Moses Vnuailed: OR THOSE FIGVRES WHICH SERVED VNTO the patterne and shaddow of hea­uenly things, pointing out the Mes­siah CHRIST IESVS, briefly explained.

Where vnto is added the Harmony of all the Prophets, breathing with one mouth the Mysterie of his Comming, and of that Redemption which by his Death he was to accomplish: To confirme the CHRISTIAN, and con­uince the IEVV: very profitable and full of comfort.

By WILLIAM GVILD, Minister of Gods Word at King-Edward in Scotland.

HEB. 10. 1.

For the Law had the shaddow of good things to come, and not the very Image of the things themselues.

LONDON, Printed by G. P. for Iohn Budge: and are to be sold at his shop in Pauls Churchyard, at the signe of the Greene Dragon. 1620.

TO THE RIGHT REVEREND, MOST GRAVE, LEAR­ned, and worthy Prelate, and Father in GOD, My Lord Bi­shop of Winchester.

AS in the Creation dark­nes went before light, or as the dawning pre­cedes the brightnesse of the day, & as Ioseph obscurely at first behaued himselfe vnto his Brethren, and Moses couered with [Page] a vaile stood before the people: Euen so (Right Reuerend) in the detection of the glorious worke of mans Redemption, mysticall pro­mises went before mercifull per­formance, darke shaddowes were the fore-runners of that bright substance, obscure types were har­bingers to that glorious Anti-type the Messiah, who was comming after, and Leui's Law with its fi­guratiue and vailed Ceremonies, was the viue resemblance, pain­ting and pointing out that cleere Lampe and Lambe of God, the expresse Image and ingrauen Cha­racter of the Father: So that as folded in swaddling clouts, and lying in a Crib, hee was seene and [Page] shewne vnto the Wise-men that came from the East; so inuolued in typicall ordinances, and lurking vnder shaddowish signes, hee was offered and exhibited vnto the Iewes that saw his day but afarre off; the eclipsed and dimme light of the Moone (as it were) as yet onely glimmering, or the twink­ling brightnesse of starry Lamps as yet onely dazedly glistering: Vntill the true Phosphorus, that glorious Sunne himselfe did arise in the Horizon of our humanitie, dispersing the beames of his boun­ty, and manifesting himselfe to be that onely light of the world, pro­mised to them that sit in the Regi­on of darknesse, for comfort and [Page] illumination, and to the ioy of all in heauen and earth, the Lambe him­selfe onely opening that sealed Booke, and vnfolding the truth of former hid mysteries.

Then that Ladder of Heauen, and Leader to glory, was more brightly seene, then Iacob saw the same formerly in a dreame. Then that true Tree of Life planted in the earth of our nature, was plain­ly viewed without the limits of that heauenly Paradise. Then that heauenly Manna which the Fa­ther gaue from aboue, most aboun­dantly offered it selfe, vnto the refreshment of all hungring Israe­lites. And that blessed Rock from Citie to Citie, and place to place [Page] following them, most cleerely gu­shed out the comfortable waters of Life, for euery one to drinke, and neuer to thirst after. Then the true curing Serpent was graciously re-erected on high for all men to behold with the eye of Faith, and then all the Mosaicall sacrifices, and rudimentall Rites, which like the Baptist, pointed out Christ Iesus to bee that Lambe of God that takes away the sinnes of the world, vnfolded themselues in their former darke shaddowish sig­nification, and while they remai­ned in vigour, albeit (like Zacha­rie before his sonnes birth) they were dumbe and obscure signers, yet ceasing, and in their departure [Page] (the substantiall body filling vp the roome) with their eternall fare­well, opening their mouth as it were, they said that which before they signed, and gaue a heartie congratulation and welcome to their accomplishing verity, as night giues place to day; Leui thus yeelding to a more excellent High Priest; and Hagar the bondwo­man, vnto her free Dame Sarah.

Herein how Euangelicall light hath discouered the meaning of Legall obscuritie; and how Aa­rons Bells sounded neuer but Christ Iesus and him Crucified; nor his siluer Trumpets, but the ioyfull Iubile of soules freedome; his many sacrifices pointing out [Page] that one all-sufficient: And how the successiue diuersitie of types of sundry things, places, persons, and actions, &c. from time to time couchedly involued, and cunningly conueyed, the blessed mysterie and deepe secret of the abysse of vn­searchable loue to mankinde, and extense of mercy past comprehen­ding, as by secret water-spouts from posterity to posterity, for con­tinuance of the vigorous hope of the faithfull; who with Simeon longed to see the Saluation of the Lord Herein, I say, the paines that I haue taken, is briefely (for the case of the Reader) to point onely (as it were) at the same in order as they occurre in Scripture, ioy­ning [Page] with succinct breuity to auoid tediousnes, as great plainnesse and perspicuitie as I could, to auoid Marke. obscurenesse. And comparing some things for conueniencie of case onely (which prettily may be so compared) wherein I acknow­ledge in the purpose of the Holy Ghost a typicall resemblance euer, of any answerable verity is not to be sought. And keeping still in all (I hope) the Analogy of faith, as the right measure of the Temple, the patterne on the Mount, and iust Ballance of the Sanctuary.

This Treatise then (Right Reue­rend and most worthy Prelate) as a testimony of my most indeared affection, I haue dedicate to your [Page] Lordship, and shrowded the same vnder the wings of your Learned patrocinie, by experience hauing in my own person found (especially at your Lordships late beeing in Scotland) yet more thē courteous regard, and most kinde respectiue­nesse euer vsuall by your Lordship towards all, but chiefely towards those who are Fellow-labourers in the Sacred dispensation af that ho­ly mysterie with you: Whereby not onely I, but the hearts of many with me, who had that happy occa­sion of your Lordships acquain­tance, are so warmed (though vnder a cold Climate) and infla­med with the Reuerend memory of your Lordships humanitie, and [Page] other singular holy vertues, and rare gifts (wherewith your good GOD hath indued you; and which as a strong chaine hath linked so that singular regard of your Prince vnto you, as that sooner, I perswade my selfe, their bodies shall beginne to resolue into ashes, then that fire of affection in their conquered and captiued hearts shall cease, to bee vigorous and burne.

As some sparkles then, (my Lord) hereof for my part, ten­ding and bursting forth towards the place of your Lordships re­sidence, receiue these succinct Lucubrations, consecrate to your Lordships Name: subiected to [Page] your Censure, and to bee disposed as your Lordship shall thinke fit thereof. Of whose most gentle and gracious acceptation, as I rest assu­red: So, as for others, I hope, Chri­stian loue, and charitable affection shall be my Censurer of all, regar­ding chiefely my honest ayme here­in. And where others are inabled to do better, or to amend my Labours, beseeching the Lord to inable them more & more, and to enlighten my minde with them, that mine eyes being anointed with the eye-salue of his Spirit, with Dauid I may know the secrets of his Law, and that neither I may enuy their rich gift with an euill eye, nor yet despise my owne poore mite with a [Page] wicked heart: but indeuouring to gaine something with my small Ta­lent vnto my bountifull Master, I may not incur neither the bitter reproofe, nor deserued iudgement of an euil or vnprofitable seruant at his hands. Beseeching which God to thrust out many faithfull Laborers into his Haruest, and to continue your Lordship in a long and happy life, with a success-full blessing vpon your Lordships go­uernment & trauels, to the cōfor [...] and edification of his Church, rests

Your Lordships in all hearty and most affectionate duty in Christ, WILLIAM GVILD



The Congruitie.

1 AS it was cal­led the Tree of Life. So Christ is that true Tree of Life, giuing the fruit & iuice both of grace and glory, Ioh. 15. 1.
2. It was in the midst of the Garden. So Christ is to be found in the midst of his Church, Mat. 18. 20.
3. It was in the earthly Paradise plan­ted. So Christ is in the hea­uenly placed, Mar. 16. 19:
4. Adam in his standing might eate of the Tree of Life (as of all other trees, sa­uing that one which was forbidden.) Gen. 2. 16. So shall the godly that perseuere, eate of that true Tree of Life promised, Ren. 2. 7.
5. Sinne exiled man out of the earth­ly Paradise from the fruition of the one, Gen. 3. 24. So sinne doth out of the heauenly, from the fruition of the other, Ioh. 15. 6.
6. Adam condem­ned once to be expel­led from the same, got no regresse, Gen. 3. 24. So neither man in iudge­ment once debarred from heauen and Christ, shall haue no recouerie, Math. 25. 41.
7. The Lord only planted the one, ma­king it to grow out of the earth. So also did he the other in the earth of our humanitie, Ioh. 1. 14. who did increase in wisedome, stature, and fauour both with God and Man, Luke 2. 52.

The Disparitie.

1. THat tree of Life endured but for a time: but our Tree of Life endureth for euer, Heb. 7. 24. Secondly, it could not re­store life againe to Adam, beeing onely the Sacrament of the Couenant of life in case of perseuerance: but our Tree of Life Christ Ie­sus restoreth life lost, to his owne chosen; yea, [Page 3] a better life then Adams in Paradise. And since hee is the end of the Law to them that beleeue, Rom. 10. hee now becomes to vs by the couenant of Grace, the true Tree of Life, performing that, which that of workes could not attaine vnto, by reason of mans fall.

2. Adam, Rom. 5. 14.

1. ADAM, man, red earth, or blou­die. So was Christ Man in his Incarnation, and blou­die in his Passion, Mat. 1. & 27.
2. Adam, man, with­out womans bearing, and so without a Mo­ther. So Christ Man, with­out mans begetting, and so without a father, Mat. 1. 20.
3. Adams Father onely God, Gen. 2. 7. So likewise Christs, Iohn 8. 16.
4. Adam made Lord ouer the creatures, and heyre of the out­most bounds of the earth. So is Christ that truely, Psal. 2.
5. Adam was ap­pointed to dresse the Garden and keepe it, Gen. 2. 16. So Christ, to sanctifie and saue his Church, 1. Cor. 1. 30.
6. Adam was sent out of Paradise, for his sinne committed, to endure painfull la­bours, Gen. 3. 23. but vnwillingly. So was Christ sent from the heauens for our sinnes imputed, to indure painfull sufferings, Isai. 53. yet most willingly.
7. Thornes were made a curse to the one, Gen. 3. 17. So were they made a crowne to the other, Mat. 27. 29.
8. The sweat of the brow was in labour imposed on the one, Gen. 3. 19. So the sweat of bloud in agony was imposed on the other, Luke 22. 44.
9. Adam sleeping, Euah was formed, Gen. 2. 21. So Christ dying on the Crosse, his Church was framed.
10. Adam giues to his, that which is his owne by generation, Gen. 5. 3. So Christ doth to his, that which is his owne, by Regeneration, Rom. 1. 17. Gal. 2. 17.
11. We haue borne already heere the i­mage of the earthly. So shall wee beare the Image of the heauenly, 1. Cor. 15. 49.
12. Adam created to the Image of God, Gen. 1. 27. So Christ incarnate, the ingrauen Character of his Father, Col. 1. 15. Heb. 1. 3.
13. Adam was King, Priest, and Prophet, in his Family. So is Christ the same in his Church and family of the faithfull, Reu. 1 [...]. Rom. 3. Heb. 9. 13.
14. Adam had Cain and Abel in his house, Gen. 4. So hath Christ Elect, and Reprobates, true wor­shippers and Hypocrites in his visible Church, Math. 13. 24.
15. Adam had per­fect wisedome and knowledge, as may be seene in naming of all the creatures, Ge. 2. 19. So in Christ dwelleth the fall treasure of both, Col. 2. 3.
16. Likewise as by the offence of the one, the fault came on all men to condemnati­on, and many were made sinners. So by the iustifying of the other, the benefit aboun­ded toward all men, to the iustification of life; so that by his obedience, shall many be made righteous, Rom. 5. 18. that as sinne had [Page 6] raigned vnto death; so might grace also raigne by righteousnes vnto eternall life, through Iesus Christ our Lord.

The Disparitie.

BVt yet the gift is not so, as is the offence: for if through the offence of Adam many be dead; much more the grace of God, and the gift by grace, which is by one man Iesus Christ, hath abounded vnto many. Neither is the gift so, as that which entred in by one that sinned. For the fault came of one offence vnto Condemnation: but the gift is of many offences vnto Iustification. For if by the offence of one, death raigned through one; much more shall they which receiue that a­bundance of grace, and gift of that righte­ousnes, raigne in life through one, that is, Ie­sus Christ, Rom. 5. 15, 16, 17. Likewise the first man was of the earth, earthly and naturall; but the second man is the Lord from heauen, heauenly and spirituall, 1. Cor. 15. 47. and as is the earthly, such are they that are earthly, and as is the heauenly, such are they that are heauenly, verse 48. Also the first man Adam [Page 7] was made a liuing soule, but the last Adam was made a quickning Spirit, 1. Cor. 15. 45.

3. Abel, Gen. 4.

1. ABEL, or Habel, mourning or vanitie. Such was the life of Christ, a mourning for our vanitie and wickednesse, Mat. 26. Mar. 8.
2. Abel offered an acceptable sacrifice vnto the Lord, Heb. 11. Gen. 44. So did Christ vpon the Altar of the Crosse, Rom. 3. 25. when hee offered vp himselfe, Heb. 7. 27.
3. Abel was a Shep­heard, Gen. 4. 2. So Christ is the true Shepheard of our soules. 1. Pet. 2. 15.
4. Abel was slaine by his brother Cain in the field innocently, after he had spoken to him, Gen. 4. 8. So was Christ by his brethren according to the flesh (the Iewes) without the Citie, after they had falsely accused him, Lu. 23
5. After Abels death till Seth and Enosh, true worship and Re­ligion by Cains seede was long time sup­pressed, Gen. 4. 26. So after Christs death, was Christianitie vnder the Heathen Emperours long persecuted, Reu. 12. Euseb.
6. And as after the restauration of true worship, corruption of life crept in, and brought the deluge vpon the Primitiue world, Gen. 6. So after the truth was by Lawes established vnder Christian Emperours, (o­pen persecution ceasing) secretly and slyly corruption of life and doctrine crept in, and brought a deluge of miseries and darknes vpon the visible Church, Cen­turiae Ecclesiae.

The Disparitie.

ABels sacrifice was onely for himselfe: but that of Christs, for the sins of the world. Abel was priuily murthered: but Christ pub­likely suffered. Abels bloud cryed to the Lord for reuenge & wrath: but the bloud of sprink­ling shed by Christ, speaketh better things then that of Abel, Heb. 12. 24.

4. Enoch, Gen. 5. 21.

1. ENOCH, dedi­cate. So was Christ dedicate and decreed to be that Sa­uiour of mankinde, Isai. 25. 9.
2. Enoch walked with God, Gen. 5. 22. So did Christ in all per­fection of sanctimonie and righteousnes, Isay 53. 7.
3. Enoch pleased God, and was belo­ued of him, Wisd. 4. 10. So did Christ his Fa­ther, and is declared to bee his welbeloued, in whom he was well pleased, Math. 3. 17.
4. Enoch was match­lesse in his age, so that none was like him, Ecclus. 49. 14. So was Christ through all ages, and euer shall bee peerelesse, none daring to compare with him, Iohn 3. 35.
5. In order of Hi­storie, take those that dyed first, he is repor­ted and brought in as one that saw not death, but was tran­slated, Gen. 5. 24. To yeeld that comfort to the Church, & type Christ therein, who should make death to be swallowed vp in victorie, and immor­talitie, and to assure vs also of the Resurection, Col. 1. 18. Rom. 4. 25.

The Disparitie.

ENoch's righteousnes did not auaile others, but that of our Sauiours doth auaile vs, and becommeth others. His translation likewise was comfortatiue, and typicall: but [Page 10] the Resurrection of Christ to vs, is operatiue and effectuall.

Note also, that Enochs translation before the Law, and Eliahs vnder the Law, are types and pledges (as it were) of that last transla­tion of them vnder the Gospell, that shall be found aliue at the Lords second Comming.

Noah, Gen. 5. 32.

1. NOah, ceasing or rest. So Christ hath caused Gods wrath to cease, and giueth rest thereby to the troubled conscience. Mat. 3
2. Noah liued in a most corrupt time, and generall defecti­on both in doctrine and manners, Gen. 6. 5. So did Christ Iesus vp­on earth in a like age, as appeares, Math. 5. 6. 7, chap.
3. Noah was ac­quainted with the Lords Decree, Gen. 6. 13. So was Christ fully with the will of his Father, Iohn 1.
4. Noah was a Preacher of Righte­ousnes to the wicked world, 1. Pet. 3. So was Christ the same, exhorting them to repent: for the Kingdome of God was at hand, Luke 2. 32. Isay 60. 1.
5. Noah by his o­bedience saued al that entred within his Arke, Gen. 6. 23. So doth Christ al those, that by a true Faith doe enter into his Church, 1. Tim. 1. 15.
6. Noahs Arke was tossed vpon the wa­ters. So is the Church of Christ in this world, by di­uers temptations and per­secutions, Ioh. 16.
7. In Noahs Arke were cleane, and vn­cleane also, were Sem, and Iapheth, ver. 7, 8. So in Christs visible Church are Hypocrites, and true Beleeuers; Iewes also and Gentiles, Ephes. 2. Math. 13.
8. Noah onely (as principall efficient) did build his Arke, verse 14. So doth Christ edifie, and build vp his Church, 1 [...]. Cor. 3.
9. Noah was long in building thereof, verse 3. So hath Christ bee [...] from the beginning of the world, hitherto, and shall be to the worlds end, Ephe. 4. in building of his Church.
10. Noah hauing built his Arke, the floud did come, which destroyed the first world, verse 21. So the number of Christs Church beeing accompli­shed, the fire shall come to destroy the second world.
11. Noah made his Arke of many Trees, closely seamed toge­ther, strong, fresh, and dressed, verse 14. So hath Christ compacted his Church of many mem­bers, vnited by the bond of the Spirit, strengthened with Grace, freed from the domining corruption of sinne, and sanctified by the Holy Ghost, Gal. 3. 7.
12. Noah had sun­dry roomes in his Arke, Ibidem. So Christ hath sundry functions in his Church, 1. Cor. 12.
13. Noah pitched his Arke within and without against the waters. So hath Christ fortified his Church sufficiently a­gainst all temptations, Ioh. 15.
14. Noah made one doore onely to his Arke, verse 16. So hath Christ appointed one onely entry to his Church, Iohn 10. 7.
15. Noahs Arke had little outward light, Ibid. So neither is the light of Christs Church, worldly carnall wisedome, Ro. 8. 7.
16. Noah abode in the Arke all the time of the tossing thereof. So doth Christ remaine in the midst of his Church, beeing with them to the worlds end, in all tentati­ons and afflictions thereof, Iohn 14. 18.
17. Noah saued few in his Arke, in respect of the world. So the number that are to be saned in Christs Church is but a handfull likewise, Math. 22. 14.
18. The Wrights that built the Arke, notwithstanding pe­rished. So many Preachers in the Church may likewise be damned, Math. 7. 22.
19. All sorts of creatures Noah recei­ued into the Arke. So all sorts of persons and Nations, Christ accepteth into his Church, Ephes. 2. 18.
20. In the dayes of Noah, defection from true Religion, oppres­sion, sensualitie, and securitie, after 1656. yeeres, brought on the first destruction on the world. So the like sinnes non raigning, about the like time, is like to bring on the second Iudgement on the latter world, Math. 24.
21. Those that were saued, was by beeing within the Arke, in the waters. Figuring that those that are redeemed, must enter into the Church by Bap­tisme, 1. Pet. 3. 20.
22. Noahs tossings vpon the waters be­ing ended, he sent out the Doue, Gen. 8. 12. So Christs sufferings be­ing finished, be sent out his Spirit into the world, to comfort and leade his own, Iohn 14.
23. Noah offered a Sacrifice vnto the LORD, wherein he smelled a sauour of rest, verse 21. So hath Christ vnto his Father, whereby his wrath is fully appeased, Ro. 3. 25.
24. With Noah God made a Coue­nant to his posteritie, and cōfirmed it with a signe, Gen. 9. 9. So in Christ with the Church hath the Lord made a new Couenant of mercy, and ratified it with Sacraments, Mat. 3. 17.
25. The couer of the Arke being taken off, and Noahs Fami­ly going out of the same (after the De­luge [Page 15] dryed vp) increa­sed and multiplyed wonderfully, Gen. 10. So the time of the true Churches lurking beeing ended, and the hid marked ones bursting forth, after the Deluge of darknesse, dryed vp in a good mea­sure, [Page 15] the Church shall be­come more and more visi­ble, and increase, to the a­bridging of Antichrists power dayly, Reu. 19.

The Disparitie.

NOah preached, but conuerted none of the first world: but not so Christ, by whose voice many were turned, and dayly by the efficacie thereof are brought into his Church. Noahs Arke likewise putrified and perished at last; but neuer shall the Church of Christ so perish or decay. The tossing of the waters did weare and make the Arke worse; but tryals and afflictions doe better euer the Church, Psal. 119.

6. Abraham, Gen. 12.

1. ABram, and A­braham, a high father, and a father of a multitude. So is Christ a high and heauenly Father of the multitude of his faithfull, Esay 6. 9.
2. Abraham went out of his natiue countrey and fathers house at Gods com­mand, Gen. 12. 4. So Christ, according to the Decree of the Father, lest the heauens, and tooke painfull iourneys on earth, to worke mans Redemption, Luke 2. 31.
3. To Abraham and his seede GOD promised Canaan, v. 7. So to Christ his spiritual seed hath he granted Hea­uen, Tit. 2. 11.
4. Abraham deliue­red Lot & many cap­tiues by a great vic­torie, Gen. 14. 61. So Christ hath deliuered his chosen from sinne, Sa­tan, and damnation, and freed them wonderfully, Luke 1. 71. Ioh. 16. 33.
5. Abraham and his Family behooued to bee circumcised, Gen. 17. 23. So Christ his Church behooueth to be sanctified, Esay 4. 3.
6. Abraham was King, Priest and Pro­phet in his owne Fa­mily. So is Christ Iesus in his Church the same, Heb. 9. 13. Ioh. 8. 26. Zach. 14. 9.
7. The Lord reuea­led to Abraham the purpose of his will, Gen. 18. 17. So hath hee the same i [...] all things perfectly vnt [...] his Senne Iesus, Ioh. 1.
8. Abraham inter­ceded for the righte­ous in Sodome, Gen. 18. 25. and for the wicked for their sake. So is Christ a Mediator continually for the godly in the world, Heb. 8. 6. Ioh. 17. 9. as hee spares also euen the wicked for their sake, and prayed for them that crucified him.
9. Abraham was o­bedient in all things to God, euen till the offering vp of him, who was his owne flesh and bloud vpon Mount Moriah, Gen. 22. So was Christ euen vn­to death, and immolation of himselfe vnto the Father vpon Mount Golgotha, Phil. 2. 8.
10. Abraham put Hagar and Ismael out of his house, Gen. 21. 14. So shall Christ expell out of the number of his Church all bastard hypo­crites, despisers and moc­kers of the godly, Mat. 22.
11. God deliuered Lot for Abrahams sake, with his Family, from the fire of So­dome, Gen. 19. So hath the Lord the godly for Christs sake, from the condemnation of th [...] wicked, 1. Ioh. 2.
12. Abraham, called the Heyre of the world, Rom. 14. 13. and Father of the Faith­full. So is Christ Iesus the same most properly and truely, Psal. 2. Heb. 1.
13. To Abraham it was said; In thy seed shall all the Nations of the earth be bles­sed, Gen. 12. 3. Which onely in Christ Iesus is fully accomplished, Luke 2. 30, Gal. 3.

The Disparitie.

FRom obscurenesse of estate in Vr of the Caldees, to an honorable and eminent e­state in Canaan, Abraham was brought: but from a glorious estate in highest Maiestie, to a base condition in ignominie, was our Sa­uiour brought for vs: Abrahams wife was bar­ren: but not so is the Church of Christ, which must be fruitfull in good workes. She was taken from Abraham: but none can take the Sheepe of Christ out of his hand, which are his Spouse.

7. Circumcision typing Baptisme, our Sanctifi­cation, and Christs bloud which is our inward washing, Gen. 17.

1. CIrcumcisiō was the signe of Gods Couenant to Israel, Gen. 17. 11. So Baptisme is the same to the Church, euen a signe and seale of the Couenant of mercy, 1. Pet. 3. 21.
2. It was Abraham and his houshold that was comprehended in the one, verse 13. So is it Christ Iesus his Church that is comprehen­ded in the other, Ibid.
3. Not onely was Isaac, but Ismael also circumcised; the born and the bought; the children, and the hire­lings, ibid. So, not onely are the god­ly baptized outwardly in the visible Church, but the wicked also: not onely the redeemed number, but the naturall sort, the true chil­dren, and those that are but hyrelings, Rom. 3. 22.
4. Whosoeuer was not circumcised, ha­uing the Couenant in his flesh, was cut off from Israel, verse 14. So, whosoeuer contemnes Baptisme, yea, is not in the Spirit renued, is not a true member of the Church of God, Mat. 28. 19, 20.
5. There was a cir­cumcision of the flesh which auailed not, be­ing alone; and there was a circumcision of the heart which made the true Israelite, Ro. 2. 28. So there is an outward Baptism by elementary wa ter, which of the body and beeing alone auailes not, and there is an inward Bap­tisme of the soule or Spi­rit, which makes the true Christian, Mar. 16. 16. 1. 8. Rom. 4. 1.
6. In circumcision there was a cutting a­way of the fore-skin by bloud. Signifying that euen so it is by the bloud of Christ, that our sins are takē away, and by the Spirit of sancti­fication that wee are re­newed, mortifying sinne, and quickning grace in vs, Ephes. 5. 26.
7. It was painfull to flesh and bloud. So is mortification and abandoning of fleshly con­cupiscence to the carnall man at first, Ioh. 3.
8. Infants were cir­cumcised, verse 10. So also are they to bee baptized, Mark. 10. 14. Rom. 3. 3.

Isaac, Gen. 21.

1. ISaac, or Iitschac, laughter or reioy­sing. So is Christ true matter of ioyfull laughter and re­ioicing to all the faithfull, Isai. 61. 10.
2. Isaac, the sonne of the Father of the faithfull, Gen. 17. 19. So is Christ the onely na­turall Sonne of God, on whom all the faithfull call Abba Father, Mat. 3. 17. Rom. 8.
3. Isaac against the course of nature born of the dead wombe of old Sarah, Ge. 21. 3. So was Christ borne of the inuiolate wombe of a chaste Virgin, Mat. 1. 23. as all those that are his likewise, are borne not of bloud, nor of the will of flesh, nor of man, but of God, Ioh. 1. 13.
4. Isaac the seed of Promise made vnto Abraham, and borne in his old age at the time appointed, Gen. 18. 14. So is Christ the same most properly, in whom all the Nations of the earth are blessed: Borne in the fulnesse of time decreed.
5. An Angell an­nounceth the Birth of the one in Sarahs hearing, who thinks it impossible, Ge. 18. 12. So an Angell doth our Sauiours Birth in Maries, who likewise saith, How shall this be? Luk. 1. 34.
6. Isaac was circum­cised the eight day, and in his infancie persecuted by Ismael, Gal. 4. 29. So likewise was Christ, Luke 2. and immediately thereafter persecuted by Herod, Mat. 2.
7. Isaac willingly yeeldeth himselfe to be a burnt-offering to the Lord, Gen. 22. Euen so did Christ, in laying downe his life for sa­tisfying his Fathers iu­stice, Ioh. 16. 28.
8. Isaac carried the wood whereon hee was bound, to Mori­ah, verse 6. So did Christ the Crosse whereon he was nayled, to Golgotha, Ioh. 19.
9. Thus Isaac was o­bedient to his Father euen vnto death. Euen so was Christ that most truely, Phil. 2. 8.
10. Isaac came the third day to the place of Immolation, v. 4. So did Christ to his suf­fering in the 33. yeere of his age; or thereby con­sisting of three tens, and [Page 23] three vnites: as also neither in the time of the Law of Nature, nor in the written Law: but in the time of Grace, euen that perfect fulnesse of time decreed.
11. Isaac onely got the heritage to him and his: and Ismael with others the moue­ables, Gen. 25. 5, 6. So hath Christ the hea­uenly inheritance onely pre­pared for his Chosen: the wickeds portion beeing worldly things, Psal. 4. 7. Ioh. 17.
12. Isaac had Esau and Iacob, who strug­gled in the wombe of Rebecca, Gen. 25. 22. So Christ hath Elect and Reprobates in his vi­sible Church, who disagree in manners, Math. 22.
13. Isaacs wife was taken of one kindred with himselfe, Gen. 24. 4. So is Christs Church of that same flesh and nature which he did assume, Mat. 1. 23.
14. Isaacs wife was faire, Gen. 26. 7. So is Christs Church beautifull within, Reu. 21.
15. Shee was owed by his fathers seruant and brought vnto him, Gen. 24. So is the Church by the true Pastors, and brought vnto Christ, dispensatio­ne Verbi, Cant. 1. 7.
16. Shee forsaketh all, and vailed, com­meth to her Husband, adorned with his Ie­wels that were giuen vnto her, Gen. 24. 65. So must the Church forsake all, in preferment of affection; and in humi­litie deckt with his graces, must come vnto Christ, Cant. 3.
17. Isaac meeteth his Wife, comming to him, Gen. 24. 63. So doth Christ his Church, with preuenting grace and acceptation, Ephes. 2.
18. Her name was Ribekah, which is fed, verse 64. So is Christ his Church with that heauenly foode and comfort of his Word, Cant. 2. 5.
19. Isaac brought her into the Tent of his Mother, and was comforted after her death, vers. 67. So Christ hath brought the Church of the Gentiles in the place of the Iewes, of whom hee was borne, and doth reioyce concerning their ingrafting, Isaiah 22. 6.
20. Isaac was offe­red, and yet dyed not: for hee was receiued from death after a sort, Heb. 11. 19. So Christ, God and Man in one Person was offered, and yet according to his Godhead dyed not: but by vertue thereof in his man­hood rose from the dead, Math. 28. 6.
21. In the hand of the Father, to the sa­crificing, was carried the knife and the fire, Gen. 22. 6. So to the Crosse and Immolation of Christ, in the hand of his Father, likewise went sharp Iustice, and feruent loue withall concurring, Math. 26.

