❧: Dyuers frutful gatherynges of scripture and declarynge of fayth and workes Of the lawe.
THe lawe is a doctrine that byddeth good & forbideth euel as his commaundementes specifye.
- Thou shalt worshype but one god.
- Thou shalt make the none image to-worshepe it.
- Thou shalt not swere by his name in vayne.
- Holde the sabboth day holy.
- Honoure thy father and thy mother
Ex. 20. Mat. 22▪
- Thou shalt not kylle·
- Thou shalt not committe aduoutry.
- Thou shalt not steale.
- Thou shalt beare no false witnes.
- Thou shalt not desyre ought that belongeth [Page] to thy neyghboure.
Maior.¶He that loueth god and hys neygboure kepeth all the commaundemētes of god.
Deu. 6. Mat. 22.Loue thy Lorde god with all thyne harte / with all thy soule / and with all thy mynde. This is the first and greate commaundement. The seconde is lyke vnto thys: that is loue thy neyghboure as thy sele. In these two commaundementes hange al the lawe and the prophetes.
Minor.¶ He that loueth god / loueth his neyghboure.
If a man say / I loue god / and yet hateth his brother / 1. Ioa. 4 he is a lyar.
He that loueth not his brother whom he hath sene / how can he loue god whō hath not sene.
Conclu. sion.¶He that loueth his neyghboure as hym selfe kepth all the commaundementes of god.
Mat. 7.what so euer ye wolde that men shulde do to you / euen so do to them.
Rom. 13For thys is the lawes and the prophetes. He that loueth hys neyghboure fulfylleth the lawe. Thou shalt no [...] commytte aduoutry. Thou shalt no [...] kyll. Thou shalt not steale. Thou shal [...] not heare false witnesse. Thou shal [...] [Page] not desyre / and so forth if there be any other commaundement / all are comprehended in this saynge: loue thy neyghboure as thy selfe. Gala. 5. All the lawe is fulfylled in one worde / that is / loue thy neyghboure as thy selfe.
¶He that loueth god kepeth all the commaundementes. Maior.
He that loueth hys neygboure kepeth all the commaundementes of god Ro. xiii. gala .v. and he that loueth god loueth his neygboure .i. Ioan iiii. ergo he that loueth god kepeth all hys commaundementes.
¶He that hath the fayth loueth god. Minor.
My father loueth you / because ye loue me and beleue that I come of god. Ioā. 16
¶He that hath the fayth kepeth al the commaundementes of god. Cōclusio
He that hath the fayth / loueth god / and he that loueth god kepeth all hys commaundementes ergo he that hath the fayth kepeth all the commaundementes of god.
¶He that kepyth one commaundement of god kepeth them all.
[Page]For without faythe it is impossible to kepe any of the commaundemētes of god / Hebre. 11 and he that hath the fayth kepeth al the commaundementes of god ergo he that kepeth one commaundement of god kepeth them all.
¶He that kepeth not all the commaundemētes of god kepeth not one of them
He that kepethe one commaūdement of god / he kepeth al / ergo he that kepethe not all the commaundementes of god kepeth not one of them.
¶It is not in our power to kepe any of the commaundementes of god.
Uvith out grace / it is impossible to kepe any of the commaundementes of god / and grace is not in our power: ergo it is not ī our power to kepe any of the commaundementes of god euen so may you reason cōcerning the holy goste and fayth.
¶The lawe was geuen to shewe vs our synne.
By the lawe cōeth the knowlege of synne. Roma. 3.
I knewe not what synne mēt but thorow the lawe. Roma. 7
[Page]I had nat knowen what lust had mēt excepte the lawe had sayde thou shalt not lust.
with out the lawe synne was deed / that is it moued me not neyther wyst I that it was synne / which not with stondinge was synne and forbyden by the lawe.
¶The lawe biddeth vs do that thyng which is impossible for vs.
For it biddeth vs kepe the cōmaundementes of god / and yet is it not in our power to kepe any of them / ergo it biddeth vs do that is impossible for vs. Thou wylt say where to doeth god byd vs do that is impossible for vs? I answere / to make the knowe that thou arte but euell / and that there is no remedy to saue the in thyne owne hande / and that thou mayst seke remedy at sum othere for the lawe doeth nought but commaunde the.
