Iniunctions exhi­bited by Iohn by gods sufferance Bi­shop of Norwich in his first visitacion be­ginning the seconde daie of Maye in the thirde yeare of our soueraign Ladie Elizabeth by the grace of God Quene of England, Fraunce and Ireland. Defendour of y e faith. &c. vnto all & singuler the diocesans of the diocesse of Norwich so farre as they concerne any of them.

Jmprinted ad London by Iohn Day, dwelling ouer Aldersgate.


Iniunctions exhibi­ted by Iohn by Gods sufferaunce Bishop of Norwich in his first visitacion begin­ning the seconde daie of Maye in the thirde yeare of our soueraign Ladie Elizabeth by the grace of God Quene of England, Fraunce and Ireland. Defendour of the faith &c. vnto all and singuler the diocesans of the diocesse of Norwich so farre as they concerne any of them.

FIrst y e euery parson, vicare and Curate, doo so order the cō ­mon seruice within the city of Norwich & other lyke places where be diuers pa­rish churches in one toune, that it maye be doon on y e sōdaie, by nine of the clok, before the beginning of the sermon, where any is appointed, y e al the people after comō prayers be doon in their parish churches may resort the­ther to heare the sermon.

2. Item that as many of them as be entred into orders, do saie the morning and euening praiers dailie in Englishe or Latten, either openly or pri­natelie, that they may be the more reddie in the Scriptures.

3 Item that they see vnto their Clerks & Sex­tens, if they doo ring at the buriall of the deade, [Page 54]noone or curpheue, they ring but one peall, & that berie short, omitting all other vnnecessarie rin­gings as it is prescribed by order taken herin.

4 Item that they neither suffer the Lordes ta­ble to be hanged and decked like an aulter, ney­ther vse any gestures of the popish masse in y e time of ministracion of the communion, as shifting of y e boke, washing, breathing, crossing or such like.

5 Item that they baptize not children on the wourking daies, or when the congregacion is not come together, except it be thought that eui­dent Ieoperdie require the contrarie.

6 Item that they marie no yonge folkes, except they examin them before, whether they can saye, the articles of the Christian faithe, the Lordes prayer and the ten commaundemēts: and if they can not: then to stay them from going forwards, till they can saie them. Likewise that they exa­min the godfathers and godmothers, when they come to baptize childrē in y e same points: secretly, & modestly, bearing with the age of som parsons. For howe can they be sureties for an other to be instructed in that faith, which they can not skill of themselfes. Thirdlie y t they suffer none to come to the holie communion, except they also knowe the same necessarie points of Religion.

7 Item y t they marie none before dewetime, y t is before six of the clock in the somer, and seuen in the winter, at what tyme the broade daie light doth appeare.

8 Item that they preache theyr sermons limited by the Q. Mayesties Iniunctions that is euerie [Page 55]moneth one orels at the least wies get them to be preached, so that they them selfes preache foure tymes in the yeare in their own parsones beeing habled thereto by theyr ordinarye if they can not preache then to reade som homely set out by the Queens Maiestie.

9 Item that they with suche diligent trauail industrie and conference do euerie weke reade & peruse two chapiters of the newe testament and studie the same that they may be able to answere to all matters conteyned therin with the trewe vnderstanding therof to begynne with Sainct Mathewes gospell and after with saint Iohns, and so consequentlie till they begon ouer and so to the Epistles. This to begynne in August next, & to make accompt to suche as bithe saied reuerēd father shalbe appointed y e first twesdaie of euery moneth following. And besides this they shal al­so cause euerie quarter one sermon at the least to be preached at ther beneficesbi some learned preacher till they be hable to preache them their selfes. To this taske as touching y e chapters the curates also be enioyned though they haue no benefices.

10 Item that they teache the Catechisme eue­rie sondaie and euery holidaie one howre at the leaste before euening prayer and to beginne the same the first sondaie in August next & so to con­tinue euerie sondaie and holydaie.

11 Item y t they warne the parents & maisters to cause theyr children and youthe to learne the Catechisme, either in scholes or els at home so as they may be examined by y e minister euery sōdaie [Page 56]and holydaie that they may make answere to the ministers standing in the pulpet demāding que­stions of them and this shalbe doon inmediatlye after the last peale to euening praier.

