¶ Interrogatories to bee enquyred of by the Churche-wardens and Sworne-menne within the Diocesse of Lincolne, and the trueth thereof to be by them vpon their othes duly presē ­ted vnto the Bishop there or his Deputies, at his Visita­tion, nowe to be holden this present yeare of our Lord. 1580. with particular answere to euery Interroga­torie.

Imprinted at London, by Ralph Newberie.


from the Archdeacons iurisdiction) exhibited a true Certifi­cate in writing, vnder the handes of your Churchwardens, truly testifying, what he hathe done for performaunce of the matter in the laste saide Interrogatorie contayned, and ac­cordyng to the forme prescribed by the Laws of this Realme in suche behalfe.

5▪ Whether your Parson, Vicar, or Curate, haue at euery of the saide Synodes and Visitations, or in places exempte from the Archedeacons iurisdiction, to the Commissarie halfe yearely, made a true Certificate, howe many sermons haue bin made in their Church or Chappel, and by whome, and when they were preached.

6 Whether the Parson, Vicar, or Curate, haue suffered any to preache and expounde the holy Scriptures in youre Church or Chappell, but such as be lawfully licenced there­vnto vnder the hād & seale of me your Bishop, and shal then shewe the same, to your Parson, Vicar or Curate, vnlesse it be such Preachers, as your Parson, Vicar, or Curate doth certainelie knowe, to be aucthorized and licenced therevnto by me.

7 Whether the Quarters Sermons appointed by the Quéenes Maiesties▪ Iniunctions, haue bin made vpon those dayes, speciallye wherein the holy Communion hath béene ministred (if it might so conueniently be:) and whether the saide Sermons haue bin in some part directed to the setting forth of that action. And that, both, may the more easily con­curre: whether warning haue bene thereof giuen publikely in the Churche by the Minister thereof, the Sondaye before the preaching of euery such Sermon.

8▪ Whether youre Minister and Churchwardens haue within one fortnight after the publication of my foresayde Iniunctions, appointed and proportioned for euerye Son­day a certain number of housholders, to send in their course, so many of their families as are not alreadie knowne to the Minister, to haue a good vnderstanding in the Catechisme, lately set out with certain additiōs, made by M. Alexander [Page] Nowell Deane of Paules, to be in the Church one houre be­ [...]ore Euening prayer, publikely therein to be taught and ex­ [...]mined. And whether this order and course hath béen by the [...]ayde Minister published in the saide Church, before the first of August following the publication of my foresayde Iniun­ [...]tions. And whether the said Ministers haue to their Arch­ [...]eacons in euerie of their Sinodes and Visitations, and in [...]laces exempt to the said Commissaries, yearelye exhibited [...] testimoniall vnder the handes of their Churchwardens, [...]f their attendaunce in this sorte euerye Sondaye, and also [...] true Certificate subscribed with his owne hande, of suche [...]ousholders as haue in their course failed to sende their fa­milies, as is aforesaide.

9 Whether that your Parson, Vicar, or Curate haue ad­mitted any to the holy Communion, since the time of publi­ [...]ation of the course and proportion aforesaide, whiche haue [...]ot bene before publikely examined, and instructed in the [...]aide Catechisme, or haue admitted anye to aunswere as Godfathers and Godmothers, at the christning of any child, [...]xcept they haue before receiued the holy Communion, and [...]an wel answere suche matter, as is contayned in the saide Catechisme, being required therto.

10 Whether for the auoiding of inconuenience, whiche [...]ometimes groweth by licences to marry without the banes [...]sking (whiche notwithstanding are oftentimes reasonably [...]raunted) any minister hath bin suffered to marry any per­ [...]on or persons by suche licence, but in the Churche or Chap­ [...]ell, where he is Parson, Vicar, or ordinarie Curate: and whether at any other time than is vsuall, for publique and [...]ommon prayer: & except he hath firste shewed his licence [...]o the Churchwardens of the saide Churche or Chappell: [...]nd either by his owne knowledge, or by the knowledge of [...]he sayde Churchwardens, hath bin assured, that the parties [...]o be marryed, haue thereto had the assent of their parentes [...] other gouernors.

11 Whether any woman deliuered of any childe begot­ten [Page] in fornication, hath bin admitted to hir thankes giui [...] in your Church, before she had publikely reconciled hirsel [...] in suche order and forme, as by the Archdeacon of the place or other officer to me the sayde Byshoppe, hathe béene to [...] prescribed.

12 Whether your Parson, Vicar or Curate, or other Minister in your Church or Chappell, haue admitted to the r [...]ceyuing of the holy Communion, any open and notoriou [...] fornicatour, adulterer, or euil liuer, by whom the congregation is offended, without due penaunce firste done to the satisfaction of the congregation, or also any malicious pers [...] that is notoriously known to be out of Charity, or that ha [...] done any open wrong to his neighbor in word or déed, with out due reconciliation firste made to the partie that is wro [...] ged.

