The English language of the north-west in the late Modern English period:

A Corpus of late 18c Prose, part 1


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Mr Orford
at Lyme
by Stockport bag
[Postmarked Warrington]
      new page
        Warrington 30 Sepr 1778
    Iames Iolley of this place is possessd
of a small tenement held for 2 Lives undor
M %Legh which will be sold for the benefit
of his Creditors in a %few days, I shall esteem
it [corrected from if] a %favour if You will inform me imediatly
the lowest fine for exchanging 1 Life &
putting in another that I %wou'd take
out (if I %purchase) is about 63 or 64 &
those I %woud substitute are just 50 & 40
which I %presume wou'd be a less fine than
for Younger Persons. the rents of Cottages
as these are, are generally ill paid.
I %am
    Sr Your most Hble St
    Sarah Abram
please to mention every expence attending


Mr Richd. Orford
Lyme Cheshire
[Postmarked Warrington]
      new page
Dr. Sr.
    I have received an answr. from Mr
Iames Naylor of London, he informs
me he has waited upon the Steward
of the Blind Charrity who has promis'd
his request being comply'd with the next
Month — — I %should be obliged to you
if youd give my duty to Mr Keck
and inform him that the moment I
receive the Petitions I %will wait upon
Mr Batridge and file up the queries
and transmit them to him — I %hope
you wont forget that business I %last
mentioned to you as the time is at
hand for giving the Tenants (Namely)
Mather & Sutton Legal notice
    I %am Dr. Sr.
    Yrs Respy,
    Ed Ackers
19th Sepr, 1779


Dr Sr
    Upon Perusing part of a Letter of yours sent
to Mr Grimshaw, I %find it is your wish that
I %write to Mr Legh concerning the small
quantity of Timber I %had from Haydock,
for the use of the intended Parler at the
end of my House — But as I %cannot
think of troubleing him with a Petition
so trifling in its nature, I %have given up
my Intention of Building, & the Timber
shall be returnd in the state I %receiv'd it —
I %did not apprehend at the time I %apply'd
for a little Timber, for the above purpose,
that it wd. have been a %greater Crime in me,
then an other, to have been accommodated with
it; but I %find I %was mistaken, and as the
whole human race are liable to errors, I
hope this will not be an unpardonable one
in me — It is not my wish to secret any
part of my Conduct in this business; nor
that of my friends; therefore shall give you
a brief account of it — I %apply'd to Mr Rigbey
for a little Oak Timber, for the aforesaid purpose,
to accommodate my friends. he said he was sorry
to deny my request, but it was much wanted at the
Coalpits, and he thought it could not give offence,
if I %made use of a little Dale, as a substitute —
Thus Sr have I %given you a %faithfull account of
      new page        turn
this mighty business, which I %should have
made you acquainted with the last time
I had the pleasure of seeing ^you^ but it ship'd [slip'd presumably intended]
my memory — And I %cannot help observing,
that this alarm came with the worst
Grace from Shaw Alanson, of any man in
the neighbourhood — You will pray be
so obliging to inform your Dairy Maid her
mother is very bad indeed; but she is proper
care taken of — she has Eliz Croft to attend
her —
    I %am Dr. Sr.
    Yrs Sincerely
    E Ackers
21 March 1788

P.S. Had I %made use
of the Timber, I %might
have bought 1/3 more to it
to have built a Parler, & a Room
over it; therefore you may Judge
of the quantity I %had — And as
to the Brick, which is spoke of
by my friend Shaw, as intended
to be brought from Haydock —,
I am well assurd he alone is
the fabricater of that falsehood —
as I %have cast Clay for that purpose
long ago —


Mr Orford.
How Lane
near Lyme
[Postmarked Manchester]
      new page
Dear Sir

    I %reseaved a %letter from mr Iohn Orford
your brother at neuton dated October 25th whitch
menshened that you have had some conversation
with my brother abought the divi^si^on of the
property my father left by will and that
my brother is willing to have the matter
setteled upon honest terms and i %do ashouer you
i %desire nothing but what is honest and iust
i %am grately Obligod to you for the trouble
i %have given you and must stil beg a %grater
faver from you and beg you will be so
kind as to take upon you the manigeing of
Ouer afairs with my brother for thear
is no Outher person i %so Earnistly wish
to settel the said affair i %was not unwilling
to let things stand til now so thay are
properly Ordered at last so if you can
make it convenient pleas to faver me
with a %line of the time that i %may write
to the board for leave to be abstant from
busines a %few days for i %could wish to give you
the meeting at newten
    i %am sir your most
    Obedient humbel servant
    Iohn Achers
29th 1790


Mr Richard Orford
      new page
        Liverpool 19 April 1779
Mr Richard Orford
    Agreable to your request you have here
enclosed two Bills for £70. the dates of
which which we hope will be agreable
as mr Manley inform'd mr Drinkwater
he cou'd not prevail at the Bank to get
them at a month —
    from Messrs Geo. & %Ino Drinkwater
    I am Sir
    Yr hume Servt
    Iohn Agett


Mr Orford
    Sir The above are forwarded p~ the Old Navign.
to the Old Quay Manchester hope you will
{**}ceive [seal] them safe and the Contents to ple{*}se [tear in paper]
I %am for Messrs Peter Seaman & %Co.
    Sir yr. m{*} obt Serv{*}.
    Ino: Alderson
9 April


    I can now with great pleasure tell you we
have got our great difficulty over in the
Sough we have been so long about last
night a_bout 6 O clock we got through the
place where it fell in and we have got it
set with bricks and to_day we shall let the
water of its right course the dam we made
and the pump was our mean security in the
geting it through we by the pump kept
the water of while the fall was in going
through & seting with bricks
    Iohn Pimblet has not set the Bricks in the
kiln at florida we have had some rain these
few days and has done them some damage
he has a_bout two days work of kilning to day
to do as yet besides caseing it
    All at presant from Your Hbl Servt
    Shaw Allanson
Florida 8th Sepr 1779
PS Mr Rigby has wrote our Master to let him
know about the sough


Rich'd Orford
      new page
    I have just been with Mr Penswick, and have
fix'd about the plan but have fixed so as to
have each side a plan, & also an agreement,
their is wanting an addition to what is fix'd already
when payment is to stop, at Troughers lane fault,
at the next fault, or at Hootons Tenement fault,
I look upon it in this light, that if they have
not occation to cut any fault through, it ends
at the first fault, if we can get our deepest level
up before any fault is cut through, I heard to_day
that Captain Legh & Mr Maire will be at Lyme
the 25th Instant, maid made me rather more antious
about geting it forward to_day, as I am going through
warrington tomorrow, and Mr Maire may bring the
papers with him if he comes the 25th to have the
opinion of your_self about it, but their has been
an od affair a_mongst us which I thought proper
to aquaint you with, as the Captain is comeing if
he has got hold of it Might surprise you with
it, Iames Atherton & Thomas Lowe two browmen both
at one pit, as the report goes has been guilty of
Cuting of Coals after the old custom, as was in
Practice when Ew'd Cundley was underlooker; which
I think it cannot be done but whoever is in that
place must have a knowledge of it, and he took
pains in the summer to burn Coaks in the night
and sell coals in the morning from that brow, Iohn
Atherton I mean, Iohn Davies, Geo Cundley senr,
Geo Cundley Iunr, wm Abbott, & Isaac Athertor son
of Ino Atherton, was five getters in that pit
the browmen Mr Rigby has turn'd of but the
geters are not because coals are so wanted,
      new page
I think a Scheme might be a_dapted to %overturne
all the brow mens projects, which they have maney
if a weighing Machine was Erected near to the
pits, so that all the coals might be weighed
and paid for at the machine, it wou'd be of
Service to the publick and our Master also,
To Sell coals at two pence farthing p~ hundred,
as it is 28 hhd for 20 basts to the machine
their is at 2¼d p~ hhd [two letters rubbed out] 3d for machine and man
at every 20 basts which makes 9d p~ work, and
is at 4000 works p~ year 150 pounds p~ year
but pray consider of it your_self, if this
goes on I %wou'd allow the head brow man 16d p~ day
and the under ones 14d p~ day but their wou'd need
few under ones but at times when pileing,
as they wou'd not neither go to get change nor
go to spend their money, besides it wou'd be
a Check to the ma other machine & its Carters
from Your Hbl Servt Shaw Allanson
Haydock Debr 18th 1783


Rich'd Orford
      new page
    This morning Iohn Atherton and George
Cundleys wife have pack'd up both their
Cloaths and gone of together and left
Haydock, their will be an underlooker wanted
this strengthens the matter of his sons affair
that he must know of the matters being carry'd
on in that clandestine manner
    I %was thinking of going to Rich'd Sharratt
to see if he cou'd recommend a man that has
been aquainted with Long work which
wou'd be of use at the works I take this
oppertunity to aquaint you with the affair
as they are comeing up to Lyme
I am Inform'd
from Your Hbl Servt Shaw Allanson
Haydock Ianry 9th 1784


Rich'd Orford
Lyme Hall
[Postmaked Warrington]
      new page
    Mr Grimshaw tells me he expects
you at Haydock in a few days
and as su you are a comeing
I should be glad you wou'd see mr
Gates Holding tells me their
is two working barrells, and
two pump trees that went from
Haydock, to Norbury, now we are at
presant want of what we call a foot
or wind bove to sink with the presant
one we have gives way and the men
are afraid it will break as it is
honey comby and not so sound as it ought
to be I should a Come over to norbury this
week but you comeing may answer the same
purpose you see below from hole to hole
is 14 Inches now youl be kind enough to
bring with you if they have any of
them things to spare the diameter of the
bove and also diameter from hole to hole
and we shal know if they will answer
or we must get one from Chesterfield
Mr Grimshaw wants the shepherd
to Come to Haydock Imediately [corrected]
from yours at Command
    Shaw Allanson
Ianry 14th 84
[Diagram omitted]


Rich'd Orford
Lyme Hall
[Accounts omitted]
      new page
    we have expected you over some days past
as youl see by what is wrote to Chesterfield
which you will be kind Enough to forward
in the most speedy manner you can as
the one thing is so much wanted if you
please to look within that for Chisterfield
if you have not discharg'd the Iron bill at
the foundery you will recive bills within
that you may do so when you please
their sum is 63£..3s..9d unpaid
which is all at presant
from Your Hbl
    Servt Shaw Allanson
Ianry 20th 1784


Mr Orford
      new page
    yours I rec~d this morning and am very much
obli^d^ged to you for Shaw, and I was told by
mr Orrells brother Saturday last that Hanley
Copper works are sold to St Hellin Copper
work Company and they are going to Erect
new buildings to enlarge the works upon that
they will want a great many more coals
from Sr Roberts works and will do a great
deal more damage to Haydock side in the
Lands its much if Mr Penswick dont give
us a push to get forward with our Levels
as their Consumption will be Considerablely
larger if they Ship their share our new
Engine pits was but about 12 yds of Mark
and is now a_bout 16 yds sunk in red rock
and not through it it has taken all
the water out of the by pit at side of the
lane which shews no fault betwixt them
from Your Hbl Servt
    Shaw Allanson
Octr 3d 85


Richd Orford
Lyme Hall
      new page
    A fire Engine To raise water about 8 feet high and
a working barrell 5 In Diar To raise 30 or 40 Gallons
p~ minute will be of a Small Construction
    A workg barrell 5 In dia, Cylinder 8 In dia, a 7 feet Stroak
Eight Stroaks in one Minute will raise about 46 Gals
in a minute, but the 8 In Cylinder wou'd work a larger
bore theirfore do it work in less time
    whoever is inploy'd to Erect it will follow their own
Constructon Bateman of Manchester has fixt a Small
Engine at warrington Glass house upon a well that
Serves them with house water & turns the Machins for
Grinding their Glass, That over warrington Bridge
at the Cotton Manufactory will be a patent one
and I %am inform'd the patentee is to have 70 pounds
p~ year for saveing of fire
I expect we shall get up the higher delf coal on wednesday
in the pit we are sinking at Edge Green
All from Your Hbl Servt
    Shaw Allanson
Haydock 14th Ianry 88
PS I have been told by Mr Stubbs of Northwh
That Salt was sold on Saturday 5th Instant at 4¼
p~ Bushall and wednesday following it was sold at 3d
which was a drop of 1/3 of the price what effect it
may make with us in the Coal way one Cannot tell


Mr Orford
      new page
    wm Holding and I have been over at Ravenhead
and they have a very great quantety of Coals one the
brows Mr Spakeman says above 1000 works, he says
2 or 300 hundred works he does not mind haveing
before_hand but these are so great a quantety he wishes
they may be lessened, Sr Robts has only a_bout 100 wks
only Mr Penswick is easy about them
    Inclosed you have a plan I forgot when you was at
Haydock to have had some discourse about it as
their is those places now wanting as you see named
upon the plan Now I desire you will peruse it over
and give me a line a_bout it as we have morter
ready as the year is so far gone if we was only
to build one bay at presant for the rods &c
but as you Order so we shall proceed a_bout it
from your very Hbl Servt
    Shaw Allanson
Haydock 10 Novr 88
      new page
[Text only transcribed of plan]
Back side To Raild road

This to lay Leather
in for Engine use
& make bucket Leathers
in &c

This to write in
flats Notes &c

a Stable

for basket rods
& makeing Tubs &c

Carpenters to work
in and lay wood in


21 feet

7½ yds out to out

13½    13½    13½ feet within

14½ yds Long out to out


Mr Orford
Lyme Hall
      new page
    I was with Barrow of Fradsham Bridge
at warrington that p'd Mr Rigby them two
Bills of Tomlinsons he says he has seen
the person the Bills are drawn upon since
the Bills was drawn and he Expects they
will be answer'd for at the time as he told
him if he wou'd send down Imediately he
wou'd pay the money to his father he is
a neighbour to fradsham Bridge
    from Your Hbl Servt Shaw Allanson
Haydock 22d May 88
PS he said if you wou'd send them down
to Mr Rigby he wou'd answer to them
with him that is if they are not
paid in London


Richd Orford
Lyme Hall
[Postmarked Warrington?]
      new page
    Yours I Rec'd last Night; And Tomlinson as the
Report goes with us is dead at London Suddenly
rather it is whisper'd as if he should a done it
himself, if the bills should Come back to you send
them to Mr Rigby as Barrow told me he wou'd
take them up tho he had not Jndorsed them
    one piece of timber is Come and the other will be best
to Come when oppertunity serves I think they will
be best under the shade to keep them their then
they are wanted as the Engine Beam yesterday
was a week broke down quite in two near to the
Center and we have fallen two trees for Arches
and they answer very well we have sawn the Arches
and Slab'd the beam I Expect we shall have it at
work by the weeks end it will be best to put of Mr
Fletchers Comeing as long as posoble this misfortune
happening, Edge Green is now ready air'd and fit
for men to work their if we had them, I Expect the
By pit ^men^ at florida will be drown'd out and to have
Some of those men to Edge Green till water is got out
again In the mean time some others will be droping
in to succeed them I expect
    From Your Hbl Servt
    Shaw Allanson
Iune 1th 88


Rich'd Orford
Lyme Hall
[Postmarked Warrington]
      new page
    Yours I Rec'd yesterday ^day^ and as such have
been with Mr Rigby this morng and has
given him 34£..3s..6d which will make up he
thinks for Saturday next if that does not
Come from Groppenhall this week it may
do something towards the reckoning following
he had of me last reckoning 10..10..0 as he
was short of paying the men about that
Sum, we have at Edgegreen Colliery
Coal & Coaks about 280 wks the Carts you
See going to their on your return was the
throngest day we have had of Carting as
the roads was not fit for carting till monday
before that, we have only a part of the Carts
as they sell their Coals at bottom of the green
at 2½d p~ bast and will uphold them 9 %score
each basket so they are sure to have sale
for all they can get; and they tell me their
Slag road will be finished down the green
in a few days so they will have a winter
road for there Coals, they hire all the Carts
they can to get it forward Golborn people
go very badly on with theirs, a great many
Golborn Carts assists Crouchley with his road
and lets their own Stand for want of Carts
      new page    Turn over
we have only had about a fortnights sale of
our Coals since they cou'd get at us for them
and I have paid upwards of 70£ Cash that I
had borrowed to Carry on the works instead of
trobleing you for Cash besides that mr Rigby
has had if the roads Continue to be good so
as that we can sell what we have or most part
of them they will make money and I will do
my endeavour to Assist mr Rigby with Cash
it all depends upon weather there is different
bills to be paid such as ropes, powder, Timber,
Iron &c the sale on saturday last was much
decreased as people gets fited sale drops of
I %am Sr
    your very Hbl Servt
    Shaw Allanson
Haydock 24 Augt 89


Richd Orford
Lyme Hall
[Postmarked Warrington]
      new page
    their is now wanted at Edgegreen Colliery
a waggon road, in the pit that was last sunk
in the deep level it must be, to fetch Coals
Dam lane side, I have put the men by for
Some time, as you mention'd the work being
Stopt, they are now got so far they cannot
draw them so it must be laid, or the men
shifted elsewhere, their is at Hoodin 1704 yds
of props which I thought to have come to that
work as being next to them, but it wou'd be
best to Consider first where to lay them down,
so that one Loading may serve, if not laid
down at Edge green, florida wou'd be best as they
are much wanted their, we have about the
Noggin hillock at back side of winwick that
will do for stocks Colliery above 3000 yds
The sale at Edgegreen has been slack for a week
past & more so that we have piled Coals there again
as well as at Haydock a great quantety is piled
I desire your Answer with speed and it will
greatly Oblidge your Hbl Servt
    Shaw Allanson
13th Sepr 89
PS if the work must be stopt, it woud be best to take
the men out of the deep level first, and stop windg
water, and keep shiftg higher as the water rises, and
get as long at them as they can, so that the coals on
the brows may be Lessening as their is to many
on the brows at this time of the year


Mr Orford
Lyme Hall
[Postmarked Warrington]
      new page
    I expected to have had an answer from
you as to_day about Edgegreen affairs
but not haveing one have wrote these
few lines to you to let you know I %intend
to be over at Lyme on sunday next
god willing as things stand on so critical
points amongst us I %mean to lay down
at the makeing up of our years accts
which wont be long to as I %suppose
but when I %see you shall aquaint you
more about this matter
I %am Sir your very humble Servt
    Shaw Allanson
Sepr 20th 1789


Richd Orford
      new page
    as our Loading place is very bad
and the pond we ship our Coals in
is to be let of to_night for us to
repair our Loading place theirfore
we shall have it to bottom & pile
and plank the sides to hold them
up its the Bank I %mean that slips
in so that flats cannot come under
of frame to load so we shall be oblidged
to work sunday also to get it done
as mr Orrells pond is to be let of at
after we have done ours for mr Ashton
to put down a %frame for to load of
so it will be sunday following before
I %can come to Lyme
    I %am Sr your very Hbl Servt
    Shaw Allanson
25th Sepr 89


To Mr Orford;
att Haddock Lodge;
near Newton
      new page
    As I expected you would not be returned from
Lyme, whilst I stayed att Liverpool, adjouned giving
you a Line till ye Day on my return home; I found
Pedleys Family well, but in distress I beleive indeed, & thank
you for all Favours particularly yr last, by which assistant
I left their house with some provition in itt, I Lay att his
house sent home, my man & Horses, & return in ye stage, Mr
Davenport, & Others were very civill to me, I dined with
Mr Davenport by strong invitation, att the George Coffee
House, he went on Friday to Capen his nephew att
Capestone, & when he return will do all in his power
for poor Wm Pedley, Mr Drinkwater, & Others hath promised
ye same, & some I hope will be soon, if he can but wheather
out a while, tho if not soon something happens to keep
up his spirits, he must fall into his Grave. I have
some thoughts att present of returning soon to Liverpool
but if I do it will be in view of succeeding in an affair
much to my own advantage by ye Death of a friend, & if so
will give you a Line, & hope will be in my power, if
called on in any respect to be able to serve you, or yours,
was sorry to leave my worthy friend in Bed, but expected
it would be a short fitt, & ye Person with him, more able &
happier in assisting him; however tho with regret then
to my_self was on ye above account, rather I hope, fortunate,
than otherwise to Sr truly yr Oblidgd Servt
    Iohn Amson
Warrington Iune ye 27 79


[Direction in different hand]
Mr: Orford
Lyme Hall
/S: Legh
[Postmarked Liverpool]
      new page
Dr Sr
    Yrs dated ye 23 instant, I have ys moment
receivd, but yr formar One not reached me;
Had I been able, should not have been so long
absent from returning to my Friends, Tho' I
hope to reach Lyme almost as soon
as these Lines, least an unexpected disappointmt
was willing to send you a few Lines to satisfy
you I am very well in health, have been
in ye Posture I now am, with my Legg before me,
since ye 13 of Augt, butt now so healed, as
with safety, to be able to take a journey;
so have fixt to set off monday next in ye
manchester Coach, & reaching Lyme either
that Eveng, or Tuesday; As you say nothing
of my Old valuable [corrected] Friend yr old master,
hope he & ye Family are well to whom, I
beg my best respects, & am Dr Sr
    truly yr Oblidgd Friend & Servt
    Ino Amson
Liverpool Sepr ye 27


[Direction in different hand]
Mr: Orford
Lyme Hall
/S: Legh—
[Postmarked Liverpool]
      new page
        Liverpool Decr ye 2 82
Good Sr
    I att last got well home, on my arrival
att manchester, I waited on Mr Wright, who hath since
seen Mr White, who refuses ye sight of ye note given by me
for ye Legacy, which makes my Opinion ye Stronger, that it
is in ye form, Mr Wilbram advised me to give; have ys
Post answered mr Wrights Letter, wish you could see
mr White yrself & see how he is disposed, & to satisfy him
I never expressed any dissattsfaction, nor a design of giving
him trouble, but a Curiosity to see ye sd note, tho' what he now
or is likely to enjoy of ye Amsons Estate, had a Promiss &
know was intended for me, so perhaps no one I beleive
but might have expressed ye hardship of all being
otherwise disposed off, this property ^disposed off^ by you as an Acquaintance,
^with mr White might produe a good [word crossed out] effect^ as I wish no Other
then [word crossed out] to be in good terms with mr White, & wd if
in his situation & he in mine, but ^wd^ moderate ye affair,
with him, rather then have a quarrell; have sent ye enclosed, &
informed yr master of as having lately been so good to
have given me his opinion; I was informed by a
Passengr on ye road hither, that lately a Soldier was acciently
quartered att ye Swan, & proved to be a husband
of mrs Dixons, which much alarmed ye family. I wish
you wd see mr Wright with mr White, or mr White himself
& say what you think proper on ye head, & it shall be
fully acknowled, & you fully satisfyed in all respects, by
    Sr yrs Iohn Amson
    Decr ye 2
I could wish you to see mr White soon, & will fully
satisfy you for all trouble; if you think it necessary to see mr
Wright he lives in {*...} [torn off] Street


[Direction in different hand]

Mr: Orford
Lyme Hall
/S: Legh—
      new page
Dr. Sr
    Yrs with Three Bills in value 30-1-0, I received
save Fryday last, & hope ye enclosed will be both to you, &
Mr Wilbraham satisfactory, & approbation, if not shall att
my time be willing to alter to as you shall further derect.
mr jump I seldom meet with, Wm Pedley had att hand,
so [word crossed out] for yr immediate Satisfaction of being informed
of yrs coming save to hand employed Pedley:
I though^t^ on Affair of this kind, no Interest had been
pd, but shall comply to Custom, & further talk on
ye subject when we meet; but now beg to acknowledge
myself greatly oblidged to you for yr application to
mr Bootle, assuring you it give me satisfaction greatly
as I hope now not to know ye same Distreses, but look
more to numbrs; & to live giving you, or yours, full
satisfaction for all trouble of all kind you have had on
my account; Do you think it adviseable for me to give Mr
Bootle a Letter of thanks for his present assistant;
I had a while since a Letter from Mrs Keck, but
I purpose very soon answering it, so take
what notice of ys you please. shall always rejoyce
att yr Mr Leghs being in health, & Mrs A Leghs mending;
how answers Foreign Countrys to poor Tom ^Cy^ Legh.
Beg now mr Grimsw, to send my Goose to London when convenient
to him. when Plenty beg a Hare, & Woodcock for
me; & beleive me truly yr Oblidgd Servt; Ino Amson

Liverpool Novr ye 30
How are Mr Legh Masters, & family,
& where is ye Old gentleman, & what
becomes of his american affaires


[Direction in different hand]
Mr. Orford
/S: Legh
[Postmarked Liverpool]
      new page
        Liverpool Decr ye 23 83
Dr Sr
    As I had no Cover for yr masr have herein
enclosed this for him; Mr Grimshaw was so kind yesterday
to call on me was glad to see him, he came I find on
some private busyness of his own, so no more of that.
you see by ye Papers ye great Changes att Court, doubt
not, but ye Country in that may be effected. should be glad
to hear what Acct yet from poor Cholmy Legh;
about ten Days since I remembr to leave with mr
Drinkwater ye note you gave me for him to deliver up
to me mine of 5££ receivd, he could not then give me, [word torn off?]
promised calling again wch I did, not yet met since with
him, nor receivd yr note my acknowledgmt for ye above Sum
tho desired he wd send it me, as its uncertain of meeting wth
him, I do not think it signifies betwixt as our last settling will
shew it, but thought proper to acquaint you of it, as I now
had Pen to Paper: I hope yr Mastr continues well, & as I
imagine ye young Kecks are att Lyme he is in Spirits.
As last year ye Corporation here had no feasting for ye best
part of Brown mayoralty we have ^weekly^ Two Days of feasting
ys year, Sunday as usuall, & Thursday by ye present mayor.
I wish yr_self & Family ye happiness of ye approaching
season & am with complimts yrs
    Iohn Amson


[Direction in different hand]
Mr: Orford
Lyme Hall
/S: Legh—
[Postmarked Liverpool]
      new page
    The satisfaction I enjoyed a
while since, by receiving a Letter from
from under yr masters own hand,
could not slip acknowledging ye favour
which I was willing to do under a Cover
to you as I had none for him. I hope he
escapes ye Gout; mrs Keck I understand
is gone; but my fears, tho' I know your
master is ^a^ small family in ye Parlour
dare not face Lyme, was much out off order since I left %you,
but now for some time past have been as well as for severall
winters, but oblidged to keep close, Colds very brief here, as
well as sudden Deaths. hope yr Family continues well; I
should be glad to hear of a good accont from Lisbon
    & am Sr truly yrs
    Ino Amson
Ian' ye 15 84 Drinkwater hath not yet sent
my note for ye 5££, according to your order by note


Mr. Orford;
att Peter Leghs, Esqr;
Lyme near Dissley;
By way off Manchestr
      new page
Dr Friend
    As no newes is said to be good
hope yr next account of my old friend
mr Legh will be of his continuing as well
as One of his age is expected: when nearer
& his good sistr should be absent, my inclination
to shew him, or any of his Family, ^respect^ will remain
ye same: It being now some time since I last
wrote to you, on acct of being in hopes off
an immediate answer, & anxious for ye time
being fixed of our meeting to settle Creditors
affaires, occationed my repeating giving you
this trouble, & do immagince ye Tenants not
performing his promise of paying his
money in may last, hath kept you from
writing; Wm for some time was in ye Channel
& since in ye Dock, so busy being ye Book
Keeper att Present to a large vessell he
is aboard of night & Day, & ye La^nd^lord [letter crossed out] from
Chester calling for his [letter crossed out] years Rent, with
other unavoidable necssaries both for %him,
      new page
& myself; so that one Guinea now only left, [two letters crossed out] my anxiety
is for settling, in hopes a sum suffient to assist me
till my Tenant can pay me part of his Rent due Lady
Day, will be left me att our Settling; if not
must as you know, when I may reasonablely expect it
from my Tenant, tho' I have so often been oblidged
to you for yr kind assistance, beg your now repeating
it, & yr, by an immediate Order on some_one here; or
cannot get into ye Country for a little fresh air,
tho' hitherto deferred it sometime past in hopes
weekly expecting yr Order of my meeting you, &c;
So on acot of that, & present supply, & enabling me to
move for fresh Air, shall soon hear from m you a
full satisfactory answer, & further Oblidge yrs
    till deat{*...} [piece torn off] n Amson
      new page
Iuly ye 2


Mr Orford;
Lyme Hall, near Dissley,
By way off Manchester
[Notes in other hand omitted]
      new page
Dr Sr
    yrs dated ye 4 instant came to hand
ys Day, which, I assure you was both a great
releif, & satisfaction to me, & must own I am
greatly Oblidged to you on my applications you
have sent yr frequent releif; I think, yr last to
mr Sherratt was a proper step, & as he ^is^ wholley
concerned for Whitters, let him Supply my Tenant,
& you Oblidge him now to keep to ye Day fixt
hoping nothing on yr side will now prevent yr
meeting on Fryday, & enabling you immediately
proceeding so, as wholly to finish with all
Parties, that when that is done, shall ^not^ again {*...} [torn off]
myself, to be in ye same past difficulty, &
shall then seek out for a Friend to take to
ye Estate, allowing for trouble, & paying me
Quaterly; this makes me anxious to have
ye whole compleated, & shall wish for a line
after yr meeting Sherratt, & Whitters, & [two letters crossed out] att prest
have put off through ye Contents of ^yrs^ a journy
into Chesshire, but ready to meet you, where
& when I receive yr Order, & either
      new page
get you to write to my Bond Creditors, concerning their
lenity in ye Interest, or write myself, as you shall hereafter
derect me, wishing this to reach you before you see my
Tenant; yesterday was surprized by mr Ormrod, calling
here, being then out went to him, saw 'em both with their
Daughter who' is much bettered by Bathing here, & was
as this Day to leave Liverpool, for Golborn. She informed me
mrs Keck, & Co' being att Lyme, am glad mrs Legh, & c, are
soon expected to joyn you there, & that my Old friend
continue, as well as years will admitt off, & all yr own
family are in health; remembr me to mr Barber,
& mrs Crew, & beleive me truly yr Oblidgd servt
    Ino Amson
Liverpool Iuly 7 6 85


Mr Orford;
att Lyme, near Dissley;
By way off manchester;
A Single Sheet
      new page
Good Sr
    This Morning was surprized with yr account
of my Affaires still being adjourned, as I understand
through Sherrat, & my Tenant; I must repeat what I have
often told you, if you regard Whitters, you'le never be
certain of performing yr promise to Others, doubt not
off Sherratts abilities in assisting Whitters; but its my
Opinion, & not without reason, that whilst Sherratt hath
views off further self Advantages to be reaped, from
my Tenant, who' att his Fathers Death, is entitled to
Land, he will, or may be supplyed, with money, and
fine Speeches, but that, I assure you, will no longer
{**}cuse [torn off] Whitters from paying ye Rt, he promised
to discharge, march last, & keeping me from Settling
ye Creditors Account, which you know hath been my
long anxiety to do; now I must ^insist^ of a demand to be
sent my Tenant immediately, to pay you ye money
by ye latter end of this month, as now fixed by yr
last letter, or distrain; for setting it, I fear not, as I now
know an undeniable Tenant for it, that ^who^ coming from that
Country is anxious returning into it, to spend ye remainder
part of his Life: I hope now a Post or two will
bring me yr account of ye Day of you & Whitters, with
ye neighbouring Creditors meeting, & without
further advising, or regarding Sherratt; I hope in
ye same Letter to hear of Mrs Keck being returned,
& esstablished in her Health, or it will greatly effect
my Old Friend, to whom best respects, from him that
att all opportunities shall be glad of a good account off
him; Let me know as soon as you can, of ye %aforesd
      new page
meeting, which I could wish to be att middlewich, as
if convenient to you, as perhaps by then my friends
in that Country may be able to appear, who hath
been some time very ill, & fear often now will be, but
if fit, to see a friend will give me a desire off
going into Cheshire for a short airing before
Winter approaches; I cannot conclude without
acknowlidging my great Obligation for the
trouble you have had in my Affaires; & being sometime
I hope in my power of further acknowledging
it, as you are entitled; & that immediately wth_out
further regarding Sherrat; or trusting to Whitterses
Promises, you will bring affaires with Creditors
to a Conclution, as it will be ease & satisfaction
to Sr truly yr Oblidged humble Servant I Amson
Liverpool Iuly ye 19 85


Mr Orford;
Lyme, near Dissley;
By way off Manchestr
[Postmarked 204 Liverpool]
      new page
Dr Friend
    I was in hopes by this time to have received
a Line from you, & ye Deed off Trust given up, or
myself put in Power of my Estate, that I might
think of a Person convenient, too, & wd agree with me
to look after ye Premises, receive Rents, paying all
yearly expences, allowing me every half year, clear,
& punctually a certain Sum, this is my present
wish, & on ye Footing you some time ago advised me
to proceed on, & if yrself or one of yr recommendation
will act for me, did not care how soon, such
an agreemt was settled by myself & Party, & could
soon wish to hear from you in answer to this, on
that Head, & likewise to know, if any money
in hand, likely to come to me, & from what Rt
Day, my Demand will be just, & Due from my
Tenant; Have you yet known what my Bond
Creditors will expect in regard to ye Interest
due to them, if you have not yet made tha^t^ m motion
or enquiry after their disposition on that Head, do
you approve yet of my sending a Line to each on yt
head, that a final & whole accounts may be pd,
or brought to a certainty what further Sum I shall
have to pay, for till then, I look on myself shall be
uneasy in my mind, so hope, you'le soon, give me ye
full satisfacton of hearing verberly ye full contents
of this: was glad in mrs Kecks last to me to have
so good an acount of my old friend, yr master Mr Legh,
      new page
hoping to hear he continus so; I have but lately
heard of mr masterses having been in England &
returned again to America, I hope he fully settled all
his Affaires before his return, to ye Satisfaction of
his Family & friends; mrs Keck hath informed
me of her return to London, hope it will not lower
my old friend her Father. very Cold & wet wheather
now here, but as yet, have been so farr in ye Winter
as ^well as^ I have been for Winters past, I have drank a good
deal of Butter milk, which I think hath been of %Service
to my Breathing; I hope ye Family remaing att Lyme
are well, to whom, & Mrs Crew, with yr own family
I beg my service, when you send to Lees, order
Robt Whitters to get me a Hare & Wood Cock, to come
by ye Coach; & it will Oblidge Sr, truly yr Obedit
    humble servt I, Amson
Liverpool Novr ye 29 85
    If you see Mr Grimshaw before we
meet, be pleased to pay him, for Fowles sent me %&c.
I am now afraid ye Capt will forget assisting
poor Wm, who' now hath his lame Child reterned
from his Fathers, added to his Family ye Child hath
had what ye Faculty of Surgeons here can do for
him, wch is a half Boot, fixed with Iron to his Legg;


Mr Orford,
Lyme near Dissley;
      new page
Dear friend
    I am now att Somerford, & if Mr Old Friend Mr
Leigh is pretty well, & you think it would be agreeable to him
now I am so near will endeavour, to reach Lyme once more
for a few days, which you ^may^ let me know by ye first Post, by
a Line [corrected] for me to be left att Charles Buclworth Shaherley Esqr
att Somerford, without saying anything, or more, to ye family, off
my intentions, then you think proper from yr Oblidgd Servt
    Iohn Amson
Somerfd Augt ye 10 88


Mr Orford,
Lyme Hall, near Dissley,
      new page
Dear Sr
    yrs had not lain so long unnoticed, that came safe to
hand when I was att Somerford, but was willing to deferr it till my
return hither, whither I am lately come, indeed have seen most of my
Old acquaintances in that neighbourhood, & met with a deal of
Civilities, & seeming friendship, both from my Relations, & Old
acquaintances, & should have stayed longer, but expect ye family
will not stay now long att Somerford, & thought ye mornings and
Evenings began to be cool, & ye Contents of yours, tho' friendly did
not encourage my mounting yr hills, tho' I assure you, I much
wished to have once more spent a few Days with my Old friend, yr
worthy master, who' I shall att all times be glad to hear how he
goes ^on^, tho' well in health myself, find my Legs failes me greatly
lately; & Age to creep fast on me. I was in hopes as their is Duplicates
for all ye Creditors signing, before this time, you would according
to promise have returned one of them, with ye Old Deeds of ye
Estates, now remaining in yours, or some of ye Lawyer's
hands; which I hope soon to receive, or acquainted where to find.
I beg my best & sincere respects to all att Lyme, [letter crossed out] to whom
acceptable, not forgetting me to yr own & mr Barbers family
& beleive me to remain truly Affecty yrs Iohn Amson

Liverpool Sepr 22 88 Old Docr Green dead in deed very Riddely.
I do not forget yr Old master of Limes past favours, & must
begg to be remembred to him, when & in what manner you think
A %line from you soon will be acceptable, & as often as
    you can to hear of my Old friend


Mr Orford, Lyme
near Dissley

Post Pd
      new page
Dear Orfords Letter tho not sooner noticed, came
regularly to hand, & for which you now have my best
thanks, & whenever you reach Liverpool hope not to
be deprived of ye pleasure of seeing you; or living
yet to repay you some acknowledgemt for past favours
& trouble you had on my Acct; & when convenient %to you
or you, come hither, yr delivery of Mr Derbyshire note
& Mr Bootle Wilbrahams, will be satisfactory to me
met him att Somerford on his visit there, when I was last
in Cheshire, with his usual expressing of Ioy to see me.
My {*}eice & family now returned home, {*} [blot] & when
I last was with mr Shaherly he readily came into
ye Proposall I once made you, but something further [paper torn off; a short word could be missing]
by allowing me Whitterses full Rent half yearly, but
ye Rents during my Life, to be Pd him, & ye Rent to be given in m
Receips from Withers Pd him in my name
as by me, so now I think myself fully easied from a good
deal of trouble, & more to my own Satisfaction. I was
not not a little pleased with ye account you gave me
of my Old Friend your master, as well as surprized att
so wonderous a recovery, he will always have my
since wishes of length of Days, & good health
      new page
had you given me ye least encouragemmt when I was in Cheshire last would
have then made a push according to my promise to mr Tho's Legh to have
seen lyme, & now do not give up those pleasing thoughts next Summer, tho'
since my last my Ashamaticall disorder hath been very bad, & now a
worse Footman then you ever knew me, which I fear will be a
great confinemt to me hereafter; when proper my best respects to Mr L,
miss L, & ye Golborn family, & glad mrs Keck is better, did not, hear
but by yrs, she had been att Lyme, & ill, & if I could from her, or miss
Leigh, & yrself hear how my old friend goes on it will be
great pleasure to me as often & by what hand most convenient.
Some time since to my surprize met Speakman, he informed me
he expected soon to come to fix in Liverpool, but neither where nor
in what line of Life; I hope yr own, & Barbers Family are well remembr
me as usual to all, & while amongs ye Living wish to remain truly yr
    oblidgd friend & Servt
    I Amson
Liverpool Novr ye 25 88


Mr Orford; Lyme,
near Dissley.
By manchester
[Postmarked Liverpool]
      new page
Dr Sr
    The newes I heard ys Day of Miss
Leghs Death hath not a little concerned, and
surprized me, which occationed my troubling you
with a few Lines of enquiry after my Old friend
yr worthy master, who' I fear will be greatly effected
& must beg you to remember my sincere respect to [word crossed out]
him, & mention ys affair to him, as, %tenderly from me
me as you think proper, & with true respect, and
{***}cern [torn off] for him, ye Doubts of mrs Keck not now
being at Lyme, & ye uncertainty where to find her
made me not write a line to her, to whom, & family
I beg to to be properly, & respectfully resmembred [p changed to m] to.
not hearing from you since my last nor sure how
acceptable an Old acquaintance to ^is^, nor, wd be
to my Lyme friend's, to_gether with my own Weakness, &
concern for ye remainder of of my Lyme Friends
shall adjourn a visit thither, & content myself with a
Line from you, if you be so oblidging to give me a
Lince, with ye satisfaction of hearing from my Friends,
& amongst ye rest, do not forget me to yr own family
& mr Barbers;
      new page
    tho better now then have been, continue weakly, & doubtfull wheather I
shall be able to accept of my nephewes invitation ys summer again to
Somerford, tho' ye great Changes in Life may deterr us from meeting, do
let me know how ^all^ are that remain of ye Lyme family, as it will be
to me to have a godd account, a satisfaction, & Pleasure to ever
    yr affect Servt Iohn Amson
Liverpool Iuly ye 25 89


Thursday Evening
mr Richard Oroford Sir I %Received
a Leter from you Concerning the Water
Corse belonging their_to and lane head
Which William Swindells has Turnd the
Bay Waters into the Same Water Corse and
it is not fit for Eney person to youse
nos im_ploy [corrected] for House Service and
this is to let you nowe if you think
Proper to Come Over and Selet the water
Well and good or Els Wee Are to troy
Who must be master Thomas Ardern

[Skipped three letters from John Arrowsmith & Co. Very short, and formulaic]


Mr Richd. Orford
Lyme. Hall
[Postmarked Manchester]
      new page
    J am sorry you oblige me
to write so many Dunning Letters about
a Trifle — As it is customarry to
pay readey money for shop goods can
make no objection to an allowance
of Interest ... There was not Som Shilling
profit upon the whole amount
    I %am your %Hum Servant
    William Arrowsmith
8. Sep. 1775

author ASHLEY D

Mr. Orford

[Note in different hand, presumably Richard Orford's]
Mr. Ashley abt. his
Fixing [word crossed out] ^Groppenhall^ Court
rec~ed Novr. 17.62
Ans~. Do.

      new page
        Frodsham 13h November 1762

    I had the favour of both yours and had
fixed on holding Groppenhall Court the Tuesday after the
Day I received your First but as by it I found you coud
not conveniently attend till after ye. Sixth Instant I put it
off and since have not only been holding sevl. Courts but
also have been from home all this week 'till to_Day on
a Iourney into Shropshire so coud not well fix Groppenhall
Court till my return besides as the Nights are at present
so very dark I had a Desire to put it off 'till it woud be
Moonlight and therefore have now fixed it to be on Friday
the Twenty Sixth Instant if that day will be convenient
for you if not please to let me know in time and I'll alter
it to your Satisfaction if I %can and am
    Your most hble
    Servt. D. Ashley
P: S: If you have the last Suit
Roll and presentments please
to remember to bring them with


Dear Sir

I %have received your Letter inclosing
Mr. Bellases draft on Harrison Value £40- which
shall be presented this Evening for Payment.
I %hope we shall be able to get you the Money tho'
I must own I %have some doubts
    J am Dr. %Sir
    your %most obedt. hble %Servt
    Fra' Ashley

Frodsham 26th. June 1779.


Mr. Richd. Orford
of Haydock
at the White Bull
[Postmarked Frodsham]
      new page
Dear Sir

    Pray have you given Mr. Bellases possession
of the premises in Goulbourn which I mentioned
to you at Warrington when I last %saw %you %there
and have you prevailed on Mr. Leigh to consent
to Mr Ballases's assigning this Estate to Mr. Robt~
    Harrison (Bellases's Tenant) promised to %be
here Yesterday but was not %so good as his Word
I %hope he will be here on Thursday, if he is will
acquaint you by %that days Post
    J %am Dr. %Sr.
    your most obedt. h~ble Servt.
    Fra' Ashley

Frodsham 13th. July 1779.


Mr. Orford
at Lyme
      new page
Dear %Sir

    I received your Letter, and inform you that
my Brother is now in London, but I expect him ^back^ before the 9th.
of next Month, when either him or me will attend you at
    J %am Dr %Sir
    your very Obedt %hble Servt.
    Fra' Ashley

Frodsham 20th. Novr. 1783.

[Note probably in different hand, presumably Richard Orford's]
Nov 22.83
fix'd Court for 9th.


Mr. Richd. Orford
[Postmarked Frodsham]
      new page
Dear %Sir

    Pray did you take the last Groppenhall Court
Roll and Papers with you from that Court, If %you did
I beg you will bring them to the next %Court, If %not I %beg
you will acquaint
    Dear {*}ir [paper torn]
    your very h~ble Servt.
    Fra' Ashley.
Frodsham 22d. Novr. 1788.


Mr. Orford
Haydock Lodge
[Postmarked Frodsham]
      new page
Dr. Sr.

    I am favd. with yours and as we are chiefly
upon rack rents in Groppenhall I am afraid
that ye. Tenants woud not be prepared to pay so
early as ye. times you fix for holding that court
but as you say any day after ye. 5th. of Novr. will
be agreeable to you I woud propose Tuesday the
15th. of Novr. and will give Notice acordingly if that
day suits your Convenience which I desire you'l let
me know by a Line to
    Your most hble~
    Servt: Robt. W Ashley.
    16th. Octor. 74


Mr. Orford
Haydock Lodge
      new page
Dr. Sir

    I %was from home when your last L~re was
brought here or shoud have answd. it by
ye. return of ye. Servt. and have in pursuance
thereof acordingly given Notice for Groppenhall
Court to be held on Tuesday ye. 15th Novr. next
and remain Dr Sr.
    Your most h~ble
    Servt: Robt W. Ashley
    23d. Octor. 74.—


Mr. Richd... Orford
Haydock Lodge
[Postmarked Frodsham]
      new page
Dr. Sir

    As I think it is your Turn for holding
Groppenhall Court I expected to have heard
from you before this time and that you woud
have fix'd a day for that purpose; and as this
Moon is now too' far advanced coud wish it was
postponed till ye. next and if Tuesday the 5th. of
Decr. woud be agreeable and convenient to you
woud be glad you'd fix it on that day; I beg the favr.
of your answer acqg. me wher. you'l appoint that day
or not and am
    Your very obe~t h~ble
    Servt: Robt. W. Ashley
    10th. Novr. 1775.


Mr. Orford
at Pr.. Legh's Esqr.
[Postmarked Frodsham]
      new page
[Numbers omitted, probably in different hand]

Dr. Sr.

I wrote to you some %time agoe desiring
you woud fix Groppenhall Court for
Tuesday the 5th. of Decr. but as I have
not recd. any ansr. to it am afraid you never
got it and as I wish to be at a certainty abt.
it beg ye. favr. of your answer by return of
post informg. me whr. that day will be agreeable or
    I am
    Sr. Your most h~ble
    Servt: Robt. W. Ashley
Frodsham 25th. Novr. 75.


