Iniunctions GEVEN BY THE Quenes Maiestie. Anno Domini MD.LIX. The fyrst yeare of the raigne of our Soueraigne Lady Quene Elizabeth.

Cum priuilegio Regiae Maiestatis.

¶Iniūctions geuen by the Quenes ma­iestie, aswell to the Clergye, as to the laitie of this Realme.

THe Quenes mooste royall Maiestie, by thaduyse of her moste honorable counsayle, in­tendynge thaduauncement of the true honour of almyghtye God, the suppressyon of super­stition, through all her hygh­nesse Realme and dominions, and to plant true religion, to thextirpacion of all hypocrysye, en­ormities, and abuses (as to her duetie appertei­neth) doth minister vnto her louynge subiectes, these godly Iniunctions hereafter folowynge. All which Iniunctions, her hyghnesse wylleth and commaundeth her sayde louyng subiectes, obediently to receaue, and truly to obserue and kepe, euery man in theyr offyces, degrees, and states, as they wyl auoyde her hygh­nesse displeasure, and the paynes of the same hereafter ex­pressed.

THE fyrst is, that all Deanes, Archedea­cons, Parsons, Vsurped and forraine auc­thoriti [...] Uycars, and all other, Ecclesiasticall persons, shall faythfully kepe & obserue, and as farre as in them may lye, shall cause to be obserued and kepte of other, al and singuler lawes and statutes made for the restorynge to the Crowne the aunciente iurisdiction ouer the state Ecclesiasticall, and abolyshyng of all forrayne power repugnaunte to the same. And furthermore all Ecclesiasticall persons, hauyng cure of soule, shall to thutter­most of theyr wytte, knowledge and learnynge, purelye, sincerely, and without anye coloure or dissimulation, declare, manifest and open, foure tymes euery yere at the least, in theyr Sermons and other collations, that all vsurped and for­rayne power, hauynge no establyshemente nor grounde by the lawe of God, is for mooste iuste causes taken awaye and abolyshed. And that therefore no maner of obedience or subiection within her hyghnesse realmes and dominions, is due vnto any such forrayne power. And that the Quenes power within her Realmes and dominions, is the hyghest power vnder God, to whom all men within the same Realmes and dominions, by Gods lawes, owe most loyalty & obedience, afore and aboue al other powers and potentates in earth.

Besydes this, to thintent that all superstiti­on 2 and hypocrysye, crepte into dyuers mennes hartes, Images may vanyshe away, they shall not sette forth or extoll the dignitie of any Images, Re­liques, [Page] or miracles, but declarynge the abuse of the same, they shall teache that all goodnesse, health and grace, ought to be bothe asked and loked for onely of God, as of the very aucthour and geuer of the same, and of none other.

3 Item that they the persons aboue rehearsed, shall preach in theyr Churches, and euery other cure they haue, A sermon euery mo­neth. one Sermon euery moneth of the yere at the least, wherein they shall purelye and sincerely declare the woorde of God: and in the same exhort theyr hearers to the woorkes of Fayth; as mercye and charitie, workes of Fayth. specially prescry­bed and commaūded in scripture, and that wor­kes deuysed by mans phantasies besydes scrip­ture:As wandryng of Pylgrymages, settynge vp of Candels, workes of mās deuise. praying vpon bedes, or such lyke superstition, haue not onely no promyse of re­warde in scripture for doynge of them: but con­trarywyse great threatenynges and maledicti­ons of God, for that they be thynges tendyng to Idolatry and superstition, which of al other of­fences, God almyghtie doth most deteste and ab­horre, for that the same diminishe moste his ho­nor and glory.

Item that they the persons aboue rehear­sed 4 shall preache in theyr owne persons once in euery quarter of the yeare at the leaste one Ser­mon, Quarter Sermon or Ho­mely being licenced specially thereunto, as is specified hereafter, or els shall rede some Home­ly prescrybed to be vsed by the Quenes auctho­ritie euery Sundaye at the leaste, vnlesse some other preacher sufficiently licensed as hereafter [Page] chaūce to come to the paryshe for the same pur­pose of preachyng.

Item that euery holy day through the yeare 5 when they haue no Sermon, The pater no­ster, Credo & ten commaū ­dementes. they shall imme­diatly after the Gospell, openly and playnely recite to theyr parishioners in the Pulpitte, the Pater noster, the Crede, and the ten commaun­dementes in Englyshe, to thintent the people may learne the same by hearte, exhortynge all parentes and householders, to teach theyr chil­dren and seruauntes the same, as they are boūd by the lawe of God, and conscience to do. 6

Also that they shall prouyde within three monethes next after this visitacion, The Byble & Paraphrasis. at the charges of the paryshe, one boke of the whole Byble of the largest volume in Englyshe. And within one .xii. monethes next after the said visitacion the Paraphrases of Erasmus also in Englyshe, vpon the Gospelles, and the same sette vp in some conuenient place within the sayd Church that they haue cure of, whereas theyr Parys­shyoners may most commodiously resorte vnto the same, and reade the same, out of the tyme of common seruice. The charges of the Para­phrases shalbe by the personne or proprietarie and paryshyoners borne by equall portions. And they shall discorage no man from the rea­dyng of any parte of the Byble, eyther in Latin or in Englyshe, but shall rather exhorte euery person to reade the same, with great humilitie and reuerence, as the verye lyuely woorde of God, and the specyal fode of mans soule, which [Page] all Christian persones are bounde to embrace, beleue, and followe, yf they looke to bee saued: wherby they maye the better knowe theyr due­ties to God, to theyr Soueraigne Ladye the Quene, and theyr neyghbour, euer gentely and charitablye exhortyng them, and in her Maie­sties name, strayghtly charging and commaun­dyng them, that in the readyng therof, no man to reason or contende, but quietlye to heare the reader.

