The English language of the north-west in the late Modern English period:

A Corpus of late 18c Prose, part 2


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Mr. Richd.. Orford
at Lime Hall
      new page
Mr. Richd. Orford
    One {**} [torn off] my Workmen is here
from Whaley, and tells me Sam~l.. Knowls
is Dead Some Weeks Since, and has left the
Right he has in the House &c— belonging
to Peter Lee Esqr — to his Son Sam~l-
Knowles a Tanner that lives about How
Lane or Pointon Lane Ends or Thereabouts,
he has told my man a Short Time Since
he Designed to Sell me, or Some other Persons
the Said House, — The Present is to beg
of you one More Favour to those allready
Confer'd, — that is that you will on the
Receipt of this apply to, or Send for the Said
Sam~l. Knowls to Treat with and Purchase the
Tennant Right of the Said House &c of him
for me, It having belong'd to the Mill &
is more Suitable to it, than any other Person
and I think Mr Lee will Chuse to have the
Whole Put togather in One Agreement, and
I don't doubt but from the Adventure I am making
at whaley he will Iudge me as Worthy of
it as another Person — I have a very large Quantity
of Corn up which has been Detained by [corrected] the Frost &c
which Prevents me Comeing over
      new page    Please to Turn
Sam~l.. Knowls Bought the good Well of the
House &c Some time ago for abt. 30£
I Never bid Him any_thing at it tho he has
Ask'd me about a Year Since to buy it, but
Shou'd be Sorry any Person Else shou'd have it
So desire you'd Agree with him as well as you
can — I wait your Ansr: when you have Seen
him and am Sir with due Respect to [corrected] Self
Family your most Oblidged Hble Serv{*}
    Ioseph Drabble
Sheffield 24 Feby. 1771


Mr. Richd.. Orford.
at Lime Hall
By Favour of
Ias Shepley
      new page
Mr.. Orford,
    Mr. Iohn Bennett and I have
this Day Concluded that he will Call on
you at Lime Hall on Saturday Evening
at 5 OClock — to Sign the Agreement
about the Cutt thro, his Land, which
you'l Please to have Ready —
    you Remember the Conditions you Offered
Mr Bennett as you thought wou'd be
Agreeabbe to Mr Lee — and I will
make him the Other Compensation —
as him and I Agreed at the Time
we was together at the Place to be
Cutt thro, as we are both together —
have hereunto Sign'd our Names
    Ioseph Drabble
    [Different hand] John Bennett
Sheffield 21 May. 1771


Mr.. Richd.. Orford
at Lime Hall
      new page
        Sheffield Augt. 15: 1771
Mr. Orford
    I was {**} [torn off] Whaley this Week
and our People Seem's Quite at a Stand
for want of a Little Oak Wood, —
they tell me of Two Tree's, they Rather
Expected, which If they had Could go forward;
— I hope you will be So Kind as
to let them have them or Some Other's
as wee have No [corrected] other Place remeans
likely to get any at — I have Sent
a Young Man of mine to be at Whaley
a While to get them forward, as the Water
Advances upon us, — I Intend
Coming to Whaley on Monday, If I have
not the Pleasure of Seeing You, — I shall
be glad to See you and Mrs. Orford at
my House the 4th of Sepr. If Convenient
and Agreeable, it being our Races —
The Reason I have not Sent you So much
Flour is the Disproportion in Price's twixt
our Market and your's, it has been 6{*} a Bagg
and is now 4{*} P~ Bagg Difference, our's may
be Somthing finer, — If you wou'd have me
Continue Sending Please to let me Know
I am Sir your Oblidged Hble Servt
    Ioseph Drabble


Mr. Richd.. Orford
at Lime Hall
      new page
Mr. Richd.. Orford
    As my Lease of my Farm
is out, and my Landlord Advances me 50£
a Year to the Rent of 120£ for only 38 Statue
Acre's of Land; I am Oblidged to Quitt the Same
and have took a Place at Doncaster, which
Throw's me out of the way of Employing
Whaley Mill, and as I have Sunk near
1000£ there I shall be glad if you can
Advise me, how to Act with it to come
at as good a Part of my Money again
as Possible, and at the Same Time
make the Affair Agreeable to Mr Lee; wch
I shall Chuse to do at all Events, — If you
will Please to Ask Mr Lee If he will take
the Mill to himself and allow me what
Part of the Money laid out; or grant me such
Time & Conditions in it, as I may let it
to bring in a Part of my Money, but wd..
Rather Chuse to make a final End of it; I am
building in the Water way at Doncaster & cannot
leave it or I wou'd have Come over,, I shall
Esteem your Ansr: a Favour Confer'd on your
Humble Servt — Ioseph Drabble
Sheffd.. 9th. Sepr. 1773


Mr Rd. Orford
at Lime Hall
      new page
    You may Either Let Mr Lee See
the Inclose'd or tell him the Particular's,
which you think Propper —
I am Oblidged to you for all Favours
and have took the Freedom Once
More to Trouble you, on a Once
Pleaseing but has turn'd out a very
Disagreeable Subject — If Buisiness
or Pleasure calls you or yours
to Doncaster I shall be very very
glad to See you at my House
I Remain Sir your Hble Servt
    Ioseph Drabble
doncr 31 Octor. 1774


Mr. Richd Orford
at Lime Hall
      new page
Mr Richd. Orford
    Sir, Since I Sent my young
man Over to you last, I have not heard
from you, Respecting Whaley Mill —
I have Since been long Confin'd by a
Fever or Should have Come over but
I thank God am much better; and
as Soon as you can make it Convenient
I will Come over to Settle
with you Concerning the Mill, I hope
you have Spoke to Mr Lee, and I
flatter myself he will grant me the
Mill on Lifes by which my Charge
may be a Little Alleviated —
    my Affairs here Require my Daily Atten^d^ance,
So I %should be glad, to Come over
when could be Sure to make a Final
End, and not have to go again, If you
can fix Such Time by my young [corrected]
Man I shou'd be very Glad, If not
by a Line as Soon as Possible to yr
Oblidged Humble Servt
    Ioseph Drabble
Doncaster 7th March 1775


Mr. Orford
Lyme nr. Dissley
[Postmarked Liverpool]
      new page
    enclos'd you have Mr. Warrens draft
for a Bill sent from Haydock.. on Mort & Manley
you'l please to acknowledge the rect,
    I cannot find one Hhd. of Cyder in Town
little was sent here this Summer, the last Year
they tell me was a poor Cyder Year — & its too soon,
for this Crop shou'd I find one will let you %know
& keep %it till I hear from You, we have some Sacks
of Seeds Arriv'd. I wrote to Haydock. & have not
yet recd. an An{*}. wch: way to send them, or —
if they choose to fetch them in their Carts
my Comp. to Mrs. Orford & I am Sr Y{*}. very H %Serv
    Geo Drinkwater
    Liverpoole 11 Sep. 1778


Mr. Richd. Orford
      new page
        Liverpoole 16 Oct. 1778
    enclos'd you have a Bill for forty Pounds
for the Bill you left with me on Mr. Sadler the same
Value — I have not yet seen Mr. Dennett, my
Complimts to Mrs. Orford &c & I am Sr. Yr. mo H Serv
    Geo. Drinkwater


Mr. Richard Orford
near Disley
[Postmarked Liverpool]
      new page
        Liverpoole Octor 17. 1777
Dr Sir
    I most Sincerly beg Your Pardon for not
forwarding the Salt Water. as %Promis'd but it
is this day Shiped on board a Flatt for Manchester
directed for You at Lime [corrected]. the Water is in Stone
Bottles. as we had Some that were of no use. and
Seemed properer Packages not So liable to break. and
will keep it cooler — I thank You for the. Franks
You have Sent. and. must beg of You when. You can
to obtain me half a dozen directed for Messrs Harris
& Prescott. London. my respectfull Compliments
to Mrs. Orford. — I remain Dr Sir
    Your mo Obed Servt
    Iohn Drinkwater


Mr Richard Orfor{*...} [torn off]
near. Stockport
[Postmarked Liverpool]
      new page
        Liverpoole. March 28. 1790
Dr Sir

    We are rather surprized. that You have not received.
the Brandy. as it was Sent. to Marsh the Manchester Carrier
the 20 Instant.. as You wrote that Mr Legh was in want
We Shall. go tomorrow and chuse the Madeira and Sherrey
and write Mr Grimshaw. what day the Cart must come for
them — did not our Letter get to hand. advising. You of a Ship
that will Sail. to Maryland Soon. it also. mentiond the Brandy
being sent. and the Cotton of Mr. Inghams being forwarded
to whom we wrote the Same post. with the Charges.
but have. not Yet received any Answer.. of their getting to hand
    We remain
    Your Mo Obed Serv{**} [torn off]
    Geo & In Drinkwater


Mr Richard Orford
near Stockport
[Postmarked Liverpool]
      new page
        Liverpoole Iuly 2. 1790 —
Dr Sir

    by Yesterdays Carrier We Sent a Iar of Sweetmeats
which We hope. will get safe to hand — our Election
concluded here to our wishes. and We expect to See our
Young Member. appear. to some advantage in the House
We apprehend. he will have enough this Sessions to
initiate [corrected] himself with if he will but pay attention. for
as Yet nothing is done in the African trade —
    We remain
    Your mo obed Servts
    Geo & In Drinkwater

6lbs of green Sweetmeats 5/P £ 1..10 —


        Augt 9. 1790 —
Dr. Sir
    above is Bill of Parcels for 20 Gallons Brandy
which We think good. the two last Parcels. We Sent was out
of the Same Cask Punchion. it must have been the fault
of the Cask. if there was a difference in %the flavour. —
    here is a Vessel for Baltimore of the Name of Seaton
will Sail about the 20 Inst.
    We remain
    Your Mo Obed Servts
    Geo & In %Drinkwater
the Brandy comes
by Marsh's Waggon
tomorrow —


Mr. Richard Orford
near Stockport
[Postmarked Liverpool]
      new page
        October 18. 1790 —
    the Iron Chest together with the two Boxes wer{*...} [torn off]
on board the Iohn for Baltimore which Vessell Sailed
a Week. agoe. — We omitted at our last Settlement some
Sweetmeats £ 1.10.. which remains over to our next
    We remain
    Your mo Obed Servts
    Geo & In %Drinkwater


mr Orford
      new page
mr Orford
    Sir I have Bought 50 Loade of meale
of mr Claughton the money is 60. pound
Sir I Desire you well Be so Good as
to Asest me this time with 50
Pound witch is Du the 12 of June
I have Bought the meale with
money as you Tould me at hadock
you wod Asest me witch is with the
money I Desire mr Orford you will
not Feal as I wish to Pay mr Cloughto^n^
Sir I Desire you will Send By the
wagon on friday if you Can Good Sir
    I am yours John Ducketh
may 27: 1788


mr Orford
Lyme Disley
[Postmarked Warrington]
      new page
mr Orford.

    Sir I Desire you well Send me A Small
Bill and meak it up 25 pounds with
Cash as I have money to at Christmas
I Desire you will be So Good as not
to Feale Sending this time Good Sir
    I Am yours
    John Ducketh
Debr 16th


mr Orford
      new page
    mr Orford I Desire you will be so Good as
to send by the Beare 50 pound as I have
Bought Oate meal and must pay for it
this week I have Bought Som Oats of
mr heage Stward to mis Bould and must
Receve them this [corrected] week Good Sir I Desire
you will be So Good as to a_Blege me this
time as the ^fest^ quarter is up the 12th of June
if plese to Send 40 pound in Bills and
10 pound in Cash you will a_Blige me I

    am yours
    John Ducketh
June 8th— 1789

[In different hand, probably Orford's]
Sent him No. 114 £40


Mr Orford
      new page
        June 25th, 1790

Mr Orford
    Sir I Desire you will be so Good as
To Send By the Bearer 50 pound for
the Last quarter witch was Du the 12 of
June I Desire you will So Good if you have
A Bill as Smal as 20. or. 30 pound as A
Bill of that Sise will ^the^ Same as Cash Sir I

    Am yours
    John Ducketh

[Different hand, probably Orford's]
Sent No. 121 — 20£
126 — 10 26 June 1790


Mr Orford
[Postmarked Warrington]
      new page

    I am Sorry I had not the Pleasure
of Seeing you when at Warrington Should
be Oblig'd if to you would be so Obliging
to let me know by a Line what my
Mother Pay'd Sepeterately ^for^ the Old Rents
for the two Housis in the Horse Market
as soon as his Convineent & when we Shall
See you to Settle from your Obligd
    Hume Sert Ellin Dumbell

Warrington 24 April
Diret for me Friergate

author DUMBELL M

Mr Orford
[different hand]
[Postmarked Warrington]
      new page
Mr Orford
    My Mother is sorry to give you the
trouble of another Letter but will take it as a
paticular favour if you will Let her know the
what the Lord rent is of the House belonging to
Mr Owen as there is an Account to be settled
between them which she cannot settle till she
knows what the rent is was sorry she did not
see you when in Warrington she catted [probably mistake for called by crossing ll] at
Mr Crosleys on Wednesday morning who said
you called [corrected] there on tuesday
    I am &c:
    M Dumbell
May 22. 1788

[The next three letters have been attached to each other in reverse order of date. Entered here in chronological order.]


Mr. Richd. Orford

[Accounts omitted]
      new page
Mr. Orford
    I call'd at your House in my way to Sheffield &c.
but was not luckey enough to find you at Home,
I wanted to have made some Remarks on the plan
left with Layland, and to have enquired the Terms
expected for the Land from Goulborne-Lane to the first
open, which J %take to be about 51 yards to the Sankey
Street, & from that Street backwards 58 yards to the opening
at Lowes War Str., if the Terms are agreeable, J will
take the whole (or none) of that Ground, make
A %begining, and hope to encourage others from the
Presds. J shall sett them.
    I write this at Chapl. in the F{*} to have at your
House in %case your not to be %found, as J %pass by, J %am
    Your very hum~: Servt.
    W %Dumbell
Iuly 15. 1776


Mr. Richd. Orford
By Manchester
& Stockport —
[Other part of direction crossed out]
[Postmarked Warrington]
      new page
Mr. Orford        Warrington Iuly 20 1776
    I have yours of ye. 18th have been ^with^ Layland, Seen
the Plan of the Building Ground, and your Acct. of the
Terms asked for the Difft. Lots.
    I could like to Venture upon the 8 Lots No. 37
38. 39. 40. 45. 46. 47. & 48 and shall offer (in my Opinion)
a %full price for them; For three Lives one pound ten
shillings P~ Ann~: And two hundred & Fifty pounds, to
Enter & pay on the Lease being Signed; after the three
Lifes Fifteen pounds a %Year for ninety nine years
which are as J understand the Terms for Lifes & years
proposed to be Leas'd for
    Layland says there is no Lots promised, J %have
said nothing to him of my Jntention of being A
Purchaser, neither would J %have you to do it, except
these Terms are Agreeable J am
    Your very hum~: Servt.
    Wm.. Dumbell
I %shall expect All the Materials upon
the premises, and J %doubt not of an allowance being made for
the Great expence of first paving the New streets.


Mr. Orford
at Lyme
near Stockport
[Postmarked Warrington]
      new page
Mr. Orford        Warrington Augt.. 6. 1776
    I %have yours of the 3d. if there will be
no abatements from the Instructions given to
Layland, J %shall decline all thoughts of the Eight
Lotts of Building Ground J offerd money for,
and Ile' venture to say you'l not get more for
them, you may perhaps get one or two to
take each a %Single Lott, Spoile the Whole designe,
and hinder the Sale of the Other Lotts
    The present Rent is no object to me (Ashtons
House Excepted) The Buildings are not worth more
then will pay the Expence of pulling down, and
Clearing the Ground for other Errections, besides you
are misenformd ^the^ Rental (what is upon the 8 Lotts
J offerd to Buy) does not Amount to any such
sum. If the price J have offerd for the 8 Lotts
will not be taken, J will give the prices in Laylands
Jnstructions, for the four Lotts No. 45. 46. 47 & 48 with
the Materials as they are now upon the Premises
J %am    Sir Your most hum~: Servt.
    Wm.. Dumbell
The Mr. Travers you mett with lately at Newton
was Sent there by the Sellers of the Estate

[Along side of paper]
If the ^Servt.^ Boy is one you can recom~end to me and is willing to part
with him, I wish you would send him over, the Boy J %have J %shall
part with in a few days
      new page
[Account of rents etc. of Lots 45-48 in different hand, probably Orford's, omitted]


Mr. Orford
      new page
Mr. Orford
    The Kitty has gone thro' a %repair
which will cost you 15l— at least, as J
have no money on that acct. in my
hands shall be obliged you for that
sum by the Bearer.
    This day week J was at Redbank
to meet the Arbitratrs. about the
Dispute with Houghton, when it was
proved without a %doubt that the Water
by the New Flood Gates ortherways, was
not pounder higher then usual; J %think
Houghton sho'd have made Gardner An
Evidence instead of An Arbitratr. for he Askd
most in the Character of the former; From
such Arbitratrs. as him Good Lord deliver
me, say I.    Yours truly
    W %Dumbell
Octo. 9. 1779


Mr.. Orford

new page

        Warrington Decr. 24. 1770
Dr.. Sr..

    My Uncle has shewn me your
favour of the 20th Inst. I %am much obliged
to Mr. Legh for his kind consideration
of the £20, of which I shall always think
with gratitude, & sincerely thank you
for the trouble this affair has caused
you to have.
    As you say you shall call
here the next time you come this
way, I shall be obliged to you for a
line when you think that will be,
that I may be prepared with Cash for
you, ^for^ the two new Lives I desire you
will put in me & Ellen my Wife. I
am (wishing you & M~rs Orford the
Compliments of the approaching Season)
    Dr Sir
    Your obliged hum %Servt
    W~m Dumbell Junr

[Accounts omitted]


Mr. Orford
      new page
        Warrington Jany 21. 1771
Dr. Sir
    I have the pleasure to inform you
that my Uncle has agreed for me to be made
Leassee for Red Bank, this is therefore to desire
you will be so kind to send the Lease to Mr.
Legh to be executed as soon as you conveniently
can, which will lay me under another
obligation to you after all former ones, for
which you now & always will have my
hearty & sincere thank.
    I have been at Mr Toppings to know
how I must be mentioned in the Lease,
which he says is as follows "William
"Dumbell the Younger of little Sankey
"within Warrington in the County of
"Lancaster Yeoman."
    My Wife & me are both between
28 & 29 & 30 [28 & written in left margin] Years of Age. I am with Complimts
to your whole Self
    Dr %Sr Your ob: hum Servt
    W~m Dumbell Junr
It would
give me some
satisfaction if you would
be so kind to give me one line that you
have rec~ed this Letter, by a line directed
to me to be left at the Post Office till
called for


Mr. Orford
at peter Legh Esqr.
at Lime
      new page
        Booths 21st. of May 1771.
Dr. Sr.

    On my return from London on ffriday
last a Carter, called on me, to inform me that
there was a parcel at the Hanging Spread
Eagle in the Hanging Ditch in Manchester
directed for peter Legh Esqr. but not the
place where, on this information
I ordered him to call to examine the
parcel yesterday, and he now informs
me, that the parcel is rigrass & that it
comes from Pomfret or that Qu{*...} [blot]
therefore I suppose this parcel to
belong to Mr Legh of Lime [corrected] as neither
Mr. Legh %of Booths nor myself has ordered
any such goods therefore I have took
this oppertunity to inform you & am
    Dr. Sr. Yours with great respect
    Iohn Dumvil


Mr. Richard Orford
[Postmarked Warrington?]
[Accounts omitted]
      new page
    When I saw you at the
meeting at Warrington Bridge
End you thought you cou'd assist me
with some money towards July —
As I have a good deal due at or
about Warrington Fair I shou'd take
it as a particular Favour if you
cou'd make it Convenient betwixt &
that Time to get 150£ or 200£ if not
100£ & the remainder as soon as you
can Conveniently — Yr. answer to this
will greatly Oblige
    Sr. yr. most Oblig'd Servt
    Thos: Dutton
July 3d: 1773

author EARL JOHN

Mr. Orford
at Peter Ligh's Esqr.
[Postmarked Frodsham?]
      new page
Dear Sir
    J Receiv'd a Letter {*...} [torn off] Mr. Rogerson
bearing date 23d. of {*...}mber [torn off] last wherein he
desired me to meet you and Mr. Porter at the
Red Lyon the Sunday evening following, which
I did Accordingly and staid until Tuesday evening
but neither you nor Mr. Rogerson were to be met
with and therefore I could get no Satisfactory
Answer, and as I had some business to do that
Required the gratest expedition came home that
that Night and went of the next Morning
and your Letter came the same Day, but my
Wife not knowing the place could not possibly
send for me as you [changed from your] desired and Moreover as the
Distance was not less than 15 or 16 Miles it wou'd
have been impossible for me to have been with
you before Thursday Night, and then very
Jnconvenient to me, as indeed it was when I did come
but since it so happened If you please to fix with
Mr. Porter, and let me know when we shall meet (as
above) I will come Accordingly (if Life and Health
permit. and am,
    With Complements to Mr. Porter, and
    your_Self, Sr.
    Your most Humble Servt.
    John Earl
6th. 1774

author ECCLES R

Mr. Orford
near Stockport [in different hand]
[Postmarked Warrington]
      new page
    I am directed by Mr. Taylor to inform you that several of the
Gentlemen in this Neighborhood who are interested in the placing of the
Bars on Leigh Turnpike Road will be so much engaged next Week that
their attendance cannot be had, & that therefore it is intended the Meeting
be postponed until Thursday the 10th. of next Month of which public notice
will be given in the papers & am sir
    Your most ob{*}. Serv{*}.
    R. Eccles
Leigh 28th. Iune 1788

Mr. T. hopes to have the favor of your Company on that day
at 11 o'Clock


Mr. Orford
Lyme [in different hand]
Haydock ^Cheshire^
[Postmarked Warrington]
      new page

    Mr. Leigh's Gamekeeper is now here and wants a
Certificate but I %am Sorry to inform you that he is to late as %the
Present ^Act^ Requires that every Gamekeeper who did not Apply for a
Certificate on or before the 20th. Iuly 1785 must have a New Deputation
and that to %be Inrolled With the Clerk of the Peace in 20 days
from the date of the Deputation. therefore you will Please to
to get a New Deputation and send it here to be Inrolled and Mr.
Taylor will Grant a Certificate. I %am
    Your Obedt. h~ble Servt.
    Richd: Eccles
Leigh 2 Augst. 1785

author EDEN JOHN

Mr. Richd. Orford
at Peter Legh's Esqr.
Lyme Hall
[Postmarked Liverpool]
      new page
    I shou'd be glad you wou'd fix the Charge of
exceptance of Sankey Tennemt. for Mr Houlbrooks Hiers
as one of them is leaving this part of the Countrey
and what Money may be his share he wants
to Receive and I can do nothing in Receiveing the
Money from Mr Kerfoot till you have fix'd yr Charge
If you please to informe Peter Legh Esqr. that wee
now want his Boots that he intends fix'd to the
Chair wee have made. a Line from you will
greatley Oblige Sr
    Yr Most Obdt.
    Hble Servt
    John Eden
LiverpooL July 22d 1777

author EDEN JOHN

Mr. Orford
at Peter Legh Esqr.
Lyme Hall
[Postmarked Liverpool]

[Accounts in pencil omitted]
      new page
        LiverpooL Decr. 15th 1778
Mr Orford
    Your esteem'd favour I duly receiv'd in
which you acknowledge the receipt of the Gout
Chair mentiond by Mr Spencer which is the
only Chair of that sort I ever had Orders for
either from Mr Legh or any other person therefore
cannot account for the error, and am much
concern'd that Mr Legh shou'd have had so
much trouble on this Acct. which has not been
in my Power to prevent, but if an_other Chair
of the same sort is wanted please to Order
and it shall be forwarded with all exspedition
possable by Sr
    Your much oblig'd
    Hble Servt.
    John Eden
Perhaps Mr Legh will Recollect
whether his orders was sent
by Letter or Messinger as I must
suppose by Message [corrected] which must
have miscarried, as the Post is certain

author EDEN JOHN

Mr Richd. Orford
at Peter Legh's Esqr
Lyme Hall
      new page
        LiverpooL Decr. 25th 1778
    I Receiv'd the favours of yours with the
order for a Gout Chair which I will see to
get to Haydock by the time you mention
    and am Sr yr Most Oblig'd
    Hble Servt.
    John Eden

author EDEN JOHN

Mr. Richd: Orford
Lyme Stockport
[Postmarked Liverpool]

[Accounts in different hand omitted]
[Note in pencil in different hand]
Merlins Ch~
coming down
      new page
    I Receiv'd yr favour with an Order for a
Gout Chair, And hope you'l excuse my
not writing an Answer sooner, I thought
after I Receiv'd it I coud have given you
an Acct of the Day it woud have been finish'd
A Sea Order came directley after was Oblig'd
to lay it a_Side but exspect you may depend
on it being done in fortnights time, I shall
be particuler in the Wheels as you have Observ'd
if you write a Line letting me know the
time your Waggons come to Liverpool will
endeavour to have it done by the time
but I will write to you the Day I have it
    I am Sr
    Yr Most Oblig'd
    Hble Servt.
    John Eden
LiverpooLe Decr. 27th 1789

[Note in different hand, probably Orford's]
Merlins Chair


To Mr Orford Steward
to Pr: Legh Esqr at
      new page
Mr Orford
    J have Sent the Bearer to put your
work or Engin in Ordor, if it is posable,
J am well Sattisfied he is knowing as an Engenere,
as Most, and will advise and inform you
what is to be don, and if theare hath bin any
neglect, which your Mastor by his Lettor
Seemes to be afrad on, and if you want any
furthar advise as to your Mine, My Tenand Matthew
ffletcher of Clifton is knowing, and will Com to you
at a %shurt notis, as J %have in a %letter to him
Desired, if you Send to him, J %wou'd have Com
with Mrs Jones, but My Bror is in weake and
Dangores way, and only Sirvants with him,
that nethar them nor himselef, is wiling J %shoud
leve the hous, you had as good to pay the Engonere
for his truble, as It is unsurtin when I %shull
See him, you will have a Letter from your Mastor
on ffryday morning in Ansor to what J %sade to
him on Suttarday last Sr yr Hum Servt
    Richd Edensor
June 21th 1767
My Bror Dyed this night


Mr Orford
      new page
    I fancy Mr Grimshaw apprised you that
our Meeting was fixt for yesterday. Perhaps
you did not think it worth your while to give us
your attendance, so have taken the liberty to acquaint
you with the result of our Deliberations in this weighty
business by transmitting you the order of the day which
I took out of the Town Book & which you have on
the other side. The blanks were left to be filled up
when Mr Hope perfects his Plan —
    I am
    Your most h~ble Serv~t.
    Edw Edwards
30 Augt 1782

Mrs Edwards joins me in most respectful
Compliments to Mr Legh & Family
      new page
At a Vestry Meeting held this twenty ninth day of Augt.
in the year of our Lord 1782 whereof previous notice hath
been on three several Sundays given, it appeared that this
Chapel is too small to contain the Congregation, it was
ordered that the Chancel end shall be taken down & extended
Eastward feet & inches & Northward feet & inches
& Seats or Pews erected therein & likewise a Gallery over
the same, the Seats in the said additional part to be sold by
public Auction to defray all expences of the erecting thereof,
& the surplus money (if any) to be applied towards the
erecting a House for the use of the Minister for the time being —
    And the Revd Edward Edwards undertaketh to free & exempt
all & every the Inhabitants of the said Chapelry from any
cost & charge attending the erecting & compleating the said
addition. N.B. The Proprietors of the new Seats or Pews
to be subject to all the repairs of the additional Building,
& that this alteration shall not prejudice or obstruct the
light to the present Seats or Pews. As witness our hands —
    Geoffrey Hornby, Rector of Winwick
    Edw Edwards, Curate of Ashton
    Robert Clough, Chapel Warden
      new page
John Leech, Thos. Orford, Shaw Allanson, Iames Smith
Wm Claughton, Thos. Boardman &c &c


Mr Orford at Peter Leghs Esqr.
Manchester Bag
[Postmarked Chester?]
      new page
        Clealey 23 April 71
Dr Sir

    J receivd your Letter on Saturday, and
have acquainted the Tenants, (with the Contents of
it) J have not seen Mr Watson as yet, but will
let him ^know^ the first Oppertunity
    My Wife has sent a Young Woman. to serve Mrs
Gwillym, as Dairy Maid, and ^we hope she will please^
as she has liv'd two Years with the late Mr Egerton
of Broxton in that Capacity
    my Wife Joins with me in Compliments to you &
Mrs Orford
    Yours Iohn Egerton


Mr Orford
at Peter Leghs Esqr
[Postmarked Chester]
      new page
        Clealy May 23d — 73
Dr Sir

    The Young Woman which my Wife recomen^ded^
as a dairy maid for Mrs Legh, before this day, must have
whrought Lyme, has she set out on Monday last
    J spoke to Mr Woolrich, of the Rent, which is due
and he said it was not in his power then, but hope
in a Little Time, he shoud have the Money, & either
him or his Son, whoud bring it to Lyme
    J am Dr Sir with Compliments
    To Your Family
    Your very hum{*} Servant
    Iohn Egerton


Mr. Orford
Haydock Lodge
with Speed
      new page
Dear Sir
    Was at Bold on Saturday last and saw Mr. Haigh
who unluckily is engag'd on Thursday next, the
day we Propos'd Coming to Haydock, but Thursday
following he hath Promis'd to go, which have
fix'd and is agreeable to the Parties, which day
hope will be convenient for you — I am Sir
    Very Respectfully Yours &c. &c.
    Henry Ellam
Sutton 10th. May. 79 —


Mr. Richd. Orford
Lyme Cheshire
[Postmarked Warrington]
      new page
        Newton Decr. 21. 1788..
    I Have Took the Opportunity to Let you know that Missrs. .
Naylor is Dead Very Sudenly and i Have Too Daughters both Widows
and Living in Wigan and They Have a Great Desire to Come Live
at Newton if I Could Light of a House That Will Shuit Them
and if The House Where She Lived be Vacant I Should be much
Oblidged To you To Let Them Have The Have The First Preferance
of it as They are [later insertion] Well Qulified To Pay The Rent
    J Am Yours
    John Ellam

author ELLAM R

Mr. Orford
      new page
Mr.. Orford
    Agreeable to your request have sent
you what Articles that are Ready of your
order, there only Remains the Orange Cloath
and Shallr which are now forwarding with
all speed and are in hopes will be ready in
a few days — when we get them will imadiately
send 'em — the Cloaths We think are
Verry good for the Money — and are in hopes
will give content — the drab is better than
it was to have been — and chargd lower
than what we ever sell any of the same
Quality — but Mr Leigh's Orders being 5s/p~ yd
exact we could not think of charging anything
further —
    I am for Messrs Lowe Bate & Co
    Yr Mo Obligd hble Servt
    R %Ellam
Manchester Iany.. 13th. 1778

author ELLAM R


    Your favour we Rec~d, and agreeable
to your request have sent Two Shoulder
Knots which hope will meet with your
Approbation — we have not any Orange
Cloath by us or wou'd have laid some
underneath the same as yours sent — but
there is no necessity as it will answer
equally as well — if Mr. Allen when he
makes the Cloth's — will take care to Sow a
little under in order to give them a
fullness — I am for Messrs Lowe Bate &c
    Yr Mo Obligd hble Servt
    R Ellam
Manchr. July 22d. 79

author ELLAM R

Mr. Orford
      new page
    Some time ago you was so obligeing
to order your Account which upon
exam_in_ation hope will Prove to your
Satisfaction, I do assure you we can
at this time with truth plead Poverty
a little of your Assistance wou'd be verry
agreeable, — the favour of a Bill woud
add to the manny obligations conferd on
Messrs Lowe Bate & Wright
    for whom I am Yr Mo Obligd. Servt
    R Ellam
Manchester Augt 26. 87

author ELLAM R

Mr Orford
      new page
Mr Orford            Manchr Novr 28 1788
    We are favourd with yours
and may be assurd of the Poors Cloths having
our best attention, as under is the Particulars
of what you have Paid Since the
time mention'd, — Jf convenient, your
assistance with a Bill at this time wou'd
Particularly oblige — Trade being verry dull
for Partner & Self
    I Am r Yr Mo Oblig'd hble Servt
    R Ellam

[Accounts omitted]

author ELLAM R

Mr Orford
      new page
Mr. Orford


    We take the liberty of Requesting the
favour of your Assistance with a Bill at
this time, it is Real necessity that induces us
to again trouble you, — Money is verry Scarce
and dificult to get in, in Short, we have not
Recd one tenth Part of what we ought to have
done of our Christmas Bills — in the last
Statement of the Account sent in at your Request
I think there was an omission of the Eight Guineas
      new page
for attendance into Wiltshire — I am not
quiet certain, but upon you Examination
will See wether any Notice was took of it,
    I am Sir With Respect for Partner & self
    Yr Mo Obligd hble Servt
    R Ellam
Manchr Jany- 29. 1789

author ELLAM R

Mr Orford
      new page
Mr Orford
    We are favourd with yours, &
are Sorry to find So much Reason for
complaint with ResPect to the Poor
Cloth, being Particularly attentivi to
let them have as good an Article as
the Price will Possibly admit off, those
the last Year was made in a hurry and
oblig'd to be dry'd in the Stove to be in
time, — you may depend of our best attention
in this, and any other commands you are Pleasd
to favour us with, a months notice will
will always enable us to send the best of goods
      new page
in the low way, being much call'd for by Poor
People — ^at this time of the Year^ — you are not confind to Colour
have inclosd one for your approbation which
in our opinion would [corrected] look beeter and Answer
the intended Porpose more to our Credit and
the Service of the Poor, — If we dont hear
farther from you by Thursdays Carrier will
forward the Goods same colour as last Year
    We Are Sir
    Yr Mo Oblig'd hble Servts
    R Ellam —

author ELLAM R

Mr Orford
      new page
Mr Orford

    I take the liberty of Sending you
and doubt you will be well Pleasd
at the information — I am Sir
    Yr Mo Obdt. hble Servt
    R Ellam
Manchr. Novr. 9. 90

[Accounts in different hand on next page omitted]


Mr Orford ^at^ Lyme
near Disslee Cheshire

[Scribble in different hand omitted]
      new page
    Blackheath Sepr. 11 1775

    I recd your letter and am verry sorry to hear that
my Brother Thomas is so much back in Arrears but
I will send twenty pounds to you as soon as Mrs
Lee Comes town will send it by Mr Marceland on
Account he will take Care of my Brother William, ^or will^
^Send it^ by anny_Body that I can depend of being Deliver'ed
safe and I think this to be the last monny that I
ever send on this Account from your

    Humble servant
    Peter Etchell


Mr.. Orford
near Stockport
      new page

    Jn the Absence of the Gentlemen to
whom J am Clerk, I take the Liberty to
acknowledge the Rect. of your Letter, which
will account for the delay in your not
receiving an Answer — it will not be long
before [word crossed out] one of them is in Town, when the
Account will be sent — On inspecting {*...} [seal]
Books the Ballance appears to be very {*...} [seal]
inconsiderable — J am
    Your Mo: Obedient Servt.
    Chas.. Evans
    cl~k to Messrs. Kent & Darlington
Cliffords Jnn
30th. Augt. 1788

Mr. Orford


Mr. Richd.. Orford
      new page
Mr Orford        Warrington 15. Sep 1777


    The Leases of both kinds
were printed off & ready for packing up
when your messengr arrived here. As I
had recd no Instructions for Indorsemts. on
the back of the Parchmts. they were not
done till I recd yr. direction yesterday.
I believe they are very correct, having
enlarged the Blanks in the Rack Leases to
your Direction. — Hope the Whole will
please.    J am Sir
    your most obdt Servt
    Wm— Eyres.
I have also inclos'd the 3 Cops along with
the Leases. — the followg is yr Accts. agreeable to
yr Ordr.

[Accounts, possibly in different hand, omitted]


Mr Orford at
      new page

    My Master desires me to Present his
Compliments to you and would be glad if you can
possibly come over here early to_Morrow Morning
to meet Mr ffletcher and finally settle Mr Gwillym's
Colliery Articles if it should be inconvenient to you
to leave House they will Wait upon you at Haddock
at any time you will Appoint to_Morrow
    I am Sir
    Your h~ble Servt
    John Eyston
    Cl~k to Mr Taylor
    Leigh May 22d: 1775


Mr. Orford
at Lyme
near Dishley
X Post
[Postmarked Derby]
      new page
    I am favor'd with yr. Valua~ion, I think you have not seen
all ye Timber on Iohnson's Tenem~t. or You cou'd not have been
so mistaken in ye Value of %it. I have been offerr'd 14l: for it, &
I %think you have valued it at only 7l:14s:6d. By this post I
have wrote to Mr Stafford acquainting him I wd. give Sr Iohn
Stanley 290l: to make up ye Difference of %ye Value of the
Estates, & Im' certain Sr. Iohn will have ye %better Bargain.
    I don't think there is any ffarm in ye P~ish of Alderly so
high rented as this ffarm of Chantlers, & I greatly fear
it will never bear ye Rent you've set upon it. No Part of
my Estate there is rented at half the Value you have fixed
on Chantler's.
    I shall be glad to see You when You come to Derby, & am
    Sr: Yr mt h~ble Sert.
    Wm: Fallows
10 March 1773


Mr: Orford
at Lyme n{*...} [seal] Dishley
[Postmarked Derby]
      new page
    Sr. Iohn Stanley's Behaviour with regard to the Exchange
between us, (wch. you settled) being so very ungentlemanlike &
Dishonorable, that I cannot think of having any further Transac~ions
with him, & therefore You'll please to make out yr.
Bill for ye Valua~ions of ye %Estates & send it me as soon as
possible, So yt I may order Mr Legh my Tenant to discharge
my Part of %it. M{*} Stafford Im' certain must be asham'd of his
Client's Behaviour.
    I am
    Yr mt h~ble Sert
    Wm: Fallows
9: Sepr 1774

I shall not consent to have ye
Com~ons in Alderly inclosed, altho'
J've lately been applied to for that


Mr: Orford
at Lyme near
[Postmarked Derby]
      new page
    I was favor'd with your Letter by Mr Lowe, & shd have been glad to
have seen you at Derby had your Business permitted it. This Evening
J rec~ed a Drt. of an Ar~cle for ye Inclosure of %ye Com~ons in Alderly from
Mr Stafford, wch. I have perused & confined ye Division to ye three Com~ons
called Monks Heath, Sandle Heath & Alderly Edge — He desires I wou'd
appoint a Referee, & if %it be agreable to You to act as a Referee on
my behalf, I will order Mr Stafford to insert your Name in ye Ar~cles, for
one of %ym. — You'll please to favor me with your Answr as soon as
possible, M{*} Stafford Seeming to be in haste to get this Business forward.
    I am Sr
    Yr mt h~ble Sert
    Wm: Fallows
10 Novr. 1774

Mr Stafford informs me Sr Iohn Stanley
will pay all %ye Expences relative to ye
Exchange, he [some words crossed out] I consulted You


Mr: Orford
at Lime near
[Postmarked Macclesfield]
      new page
    I have order'd my Tenants Henry Legh & Daniels
Massey to wait upon You at Alderly ye 1st. of next Month,
in Order to shew you ye Scitu~ion of my Estate, & to give
you ye best Intelligence in their Power relative to the
Inclosure of ye Com~ons intended to be divided amongst
ye ffreeholders. I believe they will be able to inform
You of sevl. of ye Incroachments lately made by Sr Iohn
Stanley or his Tenants upon ye Wastes, wch. ought to
go in part of his Allotment.
    When your Meeting is over, I must beg ye ffavor
of a Line from You directed for me at Derby, informing
me of %ye Result of %it, & am
    Yr mt h~ble Sert
    Wm: Fallows
17: Iune 1775


Mr: Orford
at Lyme
near Dishley
fr Post
[Postmarked Derby]
      new page
    I have some Thoughts of being in Cheshire
at ye Time ye Comrs. meet to make the
Allotments, & therefore shd be obliged to You
for a Line acquainting me of %ye Time you
have fixed for that Purpose.
    I was much concern'd to hear of the Death
of Mr Stafford, for whom I had a great
Esteem & Regard.
    I am Sr
    Yr mt h~ble Sert
    Wm: Fallows
22d. Sepr. 1775


Mr: Richd: Orford
      new page
    I received the ffavor of your Letter at Heawood. I %find
upon Enquiry That it will be necessary that I shou'd attend,
when You & the other Gentlemen meet in order to lay out
the Allotments upon the Wasts; & as I am obliged to %be at
Derby to_morrow upon particular Business I must desire
You will [some words crossed out] ^fix some^ other Meeting at Alderly relative
to the Inclosure, [some words crossed out] ^& let me^ hear from You [corrected] again upon
this Subject ^& give me a few days previous Notice that I may attend at Alderly.^. Mr Stafford has not yet met with the Letter
you inform'd me of at Derby, & I shou'd wish to %be satisfied
in some other Matters, before the Allotments are made.
    I %am Sr:
    Yr most h~ble Serv~t.
    Wm: Fallows.
8 Novr. 1775

I shall be engaged upon a Com~ission at
Derby all the next Week.


Mr: Orford
      new page
    If I am to have Any_Thing allotted to me for my Interest
in the Com~ons, I expect that small Parcel of Land lying at
Saml. Birche's Gate, to %be a Part of my Allotment, as it
lies convenient to my Estates, & may hereafter prevent
any Dispute as to the Road over it now claim'd by
my Tenant. Mr Hayes I believe, will have no Ojec~ion
to this Request; If it will not be complied with, I
desire no further proceedings may be taken in this
Business & I will discharge your Demands upon me
relative to these Affairs whenever you please to
send an Account, to
    Yr mt h~ble Sert
    Wm: Fallows
22d. Novr. 1775


Mr: Orford
at Lyme
near Dishley
      new page
Dr %Sr:
    I thank you for your last Letter, wch I have Answer'd, but
yr Carrier met with an Accident, whereby ye Letter did not
come to your hands.
    About ten days since Jos: Legh came here, with an Account
of %ye Death of Mrs ffallows at Heawood, & my Wife has since
been [corrected] in Cheshire, & gave Orders for her ffuneral, wch. was decent
& proper, without extravangance or pomp — I have been at ye
Charge of %it. Upon her Death, ye Objec~ion is removed, & I shall save
about 30l: a year by it; & as Mr Legh is only Tenant from Year
to Year Of ye Heawood Estate, I can turn him off upon reasonable
Notice, shou'd he attempt to injure by Land by Plowing &c. more
than You shd. think a reasonable Tillage.
    I was glad to %hear yt Jos: Legh has laid down ye Land in
ye Petty Crofts, with Clover & Hay Seeds, & that it look'd very
green & well. I told him I insisted upon him Improving the
Bradly by Pinfallowing & Manuring it for Wheat, the next
Sum~er, as that Close was very much run out of Heart &
Condition; He promised me it shd. be done.
      new page
    I belive Legh & his Son are afraid of being turn'd off their ffarm at Heawood, & I
hope they will agree to such Tillage for the future as You shall think
proper & reason_able for them to do, wch. I must desire You will set out, the
first Opportunity: I am much obliged to you for your Op~n. respecting the Exchange
of ye Moss Rooms with Sr Iohn Stanly, but as he is a very Extraordinary
Gentleman I shall postpone this Business for ye present.
    Wou'd it not be better To postpone Your Valua~ion of my Estates, till ye Spring, when
You will then see ye Verdure of ye Land &c? If you think so, I wd. have You
do it at ye most proper Season of the Year.
    I shd. be glad to hear from You in Answer to this Letter, the first Opportunity,
& am Sr
    Yr mt hble Sert
    Wm: Fallows
4 Ian: 79


[Postmarked Derby]
      new page
D{*} %Sr:
    I presume You have heard of Messrs Heath's ffailure,
& as you may want a Banker here to return your
money I beg Leave to recom~end my Neighbour Mr
Merbeter (who is a very worthy, honest Man) to You as
a Banker, & I am sure he will transact your
Business in ye Banking-way to your Satisfaction,
& with Honor.
    I hope to have the Pleasure of seeing You when
you come to Derby, & to hear You have had an
Opportunity of valuing my Estate in Alderly; I wou'd
not be desirous of Racking my Tenants to an unreasonable
height, but yet I shd. wish to have a fair Rent
for ye ffarmes they hold of me. I am Sr:
    Yr mt h~ble Sert
    Wm: Fallows
31st. March 1779 [could be 1775?]


Mr: Orford
at Lyme
near Dishley
[Postmarked Derby]
      new page
    I lately sent you a Survey of a Tenem~t. in Morley, which
I hope came duly to hand. I shd. be much oblig'd if You wd.
go over to Morley as soon as you can, & take ye Valua~ions
as desired; Mrs Tollet will inform You of her Age, She
being the only existing Life in the Lease.
    I am told ye ffarm is an eligible one, & of some Value
Please to give me a Line in a Post or two, & am
    Yr most h~ble Sert
    Wm: Fallows
17: Novr. 1783

I wish you wd. Enquire (as from your_Self) whether She wou'd be
desirous of filling up the Lives in the Lease.


Mr Orford
at Lyme
near Dishley
[Postmarked Derby]
      new page
    As I have not heard from ^You,^ I presume you have not
rec~ed my two L~res; in the first I inclosed a Survey of
my Tenem~t. in Morley, & desired you wd. look over this
ffarm & give me your Valua~ion respecting ye sevl.
Enquirys I men~ioned to You.
    I find my Son's Estate at Sandle in Alderly will be
at Liberty next Lady day but one, & therefore He tells
me He shall next Sum~er apply to you to value his
Estate there, & allott to Heawood & Sandle Farms all
such Lands as you shall think most convenient for
Each Estate.
    I %desire ye ffavor of a Line in a Post or two, &
am    Sr: Yr. mt h~ble Sert
    Wm: Fallows
30 Novr. 1783


Mr. Orford

[Accounts and scribbles in different hand omitted]
      new page
        20th: Iuly 1778

    My Father wishes to have the Pleasure of your
Company at Heawood any day before the 2d: August,
in Order to look over an Estate of his in Alderley, in
Possession of Henry Leigh, his Term being now Expired.
The favor of %a Line, fixing your day, will much
    Your h~ble Servt.
    Wm: Fallows Junr:


Mr: Orford at
Peter Leigh's Esq~r
      new page
        23d: Novr. 1782
Dr: Sr:

    We have been some time in Expectation of a
Person coming over to Heawood to value some Wood
which we proposed disposing of & a few days since I
recd. a Letter from him & find from a blow he has had
by a Horse that he will be prevented meeting me
this Season.
    We have too much reason to suspect that
Hen: Leigh has fall'n a considerable Number of Trees
which he has privately disposed of & we are still
doubt his Honesty; Therefore we wish'd to have
a Carefull & intelligent Person to value what
Timber is [some words crossed out] fit to fall, that we may
dispose of it before the Lease Expires & shall be
much Obliged to you for your Recommendation
of any Person you know.
    My Father desires his Compts & am Dr. Sr:
    Your h~ble Servt.
    Wm: Fallows Iun~r.


Mr: Orford
To be left at the Inn at Dishley & to
be forwarded immediately.

Mr. Fallows will be glad of a Line P~ Coach
being more expeditious & the post very
      new page
        Derby 12th: Decr. 1782.
Dear Sr.

    I %am much obliged to you for the favor of
your Letter shall be glad to meet Mr Bennett whenever
convenient, the sooner the more agreable, as I fear the Season
will elapse if we postpone it much longer.
    All the Trees upon the Estate are Number'd & an account
of each distinct field enter'd in a book; I %will make him a
copy of it as it will save much trouble & I shod. think it will
only be necessary to take off a little Bark with a Knife from
each tree intended to be sold. — We shall be much obliged to
you to agree with him, being total Strangers in these Matters.
I wish it was in my Power to accomodate him at Heawood
but am affraid our Tenant might mislead him, as his
Principal is exceeding bad & cod. wish him to have no
kind of acquaintance with him. He may be very
comfortably [some letters crossed out] Lodged & Provided for at the Inn at Alderley
which expence we shall be willing to allow.
    If you will favor me with a line giving me a day or
2 Notice I %will certainly meet Mr Bennett at Alderley in
the Evening.
    My Father desires his Compts. & am Dr %Sr: Yours &c
    Wm: Fallows Iunr.


Mr: Richard Orford
Peter Legh Esqrs.
at Lime

new page

        Liverpool 24th. Aug{*}. 1779
    Yesterday I cald on Mr Meair at Waringtown About my
Affairs to desire him that he would emeadatly
up my Sertificat to be sind by the Lord Chancalar
but he said he could not do it till he saw or herd from
you I beg ^of you^ as a %friend of [corrected] mine that it may be don emeadatly
as I now have a %prospect of doung very well if it
was sign'd emeadatly and as for what was promisd you
by a %sertain person will still be adherd to as soon as it
comes in_to hir own posetion your forwarding the
Above will greatly Oblige Sir
    Yr. Most Obediant Huml
    Servt at Command
    Iohn Fayair

[The next two letters have been attached to each other]


Mrs. Keck
near Stockport
      new page
        London Augt 10. 1789
Hond. Madm-
    I beg pardon for the liberty I have taken in troubleing
you Mr. Orford advised me to explain my situation to you
in regard to the place you so kindly recommended me to, which
favour I were not acquainted with — The Lady ask'd me if I knew
of any Lady in Town who were acquainted with Miss. Legh
that She could make enquiry of, I took the liberty of Naming
you at the same time told her I were afraid you did %not
know sufficiently of me to satisfy her — I beg'd Mrs. Taylor
to give my Duty to you and apprize you of it, which I found
She did not do. — The Lady wrote to me the next Day to say
a %friend of hers had call'd upon her, and recommended a %person
She were rather obligated to take which were a %great disappointment
to me as I have been in Town a great while upon
expences — Madam shoud I be fortunate enough to hear of
a %place, I hope you will not deny the favour, I have taken the
liberty of asking as my sole dependance lays on your goodness
(poor Miss Legh being no more) If you will please to let Mr. Orford
know he will give me a line — I am Madm. with the greatst.
    respect Your truly Obednt. Servt-
    Elizth. Fenton


Mr. Orford
near Stockport
      new page
        London July 29, 1789

    I have taken the liberty of troubleing you
with a line, as I find poor Miss Legh is no more, I were
verry sorry to hear the melancholy account — I must
therefore solicit the favour of you, to make intercession
to Mrs. Anne Legh, or Mrs Keck, which you think
most proper, with my Duty to them as I have not
been fortunate enough to get into Place since
I left their Family, my character entirely depends
on their Goodness which I hope they will take into
consideration — If I shou'd hear of anything likely
to suit whether I might ^take^ the liberty of making use
of their Name for a Character — Sir your concurance
of this favour with a line from you will greatly
oblige — Sir Your verry Humle. Servt.
    Elizth. Fenton
Please to make my respectful Compts.
to Mrs. & Miss. Orfords. likewise all Friends at Lyme
      new page
Please to direct for me at Mr. Lowe's Grocer
No 17 Grays Inn Lane


Mr. Orford
[Postmarked Warrington]
      new page

    Mr. Taylor is going up to Town in a_bout Ten days
& desires in the mean time you will please to send him the
Names of the Commissioners you wish to have [corrected] inserted in the
intended Act —
    I am
    Your most Obdt Serv{*}.
    G Fielding
4 Feby. . 88 —

[Attached paper with names, in two hands, one of which is Orford's, not transcribed.]

author FIGGINS J

mr. Orford
      new page
Mr. Orford
    Sr. — I Recd. yours, with Iohnsons Bill To
Wm. Dupe, I went to him and gave him it but
he told me he had pay'd the mony to you, in exange
For a hatt, Dupe makes but a very bad out
he has had Two places and is at this time without
one, he left Bath to_Day, to go to his Friends in
the Country, I think he has stayd here as long
as he can, so I am a_fraid Mr. Iohnson will loose
his money
    From Sr — your most Obt. Humble
    Sert. I. Figgins
Bath Feby. . 15th . . 1777

My Compliments to yr. Sister & Brother


Mr,, Richd. Orford
at Lyme. Hall
Post paid
[Postmarked Manchester]
      new page
    I understand old Richd. Plant of Blakely is
dead; and if you are inclined, my wife's relation is Still
desirous of becomeing tenant to you at that place; he tells me
that when you was in Blakely last you thought you shou'd
have an occasion to come our way 'ere long and thought
to give me a call, and if that wou'd Suit your convenience
I Shou'd be very glad to See you; or if you are not engaged to
any person for the Farm, and please to accept of him for a
Tenant either for all or part of it Shou'd be glad of a Single
line from you leting me know the time or place where you
wou'd give him or me leave to wait upon you. and am
wishing you and Mrs. Orford the Comps. of the Season
    Sr. Your Most Huble Servt.
    Mattw,, Fletcher
Clifton Iany: 12th. 1771


Mr Richd: Orford
at Mr Legh's. Esqr. at Lyme Hall
[Postmarked Manchester]
      new page
    Iames Urmson's Mother desired me to
let him know, that his child is dead; So now he is
quite a free %man again, as no order has ever been
made upon him. you may have some
fun with him, and tell him there is an order
made upon ^him^ for 18d a %week, and the Town has heard
where he is &c. pray my wifes compliments
to Mrs. Orford And your_Self with those of Sr.
    Your most Huble,, Servt.
    Mattw,, Fletcher
Clifton Mar: 19th. 1771


Mr Richd. Orford
At Lyme Hall
[Postmarked Manchester]
      new page
Dear Sir,
    I intind waiting upon you at Norbury, on Thursday
next, as early as I can. I believe I shall have occasion to see
Mr Richard Melling in the mean time, if so, I will talk with
him about the Boiler, that is, I will ask if he has seen
or heard of any, now in use, that are of a better construction
than those I %mentioned to you. I am with Compliments
to Mrs. Orford
    Dear Sir
    Your Most Obt. Servt
    Mattw Fletcher
Clifton Novr. 30th. 1777


Mr Richd Orford
At Lyme Hall
[Postmarked Manchester]
      new page
        Clifton 14 Augt. 1778
Dear Sir,

    I am favour'd with your Letter of this Date.
Am sorry I %am previously engaged for the days you mention, or,
wou'd have waited upon you; as I know your Time is precious.
I cannot conveniently attend You before Monday the last ^of this,^ or Tuesday
the first of the next Month. If you please to give me a Line
and fix either of those, or some day after, I will wait upon
you at the time you Set.
    My Wife Joins me in Compliments
    to Mrs. Orford & I %am respectfully
    Dr Sr
    Your Hum: Servt.
    Mattw Fletcher

[Note in different hand, probably Orford's]
2 Sepr. '78


Mr Richard Orford
Lyme near Stockport
[Postmarked Manchester]
      new page
Dear Sir,

    Last night was the first time I %could ^get^ any information
about the Bolton and Newton Turnpike Act or would have
answered your Letter sooner; I sent a Messenger over to Mr Taylor
and ^he^ returned an Answer that the Act was Past and had recd
the Royal Assent; that he had only brought one Act down with
him, the rest were not come, or I %should have had one; that the
first meeting of the Commissioners is fixed for the fourth
Thursday after the passing the Act, which will be Thursday
the 3d. of July; and says he has advertised the Meeting which
I shall see in Harrop's next Paper.
    I will contrive my matters so as to be ready to attend you and
Mr Penswick at the time of the first meeting of the Commissioners
if that should prove convenient, if not, at any other time You Wish.
    I am with best Respects to Mrs- Orford Dear Sir Your's
    Most sincerely
    Mattw Fletcher
Sunday 22d. June 1788.


Mr. Hallfoot
at Lime Hall

[Accounts in different hand omitted]
      new page
    The Bearer hereof is I dare say a
Perfect Stranger to you, and the reason I
give you this trouble is, he is the Son to
to Isaac Millington of Heanor Common
now Dead which was in the list of Mr.
Masters Tennants, now the Favour that he
begs to have granted by you, is to Place him
in Part of his Faters House, and as he is
Servant to my Master and has been for some
time, and always behav'd himself as an
Honest Man hope (as it is Perticularly in your
Power) you will be his Friend and not let a youngr
Brother thro' him out of his Fathers Tennant
Right, he will explain the whole Case to you
      new page
with Truth I dare say —
    We are Sir your most Obedient and most
    Hble Servts. Pat. Fletcher
    Frans Agard

Derby June 16th, 1774


Mr. Orford

[Different hand, other side of paper up]
Coachman, School, Alderley
      new page
        Stockport 28th. Iune 1775
        Wednesday Noon

    Your favr. of to_Day have this Moment
recd — in Answer the Road you mention has
hitherto been usualy Repaird by the Pointon Mill
Hill Estate — but in the Letting it to the present Tenant
he was tied to Repair the Roads belonging to that
Estate at his own Cost & Charge — as such shall take
the first opportunity to inform him of your complaint
& remain with most respectfull Compliments to
Mr. Legh
    Yr. huml. Servt.
    Wm. Fowden

author FOX ADAM

mr. orford
How %lain
      new page
        Haylle Feby. 28th. 1773
    I give you the troble of this to acquint that I Did not
meet wh. Heny. Swindales till Night and he refuesd. to Come.
and will have ten ginueas if ^he^ parts wh. his Leass to any_one
for he thinks by Seting his mainuer for Corn & Seling all
of he Can make that of it! So I Desire yll. take it into
Consideration & intrest yr._Self a %litle in my favour
and I will not faile to make you an %adiquate return
uncle Iohn Fox gave his vote for mr. peter Lee Esqr. at
the Last generale Election & he ^promd. him^ a farm when he had one
So he wd. take it as %a %favour if I might have this and
if that of mr. Carringtons. Hapens into yr. hand I Shal
be glad to have that and at your requist I Can bring
Sufisient bands men & will Lime the New ground at
Kingstons at my own Expence
    Pleass to give me a Line of the result by the bairer as soon
as posable and yll. much oblidg Sir y.r Humll. Sarvt.
    adam Fox


Mr Richd: Orford
at Lime
Near Disley
[Postmarked Warrington]
      new page
Mrr Orford
    You'l by this be Acquainted with
the death of Mrs Naylor last Night betwixt
9 & 10 oC— after a %short Ilness —
    When I made a La{***} of the premiss [word crossed out] ^I^
I Ocupy — some little time before it Commened
Mrs Ann Leigh and Mrs. Legh of G Parker drank
Tea and Mrs Ann Leigh saw how much I
was streted for Room poposed to me of %havig
the Whole Premiss leesed together but I
I wou'd not wish [corrected] to have any_thing to do
with it during the life of the deceesd —
    Now I am to Request of you that favour
to have the Premises in the Occupation of the
      new page
late Mrs Naylor —
    After the Christmas Holidays my Nephews
from Leigh are to come to go to schoole
here as the both learn verry Badly at Leigh —
and I cou'd wish to have them %put forwa'd [blot or crossed out]
if Posible —
    Wle have had a %very quite And Good N{******}
of the decees_ed, and — shall be exceeding hap{**} [torn off]
in the Occupation of the whole that we m{*...} [torn off]
make Convenener According as Matter are
Agreed upon. I am and their with Respects
to Miss Nelly Orford and hope this will %find
her better — (Miss Rider went home yesterday)
and Repitcs to wife Self and Family
    Your Most humble Ser
    Eliz{**}. Frith
Newton Decr. 20th. 1788
      new page
PS My Duty to Mrs & Mrs Ann Legh —
and your Ansr. will oblige your humble &

author FRITH J

Mr Orford
      new page
        Bank April the 25


    J ^am^ sorry saml, mare is not in condition for any
Journey she as had a rheum is settled in one
Leg which as been much swelld & is now broke
& is in low keep but if saml, can hire one he
can like to ride i shall be glad & much obliged
to Mr Orford for the trouble J shou'd be glad
to have saml, go a Journey any time with such
company i have sent his boots & spurs as he
desired & will be obliged if you can send
them J am with thanks for all favours
    J am Sr your obliged
    Sert, J Frith

J am Join,d in compliments
by Betty to you & Mrs Orford
J have sent saml, some Money in his
Letter if you think it will go safe


Mr. Orford
      new page
Dr Sir

    Am very sorry that I have neglected answering
yr. first letter, but will assure
you that I put it of with an intent to
have seen my Aunt in Handley, as the
money belongs to her, but dare say she
will have no occasion for it, so the 200£
is at yr. service 'till Christ~s., & the other
I will send for, if you'll be so kind to let
me know when it is ready, The Duke's
Steward has been lo^o^king [corrected] over his farms
& am sorry to let you know, that he thinks
the farms, are too large. Mother joins in
best Comp~t.s. to you & Mrs. Orford & Am
    Yr very humble Servt.
    Sam~l. Frith
Bank Septr. 1st 1774


Mr. Orford
How Lane
      new page
Dr. Sir
    Yr. letter came safe, which am
much oblig'd to you for; Have often talk'd of
going to London this Spring, but am afraid
it will not be this year, or I shou'd have
been very glad of such good Company,
As I have some workmen now, & must
build & make some alterations at Bank
& other Places, it will not be convenient
for me to be much from home, —
    I believe I made some a promise to wait
on Mr Thos. Legh before the season was over
but my mare getting a small hurt prevented
me, & I was not willing to ride one
that wou'd not be able to perform according
as I shou'd have wish'd for, Mother joins
in our best Compts. to you & Mrs Orford & am
    Yr. very humble Servt.
    Saml. Frith
Bank Febry. 19 1775


Mr. Richd. Orford
Haydock Lodge near
[Postmarked Manchester?]