Mr. Richd.. Orford
[Postmarked Frodsham]
      new page
Dr. Sir

I am favd.. with yours of ye. 25th Inst:
and approve off the time you fix on for holding Groppenhall Court being
Tuesday the 18th. Novr.. at which ^time^ I propose to have the Pleasure of meeting
you and am in haste Dr. Sr. Your most %h~ble
    Servt: Robt. W. Ashley
Park Place Frodsham 28th. Octobr. 1777.—


Mr. Orford
at Pr. Leghs Esqre.
[Postmarked Frodsham]
      new page
Dr. Sir

As I think it is my Turn to hold
Groppenhall Court and the time for doing it draws near I shoud
therefore wish to fix the same for Fryday the 4th. of December
next and hope that time will be convenient and agreeable to you
I desire you'l be kind eno' to let me have a Line in answer that
I may give notice and am
    Your most hble
    Servt. Robt. W. Ashley
Park Place Frodsham.— 17th. Novr. 78.—


Mr. Orford
at Pr. Leghs Esqr.
[Postmarked Frodsham]
      new page
Dr. Sir

My L~re left this Place ye. Night before
I recd. yours and therefore I do suppose they met on ye. road but were
not so civil as to ask each other how they did; howr. I've fixed
Groppenhall Court for Fryday ye 4th. Decr. next when I hope
the Writers will shake hands and that very cordially I am
in gt. haste
    Sr. Yr. most %hble
    Servt.. Robt. W. Ashley
27th Novr. 78—


Mr. Rd... Orford
Haydock Lodge
[Postmarked Frodsham]
      new page
Dr. Sir

I duly recd... yours inclosing me ye. accpd. Drt..
Bellases on Harrison for 40{*}.0s.0d to ye. latr. of whom I sent but coud
not seem him till this Morng. and ^he^ seem'd much surprizd.. and informed
me that some %time agoe he went to Warrington and took 20{*} .0s.0d of the
money he intend'd to have paid you with him where he met with Mr.
Bellases who told him ye. money was to be paid to him and acordly.. he
paid him it and aftds.. 5{*}:5{*}.0d more; when Harrison accepted ye Drt..
I told him as plainly & as convincely as I %cou'd that he was to pay ye.
Money to you or your Order only so he can't plead Ignorance and
I think he will not set up Inability; he hath promised to go to
Warrington on Sunday and get back if possible what he hath pai'd
Mr.. B: and I've promis'd him ye. matter shall rest till {*...} [torn off]
time is expired, but I thought it best to give ^you^ this short history {*...} [torn off]
Business presuming you might see Mr B: tomorrow I am
    Yr. most %hble Servt: Robt. W. Ashley
Park Place near Frodsham 29th. June 1779.—


Mr. Richd.. Orford
[Postmarked Frodsham]
      new page
Dr. Sir

I have sent Notice to Groppenhall and fixed
that Court for the 5th. Decr. next as mentd. in my former L~re when I hope
to have the Pleasure of seeing you I thought it safest to write again
that you might know I had rec'd your Lre~ and am
    Dr. Sir
    Your most %hble
    St: Robt W. Ashley
25th. Novr. 1780.—

[Notes omitted]


Mr. Orford
Haydock Lodge

If at Lyme it is desired
it may be sent to him there
[Postmarked Frodsham]
      new page
Dr Sir

The time now drawing near for our annual
Meeting at Groppenhall and it being your Turn to hold that
Court and if agreeable to you shoud be glad it might be fixed
for Tuesday the 4th. Decr.. next I beg ye favr. of a Line in answer
and am in gt. haste
    Your very obe~t hble
    St.. Robt. W. Ashley
12th Novr. 1781—


Mr Richd. Orford
Haydock Lodge
      new page
        St. Hellens 11th Feby.
Mr. Orford
    The Road from near Mr. Orrells,
up to Mr. Leghs Farm in Parr, tenanted by
Iohn Twist, being very much out of repair;
& being informed by Mr. Orrell that the repairs
are or ought to be done by the Owner of the said
Farm — I send this to request you to order
the said Road to be effectually amended, to
enable me to pass with safety up to ^an^ estate
lately purchased by me from the Assignees
of Mrs. Clayton — I am
    Your %Hl. Servt.
    Nichs. Ashton
      new page
[Draft of Richard Orford's reply]


        Lyme 3 Mar. 1789


    I was duly favor'd with your Letter of the 11th
Ulto. to Haydock, which I have laid before my Master,
Mr. Legh, who has order'd me to View the road
you complain of, on my next going to Haydock
& report the same, and is willing to have the same
sufficiently repaired for a Bridle Road —
    I %am
    Your most obt. Sert.
    Ri, %Orford

[Attached paper]

author ?

With free Entrie outgate wan & passage
with carte cattle & other_wyse into & from
all and everie the said closes & closures
by & through all that Lane & entrie adjoininge
to some of the said Closes calld
Leughogge Lane as well towards & from
Windle as also towards & from Newton
in the said County —

[Diagram on the other side of the paper]


Mr. Richd. Orford
Lyme near
[Postmarked Liverpool]
      new page
        Woolton near Liverpool
        10th. March 1789

    I had the pleasure to receive
your Letter of the 3rd. Inst. mentioning Mr. Legh
having given you directions to view the Road
from Mr. Orrells at Black Brook, to the Land at
Laffogg, lately purchased by me from the Assignees
of Mrs. Clayton; & that he is willing to have the
same sufficiently repaired for a Bridle Road.
    You will oblige me by presenting
my best respects to Mr. Legh, & acquainting him
that I have no other road to the above Land
but this complained of, & therefore of necessity,
the Road should be repaired, so as to permitt
carriages to pass with safety, — Mr. Legh's
tenant at Laffogg, passes with his Carts & Carriages
thro his Farm, & therefore can avoid this bad
Road; & this I apprehend is the reason it has
been so much neglected — if the Ditches be
      new page
scoured, & the road be cast up, I think
it might be gravelled with Copper Slag
broken small at little expense, the Copper
Work being very near; & I believe nothing
charged for it; there is an old Cart pavement
I am told in Mr. Leghs fields, nearly
parallel to this wanting repair, wch. has formerly
been a Coal road, but now appears useless;
if those materials were removed, it would
be a short distance to Cart, & they would I
apprehend effectually repair it. I am
    Sr. Your very hbl. Servt.
    Nichs. Ashton


Mr. Richd. Orford
Haydock Lodge near
Warrington [Direction changed to Lyme Cheshire in different hand]
[Postmarked Liverpool]
      new page
        Woolton near Liverpool
        16th. Sepr. 1789
Mr. Orford
    As I am now going to bore &
prove my Coals in the La Fogg Land, adjoining
to Mr. Leghs Estate there; I shall be obliged
to you to present my Compts. to him, and to
acquaint me, if he pleases to Lett his Crop
Coals of those Delphs to me at a Lords part?
& to mention what he, and you, think it
reasonable for me to pay for the same, together
with the Coals wch. may be found under the
Laffogg Lane should any be found there?
    I am Sr. Your very hbl Servt.
    Nichs. Ashton

[Draft of Orford's reply]



    Your %favor to me of the 16 %Inst. only came here by this post
owing to it being directed to Haydock — I have have communicated
your request to Mr. Legh about the Coal that lies
under Laffack Estate on the run you are now geting off
who returns his Compliments to you, And as he is under
some engagements with the Gentlemen Coalproprietors
on the Sankey Navigations, it is not in his power to set
any Coal on that Navigation on a Lords part at this time.
    I %am %&c    [signature]


Mr. Orford

[At different angle]
    Richard Ashton of Warrington respectful
Comp'ts to Mr. Orford would have called
on him had he not heard he was from
home at %Lyme.
    Mr. Orford will oblige
RA, if he will receive £3.17.0 ^of R. Higgenbom^ for ale
due to Messs. Orrett %Lyon and Greenall
had from Lowes of Stockport
      new page
    Lowes sold the Ale upon Commission
so that all debts uncollected at the
time they stop payment, belongs to the
person those goods came from — But
to my astonishment G. Lowe has received
several %sums since that time: this will
will exasperate M Lyon & Co — as well Thos.
& %Richard Greenall of Eccleston — to the
latter they ^owe upwards of £500 for Twists^ to the former
about 300£ for Ale — pratty doings! but
say no more on %'t.
    Marple Red %Lyon
    5 'Clock monday evng


Mr.. Orford
      new page
Dr. Sir

    The covers you sent I recd. and have herewith
returned them, Directed for you, and hope you'll
receive them safe and in Due time . . Mr.
Gwillym has directed me to inform you, that
the Paymts. you used to make to his Father on
Acct. of Mrs. Gwillym's Fortune, are for the
future to be Paid to him . . . I can from my
own knowledge say, that Mr. Orford was %always
a Welcome Guest at Atherton, and for the future
he himself can have no doubt of it — for my
own part, I must confess it afords me no little
      new page
satisfaction to find that we have acquired such
a substantial Banker &c &c — You'll
excuse me and believe me with the Greatest truth
Your sincere Freind & Humbl. Servt
    I. Ashworth

Novr. 11. 1778
Compts. to all Freinds at Lyme &c


Mr. Orford
[Postmarked Warrington]
      new page
Dear Sir

    A Letter this momt. Recd. informs me that Mr.
Atherton is now Laid up with the Gout at the Hot %wells.
this Addition to his misfortunes is truely distressing.
such a Situation in my opinion, must Melt the most
Obdurate Heart. You will readily see the Necessity
I am under of Requesting the favour of a remittance from
you as soon as Posible. I am exceeding sorry to trouble
you on this Occassion, but the Expences of a Sick Family
Like Mr. Athertons you know are not easily supported.
The distressful accounts I have recd. from Bristol
for ten days Past, have almost sunk me into the Earth
How or where it may End God Almighty knows who
alone knows what is best for us all. It may be said that
      new page
my regard for the Family I serve carries my fears and
Ideas too far. but I know that I am now writing to one
who is a Father & a Husband, and can feel for the distresess
of the meanest of his follow Creatures, that you may never [word crossed out]
Experience what Mr. Atherton now suffers both in body and
mind is the sincerest wish of your friend &
    Humble Servt
    Iams. Ashworth—

Sepr. 12. 1779


Mr. Ricd. Orford
[Postmarked Manchester]
      new page
        Atherton Septr. 26. 1779

Dear Sir

    You was kind enough in you last to say that you
woud Assist me with every_thing in your Power therefore
I flatter myself you not take it amiss that I request a
farther remittance. Mr. Atherton being confined to his
Bed, his Poor little Daughter Down of the small Pox
and two of them at Home under Preparation for Innoculation
added to the Expence of bringing my Poor Mistress Down ^&c.^
are circumstances of such a Nature as must of course require
Large Sums of Ready Cash. therefore I hope you'll not
fail afording me Early Assistance which will very
much oblige your Freind & Humble Servant
    Iams. Ashworth
[Different hand]
30 Sep. '79 sent a Bill Value £100


Mr. Ricd. Orford
      new page
        Atherton 1st. Octr. 1779
Dr. Sir

    I am this moment favd. with yours of the 29. Septr.
Inclosing a Bill, Athertons & Co on Denison & Co Value
£100. for which you have my sincerest thanks. I have this
day recd. a Letter from Mr. Atherton informing me that his dear
Harriot is likely to do well, but that his Gout continues to
Tease him exceedingly. his situation is truely Pittiable
indeed. his little Girl down of the small Pox, his other two Little
Daughters Innoculated Yesterday, & he confined to his Room
with the Gout Added to the Loss he has had, of one of the
Best of Wives, are misfortunes that few experience and
fewer are able to support . . Poor Mr. Atherton Arrived here
on Monday Evning, & on Tuesday we took her to her final resting
Place — she was brought down & interred in a manner that does
Credit to her & her Family & Freinds. & I will add that she
has left few such Wives Mothers, & Mistreses behind her.
the Children here are all very well but my heart Bleeds for Em
Every time I see them Poor Little creatures some of Em will never
      new page
know that ^the^ evn had a mother. the Youngest Poor little Boy is sent
to Hulton to be out of the way while his Sisters are Innoculated he
is as sweet a little Boy as ever you beheld not quite ten months
Old. the Eldest I have had here during this Melancholly Period
& he has beheaved more like a man than a Child in every %respect
during on this Occasion . . . . . I have, on a bit of Paper,
inclosed a rect. Immagining that such a thing must ^be^ produced
as a Vaucher and this Letter is of too serious a nature and too
Incorrect to bear inspection Especially with an Audites of Auly
That you & yours may enjoy Health & Prosperity is
the sincerest wish of
    Dr. Sir Your Freind & Humble Servt
    Iams. Ashworth


Mr. Orford
[Postmarked Warrington]
      new page
Dr. Sir

    Having given up all Hopes of seeing you
here am under the necessity of Troubling you with
this, which I do by order of Mr. Atherton, who bids
me say that you have put ^him^ to great inconvenience.
as the money he shou'd receive from Mr. Legh he
always meant to Pay to Mr. Fazakerley, who
is (as you may reasonably suppose) grown very
Impatient and much out of Humour, this is
therefore to request an Early and Substantial
remittance which I hope you'll comply with now
you are acquainted with the Necessity of it.
    Mr. Atherton has been confin'd to his Bed
five weeks & upwds. but is (thank God) much better
      new page
and the little folks are all very well. I shall be
very happy to hear that you and yours are all well
& you'll believe me most sincerely
    your Freind
    and Hble Servt
    J. Ashworth

Atherton Augt. 19th. 1781

To Mr. Richd. Orford Lyme


Mr. Orford
      new page
        Atherton Decr. 10th. 1781

Dr. Sir

    Your fovr. of the 8th Past, covering your State of Mr. Legh's
account with Mr. Atherton, now Lies before me — I have compar'd
it with my Cash acct. and find it Perfectly right, the Bills I
recd. on the 17th of Augt. 1780 amounting 175£.. and on the 25th. of same
Month my Book informs me that I recd. from you 25£. in cash
which makes the 200£ as %stated by you. but how I, who had recd. and enter'd
the 25£. in my Cash Acct.. & you who was in Possession of a Rect. for
the whole Sum, cou'd make such a Blunder seems rather
extrordinary. However I'm glad it is so soon found out & regulated
it shews very pourfully the Propriety of the Old Proverb which says
that short Recconings, make long Freinds. — I hope you found all your
family & Freinds in good Health & that they & you may remain
so is the Sincerest wish of Dr Sir
    Your Oblig'd & Obedt Hbe Servt
    J. Ashworth


Mr. Orford
Lyme near Dissley
[Postmarked Warrington]
      new page
        Atherton Sep~. 20. 1782

Dr. Sir

    As Mr. Orford was so obliging as to say that
he wou'd make a remittance to Mr. Atherton
in the month of July, I flatter %myself that,
he will not take it amiss that I Just put
him in mind that it is now Sept~. and how
Welcome a remittance wou'd be at this Period
    Mr. Atherton is Just recovering from a Long &
tedious fit of the Gout, the Young Ladies are all
very Well, & the Young Gentleman I left about
3 Weeks ago with D~. Glass very well & I think
happily situated — this I hope will ^find^ you & yours
very Well, & you'll believe me most sincerely
    Yours &c &c
    I Ashworth


Mr. Orford
Lyme near Dissley
[Postmarked Warrington]
      new page
Dr. Sir

    Some %time ago I wrote to you to remind you
of a Promise you made me of a remittance in July
but having recd. no answ~. I begin to fear that my
Letter has miscarried, I therefore write this in hopes of
Better Success and am Sir
    Your Freind & H~ble Servt
    J. Ashworth

Octr. 13th. 1782


Mr Orford
Lyme Dissley
[Postmarked Warrington]
      new page
Dr. Sir

    As soon as Mr. Taylor returnd from Lancas~
I acquainted him with the order in yours respecting
the 100£. & upwards you expected he had of
Yours. his Ans~. is that he is very much at a loss to
know what it is you Alude to, having never recd.
nor been Instructed to receive any Sum of money on
your Acc~. — — Mr. Atherton as so exceeding
Poorly that I have not time to Add more at
Present but that I am
    Your Obedt Servt
    J. Ashworth

Novr. 17. 1782


Mr. Orford
Lyme n~. Dissley
[Postmarked Warrington]
      new page
Dr. Sir

    As you requested I have desired Mr. Tayler
to see Mr. Jams Sale about the Cash you mention
to be due from him to you, & his ans~. to Mr. Tayler
is that the Ballance betwixt Sale & you does
not am~. to 20£ how this affair is I cannot Judge
neither have I any right, all I can say is that
it does not appear that there is anything to be
expected by Mr. A. from that Quarter
    we have been in Dreadful Apprehentions
for this last fortnight on M~. Athertons Acc~. on
Saterd. was a sennt. we had D~. Brandreth of
Liverpool to see him & he remov'd in a very
short time a most Alarming Symtom indeed
since that he has appear'd better evry Day till
Friday evning when he was Seizd with a Violent
      new page
Sickness. & Pain in his Bowels which continued
till midnight (last night) since that he has been
Better his Sickness and Pain is abated & the
medicine used on these Occasions has happily
made its way thro' him. he had a good night
afterwds. & is better this morning so that I hope all
Danger is over. Mr. Rawstome is here came
on Wednesday Morning M~. R. is in London
    I'm so unfit for Bussness that I fear you'll
not be able to make this out not having had a
nights rest for the last 3 Weeks therefore
You'll Excuse me
    & believe me most truely Y~ &c
    J Ashworth

Dec~. 1st. 1782


Mr. Orford
      new page
        Atherton Dec~. 5th. 1782

Dr. Sir

    I am this moment favd. with yours
of this days Date & am happy that I have
it in my Power to say that Mr. Atherton is
much Better & I flatter myself quite out of
all Danger, but as Mr. Rawstorne writes
to Mr. Legh by the Bearer need Add nothing
farther on that subject. when I hear any-thing [-thing on next line]
of Mr. Sales Bussness will inform you
till then you'll believe me most truely
    Yours &c
    I Ashworth
P.S. I was to have fetched Mas~. Atherton from
Schoole (During the Hollidays) next week. had
not my Mas~. Illness prevented me, therefore Mr.
      new page
Rawstorne who happend to be in Town brings
him down with him & is expected here begining
of next Week — the Young Ladies are all
well & I hope this will find your fireside
well & happy — once more Adieu


Mr. Orford
      new page
Dr. Sir

    Your Fav~. Inclosing Bank Notes & Drfts
to the Amt. of 86£. 16s. _ I have recd. together with
Cash 13£. 4. _ which Makes the Sum of 100£.. .. ..
I %have Sign'd & inclosd the rect. as you desired &
at any future time shall be ready to Sign any farther
Rect. you may think requisite — & that will be on
on Stamps I dare say very soon
    I am Dr. Sir
    Your Obedt. Hble Servt
    I Ashworth
Dec~. 1st— 1783


Mr.. Rd Hofford
How %lane
      new page
        Haughton Moorside May 28th 1789

    we shall Take it as a %porticler favour if you will
will Make it Conveaniant to Com over & look at
the house as raerh.. has left it in %a %verey Erunias
Ccondicion and he is in a %vere bad state of helth
at this time —.— NB I beg you will not fale to Come
as we want a %little of your advice before we begi{*} [seal]
the work . . your Complyanc Sir will Much Ob{*...} [seal]

    your vere Humble Servants
    James Ashworth & sons


To Mr. Richd. Orford
at Peter Legh's Esqr
at Lyme near
[Postmarked Liverpool?]
      new page
        Walten near Liverpool
        1st March 1774

    I wrote to you some time about Christmas, &
enclosed my letter under Cover to Mr Legh, concerning the
Life I intended to add to the two Lives in being, in Burton
Wood the Tenement of the late Mr Gaskell. I proposed
to add his third Son Henry. I had received Mr Legh's Proposals,
in which it was said he would be so kind to make
some abatement, prior to my writing that letter. As I
have not received an Answer to that letter, & am going from
home in a short time, I should be glad to hear from you
soon & to know when the Lease will be ready. A Letter directed
to Mr Lachary Barnes Merchant in this Town
the other Executor, will answer the Purpose if I should be
absent. I am Sir
    Your most humble: Servt
    Iohn Atherton
Henry Gaskell is six Years old

author GWILLYM R.V.A.

Mr: Orford
Haydock Lodge

R.A. %Gwillym.

[Numbers in different hand omitted]
      new page

    I have inclosed you half a Dozen Franks
directed as you desire and hope soon to follow them.
I should have been down by this Time but am arrested
by the Gout, it has not however hitherto been very violent
and am in hopes it will prove only a slight Fit.
I could have wishd the Coal Affair might have been
determind before my Coming as I wish they may_nt plague
me when they have me down with them. I begin to think
Town as disagreable as you %did, & every_Body I see look [following s possible]
as Ugly as the Lords did to you.
    Believe me yours. always
    R. A. Gwillym.
Ap: 28th. 1775.

author GWILLYM R.V.A.

Mr: Richard Orford
      new page

    Being prevented from going to Buxton till the latter
End of the Week I propose to attend the Turnpike meeting at Leigh on
Thursday, & shall be glad to join you in any_Thing that will be of
Service to the Road. Particularly in having the Bass set, and in putting
out to Interest [corrected] the money which shall appear to be in the Treasurers:
    I am Sir yours:
    R. V. A. Gwillym.
Tue{****} [seal] night.


Mr: Orford.
      new page
        Iuly 29th. 1779.

    Mr: Athertons. State of Health
making it necessary ^for us^ to go to Bristol immediately
we are upon our Road to Atherton in
Order to prepare for our Iourney. And as it
will entail a great Expence upon me, & we
really are in great Distress for money I hope
you will be able ^be so good^ as [changed from to] to furnish us with
a Couple of Hundred Pounds. We set out on
Monday next & I shall be happy to hear
from you before that Time.
    I am yours &c R .V. A. Atherton


Mr: Orford
[Postmarked Warrington]
      new page
    My Desire to not to give Mr: Legh any
Trouble makes me address myself to you, & I assure
you I should not apply at all upon the Subject did I
not find it absolutely necessary. Iames Ashworth told
me you had given him an absolute Promise to pay in the
Arrears of the Annuity on Old Micha^e^lmas Day, it is now
november & we have not heard a Word from you. We are
got so behind hand with Mr. Fazakerley, as to oblige me to
undergo the Mortification of receiving Dunning Letters from
his Agent, & I expect to hear every Post of his calling
in his Money or making me pay five pr.Cent. I beg
therefore you will contrive to let us have the Money as
soon as possible & believe me your's &
    R.V.A. Atherton.
Novr 4th: 1781.

author BANCKS G

Mr Orford
      new page
Mr Orford        Warrington Octr: 7. 1789

    I have sent ye remainder of your kind
order. I shou'd have sent it sooner, but waited
for an account of ye Rabbit act. which our
Correspondent informs me did not pass.
your future favours will be thankfully
received — I remain for Mother
    Yr much obliged hble Servt.
    Gerd. Bancks

author BANCKS G

Mr Orford
Peter Legh Esqr.
P. Pd.
[Postmarked Warrington]
      new page
        Warrington Novr. 12. 1789.
Mr Orford

    I this day received a Bill from
Mr Thos. Gaskell of Manchester on your
Acct, which is plac'd to your Credit. Mr
G— desired me to acknowledge ye Receipt
but as he does not inform me how to direct
have taken ye liberty of sending it to you
I %am very much obliged to you for this
& many other favours, & remain for
    Sir [corrected]
    yr. obliged & humble Servt.
    Gerd Bancks
[U below Mother]


Mr Orford

    Have sent you ye enclosed pins
which are the nearest I %cou'd get to the pattern
I %went to all ye shops in town but cou'd not get
any like ye other so left it at ye Pin makers
to get 2 sheets made — I %have sent you
2 Cookery books one by Raffald — ye other by
Mason. I %had not any Cocoa shells in ye
shop but expect some down in about a week
but as I thought you wanted it very ill
I %got ye enclosed pound in town. but
will send ye other as soon as ever it comes
togeather with ye Alk
    from Yrs &c Iane Bancks

PS I %sent an elegant Alk. ye same
to Mrs A Legh's [corrected] last Week by ye servant

Warrington Decr 24th 1783


Mr Orford
      new page
    The day I received your order I
sent of the tea and am surprized
you have not as %yet received it
& have now sent the Bohea tea
as pr order viz to of Souchory. @ 8/
& to ^Pd^ of Souchory @ 6/s — I %enclosed
in the first parcel an Almanack for
Mrs Crew, so suppose she will not want
one put in the Case she has sent
    Yrs &c
    Iane Bancks
NB The Parcel was directed as under
    Mr Orford
    at Pr. Legh Esqrs
to go by Ardern Disley Carrier
from Ship Salford Manchester


Mr Orford
Peter Legh Esqrs
[Postmarked Warrington]
      new page
Mr Orford
    I %received your letter on ye
8th Inst. and applyd to Mr Crossley
who informd me it woud not be in
his power to draw under a Month
and does not know wether he can
then or not — I saw Mr Grimshaw
who inform'd me there wou'd not
be a Waggon going 'till the 16th or
17th & will then take care & send of
your order — If it wou'd not be inconvenient
shou'd esteem it a favour
if you cou'd let me have a Bill
Sir Yr
    obliged & hble Servt.
    Jane Bancks

Warrington May 10. 88


Mr Orford
      new page
        Warrn. {**}y. 4. 89
Mr Orford
    As I %expect some Teas in the
next Week have only sent as under
& will send ye remainder as soon as
it comes to hand — I have sent one
Pound of Patent Cocoa if it is
approved of or not you will much
oblige me by a line pr Post & I
will get ^send^ some of %it or Cocoa Shells
whichever is approved of most. I
remain Sir
    yr hble St.
    Jane Bancks
5Pd Superfine {*}yson 12/
12Pd Do _ 8/4
4Pd Turkey Coffee
1Pd Patent Cocoa — 2/
1 Court Calendar
1 Ream of Paper

[At different angle]
P.S I will pay ye Carriage of ye remainder of
your kind order


[Tomas Bancks acc. to archivist]

Mr. Richd Orford
[Accounts omitted]
      new page
        Newton August 2 1779
Mr Orford
    I Recid yours this morning as such
have waited on You till Eight O Clock
Elizabeth Shay Chuse the lase to be made
in her name and her_self and two
Daughter are the lives she fixis on,
there Ages as under what is from Your
    Sr Thos Manck
Elizabith Shay is 42 Year's Old last
Her Daughter Ann Shay was 13 year's
old last Deember 21~
Her Daughter Jane Shay 11 Year Old
the 15 of October last


Mr. Orford
at Lime
[Postmarked Macclesfield]
[Note in different hand: a Bottle]
      new page
        Wincle Febuary ye 2 1789
Sir this is to let you know that I have
bene with my ouldest Brother and
inquard of him Consarning the
Land that Mr Dantrey and we Could
not make of) that was over Hoglogh
He tould me how far the Land of
yours Came it gose a [some letters rubbed out] Distanc throo
the wood where there grose sevral
oke trees. I have ^bene^ with Mr Brindle
and Iohn Shaw which are varey
Impatient Consarning of you %not
Coning over to set them out som
timber) so I Desior you will faver
me with a few lines when you
Can Come over or other_wise Let
Let me know when you are at Lime
and we Desine to Come %over mr
Brindle Desiors you will not fale sending
so no more but my Coind respects
to you from your H St. Joseph Barbor
Direct for me to be laft at green


mr orford
at Lime
      new page
        Wincle march ye 30 1789

Sir thise are to Let you know
that mr Brindlye Desiors you
to favor us with a few lines
which Day you in_tend to Com
over for fere [word crossed out] ^hee^ should not
be at home from your Humble
    Sarvant Joh. Barbor


Mr. Richard Orford
at Lyme

Single sheet
      new page
Dear Sir
    Your kind letter gave me great pleasure,
but I cou'd not soon determine to make my application to
the Collector, knowing his Brother an Officer here, to have the
same thing in veiw; from which circumstance I thought I
had great cause to doubt availing myself of his assistance,
as he might imagine it wou'd interfere with their Interest,
but this being thought requisite, have at last ventur'd to
sollicit that favor, which was readily complied with, and
when I told him I %had for some time defer'd asking him
on that acct. he blam'd me, the Collor. does not know who is
my freind, nor has he address'd what he has wrote to Sor. Iohn;
as it wou'd rather have appear'd as an application from
him, which I %am told is contrary to the rules of the Board.
How to speak my gratitude to you, and your worthy Master,
(being already indebted to you for my present bread,) am totally
at a loss, all I can do is to tender you my most
unfeign'd thanks, and am


    Your mo. Obedt. & mo. Oblig'd H~ble Sert.
    Edwd. Barker
28th. Feby. 1772


Mr. Richard Orford
at Lyme
near Stockport
[Postmarked Stoxford?]
      new page
Dr. Sir

    At our last interview, it was
propos'd to make the addition of my Sons life, in
Bakers tenement, the ffine mention'd was 60. Guineas,
nothing farther was to be done, untill my Brother
had been consulted which I apprehended might happen
about the time of your annual visit at the Borough,
and which, by a Letter from him the beginning of Septr.
1787.; I %found took place — and that his consent was then
obtain'd — the next measure to be taken, was that of preparing
the Lease — for what other Act cou'd be done prior
to that, I cannot conceive — Yet behold the space of 18.
months has elaps'd, and no advances made in the promisses;
— I have incur'd censure — but for what I cannot
discover — I %was at that time, dispos'd to have accomplished
the transaction in question — and shall be so at
any time, whenever you may be pleas'd to prepare the
Lease — I am well aware, that if we secure the propos'd
interest — we must unavoidably sustain, the Loss of the
Right of Com~on — whenever it may be inclos'd — and therefore
have to request, that you will not loose sight of that, but for
the ffine, (as it is totally in your power,) agreeable thereto,
which I hope may not exceed £60. at the utmost —
      new page
Pray indulge me with a Line, when you have prepar'd
the needfull — and I will by Return of post, remitt
the money to my Brother, to whom you are requested
to deliver the Lease.
    I am Dr. Sir.
    with great Esteem.
    Your very Hble Sert.
    E Barker
Oxon~ 12 April
Mr. Hulme of our Cott.
presents his Respectfull
Compts., to you & ffamily.


Mr. Richard Orford
at Lyme
near Stockport
[Postmarked Oxford]
      new page
Dear Sir
    This mornings post brought me
your kind favor, by which I am greatly oblig'd,
    Now be pleas'd to permitt ^me^ the indulgence, of setting
you right respecting the application to my Brother, (the
which you seem to fancy, has retarded this bussiness,) the
circumstances being strictly as follow, Viz. that at the
time you mention, certain I am, that I told you, he
had long before, repeatedly given his consent, for the
addition of my Sons Life — that it was then, (notwithstanding)
your own proposal to apply to him personally,
for that purpose — and in which you succeeded, about a
month afterwards — therefore, as the terms held out,
had been already acceded to, on my part, I %was led to
conclude, that ^you^ wou'd proceed to make out a Lease — this
being the truth of the prem~isses, suffer me to observe, that
I %think the only tax against me is, neglecting to
importune ^you^ in the interim, but which, at that time, I
apprehended wou'd have been unnecessary. As I %have
the money laying by me useless, shall esteem it a
particular favor, if you will bring this matter to a
      new page
conclusion, as soon as possible. It was Mr. C_y, the
Gent. you supp'd with at the Star, who is elected F_w,
and the Mr. Holmes you mention, to a Scholarship,
at Corpus Christi Coll., these are advantages, of which
young men endeavour to avail themselves, soon after
they come to Coll., and what your friend Mr. Hulme,
has long ago enjoy'd; I have com~unicated, your
attention to him, and am desir'd, to present his
respects to you, and family. Mr. Barker joins
me in Respects to you.
    and am.
    Your mo. Obedt. Hble Sert.
    E Barker
Oxon~. 21. April 1789.

author BARKER R

To Mr Orford
at Lyme
      new page
        Kenyon 16 July 1774

    I have acquainted my Brother with your proposal
at Newton; and not long ago I received a Letter from
him, in which he informs me, that he is entirely of my
opinion, which is, that in our present circumstances,
we have not any sufficient motive to add a life.
I have waited some time to send you this intelligence
by the bearer Mr Thos Richardson. My Complements
to all friends.
    I am Sir
    Your most Obedt Servant
    R Barker

author BARKER R

Mr. Richd Orford
at Dissley
near Stockport
[Numbers omitted]
      new page
        May 18 —89.

    Several months ago, at your request, I wrote to
my Brother, about a particular affair, and I
since inform'd you, at Newton, that I had not been
favour'd with an answer. I heard nothing of the
matter until I arrived at Oxford, the 1st of this
month in my way from London. He then told
me that you had corresponded upon the subject
that he apprehended that a Life woud be
added on the terms you propos'd, and desired
me to bring down ^Bank^ Bills for the payment
of the money. What progress you have
made with the old Gentleman he cou'd
not inform me; but hoped you woud loose
no time for obvious reasons; especially as
you seem'd so desirous that the opportunity
shou'd not be neglected. The signing of
the Lease is the main point: the money is
ready. I am Sir Your Obedt Sert R Barker
      new page
I intended to have paid my respects to you this afternoon,
at the Borough (according to custom) but was
informed, just before I intended to set out, that you
are detained at home, by a genteel Disorder.


Mr Holford
Stuart to Sir peter Lee Esr.
at Lime Hall near Dishley
[possibly different hand]
post paid
      new page
    I Being informed that Sir peter wanted
a servant, in the Capacity of a groom; and as
my present master is in a Bad Stait of helth
and Likley to Deceline hunting, or keeping so
maney horses as he have Deen: it obliges me to
Look out for another place; I have been in
The Capacity of a groom for 14 years where
I have had the Care of Race horses and maney Capital
hunters, and hopes my Carracter will bear
The Strictes Examanaishon for the under_Taking
of such. — Sir if such a person should be
Wanted. he may be met with by a line derected
To Thomas Barker to be Left at Mr.. Chests butcher
in mansfield. Nottinghamshire.
    Sr. I am your Most obedint
    & Humble Servat. T. Barker
Mansfield {**
Feby— 1781


Sr Please to order the Disley Carrier to call on Grundy
the Wigan Carrier at the Red Lyon Salford for the
Jack Saturday next, as I intend to see you that Day or
on Sunday the farthest, I went to Haddock last Sunday
in hopes to have seen you there. I am Sr, yr, Hble. Sert.
    Wm. Barker
Wigan ye, 7 Aprill 1772


Mr Orford in the
High Lane
      new page
        Stockport Novr. 29th 1779
    as I %am informed Robt. Cheetham hath been at you to
Take the seat in stockport old Chu^r^ch that belongs to your
Master which I hold and that he hath Let sittings in it desire
you will call of me when you Come to Town and you will
o{*****} [torn off] your Most Humble servt. Iohn Barlow

NB I dont know what Cheetham means by Takeing
so many seats he has stockport El~chels Quire and
sittings in other seats


Mr.. Richard Orford

[Accounts, probably in different hand, omitted]
      new page

    As I have not the pleasure of Knowing you
personally, the following Application may perhaps appear
rather extraordinary; yet when I inform you candidly of
my intentions, I flatter myself you will excuse the Freedom
& give me that Assistance the nature of the business
will admit of. — which is simply this — Having formed
a Partnership in this Town in the Fustian Line, & being
under the necessity of advancing a small Sum of Money
on the Houses which my Mother & I hold under
Sqre Leigh; shall be much obliged to %you to %furnish
me with a Counterpart of %the Lease granted my Grandfather,
& a Copy of the one granted my Uncle of %the Dank-
Meadow, & I will chearfully pay every Expence attending
the same to any Person you may please to point out.
If you send the said Copies to Rob~ Travis of
Blackley, or addressed to me at Mr. Iames
      new page
Barlow's they will be faithfully deliverd to me

    I am very respectfully
    Your most hble Servt
    Richard Barlow

    at Mr Iames Barlow's
    Smithy Door

Manchester the 9th Augt 1788

Mr.. Richard Orford


Mr.. Richd: Orford
      new page
Mr.. Richd Orford
        Manchester 11th July 1789

    I am requested by Mr. Robt Travis
of Blackley to desire you will send the Original
Lease of Richd: Barlow's Estate to Mr. Ridgway's
office & you will much oblige
    Sir Your most obed. hble Servt
    Richd Barlow


To Mr: Richard Orford
at How Lane Nere

[Accounts in different hand omitted]
      new page
        Ashgate Decn{*} 7t 1776
Dear Sr

    J Recd: your Favour. and as to
Drables Allotment J am of your way of
thinking it shud be Set out as you have
Drawn the Red line. the line Drawn by
Mr: Nutall is very Much out of the
way and it wold be Verey un_Reasnable
to give the Cold Spring to So little a piece
your Seting this to Rite is Verey
Comendable and am Sr
    Your Most Hm~
    John Barnes


To Mr: Richard Orford
at How lane Near
Dishley Cheshire
[Postmarked Bakewell?]
      new page
        Ashgate July 7th — 1777
Dear Sr

    J See Mr: Owtram on Saturday last
who tells me he hath lately been with Mr: Nuttall
who Saith he Offerd Mr: Chatterton to Set him out
all the Cold Spring provided Drable Might have
leave to take a Suf to Carrey Som water to his a_lottment [across line boundary]
but as Mr: Chatterton Refused and wold let
Drable have no water he Mr: Nutall hath Set it
out a_Cording to all our Order and he hath Sertom^ly^
done right and as the Award is Signed its not
possable to Alter it with_out both Chatterton and
Drables order and Consent — J have wrote to Mr
Jacson to let Mr: Chaterton now if hele not pay his
Share ^of the Charge and Expence^ we will without furdor notice bring an Action
against him for Recovery of Our wages and J Desired
Mr: Jacson to let you now if you Refused to Joyne Mr:
Owtrom and J we wold do it our_Selves for J find you
are a kin to Mr: Chatterton and J Sopose wold Rather
Give him your Share then Sew him which is all from
Your most Hml: and mst obdnt Servant John Barnes
      new page
N:B: when J Rec~d: your Letter Relative to this
affare J did not apprehend you Jntended
Mr: Chatterton to have the Cold Spring and
Drable to have hired his water on Chaterton or
have watred aney_thing he Eate his lands with
on the Turnpike for J %will Remember it was
all our Mindes when we Set it out that Drable
Shud have water to his peece all which J thaught
you Cold well Remenber and have Satisfied
Mr: Chatterton when it was Set out and the
A_warde Signed it was not in our power
to help him J am Sorey J have a_Casion to aquoint
you that Sevrall of the proprioters Saith
Mr Chatterton Hath the Best allotment and he %is
Still not Easey beliving its in your power to help
him and if it be youl pleas to proseed and put
an End to all Diffrance and Disputes


Mr.. Orford at Lyme
Near Disley
      new page
    I Reced yours pr favour of Mr Cook & have
to the best of my power fullfild your order the
goods set of on Saterday last by pickfords waggon
hope thay will Cum safe & Meet with approbation
the Ketchup is in pint bottels as it will be less liable
to Spoil by being long open.. Mr I Hancock Signd the
Bond in the presance of Mr Cook & My_Selph he said
he should have an opertunity to send it down Soon
I was glad to hear miss Orford was Mutch better &
that you & the rest of the famerley was well I had
a vary plesant jurney to town & had the happyness
to find all my little people well & blessed be god we
contineu so — the talk hear is all war. so that the spring
is likeley to prove a busey one .. pleas to favour me with
a line on recept of the goods .. with respectfull
thank to you Mrs Orford & famerley I Remain yours
    to Command Io %Barrow

Octr 11 90
25 fetter Lane


Mr Orford
[Accounts in different hand omitted]
      new page
    Agreable to your request have sent you the
an account of the Sauceboats & cup So that you may act
as you think proper Mr Wakelin said if their should be
½ an oz he would not charge it you will See by the card
What the new duty cums to .. Royle is at Tarperley We
had a pleasant Jurney to town & I found my little famerley
full as well as I Expected ... hope Mrs Orford & famerley
are well ... I have Sent Miss Orford a few paterns hope thay
Will be Exceptable to hir ... I Believ before you hear from me
again I Shall have left my Shop which will make at
Least a hundred & fifty pound a year differance to my
dear children. I believ Royle will Succeed me if it dus
as well for them as it has for me it will do well. hope
Mr Legh keeps in good helth ... Mr Lowton is {*...} [torn off] shire
as Sutch hope Mr Marsden will See him & Sett{*...} [torn off] business
    I am with true respect & Regard your to Command
    Io Barrow
Octr 30


        London the 18 Januy 74
    Sir I have the Pleasure to informe you that
I arrived Safe in Town on Saterday night
had as pleasant A Iurney as the Wheather
Would admit only 4 Passengers one a female
Was vary Agreable have Sent Mrs ann Legh
Bill as desird hope this Will Find you &
All Frinds Well as it leaves me & all my
Brothers Famerley he joins me in kind
Respects to you & Wife & all my Old fellow
Sarvants & Frinds in Cheshire & Lancashire
Will Take the First opertunity of Seeing
Mr Burchal I Remain Sir your Obliged
Frind at Command Philip Barrow

[Omitted notes/draft to do with the will of Thomas Gaskill on the reverse side of the paper in a different hand]


Mr Orford
      new page
        Russel Court April the 30 .74
    Being informd that Mrs Hall Says the Swetmeets are
Spoild for Whant of Carefull Packing I Must beg leave to tel
you that the Wet Was tied down With bladder & Lather & that
Most [corrected] of the drops & Cumlets Ware in A band box pleas to git
Hir to let you know What Was dammaged & I Will Send some
Other in_Sted or deduct What is spoild from the bill as
I Should be sorrey any_thing Mr. Legh Was Pleasd to order from
Me Was not as good as anothers — yes thay Should if possable
Be better — but I fear or at Least believe Mrs. Miss Legh & Mrs
Hall are so near of an Opinion that thay not only dislike
Me but any_thing I may Send I hope you like the Seting of
the Seat Which I beg your Excepttance of Mrs Legh beg Mr
Burchals Pardon for makeing So free With his Charrectter
the Last time she Was in town & for Calling him as She did for
takeing hir maid from hir & I hope (Nay) I am sure she has
as great a Right [corrected] to do so by me hir treatment to me has been
infamous but god forgieve hir — hir smiles I do not Expect
& With gods Blessing I Need not fear hir frowns but may god
Reward hir the Revurs of What She has Rewarded me What
Ever orders I may Reciev from the Famerley shall be obayed
to the utmost of my power but have little hopes of pleasing
thot part of the Famerley My Wife joins me in gratefull thank
      new page
For the trouble you have had on our Accounts With Complements
to Mrs Orford & Famerley We Remain Sir your Obliged Frinds
    At Command Philip & Martha Barrow


        Russel Court May 19
Dear Sir
    I take the Liberty to Send you the
Bill of the things I have sent down as you
Will Readyley believe that to A yong beginer like
Me Who has Sunk more than his all Whant his
Little Returnd Mutch Sooner than an Old Standard
And Shall Esteam it A Favour if you Will let us kno
When We may Expect the money out of Mr Cooks
Hands it Has thrown Me grateley A_bout As I have
Been obliged to trouble my Frinds Hear For Whant of
it Which Bills is now Vary near deu as I thaught to
have Rec~ed it before this & My Trades men must be
Paid I Sent your Little bill in A Former Letter My Wife
& I Shall be glad if you at the Same time Will Remit hir
Wages We are Sir With good Wishis For your and helths
& Famorley your Obliged Humble Sarvants Philip &
    Martha Barrow


        Russel Court Iune the 14 74
Dear Sir
    I Rec~ed yours On Tuesday last am
Grately Obliged to your Remittance as it is now frost
Season With us Should Have Answerd yours by Return
of the Post but Was Busy Bottleing Gorsbarys for
Winter Have Agreable to your Request Signd the Bills
And Returnd them inClosed Hope Mr Cook Will let
you Have the Money Soon Or I Shall be Obliged to by
the Rest of my Froot at Sacendhand but I leave the
Whoal to your Management tho the not haveing it is
of grate disadvantage to me & Puts me grately about
Hide or his Wife Wrote to me to by them Some Lemens
thay are Settled in Birmingham My Brother Tomey
informd me of the Deth of Pore Pears Legh for Which
I Am vary Sorrey as I am sure he Will be grately missd
My Wife joins Me in gratefull Respects to you your
Wife & Famerley & Remain Sir your Obliged Frinds
at Command Philip & Martha Barrow


Mr Orford
[At different angle: Dr]
      new page
        Russell Court Sepr. 22 1775
Dr Sir

    Mr Barrow being busy to_night I officiate
as his Clarke we both think our_selves very
much obliged to you for all Favours especially
for the trouble you have been at in this last
affair of mine I call it so because it has been
a troublesome one I wish it may ever be in our
power to return it but whether it is or no
we shall be glad to serve you as far as lies
in our Power and shall always be much
{*}bliged [seal] to you when you will give us an
{*}ppurtunity [seal] of doing it I am astonished at
the Behaviour of Mr Cooke and Salter I never
knew before that the could make an Orphan
discharge a fathers Debpts I am entirely ignor^rant^
of every Circumstance except the Release wh{**}
you sent down ^uss to segn even the Guinea which^
is charged to me but I intend to write to Mr
Salter in regard to that it is hard to pay for
what the do not know my husband has no con^cern^
with what my father owed nor has he a right to
pay it Mr Salter I think may be ashamed of
his Cloth the other it is his Business the
      new page
mostly make there appearance by defrauds
but there is an Impartial Iudge and one that
will relieve the injured not the Injurer not
that ever I wish him to suffer on my account
I only wish that when honest men make there
Wills the would Chuse proper People for Executors
at least honest ones Mr Barrow will be
much obliged to you for the Proposal you
made that is the Draft on Mr Burchall
as we are distressd for money at this time
being the dead time of the year we have
been in all the dead time but lives in hopes
the time is Coming for Bussiness we both
join our best Respects to Mrs Orford and
family not Excepting your_self and I
    Remain Dear Sir your very
    much Obliged Humble Servant
    Martha Barrow

