Iniunctions with certaine Articles to be enquired of, in the Visitation of the Reuerend Father in Christ, Iohn, by Gods prouidence, Byshop of Norvvich, aswell to the Clargie, as to the Churchwardens and quest men of euery seuerall parish within the dioces of Norvvich, & to be put in execution, by al the Archdeacons Commissaries & other officers exercisinge ecclesiasticall iurisdiction, under the sayd Bishop in their Synodes, Visitation, and Courtes.
¶ In the yeare of our Lord God. 1569.
Imprinted at London by Iohn VValley. Aprilis. 15.
Iniunctions. ¶ INIVNCTIONS VVITH CERtayne Articles to be enquired of, in the Visitation of the Reuerend father in Christ, Iohn, by gods prouidence, Bishop of Norvvich. &c.
¶ For the Clargie.
1 IN primis, you must endeuour so to order & frame your selues in the setting foorth of Gods true Religion, due administration of the Sacraments, and the reuerent and distincte saying or singing of the Common prayer, as hath bene prescribed and sette forthe vnto you beefore tyme, aswell by the booke of Common prayer set forth to be vsed through y e whole Realme, as by sondry Iniunctions set foorth for that purpose. And that you take great heede, that your lyues and conuersations be such euery way, as no person haue cause to be offended thereby, somuch as in you lieth.
2 Item, ye shall not take vppon you to Preach, or Expounde the Scriptures by way of exhortation or otherwise, in your owne Church or else where, vnlesse you bee admitted thereto by the moste Reuerend Father, the Archbyshop of Canterbury, or the Bishop of the Dioces.
3 Item, you shall not marie or suffer to be maried within any of your cures, any personne or persons, [Page]that come lately out of any other Dioces, vnlesse suche persons bring with them sufficient testimoniall vnder the Seale of the Ordinarie of the Dioces from whence he or they shal come, testifying such person or persons to be free and vnmaryed, and at their liberty to mary accordingly.
4 Item, at such tymes as ye shall vse the perambulation in the Rogation dayes for the boundes of your parish, you shall not vse any surples vppon you, or stay at any crosse, or suffer any banners, to be caried, or other superstition to be vsed, but onely geue GOD thanks, and vse such good order of prayers and Homelies, as be appointed by the Queenes maiesties authoritie in that behalfe.
5 Item none of you shall ferme one cure or more within this Dioces, without speciall lycence in wryting vnder the Bishops Seale.
6 Finally, ye shall diligently obserue and put in vre, all such Orders & Iniunctiōs as haue ben appointed you before tyme, aswell by the Iniunctions of the queenes maiestie, as by y e Archbishop of Canterburyes grace, and the Bishop of the Dyoces.
¶ For the Churchvvardens, Questmen and others.
1 Item, that no Parson Vicar, propriatorie, or fermer of any benefice, doe admit any Minister or [Page]Curate to serue his said benefice, vnlesse such person shall first show his letters of Orders, where he was made Mynister, and haue also sufficient testimoniall vnder the Seale of the Ordinarye, from whence he commeth, with lycence from the Bishop to serue accordingly.
2 Item, that in great Churches where all the people cannot conueniētly heare their minister, y e Church wardens & other, to whome that charge belongeth, shal prouide and appoint, a decent and a cōuenient seate in the body of the church, where the sayd minister may sit or stand, and say the diuine seruice, that all the congregation may heare and be edified therewith. And that in smaller churches, ther be some conuenient seate without the chauncell dore for that purpose.
3 Item, that vppon all sainctes daye and other like times, ther be no ringing of belles after Euening prayer, or any other superstitious ceremony vsed, to the maintenaunce of poperie, or praying for the dead, & that if any such shalbe hence forth vsed, the same with the names of suche as shall offende therein, to bee presented to the Ordinary.
4 Item, that no person or persons calling them selues lordes of misrule in the Christmas tyme, or other vnreuerent persons at any other tyme, presume to come into y e church vnreuerētly playing their lewd partes, w e scoffing, iesting, or rebaldry talke, & if any such haue alredy offēded herein, [Page]to present them and their names to the Ordinary.
5 Item, for auoydinge of vnlawfull mariages, you shall prouide in euery of your Churches, a certayne table for the degrees of Mariage last set forth by the foresayde most Reuerend Father in God Mathevv, Archbishop of Canterbury, to be sette vp in some conuenient place of the sayd Church.
