A red line                                                                                                                   ISSN 1463-5194 

Creating and Documenting Electronic Texts:

A Guide to Good Practice


Alan Morrison
Michael Popham
Karen Wikander

Guide to Good Practice Navigation Bar

Chapter 1: Introduction

1.1: Aims and organisation of this Guide
1.2: What this Guide does not cover, and why
1.3: Opening questions — Who will read your text, why, and how?

Chapter 2: Document Analysis

2.1: What is document analysis?
2.2: How should I start?
2.3: Visual and structural analysis
2.4: Typical textual features

Chapter 3: Digitization — Scanning, OCR, and Re-keying

3.1: What is digitization?
3.2: The digitization chain
3.3: Scanning and image capture
3.4: Image capture and Optical Character Recognition (OCR)
3.5: Re-Keying

Chapter 4: Markup: The key to reusability

4.1: What is markup?
4.2: Visual/presentational markup vs. structural/descriptive markup
4.3: Implications for long-term preservation and reuse

Chapter 5: SGML/XML and TEI

5.1: The Standard Generalized Markup Language (SGML)
5.2: The Text Encoding Initiative and TEI Guidelines
5.3: Where to find out more about SGML/XML and the TEI

Chapter 6 : Documentation and Metadata

6.1 What is Metadata and why is it important?
6.2 The TEI Header
6.3 The Dublin Core Element Set and the Arts and Humanities Data Service

Chapter 7: Summary

Step 1: Sort out the rights
Step 2: Assess your material
Step 3: Clarify your objectives
Step 4: Identify the resources available to you and any relevant standards
Step 5: Develop a project plan
Step 6: Do the work!
Step 7: Check the results
Step 8: Test your text
Step 9: Prepare for preservation, maintenance, and updating
Step 10: Review and share what you have learned



Guide to Good Practice Navigation Bar


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© The right of Alan Morrison, Michael Popham and Karen Wikander to be identified as the Authors of this Work has been asserted by them in accordance with the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988. 

All material supplied via the Arts and Humanities Data Service is protected by copyright, and duplication or sale of all or part of any of it is not permitted, except that material may be duplicated by you for your personal research use or educational purposes in electronic or print form. Permission for any other use must be obtained from the Arts and Humanities Data Service Electronic or print copies may not be offered, whether for sale or otherwise, to any third party. 
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