this warld, or ellis in the warld to cum. And suppose thair is mony greit synnis committit and doine a­mang the peple, quhilk be the rychteous iugement [Page xxxiii] of God is abil to bring vpon vs the greit scurge of God, as the swerd, the post and darth, and skāt­nes of vittallis, ȝit vndoutandly, the abhominabil abusioun of the name of God amang al the laif, ȝe and apparādlie abone all the laif, inducis and bringis apon vs the vengeance of God, & all his scurgis & plaigis. Meinsweiring, vain swering, horribil blasphematioun of the mem­beris of our saluiour Christ, vnreuerent swe­ring be his blude, be his woundis, be his bodie, quhilk wordꝭ ar vgsum to ony gud christin mā or woman to heir, nochtheles, yai ar vsit amang the peple without ony sufficient repreif and pu­nischment. Quharfor, lat euery christin man & woman, bot specially al house haldaris, tak gud tent to the wordis quhilk the Wisman sais: Ec. xxiii. Vir multum iurans implebitur iniquitate, & nō discedet a domo illius plaga. The man yat is a greit swe­rar sal be full of wikitnes, and the plaige of god sall nocht pas by or gang fra his house. It is expedient thairfor, that ilkane houshaldar, first to reforme him self fra al vnlauchful and vaine sweiring, syne ordand sum honest and scharp punitioun be the maner of ane law in his house, a­ganis all thame that hais vse or custome to tak the name of God in vaine, yat thai may eschaip the plaige of God, and vse ye name of God with deuotioun and reuerence, as it becummis ye ser­uandis of God to do.

[Page]The heretik Arrius blasphemit our saluiour Christ denyand his deuinitie, bot he eschapit nocht the vengeance of God, for quhen he passit to the scheild to purge his wame, al his bowallis & guttis fell doune throw him, and swa deit miserablie. Cerinthus, quhilk likwayis denyit the Godheid of our saluiour, the house quharin he was bathand and weschand him self, fell doune apon him & slew him. Rapsases, quhilk was lieutenant and cheif captane of the greit oist of the Assyrianis▪ he blas­phemit the Lord God of Israel, for the quhilk, the angel of God in ane nycht slew him with a hūdreth fourscoir and fiue thousandis of the Assyrianis ar­mye, 4. Reg. [...] & the king of ye Assyrianis ȝeid hayme & was slaine be his awin sonnis. Quharto suld we speik mair of this matter, all the Cronickillis and histo­ries of y e warld beiris witnes, yat meinsworne men, greit sweraris, abhominabil blasphemaris, cheapi [...] neuir greit punitioun, othir a gait or vthir. Sa horribil a syn it is to abuse the halie name of our Lord. Promissis of revvar­dis to the keparis of this com­mand. And on the vther part, to knaw quhat greit rewardis ar promissit in the scripture to all thame quhilk kepis this command, we neid nocht to vse lang declaratioun. Ȝe hard afore be the Prophet I [...]hel, how that saluatioun is promissit till thame▪ quhilk faythfully callis on the name of the Lord. And in the first buke of the kingis it is said thus: Quicun (que) honorificauerit me glorificabo eum. i. Reg. 2. Quhasaeuir sall honour me, I sall glorifie him. And the Prophet sais in the Psalme: Psal. [...]7. Laudan [...] in­uocabo dominum, et ab inimicis meis saluus er [...]. [Page xxxiiii] I wil lofe and call on the Lord and sa sal I besa [...]l fra my enemies. And alswa ane excellent pro­mis is maid in the Psalme, that quhasa sweiris to his nychbour ane lauchful eith & begylis him nocht sall dwel in the tabernakil of our Lord, Psal. xiiii. and rest in his halie hil. And quhasa prayis deuotly in y name of Christ, he hes ane ꝓmis maid to him, Ihon. xvi. yat quhat­saeuir he aske of God the father eternal, it sall be grantit to him. Now tak tent I pray ȝow, quhow greit gud to man it is to be saiffit, to be glorifyit, to be deliuerit fra our enemies, to dwel in ye taberna­kil of God ▪ & to optane fra God all our petitionis, quhat can we de [...]yre mair? To God thairfor be ho­nour and glore euirmair. Amen.

☞The thrid command.☜

The xiii. Cheptour.

MEmento vt diem sabba [...] sanctifi­ces. &c. Remember that thow hallow the Sabboth day. How followis this command, Theordo [...] of ye thrid command in ordour efter ye secund & the first? As the first command techis the hart, ye secund cōmand y e mouth, [...] the thrid command techis the outwart memberis how yai suld haif yame self in y e rycht worschipping of God. Quhat is the cause that this command begynnis w t this word Remember? As experiens schawis vs, we ar all ouirmekil geuin to ydelnes, sweirnes & carnal lustis of y e bodie, quhilk causis [Page] vs to be owyr negligent in the trew seruice of God, with our body and membris thairof. To bring vs yarfor fra yis negligens in the begin­ning of this thrid cōmand, God sais Remēber, be nocht sweir or negligent, bot tak gud tent token & keip this cōmand. Declara­tion of ye Sabboth day. Quhat is the sabboth day, quhilk God commandis to be hallowit? This worde Sabboth day is nocht ellis bot a day of rest, and vnto the Iewis it was the seuint day of y e wouk quhilk we cal Satterday, quhat day the Iewis yair self, thair barnis, seruandis and bestis suld haif rest fra all bodily seruice or seruile labouris, quhilk seruandis mycht do or was wont to do. Ar we christin peple oblissit to keip that sabboth day with the Iewis? Quhen we spek of the sabboth day, we suld cōsider twa thingis, The cere­monie of the sab­both day. the tane is ceremonial, y e vthir is moral. As cōcerning the ceremonial quhilk was nocht ellis bot yat yai suld keip yair sabboth day allanerlie apon the seuint day of the wouk, we ar nocht oblissit to keip it, for our saluiour Christ be the merittis of his passion, hais deliuerit vs al fra y e bondage of the law of Moyses, in takin quharof ye vail of the tēpil raif in pecis in tyme of his passioun. Gala. 4. And the Apostil sanct Paul re­preiffis rycht scharply the Galathianis for yat, that thai obseruit dayis & monethes, tymes and ȝeiris efter the ryt and custome of y e Iewis. Sa we ar nocht oblissit to keip ye sabboth day apon the satterday as the Iewis did be cōmand of the law. The moralitie of ye sabboth day. Bot as concerning y e moralite of y e sabboth [Page xxxv] day; we suld keip it on the Sundayis & vthir halie dayis commandit be the haly kirk to be kepit haly. Quhy was ye sabboth day translatit and changeit to y e Sunday? First, The translatioun of ye saboth dai to the Sunday. yat we christin men suld nocht be lyke Iewis, trowand yat the Sabboth day was haliar thane ony vther day of the wouk in the awin nature, bot to christin men all dayis suld he haly. Mairouir, as the sabboth day was cōmandit to be kepit haly, in resting fra al labouris, in remēbrance of that rest quhilk God restit the seuint day efter ye creatioun of the warld. Sa we christin pepil be the ordinatioun of the Apostillis and haly kirk, keipis haly the Sunday, in the remembrance of yat rest, quhilk our saluiour tuk in his bodie within the se­pulture efter the wark of our redemption, quhen he deliuerit vs fra the dangier of syn, the deuil, & hell, and vpon the Sunday eirly in the morning, raise potently in body and saule, owyr came the dede and began a glorious and immortall lyfe, quharto we hoip to cum be faith and obediens to his law.

Mairouir, Of ye spi­ritual and continual rest of our consciens. it is heir to be notit yar the ceremony of the Sabboth day, quhilk the Iewis kepit, was ane figure be ane morall significatioun of that spi­ritual rest, quhilk all we christin men and wemen suld haif in our conscience all the dayis of our lyfe. For that amang the Iewis, nother man nor best mycht work ony wark on ye seuint day, quhilk was callit thair Sabboth day, bot all tuik thair temporal and corporal rest fra all labouris, it was ane figure be ane moral significatioun, yat christin men & wemen suld get rest in yair consciens be ane [Page] leiuand fayth in Christ Iesu here in this warld, & finally eternal rest in the warld to cum. And yat we suld rest fra our awin carnal warkis, that we suld mortifie our fleschlie desyris, quhilk, the mair yat thai ar mortifyit, we haif the mair rest in our consci­ence. And this spiritual sabboth day suld we keip continually all the dayis of the wouke, & it is callit Iuge sabbatum, that is to say, the continual rest of our consciens, for as cōcerning the spiritual rest of our consciens all dayis suld be elyk. And to this spiritual rest of our consciens Christ our saluiour callis vs all sayand thus: Math. xi. Venite ad me omnes qui laboratis, et onorati estis, et ego reficiam vos. Tollite sugum meum super vos, et discite a me quia mitis sum et humilis corde, et inuenietis requiem animabus vestris. Iugum enim meum suaue est, et onus meum leue. Cum to me all ȝe that laboris and ar ladin with byrdingis, and I sall refresche ȝow. Tak my ȝok vpon ȝow, and leir fra me, for I am gentil and meik in hart, and ȝe sall fynd rest in ȝour saulis, for my ȝoik is sweit & my byrding is lycht. Quhow suld we keip the sunday haliday? Eftir yis maner, The rycht keping of this com­mand. yai yat ar all the wouke in labouris & cum­mis nocht, or may nocht get leif to cum the laif of y e wouke to the kirk, on the sunday suld haif rest and space to conuein and gadder with the laif, to thank and loif God, heirand deuotly y e deuine seruice, & specially the hie Mes, or at the lest ane said Mes, & alswa heir the word of God prechit gif thai may get it. Offer to god thair hart contrite as ane spiritual sacrifice, gif thai haif maid in the wouke dayis ony [Page xxxvi] falt to yair nychbour, on the sunday to be reconsalit to him agane, and mak him amēdis at yair powar, loif & thank God for all his benefitis geuin to him generallie or speciallie, pray to God for his grace & his mercy, for incres of faith, hoip & cherite amang christin peple. That God (gif it be his will & godly plesour) prosper the fruitis of the ground, ceise all weris, stanche all pestilent seiknes. Mairouir on the sunday, the father suld teche his barnis, the mastir his seruandis, to ken and feir God▪ to ken y e artikillis of our fayth, how yai suld say thair Pater noster to God, with faith and deuotion, to ken and keip the commandis of God, to forbeir all deidly synnis, thus suld thai do als mekil as thai [...]an and may, according to the grace of God geuin to yame. Furthermair, on the sunday men suld rest fra bodi­ly labouris in getting of temporal geir, except sum greit necessite or vtilite of him self or of his nych­bour or of the commen weil, quhilk may nocht be weil postponit may excuse thame. And abone all this, all men and wemen with diligens, nocht only suld forbeir vice and syn on the Sunday and all o­ther dayis, bot specially on the sunday, suld eschew all ydilnes, vaine talking, bakbyting, sclandering, blasphematioun of the name of God, and conten­tioun and also all occasionis of syn, as dansyng, vnnecessarie drinking, wantones, lecherous sangis & tweching, hurdome, carting and dysing, & specially carreling and wanton synging in the kirk, and all vthi [...] vice quhilk commonly hes bein maist vsit on the sunday. Agane on the sunday we suld nocht [Page] only offre our hart to God, bot alswa we suld offer part of our warldly geir, be almous deid to the puir peple, euerilk man and woman mekil almous or litil, as God hes geuin to him warldly substance. Breuelie, on the Sunday men and wemen suld fulfil (mair thane ony other day) all the deidis of mercy and cherite to the puir.

Quha brekis yair halie day? All thai quhilk will nocht exerce and occupy thame self in thir spiritual warkis afore rehersit. Quha brekis thair haly day. Thai that will nocht heir the word of God, loif and thank him in company of the christin peple. Thai that will nocht thoil thair seruandis to cum to ye kirk on ye Sunday, bot kepis yame in warldly besines occupeit, for thair vile lucre in doing of thair warldly erandis. Thai that cummis to the kirk and prayis nocht nor worschippis nocht God als well with the spirit as with the mouth and in wartlie in verite. Thai that beand in the kirk in the tyme of goddis word or seruice, occupeis thame self in vaine euil or ony warldly talking, lauchhing, scorning, or ony siclik doingis.

Vthir hali dayis by ye sundayIs yair na vthir haly day bot the Sunday? Ȝis veralie, the dayis of all the Apostillis, of ye glorious virgin Mari & vther sanctis ordanit to be kepit, & in vse to be kepit be the halie kirk and hail congregatioun of christin men, quhilk we suld keip halie efter the maner and forme afore rehersit. And quhasa contemnis to keip thame, cannocht excuse thame fra syn, and bre­king of this command.

[Page xxxvii]How mekil almychty God detestis the trāsgression of this thrid command, Comminationis a­ganis the brekaris of the ha­ly dais. Nume. xv we may gadder of the buke of Nowmeris. Thair was a certane Iew, quhilk on the sabboth day gadderit a few stikkis, aganis the command of the law, for the quhilk transgres­sioun, be the special command of God, he was s [...]a­nit to the dede. Be this historie we may vnderstād how greuously the peple synnis in breking of the Sunday and vthir haly dayis, quhilk na dout is ane of the special causis of the calamiteis and greit plaigis and misereis quhilk we feil daylie amang vs send be the hand of God. Sa greit is the wic­kitnes & miserable cowatousnes of mony men that (as it apperis plainly) thai contempne all haly dais of the kirk, thai disdein to heir the word of God, yai lychthye all ceremoneis doin in the kirk, ordanit to steir y e peple to deuotioun, yai dispise all ministaris of the same. And quha can deny, bot yat this trans­gressioun of halydayis is ane greuous syn, Promissi [...] of revvar­dis to the keparis of the haly dais. and is able til induce & bring vpon vs the wrath of God? And quha yat kepis yair halydais, forberand tem­poral warkis and besynes, and exercis & occupeis thame self in feruent prayar amang the laif of the peple in the house of prayar, callit the kirk, heris or seis the Mes deuotly, heris the word of God dili­gentlie, reconseilis thame self to God & thair nych­bour vnfenȝetly, fulfillis the dedis of mercy cheri­tably. Thai & siclik personis can nocht want thair reward, quhilk salbe geuin to thame of God, baith temporally & eternally, according as our saluiour promissis sayand thus: Math. [...] Querite primum regnū dei et iusticiam eius, et hec omnia ad [...]icientur vobis. [Page] First of all seik for the kingdome of God, and the rychteousnes of the same, & all thai thingis quhilk pertenis to ȝour temporal leuing, salbe minister it to ȝow. Na man can sufficiently expreme with toung, quhat grace and spiritual gud a christin mā gettis in diligent hering the word of God. Quhat is mair to be de [...]yr [...]t of a christin man and woman, thane to get the giftis of faith, compunctioun, [...]emi [...]ioun of synnis, the haly spirit, trew knawlege of God and of th [...]ne awin self reconciliatioun with God and thi nychbour, pece & rest of thi consciens, ioy in the haly spirit, y e gift of trew iustificatioun, and finally eter­nal lyfe. All thir spiritual giftis of God a [...] obtenit and gottin, be diligent hering & leiring the word of God, praying co [...]tritioun, with the laif of spiritual exercitionis, quhilk we declarit afore to ȝow. To God thairfor be louing and thankis, honour and glore euirmair. Amen.

❧Heir followis ane introductioun to the commandis of the secund tabil.

The xiiii. Cheptour.

BEcause the seuin Commandis writtin in the secund tabil techis vs our dewtie quhilk we aucht to our nychbour, declaris how we suld beir vs to him in our ha [...]t, word & deid, afore we cum to the expositioun of the same commandis, we think it expedient to expone ye command of lufe quhilk we aw to our nychbour, for trewly the same [...] is the ground and beginning of al gud deidis, [Page xxxviii] wordis and desyris, quhilk thir seuin cōmandis re­quiris of vs towart our nychbour, nother can ony man or woman be knawin to lufe thair nychbour, bot only be fulfilling of thir cōmandis. Expositi [...] of ye command of luf quhilk vve avv to our nych­bour. Mat. xxii. For dout­les he lu [...]is his nychbour in deid, quhilk according to thir seuin commandis, nocht only dois na [...]ayth to him, bot also dois al gud to him, that he may and suld, be the directioun of thir seuin commandis. As we reid in the euangil of sanct Mathew, thair came ane doctour of y e law till our saluiour, and proponit til him a questioun, tempand him & said: Magister quod est mandatum magnū in lege? Mastir, quhat is the greit command of the law? To this question our saluiour maid answeir, rehersand twa cōmandꝭ of lufe, quharof the tane was this. Thow sall lufe thi Lord God with all thi hart, and with al thi saule and with al thi mynd. This is the gretest and first command. And of this command of lufe quhilk we aw to our Lord God, we maid declaratioun in the exposition of the first command. The secund command is of the lufe quhilk we aw till our nych­bour, quhilk is this: Diliges proximum tuum, sicut teipsū. Thow sal lufe thi nychbour as thi self. Mat. xxii. For the plain vnderstanding of this command of lufe, the wordis is to be notit quhilk sanct Paule sais to ye Romanis: Qui diligit proximū, legem impleuit. Ro. xiii. He that luffis his nychbour, fulfyllis the hail law. Gyf ȝe merueil how a man lu [...] and his nychbour, fulfillis & kepis the hail law, meruail nocht for the lufe of God is includit in the lufe of our nychbour. For we aw to lufe our nychbour in God or for gods [Page] lufe, & gif we lufe him principally for ony vthir cause, we lufe him nocht sincerely and purely as we aucht to do, it followis thane, that quhasa lu [...]fis thair nychbour sincerely and purely, thai lufe God, and sa thai keip the commandis con­tenit in ye first tabil, quhilk ordouris & direckis vs to the lufe of God. And quhasa luffis thair nychbour, yai keip the seuen commādis writtin in ye secund tabil, quhilk ordouris and direckis vs to ye trew lufe of our nychbour. Sa we may weil conclude, yat quhasaeuir luffis thair nych­bour trewly, thai fulfil the hail law of moral cō ­mandis. And this is wel declarit be the Apostil sanct Paul, Ro. xiii. sayand thus: Nam non adulterabis, non occides, non furaberis, non falsum testimonium dices, non cōcupisces, et si quod est aliud mandatū, in hoc verbo instauratur. Diliges proximum ruum sicut teipsum. Thow sal nocht commit adultery, thow sall nocht steil, thow sall nocht beir fals witnes, thow sall nocht couit ony thing fra thi nychbour, and gif thair be ony vther command it is comprehendit in this word. Thow sall lufe thi nychbour as yi self. Fo [...], sen lufe of our nych­bour is na thing ellis, bot to wil and desyre gud to him, quhasaeuir luffis yair nychbour as yair self, thai do as thai wald be done to of resone. Thai will thame na skayth with thair hart, thai speik na euil to thame with thair mouth, thai do na skayth to thame in yair deidis, bot contrary, thai will thame all the gud yai can, thai spek to [Page xxxix] thame and of thame gud wordis, thai do thame gud in deid at yair powar quhen thai suld do it. And sa the word of sanct Pa [...]le is trew, quhilk he sais, quhasa luffis thair nychbour fulfillis the law. And because that this command biddis vs lufe our nychbour as our self, we suld first leir efter quhat maner we suld lufe our self, to yat effeck, yat efter the same maner we may lufe our nychbour. How suld we lufe our self? Hovv suld vve lufe our self. Veraly, thre maner of wayis. First we [...]uld lufe our self and sa our nychbour with ane honest & halie lufe, nocht to syn or to perseuere in syn, Honest & haly lufe. or to foster and nurisch our self or our nichbour in euil, for as the Prophet sais in the Psalme: Psal. [...]0. Qui diligit iniquitatē odit animā suam. Quhasa luffis wikitnes or syn, he hettis his awin saule. And euin sa sais the wisman: Qui sibi nequam est, Eccle. xix cui bonus erit? He that is euil to him self, to quhome can he be gud? Thane it followis weil, that no­ther proud mā, nor ireful, inuious, swere, cowa­tous, licherous or gluton luffis yair awin saul, because yair lufe is nocht honest & haly, quhilk lufe God requiris of vs all, according as the e­ternal wisdome of God sais be the mouth of the wisman: Ego mater pulchre dilectionis. Eccle. 24 I am the mother of fair, honest and haly lufe, quhilk is to desyre ye remissioun of synnis & grace of God, quharby our saulis may be saiffit. According as it is writtin in the wisman:

[Page] Eccle. xxx Miserere anime tuo placens deo. Haif mercy on thi awin saule, that thow may pleis God. Quhai for quhasa kennis thair nychbour to leif in syn, & suld and may reforme him and wil nocht, thai lufe noht yair nychbour with ane honest lufe as thai suld do.

Secundlie, we aucht to lufe our self and sa our nichtbour, [...]evv [...]nd [...]. w t ane affectuous & trew lufe vnfenȝetly For quhē we lufe our nychbour principally for our awin profit and plesour, and nocht to his la [...]chfull profit and honest plesour, thane we lufe him nocht with ane trew lufe, for than, quhen our profit ceissis o [...] lufe ceissis, quhen our plesour quhilk we get be [...] ceissis, thane incontinent we ceis to lufe him. [...] siclike ane lufe it is writtin in the buke of the [...]i [...]m [...]n. Eccle. vi. [...]st an [...]cus socius mense, et nō perman [...]bit in [...]ie necessitatis. The wisman sais, yat yair is ane [...]nd quhilk will beir vs company at our bu [...]de, to tak part of our meit, bot he will nocht byde with vs in tyme of our nede. And y e warld (alace thair­for) is full of siclike luffaris, quhairfor christin m [...], leir to lufe thi ny [...]hbour as thi self trewly and vn­fenȝetly. That is to say, as thow luffis thi awin self at all tyme baith in prosperite and aduersite. Sa thow auht to lufe thi nychbour with perseuerance, according as the wisman sais speikand of a trew freind: Pro. xvii▪ Omni tēpore diligit qui amicus est & frate [...] in angustiis comprobatur. He that is a freind luffis at al times, & a brother is knawin in tyme of trubil. Alswa thow suld leir to lufe him effec [...]uously, nocht with fair wordis allanerly, bot with word and deid bayth, i. Ihon. iii according as S. Ihon sais: Non diligamus [Page xl] verbo ne (que) lingua, s [...]d opere et veritate. Lat vs nocht lufe our nychbour allanerly with word and toung bot with deid and verite. To quhom agreis sanct Paul sayand: Dilectio sine s [...]m [...]lat [...]one. Roma. xii Lat ou [...] lufe be without dissimulatioun or fenȝetnes. Thairfor all thai quhilk luffis yair nychbour alla­nerly in tyme of thair prosperite and nocht in tyme of thair aduersite, Co [...] an [...] [...] or allanerly sa lang as thai get profit be thame, or allanerly with yair word & nocht with thair deid at yair powar, thai lufe nocht trewly thair nychbour as thame self. Of quhom the Pro­phet [...]ais in the P [...]alme: L [...]quuntur pacem c [...]m proximo suo, mala autem in cordibus eorum. Psal. [...] Thai speik peace with thair nychbour, bot mekil euil r [...] ­manis in yair hartis. Thridly, Th [...] [...] Can [...]. we suld lu [...] ou [...] nychbour as our self with iust ordour, quhairof it is writ [...]in: Ordinauit in me charitatem. God al­mychty our heuinly spouse, hais ordanit trew lufe in me. And be the iust ordour of lufe, we suld lufe God aboue ourself, and our nychbour as our self, and our warldly gei [...] vnder our self. Thairfore quha luffis yame self yair nychbour or yair warld­ly geir aboue God or mair thane God, sa that for y e lufe of thame self, thair nychbour or yair geir, thai cure no [...]ht to brek y e cōmand of God, [...]ai lufe nocht thame self or yair nychbour with ane iust ordour of cherite. Quhairfor our saluiour sais: Math. x. Qui amar patrem aut matrem plus (quam) me non est me dignus, [...]t qui amat filiū aut filiā super me non est me dignus. He yat luffis his father or mother mai [...] tha [...]e me, he is nocht worthy of me. And he yat luffis his sone [Page] or his dochter aboue me, he is nocht worthy of me. That is to say, gif the cace fortune yat other thow mone displese thi father or thi mother, thi sone or thi dochter, or ony vthir freind or nych­bour, or els yow mone displese God, be breking of his command, sa that thow can nocht bayth plese God & thame to gidder at yat tyme, thane in this cace yow suld keip the ordour of cherite, and era [...] displese al the freindis thow hes, than that thow suld brek ane command of God and sa displese him. Or gif ony of yame wald inty [...] counsel, and draw the to ony vnlesum thing, in sa mekill that gif thow do nocht yair counsel & bidding, thow fall tyne thair fauour. In this case cure nocht to tyne thair fauour, that thow may haif the fauour of God, and sa deand yow luffis God aboue thi nychbour. Mairouir, gif ony man or woman wald counsell or com­mand y e to do ony thyng, expresse agane the cō ­mand of God, and that vnder na les paine than tinsal of all thy warldly geir and landis, ȝe and of thi life, quhilk is derast to the of all the laif. In this case thow suld [...]heis to tyne thi lyfe and all thi geir, erar thane to brek ane command of God, and sa doand, thow luffis God aboue thi self according to the dew ordour of Cherite.

The xv. Cheptour.

Quha is our nych­bour.QVhen almychty God sais, lufe thi nych­bour as yi self, we suld leir to knaw quha is our nychbour, quharin the Iewis and also mony christin men and wemen ar begilit, [Page xli] vnderstanding the command of God in ane wrang sence, think and that na man is thair nychbour, bot thai allanerlie, quhilk ar thair carnal and warldly frendis, yair awin cuntremen, or yai y e dwellis neir hand thame. Luce. x. Bot our saluiour techis in the parabil or similitude quhilk he gaif of y e woūdit mā yat lay in the hie way, betuix Ierusalē & Hierico half dede half quik, yat ilk a mā is to eueryman a nychbour, quhilk other hais▪ mercy of ane vthir, or ellis to quhom another mā ma haif mercy. That is to say, al men & wemē may be callit my nychbours, quhilk hais mister of my help, and al men and wemen may be callit my nychbouris, quhilk may help me, sa all men is nychbour til euery mā. For y e Samaritane, suppose he was of ane strange cuntre, & comptit a­mangis y e Iewis as ane enemie, ȝit because he come by the woundit Iew seand him, had compacience on him and helpit him, he was his trew nychbour. Quhairfor, quhen God biddis the lufe thi nych­bour as thi self, yow suld vnderstand by this word nychbour, all men and wemen, quhiddir thai dwell neir hand or far of.

Mairouir, Of ye lufe quhilk vve avv to ou [...] enemye. the Iewis vnderstude the same cō ­mand in ane wrang sence (and lykwais dois mony christin men and wemen) trowand yat yai suld alla­nerly lufe thair freind, and yat thai may lauchfully het thair enemie. Bot our saluiour Christ in the e­uangil giffis the trew vnderstanding of the same command, techand plainly, & swa geuand cōmand to lufe bayth freind and fa. Thir ar his wordis: [Page] Audistis quia dictum est, Math. 5. diliges proximum tuum & odio habebis inimicū tuum. Ego autem dico vobis diligite inimicos vestros, benefacite his qui oderūt vos, et orate pro persequentibus et calumniantibus vos, vt sitis filii patris vestri qui in coelis est, qui solē suum oriri facit, super bonos et malos, et pluit super iustos et iniustos. Si enim diligitis eos qui vos di­ligunt, quam mercedem habebitis? Nonne et publi­cam hoc faciunt? Et si salutaueritis fr̄es vestros tan­tum, quid amplius facitis? Nonne et publicani ho [...] faciunt? Estote ergo vos perfecti, sicut et pater v [...] ­ster celestis perfectus est. Ȝe haif hard how it was said: Thow sall lufe thi nychbour & het thine ene­mie. Bot I say to ȝow, lufe ȝour ennemeis; blisse thame that curssis ȝow, do gud to thame that hettis ȝow pray for yame quhilk dois ȝow wrang and persecutis ȝow, that ȝe may be the sonnis of ȝour father quhilk is in heuin, for he causis his sonne to rise on the euil and on the gud, and sendis his rayne on the iust and vniust. For gif ȝe lufe yame (allanerly) yat luffis ȝow, quhat reward sal ȝe haif? dois noch [...] the Publicanis eum sa? And gif ȝe be freindly to ȝour freindꝭ only, quhat singlar thing do ȝe? dois nocht the Publicanis alswa siclik wais? Ȝe sall thairfor be perfit, eum as ȝour father in heuin is perfit. In thir wordis of our saluiour we may vnderstād that quhasa hettis bot ane man in all the warld, Quhasa he [...]tis ane man, luffis na mā ch [...] ritablie. he luffis na man in al y e warld, with the lufe of cherite and meritoriously to the plesour of God, suppose he may lufe yame with anewarldly or natural lufe. And quhy? For Cherite is excludit and put away [Page xlii] fra y e saule of mā be ane deidly syn, than it followis weil, that gif thow beir hettred at ony man, quhat­sumeuir he be, freind or fa, nychbour or strangar, thow hais na cherite, and hai [...] and na cherite, thow art in the stait of dampnatioun, according as ye A­postil sanct Ihon techis: Qui odit fratrem suum, i. Ihon. ii in tenebris est. He that hettis his brother, he is in myrknes. And gyf ony man wald lay agains this doctrine, allegging that certane sanctis in ald tyme hettit yair enemeis, exemple of the h [...]ly Prophet & excellent king Dauid, quhilk sais thus of himself: Perfecto odio oderam illos, inimici facti sun [...] mihi. Psal. 138. I hettit thame (sais he) with ane perfite hettrend be cause thai war myne enemeis. Allwa our saluiour sais in the euangil of sanct Luke: Luce. xiiii Si quis non odit patrem suum et matrem suam et vxorem &c. Qhasa hettis nocht his father and his mother &c. Of the quhilk wordis an vnlei [...]it persone mycht gaddir, that it war lesum to het our enemeis. To the quhilk obiectioun we mak this answeir. That in al our deidis of lufe sa mekil as we may, we suld follow the exemple of God, according to the teching of sanct Paule: Estote imitatores dei, Ephe. 5. sicut filii charissimi. Be ȝe followaris of God as deir sonnis. Lufe thi nychbori [...] persone, and het his euil cō ditionis. Sapi. xi. [...]

Now we fynd in the haly writ, yat God almychty luffis & hettis. Quhat luffis God? Trewly the nature, or the persone quhilk he hais maid, accor­ding as the wilman sais in the buke of Wisedome: Diligis omnia que sunt, et nihil odisti eorum que fecisti. Thow luffis all thingis that is, and hettis na thing that thow hais maid.

[Page]Quhat hettis God? Veraily, God hettis al vic [...] and syn, quhilk is nocht maid be the command of God, bot allanerly it is maid be the peruersit will of euil angellis and euil men and wemen. Thus the prophet sais, Psal. 5. spekand of God: Odisti omnes qui operātur iniquitatem. O Lord sais he, thow hes hettit all yame quhilk wirkis wickit­nes and dois euil. Thus tharfor we aucht to do to all men and wemen, lufe thair persone with cherite, and also in all men & wemen we suld het thair vice and thair syn, with all thair euil con­ditionis, & help with all our diligence to bring thame fra vice to vertew, fra syne to grace, yat sa we may lufe bayth thame self & thair gud con­ditionis. Quhat thingis modis a mito lufe his nych­bo [...]r. Now efter yat ȝe knaw how ȝe aucht to lufe ȝour nychbour, & quha is ȝour nychbour, ȝe suld oft tymis considdir thai thingis quhilk speciallie mouis christin men and wemen to lufe thair nychbour with the trew lufe of Cherite. Quhairof the first motiue is, the lufe quhilk we haif to God, for quhasa luffis hartelie yair lord God aboue all thing, the same lufe mone neidis steir thame to lufe thair nychbour. And as sanct Ihon the euangelist sais: i. Ihon. 4 Si quis dixerit, qu [...]niā diligo deum et fratrem suum odit mandax est. Gyf ony man will say I lufe God, & [...]ettis his nych­bour, he is ane le [...]. And [...] is nocht possible that a man or woman lufe God, doe the same man sall lufe his nychbour, n [...]ther may a man lufe his nychbour, b [...]t also h [...] sall lufe his God, sa mekil is the lufe of God & our nychbour [Page xliii] fessinit and linkit togiddir, yat the tane lufe can nocht be had without the tother. Exemple, gif a ma [...] wald say, yat he luffis the king, & ȝit hertis the kingis sone, or the kingis membres, he may wel be callit ane lear. Now al trew christin men ar sonnis of God be adoptioun, & spiritual mē ­beris of the mistik body of our saluiour Christ. Quhairfor it is nocht possibil yat a man quhilk hettis his nychbour, may lufe God sa lang as he hettis his nychbour. The secund thing quhilk suld mo [...]e vs to lufe our nychbour, is y e special command of our saluiour, quhilk a litil afore his departing fra this warld be his passi­oun, amang all vthir cōmandis, in special gaif to his discipillis the command of lufe, sayand: Hoc est preceptū meum, vt diligatis inuicem, Ihon. xv. sicut dilexi vos. This is my command yat ȝe lufe ane ane vthir, as Ihaif luffit ȝow. Mairouir, the special signe & takin quhairby a christin man or woman is knawin to be Christis disciple, is gif yai lufe ane ane vthir according as he sais him self: In hoc cognoscent omnes quia discipuli mei estis si dilectionem habaeritis a dinuicem. Ihon. xiii. Be this may al men ken yat ȝe ar my disciples, gif ȝe haif lufe ane till ane vthir. Tak tent, he sais nocht, & ȝe cause blind men to see, & ȝe caus [...] deif men to heir, & ȝe cā raise vp deid mē to life agane. Bot y e trew & special takin, to knaw ȝou to be my disci­ples, is gif ȝe haif lufe & cherite ane til ane vthir Quhairfor christin man lufe thi nychbour, nat tharby y u may schaw thi self to be a trew christin man.

[Page]The thrid, is communication or participatioun o [...] our nature, Eccle. xiii for as it is said be the wisman: Omn [...] animal diligit sibi simile. Ilk a best naturally luffis the best, that is lyk to the self in nature. Now sen we ar al lik ane til ane vthir, in our nature, al being maid be ane god, to his awin ꝓpir image & liknes, it followis, that quhasaeuir luffis nocht his nych­bour, nocht only is a brekar of y e law of God geuin to Moyses and ratifeit be our saluiour, bot also he is a brekar of the law of nature, quhilk God hais prentit in ye hartis of all men and wemen.

Now thair for christin peple we exhort ȝow to tak gud tent to the declaration of the seuin commandis contenit in the secund tabil, quhilk is geuin to ȝow of God him self, to ordour ȝow and direk ȝow in the trew lufe of ȝour nychbour, quhilk eui [...]mair ȝe aw to haif towa [...]t him, in ȝour deidis, wordis, & in ȝour hartis.

The xvi. Cheptour.
☞The secund tabil of Moyses contenis vii. com­mandis, quhilk techis vs how we suld beir vs to our nychbour, of the quhilk the first cō ­mand and fourt in nowmer is this.

HOnora patrem tuum et matrē tuā, vt si [...] long [...]uus super terram, quā dn̄s deus tuus dabit tibi. Exo. xx. Honour thi father & mother, tha [...] thow may haif lang lyfe and gud dais vpon the e [...]d, quhilk thi lord God sall gyf to the.

[Page xliiii]Quhat is the ordour of the fourt command? As the thre commandis of the first tabil orda [...]ns vs to do our dewtie to almychty God our heuinly father, The or­dour of [...]e fourt command. tech [...]d vs how we suld serue him with our hartis, our wordis and outwart deidis, sa be conuenient ordour followis the fourt command, quhilk gi [...]fis instructioun how we suld do our dewtie till our pa­rentis fatheris and motheris & eldaris heir in this warld, quhilk be the ordinatioun of God hais reule and gouernance ouir vs in gods stede, and tharfor ni [...]t eftir God & aboue all vther nychbou [...]is we aw to thame honour and obediens. Quhow mony maner of fatheris ar schawin in the haly scripture? Thre. The first is our naturall father & mother, Thre ma­ner of fa­theris, na­tural, spiritual and temporal. Eccle. iii. quhilk be the benefit of GOD brocht vs into this warld. And of this natural father and mother, this cōmand is specially geuin. Of quhom it is writtin: Qui timet dominum honorat parentes, & quasi dn̄is seruiet his qui se genuerunt. He that feiris GOD, honouris his father and mother, and will be cōtent to mak seruice to thame quhilk hais brocht him to this warld. The secund fatheris ar thai quhilk hais cure and charge of our saulis, as byschoppis & personis, quhilk be thair office, suld, be the seid of gods word, beget vs to the faith of Christ, syne nu­risch & bring vs vp to the perfectioun of a christian lyfe, and thir ar callit spiritual fatheris. Sa the Apostil said to the Corinthianis: Nō vt ꝯfundā vos hec scribo, sed vt filios meos charissimos moneo. i. Cor. 4. I writ nocht yis to schame ȝow bot as modeir chil­dren I warne ȝow. For suppose ȝe haif ten thousād [Page] instructouris in Christ, ȝit haif ȝe nocht mony fatheris, for I haif begottin ȝow in Christ Iesu throch the Euangil. And to the Galathianis he sais thus: Filioli mei, quos iterum parturio, donec formetur Christus in vobis. Gala. 4. My litil children of quhom I trauel in byrth agane, quhil Christ be formit and fassionit in ȝow. The thrid father is all ciuile magistratis, yat is, al kingis, prin­cis and temporal reularis of our common weil, quhilk in auld tyme amang the Romanis was wont to be callit patres patrie, fatheris of y e cun­tre. And sa we reid that quhen a certane prince of Siria callit Naaman, 4. Reg. 5. came to the Prophet Helyseus to be curit fra his lyppir, his seruādis callit him father, saying: Father, gyf the Pro­phet had said to the a greit mattir, thow suld haif done it. Of ye obedie [...] [...] our natural fa­theris. And schortly all thai that hais cure and charge ouir vs vnder God, generally may be callit our fatheris, forsamekil that thai suld reule vs in yair office, with siclike fauour & diligence as the natural father reulis his sone. To quhome also we suld gife honour, seruice, & obediens as the sone dois to the father: collo. iii. Filii o­bedi [...]e par [...]tibus per omnia, hoc enim placitum est domino. Barnis (sais sanct Paul) obey ȝour fa­ther and mother in all pointis, for this is Gods command. Ephe. 6. Et vos patres, nelite ad iracundiā pro­uocare filios vestros, sed educate illos in disciplina, et correptione domini. Of honor, obediens, and prouision detti [...] til our spi­ritual fa­theris. 1. Timo. 5. Fatheris prouoke noch [...] ȝour barnis to crabitnes, bot foster thame and teche thame in the dredour of God. Qui bene pre [Page xlv] sunt presbyteri, duplici honore digni habeantur, maxime qui laborant in verbo et doctrina. Dicit e­nim scriptura: non alligabis os boui trituranti. Et dignus est operarius mercede sua. The priestis yat reule weil ar worthi of doubil honour, maist of all yai yat labouris in the word of God & teching: for the scripture sais thow sal nocht bind vp the mouth of the Ox that trampis out the corne quhilk was thair thresching. And it is all a thing to say the la­bourar is worthi of his wagis. Gala. vl [...]i. Of honor and obe­diens det­tit till our temporal fatheris. Communicet autem is qui catechizatur verbo, ei qui se catechizat in oibus bonis. Lat him yat is techit in the worde, mi­nister to him qhuilk techis him in all gud thingis. Serui obedite dominis carnalibus, cum timore et tremore, in simplicitate cordis vestri sicut Christo, non ad oculū seruientes, quasi hominibus placētes, sed vt serui Christi, facientes voluntatem dei ex a­nimo, cum bona voluntate seruientes sicut domino et non hominibus. Ephe. 6. Seruandis (sais sanct Paule) obey carnal masteris with dredour and reuerence, with a simple hart as to Christ, nocht allanerly to mak seruice to the Ge sycht for mennis plesour, bot as the seruandis of Christ, doand the will of God fra the hart with gud will euin thinkand as ȝe suld serue God. Et vos domini, eadem facite illis, remit tentes minas, scientes quod et illorum et vester dn̄s est in coelis, et personarum acceptio non est apud deum. And ȝe masteris do siclik to thame, Ephe. 6. be nocht rygorous and bitter to thame, knawand weil that ȝour Lord is in heuin, to quhome all men is lyk in pryce and all bocht with ane blud of Christ. [Page] Omnis anima potestatibus sublimioribus subdita sit, Roma xiii nō est enim potestas nisi a deo, que autem sunt, a deo ordinare sunt. Ita (que) qui resistit potestati, dei ordinationi resistit. Euereilk man submit him self (sais S. Paule) to y e auctoritie of hear powaris, for thair is na powar bot of God, and quha re­sistis to the powar, resistis to Goddis ordināce. And gif ȝe wald speir, to quhat powar suld I o­bey? He answeris, to his powar quha beris the sweird to punis misdoaris, as the officiar of God. [...]. Peter. 2 Subiecti igitur estote omni humane creature propter dominum, siue regi, quasi precellenti, siue ducibus tanquā ab eo missis ad vindictā malefacto­rum, laudem vero bonorum. Submit ȝour self to all ordinance of the temporal powar, quhiddir it be to the king as to the principal, or to the prin­cis and lordis, as thame that ar deput be him. Reddite ergo omnibus debita, Roma xiii cui tributum, tribu­tum, cui vectigal, vectigal, cui timorem, timorē, cui honorem, honorem. Nemini quicquā debeati [...] nisi vt inuicem diligatis. Gyf to all men quhat ȝe a [...] awand to thame, tribute to quhome it belangis to, custome to the customaris, reuerence, dredour and honour to quhome ȝe ar haldin. Be awand na thing, bot euereilk man to lufe ane ane other amang ȝour self.

Of obedi­ens dettit til our prelati [...].And of the obediens dettit to be giffin to our spiritual reularis and prechoris, it is comman­dit in the Epistil vnto the Hebrewis: Obedi [...]e prepositis vestris & subiacete eis, ipsi enim peruigi­lāt [Page xlvi] quasi rationem pro animabus vestris reddituri, vt cum gaudio hoc faciant, et non gementes, hoc enim non expedit vobis. Hebre. x [...] Obey thame that hais the reule ouir ȝou, and submit ȝour self to yame, for thai walk for ȝour saulis, euin as thai that mone gif a compt thairfor. That thai may do it with ioy and nocht with greif. Schortly, this command techis a man how he suld beir him to all men quhilk hais powar ouir him vn­der GOD, as father and mother, maister and hussye, the temporal powar and the spiritual. Quhat is the rycht keping of this command? The rycht keping of this com­mand. To lufe with thi hart thi father and thi mother, honour thame, obey thame, gife thame part of thi temporal guddis gif thow hais and thai mi­stir, ȝe mak thame seruice, gif thai mister for eild or seiknes, schortly, help yame with thi counsel, consolatioun, seruice of thi bodie, and sustenta­tioun with thi geir quhensaeuir thai mister. And to honour, obey and supplie thi spiritual father, speciallie the trew minister of the worde of God, as we haif schawin afore be S. Paule. Do reuerence and trew seruice to yi maister, and all thame that giffis the wage. To obey the temporal powar, Kingis, Lordis, Schirriffis, Prouostis, Balȝeis, do thame reuerence & mur­mur thame nocht.

Quha brekis this command? Quha br [...] kis this command Thai brek this command, first, that thinkis schame of thair na­tural father & mother for thair pouertie, seiknes or mischance. Thai that denyes yair necessarie [Page] sustentatioun to thame of meit & cleyth or harborye in tyme of thair mister. Bot maist of all, thai brek this command quhilk bannis thame, puttis hādis into thame, bakbytes thame, hettis yame, & obeyes thame nocht. Alsua thai that tholis nocht thair fa­ther and mother, suppose thai do yame iniuris and be cummersum. Secund, quha honouris nocht and obeyis nocht yair spiritual heddis, prelatis and pastoris, and will nocht pay thair teyndis & dewteis as thai ar oblissit be the law. Thridly, thai that honouris nocht the temporal powar, or thair awin masteris, quha fulfillis nocht yair cōmandis faith­fully or obeyis yame nocht, suppose yai be euil and thrawart, quhene thai command na thing aganis Gods command & haly kirk. Thai that makis seditioun agane thair prince, reulmen or reular, or that risis or causis vthir rise aganis thair heidmen, quhasa is fals or negligent to do yair bidding and will nocht obey thame with trew seruice, all yai and siclik personis brekkis this command.

punissioun of the brekaris of ye fourt command. Deut. xxi. 2. Reg. 16 and .17.Now we will declare to ȝow, how the transgres­souris of this fourt command ar punissit, and how the keparis ar rewardit of God. We reid in the auld law, that the sone quhilk was inobedient, stif­hartit and thrawart to his father and mother, was led to ye port or place of iugement, and be the peple was stanit to the deid. We reid in the buke of the kingis, that Absalon maid seditioun aganis his awin father king Dauid, quharfor he fled in bat­tel, and in his fleing his hair fessinit about a stark brance of ane A [...]k [...]tre, his Mule ȝeid away fra vn­der [Page xlvii] him, and swa he was hangit be his awin hair, & afore he deit he was strikin throw the hart with thre pickes or speiris, be the handis of Ioab ane of the principal captanis of king Dauidis weirris, and sa deit a miserable deid. Secund, quhasa cōtem­nis to be obedient to thair trew & lauchful spiritual fatheris, prelatis and pastoris of ye kirk, can nocht eschew the punissioun of God, because that the contemptioun of thame is the contemptioun of our saluiour Christ that ordanit thame. Heir quhat he sais to yame: Qui vos spernit, me spernit. Luce. x. Quha yat dispysis ȝow, thai dispise me. Chorie, Dathan and Abiron rebellit aganis Moyses and Aaron, Nume. 1 [...] dispysand to obey yair auctoritie, quhairfor the erd oppinnit and swellit thame, & sa leiuand ȝeid to hel. That terribil vengeance quhilk god tuk on yame, and sua was writtin for our instructioun, suld moue and warne all men and wemen to honour and obey yair superiouris & reularis, and to abstein fra scor­ning, dispysing and rebellioun aganis thame.

Thridly, quhat punissioun is ordanit for thame quhilk will nocht be obedient to thair temporal fa­theris, that is to say, to the king and his Iugis and officearis, it is plainly declarit be sanct Paul to the Romanis, sayand: Roma xiii That quhasaeuir resistis the auctoritie of the king, he resistis the ordinatioun of God. And thai that resistis sall resaif to thame self damnatioun. For reularis ar nocht to be feirit for gud warkis, bot for euil, gyf thow wald be without [...]eir of the auctoritie, do well thane, & thow sall haif commendatioun of the same, for he is ye minister of [Page] God for thi weil. Bot and gif thow do euil, than feir, for he beiris not the sweirde for nocht, for he is the minister of God, and takar of venge­ance to punis thame that dois euil, quhan for ȝe mone neidis obey, nocht only for punischment, bot also because of conscience, mening that it is deidly syn to rebel or disobey y e lauchfull aucto­rite & leful command of y e king & his officiaris. And as for the reward of thame quhilk kepis this command, Promis of revvard maid to the kepars of this fourt command. it is plainly promissit in the end of the same command, in thir wordis: Et eris longeuus super terram. Thow sall haif lang lyfe vpon the erd. It is ane cōuenient reward, that yai may haif lāg lyfe quhilk dois yair dewtie to thair father & mother, quhilk vnder God giffis to thame thair lyfe. And be the promis of lang lyfe, vnderstand nocht only to leiue mony dais, bot also vnderstand peace, tranquilite, prospe­ritie, abundance, or at the lest sufficient leiuing and sustentatioun in all thai thingis quhilk ar necessary to the mantening of this lyfe, without the quhilk, lang lyfe is nocht plesand, bot erar painfull and displesand. And this lang lyfe is commonly giffin to all thame that dewlie ho­nouris thair father and thair mother. Nochthe­les, sum tyme God almychty for sum causis sein to him expediēt, giffis to gud barnis bot schort dais, and that for thair weil, suppose it is vn­knawin til vs. According as it is writtin in the buke of wisedome: Sepi. 4. Raptus est ne malicia mutares [Page xlviii] intellectum eius. The iust man was takin away fra this life, that malicious or euil men suld nocht alter or change his mynd fra God be vi­olent tormentationis. Bot trewlie we that ar christin peple suld maist of all considder, lufe and desire the lang lyfe promissit till vs, in the kingdome of heuin, quhilk the haly Prophet callis the land of lyfe, sayand: Psal. 26. Credo videre bo­na dn̄i, in terra viuentium. I trow (sais he) to se the gudnes of the Lord, in the land of leuing men. For doutles this present warld may weil be callit the land of deade, bot the warld to cum, quhilk salbe in the kingdome of heuin, suld on­ly be callit the land of lyfe, quhair thair is lyfe, and neuir deade. Thus gud peple, ȝe may be sickir that God will punis the transgressouris of this command, and largelie reward all the keparis of the same. To him thairfore be ho­nour and thākis, louing and gloir for euir and euir. Amen.

☞The fift command.

The xvii. Cheptour.

NOn occides. The or­dour of the fift command Thou sal nocht cōmit slauch­ter. Quhat is the ordour of the fift command? The man that is content to do his dewtie to God and thame that ar his reularis vnder God, may esely be counsellit to do his dewtie to al his nychbouris. And be y e contrary [Page] he is redie to do skayth to his nychbour quhilk no­ther feiris God nor man in Gods stede. Thairfor be iust ordour efter ye thre first commandis, quhilk biddis vs do our dewtie to God, and efter the fourt cōmand quhilk biddis vs do our dewtie til our fa­theris in Goddis stede, followis the laif of the com­mandis, quhilk ar six in nowmer, and giffis till vs instructioun how we suld ordour our self till our nychbour, in deid, word, and desire of hart. And because that till our nychbour na temporal or erdly thing is darrar and mair precious yane is his awin bodylie lyfe, in this fift command God almychty forbiddis vs to do ony skayth till our nychbour in his persone, quharby we may hurt his bodylie life. Quhat is the trew exposioun of yis cōmand? The expositioun of Christ maid to the fift command Math. 5. Our heuinly master and saluiour Christ Iesus exponis this command in the euangil of sanct Mathew on this maner: Audistis quia dictum est anti quis: non occides. Qui autem occiderit reus erit iudicio. Ego autem dico vobis quia omnis qui irascitur fratri suo reus erit iudicio. Qui autē dixerit fratri suo racha, reus erit concilio. Qui autem dixerit fatue, reus erit gehēne ignis. Ȝe haif hard how it was said to yame of auld tyme: Thow sall nocht commit slauchter. For he that slais sal be giltie of the iugement. Bot I say to ȝow, quhasaeuir hais hettrent at his bro­ther salbe giltie & in dangeir of the iugement. And quhasaeuir sais to his brother racha (that is ane lythleful crabit word) he is giltie and in dangeir of the counsell. And quhasaeuir sais to his brother fuile, he salbe giltie & in dangeir of the fire of hell. [Page xlix] In thir wordis our saluiour techis that the law of God is spiritual. For to fulfil this command: That the lavv of Godis spiritual. thow sall nocht slay or comit slauchter, it is nocht yneuch to keip thi handis or outwart membres fra [...]a [...]ing of ony persone, bot in yis command a [...]sua, God re­quiris yat thow keip thi mynd or thi hart fra al vn­lauchfull wraith & crabitnes, Of vn­lauchful crabitnes. mairatour fra malice and hettred quhilk is the first beginning and occasioun of all vnlauchful slauchter and vthir hurtis done to our nychbour. Thair for he sais, quhasae­uir is angrie at his brother, is giltie in the iugemēt of God, according as sanct Ihone sais: i. Ioan. iii. Omnis qui odit fratrem suum homicida est. He that hettis his brother is ane māslaar. Vnderstand in y e iugement of God quhilk seis the hart and the wil of man, and iugis efter the samyn. Quhy sais he, quhasa is āgry at his brother? It is weil sperit, for it is nocht all ane thing to be crabit at thi brother, & to be cra­bit at thi brotheris fault. The first is euirmair vnlauchfull, for be the command of cheritie we suld lufe our nychbour (quhilk is our brother in Christ) as our self. That is to say, to will & desyre als weil gud to him in bodie and saule as we will and desyre to our self. Sa we suld nocht be crabit at ye nature or persone of our brother. Of lauch­ful cra­bit [...]es. Bot it is nocht aganis y e command of God to be crabit agane the falt of our brother. For we suld quhen neid is, angirly repreue the falt of our nychbour, quhilk gif we do for his instructioun, iust correctioun and amendment, it is na syn, bot a cōmendit vertew, specially to al yame that hes cure and charge of ony other, according as [Page] it is said in the Psalme: Psal. 4. Irascimini et nolite pec­care. Be crabit & syn nocht. And the same Pro­phet sais: Psal. 118. Iniquos odio habui. I haif hettit the wickit men. Without this halie crabitnes no­ther can iugement stand, nor vertew incres, nor synnis be refrenit, as sais the doctour Chriso­stome. The rycht keping of this command. Tell vs thane the rycht keping of this cōmand. Almychty God in all commandis ne­gatiue includis ane affirmatiue, that is, quhene God forbiddis syn, in y e same cōmand he biddis vs haif the vertewis quhilk ar contrary to the same forbiddin syn. Sa in yis command quhen he forbiddis slauchter and all occasionis of the same, as hettrent of the hart, indignatioun of y e voce signifyit be Racha, manifest iniurious wordis signifyit be this worde fuile, he biddis vs be pacient, meik and sweit, kind and merciful nocht to hald in our mynd hettred, inuye, nor ȝit to foster it onyway agane our enemeis, nother to hurt yame in bodie or saule be word or deid, art, part or counsell, bot to help & deliuer our nych­bour be word and deid, fra perel of saule & body to the vtermaist of our powar.

Quha bre [...]es this commandQuha brekis this command? Thai brek this command that flytis & fechtis with thair nych­bour, quha sais ony worde that cummis of vn­lauchfull Ire and crabitnes, quha callis ane v­ther fuile of malice, or sais ony iniurious wordꝭ to him, nyknamis, banning, bakbyting or scor­ning, quha lattis his nychbour dee of hungir, thrist, cald, seiknes, presone, & helpis him noht to [Page xlx] his powar, quha wil nocht forgif to al yair nychbouris thair offencis & will nocht pray for thair enemeis, luffis yame nocht or helpis yame nocht at the le [...]t in tyme of thair extreme neid, quha of crabitnes committis slauchter or murthour, mutilation, or lais on his nychbour ony violent hā ­dis, quha inuyis yair nychbouris gud fortune, quha sawis discorde and fosteris it, quha rasis pley amang nychbouris, alswa thai that may mak cōcord amang nychbouris or betuix fayis and dois it nocht, and puttis nocht away al euil occasionis thairof. Quhiddir gif kingis and temporal Iugis synnis aganis this command, quhen be ordour of the law thai condemne to deade theiffis, menslaaris and murtheraris, re­uareis, tratouris, and siclyk misdoaris, pertur­batouris, and destroiaris of the common weil? Na. For this command is giffin to priuat per­sonis & takis nocht the temporall powar away, that thai may nocht punis misdoaris, for thai haif auctoritie of God & ar Gods seruandis or­danit to do yat. Nochttheles, yai syn greuously in twa pointtis. First, Temporal Iugis syns greuously in tvva pointtis. gif yai lauchfully ken ony siclike misdoars w tin yair boūdis quhairof yai haif auctoritie & tholis yame, lukis at yame throw yair fingaris, & will nocht punis yame, o­ther for lufe of geir or carnal affection or sum v­ther daft opinioun, be resone quharof misdoars takis mait baldnes to perseuere in euil, & the cō ­mon weil is hurt. Siclik cowatousnes, carnal affection, & fuilis mercy can nocht be excusit fra syn.

[Page]Secund, gif yai in iugement punis misdoaris, nocht for the lufe of iustice & the common weil, bot rathir of ire malice or hettret aganis the persone or his freindis▪ or for lu [...]e of his landis or geir, lyk­wais thai syn greuously [...]a doand.

The puni­tion [...] of [...] of [...] Gene. [...].Quhat panis ar ordanit for the brekaris of yis fift command? And quhat rewardis ar promissit to the keparis of the samyn? The temporal paine or­d [...] be the will of God, for the punitioun of all [...] of men and wemen by the ordour of iustice, is to be slaine, as it is decretit in the buke of Gene­ [...]is: Quicun (que) effuderit humanum sanguinem, funde t [...]r sangu [...]s illius, ad imaginem quipp [...] dei factus est homo Quhasaeuir scheddis the blud of man, by y e ordour of iustice, his blud sal be sched, be y or­dour of iustice, because yat man is maid to y e ymage of God. And in y e law of Moysis it is writtin thus: Qui [...] et occiderit hominē, Le [...]i. 2 [...]. morte moriatur. He that st [...]kkis & slais a man or a woman, lat him dee the deed▪ that is to say, he suld be slaine for it him self. And our saluiour hais the same sentence in the euangil of sanct Mathew: Qui gladium acci­pit, Math. 26 gladio peribit. He that takis the sweirde, sall perers with the sweirde. Vnderstand thir wordis, & all siclis▪ of thame that takis a sweirde to slay his nychbour▪ nocht kepand the ordour of iustice, he is worcht to [...] & to be same, be y e ordour of iustice. And the Apostil sanct Paule rehe [...]sand the deidis of the [...] rec [...]ins manslauchter amang thame: [...] eftir hend thame all, quha sa d [...]is thame & siclik, sall nocht get the kingdome of God. Our [Page li] Lord God his awin self is a special defēdar of this command, & will nocht thoile mens [...]aaris to eschape punitioun. He said to Cayn that slew his brother, quhair is Abell thi brother? Vox sanguinis fratris tui, clamat ad me de terra. Gene. 4. The voce of yi brothers blude, cries vengeance to me fra the erd. Quhat will ȝe mair? All menslaaris leiuis alwais in feir quhairsaeuir thai dwel, because thair conscience cō monly is neuir in rest and tranquilitie. Quhairto suld we spek of the reward that is promissit to the keparis of this command? Is it nocht perfite lufe and cherite (quhilk kepis, helpis, and defendis our nychbouris bodie, wife, and geir) the perfectioun of the law? And thairfor quhasaeuir helpis & defēdis thair nychbouris lyfe, thai sall get reward in the kingdome of heuin, quhairto he bring vs quhilk hais bocht vs with his precious blude Amen.

☞The saxt command.☜

The xviii. Cheptour.

NOn Mechaberis. Exod. xx. The or­dour of ye saxt com­mand. Thow sall nocht commit adultery. With quhat ordour followis y e saxt cōmand efter the fift? As the greitest iniure quhilk a mā may do to his nychbour is slauchter, quharby he takis away his lyfe fra him, sa th [...] n [...]xt iniure of wra [...]g is to violat or to fele carnally his nychbours wife, quhilk is a persone w t him maist deirly bond in the sacrament of matrimonie. Our saluiour Christ in the Euangil expo [...]is alsua the saxt com­mand in siclik maner as he exponit the fift, teching [Page] that this command nocht only forbiddis all outwart adultery committit in deid, bot alsua the same command forbiddis all inwart causis and occasionis of adultery, as lichetous sichtis, desyris, consenting, lustis of concupiscence in y e hart. Math. 5. Audistis quia dictum est antiquis, non mecha beris. Ego autē dico vobis, quia omnis qui viderit mulierem ad concupiscendum eam, iam mechatus est eā in corde suo. Ȝe haif hard how it was said to yame in auld tyme. Thow sall nocht commit adultery. Bot I say to ȝow (sais our saluiour) quhasaeuir spyis or lukis apon ony womā haif­fand ony lust & desyre to hir of concupiscence, he hais cōmittit adultery with hir ellis in his hart. Lyk as hettrent, wrath, and malice of y e hart, is the rute and beginning of al mannis slauchter, sa is carnal desyre, lust and concupiscence of the hart the rute & beginning of adultery & all kind of lichorie. Quhat is the rycht keping of this command? The rycht keping of this com­mand. To be chaist in mynd, word & deid, to be tēperat in meit, drink & sleip, to put away all occasionis of lechorie, quhairof all kindꝭ ar heir forbiddin, suppose adultery be specially namit. For, fornicatioun was nocht tholit a­mangis y e Iewis vnpunissit, as oppin huirdom and manifest adulterie is daily doin amang christin men, aganis the command of God. Mairouir, Leuit. xx. amang the Iewis incest and synnis aganis nature was punissit with deade, as it is schawin plainly in the buke of Leuittis.

Now thairfor ȝe sall vnderstand yat yair is [Page lii] thre degreis of chastitie. Marreage The first is kepit amang gud maryit men & wemen that leiuis ane chast lyfe in the stait of matrimonie, kepand yame self alwais within the bondis of yat sacrament. Quharfor S. Paule sais thus to the Hebrewis: Heb. xiii. Honorabile cō ­nubium, et thorus immaculatus Lat marriage be haldin honorable, and the bed vndefylit. How suld nocht marriage be honorable, sen it was ordanit be almychty God in the beginning of the warld, for multiplicatioun of mankind, & in ye new testament ratifyit and alsua grātit in remeid of co [...]cupiscence to eschew fornicatioun, to all thame quhilk hais nocht lauchful impediment, bot yat yai may lauch­fully marry be y ordinās of Gods law & haly kirk. Alsua our saluiour gaif honour to marriage with his awin presence, and kythit his first mirakil in ye Cane of Galile turnand the wattir into wyne.

The secund degre of chastite is mair perfit than the first, Vedohed & is kepit amāg yame yat leuis ane chast lyfe in the stait of wedohede, of quhome S. Paule sais thus: Mulier alligata est legi quanto tempore vir eius viuit quod si dormierit vir eius, liberata est, i. Cor. 7. cui autem vult nubat, tantum in dn̄o. Beatior autē erit, si sic permenserit secundum meum consilium. The marreit woman is bond to the law of matri­monie, als lang as hir husband leiuis, bot gif hir husband dee, sche is deliuerit fra yat law, and with quhome sche pleis, lat hir marrie, bot lauchfully ef [...]er y e ordination of our Lord. Nochttheles sche sal [...]e mair blissit or happie, gif that sche remaine euin [...]ill vnmaryit efter my counsel.

[Page] VirginitieThe thrid degre of chastitie is mair perfit than the first and secund, and is kepit amang thame quhilk liffis ane chast lyfe in the stait of virginitie, quhilk sanct Paule counsellis as a greiter perfectioun of chastitie, i. Cor. 7. sayand thus to the Corinthianis: Qui ma­trimonio iungit virginem suam, bene facit, et qui nō iungit melius facit. He that ionis his virgin to marriage dois weil, and he that ionis nocht, dois better. And agane he sais in the same cheptour: Mulier innupta et virgo, cogitat que domini sunt, vt sit sācta & corpore & spiritu. The woman quhilk is ane virgin and vnmareit, hes hir mynd and hir thocht apon thai thingis that belangis til hir Lord God, that sche may be halie baith in hir spirit and hir bodie. Thus we conclude, that all thai men and wemen keipis this command, quhilk liffis ane chast life according to yair stait, Quha brekis this command Adulte­raris. degre & vocatioun.

Quha brekis this command? First, quha com­mittis adulterie with yair nychbouris wife other in bodie or in mynd, quhiddir thai be bayth marreit or the ane allanerly, quhilk syn was punissit with the dede in the ald law. Sa king Dauid synnit gre­uously, Leuit. xx. and was greuously punissit, bayth in his sonnis and his wiffis, 2. Reg. 12 for bayth he tynt his barne gottin in adulterye, 2 Reg. 16 and was coackit and compell [...] to flee his awin sone Absalon, quhilk entrit in to a­buse his fatheris concubines in the sycht of all the peple, and did that lay in him to put the king his father out of his kingdome. Sa we reid in the buke of Iugis, Iudi. xx. that almaist the hail tribe of Beniamin was slaine, for ane adulterie be oppressioun of a [Page liii] Leuittis wyfe. Gene. xx. Bot alsua Abimelech the king was punissit be God, nocht for committing adultery in de [...]d with Sara Abrahams wife, bot allanerlie yat he had desyre and pursose thairto.

Secund, Defoular [...] of virgini [...] thai syne greuously agane this com­mand, yat takis virginis maidinhede, specially gyf thai be handfast with ony vther, quhilk syn was punissit with deade in the auld law. Deut. 22.

Thridly, Rauissaris of vvemen Ge. 34. thai syn mair greuously that reuissis ony woman, for the quhilk syn we reid yat Sichem the sone of Hemor, the prince of that land was slayne with his father, and all thair men and thair citie destroyit. Amon also king Dauid sone, 2. Re. xiii be­cause he rauissit and oppressit Thamar his sister, he was slayne be Absalon in tyme of a bankit.

Fourt, Incestuus personis. yai syn aganis this cōmand yat brekis y e band of nature, & lyis with yame yat ar neir of yair kin, quhilk is forbiddin in the buke of Leuittis. Leui. 18. Commit­taris of ye syn aganis nature. Simple fornica­touris. Prouo­karis to ye syn of le­chorie. The same syn was in y e law punissit with the dead.

Fift, quha vsis the syn aganis nature (abone all the laif, synnis maist greuously) doand vtherwais than God hais institute betuix man & woman.

Saxt, all thai that synnis in simple fornicatioun quhiddir it be with concubynis or huiris. And also quhasa ꝓuokis vthirs to lechorie, be foule speiche, sāgis, taillis and pictouris, quha be foule thinking or feling, fylis thame self, quha eschewis nocht the occasionis of lichorie, drounkynnes, ydilnes, owir lang sleping, wātone & licht company, dansing, sin­ging, with vthir siclik ꝓuicationis. And quha may keip vthirs vnfylit, be help & coūsel & dois it nocht.

[Page]Fynaly, to this command pertenis all yat the haly scripture techis of chastitie, fasting, absti­nence, temperance in taking of meit and drinke, as nocht to be drounkin with wyne, in quhilk is exces & lechorie. And all exhortatioun to orisone and prayar, Ephe. 5. walking, honest labouris, honest company, hering of the word of God, studie of halie writ, quhilk helpis to keip and defende chastitie.

The xix. Cheptour.

Comminatioun of panis a­ganis the brekaris of this commandIT wald be to lang to reherse to ȝow all panis and corporal vengeance quhairwith God al­mychty in tymes bygane hais punissit the bre­karis of this saxt command, nochttheles, part of exempillis writtin in haly writ, we sall rehers to ȝow, to that effeck, that thir incorrigibil huir­maisteris, inueterat fornicatouris, detestabil adulter [...]is, and vther brekaris of chastitie (quhilk yat suld keip be the cōmand of God & yair awin special vocatioun) may se as into ane myrrour thair awin dāpnatioun. For doutles mony of siclik fornicatouris, blindit be carnal concupi­scence of thair hart, trowis that simpil fornica­tioun is na deadly syn, nor to thame damnabil, and sa nocht beand punissit be man & haiffand na feir of God and alswa schame of this warld, being past the sched of thair heer, thai leiue con­tinually in huirdome, thai corrup the ayre with [Page liiii] the exempil of thair vnclein lyfe, thai lufe and theris all yat ar siclik as thame self, thai het all yame y e leiuis ane chast lyfe. Comminatioun of temporall pain aga­nis adulteraris and all other lycherous personis. Deut. 22. Ihoan. 8. i. Cor. 6. Heb. xiii. Thairfor we exhort thame all for the weil of thair awin saulis to leif thair huirdome. and to keip ane chast lyfe, vnles thai be punissit of God be greuous panis and plaigis, bayth temporal & eternal, lyk as vther hais bein punissit in tyme bygane.

In the auld law all adultaris bayth men and wemen was stanit to the deade, as we reid in the buke of Deuteronome, and alswa in sanct Iohanis Euangill. All adulteraris ar excludit the kingdome of heuin, as sanct Paule sais in the first to the Corinthianis and saxt cheptour. Also to the Hebrewis he sais thus: Fornicatores et adulteros iudicabit deus. God sall iuge and condempne all fornicatouris and adulteraris. We reid in the buke of Iugis that for the vio­lent adulterie doin to the wife of ane certane Leuit, Iudi. xix. and xx. thair was slayne of the trybe of Benia­min xxv. thousandis of abil men of weir.

Salomon was first ane king incomparabill in wisedome and all gud properteis, iii. Reg. xi bot efter hend that he was giffin inordinatly to y e lufe of fair wemen, he turnit his hart fra God, and was giffin to ydolatry, in his ald dais his hart was blindit, enemeis was rasit & sterit aganis him Adad Idumeus, and Raȝō, his kingdome was diuidit, and thair was takin fra the house of Dauid ten trybes of Israel. It is ver­rai [Page] trew thairfor yat the prophet Osee sais, Yat blindnes of the hart is the dochter of lichory Osee. 4. that all wantone licherous men and wemen ar punissit of God with blindnes of hart, and sa thai put of the honest and chast conuersatioun of man, & leiuis lyk brute bestis in thair awin sensual lust and plesour: Fornicatio, et vinum et ebrietas auferunt cor. For­nicatioun or huirdome, wyne or dronkinnes takis away the hart or the mynd of man.