[Accounts omitted]


Mr Orford at Haydock
Lodge Near Warrington
      new page
        Russel Coart Octr the 27 — 74
Dear Frind
    you Will Purhaps think me Vary Remiss
in not thanking you for your last favour — it Was not
for Whant of a true Sence of it — but Willing to See
What I Could Mak of my Affairs — find my_self not
Withstanding the addishenal Custom to have a %hard bargan
So am detirmind to quit the shop as soon as I Can
Capt I Hayward informd me Willkins is to quit nuton
beg if their is any_thing in it that you Will gieve me
your opinion how [changed from now] it mite sute me as We must try
Something or go to Sarvis and not Eat the bread of
idleness I intend Writeing to Mr Legh the next Week
My Wife joins me With Respectful Complements to you
& Mrs Orford I remain Sir your Vary obliged frind
    Philip Barrow


Mr Orford
      new page
        Russel Coart Novr the 12 —74
Dear Frind

    I Reced yours on Wedensday night after my return from
the Cyty whare I had been prepareing Dinner for some of
the gutlin aldormen it being the day mr wilks was sworn in
to the office of lord mayr I am mutch obliged to you for
your kind infermation — I waited on Mr Evins on thursday
but Could not see him but see him to_day being the third
Time he says he knows nothing a_bout it but if thay did
thay should not have a married man — [some letters rubbed out] as mr Legh is out
of Parlement am not willing to trouble with letters as sutch
if you think it Right when you see him to give my duty to
him and return him my respectfull thank for his letter and
that I hope I shall allways miret his good opinion I am sorrey
to say it but I have had brotherley love anough I have not as
yet advertised the house but think to do it in the cours of next
week maney thinks I shall never see my money again some
think I Shall — I care not how soon [some letters rubbed out] it is the brisk time so
hope their is some_one or other will ketch at it soon
My wife joins me in gratefull Respects to you Mrs Orford and
famerley I am Sir your Obliged frind to Command
    Philip Barrow


Mr Orford
      new page
Dear Frind
    I this day Rec~ed yours in Which you inforem me of your
Calling on Mr Salter and Cook as things are as thay be and
thay have behaved as thay have to me With_out the least
Reason or Grounds onley the dirty falls and Malicious
letters Mrs Legh has sent them to be their gide to hinder
Me from Makeing the person I hope I Shall allways have
an unabateing love for and Who I believe Will have the
Same for me She purhaps thaught by that to pr make
Use hir ill and slighted hir for the usage thay treated me
With but I Was Ever Sure hir love Was Eaqual to that of
Mine So that I should have and shall be a Villian to
Retort their usage on hir have sent the Cirtificate hope
My unt Will Send it to you and that you Will let Mr Salter
and Cook see it if thay Will not Cum to tirms ther if
thay Will not let ym have the Will to tak to a %Council
beg you Will git from Chester a Coppy and Send it me
for if good nature Will not do the law Shall I have
A Relation an Aturney Who Will take it in hand I only
Whant What is Right and honest as to the Checanery of
law I dispise but Since their usage has been sutch as it
has I Will have my Right if Possable that is all I Whant
My Wife joines me in good Wishis for your helths and
famerley With our gratefull thanks for Past favours
togather With your promisis for futes ones We Remain
Dear Sir your Mutch obliged Frinds
P.'S Mine [Changed from My] and my Wifes best Respects if you pleas to
your Brother and Sister and M{*} H Richardson the latter
of Whome I Will Write to soon


        Russell Court Iune the 20: 1776

    Mr Barrow not being at Home only of
a Sunday I have got the things you desired
hope you will get them in time I %shoud
be greatly obliged to you if you will let
me have the Money as soon as you possible
can as Mr Atkinson has left of business
so I was obliged to lay out the Money for
them and as it is the time of year for
laying in our fruit and business being
dead you may judge how we want it I %shal
be much obliged to you if you will send me
the price of Cranberrys ^per Gallon^ if the will answer
our purpose and pay the the carriage [corrected]
of them thee [corrected] shall want a good Many for
we have not had any for some time nor
any of the trade any_thing that either
Mr Barrow or I can do for you Comand
at any time and we shall do it with
Pleasure I remain Sir your Humble
    M Barrow


Mr Ooford
[Accounts omitted]
      new page

    I have the pleasure to inform you that We had
a pleasant gurney to town & found our little famerly
prity well the Chees will Set of on munday
as you desird — poor Sanders in [corrected] is burnt out
and all the houses belonging to Mr Masters
is down with near twenty more I hope mrs orford
& famerley are well I am Sir yours to Command
    Philip Barrow


M{*}. Orford
in Marple
      new page

    Saml. Heywood of Kettleshulme comes to me &
says the Inhabitants of that Town are very abusive
to him on a supposition that he gave me information
respecting several Houses that were last Year left
out of their Window Assessment & which I caused to
be surcharged & says this has been reported very
much to his disadvantage & that he suffers not only
by the loss of your good opinion of him but in that of
his Neighbours & desires me to satisfy you that I
had no such information from him w~ch I can assure you
I never had nor do I know the Man I was told about two
Years ago that that Town wth. some others were very par.tialy
& improperly assessed w~ch I mentd. to the last Years
Assessor & told him withale that if he did not Send me a
      new page
Proper assessment I shd. think myself obliged to survey the Town upon w~ch he sent
me one charging some that were before omitted but I can assure ^you^ Saml. Heywood
acted no part nor had he any concern in the business
    I am sorry to hear the Man's story as I believe nothing wrong was
meant or intended either by him or any other Person
    I am Sir
    Your very h~ble Servt.
    Jas. Bartlett
    Knutsfd. 29th. April 1788


Mr Orford
[Accounts omitted]
      new page
        September th2 1773 Stanley
Sur i am not accustomed to
Trespas upon the good natur of my
frend yet in this as in others afares
of the World [corrected from Word] sometimes necessity
Constrains us to put you in remembrance
that you would stand my frend at
This Time If posabl it can be don
To make me a Leashe for my Sun
as we heare it is to be %sould
Sur Ii hope [corrected] you will Concider
That me and my famely has been
on It for this Hundred Yeare
and upwards
    From Your most obdent
    Sarrant Arthur Barton


Mr. Orford
[Postmarked Manchester]
      new page
        Bury 22d. Octr. 1783
    Yr. L~re of the 4th. Instt. I recd. a fiew Days since
& in answer am sorry to aquaint you that it is at
presant unconvenient for me to Pay you yr. demand
Christmas being just at hand & Money so scarce that
it is difficult to procure sufficent to answer the calls
of Business had you been at Warrington on the Day
I mentioned to you when I saw you at Disley I would
with pleasure have settled with you ^now^ as you did not
attend there then & had been so long silent I was in hopes
that you had forgave me the Demand. ^h^owever I trust
in a while to have the pleasure of aquaintg. you when it
will be convenient for me to Pay you in the mane time I remain
    Sr. Yr. Most Obedt. Sert.
    Saml. Barton


Mr Rd Orford
at Esq~ Leyghs at Lyme
or at His House in
the Hew Lane
Near Dishly
[Accounts omitted]
      new page
{*...} [torn off] Orford
        Burton 16 march 1772

    the Inclosed is Esq~ Leyghs a_Count if any_thing
Rong I will alter it I Should a Com my_Self.
but Have been Ill for Som time if Convenant
to Send mee a bank not Or Cash wich is most
a_Greeabel will much Oblig your's Sarvent
    Wm: Bass


[a and o very hard to distinguish]

Mr Rd Orford
in the Hew Lane
Near Lime
      new page
        Burton 26 april 1773
Mr Orford

    yours Recd & I am very Sorrey my sarvent
Shd be So Imprudent to drow 10 Horses down
Hill wich is Quite Contrary to my orders the
Person that Keeps the toal bar tould mee that you
wood Stoop the Hills and direct when to take
ofe and where to Set on if not So and you dont
a_Low any more than 8 Horses my Sarvent Shall
not Have any more Horses with Him the toal
is very High and I am Sartin my Wagon das not
travil Over your Road not 6 tims in the year
with a mesheen Load as to the wheels beeing Ruff
at Som time it Canot be Heelpd thay are S often
Repared if you new the Expence that a_tends
Wagons and the Small Profits that Rise from
them you wd be Sorrey for thos Consarned in
them if any Expence Shoad a_tend the mens
drowing more Horses then a_Lowd tis very Hard
and the wagon Shall not ofend any more it shall
      new page
{**}ther [torn off] Go a_nother Road or I will Leave ofe
as to your mension a Information I no you are not a %person
of that Sort I no no person Should ^wish to^ Leave my_Self to as
your_Self this from your Humbel Sarvent
    Wm: Bass


m{*} orford at
      new page
        Burton 1 agust 74
mr Orford
    yours Recd and Have Sent back the
bills and Rects and am much obliged to
you from your Humbl Sarven{*}
    Wm. Bass

author BATE & ELLAM

Mr Orford
    It being near the time you have
the Poor Cloth, we take the liberty of
Reminding you of it, — and if favourd
with your order may depend of our
best attention. .
    We are Sir
    Yr Mo. oblig'd Obt hble Servts
    Bate & Ellam
    Manchester Novr. 11. 1790

[Accounts omitted]


Mr: Ri Orford
      new page
        Manchester 2. Feby. 1788
Dear Sir
    In reply to your esteemd
favour — I %woud compleat & %fix up a
Engine, with a Rotative motion
thereto, ready to turn any kind of
macheenery required, the same sise
as that at the Glass houses at
Warrington for 250£, provided it
was at no greater distance from my
works — if it is, it woud be something
more on Acct. of carriage — this
sum is exclusive of any Brick work
or building — what is understood to be
done for the above sum is the Engine
compleated & %fixed up — also the first
mooveing powers which consists of
2:Dble cogged Iron wheels with Shafts
Headstocks Steps &c — these we also fix
up ready to Join or fix to any sort
      new page
of Macheenery what_ever that may
be wanted — shud you or any of
your friends be wanting any_thing of
this sort, I %am certain I %cud compleat
it to there intier satisfaction, I am
very respectfully
    D: %Sir
    Yr: Obd: Servt
    James Bateman
P:S. Warrington Engine is a 20 In: Cylinder
the Brick Work for Engine only is very
triffeling. other Buildings for works will
intierly depend on the nature of the
business to be done


Mr: Orford
      new page
        Manch{*}. 25 May 1790 —
Dear Sir
    I have recd. yours, & will
endeavour, to get the meeting on
M{*}: Wilson & Burchalls business, if
possable at this place as it will
sute me much better — I wrote
last week to Mr. Burchall, telling
him, this place woud sute both you
& me to meet at best — & %hoped he
woud get Mr. Worsley to concent to
come here — I am therefore
willing to hope they will fix to
meet here — I %am with much
respect — Dr. sir
    y{*}. Obd{*}. Serv{*}.
    James Bateman


Mr: Orford
      new page
        Manchr. 3. June 1790 —
Mr. Orford
    I shall be at home on Sunday
morning & ready to attend you to
any place that may be fixed upon to
settle Mr. Wilson & Burchals business — I %am
very respectfully
    Yr. obd~. Ser~
    Ja: Bateman


[accounts omitted]

        Leiester — Iuly ye 11

    this whith my Best respeits
To you and thanks for all faviours
thank god I bear the Ionney much Better
then I Expetid I should But Pooer haner
Can scarce stur her_self as the Roads
Grod better I was glad to go by the stag
as resting all Day and traveling all night
was verey Expenciv and verey loncom
Pray E Except of my Best wishes [i and s merged] for your
and your family
    and remane your much
    abligd humble Serent Sarah


Mr. Orford
at Haddock
[Postmarked Warrington]
      new page
        Arley Sepr. 30th — 1774
    I trouble you with this to let you know we shall
leave Arly much sooner then we Intended they have fixd.
themselves with a Butler and Housekeeper & therefore
tould me Last week my Wife and I were at liberty the 28th
of next month tho Lady Betty has more then onest
Insested on a quarters Warning on our side but as soon
as shee fitted hir_self lets us know we must Leave as
above mentiond. nor did she ask Wheather it would sute us
to Leave hir at that time I beg You will Acquint
Mr. Leigh of this. and if he can get Either the new or
old George emty for us we shall be ready to come when_Ever
he pleases if not we Intend Either to board in Warrington or go
see our Relations tell the begining of December and then to come
to Newton I %shall take it as a favour if You will let me have your Answ^er^
as soon as You possable can Which will much Oblige Your Vary
    Humble Sart. to Comd.
    Ias: Bayley


mr. Orford at Lyme
Near Disley
[Postmarked Warrington]
      new page
        Newton Iuly 23th— 1777

    I am vary sorry to Trouble ^you^ on this Occasion
but can by no fair demains Get into ye Stable opposit my Hous
belonging to ye Old Georg which I tooke from You together
with Darbyshires fields. which Butcher Ellam will not give up
the key neither — to mr. Grimshaw nor I — but has a_bused me
and Calld. me wors then a Chimney Sweep in ye site & hearing
of mr. Grimshaw he and Shaw Ellison came on purpose to
Newton this morn: to perswaid ^him^ to give up ye key or wors would
be the end of it. but all in vain I put a Hanging Lock on the
Door with 2 Great stables and the was burst of and tooke a_way [across line boundary]
the first night I %would a come over to Lime but mr. Grimsw
thought it better for me to wright and what_Ever orders You
gave he and Shaw: would Execute immedieatly we would a forst ye
Door open and throwen his things out but thought it better to
acquint you first. but there will be Nothing els to be ^don^ with him
I dont know what to do in this case my Hay is now down in
those fields and I have no_whear to put it for want of Those
bauks and Stable — which I beg your
      new page
immedieat Answar by the Return of the Post as the Fair
is near at hand. and it will much
    Sir Your Sincere Friend
    and Humble Sarvt.
    Ias. Bayley
my Wife Ioins with me
in Comps. to ye Ladys and
Gentlemen in Stewards Room

[Thomas Beard's letter omitted]


Peter Legh Esqr.
      new page
[Accounts omitted]


    By the Direction of Mr. Fazakerley I wrote to Mr. Orford
on the 6th. December to request he would pay the Interest due on
your Mortgage at farthest within three Months after every half-
year became due who wrote me for Answer that he hoped you would
give directions for the Payment as requested; but not having heard
from him since I wrote again in February last to which I have
received no Answer therefore trouble you with this to beg you will be
pleased to make me a remittance immediately for the year's Interest
which was due on the 24th. December last amounting to £720. as
I %am to settle my Accounts with Mr. Fazakerley the first week in
April next I beg Pardon for giving you this Trouble and am very
    your most Obedient
    humble Servant
    John Beardsworth
Lincolns Inn
18th. March 1789
      new page
[Draft of Orford's answer]

        Lyme 21 Mar 1789

    Your favor of the 18 Inst. is duly rec~ed by my Master who directs me
to Answer it, as the Gout is so much in his hands he cannot write
himself, and inform you [corrected] that you may depend of a remitance on
the 15 or 16 of April for Mr. Fazakerley's Interest, and that you may
depend for the future it shall be paid as you have requested
    I %am
    Sir &c
    [Orford's signature]

R.O. is much obliged to Mr. %B. for his Letter to P %Legh %Esq{*}. as he hopes it will
settle due payments for the future but desires RO last letter may not seen %or
spoke off


Mr. Richd. Orford
      new page

    As the Time mentioned in mine of
the 17th. Febry. last for settling Accounts with Mr. Fazakerley is
approaching I shall esteem it a Favor if you will give me
an immediate answer to it. I am
    Your most Obedt. Servant
    John Beardsworth
Lincolns Inn
13th. March 1789

[Draft of Orford's answer]


        Lyme 15 Mar. 1789
    I was duly favor'd with yours of the 17 Ulto & this moment
with yours of the 13 Inst. As I am not personally acquainted with %you,
[word crossed out] am almost fearful to give you this Letter, but as a %Gentleman
and one who I doubt not wd. Act a %friendly part to any person, who
in an open way on hono^u^r request [two letters crossed out] it, Id put my confidence in you
so to do it, — Mr. Legh is now more than Eighty years of Age, and has
been very much afflicted with the Gout, and he at present is not
free from it, has took it into his Head, to detain the %Bank Rents
from me for the last year, which has distressed me no little, now
I beg you'll be so good as not to mention this to him, but that
you wd. immediately Write him that you had wrote me in Decr. last
by Mr. Fazakerleys orders, that he requested his several mortgagers
to pay their [corrected] Interest within three months after each half Year
became due to which I had Answer'd that I hoped my Master wd. give
orders that Mr. Fazakerley shd. be paid as he requested, that you
had wrote me again in Feby. requesting immediate pay for the year
      new page
due in Decr. last, to which you had not had an Answer, which
was the reason of you giving him the trouble of that Letter,
and desired that immediate payment might be made for
the last years Interest, and add what more to %this you please
but desire you'll not mention this Letter to any person, as I really
do this for the best and to bring Mr. Legh about ^to^ do what is
right, I shd. be thankful of a Copy of your Letter to Mr. Legh
& when I at any time have the pleasure of meeting with
you will make it agreeable for your trouble & goodness,
and remain
    your faithful and Obt Sert.
    [Orford's signature]


[John Beardsworth has signed the letters, but the main hand may well be different]

Mr. Richd. Orford
      new page

    By Mr. Fazakerley's direction I
wrote to you on 6th. Decr. last to request you wod. pay the
Interest due on Mr. Legh's Mortgage at the farthest within
three Months after half a year became due, and which you
promised me in your Answer thereto shod. be complied with,
as there was one year due the 24th. Decr. last beg you
will remit the same in Time as I am to settle ^my^ account
with Mr. Fazakerley the begining of the Month of April
next. I am
    your most Obedt.
    humble Servt.
    John Beardsworth
Lincolns Inn
17th: Febry. 1789

Mr. Orford


Mr. Richd. Orford
      new page

    By Mr. Fazakerley's direction I write to the
several Mortgagors to request they will pay the Interest due on
their Mortgages at the farthest within three Months after half a
years Interest becomes due, there is half year's Interest due to
him on 24th. June last I therefore request you will make a
remittance in compliance therewith, and I am
    Your most Obedient
    humble Servant
    John Beardsworth
Lincolns Inn
16th. Decr. 1788

To Mr. Legh
      new page
[Draft of Orford's answer]


        Lyme 21 Dec. 88
    I %am favor'd with yours of %the 16 Inst. by the last post
and observe the Contents. — As the Year will end in a few
days for Mr. Legh's Interest being due to Mr. Fazakerley
you may depend on it being paid within
the time you fix for to have it paid halfyearly which
I have not a doubt but Mr. Legh will give directions
to be complied with, but as this Information has not
been %sooner given, am sorry to %say that I have not it
in my power to remit immediately, and hope Mr
Fazakerley will excuse it.
    I %am
    Your's &c [Orford's signature]


Mr. Richd. Orford
      new page

    In your's of the 21st march you say I may
depend on a remittance for Mr. Fazakerley's Interest on the 15th or
16th April. As that time has some time been passed, you'll excuse
my reminding you of it. I am
    Your most obedient servant
    John Beardsworth
Lincolns Inn
April 28. 1789.


Mr.. Rd.. Orford, at How Lane
near Stockport
      new page
Dr: Sir

    The purport of these Lines is to acquaint you
that we shou'd be glad if you wou'd come over to
Fairfield; as the Proprietors desire the Commissrs: will
divide Conningdale and the Mean Pieces; we shou'd
be glad to Oblige them in this Affair; but shou'd like
to have your approbation at the same time; as we
by no means mean to transact any Business
without your concurrene; If you cannot possibly
attend at this time, we will lay the Allotments, (in
Cunning dale) out upon the Plan, and leave the Plan
at Mr: Frosts at Fairlfield where you may call and
View them between this and our next Meeting, and
if you disaprove of any part, we can omit staking
them out 'till the next Meeting time we meet together
on the contrary if you approve of them you may %order
them to be staked out, as Mr. Smedley will be at Fairfield
Measuring Num Green ^Field^ Farm belongg: to Mr. Foxlowe and
Mr: Swinscal, as they have agreed the Commissioners shall
      new page
Divide it for them as soon as convenient — Please to let us know what
time will sute you to meet at Fairfield and we will make it agreea^bl^
to you — we have expected to see you at Fairfield every Moment since
we came here, as we have receiv'd Inteligence that Mr: Leighs Family
and you came to Lime the other day, if we shou'd not hear from you we
will [corrected] send you a Line to acquaint you of the time we adjourn the
Commission too, — We are with the Complimts.. of the season
    Your most obt..
    Humle: Servts:
    Thos: Longsdon
    I %Beighton
Fairfield 8th: Jany: 1772.
I %have sent you an Jnkhorn
by the Bearer


Mr: Rd: Orford
      new page
    The purport of these Lines is to acquunt
you that Fairfield Commission is adjourned
to Mondy the 20th.. day of this Jnst Jany.. then
to meet at Mr: Frosts
    I %am Sir
    Your most obt.
    Humle Servt:
    I %Beighton
Fairfield 9th: Jany:


Peter Legh Esq. (M{*}..)
Lyme Cheshire
Pr: Buxton

Mr.. Richd.. Orford
      new page
Dr.. Sir
    I have Adjourn'd Fairfield Commission
to Monday the 20th.. of this Inst: April at
which time (if Health permits) intend to meet
you at Mr. Frosts in fairfield — Mr.. Lawe
Inform'd me you was return'd back from
London, hope the time fixed will be
convenient for you to attend
    I am Sir
    Your most Obt.
    Humle: Servt:
    I %Beighton
Hazlewood 6th: April
P.S. I did not go to Fairfield according
to the time fixed as you did not say
in your L~re that you coud attend


To Mr.. Richd.. Orford
To be left at Mr: Smedleys
The Sign of the Tiger
      new page
Der Sir
    The favour of your's finds me Valuing the Lands in
Rolleston Liberty — am sorry to inform you that I
cannot Possibly leave this Commission till Monday the
20th.. ^Inst..^ at wch: time if health permits will certainly be at
Fairfield, the Act of Parliament under which we Act
is so Absurdley drawn; that it expires very soon, in
consequence of which we are Obliged to go forward, J
shall be at Derby in my way Home on Satur_day, will
call at the Tiger about 3 'o %Clock at wch: time shou'd be
extreamly glad to se you
    I am dr: Sir
    in haste you's to comd:
    I Beighton
Rolleston Friday Noon
10th: April 1772
Prey excuse the Paper
as I have at this time
no other


Mr: Richd.. Orford
at How Lane
near Lime

new page

Dr: Sir
    Iohn Frost has been with me at Buxton
this day says it is impossible we can do any
Business on Monday or Tuesday in the Wake Week
— Am of Opinion we had much better meet on
Wednesday which is the reason I send these Lines
to Inform you that I %will take care to Adjourn
the Meeting to Wednesday after the 1st: day of Iuly [if crossed out?]
will acquaint Mr: Longstone with the Alteration
    I %am Sir
    Your most Obt.
    Huml: Servt:
    I %Beighton
Buxton May 30th:
P.S. If you can send me the
Suff for the Breaker on
or before the next Meeting
It woud very much Oblige
Your Humle. Servt


Mr Orford at
Peter Leegh Esqr
at Lime Cheshre
[Postmarked Warrington]
      new page

    J Recevd. ys & in %answer our Little
matter may be as well Differd Then
Pinsweek & J Beats up your Quarter
in our Roade to Buxton or when
you Com Down to hadock —
J hope you & mrs. orford get
well %home & ^/ond^ your Little %ons To. &
am Sir yr %most humble
    Jno Bellases
Augst 16 1772


Mr Orford at Peter
Leegh Esqr. Lime
[Postmarked Warrington]
      new page
        Octr 7 1772
Mr Orford
    yours J Recevd yestarday & Comunecated
The Contents to mr Horraben The Tenant & he
Seemes as a Destracted Bodey having given
his Landlord notes of his Leaving wheare
he naw is & The Landlord as set the house
To an other for %Six pounds per yeare advancd
Rent Therfore The poore man if hes no{*...} [seal]
ad{***}led [torn off] as Tenant at your house in nuton
Says it will be verry Detrimentell to him
& indeed J Dont Know what well becom %of him
& His family as he intirley Depinded on it
otherwise he Says he Should not have
Deliverd up his Contract which he ad for Six
years To Com The man Desires me to Comunecete
This to you So as you may Lay %before mr
Leegh the poore mans Sitiuation for from
^what^ you Tould him your_Silf Boath he & my
Self Cald it a punctual Bargen & hopes
youl Conseder it as its ment by Boath who
am Sir yr most humble Srvt
    John Bellases


Mr Rd. orford
      new page
Sir The Two Lives J whould have Exchanged
in Ransons Tenement is a Ele{*} Case &
wm Evenson ^&^ put Jacc a Bellases Eagd 13
& Robrt Bellass Eagd .11. J wish you & yr Better
half a good Jorney & am yr most humble
    Jn{*} Bellases

[Part of draft answer? In different hand, probably Richard Orford's]
    I rec~ed the %above & by what little talk we had
last night


Mr. Rd. Orford
Eagant To Peter Leegh
Esqr at Lime near
Stockport Cheshire
      new page
        Warrington May 19 1774
Dir Sir

    This is to Say as J ad not the plishere. to. See you
Nether at Nuton Nor at warington J hope youl
Excuse my Freedum in Telling you J am Equely
Disopenteded in not finding you This day at
Hadack as Such as you was so ablidging to Tell
me The Last Time J Sawe you That J might
Depend of haveng the needfull on The 16 or
19. Jnstant, J must Beg by Retorn of Bearrer
youl Remit me as J onestely Tell you
J have Borrowed of my nebhour mr
watson to Suply my wants Then yours
Coms to hand — as J Tould you for wat
it was wanteed J hope youl Conseder The
matter as it Reley is & am as J Shall
Ever be yr Verey humble Servt
    Jn{*} Bellases

[Written at different angle of paper]

Jany 30 1774£  s  d
Renderd an Couunt247.6.9
Recevd in Two Bills150.0 0
Sent by Bearrer Cash2.14.0
100 8 9
if you Send your own Drafts be
Plesed to Drawe Two 50£


Mr Orford at
Peter Legh Esqr Lime
[Postmarked Warrington]
      new page
        Octr 31. 1774
Mr Orford
    My aCount stands a_genst P.L. about 230£
To Michalmass J am Sorry to Dun you on That aCount
But J Shall J %beleve allways be Poore from Two
Frequently Parting with my Goods To those That J %be_Live [line break]
Never Jntended to Pay for Them — J have been
So unhappy to be Concarnd with one That is Broke
a Boke fore hundard pounds in my Deat a_bout
a month ago This and other Disapintement Lays
me under The neseaty of Saying what_Ever you
Could Speare me Towardes the above Sume whould
much Help your Desterest Humble Srvnt
    John Bellases


Mr Rd Orford at Peter
Legh Esqr Lyme
a Single Sheet
[Postmarked Warrington]
      new page
Dir Sir
    J %Recevd ys & heare with you have the Inclosd as you
Rote for which is as it Stands with me which J hope
youl find Right, & am weshing you & yr %feamely The
Complements of Thees Good Times & Shall allways be
what J Stile my_Self yr most humble Srvt
    Jn{*} Bellases
PS J was Tould as a Surate a
Tue Days ago That The popritores of The
Sankey navegation intended to pittision to have Tunedge
up on Limestone if so Should not mr Leegh be %tould
So as he may Prevent Such averes & imposision


Mr Rd. Orford
Eagant to Peter Legh
Esqr at Lyme Cheshir
Carrage Paide
      new page
        manchester June 28 1777
Dr Sir

    as J have Bisines That Cales me to Stockport on
monday The 1 of J ferst of July next Should be Glad
if you Could make it Convent to have the Leases
Readey wheare James Foxs nam %is in & am Sir with
Compliments to Self & feamerley your Very humble
    Jn %Bellases


        Wa{**}ington [torn off] Augst 8 1777
Dr %Sr

    I %hope youl Bring with you when you
Com to nuton feare The Leases That James Foxs
is name is in as J want to Settle matters
with him in The manner J Tould you —
& am Sir with Best wishes to Self & feamealy
yr humble Srvnt
    Jn %Bellases


Mr Orford
at Peter Leegh Esqr
Lyime Cheshire
[Postmarked Warrington]
      new page
        Warrington Octr 2 1778
Dr Sir

    The %porpose of This is to Desire of you in
James Jolley name to give him Leafe to
Sell his Cottedge & all_So what will be the
Laest Price an_other must give to put
a %fresh Life to hit & all_so to Exchange
The wifes Life for an_other of much
The Same age Sr yr answer by Retorn
of Post well oblige Sr your humble Srvt
    John Bellases

Be %plesd to give your answer as we propose
Selleng it on wemday for the Benifet of
his Creadatores the Bilding of the house in
in Poore Condision


Missent to Chester
Mr Orford at
Peter. Leighs Esqr
Lyime Cheshire
[Postmarked Warrington]
      new page
        Novr. 25. 1778
Dr %Sir

    This day mr Grimshew Cald on me, for The money
Due to you, for the Ground Bt in ashton J Gave
him for answer J whould Right to you & it
is to Beg your indulgane Then Towards Candlmass
when J Shall Receve a %fue hundreds fron a
Smale a_State [corrected] J have Sold behind Boltan
for what Little money J Recevd of my Tenants from
mr Remmer beming feald. Everone J owe a %pound
To as been upon me & Sevearal ar verry hill
Neaterd in 6 month to Com J hope J Shall have
it in my Pouer to Treate Those That as usde me hill
To Treate Them with Contemp For J Do ashure you
That if J was to Leave this Life to_morrow J Leave
behind me above Eight Thousand{*} besedes paying
Every man to Shillings — J have Trubeld 5 persons
within this 3 month past that is in my Deat above a_Levenhundred [line break]
pounds & as not ^got^ of them one Shelling but
They all as Given Beale This old frend is the neeked Truth
& hopes youl not be angery as J well pay you Verry
Justely booth Slack & Intrest & am as J shall allwa{*}yes
be yr humble Srvnt
    Jn{*} Bellases


Mr Orford
at Lyme hall
[Postmarked Warrington]
      new page
        Warrington august. 17. 1779
Dr Sr

    as J am Verry Shure J Shall have it in my
Pouer to pay The 40£ on friday or Sattarday moring
Pray must J Pay it to meare ashely or mr Grimshaw
or J have Sum bisines with Robeston & mills
of Stockport wheare J Shall Com the next
Tusday when J whould Com over with it to
you my_silf but if youl feavor me with a
word to who & in what maner you whould have
it ashure your_Self it Shall be complyd with
by Sr your humble Srvnt

    John Bell{*...} [torn off]


Mr Orford
at Lymne Hall
Neare Stockport
[Postmarked Warrington]
      new page
        Warrington: o{*}tr [torn off] 26 — 1779
Dr %Sir

    J only hard This Eving That you ad been in
our Cunterey by mr James Leigh who Tould me
you ad Cald on him in your Retorn to Lyime
    J have Sum Bisines That Cales me to go to
Sheffild That J Can make Convent from this Day
Fortnight to Go & as your house is in the Roade
if you a_Prove of me Caling on the Bisines
J was at your house Last Should aSteeme it a
Favor if you whould feavor me with a word
of The Time you Judge it most Sutoblest for
me to Cale on you Sir your Complesene will
much ablege your Verry humble Srvnt

    John Bellases


Mr Orford at
Lime Hall
[Postmarked Warrington]
      new page
        Warrington Novr 4. 1779
Mr Orford

    it whould be a_Steemd a feavor if you
whould be So a_Bliging to Drop me a word when
It will be convant for me to weate on you at
Lime to inspect in_to the Bills deliverd to you
on mr Leigh a_Count wheare it appeares an
omision of Corn as not Been Charged by my
Bookeper Sr your Complesene will a_Blige your
humble Srvnt
    John Bellases
PS J have Bisines That Cales me to Sheffeld in a_Boat [line break]
Ten %days if it well Shut you for me to Cale
J %Shoud be glad to Do So —


Mr.. Orford
at his House in
      new page
        Whaley Sep: 28th: 1772

    Being informed that Mr. Drinkwater has
discharged his last Debt to Nature, devoled himself to the
Grave, & refus'd long to partake of this World's bitter
Cup; I again presume to offer my humble Service, as his
Successor at Disley School, hoping you will be so kind
as to befriend me at this needful Crisis, so if you please
to make Choice of me I shall be ready to attend
whenever you think proper, & a Line to inform me
of your Pleasure will be most gratefully acceptable, &
engage me inviolably to remain
    Your most obdt. humble Servt.
    Abm.. Benne{*...} [torn off]


Mr Orford
How Land
      new page
    the bearer John Stavevely has a son whom Mr Godard
recomends as a fit person to teach a scho^o^le and as mr Dinkwater
is dead hopes you will be so good as to make triall
of him J know his father very well who allways
behaves himself well {**}d [torn off] honestly and as to the young mans
caracter I befieve mr^Godard will give him a trewe one who is as cretditeable^
a gentleman as any we have in the peake of Derbyshire
and hath had him under his care and has taught the free
grammer school at Tidswell a great many years and is
reput^ed^ to be the best master in all our country and If you pleas
to make use of him you'l very much oblidge your friend
and Humble Servand,
    Thos Longsdon
Little Longston
Sepr ye 28 1772

[Note in different hand]
Mr John Stavely


To the Honourable Peter Leigh of Lime
Honoured Sir
    We whose names are here under Writen being willing
to give all possible incouragement to Literary
knowledge, do recommend to your choice for Dishley
school, the bearer hereof Henry Wyld as a person
very proper to be intrusted with the charge thereof
he being truly Qualified for that station, and a person
of good morals and behaviour, and one who has acquited
himself with great honour ever since his
comming into this place %and we should be unwilling
to part with him upon any account whatever
were not we perswaded it would will be for his
advantage, to engage himself with you, and we doubt
not but that he will give the country content if he
meets with your approbation, as he has an easy
and commendable method of instructing youth
in all the most essential parts of knowledge such
as Reading Writing and the most useful parts of
the Mathematicks with Geography and Astronomy
      new page
as far as is taught by the Globes, and he having
acquired some classical knowledge under Mr. Hadfie^l^d
which he teacheth with great success and that what
is [added letters above line crossed out] here inserted may not appear spurious we averre
all of us to have particular acquaintance there with
him either thro. having children under his inspection
or personal knowledge of his understanding and good
behaviour. given under our hands this 4 Day of
October 1772 at Mellor school
    John Hadfield Minr of Mellor
Ino. Hegginbotham
    Thomas Woodruff
    Jool Ratcliffe
    Samuel Marsland
    George Fern
    Iohn Fern
    Ralph Fern
    Anthony Herenshaw
    Daniel Thornaly
    Saml. Shuttleworth
    Wm, Tomlinson
    Randle Hibbert
    Ioseph Hibbert


Mr. Richard Orford
to Mr. Peter Legh Esqr,
At Lyme.
      new page
        Disley 29th, Sepr. 1772
    As Disley School is now Vacant, I shou'd
be very Glad to succeed Mr. Drinkwater there, If
Mr. Legh pleas'd to Accept me, & shou'd return my Sin^cere^
Thanks to his Worship if he was so pleas'd, If you was so
Inclin'd, I cou'd have the most Part of my Neighbours
Request, In a Letter of Petition if his Worship was to
Request it, As to any Extraordinary high Learning
I do not pretend but do not all doubt but I can Improve
myself in a little while, And as I am now a Teacher &
have 50 Pupils Committed to my Care, And some of the
Parents say the would rather give me double Wages, than
I shou'd give over Teaching, But You know, Sir; a good many
Petty's wages rise to a little Wages & some peoples Wages
come very latly for A Man to Maintain a Familly with
without some Benefaction; So I wou'd not be willing
giving Over; For to betake myself to other Buisiness I am
rather afraid of, When I grow In Years, tho At present, It
does not harm me, When I was a Child I had my Knee broke
And that was one Reason made me begin of Teaching School
All at Present, but remain Your, Humble, Servant.

    James Swindells


Mr Orford
    Please to settle with the bearer for three
Half years. rent for the Water Course at Whaley
Mill and you will much oblige your
    Hble Servt Robert Bennett
Manchester June 4th: 1788

author BENT J

        Warrington Saturday Eve:
Sr: —
    Mr: Keck desires you to Inform
Taylor the Horse dealer — that the
mare he sold him this morning
is so Very lame that he will
Certainly return her as soon as he
returns to Lyme — and have his
own Galloway Back again —
as she is by no means Suteable
for our Business — I am Sr: —
    Your Very
    Humle: Sert: — I: Bent
I Beg my Compts: to all friends at
Lyme —


Mr. Richard Orford
at Lime Hall
      new page
        St Hellens the 18 Decr 1788

My dear old Friend I make bold to trouble you
with the following. —

Sr. Mr Ashton has bought the piece of Land late
Mrs. Claytons that lyes between Laffock and mr.
orrels and is for opening the Collery, he wants
a man to superintend the same he woud have
one that understands somthing of the bottem as
well as the Top and can be trusted with the
money to pay the men, he is not for seling any
coales unles to a perticular Flat and no money
to be recive'd. He order'd mr. Berry to get me
to enquire for such a man, and as I go none
from home does not know of any. now I
desire you if you know of any such you
will let me know and mr ashton will take
it a particular favour, he will likewise
want a Carpenter but that will be easier
found I am dear Sir your most humble
    Servt Tho{*}. Billinge
please to direct for me
to be left at Richd Shanetts
St Hellens near prescot


Mr. Richard Orford
at Lime Hall
[Postmarked Warrington]
      new page
        Winwick 6 Iuly 1778
Mr. Richd: Orford
Sir the inclosed shoud have been done before
sooner but not thought on before sunday the 21st
I desire you will some opertunity shew it
to your master not doubting but you will
say somthing of the reasonableness of the
Petition . . . . . .
    I have not heard marcus say any_thing of receving
the order you and I fixed for him receiveing
the Wharfage on newton Common; It woud
be well for him to have it to shew not only
to the persons to pay the wharfage, but to
the freeholders if any shoud say any_thing
about the inclosure and likewise it woud
be proper for him to have his Lease for
if any_thing shoud happen to your master
or you it woud likely not be so good for him
as he has Laid out his money, I expect to
see you at Newton Fair. I am sir your
most humble Servt Thos. Billinge


Mr. Richd. Orford
at Lime Hall
[Postmarked Manchester]
      new page
Dear Sir
    I forgot a foal shirt it is pin'd in a Cheque
handkichar and in the furtherst drawer in
the Buttlers Room; I desire you will take
it into your Care and if you can send it by a
safe hand to leave it at our Turnpike, or
bring it with ^you^ when the family comes to
Haydock, I am sir your most humble
    Servt Thos. Billinge
Saturday at


Mr Holford
near Disley
[Postmarked Manchester]
      new page
        Manchr. Augt. 5. 1778 —
Mr. Holford

    I wish you would send me Mr. Legh Sub{*}. of £5:5:0
to our Infirmary ending at Med/n. 1778 that I may
not be obliged to return it in arrear in my
accounts which are now printing — I %am
    Sr. yr. mo. ob. Servt.
    Iosiah Birch



Mr.. Orford
      new page
        Ashton, Ianry 27th. 1771
    I rec~ed your kind favour of the 22d Instant,
I wrote to Mr.. Russell soon after I saw you
at Haydock, and let him know that I would
not give any more than what I had bidden, that is,
690£. for on more serious thought, I think it is
as much as the Estate is worth.
    I desire you will send me a line by the Bearer
to let me know whether this last Order from Mr.
Masters, be over and above, that is, to be added to
the last order you sent me some time since for
Nails; the Nails I am afraid cannot be completed
in a short time, for all the Nail Masters are full
of orders, but when I hear from you will get as many
as possible. The Grind stones are now all ready
to go to Liverpool.
    I am, Sir Your Most Obedt.
    Hble Servt.
    Wm.. Birchal
Wm.B Wm..B.


Mr.. Orford
      new page
        Ashton, Feby. 27th. 1772 —
Mr.. Orford

    I have herewith sent you the Acct. which
you have Examined, also the Vouchers, Hay Grass Accts.
from 1766 to 1770. Rentals for 1769 & 1770. the
Years before being entered as they were received; the y
Hay Grass in 1771 is not entered, as I have not received it,
thought I had better send to the persons who have not paid,
and so enter it all in one Sum.
    I did not know whether you want would have
the Day Books, Score & Edish Book, and Rental Books sent
you to Lyme, so have not sent them; but if you will want
them, please to send a line and will immediately send them.
which is all from Sir! your most Obedt. H~ble Servt.
    Wm.. Birchal


Mr.. Orford
      new page
        Ashton, April 9th.
Mr. Orford,
    Enclosed have sent you a small
Bill, due from Mr. Wm.. Parker, which he
said Mr.. H Richardson would pay, but have
ask'd Mr Richardson, and he said that Mr.
Parker owed him money; therefore should
be very much obliged to you, if you can get
me the Bill, and will do as much for
you, if in my power. I am Sir Your
    very h~ble Servt.
    Wm.. Birchal


Mr.. Orford
      new page
        Ashton, Augst.. 28th. 1778.
Mr.. Orford,
    Two years ago you had some
thoughts of Speculating a little in the Hop Trade,
and this Year they are expected to be very
low, and very good; for there was never finer
season for plucking. — I think of doing
something in them, and if you chuse to
venture any_thing, I thought I would let
you know; therefore should be glad of a line
whether you will or not, that I may know
how to give my Hop-Mercht. Instructions.
    I am, Sir, yours most respectfully
    Wm.. Birchal
P.S. the best Hops are thought
expected not to exceed 70s/ p~{*}. Wt. & from that
down to 50s/— p~{*}.Wt


Mr.. Orford
at Lyme
near Disley:
[Postmarked Warrington]
      new page
        Ashton, Novr.. 21st. 1778
Mr.. Orford,
    I was favour'd (dated
the 11th. Instant) with yours. — I Rec~ed
the Invoice of 50 Pockets Hops, on the
7th Instt. but have expected to have
had the pleasure of seeing you before this
at Hayd~k — Total Amt.. 206£..1s..9d.
    I shall be much obliged to you if
you'll send me a draft for 105£. and will
return you what it is over the half, when
you come over. I should be glad you'll
send as %soon as convenient, as I have
waited for your coming two weeks.
    When I see you, will inform you of
all particulars; in the mean time must
remain, Sir, your most obdt h~ble Servt.
    Wm.. Birchal

[Accounts omitted]


Mr Orford
Post pd 3d
[Postmarked Warrington]
      new page
        Ashton, Decr.. 17th. 1788
Dear Sir
    I must beg your pardon for troubling you
with this, and hope you will grant it. I was mentioning
to you when at Haydock last, about the expence
of erecting a Machine for weighing Carts &c, —
    Now it being agreed to have one erected, I shall
be much obliged to you, if you will give me directions
how to go about this business on the most frugal
plan, and think you told me of one that was on a
better ^construction^ & cheaper construction than yours at Haydock.
    If you can recollect where that was, and that we
may be admitted to see it, I shall be much obliged
by such information, and will return the favour
(if in my power.) I am, Dear Sir, your most obd~t
    h~ble servt.
    Wm.. Birchal
P.S. Your earliest intelligence
will ^be^ esteemed a peculiar favour


Mr Orford
[Postmarked Warrington]
      new page
        Ashton, Decr.. 23.1789
Dear Sir
    yesterday (by appointment) I met Mr Walter
Wilson of Lymm, at the red lion Inn in Warrington, to fix
upon an arbitration to settle and determine the dispute
between him and me, (now depending in the court of Chancery)
and make a final end of that disagreeable business.
    After some discourse about the matter, it was
mutually agreed by both the parties to leave the determination
to Mr Iohn Worsley of Lowton, Mr Iames Bateman
of Manchester, and Yourself; hoping you will be so
obliging as to lend us your kind assistance in this affair,
as I apprehend it will not be attended with any mighty
trouble; the matter appearing so very clear to every
impartial eye.
    I hope, Dr. Sir, you will agree to make one of
the three; and p^r^ay excuse us not letting acquainting
you before we made choice of you, as the time would
not admit ^of^ us writing to you, or seeing you personally,
it being but a few days since I had notice thereof;
only I knew Mr Wilson's Counsel had [corrected] moved the
court for an arbitration — My Wife joins in compliments
      new page
of the now near approaching season, and waiting
your obliging answer with consent to assist us, on
I remain Dr. Sir, your most obdt h~ble servt
    Wm.. Birchal
P.S. You shall be perfectly
informed of the matter in dispute,
some time before any the parties


Mr Orford
[Postmarked Warrington]
      new page
        Post Office, Warrington, Octr.. 15. 1790.
Dear Sir
    The enclosed draft was (last
night) brought to me for non-payment,
as there is no such person to be found;
therefore have returned to you, and
must beg the favor of your sending
me another in lieu thereof.
    The person whom I paid it to has
been at a deal of trouble to find out
the person whom it is drawn upon
but without any success. I am, Dear
Sir, your most obdt h~ble servt.
    Wm.. Birchal

[Accounts omitted]


Mr— Richd— Orford
      new page
        Newton 10th— Octr— 1781
    I take the Oppertunaty of Writeing to You
Concerning puting in a %Life to fill up the Lease
which Belong'd to John Houghton and What would be
the Lowest price it Would Cost, as I Jmagin You'l
be Over at the Court I was thinking then to have
Agreed with you, Concerning the same as I shall have
an Oppertunaty of haveing thing's Ready for that
Purpose and Desires Youl not take it Amiss at me
Writeing hopeing you will do your Best for me
& in the main time Please to give me Your Answear
& I should take it as a great feavour from your
Well Wisher & Humb %st
    Willm— Birchall


Mr Richd: Orford
Steward to Mr Legh
at Lyme
near Disley Cheshire
[Postmarked Wigan]
      new page
        Haigh 26th Octr. 1781

    Iohn Peirpoint late Postillion to mr Legh,
has offer'd to serve me in that Capasity. & says I may
know his Character [corrected] by applying to you, wch. occasions
my giving you the trouble of this Lettr.. he says he
lived 7 months with mr Legh & that a disagreement
with the Coachman was the reason of his leaving the
Place. I shall be much oblig'd to you to let me know the
Character the young man deserves, particularly whether
he is Honest & Sober, takes good care of Horses Drives
well, & was civil & well behaved in the family.
    your answer direct'd to me at Haigh near Wigan
Lancashire will much oblige
    Your Humble Servant
    S. Blackburne.