[Accounts in different hand omitted]
      new page
Dear %Sir
    I have the pleasure to inform you, Our
Rearing is fix'd for Wednesday next, on which day
Hope you will make it convenient to favor us
with your good Company, ^at Bank^ as I can assure you,
no one will be more welcome, I expect Mr Hall
& a %few more, & Am Dr Sir
    Your very humble Servt.
    Sa: Frith
Manchester Augst. 29th 1777


Mr. Orford
      new page
Dr Sir
    It wou'd have given us very great pleasure
to have had your Company here yesterday, we
were very joyous, Mr. Hall & I talk'd over the
Stockp:t Meeting, He cannot attend there, which
I am sorry for, I think it will be very proper
for you to come over & go with me to ev'ry_one
which will be a certain means of engaging
several Commiss. who will not go without
great persuasions, Please to give your Opinion
of this in a Line by the bearer & You'll Oblige
    Yr. very humble Servt.
    Saml: Frith
Bank Sepr. 4th 1777

NB. The othr. lettr. Mr. Hall left yesterday


Dear %Sir
    I saw M~r. Hall yesterday, who was so kind to
say he fally intend'd dining at Bank to_morrow
where he hop'd to have the Pleasure of seeing you
Y~r. Company will add greatly to the Jollity of the
Day, & assure you, none will meet a more sincere
welcome, I am Dr Sir
    Y~rs. Sincery.
    S Frith
Bank Mony. morn 5 'O Clock


M~r. Orford
      new page
Dear Sir

    Some time since I recd. a %Letter from Mr Gisborne,
who was so obliging to say, he wou'd take in exchange
a Piece of Land which belongs to me, at Flagg, for
this very desirable Field, Lying before my House —
& have recd. anor. ^Lett~r, from his Agent who says, Mr Gisborne^
has ordered M~r. Beighton to come over on the 18th of
this Inst. Octobr. to settle the exchange & expects I shall
appoint some Person to assist him,
    I shall be exceedingly obligd if you can possibly come
over on that day, as no one is more capable of that
business nor I dare say more agreable to M~r. Beighton
I %am Dr Sir join'd in Compts. to [corrected] Mrs Orford
    Y~rs. Sincerely
    Sam~l. Frith
Bank 5th Octob. 1779


Mr. Orford
near Warrington
[Postmarked Chappel-in-Frith]
      new page
Dear Sir
    On Thursday last I accompanied
Mr. Carver to his Estate at Hague Fold near
Dissley, where he went to view the Fences &c preparatory
to some improvements & amongst othr.
matters, finds that the River was divided (before
the falling of that Tree which I mentioned some time
ago) by a Gravel bed in the middle of the Water course
but the falling of the Tree & its lying rathr. across
has totally diverted that pt. of the Stream to Mr. Carve^r's^
side, by which he has received much damage
& the gravel bed is so much increased, being 50
or 60 yds. in length, that it %is %now scarce possible
to turn it to its ancient channel, The Water has
got so much hold of Mr. Carvers Land, that he is
convinced it woud be a continual charge to fence
for it's security, & therefore purposes to open a
Cut from the bottom of the gravel bed up the
middle & thereby guide the River as near the
cente^r^ [letter crossed out] of the old Water course as possible
    when this is completed, he will lay the whole expence
      new page
before you & hopes Mr. Legh will allow him a
share of it, for which, he will be much obliged.
Mr. Carver desired I woud mention these particu^lars^
Mrs. Steel is very impatient to settle the
Herriott for the Tenement in Handley, I shall
be glad if you will favo'r me with an Acct. of it
as soon as convenient & yr. Sentiments on the
Matter abovementioned & Am Dr Sir
    Yrs. very respectfy.
    S. Frith
Bank Augst. 8 1782


Mr. Orford
How %Lane
      new page
Dear Sir
    I wrote to you at Haydock a little while ago
but suppose you had left, before my lettr. arrived
which was to the following purport
    Having accompanied Mr. Carver to view his Estate,
at Hague Fold, to give directions for some improvements,
amongst othr. matters finds that the River was divided
(before the falling of the Tree which I %mentiond sometime
ago) by a Gravel bed in the middle of the Water course
but the falling of the Tree & its lying rather 'cross, has
entirely diverted that pt. of the Stream from Mr. Legh's
side, to Mr. Carver's, by which he has recd. much damage
& the Gravel bed is so much increased, being 50yds or 60yds
in length, that it is a'most an impossibility to turn
it to its former channel, & the Water has got so much
hold of Mr. Carvers side, that he is convinced, it woud
be a continual charge to fence for the security of his Land
He therefore purposes to open a Cut, from the bottom of the
Gravel bed, up the middle, & thereby guide the River, as
near the middle of the old Water course, as possible
when this is done, he will lay the expence before you & hopes
Mr. Legh will allow him a share of it, for which
      new page
he will be much obliged
    Mr. Carver desired I woud mention these particulars
& please to favo'r me with yr. Sentiments on this matt^er^
by return of the bearer, & Am Dr Sir
    Yr Obliged huml. Sert.
    S. Frith
Bank Augt. 25th 1782
Mrs. Steel is very impatient
to know what is due for the


Mr. Orford
[Postmarked Chappel-in-Frith]
      new page
Dear Sir
    I was favord with yrs. yesterday, respectg. the
Water Course, which divides the Lands belonging to
Mr. Legh & Mr. Carver, & am very glad that you have
viewd the Place, which will give me a better oppertuy
of explaining what was said to us relative thereto
We were told, that the Gravel bed which goes up with
rather a small point, divided the Stream before
the falling of the Tree, pt. of which run on Mr. Leghs
side & the rest on Mr Carvers, & as I recollect, when I
was with Mr. Carver last Year, the Tree lay pretty much
'cross & a considerable force of water pressd against
it, He then wishd that the Tree might be removed, which
you was so kind to order, but in the time, that it had
lain, the water had so effectually worked on the othr. side
that it left the Course on Mr. Leghs side much higher
A Great pt. of the River might be turnd by a breast
Wall as you mention, but that measure woud probably
cause complaint from Mr. Bower & which, I think
Mr. Carver woud be unwilling to pursue, but shall
see him in a %few days & will mention that to him
      new page
I have the pleasure to inform you that Mr. Gisborne
has been so kind to offer me anothr. addition of
Land to take in half of the othr. field, which you
pointed at, & go in a line to the top of the Hill
which will certainly be a very great acquisition
I wish you woud let me know how much will
be due for the Herriott, as Mrs. Steel is so very impatient
& uneasy that it is not settled
    I am Dear Sir
    Yr. much obliged & very
    huml. Sert.
    S. Frith
Bank Augst. 26 1782


Mr. Orford
      new page
Mr. Frith presents his best Compts. to
Mr. Orford & will be very happy to see
him at Bank, to dinner, on Thursday next

Lyme July 11th. 1788 —


Mr. Orford
      new page
        Bank Octr. 26th 1790
Dear Sir

    I have talked with my mother respectg. the
Kenyon business, & she seems averse to selling —
If Lord Grey de Wilton woud take the Tenement
into his own Possession & allow the same Rent
& ^pay^ the Arrears, it woud be making the best bargain
& he then might make such improvements as he
thought proper, but he may probably make some
objections, to the Buildings being in such bad repair
if that shoud be the case, I think my mother had ^shoud^
allow something towards the expence, but of this,
you are a better judge,
    If Lord Grey shoud agree to the above, my Fields woud
perhaps be bettr. lett, to some person that lives near to them
for Convenience of keeping a Cow &c, I am Dr %Sr Yrs. very Siny.
    S: Frith

author FROST J

Mr. Richd. Orford
a Lyme Hall
      new page
Worthy Sr

    yours came Safe to hand and you had
heard from me Sooner But the Map was
at Mr. Beightons and but came last
night. therefore if possible will do it to_morrow [across line]
and bring you an account.
down to Lime

    J am yours &c J Frost

Richd. Clulow could not tell all the fence
and therefore was obliged to send for
the map


For Mr
Richard Allford
Steward Att
Lime Haal
This wh Card
      new page
        Octobr ye 5: 1772 Fairfield
Mr Allford I Have Herewith sent you 41
Weathers which are All aged ones
Some of them are three years Old and
And Some of them are four years old
they are of A good sort and you may
depend upon their Soundness I Have
done ye best I can for you and I make
no doubt but they will answer your
Expectation I Am With All Respects
Sr: Yr Hle: St John Frost


Mr. Orford
      new page
    When your Drat. came to me I was in so weak a State that I was
obliged to have all papers removed from me and on my getting a little recovery
my thoughts & memory improved so very slowly that it was with Difficulty that
I coud. think of and give Instructions about such things as were in the most
extraordinary haste
    I was sorry that the Bearer forgot to mention this matter last Week
untill it was too late for me to get it ready to send by him then And for the
most part of this Week I have not been in a Condition to look this over
in the manner I thot. it shod. be
    I have extracted from the Abstract formerly sent by Mr. Heapy the
sevl. Deeds that appear to have been made since the Conveyance made in
1760 to Mr. Legh of Dean Bank Estate wherein these Cottages are likewise
conveyed to him and he is declared to be (as to the Cottages &c) a Trustee for
Sumner so that I was then satisfyed that the Title to that time was right
    For the last 8 years it woud. be proper to have the Deeds carefully
inspected to see that they they agree with this present Abstrt. and particularly
the Deed of 25 April 1761 which appear by the recital in the Deed 29 Apl.
1761 to have been made for by the recital of it nobody can guess for what
purpose that Deed was made and in Iune 1762 when Edwd. B: Clayton and
Sumner conveyed to Worsley I think that Edwd. B: Clayton was married and
therefore if by the said Deed of 25 April 1761 an Estate of Inheritance was
vested in Clayton then he and his Wife shod. have been parties to the ffine as
well as Kelsall and his Wife But I think it most probable that Clayton was
named only as a Trustee for some purpose which nobody can be assured
of without seeing the Deed
    Mr. Birch will only Covt. against any Incumbrances made by himself
and you cannot expect him to join in the later Covts. according to your mint. in
the margin in fo: 9 of the Drat. but Mr. Heapy is the proper person to Covt.
alone that they are seized of the prem~es and have power to convey, and
for Mr. Legh's quiet Enjoymt. thereof, free from Incumbrances, and for making
further Assurances but in the Covt. for making further Assurances in fo: 11
the four last lines under which the black lines are drawn I think shod. be
omitted in the Conveyance of such an Estate as this is and where the parties
all live so near And in the last Covt. or Declaration of the Uses of the
ffine Kelsall and his Wife shod. regularly join But I will admit to you that
as they conveyed the Estate by Direction of Heapy and in performance of the
Covt. of worsley in his Deed of 6 Septr. 1762 I think it is the less necessary
for them to join now in such a Declaration otherwise there being only 10S. paid
to them as the Consideration for conveying the Estate to Birch it might be
disputed that the ffine shod. enure to the Use of Kelsall and his Wife but
probably in the Deed itself of 12 Feb~ry 1767 when it comes to be inspected
the Uses of that ffine might be declared by them
    I observe that Ioseph Worsley's Will in only exprest to shew why
his Ex~ors were parties to the Deed now there shod. be some Notice taken
      new page
of it to see whether he devised this Estate or devised or his real Estate
for if so then the Divisee ought to join in the Conveyance
    I cannot conceive why the Estate was conveyed to Mr. Birch
towards satisfying himself and the Creditor named in the Schedule
instead of all Creditors unless Mr. Heapy was more afraid of these
things being troublesome to him than the rest but as I suppose
Mr. Heapy has long since obtained his Certificate this is a matter
more of Observation than use
    I Don't know the Value or Circumstances of Tomlinson's
Tenement but as these things appear to me I think the Deeds
from 1761 shod. be left in Mr. Legh's Hands He giving and undertaking
to produce them if that be required from him
    And now Sir you will give me Leave to ask a favour from you
For at Sealing the Conveyances to Mr. Legh about 8 years ago I produced
to H: Sumner my Bill for business I had done for him in his dispute
about Dean Bank which amounted to between 11£. and 12£. mr. Heapy
viewed ^it^ in that which was Mr. Dodges and is now your Room and
on my Agreeing to take 11£ Mr. Heapy promised that he woud. pay
it me on my sending a Duplicate of the Deed then made to mr.
Legh of the Dean Bank wherein it is declared that he was a
Trustee for Sumner as to these Houses below. I missed next Sum~er
getting it executed by mr. Legh but some years ago he did execute it
and I sent it to manchester to be delivered to mr. Heapy but
have received no part of my 11£ I therefore desire that at
Sealing of these Deeds and paymt. of the money you will be so kind
as to retain [some letters crossed out] 11£ for me which will be esteemed [corrected] as a great
favour done unto him who is
    your Obedt. h~ble Servt.
    T: FFurnivall
Congleton 21 may

I think mr. Legh may take the Title as it now stands without
much Scruple but you may mention the matters above exprest
if they can get Kelsall and Wife to join in declaring the Uses of
the ffine and see what the Conveyance to Edwd. B: Clayton was
and that the Deeds agree with the Abstract


Mr Richd Orford
      new page
Mr Orford        Stockpt: May 24th 1788
    I this Day Recd your Verry
Obliging Favr with a %Bill & Cash together
One Hundred & Thirty Six Pounds 10s/
Which Shall be Placed to the Cr. of Your
Acct. and for which Accept my Best Thanks
and [corrected] am Sr. Yr Mo hhble St.
    Iohn Garside
Ps You have Omitted
Endorsing the Bill

[Note in different hand; accounts in this hand omitted]
Entd. of no %Use


Mr Richd: Orford
      new page
Mr Orford        Stockport Augt. 1st. 1788
    I this Day Recd: your Verry
obligin Favour Covering A %Bill Value
£45— which is Plased to the Cr
of Your Acct: for Which Please to Accept
my Best Thanks
    I Believe there now remains a
Ballance of One Pound 18s/ in Your Favour
which I will Pay You the First Opportunaty
I am
    Sr Your Much Obliged
    and Mo hhble St
    Iohn Garside
[Note in different hand]
Entd. of no Use


Mr Richd: Orford
      new page
        Stockpt: Iany 24th 1789
Dr Sr
    Some years Agoe I %remember you
telling me that I must %remind you, not to put
my Acct: into the Cobweb Drawer; I must
Confess I have no Just reason to Supose
that you have forgot my Last Petition
to you, which was that you woud favour
me with a Remittance for 100£
    The Old Proverbe says that Necessaty
has no Law I I do Assure you that
nothing, but Verry Urgent Necessaty
woud hav Indused me to trouble you
[word crossed out] A Second time, so Soon — If therefor
you Can (with any Degree of Conveniancy Favour
me With the Aforsaid Sum or be it more or Less
the Favour will be Acknowledged With Gratitude
by — Dr Sr Yr. Verry hhble St
    Iohn Garside


Mr Richd Orford        Stockpt: Mar [corrected] 3d. 89
    I this Day Recd from you
on Peter Legh Esqr Acct. One Hundred
Pounds P~ Favour of Mr Shaw
Which is Placed to Credit of Acct.
Accordingly — I am
    Sr Yr Much Obliged
    & Mo hhble St
    Iohn Garside

[Note in different hand]
Entd to his Acct. Page 11th


Mr Richd: Orford
Lyme —
      new page
        Stockpt: April 28th, 89
    I am this Day Favourd with
Yours Covering A Bill Value 154£..11s— for.
Which I have Cr Mr Legh's Acct. and for which
I return you My Unfeined Thanks —
I can Assure You It is a Most seasonable
Relef to me and shall consder it as an
Additional Instance of your kindness to
    Sr. Yr. Most hhble St
    Iohn Garside


Mr. Richd: Orford
      new page
Mr. Orford        Stockpt. Decr. 25th, 89
    I Duly recd: Your obliging
Favr. of Ysterday's Date Covering 2 Bills
And Cash together Value One Hundred
Pounds — for which I return you
my best thanks — [note in different hand: Entd. of no use]
    I am truly Sorry to trouble
you in the following Matter — I %recd. a
Note from Mr Marsland requesting me
to Address Bills Parcels to him; as it was
your General Order for me to Direct
them to Mr Marsden I have allways
done So — I shoud think my_self Highly
Obliged if Mr Orford wou'd at Some
Leasure Moment Drop me A Line for
the [corrected, or crossed out?] future Governmint — I anxiously wis
to give General Satisfaction
    I am Sr. Yr. Obedt St Iohn Garside
[Along side of paper]
NB I %here send you 2oz More thread — I hope will Please


Mr Orford
near Dishley
[Postmarked Warrington?]
      new page
        Newton Iuly 9th — 1775.

Dear Sir!
    I was inform'd last night by the
Tenant of Dean-School, that Mr
Speakman had demanded the last
year's Rent by the Authority, as he
said, of Mr Orford. My Astonishment
at hearing this was great indeed!
For my Bror as the licensed School
master was, (I apprehend) entitled to
the Emoluments of the School to the
day of his death; and believe me the
School was served by a Substitute a
considerable time at no inconsiderable
    But if by your Authority this demand
was made; I beg to know upon what
      new page
plea ^Right^ it is founded? Or upon what Plea Mr Speakman
can demand Rent for the year 1774, since his appointment
to the School commenced in 1775.? I should be glad likewise
to be inform'd at what time the year begins? I
succeeded to the Curacy about the same time of ^the^ year that
Speakman did to the School; and instead of 30 odd pounds
the Chapel Land was ^then let at I received for that year^ 27 pounds &
ten Shillings. Be pleased further to acquaint me, whether
the whole Emoluments of the School will not become due
(if otherwise, particularize what will not) [some letters rubbed out] before he has
served the School a year? If so, upon what pretence can he
demand any part of the Emoluments of the preceding year?
These few Questions you will be pleased to answer, if you are
the Author of the demand; but I would willingly persuade my-self [across line break]
that the Tenant impos'd upon me, & that you never thought
of using so ungenerously your old Friend & Sert
    Iohn Garton


R: Orford
      new page
Dear Sir!
    I flatter myself that if Mr
Legh was at Haydock, he
would oblige me with a bottle
or two of Strong white Wine;
which the Dr says, is very
{**}cessary [torn off] for me: If I knew
where to purchase it, you
would not have been troubled
upon this occasion by your
    humle Servt
    I: Garton.


Dear Sir I am very much oblidged to you for
all favours and I have Sent this by my Wife
as I am afraid of Getting Cold if I Com [corrected] down
to Lyme I have a Miend to put a Life upon the
Cornfield Tenement if it may be done upon
Mod'ret terms or otherways I am not qualified
I owe a Good ^deal^ of Money So I canot Come at it
but if you plase to Send me a Line of the terms
or otherways if you plase to call of me if you
come this way I shall be very glad to see you
So I Remain vour very Humble servent
Peter Gaskel
Handly november 14th 1778


Mr Orfford at
      new page
Frend Orfford
    this With my Kind
Respets to you I have Taken the
freedom to Rite thees few Lyns
to you Which I hope your goodness
Will Excuse that is Concerning
My Uncle Iames Shop & Am Willing
to Do it the best I Can but I Cannot
Well Do it then Tourds Spring
as it Will be inconvniant [corrected] for mee
and it Will Not fall as the Days
Are So Short then I Will Sett it
by the Lump to_gether all from
your frend and Well Wisher
    Iohn Gaskell
Cornfeeld Handley
Novr 24th 1777


        Darby Feburary 26 1775
Dr Cousen this Comes with my love to you
hopeing these Fue lines will find you all in
Good health as we are at Present I have Great
desire to Come to live at Nightwig I think
am In a very Independant way at Present but
should be much obliged to you for your
Advice Desire you to do vme the favour to
Looke over the Leas wich is at Cousen Iohn
Gaskells and to See If I Can Come to it before
the Leas is out which I Think Does not tie me
of it paying Ralph Bowers Charges what laid out
If you think I can I Thought of giveing Ralph
Bower a years warning at Lady Next Should be
glad of a line From you as soon as Possoble you
can Please to Direct for me at Mr Cocks
Tanner Full Street Darby Please to Remember
me to all Enquiring Friends Now beg Leaf
to Conclude with no more at Present from
your Loveing Cousen Peter Gaskell

[Scribbles on the back of paper omitted]


        Derby Oct, 28
    I hope thees lines will find You and Family
in good Health as wee are at present,
    I have A Friend with mee at this Time which is in the
Cotton Spinning Mills, and understand his
Buisness So that they Cannot well do without him,
But he has A Friend (which you know very well)
Which will assist him with a Thousand pounds or
More if hee Can get an_Other assistant to Carry that
Buisness On, pleas to acquaint Cousin Thos, Gaskell of it,
as hee is in the Cotton Buisness, if it ^would^ be of any Servis
to him, desire you will not Mention it ^to^ any Other
till I here [letter rubbed out] from you, Neither to Mr how of Derby,
Pleas to give an Answer to Your Huml, Servt
Peter Gaskell (as Soon as you Can) at the Bird
Bottom of
    Walker Lane Derby
he will {*...} [torn off] 10th of Novr,

author GATES T

Mr Orford
      new page
Mr Orford
    I have sent by M. A. Leghs
Orders, some vegetables, for your use, tho I dont
Apprehend they are wanted nor will be of any
Service, but tell Mr Iackson he must
take no affront, And as for you, Sir,
I Shall tell you that if Haydock [corrected] produces
better beans than Lyme, you have no
Sallad that is fit to eat ha-ha-ha
    I am Sr your very Humble St. T. Gates

Lyme mondey night

author GATES T

Mr Orford
      new page
Dear Friend
    Betty got safe here on Saturday
afternoon, and as you did not give positive Orders,
how we was to proceed, on a Consultation with my Mrs.
Thought it best to break off Board wages, for accordin^g^
to their proceedings I thought there would be but little
Difference in the Quantity of meat Expended, (for having
a Beef in the house they Dressed Plentifully) and
as to the Drink, I Shall take care that none is
wasted, So that upon the best Calculation I could
make, it appeared to be my Masters Interest to
keep house. and upon the strength of that, got a
Sheep killed, not one of the best, nor the worst, but
(Like your feather bed) of the Middle sort,
    If I have done wrong tis an Error in Judgment,
and therefore, I hope, will be Pardoned.
    Shepley has been Painting here, and wanted an allowance
of Ale, at noon, and at 4 O Clock, But I told
him that I could not Establish a rule, of that sort,
without your, or my Masters Orders, but further told
      new page
him, that I would Indulge him out of my own stock of
odds & ends, till he Could make proper Application, but
if tis not already done he will most Likely trust till
your Coming [corrected] which I am sorry is Deffered so Long, being
well asured, that I shall be heartily tired of my post.
    Wishing you health, and a pleasant Iourney
    I remain Dr, Friend, yours
    with Sincerity T Gates
Lyme Iune 9 1777

author GATES T

Mr Orford
How Lane
      new page
Dr Sir
    Inclosed is a 20£ bill (all I could get,) which
I expect will be in time for Mr Cooke. I went to have
done your business with Mr Rawlenson, but was
an hour too Late, for I was Informed he had Drank
2 bottles of Madeira and gone to bed about 10 this
Morning. but will take the first Opportunity to
Deliver it. My Respectfull Compts to all your
fair. and good. Company and wish you all Merry.
    (the bearer Inform'd me who the are)
    I Remain Dr Sir in haste
    your Obliged Humble Serv{*} T Gates
White Hall 7 O. Clock friday Eve

[Note in different hand]
26 Aug 85

author GATES T

Mr Orford
      new page
Dear Sir
    Not having Decisive Orders
about the Letters, nor [corrected] any time fixed for
your return. I thought it most prudent
to Dispatch the Clerk [corrected] with the expresses,
and also the Skins you wanted, amongst
yours is one for M, A, Legh, according to
her Desire, and I have Instructed Clerk
to give to you all that Come Directed to
her to_morrow Morning, and Should be
glad you would Deliver them as Inclosed
to you, The Christening at Ingersly being
tomorrow I believe I must attend as your
Representative but knowing the ground [corrected] to be
Dangerous, fear, may perhaps prevent me.
      new page
    Wishing you a Speedy & Safe return I remain
    Dr Sir your Obliged Humble Servt T Gates
Lyme Monday Eve,

author GATES T

Mr Orford
How Lane
with a P~cel
      new page
Dear Sir
    I have been to Sandback's three times
but not at home, the Old [corrected from old] man, tells me this
Morning, he thinks he is gone to {*} Drawer
as he came home on thursday night. and he
told him of the bill, and asked him if the
man was responsible, he said, he believed he was,
however, Inclosed is a bill 18£..8.0 and the
bearer will Deliver a P~cel. in which is Cash
21£..12..0, in all 40£.0.0 which I have placed to
your account, I thought, if you had Let
me alone till the fair I Could have made
it into 100. however I may posibly meet with
some Small bills at that time, & am
    Dr Sir yours. truely T Gates
Norbury Sanday Morning

[Accounts in different hand omitted]

[The next set of 79 letters are from Richard Orford's brother-in-law. Many are brief and deal (almost) exclusively with financial matters. Those have been omitted. In the later part, there are also letters in a different hand, usually signed as Thos.. Gaskell & Co, but also as Thos.. Gaskell; directions also often in this hand. This is either a clerk or, possibly, a son (but omission of junior argues against it. Letters in this hand are extremely brief and have been omitted.]


Mr. Richd. Orford
      new page
Dr Brother

    Yours I Recd. and am sorry you have
had so much Trouble about it, the Piece
is in Work one half is dying Black and the at
Croft for white the Black will be ready in baa^u^t
a weaks time the white will be a %llitl longer
but shall be done as soon as Possibl and
am with best respects to Sister and ant
    T Gaskell
Manchesr 29 Iuly 1772


Mr Richd Orford
How lane
with speed
      new page
Dr Sr
    Mr Upton Recd yours Concerning
ny Uncle Peter and has done the needfull
to every_one and am In haste yr{*} Afflye Br
    T.. Gaskell
Manchesr Iuly 2d 1773


Mr.. Richd.. Orford
How lane
      new page
Dr Br

    Must beg you,l be %kind %enough to
send the Horse on Satterday morning
as Billinge Intends We shall Come
to Disley on Satterdy Night should be
glad to shake you by the hand as
We go past if Convenient Remain
    Yours faithfully
    T Gaskell
Septr [corrected from Satterday] 15 S


Mr Richd. Orford
Haydock Lodge
      new page
Dr Sr
    I have this moment Recd. a Letter from
my Sister who say,s that you wished
to have your good Old Horse at Haydock [corrected]
on Wensday. Mr. Chas Worsley told me
the Bearer In{*}. Clark of Winwick would
take Care and Deliver him safe he
has performd very well. shall be glad
to see you the first Oppertunity have
hardly time te say stand and Delvr.
am very glad to heare its [corrected] no worse [corrected]
beg my Best Complts. to Mr. In{*}. & Miss
Orford and Remain Dr. Br yrs Sincerly
    Thos Gaskell
Manchesr. 18 Octr
[Next line or lines cut off]


Mr.. Richd. Orford
at Mr Burchals Oxford Street
      new page
Dr Sr
    I hope this will find you safe at
London. Inclos,d You have three
Bills Value £73..4 0 the Remainder
Twenty Six Pound Sixteen Shillings
Youl [corrected] please to Dr. my Acct. for Beg
my Complts. to Mr. Burchal and I
should glad to serve him with any_^thing^ [across line break]
he may [corrected] want in my way and will
take Care to doo it as well as any of my
Neighbours. I start in the morning for
the North: Remain [corrected] wishing you a %safe
Return Dr. Sr Yrs Afftly
    Thos. Gaskell
Manchesr. 2 March


Mr.. Richd, Orford
How %lane
      new page
Dr Br
    Youl please to send me Cookes Hundred pound
Note as the money is ready fail not to send it by first
Oppertunity or am [corrected] affraid it will be otherwise engag,d
    T: Gaskell
Manchesr. 28 Iune 1775
[Note by Richard Orford]
June 29. 75 Sent the above Note [R.O.'s signature]


Dr. Br
    I have this moment Recd. the 100 £
Note and will waite on T: Cooke this
after_noon: Likewise yours about. the
Quilting and on the other side you have
some patterns with the prices: I %have
been at booth Mr. Chas. & Robt. Hindleys
and Recd. for Ansr. their was nothing
owing on mrs. Kecks acct. Miss Legh
owes Mr. Robt. Hindley some_thing.
mr. Coates [corrected] Note on Tuesday likewise
You have 5{**} of the best Cotton I Can
precure shall send you a Bill for the
money as soon as Can [corrected] get a good one
    Remain Yrs Sincerly
    T: Gaskell
Iuly 1st 1775


Mr.. Richd. Orford
      new page
Dr Sr
    Your favour I duly Recd.. with 80 Guineas
which is very exceptable I can Get his ^Masters^ Order
ready in two Days notice only the Nankeens
their is not his Quantity to be Bought but
am wateing for a Line from him with
directtions how to forward them I %shall
want a horse in about 10 Days and am doubtfull
this will not be able to perform If you are not
very Bussey I should have been glad to have
seen you heare on munday to have seen if
their had been any_thing in the fare that
would have likely to have [corrected] done I shall want
more money soon as Convenient Remain
    Yrs. Sincerly
    T Gaskell
Manchesr. 30 Sepr.


Mr Richd Orford
How %lane

[At different angle]
Thos. Gas
Thomas Gaskell
      new page
Dr Sr
    I was informd last Night that mr.
Billinge is going his Journey on Sunday
in Consequence of Which I %must start in
the morning as my Horse is at Grass and
am [in margin] affraid [corrected] not in the best Condition am
under some doubt on his performing the
Journey. now if You Can without any
Inconvenience to your_self [corrected] let me have
Yours should be mush Oblidge to you
If not please to for_ward the Bearer Immediately
to my Mothers for my Horse
Have not time to say more then shall
be glad to see you in How lane abt 9 aClock
in the morning Remain yrs In [corrected] haste
    T Gaskell


Mr. Richd. Orford
How %lane
with a %parcel
      new page
Dr Sr
    Inclosd you have a Bill value Fifty
Pound so youl please to dett me for 2£:10 0
more I Could not get a [corrected] Bill before
this day Reman Yrs
    T Gaskell

¼ Pound of wax Candle 1/ [corrected]
Sister. things on Teusday

[Scribbles omitted]


Mr.. Richd Orford
      new page
Dr.. Sr
    I arrived last Thursday after a disagreable
Journey oweing to my Horse beeing [corrected] very bad
of the Distemper he begun two Days after
I started and went worse every day. till at
last his Couple was so [corrected] bad I was Oblidg'd to get
of him while he recoverd him_self, but hope
he is now geting Better his [corrected] Couple has in a
great measure left him and he Eat,s pritty
well so I [corrected] doubt. not. but in a little time he,l
be quite well — I think if he had not been
I,ll he would have performd well —
    I want. soon as possible [corrected] abt. 200£ please to
give me a Line when I may Expect it and
when youl Come this way — Remain yrs
[Along side of paper]
    to Command T Gaskell
please to favour me with a %line by return of Post


Mr Richd. Orford
How Lane

[Accounts in different hand omitted]
      new page
Dr Sr

    Yours I duley recd. and not [corrected] beeing
in my power to see Sowcarr to_Night
before Next Satterday Night I
should be oblidgd to you if [corrected] you'l
let your Lad go for my Horse
and send him me on Tuesday
next — Poverty again begins
to peep in at Our Windows [corrected] therefore
must beg your assistance for a
100£ on Tuesday with the Horse
if Possible your Compliance
    with the above
    wil Oblidg {***}
    T Gaskell
Augst 10 76
[Along side of paper]
I Expected to have seen You
heare this day or to_morrow

[Short, undated letter omitted]


Mr.. Richd.. Orford
Haydock Lodge near
[Postmarked Manchester]
      new page
Dr Sr
    I am under the necescity of
troubling you on they old story
that is want of money haveing
this morning [corrected] recd. from Smith
Wright & Gray Bailey & Co Dft
for 92£.16 0 which am doubt_full [across line break]
every shilling will be lo,st
should that be the Case tis nothing
more then what I deserve for trusting
shuch [corrected] Dam,d Scoun,drells —
must beg your Complyance as
S W & G have nothing in their
hands but what is drawn for
yr Ansr. will Oblidge Dr Sr yrs
    T Gaskell
[Along side of paper]
As much above 100£ {***} as you Can not to
exceed 10 Ds. from


Mr.. Richd.. Orford
How Lane
      new page
Dr Sr
    Yours of 17 I duley recd must
beg your assistance either by Mr.
Newhouse or Carrier on Tuesday
and as much above 100£ as you Can
all or part [in margin] Cash would bee very agreable
Youl bee kind enough to lay
Yourself Out for [corrected] a little Cash
as I dare say I shall not want
less then 1000£ betwixt and
Xmas [corrected]: I beleive I %shall not be very
badley of in Baileys affaires he
Owes Geo: Barber from [corrected] 6 to 8
Hundred Pound a deal too much
youl say have sent Sisters Box
this Day by Old Bailey She wants
      new page
some worsted Stripes or Checks for
a Bed she mentions that she saw some
that would be suiteall but does say
at what place if she will give me
a Line by Mr. Newhouse who I expect
will bring this I will send them
on Munday by some Lime Carrer
Remain Respectfully yrs
    T Gaskell


Dr Sr
    Your favour I recd with 20 Pound Cash
am Clad [corrected] to heare our mother is some_thing [across line]
better in Ansr. to Mr. Turners
Ale Cannot attend before next weak
but one on acct. of Chester Fair as
I expect some of our Frds. will bee in
Town and Wright will not bee at home
before Friday or Satterday Next. when
you fix write Brother Iohn if you will
fix any Day after that time will with
pleasure attend will ^bring^ some patterns with
me when I come over Remain
    Dr Sr yrs Sincerly [corrected]
    T Gaskell


Mr Richd Orford
How %lane
      new page
Dr Sr
    I have sent the Gown & Stockings
which hope will prove to Content
Flocks I can not procure at pressent
will send them soon as %possiblee.
Should bee glad you could procure
half Doz or a Dozen Franks Directed [corrected]
for Cartwright Morris & A Bennett
the are for a worthy Friend who will
return the favour should bee glad
you Could do this [corrected] in Days as the
Gentm. they are for will bee in manchstr.
abt that time and dare say he will
by goods of us for 100.0.0 or 150£ Pound
and I %know they would Oblidge him
much shall Come your way some day
next weeak — Remain Sr yr Sincearly
    T: Gaskell
[Along side of paper]
Cups next weeak


Mr Richd Orford
How %lane
      new page
Dr Sr

    I mean to start for the North
on Wensday next and to go with
my Old Horse am a %little affraide
there_fore if Can Conveniently
spare the [corrected] mare should be Glad
to try her shall bee at home in
3 weeaks — If it is not in every respect
Convenient [corrected] Ill try him again
please to give me a line to_morrow
    Remain Dr Sr yr Sincerly
    T Gaskell
Friday 4 [word crossed out] ^Clock^


Mr.. Richd.. Orford
at Haydock Lodge near
      new page
Dr Sr
    Your favour I duley Recd.
and have seen Mr. Upton
and he says the time will
make no Differrance as shuch
he will acquint them that
You,l bee their on Wensday
Next. should bee glad you would
Come through this Town as
shall write S: W: & Gray on
that Day Remain ys' Sincrly
    T: Gaskell
Manchesr. 5 Novr.
Should bee Glad youl save what
Cash you Can


Mr. Richd Orford
How %lane
      new page
Dr Sr
    Should bee glad you
would send Us on Satterday
20 or 30 Pound Cash as wee
are Quite [corrected] out of that article
Your Compliance will
Oblige — Sr. yr Sincerly
    T Gaskell
Manchesr. 10 Decr


Mr Richd Orford
How %lane
      new page
Dr Sr
    In_Closd youve 4 Bills
Value 230£..0 0 if you
want any more must
favour Us with a Line
on Thursday as shall
advise of [corrected to or from on] these Dfts by
Satterday morning Post
Remain yrs Sincerly
    T Gaskell


Dr Sir
    your favour I duley recd
and En_Clos',d you,ve 2 Bank
Notes Value 60..0,0 am
happy I had it my power
to serve you Sunday is the
worst Day you Could have sent
Remain — Sr yrs Sincerly
    T Gaskell


Mr. Richd Orford
How %lane
      new page
Dr Sr
    Your favour with the Cash
I duley recd & En_Closd you have
a Bill Value 22..10..0 hope that
sum will do as we have [corrected] nothing
to draw for as yet have sent Int
6 yd of Clowed-Velverett which hop
will please and wish [corrected] him is health
to ware Remain — Dr Sr yr Sinl
    T: Gaskell
19 Augst 81
Return'd the above Bill


Mr. Richd Orford
How %lane
      new page
Dr Sr Your favour I duley Recd and
EnClosd you,ve a 50£ Dft —
    If yours is not a Rideing Coat
you must not have a Straw Colord
Coller if you have the ^will^ take you
for some Fidler [corrected] if it is a top Coat
give me a Line and will send you
one on Satterday Remain yr Sincerly
    T Gaskell
4 Octr 81

[From this point on more and more are short and formulaic, and have thus been omitted]


Mr. Richd Orford
How lane
      new page
Dr Sr
    Your favour I duley recd Covering
Crossley for 50..0.0 EnClosd [corrected] you,ve
3 Bills Value 50..0..0 at your
Dates no Bank Notes to bee got should
bee glad they ware not sent up before
Wensday as I shall advise before that
day shall take Care for John
Remaine — yr{*} Sincerly
    T Gaskell & %Co


{*} Sr
    Your favour I duley recd. with
£60..0..0 Am sorrey to heare
of the Death of our worthy Frd.
I will bee with you a Lyme
to_Morrow by 1 AClock if the
day bee favourable to pay my last
Respects [corrected] if it bee wett shall not
attend Are Clear with Marriott
& Hill Remain — yr Respetfully
    T Gaskell
14 Octr 82

[Accounts on other side of paper omitted]


[Part of letter lost]
have sent the returnd Bill of this
morning Enclosd you,ve a Bill
for 7..17..6 my Complts to. Mr. Marsdin
and if he will for_give me this time
I,l never do so againe Remaine
yrs Respectfully. T Gaskell
19 Octor 82
this Book is not to mett with
Faulkner will have some in
14 or 15 days

[Accounts, scribbles, and drawing on other side of page omitted]


Dr Sr

    Your kind favour I duley recd
have In_closd a Bill for
100..0..0 shall bee glad
of the Cash on Tuesday as
Cash at this time is bad to
bee met with am sorrey to
find Betty does not get forward
Rem yr Sincrly
21 Novr. 1783


Mr Rd Orford
How %lane
      new page
Dr Sr
    I am at this time much in
want of money beeing dissapoint^d^
of 300£ therefore must request
your assistance for the Ballance
that is in my favour your
Compliance by Thursdays
Carrier will Oblidge yours
Respectfully T.. Gaskell

20 Decr. 1783
[Note, probably in Orford's hand]
21 Sent 2 Bills & Cash £100


[Direction in different hand]
Mr.. Richard Orford
How Lane
      new page
D~ Sr

    Inclosd you have a %Bill for
£200..0 0 I am not shure
but I must go to Liverpool
on Sunday next but will give
my Sister a Line on Satterday
Miss N: Hallworth is rather
Better day yrs
    T.. Gaskell
8 April


[Direction in different hand]
Mr.. Richard Orford
at Peter Legh's Esqr..
[Postmarked Manchester]
      new page
Dr Sr.
    In_closd you have 8 Bills
for £451..8..0 which doubt
not will meet with due Hono^u^r
at [corrected] Stockport last Night
I was informd that Mr
Hallworths warehouse had
been on fire that Day but
thank God it was a %false report
it was at %small new House that
in Chapel Walks by neglect
of the Joiners Remain yrs
    T. Gaskell
23 May 1788


Mr. Orford
How %lane
      new page
Dr Sr

    Inclosd you have 2 Bills
for 54.0..0
    When you see Mr. Barber
will you aske him if he is
Inclined [corrected] to sell his Estate near
Whitchurch if so shall bee
glad to know the perticulars
of the place and the very lowest
price if he [corrected; one or two words crossed out] will fix it
on faire [corrected] terms can find him a Good
Chap — An ansr. is requested
the weather is so wett
      new page
Miss Hallworths posepone seeing
How lane a %llitte longer
Remaine yrs Respectfully
    T.. Gaskell
2 Octr
when you send any Cash pray
lett it bee good


Mr Orford
      new page
Dr Sr

    We got safe home and felt
nothing of the Frost —
    Inclosd you have a Bill
for £69..18..7
    I beleive. Mr. Chas Ford is
of the {*}lod this morning about
4 aClock Remain yrs
    T Gaskell
5 Jany


Dr. Sr

    Inclosd you have two Bills
for £31..4..0 I have some larger
Bills but cannot get them
Broke if I can not do any
other wise will send a %few of
Iones:s Dfts on Tuesday
    yrs T Gaskell
24 Jany
1789 [corrected from 1788]


Drr Sr

    Inclosd you have one Bill
for £100..0..0 I expect to have
some small Bills on Tuesday
Heywoods Bill for 3..0..0 is [corrected] ^not^ my
Friend but Heywood the Glover
pray say on Tuesday weather it
must bee paid yrs T
    T Gaskell
7 Feby 1789 [corrected from 1788]


Mr. Rd. Orford
How %lane
      new page
Dr Sr

    Inclosd you have 3 Bills
for: £111..13..0. I have not
one Bill by me but if you
have any more Cash can get
Bills for it. — yrs T. Gaskell
May 26 1789
I believe the Bull Dogs
where at Geo: Bar,s yester_day


Mr. Orford
How %lane
      new page
Dr Sr

    In_closd you have two Bills
for 59..19..0
    It was not in my power to dine
with you on Sunday beg my
Complts. to the Ladies Remain
    T Gaskell
Iune 9 1789


Mr. Orford
      new page
Dr Sr

    In_closd you have a Twenty
Pound Bank Note for Cash
I have wrote you this day
by Ardern to which I beg your
attention beeing shure that
it will bee of the Greatest
service — yrs T.. G

17 Octr. 1789


Mr. Orford
How %lane
      new page
Dr Sr

    Yours I duley recd. and am glad
to find you are on the mending
hand. I have sent 2 Ends Quilting
for Mrs. Leghs inspection if not
aprovd may return them my
Brother Iohn was heare last
weeak and Mr Hallworth & Mellor
promis'd to see Ingersly next
Wensday but if the weather don't
mend thing we had better posepone
it a little longer but will write
you ^on^ Satterday Inclosd youve
one Bill for £10..0 0
      new page            turn over
Remaine your
    T Gaskell
15 [corrected from 14] yds of yd wd Quilting 4/0
19 yds Ell wd. Do — 5/

I %can not cutt 11 yds
I sent you on the 9th 2 Bills
for 59.19.0


Mr. Rd. Orford
How %lane
      new page
Dr Sr
    In_Closd you have the Bill
Back and the in_sist that it
goes Back through the
same Channell you will
find it is Ann Dialls fault
the Bill was return it was
sent for payment with_out
her Indorsment therefore
she must pay all Exps. with
repremand for the reflection
on the House please to
      new page
return the In_closd Letter & Note
    yr T Gaskell
5t Octr 1790


Mr Orford
      new page
D %Sr
    InClosd youl receive one
Bill for 16..12..6 which is [corrected] all
the small Bills I %have by me
8 of your Guineas are light
and must loose 7d pr ps. you
may ^have [corrected]^ the money when you
whant it — Remend yrs
    T: Gaskell
Manchesr. 11 Octr


Dr Sr Agreable [corrected] to your kind Order have sent ye
above on Inspection [second t crossed out?] doubt not will meet your approbition
the white Cordy is made [corrected] in a %finer Reed and dont
doubt but it will Ansr. better then the last — mr Int
has sent me a mare but she is very bad of ye destemper
but hope she will soon get better Remain with
best Wishes Dr. Sr Yours Sincerly
    T Gaskell
[The next few lines badly faded, and very difficult to read]
Please to send me a [later insertion?] ansr. to the Inclosd by first
as We shall not go before Wensday fail not
I Beg

[Accounts on other side of paper omitted]

author GEE JOHN

Mr. Richd. Orford
at Lyme

[Accounts and scribbles omitted]
      new page
        Chapel July 11th. 1771
Dr. Sir

    This moment here is a person from
Stockport making enquiry in our
Register about the Baptism of one
Richardson who it is said died upon
a Tenement in Hanley — His Son
if I mistake not was parson Richardson
of Norbury — and the Son of this Clergy
man was Apprentice to a perriwig
maker in Stockport, ^who was a Certificate Man^ has since then
lived somewhere at a Distance, has
married & has a %large family & is now
removed to Stockport by order; and
they are intending to bring them to
Hanley, if this intelligence will be
of any Service in order for precaution
I shall %be glad — & Am yours John Gee

author GEE JOHN

Mr. Richd. Orford
at Lyme
      new page
        Chapel 1s{*}. Augt. 1771
Dr. Sir,

    I take the Liberty to trouble you with this,
to acquaint you that some of the Acting
Trustees in this neighbourhood begin to be
apprehensive that it is necessary to take
a %little more Notice of the Scheme, w~. is
proposed of a %turnpike Road from This
Town to Stockport by new miln & mellor,
as it would most certainly very much affect
the Tolls at whaley & Cockyard, was it carried
into Execution; They would be glad if you
would inform mr. Legh thereof, & take his
advice how far it would be proper to
discountenance so needless a project as
that seems to be, we cannot at present
see wherein such a Scheme [corrected] can be either
eligible & beneficial to the public; but wo'd
certainly very much affect our Barrs &
the Securities founded thereon; I should
      new page
be glad to have a Line from you as soon as
is convenient,
    Mrs. Gee joins in best Respects to Mrs.
Orford & self with
    Dr Sir,
    yours sincerely
    Iohn Gee

P.S. Jf you see mr. Clark soon would it be
amiss to mention the thing to him
& take his Advice, mr. Bower of
Stockport, & mr Beard of new miln
seem to be chief in the affair & it is
reported that mr. Barker of Chatsworth
favours the Scheme —

author GEE JOHN

Mr. Richd. Orford
in How %lane
      new page
        Chapel Iune 18th. 1772
Dr. Sir

    Mr. Saml. Frith has just now brought %me
your favour; I advised him to go down
with you, but he says he is obliged to
go another way & desires you will
be kind enough to make what enquiry
you shall think proper about
the affair & act in such manner
as if the case was your own — and
he shall be much obliged to you
his mother join's him in best Respects
to mrs. orford & self, with, Sir,
    your's affecty.
    John Gee
P.S. I %hope %to have your
Company to Stockport
on Monday

author GEE JOHN

Mr. Orford
in the
How %lane
      new page
        Chapel Iune 28th. 1774
Dr. Sir
    When I came to examine my Accts. & Cash
this morning, there appeared a Difficulty
w~. I could not readily unfold; as we apprehend
that we have not heretofore
received any more ^money^ than was due to %ours
Share, from %the Treasurer; And our
Dividend ys. year appears to %be 354£..4s..8½d
Towards w~. we %have recd 260..0 0
The Balle. would be 94..4..8½
The Cash I recd. was 60£.17s.6d
A Line therefore when opportunity serves
to satisfy this point [corrected] will much oblige
    Dr. Sir
    your most obedt
    John Gee
      new page
Mrs. Gee & Miss Hasker send Compts. to Mrs. Orford &
purpose to wait upon her on Thursday afternoon
if they can meet with a %returned Chaise to Disley
or Stockport, if they be disappointed of that opportunity
they intend to set out on friday morn

author GEE JOHN

Mr. Orford
      new page
        Chapel Sepr. [corrected] 1st. 1774
Dr Sir
    I have your Favour, w~. I have expected before
this Time; Am sorry to find Mr. Legh insists
upon 28l. when I make scarce 25L. of %it
yearly — if three years value be a Rule
with you, I hope you will not value
the Land at %more than is made of it
by your Tenants, I have had some
thoughts of letting the lieces run out
as the Family at Gaphouse behave's
so excessive shamefully to me
but if I can put my own Life on
upon reasonable Terms I perhaps
may do it, However I purpose to see
Lyme on Saturday about two o' Clock
if you shall be there, if you wont
be there give a Line to_morrow to D %Sir
yours in has{**} [torn off] Iohn Gee

[Written along side of paper]
My wife joins me in Respects to self mrs
Self &c.

author GEE JOHN

        Chapel Sepr. 5th.. 1774
Dr. Sir

    I have informed my wife what Conversation
you & I had about renewing the Lease; And as
the money offered is full three years value of the
profits of the Tenement, we hope it will not
be %refused; especially when you consider further
how little space is elapsed since the life dropt; if we
had deferred contracting for a longer time, we
should have had no room to make use of this
Plea; On %the other Hand, the Shameful Behaviour
of the Gaphouse People obliges us to
husband the little Substance we have in as
prudent a manner as may be, that we may
live in a comfortable way in the world — the
money betwixt us is but a %trifle with You
but would do us good Service, if Mr. Legh
would be kind enough to indulge us herein;
we should be very sorry to offer
      new page
Any_thing disagreeable to Mr. Legh: and hope
when he has taken these things into Consideration,
he will be so good to indulge us in
this, & permit you to prepare a new Lease
& put my life therein for 75£— and you may
get it ready as soon as you please for
    Dr. Sir,
    your most obedt. Sert
    John Gee

P.S. Jf you think it will be proper
we %shall be obliged to you to present
our most dutiful Respects to Mr.
Legh & shew him this Letter. —
      new page
[Different hand, probably Orford's]
Now fixed at 84£

author GEE JOHN

Mr— Richd. Orford
at Lyme
      new page
        Chapel Ocr. 7th. 1774
Dr.. Sir

    I am sorry you are likely to have an Election Scuffle
in Cheshire; But as I don't understand who are
the Opponents, should be glad if you could spare
two minutes, to %let me know the Nature of the
Affair; and whether the Election comes on
upon the 19th
    I had your favour of the 20th. last, & %upon further
Consideration, I think the Cash I offer to %sport
upon my own Life, w~. is now turned 40 years,
quite sufficient, especially when I have so
good an one as Mrs. Gee depending. No %doubt
you are well apprized how much the 75L
& interest will lessen the value of the rent
to me — And I think if you was fixed in my
Situation, you would not ^act^ otherwise than
I do; The Bills I had provided for the purpose
are disposed of; but if I %may [corrected] be permitted to
renew upon these terms, please to give me
a Line, that I may make ready for %your
call & oblige your's in hast I %Gee
      new page
P.S. I suppose we have more Votes in this Country
than you are perhaps aware of; but I don't know
how far you choose to push —

author GEE JOHN

        Chapel July 25th. 1775
Dr. Sir

     I had your favour, but was to advise
with my Tenant before I gave you an
Answer, as he does the Boons in his own
Right; and find him agreeable to the
Scheme you propose, so that you may
fix it in the manner you mention —
    I shall be obliged to you for an Acct. of
the fees usually paid upon renewing
the Lease of Browside, & when I see you
again (w~. I believe will be shortly) I
purpose to give you full Directions
about the Renewal & Am Dr. Sir,
    Yours Sincerely
    I: Gee

author GEE JOHN

Mr. Richard Orford
      new page
        Chapel Decr. 1st. 1777
Dr. Sir

    Two of our Justices dined with your friend
Mr. Frith lately, & were lamenting the unhappy
& expensive Situation of the Derbyshire End
of whaley Bridge & the 100d. yards on this Side
it, w~. are now in so very bad a Condition, tho~
mr. Longden had, not long ago, upwards of forty
Nine pounds for repairing the same. —
    A person present pointed out a plan, w~. seemed
to strike the Genn. very much; w~. was that by
widening or altering the road a little, the 100dyds
might be made over sounder ground, & the
passage up to the End of the Bridge much more
commodious — Mr. Frith was desired to send
to mr. Dickenson to meet him to view the same
and to report their opinion of the Utility of such
a Scheme at the special Sessions next Saturday.
    If this plan should be thought eligible it will
point out an Alteration, w~. should be made also
in the turnpike Road, on this Side at this End of the
100d. yards; for the doing of w~. if it shall be
thought proper to %be carried into Execution
the Genn. beforementioned are very desirous
      new page
to have the Concurrence of Mr. Legh, and therefore
would be extremely glad, if you can make it
convenient to meet them at Thos. Jones's
at whaley at one o'Clock next Friday, to
view the same & give your opinion about
it —
    If any alteration is made it will chiefly be
thro~ some Lands belonging to mrs. Wyld of
Disley. I %have therefore wrote to mr. Hancock
to attend there at %the same time on her
behalf, — & am with the greatest Regard
    Dr. Sir,
    your most obliged Sert.
    Iohn Gee

author GEE JOHN

Mr— Orford
at Lyme

[Accounts omitted]
      new page
        Chapel 6th. Janry. 1778
Dr. Sir

    Ioseph Lowe shewed me the agreement
w~. you have drawn betwixt Longden & him
and was thinking to apply to some Attorney
to draw a Deed of Exchange — After a
little Consideration upon the Circumstances
of the Business I asked him to defer any
application till I could write to you to
desire your Opinion, whether a memorandm
upon the Back of the Award signifying the reasons
why the parties made such Exchange, &
being signed by the parties, o{r} ^&^ by a %majority
of the Commissioners; or even one of them,
or somewhat of this Sort may not be as
effectual for the purposes of the title, as
a formal Deed of Exchange, w~. must
recite a great part of the Award, and wo'd
be a %long affair, & consequently an ex_pensive [across line break]
one, you know, if it got into
      new page
the Law-mens hands, for my part I sho'd
think the title equally valid, as the Change
is ^was^ made before the parties had taken
proper Possession of the premises in
Consequence of the Award; when you
have Considered of this you will perhaps
be so good to favour me with a Line —
J signifyed the above to mr. Dickenson
who seemed to approve of it —
    we had a short but a %very agreeable Jaunt
to London; came back too soon —
    my wife joins in best wellwishes to
Self & all your good family with —
    Dr. Sir,
    yours sincerely
    Iohn Gee

author GEE JOHN

Mr. Richard Orford
      new page
        Chapel Iuly 22d. 1778
Dear %Sir
    I have frequently thought that the Guidepost,
w~. is put up at Thos. Richardsons to direct
Travellers this way is a %very imperfect One,
I therefore resolved to submit the following
Plan to %your Consideration, & to ask if it wou'd
not be proper that something of this Sort
should be done at %the general Charge?, if you
have a %few minutes Leisure to consider of %it
& give me a Line of your Thoughts upon _it,
would much oblige
    yrs. sincerely
    Iohn Gee

P.S. I should also be glad to know if you
have had opportunity to consult Mr.
Legh any further respecting the intended
alteration at Whaley ^Bridge^, or whether it would
be proper to call a meeting & invite
mr. Legh to attend

[List of place names on the next page omitted; it was apparently intended to give distances, but these have not been added]

author GEE JOHN

Mr R. Orford
How %lane

[Accounts in pencil omitted]
      new page
        Chapel 20th. Augt. 1781
Dear Sir

    Yesterday I was informed that a meeting is
called at macclesfield upon the 28th. instt.
to settle the Accts. of the Road from thence to
Chapel — Now as the interest is not very
well paid, and some hints have been thrown
out, as if the Tolls were insufficient Mr
Dickenson has often wished that a meeting
of a %few of the principal Subscribers should
be had previous to the above, to consider
what is best to be done; and how far it
is prudent to suffer a few Gentlemen, who
have no property in the Road, thus ^to^ go on
unnoticed by the proprietors — He therefore
desired me to trouble you with a Line, to
request your Advice in this Case, on w~. way
you would think best to %be took to %be properly
satisfied about the premises, & that the affair
may be put in a %Channel, the most advantageous
for %the whole Body of Subscribers — the
      new page
favour of your Answer by the first
opportunity will much oblige
    Dr. Sir,
    Your most obedt Sert.
    In Gee
Perhaps you have
heard that a Corespondence
is opened between our two
Ribbs, to settle the preliminaries.
for their Iourney to Altringham

author GEE JOHN

        Chapel 11th. Decr. 1781

Dear Sir
    The Situation of our Affairs upon the Road
from Chapel to macclesfield is such, as requires the Serious
Attention of the Subscribers — The Treasurer has turned
over the Books Balance of Accts., & Tolls, into the Hands
of the Surveyor, & there they have remained, I find, for some
months; I shall at present upon make no Comment upon
this extraordinary proceeding; thô [tho~?] I think it affords as
much matter to treat upon, as some Subjects, w~. are rehearsed
in the Pulpit — — Don't you think it would be
prudent for a few of the Subscribers to meet together, as
soon as may be, to consider of a proper Plan to Conduct
this Business, as it is of too serious a %Nature to lie in
the Manner it does? If %this meets your Approbation,
I shall be willing to meet you & two or three more, wm you
may point out, at what place you %choose; in order to fix
upon some plan for the above purpose — I have got the
Treasurer's Book of Accts., & also an Acct. of Tolls, &c. since he
gave up, for your perusal, w~. afford some Observations,
and ^if^ they are carried on as they have been, we %shall %soon
find a disagreeable Deficiency — you'l let me have
your thoughts upon %the above proposal by the first opportunity
& oblige Dr. Sir yours. respectfully
    I— Gee

author GEE JOHN

Mr— Richd— Orford
      new page
        Chapel Novr. 13th. 1782
Dear Sir
    I have %your Favour this Morning & have disperSed [-Sed at beginning of next line]
the Advertisements; we have no Person here,
who acts as an Auctioneer — should be glad to know
when your Court will be held, as I have a mind
once more to look into ye. Stone Parlour, & purpose
to give mr. Roe Notice to meet me there, fully to
settle the Business; as he seems rather indolent
about it at present, But perhaps I shall
have the pleasure of seeing you next Monday,
as I purpose to be at the meeting at Stockpt.
if nothing extray. prevent, & am
    Dr Sir
    yours respectfully
    J. Gee

author GEE JOHN

Mr— Richd— Orford
      new page
        Chapel Novr. 20th. 1783
Dear Sir

    I am much obliged to you for your kind
Invitation, & should have taken a Pleasure in waiting
upon you at Lyme Court, but have a prior Engagement
for tomorrow & Saturday, w~. I cannot excuse myself from.
It %is time the Interest upon Macclesfield Road should be paid,
but in drawing up the Acct. this week I find a Deficiency
of £26— besides — Bancroft's Wages — I wish that
Bere was let — If you have no better Opportunity
Edmund Elliot would bring Mrs Frith's money safe
to me, if it was folded up; or One of the Tenants perhaps
would bring it with him from the Court to Taxal
on Sunday — Mrs. Gee joins in sincere wellwishes
for the Health & prosperity of all your good family —
with — Dr. Sir
    yours most affectionately
    Iohn Gee

author GEE JOHN

        Chapel Decr. 31st 1783

Dear Sir
    I dined with the Family at Bank on
Monday, when Mrs Frith desired me to acknowlege her
Obligation to you for the receipt of Twenty Guineas from her
Tenant she would also be glad to know if he has paid any more
to you since that, as she should be glad to know how his Acct.
stands — And as I am to be in Manchester shortly, she
asked me to give him Notice to meet me there, and settle
his Accounts & Payments in a better Manner, or else some
Different measures must be taken, as she thinks it is
wrong, to give her Friends so %much Trouble about him
to so little Effect — Mrs. Gee joins in best Compts
of the Season to Mrs. Orford, & all your good Family
with — Dr Sir,
    your most obedt. Sert.
    I. Gee

[Some notes in pencil and H in ink]


Rd Orford Esqr.
at Lyme in
Chesshire [in different hand: ^near Stockport^]
[Postmarked Liverpool]

[Accounts in different hand omitted]
      new page
        Liverpool 20th. June 1788.
Dear %Sir

    J have recd. yours of 5th. Jnst: which J %was
in hopes might have containd Mr. Leighs
complyance with the fine J offerd when you
was last in Liverpool which was £120. rather
than £130. the sum you requir'd Mrs. Gerard
& myself being I assure you in as good health
as we ever were since the existce. of the
present Lease I must however refer myself
to Mr. Leigh hoping that he will comply
with my wishes. —
    I %am Dr. Sr. Yor. most obedt, Hle, St.
    Rd. Gerard
the Lives J %wish to have
in the Lease are —
Thos. Golightly Son Thos. Golightly Wine Mercht. of Livl. Age 6. yrs.
Ias. Bridge Son of Ias. Bridge Mircht. of Livl. age 11 years.
Iosph. Brandreth Son of Ios: Brandreth M.D. of Livl. age 6 years.


Mr. Orford
[Postmarked Leek]
      new page
    The Revd. Mr. Salt having sold his Estates at Winkle
in Cheshire shod. be glad you wod. please to send an Account
of what Rents are due to Mr. Leigh for the Leasehold that lyes
within some of the Estates & say when & how the same Rents
may be paid —
    Mr. Daintry of Leek the Purchasor of the Estates from Mr.
Salt wod. also be glad to meet you on the Premises to look over
the Leasehold, but if not convenient to you to meet him there
wod. be obliged if you could make it convenient to meet him
at Macclesfield appointing by Letter the time & giving as
much Notice as you can, when he wished to treat on fresh
Terms for the Same — I am for Messrs. Mills & Cruse
    Your most H~ble Servt.
    Ioseph Gibbs
Leek 23rd. April 1788

Mr. Orford
      new page
[Copy of letter from Richard Orford; year in one of the letters must be wrong, probably in Orford's.]