Gene. [...]4.In the buke of the Genesis we reid, that for ra­uissing of Dina the dochter of Iacob, all the men callit Sichimittis was slayne, thair scheip and yair cattal was reft and had away, thair barnis and yair wyffis was led in captiuitie, thair citie was put to sak and all was destroyit. Gene. 7. Amang the causis of the greit flude quhilk drownit all the warld (aucht per­sonis except) ane cause is assignit to be y e lecherous lust of the flesch. Gene. 29 God almychty cuist doune So­doma and Gomorra, Sebaim & Adama with Se­gore fiue nobil and fair citeis, with brontstaine and f [...]re, Gene. 19. for thair abhominabil vnclennes of lichorie. And quhen our Lord was to destroy the forsaid ci­teis he reuelit the same destructioun to Abrahā, the first father of our faith, yat he mycht schaw it to his sonnis and seruandis, to that effeck, yat thai mycht for feir of the punitioun of God, forbeir that dam­nabil syn, and leiue ane chast lyfe. And quhairfor was all thir exemplillis writtin, bot to gif vs war­ning to fle fra the foule stinkand syn of lychorie, les as we synnand as thai did, fall in siclik vengeance of God as thai did. And ane special exempil worth [...] to be no [...]it of al kirkmen, i. Reg. 4. is writtin in the first buke [Page lv] of the kingis, quhair we reid yat Ophna and Phi­neis, sonnis of Hely priestis of the auld law vnder the hie priest Hely thair father, was giffin to greit wantones & huirdome, abusand the woman quhilk came to mak sacrifice, yair father Hely the hie priest kennit yair abusionis, and correckit thame nocht sacondingly as thai war worthie, be resone quhairof thai twa priestis Ophna and Phineis was slayne baith on ane day, ye Arch of God was takin, quhen tydans thairof was brocht to Hely thair father, he fell backwart of his chear and brak his neck. It is to be feirit that siclik punitioun of God sall fall on all thame yat kennis oppin fornicatouris and may and suld correck thame and will nocht. Comminatioun of eternal panis aganis all lyche­rus men & vvemen. i. Cor. 6. Bot suerly litil ar temporal panis, in comparisone of the panis eternal of hell, quhairto all fornicatouris and huir­maisteris, be y e rychteous iugement of God ar con­demnit, except yai mend yair liffis be trew penāce. The blissit Apostil sanct Paul in thre placis of his Epistillis makis special mentioun of the iugement of God. The first is to the Corinthianis: Nolite errare ne (que) fornicatores, ne (que) ydolis seruientes, ne (que) adulteri, ne (que) molles, ne (que) masculorum concubito­ [...]es, ne (que) fures, ne (que) auari, ne (que) ebriosi, ne (que) maledic­ti, ne (que) rapaces, regnum dei possidebunt. Be nocht begylit, nother huirmaisteris or fornicatouris, nor wyrschipparis of ydollis, nor adulteraris, nor soft or vnclein men, nother abusaris of thame self with mankind, nor theuis, nor cowatous men, nor drounkin men, nor euil speikaris, nor reiffaris or oppres­saris, sal haif possessioun of the kingdome of God. [Page] The secund place is to y e Galathianis: Manifest [...] sunt autem opera carnis quesunt: Gala. v. fornicatio, immundicia impudicitia, luxuria, idolorum seruitus, ven [...] ficia, inimicitie, cōtentiones, emulationes, ire, rixe, dissensiones, secte, inuidie, homicidia, ebrietates, comessationes et his similia, que predico vobis sicut predixi, quoniam qui talia agunt regnum dei non consequentur. The deidis of the flesche ar manifest quhilk ar thir, fornicatioun, vnclenes, wantonnes, ydolatrie, witchecraft, hettred, cō ­tentioun, emulatioun, wraith, strif, seditioun, sectis or hereseis, inuye, murther, drounkinnes, gluttony and siclik, of the quhilk I tell ȝow be­fore as I haif tald ȝow in tyme bygane, that yai quhilk dois siclike deidis sall nocht optene & get the kyngdome of God.

Ephe. v.The thrid place is writtin to the Ephesianis: Hoc autem scitote intelligentes, quod omnis forni­cator, aut immundus, aut auarus, quod est idolorū seruitus, non habet hereditatem in regno Christi et dei. Knaw this and vnderstand, that na huir­maister or fornicatour, na vnclein persone or cowatous (quhilk is ye wyrschippar of ydollis) hais heretage in y e kingdom of Christ & of god.

Now tak tent O thow lycherous man and woman how the Apostil sanct Paul placis and settis fornicatouris & lycherous men & wemen in the first place of all thame that salbe excludit and put fra the kingdome of heuin. Thairfor O christin mā lat euirmair the wechtie cōmand of sanct Paule sound in thi eris, quhen he sais: [Page lvi] Fugite fornicationem. Fle fornicatioun. [...]. Cor. 6. Gyf yow speir at me, how may I fle fornicatioun? Trewly, quhen thow fleis fra all thai thingis quhilk ar the occasionis of fornicatioun fosteris and kepis a man or a woman in fornicatioun, as is vaine, ydil and lychorous thochtis & vnclein desyris of carnal lust and plesour. Gluttony and all erces in eittng and drinking, all ydilnes of the boby with lang sle­ping, all company of wantone, lycht and lychorous personis, all foule wordis and vnhonest talking. That thir ar the occasionis, nurissing & vphalding of ye syn of lychorie it is plainly schawin in the xvi. cheptour of the Prophet Ezechiel, quhair it is said to the peple of Israel: Hec fuit iniquitas Sodome sororis tue, superbia, saturitas panis, Eze. 16. ocium ips [...]us et filiarum eius. This was the iniquitie, that is to say, y e occasionis of wickitnes of Sodome thi sister, pryde, welth of meit & aboundance, and the ydilnes of hir and all hir dochteris. In thir wordis ȝe may vnderstand plainly, that suppose Sodoma with ye laif of the citeis was vtterly destroyit for the syn of the flesche abhominabil and nocht to be spokin, ȝit the special occasionis quhilk inducit & brocht yame to the vse of the same syn, was yair pryde, yair glu­tony & yair ydilnes. Sa ȝe may se yat it is trew yat the wisman sais: Qui amar periculum in illo peri­bit. He yat luffis the perrel mone peris in ye same, Eccle. iii. that is to say, he yat will do ony thing quhilk is the occasioun of syn, he mone neidis fall in the same syn and sa finally peris except he amēd his lyfe be trew penance. And sa conclude that na man can eschew fornicatioun except he fle the occasionis of ye same. [Page] Now last of all quhat special rewardis God giffis to all thame quhilk leiuis ane chast lyfe, Special revvardis promissit to the ke­paris of this command. i. Cor. 6. the same Apostil declaris in the same place afore allegite: An ne [...]citis quoniam membra vestra, templum sunt spi­ritussancti, qui in vobis est, quem habetis a deo & non estis vestri. Empti estis precio magno, glorifi­ca [...]e et portate deum in corpore vestro. Knaw ȝe nocht that ȝour bodeis is maid the tempil of y e halie spirit quhilk is in ȝow, quhome ȝe haif giffin to ȝou of God, and ar nocht ȝour awin seruandis. Ȝe ar bocht w t ane greit price, that is to say, with the blud of ye immaculate lame our saluiour Christ. Thar­for, magnifie & beir God in ȝour boby, be ane clein and chast lyfe. Quhat greiter gift may God gife to man, than to gife to him the haly spirit. Quhilk be his special grace, wyrkis all gudnes in vs, mouis vs to gud, gydis our hartis be lufe, and gif we ex­pel him nocht fra vs be syn, he wil bring vs fynally to y e glorious kingdom of heuin, quhairto he bring vs quhilk hais bocht vs with his precious blude.


☞The seuint command.☜

The xx. Cheptour.

Exo. xx. The or­dour of ye seuint cō ­mand. NOn furtum facies. Thow sall nocht steil o [...] commit theift. Quhat is the ordour of this command? Efter thai God our law mak ar, in the fift command hais forbiddin all iniuris anent thi nychbouris persone, & in the saxt command forbade all iniuris anent thi nychbouris wife, heir in the [Page lvii] seuint command, he forbiddis al iniuris anent thy nychtbours geir. The rycht keping of yis cōmād Quhat is the perfectioun of ver­tew, quhilk God requiris to y e rycht keping of this cōmand? To be lyberal of thy awin geir at thy po­wer, to gyf thame almous, quhen thay mister, to len yame glaidlie, quhen thay wald borrow w tout hope of wynning or of ockir, for sa our saluiour biddis the do, saying: Qui autem petit a te, da ei, Mathei. 5 Luce. 6. & volenti mutuare a te, ne auertaris. Gyff to hym that askis, and fra hym that wald borrow, turne nocht awaye. Et si mutuum dederitis, his a quibus speratis recipire, que gratia es [...] vobis? Nam et peccatores pecca­totibus fenerantur, vt recipiant equalia, verumtamē diligite inimicos vestros, benefacite, et mutuū date, nihil inde sperantes, et erit merces vestra multa, et eritis filii altissimi, quia ipse benignus est suꝑ ingra­tos et malos. Gyff ȝe len to thame of quhome ȝe hope to resaue, quhat thank haue ȝe thairfor? For synnars alsa lēnis to sinarꝭ y t yai mai resaue als mekle agane, bot rather lufe ȝe ȝour ennymeis, do gud & len, lukand for na vantage thairof agane, sa sall ȝour reward be gret, and ȝe sall be the chyldreing of the hiest, for he is kynde, euin to the vnthankfull & to the euyll. To be schort in this mater, Luc. 16. our Salue­our techis playnlie, in ye parabyl of the ryche Gluttone, & pure Lazarus, that a man or woman quhilk hes warldlie geir, & may gyf to the pure, in tyme of thair myster and wyll nocht, that thay ar worthy to be condampnit to the fyre of hell. Mat. 25. And at ye latter dai of extreme Iugement, he sal gyf possessioun of the kyngrik of heuin to al thaim that in tyme of yis [Page] lyfe was content to exerce and vse the werkis of mercy to the puir, and on the other partie, he sal condemne to the fyre of hell, all wyckit men and wemen quhilk ar vnmercyfull to the puir.

Be this cōmand also we ar warnit to eschew al ydilnes, & to be occupyit in lesum & profitabil labour, nocht only that we may thair with wyn trewly a leiuing to our self, bot also yat we may be abil to help y e puir in tyme of yair neid, accor­ding to the wordis of S. Paule before rehersit.

Quha brekis this cō mand.Quha brekis this command? Trewly sa mony men and wemen brekis this command, that thai ar few of all degreis and estatis that can excuse thame fra thyft, othir priuatly or pertly, plainly or ellis vnder colour. Theiffis. First, all theiffis quhilk quyatly and wrangously takis mennis gei [...] fra thame agane thair will: Tobi. 2. Vedete ne forte furtiuus sit (hedus) reddite eum dominis suis, quia non licet nobis, aut edere ex furto aliquid, aut contingere. Take tent (sais Tobias to his wife) yat the Kyd be nocht stowin, for it is nocht lesum for vs to eit or to twiche ony stowine thing. Reuaris. Secundly, al reffaris quhilk wrāgously & oppinly with vi­olence spulȝeis vther men of yair geir, quhiddir it be be land or see. Of quheme sanct Paul sais thus: [...]. Cor. 6. Fures et rapaces regnū dei non possidebunt. Theiffis and reffaris sall nocht get possessioun of the kingdome of God. Rece [...]tars And for als mekil as the Apostil sanct Paule sais: Roma. 1. Non solum qui ea faciunt, sed etiā qui consensiunt facientibus. That [Page lviii] nocht only thai that dois euil ar worthie of the deade, bot also thai that consentis to the doaris.

All princis & temporal magistrattis quhilk giffis cōmand, licence, help, Princi [...]. counsel and fauour to ony siclike reffaris be land or be see, or may stop yame and wil nocht, may be comptit as ref­faris before God, and brekaris of this cōmand. Sa it was said to Iosaphat king of Iewrie: Impio prebes auxilium, 2 Para. 1 [...] et his qui oderunt dn̄m amicitia iungeris. Thow gyffis help to ane wic­kit man, & is ionit in freindschip with yame yat he [...]tis God. To siclyk Princis God sais thir wordis, quhilk yai suld tak tent to: Esaie. i. Principes tui infideles, socij furum. Thi princis ar vnfaithful, marrowis to theiffis. Also gif kingis or prin­cis other excede and is exorbitant in taking of taxis fra thair peple, or spendis nocht the same taxis iustly apon the necessary defence of the cō ­mon weil, yai can nocht excuse yame fra breking of this command. Secundly, Iugi [...]. all Iugis temporal or spiritual, quhilk sellis iustice and iugement that aucht to be giffin frely, ar trans­gressouris of this cōmand: Nec accipies munera que etiam excecant prudentes, Exo. xxiii et subuertunt verba iustorum. Thow sall nocht (sais God) resaif re­wardis or buddis quhilk blindis the prudent men, and subuertis and puttis doune ye wordis of iust men. Non accipies personam, nec munera quia munera excecant oculos sapientum, Deut. xvi. et mutant verba iustorum.

[Page]And agane thow sall nocht except in Iugemēt ony mannis persone, nor resaue rewardis, for rewardis blyndis the eine of wysemen, and chengeis the wor­dis of Iust mē. Thridlie, na les is the syn of Prin­cis, Patrons of beneficis. Lordis, Byschoppis, and vthir Patronis spir­tuall & tēporall, quhē thay ꝓuid & ꝓmouis ony vn­worthy and vnqualifeit man to ony dignitie & benefice in the kirk, for lufe of temporall geir to thair a­win auantage, or of ony vthir f [...]eind or fremmit. Quhy sulde nocht that be callit theift, quhilk is ge­uin for lufe of geir, that suld be giffin frelie for the lufe of, God and in respect of leirnyng and vertew?

Cōmittars of sacrile­ge. Hartars of ye como [...] vveill Vs [...]raris. Luce. 6. Defrauda­ris of ser­uādis vva­gis. Iacobi. 5. Strykaris of vnlauchfu [...] cōnȝey Cer [...]ane marchadsFourtlie al Sacrilege is aganis yis commād, quhen ony thing ordani [...] to the honestie & cōuenient myni [...]tratioun of the Sacramentis and seruice off God, is stowin and reft out of the kirk. Fyftlie, a [...] thay that defraudis or spoulȝeis the cōmon geir, aganis the cōmon weill for lufe of thair awin pry­uate and singulare weill. Saxtlie, all vsura­ris & ocki [...]rars synnis aganis this cōmand yat wi [...] nocht len thair geir frelie, bot makis conditione of ockir, aganis the cōmand of Christe. Seuint­lie all thay quhilk hais seruandis or work men and wyll nocht pay thaim thair fee or waige, accordyng to cōditioun & thair deseruyng, quhilk syn as sanc [...] Iames sayis, cryis vengeance before God. Auchtlie all thai that strykis cownȝe of vnlauchful mettall, quhair throuch the cōmon weil is hurt and ska [...]hi [...]. ❧The nynte, all Merchandis that sellis corruppit & euyll stufe for gude, and gyf thay or ony vthir in bying or sellyng▪ vse desait, falsate, [Page lix] pariurie, wrang mettis or weychtis, to the skaith of thair nychtbour, thay cōmitt gret syn agane this cō mand. Certane craftis mē. Nother can we clenge fra breakyng of this cōmand all kyndis of craftis men, quhilk vsis nocht thair awin craft leillalie & trewlie as yai suld do. ☞Laste of al, we can nocht▪ nor suld nocht excuse benefecit mē fra breakyng of yis command, quhilk ressauis the Patrymonye of Christ (that is to say) teindis and offeryngis fra the christin pepil, ȝe sum tyme mair largelie than thay suld do, & wyll nocht mynister agane to the peple ye word of God, Certan benef [...]it men for the fude of yair saulis, the haly Sacramēts for the consolatioun of thair saulis, & wyll gyf na parte of thair benefice, for ye sustentatioun of pure peple within thair paryschyng. For doutles thay ar bot dispensatouris or stewartis of the same, to be distrubit to thaim self sa far as thai myster to thair honest sustentatioun, & also to the pure peple of yair awin perrochyne in speciall, and in reparatioun of thair queir quhen it nedis. Also nocht only yai braik yis command quhllk stelis, reiffis, or committis ockir, Certan gē tyll men. quhay begylis men with fals met or mesour, quha sellis fals rottyn merchandyis, bot also thay that be falset, optenis vthir mēnis heretage or takis vp thair rentis, quha that payis nocht seruandis & lauborous mē thair feis. All wrechis y e wyl be ground ryche incontynent, quhay be fraud, falset, and gyle twynnis men and thair geir, Takars of ouir mekil mail or ferme. quhay may keip thair nychtbour, fra pouertie and myschance and dois it nocht. Quhay takis ouer sair mail, ouer mekle fer­me or ony blake maillis, fra thair tennands, or put [Page] tis thair cottaris to ouir sair labouris, quhait throw the tenentis & cottaris is put to herschip.

Quha inuies his nychbouris gud fortune, ouir byis him or takis his geir out of his hādis with fair hechtis, or preuenis him, or begylis him at his marchandis hand. All thir abone re­hersit brekis yis command & ar comptit theiffis before God.

The xxi. Cheptour.

Commit­taris of symony.HEir we may nocht lauchfully leiue out yame yat cōmittis symony, quhilk with­out dout expresly synnis aganis this cō ­mand. Quhat is Symony? It is a diligent will to by or sel ony spiritual thing or ony vthir thing yat is annexit to spiritual thingꝭ. Quhar­fore, thai that byis or sellis the grace of God or ony special gift of the halye spirite, as Symon Magus wald haif bocht and Gezi sald, yai cō ­mit plaine Symony. Quha sa byis ony of the seuin sacramentis likwais committis plaine symonye. Nochtheles a puir priest quhilk sais Mes or ministaris ony other sacrament, may tak siluer, nocht as a price of the sacrament, bot as ane conuenient fee to his necessarie sustenta­tioun. For gif he haif intentioun to sell the sa­crament, he committis symony, bot nocht gif he intende allanerly to tak his necessary sustenta­tioun according to the ordination and appreuit custome of the kirk, nocht haiffand vthirwais to leiue vpon. Mairatour thai that giffis [Page lx] ony benefice of the kirk, specially gif it haif cure & charge of saulis, for ony siluer or siluer worth thai commit oppin symony. Attour, gif a pa­trone of a benefice quhidder he be temporal mā or spiritual, gif he gife a benefice to his neir kynnis man or ony vthir freind, suppose he be qualifiet, ȝit and he gife it vnder a conditioun that the resaiffar of the benefice sall prouide a leiuing for the freindis of him that is giffar of the benefice, in sa giffin he committis plaine sy­mony. And mekil mair failȝe thai aganis this command and incurris the spot of symony, thar giffis or takꝭ ane benefice in keping to vtheris. And yat giffis ane benefice with sick cōditioun that the kepar of the said benefice sall haif bot ane sober pensioun, that the giffar of that bene­fice may get in the laif to thame self and yair ke­ching. Of Iugis and vthir men of ye lavv. Nother may we leif out Iugis tēporal and spiritual, quhilk sellis iustice & iugement that aucht to be frely giffin, or yai yat procedis nocht ordainly and spedfully in executioun of iustice, can nocht be excusit fra breking of this cōmand, for to thame it is said: Iuste quod iustū est exequeris. Thow sall execute iustice iustly. Deut. 16.

How mony maner of wayis may iustice be peruertit and vniustly execute be Iugis & vthir officiaris of the law? Four maner of wayis. First be hettrent and malice quhilk thai beir a­ganis ony man.

Secundly for feir to displese ony gret man or [...]ny warldly freind.

[Page]Thridlie for lufe of ony temporall geir. And fourt­lie for carnal affectioun of thair freindis. Be ane or ma of thir four maner of wayis iustice is oft tymes nocht trewlie and lauchfullie executit. And speci­allie Aduocatis, Procuratours, & Scrybis, quhidder thay be of temporal court or spirituall, braikis yis command twa maner of ways. First quhen yai tak wagis to procure or defende a cause, quhilk yai ken is vnlauchfull & aganis Iustice. Secundlie, quhen for thair wagis thay tak on hand ane lauch­full cause, bot for lucre of geir thay diffar and put­tis of the executioun of Iustice, Quhay sa fyndis oni thing & restors it not Quha vvyl nocht pay yair dettis fra day to day, and oft tymes fra ȝeir to ȝeir to the gret skaith and her­schype of thaim quhilk hes ane rycht actioun of the pley. All thay that fyndis ony tynt geir gold, syluer or ony vther thyng and knawis or may knaw with diligent spering quhay awe the same tynt geir and wyl nocht restore it & gyf it agane to ye trew awner, thay ar theiffis & braikis this cōmand. Lykwayis al thai breckis this cōmand, Quha vvyl nocht pay yar teinds treulie. Executors of testamē tis. quhilk wyl nocht pay, thair dettis quhen thay may and suld pay thaim. Quhasaeuir payis nocht thair teindis dewlie and haillellie as thai aucht to do, thai cōmit theift & bre [...] kis yis command. All executouris quhilk takis on hand to fulfyll the last wyll of ony man or woman & wyl nocht pay the dettis of y e dede & vther legaceis, wyll nocht help y e freindis of y e dede nor do deidis of cheritie and suffragis of the kirk for y e saule departit, conforme to the deddis wyll and ordinance, thay greuouslie dyspleis God, be the transgressioun of yis command & may be comptit before God (noch [...] [Page lxi] only theiffis bot oppin reffaris. Medici­naris and Chirurgi­naris. All Medicinaris and Chirurgeraris quhilk is nocht expert in thair facultie, and ȝit will tak on hand to cure ony man or woman fra seiknes quhilk thai can nocht do, takād wagis largely fra the same seik personis, yai com­mit thift aganis this command. Pottin­garis. Lykwais all Pottingareis quhilk takis siluer for euil & rottin stufe and droggaris can nocht be excusit fra com­mitting of thift. Thus in the same seuint com­mand almychty God forbiddis all iniust and vn­lauchful taking, getting & keping of vthir mennis geir. It is God [...] command to mak re­stitutiou [...] And be the contrare God commandis that all transgressouris & brekaris of yis seuint command afore reher [...]it, with al yir power suld mak hail resti­tutioun of thair wrangous and vnlauchfull gottin geir, for it is ane common and trew saying of sanct Augustine: Peccatum non dimittitur, nisi ablatum restituatur. The syn is nocht forgiffin, except the wrangous geir be restorit. And gif sa be yat thow may nocht restore in deid and incōtinent, at the leist thow suld haif ane gud will and purpose to restore thi wrangous geir quhen, thow sal be abil.

Now will we spek of the panis quhilk God al­mychty schoris to ye brekaris of yis command, Commin [...] tioun of panis a­ganis the brekaris of this cō ­mand. and of rewardis quhilk he hais promissit to the keparis of the same. Albeit, that in the law of Moyses the punitioun of theiffis was restitutioun, sumtime of twyis als mekil, sum tymes of four tymes als mekle, sumtime v. tymes als mekil, as was stowin, ȝit in the new law Princis and ciuile Magistratis synnis nocht quhen thai punis theiffis and reffaris [Page] with the deade, for thai haif auctoritie giffin to thame be God to beir a sweird, that is to say, to punis with the deade all perturbatouris of the common weil, sa yat yai procede efter the ordour of iustice according to thair ciuile law and lau­dabil custome of thair countrie. And of the spi­ritual paine that fallis apon cowatous men and wemen sanct Paul sais thus: Qui volunt diuites fieri, i. Timo. 6 incidunt in tentationem & in laqueum diaboli, et desideria multa, inutilia et nociua, qui mergunt homines in interitum et perditionem. Radix enim omnium malorum est cupiditas, quam quidem ap­petentes errauerunt a fide, et inseruerunt se doloribus multis. Thai that will be riche, fallis into temptatioun, and in the gyrne of the deuil, and to mony vnprofitabil & noysum desyris, quhilk drownis men into distruction & dānatioun. For cowatousnes is the rute of all euil, quhilk quhil sum men desyrit, thai errit fra the faith, & brocht thame self in mekil sorrow. And of thair payne eternal spekis S. Paul sayand amang y e laif of misdoaris: i. Cor. 6. Ne (que) fures, ne (que) auari, ne (que) rapaces▪ regnum dei possidebunt. Nether sall theiffis, nor cowatous men, nor reffaris possesse y e kingdome of God. Because Achan in the distructioun of Hieric [...], Ios [...]e. 7. tuk certane geir that was forbiddin be the special command of God, a cloke of silk ver­rai fyne, twa hundreth syclis of siluer, and ane meswand of gold, he was stanit to the deade. Saule the king of Israel was repreuit of God, [Page lxii] and tynt his kingdome, i. Re [...] [...] quhairof ane cause was his cowatousnes, quhilk he had to the spulȝe of Amelech, quhairfor Samuel said to him, quhy hard thow nocht the voce of our Lord, bot is turnit to the spulȝe & hais done euil in the sycht of our Lord? Gehezi the seruand of the Pro­phet Heliseus, was strikin with lipper, 4. Reg. 5. because he tuk certane giftis fra Naaman the prince of Syria, quhilk Heliseus his maister refusit, be­cause it was neuer lesum to sell the spiritual gift of God. And this exemple is writtin in detesta­tioun of symony. Iudas lykwais throch cowa­tousnes sa [...]d our saluiour Christ quhen he said, Math. 2 [...] quhat will ȝe gife me, and I sall deliuer him to ȝow? Actu. 2. quhais end is discriuit in the Ackis of the Apostillis, that he hangit himself, and birstit a sunder in the myddis. Quhen Symon Magus saw, yat be the laing on of the Apostillis handis the haly gaist was giffin, he offerit yame money and said: Gife me also yis powar, yat on quhem saeuir I put my handis, he may resaif the halie gaist. Then sanct Peter said to him: Actu. 8. Pecunia tua tecum sit in perditionem, quoniam donum Dei ex­istimasti pecunia possideri. Perisch thow with thi money, because thow thinkis, yat y e gift of God may be optenit with money. Mairouer, how gret and terribil vengeance God almychty hais takin on thame quhilk committis sacrilege, that is to say, that staw or reft ony thing hallowit or vnhallowit out of the tempil of God, or that a­busis ony siclyk.

[Page] Dani. 5We reid in the buke of Daniel, yat Belthasar king of the Caldeis, for abusing the hallowit veschellis quhilk his father Nabugodonosor brocht as a spulȝe out of the tēpil of Ierusalem, was excedan­ly f [...]eit with ane strange and terribil visioun, sitting at ane ryall bankit, quhilk he maid till a thousand of his nobillis, he saw the fingaris of ane hand wri­tand thre wordis apon the wall anent him. Na mā culd reid yame or tel yair signification, bot Daniel allanerlie, quhilk rede thame thus: Mane, The­kell, Phares, and exponit thame thus. Mane, that is to [...]ay, God hais nowmerit thi kingdome & hais cōpletit and endit it. Thekell, yat is, thow art weyi [...] in a ballance, and thow art funde to want wecht. Phares, as mekil to say, as thi kingdome is deui­dit and giffin to the Medis and Persis. And the same nycht Balthasar the king of Caldeis was slaine, and Darius the king of the Medis succedit in his kingdome. Breuelie, quhasaeuir hurtis yair puir nychbour doing ony skaith to yame, other oppinly or quyatly be ony kind of craft, falset or sutteltie, can nocht eschaip the rygorous punitioun of God, quhilk he schoris in the buke of Exodus sayand thus: Vidu [...] et pupillo nō nocebitis, si lese­ritis eos, Ex [...]. 22. vociferabuntur ad me, et ego audiam cla­morem eorum, et indignabitur furor meus, percuti­am (que) vos gladio, et erunt vxores vestre vidue, et filii vestri pupilli. Ȝe sall nocht noy, hurt, or skayth a wedow, fatherles, motherles or ony freindles mā or woman, for and ȝe hurt yame, thai will cry to me, and I will heir thair crie, and I will take indigna­tioun [Page lxiiii] at ȝow, & sall stryk ȝow with the sweird. & ȝour wyfis salbe wedowis, & ȝour sonnis salbe fatherles.

Lat all gentilmen quhilk hais tenentes and cot­taris vnder thame tak tent to thir wordis. Lat all Medicinaris, Chirurgeanis, and Pottingareis quhilk takis on hand to help seik or sair men, tak tent to thir wordis, lat all Gryntaris, Stewartis, Chamyrlandis, and al kind of craftesmen tak gud [...]ent to yis comminatioun of God.

The xxii. Cheptour.

QVhat rewardis sall thai get be the promis of god quhilk helpis the puir, Promis of revvardis to the ke­paris of this com­mand. Prouer. iii giffand to yame almous according to thair powar for Gods saik? Trewlie thai sall optene gret rewardis of God, temporal, spiritual, and eternal. Of the tem­poral rewardis it is writtin in the buke of Prouer­bis: Honora dominum de tua substantia, et de pri­mitiis omnium frugum tuarum da pauperibus et implebuntur horrea tua saturitate et vino torcularia tua redundabunt. Honour our Lord with thi sub­stāce or with thi warldly geir lauchfully gottin and part of thi best geir gife to the puir, and thi barnis salbe fulfyllit with corne & frute, & thi wyne pressis sal flow with wyne. In thir wordis almychty God expresly ꝓmissis sufficient welth & fouth of warldly geir to all thame, quhilk for his sake blythly giffis almous to the puir peple. And to this promis, all gredie cowatous men and wemen giffis na credit, quhilk trowis to want warldly geir to thair awin leiuing, gif thai gife ony almous to the puir pepil [Page] according as thai may gife, & thairfor thai gi [...] other litil or ellis na thing. Of thir spiritual re­ward, Eccle. 29. it is writtin thus: Conclude ele [...]mosynā in corde pauperis, & hec ꝓ te exorabit ab omni malo. Hyde thine almous in y e hart of a puir body, yat is to say, gife thine almous (but ony intentioun of vaine glore) to the puir man and woman, and that same sall pray for the to God, yat yow may be deliuerit fra all euil. Also Tobias the elder giffand exhortatioun to his sonne Tobias the ȝongar, rehersis gret spiritual rewardis, sayand thus: Tobi [...]. 4. Ex substātia tua fac elemosynā, et noli auer­tere faciem tuam ab vllo paupere, Ita enim fiet, vt nec a te auertatur facies domini. Of thi awin gei [...] gife almous, & turne nocht thi face fra ony puir man, yat is to say, gif thow may nocht gife him almous, at ye leist schaw to him a plesand countinans, and sum takin and syne that thow hais compaciens on him. And sa sais Tobias, it sall cum to pas yat God sal nocht turne his face fra the. Syne Tobias techit him the rewle of discretioun, quhilk men suld vse in giffing of almous, sayand thus: Quomodo potueris ita esto misericors, si multum tibi fuerit, abundanter tribu [...] si exiguum tibi fuerit, etiam exiguum libenter im­partiri stude. Euin as yow may, sa be thow mer­ful, and yow haif mekil warldly geir gife mekil almous, and gife thow hais bot lytil warldly geir, apply thi mind to gife alsa lytil almous w t blythnes. And last of all he schawis the gret re­wardis that salbe giffin for geuing of almous: [Page lxv] Premium enim bonū tibi thesaurizas in die necessi­tatis, Tobi. 4. quoniā elemosina ab omni peccato et mort [...] liberat, et non patietur animam ire in tenebras. Thow sall gadder and prouide to thi self a tresour, quhilk sall be gret reward geuin to the in the day of necessite, that is the day of iugement, for almous deliueris fra all syn and deade, and sall nocht thoile the saulis of the merciful men, to gang to the myrk­nes of hel. And of thir eternal reward our saluiour expresly spekis thus in the euangil of sanct Luke: Facite vobis amicos de mammona iniquitatis, vt cum defeceritis, recipiāt vos in eterna tabernacula. Luce. 1 [...]. Mak ȝour self freindis of ȝour wyckit mammonie, that is to say, mak the puir men and wemen ȝour spirituall freindis be giuing of part of ȝour rychis to thame, quhilk richis oftymes is ane occasioun of wyckitnes to warldly men and wemen, nocht be the nature of the richis, bot allanerly throw the affe [...] ­tioun and abusioun of warldly men and wemen, with ȝour richis thairfor mak the puir men ȝour frendis, that quhen ȝe sall depart of this warld yai may resaif ȝow till eternal tabernaculis, that is to say, to the glorious dwelling placis in the kingdom of heuin. Gyf ȝe speir, how may puir men re­saif the richemen till heuin? We answeir, nocht be thair awin powar and gift, quhilk allanerly be­lāgis to God, bot be thair intercessioun & prayaris may optene the grace of God to riche men, quhair­by thai may cum to the kyngdom of heuin.

All thir promissis afore rehersit is signifeit and geuin vs to vnderstand be ane promis quhilk [...] [Page] saluiour makis in the euangil of S. Luke sayan [...] thus: Luce. 6 Dare et dabirur vobis. Gyfe, and to ȝow sall be giffin. Mensuram bonam et cōfertam, et coagi­tatam et superfluentem, dabunt in sinum vestrum. Ane gud mesure, pressit doune & schakin to gidder and rumād ouir, sal yai gif to ȝow into ȝour bosum. Be thir wordis, eftir the expositioun of certan do­ctouris is signifeit four kindis of giftis, quhilk al­mychty God giffis to thame that giffis almous for Gods saik. The first is temporal geir, quhil ar callit guddis of fortune, quhilk sumtyme God gif­fis for doing the warkis of mercy, and this gift is callit gud or lauchful mesour.

The secund gift is of nature, as helth of body, quhilk sūtyme God giffis for y e warkis of mercy, & is callit ane mesour pressit doune, quhilk is largea [...] met than the first, quhilk was ane lauchful met.

The thrid gift is encres of grace, quhilk oftymes God giffis to thame that ar mercyful, and this is largear met than was the secund.

The fourt is the gift of eternal glore, quhilk is the gretest gift of all the laif, and is signifeit be the met yat rynnis ouir. Now it followis in the wordis of our saluiour: Eadem quippe mensura, qua mensi fueritis, Luce. 6 remetietur vobis. With the same mesour quhair with ȝe met to vthir, it salbe mettit agane to ȝow. For according as the deidis of cheritie corpo­ral or spiritual is mair or les, sa sall the giffaris of the same deidis, be rewardit mair or les. And this is largelie declarit be sanct Paule sayand thus to the Corinthianis: 2. Cor. 9. Qui parce seminat, parce et [...] ­ [...]et, [Page lxvi] et qui seminat in benedictionibus, de benedi­ctionibus et metet Quhasa sawis litill, sall scheir litil alsa, and he that sawis plenteously sal lykwais scheir largely. It followis: Vnusquis (que) prout desti­nauit in corde suo, nō ex tristitia aut necessitate, hy­larem enim datorem diligit deus. Euery ane accor­ding as he hais purposit in his hart, nocht displei­sandly or be compulsioun, for God luffis a blyth giffar. It followis in the text of S. Paule: 2. Cor. [...]. Potens est autem deus, omnem gratiam abundare facere in vobis, vt in omnibus semper omnem sufficientiam habentes, abundetis in omne opus bonū, sicut scriptum est, dispersit, dedit pauperibus, iustitia eius ma­net in seculum seculi. God is abil to mak ȝow riche in all grace, that ȝe in all thingis hauing sufficient to the vttermaist, may be riche in all maner of gud warkis: as it is writtin, he hais scatterit and geuin to the puir, his rychteousnes remanis for euir.

Thus we end the seuint command, exhortand all christin men & wemē, to keip yame self fra al maner of taking or keping of wrangous geir fra thair nychbour, and with thair awin geir, help all thame that mistaris, for Gods saik, knawin well that thai sall get reward temporal, spiritual, and finally eter­nal, fra the liberal hand of God, to quhome be all honour and glore for euir and euir. Amen.

☞The aucht command.☜

The xxiii. Cheptour.

NOn loqueris contra proximum tuum, Exo. xx. falsum testimonium. Thow sall nocht beir fals wit­nes [Page] aganis thi nychtbour. The ordour of ye aucht cō mand. Quhat is the or­dour of this command? This command techis the to do na skaith to thi nychtbour in his fame and name, nor hurt him with thi toung in his persone, his wife or his temporal geir. For nixt his lyfe, his wife and his geir, his fame is derast to him, ȝa as necessarie as ony of the laif.

The rycht keping of this com­mand.Quhat is the rycht keping of this cōmand? Trewly, the vertew of yis cōmand is, to ordour and gyde thi toung in all thi wordis to the ple­sour of God & the profit of thi nychbour. Nocht to raise pley, nor to do vther men skaith, bot yow suld spek thi wordis to the help & gud gyding of thi nychbour. To labour for concord amang thame that ar fayis, to defend thi nychtbouris fame, quhen vtheris bakbytis him or defamis him. Schortly, that thi speche be trew and pro­fitable to the heiraris, and to thi brother, [...]aith before his face and behind his back. All wordꝭ of halie scripture yat byddis y e help thi brothers and nychtbouris gud name or fame, his rycht, his profite, and specially his saule heil with thi wordis, belangis to the trew vnderstāding and keping of this command.

To ye gud gyding of our toung thre thin­gis ar ne­cessary.Quhasa wald ordour thair wordis and gyde thair toung to the plesour of God and edifica­tioun of thair nychtbour, mone leir to haif thir thre verteous conditionis that followis.

The first is to vse discretioun in all our spe­king, considerand alwais afore we spek, quhat [Page lxvii] we ar to say, to quhome we spek in tyme and place conuenient, and because sik discretioun is a gift of God, we suld pray to God for it, sayand with the Prophet in the Psalme. Pone domine custodiam ori meo, Psal. 140 et ostium circumstātie labiis meis. I beseik the, O gud Lord, put a ke­ping to my mouth, Lord I pray the gife me thi grace, quhairby I may dant and refrane my toung fra all vaine and euil wordis, and to spek allanerly gud wordis, with dew circumstance of resone. And the Apostil sanct Paule sais: Iaco. iii. Si quis in verbo non offendit, hic perfectus est vir. Gyf a man offend or syn nocht in his worde, he is ane perfite man. Heir ȝe suld nocht vnder­stand yat the perfectioun of a christin man stan­dis onlie in gud gyding of our toung, for vn­doutand, it standis principally in perfite lufe and cheritie, as sanct Paule declaris to the Col­losiens, sayand: Super omnia charitatē habere, Colos. iii. quod est vinculum perfectionis. Abone all thingis haif cheritie, quhilk is the band of perfectioun. Nochtheles, gud gyding of the toung, is a spe­cial takin of perfectioun, and sa sanct Iames callis a mā yat synnis nocht in his toung, to be ane perfite man, for as mekil as he hes ane spe­cial takin of ane christin mannis perfectioun. And to gyde our toung with discretioun, sanct Iames exhortis vs be twa familiar exemples.

[Page] Iaco. iii.The first is of a brydil, sayand: Si autem equis frena in ora immittimus, ad consentiendum nobis, omne corpus illorum circumferimus. Behald lais he, we put brydillis into the hors mouthis, that yai suld obey vs, and we turne about all thair bodie. Mekil mair suld we put the brydil of discretioun apon our toungis, to dant thame and cause thame to obey the command of God in thair speking.

The secund exempil is of ane rudder of a schip: Ecce naues cum magnae sint, et a ventis validis minentur, circumferuntur autem modico guberna­culo, vbi impetus dirigentis voluerit. Behald also the schippis, suppose yai be large & gret, and dreuin with gret windis ȝit ar yai turnit about with a ver­rai smale Helme or Rudder, quhairto saeuir the schipmen will. euin sa the toung of man and womā suld be turnit be ye rudder of discretioun, quhairto saeuir the law of God will.

The thrid thing that suld moue vs to gyde our toung weil, is to considder oftymes quhat hurt and skaith cummis of ane euil toung, quhilk sanct Ia­mes declacis in the place afore allegit, sayand thus: Ecce quantus ignis, quam magnā si [...]uam accendit & lingua ignis est vniuersitas iniquitatis. Behald how gret a thing a litil fyre kendillis, and the toung is a fyre, quhilk sumtyme is ane occasioun of all wy­kitnes. As it mycht be said plainely, as ane litil fyre may burne and distroy a gret nowmer of treis, gret housis, palacis and tounis, sa ane euil toung may kendil mekil euil as stryif, contentioun and sedi­tioun, hereseis and scismis, to the distructioun of [Page lxix] mekil vertew, & mony verteous men. It followis: Lingua constituitur in membris nostris, qui ma [...]ulat totum corpus, et inflamma [...] rotā natiuitatis nostre, inflammata a gehenna. Sa is the toung set amang our membris, yat it defylit the hail bodie, and settis a fyre the hail course of our lyfe, and is it self set a fyre euin of hel. The sentence of thir wordis is this. The toung of man and woman is ane of the leist membris of all the bodie, quhilk gif it be nocht refrenit and dantit fra euil wordis be discre­tioun, may hurt and skayth al the hail bodie, for oft tymes the hail bodie is brocht to mekil cummer and payne, for the falt of the toung. Or be the bodie we may vnderstand the hail congregatioun and cum­pany of the pepil, for as we oft se be experiens, ane euil toung bringis ane hail congregatioun or cum­pany to mekil cummer and payne. Mairouir, ane euil toung, specially of ane euil giffin counsellour, fals prechour or techar, may kendil y e hartis of men and wemen to heresie and vthir synnis, and thairin to remaine fra the tyme of yair ȝouthede, to the tyme of thair auld, sa mekil euil may spring out fra ane euil toung. Gyf ȝe speir quha hais kendillit sa mekil euil in the toung of man and woman? Se quha puttis sa mekil euil in the toung? Trewly, nocht almychty God, for he hais wallit and defēdit the toung with certane teith and twa lippis, to signifie that the toung suld nocht be hastie in speking, bot yat it suld speik with auisment and discretioun. Than quha hes kendillit sa mekil euil in the toung of man & woman? Verrailie the deuil of hel, quhilk [Page] kendillis the fyre of concupiscence yat is in ou [...] flesch sa mekil as he may, than the concupiscēce kindillit, kindillis and prouokis the toung to sa mekil euil. And heir we haif a cause to de­ploir and be sorie for the malice of mony men & wemen, quhais toung is sa euil, that apparand­ly it is incurabil, quhairin thai may be compti [...] war of cōditionis than brutel bestis or serpētis, according as sanct Iames declaris thus: Omnia natura bestiarum, Iaco. iii. volucrum et serpentum et cete­rorum, domantur et domita sunt a natura humana, linguam autem nullus hominum domare potest, in­quietum malum, plenum veneno mortifero. All the nature of bestis and byrdis, and of serpentes, & vther of the see, ar meikit and dantit be the na­ture of man, bot the toung of sum men & wemen can na man dant, it is ane vnrewly euil full of deadly poysone. As he mycht say: thair is na wyld best sa wyld, thair is na foule sa fors, na serpentis sa pestilent, na best of the see sa cruel, bot be the ingyne, industrie & craft of man, thai may be dantit. Lyonis ar maid gentil and meik, Tygaris ar maid myld, Drachonis ar dantit. Eliphantis mak seruice to mā, Cockatryces ar brocht in subiectioun, serpentis ar tamit, Ernys and Eglis ar maid familiar to the hand of mā, bot the euil toung (of sum men and wemen) may na man dant. And quhy? Because it is sa wyld, yat it will nocht be rewlit, it is sa ful of poysone, that na medicine of gud counsel can help it. Thus be gud consideratioun of the gret hurt & [Page lxx] skaith that cummis of ane toung, we suld seir to refrein our toung with discretioun.

The thrid thing that causis a man or a womā to haif a gud toung, Reforma­tioun of our hart is necessary to ye gud gyding of our toung Math. 12. is reformation of our hart or of our mynd, for as our saluiour sais in the euangil of sanct Mathew: Progenies viperarum, quomodo potestis bona loqui cum sicis mali? Ex a­bundantia enim cordis os loquitur. O ȝe genera­tioun of serpentis, how can ȝe spek gud, quhen ȝe ȝour selfis ar euil? for of the abundance of the hart y e mouth spekis. Bonus enim homo de bono thesauro profert bona, et malus homo de malo thesauro profert mala. A gud mā, out of the gud tresour of his hart bringis furth gud thingis, & ane euil mā, out of his euil tresour brīgis furth euil thingis. Be thir wordis of our saluiour, it is manifest and plaine, yat na mā can speik gud wordis to the plesour of God and edificatioun of thair nychtbour, except that he haif ane gud hart or mynd indewit and annor [...]it with faith and cheritie. Quhairfor O christin man, & yow wald refrein thi tong fra all euil wordis quhilk thow spekis aganis God & thi nychbour, thow mone haif in thi hart the trew lufe of God and thi nychtbour. Quha brekis this command? Brekaris of the viii. command Specially yai that beris in iugement fals wit­nes. Fyrst thai offend almychty God quhais veritie thai denye and forsakis opinly.

Secundly, thai offend the Iuge, Isodorus. fra quhom yai syle & hyde the veritie. Thridly, yai offēd and hurtis the persone yat is accusit, quhom be [...]esone of thair fals wytnes, thai condemne als [Page] mekil as lyes in thame and haldin to restitutioun of all hurtis. And be this ȝe may consider plainly, how greuous a syn it is to bear fals witnes.

Mairouir, thai syn aganis this cōmand, quhilk dois wrang to yair nychbour in iugemēt, quhidder yai be Iuge, Scribe, Aduocat, fals witnes, partie, or ony siclike, quhilk oppressis thair nychbour be falset in iugement, or will nocht say y e veritie quhen thai suld say it, quha be falsat and lesingis, puttis yair nychbour to sorow or skaith. All flatteraris, scornaris of men, fals accusaris and bakbytaris, quha giffis reidly eris to bakbytaris, fostaris the same and repreuis thame nocht. And quha inter­pretis nocht all vther mennis indifferent wordis & deidis to the best face, quhen thai may be weil tane. Quha dissimillis to schaw the veritie quhen he is oblissit to schaw it be necessitie and for ye gud of his nychtbour. The punissioun of thame yat brekis yis command Pro. xiii. Is yair ony paine or punitioun ex­premit in the scripture aganis yame yat brekis yis command, be speking of euil wordis? Ȝis trewly. First to speik in general, the wisman sais: Qui cu­stodit os suum, custodit animam suam, qui autem inconsideratus est ad loquendum, sentiet mala. He yat kepis his mouth, kepis his saule or his lyfe, bot he yat spekis without cōsideratioun and auisment, sal feil trubil and paine. And to speik in special, the wisman sais: Pro. xix. Testis falsus non erit impunitus. Ane fals witnes sal nocht be vnpunissit. Agane he sais: Testis mendax peribit. Pro. xxi. A leand witnes sall perisch. Also y e same wisman, Pro. vi. rehersand sax thingis quhilk God hettis, he rekins amang yame a mā yat beris [Page lxxi] fals witnes, and spekis lesingis. Ane exemple ȝe may tak in ye buke of Daniel, Dani. xiii. of ye twa lycherous Iugis quhilk falsly accusit that honest and chast matrone Susanna, berand fals witnes aganis hir, for the quhilk, be the rychteous iugement of God yai wer stanit to the dead. Also the wisman sais: Pro. xiiii. A­bominatio (hoim) hominum detractor. He that is a bak byter is abhominabil till all gud men. Roma. i. And sanct Paule in the first to the Romanis, rehersand yai synnaris quhilk is worthi the dead eternal, puttis amang thame detractouris, bakbytaris or sclanderaris, sayand: Detractores deo odibiles. Bakbytaris (sais he) ar hettit of God. Also the wisman speikis of thame yat ar quysperaris, rowkaris & rounaris on this maner: Susurro inquinabit animam suam, Eccle. xxi. et in omnibus odietur. A rowkar and rownar, sall fyle his awin saule, & sal be hettit of all men. Mair ouir he sais: Susurro, et bilinguis maledictus erit, Eccle. 28. multos enim turbauit pacem habentes. A man or a woman that is ane rowkar and doubil toungit, is cursit and wariit, for siclik ane persone hes put me­kil trubil amang men & wemen, quhilk afore was at peace. And to be schort with ȝow, our saluiour declaris this mattir in few wordis, sayand thus: Dico autem vobis, quoniā omne verbum ociosum, Math. xii. quod locuti fuerint homines, reddant rationem de eo in die iudicii. Bot I say to ȝow, that ilkane idil word, quhilk men and wemen speikis, thairof thai sall gife ane compt in the day of iugement.

Now sene we mone gife ane compt to God in the day of iugement, of all our ydil wordis quhilk ar [Page] vaine and vnprofitabil till vs and our nychtbour, mekil mair it followis, yat we mone gife ane compt of all our euil wordꝭ, blasphemous wordis, backby­ting & sclandering wordis, lycherous wordis, inui­ous wordis, treful, prydful and malicious wordis with sicklike. Quhat will ȝe mair? as it followis be the wordis of our saluiour: Ex verbis tuis iustifi­caberis, et ex verbis tuis cōdemnaberis. Thow sal be iustifeit be thi wordis, gif yai be conforme to the law of God, and spokin of ane gud mynd, & thow sall be condemnit for thi wordis, gif thai be aganis the law of God, The re­vvardis of thame yat kepis this cōmand. Pro. 21. and spokin of ane euil mynd. And sa it is nocht difficill to ken how God almychty re­wardis yame yat spekis gud wordis, with ane gud mynd. The wisman sais: Qui custodit os suum, et linguam suam, custodit a tribulatione animam suā. He that kepis his mouth and his toung, kepis his saule or his lyfe fra trubil. And the Prophet king Dauid sais in the Psalme: Ps. xxxiii. Quis est homo qui vult vitam, et diligit dies videre bonos? Quhat is the man that wald haif life, and luffis to fee gud dais? To this questioun he answeris and sais: Prohibe linguam tuā a malo, et labia tua ne loquantur dolū Refraine thi toung fra spekin euil wordꝭ, and stop thi lippis that thai speik na dissait. In thir wordis the Prophet techis, that commonly be gud gyding of our toung, we may cum to mekil rest and tran­quillitie, nocht only to be had in this temporal lyfe, bot also in the lyfe to cum, quhilk we luke for in the kingdome of heuin, quhilk he grant vs, that bocht vs with his precious blude. Amen.

☞The nynt command.☜

NOn concupisces vxorem proximi tui. Exo. xx. Deut. 5. Thow sall nocht cowet thi nychbouris wyfe.

☞The tent command.☜

The xxiiii. Cheptour.

NOn domum, non agrum, non seruum, Exo. xx. Deut. v. non an­cillā, non bouem, non asinū, nec vniuersa que illius sunt. Thow sall nocht cowet thi nycht­bouris house, nor his croft or his land, nor his ser­uand, nor his hyir womā, nor his Ox, nor his Asse, nor ony vther thing, quhilk pertenis to him. How kepis thir twa last cōmandis ordour with the laif? Men mycht trow that thai had kepit the laif of the commandis, quhen thai had nocht oppinly brokin thame in deid, as the Iewis traistit that thai fulfil­lit yai twa commandis quhilk forbad adultery and thift, gif yai had nocht committit siclik in deid. God thairfor be his seruand Moyses, to put away yat errour fra the Iewis and al vther men and wemen, he schawis thame be thir twa last commandis, yat thai synnit than to, quhen thai desyrit thair nycht­bouris wyfe, or watchit and waitit be wylis for yair geir. Amang the Iewis maisteris had power apō thair bond seruandis bodeis, as apon thair bestis, quhairfor the bond men and wemen was comptit a­mang thame part of thair possessioun or temporal geir. Attour, amang the Iewis it was tholit for the hardnes of thair hart, that a man mycht put a­way his wyfe for ony deformitie. Sa, and a man [Page] mycht haif lauchfully luffit his nychtbouris wyfe, Deut. 24 he mycht a fischit ane cause to [...]is wife, to put hir away & tak ane vther, or sche also quhen sche desyrit ane vther, wald mak faltis to hir husband, to get hir leif. Sa mycht thai fynd mony suttill inuentionis to get vther mennis wyffis, housis, landis, geir, seruandis & bestis, quhairfor to schaw thame, that to desyre siclyke was nocht lef [...]ll, suppose thai had nocht got [...]in thair purpose in deid, thir twa commandis was giffin. Ar thir twa last commandis exponit in the haly scripture? Ȝe, our saluiour exponis the nynt command, Math. 5. sayand thus: Ego autem dico vobis, quia omnis qui viderit mulierem ad cōcupi­scendū eā, iam mechatus est eam in corde suo. Bot I say to ȝow, quhasaeuir beholdis ane vther mannis wyfe, or ony other wo­mā by his awin wife 2 Perer. 2 to desyre hir, he hais cōmittit adultery with hir ellis in his hart. And as sanct Peter the Apostil sais: Oculos habentes plenos adulterii. Thai haif thair eyne full of adultery. Quhair is the tent exponit? In the Euangil of sanct Mathew, quhair our saluiour sais thus: Nō potestis deo seruire et māmone. Math. 6. Ȝe may nocht serue God & Mammon. Ideo dico vobis, ne soli­citi sitis anime vestre quid māducetis, ne (que) corpori vestro quid induamini. Thairfor be nocht careful quhat ȝe sal eit or drink. Math. xiii And agane he sais: Solicitudo seculi istius, & fallacia diuittarū suffocat ver­bum, et sine fructu efficitur. The carefulnes of yis warld and the desaitfulnes of riches, smoris the word that it beris na frute.

[Page lxxiii]Quhat is the rycht keping of thir twa com­mādis? To haif ane cleir ee, The rycht keping of thir com­mandis. and ane clein hart A cleir ee, is the rycht iugement of reasone, and intentioun of our mynd, quhilk suld dereck, or­dour & gyde all our deidis to be doine to the ple­sour of God and profit of our nychbour, accor­ding as the Apostil techis sayand: 1. Cor. 10. The cleir ee of our intētioun to God. Colos. iii. Siue ergo mā ­ducatis, siue bibitis, vel aliud quid facitis, omnia in gloriam dei facite. Quhiddir ȝe eit or drink, or do ony vther thing, do all to the honour and glore of God. And agane: Omne quodcun (que) facitis in verbo aut in oꝑe, oīa in noīe dn̄i nostri Iesu Christi facite. All thingis quhatsaeuir ȝe doin word or deid, do all in y e name of our Lord Iesu Christ, yat is, quhen ȝe speik ony gud word, or dois ony gud deidis, lat ȝour intentioun be, to do yame, nocht to ȝour awin glore and singular profite, bot principally to y e glore of God. Matg. [...]. Our saluiour declaris this in the Euangil, in the deidis of al­mous, praying and fasting. Of this ee of our intentioun, our saluiour sais thus: Lucerna corporis tui, est oculus tuus. Si oculus tuus fuerit simplex, totum corpus tuum lucidum erit. Si autem oculus tuus fuerit nequā, totum corpus tuum tenebrosum erit. Si ergo lumen quod in te est te­nebre sunt, ipse tenebre quante erunt? Thi ee is the lycht of thi body. Gyf thi ee than be simpill and clein all thi bodie sall be full of lycht, bot and gyf thine ee be wykit, all thi body sall be full of myrknes. That is to say, gif thi [Page] intentioun be rycht, thi deidis, quhilk ar nocht eu [...]l and repugnand to the law of God, ar rycht plesand to God, bot & gif thi intētioun be wrang, thi deidis ar maid displesand to God. A cleir ee to thi nycht­bour, The cleir ee of our intētioun till our nychbour is to haif this intentioun, to do to him as yow wald that he of resone suld do to the, and to do na thing to him, quhilk thow wald nocht yat he of re­sone suld do to the. Schortly, in al thi deidis intēd thi nychtbouris weil and profite, as thi awin.

The descriptioun of ane clein hartA clein hart is yat quhilk hais na inordinat de­syre of warldly geir, bodelie lust & warldly honour. A clein hart is that quhilk is content to serue God▪ nocht principally for ony warldly plesour or profite, bot rather for his awin lufe & gudnes. A clein hart is that quhilk is hail giffin to the lufe of God and our nychtbour. A clein hart is yat quhilk luffis his nychtbour lykwais nocht for his geir, or vther car­nal affectionis, bot maist of all for the lufe of God.

Descrip­tioun of ane foule hart.And contrarie, that man hais ane foule hart, quhilk luffis him self allanerly, sa and he be weil he curis nocht quhat becum of his nychtbour, quhilk singular and priuat lufe, is the rute of all euil. Schortly, the rycht keping of thir twa commandis is to be blyth of thi nychbouris honour and profite, desyre the samyn, and help him thairto.

Quha brekis this tvva com­mandis.Quha brekis thir twa commandis? Fyrst, quha yat with a deliuerit mynd and full consent, desyris to haif thair nychtbouris wyfe, to commit adultery with hir. Lykwais, quha yat with ful consent wald fulfill thair carnal lust with ony woman quhilk is nocht his mareit wyfe. Quha lykwais wald haif [Page lxxiiii] his nychtbour partit fra his lauchfull wyfe, that he mycht haif hir, or ony vther vngodly cause. Quha inuies his nychtbour, yat he hais ane honest womā to his wyfe. Quha cowattis inordinatly thair nychtbouris geir, desyr and with full consent, to get geir fra him vniustly, or by vnlauchfull con­trackis, be suttiltie, falsat and desait. Quha wald haif ony mānis seruand fra his maister vniustly, & by his maisteris wil. Quha inuies yair nychbours, beand blyth of his hurt and aduersitie, and sorie of his weil and prosperitie. Schortly al lycherous, in­uious, & cowatous men, brekis thir twa cōmandis.

How may a christin man fulfill thir twa last cō ­mandis? Hovv may a christin man fulfill thir tvva last com­mandis. Trewly it is exced and difficill to refrain our hart fra vnlauchfull desyre of wemen, warldly geir and honour, because that in our corruppit na­ture is rutit concupiscence, lust and desyre of thingꝭ forbiddin be the law of God. And suppose the same concupiscence remaine in vs, quhilk ar baptisit in Christ Iesu, or that ar reconcilit to God efter ou [...] actual syn be trew penance. Ȝit it is in vs na syn, quhil we consent with a deliuerit mynd to fulfill in deid the same cōcupiscence, or ellis to haif lang de­lectatioun in the same concupiscence without deid. According as the wismā sais: Eccle. 18. Post concupiscencias tuas nō eas, et a voluntate tua auertere. Thow sal nocht gang efter thi concupiscence, that is to say, thow sal nocht consent to fulfil the vnrasonabil lust and desyre of thi flesch. Iaco. i. To this agreis S. Iames sayand: Vnusquis (que) vero tēptatur a concupiscentia su [...], abstractus et illectus, deinde concupiscentia cū [Page] cōceperit, parit peccatū, peccatū vero cum consummatum fuerit generat mortē. Ilk man is tēpit of his awin concupiscence, drawin away and en­tyscit. Syne the concupiscence consaillis and bringis furth syn, quhen syn is completit it ge­neris dead. Vnderstand heir, that the concupi­scence cōsaillis be suggestioun & delectatioun, & bringis furth syn be consent. Se that suppose we feil suggestioun to syn, other be euil thochtis remembrance, sycht, heiring, smelling, sauering, tasting & tweching, or be ony euil counsel giffin to vs, be our enemie or ony other. Secundly, suppose we begin to haif sum plesour & delecta­tioun in the same euil, ȝit gif we incontinent re­f [...]ane out will fra consent to do the same euil, nocht only we cōmit na deadly syn, bot we pleis God in resistence of y e same. That this doctrine is trew, Roma. 8. sanct Paule teichis plainly: Nihil ergo nunc dānationis est his qui sunt in Christo Iesu, qu [...] nō secundū carnē ambulāt. Thair is now (sais he) na damnatioun vnto thame that ar in Christ Iesu, quhilk gangis nocht efter the flesch, bot efter the spirit. Roma. 6. Agane: Non ergo regnet peccatū in vestro mortali corpore, vt obediatis concupiscen eiis eius. Lat nocht syn regne in ȝour mortal bo­deis, that ȝe suld obey the lust of it. Declara­tioun of this matter we haif in the historie of A­damis fall and first syn. Gene. iii. The serpent come and maid suggestioun and gaif counsel to breik the command of God. Eue the woman, begane to haif delectatioun in the sycht of the frute for­biddin. [Page lxxv] Adame willing to content the mynd of the woman, consentit, and eit it, and sa braik the com­mand of God, to the gret dammage & skaith of him self and all his posteritie. The same proces is daily found in cōmitting of our synnis. The serpent sig­nifyis the deuil quhilk tempis and prouokis vs to breik the cōmand of God, prouok and other a thing or vthir forbiddin be God. Eue betakins y e flesche, quhilk begynnis to haif plesour and delectatioun in the thingis sa proponit. Adame signifyis the fre will of man, quhilk quhen it cōsentis and deliueris to do the deid, syn is completit and fulfillit. Thus we conclude, that sa lang as we abstane fra the cō ­senting to the suggestioun and tystyng of our cōcu­piscence, we syn nocht.

The xxv. Cheptour.

QVhat is the cause that this carnal concupi­scence, the mother and nuris of syn, Quhat is the cause yat carnal concupi­scence re­manis in our flesch efter Bap­tyme. remanis in the flesche of al christin men & wemen eftir Baptyme and penance, how gud, how haly, and perfite saeuer thai be, it makis to thame impedimēt to do the lawis of God perfitely, full sair aganis thair will, and wald be quyt of it, and can nocht, & thairfor lamentis and murnis daily for the conti­nual cummer of it? God almychty be his rychte­ous iugement and infinite wysdome, permittis the carnall concupiscence to remaine in Christin men and wemen, efter the resauing of Baptyme and Penance, nocht for our euil, bot for our weil, nocht to our distructioun, bot to be to vs ane [Page] occasioun of our saluatioun, for nane sal be crownit in heuin with honour & glore, except yai get victory, nane can get victorie except he fecht stowtly & man­fully, na mā fechtis bot with his ennimy, sa gif yair be na ennymie, yair is na battel, na battel, na victo­rie, na victory na croune. Now thairfor God hes permittit yis concupiscence to remaine in vs, yat we throch his grace owyrcūmand the same, may optene the croune of glore in heuin. Sa God permittit the Cananeittis to remane in a part of the land of promissioun amang the peple of Israel, nocht for thair distructioun, bot for yair exercitioun in battel, that yai haiff and exercitioun & practeis in fechting agane yame, be the help of God yai mycht ourcum, nocht only the Cananeis, bot also al vther nationis quhilk wald be yair enymeis. How may we our­cum this enymie that dwellis in our mortal bodie, euirmair prouok and & steir and vs to euil? Revvlis to dant the flesch. Thus, we doand throch Gods grace our deuore & diligens quhilk we aucht to do, God wil gife til vs his spret, be quhais vertew and grace, we fall eisalie ourcum the temptatioun of our flesch, ȝe and also the deuil, and the warld. We ourcum thame, quhen we resist thame, we resist thame, quhen we consent nocht to yair temptatioun. The first thing yat we aucht to do in this battell, is to mak inuocatioun to God be ane faithful prayar, to gife vs his haly spret, for as the wisman said to God: Et vt sciui quoniā aliter non possum esse continens, Sapi. 8. nisi deus det. And efter I kermit that I culd nocht vtherwais be continent [...] my fle [...]ch fra euil, except that God gaif [Page lxxvi] me grace. And as the Apostil sais: Roma. 8 Si enim secundū carnem vixeritis, moriemini, Si autem spiritu▪ facta carnis mortificaueritis, viuetis. And ȝe leif efter the flesch ȝe sal dee, bot and ȝe mortifie the deidis of the flesch be the spirit, ȝe sall leif. How sall we optene the spirit of God, bot with ane faithful prayar. For our saluiour Christ hais maid vs promis sayand: Ask and ȝe sall get. Amen amen dico vobis, si quid petieritis patrem in nomine meo dabit vobis. Math. vii. Quhat saeuir ȝe sall ask the father in my name, he sal gife it ȝow. Agane: Ioan. 16. Sa sal ȝour heuinly father gife the gud spirit to thame yat askis him. Lat vs thairfor ask this spirit of God be ane trew faith in Christ Iesu, committand our cause hailelie to him, traistand and lippinnand hailelie to him, that the father eternal, for the lufe & meritis of Christ, will nocht lat vs want his spirit, we doand that is in vs as is afore said, quhilk may renew our mynd and mak vs new men in God, in rychteousnes and ha­lynes, sall slokkin the heit of carnal lust in vs, and kendil the fyre of Gods lufe in our hartis, & sa mak vs bring furth the frutis of the spirit, quhairof ane is continence & chastitie. The secund thing that we mone do in our battel aganis our concupiscence is to make resistence to our foule lustis and desyris in the beginning of yame, for & we thoil our carnal desyris byde in our mynd, yai wil grow and multi­plie, & wax stark agane our spirit, & sa sall be diffi­cil to ourcum thame. Thai ar lyk to ane slederie eil that may be haldin be the heid, & nocht be the tail. Thairfor sais the Prophet in the Palme: Beatu [...] [Page] qui tenebit, et allidet par [...]ulos suos ad petram. Happy is the mā yat sal hald his first motionis, Psal. 136. thochtis & desyris, & sall stryk yame to the stane. Quhilk vers be mistical expositioun menis yat we suld repres & dant our carnal lustis & desyris in the beginning, quhen thai ar litil, and that be faith of our saluiour Christ, quhilk is signifiet be the stane, because he is sickar and suir freind and defēdar, to all yat puttis yair traist in him.

Thridly, we suld forbeir all occasionis of syn, flee euil company, quhilk is lycht, wantone and vayne, keip w t gret diligence our eyne fra wan­tone sychtis, our eris fra hering of vile talk, ly­cherous sangis, vnhonest talis, our handis and membris of our bodie fra vnhonest twyching, our mouth fra excess of meit and drink, & all our wittis fra all abusionis, quhair throch as wyn­dokis, Iere. 9. deade enteris into our saule. According as it is said be the Prophet Hieremie: Ascendit mors ꝑ fenestras nostras. The deade clymmis vp till our saule be the wyndokis, that is to say, deadly syn enteris in our saule be abusioun of our fiue wittes. And the haly man Iob keipit weil this rewle quhen he said: Iob. xxxi. Pepegi fedus cum oculis meis, vt ne cogitarem quidem de virgine. I haif maid ane obligatioun and ane band to re­frane the wantone sychtis of my eyne, that I mycht nocht haif ony inordinate thochtis of virginis. Fourtly, we suld dant our flesche fra [...]ll wantones, as the Apostil sanct Paule sais [Page lxxvii] expresly: Qui autem sunt Christi, Gala. 5. earnem suam cru­cifixerunt cum vitiis et concupiscentiis. Quha is y e seruādis of Christ, yai haue crucifie yair flesche togiddir with the vyce and cōcupiscence yairof. And ȝe wald ken how our flesche suld be cruci­feit and dantit fra the euil of the concupiscence. Trewly, with walking, fasting, and labouris. Of the first the wisman sais: Eccl. xxxi Vigilia honestatis tabefaciet carnes. Honest walking sall mortifie the flesche. And ane vther man said, Cato. lang sleip and rest, fosteris the vice of the flesche. Of the secund speikis sanct Paule, 2. Cor. 6. exhortand his Co­rinthianis to be ministeris of God, amang vthir vertewis he puttis fasting before chastitie. And as sanct Hierome allegeis Tyrens: Sine cerer [...] et Baccho friget Venus. Be abstinence of meit & drink, lychorie is cauld and hais na strenth. Of the thrid sais the doctour sanct Hierome: All ydil men ar ful of desyris. And the wisman sais: Pro. 24. P [...]r agrum hominis pegri transiui, et per vineam viri stulti et ecce totum repleuerant vrtice. I haif gane (sais the wisman) be the feild of ane ydill man, & be the wyneȝard of ane fuile, and behald all was full of nettillis and wriddis, mening that ydill men of all vther ar maist disponit to y e vice of y e flesche. Do euirmair sum gud warke, ya [...] y e deuil may euir find y e weil occupiit. The punissionis of yame quhilk brekis yir twa last cō ­mādis, & the reward of yame yat keipis y e same [Page] is knawin weil eneuch be the declaratioun, quhilk we maid in the endis of the saxt & seuint cōmandis, quhair it is schawin plainly with quhat punitionis God punis [...]is all cowatous men and also [...] lyche­rous men, and because thai breik thir twa last com­mandis in special yat hais yair hartis fylit with the synnis of lychorie and cowatousnes. And thai keip thir twa last commandis in special, quhilk keipis thair hartis clein in chastitie & lufe to do the werkis of mercy to yair nychtbour. The punitioun thair­for of all thame that hais vnclein hartis, is plainly expremit in the Apocalipsis, quhair mentioun is maid of certane men and wemen quhilk sall nocht haif enteres to y e heuinly citie of Ierusalem, quhair it is said thus: Non intrabit in eā aliquod coinqui­natum. Apo. xxi. Na thing sal enter into that glorious citie, quhilk is blekkit or fylit. And of the reward of all thame quhilk hais ane clein hart, our saluiour Christ sais thus: Beati mundo corde, quoniā ipsi deum videbunt. Math. 5. Blissit ar all thai quhilk ar clein in hart, for thai sall see God. And agane in the same place he speikis of the reward of all thame quhilk hais a mercyful hart to thair nychtbour. Beati mis [...] ricordes, quoniam ipsi misericordiam consequētur. Blissit ar all thai quhilk ar mercyful to thair nych­bour, for thai sal optene and get the mercy of God. And be the contrar sanct Iames speikis of all vn­mercyful men, Iaco. 2. sayand thus: Iudiciū sine misericor­dia illi, qui non facit misericordiā. He sall get iuge­ment without mercy at the hand of God, quhilk hais na mercy on his nychtbour. And sa schortly ȝe [Page lxxviii] may vnderstand how God almychty punissis eter­nally the brekaris of thir twa last commandis, and also how that he will reward all the keiparis of the same with eternall reward, quhilk he grant to vs that bocht vs with his precious blude. Amen.

