A Corpus of English Dialogues 1560-1760 (CED) CORPUS FILES 1. 177 plain text files (file names: D*) (packaged in CEDPlain.zip) 2. 177 XML files (file names: D*.XML; packaged in CEDXML.zip), accompanied by the DTD for the files (dialogueDoc.dtd), the pre-set stylesheet (dialogWebRender.xsl) for viewing files in a web browser, and an alternate stylesheet (dialogOrigRender.xsl) reproducing the original layout; the supplied program setstylesheet.exe can be used to adjust what stylesheet a file uses (Windows only, to be run from the command line). GUIDE TO THE CORPUS (file name: CEDGuide.pdf) The Guide gives information on the text-types, the texts selected, and word counts, the criteria for text selection, the encoding principles applied, the availability of the corpus, the format for reference made to the corpus, full bibliographical references to source texts. The Guide is also available as a hard copy (for details, contact merja.kyto@engelska.uu.se)