Mr: Orford

Lyme H{*...}
[Most of adress torn off]
      new page
        Post Office Stockport 28th Sepr. 1779
    I have took the Liberty of Sending to you by
Robt. Cheetham A Corect List of the posts Comming
in & going out and as you will see by the List it may
often hapen that there may be Letters for Lyme that
lay [corrected from lie, or vice versa] in this Office a day or two but I think if you
was to give derections to anny of the Servants &c
that may hapen to come to Stockport allways to call
at the Office the would frequently find Letter for
Lyme. I am Sir
    your Obedt
    Humbl. Servt
    Peter Boardman


Mr.. Orford
      new page
    I Omitted to return you
Miss Leghs Bill through hurry —
you have it Now Inclos'd with
my thanks — I am Sir
    your Obdt— Servt
    P %Boardman
Stockpt. 9th. Augt. 1789 —


Mr. Rd.. Orford
      new page

now in Partnership with me, has engaged himself to form a new House, at the
Expiration of our present Term, which ends at Christmas, 1787, an Event I could not
have expected, after advancing him to be a Partner in the House, and shewing him my
readiness to promote his Interest, by very beneficial Terms, by which himself and Son
were to be Partners at the Expiration of our present Engagement.
    Permit me, Sir, to request you will not engage yourself until you are fully acquainted
with every Circumstance that hath occasioned this intended Separation. I think it more
respectful to appeal to your Candour, than to any Claim of Preference I may have from
having been engaged in the Business upwards of Fifty Years, and which by every tie of
Affection I am called upon to preserve to my Family.
    I beg leave to inform you, that I intend to connect myself and Son with
Mr. STEPHEN LUSHINGTON, and another Person, in every Respect unexceptionable:
You will please to excuse this Mode of communicating the above, until I have the
Pleasure of waiting on you in Person.
    I am, SIR,
    Your most obedient humble Servant,
    Iohn Boldero [Signature hand-written]
London, July 16 [hand-written] 1785.


Mr: Orford

[At different angle:]

    J hope Your goodness will excuse the liberty
I take in troubleing you with this Letter and
in solliciting Your Intrest in the Buisness
as under recited —
    Mr: Edwd. Worthington, Ironmongar of this place, who is
use'd to Serve Your Worthy famaly at Lyme with goods
in that line is Dead his Mother and two Sisters
haveing declin'd the Buisness and delivered up
the Stock in Trade to one Mr. — — — Gardiner of
Coventry who is an entire Strainger in this Neighbourhood
Upon which Account (as no part of Mr. Worthingtons
famaly has anything to do with the Trade)
I should Esteem it A %favour if Mr. Legh whould be
pleas'd to grant me the favour of Serveing him
with the things wanting at Lyme in the Ironmongary
Buisness and other things which the late Mr.
Edwd. Worthington had the Honour of Serveing him with
And as I have often had the pleasure of serveing
that Honarable Famaly in Numbers of things
in the white Smith Buisness I should think my_self [line break]
doublely ^oblige'd^ in confering the favour as Above
and shall make it my Studdy to serve Mr. Legh
with A Good Article and upon fair & honest tirms
who Am Sr. with the gratest Respect Your most
    and Hum{*} Serv{*}
    Saml. Booth

author BOOTLE M W

[Direction may be in different hand]

Mr. Rd. Orford
[Postmarked Warrington?]

[Bootle's signature]
      new page
        Rode Hall
        Cheshire Iuly 15th

    Mr Wilbraham Bootle recd your Letter
Yesterday with the Draft for 50 due on Mr Amsons Account, he
returns the receipt Sign'd. and is glad to find the poor mans Affais
in so good a Train
    I am Sir
    Your Humble Servant
    M W Bootle

{*...} [torn off] r Wilb Bootle hopes Mr Legh &
{*}ll [torn off] the Family are well

author BOOTLE M W

Ormskirk October seventeenth

[Direction may be in different hand]

Mr. Orford at Peter Leghs Esqr
[Postmarked Ormskirk]

[Bootle's signature]

[Across in red, prossibly in different hand]
Iohn Amson %Esqr
      new page

    Mr Wilbraham Bootle this day recd a bank note
for 10 pounds on account of a note of hand from Mr Amson. which shall be
inclos'd to you and returnd when we go to London where it is. this in the
mean time will serve as an Acknowlegement of the same
    Mr Wilbraham Bootle desires his Compliments to the family att Lymm
    I am Sir
    Your Humble Servant
    M W Bootle
Luthom House Oct 18th

[Note in different hand]
Note Rec~ed therefore of no use


Mr. Orford
      new page
Dear Sir

    I should take it as a particular
Favor if you would take some
Opportunity of transmitting to me, by
Mr. Maire the Sum of Money which
Mr. Legh gives to the Chapel of Holy
Trinity in Warrington. Whatever is
necessary to be done upon the Occasion
Mr. Maire has full Liberty from me to
transact. It would be high Presumption [corrected]
in me to take the same Liberties that
my worthy Predecessor did at Lyme
more especially at a Time when Mr.
Leghs Health is in a declining State.
Not but I could like to see the Good
old Gentleman & Family to whom I
      new page
am so largely indebted, & for whose Health
& Happiness I have the sincerest Wishes.
If you think it proper give my best
Respects to them, desiring to know how
they all are — & believe me to be
    Your Obdt H~ble Servt
    Thos. Borrowdale.
Sepr. 13th. 1787

[Note in different hand]
17 Sepr. pd. to Mr %Maire 5£

author BOWDEN W

Mr.. Richd.. Orford
How Lane
      new page
Mr.. Ro. Orford
    Your favor I %recd.. and in consequence of your
promise was in expectation of hearing from you this Day
with ye.. needful; but as that is not the case must %beg
you will if possible forward it on Monday, or Tuesday at
farthest, as I must write to London on Wednesday Morng.. at
which cannot with propriety be done without sending a
Remitance. — — Have not yet heard from Mr.. G—
but if he concludes on meeting a %few Friends at your House
as proposed, shall inform you in Course —
    Your Respectful Hble Servt
    W. Bowden
Manchr.. 13th.. Septr.. 1777

author BOWDEN W

Mr.. Richd.. Orford
How Lane
      new page
Mr.. Rd.. Orford

Dr.. %Sir

    Have herewith to acquaint you that your
Brother intends himself the pleasure of taking [corrected] a
Bed with you at How Lane on Saturday next,
and on Sunday propose meeting him at your
House with a few Friends, agreeable to your kind
Invitation, in the interim remain
    Dr %Sir Your most Hble Servts
    W. Bowden
Saturday 20th.. Septr. 1777

author BOWDEN W

Mr.. Richd.. Orford
How Lane
[Accounts omitted]
      new page
Mr.. Rd.. Orford
    We recd.. the Cash in Course P~.. Ardern —
Enclosed you have 2 %Bills & Cash Val: £47..13..6 which
with £12..7..0 overplus sent, makes the ballance, Viz.t £60
    You have also annexd Messrs. Bateman Phillips &
Birch receipts the difference of that acct. T.G will settle
with you when he hath the pleasure to see you —
    Sir Your Respectful Hble Servt.
    W %Bowden.
Manchesr. 27th Novr.
Tomlinson On %Smith & Co&30 —
Grinsell On Grinsell14 —
Dr. To [corrected] Bills sent over Cash
in the Cash Acct.
60. -.6

author BOWDEN W

Mr.. Richd.. Orford
How Lane
      new page
Dr.. %Sir
    Your favour P~. Ardern with Parcel Val. £200
I rec.. safe and at a timely Season —
    Since I wrote you last I heard from your Bror
who is very well he signifies his intention of being at
How Lane on Sunday Sevennight but will be more
particular as to that in his next when I shall
advise you in Course and am
    Dr %Sir
    Yours most Respectfully
    W.. Bowden
Tuesday Noon

[Scribbles omitted]

author BOWDEN W

Mr.. Rd.. Orford
    Enclosed you have 3 Bills val: together
£143..13..8 Should have sent you the exact Sum £150
but there are £6 Guineas wch.. are objected to so
shall settle the difference when we have the pleasure
to see you; in the interim remain
    Sir Your most Respectful Hble Servt
    W %Bowden
Tuesday 2 O'Clock

author BOWDEN W

Mr.. Richd.. Orford
How Lane
      new page

    As under you have directions for %the Franks
Mr. Gaskell spoke to you about & %shall be glad if at the
same time you could get a few directed for T. Gaskell & Co..
as we are very nearly out of %them —

    Sir Your most Respectful H~ble Servt.
    W Bowden
Novr.. 17th. 1778

Cartwright Morris & A: Bennett

author BOWDEN W

Mr.. Richd.. Orford
How Lane
      new page
    Enclose'd you've 3 Bills value £90..0..0 the
Ballance therefore remaining is £30..0..0 which
youll be so kind to send on Tuesday —
    We reach'd home without any ill consequences
happening about 12 O'Clock — remain
    Sir Your most Obliged Hble Servt.
    W. Bowden
Saturday One O'Clock

[Note in different hand]
Decr. 1. 1778 Sent Cash 30£ by Geo Bowden

author BOWDEN W

Mr.. Richd.. Orford
How Lane
      new page
Dr.. %Sir
    Enclosed you've 2 %Bills val: £200 — must request
you will not omit to put us in Cash for the Bill
advanced in due Season our Exigencies for money
exclaiming loudly at this Iuncture remain
    Dr %Sir
    Your Respectful Hble Servt.
    W. Bowden
Manchr.. 21st.. Decr

author BOWDEN W

Mr.. Orford
How Lane
      new page
Dear Sir

    Yours I duly recd. & in consequence made
the necessary Application for Mr: Athertons Letters
wh the Post Mistress informs me were this morning
sent to Stockport . . she acknowledges there
having been application made for them before
& the reason she assigns for not delivering them
was her not liking the appearance of the
Messenger. — I shall make it my business
to attend at the Office on the West Post Mornings
in future, & if there be any Letters may rely
on their being sent with all speed
    I am much oblig'd by your enquiry after
my Mothers health the loss of whom I have
the greatest cause to regret she being dead &
buried. — I recd. a Letter from Mr. G
yesterday who mentions he intends
reaching Home on Thursday or Friday next
    With Compts. to Mrs. Orford remain
    Dr %Sir
    Yours most Sincerely
    W Bowden
Monday Eveng. 5 O'Clock

author BOWDEN W

Mr.. Rd.. Orford
How Lane
(With a %Parcel)
      new page
Dear Sir

    Your favor I recd.. yesterday & agreeable
thereto have forwarded your Breeches &
likewise what patterns of %paper I cou'd get
that wou'd in any degree match the
Furniture, if approv'd the prices are
mark'd at the back of the patts.. & if you
write me will send you the quantity
you want, on the contrary if you send a
pattern of the furniture & can wait the
making of the paper exact to pattern
it will be accomplish'd to come P~ Carrier
in about 3 Weeks or by Coach in 12 days
    We have not a %Ps. Velveteen
by us from wh.. I cou'd recommend
your having a %Pair of Breeches if a
good Velverett wou'd suit please to
inform ^me^ & I will send your Quantity
on Thursday . . . I %am oblig'd by
your enquiry of my Mothers health
who am sorry to remark is no better
    With Compts.. to Mrs.. Orford &c
    Dr %Sir Yours %most Respectfully
    W %Bowden
Tuesday 12 O'Clock

author BOWDEN W

Mr.. Orford
How Lane
(With a %Parcel)
      new page
Dr.. %Sir
    Both your favours I %recd.. in Course & was exceedingly
sorry to hear by the former of the death of Mrs: Gaskell
    Agreeable to your request I %sent a Messenger
for your Brother who arriv'd here this Morning &
will be at Sow earr this afternoon —
    P~ the Bearer have forwarded your Cloaths
wh.. hope will be approv'd, remain
    Dr %Sir
    Yours to Command &c
    W %Bowden
Friday One O'Clock

author BOWDEN W

Mr.. Orford
How Lane
(With a %Parcel)
      new page
Dr %Sir
    J have herewith sent you the quantity of %paper
wrote for with bordering, of the latter presume
there is more than will be wanted therefore you'll
please to return what is not used.
    Dr %Sir Yours most Respectfully
    W Bowden
Monday Noon

author BOWDEN W

Mr.. Richd.. Orford
[Postmarked Manchester]

[Other side of paper up]
August 11th..
      new page
    Enclosd you have 2 %Bills val: Seventy
Pounds, our draft settles for the Cash, and
shall be much obligd to you %for Cash on your
return for the £40 %Bill.
    Mr. G— is return'd from Liverpool &
desires his respects to you, am
    Sr. Your Oblig'd Hble Servt.
    W. Bowden
Manch{*}. 11th. Augt.. 1781

author BOWDEN W

Mr.. Richd. Orford
How Lane
      new page
Dr. %Sir
    I recd. a Letter yesterday ^from Mr. G^ wherein he
mentions returning to Manch{*}. on the 18th or
20th. Inst. but as he purposes crossing to
Port Patrick & coming thro' Scotland
shoud presume it will be longer, am
    Dr %Sir
    Yrs respectfully
    W %Bowden
Thursday Morng

author BOWDEN W

Mr.. Orford
How Lane
      new page
Dr Sir

    Enclosed you have 6 Bills value £200..14..0
which are the shortest dated ones we have by us — I have the
pleasure to inform you that Mr. Gaskell is now with me
in the Compting House
    J %remain
    Dr %Sir
    Yours most %respectfully
    W %Bowden
Manchr. 17th Octor. 1785 —

[Accounts, probably in different hand, omitted]

author BOWDEN W

Mr.. Richd. Orford
How Lane
      new page
Dr %Sir
    Enclosd you have 4 Bills val: £289..18..0
and J have also debited you to 14/ sent over the value of the
last %Bills — Ten Guineas you will receive back by the
Bearer that are short of Weight, have credited you for
£89..10.0 & am
    Dr %Sir Yours most respectfully
    W Bowden
Manchr. 29th Novr. 1785

[Accounts probably in different hand omitted]

author BOWER B

Mr. Orford
in the
How Lane
      new page
        Stockport 13th. April 1771
Dr. %Sir

    One Iohn Wilson who I am told is an under Gar{*}
Gardener at Lyme [word crossed out] owes one Iohn Sephton a Lancashire
man and a Sheriffs Bailiff there the sum of one pound
nine Shillings and Four pence for which he is determined
to shew ^Sue^ Wilson —
    As I have very great reason to have a high
reverence and Esteem for your Master I cannot think of
Suing any of his Servants but as I believe this is an
honest Debt and Sefton is determined to have it Wilson is
certain to be Sued if the Money is not paid Therefore
hope you will get it Settled with all Expedition and in
so doing you will highly oblige all parties Concerned
and particularly
    Your mt. obt. h~bl Servt.
    B: BOWER

author BOWER B

Mr. Orford
at Lyme
[Accounts and scribbles omitted]
      new page
        Stockport 10th. Jany. 1772
Good %Sir

    I have paid Mr. Sephton on Iohn Wilsons Account
the Sum of 1£.9s.4d Agreeable to your Directions which
youll be pleased to pay the Bearer my Tenant Benjamin
Gee for my Use and youll much Oblige
    Your mt. Obt. h~ble Servt.
    B: BOWER

author BOWER B

Mr. Orford
      new page
Dr. %Sir

    Agreeable to your desire I %have applyed
to Samuel Tennant for the Debt due from
him to Matthew Broom and he Acknowledges
the Debt to %be just and has promised payment
this week —
    I am
    Dr. Sir
    Your mt. Ob. %Servt.
    B: BOWER
16th. March 1773

author BOWER B

Mr. Orford
      new page

    Sometime ago my Tenant Benjamin Gee of Wood End
in Disley had a Horse Killed thro' the Misbehaviour
of one Adam Bennett of Taxall and one David Jacksons ^Son^
of Lyme Hanley — Adam Bennett has been with me
and seems disposed to settle the Affair Amicably but
David Jacksons Son has not been with me tho' I
have wrote two Letters upon the Occasion — I am told
that David Iackson is a Tenant to Mr %Legh and
therefore has taken upon him to presume very much
at the Instance of Mr Iohn Richardson —
    All people that are Honest and wise wish to
avoid Law and upon that Principle I shoud %be
Extreamly glad to meet you to End this affair Amicably
(if possible) but in Case that cannot be done I %am not
willing to permit my Tenant to be abused. —
    Your immediate Answer will very much
oblige Sir Your mt. obt. Servt.
    B: BOWER
3d. April 1774

author BOWER B

Mr. Orford
      new page
[Handwriting looks different and is far neater than that of the other letters from Bower]

        Stockport Septr. 17th.. 1774.
Dear Sir

    One William Holford whom I am informed is Employed
by you at Lyme, owes Charles Tockington some money, and
though I have Wrote to Wm. Holford he Neglects Paying the same
and Charles Tockington was with me Yesterday to Arrest
Holford but out of regard to Mr Legh's Family I dont Chuse to
Proceed without Acquainting you, that this Matter may be
Amicably Settled If Mr. Legh thinks Holford a [probably inserted] Person worthy
of your Notice
    I am Dr. Sir
    Your most h~ble Servt.
    B: BOWER

author BOWER B

Mr. Orford
at Lyme
      new page
[Looks like yet a different hand]

Dear Sir

    William Knowles of poynton is now
with me and Informs me that there is
part of a Lane in poynton which you
have Viewed with an Jntent to Jndict
and that such part of the Lane
has been repaired formerly by the
Occupyars of the Estate now in his
Possession owing to their Setting a
Gate in such Lane and Enjoying
such Herbage but as the Gate is
thrown down and he has not
the Benefit of the Herbage, he thinks
the Town is now by Law obliged
to repair the Road. Under these
Circumstances I desire that you
will ^not^ Indict the Road before
Michaelmas Sessions in order to
Give all parties Concerned an
opportunity of Consulting together
to be Satisfyed who ought to
repair the Road.
      new page
    You know I am a Great Enemy to throwing
money away unnecessarily in the Law tho' I
wish for Right to go forward. Youle please
to Consider that if you Indict Wm. Knowles
and he Gets discharged that you will have
your own Costs to pay and you must begin
anew. I desire to hear from you And am
    Dear Sir
    Your mt obt Servant
    B: BOWER
7th July 1775

author BOWER B

Mr. Richd. Orford
at Lyme
      new page

    Mr Robt Bennett is now with me and has
produced to me a Letter of yours dated in October 1775
wherein you mention you was was willing to make
him a satisfaction (I presume on the behalf of Mr Legh)
for diverting the water in Robert Bennets Lands.
    Since the writing of your Letter I find that many
hundred yards of Land have been washed away
by reason of the water being diverted diverted — The Winter
is now coming on and more Land will be washed away
I therefore desire for the sake of your Master as well
as my client Robert Bennett that this affair may
be concluded with all expedition to the satisfaction
of all parties in order to prevent any expence in
Law. I am Sir Yr. most Obt. h~ble Servt.
    B: BOWER
October 9th. 1778

author BOWER B

Dear Sir

    I am very Sensible of the Goodness
of your Heart and Head and shall be allways
glad to Join you in Every_Thing that is
worthy, Good natured, and Just to all
parties And am
    Dear Sir
    your mt. Ob{*} Servant
    B: BOWER
13th. Oct 1778

author BOWER B

Mr. Orford
How Lane
      new page
Dr Sir —

    I desired you would send me an Account of the Admeasurement of
the Buildings at wood end some Parts of which are in good Condition and others
not — I did not expect you would have brought a Timbermerchant with
you to have Viewed what repairs would be necessary but a Carpenter
or a Mason who are the real People to do the Business. The Mason
that I brought over expected that there was to have been a further
Jnvestigation of what Parts of the Buildings wanted repairing and
what not And then to have made an Estimate of Masons work
and an Estimate of Carpenters Work and to have formed a
Judgment upon the whole and to have Paid you a Sum of money
in the Lump and then for you or those who represent you to
have done the repairs agreeable to their own wish or desire. This
I am very well satisfyed is most for the advantage of those
who must succeed me but if that mode of Proceeding is not
agreeable to you I must see about Putting the Buildings into repair
myself — I think it was not Genteel to bring more Stewards
than one to Negotiate this Business, you know I have nothing to
do with any_body but Mr. Legh and his head Steward and I think
Mr. Marsden had no Business to Jnterfere as I have not
Covenanted with him to do any_thing. I see you Put down Six
Gates at 7s. each I hitherto have not Paid so much for Gates
and Timber found me and you know it is your duty to
      new page
find me Timber, I Perceive you offer to Charge me five Guineas for Fences and Roads, I
Apprehend to the Road you mean to refer to is a Publick Road for all the Kings Subjects to
Pass and repass without molestation and therefore has nothing to do with the
Covenant in the Lease as it cannot be called a Part of the demised Premises but
if it was you ought to have called upon the Tenant every Year to have done it
whose duty it was by Law to have done it as Occupant —
    If agreeable to you I shod. be very glad that a whole day might be dedicated
at Hancocks of Disley for you and I and the Tenant and my mason and a mason or
Carpenter of yours to settle this Business amicably in the Lump or otherwise to
agree to Allot me Timber and for me to do it myself as I wish nothing but
compleat Justice on both Hands as I shall do these repairs for Mr. Legh with
the Utmost Pleasure — For my own Part I shod. as soon have thought of bringing
King George the Third as a Timbermerchant — I mean to be at Aspinshaw on
Sunday, Monday and Tuesday and if you could fix with the Old Tenant who
is the Bearer hereof for us to have a Meeting either Monday or Tuesday and
let me know at Aspinshaw I will be at your service —
    and am
    Dr. Sir —
    Your m{*}. ob{*}. Serv{*}.
    B: BOWER
24th June 1788

author BOWER B

[Skipped attached sheet (probably in different hand) with specification of repairs together with their cost]

Mr. Orford
How Lane
      new page
Dr. Sir —

    I am favored with yours and Promised Mr. Marsden
that I would speak to my Carpenter to fix a day to meet
you at wood end and let him know, I accordingly sent
to my Carpenter three times but could not see him
however I most certainly will meet you at the
wood end on Wednesday next at Ten o'Clock agreeable
to your Appointment and bring a Workman with
me — I am (with great respect)
    Dr. Sir
    Your mt. ob Servt.
    B: BOWER
24th. May 1788


Mr Richard Oarford
at Peeter Leighs Esqr
at Lyme Neer Dishley
[Postmarked Warrington]
      new page
Mr Richard Oarford
        Warrington 14 Octr 1779
Sr Sum time since J was Observing to you
that wee was Wanting Life in our Place in
ye sankey streett but Could wish Child of
Brother Richard to have ye smalle Pocks
that was at ye time wee Put two Lives to Jno
Caldwells Place in Grapnell about about 8
monthes Ould but wee have now on Tusdey Last
Bured him he Never had ye small Pox & J wished
he might have had that Place with his Life mit
If he had Lived & that for ye Other Child is Life
is Putt [corrected] in at Grapnell but wee have none Left
allive [punctuation mark or letter crossed out] but my Nifew John wose Life is in
Grapnell Place and shall be Obliged to you as
soon as you Can to Lett me have your ansure
wat J must give for ye Child Life to be aded to
my Brother Richardes & myne ye Lad is about
six Yers Ould J am With Best Respect Your
Obedt humble Servant John Boyer
P:S J have Planted sum Popler setts
since ye Lese at Grapnell was filled up &
have sett ye Last spring in my garden about
500 one Yers sutis that are Now 7 foott high
which J Entend to sett there


Mr Richard Orford at Peeter
Lees Esqr Lyme Neer Stockport
[Postmarked Northwich?]
      new page
[Accounts in different hand omitted]

        Warrington 18 Feby, 1788
Deer Sr
    J have maid ye Nesserey Enquirey about
ye Name & age of ye Life J fixed to ad to the
Lese of mine in Grapnell & find his name to
be as J tould you Ralph Boyer & about 18 Yeres
Ould his father Left his Counterey before ye
Lad was Boarn & as Not been hard of since &
ye Lad is aprentis to a taylor in Over Neer
ye forrest of Dalemore from which Plese J rite
this Letter at youle plese to gett ye Lese foward
as Mr Lee is so hasurtus for helth J Beleve J am
my_self 60 Yeres Last October you have the Needfu^l^
Noted Down & as the money is twentey pounds
more then Duble ye sum the Last Life in ye
ould Lese Cost as you say Buter was then 3d poun^d^
& now 10d or 11d [word crossed out] weate which is the Onley
thing is not twice the price & in the ould
      new page        Turn Over
Lese no Ioy for tillege hope youle Consider
to allow me as meney Ackers should
Ever my Lives be redused to one as you
Can you have onley Noud six wen it
may Come to one Life but wat may Chuse
to plow wen two in you my Deer friend
& me are to Note to be heer allwayes
& as J am Going to Jmprove most of all
ye Estate as it is at ye Lowest Ebb at this
time no Marling as Been Don for about 40
Yeres past & plowed out houlles J am to
marle Emedetley hope youle youle Do all you
Can for to give me Libertey in tillege as my
my first agreement with you was to have free
Endependant Lese J shall be Obliged to you for
Line wen the Lese is redey & which way J shall
have it that J may remitt ye amount to you
    Your Deer friend John Boyer
      new page
P:S youle make ye Lese in [corrected] my name
as wee fixed & to Change the other
Life for my Life as you Noted Down for mine
J have planted greett meney forrest trees to
the Jntrest of the Estate & have greet meney to
plant J may Venter te say more the all
ye paresh of Grapnell besides wen_Ever it may
be suvaied as J Expect it will in Little time


Mr Richard Orford at
Peeter Lees Esqr Lyme
Neer Stockport
[Postmarked Warrington]
      new page
        Warrington 1 August 1788
Deer Sr

    J receved your favour of ye 11 July that
said you woud Call on me the Next
Day but at that time J was at Liverpoole
as soon as J Came home J Called at
Charles Crosslys & was tould that you
was Gone thorrow Warrington the Day
before on return post Desire Line from
you to Know If you will be at Newton
or Haydock all ye faire say which Day
or Dayes for J have sum Bissnes at
Newton faire & shall see you Jf you are
there at the faire you say my Lese is
maid out & Sined by Mr Lee youle Bring
it with you J am with Best respect
Your Deer frind John Boyer

author BOYER JOS.

Mr O^r^lford [corrected]
to be lelf at Mr
Garsides grocer
[Postmarked Chester]
      new page
[Different hand]

    Chester may 14th
Dear Sir I Recived your Letter
But not un_till it was tow late
to send by the friday men's
man But your money is very
safe and shall be sent by
the Tusdays men's man or
som very Carefull Hand
Dreted as you have Desired
and I Remain Dear sir
your very obliged and obedant
    Ios Boyer
[Could be Tos]

author BOYER JOS.

Mr Olford
Mrs Garside
[Postmarked Chester]
      new page
[Same hand as the first address?]
[Could we be dealing with two different Boyers? Thomas and Jos.?]

        Chester July 7th
Dr, Sir

J Receeved your Letter
and Was in hopes J Should
have Seen the Bearer
again [corrected] — but Did not.
J ham Verry Sorrow you
have had the trobel of
Writing the reason of
your not hearing J have
Bean from home — but
you may Depend on Recaving
it on Tusday by the newe man
Without Fail and remain With
Deu Repcetts your Obt Humbel Sert
[Written across]
Jos Boyer

author BOYER JOS.

Mr Olford to be Left
at Mr Garsids Groser
Carg pd
      new page
        Chester Augst 5 1790
Dear good sir
    mr Allwood Cald on my Wife
to Desire hir to send your money
wich aught to have Been Don
Long since But Dear sir you
may Depend on Reciveng it by
george Bunce on Tusday next
and Ever full satesfcton for
Aney inConvence it may have
Been to you be_sides shall
all_ways think our_selfs
mutch obliged to you and am
with Due respets your mutch
obliged Humble servant
    Ios Boyer
it was sixtey four guines wich
you Left with my Wife

[Accounts in different hand omitted]

author BOYER JOS.

Mr Olford to be
Left at mr Garsids
Car pd
      new page
        Chester Augst 9th
Dear sir
    I have sent you by Bunce
Twenty guines and will the next
Time he Comes with_out fale
send you forty five guines
more I shold have sent
the Hoole of it if I had not
Been Disopinted of Reciving Large
sum of money wich I shall
Dow in tow or three Days and
you may Depend on the Rest
at the Time I stated from
Der sir your mutch obliged
Humble servant
    Ios Boyer

author BOYER JOS.

Mr Olford at mr Garsids
Carg pd

[Note in different hand across]
Sepr. 20.90
Iosh. Boyer's
      new page
[Hand of the first address again]

        Chester 20 Sept 1790
        Golden Lion
Good Sir

    I have Sent you by Gorge Bune [corrected]
24 Ginuas Wich I hope you will
Recive Safe and Will Sind the
Remainde by him when he Comes
Next — you may Depend on
it with_out fail
    and ham Sir your
    Obt Hub Sert
    Jos Boyer
[Different hand]
Mr. Woodbrick Cash — was 64 Gui. —.—67.4.-
Recd. of Mr Boyer21.—
Recd. More this day25.4.-


Mr.. Richd.. Orford
      new page
        Derby June 13th 1773 [Changed to or from 1772]
    We have your favor of the 9th Inst.
according to wch we observe you expected that
we shoud have Receivd by the middle of
May last £150..— of Mr.. Masters's
Tenants, the Account stood as when
you was here till this day, Mr.. Masters's
Account has Credit for Sixty Pounds
paid in by Wm.. Hickinbotham
    I am Sir for Messrs: Heaths
    Yr obedt Hble Servt
    Ioh Bradshaw
P: S: Messrs: Bolders & %Co.. are
advised by this Nights post to Honor your
Draft for One Hundred pounds agreeable
to your favour


        Septen the 27 1778
Sr I desier you will peay John Willson
as much mone as will pay his Rent
for he has Bene 29 Dayes of mr Leghs
a_Count at Lyme
    from yours Anty Brelsford


Mr. Holford
Steward at
      new page
        Macclesfield Novr. 13. 1783
    Haveing this opportunity of sending by the
baror shoud be glad if its convenient for
You to send me a Bill or Cash for Wagstaffs
wch. sum is Thirtey three ^Pounds^ six Shillings & four
pence if You woud rather I wou'd come over
to lime Pleas to fix the day and Your Ansr.
will greatly Obl~g Yr. H~bl Servt.
    Iohn Brescur


Mr. Richard Orford
      new page
        Warrington 12 Iune 1775
    The time being this day Expired for my waiting
on you According to Promise came here on Purpose to
Acquaint you that the Gentleman whom I rely'd on for
the Cash I waited off ^on^ Saturday last on purpose to have
brought it with me to_day but he being disapointed
told me he could not possibly let me have it till tuesday
the 20th. Inst. at which time I shall receive it, as it is
Uncertain When to meet with you at home shall Esteem
it a great favour if you'd be so kind to give me a line
by post What day after the 20th. I shall waite on you
I shewd mr. Ioping the Gentlemans hand writeing
that I was to receive it as I mentiend before
I am in the Interim — Sr Your Very hum %Servt
    Rich{*} Bressey

[Accounts omitted]

author BRINT ANN

Mr Orford

[Accounts omitted]
      new page
        W{*****}gton [seal] 6 Julyth 1778

Sir I %Shall take it as a %feavour if youl. direct this
Letter for Mrs Master & forride it for her & if not tow
much troble Shall Be Grad of a derection my_self
two [corrected] her if you Can Send it me I %hall Be Obed you
    I %am Sir your Ob{*}d
    Sart Ann Brint


Mr Orford
at Lyme Hall
      new page
Dear Sir

    I should be glad to know if you have that fifty pound
Security that belongs to Son william from the turnpike
road, if you have not paid the guinea that belongs
to kettleshulme School I should take it as a favour if
you will send it to me, as poor ould ned clayton is
in great distress and he takes a great deal of pains
with them, and really the children learn very well
at him, that I think it is a pitty but he must have
the money that mr Leigh has been so good as to promise
to the School, but if you will be so kind as to send it to
me I will take care to give it him, I shoud be glad to
know if [corrected] miss orford be better, as I am very sorry to
hear she is so ill, my compts to mrs orford
    and remain Dear Sir
    your Humble Servant
    A Brocklehurst
Sunday morn 18 Gaphouse


Mr. Orford
at Lyme
near Disley
[Postmarked Macclesfield]
      new page
        Macclesfd. 26th Iany 1789
Mr Orford
    I was in hopes of seeing or hearing from you
before now But out of Sight out of mind
I desire that you will either bring or send
my Interest which you know was due 18 Novr
last Rents are paid twice a year / Interest
once, and shoud be paid regularly.
    In expectation of hearing or seeing you soon
I remain respectfully
    Sr Your h~ble Servt
    Iohn Brocklehurst


Mr. Richard Orford
at Lyme
near Disley
[Postmarked Macclesfield]
      new page
        Macclesfd. 9th Feby 1789
Mr Orford
    By your last, you hopd that it woud be in your power to pay me
my Interest soon (It has been a great disapointmt) But soon being
no time fixd. . I assure you that the old Gentn shall soon know
that it is not paid I will not ask Mr Orford any more
    From your abusd Friend
    Iohn Brocklehurst

[Attched draft of reply from Richard Orford]


        Lyme 13 Feby. 1789

    I am truly Sorry you are not paid
your Interest for the last year, so duly as before, I do
assure you the fault is not in me, and as I say'd I hoped
very soon to do it, and believe it will be as soon as the
next week is over, as I am going into Lancashire then,
and on my return you assuredly shall hear from me.
    In regard to any complaint you can inform Mr Legh
of my Conduct; I am not at all aversed to, As I have the
secret satisfaction to inform you
, that I never yet have
done any, thing to any of my imployers, that I am fearful
that they shall at any time be made ^of any person making them^ acquainted with
    I %am
    Your most hble %sert
    [Orford's signature]
P. S our %Letters only comes
here monday Thursday & Saturday


Mr: Orford
      new page
        Macclesfield Iany 17th 1788
Dear Sir
    Your favor we have received
inclosing a %Bill and Bank Notes 107£.7s.0,
There was a ^former^ ballance of 1£.9s.0 in your favor which
I intended to have paid You, had I had the pleasure
of seeing You last monday. The reason of us
returning the Bills by Mr Marsden was, Cash is
so very Scarce here, As to what you have now sent
we will accept and are much obliged to You for
your trouble the small ballance may be settled
when we see you and also the receipt you shall
have at that time, as you desire.
    my Father begs his Compts
    I am Dr %Sir very respectfully
    Your hum Servt.
    J Brocklehurst Iun~
PS The Intst. my father
enters on the back of the bond
as received
    we are glad to hear that Mr Legh is tolerable well


Mr. Orford
at Lyme
[Postmarked Macclesfield]
      new page
        Macclesfield Feby 4th 1788
Mr Orford
    Mr Lownes called upon the person
I paid the Note to this day and says he has
Sent to the Gentleman who had it from him
but has not had his answer, he will call
again next monday and let us know what he
hath done I will suspend giving my opinion at
present. As to Mrs A Legh & %your bond 500£
it is not convenient for me to take it at present
but as you say s you will let me have it any
time that [corrected] suits my Conveniency, suppose we
fix the 19th May next for the payment of it which
is betwixt three & %four months and if in the mean
time I can properly take it I will let you know
    I am respectfully Your hum Servt
    I Brocklehurst Iun~


Mr Orford
Lyme Hall
With 6 Loads
of Malt
      new page
        Mansfield Sepr: 17 1779

Mr Orford


    This day received your
favor and have observed the contents, you will
herewith agreeable to your order receive 6 Loads
of malt the price 22s/0d %pr Load, which hopes
will meet with your approbation, as the season
for making malt is near at hand, if you
think this malt too high dry'd, will then
dry you some paler, your further orders will
be esteemed a fovor by Sir
    Yr most Hble Servt
    Willm: Brodhurst


[Bromley's handwriting is difficult to read]

Mr. Orford
at Lyme
[Postmarked Wigan]
      new page
        Wigan Feby 4. 1774;
    I thought I %shd. have heard from you before this, of
the time you propose to be at Haydock, that I %might pay you
the mony for Receeving the Lease of Norley — I shal be glad if you'l
favor me with a Line, when you intend to be over, I will be
prepared for %you, & am
    Sr. yor. most h~ble Set.
    Ion. Bromley


Mr. Orford
      new page
        Wigan Iune 26. 1774
    I wrote to you about a Fortnight ago, Apprehending from the
time you seemed to think Mr Legh might be then Arrived at Lyme,
to beg his Consent for giving a %Security out of Norley — The Leasing
Norley, & the Fitting out one of my Sons for the East Indies (which latter
took more mony then the former) obliged me to take up 55l. from
Mr Holt Leigh of this Town — I have only therefore to beg of Mr.
Legh that he will give me his Consent to assign Norley over to
Mr Holt Leigh as a Security for that mony — Norley alone would
not be a %Security for so much mony, but I give him an Additional
Security for the mony — Two or three Lines expressing Mr.
Legh's Consent for this purpose, but the Lease requires that it shal be
under his hand — J am
    Sr yor. most h~ble St.
    Ion. Bromley
J will be obliged to %you just to favor me
with a Line how Soon Mr Legh is expected
at Lyme, if he's not already there —


Mr. Orford
      new page
        Wigan April 29. 1775

    I fully intended to have waited upon you to_day, as J Sent word by
the bearer of yr Letter But J was very Unexpectedly Called Out Town upon
Some Busines which prevented me — J %made inquiry a little while ago,
when you was Expected at Haydock, & was told, Not before Newton Fair,
& therefore Deferred preparing for you till that time, & have accordingly So
fixed it, oth otherwise I shd. have been ready sooner; However then you may
depend on %it's being fully discharged —
    You are named an Arbitrator to Determine A _Sued Dispute
between one Martha Spencer & James Haughton of Newton; & it was
proposed to Setle it when you Came over at Newton Fair But as J find you
are now over, J could wish it might be Setled Sooner, & J will write to Mr.
Niccolson of Warrington to fix a time for a Meeting this Week, or as early
as may be in the next; & shd. be glad you wd. think what day will Suit you
best this week, (Except Fryday) And if you are Engaged this week, any day
the next, except Monday; & we will give you the Meeting at Newton; & wd.
be glad of a Line by the Post what day you fix on, & will let Mr Niccolson
know —
    This is a very trifling & Shameful Dispute, & of no Consequence,
but what it is made by the Expence attending it — J am
    Sr. Yor. most h~ble St.
    Ion. Bromley


Mr. Orford
      new page
        Wigan Iune 12. 1775

    I Understand the Affair between James Houghton
& Martha Spencer is not Setled, therefore shal Draw up the
Award & wait on you either on Wednesday in the Afternoon or
Thursday Morning with it, when J hope you will be at
Haydock — J am
    Sr. yor. most h~ble St.
    Ion. Bromley


Mr. Orford
      new page
        Wigan Iune 16. 1775

    I shal be obliged to you, if you'l Send me
one of the Awards by the bearer, after you've executed
it — The other you may either keep or Deliver to Mr.
Speckman — J am
    Sr. yor. most h~ble St
    Ion. Bromley

[Different hand]

author HODSON I

    Houghton paid me the money Some time
Since but I forgot it when I Saw you at Newton
its rather hard that he Shoud pay this Extra
Expence of ye award but he must Submit
    yr %ob %Sert
    I: Hodson


Mr. Orford
[Accounts in different hand omitted]
      new page
        Wigan Augt. 15. 1775.

    I recd. the favor of yours, & J am realy Ashamed at having been so long in Discharging
the Arrears of Rent due to Mr Legh But So many things have happened, & J've had So many
Calls upon me from the Exegencys of one or other of my Sons, who are just Entring into [word crossed out]
Busines, that J have Scarce known how to Answer 'em, for these four Months lad past
— I have had a Draft upon me for near 100£. from a %Son payable to the East Indie
Company, & he being in their Employmt. it was impossible to Avoid paying it, besides
other matters — And J have now at least 30{*}. to lay out Rebuilding part of the Barn
&c at Norley, forthwith — J therefore must beg of you to lay the Matter before Mr Legh
& to Assure him, that as %soon as J have only a little Recovered these Demands, he shall
not the paymt. of these Arrears shal %not be Delayed a %moment longer; And they have
Come upon me Unexpectedly, or J wd. have done it Sooner; And hope it will
not, nay canot be, Attended with any inconvenience to him — J am
    Sr. yor. most h~ble St.
    Ion. Bromley
J find my Tenant has Let two or three
Year's Rent Run behind hand tho' I've
always Allowed it him in Amount— But
J will See after it —


Mr. Orford
      new page
        Wigan Septr. 18. 1775
Dr. Sr.

    I forwarded yor Letter on Saturday Evening to Andrews
by a Sp~ial Messr. & J was in hopes of receiving a Line from
you by this Morning's Post, about the Meeting on Thursday, which
I shd. be glad might take place, whether he said any_thing or nothing
to the point, as it will not, J hope, break into yor other Busines —
J wrote to Mr Hodson a Line last Night, & men^{*}^ioned to him yor.
being on this side, & the Meeting on Thursday — J am
    Dr %Sr. yors. Sincerely
    Ion. Bromley


Mr. Orford
      new page
        London June 4. 1778.
Dr. Sr,

    I shal be down at wigan about the midle of next
Month, when J can better adjust the Affair of the Lord's Rent,
than here; & it shal be then Setled before J %return — J %am
    Dr %Sr. yrs Sincerely
    Ion. Bromley


Mr. Orford
[Accounts in different hand omitted]
      new page
        London Octr. 8. 1778,
Dr. Sr,

    J had reason to expect J shd. have been down before this, but
Circumstances of Affairs has prevented me, J must at all Events be
down the begining of January, & nothing shal prevent my Discharging
the Lady Rent at that time, with by Cash, or an indisputable good
Bill to yor Mind — and be epend, that matter shal never run
behind hand again — The Tenant will Discharge the Rent for
the last year & in future — J am
    Dr. %Sr. yors. Sincerly
    Ion. Bromley


Mr. Orford
      new page
        London Decr. 25. 1778,
Dr Sr.