☞The rycht vse of the ten commandis.☜

The xxvi. Cheptour.

TO conclude this doctrine, quhilk we haif giffin to ȝow of the law & cōmandis of God, we exhort ȝow till haif alwayis in ȝour remem­brance thir wordis of S. Paule: Scimus autē, quia lex bona est, i. Timo. i. si quis ea legitime vtatur. We knaw (sais he) that the law is gud, gif a mā will vse it weil. For suppose ȝe knaw the law of God, ȝit & ȝe knaw nocht y e rycht vse of the law of God, or how that ȝe suld vse the law of God dailie to ȝour edifi­catioun, ȝour knawlege will do ȝow litill gud. Quhairfor we think it expedient to declare to ȝow the rycht vse of the law be plaine & familiar exem­pillis, to that effeck, that quhensaeuir ȝe heir the law, or ony part of the law expremit to ȝow, ȝe may considdir the rycht vse of it, and sa apply the law to ȝour gret profite and spiritual edificatioun.

First christin pepill, The ex­emple of ane torch. ȝe suld vse the law of God as ȝe wald vse ane Torche quhen ȝe gang hayme to ȝour house in a myrke nycht, for as the Torche or [Page] Bowat schawis ȝow lycht to descerne the rycht waie hayme to ȝour house, fra the wrang way, and also to descerne the clein way, fra the foule way. Euin sa aucht ȝe to vse y e law or command of God, as a Torche, Bowat or Lanterin. For doutles, the law of God giffis y e lycht of knaw­lege to descerne ȝour hie way hayme to ȝour dwelling placis in heuin, fra the wrang way yat leidis to hel. For as the strecht way to heuin is the rycht keping of thir ten commandis, according as our saluiour sais: Math. 19. Si vis ad vitā ingredi, serua mandata. Gyf thow will entir to the lyfe, keip the commandis, sa the wrang way is to breik ony of the ten cōmandis. Sa quhen thow hais gottin knawlege and vnderstanding of all thir ten commandis or of ony ane of yame, thai▪ cōsiddir thi self quhair thow gangis, and gif y u ken thi self to gang the narrow way of vertew that leidis to heuin, be blyth in God, and thank him of his grace, and ask at him the gift of per­seuerance, and gif thow thinkis thi self out of the hie and clein way of vertew, and that thow art gangand in the braid and hie foule way of deadly syn that leidis to hel, incontinent cum agane to the hie way of vertew, quhilk is com­mandit in the law of God, sayand with the pro­phet in the Psalme: Psal. 118. Cogitaui vias meas, et con­uerti pedes meos in testimonia tua. I haif consi­derit my wayis, quhairin I haif gane wrang gaitis, and I haif turnit my feit into thi com­mandis, gud Lord, because yai allanerly is my [Page lxxix] strecht way to the kingdome of heuin. Gyf thow say agane to me, quha will tell me quhen I am in the rycht way, and quhen I am in the wrang way? Trewly thi awin conscience will tel the, being in­formit be the trew knawlege of the commandis of God. And this rycht vse of the law is geuin vs be the wisman in the Prouerbes, sayand thus to his sone: Cōserua fili mi precepta patris tui, Prouer. 6. & ne dimit tas legē matris tue, liga eā in corde tuo iugiter, & circumda gutturi tuo. Cum ambulaueris, gradiātut tecum, cum dormieris, custodiant te, et euigilans loquere cum eis, quia mandatum lucerna est, et lex lux, et via vite increpatio discipline. O my sone (sais the wisman) keip the commandis of thi father, and leif nocht the law of thi mother. Bynd yame to gidder continually in thi hart, and festin yame fast about thi half, quhen thow gangis lat thame gang with the, quhen thow sleipis, lat thame keip the, & quhen thow walknys, speik with thame. For the command is the Lanterin, a Torche or ane candel, and the law is lycht and the way of lyfe and correc­tioun of euil maneris & derectioun to gud maneris.

The secund exempil (quhairby we may knaw the rycht vse of the law) is of ane myrrour, The exempil of ane myrrour. quhairin a man or a woman behaldis thair awin face, to that effeck, that gif thai see thair face blekkit, thai may gang to the wattir to wesche thame. Euin sa ȝe suld vse the law or the commandis of God. For doutles the law is geuin to be ane spiritual myrrour to vs, quhilk gif we considdir weil, we may se the face of our conscience in it, and knaw perfitly all the defor­miteis & spottis of syn, quhilk blekkis our saule, [Page] quhilk, quhen we haif doine, we suld incontinent gang to the wellis to wesche vs, yat is to saie, to the sacramētis of haly kirk. And with trew faith giffin to the promis of God, draw out of yame the watter of grace, quhilk may wesche our saulis and mak tha ne fair. For quhasaeuer hais thair saule fyli [...] with original syn, suld cum or ellis be brocht to the well of Baptyme, and thair be weschyne fra all yair synnis. And quhasaeuir ar fylit in thair saulis be actual syn, suld cum to the well of Penance be con­tritioun, Confessioun, and satisfactioun, that ya [...]e yai may be weschyne with y e watter of grace, quhilk is geuin be dew ministratioun & faithfull resauing of that same sacrament. And of thir wellis of grace ȝe haue large declaratioun maid to ȝow in the thrid pa [...]t of this Catechis, quhilk intraittis of the seuin sacramentis. Sa O christin mā & woman, quhen y e law of God is declarit to the, heir it nocht in vaine, bot leir the rycht vse of it, and in it, as in ane myr­rour behald the face of thi conscience, and eftir yow hes sem the gret deformiteis & spottis of thi synnis, incōtinent cum to the wellis of grace, that is to say, to the meritis of Christis passioun, quhilk may be applyit to the be the rycht ministratioun of the haly sacramētis. Bot tak tent yat thow cum vnfenȝetly. Cum thairfor with trew penance, cum w t ane perfit faith geuin to the promis of God cum with ane fer­uent lufe and desyre of thi awin saluatioun, and sa cumand to the well of grace, without dout thow sall resaif grace quhilk sall wesche thi saule and mak i [...] [...]. And this rycht vse of the law may weil be ga­derit [Page xc] of the wordis of sanct Iames, sayand thus: Iaco. i. Estote factores verbi, non auditores tantū, fallentes vosmetipsos, quia si quis auditor est verbi, et non factor, hic comparabitur viro consideranti vultum natiuitatis sue in speculo &c. Be ȝe doaris of the word, and nocht heiraris only, desaffand ȝour awin sel [...]is, for gif ony heir the word, and do it nocht, he is lyke to a man that behaldis his bodely face in a myrrour. &c. Quhilk auctoritie was set furth to ȝow at lenth in the end of the Prologe.

Thridly, The exempil of ane Vrinal. ȝe suld vse the law as ane spiritual V­rinal, for lyk as luking in ane vrynal heilis na seiknes, nochtheles, quhen the watter of a seik man is lukit in ane Vrinal, the seiknes commonly is kna­win, and than remede is socht be sum special Me­dicin, geuin be sum expert Medicinar. Sa the law or commandis of God heilis na synnar fra the seik­nes of syn: Nihil ad perfectum adduxit lex. Hebre. 7. The law gaif na grace quhairby men mycht be brocht to perfectioun. Nochitheles, as he sais to y e Romanis: Per legē cognitio peccati. Be the law, Roma. iii. is the knaw­lege of syn. Quhairfor, quhen we haif knawlege of our spiritual seiknes of syn, be luking in the law, as in ane spiritual Vrynal, than suld we gang with trew penance & fayth, till the heuinly medicinar our saluiour Christ, quhilk sais thir wordis of him self: Non est opus valentibus medico, Math. 9. sed male habenti­bus. Thai that ar stark and hail in thair persone, neidis na Medicinar, bot yai yat ar weik and seik neidis a Medicinar. Now because that we ar all togiddir in our saule febil, weik, and seik throch cō ­cupiscēce [Page] & syn, quhilk we may se cleirly in y e spi­ritual Vrinal of y e law, quhat suld we do, bot w t trew penance and faith, pas till our Medicinar Iesus Christ, seik fra him the medicine yat may saif vs and heil all our seiknis, seik fra him the plaster of our saluatioun, yat may heil our woū ­dis, sayand to him w t the prophet in ye Psalme: Sana animā meam, Psal. 40. quia peccaui tibi. O Lord heil my saule, for I haif synnit aganis the, quhilk doutles he will do gif we gang to him vnfenȝet­ly, doand the worthi frutis of penance with ane substantial traist and confidence in the meritis of his passioun, quhilk is the only spiritual me­dicyn of our seik and woundit saulis.

The exempil o [...] the Compas.Fourtly, ȝe suld vse the law or commandis of God as the schippar of a schip vsis his compas, for his Compas mouis nocht nor dryuis nocht the schi [...] on the braid & stormy see to gud hauin, bot the schippar haiffand a wynd, takis tent to the derectioun of his Compas, quhil he cum to ane gud hauin. Sa the law of God is till vs ane spiritual Compas, for we haiffand the pro­sperous wynd and motionis of the haly spret, blow and in the salis of our vnderstanding and fre will, syne takand gud tent to the derectioun of the law of God, as till our spiritual compas, we may verrai prosperously w t ane rycht cours saile to the glorious port and hauin of the he­uinly Paradise, quhair we [...]all rest the s [...]hip o [...] our nature in perpetual tranquillitie and secu­ritie of bayth bodie and saule. And thus we end [Page xci] our declaratioun of the ten commandis, geuin to vs be almychty God, to quhome be ge­uin al louing and thankis, honour and glore for euir and euer. Amen.


❧Heir followis the secund part of the Catechis, contenand ane plaine declaratioun of the twelf artiklis of the Crede necessary to be knawin and trowit of all christin men & wemen to thair eternal saluatioun.

The first Cheptour.

THe secund part of this Catechis, giffis instructioun of our christin fayth, quhilk is sa necessary to vs all, that as the Apostil sanct Paule sais: Hebre. xi. Of the ne [...] nessite of our christin faith. Sine fide autem im­possibile est placere deo. Cre­dere enim oportet accedentē ad deum quia est, et inquirentibus se remunerator sit. Without fayth it is impossible to pleis God, for he that cummis to God mone beleif that God is, and that he is ane rewardar of thame that seikis him. And agane he sais: Roma. 14 Omne autem quod non est ex fide peccatum est. Quhatsaeuir is nocht of faith, the same is syn. Esaie. 7. And as the Prophet Esaie sais: Si non crederitis, non intelligetis. Except yat ȝe beleif ȝe sall nocht vnderstand. Quhat sall we nocht vn­derstand? Trewly thai thingis that belāgis to our saluatioun, quhilk we can nocht ken be natural re­sone, i. Cor. 2. bot allanerly be fayth. Quhairfor S. Paule sais: Animalis autem homo nō percipit ea, quae sūt spiritus dei, stulticia enim est illi, et nō potest intel­ligere. The natural man (that is, haiffand only the giftis of nature) vnderstādis na thing of the spre [...] of God, it is fulischnes to him and he can nocht vnderstād. Quha is the na­tural [Page xcii] man, bot the hail persone of man, with all his resone, cunnyng, will, wit, & powar, sic a man, nocht baiffand the faith of haly kirk, quhilk is the gift of the spret of God, can nocht vnderstand how to cum to his saluatioun. And how perelous it is to misken yai thingis, as we declarit to ȝow in y e first prologe, ȝe may tak exempil of the pepil of Israel, quhen yai wer in wildernes, cumand to y e land of promissioun of quhome God sais thus: Ipsi vero non cognoue­runt vias meas, quibus iuraui in [...]ra mea, Psal. 904 si introibūt in requiem meā. Thai haif nocht knawin my wayis (that is to say, my iustice and mercy) to quhome I haif sworne in my wraith, y [...]t is, I determit to exe­cute aganis thame the rigour of my iustice, sa that yai sal nocht entir into ony rest in ye land of promis­sioun, quhilk is the kingdome of heuin. The rea­sone quhairof sanct Paule schawis in few wordis, saying: Qui ignorat, ignorabitur. i. Cor. 14. He that miskens sall be miskennit. Mening this, gif we will nocht ken Goddis iustice and his mercy, offerit to vs in Christ, in tyme of this lyfe, God sall misken vs in the day of extreme iugement. Quhairfor, that ȝe may pleis God, that ȝe may vnderstand how to cum to ȝour saluatioun, that ȝe finally may entir in­to y e eternal rest of god, ꝓmissit vnto vs in Christ, leir to vnderstand the rewle of ȝour fayth, callit commonly the Crede, compilit and set furth be the haly Apostillis of Iesus Christ, for the common & necessary instructioun of all christin men & wemen. Thair is tvva kidi [...] of fai [...]h. And for the mair plaine vnderstanding of the same Crede, it is to be notit, that faith in haly scripture [Page] is takin in twa sortis. For doutles, thair is ane fayth, quhilk is general, deade, and ydil. Also yair is ane fayth, quhilk is special, leiffand and wyrkand. Ane gene­ral faith. Quhat is general fayth? General fayth is ane gift, quhair throch we ken yat yair is ane trew God, and trowis fermely that all quhatsaeuir is set furth to vs of God, other in the haly write, or in the diffinitionis of general counsellis representand the vniuersal kirk, ga­derit in the haly spirit is sa trew, that na thing can be trewar, suppose thai excede the capacite of natural reasone, because that the haly spret, quhilk is giffar of the scripture, and techear of haly kirk, is the spret of veritie. Is this gene­ral faith, be the quhilk we trow yair is ane god, sufficient for our saluatioun? Vndoutand it is nocht sufficient, for mony Gentillis, specially Philosophouris be the sycht & knawlege of the creatouris had a part of this general faith, and come to y e knawlege of ane trew god, Roma. i. his eternal powar & diuinitie, bot because thai wald nocht thank him, glorify and serue him, as yair God, thair knawlege was deade, ydil and vayne, and swa thai vanissit away in thair mynd be ydola­trie and vthir abhominabil synnis, and sa thai perischit, as it is declarit in the first to the Ro­manis. Also mony euil christin men and wemen beleiffis be this general fayth as the kirk d [...]is, bot because thai want the special faith yat wyr­kis be leiffand cheritie, Titum. i. thai can nocht be saiffit. Of quhome we may verifie the wordis of sanct [Page xciii] Paule, sayand thus: Confitentur se nosse deū, factis autem negant. Thai saie thai knaw God, bot thai deny him with thair deidis. Mairouir as sanct Ia­mes sais: Demones credunt & contremiscunt. Iaco. 2. The deuillis trowis yat yair is ane God, & for feir of his terribil iugement thai tremyl. Sa thow seis that it is nocht sufficient to beleif, that thair is ane God e­ternal, and that all spokin of him in haly write, is trew, because it is bot ane general faith, common to gud men and euil men, to men & deuillis, al kennis perfitly that God can nocht mak ane lesing.

Quhat is the special and quick faith, Ane speci­al faith. quhilk is in all gud christin men and wemen? It standis in thre pointis. The first is before said, to trow that thair is ane God, and yat all the historeis writtin of God in haly write, is trew as that he is ane God in substance and thre in personis, that the same blissit Trinite is makar of heuin and erd, & of all crea­touris visibil and inuisibil, yat he hais geuin to vs be handis of Moyses the ten commandis, to keip vnder the paine of eternal dānatioun, with al vthir historeis in the haly write, other in detestatioun of syn or in cōmendatioun of vertew. Secund, be­cause we ar brekaris of the law, we suld be knaw­lege of the same faith▪ feir all the comminationis, schoringis or bostingis, quhilk God makis in the scripture aganis the transgressouris of the law, thinkand that thai ar maid agane ilkane of vs in special. Thridly, we throw feir of God beginnand to repent our self for our synnis, suld hoip to optene the mercy & grace, quhilk God promissis in Christ [Page] to al & sundry faithful & penitent men & wemen. Breuely, to commit our self hailely to God, to put our hai [...] traist and confidence in his help, de­fence, gudnes & gracious prouisioun in all our necessiteis, perellis, dangeris, mistaris, infirmi­teis, in all forsakand our awin will, and with o­bediens cōmit all to the gracious will of God. Siclyk faith had Daniel, Dani. 6. and 14. Dani. xiii. Ionas. 2. quhen he was put in the caue amang the Lyonis. Siclyk faith had Susanna, quhen sche was iniustly condamnit to the deade. Siclyk faith had Ionas, quhen he was thre dais and thre nychtis in the wame of the Quhat. Dani. iii. Siclik faith had the thre children, callit Ananias, Azarias and Misael, quhen ya [...] w [...]r cassin into the byrnand fornace. This is the special faith of ane trew christin mā, quhilk standis in the general faith afore rehersit and in sure confidence and hoip of goddis mercy. This faith obtenis to vs the abundant grace of the haly spret, Gala. iii. quhilk powris into our hartis ye trew lufe of God and of our nychtbour. This is the faith special, leiffand and wyrkand, that is sa mekil commendit of our saluiour in the euan­gil, and of sanct Paule in his Epistillis. This is the faith yat iustifeis a christin mā according as sanct Paule sais to the Romanis: Iusticat [...] ergo ex fide pacē habemus ad deum. Roma. 5. We being iustifyit he faith, hais peace in our conscience with God. This is the faith that makis vs the barnis of God, according as sanct Paul sais to [Page xciiii] the Galathianis: Gala. iii. Omnes enim filii dei estis per fidem, que est in Christo Iesu. Ȝe ar all the sonnis of God be faith, quhilk is in Christ Iesu. This is the faith that ouircummis the warld, accor­ding as sanct Iohne sais in his first epistil: i. Ioan. 5. Hec est victoria, que vincit mundum, fides vestra. Faith is the vertew, quhair throch ȝe get victorie and ouercummis the warld. This is the faith that ouercummis the flesche, as sanct Paule sais to the Ephesianis: In omnibus sumentes scutū fidei, Ephe. 6. in quo possitis omnia tela nequissimi ignea extin­guete. In all thingis tak ȝe hald of the buklar of faith, quhairwith ȝe may slokkin the fyrie dartis of the wyckit spret. This is the faith that ouercummis the deuil as sanct Peter sais: i. Petri. v. Fra­tres sobrii estote & vigilate, quia aduersarius vester diabolus, tan (quam) leo rugiens circuit, querens quem deuoret. Cui resistite fortes in fide. Brethir be sober and walk, for ȝour aduersarie the deuil gangis about lyk a rampand Lyone seikand quhome he may swallie. Quhome resist stedfast­ly in faith. This is the faith quhairwith the rychteous man leiffis, as it is writtin: Roma. 1. Iustus autem ex fide viuit. The rychteous man leiffis throch his faith. This faith is alwayis ionit with hoip and cheritie, and werkis throw lufe. This faith confortis vs in all our aduersi­teis, and causis vs to haif euirmair this worde [Page] in our mouth: Roma. 8. Si deus pro nobis, quis contra nos [...] Gyf God be with vs, quha can be aganis vs? And also this word: Non sunt condignae passiones huius temporis ad futurā gloriā, que reuelabitur in nobi [...] The trubillis of this tyme, ar nocht worthi of the glore that sall be schawin apon vs. Quhair this faith is nocht present, gud werkis can nocht help to saluatioun. Quhair yis faith (quhilk is neuir with out gud werkis) is present, all thingis cūm [...]s to our weil. Noder will God almychty thoile ony thing to cum to man or woman ba [...]and this faith, bot tha [...] he kennis is profitabil to him, suppose we ken [...] nocht, say that: Siue viuimus, fiue morimur, domini [...]umus. The diui­sioun of the Crede Quhiddir we leif or dee, we ar the Lordis. For thame that ar simpil & vnleirit, the Crede may be deuidit in thre partis, eftir the thre personis in ane godheid. Quhairof the first is of God the fa­ther, and schawis our creatioun. The secund is of God the sone, and declaris our redemptioun. The thrid is of God the haly spret exponand our sancti­ficatioun. As we mycht confesse our faith in few wordis. I beleif in God the Father, quhilk hais create and maid me. I beleif in God the Sonne quhilk hais redemit me. I beleif in God the haly spret, quhilk daily sanctifyis me, ane God and thre personis, allutterly of ane nature, substance, powar, wisdome, gudnes, maiestie and eternitie.


The secund Cheptour.

THE FIRST artikil of the Crede schawis the Fatheris Godheid, will and work, quhair thow sais I beleif or I traist in God the fa­ther almychty makar of heuin and e [...]d. In declaratioun of thir artikillis, first ȝe sall heir a schort expositioun of all the wordis contenit in this same artikil, syne we sal colleck breuelie the soume and the sentence of the same artikil. Last of all out of the samyn we sall gadder certane moral lessones to ȝour spiritual edificatioun.

I. Ilkan [...] christin man and vveman fuld haif in thair avvin sel [...] a special faith. Gala. 2. Quhi sais thow in the beginning of the Crede I beleue, spekand in ye singular nowmer? To sig­nifie and declare that ilkane of vs suld haif in our awin hart ane special faith in God. For trewly it is nocht sufficient to the for thi saluatioun, that sanct Petir and sanct Paule with the laif of the sanctis of heuin, had ane special faith in God almychty, the Father, the Sonne, & the haly spret, thre persones and a God, sa yat thow may saie with sanct Paule: In fide viuo filii dei, qui dilexit me, et tradidit se­metipsum pro me. I leiue in the faith of the sonne of God, quhilk hais luffit me, and gaif him self for me. And than may our saluiour say to the: Math. 9. Fidex [...]ua te saluum fecit. Thi faith hais maid the saif. Math. 8. And agane: Sicut credidisti, fiat tibi. According to thi fiath, sa be it done to the.

[Page] The artikillis of ye Crede can nocht be cōprehendit be na­ [...]ural rea­sone. Esaie. 7. 2. Cor. 10 Beleiue or trovv. Quhy sais thow this secund word, beleiue or trow, sayand I beleiue or trovv, mair than this word, I see or I vnderstand perfit [...]y? Trewly to schaw plainely that thir twelf artikillis of y e Crede, can nocht be cōprehendit be natural reasone, bot allanerly be faith, accor­ding as it is said: Nisi credideritis, non intellige­tis. Except ȝe beleiue, ȝe sall nocht vnderstand. Thairfor we suld eftir sanct Paulis counsel: Captiuare intellectum in obsequium Christi. Put ȝour natural reasone in presone, that we may serue our saluiour Christ with ane trew faith, giffand ferme credite to his haly word.

To trovv in God, ꝑtanis to ye special faith of a christin man. In. Quhy sais thow this thrid word In, say­and, I beleiue in God? Thow sais nocht in this first artikil, I beleif thair is ane God, or I be­leiue God, bot thow sais thus, I beleiue in God. Veraily thow sais swa, declarand thi self to haif that singular and special faith, quhilk God re­quitis of vs all. For as we tauld ȝow afore, it is nocht sufficient to the for thi saluatioun, to beleiue that thair is ane trew and verai God, or to beleif god, yat is to say, to beleif all y e wordis of god to be trew, bot thow suld beleif in god, yat is traist in him with lufe & obediens, quhilk beleif we declarit to ȝow at lenth afore. And O christin man tak tent, that thow haif alwayis this beleif in god, quhilk is requirit of the ex­presly be our saluiour, Ioan. xliii sayand: Creditis in deum et in me credite Ȝe beleif in god, beleif also in me. Ioan. 6. And agane he sais in ane vthir place: Ho [...] [Page xcvi] est, opus dei, vt credatis in illum quem misit illo. This is y e werk that god requiris of ȝow to beleiue in him, quhom the father hais send, that is, the sōne of god, quhom the father hes send to vs be his blis­sit incarnatioun.

God. Quhat vnderstandis thow be this word God? Trewly, it is difficil, ȝe and impossibil to de­clare perfitly & hailely the significatioun & diffini­tioun of this worde God. Sum vnderstanding of it we haif giffin to vs in haly scripture, quhilk we sall schaw to ȝow breuely and plainely. Goddis be fals nominatiou [...] and iniust vsurpa­tioun. Thair is in haly writ sumtyme mencioun maid of thame yat ar callit goddis, allanerly be fals nominatioun and vsurpatiouns, a certane proud kingis, also deuillis throch pride vsurpit to be callit god, and certane pepil afore the incarnatioun of Christ, blindit with errour & infidelitie, callit and tuk thame as goddes It is writtin in the Psalme: Psal. 95. Gods be participa­tioun of Gods au­ctoritie. Omnes dii gentiū de­monia. All the goddis of the Gentilis was deuillis. Sum tyme in the scripture, certane men ar callit goddis, allanerly be participatioun of goddis auc­toritie, and sa was in the auld law, Iugis and Kingis, callit goddis, because thai ar rewlacis of the pepil in Goddis steid, and hais the execu­tioun of iustice giffin to thame of God. Sa it is writtin in the buke of Exodi: D [...]is non detrahes. Exod. 22 Thow [...]all nocht speik euil of the goddis, Goddi [...] be participatioun of Gods grace. that is to say, of ye Preistis Pri [...]is & Iugis. Sum tyme men was callit goddis be participatioun of special grace, and of prophesie or preisthed, of quhom [...] it [Page] is writtin in the Psalme: Psal. 81. Ego dixi dii estis, et fili [...] excelsi omnes. I haif said that ȝe ar goddis, & all ȝe ar sonnis of the heast. Bot veraily and properly thair is na goddis bot ane be trew godheid & veray natural propertie of God, of quhome it is writtin: Audi Israel deus noster, Deut. 6. deus vnus est. Heir Israel, our God is bot ane God. Gyf thow wald haif sum knawlege of thi god, quhat he is. First thow mone beleiue that he is ane spiritual substance: Ioan. 4. Sum kna­vvlege is geuin to vs of the maist ex­cellēt ma­iestie of our eter­nal God. Spiritus est deus. God is ane spret, that is say, a spiritual substance, nocht maid of body and saule as man is, bot he is incorporal, immaterial, & a simpil substāce nocht maid of partis, God is eternal without be­ginning and without ending, God is all godnes, in him is omnipotent strenth, power and na waiknes, in him is vnspeikabil wisdome, & na kind of igno­rance, in him is infinite gudnes, & na kind of euil, in him is infinite rychteousnes, and na kind of ini­quitie, in him is infinite mercy, and na kind of cru­delitie, in him is infinite richis, and na kind of po­uertie, in him is helth & lyfe, and na kind of seiknes or mortalitie. Breuely, in him is infinite glore, ioy and blisse, and na kind of miserie, in him is eternal lufe, and na kind of malice, and all thir propirteis of God ar nocht to him accidentis, yat is to say, put to him or geuin to him, bot yai ar al to giddir, nocht ellis bot his awin veray substāce, nature and god­heid. This is the ineffabil, and incomprehensibil God, of quhom thow sais thus: I beleif into God. And gyf thow desyre largear declaratioun of thi Lord god, seik in the declaratioun of the first com­mand, [Page xcvii] in the beginning of the fourt Cheptour.

Father. Quhy callis thow God almychty father? Trewly I suld call him father of the se­cund persone in the Trinitie our saluiour Iesus Christ, quhilk is natural sonne of him, of the same nature, substance and godheid, with the father, as it sall be schawin to ȝow in the secund artikil. Mairouir I may baldly call him father of my awin self, nocht be natural generatioun, Al faithful and gud men and vvemen a [...] sonnis or barnes of God be the grace of adop­tioun. bot be the grace of adoptioun, he hais maid him self my father, quhairin he hais geuin to vs in­finite consolatioun and cōfort. Gret is the hoip and traist, quhilk the sonne hais to his natural father, kennand weil that his father luffis him hartly, and to his powar will defend him fra all euil, & prouide to him al gud, bot and we cōpair the lufe, the cuir and prouisioun, quhilk our na­tural father hais to vs, to the lufe, cuir and pro­uidens, quhilk our heuinly father hais to vs, it will seime to be na thing ellis bot a litil scha­dow, of the prouidens, gudnes, & cuit of God. The natural father wald faine help his sonnis, prouide gret leiuingis for thame, ȝe mak thame Lordis and princis, gif it lay in his powar, bot his powar answeris nocht to his will, he hais na powar to prouide for thame, sa mekil as his hart desyris. Bot our heuinly father almych­ty God, nocht only he will help and prouide for vs, bot also he hais mycht and powar to help vs, and in deid defend vs, helpis vs, and prouidis all gud for vs, mair or lesse according [Page] as his wisdome thinkis expedient to our weil. Thairfor our saluiour sais: Math. 6. Dico vobis, ne folli­citi sitis anime vestre, quid manducatis, ne (que) cor­pori vestro, quid induamini, Nonne anima plus est quam esca, et corpus plus (quam) vestimentum &c. I say to ȝow, be ȝe nocht careful for ȝour lyfe, quhat ȝe sall eite, or quhat ȝe sall drink, nor ȝit for ȝour body, quhat ȝe sall put on, is nocht the lyfe mair worthi than y emeit, & the body mair worthi than clething? Behald the foulis of the aire, for thai saw nocht, thai schier nocht, nor ȝit gaderis in ony thingis in the barnis, and ȝit ȝour heuinly father feidisyame. Ar ȝe nocht mekil bettir than thai? And eftir he sais thus: Thairfor tak na thocht saynd: Quhat sall we eit, or quhat sall we drink, or quhair with sal we be cled? For ȝour heuinly father knawis, that ȝe haue neid of all thir thingis. Seik first the kingdome of God, and the rychteousnes thairof, fa sall all this thingis be ministerit to ȝow. i. Pet [...]i. v. Sanct Peter also exhortis vs to the same effeck, sayand: Omnem sollicitudinem vestram proiicientes in eum, qu [...] ­niam ipsi est cura de vobis. Cast all ȝour cure on him, for he caris for ȝow. And the Prophet sais in the Psalme: Psal. 54. Iacta super dominum curam tuam, et ipse te enutriet. Cast all thi thocht and care on our Lord, and he sal nurisch the. Thus christin man, thow suld be sickir, that gif thow with ane leiuand faith put all thi confidence and traist in God, he will be to the a luffand father and pro­uide [Page xcviii] all gud to the, as he thinkis expedient to thi weil.

Almychty. God only is al­mychty. Certane gret kingis and Em­perouris, ar callit mychty Kingis and mychty Emperouris. The angels of heuin may be callit potent and mychty, bot na creature of heuin or erde nor vnder the erd may be callit omnipotent or almychty, that is say, that hais all powar and mycht, sa God allanerly is omnipotent and almychty as the Prophet beris witnes in the Psalme: Deus noster in coelo, Psal. 113. omnia quecun (que) vo­luit, fecit. Our God in heuin hais doine and wrocht all thingis quhatsumeuir he wald do. Sa quhen he spak of Abraam, he callit him self almychty, sayand: Ego Deus omnipotens. Gene. [...]7. The fun­datioun and grund of all our faith is to trovv sy [...] ­kirly that God is al­mychtie. I am the almychty God. And trewly christin pepil, to beleiue that God is omnipotent and almychty, is the ground, strenth and foundatioun of all the laif of the artikillis of the faith. For gif ony man wald think or say, how is it possibil that ane puir virgin may consaif and beir a barne without the seid of man? How is it possibil that al we mone ryse fra ye dede to lyfe agane, ilkane man in his awin bodie on the lattir day? How is it possibil that the precious bodie and blude of our saluiour Christ Iesus, now sittand at the rycht hand of his father in heuin, may be really and corporally present in the sacrament of the Altar? Till all thir questionis and all sic­lyke concernyng the artikillis of our faith we [Page] suld answeir with the wordis of this first artikil sayand, I trow in God almychty, to quhome all thingis is possibil, and na thing is impossi­bil, according as the Angel Gabriel said to the glorious virgin Mari: Luce. i. Non est impossibile apud deum omne verbū. Thair is na word or na thing impossibil to God. Ya [...] trovv nocht fer­mely that god is al­mychty, quhilk denyes the body and bl [...]de of our salui­our to be corporalli present in the h [...]ly sacrament of the Altar. And quhy? For he is almych­ty, his powar is infinite, quhilk he schawit plainly in the creatioun of heuin & erde. Than seand that the powar of God is infinite and incom­prehēsibil of man be natural reasone, thai schaw thame self to be gret fuilis and in a maner infi­delis wantand y e faith of yis first artikil, quhilk speris ony siclyke questionis, how may God do this thing or that thing quhilk he hais spokin? It may and suld be sufficient, that as our Lord God be his infinite powar, hais creat and maid heuin and erd and all creatouris thairin, sa be the same infinite powar he may fulfil and bring to passe all that he sais, suppose it exceid the ca­pacitie of mannis wit and reasone.

Makar of heuin and erd of nocht. As we said to ȝow afore, the almychty powar of God was plainely schawin in the creatioun of heuin and erd, quhilk God maid of na thing. And heir we suld consider the gret difference betuix the wyr­king of man, and the wyrking of God. Ane craftis man can nocht wyrk his werk except yat he haue sum mater to mak his wark of. Ane Tailȝ [...]our can nocht mak ane garment, bot of [Page xcix] clayth. A Masone can nocht byg ane wall, bot of Lyme and stane. A Wricht can nocht mak the ruif of ane house bot of tymmer, and sa furth. Bot almychty God maid heuin and erd and all creatouris thairin, of na thing, quhilk he did be his almychty powar. Sa Moyses beiris wit­nes sayand: In principio creauit Deus coelum et terram. God in the beginning, Gene. i. maid of na thing heuin and erde. And the Prophet syngis in the Psalme: Adiutorium nostrum in nomine domini, Psal. 123. qui fecit coelum et terrā. Our help is in the name of the Lord, quhilk maid heuin and erde. Now thairfor, O christin man, thow sal leir the trew significatioun of this worde creatioun, it beta­kins nocht allanerly making of heuin and erde with all creatouris of nocht as we said afore, bot also it betakins continual and perpetual cō ­seruatioun, gubernatioun, and prouisioun of al creatouris. God forbid that we ymagein God to be ane makar of his workis, as man is a wer­kar of his werkis. Quhen a warkman hais maid a house, he passis fra it, and takis na cuir of it. Syclike it is of all vthir warkmen con­cerning thair wark, bot God almychty hais sa maid of na thing all his creatouris, that also continually he conseruis and keipis thame in yair being, he gouerneis yame & gydis yame, in samekil yat gif he wald take away fra his crea­touris his cōtinual & daily conseruatioun, bot a moment of ane hour, all wald fall to na thing. [Page] Tharfore our saluiour sais in the euangil of sanct Iohne: Ioan. v. Pater meus vs (que) modo operatur et ego o­peror. My father hitherto wyrkis be cōseruatioun of his creatouris, and I wyrk also with him.

The thrid Cheptour.

Ye [...]oume of this first artikil.THe sentence of the first artikil of the Crede is this. I trow nocht allanerlie that God is, or that the haly writ sais of God is trew, bot I feirand the iugement of God for transgressioun of the law & repētand the same, puttis al my traist & hoip of my saluatioun into ane verai God, quhilk is father to all his creatouris, luffis thame & dois euir all gud to thame, conseruis and keipis thame mychtfully, disponis & ordouris thame wisely, pro­uidis for thame gratiously. And anent my self, I dout nocht bot he fauouris and luffis me, for als mekil as yat he of his awin gudnes hes geuin me al gud, quhatsaeuir I haif or knaw, he keipis me at tyme and tyde, and defendis me nycht and day fra all euil and peril that my fayis in bodie or in saule wald do to me, or ony vthir creatour. And that he wil without dout, fulfyl his promise of mercy to me for his awin faithfulnes, I doand dew penance, & haiffand a leiffand & quick faith in him. And this I traist surely he may do, for he is almychty. Thair is na creature yat may resist to his wil, for he is ma­kar of heuin and erd & all creatouris thairin. And I grant to, yat he is my makar and hais geuin me bodie and saule, and keipis yame euir, and my lyfe, [Page xcx] my wit, my reasone and al my membris. I grant he giffis me meit and drink, cleithing, house and har­barie, gyrs, corne, and cattall, wyfe and barnis and vthir gud. I grant also he garris al his creatouris mak seruice to me, the Sonne and Mone, nycht & day, fyre, aire, watter and erd, fische, foulis & bestis, and al yat growis on the ground. Thairfor, quhat euir I am, quhateuir I may, quhateuir I haif be heuin and erd, he giffis it to me.

Fyrst, quhen we beleiue with our hart, Morall lessonis of vertevv gaderit of the first artikil. A lessone to ken Gods ma­iestie. Sapi. xiii. and con­fess is with our mouth this first artikil, I beleiue in God father almychty, makar of heuin and erde, we ar direck it to the trew knawlege of the maiestie of God. For this is a general rewle, ilkane makar is mair excellent, than is the work. God almychty is the makar of heuin & erd & al thingis contenit yair­in, quharfore he is mair excellent than all the crea­touris of the warld. This is declarit in the buke of wisdome thus: Quorum et si specie delectati deos putauerunt, sciant quanto his dominator eorum speciosior est, spiciei enim generator hec omnia constituit. Aut si virtutem et opera eorum mirati sunt, intelligāt ab illis, quoniam qui hec fecit fortior est illis. A magnitudine enim speciei, et creature, cog­noscibiliter poterit creator horū videri. Suppose the Gentilis, haiffand plesour in certane creaturis fairnes, had opinioun yat thai wer goddis, ȝit thai suld haif kend, that the Lord and rewlar of yame is fairar than thai all, for he that is makar of all fair­nes maid thame. Or gif thai merualit at the gret powar and werkis of the creatouris, thai suld haif [Page] vnderstād be yame, yat he quhilk maid yame is starkar than thai all, for be the gretnes, fairnes and gudnes of ye creatouris, the makar of yame may be persaiuit with plaine knawlege. Thus we may cum to sum knawlege of gods maiestie, powar, wisdome, and gudnes, be faith of this first artikil. A lessone to gife thankis to God. Secundly, this artikil leiris vs to gife perpetual thankis to God, for quhat sa­euir we haif other fra heuin or erde, or ony crea­tour yairin, the same is geuin vs of God. Accor­ding as sanct Paule sais: Quid habes quod non accepisti? i. Cor. 4. Quhat hais thow, quhilk thow hais nocht resaiuit? Psal. 23. And in y e Psalme: Dn̄i est terra & plenitudo eius. The erde is the Lordis and all contenit in it, the round warld and all that in­habit in it. Thairfor we suld euir gife thankis to God for all his giftis, sayand with the Pro­phet in the Psalme: Psal. 102. Benedic anima mea domino, et omnia que intra me sunt nomini sancto eius. Be­nedic anima mea domino, et noli obliuisci omnes retributiones eius. Loiue thow the Lord O my saule, and all that is within me loiue his haly name, loiue thow the Lord my saule, and forȝe [...] nocht his benefitis. A lessone to haif pacience. Thridly, be faith of this artikil, we ar inducit to haif paciens in al aduersiteis. Suppose all creatouris ar maid of God, and sa gud in yair nature resauit of God, ȝit gif in ony thing thai noy vs, or inferris ony payne to vs, we suld beleif that the same payne cūmis to vs be the hand of God, bot nocht the synne of [Page xcxi] euil men, quhilk puttis the payne to vs. Thair­for sais the Prophet Amos: Amos. iii. Si erit malum in ci­uitate quod dominus non fecerit? Is thair ony euil in the citie, quhilk the Lord makis nocht? As he mycht say, thair is na euil of payne or trubil in the pepil, bot it cummis be the send of God, according as he sais be y e Prophet Esaie: Ego dominus et non alter, Esaie. 45. formans lucem et creans tenebras, faciens pacem et creans malum, ego dn̄ [...] faciens omnia hec. I am the Lord and na vthir bot I, quhilk makis lycht and myrknes, quhilk makis peace and also makis euil, vnderstand be this word euil, battal, weir, and all maner of aduersitie and temporal trubil, for punitioun of syn, as sanct Hierome sais vpon Amos. Hiero. su [...] Amos. Bot it is callit euil, because it semys euil to yame yat tholis it. Now seand y t al euil of payne, troubil and aduersitie, cummis be the send of God, other for our correctioun, probatioun or punissioun, we suld haif pacience in all aduersiteis, sayand with Iob: Si bona suscepimus de manu dn̄i, Iob. 2. mala autē quare non sustineamus? Gyf we haif resaiuit prosperitie fra the hand of the Lord, quhy suld we nocht thoil the euil of aduersitie? Dn̄s dedit, Iob. i. dominus abstulit, sicut domino placuit, ita factum est, sit nomen domini benedictum. The Lord hes geuin vs our prosperitie, the Lord hais takin it away fra vs, as it hais plesit the Lord, sa be it dome, blissit be the name of the Lord.

[Page] A lessone to vse all creatouris vveil.Fourtly, be the faith of this same artikil we suld leir to haif the rycht vse of all creatouris, quhilk is to vse thame to that effeck & purpose, quhairto thai ar creat of god. And gif ȝe wald speir, to quhat vse was the creatouris maid of God? The wisman an­sueris sayand: Pro. xvii. Vniuersa propter semetipsum ope­ratus est dominus. Our Lord God hes wrocht and maid all creatouris for his awin self, that is to say, for his awin glore that all creatouris suld glorifie & magnifie him according to thair powar and maner.

Secund, thai wer maid for our seruice and profit according as Moyses speikis of the Sonne and Mone and sternis, in the buke of Deuteronomii: Que fecit dominus deus tuus, Deut. 4. in ministeriū cunctis gentibus. Thi Lord God sais Moyses hais maid thame all to the seruice of all pepil. And the Pro­phet sais in y e psalme: Omnia subiecisti, subpedibus eius. Psal. 8. Thow hais gud Lord (sais the Prophet) sub­ieck it all thingis vnder the feit of mā, that is to say, to the seruice and profit of man. We suld thairfor vse al creatouris to the glore of God, quhilk we do quhen we vse thame to the plesoure of God. Alsua we suld vse thame to our awin profit, sa that quhen we vse thame we cōmit na syn. Swa, quhatsaeuer thow hais, wisedome, cunning, fairnes, strenth, or ony warldly geir, vse thame all to the plesour of God, and sa thow vsis thame to thine awin profit. To God thairfor be al louing and thankis, honour and glore for euir and euir. Amen.

☞The secund artikil.☜

The iiii. Cheptour.

ET IN IESVM CHRISTVM filium eius vnicū dominum nostrū. Heir begynnis the secund part of our Crede, quhilk concernis the faith yat we suld haif in the secund persone in Trinitie, beleiuand fer­mely that he is bayth God and man. And this part of our Crede contenis seuin artikillis. The first is, Seuin ar­tikillis of the Crede I trow in Iesus Christ his only sonne our Lord. The secund, I trow yat Iesus Christ was consai­uit be the haly spret, and was borne of the virgin Marie. The third, I trow yat Iesꝰ Christ tho [...]it his passioun vnder Poncius Pylatus, was cruci­fyit, deade & bereit. The fourt, I trow that Iesus Christ descendit to the hel. The fift, I trow that Iesus Christ raise fra deade to lyfe the thrid day. The saxt, I trow that Iesus Christ ascendit to the heuins, & sittis at the rycht hand of God the father almychty. The seuint, I trow that Iesus Christ sall cum fra heuin to iuge the quick and the deade. Thir seuin artikillis expremis to vs the trew faith quhilk we aucht till our saluiour Iesus Christ in our hartis, and to confesse thame with our mouth quhen neid is, for as our saluiour sais: Ioan. [...]ii. Qui credit in filium, habet vitam eternam, qui autem incredu­lus est filio, non videbit vitam, [...]ed ira Dei mane [...] super eum. Quhasa beleiuis in the sonne, hais eternal lyfe, he that beleiuis nocht in the sonne, sal nocht see lyfe, bot the wraith of God abydis apon him. [Page] Gyf thow will knaw how profitabil this faith is, heir quhat sanct Paule sais to the Romanis: Quia si cōfitearis in ore tuo dominum Iesum, Roma. 10 et in corde tuo credideris, quod deus illū suscitauit a mortuis, saluus eris. Gyf thow confessis Iesꝰ with thi mouth that he is the Lord, and trowis with thine hart, yat God hais raisit him fra the dede, thow sal be saiffit. That is to say, gif thow beleiue with ane trew faith yat werkis be lufe, yat Iesus Christ is bayth God and man, & yat he deit for our redemptioun, & raise vp agane fra the dede the thrid day, be the mycht of God, thow sall be saif [...] it be eternal saluatioun. Sen swa is (O christin man) that thi saluatioun e­ternal, s [...]andis in the trew and perfite faith of our saluiour Iesus Christ, I exhort ȝow to tak gud tent to the expositioun of yir seuin artikillis, quhilk as we said, pertenis till our saluiour Iesus Christ.

IESVS. For the plaine intelligens of this ar­tikil, ȝe mone vnderstand four wordis. The first is yis word Iesus, the propir name of our saluiour, a name sa excellent & of sa hie maiestie, yat as sanct Paule sais: Philip. 2. In nomine Iesu, omne genu flectatur, coelestium, terrestrium et infernorum. In the name of Iesus, all kneis suld bow, of heuinly creatouris, of erdly, & of hell. This name Iesus is a Hebrew word, & be interpretatioun is as mekil to say in the Latin toung as saluator ▪ & in our Scottis speche, ane saluiour. And efter quhat maner he is our sal­uiour, the halye Angel declarit to Ioseph sayand: Vocabis nomen eius Iesum, ipse enim saluum faciet populum suum a peccatis eorum. Thow sal cal his [Page xcxiii] name Iesus, for he sal saif his pepil fra yair synnis. Quhat is syn? Syn is y e trāsgressioun of Gods cō mand, yat fylis & blekkis our saulis. Syn bringis vs in bōdage & thirldome of the deuil, syn causis vs to incurre the offēce and indignatioun of God. Be syn we deserue the paynis eternal of hel. Fynally, throch syn we ar at Gods horne & banissit the king­dome of heuin. Fra thir gret dangaris & misereis of syn, nother can Angel of heuin nor man in erde deliuer and saif vs. Only Iesus the natural sonne of God may saif vs, be the meritis of his blissit incarnatioun, of his maist haly conuersatioun and painful passioun. Thairfor he sais y t he sal saif his pepil fra thair synnis. And gif thow speir quha is his pepil, quhom he saiffis fra yair synnis? Trewly thai men and wemen, to quhom the vertew and me­ritis of Christis passioun is applyit be faith, that wyrkis be cheritie and the haly sacramentis, thai ar the pepil of Iesus, and thame wyll Iesus deliuer fra thair synnis. Quhairfor (O christin man) haue euirmair in thi mynd a quick remembrance of this haly name Iesus, haue euir in thi hart feruent lufe to this haly name Iesus, haue Iesus prentit in thi hart, sa deiply and sa constantly, that na thocht or lufe of this warld put it away. Thow may tak ex­empil of that halye man Ignatius, quhilk had sa feruent a lufe to this name Iesus that he said to the tyrand, that Iesus was prentit in his hart. Quhen Ignatius was slayne, the tyrand causit the hart of Ignatius to be oppinnit & sa fande that miraculously this name Iesus was writtin in his [Page] writtin in his hart with goldin letteris. Quhairto suld we be ꝓlixt in yis mater? The mair yat a trew christin man or woman vnderstandis and cōsideris the gret vertew and hie maiestie of this blissit name Iesus, the mair sall he grow in Faith, Hoip, and Cheritie, euermair haiffand in his mynd yir wordꝭ: Non est aliud nomen sub coelo datum hominibus, in quo oportet nos saluos fieri. Acto. 4. Thair is na vther name vnder heuin geuin to men, in quhome we mone be saiuit, bot allanerly be the name of Iesus.

Christ. The secund word heir to be notit, is yis worde Christus, quhilk be interpretatioun is callit vnctit. And this word Christ betakins the dignitie and maist excellent office of our saluiour Christ. In the auld law, Exo. 2 [...]. i. Reg. xvi 3. Regū. i. preistis was vnctit, as it is writtin in y e buke of Exodi. Also kingis was vnctit, as we haue mentioun maid of king Dauid, and of Sa­lomon. Yis vvord Christ be­takins the maist ex­cellēt dig­nitie and office of our sal­uiour, quhairby he is our hede king and hede bischop. Quhy was Bischoppis & preistis vnctit? To signifie yair haly office geuin to yame of God, quhilk thai can nocht worthily and perfitly execute, without the special grace of God. The office of a Preist & Byschop is nocht to leiue in idilnes, nocht to leiue in fornicatioun and huirdome, nocht to be occupeit in halking & hunting, bot to leiue ane haly lyfe, chaist in body and saule, to pray to God for the pepil, to offer giftis & sacrifice to God for the pepil, to preche the word of God to the pepil, and lyk lan­ternis of lycht to gife exempil of haly lyfe to the pe­pil, quhow thai suld contemne all inordinat lufe of carnal plesour, of warldly geir, & tēporal dignitie, and to leiue a christin lyfe to the plesour of God. [Page xcxiiii] Kingis lykwais was vnctit, to signifie thair excel­lent dignitie and office. Quhilk is to rewil y e pepil be executioun of trew iustice, to defende his pepil fra thair ennemyis, to cherisch gud men, and to pu­nis and dant euil men. And trewly our saluiour Iesꝰ, may weil be callit Christ yat is to say, vnctit, nocht with material v [...]e, bot with ye spret and maist abundant grace, quhilk God gaif to him, mair ex­cellent and mair abundantly, than was geuin to all creatouris that euir was, is or salbe. For as sanct Iohne the Baptist sais: Ioan. iii. Non ad mensurā dat deus spiritum. God gaif nocht his spret to our saluiour Iesus efter mesour, bot aboue all mesour. Thus our saluiour was vnctit spiritually, to be ane Preist and ane King. Quhow was he ane Bischop or a Preist? For he techit vs the trew worde of God, he prayit & prayis daily for vs to the father of heuin, he gaif vs exempil of all vertew and perfectioun, he offerit his awin precious bodie apon the altar of the Crosse, as ane plesand sacrifice to the father of heuin, for our redemptioun and eternal saluatioun. Mairouir, Apoca. 19 he is king of all kingis and Lord of all Lordis, to quhome was geuin all powar bayth in heuin & erde, he hais auctoritie to rewle his realme, that is to say, all christin men and wemen, to defend thame fra thair ennemeis, to reward all gud men, and punis all euil men, quhilk he sall do perfitly apon the lattar day, and dois daily with weir, pest, and hungir, gif ȝe wald tak tent to it. Thus christin pepil, euirmair haif in ȝour mynd thir twa haly wordis, Iesus, Christus, for thai ar full of all conso­latioun and comfort.

[Page] His only sonne. Quhy sais thow in this artikil I beleiue in Iesus Christ the only sonne of God? Ar nocht we all, that beleiuis in Christ Iesu with ane trew and leiffand faith, the sōnis of God? as it is said: Ioan. i. Dedit eis potestatem filios dei fieri, his qui credunt in nomine eius. He hais geuin powar to thame to be sonnis of God, quhilk beleiuis in his name. Gala. iii. And alsa sanct Paule sais: Omnes enim filii dei estis per fidem, que est in Christo Iesu. Ȝe ar al the sonnis of God be faith quhilk ȝe haue in Christ Iesu. Now sen it is swa, yat al gud christin men be leiffand faith in Christ Iesu ar the sonnis of God, quhi sais yow in yis artikil, I beleiue in Iesus Christ the only sonne of God? Trewly we all say swa in this artikil, beleiuand with our hart and cōfes [...] and with our mouth, that our saluiour Iesus Christ is the only natural sonne of God ▪ nocht maid, bot gottin eternally of the verrai substance of God the fa­ther, consubstancial with the father, God of God, lycht of lycht, trew God of trew God, quhais eter­nal generatioun and byrth, personal distinctioun, cōsubstantial nature of godheide, equalle powar, & euirlastand maiestie with the father, is declarit be the euangelist sanct Iohne in the beginning of his euangil, Ioan. i. sayand thus: In principio erat verbum &c. And as for al trew christin men and wemen, quhilk beleiuis in Christ Iesu with ane special faith that wyrkis be lufe, ar the sonnis of God, nocht be na­tural generatioun, bot allanerly be faith, grace, and adoptioun, for als mekil as almychty god the eter­nal father for the lufe & me. it is of his natural sōne [Page xcxv] our saluiour Iesus Christ, hais forgeuin vs al our synnis, taking vs to his fauour, & [...] vs participāt of his eternal kingdome, with Christ Iesu his naturall sonne, as sanct Paule de­claris to the Romanis, sayand: Ipse enim spiritus testimonium reddit spiritui nostro, quod sumus filii dei. The haly spreit beris witnes till our spreit, that we ar y e sonnis of God. How beris the haly spreit witnes til our spreit, yat we ar the sonnis of God? Trewly be lufe and cheritie, quhen we haue a lufe to the commandis of God, & content to fulfil thame with ioy & blythnes, principally for the lufe of God, sic a perfit lufe and spiritual affectioun declaris til our cōscience that we ar y e sonnis of God be adoptioun. Than it followis: Si filii et heredes, heredes quidem dei, Roma. 8. coheredes autem Christi. Gyf we be sonnis we ar also here­touris, heretouris I say of God and participāt of the eternal heretage with Iesus Christ.

Our Lord. Quhy sais thow in this artikil that Iesus Christ is our Lord? Verraily he is our Lord and we ar his possessioun be double rycht. First be the rycht of creatioun, he hais creat and maid vs, we ar his awin hande wark, he hais geuin vs our body and our saule and all the gud that we haue. Secund, he is our Lord be the rycht of redemptioun, for quhen we war in the thrildome of syn, the deuil, and hell, he redemit vs with his awin precious blude, sa that we ar nocht our awin seruandis [Page] bot we suld be his seruandis to serue him as our Lord and maister. Ioan. xiii. Sa he said to his Apostillis: Vos vocatis me magister et domine, bene dicitis, sū etenim. Ȝe cal me maister and Lord, ȝe say weil, I am swa. Bot tak tent how he requiris of vs agane to follow his exempil in meiknes, lufe & obediens, quhilk gif we do, we sall be sickar yat he will as ane potent Lord, help vs in all our neid, defend vs fra al our ennymeis, and finally (gif we perseuere in his seruice) reward vs with the eternal glore, quhairof he is callit the Lord and the king: i. Cor. 2. Psal. xxiii. The sen­tens of y [...] artikil. Dominus glorie et rex glorie. The Lord of glore, and the king of glore.

I trow into Iesu Christ, the only natural sonne of God and our Lord. That is to say, I trow nocht allanerly that Iesus Christ is ver­cai God & allanerly Gods natural sonne, quha hais the same godheid with him, substance and nature, Psal. iii. Math. 28 bot that as he said him self, the father hais maid him in his manheid Lord of all, bot specially he is our Lord, he hais deliuerit vs fra the deuil yat tyrand, i. Cor. 15 syn, dede, and hell and all euil, and hais tayne vs in his awin keping, yat he sal defend vs w t his rychteousnes, wisdome, powar, Moral les­sonis of vertevv gadderit of the se­cund arti­kil of the Crede lyfe and glore, gif we serue him trewly.

Now because the natural sonne of God is y e eternal worde of God, and be incarnatioun was maid man in the wayme of the glorious virgin Marie, and also the word of god temporal con­tenit in haly scripture, is bot ane similitude, de­monstratioun [Page xcxvi] and furth schawing of that eter­nal word, Hovv vve suld be exempil of the glori­ous virgin Mari, cō ­saif and beir the vvord of God. Luce. i. we suld in this artikil leir to consaiue and beir the tēporal word of god in our myndis, be the exempil of the virgin Marie, quhilk con­saiuit and buir the eternal word of God be incarnatioun. First, the glorious virgin Marie hard the messingeir of God the Angel Gabriel, exponand the will of God to her, behald thow sall consaiue in thi wayme and beir ane barne, and sal call his name Iesus &c. Secund, sche consentit to yat same will of God, sayand: Ecce ancilla domini, fiat mihi, secundum verbum tuum. Behald heir I am ye handmaidin of our Lord, it mot be to me as thow hais said. Thridly, sche buir him in hir wayme certane monethes. Fourthly, sche buir & brocht him furth be byrth. And quhen he was borne sche nurissit him: Sa suld we first heir the word of God proponit to vs be the messingeir of god, the trew prechour, for it is a takin yat we lufe God, gif we heir his word blythly: Qui ex deo est verba dei audit. Ioan. 8. He yat is of God heiris y e word of God. Secund, we suld geue ferme credite to the word, and con­sent to do as the word biddis vs do, or ellis we heir in vaine: Non profuit sermo auditus, Hebre. 4. non ad­mixtus fidei, ex his qui audierunt. The worde of preching helpit thame nocht, quhen yai hard it, that beleiuit it nocht. Thridly, we suld beir y e word in our remembrance, be meditatioun and studie, according as the Prophet sais in the [Page] Psalme: Psal 118. In corde meo abscondi elo quia tua, vt nō peccem tibi. I haue hyd thi wordis in my hart, that I suld nocht syn agane the. Fourtly we suld bring furth the word of God, to the edificatioun of our nychtbour, be admonitioun, exhor­tatioun, cheritabil reprehensioun, and also be preching, Colos. iii. gif we be callit to that office: Verbum Christi habitet in vobis abundanter, in omni sapi­entia, docētes et cōmonentes vosmetip [...]os. Lat y e word of Christ dwell in ȝow largely, warning & teching ane ane vthir: Ephe. 4. Omnis fermo malus ex ore vestro non procedat, sed si quis bonus ad edifica­tionē. Lat na euil wordꝭ cum out of ȝour mouth, bot that quhilk is gud for the edificatioun of ȝour nychtbour. Last of all, the word of God suld be nurissit be doing gud deidis, proponit & schawin in the same word, according as sanct Iames byddis vs, Iacobi. i. sayand: Estote factores verbi et non auditores tantum. Be ȝe the doaris of the word and nocht heiraris allanarly. And gif ony wald speir how is Iesus Christ maid my Lord and quhat gaif he for my ran­soume? I answeir be thir special artikillis that followis.

☞The thrid artikil.☜

The fift Cheptour.

QVI conceptus est de spiritu sācto, natus ex Maria virgine. I beleiue that Iesus Christ was consaiuit be the haly spret, borne of the virgin Marie. VVe suld beleiue o [...] trovv in the sonne of God incarnat. In this thrid artikil God requiris of vs to haif a special trew faith in the Incarnatioun of the sonne of God, without the quhilk na mā may be saiffit For as the excellent doctour Cyrillus sais, our saluatioun standis in ye faith of the blissit Tri­nitie, that is to say, to trow in God the father, in God the sonne incarnat, & also in God the haly spret. Sa that quhen we say, I beleiue in the sonne of God, we suld eik this worde incarnat, sayand: I beleiue or I traist in the sonne of God incarnat. Sa, efter that in the secund artikil we beleif with our hart, & confesse with our mouth, the eternal generatioun & natiuitie of the sonne of God, quhairby he is trew God with God the father. In the thrid artikil, we beleiue with our hart and confesse with our mouth the temporal generatioun and natiuitie of the sonne of God, quhairby he was maid mā lyke to vs in our na­ture, except ignorance and syn, and vthir imper­fectionis of our saule.

Quhilk vvas consaiuit be the haly spret. Quha was y e formar, makar and wyrkar of this blissit incarnatioun of the sonne of God? Trewly the [Page] haly spret, thairfor thow sais I beleiue that Ie­sus Christ was consaiuit be the haly spret, for vndoutandly he was nocht consaiuit be the seid of man, bot be the operatioun and vertew of the haly spret, for als soine as the glorious virgin Marie hard the will of God send and declarit to hir be the heuinly messengear the angel Ga­briel, that sche suld consaiue in hir wayme & beir the sonne of God, sche cōsentit to the samyn blis­sit incarnatioun, Luce. i. sayand: Ecce ancilla domini, fiar mihi secundum verbum tuum. Behald heir I am y e hand maidin of our Lord, sa be it to me as yow hais said. Incontinent, as sche had expremit yir wordis, the haly spret wrocht the incarnatioun of the sonne of God, in y e wayme of the glorious virgin. For he gaderit certane of the maist pure and clein droppis of blud, quhilk was in the bo­die of the virgin, and of yame fassionit & formit the perfit body of our saluiour, w tin hir wayme, and sa sche consaiuit the sonne of God, nocht be the seid of mā, bot be the operatioun of the haly spret. Nochttheles ȝe suld beleiue that the haly spret wrocht this blissit incarnatioun, nocht w t ­out the wyrking of the father and the sonne, for doutles all the hail Trinitie, the father, the son and the haly spret, wrocht the same blissit haly incarnatioun, as we gadder of y e wordis, quhilk the angel Gabriel said to the glorious virgin. Spiritus sanctus superueniet in te, Luce. i. et virtus altiss [...] obumbrabit tibi. The halye spreit sall cum vpon the, and the powar of the hiast sal ouir schadow [Page xcxviii] the. As ȝe heir plainely the haly spreit expremit, sa quhen he said this word povvar, he speikis of the sonne of God, i. Cor. i. quhilk is callit virtus et sapi­entia Dei, the powar and the wisdome of God, quhen he said this word heast, he spak of the fa­ther eternal, quhilk is y e heast. Sa in yir wordis we may leir yat the haly Trinitie, the father, the sonne and the haly gaist, was the wyrkar of yis incarnation, suppose be attribution it is ascriuit to the haly spreit, because that the sonne of god was incarnat, for the gret lufe yat God had to mākind, and to schaw his gudnes & mercy in re­demptioun of mankind, according as our sal­uiour sais in the euangil of S. Iohne: Sic deus dilexit mundum, vt filium suum vnigenitum daret. Ioan. iii. Sa God luffit the warld, yat he hais geuin his only sonne. And thairfor as powar is ascriuit to the father, & wisdome to the sōne, sa is gudnes & lufe attribut to y e haly spreit, be reasone quhair­of we say, that the sonne of God was consaiuit be the haly spreit.

Borne. Now christin pepil, Declara­tioun of the blissis natiuitie of our sal­uiour. we exhort ȝow to tak tent and considder deuotly, how plainly the haly euangelistis sanct Mathew and sanct Luke discriuis to ȝow the blissit natiuitie or byrth of our saluiour Iesus Christ, leiuand na circumstance vntald, quhilk makis for the trew knawlege of the same misterie. Declarand in quhat tyme he was borne, quha was Empe­rour of al y e warld in the tyme of his byrth, quha was Leuetenent in the land of Iewry in the tyme of his byrth, of quhat clan or househald [Page] was he borne? quhat houshald was he borne in, and in quhat ludgin of the citie? quha was mes­sengearis quhilk first declarit and tald the same byrth? to quhem was this blissit natiuitie first schawin & manifest, quhat was the propir name of his mother, quhat was ye name of his father putatiue? All thir circumstancis we sall twiche breuely, yat ȝe may the bettir remēber the blissit natiuitie of our saluiour Iesus Christ.

The first circūstāce.The tyme of this blissit natiuitie, efter the cō ­putatioun of Eusebius, was fra the beginning of the warld 5.199. quhen Herode sōne of An­tipater had regnit in the lād of Iewry 30. ȝeiris and yat be the fauour & auctoritie of the Senat of Rome, quhen the empyre of the Grekis was put doune, and the Romanis had empyre and dominatioun in the warld, fra ye tyme of Abra­ham (to quhom Christ was promissit) 2025. in the xxv. day of y e moneth of December, The sal­uiour of y e warld Iesꝰ Christ was borne. That he suld be borne in siclyk tyme, it was prophesit lang afore be the Prophet Daniel, Daniel. 2. schawand, that in the last moneth or vniuersal empyre of y e warld, quhilk was the empyre of the Romanis, Christ suld be borne. Quhem he signifiit be ane stane quhilk without handis was hewin doune off a Hyll, quhilk signifyit and betaknit, that Christ Iesus suld be borne without the seid of man, allanerly be operatioun of the haly spret. And S. Mathew makis mentioun of Herode the [...]ing to certifie vs, yat y e prophecie of the Patriarck [Page xcxix] Iacob was fulfillit, quhen he said: Non auferetur septrum de Iuda, et dux de femore eius, Gene. 4 [...] donec ve­niat, qui mi [...]tēdus est. The septour and the kingis auctoritie in the land of Iewry, sall nocht be takin fra ane of the tribe of Iuda, quhil he cum yat sal be send to be Messias & saluiour of mankind. That is to say, Christ sall cum and be borne, quhen the Iewis hais nocht a propir king of the tribe of Iu­da ringnand ouir thame, bot a strangear, as was Herode a mā of the lād of Idumea. The se­cund cir­cumstance The vniuer­sall empyre and gret dominioun of the warld was than amang the Romanis. For the first empyre and gret dominioun of the warld, was amang the Ba­bilonianis and Assyrianis, fra thame it was trans­latit to the Meidis and Persis, fra ye Meidis and Persis it was translatit into Alexander the gret king of Macedonia, last of all it was geuin to the Romanis. And efter, quhen thai had kepit y e same Empyre the space of 70. ȝeiris eftir the ring of the Emperour Caius Iulius, the secund Emperour rang, callit Octauius Augustus, & in the 42. ȝeir of his ring our saluiour Iesus Christ was borne.

Leuetenent to the same Emperour in the land of Syria and Iewry was Cireneus. The thrid circum­stance. Sa quhen the land of Iewry was subieckit to the Romanis be Pompey the gret, al the pepil of the warld subdewit to the forsaid Romanis, be ane edick maid be the forsaid Emperour Octauius Augustus, The fourt circum­stance. was com­mandit to pay ane taxt, quhai [...]for ilk a man passit to that citie quhairin he was borne, or quhair to [...]e belangit be ony rycht tytill, gaif his name in writ, & [Page] professit obedience to the Emperour, and payit ane taxt to him. The fift circum­stance. The saxt circum­stance. Michee. v The seuint circumstance. The clan or geneologie of Iesus Christ, is discriuit be ye euangelist sanct Mathew, declarand yat he discendit fra the stok of Abraam, and fra the house and familie of king Dauid. He was borne in Bethleem a lytill citie of the tribe of Iuda, according as it was prophesit lang afore be prophet Micheas. The house quhairin he was borne was nother stark Castel, fair pallace, propir cha [...]myr and siclyke, bot because thair was na vthir place in the lodgin, it plesit the king of al kingis, & the Lord of al Lordis to be borne in ane stabil, and quhen he was borne to be laid in a crybbe, so gret exempil of meiknes he wald schaw to vs all. The aucht circūstāce. The first proclamour & furth schawar of that blissit Na­tiuitie, was ane heuinly Angel, quhilk tald it to cer­tane schipherdis keiping yair weche in y e nycht vpō thair flock, quhilk came & fande him & wyrschippi [...] him. The nint circum­stance. Certane kingis & wismen come out fra the Eist, & be directioun of ane starne fande him, wyr­schippit him & offerit to him, Gold, Sence & Myr.

Of the virgin. Behald heir deuotly (O christin man & woman) how that the mother of our saluiour was ane clein virgin quhē sche buir him, according as it was prophesit mony ȝeiris afore, be the haly Prophet Esaie sayand thus: Ecce virgo concipiet et pariet filium, Esaie. 7. et vocabitur nomen eius Emanuel, quod interpretatur nobiscū deus. Behald (sais he) ane virgin sal cōsaif and beir ane barne, & his name sal be callit Emanuel, quhilk be interpretatioun is als mekil to say, as God is w t vs. And doutles his [Page C] blissit mother was a virgin, nocht only in his birth, bot also euirmair eftir his byrth. And hir perpetual virginitie, afore his byrth, in his byrth, & eftir his birth may weil be knawin, be hir awin wordꝭ quhilk sche said to y e angel Gabriel on this maner: Luce. i. Quomo do fiet istud? quoniā virū non cognosco. How may yis be (said sche) yat I sal cōsaiue and beir a barne? seand y t I am nocht purposit to ken a mā carnally.

Marie. This is the propir name of the glorious virgin, the mother of him quhilk is bayth God and man. Trewly all deuote christin men & wemen hes gret cause to be blyth in God, quhen thai heir this name Maria pronunsit & spokin, kennand perfitly, yat for als mekil as sche is y e mother of our saluiour Christ, Hovv the glorious virgin Ma­rie vvas ye begin­nīg of our saluatioun sche is the begynnar of all our grace & saluatioun. Eua, ȝit being a virgin cōsenting to the deuil brocht the maledictioun of God & eternal dede vpō vs. Bot the glorious virgin Marie, consenting to the messengeir of God, restorit vs agane to the be­nedictioun of God & eternal lyfe. Be Eua, than be­ing a virgin, disaiuit be werkin of the serpent, come all our calamiteis and daily miserie. Be the virgin Marie berand hir sōne, be wyrkin of the haly spreit come all our ioy and felicitie. Be Eua brek and the command of God, we ar borne the sonnis of wraith and of damnatioun. Be the virgin Marie, submit­tand hir self to God be perfite faith & obediens we haif resauit Christ Iesus, be quhome we ar borne agane the sōnis of God be adoptioun. Eua throch hir pride and disobediens tynt the grace of God, quhairfor it was said to hir: In dolore par [...]es filios tuos. Thow sal beir yi barnis with dolour & paines [Page] Bot Marie, throch her meiknes, fande grace of God, Luce. i. and hard thir wordis said to hir: Aue gratia plena dominus [...]ecum, benedicta tu in mulieribus & benedictus fructus ventris tui. Haile Marie full of grace, the Lord is with y e, blissit art thow aboue al wemen, and blissit is the fruit of thi wayme, for be him we gat y e blissing of God promissit to Abraam.