1783 (?1788)

Total of the Bill sent — 13£. 1s. 8d

Messrs Mills & Cruse
    As above is the acct. agat. the Heirs of the late
Mr. Stanley, which I doubt not but you'll find
Right. A %few days %ago I had some talk with Mr.
Iohn Ryle of Macclesfield, and agree'd to meet
Mr. Daintry the purchaser in Wincle in
a %short time, but cannot fix the day at
present, when I doubt not everything
will be made agreeable to Mr. Daintry
If You wish to discharge the above
Mr, Ryle will give a %receipt for me
at any time You request by shewg.
him this Letter
    I am Gentlemen
    Your most obt. Sert.
24 Apl. 1783


Mr Orford
at Lyme hall
      new page
Dear %Sir

    I will comunicate the Contents of your Letter to the freinds
you mention & have no doubt but they will with pleasure
wait on you on Thursday next — My Compts. waits on you
& Coy Orford & am
    Dr Sr.
    Your Most Obt Sert*}
    Sam Glover
Monday afternoon


        Aprill the 24 1771 Mr Alford

    this is to in Jn_form you that the freeholders
of fairfield Jn General wish and Desire you
to Ext Except of Mr Longson of Little
Longson Near Bakewell to act as A Comishnr
with you: the said mr Longson is willing
to act the and ^we^ Desire you to Except of
no other person
    ^mr^ Lax Called a %meeting att fairfield on
monday Last and asked for Mr Harper
of Etwell but the freeholders had rather
Chuse mr Longson which was agreed
of by mr Lax and the prepiotors there
    [different hand] Edward Dakin
    George Goodwin
    Richd Clulow tenand to
    Thos Usherwood Esq{*}:

author GORST E

Mr. Orford
[Postmarked Manchester]

[Accounts in different hand omitted]
      new page

    Mr. [corrected] Taylor wishes you could give
M{*}. Wright the meeting here at on Monday next
not later than 12 o Clock — M{*}. Taylor will
be at Mrs. Edges in King street
    I am S{*}.
    Y{*}. hble Ser{*}.
    E Gorst
Manchester 22d. July —90.

author GORST E

Mr. Orford
[Postmarked Manchester]
      new page
    M{*} Rawstorne is now at Buxton and
will be with M{*}. Taylor early in the next
Week wishes you could give him the
meeting at the Bulls Head in Manchester
on Tuesday next between 10 & 12 o'Clock
You will favor him with an Answer
    I %am S{*}.
    Y{*}. h~ble Servt
    E Gorst.
Manc{*}. Qr. Sepr.
16th- oct{*} 90. —

author GOULD

Mrs. Gould's Complimts.. wa^i^t on Mr.. Orford, is much obliged
for his kind Inquiry after her, Father, who is much better,
& She hopes in a %fair Way of Recovery.

Wednesday Past 2 oClock


Mr. Richd. Orford
Haydock Lodge
near Leigh
[Postmarked Liverpool]
      new page
Mr. Orford        Liverpool 26th. Iuly 1781.
Sir —
    On the 8th. May last I sent you 2 Pt. Irish linen
by Hargreaves, to be left at Ashton, but having no
better Direction & not hearing from you since, I am
apprehensive you have not receiv'd them; shall therefore
be obliged to you to inform me; for if you have not
recd. them, I must apply to the Carrier —
    I remain Sir — Your most h~ble Servt.
    for Mr. Iohn Mullion
    Ias. Graham


Peter Lee a Squire
A member of
At Lime Hall
[Postmarked Derby]
      new page
Mr Richard Halford
Sr you was Soe good as promise Ed Geleart Som
Hay: But Iohn Houbrook will not Let him haue
Neather New nor ould: Soe I Desire you to be
pleased to be Soe good as L Send a line to Ed Geleart
and in Soe doing you will much oblige youre
ould Frend at Command
    Caleb Green
Janr: 26: 17711:
Ed: Geleart will pay you Rede money for youre Hay
he desires if you haue Euerey Brick woork to
Set he would be Glad to serue you
    Ed Geleart was not at home when you Came to
Colet Coteges ^Rent^ But if you send a line hee will be
Redey to Serue you — all from youre most obednt
Humble Seruant at Command
    Ed Geleart


Mr. Richard Orford
Lime in
      new page

    I have been Informed that you are for Leasing that Estate
in Pepper alley, late Baxters Tenement in Newton, If it would
be Convenient for you I should take it as a great favour
If you would let me have that Close Opposit the Crowlane [corrected] house
called the Wren Croft either for Lives or Years (or the whole)
as this Close lies at a distance from the Main Estate and
so very near to the Crowlane Estate & is pretty Dry Ground it
would be very useful in bad weather for Outlett for Cattle,
And as we have but only one Close that is near the Crowlane house
and that a very wet - Meadow -, all the rest of the ground lying at
a distance from the House, If you can conveniently do me this
favour you will greatly oblige Your humble servant [corrected]
    Iohn Grice
Newton 25th Decr. 1783 —


Mr. Orford
at Lime
      new page
        Haigh January 4th. 1777
    I propose leaving this place on Wednesday and
desire you'l give me a %line when I must wait on
you at Haydock Lodg, Pleas to direct to me
at Haigh as usual and you'l oblige — Sir
    your most Obedt. hble Servent
    James Grimshaw


Mr. Orford
      new page
        Haydock Lodge June 23th. ^1777^
    I have receiv'd yours and according to your
order have sent your Boots and Keys in [word crossed out]
a small Box with a_nother Box which came
to haydock for Mrs.. Smith and I hope they will
come safe; that Day you left Haydock your
Brother came and I sould him the ^fat^ Cow for 10 £
15 Shillings what is given back is left to me;
we have finished planting Cabbage and soed most
part of the Turnip; Last thursday as the men
was bringing the last of the Dung from Mr. Rigbys
^which was but a piece of a Load^ the Old Croped Horse fell down dead, they was
going gently along & they did perceive any_thing
to him before as he Eat and worked as usall all
the day; I have been at Mr. Ellam with his
leace and he has no money at present, I have
been at Bent & Kenion and they are both without
Money and so am I but I have applied to
Mr. Riglys and he has let me have 40 Guines
and on Saturday last I went to Newbrough
fair and wear'd the most of it on 7 Cows
I have writ for a score of sheep and where I
must have money to pay for them is not yet
known and Mr. Rigby mush have his again
at the Months end, I am glad to hear you
all got safe to Lyme pleas to give my serves
service to all my Old acquaintance and accept
the same your_self I ^am^ Your Most hble Sert.
    Jas. Grimshaw
N.B if Mr. Vaucks was to come he might
distroy the rats as the Barn is now empty
and we have not much for them in the House
I have writ to my Master about the Croped


Mr. Orford

[Accounts in pencil omitted]
      new page
        Haydock July 10th. 1777
    I have receiv'd yours and according to
your order have been at all the places about
the Cash and have got 10 £. of Bent and 10 £. of
Mr. Crosley, your Brother paid me for the Cow
when he took her from Haydock, Mr. Lythgoe
promises to assist with his in about a weeks
^time if posable, Mr. Ellam has signed the Counterpat^
but says he has no Money but I think he
is a_fraide to part with it till he sees you,
I have both the Leases with me, we have this
Day begun to Mow in Waterworth Meadow and
if the weather will permit will go on as fast
as we can shu'd be glad if you would come
over to Haydock and give us c{o} some of your
good instructions, in regard to the Clove we will
not Mow it twice over for my Master has wr^i^t
to me three times and every time forbids me
Mowing it a second time, I have writ to my
Master about your sand- houl hole which is
Commonly called Mr. Orfords hole for I thought
you would not mention it your_self, we have
to ffey two Yards before we come to the sand and
^the^ sand is not above one foot thick, and we have
maide three holes in diferant places higher up
and find it to be the same.
      new page
Pleas to give my best Respects to the Stone-
parler Laydes, Mr. Royle Mr. Harrison ^and Mr. Gates^ and
pleas to Accept the same your_self. I am
Sir Your Most hble Servent
    Jas. Grimshaw

N.B. I have bought no Cattle nor I
think cannot do before Warrington ffair
which is the 17th. of this Month


        Haydock July 16th. 77
    We have got down all the Clover
and Waterworth Meadow which is most of it all
got into the [corrected] Barn, I have bought no Cows yet
tomorrow is Warrington fair and will do my
Endeavour to by some, I have got 20 sheep
    I am Your hble Servent
    Jas. Grimshaw
Just going to Dinner


        Sunday Morning
        Augt. 17th. 1777

    I recev'd yours and am sorry to
hear Hall was so long in coming, he
went from Haydock on Thursday Morning
about Nine oClock with a charge to make
the best of his way to Lyme, he got
back to Haydock on Saturday Night about
Twelve oClock, I took your letter from
him and as he was in liquer did not say
anything to him, I have not yet spoke
to him but if Drinking be the cause
will certainly Discharge him.
    We finished making Hay that Day you
left Haydock, we have no Sheep that
is fit to Kill. The Boy that was
hurt with the waggon is Dead and we
have two Shillings to pay for the waggon
that hurt him.
    J am your hble Servent
    Jas. Grimshaw


        Haydock Spr. 19th. 77

    I recev'd yours and sent the Keeper
immediateley to see for the Greyhound to
the place where he came from, but he has
not been there nor can we give you any
account about him. Yesterday we got in
about the half of our Oats, would have
got in the remainder but it has Rained
all this Day, shall now go on with Cutting
the Wheat as fast as the weather will
Permit, shou'd be glad to see you at Haydock
but not with an Empty Pocket. I am
Just going to the Park-Barn [letter rubbed out] to the shuting
of your Brothers Shearing,,
    J am Your hble. Srvent.
    Jas. Grimshaw


Mr. Orford
      new page
        Haydock Sepr. 25th. 77

    I receiv'd yours by Elias and has
Obeyed your order in writing to my Master
conserning the Husbandry, I have applyed
to Mr. Rigby for some paper for you and
he has sent them by the Post, we have
this Day finished cuting the wheat and
has got in about two Acres, if the
weather hold good shall begin to sow
wheat on Monday next, should be glad
you would tell me where to have
a %little Cash
    J am Your Hble. servent
    Jas. Grimshaw

[Accounts, probably in different hand, omitted]


[Direction in different hand]
Mr. Orford
by manchester

R.A %Gwillym.
[Postmarked Warrington]
      new page
        Haydock Octor. 14th. 1777
    This Letter came to Haydock this Morning
and have the pleasire pleasure to tell you that
we have soed all the Vetch Ground with wheat
and if the weather hould two Days longer shall
compleat the whole, I think Mr. Legh is angry
at me for some_thing but what it is I know not,
I have writ to him two times and he has not answer_ed [across line break]
either of them,
    J am Your Hble. Servent
    Jas. Grimshaw


Mr. Orford
by Manchester
      new page
        Haydock Octor. 27th.

    Iohn Hall and Thos. Harrison
came to Haydock on saturday ^night^ about six
oClock and brought with them the two
Mares and sixty sheep, and they themselves
two swine for they was both drunk,
the parcel that was sent for your Daughter
they have lost it but where they know
not, but they say they lost it at S{*...} [seal]
or before they came [one or two letters rubbed out] there, I hope you {*...} [seal]
make them to pay for it, it will be a
warning to them for the future and to others
that is sent [word crossed out] on business if they had
any other Message they know no more than
the horse they rid on I have got no Money
of Unsworth, I hope your Ears are so
that you have no Occasion for Larding
    J am Your hble Servent
    Jas. Grimshaw


Mr. Orford
      new page
        Haydock Octr. 31st. 1777
    I have kept the Messinger you
sent a Day to long that Unsworth
might see his friends to get the Money
but without success he promises to get
it gainst Saturday if he dose will send
it on Sunday, I have been at Kenyon
to see what he could do and he gave
me Eight Guineas which I have sent
by the bearer I am sorrey to here you
are no better of your head
    J %am Sir Your hble Servnt
    Jas. Grimshaw


Mr. Orford
      new page
        Haydock Novr. 5th. 77

    I have Receivd yours and am
sorrey for Disapointing you of the Money
but the fault is not mine for I have
taken all the pains I could with Unsworth
you say nothing about your Daughters
parcel that Thos. Harrison lost by that
we contlude you have found it.
    If you had sent sooner for Thos. Knowles
you shu'd have had him tho the whole
is not filled at Haydock, I hope your
head is got well
    J %am Your hbbe Servent
    Jas. Grimshaw


Mr. Orford

[Accounts in different hand omitted]
      new page
        Haydock Decer. 9th. 1777

    I have receiv'd the 60— Guineas you sent —
by Harry, and will take care to make
to make up the sum and send it this Day
by Mr. Rigby,
    You Judge very right in
your going to Liverpool, it ^is^ Monday the 15
of this month, at which time we will we
Expect bring y us Tidings when the family
will come,
    J am Sir Your Hble Servent
    Jas. Grimshaw


Mr. Orford

[Accounts in different hand omitted]
      new page
        Haydock Thursday Morning
    This time [the letter y written a number of times]
    Bradley came here about six oClock on
Sunday Night, but as Mr. Rigby had not been
at Liverpool but was going on Tuesday I thought
it best to keep the lad till he came back, and
as your wants are so boundless, put out your hand
to Mr. Rigby and he will fill it with plenty,
we have got in all the Vetches and shall finish
Plowing the Ground this Day, we have most of our
Wheat to cut for it is not yet ripe, Ralph Hunt
began of the new Cow house on Tuesday last,
I was at Ormskirk fair and Cattle of all sorts
was much dearer then they was at Newton, I have
bought a milk Cow of Thos. Naylor which I think
is not dear, I have got Rattliff to change away
the bay Mare and shou'd be glad to know wheather
we must buy a horse or not for Mrs.. Legh has
sent of for another of ours, Your horse looks much
better than when you left Haydock, I suppose I have
no need to let you know that Mrs.. Yeats is got
Married, pleas to give my best respects to the stone
parler Ladys and gentlemen,
    J am Sir Your hble. Servent
    Jas. Grimshaw

N.B. on Sunday last about Eleven oClock we
had a shock of an Earthquake but doth not hear of any


Mr. Orford
      new page
    Mr. Cloughton desir'd
me to Remind you of
a hat that you promis'd
to Send when you was
at Haydock. —
    Mr. Griffey Dyed
last Tuesday Morning

    J am Sir Your
    Hble Servent
    Jas. Grimshaw


[Direction in different hand]
Mr: Rd: Orford

R.A. Gwillym.
[Postmarked Warrington]
      new page
        Haydock Feby.. 1st: 1778
    seeing your Brother to have a %letter to you I
offer'd to put it into a %Cover on purpose to let you
know of two a_cquaintances of yours, Ralph Stirrup
of Winwick was Married last Monday and this
Morning he Dyed, and Mr. Gwillyms Steward is
allso Dead that is Mr. Bridack and is to be Buried
    J am Your hble. Servent
    Jas. Grimshaw


Mr. Orford
      new page
        Haydock 25th.. 1778
    I have receiv'd yours by Bradley lad,
and will Observe what you say about
killing a Cow on Thursday the 5th.. of March
if there be not another call-_back; I will
allso observe what you say about the Horse,
    I Yester-Day I was tould that Hugh
Stirrup was very ill but has not
hard any_thinge of him this morning
    J am Sir Your Most
    hble. Servent
    Jas. Grimshaw


Mr. Orford
      new page
        Haydock June 5th. 1778

    I receiv'd a %letter Yester_Day from
Mr. Porter, wherein he mentions my not
coming to Bank on Sunday; — he says,
it is quit uncertain how successful your
Journey will prove, but if you will
defer your Jo^u^rney till Tuesday [corrected] next is
over I will send you by that Days pos^t^
what I have in Bills; and will also
let you know wh{ea}ther whether J have
got in the Cash Mr. Orford mentions
in his letter. — I hope to see you
on Sunday or Monday at Haydock [word crossed out]
with good tidings of Mrs.. Orford. —
all things has been Qui^e^t since you
left us, we shall nearley finish planting
Cabbage tomorrow
    J %am
    Your most hble. Servt.
    Jas. Grimshaw


Mr. Orford
      new page
        Haydock June 8th. 78

    I am very glad to hear so favorable
account of Mrs.. Orford; I wish you
and your [corrected] wife much Joy of y^o^ur new born
son, I hope he will flow down the
same Channel that his Father has done,
I mean the getting of money. —
    Our fox katcher has no success, the fox
has taken one of the peafowl that ^was^ sitting
which puts My Master a %little out of temper
I have this Morning receiv'd Orders to
Cut down all the gorse in Mrs. Leghs
    Mr. Royle gives you much Joy of you^r^
    J %am Sir Your
    Hble. Servent
    Jas. Grimshaw


Mr. Orford
      new page
        Haydock July 2th. 1778

    I have sent Thos. Harrison with the
27 Sheep, — I hope the sheep you send back
by him will be of a %proper age as I will spare
no pains nor cost [corrected] to make them fit for my
Masters table and will buy in the other as
the first opertunity after you have send
those from Lyme, the weather is wet but
we still keep on Mowing, —
    I hope you got safe to Lyme and found your
wife and family all well, —
    J am Sir Your hble
    Servt. Jas. Grimshaw


        Haydock July 8th. 1778
    I receiv'd yours, but not earley
enough to go to Bank on Sunday but went
on Monday and got from Mr. Porter £.
200 the Cash is Thurstan Whittle Brothers
fine, Mr. Porter is coming to Lyme in abou^t^
three weeks with the remainder of the Cash
which is upward of £ 800 he tell's me he is
to pay it to Mr. Legh himself, so that when
he comes ^to Lyme^ you must return to him one Hundred
Pound of the Cash I brought, or he never
more will oblige you with any more Cash. —
    Mr. Rigby is wanting Hay from here for
himself, and for Iohn Atherton I shou'd be
glad of an Answer to that, on Saturday, by
your Cart that is coming, to meet our Cart,
for Wheat at Dunham,
    There is a %woman at Warrington that spoke
to you concerning Mr. Masters she wod. be
glad to know how to Direct to him,
    I shud, be glad to here you are got well of
the Gout
    J am Sir Your Most hble. Sert.
    Jas. Grimshaw
      new page
Your Craftsman comes here which I hope you
will not stop

[Accounts in different hand on other side of paper omitted]


        Haydock July 10th. 1778

    Since I writ to you last an
affair has happened in Newton betwixt Thos.
Houghton at the Hall-Nowton and Mr.
Bayley; in the first place Mr. Bayley took
Thos. Houghtons Pigs out of the sandy-mains [across line break]
and put them into the Pinfould
sometime about April last, which M{*...} [torn off]
Bayley tells me he let them out f{*...} [torn off]
Thos. paying for three Quarts of Ale, —
Last Wednesday night that Galloway
that Mr. Bayley fetch'd from the Lodge
got into Thos. Houghtons field they say
through the gait they say it stood open
to the lain all Day, he has taken the
Galloway to Derby Pinfould and will
have a guinea for trespas; Mr. Bayley
Desir'd me to write to Mr. Legh about
it but as it is a subject that I
know not how to treat I leave it to
    and am Sir Your hble Servent
    Jas. Grimshaw

[numbers, probably in different hand, on other side of paper omitted]


        Haydock July 13th. 78
    I receiv'd yours and according to
your order have send you by Guttnig
£ 120 which I hope you will receive
safe, I fully expected to have had £ 40.
but now you have shortened it to £20.—
I shu'd be glad to know when we must
expect you at Haydock for I know you
will than bring Cash Plenty —
    We go on tolerable well with Mowing
we have about 24 Acres Down but {*...} [torn off]
weather [corrected] has not been so favorable to {*...} [torn off]
us get any in
    J am Sir Your Most
    hble Servt. Jas. Grimshaw

N.B. I receiv'd the Ververteen you send
and the Box I have send to Atherton

[Accounts, probably in different hand, on other side of paper omitted]


[Direction in different hand]
Mr: Rd: Orford

R.A. %Gwillym
[Postmarked Warrington]
      new page
        Haydock July 23th. 1778
    Last Sunday Old Ronstige was here to pay
you some Intrest of Money, — he bid me to tell you
that the £50 that is concerning Jack Houghton
was at your service whenever you pleas to give him
a short notice. — Your Brother has been very ill
but is now got prity stout again, I Judg that will
not be news to you, — the weather has been bad for
Hay so that we have maide little out this week
with that article, but we have finished Mowing
    J am Sir Your Hble Servent
    Jas. Grimshaw


Mr. Orford

[Postmarked Warrington]
      new page
        Haydock Augt. 23th. 78

    We have Thrashed the greatest part
of our Wheat, and has no place proper
to put it in, so I purpose to send
a %Cart load to Dunham on [two letters crossed out] Saturday
next — pleas to send back those sackes
that came the last or I must buy new,
I had a %letter from [corrected from for] Mr. Legh wherein
he Enquier'd about the Young Turkeys
and when I answer'd they was all right
but last Saturday Night we Judg that
a fox came and took away 5 of the Young
Turkeys so that there is but 4 left;
Molley would have me to [word crossed out] write to
My Master about it; shud. be glad of
your Opinion by return of the Post
There has a Shocking Accidence happened
at Richd. Bevingtons on Sunday Morning
his Oldest Son went into the Barn
and Hanged himself.
    J %am Your hble Servent
    Jas. Grimshaw


Mr. Orford
[Drawing/diagram omitted]
      new page
        Augt. 28th. 1778
    I have sent by Willim Hill
10 loads of Wheat, your Books, and
Wig, and the Chear you Ordered; —
I think My Master is for coming to
Haydock soon, I had a letter from him
wherein he said that no work whatsoever
shud. go forward till the Pavment
was maid good through the fould which
we have this Day finished; we go on
very well with the Harvest the
greatest part of it is Cut. —
    Mr. Unsworth gave me the inclos'd
to send to you, I did not look at
it when he was here but I see it
is not Sign'd.
    J am Sir Your Hble.
    Servent Jas. Grimshaw
Molley has sent 2 Hams & a Pig face


Mr. Richd. Orford
[Postmarked Warrington]
      new page
        Haydock Sepr. 5th. 78

    We have this Day finished Cutting
Corn; and has hous'd about 20 Acres
Yester_Day I had a %letter from My
Master wherein he Order's me to send
fro for that Executioner Holford to come
Down to Haydock to catch Foxes.
    I Desire that when you do send him
to put him plenty of Money in his
    J am Sir Your hble Servt.
    Jas. Grimshaw


        Haydock Octor. 11th.. 78

    I receiv'd yours by Iohn Berchal,
but has not hard has not hard anything
of Mr. Drinkwater nor the Cash you
mention, I received £ 22 from Jas.
Allens but as the Land and Window
Tax took near £ 12. I have only the
Remainder left. — Last night I went
to collect the Sandy Mains Lay but
got no more than £ 10 if I cud. have
got anything near the sum you mention
I wod. have sent it you in_stead of Mr.
Drinkwaters £50. —
    The Bearer Willim.. Holford
has had from me since he came to
Haydock ten Shillings.
    J %am Sir Your Most
    Hble Servent
    Jas. Grimshaw

[Accounts, probably in different hand, on other side of paper omitted]


Mr. Orford
      new page
        Haydock Decr. 28th: 1778

    I receiv'd one of the Enclos'd letters
this Morning which I think comes from
Mr. Bromly, I have seen his Daughter
at Wigan and tould her what you said
to me, she said she cud. not pay at Christmas
but wod. assuredly pay you the later-end
of Janury... — If you dont come soon
to Haydock I think you will find me [corrected]
in the Goal, I am so cauld on for for
Money that I don't know which way
to look out; — Richd. Mellings Executors
has been twice for the Balance betwixt you
and them which is 9£..7s, the highway
Lay is more than 4£.— the Tithe is 15£
two Months I owe to the Labourers, but
all this I am afraid will soften you much,
[word crossed out] for I know that your neck is an iron
sinew and your Brow brass; —
    the Poor of Newton cry out loudly for there
      new page
We shud. be glad you wod. come and [word crossed out] taste
our Roast Beef which is but a small piece but
is very Good.
    J am
    Sir Your Most Obligd. Hble. Serven~
    Jas. Grimshaw


Mr. Orford
      new page
        Haydock July 29th.. 1779

    Yours I receivd, and has been at every
place you Mentioned for Money but without
success; the man that shd. have paid
103 Guines came to Mr. Kerfoots Office
and said he wod. pay on Wednesday next;
Mr. Bellas tould Mr. Maire that ^you^ and
he had a_gree'd and that no Quarel shud. arise
Edwd. Peirpoint & Peter Kenyon will do
there best to pay you at Newton fair.
Molley Strong wod. be glad to know if
Mr. Cook comes to Newton fair.
    J am Your Very Hble. Servent
    Jas. Grimshaw

N.B. Jonathan Naylor has been for his
Leace and Mr. Richardson is to [word crossed out] give
you £ 2-2..0


Mr. Orford

new page

        Haydock Augt. 5th.. 1779
    It was late last night when I
receiv'd the Cash, but has sent you by
the Bearer in Bills Value £ 74.—.—
and in Cash £ 34.3.— which makes
£ 108.3.— that is the sum I receiv'd
from Mr. Kerfoot, £ 50..0..0 I receiv'd
from Mr. Bellas. both the above sums
I have maide myself Dr. to and will
take £ 30 over to Mrs.. Legh Golborn
I hope you will receive them safe
    J am Sir Your Most Hble
    Jas. Grimshaw

[Accounts, in different hand, omitted]


Mr. Orford
      new page
        Haydock Sepr. 10th: 1779

    Iohn Jackson Brought the Blue
silk partridge Net you mention to Haydock
the reason why he took it, it was one
of Iohn Woods Kniting and Iohn Desird
him to take it down to Haydock, —
Mr. Dumbil cauld, here this Day
and Desir'd I wod, write to you to
know if there was any Lords-rents
due to you from Dumbels Mill as he
do's not know how that thing stands
he Desir'd you wod. w^r^ite either to him or
me by return of Post.
    J am Sir Your Most
    Hble Servent
    Jas. Grimshaw

[Accounts, and repeated versions of Grimshaw's signature, probably in different hand, omitted]


Mr. Orford
      new page
        Haydock Sepr. 20th: 1779
    By Mr. Ashworths Recet. you will see
I have done according to your order in getting
2 £ 50 Bills which I had from Mr. Jas.
Leigh; as Mr. Ashworth gave his Recet. to you
I have not taken any account of it in my
Book. — I dout not but you ^have^ hard of
poor Mrs.. Athertons Death and of Miss
Atherton being down of the small pox. —
The paper you sent for Mr. Adam Mather
I gave him on Saturday last, he was a %little
ruffl'd at it and said he wo'd hould the place
another year let things be as they wo'd.
    J %am Sir Your Most Hbbe. Servt
    Jas. Grimshaw

N..B: as you are so very Poor, my Modesty
will not let me complain of Poverty to you.


Mr. Orford
      new page
        Haydock Sepr. 24th: 1779
    Melley Strong Desires you will
not forget the linen cloth you are to
send to Haydock, she ask'd me to remind
you of the Mat that lies in the hall.
Your Office will be more comfortable
to you than it was for I think it is
Cur'd for Smoking. — You will receive
Iohn Burchals Noat of hand —
    J am Sir Your Most Hble.
    Jas. Grimshaw


[Direction in different hand]
Mr. Orford

{*} Keck
[Postmarked Warrington]
      new page
        Haydock Octr. 5th.. 1779
    I receiv'd your by the man that was going to
Bank, and has been at Mr. Buller about the £ 50
you mentioned he promises to get it in a short time
I will take Care to take it to the place you mention.
    There has not been such Mobing this maney
many years as at this time there is ab a Mob at this
present time that is puling down all the Carding
and Spining Machines that go by water, three is {*}
allready pul'd Down Mr. Unsworth is takeing his
Down him_self
    J %am Sir Your Most Hble Servent
    Jas. Grimshaw


        Haydock Octor. 15th. 1779

    I receiv'd yours this Morning, and Mr.
Stirrup has receivd a Letter from Mr. Cook
fixing Newton Court for Thursday 21 Inst..
I'll take care to see Mr. Jas. Leigh tomorrow
Morning and tell him what you say about
seeing him at Newton Court. — By that
time you will finde Mr. Jas. Leigh with
a wife, which I make no dout but you
know of; Mr. Iohn Worsley tould me yesterday
he was to be Married on Tuesday Next at
Manchester, Mrs.. A. Leghs Weaving is come
by the Cart, the Bill is £ 1..0..10 which
I have not paid and to tell the truth I
have not much Money
    J am Sir Your Most Hble Servt.
    Jas. Grimshaw


        Haydock Novr. 28: 1780
    I receiv'd yours by Knowles, Holford
is not yot ariv'd, and return you maney
thanks for your early inteligence of Master
coming to Haydock, you say you rather
think Mr. Rigby was displeas'd at your
writing about the Navigation Coal but
be assur'd he was for he mention'd it
to me in such a %maner that your letter
was not pleasing to him. — They have
set more Pitts agate at fflorida [corrected] work
and gets Day and night, I can say nothing
of particulars but I think if they had Coal
they wod. sell a great Quantity for this
Day there is 7 flats all waiting for
your Coal. — We dont. fetch any Coal for
the house use from the stooks end, but
fetches from florida from a pitt that is gaited
for land sail only.
    J %am Your Most Hbl Serven^t^
    Jas. Grimshaw


        Haydock July 13th.. 1781

    I receiv'd your letter, by Thos. Boardman
with a %bill £ 12..12..0 which I have since
paid to Mr. Berry, and 40£ I receivd from
Mr. Chorley and has enter'd both in my
Account. — I have this Day receiv'd
a %letter from my Master to send him up
14 load of Robt. Houghtons Malt
and will meet your Waggon with it on
Wednesday next ^18 Int.^ at Dunham, I wish
you wo'd think on to send Thos. Jenkens
side saddle which one of your Maids
had when they left Haydock. — we have
very bad hay Weather and stop'd Mowing
till the weather mend.
    J am Sir Your Hble Servent
    Jas. Grimshaw

[Numbers in red omitted]


        Haydock July 31st- 1781

    Longe look't for is come at
last, I receiv'd the two enclos'd Bills
of Iohn Sutton, Value 150£ which
I hope you will receive safe; and
has Enterd them in my Acct.. —
    We have verey hot and dry weather
and little grass, Corn harvest is
Just at hand some has allredey began
to Cut.
    J %am Sir Your Most Hble Sert.
    Jas. Grimshaw


Mr. Orford
[Accounts in different hand omitted]
      new page
        Haydock Augt. 21st: 1781

    I have sent Harrison with the
8 Scots, I have not gotten any Cash
from Mr. Buller or from Peter Kenyon
if you shud. send 10£ or 20 by Harrison
it will be more than I expect, but
I hope you will. — We have finished
Shearing all but a part of the Beans.
    I wish you wo,d send Harrison
Back as soon as you can.
    J am Your Hble. Servent
    Jas. Grimshaw


Mr. Orford
      new page
        Haydock Sepr. 3th: 1781

    Docter Rylance has applyde
about that bit of land he spoke
to you about in Newton where he
intends to build a house; it is about
2 feet, he wo'd be glad to know as
he is now ready to begin building. —
    I am sorrey to inform you that Mr.
Peter Wright died the last Wednesday
Morning after a verey short illness.
    J am Your Most Hble Servent
    Jas. Grimshaw


Mr. Orford
Lyme Hall
[Postmarked Warrington]
      new page
        Haydock Sepr. 10th.. 1781

    Iohn Morton Mr. Standleys under
Buttler has been at mee and sais he
has been tould that Mr. Legh is at
want of a Buttler, if he is not
served he cu'd wish you wo'd speak a
word for him he is now out of place
so that he wo'd be much Obliged to you
for a line as soon [corrected] as you can. —
    I writ to you conserning Docter Rylance
when I sent the ffrankes but you
have never yet answer'd it. —
    J am Your Most Hble Servt
    Jas. Grimshaw


Mr. Orford
      new page
        Haydock Decr. 31st. 1781

    I receiv'd your by Shepperd,
and retourns you thanks for your
inteligence of Master seeing Haydock.
I receiv'd a %letter from Master since
I receiv'd yours conserning the Plowing
of the Marl'd Ground; which I am
sorry you mentioned to him that I
had spoke to you about it. —
    I think we have given content to
Newton with Beef & Bread this Day
which was very good. — I have let
Mr. Legh know about it but
no forther then they return him there
thanks for it.
    J am Your Hble Serven
    Jas. Grimshaw


        Haydock Sepr. 1st: 1782

    Iohn Caldwell of Gropenhall
in Dead there is a Hariat belonging
you they want to know wheather
it must be paid in money or the
best goods as they want to have
a sale and Cannot go on till
they receave an answer from you.
I think you have forgot the
sct scots that is to come up to
    J am Your Most Hbl Sert.
    Jas. Grimshaw


Mr. Orford
      new page
        Haydock Sepr. 12th. 1782

    You will hereby receive two
Bills Value L 145 Mr. Dakin bid
me to tell you he was afraid to send
you too large a %bill, but he will send
the other aney time you chuse —
    Mr. Kerfoot maid some words that
you had not sent a %License for
Bibby to Assign over the Rose & Crown
I promised I wo'd write to you about
it and promised I wo'd send it to him
if you sent it here. — While I
was in Mr. Kerfoots Office the Overseer
of Bould ^came^ to ask how they must
proseed with that man that is in your
Country who has a %Child in Bould
the Woman is now sick and they have
no security from the man Mr. Kerfoot
said you knew the man and he advis'd
him to write to you the Overseer asked me to
write. and he wod. come to Haydock on Sunday 22 Jnt.
I wish you wo'd write before.
      new page
    We have cut all our Wheat and part of the Oats
but we have stoped cutting on account of it not
being ripe. I will send you up five scots as
soon as I can spare a %man; we have no Pickling
Cucumbers this Year.
    J %am Sir Your Most Hble Servent
    Jas. Grimshaw

The two Bills I have enterd in my Book


Mr. Orford
      new page
        Haydock Sepr. 26th: 82

    I receiv'd your, the weather
has been ^so^ excesive wet and our Corn
all ripe was the reason I did not
send the scots before now, if we have
two good Days shall finish cutting all
but the Beans, so I think of sending
the scots on saturday next, our Wheat
we had ricked and thatched before the
wet began. — Your Brother has
hous'd all his Wheat and has finished
cutting Oats 10 Days since. — I am
sorey you have had such misfortune
with the Game but will send it
for the time to come as you direct.
As to the Colliery I can say verey
little of the water has drove them
out of the Engine pitt some time since
      new page
and they are prepareing to Build the Engine house
but verey Slowley, the Coals are all gone from
the Stocks end and has verey good sale and will
have if an Eye is kept on the road, the turnpick
road is going into bad repare if something is not
done to it, it will not be pasable before winter
is over, I will make use of your name to the
Oficer about it. — It is fixed to enlarge Ashton
Chapel and they talk of doing it this Year but
I think it will not be done for I see no preperation.
— Your Money bags you have at Lyme but
I have sent the two leather bags you had last
with the Leases.
    J am Your Most Hble Servent
    Jas. Grimshaw


Mr. Orford
      new page
        Haydock Sepr. 27th.. 1782

    When I write to you last
I forgot to mention the mention the
man to burn the wood Charcoal
which you promis'd to send down.
Yesterday I receiv'd a %letter from Mr.
Legh wherein he orders me to send
to Lyme 2 Young Turkeys every
week till the flock is all done
now there is but 12 ^young ons^ left and the
old ons are all gone so I shu'd
wish you to say how I must
proseed and ask the Cook how
he wo'd have them to come, there is
one coming with the Geam tomorrow
I have not said a %word to Mr. Legh
abot about them there was 15 Young
ons and 4 Old ons when you left
      new page
I think if we was to buy aney here it wo'd
be know'n, but that I will do as you d^i^rect,
I have receiv'd Waterworths Money for his leace
    J %am Your Most Hble Servt.
    Jas. Grimshaw

PS. I have sent you 5 Scots and I think
the Greates part of ours will prove in %calf


Mr. Orford

[upside down]
I had forgot your Book
for which I thank you for

[Accounts in different hand omitted]
      new page
        Haydock Sepr. 30th: 1782

    I receiv'd your by Harrison,
Mr. Chumy.. Legh will not Marl
aney this Summer, but by what I
can hear he thinks of coming down
our feeding pasture. — I receiv'd a
letter from Mr. Legh and he wanted
to know wheather Mr. Chumy.. Legh
was Marling and what road the Carts
went, but I tould him there was
no preperation making for Marling,
he has pushed a %part of that rough
field that lies to our Lady-hill. —
I think Mr. Chumy.. Legh & Mr. Iohn
Worsley has had a %few words for he
sent Mr. Cloughton to me the other
Day to know if I hard you tell
      new page
Ralph Clare to kill Hares or aney other
Geam Game till he had got the value of
that Net Ralph had taken from him, Mr. Worsley
tould Mr. Chumy.. that he, and I; was by when
you tould Ralph Clare in the Office but I
never hard such a %word Mentioned. —
    The rains still keeps on wors than ever
    J am Your Most Hble Servt.
    Jas. Grimshaw


Mr. Orford
[Postmarked Warrington]
      new page
        Haydock Octor. 4th.. 1782

    I receivd yours, and has acquainted
Molley Strong with what you say
concerning her going to Docter Hall,
she has had two or three returns of
her complaint, since you left Haydock,
and since that she has had a gathering
in her Head and after that got better
she had a blister plaster to the back
of her ear which she has kept runing
for this fortnight so if she has aney
more returns she will instantley go
to Mr. Hall. — Mr. Bratherton
has left Newton but I neve heard
that he imployed aney hands for aney_thing [across line]
but to fish some pitts in the
Hey Estate. — he has raised Iohn
Houghton in his rent and has given
      new page
all his other tenants notice to go off and Iohn
Houghton has bid him 20 Shillings an Acre more
than what it now sets for, for all the land
he has in Newton, but this is all hear-say but
I belive the most part of it to be true.
this Morning we had a %verey sharp frost and it
has been a good Day and we have hous'd a good
deal of Corn.
    J am Your Most Hble Servt.
    Jas. Grimshaw


Mr. Orford

[Accounts in different hand omitted]
      new page
        Haydock Octor. 12th: 82

    Mr. Porter sent young
Croft here yester_Day with a %Letter
and L 30 in Cash for you I have
made bould to take L 15 of the
Cash and has made myself Dr.
to you for it. — We have finished
housing Corn all but Beans and
has begun Sowing Wheat.
    J am Your Most Hble Servt.
    Jas. Grimshaw


Mr. Orford
      new page
        Haydock Novr. 2th.. 82
    I this Day receiv'd of
Thos. Danson the inclos'd Bill £
5.5.0 which he cud. not tell what
to do with unless you wo'd take it
I have enter'd it in my Accot. with
you. — Harrison brings with him
both the Dogs you mention'd. —
The Lambs and Ewes that came
Down last are Just in the same
way the last years was in and your
Shepperd desir'd [corrected] I wo'd let him know
in time if aney_thing was amiss in
that way, which I hope you will send
him down. — When you was hear I
forgot to mention that house where Old
Betty Wood lives in Newton. if somthing
is not done at it, it will be down before
      new page
winter is over and who must do it you or the
town. — Did you think of Mr. Watt for sope
and Candles. — There was yesterday a surveyor
of the Windows in Ashton which found in some
places more windows open till they shu'd have had
I can mention a %few of them. Mr. I. Leech & Mr.
Brounlow 40 Shillings Each. Edmond Taylor
Willim.. Jenken Docter Harsnep 20 Shillings Each.
    J %am Your Most Hble Servt.
    Jas. Grimshaw


Mr. Orford
      new page
        Haydock Novr. 13th: 82

    I receiv'd by Harrison your
letter and L20 which I Judge
you intend Thos. Widdows to have
one part, I will give him the first
time I see him, Shaw Allinson [corrected]
Purposes being with you on Monday
next — The weather is either rain
or frost so that we get but sloly
on with our Vetch Ground.
    J am your Most Hble Servt.
    Jas. Grimshaw


[Direction in different hand]
Mr. Orford

G: legh

[Postmarked Warrington]
      new page
[Accounts in different hand omitted]

        Haydock Decer. 2th.. 1782

    as you are coming to Haydock the midle of
this Month and it being so near the time
of giving Newton Beef wod wod. you let it
be %given while you are at Haydock if you
will fix the Day I will have all things
in readyness against the time. Y We have a
verey sharp winter and great scarcity of
    J am Your Most Hble Sert.
    Jas. Grimshaw


        Haydock Octor. 17th.. 1783

    I receiv'd yours by Shepperd
and I went to Pickton who had not
hard a %word of Newton Court he
instantley set out and will prepare
accordingly, The Ticking you will
receave by the bearer, I have paid
Mrs.. Scots, Mrs.. A. Leghs Bill and
brought 4 cakes of Chocolate 2 cakes
they sent to Haydock by me when I
Paid Mrs.. Kecks Bill which makes up
the 6 that was return'd. — i'll take
care to see Jack Southworth about
Mrs.. A. Leghs Chaise. — Mr. Chelmy..
came home last night and by what
I can hear he looks verey bad and
his Cough gets no better, I [a few letters crossed out] beleve
he gose of soon for Portugal but the
time is not fixed. J %am your most [corrected] Hble. Servent
    Jas. Grimshaw


Mr. Orford
[Postmarked Warrington]
      new page
        Haydock Decr. 19th.. 1783

    A %little after James was gone
this Morning came Edmond Hart to have
sent to you conserning the brig bridge
he mentioned to you in Newton he saw
Mr. Lyon last Wednesday who wished to
have a %line from you or Mr. Legh before
the sessions which was the begining of
January. Mr. Jas. Leigh sent for me
to meet him the other Day at Newton to
see about the repairs of the Old George
and to have some talk with Iohn Ashton
about removing a %little sooner, but to that
he cu'd give no answer till he had seen
you who is coming to Lyme some-time in
Christmas he asked me not to mention it to
aney_body so I wish you wo'd not know of
his coming when you see him.
    J %am Your Most Hble Servent
    Jas. Grimshaw


Mr. Orford

      new page
        Haydock Decr. 25th: 1783

    I am sorry I was not in the
way when Wm.. Taylor came with your
letter, I was gone that Day he came to
Haydock with shaw Shaw Allinson to
Liverpool and we did not return till
Wednesday night, but this Day I have
been at Bank-hall and has receiv'd
from Mr. Porter L 84 and 20£ from
Richd. Hunt I have enter'd it in my
Acct. but has given them no recets for
it — I am sorry to hear that Master
is Goutly and Could weather Just setting
    J %am Sir Your Most Hble Sert.
    Jas. Grimshaw
P.S. I wish you a %merey Christmas but
hopes you will keep it at Lyme


Mr. Orford
      new page
        Haydock Janury. 20th. 84

    Wm.. Taylor came here
last night for letters but there has
been no London letters here this ten
Days or more but if aney comes
of Mr. Devenports I will send them
up immediatley as soon as they come
here by a %man on purpose.
    J am you Most Hble. Servt.
    Jas. Grimshaw


Mr. Orford
[Postmarked Warrington]
      new page
        Haydock Feby. 25th: 1784

    Yesterday I sent your letter
to Mr. Cooper at Preston, and this
Day receiv'd his Answer by the
Coachman by word of mouth,
that Mr. Cooper has not the 50
Guines you writ to him about nor
has he hard aneything about them
before. — I have Examin'd the
Old Leases and has found Mr.
Mackeys Counterpart, — I hope you
will receive this before Monday and
say what must be done.
    J am your Most Hble Servt.
    Jas. Grimshaw


Mr. Orford
[Postmarked Warrington]
      new page
        Haydock May 21st: 85

    You may make yourself
easey about the £20 I found it in
the Office which I will give to Mr.
Rigby. — Edward Pickton had sent
the inclosd bill to Haydock the Morning
you went off, and Jas. Hart bill of
Chees you had left I thought it
best to send it to you.
    J am you Most Hble
    Jas. Grimshaw


Mr. Orford

[Accounts omitted]
      new page

    I have examind the Iron
Chest and ^dale^ Box in the Office but
can find [dash rubbed out] no such deed or bond
you mention. — I sent for Shaw
Allanson and we Examind them
as well as we su'd.
    J am Your Hble Sert.
    Jas. Grimshaw

friday 27th. 85 [May written above in pencil, probably by the cataloguer]
one oClock —


Mr. Orford
[Postmarked Warrington]

new page

        Haydock June 11th.. 1785

    I have been at George Glaves
in Kekwick and his Answer was, he
belived he had done rong [corrected] and shud.
not have done what he had but
that he saw other folk take such
libertys as those, and by what I
can l^e^arn Mr. Byer of Warrington
he has cut down all he has and took
it of Bark and all I marked a %few
for Mr. Deakin and what bark I
found with those I marked comes to
£ 7.6.0. Joseph Marsh has been
today and sais Joseph Burns is
over and want's and sais he will
have Money of him before he goes
back, I asked Marsh not to give him
aney till I hard from you but
Marsh thinks Joseph Burns will take
the land of him as soon as he can unless
you will stand his friend
      new page
Just when I had writ the above Joseph
Burns come ^came^ here in good humor and said he
had brought his Accounts to have settled with
you but as you was not at Haydock he hoped
you wo'd not expect him to come before Augt.
fair at which time he sais he will not fail
meeting you, I did not say a %word to him of
Marsh speaking to me.
    J am Your Most Hble Servt.
    Jas. Grimshaw


Mr. Orford
      new page
        June 26th.. 1785

    I yesterday light of Mr.
Ackers who said he had a %bill
or two which was of no use to
him and wished you wo'd come
over I tould him to give them
to me and I wo'd send them to you
there is three bill £ 47.1.0 which
I %will enter in my Account with you.
    J am Your Most Hble Servt.
    Jas. Grimshaw


Mr. Orford
[Postmarked Warrington]
      new page
        Haydock Augt. 22th.. 1785

    I receiv'd yours and spurs,
Lady Bradshaigh dyed on
Saturday the 13th. of this Month
I saw her Buried Yesterday.
I will see Mr. Chorley and Edwd.
Pickton about what you mention.
if Whaley comes and answers
up I will deliver him your Breeches
    J am Your Most Hble.
    Jas. Grimshaw


Mr. Orford
[Postmarked Warrington]
      new page
        Haydock Augt. 25th: 1785
    I receiv'd yours, and will
on Saturday next send the Biscuits
to Dunham as we have neither
market-basket, nor Meal-pillion, as
we must fetch them from Liverpool
in a %basket think it the safest way
to send them on the same way, directed
for you to be left till you send for
them. — I have seen Hannah Rothwell
who is verey glad of the offer and
is at liberty to come to Lyme
aney day you think proper. —
Wheat is in the same condition with
is us as you say it is with you spriting
as it stands our wheat will not be
fit to cut this fortnight and some
of it sprit
      new page
    there has been great loss in Oats the weather
has been so rainey has kept folk from cutting
and oats so rip and loos in the head that I
think some fields has doble seed lost. —
    We have had an uncommon accident with us, on
Tuesday the 16 of this Month Shaw Allansons son
George was at Thos. Edlistons till about 12 oClock
at night he was a %little in liquer when he left but
has not been seen nor hard of since Shaw has
sent all about in the Neighbourhood and is now serching
all the Old Coal pits and other places.
    J am Your Most Hble. Servt.
    Jas. Grimshaw


        Haydock Augt. 27th.. 85

    You will herewith receive
21 lb~ of Biscuits which I hope
will come safe. — Since I writ
to you last George Allanson has
been found in one of the Old Coal
pitts Dead, he had lean there nine
Days; Now James Bolton Carpender
has had a notice ^from his landlord^ to Quit where he
now lives at May next and as
George had neither Wife nor Family
Bolton think this Estate will be to
let Bolton wo'd be glad you wo'd
let him have it if it is in your
power; Bolton is a %very useful man
I hope you will fix it for him
    J am Your Most Hble Servt.
    Jas. Grimshaw


Mr. Orford
      new page
        Haydock Sepr. 29th.. 1785

    As Jas. Allanson was coming
to Lyme I thought I wod. give
you a %bit of Account of Lady Bradshaig^h.^
sail, which was last Monday and
Tuesday they sold all Horses and
Cows sheep and swine, Corn and Hay,
and all things belonging Husbandry.
I told you before that the household
furniture was left for Lord Balcarres
if he chose to take them on the Valuation
but on Tuesday Morning they
receiv'd a %letter from his Lordship and
he will not take one single article
so all the furniture is to be sold now
verey soon. — Out of curiosity I went
to the sail both days, Mr. Godfrey
maniges the whole of the sail
      new page
Mr. Porter never came out of his own house
the first day and verey little the second but
did not interfere about aney-thing, but is much
displeas'd at there goings on. —
    The supervisor has spoke to Mr. Hicks about
your servents duty what must I say to Mr.
Hicks about it.
    J am Your Most Hble Servt.
    Jas. Grimshaw
PS. I have had no setteling with Edwd.
Pickton nor will he come here.


Mr. Orford
      new page
        Haydock Octor. 3th: 1785

    I do not know wheather
I am right or rong in sending a %man
to you on this Account but hearing
the paper read yesterday in Ashton
Chappel conserning Mr. Master
Gallery, I spoke to Mr. Leech and
told him I wo'd send to you as
the time is so short where you will
see what Mr. Leech sath about it.
The persons who signs the paper is
Mr. Hornby Mr. Garton Mr. Barker
Mr. Lyon and Peter Latham of Ashton
Mr. Edwards has been some time in
getting his paper sign'd for not one
man in Ashton wo'd sign it but Benjn.
Lyon and Peter Latham. Pray when
do you intend seeing Haydock
      new page
Pray send the Bearer back tomorrow for
some of the Ashtoners will not be easey
till they hear from you.
    J %am Your most Hble Servt.
    Jas. Grimshaw
I have Just receiv'd yours by Jas. Allanson
by but the Vinegar is in the Wine Seller if
you wo'd bring the Key when you come it
might be sent, we have 34 Woather Sheep
so shall let you Judge about it your_self if
you do not like them coming killed in the


Mr. Orford
[Postmarked Warrington]

[Accounts, probably in different hand, omitted]
      new page
        Haydock Octor. 3th.. 1785

    Just after Harrison was gone
of for Lyme a Neighbour of Mr. Smiths
from Burton caul'd here with a %letter
directed for you, or me, Mr. Smith wants
to know wheather you will send
him a Licence or not; if not ^if^ you
will give him a %line he will send
you the Greyhound you mentioned
to Mr. Thos. North.
    J am Your Most Hble
    Jas. Grimshaw


Mr. Orford
[Postmarked Warrington]
      new page
        Haydock Octor. 17th.. 1785

    I receiv'd a %letter from our Master
when he ordered me to go instantly down
to the Coal pitts and write to him to
say how they went on with takeing
down the Old Engine and building
the new one, I have writ to him by the
same post I write this, that they have
not began to pull down the Old
Engine nor to build the new one, and
that they do not intend doing it till
the spring, I onley writ you this that
you might be better prepair'd if he
sh{u} shud. say aney_thing to you about it.
    J %am Your Most Hble Servt.
    Jas. Grimshaw
PS do not say a %word of my writing
to you


        Haydock Novr. 25th: 1785

    I receiv'd your agreeable letters
and 730£ in Bank bills and a noat
which I will do my endeavour to put
them as safe as I can in my Close, —
I shall set out for Bath this Evening
at 5 oClock, I will write to you when
I return. — Tho House where
Luke Bridge lives wants some repairs
in the thatch and slate do you do the
repairs or Joseph Burns.
    J %am Your Most Hble Servt.
    Jas. Grimshaw


Mr. Orford

[Accounts omitted]
      new page
        Haydock Decr. 3th: 1785

    I receiv'd your Letters and
will deliver them as directed. —
    I got verey well to Bath and
paid Mr. Hall all that was right
but as you are coming so soon will
than settle every_thing with you
I have brought more writings then
can be sent by the bearer but you
can order them as you think right
Mr. Richmond desir'd his Compliments
to you to Mrs. Ann Legh and you
the Docter was verey obliging to me
and wo'd Gladly have had me to have
staid another Day and Dine with him
but as the Coaches doth not go regular
and I had been so long on the road I
thought it best to come of.
    J %am Your Most Hble Servt.
    Jas. Grimshaw


Mr. Orford
      new page
        Haydock Januy.. 1st. 1788

    I receiv'd your by Jackson
and 2 bills £ 20. I have been
at Mr. Foster and Ralph Bate
but nothing to be had from them.
Cu'd you not put the waggon of
a %week longer till saturday the
19th.. for [word rubbed/crossed out] on the 12th. it will be
so verey dark and but one week
in differance as such will fix for
the 19th. unless you order it different
When Mr. Masters was here he
saw Mr. Hornby and promised to
write to ^him^ soon after he got to London
which he has not yet done, Mr.
Hornby asked Mr. Edwards to get
to know of me how he might direct
to Mr. Masters and Mr. Hornby wo'd
write to him
      new page
    I wish you a happy new Year and am
    Your Most Hble Servt.
    Jas. Grimshaw

P.S. as Old Candlemas day lights on Wednesday
the 13th. of Feby.. some of your Tennants sais you
will receive on the 15 and 16. and some sais
you will not receive before the 22 and 23 I mention
this that you may let them know which will be
the rent day in time.

[In different hand]
1782 — 13 Feby. Wed. collected 21st & 22d
1774 — 13 Feby. Wed. d— 18.19.20    —    15 16


Mr. Orford
      new page
        Haydock Jany.. 18th: 1788

    Catharine Cundliffs saile
was yesterday, where I acquainted
a good maney of your tennants [corrected] that
you intended receiving rents on the
15 & 16 of next Month. —
    Mr. Cloughton brought me the
Enclos'd bill £21 and wished me
to send it to you. — Willim.. Litherland
wishes you wo'd bring the Leace
of Owens in Mill lain Newton
the first time you come to Haydock
I wish you wo'd say [corrected] wheather I
must buy aney Cows in now.
    J %am Your Most Hbl Servt.
    Jas. Grimshaw
I have not Enterd Mr. Cloughtons bill


Mr. Orford
[Postmarked Warrington]
      new page
        Haydock Jany.. 26th.. 88

    I receiv'd yours and on Decr.
the 29th. I receiv'd a %letter from you
saying you had ordered a 20 or 25
Gallon Cask of Rum to be got ready to
come by the Waggon, but did not say
from where, and the Waggon before
you ordered two Casks of Liquors from
Mr. Deakin and I thought the Rum
was to have come from ^him^ which was
the cause it did not come, as soon
as it comes from Liverpool will get
Jo^hnson to put^ a casing on it and send it
off as soon as posable.
    J %am Your Most Hble Servt.
    Jas. Grimshaw


Mr. Orford
[Postmarked Warrington]
      new page
        Haydock March 8th. 1788

    I forgot when you was here
to ask you how you wo'd heve the
Potatoes sent that Mr. Porter has
sent here they are directed for Mr.
Tomson of Stockport.
    Shaw Allanson has been at me to
know if I had given Docter Ackers
leaf to fetch dale balk from Florada
for building of a %room at Newton, which
the Docter never spoke to me about
nor do I know aneything about it.
he has taken six good balk Shaw
wished I wo'd write to you to know
if you had given it him.
    J %am Your Most Hble
    Jas. Grimshaw


Mr. Orford
[Postmarked Warrington]
      new page
        Haydock March 19th. 1788

    I receiv'd yours, and has examined
Willim.. Hills Lease and his rent
is now £ 10..10 and before he had
the whole of the field it was £ 6..6.0
In Novr. 1784 I receiv'd from Wm.. two
years rent for 1780 and 1781. £ 12..12
and this day I have receiv'd £ 18..18..0
three years rent for 1782. 1783 and 1784
he enter'd on the whole of the field
Candlemas 1786 so by this you will
see how his Arrears stands for there is
one years rent unpaid of £ 6..6. and two
years rent of £ 10..10 P~.
[In red, probably different hand: 18]
Docter Ackers was not well pleas'd when
I spoke to him about the timber he has
sent Robt. Pickton to Warrington and has
cut down Poplars that growed on Mr. Leghs
land without speaking to aney_body
      new page
but I asked him not to fetch them of till he
had orders. Molly asked me to remind remind
you of some Linnen you was to send here.
I will fix to meet with the Waggons on Saturd{y}
Saturday the 29th.. Inst.
    J %am Your Most Hble Servt.
    Jas. Grimshaw

[Accounts, probably in different hand(s), omitted]


Mr. Orford
[Postmarked Warrington]
      new page
        Haydock March 31st. 88

    Edwd. Pairpoint has broug^ht^
here a %years rent £ 68 the enclos'd
bill £ 29 he wishes you wo'd take
and what he is in arrears for 1786
he will settle with you. We go verey
well on with our Plowing shall finish
in 3 or 4 Days.
    J %am Your Most Hble
    Jas. Grimshaw


Mr. Orford
      new page
        Haydock May 22th. 1788

    I went to see the building
on Goos-green and find they have
come verey little on the wast so
did not say aney_thing to them it
is Willim.. Faremonds Brother that
is building. — Gaskell had took
a %house that morning you spoke to
him in Ashton before you saw him.
    J %am Your Most Hble
    Jas. Grimshaw


Mr. Orford

[Different hand in pencil along side of paper]
Hats to %be %sent %for
      new page
        Haydock May 30th: 1788

    I receiv'd your with Edwd.
Pairpoints bill which I took him the
Day I receiv'd it Jackson has done
what he cu'd to have got Fish this
two Days but has catched nothing.
Iohn Burchal is Constable for
Haydock and Thursday next is the
Day they are to make there returns
of sev servants, Carts and saddle horses
which he wishes you wo'd send him
down by that Day. — They have
cut down two trees near Haydock
to make Engine Beam Heads for the
Old Beam broak a %week since. we
have had some verey fine rain.
    J %am Your Most Hble Servt.
    Jas. Grimshaw


Mr. Orford
[Postmarked Warrington]
      new page
        Haydock June 1st. 1788
Dear Sir

    I %receiv'd your by the Wag^g^on, and
you fix to meet with the Waggons on Sat{urdy}
Saturday the 14th. Inst. and if you will
have them to meet then we have nothing
to send you, the Engine arch head will
not be wanded as they are prepar'd with
arch heads before this you have sent came
here, — And by that time Haying will
be near at Hand and you will have
our Waggon at Lyme, I cu'd wish you
wo'd give me a %line if we must meet
at that time I think you had better
put it of a little longer.
    Mr. Whallworth came here last night
to tell me that Gaskell is not for leaving
the White Lion till Augt.; he sais
he can then stay on by paying to the
Sherrif 1½ Guinea, he has given up the
house he had took I have fixed with Mr.
Whallworth not to put the roof on while he
      new page
stais in the house I will take care Iohn
and Richd. goes to the boat on ffriday the 13th.
    J %am Your Most Hble Servt.
    Jas. Grimshaw


Mr. Orford
[Postmarked Warrington]
      new page
        Haydock June 9th.. 1788
Dear Sir

    As you did not give an Answer
to my last letter I Judge you give
up coming with the Waggon. I bel^{*}^ive
Gaskell has took another house but is
not gone to it, Mr. Wallworth is gone
to where Mr. Harford was.
    I %am sorrey to tell you that Mr. Iohn
Leech was took verey bad on Saturday
last Docter Orford and Harsnipe has
a %poor [word crossed out] heart of him the Physician
is a Mr. Plumb from Warrington he has
no great opinion of him I will let you
know more of him by Iohn & Richard
on ffriday next, and if I get aney
Money I will send it by your son
Iohn then I do not here when the
Engine Beam is to be put up.
    if we have no rain in a day or two we shall
be obliged to begin Mowing Clover.
    J %am Your Most Humble Servt.
    Jas. Grimshaw


        Haydock June 13th: 1788
Dear Sir

    I receiv'd from Mr. Dobson
£ 35 out of it I have sent you
30 Guineas by your sons.
    Mr. Roby begins school again
on Thursday the 3th. of July at
which time he expects and wishes
you to send Richard, he bid me
to tell you he thought the time to long.
Mr. Leech Dyed on Wednesday
last he is to be buryed [corrected] tomorrow
    J am your Most Hble Servt.
    Jas. Grimshaw


Mr. Orford
      new page
        Haydock July 25th: 1788
Dear Sir

    This Day a %man is begun
to attend the gate at Golborn dale.
This week Jackson has got too little
fish; and too meney Hares but two
of the Hares was killed by one of
the Mowers after the other was killed
I can get you no Cash Boardman of
Bradley is verey sorrey he cannot
asist assist you. — One good
Day will finish our hay.
    J %am Your Most Hble Servt.
    Jas. Grimshaw

[Note in different hand on other page: Bottle of Oils for piles]


Mr. Orford
[Postmarked Warrington]
      new page
        Haydock Octor. 6th.. 1788
Dear Sir

    Mr. Jas. Wright wished
me to send you the Enclosd bill
of £ 30 I have enter'd it in my
Book. The weather is verey wet
indeed. Mr. Jas. Smith of Ashton
is verey badley I beleive not much
hopes of his recoverey.
    J %am Your Most Hble
    Jas. Grimshaw


Mr. Orford
      new page
        Haydock Novr. 12th. 1788
Dear Sir

    The Inclos'd is Edwd.
Pairpoints Acct. of Leys. — I have
sent my book and your scales by Mrs..
Taylor. I receiv'd you letter last night
by Mrs.. Orford and sent Captain Legh
his letter and parcel as soon as receiv'd.
I will see to the Glass house about
the bottles you mention. I will see
that your wine come on Saturday next.
We have Empty Hhd. but they are
Old and not fit to send. You have
sent no Hops we shall miss this
fine bruing weather.
    J %am your Mostt Hble Set.
    Jas. Grimshaw

[Note, probably in Orford's hand]
Robt. paid me 5.5.0 for Grimshaw

[Accounts on next page omitted]


Mr. Orford
      new page
        Haydock Novr. 27th. 88
Dear Sir

    I receiv'd yours with the
Stockings. — We cannot meet your
Waggon on Saturday next the weather
has been so fine the men has been
out Ditching, but will fix with
you when you come over next
Wednesday, if we had a %load ready
the next Saturday wo'd be verey
dark Moon.
    J am Your Most Hble Servt.
    Jas. Grimshaw


Mr. Orford
      new page
        Haydock Decr. 12th. 88
Dear Sir

    I have sent you the
Sadlers bills, and the Leaces you
ordered, Mr. Robys School ends
on the 20 Mr. Prince on the 24,
I will take care of Richd. till
you send for both. — Mr. Jas.
Wright has his Meal and Wheat
by him and can send you nothing.
    J %an your Most Hble
    Jas. Grimshaw

P.S. Mr. Roby asked me if you
wod. pay Richd. a %years schooling due the
26 Inst. which I tould him I wo,d
pay on the 24 if you think wright


Mr. Orford
      new page
        Haydock Decr. 16th.. 1788
Dear. Sir

    Joshua Smith brought here
this Night ten Guineas for you Which
I have sent by the bearer.
    I have sent the book back you sent
by the Waggon, it is a %book you have
ruled for your own purpose.
    J am Your Most Hble Servt.
    Jas. Grimshaw


Mr. Orford
      new page
        Haydock Decr. 24th. 88
Dear Sir

    You will receive by the
Bearer £ 40 I receiv'd of Mr. Boardman
of Bradley and £ 11 from
Joseph Marsh which I have Enterd
in my book. Mr. Wright has
nothing for you. I have been this
Day at Mr. Woodcock and Mrs..
Hodkinson but has receiv'd nothing
from them; Mr. Woodcock sais you
fixt for Newyes Day with him; Mrs-
Hodkinson Said she cu'd not pay
then and you had not given her the
Leace, I tould them both you wo'd
be with them on the 6 of January
    J %am your Most Hble Servt.
    Jas. Grimshaw
      new page
I have given Huns-man 8 Guineas


Mr. Orford
      new page
        Warrington Jany.. 7th. 1789
Dear Sir

    I have receiv'd from Mr.
Jas. Wright £20 which I have sent
by Knowles there is two Guineas
too light they are the best I cu,d
pick out of six he forceed me to take
them to make up the £ 20
    I have been at Mrs.. Hodgkinson
and Mr. Woodcock but can get
nothing but promises of neither
of them. — I shud. be glad to
here from you a %good account of
Mr. Legh.
    J am your Most
    Hble Servt.
    Jas. Grimshaw


Mr. Orford
      new page
        Haydock Jany.. 16th. 1789
Dear Sir

    I went to Mr. Woodcock,
he had companey with him in the house
I did not see him he sent me word he
cu'd not give me aneythinge.
    I sent to Bank and has got Mr.
Hunts rents 20..16..6 and Mr. Dobson
sent £ 35 which I have sent by the
Waggon in a %small Box with some
Books that Mrs.. Bankes sent here
I have entered the money in my book.
I have sent you the book back you sent
for me it is not the same sise of the
other I have; I there is a paper in it the
sise of this I have. after a painful
ride I hope you got well home.
    J %am your Most Hble Servt.
    Jas. Grimshaw


Mr. Orford
[Postmarked Warrington]
      new page
        Haydock Jany.. 31st. 1789
Dear Sir

    I receiv'd yours, and will
meet your Waggon as usual on Saturday
the 7 of Feby.. with Potatoes.
    I receiv'd from Mr. Woodcock £44..5..6
but verey unpleasing to myself, he blamed
me for the letter you had sent him saying
I had set him forth in such a %light to you
that Displeas'd him much; I hope you will
not ask me to go to him again for Money
for I think I shall refuse going.
    J %am Your Most Hble Servt.
    Jas. Grimshaw


Mr. Orford

a parcel

new page

        Haydock Feby.. 6th. 1789
Dear Sir

    You will receive by the
Bearer £44.5.6 which I have enter'd
in my book — Young Clayton of
Burtonwood asked me to Mention a
Leace to you which he expects you to
bring at Candlemas.