    I've by this Post wrote to Mr Leech, with whom J've an
Accot. to %Setle, & desired he wd. get it done im~ediately, as J had
Some mony to pay you, which was greatly wanted — I hope he will
do it very soon — You may Call upon him abut it —
    J wish you the Complimts of the Season &c
    Dr %Sr. yors. Sincerly
    Ion. Bromley


To Mr. Orford
at Lyme
      new page
Mr. Orford
    My mistress (Mrs.
Downes) ordered me to Acquaint
you that she has at last Received
the money she Called in, tho' but last
Week; & she desires you will call
on Mr. Stafford & he will Pay you
Mr. Legh Master's Legacy, due to
him from my late Aunt Eleanor
Downes. — I %am
    Your Hble Serv.
    Peter Brooke
Iany. 28th, 1772


[Letter probably written by a secretary]

Mr. Orford
How Lane
      new page
    I am desired by the principal Landowners in Didsbury
(at a Meeting held for the purpose of equalizing the Poor Rates and Land
Tax within the Township) to request that you with Mr. Iohn Seddon of
New Barn will survey and value the Lands &c. within the Township
which if you will please to do the same [crossed out by Broome, and replaced with sooner] and the more Agreeable to the
Land owners and the expences for your Trouble I will pay you
please to inform me if you will Accept of the office how soon you can
begin it that I may inform Mr. Seddon and fix a %day for your meeting
    I will endeavour to prepare a Book with the Measurement of all
the Lands with blank Colums for the Value for you to fill up as you go
over the Land to save time and trouble and a %proper person or the
Tenants will shew the Lands and I should imagine that the Business
may be finished in the course of two days at most — I beg your immediate
Answer And am
    [Broome's hand] Sir
    Your Most Obedt. Servt.
    Jas: Broome
Didsbury 28th. April


    A few days ago I wrote to you to know if
you would with Mr. Iohn Seddon of New Barn
value the Lands in the Township of Didsbury
for the purpose of making a new poor Rate —
Mr. Seddon has this Morning sent me word
that he will meet you here on Tuesday or
Wednesday next for that purpose if agreeable
If you happen to be at Stockport at the Fair
today you will be kind enough to return me
an Answer by the Bearer —
    I am Sir Your Most Obedt. Servt.
    Jas: Broome
1st. May 1789


Mr. Orford
Steward at Lyme
      new page
        Ashton Ianry. 17th. 1771
Dear Sir

    Inclosed I %have sent you a %Bill Value
Ten pounds which I %expect will meet with
due honour, and I %have sent by Ios: Allen
Cloth & Trimings for 2 Shuits of Liverys, & for
2 Fustion Frooks Trimings. and am with
Compliments to Mrs. Orford your Humble Servant
    Iames Brown


Mr Richd. Orford Steward
to Peter Legh Esqr
at Lyme
p~ Servant to be
left in How %lane or at Lyme

[Diagrams omitted]
      new page
        Ashton Iuly 13th 1772
Mr. Orford

Dr %Sir I %have sent my ^Man^ Over this Morning with Sheets
to Pack Mr. Legh Wool which he may leave with
Mr John Richardson I %shall be at Lyme to_Morrow about
Ten O Clock, the Bearer goes forwards to Gouts
Lead to Weight and pack up Some Wool which
Thoms Hibberts Widow as bought for me, I %shall
never look or Buy the Sponds Wool whilst Geo:
Brocklehurst keeps the Farm which I %think
cannot be very long as I %am sure he must Owe
Mr. Legh a long Arrears of Rent, let Geo: know
that he ^may^ hawk his Wool all over the Country
as he did last year; and he sold it to your Old
friend, Mr Jas Beard of Newmill, for less Money, than
both me, and my Servant, at Bid him, I %had
three several journeys over to Kettlesome last
year, to have bought the Wool, — Mr Beard says he
never ^will^ Buy it again, — Geo. as ruined the nature of
the Wool by Buying large Lime Stone Sheep:
excuse this freedom from your sincere friend
    Ias Brown
N.B Complimen{**} [torn off] to mrs
O{***}rd [torn off] & your %little


Mr Orford
Steward at Lyme
      new page
        Ashton Wednesday Morning
Mr. Orford
Dr. Sir
    the Day proving bad, I have sent Henry Lees
Mine Apprentice, with Mr. Legh Acct, if the wool
Acct. is not right please to rectifie it, and I shall
be Obliged to you for a %little Cash, as trade is very
dull at the present, I %wish you and the Company may
have an agreeable meeting at Dinner, for the Course{*...} [edge page]
-ing diversion is not likely to prove good, Mr. Whitle
and mr Iaxon can not come, and am with compliments
to all friends, your %very Humble %Servant
    Iames Brown


Mr, Orford
at Peter Leighs Esqr: Lyme
[Postmarked Chester]
      new page
        Chester 26 Iune 1787


    I Am Directed by Mr Hayward to present his
Compliments to you — And is very Sorrey to hear of the Death
of Mrs Leigh — He Desires you will please to make his Best respects
to all the Family at Lyme — and wou'd be glad if you wou'd
please to Send a line to let him know how Mr Leigh and Family
are —
    I Am Sir
    your Humble Servant
    Richd Buckley (Servant
    to Mr Hayward)


Mr Richd Orford
Newton Park
      new page
        Jany 21st 1774
Cussin Orford
    yours J duly recd.: pleose to lett
yr. Brother know; J will not
dissapoint him; his money Shall be
redy against The 25th of March;
it wod a Shuted me better to a
paid it in July or Auget; Aprill
May & June are ye Cheff months
to have yarn to Sell; as he has
his payment to make at a Lady
day it Shall be redy; J am oblige
to you geting Them Covers; when
you have Them; Send Them to
Smithey Brook; or to ye Bears
Paw Wigan & am yr Respectfull
Kinsman Jno. Buller


Mr. Orford Lime Hall
near Disley in
[Different hand]
by manchester
[Postmarked Warrington]
      new page
Mr. Orford
    Inclosed youll receive one Bill value 25£ with protest
& Expences amount to 26£..4s..11d — which youll place to my Acct
and Acknowledge it Pr. Return of poste, it being the only way
I cud Judge to get it you with least Expence
    I am Your Obedient servt.
    Wm. Buller
Newton 10th. Octr. 1789

Bill25 —
Noting & protest0.8.-
Postage  -.4.10
One Months Int..2.1
To Iurney.2.-
for Procuring Cash.5.6


Mr. Orford

[Accounts omitted]
      new page
Mr. Orford
    I %have sent Pr. the Bearer for my Colt
wou'd have sent Money for the Lay only did not know the
charge. If you'll be so kind pay it for me — first time you
come over to Haddock will replace it — I suppose you have
recd my Letter of Yesterdays poste with the returnd Bill value
25£. and Expences — if its convenient to you may give the
answer ^of it^ to my man — when I put the Letter into the poste
did not know of sending so soon for the Colt or woud post_pond
_it — Youll plase it to my Acct. & Ackowledge it in your
    I am Your Obedient servt
    Wm.. Buller
Newton 11th. Octr 1789

author BURCHAL E

Mr Orford at Lyme
      new page
        London October 9th 1772

    I shall Esteem it a favour
if You will be so kind to give or
forward the inclosd to Mr Burchal
have [corrected] Not herd from him thiss three
weeks have wrote too Lettars to Lanc^ash.^
but No answeer, wass Very Unesey
till I recd Yours, Nor Cold I think
of Eny Othar Way to send to him as he
is going from won place to anothar
    am with Best Respects
    to Mrs Orford & Self
    Your Oblidged Relation
    E Burchal
will take Care to send the tea Tomor^ro{*}^ [edge page]
if Possable but of that shall Inform ^you^
if Mr B hass Left the Country pray burn the Lettar

author BURCHAL E

Mr Orford
      new page
    I thiss day re'd Yours Very
safe with the too bills Valu 35£
I am glad to hear they wass all
well at Haydock I beg Youl be
so good to give the incloasd to Nely
forrest I beg My Most Respectfull
Comps to Mrs Orford & plase to
Except the same from Your Affect
    Relation E. Burchal
London Sept 19th

author BURCHAL E

Mr Orford
at Haydock Lodge
Pr Newton

[Direction crossed out and replaced in different hand by:]
Return'd, not at Haydock; but at Lyme Cheshire

      new page
Dear Sir

    I hope youl Excuse this
Liberty I take in Writeing to you
but should be Much Oblig'd if you
Can inform Me about the Tedious
afairs amongst our friends in Lancas^hire^
as Mrs Hancock told me when in
Town it was very Near being finish^d^
Whenevar that time is, would it
be Agreeable to You to Asist me
a Little in it, if Not so beg Youl
be kind anuff to say so, I shall
Not take it Ill, but Indeed I scarc [edge page]
know whare to look for a friend
and the Lawyars I Dread, I think
I shal Nevar More be at peace
      new page
as to My afairs hear they are Iust
Whare they was When first I Came to
Town, I hope this will find you &
Mrs Orford well to whome I am with
respects am Yours Respectfully
    E Burchal
London Novr 27th 1783
plase to direct to me at Mr Berk
No 2 Great Castle Street Oxford
I hope Your Little family are well

author BURCHAL E

Mr Orford
      new page
Dr Sir

    I recd your kind Lettar being
at that time at Mr Flodmans as I
was so Very Indiffarant [corrected], to see if the air [corrected]
Wold be of Eny Service to Me which it
was but being Obliged to return to this place
whare No Comefort Can be found am Much
as Yousal, and the Weathar Very Hott indeed
I was Much Obliged by Your Intention of
Sending Me A Sallmon but as it is Not arivd
am in hopes it was Not sent as I am afraid
it Cold Not be good as the Weathar is so hott
I beg Youl Not Trouble Your_self to send
Eny_thing as Most Like I shall Not be hear
to receve it Ime as Equally Obliged to You
thare was No harm done on acount of Mrs L.
Lettar to Mr Hall but he is Dischargd
Much against My Consent I Cannot
Describe My presant Situation — —
    I am Sorry to hear of poor Mrs Athertons
      new page
and Very sorry to hear of the dearth of Your
poor Sister the Loss of friends is Very hard to bear
but we Must Submit, she is ^happily^ releast out of a Troublesom
World whare she did Not Injoy a good state of
health for sum time past [rest of line & Happily I {**}l not rubbed out]
I hope this will find You & Your Family well
am with due respects to Mrs Orford & plase to
Except the same from Your Obligd Relation
    E Burchal
Mr Flodman desird his best respects to You
he has a pritty house and Very Happy they
apear to be I was with them a fortnight

author BURCHAL W

        London April 3d 1762
Dear Cousin
    I hope you will excuse me not Writing
by Mrs Turner tho' I had so long been a Letter Indebted
for have made a Resolution never to write by a Private
hand, as a %greet many things might Prevent its
being Properly deliver'd, have took the earliest
Opportunity since of informing you that I flatter
myself that my Addresses (to you know who) have
met with wish'd for Encouragement, but the Misfortune
is, I have no Sooner enjoy'd a %few Visits than she is to
be Snatch'd from my Arms, they are going to Wiltshire
on Tuesday or Wednesday next, when I shall be left
to muse on Past Transactions, & the only Pleasure
I can Promise myself will be the Perusal of a few lines
but must tell you tho' she is the Person I coud Prefer before
any of her Sex for a Partner, yet it is a %thing that so
nearly concerns my Welfare, I must not Altogether
Indulge my Passion so far as to Involve myself in a
Difficulty (by marrying) that I can't Extricate myself
out of, so must beg of you to Inform me if you can
what fortune she is likely to have, for have been told
it wou'd be 500£ which is a %sum I shoud think well of
with her Person & Parts, dear Orford as I have [corrected] Communicated
my whole Sentiments to you, I hope you will not reveal
the Confidence I have reposed in you, have no news to
send you but what Mrs Turner has Inform'd you of
Pray my Complimts to her & tell her I hope she has
      new page
by this time found the Benefit of the Cheshire
Air, must beg of you to Accept my kind respects & to
Communicate the same to your Mother Brothr & Sister
& am very glad to hear she is better I am Dr Cousin
    Yr Affectionate Relation
    & Hble Servt
    W %Birchal
I beg you'l favour me
with a line as soon as

[Note, presumably in Orford's hand]
Cousin Birchall
abt. Mrs. B— R—
Rec~ed Aprl. 6. 62
Ans~. 9. 62

author BURCHAL W

Mr Orford

[Note, presumably in Orford's hand]
Cousin Birchall
Rec~ed July 2. 1762
Ans~ 28. 62

[Accounts, probably in different hand, omitted]
      new page
        London June 29th 1762
Dear Cousin
    I am asham'd of my Silence
to my best of Friends, it is not owing to any
Coolness in my respects to you for ^it^ is Absolutly
want of time, Days are so long wherein we are
engaged in Business that I can't sit down ever
{**} [torn off] few minutes to write a letter but am call'd
away so often that it deprives me of the enjoyment
of Conversing with my Friends by Letter
Our Evenings are so short that they will scarce
Permit us an hour to refresh ourselves, but the
Season is returning wherein I hope to make up
the Difficiency of the Present, & now will return
you my Sincerest thanks for your kind Information
in your last, I hope by this time you have had
the Pleasure of Wellcoming my best Respects to
Lyme, I shoud have wrote sooner only for the Above
Complaint & it is a %Rainy afternoon that Favours
me with an Opportunity now, to desire you not
to take any Notice that you know any_thing
of it from me, tho' it is no %Secret in the house
for most of the Servants Judges it so, Pray my
Complimts to her & Mrs Turner my kind respects
wait on you & am yr Affectionate Kinsman
    & Hble Servt.
    W %Birchal
my Respects to all yt
Family in Lancashire when you
write shall be glad to hear from ^you^ very soon

author BURCHAL W

Mr Orford
      new page
Dear Orford
    I recd ys of the 30th last, bill
Inclos'd which doubt not but will be duly honor'd
the Draft also is fell into my hands Notwithstanding
its bearing date at A month, Mrs Ann
Legh calld to buy [corrected] Mr Legh some Shirts &
gave it me to pay myself out of it, without
any Indorsement at all which you know put
a Stop to the Negotiation of it, so it was very well
you had sent me Value, till I recd yours I coud
not think who was so kind to Remember me with
a Hare Neither knowing the Direction nor any
Letter however I made so free with Mrs Puss as
to have her Jugg'd & very good it was for {*...} [torn off]
am very much Oblig'd to you, & I have also
to tell you from Mrs Ann Legh that by
her Orders I have sent a %piece of Holl'd &c
Directed for Peter Legh Esqr to be left at the
Red Lyon at Bullock Smithies by the Manchester
Coach on Wednesday Next, which you
Must send for & send it Immediately to Miss
Thorleys to be made as soon as possible
      new page
Patty Oliver I fancy will give directions to them
how they are to be made &c We have here very
Severe Weather hard Frost & deep Snow, very likely
to Continue, a Cold beggining of the New Year tho'
much better Now than in the Spring, I have nothing
New to Offer so beg to add my kind Respects wishing
you the Complimts of season & that I am Yr
    W %Burchal
Complimts to Cussey
Iany 10th 1767

author BURCHAL W

Mr Orford

[Note, presumably in Orford's hand]
Cousin Burchal's Letter with
my Drafts on him —
Rec~ed Augt. 14. 68
      new page
Dr Cousin
    I beg your pardon for not
telling you long ago, your last came
duly to hand with the Acct Inclos'd
which agrees with mine & According to
your Request have Return'd yr Drafts
likewise a Rect to the bill you sent
I %am glad to hear so good an Acct of yr
Dr Mother & also thank you for the
kind mention of my Family at Haydock,
Yr Old Frd Flodman is still in the same
Situation & very well, we frequently
Correspond, Yesterday Arriv'd here, Miss
Ryle from Macclesfield to great pleasure
of my Wife, Wonders never Cease? Mary
Marsland with Child! as you say. if
we are not so forward in that way, it
may happen to be in time at least I
hope so, I coud not help Smiling at yr
Ranting [corrected] Strain as you call it, well good
luck to you & I remain yr very Affect—
    W %Burchal
Augt 9th 1768

[At different angle]
shall be glad to hear from you

author BURCHAL W

Mr Orford

[Note, presumably in Orford's hand]
Cousin %Burchals Letter with
my Drafts on him
Rec~ed June 23.1769
      new page
Dr Orford
    I beg yr pardon for not Answerg
you sooner, this I suppose will find you at
Lyme, you are very Right in yr Observation
{**} [torn off] the Number of Doyley Towels, those of
{*}he first Date in the bill were had in London
{**} [torn off] two Dozn of the Latter Date are likewise
left in Town by Madm Ann Leghs Order
4 Dozn you have Down to Lyme makes the
Whole Number very Right I recd a %bill from
you on 26th May last which have plac'd to
yr Acct, & Inclos'd are yr Vouchers which
believe you'l find Right have not paid Sr
Thos Rawlinsons bill haveing had no Opportunity,
but will do it the first time I go
that way. have been very much Confind
to Business Thank God d it has been much
Brisker this Spring than ever I had before
have been Obligd to Neglect little Triffles
My Wife Joins me in Respects to Cousin Orford
& Self & am Yr Affect{*}
    W %Burchal
Iune 21st 1769

[At different angle]
{*...}houd [torn off] esteem it a particular Favour if you woud get me 4 or 6 Covers
{*...}irected [torn off] for my Mother Directed to [corrected] her at Newton & enclose 'em to me

author BURCHAL W

[Note in different hand, presumably Orford's]
Wm Burchal
with Vouchers to 2 July 1770
      new page
Dr Cousin
    In your last I %recd a Draft on Childs
Value 100£ which is honour'd, the Bills you Orderd
to be paid have Inclos'd you, with Receipts, also
Mr Leghs bill for Linen, the former bills did
not Contain the Whole, so if you please to alter
the Sum £59.13 & in its place put £61..18.3. the
Balance in favour of you will be £22.17.1 to the
2d of Iuly last, which I Apprehend is right, being
Agreeable to yr Acct Currt with Addition you'l
find in my Inclos'd bill of parcells, I am very
glad to hear you have Recd yr Glass Safe & it
meets with yr Approbation, some time ago we heard
that Newhouse & his Wife had left Lyme pray
is it so or not, I wonder'd you did not Mention it
I wish you woud make my Complimts to Mrs Smith
Mrs Kecks Woman & tell her I shoud be glad of an
Answer About the Corded Holl'd— Am Complimt. to
Cousin Orford & self yr very Affect{*}
    W %Burchal
Augt 30th 1770

Inclos'd are yr Vouchers
to Iuly 2d

[Accounts, probably in different hand, omitted]

author BURCHAL W

Mr Orford
      new page
Dear Cousin
    Yours of the 18th Inclosing two
Bank post bill 20 £ each came safe to hand
& Since have taken up yr Draft, I am Infinitely
Oblig'd to you for yr kind Intelligence from
Lancashire it Dispell'd many Apprehensions
that begun to Crow'd about me thoughts on Acct.
of not hearing from thence of some time
a %fews Days ago some private Accts Mention
a %very fatal Sickness in our part of Lancashr
I hope it is not true, the Inclos'd you'l find
from Captain Hayward he din'd with {*...} [torn off]
Yesterday a Mighty agreeable Gentleman
and what adds more to my good Opinion of him
was my great Veneration for the Old Gentleman
his Father, part of your Family we expect
every Day tho' no house is yet taken for 'em
they have employ'd an Accquaintance of Mrs Smiths
Mrs Kecks house keeper to take them a %house
who, when he has seen any_thing that will Suit
while he is writing to them about it, lets
somebody else take it in the Mean While
so don't know when they will get one,
      new page
before I conclude let me not forget to wish you
& yrs many happy Returns of this Season
& that I %am with the profoundest Esteem
    Yr very Affectionate Kinsman
    W %Burchal
The first Day
in the Year 1771

[Accounts omitted]

author BURCHAL W

Mr Orford
      new page
Dear Cousin
    I duly Recd yours Inclosing
bills to the Amount of 465 £ which have
plac'd to yr Acct. & hope they will be honour'd
you mention'd an Inclosure to Captain Hayward
which don't find & Suppose you forgot to put
it in, he is not in Town at present, the Ship
he belongs to, lay at the Nore, but by this time
I imagine he ^is^ fell down to Portsmouth, however
he will be in Town when he hears of the Arrival
of Mr Keck & Family they are expected on
Saturday Next to Dinner, I am very glad
to hear that dreadfull Report of %Sickness in Lanchir
is with foundation & much Oblig'd to you, for
being so kind to Mention it, I had a Letter from
Haydock on Friday last, & now let me beg you'l
Accept my Most Respectfull Thanks for yr
very kind present which came to hand the
Day after I wrote to you last, I hope you &
your are well to whom my Respects are due
    & am Dr Cousn your Affectionate
    W %Burchal
Iany 15th 1771

author BURCHAL W

Mr Orford
      new page
Dear Cousin
    The Contents of your last
Concern'd me much, I hope 'ere you Receive
this the greatest danger with Cousin Orford
will be over, & a %fair prospect of her perfect
Recovery, which shall be very glad to hear
& wish you Joy of another Daughter, Yr
Draft shall be duly honour'd, I have a Small
parcell of goods to send to Lyme but am not
yet Certain of the Day, Yr Good [corrected from God] Governor
has honour'd me with two Visits also [corrected] Mm A
we seem to Increase in Friendship & I wish
it may be lasting, I think you are in greater
Favour if possible than ^ever^ before it gives me a
Secret pleasure & I may venture to say it is
not Unmerited, with every kind wish I beg
to Conclude myself Yr very Affectionate
    W %Burchal
Feby 9th 1771

author BURCHAL W

Mr Orford
      new page
Dear Cousin
    I Sincerely Congratulate
you on the fair prospect of Cousin Orford,
Recovery & hope to hear a %few weeks has
fully Compleated it, On Monday last
by Bass_s Waggon I sent a %parcel Directed
for you there are two papers tied together
one Directed for Mr Thos Legh which
I fancy you'l have Orders About, as also
for the Other which is Table Linen 1 Dozen
Cloths for Breakfast ones, I was Order'd
to Direct it to you, the Bill have not
time to Inclose shall have it in my Next
if they shoud not give you particular Orders
About Mr T: Leghs Shirts there is Holld for
to make one Dozn the Collars Wrist bands
&c are to be taken of the Sleeves there is
only an Exact pattern, Yr Drafts are all
come to hand except Governors & I %suppose
he don't want Money at prest Excuse haste
& believe me Yr Affect
    W %Burchal
Feby 23d 1771

author BURCHAL W

Dr Cousin
    Your Favours have all come
duly to hand & shoud have been Answer'd
sooner, only coud not prevail on Yr Govr to
take his Money, nor has he yet, or woud have
Inclos'd you the Vouchers which are all at hand
(those Mention'd excepted) Yr Acct Currt agrees
with mine, I fancy Govr thinks to do me a Service
by his Indulgence & so it woud, had I known
it, but it like the Unprofitable Servants Talent
(laid up in Napkin) be that as it will, he is
very kind & Civil in every Respect, I am much
Oblig'd to you for yr very kind & frequent Mention
of my Family at Haydock it is very pleasing
to me to hear you say they are all well, it Animates
my Affection & next to a Brother no one has a
greater Share, pray let me have yr Opinion
of my Bro Iohns proceedings I have been very
Anxious About him, yet am glad he is in some
Measure fix'd I hope if he has Conduct it will
do well for him in time, my love to Bror & Sister
& also to Cousin Orford when Return to How Lane
in my Next will Inclose the Vouchers & a %bill of
the goods sent am at prest Yr very Affect
    W %Burchal
      new page turn Over
pray excuse my Ragged paper I %did not peceive
it when I begun to Write, I had almost forgot
to tell you the last bill you Sent Fielden on
Tatlock for 125£ is not Accepted & am
dubious of it not being honour'd, I woud not
have you take any more bills on Tatlock
if you can Avoid it, he is very Troublesome
but pray don't mention this, for I shoud be
sorry to Injure him, nor woud I say it to
any_one else, he has been very Unfortunate
in the World, & I believe I may Add very Indiscreet
so pray let it pass no farther & Ill say
    Good Night —
March 19th 1771

author BURCHAL W

Mr Orford
      new page
Dear Cousin
    What I hinted to you Relative
to Fieldens bill you'l find too true, however,
have done as you desired me, & hope you'l be no
Sufferer from it, have taken up one of %yr
Drafts to Mrs A %L & Accepted the Other so it
is as good as Cash to her, Inclos'd you have
an Acct of goods Sent, yr Vouchers must defer
as they be more then the Cover will Contain
I beg yr pardon for not Returng you my Most
Respectfull thanks for the Hare I %recd {*...} [seal]
you it had Slip'd my Memory when I {*...} [seal]
Writing to you, & Recollection always came too
late, my Respects wait on you & yours & am
    Dr Cozn yr very Affectionat
    W %Burchal
Mar 30th 1771

[Accounts, probably in different hand, omitted]

author BURCHAL W

Mr Orford

[Note, presumably in Richard Orford's hand]
Wm Burchal
with Vouchers to 1 Mar. 1771
      new page
Dear Cousin
    I believe I can Scrawl a %few lines
to you, tho' Confin'd to an Upper Room of a bad
Cold, as I have to Inform you of a %paper parcel
sent by last Nights Coach Directed for you
to be left at Hancocks Disley. it Contains
the Napkins you Mention'd. as shall Specify
at large in the bill, I was ^to^ charge you to give
them to the Housekeeper by Order of Mr Legh
also the breakfast Cloths before sent, which
find you had no Orders About, the blame is
upon me for not telling you that before, tho'
I don't Remember such an Order, however we've
got thro' it as well us we can, there is likewise
Inclos'd ½Dozn handfs for Self the Nighest to those
Mention'd we have & the same price, also a %frock
for little Cousin Betty which beg yr Acceptance
of, Poor T: L I had previous Notice of, from
a long Detail in the Cabinet one Morng I found he
was declining, perhaps the Philosophers Adage of
(Whatever is, is best) may in time be Verify'd —
so let us Save our pity for some Other Object
Favouritism is a Transient Elysium & when
the Glory declines is often Succeeded with a
Gloomy Mortification,
      new page turn over
You see now I %am Closeted up My pen knows
no bounds, first let me Conclude Business
yr last Inclosure Appears in a %fair light, I Obseve
what %you say Relating to the sum Allow'd fr Disct
Expences &c as it happen'd I was not Incommoded
by the Disappointment, but that was thro' the
Indulgence of yr good Govr{*} who did not take up
his Notes till afterwards, tho' that was all an
Uncertainty, I suppose they will very Soon leave
Town. Mr Legh has had a Touch of the Gout in his
Toe but is so well Recover'd as to Ride out again
I have not heard any^thing^ of Mr Flodman these four
Months past, tho' I %suppose he is in being, I have
had a Busy Spring & either had not time or
some_thing else engag'd my Thoughts, but will
Write to him very soon & Mention yr Enquiry
after him, I have Inclos'd yr Vouchers which
believe are Right also a %bill of Napkins —
let me now Conclude with my kind Respects
    & that I am yr very Affect{*}
    W %Burchal
April 13th 1771

Advise me on the Recd of %parcel
      new page
The Table Cloths & Napkins I suppose are to be made with all %the Expedition
Imaginable as [corrected from are] they were Order'd to be Sent by the first Coach

author BURCHAL W

Mr Orford
      new page
Dr Cousin
    Yours of the 29th April came safe
to hand Inclosing Bills Amounting to £120..16
am Doubtfull of David Halls bill of Macclesf'd
being honour'd at prest will not be Accepted
Also yrs of 13th Instant Inclosing bills Value 60£
which are Accepted, According to yr Request
have Inclos'd the bill & Rect [corrected from d?] for Linen —
pray my Complimts to Henry Richardson
when you see him & tell him we shall send
him a %bill of Wm Turners Expences i{*...} [torn off]
Next at prest are not Ready, I hope you are
all well am with profound Respect Yr very
    Affect W %Burchal
May 23d 1771

author BURCHAL W

Mr Orford

[Pencil markings of Burchal's and Orford's name]
      new page
Dear Cousin
    I have this moment Recd a Lettr [edge page]
from my Brother, Importing the great
Tribulation my poor Mother is under on Acct.
of a %Cutt you are going to make aCross the
Only bit of ground of any Value belonging
to the house now Dear Sir, if it is in your
power to prevent it, you'l do me an Inestimable
Favour, I don't mean on my Own Acct. you know
as things are Circumstanc'd it is nothing more
to me than Satisfaction to the best of Mothers
& every Contribution thereto will ever have
gratefull place in my Breast, my Brother
tells me the Valleys bear off the same Levell
as thro' the Meadows, now that is the Favo{**} [worn off]
desir'd, & what I hope you will not refu{*...} [torn off]
to throw the Water Course along the Valley
you'l perhaps tell me there will be Satisfaction
made, I am Sensible of that, but no Satisfaction
will be adequate to the Damage Sustain'd
as [a corrected from i] it will not only Consist in the loss of the
ground & Trespass done upon it, but by Uneasings
of mind may bring on, what may hasten the
end of my dearest Parent, who has already
had her Cup fill'd with the bitterness of
this World, & which I have ever Studied to
      new page
to Sweeten the last Draught of, if my Resques [edge page]
can be Comply'd with, let me hear from you
as soon as possible on that Acct
    The last bill you sent Value 30£ is honourd
also the bill Drawn by David Hall which I
told you I had some doubt About —
    am at all times with kind Respects Yr very Affect{*}
    W %Burchal
Iune 8th 71

pray do all you can for me

author BURCHAL W

Mr Orford
      new page
Dr Cousin
    Pray give my Duty to yr
Governor & tell him Immediately after
the Rect of his Letter, I went to Mr Whites
& order'd the Tea, which woud have sent by
last nights Coach, only Mr White had no
Lead large enough to Contain the Quantity
but is sent by the Coach this Eveng & hope
will Arrive safe at Disley on Saturday
before you get this, the bill & Rect. must
Inclose you in my Next, it is no{*...} [torn off]
come to hand, but will send for it Tomorrow
& pay it, have not time to say any_thing
more only suppose you'l hear of or see my
Wife very soon, she is at Bradbury Green
am with due Respects Yr Affect
    W %Burchal
pray excuse haste
& more in my Next
Iuly 18th 71

author BURCHAL W

Mr Orford
      new page
Dear Cousin
    I here sent you the bill of
the Tea which by this time hope you
have Recd Safe, & be pleas'd to give me
Credit for it, I hope Cousin Orford &
little Family are well to whom pray
My Respects & am %Dr Cousn Yr Affect
    W %Burchal
July 20 71
Shall be %glad to hear
from you as soon as %possible

author BURCHAL W

Mr Orford
      new page
Dear Cousin
    I %recd both yrs Inclosing bill
on Hanson & Dyson 23 £ also Bank 50 £
& now let me thank you for yr kind Civility
to my Wife & glad to hear you say she was
very Well, I fancy she is at Macclesfd
havg wrote to her thither, but have had no
Answer, tho' hope all is well, there are so
many engagements on %such an Excursion
to divert one from their purpose makes
Silence more excusable, tho' am not without
anxiety on her exceeding the time I may Reasonably
expect to hear from her, by this time
perhaps you'l have seen her again, if not,
when you do see her pray tell her I was wishing
to hear from her. I hope Cousin Orford
& yr little Family are well my kind Respects
to her & %self & am Dr Coz Yr Affect
    W %Burchal
Augst 3d 71

Wm Turner is Very Well

author BURCHAL W

Mr Orford
      new page
Dr Cousin
    Mr Friths Lease & Power of
Attorney have Inclos'd in two Covers to
Haydock directed According to Order, the
Inclos'd is a %bill of Tea, Order'd in yr last
it was sent of by Wednesday Nights Coach
so hope you have Recd it, the bill did not
Receive till last night am with kind Respects
    Yr very Affect
    W %Burchal
Augt 9th 1771

[Drawing (of house?) and accounts, probably in different hand, omitted]

author BURCHAL W

Mr Orford
      new page
Dear Cousin
    Yours dated Augt 30th did not
come to hand till Tuesday last, which Inform{*}
me of yr Drafts & Inclosing a small ^bill^ 10 £
I beg yr pardon for not Informing you of the
due Rect of a Bank bill 100 £, I am much
Oblig'd to you for yr kind enquiries after
my Wife, she got safe home last Tuesday
was week, is very well & Joins me in Comp{*}.
to Mrs Orford & self & am Dr Coz y{*} very
    W %Burchal
shoud be glad of an Acct
Currt as soon as Convent
as am about Settling my Books
being the Most leisure time
of the year

author BURCHAL W

Mr Orford
      new page
Dr Cousin
    I duly Recd yrs Inclosing Bill
Amountg to £244..9..1 which I believe will
all be duly honor'd, have been with Strode
the bil man & he will allow nothing for
the Waste so I did not pay him till I hear
from you again, I think you had better
write to him, he seems to doubt the Veracity
{*}f [torn off] it & says he can have no Allowance himself
I thank my Dear & good Cousin for ^his^ kind
& generous behaviour to my Bro Iohn, I hope
he has got his Lease secur'd, it was an Offer
of such Friendship as will ever have a place
in my Thoughts, I hope yr Whole Family are
well Accept my kind Respects for them & self
    & am Yrs Affectionately
    W %Burchal
Jany 4th 1772

I beg y{*} pardon for not
Writing sooner — Many happy Years
Attend you & yours

pray when does the Family come to Town
I red another Box this Day

author BURCHAL W

Mr Orford
      new page
        Ian~'y 14th 1772 —
Dear Cousin
    I recd yours of the 6th past
from Haydock Inclosing 2 bills Value 30^£^
& half a Bank post 50£ & afterwards
you said I shoud have the Remainder by
that Nights post, but is not yet come to
hand, perhaps you forgot it, I hope it is
not lost, I have herewith Inclos'd Mr Russel [edge paper; following s possible]
bill, & woud have sent Mr Penningtons
but you never Mention'd where he liv'd, so
don't know Where to find him Until you
send me a Direction, I am much Oblig'd to
you for a Hare which came safe to hand
& very good, also for being so kind to Mention
my Dear Mother, since then, I have had
a Most dreadfull Acct of my poor Sister
Elin who is at this time down of the Fever
I have expected hourly to hear of her Death
till this Day, when a Letter from my
Bror Informs me there is some hopes
of her Recovery, I wish it may Cease there
I am in Continual for of its Spreading
further, God grant it may not, I hope you
& yours are well to whom due Respects yr_self [across line]
Included from yr very Affect
    W %Burchal

author BURCHAL W

Mr Orford
      new page
Dear Cousin
    I have this Moment Recd the
Other half of the 50 £ Bank post, I Mention'd
in my last was Wantg — have taken up all
your Drafts but was Oblig'd to Discount a %bill
of 54..3— on Wimpey & Charg'd to yr Acct
I did not Intend to have done it but the Weather has
been so exceeding bad of late hurts our Trade —
I have this day had a more Favourable Acct of my
Sister & hope she will do well again all the
Rest were well on Monday hope yours are the
{*...} [torn off] am with Respects Yr Affectionate
    W %Burchal
Iany 16th 1772

author BURCHAL W

[Letter damaged and faded]

Mr Orford

[Accounts, probably in different hand, omitted]
      new page
Dear Cousin
    I recd yours of the 17th Inclosing an
Acct in which we Agree only have paid for some
Tea you had no Acct of & also Mr Russell, have
here sent the Acct as it Stands in our Books —
that you may Alter if you please or let me know
& I will State it with yours, I have this day
Seen Mr Pennington & woud have paid him
but he said he woud call again, he Understood
you was coming to Town with the Family, he
wants to see you, but I told ^him^ it was not Certain
when you came that I kn{*}w of, Mr Strode
call'd upon me the Other Day & said if I woud
Inform you that if you woud Return the Cask
that was leaky he possibly might get an
Al{*******} for the loss Otherwise he coud not
I expect your Governor & the Rest of the Family
are Arriv'd in Town this Eveng & not before
I am Rejoicing at the pleasure of seeing you
in Town pray let me know how soon —
    My Respects wait on you & Yrs & am Dr
    Coz Yr very Affect
    W %Burchal
Iany 23d 1772

author BURCHAL W

Mr Orford
      new page
Dear Cousin
    Your last Favour Inclosing
Bank to the Amt of 170£ came safe to hand
in your next hope you'l Inform me when
you Intend coming to Town, I %am Sorry to
hear your little Folks are under that Malignant
disorder tho' as you say it is not often Fatal
but Miserable to behold poor things I hope they
will get safe over it Cousin Orford I hope
is well, the last Accts from Haydock Inform
me my Sister is Recovering but very {*...} [torn off]
if my Dear Mother & the Rest escapes shall be
very Thankfull, I am by this post writing
to Mr Flodman & Informing him of my expectations
of seeing you in Town, I hope no
Cabinet Counsels will disappoint my wishes
for I %rejoice at the thought Accept my kind
Respects & believe me yr ever Affectionae
    W %Burchal
Feby 5th 72 —

I think it will be the best
to let alone Sending the Tea
till you come that I %mention'd to you when in Country

author BURCHAL W

Dear Cousin
    Have the pleasure of yours
before me, Informg me of yr Safe Arrival
at Lyme & finding all well at How Lane
I thank you for yr very kind Visit to my
good Mother & for the pleasing Acct of her
& the rest of the Family, I recd the Sparlings [corrected]
very safe & very good, but Sorry they came
so Untimely as probably they were Intended
for some Other, however as I had no Acct of
'em I %made free with 'em, & sent part to
Mrs Thorn & part to Other Friends & the
Rest us'd ourselves pray my Complimts to
Cousin Iohn with my best Thanks as
flatter myself he Intended me a part, & had
I known they were design'd for any_one
particular, they shoud have been duly deliver'd
On Monday last I sent your Box & a Truss
of Linen also a parcel ty'd in a Mat w'ch
suppose are Mr Leghs Linen which you
are to give to the Upper Laundress, your
goods you'l find ty'd by themselves with the
Books from Mr %Pennington also the Ribbons
you Orderd to be bought they are all directed
to you by Mrs A Leghs Orders only Mr Leghs
New Shirts that are to be sent to Miss Thorley
you'l find wrote upon for that purpose
      new page
they are sent by Bass's Waggon & hope you'l
get them safe, they your Box shoud have been
Sent the Monday before only we were exceeding
busy & let the time pass, have not sent you
any Stockings coud get none but black ones
from Mr Mobbs so woud have none, but will
take care to Settle that point when he has got
any better, Mr White tells me the parcel of
Tea that went to Chester is Return'd & forwarded
to Lyme pray tell me if you Receiv'd it —
have just now taken an Acct of yr bills Inclos'd
this day, & plac'd 'em to yr Acct, hope they will
all prove honorable, & likewise Observ'd yr
Drafts which will take care for, & now to Conclude
with Respects to Cousin Orford & Self Yr very
    W %Burchal
April 10th 72 —

P.S I receiv'd a Letter from Iohn Naylor of
Newton directed for you, which took the liberty
to open thinking it had been to Advise you
of the Sparling, but found it was to desire
you to remind Mr Legh of a promise he
made him when in Lancashire Concerning
his Son that is in the Excise, so I enclos'd
it to Mr Legh which I hope was what you wou'd
have done

author BURCHAL W

Mr Orford
      new page
Dear Cousin
    Yours of the 3d & 5th came to hand
Yesterday inclosing Bank & Bk post bills for
70£ also 150£ on Crafton, I hope you have
Recd mine directed to Haydock inclosing a Noted
bill, you did not mention any Oil till yesterday
but ^have this day sent^ shall be duly Order'd to Mr Strode your Order
am much Oblig'd to you for yr kind Mention of my
Mother & Family — am glad all are well — have
seen nor heard any_thing of Langshaw when
he Arrives shall endeavour to execute your Orders
am with kind Respects to Self & Family y{*}
    Very Affectionate
    W %Burchal
May 9th 1772 —

author BURCHAL W

Mr Orford

[Other side of paper up]
Mr Brookes says he has sent the
glass sometime ago, & has promis'd
to enquire after it
      new page
Dear Cousin
    According to your Request have
herewith Inclos'd you a Sketch of our Acct as it
stands with us. if any errors be kind enough to
Inform me Immediately, have taken Disct for
a Draft on Crafton for 100 £ having no effects in
hand when yr Drafts became due to M A L —
have sent you a Seperate bill of porterage & Carrge
with a Rect, also a Rect to the bill for goods
also the Vouchers, shoud be Oblig'd to you to remit
the balance if right, as am desirous of Discounting
{*}oods [torn off] bot for Credit, the person the Hams are Orderd
from has promis'd to let me know before he Sends
that I %might send the Gown for Aunt if he does
not Send soon will send it by the Waggon, it is
put by for her, I %am ^glad^ your little folks are come
of so [corrected] easily with Innoculation. my Wife Joins
in Respect to Cousin Orford & Self with yr Affect
    W %Burchal
June 10th 1772 —

author BURCHAL W

Mr Orford
      new page
Dear Cousin
    Yours of ye 16th Inclosing a
Rect- for 100£ affords me no little pleasure
on finding our Accts agree, last night came
to hand yours of ye 22d Inclosing bills to Amt-
of 236.1 — which are now out for Acceptance
& hope will be honor'd, I fancy you have heard
of the dissolutions of Several of our large &
very Capital Bankers in this Metropolis
& is likely to make Strange havock in the
City in putting many houses to the Stand
I hope in few days Circulation will have its
Course, tho' not without Minute Speculation
& doubt, Thank God I %am not Imediately
affected by it, but am afraid in the General
way it will be hurtfull to Trade —
    Mr Willet has sent his Hams that were
order'd without Accquainting me as he promisd
but on Tuesday last I had a Letter from Mrs
Wood to send Mrs A Legh a bottle of Arquabasade
Water to Lyme, so have pack'd up with
it, the Gown for Aunt also the Counterpart
of Mr Heapys Leases & Indentures you
Sent to be Stamp'd, They [corrected] are in a Small
Box directed for you at Lyme
      new page
    shall send 'em this evening by the Coach to
Disley — Mr Langshaw left Town last
Thursday, he only call'd to say Farewell &
desire me to take into my care a %piece of Musick
for Mrs Keck, he said he had no Orders from
you on any Acct- My Wife Joins in kind Respts
to Cousin Orford & Self & am yrs
    W %Burchal
Iune 25th 1772 —

The Inclos'd be so good to
deliver to H Richardson
it contains Wm Turners Acct

I had forgot to tell you Mr Mobbs behav'd very
dirtily about your Stockgs & woud let me have only
black sometime ago I %mentiond to him to let me
have a %pair of Spun Silk but that he took no
Notice of, so as I must have something for yr
Money I %took a %pair of Brown Thread as the
Season is warm thought they woud be more
agreeable than black, they were the largest
he had

author BURCHAL W

Mr Orford
      new page
Dear Cousin
    I recd yours Inclosing two small
bills Value 43..8.6 — which hope will be honor'd
I thought I had told you of the Rect of 4 bank
& bank post bills 25 each also a Note Bradshaw
for 94.13 by the same date Viz Iune 22d
if those are what you mean they came duly
to hand, I %am glad the little Box got safe, for
was under some concern About, I hope you are
{*}ll [seal] well at Howe Lane to whom present
{***} [seal] Respects as also self & am yr Affect
    W %Burchal
Iuly 9th 72

author BURCHAL W

Mr Orford
      new page
Dear Cousin
    Yours of the 21st [corrected] Iuly brot me
4 bills Value 53..17— £ & on the 27th Do-
2 bank post & 7 bank bills Value 170 £
which have plac'd to your Acct- you have
an endless Trouble with L.. M Esqrs Affairs,
I suppose you'l not be very sorry to see a
Conclusion, we have had Bror & Sister Ryle
from Macclesfield in Town About a %fortnight
& this Eveng I %hope they are safe at home
again, Mr Flodman came to see us while
they were here, & a joyfull meetg between
Bror Ryle & him, Mr Flodman looks as
well as ever I saw him, I think he was
not pleas'd that you did not call on him
I hope yr Family at How Lane are Well
Complimts to Cousin Orford & Self & am
    Yrs Affectionately
    W %Burchal
Augs 1st 72

author BURCHAL W

Mr Orford
      new page
Dear Cousin
    On Thursday last came to
hand the Small Box Containg the pots you
Mention'd, they ^are^ exceeding good, my Wife Returns
you her best Thanks for 'em is very sorry
to be so Troublesome, Yours of the 4th Inclosg
two bills Value 50 £ Receiv'd last Night, &
went Immediately to forward your Order
of paper & parchment, they have Seldom
any by them Ready Stamp'd, but hope shall
get ready for Sunday Nights Coach which
will be at Warrington on Tuesday Night
it is impossible for you to have 'em Sooner
My Respects to self & Friends in Lancashire
    & am yrs Affectionately
    W %Burchal
Augt 8th 72 —

author BURCHAL W

Mr Orford
      new page
Dear Cousin
    I beg your pardon for not
Inclosing this Acct Sooner, especially as
am doubtfull whether they have sent you
what was right, they tell me they never
Stamp any lower priz'd paper than that
sent, I hope you got it safe & due time
    am yrs Respectfully
    W %Burchal
Augt 15 — 72

author BURCHAL W

Mr Orford

new page

Dr Cousin
    I Recd Yrs of ye 15th Inclosing 13 bills
Amountg to 325.1— which hope will
be duly honor'd — I hope you Recd the Acct
of the Parchment & paper, I sent em
to Haydock, but found you had left it
before they Arriv'd, I thank you for the
pleasing Acct of my Mother & all Fr'ds
There are no expences Standing to yr Acct
Since the balance, only the Gown for Aunt
which thought had sent you, if not ye Sum
is 15/9 — I hope you are all well at
How Lane my Wife Joins in due Respects
to self & Family Yrs very Affectionately
    W %Burchal
25th Augt 72

author BURCHAL W

Mr Orford
      new page
Dear Cousin
    I have here inclos'd you a
poor bit of paper that cou'd not escape
the hands of a %public Notary, Mr
Shorthose it seems has been too sparing
in his Remittances, I am afraid he is
likely to wear shorthose —
    I hope you are all well to whom due
    Respects from yr Affect{*}
    W %Burchal
Sep{*} 8th 72

[Scribbles in different hand]
B By order

author BURCHAL W

Dr Cousin
    don't be Surpriz'd when I %tell
you I hope to make you a Visit at How Lane
About the 17th on my Road from [corrected from to] Macclesfd
to Stockport, if you coud conveniently be at
home shoud be glad to see you, I have no thoughts
of Visiting Lyme therefore beg you will
not Mention me there till you have seen
me, am with due Respects Yr very Affec
    W %Burchal
Sepr 11th 1772

pray deliver the
Inclos'd to Mrs Keck

author BURCHAL W

Mr Orford
      new page
Dear Cousin
    I am much Oblig'd to you for
both your favours to this place, On my
Arrival here I found my poor Dear Mother
in a very indifferent State of health, & at
this time very little better, tho' hope she will
in time get the better of it. If it pleases God so
to grant it in a Week or Ten Days I propose
Returning to London about the 12th of next Mon^th^
being then light Moon which will be more
agreeable to Travel the Night over than when
Dark, I shoud be sorry to Return without
{*}eeing [torn off] you, & if you think you will be at
How Lane by the 12th will endeavour to call
upon you there otherwise did propose to have
been at Macclesfield before that time
am with kind Respects to you & yours
    yr Affectionate
    W %Burchal
Sepr 27th — 72

author BURCHAL W

Mr Orford
How Lane

new page

Dear Cousin
    I am exceeding Sorry I %can't
enjoy a %little of your Company in this
part of the World, I have made so long
holiday that am Wanted at home, last
night I came to Manchester & took Coach
for Monday being Oblig'd to go thro' Macclesfd
home, which Renders my expectation of seeing
you, doubtfull, except you do me the
favour of riding to Macclesfd on Monday
Morng before Ten OClock if you Return
{**}om [torn off] Derbyshire on Sunday, I am Writing
{*}his [torn off] at Mr Daniels Stockport while Mr
{*}armer [torn off] is Waiting on me to go to Dine
at Bradbury green Otherwise coud wish
to give you a fuller Acct of the exigency [changed to exigence?]
of my expeditious Return, pray excuse haste
& believe me with due Respects Yours
    &c W %Burchal
Friday 9th Octr 72

author BURCHAL W

Mr Orford
      new page
Dear Cousin
    I arriv'd in Town on
Tuesday Night almost Twelwe oClock
a little fatigu'd, but safe & Otherwise
very Well, found all at ^home^ the Same, but
Since my Wife has had a %very bad Cold
& Sore Throate, tho' Thank God she is
getting better, I remember you desir'd me
to tell Wooloton something but c{*...} [torn off]
Recollect what it was, I have Mentiond
the affair we was talking about, Relative
to my Neice, & my Wife says she will
do very well, so if any_thing shoud
offer of the kind, shall esteem it the
greatest Favour you wou'd be so kind to
Intercede, if it is agreeable to yourself
she thinks she woud Suit the Old Lady the
best, being of a grave turn, My Respects
to Cousin Orford & self am Dr Cozn yr very
    W %Burchal
Octr 17th 1772

author BURCHAL W

Mr Orford
      new page
I duly Receiv'd my dear Cousins Letter Inclosing
bills Amountg to 362..5..6 & coud
have wish'd some of them nearer due, for do
Assure you Cash is very Scarce in this
Metropolis, however will endeavour to raise
it somewhere to support honor, & serve my
Friend, I am not ^at^ all surpriz'd at yr Resolution
a Capitulation may perhaps Remove some
of those Incumbrances that have Surrounded
you of late, employment is good for the
mind as well as for Body, & I'll be bound
for it, yours will never Suffer you to fall
a Sacrifice to the Hypocondriac, while in
the present Situation, pray has Governor
left you, I have been wondering at yr Silence
on that head, I had a Letter from Bath
a %few days ago Which Informs me Mrs Wood
is leaving her Lady, a general Revolution
Among yr Abigails, I %thank you for yr
kind Mention of my Good Mother, I hear she
is so well as to ride out a little, so I hope she
will do again in time, I %dont wish to spare her
yet a %while if it please God —
      new page
    I hope you have Receivd the Tea & small
parcel for Mrs Legh Safe, I sent by Bass
on Monday the 21st when you write again
pray Mention it, am with due Respects
to self & Family Yr very Affectionate
    W %Burchal
Decr 29th — 72