Now deuote pepill I exhort ilk ane of ȝow to be­leiue this artikil with ane special faith, trowand fermely, that our saluiour Iesus Christ was borne for ilk ane of ȝow in special, yat ȝe mycht be borne a­gane the sonnis of God be adoptioun, and fynally cum to the kingdome of heuin.

The sentēce of this artikil is this. I trow sure­ly, that for me and my saule heil, the sonne of God Iesus my saluiour, was consaiuit of the haly gaist, borne of the virgin Marie, without ony carnal deid of mā, without mannis seid. Sa that sche was ane clein virgin in hir cōsaiuing, in hir byrth, and efter hir byrth. That he suld clenge myne & all mennis (quha traistis in him) synful byrth, vnclein, carnall and damnabill consaiuing. And that we suld be borne agane of wattir & the haly spret, to be the spi­ritual sōnis of his father for his saik, heretouris of God, and coheritouris with Christ of the realme of heuin. Moral les­sonis of vertevv gaderit of the thrid artikil. In this thrid artikil we may leir certane lessonis profitabil for our edificatioun. First the trew knawlege and remēbrance of the blissit incar­natioun suld cōferme vs in our faith. As it apperis be this exempil, quhen we heir tydanis tald vs of thingis doine in strange, and far cuntreis, we geue [Page Ci] mair credence to a man that hais dwellit in yat cun­tre, than to ane vthir man that was neuir thairin. Lykwis, afore the blissit incarnatioun & cumming of the sonne of God our saluiour Iesus Christ, the Patriarchis and prophetis be reuelatioun of God, tald mony thingis of God & his godly powar, wis­dome and gudnes, of heuin and heuinly cumpany, to quhome gud men and wemen gaif credence, bot because our saluiour hais tald vs siclike thingis of god the blissit Trinitie & heuinly cumpany, quhilk was thair him self being ane persone, equal & con­substancial with God the eternal father, thairfor to him we suld geue mair ferme credēce in all thingis quhilk he sais to vs concerning our faith. Thairfor it is writtin: Deum nemo vidit vnq̄, Ioan. i. vnigenitus filius qui est in sinu patris ipse enar [...]auit. Na mā hes sein god at ony tyme, the only begottin sonne, quhilk is in the bosum of the father, he hais declarit the same to vs. Secundly, be remembrance of the same, our hoip, quhilk we haue to optene y e glore of heuin is mekil incressit, for quhy, thairfor was the sonne of God borne of the virgin Marie, & was maid the sōne of man, yat we throch the leiuand faith in him, mycht be maid the sōnis of God be adoptioun & sa optene y e eternal glore. Roma. [...]. To this purpose S. Paule sais: Per quē habemus accessum per fidem in gratiā istā, in qua stamus & gloriamur in spe glorie filiorū Dei. Be quhom also we haue ane entresse be faith into yis grace, quhairin we stand, and reioyce in the hoip of the glore, quhilk pertenis to y e sōnis of god.

Thridly be faith of the same blissit incarnatioun we haif cause to be kendillit in the trew lufe of God [Page] quhilk hais luffit vs sa gretly, that nocht only be hais geuin to vs all creatouris to mak vs seruice, the Angellis to be our keparis, the heuins to geue vs lycht and influens, fische, foule, and beist, to our sustentatioun, bot alswa to schaw his excedand lufe towart vs, he hais geuin vs his awin natural sōne to our saluatioun & redemptioun: Sa our saluiour him self testifeis in the euangil of sanct Iohne: Ioan. iii. Sic deus dilexit mundū, vt filium suum vnigenitū daret. Sa God hais luffit the warld (that is the hail con­gregatioun of faithful men & wemen) that he wald geue to yame his awin natural sonne, to be yair re­demar & saluiour, quhilk gret lufe of God, be rycht suld kendil our hartis agane in the lufe of God, to quhom be honour and glore for euir & euir. Amen.

☞The fourt artikil.☜

The saxt Cheptour.

I Beleiue yat Iesus Christ tholit his passioun vn­der Pontius Pilatus, vvas crucifyit, dede, and bureit. Ȝe suld now O christin pepil, with gret lufe & feruent deuotioun heir this artikil of the passioun of our saluiour Christ declarit to ȝow, cō ­siderand quhat sanct Paule sais: 1. Cor. 4. Verbum crucis pereuntibus quidem stulticia est, his autē qui salui fiunt, id est nobis, virtus dei est. The word of the Crosse semis to be daftnes and folie to thame that perischis, & is condamnit, bot to yame yat ar saiffit, it is the vertew and powar of God. The Infidelis quhilk wantis our christin faith thinkis it gret fu­lechnes [Page Cii] to say yat god may thoil passioun, nocht vnderstanding that our saluiour Christ is bayth God and man, and that in the nature of his godheid he tholit na passioun, bot in the nature of his manheid he tholit his passioun. Mairouir the infidelis and vnfaithful thinkis it gret fulechnes to thoil painis and passioun, quhen a mā may eschape yame, nocht vnderstanding that our saluiour tholit nocht his passion aganis his wil, & for his awin synnis, bot ȝit he tholit his maist paynful passioun of his awin fre wil, nocht for his awin syn, quhilk he neuir cōmittit in thocht, word or deid, bot allanerly for our synnis according as sanct Peter declaris: i. Petri. 2. Qui peccata no­stra ipse pertulit in corpore suo super lignū, vt pec­catis mortui iusticie viuamus. He tholit for our synnis gret painis and passionis in his bodie apon the crosse, yat we be the meritis of his passioun, ap­plyit to vs be faith and the sacramentis, mycht dee fra syn & leif in blissitnes. Sa suppose all vnfaith­full men and wemen miskennis the passioun of our saluiour, ȝit all gud men and wemen with gret lufe and feruent deuotioun thinkis on it, be continual contemplatioun and daily remembrance, trowand fermely that (as sanct Paule sais) it is the powar of god, quhairby syn, the deuil and hel is ouircommit, and we ar al saiffit yat ar the trew seruādis of god.

He hais tholit passioun. Trewly he tholit sair and displesand wordis spokin to him, yai callit him ane Samaritane, yai said yat he was possessit with a deuil, thai said he brak the sabboth day, thai said he was ane drounkart and a freind of Publicanis [Page] and oppin synnaris, all thir iniurious wordis he tholit patiently for our saluatioun. Secundly, he tholit sair strakis, and last of all he tholit the sairaft painis of dede. And to schaw him self a trew man, he tholit for vs bayth in his body and in his saule, he was takin, he was bound, he was falsly accusit, he was strykin with neiffis, he was fylit with thair vyle spetting, he was dong with scurgis, he was crownit with thornis, & last he was nalit on y e crosse on the stinkand mont of Caluary, and to his mair confusioun, set betuix twa theiffis, he tastit Gall & vynakir, & finally dede for our redemptioun. And trow nocht yat he tholit na paine in his saule, for he said him self quhē he was in the ȝaird afore he was takin: Math. 26 Tristis est anima mea vs (que) ad mortem. My saule is sarie and sad euin to the dede, and he prayit a lang prayar, sa yat his swet come rynnand doune vpon the erde lyke droppis of blude. And as we said afore, al yir paynis tholit he for vs in his māly nature▪ & nocht in his godly nature. For as the na­ture of mā was passibil and mycht thoile, sa the na­ture of God is impassibil and may nocht thoil.

Vnder Pontius Pilatus. Pontius Pylatus, is the name of the Iuge, vnder quhome our saluiour tholit his passioun. And the name of this Iuge is expremit to geue certane knawlege of the story and the tyme, for that same tyme Pontius Pilatus was Leuetenen of Iewry vnder Tyberius the Empe­rour of Rome, quhilk Pontius Pilatus kend weil that our saluiour was ane innocent and deliuerit to him be enuye of the Iewis. Nochtiheles for feir of [Page Ciii] man and tyning of his office, he gaif sentence a­ganis our saluiour and Iugit him to dede.

Crucifyit. In this word crucifiit, is expremit the kind of dede, quhilk he tholit for vs, for as to be crucifyit and nakit on the crosse was ane dede verrai langsum and excedand paynefull, sa it was a dede schamefull amang the Iewis, for it is writtin in thair law: Deut. 21. Maledictus omnis qui pependit in ligno. Warriit is al man y t hingis on the crosse, ȝit yat maist paineful and schame­full dede he tholit for vs, to deliuer and saif vs fra the payne and schame eternal, & as the deuil ouircome mankind be menis of a tre, quhen he prouokit him to eite of the frute forbiddin, sa it was conuenient that he suld be ouircummit be a tree, quhilk was done, quhen our saluiour tholit his passioun on a tree.

Dede. Now christin man, Qubat frute or profit get vve be the mer [...]tis of his passion Apoca. i. haif euirmair in thi mynd the gret lufe and kindnes, quhilk thi saluiour hes schawin to the, quhen he deit for y e. Remember the blud of his body, quhilk he sched to wesche thi saule fra synne, according as it is writtin in the Apocalypsis: Dilexit nos et lauit nos a peccatis nostris in sāguine suo. He hes luffit vs and hes weschit vs fra our synnis with his blude. Lat neuer the word of sanct Paule gang out of thi mynd, quhilk he sais: Cum inimici esse­mus, reconciliati sumus deo per mortem filii eius. Roma. 5. Quhen we war ennemeis to God, we war recō ­salit to him be the dede of his sonne. Think oft [Page] tymes of the wordis quhilk haly kirk singis: Qui mortem nostram moriendo destruxit. He hais destroyit our eternal dede, be his temporal dede. Beleiue stedfastly, that quhen he deit, he offerit a perfit sacrifice apō the altar of the crosse, to the father eternal, for our reconciliatioun, for our redemptioun and eternal saluatioun. Lat this faith be thi plycht ankir, and doutles thow sall be saiffit fra all the dangeir of syn, of the deuil, and of hell, & be the meritis of the same passioun and dede optene the lyfe eternal. And be sickir (O christin man) that thow beleiue this artikil with ane special faith, nocht only beleiuand yat the sōne of God deit for y e saluatioun of S. Pe­ter and S. Paule, bot trow sickirly that he deit for thi saluatioun in special, sayand with sanct Paule: In fide viuo filii dei, qui dilexit me et tra­didit semetipsum pro me. Gala. 2. I leif now in the faith of the sonne of God, quhilk hais luffit me and hes geuin him self to the dede for me. In this special faith standis thi saluatioun, yow haiffād cheritie, and wyrkand thairefter kepand the cō ­mandis of God.

And vvas erdit or bureit. Suppose our salui­our (as cōcerning the opinion of the warld) deit with gret schame & confusion, ȝit his bodie was bureit in ane honest sepulchir with gret cost and reuerence. For he tuk our passibill and mortall nature, for our redemptioun. Quhairfor, quhen [Page Ciiii] he had completit and fulfillit our redemptioun with his passioun and deit apon the Crosse, it was conuenient that his bodie suld be put na mair to confusioun and schame, bot rather to honour and reuerence, because of his glorious resurrectioun, quhilk was schortly to follow. And of his honourabill and reuerent burying, it was prophesit lang afore be the prophet Esaie sayand: Et erit sepulchrum eius gloriosum. Esaie. xi. And his sepulchir sall be glorious. And sa it was in deid, for Ioseph of Aramathia & Nichodemus buriet his precious bodie with costly vnctmētis and spices in ane honest & new sepulchir, as the euangelistis declaris at gret lenth.

The sentence of this artikil is this. The sen­tens of yis artikil. I trow surely that he in his manly nature tholit passioun vnder Poncius Pilatus than iuge in Ierusalem, to mak satisfactioun and mendis for al our synnis, yat hes a trew & leiuand faith in him. And that he was crucifyit apon ane crosse, and festinit Adamis obligatioun (quhilk was aganis vs) to the crosse, Colos. 2. that it suld neuir mair noy vs, that we suld haue redemptioun and remissioun of al synnis be his blud, quhilk he sched & offerit as ane acceptabil offerand for euermair, to mak thame perfite, quhilk is hal­lowit, that is to say, sanctifyit be leiuand faith in his blude, and resauing of the sacrament of Baptyme.

[Page]And I trow surely that he sched his precious blude, for the gret lufe quhilk he had to vs, to wesche vs fra our synnis, with the same lufe he deit apon the crosse to reconsal vs and bring vs agane in the fauour of his father eternal, ma­kand to him ane iust & perfit satisfactioun for al our offēcis quhilk hes a leiffand faith in him, & is trewly penitent be contritioun, confessioun, and satisfactioun. To mak peace betuix his fa­ther and vs, to slay syn and dede quhilk had ouerance apon vs. To deliuir vs fra all dan­geir of syn, the deuil, dede and hel. And to bring vs to the glorious kingdome of heuin, thair to be with him euirmair in ioy and blysse. And I trow verraily yat his body was put in the erde, in quhilk he tholit dede, to put synne out of his fatheris sycht, Psal. 15. & in his awin body to change yat malesone said to Adam, yat he suld turne in asse quhairof he was maid, bot ȝit his body, as the Psalmist sais, Gene. iii. saw neuir corruptioun.

Moral les­sonis of vertevv gadderit of yis fourt artikil.And in this artikil of the Passioun, we haue as sanct Augustine sais, sufficient instructioun to ordour our lyfe haillely in vertew, to the ple­sour of God. For quha sa will leife ane perfite lyfe, lat him contemne thai thingis, quhilk our saluiour hingand on the crosse contemnit, and lat him desyre thai thingis, quhilk our saluiour hynging on the crosse desyrit, for trewly thair is na vertew, bot of it we may tak exempil fra our saluiour hyngand on the crosse.

[Page Cv]Wald thow haue exempil of perfite lufe and cheritie? Exempil of perfite lufe and. cheritie. Ioan. xv. Heir quhat is said in sanct Iohnis euā gel: Maiorem charitatem nemo habet, quam vt a­nimā suā ponat quis pro amicis suis. Na man hais mair cheritie, than a mā to spend his lyfe for his freindis. And that our saluiour did for vs apon the crosse. And sen swa it is, that he hais geuin his lyfe for vs, we suld nocht be discontent, nor think it heuy to thoile ony kind of aduersitie for his faith and obediens, sayand with the prophet in the Psalme: Quid retribuam domino pro omni­bus, quae retribuit mihi? Calicem salutaris accipiā, Psal. 115. et nomen domini inuocabo. Quhat sal I geue to the Lord, for all that he hes geuin to me? I wil tak to me the cup of my saluiour, that is to say, thoil aduersitie patiently, for the lufe of my sal­uiour Christ, and swa call apon his name with faithfull prayar. Exempil of perfite pacience. Seikis thow exempil of perfite pacience, thow hais it geuin maist excel­lently to the in the crosse of our saluiour Christ. Pacience is schawin to be gret be twa pointtis, other quhen a man tholis gret paynis paciently or quhen he tholis paynis & may eschaip thame and will nocht in deid eschaip thame, bot tholis thame willyngly. Sa our saluiour on the crosse tholit for vs gret paynts, in sa mekil as sanct Petir sais: Cum pateretur, non comminabatur. i. Petri. 2. Quhen he tholit his passion, he maid na bosting or schoring to thame that put him to the dede. Bot as the Prophet sais: Sicut ouis ad occisionē ducetur, et sicut agnus corā tondēte se, ob mutescet. Esaie. iiii. [Page] He sall be led to his dede lyke a scheip, and lyke a lambe sall he hald him still before the man that clippis him. This prophesie our saluiour ful­fyllit in the tyme of his passioun, quhen he lyke ane innocent lambe tholit his passioun pacient­ly, without ony murmour, gaynstanding, or contradictioun. Mairouir, he mycht haue eschapit the same paynis, gif it had plesit him to haue maid resistence, according as he said to sanct Petir in the tyme of his taking: Math. 26 An putas quia non possum rogare patrē meū, et exhibebit mihi modo plusq̄ duodecim legiones angelorū? Thinkis yow that I can nocht pray my father, and he sal send me mair than xii. thousand legionis of angellis? Be this ȝe may se, how gret was the pacience of our saluiour in tyme of his passioun. Quhair­for lat vs do the counsel of sanct Paule, sayand thus to the Hebrewis: Hebre. xii Per parientiam curramus ad propositum nobis certamen, aspicientes in au­thorem fidei et consummatorem I [...]sum, qui propo­sito sibi gaudio, sustinuit crucem, confusione con­tempta. Lat vs ryn be pacience vnto the battall that is set afore vs, lukand vnto Iesus the au­thor and finissar of our faith, quhilk quhen the ioy was lade before him, tholit the crosse and dispysit the schame. Wald thow haue exempil of meiknes, Exempil of perfite meiknes. think on the passioun of Christ, he that was bayth God and man, was content to be iugit and dee vnder Pontius Pylate than being Iuge in Ierusalem. The Lord for his seruandis, the lyfe of angellis, for mankind was [Page Cvi] content meikly to dee, according as sanct Paule sais: Humiliauit semetipsum, Philip. 2. factus obediens vs (que) ad mortem, mortem autem crucis. He meikit him self and became obedient euin to his dede, the verrai dede of y e crosse. Desyris thow to haue exempil of perfite obediens, Exempil of perfite obediens. follow him yat was obdient to the eternal father, euin to the maist schameful and payneful dede, be quhais obedi­ens we ar al maid iust afore God. According as S. Paule sais to the Romanis: Roma. v. Sicut per inobe­dientiam vnius hominis peccatores constituti sunt multi, ita per vnius obedientiam iusti constituentur multi. Lyke as throch the inobediens of a man, thair was maid mony synnaris, sa be the obedi­ence of a mā, thair is maid mony iust men. Thir twa men of quhom S. Paul spekis, ar Adam & Christ. Be Adamis inobediens we ar all maid synnaris, borne in original synne. Bot be Chri­stis obdience we ar maid rychteous afore God. Schortly, wald thow leir to dispyse the vayne plesouris of this warld? Exempil to dispyse the vaine plesouris of this vvarld. follow the exempill of Christ, quhilk suppose he was king of al kingis and Lord of all Lordis, in quhom was all the tresouris of wisdome and knawlege of God, ȝit for our saluatioun he was content to be maid nakit, to be scornit, to be spittit on, scurgit, crownit with thornis, to be seruit with gal & vynakir, and finally to dee. Be nocht vainly affeckit to clething and ryches, for our saluiour sais: Psal. 2 [...]. Diu [...] ferunt sibi vestimenta mea. Thai haue partit a­mangis thame my cleithing.

[Page]Be nocht vainely affeckit to honouris of this warld, for our saluiour tholit gret scorning and mony strakis. Be nocht vainely affeckit to de­licat meitis & drinkis, for our saluiour in tyme of his thryst, was seruit with Gal and vynakir. Quhat will ȝe mair? as sanct Augustine sais: Omnia bona terrena contempsit Christus Iesus, vt cōtemnenda monstraret. Christ Iesus contemnit and dispysit all warldly thingis, to schaw to vs, that thai suld be lythleit and dispisit of vs. Thus ȝe se deuote pepil, quhat gret perfectioun of lyfe we may leir in yis artikil of the passioun of our saluiour, to quhom be all louing & than­kis, honour and glore, with the father and the haly spreit, for euir and euir. Amen.

☞The fift artikil.☜

The vii. Cheptour.

DEscendit ad inferos. He descēdit or passit downe to hel. For the intelligens of yis artikil ȝe sall vnderstand that our sal­uiour deit on the crosse, quhen his saule departit fra the body, nochttheles his godheid was sa fast ionit with his māly nature yat suppose the saule and the bodie was perfite syndry, ȝet his diuinitie remanit bayth with his body lyand in the graif, and also with his saule descendand to the hellis.

Quhair is hell. Hellis. Heir is to be notit, quhair is hell? and how mony distinct partis or placis thair is [Page Cvii] of hel. This word in Latin infernus, is as mekil to say in Scottis speiche, as laych or vnderneth, & sa be significatioun of yis word infernus, hell is in the lawalt part of the erd, or in sum place vnder the erd Quhairto agreis the wordis of the scripture in the Apocalypsis, quhilk plainly assignis thre distinct dwelling placis of reasonabil creatouris, sayand: Ne (que) in coelo, ne (que) in terra, ne (que) sub terra. Apoca. v. Nother creatouris dwelland in heuin, nother creatouris dwelland on the erde, nother creatouris dwelland vnderneth the erd, was abil to oppin the buke, that is to say, was abill to compleit & fulfyll the mistery of our redemptioun, bot only the lambe immaculat Iesus Christ. Thair is four distinct partis or placis of hell, efter the declaratioun of doctouris, & ilkane of yame eftir the cōmon maner of speking is callit hell. Thair is infernus damnatorum, the hel quhairin thai ar quhilk departis of this warld in actual & mortal syn, quhilk ar condamnit to eternal sensibil payne. And in yat hel is thre distinct paynis The first is priuatioun of grace, y e secund is priua­tioun of glore, the thrid is perpetual feling of sesibil payne. Thair is infernus puerorū, the hel quhairin is ye saulis of al y e barnis yat departis of yis warld nocht being baptizit, allanerly in original syn w tout ony actual syn, & thair is priuatioun of grace & pri­uatioun of glore, bot na sensibil payne, & the payne of thir barnis is verrai litil, eisy & soft because that thai ar priuate of grace & glore, nocht throch thair awin actual syn, bot allanerly throch the syn of our first father Adam. Thair is als infernus purgan­dorum, [Page] ane hel, quhairin thai ar quhilk hais mister to be clengit or purgit fra yair venial synnis, or yat be the iustice of God ar obli [...]sit to thole sum tēporal paine thair for dedely synnis, Purga­torie. for quhilk thai haue nocht tholit sufficiently in this warld. And yair is in Purgatorie priuatioun of glore, and also sensibil payne for a tyme, bot nocht priuatioun of grace, for all the saulis quhilk ar in Purgatorie, ar in the fa­uour of God & hais his grace, for als mekil as thai departit of this warld in Faith, Hoip and Cheritie. And how thai may be helpit out of thair paynis be the prayaris and gud deidis of yame yat ar on liue, it sal be declarit to ȝow in the ende of the fourt part of this Catechis, quhen we sall schaw to ȝow how ȝe suld pray for all men bayth quick and dede. Thair was also infernus patrum, the hell of the fatheris, quhair was na payne, bot allanerly wanting of the glore of God, yai had na sensibil payne, yai had the fauour and grace of God, and luk it to get the gloi [...] of God be the passioun of Christ, & thairfor it was callit the bo [...]um of Abraham, because al gud men & wemen (quhilk was purgit & deliuer it fra originall syn be y e sacrament of circumcisioun into the tyme of the law of Moyses, and in the tyme of the law of nature be faith of yair parentis or freindis, w t sacri­fice and departit of this warld in the faith and obe­diens of god, eftir the exempil of Abrahā, and also hauand na mister of purgatioun) thai passit to that place callit limbus patrū ▪ or sinus Abrahe, quhairto our saluiour discēdit immediatly efter his passioun nocht to thoil ony payne or passioun thair, for al his [Page Cviii] paynis was completit and endit, quhen he deit apō the crosse. Thairfor gif ȝe will knaw y e cause of his passing doune to hel, Quho [...] deliueri [...] our salui­our of hel [...] it was to deliuer his seruādis quhilk afore the tyme of his passioun (as we said a­fore) departit fra yis warld in his faith, hoip & cheri­tie, as Abraā, Isaac & Iacob, Moyses▪ Dauid, w t all vthir perfite & iust personis, quhom he deliuerit fra the presone of hel, callit limbus patrū, according as was prophesit lang afore be y e prophet Zachary sayand thus to him: Zacha. 9. Tu quo (que) in sanguine testamēti tui, emisisti vinctos tuos de lacu, in quo non erat a­qua. Thow lord (sais the prophet) be vertew of thy blud, sched in cōfirmatioun of the new testamēt, hes deliuerit the presonaris out of y e loch, quhairin was na wattir, yat is, yow hes brocht out fra the presone of hel (quhairin is no refresching of mercy, nor of gloir & ioy celestial, for y t was to cum yan be Christ) al gud and haly men and wemen, haldin thair as in a presone. Also y e same deliuerāce was prophesit be the prophet Osee: Ero mors tua, o mors, Osee. xiii. ero morsus tuus o inferne. O dede (sais our saluiour) I sall be thi dede. This prophesie was fulfillit quhē our sal­uiour with his corporal & tēporal dede, distroit our eternal dede, deliuering al yame yat beleiuis in him with a leiffand faith, fra y e bōdage of eternal painis of hel, quhilk is callit the eternal dede. It followis: O hel I sal byte the. The man yat bytis ony thing, he takis part to him, & lattis part remane behind. Sa our saluiour passand doune to hell, he fulfyllit this prophesie, takand part of saulis out fra hell with him, and leiffand part behim him. [Page] Quhom tuk he with him? bot thame that was haly and gud, quhilk was haldin thair as presonaris. Quhom left he behind him? bot thame quhilk was in y e hel of dānatioun reprobat & condemnit to pay­nis eternal, & all thame quhilk deit in original syn.

The sentence of this artikil is this, I trow ver­raily he passit downe to hel with gret powar, to sub­ieck him quhilk had empyre of dede, yat is y e deuil, to deliuer yame, quhilk be dredour al yair lyfe was vnder bondage, that the deuil and his wylis suld nocht noye thame quhilk had faith in Christ Iesu, quhom he hais deliuerit fra the deuil and hel.

Moral les­sonis of vertevv gadderit of [...] fift a [...].In this artikil we may leir certane morall les­sonis. Fyrst euirmair in al afflictionis & trubillis we suld ho [...]p fermely in the help & deliuerāce of our saluiour Christ, for sen swa it is yat he hes deliue­rit his seruādis out of hell quhilk had ferme hoip & lufe to him, mekil mair aucht we to hoip to be helpit and deliuerit fra all our trubillis, gif we put al our hoip & traist in him. Exempil we haue in the buke of wisdome: Sapi. [...]. Hec venditum iustum non dereliquit, descendens (que) cum illo in foueam in vinculis non de­reliquit eum. The wisdome of God left nocht that iust man Ioseph, bot passit downe with him into the deippar caue, & left him nocht quhen he was wrāg­ously put in presone and bounde with chenȝeis, bot deliuerit him fra all trubil, and brocht him to gret dignitie and honour. Secundly, in the same we may [...] cōsaiue in our hart feir of God, and to put [...] all presumptioun. For suppose our sal­uiour Christ deit for synnareis, and passit downe to [Page Cix] hel, ȝit he deliuerit nocht al synnaris, bot yame alla­nerly quhilk departit fra this warld without dedely syn. And thame quhilk departit with dedely syn, he left still in hel. Thairfor, lat na man trow to cum to heuin, quhilk departis of this warld in dedely syn, bot yat he sal pas to the hel of dānatioun, yair to re­maine as lang als ony sāctis salbe in heuin, quhilk is euirmair. Sa as mekil as we may, lat vs bewar of dedely syn, that finally we may eschaip the perpe­tual paynis of hell, and sa optene the eternal lyfe in the kingdome of heuin, quhairto he bring vs that bocht vs with his precious blude. Amen.

☞The saxt artikil.☜

The viii. Cheptour.

TERTIA die resurrexit a mortuis The thrid day he raise fra dede.

We find in the scripture that sindry personis was raisit fra the dede, as Lazarus, the wedowis sonne, & the dochter of the arche­synagoge, with certane vtheris. Bot the resurrectioun of our saluiour differis fra thair resurrectioun in twa pointis. First thai raise fra y e dede nocht be yair awin mycht & powar, bot be the powar & mycht of our saluiour, and sumtyme be the prayar of sum haly prophet or sanct, God raisit yame fra the dede, quhilk allanerly may kyth siclik miraculis be his awin propir authoritie & powar. Bot our saluiour raise fra the dede mychtfully be [Page] his awin powar, because he was and is bayth man and God, quhais godheid eftir his blissit incarna­tioun departit neuir fra his body, nor fra his saule, and his saule resauit agane his bodie according as he sais of him self: Potestatem habeo ponendi ani­mam meam, Ioan [...]. et potestatem habeo iterum sumendi eā. I haue powar to leue my lyfe & I haue powar to tak it agane. Our salui­our raise immortal and glo­rious. Secundly, Lazarus with the laif raise fra the dede to ane lyfe mortal, & efter yat thai raise, thai deit agane. Bot our saluiour raise fra y e dede to ane lyfe immortal, and neuir deit agane, be­cause his bodie was glorifyit and maid incorrupti­bil, according as sanct Paule declaris to the Ro­manis, Roma. vi. sayand thus: Christus resurgens ex mortuis iam non moritur, mors illi vltra non dominabitur. Christ rysand fra the dede deis na mair, dede sall haue na mair powar ouir him. Sa mychty & glori­ous was the resurrectioun of our saluiour Christ. And gif ȝe speir, Quhy he raise the thrid day? quhy raise he y e thrid day erar than the secund, fourt or fift day? Trewly, to schaw that he was trewly dede, quhilk was necessarie for our beleif, quhilk we aucht to haue to the artikil of his passioun and dede. For gif he had rysin the secund day, perauentour sum men wald haue said, that he had nocht trewly deit. Mairouir, gif he had differ­rit his resurrectioun langar, than his discipillis had nocht bein sa soine certifyit in the faith as mister was. Quhairfor, verrai conueniently he raise fra dede to lyfe the thrid day, according to his promise quhilk he maid to his Apostils & discipillis, sayand: [Page Cx] Et tertia die resurget. Luce. 18. Math. 17. And he sall ryse agane the thrid day.

The sentence of this artikil is this. I trow fermely that he is rysin fra dede to lyfe apon y e thrid day, for our rychteousnes, that we suld ryse be his spreit and faith, to ane new godly lyfe, be the gy­ding of his haly spreit according to his godly will, and suld nocht leif ony mair in syn, to be subieckit agane to dede, bot leif euirmair in a new, godly and haly lyfe, as he sal neuir dee agane, bot leif for euir­mair.

We may gaddir of this artikil syndry instructi­onis of vertew for our edificatioun. Moral les­sonis of vertevv gadderit of yis saxt artikil. Ephe. v. Be the exempil of our salui­our vve suld ryse spiritually First we suld studie to ryse spiritually fra the dede of our saule, quhilk we haue incurrit be syn, to ane lyfe of rych­teousnes, quhilk life is gottin be trew leiuand faith and penance. To this spirituall resurrectioun the Apostil S. Paule exhortis vs, sayand thus: Surge qui dormis, et exurge a mortuis, et illuminabit te Christus. Ryse thow yat sleipis, ryse vp fra the dede and Christ sal lychtin the with the lycht of his abun­dant grace in this lyfe, & with the lycht of his gloir in the lyfe to cum. And this is callit the first resur­rectioun of ane christin man, quhen he (be the grace of God) rysis spiritually fra ane synful lyfe, to ane godly & verteous lyfe. Quhairfor it is writtin: Beatus qui habet partē in resurrectione prima. Apoca. xx Happy or blissit is yat man or woman quhilk hes ony part in the first resurrectioun, quhilk is risyng fra syn.

Mai [...]ouir, we suld nocht defer our spiritual re­surrectioun til the tyme of our dede, as mony sinful [Page] personis dois. Bot we suld soine & hastely ryse fra the dede of syn, and that be exempil of our saluiour quhilk raise tymely on the thrid day. To yis ilk ane of vs is exhortit be the wisman, sayand thus: Ne tardes conuerti ad dominum, Eccle. v. et ne differas de die in diem, subito enim veniet ira illius, et in tempore vindicte disperdet te. Be nocht sweir or lang ta­riand to turne to our Lord, & differre nocht or driue nocht of fra day to day, for his wrath and iust iuge­ment sal cum suddanly apon the, and in the tyme of vengeance distroye the. Differre nocht thairfor thi turning to God, till the tyme of thi dede, for than be reasone of gret seiknes, quhairwith thow sall be oppressit thow can nocht haue ane cleir mynd to vnderstand thai thingis, quhilk belangis to thi salua­tioun, and commonly this is founde trew be expe­rience, suppose we wil nocht dispayre of na mannis saluatioun, because the mercy of God is reddy at al tymes, ȝit we counsell the the sickirrar way, turne to God soine and hastely, for sa lang as yow differris thi conuersioun to God, thow tynis thi part of all guddis doine in haly kirk. Thow incurris mony perrellis of thi saule be perseuerance in syn, quhair for ryse vp fra the dede of syn soine and hastely.

VVe suld rise to ane nevv lyfe.Thridly, we suld ryse be the exempil of our sal­uiour to ane new lyfe. Quhat is this new lyfe? bot a lyfe gydit be the spreit of God, ordourit be Faith, Hoip, and Cheritie, with doing of gud werkis that procedis fra the same vertewis, & fleand fra all syn and occasioun of syn. Sanct Paule techis, sayand thus: Roma. vi. Quomodo Christus surrexit a mortuis per [Page Cxi] gloriā patris, ita et nos in nouitate vite ambulemus Euin as Christ cal [...]e fra the dede be the glore of his father, sa lat vs gang in ane new lyfe. And fynally as our saluiour [...]ysand fra the dede to ane glorious lyfe, [...]eit neuir agane, sa suld we ryse spiritually fra y e dede of syn, to ane new lyfe of grace, and nocht bee agane be committing of dedely syn, bot do all diligens to optene y e grace of God, quhair throch we may perseuere in gud lyfe, and finally cum to the kingdome of heuin, quhilk he grant to vs that bocht vs with his precious blud. Amen.

☞The seuint artikil.☜

The ix. Cheptour.

AScendit ad coelos, sedet ad dexterā dei patria omnipotentis. I beleiue that our salui­our ascendit to the heuin, and sittis at the rycht hand of the father God almychty. In yis artikil christin pepil ȝe may considder twa thin­gis. The first, how heych was the ascentioun of Christ. The secund, how profitabil to vs all was his Ascentioun. Of the first speikis sanct Paule sayand thus: Ascendit super omnes coelos. He ascendit aboue al the heuins. Ephe. 4 Trewly aboue all y e heuins, nocht only corporal, quhilk we se aboue vs, as the seuin Planettis, the fir­mament set full of sternis, with the laif, bot also be ascendit aboue all heuins spiritual. That is to say, aboue all the ordouris of Angellis, euin [Page] to the rycht hand of God the father almychty, according as sanct Paule declaris sayand: Ephe. i. Consti­tuens Iesum ad dexteram suam in coelestibus, super omnem principatum et potestatem et virtutem et dominationem, & omne nomen quod nominatur nō solum in hoc seculo, sed etiam in futuro, et omnia subiecit sub pedibus eius. God y e father almychty hes set Iesus our saluiour at his rycht hand in heuinly thingis, aboue all the principattis, po­testatis, vertewis & dominationis, yat is to say, he hes exaltit our saluiour in his manheid in the heuinly empyre aboue all the nyne ordouris of Angellis, & also aboue all vther creatouris that may be namit, nocht only in this warld, bot also in the walrd to cum. And to his powar all crea­touris ar subieckit & subdewit. Hovv vve suld vnderstand that our salui­our sittis on the rycht hād of god the father. And quhen ȝe say that our saluiour syttis at the rycht hād of God the father almychty, think nocht y t God, quhilk is ane incorporal & spiritual natour, hes oder rycht hand or left hand, bot as the rycht hand of a man commonly is his best hand, sa be a si­militude in yis artikil the rycht hand or y e rycht syde of God the father, is the best, the hiest and maist excellent honour, dignitie, and glore of heuin, quhairin God the father almychty hais set our saluiour aboue all the Angellis & vthir creatouris. And quhen we speik of our saluiour cōsidderand his diuine maiestie, in als mekil as he is and euir hais bein & euir sall be the secund persone i [...] Trinitie, sa we beleue that he sittis at the rycht hand of God the father eternal. That [Page Cxii] is to say, he is equal with the father in honour, dignitie, glore & maiestie. The sen­tēce of yis artikil. Swa the sentence of this artikil is this. I trow surely that Iesꝰ Christ in his manheid passit vp to heuin the xl. day efter his resurrectioun, and sittis at the fa­theris rycht hand, in the same glore, with the fa­ther of heuin, hauing full powar, ouerance, em­pyre, glore and gyding of Angellis and all crea­touris in heuin, erd, and hell. Thairfor I wait that he may help me, and will defend me and al thame, quha trowis in him, that na creatour in heuin, erde or hel may noy vs, by his godly wil.

The secund point of this artikil is to cōsidder how profitabil this glorious ascensioun was to vs, quhairin ȝe may leir mony spiritual lessonis. Moral les­sonis of vertevv. And trewly in his ascētioun he was our ledar & gyde. Thairfor to leid vs the way to heuin, he ascendit to heuin afore vs, according as it was prophesit lāg afore be y e prophet Micheas: Math. 2. Ascē ­det iter pandens ante eos. Christ sal ascend to he­uin, schawād the way before yame quhilk ar his seruandis, & nocht only yat, bot also he tuk pos­sessioun in heuin, & grathit a place for vs, according as he said to his discipillis: Vado parare vobis locum. I gang to prepare a place for ȝow. Ioan. 14.

Secundly, be his glorious ascētioun, he hes geuin vs (in ane maner) ane securitie of our sal­uatioun. For he ascendit to the heuin, that he in his manly nature mycht pray for vs to his and our father eternal, according as S. Paule sais: Accedens per semetipsum ad deum semper viuens, Hebre. 7 ad interpellandum pro nobis.

[Page]He gangis be his awin self to God, euirmair leiffand to pray for vs. Syclik sētence sais S. Iohne the euangelist in his epistil: i. Ioan. iii. Aduocatum habemus apud patrem Iesum Christum iustum. We haif ane aduocat with the father, quhilk aduo­cat is Iesus Christ. Thridly, our saluiour Christ in his ascētioun, drawis our hartis eftir him merualously, for as he sais: Vbi est thesau­rus tuus, Math. 6. ibi est cor tuum. Quhair thi tresour is, thair is thi hart. And quhat suld be our tresour samekil as our saluiour Christ, in quhom is all the tresouris of wisdome, & knawlege. Sa our hart suld alwayis be in him and with him in heuin, according as sanct Paule exhortis vs, sayand: Colos. iii. Si consurrexistis cum Christo que sursum sunt querite, vbi Christus est in dextera dei sedens, que sursū sunt sapite non quae super terrā. Gyf ȝe be ryssin with Christ seik thai thingis quhilk ar a­boue, quhair Christis sittand at ye rycht hand of God, set ȝour mynd in thai thingis quhilk ar aboue, and nocht apon thai thingis, quhilk ar apon the erde, yat finally ȝe may cum to the glo­rious kingdome of heuin, to y e quhilk he bring vs that bocht vs with his precious blud. Amen.

❧The aucht artikil.

The x. Cheptour.

INde vēturus est iudicare viuos & mortuos. I be­leif y t he sal cū fra heuin to iuge bayth quick & dede. It pertenis to y e office of ane king, to geue [Page Cxiii] sentence in iugement, sa the wisman sais: Rex, Pro. xx. qui sedet in solio iudicii sui, dissipat omne malū in­tuitu suo. The king that sittis in the sete of his iugement, puttis away all euil fra his sycht.

Now sene swa it is that our saluiour ascendit to heuin and yair sittis at the rycht hand of god the father almychty, as Lord and king of all the warld, it is manifest and plaine, yat it pertenis to him to geue sentence in iugement. Thairfor we confesse in the rewil of our faith, yat our sal­uiour Iesus Christ sall cum fra heuin to iuge bayth quick and dede, euin sa the Angel said in tyme of our saluiouris ascensioun to the Apo­stillis and vther discipillis: Hic Iesus qui assump­tus est a vobis in coelum, sic veniet, Actuum. i. quemadmodum vidistis eum eun [...]ē in coelum. This Iesus quhilk is takin vp fra ȝow to heuin, euin sa sall he cum as ȝe haue sene him passand vp to heuin. Tell vs quha sal be iuge in the general iugement on the lattir day? Quha bot our saluiour Iesus Christ in forme of man? Sa it is writtin: Actuum. x Ipse est, qui constitutus est a deo iudex viuorum et mor­tuorum. It is he quhilk is ordanit of God to be iuge of quick & dede. Ȝe may other vnderstand be the dede all synnaris, & be the leiuand all iust men and wemen, or litterally vnderstanding be the dede all thame quhilk hes bein, is or sall be dede afore y e cūming of Christ to the iugement, and be the leiuand all thame quhilk sal be fonde on lif in the cumming of Christ to the iugement Quhy say ȝe that Christ sall be iuge in forme of [Page] man? Trewly to yat effeck, yat he may be oppin­ly sein of al yame quhilk sal be iugit, bayth gud and euil. Ioan. 5. Thairfor he sais him self: Potestatem dedit ei iudiciū facere quia filius hoīs est. God the father eternal hes geuin powar to Iesus Christ to mak iugement, because he is the sonne of mā. Quha sal be iugit in y e extreme iugemēt? Dout­les, al men & wemen quhilk is, hes bein, or salbe according as the Apostil sais: [...]. Cor. 5. Omnes nos mani­festari oportet ante tribunal Christi, vt referat vnus­quis (que) propria corporis prout gessit siue bonū, siue malum. We mone all appeir before the iugement seit of Christ, that euery ane may ressaue in his body, according to yat he hes done, quhidder it be gud or euil. Quhairof sal al men & wemen be iugit in yat extreme iugement? Of al deids gud and euil, of all wordis gud & euil, of al thochtis gud & euil. Quhairof the gud sal be rewardit, & the euil sal be punissit. Witnes we haue of Sa­lomon, Ecclesi. [...]ltimo. sayand thus: Cuncta q̄ fiunt adducet deus in iudicium, pro omni errato siue bonum siue malū. Al thingis yat ar done, God sal bring into iuge­mēt, quhidder it be gud or euil. And suppose yai be hyd & vnknawin in yis warld, yai sal be than manifest and knawin. And that we mone geue a compt that day to God of all our wordis, It is plainly declarit be our saluiour, Math. 12. sayand: De omni verbo ocioso quod locuti fuerint homines, reddant rationem de eo in die iudicii. Of all ydill wordis quhilk men speikis, mekil mair it followis, that [Page Cxiiii] we mone geue ane compt that day of al, vthir wordis that ar noysum and skaythfull to thair nychtbouris or spokin agane the honour and glore of God. Sa trewly nocht allanerly that day all men sall be iugit for thair euil deidis and euil wordis, bot also for thair euil cogita­tionis and thochtis quhilk men hais had with consent aganis the command of God, as it is writtin: In cogitationibus impii interrogatio erit. Sapi. 1. Thair sal be examinatioun of the thochtis of a wyckit mā. Thus christin pepil oft tymes think on yat extreme iugement, quhairin our saluiour Christ sal be iuge in forme of man, & his manly nature, all men and wemen sal be iugit, and yat of all deidis, consenting & thochtis. Swa than the sentence of this artikil is this.

I trow without dout that he is to cum vpon the day of extreme iugemēt with all his angellis and with exceding powar, The sen­tens of yis artikil. in the cloudis of the aer, to geue sentence apon bayth gud and euil, leiffand and dede. I trow that we mone all be present afore his seit and sall se him, quhilk sall reward euery man according to his werkis. I trow that apon yat day he sall deliuer me and al yat traistis in him be trew leiffand faith (quhi [...]k yat day sal be declarit be the werkis & rewardit eftir as the werkis beris witnis) fra the dede, trubil, sorow & perpetual paynis, of our fayis & fra thair tyranny, than sall we be deliuerit for euermair, and gang with him to eternal blisse and ioy.

[Page] Moral les­sonis of vertev [...]. Hebre. 4.Now thairfor in this artikil leir ȝe to feir yat extreme iugement. First considder the infinite wisdome of the iuge, of quhom sanct Paul sais: Omnia nuda et aperta sunt oculis eius. All thingis ar nakit and oppin to his eyne. That is, all our thochtis, al our werkis, al our hai [...] dedes ar ma­nifest and knawin to him. Also God almychty sais: Hiere. 17 Prauum est cor hominis, et inscrutabile, quis cognoscet illud? Ego dn̄s scrutans corda & probans tenes, qui do vnicu [...] (que) iuxta viam suam. Euil is the hart of man and vncerssabil, quha sall ken it? I the Lord that serchis hartis, and examinis the affectionis of the same, and giffis to ilkane ac­cording to his wayis. Secundly, considdir y e insuperabil powar of our Iuge, quhilk is al­mychty, to quhom na creatour may make resi­stence. Thridly, haue in thi mynd his infieribil iustice. Now is the tyme of mercy, than sall be the tyme of iustice, now is our tyme, bot than sal be his tyme. Quhairfor he sais in y e Psalme: Cum accepero tempus, ego iusticias iudicabo. Quhen I sall tak my tyme, Psal. 47. I sall iuge rycht iustice. Quhat remeid agane the feir of that extreme iugement? Doutles the only remeid is in tyme of this lyfe to turne to God and serue him in faith, hoip, & cheritie. And as S. Paule writis to the Romanis, spekand of the powar & iugement of a temporal king, Roma. 1 [...]. sais thus: Vis nō timere potestatem? bonum fac et habebis laudē ex e [...] Wald [...] powar? do gud, & thow sal haue leuing of it. Sa it may be said to [Page Cxv] the, wald thow nocht feir the iugement of Christ y e king of heuin? do weil or do gud, & yat day of iuge­ment, thow sall haue louing of him. Gyf thow speir at me, quhat is the gud that I mone do, to eschaip the dangeir of that iugement? Sanct Iohne the Baptist schawis it, sayand to the Pharisianis and Saduceanis: Progenies viperarum, Math. iii. quis demon­strauit vobis fugere a ventura ira? Ȝe generatioun of serpentis, quha hais schawin to ȝow to fle fra the wraith to cum? That is to say, fra the dangeir of y e extreme iugement. Than sanct Iohne giftis yame this counsel, sayand: [...]acite ergo fructum dignum penitētiae Thairfor (sais he) do ȝe the worthi fruit of penance, declarand plainely, that and we wald e­schaip y e dangeir of yat extreme iugement, we mone in tyme of this lyfe do the worthi fruitis of penance, prayar, fasting, and almous deidis, and leif in the seruice of God as Christin men aucht to do, accor­ding as it sal be largely declarit to ȝow in the sacra­ment of Penance, To God thairfor be all louing & thankis, honour and glore for euir and euir. Amen

☞The nynt artikil.☜

The xi. Cheptour.

CREDO in spiritum sanctum. I trow in the haly spreit. This is the thrid part of our Crede, conte­nand the faith, quhilk we aucht to haue in the haly spreit, y e thrid per­sone in trinitie, beleuiand fermely that he is trew God.

[Page] I trovv in. And thairfor we say in this artikil this word In, sayand: I beleif in the haly spreit. Quhilk word we suld say to God allanerly, because that we suld put our principal traist and confidence of our saluatioun in God allanerly. Gyf ony man wald speir at vs, quhat is the father eternal, we suld answeir agane and say, he is God. Quhat is his natural sonne our saluiour Iesus? we suld answeir and say he is God. Lykwais quhen it is speirit of the, quhat is y e haly spreit, thow suld answeir agane and say, he is God, ane distinct persone fra the Fa­ther and the Sonne, bot equale with the father and the sonne in powar, wysedome, gudnes, eternite, & all diuine maiestie. And this may we leir plainly be the wordis of our saluiour geiffand the cōmand of Baptyme, Math. 28 sayand thus: Baptizantes eos in nomine patris, et filii, & spiritus sancti. Baptiȝe in the name of the Father, and the Sonne, and the haly spreit. In the quhilk wordis it is geuin vs to vnderstand that the haly spreit is the thrid persone in Trinitie, hauand equal powar and auctorite with ye father & the sonne, to geue vs remissioun of all our synnis, spiritual regeneratioun, and grace of adoptioun, quhilk is geuin in the sacrament of Baptyme.

The haly spreit. The Angellis of heuin ar spreitis, that is to say, spiritual creatouris, and also haly be the halynes geuin to thame of God. The saulis of gud men & wemen ar callit spreitis in the scripture, and is haly be halynes geuin to thame of God. Bot quhen thow sais I beleif or I trow in [Page Cxvi] the haly spreit, thow suld beleif that he is the spreit eternal, makar, kepar, helpar, defendar and pro­uidar of all the creatouris of the warld of quhom it is said: Emitte spiritum tuum, Psal. 10 [...]. & creabuntur et re­nouabis faciem terre. Send doune gud Lord thi spreit, and thai sall be creat and maid, and sa sall thow renew the face of the warld. Mairouir thow suld beleif that he is ane haly spreit, nocht be parti­tipatioun or ressauing of halynes fra ony vthir, bot that he is haly of his awin nature, giffar and kepar of all halynes, and that he makis all creatouris ha­ly quhilk ar haly, and thairfor he is callit spiritus sanctificationis, the spreit of sanctificatioun. Roma. i. Syndry namis of the haly spreit, de­claris syn [...] dry operationis of the same spreit. Ioan. xiii [...] That is to say, the spreit that giffis all halynes. And to gar vs vnderstand syndry haly operationis of the haly spreit he is namit in the scripture with syn­dry namis. He is callit digitus Dei, the fyngar of God, for als mekil y t our saluiour castꝭ out deuillis fra men and wemen possessit, be the operatioun of the haly spreit. He is callit Spiritus paracletus, because he giffis spiritual consolatioun and cōfort to vs al in our troubil, or ellis because he is our ad­uocat. And how is he our aduocat? nocht that he prayis for vs, bot that he be his grace steris and in­spyris our hartis with faith and lufe, quhairby we pray for our self. He is callit Spiritus rectus, Psal. 50. y rych spreit, because he drawis vs fra all carnal & warld­ly affectionis, and leidis vs in the hie way of Gods commandis till the kingdome of heuin. He is callit [Page] spiritus principalis, Psal. 50. the principal spreit, because he giffis vs principal strenth to resist all the ennymeis of our saule, sa yat na temporal trubil can moue vs. He is callit spiritus bonus, Psal. 142 a gud spreit, because he pouris into our hart cheritie or lufe of God, quhilk wyrkis in vs all gud deidis. He is callit spiritus adoptionis filiorū dei, Roma. 8. in quo clamamus abba pater The spreit of adoptioun of the sonnis of God, be quhais grace we ar maid the sonnis of God be ad­optioun, and baldly we crye to God almychty, Fa­ther, Father. And thir haly operationis ar wrocht in vs be the haly spreit, and also be the Father and the Sonne, bot be attributioun, thai ar geuin to the haly spreit, because all gudnes and lufe is a­sertiue to him.

The sentens of yis artikil.The sentence of this artikil is this. I beleiue in the haly spreit ane verrai God with the Father & the Sonne. I beleiue that in the haly spreit, the fa­ther eternall be Christ and in Christ dois all gud, wyrkis al & mouis al gud. I beleif y t in the gyding and gouerning of the haly spreit, we sall be the sōne cum to the father, because that throch the haly spreit we ar techit, sterit, callit, and drawin of the father & the sonne. Ioan. xiiii and xv. Gala. iii. I beleiue that the haly spreit is geuin to vs be that faith quhilk is in Christ. I beleiue also that be the halye spreit dwelland in vs be his grace, we ar the spiritual templis of God, according as sanct Paule sais: i. Cor. iii. Templum enim dei sanctum est, quod estis vos. The tempil of God is haly, quhilk is ȝour self. i. Cor 6. And agane: An nescitis, quoniam membra vestra templum est spiritus sācti, qui in vobis est [Page Cxvii] quem habetis a deo et non estis vestri? Ken ȝe nocht that ȝour membris ar the tempil of the haly spreit, quhilk is in ȝow, quhom ȝe haue of God? I beleiue yat it is the haly spreit yat repreuis our syn­full conscience of all our synnis, quhen he repreuis our hartis be his mouand grace, callis vs to repen­tance, kindillis y e fyre of Gods lufe in our myndis, Roma. 8. mortifeis our corrupit nature & all inordinat cōcu­piscence, lust and plesour, repugnand to the law of God, steiris vs to gud, 2. Cor. 5. and werkis in vs the spiri­tual fruitis. He is thairfor a sickir pleage of our vocatioun, because that quhen we feil in vs, his wer­kis, that is to say, the conuersioun of our hartis in the leiuand God, he beris witnes to our spreit, that we ar ye sōnis of God be adoptioun. And gif we ar sonnis, we ar heretouris, heretouris trewly of god, and coheretouris of Christ, Roma. 8 to quhom be all louing and thankis, honour and glore with the father and the haly spreit, for euir and euir. Amen.

❧The tent artikil.❧

The xii. Cheptour.

SAnctam ecclesiam catholicam. I beleiue yat thair is ane catholik kirk, quhairin is cōmu­nioun of sanctis, and remissioun of synnis. For the declaratioun of this artikil, ȝe sall vnder­stand, that as sanct Paule sais: Vna est fides, Ephe. 4. thair is bot ane faith. And also the same: Apostil sais: Multi vnum corpus sumus in Christo. We quhilk ar into nowmer mony, is bot ane body in Christ, Roma. 12. & [Page] Christ is our heid as he sais to the Ephesianis: Ephe. i. Ipsū dedit caput suꝑ omnē ecclesiā. God the father eternal hais ordanit Christ to be heid ouir all the kirk, quhilk is his body. Thus we haue that y e catholyk kirk is callit the spiritual spouse of Christ, quhair­of sanct Paule sais to the Ephesianis: Christus di­lexit ecclesiam, Ephe. 5. & semetipsum tradidit pro ea, vt illā sanctificaret, mundans eam lauacro aque in verbo vite, vt exhiberet ipse sibi gloriosam ecclesiam non habentem maculam aut rugam, aut aliquid huius­modi, sed vt sit sancta et immaculata. Christ hais luffit his kirk swa, y t he hes geuin him self for it for to hallow it, be the lawar of Baptyme & the word of God, that it suld be haly without smot or fylth. And this is the new citie of Ierusalem, quhilk sāct Iohne saw cum downe fra the heuin, adornit and buskit as ane bryde with hir spouse, of the quhilk ane voce said: Apoca. 21 Ecce tabernaculum dei cum hoibus habitauit cū eis, ipse populus eius erūt et ipse deus cum eis erit eorum deus. Lo the dwelling place of God with men, and he sal dwell with thame, yai sal be his pepil, and God him self sal be with yame and be thair god.

The sentence of this artikil is this. I trow fermely that thair is bot ane haly kirk, Quhat is the haly catholyk kirk, and quha ar memberis of it. yat is to say, ane haly congregatioun of christin men and wemen ouir all the warld, quhilk hais rycht faith, quhilk hais ressauit ane haly spreit, and is gadderit be the same, gydit and kepit be him, and daily incressis be the word of God and the seuin Sacramentis. I traist yat na mā sall be saif yat is nocht of yis kirk, [Page Cxviii] that hais nocht the same faith, the euangil, the same sacramentis, the same hoip and cheritie. And that na Iew nor Pagane, Heretik, Scismatik, Quha ar v [...]ouith the haly kirk. or that ar iustly excomunicat or perseuerand in dedely syn sall be saif, bot gif he be reconsalit to the same kirk, and trow and do in all thingis as it dois. And this artikil I confesse also: Sanctorum communionem. The communioun of Sanctis. And the sentence of thir wordis is this. I trow fermely, Of the vnitie of the haly kirk. thair is ane company and communitie, quhilk is allanerly of hallowit men and wemen, vnder ane heid Christ, gadderit togeddir be the haly gaist, throch ane trew faith in Christ. And suppose the heid hais partit syndry giftis amang his memberis, quhilk is the congregatioun of faithful men and wemen. Nochttheles, yair is bot ane faith, ane hoip and cheritie a­mang all, thair is na syndry sectis, or opinioun, or diuisioun in the same communitie. Quhat is the com­munioun of sanctis. I grant thair­for that I am ane member of this communitie and part takar of all thair gud. First of all the blissit meritis of Christ (and of al y e meritis of sanctis) be faith of the sacramentis, syne of all the gud deidis done in the kirk. Sa I grant me to be part takar of all yair prayaris & vthir gud werkis, & yat euery ilkane suld bere vtheris byrding.

I professe also yat quhasaeuir bydis nocht in y e vnitie of yis catholik kirk, Quha ar priuat the comunion of sanctis. he hes nocht of y e cōmu­nioun of sāctis, that is, he is nocht part takar of the cōmon gud before rehersit, quhilk is the meritis of Christ & his sanctis and gud deidis of the christin pepil, because he departis wilfully fra the mistyk body of Christ, & is be cūmin ane rottin dede mēber [Page] quhilk ressauis nocht the spiritual lyfe and grace, commone to al, quick is mēberis of the same mistik body, quhilk is the cōgregatioun of the trew faith­full and obedient pepil to Christ (quhilk is heid of the same body) and that ar obedient alswa to all his trew & faithfull ministaris, rewlaris vnder Christ of the same cōgregatioun.

Remissionem peccatorum. I beleiue fermely, that allanerly in the haly Catholyk and Apostolik kirk gadderit be the haly spreit, is remissioun of synnis, be Baptyme, and eftir be Penance, and the keys geuin to y e kirk. And certainly Baptyme may be geuin be yame quhilk ar out with the kirk as ar all heretikis, scismatykis &c. For gif thai pronunce the wordis of Baptyme trewly in forme of the Ca­tholyk kirk, the persone swa Baptisit ressauis the full effeck of the sacrament, quhilk is remissioun of all his synnis, and is incorporat to the mistyk body of Christ. For generally y e vertew of all sacramētis stādis nocht in the gudnes of the minister, bot in the word of God pronunsit be the minister weil, in the forme of the Catholyk kirk, sa the euil ministeris stoppis nocht the effeck of the sacramentis. Thus I beleiue fermely that in y e sacrament of Baptyme al synnis ar forgeuin, bayth original and actual be­fore committit, Remission of original syn is got­tī be faith and the sacramēt of baptyme. and sall neuir be imputit agane.

I beleiue that in Baptyme a christin man ȝoung or auld is renewit be the haly spreit, deliuerit fra ye thirldome of syn, the deuil, and hell and maid a fre man w t the fredome of the spreit, that he may stout­ly fecht agane the deuil, the warld, and the flesche, [Page Cxix] and be the help of God ouircum thame, and sa with victorie be crownit of God, with glore and ioy, and with Christ euirmair ring in heuin. Bot & we eftir Baptyme fal in synnis, suppose yai be neuir sa gre­uous and mony, we haue the secund remeid quhilk is the sacrament of Penance, be quhilk remissioun of synnis is geuin be the vertew of Christis blude, and ministratioun of the keys geuin to the kirk in the persone of S. Peter, quhen Christ said to him: Tibi dabo claues regni coelorū. To the I sal geue the keys of heuin: Et quodcun (que) ligaueris super terrā, erit ligatum et in coelis, Math. 1 [...]. et quodcun (que) solueris super terram, erit solutum et in coeli [...]. Quhatsaeuir thow bynd apon the erde, it sal be bound in heuin, & quhatsaeuir thow louise in erde sall be loussit in he­uin. The same auctoritie he gaif to all his Apostils efter his resurrectioun, sayand: Ioan. 20. Accipite spiritum sanctum, quorū remiseritis peccata, remittuntur eis, et quorum retinueritis, retenta sunt. Resaif the haly spreit, quhais synnis saeuir ȝe forgeue, thai ar for­geuin to yame, and quhais synnis saeuir ȝe hald on forgeuin, thai ar on forgeuin. Thus I beleif that in the sacramēt of Penance remissioun of synnis is geuin to al yame y t trewly be penitent, & yat be faith in Christis blude, & ministratioun of the key of ab­solutioun pronunsit be ane trew minister of y e same catholyk kirk. Secundly, I beleif y e trew repen­tāce is the special gift of y e haly spreit, quhilk be his grace lythis & turnis our hart to God as S. Paule declaris to Timothe: 2 Timo. 2 Ne forte det illis deus penitē ­tiā ad cognoscendū veritatē & resipiscant a laqueis diaboli, a quo captiui tenentur ad ipsius voluntatē. [Page] Lest parauentour God geue yame Penance to ken the veritie, & to amend thair lyfis, to be free fra the gyrnis or bandis of the deuil, to quhom thai ar haldin presonaris euin as the deuil will.

Now seand that remissioun of synnis is nocht gottin without trew penance, quhilk contenis Cōtritioun of the hart, Confessioun of y e mouth to the preist, and satisfactioun in dede. And yis trew penance is the gift of God, we suld daily pray to God to geue vs grace to repent trewly.

Quha get­tis remis­sioun of synnis fra God.Thridly, I beleue that nane can get fra God remissioun of thair synnis, except thai forgeue to thair nychtbour all offencis doine to thame▪ Heir war ane conuenient place to declare [...] nowmer, namis and vertew of the haly Sacra­mentis, bot because yai require ane special tra­ctit we think it best to deferre the declaratioun of thame to the thrid part of this Catechis. To God thairfor be all louing and thankis, honour and glore for euir and euir. Amen.

❧The leuint artikil.

The xiii. Cheptour.

CArnis resurrectionem. I trow yat this same haly spreit of y e father and of Christ sall raise all men & wemen, Iob. 5. Math. 25. faithfull & vnfaithfull, gud and euil, auld and ȝoung, quha is bedely dede. And yai y e same flesche quhilk was bureit and corruppit & [Page Cxix] cōsumit of quhat euir maner it be, i. Cor. xv. sal resaif lyfe and leif agane. Thus I beleif & say with sanct Paul: i. Cor. xv. Oportet corruptibile hoc induere incorrup­tionē, & mortale [...]oc, induere immortalitatē. This corruptibil body mone put on vncorruptioun, & this mortal body mone put on immortalitie, yat is to say, this corruptibil & mortal body quhilk I beir now, at the last day it sall ryse agane, and be maid vncorruptibil and immortal. Sa I be leif and say with Iob: Iob. 19. Scio enim quod redemptor meus viuit, et in nouissimo die de terra surrecturus sum. Et rursum circumdabor pelle mea, et in carne mea videbo deum. Quem visurus sum ego ipse, et oculi mei conspecturi sunt, et non alius, reposita est hec spes mea in sinu meo. I ken yat my redemar is on lyfe, and that in the last day I sall ryse vp out of the erd, and agane I salbe cled with my awin skein, and in my awin flesch I sall se God, quhom my awin self sal se and my awin eyne sal behald him, and nane vthir in my stede for me. Thus my hoip is put in my bosom, that is to say, is sickir in my hart.

☞The twelf artikil.☜

ET vitam eternam, Amen. I trow finally efter that resurrectioun thair sall be euirlastand lyfe of rychteous mē be the haly spreit, euirmair to be in heuin in bodie and saule in perpetual ioy and blisse, neuir agane to be diseisit in body, with [Page] hungir and thryst, heit and cald, mister of ony thing, tyrdnes, seruice or bondage, sieknes, do­lour or dede, or ony displesour of body. Bot I beleue that our bodies sall be indewit with im­mortalitie, maid agil, subtil, cleir & impassibil, according as it is writtin: Math. xiii Fulgebēt iusti ficut sol in regno patris eorum. The rychteous sall schene as the Sonne in the kingdome of thair father. And also in our saule sall be na sadnes, sorow or displesour, bot perpetual ioye & blisse, euirmair to be had in the cleir sycht of God, lufe of him & euirlastand fruitioun, quhair of y e plesour is sa gret y t it is writtin: i. Cor. 2. Oculus non vidit nec auris au­diuit, nec in cor hoīs ascēderunt, q̄ preparauit deus diligentibus se ▪ In this walrd, the [...]e scis nocht, the [...]ir heiris nocht, it can nocht be compassit w t the hart of man, quhat ioy and blisse God hais preparit to all yame yat luffis him. The ioy can nocht be expremit w t our wordis, the ioy quhilk we sall haue in the kingryk of heuin to behald the excellent company of blissit Angellis, quhilk sall be marrowis with vs in that eternal lyfe. Bot far gretar sall the ioy be quhilk we sall haif in the sycht of the glorifeit manheid of our sal­uiour Christ Iesus, quhom we sall se with our bodyly eyne. Bot gretast of all & infinite sall the ioy be, quhilk we sall haue in the cleir sycht of y e blissit Trinitie, quhen we sall see with the eyne of our saule thre personis in one godheid, the father, the sonne, & the haly spreit, thre personis and ane God eternal, almychty, mercyful, rych­teous [Page Cxxi] & faithfull. Thair sall we lufe God perfitly, with all our hart, with all our saule, with all our mynd & strenth, and fulfil the command of lufe per­fitly. Thair sall we lufe perfitly our nychtbour as our self, In heuin vve sall fulfil the cō ­mand of lufe per­fitly. Of the dede eternal quhair to all euil men and vvemen sall be cō ­demnit. Math. 25. & be euin als blyth of his ioy & blisse as we sal be of our awin. And I beleif yat as al gud men and wemen sall leife all togidder in heuin perpetu­ally in ioy and blisse, sa sall all euil men and wemen leife al togidder in hell in company of deuills, per­petually in feire & payne. And suppose yai sal be al immortal & sall neuir dee in thair body, ȝit yair im­mortalitie is comptit as a perpetual dede because y t thai sall thoil euirlastand torment, sorow & paynis bayth in saule & body, according to y e setence quhilk salbe geuin of our saluiour on dumisday: Ite male­dicti in ignem eternū. Gaȝe cursit into y e fyre euer­lastand, quhilk is preparit to the deuil and his an­gellis. And yair this sall be the conclusioun: Ibunt hii in supplitium eternum, iusti vero in vitā eternā. Ȝe wyrkit sal pas to the paynis eternal, bot y e rych­teous sall pas to the lyfe eternal. I dout nocht that the father and the sonne be the haly gaist sall & will fulfill all thir. Thairfor I say Amen, that is, ver­raily this is trew, and sal cum without dout. Thir ar the artikillis of our Crede, quhilk we suld trow with ane special trew faith quhilk seueris all rycht christin men fra all vtheris, Iewis, Turkis, here­tykis, Paganis, ypocritis, & fals christin men &c. And this is the faith on the quhilk the rychteous mā leiffis before God, To quhom be all honour, Abacuk. 2▪ louing and glore for euir and euir. Amen.

ANE PROLOGE TO THE seuin Sacramentis.

The first Cheptour.

HAVRIETIS aquas in gaudio de fontibus saluatoris. Esaie. 12. The haly pro­phet Esaias in the wordis afore rehersit spei [...]is plaine prophecy of y e haly sacramentis of the new testa­ment, sayand thus to all faithfull men and wemen: Ȝe sall draw watter with ioy fra the wellis of our saluiour. Be thir wordis we may well vnderstand the special grace of God, quhilk purgis and clengis our saulis fra y e spottis of syn, and s [...]okkins the vehement hait of carnal concupi­scence that is rutit in our corruppit nature, sa yat it can haue na powar to hurt vs, sa lang as we cōsent nocht to it with ane deliuerit mynd and fre will. Breif [...]y this watter of grace adournis and decoris our saulis with all kind of vertew to vs necessarie. This precious watter of grace we suld draw fra the wellis of our saluiour Christ Iesus, be the quhilk we vnderstand the seuin Sacramētis of haly kirk. For as the watteris of y e wellis springis fra syndry vaynis of the erde & cummis to the wellis, quhair­to thai that nedis watter may cum and draw, sa the special grace of God springis to all faithfull men & wemen fra the vaynis of the erde, that is to say, fra the blissit Incarnatioun, haly conuersatioun and painful passioun of our saluiour Christ Iesu. For trewly quhatsaeuir he did, spak, or tholit, fra the first tyme of his Incarnatioun to y e last moment of [Page] his passioun, it was meritabil of grace to be geuin to vs, and specially quhen he was crucifyit apon the crosse & dede for our redemptioun. Than verraily he offerand him self apon the altar of the crosse, as ane sacrifice of sweit sauoir, maist acceptabil to god his eternal father for our reconciliatioun, he con­quest, he wanne, and iustly deseruit aboundance of grace, Ioan. i. quhairof all faithful men and wemen mycht be participāt to obtane yair iustificatioun & eternal saluatioun according as sanct Iohne the euāgelist sais: De plenitudine eius nos omnis acceptinus. Of his fulnes all we haue ressauit, That is to lay, of that aboundance of grace, quhilk was geuin to our saluiour without measour & of his meritorious passioun, all we that beleiffis in him with a leuand faith, ressauis ane certane measure of grace, accor­ding to his pleasure. Thairfor yat the vertew and meritis of Christis passioun, or the grace quhilk he deseruit for vs be his passioun, may be applyit, drawin and brocht to vs be sum wayis to vs maist conuenient, The hail number of the sacra­mentis. thair is institute & ordanit be the aucto­ritie of God seuin halye Sacramentis, quhilk ar Baptyme, Confirmatioun, the Eucharist or the sacrament of the Altar, Penance, Extreme vncti­oun, Ordour, and Matrimonie. Thir (I say) was ordanit be almychty God to be to vs instrumentis of our saluatioun, & as spiritual cundittis & wellis of grace, in the quhilk, and be the quhilk, we may ressaue the wattir of Goddis grace deseruit to vs be the vertew & meritis of Christis passion, quhilk saiffis nane, bot thame allanerly to quhom it is ap­plyit [Page Cxxi] be trew faith, dew ministratioun & worthi ressauing of the sacramētis. Quhairfor O chri­stin pepil I exhort ȝow to draw this precious wattir of grace fra the wellis of our saluiour. For and ȝe with diligence will leir the vertew of the seuin sacramentis, and seik for the grace of God offerit and promissit to ȝow in the same sa­cramentis, perseuere in the same grace of God, ȝe sall haue heir in this lyfe gret spiritual ioy and blythnes in God, and in the lyfe to cum ȝe sall be sickir of the eternal ioy and blysse.