¶Of the gospell.
THe gospel is as moch to say ī our tonge / as good tydynges lyke as one of these are.
Christ is the sauioure of the worlde Ioan. 4. Luce. 2. Roma. 5.
Christ is our sauioure.
Christ dyed for vs.
[Page] Roma. 4 1. Pet. 1. Apo. 1. Heb. 7.9. 1. Pe. 2.Christ dyed for our synnes.
Christ bought vs with hys bloude.
Christ wyshe vs with hys bloude.
Christ offered hym selfe for vs.
Christ bare our synnes on his backe. Esa. 5.
1. Ti. 1.Christ came in to thys worlde to saue synners.
Christ came in to thys worlde to take away our synnes. 1. Ioā. 22.
1 Timo. 2 Gene. 5. Thess. 5. 1. Cor. 1.Christ was the price that was gyuen for vs and our synne.
Crist was mayde debtour for vs.
Christ hath payed our debte / for he died for vs.
Christ hath made satysfaccyon for vs and our synne.
Christ is our rygthwysenes.
Christ is our satisfaccion.
Christ is our redemptyon.
Christ is our goodnes.
Christ hath pacefied the father of heuē
Roma. 8.Christ is oures and all hys.
Christ hath delyuered vs frō the lawe from the deuell and from hell.
The father of heuen hath forgeuen vs our sines for christes sake. Or any such as declare vnto vs the mercy of god.
¶The nature of the lawe and the gospell.
[Page]The lawe sheweth vs our synne.
The gospell shewe vs remedy for it
The lawe sheweth vs our condempnacyon,
The gospel sheweth vs our redempciō
The lawe is the worde of Ire.
The gospell is the worde of grace.
The lawe is the worde of despayre.
The gospell is the worde of comforte
Tht lawe is the worde of vnrest.
The gospel is the worde of peace.
¶A dysputacion betwene the lawe and the gospell.
The lawe sayth pay thy dett.
The gospel sayeth Christ hath payed it
The lawe sayeth thou arte a synner. despayre and thou shalt he dampned.
The gospell sayeth / thy synnes are forgeuen the be of good cōforte thou shalt be saued.
The lawe sayeth / make amendes for thy synne.
The gospell sayeth / Christ hathe made it for the,
The lawe sayeth / the father of heuen is wrothe with the.
The gospell sayeth / Christ hath pacefyed hym with hys bloude
The lawe sayeth wher is thy ryght-wysene / goodnes and satisfaccion▪
[Page]The gospel sayeth / Christ is thy ryght wysenes thy goodnes and satisfaccyō. The lawe sayeh thou arte bounde and obliged to me / to the deuell and to hell. The gospell sayeth / Christ hath delyuered the from them all.
¶Of fayth.
FAyth is to beleue gdd: lyke as Abraham beleued god & it was imputed vnto hym for rythtwysenes. Gene. 15.
He that beleueth god / beleueth hys worde.
To beleue one is to beleue hys worde and to recounte it true that he sayeth.
¶He that beleueth not goddes worde / beleueth not god hym selfe.
1. Ioā. v.He that beleueth not goddes worde he counteth hym false and a lyare / and beleueth not that he may and wyl fulfyl hys worde: and so he denyeth both the myght of god and god hym selfe.
¶Fayth is the gyfte of god.
Iaco, 1.Euery good thyng is the gyfte of god faythe is good ergo faythe is the gyfte of god.
¶Fayth is not in our power,
The gyfte of god is not in our power fayth is the gyfte of god ergo fayth is not in our power.
¶ without fayth it is impossible to please god.
All that cometh not of fayth is syn / for without fayth can no man please god. Ro. 14. Heb. 11. Besides that he that lacketh fayth he trusteth not god / he that trusteth not god trusteth not his worde / he that trusteth not his word holdeth him false and a lyar / he that holdeth hym false & a lyar he beleueth not that he may do that he promysed / & so denieth he that he is god. And how can a man being of this facyon please hym? No maner of way / ye suppose he dyd all the dedes that euer dyd man or angell.