12 Item that they requyre the yonge folkes vn­maried to resorte to the hearing of the childrē examined and rendering of the Catechisme to thin­tent that they by hearing may learne the same, & therby (besides discharge of their dewty towards God) auoid worldlie rebuke and shame whyche shuld happē vnto them, if they shoulde be reiected from mariage for ignoraunce of the christiā faith, the Lordes Prayers, and the tenne Com­maundementes. Exhorting also thelder maried folkes to be present bothe for the good example of the youthe & also to learne them selfes, by hea­ring if they by reason of euill educacion in tyme of ignoraunce, haue not been sufficientlie instructed in tymes past.

13 Item y t they see the places filled vp in walles orells where, where imagies stode, so as if ther hadde been none there. The stones foundaciōs or other places, frames or Tabernacles deuised to aduaunce Imagerie, holy waterstones also to be quite and clean taken away and the places where they were set, comelie and decentlie to be made vp with conuenient expedicion, orells to declare to the ordinarie the lettes & staies therof as sone as may be.

14 Item that euerie Parson, vicarre, Curate and reader, shall euery quarter ones, reade opēly in the pulpet the Quenes maiesties Iniunctiōs, [Page 57]and also these present Iniunctions with the con­fession hereunto annexed, and besides that, get him a copie of these Iniunctions and set them vp by the last of Septembre in some conueniēt place of theyr quier there to remaine still to be seene of them that lyst to reade them.

15 Item that y e maister, pryest, and other gouer­nours of all hospitals be vigilant and look dili­gently, as wel to the wel ordering and godly in­structing of the sik & sore people within y e same hospitals: as also to the vertuous and godli edu­cacion of the children and other youth there, so as they may be taught to folow & fauour the sin­cere veritie of almighty God, as it is now mani­festly set forthe by the Quenes most excellent Maiestie & that they themselues also be folow­ers therof.


WHether the parsons, vicare, curate, or reader doth reade the commō seruice with a lowde, distinct, and treatable voyce.

2 Whether the lessons epistels and gospels be redde or sōge so as they may be plainli barde of the people.

3 Whether the parsone or vicare preach or cause to be preached in his churche euery moneth one Sermon.

4 Whether euery parson or vicare preache in his owne parsone one sermon euery quarter, if there be no sermō they reade the homilies plainly [Page 58]and distinctlie according to the Iniunction.

5 Whether to the vttermost of their wit power knowledge & learning they do with out colour or dissimulacion, declare four tymes yearelye in their seuerall sermons or exhortacions that the power of the Bishop of Rome and all other for­reyn power, are iustlie taken away.

6 Whether they doo exhorte the people to re­member the poore after the homelye when they reade the sentences exhorting the Almose.

7 Whether they teache the youthe of theyr pa­rishe the Lordes prayer, the articles of the faith, the tenne commaundements and the Catechisme euerie sundaie and holidaie.

8 Whether they and theire churche wardeyns haue prouided in theyr parish a Byble in the lar­gest volume, and Erasmus paraphrasis vpon the newe Testament.

9 Whether they declare to their parishes any thing to thextolling or setting fourthe of vayne and supersticious religion.

10 Whether the parson or vicare being absent hath left vppon his benefice an honest learned & expert Curate.

11 Whether any minister or priest in the tyme of trouble haue deuorced him self from his wife and whether his wyfe hath been maryed to any ò­ther man sithen, or that he himself hath maried any other woman without iudgement of the Churche.

12 Whether the Priestes, and deacons saye daylie the morning and euening seruice, opēlye or priuatelye.

[Page] 13 Whether ani y t toke orders in king Edwards daies not contented with that, were ordered a­gayne in Quene Maries daies.

14 Whether the parson or vicare, or any for him hath bought his benefice or hath come by it by simonie fraude or deceipte.

15 Whether the parson or vicare haue more be­nefices then one.

16 Whether any of your benefices be vacant, & howe longe they haue so been & who is the patrō.

17 Whether ther be any laye or temporall men not being within orders or children that hath or enioyeth any benefice or spirituall promocion.

18 Whether there be any patron that suffereth any benefice to be vacant and taketh the tythes and other dueties to him selfe.