As wattir be natural propertie weschis and makis clein the thing that is foule, and slokins the thing yat is het, sa the grace of God ressauit in the sacrament of Baptyme weschis the saule of him that dewly ressauis it, fra the spottis of original syn, and also actual afore committit, & with yat it slokins and diminissis the vehement het of carnal lust and concupiscēce quhilk bydis in our fragil nature eftir Baptyme, sa in vthir sacramētis, y e sensibil signe proponit outwartly to our sensis, betakins sum certane operatioun of y e grace of god wrocht in our saulis inwartly. Quhy is it said in the foresaid diffinitioun, yat ane sacrament is the cause of grace? seing yat na creature hes powar to geue grace, bot God alla­nerly? according as y e prophet sais in y e Psalme: Psal. 83. Gratiam et gloriā dabit dominus. It is the Lord our God that sall geue grace & glore. We grant that God allanerly is the geuar of grace, nocht­theles, he hais geuin vertew and powar to the [Page] Sacramentis to be instrumentis of his grace, quhilk thai cause in our saulis, nocht be thair awin natural powar and vertew, bot allanerly be the mycht of God assistant and being present in & with his sacrament in his haly word. And as the corporal fyre of hell be powar of God ge­uin to it, is ane instrument of goddis iustice, in perpetual tormenting of the spreitis and saulis in hell, sa in this present kirk militant, the sa­cramētis ar instrumentis of goddis mercy and grace in our iustificatioun, Titum. iii. sa sanct Paule callis the sacrament of Baptyme y e lawar of our spiri­tual regeneratioun & renouatioun in our saulis. Thus ȝe may easely vnderstand quhow ane sa­crament is ane sensibil signe, takin and marke of grace, quhilk it contenis and signifeis, and also as ane instrumēt is ye cause of y e same grace to be geuin to our saulis, quhen it is dewly mini­sterit and worthely ressauit.

The ii. Cheptour.

QVhairfor or to quhat effect was the sacramentis of the new testament institute be our saluiour? Trewly for syndry causis verrai expedient and profitabil to the christin pepil. Aug. con­tra Faustū lib. 19. ca. 11. & de doctrina christiana lib. 3. ca. 9 First to be sensibil takins and markis of that gret congregatioun callit the kirk of our saluiour Christ, for as sanct Augustine sais: In nullum nomē religionis, siue verum siue falsum coa­gulari homines possunt, nisi aliquo signaculorum vel sacramento rum visibilium consortio colligentur [Page Cxxii] Thair is na name of religioun or godly maner of [...]etting other trew or fals, Sensibill takins of Christis religioun. quhairby men may con­ueine and byde togidder▪ except that thai be fessi [...]it and bund togidder in a cōpany with certane signes or sacramētis, quhilk may be sein of yame all Men of a countrai or natioun gangand to battail v [...]is to haue a signe or takin apon thame, quhairby thai may be knawin amangis thame self and also fra vtheris quhilk ar of strange natiouns. Part beiris the signe or takin of ane quhyte crosse, part of ane red crosse, part a thing, part vther thing. Sa our Lord Iesus Christ willing to haue his awin pepil to abide to gidder in the vnitie of a faith, & to knaw ane ane vthir amang thame self to be of ane faith, and to be knawin also fra all vtheris quhilk ar nocht of that faith he hais ordanit certane sensibil signes, takins or markis callit sacramentis, quhilk ar few in thair nowmer, easy to be kepit, and excel­lent in thair significatioun.

The secund cause of the institutioun of the sa­cramentis was, nocht allanerly to signifie and be­takin grace and halynes to be geuin to vs, bot also thai war ordanit to sanctifie & to geue to our saulis ye special grace of god (as we declarit to ȝow afore) as the instrumentis of our sanctificatioun. As for exempil, quhen ane cunning and expert Cirur­ginar heilis the woundis of ane hurt man, he him self vnder God is the principal heilar of the woundis be the meanis of the playsteris laid to the woundis, nocht theles the towellis, bandis [Page] or row [...]is quhilk haldis fast the plaisteris to the woundis, ar instrumentis of the heiling and cu­ring of the same woūdis. Luce. x. Sa our saluiour Ie­sus Christ is our heuinly Cirurginar comparit to the Samaritane that helpit the woundit mā quhilk lay half dede half quick betwein Ierusa­lem and Hierico, for with the vertew of his pas­sioun as with ane medicyne or plaister and with his sacramentis as w t spiritual rowlis or bādis quhilk applyis, haldis and kepis the playster of his passioun to the woundis of our saulis, he heilis perfitly our hurt and woundit saulis, Aug. con­tra Faustū lib. 19. ca. 11.1 [...].16 and be this ȝe may easely knaw quhat difference is betwein the sacramētis of the auld law and the sacramentis of the new law. For thai war alla­nerly schadowis, takins and figuris, that signi­fyit thingis to cum, quhilk quhen our saluiour Iesus Christ in his comming had fulfillit, thai war takin away, & thairfor takin away because thai war fulfillit. And thir sacramētis of y e new law was institute, quhilk ar of greter vertew, to vs mair profitabil, easiar to be kepit and ob­seruit, fewar in nowmer, nocht only ordanit to signifie and betakin grace, bot also to [...]leng [...] & sanctifie our saulis. Thir twa causis afore re­hersit ar maist principal quhy the sacramētis of the new testament was institute and ordanit be our saluiour Iesus Christ. Nochttheles yair is syndry vthir cōuenient and reasonabil causis of thair institutioun, quhilk suld nocht be left vn­schawin to ȝow.

[Page Cxxiii]First as thai war institute to be signis & takins of the grace of God to be geuin presently, sa ar yai takins & memoriallis of the passioun of our saluiour Christ, and also signis prognosticat & foreschawand of the glore to cum. And swa thai geue to vs consolatioun & comfort. Aug. con­tra Faustū lib. 19. cap. 9. Thai raise & steris vp in vs y e trew faith in Christ. Thai geue warning to lufe ane ane vthir, because thai ar instrumentis of grace commoun & equal to all faithful men and wemen. Attour thai say nocht by the trewth quhilk techis the sacramētis to be institut and ordanit for thre vthir causis conue­nient. First for our humiliatioun, that man meikly at Gods command submit himself to be curit fra synne be the rycht vse & ministratioun of certane sēsibil thingis, quhilk turnit him self fra God proudly be inordinat lufe and abusing of sensibil thingis. It is rycht and reasone that quhair syn rysis and begynnis, yair also it may dee and haue ane end.

Thai war ordanit also for our eruditioun & trew instructioun, Contra Faustum. lib. 19. cap. 16. for thai geue vs to vnderstād that the will of God is to geue vs presently his mercy and grace, sa that quhen we see ony thing done to vs in the sacramentis outwartly in our bodie, we suld beleue that sum special effect of grace is wrocht inwartly in our saulis. As quhē the wattir of Baptyme weschis y e body outwartly, we suld beleif that the grace of God purgis and weschis the saule inwartly fra original syn, and sa lykwise of all the laif of the sacramentis. [Page] Thridly thai war also institute for the spiritual exercitioun of all faithfull men & wemen in the seuin principal vertewis. In the sacrament of Baptyme we professe and pronuncis our faith, & ofttymis heris vthir, quhilk ar baptizit, rehers, pronunce and professe thair faith, and thairfor was callit in auld tymes the sacrament of faith. In extreme vnctioun we grow in hoip of y e mer­cy and glore of God, be the meritis of Christis passioun, and prayaris of the kirk. In the sa­crament of the Altar we ressaue gret increse and exercitioun of trew lufe & cheritie towart God, because y t our saluiour Christ in the same blissit sacrament hes geuin really & presently his awin precious body and blud, in quick remembrance of his passioun, and also to be the spiritual fude of our saulis. Lib. 8. de [...]rinitate. And thairfor the doctor Hylarius callis it the sacrament of lufe. In y e sacrament of Confirmatioun we ressaue the vertew of For­titude and spiritual strynth of our mynd, to stād stowtly in the cōfessioun of our faith, agane all ennemeis of the same faith. In the sacrament of Penāce we haue exercitioun of iustice & rych­teousnes. For na mā can do worthi penance, bot gif yat he iustly satisfie his nychtbour and mak ane mendis to him w t al his powar for wrangis done to him. In the sacrament of Ordour, specially of preistis y t kēnis yair vocatioun & dois yair office, yai haue exercitioun of prudence be study, cōtemplatioun, preching y e word of God, praying for the pepil, & in dew ministratioun of [Page Cxxiiii] the Sacramentis to thair parischonaris, of quhom thai haue euir and charge geuin to yame & also yair corporal leuing. In the sacrament of Matrimo­ny, thai yat ar maryit personis hais exercitioun of temperance, because that bodily plesour is contenit within the bandis and boundis of lawful mariage. Thus it is manifest and plane, yat be dew ministratioun of the seuin sacramētis, we haue exercitioun in the seuin vertewis afore rehersit.

Quhairof is ane sacrament constitute & maid? Trewly of twa principal partis. The ane is ane sē ­sibil thing, quhilk be sum ꝓpertie betakins y e grace of God, as wattir, oyle, breid, wyne, impositioun of handis & siclyk, the vthir parte is the word of God expremit be inuocatioun of the Trinitie and grun­dit in the promis of mercy, quhilk is maid be our saluiour Christ to all thame quhilk in trew faith of the same promis ressauis dewly the sacrament or at the leist makis na abstacle agane the grace of God quhen thai ressaue the sacrament. And sup­pose thir twa thingis ar the principal partis of ilk sacrament, quharin stādis the hail nature and sub­stance of the same, ȝit is yair eikit be y e authoritie of haly kirk certane ceremoneis, quhilk hais bein vsit in the ministratioun of ilk ane sacrament sen the A­postillis tyme hytherto. And gif ȝe wald knaw quhairfor thai war eikit. Trewly nocht to be prin­cipal or substancial partis of the sacrament. For in tyme of extreme neid a sacrament may be ministrit but ony siclyke ceremonyis. Bot veraily yai war or­danit yat ilk a sacrament mycht be vsit with honest [Page] grauitie, with reuerence, with honorabil ordo [...] and with executioun of our faith and to geue instructioun to vs quhat is done in the sacramēt. And as for the minister of the sacramentis, suppose he be ane euil man, heretyk, scismatyk, ex­comunicat, or in dedlie syn, ȝit he intend and as the kirk intendis and in the ministratioun of ye sacrament vsis the forme of ye kirk, & he doand as the kirk dois, & vsand the forme thairof, his euil stoppis nocht the effect of the sa­crament, quhilk as we said afore, sanctifyis our saulis, nocht be the meritis of the minister, bot allanerly be the meri­tis of our saluiour, quhilk hes orda­nit thame.


The thrid Cheptour.

THE Sacrament of Baptyme hes twa partis, quhairof it is constitute and maid, The ane part is the element of wattir, the vthir part is the worde of God. Quhy was wattir or­danit to be one of the partis of Baptyme? First because of the significatioun, for as wattir weschis and clengis the bodye outwartly, sa we suld beleue that be the sacra­ment of Baptyme, we ar weschin in our saulis fra original & all vthir actual synnis afore cō ­mittit. Secundly wattir is ane element com­moun to all men and wemen & easy to be gottin in all partis quhair men hais thair dwelling placis. Thridly our saluiour Christ was Baptiȝit be the ministratioun of sanct Iohne y e Baptist in the wattir of Iordane, of quhom sanct Augustine sais thus: Christus tactu sue mundissi­me carnis, vim regeneratiuā contulit aquis. Quhē our saluiour Christ was Baptizit, and with his haly and clein bodye twichit the wattir, than he gaue vertew & powar to the wattir to regene­rat & bring vs furth agane with ane new birth. The gret flud cōmonly callit y e flud of Noe, be­cause it was in Noes tyme, was ane figure of y e wattir of Baptyme. For as almychty God, be [Page] yat same flude destroyit all warldly creaturis leuād on erd, few except, quhilk be saiffit in the ark be ye wattir. Sa in the wattir of Baptyme, the warld is destroyit, that is to say, al vyce and synne perissis. And thai that be baptizt in the ark, that is to say, in the faith of haly kirk ar saffit be the wattir of Bap­tyme, i. Petri. iii. as sanct Peter techis in his epistil. Attour the wattir of Baptyme is weil figurat be the red se. For as king Pharao with all his hoist persewand the barnis of Israel was drownit in the red see, sa in the wattir of Baptyme the deuil and all his hoist of synne, is vincusit, ouircumit and put away, and the trew faithful pepil of Christ ar saffit. Thus ȝe may vnderstand plainely yat for syndry conuenient resonis and figuris wattir was weil ordanit to be ane of the twa partis of Baptyme.

The secund part of Baptyme maist principal & mychty in operatioun is the word of God, be inuo­catioun of y e blissit trinitie, grundit apō this promis quhilk our saluiour makis on this maner: Marce. 16 Qui cre­diderit et baptizatus fuerit, saluus erit. Quhasae­uir beleiffis and is baptiȝit sall be saiffit. The word of Baptyme is expremit be the minister of the same, Of the promis of baptyme. Math. 28 eftir the forme and maner geuin be our salui­our quhen the minister sais: Ego baptiȝo te in no­mine patris, et filii, et spiritus sancti. Amen. I bap­tiȝe the in the name of the father, and the sonne, and the haly spreit. Amen. This word suld be cōsidderit maist principally, for yis word is it yat clengis our saulis with the wattir. Tak away this word fra the wattir, quhat is the wattir bot allanerly wattir, as [Page Cxxvi] we mycht say plainly, & this word be nocht trewly & faithfully expremit, the wattir may nocht be callit a part of baptyme, bot & yis word be ionit to y e wattir, than is yair a perfit sacrament. How hes the wattir yis vertew & powar, yat quhen it twichis y e body, Aug. con­tra Faustū lib. 19. cap. 16. it weschis the saule, bot be the resone of y e word, nocht only because yat word is spokin & pronunsit be the mouth of the minister, bot also because it is beleiffit and ferme faith is geuin to it, sa the saule of yat per­sone quhilk is baptiȝit is clengit fra all synnis and borne agane in God w t ane new byrth, nocht be vertew of the wattir only, bot be vertew of y e word trewly expremit & faithfully beleuit. For quhen the mi­nister of Baptyme sais: Ego baptiȝo te in nomine patris, et filii, et spūs sancti, Amē. I baptiȝe y e in the name of y e father, & the sōne, & the haly spreit, Amen The sētence of thir wordis is yis: The sen­tēce of the vvordis of Baptyme. With yis sensibil signe & takin quhilk I do now, dippand y t in wattir or powr and wattir on the, pronunceand yir wordis: I baptiȝe the in the name of the father, & the sonne, and the haly spreit. I declare to the plainly y t all thi synnis ar forgeuin to the, Augusti. in Ioānnem. tracta. 80 Of the cō ­nand maid in baptym betvvein God and man. & yat yow ar ressauit into the fauour of God, the father, the sōne, and the haly spreit, quhilk ar thre personis and ane god, eternal and mercyful. For quhat vthir thing is Baptyme, bot ane faithful cunnand and sickir band of amitie maid be God to man, & be man to God? For in als mekil yat y e persone quhilk is baptizit, other be him self or be his godfather & godmother, oppinly renū ­cis & forsakis y e deuil & al his werkis, & oblissis him [Page] self in seruice to the trew leuand God that all the dayis of his lyfe, he sal mortifie the mēberis of syn, and serue his god in trew faith of haly kirk, y e wyr­kis be lufe. In Baptyme is ane cunnand or band quhilk man makis to God, and on the vthir part, for als mekil that God almychty agane to the per­sone sa Baptiȝit oblissis him self to forgeue to him al his synnis, and yat for the lufe and meritis of his natural sōne Iesus Christ, he will geue to him his haly spreit, to quickin, to sanctifie and to renew his fre will and mak him ane new creature in God, it may be callit ane cūnand or band, quhilk God ma­kis to man, quhilk the Apostil sanct Petir declaris with gret grauitie sayand thus: i. Petri. iii. Sic vos baptisma saluos facit, non carnis depositio sordium, sed con­scientie bone interrogatio in deū, per resurrectionē Iesu Christi ex mortuis. Baptyme is nocht allaner­ly the outwat wesching of the body fra filth, bot it is ane conditioun or band of ane gud cōscience towart God, be the resurrectioun of Christ. That is to say, God almychty in the sacrament of Baptyme testi­feis he is content & pleasit with vs for Christis saik quhilk raise fra dede to lyfe, that on the vthir part gud conscience may keip conditioun w t God, trais­tand that God is pleasit with him for Christis saik. Circumci­sioun vvas ane figure of Bap­tyme. Gene. 17. Ane figure of Baptyme in the auld law was circū ­cisioun partly agreand w t Baptyme in effect & sig­nificatioun. For circumcisioun was a signe of a certane band or conditioun maid betwein God and A­braham and all Abrahamis posteritie. Thus the scripture sais: I will (sais God to Abraham) mak [Page Cxxvii] ane cunnand or conditioun betwein me and the and also thi seid eftir the in thair generatioun with ane perpetual band, yat I may be thi God, and also the god of thi seid that sal cum eftir the. Thow thairfor sal keip my cunnand, and thi seid also in yair gene­ratiouns. Than god declaris the same cūnand say­ing: This is my cunnand quhilk ȝe sall obserue and keip betwein me & ȝow. Ilk ane māchild borne amang ȝow sal be circumcisit, a barne of aucht dais auld sall be circumcidit, and sa my cunnand, band or conditioun sall be in ȝour flesche for euir. Eftir the same maner our saluiour spekis to his discipils sayand: Gang and teiche all natiouns, baptizing thame in the name of the father, and the sonne, Math. 28 and the haly spreit. And as the scripture of the auld law said: Gene. 17 Masculus cuius praeputii caro circumcisa non fuerit, delebitur aīa illa de populo fuo, quia pactum meum irritum fecit. A man child quhais flesche is nocht circumcidit, the saule of him sall be put away fra his pepil, sa our saluiour said of Baptyme: Ioan. iii. Nisi quis renatus fuerit ex aqua & spiritu sancto, non po­test introire in regnum dei. Except ilk mā and wo­man be borne agane be wattir and the haly spreit, he may nocht entir into the kingdome of God.

Quhat is the special powar, vertew, and effect of the sacrament of Baptyme? Of the vertevv and effect of Baptyme. Trewly the vertew and effect of Baptyme is weil declarit be the Apo­stil S. Paule quhen he callis Baptyme the lawar of regeneratioun and renouatioun. And yat ȝe may plainly vnderstand this spiritual regeneratioun & renouatioun, call to ȝour remembrance, quhow all [Page] men and wemen ar consauit in original syn, except our saluiour Christ & his mother the glorious vir­gin Mari, al may say the wordis of the Prophet in the Psalme: Ecce enim in iniquitatibus cōceptus sū et in peccatis concepit me mater mea. Psal. 50. Behald I was cōsauit in iniquitie, & my mother cōsauit me in synnis. And because of the synnis quhairin we ar borne, Christ and his mother except, we may al say the wordis of sanct Paule: Eramus natura filii ire sicut et ceteri. Ephe. 2. In our natural & first natiuitie we war al borne the sonnis of wraith as vtheris ar, yat is to say. quhen we war borne of our moder we war borne in the stait of dānatioun, & be the rychteous iugement of God for ye syn of our first father Adā condemnit to want y e ioy eternal. Attour, ofttymes yai yat cum to the ȝeris of discretioun, personally & actually brekis the cōmand of God, and be that in­curris the indignatioun of God, & ar in dangear of the paynis eternal as it is writtin: Ezechi. 18 Anima que pec­cauerit ipsa morietur. The saule yat synnis y e same sall dee. And quhat is the dede of the saule, bot eternal dānatioun to ye paynis of hel, according as S. Paul sais: Roma. 6. Stipendia peccati mors est. The stipēd or waige geuin for syn is dede & dānatioun. Bot in the sacrament of baptyme, al we y t ar baptiȝit ar re­generat & borne agane spiritually w t ane new birth & maid new in our saulis. The first effect of Baptyme. First quhen ȝong barnis ar baptizit, y e original sin quharin yai war cōsauit & borne is forgeuin to thame, & quhen men & wemen quhilk ar cum to the ȝeris of discretioun ar baptizit, thai get remissioun of al yair synnis, nocht only ori­ginal [Page Cxxviii] bot also actual & personal, quhilk yai did yair self agane the cōmand of God. Thus in the sacra­ment of Baptyme al synnis ar forgeuin, according as S. Petir sais in the Actis of the Apostils: Penitentiā agite et baptizetur vnusquis (que) vestrū in noīe Iesu Christi in remissionē peccatorū vestrorū. Actuum. 2 Lat ilk ane of ȝow be baptiȝit in ye name of Iesꝰ Christ for y e remissioun of ȝour synnis. Consider now chri­stin pepil, gif yis be nocht ane excellent vertew & ef­fect of Baptyme to haue all our synnis forgeuin to vs, & be reasone of that to be deliuerit fra the thirl­dome of syn, the deuil & hel. Than we ar at peace w t God, than we haue ane blyth & mery conscience, be­leuand sickirly yat God is nocht wraith with vs, & sa wil nocht condemne vs for our synnis, we kepād fermely the cōditioun of our baptyme. The secūd effect of Baptyme. The secund effect of Baptyme is y e ressauing of the haly spreit, quhilk ȝettis in our hartis the trew lufe of God yat we may keip his cōmandis perfitly w t ane spiritual libertie, according as s. Petir sais in y e foresaid auc­toritie, quhen he said: Lat ilkane of ȝow be baptiȝit in ye name of Iesus Christ in y e remissioun of ȝour synnis. Than it followis: Et accipietis donum spūs sctī. Ȝe sal ressaue the gift of the haly spreit. Now cōsidder agane O christin man quhow precious is this effect of Baptyme. Sa lang as we remane in syn we haue na perfit lufe to God & his cōmandis, we haue na wil to do yame, & gif we do part of yame in our outwart deid, other for feir of punitioun, or for sū tēporal reward, y e doing is nocht plesād & ac­ceptabil to god, because y e siclik deidis is nocht done [Page] frely for the lufe of God. Bot quhen we ressaue the haly spreit he geuis vs the trew lufe of God that we may with libertie and lufe do the com­mandis of God. The thrid effect of Baptyme is, The thrid effect of Baptyme. that in Baptyme we ar cled with the rychte­ousnes of Iesus Christ, he & his rychteousnes is geuin to vs, sa that we may say trewly Christ is ours, his halynes, his rychteousnes, his meiknes, his mercy, and cheritie is communicat and geuin to vs in the sacrament of Baptyme, that we may cleth our self with his rychteousnes, & repute it as our awin, as sanct Paule techis to the Galathianis: Gala. iii. Quicun (que) enim in Christo bapti­zati estis, Christum induistis. Quhatsaeuir ȝe ar quhilk ar baptiȝit in Christ, ȝe ar cled w t Christ. And trewly to be cled with Christ in our saule, is to vs mair precious, than gif our body war cled with cleth of gold, set with perlis & precious stanis. That car­nal concu­piscence eftir bap­tyme is nocht syn but cōsent Peraduenture ȝe will say, gif sa be yat in the sacrament of Baptyme thair is geuin to vs remissioun of original syn, quhat is then the cause that eftir hend that we ar baptiȝit we feil in our flesche carnal concupiscence, the dreggis of original syn, quhilk daily mouis & steris vs to breik the command of God? Answeir to this questioun ȝe haue in the nynt & tent cōmandis. And schortly now we say that this concupiscēce of the flesche aganis the spreit eftir Baptyme is na synne to vs, except we consent with ane deli­uerit mynd to do in dede the same concupiscence or to haue in our mynd lang pleasure and delec­tatioun [Page Cxxix] in y e same but deid, quhilk also is syn, as we declarit yair. Secundly we say to ȝow that all the dais of our lyfe we suld labour to mortifie the same concupiscence, be praying for the grace of God, be putting doune the first motiouns and rysingis of y e same, be fasting, be almous deid, be honest and cō ­uenient labouris, be hering of the word of God, be studie of haly scripture, be fleing euil company, be meditatioun of ye presence of god, be remembrance of our dede, be cōsideratioun of the paynis ordanit for thame that brekis the law of God, and also be hoip of reward for keping of thame. With thir spi­ritual wepins we suld mortifie the concupiscence of our flesche, and bring it in subiectioun of the spreit, and sa we sall optene eternal lyfe.

And that we may the mair easely ouircum the powar of this concupiscence, The [...] effect of Baptyme. we ar helpit in the sa­crament of Baptyme, quhilk breikis the violent powar of the same cōcupiscence, & makis it sa feble and waik, that we fechtand aganis it with the spiri­tual wapins afore rehersit, we may easily ouircum it and get victorie. Thus christin pepil ȝe haue four excellent and precious effectis and vertewis of Baptyme: Remissioun of all synnis. Ressa­uing of the haly spreit, to be cled w t Christ Iesu. And yat the cōcupiscence is maid febill and waik, vnabill to noy vs sa lang as we consent nocht to it with a deliuerit mynd.

☞Of the cerimonyes vsit in the mini­stratioun of Baptyme. The fourt Cheptour.

AS ane wyse mother fedis hir ȝoung tendir barne with milk and soft meitis, Conueni­ent causis of the cerimoneis v­sit in Bap­tyme. til it may grow to mair perfectioun of strenth. Sa our mother the haly kirk techit be inspiratioun of the halye spreit, vsis in the ministratioun of the sacramentis certane cerimonyes nocht only for the honest and reuerent ministratioun of the sacramentis, bot also for the plaine and easy in­structioun of thame yat ressauis the sacrament, and of thame also quhilk seis the ministratioun of the sacrament. Sa in the sacrament of Bap­tyme ye minister vsis syndry cerimonies, quhilk quhen thai ar weil kend quhat yai betakin and signifyis, thai geue instructioun of all the miste­ryis and gratious giftis of God geuin in Baptyme. Thai steir vs to haue trew faith in Christ Iesu, thai geue vs plaine knawlege of y e pointis of our christindome, yai gar vs vnderstand our professioun and halye vow quhilk we mak to God in our baptyme. Breuely yai discriue plainly the cōditiouns of ane christin man. Sen thair for that thai ar so profitabil to vs, and also hes bein vsit sen the beginning of the kirk hitherto with gret grauitie, honour & reuerence we suld nocht contemne or lythly thame, bot leir quhat yai mene w t diligēce & se yame vsit w t reuerence. Quhen y e barne is brocht to the kirk to be baptiȝit solēly, first at y e kirk dore, the minister makis [Page Cxxxi] ouir the barne ane exorcisme, eftir this maner: The first cerimonie of baptym [...] First he blawis apon the barne in takin that the euil spreit be y e powar of God sall be expellit fra yat barne & haue na powar to noy it, & that the haly spreit sal dwel in it as gyder & gouernour. Secund, the minister makis y e signe of the crosse 2 apō y e barnis brow & his breist, to signify yat he is to be maid ane christin man, and that he suld all the dais of his lyfe lippin in Christ Iesu yat for him was crucifyit, & y t he suld neuir be es [...]ha­mit oppinly to confesse him self ane christin mā.

The thrid, the minister puttis salt in y e barnis 3 mouth, quhilk betakins yat his wordis suld euir be seasonit with the spiritual salt of wisdome & discretioun, and that he suld keip him fra the corruptioun and stink of dedlie syn.

The fourt, the minister reidis y e euāgil: oblati 4 sunt Iesu peruuli, Math. 19. quhilk makis mentioun quhow that ȝoung barnis was brocht to our saluiour Iesu, to signifie that christin men & wemen may lauchfully offir barnis to our saluiour Christ, and bring thame to the sacrament of Baptyme, because our saluiour sais: Sinite peruulos venire ad me. Thoile ȝoung barnis to cum to me.

The fift, quhen this is done the godfatheris 5 and godmotheris layis yair hand apon y e barne and sais the Crede and the Pater noster, and in sa doing yai represent y e hail kirk of god, quhilk offeris that barne to our saluiour Christ, and ressauis it to hir faith. For trewly nocht only the godfatheris and godmotheris offeris the [Page] barne to Baptyme, be thair perticular faith, bot also the hail kirk of God, that is to say, the hail cō ­gregatioun of christin pepil (quhilk is content that barnis be baptizit) offeris the barne to Baptyme, and in the faith of the hail kirk representit thair be the godfather and godmother, the barne ressauis his christindome in the sacrament of Baptyme. Mairouir the godfather and godmother doand as we said afore ar maid borrowis or souerteis for the barne that it sall keip the professioun of Baptyme and trew christindome. And thairfor thai suld with gret diligence exhort the barne quhen it cummis to discretioun to keip his christindome to leif ane chast lyfe, to keip iustice and equitie, and to serue God in feir faith, hoip, and cheritie, and afore all thingis thai suld see that the barne leir perfitly the Pater noster, the Aue and Crede with the ten cōmandis.

6 The sext, eftir this the minister takis his spattel and vnctis the barnis neysthirles and the eiris, to signifie that a christin man suld haue ane sweit sauoir, that is to say, ane gud name and fame that he may be callit a gud christin man, & also yat he haue alwais his eiris oppin to heir the word of God.

Eftir yat the exorcisme is endit y e barne is brocht to the Font, & quhen the name is geuin to the barne be the mouth of the godfather and godmother, the barne renuncis the deuil and al his workis. First y e 7 minister sais. Abrenūcias sathane: Renuncis y u the deuil. The godfather & godmother answeris for ye barne, sayand: Abrenuncio. I renunce. The mini­ster speris agane: Et omnibus operibus eius? Re­nuncis thow all the workis of the deuil. [Page Cxxxi] Thai answeir agane I renunce. The ministir speris agane the thrid tyme: Renuncis thow all his pompe, all vaniteis and glore of yis warld, pryde, excesse, inordinat lust and plesour? Thai answeir agane the thrid tyme, sayand: I renunce We suld thairfor euirmair haue mynd of this word quhilk we promisit in our Baptyme, and neuir to lat it gang out of our remembrāce. For doutles it is the word of our professioun, quhilk we haue vowit and promisit to God oppinly in the face of haly kirk, quhilk & we wald beir con­tinually in our mynd, we mycht easely ouircum al the tentatiouns of the deuil, pryde, couetous­nes & lychery with all vthir synnis. Than this be and done, The barne that is to be baptiȝit is viii. vnctit with haly oyle apon his breist, to signifie that his hart is consecrate to God, and that his mynd is confortit in the faith of Christ. Also he is vnctit betwene his schulderis, to signifie yat God giffis him strenth to do gud deidis, to beir the ȝoik of Christ be obseruatioun of his com­mandis, to help his nychtbour for Goddis saik in doing the deidis of cheritie. The Ca­techisme. Quhen the vn [...] ­ting is cōpletit, yair followis ane Catechisme, that is to say, ane inquisitioun of our faith, quhilk we aucht to haue of the blissit Trinite, the father, the sonne, & the haly spreit. quhairto thai geue answeir sayand thre tymis: Credo. I beleif. Agane the minister sais: Credis sanctam ecclesiam? Remissionem peccatorum? Carnis resur­rectionem? et vitam eternā post mortem? Trowis [Page] thow that thair is ane haly kirk? Remissioun of synnis? Rysing vp agane of the flesche, and eternal lyfe eftir the dede? The answeir is maid be the godfatheris and godmotheris in the barnis behalf. Credo. I beleif. Quhen the barne eftir this manir hais professit and confessit his faith. The minister speiris at him, say and: Vis bapti­za [...]i? Wil yow be baptizit? Thai answeir agane volo. I will. To signifie that na man can be saffit bot be cōsent of his frewill mouit be grace and callit be y e word of God. Than incontinent the barne is baptiȝit in the name of the father, & the sonne, & the haly spreit. Quhat thir wordis betakins, quhat band or cōditioun in thir wor­dis is contrackit betwene God and man we de­clarit to ȝow afore. In sum countrei thai vse to dippe the barne thrise in the wattir of the font and in sum countrei that laiue or powris wattir on the barne thrise, quhilk of thir vsis be done, it rakkis nocht, for Baptyme is geuin bayth the wais. And ye barne is twichit with y e wattir of Baptyme thrise: Anis quhen the father is na­mit, anis quhen the sonne is namit, and anis quhen the haly spreit is namit, to declare yat the father, the sonne, and the haly spreit, ar thre personis and ane God, all thre of ane wisdome, of ane powar, of ane gudnes, of ane maiestie and eternitie. Also the same is done in representa­tioun of the burying of our saluiour, quhais body lay thre dais in the graif, counting a part [Page Cxxxii] of a day for ane hail day, and raise to lyfe agane po­tently the thrid day, be quhais exempil we suld ryse out fra syn be Baptyme to ane new lyfe, and neuir to fall agane in syn, euin as our saluiour raise and neuir deit agane.

Quhen the barne is baptizit, he is vnctit with Crisme apon his foreheid, and yat betakins plain­ly, that he is than maid ane christin man, ressauand his name fra Christ, and euirmair to be in deid, and sa be namit Christis mā, Christis seruand or Chri­stis knycht. And suppose we expreme to ȝow for schortnes y e manchild, ȝit we vnderstand baith mā ­child and womanchild, for thai ar bayth lik in ressa­uing the sacrament of Baptyme. Last of al y e barne that is baptizit, is cled w t ane quhite lynning claith callit ane Cude, quhilk betakins that he is clene weschin fra all his synnis, that he is brocht to the li­bertie of the haly spreit, that he suld lyue ane inno­cent lyfe all the dais of his lyfe, aye quhil he cum to the iugement seit of our saluiour. And finally ane lychtit torche or candil is geuin to him in his hand, quhilk betakinnis yat he suld leif sa perfitly eftir y e Euangil of Christ, that he mycht geue the lycht of gud exempil to bis nychtbour, that throch him God may be glorifyit.

The minister of yis sacrament suld be ane preist, Quhat is the mini­ster of Baptyme. hauand ordinary auctoritie, a man of laudabil lyfe, nochttheles quhen he ministeris Baptyme or ony vthir sacrament, we suld tak na tent to his lyfe, [Page] gif it be laudabil or vnlaudabil. For trewly it is nocht mā quhilk giffis, bot Christ our saluiour gyffis the effect of Baptyme, and the preist is allanerly the minister of Baptyme vnder Christ. And quhē he sais, I baptiȝe the. It is als mekil to say as I represent Christ as his minister, and nocht in my meritis, bot allanerly in the meritis of Christ I minister to the this haly sacrament. And quhensaeuir the tyme of neide chancis that the barne can nocht be brocht cōueniently to a preist & the barne be feirit to be in peril of dede, than all men and women may be ministeris of Baptyme, swa that quhen thai lay wattir apon the barne, with that, thai pronunce the wordis of Baptyme intend and to minister that sacra­ment, as the kirk intendis.

☞Of the sacrament of Confirmatioun.

The fift Cheptour.

Hovv ex­pedient it is to res­saue the sacrament of Confir­matioun.NOw be rycht ordour followis the sacra­ment of Confirmatioun. For as in y e cor­poral lyfe, first a man is borne be natural byrth, and eftir hend he growis in dew quantite and strenth of his bodye, sa it is in the spiritual life, first we ar regenerat and borne agane spiri­tually be wattir and the haly spreit in the sacra­ment of Baptyme and maid the sonnis of God be adoptioun, & eftir hend in the sacrament of Confirmatioun, quhen it may be conueniently gottin, we ressaue the haly spreit to the spiritual [Page Cxxxiii] quantitie and strenth of our saule, quhilk is to vs verrai necessary. For all the dais of our lyfe we fecht w t thre ennemyis, the flesche, the warld and the deuil. The flesch couettis agane y e spreit and y e spreit aganis the flesche, Gala. 5. Roma. 7. thir ar contrary ane to ane vthir, sa yat ȝe can nocht do y e quhilk ȝe wald do. I se sais sanct Paule ane vthir law in my mēberis, quhilk repugnis agane the law of my mynd. Iacobi. 4 And of the warld sais S. Iames thus: Ȝe adulteraris ken ȝe nocht yat the frend­schip of yis warld is a ennymye to God? Thair­for quhasaeuir wil be ane frend of yis warld, he is maid the ennymye of God, and a gud cause quhy, for as sanct Iohne sais: i. Ioā. vlti. Totus mundus in maligno positus est. All y e warld is geuin to euil. i. Pe. vlti. And that the deuil is our ennymye sanct Petir testifyis plainly sayand thus: Brethir be sobir and walk, for ȝour aduersarye the deuil, lyk ane ramping Lyoun, gais about seikand quhom he may deuoire & swallye, to quhom do ȝe resist, being stark in ȝour faith. Sen swa it is that all our lyfe tyme we mone fecht aganis thir thre ennymyes, sa that & we get nocht victorie ouir thame and stoutly ouircum thame, we sal nocht be crownit in heuin with the crowne of glore, as sanct Paule sais to his discipil Timothe: Na man sall be crownit, except he fycht lauchfully, 2. Timo. 2 it is expedient to vs to ressaue the sacrament of Confirmatioun, quhairin y e haly spreit is geuin to vs to be our tutour, our gouernour, our protectour and defendour. In Baptyme we ar re­generate [Page] to ane new lyfe. In Confirmatioun we ar maid stout and stark. In Baptyme we ar markit to the spiritual weire. In Cōfirmatioun we ressaue our spiritual harnes, armour and wepins whair w t we mone fecht in our battel. In Confirmatioun we ar send to the battel. In Baptyme we ar waschin fra all our synnis. Bayth ar excellent sacramentis, for in bayth is geuin the halye spreit, trewly nocht twa spreitis, bot ane haly spreit be syndry effectis & giftis of grace. In Baptyme the halye spreit be his grace makis vs the sonnis of God be faith. In Confirmatioun the haly spreit armis vs with spiri­tual strenth, to the cōfessioun of our faith, to grant our faith, to teich it, to preich & schaw it quhen neid is, and nocht to stop for schame or feire of ony tem­poral payne that may be put to vs be all the tyrānis of the warld. Eftir yat our saluiour Iesus Christ at his last suppar had weschin his discipillis feit, he said to yame: Ioan. 15. Vos mundi estis propter sermonē, quē locutus sum vobis. Ȝe ar clein in ȝour saule, be vertew of ye word, quhilk I haue spokin to ȝow. Eftir hend certane wordis he said thus: Quhen that com­fortir sall cum, quhom I sall send to ȝow fra the fa­ther, the spreit of verite, quhilk procedis fra the fa­ther, he sal beir witnes of me and ȝe sal beir witnes, that is to say, The haly spreit sall geue to ȝow spi­ritual strenth and knawlege, quhairby ȝe may beir witnes of me to all the warld. And eftir his resur­rectioun suppose he [...]andit on yame and said: Acci­pite spiritum sanctum. Ioan. 20. Ressaue ȝe the haly spreit, ȝit eftir hend quhen he was to pas vp to heuin be his [Page Cxxxiiii] glorious ascensioun, he promissit ane vthir gift of y e haly spreit to the Apostils, & be thame to all faithful men & wemen: Luce. 24. Ego mittā promissū patris mei in vos vos autē sede [...]e in ciuitate quoadus (que) induamini virtute ex alto. I sal send to ȝow my fatheris promis▪ sit ȝe or remane ȝe in y e citie quhil ȝe be cled w t strēth fra abone. And agane he said: Actuum. i. Accipietis virtutē suꝑ vementis spūs scti in vos. Ȝe sal ressaue y e strenth of the haly spreit yat sal cū to ȝow fra heuin, & ȝe sal be my witnes in Ierusalē, in Iewry, & in Samarye & vnto the extreme part of y e warld, quhilk promis he fulfillit apon Witsonday euidētly with ane [...]ensibil signe, to signifie to vs yat in the sacrament of Con­firmatioun, he sendis to vs the same haly spreit, to geue vs spiritual strenth in our saule to beir witnes of him be trew cōfessioun of our faith. And yat yis sacrament of Cōfirmatioun suld be had in the kirk of God, it may be manifestly knawin be twa placis of y e Actis of the Apostils, The first is thus. Actuum. 8 The sacrament of Cōfirma­tioun is declarit be tvva pla­cis of the scripture. Quhē ye Apostils quhilk war at Ierusalē hard y t the coū ­trai of Samarye had ressauit the word of God yai send to yame Petir & Iohn, quhilk quhen yai come to Samarie yai maid yair prayar to God for y e pe­pil of Samary ya [...] yai mycht ressaue ye haly spreit, for as at yat tyme y e haly spreit was nocht cum in to ony of yame w t abundance of spiritual strenth, bot thai war allanerly baptiȝit in the name of our Lord Iesu. Than the twa Apostils Petir & Iohne laid yair handis apon the faithfull pepil of Samarie, & incōtinent yai ressauit y e haly spreit w t abundāce of spiritual strēth. The secund place is thus. Actu. 1 [...]. Quhen yai wordis was hard quhilk Paul prechit, yai war [Page] baptiȝit in y e name of our Lord Iesus. And quhen sanct Paule had laid his handis on thame, the haly gaist, come apon thame▪ and thai spak prophecie. Haly & catholyk writa [...]is referris baith thir placis to the sacrament of Confirmatioun.

Quhat is the mattir or the sensibil signe of this sacrament? It is Crisme quhilk is confeckit and maid of oyle Olyue and balme sanctifyit be conse­cratioun of ane Bischope. For as wattir is the sen­sibil mattir in Baptyme, because of y e propertie of wesching & clenging, sa Crisme is the sesibil mattir of Cōfirmatioun for the propertie of vncting. And it betakins that as the Crisme vnctis our foreheid outwartly, sa the halye spreit vnctis our saulis in­wartly be his grace. And as our saluiour Iesus Christ was vnctit spiritually with the haly spreit a­boue al measure, sa in the sacrament of Confirma­tioun we ar vnctit spiritually with the same grace of ye haly spreit with sic a measure as it pleasis our saluiour to geue. And as our saluiour (because he was vnctit sa abundantly with the spreit of God) is callit Christ be excellence, that is to say, ane vnctit bischope and ane vnctit king. Sa we all that hais ressauit the sacrament of Confirmatioun, be resone of our vncting ar ordanit to be Christis men, and sa we ar al callit christin men, to be spiritual kingis in haly ruling and gyding of our lyfe be keping of the cōmandis of God, and defending of our saulis fra our spiritual ennymyes with the sword of gods word, and also to be spiritual preistis or bischoppis, to offer daily our awin body to god as ane spiritual [Page Cxxxv] sacrifice be mortification of our carnal lustis, sa sal we be as S. Petir sais: Regale sacerdotium. i. Petri. 2. Ane kingly preistheid, nocht y t al christin men ar preistis or kingis tēporally be auctoritie & ministratioun of office ouir the pepil, bot allanerly spiritually for the reasonis afore rehersit. The Crisme is maid & cō ­fecket of twa thingis, the ane is oyle Olyue quhilk persis & entres in mānis flesch & makis it soft. Sa the grace of y e haly spreit ressauit in Cōfirmatioun entres into our saule & makis it tender & soft spiri­tually be trew lufe & cheritie to our nechtbour. The vthir part of Crisme is precious balme quhilk na­turally causis ane pleasand & delectabil odour, & it signifeis y t the haly spreit ressauit in the sacrament of Confirmatioun giffis vs grace to haue ane gud name & fame pleasand & delectabil afore god & mā, sa yat we may say: Christi bonus odor sumus. 2. Cor. 2. We ar the gud sauoir of Christ. Sa ȝe may vnderstand yat Crisme is ane cōuenient mater or sensibil signe vsit in the sacrament of Cōfirmatioun, because yat the outwart vncting of Crisme betakins ye inwart and spiritual vncting of y e haly spreit quhilk he makis in our saulis be his grace. Of the vvord of Confirmatioun. Quhat is the forme of wordis quhair with this sacrament is ministerit & geuin. This is it: Signo te signo crucis, & cōfirmote crismate salu [...]is, In nomine patris, et filii, et spūs sancti. Amen The minister of this sacrament sais to yat persone quhilk ressauis it: I mark the with the signe of the crosse, and I confirme the with the Crisme of heilth, in the name of the father, and the sonne, and the haly spreit. Amen.

[Page]For the plaine intelligence of thir wordis ȝe sall vnderstand that as verrai conueniently all men of weir quhilk gangis to fecht in battel vnder yair awin prince, beiris apon yame yair princis baige, quhilk he beiris him self, y e be that same baige thai may knawlege thame self to be that kingis knichtis, quhais baige yai beir. Euin sa, thai that ressauis the sacrament of Confirma­tioun, yai ar markit with the signe of the crosse, as with ane spiritual baige of our king Iesus Christ, quhilk with the crosse faucht agane syn, the deuil and hel, and ouircum thame. Thairfor quhen the minister sais: I marke the with the signe of the crosse. The sentence of his wordis is this. Thow art ordanit to be ane spiritual knycht all the dais of thi lyfe to fycht spiritual­ly agane syn vnder the baner of the king Ie­sus Christ. In takin quhairof, heir I mark the with the signe of the crosse quhilk yow suld beir euirmair in yi hart as ane spiritual baige, mark or takin of thi vocatioun. Quhy ressaue thai this signe of the crosse apon yair brow? Trewly to signifie that ane christin man or woman suld neuir be eschamit nor feirit to grant and cōfesse the faith that he hes in his hart, concerning the passioun of Iesus Christ, be quhais meritis he trowis to be saffit. Naturally and commonly baith feir and schame appeiris in a mānis face, feir causis ane pail collure of the face, & schame causis ane red collure. Now thairfor in Confir­matioun we ar markit w t the signe of the crosse [Page Cxxxvi] in the hear parte of our face to signifie that we suld neuir be feirit nor eschamit oppinly quhen neid is to cōfesse our faith quhilk we haue in Iesus Christ yat was crucifyit and deit apon the crosse for our redemptioun. And quhy this mark of the crosse is maid with Crisme, quhilk is cōfeckit with oyle O­lyue and balme, it was declarit to ȝow afore.

Quhat is the vertew or effect of this sacrament of Confirmatioun? As we declarit to ȝow afore, Of the vertevv and effect of Confirmatioun. it is to ressaue the halye spreit, to geue vs spiritual strenth in our saule, to gyde and gouerne vs in all our desiris, wordis and deidis with his seuin giftis according as the bischop quhilk is minister of this sacrament sais in his prayar to God quhen he mi­nisteris the same sacrament: Immitte in eum spiritū sāctum tuū septiformis gratie paracletum de coelis, spiritum sapientie et intellectus, spiritum consilit, et fortitudinis, spiritum scientie et pietatis, et im­ple eum spiritu timoris tui et signa signaculo sanct [...] crucis propitiatus, et spiritum sanctum non amitta [...] in vitam eternā. O lord God send doune fra heuin (into this persone that ressauis this sacrament) thi haly spreit with his seuin giftis of grace, the spreit of wisdome & of vnderstāding, the spreit of counsel and of fortitude, the spreit of knawlege, and pietie, and fill him with the spreit of thi feir, and be thi mercy mark him with the signe of the crosse, sa that he neuir tyne the haly spreit, bot keip him quhil he cum to the lyfe eternal.

The vi. Cheptour.

[Page]HEir we think it ane conuenient place to declare to ȝow the seuin giftis of the halye spreit, yat ȝe may w t mair diligence & deuotioun aske yame of God in ȝour daily prayaris. The first gift is wisdome. Of the gift of vvisdome. Quhairin standis yis wisdome? Trewly it standis in twa pointis First to knaw god, how he is eternal, almychty, mercyful, rychteous, faithfull, gentill, & liberal to the. Secundly, to haue in that same knaw­lege a spiritual gift, delectatioun and pleasure in God. Heir quhat the prophet sais to vs all in the Psalme: Gustate et videte quoniam suauis est dominus. Psal. 33. Taist and se quhow sweit is the Lord. And trewly quhasa hais this gift of wisedome, he luffis God w t all his hart, with all his saule, with all his mynd and all his strenth, he luffis nathing bot in God and for Goddis saik, he re­ferris all gud that he dois to the glore of God. He contemnis al carnal pleasure, al erdly richis, all warldly dignitie that is contrarye to the lufe of God, or that is had aganis the command of God. The gift of wisdome is nocht gottin be ye studye and labour of man, bot be ane faithfull prayar maid to God, as sanct Iames teichis sayand: Iacobi. i. Gif ony of ȝow want wisdome, lat him ask it at God, quhilk giffis to all men largely, and ȝe, lat him ask it in faith doutand nathing bot God may and will geue it to him. Quhow may it be knawin quha hes yis gift of wisdome? Trewly be certane properteis quhilk sanct Ia­mes deseriuis: Iaco. iii. The wisdome quhilk is fra a­boue [Page Cxxxvii] it is first puir, clein, & chast. It is peaceabil, gentil and easy to be entretit, agreand to all gud thingis, ful of mercy, and of gud fruitis, alwais do and gud warkis.

Donum intellectus. Of ye gift of vnder­standing. Psal. 118. The secund gift of the haly spreit is the trew vnderstanding of the word of God quhilk we suld ask daily in our prayar say­and with the prophet in the Psalme: Da mihi in­tellectum, et scrutabor legem tuam. O gud Lord geue me vnderstanding and I sal serche thi com­mandis. Quhow can we vnderstand trewly the word of God except that Christ oppin it to vs? Apoca. iii quhilk beiris the key of Dauid. He oppinnis, & na man closis, he closis and na mā oppinnis. He oppins the word of god to certane men & wemen to quhom it pleisis him to oppin. And hydis it fra certane men and wemen, fra quhom it plesis him to hyde it, according as he sais in the euan­gil speikand to his eternal father: Math. xi. Cōfitebor tibi pater coeli et terre, quia abscondisti hec a sapienti­bus et prudentibus, et reuelasti ea paruulis. I con­fesse to the O father of heuin and eird, yat thow hes hyde thir misteries of mannis redemptioun fra men warldly wyse and prudent, and hes re­uelitt hame to meik men.

Donū consilii. The thrid gift is callit counsal. Of ye gift of coūseil. Be the gift of wisdome we ken God with delec­tatioun & pleisure. Be the gift of vnderstanding we haue trew intelligence of Goddis word. Sa conueniently followis y e gift of counsal, quhilk [Page] is to haue a spedie, a reddye, and a gud will to do willingly as the word of God byddis and counsallis vs to do, sa that be the vertew of yis gift we may say with y e Prophet in the Psalme: Voluntarie sacrificabo tibi O gud Lord I will mak sacrifice to the willingly. Psal. 57. That is to say, I will do my dewtie to the, nocht for compulsioun of payne, bot with my awin free will luffingly. The haly spreit is callit the spreit of libertie, be­cause he geuis vs grace to do our gud deidis w t fredome and libertie of our hart. Thairfor sanct Paule sais: Vnusquis (que) prout destinauit in corde suo, 2. Cor. 9. non ex tristitia aut necessitate, hilarem enim datorem diligit deus. Lat ilk man do his gud deidis as he hes determinit in his hart, nocht with sadnes or be compulsioun, for God luffis ane blyth geuir.

Of ye gift of Forti­tude. Donum fortitudinis. The fourt gift is spiri­tual strenth of our mynd to thoil all maner of aduersite with patience, to do al thingis quhilk we aucht to do be rycht, willingly as it is said in ye thrid gift, and nocht to gang by the veritie and rycht for ony mannis pleisure, feire, reward, or malice. This gift is necessarie to al christin men and wemen, 2. Ti. iii. because yat S. Paule sais: Omnes qui pie volunt viuere in Christo, persecutionem pa­tientur. Al men and wemen, quhilk wald leif ane gud lyfe conforme to the euangil of Christ, sall thoil persecutioun be thame that ar euil geuin. Be yis gift it is knawi [...] gif we be perfite chrsten [Page Cxxxviii] men. For as sanct Gregorie sais: Actuum. v Qualis vnus­quis (que) apud se lateat, illata contumelia probat. Quhow gud and pacient ilk a man is in him self, iniureis and wrangis done to him will schaw. The Apostillis had this gift of Fortitude quhen yai war dung for preching of the euangil, be the auctorie of the hie counsale of Ierusalem, and come away fra yame with blythnes, because yat thai tholit iniureis and wrangis for the name of Iesu.

Donum Scientie. Of ye [...] of science. The fift gift is Cunning or knawlege, and this is nocht cunning or knawlege of natural Philosophie, or siclyk, bot it is cunning or knawlege to leif a gud lyfe at all tymes, bot spe­cially in the middis of ane euil natioun, That is to say, quhen we ar in euil cūpany or amang euil men, quhilk gift y e haly man Iob discriuis, sayand thus: Recedere a malo scientia. It is cunning & science to declyne and gang fra euil. Iob. 28. And this is callit in y e scripture the science or knawlege of sanctis, quhair of it is said: Sapien. 4 Iustum deduxit dominꝰ per vias rectas et ostēdit illi regnū dei. Dedit illi scientiam sancto­rum, honestauit illum in laboribus et compleuit la­bores illius. Our Lord hais led the iust man be rycht wayis, he hais schawin to him the kingdome of God, he hais maid him honest in his labouris and brocht thame all to gud end. The halye man Iob had this gift of knawlege, for he leiffit ane gud lyfe in the middis of mony euil geuin pepil. Iob. i. Tobie. i. Tobias had yis gift quhilk led in captiuitie & daily [Page] leiffand amangis euil men left nocht the way of veritie. 2. Petri. 2 And the same gift had Loth dwelling amang the Sodomitis.

Of ye gift of pyetie. 1. Timo. 4 Donum pietatis. The sext gift is pyetie & mercy schawin to the pu [...]r for Goddis lufe, quhairto S. Paul exhortit his discipil Timothe sayand: Exerce te ipsum ad pietatem, nam exercitatio cor­poralis ad modicū vtilis est, pietas autem ad omnia valet. Exerce and occupie thi self in godlynes, pyetie & mercy, for bodyly exercitioun, quhilk a mā takis in his body be fasting & abstinence is a litil profitabil to him w tout piete, Bot pyetie & mercy done in almous deid to the puir for gods saik, is mekil profitabil, for as our saluiour sais Beati misericordes quoniam ipsi misericordiam cō ­sequentur. Math. 5. Blissit is the mercyfull, for thai sall get mercy. Quhasa hes this gift of pyetie yai ar alwayis reddye at thair powar to do werkis of mercy bayth spiritually and corporally.

Donum timoris. The seuint gift is the feir of God. Of ye gift of Feir. First to feir God as the seruand feiris his maister, quhilk dois his maisteris cōmand for feir of punitioun. And suppose yis feir is y e gift of the haly spreit & is ye beginning of wisdome, ȝit it is nocht the perfectioun of wisdome, for the trew lufe of god puttis away yis feir, & bringis vs to y e secund feir, quhilk is to feir God as ane gud son or cheild feiris his father, doand his cō ­mand, nocht for feir of punitioun, bot y t he wald nocht offend or displease his father, nor depa [...]t fra his fatheris cōpany. The first feir bringꝭ in [Page Cxxxix] the secund, euin as the nedil bringis in ye threid throw ane clayth, and the mair that ane christin mā grow in the lufe of God, the les he feiris the punitioun of God. And of the secund feir it is writtin in the Psalme: Psal. 18. Timor domini sanctus per­manet in seculum seculi. The haly feir of our lord lestis for euirmair. And thir twa feiris is decla­rit to ȝow at mair lenth in the expositioun of the first command.

☞Of the sacrament of the Altar.

The vii. Cheptour.

AS in the corporall lyfe, first ane man is borne, syne he growis in quātitie & strenth of his body, & for the confirmatioun of his lyfe, he is fed w t corporal fude. Siclyk ordoure is kepit in our spiritual lyfe. Efter yat we ar spi­ritually regenerat & borne agane in y e sacrament of Baptyme, And in the sacrament of Cōfirmatioun growis in ye spiritual quantitie & strenth of our saule, be ressauing of ye haly spreit be his special grace to y e spiritual strenth of our saulis. It hes pleasit our saluiour Iesus Christ to or­dane the blissit and maist excellent sacrament of his precious body & blude to be geuin to vs as spiritual fude for the cōseruatioun of our spiri­tual lyfe. And quhow necessary this haly sacra­ment is to vs our saluiour declaris plainely in the euangil of sanct Iohne sayand thus: Ioan. 6. Amen amen dico vobis, nisi manducaueritis carnem filii [Page] hoīs & biberitis eius sanguinem non habebitis vitā in vobis. Veraily veraily I say vnto ȝow, except that ȝe eit the bodye of the sonne of man & drink his blud ȝe sall nocht haue lyfe in ȝow. Qui man [...] ducat meam carnem et bibit meum sanguinē habet vitam eternam. He yat eitis my body and drinkꝭ my blud hes eternal lyfe. Et ego resuscitabo eum in nouissimo die. And I sall raise him vp agane in the last day. Caro mea vere est cibus et sangui [...] meus vere est potus. My body is verrai meit and my blud is verrai drink. Qui māducat meam car­nem et bibit meum sanguinem in me manet et ego in eo. He that eitis my body & drinkis my blude he dwellis in me & I in him. And [...]e this ȝe may vnderstand that of all the seuin sacramentis yis is maist worthi, maist haly, and maist excellent, because the laif ar only signis of grace and effectuous instrumentis and causis of our sanctificatioun. Bot this precious sacrament cōtenis him quhilk is the fountane, the well and giffar of grace and sanctificatioun our saluiour Iesus Christ in body and blud, saule and godheid, as it sall be schawin to ȝow mair largely eftirhend.

The excellent dignitie of this sacrament is sa gret, yat it was figurat in the auld testament w t syndry figuris. Of the fi­guris of this maist excellent sacrament First in y e law of nature, Mel­chisedech king of Salem and preist of the hyest God, offerit to him in sacrifice breid and wyne, quhilk was ane figure that our saluiour Iesus Christ ba [...]h king & preist suld ordane this pre­cious sacrament of his body and blud vnder the [Page Cxl] kindis of breid & wyne. Secundly in the writtin law it was figurat be the Paschal Lambe, and be the angel fude callit Māna. For as be ye immola­tioun and sacrifice of the Paschal lambe the pepil of Israel was deliuerit fra the vengeance quhilk the Angel tuk apon the Egiptians, and sa finally fra the captiuitie of king Pharao. Sa be the sacri­fice of the immaculat lambe our saluiour Christ of­ferand him self apon the altar of the crosse, we ar all (yat beleuis in him with ane leiffand faith) deliuerit fra the vengeance that sal be takin apon tynnaris, and swa finally fra the captiuitie of the deuil. And also as the pepil of Israel was fed with Manna callit angellis fude in the wildernes quhil yai come to the land of promissioun. Sa the christin pepil is fed spiritually with this precious sacrament in the wildernes of yis present warld, quhil we cum to the land of lyfe, promissit to vs in y e kingdom of heuin.

Attour this precious sacrament is sa hie in dig­nitie and diuine maiestie that it is nocht expremit with ane name as the laif of the sacramentis ar, Of the syndry namis of this precious sa­crament. bot the kirk of God giffis it syndry names. First it is callit the Eucharist, yat is to say, gud grace, because it contenis him really and essentially, quhilk is the well and giffar of grace, of quhais aboundance we all ressaue. It is callit the Communioun, for be worthi ressauing of this sacrament, al trew christin men and wemen ar ioynit al togidder amang yame self as spiritual memberis of ane body, and also ar ioynit all togidder to our saluiour Christ, heid of the same mistik bodye.

[Page]It is callit the sacrifice of the altar, because it is ane quick & special remembrance of the passioun of Christ, as it is said in y e euangil of S. Luke. Hoc facite in meam cōmemorationem. Do this in my remembrance. Luc [...]. 22. Now the passioun of Christ wes the trew sacrifice quhilk wes offerit for our redēptioun. It is callit our daily breid, because it is the fude of our saule. Quhi is yis sacrament callit the suppar of our Lord. Sanct Paule callis it the suppar of our Lord, because our saluiour Iesus gaue it to his Apostils in the tyme of his last suppar, quhen also he institute and ordanit the same sacrament. Cōmon experience schawis that quhen a mā is to depart fra ane luffand cō ­pany, the thing that he dois & the word that he sais in his last departing, is maist of all had in remēbrance. Sa our saluiour purposing imme­diatly eftir the suppar to gang to his passioun, willing also to commend the hie dignitie & gret vtilitie of this sacrament and to cause it to be had in sickar and lang remembrance, he ordanit the same precious sacrament in tyme of his last suppar. Nochttheles, the haly kirk hais ordanit that the christin pepil sal ressaue this sacrament fastand, to that effect yat yai may ressaue it with mair deuotioun & redynes, quhilk ordinatioun began in the tyme of the haly Apostillis and he­therto hais bein vsit, nochttheles yai yat ar seik and in perril of dede, may ressaue it suppose yai be nocht fastand. Sen this sacrament of the Eucharist is sa necessary, sa haly, sa precious, & of sa excellent dignitie. Ȝe suld O christin pepil [Page Cxli] tak gud tent to ye declaratioun of y e same blissit sacrament, quhairin first we sall declare quhat is the propir mater, outwart signe or sensibil ta­kin of this sacrament. Secundly, quhat is the forme of Goddis word, quhilk belangis to the consecratioun of this sacrament, and the trew intelligence of the same. Thridly quhat is the vertew, effect and vtilitie of this sacrament. Fourtly, how men suld prepare thame to the worthi ressauing of this sacrament.

As concerning the first, The propir mater or sensibil signe of yis sacrament is breid of quheit and wyne of the berry mixt with wattir, apon y e quhilk quhen the word of God institute be our saluiour Christ is pronuncit be ane trew mini­ster quhilk is a consecrat preist, thai ar turnit in to the trew body and blud of Christ, and sa this sacrament is maid and consecrat. For as mate­rial breid of quheit feidis, nurisches, sustenis and keipis a mā in this corporal lyfe, And wyne refreschis, cōfortis and makis ane man blyth in the same corporal lyfe. Sa the precious body & blud of our saluiour quhilk ar contenit vnder y e kindis of breid and wyne, and signifyit be the same, feidis, nurischis, and sustenis, refreschis, confortis and makis ane christin man blyth in his saule quhen thai ressaue deuoitly this sacra­ment with faith, hoipe, & cheritie as yai suld do. Mairouir, breid and wyne ar conuenient mater of this sacrament, because thai signifie and be­takin the vnitie of y e mistik body of our saluiour [Page] Christ quhilk is y e cōgregatioun of trew christin pepil, quhilk vnitie is y e ꝓpir effect of yis sacrament & signify [...]t be the same. For as breid is maid of mony pickillis of corne, & wyne is maid of mony berryis, and ane body is maid of mony mēbris, sa ye kirk of God is gadderit togidder of mony christin men and wemen bund togidder with ye band of perfit lufe & cheritie & festinit with the spreit of God. In the sa­crament of the Altar, wattir is mixt with the wyne quhilk y e kirk of God vsis to do, beleiff and yat our saluiour vsit the same in the first institutioun of yis sacramēt. And trewly suppose it is nocht expressely writtin in y e euangil, ȝit al trew christin men & wemē suld hald yame cōtent w t the faith of the kirk, bele­uand as ye kirk beleuis, quhilk doutles is instruc­kit & direckit be the haly spreit, & thairfor is callit y e sicker fundement & pillar of veritie. 1. Timo. iii And gif y u will knaw quhat betakins the wattir mixt w t the wyne? Thow may sone leir the same, & thow will cōsidder yat this blissit sacrifice of the altar is ane quick me­morial, ordanit to reduce to our mynd y e passioun of our saluiour Christ, Ioan. xix. for as the euāgelist S. Iohne mak is mencioun, quhen our mediatour & redemar was dede apon the crosse, ane of the knychtis or tor­mentouris with ane speir oppinit his syde & inconti­nent thair come furth bayth blud & wattir, blud to signifie our redēptioun, & wattir to signitie our spi­ritual wesching be Baptyme, be y e wyne thair for is signifyit y t be the passioun of Christ we ar redemit, & the wattir betakins y t be the meritis of ye same pas­sioun we ar weschin fra our synnis in Baptyme. [Page Cxlii] Attour in y e haly scripture wattir betakins the pepil according as sanct Iohne sais: Aque mul [...]e populi multi. Mekil wattir betakins mony pepil. Apoc. 17. Thair­for quhen in the challice wattir is mixt w t wyne, it is signifyit, y t the christin pepil ar ioynit & cupplit with Christ in quhom thai beleue. Of the vvord of God that belāgis to the conse­cratioun of this di­uine sacrament. Quhat is the word quhilk belangis to y e cōsecratioun of this blissit sa­crament? It is y e word of our saluiour Iesꝰ Christ, be quhais vertew y e sacrament is cōsecrat, & be the mycht of that same word, the breid is turnit into the body of Christ, & the wyne mixt w t wattir is turnit into y e verrai blud of Christ. The kirk of God hes ressauit this word fra our saluiour Iesu Christ be the t [...]aditioun & doctrine of the Apostillis, and pro­nuncis y e same word eftir this maner: Hoc est enim corpus meum. This is my verrai body. And agane Hic est enim calix sanguinis mei noui et eterni testa menti misteriū fidei, qui pro vobis et pro multis ef­fundetur in remissionē peccatorū. This is the ver­rai cup of my blud of the new and eternal testament quhilk sal be sched for ȝow & mony in remissioun of synnis. Sa the minister of yis sacrament is ane cō ­secrat preist pronunce and thir wordis apon breid & wyne w t the trew faith and rycht intentioun of haly kirk, he consecratis the trew body & blud of Iesus Christ, nocht be the vertew of ony mannis word, bot be the vertew & powar of Gods word institut & cō ­mandit be our saluiour quhē he said: Luce. 22. i. Cor. 11. Hoc facite in meā cōmemorationē. Do ȝe yis in my remēbrance. As I haue consecrat my body & blud & geuin yame [...]o ȝow in forme of breid and wyne, sa I gette ȝow [Page] auctoritie to do the same, yat ȝe and all vthir quhilk dewly ressauis yame, may haue remēbrance of me. All vthir wordis quhilk the preist sais afore or eftir the same wordis of consecratioun, yai pertene to the rycht, faithful, deuoit and reuerent vse of yis blissit sacrament, or ellis yai ar louingis & thākis geuin to God, or ellis yai ar deuoit prayaris, obsecratiouns and peticiouns maid to God for the christin pepil.

The viii. Cheptour.