¶All that is done in fayth pleaseth God.
Ryght is the worde of god and al his workes in fayth. Lorde thyne eyen loke to fayth / that is as moch to say as lord thou delyghtest in fayth.
God loueth hym that beleueth in hym / how can they then displease hym.
He that hath the fayth is iust & good / and a good tre bereth good frute: ergo all that is done in fayth pleased god. More ouer / he that hath the fayth beleueth god: he that beleueth god / beleueth his worde: he that beleueth his worde / woteth well that he is true and [Page] faythfull & may not lye. But knoweth that he both may and wyll fulfill hys worde how can he then displease hym? for thou canst not do any greater honoure to god / then to counte him true Thou wilt then say that thefte / murther / aduoutry and al vices please god. Nay verely for they can not be done in fayth: for a good tre bereth good frute.
¶He that hath the fayth wotteth well that he pleaseth god?
For all that is done in fayth pleaseth god.
¶Fayth is a surenes.
Heb. 11.Fayth is a sure confidence of thinges which are hoped for / and a certenty of thynges which are not sene.
Roma. 8.The same spirite certeneth our spirite that we are the children of god.
More ouer he that hath the fayth wotteth wel that god wyl fulfyl hys word: ergo fayth is a surenes.
¶A man is iustyfyed by fayth.
Gene. 15.Abrahā beleuyd god and it was imputed vnto hym for ryghtwysenes. we supposse therfore that a man is iustifyed by fayth with out the dedes of / Roma. 3. he lawe.
Roma. 4He that worketh not but beleueth on hym that iustifyed the vngodly / hys [Page] fayth is counted to hym for ryghtwysenes.
The iuste mam lyuethe by hys fayth. [...] Gala. 2. Abacuc. 2. Ro. 1. we knowe that a man is not iustifyed by the dedes of the lawe but by the fayth of Iesu Christ. And we beleue in Iesu Christ / that we may be iustifyed by the fayth of Christ and not by the dedes of the lawe.
¶Of the fayth of Christ.
The fayth of christ / is to beleue ī him that is to beleue his word and to beleue that he wyll helpe the in all thy nede & delyuer the from all euell / thou wilt aske me what worde? I answere / the gospell.
¶ He that beleueth in Christ shall be saued.
He that beleueth the sone hath euerlastynge lyfe / Ioan. [...]. Ioan. 6. verely verely I say vnto you / he that beleueth in me hath euerlastynge.
This I wryt vnto you that beleue on the name of the son of god that ye may know how that ye haue eternall lyfe Them as because thou hast free me / 1. Ioā. 5. Ioan. 2 [...] therfore hast thou beleued / happy are they that haue not sene / and yet haue beleued in me.
All the prophetes to hym beare wytnes Actes. 10. [Page] / that who so euer beleueth in hym shall haue remyssyon of theyr synnes. what must I do that I may be saued the apostles āswered beleue ī the lorde Iesus Criste and thou shalt he saued. Act. 16. If thou knowlege with thy mouth that Iesus is the lorde. Ro. 10. And beleue with thyne harte that god raysed hym vp from dethe thou shalt be saued.
¶He that beleueth not in Christ shalbe comdempned.
He that beleueth not shalbe dampned He that beleueth not the sonne shall neuer se the lyfe but the ire of god bydeth vpon hym. Mar. 16. Ioan. 2.
The holy gost shall reproue the worlde of synne / because they beleue not in me
¶ They that beleue in Iesu Christ are the sonnes of god.
Gala. 3.Ye are all the sonnes of god because ye beleue in Iesu Christ:
¶He that beleueth that Christ is the sonne of god is saued.
Mat. 16.Peter sayde / thou arte Christe the son of the lyuynge god, Iesus answered and sayed vnto hym, happy art thou Symon the sonne of Ionas for flesh & bloude hath not opened to the that / but my father that is in heuen.
Ioan. 6.we haue beleued and knowe that thou [Page] arte Christ the son of the lyuynge god. Ioan. 11. I beleue that thou arte Christ the son of god which shuld come ī to the world These thīges are wrytē that ye myght beleue that Iesus is Christe the sonne of god / Ioan. 20 and that ye in beleuyng myght haue lyfe.