7 Also the sayde Ecclesiasticall persones, shall in no wyse at any vnlawfull tyme, nor for any other cause, Hauntyng of Alehouses by Ecclesiasticall persons. then for theyr honeste necessities, haunt or resort to any Tauernes or Alehouses. And after theyr meates, they shall not geue thē selues to drynkyng or ryot, spendyng theyr time idelly by day or by nyght, at dyse, cardes, or ta­bles playing, or any other vnlawfull game. But at all tymes as they shal haue leysure, they shall heare or reade somwhat of holy scripture, or shall occupye them selues with some other honest studye or exercyse, and that they alwayes do the thynges whiche apperteyne to honestie, and endeuoure to profyte the common wealth, hauynge alwayes in mynde that they ought to excell all other in puritie of lyfe, and shoulde be examples to the people, to lyue well and Chry­styantly.

8 Also that they shall admytte no manne to preache within anye theyr cures, but suche as shall appeare vnto them, Prea [...]hers not licensed. to be sufficientlye ly­censed [Page] thereunto by the Quenes Maiestie, or the Archebyshoppe of Caunterburye, or the Archebyshoppe of yorke, in ether theyr prouyn­ces, or the Byshoppe of the Diocese, or by the Quenes Maiesties visitours: and such as shall be so lycensed, they shall gladly receyue, to de­clare the worde of God, at conuenient tymes, without any resystaunce or contradiction. And that no other bee suffred to preache out of his owne cure or paryshe, than suche as shalbe ly­censed, as is aboue expressed.

Also yf they do, or shall knowe anye manne within theyr paryshe, or els where, that is a 9 letter of the worde of God, Letters of the worde. to be readde in Eng­lyshe, or sincerely preached, or of thexecution of these the Quenes Maiesties Iniunctions, or a fawter of anye vsurped and forrayne power, nowe by the lawes of this Realme iustelye re­iected and taken awaye, Fa [...]rs of the vsurped power. they shall detecte, and present the same to the Quenes Maiestie, or to her counsayle, or to the Ordinarye, or to the Iu­styce of peace next adioynyng.

Also that the Parson, Uycar, or Curatte, and paryshyoners of euery paryshe within this 10 Realme: A Regeste [...]. shall in theyr Churches and Chappels kepe one booke or Regester, wherein they shall wryte the daye and yeare of euerye weddynge, Chrystenynge, and Buryall, made within the Paryshe, for theyr tyme, and so euerye manne succeadynge theym lykewyse, and [Page] also therein shall wryte euerye persones name that shalbe so wedded, chrystened, and buryed. And for the safe kepyng of the same booke, the Paryshe shalbe bounde to prouyde of theyr com­mon charges one suer coffer with twoo lockes and keyes, wherof the one to remayne with the Parson, Uicar, or Curate, and thother with the Wardens of euery paryshe Churche or chappell wherin the sayde booke shalbe layde vp, whiche booke they shall euery Sundaye take forth, and in the presens of the sayde Wardens or one of them, wryte and recorde in the same al the wed­dynges, chrystenynges, and buryalles made the whole weke before. And that done, to lay vp the booke in the sayde coffer, as afore. And for euery tyme that the same shalbe omitted, the partie that shalbe in the faulte thereof, shall forfeit to the sayd Church .iii. s. iiii. d. to be employed, the one halfe to the poore mennes boxe of that Pa­ryshe, the other halfe towardes the repayre of the Churche.

Furthermore, because the gooddes of the 10 Churche, are called the goodes of the poore, and at these dayes, Distributi­on of the .xl. part. nothynge is lesse sene then the poore to be sustayned with the same: All per­sons, Uicars, Pentionaries, Prebendaries, and other benefyced men within this Deanrye not beynge resydente vpon theyr benefices, whiche may dispend yerely twenty pound or aboue, ey­ther within this Deanry, or ells where, shall dystrybute heareafter amonge theyr poore [Page] parisshioners or other inhabitauntes there, in the presence of the churche wardens or some o­ther honest men of the parishe, the fortye part of the fruites and reuenues of their said benefice, leaste they be worthely noted of ingratitude, which reseruing so many partes to them selues cannot vouchsafe, to impart the fortie portion therof emonge the poore people of that parish, that is so fruitfull and porfytable vnto them.

12 And to thintent that learned men may her­after spring the more for thexecucion of the pre­misses, Exhibition for scholers. euerie person, vycar, clearke or beneficed man within this Deanry, hauing yerely to dis­pende in benefices and other promocions of the church an hundreth poundes, shall gyue s. viii. d. in exhibicion to one scoler in any of the vniuersities, and for as many more, as he may dispend, to so many scholers more shall giue like exhibiciō in the vniuersitie of Oxford of Cābridge, or some gramer schole, which after they haue profyted in good learning, maye be parteners of their patrones, Cure and charge, as well in preaching as otherwise in execution of their offices, or may when neade shalbe other wise profite the comon weale, with their coun­sayle and wisedome.