ANd now christin pepil I exhort ȝow to haue in ȝour mynd quhat sanct Gregorie sais: Grego­rius. Fides non habet meritum vbi humana ratio prebet experimentum. Faith hais na merit quhair manis reasone giffis experiēce. Our christin faith is nocht groundit apon the natural reasone of mā, bot apon the trew and infallibil word of God. For in this sa­crament eftir the wordis of consecratioun we see w t our eyne the figure of breid and wyne, Of the ve­rite of the body and blude of our salui­our Christ in the sa­crament of the Altar. Roma. 10 we smel with our neyse the sauoir of breid and wyne, we taist with our mouth the gust of breid and wyne, we feil with our twiching the hardnes of breid and the liquore of wyne, ȝit thair is na substance of breid and wyne in that sacrament, bot allanerly the substance of the body and blud of our saluiour vnder the forme of breid & wyne. And thairfor we suld nocht geue cre­dit to our sycht, to our smelling, to our taisting and twiching, bot allanerly we suld tak tent quhat we heir, for as sanct Paule sais: Fides ex auditu est, auditus autē per verbum dei. Our faith is ressaui [...] be hering, nocht be heiring of the wordis of man, [Page Cxliii] bot be hering y e word of God. Sa in this blissit sacrament we suld geue credence to the w [...]rd of God quhilk our saluiour Christ spe [...]kis be his minister, sayand: Hoc est corpus meum. Hic est sāguis meus. This is my body. This is my blud Tak tent O christin man and woman, Math. 2 [...] quhow he sais nocht, yis is a figure of my body & blud, he sais expresly, This is my body, & this is my blud. And yat y u may be sickerly groundit in the trew faith of this sacrament, beleuand fermely the twa first artikillis of ye Crede and in the se­cund artikil, dout nocht bot that our saluiour Iesus Christ is baith mā and God, the natural sōne of God, & sa is he y e eternal veritie, quhais word is sa trew yat na thing can be trewar And as it is impossibil yat myrknes may proceid fra the cleire schynand sonne, sa it is impossibil that ony errour, falset or lesing may proceid fra the mouth of Iesus Christ, quhilk is callit Sol iusti­tie. The sonne of rychteousnes, sapientia patris, The wisdome of the father. Heir quhat he sais of him self: Ego sum via, veritas et vita. Ioan. xiiii I am the way, the veritie, and the lyfe. All men of [...]hair awin nature may begyle and be begylit. Psal. 115. Omnis homo mendax. Bot Iesus Christ [...]aith God and man can nother begyle nor be begylit. Also in the first artikil trow sickerly that he is omnipo­tent and almychty, and quhy? because he is god quhais powar is infinite. Beleue with thi hart and grant with thi mouth ye wordis to be trew, quhilk the angel Gabriel spak to the glorious [Page] virgin: Luce. i. Quia non erit impossibile apud deum omne verbum. Thair is na word impossibil to God. For as the Prophet sais in the Psalme: Psal. 148 Ipse di [...]it, et facta sunt, ipse mandauit, et creata sunt. Quhen be spak his word all creaturis was maid, quhen he gaue command thai war all creat and maid. Sen swa it is that Iesus Christ our saluiour sais thir wordis and hais geuin auctoritie and command to his minister to pronunce the same in his name & be­half. This is my body, this is my blud. Secundly sen swa it is that he is the eternal veritie & can nocht mak ane lesing. Thridly yat he is omnipotent and almychty and sa is abil to performe and fulfill his word. Quhatsaeuir thow art man or woman, that trowis nocht fermely & constantly, that in the sacra­ment of the haly altare eftir the wordis of consecra­tioun, is the verrai body and blud of our saluiour bayth God and man vnder the formes of breid and wyne, thow denyis the twa first artikillis of the Crede and swa fallis into gret heresye. The Apo­stil sanct Paule speikis sa plainely of the veritie of the body & blud of our saluiour to be in this sacra­ment, that thai may appeir to be out of thair wit ya [...] thinkis or sais the contrary. i. Cor. xi. This is his first word: Qui enim manducat et bibit indigne, iudicium sibi manducat et bibit, non diiudicans corpus domini. Quhasa eitis and drinkis vnworthily, he eitis and drinkis his dāpnatioun, because he discernis nocht or puttis nocht difference betweine the body of our Lord & vthir common meitis. In thir wordis sanct Paule sais expresly, that y e verai body of our Lord [Page Cxliiii] is really and substancially present in the sacrament of the Eucharist. His secund word is this: i. Cor. x. Calix benedictionis cui benedicimus, nonne communi­catio sanguinis Christi est? Et panis quem frangi­mus, nonne participatio corporis domini est? The cupe of thankis geuing, quhairwith we geue thankis. Is it nocht the partaking of the blud of Christ? The breid that we brek on the altare, Is it nocht the parttaking of the body of Christ? In thir wordis sanct Paul teichis plainly yat quhensaeuir the sacrament of the Altare is proponit and geuin to vs, the verrai bodye and blud of our saluiour is proponit & geuin to vs vnder the formes of breid and wyne, and sa aucht euery ilk christin man and woman to beleue.

It is nocht facil or easye to declare sufficiently, Of the frutis and ef­fectis of this sacra­ment. quhow mony, quhow merualous, quhow excellent and profitabil fruitis we may opteine be dew ressa­uing of this precious sacrament. Our redemar & saluiour luffit vs sa ardently that he thocht it nocht sufficient to geue him self to the dede of ye crosse for our redemptioun, Spiritual fude of our faulis▪ Ioan. 6. Agustin [...] bot also to declare to vs mair specially the same lufe, he hes geuin him self to be our special fude and refectioun, according as he sais: Caro mea vere est cibus, et sanguis meus vere est potus. My flesche is ȝour verrai fude, & my blud is ȝour verrai drink. Quhairfor desire we meit and drink, bot to keip vs fra the paynis of hungir and thrist, and to hald vs in our corporal lyfe sa lang as we may? Than mekil mair we aucht to desyre this precious fude, quhilk in this present warld [Page] haldis vs in the lyfe of grace, & finally bringis vs to the lyfe of glore, quhair thair is nother hungir nor thrist, nor na vthir payne, bot immortalitie, in­corruptioun, eternal lyfe in ioy and blysse.

In auld tymes our fatheris wes fed in wildernes daily w t Māna callit Angels fude, Ambrosiꝰ Psal. 77. as it is writtin: Panē Angelorū manducauit homo. Man hes eitin Angels fude. Nochttheles yai y e did eit of yat fude eftirwart deit in wildernes, bot this fude, quhilk y u ressauis in this blissit sacrament, yis leiffand breid quhilk come doune fra the heuin, geuis the life eternal. For quha sa worthily eitis this fude sall nocht dee eternally. Ioan. 6. Heir the promis of our saluiour: Hic est panis de coelo descendens, vt si quis ex ipso mā ­ducauerit non morietur. This is the breid quhilk come doune fra heuin, that quhasa euir eitis of it sal nocht dee. It followis: Ego sum panis viuus qui de coelo descendi, si quis māducauerit ex hoc pane, viuet in eternum. I am the leuing breid yat is come doune fra heuin, gif ony man eit of yis breid, he sal leif euirmair. And gif yow wald knaw quhat is yis breid, heir quhat followis: Et panis quem ego dabo caro mea est pro mundi vita. And the breid y t I sal geue is my flesche, for the lyfe of the warld. Now cōsider weil in thi mynd, quhilk of thir twa is mair excellent, Manna, or the bodye of Christ. Tha [...] Manna come fra the corporal heuin, bot this pre­cious fude of the altar come fra abone all corporal heuins. Manna keipit ane vthir day, fel to corrup­tioun, bot this precious fude is free fra all corrup­tioun. For quhasaeuir religiously, deuoitly, & faith­fully [Page Cxlv] taist of yis heuinly breid sal finally be maid incorruptibil. The wattir flowit to thame out of ane crag, bot to the flowis the precious blud of Christ out of his awin side. Ye wattir sloknit thair thrist for ane lytil tyme, bot this blud of Christ sall tak away thrist fra the for euirmair. Of this precious fude the Prophet sais in the Psalme: Psal. 110. Memoriam fecit mirabiliū suorum miseri­cors et miserator dominus, escam dedit timentibus se. Of all the merualis that God hes wrocht, he hes maid ane to be ane remembrance of all the laif, quhilk is that in yis precious sacrament of of the altare, he hes geuin fude to yame, y t feiris him. Quhairfor O christin man prepair thi self worthily that thow may ressaue this fude to thi saluatioun. Incorpo­ratioun to our salui­our Christ The secund fruit of this blissit sa­crament is mair perfit incorporatioun to Christ For quhen with faith and cheritie we ressaue yis precious fude, we ar mair ioynit to Christ our heid as his mistik mēberis. And heir thow suld consider the difference that is betwene corporal fude of the body, and this spiritual fude of thi saule. Quhen thow ressauis corporal fude thow turnis it to the substance of thi body, Bot quhen thow ressauis worthily this precious fude of the sacrament, it turnis the to it, it makis ye diuine, godly, haly and Christis seruand. This secund fruit is plainly expremit be our saluiour sayand thus: Qui manducat meam carnem, Ioan. 6. et bibit meum sanguinem, in me manet et ego in eo. He that eitis my body and drinkis my blud, he dwellis in me [Page] and I dwel in him. O inestimabil gudnes of God, O the ardent lufe of Christ to man, O precious be­nefit & gift. Quhat could he do mair for vs? He hes redemit vs apon the ruid, he hes fed vs w t his body and blud he hes maid vs his awin mistik mēberis, he hes chosin vs to be his awin tempil, quhairin it pleasis him to dwel with vs & we to dwel with him. And doutles quhen Christ dwellis in vs, the powar of God dwellis in vs, y e tresure of al Gods wisdom and knawlege dwellis in vs, eternal lyfe dwellis in vs, for als mekil yat he promissit to vs eternal lyfe, and hes geuin him self to vs as ane pledge, for the sicker fulfilling of that same promis. Think of yis O christin mā, & prepair thi self to the worthi ressa­uing of yis sacrament. Augmēta­tioun of ye meritis of our faith. Magister sēten. in 4 dist. 12. The thrid fruit of yis sa­crament is augmētatioun of y e meritis of our faith. For sein faith is to beleue thai thingis of Christ, quhilk cā nocht be sein nor kend be natural resone, and in sa beleuing we get merit of God, trewly in the faith of this sacrament we merit verrai mekil, because yat amang all y e pointis of our faith this is ane, yat excedis ye capacitie of natural reasone, and allanerly cā be persauit & knawin be faith geuin to the word of God. For afore the wordis of consecra­tioun yair is bot breid & wyne, bot eftir, yair is the body & blud of Christ present really. Lifting vp of our hoip. The fourt effect of this sacrament is lyfting vp of our hoip. For we may fermely hoip that Christ Iesus baith God & man sall geue to vs him self in the warld to cum, quhilk sa luffandly hes geuin to vs his awin self in this present warld, as s. Iohne Chrisostome sais in the xlv. omelie apon sanct Iohnis euang [...]l.

[Page Cxlvi]The fift fruit is augmētatioun of cheritie, Augmēta­tioun of cheritie. quhilk doutles is eikit in al yame quhilk ressauis this pre­cious sacramēt worthily. Thai mone nedis grow in the lufe of God quhen yai consider y e abundant lufe of god schawin to yame in this sacrament, & yairfor it is callit be part of ald doctors y e sacramēt of lufe. Hylarius 8 de trini.

The saxt fruit is diuulgatioun & setting furth of the passioun of Christ & his meritis. Quick re­mēbrance of the pas­sion of our saluiour Christ. i. Cor. xi. For quhen we ressaue yis sacramēt in remēbrance of his passioun, in deid we cōfesse & grant y t he deit for vs, yat be his dede we mycht get remissioun of our syns & eternal lyfe. And this suld be done in the kirk til he cum to iugement, according as S. Paule sais: Quotien [...] ­cun (que) māducabitis panem hunc, et calicem bibetis, mortē dn̄i annunciabitis donec veniat. Quhow oft saeuir ȝe sal eat of yis fude and drink of this coupe, ȝe sal schaw the dede of our Lord quhil he cum.

The seuint fruit is vnitie, concord, Vnite and concord amang christin pepil. & peace quhilk is in yame & amang al yame yat faithfully ressauis this sacrament. And as we said afore, vnitie, cōcord and peace is signifyit be y e sensibil formes of breid & wyne, as breid is maid of mony pickillis of corne, & as wyne is maid of mony berryis, sa y e trew & faith­ful kirk of Christ is gadderit togidder in yame self and in Christ our heid, be the band of lufe, and it is signifyit be yis sacrament, according as S. Paule sais: Vnus panis et vnū corpꝰ, multi sumus, i. Cor. x. omnes qui de vno pane et de vno calice participamus. We that ar mony in numbre ar ane breid spiri­tually, and ane body spiritually, quhilk ar par­ticipant in the sacrament of the Altare of a breid and of a coupe, yat is to say, quhilk ressauis ane [Page] body and blud of Iesus Christ. Sen sa it is, that sa mony precious and excellent fruitis ar gottin be the dew and faithful ressauing of this sacrament, ȝe suld think on thame & daily thank ȝour saluiour for thame, and with all ȝour dili­gence leir to ressaue this sacrament faithfully, deuotly, reuerently, & meikly, y e ȝe may obtene & get the same precious frutis of ȝour saluatioun.

¶ De preparatione ad sanctissimum Eucharistie sacramentum. The ix. Cheptour.

i. Cor. xi. Hovv christin men & vvemen suld pre­pair yame self to the vvorthi resauing of this sacra­ment.CHristin pepil sanct Paul sais thus: Probet autem seipsum homo, et sic de pane illo eda [...] et de calice bibat. Qui enim māducat et bibit indigne, iudicium sibi manducat & bibit, nō diiudi­cans corpus domini. Let a man or a woman first examine him self, discusse and preif him self, and sa lat him eit of that precious breid, and drynk of that coupe. For quha sa eitis and drinkis vn­worthily, eitis & drinkis his iugement & eternal damnatioun, because he puttis na difference be­twene the body of our Lord and vthir common meit. As all christin men & wemen, quhilk wor­thily ressauis the body of our Lord in this pre­cious sacrament yai get ye seuin spiritual frutis afore rehersit, sa al yai quhilk ressauis the same sacrament vnworthily, thai ressaue it to thair iugement & eternal dānatioun, ȝe and ofttymes thai ar punissit be god in this present warld be tēporal paynis of weaknes, sicknes and dede, as sanct Paule beiris witnis in the same place. [Page Cxlvii] Sen sa it is, vvith ane rycht in­tentioun. I exhort ȝow all (O christin men & wemen, that afore ȝe cum to the buird of Christ yair to ressaue his precious body) yat ȝe prepair ȝour self to cum worthily, reuerently, & deuoitly as it becommis christin men to do.

First prepair ȝour self to cum with ane gud will & rycht intentioun. Cum nocht to the buird of God with ane will or intentioun to get glore or louing of man, for ȝour appeirand halynes, for than ȝe cum with ypocrisie. Cum nocht alla­nerly for ane vse and custome to do as the laif dois and allanerly for the command of the kirk, for than ȝe cum with compulsioun. Bot cum to the buird of God w t deuotioun, willing to obey the command of God & the kirk for goddis lufe and weil of ȝour awin saule, willing & intēding to get the seuin giftis and fruitis afore rehersit, yat ȝe may ressaue ye fude of ȝour saule, y t ȝe may be mair ꝑfitly incorporat in to Christ Iesu ȝour saluiour, that ȝe may grow in Faith, Hoip, and Cheritie, that ȝe may haue quick remembrance of Christis passioun, and geue to him thankis thairfor, yat ȝe may leif in perfite vnitie, cōcord and paice of christin pepil, & finally that ȝe may haue eternal lyfe in the kingdome of heuin. Lat this be ȝour intentioun quhen ȝe cum to y e buird of God. Secundly, vvith ane perfit and hail faith. prepare ȝour self to cum w t ane perfite and hail faith of this haly sacrament quhilk stādis in four pointis. First beleif ferme­ly and dout nocht, yat vnder the forme of breid quhilk thow seis with thi bodyly eyne, thair is [Page] contenit the trew body of Christ Iesu, the same body that was borne of the virgin Marie, that was crucifeit apon the crosse, yat raise fra y e dede the thrid day, that ascendit to heuin and sittis at the rycht hand of God the father almychty. Put away out of thi heid al fantaseis of natural rea­sone, stand sicker in the faith of halye kirk, cleif fast to y e word of God quhilk is declarit to ȝow largely afore quhen we spak of the wordis of cō secratioun. Secundly beleue fermely that the hail body of Christ is in ye hail vste and also in ilk a part of the same, beleif fermely thair is bot ane body of Christ that is in mony vstis, that is in syndry and mony altaris, ȝe that is in heuin sittand at the rycht hand of God, and that is in the sacrament really present, it is ane & the same body. Thridly trow fermely y t eftir the wordis of consecratioun pronuncit be the preist (be insti­tutioun of our saluiour) the substance of the breid is turnit into the substance of the bodye of Christ, remaning allanerly the accidentis, that is to say, ye figure of breid, y e sweitnes of breid, the quhytnes of breid with siclyk, sa yat thair is nocht in the sacrament the substance of breid. Fourtly, quhen thow ressauis in the sacrament the body of Christ, beleif also constantly that y u ressauis ane leiffand body. For as sanct Paule sais: Roma. 6. Christ rysand agane fra the dede may de [...] na mair, dede sal haue na mair powar ouir him Than because yow ressauis his lyffand body, y u ressauis also his saule & also his blud, for ilkane [Page Cxlviii] lyiffand body hes baith saule & blud. And because also y t his godhede sen y e first begīning of his incar­natioun left neuir his body nor his saul, trow sickirly yat quhen y u ressauis the body of Christ yat y u res­sauis also his godhed. Sa o christin mā & woman, beleif fermely y t in the sacrament of the altare y u res­sauis four thingis to y e maist precious & profitabil, ye body of Christ, his saule, his blud, & his godhed. Sa it followis yat y u ressauis na les in ane lytil vste than y e preist ressauis in ane gret vste, Also it follo­wis yat y u ressauis bayth the body & blud of Christ in ane forme of breid als weil as the preist ressauis thame & ilkane of yame in twa formes of breid and wyne, and also dout nocht bot yat y u ressauis the hail cōtent of the sacrament als weil as the preist dois, & thair with y u suld hald the cōtent cōforme to y e auld & lāg vse of y e vniuersal kirk of god, & decretis of syn­dry general coūsals quhilk hes ordanit y e same to be done nocht w tout necessary cause. Eftir yis maner cum to y e buird of god with ane hail & cōstant faith, trowand sickerly yat y u ressauis Christ Iesu quhilk apon the crosse sched his blud, to wesche the fra thi synnis, quhilk deit to recounsale the to y e father eternal, yat maid iust and perfit satisfactioun for all thi synnis, yat redemit the fra the deuil & hel, & hes de­seruit for the the kingdom of heuin. Beleif this als sickerly as thow had sene him dee. Thridly pre­pare thi self to cum to y e buird of god w t ane clein cō science. Gyf y u war to ressaue ane king to thi house, vvith ane clein con­science. thow wald nocht fail to clenge thi house and mak it clein wish all thi diligence, thow wald put on thi [Page] best rayment that thow mycht ressaue him with honestie to his pleisure. And sen sa it is yat yow art to ressaue the king of al kingis in to y e house of thi saule, ressaue him with ane clein cōscience, doand the counsale of sanct Paule: i. Cor. xi. Probet autē seipsum homo. Lat a man, that is to ressaue the bodye of Christ, first preif him self, call him self to the count of his lyfe, examine his conscience, seirche weil him self gif he be fylit w t ony dedlie syn. And eftirhend yat he persaue his vnclenis, lat him cum to the fountane of Penance, be con­trit with thi hart for all thi synnis particulari, & specially. Mak ane hail cōfessioun w t thi mouth of all thi synnis that thow can cal to thi remem­brance, to ane preist y e minister of Christ, quhilk hais auctoritie to assoilȝe the. And as mekil as y u may mak satisfactioun, doand the worthi frutis of penance, in fasting, praying, & almous deid. Quhen thow hais maid thi saule faire and clein eftir this maner, than put on y e thi best garment, quhilk is trew lufe of God and thi nychtbour, y t Christ say nocht to the: Math. 22 Amice quomodo huc in­trasti, non habens vestem nuptialem? Frend how hes thow enterit in to my buird, nocht haiffand the wedding garment, quhilk is Cheritie? Lufe thairfor thi God abone all thing and thi nycht­bour as thi self. Do as thow wald be done to, Forgeue thi nychtbour his offence, as y u wald that God forgeue the. Lufe freind and faa for Goddis saik, and sa cled with y e garment of che­ritie, yow may cum sickirly to the buird of god.

[Page Cxlix]Fourtly, vvith de­uoit pray­ar and o­rison. prepair thi self to cum to the buird of God be deuoit prayaris and orisonis. For [...] gif we suld be the exempil of our saluiour, say grace to god afore we ressaue our corporal meit, mekil mair we aucht to say grace afore we res­saue this maist precious & excellent meit of our saule, and eftir that we haue ressauit it, geue thākis to him als mekil as we may. Sa O chri­stin man afore thow ressaue the body of thi sal­uiour, beseik him to mak the worth [...] to ressaue him worthily, sayand with sanct Paule: 2. Cor. iii. Lord I am nocht sufficient nor abil to think a gud thocht of my powar as of my awin powar, bot all my abilnes mone cum of the. Thairfor gud Lord: Cor mundum crea in me deus, Psal. l. et spiritū rectū innoua ī visceribus meis. O my god, mak my hart clein, & put newly ane rycht spreit in my mynd. Say with Centurio: Domine non sum dignus vt intres sub tectum meum, Math. [...]. sed tantum dic verbo et sanabitur aīa mea. O Lord I am nocht worthi that thow entir vnder the ruffe of my house, bot only speik a word and my saule sal be saffit. Follow the exempil of the ȝoung childer of Ie­rusalem, quhilk on Palme sundai ressauit him, sayand: Benedictus qui venit in nomine domini, Math. 23. osanna in ex celsis. Blissit is he that cummis in y e name of our Lord. I beseik the O Lord in hye heuin, help me and haue mercy on me. Say with king Dauid: Benedicam dn̄m in omni tempore, Psal. 33. semper laus eius in ore meo. I will lo [...] my lord at all tyme. Lat euirmair his louing be in my [Page] mouth. Heir we can nocht descriue the special prai­aris quhilk ane may say at y e tyme, bot exhortis ilk a man to lyft vp his hart to God, to put out of his mynd (sa mekil as he may) all thochtis of warldly besynes. And suppose he speik nocht loud with his lippis, i. Reg. i. ȝit lat him cry to God with his hart be the exempil of Anna Samuellis mother. And gif y u can reid say tha orisonis quhilk ar maid & put in prayar bukis to y e effect, And gif thow can nocht reid, than say thi Pater noster as deuoitly as yo [...] [...]n & beseik God yow may ressaue him to thi eter [...] saluatioun Thus O christin man and woman [...] [...]hort ye yat thow prepare thi self to the ressauing of yis haly sa­crament. First cum with ane rycht intentioun. Se­cundly cū with ane hail faith. Thridly cum w t ane clein conscience cled with perfite lufe of god and thi nychtbour. And last of al, cum with deuoit praiaris and orisonis. And eftir hend the ressauing of the sa­crament with all thi hart geue thankis to God for all his giftis, and specially that he hes geuin to the his awin self to be thi spiritual refectioun & eternal saluatioun.

☞Of the sacrament of Pennance.

The x. Cheptour.

Of the ne­cessary in­stitutioun of the sa­crament of PennanceIT is nocht vnknawin to ȝow (O christin pe­pil) yat quhen a mā or a woman fallis in ony bodyly seicknes, he is nocht healit agane be ane new birth of his mother, bot with the operatioun of sum hailsum medicyne geuin to him be [Page Cl] sum cunning and expert medicinar. Sa it is in our spiritual life as daily experience schawis A christin man or a christin woman eftir Baptyme cummand to the vse of his awin fre will, actually transgres & breikis the commandis of God and sa fallis into ye spiritual sicknes of his saul, quhairof he can nocht get remeid be Baptyme, for it suld nocht be ressauit agane. Thairfore our saluiour Christ nocht wil­ling yat we want conuenient remeid to help vs and restore vs agane to the heale of our saule, he hais ordanit the sacrament of Pennance as ane spiritual medicyne to be geuin to al thame yat ar sick in yair saule be dedlie syn. And for the plaine vnderstan­ding of penance it is to be cōsiderit, quhat differēce thair is betwene the vertew of Pennance and the sacrament of Pennance.

The vertew of Pennance is conuersioun and turning of a mannis hart to God fra all his synnis with ane inwart sorrow, greif, or displesure, The ver­tevv of Pennance with ane hatrent & detestatioun of the same synnis, nocht only because he hes be thame incurrit the indigna­tioun of God and deseruit hel (as Cayn, Achab, & Iudas was sorye, and ȝit yair sorrow was nocht to thame profitabil) bot principally because yat throw his synnis he hes offēdit y e hie maiestie of almychty God his father, quhais cōmand he is oblissit to ob­serue & keip w t lufe & reuerence. Secundly besyde yis inwart sorrow, we mone haue ane gret desire to be clēgit & deliuerit fra our synnis & to get agane y e grace & fauor of god be sir wais & remeidis, quhilk god hes ordanit to be done to get agane his fauor.

[Page]Thridly we mone haue ane stedfast purpose and mynd neuir to o [...]end agane almychty God our he­uinly father. For he that sais that he is sorye for his offensis done agane the maiestie of God, and ȝit stil perseueris or intendis to perseuir in the same, is na penitent persone, bot ane dissimular and scornar of Penance. And thus is Penance cōmonly takin in in the haly scripture. And this Pennance is sa ne­cessarie for mannis saluatioun, that without it, na man that offendis God, can be saiffit and get euir­lasting lyfe, Luce. xiii. according as our saluiour [...]ais: Nisi penitentiā egeritis, peribitis similiter omnes. Excep [...] that ȝe do Pennance, ȝe sall all perische. To this Pennance almychty God callis vs with the wordis of haly scripture in syndry placis. In Ezechiel it is said thus: Ezechi. 18 Conuertimini, et agite penitentiam ab omnibus iniquitatibus vestris, et non erit vobis ī ru­inam iniquitas. Turne to me (sais God almychty) and do Pennance for all ȝour synnis and than all ȝour synnis sal nocht be to ȝow damnabil. Pro [...]icite omnes iniquitates vestras, in quibus preuaricati [...] ­stis, & facite vobis cor nouum et spiritum nouum.

Cast awaye all ȝour iniquitie, quhairin ȝe haue transgressit the cōmand of God, and mak ȝow ane new hart and ane new spreit: Quare moriemini do­mus Israel? quia nolo mortem peccatoris sed magis, vt conuertatur et viuat. Quhy will ȝe dee O ȝe house of Israel? for I wald nocht the dede of a syn­nar, bot rather that he turne agane to me & leif the lyfe of grace in this warld, and in the lyfe of glore in the warld to cum. And our saluiour sais in the [Page Cli] euangil: Non veni vocare iustos, Math. 9. Luce. 5. sed peccatores ad penitentiam. I come nocht to call iust men, bot synnaris to penance. And sanct Paule sais to y e Romanis: Ignoras, quia benignitas dei ad penitē ­tiā te adducit? Kennis thow nocht that the gen­tilnes of God leidis y to pennance? as he mycht say: Quhair God for thi synnis mycht punisch the incontinent, ȝit he spairis the & differris his punitioun to that effect that thow may ken the lang sufferance of God and turne to pennance. And in the Apocalips our saluiour sais to ane certane bischop: Apoca. 2. Memor esto vnde excideris et age penitentiā, & prima opera fac. Remēber fra quhat stait thow art fallin and do pennance, and also do the first werkis agane, as he mycht say, Re­member yat thowart fallin fra the stait of grace and feruent lufe of God, thairfore do pennance and also fulfil the cōmandis of God, and do the deidis of mercy with as feruent lufe as thow was wont to do afore thow fel to syn. Thus O christin man and woman ȝe may see quhow eir­nestly God almychty callis all synnaris to pen­nance in syndry placis of the scripture.

The sacrament of Pennance is properly the absolutioun pronuncit be the preist, Sacramentum peni­tentie. apon sic mē and wemen as ar penitent for yair synnis, & sa makis ane knawlege & schawis thame self to be penitent. This sacrament is the secund tabil or buird quhilk is ordanit to saif al thame that ar schipbrokin eftir Baptyme. To thame y t ar lyk to be drownit in hell for original syn is ordanit [Page] buird of baptym. Bot gif ony christin mā or womā breik the buird of Baptyme, yat is to say breik the promis of faith & obedience maid in baptyme than of necessitie, gif yai wald be saiffit, yai mone cum & entir in to the schip of Pennance. To yis effect our saluiour Iesus Christ gaue to the ministeris of his kirk, y e key of losing, quhē he said to his Apostils, & be thame to al thair successouris, ministeris of haly kirk: Accipite spiritum sanctū, quorum remis [...]ritis peccata▪ Ioan. 20. remittuntur eis. Ressaue ȝe the gift of the haly gaist▪ Quha hes povvar to forgeue synnis in the sacra­ment of Pennance that is to say powar and auctoritie to forgeue synnis, as my ministeris, sa yat quhair I forgeue synnis as god be principal auctoritie, sa I geue powar to ȝow to forgeue synnis as my mini­steris and thairfore I say to ȝow, quhais synnis ȝe forgeue thai ar forgeuin to yame. This powar and auctoritie the preist, as the minister of Christ vsis & exicutis quhen he pronuncis the wordis of absolu­tioun, sayand thus: Ego absoluo te a peccatis tuis, In nomine patris, et [...]ilii, et spiritus sancti. Amen. I assoilȝe the fra thi synnis, In the name of the fa­ther, the sonne, and the haly spreit. Amen.

Quhat thī gis ar re­quirit to the ressa­ning of ye sacramentTo obtene and get the same absolutioun or sa­crament, a mā yat hessynnit, of necessite mone haue Contritioun, Confessioun, and purpose of Satis­factioun, as wais or meanes expedient to get the ef­fect of the forsaid sacrament, yat quhair he hes tur­nit himself fra God in hart, word & deid, sa he suld turne him self agane to God be contritioun of hart, be cōfessioun of the mouth, & satisfactioun of deid. And sa turnand to God, doutles he sall obtene the [Page Clii] effect of this sacrament, quhilk is remissioun of his actual synnis. That God almychty requi­ris of vs contritioun of the hart, & satisfactioun of deid, we may weil vnderstand be his awin wordis, quhilk he sais to vs: Iohel. 2. Conuertimini ad me in toto corde vestro, in ieiunio, fletu, et planctu, et scindite corda vestra, et nō vestimēta vestra, ait dn̄s omnipotens. Turne to me with al ȝour hart, with fasting, greting & murning, and cut ȝour clayis sais the Lord almychty. Quhen yow heiris him say: turne to me with all ȝour hart, with greting and murning, and cut ȝour hartis & nocht ȝour clayis. vnderstand plainly, yat God requiris of the contritioun of the hart. And quhen y u heiris him say, with fasting, ken weil that he requiris satisfactioun of deid, quhairof fasting is a part as we sall declare mair largely eftirhend, & lyk­wise quhow we ar oblissit to confessioun.

It is also to be notit that na man can haue contritioun, mak cōfessioun, & do satisfactioun, Fides. except that he haue a perfite faith to the word of God, quhilk as it is the ground of al vthir ver­tewis, sa is it the foundatioun of the sacrament of Pennance, & also of thir thre thingis requirit afore the sacrament of Pennance, Contritioun, Confessioun, and Satisfactioun. Faith is y [...] ground of the sacra­ment of Pennance Na man can haue trew pennance, bot first he mone haue ane suir hoip to get remissioun & forgeuenes of his synnis. Nother can ony mā haue sure hoip of remissioun except yat first he haue a perfit faith, & beleue stedfastly y t God will be merciful to him.

[Page]Now thairfor O synful mā and woman, quhilk kennis the abhominatioun of all thi synnis, & wald be losit fra thame, ground thi self in the faith & hoip of Goddis mercy. Remember quhat God sais in Ezechiel. Ezechi. 33. Viuo ego dicit dominus deus: Nolo mor­tem impii, sed vt conuertatur impius a via sua, et vi­uat. Als trew as I leif sais the Lord, I will nocht the dede of a wickit man, bot that he be turnit fra his euil wayis and be saiffit. Think alwais quhow our saluiour offerris his mercy to all penitent per­sonis and callis apon thame sayand: Math. 11. Venite ad me omnes, qui laboratis et one [...]ati estis, & ego reficiam vos. Cum to me all ȝe that labouris & ar ladin with the burdin of syn, and I sal refresch ȝow. Ken ȝour synnis and repent thame, cum to me be faith & obe­diens, and I sall haue mercy on ȝow & will refresch ȝow heir with grace and in heuin with glore. Cal to remembrance quhow our saluiour fulfillit yis pro­mis in deid to the theif, quhilk was hingand on his rycht hand, to Marie Magdalene, quhilk was fil­lit with seuin deuillis, to sanct Petir yat denyit him, to sanct Mathew that was ane Publicane. The woman of Cananie cryit for his mercy and gat it. As the prodigal sonne, quhilk departit fra his fa­ther and spendit all his gair in wantones, gloutony and huirdome, eftir that he kennit his miserie, and came agane to his father, kennit his falt, askit mer­cy, maid supplicatioun to him with gret meiknes, he was ressauit agane to gret fauouris, nocht with­out gret ioy and gladnes. Sa O synful man, ken the miserabil slait of syn, quhairin thow hes leiffit [Page Cliii] agane the cōmand of God, as the seruand of syn and condemnit to hel, cum agane to thi heuinly father be trew pennance and prayar, and dout nocht bot that thow sall be ressauit to the mercy of god. Sa ground the self apon siclyck promis and exempils of mercy, and trow sickerly yat for the meritis of Christis bitter passioun, God al­mychty hes promissit and grantit remissioun of synnis to be geuin be ane preist as his minister, to al yame yat ar fallin fra the grace, quhilk yai ressauit in Baptyme, and be his calling turnis agane to God be pennance. And lyk as men of perfite aige afore thai cum to Baptyme, is techit to haue a perfite faith in y e promis of god, quhilk is that all his synnis baith original and actual ar forgeuin to him in Baptyme, sa euerilk man afore he entir to fruitful penance, he mone haue for ane ground and foundatioun, a perfite faith quhairby he mone hoip be the sacrament of pen­nance, to get remissioun of al his synnis, quhair to we cum as isafore said be Contritioun, Con­fessioun, and satisfactioun.

Quhat is contritioun? Of contri­tioun the first part of penāce It is ane sorrow ta­kin wilfully for synnis with ane purpose to be cōfessit and mak satisfactioun. That this diffi­nitioun may be set furth to ȝow mair plainely ȝe sall vnderstand that contritioun is ane inwart gret sorrow, displesure, & greif, quhilk a trew penitent, callit be Goddis grace, hes in his hart for all his synnis. Thairfor thow synful man & woman that wald haue contritioun, first be in­structioun [Page] of gods word examine, discus, serche and rype weil thi conscience, remember thi awin synful & vicious leuing, consider the multitude and grauite of al thi synnis, quhairby thow hes prouokit the hie indignatioun & wraith of God aganis the. Secundly consider the dignitie & perfectioun of that stait, quhairvnto thow was callit in Baptyme, think on the promis quhilk y u maid to thi god, haue mynd of the gret & syndry benefitis daily ressauit of god. Thus O christin man and woman being callit be the preuenand grace, & mouit be the gret gudnes of God done to the on the ane part, and with thi awin ingra­titude and vnkindnes to god on ye vthir part, y u sall consaue ane ernest sorrow & haitful displea­sure in thi hart, for that that thow hes left & for­sakin sa luffing a Lord, that thow hes followit syn, and thairby y u hes crabbit & offendit God, of quhom thow was callit to be in the stait of a son & inheritour with our saluiour Iesꝰ Christ. Say thairfor to him with king Dauid in the Psalme: Psal. [...]. Quoniam iniquitatē meam ego cognosco et peccatū meum contra me est semper. I ken my wickitnes, Psal. 37. & my syn is alwais aganis me. Ini­quitates meae suꝑgresse sūt caput meū, et sicut onus graue grauate sunt super me. My wickitnes hes gane abone my heid, I am drownit in yame, yai hald me downe lyk ane heuy burding. Tak ex­empil of the h [...]ly king Ezechias and say to God with him: Esaie. 38. Recogitabo tibi omnes annos meos in [Page Cliiii] amaritudine anime meae I will cōsider & think of all my ȝeiris, with ane bittirnes of my saule. Heir quhow God cōmandis the to ken thi synnis and the miserabil stait, quhairin yow art. Leua oculos tuos in directū et vide vbi non prostrata sis. Ieremi. 3. Lyft vp thi eyne & luke about the, & see quhair thow art nocht castin doune. Heir quhow he callis the in the same cheptour and offeris his mercy to the, sayand: Tu autem fornicata es cum amatoribus multis, verum­tamen reuertere, et suscipiā te. Thow hes cōmittit spiritual fornicatioun w t mony luffaris, quhilk ar idollis, and also corporal with the flesche, the deuil, and the warld, ȝit turne agane to me & I sal ressaue the. This is the hye way to cum to Contritioun.

The xi. Cheptour.

QVhat is confessioun? Of con­fessioun ye secund part of Pennance It is ane declaratioun of synnis maid before ane preist be the ordi­natioun of God. Quhy is it said in this diffinitioun that confessioun is ane declaratioun? aganis thame, that quhen thai cum to confessioun, other thai hyde yair synnis, or ellis yai excuse yame self, and sa thai mak na trew confessioun. Quhy is it said yat cōfessioun is ane declaratioun of synnis? aganis thame that quhen thai cum to confessioun, thai reherse thair gud deidis, Luce. 18. or ellis thai deny euil deidis, sayand with the Pharisean: I am nocht lyk vthirmen, r [...]uaris, adulteraris, and siclyk, quhilk confessioun is nocht pleasand to God. [Page] Quhy is it said afore ane preist the minister of God be his ordinatioun? Because a preist hes y keis, that is say, the auctoritie of lowsing and binding geuin to him be our saluiour Christ, & sa hes nocht ane lawit man quhilk is nocht ane consecrat preist. And for the declaratioun of yis ȝe sal vnderstand, yat our saluiour Christ in the day of his resurrectioun, said thir wordis to his Apostillis: Ioan. 20. Quorum remiseritis peccata, remittun­tur eis, & quorum retinueritis, retenta sūt. Quhais synnis ȝe forgeue, thai ar forgeuin to yame, and quhais synnis ȝe hald vnforgeuin, thai a [...] vn­forgeuin. In thir wordis our saluiour expresly gaue powar and auctoritie to his Apostillis and al vthir yair successouris in siclyk degre & office to forgeue synnis, & to hald synnis vnforgeuin. Now it is impossibil that ane preist the mini­ster of Christ sall ken, quhen he suld forgeue to men thair synnis, and quhen he suld hald thair synnis vnforgeuin, except yat yair synnis be schawin to him in confessioun. It is playn be the wordis afore said yat a preist the minister of the absolutioun is ordanit to be vnder Christ ane iuge of mannis conscience. And quhow can a iuge discerne ane cause, quhil he ken it? Sa quhow can a preist discerne quhom he suld for­geue and quhom nocht, quhil he heir ane sinnar oppin and reherse his synnis to him? Quhow can a Medicynar discerne quhom he may hail, and quhom he may nocht hail, quhil he ken the seicknes? Gyf thow haue ane wound in thi body [Page Clv] yow can nocht be helpit be ane Cirurginar, quhil yow schaw thi wound to him. Sen it is swa yat our saluiour hais geuin powar to ane lauchful preist, his minister, to bind & lowse synnis, and to forgeue synnis, and hald synnis vnforgeuin, be vertew of the same auctoritie he hes ordanit y t al synnaris penitent, quhilk wald be lowsit fra thair synnis, yat yai sal maik confessioun of yair synnis to ane preist his minister. Quhairfor O christin mā & woman according to the doctrine, ordinatioun and cōmand of god and haly kirk, cum to cōfessioun, seik for ane lauchful minister quhilk may pronunce ye wordis of absolutioun to the and assolȝe the fra thi synnis, and ken yat he occupies the place of god, thairfor bow doune thi self to mak thi cōfessioun to him. And afore y u cum to confessioun, call to thi remembrance all thi synnis, quhilk thi conscience tellis the, that thow hes done agane the gudnes of God. And cummand to confessioun, declare & schaw thame with thi mouth to almychty God before y e preist Gods minister, with all circumstancis of tyme, place, persone and purpose, that may aggrege y e syn, and thair blame, accuse, and condemne thi self for ane vnkind prodigal sonne to God thi father, for ane vntrew seruand, quhilk be the lycht of Gods word, kend the commandis of thi Lord God and kepit thame nocht, and was in­dewit with mony giftis of the haly spreit, and exercit yame nocht. and sa detesting & abhorring thi synnis & desyreand to be quit of thame, con­fesse [Page] & grant meikly, that the cause of the synnis come of thi self, be consenting wilfully to the cō ­cupiscence of the flesche, to the warld & the deuil And yairfor yat thow art glad to submit thi self to sic disciplyne, correctioun and pennance for y e reformatioun of thi lyfe, as the preist y e minister of God, quhilk heiris thi confessioun, sal be his discretioun & wisdome, according to the word of God, think expedient. And this lawly and meik submissioun in thi confessioun, with consent to ressaue y e said discipline & pennance, is ane part of satifactioun, quhilk is ye thrid meane to cum to y e sacrament of Pennance as is afore rehersit.

Of satisfaccioun the thrid part of penāce.Heir ȝe mone vnderstand, that satisfactioun quhilk is heir spokin of, is nocht sa to be takin, y e ane penitēt synnar may worthily merit & deserue remissioun of synnis be ony paine or punissioun to be tholit be him, or to mak to God ony iust & ful recōpence equiualent to y e syn, quhilk he hes cōmittit aganis god, & to mak satisfactioun for our synnis, for on this maner, it is nocht in the powar of man to satisfie, for y e satisfactioun hes only our saluiour Christ wrocht and fulfillit be his bitter passioun, according as S. Paul sais: Qui dedit semetipsum pro nobis, Titum. 2. vt nos redemeret ab omni iniquitate. He hes geuin him self to the dede for vs, to redeme vs fra all our iniquite. That is to say, he hes maid satisfactioun and payit our ransome be his bitter passion, makand ane full mendis for all our synnis. Also sanct [Page Clvi] Iohne sais in his Epistil: 1. Io [...]n 2. Ipse est propiciatio pro peccatis nostris. It is he yat hes maid iust satisfac­tioun for all our synnis. Bot satisfactioun quhilk is callit the thrid part of pennance is di [...]init thus: Est causas peccatorum excindere & earum suggesti­onibus aditum non indulgere. Satisfactioun of pennance is to cut away the occasionis of synne, and to geue na entrance to thair suggestionis. For the declaratioun of this, ȝe sal vnderstand yat eftirhend that our actual syn is forgeuin be faith and the sa­crament of Pennance, thair remanis in vs certane dreggis of syn, that is to say, stif inclinatiouns and motiouns to the same synnis quhilk we did afore. Thairfor that we be nocht ouircum be consenting to the same inclinatiouns and motiouns, we mone studye to please God with ane meik and lawly hart reddy to bring furth the fruitis of pennance, accor­ding to the cōmand of sanct Iohne: Math. 3. Facite dignos fructus penitentie. Do ȝe the worthi fruitis of pen­nance, quhilk ar praying, almous, and fasting, and all vthir meanis that may help to cut away the oc­casiouns of syn, as the minister sal think gud accor­ding to the word of god. Attour, suppoise quhen our actual syn is forgeuin, we ar deliuerit fra the dangear of y e paynis eternal, ȝit we remane oblissit to thole sum temporal payne for our synnis other mair or les, according to y e quātitie & qualitie of our synnis. Yairfor we suld thole patiently al aduersite send to vs be y e hand of God, & also be the coūsale & [...]niunctioun of the preist our confessour for y e tyme, [Page] the minister of God, punis our self in our body be fasting, in our gair be almous deid, in our hart be deuoit & frequent prayar, w t sic greting, lamenting & murning quhilk burstis out of our hart, that thairby we may please God & eschaip his punitioun. And to mak satisfactioun on yis maner we may leir be the wordis of sanct Paul sayand thus: i. Cor. xi. Si nosipsos diiudicaremus, non vti (que) iudicaremur. Gyf we wald punis our selfis, trewly we suld eschaip the punitioun of God. Dum iudicamur autē a dn̄o, corripimur, ne cū hoc mundo damnemur. And quhen we ar punissit of god we ar correckit, that we be nocht condemnit with this warld. The haly king Dauid had his syn forgeuin to him, quhen ye prophet Nathan said to him: 2. Reg. 12 God hais takin thi synne away, nocht­theles efterhend for ye same syn was punissit w t temporal payne be the dede of his ȝoung barne quhom he luffit verrai tenderly. Sa christ [...]n man gather this doctrine in few wordis. Satis­factioun as it is takin in yis place, is to thoil tē ­poral payne for our synnis by gane, and to keip vs fra consenting to syn in tyme to cum, & to do baith thir thingis with praiyng, fasting, and almous deidis, with murning and lamētatioun of our hart. Satisfactioun in this place is to haue a full purpose to leid a new lyfe, doand the counsale of sanct Paule, sayand to y e Romanis: Sicut exhibuistis membra vestra seruire immundi­cie et iniquitati ad iniquitatem, Roma. 6. ita nunc exhibete [...]mbra vestra seruire iusticie in sanctificationem. [Page Clvii] As ȝe haue abusit the membris of ȝour body proced and fra a syn to ane vthir, sa now eftir ȝour conuersioun to God be trew pennance, vse weil and occupie ȝour membris in rychteousnes for ȝour sanctificatioun. As he mycht say plainely, as afore ȝour conuersioun ȝe war hastye, spedie, feruent and diligent to be occupyit in syn, now eftir ȝour conuersioun, be als hastye, als spedye, als feruent, as diligent, to be occupyit in doing of gud deidis to the pleasure of God and ȝour awin saule hail. Also this is a satisfactioun ne­cessarie y t a penitent persone declare to his necht­bour yat he hes forgeuin to him all his offēcis, to restore to all men that we haue iniustly takin or keipis fra ony mā, to recompence al hurtis & iniuryis done be vs to our nychbour, according to our powar, and nocht only to wil to do thus, bot also to do it in deid, in all pointis quhairin our nychtbour aucht to be satisfyit be ony rycht reasone. And be yis it appeiris quhow god este­mis our satisfactioun, bayth to him self and to our nychtbour eftir the will and powar of a mā and nocht eftir the equiuolence of yat quhilk is done. For as we said afore, to god na man can sa satisfie for syn. And Christ thairfor hes satis­fyit for al, be vertew quhairof our satisfactioun is acceptabil and plesand to God, quhilk of his infinite gudnes & for Christis saik is satisfyit, that is to say, plesit with that lytil we do. Sa quhen this contritioun is had in the hart, con­fessioun maid with ye mouth, and satisfactioun [Page] schawin and promissit. Than O christin man and woman thow being penitent may desire to heir of the minister the cō [...]ortabil wordis of remissioun of synnis. And the minister yairapon, according to the euāgil pronounce y e sentēce of absolutioun, sayand: Ego absoluo te a peccatis tuis, In nomine patris, et fil [...]i, et spiritus sancti. Amen. I as the minister of Christ be his auctoritie cōmittit to me at this tyme, assoilȝeis and lowsis the fra thi synnis, in the name of the father and the sonne, & the haly spreit, Amen. Vnto this absolutioun O christin man thow suld geue ferme credence, and beleue sickerly with ane perfite faith y t thi synnis ar now forgeuin to y e frely for the meritis of Christis passioun, quhilk meritis is now applyit to thee be y e sacrament of Pennance.

It is also to be notit that cōfessioun to the preist is in the kirk profitablie commandit, to be vsit and frequentit for mony vthir gud causis, and specially for this cause, yat yai quhilk be custome ar drownit in syn and seis nocht the abhominatioun & perrillis of thair synnis, may be ane gud confessour be steirit and mouit to detest & be sorrowfull for thair synnis be declaring to thame the word of God, writtin in haly scripture to that effect, and also may schaw to thame the comminatioun of paynis aganis all per­seuerand synnaris, and the promis of mercy, grace and glore, quhilk God makis to all thame that ar penitent, and sa exhort thame to reformatioun of thair lyfe.

Fynally it is to be remembrit, that nochtwithstā ­ding this way afore declarit is the ordinarie waie & [Page Clviii] remeid for penitent synnaris to get remissioun of yair synnis & to be recounsalit to the fauour of god. Ȝit in case yat yai want a minister to heir thair con­fessioun & pronunce the wordis of absolutioun, or in tyme of necessitie quhen a synnar hes nocht sufficiēt laser or opportunitie to mak his confessioun & to do the worthi fruitis of pennance, than trewly God wil accept his gud will for y e deid. For gif he trewly repent him of his synfull lyfe, and with all his hart purpose throw godds grace to amend his lyfe, & gif he may get opportunite to mak confessioun and do satisfactioun, he salvndoutitly haue remissioun and forgeuenes of al his synnis. Cyprianꝰ. For as sanct Cypriane sais: Euin in the hour of dede quhen the saule is reddy to depart out of the body ye gret mercifulnes of God dispysis nocht penance, in sa mekil yat than nother the gretnes of synnis, nor the schortnes of tyme, nor the enormitie of lyfe excludis and puttis away a synnar fra y e mercy of God, gif yair be trew contritioun and ane vnfenȝit change of the hart fra synful lyfe. The theif that hang on the cross as­kit mercy with ane contrite hart, and incontinent he was maid ane cietesene of paradyse, and quhair as he had deseruit condemnatioun, his contrite hart w t trew faith in Christ, changit his payn in to martyr­dome, & his blud in to baptyme. That is to say, god of his gret mercy acceptit his dede for his perfite cō tritioun and faith to his saluatioun, as thoch he had bein baptisit. Ȝit nochttheles na man suld apon hoip of mercy, perseuere still in to his synfull lyfe. [Page] Lyk as na mā wald be seik in his body apō hoip to recouir his heale agane be medicyne. For as mony that will nocht forsaik thair synful lyfe, & ȝit thinkis yat god will forgeue yame, ar oft tymes sa preuenit with the iust plage of god, yat nother yai haue tyme to conuert and turne to god, nor grace to ressaue ye gift of forgeuenes. Eccle. 5. Thairfor the scripture sais: Be nocht slawe to conuert and turne to gode, and defar nocht fra day to day. For the wrath of god (yat is to say) y e rychteous iugemēt of god cūmis suddenly, & in tyme of vengeance he wil destroy the. Quhair for hauand hoip of the mercy of god on the ane syde, & feir of the iustice of god on the vthir, lat vs neuir dispair of the forgeuenes of our synnis, nor ȝit pre­sumptuously remane stil in our synnis, kēnand yat the iustice of god will straitly require the dettis of all men, quhilk ar nocht forgeuin throw his mercy offerit in Christ. To quhom be honour and glore with the father and the haly spreit for euir and euir.


☞Of the sacrament of extreme Vnctioun.

The xii. Cheptour.

IN the institutioun of yis haly sacrament we may weil vnderstand the gratious proui­dence of God towart vs, quhilk at al tymes of our lyfe prouidis to vs help & remeid yai we may leif ane spiritual lyfe to his pleasure & sal­uatioun of our saulis. In Baptyme we ar borne agane w t ane spiritual byrth, & maid new creaturis [Page Clix] in Christ Iesu, and begynnis our spiritual lyfe. In Confirmatioun we ar cōfirmit be strenth of the haly spreit to stand sickerly in the same lyfe. In y e Eucharist we ressaue spiritual fude to the sustētatioun of our saulis, and to be incorporat and ioynit to Christ Iesu our heid & king. And quhen we throw tentatioun of our spiritual en­nymyes, with consent of our free will, fallis fra the same spiritual lyfe, be ye sacrament of Pen­nance we ar restorit agane. Now quhat is yair mair to be done to vs, than to be helpit be sum spiritual remeid in ye tyme of our departing fra yis warld? Hovv ex­pedient it vvas till ordane ye sacrament of extreme vnctioun. Than trewly we haue gret mister of help, consolatioun and cōfort to be geuin baith to our body and to our saule. For of al tymes of our lyfe the tyme of our departing is maist per­rillous, because yat the deuil our ennymye (spe­cially at that tyme) gangis about lyk ane ram­ping Lyon seikand quhom he may deuoir and swally, be cōsent to syn. Than is he maist fyerie and crewel to cast aganis vs his fyrie dartis, to sla our saulis be sum transgressioun of the commandis of God. Than is he maist diligent and besye to bring vs fra our faith, to stop our entrance to heuin, kennand that gif he preuale nocht agane vs at the tyme of our departing, that he sall neuir preuale agane vs. Quhairfor that we suld nocht want spiritual help & remeid in tyme of our last seiknes or yat apperandly is lyk to be our last seiknes, our saluiour Christ Iesu hes prouidit for vs y e sacrament of extreme [Page] vnctioun, quhairof we sal schortly declare to ȝow y e institutioun, the ꝓmulgatioun & the vertew, effect & profit of the same. Wald ȝe ken quha ordanit this sacrament? quha bot our saluiour Christ Iesus? as we may gather of y e wordis writtin in the euangil of S. Mark. Marce. 6. That our saluiour Christ or­danit the sacrament of extreme vnctioun. Thair we reid yat our saluiour Christ callit to him his twelf Apostils, & send thame twa & twa togidder throw the land of Iewry, techit thame quhat thai suld say, gaue thame powar, quhilk yai mycht vse in helping of the pepil. Than it is said in the text: Exeuntes predicabāt, vt penitentiā agerēt et demonia multa ei [...]ciebant & vngebant oleo mul­tos aegros, et sanabantur. Thai passit furth & pre­chit to the pepil to do pennance, thai kest out mony deuillis fra men and wemen that was possessit, thai vnctit with oyle mony seik men & wemen, & yai war heilit of yair seiknes. In thir wordis y u hes plainly schawin to the, yat the haly Apostils vsit to vnct seik folk w t oyle & thai war healit. This trewly yai vsit nocht of thair awin presumptioun, bot allanerly be the institutioun, ordinatioun & cōmand of yair Lord and maister our saluiour Iesus Christ. Attour the effect of yair vncting wes nocht only to heile the bo­dyes of thame yat was seik (quhilk commonly was done in the begynning of the kirk for cōfirmatioun of the faith) bot specially & maist principally, it was the help, consolatioun & helth of y e saulis of thame y t was seik, because y e Apostils was nocht ordanit to be corporal Cirurginaris allanerly, bot erar to be pre­chouris & spiritual medicynaris of the saulis. Sa y e ald doctouris of the kirk, siclyk as venerabil Beide [Page Clx] and vtheris exponis yis place of the euangil, decla­rand plainly y t the haly Apostils be ye institutioun, ordinatioun & command of Iesus Christ, begane to vse the sacrament of extreme vnctioun in the lād of Iewry, quhen thai war send to preche the euangil. Nochttheles y e Apostil sanct Iames, set furth & de­clarit the same sacrament in to his epistil, Iacobi. 5. S. Iames sittis forth and declaris this sa­crament. schawand plainly the forme & maner of administratioun of ye same, sayand: Infirmatur quis ex vobis? Inducat presbyteros ecclesie et orent suꝑ eum, vngentes eū oleo in nomine dn̄i, et oratio fidei saluabit infirmū, et alleuiabit eum dn̄s, & si in peccatis sit, remittētur ei. Gyf ony be seik amang ȝow, lat him call for the preistis of the kirk, & lat yame pray ouir him, & vnct him with oyle in the name of our Lord, & the prayar of faith sal saif him that is seik, & our Lord sal com­fort him, & gif he be in synnis, yai sal be forgeuin to him. Heir we haue ane document, yat the vncting, quhair of S. Iames speikis, is ane sacrament, be­cause it hes ane certane forme of wordis, ane sensi­bil & effectuous signe of grace, & also a promis of y e same expresly put. The word of God quhairwith this sacrament is ministerit is signifyit quhen sanct Iames sais, lat yame vnct him in the name of our Lord. Sa the preist yat is minister of yis sacramēt vnctis y e seik persone▪ in the name of the father, and the son, & the haly spreit, beseikand almychty God, yat quhatsaeuir the seik persone hes synnit aganis God be abusioun of ony of his wittis, sensis, or mē ­bris, it may be forgiffin to him be vertew of Christꝭ passioun applyit to y e seik persone be this vncting. [Page] The promis of mercy & grace quhairapon ye word of this sacrament is groundit, is playnely expremit quhen he sais: The prayar of faith sal saif the seik persone, and gif he be in synnis, yai sal be forgeuin to him. quhilk promis w tout dout was maid be our saluiour, & promulgat & set furth be sanct Iames. It is to be thocht, Iaco. 5. yat sanct Iames the Apostil of Iesus Christ wald set furth na thing belangand to our faith and sacramētis by the will and command of Christ. The element or sensibil thing of this sacrament is sanctifyit oyle, quhilk trewly is a con­uenient mattir of this sacrament. For as the doctor Theophilactus sais: Oyle hes a vertew to heile a mā in his body, & to mak him blith in his mind, oyle is the nurischment of lycht. It is profitabil aganis gret labouris of the body, The frutis and effec­tis of this sacrament & mittigatis the ȝaicking of y e mēbris. Al thir propirteis of oyle ar cōuenient to declare y e vertew & effect of yis sacrament. The principal effect of it is remissioun of venial synnis. The secund is spiritual blythnes of our mind, ken­nand that we haue gottin all helpis and remeidis, quhilk ar necessarie & profitabil for the help of our saule aganis all the perrillis that may occur to vs in tyme of our dede, and sa we cōsaue ane singular and constant hoip in the mercy of God, in the spe­cial protectioun & defence of our saluiour, we trow sickerly yat the angels of God sall be assistent and present with vs, to defend vs aganis the powar of all the deuillis of hel. The haly spreit giffis to our saule sa gret consolatioun and confort in God, tha [...] we ar content to thole the paynis of dede paciently, [Page Clxi] and with ane blyth mynd to depart of this warld. The thrid effect of this sacrament, is that God al­mychty (gif he think expedient to vs for the weil of our saule) be ye vertew of yis sacrament, sal deliuir vs fra our bodyly seiknes and restore vs agane to heil, quhilk he dois to mony & syndry seik personis yat ressauis this sacrament. Quhairfor O christin man and woman, I exhort the in Christ Iesu, cō ­temne nocht this haly sacramēt, quhilk thi saluiour hes ordanit as ane instrumēt of saluatioun. Thair for quhen it sall pleise the gudnes of God to call the fra this present warld be ony bodily seiknes, thow persaiffand thi self be al apperance lyke to depart, and chaunge this lyfe, than incontinent follow the counsale of sanct Iames, sent for the preist yat is th [...] curat, require of him deuoitly to minister to the this haly sacrament of extreme vnctioun, that thow may obtene the thre fruitis afore rehersit, Remissioun of of thi venial synnis, ioye and blythnes of thi mynd. And gif it be expedient to the, also heile of thi body.

☞Of the sacrament of Ordour.

The xiii. Cheptour.

AS the haly sacramentis of the new testament ar necessarie to the christin pepil, Of the ne­cessary in­stitutioun of this sa­crament. because that be faith in Christ Iesu, & dew ministratioun and ressauing of thame, the meritis and vertew of Christis passioun is applyit to our saulis, as be spi­ritual cundittis, vessellis and instrumentis of our saluatioun, sa it is necessarie that thair be in the [Page] kirk of God certane men ordanit to be cōuenient mini [...]s of the same sacramentis. For g [...] [...] indifferently [...] ane minister of ye [...], quha [...] wald follow, bot gre [...] [...] mi [...]ordour and confusioun ama [...] christ [...] [...]? Thairfor our saluiour quhilk ( [...] s [...]nct Paule sais) is nocht God of dissentioun, [...]. Cor. 14. bot of peice, and [...]eand the eternal wisdome of God, [...] and ordanis al thingis wish. H [...] [...] ordanit the sacrament of Ordour▪ quhairin spiritual powa [...] is giffin to y e minister of the kirk to minister the sacramentis. And for the declaratioun of this matir ȝe sall note f [...] documentis. First ȝe sal vnderstand ya [...] because our saluiour Christ was to tak away his corpo­ral presence fra the kirk, he ordanit his Apo­stillis to be ministeris of the sacramētis, he ga [...] [...] powar to consecrate and [...]nister his bo­dy and blud, [...] quhen he said to thame: Hoc [...] commemorationem Do [...] thi [...] in my re­m [...]mbrance. He ga [...]e thame powar to [...]inister the sacrament of Pennance quhen he said: Quo [...]um rem [...]seritis peccata remittuntur eis. Ioan. [...]0 Quhais synnis ȝe forgeue thai ar forgeuin to thame. He gaue tham [...] powar to [...] & baptise the pepil quhen he said: Math. 1 [...]. Eu [...]es docete omnes gentes, baptizantes eos in nomine pat is, & [...], et spiritu [...] [...]. Gang and te [...]che all pepil and baptise thame [...] the name of the father and the sonne, & the haly spreit. And so lykwise of all the laif.

[Page Clxii]Secundly▪ that powar and auctoritie, quhilk Christ ga [...]e to his Apostillis was nocht geuin to thame allan [...]ly, bot it was geuin to thame and also to thair succe [...]sou [...]is ministeris of the kirk, to per­seuere be successioun of tyme vnto the [...]de of the warld. Sa sanct Paule declaris plainely writand thus to the Ephesianis: I [...] ip [...]e dedit quo [...]dam quidem Apostolos, quosdam autem Prophetas, Ephe. [...] a­lios vero Euangelistas, alios autem past [...]res et do­ctores, ad consummationem sancto [...]um, in opus mi­nisterii, in edificationem corporis Christi, donec oc­curramus omnes in vnitatem fidei et agnimonis filii dei*. Our saluiour hes geuin sum to be Apostillis, sum to be Prophetis, [...] to be Euangelistis, [...] to be pastouris & doctouris, to the consummatioun and perfectioun of sanctis in the wa [...]k of ministra­tioun, for the edificatioun of the mis [...] bodye of Christ, quhil we all mete to gidder in ane [...]aith and knawlege of the sonne of God. Heir [...]how [...]ets plainly, yat the office of ministratioun mone be had in the kirk sa lang as the kirk hes mis [...]er to be edifyit in the faith & knawlege of the sonne of God. And trewly that sal be to the end of the warld. Quharfor the powar of ministratioun of the sacra­mentis geuin to the Apostillis▪ was to be bad in the kirk quhil the end of the warld. Sa our saluiour said to his Apostillis: Ecce ego vobiscum su [...] vs (que) ad cōsummationem seculi. Math. 28. Behald I am with ȝow quhil the end of the warld.

Thridly, Ordour is ane sacra­ment. ȝe sal vnderstand yat Ordour quhai [...]in powar is geuin to the ministeris of y e kirk may weil [Page] be callit ane sacrament, because it hes lyk vthir sacramētis ane sensibil signe, quhilk is imposi­tioun of hādis. it hes ane special forme of wordꝭ vsit in the sacrament of the same, & also promis of grace to be assistent in the same sacrament, quhilk promis is expremit be S. Paul writand thus to his dicipil Timothe: 1. Timo. 4 Attende tibi et do­ctrine, insta in illis, hoc enim faciens teipsū saluū fa­cies & eos qui te audiunt. Promis of grace an­nexit to Ordour. O my discipil Timothe tak tent to thi self quhow yow suld leif, and also tak tent to thi leirning, quhow thow suld teiche thi pepil, be diligent and perseuerand in thame bayth, and sa doand thow sall saif thi self & also thame that heiris the. [...]. Timo. 4 And agane he sais: Noli negligere gratiam▪ quae est in te, que data est tibi, ꝑ prophetiam cum impositione manuum presbyterii. Negleck nocht the grace or y e gift of god, quhilk is in the, quhilk is geuin to the throw prophecie with the impositioun of the handis of ane preist And agane he said to him: Admoneo te vt resu [...]ci­tes gratiam dei, [...]. Timo. 1 que in te est per impositionem ma­nuum meatum. I warne the yat thow steir vp in thi self the grace of God quhilk is in the, be lay­ing on of my hādis. Also he wrait to his discipil Tytus on y e same maner sayand thus: Huius rei gratia reliqui te Cretae, Ti [...]. i. vt ea que desūt corrigas et constituas per ciuitates presbyteros, sicut et ego disposui tibi. For this cause sais he, I left the at Crete, that thow mycht correck thai thingis yat misteris, and to ordane preistis in citeis as I haue disponit to the.

[Page Clxiii]Heir O christin man, thow may vnderstand twa thingis. The ane, yat the sacrament of Ordour is nocht the inuentioun or traditioun of mā, bot yat it is the ordinatioun of Christ, The ordi­natioun of ministers in the kirk belāgis to bischops. & vsit be his Apostillis. The vthir is, that y e ordinatioun of ministaris in the kirk of god, belangis to the bi­schoppis allanerly, & nocht to the cōmon pepil.

Fourtly ȝe sall vnderstand that because the sacrament of Ordour is ordanit to y e cōuenient dispēsatioun & ministratioun of the sacramētis, and of all y e sacramentis, the haly & blissit sacra­ment of the Altar is maist principal, maist excel­lent and maist precious, thairfor the sacrament of Ordour and namely preistheid is principally institute and ordanit to consecrat the sacrament of the Altar, & to dispens and minister the same conueniently to the christin pepil. Mairouir because the pepil may nocht worthily ressaue the same sacrament except thai be preparit & maid reddy to it, be faith and ane cleine conscience, Ye aucto­rite of ane preist is to minister ye sacramētis thairfor the sacrament of Ordour & preistheid extendis also to the ministratioun of tha sacra­mentis, quhairby remissioun of synnis is geuin as Baptyme and Pennance, or ellis augmenta­tioun of grace, as extreme Vnctioun & Matri­monye, Sa the maist principal & maist excellent ordour is Preistheid, quhilk is powar to conse­crat and minister the sacramētis afore said. And secundly to teiche the pepil the word of God, To prech the vvord of God. sa mekil as it is necessarie to thame to knaw, for thair eternal saluatioun, For as it is writtin: [Page] Labia sacerdotis custodiunt scientiam et legem re­quirent ex ore eius, Malach. 2 quia angelus domini exercitu [...] est. The lippis of a preist keipis science & knaw­lege, & the pepil sal require y e law fra his mouth, for he is the angel, that is to say, the messinger of almychty God the Lord of hostis & armyes. And thridly for to pray for the prosperitie of all christin pepil, & specially of thame, quhilk ar cō ­mittit to thair cuir. In thir thre pointis, yat is, to minister the fiue sacramentis afore rehersit. Baptyme, Pennance, the Eucharist, extreme Vnctioun and Matrimony (as for the ministra­tioun of Confirmatioun & Ordouris it belāgis allanerly to the office of ane bischop, that vnite may be kepit in the kirk of God.) To preche or teche the word of God, als mekil as is necessarie to the common instructioun of the pepil, & also to pray to God daily for the pepil, Thus suld al preistis haffand cuir & charge of saulis, occupye and exerce thame self at all tymes conuenient & necessarie. And suppse the preist leif nocht sa perfitly as he is bound, and also is nocht sa exem­plaire to y e pepil as is requirit to his vocatioun, ȝit the pepil suld nochttheles heir his Mes and ressaue fra him the sacramentis, because yat the vertew and effect of ye sacrament standis nocht in the gudnes and meritis of the minister, bot allanerly in the gudnes and meritis of our sal­uiour Christ, sa y the euil of the minister stoppis nocht the effect of the sacrament.

The fift thing to be notit in this matir is, yat [Page Clxiiii] the powar of ane bischop is to minister certane sacramētis, quhilk the simpil preistis may nocht do, and also powar of iurisdictioun in preeminence and dig­nitie aboue ane simpil preist. To the preist that hes allanerly the sacrament of Ordour, pertenis to mi­nister the word of God, & the sacramentis afore re­hersit, to pray for the pepil, bot to ane bischop per­tenis the same thre effectis specially and principally as successouris of the Apostils. And with that that haue the powar of iurisdictioun, be the auctoritie quhairof thai may excōmunicat and curs al yame y cōmittis greuous dedlie synnis oppinly, & ar callit to iugement & will nocht cum, or gif thai cum, thai will nocht obey the sentence of the iudge of the kirk. siclyk personis lawfully may be excōmunicate, yat is to say, excludit and put out of ye company & com­munioun of faithfull pepil. Quhilk excommunica­tioun is nocht geuin to thame as ane distructioun, Hovv cur­sing vveil vsit is ane medicyn [...] bot as ane medicyne for thair correctioun, that be sic exclusioun, thai beand eschamit for thair falt, & also yat thai ar priuate the participatioun of the meritis of Christ geuin be the sacramētis and also the me­ritis of the kirk, may returne to the obedience of the kirk, & be excōmunicatioun as be ane medicinabil correctioun may amend thair lyffis, and amang the christin pepil leif lyk christin men. This powar of cursing was geuin be our saluiour to y e kirk, quhen he said: Si ecclesiam nō audierit, Math. 18. sit tibi sicut ethni­cus et publicanus. Gyf a mā will nocht be obedient to ye lawful cōmand of y e kirk, yat is to say, of yame that hes auctoritie in the kirk, lat thame be to the [Page] as the Hethin and Publicane, that is to say, la [...] yame be excludit fra y e company of christin pepil and thair haly communioun, euin as Hethins & Publicanis ar. And as the bischope hes powar to curs siclyk mē, sa hes he powar to lowse yame and assolȝe thame, quhen yai ar penitent & obe­dient, according to the wordis of Christ sayand: Quecun (que) ligaueritis. Math. 18. &c. As for vthir ordouris and digniteis of the kirk, we think thame nocht necessarie to be exponit to ȝow, because y e knaw­lege of yame makis nocht mekil to ȝour edifica­tioun.

☞Of the sacrament of Matrimonie.

The xiiii. Cheptour.

MAtrimonye was institute and ordanit be almychty God in Paradise afore y t fal of Adam, to be ane lawfull coniunctioun of man and woman in ane continual & inseperabil fellowschip of lyfe till dede depart thame, accor­ding to the wordis that Adam said: Relinquet homo patrem et matrem et adherebit vxori sue, Gene. 2. e [...] erunt duo in carne vna. The maryit man sall laif his father and his mother, sa that he sall nocht be oblissit to dwell with thame, & he sall adheir and dwel with his wyfe, and thai sal be twa per­sonis in ane flesche, because that thai sall bayth concurre in the generatioun of ane barne.