Many happy Returns
of the Season Attend you

author BURCHAL W

Mr Orford
      new page
I have this moment Receiv'd my Dear &
most Inestimable Cousins Letter Inclosg
three small bills Value 34..18.8 —
which also Informs me of the Vacancy
expected, I can't Sufficiently express my
gratitude on the Occasion & hope the
Inclosd which have wrote to be laid before
Mrs Legh will be in due time for her
Approbation, if she shoud listen to it,
must trouble you to write to her to Haydock
if requir'd to wait on her at Lyme, & I %am
goimg to write to Haydock to desire her
to be in Readiness, & at the same be so
kind to favour her wi me with a %line
Informg me of yr Success —
    am with kind Respects yr very
    W %Burchal

author BURCHAL W

Mr Orford
      new page
Dear Cousin
    last Night I %recd yours Inclosing
bills Amountg to 194.13. which hope will be
honour'd, in my last I told you I had sent a
box directed for you by Thursday Nights Coach
but the Coach going out a Six oClock the Box
came too late, so coud not go till last night
so I hope before you Recive this it will be come
safe to hand but the Stockings I mention'd
Mr Wooloton was so carefull to leave out —
pray Advise me of the Rect of it, as there was
some Quibble about it at the Inn —
    am with due Respects yrs very Affectionately
    W %Burchal

author BURCHAL W

Mr Orford
      new page
Dear Cousin
    Yours of 27th last came duly to
hand inclosing 100£ Draft on Crafton & Dr Ackers
bill which will take care to pay, I am glad %y{*}
Marketing when in Town met with Approbation
the pistols am afraid will prove a %bad bargain
for am very doubtfull whether they will change
them at all, you may send 'em I'll endeavour
to do it for you, the pattern you mention for [word rubbed out]
Aunts Gown is all Sold, as soon as we get more
of it, will take care to send her a gown, inclos'd
you have Whites Tea bill, & the bill for Sisters
Gown, also a Noted bill, or rather pomissory Note
hope you know something of the Indorser that it
be no Inconvenience to you am with due {*...} [torn off]
    Yr very Affect{*}
    W %Burchal

author BURCHAL W

Mr Orford
      new page
Dear Cousin
    Yesterday came to hand
your Favour Inclosing Bank 100£ & Rect
for 100£, the reason of my enquiry after
Governor, I was told he had left you some
time ago, tho' coud scarcely think it —
I wish every_thing may be Settled to yr
Satisfaction, be assur'd nothing will ever
Transpire on any Acct, I heard from
Lancashire a few days ago with the
agreeable News of my poor Mothe{*} [seal] being
still in a mending way she had walkd
up to the Turnpike which was Reckon'd
a great Journey & no doubt a %pleasing one
to her, that had been so long confin'd
I hope you are all well at How Lane
am with due Respects Yr very Affectionte
    W %Burchal
Iany' 5th 1773

author BURCHAL W

Mr Orford
      new page
Dear Cousin
    I recd yours Inclosing Bank
post 50£ & Rect for 100£ which is
honor'd this day, I have Recd a Letter from
Mrs Legh desiring me to execute her little
Business in Town, I am Sorry to find
the Tea is not Arriv'd, I %have sent to the
Inn to enquire after it, & either the people
there, or my Boy made a Mistake, tho he
declares he see it Book'd for Basses Waggon
however they say it went by Hawkins
Waggon on the same day I n inform'd you
before, that if it is not Arriv'd, it lays
at some Inn on the Road or else gone to
Manchester, I am sorry there is such
a %blunder, as it may be a %disappointment
Mrs Legh Mentions it in hers, & I have
told her I have wrote to you about it, so
if it is not come, write me Immediately
that I %may make a %further enquiry,
excuse haste & belive me Yours
    W %Burchal
Iany 7th 1773

author BURCHAL W

Mr Orford —
      new page
I may now say I %am every troublig my
Dear Cousin Orford, I had a Letter yesterday
from my Neice Forrest who I %mention'd to
you sometime ago, wherein she Informs me
she is leaving her place, she had promis'd
Mrs Makin to take care of her Child when it
came, to dry Nurse it, but it proves so
weakly they have got a Wet Nurse for it
therefore they have no need of her, except she
{*}oud [torn off] take the Cooks place, which does not
choose, they have Us'd her very ill & quite
contrary to contract when they sent for her
down from London, now the Reason of my
troubling you is to Inform me whether Miss
Legh is fix'd with a Maid, as have heard nothing
of, I shoud be very glad if she g coud wait of
either of the Ladies at Lyme Old or Young
if you think there is any probability, beg
you will let me know, the poor thing is very
Unhappy at being out of place, & I shoud be very
glad to serve, if Room you may Mention her
with great confidence both as to Qualification
& Character & you'l much Oblige Yr Affect
    W %Burchal
[At different angle]
Iany 9th 1773 —

author BURCHAL W

Mr Orford
      new page
Dear Cousin
    I return you my Sincere
Thanks for your very Affectionate Letter
& doubt not your good Inclinations when
an Opportunity offers, Your Observation
was Right concerng the Bank post bill 50£
& Bank Note 50£, yr Favour Above Mention'd
Inclosd a bill 20£, Now am I sorry to
Return this little Triffling bill, which
have sent several times & the Man was
never at home, the last answer was, there
was an Acct betwixt Atherton & him,
& he had overdrawn him so it woud not
be paid, am glad the Tea &c is arriv'd
Safe, am with due Respects yr very
    W %Burchal
Iany 19th 1773

author BURCHAL W

Mr Orford

[Accounts, probably in different hand, omitted]

new page

Dear Cousin
    Yours of the 22d came duly
to hand Inclosing 2 Bk Notes Value 70£
one Bk post 10£ Alsagen on Smith & Co
Value 30£ I hear nothing of yr good Folks
coming to Town as yet when they do & any_thing [line break]
Occurs you may depend on being
Accquainted with it, have at last Inclos'd
you Potts Indenture with less Charge than
expected, hope you are all Well. kind
Respects wait upon you from yr very
    W %Burchal
Iany 30th 73

am sorry for poor Heapy
he call'd here the Other day
seem'd in tolerable Spirits

author BURCHAL W

Mr Orford
      new page
Dear Cousin
    Notwithstanding the Unfavourable
Receptions our Solicitations for poor
Nell Forrest met with from a Certain
Lady, I am equally Oblig'd to you for yr
very great Assiduity in the Affair —
I have had a Letter from her since, wherin{*}
she Mentions how sorry she was my
Letter came too late as she had engag'd
herself otherwise shoud have taken her
on Mrs Burchals Recommendations, it savors
too much of a compliment to be real, you
know we are commenc'd Agent which is so
great an honor, we have scarcely need of
any_thing else, now for Business —
    Yr Rect on Boldero & Co is honor'd & yr Drfts
to Ms Ann are come to hand, I think I %have
nothing else to Inform of on that Acct, Mrs
Wood was here this Day & Din'd with us, she
tells ^us^ Mr & Mrs Keck are gone to Stoughton
but hear nothing of Governor coming Town
    am with due Respects yr Affectionate
    W %Burchal
April 7th 73 —

author BURCHAL W

Mr Orford
      new page
There is no need of Apology my Dear
Orford, for the liberties you take, as am
truly sensible of yr Inclination, therefore
make no doubt of due Remittances, I am sorry
to Return you the Inclos'd, but have been
Tantaliz'd with payment from time to
time without effect, that think it not
prudent to keep it any longer, for the future
I woud advise you not to take these Watch
Makers bills they are a %pack of dirty dogs
have no ^more^ Regard to honor, than a Levite —
I have not yet the pleasure of seeing yr
good Governor in Town, this day I %recd a
Letter from Mr Keck Advising me of
his Intention of Drawing upon me for one
Hundred, for which you are to make provision
at a Month, Accept my Respects & believe
    me yr Affectionate
    W %Burchal
May 8th 73
Oxford Street

author BURCHAL W

Mr Orford
      new page
Dear Orford
    I am thinking you must
have left Lyme before mine Arriv'd there
to Inform you of my blunder in Returng
a wrong bill, but hope You Receiv'd both safe
Yours of the 15th from Haydock with Inclosure
Amountg to 240 £ came safe to hand

[Rest of letter, except for date, not transcribed because a large part of the right-hand side of the page has been torn off]

May 19th 1773

author BURCHAL W

Mr Orford

[Diagram omitted]
      new page
Dear Cousin
    I recd yr last Inclosing bills
Amtg to 272 £ & also Informing me of my
poor Mothers Indisposition, I have the pleasure
of hearing this day she is much better —
Yr good Governor has Order'd me Collect all
his tradespeoples bills in this Town, & tilling
me he woud order Orford to Remit for the
discharge of them, I have sent 'em down
to Bath but have heard nothing from him
Since, you have herewith a Sketch of an
Acct which believe you'l find Right the bills
paid to Ruspini You [corrected] have had no Acct of before
pray is the Table linen Arriv'd Safe
am with due Respects yr very Affect
    W %Burchal
May 29th 1773

author BURCHAL W

Mr Orford
      new page
Dear Orford
    Yr Favour Inclosing 3 bills
Value 35 £ came safe to hand, & have here
Inclos'd Ruspinis Receipts & bill & Rect for
Table Linen, yr Drafts Included in the
Acct Currt are not all come up, as soon as
they do will Inclose them to you, the bills
I last Mention'd are paid with those drafts
from you in January last & will send 'em
to Lyme Directed P L without a %Cross so
if you think proper to open them you may,
otherwise let them Remain then he comes to
Lyme, when I last write to him I desir'd
to know if he chose to have them sent to
to Bath or to Lyme but in his Letter
of Yesterday he does not mention them ^at^ all
I believe at last you are likely to have
my Niece at Lyme, the Old Lady has at
condescended to send to me that she shoud
like to make tryal of her, my Wife will
be at Macclesfield towards the latter end
of next week if all be well where I suppose
she will Stay a %few days before she proceeds
any farther she will bring yr Tea along with
her, I promise you an hours Chat woud be
      new page
woud be equally agreeable to yr hble Servt
but don't know when that must be enjoy'd
I heartily wish Cousin Orford a better time
than last, to whom with self Respects are
    due from yr Affectionate
    W %Burchal
Iune 8th 73

you have also Wm Turners
Acct which be so good to deliver
to Harry Richardson, have
not time to add so Adieu

author BURCHAL W

Mr Orford
      new page
Dear Orford
    I heartily wish you Joy
of the Increase of yr Family & wish
you may live to see your Childrens Children
in a Numerous Issue, I hope Cousin Orford
is in a promising way, perhaps by this
time you have seen my better part, &
got your Tea, Suppose yr last was wrote
in haste having no Conclusion, I %am
sorry you Sent the packet for Gov_r
to Bath haveing nothing ^in^ it but bi{***} [torn off]
& Rects which he has since Order'd {**} be [torn off]
Sent to Lyme, as Indeed I expected
however according to yr Request have sent
you an Acct of the bills paid here, tho' woud
not have you Mention them to him except
he does to you, it rather Surprizes me,
you did not know the time he left Bath
Mrs Legh is now in Town & so near
us, as Newman Street we are upon
very good Terms, & proposes taking my
Neice Forrest, now I was thinking to
Intrude upon you to permit my Neice
      new page
to Stop at yr house to meet her Aunt
Burchal, before she goes to Lyme, by
that time I hope Cousin Orford will be
up again, as I %fancy Mrs Legh not be
at Lyme this three weeks or Month
yet, my kind Respects wait on you
& yours & um yr very Affectionate
    W %Burchal
Iune 23 —73

author BURCHAL W

Mr Orford
      new page
Dear Orford
    I am very glad to hear you
Say Cousin Orford is in a %promising way
& also yr little Daughter, my Respects
attend you & am yr very Affectionate
    W %Burchal
Iune 26th 73

Harry Marsland
desires you will be so good
to forward the Inclos'd

author BURCHAL W

Mr Orford
      new page
Dr Cousin
    Yrs of 29th Iune came Safe
to hand Inclosg bill On Welch & Rogers
59..2.9 — & also yr by Coach w'ch had
previous advice of, from Stoughton, in
both w'ch Letters am much Oblig'd to you
for yr kind Mention of ^my^ Wife & also for
making her a %Visit, I hope Cousin Orford
is ready to go abroad again, yr kind behaviour
to me at all times perfectly convinces [corrected]
me of a hearty wellcome to mine & Family
& do propose their Acceptance of it —
on the Occasion before Mentiond, w'ch I fancy
will be towards Monday the 19th next
I wish to have a %deal of Chat with you
but must not enjoy it yet, you'l have
Mrs L in about 10 days, pray let me
hear from you soon on particular affairs
tho' I am afraid, of what? you'l say, —
no %more but that I am yr very Affect
    W %Burchal
Iuly 7th 1773
      new page    turn over
this day Mr Kecks draft came for
Acceptance dated Iuly 1st

Iuly 8th
I forgot to ask you if H Richardson
said any_thing to you About Wm Turners

author BURCHAL W

Mr Orford
      new page
Dear Cousin
    Your Obliging favour now
lays before me, wherein you kindly express
a pleasure at seeing my Wife & Niece
I thank you for them, & hope you have
seen them before this, I hope my Niece
will give Satisfaction in her Undertakg
when she has got the better of a little
timorousness she is rather Subject to,
Your New housekeeper is an entire
Stranger to me, tho' have heard a %day or two
ago she had liv'd in Cheshire, & was of
that Country, I have paid Mrs Charlier
fifteen pounds but hear nothing of the Mr Carr
as Mention'd on the outside of the Letter
directed to Mrs Charlier, I have Recd from
Mr Rumbold of Salthrop Bank bills 170£
w'ch have plac'd to yr Acct, the Acts of
Parliamt will procure for you soon as
possible, excuse me saying more than
due Respects to self & Family from
    Yr Affectionate
    W %Burchal
    in haste
Iuly 24th 1773

author BURCHAL W

Mr Orford
      new page
Dear Cousin
    I thank you for yr very kind
favour, w'ch Informs me of my Wife & Neice
Visiting How Lane & Lyme, I hope my
Neice will give Satisfaction in her Situation
we are as badly of here for light Gold as
you can be I have 62£ w'ch believe shall
be Oblig'd to dispose of for its value w'ch is
now only 3..17.10 - pr Oz — Yr Acts of parlmt
have not yet had time to purchase for you
but shall in a %few Days, I hope all yr Family
are well, excuse haste & believe me
    Yr Affectionate
    W %Burchal
Augt 3d 1773

be so good to deliver
the Inclos'd

author BURCHAL W

Mr Orford
      new page
Dear Orford
    I duly Recd yrs inclosg both
parts of the bank Notes Amountg to 85£
& 5 £ bill, but have heard nothing from
Mr H Richardson, Yesterday I sent by
Basses Waggon a %Small Truss directed to
P L Esqr the contents chiefly belong to
Mrs Legh only some coarse Huccabk
for Servants hall Table Cloths, so woud
have ^you^ order the Truss to be deliver'd to
Mrs Legh to take her little Matters out
of it, & then Suppose she will give the huccbk
to the House keeper, have inclos'd you the
bill, there is to be 4 Table Cloths 4½ yards long
& 4 Cloths 3½ yards long, a breadth & half to
the Cloths, Mr Heapy is here desiring me
to remind you of Returng him his lease
the Acts of parliamt you Mention'd will be
publis'd this day, so will send them you
as soon as can procure them, pray what
is done About Will Turners Acct- excuse
haste & believe me yr Affectionate
    W %Burchal
Augst 17th 73

[Note attached to this letter, in Burchal's hand]
Yours Inclosing 4 bills Value 300£
came to hand after this letter was
Seal'd, I thank you for yr Visit to
my Mother & very happy to hear so
good an Acct of her, also for yr enquiry
after Mrs Burchal who Arriv'd safe
Saturday was a week & very Well
Joins in Respects to you & yours —

author BURCHAL W

Mr Orford
      new page
Dear Orford
    I have by the Manchester
Coach this Eveng sent one of yr Acts of
Parliamt, (the Other will not be printed
Until Thursday Next,) inclos'd in a parcel
to Mrs Legh & have desir'd her to give my
Neice leave [corrected] to deliver it to you, also a
parcel [corrected] to Mrs Smyth, to whom my Complim
& tell her I hope she will Approve of what
I %have Sent her, I have not time or wou'd
have wrote a %few lines to her on the Occasion
I have some thoughts of visiting Lyme
Next Month will write the exact time
in a %post or two, my love to Neice yr_Self [across line]
& Family & am Dr Sir Yr very
    W %Burchal
Augt 24th — 73

author BURCHAL W

Mr Orford
      new page
Dear Orford
    After a %very agreeable Journey
I arriv'd safe at ye haven where I woud be
found all very well, & am now fully
engag'd taking an Acct of my Stock
the Box Arriv'd safe on Saturday Eveng
my Wife Returns Cousin Orford a %great
many thanks & sorry to be so Troublesome
Yr light money is all dispos'd of exceptg
{**}hn [torn off] Bullocks the 27/piece is Counterfeit
not worth more than half value thought
proper to Mention it before it was sold
so he may do as he thinks proper, there wer [edge paper]
also three countirfeit Guineas in P. Gs
parcel w'ch were sold at 3..5.0 pr Oz & an
18/ps at 3.17.0 w'ch reduces the sum to
47..8.6 & you make it 47.16.10 in P..Bs
parcel was one Counterfeit Guinea & 6/9 —
w'ch Reduces the sum to 11..16.3 & yrs is 11.19.3
the Others agree with you & are plac'd to
yr Acct- am with due Respects to Cousin
Orford & self yr very Affectionate
    W %Burchal
Oct{*} 5th — 73

[Note, probably in different hand]
P~ Batty{*} 18½ Guineas 4Oz..7dw..14gr

author BURCHAL W

Mr Orford

[Note probably in different hand, illegible, one word]
      new page
Dear Orford
    On Friday last I Recd yr
Favour Inclosing 13 bills Value 191.13.6
w'ch have plac'd to yr Acct, also yrs Inclosd
to Mr Barrow have Recd but not had time
to discharge tho' will take care to do it in
a %day or two at %farthest, Yr favour of puss
also came duly to hand, very good, & many
Thanks for it, I am not all Surpriz'd
to hear of yr discovery Among the Colliers
having had previous hints of the kind
I am sensible you have been pretty well
exercis'd in the detection of such a %Set
of Villains, & hope it will be a Check
to them for the future, am prevented
saying more at present than due [corrected] Respts
to Coz Orford & self & yrs Affectionly
    W %Burchal
Decr 28th — 73

Shall write in a %post or two

[Accounts in margin omitted]

author BURCHAL W

Mr Orford
      new page
Dr Orford
    You have Inclos'd the bills
& Rec~'ts, I promis'd you in my last —
the same error you committed in Leeches
Draft has discover'd itself this day in
yr Draft to Wm Gaskell w'ch is dated
Novr 6th instead of Decr 6th as you Advis'd
    am with due Respects yr very
    W %Burchal
Decr 30th — 73

author BURCHAL W

Mr Orford
      new page
[In top corner, upside down] 16.10

Dear Orford
    The Inclos'd bill is Return'd
to me, not paid, the person it is drawn
upon being out of Town & left no affects [a corrected from e?]
or provision for it, & very Uncertain when
he Returns, the Answer was in a %few
Weeks, but such Shuffling is not to be
depended on, so thought best to return
it, I have this Eveng Receiv'd the Turkey,
if you please m^a^y present my Duty
to Mr %Legh with many Thanks for
his kind present, I duly Recd yrs {*...} [torn off]
bill 58..15— w'ch have plac'd to yr Acct.
Am with due Respects yr Affectionate
    W %Burchal
Jany 4th 1774
Oxford Street

author BURCHAL W

Mr Orford
      new page
Dear Orford
    By last post I recd from
Mr Rumboll Bank bills Amtg to 170£
wch have plac'd to yr Acct, on Tuesday
last I had the pleasure of yr Bror in law
Mr T: Gaskells company & another
Gentleman to dine with me, but coud
not prevail on them to stay above an
hour after dinner, our little conversation
chiefly center'd in Cheshire & its environs
be so good to Inform Mrs Legh the Tea she
Order'd from Mr White I gave charge to
be sent by Coach w'ch set of on Wednesday
morng last five oClock, & if
duly forwarded will be at Lyme before
you receive this, if it shoud not, they
will know it is not my neglect —
am with due Respects to self & Family
    Yr very Affectionate
    W %Burchal
Ian'y 14th 1774
Oxford %Street

author BURCHAL W

Mr Orford

[Accounts, probably in different hand, omitted]
      new page
Dear Orford
    Yours of the 12th past Inclosg
bill on Atkinson &c Value 40£ came
duly to hand, also yrs of the 23d Inclosing
2 bills Value 91.19..9 the same, w'ch
have plac'd to yr Acct, likewise 30£ paid
to Mrs Legh, have this day taken up a
Small draft 5..5— drawn at Sight —
The Office pens you mention are Rais'd
from one Shilling pr hundd to 18 pence, if you
think proper will endeavour to procure you
some, we hear Nothing at present Relative
to any Other change in the Gold Coin, to be
depended on, the Silver is thought to be in
Agitation & great plenty circulates among
us, & some I may say a great part counterfeit
Mrs Smyth I find has Receiv'd a Satisfactory
Acct of the linen, will be Oblig'd to you to
deliver the Inclos'd to My Niece, am with
Respects to you & yrs yr very Affectionate
    W %Burchal
Iany 29th — 74

author BURCHAL W

Mr Orford
      new page
Dr Orford
    Yrs of the 15th came safe Inclosg
bills 71£ also yrs Yesterday Inclosg bills
328-9 £ am much Oblig'd to you for
yr Obliging enquire's, am something
better & Oblig'd to Attend Business before
I am well able, excuse me Saying [corrected]
more than thanks for yr goodness, &
further particulars in my next
    am with due Respects yr Affect
    W %Burchal
Mar 24th 74

author BURCHAL W

Mr Orford

[Accounts in different hand omitted]
      new page
My Dear Orford will wonder what is
become of me, & well he may, that has
never yet been Inform'd of his Remittances
on the 17th Mar for 71 £ & the 23d Do for 328£.9
whch came duly to hand, I am very sorry it
was not in my power to Advise him sooner
& hope he will excuse me when I %tell him
it was owing to Indisposition & hurry of
Business, am something better, but not well
I am much Oblig'd for the Baskett of
Sparlings w'ch were exceeding fine & very
good, Iohn Bullocks Gold was Sold for 1..6.3
& the Gold sent by Mrs Barrow 4Oz.7wt..13gr 37s..8d
Amountg to 16..19..11 £, Mr Barrow was here
this day, have not yet seen his better part
hope Cozn Orford & little Family were well
when you heard from 'em also the Family
at Newton parks, to whom pray my Repects
& accept the same from yr Affectionate
    W %Burchal
April 5th 1774

author BURCHAL W

Mr Orford
      new page
I thank my Dear Orford for his very kind
enquiries, & wholesome hints for a perfect re-
establishment of health, did I perceive in
myself any dangerous Symtoms shoud
readily embrace his prescription, but thank
God, am much better, & hope the Approaching
Season will contribute to the continuance
Business at this time is very Inviting &
am very desirous to lend all the Assistance
in my Power, I believe I never Inform'd you, I had
taken the next house, (w'ch was a Cabinet makers)
for a Term of Years & since Michaelmas last
have been very busy Repairing, & yet is not
ready for Occupation, am going to lay my Shop
to it. & Remove to the house, & lett the House we
live in, on Acct of Room, & a Commodious {*...} [torn off]
will make altogether, & tho' very expe{*...} [torn off]
yet don't doubt but it will be laid out {*...} [torn off]
Acct, so far concerning myself —
    When Governor was in Town, it was some time
before I cou'd wait on him, being very Indifferent
at that time, but hearing his Stay was to be
short, & he never calling upon me, was under
some Apprehension [corrected] all was not right, however
the first Opportunity I had when a %little better
      new page
I went to pay my Respects to him, he receiv'd me
with great complasance & Insisted on my drinkg
a Cup of Tea with him (it being morng & Keck not
with him) I sat down & we fell into Sociable
Chat, he enquir'd after Turner, & glad I was
that cou'd truly say he had behav'd very well
of late, that I thought what [corrected] H. Richardson
had wrote, had the desir'd effect, he promis'd
to call on me, & Accordingly did a %few days after,
but saw no more of him, Keck I never Saw
nor have heard nothing of them Since, their
bill is not paid, nor God knows when it will
I find she is to lay In at Stoughton —
now to answer yours, if any_thing I can offer
will be Acceptable, I wou'd not give my_self
the least concern, About either Smiles or
Frowns, you have the consolation of having
Acted as the Just Steward, & done more for them
than any before ever did, if they are not content
let them Mend themselves, you never will
Incurr disgrace in leaving them, the World
are too sensible of yr performance, & why shou'd
you Injure yr Family to let hundreds lay
dormant Year after Year & no Satisfaction
for it, Rouse yr Noble courage & let not Silence
or frowardness cast you down, you have been too easy
      new page
& their demand. on every Side exorbitant w'ch
you have been too Anxious to Supply. the Task
I am Sensible has been a difficult one, & will
so continue while you are too Passive, if he is
Silent, let him remain so, he will come about
again when the Pet is over, write to him as Usual
& it will wear off, I know of no Other Method
to keep peace at home, My Respects to Cozn Orford
& Self & am yr Affectionate
    W %Burchal
April 22d — 74

P S Governors Drafts are come up
I forgot to mention two small bills
in yr last w'ch receiv'd Safe
my love to Niece [corrected]
write soon

author BURCHAL W

Mr Orford
      new page
I recd my Dear Orfords Favour Inclosing
2 Small bills Value 24..15.. Bk Note 10£
& part Bank Note 100£ but nothing
from him Since, am doubtfull the
remainder has Miscarried pray advise
on the Receipt of this, if sent of —
have only time to conclude with Respects
    Yr Affectionate
    W %Burchal
May 14th 1774

author BURCHAL W

Mr Orford
      new page
I duly recd my Dr Orfords Favour Inclosing
the Other pt of Bk Note & two bills, wch hav{*} [worn off?]
plac'd to his Acct, have only time to Inform
him, a proper Attention will be paid to his
other Inclosure when Opportunity offers,
be so good to deliver the Inclos'd, am with
    due Respects his Affect
    W %Burchal
May 19th —74

author BURCHAL W

Mr Orford
      new page
Dear Orford
    I had your favour of 28th May
Inclosing bills Amountg 69..2.9 in due
time, have not heard any_thing from Mr
Rumbold, but perhaps may in a %few days
The Death of Mr. Peers Legh I fancy has
put the Family in some concern, was very
much surpriz'd at them laying him Ba{*...} [cut off — edge paper]
no doubt they had their Reasons for it, have
not time to Chat so pray excuse me saying
    more than yr very Affect***} [torn off]
    W %Burchall
Iune 4th —74

have got some pens for you
w'ch will send in first parcel

author BURCHAL W

Mr Orford
      new page
I beg my Dear Orfords pardon for not duly
Advising him of the Rect of his favour
on the 6th Instant. also of Bk bills
from Mr Rumbold Value 170,£ Yesterday
came to hand his favour Inclosing Bk 60£
all wc'h have plac'd to his Acct, Was not
certain whether he was Advis'd of the first
or not at the same Mr Rum_bold was
Answer'd, sorry to find it Slip'd my memory,
have so much Business on hand causes me
to be a little forgetfull, I wish much to
See my dear Orford, but doubt it will not
be this Summer a Serious Chat woud be
very agreeable tho' must be excus'd at
present time will not permit, hope to
hear from him very soon, have herewith
Inclos'd the bills of the parcel sent by
Basses Waggon on Monday by the time
this reaches perhaps will Receive the parcell,
    am with due Respects yr very
    W %Burchal
Iune 18th — 74

author BURCHAL W

        Iune 23. 1774
On Saturday last I wrote to my Dear
Orford Informing him I had duly Recd
his Remittances also from Mr Rumbold
& yesterday ^came to hand^ his favour, Inclosing two small
bills Value 22 £. but have never heard
a Word of Mr Leech nor any belonging
to him, in w'ch think he uses you very
Ungenteely, I observe what you say

[The rest of the letter has been lost]

author BURCHAL W

Mr Orford
      new page
Dr Orford
    I duly recd your Favour dated
June 28th Inclosing 2 bills Value ^£^ 94..18..
& Observe your drafts, have made a little
Addition to the Acct you Return'd me &
have made it out According to yr direction
Mr Almon desir'd me to send his little
bill & said he thought it had Slip'd
Mr Leghs Memory, forgot to send
the bill of the last Tea & C[rest torn off]
excuse me adding more than am with
Respects yr very Affectionate
    W %Burchal
Iuly 7th 74

My love to Nelly Forrest tell her
I will write her a Journal one of these
days I hope she is better [corrected]

author BURCHAL W

Mr Orford
      new page
Dear Orford
    Be so good to deliver
the Inclos'd to my Niece it shoud have
been sent last post but was too late
    Am yr Respectfull
    W %Burchal
9 July 74

author BURCHAL W

Mr Orford

[Accounts, probably in different hand, omitted]
      new page
Dr Orford
    Pray be so good to deliver the
Inclos'd to H Richardson it contains
W Turners Acct, am with due Respects
    Yrs Affectionately
    W %Burchal
Iuly 21st 74

hope to hear from you
very soon

author BURCHAL W

Mr Orford
      new page
Dr Orford
    Your favour Inclosing two bills
Value 60..4.2 came duly to hand —
Yesterday Young Masters call'd upon me
but being confin'd to my Room, by a Most
Malignant fit of the Gravel, was not
able to see him, but order'd Mr Wooloton
to pay him 30£ w'ch he did Accordingly
& took his Rect as you desir'd. the remaing
part of yr Letter ^will Answer^ as soon as can go out
I %am in a mending way & hope it will not
be long 'ere I can get down again, pray
don't Mention my Illness least it shoud
reach Haydock, it might give my Mother
too much concern, as the Physician has
this day taken his leave of me, I hope
there is no danger but of doing well soon
    Am with Respects to you & yrs
    W %Burchal
Iuly 28th 74 —

author BURCHAL W

Mr Orford
      new page
Dear Orford
    I thank you for your very
kind enquiry & good wishes towards me
I %am a great deal better & hope to continue
so, there is a little Note from the person
who purchas'd yr light Gold of the Weight
& Value w'ch have plac'd to yr Acct
I had a Letter from Govr last week to
discharge some bills for him for w'ch
purpose he sent me two 50 £ Drafts the
bills Amounted to 98 £ the overplus have
put the Credit of yr Acct, have not been
Able to go out yet to make enquiry after
the person you Mention'd in a %former letter
will not forget it, hope yr Family are
Well to whom Respects & also self from
    Yr Affectionate
    W %Burchal
Augst 4 — 74

My love to Nelly thank her for her Letter
will answer it very soon

author BURCHAL W

Mr Orford
      new page
Mr Burchal presents his respects
to Mr Orford begs he will deliver
the Inclos'd as directed, he also Informs
him, Mr Wooloton proposes himself
the pleasure of seeing him at Lyme
about the 18th of this Month, is now in
Leicestershire with his Fr~'ds

Augt 6th - 74

author BURCHAL W

Mr Orford
      new page
I beg My Dear Orfords pardon if I did not
Inform him of the Rect of those bills he
Mention'd in his last, w'ch came duly to
hand & plac'd to his Acct I %thank him
for his Obliging enquiry & Invitation
& shoud have no Objection if possible to
make it convenient but am not yet
certain, hope all his Family are well
kind respects wait on them & him from
    his Affectionate
    W %Burchal
Augt 13th — 74

Mr Hayward never
call'd to pay the 5 Guines

author BURCHAL W

Mr Orford
      new page
Dear Orford
    By yesterdays post I had a Letter
from my Bror Thos — wherein he Acquaints
me the Broad Oak Estate in Parr, is to
be Sold. & the people in that part conjecture
Mr Legh might probably become
the purchaser, shou'd this be the case,
My Bror wou'd be glad to have a Lease for
3 Lives ^on it^ or take it to Farm for a Term,
woud it be agreeable to you ^to^ Mention it
to Goverr if he Buys it, or will you be so
good to let me know?, & I will either write
to him, or if the more effectual, I woud
come down & wait on him in person,
I am the more anxious to have it, as
being a Situation agreeable to my poor
Mother, who I too much fear is very unhappy
on Acct of moving, & no prospect
where to, if my Dear Orford can Assist me
in this Affair, I shall ever esteem it the
geatest of Favours, by Return of post
let me have your Sentiments on the Subject
      new page
am with due Respects to you & yours —
    Yr ever Afectionate
    W %Burchal
Augt 16 1774

author BURCHAL W

Mr Orford

[Accounts, probably in different hand, omitted]
      new page
Dear Orford
    Yours Inclosing yr Acct
Currt I duly Recd & have minutely examin'd
it, & find it agrees with my books as nr
as possible, only I make you Dr for the
Interest of the Note drawn payable to
Mr Leech w'ch is 8/4 & two porterages one
Shilling each from Swan & two Necks in
Feby last of two Boxes fr P— L, on the other
hand I give you Credit for one Shilling charg^d^
too little in a bill No 57 Sum 17..10 & was
17..11.. also for 2..1..0 the overplus of payg
Mr Leghs bills as Inform'd in a former
Letter, leaves a Balance in my favour
of £8..1.11 w'ch have carried to a New Acct
& I believe Right, if otherwise tell me in
yr Next, By this fancy you have seen
Mr Woolloton who told me he had a Sketch
of a balance that must be erroneous
if he shoud be at Lyme when you Receive
this tell him I %am pretty well to make
himself perfectly easy I don't mind a %few
days to make his Journey Agreeable —
hope I shall hear from you soon on the
      new page
Subject of my last my kind Respects
Attend you & yrs & am yr truly Affection^{*}^
    W %Burchal
Augst 18th 74

I begin our New Acct with
the bills, Inclosd in yr last

author BURCHAL W

Mr Orford
      new page
Dear Orford
    I — Thank you for yr early &
very Affectionate Letter, cou'd have
wish'd it had brot me different Intelligence
Relative to Broad beck, but there is no
help for it, so I find all is come to pass
that I prophesied concerning an Accquaintance
of yours, times will change, &
as the Whim is over, may conclude it
will be never the Worse —
    I also thank you for yr Civilities to Mr
Woolloton, he is in his Kingdom come
Indeed I wish he may have a %pleasant
excursion — I have Inclos'd you the Acct
of the light Gold sent by my Niece
the Six Guineas Inclos'd in the Letter
were too light to be taken at the Bank
so I order Wm Turner to Sell them at the
same place where the last were, & he has
lost the Acct given him but brings me only
£5..17..0, Gold is so much fallen, as you'l
see by the Inclos'd Acct there was 3 Counterfeits
among the ports, you did mention the Draft
to H Richardson of 120£ —
      new page
    We have yr Ladies in Town but you
may have them home again, & I suppose
you will next Week, Your Moores &
Boggs have Strangly effected the Young
one, you must get her a Husband, she
knows not what to do with herself, but for
a little variety she has dischargd Loring
so you'l have a New face when they Return
if you think it woud be more agreeable
to send Govr & Acct. I will do it the first
Opportunity but I %think I %told him I
plac'd the overplus to yr Acct, —
    N- Forrest is well Joins Aunt & self
in kind Respects to you & Family
    I am yr very Affectionate
    W %Burchal
Augst 25th — 74

the Small bill you
last sent is not Acceptid
the person is not in Town

author BURCHAL W

Mr Orford

[Accounts omitted]
      new page
I had my Dear Orfords Letter Inclosing
three bills Amtg to 110 £ & also a %bill
in a Letter from my Niece Value 18£
which have plac'd to his Acct, Mr Woolloton
is got safe home again, begs his Respects
to Mr Orford & very sorry it [corrected] was not
in his power to perform his promise
of calling upon him on his Return
was tempted to stay longer in Lancasre
than he propos'd, is much Oblig'd for the
many favours conferr'd on him, we are
very busy for the Season having open'd
our New Shop, & hope shall find it
Answer have plenty of room w'ch before
we much Wanted, will take care to procure
Some handfs for Cousin Orford whenever
can Meet with any, at present is very
difficult so great Risk attends them —
my kind Respects attend you & yours
    & am ever yr Affect
    W %Burchal
Sep 20th 74

author BURCHAL W

Mr Orford
Lyme nr Disley
By Buxton

[At different angle, possibly in different hand]
20 Port
3 White do.
1 Lisborn
2 Sweet Moustair
      new page
Dear Orford
    I duly Recd your favour of the
23d past, covering 4 Bills Value 65..19.6
also yours on Monday last, coverg Do 29..13
& Observe yr Drafts, the Acct to Govr shall
be made out the first Opportunity, a Thousd-
thanks attend you & Cosen Orford for your
good Intentions of sending us Cranburys
beg you will not trouble yourselves to send
any this Season, nor let the Others you
Intended for us, seem any disappointment
Mr Ryle has since sent us a %few, so we
are pretty well off, now let me also thank
you for your kind Mention of my good
Mother & so agreeable an Acct is an Additional
Satisfaction to me, my Wish was to
have seen you all this Autumn, but Business
woud not Admit of it, by this time you
have heard we have no Parliamt your last
was charg'd one Shilling I have not had tim [edge paper]
to present the bill you Mention'd for Acceptanc [edge paper]
if it is Refus'd must Return it to you, we are
equally as Busy as in the Spring, w'ch you'l
say is no bad thing —
      new page turn over
I must desire you to Inform my Niece I recd
her last, & will duly Observe it, present me
love to her & accept same for self & better
part from yr very Affectionate
    W %Burchal
Octr 4th 1774
Oxford Street

author BURCHAL W

Mr Orford
      new page
My Dear Orford, I %fear will think me
Negligent in Answering his Letters of
the 1st & 8th Instant covering bills to
the Amount in both 75.15 £ — on looking
over his Acct I %find him a little behind
in Remittances especially when I %make
him Dr for Wm Turners bill w'ch expect
he has Receiv'd & also for Mrs A Leghs
bill, however am well convinc'd my Dear
Orford will Retrieve as soon as in his
power, I hope matters are brot to a more
agreeable Crissis, than formerly, at least
I wish to hear So, let me not forget to
thank my Dr O, for his kind Mention
of my good Mother, time will not permit
at present to enter on a Chat, but let
not that deter him from sociable Communications
when convenient as am ever glad
to hear from him, & with profound Respect
    his Affectionate
    W %Burchal
Novr 15th 1774

author BURCHAL W

Dr Orford
    I had yours Inclosg three bills
Value 70£ & glad to find you got well
home & found all tolerable, On Monday
last I sent yr Cloaths left in Town in two
Boxes on Acct of yr Hatt by Basses Waggon
You'l find yr bill book in one of the Boxes
have Return'd Proles bill with a Rect
you did not tell me What date those Drafts
were you sent Mrs A Legh I shall be at
a loss to provide for 'em, I %thought you
Mention'd something of Bank Notes being
Sent to me from Warrington, I have heard
nothing of any yet, I sent yours Whites
& got Receipts to each but have Mislaid
the bills so must send 'em in my Next
    Am with Respects to you & yrs yr
    very Affect
    W %Burchal
April 13th 75

excuse haste

author BURCHAL W

Dear Orford
    I duly Recd yours Inclosing
3 bank Notes Value 300£ w'ch have
plac'd to the Credit of yr Acct— Since you
left Town Mrs Keck has enter'd on
a New Acct, I was in hopes I might
have had leave to add it to the Old bill
but not comply'd with, however must
desire you to place the Old one to my Credit
as I have before told you I am a %Sufferer
by the length of time, Inclos'd, is your
bill for Tea & also the Acct of what you
had from me, Mr Woolloton has not time
to draw out the Whole Acct at present
will send it in my Next, I %am yrs
    W %Burchal
April 22d 75

Capn Haywards Complimts

author BURCHAL W

On the 20th past I recd a Letter cove^r^ing
bill 250£ from Mr Orford, w'ch shoud
have Advis'd before, & last Night Recd his
Second favour Inclosg 4 bills Value 90£
w'ch have plac'd to his Acct, Observe his
drafts, also the Slip of paper he mentions
of Mr G—s, the error in the Acct, was
an oversight of Mr Woollotons & yr own
you had advis'd of that Sum to pool before
we had the bill w'ch he took to be right
without Mentiong any_thing to me, & I had
enter'd the Acct in my book 95.2.6 —
you did not Advise of yr Draft to Ias Richar^d^
before yesterday w'ch not Observg at the
bottom of the Acct, was Surpriz'd with
its coming for payment this day, it is
of no Signification only beg you will be
punctual in Advising, I coud wish you &
Mr Gaskell coud have found any Other
person to have kept Cash for him, for
my Business is so m much encreas'd. I have
scarcely time to take care of my own
      new page
& find it will be Inconvenient to engage
an more Accounts, as have not a leisure hour
the day thro', I will honor what are already
drawn, but shoud be glad you [corrected] or he woud
look out in the mean time, — have Inclos'd
Mr Kecks Rect — am Dr Sr Yrs Respectfully
    W %Burchal
Iune 1st 75

[Note, probably in different hand]
H R at a mo 50

author BURCHAL W

Mr Orford
      new page
I had Mr Orfords favour Yesterday
Inclosing bill 50£ w'ch have plac'd to
his Acct, & shall Observe his drfs —
The Sequel of his Letter is in such a
Stile, that am Apprehensive he did
not Understand my Meang, it was not
on any Lucrative Acct- I objected to
Undertake Mr T. G's business here,
I had no such Motive, A Multiplicity
of Business is the case, what bills are
already drawn or may be drawn then
he can fix with a %person for that purpose
am willing [corrected] to honor, but can't think
of adding to what is already more than
can execute with any Satisfaction
have enclos'd White & Smith bills
    am Respectfully Yrs
    W %Burchal
Iune 8th 75

Shou'd think Smith Wright
& Gray the properest people
to keep Cash with, their terms
are easy —

author BURCHAL W

I had Mr Orfords Letter dated
17th Iune in due time Inclosg £88..1..0
have heard nothing from Mr Rumboll
yet, the Watch mention'd to pay Sanderson
for, have had no Opportunity, but the
first time any of my people go that
Way will take care to discharge it,
have Inclos'd Wm Turners bill, w'ch
be so good to give Harry Richardson
& Inform of Rect of the money when
paid & you'l Oblige Yrs Respectfully
    W %Burchal
Iune 24th 75

author BURCHAL W

Mr Orford
      new page
I had Mr Orfords favour of 24th June
covering bill 105..8.6 which plac'd
to his Acct, by the time he gets
this, he will be Inform'd why the
Money Was not sent from Salthrop
Mrs Legh made a %Sufficient Apology
to me & promisd it shoud be sent
when due which I think reasonable
very few pay before it is due —
be so good to give the Inclos'd to
Nelly Forrest & will Oblige
    Yrs Respectfully
    W %Burchal
Iuly 4th 75

author BURCHAL W

I had Mr Orfords Letter of the 7th
Inclosing 3 bills 66..3..0 also of the
14th 4 bills 109..12..0 all plac'd to
his Acct. likewise Observe his drafts
have Inclos'd Sandersons Rect for
a %Watch, have not yet Recd any_thing [line break]
from Mr Jay, when I %do will
Advise you of it Am Respectfully
    W %Burchal
Iuly 22d 75

author BURCHAL W

I have this day Sold the two portugae
pieces Mr Orford sent by Mrs B—
for 2..15.3 w'ch have plac'd to the
Credit of his Acct— also 170£ Recd
Yesterday from Mr Jay, have this
post Inform'd him of the same in
the cover sent for that purpose
    Am Respectfully
    W %Burchal
Augst 1st —75—

author BURCHAL W

I had Mr Orfords favour Inclosing
bills & Notes of hand ^for 86.60.6^, but God knows
when they will be honor'd however
When they are, Mr, O, shall be Acquainted
with it, have plac'd Wm
Turners Acct to you & sent a Rect
for it, hope to be in Lancashire in
About a Week & shall bring with me
the Indentures you left to get Stampd
as expect shall meet with you there
    Am Yrs Respectfully
    W %Burchal
Augt 5th 75

author BURCHAL W

Dr Sir
    I was sorry I %coud not wait on Mrs Orford
in How Lane my good Intention was
frustrated by Incessant Rains, & put
me to the expence of a Post Chaise from
Stockport to Macclesfield, & certainly the
Worst Horses that ever were haness'd —
I was almost four hours in going between
Bullock Smithey & Macclesfield, for
the future I shall remember Mr Hancock
of the White Lyon, to make short my
Story I am at last safe Arriv'd in London
& found all well, last night Mr Barrow
was with me to offer a %part of the money
for the Note you know of, he is at prest-
very ill push'd to raise a %part & poor
man is very low Spirited, in laying
before me his case, he is much to be
pitied, as I think he has an honest
heart, says if you coud look of the Money
till Christmas is over he shoud have it
in his power to pay it with ease, but
this being a dull time of the Year in his
Business & his wife Scarcely out of the Straw
      new page
he has it not in his power & expresses
great concern at Tresspassing on his Friends
& contrary to his Inclination, if you
can Indulge him for the time Mention'd
I think it woud not only be an act of
Friendship but really of Charity, —
I promis'd him I %woud write to you on
the above mention'd Occasion, so shall be
glad of answer when you write me again
the other Note is promis'd to be paid the
29th Instant by a Letter from Gammage
The Cranberries are safe Arriv'd, for w'ch
my Wife Returns you & Mrs Orford her best
Thanks, knows not how to come of Debt
hopes you are all well Joins in Respects
with yr Affectte
    W %Burchal
Sepr 21st — 75

my Respects to Niece
& shoud be glad to hear from her

author BURCHAL W

Mr Orford
      new page
Dr Orford
    have only time to tell you
have this Moment Recd Yrs of 16th Instant
Wherein Observe yr Drafts & that I %had
the two halfs of 100£ very safe, also
Yr Acct agrees with us, excuse haste
    & belive me Yrs
    W %Burchal
Octr 19th 75

author BURCHAL W

Dear Orford
    I had yr favour Yesterday with
two ten pounds B~k Notes, w'ch plac'd to
Yr Acct, I am glad you found all well
at %home & thank you for yr Mention of
Forrest, will be Oblig'd to you to give the
Inclos'd to her, I was in expectation
(According to yr wonted Candour) you woud have
Mention'd what progress had been made
Relative to a %person who was in a Cloud when
I had the pleasure of seeing you last, has
it burst or is %it dispers'd, I have never
Yet taken up pen to write to Governor concerng
the little Inclosure on Newton Common
I hope I may Rely on Yr Assurance of it
without any farther Trouble, & also have
the Concurrence of Mr Banks & Mr Blackbourne
in the Affair, Yr Answer will Much
    Oblige yrs Assuredly
    W %Burchal
Octr 31st 1775

author BURCHAL W

Mr Orford
      new page
Dr Orford
    Yours Inclosing bills for 75.5—
Arriv'd safe, have not yet compass'd yr
little Order for Tea, but will not forget
it, as soon as can Stirr out, have been
Confind these Twelve days the particulars
Refer you to my Niece who I have taken
the Liberty of Inclosg [corrected] a %few lines in this
Cover hope self and Family are Well
to Whom Respects from Yrs
    W %Burchal
Novr 25 75

author BURCHAL W

Mr Orford
Haydock Lodge

[Accounts, probably in different hand, omitted]
      new page
Mr Burchals Complim'ts to
Mr Orford, thanks him for his
Obliging Invitation, hopes he'll
excuse him dining at Newton
as he has an Objection to dining
in public, wou'd much Rather Mr O
wou'd dine at Sutton on Sunday
if convenient, if not, will wait
on him at Haydock on Monday
if agreeable, all at Sutton are Well