The Disparitie.

ISaac being waxed old, and through the dimnesse of his eyes, not beeing able to discerne or see, was deceiued by Iacob, who got so the blessing of his elder brother Esau: but our vnalterable all-seeing Iesus can neuer bee deceiued, to bestow the blessing vpon one for another, or place the same wrong.

The Allegorie of the Blessing. Gen. 27.

AS Isaac loued Esau the elder; so did Christ the Iewes, whom longing to ga­ther vnder his wings, hee called in the latter time, and craued of them that meat which his soule loued, whereof he spoke when hee said; My meat is to doe the will of the Fa­ther: [Page 26] but they went out, hauing not yet re­turned; and in the meane while the Gentiles (the yonger Brother) entred in, not daring to doe so by their owne presumption: but perswaded by the promises of Grace, hauing the sauourie meat of the merit of their Sa­uiours death to offer, which they found not without in the world, but prepared within in the Church, and so cloathed with the gar­ments of the elder which is adoption, and right to the promises; their neck and hands couered with the skin of the Kid, which is the remembrance of their sinnes that killed their Sauiour, or which is his perfect righteousnes, they smelled sweetly before their Father, through free acceptation, and obtained the fruitfulnesse of grace, with the assurance of the remission of their sinnes, wherein the bles­sing consists.

9. Melchisedech, Gen. 14.

1. MElchisedech, a King of righ­teousnes. So is Christ that truely, Reu. 15. Heb. 7. 2.
2. Also King of Sa­lem, or Peace. So is Christ Iesus our Prince of Peace, Esa. 9. 6. Heb. 7. 3.
3. He was the Priest of the most High God, Gen. 14. 18. So likewise is Christ, made not after the carnall commandement: but af­ter the power of endlesse life, Heb. 7. 16.
4. He was without Father or Mother (viz. mentioned) Heb. 7. So Christ as God, is [...], motherlesse, and as man [...], without a Father.
5. He was without Kindred, Ibid. So likewise Christ ac­cording to his Deitie.
6. Hee was of an­other order then Aa­ron. So also Christ (and of the same order with Mel­chisedech) Heb. 7. 16. to shew the imperfection of the Priesthood of Leui, verse 11. & the necessity of the change of the Law, 12.
7. Hee continueth Priest for euer, and hath neither begin­ning of dayes, nor end of life (to wit men­tioned) Heb. 7. 3. So doth Christ continue our High-Priest for euer, whose Priesthood cannot passe from one to another; and therefore is able per­fectly to saue th [...], that come to God by him, seeing [Page 28] he euer liueth to make intercession for them, Heb. 7. 24, 25. and whose Priesthood is confirmed by an oath, Psal. 110. to shew that by so much is Iesus made a suretie of a better Testament, Heb. 7. 21, 22.
8. He receiued tithe of all from Abraham, and blessed him in whose Ioynes Leui was, Gen. 14. 20. To shew thereby that as therein hee was greater then Abraham, Heb. 7. 7. so the excellency & great­nes of our High Priest Ie­sus, aboue Leui or the Priesthood of the Law, (being of one order, as is said, with Melchisedech) by bringing in a better hope, whereby we draw neere to God, and being himselfe vn­defiled, separate from sinners, and made higher then the heauens, Heb. 7. 19, 26.
9. Hee gaue Bread and Wine to refresh Abraham and his company, after the battell, and not that he offred vp the same as any sacrifice, Gen. 14. 18. So Christ doth giue his body and bloud for the re­freshment of the faithfull receiuers, which once al­ready himselfe offered vp as an all-sufficient sacri­fice vpon the Crosse, neu [...] againe to bee repeated, Heb. 7. 27.
10. Melchisedech was greater then A­braham: and conse­quently, [Page 29] then all Israel which then was in his loynes, Heb. 7. 7. So Christ is greater and more excellent then the Church or his mysticall [Page 29] body, hee beeing the head thereof, Zech. 14. 9.
11. Melchisedech was but one of his order onely before or vnder the Law. So is Christ that one onely Priest of his order vnder the Gospell, to offer vp propitiatorie sacrifice vnto the Father, needing no successors therein, seeing he is immortall, and is con­secrated for euermore, Heb. 7. 24, 28.

The Disparitie.

MElchisedech was man onely, and conse­quently sinfull: but our High-Priest is God and Man, sinlesse, and therefore nee­ded not to offer for himselfe. Againe, Mel­chisedechs Priesthood was not confirmed with an oath vnto him, as was Christs, as is said, and the reason giuen. Melchisedech also [...]ad Christ succeeding to him in the same or­der: but Christ shall haue none vnto, or after him: hee gaue bodily refreshment onely to [Page 30] Abraham and his Family: but Christ giues both corporall and spirituall to his Elect.

10. Iacob, Gen. 26.

1. IAcob, a supplan­ter. So is Christ of Death, Sinne and Satan, &c. Col. 2. 15. Luk. 1. 71.
2. Also, hee was called Israel, a Prince of God, or preuai­ling with God, Gen. 32. So is Christ that hea­uenly Prince preuailing at his Fathers hands by his intercession for all good things to his own, He. 8. 6.
3. Hee purchast the birth-right by red Pottage, and obtai­ned the blessing by presenting vp sauou­rie Venison vnto his father, cloathed in E­saus garment, Gen. 25. 30. & 27, 28. So hath Christ purchast heauens inheritance to v [...] by his red bloud; and ob­tained the blessing by offe­ring vp the sauourie merit of his obedience, in the bor­rowed garment of our na­ture, Rom. 3. 24.
4. Hee was a plaine man, and abode in Tents, Gen. 25. 27. So was Christ plaine, meeke and mercifull, fre­quenting the company of men, and sinners, Math. 9. 11. & 12. 18, 19.
5. Iacob was hated and persecuted by E­sau, Gen. 27. 41. So was Christ by Sa­tan, and the Scribes and Pharises, albeit they were his brethren according to the flesh.
6. He leaues his fa­thers house, and go­eth to serue in Haran, Gen. 28. 10. So Christ left the glori­ous heauens, and came in the shape of a seruant vnto the earth, 2. Cor. 8.
7. In his persecuti­on by Esau, by the way he seeth the An­gels of God ascend­ing, and descending vnto him, verse 12. So after Christs temp­tation in the Wildernes by Satan, the Angels came and ministred to him, Mat. 4.
8. Iacob was a Shep­heard, Gen. 29. So is Christ the Shep­heard of our soules, 1. Pet. 2.
9. Iacob serued long for his Wiues Rahel and Leah, Ibid. So did Christ beare the shape of a seruant 33. yeres and more, to redeeme vnto himselfe a Church of Iewes and Gentiles, Esay 42.
10. Iacob being a­fraid of death by [...]au, went alone all [...]ight to pray, Gen. [...]2. So Christ fearing death and wrath, went aside in Gethsemane to doe so, Math. 26.
11. Hee wrestled long, and at last vvas comforted, ver. 28. So did Christ in an A­gony, and at last was heard in that which hee feared, Heb. 5.
12. Iacob purged his Family in the vvay, Gen. 35. So doth Christ his Church in the world, 1. Cor. 1. 30.
13. Iacob was the Father of all the Isra­el in the flesh. So Christ is the Father of all the Israel in the Spi­rit, Isai. 9. 6.
14. Iacob was obe­dient vnto his Parents in all things, Gen. 28. So was Christ both to his heauenly Father, and to his earthly Parents, Lu. 3.
15. Iacob erected an Altar in Bethel, which by interpretation, is, The house of God, Gen. 35. 1. So hath Christ establi­shed the true worship of his Father into his holy Church, Esay 60. 1.
16. Iacobs dayes were but few & euill vpon earth. So was the estate of Christ on earth afflicted, and so shall be the estate of the Church, vnto th [...] worlds end, Ioh. 16. 33.
17. Iacobs flock was spotted or particolou­red, Gen. 30. 32. So have the godly heer [...] their owne spets, and ar [...] in part but sanctified, [...] Ioh. 3.

The Disparitie.

IAcobs father loued his elder sonne better then him: but not so did the Father loue a­ny equally to his Sonne, euen his onely wel­beloued Christ Iesus. Iacob attained to the birth-right and blessing for himselfe, and that through subtiltie: But Christ Iesus hath purchased that heauenly and blessed inheri­tance for vs onely, and that by paying there­fore dearely. Iacob and Esau were at once both borne of the wombe of Rebecca: but Christ Iesus alone onely was borne of the wombe of the inuiolable chaste Virgin Mary, without an associate, either in his matchlesse birth, or eternitie of age.

11. Iacobs Ladder, Gen. 28.

1. IAcobs Ladder, which hee saw in a Vision, stood vpon the earth, but the top reached to Heauen: So Christ, albeit L [...] as humbled in shape of sinfu [...]l flesh, touching the earth as it were, yet he was the most High God, reaching so to heauen, and reconciling, a [...]
and so it ioyned as it were heauen and earth together, Gen. 28. 12. as the two natures in him­selfe by personall Vnion: so God and vs together by his death and mediation, Ro. 5. 10.
2. The Angels went vp and downe by it. So by Christ Iesus they are become ministring spi­rits, comming and retur­ning for the good and protection of the godly, Heb. 1. as also by him our prayers ascend, and Gods blessings descend.
3. No ascending vp to heauen, but by the Ladder. So no attaining to that inheritance, but by Iesus Christ alone, Ioh. 10. 7.
4. Iacob in his Pil­grimage saw the Lad­der onely in a Vision. So wee see Christ heere in our pilgrimage but in glasse, as it were, darkely and in part, 1. Cor. 13.
5. The Lord stood aboue it, and made his promise of Cana­an to Iacob, verse 13. So in Christ, and through him, are the Lords promi­ses of heauen, made and ra­tified to vs, Ioh. 2. 1.
6. In the place which was the House of God, and gate of Heauen, was the Lad­der seene, verse 19. So in Christs Church (which is the foresaid true­ly) through Faith can wee onely get a spirituall sight of Christ.
7. At the foote of this Ladder, Iacob did repose and sleepe. Shadowing the rest and peace of conscience, which the godly haue vnder the shadow of Christs inter­cession.

The Disparitie.

IT was a Ladder whereon to climbe, but not giuing strength to that effect: but Christ Iesus, that blessed Ladder, is both. That Ladder at Iacobs awaking vanished, and begate feare by the Vision thereof: but Christ Iesus, at our awaking in the Resurrecti­on, shall more cleerely appeare, whose sight by faith heere expels feare, and begets confi­dent ioy, and whose cleerer sight then shall beget farre greater.

12. Ioseph, Gen. 37.

1. IOseph, increasing or perfect. So Christ increased in his humane bodie in strength, and in fauour with God and Man, and still now increases in his mysticall body also, and onely hee on earth was perfect.
2. Ioseph was best beloued of his Fa­ther, Gen. 37. 3. So was Christ decla­red to bee that welbeloued Sonne, in whom the Fa­ther is well pleased, Mat. 3. 17.
3. Ioseph was the first-borne of beloued Rahel, Gen. 30. 24. So was Christ the first­borne of the freely beloued Mary, Luke 1. 28.
4. He was hated of his brethren, the more for his heauenly re­ulations and words, that he should be ex­alted aboue them, Gen. 37. 4. So was Christ of the Iewes, and the more, be­cause hee called himselfe the Sonne of God, Iohn 5. 18. Math. 27.
5. All the sheaues of the field, with Sun, Moone and Starres worshipped Ioseph, verse 7. So at the Name of Ie­sus, all things in heauen and earth shall bow the knee, and him both heauen and earth must adore, Ephes. 1. 20. 1. Cor. 15. Phil. 2. 10.
6. Ioseph is sent by his Father to visit his Brethren in the wil­dernes, verse 13. So was Christ sent to visit mankinde in the world, who were straying in sinne, Math. 9. 15.
7. Humbly vval­king on foote, and a­lone vnder-going this message willingly, with great trauell, hee ceases not till he haue found them in Do­than, which is, Defecti­on, verse 17. So Christ Iesus, in the shape of a seruant willingly alone vndertaking the of­fice of a Sauiour, seeke [...]h out his Brethren the lost sheepe of the Iewes and Gentiles, and findes them both in defection of life and doctrine, 1. Ioh. 4. 10. Mat. 5. Rom. 2.
8. Yet Ioseph comes neere, his Brethren conspire against him, and called him a drea­mer, verse 19. So Christ was scarce borne, when Herod con­spired for his life, and scarce entred in his functi­on, when the Scribes and Pharises laid snares for him, and called him a se­ducer, Ioh. 8.
9. Ioseph is stript na­ked, and cast into a pit, and sold for 20. pieces of siluer to the Idumeans by his own brethren, verse 24. So was Christ strips of his garments, and cast in­to the pit of death and the graue, after he had beene sold for thirti [...] pieces of sil­uer to the Scribes & Pha­rises by one of his own Dis­ciples, Mat. 26.
10. Ioseph was car­ried downe to Egypt, in his childhood, verse 28. So was Christ Iesus in his infancie, Math. 2.
11. Ioseph was temp­ted to carnall whore­dome in solitarinesse, and ouercame, Gen. 39. So was Christ vnto Spirituall in the wilder­nesse, when Satan said, Fall downe and worship mee, and ouercame likewise, Math. 4.
12. Ioseph was a beautifull personage, verse 6. So was Christ both in­wardly and outwardly.
13. Hee was falsely accused, condemned, and put in prison, where Pharaohs Baker and Butler were also put, verse 20. So was Christ accused falsely, condemned vniust­ly, and crucified cruelly between two Malefactors, and put in the prison of the graue, where godly and wicked remaine, till they come out to diuers Iudge­ment, Mat. 27.
14. He was made Gouernour ouer the Prison, verse 21. So is Christ Lord and victor ouer death and the graue, Hos. 13.
15. He comforted the Butler in the Pri­son, assuring him of life and preferment, Gen. 40. 13. So did Christ the Thiefe vpon the Crosse bound with him: assuring him, that that night hee should bee with him in Pa­radise, Luke 23.
16. Ioseph beeing brought out of the Prison, vvas exal­ted next vnto Pha­raoh the King, Genes. 41. 40. So Christ hauing risen from the graue, was exalted next vnto the Father, Psal. 110.
17. Ioseph was de­clared to be one, like to whom none vvas in vnderstanding and wisedome, in whom Gods Spirit was so, verse 38. So was Christ match­lesse in wisedome, to whom GOD measured not his Spirit, Mat. 4.
18. Ioseph is set ouer the whole Land, and ouer the Kings house, verse 40. So is Christ Lord of the whole earth: but chiefly of his Church, Zech. 14. 9.
19. Iosephs name is called Zaphnapaaneah, that is, the expounder of secrets, and in the Egyptian tongue, a Sauer of the world, verse 45. So is Christ this truely, the manifester of heauenly mysteries, who hath the Key of Dauid, and the blessed Sauiour of man­kinde, 1. Cor. 10. 30.
20. Ioseph was rich­ly attired in his pre­ferment, verse 42. So is Christ, in that highest exaltation of his, with glory aboue all things, Ioh. 3. 35.
21. A forerunner cryed to the people to kneele downe be­fore Ioseph, verse 43. So the Baptist cryed to prepare the way before Ie­sus, Mar. 1.
22. A Virgin vvas giuen in Wife vnto Ioseph by the King, verse 45. So are the godly giuen to Iesus by his Father, to be his Church, Col. 1. 18.
23. Ioseph was thir­tie yeeres old when hèe was preferred by Pharaoh to his Office, verse 46. So was Christ of that same age, when he entred to his Calling, Math. 3.
24. Pharaoh then directed his people to Ioseph, verse 55. So did the Father the godly to Christ, saying, Heare him, Mat. 3. 17.
25. Ioseph with Pha­raohs garner feedeth all Egypt, and other Nations, verse 57. So with the Word of GOD, penned by his Spi­rits inspiration, Christ feedeth Iew and Gentile, Ioh. 6.
26. Iosephs Bre­thren at last come for foode, and reue­rence him, Gen. 42. So shall the Iewes at last, (albeit long lingring) come to the profession of Christ, and adore him, Zech. 12. 10.
27. He knowes his brethren first, be­fore they know him, verse 8. So doth Christ loue vs first, and finde vs out, be­fore wee can loue, know, or finde him, 1. Ioh. 4. 19.
28. He spoke vn­to them long by mid­men, before cleerely he reuealed himselfe vnto them, verse 23. So doth hee speake to vs by the ministerie of the Gospell heere, before he ma­nifest himselfe cleerely vn­to our soules in glory here­after, and manifested him­selfe by obscure Prophe­cies, before he vttered him­selfe by his owne liuely voice, Heb. 1.
29. Vntill Ioseph told them, that hee was their Brother, they did not know him, verse 8. So vntill Christ disco­uer himselfe v [...]to our soules, wee cannot discerne him, Ioh. 1.
30. At first he was strange and rough vn­to them, to make them remember their fault: but in the meane while hee gaue them foode without mo­ney, and afterwards comforted them, verse 7. So at the first doth Christ by touch of conscience, without feeling of assurance of mercy at an instant, humble vs: but in the meane time bee in loue giues vs secret grace free­ly, that wee despaire not, till we get the feeling of so­lid comfort, 2. Cor. 1. 3.
31. Ioseph accep­teth of their small gifts, albeit hee had no neede of them, Gen. 43. 15. So doth our Sauiour of our Spirituall and chari­table offerings, Phil. 4. 18.
32. They are wa­shed in his house, and set at his Table, verse 33. So are the true brethren of Christ made cleane by the water of the Spirit, and fed at his Table, Ephes. 5. 26.
33. No acceptati­on without Ben [...]amin, Gen. 42. 34. that was borne with sorrow. So no acceptation be­fore GOD of vs, but by Faith and Repentance, Ephes. 2. 8.
43. He first mani­festeth himselfe vnto his Brethren, before to the Egyptians, that he was Ioseph, Ge. 45. 3. So Christ reuealed him­selfe first vnto the Iewes, that he was the Messiah, before hee turned to the Gentiles, Math. 10. 3.
35. It was not his Brethrens malice so much, as GOD that sent him to Egypt, to saue the Family of Is­rael aliue by a great deliuerance, verse 5. So neither was it the malice of the Iewes that crucified Christ, so much as the Lords Decree, that it should be so, for the sal­uation of his Church, Rom. 3. 25.
36. Ioseph recom­mends concord and loue to his Brethren in the way, seeing he forgaue them: and giues them victuals and Chariots for the iourney, verse 24. So doth Christ recom­mend loue amongst his members: and seeing hee hath pardoned vs, that we mutually forgiue one ano­ther, and hath giuen vs the meanes of his Word and Sacraments, to further vs in the way of our saluation, Ioh. 15.
37. They shew by word and by his gifts vnto their Father, that Ioseph was aliue, verse 27. So should wee by our profession, and the graces of the Spirit shining in our liues, that Iesus is liuing in vs, 2. Cor. 5. 15.
38. The words of Ioseph reported by his Brethrē, were con­firmed by the sight of the Chariots vnto Iacob. So are the promises of Ie­sus vttered by his Mini­sters, ratified and sealed vnto his people by the bles­sed Sacraments, Math. 28. 19. which are the chariots of grace to all true Beleeuers.
39. The Lords promise of protecti­on, the desire to see Ioseph, and the hun­ger in the Land, ioy­ned al together, moo­ued Iacob the more quickly and gladly to remoue, Gen. 46. So Gods promise of con­noy by his Angels, the desire to be with Christ, and the scarcitie of goodnesse heere, mooues the godly more willingly to depart, Phil. 1. 23.
Ioseph went out, and met his Brethren, Ge. 46. 29. So doth Iesus obuiat all those that come vnto him, Luke 15. by his grace heere, and Angels here­after.
41. Pharaoh and his Court reioyced at their comming, Gen. 47. So doth the Lord and the Angels of Heauen re­ioyce at the conuersion of sinners, Luke 15. 8.
42. Hee goeth to Pharaoh, and speaketh for them, and instru­cteth them how to speake before Pha­raoh, Gen. 46. 31. So doth Christ inter­cede for vs at the Fathers hands, and instructeth vs how to pray to him, Math. 6. Heb. 5. Rom. 8.
43. Hee placed them in pleasant Go­shen there, while thence they should goe to fruitfull Cana­an thereafter, Gen. 47. 11. So Christ places his own in the estate of Grace here, while they bee transplan­ted into the estate of glo­rie, and of his triumphant Church hereafter, Iohn 17. 24.
44. Iacobs Petition concerning Ioseph, when they met, was, Now let mee dye in peace, seeing I haue seene thy face, Gen. 46. 30. So was old Simeons concerning Christ: Now let [...]y seruant depart in Peace, seeing I haue seens the saluation of the Lord, Luke [...].
45. Ioseph brought his two sonnes to bee blessed of his Father, Gen. 48. So hath Christ brought his Chosen of the Iew and Gentile a new way to bee blessed of his Father, Heb. 10. 20.
46. Iacob willeth that his name be na­med on Iosephs sons, and that they bee ac­counted as his, Gen. 48. 16. Euen so hath the Lord adopted vs to be his sonnes through Christ, and willed that his name likewise bee called vpon by vs, saying, Abba Father, Ro. 8.
47. Ioseph buried his Father solemnely, Gen. 50. So did Christ the sha­dowish types that went be­fore him perfectly, Iohn 19. 30.
48. While Ioseph liued, Israel did not so increase. So while Christ suffered, the Church did not so flou­rish, Euseb. Hist.
49. Israel was af­flicted after Iosephs death, while at last the Lord deliuered them. So was the Church vn­der the ten Persecutions af­ter Christs death, till the Lord at last did settle the same in peace, Euseb.

The Disparitie,

IOseph accused his Brethren vnto his Father, and brought him their euill saying, Gen. 37. 2. But Christ Iesus excuseth his bre­thren, couering their faults, and intercedeth for them.

13. Moses.

1. MOses, drawne, or taken out. So was Christ drawne out of the waters of many afflictions, to bee consecra­ted our Sauiour, and ta­ken out of the race of man­kinde to bee that Blessed Seed, Gen. 3. 15.
2. He was meane­ly borne, Exod. 2. 1. So was Christ of a poore Virgin, Math. 1.
3. He was imme­diately after his birth persecuted by the cru­elty of Pharaoh, ver. 3. Euen so was Christ, by the crueltie of Herod, Math. 2.
4. His Cradle was an Arke dawbed with slime and Pitch. So was Christs first cradle, an vncleanly crib, Luke 2.
5. He was wonder­fully preserued by her whose sonne hee was called, verse 9. So was Christ by Ioseph (beeing admonished in a dreame) whose sonne hee was reputed, Math. 2.
6. He left Pharaohs Court to bee a Deli­uerer of his People, & to suffer with them, verse 15. So did Christ the Court of Heauen, to deliuer his Chosen, and both to suffer for, and with them, Esay 53.
7. He was a Shep­heard, and his Wife blacke, but fruitfull, verse 21. So is Christ the Shep­heard of our soules, and hi [...] Church blacke, but come [...] ▪ and fruitfull in godlinesse. 1. Pet. 2. Cant. 2.
8. Moses was sent to deliuer Israel out of Pharaohs bondage, Exod. 3. 10. So is the Messiah, that sent of God, to deliuer hi [...] Church from Satan, si [...] and damnation, 1. Co [...] 15. 57.
9. Hee was meeke aboue all men: but wrathful at the erecti­on of the golden Calfe, Exod. 31. So was Christ mee [...] it selfe, but full of zealo [...] anger, at the abusing [...] Gods House, Mar. 11.
10. Hee was faith­full in all Gods house, Heb. 3. 2. So was Christ Iesus: but in a more excellent ma­ner, as a Sonne, and not as a seruant, Heb. 3. 3.
11. At his com­ming to deliuer Israel, Pharaoh raged and oppressed them the more, Exod. 5. So did Satan and his instruments rage the more at the comming of Christ to redeeme mankinde: and still rageth the more that his kingdome is neere a [...] end, 1. Pet. 5. 8.
12. The Egyptians mis-regarded his mes­sage, Exod. 7. So did the wicked Scribes Christs speeches: and still as yet the vngodly con­temne his Word, Math. 7. 6.
13. Israel was bap­tized in their deliuery from Pharaoh vnto Moses, in the Cloud, and in the Sea, 1. Cor. 10. Typing how the Church of God in their deliuerie from Satan, sinne & death by Christ Iesus, should bee baptized vnto him, and by him in the Red Sea of his precious bloud, 1. Cor. 12. 13.
14. Moses institu­ted the Passeouer, and [Page 50] deliuered Israel by his Rod through the red Sea, Exod. 12. So did Christ the Lords Supper, and deliuered h [...] [Page 50] Church by his Crosse through his bloud, Math. 26. 1. Ioh. 2.
15. Hee sweetned Marah vnto the peo­ple, by the Tree hee did cast in, Exodus 15. 25. So hath Christ our af­flictions, by the Crosse that he did beare, Heb. 2. 10.
16. While hee prayed with his hands vp, Israel ouercame their enemies, and at his mediation Gods wrath was appea­sed, Numb. 14. Exod. 17. So by the intercession of Christ, grace is giuen vs to ouercome our spirituall enemies, and Gods wrath is altogether quenched, Heb. 8. 6.
17. The Law was giuen by Moses, and exhibited by won­ders, Exod. 20. So is the Gospell by Christ, and confirmed by miracles, Ioh. 1.
18. Moses fasted forty dayes before he gaue the Law on Si­nai, Exod. 19. So did Christ fast so long in the wildernesse, be­fore he began to preach the Gospell in Iudea, Math. 4.
19. God was more cleerely manifested to him, then any other in Israel, Exod. 33. 11. So was the Lord more cleerely seene by Christ, then by any creature, Ioh. 1. 18.
20. Hee was in a sort transfigured in face on Sinai, when he shined so before the people, that they could not behold him vnuailed, Exod. 34. 33. So was Christ transfi­gured wholly on Tabor, when his body and gar­ments shined to his Disci­ples, that they were raui­shed, and wist not what they said, Math. 17.
21. Many of the people were destroy­ed with Korah, for of­fending against him: for murmuring and insurrection, Numb. 16. So were most of the Iewes by Titus, for tres­passing so against our Saui­our in crucifying him, Io­sephus Historie.
22. He dyed wil­lingly vpon Mount Abarim, and left Io­shua to supply his roome, Deut. 34. 5. So did Christ vpon Mount Golgotha, and hauing ascended, sent his Spirit to supply his rooms, Act. 2.
23. His graue was neuer found, for hee rose againe, as is ap­parant by his appari­tion on Tabor vvith Elias, talking vvith Christ, Deut. 34. 6. Math. 17. So likewise did Christ Iesus rise the third day, not beeing found of them that sought him in the graue, Math. 28.
24. Hee led Israel to Canaan, Deut. 32. So doth Christ leade his Church to Heauen, Iohn 14. 6.
25. Hee was King, Prophet, and Media­tour of the people. Typing so Christ Iesus in all these his Offices, Heb. 9. 13.
26. He appointed the Tabernacle, and seruice thereof, as the Lord comman­ded him, and accord­ing to the patterne, Exod. 25. 40. So hath Christ appoin­ted the worship of his Fa­ther, in the Ministery and Gouernment of his Church, according to the Word.

The Disparitie.

MOses was most vnwilling to vndergoe that calling of Deliuerance of Israel. But Christ most willingly vndertooke the Deliuerance of his Church. Moses hands al­so were wearied in holding vp: therefore fell downe, till Aaron and Hur stayed them vp: But the hands of our blessed Mediatour are neuer weary to intercede for his peo­ple. Moses saw not GOD face to face: but hee that proceeded out of the bosome of the Father, did see him cleerely, euen Christ, that is the ingrauen Character of the Father. Al­so Moses led the people onely into the sight of Canaan, and vnto the borders thereof, but gaue them not possession therein: But our Mediatour and Messiah hath purchased the same vnto his Chosen, and hath gone before to prepate a place for vs in that celestiall Ca­naan, that wee may possesse the same peace­ably, after the day of our dissolution.