Four cōue [...]nt cau­sis of the institution of matri­monye. Gene. 2.Matrimony was institute & ordanit for four principal causis. First that it mycht be the first [Page Clxv] coupil or coniunctioun of ane haly, luffand and freindly fellowschip betwene man and woman, The man to rewle, and the woman to be rewlit and obey the man, thairfor God said: Faciamus ei adiutorium simile sibi. Lat vs mak to man ane help, lyk to himself. The secund cause was ge­neratioun & educatioun of barnis to the seruice of God. Thairfor God said: Gene. 1. Crescite et multipli­camini et replete terrā. Grow and be multiplyit and fil the erd. The thrid cause of Matrimo­ny was eftir the fall of Adam, to eschaip the syn of fornicatioun quhen men hes nocht the gift of chastitie, and to vse the plesure of the body in the honestie of mariage. Thairfor sanct Paule sais: Propter fornicationem vnusquis (que) suam vxorē habeat, & vnaque (que) suum virū habeat. i. Cor. 7. To eschaip fornicatioun (quhen men hes nocht the gift of chastitie and hes na lawful impediment) lat ilk mā haue his awin wyfe, and ilk a woman haue hir awin husband. The fourt principal cause of matrimonye was that it mycht be ane figure or takin of y e maist haly & beluffit coniunctioun that was to be betwene Christ to cum and the kirk, quhilk coniunctioun was forsein & preor­dinate of God before the beginning of y e warld, according as sanct Paule sais: Ephe. 1. Qui elegit nos in ipso ante mundi constitutionem. God the eternal father hes chosin vs in Christ Iesu before the beginning of y e warld. And doutles matrimony is ane sacrament, that is to say, ane haly signe or takin of y e same coniunctioun that is betwene [Page] Christ & his kirk. For as be the first institutioun of matrimonie ane husband is ioynit to ane wyfe, with ane band of fellowschip inseparabil till dede depart yame, sa the sonne of God Iesus Christ as ane spi­ritual husband, & the hail vniuersal congregatioun of faithfull men & wemen as ane spiritual wyfe, ar couplit & ioynit togidder w t ane inseperabil bād of faith. Ephe. 5. Thairfor S. Paul sais spek and of y e band of matrimonie. Sacramentum hoc magnū est, ego autē dico in Christo et in ecclesia. Matrimonye is ane gret sacrament, bot I say in Christ and in the kirk. And suppose matrimonye was ordanit to sa strait & inseperabil cōiunctioun of a mā & a woman, ȝit eftir the fal of Adame in the tyme of the law of nature & also writtin, Hovv the perfection of matri­mony vvas degenerat matrimonye fell fra that perfectioun & was degenerat in twa pointis fra y e first institution. For ane mā maryit mony wyffes, & sumtyme a mā haffand displesure at his wife wald geue to hir a li­bel of partising & put hir fra him & lowse ye band of matrimonye. The first of yir twa pointis, quhilk is yat a mā mycht haue syndry wyffis, specially y e haly Patriarchis & kingis, as Abraham, Isaac, Iacob, Dauid, with the laif. It was lauchful be the secret dispensatioun of God, for twa reasonis, the tane is mistik, to be ane figure yat the sonne of God Iesus Christ suld cowpil to him self be the spiritual matri­monye of faith bayth ane congregatioun of Iewis, and also ane congregatioun of Gentillis, to be to him ane halye kirk. The vthir reasone is litteral, that twa mycht multiply the pepil of Israel, quhilk was the chosin pepil of God, amang quhom and of [Page Clxvi] quhom the sonne of God was to be incarnate. And as for the secund point quhilk was partising, Mo­ses tholit it to be vsit, because of the hardnes of yair hartis, for yair was amang thame mony styf neckit proud and malicious men to thair wyffis, and for ane litil displesure was reddye to slay thair wyffis. Thairfor to keip thame fra the gretar syn, quhilk was slaying of thair wyffis, he tholit thame to com­mit the les syn, quhilk was partising w t yair wyffis Bot quhen the tyme of grace was cum, quhairin it plesit the father eternal to restore be his sonne our saluiour thai thingis that was in heuin and erd, he restorit also matrimonye to the perfectioun of the first institutioun. Thairfor he sais: Math. 19. Vovv our saluiour is storit ma­trimonye to the first institution. Qui fecit homi­nem ab initio, masculum et feminam fecit eos deus, et dixit. Propter hoc dimittet homo patrem & ma­trem, et adhaerebit vxori sue, et erunt duo in carne vna. Ita (que) iam nō sūt duo, sed vna caro. Quos igitur deus cōiunxit, homo non separet. He yat maid mā in the beginning, maid yame man and woman, and said: For this cause sall a man laif father and mo­ther, and adheir and cleif to his wife, and thai twa sall be ane flesche. Now ar thai nocht twa than, bot ane flesch. Lat nocht mā yairfor seuir or put syndry that, quhilk God hes couplit togidder. And a litill eftirhend he sais: Moyses ob duritiam cordis vestri permisit vobis dimittere vxores vestras, Math. 1 [...]. ab initio autem non fuit sic. Quamobrem quicun (que) dimiserit vxorem suā, nisi ob fornicationē, et aliā du [...]erit, me­chatur. Moyses because of y e hardnes of ȝour hartꝭ sufferit ȝow to put away ȝour wyffis. Nochttheles [Page] fra y e begynning it was nocht sa. Bot I say to ȝow: quhasaeuir puttis away his wyfe (except it be for fornicatioun) and maryis ane vthir, breikis matri­monye, and quhasaeuir maryis hir yat is deuorsit, cōmittis adultery. Thir wordis of our saluiour ar expounit be his discipil and Apostil sanct Paule, sayand: Iis qui matrimonio iuncti sunt, precipio nō ego, 1. Cor. 7. sed dominus vxorem a viro non discedere, ꝙ si discesserit, manere innuptam, aut viro suo reconci­liari. To thame that ar maryit lawfully, command nocht I bot our Lord, yat the wyfe depart nocht fra hir husband, bot and gifsche depart fra him, lat hir remane vnmaryit with ane vthir man, Tvva sin­gular con­ditiouns of the ma­riage that is amang christin men and vvemen. [...]. Cor. 7. or ellis to be recounselit agane to hir awin husband. Of thir auctoriteis quhilk we haue alledgit to ȝow of our saluiour & sanct Paule, we may gaddir twa singu­lar conditiouns of that mariage, quhilk is amang christin men. The ane is, that matrimonye is alla­nerly betwene twa personis, that is say, a man and a woman, sa yat it is nocht lawful for a man to haue may wyffis than ane at anis: Erunt duo in carn [...] vna. Thai sall be twa personis in a flesche, quhilk may be cōfirmit be the wordis of sanct Paule: Mu­lier potestatem corporis sui nō habet, sed vir, simi­liter et vir potestatem corporis sui non habet, sed mulier. The woman hes nocht powar of hir bodye, bot hir husband, and lykwise the man hes noch [...] powar of his body, bot the woman hes it. Sa it fol­lowis yat the man can nocht geue the powar of his body, to may than ane. And quhē our saluiour said Quhasaeuir puttis away his wife (except for forni­catioun) [Page Clxvii] and maryis ane vthir, he cōmittis ad­ulterie, he teichis plainly, that a man may nocht haue twa wyffis. For and gif it war lawfull to haue twa wyffis at anis, that mā cōmittit nocht adultery in mariage of ane vthir, his first beand alyue. Now our saluiour sais plainly, yat quhē he maryis ane vthir, sche beand alyue, he com­mittis adultery. The secund cōditioun, is yat the band of matrimonie anis lauchfully cōtrac­kit, may nocht be dissoluit and lowsit agane be ony diuorcement or partising, bot allanerly it is lowsit be the dede of the ane of thame, for trewly the partising & deuorsing, quhilk our saluiour sais may be done for fornicatioun, suld be vn­derstād allanerly of partising fra bed & borde, & nocht fra y e band of matrimony, as it is plain be the wordis of S. Paule, quhilk sais, Lat hir be recounsalit agane to hir husband. And in the meane tyme quhasaeuir maryis hir, he cōmittis adultery. It is to be notit also, that for the same twa singular conditiouns afore rehersit, matri­monye may weil be callit a sacrament, That is to say, a takin or signe of ane haly thing, quhilk is coniunctioun of haly kirk with Christ Iesu. For as in matrimonye ane mā hes bot ane wyfe with quhom he suld remane without ony parti­sing, sa Christ Iesus hes cowplit to him self ye vniuersal kirk of christin men and wemen as ane spiritual wyfe, and will neuir parte fra hir, bot will be ioynit with hir euir, heir be grace and in heuin be glore. Mairouir a sacrament is [Page] callit a sensibil & [...] of mu [...]hil grace, quhilk is geuin to thame thar worthily r [...]ssau [...]s the same sacrament. Now it can nocht be denyit [...] yat grace is geuin in the sacrament of Matrimonye to yame y t a [...] lawfully maryit togidder, be [...] of y quhilk grace thai may ke [...]p the band maid b [...] thame. that thai may l [...] ane and vthir as Christ luffit the kirk, yat thai may with diligence bring vp yair barnis to the seruice of God, yat yai may thole paciently all molestatiouns and tribulatioun of the warld▪ quhilk [...] chancis to maryit personis, that thai may tho [...]e ane ane vthir, and ane [...] ane vtheris imperfectioun. All yir thingis can no [...]ht be had without the grace of God, quhilk is geuin in ye sacrament of matrimonye as it apperis plainely be the wordis of our saluiour, sayand: Quos Deus coniunxit homo non separer. Thai quhom God hes ioynit in mariage togydder, lat na man seuir. And how can thai want the grace of God, quhom God ioynis togidder, gif thai keip thair mariage con­forme to the law of God? Mairouir, as in ilk ane sacrament thair is ane sensibil matir, & ane certane forme of wordis groundit apon sum special promis of God sa thair is in the sacrament of matrimony, The sensibil matir is the man & the woman quhilk ar faithful personis able to contract mariage. Ye sensibil signe of mariage. Ye forme of vvordis vsit to the cōtract of mariage. The forme of wordis is that, quhairby the ane giffis to the vthir powar of thair bodye exprement thair cō ­sent to y e same be wordis of ye present tyme. Quhen the man sais to the woman, I tak the to my weddit wyfe, & the woman sais to the man, I tak the to my [Page Clxviii] maryit husbād, baith of yame ending yir wordis be m [...]ations of God, sayand: [...]n ye name of the fa­ther▪ & the sonne, & the haly spreit. This cōsent in to carnal copula [...] expremit be y e wordis of ye pre­sent tyme, is ye cause of matrimony. And eftir y e cō ­sent, quhen yai cō [...]me togidder in carnal deid, ma­riage is consūma [...] & endit. The pro­mis of grace an­nexit to mariage. i. Timo. [...]. The promis of God an­nexit to yis [...] may be ga [...] [...] wordis of S. Paule, quhilk he w [...]itis to Timothe on this maner. spe [...] and of y e woman: Salu [...] generationem, si permanserit in fide, et dilectione, et [...]ficatione, [...] sobrietate. S [...]he [...]al be saffit be generation of barnis, gif sche p [...]seueris in fa [...]th and [...] & sāctificatioun w t sobernes. And na dout bot y e same promis is maid to the mā, because he cō cu [...]is w t the woman to y e generatioun of barnis be the institutioun & ordinatioun of god. Quhat is y e vertew or ꝓpir effect of matrimony? The frutis or effectis of mariage S. Augustine sais yat yair is thre gret g [...]dis of matrimony▪ The fir [...]t is ane sacrament, be ye quhilk we vnderstād y the hand of matrimonye suld nocht be lowsit be ony ma [...]er of wyse til dede of y e ane parte lowse it▪ as we declarit to ȝow afore. The secund is fidelite or faithfulnes quhairby we vnderstād yat maryit personis suld keip yair promis faithfully ane to ane vthir, sa yat ye mā suld nocht haue carnal deid w t ony vthir woman sa lang as his lawful wyfe leiffis, and lyk­wise the woman suld nocht haue carnal deid w t ony vthir man▪ sa lang as hir lawful husband leiffis. The thrid is barnis, & be this we vnderst [...]d yat gif God send yame barnis, y t yai [...]uld bring yame vp in [Page] nurture and vertew, that thai may be seruādis to God. And this is the principal end & cause of matrimony. And to kē gif a maryit mā may syn with his wyfe, ȝe sall note four pointis. First that quhen maryit personis conuenis to gidder intend and to bring furth barnis to the seruice of god, nocht only thai syn nocht bot yai haue me­rit & pleise God in sa doing. Secundly, quhen a maryit man hes carnal deid with his wyfe in­tend and allanerly to keip hir fra fornicatioun & adultery, requirit to do the same be hir, lykwise he synnis nocht, bot dois ane deid of iustice and rychteousnes. Thridly, quhen ane maryit mā hes carnal deid with his wyfe, nocht intend and procreatioun of barnis, nother eschewing forni­catioun of his wyfe, bot mouit with y e fragilitie of his nature, intend and to keip him self fra fornicatioun, lykwyse he synnis nocht.

Hovv ane maryit mā may synne vvith his vvyfe.Fourtly, quhen he kennis his wyfe carnally, nocht intend and procreatioun of barnis, nor e­schewing of fornicatioun of his wyfe or of him self, bot intend and principally to fulfill the lust of his body, and thairin puttis his fe­licitie, he synnis greuously. Thairfor lat thame abstene for a tyme (eftir sanct Paulis counsale) to pray, [...]. Cor. 7. and to ressaue Christis body. To quhom be all honour. Amen.

☞Of the maner how christin men and wemen suld mak thair prayer to God.

The first Cheptour.

ANte orationem prepara animā tuam. Eccle. [...]. The wisman giffis the counsale, O christin man and woman, to prepare thi mynd afore thi prayer. That is to say, afore thow begyn to mak thi prayer, tak gud tent that thow mak it w t sic ane myd, that it may be acceptabil to God, & hard of him. Thairfor yow sal vnderstand, y t thair is thre vertewis, quhairwith y u suld prepare thi mynd afore thi prayer. The first is faith. Praer suld be maide vvith ane tr [...]v faith. The secund is hoip. The thrid is cherite. First y t thi prayer may be plesand to God and hard with him, mak it with ane trew faith. For sen prayer is no [...]ht ellis bot lyfting vp of yt hart to god, & to ask fra him all thingis, quhilk becūmis y e to ask, quhow can y u pray gif thow want faith? quhow can yow lyft vp thi mynd to god w tout faith? Roma. 10 Faith te­chis tvva thingis [...] ­cessarie [...] be [...]ade [...] making of our pra [...] according as Sanct Paule sayis: Quomodo inuocabunt, in quem nō crediderunt? ☞Quhow can men mak inuocatioun and prayer to God, in quhom thai haue na beleif? Veraily it can nocht be. Thi faith O christin man teichis the twa thyngis.

The ane is to ken thi awin pouertie, thi [Page] awin myserabyll stait, Be [...]e licht of our faith vve sulde knavv our avvin gret miserie & pouertye. Esay. 40. quhairin thow standis baith in body and saule. Thy faith techis the on the vther part, the hie Maiestie of GOD, his almychty powar and gud wyll towart the. Quhairfor O christin mā afore y e begyn to mak thy prayar, prepair thy mynd with faith, consyddir ye gret myster, quhilk yov hes of y u helpe of GOD. Set afor thy eine al thy infirmiteis, Remembir that thow art erd, and to y u erd yow sall gang. Consyddir that all men ar lyke vnto the grene girss, and al the glore of mā is lyke to y e flour that growis amang ye gyrss, as sayis the Propheit Esaye. Quhair to aggreis Kyng Dauid sayand in the Psalme: Man is maid lyke vnto vanite, & his dayis passis away lyke the s [...]haddow. Psal. 143. Haue mynde quhow thow was consauit & borne in syn, cal to thy remembrance, quhow oftymes thov hes brok in, the haly promeis maid in thy Baptym, be transgressi­oun of ye cōmandis of GOD. Thow beris daily a­bout w t ye, thy ennimie, y e ꝯcupiscence of thy flesche euirmair repugnant aganis thy spreit & tys [...]and ye to syn. The Deuyll neuir restis, bot gangis about lyke ane rampand Lyone, seikand quhom he maye deuore be dayly temptatioun. Consyddir thairfore, afore yi prayar, al yi Imꝑfections, al thy vnclene­nes all thy miserabyll estait quhairin thow standis dayly. Be ye l [...]cht of our faith vve sulde behauld & [...] ye gret gudnes of go [...]d to­ [...] vv [...]. And than lyft vp thy mynd agane to GOD, & be yi faith, behald & se the gret gudnes of god to­wart the, quhilk standis in thir thre special poyntis

❧First he hes gyffin cōmand to the, and biddis the pray to hym for grace, helpe, and succoure.

[Page Clxx]Secundlie, he hes promissit to heir thy prayar & to grant to the his grace, helpe, & singulare ꝓtec­tioun, in all thy per [...]ells. Thridlie, Math. 7. Luc. xi. he hes lernit the quhow thow sulde praye, & quhat thow suld say to hym. Ask sayis he, & it sal be gyffin to ȝov seik & ȝe sall fynd, knock, & it sal be openit to ȝow Gyff carnell fathers (quha is euyll) gyff thaire sonnis gude gyftis, Roma. 8. mekle mair ȝour Heuinlie father sall geue the gude Spreit to thame that askis hym. We wate nocht quhov we suld pray bot y e spreit helpis our waiknes, & prayis for vs with vntellabyl sychis, nocht sa vnderstāding y t ye haly spreit prayis for ws, because he is GOD, bot that he inspyris & mouis oure hartis be his grace, & makis ws abyll to pray. Ioan xiiii. He garris ws pray, in the name of Christ, of quhome we haue ane promis to be hard, quhē we aske ony thing in his name. Heir his promeis, gyff ȝe aske the fader ony thing in my name, he sal gyf it to ȝov, (that is to say) quhen saeuer ȝe aske ony thyng y t belangis to ȝoure eternall saluatioun, my Fa­ther sall gyff it to ȝow. Heir thow may se, that GOD is mair [...]ollyst for ws thane we ar our self, for he prouokis ws to ask, and biddis ws aske, he is reddear to geue, thane we ar to resaue, because that he hes promeisit to heir ws quhen sa euer we ask throw faith. Ȝe as sancte Paule sayis, he may & wyl do aboue the thing y t we think or vnderstand.

[Page] Ephe. 3. Hope the secund vertev of pra­yer he [...]i. proꝑte [...]. Marce. 11. Sycker cō fiden [...] ī ve h [...]lpe off god ꝓmis­sid to vvs. Luc. xi.The secund vertew requirit to the preparatioun of the mynd afore thi prayer is hoip, quhilk suld haue [...]a properteis. ¶First thow sulde put [...] dout, bot yat God will fulfil his promis maid to the in special, quhilk is this: Omnia que cun (que) orātes petitis, credite quia accipietis. I say to ȝow sais Christ, al thingis quhatsumeuir ȝe ask in ȝour prayer, trow yat ȝe sall get thame, and that sail cū to ȝow. And to put vs out of all dout, he gyffis ane similitude, quhilk is abil to bring all men out of disperatioun. Gyf ony of ȝow askis his father breid will he geue to him a stan [...]? Or gif he ask fysche at his father, wil his father geue to him a serpent? or gif he ask at his father ane egge, will his father geue to him ane Scorpioun? Gyf thairfor ȝe be and euil, hes the wit to geue to ȝour sonnes thai thingis that ar gud, mekil mair ȝour heuinly father quhilk is gud of his awin nature and allanerly gud sall geue his gud spreit to yame yat askis him. And of this we suld nocht dout, Iacobi. 1. according as sanct Iames sais: Postulet autem in fide nihil hesitan [...]. Lat him that wantis wisdome, ask it of God w t ane sui [...] confidence to get it, and lat him nocht dout of it, [...]ot that God baith may & will grant it to him, for he that doutis, is lyk to a wall of the see, Pa [...]iens & lang suffe­rance, cō ­ [...] [...]tād to god, baith quhilk is mouit & dreuin about with the wynd, Lat nocht sic a mā think to get ony thing fra god. The secūd ꝓpertie of hoip, quhilk we suld haue in our prayar, is ꝑseuerance & paciēce, to await paciently with lang sufferance quhil [Page Clxxi] God heir our prayar. We suld nocht prescriue to God ony special tyme to heir our prayer, bot pa [...]iently commit all to God baith the maner of our helping and the tyme, according as the Prophet commandis in the Psalme, sayand: Psal. 26▪ Expecta dominum, viriliter age, cōfortetur cor tuum, et sustine dominum. Wait apon our Lord, do all thi deidis stoutly, lat thi hart be of gud comfort and thole our Lord to wyrk all thingis to his pleisure. Ane notabil exempil of this we haue in the historye of Iudith, Iudith. 8▪ quhen yat haly womā vnderstud that Ozeas the cheif prince or rewlar had promissit to geue ouir y e citie, callit Bethu­lia, to the Assyrianis, gif god had send thame na help within v. dais, sche repreffit yame scharply sayand: quhat maner of men ar ȝe tha [...] sēpis our Lord God? This word, quhilk ȝe haue [...] is nocht ane word to prouoik the mercy of God to vs, bot to steir his vengeance aganis vs. Haue ȝe set ane tyme of our lordis mercy, and assignit ane day at ȝour will? And eftirhend sche gaue to thame hir counsale and said. Lat vs humil & mak our saulis meik & stand in ane lawly spreit, lat vs serue him & say to him that we ar content that he schaw his mercy apon vs according to his awin will, & thairfor will meikly abyde and await apon his consolatiouns. To this effect pertenis all the placis of halye scripture, quhilk biddis vs pray with continuance. i. Tessa. 5. Sanct Paul sais: Sine intermissione orate. Pray without ces­sing, that is to say, at all tymes conuenient. [Page] And in ane vthir place he sais: Collos. 4. Orationi instate, vigilantes in ea, in gratiarū actione. Continew in prayer, and walk in the same with geuing of thākis. Iaco. 5. And sanct Iames sais: M [...]ltum valet de­precatio iusti assidua. The cōtinual prayar of ane iust man is of gret strenth or powar. And he cō ­fermis his saying with ane exempil, sayand: He­lias was ane mortall man lyk to vs, & maid his prayer, that it mycht nocht rayne apon the erd, & sa it raynit nocht, thre ȝeiris and s [...]x monethis. And agane he maid his prayer to God, and the heuin gaue raine, and the erd gaue frute.

Charite is the thrid vertevv requirit to be had in makīg our prayar.The thrid vertew, quhilk preparis our mynd to deuoit prayer is cheritie, to lufe God aboue all thingis and our nychtbour as our self. Of the first y e prophet sais in the Psalme: Delectare in domino, et dabit tibi petitiones cordis tui. Haue plesure and delectatioun in our Lord, and he sall geue to the, the petitiouns of thi hart. Thairfor afore thow mak thi prayer, als mekil as thow may, Hovv vve may in our prayar kindil our [...]artis in [...]he l [...]f [...] of God. kindil thi prayer with the lufe of God. And think quhat God hes done for the i [...] thi creatioun, makand the to his awin ymage & lyknes. And quhair he mycht haue maid ye ane brutel beist, he hes maid the ane reasonabil crea­ture. He preseruis and keipis the. He hes geuin command to his angellis to gyde the fra all pe­rellis. His will is, that all the heuins and four elementis mak the seruice. He giffis the meit, drink, and claith & harbory, cattel, geir, & corne, and al gud yat thow hes. Besyde al this, quhē y [Page Clxxii] was perissit & cōdemnit to hel, & maid bond seruād to the deuil, haldin in y e captiuitie of syn, he send his awin natural son to be incarnat for thi saik, he spa­rit him nocht, bot for thi synnis deliuerit him to the dede, quhilk willingly, obediently, luffingly & innocently tholit dede, payit thi ransome, redemit the fra syn, the deuil, & hel, hes weschit thi saule fra all thi synnis, hes recoūsalit the agane to y e eternal father, hes lowsit the fra y e maledictioun of the law, hes de­liuerit the fra the dangear & perrel of hel, & hes con­quest to y e be his meritis, the kingdome of heuin, gif yow beleue in him w t ane leiffand faith y e wyrkis be cherite. Gif y u wald, O christin man think on yir be­nefitis of God, quhilk he hes done for the, & also re­member quhat he hes promisit to the in y e kingdom of heuin, y u wald sone haue pleisure in God, & sa he wald geue to the, y e petitiouns of thi hart. And gif y u wald be ardent in the lufe of thi nychtbour, consider how lyk he is ye and y u to him in al pointis of nature and grace, ȝe ar baith creat & maid of ane god, ȝe ar baith mortal men & barnis to Adame, ȝe dwel baith in ane house, quhilk is this presēt warld, ȝe ar baith redemit w t ane blud of the sonne of God, leiff and in ane faith, regenerat w t ane baptyme, ȝe stand baith in ane hoip, ȝe ar baith mēbris of ane mistik body of Christ. God cōmandis the to lufe him as thi self, & to forgeue him al his offēsis as y u wald be forgeuin of God. Quhilk & thow do nocht, y u prayis earar a­gane thi self, than for thi self. Thairfor sais Christ: Cū stabitis ad orandū, dimittite, si quid habetis ad [...]ersus aliquem, vt & pater vester qui in coelis est, Marce. xi. di­mittat [Page] vobis peccata vestra, quod si vos nō dimise [...]itis, nec pater vester, qui in coelis est, dimittet vobis peccata vestra. Quha sa forgi [...]fis nocht to yair nych­bour all offensis sal nocht be hard of god in yair prayaris. Quhen ȝe stand to pray, see yat ȝe forgeue to ȝour nychtbouris al offēcis y t ȝe haue to [...]ay to thair charge, that lykwise ȝour heuinly father may forgeue to ȝow all ȝour synnis, bot & gif ȝe will nocht forgeue to ȝour nychtbour his synnis, yan ȝour father yat is in heuin sal nocht forgeue to ȝow ȝour synnis. Heir thir wordis O thow vnmerciful man, O thow yreful & ma­licious and enuious man & woman, quhilk wil nocht forgeue with thi hart to thi nychtbour all his offencis done agane the, thow hes hard heir thi awin iugement, the quhilk is this. Sa lang as thow will nocht forgeue to thi nychtbour all his synnis done aganis the, sa lang sall thow neuir haue thi synnis forgeuin to the of God. Mairouir sayand thi Pater noster, thow askis vengeance aganis thi self. Thairfor gyf thow wald mak thi prayar faithfully, forgeue to him as thow wald be forgeuin of God.

The secund Cheptour.

Hovv the prayar of obstinit synnaris is nocht hard of God. Prouer. 2.FOr the playner knawlege of this matir of prayar, we will propone certane questions First, is y e prayar of a synnar hard of god? Answeir. Thair is twa kindis of synnaris. Sū ar obstinate, quhilk hes na detestatioun of yair synne nor na affectioun to vertew and gud lyfe, bot hes ferme purpose to perseuere in yair syn, of quhom the wisman sais in the Prouerbis: [Page Clxxiii] Letantur, cum malefecerint, et exultāt in rebus pes­simis. Thai ar blyth quhen yai do euil, & reioy­sis in wickit thingis. Siclyk synnaris is nocht hard of God, as the blind man said: Scimus quia deus peccatores non audit. Ioan. [...]. We knaw that God heiris nocht synnaris, quhais word is to be vn­derstand of obstinat and perseuerant synnaris. And gif thow refuse ye wordis of yat blind mā, heir quhat God him self sais of synnaris: Esaie. i. Cum multiplicaueritis orationem non exaudiam, manus enim vestre sanguine plenae sunt. Quhen ȝe sal multiplye ȝour prayaris, I sall nocht hei [...] ȝow, be­cause ȝour handis is full of blud, that is to say, ȝour warkis ar full of syn and purpos of synne. Hovv the prayar of ye penitē [...] synnaris [...] hard of God. Thair is vthir synnaris quhilk kennand be the law thair synnis, the vncleinnes, perrel & dam­natioun of the same, begynnis to haue displea­sure of thair synnis, begynnis to feir God, to hoip in his mercye, to desyre his grace with ane humil and contrit hart, makis inuocatioun and prayar to god for grace, sic ane synnar is hard of God. Exempil of the Publicane, quhilk said: Luce. 18. O God haue mercye on me a synnar, quhais prayar was hard, & ȝeid hayme iustifyit to his house. Gang thow and do siclyk, O synful mā. Yat fastīg & almou [...] deidis di­sponis a man to deuoi [...] prayar. Tobi. xii.

Secundly, quhat ar the gud deidis quhilk steiris vs to feruent deuotioun & prayar? An­sweir. Fasting and almous, gif that be done in faith and cheritie. Prayar is gud sais the ang [...]l to Tobias, w t fasting and almous, & mair pro­fitabil than to laye vp gold in tresure. Quhow [Page] can a man lift vp his mynd to god in prayer, quhen his wayme is full of meit and drink? Thairfor our saluiour commandit vs to walk in our prayaris, sayand: Viglate ita (que) omni tēpore orantes vt digni habeamini fugere ista omnia, Luce. 21. que futura sunt, et stare ante filiū hominis. Walk thairfor prayand all tyme that ȝe eschaip all the perrellis to cum, & stand saifly afore the sonne of man. Now it is nocht possi­bil yat a mā may walk in prayer, bot gif he vse sum tyme fasting, [...]. Ioan. iii. or at the leist gret temperance. And that almous is necessary to deuot prayer it is mani­fest be the wordis of S. Iohne y e euāgelist, sayand thus: He that hes the substance of this warld & seis his brother haue necessitie or mister, and closis his hart fra him, quhow can y e lufe of god dwel in him? Quhow can thow thairfor O man crye to God lor mercy, quhilk will nocht haue mercy on thi nycht­bour that cryis to the for help? or quhom thow seis haue mister of help?

The thrid questioun. Aucht we to mak lang prayeris to God? Answeir. Ȝe trewly, according as our saluiour sais: Oportet semper orare, et non de­ficere. Luce. 18. Ȝe man alwais pray and nocht cease. To ye same agreis S. Paule, 1. Tessa. 5. sayand: Sine intermissione orate Pray continually and cease nocht. This cō ­tinual prayer quhilk we suld alwayis mak to God, standis nocht in mony wordis, for sa it war impossi­bil for vs to pray alwais cōtinually and ceise nocht. Bot it is to haue alwais and continually ane gud mynd to God, Hovv vve may mak to god lāg prayeris. a feruent desyre of his mercy, ane ardent lufe to him, doand and referrand al our gud deidis to his glore. Sa doand we pray alwais and [Page Clxxiiii] ceissis nocht fra prayer. Thow may speir agane a [...] me. May we pray lang prayeris in wordis? Ȝe trewly, gif we speik yame with the faith of our hart, and deuotioun of our mynd. Math. 6. And quhen our salui­our in the euangil sais: Quhen ȝe pray speik nocht mony wordis. He e [...]ponis him self, sayand: as the Gentillis dois, for yai trow to be hard in yair mony wordis without faith and deuotioun of thair mynd, trowand be multiplicatioun of wordis, to declare to God yair mister, & to moue him to heir yair prayers as thocht God misk [...]nd our misters. Thairfor sais he, be ȝe nocht lyk to thame, for ȝour heuinly father kēnis quhat ȝe mister afore ȝe pray to him. Quhair­for O christin man & woman, I exhort ȝow to pray to god with faith hoip and cheritie, and nocht with ȝour mouth allanerly as hypocritis dois, bot pray with hart and mouth baith. Pray in all placis, bot specially in the kirk, because it is y e house of prayer, Pray at all tymes, bot specially apon the sundayis and vthir halydayis (as we declarit to ȝow in the thrid command). And sa sall ȝe obtene ȝour eternal saluatioun according to the promis of god, sayand: Omnis qui inuocauerit nomen domini, saluus erit. Iohelis. 2 All thai that makis inuocatioun to the name of the Lord, sall be saiffit.

Amang al the prayers quhilk a christin mā may say to god, yair is nane sa worthi & sa excellēt, Of the preeminence and excel­lent digni­tie of the pate [...]r. as is the prayer callit the Pater noster. For it was nocht compilit and geuin to vs be ane Angel of heuin, or a pure man in eird, bot it was compylit and geuin to vs to say be the natural sōne of god our saluiour Iesus Christ, quhilk is y e eternal wisdome of god. [Page] This prayar is cōpendious and schort, to yat effect yat it may be easely leirit, bettir had in remēbrance, that nane excuse thame of ignorance, that it may be said ofttymes without ony irksumnes. Also to de­clair yat y e vertew of prayaris standis nocht in mul­tiplication of mony wordis, bot in ye deuotioun of y e mynd. And suppose yis prayar is schort in wordis, ȝit it is exceding lang and profound in sentēce. For in seuin peticiouns it contenis al thingis, quhilk we desyre fra god, for ye weil baith of our saule & body, baith in this lyfe & in the lyfe to cum. And with yat it keipis the same ordour, quhilk we aucht to keip in all our desyris and peticiouns. For first & aboue all vthir thingis, we suld desyre yat god be knawin, honourit, glorifyit, and magnifyit of vs & of all the pepil of the warld. And yat we desyre at god in the first peticioun, sayand: Sanctificetur nomen tu [...]m. Lat thi name be sanctifyit and haddin haly. In the thre petitiouns that followis, we desyre at [...] to geue to vs all gud. First eternal, quhilk is [...] hyest and maist excellent, sayand: Aduenia [...] regnū tuū. Lat thi kingdome cum to vs. Secund, to geue vs gudis spiritual, quhilk is grace and obedience to the will of god, sayand: Fiat volun [...]as tua, [...]icut in coelo et in terra. Thi will be fulfillit in the eird as it is in heuin. Thridly, to geue vs gudis temporall for our dayly sustētatioun, sayand: Panem nostrum quotidianum da nobis hodie. Geue vs yis day our dayly breid. In the thre last petitiouns we desyre at god to deliuir vs fra all euil. First fra synne and eternal dede quhilk is the reward of synne, sayand: [Page Clxxv] Dimitte nobis debita nostra, sicut et nos dimittim [...] debitoribus nost [...]s. Forgeue vs our dettis and trespassis, as we forgeue to yame yat trespassis aganis vs. Secundly, fra paynis spiritual, quhilk is to be ouircum in tentatioun, sayand: Et ne nos induca [...] intentationem. Leid vs nocht into tentatioun. La [...]t of all we desyre God to de­liuir vs fra paynis temporal, sayand: Sed libera nos amalo. Bot deliuir vs fra euil. Amen Tha [...] sa be it we pray the. Breifly, this prayar of our Lord is sa profound, sa aboundant, and sa plen­teous in sentence, that thair is na prayer maid be man, quhidder it be writtin in the auld testa­ment or the new, bot the soume and the effect of that prayer is contenit and askit in ane of yir seuin petitiouns. Quhairfor O christin man & weman say thi Pater noster to God oft tymes, distinctlie & deuoitly, and dout nocht bot quhen yow sais yis prayer, in effect yow sais all gud prayeris. Nochttheles all vthir prayers set out at mair lenth to the same effect is cōmendabil and louabil, as declaratioun of the same.



PATER Noster qui es in coelis, sanctifie [...] tur nomen tuum. Adueni [...]t regnum tuū Fiat voluntas tua, sicut in coelo & ī ter­ra. Panem nostrum quotidianum, da nobis hodie. Et dimitte nobis debita nostra, sicut et nos dimittimus debitoribꝰ nostris. Et ne nos indu­cas in tentationem. Sed libera nos a malo. Amen.

THE Same prayer of our LORD In Inglis.

OOVR Father, quhilk is in Heuinnis. Thy name mot be hallowit. Thy kyngdome mot cum. Thy wyll mot be done in erd, as it is in heuin. Geue ws this day, our daylie breid. And forgyff ws our det­tis, as we forgyfe our dettourꝭ. And lede ws nocht in temptatioun. Bot delyuer ws fra euyl. Sa be it.

The thrid Cheptour.

Sen Christ has leirit vvs to call god fader vve sulde praye to hym vvith gret confi­dens. PATER noster, qui es in coelis. O our Fa­ther quhilk is in he­uin. We can nocht O christin peple compre­hend in our mynd, the gret gudnes of God towart vs, quhilk hes leirit ws, in the begin­nyng of our prayar to call God our Father sayand: O our father God. This was nocht vsit to [Page Clxxvi] be done in tyme of the auld testament, for cōmonlie thay leuit vnder the bondaige of the law as seruan­dis, & sa durste nocht cal God yair father bot Lord, quhilk is ane name of gret maiestie & powar, bot he hes lerit ws to call God our father, quhilk is a na­me of beneuolence, mercy, gentylnes, and lufe. Gyff that haly Patriarche Abraham, quhilk was callit ye freind of god, quhē he maid his prayar callit god his LORD, Sayand: sall I speik to my Lorde, Gen xv [...] sen I am bot dust & a [...]se? Mekle mair, we durst neuir haue callit God our father, except that first he had lerit, & cōmandit ws to call hym father, quhairin he hais gyffin to ws gret cause to put our haill confy­dence in him. And to lyppī al gud fra him. Quhow hes almychtie god, maid hym self our father? Tre­wlie, nocht be natural generatioun, for swa, only he is father to our Saluiour Iesus Christ, bot he hes maid hym self our father be adoptioun throw faith in Christ Iesu, in tyme of our Baptyme, according as it is said: Dedit eis potestatem filios dei fieri, his qui [...]redunt in nomine eius. Ione. [...]. quhare is our deui [...]e to be done to god our father. Mala. 1. He hes gyffin yame powar to be the sōnis of god, and this powar he hes gyffin to thame, quhilk beleuis in his name. And quhat is thy doctryne? Trewly first to honour god to loue and thank hym euirmair for al his benefitꝭ.

☞Heir quhat he sayis be his Propheit Malachie: Si ego pater, vbi est honor meus? Gyff I be ȝour father, quhair is my honour? Secundly, Ephe. [...]. gyff thow be sōne of God follow hym be Imitati­oun of lufe, Rememberand quhat S. Paule sayis [...] Be ȝe ye followars of god, as deir sonnis, & gang [...]lufe as Chryst hais luffit ws.

[Page] Luc. 6. Math. 5.Heir quhat our saluiour sais: Be ȝe mercyfull as ȝour heuinly father is mercyful. Agane he sais: Be ȝe perfite as ȝour heuinly father is perfite. Quhilk perfectioun standis in lufe, yat as god giffis y e lycht of his sonne to gud and euil, and his rayne to iust & vniust, sa suld thow lufe baith thi freindis and thi sayis for goddis saik, and be yat lufe thow schawis thi self to be the sonne of god. Thridly and thow be the sonne of god, thow aucht to him obedience, according as sanct Paule sais: Multo magis obtemperabimus patri spirituū. Hebre. 12. Gyf we ar bound to be obedi­ent to the cōmandis of our erdly and carnal father, mekil mair aucht we to be obedient to ye cōmandis of our heuinly father. Sen Christ hes leiryd vs to saye [...]o god, O our father vve sulde p [...]aye to gode, for our nychtbour as for our self.

Noster. Quhy sais thow Pater noster. Our fa­ther, carar than my father? Trewly to geue the to vnderstand yat as thow art the sonne of god be ad­optioun throw faith, sa is all trew christin men and wemen the barnis of god be faith, and yairfor thow aucht to lufe thame al with perfite l [...]fe and cheriti [...] as brethrin and sisters in god. Our heuinly do­ctour in this word giffis vs instructioun of vnitie, concord, and paice, and to pray to god for all christin pepil, kend and vnkend, frend or fre [...]mit▪ thi faa or enemyis, And to that effect he hes nocht lei [...]it vs to say, my father god that is in heuin. Bot to saye our father God that is in heuin, We say nocht geue me this day my daily breid bot geue vs this day our dayly breid. We say nocht forgeue me my dettis, bot forgeue vs our dettis. We say nocht de­liuer me fra euil▪ bot deliuer vs f [...]a euil, to signifie that throw faith in Christ Iesu, we ar all the sōnis [Page Clxxvii] of god, & yairfor the gētilman suld nocht dispyse ye [...]ottar, y e richeman suld nocht dispise the pure mā, y e leirnit suld nocht dispise the vnleirnit, according as it is writtin: Nunquid non pater vnus (oim) omnium nostrū? nunquid nō vnus deus creauit nos? Malach 2 quare ergo vnus­quis (que) nostrū despicit fratrē suum? Haue nocht we al ane father? hes nocht ane god create & maid vs al? quhi yairfor dispysis ilk a man his brother? Luce. 18. The prayar yat ye proud Pharisean maid was nocht ac­ceptabil to god, because he dispysit his nychtbour y e Publicane. Let vs al yairfor ken our self to be bre­ther in god, and throw faith equally sonnis to him.

Qui es in coelis. Quhen y u sais: Qui es in coelis. quhilk is in heuin, vnderstand nocht yat god is cō ­tenit & cōcludit in heuin as the angels ar. For Sa­lomon sais: 3 Reg 8. Hovv god is in the heuins. Quē coeli coelorū nō capiunt Quhom y e heuins of heuins is nocht abil to tak & cōtene. Bot he is said to be in heuin, for als mekil yat w t his al­mychty powar, he contenis, he keipis, haldis vp, & maintenis all the heuins & also all vthir creaturis, quhilk ar contenit w tin the compas of heuin accor­ding as S. Paule sais: Omnia in ipso cōstant. Collos. [...]. All creaturis in him hes thair being. And sa this [...]ord qui es in coelis may nocht be trewly said, bot to god only, because yat God only as he hes maid heuin & al thingis vnder heuin, sa he is only in al y e heuins, and with his almychty powar conseruis and keipis thame all in thair being. Nothir suld we think that god is sa in heuin yat he is nocht in eird. For trewly god is in all placis be his substāce, be his presence & be his powar, according as he sais: Iere. 23. Nonne coelū & [Page] terrā ego impleo? Fyl nocht I sais he baith heuin & eird? Hovv god is in all placis and specially in heuin Math. 5. be mani­festatioun of his glore. Bot it is said specially yat god is in heuin, for als mekil that in heuin he is manifestit & schawis his godhed, his diuine maiestie, powar, glore, ioy & blis eternal, quhilk he hes promissit to geue as re­ward to vs al, & we perseuer in his faith & obediēce, according as he sais: Merces vr̄a multa est in coelis▪ Ȝour reward is gret in heuin. And this word suld raise vp our hartis to god and mak vs stark in the hoip of eternal glore. For suppose our natural fa­ther wald awance & promote vs to hie dignitie and richis, ȝit he hes na powar to do it. Bot our heuinly father almychty god, hes baith wil & powar to exalt vs to y e hie glore of heuin. Quhow can y u vnderstād yat he hes will to do it? because he hes maid him self our father. Quhow can y u ken that he hes powar to do it? because he is in heuin ane glorious God, ma­kar & kepar of ye heuin & al creaturis vnder heuin. Now o christin mā & woman I exhort the to vnder­stand weil thir first wordis of our Lordis orisoun, quhilk ar put lyk ane prologe afore the seuin petiti­ouns, declarand plainly yat na man can say yis ori­soun trewly to the pleisure of god & his awin merite except he haue faith, hoip & cheritie. w tout faith na man can say trewly, O father God. without cheritie to our nychtbour na man can say, trewly & meritori­ously our father. And without hoip na man can say trewly, quhilk art in heuin▪ remitte our synnis. The plain sentēce of yir wordis in forme of prayar.

O our father eternal god, quhilk hes maid vs & all creaturis, bot vs to thi awin lyknes, & all ye laif [Page Clxxviii] of thi creaturis for vs, & gaue vs ouerance of al yat is in erd, wattir & aire, & causis the heuins, the sōne, the mone & the sternis to mak vs seruice, and hes geuin cōmand to thi angels to keip vs, breifly de­fendis vs fra all euil, & giffis vs all gud. Suppose we & our forfathers, as maist vnthākful creaturis hes sauld our self be synne to the deuils tyranny, & yairfor be rycht aw to dreid y t as our terribil iuge & condemnar, nochttheles sen it is swa yat y u of thi ex­cellent & infinite mercy, hes send thi sōne to deliuer vs fra the deuils tyrāny, dede & hel, and be him his word, faith & baptyme, hes go [...]tin vs agane & ma [...]d vs thi sōnis be adoptioun, & be him also hes biddin vs call the father. We beseik the yairfor, O merci­ful father, eternal god, be thi natural sonne Iesus Christ, geue to vs thi haly spreit, to beir witnes to our spreit yat we ar thi sōnis be adoptioun, be quhō also we may cal y e father w t blythnes, & lippin suirly on thi fatherly & mercyfull prouidence & help in all trubil. Geue vs grace O eternal father y t we haue euirmair brotherly lufe, & knaw vs verraily for brethir & sisters to help ane ane vthir, & to pray ane for ane vthir to the our eternal father. Tak fra vs all discorde & singular lufe of our self, & our awin pro­fite, yat we may say verraily. O our father eternal god, quhilk is in heuin, nocht inclusit in heuin, bot is in all placis be substance, presence & powar, & be faith & grace dwellis in all iust men & wemen, & in y e heuin empyre schawis yi eternal glore, ioy and blys. Geue vs grace O father eternal to haue suir hoip to cum to that glore, & to be dwellars in heuin with the euirmair. Amen.

☞The first petitioun of our Lordis orisoun. The iiii. Cheptour.

SAnctificetur nomen tuum. Hallowit be thi name. This is the first petitioun of our Lordis prayer, quhairin we ask at God our eternal father, y t he may be knawin, honourit and seruit be vs and all the pepil of the warld. Here is twa thingis to be declarit, quhat is the name of God, Quhat is the name of god. and how suld it be sanctifyit. The name of God in halye scripture, betakins nocht this worde God writtin or pronouncit, bot it signifeit God him self, quhilk is namit be vs, and also his almychty powar, wisdome, gudnes rychteousnes, Hovv the name of god suld be sāctif [...]it mercy, eternitie & diuine maiestie. And the name of god to be sanctifyit or hallowit is in this place as mekil to say as y t god him self mycht be knawin, louit, honourit, glorifyit, magnifyit and trewly seruit with hart, word, & deid, be vs & al vthir men & wemen in the warld. And yat ȝe may the bettir vnderstand quhow y e name of god suld be kennit and honourit, Hovv the [...]ame of [...]od is filit [...]o thre [...]ortis of [...]en. Ȝe fall note quhow the name of God be mony men & wemen is miskennit and dishonourit. And to declair ye same y e scripture vsis ane maner of speich, sayād that the name of god is fylit be mony men, nocht sa yat ye name of god, quhilk is euirmair haly & glorious in it self, & y e only cause of our halynes may be filit in deid, bot y e mony euil geuin men & wemen, als mekil as lyis in yame, takis fra him (be thair euil lyfe) his glore, and giffis it to his creaturis, As he sais be his Prophet Ezechiel: [Page Clxxix] Non propter vos ego faciā domꝰ Israel, sed propter nomen sctm̄ meū quod polluistis in gētibus, Ezechi. 30 ad qua­intrastis. O house of Israel, sais almychty God, I will nocht saif ȝow for ȝour awin saik, bot for my halye name, quhilk ȝe haue fylit amang the Gētillis, to quhom ȝe haue enterit. Sa eftir yis maner ye name of god is fylit and dishonourit, Gentilli [...]. first amang the Gentillis quhilk in auld tyme kennand him be his creaturis to be a god of eternal, powar and maiestie, wald nocht thank him, serue & glorifie him as God, bot vanissit away in thair ymaginatiouns, gaue the honour and glore of God, to y e creaturis, worschipping men and ymagis of men, of fowlis, Roma. i. beistis & serpētis as goddis, and sa doing thai fylit & dishonourit the name of god. Secundly, the Iewis to yis day fylis and dishonouris als mekil as lyis in yame, Ievvis. the glorious name of our saluiour Christ because nocht only thai ressaue nocht his faith, bot thai blaspheme his name in thair smagogis to thair damnatioun. ☞Thridly, Euil chri­stin men & vvemen. euil christin men & wemen twa maner of wais dishonouris the name of god. First be wanting of trew faith and hoip in God, puttis mair confidence & traist in thair awin powar, in thair frendis help, and sumtyme lippinis mair in ye deuil be socery and witchecraft, than yai lippin in the name of god. Secundly, quhen we haue ressauit the euangil of Christ amang vs and ar callit christin men, ȝit our lyfe is plain contrair to y e euangil of Christ, in sa mekil, yat throw euil lyfe y e name of Christ [Page] is euil spokin of amang ye Iewis & Gētilis, as S. Paule sais to the Romanis: Roma. 2. Nomen dei ꝑ vos blasphematur inter gentes. The name of God be ȝow is blasphemit amang ye gentils. The com­mon pepil vsis to esteme ane lord be his seruāds quhen yai see honest seruands, yai say yair lord is honest. And quhen yai see vnhonest seruands yai say yat the lord of yai seruands is nocht ho­nest. Lykwise, because yat the infidelis, turkis and Iewis seis the euil lyfe & vicious conuersa­tioun of christin men, thai blaspheme the halye name of our saluiour & redemar Iesus Christ.

☞Now heir the sentence of this first petitioun to be said in forme of prayar to God.

O God almychty our eternal father, geue vs grace yat thi name quhilk is haly, louit, & blissit in it self euirmair, & also be Angellis in heuin, mocht be knawin, thankit and louit, amang vs to quhom y u hes geuin thi name to knaw & to be callit thi sonnis, & eftir thi sonnis name christin men, grant vs yat our myndis, our wordis and workis, our techingis & lyfe be conforme to thi godly wil, expremit & schawin to vs in thi sōnis euangil, yat men seand our gud conuersatioun may loue thi name, yat workis all gud in vs. O father geue yr grace to Turkis, Sarracenis Paganis & Iewis, quhilk miskennis thi name and giffis thi godly name to creaturis, and blasphemis thi sonnis blud, to laif thair errour, yair ydolatrie and superstitioun, and to ken the for ane verray eternal God, and quhom thow hes [Page Clxxx] send Iesꝰ Christ. Grant gud father yat euil christin men, quhilk dishonouris thi sōnis name be vicious lyfe, may be reformit in mynd, word & deid, and leid yair lyfe eftir his teching to y e glore of yi name. Am̄

☞The secund petitioun. The fift Cheptour.

ADueniat regnum tuum. Let thi kingdom cum to. Behald O christin man, quhow ordourly the secund petitioun followis the first. Lyke gud barnis in the first petitioun we ask at God our eternal father, yat his glorious name may be [...]end in all the warld, louit and glorifyit be vs & all vthir men and wemen, Turkis, Iewis, and Christinit. Now in the secund petitioun we ask at god our he­uinly father, to bring vs to his kingdome, euirmair to be with him participant of his eternal & glorious heretage with Christ Iesu our saluior. And for de­claratioun of this petitioun, ȝe sall vnderstand that thair is the kingdome of the deuil, & also the king­dome of God. And as for warldly kingdomes, Of vvarld­ly king­domis. Roma. 15. gife thai be weil gydit be ordour of iustice, thai pertene to the kingdome of god, as sanct Paule declaris to the Romanis. And gif thai be misordourit throw wanting of iustice and vsing of tyrāny, yai pertene to the kingdome of the deuil. Quhat is the king­dome of the deuil, bot empyre and owrance quhilk the deuil hes in the hartis of vicious men & wemen, Of ye kingdome of the deuil. yat according to his will & command trasgressis the cōmand of god, & makis yame self seruands to syn [Page] willingly cōsenting to his tentatiouns, drawin to his seruice & haldin thairin be concupiscence of the flesche, the concupiscence of the ee, and be pryde of lyfe. Of the deuillis kingdome speikis sanct Paule to the Ephesianis, Ephe. [...]. sayand: Vos con uiuificauit, cū es [...]etis mortui delictis et peccatis ve­stris, in quibus aliquādo ambulastis, secundū seculū mundi huius, secundum principem potestatis aeris huius spiritus, qui nunc operatur in filios diffid [...]t [...]ae. God (sais sanct Paule) hes quicknit ȝow, quhen ȝe wer dede throw trespas and synnis, Hovv the deuil is ye prince of the vvarld quhairin in tyme bygane, ȝe ȝeid according to the course of this warld, eftir y e prince yat rewlis in yis aer quhilk is ane spreit that now workis in the chil­der of vnbeleif. This is the deuil quhom our saluiour callis the prince of this warld, Ioan. 12. that is to say, of all euil geuin pepil of the warld. And yat haly man Iob callis him y e king of all proud men. Iob. 41. The king­dome of God in grace and rychte­ousnes. Roma. 14 Now let vs speik of the kingdom of god, quhilk for ȝour instruction may be diuidit in ii. kingdomes, the ane is the kingdome of grace in this warld, the vthir is the kingdome of glore in the warld to cum. Gyf ȝe wald knaw quhat is the kingdome of grace, sanct Paule descriuis it plainely, sayand thus: Regnum dei est iustitia, et pax et gaudium in spiritu sācto. The kingdome of God is rychteousnes, paice and ioye in the haly spreit. For quhen a christin man is iustifyit be ane leiffand faith, he leiffis in paice with God, & hes gret rest and tranquilitie in his conscience, he hes gret ioy and blythnes, quhilk the halye [Page Clxxxi] spreit workis in his hart, quhen he remembris that God almychty be Christ Iesu hes deliuerit him fra the tyranny of the deuil, the warld and the flesche. And as sanct Paule sais: Colloss. i. Qui eripuit nos de potestate tenebrarum, et transtulit in regnū filii dilectionis suae. He hes deliuerit vs fra the powar of myrknes, and hes translatit & brocht vs into the kingdome of his luffit sonne, sa that we may now say to our saluiour: Apoca. 5. Fecisti nos deo nostro regnū. Thow hes maid vs ane kingdome to our God. For doutles sa lang as we remaine in grace, god regnis in to vs as in to ane spiri­tual kingdome, and we as his faithfull pepil o­beyis his cōmandis.

The secund kingdome of god is the eternal glore and euirlasting lyfe, The king­dome of God in glore and lyfe eter­nal. Math. 25. quhairof our saluior in his secund cōming quhilk sal be apon dumis day, sall geue enterance and possessioun perpe­tually, quhen he sall say: Venite benedicti patris mei, percipite regnum quod vobis paratum est ab origine mundi. Cum ȝe blissit seruandis of my father, possesse the kingdome, quhilk is ordanit for ȝow afore the begynning of the warld.

❧ The sentence of this petitioun in forme of prayer to be said to God.

O heuinly and maist mercifull father we be­seik the that all vnfaithfull natiouns, Turkis, Paganis and Iewis, quhilk throw infidelite ar subieckit to y e kingdome of y e deuil, may ressaue and keip the euangil of thi sonne Iesus Christ, and be ane leiffand faith entir and byde in thi [Page] spiritual kingdom of grace, maid with vs thi sōnis, iustifyit, & fellowis in participatioun of thi eternal heretage. Giant also O merciful father, yat al men and wemen, quhilk erris agane y e trew faith of haly kirk, & yairby is subieckit to y e kingdom of y e deuil, yat yai may laif yair dānabil & condemnit hereseis, and returne agane to ye trew catholik faith. Grant also that all temporal kingis & maiestratis of chri­stindome, quhilk throw yair tyranny oppressis and puttis downe thi kirk & destroyis yi pepil be vniust warris, & all vthir kingis, quhem the deuil haldis in his kingdome be pryde, coueteousnes, & sensual lust and plesure, that yai may laif yair tyranny and vthir vicis, & be trew ministeris of iustice vnder the king of all kingis & lord of all lordis, and sa to per­tene to thi spiritual kingdome of grace. Grant also yat thi kingdome of grace may cum to vs daily mair & mair, be trew schawin of thi godly will & thi sonnis euangil and rychteousnes of faith. Geue vs grace to perseueir in thi louing, charitie, & christin lyfe, yat thi sonnis kingdome may spreid & florische ouir all the warld be rycht faith and christin work is quhil sathan & al thi sonnis fais be subieckit vnder his feit. Grant O merciful father, yat thow may sa rigne in our hartis be grace, yat on the lattir day we may stand on thi rycht hand in the numbre of yame, quhō yat day y u sal cal to ye▪ & geue to vs enterāce & possessioun of thi glorious kingdome of heuin, yair to rigne with the, quhilk is thre personis & ane eter­nal god, in company and fellowschip of thi haly an­gellis, in ioy and blis withoutin end. Amen.

❧ The thrid petitioun. The vi. Cheptour.

Fiat voluntas tua sicut in coelo et in terra. Thi will be fulfillit in eird as it is in heuin. The hie vvaie to heuin is to fulfill the vvil of god schavvin to vs in his cōmandis Eftir yat in the secund petitioun we ask at God our eternal father, yat his kingdome of grace may cum to vs in this warld, & finally yat we may cum to his eternal kingdome in heuin. Be rycht ordour follo­wis the thrid petitioun, quhairin we ask of god our eternal father, that his will be fulfillit be keping of his cōmandis. As a man that is far fra ane cietie & desyris to be in it, he man entir in & gang in the hie gait yat leidis to yat cietie, sa it is of vs al, we ar all far fra heuin & wald faine be yair. Quhat man we do, bot entir & gang in y e hie gait yat leidis to heuin, quhilk is to do & fulfil the will of god according as our saluiour sais: Non omnis qui dicit mihi dn̄e, Math. 7. domine, intrabit in regnum celorū, sed qui facit vo­luntatem patris mei qui in coelis est, ipse intrabit in regnum coelorū. Nocht ilk mā yat sais to me lord, lord, sal entir into the kingdome of heuin, bot he yat dois the wil of my father yat is in heuin, he sal entir in to the kingdome of heuin. And agane he sais: Math. xi [...] Si vis ad vitam ingredi, serua mandata. Gyf thow will entir in to the lyfe, keip the cōmandis. Thairfor be rycht ordour of this thrid petitioun, we ask at God that in vs and be vs, his godly will be fulfillit be keping of his cōmandis, quhairby we may cum to the kingdome of heuin.

For the plaine vnderstāding of yis petitioun, ȝe [Page] sall note, yat the will of God towart vs is to be con­siderit in twa pointis, and we ask at God, that thai may be fulfillit. First his will is yat all faithfull & trew seruādis to Iesus Christ sal cum to the king­dome of heuin, according as our saluiour sais: He [...] est volūtas patris mei, Ioan. 6. qui misit me, vt oīs qui videt filium, et credit in eum habeat vitā eternam. This is the will of my father quhilk send me, yat all man that seis the sonne be faithful contemplatioun, and trowis in him with ane faith that workis be lufe, he may haue the lyfe eternal. This will of god is com­pletit and fulfillit ellis in ye angellis and sanctis in heuin, quhilk leiffis in y e glore of God, haiff and his cleir sycht and eternal fruitioun. Thairfor we ask at God, that as his will is cōpletit and fulfillit ellis in yame yat ar blissit in heuin, sa it moucht be fulfil­lit also in vs that ar dwelland apon the erd.

Secundly, the will of God is, that we keip his commandis, Roma. 12. as S. Paule declaris, sayand: Reno­uamini in nouitate sensus vestri, vt probetis quae sit voluntas dei bona et beneplacens et perfecta. Be ȝe chaungit throw y e renewing of ȝour mynd, yat ȝe may preife quhat is yat gud, that plesand, and per­fite will of God. It is the vvil of god yat all mā keip his cōmandis Trewly the will of god is gud, be­cause he commandis na thing bot it is profitabil to the keiparis, his will is plesand, because his com­mandis ar plesant to all men and wemen yat luffis him, his will is also perfite, because yat all our per­fectioun standis in keiping of his cōmandis. This will is fulfillit be all gud men and wemen, iustifyit be leiffand faith in Christ Iesu, in quhom is the [Page Clxxxiii] trew lufe of god ȝettit in thair hartis be the haly spreit. And the same will and cōmand is nocht fulfillit in synnaris that leiffis in dedly synne. Now in the scripture iust men ar comparit to ye heuin, & synnaris to the eird. Quhairfor we ask at God in this petitioun that his will and com­mandis may be fulfillit in synnaris as it is ful­fillit in iust men.

❧ The sentence of this petitioun to be said in forme of prayar to God is this.

O merciful father and mychty king, quhais will the angellis of heuin fulfillis all tyme wil­lingly, luffingly and perfitly, to quhais will na creature can resist, we knaw yat our hart is ouir euil in deid, or ellis inclinit to euil at all tymes, to fulfill the awin lust, to desyre owrance, ven­geance, the awin profite and pleasure, without feir and dredour of the, & plainly do all thingis contrary thi word and godly will. The deuil la­bouris alway to gar vs breik thi commandꝭ to mistraist the, blaspheme the, thi sonnis name & blud, and traist in him, his kingdome, pryde, su­perstitioun, ypocrisie and ydolatry. He rasis ye warld, that is to say, euil men to dispise, hait, persew and troubil all thi seruandis, willing to obserue and keip thi cōmandis. Quhairfor we beseik y , O merciful father, let vs nocht follow our awin will or be dissauit with the deuil, bot geue vs will and lufe of thi law, to be gud be yi spreit, to fulfill thi godly will in prosperitie and aduersitie, to take paciently for the glore of thi [Page] name, al troubil in geir or body, ȝe painful dede, [...]arar than we wilfully breik thi cōmand. Grant vs yat we may with the angels of heuin be obe­dient to thi will, perfitely, luffingly & cōstantly, geue thi grace to synnaris, that thai may fulfill thi wil, as gud men dois. Gyde vs al in body & saule, to be euirmair obedient to thi godly will, and thank the of all, quhat euir thow will haue done w t vs, sa yat finally we may obtene the lyfe eternal, quhilk thi wil is to be geuin to al y e trew feruandis of thi sonne Iesus Christ. Amen.

The fourt petitioun. The vii. Cheptour.

VVe suld ask at god our daily fude baith for body and saule. PAnem nr̄m quotidianū da nobis hodie. Geue vs yis day our daily breid. In the thre first petitions, we a [...]k at god our eternal father, all thai spirituall thingis, quhilk belangis to the perfite & eternal blis of heuin, quhilk suppose yai ar begonne in this lyfe, ȝit yai ar alanerly completit & fulfillit in the kingdome of heuin, quhair the name of God is perfitly sanctifyit and hallowit, that is, kend perfitely to be haly, louit, honourit, & glo­rifyit, quhair the kingdom of glore promissit be Christ is perfitely geuin to the angels & sanctis of heuin, quhair the will of God is perfitely cō ­pletit and fulfillit. Bot because that we ar all (that dwellis in yis kirk militant) carnal in sum parte, and vettai fragil and mortal creaturis, [Page Clxxxiiii] we haue gret neid to be sustenit w t the fude baith of body & saule. Quhilk sustentatioun we ask at God in yis fourt petitioun, sayand: Panem nostrum quo­tidianū da nobis hodie. O eternal father, geue vs this day our daily breid. And in thir wordis our saluiour teichis vs to keip vs fra four gret synnis, VVe may lauchfully desire of God our necessarie sustenta­tioun. i. Timo. 6 quhilk warldly men & wemē vsis to haue in getting of thair corporal sustentatioun. First we suld nocht desire ouir costly, delicait and precious meat, drink and claith, bot we suld be cōtent with sufficient and nece [...]sare sustentatioun according to our estait, de­gree and vocatioun, according as sanct Paule coū ­salis sayand: Habentes alimenta & quibus tegamur his contenti simus. Haiff and fude and cleithing, let vs yair with be content. And yat we ask in yis word breid, quhairby is signifyit all thingis yat belangis to the necessare sustentatioun of this corporal lyfe. Secundly, we suld nocht desire our corporal sustentatioun to be gottin be wrangus wayis, as be falset, theft, spoilȝe, or ony iniureis done to our nychtbour, bot we suld wynne our leuing with our awin iust and honest labouris, with lawtye, veritie, and lufe kepit to our nychtbour. And this we ask at God in this word nostrum, sayand: our breid, nocht vthir mennis breid, nocht vthir mennis geir, bot to leif of our awin geir iustly gottin.

Thridly we suld nocht haue ony superfluous de­syre, thocht or care of our tēporal leuing for ye tyme [...]o cum, bot to be content with sic thingis that God sendis to vs at the present tyme. And that we ask [...]t god in this word, quotidianum, and in yis word [Page] Hodie, sayand: gife vs this day our daily breid. Fourtly, Suppose vve labor for our le­uing, ȝit vve suld arovv that it is giffin to vs be ye liberal hand of god. we suld nocht think yat our meit, drink claith with vthir warldly geir, is wynne and gottin allanerly with our awin industri, ingyne and labouris, bot we suld trow fermely that all is geuin to vs be the liberal hand of god, quhilk feidis man and beist & euery creature. And this faith we ar techit to haue in yis word: Da. sayand to god our eternal father: Geue thow to vs our daily sustentatioun. The secund fude quhilk we suld ask dayly at God is spiritual, for the sustentatioun of our saule in a spiritual lyfe. And thair is twa sortis of this spiritual fude. The ane is the blissit sacrament of the Altare, The fude of our saul is the sa­crament of the altare and also the vvord of God quhilk vve suld ask at God. quhilk is daily consecrate in the kirk of God, quhairin is really the verrai body & blud of our saluiour Iesu Christ. Thairfor we suld ask it at god, yat daily we may ressaue his precious body be ane trew and leiffand faith, for the spiritual fude of our saulis. And quhen we sal ressaue yat blissit sacrament, yat we nocht ressaue it vnworthily to our damnatioun, bot worthily to our saluatioun. The secund spiritual fude is the word of God, according as our saluiour sais: Non in [...]olo pane viuit homo, Math. 4. sed in omni verbo quod procedit de ore dei Nocht only with cor­poral fude the lyfe of man is sustenit, bot with all wordis that procedis fra the mouth of God.

❧Than say to God this petitioun in forme of prayar eftir this maner.

O mercifull father almychty God, suppose [Page Clxxxv] thow knawis quhat we mister or euir we oppin our mouth to ask the, and forbad vs to be care­ful for meit and claith, sayand that all necessare thingis sall be geuin to vs, Math. [...] sa yat we seik first y e kingdome of God, and the rychteousnes of it, nochttheles, eftir thi awin bidding we dare ask now our daily breid, quhilk is necessare to our corporal sustentatioun. Beseikand the also to feid our saulis with the cleyne word that cūmis furth of thi mouth, the trew word of god. Ioan. Geue vs the breid yat cūmis furth of heuin and giffis lyfe to the warld. Geue vs the wattir of lyfe, Ioan. 4. the vnderstāding of ye law be thi spreit, of y e quhilk quha drinkis sall neuir be thristye. Geue vs the bodye of our saluiour Christ, the rycht fude of our saule, to strenth our spreit aganis the feind, that we see neuir eternal dede, bot pas with our saluiour Iesꝰ (according to his promis) fra dede to lyfe. Amen.

☞The fift petitioun. The viii. Cheptour.

ET dimitte nobis debita nostra, si­cut et nos dimittimus debitoribus nostris. And forgeue vs our [...]et­tis, Be our dettis is signifyit our synnis Luce. xi. euin as we forgeue to our dettouris. This word dettis in this petitioun is takin for syn­nis, as it is manifest be the euāgelist sanct Luke rehersand the same petitioun thus: Et dimitte [Page] nobis debita nostra, si quidam et ipsi dimittimus omni debenti nobis. And forgeue vs our synnis, gif we also forgeue all that ar dettouris to vs. And quhi ar synnis comparit to dettis? As a mā quhilk is oblissit to paye ony dette to his nycht­bour, be ordour of iustice he suld paye it, sa a synnar bund with the band of syn, be ordour of gods iustice, is oblissit to thole paine for his syn. Thairfor our saluiour in this petitioun cōman­dis vs nocht to forgeue alwais to our nychtbor his temporal dettis, for yat war agane y e ordour of iustice, necessare to be kepit for y e cōmon weil, quhilk ordour of iustice is nocht takin away be the euangel, bot carar ratifytt and confirmit manifestly. Now in thir thre last petitiouns, we ask at God our heuinly father, to deliuir vs fra all euil, eternal, spiritual and temporal. And in the wordis of this petitioun we haue twa les­sonis geuin to vs be our saluiour Christ. First we suld leir alwais to be lowly and meik in our hartis, i. Ioan. i. considerand yat we ar al synnaris in the sycht of god. For as sanct Ihone sais: Gyf we say that we haue na synne we begyle our self, & thair is na verite in vs. Quhairto aggreis Salomon in his Prouerbis: Prou. 20. Quis potest dicere, mū ­dum est cor meum, et purus sum a peccato? Quha may say (sais he) my hart is faire, & I am cleine fra synne? Ecclesi. 7 And agane he sais: Non est homo ī terra qui nō peccet. Thair is na man bot he synnis. Also in ane vthir place: Prou. 24. Septies in die cadet iustus, et re­surget. Ane iust man sal fall seuin tymes in a day & [Page Clxxxvi] ryse agane. And suppose we may be y e grace of god abstene fra al mortal and dedly synne, according as sanct Paule techis to the Romanis, sayand: Roma. 8. Nihil damnationis est iis qui sunt in Christo Iesu, qui no [...] secundum carnem ambulant. Thair is na damna­to yame yat ar in Christ Iesu, quhilk gangis nocht eftir the flesche. Ȝit sa lang as we leif in this pre [...]ēt warld, we ar sa fragil & brukil, be resone of carnal cōcupiscence, remanand in our corrupit nature, yat we can nocht abstene fra all & syndry venial synnis, sa that we haue gret neid to say with y e haly prophet and king Dauid in the Psalme: Psal. 14 [...] Non intres in iudi tium cum seruo tuo domine, quia non iustificabitur in conspectu tuo ois viuens. O Lord (sais he) entir nocht in to iugement w t thi seruand, for all mā leif­fand sal nocht be iustifyit in thi sicht, vnles he haue thi special grace. Thus be consideratioun of our awin infirmite and fragilite to synne, we suld meik our self in the sycht of God, kennand that as sanct Petir and sanct Iames sais: Deus superbis resistit, i. Petri. [...]. Iaco. 4. humilibus autē dat gratiā. God wil resist the proud man, & geue his grace to the meik. We suld thair­for with ane humil and lawly hart ask at God oure eternal father remissioun of all our synnis, and als of all paynis, quhilk iustly we deserue to haue for our synnis, sayand: Dimitte nobis debita nr̄a. For­geue vs our dettis, that is to say, our synnis.