19 Whether any parson, vicare or Curate geue any euell example of lyfe, whether they be incon­tinēt parsones, drōkards, haunters of tauernes, alehouses or suspect places: dycers, tablers, car­ders, swearers or vehemently suspected therof.

20 Whether they haue receiued any parsone to the holie cōmunion openlie knowne to be out of charitie or diffamed w t some notorious crime before he hath made sufficient recompence for his wronge or euell doing.

21 Whether they haue a fitte and decent table to minister the communion on.

22 Whether the parson or vicare being not re­sident vpon his benefice geueth the fourty parte therof, to the poore of the parishe.

23 Whether any parson or vicare findeth but a [Page]reader vnder hym where he shoulde fynde Minister.

24 Whether the chauncell, the bodie of y t pa­rishe churche or chapell, the parsonage and vike­rage house, and other belonging to the same: be in good reparacions, and whether the better co­ueringes of any of them haue been pulled of and worse set in the place and by whome.

25 Whether they celebrate the communion w t lesse nombre then foure or thre comunicantes at the least in suche parishes wheare there be xx. parsones of discretion & in greater parishes with out a greater nomber.

26 Whether if there be more Priestes in any churche then one: they doo all comunicate with the minister when the cōmunion is celebrate.

27 Whether that any reader being admitted but to reade: taketh vpon him to baptize, to ma­rie; to celebrate the Lords supper or to distribute the Lords cup.

28 Whether they baptize children in any other daies then the sundaies and holidaies except it be thought need that they should be baptized at home.

29 Whether they haue maried any without banes asking, or if y e parties maried be of diuers parishes, whether they haue maried them w tout certificat from the parsone or parsones where they where asked: or haue maried any y t be out of their owne parishes not licenced therunto, or hath not openly denounced theyr certificat or li­cence accordīgly at the tyme of mariage or hath [Page 61]maried any parson not in due place or conueni­ent tyme.

30 Whether they haue exhorted yong folke to absteine from priuie contractes and not to mary without the consente of suche their parentes and freends as haue authoritie ouer them.

31. Whether they haue admitted to y e holie ta­ble, any of an other parishe except they be stran­gers without the licence of y e ministre frō whence they came.

32 Whether that there be any y t preacheth out of their owne parishes not licenced therunto, o­rels taketh vpon thē to preache being not ordey­ned nor licenced therunto.

33 Whether the maister and gouernours of the hospitall within Norwich and other hospitals w t in the diocese of Norwich doo looke diligentlie to the well orderyng and godlie instructing of the sicke & sore people within the same hospitals.

34 Whether the youth within y e same hospitalls be taught to fauour and folowe the sincere very­tye of almightie God as it is now set forth by the Queenes moste excellent Maiestie.

For the duetie of churche wardeines.

WHether they haue prouided a comelie and honest pulpet to be set in a comeli place of y e churche.

2 Whether al aulters, images, holi­water stones, pictures, paintings, as of Thassumption of the blessed virgin, of the des­cending of Christ into the virgin in the fourme of [Page 62]a lytle boy at Thanunciacion of the Aungell, and al other supersticious and dangerous monumēts especiallie paintings & Imagies in walle, boke, cope, Banner or els where, of the blessed trinitie or of the father (of whom ther can be no Image made) be defaced and remoued out of the churche and other places and are destroyed & the places where such impietie was: so made vp, as if there had been no suche thing there.

3 Whether that any Imagies, beades, bokes of saruice, or vestiments not alowed by lawe be re­serued of any mā or in any place, by whome and where they be reserued.

4 Whether they knowe any man that refuseth to contribute to the Almes of the poore as a thing not rightlie appointed and discorageth other frō suche charitable Almes.

5 Whether the Churchwardeynes haue proui­ded a strong chest, for the poore mens boxe and haue fastened it in a fytte place.

6 Whether y e churche money comyng of mouea­ble stockes money geuē to fynde torches, tapers, lamp light not payde out of any lands, be implo­yed to the poore mens boxe or no?

7 Whether the Churchewardeynes of euerie parishe doo dulie levye and gather of the goods and lands of euerie suche parsone y t cometh not to his owne parishe churche vpon the sondaies and holly daies and there heare the deuin seruice and Gods worde redde and preached xii. d. for euery suche offence, and whether thei haue distributed the same money to the poore.