Of holy times in generall.

AS there were amongst the Iewes in that Leuiticall and Typicall Law of theirs, holy Persons, holy Things, holy Places; so were there holy Times, which were eyther Dayes, Moones, Seasons or Yeeres, calling to memory speciall benefits, and therewith pointing at more higher mysteries.

1. DAyes, were the Sabbath, which was holy. Which did call to minde the benefit of our Creati­on, for which wee should be thankefull: and did there­with signifie that eternall rest of Gods Chosen, which they should enioy, Reu. 14. 13.
2. Moones: Such was the New Moone, which was holy. Which did put in minde the Lords Gubernation of all things, as from whom all alterations and chan­ges doe come: and there­fore teacheth vs to relye on his prouidence, Psol. 23. 1.
3. Seasons: which were three.  
1. The Passeouer. Typing and teaching the benefit of our Redemption, as shall be hereafter more fully declared.
2. The Pentecost. Remembring vs thereby, to acknowledge the benefit of our Sanctification by the holy Ghost.
3. The Feast of Ta­bernacles, or Tents. To make vs mindfull, (as well as the lewes) of our Protection: who are dayly preserued, as the Is­raelites in Tents were in the Wildernes.
4. Yeeres: which was euery seuenth yeere: but in speciall that great Iubile after a Sabbath of seuen yeeres. To remember vs of that full freedome and ioy, in that great day of the glo­rifying of Gods Saints. So that beeing Created, Go­uerned, Redeemed, and preserued here: by the same God we shall be Glo­rified hereafter.

The Passeouer, Exod. 12. 2. Cor. 5. 7.

1. IT was called the Passouer; because the destroying An­gell passed ouer all their houses, whose doore-posts were stri­ked with the bloud thereof, and wherein the same was eaten, Exod. 12. 27. So is Christ called; be­cause Gods wrath passes ouer all them, whose soules are sprinkled with his bloud, and truely by Faith feede vpon him, 1. Cor. 5. 7.
2. It was killed, before Israel was de­liuered, Exod. 12. 6. So Christ behooued to suffer, before wee could be redeemed, Act. 17. 2.
3. It vvas killed, before Moses Law, or Aarons Sacrifices were [...]nioyned. To shew, that by none of them, but by the true Passeouer, that Lambe of God, killed from the be­ginning, deliuerance comes to mankinde, Rom. 3. Heb. 9.
4. It was killed, and to be killed yeere­ly the first Moneth of the yeere, ver. 2. when the day lengthening, and the Sunne ascen­ding, each thing be­ginneth to reuiue. To shew, that by the true Passeouer, not onely is our time, and all other things sanctified: but also that wee should in recent remembrance of that bene­fit of our Redemption, all our dayes and yeeres bee thankefull to our gracious Redeemer, Ephes. 5. 4. 20. and that by his death, true life & reuiuing came vnto mankinde.
5. It was slaine the 14. day, which was the fourth day after the separation therof, ver. 6. which was then full moone, shaddowing, that thē Christ should suffer, when the fulnes of ceremoniall light was in him accompli­shed, and in his death to make a full period, euer thereafter to de­cay and vanish, as also To shew first, that in­stantly after his Birth, our Passeouer should not be sa­crificed, till the appointed houre: and secondly, that as thereby they were taught to prepare themselues to the eating thereof: so should we to the eating of our Lambe by true Faith and Repen­tance, 1. Cor. 11.
6. In the euening the Passeouer was kil­led, ibid. Shewing thereby that in the latter time Christ should suffer: and as at night there is darknes and all are at rest: So when all mankinde was sitting in darknes of minde and life, and all the world at a gene­rall outward rest of peace, then should our Sauiour come and suffer. As also the killing thereof at euen, did shew how, as at euen, the Sunne goes too: so it was the Sunne of righteousnes that was to suffer and dye, and at his Passion, what vniuersall darknes should bee vpon the whole earth, Luke 23. 44.
7. At night also the Passeouer was eaten, verse 8. Prefiguring so vnto vs how our true Paschall Lambe should bee eaten by vs, in mysterio scili­cet, accenso alio lumine quam naturali.
8. It was eaten in Goshen, Israel being in Egypt, and in Ierusa­lem, they beeing in Canaan: both, pla­ces of the Churches abode. To shew that in his true Church onely is our true Pastor to bee found, and profitably fedde vpon, Col. 1. 18.
9. It was (more par­ticularly) eaten in the Family, each house a Lambe, verse 3. Shewing that with vni­tie in faith and loue, as all of one family we must eat of our true Passeouer, & that they are but few who truly feed, and are partakers of this Lambe, Mat. 7. 13.
10. The house must be prepared. To warn vs so to prepare our hearts, 1. Cor. 11.
11. If the house be too little, the neigh­bours must be assu­med, yea the strangers so be he be circumci­sed, verse 4. To signifie first the su­per aboundant vertue of Christs death: for the house may be too little for the Lambe, but not the Lambe for a house: as like­wise, the sweet Communi­on of Saints in loue, the ioyfull Vocation also of the neighbour Gentiles, and admission to the fellowship of faith, beeing inwardly cir­cumcised, and at last, to condemne the priuate giuing of the Sacrament to one or two onely.
12. The Passeouer was to be taken of the Lambs, verse 5. To shew that our Sa­uiour should bee innocent in life; meeke and patient in death, and profitable al­way, Isai. 53.
13. Or it was to bee taken of the Kids, ibid. [Page 60] And in the generall, the taking of it from among the flocke, did signifie the separati­on of Christ from sinners. To shew, albeit our Sa­uiour was sinlesse himselfe, [Page 60] yet hee should come of the race of sinners: (as the Kid comes of the Goat) as also, that in wrong reputation, and true imputation, being made sinne for vs, hee should be as a Kidde or a Goate, 2. Cor. 5. 21. Isai. 53. 4.
14. It must bee without any blemish, ibid. Shaddowing thereby the perfection and innocencie of Christ, Psal. 40. 7.
15. He must bee a Male, ibid. Noting thereby the ex­cellencie of strength and dignitie (most proper to that Sexe) which should bee in Christ, Hos. 1. 11.
16. Hee must be a yeere old, ibid. Signifying the experi­ence that Christ should haue of our miseries, wherof euen a dayes continuance yeelds sufficient proofe. As al­so that perfection of Christ in like sort, and that in fulnes of time he should come and suffer (a yeere being a per­fect reuolution of the Sunnes full course,) He. 4. 15. 5. 2.
17. It must bee set apart awhile, verse 6. Teaching thereby prepa­ration, & due meditation of the Lords great work of our deliuery, 1. Co. 11. Ps. 103
18. It was then kil­led, and that by Israel, Ibid. So Christ behooued to dye, ere comfort could flow to vs of appeasing Gods wrath, and satisfying his iustice, the merit of whose death redounds to his cho­sen Church onely, Isaiah 59. 20
19. The bloud was besprinkled on the Lintell and doore­posts, that the Angell seeing the same might passe by, verse 7. Signifying, that by Christs bloud applyed, the wrath of God is made to passe by vs: and where Christ the Lambe is in­wardly in the house of the Soule, the sprinkling of Christs bloud will be seene by Sanctification outward­ly in the practice of the life, 1. Cor. 1. 30.
Note also, that the aspersiō of this bloud by Hysope (which is a purging Hearb) doth giue vs to vnderstand the threefold vertue of Christs bloud. First, as it is a ransom to Gods iustice: and secondly, [Page 62] preserueth from the destroyer of Gods wrath: so thirdly, it purgeth also the pol­luted soule. Also the sprinkling of the bloud vpon the doore­posts: noted, how going in and out, euer we should re­member Christs death, and not be ashamed of the pro­fession of his Crosse: And that by Baptisme our soules must first bee sprink­led [Page 62] with his bloud, before wee can looke for to bee partakers truely of his bo­die, 1. Cor. 12. 13.
20. The Lambe must be rost with fire, and that wholly, or all of it, verse 8. Signifying thereby the agony of Christ in the Gar­den, and the wrath of his Father which hee did in­dure both in soule and bo­die, Math. 20.
21. It must not bee eaten raw, verse 9. Noting, that wee should not vnpreparedly receiue, nor grossely conceiue of Christ in the Sacrament, Ioh. 6. 1. Cor. 11.
22. It must not be sodden with water. Shewing that to his In­stitution we must not ioyne our inuentions (adding al­tering or impairing) nor to the merit of his all suffici­ent sacrifice, the proud merit of our menstruous righte­ousnes, Isai. 57. 12.
23. It must bee ea­ten all, & that with vn­leauened bread, ver. 8. To shew that nothing in Christ is vnprofitable or to be reiected, and that to the true participation of him, we must eschew corruption of doctrine, of manners, and malice, 2. Cor. 5.
24. With sowre hearbs also the Passe­ouer must be eaten. Signifying thereby, that with repentance wee must eate our Passeouer, in re­membrance of our bitter and sowre estate of sinnes slauerie, wherein wee were captiuate, and of the bitter Passion of Christ, whose teeth were set on edge when wee had eaten the sowre Grapes, Isai. 53. 4, 9.
25. They behoo­ued to eate the Passe­ouer, their loynes be­ing girded, their staues in their hands, and their shooes on their feete, verse 11. To shew how wee should eate our Passeouer, like pil­grims, to wit, not looking for a permanent Citie here: our loynes girded with ve­ritie, and the preparation of the Gospell on our feet, the staffe of Gods Word in our hands, and with alacritie and readinesse making for­ward to our heauenly man­sion, Phil. 3. 13.
26. They behoo­ued likewise to eate the same in haste, as not doubting of the speedy worke of their deliuerie, and as rea­dy waiters when they [Page 64] should bee called out of doores. To signifie likewise in Faith and readinesse to come when Iesus cals, and with the affections of Feare and Loue, (which are the two vsuall causes of haste) desirously and holily wee [Page 64] should eate our Passeouer, 1. Cor. 11.
27. Nothing was to be reserued till to morrow of the Lamb, verse 10. Noting thereby the ful­nesse of theirs and our deli­uerance: nor that wee should reserue one sinne to liue in awhile, keeping vp, as it were a part of Christs death for it. Popish reser­uation also of the Host is condemned hereby.
28. If any remaine thereof ouernight, the same must bee burnt with fire, verse 10. Teaching to auoid pro­phanation of holy things hereby: Hoc pacto etiam compellens accersere e­genos (saith a Father) This burning is apishly imitated in the popish Host.
29. No vncircum­cised person might eate of the Passe­ouer. So no vnsanctified per­son can bee truely parta­ker of Christ Iesus, Mat. 22.
30. The bones thereof might not be broken. Typing hereby in Christ▪ suffering, how not a bone [...] him should bee broken as was foretold, Iohn 19. 36.
31. None might goe out of doore that night. Perseuerance in Christs Family or Church, and in the bosome thereof beeing pointed at hereby, not go­ing out in affection to the world againe, Ren. 2. 10.
32. One Law shall bee for all (saith the Lord) verse 49. Shewing thereby, where­by the Church of Christ is gouerned, and that with God there is no exception of Persons, Act. 10. 34.
33. It was to bee obserued, with the word of instruction, to be ioyned thereto, verse 26, 27. So is the Sacrament to be celebrate with the word of institution, and exhorta­tion to bee added thereto likewise, as the Seale and Charter going together, 1. Cor. 11.
Last, in that the bloud of the Lambe was first sprinkled, and then it selfe pre­pared and eaten. It shewes that first Christ was made a sacri­fice to God, and then a Sa­cramens to vs.

The Disparitie.

THe Iewish Passeouer did feed the body: but our Passeouer Christ doth feed the soule. It was a signe of their deliuerance: but Christ is the very worker of our deliuerance. There were many Lambs eaten in the whole campe, all called the Passeouer; because they pointed at one alone who should be the true Passeouer, and who alone sufficeth the whole number of his faithfull. The Lambe being eaten, nothing thereof did remaine: but Christ being fed vpon, is no whit impaired, but remaineth as perpetuall nourishment to his owne Chosen.

15. Aaron.

1. AAron, a Tea­cher, or the mountaine of forti­tude. So is Christ the true Teacher of his Church, and exalted mountaine of inuincible strength, Math. 10. 21.
2. Hee was Moses mouth to the people, Exod. 4. 30. So was Christ his Fa­thers mouth, to the world; in declaring his will, Ioh. 1.
3. He was the bles­ser of the people, Leu. 9. 22. So is Christ the true blesser of his people and Church, Gen. 12. 3.
4. Hee was the High Priest of the Lord, Leu. 8. And so was Christ that onely true High Priest of his faithfull, Heb. 9.
5. He dyed on the top of Mount Hor, called Mosera, Numb. 20. So Christ dyed on the top of Mount Golgotha, Luke 23.

The Disparitie.

AAron dyed in the wildernesse for his own offence, for disobeying the Lord at the waters of Meribah: but Christ Iesus our High Priest dyed in the world, for our offen­ces and manifold disobedience imputed to him, and vndertaken by him. Also Aaron brought not the people into Canaan, neither entered there himselfe: but our High-Priest [Page 68] hath both entered himselfe into that heauen­ly Canaan, and bringeth the members of his true Church there also.

The High-Priest, Exod. 28.

1. HEe was taken of men, but behooued not to haue any blemish, Le. 22. 17. So was Christ of the race of mankinde accord­ing to the flesh: but was altogether sinlesse, Heb. 7.
2. He assumed not this honour to him­selfe, but it was giuen him of God. So neither did Christ, but it was giuen him of the Father, Heb. 5. 5.
3. He was washed with water, & anoin­ted with the holy oyle, Exod. 29. 7. Leu. 16. 4. To note that immacu­late sanctitie that should bee in Christ, and that he should bee anointed with the oyle of gladnes aboue his fellowes, Isai. 61. 2.
4. His flesh and loynes were couered with cleane linnen, Exod. 28. 42. So was Christs Huma­nitie cloathed with true holinesse, Isai. 53.
5. He was cloathed gloriously, Exo. 28. 2. So was Christ with per­fect righteousnes, and the Maiestie of his Deity.
6. He had a holy crown vpon his head, Exod. 29. 6. Signifying thereby the Deitie of Christ (which as a circle hath neither begin­ning nor end) and the royall dignitie wherewith hee is crowned King of his Cho­sen, Ier. 23. 5.
7. Hee had an in­grauen plate with Ho­linesse vnto the Lord on his forehead, Exo. 28. 36. Noting the intercessorie oblation of the perfection of his Holinesse, whereby our imperfect righteousnes is at the Fathers hands ac­cepted, Heb. 8.
8. The colours of the embroidering of his garments being Blue, Purple, Skar­let and White, Exod. 28. 6. Signified the truth of his Prophéticall Office, the Maiestie of his Royall, the perfection of his Priestly, and his sincere sanctitie in execution of all, with all other his re­splendent grace beautify­ing his blessed person, He. 10. Ioh. 18. Act. 7.
9. The edge of wo­uen worke about the Collar of the Robe of the Ephod, that it should not teare, ver. 32. Pointed the spirituall strength, and entire righ­teousnes of Christ, Heb. 7. 26.
10. Hee had Vrim and Thummim vpon his brest, verse 30. So had Christ the per­fection of true light, and perfect holinesse in his heart, ibid.
11. Hee bore the names of the Tribes of Israel vpon his brest, when hee went in before the Lord, verse 29. Typing the continuall intercession of Christ for his Church; Heb. 7. 25.
12. These names were ingrauen in hard stones. So are the godly not lightly written: but indele­bly grauen in the memory and loue of Christ, 1. Ioh. 4.
13. Likewise hee bore the names in two Onyx stones vp­on his shoulders, Ex. 28. 9. So doth Christ bears and vp beare his owne, by his secret power and grace, euen when his back seemes turned vpon them, Ier. 8. interceding forthem, He. 7.
14. The wreathed chaine tyed to the rings of pure gold, wherewith the brest­plate & Humerall was tyed, verse 14. Signified the perfect connexture of all heauenly vertues adorning Christs humanitie: as also, that true faith, whereby we are girt vnto him, Ier. 13.
15. The Bels and Pomegranates hang­ing about his vesture, whereby hee was heard when he ente­red into the Sanctua­ry and Holyest, verse 33. Shaddowed his pro­claiming of the ioyfull Gos­pell, and confirming the same by his holy workes and miracles vpon earth: as also typed his continuall intercession for his Chosen in Heauen, Heb. 8.
16. His costly wrought Girdle, ver. 39. Signified that truth and constancie whereby our High Priest in his graci­ous promises of the Gospell is perfectly girt about.
17. He alone ente­red into the holiest place, and that not without bloud, to make attonement and [Page 72] intercession for the people, Leu. 16. So hath Christ entered into the heauens, there a­lone, and onely to bee our Mediatour, through the merit of his precious bloud­shed and atonement once [Page 72] made for all, to procure good things, and appease wrath for vs, Heb. 7.
18. Hee might not goe forth of the San­ctuarie to lament for the dead. Shaddowing that Christ now beeing ascended and entered into the holy hea­uens, his beatitude now can not bee interrupted by any more sufferings of misery or dolour, ibid.
19. His Wife be­hooued to be a chaste Virgin. So must Christs Church be as a Virgin, chaste, and giuing neither her loue, nor his worship vnto any other, Math. 25.
20. The putting of the bloud of the so­lemne sacrifice vpon his right eare, thumb, and toe, Exo. 29. 20. Did shew that in Christ there is nothing but right and vnblameable, and that it is his bloud, that should make them blessed that should sit at his right hand. As also, the consecrating of Christs whole per­son by his death and bloudshed to be the Prince of our saluation, euen as we should likewise in all things by his bloud be consecrate vnto his holy obedience in all our sences, actions, and walkings, Heb. 7.
21. His garments Euen so doth the gar­ment of the righteousnes of
remained for euer, for his sonnes to be cloa­thed withall, Exodus 29. 29. Christ abide for euer for to cloath his owne children withall, in Iustification, vnto Sanctification and glory, Esay 61. 10.

(As for the linnen garments of the inferi­our Priests, they signified that Holinesse which the ministerie ought to bee cloathed withall, set downe by the Apostle, 1. Tim. 3.)

The Disparitie, Heb. 7.

THe Iewish HighPriest was taken of the Tribe of Leui; but our High Priest is sprung of the Tribe of Iudah, not after the or­der of Aaron, but after the order of Melchi­sedech. Wherefore the Priesthood beeing thus changed, of necessitie there behooued to be a change of the Couenant. Againe, the lewish High Priest was made without an [...]oath. For as much then as Christ is nor made without an oath, by so much is hee [...]ade surety of a better Couenant. Theirs was [...]ade after the Law of the carnall comman­ [...]ement: but our High Priest is made after [Page 74] the power of endlesse life. Theirs needed a successor; therefore they were many, because they were mortall: but Ours, because he en­dureth for euer, hath a Priesthood which cannot passe from one to another. Theirs behooued to offer vp sacrifice for his owne sinnes: but our High Priest is holy, harme­lesse, vndefiled and separate from sinners, without spot. Theirs did frequently offer vp sacrifice of beasts whose bloud could not purge: but our High Priest hath once offered vp an all-sufficient sacrifice, neuer to be reite­rate, euen himselfe to the Father, whose bloud cleanseth vs from all our sinnes. Theirs euery yeere entred into the Holiest by the bloud o [...] Buls and Calues, which could not take away sinnes: but our High Priest, by his own blou [...] hath he once entred into the holy place, an [...] obtained eternall Redemption for vs, by th [...] vaile of his flesh, pearcing the highest hea­uens, to appeare now in the sight of God fo [...] his Church, Heb. 9. 12.

17. The Cloudy Pillar. Exod. 14.

1. THe Cloudie Pillar was Isra­els guide, which they followed in their se­uerall campings from Egypt to Canaan, Num. 9. 15, 16, 17. &c. So is Christ our true guide, which wee must fol­low in our iourney to hea­uen, both in the precepts of his Word, and practice of his Life, Math. 11. 29.
2. It was in the shape of a Pillar. So is Christ like a Pillar, firme, stable, and straight, and with his strength sup­porting all those that relye vpon him, Exod. 15. 2.
3. In going behind betweene the camps of Israel, and the E­gyptians, it was a de­fence vnto them, Exo. 14. 19. So is Christ not onely a Directer, but a Protector to his Church, from all their enemies, Psal. 18. 1.
4. It was dark­nes to the Egyptians, but gaue light vnto [...]hem of Israel, ver. 20. So is Christ saluation to the godly: but a stumbling blocke and stone of offence vnto the wicked, Math. 21. 44.
5. It was a Cloud by day, and a Fire by night to Israel, ibid. So is Christ a cooling refreshment to his owne in the scorching day of temp­tation or trouble: and a comfortable Lamp of light to direct them in the time of this life, Ioh. 1.
6. It was a Fire, and a Cloud, yet both but one Pillar. So Christ is God, and Man likewise, yet in both but one person, Esa. 9. 6.
7. It was a fiery Pil­lar. So is Christ not onely strong as a Pillar for the defence and bearing vp of his owne, and as a fire illuminating, purging, comforting▪ and kindling zeale in his Chosen ones: but also hee is [...] fire, fearefully to consume his enemies, as stubble b [...] fore the flame, Psal. 2.
8. In the fire, and in the Cloud, God was seene by Israel in the Wildernesse: but both ceased in Ca­naan. So in the Word and i [...] the Sacraments he is see [...] by his Church in the world but both shall cease i [...] heauen.

The Disparitie.

THe Cloud vanished and was no more seene, after they came to Canaan: but our blessed Pillar Christ Iesus, when wee enter, and come to that celestiall Canaan, shall then more cleerely and constantly be seene then before, the foresaid dimme sight of him in Word and Sacraments ceasing.

18. The Rocke, Exod. 17.

IT was a Rocke fixed and sure. So is Christ that sure Rocke and foundation vpon whom the godly build, & a­ [...]inst which the blind wicked ones dashing, bruise them­ [...]lues in pieces. To which also, his owne doe runne, as to a [...]ong defence, and against which, the gates of hell it [...]fe shall in no wise preuaile, Math. 16.
2. It had no out­ [...]ard delightfull shew [...] the Wildernes, but [...] a bare hard Rocke. So neither had Christ any outward forme or beauty in the world, that wee should desire him: but as a roote out of a dry ground, was a [...]nfull of sorrowes, and it hard distresse and pouertie, [...]ay 53, 2, 3.
It seemed wonder­full, and almost incre­dible euen vnto Mo­ses, that God would make the Rocke to giue water to such a murmuring people. So likewise was it a won­derfull worke of loue, that the Lord should make his owne Sonne to shead his heart-bloud, for such a re­bellious generation as man­kind: therefore Esa. 53. 1. cryes out, Who will be­leeue our report?
4. It gaue vvater aboundantly vnto the people, when they could get no other to quench their thirst; so that, in respect of the rūning streames ther­of, it is said to haue followed them, 1. Cor. 10. and this water on­ly sufficiently refre­shed them all. So Christ shead hi [...] bloud aboundantly, whe [...] nothing else could redeem [...] vs, nor quench the tor­menting thirst of an acc [...] ­sing or grieued conscience and this bloud only is suffi­cient to purge all our sinn [...] perfectly, Heb. 7.
5. It was first stri­ken with Moses Rod, before it yeelded forth the waters for the people, Exo. 17. 6. So was Christ nailed [...] the Crosse, according [...] that, Cursed is euer one that hangeth on Tree: our transgressions the Law beeing laid vp [...] [Page 79] him, before his precious bloud issued forth of his heart and wounds, to consummate the Redemption of his Church, Luke 23.
6. Moses at that time debarred him­selfe from Canaan, and led the people only vnto the borders thereof, deliuering them to Iosua. To shew, that Christ hauing suffered, by the Law there is no Iustificati­on, nor attaining vnto hea­uen: but beeing imperfect and weake in it selfe, is now but a pedagogy vnto Christ Iesus, Rom. 3. 20.

The Disparitie.

ALl Israel promiseuously did drinke of the Rock; as well the murmurers, as the god­ly and patient sort: but so shall not all in the visible Church bee partakers of the bloud of Christ; but they onely who truely repent and beleeue.

19. Manna, Exod. 16. Ioh. 6.

THe Lord gaue the people Manna to satisfie their [...]unger, to testifie his [Page 80] bounty, power and prouidence, to tempt or try them in the Wildernesse, Exod. 16. 4. So the Lord sent Christ into the world, to bee made meet foode for the hunger of our soules: to shew vs likewise his vnmerited [Page 80] mercy and kindnesse, and poore and lowly hee sent him, to try who notwith­standing would beleeue in him. Esay 53.
2. Manna was little in quantitie, ver. 14. So was Christ little and contemptible in the eyes of the world in reputation, ib.
3. It was white of colour, verse 31. So was Christ holy and sanctified in nature, Psal 40. 8.
4. It was round in shape. To note the perfectness [...] and entirenesse of Christ in all heauenly graces, He. 7.
5. It was sweet, and tasted like fresh oyle or wafers, baked with honey, Numb. 11. 7. So is Christ most swe [...] and pleasant to all afflicte [...] consciences, by the rece [...] and cheering consolation [...] his bloudshed and Spirit, Ioh. 16. 7.
6. It came downe from heauen, Ioh. 6. So did Christ Iesus Ioh. 6.
7. The name there­of was Man, or Man­bu: which is a porti­on, an admirable gift, or meat prepared, Exod. 16. 15. So is Christ the portio [...] of his Chosen, the admir [...] ­ble great gift of the Father and prepared food for euer hungring soule, Ioh. 6. 51
8. It came downe with the dew, & was gathered, verse 14. So Christ comes to vs with the dew of grace, and thereby is applyed.
9. It fell round a­bout the campe of Is­rael, and was sufficient for all to gather there­of, and fell in no o­ther place, verse 13. So Christ is conuersant within the limits of his Church, and is the fulnesse of grace to all who are true partakers of him, and no where else to bee found, Reu. 1.
10. It was gathe­red by measure in the Wildernes, and hee who gathered least had no lacke, ver. 18. So is Christs grace in this world giuen, but by measure, and hee who hath the weakest faith, so it bee true, shall attaine to the same saluation which he of a stronger doth, 2. Pet. 3. Luke 17. 6.
11. When it came, it made the people to admire, for they wist not what it was, verse 15. So when Christ came, many did wonder; yea, He rode, and all Ierusalem with him were troubled, and sundry wist not what that mysterie of his Incar­nation meant, Math. 2.
12. It was, as suffici­ent for all; so com­mon to all, and that freely. So is Christ a free im­parter of saluation to rich and poore, King and Beg­ger, without respect of per­sons, Act. 10. 34.
13. It was ground and baked, before it was meet food for the people, verse 23. So Christ behooued first diuers wayes to suffer, before hee could bee a meet Comforter and Sa­uiour to his Church, Act. 17. 2.
14. It was gathered earely, verse 21. So is Christ and his grace to be embraced spee­dily and timously, Math. 25.
15. It was dayly ga­thered except on the Sabbath, verse 23. So for a further de­gree of grace dayly, wee must alway labour heere, while that eternall Sab­bath of rest come, when grace shall be perfected in glory hereafter, 2. Pet. 3. 18.
16. They went out of their Tents to ga­ther it. So must wee goe out of the old man and loue of the world, to participate of Christ, 2. Cor. 5.
17. To the brea­kers of Gods com­mand, in keeping the same ouernight, it tur­ned into putrifaction to them, and stunke, Numb. 11. So to the hearers of Christs Word, and contrary practi­sers vnto the same, it be­comes vnto them the sa­uour of death, Iam. 1.
18. It ceased when they came to Canaan, Iosh. 5. 12. So shall the Word and Sacraments, when we come to the Kingdome of Hea­uen, and see Christ face to face, 1. Cor. 13.
19. Manna vvas kept and put in a gol­den pot before the Lord, to remaine in the holiest for euer, Exod. 16. 13. So Christ Iesus glorified in his Humanitie at the right hand of God in the heauens, abides for euer vn­to all ages of the faithfull, Heb. 7.
20. Manna vvas loathed by the wicked marmurers, on whom the Lords wrath fell, Num. 11. 6. So is Christ Iesus in his Word and Sacraments. by the carnall and vngodly, whom GOD in his an­ger shall likewise destroy, Iude 4.
21. Manna fed the naturall life. So doth Christ Iesus the spirituall life.

The Disparitie.

MAnna did feede onely the naturall life: but Christ Iesus is the food of the spi­rituall life. Againe, Manna did corrupt and putrifie: but so cannot our spirituall Manna, who abideth for euer solide and sweet com­fort to euery distressed conscience. They in­ioyed it onely in the Wildernesse: but our chiefe and fullest inioying of our Manna, shal be in the celestiall Canaan. It was not to bee found but at a set time, for it melted away when the Sun arose: but our Manna, Christ, is euer at all times to be found, both in pro­speritie and affliction, late and earely, neuer disappointing those that truely seeke him. Manna that was reserued in the Holiest, was spoiled and did perish thereafter at the capti­uitie: but our heauenly Manna, seated in highest glory, can neuer perish nor suffer any violence.