6 Finally, you shall carefully and diligently prouide, that all such good Orders & Iniunctions, as haue ben prescribed & appointed beefore time, shalbe duly by you put in execution, so far forthe, as they concerne any of you.
¶ Articles to be enquired of.
1 IN primis, whether your Diuine seruice be sayde or song in due tyme and reuerently, and the Sacraments duely and reuerētly mynistred in such decent apparel, as is appoynted by the laws, the Queenes maiesties Iniunctions, and other orders set forthe by publike aucthoritie in that behalfe.
2 Item, whether the Queenes maiesties Iniunctions, be quarterly read in your Churches, & a declaration read twyse euery yeare, which was set forth by bothe the Archbishops and the reste of the Byshops, concerning certayne principall pointes of Religion, for the vnitie of Doctrine.
3 Item, whether you haue in your Churche a [Page] Bible, of the largest volume, the Paraphrasis, of Erasmus in English, with the Homelies, & all other boks requisite, for the Administration of Diuine seruice. And whether the Homelies be duely and distinctly read.
4 Item, whether you haue in your Church a decent Pulpit and Communion table furnished and placed as becommeth, with a comly communion cup, with a couer, and a chest or poore mans boxe, and the collection and distribution, for the poore, made according to a statute in that behalfe prouided:
5 Item, whether any person or persons haue pulled downe, any Church, Chappell, or Chauncell, almes house, or belles, or any part thereof, or haue felled or spoyled any wood or tymber in any Church yarde, or haue solde any church goodes: to whome, what it was, and for what price.
6 Item, whether your Church, Chauncel, and your Parsonage and Vicaredge house, be well & sufficiently repaired and maintained, & whether that your Church yard be well kept and fenced,
7 Item, whether your Rodeloftes, Images, Tabernacles, and all other monuments of Idolatrie be pulled downe and defaced, and youre Church and Chauncell decently reformed. And whether you know of any Popish and superstitious bookes, Images, vestments, or such lyke, remaining within your parish and in whose hands they bee.
8 Item, whether your Preachers & Ministers doe ernestly and diligently teache theyr Auditory and parishiners, to lyue in faythfull and humble obedience to almighty GOD, the Queenes maiestie, and all and singuler hir officers, aswell spiritual as temporal, exhorting them from all kind of Idolatrie, superstition, and other vices.
9 Item whether your Minister be geuen to filthy lucre, whordome, dronkennesse, or other like notorious vices, or doe haunt or frequent any suspitious house or company, or any vaine pastimes as hawking, hunting, dising, carding, and suche like vanities, and geue not him selfe to prayer, fasting, almes dedes, with such like. And whether he pray diligently for the prosperous estate of the Queenes maiestie, as to duety belongeth.
10 Item, whether your Mynister doe eudeuour him selfe diligently to teach & instruct the youth of the parish, the Catechisme, and do otherwise see them brought vp in the feare of God, and in due obedience and reuerence, to their parentes, maysters and elders.
11 Item, whether your curate or Minister haue admitted any to Preache within your parishe church not being lawfully lycensed thereunto, or haue refused any suche as are licensed, and whether you haue your quarter sermons.
12 Item, whether you know of any sectaries, y e vse to make any priuate conuenticles in priuate mens houses, in contempt of the lawes and good [Page]orders set forthe by authoritie, and doe preache, teach, or minister the Sacraments there, and by that meanes attempt to withdrawe the people from due obedience, and to raise and maintaine scismes & sectes, who they are that so doe, where they do it, and what be the articles and contents of their doctrine and opinions.
13 Item, whether there be any Minister, Priest, or other persone or persons whatsoeuer within your parish, that doeth willingly, sinbburnely, or negligently, absent him selfe from the church and receuinge of the Sacramentes, and do refuse to contribute to the poore mens box, and that walk vp and downe iangling and talking in the tyme of Common praier, or administration of the Sacraments, any that vse any other booke of prayers then is set forth by publike authoritie, or that haue not communicated thrise euery yeare at the least, nor submit him selfe to the laws and orders set forth by common authoritie, and where suche person or persons doe remaine, and who they are that doe maintaine them.