I beleue that Iesus is the son of god. Actes. 8.
¶ He that beleueth god beleueth the gospell.
He that beleueth god beleueth hys worde and the gospell is his worde / therfore he that beleueth god beleueth the gospell, As (Christ is the sauiour of the worlde. Ioan. 4. Christ is our sauyour Christ bought vs with his bloude.
Christ wyshe vs with his bloude. Apo. 1. Heb. 7.8. 1. Pet. 2.
Christ offered hym selfe for vs.
Christ bare our synnes on hys owne backe. &c̄.
¶He that beleueth not the gospell beleueth not god.
He that beleueth not goddes worde / beleueth not him selfe / and the gospell is goddes worde / ergo he that beleueth not the gospell beleueth not God him selfe / and cōsequently they that beleue not the aboue vryten and such other / beleue not god.
¶He that beleueth the gospell shall be saued.
[Page]Go ye in to all the worlde and p̄ache the gospell vnto euery creature / Mar. 16. he that beleueth and is baptysed shalbe saued but he that beleueth not shalbe comdempned.
¶A comparison betwen fayth and vnfaythfulnesse or incredulite.
Fayth is the rote of al good.
Incredulyte is the roote of all euel.
Fayth maketh god & mā good frēdes
Incredulyte maketh them foes.
Fayth bryngeth god and mā together.
Incredulyte sundereth them.
All that fayth dothe pleaseth god.
Al that icredulyte doth displeaseth god
Fayth onlye maketh a man good and ryghtwyse.
Incredulyte onlye maketh hym iniust and euell.
Fayth maketh a mā a mēbre of Christ
Incredulyte maketh hym a membre of the deuyll.
Fayth maketh a man the inherytoure of heuen.
Incredulyte maketh him enherytoure of hell.
Faythe maketh a man the seruaunte of god.
Incredulyte maketh hym the seruante of the deuell.
[Page]Fayth sheweth vs god to be a swete father.
Incredulyte sheweth hym a terryble iudge.
Fayth holdeth stiffe by the word of god
Incredulyte wauereth here and there
Fayth counterhe and holdethe god to be true.
Incredulyte holdeth him false & a lyare
Fayth knoweth god.
Incredulyte knoweth hym not.
Fayth loueth both god and hyr neyghboure.
Incredulyte loueth nether nother.
Fayth only saueth vs.
Incredulyte only condempneth vs
Fayth extolleth god and his deades
Incredulyte extolleth her selfe and her owne dedes.
Of hope
HOpe is a trusty lokynge after the thyng that is ꝓmysed vs to come as we hope after euerlasting ioy which Christ hath promysed vnto all that beleue in hym.
¶we shulde put our hope and trust in god alonly and in no nother thyng.
It is good to trust in god & not in mā He that trusteth in his owne harte is a fole.
[Page]It is good to trust in god and not in prynces. Psa. 117
They shalbe like vnto the images they make and al that trust in them. Psal. 113
He that trusteth ī his owne thoughtes doth vngodly. Oro. 12.
Hie. 17.Cursed be he that trusteth ī man. Byd the rych men of thys worlde that they trust not in theyr vnstable ryches / but that they trust in the lyuynge god. Mat. 10. It is harde for them that trust in mony to entre in to the kyngdome of heuen.
More ouer we shulde trust ī hym only that may helpe vs / god only may hel [...] vs / ergo we shulde trust in hym onl [...] well is them that trust in god and wo is them that trust not in hym.
Hier, 17.well is the man that trusteth ī god for god shall be his trust.
Sapi. 3. Psal. 5.He that trustethe in hym shall vnderstonde the veryte. They shal al reioyce that trust in the / they shal euer be glade and thou wylt defende them.
Of charyte.
Charyte is the loue of thy neyghboure. The rule of charite is this Do as thou woldest be done to.
For charyte holdeth all a lyke the rych and the poore / the frende and the fo / [Page] foo / the thankeful and vnthankful the kynseman and straunger.