    J %am Your Most Hble
    Jas. Grimshaw


Mr. Orford
[Postmarked Warrington]

[Grimshaw in diferent hand]
      new page
        Haydock March 17th.. 1789
Dear Sir

    Jas. Hall has got a %place
to go to in Manchester but he is to
bring a Corrector from his last place
Jas. wishes you wo'd give a few lines
as soon as posable.
    Your writing to Mr. Buller caus'd him
to bring up the Saddler to Haydock
and we talked over that bill of Saddlers
in 1785 I tould Mr. Buller and Saddler
those hides did not come to Haydock
Mr. Buller said he wo'd swear they
was ordered from him and to be put
to Mr. Legh and that was all that was
done about it. — Mr. Buller wo'd
have settled his bill with me but the
Saddler has got Leather from him as
much as comes to £ 37— so that was
      new page
put of to Newton April Court the Saddler promises
to pay you then £ 37 in Cash.
    I think I did not mention to you my Liverpool Jorney
I paid Mr. Newsham his bill £ 148..12..6
and Mr. Lawson for rum & Brandy £ 20..7..6.
    J %am Your Most Hble Servt.
    Jas. Grimshaw


Mr. Orford
[Postmarked Warrington]
      new page
        Haydock March 24th. 1789
Dear Sir

    Mr. Willim.. Farrimond of
Pemberton has took a piece of ground in,
from Goose-green some part of it is old
marl pit and brick pits but all togather
I think is about a %Quarter of an Acre; he
came to Haydock to ask me to come and
look at it which I did, at the same time
I saw Mr. Mulinex of Hauckley and he
wanted to take a %piece in that lies to his
field it is more than a %Quarter of an Acre
I tould him I wo'd write to you and give
him an Answer soon he said he wo'd
be willing to ^pay^ Mr. Legh a reasonable cheif
rent. — There is a Mr. Farrar in
Billinge that is a Bleacher of Cloath and
yarn he wants to take in about 20 peches
near Billinge-slak for benefit of some
water that runs there he saise he can have
all the others consent if he can have Mr. Leghs
he is willing to pay a %cheif rent
      new page
Mr. Ackers asked me to let Mr. Marsden know
he had got a Lay for the Colt he spoke to
Shepperd about. — I had no bill of parcels
with the Wine and &c. from Liverpool. —
    I have Just now receiv'd a %line from Mr. Marsden saying
that he wants Wheat if you will be so good to let him
know we will meet [one or two words crossed out] ^at^ Dunham on Saturday
the 4th. of April. — Little Iohn Lowe of Lowton
Hanged himself last Week.
    J %am Your Most Hble Servent
    Jas. Grimshaw


Mr. Orford
[Postmarked Warrington]
      new page
        Haydock April 9th. 1789
Dear Sir

    I have Just now got Edwd.
Pickton Account of Newton fairs in 1788
May fair Tolls..................0..10..11½
Expences at May fair.......0..10..4
Augt. fair Tolls................3..10..10
Expences at Augt. fair.....1..3..6
I have receiv'd of Mr. Jas. Wright £24
with ^the^ Enclos'd bill, I have sent you.
We have Harrowed about 6 Acres
but has stoped again.
    J %am your Most Hble Servt.
    Jas. Grimshaw
      new page
P.S. it is time you used to take the Sheep out
of the Mains and they are grown so mischeefus
and so maney complain of them I wish you wo'd let
them be fetched to Lyme


Mr. Orford
[Postmarked Warrington]
      new page
        Haydock April 13th. 1789
Dear Sir

    I receiv'd yours, and am sorrey
I was gone to Bank, when you was here
last time you bid me to attend Mr. Porters
rent Day and hereing nothing from you
to stop me I thought you intended me
going, but his rent Day is put of
till this Day and Mr. Porter will come
to Lyme himself [corrected].
    Mr. Rigby will return from Liverpool
on Friday next the 17 and he will
return from Northwich on Thursday
the 23.
    J am your Most Hble Servt.
    Jas. Grimshaw


Mr. Orford
      new page
        Haydock May 17th. 1789
Dear Sir

    I receiv'd yours time enough to
send Mr. Wairing his letter this afternoon
I will see Hun^t^sman, and I if I get
aneything of Mr. Boardman or Mr. Wright
I will let you know.
    I have not spoke a %word to Docter
Ackers since Easter Monday and we was
then good friends; but Tuesday last
was the Day of taking Cows into the
Mains where I attended and Mr. Ackers
sent his servent Woman with his Cow;
she said our Master will send his Mare
and Colt soon, and I said if he wo'd not
send his horse he shu'd not put in his
Mare and Colt and bid Mr. Bayley to put
them in the Pinfold if they was put in
the Mains, where in about an hour I receiv'd
      new page
the Enclosd Letter, the Docter puts his Horse thet
he rides on the Dean Moor, but that is nothing to
me if Mr. Legh ^my Master [different hand?]^ consent for the Mare she shall
go; the Mains is over stoe'd this year.
    Holding is to be Married tomorrow.
    J %am your Most Hble Servt.
    Jas. Grimshaw


Mr. Orford
[Postmarked Warrington]
      new page
        Haydock May 24th. 89
Dear Sir

    I receiv'd yours on the 17th. and
am sorrey you did not writ sooner
sooner as I cud. have sent you Asparagus
and wod. rather have sent it till not.
Edwd. Pairpoint is now the over_seer of
the poor of Golborn and he wished
me to tell you they was going to tax
your Coal works on the Edg-green.
Widdow Farest was Buryed yesterday
and her Son Thos. came into the house
as soon as she was ded and takes all,
you promised to let Betty have the
little end and Garden I wish you
wo,d stand her friend now as she has
a %little Child and cannot go to servise.
Thos. Dobson sent this Morning £35
which I have entered in my book
and sent by the bearer.
      new page
I am glad to here you are getting better and hope
to see you soon at Haydock.
    J %am your Most Hble Servt.
    Jas. Grimshaw


Mr. Orford
[Postmarked Warrington]
      new page
        Haydock June 7th. 1789
Dear Sir

    I receiv'd your, and has sent
Mrs.. Clayton word about her Lease, and
has told Wm.. Wilson.
    I have looked into Mr. Masters Iron
Chest and think I have found the
purchase Deed you mention.
    Codnor was purchased by Sir Strensham
Master of Sir Richd. Neile in 1692
for £7400 there is two Parchments
both signed by Sir Richd. Neile to
Strensham Master for ever paying one
pepper corne p~ year if the same be
lawfully demanded.
    J am your Most Hble Servt.
    Jas. Grimshaw


Mr. Orford
      new page
        Haydock June 18th. 1789
Dear Sir

    As to Edge Green Coal
work I can say little about I belive
the measure to be verey large. —
And Mr. Cruchley offers his Coal at
2d. P~ hundred but yours are more
till that, but you know Shaw will
be master. — I hope to hear of your
getting better so as you will be able
to see Haydock in a short time. —
I want to ask you a %bit of advice Mr.
Pinkerton of Wigan has owed me £13
going of 8 Years and has never paid
aney Intrest, there is two years Seeds
bill oweing to him £3..13.1 he sent
his son here for it about 3 Weeks since
but I did not pay it; his Creaditers are
now looking into his affers and he and
two of his Neighbours are now at London
      new page
I wish you wo'd say wheather I can stop in that
£ 3..13.1 or not.
    I hope to see you before longe at Haydock
    And am your Most Hble Servt.
    Jas. Grimshaw


Mr. Orford
      new page
        Haydock July 10th. 1789
Dear Sir

    Richard got here verey well
and will take him to Wigan this
Day. — I am sorry to here of the
death of Miss. Legh, I will see that
the Vault in Winwick Church is
in readyness and have 8 persons
in readyness to carry the body to the
Vault. — You say you will write
again before Monday if you wo'd have
aneybody to meet you on the road you
will mention it, and the time you wo'd
have the bell set awoing at Winwick.
    J %am Your Most Hble Servt.
    Jas. Grimshaw
      new page
The 8 persons I think of asking to Carry is
Iohn Birchall
Wm.. Holding
Thos. Edleston
Iohn Taylor
Peers Naylor
Henry Boardman
Jas. Boardman
Iohn Jackson


Mr. Orford
      new page
        Haydock July 14th. 89
Dear Sir

    The enclos'd is a Coppy of the
expences of Miss Leghs funeral at
Winwick, which I thing think you
will think too muck, but it was
as little as I cu'd get of for, I
thought it wo'd be wright to give
a %little in everey room there was companey
in, and it was run up to the
Expence you see in a %verey short time,
I have enter'd it in my book.

    J am Your Most Hble
    Jas. Grimshaw


Mr. Orford
      new page
        Haydock Augt. 21st. 1789
Dear Sir

    I have sent you the
scales you mention but not Clean'd
the man has not his shop and
tools fix't as yet, in a %few weeks
he will be glad to oblige you.
I have sent you the half load of
Wheat you spoke obout the Miller
I think has took too much Bran
out but I charged him not to do
it. — Richd. and Molley return'd
from Liverpool last night Richd.
has bathed five times and
agrees with him verey well wo'd
you have him to go again.
    J am your Most Hble Servt.
    Jas. Grimshaw
      new page
P.S. I have wrot to Master to let him
know we have begun Shearing


Mr. Orford
[Postmarked Warrington]

[Accounts in different hand omitted]

[Notes in pencil in different hand omitted]
      new page
        Haydock Sepr. 19th. 1789
Dear Sir

    On Saturday next the 26
Inst. we will meet your Waggon
at Dunham with Wheat.
    Have you heard that Shaw
Allanson is leaving your Coalworks
he is going to the new Coal-work
at Ashtons-green I think you had
better come to Haydock for Shaw
is coming to Lyme next Saturday
and he sais he will see Mr. Legh
but you are the best Judge in that
I wo'd not have you let him know
that I spoke to you about it.
    I have spoke to Mr. Cloughton about
his seat in Ashton Chappel but he will
not part with it. I am your Hble Servet.
    Jas. Grimshaw


Mr. Orford

[Scribbles in different hand omitted]
      new page
        Haydock Sepr. 25th. 1789
Dear Sir

    Mr. Jas. Leigh has let you
know what has been done with Mrs..
Friths tennant that what is sould
is short of her rents and this
Morning Mr. Leigh sent for me to
his house he sais that other persons
is for taking what is left Mr. Leigh
sais that after Tuesday half a %years
rent is due and he has promised
before two witnesses that Mrs.. Friths
rent shu'd be paid, Mr. Leigh thinks
it wright that an Inventory of his
goods shu'd be took on Mrs. Friths
Acct. but he wished I wo'd write
to you fi^r^st and to have your Answer
by tuesdey.
      new page
    I have spoke to Jackson about his shooting
too near the Captins he sais he has not booked
for partridge nor fiered a gun on that [word crossed out] side
the turnpick road from Newton to Haydock towards
Golborn nor been in Golborn but once in Jas.
Wrights Ground.
    J am Your Most Hble Servt.
    Jas. Grimshaw


Mr. Orford
      new page
        Haydock Octor. 4th. 1789
Dear Sir

    I receiv'd yours yesterday
but Molley cu'd not get the Almond
paste made to send by Shaw. —
we have not bewed aney nor have
we aney hops. — I have got your
Glass decanters and will send them
the ^first opertuni^ty. Your son Richd. is verey
    J am Your Most Hble
    Jas. Grimshaw


Mr. Orford
      new page
        Haydock March 2th. 1790
Dear Sir

    I am sorrey to here you
say you are not so well as when you
was here. — I will fix to meet
with the waggons on Saturday the 14 Inst.
for fere of being disapointed at Liverpool
and will load out with Potatoes. —
I will see Boardman of Bradley before
longe and will let you know how his
book stands. — Iohn Birchall sais
his soninlaw must be sould up and
wish I wo'd be at the sail and receive
the rent that is due wo'd you have me
to do so if it so happens.
    J %am Your Most Hble Servt.
    Jas. Grimshaw


Mr. Orford
[Postmarked Warrington]
      new page
        Haydock March 4th. 1790
Dear Sir

    Docter Orford is now
leaving Ashton and going to live in
Warrington his seat in Ashton Chapel
will be sould it is a good seat; when
he bought it he gave 18 Guineas for it
he has put cushions and stools to kneel
on so that he sais it shu'd take him
20 Guineas, I have asked him not to
part with it till I had spoke to him
again, now if you wo'd have me to
buy it for the purpose you was wanting
one for give me your orders and I can
have it. — I wish you wo'd
send Henry Boardmans lease or you will
have him up at Lyme.
    J %am Your Most Hble Servt.
    Jas. Grimshaw


Mr. Orford
      new page
        Haydock July 2th. 1790
Dear Sir

    You will receive by this Waggon the Money
I receiv'd from Liverpool 8 bills Value £ 179..3.0 and
Cash £ 100..17-0 and a bill I receiv'd of Mr. Henry Worsley
£ 9..15.0 which makes £ 289.15.0 the bills that are
indors'd by Stephn.. Waterworth is the person that paid
me Mr. Dales Money; I can assist Mr. Rigby with Cash from
Edge-green. — I receiv'd yours conserning Iohn Rattliffe,
I am verey shure you had no wine from Mr. Bayleys
on aney Account but the Glasses you mention in the Celler.
Iohn Rattliffe tould me that the wine he had returned
from the Court House was not his own bottles I tould
him he was ronge in saying what he did and so I think
yet. — I have sent about Mrs.. Hancocks Boxes
and there is no boxes come for her. — Molley sends
12 bottles of Vinegar. — We have this Day
had the vilantest storm of rain and hale I ever
seed; attended with Lightening and Thunder the
Lightning killed us two Cows Just by the corner
of the Garden; which I leave to you to aquant Mr.
Legh of. —
    J am Your Most Hble Servt.
    Jas. Grimshaw

P.S the Cash and bills I have entered in my
book and you will find them in a %box
directed for you with Tea and Coffey
      new page
Mr. Maire has sent to me to know the Expence
of the Election which I will send him the account as
followes Iohn Rattliffe brought his bill sealed up I
asked him what it was he said it was £ 73..1..2
Mr. Bayley — —&54..3..5
Iohn Rattliffe — —73..1..2
Iohn Houghton bell5.0.0
Jas. Fitchett Mill stone —5.0.0
Jas. Pilling Boling green5.0.0
Joseph Longshaw blue Lyon5.0.0
Jas. Hamer Bull —5.0.0
Sarah Unsworth red Lyon5.0.0
Henry Lawson Hand & baner5.0.0
Iohn Gaskell White Lyon5.0.0    I have not paid but shall
    mention to Mr. Maire
Henry Forshaw Oak tree5.0.0
Marcus Naylor Common —5.0.0
Wm.. Lawson Do. —5.0.0
Iohn Dean Golborn Dale5.0.0
Expence of the writs —5.5.0


Mr. Orford
[Postmarked Warrington]
      new page
        Haydock July 6th. 1790
Dear Sir

    I receiv'd your, and am sorry
you have not opened the Box where you will
find Mr. Bayleys & Rattliffs Election bills
Mr. Bayleys Bottles are wright in Count
but the Brandy and Rum I think high
charged, the Colliers high Charged for Eating.
The Quantity of Beer is [corrected] wright.
    Now as you want the bill Moneyed different
you have the true acct. of Bottles and I wod,
rather you wo'd do it your_self for I have had
some words with Mr. & Mrs.. Bayley about it.
Iohn Rattliffs Bill came to me sealed up but
I can bel you what Liquer was given out
by your Brother, but if you alow Iohn
Rattliffe no [corrected?] more than [corrected] 2/6 P~ Gentleman
for Dinner he will be a %great loosser but
that you know the best. — The Rakes I
forgot to send but will send them tomorrow,
we have begun Mowing but bad hay weather.
    J %am Your Most Hbe Servt.
    Jas. Grimshaw
      new page
Liquer Deliverd out by Mr. Orford at the Election June 21
CourthouseFor Servents &c.
Red port3 Doz.Rum —4 Gallands
White Do.16 BottlesBrandy — —2 Do.
Cyder — —2 Doz.Holands — —2 Do.
Lomons — —2 Doz.Cyder — —2 Doz.
Rum — —2 Bottles Lemons — —4 Doz.
Brandy — —2 BottlesSugar — —7½ lb
Ale & porter21 Gall.Cakes — —80
Ale & Porter —38 Gallands
Dinners — —42
Punch — — —2s.6d


Mr. Orford
[Postmarked Warrington]

[Accounts, probably in different hand, omitted]
      new page
        Haydock July 15th. 1790
Dear Sir

    Henry Houghton [word crossed out] oth. Fir
owes Mr. Hill the Brewer near £70 Henry
came to me and said Mr. Hill had sent for
him and was verey angrey and insisted of
Henry giving up his Lease and House
and Mr. Hill wo'd put a %tennant in and
forgive Henry the debt I have ordered
Henry not to give up possession of neither
House nor Lease the (Lease I have) till
I hard from you, I think he cu'd not
put a %tennant in against your will but
if Mr. ^Hill^ gets a person into the House it might
be some trouble to get him out Henry
offers to pay Mr. Hill £ 5 a %year till the
debt is paid Mr. Hill said he wo'd either
have the House his term out or he wo'd send
Henry to Lancester I cu'd wish a %letter from you.
    J %am your Most Hble Servt.
    Jas. Grimshaw


Mr. Orford
[Postmarked Warrington]
      new page
        Haydock July 17th. 1790
Dear Sir

    Molley wished I wo'd write
to you about going to the salt water
she has her old complant coming in her
face and the Docter advises her to go,
Monday the 26 is the time of high
water if you wo'd send Richard to
Haydock to be here on Saturday the 24
she wo'd be glad to take him with
her, Meals is the place she intends
going to.
    J am Your Most Hble Servt.
    Jas. Grimshaw


Mr. Orford

[Scribbles and accounts omitted]
      new page
        Haydock July 25th. 1790
Dear Sir

    I have receiv'd the two bills
Value £ 71..13.0 which I will pay as you
have ordered and enter them in my book.
Richard and Molley are gone to Liverpool
in_stead of Meals. — We shall finish
Mowing tomorrow the weather has been
verey raney but cold.
    You say nothing about what I writ to
you of Henry Houghton of Fir.
    J am Your Most Hble Servt.
    Jas. Grimshaw


Mr. Orford
[Postmarked Warrington]

[Accounts omitted]
      new page
        Haydock July 29th. 1790
Dear Sir

    We have this Day
finished our hay and verey good
and a %deal of it. Richard and
Molley both returned safe and well
last night from Liverpool. I have
writ to Mr. Legh to let him
know we have finished hay.
    J am Your Most Hble Servt.
    Jas. Grimshaw


Mr. Orford
[Postmarked Warrington]
      new page
        Haydock Augt. 26th. 1790
Dear Sir

    I went to Liverpool last
Tuesday with the Waggon and took the iron
Chest filled with Corks I saw Mr. Drinkwater
who tould me the Vessell was not sailed but
was expected in a few days I went to Mr.
Edden to forward him with the Glasses.
I will fix to meet with the Wine on Saturday
the 4th of September for we have nothing to
load out with. I will get ^the^ Auger bit and
chesels you mention for Mr. Masters as soon
as posable. — Mr. Bayley has not yet been
up at Haydock to settle his bills his
Election bill is . . . . . . . . 53..2..11
Iohn Houghton Bell . . . . . . . 5..0..0
Jas. Fitchett Mill stone . . . 5..0..0
Jas. Pilling Boling-green . . .5..0..0
Joseph Longshaw Blew Lyon . . . .5..0..0
Jas. Hamer Black bull . . . . .5..0..0
Sarah Unsworth Red Lyon . . . . . 5..0..0
Henry Lawson Hand & banner . . . 5..0..0
      new page
Iohn Gaskell White Lyon . . . . . . 5..0..0
Henry Forshaw Oak tree . . . . . . . 5..0..0
Iohn Dean Bull head Golborn Deal . . 5..0..0
Wm.. Lawson O'th Common . . . . . 5..0..0
Marcus Naylor Pide Bull . . . . . . 5..0..0
P.S. Mrs.. Banks Book binder Warrington
was Buryed last Saturday after three days illness
    J am Your Most Hble Servt.
    Jas. Grimshaw


Mr. Orford
[Postmarked Warrington?]
      new page
        Haydock Augt. 28th. 1790
Dear Sir

    I gave the Acct. of Mrs.. Bolds
Lords rents due to you to Mr. Travis he aquai
aquainted Mrs.. Bold with it, she doth not refuse
paying it but wishes to know what she pays
that for in Warrington as she has no land
there, and at the same time she wants
to know what you pay her that money for
she receives from you, Mr. Hage is in so
poor Steat of Health he cannot answer those
things. — If you write to me I promis'd to
let Mr. Travis know. — Molley wishes
you wo'd send the man that burns Charcole
as we have verey little and winter coming on.
    J am Your Most Hble Servt.
    Jas. Grimshaw

[Accounts on different page, probably in different hand, omitted]


Mr. Orford
      new page
        Haydock Sepr. 18th. 1790
Dear Sir

    The enclos'd is a %bill I receiv'd
of Mr. Iohn Worsley he said he owed you
£ 25 so I gave him £ 29..14 in Cash and
shall enter it in my book.
    Coals goes of verey poorly at Edge-green and
[word crossed out] slower at Haydock.
    We have finished shearing but hous'd little
but the weather is now better.
    I have spoke to Iohn Astley to Make some
alteration at Edge-green as there is but seven
men to get Coal and they are seven men on the
brow what is your opinion of it.
    Mr. Bayley has sould his Cottages in Mill
lain Newton to Iohn Hall Peter Halls brother
school Master at Ashton Hall wishes to know
if you will except him tenant; he wishes to
fill up the Lease as there is but one life in the
    J am Your Most Hble Servt.
    Jas. Grimshaw

[Note in different hand]


Mr. Orford
[Postmarked Warrington]
      new page
        Haydock Sepr. 25th.. 1790
Dear Sir

    I receiv'd yours by Cottrill
but it will not be in our power to meet
with wheat so soon as you fix we have
finished housing Oats this night and
shall be obliged to thrash some oats before
we can thrash aney Wheat but will let
you know as soon as we have aney Wheat
ready. — I will see Mr. Sharlock
about the Sugar you mention and will
then let you know about Miss. Banks.
No Mushrooms this year. I can assist
you with Onions and Celery but no
    J am Your Most Hble
    Jas. Grimshaw


Mr. Orford

With a percel
from Miss Banks
      new page
        Haydock Octor. 4th. 1790
Dear Sir

    I have seen Miss. Banks and
she continues the same shop and Tea business
that her Mother did, and is sorry she has
not writ to you, but hopes you will give
your order as before.
    I have seen Mr. Sharlock about sugar he
has about 0Covt...3Qrs....0lb~ which he is seling at 6d.
P~ lb~. and he sais he cannot buy the next
[word crossed out] under 6½ I asked him not to sell
aney more till I hard from you.
    We cannot meet with the wagon before
Saturday the 16th. Inst. with Wheat. —
At the same time will send you some
Broom Ashes. — We have no Hops here
Cud. not you send some by the Wagon.
    J %am Your Most Hble Servt.
    Jas. Grimshaw


[Direction in different hand]
Mr. Orford
      new page
        Haydock Decr. 21st. 1790
Dear Sir

    I have this Day been at Winwick
to see Richd. and found him much better
he came down [corrected] into the Kitchen to speak to
me and is verey well for the time since
he began to mend. I spok to Mr. Prince
of Richd. going from Winwick to_wards
the latter end of this week he said it
wo'd be verey unprudent to offer to take
him from there till he had been out in
the [word crossed out] air and got a %little hardened. I
will wr^ite to you^ this week to say when he
will be able to come home or to Haydock
if he continues mending which I hope
there is no danger.
    I have seen Mr. Boardman of Bradley
this Day he promises to get you some
Cash in a %few days which I will send
you by Richd. and at the same time
will send you my Book and Vouchers
for the Waggon but got home this Night.
      new page
I will gett Mr. Bayley up and settle with him
but at present he is not well. — I have paid Golborn
folks 50 Guineas I did not know that you had paid
them 50 till after [word crossed out] and has paid for lin Cloth
to Newton £ 13..17.0. J %am Your Most Hble Servt.
    Jas. Grimshaw

author GUEST R

Mr. R. Orford
at Lyme
in Cheshire
[Postmarked Warrington]
      new page
        Leigh 17 Iuly 1785.
Dear Sir,

    You make me very happy by
informing Me Mr. Legh continues so
well. J have only just recd. your
Letter this Morning, consequently it
came too late to prevent my sending
out the Draughts as usual on Friday
last. I shall therefore omit sending
them next Week, & the Week after
send them again as usual, unless
I have a line to the contrary, & %am
    Dr. sir, yr. most obliged hum. Servt.
    R Guest


Mr. Orford
at Haydock — near Warrington
      new page
        St. Margaret Street Westmr. Mar: 18th. 1774

    I trouble you with this Letter
to acquaint you that I shall have no Occasion for
Mr. Leghs Mon~y during my stay here. We have fixt
upon the first Week in May for our return to
Bewsey, and if the week following will be convenient to
you to let me have it, you will greatly oblige
    Yr. most h~ble Servant
    Robt. Gwillym


Mr. Orford
[Postmarked Warrington?]
      new page
Mr. Orford.

    I am under a Necessity of
troubling you to desire ye remainder of Mr. Leghs Money, left
unpaid by Mr. Rigby so long ago as Augt. last; and as another
Quarter Annuity was due in October, I shd. be greatly
obligd to Mr. Legh if he woud let me have it at ye Same
time; being much pressd for Cash, thro' a long Series of
ill Health, as well as other Necessary Calls.
    If Mr. Legh is at Haydock, I beg you will
acquaint Him with this Request, together with my
respectfull Compliments, from
    Your Most obedt. Servant
    Robt. Gwillym
Novr. 26th. (77)

P.S. I shd. be glad of my Copy of yr. rect Book, mr. Rigby
took back with him to get properly filld up. —


Mr. Richd. Orford
      new page
Mr. Richd. Orford        Macclesfield 28. Sept. 72
    J recd. your favour & am
Obligd. to you for Writeing to me about Walter Worrall
who is not at Liberty for he is my hired Servt.
till Janry. ye. 21. 1774. if he was at Liberty J
dont. think he knows any_thing of Bakeing
but as he is my Servt. J Shold be glad you wold
not Encorage him & youl. Oblige —
    Sr. Yr. most Hble S{*...} [torn off]
    David Hall


Mr. Orford
      new page
Dear Sir,

    J am favour'd with yrs, and if the young
Man will be here next Monday but One, I
will take Care to admitt Him a Patient.
    I hope 'ere long Mrs. Orford will find
the good Effects of her Medicines.
    In haste I am yrs. Sincerely
    Ed. Hall.

Oct. 4th. 1777


Mr. Orford,
      new page
Dear Sir

    Had not an hasty Call from
Home prevented me from acknowledging
the Receipt of your Letter, I would
have done it, by the Post.
    The Parcell come safe, and Everything
right. —
    My Father is gone to Atherton,
to see the Children, but expect Him
back every Moment.
    I am yrs. very Sincerely
    Edwd. Hall
Thursday Noon


Mr Orford
      new page
Dear Sir

    Give me leave to trouble ^you^, with This
to know whether it would be convenient
to drive the Staggs [corrected] next Monday Morning.
    The Officers of the Inniskilling
Regiment purpose being at Lyme that
Morning if you can inform me in
the Meantime; and they would order
a Dinner at Disley afterwards.
    I am very sincerely yrs:
    Ed: Hall
Monday Noon
Iuly 30th. 1787


Mr Orford
[Postmarked Warrington]
      new page
        Newton 1783 Decr 16
Mr Orford I %am a_Shamed to write thes few Lines
Concerning the mischefe they tould you of when you was
at Newton and I have bee at Captaine Leigh at golbourn Parks
a_bout it and I am Sorrey that my Brother is Concerned
in it for Hee his Prentice to mee and as tow yeares and half
to Serve mee and if this a_Faire Cannot mee maid up
I Shall bee a great Sufferer By him hee is for Leaving
the Cuntry the Last of is time is the most Bennefit to mee
and Captaine Leigh tell mee it Lies in you Faiviour
to Stop it and hee told mee hee should Come to Lime
Next weeck and See you I Shall take it as a great faiviour
{*...}m [torn off] you
    I am Your Humble Servant Henry Hall
Mill Lane


Mr, Orford
      new page

    The Person who receives your
Lettrs. from this Office dont remit the
money. properly, that is charge'd to him
he seldom sends the whole — but little at
a time, which is not worth notice to
keep an account of, have sent to
him several times but he takes no no_tice [across line break]
of it —
    hope Sir you'l be kind
    to redress it
    J am Yr. Most Obt. Servt.
    James Hall
Buxton Hall
Novbr. 3d 1781 —


Mr. Orford
Lyme Hall
      new page
        Post Office Buxton. March. 12. 1787 —

    The South Post comes in. at 12 oClock noon
Goes out. at ½ past. One afternoon
The Liverpool (or North Post.) through Macclesfie'd
Comes in — at ½ past Ten. forenoon
Goes out. at — Two — in the Afternoon [corrected]
    I %Hall
P:S: The above every Day —

author HALL M

Mr orford
      new page
        London May 13th. 79

    I Recvd your favour of ye 11 of Aprl
and as I am not Shewr of Staying in Town but
one week Longer I hope you will not Disapoint
me as I Shall be glad to Setle it before I L^e^ave
Town I flater my_Selfe you will be glad to ^hear^ I have
got a good place which I hope I have as the person
whom I am to Suckceed have Lived in it 20 years
it is with a Sr Iohn Dyke L a Large family 20
mills from London beg the favour to give Mrs Legh
the inclosed beg my Respcts to Mrs orford & famle^y^

    I am Sr your veri Humbl Srnt
    M Hall


Mr: Orford
with £41.19.7
      new page
Dear Sir
    J am much obliged %to you for your kind offer to %pay Mar.
Bagshaws Bill to Mr Worthington — I have by your Neighbor (who I %think
says his name %is Thos. Torkington) sent %you £41.19.7. the amount of the
within Bill which J %desire you will %pay Mr Worthington when %you go next
into Lancashire — you will %please to %take his Receipt on the Inclosed Bill
as paid by me ^& send it me^ and %favor me %with a Line by the return of the Post you %have
Received %ye. Money — I shall %be very glad to %have it in my power %to do %you
you any little services in this Country as a Retalliation for %this & other %favrs.
you have done for me & am
    Dr Sr. yr. mt. Obedt serv{*}.
    Mi: Hall
Castleton May 27th; 1771.


Mr: Orford
      new page
Dear %Sir

    I shall want your Old Painter Parker to New
Paint some Arms upon Monuments if he can be %spared — I shall
be much obliged to you if you will %favor me %with a Line if he
can come hither in about a Month or Six weeks time you
will %please %to excuse this trouble & beleive me to be
    Dr Sr. yr. mt. Obedt. servt.
    Mi: Hall
Castleton March 4th. 1772 —


Mr: Orford
at Lyme
near Disley
[Postmarked Tideswell]
      new page
Dear %Sir
    J must %begin this Letter with begging an excuse for %the trouble
I now give %you — Mr Heathcote of Chesterfield is dead & %the office of Steward
of the Mineral %Courts in the Wapentake of Wirksworth is now vacant
— The appointment of his Successor is in Mr Rowlls who Married a
Niece of Colonel Leigh of Adlington — It is an office J much wish %for
but J am at a %loss by whom to get a Recom~endation to Mr Rowlls — J am
inclined to think Mr Rowlls wod. pay great regard to %the Colonels
Recom~endation but the same difficulty attends me %by whom to apply to
that %Gentleman — J fear it will be thought impertinent & %troublesome in
me to %desire Mr Leigh Legh of Lyme or %you %to desire %the Colonels
Recom~endation in my favor to Mr Rowlls to succeed to %the office J %think
you wod. do all in your %power %to serve me but as J am unacquainted
whether it wod. be agreeable to Mr Legh to meddle %in the %affair J %must
beg leave to %desire you will either mention it to %him or not as you
think %proper be it as it will J beg leave to submit this matter to your
prudence & am indeed
    Dr Sr. yr. mt. Obedt. servt.
    Mi: Hall
Castleton Decr. 20th. 1773.
I am told sevl. applications are making for %the office which Renders
it %necessary to %be %speedy — you will %please to favor me with an Ansr.


Mr: Orford

[Accounts omitted]
      new page
In all %probability Mr. Orford will come to Church this
afternoon to %settle the last Weeks Accots — If so Mr Hall who is
at Mr Hancocks wishes to see him as soon as he conveniently
can where he will meet with all %the Assistance in Mr Halls
power towards making matters right — In short Mr Hall
will be exceeding glad %to see Mr Orford at %Disley for an Hour
if he can as he has not %seen it him of a %long time —

Disley Sunday One oClock


Mr: Orford
at Lyme
      new page
Dear Sir

    J am %favd. with yours of the 28th. Augst. & am sorry you have
fixed the 9th. Instant with Mr B: Bower that %day, the %day before & indeed all
the next Week J am under engagements. J %shod. have been extremely glad
if I cod. have waited upon you — J think if you give the matter a %little
due attention you may still carry your %point but dont put off your
applications to the Comissioners to the last moment — J purpose to Dine
to_morrow at %Bank with my Friend Mr S: Frith probably I may see
some of your Friends J wont forget %you but dont let that keep you
back %from applying to them yourself — J am sorry any_thing has
prevented me %seeing you at Castleton Beleive me %when J say I dont
know any_thing wd. give me more %pleasure than your Company at
this place — J am
    Dr. Sr. yr. mt. Obedt. Servt.
    Mi: Hall
Castleton Septr. 2d. 1777.


Mr: Orford

[Accounts omitted]
      new page
Dear Sir

    J am favored with yours & am sorry I %cant yet %fix a
time to be with %you about Blakeley Moss — J shall be hurried about
for some %time but the %first moment J %have afterwards is yours & %J %will
trouble you with a line when it is — J think the Person %you sent may
have a good Title to the Copyhold Estate upon a %proper Surrender from
Livesley — J am with Complimts. to yourself & Mrs. Orford
    Dr. Sr. yr. mt. Obedt. servt.
    Mi: Hall
Castleton Decr. 26th. 1777.


Mr: Orford
How Lane
      new page
Dear Sir

    On Thursday next J have Mr. Frith and a %few %friends to
Dine with me where if you will be J %shall think myself more than
happy — It is intended merely as a Convivial meeting — If it is
convenient to you pray come and add to our %pleasure by giving
us your Company — Beleive now & always to %be
    Dr. Sr. yrs. mt. sincerely
    Mi: Hall
Castleton Septr. 6th. 1778.


Mr: Orford
      new page
Mr. Hall is now at %Disley sends Complimts. to Mr.
Orford & wishes to see him as soon as possible to %fix a
Meeting respecting Blakeley Moss — Mr Hall must
go %home to_night therefore he is sure Mr. Orford will
come the first moment he %is at Liberty —
Disley Saturday Evening
5. oClock


Mr: Orford
at Lyme
near Disley
By Buxton Bag
[Postmarked Tideswell]
      new page
Dear Sir

    J cod. not ansr. your Letter until J had seen Mr.
Bagshaw which J did not until a %few days ago — J fear Thos.
Ardern did not tell you truth when he said what he did was thro'.
ignorance — Mr Bagshaw himself was present at the Transaction
& %his Accot. much differs from Arderns to %you — J shall be glad
to %see %you & endeavor to %settle the matter — J %shall be at %Chapel
on Thursday the 16th. Jnstant probably you may have an
opportunity of meeting me there — Is the Blakely affair
never %to be %settled? J cant get Mr Bower %to fix a %time — Mrs.
Haworth wishes it to %be %settled in some manner — J am
    Dr. Sr. yr. mt. Obedt. servt.
    Mi: Hall
Castleton Novr. 5th. 1781.


Mr: Orford
How Lane
      new page
Dear Sir

    J am much obliged to you for your kind Invitation to eat a %little
Mutton at How Lane but J %am at %present so much engaged that J %cant promise
myself that %pleasure of some %time J shall be exceedingly glad to wait upon you
the %very first opportunity — J have sent you %by Mr. Lingard the other %part of
the Award between Sir Henry Harpur & Mr. Wheeldon which you will be so
kind as to execute in the %presence of two Witnesses & either keep it until J %see
you or %send for it — you will please %to put a %Seal to it — J beg my Complimts.
to yourself & Mrs. Orford & am
    Dr. Sr. yrs. mt. sincerely
    Mi: Hall
Castleton Augst. 17th. 1785.


[In different hand Return'd by mistake to Warrington]

Mr. Orford
(Post paid {*}d [blot])
[Postmarked Warrington]
      new page
Dear Sir
    I shall ever esteem it as
a very great Favour if you please to inform me
whether and when Mr. John Worsley's Executors
put a Life into the Lease of Baxter's Parks
Tenement, now in %the Hands of John Grice
of Newton as a Person in trust; also how many
Lives were in being at the Time the Life
was added and who they were
    I am Sr.
    Your hble. Servt.
    Peter Hall
March 3d, 1788
P.S. The Life alluded to was put
in I suppose about 26 or 27 Years
since, or it may be more —

author HALL R

Mr Orford
Lyme Hall
      new page
        Manchr. Sat. Mar. 10
Dear Sir
    I am told that yr Gardener
has left Lyme, & I was applied to this morning
to desire I wou'd recommend a Person, whom
I believe to be sufficiently qualified to undertake
such an Employ, &, tho' not very young,
is strong & able to go through every Branch.
He is One of the Revald's of Stockport & was
some time ago Gardener at Arley; he afterwards
kept the King's head in Salford, & is
now with a nursery-man near Liverpool.
He has no Wife, nor Family but what are
disposd of. If Mr Legh is not fitted, & that
you think the above Character likely to
suit, Ill endeavour, if you chuse it, to get
farther Information about him.
    Im happy to hear a good account of
Mr Legh, my old worthy Friend's present
State of Health & am
    Sr. yr faithful Friend
    & Servant
    R %Hall

author HALL R

Mr Orford

[Along side of paper]
My Son rather
better to_day
      new page
Dear Sr.

    The great Catastrophy, I find,
has at last happend. I pray God, to support
poor Miss Legh, wch I make no doubt he will —
She has dischargd her Duty in full, wch will
be one Consolation to her in her Affliction.
At a proper time, present mine & the Family's
best Respects to Her & let her know that we
most sincerely condole with her: and that
if my_self or Daughters can execute any
Commands for her, it will most readily
be undertaken. I am
    Dr. Sr
    Yr faithful Friend
    & Servt
    R Hall

author HALL R

Mr Orford
      new page
        Sep. 8 1789
Dear Sir

    My Son is abroad but I coud
not omit to express my Satisfaction in the Account
you give of your_self being rather better than when
he last saw you. J must desire that you will be regular
in taking your Medicines in hopes of still
improving yr Health.
    Pray be so good to present my most respectful
Complimts to Mr Legh & the Family with
my heartiest Thanks for the noble Haunch, over
wch we shall remember our worthy Friends
    I am
    Dr. Sr
    Yr assur'd Frd
    & oblig'd Servt
    R Hall


Mr. Richd. Orford
Hough Lane
      new page
Sir I Desire if posabel you would Enter your
Masters Cariages on the 21st Day of Iuly 1779 for the Ensuing
year as moneys is wanting — if Same Coaches as Last
year they will be 17£..17s..0 you may have an
apertunity of Sending it by mr. Wm. Hancock as he
purposes Entering his that Day
    your Hble Sert.
    Thos. Hall
Bullock %smithy
Iuly 19: 79


Mr. Richd. Orford
      new page
Mr. Orford
    According to Custom. I now take the
Liberty of informing you, that I have been in Worcester
Shire & Kent. in both which Places. find the Hops good
& %the Prices Not Very high. imagine the Run hear will
be. for good Hops. from 5 to 6£ P~ C{**}t... Hope you will
favour me with your orders Early, as I Shall then have
it in my Power. to Pick your Quantity out. before the
best are sold. & You may Rely on me Chargeing them
the Lowest Price. I %am with fathers Compts.. to Mr. Legh
& Family
    Your Most Obedt. Sert
    Ino Hallwood Jun{*}
Chester.. Octobr.. 8.. 1772


Mr. Orford
    Your favour of the 30th. Past came
to hand, and agreeable to your desire have
made all inquirey I Possable Co'd for the Box
directed for Mrs. Ann Legh. but without success
however our [word crossed out] search was not witht, some
luck at the White Lion we found a %Parcell
directed. for that Lady. for which we Paid 2/2d
& have forwarded it to Manchester P~ the man
that Carrys the News Papers there. & Paid the
Carg{*}. 3d.. So that we have made you debtor for
2/5d.. if the Box or any_thing Ells Sh'd come
to our hands. you may depend we will forward
it with all the dispatch we Can. I %am
    Your Most Obedt. Ser{*}
    Ino Hallwood Jun{*}
Chester Iuly 5. 1773 —

[Accounts in different hand on reverse side omitted]


Mr. Richd. Orford
at Peter Legh Esqr
Near Manchester
[Postmarked Chester]
      new page
Mr. Orford
    I take the Liberty of Soliceting your favours
as Usall in the Hop Trade. they are fine this Year. but
go at a %higher Price then was expected. however this you
may depend on that ^what^ever Commands You Committ to
our Care. Will do the best in our Power both in Price & Quallity
I am with fathers Compts.. to Mr. Legh & all the good family
    Your Most Obedt. Sert
    Ino. Hallwood Jun{*}
Chester Octobr.. 8.. 1774


Mr. Richd.. Orford
Near Manchester
[Postmarked Chester]

[Accounts in different hand omitted]
      new page
Mr. Orford
    We have got home the most Part of
our Hops out of Worcestershire in Good order. if any
is wanting for the Use of Mr. Legh. Shall be glad
to Receive Your Commands. before all the Best are
Sold, I %am with Great Respect
    Your Most Obedt Sert
    Ino. Hallwood Jun{*}
Chester Octobr.. 10.. 1777

PS. My fathers Compts.. waits on Mr. Legh & all the good


Mr. Orford
    Above you have have my Drt. for 30£..12..6
being the amount of Money Received, from Richd. Harrisson
this day for which have given him a Receipt. Sh'd be glad
You wo'd advise the Receipt of the above. & that Send You
this day week. which will oblige
    Your Most Obedt. Sert
    Ino.. Hallwood Jun{*}
Chester Iune. 27.. 1778

[Accounts in different hand on other side of paper omitted]


Mr. Richd. Orford
Near Stockport
[Postmarked Chester]

[Accounts in different hand omitted]
      new page
Mr. Orford
    Your favour of the 8th. Inst.. Came to hand
& will forward the 10 Pockts.. for Lyme. in the manner
you direct, & if you are willing to trust us with furnishg.
Haydock hope to do it to the Satisfaction both of Mr. Legh
& you, at foot you have the Prices of Hops. & Shall be glad
to Receive your further Commands I am
    Your Most Obedt Sert
    Ino. Hallwood Jun{*}
Chester Octobr.. 14.. 1778

Ordnary Hops . . 40/ to 56/
Good. & fine — 56/ to 70/ Some few as been Sold as
                    high as 72/6d
Good Yearlings — 60/ to 70/
Two Year Olds — 40/- to 50/-


Mr. Richd. Orford
at Peter Legh's Esqr.
Near Warrington
[Postmarked Chester]
      new page
Mr. Orford
    the other day I Returnd out of
Worcestershire. & I wish I Co'd this Year give you
as good an Acct.. of Hops. as last Year. but I %asure
you I %Cannott they are not Near so good this as
last. Year, which makes Hops of this Years growth
that are good go high. the ginerall Run at Wocester
fair was for good Hops from 40/. to 50/. Ordinary
from 28/.. to 40/. if you think there will be any
Wanted for Mr. Leghes. Use Shall be glad to have
your orders early. that you may have Some of the
best. I %am with great Esteem
    your Most Obedt Sert
    Ino Hallwood Jun{*}
Chester Octobr.. 3.. 1781

PS. You'le Please to make my fathers Respects to
to Mr. Legh & Family. & Accept the Same your_self,
I %am    yrs. &C. I.H—


Mr. Richd. Orford
at Peter Legh's Esqr.
[Postmarked Chester]
      new page
Mr. Orford
    the two Pocketts of Yearling
Hops was forwarded to Lyme [corrected] the 7th. Inst
& the 10 Pocketts of New will be Send
off tomorrow ^for Haydock^, I hope you'le find them
Such Hops as will do in every Respect
both Colour & Quallity, as they are the
finest Hops we have had this Growth
    When any_thing further is wantg.
Your Commands will be Esteemd by
    your Most Obedt Sert
    Ino Hallwood Jun{*}
Chester Novr. 20.. 1785

PS. My fathers Respects. to Mr. Legh
& Family. & hope you'le Accept the
same your_Self. from
    yrs. &C I.H—


Mr. Richd. Orford
at Peter Leghs Esqr.
[Postmarked Chester]
      new page
Mr. Orford
    Inclose'd you have Certificate as you
Request. for which I paid 11s/6d. & 4d. Postage
    Both my father & myself were very Sorry
to see in the Papers the Loss. Mr. Legh had Suss^t^aind
in the Death of his Lady.. My father desires his
Respects to Mr. Legh. & Beg your Acceptance of the
the same both from him &
    your Most Obedt Sert
    Ino Hallwood Jun{*}
Chester Iuly 28.. 1787 —


Mr. Richd. Orford
at Peter Legh's Esqr.
[Postmarked Chester]
      new page
Mr. Orford
    Your obliging favour of the 29th.. Past. Came
to hand. & agreeable thereto have taken out a %Deputation
which you have herewith inclosed. as to the Flannell
it was Send P~ the Newsman this day week & hope
by this you have got it Safe
    I %am very glad to hear you have got Safe your
Agreeable Daughters. and we are all much obliged to
you for leting them come to Chester. were upon any
future time Shall be happy to see them. My Wife
& Daughter are at Parkgate. so that I Cant give you
a decissive. Answer Respecting Mrs. H— waiting upon
you ^at^ Howlane. but think they have Rambleing enough
this Sumer. I %am
    Your Most Obedt Sert
    Ino Hallwood
Chester Augt. 5.. 1788


Mr. Richd. Orford
at Peter Leghs Esqr,
[Postmarked Chester]
      new page
Mr. Orford
    I %have the Pleasure to inform you what
Hops I %have Yet had home are very fine & good, this Year
I %was Not at Liberty to Attend Worcester fair. but think have
Got my Bussness done on good Terms, if you think
any will be wanting. at Lyme. Shd be oblige'd to you
to know the Number of Pocketts. that I %may chuse out
Such as I %think will do. the Generall Prices are from 6Gs-
to 8..8..0 — I %am with Respectfull to Mr. Legh & Family
    your Most Obedt Sert.
    Ino Hallwood
Chester Octr. 4.. 1788


Mr. Richd.. Orford
at Peter Leghs Esqr.
[Postmarked Chester]
      new page
Mr. Orford
    The above left us this day. & 6 of them
will be at Manchester on Saturday Morning if
all be well. the Hops are Good [corrected] and I hope in every
Respect will be to your likeing
    I %hope you got home well. without feeling
any inconvenienc from your Jorney. the Weather
turnd out tollerable favourable. Your Sudden
      new page
departure much displeased my Wife & Daughters
whose mouths were Set for a bit of Laughter with there
friend Mr. Orford, Not doubting but you wo'd have
stayd all Night with us, however you are Not to escape
so the Next time you come. that you may depend
upon so contrive your Matters Accordingly. I %am
desired to give my familys best Respects to Mrs. Orford
& the Rest of your family. & Remain
    Sir your Most Obedt. Sert
    Ino. Hallwood
Novr. 11.. 1789 —


Mr. Richd. Orford
to the Care of Mr. Garside
post paid
[Postmarked Chester]
      new page
Mr. Orford
    Your favour of the 13th. Inst.
incloseing a %Bill for Twelve %pounds Came Safe
to hand. & when I %have the Pleasure of seeing you
will pay you the Balls— I am much obliged to
you for the trouble you have had in the Bussness
    Mr. Bayley of Handley. as send a %Cask
of Crab Juce. which Shall forward by the Newsman
on Monday Next. & he desired I wo'd give his Respects
& if you wo'd wish to have any more. Return the
Cask & he will fill it again,
    I am with Sincere Respects to Self & Family
    Your Most Obedt. Sert
    Ino. Hallwood
Chester Novr. 18.. 1789


Mr. Orford
    Your Esteemd favour of the 4th.
Inst. came Safe to hand. and am extremly Glad
to hear you are better for your Ride to Chester. wish
you Co'd have made it convenient to have stayd
a %little longer with us, am Sorry to hear of the
indisposition of your Daughter, hope by this she
is Perfectly Recover'd — we two have had our share
of Sickness since you was hear my Daughter
Mary as been very ill of a fever. & I %my_self
am Still very Poorly of a %Cold which as hung
on my ^me^ a %long time. & I Cannott Shake it off either
by Exersice or Medicine, have tryd both.
    We must expect these little Rubs. as we Grow
Older. to Wean us from the Pleasures of this World,
    Annexd you have the invoice of the Hops
which I %hope are such as will Please your Brewer
as I %am Sure they are good. the Article begins to mend
in Price. but from what Cause dont know, my Wife
& family Join in Respects to your & family & am
    Sir your most Obedt Sert
    Ino. Hallwood
Chester Iune 12.. 1790


Mr. Richd. Orford
      new page
Mr. Orford
    Your Esteemd favour of the 3 Inst. Came
Safe to hand. & am happy to find Miss Orford some
little Better, when_ever her Strength is such as to enable
her to go abroad. & you sh'd think our Air may be
Serviseable by way of change, Shall be happy to
see her, I %shd sopose by your Writeing that you
are much better, tho you say nothing of your own
Heath Health. thank god I %am much better then when
you was here. & my Daughter Mary Perfectly
Recoverd. she is Now gone into the Country to
Perfect as much as we can her future Health
    My Neibour Lardin seems much Pleased
with his Bussness being done as it is & I sopose
writes by the Bearer, my Wife & family Ioin in
Respects to you & yours & am
    your Most Obedt Sert
    Ino. Hallwood
Chester Iuly 5.. 1790
      new page turn over
PS I have Send you the Certificate. which Cost. 11/6d
to your Debt — I %have Just Received for Edwd. Reade
Esqr.. Nine pounds Nine Shillings & 10d. for Mrs
Higgins of Bullock Smithy. which he said you
left orders to be paid into my hands. & for which you
Shall either have Credit for or a Remittance which_ever
you Please. I %am
    Sirr. Yours &C
    Ino Hallwood


Mr. Richd. Orford
to be Left at Mr. Garsides

[Different hand?]
      new page
Mr. Orford        Chester Augt. 2d. 1790
    Your favour of the 27th. Past. Came to
hand. & agreeable thereto have directed Mr. Maddock
to get Ready 60 Gs. of Best Corks with all Possable
dispatch & %forward them as you direct, which he
says shall be done, — I %also waited on Mr. Boyer
& %had the Pleasure of seeing them both, as Soon as I
mentiond the Bussness upon which I came, he said
I %might depend upon the Parcell being forwarded
by the Newsman on Monday, this was on Saturday
that I %waited on him, I fully expected that he wo'd
have offer'd me the Money that I %might have forwarded it,
therefore to try him a %little further I %went there again
this Morning under Pretence of asking him weather
he knew [corrected] how to direct the Parcell, in answer to which
he said he did, & it sh'd Certainly be sent by the
Newsman, I Rather think you have wrote to them
about this Bussness before. & I %sopose they have Not
Answer'd as you wish, but if they do Not send it as
they have Promise'd. let me know & I shall be a %little more
Plain with them, My Wife & family Join in our Sincere
wishes for Miss Bettys Recovery, & Compts. to you & family
& am        Sir your Most Obedt. Sert
        Ino. Hallwood


Mr. Richd. Orford
to the Care of Mr. Garside
      new page
Mr. Orford
    Mr. Larden haveing left in my Care. the
Counter Part of his lease, to be forwarded to you when
the Needfull was done, have herewith send it by our
News Carrier. which hope you'le get Safe
    I Cant help takeing this oppertunity of inquiring
after the Health of your Daughter. who I %have been told
as been extreamly ill. but hope Now to hear from you
of her being much better. I Sincerely feel for you upon
this Occasion, am Join'd by my family in wishing her
a %Speedy Recovery. & Respects to you & Mrs. Orford & family
& am
    your Most Obedt Sert
    Ino. Hallwood
Chester Augt. 22.. 1790

PS Pray do you think your Brewer. wo'd have any
Perticular. objection to Kent Hops. when you want again
as they will be much Lower then Worcestershire. & I dare
say better, the latter County haveing fail'd in their Crop
of Hops, Sh'd be glad to be inform'd that I %may Reserve
Accordingly — Yrs.
    I. H—


Mr. Richd. Orford
Peter Leghs Esqr
[Postmarked Chester]

[Different hand]
Misst. to [Postmark Warrington]
      new page
Mr Orford
    Annexed you have invoice of the
Hops you order'd when here, they were Send to Preston
Brook on Tuesday last which Hope [corrected] you'le get Safe,
they are fine & I think such as in every Respect will
Answer your expectations,
    I met Mr. Potts on Monday Morning last
but he says Mrs. Whiter will Not give up her old
Lease, she makes a %point of Consience of the Bussness
as she thinks it wo'd ^be^ hurting the heir at Law without
in the least Benefiting or Self or Tenent, I desired
he wo'd be kind enough to drop you a %line, dont
know weather he did or Not. makes me Mention
the Bussness, I hope both you & Your family are
all Well, to whom you'le Please to make our Respects
I %am    Sir
    your Most Obedt Sert
    Ino. Hallwood
Chester Novr. 18.. 1790


Mr Orford
      new page
Dear ser

    Yours by Bearer I recivd. with your
kind present with thanks Mr Hallwood
not being at home I have Exacuted your
Request Mr Potts informes you have no Need
to send your Last Certificate Except the old
Deputation be Lost I have the pleasure
to say my_selfe & familey are well Mr H
being Gone to Ply Lake — to Bathe in the
Salt Water for a week I heard from him
Yesterday being very Well — hope Mr Ordford
is got Better than when I left Highlane
Last Monday [corrected] Night by Newsman I sent the
Gun flints you Orderd. & a Salmon to High-
Lane witch [corrected] I hope got safe & proved good
I heard of poor Miss Leighs Death I am with
Respects to Mrs Orford & familey yours with
    Respects to Mr Marsden M Hallwood
{******} 21 1789


Mr. Richd. Orford

new page

        London Iune 27 1788
Dear Sir

    Yours of 17th. Came duly to hand I note
its Contents & am Glad to hear the last Teas Pleasd,
and have Sent as below in a %Box directed as disired
and I %hope you will Receive the box Safe, and the Goodness
Shall Leave, for ye Tea to Speak for it_Self —
the Last Tea was duly Paid for, by Mr Gates to whom
I beg my best Respects to booth ^Mr & Mrs G^ when you See them —
    J %am Dr. Sir
    with due Respects to Self
    Mrs.. Orford & %family your
    Your Most hble Servt
    Ias. Hammond
8 lb~ fine Souchg @ 8..3..4—
4 lb~ Good Hyson @ 71..8—
Pd Bass & Co
Left London Iune 25th.
(Payment where & to whom you Please)

Nb Since the death of Mr Richardson the Brandy
Mercht. I %understand the Business is Not So Properly
Conducted & that Notwithstanding the widows Name is
made use of I am inform'd She has no Concern in the Business
therefore I cannot think it Prudent to Reccomend the House as
heretofore: (Please see over)
      new page
If in my power to render you Servies in London I hope
you will make no ceremon'y in Commanding me
My Best Respects to Cousin Matthew & %Compnts. to all frionds
    at Lyme IH


Mr Orford
      new page
        London Augt. 30 1788
Dear Sir

    Yours of 25th lays before me and if you
was Charg'd more then 6/ P~ Pound for the last Souchg.
Say 8 lb~. it was a %mistake of mine which I cannot
account for. and tho I am Sorry for %it. in one respect
am not in another for if it please at 8/ it must
be well worth 6/— This being the Case, I have only Sent
you 3 lb~ @ 5/ as a Larger quantety would only
Get flat before you Could use it. as Teas dont
Get better for keeping and the Expence Trifling
to have them it fresh, —
    I told you my Sentements Concerning the
House late Mr Richardson in my last Our House deals
with one Mr Waller No 8 Idol Lane Tower S~t, —
I am glad to hear of your & yours wellfaire my Compts. to
all friends & Remain Dear Sir. your Ever Obedient
    and Most Hble Sert. I Hammond
      new page
[Accounts, similar to previous, omitted]
NB I hope you will find the above a True Bill
as allso the Tea will Prove to Satisfaction
& Please your further Command will
at All times Oblidge &C I Hd

author HANCOCK E

        Ramsbury Manor Septr
Dear Sir

    the inclose'd I make no Doubt will suprise
you. But the Gentlemen has had me with them meney times
to get me to write to sume of my freinds for them about
this mechine, I did not know aney_Body that ^wd^ be so kind to
ansowr this Excepting my good freind mr. Orford should
be verry much Oblight to you to ansowr it to sir. Wm it
will Still add to the number of obligations I am under to you —
Sir. Wm. treats me with respect so far that I Could not
well refuse writing, hope mrs. orford and your little Famly
are all well. I Beg to be remberd to them, (I have just time
to say Mrs. Legh is hear But no miss Legh she is poorly

author HANCOCK E

Mr. Orford

new page

Dr: Sir

    the inclosed is from mr
Newton youl see, he is Comed. to Our Terms
now I must Beg your kind Addvise how to pro_seed [line break]
forder about it. I think if mr. Cook of
macclesfield had Comed. to Lyme soon or aney_ware [line break]
near I Should [corrected] a liked him to have Examined. [corrected]
the Secuirety full as Well as the Stockport
Lawyers / But your kind Advise about it Will
    Ever Obligh your Trublesum
    fr. E. Hancock

Tuesday morn Disley

author HANCOCK E

Mr: Orford
Lyme Near

[Accounts in different hand omitted]
      new page
        Ramsbury manor may 6d 82

    I Receive'd my Worthy Freinds letter
Which I thank him kindly for. I have Ventur'd to
Write to my Brother in low I— Hill that I Will let
him have 50£ but tould him I Could not Do it Withou^t^
makeing a Freind of you to let me have it; I said
I Would Write to you and if you Could Spare me
that Sum I Beg'd the favour of you to Write him
a line When you Was at Haydock Lodge, and him
to give a note for it and lave it in your Hands
I am in hopes thair is no Doubt of it not being
Safe, my Brother tells me he thinks thare is no^t^
and he ^my Brother^ is a very Stedy young man he has been at
hear [corrected] to se me I wish I Could Dow aney_thing for him
better then being a Farmer — Dr. Sr. I have recd
a Letter from my nephew Iohn Hancock to say how
much him and ^his^ freinds are suprise'd at his uncle
Iohn Hancock he [corrected] has never taken aney notice
      new page
of the money that Was left in his Hands for his
late Br. Thoss Childern, then under age, the
Oldest has been Dead 3 years and the other turnd of
age so thare is Only one but the money is ^all^ Due and
that Willm & Iohn wd give thare uncle I. security
for, I find they have Wrote to him and Disired, mr
Dixon to Spake to him about it but Can get no
ansowr, I shall be very much Oblight to you
to mention it to him, I Cannot think What he main^s^
by it, be so good to make my respects, to him —
Im happy to hear your good Family are All Well
my kind love to mrs. Orford I thanks for her kind
offer of What Shal Dow for me When she is a %Diy
Women if I Should not be one my_self [corrected] I shall
be glad of her offers I am glad to hear the good
Old gentleman takes so Well With miss Legh
    I am good Sir your very
    Oblighd &cc
    E. Hancock

author HANCOCK E

Good Sir.