13 Whether the forme of Commination agaynste sinners, with certaine prayers following the same, set forth i [...] the latter end of the Booke of Common Prayer, to be v [...] at dyuers times in the yeare, haue bene by youre Ministe [...] plainely and distinctly read in youre Churche or Chappe [...] vnto the people, betwene the Letanie and the commemoration or ministration of the holy Communion, thrée times [...] the yeare, that is to saye, for orders sake, yearely vpon o [...] of the thrée Sondayes nexte before Easter, for the firste time vpon one of the two Sondayes next before the feaste of Pentecoste, for the seconde time: and for the thirde time vpon [...] of the two Sondayes next before the feast of the byrth of ou [...] Lorde: ouer and besides the accustomed reading thereof, vpon the firste day of Lent.

14 Whether, to put your Churchwardens and Sworn [...] men the better in remembraunce of their duety in obseruin [...] and noting such as offēd in not comming to diuine seruice your Minister, or Reader, haue openly euery Sonday, afte [...] he hath read the seconde lesson, at Morning and Euenin [...] Prayer, monished and warned the Churchwardens [...] Swornemen to looke to their charge in this behalfe, and [...] [Page] obserue, who contrarie to the sayde Statute, offende in ab­senting themselues negligently or wilfully, from their Pa­rishe Churche or Chappell, or vnreuerently (as is aforesaid) vse themselues in the tyme of diuine seruice.

15 Whether within one fortnight after my laste Visita­tion ended, euery Minister vpon some Sondaye or Holiday haue openly read my sayde late Iniunctions and Interro­gatories, that the whole parishe mighte knowe and vn­derstande, to what things as well the Ministers, as them­selues, were bounde by those orders, and accordingly, from time to time, haue made complaint to the Ordinarie of such, eyther Minister or Parishioner, as haue offended in the pre­misses.

16 Whether Common prayer be sung or sayde by your Parson, Vicare, or Curate, in youre seuerall Churches or Chappells, distinctly and reuerently, and in suche order, as it is set forth by the lawes of this Realme, without anye al­teration, and at due and conuenient houres. And whether youre Minister so turne himselfe, and stande in suche place of your Churche or Chauncell, as the people may best heare the same. And, whether vpon Wednesdayes and Fridayes, not beyng Holidayes, the Letanie and other Prayers, ap­pointed for the daye, be sayde accordingly.

17 Whether you haue in youre Parishe Churches and Chappels, all things necessarie for Common Prayer, and administration of the Sacramentes, specially the Booke of Common Prayer, with the newe Kalendar, a Psalter, the Englishe Bible in the largest Volume, the twoo Tomes of Homilies, the Paraphrases of Erasmus translated into En­glishe, the Table of the tenne Commaundements, a conue­nient Pulpit well placed, a comelie and decent Table stan­ding on a frame for the holy Communion, with a faire lin­nen cloth to laye vpon the same, and some couering of silke, Buckeram, or other suche like, for the cleane kéeping there­of, a fayre and comely communion Cup of Siluer, and a couer of Siluer for the same, whyche may serue also for the [Page] ministration of the Communion bread, a decent large Sur­plesse with sléeues, a sure Coffer with two locks and kayes, for the kéeping of the Register Booke, and a strong Chest or Boxe for the Almes of the poore, with thrée lockes and kayes to the same, and all other things necessary in, and to the pre­misses.

18. Whether when any man or woman is in passing out of this life, the Bell be tolled to moue the people to praye for the sicke person, especiallye in all places where the sicke person dwelleth neare vnto the Church? And whether af­ter the time of his or hir passing out of this worlde, there bée any more ringing than one shorte peale before the buriall, and another shorte peale after the buriall, withoute anye o­ther superfluous or superstitious ringing, and whether on all Saints day at Euening prayer, there be any ringing at all, or any other superstitious ceremony vsed, tending to the mainteinaunce of Popishe Purgatorie, or of Prayer for the dead, and who they be that vse the same? And whether there be any ringing or knolling of Bels on Sondayes or Holi­dayes, betwéen Morning Prayer, and the Letany, or in any time of the Common Prayer, reading of the Homilies, or of Preaching, except one Bel in conuenient time, to be rong or tolled before the Sermon, or whether any other ringing be vsed vpon Saints euens, or Festiuall days, sauing to Com­mon prayer, and that without excesse: and who doe ring or knoll otherwise.

19 Whether your Parson, Vicar or Curate, doe serue a­ny more than one Cure, and whether that he haue licence therevnto by me the Ordinarie.