13 Also that all proprietaries, persons, vicars, and clearkes hauing churches, The fifte parte for re­parations. chappels or mā ­sions within this deanry shall bestowe, yearely hereafter vppon the same mansions or chaun­selles of their churches, being in decay, the fift parte of that their benefices, tyll they be fullye [Page] repayred and shal alwayes kepe and maintaine in good estate.

Readinge of the Iniuncti­ons.14 Also that the said persons vicars & Clearkes shall once euery quarter of the yeare reade these Iniunctions giuen vnto them, openly and deli­beratly before al their parishioners, at one time or at two seueral times in one day, to thentent that both thei may be the better admonyshed of their dutie, and their said parishioners the more moued to folowe the same for their parte.

Payments of Tithes.15 Also forasmuche as by lawes established, e­uery man is bounde to pay his tithes, no man shal by colour of duetie omitted by there curat­tes, deteine their tithes, & so requite one wrong with another, or be hys owne Iudge: but shall truely pay y e same, as he hath bene accustomed to their persons, vicars and Curates, withoute any restrainte or diminucion. And suche lacke and defaulte as they cane Iustly finde in their persons and Curattes, to call for reformacyon therof, at their ordinaries & other superiours, who vpon complaynte and dewe proffe therof, shall reforme the same accordingly.

The newe Tes­tamente and paraphrasis.16 Also that euerye person, vicar, Curate and Stipendary prieste, beinge vnder the degree of a maister of arte, shall prouide, and haue of hys owne within three monethes after this visita­cion, the newe testament both in latten and in Englishe with paraphrases vpon the same, con­ferryng thone with thother. And the bishops & other ordynaryes by them selfes or their offy­cers [Page] in their synodes and visitacions, shall exa­myne the sayde ecclesiastycal personnes, howe they haue profyted in the studye of holye scryp­ture.

17 Also that the vyce of damnable dyspayre, Comfortable Sentences for the syck. may be clearely taken a waye, and that firme beleife, and Stedfast hope may be surely concei­ued of al their parishioners being in any daun­ger, they shall learne and haue alwayes in a re­dynes, suche comfortable places & sentences of Scripture, as do set forth the mercye, benefites and goodnes of almyghtye god, towardes all penytente and beleauynge persons, that they maye at all tymes when necessity shall require. promptly comforte their flocke with the lyuely worde of god, whiche is thonely staye of mans conscience.

18 Also to avoyde all contentyon and stryfe Procession to be lefte. which heretofore hath risē emong the Quenes maiestyes subiectes in sundrye places of her realmes and dominions by reason of fond Cur­tesy, and chalengynge of places in processyon: and also that they maye the more quietly heare that whiche is sayde or songe to their edifiyng, they shall not from henceforth in anye paryshe Churche, at any tyme vse any procession about the Churche or Churche yarde, or other place, but immediatly before the tyme of communion of the Sacramente, the priestes wyth other of they quyre, shall kneele in the myddes of the Church, and syng or saye playnely and distintly [Page] the letany which is set fourth in Englysh with all the Suffrages following, The letanye. to thintente the people may heare and answere, and none other procession or Letanye to be had or vsed, but the sayde Letanye in Englishe, addynge nothynge therto but as it is nowe appointed. And in Ca­thedrall or Collegiat churches, the same shalbe done in suche places and in suche sorte, as our commissioners in our visitacion shall appoint. and in the tyme of the letanye of the common prayer of the Sermon, and when the priest rea­deth the scripture to the parisshioners, no ma­ner of persons without a Iuste & vrgent cause shall vse any walking in the church, Le [...] bearinge of deuine ser­uice. ne shal de­parte out of the churche, and all ringinge and knollynge of belles shalbe vtterlye forborne for that time, except one bel in conuenient time to be ronge or knowled before the Sermone. But yet for the reteyning of y e perambulation of the Circuites of paryshes, they shal ons in the yere at the time accustomed with the curate and the substancial mē of the parishe, walke about their paryshes as they were accustomed, & at their re­turne to the church make their cōmon prayers.

19 Prouided that the curate in their said com­mon Perambulati­on of parishesperambulatyons vsed heretofore in the dayes of rogations at certen conuenient places shall admonyshe the people to gyue thanckes to god in the beholdynge of gods benefittes for thencrease and aboundaunce of his fruites vp­on the face of therth, wyth the sayeng the .103. Psalme Benedic anima mea. &c. or such like, at which [Page] time also the same minister shall Inculke there or such Sentences. Cursed be he whiche transla­teth the boundes and dolles of his neyghboure, or such other order of prayers as shalbe hereaf­ter apoynted.

20 Item all the Quenes faithfull and louing subiectes shall from henceforth celebrate and keepe their holly daye, Spendinge al the holy day. accordinge to gods holye will and pleasure: that is in hearing the worde of god red and taught: in priuate and publique prayers: in knowledginge their offences to god, and amendement of the same, in reconcylinge their selfes charitablye to their neyghboures, where displeasure hath ben, in often tymes re­ceauinge the communion of the very body and bloude of Christ, in visityng of the poore and Sicke, in vsing all sobernes and godly conuer­sation: yet notwythstandinge all persones vi­cars and Curattes, shall teach and declare vnto their parysshioners, that they may with a safe and quiet conscience after their common praier in the time of haruest, labour vppon the holly and festiuall dayes, and saue that thinge which god hath sente. And yf for anye Scrupulositie, or grudge of Conscyence, men should superstiti­ously absteine from working vpon those dayes, that then they should greuously offend and dis­please god.