    I truble you With this as
I am anxious to know if you have had aney sort of
Settling of the Affaire sins I left the Country
I have hard nothing from aney_Body, I Expected to
have hard from sume of the Famley at Knutsford
But have not, I hope Mr. Wood has Paid another
ten Pounds before this, I Should be verry happy to
have it all settled hope Potts has Paid sumething
towards the little he owes, Should be much obligh
to you to have asked Mr. I Hancock for my halfyrs
anuity Deue 25 of last month as I am [corrected] sume-times [line break]
reather Distrest for money I keep the
home Book and the Bills runs high sumetimes
and I have no good Stward to apley to so am much at Loss
      new page
I Would have Wrote to M{*}. I. Hancock, But Was told so
meney Ilnature'd thing, (When in London) that he has sed
About me, I thought it Would have been the Death
of me, What Butcher A sed or Did never affectd,
me so much if it had not been for my Aunt B{*}
I Dont know What I Should ^have^ Done, What Reson he
has I know not, I am a Stranger to What I have hard
But it has made me verry unhappy Sins I Came here
as I have had the Highest Opionen of him
    If I Was But able to gow through the Busness hear
I think I Should Be happyer [corrected] then in the hearing of such
aspersion,s. But am much affaied I shall not be able
to stay much longer thats not the Winter out, We
have not been three Days Without Ice sins I Came
that I have Been almost Frose my_self sume times
We [corrected] have a Famly Coming hear to_morrow for a week
      new page
that Comes fr. near Salthrope We are never free
from Compney, But not runing out our Fouretine
nather We take Pritty good Care of that
    Am Gd. sir. With great thanks
    for all favours your Obaid^t^
    &cc E. Hancock
Ramsbury manor. Septr. 14 1783

author HANCOCK E

        Ramsbury manor Octr 20th 1783

Good Sir,

    I am verry Sorry to be so verry trub^le^_sume [across line break]
to you in repaiting my Scroul But necssity oblighes
me to it, in a Strange Country and with_out a Friend are tow
Bad things, I shall be much Obligh,t to you to send me my
half years anuity that was Due 25 of august. if it is agrob^le^
to Iohn Hancock ^to^ pay it me, if not if youl be so kind to spake
to m{*}. Newton when you see. him for me, I would wish not to
have aney money of you, I Dow not understand what sort of
a Receipt %is proper but am willing to give what is, I wish it
was in my Power to have Done with_out Being so trublesume
to the Only Freind I have in the world, it Hurts me much
hope mrs. Orford and her little Famley are all well Who I
Beg to be remberd to if you plase
    am with Compts. yr Humble
    E. Hancock

author HANCOCK E

        Ramsbury manor Octr 22th 1783
Good Sir

    I reced, your verry Oblighing letter
with £ 15 [corrected] note I hope, I, H, will pay you that £10 soon but he is
so affraid of Parting with money, I Beg your Pardon for Writeing
so offen [corrected from offten?] But was affraid you might have sent by the Cross %Post
and the letter lost, and what added, to my Distress I am in Danger [corrected]
of loosing a Box with the Best part of my Close in that I have
Sent for out of Lancashire, I am glad to hear your Famley is all
well at How lane Beg of them to Except. of my Best respects.. I
take it kind of you inquireing after my presont satuation it is
not the most agroble one for meney things tho I Canot, say I
have aney reson to Complain of Sr. Wm. or Lady Iones Behavour
to me, I have had the Plesowr to hear that I give them satisfacti^on^
wich I am [corrected] happey to hear, {**} I Would not Sa{*}re aney_Body Whan
I thought I did not, if you Should hear of aney Plase that you
think I Should Suit Should have no Objection to Lave this Part
of World, But Could not lave well much before Christmas [word crossed out]
      new page
I have just Reced, a Letter from Knutsford But have not
time to ansowr it now Elce wd. in this Frank, am sorry to
hear Mrs. A— Legh has Been so Bad of the Gout. Mrs. Legh has
Been hear this Sumer and looks verry Well
    am with respects
    E. Hancock
      new page
Mr. Goddard made a mistake in a Frank that he
Give me in_stid of Being for you at Lyme he has put
it for me so you will When I write agen I Shall send
it you will know

author HANCOCK E

Mr: Orford
Lyme Nr. Buxton
Single Sheet
[Postmarked Bath]

[Note in different hand omitted]
      new page
Good Sir

    I was verry agrobley suprised
at the Recipt, of letters from two of my Best
freind, as I had always lookd, upon them, But
thair long Silants give Riese to think I was
quite for_got, but I will not Dwell upon the
Concarn it give me; but Only say I was verry
happy to recive yours and your Good wifes litters
which I am much oblight to you Both for —
I have been but indifrant for sume time is the
Reson of my Being hear the Docter that atends
this Famley advised me to it as thinking the waters
hear the Only remedey [corrected] he Could advise to, I have
been hear a week last, Sunday I Calld, at mrs,
A. Leghs house was much Disopinted to hear of
her return into the Country, and verry sorry to
hear on what account but hope Mr. Legh is
Better Before this, if you think it proper
Plase to make my Dutey to her am much oblight
to her for her invatation I Should have been glad
to have seen her, As to money matters I have
Rec,d nothing from aney_Body but you which was
£15 Occtr. 17 1783 thair is 3 half years anuity
Behind ^Due^ last augt 25 which I should be much
Oblight to you to Riceve for me, what_Ever
truble or Expence you are at I will gladly pay you
      new page
now Good Sir. I am suprised very much at the
Perposeal made by the Hancocks Concarning Mr
Wood that they Can think thare Br. Wm Cd [corrected]
trespass 25 pound in Ale at his ^mr Woods^ house wich was
the Only Liquor he Ever had thair, but in my
time he never had much, but if mr. Wood wd
have given him_self time to Consider what a
house he had at the Bottom, I have Bill,s for
years past that he had never less then 30£
fr thare But oftener nearer 50 — and you are
no Stranger to his Extravaint Charge,s tha^t^
I think Poor mr. Hancock Paid Well for the
Liquor he Drank thare at that time, as to the
Hancock,s they make no account of the money But
to me it is an Objact; then thear is the Hancocks
in London I Cannot ansowr for them I sopose they
will be redey for it all, when you was a Comeing
to London in spring that I would meet you to have
Iohn [corrected] Hancock wrote sevral times to me to Deirse
I would meet you to have a %final settleing I Did
not take it kind so I Drop,t my Correspondence
I would Dow what was honest and just but gineas^oty^
I have it not in my power; I think if 5s in the
Pounnd was given up by Way of settleing with
him this ^next^ spring) but not for him or the
Hancocks to think I pay ^it^ as an ale score as I
am sure thare is non Due when Every_thing is
      new page
    Dr. Sir. if you will be so kind to take that trub^le^
upon you and acct. as you think right in it I shall
be satisfoyd, so as I Could make an End with then
and as they ^are so generious to mr. Wd. I wish you Cd. preval^
upon them to give me Sr. H. Harpoos Debt. up
in return, I am quite ashamed of being so
trublesume to you but hope you will Excuse me
you are the Only Freind I have to Do aney for me
I am Glad to hear Mrs. Orford and yr little Fan^ly^
are all well pray make my best respects to
Mrs. O I would have wrote to her if I had a Fran^k^
but my master is fonder of a Farmyard than
the Parliament House, so I must Content m{*...} [torn off]
self, I Should be Glad to hear from yo{*...} [torn off]
when_Ever you wd. be so kind to favour me with
a line I sopose I shall stay about 6 weeks hear

    am with Best Compts
    your Humble Sarvent
    E— Hancock
Paineer Buildings
No 5 — Bath
Novem 17 — 1784

author HANCOCK E

Mr. Orford
[190.5.2 in different hand]
      new page
        Ramsbury manor Decr. 11
Dr. Sir

    I thank you for your kind ansowr
to my letter. I Cannot Say that I mett with a %gret
Disappointment [corrected] it Was like a Dream to me, hope
I shall begin to think what_Ever is is Best, I am
verry sorry to hear so bad anccount of miss Orford
but hope she is got Perfectly Well agein before
this, Be so kind to make my respects to your Good wife
Beg her and your Exceptance of 2 Cheeses the Proudre^ge^
of this County I Sent them in from hear in a Hamper
the 29 of last month [corrected] they wd, be in London the Wedne^d{*}^
Following [corrected] ^to go^ By Pickfords, I am ashamed to say that I have
Paid the Carrage no forder then London but beleve
me the Rason I was affraid they wd. not foreward them
so soon and wishd, you to have Before Christmas, Be so kind
to try them before you Cut them as I think one is Riper othe
      new page
Shall Be verry glad to hear of our little affeairs being
Settled I When [corrected] you have time, I should be much obligh^t^
to you to Remind mr. Wood now and then if we Can but be
geting a little off him will be sume_thing better
    I hope mr. Hancock has Paid you the ten Pounds before this
I Dont know how to write a Recpt. Elce would send one but
if you think it Propper if youl be so kind to write one Ill
Sine it, I am affraid you hear nothing of Sir. H— Harpers
I wish I had Brought the account a_long with me as I left
in Lancashire if Ever I gow to London I might have
seen him mabey, am with respect, to all your Famley
    your Obaident Humbl Sr
    E. Hancock

author HANCOCK E

Mr: Orford

[Accounts in different hand omitted]
      new page
        R. manor July 25th 85
Dr Sir

    I fancey this Letter will
be of an Old Date by the time [corrected] you will Recive
it as I find mrs. Legh is not returning yet, thay
are going to Brimslade to_Day, we have had them
a week I am Glad to se the Ladies [corrected] Look so Well
I have inclosed a ten Pound Bank note; I wished to
have sent fifteen but Could not get one as I %thin^k^
my Place ought to keep me and it is as much as it
will Dow., I hope by this time you have recived my
annuity from mr. Newton; Plase to make my kind
respects to mrs. Orford and Family shall be happy
to hear you are all Well is the wish of your Obaid^ant^
    Humble St-
    E— Hancock
Pray Excuse hast

author HANCOCK E

Mr: Orford
By Buxton
[Postmarked Ramsbury]
      new page
        Ramsbury manor Iune 20th^85^
Good Sir

    Necessity Oblige,s me to be truble^sum^
I begin to be very unesey a_bout the money
that Mr. Wood has, I am afraid if he Pays no
intrest nor Stock very soon that we shall %have
no Power to get aney_thing; it will be 3 years
the 19 of next month sins he Paid that 10£
and he has Paid no intrest sins May 1782
I have no reson to beleve Mr. W— otherwise but
Honest but Poverty gets the better of that
Sume_times; I Should Esteem it a %great favor if
you wd Act with him as for your_Self for I am reley
at a loss how to get these little matters setld
Sir.. Wm is returnd from Town and gives me
very little hopes of getting aney_thing of Sr
H— Harpur I beleve he has Done all he Can
and now he has left the Bill and litter with
Sr. Rob Burdett Who Promies to spake to
      new page
Mr. Dixon again a_bout it Who is Sr. Robt Rd
Agent and Sr. Harry.s but Sr. Wm tells me
he finds Sr. [corrected] H. Dose not Pay his Presont Deb^ts^
up let alone aney_thing that has been so long
Sr. Wm thinks the Debt is all mine which
makes him anxious to get it for me; for Both
my Lady and Sr Wm Would Dow aney_thing they Cd
for me [in margin] ^they^ are very kind indeed to me, as to the money that
my late uncle B- had I wish it all to be accoun^ted^
for as I may git it sumetime maybe —
    I Should be happy to know if you have Recived
my two years annuity from Mr. Newton or Mr
I Hancock, but hope you have as I Should be sory
for it to ley in thare Hands; I shd. take it very
kind if you would write me a line to let me
know what [corrected] hopes thare is of a settling when
you have time but I know that is a thing you
have so little ^of^ makes me afraid to truble
      new page
    Be so good to make my kind Love to Mrs. Orford
I am ashamed, I never ansower,d her letter but
Beleve me the Postage is my reson, I hope you Both
and yr. Family are all Well Whom I Beg my
respect,s to — I have been very Well sins my retur^n^
from Bath till last Saturday when I had so Voil^ant^
a return of the Complaint I had before that the
Docter I beleve had but little hopes of my li{*...} [torn off]
{*...}ume [torn off] time, thank God I am got Be{*...} [torn off]
as to Creep about, I am much afraid it is {*...} [torn off]
Ice that is the Cause, — We Expect Mrs. & Miss
Legh hear in a few weeks — I am With Every
good Wish to you & yr. Family
    your Obedient &cc
    E. Hancock

[Accounts, probably in Orford's hand, omitted]

author HANCOCK E

Mr: Orford
Lyme Disley
By Buxton
[Postmarked Ramsbury]
      new page
Good Sr.

    I am very sorry to be so trublesum^e^
but looking Over the Account between you & me
I find my_self accountoble ^to you^ for ten Pounds I did not
think of, it is what I should have Recived on mr
Ashelys account fr I: Hancock, if you have not
recived aney_thing from mr. Ashelys sins I left
the Country thier is 3 years anuity Due ^25 of last month^
which I should be very much oblight to you to
Recive for me, if you would be so kind to Dow it
for me; should be happy to hear if thair is aney_thing [across line break]
Done about m{*}. Wood. I perpose Plase God
I live till next spring to Be in Cheshire for %a
little time to put a End to my little affaires
thair, as I Cannot be happy to have things ley as
they Dow; I %think it will be in Feby, so must insist
upon mr. Wood Paying the money before that time
as I am Determind then to have a final settling it
has been a %long time about
      new page
hope Mrs. orford and all your Family are all well
Beg they will Except of my Best Compts-
    am with Every good wish
    your Obedient [corrected] &cc
    E— Hancock

Ramsbury manor Septr- 4th 1785

author HANCOCK E

Mr: Orford
Nr: Stockport
[Postmarked Ramsbury]

[Accounts in different hand omitted]
      new page
Good Sir

    I this Day recive;d a letter from Richd,
Hancock, whare [corrected] he tells me he has Seen you and that you
perpose;d haveing a Settling of the remainder of the affaires
I am very much Please,d to hear it and am very much Obligh^t^
to you for perposeing it, nothing will ^give^ me more satisfaction [corrected]
as them to have what belongs to them; and me to have Done
with it, I wrote to m{*}. Wood about [corrected] that money in his hands
to pay it to you in a month from the time I Wrote or a little
more, as I did not hear aney_thing from aney_Body I hardly
knew how to Ac,t but am in hopes as you have mention,d
a %settleing he Either has or Will pay it in Soon, I mention,d
to my Lady last week that I wished, to go into Cheshire in
the Spring She Sead nothing against it as I was afraid
you Cd, not put a %final End to the affaires without
me and the accounts wich I have By me, I have a Bill or
two by me that Shd, gow in, and I think they Shd. alow me
for the Expence that I was at about Sr. H— Harpous Bill^s^
Im afraid it will not be Ever paid but that I Cant help
      new page
I have Done all I Can about it and my good freinds for me
and thare is sume other little Expences [corrected] that I was at they
hope will be alowd, me, but what_Ever you and Richd,
Hancock agrees to I Shall be Content with, Shall be very
much Oblight to you to let me know if you Can Dow
with_out me; if I Come Down it will be begining of Feby
I fancy, but shall take it Exceeding kind if youl let me
know soon, as I am but indifrant in Helth and my Lady is
wishing me to gow to Bath I will not if I Can help it has
I have not so high an Opinion %of [corrected] Bath water as She has; tho I beleve
it might be of Sume Sarvise to me, last year, hope mrs
Orford and all your Family are Well Beg my kind respec^ts^
to them if you please, am your trublesume Freind
    and Humble Sarvint
    E— Hancock

Ramsbury manor Novr- 20th 85

author HANCOCK E

Mr: Orford
Lyme Nr: Stockport
      new page
I have taken the liberty to send you A
Stamp if you Will be so good to recive my anuity of
Mr. Newton for me, now good Sr. I Want to beg a little
of your good advice, my Brother in law Iohn Hill of
St Hellens has Wrote to me to Deirse I Would lend him
a Hundard Pounds tells me he has Bought Sum land for
to Build upon that Building Pays very Well thare he
is in that Way of Busness, I Dow not know what to Do
I no nothing of his Circumstances they tould me he was in good
but that I Dont know, I think if I Was to lend him 50£ if
you think well of it and Can Spare it, I Should not like to
lend him more, had he Wrote to me sooner I had 40£ hear I
had no use for and did not know how to send it to you so I
put a little in the stocks, he should have ^had^ that and I wd
not have had aney money from you; I am afraid if I
lend him none, he Will think me Illnature'd, not but I
would rather he thought so then be in aney Danger of loeseing
it, he oferes me a Bond for the money but if I let him
have aney a note will Do I Shd^think^ be happy to have a line
from you in ansowr
      new page
I hope your good Family at Howlane are all well how happy
Should I be if I was so near that I Cd. just go and Drink a Cup
of Tea with them I Dow asure you I am almost lost I have
been alone this 9 weeks it is a Strange life to lead, will
you be so kind to make my love to my good Freind Mrs:
Orford and her Doughters, If I had a Frank I Would write
to them    am good Sr. your very Oblight
    &cc E. Hancock
my Lady Wrote me that miss Legh Dose not
go to Town this Spring as she Expected I am
very glad to hear her Father [corrected] and she is so happy

manor April 3 1788

author HANCOCK E

Mr: Orford
Lyme House Near
x Post
[Postmarked Ramsbury]
[Accounts in different hand omitted]
      new page
    I am Almost afreaid of writing to my
Worthy [corrected] Freind fear of tireing his Patience but I have
recived, a letter from I— Hancock a little time bac^k^
which I Can hardly under_Stand, he tells me he has
receivd, from you two Bill to the amount of £. 54
and Sums to Damand 14s more Intrest, I was a little
Surprised, at the letter; had I been so sharp with
him it wd have been better for me) but thats over
If you think the Damand right it must gow out
of my little Bank; and will you be so good to get
me what Security you think is Proper I fancey it must
be Done by a Lawer but let the Expence be what
it will to be Clear from them I shall be happy I
have been tould by a gentleman in the Law that the
Husband is the Hair to Ianes Share. I hope good sir
you will Excuse me being so trublesum, I shall be m^uch^
Oblight to you to w^r^ite me a line I have not ansowr,d
      new page
I Hancock nor shall not till I am favourd, with
your kind Advice which I shall be happy to recive
I hope the good Family at Howlane are well and you
allso, will you make my respects to them; about the
Please you was so kind to mention I shd. wish to know your
Opinion if you think thare wd be aney Dependance
in Case I lave hear; if I thought thare would Shd
act acordingly — am with Every greatful wish
    your Oblight E— Hancock
we are all hear in great grief about the King
feering he will not get Over this Illness
Excuse Hast
manor Novr 14th 1788

author HANCOCK E

[ordered as 1789]

Mr: Orford
Nr: Stockport

[Different hand]
Miss Sent to UPPINGHAM 91 [traced postmark]
      new page
[Different hand, probably Orford's]
Sepr. 1787 Rec~ed of — Ashley Esqr. by the payment of Mr. Newton Twenty
pounds two half Years annuity due to me the day of August last
    Copy        P~ E, Hancock

Good Sr. I am obligh;d to be trublesum but hope
youl look over it, I Sent you A Stamp to recive my half
years An^n^uity in augt last which I hope you have recive,d
Also must beg you will be so kind to recive this Due Feby 25
I am glad to hear in a letter from miss Legh that you and your
Family was all well which I was very glad to hear [corrected] also to hear
her speak very Highly of miss Orford, I Dont know when I recd.
more satisfaction then I Did at the recipt of miss L. letter I
took it so kind in her, and I was very glad to hear my good Old
Lady is a little better, will you be so kind to make my
respectful Compts- to mrs. orford and the 3 miss O's
    I am Sr. your Obliged Servant
    E Hancock
Ramsbury manor march 25th. 1787

author HANCOCK E

Mr: Orford
Lyme N{*}. Stockport
By London
[Postmarked Ramsbury]
      new page
        manor Iuly 13th 1789
my good Sr

    I am this moment very much
Shocke'd with the Dismell account of the Death of my worthy
Freind miss Legh indeed I am very much shooked, I fancy
her remains will be Brought to wroughton, I shall take
it very kind if you will let me know, if you attend
I shall be glad to se you at the manor if you Can
Come, if not, if not I will meet you aney_ware you
will apoint — the family hear sets out to_morrow
morn into Darbyshire to S{*} Robt Burdett,s pray
Excuse my scroul this news and I am but Poorly in
Health is almost too much for me — my kind love to
your good Family
    I am good Sr — your very [corrected] Oblig{*}
    & E Hancock
will you be so good to write to me and Drect by London
and not mention marlbro

author HANCOCK E

[ordered as 1789]

Mr: Orford
Near Stockport
By London
[Postmarked Ramsbury]

[Morris King in different hand]
      new page
        manor Iuly 27 1787

    I hope good Sr. you will Excuse me
writeing to you, I am in great Concern about miss Legh
my Lady nor mrs. Ernle I find has not hard from her of
Sume time, which makes, me much fear She is not
well (indeed I am afraid She is not) the great Anxiety
of mind that She must have been in so long must have
hurt her very much; will you be so good to make my Duty
to her, I am very anixous to hear from her by one or other, my
Lady in unesey that She Dose not hear fr. her; will you
be so kind to let me know (if She Dose not write) how she
Dose at the receipt [corrected] of this — my kind Love to mrs. orfd
and Family and thanks for her letter
    yrs. Oblghd- &cc
    E. Hancock
Pray Excuse my hast I am so hurre,d I hardly know what I
say — we have a very large party to_morrow to Dine and one
yesterday that I have not time for aney_thing I begin to toe
tireed, of the manor, it is more then I am able to Bear

author HANCOCK J

Dr Sr
    have Sent the Stockings which if they Suit
which think / they are the Thing for Great men in
your Situation they are at your Service paying
Prime Cash / I %find I am born to great Ends to be
at once a Toll Barr Keeper / and Sherriffs offecer at
^one Str^oke / I served Frith with the notice Seald it up
so he thinks I %am Ignorant of its Contentts / it is
A Breakfast of A %Bitter Taste / he Lookd Grave dropd
his Glass of Ginn / and Like our first parants when
drove out the Garden of Paradice walkd Sollintary
up the road with wandring Steps and Slow
      new page
Mr. Orford To I Hancock Sepr. 16 1788 Dr
To A %Pair of Superfind 4 {*}d Hose / forgot the price given
but think
To Attending Wm. Frith and Serveing with a writen
notice to Quit his Livelihood
To Iames Miller and PPott to Bear witness
that the Said notice was Properly Served
Tow Glasssd Gim0.0.3
To Wm. Frith to heal his wounds Ginn0 ½
& to writeing this Acctd0 0
[In different hand, probably Orford's]
The above was right day of the Ino.


Mr— Orford—
      new page
        London Janry 29h. 1784
Hond. Sr
    By favour of Mr. Twemlow
I take the oppertunity of wishing you
health and many happy returns of Years
and the same good wishes to Mrs. Orford
and your family — Uncle Jno. has informd
me you talk of sending me a remittance
but as I am not at want of Money at present
beg you will defer sending, than you hear
from me, as in a %few Months I shall be under
the necessaty of sending for a %little Cash —
I had a letter from Aunt Wm. a few Weeks ago
she his very well, but does not seem to be
in the most agree_able state, as she remains
in Wiltshire all Summer — I think she wou'd
not have had the least objection of being
in the family you are in, but that is too late —
I must now conclude — Subscribeing my_self your
Obliged Hble Servt — Ino. Eastman [corrected] Hancock


Mr Orford
      new page

    I was in hopes I shou'd have had a
line from you before I had trouble'd you with
this Letter, to have inform'd me of your Receving
the Notes which I inclosed to Mrs. Dixon some
time back, to her care — If you have recd. them
shou'd be obliged to you to let me know, and
the first oppertunity you have of remitting the
Interest due, will be esteem'd a favour — by Sir
    your oblig'd Hble Sert
    I %E %Hancock
London July 26th. 1785

NB My respectful Compliments
to Mrs. Orford —


Mr. Orford

new page

I,E.Hancocks Compliments to Mr. Orford and
has sent him a %Pocket Journal and an
Almanack for Family use, which he begs
he will accept of —
    He has recd. the balance due to him
from Mr. O. by his Uncle Johns order, which
Mr. O. will please to settle with his Uncle
for, and hopes it will be found wright
    Begs his respectful Compliments to
Mrs. Orford and her Family —
St. Pauls Church Yard
Decr. 4th. 1785

[A number of letters attached to each other. Order changed to chronological]


Mrs Hancock
at Sir Wm Jones
Ramsbury Manor
      new page
        London June 12th: 88
{*...}nd. [point of attachment] Madam

    In answer to your Letter which I this
Day recd. I must inform you that I wrote to
my Uncle Ino. about the Money in his hands, and
recd. his Answer yesterday that he will pay
the Money anytime, but that it will be proper
for you to return the Note to Mr. Orford which he
gave you for the Money, and that I. and my Bror.
William shou'd send you security for the Money,
my youngest Bror. is not of Age, which we will
do with pleasure, and as soon as you please —
I think the three shares amounted to £40:2:6 —
I understood in a %former Letter from you, that you
had some thought of coming to Town, tho you
dont take the least notice in you Letter which
I have this Day recd. I shall be extremely glad to see
you, and so will the whole of my Friends in Town
which are surprised at your confinement, tho peraps

[Part of letter apparently missing]

author HANCOCK E

Good Sr

    I have taken the liberty to inclose
to you the note I had from Iohn Hancock of Disley
for the money for his late Br. Thos. Hancocks younger
Children also, Part of a letter fr his nephew I— H—
Who has wrote to me a meney times about the money
Due to his late Sister, and one that is now of age I under^stand^
now good Sr. I Beg your kind advise how I am to act
what Recipt I Should have; as Iane Hancock marrid
and Deid before She Came of age; and also what
Security Will be Proper to have from willm and Iohn
Hancock for thair younger Brs Share not of age —
I am very Sorry to be so %very trublesum but you have
been so kind to me in giveing your assistance so
meney times, which makes me still venture to
be trublesum; will you be so kind to mention it [corrected] to
Mr. Hancock and when it is Conveiant to him to Pay
the money I Shall be glad; I have had a %great
meney ^letters^ about it; I wish they would have left it
till Such times the youngest had been of age and
then it would have been all over to_gether, your
kind advise I Shall be happy to Recive
    your very Oblight Freind &c
    E— Hancock
I thank you kindly for your last [corrected]
manor Iuly 27 1788
      new page
I am Sorry to find you Dow not Come into Wilts
if It should so happen in my time at the manor
nothing will give me more Plesoure then to se my
worthey Freind hear


Mr. I %E %Hancocks most respectful
Compliments to Mr. Orford and his Family
and as Mrs. Hancock has returnd my
Uncle Johns Note for the Money that is in
his hands of my late Uncle Williams —
Mr. Orford taking the trouble to settle the
Business, will be esteemd a great Obligation
    As Mr. Ca{**}an is no more, it will not
be in IEH— power to send Mr Orford
an Almanacks as usual, as that part
of the Business will be declined —
London Sepr. 20th: 1788

author HANCOCK E

Mr: Orford
Lyme Nr: Stockport
[Postmarked Ramsbury]
      new page
Dr. Sr

    I am very much Oblight to you for
your kind letter and Shall take it Exceeding
kind in you good Sr. if you ^will^ Settle the Busness for
me with the Hancock,s what_Ever you think is right
I Shall think the Same; I am ashame'd, of being so
very ofton trublesum but I hope this is the last
on this Head; I Obgerve your kind hint in regard
to Situation I am not so happy as I Cd. wish, not
but, I am Senceoble thare [corrected] is a sumthing Everywhare
I have no reason to Complain of Sr. Willm or Lady^s^
treatment to [corrected] me bat at the same time I find
a %meney things very Disrabole, that I have had
thoughts some time of laveing the manor whent
the Family whent to Town; if it had not been
that I Dislike Changeing about so much [corrected] I shd
not have been hear now, I have had more work
this Sumer then I Ever had before that I have
      new page
hardly [in margin] been Able to stand it, if you think Januray
too long to wait will you let me know and also if
you think it will be agree^a^ble [corrected] to all partys above
stairs if it would I Shd be happy to take it Im
afraid the Poor old gentleman Cannot live long
but life is unsartin to all; if you will be so
good to give me a line with your Opinion about it
as soon as Conveiant I shall better know how to act
and you may Dow it Safly as I recive my letters fn
the Hands of the Post him_self, hope the good
Family at Howlane are well Shall be very happy
to hear from them beg my respects if you Please
    am good Sr your very oblight
    trublesum Freind
    E- Hancock
manor Octr. 4th 1788


Mr. Orford
at Peter Leighs Esqr
      new page
        London Octor. 8th. 1788
    I recd. your Letter yesterday with
two Bills inclosed to the amount of Fifty four
Pounds drawn at 2 Months each, which have
both been accepted — Respecting the security
for Mrs. Hancock, I shall be agreeable to any
you think proper, and as to my late Sistars share
her Husband has no wright to demand it, her
dying under Age — I am at a loss how to assertain
the time my Uncle had the Money in his hands
but I thought my late Uncles Affairs was settled
the 3d of Sepr. 1781. which is 7 Years & one Month to
the 3d. of this Month, and from that time, to the time
the Notes become due, will be 7 Years & 3 Months
which wou'd amount to upwards of £ 54.14—
but dont doubt you have settled the business with
Justice — I am with best Wishes to you and Your Family
    Your most obedt. Sert. Ino E. Hancock


Sep 27th. 1788 Mr. Iohn Hancock paid R Orford
the within40£.2s.6d
Interest on d~o. 6 yrs. 11 mo13.17.6
Witness [Orford's signature?]
Bill On Lovell & Punk 20.16.0
[different hand?]
3shares/54£/18£ each share to Iane, Sarah & Booth
      new page
[Copy of statement ]


I do hereby acknowledge that the %Sum of
Forty Pounds two Shillings and Six %Pence
being the amount of the %Shares of Iane
Hancock, Sarah Hancock and Booth Hancock
Three of the Younger Children of my
late Brother Thomas Hancock deceased
and at present under age of the %personal
Estate of their late Uncle William Hancock
my Brother was this day paid into my
Hands by Ellen Hancock Widow and
Administratrix of the said William Hancock
and that I am to be accountable for the
same with Interest to the said Children
upon their attaining their respective Ages
of Twenty one Years As Witness my hand
this Twenty fifth day of October 1781
    Iohn Hancock
Ios: Cooke


Mr.. Orford
      new page
        London Decr.. 14: 1790
Hond: Sir
    I hope you will pardom me
for not answering your Letter which I
recd. by Mr Barrow — and as an acknowledgment
for my rudeness, I beg you will accept
of a Pocket Book for the Year 91 at the same
time have made free to inclose one for Miss
Orford with my proper respects — and suffer
me to congratulate you upon the happy
change in Miss Orfords indisposition, which I
wish to hear establish'd — Please to remember
me respectfully to Mrs. Orford and your
Family, wishing you many happy returns
of the approaching season — and am Sir
    Your obliged humble Servant

[Bill from a William Harper (draper?) omitted]


wth. Speed
Mr. Orford
How Lane
Steward at Lime
[Postmarked Warrington]
      new page
Dr. Sr.

    I am Desire'd to write to you to let you know that there's
to be Dispose'd of, an %Estate upwards of 200£. a %year of own
land forever in fee Simple, — & as the owner of it has no children
nor near relation's to him, he wants to sell it forever to the Lord
of Lime, for so %much yearly during his life, who is now Age'd about
70 yr's., — which this Estate is but about 5 or 6 mile's of Hadock lodge
& there being an %Exceeding good slate delf & coal mine in it, wants
working, — I desire the favour of your Answer in a %Post or 2 whether
you think the Lord will boy it of him, in that way, but if he be now at
home, you'l favour me very much, if you'l inform him of it, & imediatly
after to lett me know by a %line, whether he'l do it with him or no, because
he's more Desireous of doing it with him then ^with^ any_body elst whatevr.
    I am ^sr.^ yr. mt. obt. hble servt.
    Wm. Harper
Warrington Bewsey
Street 9th. septr. 1781


Mr Holford
      new page
Mr Holford        Manchester decembr 28..1789
Sir — J can get a %piece of your patterns made
in about 3 Week but as present they are not
to be got here J have met with the person
that made these pieces. — but please to observe
you must ta{*}e a %piece of each which will be
about 42 yd in a piece any firther directions
please to command — your hble Serit
    Sam Harris


Mr. Orford
      new page
        St. Helen 14th Novr. 1782
Mr. Orford
    Mr. Statham the Attorney for the Assgs.
of Thos. Case of Liverpool haveing Desired me
to call upon the different Gentlemen who were
summoned to give evediance in the Suit late
Mrs. Claytons Assgs. against T. Cases Assgs. and
make them satisfaction for their Journey, Horse
Hire, Exps. &c and as I have gone through
most part of 'em I wish to make out the
Total Charge which I am debarrd from
'till I know your Demand which I cou'd
be glad to receive by the Bearer & will
pay the Amount to him, or to whom you
may direct. I begg you'll not omitt doing
the needfull P~ Bearer — I am yours respet_fully [across line break]
    Iames Harriso^n^


    Being Rather in Necessity of A Friend & I Dont now
Any_body that is more Ready to Do A Friendley Action
then mr Orford, my Bissness is Sir Geo: Warren Has Hired
me to be Groom of the Chambers Very Likeley to be the
Best Place in the House, Sir Geo:. Will Write to Mr Legh
By this Nights Post for my Carracter Which I Should
be Very Much Obligd, to you to Interceed for me With
Mrs A Legh or Marster Which you Please, I hope
Marster Will Do me Iustice I Require no more,
I Should be Glad you Would Speak Directley as I think
Mr Legh Will Answer Sir Geos: Letter By the Return
of Post, I have Been Recomendd. to Sir George But
He Says. But He Says Very Likeley Mr Legh Will
not be Pleasd, if He Dont Write to Him to me About
me as Being Such Nigh Neightbours
    Please to make my Kind Respects to Mrs Orford
& Compls, to all Inquireing Friends
    I am Sir your Well Wisher & Obediont
Humble, Servont R. Harrison

Lord Geo. Cavendishes Berkley Sqr
Feby 5th. 1778
P:S. I Should Isteem it A Perticulor ^Favour^ if you
Would Favour me With A Line directd. as


Mr Allford
Steward att Lyme
In Cheshire

[In different hand]
Mr Hancock
      new page
        August 27/1788        Chapel en le frith
    J have heard from you by John Walton that J Shall
make Nothing up but as the Law Directs J have
heard there is Severall of them which J have Gott
Warrants for ^thay^ Say thay will Stand me a Tryall
So I Shall be Glad Jf you would Either attend at
the Kings Arms Jn Chapell or Send your Letter that
J may know how to proceed otherwise Jf you Send
by Jonathan Jodrill
    J have Gott 11 Warrants and the Set me at Defiance
and Say J Can prove no Damage and for that
reason Shall be Glad to hear both from you and
mr Newton to know how J must proceed J have 2 Jn
Disley both against one Man Shall be Glad to know Jf
thay must be Signed Jn Cheshire It is a Son of Edward
Claytons from your Humble Servant
    John Harrop


Peter Legh Esqr Att
[Postmarked Warrington]
      new page
Mr R Orford        Warrington 26 Iany: 1771
Dr Sr
    I have considerd of %the %proposal you %made ^me^ of Leasing the
Tenement in Groppenhall Late belongg: to Domine Pool consisting of
Cottages Barn stable &c with croft behind for Three Lives the %price you
ask say £52..10..0 is full %high I can scarce make it worth more then
£40 a 45 at most some of the Buildings are near Tumbling down &
in %bad %repair however I am much %obliged to you for the kind
preferrence you give me in Leasg: the same & %shall not be unmindfull
in %makeg: a %suiatable return as usu{*} to yourself when the money is pd:
Therefore %shall leave myself & %the price to you entirely as its a convene{**}
to some Lands my Nephew has near there — If you cant ^take^ fifty %pounds
must give You the Fifty Guinea which you mentiond to me I hope
however you will not take any rent from me %for the %year past its no
great deal but in thes shall Leave %to settle when you & I %meet
In the %mean you will %provide a Lease for the %same for Three Lives —
^where name & Age As follows — Iohn Hart (My Nephew) &^ son) of Thos Hart of Warrington
deceasd he will be Twenty one years old about Midsummer next
his Sister Mary Hart aged about sixteen years And anor. relation
of %his William Cheney Hart (son of Docter Cheney Hart of Salop
Docter of %physick) Aged about fifteen years these are the Three Lives
to be %mentiond in the Lease And as to the Lessee you may either make
me or my Nephew Iohn Hart one of the Lives mentd: above Iust as
you %please its quite equall —, You'll please be %so good to Let me
know p~ return post when the Lease will be %ready & when the money
must be %paid that I may provide accordingly & %be %ready I wait to
hear %from you in course post which I shoud be glad to do abt provideg. the
cash & am Sr with great regard Your %most Hum{*} Serv{*}
    Ieffery Hart
      new page
The above Tenement paid 5/ p~ Annum before
Lords rent which is a deal for such a %small
place If you can take %any_thing of I hope
you will be %so %good to give me a %line next [corrected]
post when you %expect paym~


Mr. Orford
with Peter Legh Esq{*}. Lyme
[Postmarked Warrington]
      new page

    Samuel Pickton the Elder of our Town called upon me
this day — and desired I wod. write you a few lines for him. The
purport of which is — It seems the Old Man hath a great desire to
see you when you come over to Newton Fair, which is some time
about the 12th. of next Month — but in order to satisfy him — if you
would be so obliging as to drop him a line signifying your
intention it would truly make the Old Man content. The
Business I rather think which he wishes to see you upon —
is respecting the small Tenement situate in Dungion Lane
near Grappinhall — which he holds under Mr. Legh —
Samuel Pickton wishes Mr. Dakin of Grappenhall and Mr.
Litton of our Town to attend him at the meeting of you.
therefore He wishes you to drop them [corrected] two Gentlemen a
line the day you propose being at Warrington in order that
they may be in the way.
    I am for Saml. Pickton
    Sr. Yr. H~ble Servt
    Nathan Hatton
Warrington 12th July 1788
please to look over on the other side of this
sheet —
      new page
when I was in Mr. Maire's employ — and being over at Lyme
I lent Mr. Coleby. a Book by Name called the art of penmanship
which Book Mr. Coleby the next time I came over to Lyme delivd
me safe. then I lent it to Mrs. Ann Legh's Man. which was
then but a new Servt. and if you will be so obliging as to enquire
for it and get Mr. Marsden or Mr. Coleby to send it me. I will
think myself greatly obliged to you —

author HAWKINS E

Mr. Orford
      new page
        Macclesfield Augt. 20t. 1781
Mr. Orford

    As I had not the pleasure to see You on Your
return from Derby as You proposed, it is necessary to inform You now
that this being the time of our Annual meeting is the most proper
to make an agreement [corrected] for the Spons Coal, but a more urgent reason
is the Committee's having appointed Thursday next for accepting
or rejecting the proposals of Mr. Murray & Mr. Pardon, I hope therefore
to see You here in the interim, that we may conclude the business we
began at our last meeting on the Spons —
    I am,
    Yr. obed. serv
    E %Hawkins

author HAYWARD (MR)

Mr Orford
      new page
Mr Haywards Compliments to Mr Orford, And
Begs He will make his Best Respects to Mr Legh
and returns Him many thanks for a %very fine
Haunch of Venison — He likewise desires his Compts:
to Mrs Keck, Miss Legh and Mrs A Legh —
is very glad to hear thay are So well, and is
himself pritty well — but was very poorly
about a %week ago —
Chester 18th: august 1788 —


Mr: Orford
      new page
        London, Decr: 31: 1770.
Dear Sir,

    I have been for the most part since
I left the country onbd: Hs: Majs: Ship Prudent
now at Long Reach near Gravesend, for which
Ship you may remember I told you I was
appointed. at I am now come hither for a day or
two. — Of late we'v'e had very bad weather,
& what is worse, in consequence of an order
to press from all Protections, I was oblig'd
to board an outerbd: Et: [corrected] Indiaman to take
her [corrected from their] hands, where I met with some opposition,
as we were saluted on going alongside
with Capston Bars & Iron Crows, which
they threw into the Boats, by which a
midshipman was much wounded in the head,
& I put out my shoulder, which is now
pretty well again.
    I must now take the liberty of
      new page
reminding you of your promise you
made me at Lyme, viz: of speaking to Mr:
Gilbert concerning me. you may remember
I told you that the Duke of Bridgewater
was pleas'd in the begining of the
year 1766 to get me appointed to the Command
of Cutter, but being then upon a voyage
to the Coast of Guinea & the Wt: Indies,
I cou'd not return time enough to England,
to accept it. This ^appointmt:^ I shou'd observe, was in
consequence of a [crossed out?] recommendation of me to
Mr: Gibert by Mr: Kenyon, who was so
good as to make application to his Grace
in my behalf. Upon the Duke's being told
I was absent in the mercht's: Service, and [corrected]
therefore cou'd not reap the benefit of
his kindness, he repli'd, "he was sorry for
it, but wou'd said he wou'd serve ^me^ again
when it lay in his power."
      new page
    I must now desire you'll be so good as
to acquaint Mr: Gilbert that I'm employ'd
as Lieut: onbd: the Prudent (& shall, I suppose
soon go to Portsmt:) & that, if he is
still inclin'd, as I've reason to think he
is, from what he himself told me some
time agoe, to speak [corrected from of speaking] to the Duke in my
behalf, I don't doubt but I shall soon be
put upon the list of Master's & Commanders
wch: is the next step of promotion, & wha{*...} [torn off]
I flatter miself from my service I've {*...} [torn off]
right to expect. — If I had not been in actual
employ, there might have been an objection
to prefermt:
    I beg the favor of an answer when it
suits you, wch: please to direct to me to
the care of Mr: Burchal, at whose house I
write this.
    Pray make my respects to Mr: Gibert
(who I endeavour'd with Capt: Bover to see at Warrington)
but cou'd not) I am Dr. Sir, yr: very h~ble Servt:
    Thos: Hayward.


Mr: Orford.
      new page
        Bath, Feby: 1: 1773.
Dear Sir,

    I have herewith sent you the
Franks. You will impute my not sending
them before to their not being done.
    No doubt you have heard long e're
this of Mrs: Keck being brought to bed of a
daughter; but yesterday it died. It seems it
had not been well almost ever since it was
born — Mrs: Keck herself is rather low, & I
believe a little Histerical; but at intervals
pretty cheerful — I believe she does not yet
know the child is dead. But of these matters
you'll have no doubt a better acct: from Mr:
Legh, who with the rest of the family is very
well, tho' far from being easy in mind: you
can easily judge of the cause. — No time has
yet been fixt for leaving this city; & I suppose 'tis
uncertain, & will wholy depend upon Mrs: Keck.
    There are several Officers of the Navy here,
who are unemploy'd, & I believe do not heartily
      new page
join with those good Christians who pray
for Peace. — Adml: [corrected] Keppel with whom I
was at the Havana, is here for his health, &
is much recover'd. At present there is not
the least appearance of War; so that we
are all likely to remain in statu quo prius, &
sleep in a whole skin.
    Remember me to all friends. — I desir'd
Mr: Richardson to hang my Saddle & Bridle up
in his Room, (if I don't forget.) but if I did not,
be so kind as to ask this favor.
    If you've any news of any kind, as possibly
you may when you go into Lancashire, pray
give me a line. — I hear they have begun to
canvass the Borough of Preston. How do
they go on at Wigan?
    I am, Dr. Sir,
    yr: frd: & h~ble Servt:
    Thos: Hayward.
You may direct to me
under cover to Mr: Legh
or Mr: Keck.
The Franks will be in different parcels, which
I shall forward to Leicester by Mrs: Johnson, who
      new page
goes to [corrected from with] Stoughton with the remains of
the Infant to be the interr'd.


        Furnival's-Inn, Holborn No 17.
        Saty: Augt: 6: 1774.
Dear Sir,

    I came hither last Saturday, & sent
to acquaint Mr: Burchall of my having some light
money of yours, which I deliver'd to his journey-man [across line break]
agreeable to his order. — Mr: Burchall
himself is so ill of the Stone, that he cou'd not
see Mr: Master when he went to his house to
receive the money you gave him an order for.
    Mr: Master has sent his Trunk directed for
you at Disley. — I recd: a letter from Mr: Legh yesterday,
desiring me to tell Mr: Master that he
expects to set out from Staughton for [corrected] Lyme the
15th: & invited him to attend him thither; which
Mr: Master will do, & purposes to be at Staughton
for that purpose on the 12th:
    Altho' I'm much recover'd, yet my ancles are
still weak, so that I cannot stir much abroad.
    It is uncertain whether Mr: Pole will have time
to go into the country, as he purposes going to
Maryland towards the middle or 20th: of this month:
so that if you've any dispatches, you'd better get them
      new page
    The ^Nest of^ Weights my brother tells me can be done
as low as from an Oz: to 2½dwts, but no lower, as
there is ^no^ standard; so I've told him to get them finish'd,
& will send them by Mr: Master; the price will be but
a few shills:
    'Tother day I saw Mr: Pennington, who amongst
other matters said that Mr: Russell's law Bill amounted
to £1500, which 'tis suppos'd by both Mr: [letter crossed out] Master
& Mr: Pole, will surprize Mr: Master Senr: not a little.
    There is no news in town, & everithing
betokens peace at present.
    Remember me to all frds: who am,
    Dear Sir,
    yr: most h~ble Servt:
    Thos: Hayward
As you have franks directed to Mr: Burchall, you
will, I hope, give me a line now & then; which he can
send by the penny-post.

Mr: Rd: Orford.
      new page
The Prices of Light Gold Coin &c
the within40£.2s.6d
Guineas & Half Guineas . . .£ 3..17..—
3s6... P~s: . . .3..17..6 [written across:] P~ oz:
All other Portugal pieces . .3..16..6
NB. at the Silversmiths.


To Mr: Richd: Orford
Lyme Hall.
      new page
        Stockpt: Thury: eveng 22d: Jy:
Dear Sir,

    I am now on my return to
London in pursuance of my orders:
& shall set out tomorrow morng at 4
o'clock in the Diligence from the White
Lion here.
    I have been at Manchester & Warrn:
whither I went immediatly upon being
disapointed in seeing you; which your
note gave me reason to think I might
at 3 o'clock on Friday last: wherein you
have refer'd me to Mr: Davenport.
    When I have seen the above gentn:
it may be necessary to write again to
you; which ^may^ probably be from Chatham,
as I may not be able to do it before
I arrive there, where I ought to have
been at this time.
      new page
    I shall be very glad at all times to
hear from you, & if at any time you shou'd
happen to come where I am, hope [corrected] to see you.
    Mr: Thos: Fearnhead of Warrn: wou'd
be oblig'd to me for a Saddle &c: as I
left one in Mr: Richardson Office at
Lyme, I beg you will send it by
some Cart or other opportunity
to him at Warrington: There is a
Bridle, Saddle &c hung up together;
which Mr: I. Richardson promis'd to take
care of for me.
    I am with due respects to all the
    Dear Sir,
    Yr: very h~ble Servt:
    T. Hayward.


Mr Richd: Orford
      new page
Mr Richd. Orford        London Novr 24. 1772
Dr Sir
    I am favoured with yours inclosing a Letter
of Atty, but as I had sent one to Newton before
thought it useless to Return you this as I
apprehend that will answer the same purpose,
    Mr Greenwollers thinks it necessary a Rect
shou'd be signed by Mr Legh with Respect to
my_self I am a Stranger in those matters, and
if you'l be so kind as to get the needfull done to
that Lease which you have and send it up
We can get the other indorsed and Signed by
Mr Legh when he is in London. J am
    Dr Sir Your most hble Servt
    Peter Heapy


Mr Richd: Orford
      new page
        London Decr: 15, 1772
Dear Sir
    Yesterday I recd your favour informing
me that it is necessary for the other Lease
to be sent; I was this day at Mr Greenwollers
to ask for it who had both Leases to look
at, and he has mislay'd it somewhere so
that he cannot find it at present, as soon
as he does I will take care to forward it
to you, but in the mean time I shou'd
esteem it a favour to get the Lease you
now have Signed and give Possession, in
this you will add to the favours already
received by Dr Sr
    Your most hble Servt
    Peter Heapy


Mr Orford

[Accounts in different hand omitted]
      new page
Mr Orford        Friday Evening
    You'l please to leave the Old
Leases with Mr Birchall as you have
the Counterparts at Home.
    Your hum Servt
    Peter Heapy


    I have according to your Request sent you a London Bill inclosed
for 24l. lest the weather should prevent me attending the Meeting — Should
I not be there, I desire you will be so good to acquaint the Commissioners
that I desire they will not Allot any of that part of the Common which
is to be divided into Stints for my Share, as I Was always against any
Division of that kind being made, but that All shod. be inclosed, and
as it was agreed that the part of the Commons which was to be divided
into Stints should be ^Allotted to^ those who desired to have 'em so divided, for which
reason I think this request may be made of the Commissioners without
being censured for endeavouring to influence their Impartiality —
but on the contrary may be said only to inform them how to do the
most impartial Iustice —
    I hope you will excuse this Trouble from Sr. yr. H~ble Servt.
    Wm. Norton
Macclesfd. Ian~ry 29th.—
{*...} [torn off] good to favor me with a Line to let me know whether you have received
{*...}ll [torn off] safe, and what Answer you have had from ye. Commissioners —


Messrs: Beighton Orford & Longsdon
Mr: Iohn ffrosts
in ffairfield —
near Buxton
[Postmarked Chesterfield]
      new page
        Chesterfield 6th: ffebry 1772 —
{*...}tlemen [torn off]
    I hope this will reach you before you leave ffairfield.
By yesterday's Post (and not before) I rec~ed A Letter from Dr: Norton
{*}f [torn off] which the above is Coppy, you will take the matter into
your considera~ion: how farr you are able to comply with his
request, you will best judge. I shall by this days post
acknowledge the receipt of his Draft for 24l~ and acquaint
him that I have laid the Contents of his Letter before you
    J am Gentlemen Your very humble Servt
    Godf: Heathcote


Richard Orford
Lyme Hall
      new page

    I have not had the conveniency to See you
Since I was with you at Lyme for I have Been informed
that you have Been Most part of your time Since at
Haddock I want to know whether you have Settled the
affair which I laft to you to Settle with Mrs. Egerton
about the Moor or how it Sands If you please to let me
know by a %line or two you will oblige your H~ble Servent
    Iohn Hegginbotham
17th. october 1783
Gee croft Mellor


Mr. Richd. Orford
      new page
Mr. Richd. Orford


    Zacy Peacock and his Sons have made Hats for
us some time the Bearor Iohn Peacock came in
with his work this day and informd us that you
had been under the disagreeable necessity of
serving his Father with a writt of Contempt
we advised the Young man to wait on you himself
and to take your advise and to act in every respect
agreeable to your instructions as we are very
sencible you take a pleasure in serving every
Honest Man we are sorry to say that Zacy Peacock
is not so sober & prudent as he ought to be and we
are doubtfull he has been badly advised
his Sons are very Sober industrious Honest
young Men & woud be a great hardship on them
to suffer for the Fathers imprudence we have not
the pleasure to be personally known to you but
we are very intimate with your very good friend
Mr Iohn Upon Timber Mercht. of Manchesr
We are very Sincerely Sir Yr. mo Hum. Servts
    Henry & Thos. Henshaw
Oldham 14th Iune 1788


Mr: Allford Lyme
to be Left at ye, white
Lion Stockport
      new page
        Chester Novr, 26th, 1788

    Last week I Received
from the Hands of Mr, Hallwood
Mrs: Keck's Picture, which he Informd,
was a Present to me from Mrs: Ann
Legh, for which I take the Liberty
to Request the favor of you to present
My Humble duty with my Most
Gratefull Thank's for the Honor
She Conferd, upon ^me^ which will ever
be highly valued, by
    Sir your
    Most Hum: Sert;
    P. Herdsfield
my dear good Lady orderd
me to present her very
Respectfull Complits:
to Mr: Legh & Mrs: A. Legh
She is much the same in Health
as she was when I had the Pleasare to see you
at Chester Last


{*...} llford [torn off]
{*...} Lyme [torn off]
{*...} ockport [torn off]
[Postmarked Chester]

[Accounts in different hand omitted]
      new page
        Chester augt, 4th 1789


    I am Orderd, by my good
Lady to beg of you to Present her
Affectionate Regards to Mr: Legh & Mrs:
A: Legh and is very Much Concernd, to
hear [in margin] of the Melancholy Event of Miss Legh's
death; & Condole's with them, upon it.
    My dear Lady returnd, from
Cheltenham ten days ago, in much
better Health than She left Home
in) will be extremly happy to hear
that Mr: & Mrs: a Legh are in better
Health than the last account She
had left them in; Pleas to accept
of my Respectfull Complits: and
am Sir your Most Hum: Sert.
    P Herdsfield


Mr. Orford —
Peter Legh's Esqr
Lyme —

[number in different hand omitted]
      new page
Dear Sir,
    Mr. Legh Masters packages
were forwarded agreeable to yr.
Letter: But thought it unncessary
to trouble you with a %Letter to tell you
so. — You say nothing what this
Fine ought to be? J %say little of any_thing [across line]
to exchange a %Life wch. we do at
Liverpl. for a Guinea. — I am sure
it has cost a %dev— Deal for a %new
Roof Repairs &c — And J will give
you my Word that the valuation
you shewd. me is more than J %lett
it for — Was J assured of finding
you at home J think J %shoud road
so much further —
    J am in haste
    but respectfully yrs,
    Wm %Hesketh —
White Lyon Stockpt.
monday 2d June
How goes the old 'Squire on? —


Mr. Orford.
at Peter Legh's Esqr.
      new page
Dr %Sr.
    I %have left with Mr.
Barbon of Stockport the leases you
left at my house, when J had the
pleasure of yr. Company, and also
my own old Lease, by wch. J find
that the Fine was only £60 for
a %fresh Life, wch. was far cheaper
than 40£ to change one — Besides
the Estate is now of less value from
the Field at School brow taken from
it — and J can truly say that the
Rents are less now than what
they were then. — But they tell me
you, grow Grey with Care to fill
the Squires Coffers. —
    J hope youll let me see you
when you come to Liverpl.
    J %am
    D %Sr.
    yr. mo obed Serv
    Wm Hesketh
of Lpl 21st Novr. 1788


Mr. Orford
at Mr. Burchal's
Oxford Street
with a %Paper P~cel
for M{*} Thos Gates.
      new page
        Brompton 21 Mar 75 —

    Messrs Hewitts & Smith's best Complimts to Mr Orford, and
send here with a %Parcel of Iuberose Roots, also a Leterr which
came from Mr Thos Gates this day — Likewise a State of
the Bell Glass accot. of which we never recd. any_thing further of
Mr Flodman, than what Mr Legh paid for yr half Dozen he had;
Shall be oblig'd, if — Mr Orford will endeavor to get that Balance
for us, and to drop us a Line of his Success —


Mr. Orford
at Lyme
p~ Buxton
      new page
        Brompton Augt. 2d 1777


    We are favord with yours, apprehending
there is some Mistake in ye Charge of ye Tares last sent you;
I make no doubt but you might have heard of Tares sold
under that Price last Season; but, was ye Quality considerd?
there were a %great many very ill saved, and bad Samples;
do assure you, I did not see a finer Sample than them sent
to Mr Legh, at our Corn Exchange all last Season, sound and
well saved — Could have bought 'em of an inferior Quality,
and Price, not well hardend, very faulty, & would have been mouldy
before they had arrived, by ye damps of ye Ship & long confinemt.
in ye Sacks — I see, in ye Year 73, and that was a %bad wet
Autumn for saving latter Grain, those we sent you were at
7s—6d p~ Bush{*}. — I expect Mr Smith will be with you in
3 Weeks from this date, when you will be so good as to settle it
to your liking — I wrote Mr Gates a while ago, about Mr Watson's
Bell %Glasss, ye Balance remaining ever since ye Year 63 £2.11 —
you gave us some hopes of succeeding, when you were last here;
if any good can be done therein, we shall esteem the Favor
    My Uncle joins in %best Complimts. to you
    with Sr Yr most hble Sert
    Heny Hewitt


Mr. Orford
      new page
        Brompton Jany 24th 1784

Dr Sir,
    Tho' I thought long of your Answer, I did not
doubt but that you would write me, with yr Conveniency.
I gave your Letter to Mrs. T PSon, and she took it to her Fathr
they have considered the Matter, and, as Dr Richmond is so young
a Life, they think it hardly worth while to pay down sinty
Guineas now, and stand the Chance of ye Boy surviving
to it; were it to be done, the Father must do it, and he says,
the Interest of that Money will help to bring him up, and be
of great Service when he comes at Age &c; in short,
they decline having any further Thoughts about it;
joining me, in many Thanks to you for ye Trouble you have
been at, and hoping Mr Legh will be so good as to excuse
being also troubled about it.
    With the Seeds have sent 6{*}d Lucerne for ye h{**}end
& hope it will prove good, that we are obliged to trust
to the French men for — My Uncle joins in best
Complimts to you, with Dr Sir Yr %obliged hble Sert
    Heny Hewitt
Mr Smith is very well, as to his health.