Saturday Morng

author BURCHAL W

Dear Orford
    I duly Recd yr two last favr
one Inclosg bill 20£ w'ch shall
be plac'd to yr Directions, am Oblig'd to
you for a Hare w'ch came safe Yesterday
have Inclos'd yr Acct Currt as with us
& yr own Acct with Remarks on the
errors hope on examination you'l find
it Right to the New Year, I am sorry
my Letter to Lancashire is delay'd
tho' of no great consequence only I %desir'd
to let me know whether you gave leave
for the Timber on Burtonwood Tenemt
might be taken towards Rebuilding the
House as it is time to fall Ash if there
is any, pray let me know when you
Receive yr Tea &c have not done any_thing [across page]
      new page
with yr Tankard but will the
first Opportunity, I am so much confind
the more Business Requires more care
& indeed was but poorly sometime before
Christmas but am now very well
we have Severe Weather, but as it is
Seasonable must content ourselves
Young Masters was here Yesterday
& wanted 30£ w'ch I gave him & took
his Rect- he is in a %poor State of health
he talks of Visiting you at Lyme soon
as he is a %little better & the Weather
Warmer, Mrs Burchal Joins me in Respects
to Mrs Orford & self & am wishing you
many happy Returns of Season yr
    W %Burchal
Iany 9th 1777
      new page
[Notes, probably in different hand]

author BURCHAL W

Mr Orford
      new page
Dear Orford
    I recd yrs of 7th & 10th both
at same time the last covering bills
to Amt of 174.7.— & will Observe
yr Drafts, I gave yr Draft to Willett
& took his Rect w'ch y'av'e Inclos'd —
I am glad you Recd the box Safe & the
Contents Approv'd of, I %thank you for
the Hare w'ch came safe & very good
be so good to give the Inclos'd to Mrs Legh
& also tell Forrest I am Oblig'd to her
for her Letter, & my Respects to her
the Same to self & Family & am
    with esteem yrs
    W %Burchal
Jany 16th 77

author BURCHAL W

Mr Orford
      new page
Dr Orford
    Inclos'd I %send you a %bill
Noted, w'ch I %little Suspected, I have
sent to Mr Master to Accquaint
him with yr desire of having him
at Lyme excuse me saying than
    I %am Yrs
    W %Burchal
Iany 23 77

[Attached note, probably in different hand]

Notg ....2..6
no Effects

author BURCHAL W

Mr Orford
Lyme nr Disley
      new page
Dr Orford
    I had yours duly coverg
four bills Value 66£ & have put
'em to yr Acct, by the Same %post
I recd from Mr Jay 170£ w'ch have
also plac'd to yr Acct- Mr Master
tells me he designs Mr L— a Visit
soon, wanted to know what stay a
person made at B— I coud not
tell him, he will not Stay long with
you it will be necessary for him to
Attend the Season at Tunbridge for
the benefit of the Waters, he seems poorly
My Respects Attend you & Family
    am yrs with Esteem
    W %Burchal
28 Jany 77
      new page
I have two Cases directed for
H..} Richardson at Haydock
woud you have me Use 'em to
you with yr Cypher under the
Seal, have no Cases to you left

author BURCHAL W

Mr Orford
      new page
Dr Orford
    Did I accquaint you of the
Rect of yrs covering 6 bills Value 207..15
also the 40£ from Mr Harrison, I %believe
not, however they came safe & likewise
yrs this day with 63..16.1 — shall
Observe yr Drafts, Mr Flodman was
enquiring after you desires his Respects
who do you think is going to be Wed
but yr Old Fr'd Madam P.. Oliver
you must not Mention it yet a While
it is not over, I thank you for yr
kind Mention of my Family at Sutton
you know it is a %pleasure to hear of 'em
being Well, will you be %so good to give
the Inclos'd to Forrest shou'd have
wrote to her but have not time, am
    with Esteem yrs Truly
    W %Burchal
8th Feby
.. 77 —

author BURCHAL W

Mr Orford
      new page
Dr O—
    Yours of the 7th Surprizes me no
little, in w'ch you tell me you was Thunderstruck
by the Application of Ia~ Derbyshire
to know if you was Accquainted with
the Trees being fallen in Burtonwood
when you cou'd make him so plausible
an Answer, his pretensions to the
Tenement are as Spurious as to the
Rest of the Effects of Peter Rougshedge
& w'ch will no doubt be very soon disclosd
but what need have you to be in such
a puzzle About what is fallen however
the disputes terminates, while the Timber
is on the premises it is at yr Command
if I shoud loose it, than what need
of taking it off at this time, if you
Oblige me, let it remain, it woud have
      new page
a Strange Appearance for you to fetch of Timber
Assign'd to me, for the benefit of the Premises
People woud have grounds to say I was only
a Pretender to the Estate, if you were afraid
of Tales being told, why did not you tell the
first, if you had accquainted me with any
Scruples you had in Allowing it me, I woud
have Wrote to Mr Legh myself, you Allow'd
me the Liberty & I %orderd 'em to fall 'em as
it was the Season of the Year for Ash &c
to be cut down, no one can Use green Timber
for any_thing but Hedge Stakes, & even that
there was present Need of to fence, the Whole Ring
fence being Wanted, you may Mark it all
& let it lie, but desire there may be no
bustle nor a Stick taken of, I can't say
I %am pleas'd at yr entertaing any Indifferant
Opinion of my Right to it, only enquire of
Turner & Kerfoot & they will Satisfy you
let me hear from you by Return
    & you'll Oblige Yrs
    W %Burchal
Feby 15th- 77
Oxford Street

author BURCHAL W

Mr Orford
Haydock Lodge

[At different angle]
light gold2 12 6
forgot —— 2.8

      new page
Dr Orford
    I %am Oblig'd to you for an explanation
of yr Astonishment express'd
in a %former Letter at the Attempts of
that Villain! Darbyshire, tho in my
Opinion neither that, nor the Timber
being fallen at Burtonwood coud Admit
of much Surprize, if you Recollect
yourself when I ask'd you at Sutton
for some Timber towards Building you
said if there was any_thing worth falling
I %might have it, in the presence of Bror
Thos & my Mother, & if Short you wou'd
See & help out, now being so little upon
the premises gave Sanction to my
Brors proceedings when he had answer
from me that you had Repeated the
Liberty by Letter 7th Jany last
      new page
therefore pray don't blame him, Notwithstanding
I have Accquainted you from whence the Liberty
taken, arose, yet am sorry to give Umbrage
either to you or any_one else by Unprecedented
Practices, or in any respect contrary to Custom
it is very well you have sent to Mark them, & for
a little While pray be so good to let 'em lie, for the
Reason I gave you in a %former Letter, Ash as
you Observe is not very proper Wood for Housebuildg
but might do very well for a Stable w'ch is Wanted
& w'ch I thought of Raising to the end of the Barn, at
as little expence as possible, I don't know that
it is worth my Notice to build at all, only thought
the place was Run out, & with a little help might
lett pretty well, or if our Family chose to go to it
being Unsettled, it shoud be made fit for their purpose
& the Chief motive for my setting About it, the Affairs
of the late P.. Roughsedge are in a perverse Situation
but am in hopes a little time will set forth the
Fraud Attempted & render the property to the right
Owners, I have heard nothing of those people coming
to Town you Mention'd, suppose I shoud if it was so
Yrs Inclosg Six bills Value 58..11— came safe
& plac'd to yr Acct-
    I am Respectfully Yrs
    W %Burchal
22d Feby — 77

author BURCHAL W

Mr Orford
      new page
Dear Orford
    I observe yours of 27th last
& must own I had Contru'd yrs in
a different light to what you there
express, I am Oblig'd to you for yr good
wishes, & yr Assurance of 'em Cancels
every Misconstruction of what has past
with respect to the Money you pay
& Receive on Mr Masters Acct do as is
most agreeable to yourself, I suppose
you will have heard before this Reaches
that Master Keck is dead, & what
Tribulation they are in, Mr & Mrs K—
came to Town on Thursday Night &
Mrs Smythe was sent to him to Croyden
& the same Night he died, this morng
they set off for Stoughton & about
      new page
Noon Mrs A L came to Town from
Bath, & on hearing the News was almost
distracted. however my Wife told her
Mr & Mrs K were for Bath as soon
as they Arriv'd at Stoughton that she
had better Return again to Bath than
follow them & Accordingly she did, when
She had got some Money the Rect for
it is here Inclos'd, it is not for any
draft of yours but money paid her
I happen'd to be gone into the City so
did not see her, I am with esteem
    Yrs Truly
    W %Burchal
8 Mar 77

my love to Forrest

author BURCHAL W

[Possibly different hand]

Mr Orford
Haydock Lodge
      new page
Dr Orford
    I had yr Favour this day Inclosg
two bills for 123£ w'ch placd' to your Acct
pray be so good to give the Inclos'd to
direction & you'l Oblige yrs Respectfully
    W %Burchal
Mar 13th 77

will enquire for pens
for you, I believe I shall
keep yr Tankard it is a
long time in getting a %passage
here is the Rect I shoud have
sent in my last as Mention'd

author BURCHAL W

Mr Orford

[Accounts, probably in different hand, omitted]
      new page
Dr Orford
    I had your favour of the
22 March w'ch inclos'd bills £198.17..3
& Yesterday yrs coverg two bills for
£113..7..0 & plac'd to yr Acct- N.. Forrest
is here & desires Respects to you, as
also Yrs Truy
    W %Burchal
April 10th 77

excuse haste

author BURCHAL W

Mr Orford
      new page
Dear Orford
    I had yr favor Yesterday
Inclosing five bills Value 430£
Observe yr Drfs I had a Letter from
Mr Keck this day Informing me
of having Wrote to you to furnish
me with a Hundred pounds on his
Acct as shoud have Occasion to
draw on Saturday Next for that
Sum at a Month, Miss Legh was
desirous to have an Order for her
Quarters Stipend w'ch pray send
her, Am with Respects Yr Truly
    W %Burchal
18 April 77

author BURCHAL W

Mr Orford
      new page
Dr Orford
    I had yr favour Yesterday
Covering a Letter to Forrest who
has her hands full, her Old Lady
being Indispos'd, Must get you
to Receive the Inclos'd Draft as
soon as you can it is for a Genmn
who I wish to Oblige & let me know
when it is paid that I may give
him the Money it is made payable
to your Order that any_one you
know may Receive it, & I shall
esteem it a %favour & am with
    due Respects yrs Truly
    W %Burchal
24 April 77

author BURCHAL W

Mr Orford
      new page
Dear Orford
    On Thursday last
came to hand yr Favour Inclosg bills
Value £97..14..0 [corrected] w'ch plac'd to yr Acct
shou'd be glad of an Answer about
Mr Heskeths Draft he grows Impatie [edge paper]
don't be Surpriz'd when I %tell you
A..I..K.. Esqr has Reimburs'd yr Acct
with 100£ he drew for last month
this day, & Said he expected Letters from
you directed to me w'ch I %promisd
to forward to him at Stoughton
Where [corrected] he is Set out for, this Afternoon
& talk'd of being at Haydock soon
hope yr little folks have had a
favourable Affliction & got better
am with Respects Yrs Truly
    W %Burchal
May 10th 77
Oxford Street

author BURCHAL W

Dear Orford
    I had yrs on Monday last
Inclosg bills for 120£ & I. Drinkwaters
Letters upon Sight whereof I releasd
Mr Hesketh from his Anxiety
by giving him the Cash, & made you
Dr for it, the Inclosd have paid &
set to yr Acct, have not had time
to Inspect yr Acct Currt, but hope to
find we agree, I think my last
Mention'd A..I..K having Replac'd
the Draft he drew for 100£ am very
glad to hear so favourable an Acct of yr
little folks under their Affliction —
I am with due Respects yrs Truly
    W %Burchal
May 15th— 77
fine growing Weather

author BURCHAL W

Mr Orford
      new page
Dear Orford
     I had yours Yesterday with
12 bills for 293.5..6— £ & shall Observe
yr Drafts, I am much Oblig'd to you
for the Salmon w'ch came safe & very good
but on proceeding to peruse the Remainder
of yr Letter must tell you I never was
more Surpriz'd in my life, to find any
such Unjust & ungenerous nay Wicked
Accusation either under or over the Rose
to convince you it is so, have Inclos'd ye-
Voucher w'ch will answer for itself, &
the only ^one^ he has drawn upon me for these
two years or more am not certain to ye
time, these private enemies hurt me
more than you can conceive, & beg you'l
Relieve me by a %proper Information
from whence, & for what, I am thus
Injur'd, pray be generous, for I am determin'd
to know, if either Mr or Mrs Keck
has fram'd it they shall hear from me
or if it is Mrs As -Coinage I will not
be Silent, she might as well take away
      new page
my life as my Reputation —
    I must tell you when Mr K— came to
Town he call'd upon me & ask'd me if
I knew who were Bankers for Bath
I said I did not. & had a Chk in his hand
to fill up, but went away without doing
it, & said he wou'd [corrected] call again, Accordingly,
on the 12th of May he did call & left me
a Draft upon Pybus & Co Bond Street
wch was duly honor'd, so there was not
Room for conjecture, he never Mention'd
his Acct with me, nor I to him a %word about
it, therefore cou'd give no Umbrage in that
What is mean't by it, am desirous to know
have inclos'd Miss Leghs Rect for her Qu
payment, Mrs Legh lift Town Yesterday
was a Week, to go to Mr Freemans where
she propos'd Staying a %week, I %think I %did
Advise you of Receiving Drinkwaters Draft for
Hesketh, I fear you'l think I %forget y{*}
Tankard, I have had it all over the Town
but can't match it, & it can't be mended
      new page
without appearance woud you have me get
one made like it, let me know & it shall
be done, my Wife Arrives at Sutton this
Eveng (& I hope well) to make a Short Stay
if you take a Ride that way pray call
a line from you Immediately will be
    duly esteem'd by yrs Truly
    W %Burchal
3 June 77
Oxford Street
excuse Scrawl

author BURCHAL W

Dear Orford
    I shoud have answer'd yours
by last post, only thought I woud write
to the people at Bath to know the Meaning
of such Message to Mr K, w'ch
I did, & when Sealing it up, Will Turner
came into the Compting House, & on
Mentioning the Affair to him, he said
he thought such a %bill had been left
for Acceptance [corrected] & the person call'd
for it the Next day, while I was out
& on finding it not Accepted, the person
who call'd said it was of no Signification
he suppos'd it woud be paid when due,
Will, Answer'd he might depend upon
that, & so took it away, When I %ask'd
Will Turner why he did not Accquaint
me with it, he said he thought I had seen
      new page
it, & did not think any more about it
here lays the case, & of w'ch I was Intirely
Innocent, for never saw his Draft, nor
heard any_thing of it. till it came for
payment, Mr K, as I %told you wrote
to me before he drew, & when at my
house I shew'd him the Entry in our
bill book for it, & ask'd him if I %had
taken the right date w'ch was the
19th April, & it prov'd he had drawn
on the 18th, I %am Sorry Mr K, had [corrected] any
Room for Suspicion, that I did not pay
due Attention ^to^ for his Draft, as am &
ever have been ready to Oblige the Family
in every Respect, in my power, shoud be
glad you Mention this to Mr K, & remove
any Umbrage he may have Imbibed
on the Occasion, as I %told you before it
      new page
hurts me much, Now to accquaint you
with the Comparison of our Accts they
do not agree, there is a Ten Guineas
Mr Master had 19 Jany last w'ch
perhaps you were not Accquainted with,
Mr Woolloton Imprudently did not balance
Our Acct when you sent your last Acct
to —77, he thinks that Acct was Return'd
to you again, we don't find it, if so, shoud
be glad you woud send it up by first post
as it may Assist him in rectifying it
or if you will draw a fresh Acct to Middsum{*}
Insuing as soon as Opportunity offers I %will get
a balance Struck, that we may go on Correct
for the future [corrected], I am Oblig'd to you for yr
kind Visit [corrected] ^to^ & Mention of my %Wife & all
Friends My %respects to you & yrs from
    Yrs Sincerely
    W %Burchal
Iune 14th - 77 —
      new page
The Inclos'd is Mr Coopers Acct for
passing Indentures never brot to Acct
the Indentures are at Sutton

author BURCHAL W

Mr Orford
      new page
Dear Orford
    I recd yours Yesterday Inclosg
five bills Value 113..7 — & Observe
yr Drafts, the Acct to Middsummer
have not examin'd carefully, but on
a Slight Survey have discoverd two
errors one Remittance you date the
9 June with five bills 94..16.—
on the 7th June I %recd from you 3 bills
124Value 50 £ & on the 11th- Mackeys
bill 34.16 — w'ch makes 84.16 —
on the 16th came to hand 3 bills 131308.13
w'ch you charge 326.13 — — will you
be so good to look over & see if you find
right, I %recd some Writings from Warrington
& coud not think why I had no Acct of
them Mr Master is at Margate
& will forward them to him to Sign
      new page
My Niece Joins in respects with
    Yrs Truly W %Burchal
July 3d — 77

very Wet Weather

author BURCHAL W

Dear Orford
    I have this day Receiv'd yrs
Informg of your Draft, & have Inclos^d^
you a sketch of Balance w'ch when
you have plac'd to Our Credit will
agree exactly to Iuly 77 — the 9..12
to Carr & Co was the Overplus of Mrs Kecks
bill w'ch you desir'd me to add for the
Discharge thereof to a Draft of 80£
payable to Mrs A.L or order —
    the rest you have an Acct of, & leaves
a Balance in yr favour 355..8.0
when examin'd pray advise if it agrees
Thank you for yr enquiry after Mrs B
who by this time is at Macclesfi^e^ld
    Am very Respectfully Yrrs
    W %Burchal
Iuly 8th - 77 —

author BURCHAL W

Dear Orford
    I had yr favour Yesterday
Inclosing bill on Wigley 24.11—
also yr Acct w'ch you'l find by yr own
Letter is in error, those sums you
Mention being plac'd to a New Acct
& then all is Right, have sent you
Hopkins bill w'ch overlook't & thought
had sent before, I beg your pardon for
not sending the writings to Warrington
had mislaid yr Letter & sent 'em to you
at Lyme by Pickfords flying Waggon
& hope you have Recd 'em, yr Tankard
is finish'd & to my fancy a very hand^som^
one it is, will send it [corrected] first Opportuni^ty^
thank you for yr Invitation will endeavour
to Accept it am Respectfully
    yrs W %Burchal
Iuly 17th — 77

author BURCHAL W

Mr Orford
Lyme Hall
By Buxton
      new page
Dear Orford
    On Wednesday Night last
I arriv'd in London after an agreeable
Journey from Macclesfield, & found
all Well, I expected you woud have
come up with the Chaise in Howe
Lane, was under some Concern I did
not take proper leave with you, &
thank you for the many Civilities
I recd from you while in the Country
pray Accept my th Since my Return
I recd yours Inclosg 25..5 £ & observe
yr Drafts, I have seen Mr Wilde
& he desires his Respects to you says
he has it not in his power to send
you any black Tea nor Green under
9/6 at prest, that he says is very good
      new page
but seems Timorous in dealing in the
Article, I have purchasd you Salt
ladles & will send 'em with yr Tankard
the first Opportunity, I %am Scarcely
Settled at home to know what I %am
about, in my Next shall give you some
Acct of Wm Turner at present
Remain with kind Respects to Mrs O
Self Yr very Affect
    W %Burchal
Sepr 16th 77

My love to Neice Forrest tell her
I wou'd have Wrote to her but have no
Cover to you, when I write to Mrs Legh
will enclose One to her

author BURCHAL W

Mr Orford
      new page
Dr Orford
    I had yr favour Duly
Inclosg Six bills for 99.9.9£
Observe yr Drafts Mr Flodman
Din'd here Yesterday Says he fears
you will think he has forgot
the Debt he owes you it was to
have been paid by the Richardsons
but he will to you himself
I am with due Respects Yrs
    W %Burchal
Sepr 23d - 77

let all covers be directed to me only

author BURCHAL W

Dear Orford
    I had yr favour Inclosing
bills & Rect for 83£ & Observe yr Drfs
I %waited upon Mr Nichols this morng
& desir'd me with his Complimts to
tell you he woud forward the Affair
with all diligence, I %forgot to tell you
I %sent Mr Master 10£ to Ma^r^gate
I expected him in Town before this
but have not seen him, excuse
me saying more than I %am Yrs
    W %Burchal
30t Octr 77

in haste more in my Next

author BURCHAL W

Mr Orford

[Note in different hand]
Nov 3 To W Hancock at 40 d~s— 20
    7 To Iohn Hallwood 50 ds— 50

new page

Dear Orford
    When I wrote last I was in
haste had Scarcely time say I had yrs
nor have much more at prest— however
will not defer Accquainting you, with
the Rect of yrs covering two bills 20£ each
Suppose you have heard from Mr Master
Iunr hinting to you his Necessities, as
his Mother is hourly expected if not
Arriv'd, he has had 20£ from me this
Week & Wants more w'ch shoud have given
only Run bare coud not Spare it on
Acct of Several large bills due upon me
those you know must be provided for
I %will endeavour to see Mr Wylde soon
as possible to get you some Tea, but Dr
Orford Short as time is with me I %must
tell you a %great piece of News, Yr Old
Frd Flodman is going to Marry a Young
Woman of three or four & Twenty a bouncer
you need not say I %told you tho' 'tis true
    I %am yr Affectionate
    W %Burchal
8 Novr 77 —

author BURCHAL W

Mr Orford
      new page
Dear Orford
    I had the pleasure of yrs
this Day Covering bills for 153..13..8
& Observe yr Drafts, since my last
have Assisted Mr Master with 30£
More, w'ch makes 50£ Since he came
to Town, & by his desire plac'd in
one entry, I have not heard whether
his Mother is Arriv'd in Town yet
I wish Frd Flodman was prudent
enough to make the Remark you
Mention in yrs as the case is Similar
but not a Word to me About it nor
I. to him, tho' we are upon very Friendly
Terms, excuse my Short Scrawl
Mr Ryle Iunr is just come to Town
& waits my Conclude g w'ch is with due
    Respects to self & Family am
    yrs Truly W %Burchal
15 Novr 77

author BURCHAL W

Dr Orford
    I had yr favr Yesterday with
Ten bills for 280..16— £ w'ch have plac'd
to your Acct, I have not seen Mr Masters
Since his Mother came to Town am a
little Surpriz'd at it, as he promis'd so
to do, his Father I %find is soon expected
& high time for him to come, as nothing
has been discharg'd, that he took with
him when he left England, & must have
been Inconvenient to those who fitted him
out, this you need not take any Notice of
I observe yr Commissions by W— Turner, w'ch
am a Stranger to, as on his Return, he
has left my house, the particulars wou'd
be too Tedious to Insert here, for tho' it was
not my desire or design to keep him
yet had no thoughts of him leaving me in
Manner he has done, from his behaviour
I conclude he has been Closetted at Lyme
& the Orders he has to execute Confirms me
in my conjecture, he has calld once to
Settle his Acct but know Nothing Where
he is, have been Inform'd he is laying out
      new page
for a place, I believe I mention'd something
to you of parties in my house, they were
Mounted to such a pitch that I was almost
a Stranger in my own house, this I grew
tir'd of, & was determin'd to exert myself
& have discharg'd another of my Men
T.. W & I, are upon no good Terms w'ch is
the principal Cause, & believe must
Settle that too, that good Old Adage
(Nosce te ipsum) know thy_self, is
very much Wanting in T.W — but why
shoud I trouble you with ^these affairs^ & afterwards say [edge paper]
don't mention it, but you'l excuse my
Freedom, as it denotes a Confidence repos'd
in you, the Communication of Sentiments
Relieves the Mind, Mine has had plenty
of exercise on one Acct or Other this Year
I will send yr Tankard & let you know
when to meet it, Mr Wylde can't yet supp [edge paper]
you with Tea, pray my Respects to Mrs Orfo [edge paper]
accept same yrself as am truly yrrs
    W %Burchal
27 Novr 77

[At different angle]
Mr Ryle at my elbow
desiring his Compliments

author BURCHAL W

Dear Orford
    I shou'd have answer'd yrs by
last post, only Was not Able to hold up
my head, am but so, so, now, only desirous
to Accquaint you of Rect of 15 bills 237.7
& also of 105.11. on the 1st Instant, Mr Master
has been telling me he wrote to you he %had
Recd 50 £ from me on his Mothers Acct
I woud have sent yr Box with Tankard
&c if had been well, hope to do it Next Week
By Bass, will give you a line When to
Receive it, I thank you for yr Sympathy
on prest Affairs my paths have not been
very Smooth of late, I need not wish to
Tread them over again, when I write again
hope to give you a longer Letter in the mean
time Am with true Respects yrs Affect
    W %Burchal
Decr 13th — 77
Oxford Street

author BURCHAL W

Dear Orford
    After a Tedious Trespass
on yr patience in Sending yr Tankard &c
I have this day pack'd it in a Box directed
to you Howe Lane nr Disley & sent it
by Basss Waggon, a_long with it have send
you a Dozn of yr Sort pocket handfs w'ch
I think you desir'd when in Cheshire last
& the Vouchers to July last, but will
Vouch for all being there, likewise a parcel
for Mrs Legh two Do for Mr Legh brot to me
by Mr Master & shoud have forwarded all
befor Wednesday last only Mrs Wylde call'd
& told me her Husband was in hopes of
Supplying yr Order this Week so deferr'd it
till this day, he call'd last Night & told me
he cou'd not compass it without great Risk
w'ch he wish'd to Avoid, there is also a %parcel
for Niece Forrest w'ch be so good to give her
when you see her, in one of yr last Letters you
Mention them being at Bath I %heard they were
leaving that place About a fortnight ago, to go
      new page
to Lyme, & shou'd be glad to know if they were
arriv'd & how Mrs Legh is, if Nelly is with
you tell her I wish much for a line from her
I do not know What is become of Wm Turner he
takes care to keep out of my sight nor can I
I learn where he Lodges, so I trouble not my_self [across line break]
about him, he left me in a very Unbecoming
Manner, if I %was as Well Quit from T..W—
I shoud not care, but of that time am not certain
tho' fully determin'd upon, & must endeavour
to fix the time soon as possible —
    Mr Master tells me a %few days ago they had
not Recd the 100£ you Mention he wants
50£ more from me Next Week, — excuse
me saying more than Respects to Cousin Orford
& self & Remain with Sincerity Yrs
    W %Burchal
Decr 20th — 77
Oxford Street

pray write soon as you
receive the Box if not before

no 'more Covers for you

[At different angle]
pray advise me what I am to do
about Kecks bill

author BURCHAL W

Mr Orford —
      new page
Dear Orford
    On the 22d I had yr favor with
Bills for £131..10— w'ch plac'd to yr
Acct, Young Masters had 50£ from
me same day, I thank you for yr
kind wishes am much better but can't
say well w'ch is unfortunate for me
as have need of a double Constitution
in my present Situation, however I
pluck up my Courage & hope for Assistanc [edge paper]
from the bountifull hand w'ch gives
all good things & what is most proper
for us, & whose allseeing Providence
Ordereth all things for the best, provided
we Unite our endeavours, be so good to
give Nell the Inclos'd, Harrison (yr late
Butler) calld last night & said you
were all well at how lane w'ch is always
pleasing to yr Affectionate [corrected]
    W %Burchal
Xmas day
77 Complimts of %season
write when get the Box

author BURCHAL W

Dear Orford
    I am very troublesome
with my epistles tho' shou'd not have
Wrote now, only Mr Wylde was here
this Eveng & brot Old of Hyson Tea
9/6 pr P~d desir'd I woud tell you
he coud meet with no black Tea low
priz'd & also that he was in expectation
of some at 5/6 & 6/6 if you woud like
to have any what he promises to
Recommend for good, if you woud have
the Above & any of the low prizd let
me know Immediately, did I %tell you
of Recg yrs with Drafts on Boldero
for 100£, I have just now heard
Wm Turner has got no place so
his Acct is like himself very false
I am with due Respects yrs
    W %Burchal
Decr 30th- 77 —


To Mr Richard
aford at Lime hall
With speed
[Postmarked Preston]
      new page
        June the 23 1771
Mr Richard orfut J have Sent you thes
Lines to let you know that J am in a very
Bad State of Health and J Beg you yould
Releace mee as soone as posable you can at this time
And J Will prommis you that J Will Never offend
you aney more so long as J live and Jf J live to
Return again J Will presarve your game as much
as posable ever J Can and the governer says that
a letter sent from you Will Releace mee and it
must bee sin^e^d by Mr patten for no other Will
Do justis Will Do and I Beg you Will rite to my
Wife hannow and shee Will Bring it to mee
and Mr garrot hase been at the raceis at preston
and hee Was very sory to here that J Was here
and hee shauld bee very glad if i Could bee
Released out of this sad Condishon
    and so no more at Present from
your ever Loving frend William Burchall


Mr. Orford
Lime Hall
[Postmarked Warrington]
      new page
Mr.. Orford
Sir I make free In Trubleing you with
a Line Conserning that peece of bisness I Sawe
you About at Haydock Hall — as you Tolde me
you would Drop a Line witch I hope you will By
Returne of Post if Convenia^n^te — and you will mutch
ablig{*} your{*} & Cr. Wm. Burns
Warrn. Novemr. 18. 1789


Mr Orford
[Postmarked Warrington?]
[Accounts omitted]
      new page

    J take the liberty Writing to you an a
business Which Materially Concerns me
— I have a large family, And live in
One of those Cottages at Haydock Stocks,
At Present in lease to Old Thomas
Naylor, but, the inconvenience and loss it
is to my family, for Want of Room to follow
one business is more than I can describe,
— J have a friend Who will Assist me
With Money to Erect a new House, And
Thos, Naylor has Given me leave to Erect
One in the Croft, Provided I Can make
it Agreeable to the Lord of the Reversion of
the Premises {*...} [tear in paper] Now Sir, if you'd be so
good to Represent to Mr Legh, that, if he will
be so good to let me have Brick on the same
terms that he has other People in Haydock,
I will pay for ^them^ by instalments, at such
times as you shall Appoint —
    As I believe you to be the friend of every
distressed family, (Who deserves it) And
Relying an your interest in this business,
I Remain Sir, (hopg for your speedy Ansr,)
    Y'r Obedt,
    H'ble Servt,
    Thurston Calland
    Haydock Iune 1st 1790
N: B: It is to be remembd,
that I belong to
the Tawnship of


Mr. Richd.. Orford.
at Lyme. Near Dishley
[Postmarked Warrington]
      new page
        Warrington Machine 16th.. Sepr. 1777
    The trouble I give you in this, I hope you will
excuse when you consider the importance of the subject to me.
With_out detaining you with any unnecessary preamble, I must
first beg to remind you that, against the malice of Villains, and
the false insinuations of men void of every principle of honesty,
'tis almost impossible to guard. — But when such insinuations
have taken place, and the poisonous spite of these Calumniators
is ready to produce its wished effect: Then the only
preventive is to compare circumstances, to weigh, with_out
prejudice, the accounts of each party, and then let impartial
reason form a judgement. — That my own character may be
justified, and that I may always entertain the same opinion
of you, Sir, I have hither_to done, I now endeavour to prevail
upon you to act this part. — I have been credibly informed
that some of my enemies have attempted to injure me, by
alledging that, through my Misconduct, or ill behaviour in
Warrington, The quantity of Coals sold here is greatly diminishe^d^
      new page
Now tho' I cou'd produce indubitable proofs that, at most, if not at
all the Coal Yards, in and about this Town, the price is considerably
lower than that I am limited to; and tho' this of itself
sufficiently accounts for the decrease of the demand for our Coals;
Yet for the Justification of my reputation, & your satisfaction, I wou'd
wish you wou'd your_self [corrected], or employ some person you can depend
upon to, enquire wth. scruting the character I bear here. — Whether
I do not deport myself wth. the utmost civility to every customer
If I am, or have been the least at variance with any of them?
Or, in short, pray inform yourself (in whatever manner your own
good sense, and knowledge of the world shall dictate) whether on
any account I have deserved the imputations that have been
laid to my charge? — This request I hope you will comply
with. My eternal gratitude will be due to you for it. —
Equitable dealing is all I ask, and that I think Mr.. Orford
will not refuse. — If I shd. not be thought troublesome
I wou'd ask, for a line from you [letter rubbed out?] Pr. Post: it wou'd much
mitigate the anxiety at present felt by,
    Sr. Yr. Mt Hble— Servt. Robt. Caunce


Dear Sir
    When my Father was going to renew the Lease
in Newton, he wrote to me to remit him the Money & to let him know
what Lives, I would have put into the Lease; — I %return'd for Answer,
his own, mine, & my Wife; — When I was last in Lancashire I found
upon Examination to my great surprize, Peter & Thomas Chantler's
instead of my Wife & Self. — I called upon Mr: Legh to beg the favour to
change Thos: Chantler, for my Wife Mr: Legh was so kind as to say he
would with all his heart — Upon a more mature consideration, should
be glad to fill up the Vacancy with my Wife's Name, which I hope you will
be so kind & obliging as to lay it before Mr. Legh and likewise hope that he
will charge me reasonable, as my Wife is turned 55 Years —
    Shall be glad to receive your Ansr: & Terms as soon as Convenient
and you will greatly Oblige Sir
    Your very humble Servt;
    John Chandler.
Newark August 5th: 1789


Mr: Orford
      new page
        Marple Feb 14. 75
Dear Sir
    Your's I Received, And as I ^now^ Apprehend you
to be so soon Down in Marple, will Edeavour to have ye.
Deed and Mor^t^gage Executed at ye. Time you are in Marple
But if I shou'd ^not^ have ye. Opportunity of Seeing You before
You Go off from Marple again. I wou'd be Infinitely
Obliged to You if you wou'd Pleased be so Good as to Leave
ye. Marriage Settlement Deed, between My Father in law
and Mother in Law which was Lodged in Uncle Peter
Gaskell's Hands, ye. same I saw at Lyme by Mrs.
Orford, As ye. Trust therein Contained is now Ended
by ye. Death of my Mother in law, And it wou'd now
at this Time be of Si^n^gular Use to me, As it only
Related to a Tenement in Adlington which my
Father in Law at ye. Death of my Mother in Law
Left ^by Will^ unto my Wife Paying unto her two Sisters
Yearly Six Pound apeice. And in ^so^ Doing You'll
    Greatly Oblige Dr. Sir
    Your very hble %Servt.
    Wm Chatterton
PS. If I shou'd not See You I will Take Care ye. Deed
is Executed and Dated before ye: Mortgage


Dr %Sir
    In compliance to your kind request, have sent the above,
which is 1 into Oproof. & I think of equal flavour ^& Quality^ to any I
ever saw — so far as this shall meet your approbation,
shall be happy to receive your kind favours — Brandys
are at this time extremely scarce, & very little good to be met
with at any rate — please to excuse the defects of my Pen,
being confin'd to my room of a severe cold
    I am
    with due respect
    Your obliged hble Servt
    Wm Chatterton


Mr.. Richard Orford
Near Stockport
[Postmarked Warrington]
      new page
        Ashton Near Warrington Sepr 14 1788

Dear Sir
    Your letter addressd to Mr. Michael Hughes
was duely rec~ed by him, & Sent hither. Our Gentlemen
would with pleasure comply with your request cou'd
they do it with any degree of conveniency to themselves,
you are very sensible of the Motives, which Induced the
Old Company to lease the houses in Question, they well
knew their Importance to the Concern, even in their little
way: they are to us of much more, on the Soon of the
extension of this Business, & %tho we have a Right to the
whole, you have had mostly 3 or 4 of the Dwellings, J
shall put the Whole in Compleat Repair as soon as J can
provide a Thatcher, Meantime with best Compts to your_self [across line]
& Good family I Remain Yr Affecte frd & Servt
    Alexander Chorley

author CHORLEY & LEECH [I don't think this is Alexander Chorley's hand]

Dear %Sir
    Yours handed by Mr Grimshaw, we duely
reced; Inclosed we Return you our Dfts @ 2 Mths
for one hundred pounds; we were In hopes that
in the Course of this week you with the family, woud
have been our Neighbours, accept Dr Sir, our Best
regards & wishes, Believe us allways your obliged
& Affectionate h~ble Servts — — — — — — — —
    Chorley & Leech
Ashton Sepr [corrected] 6th: 1781


Mr Orford
near Disley
[Postmarked Warrington]
      new page
Dear Orford
    Cou'd you see into futurity as farr as the
Witch in Sauls days, or be able to make me over again,
You woud hardly guess what J am going to offer to you,
I am in possession no matter by what means, of a very good
& valueable brood mare eight Years old full Size & bone
for hunters, which J bought for the purpose of hunting from
a Gentleman in the South, who is run out, and now %resides
at a Distance from the Place of his Nativity — — J am made
to understand to my Cost, that she will not answer for
the Chace Breeding has Sunk her back, and to add as J
am circumstancd to my misfortune, she is kept unhorsd
this Summer so that a Year will be lost by her, J am
informd that Mr %Leigh breeds, if he will have her J %shall
not differ for Price as J consider myself, as in a great
Hobble, for Gods sake help me out, or J am undone, will you
be so good as to Drop a hint in his way without saying
she is mine, & let me hear from You, she has the Run
of Cuerdley Marsh this Summer, and 12 Months Rest
      new page
will Greatly Strengthen her
    pray when shall we see you
how does your fireside, J am Yrs mo Sincerely & Affy
    Alexr Chorly
New %Hall Sunday night


Mr. Richard Orford
near Lyme Hall

[Postmarked Warrington]
      new page
        Golborne 27th Sepr 1782
Mr Richd. Orford

    this is to Acquaint you that some busey body last
Saturday inform'd Mr Chumy, Legh that I was
out with my Gun; which was only from my Vitch
Field to one of Jas. Fitchets fields which lies near
to my Field to Shoot some Stock Doves that was
all my Journey wou'd take up half an Hour
and no more from my house the consequence
was he sent for my Gun & also for a Nett which
my Sons sets in Golborne Brook to prevent witch
being taken from me I made Use of Your Name;
and said I had told you at Haydock Lodge
about a Nett that Captain Leghs Servants had
took from me and that you reply'd I must sett
ith Brook & kill some Hares with Peter Legh Esqre,
Dog as wou'd pay for the Nett unless they wou'd
return my Nett again upon me telling Mr, Chumy,
this he swore and said he wou'd Write to you to
know if it was true so I thought necessary to inform
you lest he shou'd send again for Gun & Nett
the former shall be loth to part with as to
Setting ith Brook I told him my Lads shou'd
for future set no more so I hope you'll shelter
me in the Setting ith Brook for Snigs as far as
    is right
    and you'l Oblege your
    huml Servt.
    Ralph Clare
P.S. your Ovservation of me
Killing Hares to Pay for my
Netts was not by you intended
to be put in force nor has ever
since been by me Practis'd

author CLARKE GEO.

Mr Orford
How Lane
      new page
        Hyde Iany. 11th. 1773
    As you were so good to promise me a Hare I take
the Liberty to inclose you a Direction, and shall take it as a
favour if you will forward her as soon as you can I shall set
out early to_Morrow, & go by the Way of Leek for fear of Snow & as
soon as I get to London I will wait upon Mr Legh My Complimts
to Mrs. Orford
    I %am
    Your Most Hum Sert
    Geo Clarke

author CLARKE GEO.

Mr Alford
      new page
        Hyde April 20. 1774
Dr Sir

    I quite forgot when I appointed to meet you at Mr
Coopers on friday Morning next, that I am obliged to attend
the Quarter Sessions to_Morrow & next Day at Manchester
but if you will name any other Morning in the next
Week except Thursday, I will give him Notice & meet
you accordingly
    I am Sir
    Your Most
    Humble Sert
    Geo Clarke

[Different hand]
Fix'd Monday 25 Jnst

author CLARKE GEO.

Mr Orford

[At different angle]

        Hyde April 25th. 1774

    Mr. Clarke presents his Compliments ^to Mr Orford^ and if the Morning is not
bad will certainly meet him at the White Lyon in Stockpt. by 10 oClock
on Wednesday Morning next Mr Clarke desires his most Respectfull
Compliments to Mrs & Miss Legh

author CLARKE GEO.