21 Also forasmuch as varyaunce and conten­tion is a thinge that moste displeaseth god, Open conten­ders to be recō ciled openly. and is moste contrary to the blessed communion of the body and bloud of our Sauiour Christ, Cu­rates [Page] shall in no wyse admit to the receauynge therof any of their cure or floke, which be open­ly knowē to lyue in sine notoriouse without re­pentaunce, or who hath malitiously and open­lye contendyd with his neighboure, onles the same do fyrste charitably and openly reconcyle him selfe againe, remittynge all rancoure and mallice, whatsoeuer controuersye hath ben be­twene them, and neuertheles, their iuste tytles and ryghtes, they may charitably, prosecute be­fore such as haue aucthority to heare the same.

Contemners of laudible Cere­monies.22 Also that they shall instructe and teache in their cures, that no man ought obstinatlye and malitiouslye, breake and vyolate the lawdable Ceremonyes of the Churche commaunded by publique aucthorytye to be obserued.

The abolishe­ment of thin­ges superstici­o [...].23 Also that they shall take awaye, vtterly ex­tyncte and dystroye all shrynes, couerynge of Shrynes, all Tables, candelstykes, tryndalles, and rolles of waxe, pictures, payntinges, and al other monumentes of fayned myracles, Pilgre­magies, Idolatry and supersticyon, so that ther remaine no memorye of y e same in walles, glas­ses, wyndowe or elles where within their chur­ches and houses, preseruing neuerthelesse or re­payuynge bothe the walles and glase windous. And they shall exhorte all their paryshyoners to do the like within their seuerall houses.

The pulpit.24 And that the Churchwardens, at the com­mon charge of the paryshyoners in euerye Churche, shall prouyde a comely and honeste Pulpet to be set in a conuenient place wythin [Page] the same & to be ther semely kepte, for the prea­chinge of gods worde.

25 Also they shall prouyde, The Cheste for the poore. and haue wythin three monethes after this visitatyon, a stronge cheste with a hole in the vpper parte thereof, to be prouyded, at the coste and charge of the pa­ryshe, hauinge .iii. keyes, whereof one shall re­maine in the custody of the person, vycar or Cu­rate, and the other two in the custodye of the Churchwardens, or any other two honest men, to be appoynted by the paryshe from yeare to yeare, whych cheste you shall set and fasten in a most couenient place, to thentent the parishio­ners shoulde put into it their oblacyons and almes for their poore neighbours. And the per­son vicar and Curate, shal diligently from time to tyme, and speciallye when men make their Testamentes, cal vpon, exhorte and moue their neighbours to conferre and giue, as they maye well spare, to the sayde cheste, declairynge vnto them, wheras hertofore thei haue ben dilygent to bestowe muche substaunce otherwyse than god commaunded, vpon pardons, Pilgremages Trentalles, deckynge of ymages, offerynge of Candelles, geuynge to friers, and vppon other like blind deuotions: they ought at this time to be much more redy to helpe the pore and neady, knowyng that to releue the pore is a true wor­shippinge of god, required earnestly vpon paine of euerlasting dampnation, & that also, whatso­euer is giuen for their comfort, is giuē to Christ him selfe, and so is accepted of him, that he wyl mercifully reward the same w t euerlasting life. [Page] The whiche almes and deuotion of the people, the kepers of the keies, shal at times conueniēt take out of the cheste and distrybute the same in the presens of the whole paryshe or sixe of them to be truely and faithfullye delyuered to their most nydie neighbours, The distribu­tion of the Almes. and yf thei be prouyded for, then to the reparacion of highe wayes next adioyninge; or to the poore people of suche pa­rishes nere as shalbe thought best to the said ke­pers of the keys. And also the money which ry­seth of fraternities, guildes and other stockes of the church (except by the quenes maiesties auc­thoritie it be otherwyse appoynted) shalbe put into the said cheste, & conuerted to the sayd vse, and also the rentes of landes, the proffit of Cat­taile, and money geuē or bequethed to obbittes and diriges, or to the finding of torches, l [...]ghtes tapers and lampes, shalbe conuerted to the said vse, sauing that it shalbe lawful for them to be­stowe parte of the saide proffittes vpon the re­paration of the sayd churche, yf greate nede re­quire, and where as the paryshe is verye poore, and not able otherwise to repaire the same.

Simony.26 Also to auoide the detestable synne of Sy­monye because byinge and Sellinge of benefi­ces is erecrable before god: therfore al such per­sons as bye anye benefices, or come to them by fraude or deceite, shalbe depriued of suche bene­fices; and be made vnable at any tyme after, to receaue any other spirytuall promotion. And such as do sel them, or by any colour do bestowe them for their owne gaine and profet, shall lose [Page] theyr right and tytle of patronage, and present­ment for that tyme, and the gyft therof for that vacation, shall apperteyne to the Quenes Ma­iestie.

Also because through lacke of preachers in 27 many places of the Quenes Realmes and do­minions, Homelies to be read. the people continue in ignoraunce & blyndnesse, al Persons, Uicars, & Curates, shall reade in theyr Churches euery Sunday, one of the Homelies which are and shalbe set forth for the same purpose, by the Quenes aucthoritie in such sorte as they shalbe appoynted to do in the preface of the same.