20 Whether any doe preach, declare, or speake any thing in derogation of the Booke of Common Prayer, whiche is set forth by the Lawes of this Realme, dispraysing the same, or any thing therein conteined

21 Whether any popish Priests (either going as priests, or disguised in other apparell, or altering their names, for any cause) or any other, are runnagate persons, mislikers, or deprauers [Page] of true Religion, or of the Ministers of the same, or are suche that do not minister or frequent Common Prayer now vsed, nor communicate at times appointed by the law and do resorte secretly or openly, into youre parishe, and to whome, and of whome they be receyued, harboured and re­léeued, and what be their true names and surnames, and by what names they are called.

22 Whether your own Parson, Vicar, or Curate, be any common resorter to open Games, Playes, or Assemblies whatsoeuer (in ciuil causes:) or doe kéepe or suffer to be kept in his Parsonage, Vicarage, or other his dwelling house, a­ny Alehouse, Tipling house, or Tauerne: or that he doe or haue kepte any suspected woman in his house: or that he be­ing vnmaried doth kéepe any woman in his house vnder the age of .lx. yeres, except their Daughter, Mother, Aunte, Si­ster, or Néece, and those of good and honest name: or whe­ther he himselfe be any haunter of Alehouses, Tauernes, or suspected places, an hunter, hawker, dicer, carder, swearer, or any otherwise do giue euill example of life, whereby the worde of God and the forme of Religion nowe vsed by the lawes of Englande, is or may be any way euill spoken of: And generallye, whether he behaue not himselfe, soberly, godly, and honest, as becommeth a Minister of Gods moste holy worde.

23 Whether your Parson or Vicar be resident and dwel continually vpon his benefice, doing his dutie in preaching, reading, and ministring the Sacraments: and whether hée kéepe hospitalitie according as his liuing will extende [...] and whether his houses and Chauncels be wel repayred and vp­holden.

24 Whether such your Parson or Vicar as is not residēt, neither kéepeth hospitalitie, doe reléeue his poore Parishio­ners, and what he giueth yearely to them: and if he be not resident, and may dispend yerely twentie pounds or aboue, either in my Diocesse or else where, whether then he do di­stribute euerie yeare among his pore Parishioners, at the [Page] leaste the fortith parte of the fruites of his benefices where he is not resident.

25 Whether any Minister or Priest presented to anye be­nefice within this Diocesse, haue couenaunted, promised, or practised, to, or with the Patrone thereof, or anye other per­son or persons, that had the Aduousion, or gifte of the same Benefice, or with any other persō or persons, on his or their behalfe, to giue to his friend any summe of ready money, or money worth, for presenting him to the same Benefice: or haue offered by promise or bonde, any lease, eyther of the whole benefice, limiting the rent farre vnder the iuste va­lue, or of the Mansion house, glebelandes, or any portion of the Tithes and Fruites of the sayde benefice, receiuing lit­tle or nothing thereof, either suffering the Patrone that pre­sented him, or any other person, who furthered him, to saue his owne Tithes within suche your benefice, frée vnto him­selfe: or else hath granted some yerely portion or other yere­ly commoditie to him, his childe, seruant or friende, for pre­ferring him to the same Benefice: or otherwise hath suffered him to make a gaine, by any coloure, deceite, or symonaicall compacte, in bestowing the saide benefice.

26 Whether the people of your parishe, especiallye hou­sholders, hauyng no lawfull excuse to be absent, do faithful­ly and diligently endeuour themselues, to resort with their children and seruauntes to their parishe Churche or Chap­pel, or such vsuall place where Common Prayer is lawful­ly to be vsed, vpon the Sondayes and Holidayes: and then, and there doe abide orderly and soberly, during the time of the Common Prayer, Homilies, Sermons & other seruice of God, there to be vsed, reuerently, and deuoutely, giuing themselues to the hearing and exercise therof: and who they be that negligently, or wilfully absent themselues or come very late to the Churche vpon the Sondayes especiallye, or that walke, talke, or otherwise vnreuerentlye behaue them­selues in the Church, or vse any gaming or pastime abroad, or in house, or sitte in the stréetes, or Churchyarde, or in any [Page] Tauerne or Alehouse vpon the Sonday or other Holiday, in the time of Common Prayer, Sermons, or reading of the Homilies either before noone or after noone.

27 Whether the forfaiture of twelue pence for eu [...] such offence appointed by a statute made in the first yeare of the Quéenes Maiesties raigne, be leuied and taken accor­ding to the same Statute, by the Churchwardens, of euery person that so offendeth, and by them be put to the vse of the parish, and if it be not, by whose default it is not leuied, and not so bestowed.