14 Item whether your Vicar or Parson be resident and kepeth hospitalitie in and vppon hys benefice, & howe many benefices he hath, expressing their names.
15 Item, who is patroue of your benefice, whether that he witholde the glebe landes or tithes pertayning to the same, or any parte thereof, or vseth any simonicall pactes in the bestowinge of [Page]his sayd benefice, and whether he or any in hys name, hath in y e tyme of the vacation of y e church, taken the fruits and profits thereof, and by what authoritie.
16 Item, whether ye know any Parson or Vicar, that sel their benefice to meare lay men, absenting them selues from the same, to y e defacing of their callinge, decay of hospitalitie, contempt of the lawes, neglecting of their duties, bothe towards God, and the Queenes maiestie, and euill example of the church of God.
17 Item, whether your church be vacant, & how long it hath ben so, and what is the cause therof.
18 Item, whether you know, any maintainers of foren power, letters or hinderers of Gods holy word, and slaunderers of the Preachers or of the ministery or publike prayer, or that defend or hold any opinions againste them or any of them, who they are expressing their names, and what was theyr communication.
19 Item, whether ye know any spiritual Iudge or his officers, that neglect truely with sinceritie to mynister Iustice, according to the lawes ecclesiasticall, indifferently to euery party.
02 Item, whether they be diligent, and vigilant to enquire of such as be noted and commonly famed & suspected of any notorius crime, as of Adultery, fornication, backbiting, dronkennesse, & such like, and whether they be carefull to correcte such offenders, and circumspect with charitie to refourme [Page]smaller faultes.
21 Item, whether they vse to permitte for sūmes of money the penaunce of suche as are notorious offēders, not caring for y e euil example, & encoragement of others, to commit y e lyke offences, & therby suffer the sinners to sleepe in theyr sinnes.
22 Item, whether you know any Parentes, maysters, maystresse, or dames, who doe not see theyr children or youth taught the Cathechisme, or that do not sēd their sayd childrē or youth diligētly to y e church to be instructed therin, & who they are.
23 Item, whether the Register booke of Christnings, mariages, and buryings, be well kept, and the names entred accordinge to the Queene hir maiesties Iniunctions.
24 Item, whether there be any Inne kepers, Tauernes, or Ale house kepers, that maintaine eating and drinkinge in them vppon any sonday or holiday in the time of preaching or common praier, or if there be any faires or common markets, falling on those days, whether they open or make any shew of their wares before Morning prayer be ended.
25 Item, whether ye knowe any Blasphemers of the name of God, abusers of his holy word or sacramēts, adulterers, fornicatours, bawds, & maintayners of them, any suspect of Incest, any dronkerdes, ribaldes, or vsers of vnsomely or filthy talk, common slaunderers of their neighbours, or sowers of discord betwene party and party.
26 Item, whether ye knowe any that minister any dead mens goods without authoritie, or any executours that haue not fulfilled the testatours wyll. And whether your Hospitalls be vsed according to the foundation thereof. And whether they receue any other then the poore.
27 Item, whether ye know any scholemaister or instructour of youth that teach, not being lawefully lycensed thereto, vnder the Bishops Seale. Or any Phisition or surgeon, that practyse their artes, being not lawfully authorised.
28 Item, whether your scholemaisters or instructors of youth, be of sounde religion, and haue taken the Othe to the Queenes maiestie, and doe bring vp his sayde youth, in the feare of GOD, with humilitie, obedience and good maners, to reuerence and geue place to their elders and betters, and doe teach them godly sentences of the Scripture.
29 Item, whether ye know any that vse any sorcerie, Inchauntments, Magika, Necromancie, Incantations, or Witchcrafte, or that be suspected of the same.
30 Item, whether any of your parish haue maryed within the degrees of Affinitie, or Consanguinitie, contrary to the lawes, and a ceetayne Table for that purpose, laste set foorth by the moste Reuerend Father, Mathevv, Archbyshop of Canterburye, or whether there be any that hath two wiues, or woman that hath two Husbandes, any maryed [Page]where a precontract was to an other, any deuorsed, or otherwise seperated that maryed againe, any that haue made priuie or secret contracts, or haue maryed without asking the banes not being thereunto lawfully lycensed.
Imprinted at London by Iohn VValley. Aprilis. 15.