20. The Brazen Serpent, Numb. 21.

1. NEither Moses nor the Law could cure the people of the stinging of the fierie Serpents: but onely the Brazen Ser­pent. So neither the Law, nor any creature could cure mankinde, and redeeme them from the cruell power of Satan, but onely Christ Iesus, Rom. 3. 25.
2. After many had dyed for murmuring, then the Brazen Ser­pent was set vp, Num. 21. 6. So after that all man­kinde through sinne was subdued to death and con­demnation, then Christ came for our recouerie to be crucified, Esay 53.
3. A Serpent stung, and a Serpent cured. So man (the first A­dam) lost mankinde: and Man againe (the second Adam) redeemed man­kinde, Rom. 5. 14.
4. Albeit it was called a Serpent, yet it was both without poison or sting. So albeit Christ was thought a sinner (as other men) yet was hee both sin­lesse & spotlesse, He. 7. 26.
5. It was made of brasse, and not of gold, verse 9. So was Christ sent, not with outward glory, or worldly pompous sh [...]w: but base and humble in out­ward appearance, Isaiah 53. 2.
6. It was not for­ged by mans hand, or hammer, but in a mould yet in the fire. So Christ was not be­gottenly man: but con­ceiued by the Holy Ghost to the likenesse of the Fa­ther, Luke 2. 35.
7. It was not one­ly made, but before it cured it was set vp on high. So Christ behooued not onely to bee borne: but also be crucified, before our Re­demption could be finished.
8. They were one­ly cured who looked vpon the same. So they onely are redee­med from death to eternall life, who onely by faith eyes him. Isai 46. 22. beleeuing in Christ, & that crucified.
9. It was a won­derfull meanes of cure, and vndeserued­ly deuised of God, of meere pitie; yea a­gainst the merit of these murmurers. So is the death of the onely Sonne of God for re­bellious mankinde, an ad­mirable worke of vnmeri­ted mercy likewise, aboue our merit, without our me­rit, and against our merit, Ephes. 1. 4.
Yet albeit it was in­stituted by GOD, and great miracles wrought at the pre­sence thereof: (the Lords institution last­ing, and right vse be­ing made thereof by the people in the Wildernesse) yet at last it being Idolatrou­sly abused, was destroyed, by that godly King Hezechiah, and called Nehushtan, or a masse of brasse, 2. King. 18. Shewing thereby how lawfull by the like exam­ple, and much more like­wise, Images and other in­uentions of men, turning to an Idolatrous or super­stitious abuse, their abroga­ting is in a reformed Chri­stian Church.

The Disparitie.

THe Brazen Serpent was destroyed (as is said) but our exalted Iesus can ne­uer bee destroyed. It retained not alway the vertue of curing: but our blessed Saui­our doth euer retaine the vertue and effica­cie of sauing.

21. The Tabernacle, Exod. 26.

1. IT had three pla­ces therein: the outward Court, wher­in the brazen Lauer, and brazen Altar stood. Representing the visible Church, wherein is out­ward Baptisme, and ex­ternall exercise of worship common to all Called and Elect, Mat. 13.
Secondly, the Holy place, wherein was the Candlesticke, the table of Shew-bread, and the Altar of per­fume. Representing the inuisi­sible true Church, consist­ing of the elect onely, mili­tant on earth, wherein is the light of the Spirit by the Word, the true partici­pation of Christ, the bread of life, and the sincere acceptable sacrifice of true prayer and praise. Within this place enters onely the Royall Priesthood of God, Rom. 12. 1. 1. Pet. 2. 5.
Thirdly; the Holiest of all, wherein was the Mercy-Seat, the glory of GOD be­tweene the Cheru­bims, Representing the trium­phant Church in the hea­uens, wherein is seated Christ Iesus in glory, the so­cietie of the blessed An­gels, and the praise of the
and the golden Censor. glorified spirits, with the continuall intercession of our Sauiour for his Saints on earth, Heb. 8.
2. The entry to the Holiest, was by the Holy place, and to the holy place, was by the vtter Court. So our entry to the hea­uens is by beeing members of the i [...]uisible Church, through faith in a good conscience, and our entry to be members of the inuisible Church, is by associating our selues to the visible Church professing Word and Sacraments in the Primitue Apo­stolike sinceritie.
3. The fixed Pil­lars of the holy place, Signifieth the Aposto­like doctrines, in respect of the ministerie whereof, the Church it selfe is called, the Pillar of Truth, 1. Tim. 3. 17.
4. The diuers or­naments and instru­ments thereof, Typeth the diuersitie of spirituall gifts and fun­ctions in the Christian Church, Rom. 12. 6.
5. The seuerall co­ [...]erings thereof, Doth note the Lords sure protection of his Church by his power and Angels, Heb. 1. 14
6. Gold vvithin, and skinnes without, Shaddoweth the spiritu­all and inward glory of the Church, and her account before God, albeit con­temptible to the world in outwards, Cant. 1. 4.
7. The Tabernacle & all the instruments thereof: yea the very Ash-pans & Snuffers of the Candlesticke, must be made accor­ding to the patterne in the Mount, Exo. 25. 40. Heb. 8. 5. Shewing thereby that the Church, and all the ex­ercise of worship that is therein, whether doctrine or discipline, must be con­formed vnto the written Word, Gal. 1. 8.
8. The voluntarie oblation of the peo­ple to build the Ta­bernacle, Represents that wil­ling allotment and portion that Christians should giue for the vpholding of Gods worship and ministerie a­mongst them, and for the maintenance of the poore members of Christs mysticall body, 2. Cor. 9. 8.
9. The principall builders of the Ta­bernacle, were Beza­leel [Page 91] and Aholiab, ex­traordinarily indued with cunning in euery worke, and the secon­dary, was euery skil­ful workman in whose minde God had put skill, and will to assist the worke, Exod. 36. These figuring the A­postles, as Master-builders laying the foundation of the Christian Church, and the [Page 91] other the ordinary Pastors building on their founda­tion aright, beeing gifted and fitted for that effect, 1. Cor. 3. 10. Ro. 12. 6. Ephes 11. 28.
10 The parts of the Tabernacle were so made, that they might bee ioyned or separate when they list, Deut. 12. 9. To shew the faithfull in this Tabernacle of their body, which is to bee laid downe, and raised againe, to be farre from their rest­ing place, while they be in that gloricus Temple of the heauens settled and seated with Christ, 2. Cor. 5. 4.
11. The Curtens of the Tabernacle im­broidered with Che­rubims, Signified the seruice and protection of the Church by the holy Angels, Isa 6.
12. These Curtens were coupled by their strings and golden hookes, that it might [Page 92] bee one Tabernacle, Exod. 36. 13. Shewing, th [...] th [...] d [...]uers members of the Church, (whether triumphant or militant, and euery where dispersed, make vp but [Page 92] one Tabernacle, Eph. 4. 8. Heb. 9. 11.
13. The glorious doore of the Taber­nacle, Shaddowed Christ Iesus, who saith of himselfe ex­pressely, I am the doore, Ioh. 10. 7. by whom wee get entry either to grace or glory.
14. The Taberna­cle thus by all the couplings thereof be­ing erected. Did signifie the knitting together by every ioynt, of the whole body of the Church in Christ the Head by the truth in charitie, for the furniture whereof (ac­cording to the effectuall power which is in the mea­sure of euery part) it re­ceiueth increase of the bo­die, vnto the edifying of it selfe in loue, Ephes. 4. 16.
15. Euery boord of the Tabernacle, signi­fied each seuerall member of Christ and his Church, of Sittim wood: that is, chosen and sanctified, ouerlaid with gold, that is, made glorious in Christ, standing vp­right, by the erection of hope, fixed by the tenons of Faith, and founded on the socket Christ, as also ioyned by barres, which is the [...]itie of one Spirit, and loue: the couerture [Page 93] of this Tabernacle, is Christ, the linnen re­presents his innocencie, the Goates haire, his afflictions (the Penitentiars garment beeing vsually made of such) the third couering dy­ed red, figuring his bloud couering our sins, and the fourth of broken skinnes, his abase­ment and humilitie. The doore of the Ta­bernacle was not of any hard or debarring matter, but of a vaile, easily penetrable, to shew our easie accesse to grace in Christ, and acceptation in the bosome of his Church.  

22. The Vaile of the Holiest, Exod. 26. 31.

1. IT was glorious, of embroidered worke of diuers co­lours. So was the body of Christ beautified with ex­cellent, diuers and heauen­ly graces, Hebr. 7. 26. Col. 2. 3.
2. It was repleni­shed and wrought full of Cherubims. Noting thereby that ser­uiceable and ready atten­dance of the Angels on the person and body of Christ, Ioh. 1. 51.
3. It was borne vp by glorious and cost­ly Pillars, ouerlaid with gold, on Sockets of siluer, which it couered, and where­on it did hang. To shew that the Hu­manitie of Christ (speci­ally in his suffering) should be borne vp by his Deitie, which his manhood did o­ueruaile, and vnder which it againe in a manner did lurke.
4. By the Vaile one­ly there was entry in­to the Holyest place of all. So by the vaile of his flesh onely (rent vpon the Crosse) hath Christ made a new and liuing way for vs, to God, and to Heauen, Heb. 10. 20.

23. The Arke, Exod. 25. 10. to 17.

1. THe Arke was made of Sit­tim wood, which was durable, and not sub­iect to putrifaction. So Christ Iesus was nei­ther subiect to the corrup­tion of sinne, nor putrefa­ction of the graue, Psal. 16. 9, 10.
2. The Wood was ouerlaid within and without with fine gold and pure. So the excellent diuine nature of Christ was so v­nited to his humane, that not onely the vertue there­of glanced inwardly in his [Page 95] soule and minde: but outwardly also did shine most glo­riously in his actions, Col. 2.
3. It had a crowne of gold round about. Signifying thereby the Maiestie of Christs King­dome, or eternitie of his Deitie, which (as a circle) hath neither beginning nor end, Ioh. 1. 1.
4. It had Iength, breadth, and height, & was in shape foure­square. Shaddowing the pati­ence and long-suffering of Christ, the ample ex­tense of his loue and grace, and the sublimitie of his glory and reward stable in himself, who could not bee ouerthrowne, and constant in mercy, who neuer can va­rie, Psal. 103.
5. The measure of the Arke exceeded not the dimensions of mans proportion; so that he might fadom it about. Shewing thereby how Christ beeing made man, dimitted himselfe to our capacitie, was seene, heard, and handled, and remaines still accessible, Heb. 4. 16.
6. It had foure rings and barres, whereby it was car­ried. Signifying how Christ should be carried in the mi­nistery of the Gospel, by his faithfull Preachers, to the foure corners of the earth, Math. 28.
7. The barres in the rings must neuer bee seuered from the Arke. So preaching and Christ must neuer be asunder, but adhering to the Arke and ground stone, truth must be taught, Gal. 1. 8.
8. The two tables were in the Arke, Signifying thereby that Christ is the end of the Law, satisfying the same for vs, deliuering vs from the curse thereof, and ma­king our obedience also to the Law acceptable to the Fa­ther, by couering the imperfection of our workes, Psal. 130. 3. Rom. 3. 21.
9. In it was the pot of Manna. To shew, that in Christ is the treasure of comfort, spirituall nourishment and life, Reu. 2. 17. Col. 3. 1.
10. In it also was Aarons Rodde that budded and bore fruit. To signifie that in Christ wee haue assurance of a blessed Resurrection, and that by him our rebellion is couered: as also that in him Aarons Priesthood is wrapped vp, and ceases, Heb. 8.
11. God spake by Oracle out of the Arke. To prefigure that out of the nature of man in Christ hee should speake to the world, Heb. 1.
12. The Arke was an assurance of Gods presence amongst the people, and God did dwell therein. So Christ is the cause and assurance that God in mercy is present with vs, Ioh. 17 21. and in Christ personally the Deitie did dwell.
13. Where the Arke was, there only it was lawfull to offer sacrifice, & no where else was it accepted. To shew, that where Christ is, to wit, in the Church, there, and through him onely our seruice is ac­ceptable.
14. By the Arke Iordan was diuided, so that the people went dry and safe o­uer to Canaan. So by Christ a ready way is made through all the horrors of death, for vs to come safely to our hea­uenly Kingdome, Psal. 23. 4.
15. The people a great way might not come neere vnto the Arke. Shewing thereby what reuerence [...]ught to bee to Christ in his Word and Sa­craments, Act. 10.
16. By the Arkes compassing of Iericho, with the blowing of the Hornes, the walls [Page 98] of the City fell down, and by the presence thereof in battell, the people were assured of victorie. So where Christ cornes by the powerfull preaching of his Word, Principalities and highest powers must [Page 98] yeeld, and if he be with vs, who can preuaile against vs? Rom. 8.
17. When the Arke was set vp in the temple of Dagon, Da­gon fell and brake. So where Christ comes by his Gospell of Truth, I­dolatry goeth downe, Act. 19.
18. The Philistims were plagued at the presence of the Arke with them: but Obed-Edom was blessed by hauing it with him. So where Christ is in wrath, their estate is dan­gerous: but where he is in loue, their blessings are with him, Ioh. 17.
19. The people of Bethshemesh were fear­fully punished, for looking into the Arke: To teach vs how dan­gerous it is to prye into Gods secrets vnreuealed, and not bee wise according to sobrietie, Rom. 12. 3.
20. After long transporting at last it was gloriously con­ueyed, and settled in [Page 99] Salomons temple there still to remaine. So after many iourneys, and long suffering on earth, Christ Iesus at last was receiued vp in glory, in the holiest heauens, to sit [Page 99] at the Fathers right hand for euer, Psal. 110. 1.

24. The Arke, as it typed the mysticall body of Christ,

1. IT was the kee­per of the testi­monie. So is the Church the keeper of the Scriptures.
2. It was woodden, but couered with pure gold. So the Church is in it selfe infirme, but through Christ is strengthened and beautified with grace, Cant. 1. 4.
3. God was present with the Arke. So is he with his Church vntill the worlds end, Ioh. 14.
4. The Propitiato­rie couered the Arke. So doth Christs death couer the spots of his Church, and the accusing of the Law, Gal. 3. 13.
5. The Cherubims stood aboue the Arke. So the protection of the Angels stands aboue and about the Church, Heb. 1.
6. It was transpor­tatiue euer, while it [Page 100] was seated at last in the glorious Temple of Salomon. So the Church hath no constant place on earth, [Page 100] while it be at last settled in the glorious heauen, Heb. 13. 14.
7. It had a crowne of gold about it. So is the Church crow­ned with diuers graces and gifts heere, and shall bee with the crowne of glory heereafter, 1. Cor. 12.
8. It had the foure dimensions propor­tionably. So hath the Church of Christ, the depth of Faith, the height of Hope, the Latitude of Charitie, and the Longitude of Perseue­rance.
9. In it was the pot of Manna, & Aarons Rodde. So in Christs Church is the cōfort of true doctrine, and regiment of whelesome discipline, R [...]u. 11. 4.

25. The Mercy-Seat or Propitiatory, Exod. 25. 17. to 23.

1. IT was called the Mercy-Seat, or Propitiatorie. So is Christ he in whom mercy is truely seated, and hath made Propitiation for our sinnes, Rom. 3. 25.
2. It was the co­uer of the Arke where the two Tables lay of the Law of Moses. So Christ is the true couer and deliuerer of vs, from the curse and accusa­tion of the Law, Rom. 3.
3. It was of pure gold. Noting thereby the spotlesse holinesse of Christ, Heb. 6. 26.
4. Vpon it were two Cherubims, shewing that the very Angels haue their stablish­ment in Christ their Mediator, by confir­mation, as also Signifying the Angels ready attendance on Christ and his Church: as also, figured, that when we draw neere to the Mercy-Seat Christ, being adopted and ingraft in him, then are we ioyned to the societie of the Angels, Luke 20.
5. They stretched their wings on high, couering so the Mer­cy-Seat. Figuring so the Maie­stie of Christs Deitie, which none in glory can behold, of the very Angels, but with their faces couered: and shaddowing forth likewise hereby the most comfortable and sure protection of the Church, Mich. 4. 11. and the readinesse to act Christs will.
6. They looked down vpon the Mer­cy-Seat. [Page 102] Signifying the mysti­call Maiestie of the Incar­nation, into the which [Page 102] the Angels desired to pry and behold, 1. Pet. 1. 12.
7. The faces of the Cherubims were one towards another, and both towards the Mercy-Seat. So representing also the consent of the old and new Testament, and their mu­tuall witnes-bearing one to another, and both looking vpon Christ, the one point­ing him to come, and the other already come: as also, signifying the holy loue and agreement that the Angels haue among themselues in Christ.
8. From the Mercy-Seat betweene the Cherubims, the Lord vttered his will to the people, and no more in a Bush, or in a Cloud spake he, So in diuers manner did the Lord speake in old time to the Fathers, by dreames and visions: but now in the last dayes hath he spoken by his Sonne, and still as yet doth in the two testaments of his sacred Word, He. 1.
9. The Cherubims were of gold, bea­ten out with the ham­mer. Signifying the glistering brightnes of heauenly wise­dome contained in the Scriptures, whose worth is aboue gold, and is giuen by the inspiration of the Spirit of God, and penned by holy men, Psal. 119 2. Tim. 3. 16.
10. Note last of all, that not betweene Seraphims (which are put for executers of Iustice, as Isai. 6. but betweene Cherubims, as Messengers of Mercy, the Lord in Christ shewes himselfe appeased.  

26. The Golden Censor, Heb. 9.

VVIth this gol­den Censor the High Priest put­ting Incense therein, filled the Holiest place with a sweet perfume; when he en­tered in to speake be­fore the Lord. Signifying thereby the Lord Iesus intercession through the pure and per­fect merit of his sauourie o­bedience wherewith hee hath filled the Holiest hea­uens, as with a sweet odour and incense, appeasing Gods wrath, and making vs and our prayers and workes ac­ceptable, Heb. 4. 14.

27. The Table of Shew-bread, Exod. 25. 23. to 31.

1. IT was of Sittim wood, couered ouer with gold, and a crowne about it. Noting, (as is said) the purity of Christs Humani­ty, with the glory of his Deity, and Maiesty of his Kingdome.
2. It had foode thereon, whereof one­ly the Priests might eate. Signifying that spiritu­all and heauenly nourish­ment in Christ, whereof onely the royall Priesthood of the faithfull are parta­kers.
3. The Shewbread was euer vpon this Table. So true preaching, and sincere administration of the Sacraments (whereby that bread of Life is set be­fore vs) must euer be vpon Christ crucified, as on the sure ground, Gal. 1. 8. 1. Cor. 3.
4. The incense cups were vpon the Table, Signifying, that with the preaching of the Word, and administratiō of the Sacra­ments, Prayer must be ioyned, and on Christs institution and rule, as on the Table, to be set and grounded, 1. Cor. 11. 23.
5. The bread was renued often, and set before the Lord. Teaching vs that due ac­knowledging and thanke­fulnes which wee should haue, and renue frequently, for the benefits of the Lord which hee renueth euening and morning towards vs: as also typing that variety of doctrine and comfort contained in Christs Word, and wherewith, as with old store and new, euery skil­full [Page 105] Pastor should be furnished in due time to dispense, 2. Tim. 3.
6. The seuerall in­struments thereof: as Dishes, Goblets, and Couers were all of pure gold, Figuring the diuersitie of gifts, places and functi­ons in Christs Church, wherein euery one ought sincerely and holily to walk, 1. Cor. 12.
7. The bread in number were twelue, for the twelue Tribes of Israel, Signifying sufficient food to be in Christs Church, and in the Scripture pro­poned for all the mem­bers of that spirituall Is­rael, and Elect to partici­pate.

28. The Candlesticke, Exod. 25. 31. to 40.

1. IT was the onely thing that gaue light vnto the Sanctu­arie. So Christ is that onely light, & light-giuer, which shineth in his Church, Ioh. 1.
2. It was of pure gold, Shaddowing so the excel­lencie of Christ, and of his Pastors, through that light whereof they are bearers, Reu. 1. and noting thereby also the dignity of the Word, Psal. 119.
3. It had seuen Lamps. Sign sying so the perfec­tion of the light of Christ, (seuen beeing the number of perfection.)
4. It was placed in the Sanctuarie. So is the light of Christ placed in his Church, and there only to be scene in the brightnes of his Word, and illumination of his Spirit. So that where that light shines not, there is not the true Church, Ioh. 10. 4, 5.
5. It had an vp­right Stemme, which did beare the many brāches that did issue and proceed from the same. Typing Christ Iesus that true stalke and fountaine of light, from whom all light floweth, and which beares vp, & keeps cōstant in the truth all the bran­ches, and true light-bearers of his Word, Reu. 1. 20.
6. The branches were adorned with their Bowles, Knops, and Flowers. So are the true light-bearers of Christ, adorned with diuers meete graces and gifts by him, tending both to the spirituall de­lectation, and profit of his Church, 1. Cor. 12. 14. 33.
7. Aaron did dresse [Page 107] those Lamps, and re­nued their Oyle daily. So is our blessed High Priest, the onely enlightner [Page 107] and fitter of his Pastors, to shine the more cleerely in his Church, and the powrer in of grace into their hearts, to bee as Lamps to others by true faith in a good conscience, ibid.
8. It had Snuffers and Snuffe-dishes of pure gold. Shewing how with doc­trine, the sinceritie of dis­cipline, according to Gods Word, whereby the light of the Church is kept cleere, should euer be ioyned, and ex­communication vsed of all scandalous and rebellious persons, like the extinguishing of noysome smelling Snuffes. As likewise, that euery one ought to content himselfe with his roome, how low soeuer it be, so it bee in the Sanctuarie, and as the Snuffers were of gold; so they conscionably to walke in their station, Rom. 16. 17.
9. It was in the Ho­ly place: but not in the Holyest. Shewing, how the light of Gods Word must bee in the Militant Church, but shall not need to bee in the triumphant, when face to face we shall see the Lord in glory, Reu. 21. 22.
10. Also as the Can­dlestick had Flowres, signifying as it is be­fore, the spirituall [Page 108] delectation of the Word, so the Knops or Almonds which it had. Did represent the effica­cie of the Word, vnto the bringing forth of the fruits of holinesse.
Last, the pure oyle powred into the Lamps, making the same to burne. Signified the grace of the Spirit accompanying the Word, making the same powerfull in opera­tion.

29. The Altar of Perfume, Exod. 30. 1. to 13.

1. IT was of Sitttim wood, ouerlaid with gold, and ha­uing a crowne a­bout it. Shaddowing (as before) Christ, in both his natures, the Deitie yeelding glory to his Humanitie, and crowned now with Maie­stie, as the gold adorned the Sittim wood, and cir­cled the Altar.
2. It had Hornes on the foure corners thereof, ouerlaid with gold. Shaddowing the power­full and holy vertue of the intercession of Christ, to extend it selfe to the foure corners of the earth, to the comfort of his Church dis­persed euery where, Heb. 7. 25.
3. The Incense be­hooued to be offered onely vpon it. Shewing how our pray­ers must bee made in his name, and through his mediation is onely accepta­ble, ibid.
4. It behooued first to bee beaten, made and prepared, before it was put on this Altar. Noting, how our pray­ers must proceed out of a humbled and contrite Spi­rit, which wee offer vp in the name of Iesus, Psa. 51.
5. It was kindled by fire vpon the Al­tar. So must our prayers be by a holy and feruent zeale and desire, through the o­peration and stirring vp of the holy Spirit, Ro. 8. 26.
6. It was offered vp by the Priest. So are the prayers of the faithfull offered vp, and made acceptable to the Fa­ther, through the Oblation and Intercession of our High Priest Iesus. As also, they who offer vp acceptable prayers vpon the Altar of our mediation, are the holy Priesthood of the Lords Chosen, Reu. 1. 6.
7. No strange In­cense was to be offred vpon this Altar. So no vnwarranted or vnlawfull forme of prayer, superstitiously or idola­trously deuised, to any Saint [...] Angell, is in Christ, or by him any wise to be thought acceptable, Math. 6.
8. The perfume behooued to bee per­petually before the Lord. Shewing thereby, not onely the continuall exer­cise of Prayer which dayly we should vse on earth: but also the continuall Inter­cession of our Sauiour in the Heauens for vs, Heb. 7. 25.
9. The High Priest made this perfume onely, and might not be applyed to any o­ther vse, but to burne before the Lord. Teaching that is Christ Iesus onely his direction, which wee must follow in praying, according as hee hath taught vs to say, Our Father, &c. and not to make our Petitions to any other in Heauen, or on earth, Math. 6.
10. After the clee­ring of the Lamps of the Candlesticke, euening and mor­ning, then the incense was burnt. Shewing so, that our Prayers, and all our Chri­stian duties in Christ, must bee done according to the light and direction of his Word & Spirit, 1. Cor. 14.
11. The Incense was made of diuers Spices. So must the prayers of the godly bee seasoned with diuers graces, true Repen­tance, liuely faith, vnfai­ned loue, & such like, Ps. 51▪
12. The Incense was offered vp in the Holy place, without the veile of the Holy­est, neere to the Testi­monie before the Mercy-Seat. So the prayers of the godly in his Church hecre on earth, must proceed out of a holy heart, bee made agreeable to the Testimon [...] of Gods Word, and through faith haue an eye euer to Christ Iesus, our true Mercy-Seat, in him and for his sake, to bee heard of the Father, Ioh. 14. 13.
13. Once a yeere the Altar was sprink­led with the bloud of the expiatorie Sacri­fice. Shewing how Christ is by his bloudshed consecrate our blessed Mediator, and that no prayer is accepta­ble to God: but that mans, who, through the bloud of Christ, is reconciled to him, ibid.

30. The Altar of burnt-offering. Exod. 27. 1. 109.

1. IT was of Brasse in the Court of the Sanctuarie. Shewing how that Christ Iesus, albeit now shining in glory (like the golden Arke in the Holiest) yet in the [Page 112] world he should abase himselfe, (like Brasse) comming in th [...] shape of a Seruant, Isai. 53. 2.
2. This Altar was but one, and in one place, and the Sacri­fice to bee offered thereon in this one place, Figuring thereby that wee haue but one Altar of Redemption, and Saluati­on, Christ Iesus alone, who onely once, and in one place hath offered vp a sufficient vnreiterable Sacrifice for mankinde, Heb. 7. 27.
3. It had foure Hornes on the foure corners thereof, Signifying the spirituall strength of Christ, which should be manifested to the foure corners of the earth, and that with a strong faith flying thither, wee should in all our distresses stay onely on him, and tye our carnall af­fections to the Altars Hornes, by captiuating them to Christ, 2. Cor. 5. 15.
4. It had a Brazen grate in the midst thereof, whereon the fire was put. Representing so, the humbled soule of our bles­sed Sauiour, which did beare the fire of Gods wrath for our sinnes, Isai. 53. 12.
5. It had diuers in­struments seruing for the same, Typing, the sundry cal­lings that Christ hath in his Church, for the glory of his Name, and edifying of his Church, 1. Cor. 12.
6. It was to bee clensed seuen dayes, and sanctified: so it was most holy, and whatsoeuer touched it, was holy, Exodus 29. 37. Figuring thereby the perfect sanctifying of our most holy Altar Christ Iesus: and that whosoeuer toucheth him by true faith, is made holy by him, 1. Cor. 1. 30.
7. Also, the grate or Net-worke purged the Sacrifice, To shew that euen so doth Christ Iesus purge our sacrifices offered on him, and maketh them accep­table.
8. This Altar was hollow betweene the boords. Signifying thereby the emptying, and examinati­on of Christ.
9. Last, in that it behooued the Sittim wood to be ouerlaid with Brasse, that ther­by it might indure the fire. It figured, that so the humane nature of Christ (tho holy) was vnable to in­dure Gods wrath, as it did: except vnderpropped and strengthened by the Deity.

31. The Brazen Lauer, Exod. 30. 18. to 23.

1. THe Brazen La­uer serued for the Priests to wash their hands and feete thereat, before they ministred before the Lord. Typing that inward Bap­tisme by Christs bloud, wherewith the holy Priest­hood of his Chosen must be washed, and sanctified in action and affection, before their seruice can be accep­table, Ephes. 5. 26.
2. After the Priests had washed them­selues cleane, and ar­rayed themselues with cleane linnen, then they entered into the Holy place, So, after that the godly are inwardly washed by the bloud of Christ, and haue receiued the garment of his righteousnesse vnto sancti­fication, then it is that they become members of his true Church, 1. Cor. 12. 13.
3. They shall wash themselues (saith the Lord) lest they dye, So must wee be purged (as is said) and sancti­fied by the Spirit of grace, if we would not incurre e­ternall death and damnati­on, Mat. 28. Mar. 16. 15.
4. He that toucheth the Lauer, it beeing anointed with the ho­ly Oyle, (as all other things in the Holy, and in the most Holy place were) shall bee holy, (saith the same Lord.) Shewing how all they, who by a liuely faith touch the Lord Iesus (who is anointed with the oyle of gladnes aboue his fellowes) shall be, in acceptation and reputation, accounted like­wise holy before the Lord, Rom. 4.

The Disparitie of all the former.