28 Whether ther be with you any Inkepers, Alewiues, Victuallers, or Tiplers, that suffer or doe admitte any per­son or persons in theyr houses to eate, drinke, or play at the Cardes, Tables, or such like games in the time of common Prayer, or Sermon, on the Sondayes or Holidayes: and whether there be anye shop sette open on Sondayes or Ho­lidayes: or whether there be any Butchers, or others, that commonly vse to sell meate or other thinges in the time of Common Prayer, Preaching, or reading of the Homilies: and whether in any Faires with you, or common Markets, falling vpon the Sonday, there be shewing of anye wares, before Morning Prayer be done: and whether any Markets be vsed or suffered in your Churchyardes.

29 Whether the Churchwardens of the laste yeare haue giuen to the Parishe a iuste accompte, of the Church goods and rents that were committed to their charge, according to the custome that hath bene aforetime vsed, and what Church goods they, or any other haue solde, and to whome: and whe­ther to the profite of youre Churche or no: and what hathe bene done with the money thereof comming.

30 Whether the Schoolemaisters whiche teache wyth­in youre Parishe either openly or priuately, in anye Noble or Gentlemans house, or in anye other place with you, be of good and sincere Religion and conuersation, and be diligent in teaching and bringing vp of Youth: and whether they be examined, allowed, and licenced by the Ordinarie or his [Page] officer, in that behalfe: whether they teach the Grammer set forth by King Henry the .8. of noble memorie, and none o­ther, whether they teach any thing contrary to the order of Religion, now established by publike authoritie: & whether they teache not their Schollers the Catechisme in Latine, lately set forth, and suche sentences of Scripture, as shall bée most expedient and méete to moue them to the loue and due reuerence of Gods true religion, nowe truly set forth by the Quéenes Maiesties authoritie, and to induce thē to all god­linesse and honest conuersation, and what be the names and surnames of al such Schoolemaisters and teachers of Youth within your Parish, as wel of suche as teache publikely, as those that teach in the houses of Noble men, Gentlemen or other priuate men.

31 Whether there be any among you that vse Sorcerie or Witchcraft, or that be suspected of the same: and whether any vse any charmes, or vnlawfull prayers, or inuocations, in Latine or otherwise, and namely, Midwiues, in the time of womens trauaile of child: & whether any do resorte to any suche for help and counsell, and what be their names.

32 Whether there be any in your Parish, or haue béene, that haue married within the degrées of affinitie, or consan­guinitie, by the lawes of God forbidden, and so set oute for admonition, in a Table now appointed to be fixed in euery Parishe Church, within this Diocesse: or whether any that being diuorced or separated for suche cause doe, yet notwith­standing cohabite & kéepe cōpany stil togither: or whether a­ny that being maried without those degrées haue vnlawful­ly forsaken their wiues, or husbands, & maryed others: And whether there be with you any man that hath two wiues, or any woman that hath two husbandes, or any that being di­uorced or separated a sunder haue marryed any: or whether there be any maryed that haue made precontractes: any that haue made priuie or secrete contracts: any that haue maried or contracted themselues without the consent of theyr Pa­rents, tutors, or Gouernors: any that haue maryed without [Page] Banes, thrice solempnely asked. Any couples marryed that liue not togither, but slanderously liue apart: Any that haue maryed out of the Parish Church, where they ought not to haue solem­nized their mariage.

33 Whether your Minister & Churchwardens haue suffred any Lords of Mis-rule, or sommer Lords or Ladies, or any dis­guised persons in Christmasse, or at May-games, or Morrice Dauncers, or at any other times, to come vnreuerently into the Church or Church-yarde, and there to daunce or play anye vnséemly parts, with scoffes, iests, wanton gestures, or ribalde talke, namely, in the time of common Prayer: & what they be that commit such disorder, or accompany, or maintaine them.

34 Generally, whether there be amōg you, or haue bin since my last Visitation, any notorious euil liuers, or anye suspected of any notorious sin, fault, or crime, to the offence of Christian people, or any that stubburnely refuse to conforme themselues to vnitie & godly religion, now established by publique auctho­ritie: or any that br [...]teth abroad rumors of the alteration of the same: or finally, any such whiche deserue to be punished by Ec­clesiasticall discipline, and are not particularly specified in the Interrogatories before.

The Tenour of the Othe, ministred to the Church-wardens and Sworn-men.

YE shal sweare by almightie God, that ye shal diligently con­sider all and euerye the Articles giuen to you in charge, and make a true answere to the same in writing, presenting al and e­uery suche person and persons dwelling within your parishe, as [...]ue committed any offence or fault, or made any default men­tioned in any of the same Articles, or whych are vehemētly sus­pected or defamed of any such offence, fault, or default: wherein ye shal not present any person or persons of any euil wil, malice, or hatred contrary to the truth, nor shal for loue, fauour, meede, dreade, or any corrupt affection spare to presēt any that be offē ­ders suspected, or defamed in any of these cases, but shal doe vp­rightly, as men hauing the feare of God before their eyes, & de­sirous to maintaine Vertue, & suppresse Vice. So God helpe you.


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