[Page 63] 8 Whether there be a register had and kept faith­fully of Christenings and Burials.

¶ For Scholemaisters and theyr office.

WHether any Scholemaister take vpon him to teache not alowed by the ordinarye.

2 Whether thei moue and teache theyr children duelie to reuerence & loue the trewe religion y t is nowe set fourth.

3 Whether they teache their children suche sen­tences out of the scripture as may frame them to Godlynes.

4 Whether they teache any other grāmer then suche as is appoincted by the Quenes Maiesties Iniunctions annexed to the same.

¶ For Clarkes and theyr dutie.

WHether that the songe in the Churche be modest and distincte so deuised and vsed that the ditte may plainly be vnderstād.

2 Whether they vse to sing any nomber of psal­mes, dirige lyke, at the buryall of the deade or do any other thing otherwise then it is appointed by the comon order of the seruice boke.

3 Whether they vse to ring oft or longe peales at the buryall of the dead or vse muche iangling in festiuall daies in ringing none or curphew.

¶ For the people and theyr duetie.

WHether there be any mā that mocketh or iesteth at the deuine seruice, or at y e ministers therof or speaketh any thīg bi iest or earnest to the dispising, dero­gacion or letting therof.

2 Whether any man hath burned or caused the holy Byble to be burned, torne or defaced or hath conueyed it out of the Churche that it should not be redde of the people.

3 Whether any parishoner denieth to receyue the sacraments and other rites ecclesiasticall ac­cording to y e boke aucthorized by comō authority.

4 Whether any man is knowen to haue saide, or heard masse sithens it was abrogate by lawe, wherher any man maketh any singing cakes to say masse with all, reserueth vestiments, superal­taries, masse bookes or other instruments of this supersticion.

5 Whether any doo deferre theyr children to be baptized be yond y e next sundaie or holidaie after their birth and vpon what causes they do so.

6 Whether any be so hastie to baptize their chil­dren that hauing no nede they will not tary till y e next holiday that the child may be partaker of the prayers of the whole churche, then present.

7 Whether any haue maried with in the de­grees of consanguinitie prohibited by the lawes of God, ether whether any maried without those degrees, haue vnlawfully forsaken theyr wyfes or husbands or maryed others.

[Page 65] 8 Whether any man kepeth in his house any a­bused Images namely suche as be remoued out of the churche, or S. Iohns head. S. Catheryn, S. Nicolas or suche lyke.

9 Whether any body vseth beades laten pry­mers or any other prayer bookes then that be a­lowed by publike authority to be vsed.

10 Whether there be any that mainteyneth any heresie or false opinion cōtrary to Goddes word.

11 Whether there be any that exerciseth sorcery, sooth saying, whytchcraft or suche lyke cuxyous artes.

12 Whether there be any incontinent parsones druncardes, swearers, blasphemers of the name of God, raylers at religion or fautie in any other enormouse crime or vehementlie suspected of the sam.

13 Whether there be any that neglecteth to re­sorte comonly to his parishe churche and there a­bydeth orderlie and soberlie during the tyme of seruices.

14 Whether there be any that vseth byeng, sel­ling, dressinge, carying to and fro of cloth, fol­lowyth his occupacion, geueth himselfe or cau­seth his to labour bodelie or to attende their oc­cupacion on the saboth daie, hindring bothe them selfes and theyrs, therby to learne gostly things.

15 Whether therbe any that walketh or talketh in the Churche at seruice tyme or goeth out with out vrgent nede.

16 Whether therbe any bodye otherwise occu­pied at seruice time then to here & marke the same [Page]orels suffer theyr children to disturbe the diuine seruice.

17 Whether any parson of discretion hath not comunicate thrise in the year and in especially at easter last past who they be and what be theyr names.

18 Whether any hath maried the banes not being laufully asked before except he had a dispē ­sacion of the ordenarie.

19 Whether fathers, mothers, maisters, and dames sendeth out their children and seruauntes to be instructed in the Catechisme on sondaies and holidaies.

20 Whether vinteners or they th [...] kepe vitay­ling houses doo sell meate or drynk in tyme of seruice [...] sermons.

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