THese things of the Tabernacle were ma­teriall and earthly: but that which is re­presented by them, is spirituall and heauenly: the one was perishable, the other endureth for euer. For Israel in the flesh, onely to a­bide in Ierusalem the first was ordained: but for the Israel in the Spirit, euen the Church vniuersall, where-euer pure hands is lifted vp: the second is open and prepared, Psa. 141. 2. the former were vnder the Law, and Moses, typing things to come: the latter is vnder the Gospell and the Messiah, exhibiting the things themselues.

The burnt-offering of Beasts, Leu. 1. 10, 14. and 6. 9. to 13.

1. THe burnt-offe­ring of beasts, behooued to bee of those that are the hor­ned sort, Signifying thereby the Princely and Priestly Of­fices of Christ, which that Beast seekes to counterfet, Reu. 13. 11. in being hor­ned like the Lambe, but speaking like the Dragon.
2. They behooued also to be of the tame sort, as of the Herd or Flocks, and not of wilde sauage beasts, who by force are brought to death. Shewing thereby that Christ should bee meeke and milde in life, and pati­ent in death it selfe, like a Lambe led to the Sham­bles, Esay 53.
3. They were re­quired in like manner to be of the male kind and yong. Shaddowing thereby the excellencie of strength in Iesus Christ, proper to that sexe and age.
4. They must bee without blemish, and [Page 117] presented of volunta­rie will. Thereby noting, the pu­rity and perfection of Holi­nesse in Christ, who should [Page 117] willingly lay downe his life, and offer vp himselfe, for the saluation of mankinde, Ioh. 19. 11.
5. They were to be presented at the dore of the Tabernacle to be slaine, Typing thereby that by the Oblation of Christ, and by his bloudshed, both our entry is made (as by a doore) into the Church heere, and into the heauens heereafter, Heb. 10. 20.
6. They must lay their hands vpon the head of the Beast, who brought it, Signifying hereby the imputation of our sinnes vpon Christ, for the which hee suffered, and that wee must lay our hand by a true faith vpon him, if wee looke for any comfort of his Death and Passion, Esay 53. 3.
7. Then the burnt offering was slaine, Signifying that so Christ should d [...]e, and b [...]hooued to bee crucified, that by his dea [...]h, life might come to vs, ibid.
8. The bloud there­of was sprinkled roūd about the Altar, Noting, the all-suffici­ency of Christs Death, and plenty of his bloudshed, with the large-spred prea­ching [Page 118] thereof vniuersally throughout the whole world towards all parts, Math. 28.
9. The skin thereof was pluckt off, and it cut in pieces, Hereby shewing the grieuousnes of Christs suf­fering, and his extreme de­reliction, beeing stript, as it were, of all diuine or humane help, comfort, or regard, when hee cryed, Why hast thou forsaken me, Math. 27. 46.
10. The body, the head, and the fat, and all was laid vpon the fire, Shewing thereby, how whole Christ should suffer for vs, both in body and soule, Isai. 53. 12.
11. The inwards and legges thereof were to be washed in water, Shaddowing thereby how. Christ should bring no vn­cleannesse vnto his Passion: but he should be clean both inwardly, and outwardly; in minde, and in walking, Heb. 7.
12. This burnt-of­fering was called a sweet sauour vnto the Lord, Which in Christs death is sole and onely accompli­shed, whereby Gods wrath is appeased, and his iustice satisfied, Phil. 2. 8.
13. Of the Flocks, [Page 119] it was a Lambe, a Ramme, or a Goat. Signifying that Christ should bee meeke, the guide [Page 119] or leader of his flocke, and haue sinne, but onely by im­putation, Isai. 53.
14. The burnt-of­fering of the Flockes shall be killed on the North-side of the Altar, Shewing not onely, that al these Oblations were but a darke Starry light (the Sunne not rising in that ayre: but being opposite vn­to him in his highest splen­dor) but also that Christ should dye at Ierusalem; where­of the Prophet saith, On the Northside is the City of the great King, Dan. 9. 26.
15. The Priest shall put off his garments, and put on his linnen breeches, and take a­way the ashes, when the fire hath consu­med the burnt-offe­ring, Leu. 6. 10. Noting thereby how that Christ beeing stript of his cloathes, should suffer in nakednesse, and innocencie, and after hee had finished the worke of our Redep­tion on the Crosse, should be buried, and then swal­low vp death in Immorta­luse, Hos. 13.
16. The Ashes be­hooued to be carried without the Host, and put in a cleane place. Shaddowing thereby how Christ should bee bu­ried without Ierusalem, in a tombe where neuer man was laid, and how his body should neuer see corruption, Heb. 13.
17. The fire which consumed the burnt-offering, came downe from heauen, Typing either that wrath which for our sakes seyzed on Christ Iesus in the Gar­den, and on the Crosse, which came from the Fa­ther, or that loue which mooued Christ to suffer for man­kinde, which was heauenly and free, Ioh. 15. 13.
18. This fire was to be continually vp­on the Altar, Shaddowing the con­stant vnchangeablenesse of that loue of his to his Church, and recent vertue of his meri [...] and death, Heb. 7.
19. This fire was to be fed, that it went not out, and no other fire was to bee vsed but this in the San­ctuarie, Teaching vs how care­fully wee should entertaine the loue, and Spirit of Christ, by sanctimony of life and obedience and that wee should try the spirits, and admit no other sprit, but the Spirit of Christ in his Word, to rule and teach his Church, 1. Ioh. 4.
20. The skin of the burnt-offering went to the Priest, Len. 7. 8. Shewing thereby not only the maintenance that they should haue who preach the Gospell, as they that serued at the Altar, liued of the Altar, 1. Cor. 9. 13, 14. [Page 121] but also that the righteousnes of Iesus must bee appre­hended by his Chosen, and holy Priesthood of the godly, by the hand of true Faith, vnto Iustification, and San­ctification, Rom. 5.

33. The Burnt-offering of Fowles, Leu. 1. 14. to the end of the Chapter.

1. THe burnt-offe­ring of Fowles was of Turtles, or Pi­geons, Shewing thereby the sim­plicitie, meeknes, and inno­cencie of Christ, Isa. 53. 7.
2. The neck there­of shall bee pinch't with the nayle, that the bloud might goe out: but not that the head should be pluckt off from the body, Shaddowing how Christ should dye, and shead his bloud, yet thereby his Dei­tie (as the head or princi­pall part) should not bee di­uided from his humanitie: nor yet by his death should he (who is our Head) be taken from the bodie of his Church, but should rise againe, and bee with them by his Spirit for euer, Ioh. 14.
3. The Maw and Feathers were to bee cast away as vncleane, To shew therby that Christ should bring no vncleane­nes (as is said before) to his suffering, but should be offered vp spotlesse to his Father, Isai. 53. 9.
4. The Priest did cleaue it w th it wings, but not diuide it a­sunder. Noting thereb [...], that albert Christ dyed. yet hee should not thereby be quite extinguished, but should rise againe, liue, and ascend vp to heauen: as also to the same is to bee referred the signification of this, Not a bone of him shall be bro­ken, Exod. 12.
5. The bloud there­of was strained or pressed out at the side of the Altar, before it was pluckt, and laid vpon the Altar to be burned. Shaddowing thereby the straining or pressing out of Christs bloud in his agony, before hee was taken, and stript to be crucified, Luk. 22. 44.

34. The dayly Sacrifice, Exod. 29. 38. to 45.

1. THe dayly sa­crifice was a Lambe, So our sacrifice, not dayly, but once for all, offe­red vp vnto the Father, is the Lambe Christ Iesus, Heb. 7.
2. It was slaine in [Page 123] the morning, and in the euening, To shew not onely that morning and euening wee [Page 123] should exercise our selues in the worship of God: but al­so, that it was not in the latter dayes alone, that Christ was slaine, but was so in the Lords Decree, liuely apprehension of Faith, and ver­tue of his death, to all true beleeuers, from the begin­ning of the world, Ioh. 1. 29.
3. It was to be of­fered vp with fine Flowre, beaten Oyle, and Wine. To shew that Christ by his death and oblation be­comes not onely vnto vs Redemption, but spirituall foode, gladnes, and chee­ring comfort, yea all in all vnto vs, 1. Cor. 1. 30.
4. Where this sa­crifice was offered, there the Lord made appointment to speak vnto Israel, and shew himselfe, Exod. 29. 42. To signifie, that in Christ and through his death and bloudshed, the new appointment, or Co­uenant of his will, and manifestation of his grace and mercy is established to his Church, Heb. 9.

35. The Sinne-offering.

1. THe bloud of the sinne-offe­ring Shewing, how the bloud of Christ Iesus our true sinne-offering, behooued t [...]
(what beast so euer it were) was to be powred out. be powred out and shed vp­on the Crosse. For without bloudshedding there was no reconciliation, Heb. 10.
2. The Priest shall dip his finger in the bloud of the Bullock that is a sinne-offe­ring, and sprinkle thereof seuen times before the Lord. Shaddowing the per­fection of that expiation, and satisfaction for sinne, which Christ should make, in the vertue, quality, and perpetuitie thereof (the number of seuen being the number of perfection.) Heb. 9. 26.
3. The Priest shall bring in of the bloud of the Bullocke into the Tabernacle of the Congregation. Shewing thereby, how the merit of Christs bloud should enter into the Holi­est heauens to appease wrath, satisfie Iustice, and conciliate fauour, and bee a perfect purgation to his elect Church, Heb. 9. 14.
4. Of the bloud, the Priest shall put some also vpon the foure Hornes of the Altar. Signifying thereby how the preaching of the Gos­pell, concerning the bloud of Christ, should bee pub­lished and proclaimed to the foure corners of the earth, Math. 28.
5. And all the rest of the bloud shall be powred out at the foot of the Altar. Figuring hereby, the aboundant shedding of the bloud of Christ, and super-aboundant merit thereof, Act. 22. 16. As likewise, that albeit it be so aboundant and sufficient for all, yet it is not efficient to all, but is improfitably powred out to many, through their owne contempt, and incredulous induration.
6. All the fat vpon the inwards was to be burnt, and offered to the Lord, To shew that all the best we haue, euen our inwards of soule, heart, and best af­fections, we should offer vn­to the Lord, Psal. 16. 7. Rom. 12. 1. As also, that not onely should the body of Christ suffer, but his soule likewise (like the fat in the inwards, which is the best part) as in his Agony and cry on the Crosse is euident, cited before.
7. The rest of the whole Bullocke (ty­ping so Christ in strength) shall bee carried out of the Host, and bee burnt vpon the wood in [Page 126] the fire, where the ashes are cast out. Signifying that euen so Christ Iesus should suffer without the gate in the place of dead mens skuls, and not in the Citie, Heb. 13. 11, 12. and teaching vs thereby likewise to beare his reproch, going in af­fection [Page 126] out of this earthly citie of the world, and our body seeking a better, Heb. 13. 13.
8. The Priest shall eate the sin-offering in the holy place, whose bloud was not brought into the Ta­bernacle of the Con­gregation, Shewing that Christ Ie­sus in his Church is not onely reconciliation, but al­so blessed foode for all those that are a holy and Royall Priesthood through him, Ioh. 6.
9. If any of the bloud of the sinne-offering was dropped vpon a garment, it might not be carried out so: but washed in the Holy place. Signifying thereby, not only that holy things should not bee prophaned: but that without the Church also, there is no participa­tion of the bloud of Christ, and so, no saluation, Ge. 5. Mar. 16. 15. Math. 7. 6.
10. The earthen vessell wherein the sin-offering that was eaten, was sodden, it was broken: but if it was a Brazen pot, it [Page 127] was scowred and wa­shed, Expressing either the wonderfull pollution of sin, that so hardly can bee done away: or, that those who haue receiued recōciliation through Christ, ought not to giue themselues againe [Page 127] vnto the world, but keepe themselues cleane and vn­defiled of the wickednesse thereof, 2. Cor. 5.
11. If a priuate person sinne, (and not the Priest, the Con­gregation or a Ruler) such a one shall offer a She-Goat, or a Fe­male Lambe for a sinne-offering, Yeelding thereby a cōfor [...] to all women, that for that Sexe Christ should dye as wel as for men, and by faith through Christ, that they should bee co-heires of his Kingdome, Gal. 3. 28.
12. And if he were of the poorer sort, he should offer of Tur­tles or Pigeons (the signification whereof looke in the burnt-of­fering of Fowles,) or of fine Flowre, with­out putting Oyle or Incense thereto, for it is a sinne-offering. Whereby was shaddowed, with Christ Iesus our sinne-offering, in the worke of sa­tisfaction wee must ioyne nothing else, bee it neuer so plausible in mans conce [...], 1. Cor. 3.
13. And the Priest shall make Atone­ment, [Page 128] (still this is re­peated.) So euer signifying, that not in [...]hese sacrifices, but in the Priesthood was the [Page 128] matter, which typed Christ, his office of reconciliation and intercession, whereby onely wee are accepted, Heb. 7.

The Disparitie.

THese Sacrifices were of Beasts: but our Sacrifice was of the Sonne of God him­selfe. These could neuer sanctifie the com­mers thereunto, Heb. 10. 1. but in them was a yeerely remembrance of sinnes: ver. 3. but our Sacrifice Christ Iesus, sanctifieth all those that by a true Faith draw neere vnto him, purging the conscience from dead workes, to serue the liuing Lord. For the bloud of those Sacrifices, such as Buls and Goates, could not take away sinnes: but by the bloud of Christ we haue full remission of them. These sacrifices were often offered, in token of their imperfection, and the similitudes of hea­uenly things were purified onely with their bloud: but our Sacrifice was once onely of­fered, in token of the perfection thereof, and by the same, as by a better sacrifice, were the [Page 129] heauenly things themselues purified and con­secrate, Heb. 9. 23, 25.

36. The meat-offering, Leuit. 2. and 6. 14. to 20.

1. IT was called a meat-offering, Because it was an ac­knowledgement that they did hold their meat or food of God, and had receiued it of his blessing: and because part thereof went as meat vnto the Priest: as likewise, teaching vs, that Christ Iesus is the true meat, and com­fortable nourishment of euery hungry soule, once for all offered to the Father, and dayly in his Word and Sacra­ments offered and exhibited to vs, Ioh. 6.
2. If it bee of Flowre, it shall be fine Flowre, Leu. 2. 1. Shewing thereby, that we should offer our best things to the Lord, and not the blind and the lame, and noting thereby also, the purity and perfection of Christ, Heb. 7. 26.
3. Oyle shall bee powred, and Incense put thereon, Signifying, that with gladnesse▪ and delight our worship of the Lord should be, either in deuotion to­wards himselfe, or distribution towards his Saints: as [Page 130] also typing thereby that soft and louing kindnes, and sweet comfortable mediation of Christ for his Church, Heb. 7. 25.
4. It must be pre­sented to the Priest, and he shall bring it to the Altar, verse 2. Shaddowing that it is by Christ, and his oblation, that all our workes, and duties of Gods worship is onely acceptable, he inter­ceding for vs, ibid.
5. It was a memo­riall, that which burnt thereof, for a sweet sa­uour before the Lord, Prefiguring, that euen so, Christ Iesus his death and merit thereof, should be an eternall memoriall be­fore his Father, to be mer­cifull to vs, Heb. 9. 24.
6. The meat-offe­ring which was coo­ked and prepared, was baked, fryed, or sodden, Shewing the painefull and manifold sufferings of Christ thereby: and how our worship of God should not be raw, or zeale-lesse, Reu. 3. 16.
7. It must be with­out Leuen, verse 3. Prefiguring that our worship of GOD must be without malice of our neighbour: as also the per­fect purity of Christs life and doctrine, 2. Cor. 5. 9.
8. It must haue no honey, which albeit it be sweet in taste, is bitter in effect, in­gendring Choller, which also surfetteth the Eater of too much thereof, and being burnt, hath no good smell, verse 11. Pointing out thereby vnto vs the nature of Christ, in whom there is no such sweetnesse as ingen­dreth bitternesse or hurt to any faithfull eater: Of whom also we can neuer re­ceiue too much to surfet, and whose death and obla­tion smelleth most sweetly before God, and to euery distressed conscience, He. 7.
9. All meat-offrings behooued to haue Salt, wherewith they were salted, verse 13. Signifying thereby, that as salt seasoneth, and kee­peth from corruption: so Christ, is he, who like sauou­rie salt seasoneth vs and all our workes, and makes them acceptable, and that with the salt of sanctification in Christ wee should season all our worship of the Father, keeping our selues from the corruption of hypocrisie and wickednesse, Mar. 9. 49.
10. The meat-offe­ring of the first fruits shal be eares of come, dryed by the fire, and wheate, beaten out of the Husks, verse 14. Whereby was figured not onely, that our worship of God (as is said) should be in sinceritie and zeale, go­ing out of our selues, to lay hold on Christ: but also, what wrath Christ should [Page 132] suffer, and diuers paines for our sake, who is the first fruits of all flesh, by whom all the field of the whole race of mankinde, is truely sanctified, and perfectly by his ob­lation redeemed,Isa. 53. Heb. 9.
11. The Priest and his sonnes shall eate of the meat-offering in the Holy place, without Leauen, Shewing that so the Lords Ministers, and their Families are to be maintai­ned, and liue by their cal­ling: as also, that Holy Priesthood of the godly, in the Church, enioy the benefit of Christ onely, and there must feed vpon him by faith in a purged conscience, 1. Cor. 9. 14. Ioh. 6.
12. Euery meat-offering of the Priest shall be burnt altoge­ther, it shall not bee eaten, Whereby was shaddowed the perfection of that obla­tion made by Christ, wher­in no part is left to man in that matter, by merit, or penall satisfaction, Heb. 7. 25.

37. The Peace-offering, Leu. 3. and 7. 11. to 23.

Wherein this offering was alike with the Rites of the burnt or sinne-offering: the sig­nification needs not repetition, and wherein they were vnlike, is, first,

1. ALl the fat, with the rump hard by the back-bone, was offered and burnt be­fore the Lord, Leu. 3. 9. Shaddowing not onely the full obedience of Christ extensiuely vnto death it selfe: but that wee also in our obedience vnto the Father, and offering of our best things vnto him shou'd perseuere vnto the end, Reu. 2. 10.
2. A part of the Peace-offring went to him that brought it, Whereby was figured, that Christ should dye for all: and the people as well as the Priest should haue a portion, and a blessing in him, Isai. 45. 22.
3. But they must neither eate the fat, nor the bloud, verse 17. Signifying, that all they who haue a part in Christ, must neither bee carnall, nor cruell: but sacrifice their carnalitie by mortifi­cation, and be meeke as the Master is, 2. Corin. 5. 1. Ioh. 2.
4. The peace-offe­ring shall bee offered vp with Cakes of Lea­uened bread, Leuit. 7. 13. Shaddowing, that as leauen seasoneth the bread, and makes it to rise and heaue vp; so Christ Iesus is he, who makes vs and all our actions sauourie bef [...] [Page 134] God, lightning our hearts with ioy of his Spirit, and making ou [...]soules in loue, thankefulnesse and true comfort to heaue vp to God, Psal. 103.
5. Of all the sacri­fice, he shall offer but one Cake for a heaue-offering, Leu. 7. 14. Signifying the simplici­tie or sincerity of our thank­fulnesse, and worship of God which should bee true and from the heart, Psal. 18. 41.
6. The flesh of the offering for thanksgi­uing must bee eaten the same day, and for a Vow, within two dayes at the furthest, none might be eaten the third day, but burnt if ought remai­ned, Leu. 7. 16. Teaching vs euer, not to prolong our dutie of thankefulnesse and sanctifi­cation: but in recencie for benefits dayly renued, to practise the same: stale lin­gring thanksgiuing, which seldome is sincere, is re­iected by God, Deu. 8. 10.
7. If any vncleane person eat of the flesh of the peace-offering, hee shall bee cut off from his people, ver. 20. Forewarning vs of that fearfull destruction and pu­nishment that abides al car­nall professors, who will bee thought partakers of Christ, and yet leade an vncleane and vnconscionable life, Math. 7.
8. The flesh that toucheth any vnclean thing shall not be ea­ten: but as vncleane it selfe, shall bee burnt, Leu. 7. 19. Shewing vs that the ho­ly things of God are not to be prophaned, nor that wee should eate with the guilti­nesse of wickednesse and iniquitie, 1. Cor. 11.
9. The offerer shall bring the sacrifice with his owne hands, verse 30. Teaching vs thereby, that euery one is accepted, and liueth by his own faith, Rom. 5.
10. It must be hea­ued vp before the Lord, ibid. Noting, the heauing vp of our hearts in due thanks­giuing to God, and pro­fessing of the benefits recei­ued, Hos. 14. 2. as also the heauing or lifting vp of Christ Iesus vpon the Crosse for vs.
11. It must be sha­ken to and fro, East, West, North and South, Shaddowing the publike thanksgiuing of the faith­full in the Congregation of his Saints, to the Lord, whose presence is euery­where, as also, the proclaiming or publishing of the death of Christ in the Gospell, that should bee made knowne thorow all the parts of the world, Lu. 24. 47.
12. The right shoul­der [Page 136] and brest was hea­ued vp before the Lord, and then giuen vnto the Priests for their portion, verse 33. Signifying, not onely that in action and affection [...]ur [Page 136] thankefulnesse should bee to GOD: but also that Christ Iesus heaued vp for vs, is both brest and shoul­der, that is, wisdome and strength to all his elect Priesthood whose portion he is, 1. Cor. 1. 30.

38. The solemne yeerely sacrifice of the Bullocke and Goat, Leu. 16.

1. OF the two Hee Goates it was by Lot that the one was taken, and the o­ther escaped, Leuit. 16. 8. So was it by the secret Decree of the Lords al­lotment, that Christ should suffer, that so wee might escape damnation, Psal. 40. 7.
2. Hee on whom the Lot fell, was made a sinne-offering for the people, verse 9. So Christ whom the Lord decreed in his eter­nall counsell, and chose to bee offered for mankinde, was made a sinne-offering for his Church, Heb. 7.
3. His bloud (as al­so the bloud of the [Page 137] Bullock) was brought within the Vaile, and was sprinkled vpon and before the Mercy-Seat, on the East-side which was towards the people, verse 18. So is the merit of the bloud of Iesus brought within the Holiest heauens [Page 137] before the Throne of grace, to plead for mercy for vs, Heb. 9. 23.
4. The Holy place was purged so there­by from the vnclean­nesse of the children of Israel, verse 20. So is not onely the Church purged by the bloud of Iesus, but heauen it selfe sanctified (as it were) and prepared to be a place of rest for his owne Chosen, Heb. 9. 23.
5. No man shall be in the Tabernacle, when the Priest goes in to make atonement in the Holy place, while he come out a­gaine, and haue made it, and he onely shall make the atonement, verse 17. Signifying thereby, that no creature is partner with him in the worke of mans Redemption, but hee alone is the perfect Sauiour and Mediator of his Church, Heb. 7. 25.
6. The Altar of Incense shall be sprin­kled [Page 138] with the bloud of the Goate. Shaddowing, that through his owne bloud, hee should be cōsecrate our intercessor, [Page 138] and through the merit thereof our prayers should be accepted, Heb. 8. 6.
7. The High Priest shall cast off his glo­rious garments, when he makes this atone­ment, verse 4. Presiguring that euen so should Christ Iesus the glory of his diuine Ma­iesty, while in the shape of a seruant he should finish the worke of mans atonement and Reconciliation, Isa. 53.
8. Once onely a yeere this atonement was made, verse 34. Shewing, that not often, but once for euer, without repetition, that perfect at­onement should be made by Christ Iesus his owne bloud, whereby hee should enter into the Holiest heauens, to appeare for vs before God eternally, Heb. 9.
9. The day of at­onement shal be a Sab­bath foreuer, ver. 31. Shaddowing thereby, that by the atonement, and ex­piation of Christ, rest euer­lasting should be obtained for vs, and in his death all other typicall sacrifices should haue their end and rest, Heb. 10.

39. The Scape-Goat, Leu. 16.

1. THe Scape-goat was so called, because hee escaped aliue, Representing so Christ Iesus, who notwithstand­ing he dyed for our sinnes according to his humanity, yet could not bee detained or ouercome by death: but reporting victorie ouer death, and the graue, by vertue of his impassible Deity rose againe triumphantly, Mat. 28. 6.
2. He was presen­ted aliue, that by him Reconciliation might be made, Leu. 16. 10. Signifying that all man­kinde being dead in sinne, he onely was presented a­liue, euen fully righteous and holy, to make reconcil [...] ­ation for vs, Heb. 7. 26.
3. With both hands vpon his head were confessed the sinnes and trespasses of the whole people, and he did beare them all, verse 21. Shewing, how euen so Christ Iesus should beare all the sinnes both great and small of his elect, and satis­fie for them, and how that we by a true faith ought to lay them all vpon him, Rom. 5.
4. So bearing all [Page 140] their iniquities, he was sent vnto a land of se­paration (saith the o­riginall.) verse 22. Figuring, that euen so should Christ Iesus bearing [Page 140] the iniquities of his Cho­sen, be carried forth of Ie­rusalem vnto death, where­by his soule was separate from his body a time, Esay 53. 12.
5. He was led out by a man appointed, verse 21. Noting thereby, that the sinnes of man, euen of so many as are appointed to be saued by him, led Christ forth to suffer, ibid. ver. 3.
6. He who led him forth, must wash his flesh and cloathes af­ter his returne, and then come into the Host, verse 26. Signifying thereby, not onely, that, that which made Christ to dye, is the polluter of our soules: but also, that whosoeuer hath laid hand on Christ by a true faith, must leade a cleane and holy life, if hee would be accepted as one of Christs Church, purging himselfe of all vncleane­nesse and iniquitie, 2. Cor. 5. 15.

40. The clensing of the Leper, Leuit. 14.

1. THe Bird that was killed for that vse, was a Spar­row (one of the cleane sort of Birds) by whose bloud the Leper to be cleansed, behooued to be sprinkled seuen times, Leu. 14. 52. Representing so the Lord Iesus, who like a Sparrow was of small account in the world, cleane and inno­cent, by whose bloud our le­prous soules to bee clensed must be perfectly sprinkled, Esay 52. 14.
2. This Sparrow was killed ouer pure water, in an earthen vessell, Leu. 14. 5. Signifying therby Christ Iesus, who hath suffered for vs, his innocency & cleere­nesse in our humane na­ture, Heb. 7. 26.
3. The liue Sparrow being dipt with Ce­darwood, a Skarlet Lace, and Hysope, in the bloud of the Spar­row slaine, was let go into the broad field, verse 6. Shaddowing thereby how that man by a true faith (which hath euer with it a feruent loue, and a sweet sanctified life) bathing himselfe in the bloud of Christ, by his death at­taines both to life and free­dome, Ioh. 14. 6.
4. As also the dip­ping of the liue Spar­row into the bloud of the dead, and that of necessitie (behoo­uing to be so.) Signified, that the im­passible Deity of Christ can no wayes yeeld comfort to vs, considered alone, con­cerning the remission of sinnes, without the humane nature of Iesus Christ, that suffered for vs the death of the Crosse, Act. 20. 28. 2. Cor. 5. 19. Heb. 2. 14.
5. And the letting of the liue Sparrow flye in the open ayre or broad field, ver. 7. Shaddowed Christ Iesus by death, once consecrate to bee the Author of eternall saluation, that hee should ascend on high, and be sea­ted in the Holiest heauens, Heb. 9. 5, 7, 26.
6. The Leper that is healed, must wash his cloathes, and his flesh, & shaue off his hayre, after he is dis­cerned by the Priest to be cleane, before that hee must enter into the Host, and [Page 143] there after must remaine seuen dayes be­fore hee enter into his Tent, verse 8, 9. Shewing that a rebelli­ous or scandalous person by excommunication sepa­rate from the Church, be­comming penitent, must not be againe rashly recei­ued, without euident proofes of his repentance giuen, both to Pastor and People, 2. Thes. 3.
7. The putting of the bloud then of his trespasse-offring vpon the right eare, thumb, and toe of him that was Leper, and of the oyle vpon all those places and his head, after hee had washed himselfe, Leu. 14. 17. Signified the perfect ex­piation of the sinnes of eue­ry penitent in Christs bloud, and consecration of them to Sanctification & clean­nesse of life thereafter, Act. 8. 22. 2. Cor. 2. 6.