¶A comparyson betwene fayth / hope and charyte.
Fayth cometh of the worde of god / hope cometh of fayth / & charyte spryngeth of them both.
Fayth beleueth the worde: hope trusteth after it that is ꝓmysed by the word charyte doth good vnto her neygboure thorowe the loue that it hath to god and gladnes that is with in her sefe. Fayth lokethe to god and hys worde / hope loketh vnto hys gyft & rewarde / charyte loketh on her neyghboures profyte. Fayth receaueth god / hope receueth hys rewarde / Charyte loueth her neygboure with a glad harte, and that witout any respecte of rewarde Fayth pertayneth to god only / hope to hys rewarde / and charyte to her neyghboure.
Of workes.
NO maner of workes make vs ryghtwyse / we beleue that a man shal be iustyfyed without workes. No man is iustyfyed by the dedes of the lawe / but by the fayth of Iesu Christe / Gala. 2. and we beleue in Iesu Christ that we may be iustyfyed be the fayth of Christ [Page] and not by the dedes of the lawe. If ryghtwysenes cam by the lawe then dyed Chryst in vayne. Gala. 2. Gala. 3. That no man is iustyfied by the lawe it is manyfest / for a ryghtwyse man lyuethe by hys fayth / but the lawe is not of fayth.
Moreouer / sythe Christ the maker of heauen and erth and all that is therin / behoued to dye for vs we ar compelled to graunt that we were so ferre drouned and sunken in synne that nether our dedes nor al the treasures that euē god made or myght make / myght haue holpe vs out of them / ergo no dedes nor workes may make vs ryghtwyse. ¶No workes make vs vnryghtwyse. For if any workes made vs vnryghtwyse then the contrary workes shulde make vs ryghtwyse. But it is ꝓued y t no workes can make vs ryghtwyse / ergo no workes make vs vnrightwise
¶workes make vs neygther good nor euell.
It is proued that no workes neyther make vs ryghtwyse nor vnryghtwyse ergo no workes make vs neither good nor euell. For ryghtwyse and good ar one thynge and vnryghtwyse and euel lykewyse one.
[Page]¶Good workes make not a good mā nor euell workes an euell man / Mat. 7. but a good man maketh good workes and an euel man euel workes,
Good frute maketh not the tre good nor euel frute the euell tre / but a good tre bereth good frute and an euell tre euel frute.
A good man can not do euel workes nor an euel man good workes / for a good tre can not bere euel frute nor an euel tre good frute.
A man is good ere he do good workes and euel ere he do euel workes / for the tre is good ere he bere good frute / and euel ere it here euel frute.
¶Euery man is eyther good or euell.
Euery tre is eyther good or euel eyther make ye the tre good & the frute good also / or els make the tre euell and the frute of it lykwyse euel.
¶Euery mannes workes are eyther good or euell.
For all frute trees are eyther good or euel. Eyther make ye the tre good and the frute good also / or els make the tre euell and the frute of it lykewyse euel. A good man is knowne by his workes for a good man doth good workes and [Page] an euel euel workes / Mat. 7. ye shal knowe thē by theyr frute / for a good tre bereth good frute / and an euel tre euel frute.
¶A man is lykened to the tre and his workes to the frute of the tre.
Beware of the false ꝓphetes whiche come to you in shepes clothyng / but inwardly they are reuenyng wolues. ye shall knowe them by theyr frutes.
¶None of oure workes nether saue vs nor condempne vs.
It is proued that no workes make vs nether ryghtwyse nor vnryghtwyse / good nor euel / but first we are good [...] we do good workes and euel [...] euel workes / ergo no workes neyther saue vs nor condēpne vs. Thou wylt say / thē maketh it no mater what we to. I answere / yes. For if thou do euel / it is a sure argument that thou arte euel / and wantest the fayth. If thou do good it is an argument that thou arte good & hast the fayth / for a good tre bereth good frute and an euel tre euel frute / yet good frute maketh not the tre good / nor euel frute the tre euel so the man is good ere he do good dedes & euel ere he do euel dedes. The man is the tre / his workes ar the frute. Fayth maketh the good tre & incredulyte the [Page] euel tre / such a tre such frute / such a mā such workes. For all that is done in fayth pleaseth god and are good workes. And al that is done with out fayth dyspleaseth god and are euell workes.