Also whereas many indiscret [...] persons do 28 at this day, Contēpt of ministers. vncharitably contempne and abuse priestes and ministers of the Churche, because some of them (hauyng small learnyng) haue of longe tyme fauoured fonde phantasies, rather than Gods trueth: yet forasmuch as theyr of­fyce and function is appoynted of Godde: the Quenes Maiestie wylleth and chargeth all her louynge subiectes, that from henceforth they shal vse them charitably & reuerently, for theyr office and ministracion sake, and especially such as labour in the settynge forth of Goddes holye worde.

Item although there be no prohibition by 29 the worde of God, nor any example of the pri­matiue Churche, but that the priestes and my­nisters of the Church may lawfully, for the ad­uoydyng of fornication, haue an honest and so­ber wyfe, & that for the same purpose, the same [Page] was by act of Parliament in tyme of our deare brother kyng Edwarde the syxt, made lawefull, wherevpon a great nombre of the clergy of this realme were their maryed, and so yet continue, yet because ther hath growen offence, and some slaunder to the Church, by lacke of discrete and sober behauyoure in manye mynysters of the Churche, both in chosyng of theyr wyues, and in vndiscrete lyuynge with them, the remedye wherof is necessary to be sought. It is thought therfore very necessary, that no maner of prieste or deacon, shall hereafter take to his wyfe anye maner of woman without the aduyse and al­lowaunce fyrste had vpon good examination by the byshop of the same Diocese, and two Iusty­ces of peace of the same shyre, dwellyng next to the place where the same womā hath made her moste abode, before her maryage, nor without the good wyll of the parentes of the sayde wo­man, yf she haue any lyuyng, or two of the next of her kynsefolkes, or for lacke of knowledge of such, of her master or mastres where she serueth. And before he shalbe contracted in any place, he shall make a good and certen profe therof to the mynyster, or to the congregation assembled for that purpose, which shalbe vpon some holy day where dyuers may be present. And yf anye shall do otherwyse: that then they shall not be per­mitted to minister eyther the woorde, or the sa­cramentes of the Churche, nor shall be capable of anye Ecclesiasticall benefyce. And for the maner of mariages of any Byshoppes, the same [Page] shalbe allowed and approued by the Metropo­litane of the prouince, and also by suche com­missioners as the Quenes Maiestie shall there­vnto appoynt. And yf any master or deane, or any head of any colledge, shal purpose to mary, the same shall not be allowed, but by suche to whom the visitacion of the same doth properly belonge, who shall in anye wyse prouyde that the same tende not to the hynderaunce of theyr house.

Item her Maiestie beynge desyrous to haue 30 the prelacye and cleargye of this Realme to bee hadde aswell in outwarde reuerence, Of apparell of ministers. as other­wyse regarded for the worthynesse of theyr mi­nisteries, and thynkynge it necessarye to haue them knowen to the people, in all places and assembles, bothe in the Churche and without, and thereby to receaue the honour and estyma­tion due to the speciall messengers and myny­sters of almyghtye Godde: wylleth and com­maundeth that all Archebyshoppes and Bys­shoppes, and all other that be called or admyt­ted to preachynge or mynysterye of the Sacra­mentes, or that bee admytted into anye voca­tion Ecclesiasticall, or into any societie of lear­ning in eyther of the vniuersities, or els where, shall vse and weare suche semely habytes, gar­mentes, and suche square cappes, as were mooste commenly and orderlye receyued in the latter yeare of the raigne of Kynge Ed­warde the syxte, not thereby meanyng to attri­bute [Page] any holynesse or special worthynesse to the sayde garmentes. But as saint Paule wryteth: Omnia decenteret secundi [...] ordinem fid [...]t. 1. Cor. 14. Cap.

31 Item that no man shall wylfully & obsty­nately defende or mainteyne anye heresies, Heresies. er­rours, or false doctrine, contrary to the fayth of 32 Chryst and his holy scripture.

Charmes.Item that no personnes shall vse charmes, sorcery, enchauntmentes, witchcraftes, south­saying, or any lyke deuelyshe deuyse, nor shal re­sort at any time to the same for coūsell or helpe.

33 Item that no person shal, neglectyng their owne paryshe Church, Absente frō cōmon prayer. resort to any other chur­che in tyme of common prayer or preachyng, ex­cept it be by the occasion of some extraordinary sermon, in some paryshe of the same towne.

34 Item that no Inneholders or ale house ke­pers shall vse to sell meate or drynke in the time of common prayer, Inholders &alehouses. preachynge, readynge of the Homelies or Scriptures.

35 Images in houses.Item that no persons kepe in theyr houses any abused images, table, pictures, payntinges and other monumentes of fayned miracles, pil­grimages, 36 ydolatry, or supersticion.

Disturbers of Sermons or seruice.Item that no man shall wyllyngly lette or disturbe the preacher in tyme of his Sermon, or let or discourage any curate or minister to sing or say the diuine seruice nowe sette forth, nor mocke or jest at the ministers of such seruice.

37 Rashe tal­kers of scripture.Item that no man shall talke or reason of the holy scriptures, rashelye or contentiouslye, [Page] nor mayntaine any false doctrine or errour, but shal commune of the same when occasion is ge­uen, reuerently, humbly, & in the feare of God, for his comfort and better vnderstandyng.