41. The sacrifice of the Red Cow, and the sprinkling water, Numb. 19.

1. THe colour of this Kow was Red, Numb. 19. 2. Whereby was betokened the bloudinesse of our Sa­uiour in his Passion, Mat. 27.
2. Shee behooued to bee without ble­mish, vpon whom ne­uer yoke came, ibid. Signifying thereby the perfect holinesse of Christ, who neuer bore the yoke of sinfulnesse, nor was subiect to the Precepts of man, Isai. 53.
3. Shee was bur­ned without the Host, and her bloud seuen times sprinkled before the Tabernacle of the congregation, ver. 3. Shewing how Christ should suffer without the Citie, and his bloud should be a perfect purging of his Church, Heb. 13. 11.
4. She shall be all burned, and Cedar wood, a Skarlet Lace, and Hysop shall bee cast into the fire with her, ver. 6. Shaddowing how that nothing in Christ is vnpro­fitable, and that through the eternall Spirit, by the sheading of his bloud, hee should offer vp himselfe wholly without fault vnto God, to purge our conscience from dead workes to serue the liuing Lord, an vncorrupt life, a feruent loue to man­kinde, and sauoury obedience in all things to his Father, accompanying him in his sufferings, Ephes. 4. 2.
5. The ashes of this sin-offering was laid vp in a cleane place, to be made a Sprink­ling Water for the Congregation, ver. 9. Figuring thereby how the merit of the bloudshed and death of Christ, (the true Sinne-offering) in the Holiest heauens euer re­cent, should be a perpetuall purging and sprinkling wa­ter vnto his Church, Heb. 9. 13.
6. That person that is defiled by the dead, and hath not the same sprinkled vpon him, shall bee cut off from Israel, verse 13. Whereby was signified, that, that person that is de­filed with the corruption of sinne, and hath not the bloud of Christ sprinkled vpon his soule, shall likewise bee cut off from the num­ber and inheritance of the Saints, Mar. 16. 16.
7. The Priest one­ly shall sprinkle this water vpon the vn­cleane person, and purge him. So it is Christ Iesus one­ly, who doth sprinkle his bloud vpon penitent soules who come vnto him, and from him onely is to be ex­pected true pardon of our sinnes, Math. 9. 6.

The signification of other things, looke in the preceding sacrifices.

The Disparitie.

THis sprinkling water made of the Ashes of the Heifer, sprinkling them that were vncleane, sanctified onely as touching the purifying of the flesh: but the bloud of Christ, who through the eternall Spirit offe­red himselfe without fault to God, purges [Page 146] the conscience from dead workes, to serue the liuing God, Heb. 9. 13, 14.

42. IOSHV A.

1. IOSHVA, a Sa­uiour. So was Iesus both in name and in deed, Mat. 1.
2. He was the sonne of Nun, which is by interpretation, Eter­nall, and the seruant of Moses, Exod. 24. So was Christ the Sonne of the truely eternall Fa­ther, and may be said to be Moses seruant in a sort; because hee followed after Moses in order, and sub­iected himselfe vnto Mo­ses Law, in fulfilling what it commanded or typed, Mat. 5. 17.
3. Hee ouercame the enemies of Israel, and going before them, brought them into the Land of Ca­naan, allotting to each one their porti­on, Iosh. 13. So hath Christ ouer­come the enemies of his Church, and hath ascen­ded vp on high into the heauens before vs, there to prepare a place for each one of vs, and to bring vs thither, Ioh. 14. 2.
4. Moses beeing dead, hee was made the Captaine of Gods people, hee leading them to the Land: but Ioshua entering them in the Land, Deut. 31. 7. So the Law ceasing, and the ceremonies thereof, he was appointed likewise the captaine of his Church: the Law leading to Christ and heauen through him: but Christ by his death and conquest giuing vs entry therein, Heb. 9.
5. Hee saued Ra­chabs house that had the Red cord hung out at the window, and who receiued his Spyes, Iosh. 6. So doth Christ saue the soule of euery penitent sin­ner that hath true faith in his bloud, and the expres­siue grace thereof receiuing his Word in their hearts, and the Ministers thereof for his cause, Isai. 49. 6.
6. Vnder Moses leading, the Cloud went before: but vn­der Ioshua's the same did vanish. So in the time of the Law, obseur [...]e and dark­nesse was: but through the light of the Gospell vnder Christ the same did depart, Heb. 9. 13.
7. Ieshua was con­firmed in his Calling, by the diuiding of [Page 148] the waters in Iordan, at the presence of the Arke standing there­in, Iosh. 3. So was Christ in the same Iordan, by the diui­ding of the heauens, and presence of the holy Spirit [Page 148] descending and resting vp­on him, Math. 3.
8. Hee ledde Israel through those waters vnto Canaan. So doth Christ his Cho­sen, through many afflicti­ons, and death it selfe vnto heauen, Psal. 23.
9. Moses circumci­sed not the people: but Ioshua, Iosh. 5. So the Law sanctifieth not, but grace through Christ, Rom. 8. 3. Heb. 7. 19.
10. Manna ceased vnder Ioshua in Cana­an, Iosh. 5. 13. So shall our knowledge of Christ by Word and Sa­craments cease in that hea­uenly glory, Reu. 21. 23.
11. With the soun­ding of Rams Hornes by the Leuites, the Arke compassing Ie­richo, the high walles thereof fell down, and the inhabitants there­of were so ouercome by him, Iosh. 6. So by the sound of the Word, albeit contemptible in the mouthes of his Mi­nisters, Christ humbles the high machinations of mans heart, and ouercomes his Aduersaries, 1. Io. 2. 14.
12. The earth (as the walles of Iericho) prostrated it selfe be­fore him: the waters (as these of Iordan) yeelded vnto him, and the heauens (as the Sunne and Moone by their standing still) obeyed him, Iosh. 6. 3. & 10. So heauen and earth, and all things that are therein, bow themselues in reue­rent obedience vnto the Lord Iesus, Phil. 2. 10.
13. Hee made his Captaines tread vpon the necks of the Ca­naanite Kings after the battell, whom hee had ouercome, and closed vp before, Iosh. 10. So will Iesus doe to all his Chosen at their death: but especially at that day of generall Iudgement, shall hee make all their enemies, Satan, sinne and death, with all other their foes to be their footstoole, whose power euen in this life, and day of battell was abated and confined, Psal. 110. 2.
14. He accepted the Gibeonites who hum­bly intreated peace of him, Iosh. 9. So doth Christ accept all penitent sinners, who in the time of grace come wisely vnto him, Luke 15. 11.

The Disparitie.

IOshua conquered Canaan, not only for the people of Israel, but also for himselfe in part: but Christ Iesus hath purchased that heauenly Canaan, only for our sakes, hauing had it himselfe before, by the right of in­heritance. He conquest it not by himselfe a­lone, but with the ayde of the Tribes of Is­rael: but Christ hath by himselfe onely pur­chased that heauenly inheritance: he did the one without his owne bloudshed or death: but Christ hath not this other without both these: hee could not quite expell the Canaa­nite out of the Land: but Christ Iesus hath fully one and all ouercome our enemies.

43. Gideon, Iudg. 6, 7, & 8. compared.

1. GIdeon, a De­stroyer, or Breaker, who is called a Iudge, and a Saui­our [Page 151] of Israel, by mi­racle confirmed in his Calling. So is Christ a Destroyer of his enemies, and a Iudge, to iudge the cause of his Chosen, and to saue and de­liuer them, whose Calling [Page 151] was confirmed in like man­ner by miracles, Math. 3. 1. Cor. 15. 57.
2. Before the bat­tell with his foes, hee is comforted by the Angell, and assured of victory. So was Christ before his conflict with death, and his other aduersaries, com­forted in his Agony, Luk. 22.
3. Hee destroyed the Altar of Baal, and erected another vnto the Lord in that same place. So hath Christ the wor­ship of Heathenish Idols, and by the preaching of the Gospell established in place thereof, the true worship of God.
4. He offered vp a sacrifice, which the Lord, by fire from heauen, declared to be acceptable. So hath Christ offered vp himselfe, and wherein the Lord by his voice and Spirit from Heauen like­wise, hath declared him­selfe well-pleased, Mat. 3.
5. They who bowed downe on their knees to drinke of the wa­ters, were counted vnfit Souldiours for Gideon. So they who delight in the pleasures of this world, and giue themselues vn­to them, are as vnfit for Christ, Iude 4.
6. Gideon is expoun­ded by his Aduersa­ries to bee a Barley Cake, yet vvhich should ouerturne and throwe downe their Tents. So was Christ vilipen­ded by his enemies in the world, yet should ouerthrow them at last, and subdue them vnto him, Psal. 110.
7. By the sound of Trumpet, and shining of Lamps out of ear­then broken vessels, he ouercame his ene­mies. So by the trumpet of his Word, and light of the Gospell, carried thorow the world by weake instru­ments, hath he confounded his aduersaries, 1. Iohn 2. 14.
8. The swords of his Enemies killed themselues. So doth the malice and practices of the enemies of Christ, against him or his, turne back into their owne bowels, Psal. 7. 15.
9. Hee was very meeke, and a man of no contention, as his answere to Ephraim shewes. So was Christ meeke and humble, whose voice was not heard in the streets, Isai 42. 2.
10. After his victory he seuerely punished [Page 153] the men of Succoth, who denied him bread in his extre­mitie. So shall Christ punish those at that Great day, [Page 153] who when he was hungry, fedde him not, when hee hath subdued his enemies, and made them all his footstoole, Psal. 110. 2.
11. Gideon denied to raigne ouer Israel, but interceded for them, Iud. 6. 13. So did Christ, beeing sought by the people to be a worldly King: but interce­deth in Heauen for his Church for euer, Heb. 8.

The Disparitie.

GIdeon, not without other associates (as is said of Ioshua) ouercame his enemies: but Christ alone, without the ayde of any creature, ouercame his: he was loth a long time to vndergoe that Calling to deliuer Is­rael: but Christ most willingly and readily vndertooke to deliuer mankinde: his sonnes after his death were slaine and destroyed: but so cannot the children and sonnes of Christ be destroyed, their life beeing in his hands, and one hayre of whose head cannot fall to the ground without his good will and pleasure: He left an Ephod with the people, [Page 154] which thereafter induced them to Idolatrie: but Christ hath left his Word with his Church, to preserue them from the same for euer.

44. Iephte, Iudg. 11. and 12. compared.

1. IEPHTE, ope­ning. So is Christ the opening and manifestation of his Fathers will to vs, of our hearts also to himselfe, and of the gates of that heauen­ly Paradise to our soules after death, Heb. 9. Io. 14. 2.
2. Iephte was re­iected of his brethren, and yet the Lord ap­pointed none other to saue and deliuer them, but him. So Christ, albeit he came to his owne, yet they recei­ued him not, but disdain­fully refused him, and yet the Lord decreed him to be the onely sauer of his peo­ple, and that by no other Name vnder heauen wee should looke for saluation, but by the name of Iesus, Phil. 2. Act. 3. 6.
3. In time of a great bondage hee is [Page 155] stirred vp to be a de­liuerer of Israel. So in the time of the v­niuersall bondage of sinne, Satan, and death, which [Page 155] had captiuate and thralled all men, Christ Iesus came to deliuer his Church, Hos. 13. 1. Cor. 15.
4. Hee punished and subdued after his victory the rebellious Ephraimites. So shall Christ at the consummation of all things fully subdue all his rebelli­ous enemies, Psal. 110.

The Disparitie.

IEphte was begotten in sinne and whore­dome: but Christ was begotten without sinne in Virginitie. Iephte offered his Daugh­ter, which was an vnlawfull and vnacceptable sacrifice vnto the Lord: but Christ offered himselfe as a holy and acceptable sacrifice vnto his Father.

45. Samson, Iudg. 13, 14, 15, & 16.

1. SAmson, or Shim­shon, there the second time, because the Angell appeared twice vnto his Pa­rents; [Page 156] or hee was so called from Shemesh, which signifieth the Sunne. So did the Angell ap­peare once to Mary at the Annunciation, and the se­cond time to Ioseph in a dreame, resoluing him con­cerning the mysterie of [Page 156] Christs conception who is our Sunne of righteousnes, Math. 1. Luke 1.
2. Israel was in great thraldome and mise­ry before his birth. So was the Iewes, and the whole world in the thraldome of sinne, and ig­norance, before Christs Birth, Rom. 3.
3. Vnexpectedly the Angell comes to his Mother, and al­beit shee was barren, promiseth that shee should beare a sonne, who should deliuer Israel. So did the Angell to Mary▪ and albeit shee was a [...] ▪ promises the same likewise, Luk. 1. 30.
4. The Angel con­firmed his promise by a signe to Samsons mother. So did the Angell to Mary, in saying, And be­hold, thy cousin Elizabeth, &c. verse 36.
5. Samsons parents were at first terrified and astonied, but thereafter were com­forted. So was Mary and Io­seph at first troubled in minde, but thereafter by Christs Birth comforted, Luke 1. 29. Mat. 1.
6. Samson grew, and the Spirit waxed strong vpon him: and he was a Nazarite. So did Christ in body, and in fauour with GOD and Man, and the Spirit was not measured vnto him, and hee was also a Nazarite, Luke 2. 52. Math. 2.
7. He tooke not a Wife of his owne people, but a stran­ger of the Philistims. So hath Christ his Church, not so much of Iewes as Gentiles, who were aliens from God, Isai. 55. 5.
8. He assayed his strength first on a Ly­on, who assaulted him in the way, when hee was going to seeke his wife, out of which a little thereafter hee tooke forth honey. So did Christ manifest his matchlesse strength, first on Satan who tempted him in the Wildernesse, when he was entring in his calling after Baptisme, and ouercame him. Whereof we that are tempted in like manner, may gather this comfort, that he that ouer­came for vs, will also ouer­come in vs, Heb. 4. 15.
9. Hee put forth his minde to the Phi­listims in a Riddle. So did Christ his do­ctrine to the Pharises in Parables, Math. 13. 34.
10. He was sold by Dalilah for mony, and vnder shew of loue is traitoured to the Phi­listims. So was Christ by Iudas, for thirty pieces of money, and with a kisse and saluta­tion was betrayed to the Priests, Scribes and Pha­rises, Math. 25.
11. He was bound, led away, blinded and at their Feast, brought forth, bound to a Pillar and mocked: but by that Pillar and pulling downe there­of, hee destroyed more of his enemies at his death, then hee did in his life. So was Christ bound, ledde away, blinded with bloud and spettle, and at last, at the Feast of the Passeouer, was nailed to the Crosse, and mocked at: but by that crucifying on the Crosse, he destroyed his enomies in a greater degree by his death, then euer they were in the time of his life, Luk. 23. 1. Cor. 15. 57.
12. His Brethren thereafter buried him. So after Christs death, Ioseph of Arimathea, and others of the godly buried him, ibid. verse 50.
13. The strength of Samson for a time lurked in the prison. So did the power of Christs Deity in the graue.
14. Notwithstand­ing [Page 159] that he was wat­ched in Gaza, that he might not escape: yet when al were asleepe, he tooke off the gates of the Citie, and car­ried them away vnto the Mountaine with him. So notwithstanding that Christ was watched in the [Page 159] graue, that he might not be taken away: yet when all the souldiers were asleepe, hee gloriously arose, ouer­comming so the power of death and the graue, and carrying the triumphant victory thereof with him vnto heauen, Luk. 24.

The Disparitie.

SAmson lost his former strength when hee was betrayed, & was apprehended, because he could not be able to resist: but so lost not Christ Iesus his powerfull strength when hee was betrayed, which hee did manifest, by his Word, asking, Whom seek you? and saying, I am he: in making the Souldiers that came to take him, fall backward to the ground; and in that he said to Peter, that he was able to cō ­mand millions of Angels to assist him if hee listed; so that willingly hee offered himselfe, and was not violently taken. Also, Samsons Wife was taken from him, and giuen to an­other: [Page 160] but the Spouse of Christ his Church, can no creature take from him or giue out of his hand. The ouerthrowe of his enemies, was his ouerthrow likewise, and as they dyed, so he dyed; but so it was not with Christ, for they onely did bruise his heele: but hee did breake their head: they assaulted him onely violently: but he wounded them mor­tally, and ouercame.

46. Samuel, 1. Sam. 1. compared.

1. SAmuel, or She­muel, appointed or heard of God. So was Christ appoin­ted to bee the Sauiour of mankinde, and was heard of the Lord in all things he desired, Heb. 6.
2. Hee was in fa­uour with God and Man, 1. Sam. 2. 26. So was Christ, and did grow in both, Luk. 2. 52.
3. He was called of God, and the Lord manifested his will to him, 1. Sam. 3. 4. So was Christ called of the Father, and had the cleere and full manifesta­tion of his will to declare to mankinde, Ioh. 8. 46. Acts 7. 37.
4. Hee was borne by expectation of a­ny, of the barren wombe of Hanna, and dedicate to the Lord, 1. Sam. 1. So was Christ of the blessed wombe of a chaste Virgin Mary, and conse­crate vnto the Father, Math. 1.
5. He was Priest, Prophet, and Ruler in Israel, 1. Sam. 3. 4, 7, 5. So is Christ all these most truely in his Church, Heb. 9. Ioh. 18. Ioh. 8.
6. He was most di­ligent and faithfull in Gods worke, and of a most innocent life, 1. Sam. 7. 16. 12. 12. So was Christ Iesus in all these vncomparable and matchlesse.
7. He was vngra [...]e­fully vsed of the peo­ple; who reiecting his Gouernment, cra­ued another to bee a King, and to raigne ouer them, 1. Sam. 12. Euen so was Christ of the Iewes, (his owne Peo­ple, whom so faine he would haue gathered) who repu­diating him likewise, pro­fessed that they had no King, but Caesar, Iohn 19. 15.

The Disparitie.

THe sonnes of Samuel were wicked, and walked not in his wayes: but the children and sonnes of Iesus Christ are holy and san­ctified, and tread in his footsteps, following his example of life. Hee deliuered the go­uernment from him vnto wicked Saul: but so shall Christ Iesus deliuer vp his Kingdome to none, nor the Regiment of his Church, till all things be fulfilled, and the number of his Chosen accomplished.

47. Dauid, 1. Sam. 13, &c.

1. DAuid, beloued, or a man ac­cording to Gods own heart, 1. King. 14. 8. So was Christ that true­ly welbeloued of God, in whom his soule was well content and pleased, Mat. 3. 17.
2. Hee was a Shep­heard, 1. Sam. 17. 15. So is Christ the true Shepheard of our soules, 1. Pet. 2.
3. Hee pulled the [Page 163] Sheepe out of the Lyons mouth, and the Lambe out of the pawes of the Beare, 1. Sam. 17. So hath Christ power­fully deliuered his owne [Page 163] Chosen Flocke out of the power of Satan and dam­nation, 1. Cor. 15. 57.
4. Hee was anoin­ted to bee King and Ruler of Israel, 1. Sa. 16. So i [...] Christ with the oyle of gladnes, to bee the Ruler and King of his Church, Ier. 23. 5.
5. Betweene the time of his anointing, and installing in the possession of the king­dome, many troubles and persecutions in­teruened. So betweene the anoin­ting of Christ, with the ful­nesse of the Spirit, and his glorious installing in the Kingdome of the Father, many afflictions and perse­cutions, yea death it selfe for our sakes interuened likewise, Isai. 53.
6. Though hee suf­fered innocently: yet hee was meeke and mercifull to all his persecuting enemies, 1. Sam. 24, &c. So, though Christ suffred causelessely, yet euer he of­fered grace and mercy, and prayed for his crucifiers, Isai. 53. 12.
7. Hee was a Pro­phet also in Israel, Math. 27. 35. So was Christ that Great Prophet of his Church, Act. 7. 37. Ioh. 1.
8. He deliuered the Host of Israel from that great Goliah, whom he killed, albe­it beeing little of ac­count: and with his own sword he cut off his head, 1. Sam. 17. So hath Christ deliuered his Church, which none else could doe, from that fearful Giant Satan, whom he hath ouercome, albeit contemptible in the eyes of the world, and with his own machinations hath trod downe his head, Genes. 3. 15.
9. The Lord ho­noured him with ma­ny and great victories, 1. Sam. 18. 2. Sa. 21. So likewise did he Christ Iesus ouer that old Serpent, and all our spirituall ene­mies, 1. Cor. 15.
10. Hee brought back the Arke againe, 2. Sam. 6. So hath Christ Iesus the trueth that lay obscured by the false interpretation of the Scribes and Pharises, Math. 5. 6. &c. and hath reduced the Church from the spirituall captiuitie thereof fully, and from the obscure­nesse of types, to the cleere beholding of the bright sub­stance, establishing it in that estate for euer, Heb. 9.
11. Euen those that [Page 165] sate at his Table, rose vp against him, Psal. 41. 9. So one of Christs Dis­ciples, Iudas, who did dip [Page 165] in the platter with him, be­trayed him, Math. 26.
12. Last, in many Prophetical speeches hee typed Christ Ie­sus, as, Thou wilt not suffer thy Holy One to see corruption: and, They parted my garments amongst them, & on my vesture did cast Lots; My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me? and such like many, as are quoted and set downe or­derly in the Treatise following. All which, in competen­cie of substantiall trueth, a­greed properly to Christ Ie­sus alone.

The Disparitie.

DAuid was a man of bloud: but Christ Ie­sus was meeke and peaceable. Dauid for that cause was not suffered to build the Tem­ple: but Christ Iesus is the sole and onely builder of his holy Church. His life was tain­ted with sundry blots: but the life of Christ was altogether spotlesse.


1. SAlomon, or She­lomoh, peace­able, the sonne of Da­uid, greatly beloued of God, 2. Sa. 12. 24. So was Christ peace­able, yea, the Prince of Peace it selfe, called also the sonne of Dauid, be­cause hee came of him ac­cording to the flesh, and who receiued that Testimony from Heauen, that he was the Lords Well-beloued, in whom hee is well pleased, Math. 3. 17.
2. Hee was very wise and rich, yea, a­aboue all others ther­in, 1. Kin. 3. & 4. So is Christ the very wisedome and full treasure of the riches of the Father, and matchlesse in both, Col. 2. 3.
3. The Queene of Sheba came to see Sa­lomon from afarre, and brought gifts vnto him, 1. King. 10. So came the Wise men from the East to see Iesus, and offered Gold, Myrrh, and Incense to him, Mat. 2.
4. The fame of Sa­lomons speeches and doings spred afarre off. So did the fame of Christ Iesus his doctrine and miracles, Mat. 5. 31.
5. Hee built the Temple, and dedicate it to the Father, 1. King. 6. So hath Christ built the Church, and consecrate it vnto his Father, Gal. 3. 7, 8.
He desired that all that should pray with­in the Temple, might be heard, 1. King. 8. So Christ intercedeth, that all that pray in his holy Church, as true mem­bers thereof, may bee like­wise heard, Ioh. 17.
7. Hee appointed the seuerall Ministers and Office-bearers in the Temple. So hath Christ establi­shed the seuerall ministeri­all functions and offices, that should bee in his Church, 1. Cor. 12.

The Disparitie.

SAlomon did fall away in the end of his life from that sinceritie, especially in Gods worship, which hee had in the beginning, therefore procured a heauy punishment on his house after him: but Christ Iesus con­stantly perseuered vnto death, in that perfect obedience that hee yeelded alway to the Fa­ther, and therefore procured great blessings on his Church thereby for euer.

49. Salomons Temple, 1. King. 6. as it was a type of Christs personall body, Ioh. 2. 19.

1. IT was a most glorious edifice, 1. King. 5. 6, 7. Chap­ters. So was the excellent Fabricke of the Immacu­late body of Christ.
2. It was stone without, and gold within. To shew the resplendent glory of diuine Maiestie, lurking within a humane and humbled body, Esa. 9.
3. It was full of light through the ma­ny windowes therein. So our Sauiour was full of heauenly knowledge in the will of God, which hee reuealed to mankinde, Ioh. 1.
4. It was carued round about with Cherubims, Palmes and Flowers, To note the seruiceable & ready attendance of the holy Angels vpō the person of Christ, the Palme-trees signifying his triumphant victory ouer his and our e­nemies, and the Flowres, his heauenly, diuers, and flou­rishing graces, Math. 4.
5. In the seuenth yeere, and Haruest moneth it was ac­complished. To shew not onely the perfection of his person (sig­nified by that perfect num­ber of seuen, and ripenesse of such a season as Har­nest) but also that in the fulnesse of time, to accomplish Gods Decree, hee should come and bee incarnate, Psal. 40. 7.
6. The Temple was solemnely consecrate vnto the Lord. So was the person of Christ, by perfect obedience in life and death, vnto his Father, ibid.
7. There was plea­sant Musicke vsed in the one, Which signified the hea­uenly harmony of diuine graces to the comfort of his Chosen, which should bee in this other, Col. 2. 3.
8. In it was the Arke, where the glo­ry of GOD did ap­peare, which glory did fill also the Tem­ple. So in Christ is the full treasure of all true wise­dome, knowledge, & grace, and in whom the Godhead personally inhabited, and did replenish likewise this other, Col. 1. 19.
9. It was seated on Mount Moriah, and in the midst of Ierusa­lem it did stand. So Christ is on high pla­ced, and in the midst of his Church is to bee found, Psal. 110.
10. It was not law­full but in the Tem­ple to offer sacrifice. So is not any spirituall sacrifice of ours, but in Christ, and through him acceptable, Heb. 7.
11. Many presu­med in the one, say­ing, The Temple of the Lord, The Tem­ple of the Lord, yet were destroyed. So many presume in the verbal profession of Christ, that they beleeue in him, and are baptized in his Name, yet shall bee dam­ned, Math. 7. 22.

The Disparitie.

FOrty and sixe yeeres the Temple was in building, after that the same had beene destroyed, and cast downe by the Babylo­nians: but within three dayes the Temple of the body of Christ Iesus did arise, after that the same had beene in a manner de­stroyed, and crucified by the Iewes and Ro­manes, Ioh. 2. 19, 20, 21.

50. The Temple, as it was a type of Christs mysticall body, the Church. 1. King. 6.

1. IT was of hewne polished stones and costly. So is the mysticall body of Christ of liuely polished stones, euen purged and re­formed soules, costly & pre­cious in the Lords sight, Col. 1. 18. Psal. 45. 10.
2. In the building of it there was no noise heard. So in the building of the Church, the vnity of truth, and of the Spirit of loue is hereby recommended, with­out iarring either in opinion, or affection. As also, in that the stones were fitted for the worke, before they were brought to be built therein; it shewes, that before we can thinke, that we are to be counted as stones ready to bee builded in that body and Temple of the Church, we must be fitted and reformed likewise, Isa. 4. 3.
3. There concur­red not onely to the building thereof Sa­lomon, and his ser­uants: but also Hiram of Tyrus, and the Si­donians, [Page 172] that did hew the Timber vnto it. To shew that in the building of the Church, Iew and Gentile should con­curre: not onely the Apo­stles planting and founding the same, but their succes­sors, faithfull Pastors e­uery [Page 172] where watering it, and building on their ground, 1. Cor. 13.
4. It was ouerlaid within with fine gold vpon the carued Ce­dars. To shew the beauty of the Church, adorned with diuers gifts, to be inward, pure, and precious, though vnseene, and not perceiued of the world, Psal. 45.
5. In the Temple were many windows, to make the house light. So in the Church is the dispensation of many and diuers graces, to make the same bright and glorious, 1. Cor. 12. 4.
6. In the Temple were seuerall degrees of Galleries or Lofts, each one aboue an­other, and larger each then other, To shew the seuerall roomes and places, which God hath appointed in his Church: some higher, some lower; Apostles, E­uangelists, Doctors, Pa­stors and Elders, &c. the same also being signified, by the diuersitie of Officers appointed in the Temple, ibid.
7. The walles were carued round about, [Page 173] with Cherubims, Palme-Trees, and Flowers. To note the protection of the Church of God, by the ministerie of Angels, [Page 173] (tho outwardly vnseene) and the peaceable victori­ous flourishing vnder the same, Heb. 1.
8. In the seuenth yeere, and in the har­uest moneth it was fi­nished. So in the fulnesse of time, when the great Haruest shall be, the number of the Elect beeing accomplished, then shall the Church bee wholly in a triumphant cōpany consummate, Re. 21. 22.
9. Salomon conse­crate the Temple vn­to the Lord. So hath Christ, (that true Prince of Peace) his Church vnto his Father, Ioh. 17.
10. The Musicke that was vsed in the one, Did signifie the ioy of the faithfull in the other, Esai. 4. 2.
11. In it was the Arke of the Testi­monie. So in the Church is the Word of God, and couenant of Grace, borne by the Le­uites of Christs true Pa­stors, in the preaching and publishing of the same.
12. The glory of the Lord filled the Temple. So doth the glorious pre­sence of God fill euer the o­ther, beeing amongst his Chosen till the end of the world, Ioh. 14.
13. The Lord pro­mised to hallow this House, and that his eyes and heart, if his people obeyed him, should bee there per­petually. So will the Lord sancti­fie his Church, and if wee obey him constantly, his eye of mercy, and heart of compassion will be vpon vs eternally, 1. Cor. 1. 30.
14. In the Porch thereof were set two Pillars of Brasse, Ia­chin and Boaz, or sta­bilitie and strength, with Lillies & Pome­granates carried vpon them. Noting thereby the sta­bilitie and strength of Christs Church through him, who is as a double Pil­lar vnto the same; or the two Sacraments of the Church, whereby our faith is strengthened and confir­med vnto holinesse, and fruitfulnesse in good works, Iam. 2.

The Disparitie.

THe stones of the Temple were dead and senselesse: but the members of the Church of God, are sensible and liuely stones. They were polished and hewne by the hand of man, but these are reformed and sanctified [Page 175] by the Spirit of Grace. The Temple vvas vtterly destroyed and burnt by the enemies of Israel: but the true Church of God can neuer be so ouerthrowne: yea, the very gates of hell shall not preuaile against it.