¶ who so euer beleueth or thynketh to be saued hys workes denyethe that Christ is hys sauyour / that Christ died for hym and all thynge that pertayneth to Christ.
For how is he thy sauyour / if thou mightest saue thy selfe by thy workes? or wherto shulde he dye for the if any workes myght haue saued the? what is thys to say / Christ dyed for the? verely that is / thou shuldest haue dyed perpetualy / and christ to delyuer the fro that deth / dyed for the & chaunged thy perpetual deth ī to hys owne deth For thou madest the faute / & he suffered the payne, and that for the loue he had to the ere euer thou wast borne when thou haddest done nether good nor euel. Now sith he hath payed thy det thou nedest not: no thou canst not / but shuldest be dāpned if hys bloude were not. But sith he was punyshed for the thou shalt not be punyshed. Fynally / he hath delyuered the from thy condēpnacyon and all euel / & desyreth nought [Page] els of the but that thou wylt aknowlege what he hath done for the and beare it in mynde / and that thou woldest helpe other for hys sake both in worde and dede / euen as he hath holpen the for nought and with out rewarde.
O nowe ready wolde we be to helpe other / if we knewe his goodnes [...]ent leues towardes vs. He is a good and a gentle lorde for he doth al for nou [...]ht Lette vs I besech you follow hy [...] [...] steppes whom al the worlde ought to prayse and worshipe. Amen.
¶He that thynketh to be saue [...] [...] workes calleth hym selfe Christ.
For he calleth hym selfe hys sauyoure which pertayneth to Christ only what is a sauyour but he that saueth / and he sayeth I saue my selfe / which [...] is as moch to say as I am Christ for Christ only is the sauyour of the worlde.
¶ we shuld do no good workes for the entent to gette the inherytaunce of heuen or remyssion of syn.
For who so euer beleueth to gette the [...]eritaunce of heuen or remyssion of synne thorow workes / he beleueth not to get that for Christes sake. And they that beleue not that theyr synnes are forgeuē thē & that they shal be saued for [Page] Christes sake they beleue not the gospell. For the gospell sayeth / you shal be saued for Christes sake / youre synnes are forgeuē for Christes sake. He that beleueth not ye gospel beleueth not god So it followeth that they whiche beleue to be saued by theyr workes or to get remyssyon of theyr synnes by theyr owne dedes beleue not god: but recoūte hym as a lyar and so vtterly deny hym to be god. Thou wylt say / shal we thē do no good dedes? I say not so but I say we shulde do no good workes for [...]he entēt to get the inherytaunce of heuen or remyssyon of syn. For if we beleue to get the inherytaunce of heuen thorowe good workes, then we beleue not to get it thorow the ꝓmyse of god: if we thynke to get remyssyō of our syn then we beleue not that they are forgeuen vs / and so we counte god a lyar. For god sayethe / you shalt haue the enherytaunce of heauen for my sonnes sake / thy synnes ar [...] forgeuē the for my sonnes sake & you say it is not so / but I wyll wynne it thorow my workes So I condēpne not good dedes / But I condēpne the false trust in any workes / for al the workes that a man putteth confydence in are therwith poysoned [Page] & become euel. Therfor do you good workes but beware yow do thē not to get any good thorow that / for if thou do / thou receuest the good not as the gyfte of god but as der to the & makest thy selfe felowe with god because thou wylt take nothynge of hym for nought what neadeth he ony thyng of theyres which geueth al thyng & is not the pourer? Therfore do no thynge to him but take of hym / for he is a gentle lorde / & wyth a glader wyll-geueth vs all that we nede / thē we take it of hym / therfore if we wat ought let vs wyte our selues Preasse not thē to the enherytaunte of heuen thorow presumption of thy good workes for if thou do / thou countest thy selfe holy & egal to h [...]m because thou wylt take nothyng [...] hym for nought: & so shalt thou [...] lucifer felle for hys pryde.