Item that no man, woman, nor chyld shal­be 38 otherwyse occupyed in the tyme of the ser­uice, Attendaūce to the ser­uice. then in quiet attendaunce to heare, marke and vnderstande that is read, preached, and my­nistred.

Item that euery Scolemaster and teacher, 39 shall teache the gramer set forth by kyng Henry theight of noble memory, The Gramer of kyng Hē ­ry the eyght. and continued in the tyme of kyng Edward the syxt, and none other.

Item that no man shall take vpon hym to 40 teache, Allowance of Scolema­sters. but such as shalbe allowed by thordina­rye, and founde mete, as well for his learnyng & dexteritie in teachyng, as for sober and honeste conuersation, and also for ryght vnderstanding of Gods true religion.

Item that al teachers of chyldrē shal stirre 41 & moue thē to the loue & due reuerence of Gods true religion, Duetie of scolema­sters. nowe truely set forth by publyke aucthoritie.

Item that they shall accustome theyr scol­lers 42 reuerently to learne such sentences of scriptures, Sentences of scripture for scollers. as shalbe moste expedient to enduce them to all godlynesse.

Item forasmuche as in these latter dayes 43 many haue ben made priestes, Vnlearned priestes. beynge chyldren, and otherwyse vtterly vnlearned, so that they coulde reade to say mattens and masse: The Or­dinaries [Page] shall not admitte any such to any cure or spirituall function.

44 Item, euery Parsone, Uycar, and Curate, shall vpon euery holye daye, The Cathe­chisme. and euery seconde Sunday in the yeare, heare and instruct all the youth of the paryshe, for halfe an houre at the leaste, before Euenynge prayer, in the ten com­maundementes, the Artycles of the beliefe, and in the Lordes prayer, and dylygentlye exa­myne them, and teache the Cathechisme, sette forth in the booke of publike prayer.

45 Item that the ordinaries do exhibite vnto our visitoures, The boke of the afflicti [...]s for religion. theyr bookes, or a true copye of the same, conteynyng the causes why any per­son was imprysoned, famyshed, or put to death for religion.

46 Item that in euery paryshe, three or foure discrete men which tender Gods glorye, Ouerseers for seru [...]e on the [...] ly dayes. and his true relygyon, shalbe appoynted by the Ordi­naries, diligentlye to see that all the paryshyo­ners duely resorte to theyr Churche vppon all Sundayes and holy dayes, and there to conty­nue the whole tyme of the Godly seruice. And all suche as shalbe founde slacke or negligente in resortyng to the Churche, hauynge no great nor vrgent cause of absence, they shall strayght­ly call vpon them, and after due monition, yf they amende not, they shall denounce them to the ordinarye.

47 Item that the Churchwardens of euery pa­ryshe Inuentories of churche goods.shall delyuer vnto our visitours the inuē ­tories [Page] of vestmentes, copes, and other ornamen­tes, plate, bookes, and specyallye of Grayles, Couchers, Legendes, Processionalles, Hym­nalles, Manuelles, Portuesses, and suche lyke apperteynyng to theyr Church.

Item that wekely vppon Wenesdayes and 48 Frydayes, Seruice on wenesdayes & frydayes. not beynge holly dayes, the curate at the accustomed houres of seruice, shall resort to Churche, and cause warning to be geuen to the people, by knollyng of the bell, and say the Le­tany and prayers.

Item because dyuers Collegiate, and also 49 some paryshe Churches heretofore, Continuaunce of syngyng in the church. there hathe ben lyuynges appoynted for the maintenaunce of menne and chyldren, to vse syngynge in the Churche, by meanes whereof the lawdable sci­ence of musike hath ben had in estimation, and preserued in knowledge: The Quenes Maie­stie neyther meanyng in any wyse the decaye of any thyng that myght conuenientlye tende to the vse and contynnaunce of the sayde science, neyther to haue the same in anye parte so abu­sed in the Churche, that thereby the common prayer shoulde bee the worse vnderstande of the hearers: Wylleth and commaundeth, that fyrste no alteration be made of such assignementes of lyuynge, as heretofore hath been appoynted to the vse of syngynge or musyke in the Churche, but that the same so remayne. And that there bee a modeste and destyncte songe so vsed, in all partes of the common prayers in the [Page] Church: that the same maye be as playnely vn­derstāded as if it were read without singing. And yet neuertheles for the comforting of such as delyte in musicke, it maye be permitted that in the beginnyng, or in thend of common pray­ers, eyther at mornyng or euenynge, there maye be songe an hymne, or suche lyke songe, to the prayse of almyghtye God, in the best sore of me­lodye and musicke that maye be conuenientlye deuysed, hauynge respecte that the sentence of the hymne maye bee vnderstanded and percey­ued.

50 Item because in all alterations, & specially in rytes and ceremonies, Agaynst sclaūderous and inf [...]mus wordes. there happeneth dis­cord emonges the people, and thervpon slaun­derous wordes and [...]linges, wherby charitie, the knot of all christian societie is losed. The Quenes Maiestie beyng most desirous of all o­ther earthly thynges, that her people shoulde lyue in charitie, both towardes God and man, and therin abounde in good woorkes: wylleth and straightly commaundeth al maner her sub­iectes, to forbeare all vayne & contencious dis­putacions in matters of Religion, and not to vse in despite or rebuke of any person, these conuitious wordes, papyst or papisticall hereticke, scysmaticke, or sacramentary, or any suche lyke wordes of reproche. But yf anye maner of per­son, shall deserue the accusation of any such, that fyrste he bee charytablye admonysshed thereof. And yf that shall not amende hym, [Page] then to denounce the offendours to the ordina­ry, or to some higher power hauing aucthoritie to correcte the same.