Seundly we suld leir in this petitioun, that the forgiffing of vthir mens offensis done to vs, is ane cause & meane, to abtene remissioun of our synnis, according to the wordis of our saluiour Christ: [Page] Dimittite et dimittemini. Luce. 6. Math. 6. Forgeue and ȝe sall be forgeuin: Si enim dimiseritis hominibus peccata eorum, dimittet et vobis pater vester coelestis pec­cata vestra. Si autem nō dimiseritis hominibus, nec pater vester dimittet vobis peccata vestra. And ȝe forgeue to men thair offensis and synnis, than sal ȝour heuinly father forgeue to ȝow ȝour offē ­sis and synnis. And gif ȝe forgeue thame nocht thair trespas, na mair sall ȝour father forgeue to ȝow ȝour trespassis. Gyf we keip this condi­tioun or pactioun giffin of God with our hart, forgiffand to our nychtbour all his offensis and faltis, then God will forgeue vs. ☞Than say to god thi heuinly father on this maner.

O heuinly and mercifull father we considde­rand our awin infirmitie, fragilitie and inclina­tioun to synne, quhairby we fall in synne daily, we beseik the to forgeue vs al our synnis and al paynes that we haue deseruit for our synnis. Geue strenth to our spreit that we may fermely trow, that thow, O heuinly father, hes forgiffin to vs all our synnis freely, for thi sonnis blude. And that the takin, quhilk thi sonne hes geuin to vs of free forgeuenes, may comfort our myn­dis, geue vs grace to ouircum our awin wickit and reuengeabil hart, to forgeue our ennemyis with our hart, lufe yame, pray for yame, do gud to yame, yat sa doand we may obtene at thi mer­cifull hand forgeuenes of all our synnis, for the meritis of thi sonne our saluiour Iesus Christ.


☞The sext petitioun. The ix. Cheptour.

ET ne nos inducas in tentationem. Leid vs nocht into temptation.

As in the fift petitioun we ask at god our eternal father remis­sioun of all our synnis bygane, sa in this sext petitioun we ask at him his grace, quhairby we may be keipit fra falling in synne, in tyme to cum. And for ye trew intelligence of this petitioun, twa thingis ar to be notit, first quhat is temptatioun, secundly quhat is it to be led in to tēptatioun. For ye first ȝe sal vnderstand yat in haly scripture, Quhat is tentation. yis word tempt, is als mekil to say, as to tak experience or preif of ony thing. And sa is yair ane tēptatioun quhairby ane man tempis god, quhilk is alway synne. And quha tempis God? Thair is temtation quhairby man tēpis god, and that is al­vvais euil. Deut. 6. Math. 4. Trewly yai yat but ony necessite seikis experience of the special prouidēce & powar of god to help thame, quhen thai may be helpit vthirwais lauchfully, be the meanis of man other of thame self or of vtheris. And sa to tempe God is forbiddin, quhen it is said: Non tentabis dominum deum tuum. Thow sall nocht tempe thi Lord God. Quhilk wordis our saluiour allegit aganis the deuil, quhen the deuil tempit him apon the pynnacle of y e tempil, and bad him fall doune or cast him self doune, sayand that thairby he could get na skaith, be­cause that God had commandit his Angels to [Page] wait apon our saluiour & keip him fra al skaith. Bot our saluiour wald nocht do his wickit coū ­sale, because he mycht cum doune vthirwayis, than to fal doune and sa tempe god. Sa christin pepil in all our besynes, dangearis & perrellis, we suld do our deuoir and diligence, to help our self be that wit & strenth yat God hes geuin vs, and quhen our wit & powar can nocht help vs, cōmit our cause to the prouidence of god & wait apon his help. Secundly, thair is tempta­tion, Thait is temtation quhairby god tēpis man, and that is al­vvais gud. quhairby god almychty tēpis man, quhilk is alwais gud & profitabil to man. And quha ar thai quhom god tempis? veraily yai, to quhō God sendis ony kind of troubil and aduersitie, nocht for thair subuersioun or destructioun, bot for thair probatioun & manifestatioun, that be pacience & constant obedience, yai may be kend, baith to yame self & to vtheris in the warld, yat yai ar faithful seruādis to God, sa was Abrahā Iob & Tobias, with mony vthir, tempit of god and knawin to be Gods seruandis. For as the wisman sais: Eccle. 17. Vasa figuli probat fornax, homines autem iustos tentatio tribulationis. As the fyire preiffis and schawis the laymevessellis maid be ane pottar, sa temptatioun of troubil preiffis & schawis iust men. For quha in tyme of troubil, bydis stedfastly in pacience and trew lufe of god and yair nychtbour, yai ar preiffit & schawin to be gods seruandis. Thridly, thair is tempta­tioun quhairby the deuil, the flesch, & the warld tempis man and woman, quhilk is alwayis in­ductioun, [Page Clxxxviii] steiring and prouocatioun to vice & syn. The deuil tempis mā to elatioun, pryde, presump­tioun, yre, wraith, infidelite, heresye, desperatioun & siclyk, gangand about lyke ane rampand Lyon se­kand quhom he may deuoire or swallye, i, Petri. 5. be consent giffing to his tēptatiouns. The flesche also tēpis a man to ydilnes, sweirnes, gluttonye and lycherye, and siclyk synnis of the body. The warld, that is to say, the euil giffin pepil of the warld, tempis a man to coueteousnes and sa furth. The deuil is sa stark yat na powar apon erd may be comparit to him, the flesche is sa familiar with vs yat it is part of our nature, quhilk of necessite we mon nurische and feid, & it is ane ald prouerbe: Thair is na thing war than is a familiar ennymy. Ye warld cōpassis vs round about, afore vs, and behind vs, & of ilk syde, giffis to vs euil counsale, baith in wordis & euil exempil, and troubillis vs with persecutioun to bring vs fra the seruice of God, to quhais temptatiouns gif we consent with ane deliuerit mynd & freewill, to breik the cōmand of god we synne dedely and sa incurris our awin damnatioun, according as it is writtin: Ezechi. 18 Anima, que peccauerit, ipsa morietur. The saule yat synnis, y e same sal dee, be tholing eternal payne. And as sanct Paule sais to the Romanis: Roma. 6 Stipen­dia peccati mors. The waige of synne, is dede eter­nal. We suld thairfor remembir the gret powar, subtilte, craft and malice of the deuil, quhilk oft­tymes vsis the flesche and the warld, as his instru­mentis of temptatioun aganis vs, to dissaue vs, to [Page] bring vs to synne & finally to the paynis of her. O [...] the vthir parte we suld remember our awin imperfectioun, infirmitie and weiknes, how of our awin powar and strenth we ar vnabil to re­sist him. We suld yairfor ask at god our eternal father, to geue vs his grace, quhairby we may keip vs fra consenting to thair temptatiouns, for and we consent nocht, we resist yame, gif we resist thame, we ouircum yame, and gif we ouir­cum yame we sal be crownit with the crowne of glore in the kingdome of heuin.

Quhat is it to be led in to tētatioun.The secund word heir to be notit, is led in to temptatioun, quhilk signifyis to be ouircūmi [...] be tēptatioun, & fal actually in to temptatioun. For to be tempit it is na synne, ȝe temptatioun man be had and tholit sumtyme, to mak vs ken our awin infirmite, and keip vs in meiknes and grace, and als to geue vs occasioun of spiritual battel, quhairin we fychtand lawfully as trew knychtis of Christ Iesu, may finally be crowni [...] in heuin. Bot it is euil to be ouircūmit in temp­tatioun, yat is, to cōsent to the euil temptation▪ quhilk is alwais damnabil.

☞Now O christin man thow may pray this petitioun to God in this maner.

Sen swa it is O merciful father, that all our lyfe apon eird is ane continual battel, and that with sic ennemyis, yat we can nocht eschaip yair temptatioun, geue vs grace to refraine our hartis fra consenting to yair temptatioun: geue vs grace sa to nurische our flesch yat we nurisch [Page Clxxxix] nocht alswa the synf [...]l lust and concupiscence of the flesche. Geue vs grace sa to leif in c [...]mpany of warldly pepil, yat we be nocht drawin to euil be yair euil coūsale and exempil or persecutioun Geue vs grace, strenth and powar sa be faith to resist the powar of y e deuil, yat we be nocht ouir­cūmit be his subtil prouocations. Laif vs nocht to our awin febilnes, nother geue him leif to ex­erce apon vs his crewelnes, bot geue vs spiri­tual strenth to stand stoutly aganis him. Ephe. [...]. Belt our loynȝeis with verite, Put apon vs the brest plait of rychteousnes. Let the fete of our mynd (quhilk ar our affectiouns) be schod with the e­uangil of paice. Abone al thingis geue vs grace to tak hald of the bucklar of faith, quhair with we may slokkin the fyiry dartis of the wickit spreit. Put on our hede the helmonte of salua­tioun. Let vs alwais beare in our hand y e sword of the spreit quhilk, is thi haly word, that with this spiritual harnes, armour and weapons, we may easely ouircum all our spiritual ennemyis. And finally obtene the croune of glore, quhilk thow hes preparit and promissit to all thi ser­uandis. Amen.

☞The seuint petitioun. The x. Cheptour.

SEd liberanos a malo. Amen. Bot deliuir vs fra euil. Amen. Ȝe hard, O christin pepil, quhow we ask at God our eternal father, [Page] remissioun of our synnis bygane, and also that we may be his grace eschaip the dangear of all tempta­tiouns, & sa fall nocht agane to dedely synne. Now last of all we ask at God our mercyfull father to de­liuer vs fra euil. And this is ane general petitioun aganis all euil eternal, spiritual, & corporal or tem­poral, bot because yat we haue schawin to ȝow afore of synne, and the paynis eternal yat followis synne. Now we think it expedient to speik of tēporal euil, quhilk is tribulatioun, afflictioun and aduersite of this warld. Hovv god deliueris his seruandis fra tē ­poral tru­bil thre maner of vvayis. It is thairfor to be notit, that almychty God deliueris his seruandis and barnis be adop­tioun fra troubil and aduersite of yis present warld thre maner of wayis. First quhen he preseruis and kepis a man fra gret troubil and aduersite, doand lyk ane wyse medicinar, quhilk giffis nocht a stark medicyne to a waik man, bot consideris the strenth of the seik man, and thaireftir giffis to him ane me­dicyne. Sa almychty God sumtyme preseruis and kepis his waik seruandis fra gret troubil, because thair powar of spiritual resistence is bot litill. Sa it was said to ane certane bischop in the buke of the Apocalips: Apoca. 3. Ecce dedi corā te ostium apertum, quod nemo potest claudere, quia modicam habes virtutē Behald I haue geuin afore the ane oppin dure▪ quhilk na man can clois, because that thow hes bot smale strenth. Secundly, quhen God sendis to his seruandis gret troubil and aduersite, and with yat he giffis yame gret grace of pacience throw spi­ritual consolatioun, quhilk thai consaue be the haly spreit, in sa mekil yat yai ar blith of troubil & gloris [Page Clxxxx] in y e same, according as s. Paul sais of him self & sic lyk as he was: 2. Cor 1. Supra modū grauati sumus supra virtutem nostrā. Abone mesure we ar troublit, abone our awin powar. That is to say, nocht abil to resist yat troubil w t our awin powar. Nochttheles he sais agane in ane vthir place. 2. Cor. 7. Sed qui consolatur humi­les cōsolatus est nos deus. Bot god quhilk cōfortis all meik & lawly men, hes geuin cōsolatioun to vs. Likwise the Prophet sais in y e Psalme: Psal. 93. Secundum multitudinē dolorū meorū in corde meo cōsolatio­nes tue laetificauerunt aīam meā According to y e do­lour & troubil yat was in my hart, thi consolatiouns hes maid my saule blyth. Thridly, quhen God sendis gret troubil, he prouidis sa, that the troubil enduris & lestis bot schort tyme, Tobi. 3. according as it is writtin: Post tempestatem tranquillū facis. O gud lord, eftir a storme, y u sendis faire weddir. Thus O christin pepil we suld nocht feir the troubils of this present warld, kēnand yat god will geue to his ser­uandis spiritual consolatioun in thame, & also mak thame schorte as he thinkis to vs expedient. And trewly all the afflictiouns & troubils of this warld, i. Cor. 10. is verai schort gif yai be cōparit to y e gret blythnes and eternal ioy, quhilk salbe geuin to yame y e tholis trubil paciētly heir in yis warld for gods saik. Here quhat S. Paule sais: Id quod in presenti est mo­mentaneū et leue tribulationis nr̄e, supra modū in sublimitate, aeternū gloriae pōdus operatur in nobis. [...]. Cor. 4. The troubil yat we thole in yis presēt tyme gif it be cōparit to y e warld to cū, it lestis bot a momēt of ane hour, & is lycht & easy throw the cōsolation of God, Attour it workis ane exceding & ane eternal wecht of glore in vs.

❧The prayer to be said to God con­tenit in this petitioun.

O mychty and merciful father god eternal, quhilk correckis & chastice thame quhom thow luffis, and scurgis w t temporal aduersitie all thai sonnis, Hebre. xii quhō thow ressauis to thi fauoure, thow forgiffis thame thair synnis in tyme of thair troubil. Tobi. iii. Thow will oft tymes wound thame and cuir yair woundis agane, thi hand strikis thame & heilis thame agane. Geue vs grace gud Lord, Iob. v. that we neglect nocht thi disci­pline and fatherly correctioun, bot quhen it is thi godly will to send vs temporal aduersite, we beseik the geue vs also spiritual consolatioun and confort in thame, throw hoip of the eternal ioy and glore to cum, And nocht according to our sensual will, bot according to thi godly will, deliuir vs fra all dan­gears and perrellis of fyre & wattir, of fyirflauchtis and thundir, of hūgar and derth, seditioun & battel of pleyis and cūmar, seiknes and pestilence, prisone and banissing, vnprouidit and suddane dede, and vthir aduersiteis, calamiteis, & troubils of this pre­sent warld, sa that be thame we be nocht ouircūmit in our mynd be vnpacience, murmure or ony vthir synne contrary to thi godly will. And quhen it plei­sis the to send ony of thame to vs for our proba­tioun and iust correctioun, geue vs also pa­tience, conforte and consolatioun, that we may be in this warld sa correckit and punissit with thi merciful hand, yat we may eschaip the paynis eter­nal. Amen. Sa be it.

❧The preface to the salutatioun of the Angel Gabriel.

AS ȝe haue hard ane breif ex­positioun of the prayer of our Lord, callit the Pater noster, sa we think it expedient for ȝour instructioun & spiritual edificatioun, to sette furth to ȝow ane plaine declaratioun of that heuinly salutatioun, quhilk the haly Angel Gabriel (send fra y e blissit Trinite) proponit reuerently to the glorious la­dye ye virgine Marie, quhen he come to schaw to hir y e blissit incarnatioun of the sonne of god. And this we aucht to do for sindry conuenient causis. First to keip y e lawdabil custome of haly kirk, quhilk commonly vsis to say ye same salu­tatioun eftir and with the Pater noster. Attour our mother the haly kirk hes had ane vse sen ye Apostillis hitherto, to propone till all ȝoung scholaris & leirnaris of Christis religioun, cer­tane principallis and general documentis, for yair necessarie instructioun in the doctrin of our saluiour Christ, amang the quhilk the same he­uinly salutatioun was geuin to be leirnit and to be said with the Pater noster. [...]

Secundly, because the same salutatioun suld be comptit ane of the special prayars yat a chri­stin man and woman aucht to say, for suppose yair is nocht in it ony special petitioun expremit [Page] ȝit quhen it is said distinctly, reuerently, & deuoitly it steris vp our myndis in the faith of the blissit in­carnatioun of Christ, it meuis vs to contemplation and remembrance of the gret benefitis of God, and specially that he hes geuin him self to vs, it warnis vs to loif God & thank him for y e same blissit incar­natioun, it garris vs vnderstand the excellent dig­nite of the virgine Marie, quhilk was chosin to be the mother of God, it causis vs to honour God in hir, & also hir in god, it meuis y e glorious virgine to mak intercessioun to hir sonne for vs, and finally God almychty seand our meiknes, our faith, our cō templatioun, our louing & thankis geuing, our in­tercessioun to his mother, will haue mercy apon vs. And quhen this salutatioun is said on this maner, it is ane of the four kindis of prayeris, quhilk sanct Paule techis to be said in the kirk, writand to Ti­mothe: i. Timo. 2 Obsecro igitur primū omnium fieri obsecra­tiones, orationes, postulationes, gratiarū actiones pro omnibus hominibus. &c. I beseik ȝow yairfor, first of all y e yair be maid in the kirk of God for all men, obsecratiouns, oresonis, petitiouns, & giffing of thākis. Obsecratioun is supplicatioun maid to god w t the rehersing of sum propertie of God or of sum mistery of our saluiour, as quhen we say, Lord for the glore of thi name haue mercy on vs, for thi blissit incarnatioun, bittir passioun, mychty resur­rectioun, glorious ascēsioun & siclyk. Orisone is e­leuatioun of our myndis to God, cōtēplation of his diuine maiestie and remembrance of his benefitis. Petitioun is quhen we ask at God ony thing to vs necessare. Geuing of thākis, is to loif god, to thāk [Page Clxxxxii] him, maignifie and glorify him, with al our powar. Now, gif thow speir at me, may the salutatioun of Gabriel be callit a prayar? Ȝe trewly, it is a oresone and giffing of thankis, quhilk ar twa kindis of prayaris eftir sanct Paule. i. Timo. 2.

The thrid cause quhy we will declare this salu­tatioun to ȝow & exhort ȝow to say it deuoitly, is to schaw our gratitude in doing of our dewtye to the virgine Marie. Thow seis be experience, yat quhē ane king or prince sendis be ane honest gentilman ony presand of meit, or ony precious gift be ane of his awin seruandis the gentilman yat ressauis this gift, will tak it blythly, reward yat seruand honest­ly, & baith for the lufe of the king that send the gift, and for the lufe of the preciousnes of the gift, he will geue honour & reuerence to the messingir yat beris the gift. Sa it is in this case, the king of heuin hes send to vs ane excellent present and precious gift, quhen he send his sonne to be incarnat for vs, the messingeir, quhilk hes deliuerit this gift to vs, is the glorious virgine Marie, quhilk now is in the glore of heuin, and misteris nane of our rewardis. Quhat is than our dewtie, be quhilk we ar bund to schaw our gratitude, bot to loue the virgine Marie honour hir, thank hir, that scho hes brocht to vs sa precious a presand & sa nobil a gift, quhilk we do, quhen we say to hir deuoitly & reuerently: Aue Ma­ria, gr̄a plena, dominus tecum. &c. Thairfor s. Au­gustine sais: We ar all dettouris to y e blissit virgin nixt eftir Christ to geue to hir thankis, because yat scho hes consauit, borne and nurissit our saluiour, and lyk a diligent mother had cure of him,

[Page]The fourt cause, is to fulfil the ordinatioun of God, quhilk is schawin to vs be the prophesie tha [...] the glorious virgine speikis in hir Cātikil, sayand: Ex hoc beatam me dicent omnes generationes. Fra this tyme all generatiouns sall call me blissit. Luce. i. Quhow can this prophecye of the ordinatioun of God be fulfillit, bettir than quhen we say to hir de­uoitly, Aue Maria. &c? And suppose, Turkis, Io­wis, heretikis, and fals christin men & wemen, will nocht loue the virgine Marie, and sa fulfill this prophecye, ȝit all trew faithfull and deuoit christin men & wemen will loif and honour hir, sayand with the Angel: Inuenisti gratiam apud deum. O glori­ous ladye thow hes found grace & fauour at God, and also Elizabeth the mother of sanct Iohne the Baptist said: Beata que credidisti. Happy art yow O glorious virgine, quhilk hes geuin credit to the messinger of God. Sa O christin man I exhort the, leir to vnderstand trewly the same salutatioun, and to say it deuoitly to the glorious virgine, be­seikand almychty God, that quhair he hes giffin sa gret aboundance & fulnes of grace to hir, that he wald be hir intercessioun, geue to the a drope of grace, quhairby thow may be saiffit & cum finally to the kingdome of heuin.

❧ The salutatioun of the Angel Gabriel callit the Aue Maria.

HAil Marie ful of grace, our lord is with ye, blissit art yow amang wemen, and blissit is the fruit of thi wambe. The first word of this salutatioun is, Aue, als me­kil to say in our mother toung as hail, be ioyful & blyth. And trewly this word may weil be said to the glorious virgin Marie, hail, be ioyful and blyth, because yat scho had & hes gret cause of ioy and blythnes. The first woman Eua had gret cause of displesour, sorrow and sadnes, for scho tynt the fauour & grace of god, he sayand to hir: Multiplicabo erumnas tuas. Gene. I sall multiplie thi sorrowis and displesouris. Scho was ouircūmit with the deuil, quhen scho consentit to his temptatioun, scho was ordanit eftir y e fal of Adam, to bring furth hir barnis w t dolour and paine, God sayand to hir: Gene. [...] In dolore paries filios tuos. Thow sal beir thi barnis with dolour and paine, bot be the contrare maner, the glorious virgin had gret matir of ioy & blyth­nes, for scho fand gret grace & had gret fauour of God, the Angel sayand to hir: Luce i. Inuenisti gr̄am apud deum. Thow hes found grace and fauour with God. Secundly, scho ouircom the deuil be faith & obediēce, quhen scho said: Luce. Ecce ancilla dn̄i, fiat mihi secundum verbum tuum. Behald the boundmaidin of our Lord, be it to me as thow [Page] hes said. Thridly scho buir hir sonne Iesus Christ with gret blythnes and ioy, for als mekil as scho buir him w t sic ane preuelege of grace as was neuir geuin to woman, bot to hir allanerly. For in tyme of hir birth scho was baith mother and virgin, quhairfor the kirk of God syngis to hir louing: In prole mater, in partu virgo, gaude et letare virgo mater dn̄i. In thi son y u art ane mother, in thi birth thow art ane virgin, be ioyfull & blyth O virgin & mother of our lord God. Suthly this salutatioun is weil begune with this word, Aue, to signifie that the murning, sorrow, sadnes, & displesour, quhilk is cūmin apon mankind be that vnhappy woman Eua, is turnit to plesour, ioy and blythnes, be this glorious and happy virgin the mother of God.

Heir ȝe mai repeit ye vvordis vvrittin in the thrid artikil of the Crede in the ex­positioun of this vvord Maria. Maria. The haly doctour Bede sais, that this word, Maria, be interpretatioun is als mekil to say as stella maris, vel domina, the sterne of the see, or ane lady, quhilk name agreis weil to the glorious virgin, for als mekil as y e til vs quhilk ar flowand and troublit in y e seis of yis present warld, scho hes borne the trew & maist excellent sterne of lycht and lord of all this warld, be reasone quhairof scho may weil be callit the sterne of the see & glorious ladye.

Gratia plena. Full of grace. For the declara­tioun of this word, it is to be notit, that the special grace of god workis in y e saule of man twa effectis. It expellis & puttis away synne, & also it decoris the saule with mony vertewis. And trewly concer­ning baith thir effectis of grace, we may weil say [Page Clxxxxiiii] that the glorious virgin is full of grace. Of the first spekis sanct Augustine on this maner: Aug. libro de natura et gratia. cap. 36. i. Ioan. i. Except the haly virgin Marie, gif al sanctis men & wemen quhen thai leuit heir in this warld, had bein sperit gif thai had bein w tout synne, yai wald all with ane voice haue cryit, sayand thir wordis of sanct Iohne: Gif we say yat we haue na synne, we begyle our self and yair is na verite in vs, except (I say) y e haly virgin, of quhom for the honour of our lord, quhen we speik of synne, vtterly I will haue na mentioun. For we knaw that to hir was geuin mair grace to ouircum synne of ilk a part, because scho was maid worthi to consaue and beir him, quhilk with­out dout had neuir synne. In thir wordis quhilk sanct Augustine sais, to ouircum syn, of ilk a part, or of all partis be testifyis plainly yat in y e glorious virgin was neuir synne, venial nor mortal, sa that we may weil say to hir, plena gratia, full of grace, concerning the first effect of grace. The secund effect of grace, quhilk was geuin to the glorious virgin, is exponit be sanct Hierome in ane sermon quhilk he makis apon the Assumptioun of the glo­rious virgin, sayand thus: The virgin Mari may weil be callit full of grace, for to the laif of sanctis, grace was geuin be partis, bot to the virgin Mary the hail fulnes of grace was geuin. And yat ȝe may vnderstand mair plainly the perfectioun of vertew geuin to the glorious virgin, ȝe sall note, that al­mychty God hes geuin his grace to syndre halye men, ilk ane of thame in syndre vertewis. For [Page] in haly scripture, in Abel is cōmendit simplicitie, in Enok clemens & honestie, in Noe lang suffering or lāganimitie, In Abrahā faith & obediens, in Isaac chastite in mariage, in Iacob lang tholing of labor, in Ioseph, doing of gud for euil, in Moyses is cō ­mendit gret humilite & meiknes. In Iosue, s [...]ark hoip in the help of god. In Iob gret pacience in ad­uersite. In Dauid abstening fra taking of venge­ance. In Salomon, wisdome. In Prophetis is cō mendit gret stoutnes of mynd, quhilk yai had in repreuing of euil thingis. Sa syndre haly men, was excellent in syndre vertewis, bot doutles the glori­ous virgin, because scho was full of grace▪ scho ex­cellit in all kind of vertew, in al gracis & giftis of y e haly spreit, because scho had in hir wambe ye son of God, quhilk is y well & perpetual spring of grace.

Dominus tecum. Our lord is with the, ȝe trewly in the virgin Marie our Lord was, nocht only be substance, powar & presence, as he is in al creaturis, nor nocht only with his special grace, as he is in all haly men & women, bot he was alswa in hir be resa­uing of our manly flesche & nature, in hir his bodye was ioynit to his diuinitie, in hir blissit wambe he remanit the space of nyne monethis. Sanct Barnard exponis this word sayand: Dn̄s tecum. Our Lord is with the. Our Lord y e sonne is with the, quhom thow cōsauis, our Lord the haly spreit is w t the, be quhais vertew & powar y u consauis, our lord god ye father is w t the, quhilk hes begottin him, quhom y u cōsauis. Verai singlarly our lord is w t y e, quhilk be ane new lyfe of chastite, hes lyftit vp thi mynd fra y e [Page Clxxxxv] lufe of bodily and warldly pleasoure, to the lufe and pleasure of heuinly thingis, and be meanis of his blissit incarnatioun, hes chosin the as ane haly tempil to his godhed and diuine maiestie. Sa O christin pepil, ȝe may easely vnderstand yat our Lord God was with the virgin Marie, mair excellētly, than euir he was with ony puir creature.

Benedicta tu in mulieribus. Blissit art yow a­mang wemen. Ȝe trewly, the glorious virgine is blissit abone all wemen, and thairfor to be honourit, louit & magnifyit abone all wemen, for as mekil as yat all the maledictioun, quhilk come apon vs be Eua, is takin away be the be­nedictioun geuin to Marie. And quhat is the benedictioun of God, bot collatioun of his gra­cious giftis? and sen he hes geuin ma gratious giftis to the glorious virgin, than he hes geuin til all vthir wemen, giffis or sall geue, quha can deny bot that the blissit virgin, is blissit abone all other wemen that euir hes bene, is or sal be? For scho allanerly is nocht only ane perpetual virgin, bot also mother to y e natural son of God.

Et benedictus fructus ventris tui. And blissit is the fruit of thi wame. Thir ar y e wordis, quhilk yat haly woman Elizabeth spak to the glorious virgin. And thai expone the wordis yat gangis afore, as gif thow wald say, quhat is the cause that the halye virgin Marie is blissit abone all wemen? It is answerit thus, because that the fruit of hir wambe, quhilk is Iesus Christ the [Page] sonne of God, is blissit abone all vtheris in the warld. In auld tyme yair was syndry haly we­men yat buir barnis, quhilk eftir hend was ha­ly men, bot nane of yame al was borne, or at the leist consauit w tout syn. The fruit of y e glorious virgin was allanerly blissit, eftir sa excellent a maner, that nother he was borne nor consauit in syn, bot also it was impossibil y t he mycht be cō ­sauit & borne in syn, because he is baith God & man. He blissit the cōceptioun of his mother the virgin Marie, quhen he p̄seruit hir fra original syn. He blissit the natiuitie of y e prophet Ieremy and S. Iohne the Baptist, quhen he sanctifyit yame baith in thair motheris wambe, afore that yai war borne in this warld. Sa lat vs cōclude beleiffand fermely, that blissit is the fruit of the wambe of the glorious virgin, our saluiour Ie­sus Christ, to quhom with the father & the haly spreit, be honour & glore for euir and euir. Amen

❧Ane declaratioun schawand to quhem we suld pray, and for quhom.

BEcause ȝe haue hard quhow ȝe suld prepare ȝour myndis afore ȝour prayar, now for ȝour gretar instructioun ȝe sall haue twa questiouns declarit to ȝow. First to quhom we suld pray? The secund, for quhom we suld pray? Answeir to y e first questioun standis in thre veriteis. The first is, we suld pray to almychty god, to geue vs his grace, his help or giftis till vs necessary & profitabil. For it is God only yat be [Page Clxxxxvi] his awin propir powar & vertew, giffis grace & all gud to vs necessare, spiritual & eternal, according as S. Iames sais: Iaco. i. Omne darū optimum et omne donum perfectū, desursum est descendens a patre lu­minū. All gud giftis & all perfit giftis, is fra abone descendand & cūand fra y e father of lycht. And that he is the giffar of all tēporal guddis, the prophet in the Psalme testifyis sayand: Oculi (oim) omnium in te sperāt dn̄e, et tu das escā illorū in tēpore oportuno, Psal. aperis tu manuū tuā et imples omne animal benedictione. The eyene of all creaturis hoipis in the gud Lord, and y u giffis yame fude in tyme cōuenient, thow op­pinnis thi hand & fulfillis all creaturis leiffand, w t thi benesone & gracious giftis. To god yairfor al­lanerly we suld pray as giffar of all gudnes. The secund is this, we suld pray to gud men and wemen leiffand heir in this walrd, desirand thame to pray for vs to God, yat be yair prayaris we may obtene the grace & help of god. Ane storie of yis we haue in the buke of Genesis, quhen almychty God had re­preiffit Abimelech the king of Geraris, for taking to him Abrahams wife, callit Sara. Gene▪ He said thus to Abimelech y e king: Nunc igitur redde vxorē viro suo, et orabit ꝓ te quia propheta est et viues. Geue agane yis wife to hir husband, & he sal pray for the, because he is a prophet, & sa y u sal leif & eschaipe my punitioun. Quhen y e king had restorit agane Sa­ra til Abrahā hir husbād, Abrahā maid his prayar to God, for the king and all his house, then God al­mychty helit Abimelechis wyfe and all hir wemen, quhilk be the punitioun of God, was maid barrat and vnabil to consaue and beir barnis. [Page] Now sen god almychty bad Abimalech require Abraham to praye for him, quhy suld nocht we likwais desire gud men & wemen to pray to god for vs? And siclik exempil we reid in the buke of Iob, Iob. 42. yat his thre freindis disputand lang tyme with him, and in yair disputatioun yai offendit God, quhairfor God gef thame cōmand to gāg to Iob & require him to pray for thame to God, that be Iobs prayar the same thre men mycht e­schaip the punitioun of God. Sa thai did, Iob prayit for thame and God was plesit, sa suld we require gud men & wemen to pray for vs. And sen the Apostil sanct Paule yat chosin veschel of God, Hebre. vl. Roma. 15. Eph [...]. 6. requirit and desirit the Ephesianis, Ro­manis and the Hebrewis to pray for him, mekil mair suld we miserabil synnaris, desire vtheris to pray for vs. The thrid trew saying is this, gif we may lauchfally desire thame that ar leif­fand here in this warld to praye for vs, mekil mair it followis yat we may pray the angellis & sāctis of heuin to pray for vs, quhilk beand pre­sent with god in glore, yai ar mair ardent & fer­uent in cheritie toward vs, than yai war quhen thai leiffit in this warld. And thairfor na man suld dout, bot yat sāctis pray for our saluation, kennand perfitly yat yai can nocht be consūmat and maid perfite in the glore of baith body and saule, Hebre. xi. quhil we cum to thair cumpany & be glo­rifyit with thame in body and saule. Hieroni. contra Vi­gilantium▪ Heir quhat S. Iherome sais of this matir writand aganis Vigilantius ane heretyk, quhais heresye was [Page Clxxxxvii] that the sanctis of heuin prayis nocht for vs. Thir ar the wordis of S. Iherome: Si Apostoli et Martyres, adhuc in corpore constituti, possunt orare pro caeteris, quando de se adhuc debent esse sol [...]iciti, quanto magis post victorias, coronas, et triump hos? Gyf the Apostillis and Martyris ȝit beand in this mortal bodye, mycht pray for v­theris, quhen yai suld be besy & diligent for yair awin help & saluatioun, quhow mekil mair may yai pray for vs now being in heuin, eftir yat yai haue victorie of all thair ennemyis, the croune of glore, and triumphant ioy & blythnes? E [...] That ane man Moyses be his prayar obtenit fra God remissioun and forgifnes of sax hundreth thou­sand armit men. [...] And S. Steuin the followar of his Lord & maister Iesus Christ, prayit for thame yat persecutit him, and eftir hend yat yai come to the presence and cumpany of Christ in y e glore of heuin, sall thai be les abil to help vs w t thair prayaris? The Apostil sanct Paul, [...] quhen he was in y e schip in perrel of drowning, he maid his prayar to God, and obtenit the lyfe of twa hundreth seuinty and sax personis, quhilk was with him in the same schip. And quhen he is de­partit of this warld and come to the presence of Christ in heuin, was he stoppit fra all praying? And nocht abil to help thame with his prayar, quhilk throw out all the warld be his preching of the euangil beleiffit in Iesus Christ? As he mycht say plainely, the sanctis of heuin is mair [...]il to help now with thair prayaris, than thai [Page] war, quhen yai leiffit in this present lyfe, because y yai ar with God mair fimiliar & mair ardent in lufe and cheritie, than thai culd be in this present warld. Sa na christin man suld dout bot yet the sanctis of heuin prayis for vs continually, & thairfor we suld desire at God our eternal father, to heir & grant the prayaris quhilk ye sanctis makis to his diuine ma­iestie for vs, yat we at all tymes may be defendit be the help of his godly protectioun. We beleif w t our hart, and cōfessis with our mouth, yat our saluiour Iesus Christ is only the mediatour of our redemp­tioun, for he only be y e meritis of his bittir passion, hes payit the pryce of our raunsome, and hes deli­uerit vs fra synne, the deuil, and hel. Nochttheles, we suld beleif that the sanctis of heuin ar to vs me­diatouris, nocht of our redemptioun, bot allanerly be the way of intercessioun, & vnder God and eftir Christ Iesu patronis & helparis of al faithful men and wemen, quhilk faithfully desyris yair prayars. And quhairto will y u O christin man be sa curious, as to speir gif y e sanctis of heuin kēnis our prayars or na? Put away yat vaine curiositie, & beleif as the haly catholyk kirk of God beleiffis, quhilk as S. Paule sais, 1. Timo. 3. is the house of god, the fundament and pillar of veritie. Trow fermely yat the kirk of god is gydit in forme & maner of praying, be the derec­tioun of the haly gaift, quhilk is the spreit of verite, and cōtinually techis the kirk to haue & vse y e plain veritie. Thow suld thairfor pray as y e kirk prayis, quhilk in the Latanyes prayis to god the father, y e [Page Clxxxxviii] sonne, and the haly spreit, to geue vs grace & mercy and also prayis to the sanctis of heuin, as interces­souris to pray for vs to God, that we may be thair prayaris obtene the mercy of God. Na man that is leirnit in the halye write can denye, bot that ane blissit Angel kennis our prayar, takis it, offeris & presentis it to the presence of goddis maiestie, euin sa dout nocht bot yat the sāctis of heuin kennis our prayaris, because thai ar equale in glore with the angellis, thai haue the same sycht of God that the angellis hes, and thairfor thai may se our prayaris in the same eternal and glorious myrrour of the godhed▪ quhairin the angellis seis and kennis our prayaris, according as it plesis almychty god to re­uele or manifest to thame for our help & succour. It wald be lang to reherse the sayingis of al the catho­lyk doctouris concerning yis mattir, ȝit it suld nocht be tedious to ȝow to heir ye wordis of S. Hierome, Hieroni in epita­phium Paule. quhilk as he was ane of the ald doctouris of y e kirk w tin four hundreth ȝeris eftir the passioun of Christ sa was he ane of the maist excellent cleirkis, quhilk florissit in the kirk of God sen the tyme of the Apo­stillis. Thir ar his wordis quhilk he sais to ane ha­ly woman callit Paula, eftir hend that scho was dede: Vale (inquit) O Paula, et cultoris tui vlti­mam senectutem orationibus suua, fides et opera tua Christo te [...]ciant, pre [...]en [...] facilius quod postu­las impetrabis. Fairweil (lais he) O Paula, and help with thi prayaris the last aige of thi seruand. [Page] Thi faith and thi workis hes ioynit and couplyt y [...] to Christ, thairfor thow being present with him, sal obtene mair easely, yat thow askis at him. Sen yis nobil clerk & haly doctour sanct Hierome, maid his prayar to Paula (eftir that scho was dede) to praye for him, quhi may nocht ilk ane of vs lykwais pray to ony sanct of heuin, to quhom we haue deuotioun, that be his prayaris we may the mair easly obtene the help of god? And think nocht, O christin man, that quhen we pray to sanctis, that we mak ony de­rogatioun to the meritis, intercessioun and media­tioun of our saluiour Christ. For the vse & custome of haly kirk, is to end and conclude all collectis and publik prayaris, be this clause: Per Christum dn̄m nostrum. Be Christ our lord, to signifie yat we ask at god to grant vs his grace, his help, succour and giftis, principally for ye meritis of Christ Iesu our Lord and saluiour.

☞The secund questioun is, for quhom suld we pray? Trewly for all christin men & wemen, quhilk hes mister of our prayar, quhidder thai be leiffand or dede. And because (that as we trow) na mā dout­tis bot that we suld pray for thame that ar leiffand, we sall schortlye set furth to ȝow the sayingis of cer­tane anciant catholyk doctouris, quhilk in the be­ginning of the kirk florissit excellently, na les in halynes of lyfe, than in trew knawlege and vnder­standing of the word of god, to declair that we suld pray for y e saulis departit remanand in Purgatory quhilk may be helpit be our prayar. Dyonisius in ecclsi. hierar [...]. Accedens de­inde venerandus antistes, precem suā super mortuū [Page Clxxxxix] peragit, precatur oratio illa diuinā clementiam, vt cuncta dimittat per infirmitatem humanā admissa peccata defuncto, eum (que) in luce statuat et regione viuorum, in sinibus Abrahe, Isaac et Iacob, in loco vnde effugit dolor, tristitia et gemitus hec ille. Than (sais he) cummis the venerabil bischope & sais his prayaris ouir the dede corse, and in his prayar he beseikis the mercifull God to forgeue to yat dede persone (quhais body say afore yame to be erdit) all synnis, quhilk he had committit aganis God, be mannis infirmitie or fragiltie, & that almychty God wald bring him to the lycht and regioun of leuand men, in the bosumes and resting placis of Abraham, Isaac, and Iacob, quhair thair can be na dolour, sadnes or mur­ning. This doctour Dyonisius was discipil to S. Paule, as is the common oppinioun of the historeis. Sanct Cypriane martyr, writand to the clergie & pepil of Furnitans a citie sa callit, Cypri [...] episto warnand thame that it was decretit afore his tyme, be ye bischoppis and preistis of Cartage, that na mā suld ordane a preist to be ane tutour of ane testament. Quhilk thing gif ony mā did, that for him, yair suld nocht be maid ony sacri­fice of the altar, or ony celebratioun of publik prayaris, yat is to say, that yair suld be na Mes said for his saule. Be quhais wordis it is ma­nifest & plaine, that afore the tyme of Cypriane, quhilk was within twa hundreth ȝeris of Christ the kirk of god vsit to pray for the saulis depar­tit. Sanct Augustine y e floure of al catholyk [Page] doctouris, quhilk hes geuin to vs (be the grac [...] of God geuin to him) the cleire lycht of trew in­telligence of the word of God, Aug. in li­bro de cu­ra pro mortuis agēda in a buke that he makis, de cura pro mortuis agenda, of the cure & suffrage quhilk ar to be done for thame that ar departit of this walrd. He exhortis all christin pepil to pray for the saulis departit, for twa rea­sonis. The tane is, the word of halye scripture writin in y e secund buke of ye Machabeis on yis maner: 2. Mac. 12 Iudas Machabeus gadderit & send to Hierusalem twelf thousand dragmas of siluer, to be offerit yair in sacrifice for y e synnis of yame yat war dede in battel, thinkand weil & deuoitly of the resurrectioun to cum. Than it followis a lytil eftirh [...]nd: Sancta ergo et salubris est cogita­tio pro defunctis exorare, vt a peccatis soluātur. It is a haly & helsum thocht to pray for the saulis departit, yat thai may be lowsit fra yair synnis. The secund reasone quhilk sanct Augustine bringis to the same effect, is ye vse and custome of y e haly kirk of God. Thir ar his wordis: Non parua est vniuersae ecclesiae (quae in hac consuitudine claret) authoritas, vt ī precibus sacerdotis, quae dn̄o deo ad eius altare funduntur locū suum habeat etiā cōmemoratio mortuorum. hec ille. It is na lytil auctoritie of y e haly kirk, quhilk vsis manifestly this custome, that in the prayaris of the preist, quhilk ar said to our Lord at his altar, Aug. lib. 9 cōfessiou [...] cap. 13. also ane cōmemoratioun or remēbrance of saulis depar­tit hes a place. The same doctour s. Augustine in his buke of cōfessiouns, beseikis God to gife [Page CC] grace to the preistis to pray for the saulis of his fa­ther and mother, sayand on this maner: Inspire O lord my God, inspire thi seruandis my brethrin, thi sonnis my maisteris, to quhom I mak seruice with word, hart, and leirning, yat als mony of thame yat reidis thir wordis, may haue remembrance at thi altar, of thi seruand Monica and Patrik hir hus­band, be quhais flesche y u brocht me to this warld, quhow, I can nocht tell &c. The same Monica mother to sanct Augustine, a litil a fore hir dede de­sirit sanct Augustine hir sonne, to haue remēbrance of hir at the altar of our Lord, quhilk as he sais, he did with gret diligēce, and also causit other preistis quhilk was in his company to do the same.

Sanct Iohne Chrisostome a Grek doctour, Chrisosto­mus in p̄o­rē epistolā Pauli ad Corin. ser­mone. 41. fere ī fine. bischop of Constantinopil afore the tyme of sanct Augustine, quhilk for his cunnying and eloquence was callit Iohne with the goldin mouth sais thus: Abierit peccator sane, gaudere decet, peccata im­pedita esse, & non accumulatum malum, niti (que) quā ­tum fieri potest, vt inuetur, nō lachrimis, sed prece, supplicationibus, ele [...]mosynis, oblationibus. We grant (sais he) a synnar is departit, thairfor it be­cummis vs to be blyth, that synnis ar ceissit, and euil is nocht hepit, and alsmekil as we may we suld labour, that he may be helpit, nocht with greting, bot with prayars and supplicatioun, almous deidis and oblatiouns. And the same doctour in the same place declaris at lenth, quhow yat y e saulis departit may be helpit be celebratioun of the Mes. [Page] Iohne Damascein lykwais ane Grek doctou [...] sais thus: Damas. in quodā ser­mone de suffragiis mortuorū Misteriorum conscii discipuli saluatoris, et sacri Apostoli in tremendis et viuificis misteriis, memoriā fieri eorū qui fideliter dormierunt, sanxe­runt. The discipillis of our saluiour, & the haly Apostillis haiffand knawlege of ye misteryis of Christ, hes decretit and ordanit in the feirfull & leiffand misteryis, remembrāce suld be maid for yame quhilk hes sleppit faithfully, as he mycht say plainely, that the halye Apostillis of Iesus Christ, ordanit that the saulis quhilk departis of yis warld in the leiffand faith of Iesꝰ Christ, yat yai suld be helpit be remēbrāce had for yam [...] in the Mes. Gregoriꝰ ad Bonifatium et re citatur. 13. dis. q. 2. c. pro obe­untibus. Sanct Gregour, quhilk amang all the bischoppis is callit maist vigilant, sais on yis maner followand: Pro obeuntibus quipp [...] consuluisse cognosceres, si liceat pro eis oblationes offerre, sācta sic tenet ecclesia, vt quis (que) pro mortui [...] vere christianis offerat oblationes, at (que) presbyter eorum faciat memoriā. Et quamuis peccatis omnes subiiciamur, congruit tamen, vt sacerdos ꝓ mottui [...] catholici [...] memoriā faciat & intercedat. Thow art kēnit to haue askit counsale as cōcerning yame yat ar departit fra this warld, gif it be lesum to mak oblatiouns for yame. The haly kirk haldis this, that ilk a man & woman may offerre obla­tiouns for thame that ar dede, gif thai be trew christin men & wemen. And the preist suld haue remembrance of thame. And suppose we ar all subieckit to synne, It is conuenient that y e preist haue remembrance and mak intercessioun for [Page CCi] thame yat ar dede in the catholyk faith. And the same doctour sais thus in ane other place: Anime defunctorum, quatuor modis soluuntur, aut oblati­onibus sacerdotum, aut precibus sanctorū, aut cha­ [...]orum eleemosynis, aut ieiunio cognatorum. The saulis departit ar lowsit foure maner of wais, oder be oblatiouns of preistis, or be prayaris of gud and haly men, or be almous deidis done be yair freindis, or be fasting of thair kynnis men. Thir doctouris afore rehersit ar maist auncient and excellent in the kirk of God, to quh [...]me all other doctouris that come eftir yame agreis w t ane consent in this mater, and all general coun­sallis, and specially ye counsale of Constance a­greis to ye same, yat we suld pray for all christin saulis, quhilk hes mister & may be helpit be our prayaris. And thus O christin man thow hes declarit thre thingis to the, necessarie to knaw. First quhow thow suld pray, with faith, hoip, & cheritie. Secundly to quhem thow suld pray, to God as giffir of grace & all gudnes, and to gud men & wemen in erd, & to the sanctis in heuin as intercessouris to pray for vs to God, that we may obtene his grace. The thrid, for quhem suld we pray, trewly for all quick & dede, quhilk hes mister and may be helpit be our prayar.

And because yat the haly Apostil S. Peter exhortis vs to be redye alwayis to satisfye and answeir all man yat speris ony questioun at vs concerning our faith and hoip, [...]. Pet [...] we think it expedient to schaw schortly & plainly quhat our sal­uiour [Page] Iesus Christ, & also quhat his haly Apo­stil s. Paule sais concerning this mater of Pur­gatorie. And suppose this word Purgatorie is nocht expresly put in ye haly scripture, ȝit y e sig­nificatioun of it is plainly cōtenit in syndre pla­cis of the haly scripture, & may be cleirly prouin be the samyn, swa yat ye samyn placis be trewly exponit according to y e faithful declaratioun of autentik & catholyk doctouris. First our salui­our Christ sais thir wordis: Math. xii. Qui autē dixerit contra spiritum sanctum, non remittetur ei, ne (que) in hoc seculo, ne (que) in futuro. Quhasa speikis agane the haly spreit, it sall nocht be forgeuin to him, no­ther in this warld, nor in the warld to cum. In thir wordis our saluiour expresly affirmis, that sum synnis ar forgeuin in ye warld to cum. For gif yat na kind of synne is forgeuin in ye warld to cū, quhat nedit our saluiour to eik yir wordis ne (que) in futuro, nother in the warld to cum? Now send swa it is yat our saluiour is ye eternal wis­dome of God, it can nocht be said without blas­phematioun, yat he wald speik ony wordis in vaine or without a necessarie cause. Thairfor cō ­siderand that he sais expresly, y e certane synnis may be forgeuin in ye warld to cū, quhilk word can nocht be trewly takin of mortal synnis, be­cause yat thai ar nocht forgeuin in the warld to cum, it mone neidis follow that certane venial synnis or ellis sum temporal payne to be tholit for mortal synnis (quhilk temporal paine is cal­lit synne in the scripture) may be forgeuin in the warld to cum, for the quhilk in this warld man his nocht maid sufficient satisfactioun. Yat yis is y e [Page CCii] trew expositioun of this place, s. Augustine bearis witnes in that maist excellent buke, Aug. de ciui. Dei­libro. 20. cap. 25. quhilk he maid of y e citie of god, sayand thus: Ne (que) enim de quibus­dā veraciter diceretur, quod nō eis remittatur, ne (que) in hoc seculo, ne (que) in futuro, nisi essent, quibus et si non in isto, tamen remitteretur in futuro. Nother mycht it be said trewly of certane synnis, yat thai ar nocht forgeuin to men, nother in this warld nor in y e warld to cū, except yat certane sinnis, suppose nocht in this warld, ȝit yai may be forgeuin in ye warld to cum. Sanct Gregore allegis the samyn wordis of our saluiour to appreif Purgatorie, sayand thus: libro. 40 dialo. cap. 39. De quibusdā leuibꝰ culpis ante iudiciū purgatorius ignis credēdus est pro eo quod veritas dixit: si quis in spiritū [...]ctm̄ blasphemiā dixerit, ne (que) ī hoc seculo dimittetur ne (que) in futuro. In qua sētentia datur intelligi quasdā culpas in hoc seculo, quasdā in futuro re laxari. The Purgatorie fyre aucht to be trowit for certane licht synnis afore the iudgement, because ye veritie sais: Gyf ony man speikis blasphematioun agane the haly spreit, nother in this warld sall he be forgeuin, nor in ye warld to cum. In the quhilk sē ­tens it is geuin to be vnderstand yat certane synnis in this warld, and certane synnis in ye warld to cum ar relaxit, forgeuin or takin away.

The Apostil sanct Paule writand to the Corin­thianis, sais thir wordis: i. Cor. [...]. Si quis autem superedi­ficat supra fundamentum hoc, au [...]um, argentum, la­pides preciosos, ligna, fenum, stipulam, vniuscuius (que) opus manifestū erit Dies enim dn̄i declarabit, quia in igne reuelabitur, et vniuscuius (que) opus qualis sit ignis probabit. Si cuius opus manse [...]it quod super edificauit, mercedem accipiet▪ Si cuius opus arserit [Page] detrimētum patietur, ipse autē saluus erit sic tamen quasi per ignem. Gyf a man big apon this foun­datioun (I mene the faith of our saluiour) gold, siluir, precious stanis, treis, hay or stybbil, the warke of ilk man sall be schawin. For the day of our Lord sall declare, quhilk sall be schawin in fyre. And the warke of ilk man, quhat it is y e fyre sall trie or preif. Gif ony mans worke yat he hes biggit yairon abyde, he sal ressaue reward. Gyf the warke of ony man burne, he sal thole skaith, bot he sall be saiffit him self, nochttheles, ȝit as it war throw fyre. Quha sa will consider dili­gently this auctoritie of S. Paule, he sall esely find Purgatory to be eftir yis lyfe. And gif ony man will say the contrarie, lat him heir quhat S. Augustine sais in his fourt sermone quhilk he makis of y e cōmemoratioun of saulis, Aug. in sermone. 4. in cōme­moratiōe anima [...]um quhair he exponis ye forsaid wordis of sanct Paule on this maner: Multi sunt, qui lectionem istam male intelligentes, falsa decipiuntur securitate, dum cre­dunt, quod si supra fundamentum Christū capitalia crimina edificent, peccata ipsa per trāsitorium ignē purgari, et ipsos postea ad vitā perpetuam puenire. Thair be mony (sais s. Augustine, quhilk vnder standis verai euil yis present lessone of s. Paule ar desauit with a fals securitie, trowand yat gif thai byg apon this foundatioun (quhilk is the faith of our saluiour Christ Iesu) dedlie and mortal synnis, yat y e samyn synnis may be pur­git be transitorie fyre, and sa yat thai eftir hend may cum to the perpetual life.

[Page CCiii]And a litil eftirhend he sais thus: Illo enim tran­sitorio igne, de quo dixit Apstolus: ipse enim saluus erit sic tamen quasi per ignē, non capitalia, sed mi­nuta peccata purgantur. Quicquid enim a nobis de istis peccatis redemptū non fuerit, illo igne purgā ­dum est de quo dixit Apostolus: Quia in igne reue­labitur, & cuius opus arserit (hoc est cremabile erit) detrimentum patietur. For trewly (sais sanct Au­gustine) with that transitorie fyre, quhairof S. Paule said, that he sall be saiffit euin as it war be ane fyre, nocht dedlie synnis, bot smale synnis ar purgit. For quhat sa [...]uir siclyk smale synnis is nocht redemit be vs, it sall be purgit with yat fyre, quhairof the Apostil said, that the day of our Lord sal be reuelit in fyre, and quhais work sall burne, that is to say, abil to be burnt, sall thole skaith. Heir thow hes O christin man ye auctoritie of sanct Paule schortly and cleirly ex­ponit of Purgatorie to be tholit eftir yis lyfe, & yat thow hes sa exponit be sanct Augustine, ane of the maist excellent and catholik doctouris yat was euir in the kirk of God. To quhais expo­sitioun aggreis ane auld Grek doctour callit Theodoricus byschop of Cyrane, sayand thus: Theodo­ricus. Dicit Apostolus, quod saluabitur sic tan (quam) per con­flatorium ignem purgantem quicquid inuenit per incautelam preterite vite, expuluere saltem pedum terreni sensus, in quo tamdiu manet, quamdiu quic­quid corpulētie et terreni affectus inhesit, purgetur Pro quo mater ecclesia hostias & dona pacifica de­ [...]ote offert. The Apostil sais that a man sall be [Page] saiffit, swa as be ane blawin fyre yat purgis quhat saeuir it fyndis doin throw vnwarnes or negligens of ye lyfe bygane, at the lest, it purgis thai thingis quhilk a man hes contrackit be the dust of his fete, yat is to say, his eirdlie or warldly affectiouns. In the quhilk fyre he mone sa lang abyde & remane as lang as ony bodaly or warldly affections abydis in him worthi to be purgit. For quhem our mother ye kirk offeris deuoitly to god sacrifice & vthir giftis. In the expositioun of this auncient & catholyk do­ctour thow may leir thre lessonis: First yat the fyre quhairof S. Paule speikis, is to be tholit eftir this present lyfe, because yat this doctour sais, yat y e fyre quhairof S. Paule spekis purgis or clengis a mā fra thai smale synnis quhilk he hes doin be vnwar­nes or be negligens in the tyme of his lyfe bygane, yat is to say, of this present lyfe. Secundly, that a man abydis in ye samyn fyre, ay & quhil he be fully purgit or clengit fra ye samyn synnis. Thridly yat he is helpit be the prayaris, suffragis & vthir gud deidis done for him in haly kirk. And gif ony mā will stifly hald agane thir expositiouns of haly doc­touris, sayand yat s. Paule menis of ye fyre of tem­poral paine & troubil to be tholit in yis present lyfe, he may be cōfutit be twa wordis of s. Paule cōtenit in this present auctoritie, yat S. Paule menis of a fyre yat sal cum eftir this present lyfe. The first word is this: Vniuscuius (que) opus manifestum erit. The wark of ilk a man sall be to him manifest and knawin, quhilk thing trewly is nocht done in the tyme of this present lyfe, Eccle. 9. because it is writtin: Nescit [Page CCiiii] homo vtrum amore vel odio dignus sit, sed oīa in futurum seruantur incerta. In the tyme of this lyfe man knawis nocht certanely quhidder he is worthi the lufe or hettrand of God, bot all thingis ar kepit vncertane till the warld to cum. The secund word of s. Paule is this: Dies dn̄ideclarabit. The day of our Lord sall declare. Quhat is that day of our Lord? Trewly eftir y e mynd of Anselmus w t vthir doctors, the day of our Lord in y e scripture propirly is callit the day of Gods iudgement, nocht denyand bot yat al the dais of this present lyfe ar the dais of our Lord, for als mekil as he giffis thame to vs, & be his ordinatioun that all proceid according as the prophet sais in the Psalme: Psal. 118. Ordinatione tua perse [...]erat dies. Nochttheles ye day of Gods iugement (as we said afore) is propirly callit the day of our Lord, to signifie a differans betwein mannis day & Gods day. Quhat is callit mānis day? Trewly y e day quhairin man takis his plesour aganis ye ple­sour of God, quhairin man dois his awin will con­trarie to ye will of God. Of this mānis day spekis the prophet Hieremie, sayand thus: Iere. 17. Diem hominis non desideraui: tu scis. O gud Lord (sais he) thow kennis yat I haue nocht desyrit the day of man, yat is to say, to leiue ane carnal & delicious lyfe agane thi will. Of ye samyn day our saluiour Christ ma­kis mentioun, speikand to the pepil of Ierusalem: Et quidem in hac die tua. And verraily in this thi day. Than quhat is our Lordis day? Trewly that day quhairin our Lord dois his plesour a­ganis the plesour of euil men, quhairin our Lord [Page] [...]e hi [...] [...]eous iudgement, fulfillis his awin godly will [...]arie to the will of euil men, giffand to [...] [...]an according to his warkis.

Quhow mony sortis of dais of iudgement fynd we in the scripture? Trewly twa. The tane is the day of our particular iudgement, quhilk is executit to ilk man and woman immediatly eftir yair saule de­part fra thair body, quhairof sanct Paule speikis thus: H [...]br [...]. 9. Statutū est hominibus semel mori et post hoc iudicium. It is decretit of God, that men & wemen anis sall dee, & efter that to cum to yair iudgement. Of this day of our Lord quhairin he cūmis to our particular iudgement speikis sanct Paule sayand thus: [...] Scitis quia dies domini sicut fur in nocte ita veniet. Ȝe ken yat y e day of our Lord sal cum apon ȝow quietly euin as the theif cummis on the nycht. The secund day of our lord is callit yat day quhair in he sall cum manifestly and oppenly to ye general iudgement, quhairof speikis the Prophet Iohel, sayand thus: [...]o [...]elis. 2 Magnus dies dn̄i et terribilis valde. Gret is the day of our Lord and exceding terribil. Now quhen sanct Paule sais, the day of our Lord sall declare, for it sall be reuelit in fyre, he can nocht be vnderstādit to speik of the day of general iudge­ment, for eftir yat day na man sal be saiffit be fyre, because yat eftir yat day of general iudgement, on­ly remanis paynis to be tholit perpetually in the syre of hel, be the quhilk na man sall be saiffit. We mone thairfor of necessitie vnderstand the word of sanct Paule to be spokin of the day of our Lord, quhairin he cummis to our particular iudgement, [Page CCv] that day sall declare til all men & wemen the quan­titie and qualitie of all thair workis gud and euil. And eftir yat day or on that day, quhasa hes biggit apon the foundation of our christin faith, treis, hay or stybbil, yat is to say, hes done in this lyfe ony smale or vanial synnis, or that in. this lyfe hes nocht condignely & sufficiently tholit all tempo­ral payne, quhilk he aucht to fulfil for his dedly synnis, and depart fra this warld in the stait of grace, that man or woman sall be saiffit be the fyre, because yat quhen he is iustly purgit, baith fra his vanial synnis quhairin he deis, and also quhen he hes iustly tholit all temporal payne, quhilk be ye iustice of God he aucht to thole for his dedlie synnis forgeuin to him be Pennance, than is he saiffit and passis to ye glorious king­dome of heuin. Thus christin man thow hes de­clarit to the, the mynd of sanct Paule, baith be his awin wordis and alswa be ye expositioun of haly and catholyk doctouris, quhairto all chri­stin men aucht to geue ferme credence.

IN the end of this buke, first we desyre ȝow Vicaris and Curattis, quhilk ar to reid ye samyn to ȝour parochionaris, that afore ȝe begyn to reid it at ony tyme, first aduert weil and tak tent to ye correctioun of certane faultis col­leckit & put in the end of this buke, to yat effect yat ȝe kennand the faultis & how thai suld be a­mendit, may the bettir reid the samyn buke to ye [Page] edificatioun of the people, for yair is na buke sa perfitly prentit, bot sum faultis dois eschaip in the printing thairof.

Secundly, we exhort ȝow all yat ar Personis of kirkis, quhilk hes ressauit apon ȝow the cure of saulis, quhat degree or name saeuir ȝe haue, yat ȝe wald apply ȝour diligens to do ȝour office, that is to say, to preche & teche syncerly the euā ­gil of God to ȝour parochionaris according as ȝe ar ob [...]ssit to do be ye law of God & haly kirk. And trow nocht yat this buke sal discharge ȝow afore God fra executioun of ȝour forsaid office, for trewly it is nocht set out to that intentioun, nother to geue to ȝow ony baldnes or occasioun of negligence and idilnes. Heirfor for ye tender mercy of God, and for ye lufe yat ȝe haue or suld haue to the bittir passioun of Christ Iesu our saluiour, quhais spiritual flock bocht with his awne precious blud ȝe haue takin to keip & feid, yat ȝe failȝe nocht to do ȝour office, ilk ane of ȝow to ȝour awin parochionaris, seand yat thai pay to ȝow thair dewtie sufficiently. Consider weil & dout nocht dot yat ȝe ar als mekil bund to yame as thai ar bund to ȝow. This do, as ȝe will es­chaip the terribil vengeance of Gods iudgemēt quhilk he schoris to cum apon ȝow in the thrid cheptour of Ezechiel, sayand: Sanguinem autem eius de manu tua requiram. I sall (sais our eter­nal iudge) require out of thi handis the blud of him that perissis throw thi negligens. And gif ȝe be wise, lat neuir the weichty word of sanct [Page] Paule gang out of ȝour remembrans, quhilk is writtin in the last cheptour to ye Hebrewis: Ipse enim ꝑuigilant, quasi rationē pro animabus vestris reddituri. Thai that ar gud pastouris watchis perfitely, as men that ar to geue ane accompt to God for ȝour saulis.

Thridly O christin pepil we exhort ȝow with all diligence, heir, vnderstand, & keip in ȝour re­membrance, the haly wordis of God, quhilk in this present Catechisme ar trewly & catholykly exponit to ȝour spiritual edification. And albeit al thingis be nocht sa fullily & perfitly compre­hendit heirin, to ȝour vnderstanding as ȝe wald require, we exhort ȝow in Christ (for quhais ho­nour and ȝour profite only, this buke is set out be ȝour pastouris) that ȝe will ressaue and take the samyn in ye best part, & wey the gud myndis and willis of yame yat wald haue had the same bettir, baith compilit, correckit & prentit, to ȝour saule helth, gif y e tyme mycht haue tholit it. And gif ȝe persaif be frequent heiring heirof, ȝour self spiritually instruckit mair than ȝe haue bein in tymes bygane, geue the thankis thairof only to God, the father, the sonne, & the haly spreit, to quhem be geuin all honour and glore, louing and praise for now and euir. Amen.

Errata. ☞Heir followis certane faultis eschaipit be negli­gence in the prenting of this buke, quhair thow sal [...] note, yat this sillab fo. betakinnis y e leif of ye buke, yis lettir a signifeis ye first page or syde of ye buke, this lettir b. schawis the secund syde of the leif, this lettir l. betakins ye lyne of ye syde, countand fra the hiear part dounward, in ye quhilk lyne the fault is expremit, with the trew word set for it. Reid the first lyne on this maner. The first leif, the first syde of the leif, the lyne xxviii. and sa the laif.

Fol. i. a. l. xxviii▪ vetew, for vertew. And in the same lyne, ar for art fo. i. b. l. xxiii. misend for mis­ [...]end. fo. ii. a. l. i. of superfluous. fo. iiii a. l. vi. laf for laif. fo v. a. l. v. cōmandis for cōmand. fo v. a. li. viii. punitiouns for punitiouns. fo. v. a. l. xxiii. to gud heuen, for to ane gud heuin. fo. v. a. l. 27. is for ar. fo. v. b. l. ix. creturis for creaturis. fo. v. b. l. xvii iu [...]ificatiobus for iustificationibus. fo. v. b. l. xxvii. rens for reus. fo. vi. a. l. xvi. eftir this word sayand▪ eik to yir wordꝭ lucerna corporis tui est [...]us tuus fo. vi. b. l. xxiiii. brak, for breik. fo. vii. b. l. ii. Deu­teronome for Deuteronome. fo. viii. b. l. v. Adoma for Adama. fo. viii. a. l, xxii, mattir, for mater. fo. ix. a. l. i. eftir this word God, eik to this word, is. fo. x. b. l. xxx. eerce, for exerce. fo. xiii. a. l. vii. getil, for gentil. fo xiii. a. l. viii. Goo. for God. fo. xiii a. l. xiii. lad for land. fo. xvi b▪ l iiii. y for the. fo xvi. b lxxxi. streth for strenth. fo. xvii. a. l. iiii. commantis for commandis. fo. xvii. a. l. xix. speid for spend fo xvi. a. l. xxxi. fyuntane for fountane. fo. xviii. b. l. x. [Page] warloly for warldly. fo. xix. a. l. ii. ind for and. fo. xx. a. l. xiiii. in superfluous. fo. xx a. l. xxi. pardam for perdā. fo. xxi. a. l xvi. in [...]oun for instruction fo. xxi. a. l. xxviii. incorruptibili for incorruptibilis. fo. xxii. a. in y e coting of ye lefe xvii. for xxii. fo xxiiii. in the coting of the leif [...] for xxiiii. fo▪ xxv. a. l. xxix. Te for the. fo. xxvi. b. l. iiii. turnis for turnis. fo. xxviii. b. l. iiii. visit for vi [...]i [...]. fo. xxviii. b. l. xxx. visit for visie. fo xxix. b. l. xxix. fulehardie for fule­hardelie. fo. xxxiiii. a. l vi. y for ye. fo. xxxvi. a. l. iii him for thame. fo. xli. b. l. xxi. vs for ȝow. fo. xlii. b. l. xxv. mandax for mendax. fo. xlvi b. l. xvi. reulmen. superfluous. fo. lxiiii. b. l. ii. thir for yair. fo. eodem. b. l. xviii. syne for signe. fo. lxv. a l. xvi. thirfor yair fo. lxvii. a. l. xi. Paule for Iames. fo. lxix. a. l. ii. qui for que fo. eodem a. l. xcii eftir this word auld, eik aige. fo. eodem. a l. xxiiii. Se for or. fo. eodem b. l. xix. fors for feyrs. fo. lxx. a. l. i. eftir this ane eik euil. fo. xciii. a. l. xx. be handis, for be the handis. fo. eodem b. l. xxvi. iusticati for iustificati. Albeit that ten lefis ar wrang cotit, that is to say, fra x [...]x. to c. ȝit follow thame because thai can nocht be correckit. fo. xcxiii. a. l. viii. dangaris for dangeris fo. eodem. b. l. i. thir four wordis ar superfluous, writ­tin, in, his, hart. fo. xcxviii. b. l. i. houshald for citie. fo. ciii. a. l. v. nakit for nalit. fo. cvi. a, l. vi. obdient for obedient. fo. eodem a. l. xviii. obdiens for obe­diens. fo. cxviii. a. l. i. the euangil, for the same euagil. fo. eodem b. l ii. quick is membris for quick membris. fo, cxix, b, l▪ ii, tyrdnes for tyritnes. fo. clxix, a, l. viii. myd for mynd. fo, clxxiii, b, l, xvi. [Page] [...] for for. fo. clxxiiii. a, l xi, or for thair. fo, clxxxvi, a▪ l, v, damna for damnatioun. fo. clii, a l, ix, eftir yis word ȝour, eik: hart and nocht ȝour. fo, cliiii, b▪ l, iiii. that is say, for that is to say. fo, clxxxviii, a, l, xxviii, coast for craft. All vthir faultis, other committit be negligens as thir afore colleckit, or be imperfection of the preni, the lettir nocht beand fullily fillit with ynk or nocht set in euin & rycht order, ane gentil rei­der may esely persaif, and thairfor suld reid thame as weil as he can in the best maner.


☞Prentit at sanct Androus, be the command and expēsis of the maist reuerend father in God, Iohn [...] Archbischop of sanct Androus, and primat of ye hail kirk of Scotland, the xxix. day of Au­gust, the ȝeir of our Lord M.D.lii.


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