Mr. Orford
      new page
        Brompton Feby 17th 1787


    We are favord with yours, wishing
us to recommend a Gardener to our worthy old Friend
Peter Legh Esq, to succeed Mr Coleby; knowing the
Nature of the Service, shall certainly pay attention
to recommend such a one, as is suitable, both as to
his Abilities in his Profession, and his Conduct in the
Station he'll hold in the Family; shall hardly be
able to send you such a one, in much less than a
Month from this date; however, will drop you a Line
in a Fortnight, more at a Cretainty; you say 20l~
p~ Year; don't recollect, whether that has been M{*} Legh's
usual Wages; a steady, well behaved Man, who
has had his Experience confirmd by several Years
Practice, may think that rather low; however, if
that is the most, he should not stand out, with a good Place
in view; As this Alteration is like to take Place
soon, there is a young Man in the Garden, I would beg
      new page
to sollicit M{*} Legh's consideration of, that he may be continued
a while in the Employ. I mean Henry Sime, whom I got
Mr Coleby, in Friendship, to take under his Care; he is Fatherless,
and Friendless, except me; I am his Godfather, & had a great
esteem for his Father; should think myself much obligd to %my good
Friend Mr Legh, to let him remain with the next Gardener, as he
is too young and inexperienced, as yet, to turn out into the World;
and it unluckily happens, I know of no Friend, at present, where
there is a Vacancy. Shall esteem a Line from you, on Rect
    and am
    for %Self & 'co Sr yr mo: hbl Sert
    Heny Hewitt


Mr. Orford
at Lyme
      new page
        Brompton March 8th 1787


    We are favord with yours, desiring
to %have the Gardener down, as soon as may be;
he shall set out by next Saturday's Coach;
shall bring a Line of recommendation with him,
    from, Sir yr very hble Servts
    Hewitt & Co


Mr Orford
near Disley
[In pencil (rubbed out?) possibly in different hand]
Enquire at the Ram's head
      new page
        Brompton March 10th 1787
Dr %Sir,
    The Bearer, John Cook, is the Gardener
we recommend for Mr Legh's Service, a sober, decent,
well behavd young Man; we hope will please in
his Station, and deserve your Friendship;
he is a Relation of Mr Cook's, who, knowing the
Business of Lyme in the Gardening way, has given
him the necessary Ideas of ye Service, and with
me, has no doubt of his doing very well
    I thought it proper to write the Govr, by Way
of Introduction, as his Gardener, which, you will
peruse, and seal, before he takes it to Master;
that, I flatter myself you'll approve, as being
necessary; and, of course, will instruct him, how
to proceed in his Station
    I have wrote a couple of Friends about the
poor Lad Harry, whose Answers I expect soon;
mean_while, if he cannot be employd, that little while,
have begd of Frd- Coleby to take some Notice of him
Perhaps it may be for his good, the removing %him
from his present Connexions — Shall esteem it a Favor,
that you'll be so good as to give him yr best Advice
& hope he'll have Grace enough to follow it, tending towds
his own Welfare — I am Dr Sr y{*} %obliged & obedt H %Hewitt


Mr. Orford.
      new page

    As you have no proper Mortgage as yet from
Iohn Holt, I leave it to your consideration whether
it wou'd not be better, as the case Stands, if you had
one executed for the money due to you; and a Second
may be made to me for £17.3.0. subject to yours.
    You know my inducement for engaging with him
is only to secure the Above sum. I beg the favour
of an Answer by the bearer
    I am Sr. your humble Servt.
    I~no. Hewitt
Stockport 13. Iune 1771.

author HEYS JOHN

Mr. Orford
Stuard to Peter Leigh Esqr
at Lime Hall
[Postmarked Warrington]
      new page
        Warrington March 25th: 1789
M~r. Orford
    S~r. The Purport of this Comes to Desire You will be Pleased
on Receipt here of to let me know What Money J %must Give to Put in two
lives for the Premices in fennel Street betwixt the Church Street End &
bagland End in this Town they Was held be Leace Under Peter Leigh Esqr for
3 Lives by my late Father James Heys One of Which lives are now
in being and if it be agreeable J %shall be Glad to Put two Other
Lives into the said Premises, but J %shall be Exceeding much Obliged to You
if You Will be so kind to fever me With a %few %lins on Receipt here of
Jnforming %me how %much J %must Give, J hope You will %not be too hard
With me as J %am A %Poor %man and has a %family and Could Wish to fill %up
the Leace if it is in my Power, tho Ever so much Pinched to Do it
    J hope You will not forget me Which will be
    Thankfully Acknowledged by Sr Yr Mot Obt hble Servt
    John Heys
      new page
[In different hand]
Plase to Direct
to me
John Hayes
Shoemaker near
the Church Street


Mr Richd: Orford
      new page

    Inclos'd you have our Acct, for Porter,
we have had only Five Casks back, therefore there remains
Seven, of the last years parcel, & seventeen which you
you will see by Acct, you have had{*} [corrected?] since the 19th. Novr,
we shall esteem it a Favor if you wou'd return them
the first convenient oppertunity, & likewise shall be particularly
oblig'd to you for further Orders
    I %am for Mr. Clewes & %Self
    your Oblig'd H~ble Servt
    William Heywood
Manchester Decr; 22d, 1789


Mr. Anford
att Howlane
      new page
        Birch Hall near Hefield Augt. 25d. 73.

    J desire my Duty to Your Master if you Plese, And J beg
you'le be so kind as to give me A fue Brown ffishing Hairs of the best
off som of your Coach-Horses (Your man John Robenson is a Good
judge which wo'd be proper for my Purpose) Jf you plese to oblige
me with som be so good to Jnclose them in A Letter seale it up and
get it to Your Neighbar Mr. Joia. Marriott who will get it safe
the Hands of
    Your Most obliged
    Humble Servant
    Geo: Higenbottam


Mr Holfourt or to Mr Richenson
at Lord of Lime ^His^ Stuarts
With Care
      new page
        Macclesfield Aprell 14 1775
Mr Holfort and Mr Richenson I wold Have you to take this In Consederheas^un^
In the Regard of this old Bilding In oure town Ill Give you
fore Pounds yeareleye and Betid to Leye aut of Pockett 200 Pounds
of moneye to the frunt and Backwards for three Lives And
You Told me the Reveshen of a fort Life Wich if you Plase
Shall Take it as a %fever tho Arserd [corrected] In Lives But Ill Venter
at the above Good Lock or Bad you Ill never have the Prevence
agane By No_Boddeye But me Mr Holfort Conseder all
Pints and then I %think you Wont mak one Word In the Regard
as above
    Sir From youre most Hb Servent
    Samuel Higginbotham


Mr.. Orford
[Postmarked Warrington]
      new page
        Bank 10th. Decr. 1782 —
Dear Sir

    My Master desires to know
if Mr. Legh wou'd be pleas'd to give him
leave to dispose of the Buildings in the
Horse market late part of Mr. Turners
Tenement. He has at this time an
opportunity of contracting with a
Person whom I think very likely to
improve the Premises, part of the
Buildings being very old. —
    A Line from you will much
oblige —
    Your obt. hble Servt.
    T..} Higginbotham


Mr Holford
at Lime
      new page
        March 18 1773 Thursday Morning
Sir I Should be glad to have Seene you toMorowe
as I go to Stockport or Come back to have
Some talk with you or I will Come over If you will
Send me a Line that we may have Some time for
I want to make you Some porposes If you Like on it
you and me to_gather frum Sir yours
    Joseph Higinbotham


Mr Orford
[Postmarked Warrington]
      new page

    After taking the liberty of inform~g
you that Mrs Naylor, Relict of the Revd,
Mr Naylor, is dead — I beg leave to inform
you that Mrs Richd, Leigh is wanting
that Part of the Old Geo~ which I at
Present Occupy into her own hands,
and having this day ^been^ with Mr Jas
Leigh, he has Ordered me to desire
you'l not promise the House she lived
in till you see either him or me —
And in hopes of meeting your
Approbation I remain
    Y'r Obedt, Servt,
    Jno Higson
Newton 20 Decr, 1788


Mr. Orford
Peter Legh's Esqr.
Haydocklodge —
      new page

    I have this Morning recd. 100l~ frm Mrs. Chadell which if you will
either Come over and rec. (if convenient) or send a Messenger for that purpose you will much
    Your ob~t Sert.
    Richd: Hill

Mr. Maire went this Morn{*}. to Chester and desired me to acquaint you with the rect. of
the Money Just mentioned as he thought it unsafe to trust the newton Carters. If you send
a Messenger be pleased to acknowl~: the rect. of the 20l~ sent Yesterday —

Warrington Thursday Morn{*}.

[In different hand]
August 25. 1779


Mr. Orford
Haydock Lodge —
      new page

    Herewith you have Twenty pounds and I
am desired by Mr. Maire to acquaint you that he has not yet recd.
the money due from Mrs. Cladel or any part the Instant he receives
it he will either transmit it to you or send you word.
    I am
    Y~r h~ble Servt
    Richd: Hill
Warrington Augt. 26th /79.

[Brief formulaic letter from Geo: Hilton omitted]


Richd Orford
at Hadock Loge
by ashton [corrected]
[Postmarked Liverpool]
      new page
    J Recd yours it menchans a mestake
of one guinea ye Cash J Lead Down
Whas 27 gui{**} guinas & a therling
Pound Bill & you Returnd mee
one Pound 7 Shilings wich mead ye
Cash J Payd 40 Pound J ham your
Moust Humbl Sat to Comand
    Jno Hinde

Liverpool Sept 21 1775


Mr Orford
at Peter Leighs Esq:r;s
[Postmarked Warrington]
      new page
Mr Orford        (5th Jenry 1784)
    A %few days Ago I %had an Opertunity
of Disposeing of the Hous & Barn my
Father left me & the Money to be paid
on the twelvth of this Month — I therefore
thought it my Duty to inform you
if this meets with your Approbation
shoud be Oblieg;d to you for A %line
my Unckle Forster was so kinde to me
as to offer his Services in going to
Haydock to see you About the Agreement
on Enquirey I %found you was at
Lyme — — I %remain Sir wishing you
the Compliments of the Season
    your Obedt Serv;t
    Mary Hodgkinson
Sankey Street

author HODGSON B

Mr. Orford —
Fairfield. —
      new page
Mr. Hodgson presents his Compts. to Mr. Orford.
& is Sorry he had not the pleasure of Seeing you
him, when he was So Kind as to call, if he has half
an Hour to Spare, (any time before he Returns home)
Shall be Very glad of his Company.

Friday Evening 7. oC—

If Mr. Brighton & Mr. Longstone will Accompany
Mr. Orford, Mr. H. will be glad of their Company —
Mr. H. Sends along with this 3 Letters, that are just
come by the Post.

author HODGSON B

Mr. Richd. Orford
Office business
[Postmarked Buxton?]
      new page
        Buxton 26th. Ian. 77.

    I was favor'd with Your Letter
inclosing a Return Cover of an OverCharged Letter
I am Sorry You have been put to So much
trouble about it, but it is not in my power
to deduct it in the manner You have Stated
it, & tho'. the Letter went thro' the London Office
by mistake Yet they will not allow Such deduction
in my Acts. & tho'. hard on You
must pay three times 7d. which leaves the Charge
at 1s/9 in stead of the Original charge of 3/4.
    J am Sir.
    Yrs. Obt. Humt Servt.
    B. Hodgson

author HODSON I

Mr Richard Orford
      new page
        Wigan Iune 17 1775

    I understand it is not agreeable to %you to intermedle in the matter
betwixt Mr Bromley & T %andrews wch agrees exactly with my Sentiments as Such
have Sign'd as inclosed an appointment of T Barton Esqr. who may if he
Chuses determine the matter himself Please to return the
Apointment Sign'd to
    Yr %ob %Sert
    I: Hodson

[Draft of reply attached]


        Lyme 19 Iune 1775

    I am favor'd with yours by this
Mornings post ^Inclosing an appointment [corrected] for^ Mr. Barton to %be
the umpire in the Cause of Mr. Bromley &
his Tenant, which Gentleman J ^think well of was it my own^
affair [corrected from wd. put any affair of my own to], but as the Case stands
I think it wd. be {******} unreasonable ^imprudent^
as well as [word crossed out] ^blameworthy^ in me to sign
such an appointment, as the Tenant
I apprehend has had no notice of the
arbitrators intention of appointing
Mr. Barton, & till that Time J beg to
be excused signing till J see Andrews
or hear from him, that ^ he thinks ^ Mr Barton is
thought on to be umpire agreeable to him
to be umpire & take the Ca{r}e ^burden^ of the Award on

author HODSON I

M{*} Richd Orford

[Scribbles omitted]

[Postmarked Wigan]
      new page

    Mr Barton informs me he will have nothing to do in the
affair betwixt Mr Bromly & Tho~ Andrews — you'l please return
the apointment that I may destroy it — as it will be of %no use;
& you'l Not have the trouble of Consulting the tenant about %it
    I %am yr Ob{*} Sert
    I: Hodson
Wigan Iune 23rd 1775.


Peeter Legh Esqr.. M
at Lyme
P Buxton
[Postmarked Derby]

[Numbers in different hand omitted]
      new page
Mr. Orford
Sir I %went to Winfild to in_quire for James
Shiple but I could not find no such a man
theare his wife is in a house at Ocartharp
But hee all_wase works at More Greene in
Notting_ham_Shire I %am vary weell aquinted
With him and hee Sath that hee hath had tow
Letters this winter a_bout biing the Leach
but hee Sath that hee will not Sell it to
No won Whil hee live_eth for no prise
    Sir Poul Dakin Sath that hee put
his rent in_to Mr. Hearth hand the
Day be_fore you was at Darby
    Sir Youre Vary Umbel Sarvant at Comman^d^
    Iohn Holbrook
May ye 14: 1774


Peter L^e^gh Esqr. Mr. at
Lyme Cheshire
By Buxton
[Postmarked Derby]
      new page
Mr. Orford
Sir I thought proper to let you know that Mr. Bulefant
& Mr. Fletcher hath let all the Water out of the
Morl Pool and haith taken [corrected] all the best of the
fish themselves and then gave leave for any_body that
would take it oute Vast Numbers that ever %whas Seen
thay Say it whas ^to^ destroy the Small fishes but I
here now that thay have dun it to distroy it all it haith
been Draan ^dreand^ all winter
    There is a %man of Ilkeston hath bote the Winde
mil at Heanor and hee hath Puled it down and
Set it upon Ilkeston Commin
    I am your humble Sarvant
    at Command
    Iohn Holbrook
Codnor Parke 24 Feb{**}..


Mr. Orford
at Lyme Hall
[Postmarked Bakewell and Stockport]
      new page
Dear Sir
    A Little time since I was Consernd'd in a Cocking at
Tidswell against som of your country people whech som of
Them Lives at or near How Lane. that has the best Cocks
now I want a Cupple of those Shake Bags and I don't know
which way to proseed. to com at them Excepting you will be
Pleas'd to take the Trouble upon you I have two Good walks
for them and I hope you will Oblige me, to get me two
but if they know they are for me they perhaps will not
Let me have any of the Right sort which makes me
Trouble you as thinking you can do such a thing
for me and if you succeed in my desire
I will com and see you and bring them my_Self. [across line break]
and the first time you Com our way I shall be
Glad to see you to taste Som of my Beer —
    I am %your Most Obt Servt
    Richd Holden
5th Iuly 1771 —
P.S P Meltons. Compts.
to Mr Orford


Mr. Orford
      new page
Dr: Sir

    On wednesday Evening J %where
favourd: with Yours of the 17th Ult, the purport
of which J %yesterday Communicated, to mrs: Silvester
Poor woman She where very happey in hearing
the lad Arrivd: Safe, and ^where^ well, thanks You
very kindly for writeing
    By Desire of Madam
Ann Legh, Shall Send of P~ this nights Coach,
Directd- for Your Honr, at Lyme, a Small Box,
Jmmagine She Jnformd, You of its Comeing
    J propose being in Derbyshire
in a %fortnight or three weeks from this Date,
where J %Certain You would be in Cheshire
about that time, J %most Certainly Should
      new page
do my_Self the pleashure of Calling of You, Mr. Legh
Madam Ann Legh with mr. And mrs. Keck Set out
from here for London on friday morning last, am Jnfomd,
All arrivd Safe in Town — Recd: a Spanuel Bitch
P~ Bass last Tuesday
    My Dame Joins me in %kindest
    Compts: to mrs: Orford & Self
    J am Dr Sir
    Your most Obdt,
    Hble: Servt,
    R Hole
Staughton —
24 Jan{*}: 71


Mr. Orford
      new page
        Staughton may 6/71
Dr: Sir

    By the manchester Coach
this night, J %Shall Send of a Small parcle
Directed for miss Legh, of which J %have
a very particular Charge from my mistress,
as it Contains Something of very great value
    Shall Esteem it as a
particular favour, Jf Youll, be So good as give
a line as Soon as this Comes to hand, Jnforming
me weather it arrives Safe or not
    J %hope mrs: Orford and Your
little family are all well, my wife Joins
me in kindest Compts: to you & yours
    J %am Dr Sir
    Your most Obdt Serv{*}
    R Hole


[Many of the dashes in Richard Hole's letters are very faint, and may not be intended as dashes]

Mr: Orford
      new page
        Staughton 23d may 1773
Dr: Sir

    on wednesday next Shall send
from here to Lyme by a Carefull person,
three Chesnut Geldings, which — J %hope
will arrive Safe at Lyme Sometime on
friday next — J where desired, by
mr: Legh to Jnform — you — he %would not
have you Buy aney more — Shall be
much Oblidge to you — for a line by the
Person who Brings the Horses down,
Jnforming how thay get there
    B: Clayton & M: Strong desires
there Respects to you, desird: me to remind
you of your Promis to ym: when you where
last at Staughton, — my Dame Joins me
in kindest Compts: to mrs: Orford & Self
    J am Dr: Sr. your most Obdt.
    & very hble: Servt. — R Hole


Mr: Orford
      new page
Dr: Sir

    J am desired by mr: Keck
to Jnform you, — youll: receive from Staughton
P~ this return of Basss, waggon, — two Pointers,
one of which has not been Broke, mr: Keck
Desires youll: Get her B: P~ Robartson — the other
mr: Keck would be Glad to %have taken out
now & then to make him parfect
    J am Dr: Sir
    your most obdt,
    & very hble: Servt,
    Jn %haste
    R Hole
27th may 73


Mr: Orford
      new page
Dear Sir

    J were duely favour'd with
yours of the 28 & 30 of may, where Glad to
here the Horses Arriv'd Safe at Lyme,
& Shall be Glad Soon to here the lame Horse
is got Parfectly Sound —
    by mr: Keck, J am desir'd
to Jnform you, Shall Send to Lyme by
this Return of Bass/s waggon, a Black
Gelding of Kitts, which mr: Keck desires
youll: keep at Lyme till Kitt Comes up
    the %reason of Our Sending this
Horse Down — is, we Cannot keep him
in Aney Close we have, has got such a
way of Brakeing through the hedges
    J beg my best Compts: to mrs: Orford
      new page
And All friends a Lyme
    & Am Dear Sir
    Your most hble: Servt.
    R Hole
10 June 73


Mr: Orford
      new page
Dear Sir

    the favour of yours of the 10 Inst:
had been — Acknowledg~d ere now — but Expectd
to have rec~d the last for Silvesters Stuf;
then Should have remit~d you a Bill on
London — for £ 5..15..7 on receipt of Your
letter Inform~d him you had desir~d me
to receive of him — £ 4..19..9 for the Stuf
you had Sent him, of which — he %took very
little notice, onely Said If he paid ready
money he Should Expect Discount, by that
Immagin — he Expects you have Some
profit in it, I wish — that Gentleman
dond Show you a Specimen of is Dirty
actions, as he %has done moste people he
has been Concern~d with — I thank you
most kindly for the trouble you have taken
      new page
in — procureing me the nice Breeches Stuf you have
been so kind to Send me, will take Care to Send you
the amount 15/10 P~ mr: Leghs man — at is return
to Lyme — mr: Legh — arriv~d here yesterday in parfect
health — I have the pleasure to Say mrs: Keck is
as well as her friends Can posably wish — her to %be,
my Dame Ioins me in kind resp~ts to mrs: Orford
Self and fine little women
    I %am Dr Sir
    Your most Obdt
    & very hble Servt,
    R Hole
22nd Iuly 1774


Mr: Orford
      new page
        Staughton 7 Augst: 1774
Dear Sir

    I am Command~d by mr: Keck
to desire youll: Buy him — 12 Good Scotch Runts
at Newton fair, & Send them up by mr:
Erwin, or Some other of Our Leicestershire
Iobbers that may be there, If none Should
be there mr: Keck desirs youll: Send them
to Lyme, & Send a man from thence to
Staughton with them — mr: Keck
further desires youll: be kind anough
to Transmit to him his yearly Acct:
    I have the pleasure to Say
mrs: Keck and all the %family here are
In parfect health
    I am Dr: Sir
    Your most hble: Servt
    R Hole

[The next letter, from same date, is a near-identical copy of the previous letter minus the final paragraph. Not transcribed.]


Dear Sir

    Yesterday morning I where favour'd
with yours of 23d Inst: with a Bill on Silvester,
who left mr: Kecks Servis on wednesday
Evening — on receipt of your Letter Immediately
whent to Leicester to get your Bill accept~d
But where Inform'd the Gentleman — where
gone to Burton — this morning I have
been at Leicester to wait on him with the
Bill again, when is wife Inform'd me he
where at home But the Gen: did not Chuse
to See me; I desir'd is wife would take the
Bill to him and desire to know if he would
please to Accept it, when he Sent me for
answer, he would not accept it, but would
write to mr: Gaskell on the matter him_selfe
      new page
I told mrs: Silvester I thought it very Ill usage
to you, & Desir'd her to tell him I thought he had much
better to pay me the money, as he most Certainly would
have a Good deal of trouble in it If he did not &c,
but all to no affect — I have relate~d this matter to
mr: Keck, who Says he has abought 8 £ to %pay him
and will Insist on his Discharging Your Acct:
when he ^dose^ pays him, which will be %in a %few Days; I think it
will be right to Stay that time before aney_thing further
is done, then If Dont pay it Order a writ for him
and let your attorney Order it to be Direct'd to me
& I will take Care to get it Serv'd Immediately — mr: Keck
desires youll: as Soon as %posable after receipt of this
Transmit him ^to me^ an acct, of what money you have paid
for Silvesters Boy &c at Pointon or Ells_where
      new page
    the Scotch Cattle Came %up very well, I think them
Pretty usefull Beast, but as all Others that are Bot:
now are, to High in price, tho as well Bought as
aney I %have Seen Bot: or Sold of late
    I am Dr: Sir
    with every respect
    to you & yours
    Your most Hble: Servt
    In haste
    R Hole
Staughton 26 Augst: 1774


Mr: Orford
      new page
Dr: Sir

    you are desir'd P~ my master
to Send up as Soon as posable after receipt
of this Silvesters Boy, and by the Cheapest
Conveyance you Can I Should think the
Outside the Coach as Cheap as aney
    On sateray last I desir'd a %friend
of mine to Inform Silvester, that If he did
not Immediately Deliver to him the Corduroy
he had left with the %money for what where
Sold, he %would Sometime in the Course %of
this week have a writ Serv'd on him for
4..19..9 due from him to you, upon which
I am Inform'd he readily Compli'd with the above
and my friend has both money & Stuf, I will
Endeavour to dispose %of what is left in Leicester,
If I Cannot Dispose of it, will get it pack,d in a
Box with whot money my friend has rec~d and
Send it Down to you
      new page
    mrs: A: Leghs man where mentioning that he would
Buy a Quantety of that Stuf to take to Bath with him
now If you where to mention this to him he very likely
would be glad to have this it — I think there is 7 Yds: of it Sold
youll: let me hear from you about it — I think that
Base fellow Silvester has prov'd him_Self the most
Compleat Villain I Ever met with or hard of — he has
Fleec~d mr: Keck finely Endeed — Pray make my Compts:
to Good mrs: Orford and believe me ever yours
    Sincerely & faithfully
    R Hole
30 Augst. 1774
P:P: 6 yards of Stuf Sold


Mr: Orford

[Scribbles omitted]
      new page
Dear Sir

    the Bearer hereof Brings you
21 yds: of Corduroy rec~d back from Silvester
with 1l/8s for 8 yds: that has been Sold
    youll: find the money in the Roll of Stuff,
which is Securely pack~d in a Small Box,
Shall be Glad to hear you receive ^it^ Safe
Shall allways be happy to have it in my
Power to be aney ways Servisable to my
Good friend mr: Orford
    I am with my best respects to
    Self & Better part
    Dear Sir
    Your most hble: Servt:
    in haste
    R Hole
21st Sepr: 1774


Mr: Orford
Lyme Nr: Disley
[Posmarked Leicester]
      new page
Dr: Sir

    Agreeable to mr: Leghs
desire when last at Staughton
have Sent by this return of Basss: waggon
4 Bushells of Ash Keys If the Quantety
I %have Sent is not so maney as you would
wish to sow be kind anough — to give me
a line and I will Immediately procure
you aney Quantety you would wish to
have — I hope the whole of your
Good family are well
    I am with my best Compts:
    to mrs: Orford
    Dr: Sir
    Your most Obdt:
    & very hble: Servt:
    R Hole
10th novr: 1774
      new page
I have the pleasure to Say my master and
the young Gen: are all well I hope all the Good
family at Lyme are the Same — did you receive
the Cash and Stuf I Sent you Safe, and where
it right


Mr: Orford
at mr: Burchals Linen-Draper
Oxford Street
Post paid
[Postmarked Leicester]
      new page
        Staughton 16th mar: 1775
Dr: Sir

    being Inform~d P~ mr: Kecks
late Butlar that you — are now in town,
Earnestly beg the favour of you to Call
on us in your way to Lyme
    Should it not be Convenient to Call
a{*} [torn off] Staughton, be kind anough to drop me
a line Signifying the day youll: be at
Leicester, that I may once more have
the Pleasure of takeing you by the hand
    I am Dr: Sir
    Your most Obdt:
    & very hble: Servt:
    R Hole
P:S: I beg my Compts:
to mr: & mrs: Burchal


Mr: Orford
[Accounts in different hand omitted]
      new page

    I where duely favour~d with yours
of the 19th Instant, and am Order~d to Inform you
that your Comeing here the latter end of Feby:
or beginning of march will be more Agreeable to
Mr Keck then the first week in February, and
Indeed it will be much better ( as you Observe)
on acct: of the Days then being longer — when
you Can meet with a Stifish mule about four
years Old mr: Keck will be much Oblige to you
to Buy it for him — I Shall be much Oblige
to you for a line a few days before %you Come to
Staughton I beg my Compts: to your better Part
    and am
    your very Obdt: Servt:
    R Hole
23d Iany: 1778



    I Send you the Inclos~d by
Order of mr: Keck, who begs youll: Procure
him the Quantety of the Sorts of Potatoes
theirin [corrected] Specify~d, and Send them to Staughton
as Soon as Convenient — the Reason
of mr: Kecks wanting So large a Quantety of
Seed Potatoes this year is, that has Promis~d
to furnish Several of is friends with
Lancashire Potatoes for Planting

    I am Sir
    Your most hble: Servt
    In %haste
    R Hole
5 Feby, 1778


Mr: Orford
      new page
Dr: Sir

    mr: Keck begs youll: Deliver the
Inclos~d letter to mr: Legh as soon at it Comes
to your hands, and Inform mr: Legh that
Madam Anne Legh, mrs: Keck, and the whole
of the family here are very well

    I %am Dr Sir
    your most hble Servt:
    In haste
    R Hole
30 Iune 1778


Mr: Orford

[Accounts in different hand omitted]
      new page
Dr: Sir

    I %where duely favour~d with yours of
the 29th Ult and mrs: Rowles_s letter Inclos~d which I
immediately forward~d to M: Oliver in London
and desir~d him to get it Convey~d to Mrs: Rowels by
Some Carefull hand — P~ this return of Bass_s waggon
which leav~s Leicester Early to_morrow morning, Shall
Send a Box Directed to the Esquire, Containing 3500
Wallnuts, I %hope youll: receive them in due Course
and that thay will meet with your approbation,
being the best this Countery at this time affords, I think
youll: find them rather to Drie and If so Put them into
Sand for a Short time and youll: find them get moister
    I Send you the whole I Could at this time Procure,
had you appli~d Sooner it would have been in my
Power to have done better for you — you have here
with a receipt for the Cash I paid for the Wallnuts
      new page
but w~d not have you Pay mr: Bent as you mention, as I have
a Pice of Corduroy to Pay you for — Poor Cristey has for Some time
back, been Exceedingly Ill of the Rheumatism and gets very little better
I %hope Mrs: Orford and the whole of your fine little family are
well My Dame Iojns me in Compts: to Mrs: Orford & Self
    I am Dr: Sir
    your most Obdt:
    & very hble: Servt:
    R Hole
5 Novr: 1778

P:S: I take the %liberty of Inclosing a %few %lines to mr: Bent
to whome youll: be so Obligeing as to deliver them
I have Likewise taken the liberty of Sending with the wallnuts, a small
Parcel %for molley Strong and must beg the favour of you to Send it to her


        Staughton 16 Iuly 1779
Dear Sir

    I am desir~d P~ mr: Keck to
Acquaint you that he Purposes being at Lyme
in a week from this Date, & begs youll: be kind
anough to go over to maclesfield before that
time, and Endeavour to make out mr: Kecks
writeings that were Some years back left in
the hands of the late mr: Stafford, & Bring them
to Lime with you — I hope you met
Mrs: Orford & the whole of your little family well
to whome I beg my best Compts:
    I %am Dr. Sir
    your most Obdt
    & very hble: Servt:
    R Hole


[Final d on past tense verbs in letters by this author from now on often with flourish and with noticeable separation from remainder of word. Transcribed as _d]

By Buxton
Mr.. Orford
Lyme nr. Dissley
A Keck
[Postmarked Leicester]
      new page
Dr: Sir

    Mr: Keck has Just recd the inclos_d
from Christs Hospitar begs youll: as Soon as
Possible get the Forms fille_d %up and Attested
& return it here
    I am Sr.
    most truely yours
    R Hole
25 Sepr: 1779


Mr: Orford
Lyme Nr: Disley
[Postmarked Leicester?]
      new page
Dr: Sir

    Agreeable to your desire by
mr: Iohn Bent I %have Procur_d you
2000 of Wallnut the Best this Country affords,
are High in price, but as lowe as any I have
known Sold this year — Cost 10s/P~ Thousand
    Shall Send them Directed to the
Esqr: by next return of Basss. waggon which
will be tomorrow Evening — Shall be Glad
If thay meet with Approbation & have not
a Doubt of it If Dont Taste to much of the
Pelf — we have a very Alaming Account of
the rioters in your part of the world which I much ^hope^
is not true — — I am Dr Sir
    your most Obdt & very %hble ^Serv^
    R Hole
12 Octor 1779
      new page
NB: Am Sorry I %have not a frank for your Honour
Our member is at this time in London


Dr: Sir

    I find by mr: Keck that mr: Legh
is Inclin~d to get into Our Breed of Sheep & has
by letter to mr: Keck Express_d a desire to have
a Couple %of Ewes & a Ram of me — I Can furnish
him with Such as I make no doubt both him & you
would approve on but I think it w~d be to far for a
Ram to travle, & that the best way to get them down
w_d be for me to Send them via Cart to Derby, & you
Send a Cart to meet ym: there I Sh~d Carge nothing ^for^ my
Horses & Cart to Derby — If this method approv~d on
by mr: Legh & you, fix your time of meeting at Derby
the House &c, and the Sheep Shall be there at the
time — I Shall be Oblige to you for a Speedy answer
to this
    And am
    Dr Sir
    your very Obdt hble: Servt
    R Hole
24 Octor: 1779


        Staughton 3d novr 1779
Dr Sir

    the Bearer hereof Wm: Burgess
Brings the Sheep I last wrote to you about
Should he be Short of Cash to bring him home
beg youll: let him have a trifle — in your
last letter to me you Says nothing of ^the^ Paper
I Sent you to get Sign_d for the Poor Blind
man at newton — beg leieve to Observe to you
that the Committee at Christs Hospital will
very Soon Sit, when that Paper Should be
Presented therefore Should be return_d %here as soon
as Possible — am Glad the wallnuts are approv_d
on Pray have you been at Derby this Autumn
Heavy Complaints in this Quarter amongst the
farmers & Graziers (but not at Staughton)
youll: be Surpris_d at my telling you that I Came %of
with [letter crossed out] flying Col~urs this Rent ^day^ not Single
      new page
Last from either of them, all Paid up like men, & without
Grumbleing [corrected] (& what do you think is the reason of it) you doubtless
remember Somewhat of the Charity Land in Staughton
Lordship, that Said Land was Let by Oction in August
Last at about 30s P~ acre, the most of it to Messrs: George
& Francis Watts Tenants of Ours both which has been for
18 months back very ^Liberal^ with their Encomiums upon the last
Valuers of mr: Kecks Land in Staughton, altho mr: Kecks
Land now Occupied by the Said watts_s, is, I will venture to say
in the Iudgement of any Person who knows Land, 7s P~ acre
Cheaper then the Land thay have taken, pray what Can you think
of these fellows, this matter has hap~en_d very well for me but J %am
apprehensive will be %very bad for their familys haveng it on Lease
for 21 years — — I am with Compts: to mrs: Orford
    Dr: Sir yours very Sincerely
    R Hole


Mr: Orford
      new page
Dear Sir

    I last night receiv_d the favour
of your letter of the 25 ult — on my return
from Ashborn I waited upon Dr: Vaughan to have
Setteld the Rhubarb matter agreeable to mrs: Anne
Leghs request; but the Dr: had not paid for it
nor did not know what — it was to %be — I find by the
Dr: it was Prepai_d by a Gentleman at Kegworth —
and I will take Care to Pay him for it the first
Opportunity I have — I Shall be much Oblige
to you to make my Compts: to Mrs: Taylor and
Accquaint her I rec_d the money & Bill very safe —
& will get it Discharg_d immediately; & return it
with a line or two — that She must Excuse now
as we are very Busy in Our Harvest I thank her
for the Agreeable Acct. of the young Gentlemen
    I am Dr. Sir
    your very Obdt hble. Serv{*}
    in haste R Hole
4 August 1781


Mr, Orford
at the Tiger Inn
      new page
        Staughton 9th Octor: 1781
Dear Sir

    Agreeable to your request
I have got the usual Quantity of wallnuts
for Lyme & 500 for Mrs: Orford and
your young Family ^which I beg their acceptance of^ I hope the whole of them
are in parfect health — Shall Send the
wallnuts with mr: Leghs Toasting Chees by
Bailey the Loughbro Carrier next Saturday
    Mr: Keck has Order_d me to remit
you half a %years Interest 125 £ out of
Our michas: rents, which I Shall take Care to
do as Soon as I have receiv_d them, which
I hope will be Some time in the Cours of next
week a bill on London will be the Safest and
I Suppose a Bill at a month or 21 ^days^ will do
    I am Dear Sir
    your most obdt
    & very hble Servt. R Hole

[In different hand]
NB I return'd the Inclos'd to Mr.
Keck who will send his Rect.
for it to Mr Hole


        Staughton 1st novr 1781
Dear Sir

    this mornings Post favour_d me with
your letter of 30 ult & have enter_d the 125£ to mr.
Kecks Account as you desir_d — I %am Sorry mr: Legh
has been so often discompos_d with matters of this sort
I must Say it is very hard at is time of life
    I make no doubt but their is blame anough
Laid on my back for not dischargeing mr: mawhoods
matter, which never was in my Power to do, and had
you been in my Place you Could not have Acted Otherwise
than what I did — If mr: Keck has Drawn on
Mattw: Oliver for mr. mawhoods Interest money 35£
I Should like to be inform_d of ^it^ by return of the %post
as I Suppose I Shall have to replace it — I have this
day met with the same Quantity of nuts you rec_d last
2000 & thay will go by the same Conveyance imagine
youll: receive them nex tuesday
    I am with Compts: to mrs: Orford
    Dr Sir
    your most Obdt Hble: Serv.
    R Hole
NB ys is my last frank I wish
you Could send me %a %few


        Staughton 30 Decr: 1781
Dr: Sir

    your letter of the 23d Inst: Came to
my hands yesterday after a Journey to London; I %here
inclose you a Bill on London Value 125£ for the ½ years
Interest which youll be kind anough to Send me your
receipt for on receipt of this — I do Assure %you Sir
this Matter puts me to great inconvenience not haveing
affects of mr Kecks to Answer it I have this morning
been with Spencer who is more than 170£ bad in is
last Lady days rent, which Should have been ^paid^ at michas:
last, but Could not get one Shilling of him; when mr Keck
was here Spencer promise_d me faithfully the Above Sum
Should be %paid on or before the 8th of this Inst:, and now
he Can fix no time for the payment of it — I am much at
a loss to know what we are to do with them and dread the
Consequences — agreeable to your desire I Send you Dowleys
Acct: for Hatts & my Own for wallnuts; I thank you %for
Dischargeng little woods Acct. but he need %not to have
troubled you with it; I desied him to Draw on Allamand
for the Amount — I See there is a Ballance of 2..15..10
due to you which might as well go towards paying
      new page
Dowleys bill if Agreeable to you Otherwise I will take the first
Oppertunity of Sending it you — I am very Glad to hear the young
Gentlemen are well and at Lyme I make no Doubt but thay are
Happy anough I Shall be much Oblige to you to make my best
respects to them I %am Dr: Sir
    with every good %wish to you & yours
    wishing you many very many happy
    Returns of the Season
    very truely yours
    R Hole


Mr: Orford
Haydock Lodge
[Postmarked Leicester]

new page

Dr Sir

    the time of your Comeing to Derby being now
Approaching — if its Agreeable to Mrs. Keck & you
J Should be very glad to have my Accounts Settled
at that time, which would Save me a long Journey
and J should imagine — would be the Same to Mrs. Keck
As youll make the report to her at your return, and
Mrs. Keck Can See & Sign the ^accounts^ in her way to London,
however Shall be much Oblige to you to mention this
matter to her & write me her & your Sentiments upon it,
And J wish you would at the Same time Acquaint Mrs.
Keck that mr: Baker is furnishing the house — as fast
as possible — has Already got a good deal of very good
furniture into it & has Sent here part of is Servants
& horses, & intends being here very Soon themselves J
very much hope thay will prove good Tenants, when J
meet you at Derby Shall bring with me A Copy of the
Terms Stoughton is lett on & hope it will meet Mrs Kecks
Approbation —
      new page
    Our brother Oliver from London has lately Spent [corrected] a %week with us
here, is now in Derbyshire; goes from thence to manchester & from
manchester to Warrington & Chester, J desir_d he would give you a Call
at Haydock & J believe intends paying is respects to you there
About the middle of next week — J %hope Mrs: Orfor_d
and the whole of your family are well and Also the good family
at Haydock —
    J am Dr Sir
    Your Most Obd{*}
    & very hble Servt.
    R Hole
Staughton 1st Octor: 1783


Mr: Orford
Lyme Nr. Disley
[Postmarked Leicester]
      new page
Dear Sir

    J am truely Sorry to hear of the
Death of Poor Lee Smith these Sudden Deaths are
Shocking indeed, it would much Alarm the whole
house — the Poor widow in her Condition is truely
Pittiable indeed & J %hope the Almighty will raise
her up friends — Poor Lees wages was 16 Guineas
a year and had eight months wages due to him
the 18 Jnst. — J am Surpris_d the wallnuts
has not yet found their way to Lyme J Shall
be at Leicester to_morrow when J will apply to
the Book keeper about them
    And am
    Dr Sir
    Most truely yours
    R Hole
24 Octor: 1783

[Accounts in different hand omitted]


Mr: Orford
Haydock Lodge
Nr Warrington
[Postmarked Leicester]
      new page
        Stoughton 20 April 1785
Dear Sir

    J am happy to inform you, your fine young
Lady, arriv_d Safe & well here this morning, and we Consider
Our_Selves infinitely Oblige_d to Mrs: Orford and you for the
favour of her Company; & we hope her Stay with us may be
long, do Assure you Sir, proper Care Shall be taken of her
    J %was much disappointed in not Seeing
you from Derby, & Shall Still be expecting that pleasure
    Poor Spencer has not been able to pay any of his Michas:
Rent his arrears now Stands 196£..16s..4d as to Our Other arrears
thay are no great Matters — Mr: Spencer has Considerable [word crossed out]
more Stock up on the farm than will pay us, & wile that is the
Case, their is no Danger of loosing the rent, — If he is Oblige
to pay up the whole of his Arrears immediately, I am fearfull
it will Greatly hurt him — Suppose we do as well as we Can with
him till Michas:, and let him know you will be up at that time
when he must Clear the whole or take the Consequence, and
in_deed I think your Comeing at that time will answer a much
better purpose than at the time you mention, & then after
Auditing the Accounts you Can take the Superfluous Cash back with
you — If you agree with me in this I %had better Send you a Bill
for the Ball: of our acct — Miss Orford begs %her Duty & my wife begs
to Iojne me in Compts, and am Dr Sir Your most faithfull & Oblig_d hble Servt
    in haste R Hole
      new page
P:S: Mrs. Orford has been wrote to from Leicester
    Pray {*} Did mrs. K: ever mention to you a 4 yr old Horse I have
for Masr Keck, and which She Said She wd get her father to keep for him
& then it would be ready at his vacation


Mr. Orford
Lyme Nr Disley
P~ %Buxton
[Postmarked Leicester]
      new page
        Stoughton May 8h 1785
Dear Sir

    Yesterday J receiv_d the favour of yours,
left at the three Crowns, & here inclose a Bill on London
for 20£..5s being the Ballance of the account J receiv_d
from you a Short time back, with the expences attending
the return_d Bill 2/ — the Ball: of Our Interest ^money^, due to
Mr Legh the 18 of April last was only 20..14..3 — notwith-Standing [across line break]
which, I Sh_d have been very happy to have remited
you the 125£ you mention had I that Sum, I Could have
Spare_d, but at this time I really have not; therefore
hope you will Excuse it — Our young Gentleman is now
getting very Expensive, the Dames acc{*} at Eton, for last
half year was 56£..12s..6, & it will be increasing every half year,
and Masr G: will now become very expensive
    I %am happy to inform you Miss Orford is perfectly well,
& we flatter Our_Selves very happy, begs her Duty & love as due,
My wife begs to Iojn me in respectfull Compts: to Mrs: Orford
& Self and am
    Dear Sir
    Your most faithfull
    & Obdt hble: Servt:
    R Hole


[Different hand] Missent to [postmark Knutsford]
Mr: Orford
Lyme Nr. Disley
P~ %Buxton

[Postmarked Leicester]
      new page
        Stoughton 30th July 1785
Dear Sir

    J receiv_d the favour of your letter by my Daughter
which had been Answer_d ere now but was from home when
She Came home, and am but Just return_d —
    My wife begs to Join me in best acknowledgments for
yours ^& Mrs. Orfords^ great kindness to Mary —
    Some time back Mrs. Keck wrote me, She was somewhat
indisposed, & was going to a bathing place in Lancashire, which
J was Sorry to hear, J have not heard from her Since her
arrival at that place, hope She has benefited by the bathing,
and Shall be very glad to hear of her perfect recovery
    on the ninth of July I remited Mrs: Keck to Lyme
by the %post, a Bill of Mr Mansfields on Smith Payn & Smith
at 21 days, value 127£..19s, the receipt of which has never been
Acknowledg_d, therefore am fearfull it has fallen in_to bad hands,
(and the more so) as I %have Always found Mrs: Keck so very
punctual in these matters, and think it right to get Mr.
Mansfield to Stop payment till I Can hear from Mrs: Keck,
to whom I must beg the favour of you to write a line upon
this matter, as Soon as you receive this, as J am not Certain
that J %have her proper Address & Shall be expecting to hear from
You About it —
      new page
    I Should be very glad if I Could with Certainty Say when the
500 £ you mention would be ready — you know it entirely
depends on the payment of the rents, which J %am %fearfull
will be worse paid then %ever, on Acct: of the very dry Summer we
have %had, however as that money must be got Shut of,
the whole of Our Arrears of rent must be got in, and that
J %am persuaded will be attended with Some trouble, and will require
Some little time after Old michas: About the end of October,
or beginning of Novr:, I Shall hope for the pleasure of Seeing
you here — and hope youll: meet with no Disappointment
My Wife & Daughter begs to Join me in most respectfull
Compts: to the whole of your house and am
    Dr Sir
    Your morst %faithfull
    & Obligd hble: Servt
    R Hole
P:S: J am desir_d to Ask you if you know when mr Downs_s
Money will be %paid


Mr Orford
Lyme Near Disley
      new page
Dr Sir

    I have your letter from Derby of
the 10 Currt: and was Sorry you Could not Come forwd
from thence — this is the 3d time you have given
me hopes of Seeing you here and disappointed
us, and I Expect it will be the Same in
november unless the thing you Call needfull
draws you here, & I am persuaded it has very
great Power over you — Spencer & Others
of Our Tenants turn_d out just as I was
fearfull thay would — I have now given them
till the 16 of novr: to Settel their matters
and I %hope very soon after that time to have it
in my power to Settle the 500 £ which I dont
doubt will leave me Bare anough, and as to your
Jnterest money must get you to wait for that
till Spring — Mr: Mattw: Oliver desires me
to remind you of a Small Matter of Mr Leghs
that has been long Standing £39..19—
      new page
he Also desires me to help him to Mr Downs_s Bond thinks
Mr Downs_s people has behaved very Ill in the matter and
is determine_d to get the money If it is to be had, its the
Poor mans All, and he really wants it — I have a large Sale
of Timber in Lincolnshire were I am going in a few days and
Shall be from home on that acct till a_bout the 16 of novr abt. which
time I Shall be glad to See you at Stoughton and if you do not
Come youll: be kind anough to give me a %line and I will ^hope to^ remit %you
the 500 £ very Soon after — I hope the wallnuts I Sent %you
abt. a %fortnight back arrivd in due Course & are good (very dear
this year) I Sent a few to Howlane where I beg youll: make
Our respectfull Compts: and am as ever
    Dr Sir
    Your most faithfull
    & Obdt hble: Servt
    R Hole
Stoughton 26 Octor. 85


Mr. Orford
Lyme Nr. Stockport
      new page
        Stoughton 18 novr 1785
Dr Sir

    I have your letter of the 13 Currt: and %by
mondays mail Coach I Shall Send as you directs
in a small box directed for you the 500 £ vigt:
350 £ in Bank or Cash and 150 £ draft on London
which you may depend on being duely Honord
    I Sh_d have been Glad to have %sent the whole in
Bank but have been Oblige to take different kind
of paper and Such as you w_d not approve on
(Disagreeable Business this) by the post after you
receive the Box I hope youll: not fail transmiting
me Mrs. Kecks own receipt for the above sum
Must Say I think this a %very unsafe way of makeing
remitances therefore Shall not be easy till J %here
you have receiv_d it Safe —
    I %am very Glad you are not likely to experience
any Great inconvenience from your fall, you are
very heavy & Ought to be very Carefull what you
ride — I hope the whole of your family are well
altho you do not mention them beg Sr. youll: make our
respects to them and am
    Dr Sir
    most %faithfully yours
    R Hole


Mr Orford
Lyme Nr Stockport
Post paid
[Postmarked Leicester]
      new page
Dr: Sir

    J %hope youll. excuse my troubleing you again
upon Mr Downs's matter, which is what J did not intend
doing, but I think I have a right to help the poor Old
Man to his Bond again — he has receiv_d a letter from
his Son in London and thay are now determine to have
Mr: Downs_s money (if it is to be got) and %a %Gentleman
has been kind anough to offer his Assistance in the
Business — J must therefore beg Sr you will be
kind anough to return me the Bond by the post on
receipt of this, and any expence you may have %been %at
respecting it I Shall be Glad to repay you with thanks
and am — Dr Sir
    Your most Obdt: hble. Servt.
    R Hole
Leicester 3d Decr 85


Mr: Orford
Haydock Lodge
Post Paid
      new page
Dear Sir

    J receiv_d the favour of your letter
Covering a Bill on Singleton London Value 11£..15s
which I have given you Credit for & will take care to
Set that matter right with mrs: Keck when I see her
    I see clearly the reason of the difference of two
Shilling in your acct & mine in Poor Lees wages, there was
8 m/s: & two days wages due to him at the time of his Death
I have Charg_d the two odd days which is near 2s/ (more
then 22d) (and you have omited the two days) but this matter
will be easy Settled when we meet — I fancy you forgot
the deeds you promised to Send me from Lyme on your
return from Derby, as I have never receiv_d them —
    I take the liberty of transmiting you the inclos_d
in consequence of your kindness in Saying you w_d endeavour
to get it for the Poor Old man — I %find this money is for wood
Fox Bot: of him Some time back — I am about to
be further troublesome to you — I believe I mentiond to
you when last at Derby that my wives farther had
      new page
a Bond of Mr Downs_s for 100 £ & there will be one %years Jnterest
due on it the 25 march next, when he has desir'd mr Downs will
Cancel the Bond; & Shall be greatly oblige to you to take the trouble
of this matter for him — and will take an oppertunity between now and
Ladyday of Sending you the Bond — My wife begs to Iojn
me in wishing Mrs. Orford Self & family a many happy returns
of the season — and am
    Dr Sir
    Your most Obdt
    & faithfull Hble: Servt:
    R Hole
PS: I %am very particularly desir_d by my
Daughter to remind you of your Promise
in Bringing Miss Orford with you when
you come next to Derby —


Mr: Orford
Lyme Nr. Stockport
[Postmarked Leicester]
      new page
        Stoughton 29th Feby: 1788
Dear Sir

    last night on my return home I found
your letter of the 22nd Currt: I beg my Duty to Mr: Legh,
and will immediately make proper inquirie for a Servt:
for him, and Shall be particularly happy in meeting with
One that may Suit his purposes —
    I Observe your time of being at Derby, and
hope nothing will happen to prevent my meeting you
either the 11th or 12th of april next, at the usual place, as I
very much want to See you on many Occasions, If anything
Unforeseen [corrected] Sh_d fall out to prevent my seeing you, you
Shall receive a line from me at Derby —
    I have to thank Our Good friends at H: Lane for
the fine fish thay were so kind to Send us, am Sorry thay gave
themselves the Trouble, as none of us are Genteel %anough
to be fond of it — We unite in respectfull Compts: to the
the whole of your Family and am
    Dr Sir
    Your most faithfull
    & ever Obliged Hble: Servt
    R Hole


Mr. Orford
Lyme Nr. Stockport
      new page
Dear Sir

    I hope I have met with a person
that will in every respect Suit Mr Leghs purposes
as under Butler, is abt. 35 years of Age, has [corrected] been in
Gentlemans Service near 20 years, & half that time
a Servt: in Leicester I mean the formar half Great part
of the latter has been under Butler in a large Family
in Summersetshire, Comes Strongly recommended
to me from Blair of Leicester, who I Suppose has
known him many years; I have told him his wags
will be 12 Guineas a year with Liveries & two Shirts,
and P~haps some further encouragement if he merits
it, he thinks the wages lowe, but has agreed to accept %it,
and will Set out from Leicester by the manchester
Coach this day Sevennight, and will be at Lyme
the next day, I have agree_d with %him that you shall ^pay^
an Outside passage & his expences to Disley —
expecting a line from you by return I am
    Dr Sir very faithfuly yours
    in haste — R Hole
Thursdy 13 mar: 1788


Mr: Orford
Lyme Nr: Disley
      new page
Dear Sir

    the Bearer of this George Richardson
is the %person recommend'd to Serve mr Legh as
Under Butler, and I hope he will in every respect
Suit his purposes, his wages 12 Guineas a %year and
two Shirts, his expences by the Out Side of the
Coach & the Carriage of his Clothes to be paid him by
you when he gets to Lyme, I hope the Good Family
are all well and am
    Dr: Sir
    Your mot: Obdt hble: Servt
    R Hole
Stoughton 19 mar: 1788


Mr: Orford
Lyme Nr: Disley
      new page
Dear Sir

    I have the %favor of your letter by
the Bearer of this, I will take Care to forward to
Lyme by the next return of Basss. waggon
the Wallnuts you mention, when you Send me
the Accounts you mention, you may as well
Discharge it, and Send me the Vouchars, and I %will
remit you the Amount immediately —
    the Poor woman you mention_d, have
not yet been for her 3 Guineas, but I expect
her every day, If She dose not Come in a day or two,
I will Send Some_body over with it — last Saturday
I Sent %you to H: lane by Bass's waggon 1000 of
wallnuts which I beg your acceptance off,
My Family begs to Iojn [corrected] me in very Spectfull
Compts: to Mrs. Orford and the whole of yours and am
    Dr Sir
    Your faithfull & very
    Obd hble: Servt,
    R: Hole
Stoughton 13th Octor 88
      new page Turn Over
NB: I rec'd the Other day 6 Pr of Stockings which
I Suppose are what you was so kind to Order
from Mr wood, I shall be much Oblige to you
to pay him for them, and let me have the acct,
with the Others —


Mr: Orford
Lyme Nr: Stockport
[Postmarked Leicester]
      new page
        Leicester 6 Decr: 1788
Dear Sir

    I receiv'd the favor of your letter
by Mrs: Kecks Servt:, and agreeable to your
request have this day paid Messrs: Dowleys
6£..11s..—d, their receipt for which you receive
here with, — I think Mrs: Keck looks much better
then when She left London last Spring, which
I was Glad to See, also that your fine air had
Sent Miss Keck back with Cherry Cheeks, it
Certainly have done great things for both %of them
    Mrs: Keck desires we may meet the next
time you come to Derby, and that youll: be so good
as to take the Trouble of Auditing my Accounts,
and I Shall be much Oblige to you to give me
all the notice you Can, as I Expect I Shall
have many engagements about that time,
my Family begs to Iojn me in respectfull Compts
to the whole of yours and am Dr: Sir
    Your %faithfull & Obdt. Servt,
    R Hole
NB: Mr. Dowley wishes
to know whether mr Leghs Hatt
was receiv'd


        Lyme Iany. 2d. 1789
Dear Sir
    Miss Legh has been at Lord Grey's for some time
and return'd to this place last night and am on Looking at
Your Horse this morning, does not like him herself,
and hopes it will be no inconveniency for you to take him
back, any expence or other disadvantage this has been to
You. She will be accountable to You out of the price
she paid for the Horse. a %Line directed to me how
You wish to have him up, with your further
demand shall be duly attended to by
    Dr. Sir
    Your faithful hble %Sert.
    R Orford
Mr. Hole


Mr: Orford
Lyme Nr Stockport
[Postmarked Leicester]
      new page
        Stoughton 11th Iany: 1789
{*...} [seal]

    last night I %rec'd your letter of the 2nd Inst:,
I am Sorry Miss Legh pass'd Sentence so hastily,
and without giving the horse a Trial, I am Sure
She would have found him a very good double horse,
and w'd have Carried her very Safe, — I have no
Objection to taking the Horse again, provided I
receive him the same as he was deliver_d at Derby
    & there will be no expence to Miss Legh
on this matter (excepting that of Sending him here)
unless She Choos_s to allow Something for expences
takeing him to Derby, & one nights keep there, which was
paid by the person who deliver_d him there, you are to
Send the horse any way you think proper, but I %think
it Sh_d not be by a waggon
    I am
    Dr Sir
    Your most Obdt & mo: hble: Servt
    R: Hole


Mr: Orford
Lyme Nr: Stockport
      new page
        Stoughton Tuesday afternoon
        20 Iany. 1789
Dr Sir

    I have this moment receivd the horse
Safe, and appears Sound, but we have Such
a deep Snow on the Ground that one Can see
but little of his going, youll: please to return
Miss Legh her Money, I am Truely Sorry to
find by your letter that you are So Poor
    I really have no B: notes in the house, as I
never keep nither them nor Cash by me,
but If I had the least reason to Suppose
your wants was real, I Certainly would
wade through the Snow to Leicester to assist you,
but as I Cannot Suppost that, you must
excuse me till another Opportunity, I beg sir
you will be kind anough to make my Proper
Acknowledgments to miss Legh — I am Sorry to
hear of your Indisposton but as ^its^ an attendant
only on the Rich never mind it & believe me
    Dr Sir
    Your very Sincere & Obdt
    in haste R Hole


[Different hand] Misst to [postmark Manchester]
Mr. Orford
Lyme Nr: Stockport
[Postmarked Leicester]
      new page
        Leiccester 20th Feby. 1789
Dear Sir

    I %rec'd the favor of yours of the 12th Currt:
which I %immediately commited to the flames, matters
turns out exactly as I %expected, indeed there is a meanness
that bespakes it, and upon my word, it is a Shocking
thing to be under Such Tuition — I have not Seen
any error in the Accounts you Sent me, I See by my
Book I paid 8s/ for wallnuts for mr: Legh 22d Octor
last — which I have deducted from your Balance of
63£..8s..8d and here inclose you 63£..—..8d which I believe
Settles everything between us to this present time
    I hope you are got Quite well again and that
your better part, & the rest of your family are well to
whom I %beg my respcts — And am
    Dr: Sir
    very faithfully yours
    R: Hole
NB: be kind anough to
acknowledge the receipt of the Inclosd
by return of the post —
a particular friend of mine want one %of
the money waying machins Ill: thank you get me one for
him when you have an Opportunity [corrected]


Mr Orford
Lyme Nr Stockport
[Postmarked Leicester?]
      new page
        Stoughton 17 May 1789
Dear Sir

    I rec'd from you the Other day
a Gold Balance, and am Greatly Oblige %to you
for the trouble you have taken in procuring it,
for me, — it seems a very nice one indeed
    Youll: See by the inclos'd how the Cromford
Canal Business has Terminated, which I Suppose
will give you pleasure, Als how the Leicester
& Milton Business has ended, the Leicester
people made themselvs Quite Sure of Cairring
their point this time, and of Course feel themselvs
Greatly Disappointed — I Shall be much
Oblige to you Sr: If youll: be so good as to desire
Mr Wood to Send Mr: Allamand master of the
3 Crains Inn Leicester Six of his very best
& Oldest Cheshire Cheeses immediately I hope
Mrs: Orford, yourSelf & every Branch of your Family
are in perfect health to whom my Family begs to
to Unite with me in respectfull Compts: and am dr Sir
    Your faithfull & very Obdt Servt
    R Hole

1788 [filed as 1789]

Mr: Orford
Lyme Nr Stockport
[Postmarked Leicester]
      new page
        Stoughton 19 Decr 1788.
Dear Sir

    I have your letter of the 15 Inst,
I hope the horse w'd get well to Lyme, & please miss Legh,
he is a very Stought good Horse, and very Suitable
for the purpose he is intended for — I Shall be much
Oblige to you for the Vouchars to the accounts Stated
in your letter, and Consider the 36£..15s which you have
receiv'_d from Miss Legh on my account, and place'd
to the Credit of Mrs: Kecks Familys account, the
Same to me as Cash for the horse, and I Suppose this
to be a Sufficient receipt for him [corrected]
    I think it wonderfull to see amongst the rest of the
accounts Stated in your %letter a Taylors Bill of 12£..7s for the
late mr Keck, who has now been Dead very near Seven years,
I do not recollect ever hearing of the name of Preston,
but perhaps you Can explain Something further Concerning it
when you Send the Bills up, I beg your_Self and Family
will accept the best respects of
    Dr: Sir
    Your most Obdt
    & very hble Servt
    R Hole
excuse %haste —
[In different hand, probably Orford's] Entd & Settled of no Use


Mr: Orford
Lime Nr Stockport
[Postmarked Leicester]
      new page
        Stoughton 20 April 1790 —
Dear Sir

    on my return home the Other day, I found
the favor of your kind letter, which mortifyes me much,
as nothing would have given me more pleasure than to
pomply_d with your request, had it been in my power,
    I feel my_Self much hurt by the account
you give me of your health, which I Sincerely pray
the Almighty to perfectly re-establish, and long Continue
to you
— I have thought it very hard for the last
twelve months, to be depriv'd of the Correspondence of
so good a friend as Mr. O:, and without any apparent
reason, — I now most earnestly beg for a renewal of that
Correspondence, which with a good acct: of your health
will give infinite Satisfaction to my family, as well as my_Self [across line break],
and is the most Cordial wishes of us all, who unite
in kindes respects to your better part, Self, and every branch
of your family and am
    Dr Sir
    Your faithfull
    & ever Oblig'd hble: Servt,
    R: Hole


Mr. Orford
Lyme Nr Stockport
[Postmarked Leicester]
      new page
        Stoughton 10th Iune 1790
Dear Sir

    I have the favor of your letter of
the 4th Inst,, and happy I am in the account you
give me of your health, and I most Sincerely
wish its Continuance for a Many many years
    We all feel very much for poor miss
Orford, as well as your_Selvs, and Shall be truely
happy to hear of her perfect restoration to her
formar good health, and Spirits, sh'd a Change
of Air be thought necessary, and a Iourney to this
place not thought too much for her, my Family
w'd be particularly happy in Contributeing every_thing [across line break]
in their powers, towards a re_establishment and
in makeing her as Comfortable as possible —
    Mrs: Pyes Rent is payable Ladyday and
Michas: the first half year due at Ladyday 1790
and I my_Self took the money to Mrs: Sarson a few
days after it became due in Order to have Settled it
but there being Some misunderstanding between
Mrs. Pye & her Respecting the papering the Rooms &c,
it was not in my Power to Settle it — therefore
      new page
was Oblige to leave that Business for Mr Oliver
to do, and I dubt not but he has taken proper Care
of it — I must Say I am truely Sorry for the
Change in wimpole Street, was afraid it would be
Considerd Rather an impruden Step, and so it Seems
to turn %out, I really do not know anything ^more^ of Mr B:
P: then what I heard from Mr. Oliver in Holborne who
I understood wrote you the very Same acct: as my_Self [across line break]
— the Papers that announc'd the marriage
Mention_d Mr: Ps: being ^of^ Wilburn in the County of Durham
this is a Family of the Pyes that I do not recollect
ever haveing heard nam'd till Since this matter
happen'd — I Cannot help thinking but that
Miss Pye must have had a finger in the Business
Altho I suppose She denies it — no doubt but mr. Legh
must feel him_self much hurt, but hope he will not
Carry his Resentment too far, as it Certainly must
very materially Injure Mrs Pyes health which is far from
the best and also her peace of mind and when this is [corrected] gone
there Can be nothing in this world worth liveing for
My Family begs to Iojn me in respectfull Compts. to you
and yours and am Dr Sir
    Yours in sincerity
    R Hole


Mr: Orford
Lyme Nr: Stockport
[Postmarked Leicester]
      new page
        Stoughton 5th Novr: 1790.
Dear Sir

    by this days Coach I have forwarded to your
Address (at Lyme) 200 of pens, for Madam Ann Legh,
    the Quills I receiv'd from Mr Oliver in Holborn,
desiring me to get them made into pens by Mr Bell
of Leicester, who has heretofore made %for Mrs: Bathurst
Pye, who we are expecting here every day, and to Spend
Some time with us, from Mr Kecks ^last^ letter to me, I
expect he is by this time in Italy, and that he will not
Return to England till the Spring, or Summer
    when your last favor Came here, I was in
Berkshire, on which account, I thought my_Self
very unluckey indeed, as had I %been at home, it would
have given me infinite pleasure, in Complying with
Your wishes, and I Still hope Sometime or Other
for the enjoyment of that Pleasure, hopeing that
your better part, Self, and every branch of your Family,
enjoys the Blessing of heath I remain with my
kind Salutations — Dr: Sir
    yours most truely
    R: Hole


Mr Orford
Lyme Nr. Stockport
[Postmarked Leicester]
      new page

    I am desired by Mr. Pares, a
Gentleman of Leicester, (My Father being out upon
a Journey,) to request the favor of you, to send a
Character, of Richardson, Mr. Legh's late under Butler,
who I find has left his place —
    My Mother, & Sister, Join me in respectfull Comps,
hoping to hear a good Acct. of you, & Family; an
Answer to this as soon as possible, will greatly Oblige
    Your Humble Servant
    Richard Hole Junr.
Stoughton 28 March 1790


[Use of commas is erratic in this text and/or occasional use of flourishes which look like commas.]