Item because there is a great abuse in the 51 printers of bokes, Against here­tical and sedi­ciouse bokes. which for couetousnes cheif­ly regard not what they print, so thei may haue gaine, whereby arriseth great dysorder by pub­licatyon of vnfrutefull, vayne and infamous bokes and papers: The Quenes maiestie strayt­ly chargethe and commaundeth, that no man­ner of person shall print any maner of boke or paper, of what sort, nature, or in what lāguage soeuer it be, excepte the same be first licenced by her maiestie by expresse wordes in writynge, or by .vi. of her priuy counsel, or bs perused & licen­sed by the archbyshops of Cantorbury & yorke, the bishop of London, the chauncelours of both vnyuersities, the bishop beyng ordinary, and the Archdeacon also of the place where any suche shalbe printed, or by two of them, wherof the or­dinary of the place to be alwaies one. And that the names of such as shal allows the same, to be added in thende of euery such worke, for a testy­monye of the allowaunce therof. And bycause many pampheletes, playes and balletes, be of­ten times printed, wherein regard wold be had, that nothinge therin should be either heretical, sedicious, or vnsemely for Christian eares: Her maiestie likewise commaundeth, that no man­ner of person, shall enterprise to print any such, except the same be to him lycenced by suche her maiesties commyssioners, or .iii, of them, as h [...] [Page] appoynted in the citye of London to here, and determine diuers causes ecclesiasticall, tending to the execution of certayne statutes, made the last parliamēt for vnyformitye of order in reli­gion. And yf any shall sell or vtter, any manner of bokes or papers, beynge not licensed as is a­bouesaid: That the same party shalbe punyshed by order of the sayde commyssyoners, as to the qualitie of the faulte shalbe thought mete. And touchinge all other bokes of matters of religy­on, or polycye, or gouernaunce, that hathe ben printed, eitheir on thisside the Seas, or on tho­ther side, bicause the diuersitie of thē is great, and that there nedeth good consideration to be had of the perticularyties therof: her maiestye referreth the prohibition, or permission therof: to thorder whiche her saide commissioners within the Citie of London shall take, and no­tifye. Accordynge to the whyche, her maiestye straightly commaundeth al manner her subiec­tes, and specially the wardens and company of Stacyoners, to be obedyent.

Prouyded that these orders do not extend to anye prophane aucthours, and workes in any language, that hath ben heretofore commonly receyued or allowed in any the vnyuersities or Scoles: But the same may be prynted and vsed, as by good order they were accustomed.

52 Item, althougthe almightye god, is at all tymes to be honored wyth all manner of reue­rence that maye be deuysed: Reuerence at prayers. yet all other tymes, in tyme of common prayer the same is [Page] most to be regarded. Therfore, it is to be necessa­ryly receiued, that in tyme of the Letanye, and of all other collectes and common supplicaty­ons to almyghty god, all manner of people shal deuoutly and humblye knele vpon their knees, Honor to the name of Iesus and gyue eare therunto. And that whensoeuer the name of Iesus shalbe in anye Lesson, Ser­mon or otherwyse in the churche, pronounced: That due reuerēce be made of all parsons yong and olde, with lowlynes of cursey, and vncoue­rynge of heddes of the men kynde, as therunto doth necessarylye belonge, and heretofore hath ben accustomed.

Item that all ministers and readers of pub­licke 53 prayers, Curates to reade di­stinctly. chapyters and homelyes, shalbe charged to reade leasurly, playnly and dystynct­ly, and also such as are but meane readers, shal peruse ouer before once or twyse the chapy­ters and homelyes, to thintent they maye reade to the better vnder­standing of the people, and the more encoragement to godlynes.

¶An admonition to simple men, deceyued by malicious.

THE Quenes Maiestie beyng infor­med that in certeyne places of this realme, sundry of her natiue subiec­tes, beynge called to Ecclesiasticall ministerie in the Church, be by sini­ster persuasion, and peruerse construction indu­ced to fynd some scruple in the fourm of an othe which by an Act of the last parliament, is pre­scrybed to be required of dyuers persons, for the recognition of theyr allegiaunce to her Maie­stie, which certeinly neither was euer ment [...]e by any equitie of words or good sence, cā be ther of gathered: Woulde that all her louynge sub­iectes should vnderstand, that nothyng was, is, or shalbe ment or intended by the same othe, to haue any other duetie, allegiaunce, or bonde re­quired by the same othe then was acknowled­ged to be due to the mooste noble kynges of fa­mous memory kyng Henry the .viii. her Maie­sties father, or kyng Edwarde the syxt, her Ma­iesties brother.

