Instructions for the Clergie.
1 THat the Lords, the Bishops, giue charge in their Triennall Visitations, and at other conuenient times, both by themselues and the Archdeacons, that the declaration for setling all questions in difference, bee strictly obserued by all parties.
2 That they take great care concerning the Lecturers, in their seuerall Diocesses, for whom we giue these speciall directions following.
1 That in all Parishes, the afternoone Sermons, may bee turned into Catechising by Question and Answere, where and whensoeuer there is not some great cause apparant to breake this ancient and profitable order.
2 That euery Bishop ordaine in his Diocesse, that euery Lecturer doe read Diuine Seruice according to the Liturgie printed by Authority, in his Surplis and Hood before the Lecture.
3 That where a Lecture is set vp in a market Towne, it may be read by a company of graue and orthodox Diuines, neere adioyning, and in the same Diocesse: and that they preach in Gownes, and not in Clokes, as too many doe vse.
4 That if a Corporation doe maintaine a single Lecturer, he be not suffered to preach, till he professe his willingnesse to take vpon him a liuing, with Cure of soules within that Incorporation, and that he doe actually take such Benefice or Cure, so soone as it shall be fairely procured for him.
3 That the Bishops doe countenance and encourage the graue and orthodox DiĀuines of their Clergie, and that they vse meanes by some of their Clergie, or others, that they may haue knowledge, how both Lecturers and Preachers within their Diocesses, behaue themselues in their Sermons, that so they may take order for any abuse accordingly.
4 That the Bishops suffer none vnder Noble men, and men qualified by Law, to haue any priuate Chaplaine in his house.
5 That they take speciall care, that Diuine seruice be diligently frequented, as well for Prayers and Catechising, as Sermons: And take particular note of all such as absent themselues, as Recusants or otherwise.
6 Lastly the Lord Arch-Bishop is commanded to giue an accompt to the Kings Maiesty euery yeere the second of Ianuary, of the performance of these Commands.