Mr Orford
Haydock Lodge
near ashton
[postmarked Warrington]
      new page

    I am very sorry you did not
call upon us, when you was in Town, that we
might have, had your opinion, of what fixture [edge of page, following s is possible]
you chose, we shoud leave, it woud have saved
you the trouble, of this letter, Mr Rigbey has
informd us, you was not pleased, we had
removed the Stone Chimney Peice [corrected], (I am sorry
for it) it was one my Sisters brought from
Liverpool, & they fixd it up in our Parlour
& as we wanted it for the same use took it
down, but have not moved one single fixture
besides, you know, I told you, they were all
ours, as there were neither Lock, Catch, or
Shelf in the House when my mother took it
of Mr Leech, one Bedchamber Grate excepted
wch. we have had made over again, but it
is still there, & we always designd to leave it:
as we have no design to take away anything,
or do one single act that coud [probably corrected from should] in the
least look ungratefull,
    Mrs ann Leegh, & you, also know, full well,
      new page
the very narrow circomstansis we are in, & therefore,
woud not (I am certain) desire us to leave
anything that woud be usefull to us, without
a propper alowence, but as this Chimneypiece
was a Carved one, another might be bought
for less money, than we might expect this might
have taken if it had been sold, I told
Mr Rigby, I woud make the fireplace good,
Paper, & all, with a Wood moulding as it
was before, but this he declined, as he woud
have a stone Chimneypiece, I then told him,
we woud alow him, what any one thought
the Wood moulding was worth, we have also
offerd stuff Hangings in one, of the Bedcham^bers^,
matting up the Wall of the Staircase,
Grates in the other, two Bedchambers, & the
Parlour, there is also a little partitiond
Closset in one corner of the Room, wch my
mother put up, wch has a window to the
Coal yard, this he said, he woud rather be
without, & to be sure the Room will look
better without it, the locks on the Bed-chamber [across line break]
Doors, are all Brass ones, & tho~
perhaps, seventy years old, will last our lives,
for the same use, therefore we had no
      new page
intention of leaving them behind us, but as
nothing is yet removed, but what I have told
you, of, if you have any objection, be so good
to let us know immediatly, we shoud have
removed this day, but the House we have
take is not ready for us, but shall certainly
go this week, wch mr Rigby says is time
enough for him, we shall be much obligid
to you, for a direction, to Mrs Ann Leegh
that we may write her a letter of thanks
for all her favours, conferrd on ou{*...} [torn off]
wch is all our business, for I will {*...} [torn off]
this little affair with you, to your {*...} [torn off]
as soon, as, I know what you expect from
    humble Servt
    Iane Holford
May ye 1st 1775

I beg Sr your
answer by the return
of the Post, as I shoud
be sorry to move anything,
you woud think, wrong


Mr. Orford
at Peter Legh's Esqre.
      new page

    Agreeable to ye. promise Mr. Legh
was so kind to make me, I take the
liberty of sending my Mare to Lyme,
and must beg the favour of you
to see her cover'd by the Captain's
Gray Horse, and to order her to be
bled immediately after.
    I wish her to stay a fortnight
that she may have ye. chance of
being with ye. Horse two Prides,
you will oblige me much by favouring
me with a Like by the Beaset
      new page
and, if it is not too much trouble, I will thank
you to inform me in a few Posts when you
think it proper for me to send for her
to Stohaud — I am with proper Comps.
    to Mr. Legh & Mrs. Ann your obliged
    hble Servt. Thos. Holme
Vale Royal
May 4th. 1784.


Mr: Orford in Marple
near Stockport
      new page
Mr Orford

    I Beleive that there is some money due
to you for Intrest, if you Please to make a Bill
of the same. I Reckon the Rent which was due to my
Father to January 1st:1771 & since that time to me
on your sending me a just Accoumpt of the same
I will send you the Ballance & your doing it by
the Bearer of this [word crossed out] will greatly Oblige
    Your Hble Servt
    John Holt Junior
July 1st:1773
If [corrected] you write Direct for John Holt
to be left at Mr Richard Bucklands
in Burges Street Sheffield


Mr: Orford
in Marple
      new page
        Sheffield may 13th:1774
    I am now capable to dispose of my property
I now perform my Promise to you by informing
you that I am willing to sell the Estate to you if
you are disposed to buy it. Or if you will take
a Lease on the same for another 5 or 7 Years I then
shall be willing to make you a mortgage on it
and give you £ 4 P~ Cent Intrest for your money
if you will inform me if you like either of these
proposals I %then will tell you my Conditions, if you
Answer be as speedy as possible
    I am
    Your hble Servt
    John Holt


Mr.. Orford
in Marple
P~ Mr. J. Goddard
[Some numbers later written on the paper. Not transcribed.]
      new page
        Sheffield Jan 17th: 1788

    At your request I have paid Wm..
Rowbotham 1/6 P~ week I made the first paymen^t^
to him 13th.. Oct. last I have paid him fourteen
Weeks, Wm seems to have very bad health
I %am Sir
    Your h~ble servt
        John Holt

[In different hand]
Iany. 29. 1788 sent No 10 Bank Notes — 10£
Rent due Ch~mas8—
On %Acct of what paid Rowbotham2—

author HOPE JOHN

Mr. Holford

[Some numbers omitted; Coperas written twice on the paper in a different hand.]
      new page
Peter Leigh Esqr.
    To Sutton Lime Works Dr
s dL s d
Decr 2d   To 12 sacks of Sutton Lime@3/92_5_0
24th   To 12 sacks of do@3/92_5_0
To 24 sacks not retd. empty@1/61_16_0
By 2 sacks of a former parcel retd.0_3_0
£ 6_3_0
Mr. Holford
    The Carters that Carted your Sutton Lime, order'd
24 sacks to be up for them by the 24th decr. Our sacks being all
out at one place or other except 12, which were fill'd, and in
Order that they shou'd not be disappointed, I bought two
empty Hogheads and sent them to Worsley to be fill'd
with 12 Loads of Lime, which they were & sent along with
the sacks. But when the Carter came for them he said
he woud only take the 12 sacks then, & wd. take the two
Hogsheads the next time he came to Town, but has
never applied for them since..... Such uncertain
proceedings give very much trouble both in our Books
& many other accts. Shou'd you want any more
shall be glad of a little notice in a line from yourself, &
we will take care to have it ready at the time order'd,
but any preparative Orders by the Carters only, will in
future be disregarded.. For Co{.} & self I am
    Sr.    Y{***} [seal] obt servt
        John Hope
Iany. 13th. 1778

author HOPE JOHN

Mr Holford
at Peter Leigh's Esqr
Lyme Hall
      new page
    Feby. 24th 1778
Mr Holford
    As above you have yr Acct of
Lime which we hope you will be kind enough to
remit. We make a point of selling all for ready
money, & do not suffer any to go from the Kilns
but by out Teams, without prest. pay.
    For Co. & %self I am
        Your mo. obt. servt
            {****} [Torn off.] Hope


Hadock         decembear the 12 1762

mr orford i desire that you would
seend mee that wach of yours by the
mashine if i ham to have hit that i mee
have a feease to hit a_fore wee com a_wee
from hadock your brothear tould mee
that hee had seent your new won and i
expect that you wold have seent hit
by wil{***} cortear when hee was at
lyme but i %am a_freead of not heaveing
hit a_fore wee com awee from hadock
george his deschard to day this deeay
but would not marey famey as i find of
you have seent her from disleey and
i fanceg shee would soun bee seent
from ashton pree remembear mee
to mr flodman and so no more from
your freend and weel wishear
    Ric Hosker
      new page
[Note by Richard Orford]
Richd. Hosker abt.
my Watch &c~
Rece~d Decr 14.62
Ans 16.62


Mr Richd Orford

to the fare of Mr Saml Daniel
    Groar Stockport
      new page
        Northwich Jany 18th. 1772.
Mr. Orford
    I should thake it as a %perticular favr: if you would
give me a Line pr. return of the %post if Mr. Legh be gone
from Leicester, as I have been informed he would not go from
there than the latter end of the next month, as I purpose [letter before u crossed out]
writing to him for a %sanction to dedicate my works to him & Mr
Keck which dont doubt but ^it^ would be complyed with — your complyan{*} [edge of page]
on this head will — Oblige
    Your Most humble %servant
    Mattw Houghton


Mr Richard Orford
disle near Lime
      new page
    Newton 11 Iuly 1781
Mr Richard Orford
    Ser I am sorre to troble
you but at this time am abligd to ask you
what Past betwixt the miller and mee about
newton mill when wee met at your Ofes at
hadock when hee had reasd [. between s and d?] a store that I was for
reasing him of his rent which was fals and you
promoted that wee shud devide, wee shud leave it
to mr Iohn Worsle and mr William Birchall of
ashton and they say that I promesed before you
to billd him a %nue hill or els to teake 50 a %year
therefore they wood wiss to heave it in riting
from you what past betwixt the miller and mee
and likewise what you heave heard say whicht
Shud bee stampt as nothing hope for your
answer by return of post which will much
oblige your vere humble sert
    Robt Houghton


Mr Richd: Orford
at [later insertion below the line]
Peter Legh's Esqer.
[Postmarked Manchester]
      new page
    A Stable Boy late in your Masters
service, by name Iohn Unwin, having applied to a friend
of mine for a place, & they being likely to agree provided
his Character answers my said friends expectation, I have
to request you will on receipt of this be kind enough to
give me the necessary information, & you'll much
oblige —
    your Hble Servant
    Willm. Houghton

Manchester Decemr. 26th. 1782.

Mr Richd. Orford


Richd.. Orford
Haydock Lodge
      new page
        Haydock Feby 19th . . . . 1784
    I understand that you are for Erecting of
a Mashine in Haydock for the conveniance of Weighing
of the Coles at the same Work, therefore should be
very glad of the Opportunity of serving you in that
post, for the Land that I have built a House upon is
so very poor that I cannot make it for to even keep me
two Cow's without taking half an Acre or three Quarters of
an Acre of Hay every Year; and I have laid out upon
the Land in Building and other Work above 200£ whic^h^
is all that I am at pressent possesd.. off or thereabouts,
so that I am very much put to a pinch for even a
small sustenance for myself & Wife & Children, as
for my Caractor I doubt not but it will bear the
strictest Inspection for Honesty, and as for Security I am
willing for to be bound or give any Security that I
am possesed off for any trust that may be put to me;
so I conclude myself Sir your poor Tenant & Servant
to Command
    Jn..o Howell

author HULLEY J

Mr. Alford
      new page
    I shall take it as a Particular favour if
you will represent to your Mr the Hardships ye
several Townships have suffer^r^ed under ye Parochial
Chapel of Maxfd - in making them subject to a Law
suit for many years past and notwithstanding ye
suit carried on in ye spiritual Court was given in
favour of ye Townships; proposals are now made
to obtain an Act of Parliament to cause ye
Townships to pay according to assessmt by y{*} to be
granted — My late Father has declared that when
any_thing Extroardinary has been done at ye Chapel
which has occasiond. a greater Ley, the Townshps
by desire have made a subscription to assist in
paying that ley: but afterwards an assessmt was
made on ye Townships to compoll, them to pay
it was refused, which causd: ye Litigation; and therefore
as I understand Mr Legh has Connections with us in
having a property ^in^ Kettleshulme, and perhaps in other
of ye Townships, beg that he will take it into Consideration
and at this Iuncture to stand our Friend
      new page
(as we are subject to ye Leys of the Parish Church
and have Chapels of our own to take care of)
Please to make my Compts to Mr Legh with respts
    to your self who am
    Your Hble Servt
    I. Hulley
One Houre
30th Novr 1774


Mr. Orford
at Lyme Hall
      new page
Dr. Sr,
    I wrote to you sometime ago, and
as I had not the pleasure of hearing from you, made
me think you had not recd.. my letter, therefore I
take the liberty to accqt, you that I should esteem it
as a Particular favr. If would have bin so obligeing
to have settled Mr, Lees, acct., at the same time hope you
will not take it Ill in me writeing upon that head,
but as I have some Payments to make, was the only
reason, from sr, yr, most obt, servt, Is, Hulley
Frodsham Iany, 4th, - 83
P.S. The acct, sent octr, 10th, — 1782 — is _ _ _ £9—15s—0d
I have laid in a quantity of excee^d^ing fine old Iamaica
Rum, and Coniac Brandy, If Mr. Lee should be in want

author HUNT JOHN

Mr Richd. Orford
at Haydock Lodge
near Warrington
[Postmarked Northwich]
      new page

I receivd your Favor of the 23d. Inst this morning, and
will agreeable to yr. request send you a Bill this next
week. I have been making Navy Salt this
few months past and have been oblidg'd to have
recourse to Sr. Robt. Gerrards Coals for what little J
have wanted, but when my pans go forward
again which hope will be soon shall most
certainly send my Hutts as usual to mr Leighs
pitts.        I am
                Yr. mo. %ob. {***}.
                Jo Hunt
    26th Aug :82

author HUNT JOHN

Mr Richd: Orford
at Haydock Lodge
near Newton
[postmarked Northwich]
      new page
        Northwich Augst. 27th. 1782.
Mr Richd. Ordford
    Inclos'd we send you chas. caldwell
& %Co's.
draft on B Burter Forbes & Gregory value
£23..4..8 which please to Creditt our ^Coal^ accot.
for with Mr Leigh and advise us of the
receipt by return of Post. we are
    Yr mo. obt. servts.
    Jo~n Hunt & Co
we shall put forward part of our pans
in a few days and shall as usual send
to Mr. Leighs ball.

author HUNT JOHN

[Omitted page not written by John Hunt]

Mr Richd: Orford
Steward to Peter Legh Esqr
at Lyme
[postmarked Northwich]
      new page
    decemr 13th. 1788
Mr Orford

    I have duly receiv'd your Favor, and for
answer J remitted you a London Bill for
£66.18.6 the 11th. Jnst which before this hope %you
have receiv'd — J wish you had relyed
on my promise, and remain respy
        Yr most ob~ Serv~
        Jon Hunt

author HUNT JOHN

Mr Richd. Orford
Steward to Peter Legh Esqr
at Lyme
      new page
{*...} [paper stuck together] Orford
{*}t Lyme

decem 11th. 1788
    agreeable to my promise
when you was over here J Inclose you herein a
London Bill Value Sixty Six pounds Eighteen Shillgs
and Sixpence in full for coals had from Mr, Legh's
Colliery as p~ account render'd. your acknowledging
the Receipt thereof will oblige
        Your mo %ob %Serv~
        Jo~n Hunt
Iohn Mort a~ Thos. Mort £66..18..6

author HUNT JOHN

Mr Richd; Orford
[postmarked Northwich]
      new page
        Spring Mount
        near Northwich
        Aug~ 6h. 89

    Your Favor of the 27h. p~nst did not come to
our Hands before this morning on account of %its
being taken to Namptwich through it being
directed there. If you alter the 7 days date
to 6 weeks your draft shall meet due honor — or
if you wou'd rather, we will remitt you a Londen
Bill the first opportunity. we are at present
engaged Sinking a Brine Shaft — if we are fortunate
we shall want a deal of Coals. we have
traded with Mr. Legh upwards of 40 years, and
are sure neither Mr. Legh nor yourself wishes to
use us ungenteel.
    We are
        Yr mo %ob. servts.
        Jo~n Hunt & Co


Mr. Richd. Orford
(By Buxton Bag)
      new page
    by the direction of Mr. Davenport I write to you
on a Simular Subject to the last — (Viz.) the Bill of which the
underwrote is a Copy has been presented and refused acceptance
as there is but 4 days to run it will be presented again when
due for payment — and I will inform you of the result
    I am your Obedt. servt.
        Ias: Hurst
Inner Temple
6th: Novr. 1782

No. 47.    £30..10..0    Oswestry 7th.. Novr.. 1782
One month after date pay Henrick Eyton Esqr. on Order
Thirty pounds Ten Shillings Value Received as advised by
        Edwd. W.Evans
Morris Barnett & Richardson

Indorsed on the back
Henrick Eyton
Jos. %Cooke
Pay the Contents to the
Order of Thos. Davenport
Esq~. Richd. Orford
    Thos. Davenport

      new page
P.S. Compts to all friends at Lyme particularly the Ladies.
more especially my next door neighbour when there.
I will not make a Similar mistake again (Viz.) when once
got within side the door, make so precipitate a Retreat
    (Vide) the Saddle bag Scene


        Inner Temple 23d. Nov~. 1782.
    by the directions of Mr. Davenport I write to acquaint you the
Bill you sent up (of which the underneath is a Copy) has been by his
Banker presented to the person on whom it is drawn for acceptance
(who has refused) as there is but 3 days to run before it will become
due he has order'd it to be kept 'till that time to %be again presented
for payment. and if refused will return it to you immediately. and
in the mean time thought it necessary to inform you of the averce
Circumstance that you might apply to the persons from whom
you received it
    I am with respectful Compts to my friends
    at Lyme your much obliged and very
        Obedt. hble Servant
            Ias~: %Hurst
26 Novr.
    £47. Manchester Septr. 23d. 1782
    Two months after date pay to Mr. Thomas Bramall on
    Order forty seven pounds Value Received as advised by
        Mo. Sedgwich
    Mr. Saml. Bradbury
This indorsed on the back by — Thos. Bramall
                        Iohn Mort
                        Thos. Leigh


Mr. Richd. Orford
near disley
(By Buxton Bag)
      new page
    The Bill I wrote to acquaint you of being
refused acceptance; Mr. Davenport desires I would inform you
has been since paid
    I am your very h~ble Servant
        Ias. %Hurst
Inner Temple
29th: Nov~. /82


To Mr. Richard Orford
Haydock Lodge
near Ashton
      new page
        Grange 1st: Octobr. 1783
To Mr. Richd~ Orford
        I have inclos'd you a Draft
from Mr. Geo: Wilbraham value fifty
two pounds nineteen shillings which is
in full for the Bill deliver'd to me by
your Agent — please to send me a %rect:
by return of the post & you will much
oblige your verry hble. sarvt: Iohn Huxley
Ans~. [probably in Orford's hand]

author HYDE ABEL

Mr. Orford at Lyme
      new page
Tintwistle 22d Decr. 78

    I have made inquiry about a servent for you
and have light of one I think may suit you,
he hath livd with Mr. Whitle at Hollingworth
13 or 14 years, and mostly taken care of the Cattle
and might I beleive been there yet, had he not
left to follow the Cotton Business, he is a Widowor
betwixt 30 and 40 years of Age and hath two or three
Children, which live out, he talketh of coming to you [r almost certainly torn off edge page]
House in about 2 weeks time so if you think you have
any objection a_gainst him you may send
me a line to save him the trouble
    I am Sr. Your truly affectionate Friend
    Abel Hyde


Mr.. Richd.. Orford
near Stockport
[postmarked Lancaster]
      new page
    Lancaster 21st. Octor 1790
Mr Ordford
    your favour of the 11th. Augt.
came duly to hand wherein you mention your orders to a
Mr Bradshaw Carrier to call for your two Casks of
Rum. & such waited for him but not hearing any more of
him than what your Letter mentioned as he never call'd
neither do J Know him. J sent them on Tuesday last
by Mr Hargreaves's Waggon. derected for you at Haydock
Lodge near Stockport. Cheshire & thinking it the safest,
got them Cased they permit you'l find under one of
derection's. have the pleasure to enform you of the
safe Arrival of Mr Marsden here on {*}nday last in
good health he intenas comeing over to your Country
as soon as his Bussiness will permit him but cannot
fix the exact time. Mr Marsden Joins in Complts,
with Dear Sir your most Obt Servt
    Iames Isherwood


Mr Alford
      new page
    I shall be greatly obliged to you
if you will be so kind as to let me know as soon
as you can whether the Sum I bid to have the
Lease filled up will be taken or not If it will
shall be glad to have it done immediately
    I remain yours to command
        David Jackson
Hyde 27th Dec
{**} If the sum will not be taken I wish to know
the lowest that will do
[In different hand, probably Orford's]
at %lower Lamb in Stockport


Mr Richard Orford
at Lime
near Disley
      new page
        Haydock 27 Augs {*} 1781
    I have been at Golborn / to your order for to
demand the dog, but must not have him,
/except I pay / one pound one Shilling for his
keep to Ioseph Clayton, I desire your answer
by the return of the post, how I must proseed,
as I am determined to have the dog,
I am Sr. with Great respect
    Your %most ob'd Humb~ Servt
    Iohn Iackson

[The next letter has been attached to this one.]


Sr. yrs I recvd, which surprisd me no
little, as I had before toled you I had nothing
further to do with the dog — Clayton has
the dog — & has had him some time, he says
you yourself told him he shoud be paid —
which I heard you say myself — which if my
Uncles knows any_thing about the dog I
shall certainly tell him the whole —
however I now inform you I have nothing to
do either with Clayton or Jackson — so if
you write any more about the dog you must
derecd to Clayton — yrs
            Cholmondely Legh
Golbourne Parkes
Wednesday morn —
Sepr. 5.81


Mr Orford
att Lyme Near Buxton
      new page
Mr Orford        Tideswell 3rd Augst 1774
    Yours of ye 30 Ult Came Duly to
Hand; the Contents of which a little Surpriz'd me:
to ffind Mrs Gaskell So %much a Stranger to her late
Husbands affairs' it's Much None of famely knew of
this Mony which was always Paid Interest for till of
late: But will Wate on you Very Soon and Sattisfy
you that I make No false Claim; it is a bond (that I
Have Against you and Mr Gaskell Being Exers.)
that Was Given from the late Mr Gaskells father
to My father for 40£ in 1734 and in 1736 When
My father Came to ye Long Lows to live Under Mr
Gaskell he Call'd in 10£ of ye Mony to Enable him to
Stock ye farm which Sum is Notify'd on ye Back of ye
Bond and my father alway Recd 30s a %year for the
Remaining 30£ and Now this Mony with ye Interest Due
along with Other mony Belongs to me and Brothers
&c I Shall further Sattisfy you when I Come Over
till which I remain
        your Most Hume Sernt
        Ino Jackson
PS its much if there is not a Counterpart of this Bond
Somewhere in ye late mr Gaskells Pappers


Mr Orford att Lyme
Near Disley
[accounts in other hand omitted]
      new page
Mr Orford
        Tideswell 27 Feby 75
    I have Waited since the 11th of Ian~ for
an answer from Mr Gaskell of Ingersley about the payment
of this Bond; he promis'd to write me in a fortenates time but
have not yet heard from him; the Seem'd Verry Scrupls,
about the matter as not knowing about Bond as ye Said
tho ye knew of ye 20£li note But that was of later Date
a Deal and I Beleive was Ballanc'd with You on Acct
in 68 or 69 so it Don't Stand Due; But this Bond is
Which I Shall Be very Unwilling to loose where there is
affects; Mrs Gaskell told me She was of Oppinion it
had Been paid; which it Neither has nor Ever Demanded
Before I wrote about it after ye Death of my mother
Your answer when it most Be paid will Oblige
        Your Most Hume Sernt
        I Jackson
NB the interest is Due from the 4 may 1764


Mr Orford att
Lyme near
      new page
Mr Orford        T{*****}ell [torn off] 4 Iune 1778

    I most Beg your pardon for
Not answering your last letter Sooner But was
in No Hory of Calling ye mony in; But my Brothers
Begin to think me Delitory about Doing my Duty
which I most Acknowledge; But I had Reasons for
it: and that made me Stop ye Interest in Mr
Gaskells hands when I Setled with him after my
Fathers Death; there has Been No Interest Recd,
on this Bond Since ye 4 of may 1764 at which time
I Came Over with to Settle My Fathers affairs
(Being left Executor By will) all ye Stock and the
20£i Note I left which we had Against Mr Gaskell
I left to ye Care of my Mother who Soon Dispat{****} [inkblot]
them: ye Stock at ye Death of my Father ^worth^ About
150£ and if I had left this Bond in Mothers power
She would a %made it away with ye Rest; as to papper
or Accompts She never kept any; as to Cash Being
Paid to her in May 1765 I am a Stranger to but
      new page
I Dont Dispute the Truth ^of^ it as that 20£ Note Cold not
be found at ye Death of my Mother (She I sopose) had
Recd ye Cash for it But at what time or times I Dont
Know; I know no mony has Ever Been Recd on
acct of this Bond But what is Recorded on ye Back of it
The late Mr Gaskell was of Deeper Penetration then to
Pay in Stock when he Knew the Bond was in my hands
and agreed to Stop ye Interest till I Call'd for it
if there Was any Sort of Ocation for Arbetration Cold have
No Objection to Mr Motershead; But as the Clame is
just hope it will Be paid without any Dispute &
Shall Be Glad to have it Done Soon as its high time
Either to Receive it or loose it; I am wth, Cops to Mrs
    Sir: y~r Obadet Huml Sernt
        Ino Jackson
      new page
PS I Dont Think Mesrs Gaskells would
make any Dispute about the Payment of the
Mony of ye was as Clear about it as I am for
I Beleive them Honest Men


Mr Orford: att
Lyme Near Dishley
      new page
        Tideswell 14 July 1778
    I wrote you ye 4th Ult Requesting the Payment
of the Mony Due On the Bond to me & Bros from the
Late Mr Gaskell I am Now Anxtious to have it
Paid; as to Messrs Gaskells Makeing a Boggle or
Dispute of My Clame the Don't need; as I have that
By me which is Soficient to Sattisfy them of the legalety
of my Demands which I have let them see; and was
well Pleas'd that ^the^ knew their Fathers writing which
Bond was made By him and as Good as Can be made
and Sopose will Bare the test in law if the was to
Dispute it: Shall be glad of your answer and am
kind Sir with Respects to Mrs Orford & Self
    your Oblig'd Huml Sernt
        Ino Jackson
NB    I Call'd at your House this is twelve Months to a seen
    you and you Gone %to knulsford Sessions


Good Sr

J shou'd be glad to know wt Mr Legh
Say's about me Leasing wth him if J
must, shoud be glad on acct of getting
money ready, by the time it will be
wanted & Sr. am your Hble Servt
    Edwd Jacson

P'.s There is a Harrot due to mr
Legh on the Death of my late Brother John,
wch my sister in law said she wou'd
pay it to you her self or you shou'd
have been paid before now


Mr. Orford.
      new page

    Mr. Barnes & Mr. Outram the two
Referees we have chosen to act with you on
the Division of our Commons are here, and
should be glad to see you this [corrected] afternoon at Thos
Jones's, to fix the time of your first meeting, but
if you cannot come over, please to let them know
if you can meet them on this Business at Buxton
at the Angel, on Wednesday the 26th. of this
month by nine o Clock in the morning.
    I am Sr. yr. &c Simon Jacson
Whaley July 19th. 1775.

[note by Orford: ]
Attended on this affairs the moment J rec~ed
this letter [signature]


Mr. Orford
at his House
How Lane
      new page
    Stockport Novr. 24th. 1777

    I called on you about a fortnight
since, when you was at Haddock, to beg the
Favour of you to assist H. Longden in a Valuation
of my Farms at Shallcross; as the Division of the
Commons [corrected] makes a great Alteration in the method
of occupying them, and the greatest Part of my
Estate is at Liberty, I propose to set the Land
independant [a corrected from e or vice versa] of the Commons in general, and
I should be glad of your Opinion what would be
best to be done with the Commons; where they
can be conveniently occupied with any of my
old Farms they might be made an Addition
to them upon my having a proper Consideration
for the Fencing and Improvement; and as you
are very conversant with the Value and Nature
of that kind of Land, I should be much obliged
      new page
by your considering this matter with Longden
and shall most willingly satisfy you both for your
Trouble; the sooner this Affair was done the
better as the Tenants want to provide their Stocks
accordingly, and if you will be so good to let me
know when it would be convenient to you, I would
let Longden know, & go with you the first Day to
Shallcross, or if you come to Stockport in a few Days
I shall be glad to see you here.
    I am yr se Simon Jacson


    Shallcross June 4th. 1778

    Mr. Fletcher called at your House
to have fixed with you the time that would
have been most convenient to you to have attended
a Reference in Behalf of Mr. Dickenson & myself.
The Referees are Mr. Fletcher & Johnson who
built the Bridges on the Buxton Road; and
we mutually agreed to fix upon you as the
umpire in case of any Difference; and as the
Case does not require an immediate Determination;
if you can let me know when it will be convenient
to you, I will let [corrected from fix?] Mr. Dickenson and
Mr. Fletcher know. I send this by a Lime Carrier
to_morrow, and if you should not be at home to
give an Answer but will write one to be ready
for Saturday, I will order another to call at your
      new page
House for it.
I %understand Mrs. Orford is in daily Expectation
of lying in, I most sincerely wish her a good time
    & am Sir your obliged hum. Serv{*}.
        Simon Jacson.


Mr. Orford
at Peter Legh's Esqr.
near Stockport
{***} at Haywood. [this line in different hand]
      new page
        near Uttoxeter Staffordshire
        Sommershall Sepr. 11.1778
    In Consequence of your Letter of the 3d. Instt., I wrote
to Mr. Dickenson, that I would willingly acquiesce in
your Opinion as to the Coal %Affair betwixt us. His Answer
to me, which I received last Post, was that he would do the
same, and desired me to write to you to request that
you would settle this Business for us. As you was
present to form a Judgement of your own, as well as
to hear the full Opinion of each Referee, I shall be thoroughly
satisfied with your Determination. I proposed
to Mr. Dickenson that He and I with you for our Umpire
should settle this affair amongst ourselves, and that
I should be at Shall_cross the latter End of this month,
but he freely tells me that if I was now at Shallcross
he would not talk with me on the Subject, and that
you, as our Umpire, must only settle it. Which I
beg the Favour of you to do, and that as soon as possible.
    As all Coalworks are ^very^ uncertain, I take the Liberty
of mentioning to you, that whatever annual Rent
I %am to pay Mr. Dickenson should be specified to be
      new page                                        paid
paid only while I make Use of the Privileges I now have
from him, and not for any certain Number of Years,
whether I make Use of them or not, and the same Reservation
Should [corrected] I think be on his Side for the Privileges
he will have from me. It occurs to me that it might be
proper to mention in the Award, that in Case of sinking
my Engine Pit deeper, or of shifting my Engine mount,
or doing any other thing necessary for carrying on my
Colliery, that I shall have the Privilege to convey the
superfluous Stuff that shall be wound up, or otherwise
arise from carrying on my Works thro' Mr. Dickensons
Ground on my Side the River into the River, providid
I do not there_by prejudice Mr. Dickenson's
Engine. I mention this as, when my present Engine
is worn out, I intend to establish my Works on the
most advantageous and powerful Footing, and for
Want of such a Precaution future Disputes might arise
which I abominate of all things, and which I would
willingly obviate; particularly as Mr. D. insinuates
in his Letters that Mr. Fletcher has been under improper
Influence from my Banksman; which I
think is such an Aspersion on Mr. Fletcher, that

      new page                                            I
I have done him but common Justice in telling Mr. D.
that I think Mr. Fletcher a Man of sound Judgement
and strict Integrity. Considering Mr. Ds. Hastiness
I %was unwilling to aggravate things, but I shall
always be ready, and will give Mr. Fletcher the
Character I think he deserves.
    I am Sir your obliged hum. Servt.
        Simon Jacson.

[Attached document from Mr Dickenson:]

author DICKENSON ?

when the award is to be made by mr. orford the
following is submitted to him to consider of.
1st....    whether How mr. Jacson shall be restrained from ever
        making a Tunnel in his present shaft into my
        Land —.
2d.     That the Proposal, as lately made, by mr. orford
        is to be considered only, as a satisfaction for the
    Priviledges already ^permitted^ [corrected from granted] by mr. D. to mr. Jacson.
3d.     Jt is left for mr. orford to consider what kind of
        Right, mr. D shall have to the Tunnel he has made
        in mr. Jacson's Land, as the said Tunnel was done
    only with a View to preserve mr. Jacson's Colliery.


Mr. Orford
near Stockport
by Haywood [this line in different hand]
[postmarked Uttoxeter]
      new page
        Sommershall Sep~. 22d. 1778.

    I am very sorry that the Affair betwixt
Mr. Dickenson and me should give you so
much Trouble; as to myself I shall be I assure
you thoroughly satisfied with your Determination;
and to show Mr. Dickenson that I was willing to
do what any Gentleman could possibly desire, &
to make your Line of acting as short as possible,
I wrote him Word that I would come into your
Proposals of 35£ for his Sough and 2 Guineas %a %yr
since I have had the Privilege I now have, and
to pay the same 2 Guineas annually while I
make use of it: this in short excepting one Guinea
a Year is coming into their own Terms; and
from this Concession I hoped the Affair might
soon come to a Conclusion; and I must beg the
      new page                                Favour
Favour of you not to wait till my Return to Stockp.
which is uncertain on account of Mrs. Jacson's
precarious State of Health, but finish the Affair
while I am absent; as the suspicious Temper we
have to deal with will think there is some Collusion
betwixt us if you stay till I am in the
Country. I think myself much obliged by the
friendly manner you have acted in this Affair
with regard to me, and I am glad you encouraged
Mr. D. to go on. I must be a Scoundrell
indeed to take any Advantage, particularly
as in my Letter to him I %desired things might
go on as they were, till you had finally determined
it: which I must again beg you to do as soon
as possible. I have had a Letter from Mr. Fletcher
and surely nothing was ever so absurd as Johnson.
I suppose he wanted immediately to stop my Works,
if they had this would not have answered
their Purpose, as I have a Resource within
      new page
myself, and which in time I will make use
of; for as Mr. Ds. is a settled Estate he can only
give me Liberty during his own Life; and I
will not subject myself and Heirs to future
    I am Sir your obliged Friend
        Simon Jacson.


Mr. Orford
      new page
        Shallcross Octo~. 7th. 1778

    I am just returned to this Place, and
Ned Jacson informs me, that you was so obliging as
to desire to know when I came, that you might finally
settle the Affair betwixt Mr. Dickenson and me.
I think myself much obliged by the Trouble you have
had in this Business, and that it may now be as
little as possible, I am willing, if you think it
reasonable, to come into Johnson's Terms of 35£, and
3 Guineas a Year. There surely now can be no Reason
why Mr. D. should refuse to sign your Award, which
when he has done, I will immediately do the same;
and thus I hope an End may be put to this
troublesome Affair. I %propose being at Stockport
on Saturday, and if tomorrow or Friday, or Saturday
morning suits your Convenience, I shall be glad
when you have ^first^ done with Mr. D: to have the Pleasure
      new page
of your Company to dine with me at Shallcross.
    I am Sir your obliged hum. Servt.
        Simon Jacson.


Mr. Orford
How Lane
      new page
        Stockport July 1{*}. 1785.

    I am obliged to be at Shallcross on Sunday
Ev{*}ning which will prevent my attending
you on Monday as I have particular Business
to transact [corrected] that Day; I am sorry that it thus happens
as I shall be from home [corrected] the Remainder
of the Summer.
    I am Sir your obliged Friend
        Simon Jacson.


Mr. Orford.
      new page
        Stockport July 18. 1785.

    There are a few yards of Land which belonged
to the Farm that Thos. Jones held. of your
Relation Haigh at the End of Whaley Bridge,
and which they say were not paid for by the
County of Derby. Haigh says unless he is satisfied
for what was left out by the County, he will
not suffer us to go on with the House for the
Weighing Engine, I have sent him Word that I
am willing to buy what is so left out for the use
of the Turnpike, and shall be obliged to you at
your Leisure to fix the Price and to appease this
said Mr. Haigh.
    I am your obliged Friend
        S. Jacson.


Mr. Orford
How Lane
      new page
        Stockport Nov~. 23d. 1785.

    I have seen the Order which was made
after Mr. Joddrell and I had left the Commissioners,
it is very express to the Purpose you
mention, {***}ough [inkblot] from the Conversation we had
about it while we staid, I %apprehended all the
Surveyors were to go on as %usual in the Repair
of the Roads till their Accounts were made
up against the meeting in January, when it
was intended to consider whether a more effectual
method than the present could be adopted
for the Repair of the Roads, this was, and still
is my Opinion, and from some Conversation
I have had with Mr. Legh of Torkington and
Mr. Prescot they join with me in thinking that
you should go on in keeping the Roads in Repair
till the meeting, and that your Accounts will
      new page
be allowed for work done to that Time. I suppose
you will give us Credit till then, and will take
all the Advantage you can of the Statute Work
and Composition Money due from the respective
Towns. in the mean Time. I hope you will attend
the meeting.
    I am your obliged Friend
        S. Jacson

author JANNION P

Mr. Orford at Lyme
      new page
        Pointon Friday morng
    I desire to known by the bearer whethr.
you will be at Lyme to_morrow in the after_noon
for Mr. Janney pushes to have the
Mortgage executed, and has a desire you shod.
^be^ present, as James perhaps is not acquainted
with such Things may be timerous of
executing. I cou'd be glad if the time above
mentioned will be suitable for you. Mr.
Janney & I will then wait on you & James
to have it executed. who am
    Your most obligd & %hble servt
        P: Jannion


    J am favoured with yours of the 23d. of
July last — On the 13th of that month J
remitted to mr. Burshall £170 as usual,
For Mr. Kecks Jnterest, ^and for Mrs Legh^ And on the 16th
of July, Mr. Burshall Wrote me, he had
rec~ed the Notes, And Placed them to your
Credit; And that he would by the Same
Post Advise you of it, Which I hope
he has done before this time: J beg my
humble respects to Mrs Legh and Miss
Legh And am
        your most Obedt: servt
        Willm Jay
Milton Augt 1st


Sir        Milton Augt: 2d 1779

Inclosed is the half of Six Bank Notes
Value £155 & a Devizes Bank Value
£15 which as it is Payable in London
(and a very good Note) will J hope answer
the Purpose as well as a Bank of
England Note, which J could not at any
rate Procure, My best respects to Mrs
and Miss Legh and be so kind as to tell
her J will in a Post or Two send her my
Account, And the next Post you shall
have the remaining halves of the Notes
and when rec~ed be so kind as to
give me a Line of the receipt of them
J am Sr.
    yr. most hble servt
        Willm Jay


    Jnclosed are the remaining halves of
the 6 Bank notes sent p~ last Post
J am
    your most hble servt:
        Willm Jay
        4th [corrected from 3] Augt: 1779


Mr. Orford
[Postmarked Pewsey]
      new page
        Milton Augt: 1 1781

    Jnclosed you receive a very good Bill for
£170. You will be Pleased to take £166.13.4
Part of it for Mr Kecks Interest and
the remaining £3:6.8 be so kind as to
Pay to Mrs. Legh as usual J beg the
favour of an Acknowledgemt. of the
rect of this And am
    Sr: yr. most hble servt
        Willm Jay


        Milton near Pewsey Wilts~
            Augt 10 1782
    On my return from Devonshire Wednesday last
I found your Letter; I have now enclosed
the halves of Nine Bank Notes, and one
Devizes Bank (Payable in London) Value
in the whole £166.13.4. I will send you
the remaining halves of the Bank Notes
p~ next Post, which when you have rec~ed
I beg the favour of a Line (Directed to me
here) Acknowledging such receipt — J %hope
Mr & Mrs. Legh have by this time perfectly
recovered their health — The Influenza has
been very General in every part of the County
but it seems now to have left it J beg
my respects to Mr: and Mrs Legh And
Miss Legh And am
    Sir your most hble servt
        Willm Jay


        Milton near Pewsey Wilts
        21 Feb: 1784
    I Received this morning yours of the 16 Inst
and Inclosed you receive the halves of 7
Bank Notes Value £160. and a Salisbury
Bank Note Value £6.13.4 making
£166.13.4 for Mr. Athertons Jnt: due in
Ianuary last; I will p~ next Post send
you the remaining halves of the Bank
Notes, which when you have rec~ed
I beg the favour of a Line acknowledging
such receipt I am
    Your most hble Servt
        Willm Jay


Mr Orford
      new page
        Milton June 4th 1785

    Inclosed you receive my Account of receipts and
Disbursements to Lady Day 1784, The Ballance of
which I will retain in my hands till J have your
Directions concerning it as well as the ballance to
Mich~as 1784 J am
    Your most humble servant
        Willm Jay [part signature cut off]

[Attached 2 documents:]


Mr Wheelden
    This cover comes from pewsey in
Wilts, which had two sheets of paper
Inclosed in it of Acct. weighing
above 1.oz. which came thorough
London office by it J %see they Charge
3s/4d I apprehend it is over charged
if %so please to take what is right
as this is the truth and am
    your Obt %Hble %Servt
        R. %Orford
12 June 1785

author WHEELDON ?

    Post Office Buxton June 18
Mr. Orford.
    The Cover you sent back
is right charge'd — you awe to
this office —4s/6d— which beg you
will order the parson at
Dishley to return ^it^ to this office


Mr Orford
      new page
        Milton August 2d 1785
    Inclosed J send you the halves of 5 Bank Notes (J would
have sent more but could not procure them) Value
£100, and Four very good bills Value 66£.13s.4d
making in the whole £166.13.4 being a years Jnterest
Due to the Heirs of the late Mr. Keck the Thirtyeth
Day of Iuly last: I have paid Mrs. Legh the money
in my hands as you Directed, And J will send
you by her the Vouchers of the Accounts J sent
you together with my Account of rents rec~ed
to michaelmas 1784 with the Vouchers of that
Account also. J will p~ next Post send you
the remaining halves of the Bank Notes, which
when you have received J beg the favour
of an Acknowledgemt of such receipt, J saw
Mrs Legh and miss Legh last Week who were
both then in good health J am
    Sir, Your most humble servt
        Willm Jay


Mr Orford
      new page
Dear %Sir,
    Mr Brocklehurst informs me
that Mrs Rowley of the Titherington Bar
has bidden 130£ for that in Hurdsfield
which is eleven Pounds less than what
it was let for before. Mrs Smith her %sister,
who is a Person of considerable Property,
will be surety for %her. Mr %Brookesbank
advises them to take the Money; and
Mr %Brocklehurst says, they think it will
be the best way to close with her upon
these Terms.
    I %am,
    Your most obedient
        & humble servant
            Thos. Jennings
May 2d. 1789


Mr. Orford
      new page
[omitted numbers written by another hand]

    I have been informd by In. Tellers
that my Tenants who were to keep the Road
at Redmere Lane in repair have neglected to
do their Statute work — I have given him
my Orders to call upon them to do it as
they ought & to get the Road put into
proper Order as soon as posible which
I hope will be done — I am Sir
    Your mo Hble Ser{*}
        J. %Bower %Jodrell
Henbury Octor. 1. 1781.


Mr. Richd Orford
Lyme near
      new page
    I recd your favr. & am much concernd for
the unhappy Occasion which prevented your Meetig
me agreeable to our Appointment. I think we had
now better defer the Business till the Tenants
Hay Grass is cut down; as soon as that is done
I will endeavour to fix a day for the Business
that will be convenient to you — I am
    your obedient Servt.
    JB. Jodrell
Henbury Iuly 12. 1789.

author JOHNSON R P

Mr Orford
[postmarked Macclesfield]
      new page
        nr. Manchester
        14 Iuly 1790
    Some time previous to the death of Mr Brooksbank
I applied to him on behalf of Mrs Wilkinson to arbitrate
a small parcel of Land with Mr Grey Lord Harrington's
Agent betwixt her Tenant Mr Hawkins & Mr Beswick,
which, owing to Mr Brooksbank's declining state of
Health remains undetermined, and if you have no
objection to deliver your opinion of it with that
Gentleman Mrs Wilkinson will think herself much
obliged to you. Mr Grey will be at Macclesfield in
the course of this month when it is proposed to have
the matter settled of which time Mr Peter Wright
will give you the earliest information provided you
can with convenience acquiesce with Mrs Wilkinson's
request to whom you will please to give your answer,
as it will be necessary he shou'd prepare Arbitration
Bonds to bind the Parties. Mr Peter Wright will shew
you the Premises and fully explain to you the mutual
advantage (as it strikes him & myself) which each side
      new page
will derive from the exchange — the Land being described
in a Map which Mr Wright will procure you a sight of.
I have to observe to you that shou'd you be of opinion that
Mr Beswick's Land is more valuable than Mrs Wilkinson's,
in that case, she will give Land to equalize the exchange.
Whatever expence may be incurred on this occasion Mrs
Wilkinson has desired Mr Wright to discharge, and to
make you her acknowledgments for the trouble you may
have. She desires me to say that she wou'd not have
taken this liberty with you had you not on a former
occasion chearfully assisted Mr Young in valuing
her Father's property at Bollington.
    Mrs Wilkinson and Mrs Iohnson send their Compts.
to you, and I am
    your humble servant
        R.P. Iohnson


Mr: Orford
at Peter Legh's Esqr
at Lyme
[omitted accounts in a different hand]
      new page
        Weavesham Decr: 5th: 1789

Mr. Orford

    Poor Mrs. Turner of this place is this morning
in a pitiable Dilemma, arrested by two sheriffs' Bailiff's
at the suit of Mr. Colville of Northwich for about £13..0:0
not quite I believe. — She is the more pitiable, for being
a mere stranger in this place, and having therefore no Chance
of any_body to bail for her in order to gain a little Time
    She desired I would write to inform you of her Situation
and greatly hopes that you will lay her Case before all the
Family at Lime &c and endeavour to procure and send her
by the Bearer a relief sufficient to extricate her from her
present Embarrassment. The Bailiffs will keep her in
Custody till your answer arrives, which I hope will effect
that Liberty which she now wants, and which I really
wish she had. I remn, Sir,
    your most obedt. Servt
        Ino. Iones
    I am extremely sorry for her; for I believe her prospect
for a good school mends; had she but friends to assist her
a little at this Time, now she is a beginner.


Mr. Orford
near Newton, Stuard to
Peter Legh
of Lime Esq~
[postmarked Warrington]
      new page
        July 24th 1781
    Having sometime since lent to Mr. Bellass some
trust money who is now become a Bankrupt and geting
a Friend to examine my Security, which is an Assignment
of his Interest in some Land in Aperly Intitled
        Warrington Septr 27th 1757
Peter Legh Esq~
to Iohn Bellass
Lease of Troopers Horse
in Aperley Arpley
Fine for adding one Life£9..-.. ..
Old Rent0..2..
Mary Bellass Wife aged30
LivesMary his Daughter of Warrington6
Robert Whitnall Preston14
Do Octor 12th 1757
Peter Legh Esq~
to Iohn Bellass
A Lease of Tollets Meadow
in Arpley—
Old Rent—..3..—
Mary Lessees Wife aged30
LivesMary his Daughter6
Prisalla his Daughter3
and finding it bad through not being Licenced so to do
must reloy wholy upon you to compleat the security by
obtaining such a Licence and beg the favour of a line
when I may come to requite you for the extrordinary favour
    Your much obliged
        Thos Iones
    Hatton near Warrington

author KAY JOHN

Mr. Orford
Hollow Lane
      new page
    A few days ago I took the liberty of
troubling you with a few Lines, desiring you
wd. please to acquaint me how Lands sell in
the Neighbourhood of Dishley & Wailey — for how
many Years Value & what %wd. be the best way
of selling a little Estate or two, & the Com~on
Land on the Longside belonging Miss Godrells
they, at present, thinking of selling the some
of their Estates in that Neighborhood —
    Your Answer to the above will
greatly oblige
    Yr mt. obt Servt.
        Iohn Kay
3d. Apr{*} 1774.


MR. Orford at Lyme in
Hanley — Cheshire
      new page
    I can hardly imagine you will either take notice of me or
any %thing I write, my Caractor is so badly Represented to MR Kenien
and your Master and your Self, and others, ^by Royle^ in Saying I altered
the probate of my Father in laws Will and other Scandelous
Reports at home and abroad a Shame to tell, and all th^is^
in order to make himself master of all or most his fathers
poss~ions quite Contrary to ye true intent and meaning of sd,
fathers will the Experience of Severall meetings, Arbitration
bonds and awards I understand wth him means no nothing as him ^th{*}^
he breakes thro all mutual tyes and agreements whatsoever
yt men can Either form by words or writings, nothing can please
him but all his fathers Substance he has lift a Fine wt
his father lift him in Manchester wch is Either morgauged or sold
to pay his credit (as I am Jnform'd by men of Credit) it is lett
at a eleven pound a year and now he is Seeking a Road to all
the Buildings at Chapel and sayes he can have all but Odens
he will have he maide afrush at ye haslebotlam Housing but
cold not Accoplish his disign beside Disturbing us very much
abt our Cottage wanted Something of it a place where his
father never layd out one peny and where I have liv'd 30 years
and brought up eleven Children without ye assistance of his
father or a parish and Chiefly Attended on him in his
Extravegence ^and^ 10 or 11 years Jllness [comma underneath ll] in all 25 years and yt for
litle or nothing for most part he was allwayes without mony
tho he had upward of 40 £ a year and Died 27 £ in Debt he was
very Jllnature and Shy wth us we Durst not Disobey his Commands
for fear he would leave us nothing and ye 4 £ a year he left us in
Ogdens will no thing near pay us The trouble we had wth him latter
end of his time I wod Rather a %brought up and Edicated ["i": one stroke, no dot. u?] a Child
Eleven years then [corrected from you?] had any thing to do wth him, he was so Jll
natured quarelsom unreasonable, and Naturally of a Spitefull
Dispossion there was no hapyness nere him his Son William
one of the Execitors ["i": one stroke, no dot. u?] has made use of 10 or 11 Atturneys Set
as so many Snares to Jmpose upon ye Legatees and Charges
the Expence in his Accts and has aply'd to 3 Lawyers Dawson &
pelers but Mr Kenion Sutes him best and I sopose has
made a Road to Esqr Leigh who knows nothing how Royle
has Acted for nere 6 years —
      new page
As Soon as his Father was Departed he and our Blacksmith who
kept his will, went of wth it ^before day^ under a pretence of fetching a person
to lay him out, ^&^ was soon going to manchester, I asked the smith
what was ye Reason ye went of under such a pretence he
sayd to get some things Altered, Royle sayd it might be
done, I asked ye smith then [wh blotted] where his will was who
sade he had it not at prest, but wod be forth coming to be
Rehearsed, this ^he^ declared before severall persons of Credit
there wod never have been a will soon, had I not got ye Reverd.
MR Haden to Examine ye Old man abt. it and ^likewise ye^ Smith whether he
had it, who promisd him it should not be Rehears'd tell
ye old man was Jntered — he wants upward of 40 £ of ye Legates
now and 30 £ he lent his father when he was 14 year old. &
MR Upton Examined his Accounts and brought him in Deptor
upwards of 70 £ he has brought Atturney & sent Bailiffs
who have threatend to cut our throats Sent for a writ for me
wagoner his Son in law fors^w^ore himself before Mr Chipindale
on Acct of ye Serveing wch put a stop to yt affair and broug^ht^
in 11 £ Costs, chargd Severall things payd in his Accounts
that are unpayd yet he swears he will spend all and thro
us all upon ye parish he hates me because I opose him
in his Roguish Disigns his Sister and him have made
Such bulbates in Blakeley you wod think the was broak
out of Bedlam warents Writs Bailiffes and mischief of one
kind or another has been there companions She, caus'd her
Father in law to pay 10 S p~ week to maintain her Children
he apeald to ye Kings Bench and the poor Clergeman was put
in prison for Disobeying ye order and behaved in Such a maner
in fetching warrents in ye Neighbourhood of Walterfall in
Stafford Shire yt parson and Neighbours was Redy to tear her
in peices and william ooer ran his parents and wod not
Except ye farm and stock maried a whore and a begger and
he has been in the puleing tub by whose Directions wt ye old
man left if lieing or swearing will get it, will sute them
      new page
the Disturbances he makes about what his father has left has
almost Rueinated us we cannot follow our Labour for one thing or
another he has been so mischievous in his unnaturall Acctions
satisfie yt neither men nor Devils I think can Satisfie that
Coffey hous of Hell he keeps, the make ye Bulets and he shoots
them we have been so vexed with them that I am afraid my
wife will lay hands on herself what ye may say or swear
I cannot tell, me my wife and 8 living Children I defy the
world, Neither [two letters crossed out] can or will any Neighbour Say any %thing agt, us
or our Children ye are honist and Jndustrous as any in the
Countrey and this will be atested by ye best Caractor'd persons in
the Neighbourhood wch shall be made apear under there hand
lest I shall be thought Guilty of Detration a good Caractor Is
more dear to me than ye old mans 4 £ a year while an old soldeir
lives my Children shall not be staind with my misconduct
but where must fly from such a set of villons I am unfortunately
concernd wth I disire to be at peace with all the world, I have—
somthing more to do and think upon beside there brauls an nere
70 years and very unferm of body I hear he has been with Esq{*} Leigh
and by M{*} Kenions Directions is makeing a Road to ye hous where
Ogden Lives the place is willd to his 3 Daughters and in Equity
the knowing ones Say is there Right, and we therefore humbly
disire in granting he wod not be to ^hasty^ in concerning himself
Royle, he knows nothing ^of^ these quarils and I do not Doubt but Kenion
has made I fine Easey Road to Esqr Leigh concerning ye prinesses
never was child worse us'd then my wife or ever did more for a
parent then she did for her Father for he wod not trust any %one
but her with his mony but her if he sent his son ^for Rents^ he wod keep
the mony I am Exceedingly Troubled you have taken such pains
togather wth M{*} Upton in Satleing these Diferances Espiscially [corrected]
you for your Award if it mean nothing you did your best to get me
Rid of such a set of Villons as nature never form'd and hope
it will be in my power to make a Return to you, my love
and Respects ^to that^ Honourable Family and yourself I Rest your
most Obedt Hble sert to Command &c.
    Oliver Kay
Blakeley Iuly
      new page
NB: Jf you pleas to lay this before Esqr Leigh he is a power_full
man and I hope will be a poor mans friend for a [a character crossed out] canot
set without his Lysance and we have it not and it will
oblige me if I can know how ye case stands and Ogdens
Jmprovemt will be lost and us Ruined &—
James Ogden will swear yt his Father said he should have
nothing in Black for he had wil'd it to his Daughters


Mr Richd Orfford
      new page
    I hear william Royle is for Leasing ye hous where
Ias Ogden lives in Blakeley Contrary to the true Intent
and meaning of his Fathers Will by Directions of Mr Kenion
of peel, Contrary to ye Opinion of Lawyear Dawson and ye best
Councel in Manches{*} It is willd to his sisters, and therefore it
is there Right to Leas, — if your master pleases it is nere
6 years Since ye old man Died and we are in poss~ion [comma after ss]
and there was never any Dispute conserning the Right
of Leasing tell now he sayes he is for leasing ye hous
Diretly [a sign under t] all tho he is subject to severall awards and
agreements &c—
we therefore are willing to Leas if you pleas Jmmediatly
both Hannah Tuson and us if you pleas and alowe
Betty her Right Dureing ye prest life if it be agreeable
for to you (for ye Alehous) for I cannot bear yt she is
for Leasing any thing, but {***} it out she sayes it
may last her time and we humbly disire yt vexatious
and Illnatured [comma under ll] man may not Jmpose upon us for ye future
we have had Jnfinite of trouble wth and Expence wth
him Mischief and Confusion has been there
Jnseperable Companions (both Betty and william)
a shame to tell the cannot Escape scandale
that has to do wth them Oh,! yt I cold hide myself
and never be nam'd amongst them
      new page
it is willd to ye 3 sisters the are the only
Jdental persons mention'd and therefore all
Wills are Consterd near the mind of the
diseased as the can, and in the most
Charitable way, because the are often
sudenly made and badly Dictated as lawyer
Dawson sayes and ye most Eminant Councel
in Manchester in Equity is our Right
I hope I can sufficently Clear myself
and my Caractor by persons of Credit and,
disire nothing more but to have nothing
to do wth them either in time or Eternaty
let it never be sade (or my name mentiond
yt I had ever any thing to do wth them for
poor man was ever wors us'd than J have
been by that Jnfernall Crow, J am your
most Obedt Hble sert to command & —
    Oliver Kay
15 July 1778


MR Richard Orford Steward
for Peter Leige Esqr at Lyme
in Hanley
with speed
[Postmarked Manchester]
      new page
    I understand that william Royle when Living made use
of Lawyear Kynion's Assistance abt, his fathers will and
rote to Esqr Leigh that He thought it was Royles Right
to take a fresh Leas of James Ogdens which the Old man
Expressly by will Left to his Daughtes and therefore his
Opinion was wrong for he did not leave him any Right
to any thing in Bleakley, and now Iames Lansdale whose
life is in ye Leas is down from London [word crossed out] ^and^ yt [something crossed out] wifes
fractious Sister ^and^ him are for Leasing the above places over
our heads if the can prevail with you thro pollacy or mis_Representation [across line break]
I am Very Certain yt my wife is ye only
Idental person (if you pleas) for she is ye Oldest Liveing
Legatee in ye above hous I am to Jnform you that we
are for Leasing our Selves ye above house (if you please
for I Believe Hannah Tuson will joyn us if we are
willing but Lansdale Sayes he will call on you ere he
goos back to London, I think a Granson LanDale has no
Buseyness to medle in our affairs and therefore hope
youl let us have ye firs Refase and youl Very much
Oblige your Most Obedient Hble Set &—
    Oliver Kay &
    Hannah Tuson
Bleakley 28th Iuly 1781

NB mr Kenyon had two Guineas from Royle who has
don Ias lonsdale Rong in a hous in Manchster wch
he came down to take possesseion [with overstrike] of for his life &—
but when you Come to Bleakley next time we shall see
if [second if under smudge] we can Bargain abt ye above hous or we may come over
for it is doubtfull but the Roof must be taken of, the Slate
and Spars are very bad and all ye inside of ye house shot
with Clay except some yt has been done since ye old man died
we cold wish you wold Examine ye Premesess &—


Mr Richard Orford Steward
for Peter Leigh Esqr at
Lyme in Hanley
[postmarked Manchester]
      new page
    After my respects to you and your family these are to Inform you
Iames Lansdale the only Depending ^Life^ in the Ale-hous &—
at Bleakley Chapel is Dead and Buried the 25th of October
Last, I therefore thought it proper to let you have this Early
intelligence that you might have time to concider how to
dispose of the same and as my father in law built the above
prmisses and laid out his fortune there, we humbly disire if you
please to let us make a bargan some_how or other for the
time to come at your coming over I hope we may agree so
as to have the honnour ^to be tennants^ under the family for the time to come
no more at prest from your most Obedient H,ble Sert
    to Command &—
        Oliver Kay
Bleakley Novr. 11th 1781


Mr. Orford
        Staughton July 5th
    I wish you wd. send
me by ye Coach this week (if you conveniently
can) 200£ in any drafts you
please at a month after date; as
I can get Cash for yt & have immediate
occasion to pay that sum.
    I am glad Mr. Legh & Mis Ann
Legh are so well I am Sir
    Yr. Hum. Sert.


mr. Orford.
      new page
mr. Orford.
        Staughton June 29th

    I have ^been^ disappointed
of a 400£ I expected to have received
by yesterday Post; & am
under ye most. solemn engagement
to pay 200 £ ye 1st of July: wh. is next
friday: & must beg ye favour of you
to write to mr. Burchal by ye^1st^ Coach
to accept my Draft — wh. I sd
be glad if you wd. repay ^remit^ to him
by that ^ye.^ time it will become due;
wh. will be one month after date.
      new page
& wh. with ye 100 £ already paid; will
nearly setlle finish our Interest Acct.
    I sd. be extreamly sorry
to put you to any Inconvenience; but
this is really a matter of consequence
to me: wh. obliges me to trouble you
with this Letter. I am Sr. Yr Hum Sert.


mr. Orford.
    I receiv'd your Acct
yesterday: & return you my best
thanks for ye trouble you have
upon my Business [corrected from Acct]. Hole wrote
you word about ye manchester
Stuff: wh. I am very glad you
are likely to recover it I wish
you ^wd^ send me all ye expence of
D. Silvester: since he has
      new page
been at Poynton: as I shall
try to recover what I can for
the sake of the Family —
    I never cd. have suspected
any man of being so
great a rascal. & I am rightly
served for what I have done for
him — I beg you'll send a Bill
upon London a month after
date: for 100£. or 150£: as I have
Just been paying Bills at Leicester;
& ye money I have paid upon
      new page
this rascal's Acct. has left ^me quite^
without Cash. I am glad to
hear mr. Legh & mrs Ann Legh
are so well. I am S
r. H: Sert
Augt 31. 1774

[Draft of Orford's reply attached]


        Lyme 2d Sepr. 1774
Hond Sir
    Last Night on my going home
I was favored with yours of the 31st. Ult~. by the
Coach, I return you & Mr. Hole thanks for Your
kind assistance in geting me the manchester Stuff
from Silvester — The under is what ^all that^ I know
has been Paid for young Silvester
Feby. 13 Mr. Iannions Bill of Board & Schooling
Feby. 15 Mr. Iannions Do
10.—. 6
Mar. 1 Mr. Iannions Do.
(sent you up in   
my last letter)   
26. 1.—
In Ios. allen Bill sent you up.—
In Wood the shopkeepers Bill sent
you inclosed. —

I don't know of any more you have paid for him
    I am every sorry I cannot complie with your
request of sending you a Bill for 100£ or 150£
I do assure you J am as destitute of Cash as
you Possibly can be, & I am call'd on at
this Time for some few Hundreds I have on
Interest in my Hands, and am looking out
      new page
for to take it up from some person in our
Neighbourhood, but find it very scarce
to be meet with, had I any Cash of
either my Masters or of my own that
I cd. assist you shd. be chearfully reliev'd
by Hand Sir
    Your most Obt. hble Servt.
As above J have drawn drawn on Mr. Burchal for Two
Fifty Pound Bills at 40 days which I have by this post wrote
to him to Accept, tho I have not a %Shilling in his hands
at this time, & own truly to You, that I have the money
to take up on Interest for to take them up, and
never knew it so scarce in our parts. but was
not willing to refuse you the request on so %pressing
an occasion. but hope it will be agreeable to you
to return the Sum in a little time —


mr. Orford
    I desire you'll be so
kind: as to deliver the inclos'd
into mrs Ann Legh's. hands:
& I should esteem it a Favour
if you wd. return me her
Answer: as soon as possible
by the Coach: or most expeditious
Conveyance. I intended
to ^have^ sent Hole: but {***} ^if^ this
opportunity had not offered.
    I am Sr. Yr. Hum: Sert
July 10th. 75


mr. Orford
      new page
mr. Orford.        Lyme June 27; 1777

    I wish you wd. send me
twenty pnds in Cash: & place to my
Acct. If I sd. not see you to-morrow: [across line break]
you may depend upon hearing
from me: if I sd. find mr. C— Heath
at home; I ^or^ meet with with
Andrew Allsopp at Loughbro'—
    Yrs A %Keck

NB. I shall set out to-morrow
morg between 7 & 8. o, Ck


mr. Orford
Haydock Lodge
A Keck
      new page
mr. Orford.
        Lyme Tuesy.
    I wish you would
bring ^up^ two attested Copies according
to the last Form:
of the blind man at newton's
Age ^&c:^; as I will send one to the
Hospital: & give the other
to a Friend of mine; who is a
Governor of ye Charity. I am
    Sr. Yr. obed [corrected?] Sert
    A Keck


By Buxton
mr. Orford
Lyme nr. Dissley
A Keck
      new page
mrs Keck will write to mr. Legh next post —
        Staughton Suny
mr. Orford.