And further her Maiestie forbyddeth all ma­ner her subiectes to geue eare or credit to suche peruerse & malitiouse persons, which most sini­sterly & malitiously labour to notifie to her lo­uing subiectes, how by the wordes of the sayde othe, it may be collected y t the kinges or Quenes of this realme, possessours of the Crowne, may [Page] chalenge aucthoritie and power of ministrie of diuine offices in the Churche, wherein her said subiectes be much abused by such euyll disposed persons. For certeinlye her Maiestie neither doth, ne euer wyll challenge any other auctho­ritie, than that was challenged and lately vsed by the sayde noble kynges of famous memorye kyng Henry the eyght, and kynge Edwarde the syxt, which is and was of auncient tyme due to the Imperyall Crowne of this realme. That is vnder God, to haue the soueraintie & rule ouer all maner persons borne within these her real­mes, dominions, and countreys, of what estate either ecclesiasticall or temporall so euer they be so as [...] ther forraine power shal or ought to haue any superioritie ouer them. And if any person that hath conceiued anye other sence of the fourme of the sayde othe, shall accepte the same othe with this interpretacion, sence, or meanyng; her maiestie is well pleased to accept euery such in that behalfe, as her good and obe­dient subiectes, & shall acquite them of all ma­ner penalties conteyned in the saide acte against such as shal peremptorily, or obstinately refuse to take the same othe.

For the Tables in the church.

WHeras her Maiestie vnderstandeth that in many and sundry partes of the realme, the Alters of the Chur­ches be remoued, & tables placed for ministratiō of the holy sacrament, accordynge to the fourme of the lawe therefore prouyded, and in some other places the Alters be not yet remoued, vpon opinion conceiued of some other order therin to be taken by her Ma­iesties visitours. In thorder whereof, sauynge for an vniformitie, there semeth no matter of great moment, so that the sacrament be duely and reuerently mynystred. yet for obseruation of one vniformitie through the hole Realme, & for the better imitacion of the lawe, in that be­halfe, it is ordered that no Alter be taken down but by ouersyght of the curate of the Churche, and the churchwardens, or one of them at the least, wherin no riotous or disordred maner to be vsed, and that the holy table in euery Churche be decently made, and set in the place where the alter stode: and there cōmonly couered as ther­to belongeth, and as shalbe appoynted by the visitours, and so to stande, sauing when the cō ­munion of the sacrament is to be distributed, at whiche tyme the same shalbe so placed in good sorte within the Chauncell, as wherby the mi­nister may be more conueniently hearde of the communicantes, in his prayer and ministrati­on, [Page] & the cōmunicantes also, more conueniently & in more nomber communicate with the sayde minister, and after the Communion done, from tyme to tyme the same holy table to be placed where it stode before.

Item where also it was in the tyme of kyng Edward the syxt vsed to haue the sacramentall bread of common fine bread: The Sacra­mentall breade. It is ordered for the more reuerence to be geuē to these holy mi­steries, being the sacramentes of the bodye and bloud of our sauior Iesus Chryst, that the same sacramentall bread be made and formed plaine without any figures thervpon, of the same finenesse & fashion rounde, though somwhat bygger in compasse and thickenes, as the vsu­all breade and wafer heretofore named syngynge cakes, which serued for the vse of the priuate masse.

¶The forme of biddinge the prayers to be vsed generally in this vni­forme sorte.

YE shall pray for Christes holy catho­like church, that is, for the whole cō ­gregation of christen people, dysper­sed throughoute the whole worlde, and specially for the church of Eng­lande and Irelande. And herein I require you most specially to pray for the Quenes moste ex­cellent maiestie our soueraigne lady Elizabeth Quene of Englande, Fraunce and Irelande, de­fendour of the faith, and supreme gouernour of this realme, aswell in causes ecclesyasticall as temporall.

you shal also pray for the ministers of gods ho­ly word and Sacramentes, aswel Archbyshops and bishoppes, as other pastures and curates.

you shall also pray for the Quenes moste ho­norable counsayle, and for all the nobylitie of this realme, that al and euerye of these in their callynge, maye serue truly and painfully, to the glory of god and edifiyng of his people, remem­bringe thaccompte that they must make.

Also you shall praye for the whole commons of this realme, that they may liue in true faith and feare of god, in humble obedyence and bro­therly charytie one to thother.

Finally, let vs prayse god for all those whych are departed out of this life in the faith of christ and pray vnto god, that we maye haue grace so [Page] to direct our lyues after their good exāple, that after this lyfe, we with them may be made par­takers of the gloriouse resurrection, in the lyfe euerlastinge.

¶And thys done shewe the holly dayes and fasting dayes.

ALl which and synguler Iniuncti­ons, the Quenes maiestye myny­streth vnto her clergye, and to all other her louyng subiectes, strayt­ly charginge and commaundynge them to obserue and kepe the same vpon payne of depryuatyon, Sequestratyon of fruites and benefyces, Suspension, excommu­nication and such other cohertion, as to ordina­ries, or other hauinge ecclesiasticall Iurysdicti­on, whom her maiestie hath appointed, or shall apoint for the due execution of the same, shalbe seen conuenient. Charging and commaunding them, to see these Iniunctyons obserued and kept of al personnes, beynge vnder their Iuris­dictyon, as they wil answere to her maiestie for the contrary. And her highnes pleasure is, that euery Iustice of peace beyng requi­red, shall assiste the ordinaryes and euery of them, for the due exe­cution of the sayd In­iunctions.

¶Imprinted at London in Poules Church yarde by Richard lugge and Iohn Cawood prynters to the Quenes Maiestie.

Cum priuilegio Regiae Maiestatis.

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