Note that some things heere are rather for conueniencie of case compared, then any typicall signification is in them sought, as hath beene said in the Epistle hitherto.

Elisha compared.

1 ELisha, the health of God. So is Christ the health and saluation of God true­ly to all sick and lost soules, Math. 9. 12.
2. Hee succeeded Eliah, who anointed him to bee after him, 1. Kin. 19. 16. So Christ succeeded the Baptist (that second Eliali) who baptized him, to come after him likewise, with the baptisme of the fire and Spirit to baptize, Luke 3.
3. He receiued the double of the Spirit of Eliah, 2. Kin. 2. 9. So, Christ got not onely the double, but the full measure of the Spirit which Iohn had, and that with­out measure, Ioh. 1. 14.
4. He cured Naa­man of his Leprosie, hee raised the dead, healed the waters that were poisoned, with few loaues mira­culously hee fed ma­ny, &c. and did ma­ny such miracles, 2. Kin. 5. & 2. & 4. So Christ doth cure our spirituall Leprosie by the bathing of his bloud, and tempers the waters of af­fliction to vs, fed likewise many thousands with few loaues, raised the dead, and dayly raiseth dead soules by the quickening of his grace, and did farre many and greater miracles and wonders.
5. Elisha had an vntrue and couetous Gehezi that serued him, who therefore was fearefully puni­shed, 2. King. 5. So Christ had a false and couetous Iudas, who followed him, who therefore also fearefully perished, Math. 26.
6. Elisha was called the Chariot & Horse­men of Israel, 2. King. 13. So Christ is the Cha­riot whereby wee are car­ried vnto heauen, and the sure defence and safegard of his Chosen, against all their enemies, Zech. 14. 12.
7. He diuided the waters of Iordan with [Page 177] his Cloake, 2. King. 2. 14. So hath Christ made a safe way through death, by [Page 177] his Crosse, Heb. 9. Psal. 23.
8. They that moc­ked Elisha, were feare­fully deuoured, 2. Kin. 2. 23. So shall all those that mock Christ Iesus or his messengers, iustly bee de­stroyed, 2. Thes. 2. 10.
9. No thing so se­cret could be hid from Elisha, 2. King. 6. 8. & 32. So no secret thought of the very heart, can bee hid from Christ, Mat. 9. 4.
10. A dead body beeing cast into the Sepulchre of Elisha, touching his bones is raised againe, 2. King. 13. 21. So are our dead soules quickened and raised heere by the touch of Christ by faith, and so shall our dead bodies also bee raised from the graue hereafter by the vertue of his Resurrection, who was laid in the graue likewise, Rom. 4 25.

The Disparitie.

ELisha was of a seuere Spirit, as appeares in the example of the children who moc­ked him, and of his seruant Gehezi, &c. but Christ was of a most milde and meeke Spi­rit, [Page 178] as is euidently to be seene in his patient sufferings of all iniuries without reuenge; yea, he kissed the mouth of him that betrayed him, and cured the eare of Malchus who came out against him.

52. Daniel, compared.

1. DAniel, the iudgement of God. So is Christ the iudge­ment and wisedome of the Father, Ioh. 1.
2. Hee was an ex­cellent opener of se­crets, Dan. 2. 5. So was Christ that matchlesse manifester of heauenly and hid myste­ries, ibid. and Ioh. 8.
3. Hee was made one of the three Ru­lers of the whole Kingdome, Dan. 5. 29. So is Christ, with the Father and Holy Ghost, one of the Rulers of all the Kingdome of Heauen and of earth, with all things that therein are, Ioh. 3. 35.
4. Hee was pre­ferred by the King, to be aboue all the other Rulers in the whole Realme, Dan. 6. 3. So Christ is by the Fa­ther aduanced aboue all powers aboue or below, whatsoeuer, Psal. 110.
5. Hee was enuied, innocently accused, taken, condemned, and cast into the Ly­ons den, Dan. 6. So was Christ Iesus likewise [...] causelessely, accused innocently, taken wrongfully [...] vn­iustly, and put to death cru­elly.
6. The Lyons had no power to deuoure him: wherefore hee came safely frō them againe. So neither hath death power to destroy Christ, nor the gr [...]ue p [...]er to de­tai [...]e him, but glorio [...]sly he rose againe from both, Psal. 10. Luke 24.
7. His enemies were cast in, next to his deliuery, and were by the Lyons speedi­ly destroyed. So w [...]e the Ie [...]es after Christs Ascension, by the mercilesse Romans cruelly deuoured, yea, death and the graue by Christs Re­surrectio [...] were swallowed vp in victory, Hos [...]a 13. D [...]n. 9.
8. Hee destroyed Bel, and the Dragon, and ouerthrew Idola­trie, Dan. 13. So hath Christ ouercome sinne and the Serpent, and by the preach [...]ng of his Trueth, abrogate Heathe­ [...]sh idolatrous worship, Gen. 3. 15.

53. IONAH.

1. IOnah, a Doue in name. So was Christ the same in nature, meeke (to wit) and humble, Esa. 53.
2. Hee was the Lords Prophet. So was Christ Iesus the same, Ioh. 8.
3. For the safety of the rest in the Ship, he was cast into the Sea to drowne. So for the safety of man­kinde, Christ was sent into the world to dye, Ephes. 1. 10.
4. Hee was three dayes, & three nights in the Whales belly, yet at last came forth, Ionah 2. 10. So was Christ three dayes and three nights in the bowels of the earth, yet at last arose, Mat. 12. 40.

54. I [...]hoshua, Zech. 3. 3. to 6.

1. IEhoshuah, a Saui­our, or the salua­tion of the Lord. So is Iesus the same both in name, and in effect.
2. Hee was the Lords High Priest. So is Iesus the High Priest of GOD vnto his chosen Church, Heb 7.
3. He stood vp as a Mediatour for his people. So doth Christ for euer for his Church, Heb. 8.
4. Satan resisted him, but altogether in vaine, for hee was re­buked. So tempted hee Christ, but in vaine likewise: for he was ouercome, and resisted him in his function by the Scribes and Pharises, but preuailed not, Mat. 4.
5. Iehoshua was cloa­thed at first with filthy garments, but there­after they were taken away, and glorious garments were giuen vnto him, signifying the taking away of his sinnes, and couerture of him by the righte­ousnes of Iesus Christ. So was Christ Iesus him­selfe at first cloathed with ignominie, the base rags of our nature, and shape of a seruant, wherein be [...] did suffer, hauing also the filthy garment of our sinnes put vpon him by imputation, but after this his humilia­tion, he was brought to ex­altation, and cloathed not onely with perfect righte­ousnes, but with that glory that hee had with the Fa­ther, before the beginning of the world, Psal. 110.
6. A Diademe was [Page 182] likewise set vpon the head of Iehoshua. So was a Diademe of glory set vpon the head of [Page 182] Iesus, to shew him thereby to bee not onely the High Priest, but Prince of his people, Zech. 149.

55. Zerubbabel, Haggai 1. & 2.

1. ZErubbabel, a stranger in Ba­bel, or alien from con­fusion. So was Christ a stran­ger in this wicked world, his proper seat beeing the heauens, and an alien from sinne, and eternall confusi­on, the wages thereof.
2. He is called the Elect one of God in a speciall manner, Hag. 2. 24. So is Christ Iesus the same most truely and pro­perly.
3. The Lord pro­miseth to make him as a Signet, signifying thereby that his dig­nity and glory should be most excellent. Which [...]rely and fully is accomplished in Christ.
4. He was a Prince of his people. So is Christ the onely Prince of his Chose [...].
5. He was appoin­ted by God to build the materiall temple. So was Christ Iesus to build the spiritual Temple.
6. That which he built, was as nothing in outward shew, in comparison of the first Temple: but yet it was more glorious inwardly, in respect of the Lords filling it with his presence, and giuing of his peace therein, Hag. 2. 4. 8. & 10. So the Church which Christ hath built, is as no­thing in outward glorious shew, being base and con­temptible in this world, but (like the Kings daugh­ter) she is all glorious with­in, by the spirituall pre­sence of her builder, her Head, and Husband Iesus, who with his presence giues her also his peace, which the world can neither giue, receiue, nor take away from her.
7. All nations, and the desire of all nati­ons shall be moued to come to this Temple of the Lord, Hag. 2. 8. Fore-prophecying so that accomplishment in the con­uersion of the Gentiles, to the cleere Faith, and true Church of Iesus.

THE HARMONY OF ALL THE PROPHETS: BREATHING WITH one mouth the mysterie of Christs comming: and of that Redemption which by his Death hee was to accomplish: To confirme the CHRISTIAN; and conuince the IEVV.

By W. GVILD, Minister of Gods Word, at King Edward in Scotland.

The command, IOHN 5. 39.

Search the Scriptures: for in them ye thinke to haue eternall life, and they are they that testifie [...]f me.

LONDON, Printed by G. Purslowe, for I. Budge: and are to be sold at his shop in Pauls Churchyard, at the signe of the Greene Dragon. 1619.

TO THE REVE­REND AND RIGHT Worshipfull, D. YOVNG, Deane of Winchester.

Right Worshipfull,

THe Lord, who is the God of order, abhor­ring confusi­on, hath by de­grees of light, from time to time manifested that hid trea­sure of his mercy, and our com­fort, [Page] fore-shaddowing first by Types, then fore-shewing by Prophecies, and at last point­ing more cleerely and particu­larly at that Lambe of God, by the Baptist his fore-runner. So that each age and manner of Reuelation hath had still the cleerer Demonstration of the Messiah, who was approching: Euen as the earth more and more is illuminate, the neerer the Sunnes arising vpon our Horizon is at hand: like Noah who first opened the window of the Arke wherein he was, then remooued the couering thereof, and at last stept forth himselfe. This is the Ladder [Page] which Iacob saw comming thus downe from Heauen, by the seuerall degrees of cleerer and neerer manifestation; and the Starry fore-guiding light, leading at last to the place where the Babe was, but there standing and vanishing with­out further progresse.

So that it is a maruell how that the Vaile so long should be vpon the eyes of Israel, or the Kall of induration vpon the heart of Iudah; but that euen when hee came, marking euery plain Prophesie, that was fore­told of him, and seeing the ful­filling of the same in his Per­son, they might haue knowne their King.

[Page] Herod conuocates all the Ecclesiasticall sort, and askes where he should be borne; and they answere, At Bethleem: For so it was writtē, there they saw his Humilitie at his first entrance into the world: and why then trusted they not like­wise their owne quotation, and embraced their Lord?

Let them peruse in like ma­ner, the rest of these Prophe­cies that are spoken of him, (ac­cording to the particulars of the Treatise following) and (laying aside their stiffe-nec­kednes, of old vpbraided vn­to them) truely apply, and they shall beforced to come to that [Page] conclusion of Apollos, that it Acts 8. 28. is euident by Scripture, That Iesus is that Christ, all those things spoken of the Messiah, agreeing to him alone, and be­ing applyable to no other be­sides.

The humble abasement of this lowly Lord, comming in the shape of a Seruant, and dy­ing so ignominious a death for mankinde, beeing the cause of this stumbling of theirs, they expecting a worldly glorious King, and a corporall Deliue­rance. Therefore Isaiah, fore­seeing their incredulity for this cause, cryes out, Who will Isaiah 53. beleeue our report? or to [Page] whom is the arme of the Lord reuealed? And holy Si­meon Luke 2. 34. pronounceth him to be appointed for the rising & fall of many in Israel, and for a signe which should bee spoken against; the wise Economie of the Lords grace beeing herein manifested, that by the reiecti­on for a time, the fulnesse of the Gentiles might bee accompli­shed, all men might taste of grace, & the ends of the earth might be his Sonnes possession. psal. 2.

But would they enter within the Vayle, and behold what glo­ry of the Holiest is vnder the base outward couering of the Arke, and by a holy considera­tion [Page] digge within the earth of his humanitie, and they should finde the glorious Pearle and treasure of the incompre­hensible Deity, manifesting it selfe in his life, in matchlesse miracles, possible onely to that nature to performe; so that the simple people are forced to confesse, that none could do such things, except GOD were with him, discouering it selfe also in his death by fearefull wonders: so that the Centuri­on proclaimes, Of a surety he was the Sonne of God: and after his glorious Resurrecti­on and Ascension, notwithstan­ding the mightiest oppositi­on [Page] of the world, and Prince thereof, by strait Lawes, close imprisonments, cruel torments, farre exilements, and sundry sorts of death; yet this cruci­fied Iesus, by a few Fishermen, whom he made Fishers of men, subdued the world in short space to himselfe, making Em­perours to lay downe their crownes at his feet, who was crowned with Thornes, their Scepters to sway to the ad­uancement of his Kingdome, in whose hand a Reed, for a Scepter, was sometimes moc­kingly put; their Empires, O­racles, Idols, and former Hea­thenish worship, like Dagon [Page] falne before the Arke, lying ouerthrowne, striken dumbe, broken in pieces, and (as Sise­ra before Iael) prostrate at the foot of his Crosse, by igno­rance (as the world accounted) subduing learning, by simplici­tie, wisedome; by humilitie, pride; by weakenesse, power, by meeknesse, cruelty; by suffe­ring, obtaining victory; and by shame, attaining to glory, the most glorious and most mighty Kingdomes which wee see, beeing but small pieces of their Conquests, and Monu­ments of their Trophe.

What a death then is this, that hath done such things [...] [Page] all the liuing could not doe? What matchlesse power is this that hath wrought such incre­dible things by weaknesse, by contempt, by the folly of prea­ching? What base meanes is this to bring down highest▪ Po­wers, Principalities, Thrones and Dominions? And how comes it to passe, that these con­querors at last glorie to dye for him, who dyed such a cur­sed, and shamefull death, but that they know hee liueth and reigneth for euer? and thereby they (hauing liued heere by grace in him, and dyed wit­nessing for him) should bee brought to liue and reigne in [Page] glory eternally with him?

But our hope (according to the promise) is, that the Vaile at last will be taken from their eyes, and Iapheth and Sem shall be found in one Tent: the Lord will powre wpon the House of Dauid, and vpon Zech. 12. 10. the Inhabitants of Ierusalem, the Spirit of grace and of com­passion, and they shall looke on him whom they haue pearced.

These paines, Sir, that I haue taken herein, I haue de­dicate to your Name, as a te­stimony of my more then de­serued duty and affection to you, which I shall thinke my selfe euer bound to owe, [Page] for your manifold courtesies, whereof at your last being in your owne natiue Countrey, I had sufficient proofe; espe­cially, not onely in that ac­cesse of LEVI to his Sa­cred MAIESTIE, by your meanes, and your vnmerited speeches there-anent: but likewise in that Royall gra­cing of the same which there­after ensued, and of the Au­thor (though vnworthy) thereof. The experience there­fore of your modest, humane, and most gentle inclination, assures mee at this time, of your owne courteous and kind acceptation of this harmoni­call [Page] consent, (in making the Old Testament (as it were) by the hand to leade in the New; and the Trumpet of the Prophets to sound the newes of the Gospell) without the needing many (if any) words, earnestly to sute the same. Re­ceiue therefore, Sir, from an affectionate heart, and duti­full hand, this small Pledge of gratitude and remembrance, and what weakenesse or defect is therein, let your better a­bility and learned Iudgement couer, support, and supply the same. Whereunto remitting and recommending it: Be­seeching God to multiply vpon [Page] you the growth of his grace, and sensible blessing, and that with our Master Iesus, you may dayly grow more & more in fauour both with God and Man.

Your Worships in all sincere and dutifull affection in the Lord, WILLIAM GVILD.


1. His Fore-runner, the BAPTIST.

BEHOLD, I will send my Messen­ger, Malachy 3. 1. and he shall prepare the way before me, &c.

A Voice cryeth Isaiah 40. 3. in the Wildernesse, Prepare you the way of the Lord, make strait in the desart a path for our God.

Euery valley shall be exalted, Verse 4. [Page 2] and euery Mountaine shall bee made low, and the crooked shall be streight, and the rough places plaine.

And the glory of the Lord shal be reuealed, and all flesh shal Verse 5. see it together: for the mouth of the Lord hath spoken it.

And thou, Babe, shalt be called Zacharias, Luke 1. 76. the Prophet of the most High: for thou shalt goe before the face of the Lord, to prepare his wayes,

And to giue knowledge of Saluation vnto his people, by the Verse 77. remission of their sinnes:

Through the tender mercy of Verse 78. our God, whereby the day-spring from on high hath visited vs.

To giue light to them that sit in darknes, & in the shaddow of Verse 79. death: and to guide our feet into the way of peace.

Behold, I will send you Eliah Malachy 4. 5. the Prophet, before the com­ming [Page 3] of the great and fearefull Day of the Lord,

And he shall turne the heart of Verse 6. the Fathers to the Children, and the heart of the children to their fathers: lest I come and smite the earth with cursing.

And if ye will receiue it, Iohn Math. 11. 14. is that Elias (saith Christ) which was to come.

2. His owne comming or Birth.

THere shall come a Starre of Balaam, Numb. 24. 1 [...] Iacob: and a Scepter shall a­rise of Israel, that shall smite the coasts of Moab, and destroy the sonnes of Sheth.

O Zion, that bringest good ti­dings, [...] 41 9. get thee vp into the high Mountaines: O Ierusalem, that bringest good tidings, lift vp thy voice with strength, lift it vp, be not afraid; Say to the Cities [Page 4] of Iudah, Behold your GOD.

Behold, the Lord God will Verse 10. come with power, and his arme shall rule for him: Behold, his re­ward is with him, and his worke is before him.

Therefore thus saith the Lord Chap. 28. 16. God; Behold, I will lay in Sion a Stone, a tryed Stone, a precious Corner Stone, a sure foundation, he that beleeueth, shall not make haste.

For vnto Vs a Child is Borne, and vnto Vs a Sonne is Giuen, Chap. 9. 6. and the gouernment is vpon his shoulder: and hee shall call his Name Wonderfull, Counsellor, the Mighty God, the Euerlasting Father, the Prince of Peace, the increase of his gouernment and peace shall haue no end.

I will giue vnto Ierusalem one Chap. 41. 27. that shall bring good tidings vn­to it.

[Page 5] And their noble Ruler shall be Ierem. 30. 21. of themselues, and their Gouer­nour shal proceed from the midst of them: and I will cause him to draw neere & approch vnto mee. For who is this that directeth his heart to come vnto me (saith the Lord?)

In those dayes, and at that time, Chap. 33. 15. will I cause the Branch of Righ­teousnes to grow vp vnto Dauid: and he shall execute Iudgement and Righteousnes in the Land.

Behold I will bring forth the Zech. 3. 8. Branch my Seruant.

For loe, the Stone that I haue Verse 9. laid before Iehoshua, vpon that one Stone there shall bee seuen eyes: Behold, I will cut out the grauing thereof, saith the Lord of Hosts: and I will take away the iniquitie of the Land in one day.

In that day there shall bee a Chap. 13. [...] fountaine opened to the House [Page 6] of Dauid, and to the Inhabitants of Ierusalem, for sinne and for vn­cleannesse.

And the Lord whom ye seeke, Malac. 3. 1. shall speedily come to his Tem­ple; euen the Messenger of the Couenant whom ye desire: Be­hold, he shall come, saith the Lord of Hosts.

But who may abide the day of Verse 2. his comming? and who shall en­dure when he appeareth? For he is like a purging fire, and like Ful­lers Sope.

And hee shall sit downe to try Verse 3. and fine the siluer: hee shall euen fine the sonnes of Leui, and puri­fie them as gold and siluer, that they may bring offrings vnto the Lord in righteousnesse.

And the Redeemer shall come Isaiah 59. 20. vnto Zion; and vnto them that turne from Iniquitie in Iacob, saith the Lord.

3. The time of his comming, or Birth.

THe Scepter shall not depart Iacob, Gen. 49. 10. from Iudah, nor a Law-giuer from betweene his feete, vntill Shiloh come: and the people shall be gathered vnto him.

Now assemble thy Garrisons, Mica [...] 5. 1. O Daughter of Garrisons (Ierusa­lem) he hath laid siege against vs: they shall smite the Iudge of Is­rael with a Rod vpon the cheeke.

And thou Bethleem Ephrathah, Verse 2. &c. out of thee shall hee (then) come forth vnto me, that shall be the Ruler in Israel.

And there shall bee a day (it is See Zac [...]rie 14. 7▪ 8. knowne to the Lord) neither day nor night, but about the euening time it shall be light: (that is, there shal be a gloomy time of trouble and subiection: in the end where­of [Page 8] God shall send spirituall com­fort to the Iewes.)

And in that day shall there wa­ters Verse 8. of Life goe out from Ierusa­lem, halfe of them toward the East Sea, and halfe of them toward the vttermost Sea, and shall bee both in Summer and Winter.

Seuenty Weeks (which was Dan. 9. 24. 490. yeeres till Christs comming) are determined vpon thy People, and vpon the holy Citie, to finish the wickednesse, and to seale vp the sinnes, and to reueile the ini­quitie, and to bring in euerlasting righteousnesse, and to seale vp the Vision and Prophesie, and to anoint the most Holy.

Know therefore and vnder­stand, Vers [...] 25. that from the going forth of the commandement to bring againe the people, and to build Ierusalem, vnto Messiah the Prince, shall be seuen weekes, and three­score [Page 9] and two weekes, and the street shal be built againe, and the wall in a troublesome time.

See the Marginall note of the Bible, which explaines this count.

4. The place of his Birth, and of what Tribe he should be of.

AND thou, Bethleem-Ephra­thah, Micah 5. [...]. art little to bee amongst the thousands of Iudah: yet out of thee shall he come forth vnto mee, that shall bee the Ruler in Israel, whose goings foorth haue beene from the beginning, and from euerlasting.

And he shall stand, and feed in Verse 4. the strength of the Lord, and in the Maiesty of the Name of the Lord his God, & they shall dwell still: for now shall he be magni­fied vnto the ends of the world: And he shall be our peace.


8. Hee is carried to Egypt after his Birth, that it might bee fulfilled,

OVt of Egypt haue I called Hos. 11. 1. my Sonne.

9. A great slaughter of the Bethlee­mite children ensueth there­after; whereby this Prophesie was fulfilled,

IN Rhama was a voice heard, Ier. 31. 15. mourning and weeping, and great howling; Rachel weeping for her children, and would not be comforted, because they were not.

10. After his returne, he is brought and abides in Nazareth: that it might be fulfilled which was spoken by the Prophets, Iudges 13. 5. Being typed there, by Samson. Math. 2. 23.

THat hee should bee called a Nazarite.

11. He should be God.

OZion, that bringest good ti­dings, Isai. 40. 9. &c. say to the Cities of Iudah, Behold your God.

For vnto vs a Child is borne, Chap. 9. 6. and vnto vs a Sonne is giuen, and his Gouernment is vpon his shoulder: and hee shall call his Name, Wonderfull, Counsellor, The mighty God, &c.

Say to them that are fearefull, Chap. 35. 4. Be strong, feare not, behold, your God commeth with vengeance; euen God with a recompence, he will come and saue you.

Then shall the eyes of the blind Verse 5. be lightened, and the eares of the deafe be opened.

And in that day shall men say, Chap. 25. 9. Loe, this is our God; wee haue waited for him, and hee will saue vs.

12. He should be Man.

THe [Seed] of the Woman Gen. 3. 15. shall bruise downe the head of the Serpent.

In thee, and in [thy Seed] shall Chap. 12. 3. 26. 4. 28. 4. all the Families of the earth bee blessed.

I will raise them vp a Prophet Deut. 18. 18. from amongst their Brethren [like vnto thee] and will put my words in his mouth, and hee shall speake vnto them all that I com­mand him: and whosoeuer will not hearken to my words, which he shall speake in my name, I will require it of him.

And their noble Ruler shall Ier. 30. 21. bee of themselues, and their Go­uernour shall proceed from the midst of them.

He is a Man, full of sorrowes, Isaiah 53. 3. & hath experience of infirmities.

13. Hee should be both, vnited in one Person.

ANd they shall call his name Isaith 7. 14. Immanuel: which is by Inter­pretation, God with vs.

14. The Spirit of God should rest vpon him: as was visibly seene in his Baptisme.

BEhold, my Seruant, I will Isaiah 42. 1. stay vpon him [mine Elect, in whom my soule delighteth] I haue put my Spirit vpon him, he shall bring forth Iudgement to the Gentiles.

And the Spirit of the Lord shall rest vpon him: the Spirit Chap. 11. 2. of wisedome and vnderstanding: the Spirit of counsell & strength: the Spirit of knowledge, and of the feare of the Lord:

And shall make him prudent Verse 3. [Page 16] in the feare of the Lord: for hee shall not iudge after the sight of his eyes; neither reproue by the hearing of his eares.

But with righteousnesse shall he Verse. 4. iudge the poore, and with equity shall he reproue for the meeke of the earth: and he shall smite the earth with the rod of his mouth, and with the breath of his lips shall he slay the wicked.

And iustice shall be the girdle Verse 5. of his loynes, and faithfulnesse the girdle of his reynes.

15. His name should bee IESVS CHRIST, or a Sauior anoin­ted by God: and to what end his comming and anointing should be.

ANd thou shalt know, that I Isaiah 60. 16. & 45. 21. the Lord am thy Sauiour, and they Redeemer, the mighty one of Iacob.

[Page 17] I, euen I am the Lord, and be­sides Chap. 43. 11. me there is no other Sauiour.

The Spirit of the Lord is vp­on Chap. 61. 1. mee; therefore hath the Lord anointed me: hee hath sent mee to preach good tidings to the poore, to binde vp the broken­hearted, to preach libertie to the captiues, and to them that are bound, the opening of the prison.

To preach the acceptable yeere Verse 2. of the Lord, and the day of ven­geance of our God, to comfort all that mourne.

To appoint vnto them that Verse 3. mourne in Zion, and to giue vn­to them beauty for ashes, the oyle of ioy for mourning; the garment of gladnes, for the spirit of hea­uinesse; that they might be called The trees of righteousnes, The planting of the Lord, that hee might be glorified.

I the Lord haue called thee in Chap. 42. 6. [Page 18] righteousnesse, and will hold thy hand, and I will keepe thee, and giue thee for a Couenant of the people, and for a light of the Gentiles.

That thou maist open the eyes Verse 7. of the blinde, and bring out the prisoners from the prison: and them that sit in darknes, out of the prison house.

The Kings of the earth band Psal. 2. 2. themselues, and the Princes are assembled together, against the Lord, and against his Christ.

Thou louest righteousnesse, and Psal. 45. 7. hatest wickednesse: because God, euen thy God hath anointed thee with the oyle of gladnes aboue thy fellowes.

Then the Angell said vnto her; Luke 1 30. Feare not, Mary, for thou hast found fauour with God. For loe, thou shalt conceiue in thy womb, and beare a Son, and shalt call his See [...]dras 7. 2 [...]. 29. name Iesus.

16. His Kingly Office, and admi­nistration thereof.

HE shall sit vpon the Throne Isaiah 9. 7. of Dauid, and vpon his King­dome to order it: and to stablish it with iudgment & with Iustice. iustice, from henceforth, euen for euer: The zeale of the Lord of Hosts will performe this.

With righteousnes shall hee Chap. 11. 4. iudge the poore, and with equity shall he reproue for the meeke of the earth: and Power. he shall smite the earth with the rod of his mouth, and with the breath of his lips shall he slay the wicked.

And Iustice shall be the girdle Verse 5. of his loynes, and faithfulnesse the girdle of his reines.

The Peace, o [...] meekenes. Wolfe also shall dwell Verse 6. with the Lambe, and the Leo­pard shall lye with the Kid; and [Page 20] the Calfe, and the Lyon and the fat Beast together; and a little child shall leade them, &c.

Then shall none hurt nor de­stroy Verse 9. in all the Mountaine of my Holinesse. For Plenty. the earth shall bee full of the knowledge of the Lord, as the waters that couer the Sea.

Behold, the dayes come (saith Iere [...] 23. 5. the Lord) that I will raise vnto Dauid a righteous Branch: and a King shall reigne, and prosper, and shall execute Iudgement and iustice in the earth.

In his dayes Iudah shall be Grace. sa­ued, Verse 6. and Israel shall dwell Tranquilli­rie and safe­ly: and this is the name whereby they shall call him; The Lord our Righteous­nes. Righteousnes.

He shall be great, and he shal be called, The Sonne of the most High: Luke 1. 32. and the Lord shall giue vnto him the Throne of his father Dauid.

[Page 21] And he shall reigne ouer the Verse 33. House of Iacob for euer, and of his Kingdome shall be none end.

For, behold, I gaue him for a Isaiah 55. 4. witnesse (saith the Lord) to the people: for a Prince, and a Master vnto the people.

17. His Priestly Office. What sacri­fice hee should offer; and for whom he should pray.

YEt the Lord would breake Isaiah 53. 10. him, and make him subiect to infirmities.

When hee shall make His Obl [...] ­tion. his Soule an offering for sinne, hee shall see his seed, and prolong his dayes: and the will of the Lord shall prosper in his hand.