    I recd. ye Copy of ye
Register: of T. Betendge's age:
& will deliver it to-morrow to
mr. Darker; who has kindly
undertaken his Suit; & I think ^if^
any man can serve him; mr.
Darker has every_thing in
his power; as he is a Trustee
& known to all ye rest.
    Pray make our best
wishes & Duty: to mr. Legh
& let him know mrs Keck, little
Geo. & miss Pye are all well.
    I %am Sir Yr. Oblid. Hum. Sert
    A Keck


mr. Orford.
      new page
mr. Orford.
    I sd. take it as a very
particular favour. If you wd. let
me have 200£ by the Bearer: either
in London Bills or otherwise: wh.
I have immediate occasion for: or I
wd. not have sent Hole down on
purpose. I did not know I sd. have
been in want of Cash so soon: or I
wd. have given you more time.
    I am oblig'd to pay all ye Cash I
have by me to-morrow: & your serving
me in this will confer a great Obligation
      new page
on Sr. Yr. Hum Sert.
may 2d.


mr. Orford
nr. Dissley
By Buxton
[Postmarked Leicester]
      new page
mr. Orford        Staughton may 6th [corrected]

    I have taken ye Liberty
of drawing upon Burchal
upon yr. Acct. for one Hundred pnd-
one month after date: wh. I desire
you'll give me credit for:
    mr. Legh & mrs Ann
Legh are here; & both very
well: mrs Ann Legh was yesterday
but indifferent. but is
is very well to_day. mrs Keck &
our little {*e*}; Are very hearty.
    Yrs Keck


April 29th
mr. Orford
nr. Warrington
      new page
mr. Orford.
    I hope you received ye
Franks for mr. Legh: & if you
want any more: I beg you'll let me
know. I have sent a Parcel
of Franks to Bath: & hope to see
my good Friend there: in 14 or
15 days. mr. Gwillym [corrected] is laid up
with ye Gout: & sets out as soon
as he possibly can travell. {***}
The weather is extreamly hot.
    I am Sir
    Yr. H: Sert
    A. I. Keck
April 29th


Mr: Orford
      new page
Orford, let there be a good Doe Kill'd next Week
as some Company come towards the Middle of the Week
the Haunch of Red Deer Venison never found it{*...} [seal]
Way to Millton, will you be so good to write me at
the Road To London, —


Mr: Orford
Haydock Lodge
      new page
        Aprl 25.1785


    I recd: Yours & am glad to hear
Peace & Harmony is once more restored, it is a great Pity but it
would continue, in that House it is however impossible, their going to
Lyme is a good thing as my Father then will be totally out of this
Way, of hearing what only vexes him, Tom I beleive leaves Lonn:
tomorrow, at least if I can get him out of this Place I will, for
as My Father is satisfied about his behavior, the sooner they meet
the better, My coming is very uncertain for I really cannot bear to
see so many parties & ^not^ be able to accomodate Matters, let me
hear from you when you get to Lyme, & am
    Your Oblig'd Friend
    E. K.


[Dash often used in abbreviations, with or without superscript; has been coded in Elizabeth Keck's letters as marked abbreviation.]

Mr: Orford

[Note in other hand:]
Missent to Nantwich
      new page
[Note, presumably by Richard Orford:]
Rec~ed only 28 May 1785


    As I wish to hear how matters go
on & not having heard from you lately it has induced me ^to^ give
you a few lines of enquiry, I find by Mair that (on the whole) Matters
go on better than usual, but I take for granted what he was to say
was put into his Mouth; let me hear how you go on, & what kind
of reception Tom mett with, I am convinced of one thing which
is, that, the more time he pass's with his Uncle, the less attention
his Uncle would pay to others, but the difficulty is to convince a
Legh, (rememr: I am one the Breed,) Mair talks of leaving Lon~n
Thur~y or Friday, & I find he had great charge of brining the time
when I meant to move, but he must be cuning, however if I find
them very pressing, I shall throw in a Perhaps, & thats no positive
Promise, My Mother & Sis~r are both well, tho the first Look's
shockingly, they stay 3 Weeks longer, & then move to Salthrop, pray who
is to have the managment . of that Estate, because at present there
is nobody appointed to receive the Rent's, You should speak about it
      new page
to My Father, as it must have sliped his memory, & it is but a justise
to his Family, that sombody should have the management of the
Estate, as for Your Fears of speaking to him, an Honest Man Orford
should fear Nobody, especially not fear those for whom he is acting,
Therefore if nothing is done let it be done out of Hand, for I am very
certain if my F~ Might be talked too on his own concerns it
would amuse his Mind, & take him of from hearing such a pack
of dirty People, who have no intrest but their own at Heart,
Old Legh Masters is come at last, his concerns has been a Load to my
F~rs mind, therefore get them settled as soon as You can for
my F~rs sake, I fear I must appear very impertinent but as I
really wish My F~ may pass his few remaining Days, more
Peaceably than those already gone over his Head, I would promote every_thing [linebreak]
to make his mind easy, (for the Mind affects the Body,) &
the most likely method is to take his attention up as much as
possible, let me hear from you soon, & I wish you would let me
have 100£: the beginning of june, I have had an Application for the
sitting Staug~n but cannot yet tell how it will succeed, You need
not mention this Letter, as I shall not say a word of it & am
    Your Oblig'd Friend E: K


Mr: Orford

[Same page, but written with the other side of the paper up]
perhaps My Father would send you up, & then I could
Settle some things with you
      new page

    I have just ^seen^ Do: Warren, & he has advised
My going abroad to Itiliy immediately, now it is not in my power
to accomplish such a journey without the mean's, therefore Miss Pye is
writing a letter to My Father, dont take the least Notice that I have
wrote this to You, the Boy's I shall send to Lyme, & the Little Girl
I shall send to School, Now Orford tho the above is advised Yet it will
not be possible for me to undertake it unless (which hurts me to mention)
My Father will be so good to contribute to it, which I would have
you mention to him, & You'l greatly
    E: K:
Sunday Morn~
[Different hand]
4 Dec. 1785


Mr: Orf{***} [Ink rubbed off]
      new page
    I recd Yours Yester~y & am obliged to
you for giving me so punctual an account of My Father, it is the
strangest thing in the world that he cannot be prevail'd on to go
to Haydock, when the Cold Months sett in, for my own part, I would
not pass another Winter Month at Lyme on any account, & I am sure
so much in Years as my Father is, he ought to pass his Winter in
a Warmer Climate, I hope to get away in about a fortnight, but
My Carriage being obliged to be fitted up for travelling, will detain
me, in june I mean to return, all My Children are well & am
    Your Obliged Friend
    E: Keck
[Different hand]
Decr. 6 1785


Mr: Orford
      new page
    I have this Moment recd: Yours, & am glad
to find My Aunt gets better, the Box, they made us pay
7 Shilling's Car{*}e: all I mean by Mentioning it is that it ought not
to be paid twice, which I strongley susspect it is, as the directive
was Rubb'd out, pray tell My Aunt that I hope she will soon
get about again, & am
    Your Obliged Friend
    E: K:
We are very busy
preparing for our journey,

Thursday Eve~:
[Different hand]
8 Dec. 1785


Mr: Orford
      new page

    I recd: Your 3 Letters & am glad
to find My Father is got so much better, I fancy before this reach's
Lyme Tom will have made a Visit there, as he mentions coming
in a Letter I recd to_Day, I shall be greatly obliged to You to
send me some Money, as I have Bills to pay & my own remittances
will not be sufficient, I hope My Aunt continues well & am
    Your Obliged Friend
    E: K
Tuesday Night
Queen Ann Street,
      new page
I wish You would get me a Little Watch
that Tom has got of Elizabeths, as I will get
new inside put to it, My Aunt gave it her,
pray dont forget it, as I have promised it
her, & Tom will let her have it,

[Different hand]
Jany. 7. 1787 sent No..


Mr: Orford
      new page
Mr: Orford,

    I shall be obliged to You for half
the Money My Father allows me for My Horses. as the Person I hire
them of, is not so flush of Money as to wait, dont think me
to importuning but rememr: I came up sooner than usual, I hope
all at Lyme keep mending, & am
    Your Oblig'd Friend
    E: K
P: S
Pray tell my Aunt that I %am
(which I really am) got very well again, & that all the Children
are well,
[Different hand]
Reced Feby. 10. 87
NB. Sent her Bills from Haydock to %pay whole
& some over


Mr: Orford
      new page

    I wish if You have got Leaders Bill
You would send it me, I mean the Coach-Maker, I do not recollect whether
You or Hole has it, but I want to see if the Bill he has now sent
me is right, I am a great deal better, & am
    Your Oblig'd Friend
    E: K
[Different hand]
5 May 1787


Mr: Orford
      new page
    I wish You would pay my Man half a yr:
Wages, & after that he may go when he pleases, I wish You could
find out when my Father thinks of Haydock; if not Yet, I
shall go up. as the Weather begins to grow very sharp, Isaac's
Wages are 16: Guin: pr: yr: so that 8 he is to receive, & to leave
Livery Suit{*} & the last jacket & Waistcoat,
    E: K
dont give my A~t the least hint
of what I've wrote to You about


Mr: Orford
nr: Dissley
by Buxton

[1790 written in different hand]
      new page

    I recd: the Bills very safe last Night
& am not in the least suprised to hear so bad an account of
Poor Chom, I never imagined Lisbon or any other Place could prove
the least salutary to him, I heard from Tom last Night, & the
destress he must be in I can easily conceive, I think it is a great
Pity he goes by himself, & I shall if there is time before he
Sails get Penny of Knutsford to go to Falmouth to him [corrected from go],
he wrote to him to come there but the letter was wrote in such
a hurry that nobody could make out the meaning of it, for
my own part I conclude Chom: is no more, My Aunt Asham
I find is totally in the Dark, which I think they are wrong
in, as the Blow will be greater when she receives the News,
for my own part I would ^not^ let People remain in susspence (which
is of all States the worst) I am glad to hear My Father is so
well, & am
    Your Oblig'd Friend, Eliza, Keck


Mr: Orford
nr: Dissley
by Buxton
      new page
Mr: Orford,

    If You recollect, when I left
Lyme you promised me I should hear from you the
Middle of january, & that I should have 100£, now the
Middle of january being past I hope you wont think me
troblesome, in puting You in mind, that I shall be
very glad to receive it, as I have my new Cariage to Pay for.
I hope my Father is well, I find Tom staid 2 Nights at Lyme
on his return Home, which for him was very gentict, pray
tell my Aunt I have recd: hers & will write soon & You'l
    much Oblige
    Eliza, Keck
Queen Ann St: West


    I find the Game Keeper is going, & that there are some
Hounds of Tom Legh's quartered there, now those Dog's should be
provided for, therefore if there is any House in Handly, that would
take them, I would give the People a trifle to take care of %'em
I mention Handly, as that is totally out of My Fathers beat, I
have let Staugh~n for 4 Yrs: to a very good Tenant, do You know
any_thing of Tom, as he was to have mett us at Manches~r Yes~y
& Neither came or sent, so that I fear he has had a Fall in Hunting,


[Different hand]
Mr. Orford
near Stockport
[Postmarked Warrington]
      new page
Mr: Orford,

    I have return'd You one of Your
Notes, & the letter which I recd: after having paid it away, & now
I tell you fairly, I will not have any:more of those Notes, the
tro'ble I have with them (even if they are due) is beyound any:thing
You certainly (if you chose it) might let me have the Money in
some better way, I desire the sum may be sent in Bank
Notes & You'l
    E: Keck
Monday Morn{*}:
      new page
[Probably still E. Keck's hand, but I am not absolutely sure]
It is thought to be a forgery as no such
Person can be found, & the Name is amongst
those who have forged


Mr: Orford

[Account & scribbles in different hand omitted]
      new page
Orford, My Father has promised me a Haunch of Stag
or Hind Venison, & if you know of either that is Fatt,
I wish you would tell him of it, as I want to send
it away, & the sooner the better, I have wrote to Crea{*...} [torn off]
& as soon a I receive her Answer you shall know


Mr: Orford
      new page
    I would have you pay Georges Coach to Birmingham, but you have
no occasion to give him any Money, because he has 4 Guin: & a{*...} [seal]
in his Pocket, his Grandfather & Aunt I dare say will give him
more, & I have got 7: Gui'~: of his, so that if he wants more at
his journeys end he will let me know, what time does the
Coach go out on Mon~y he had better Sleep at Schofields on Sun~y


Mr: Orford
      new page
    As I take for granted you will not
divulge any_thing You are desired to keep a Secret, I have taken
up my Pen to tell You how I am situated, I have been
very ill, & tho a great deal better still not well enough to
come to Lyme at My usual time of june as I am to go to
Bristol, & from thence to the Sea Side what I mean
is that if You can the end of the next month let
me have the 100£: due to me in june it will be
of great use as Phisicians &c: takes away a great deal of
ones Cash, let me depend on your not telling My Aunt
of this Letter, & You'l greatly
    E: K


Mr: Orford
      new page
    I have this Moment recd: Yours, & am greatly
obliged, to You for the what was enclosed & have returned
the Receipts, I hope my Mother is geting [corrected] well. I shall
answer Mairs Letter tomorrow, & am
    Your Obliged Fd:
    E: K


Mr: Orford

[Different hand with other side of the paper up: Crux Christi Nostra Corona]
      new page
    I recd: Yours & am sorry to hear my
Mother is so indifferent, from a Letter of my Aunts this Morn{*} I should
suppose her Complaints dangerous, indeed so delicate as she is I should
not be surprised at any:thing that may happen, My Father I find
is got vastly well, I wrote to Ned Hall on the receipt of Yours
& shall hear from him in a few Day's, we are all very well
here, & have just recd: My Fathers Basket of Pines &c. &c, for
which I am obliged to him, let me hear how My Mother goes
on, in which you'l greatly
    E: K
jan~y 25


Mr: Orford
      new page

    I recd: Yours yesterday & am glad to hear My
Mother gets better, if she should recover what a strength of constitution she
will shew, I assure you we in Town have been very sickly but I
hope now the Weather is a little settled every:body will mend, pray
tell my Sis~r that You writing is just the same thing, so that
I beg she will not think of it. & I also desire You not to
omitt it in which you'l greatly
    E: K
Tuesday Noon;


Mr: Orford
      new page
Mr: Orford,

    I shall be obliged to You if on receipt of this
You will pay to the Revd: Mr: Hall Princes Str: Manchesr: 5£ %5s: as I am
Godmother to a Little Girl his Wife is just brought to bed of, be so
good to pay it Yourself with My Comps: & as soon as possible in which
    You'l greatly
    E: K:
I hope all continue well
& mending at Lyme


Mr: Orford
      new page

    I recd: a Letter Yesterday for Dr: E: Hall
with a full account of My Mothers illness, & from his Manner seems to
think her recovery doubtfull, he likwise writes as if he wish'd me to
come down, O'h Orford such a Scene would drive me mad, I'm
sure I should not go through with it, I pity You all, from
my Soul, & feel for my Sister who is loseing her best Friend
if My Health & Spirits would suffer me to shew the Resolution
I ought to shew on the occasion or if they would permit me
to render a Service to any:body I would come down, but in
the State I am My Spirits are to weak to be of the least
use to any:body dont name this Letter to My Aunt, & give me
a Line how My Dr: Father is, in which
    You'l greatly Oblige
    E: K
Friday Morn{*}:


Mr: Orford
Cross Post
[Postmarked Bristol]
      new page

    I recd: yours yester~y & am happy to
hear My Father continues so well, as for My Mother I Look on her as gone
for I dont imagine there is the least chance of her Recovery, & to
merely exist is scare worth wishing for, I have recd: great benefitt
from this Place, & mean to remain about a fortnight or 3 Weeks longer,
I shall not say I have heard from you, but shall be obliged to
you to give me a few lines somtimes, I Pity my Sisrs: situation
& cannot form to Myself what will become of her, all My Family
are well, & am
    Your Obliged Friend
    E: K
june {**} 22d


Mr: Orford
[Postmarked Bristol]
      new page

    I recd: yours & confess I was not surprised at
the event which has happened, & indeed from the dreadfull State she has lived
in for some Month, Death was a release, I am Happy to hear My D~r
Father continues so well, & that the Shock has not been to much for him, &
Now Orford give me leave to ask after My Poor Sis~r whom I pity from
my Soul, I would have wrote to her but I think on the ocassion the
less said to remind her of the loss the better, therefore do you give My
Love to her, & tell I hope soon to be at Lyme & whatever lies in
My Power shall be exerted to give her relief, I mean to leave this
Place next Monday Sen'night, stay some Days at Bath, make a Visit of a
few Day's on the Road [or Roads?]. & so proceed to Lyme, give me a few lines
with some account of the Family, & when the Funeral is to be, w~h
I take for granted is over, & You'l greatly
    E: K
27th of june,


Mr: Orford
      new page

    As I wish to hear how they go on at
Lyme, I thought You the most likely Person to give me some information
about them, I have not heard a little from My Sisr: since I left Lyme
which surprises me a good deal, My Father I find is got out of
his Room, & I hope will continue well all Winter, give me a
few lines, & let me hear how My Sisr: goes on, Legh Master is gone
to Birmm: so that My finding him was a Vain Attempt, pray
tell Crew that I desire she wil make 2 such Cakes she sent with
us to Derby & send them by some Box which comes from Lyme,
but to take care they are not broke, in which
    You'l Oblige
    E: K


Mr: Orford
      new page

    I am obliged to you for the Receipt which
came very safe yester~y, & am glad to hear My Father continues so well, as well
as that My Sis~r is in such good Spirits, indeed if she would but exert
herself, that is all she wanted, Porter surprised me with a Visit a few
Days ago, but seemed in a violint [corrected] hurry, I was prevented seeing him
as I was dressing, & am
    Your Obliged F~d
    E: K:

author KECK G

Mr. Orford
near Stockport
      new page
        Monday Eton.

    Owing to some mistake
being made by the book keeper, I was forced
at Leicester to pay the fare for my journey
to London: therefore on my arrival in town I
went to Mr Oliver where I received the same
sum to be placed by him to your account.
the fare is two guineas & a half: therefore if
instead of paying Dixon you would pay the
      new page
same sum to Oliver you will greatly oblige
    G. Keck.

author KECK ?P.A.

Mr. Orford
      new page

    I wrote some time ago to desire
you would send my Horse's bridles & Saddle to the
White Lion Chester whence they would be forwarded
to me, but not hearing ^heard^ any_thing of 'em there suppose
the letter ^was^ miscarried — pray send 'em as soon as you
possibly can; I hope my Grandfather & Aunts are
well, shall expect a good account of 'em
    P.A Keck
Direct for me at Mr Hughes's Greenfield, nr Holywell ^N Warks^
The Saddle you had better direct to be left a the Wite Lion
      new page
Lion Chester as I have spoken to Paul who keeps it
to send ^it^ on. [word crossed out]


Mr. Orford
Lyme Hall
near Disley
[Postmarked Chester]
      new page
        Chester 19th May 1790
Dr. Sir

    If you Recollect when you were in
Chester you were enquiring for an Under
Butler there's one in our Neighborhood
that I can recommend as being strictly
honest, Sober, and remarkable good tempered
he is of honest Parents and with a little
Instructions I've no doubt but he'll answer
your Purpose he is 18 Years of Age and can
if required drive 4 Horses very well, his
Father is a Publican ^& keeps Carriages^ but he has an Objection
to staying at Home shod. be glad of an Answer
directed to your very obed{*}. & obligd. hble serv{*}.
    I~no Keeling Coach & Horses —

[Written along side of paper]
I hope The Revd. Mr. Barber is well —


Mr. Orford
Lyme Hall
      new page
        Chester 1st.. Iune 1790
Dr Sir
    The Bearer hereof is the Father of the
Young Man that I recommended to you,
and is along with him, I think he's able
to do your business tho' you tho{*}. him too
Young, if a Vacancy as Coachman
any time shod. offer I'll be bound to say
that he's capable (and if not corrupted in
your Countrey) Sober honest & good tempered
Respects are due to you and The Revd. Mr
Barber (who I hope are both well) from your
    very ob{*}. and obd. h~ble Serv{*}-
    I~no. Keeling.


Mr Orford at Lyme Hall
      new page
        Knutsford Septr 5th 1790

Mr Orford
Sir    I Sent for the young Man daniel Astles
last night and he came here to the George this
Morning ^he^ will be at Lyme on Tusday J do not
dout but he will Answer Every_thing you can
Expect from a %servant in his place having ben
long acustomed to Service in the best fameleys

    And J am Sir Respectfully your
Humble Svt Alex Kelly

[Different hand in red pencil, probably Orford's]
Mr. Dakin, Butler at H~ble
Booth Grey's

[Different hand in pencil]
Mr Dakin at
Honble Booth Grey's

[Copy of Orford's letter attached]


        Lyme 8th. Sep. 1790


    Daniel Astles has been here to Offer [corrected]
himself as under butler, who says he has lived
in the Family of the Honble Booth Grey for 3 Years,
to give no trouble to that Gentleman, desire
you'll inform me, how he has behaved in that
Family, during his servitude there, and if
you think ^ he ^ him [corrected] suitable for underbutler
in a Gentlemans Family.
    I am
    Your most hble Sert.
    R: Orford


Mr Orford
at Squire Lee's at
Lime Hall Near
[Postmarked Chesterfield?]
      new page
        Peacock Inn Iany 21 - 1774

    By desire of Iohn Kendall
Manchester I shall send half A Roll
of Brawn by Marsdens from Chesterfield
monday next wch. is the 1st. conveyance
since I recd. his order shall direct it to be
left at Mr. Hancocks dishly wednesday
next for Lime Hall I am Sir yr. Hble. Sert.
    Ionathan Kendall

The weight will be upon the directions

mr. orford


Mr.. Orford
at Peter Legh's Esqr.
Lyme near Stockport
      new page
Dear Sir,

    We are favord with your
Letter — the delay is owing to Settling Expences
with divers parties — it shall not be long
before we send an account to Mr. Legh
upon which the Ball: must be
inconsiderable; whatever that ^ it ^ is shall
be sent with it, or paid to Mr. Legh's order
    We beg our duty to Mr. Legh and are
very sorry that he should think we have
intentionally delayed forwarding an
Account to him, We are
    dr Sir
    yr. most Obed{*}. H~ble
    Servants —
    Kent Darlington
Cliffords Jnn
19th. June 89
      new page
[Note in different hand, probably Orford's]
New English Letter Writer
by Geo Brown M A


Mr. Orford
      new page

    Herewith you'l receive the Conveyce. to
Buy{*}. Lyon of the Estate purchased from Mr. Master
which you'l please to get ex~ted by Mr. Legh — I
dare say it is unnecessary to point out the Mode
of Execution, tho' to prevent any needless Trouble
you will excuse my Saying the Deeds must
be signed in this way. Legh Master by
P Legh by Virtue of a Letter of Attorney — Jt
is necessary for Bui: Lyon (as he is not the largest
purchaser) to have Copies of the Title deeds, but this
we can fix the next time J %see you, which you can
probably make convenient for Thursday next when
there is an Adjournmt. of the Turnpike Meeting
at Ashton. I want likewise to have some Talk
about Renewing the Leases my late Father held
under Mr. Legh, if it be agreeable to him to do that.
as J hope it will & am
    Your very hble Servt.
    Walter Kerfoot.
Warrington 6th. Iuly 1772.
P.S. The purchase money you will
please to insert in the Deed, as
J have not the exact Sum.


Mr. Orford
at Lyme
P~ Stockport,
[Postmarked Warrington]
[Accounts in different hand omitted]
      new page
        Warrington 11th. Septr. 1773.
Dr. Sir.

    Mr. Lowndes informs me that monday
Se'night the 20th. instt. will be agreeable to Mr. porter to proceed upon
the Division of the Comoning at Latchford & Groppenhall, so that you'l
be pleased to give him the Meeting early that morng. or it is probable
& I believe he means to be here the Evening preceding. I will
write this Post to mr. Earl that he may attend at the same time.
    & am
    Your most hble Servt.
    Walter Kerfoot.


Mr. Richd. Orford
at Lyme
[Postmarked Warrington]
      new page
        Warrington 6th. Iune 1774.

Dr. Sir.

    I have a large Sum of Money to pay
the 24th. instt. & shall therefore be obliged to you to let me
have the Remainder of the purchase money for Lowe's
warehouse a few days before that time.
    we shall then be ready I expect with the Award for
Latchford & Groppenhall Comons —
    J am
    Your most hble Servt
    Walter Kerfoot.


Mr. Richd. Orford
at Lyme
[Postmarked Warrington]
      new page
        Warrington 22d. Septr. 1774.
Dr. Sir.

    As you sometime since I remember
mentioned that Mr Legh had rather an Inclination to
purchase S{****}old's Estate near wargery Moss, it is not improper
for me to acquaint you (tho' you may have been sooner informed
otherways [corrected from otherwise] that the Estate is advertised to be sold by Auction at
the Eagle & Child in this Town on wednesday Evening next,
where J shall be glad to see you or a Deputy. & am
    Your mt. hble Servt
    Walter Kerfoot.


Mr. Richd. Orford
at Newton.
[Accounts in different hand omitted]
      new page
        Warrington 13th. Augst. 1776.
Dear Sir.

    As J know it always gives you pleasure
to be useful, So from the wish & Expectation of now making
you to be so, J give you this Trouble, which is to inform you
(what you may probably have heard) that there is an Action
depending ready for Trial the next Assizes, which begin on
Saturday, brought by one James Speakman agst. one John Gorner
where Benjn. Lyon is also hooked in as a Defendt. & the Matter
long since appearing to me a very trivial one J recom~ended
a Reference to John Radcliffe, who can tell you the History of it,
& J thought it was agreed to be referred to Mr. Legh & Mr.
Gerard, but sometime afterwds. I found proceedings were carrying
on, when J again spoke for a Reference, but that wod. not then be
agreed to witht. payment of Costs on Gorner's Side: And as J
did not think him the Agressor I did not advise the payment
of the Costs but to refer the Matter generally to any_body, which
J wod. yet wish to be done, not from an Apprehension in the
      new page
least that Speakman can recover any_thing (for I have the
strongest reason to believe the Contrary) but from a desire J have
to prevent needless & unnecessary Money being spent by
persons who may be ruined in the End, for J am sure this is
one of those Actions by which the winner will be a Loser, & then
J am sure you will agree with me it is high time to stop the
Litigation, which J shall be obliged to you for the above reason only
to endeavour to do by seeing John Radcliffe & the Pl~t Speakman
& getting his Consent to refer the Matter either to yourself
alone or the Assistants you will have in determining the Affair
with Mr. Woodcock & the Houlbrook's or to any other disinterested
person or persons of Credit & Character — Had the parties
been in Affluence not likely to be hurt by their own Folly J
shod. not have been so anxious to put a Stop to their Career but
J am always hurt to see persons so necessitous carrying on
their own Ruin, whether it is their own Act or thro' the Advice
of others, & on that Account J am sure you will excuse me,
in thus importuning you to save further Mischief, & that you
will let me hear from you when you have seen such persons
as are necessary to be consulted — J am
    Your mt. obt. Servt.
    Walter Kerfoot.
      new page
Pray when can you attend to the other Affair of Mr. Woodcock's.


Mr. Orford
at Lyme
[Postmarked Warrington]
      new page
        Warrington 19th. Sepr. 1777.
Dear Sir.

    As Mr. Blackburne is gone to Bath
for a few weeks, no writing respecting the Machine has been
prepared but on his Return, any_thing that is concluded on,
may very soon be finished
    J am
    Your most hble Servt.
    Walter Kerfoot.


Mr. Orford
at Lyme
[Postmarked Warrington]
      new page
        Warrington 6th. Feby. 1778.
Dear Sir.

    You know how refractory Iames
Speakman, or to speak perhaps more properly, how ill advised
he has been, of which he now feels the Consequence in Lancaster
Castle, from whence he has supplicated much to be released,
& I believe the Pl~ts having proper Feelings, have not much
Objection thereto, provided the material purpose of the proceedings
against him be answered, but that can only be by his Settlemt.
being certainly fixed in Newton, where I have no doubt it is
& ought to be from the Circumstance of Fraud that has attended
the whole Business; & the Township of Newton must therefore
either give a fresh Certificate with Speakman, or engage that
his Settlement shall be forthwith brought into Litigation, if they
think there has not been enough already — The former
Mode is the least expensive, & as the other I am well convinced
wod. come to the same %thing, I shod. think the former the more
desirable to both Sides — And as I find they look up to you
      new page
for some direction in this Business, I have thought it necessary
to say thus much, that you may give it a little Consideration
& inform me what may be expected, & the sooner that is done
the better, as the poor Man's Liberty may depend upon it.
    J am
    Your most hble Servt.
    Walter Kerfoot.


Mr. Orford
at Lyme near
[Postmarked Warrington]
      new page
        Warrington 30th. Decr. 1781.
Dear Sir.

    I once made some little Enquiry
from you after the Value of Ino. Blackburn's Estate near to you
which was left him by Mr. Steele, & shall now be much
obliged to you to acquaint me what you think, was it to be now
let, it wod. take P~ Annum, & what price you think it might
sell for.
    & am
    Dr. Sr.
    Your most obt. Servt.
    Walter Kerfoot.

[Accounts in different hand omitted]


Mr. Orford
      new page
        Warrington 29th. Augst. 1782.
Dear Sir.

    If you can fix any time for
delivering possession to Wm. Bibby of the Rose & Crown
I will be ready to give you a Bill for the Fine
&c{*}. but as he works in Cheshire, I wish you to
let me have an Opportunity of acquainting him
when you will be here, that he may attend. I
must also request you to get Mr. Legh's Licence for
Bibby to assign the Tenement to John Newton of
High Legh yeoman for Securing such money as
he shall be willing to advance thereon, as I
expect that he will soon repay what I may lay
down. & J am
    Dr. Sr.
    your mt. obt. Servt.
    Walter Kerfoot.


Mr. Orford
      new page
        Warrington 1st. Novr. 1782
Dear Sir.

    I sometime since intimated
to you that Iohn Blackburn's Estate left him by M{*}. Steele
in your Neighbourhood wod. be sold, & having now
advertised it for that purpose, I shall be much obliged
to you if you will employ some proper person to post up
& continue the Advertisemts. you will receive herewith
^part^ at Marple, & the rest you can send to Chapel en le
Frith with proper directions for the like being done
there, & any Expence attending it, I will thankfully
repay. It will be necessary for me to have an
Auctioneer formally to attend each Sale, & therefore I must
request that you'l be so good to speak to any comon
Auctioneer who can attend for the least Charge. I suppose
one may be found at each place, & he must previously
be directed to give about a Week's Notice to the Excise
Officers of the proposed Sales, that we may proceed
      new page
according to the Auction Act. And at your Leisure
I shall be glad to hear that the Comission I give you
the Trouble of will be executed.
    J am
    Dr. Sr.
    your mt. hble Servt.
    Walter Kerfoot.


Mr. Orford
Lyme near
[Postmarked Warrington]
[Accounts in different hand omitted]
      new page
        Warrington 28th. Septr. 1789.
Dear Sir.

    I shall be glad that you will
in the Cinnamon brow Tenement add the life of
Iames (aged about 10-years) the Son of Thomas Greaves
of Millbank in the County of Chester Paper maker.
    As to the Sankey Renewal, I cannot just yet fix
that to my Mind.
    J am
    Dr. Sr.
    Your's Respecty.
    Walter Kerfoot.

[Accounts in different hand omitted]


Mr. Richd. Orford
[Postmarked Warrington]
      new page
        Warrington 11th. Augst. 1790.
Dear Sir.

    Altho' you will not thank me, yet I know
you will have the goodness to excuse my having named
you to act as an Arbitrator with Mr. Wareing of Knowsley
between Mr. Brooks of Liverpool & Mr. Owen of this place,
touching some Rents of an Estate in Worrall belonging to the
Free School here — I know not whether you two shod. not
name a third person, that the Opinion of some two may be
decisive, but that I expect to be informed on Friday morning,
as I have wrote to Mr. Wareing tonight on the occasion.
    The Business is very short, & I conclude will be settled
on your Meeting, which I wish may be either here or at
Prescot before you leave this Neighbourhood — If you stay
until next Tuesday, I shod. wish that to be the day, but if not,
any day sooner shall be made convenient. And for my
Government in some degree, I will thank you for a line by
ret. to say how you are circumstanced
    I want to talk to you about a Lease or %two.
    & am Dr. Sr.
    Your mt. obt. Servt.
    Walter Kerfoot.


Mr. Orford
Lyme nr.
[Postmarked Warrington?]
      new page
        Warrington 17th. Septr. 1790
Dear Sir.

    Having made use of your name
as an Arbitrator along with Mr. Wareing between Mr. Owen
& Mr. Brooks, the parties have been willing to wait your
Convenience for a Meeting on that occasion: & therefore I will
thank you to inform me when you are likely to be here,
that I may give Mr. Wareing, who I shall see in about a Week
an Intimation of it — I shod. think the meeting may be
as well fixed at this place or Newton as any other, but
prior thereto, it will be necessary that I shall have the
pleasure of seeing you, to give you a Detail of the Business
to be Submitted to your Consideration. & am
    Dr. Sir
    Your mt. obt. Servt.
    Walter Kerfoot.

[In different hand, probably Orford's] fix'd 18 Monday Oct.


Mr. Orford
Lyme nr.
      new page
        Warrington 12th. Octr. 1790.
Dear Sir.

    I had the Favor of your Letter
& mentioned the time you proposed being here to Mr. Wareing,
who I find is then engaged, & cannot meet you until
Wednesday the 20th. instt. tomorrow Se'night, when I hope it
may be in your power to meet here by 11o. Clock, which I
shall conclude you will do, if in the mean time I do not hear
from you to the contrary — And as you shod. know the Case
& I shall not see you sooner, for Mr. Wareing will come with
me that morning from Prescot, I shall wish you may see Mr.
Owen, who will be found at home & hear from him the particulars
which I shall repeat to you & Mr. Wareing for your Government,
as I was privy to the most part of the Business, on which
the present Claim is founded.
    J am
    Dr. Sr.
    Your's Very truly
    Walter Kerfoot.


Mr. Orford
Peter Legh's Esqr.
Lyme Park
near Stockport
[Postmarked Chester]
      new page
        Handley May 18th. 1788 —

    After I had the Pleasure of seing You at Chester
I requested Mr. Egerton according to your Desire to pay
mr. Legh's Subscription of 2 Guineas towards the Support
of a Sunday School but as You Yourself had given him
no express order to pay it he wishes to decline it till
he hears from You. I beg therefore You will be so
good as ^to send as^ speedy an Answer as is convenient with
an Order for me to receive it of him as We have made
up our last Years Accts. and are going on for another
Year, but are deficient in our last Year's Accts.
just 2 Guineas the very sum you desired me to
set down for Mr. Legh & which we confidently
relied upon — & which if we cannot receive, it will
totally put a Stop to so laudable an Institution —
    I Remain Sir, Yr. Humbl. Sert
    — Wm. Kirkby
      new page
Mr. Egerton does not remember
in particular that you order'd
him to pay it —


Mr. Orford
Lyme Park
near Stockport —
[Postmarked Chester]
      new page
        Handley near Chester march 10th
        — 89

    Should be much obliged if you would
give me a Line to order Mr. W. Egerton to pay the
2 Guineas being Mr Leghs Subscription to the
Sunday ^School^ which will terminate for this Year
on the 25 of this month, & also to inform me
whether the Subscription will be continued
for another Year or not —
    Poor Mr. Iohn Egerton of Tattenhall died yesterday,
    I Remain, Sir,
    Yr. Hum. Sert.
    W Kirkby.


To Mr: Alfred
Steward to Petr: Legh Esqr:
at Lyme
      new page
        Stockport Iany: 7 — 67
    The badness of ye: weather, — the shortness
of ye. Days, — & my not keeping a Horse; —
together with ye: constant attendance I am here
oblig'd to; constrain me to decline ye: pleasure
of waiting upon you at Lyme, & to
request you wou'd be pleas'd to send me
ye: £6 wch: mr: Legh pays every Xmas
to ye: minister of Norbury, by any
person you can confide in; I shall return
by ye: hand wch. brings ye: money a Rect. to you;
& acknowledge myself for ye. favour
    your much oblig'd & Obet. Sert
    In: Knowles


Mr: Alfred
at Lyme
      new page
Dr. Sir
    I take this opportunity to remind you
of ye. Surplice & Com~. prayr: Book wch. we
greatly want at Norbury chapel; & wch:,
from your silence, I cannot but apprehend you
have forgot to mention to mr. Legh: For from
what I have observ'd at Disley, & have heard,
of that Gentleman's regard for ye: decency of
publick worship, I cannot think, yt. if he
knew my want in these particulars, he
wou'd suffer me any longer to labour under
it. I am, Sr:, wishing you ye: Compts: of ye:
    season, your very respectfull & obt: Sert
    In. Knowles


Mr: Orford
at Lyme
      new page
Dear Sir
    my youngest Daughter is, &
has been for some time, very much
out of health; her appetite is exceeding
poor; insomuch yt we can scarcely
procure any_thing for her yt. she can
eat: what she most talks of, & with
ye: greatest pleasure, is a Rabbit;
wch. I know not where to purchase —
nor indeed to request — unless you
will permit a liberty of that kind
from you. It is only upon such
an occasion, yt I shou'd desire a
favour of this nature, wch. I hope will
plead my excuse; And for your kind
      new page
compliance, I shall acknowledge myself your
    greatly oblig_d &
    Respectfull H~ble Sert
    In. Knowles
poynton Feb: 12th:


Mr. Orford
[Postmarked Stockport]
      new page
        Stockport April 7th. 1788.
    I was favored with yours dated
the 4th. Instt. enclosing a Bank Note for
Fifteen Pounds, and enclosed you have the
Receipt, I shall be at Macclesfield the
next Month & will then enquire of Mr.
Wright about your Interest, I am, Sir
    Your humble Servt.
    Harry Langford


Mr. Richd. Orford
at Peter Leghs Esqr.
[Postmarked Stockport]
      new page
Iune 7th. 1781. Received of Harry Lankford, One Hundred
and Twenty nine Pounds, thirteen Shillings & Eightpence
being the Balance due to the Commissioners of the
Turnpike Road from Macclesfield to Randle Carr
Lane head
£129.13.8 pr. Matt: Wheelton

        Stockport Iune 7th. 1789.
    I was favored with your Letter dated
the 4th. of May, I went to Macclesfield the 16th. and
did not return 'till Yesterday, You will send me the
Years Interest owing from the Chapel Road the
first safe opportunity you have, Above you have a
Copy of the Receipt given to me when I paid the Balance
that was in my hands, whatever is due to you, must
be received from the present Receiver of the Tolls,
    I am, Sir
    Your very humble Servt.
    Harry Langford

author LANGHAM D

mr. Orford —
      new page
Dr. Sir
    I am very glad to hear all your good
famley is well I should be very happey to
of seen mrs. Orford at Leek I would send a Chase
for her to macclesfield if she will so far favour{*}
me (but a house of morning fow Loves to com
to) Oh [corrected] mr. Orford what have I sufferd since I
say you) but I will not truble you with my sorros
may you never suffer the Lick is my sincear
wish of your friend D Langham

Leek Sepr. /18th/

my Complements to mrs. Orford

author LARDEN G H

Mr. orford —
      new page
[Accounts omitted]

    GH Larden being at Macclesfield takes the opportunity of
waiting upon Mr. Orford about renewing Mr. Harrison's lease
at Handley — He is sorry that he is prevented by Mr. O's absence
from speaking to him personally upon the subject, but takes
this method of letting him know that he is commissioned by his
brother to tell Mr. O. that he will implicitly subscribe to his
terms, at the same time that he wishes to remind him that
£ 36 P~ %Ann. at which, if his recollection does not deceive him,
the estate in question is now valued, & 9 years, which is the term
fix'd upon by Mr. O. for renewing the lease, is more both
in the value of the rent, & in point of time than Mr. O. first
propos'd to Mr. Larden of Tattonhall — If Mr. L. does not speak
intelligibly upon this subject, he hopes Mr. O. [corrected] will excuse him
as being totally unus'd to matters of this sort — He wishes only
to submit this hint to Mr. O's consideration — If it will prevail
upon him to lower the terms, Mr. L. will feel himself
greatly oblig'd to him; if not, at any rate he will abide by
his determination —
      new page
    Mr. L. will be at Northwich upon business some day next week,
& shou'd be happy to wait upon Mr. O. at that time, if he cou'd
conveniently prepare the lease by that time — will he be so kind
as to favor him with an answer as soon as possible, address'd
to Mr. Larden, ^Bridge-street^ Chester —
    Mr. L. leaves with Mrs. O. £100 —


Mr. Orford —
at Peter Leigh's Esqr
Post %paid
[Postmarked Chester]
      new page
    since I had the favour of a conversation
with you at Chester, I have seen my Father, who
begs me to make his compliments to you and
inform you the Lands and Cottage held by
Lease by my Grandfather never make more
then Thirty three pounds a year and some
time under — that when this matter was
talked over by you and him some time ago
you then took the rent at Thirty pounds,
which certainly was under what it now makes
he likewise says the Lands &c — will be of
more value to me then another which
when Joined to some other now left to me
by my Grandfather will make a very
compact Farm — bing intermixt one wh. another
      new page
    When these circumstances are made known to you
with the real value of the Land &c __ Pr. year, he
is in hopes you will be pleased to make some
little concessions from the agreement made by
you and myself [ changed from in?] which he is certain may be
done without the least injustice to Mr Leigh —
    If you Sir should coincide in opinion with
him I should think myself ever bound in grati_tude [across line break]
to you and should think the oppertunity
favourable which gave me a power of returning
the Favour — I submit to your decision
who am —— Sir Your most %Obe %Servt
    Iohn Larden
Chester May 9th. 1790
      new page
NB— be pleased to make me Lessee in this
Matter — which when executed, if you will
send to Mr Halwood I will then pay him the
consideration Money — and likewise satisfie you
for the trouble you have been at in this business


Mr. Orford
      new page
Dr. Sir

    I think myself greatly obliged to
you for having got my Lease compleated
you may be sure of the Money by my
Brother about the 20th. Inst — the time he
proposes being at Macclesfield til when
I remain — Your very much Obligd Servt.
    Iohn Larden
Chester July 5 1790


Mr.. Richard Orford
Lyme, near Disley
Cheshire —
[Postmarked Liverpool]
      new page
Mr.. Richd. Orford,        Liverpool 2d Sept. 1788
    Your favor of the 27 Augt. was duly received,
with a Bill value Ten Pounds which is placed to your Credit —
    Yesterday the Brandy directed as above was forwarded by the Northwood
a dukes flat, & hope it will meet Mr. Legh's approbation — the
quantity rather exceeds your order, but I thought it better to fill the
Cask than leave a Space in it
    Since we had the pleasure of seeing you at Liverpool Mrs.. Drinkwaters
disorder has prov'd fatal — but Mr.. Drinkwaters illness has
taken a favorable turn, & he is now, apparently, in equal health
& spirits, with what he was before but ^has^ not quite recovered his strength
    I am
    Your most obedt Servt
    William Lawson.


Mr. Richard Orford
near Stockport
      new page
Mr. Richard Orford —        Liverpool 10th August 1789
    Your favor to Messrs. Drinkwater
requesting 40 [corrected] Gullons Brandy for Mr Legh & 10 or 12 Galls.
of Rum was recd.. and as you requested to know
when it could be ready I have the pleasure of
informing you that any [corrected] day next week it will be
in readiness I am
    Your obt. Servt.
    William Lawson

The Bill of Parcels shall according to your desire be
made out in Mr. Drinkwater's name


Mr. Richard Orford
Lyme near Stockport
[Postmarked Liverpool]
      new page
Mr. Richard Orford        20{**}- Oct
    By some mistake your obliging favor
of the 4th Inst. I did not receive 'till Friday last. Not
having any Brandy myself, I have sent some from the
above Gentlemen (who are belonging to Mr: Harpers Countrey
House) and which I can recommend as perfectly free
from adulteration & I think of good flavor, it was
sent P~ Marsh's Waggon yesterday with directions
to be forwarded by Ardern, Disley Carrier, and hope
Mr. Legh will approve of it. Should you want
any Rum I have some very good which at any
time shall be glad to supply you with.
    Mr. Drinkwater as also Mr Harper & family
are very well. I am Sir Your most ob{*} Serv
    William Lawson


Mr. Orford
near Stockport
[Two illegible words written across, possibly in different hand]
      new page
[Different hand]
    I have by this Post sent you under a freed Cover an
Act lately passed for dividing and Inclosing Fairfield Commons
near Buxton I have appointed the first Meeting to be held at the
White Hart in Buxton on Easter Tuesday when I hope it will be
convenient to you to meet your Brother Commissioners to make a
beginning I have wrote to them by this Post to the same Effect and
shall take care to be there prepared with the Oaths necessary to be
taken on the Occasion
    I am Sir
    Your most Obt. Servt.
    [Different hand, probably same as that of direction]
    Anth %Lax
Maiden %Lane %Covent %Garden
12th. March 1771.


{*...} [cut off] Orford
      new page

    In Consequence of %the Letter I received %from
you & Mr. Beighton I wrote a Letter to one of %the Principal
Proprietors in ffairfield to acquaint the rest that I should
come there on Monday last to take their Sentiments as
to the Commissioner to succeed Mr. Wyatt and accordingly
I went there and was met by three of %them the %same
that were with us at Buxton and they desired me
to acquaint you in Answer to your Letter that they
had consulted several of %their Neighbours who all
wished to have one Mr Longstone of %Longstone a plain
honest Man of good property in the Neighbourhood
to be the other Comr. with you & Mr. Beighton They said
[word crossed out] they knew of %nothing against Mr Harpur but as Mr
      new page
Longstone was a Neighbour and a sensible honest Man they must
give him the Preference I have wrote to Mr. Beighton so that you &
he will consider of it [corrected] I am Sir
    Yr. most %Ob{*}. Servt
    Anth %Lax
Chesterfield 25th.. April 1771.

author LEAPER ?

Mr: Orford
[Postmarked Derby?]
      new page

    I was duly favord with Your last letter, and the
Court Rolls which accompanied it.
    You are so obliging as to mention, that if wednesday
the 12th. shod. happen to %be inconvenient ^to me^ You will
contrive to attend the Court on the 13th. — It happens
that I have business of some importance which will
demand my attendance in Staffordshire on the 12th.
I shall therefore take the liberty of fixing the Court at
Heanor the next day — ryt. Thursday the 13th.
    I will immediately acquaint In. Holbrook
thereof, and give the necessary directions for sumong.
the Iury &c — I am, in much haste
    Yr. most Obedt. Hble St
Derby Octor. 4th. 1785


[With this author, word-final s often has a full stop underneath it — could be s. Here simply transcribed as s.]

mr, orford
Dear Sir
    when here you tould me you should
haue accation to take sum money, at that time J thought
I not Com at any till old midsumer, but since then it is
in my power to help you to what you said should want
to 8 Iune of 400£: or: 500£ and is. now ready, if you dont
should be other ways prouided it will be no disanduant^age^
to me: pleas. sir to Let me know as %soon as possable
your Determination for J will not part wit it till J here
from you: If you Desire it J will meet you at ashborn
if you Dont Chuse to Com here, I think you propossed
keeping it a %year: my Complements. wait on mrs. orford
and sir belive me your sincear wellwisher and
Humble servt Hen: Leaper
westhallam d. 17 april 1774.
[Different hand, probably Orford's] 11 at Ashburne


mr ortford at Lyme

{***} Shallcross
      new page
Dear sir
    I hope youl excues me Giving you this trouble as you
was so king as to Give mr. munday the affer of the Gam in Hauer
he Desiers me to sent to you his Complements. and should be
Glad you wold Get a qualefication for his Gamkeeperr
Thos. Tinley as it will be a help to presaue his one Game
in shipley: ain sorey I Did %not send sooner as mr Low teles
me mr Lee masters has been jngland but is Gon, & shall esteem
it a faviour if youl send me a Lin if it is agreeable to
mr Lee masters and you to Grant the faviour, the reson
J send their is a set of people Gives it out thay are to haue
a GamKeeper of their one Chuseings [corrected] J Beag my Comple^mes^
wait on mrs orfford and your_sealf from Dear sir your
    obidged Humble srvt Hen: Leaper
westhallam d 30 July 1785: the next time you Com
hope youle do me the fauiour
to Let me wait on you at Hallam

author ?LECK R [or LEEK?]

Mr. Orford
[Postmarked Middlewich]
      new page
        Middch. 8h Mar 1789
Dr %sr.

    I was at Twenslow on Tuesday last
when we looked into your Security and it appears
that there were 3 years Interest due 3d Decr last
amounting to £43:10.0 — which Sum you will
please to remit to Mr Booth to London for %which
place he sets out this day — direct to %him Revd. Chas
Booth — Gate Street Lincolns Inn Fields —
    I am D S
    Your %most %obed %Serv
    R Leck
mr Orford

[Accounts in different hand, probably Orford's, omitted]

author LEE JOHN

[a and o very difficult to distinguish for this author]

mr: Orford
Lime Hall
      new page
        mottrom 3rd Iune 1774
    This to a_quint you that mrs. wagstoffe reicvd rent of one
thos Booth, which keeps a Bublickhouse, youl find he sent
[word crossed out] his Bill but not in porticklears, and as we would hove
you to Examin all Bills, Give them noteis to bring in theirs
in Full, but the would not Comply, and hove or'dr'd with
mrs. wagstoffe before the loft unknow{*}e [corrected] to hus, but if the [corrected]
must be alow'd to goe on in this way we don't Care For
{**}ting, put desire you'l be Kind anough to write a shorp
line to thos. Both For him to pay the rent Eather to you or hus
and bring his Bill at the some time with_out forder noteis
and it will put a stop to others offring to doe the some,
    we intend Coming over at Barnaby, if that [corrected] time will
Shute you and bring in All [corrected] the Bills and other a_Ccots
if the time don't shute you desire you'l Give hus a line
and will wate of you when you please
    the rent she reicvd is 4l:5s:0 For the lost halfe year
so you'l order with them a_boute it all From your
    Humle. Sorts John Lee
    Edward Reddish
P:S: if you hove oney orders to send to hus you may send a line
aney Friday By thos. ardorn as I allways See him

author LEE JOHN

Mr: Orfort
Lime Hall
      new page
        mottrom 10th Feby 1775

    as you Don't Come over, thought proper to
let you Knowe that thos. Booth ond Edmd hill ore
begining [corrected] to plaough ond if you Connot Come over in
tow or three days time would hove you to send
them Eather a verrey shorpe letter as soon as
posable, and Chorge what you think proper for
Every day work the plough, in order to put
a stop to them) or the will Begor the Ground
thot it will not {*****} the rent, ond their is
porsons that would Give as Good a rent ond youse
the ground well) hope Sr. you'l not deley Eather
Coming or Ealse sending to them) all From
    your Huml. Sort John Lee
[In different ink]
P.S if mr. orfort is not at home desire you'l
Eather write or get some person to do it For you
as a_bove and Send them made up in a popor
to John Lee {**} [torn off] mottrom


Mr. Richard Orford
at Lyme
P~ Buxton Bag
      new page

    Your favour dated Lyme 3rd Instant
I Receivd this day in answer to which the Numbers
you sent me in the different Lotterys was
Drawn as Under. If you should see my
Father I desire you'll give my Duty to
him I Remain
    Your most Obedt. And
    faithfull humble servant
    Thomas Lee
Royal Exchange
July 17th. 1775

Lottery 1772
N18m 690 £20Lottery 1774
18m 714 BlankNr 1m 628
18m 688 £201m 629
18m 689 £201m 626   Blanks
18m 686.£202m 170
18m 713 Blank


Mr. Richd. Orford
at Lyme
near Disley Cheshire
[Postmarked Warrington]
      new page
Mr. Richd. Orford        Warrington 2d. May 1785
    From the experience I have had of your friendship
am well assured you will sympathise with me when I
acquaint you that my dear Brother Brunton was suddenly
taken from us by the aweful stroke of death on Thursday the
28th of April last and has left a disconsolate widow and
Two poor helpless Orphans, One a Boy about 3 years old, the
other a Girl about 5 Years old — By his death, a Life has
dropp'd out of the Lease of Darwells Estate in the Cornmakett
and as there was one wanting before; it is now only held by the
Life of Mrs. Rogerson of this place an exceeding healthy person
& very likely for a long life — By the last Will & Testament
of my Dear Brother he has appointed myself & Mr. Iohn Watson
his Brother in Law Executors & at his, & the widows request I
have taken the liberty to trouble you with this requesting
you woud be so obliging to inform me in course of a few
days, on what Terms Mr. Legh woud grant a fresh Lease
adding the Lives of the Two Children abovementioned to that
of Mrs. Rogerson in order to make it complete & full
    I am very Respectfully Sir
    Your most Obedient Servant
    Thomas Lee


Mr. Richd. Orford
at Lyme
near Disley Cheshire
[Postmarked Warrington]

[Accounts in different hand omitted]
      new page
Mr. Richd. Orford        Warrington 22d. Iune 1785
    I took the liberty of writing you a few lines the 2d.
of May last to which have not yet had the favour of your
answer & from this circumstance am apprehensive my
Letter must have miscarried, but at foot you have a copy
thereof & request your reply soon as convenient to Sir your
    most Obedient Servant Thomas Lee

[Copy of the previous letter omitted]


Mr. Richard Orford
at Lyme
near Disley
[Postmarked Warrington]
      new page
Mr. Richard Orford        Warrington 10th Novr: 1785
Dear Sir
    I flatterd myself with the pleasure of
seeing you before you left this part of the country &
had actually set out with the intention of paying
my respects to you at Haydock this day, but at
the end of the Town I mett Mr. Rigby who informd
me you had left there yesterday, my business you
doubtless well know, it was to give you instructions
to expedite the Lease of Darwells Estate as soon as
possible the Widow being a little uneasy about it
& as I have had a hint given me of being negligent
about it, the sooner 'tis done the more it will oblige
me, but at same time permitt me to hope you will
relax a little from the Sum first mentioned say
£150 — Whether I have been negligent or not in
this matter I leave to your generosity to decide &
am very Sincerely Dear Sir Your most Obedt Servt:
    Thomas Lee


Mr. Richd. Orford
at Lyme
near Disley
      new page
        Warrington 21st. Novemr. 1785
Dear Sir
    I this day Rec~ed your favour of %the 17th instant
& agreeable to your request I now transmitt
you as under, the names & ages of the two
Children of my late brother Brunton with whom
you will be so obliging to fill up the vacancy of
the two lives in Darwell's Lease as soon as possible
which will much oblige Dr. Sir Your very
    sincere friend Thomas Lee
Martha Lee born 5th Ianuary 1780 Aged near 6 years
Thomas Lee born 12th Septr 1782 Do. —— 3 years


Mr. Richd. Orford
at Lyme
near Disley
[Postmarked Warrington]
      new page
        Warrington 26th Novr. 1785
Dear Sir
    I have now before me your esteemed favour
of %the 24th instant & on %perusing my late Brother
Bruntons Will I find that Mr. Watson & myself
as Executors have a discretionary power of adding
one or more Lives to his Leasehold property & on
consulting the Widow she wishes my brother in
Law Iohn Watson & myself to be Lessees in Trust
for her & the Children if it meets your approbation
which doubt not but it will, she requests me to add a
petition for a little timber as the kitchen is in such
bad repair that she is apprehensive it must be
taken down & rebuilt
    I am very Respectfully Dear Sir
    Yours most Sincerely
    Thomas Lee

[Numbers in different hand omitted]


Ruchard Orford
Hadoke with
a parsill

[numbers omitted]
      new page
        Docke Layn wensday at 4 Clocke
Mr Orford
    wee Still haue Coraspondans with mr
Thomas Genogle & Cripps in milke Street
London and if you Can goot a %feue Couers Shall
tacke itt as a greatt fauer from you all from
your mos Humbl Sert Iohn Leech


Mr. Richd.. Orford
      new page
        Ashton Iany.. 30th 1771 —
Dear Sir
    I am Inform'd by Cousn. Siffton's that they have a Farm at
Newton Common under a Relation of yours, and that he Informd them
he had lett it to a Tennant from Cheshire, though at same time did
not give them any notice to quit, and if he had don{*} [ink blot] think
it ^not^ proper time to give notice as it were only the last week that
he told them it were lett, and they have reasons to Believe
it is not lett but can't get any positive answer from him
tho have apply'd sundry times to know if they must [corrected] stay
again, but could never get any other answer then he could not
tell, [word crossed out] when you come over if you would be so kind to see him
about it should be greatley oblig'd to you, and if possible prevail
with him to let them stay another year then they could fix upon
another Farm if you were to write to him by the Bearer Cous
Siffton to prevent him for Letting it then such times as you can see
him [corrected] might be of Service to them, I am with great Esteem Dr Sir
    Your most Humble Servt
    I~no Leech Iunr
N.B. the Bearer will informe you every particular


Mr. Orford
      new page
        Ashton Iany 3d. 1774
Dr. Sir

    This now serves to hand you London Bill for Forty
Pounds when in Cash please to Cr. my acct. for Same, this is
as near your sum I could come shall settle the other with you
when I have the pleasure of seeing you at Haydock, we are
or shortly shall be in want of £1000 or 1500£— on the partnership
acct. in the slit mill should be greatly obligd to you if you would
enquire if any such sum is to be had in your part on our
Ioint Bond at 4½ P~Cent, and am certain no better security can
be given if you can hear of any such sum to be had should be
much oblig'd to you for a line and am wishing you the comps.
of the season Dr. Sir
    Your mo oblig_d H'ble Servt
    I~no Leech


Mr. Orford
[Postmarked Buxton]
      new page
        Saturday Evening 11 Iune. 74
Dear Sir
    I purpose being past your House on my
road from Buxton, on munday betwixt
½ past 12 oClock & 3 in the afterno{*...} [rubbed off/torn off]
if it be convenient should be glad to
see you at your House, I %am Dr Sir
    your most Humble Servt.
    I~no Leech


        Glasgow Octor. 7th 1774
Dear Sir

    Your favour to my Father of the 17th last month
requesting payment of the Hundred pounds I have of yours
was handed to me at this place, I hope to have the pleasure
of seeing you in all this month at wch. time I will pay
you that Sum, if I had not been prevented from going
to London it should have been paid you long Since
I %am with great truth Dear Sir
    Your mo Humble Servt
    I~no Leech

author LEES JOHN

Mr. Alfred

[Measurements written in pencil by different hand omitted]
      new page

    The bearer has been at my
House to inform me that you had a Fire
Engine to dispose of for Mr. Lee & that he
had enquid [corrected] about it in my name & you had
been so kind as to promise him to write to Mr.
Lee to know upon what terms he was willing
to sell it shoud be glad if you woud write me
a %line as soon as you receive an Answer. —
hope you'll be kind enough to give the bearer
directions that he may go & view it in the mean
time — I am
    Sr. Your Huml. Servt.
    Iohn Lees
P.S direct to me at Clarksfield near Oldham

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This document last updated 5 May 2003.