The copie of the French Kings priuie Councells Sentence: geuen at Moulyns in Bourbonnois be­twene the Lordes of Guyse, and the Lord Admirall of Fraunce the 29. of Ianuary. 1566.

Translated out of French in­to Englishe, by Iohn de Hennot Normand, at the request of certaine Gen­tlemen.

¶Imprinted at London by Iohn Day, dwelling ouer Aldersgate beneath saint Martins.

The copie of the Kinges priuie Counsailes Sentence geuen at Mou­lyns in Bourbonnois betwene the Lordes of Guyse and the Lord Admirall of Fraunce, the 29. of Ianuarye, 1566. translated out of Frenche into Eng [...]yshe, by Iohn de Hennot Normand at the request of certaine gentlemen.

THe Kinges maiestie calling to his remembrance, diuers supplications presen­ted vnto hym sondrye times (as it appeareth by the date of the sayd supplications) by the Lordes of Guyse and by the Ladies the Duchesses of Guyse, the mother and wife to y e late Duke of Guyse, to be permitted of his sayd maie­stie to sue into the courtes of Parliament a­gainst all those which shall be charged and giltie, of the murther committed on the per­son of the said late Duke of Guyse, & name­ly agaynst the Lord of Chastillon Admirall of Fraunce. And where as the rehearsing and declaring of euery worde of the sayd supplications and euidences should be to te­dious, the translatour hereof vseth asmuch shortnes as may be to let euery man vnder­stand brieflye, how the king spent for both [Page] parties to appeare before his maiestie, at Moulins in Bourbonnois, for to be exami­ned vntill the triall of the truth of the cause should be knowen, to the ende to geue a full sentence as right reason and iustice shall require. Wherupon, the king assisted with y e Queene his mother, and in the presence of the princes of the kynges bloude, Lordes, Knights of hys order, &c. Whose names are vnderwritten.

AFter the declarations of the parties a­boue mentioned haue bene well consi­dered and their causes well examined, the kinges maiestie with the aduise of the princes, Lordes, and of his counsaile, hath declared and pronounced, the Lord of Chastillon Admirall of Fraunce, to be purged, cleare­ly discharged and innocent of the deathe of the late Duke of Guyse and of all charges and thinges that haue bene imputed vnto hym heretofore, or should bee imputed vnto him hereafter, touching the said death: Did likewyse commaunde a perpetuall silence to his generall Attourney and to all other, forbidding aswel y e sayd parties as all other to do hereafter any search or sute one agaīst an other: Be it by the way of lawe or other [Page] wyse, and to all iudges to take any know­ledge of the same: And the sayd soueraigne Lord hath taken the sayd parties in his tui­tion and safegard, and enioyning them to liue louingly vnder hys obedience without some enterpryse of any acte one agaynst an other directlye or indirectlye, Declaring at this present to the said parties, their parents and frendes, or acquaintaunce, which will be disobedient to thys sentence to be giltie of hys maiesties displeasure as breakers of the peace and perturbatours, of the tran­quilitie of the cōmon wealth and their bo­dies and goods confisked, the which (for such offence) he hath aswell at this present as for the tyme to come vnited and incorporated, to the dominion of hys crowne. Also the said soueraigne lord forbiddeth, vnder the paine aboue declared, to all persons of what qua­litie soeuer they be, to disobey to thys pre­sent sentence nor to put any doubt, contro­uersie, and disput to it. And willed the same Sentence to be sent to all hys Courtes of Parliament, &c. for to be red openly and re­gistred to the end no man shoulde be igno­raunt of the same. Geuen in the said Coun­saile, to the which were present my Lorde the kings brother, the Lordes the Cardinall [Page] of Bourbon, Prince of Counde, Duke of Montpensier & Prince Doulphyn, Princes of the Kinges bloud, the Lordes the Dukes of Longueuille, and of Neuers, Peer of Fraunce, the Lord Duke of Montmorency also Péer and Constable of Fraunce, the Lord Chauncellor, the Lords of Vieilleuille and of Bourdillon Mareshals of Fraunce, the Lordes of Moruillier and the byshop of Valence, the Lordes of Crussell and y e Gon­nort knightes of the order, the bishop of Ly­moges, the Lordes of Lanssac of Chaulne and Baron of the Garde also Knightes of the order, Maister Christofle of Thou fyrst President & Peter Seguier also president in the Court of Parliament at Parys, the Lords of Laubespine and of the Cazedieu, all Counsaillors in hys sayd priuie Coun­saile, and maister Baptiste de Mesuill lyke­wyse hys Counsaillor and aduocate in the sayd Court of Parliament. The 29. of Ian­uary. 1566. in the Castell of Moulyns in Bourbonnois and pronounced to the par­ties the last day of the same month.

Signed Bourdin.

If God be on our side, vvho can be agaynst vs.

Rom. 8.

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