Therefore will I giue him a Verse 12. portion with the great, and hee shall diuide the spoile with the strong, because hee hath powred [Page 22] out his soule vnto death: and hee was counted with the Transgres­sors, and bare the sinnes of many; and His Interces­sion. prayed for the trespassers.

18. His Propheticall Office, and Pa­stor all function, abrogating ig­norance, & restoring light, &c.

HEe hath sent mee to preach Isaiah 61. 1. good tidings vnto the poore, to binde vp the broken-hearted, to preach libertie to the captiues; and to them that are bound, the opening of the prison.

To preach the acceptable yeere Verse 2. of the Lord, and the day of ven­geance of our God, to comfort all that mourne.

Then shall the eyes of the blind Chap. 35. 5. be lightened, and the eares of the deafe be opened.

And hee will destroy in his Chap. 25. 7. Mountaine, the couering, that [Page 23] couereth all people: and the vaile that is spred vpon all Nations.

Moreouer the light of the Chap. 30. 26. Moone shall bee as the light of the Sunne; and the light of the Sunne shalbe seuen-fold, and like the light of seuen dayes, in the day that the Lord shall binde vp the breach of his people, and heale the stroke of their wound.

The Lord thy God (saith Moses Deut. 18. 15. to Israel) will raise vp vnto thee a Prophet like vnto mee, from a­mong yee, euen of thy Brethren, vnto him ye shall hearken.

He shall seed his Flocke like a Isaiah 40. 11. Shepheard, hee shall gather the Lambs with his arme, and carry them in his bosome, and shall guide them with yong.

And I will set vp a Shepheard Ezek. 34. 23. ouer them, and he shal feed them, euen my Seruant Dauid (meaning Christ, of whom Dauid was a Fi­gure) Ho [...] [...]. 5. [Page 24] he shall feed them, and he shall be their Shepheard.

Thus saith the Lord, In an ac­ceptable Isai [...]h 49. 8. time haue I heard thee, and in a day of Saluation haue I helped thee: and I will preserue thee, and giue thee for a Coue­nant of the people, that thou maist raise vp the earth, and ob­taine the inheritance of the deso­late heritages.

That thou mayst say to the pri­soners, Verse 9. Goe forth, and to them that are in darknesse, Shew your selues: they shall feede in the wayes, and their pastures shall be in all the tops of the Hils.

They shall not be hungry, nei­ther shall they be thirstie, neither Verse 10. shall the heat smite them, nor the Sun: for he that hath compassion on them, shall leade them, euen to the springs of waters shall hee driue them.

19. He should be the naturall Sonne of God: and therefore n [...]t begot­ten by man, but conceiued of the holy Ghost.

I Will declare the Decree: that is, the Lord hath said vnto me, Psal. 2. 7. Thou art my Sonne, this day, I haue begotten thee.

Kisse the Sonne, lest he be angry, Verse 12. and ye perish in the way, when his wrath shall suddenly burne: blessed are all that trust in him.

Thou beheldest, till a stone was Dan. 2. 34. cut off the Mountaine, without hands, which smote the Image vpon his feet.

And whosoeuer shall fall on Isai. 8. 14. cited Math. 21 44. this stone, he shall be broken: but on whomsoeuer it shall fall, it will dash him in pieces.

For loe, the stone that I haue Zech. 3. 9. laid before Iehoshua: vpon that [Page 26] one stone there shall bee seuen eyes; Behold, I will cut out the grauing thereof, saith the Lord of Hosts.

And the Angell answered, and Luke 1. 35. said vnto her, The Holy Ghost shall come vpon thee, & the pow­er of the most High shall ouer­shaddow thee. Therfore also that Holy thing which shall be borne of thee, shall be called the Sonne See Heb. 10. 5. cited out of Psal. 40. 7. of God.

20. His low abasement vpon earth.

I Am a Worme: and not a Man: a shame of men, and the con­tempt Psal. 22. 6. of the people.

But hee shall grow vp before him as a Branch, and as a Roote Is [...]h 53. 2. out of a dry ground: he hath nei­ther forme nor beauty: when wee shall see him, there shall bee no [Page 27] forme that we should desire him.

He is despised and reiected of Verse 3. men, he is a man ful of sorrowes, and hath experience of infirmi­ties, wee hid as it were our faces from him: he was despised, and we esteemed him not.

21. His perfect obedience vnto the Father.

THe Lord God hath opened Isaiah 50. 5. my eare, and I was not rebel­lious, neither turned I backe.

Then said I, Loe, I come: for Psal. 40. 7. in the Roll of the Booke it is writ­ten of me.

I desired to doe thy good will, Verse 8. O my God: yea thy Law is with­in my heart.

I haue declared thy righteous­nesse in the great Congregation: Verse 9. Loe, I will not refraine my lips, O Lord, thou knowest, &c.

[Page 28] Because I kept the wayes of the Psal. 18. 21. Lord, and did not wickedly a­gainst my God.

For all his lawes were before me: and I did not cast away his Vers [...] 22. commandements.

I was vpright also with him: Verse 23. and haue kept mee from wicked­nesse.

Therefore the Lord rewarded Verse 24. me according to my righteous­nesse, and according to the pure­nesse of my hands in his sight.

Thou louest righteousnesse, and Psal. 45. 7. hatest wickednesse: because God, euen thy GOD, hath anointed thee with the oyle of gladnes a­boue thy fellowes.

22. His meeknesse and mercy to­wards man.

A Bruised Reed hee shall not Isaiah 42. 3. breake, and the smoking Flax [Page 29] shall hee no [...] quench: hee shall bring forth iudgement in truth.

23. His humble behauiour, and ri­ding to Ierusalem on an Asse-Colt, Math. 21.

HEe shall not cry, nor lift vp, Isaiah 42 2. nor cause his voice to bee heard in the street.

Reioyce greatly, O Daughter Ze [...]. 9. 9. Zion: Shout for ioy, O Daughter Ierusalem: Behold, thy King com­meth vnto thee: he is iust, and sa­ued himselfe: poore, and riding vpon an Asse, and vpon a Colt, the Foale of an Asse.

24. His zealous purging of the Temple.

FOr the zeale of thine House Psal. 69. 9. hath eaten mee: and the re­bukes of them, that rebuked thee, are falne vpon mee.

25. The children cry in the Temple, Hosanna, to the Sonne of Da­uid, as it is written.

BY the mouthes of Babes and sucklings, thou hast made per­fect P [...]l 8. 2. thy praise.

26. The time of his suffering.

ANd after threescore and two [...]. 9. 26. weekes, (which is 439. yeeres after the building of the Temple, at the commandement of Darius) shall Messiah bee slaine, and shall haue nothing, &c.

And he shall confirme the Co­uenant [...] 27. with many for one weeke: (till that eternall Sabbath) and in the middest of the weeks (that is, after three yeeres preaching, or thereabout,) he shall cause the sa­crifice and the oblation to cease, [Page 31] (Christ accomplishing and abro­gating the same by his Deat [...] and 2. [...]sdr. 7. 28. Passion) &c.

27. His betrayer, Iudas a Disciple.

YEa my familiar friend, whom Psal. 41. 9. I trusted, which did eate of my bread, hath lifted vp the heele a­gainst me.

Surely mine enemy did not de­fame Psal. 55. 12. me, for I could haue borne it; neither did mine Aduersarie exalt himselfe against mee, for I would haue hid my selfe from him.

But it was thou, O man, euen Verse 13. my companion, my guide, and my familiar,

Which delighted in consulting Vers [...] 14. together, & went into the House of God as companions.

And haue rewarded mee euill Psal. 109. 5. for good: and hatred for my friendship.

[Page 32] Set thou the wicked therefore Verse 6. ouer him: and let the Aduersarie stand at his right hand: When he Verse 7. shall be iudged, let him bee con­demned, and let his prayer bee turned into sinne.

Let his dayes bee few: and let Verse 8. another take his charge.

28. His exercise in the Garden, be­fore hee was betrayed, and what he suffered there.

FOr my friendship, they were Psal. 109. 4. my Aduersaries: but I gaue my selfe to Prayer.

From aboue hee sent fire into Lament. 1. 13. my bones.

Mine eyes do faile with teares: Ch [...]p. 2. 11. my bowels swell: my Liuer is powred vpon the earth, &c.

Behold, O Lord, how I am troubled: my bowels swell, my heart is turned within mee, for I am full of heauinesse.

[Page 33] I am like water powred out, and Psal. 22. 14. all my bones are out of ioynt: my heart is like Waxe, it is molten in the midst of my bowels.

29. The price for which he was sold, and how it was bestowed.

SO they weighed for my wages Z [...]h. 11. 12. (or price) thirty pieces of siluer. And the Lord said vnto mee, Verse 13. Cast it vnto the Potter: a goodly price, that I was valued at of them. And I tooke the thirty pie­ces of siluer, and cast them to the Potter in the House of the Lord.

30. The scattering of his Disciples when he was betrayed, and ta­ken, Math. 26.

ARise, O Sword, vpon my Zech. 13. 7. Shepheard, and vpon the man that is my fellow, saith the [Page 34] Lord of Hosts: Smite the Shep­heard, and the Sheepe shall bee scattered.

31. His preceding sufferings, before his crucifying, in Sco [...]rging, Buffeting, Spetting, &c.

I Gaue my back vnto the smi­ters, Isaiah 50. 6. and my cheekes to the nippers: I hid not my face from shame and spetting.

As many were astonied at thee Chap. 52. 14. (his visage was so deformed of men, and his forme of the sonnes of men) so shall he sprinkle many Nations.

32. How his garments should bee parted.

THey parted my garments a­mongst Psal. 22. 18. them, and did cast Lots vpon my Vesture.

33. How hee should bee nayled on a Crosse.

THey pearced my hands and Psal. 22. 16. my feete.

And in that he was to redeeme Gal. 3. 13. vs from the curse of the Law, be­ing made a curse for vs: it behoo­ued so to be, as it is written,

Cursed is euery one that hang­eth Deut. 21. 23. on a Tree.

34. That hee should be crucified be­tweene Malefactors.

ANd hee was counted with Isaiah 53. 12. the Transgressors.

35. How hee should bee mocked and taunted, both in words and gesture.

ALl they that see me, haue me Psal. 22. 7. in derision: they make a mow, and nod the head, saying,

[Page 36] He trusted in the Lord, let him Verse 8. deliuer him: let him saue him, see­ing he loueth him.

I became also a rebuke vnto Psal. 109. 25. them: they that looked vpon me, shaked their heads.

I was a derision to all my peo­ple, Lam. 3. 14. and their song all the day.

36. What drinke he should get vpon the Crosse.

FOr they gaue mee Gall in my Psal. 69. 21. meate, and in my thirst they gaue me Vineger to drinke.

37. How hee should bee forsaken of all.

REbuke hath broken my heart, Psal. 69. 20. and I am full of heauinesse: and I looked for some to haue pi­tie on me, but there was none: and for comforters, but I found none.

[Page 37] For these things I weepe, mine Lam. 1. 16. eye, euen mine eye casts out wa­ter: because the Comforter that should refresh my soule is farre from mee: and my children are desolate, because the enemy hath preuailed.

38. The last words that hee should vse.

COmplaining. My God, my Psal. 22. 1. God, why hast thou forsa­ken me?

Interceding. And he prayed for Isaiah 53. 12. the trespassers.

Recommending. Into thy hand, Psal. 31. 5. O Lord, I recommend my Spirit.

39. His patience that he should haue in all his sufferings.

HE was oppressed, and hee Isaiah 53. 7. was afflicted, yet did he not open his mouth: Hee is brought [Page 38] as a Sheepe to the slaughter, and as a Sheepe before her shearer is dumbe, so hee opened not his mouth.

Thus am I, as a man that heares Psal. 38. 13, 14. not: and in whose mouth are no reproofes.

For on thee, O Lord, doe I wait: thou wilt heare mee, my Verse 15. Lord, my God.

40. For whom hee should suffer all these things, and his owne in­nocencie therein.

BVt hee was wounded for our Isaiah 53. 5. transgressions, he was broken for our iniquities: the chastise­ment of our peace was vpon him, and with his stripes wee are healed.

All wee like sheepe haue gone Verse 6. astray: wee haue turned euery one to his owne way, and the [Page 39] Lord hath laid vpon him the ini­quitie of vs all.

And hee made his graue with Verse 9. the wicked, and with the rich in his death, though hee had done no wickednesse, neither was any deceit in his mouth.

41. His legges were not broken, as the others were that were cruci­fied with him, as was foretold.

NOt a Bone of him shall bee broken. Exod. 12. 46.

42. His side was pearced with a Speare, that the Scripture might be fulfilled.

ANd I will powre vpon the Zec. 12. 10. house of Dauid, and vpon the inhabitants of Ierusalem, the spi­rit of grace and of compassion, and they shall looke vpon mee whom they haue pearced.

43. His Buriall.

ANd hee made his graue with Isaiah 53. 9. the wicked, and with the rich in his death.

44. His Resurrection.

VVHerefore mine heart is Psal. 16. 9. glad, and my tongue re­ioyceth: my flesh also doth rest in hope.

For thou wilt not leaue my Verse 10. soule in the graue; neither vvilt thou suffer thy Holy One to see corruption.

Thou wilt shew mee the path of life: in thy presence is the ful­nesse Verse 11. of ioy, and at thy right hand are pleasures for euermore.

45. His victory ouer Satan, Death, the Graue, and all our enemies.

THe [Seed] of the Woman Gen. 3. 15. shall bruise downe the head of the Serpent.

And hee will destroy in his Isaiah 25. 7. Mountaine, the couering, that couereth all people: and the vaile that is spred vpon all Nations.

He will destroy death for euer, Verse 8. and the Lord God will wipe away the teares from all faces, and the rebuke of his people will hee take away, out of all the earth: For the Lord hath spoken it.

And in that day shall men say, Uerse 9. Loe, this is our God, wee haue waited vpon him, and hee will saue vs: This is the Lord: we haue waited for him, we will re­ioyce, and bee ioyfull in his sal­uation.

[Page 42] I will redeeme them from the Hos. 13. 14. power of the graue: I will deliuer them from death: O death, I will be thy death: O graue, I will bee thy destruction: repentance is hid vp from my eyes.

46. His Ascension, or exaltation, and sitting at the right hand of the Father.

THou art gone vp on high, Psal. 68. 18. thou hast led captiuitie cap­tiue, and receiued gifts for men: yea euen the rebellious hast thou led, that the Lord God might dwell there.

The Stone which the builders Psal. 118. 22. refused, is made the Head of the corner.

This was the Lords doing, and Verse [...] 23. it is maruellous in our eyes.

The Lord said to my Lord, Psal. 110. 1. Sit at my right hand, vntill that [Page 43] I make thine enemies thy foot­stoole.

47. The destruction of Ierusalem, that should shortly ensue after the death of the Messiah and his ascension, by Titus, the sonne of Vespasian.

ANd after, the Messiah shall be slaine, the people of the Dan. 9 26. Prince that shall come, shall de­stroy the Citie and the Sanctuary, and the end thereof shall be with a floud, and vnto the end of the battell it shall be destroyed by de­solations.

And for the ouerspreading of Verse [...]. the abominations, hee shall make it desolate, euen vntill the con­summation determined shall bee powred vpon the desolate.

48. Whereby? How? And who are saued by him?

ANd with his stripes wee are Isaiah 53. 5. healed.

And, as many were astonied at Chap. 52. 14. thee (his visage was so deformed of men, & his forme of the sonnes of men) so shall he sprinkle many Nations.

Thou also shalt be saued through Zech. 9. 11. the bloud of the Couenant.

By the knowledge of himselfe Isaiah 53. 11. shall my righteous seruant iustifie many: for he shall beare their ini­quities.

Looke vnto mee, and ye shall be Chap. 45. 22. saued, all the ends of the earth shal be saued: for I am God, and there is no other.

And the Redeemer shall come Chap. 59. 20. vnto Zion, and vnto them that turne from iniquitie in Iacob, saith the Lord.

49. The Calling of the Gentiles, and largenesse of his Dominion ther­by, (with the perpetuitie there­of) according to Noahs wish, Gen. 9 27. and the Promise made to A­braham. Gen. 12. 3.

ASke of mee, and I shall giue Psal. 2. 8. thee the Heathen for thine inheritance, and the ends of the earth for thy possession.

His Dominion also shall bee Psal. 72. 8. from Sea to Sea, and from the Riuer vnto the ends of the Land.

They that dwell in the Wil­dernesse, Verse 9. shall kneele before him: and his enemies shall licke the dust, &c.

Yea, all Kings shall worship him: Verse 11. and all Nations shal serue him.

I will giue thee for a Couenant Isai. 42. 6. of the people, and for a light of the Gentiles.

[Page 46] And in that day the Root of I­shai, Chap. 11. 10. which shall stand vp as a signe vnto the people: the Nations shal seeke vnto it, and his rest shall bee glorious.

I will also giue thee for a light Chap. 49. 6. to the Gentiles, that thou mayst be my saluation, to the end of the world.

Thus saith the Lord God, Be­hold, Verse 22. I will lift vp my hand to the Gentiles, and set vp my Standard to the people: and they shal bring thy sonnes in their armes: and thy daughters shall bee carried vpon their shoulders.

And Kings shall be thy nursing Fathers, and Queenes shall be thy Verse 23. nurses: and they shall worship thee with their faces towards the earth, &c.

Therefore thy gates shall bee Chap. 60. 11. open continually, neither day nor night shall they be shut, that [Page 47] men may bring vnto thee the riches of the Gentiles, and that their Kings may be brought.

Behold, thou shalt call a Nation Chap. 55. 5. that thou knowest not, and a Na­tion that knew not thee, shall run vnto thee, because of the Lord thy God, and the Holy One of Israel, for he hath glorified thee.

I haue beene sought of them that asked not: I was found of Chap. 65. 1. them that sought mee not: I said, Behold me, behold me, vnto a Na­tion that called not vpon my Name.

And the Kingdome, and the Dan. 7. 27. dominion of the greatnesse of the Kingdome vnder the whole Hea­uen, shall bee giuen to the holy people of the most High, whose Kingdome is an euerlasting King­dome, and all Powers shall serue and obey him.

And in the place where it was Hosea 1. 10. [Page 48] said vnto them, Yee are not my people, it shall be said vnto them, Yee are the sonnes of the liuing God.

But in the last dayes it shall Micah 4. 1. come to passe, that the mountaine of the House of the Lord shall be See Mal. 1. 10. prepared in the top of the Moun­taines, and it shall bee exalted a­boue the Hils, and people shall flowe vnto it:

Yea many Nations shall come, Verse 2. and say; Come, and let vs goe vp to the Mountaine of the Lord, and to the house of the God of Iacob, and hee will teach vs his wayes, and wee will walke in his paths: for the Law shall goe forth of Zion, and the Word of the Lord from Ierusalem, &c.

Thus saith the Lord of Hosts, Zech. 8. 20. that there shall yet come people, and the inhabitants of great Ci­ties.

[Page 49] And they that dwell in one Ci­tie, Verse 21. shall goe to another, saying, Vp, let vs goe and pray before the Lord, and seek the Lord of Hosts: I will goe also.

Yea great People and mighty Verse 22. Chap. 9. 10. Nations shall come to seeke the Lord of Hosts in Ierusalem, and to pray before the Lord, &c.

And the Lord shal be King ouer Chap. 14. 9. all the earth: in that day shal there be one Lord, and his Name shall be one.

And in these dayes of these Dan. 2. 44. Kings, shall the God of heauen set vp a Kingdome, which shall neuer be destroyed: and this Kingdome shall not be giuen to another peo­ple, but it shall breake and destroy all these Kingdomes, and it shall stand for euer.

Thy Throne, O God, is for euer Psal 45. 6. and euer: the Scepter of thy King­dome is a scepter of righteousnes.

50. The conuersion of the Iewes, and what shall precede the same.

FOr the children of Israel shall Hosea 3. 4. remaine many dayes without a King, and without a Prince, and without an offering, and without an (Meaning an Oracle, deliue­red betweene the Cheru­bims.) Image, & without an Ephod, and without Teraphim.

Afterward shall the children of Israel conuert, and seeke the Lord their God, and Dauid their King, and shall feare the Lord and his goodnes in the latter dayes.

In those dayes, and at that time, Ierem. 50. 4. saith the Lord, the children of Is­rael shall come, they, and the children of Iudah together, going and weeping shall they goe, and seeke the Lord their God.

They shall aske the way to Zi­on, with their faces thitherward, Verse. 5. saying, Come, and let vs cleaue [Page 51] to the Lord in a perpetuall Coue­nant that shall not be forgotten.

Behold, I will bring them from Chap. 31. 8. the North countrey, and gather them frō the coasts of the world, with the blinde and the lame a­mongst them, with the Woman with child, and her that is deliue­red also, a great company shall re­turne hither.

They shall come weeping, and Verse [...]. with mercy will I bring them a­gaine: I will leade them by the Riuers of water in a straight way wherin they shal not stumble: for I am a Father to Israel, & Ephraim is my first-borne.

And I wil powre vpon the house Zech. 12. 10. of Dauid, and vpon the inhabitants of Ierusalem, the Spirit of grace and of compassion; and they shall looke vpon mee whom they haue pearced, and they shall lament for him, as one mourneth for his only [Page 52] sonne, and be sorry for him, as one is sorry for his first-borne.

In that day shal be a great mour­ning Verse 11. in Ierusalem, as the mour­ning of Hadadrimmon in the Val­ley of Megiddon.

Then shall the children of Iu­dah, Hos. 1. 11. and the children of Israel be gathered together, and appoint themselues one Head, and they shall come vp out of the Land: for great is the day of Israel.

At the same day (saith the Lord) Micah 4. 6, 7. will I gather her that halteth, and I will gather her that is cast out, and her that I haue afflicted, &c.

51. The free and plentifull offer of grace to both Iew and Gentile.

IN that day there shal be a foun­taine Zech. 13. 1. opened to the house of Dauid, and to the inhabitants of Ie­rusalem, for sinne, and for vnclean­nesse.

[Page 53] And in that day, shal there waters Chap. 14. 8. of Life goe out from Ierusalem, halfe of them towards the East Sea, and halfe of them towards the vttermost Sea: and shall bee both in Summer and Winter.

Ho, euery one that thirsteth, Isaiah 55. 1. come ye to the waters, and ye that haue no siluer: come, buy & eate, come, I say, buy Wine and Milke without siluer, & without money.

Encline your eares, and come Verse 3. vnto mee: heare, and your soule shall liue, and I will make an euer­lasting Couenant with you, euen the sure mercies of Dauid.

52. The happy estate of the Church vnder Christ Iesus in the latter time.

BVt in the last daies it shal come Micah. 4. 1. to passe, that the Mountaine of the house of the Lord shall be pre­pared in the top of the Moun­taines, [Page 54] and it shal be exalted aboue the Hilles, and people shall flowe vnto it.

Yea, many Nations shall come, and say; Come, and let vs goe vp Verse 2. to the Mountain of the Lord, and to the house of the God of Iacob, and he will teach vs his wayes, and we will walk in his paths: for the Law shall go forth of Zion, & the Word of the Lord from Ierusalem.

And he shall iudge among ma­ny people, and rebuke mighty Na­tions Verse 3. afarre off, & they shal breake their swords into Mattocks, and their Speares into Sithes: Nation shall not lift vp a sword against Nation, neither shall they learne to fight any more.

But they shall sit euery man vn­der Verse 4. his Vine, and vnder his Figge­tree, and none shall make them a­fraid: for the mouth of the Lord of Hosts hath spoken it.

[Page 55] At the same day (saith the Lord) Verse 6. will I gather her that halteth, and I will gather her that is cast out, and her that I haue afflicted.

And I will make her that halted Verse [...]. a remnant; and her that was cast farre off, a mighty Nation; and the Lord shall reigne ouer them in Mount Zion, from henceforth, euen for euer.

And I will reioyce in Ierusalem, Isaiah 65. 19. and ioy in my people, & the voice of weeping shal be no more heard in her, nor the voice of crying.

There shall be no more there a Verse 20. child of yeeres, nor an old man that hath not filled his dayes; for he that shal be an hundreth yeeres old, shall [...]dye as a yong man: but the sinner beeing an hundreth yeeres old, shall be accursed.

And they shall build houses, and Verse 21. inhabite them, and plant Vine­yards, and eate the fruit of them.

[Page 56] They shall not labour in vaine, Verse 25. nor bring forth in feare: for they are the Seed of the blessed of the Lord, and their buds with them.

Yea before they call, I will an­swere; Verse 24. and whiles they speake, I will heare.

The Wolfe and the Lamb shall Verse 25. feed together, and the Lyon shall eate straw like the Bullock: and to the Serpent dust shall be his meat. They shall no more hurt nor de­stroy in all my holy Mountaine.

Looke vpon Zion, the Citie of Chap. 33. 20. our solemne Feasts: thine eyes shall see Ierusalem a quiet habita­tion, a Tabernacle that cannot be remooued, and the stakes thereof can neuer be taken away, neither shall any of the cords thereof bee broken.

For there the mighty Lord will Verse 21. bee vnto vs, as a place of Flouds and broad Riuers: whereby shall [Page 57] passe no Ship with Oares, neither shall a great Ship passe thereby.

For the Lord is our iudge, the Verse 22. Lord is our Lawgiuer, the Lord is our King, he will saue vs.

Behold, a King shall reigne in Chap. 32. 1. Iustice, and the Princes shall rule in Iudgement.

And that man shall bee as a hi­ding place from the winde, and as Verse 2. a refuge for the tempest: as Riuers of water in a dry place, and as the shaddow of a great Rocke in a weary Land.

The eyes of the seeing shall not Verse 3. be shut; and the eares of them that heare, shall hearken.

And the heart of the foolish shal Verse 4. vnderstand knowledge, and the tongue of the stutters shall be rea­die to speake distinctly.

A niggard shall bee no more Verse 5. called liberall, nor the churle rich.

And iudgement shall dwell in Verse 16, [Page 58] the Desart, & iustice shal remaine in the fruitfull field.

And the worke of iustice shall be peace, euen the worke of iustice Verse 17. and quietnesse, and assurance for euer.

And my people shall dwell in the tabernacle of peace, & in sure Verse 18. dwellings, and in safe resting pla­ces, &c.

Hee shall come downe like the raine vpon the mowne grasse: and Psal. 72. 6. as the showres that water the earth.

In his dayes shall the righteous flourish: and aboundance of peace Verse 7. shall be so long as the Moone en­dureth.

His dominion also shal be from Verse 8. Sea to Sea, and from the Riuer, to the ends of the Land.

Yea, all Kings shal worship him: Verse 11. and all Nations shall serue him.

Hee shall bee mercifull to the Verse 13. [Page 59] poore and needy, and shall pre­serue the soules of the poore.

Hee shall redeeme their soules Verse 14. from deceit and violence: and deare shall their bloud be in his sight.

His name shall bee for euer: his Verse 17. name shall endure as long as the Sunne: all Nations shall blesse him, and be blessed in him.

53. His second comming to Iudge­ment, and the Resurrection of all flesh to appeare before him.

FOr I am sure that my Redee­mer Iob 19. 25. liueth, and hee shall stand the last on the earth:

And though after my skinne, Verse 26. wormes destroy this body, yet shal I see God in my flesh.

Whom I my selfe shall see, and Verse 27. mine eyes shall behold, and none other for mee, though my reynes be consumed within me.

[Page 60] Our God shall come, and not keepe silence: a fire shall deuoure Psal. 50. 3. before him, and a mighty tempest shall be moued round about him.

Hee shall call the heauen aboue, Verse 4. and the earth, to iudge his people.

Gather my Saints together vn­to Verse 5. me: those that make a Coue­nant with me, with sacrifice.

And the heauens shall declare his righteousnesse; for God is Verse 6. Iudge himselfe. Selah.

And at that time shall Michael stand vp, the great Prince, which Dan. 12. 1. standeth for the children of thy people, and there shall bee a time of trouble, such as neuer was since there beganne to be a Nation, vn­to that same time: and at that time thy people shall be deliuered, eue­ry one that shall be found written in the Booke.

And many of them that sleepe in the dust of the earth, shall a­wake; Verse [...]. [Page 61] some to euerlasting life, and some to shame and perpetual con­tempt.

And they that bee wise, shall Verse 3. shine as the brightnesse of the fir­mament, and they that turne many to righteousnes, shall shine as the See 2. Esdr. 7. 31. & 14. 35. Starres for euer and euer.


The Thanksgiuing of a Christian Soule for the performance of all these mercifull predictions, and the full accomplishing of that great and glorious worke of our Redemption.

ISAI. 61. 10. & 63. 9.

I Will greatly reioyce in the Lord, and my soule shall bee ioyfull in my God: For hee hath cloathed me with the garments of Saluation, and couered me with the Robe of Righteousnesse; hee hath decked mee like a Bride­groome, [Page 62] and as a Bride tireth her selfe with her Iewels.

In all our troubles he was trou­bled, and the Angell of his pre­sence hath saued vs: in his loue and in his mercy hee hath redee­med vs, and he beares and carries vs alwayes continually.

PSAL. 72. 19. ‘BLessed therefore bee his glori­ous Name for euer, and let all the earth be filled with his glory. So be it, euen, So be it.’


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