[Different hand]
Mary a{**}n. due 1 Sepr 75        10
Octr. 30. a{**}n. due 7 may 75 —2—

Mr. Orford
      new page
Mr Clarke presents his Compliments to Mr Orford and as Mr
Orford will be at home the latter end of Next week it will suit Mr
Clarke better to meet him at Disley or Lyme on friday the 4th of Novr.
Our best Complimts to the good family at Lyme

Sunday Octr. 29. 1775



Peter Legh Esqr:
M: P
at Lyme near Disley
by Buxton
[Postmarked Leicester]
      new page
Mr Orford
    As you was so kind as to give me leave
to Trouble you with a line when I intended Coming
over I beg the favour of you to Send the inclosed
to Henry Richason as I propose Coming into Cheshire
the end of this month as our famely is gone to Bath
and if you will be so good as to give them your oppinion
you will oblige [corrected] your humble
    Servant to Command
    Betty Clayton
April 23 1772)


1774 9 Ber ye 27

Sir I desire you will be So Good not to take
amiss me writing a few Lines to you as I have
But Little time to Come Over to you & when I Come
you are always upon Some matters with Some person
that I Can have no oppertunity So I have hard yt
you are Going to leave Lyme & you know you
promised me that I Should have as good wages
or better as I Cold have in annother place
So if you or mr Legh or mr Roe did know
as much as I do you would not think yt I had
as much as I deserve So %I %desire you will be so
Good as to Let me know either by a line or two
by Edward Bennet or when I Come over to %lyme
    it is from your most humble Servent

    Edward Clayton


Mr: Orford Steward
at Lyme Cheshire
[Postmarked Warrington]
      new page
Mr. Orford my Brother Iames Richardson the Tanner
has a Daughter Married and they are at want of a Farm
and I haveing Some aquaintance with you and they having
none Desired me that I %would write to you for they would be
Glad to take where Thomas Dickinson now Lives in Kenyon
it being near to their Father as Thomas Dickinson has taken
another place and in Case it being Loose that he leaves it or
if you would Rather Chuse another Tenant and them not
to Stay they would be glad to have the first Refuse of it
for they are Likely to manage the place well and to pay
their Rent or else I would not have been concerned in writing
to you I Should be glad to have a line from you as Soon as
you Conveniently can whether you think them to Stay or not
    which ^is^ all from Your Servant at Command George Clayton
Direct it to be Left at the Bears paw Warrington
    Culcheth 5th of Iuly 1774


Mr: Richd Orford
      new page
        Maccd: Augt 24th 1789

Mr: Rd Orford

    Your's is now before us noting the
Contents .. and Sir we will take care to get the
Cash for you in the Course of the next week the
whole of it) a %Part we cou'd procure you this — we are
sorry you have had the trouble to send over — we can
get you 250£ on Friday — if that will be of Service
we will one of us come over that Day or Saturday
Aftern Morning with it — we are Sir
    very respectfully Your obedt Servts
    Clayton & %Gaskell


Mr Richd: Orford
      new page
        Maccd: May 25th: 1790
Mr Rd Orford

    Inclos'd you've two Drts for 69£.13S.0d
which Ballances our Turnpike Acct: for whch:
you'll please to give us Credit — with due Respect
we are Sir
    Your very obliged Servts
    Clayton & %Gaskell


Mr Rd: Orford
      new page
        Macclesfield Augt: 19th: 1790
Mr R: Orford

    The Mr: Goodwin who was mention'd
as an Assistant to us is waiting in Maccd:
for an Answer to his proposals which he made
to me — and which I told him must be submitted
to your inspection and consideration and that I
cou'd do nothing without you — as I think there is
different Circumstances [corrected] which concur [corrected] that his
services might not answer a %very good purpose %to
us — both from the proposals which he has made
and from his Character — I shou'd take it as a
favor if you wou'd take it upon you to give
him as handsome u dismission as you can as he
perhaps may throw some Blame upon me for
bringing him over to Maccd: on the Business — &
to create a misunderstanding can be of no service to
us if we can keep on good Terms
      new page
    The Terms he offer'd were a %Hundred Guineas a %Year
with Board which I think was much out of the
Way we can do for less — and I enquir'd of Mr Drinkwater
his Character who wou'd say nothing at all but
that (I might be Assur'd he shou'd not have parted
if all had Been right) which I construe'd as
against him — and think he wou'd not by any means
suit us — his Terms are inclos'd — shou'd be glad
you wou'd write to him as soon as possible —
he is rather Troublesom —
    Your &c
    Wm Clayton
If you have fix'd any_thing respecting Peter
when Mr Thos Gaskell was with you may give
me a line — there is another thing that I ought to
have mention'd (that is) if I take any Prentices
I Ought [corrected] to have the fees with them to my own
Pocket. what you think of it shou'd be glad to know
in a %letter by Peter —

[Accounts on facing page omitted]


Mr Richd: Orford [corrected]
      new page
        Maccd: Octr: 4th: 1790 —
Dr Sir
    I rec'd your favor of the 28th Ultimo
saying you had got a 1000£ for [corrected] us I sent
Peter over on Friday last but it happen'd you
was not at Home to inform you that we shou'd
accept of it — This Morning I have seen both
Mr Gaskell & My Father who have no objection
to be security with us for the Money if you
can get us 1000£ or 1500£ more wou'd enable
us to go to the first Markets for all our
Purchases — am exceedingly oblig'd to you for
the trouble you take to serve us — if it be
necessary for us to goe to Knutsford with
any Letter if you please to send it by Richd:
we'll send a %Person ove{*} [torn off] tomorrow
    I %am {*...} [torn off] Respectfully Yours &c
    Wm Clayton


Mr. Orford
      new page
        Hordern Jany.. 18. 1788
    On Tuesday morning we begun our Road buisness
Yesterday made some further progress, but a great way off
finishing, days so short, so many new schemes & observts.
to make that 2 days ^two^ days more will leave it short —
    This morning was rather too rough weather for the buisness
— we find the new intended road about Quarter of
a Mile nearer then the Old road — but we have two or three
more which we think may perhaps be approv'd on, in prefference
to anything mention'd before, therefore we I will not pretend
to give you any particulars till we have done our buisness,
will drop you a %line towards Sunday or take a %ride over
myself —
    I trouble you with this rather to aquaint you that
I have engag'd myself to serve Mr. Hilton at Pennington
in capacity of Steward where I expect to be call'd about
the midle or later end of January to enter on my service
our terms, & the particulars, will inform you of when I have
the pleasure of seeing you, Wife & family remains at Hordern
till May-day — — there is a small ffarm keeps about 3 or 4
Cows for their reception at that time — am very much
oblig'd to you for your kind recomendation of me at your
Commission meeting — and for every other favoour I %return
you my sincerest thanks — and am Sir Your H~ble Servt.
    Joshua Coleby


Mr. Orford
      new page
Dear %Sir!

    I return you many thanks for ye good
character you was so kind to give my Brother Joseph
to Mr. Jodrell — — Mr. Jodrell wrote to me wishing me
to come to Henbury for a night to discourse further
about him — I was there on Saturday, he has
propos'd his terms, & seems to wish to have him,
the terms are low tho' better considerably then
Cellers's — my Bro~rs Answer to mine will
determine the affair.
    I am very happy at Pennington, & think
I shall continue so — — Mr. & Mrs. Hilton behave
exceedinly genteel to me in every respect —
    I expect you wou'd be very merry at Disley
on Saturday as usual — shou'd have been happy
in ye party if I %cou'd have contriv'd it[rubbed out] to have reach'd
Disley but cou'd not —
    I am Sir Your much Oblig'd faithful
    H~ble Servt.
    Josh: Coleby
    Hordern ffeb: 28 — 89


Mr Richd Orford
Peter Legh Esqr.,
near Stockport
      new page
    The above is this Day forwarded which
hope you will safe Receive and Please I should
have sent it sooner but the season as been very much
against Bleaching and our Cloths could not get
to so good a Colour without more than their usual
time — your further Command will greatly oblige
    Your Most Hble Servt
    Richd Collett
PS It is Directed to be left at
Bullock Smithy Manchester %as before


Mr Orford
Lime near Stockport
[Postmarked Warrington]
      new page
    Mr Boardman Informed
me he had seen you and that you wish
to know whose Life I intend to add to the
Lease, it is my Daughter Mary Hickson
About Eleven years of Age, and myself the
Leassee now I wish to have it done as soon
as Possible, the Expence he tells me will
be 35£ which I think high on Account
of the Deaths that has happened in
my Famely before, and the Expence it
has been Yet begs you to inform me
how soon you can have the Lease made,
and where I must meet you to Pay the
      new page
Money and have the Lease your
Compliance will very much Oblige
    Sir your humble
    Servant Catharine Cook
March 16d 1790

Direct for me to be Left at Mrs Friths
Frandley near Warrington Cheshire


Mr. Orford
      new page
        15{*} - Sept 1789
Dr. Sir

    Mr. J Twemlow's Executors are his Brothers
George & Thomas, who live at Shelton near Newcastle
& %are Potters, they will have occasion for the 300£
in the first Week of November next & %if you call
at Mr. Twemlow's House in Chestergate any day
that Week, they will receive the Money & give you
a %proper Discharge. I beg my Respects to such of
your Family as I have the Honor to know & am
    Yr. most obed{*}. Serv{*}.
    Cha' %Cooke

author COOKE J

[Note in different hand]

Mr Richd Orford
      new page
Dr Sir
    When J had last the pleasure of Seeing you
was in hopes you wod. have called upon your
Return, the Jnclos'd was ready for your perual,
if you'l be so Obligeing to return it back —
Will get it Wrote upon Stamp, pa{*...} [torn off]
will return it for you to get it Executed in
the presance of any person belonging to
Mr Leighs ffamily if you can, when Strangers
are Witness's if any Necessity for them to
prove a Deed, its very Expencive but
J Scincearly wish the Owner happy that
      new page
such Witness may not be wanted, J'm not certain
wher J can get you Cash in the time, as J did not want
it upon my own Account, you may be Shure J wod
rather the person who had it shod pay, but when you
Advise may ^me^ off the Release %being Signed will Settle it
to your Satisfaction, J have been from home and
J Suspect my Son had forgot the Draft as he says
he cod not find out a %person to Convey it by who am
    Your most hulle Serv{*}
    J %Cooke
Salford 6th Augt 1774

author COOKE JOS.

[Only part of address legible, because half of the paper has been lost. Omitted.]

        Macclesfield 1 July 1771
    Mr Stafford desired me to send you the inclosed
to be communicated to Mr Legh with his Compliments he being
in too %much distress on this Melancoly occasion to write to y
himself — But [corrected] desires the Letters may be returned I am Sir
    Your most h~ble Servt.
    Ios.. Cooke


Mr. Orford
      new page
        Lyme 4 Apr 1772
    I came over hither on account of the Ejectment brought
against Adshead which I believe will be accomodated by delivering quiet
possession to our Client without further Trouble — In a Letter which
I %reced. from Mr Stafford this Morning is the following Paragraph (which
I hoped to have acquainted you with by having the pleasure to
find you here)
    "When you see Mr. Orford I wish you would tell him
"that I %was sorry I had not an Opportunity of seeing him after I
"had lookt into Mr Russell's Abstract which is such a one as I
"never saw before — And I cannot advise Mr Legh to lay it before the
"Council of the Queen's Bounty but have persuaded him to think no
"more of the Purchase — For I am sure the Title will not be approved
"— And the attempting ^it^ would only lead to a great Expence to answer
"no purpose" —
    I am Sir
    Your most obt h~ble Serv{*}
    Ios.. Cooke

author COOKE JOS.

Mr. Orford
      new page
        Thursday 28 May '72
    Mr Stafford went out of Town yesterday and is
not expected home 'till this Evening but when he comes shall
make him acquainted with the Contents of your Letter & %suppose
it will be agreeable to him to meet at Alderley on Saturday Morng
{**} [torn off] you propose — If not he will give you early Notice tomorrow.
{*...} [torn off] ve taken the Liberty to send the Bearer to Mr Stockton to acquaint
him of this & to send his Answer to you. Mr Stafford may probably
give you the Meeting at Stockport but of this I speak at random —
however hope you will be able to prevent the Marple People from
getting an Order on representing the state [corrected] of the Case to the Justices
    I %am
    Your most hble Serv{*}
    I.. Cooke

author COOKE JOS.

Mr.. Orford
      new page
        8th. August 1772
    Mr Stafford went to Arley this Morning & does not
return till tomorrow Evening on which Account it will be impracticable
to answer your Letter before you go to Haydock. — As there are some Writings
to be got ready for %ye. Baxter's Execution which are not at present compleated I am
afraid they must still be at the trouble of going to Lyme but if it can be
avoided Mr Stafford will (as I presume) make you acquainted by Monday's
Post        I am
    Your obliged humble Servt.
    Ios.. Cooke
    Your obliged hble
[Scribbles on rest of the page]

author COOKE JOS.

        12 July 1773

    By Mr. Stafford's direction I send you the inclosed,
which you will please to lay before Mr. Legh, and if approved, you'l
return the drat. to be ingrossed — Mr. Stafford thinks it proper that there
should be three parts, one for each Brother — He says this ^is^ all he
apprehends can be done at present, and the young Gentlemen may
execute the Articles as they come of age, taking notice, in the Attestation
of their Execution, of the time when they were executed by them respectively.
But however these Leases will not be binding upon their Issue, and
the only effectual means to empower the granting of such Leases would
be by an Act of Parliament to be obtained for the purpose
    Upon making a further search into the Court-Rolls, it appears
that a surrender was passed from the late Peter Gaskell to Trustees
(viz — Philip Holland late of Macclesfield & the late Mr Gaskell of Sowcarr)
to the use of his Will in the 25th. year of K. Geo: 2d. (1751) of all his
Estates, a Copy of which hath been delivered and will probably be found
amongst his other Writings.
    I am for Mr Stafford
    Your most h~ble Servt.
    Ios.. Cooke
      new page
Mr.. Orford

author COOKE JOS.

Mr. Orford

[At different angle, different hand?]

Mr. Master
Mr. Legh
      new page
        16 May 1774
Dear Sr.

    By your Favour of the 6th. Inst., inclosing
the Account of the Legacies, you fix the 24th. for settling
the late Mr Gaskell's Affairs. I have since [corrected] seen young
Mr. Upton who seem'd to think that day would be inconvent.
to his Father and sayd he would see you about it but
as you have not since acquainted us with any Alteration
the Writings will be prepared agst. [corrected] that day — As the
Business is likely to take up some time it will be proper
to have the Surrenders pass'd the day before which is
the regular Court-day if you can get word to Mr.
Upton to attend — but if not, I hope you will be here
early on the 24th. — with Mr Upton Mr. John Gaskell Mr Frans.
Gaskell & Mr. Ryle and after the Surrenders are passed to
proceed to Bollington. Mr Stafford is now at home in
good health & desires his Compliments
    I am Dr. Sir
    Your obliged Servt.
    Ios.. Cooke

author COOKE JOS.

To Mr. Orford
at Lyme
near Stockport
[Postmarked Manchester]
      new page
Dr Sir

    This Morning I met with Mr.
Stockton on my Way to Arley who had just before
parted with Mr Stelfox, he having come to
Alderley yesterday according to Appointment
and not having had Notice to the contrary.
It will be inconvenient for him to %be there again
before Tuesday the 21 Inst. on which day he
proposes to meet you and Mr Hayes to proceed
on the Business at 10 o'Clock. I will send you
a part of the Articles which will I think clear
up the Queries made by Yr.self & the other
Referees — before the Meeting — Mr Stockton has
received a Letter from Sir Iohn Stanley in
which he seems angry that any of the Land
      new page
Owners should offer to attend the Meeting a Copy of which I
this morning sent to Mr Hallows
    I am
    Dr %Sr.
    Yrs. most obt hble St.
    Ios.. Cooke
14 Nov 1775

author COOKE JOS.

Mr. Orford
      new page
        28 Nov 1775
Dr. Sir

    Ever since I saw you at Alderley I have
been so ill of a Cold as to prevent my stirring out — The
Bearer brings with him the Title Deeds relating to Hasleden's
Tenement together with the Abstract; and I shall be obliged
to you to make my respectful Compliments to Mr Legh
and make him acquainted with the reason of my not waiting
upon him as intended, and that if he will favor me with
his Directions about this Business by the Bearer they shall
be immediately pursued — You will be so good to point
out the ffields (with the Quantity & Value of them) which
are intended to be proposed to the Governors.
    I don't doubt but you will send full Instructions as to
the Alderley Inclosures with an Answer to Mr Stafford's Letter
and am
    Yr mt %hble Serv~
    Ios.. Cooke

author COOKE JOS.

Mr. Orford
      new page
        2 Aug '77
Dr %Sir

    As I have not time to go from hence to Lyme
I have inclosed you Bills for 100l. & a Bond filled up
which you may either execute now & send to me
properly attested, or bring it with you & execute it at
Macclesfield the next time you come, if it be soon.
    I %am
    Dr Sir
    Yrs. sincerely
    Ios.. Cooke

I was in hopes of meeting with you
at Knutsford Race's.

author COOKE JOS.

Mr. Orford
      new page
Dr %Sir

    Mr. Young is gone into Nottinghamshire and
will not return of some Weeks so that the Alderley Business
must be postponed.
    The Affair betwixt Hill & Mr Rowbotham was ended at
our Court — I had given Notice of Trial to Mr. Bower before
your Letter came to hand.
    I am glad to hear you are got better of your late
Indisposition & am
    Dr Sir
    Yrs. sincerely
    Ios.. Cooke
27th. Oct 1777

author COOKE JOS.

Mr. Orford
      new page
Dr. %Sir

    I shall certainly be at Home on Saturday Morning next
to wait upon Mr Legh agreeable to your Letters
    Yrs. very sincerely
    Ios.. Cooke
12th. Feb 1778

author COOKE JOS.

Mr. Orford
      new page
Dr %Sir

    John Swindells brought me your Note concerning
the Purchase of John Marsland's Estates — And as Marsland is so
slippery a Chap to deal with, I thought it best to detain them in
Town while I prepared a Conveyance to you of the Equity of
Redemption of the Estate which I have accordingly done and
got it executed by him. So that you will have no further
Trouble with him upon taking Assignments of the Mortgages to
Yourself as he it will not be necessary that he should be
made a party to them.
    Please to inform me whether you intend to pay Mr.
Booths Money at Candlemas as mentioned in yr Note. I am
    Dr Sir
    Yr. most h~ble sert.
    Ios.. Cooke
4 Dec. 1778

author COOKE JOS.

Mr. Orford
[Postmarked Macclesfield]
      new page
        21 June 1779
Dr %Sir

    By the Stat. 1. James 2d. chap. 17. "If after the death
of a Father any of his Children shall die intestate without Wife
or Children in the life time of the mother; every Brother & Sister
and the Representatives of them shall have an equal share
with her." The Mother would otherwise have taken the
whole personal Estate, as being next in degree of Kindred. —
Burn's Eccl. Law V. 4. pa. 346. —
    I have had a Letter from Mr. Booth in which he is
very pressing to have Marsland's Interest settled, so that I hope
you will take the first convenient Opportunity of putting an End
to that Matter. I have promised him the Int. shall be pd. to him
as soon as you return to Lyme.
    I hope to send you the Measure of Birtles Hill in a few days.
I forgot the Map in yr. Office — please to take some Opportunity of
sending it me as soon as you can. I am
    Yr. obliged h~ble Servt.
    Ios.. Cooke

author COOKE JOS.

Mr. Orford
      new page
Dr: %Sir

    Your favor by a Messenger on Saturday
last I received & returned an Answer by him that I
would get a Search for the Papers made on Mr Wright's return
he being then from home. — This morning he informs
me that he hath not in his Custody nor never saw
any single Paper ^or Writing^ relating to Mr Keck's affairs; and
I have made a very particular Search amongst Mr.
Legh's Papers & Writings in my Custody, but do not
find any_thing to the purpose. I should therefore
think, if you have not already made a thorough
search at Lyme, it would be proper to do so, as it is
not improbable but that the papers might be returned
there when the Settlement was executed. I am
    Dr %Sir
    Yr. most h~ble servt.
    Ios.. Cooke
P.S. I believe Mr Wright hath all
the late Mr Stafford's Papers, except what
related to his own Affairs & such as are %in my Custody.
26th. July 1779

author COOKE JOS.

Mr. Orford
Haydock near
      new page
Dr: %Sir

    Sir John Stanley hath desired me to
write to you to request that you will take the first —
opportunity you can of meeting Mr. Holland (of Sandle
Bridge near Knutsford) upon Alderley-Edge to make
an Estimate of the y~rly Value & view the Situation
with an Eye towards parcelling it out to the best
Advantage. Mr. Holland will meet you any day
you appoint giving him a few days notice & fixing
the hour & place. I am
    Dr %Sir
    Your most %h~ble servt.
    Ios.. Cooke
24th. Augt. [corrected] 1779

author COOKE JOS.

Mr. Orford
      new page
        4th. Oct. 1779
Dr %Sir

    Inclosed is the Bond you desired. You will
be so kind to fill up the names of the Places where Mr Legh's
Lands are situate, as well as the [corrected] ^names^ of the Offending Parties,
that they may not plead ignorance if caught hereafter in
the like Practices.
    I shall [corrected] duly attend to Marsland's Business
and am Dr Sir
    Yrs. very sincerely
    Ios.. Cooke

Mr B's Money was engaged, but I shall
quest Elsewhere.

author COOKE JOS.

Mr. Orford
      new page
        1 Nov 1779
Dr. Sir

    Herewith you receive back the writings. The
Mortgage shall be prepared ready for your Messenger against tomorrow
night as you desire, And I shall be at —
home from Wednesday Eveng next til Monday. — I think
it will be most proper to set forth your present Bonds & Note
in the Mortgage & make it for better Security of the Money due
thereupon [corrected] & in Cons of the Money now advanced. I %am always
    Yrs. very truly
    Ios.. Cooke

author COOKE JOS.

Mr Orford
      new page
        11 Nov 1779
Dr %Sir

    I am very sorry it is not in my power to
wait on Mrs. Ann Legh in the ^tomorrow^ Morning owing to a bad
Accident which at present confines me to my bed.
I have therefore sent you the Papers by the Bearer,
but am afraid you will hardly receive them in time
to get them executed tonight tho I have given him
all the Dispatch I can. The Papers tied with
Tape must %be kept by Mrs A Legh ^You^ — the others delivd [letter crossed out]
to Mrs. A Legh — The reason why it is proper for
you to keep the former Securities is because they —
are recited in the Mortgage and it would appear
improper to have stated that the whole 1400l was
advanced at one time. I am Dr Sir
    Yr. mt %hble servt.
    Ios.. Cooke
PS. The Accident above is the scalding
of both my legs very ill

author COOKE JOS.

Mr. Orford
      new page
        29 Novr. 1779
Dr %Sir

    I received yours with the Box. This unlucky
Accident to my Legs has prevented my getting out before ^'til^ Saturday
when I went to Chester from whence I am just returned. I am
obliged to go for London (on an Appointment made several
Weeks [corrected] ago) on Thursday or Friday next, where I shall stay
about 10 days or a Fortnight. If my return would suit Mr.
Legh I would immediately afterwards set about the [corrected from this] Business
he may have occasion to be transacted; but if it be his desire
to have it done before I go, I will postpone the Journey for a
few days to wait on him, any day this Week he is pleased to
appoint. Please to present my respectful Compliments to
Mr. Legh & inform me of his pleasure, as soon as possible.
{*...} [torn off]
    Dr Sir
    Yr. very h~ble servt.
    Ios.. Cooke

author COOKE JOS.

Mr Orford
      new page
Dr %Sir
    I think the enclosed Bond will be sufficient
for the purpose of binding Mr Newton to pay the Money —
if mr Astley fails to do so
    I am
    Dr %Sir
    Yr %mt %hble %serv{*}
    Ios.. Cooke
The Deed appears right

25 Aug 1781

author COOKE JOS.

Mr. Orford
      new page
        13th. Sept. 1781
Dr %Sir
    Inclosed are Surveys of two Farms in
Alderley which Sir J Stanley wishes you to Value the Tenants
Terms being nearly expired. If you could let me know
by the Bearer what day you can attend I would acquaint
Sir J Stanley therewith as he may probably want to speak
with you upon some other Business. I am
    Dr Sir
    Your most obedt. hble servt.
    Ios.. Cooke
I suppose you are acquainted with having been nominated
sole Referee to determine a Dispute between Mr Hulley of
the One House & Nat. Hamersley a Neighbor of his concerning
the getting of some Coals. — I shall be glad to assist you in
drawing up yr. Award if you undertake the Business.

author COOKE JOS.

Mr. Orford
[Postmarked Macclesfield?]
      new page
        5 Nov 1781

Dr. %Sir
    Your favor I reced this Morning & am
sorry you had so long a Jaunt on Saturday, thro'
the Mistake of the Servt at Arley. I shall be
glad to see you here on Thursday next as proposed and
    Dr Sir
    Yr. obliged h~ble ser{*}
    Ios.. Cooke

author COOKE JOS.

Mr. Orford
      new page
        21 Nov 1781
Dr %Sir

    Inclosed you {****}e [torn off] the Measure of Isaac Baskervyle's
Farm — shall be obliged to you for the Valuation of that & Downes's as soon
as convenient
    I also trouble you with my Bill on Mr Keck's Account —
which you will be so kind to take some Opportunity of laying before
    Please to forward the enclosed to Mrs. Hancock at Disley for
    Dr %Sir
    Your most h~ble servt.
    Ios.. Cooke

author COOKE JOS.

Mr. Orford
      new page
Dr. %Sir

    I went yesterday into the Forest according to
Appointment but find nothing can be done from that Quarter
without Land Security — please to say whether it is probable
such will be obtained or can you think of any other mode
of raising it and have you heard anything more abt. the
500l — I am
    Dr Sir
    Yrs. very truly
    Ios.. Cooke
2 Jan~ry 1782.
The 700l is all in Cash if the Materials could be agreed on

author COOKE JOS.

Mr. Orford
[Postmarked Macclesfield]
      new page
        17th. June 1782
Dr. %Sir

    I received the favor of your Letter of the 15th. Inst
and am sorry you have had no better Success respecting the 300l.
— The want of it is of great Inconvenience to Mr J Legh and
I hope you will not be disappointed at the time you mention
as I do not know how to answer the Consequence.
    Mr Lowndes shewed me his Writings when I was
last in London & I convinced him of the necessity of levying a ffine
to enable him to make good his Title, otherwise I think it would
still have been longer delayed — I have no Objection to Mr.
Kerfoot's preparing the Convey~ce & shall write to him by this
day's post to that Effect.
    Circular Letters have been sent to the Tenants of the
Adlington Es~te & Tythes to pay their Rents up to Lady day last
forthwith — There appears to be due for the Corn Tythe of Lyme &
Hanley 19l.0s.0d & for small Tythe 1l.0s.0d from Mr Legh — Please to
remit a Bill for that money to Mr Mottershead or see him at
Barnaby Fair on w~ch day I hope you will dine with
    Yr most obt Ios.. Cooke

author COOKE JOS.

Mr. Orford
      new page
Dr Sir

    The enclosed Letter is to inform Mr Legh that Mr.
Davenport will be at Lyme on Tuesday Evening. The next Morning
I purpose having the Pleasure of seeing you there also, & am
    Dr Sir
    Your most obt.
    Ios.. Cooke
25 Augt. 1782
I have written a Line to Mr Legh inclosing
Mr Davenport's Letter. — If you can send
word to Mr Hancock at Disley please to inform him
I %will come to Disley the same day, Wednesday.

author COOKE JOS.

Mr. Orford

[Accounts, possibly in different hand, omitted]
      new page
        30th. Sept 1782
Dr.. Sir

    Thursday the 24th. of October will suit
me very well for Newton Court so that you will please
to give Notice to the Bailiff [corrected] accordingly. I am
    Very sincerly Yours
    Ios.. Cooke

author COOKE JOS.

Mr. Orford
      new page
        3d Oct 1782
Dr Sir

    I received by the Bearer Mr Keck's Mort~ge
of the Leicestershire Es~te to mr Legh for 5000£.
    If you should have an Opportunity of looking
amongst the Old Writings relating to the Cheshire Estate I apprehend
You will find amongst them a Mortgage of Norbury which I
suppose was discharged soon after Mr Fleetwood Legh's Marriage
in 1723, as it is mentioned to be owing in his Marriage Settlement
dated in that Year — consequently the date of the Mortgage was
prior to that time — It was made by the late Peter Legh Esq (the
present Mr Legh's Uncle) to the Honble & Revd. Henry Finch for securing
1000£ & Interest — In case you should meet with it and any
Assignment or Deed shewing how it was discharged I could wish
you to send it me; if not, I believe it will be necessary for me to
wait on Mr Legh to have a search for it in order to clear up the
Title. I am
    Dr Sir
    Your obliged h~ble servt.
    Ios.. Cooke

author COOKE JOS.

Mr. Orford
      new page
        29 Oct. [corrected] 1782
Dr. %Sir

    Having a bad Cold I do not care to venture
so long a Journey this wet Morning and must request you to
excuse my Clerk holding the Court who will transact the Business
of today as well as myself.
    I send by him sundry Bills value £175.0.0 —
on Account of Mr Brocklehurst's sum to be advanced on Norbury
for which you will be so kind to return a Receipt — In all
Probability you will be at our Fair on Monday the 11th. Nov.
when I purpose making up the above to 400l. — or if you
don't come will send it by some safe hand if you can direct one
to call for it.
    I am
    Dr %Sir
    Your obliged h~ble servt.
    Ios.. Cooke

author COOKE JOS.

Mr. Orford
      new page
        5 Nov 1782
Dr Sir

    I shall be at home every day this Week after
tomorrow. I return you the 10l. Bill endorsed.
    A good Title cannot properly be made to the
premises mentioned in the Will you sent without the Concurrence
of the Heir at Law, but you will inform me more of the
Circumstances when I have the pleasure of seeing You. With
Complimts. to Mr Hole, I %am
    Dr Sir
    Yours very sincerely
    Ios.. Cooke

author COOKE JOS.

Mr. Orford
With Cash 113l.0s.0d
      new page
        11 Nov 1782
Dr. Sir

    I send you inclosed sundry Bills Value
77l.0s.0d, with Cash 113l., in all 190l; which with the
Bills Value 210l before pd makes 400£ for which you
will be pleased to get the enclosed Receipt signed by
Mr Legh and witnessed by yourself & return it me.
    Sir J Stanley was here this Morning and
wishes you to spend a day at Alderley this Week or
the next in valuing one or two small Farms if
convenient. I %am
    Dr. Sir
    Your most h~ble servt.
    Ios.. Cooke

[Accounts on other page omitted]

author COOKE JOS.

{*...}rford [torn off]
      new page
        7 Decem{*} 1782
Dr %Sir

    Inclosed you receive the Bond you desired — Should
not the Capt. & his Brother or at least one of them exe~te the Bond before
you present it to mr Legh? — This I submit to %your Consideration & am
    Dr Sir
    Your most hble servt
    Ios.. Cooke

author COOKE JOS.

Mr. Orford
      new page
        30th. Decr. — 1782
Dr Sir

    I think myself particularly unfortunate in not being
able to perform my promise in coming to Lyme tomorrow. You will
see the reason by the enclosed Letter which is this Moment brought me
and which (if you have mentioned my Intention to Mr Legh) I beg
you will shew him, with my humble Respects & Complimts. of the
Season — and I hope in all Events to be with you on Thursday or
ffriday next if not inconvenient to him. I am
    Dr %Sir
    Your most h~ble servt.
    Ios.. Cooke

author COOKE JOS.

Mr. Orford
      new page
        9th. Oct 1783
Dr Sir

    In the Year 1776 Miss Anna Taylor was
intitled to the %several parcels of Land mentioned in the enclosed
particular lying in the Open fields in Castle Donnington. In
1777 Miss Taylor sold the same to a Mr. Crosby for 266l., and
agreed to let 200l. part of the purchase money remain upon
mort~ge of the Land, at 4l.10s P~Cent.
    Some time after the Sale the Open fields in Castle
Donnington were inclosed; and Crosby being intitled to
other Lands there, before the Inclosure, as well as those
sold to him by Miss Taylor, an Allotment was made to %him,
upon the inclosure, in lieu of the whole, but it is apprehended
Miss Taylors Mort~ge was never altered —
    Crosby afterwards became Bankrupt, and is since
dead; and his Assignees sold part of his Allotment, but %that
part which was allotted in lieu of Miss Taylor's land still
remains unsold, and it is apprehended to be a defective
security for the 200l., & upwards of 2 Years int~ now due
upon it. The part allotted to Miss Taylor is not ascertained,
but Mr. Wyatt one of the commissioners can most probably
set forth the Quantity & Situation. —
      new page
    The Business of the Sale & Mort~ge was conducted for Miss Taylor by Dr. Harrison of
Derby, in whose hands the writings now %are, & %from whom you will learn further
    I %wish you to enquire from Mr. Wyatt or some other of the Comm~rs (if you
have opportunity) concerning the quantity & Situation of the Land allotted in lieu of
Miss Taylors; &, from Dr. Harrison whether a %Bond for %payment & perf~ce was
given by Crosby along with the Mort~ge, & who were the Assignees of Crosby's Estate;
and whether Miss Taylor's Debt was proved under the Commission of Bankruptcy
or not; and whether any Dividend hath been made of %the Bankrupt's Effects,
— or any Effects remains in hand. If the Assignees reside in Derby these
Questions will more properly be answered by them, & you could at the same time
learn whether they would join Miss Taylor (now Mrs. Swanwick) in a %Sale. —
    When you have been at Derby I shall trust to hearing from you
the first convenient Opportunity, & am
    Dr. Sir
    Your Obliged hble Sert.
    Ios.. Cooke
The Comm~rs upon the Inclosure were
Edward Dawson of Donnington ^Park^Esq
Samuel Wyatt of Burton upon Trent}
Thomas Oldknow of NottinghamGent
Iohn Sultzer of Burton Overy
William Dickinson of Gopsal
[different hand]
Mr. Sanders of Mackworth
Mr. Smith of Packington

[Note added by that hand, probably Orford's]
Mr. Cox of Brelsford bot. the whole Close of
Mr. Websters Ass~. for 260£ or thereabout which
Close is about 8 Acres.

author COOKE JOS.

Mr. Orford
[Postmarked Congleton]
      new page
        21 Feb~ry 1784
Dr %Sir

    Mr Legh is now at this place and hath
directed me to write to you to search at Haydock for
the Papers relating to Newton-Election which were
drawn up at the time of Mr Blackburne's Affair —
They contain an Account of the Voters &c and if you
do not meet with them, you will apply to Mr Starkie
who will probably give you an Account of them.
    I have searched amongst the Papers in my
Custody but do not find those now wanted. I am
    Dr. Sir
    Your most obedt. servt.
    Ios.. Cooke

author COOKE JOS.

Mr. Orford
      new page
        4th. Iuly — 1785
Dr. %Sir

    Inclosed you have the Drt. you desired.
    Mrs Cooke tells me you left with her a Bank [corrected] Bill
for 25l.0s.0d saying some person would call for it. No one
having done so & as you don't mention it in yr. Letter, I
don't know what to do with it. Mr. Brocklehurst Junr tells
me you probably meant it for him but Mrs. Cooke says that
was not the name you mentioned. Please to say how you
would have it disposed of. — I have heard from Mr Stonehewer
who says that Mr Jackson has prepared a new Lease of
the Fines & Herriots to Mr Legh & that he ^(Mr Jackson)^ will send it with
an Acct. of the Expences very speedily. I am
    Dr. %Sir
    Your most ob servt
    Ios.. Cooke

author COOKE JOS.

Mr Orford
[Postmarked Macclesfield]
      new page
        11 Aug 1785
Dr. %Sir
    I reced. your favour of the 5th Inst. with the
£10.0.0 which you'l see by the annext Acct. is 5£ short of the
money I have pd. — that you may settle some other Opportunity.
    Mr. Jackson hath not yet sent the Acct. or Lease. I
returned him the Drt. by the next Coach after I saw you.
    I am surprized you have not yet got Echus's
Acct. — I wrote about it since I last saw you — I suppose Mr.
Darlington's [corrected] Attention to his Father in law's Affairs who is lately
dead hath taken him from home. I will remind him of it
& am Dr. %Sir
    Your most obedt servt
    Ios.. Cooke
Mr Orford Dr.
l s d
To Mr Twemlow15.0.0 [corrected]
Mr Brocklehurst25.0.0l s d
Bank Note25.0.0}35.0.0
Cash10 —
Rems. £5.0.0

author COOKE JOS.

Mr. Orford
Lyme near
[Postmarked Macclesfield]
      new page
        19 Sept 1785
Dr. %Sir

    I acquainted the Messenger who left your
Letter that I would send an Answer this day if you had the
opportunity of getting any person to call for it — but no one
having called I trouble you with a Line by the post to
prevent disappointment
    Mr. Brocklehurst says it will not be in his power
(or his son's) to advance 200l. to the 500£ at the time you
mention; and that if it suits Mrs. Keck to pay in the latter
sum at the end of October, he will be willing to receive it
on being informed immediately — or he will receive it any time
afterwards upon reasonable notice. I am
    Dr. %Sir
    Your most hble servt
    Ios.. Cooke

author COOKE JOS.

Mr. Orford
      new page
        11 Nov 1785
Dr. Sir

    When the person sent by Mr Marsden called for the
enclosed Writings I happened to be from home or they would have
been sent by him. I hope they will come in time & am
    Dr. Sir
    Your most hble serv{*}
    Ios.. Cooke
I have not yet got Echus's Account but
Mr Darlington informs me there will be
abt. 40l. in his hands I therefore enclose you
a 30l bank note & will settle the Difference
when I get the Acct. & see you.

[Note, probably by Orford]
Grimshaws Ink Nov. 1785

author COOKE JOS.

Mr. Orford
Lyme near
[Postmarked Macclesfield]
      new page
        8th. March 1788
Dr. Sir

    on my return from London this morning I find that
Iohn Hordern left in my Son's Hands 200£ in Cash in part of
Bradshaw's Fine money and a Note is taken from Bradshaw & %his
Son for 50£ & %the charge of the Lease payable at Michaelmas next —
& %the Lease is also left in my Hands according to your directions
for better securing the money — You will therefore be pleased to send
for the Money & %Note by some safe Hand the first opportunity. I %am
    Dr. Sir
    Yr. most obedt. hble Servt
    Ios.. Cooke

author COOKE JOS.

Mr. Orford
      new page
Mr. Cooke's Complimts. to Mr Orford & hath sent Receipts for
the Bills agreeable to his Directions — Also the 200£ Cash
reced from Hordern for Bradshaw & is sorry he was from
home on Saturday. The Acct may be settled some other Opperty.

24 Mar{*} 1788

1788 or 1786?]

Mr Orford
Steward to Peeter Leigh Esqr
Lyme Hall
near Dissley
      new page
        Manchester July 12 - 1788
    Inclosed have sent you a bill
Value £9— which is 1£/17s short of the
Ballance, if you will order any person
to Call for the Ballance wee will Send it
by them, Whoud have Wrote to you sooner
but Chou'd not Sight of a bill to your
sum, unless Getting one drawn, We have
Made Enquiry about the Anti Attrition
axletrees, which the are Cheifly Used for
Mail Coaches, for the Look so heavy to the
Eye, that we think is the Reason the
are not Made More Use of, for Gentlemans
Carriages, and we are Greatly Oblidgd to
you for all feavours, shoud be Glad to
know by a Line, Miss Leighs determination
Concearning New Wheels for the Coach
Or a New Chaise,
    We are Sir
    Your Most Obt: Hbl Servants
    Ioseph & Thos Cooper

[Notes in different hand, mostly accounts, omitted]


Mr. Orford
      new page
Good Sir
    On Friday next we shall apply for an Order
to Remove henry Richardson his Wife & Family either
to Disley or Lyme handley, and Mr. Barlow the Bearer
hereof is goeing to give Notice accordingly to the
overseers of those sevl Townships —
    We can't avoid Inquireing after the Lease which the
Grandfather had of the Brink in Lyme handley —
and which was surrenderd by the son either to the
present Mr Leigh or his Uncle, and we must beg
the favour of you to make all proper Jnquiries about
it, and give us the best information in your power
in relation thereto —
    J was Surprized to %see the backwardness of the two
Richardsons you sent over in delevering their Testimony —
It was very plain they cou'd have said more if they wou'd —
    J %am        Sr
    Your Obliged & most obt St
    Saml: Cooper
Stockp{*}. 3d: Sepr. 1771 —


Mr. Orford at his House
How Lane
      new page
[Accounts omitted]
Dr. Sir
    J shall be at Mellor tomorrow, on Receipt of
the Rents, and if you can possibly make it Convenient
J must beg of you to give me the meeting, J don't Care
how Early you are there, as J have sevl. matters to
Confer with [some letters crossed out] you about, and if you'll fix your Time, J will
Certainly meet you — J send this Messenger on purpose
that J may not be Disappointed — The Exact Quantity
of the there inclosed Land, that arnfield is to have, wants
to be ascertained, is one material Thing — you'll favour
me with a Line at what Hour, J may Expect to meet you
you'll be so good to Excuse this Short Notice from
    Good Sir
    your most obt. St.
    Samlls: Cooper
stockp{*}: Wednesday morng


Dr. Sir
    Mr. Clark writes me Word this Morning, that you & he had
appointed to be here tomorrow about 10, to look into the State
of the Turnpike accounts, J am Exceeding Sorry it happens
So, but tomorrow is a Court of Tryalls at macclesfield, which
J am Obliged to attend, and if J don't go there too_Night
Shall set out in the Morning by 6 — and J think J %shan't
return before Tuesday — any Day after Mr. Clark & you shall
appoint will be ready to Attend you — J %was in hopes
you wou'd have Called long ago, as you promised when J %last
Saw you — Wednesday Sevenight at the Anchor will be
is the next meeting — Cou'd you be here in the Morning by
Ten, you might then Satisfy yourself in respect to the [word crossed out]
accounts, but if you Come here before then, shou'd be glad to know
the Day you fix that J may be at Home
    you'll perhaps be kind enough to send the inclosed Notice
to Whaley to be sent up at that Bar —
    J %am    sr
    your most serv{*}
    Saml: Cooper
Stockpt. 24: ap: 1774 —


Mr. Orford.
      new page
Dr. Sir
    J am Satisfied your Method of drawing out the account is very
right, but it will be mighty tedious to go further back than
the Ballance on the Settlemt. in June 1769 and if you bring down
that B Sum to this Time, don't you think it will be Sufficient
& Satisfactory — J am Sorry you shou'd have so much Trouble
in this Busieness, but if you will be so obligeing to let the
account be drawn out & Settled as you think is right
J will thankfully Satisfy you for your Trouble —
    In hast to go to max~field, J remain
    Dr Sr
    your obliged & most obt st.
    Saml: Cooper
Stockpt. 28th: June 1774 —


Mr. Orford —

[Note, the other side of the paper up]
you'll let me have my last year's
account back —
      new page
Dr. Sir
    J %have Transcribed your account into my Bookes
and herewith you have my last years account
agreeable to your plan, the Ballance of my account
with you & in your favour is 18l:17s:4d — J Cou'd not
otherwise insert the payments for your Roads, than J %have
done, not knowing how the same had been applyed
    Mr Dickenson desired me to send the last years
account to him at Taxal, which J accordingly did, and
yesterday he returned it me, the same as J here send you
with a Lre for you, which you herewith receive
he writes he shall be here on Monday — J understand
there is likely to be a full meeting —
    J am sure J shall always acknowledge myself greatly
obliged to %you, and J am very happy now the Bookes are
set right as J apprehend they are, and your method of
keeping them J think is a very good one
    you'll let me see you as Early as you can on Monday
Morning —
[At different angle]
J %am Sr Your Obliged & most ob{*} st
    Saml: Cooper
24: June 1775 —


Mr. Orford
      new page
    J only heard a few Days ago, of many Reflections upon
me as Treasurer of the Turnpike, and J am told they have Arisen
Chiefly from what you have said on that account — Cou'd any_one [line break]
of the least Feeling be so Cruel; and Especially where J
thought there had been some Friendship — Admit my Jntentions
to be ever so Bad (but Thank God Such Baseness never yet
Entred my Heart) J must not only be a Rogue, but the greatest
Fool, as J %was sure to be Detected, when the Bookes came to be
Examined, which was proper they shou'd, whoever had the Care
of them, and so far from my haveing an Objection to their being
inspected, J desired you might be appointed for that purpose
    This affair you may Jmagine hursts me no little, that after
So long an Jmployment without any just Imputation to my Character
J %shou'd at this Time of Life be thus Reflected upon — All J desire is that
you will please to do me Justice in regard to the state you found
my Bookes in, and J %shall be glad of an Jnterview some Time
      new page
When it is Convenient —
    J am
    your %most h~le S{*}.
    Saml: Cooper
Stockp{*}. 10th: July 1775.


Mr. Orford
      new page
Dr. Sir
    I this Morning received your Obligeing L~re, and am
Sorry for the Trouble J have given you — J %am perfectly
Satisfied with the Subject of it, and beg no more may be said
of the Matter — The hints J %had, were from Mr Dickenson
and J %believe they Came the Derbyshire way, but it is not Material
from whence the Rise, your Letter has intirely given me
Satisfaction, and J %shall allways be glad to see Mr orford
when ever he is pleased to do me favour of a Call
    J %am
    Dr %Sr.
    Your Obliged & most ob{*}. st
    Saml Cooper
stockp{*}. 15th: July 1775.


Mr. Orford
      new page
Dr. sr.
    Mr. Clarke had told the Rectr. of the money that was to be advanced, and he
applyed to me about it, upon which J %wrote to Mr. Dickenson, who sent me Word
that he had advanced procured 100l, and Mr. Watson might assist with the Remt.
J %sent Mr. Dickenson's L~re to the Rectr. and in a Day or two afterwards he brought
me down 300l, and promised the Remt. when it was wanted, but J %must return him
his money — J %shall be glad to see you when you next Come this Way, I %want
to talk ^to^ you ab{*}. the scheme of incloseing Mellor Moor, J am informed you have been
Spoken to about it —
    J am
    Your most ob{*}. hle st
    Saml: Cooper
Stockpt. 23d: July 1777.


Mr. Orford

Car~ pd.
      new page
Dr. Sir
    J herewith return you the Writeings you was so
Obligeing to leave with me, the Allotment under those
Articles J observe was to be made in proportion to the
yearly Value of the Estates, and all the Charges born
in the like proportion, now our scheme was to go
according as the Old Lands were rated to the Land Tax,
wa which do you apprehend is the most Equal Method?
    J think you told me, you cou'd help me to the Sight
of another Article Entred into by other parties, on an
Jnclosure of the like kind, if you can J shall be obliged to %you
for it, and when J %have Settled ours as J think is right
Shall be glad to Consult you wether about it, before
it is Jngrossed —
    J am
    your Obliged & most hle St.
    Saml Cooper
Stockp{*} 6th: Aug{*}. 1777.
I reced yours relateing to the Turnpike


Mr. Orford
      new page
Dr. Sir
    J am Obliged to you for your kind Jnquiry after my Son
Thank God, J hope he is out of Danger, and in a fair Way of Recovery,
the Doctor thinks he may have better Health for the future, than
he has ever had in his Life before —
    J'll pay mr. Jodrell's order without any further Trouble
young Mr. Newton tells me that porter is to have more money
from Mr. Frith, and y that both you and J shall be paid soon
    J %am
    Dr %Sr.
    your obliged & most obt. St
    Saml: Cooper
Stockp{*}. 4: Feb: 1778.


Mr. Orford
      new page
Dr. Sir
    You will herewith receive the Articles of Reference,
Executed by all the Freeholders, in regard to the Division of
Mellor Moor, J %have wrote to Mr hegginbotham, to wait
upon you, to fix the Time for your goeing over, and
when you have Settled the plan, for your proceeding,
you'll be so good to give the Busieness, all the Dispatch in
your power —
    J am
    your Obliged & most ob{*}. St
    Saml: Cooper
Stockp{*}. 3d: July 1778.


Mr. Orford
      new page
Dr. Sir
    I Shall be glad to know if you are doeing any_Thing, towds.
the Division of Mellor ^Moor,^ the favour of a Line will greatly
    Your most ob{*} St.
    Saml: Cooper
Stockpt. 24: Iuly 1778

[Scribbles, probably in the same hand, omitted]


Mr. Orford
How Lane
      new page
Dr. Sir
    J %shall be goeing to London, in a Fortnight, and wish to be takeing
up with me the plan you propose of Mellor Moor, Mr. Chetham
has wrote Sevl. Times to know how you go on, and J %have promised
him a plan when J %Come to Town, and J %hope you'll Contrive to be
ready with it please to favour me with a Line, which will
much oblige
    Dr Sr
    your most ob{*}. Serv{*}.
    Saml Cooper
Stockp{*}: 9th: Decr. 1778.


Dr. Sir
    Mr. Chetham came to Stockp{*}. on Tuesday last, and the
utmost of his Stay will not be longer than Monday Sevenight
he is now with me and begs if possible you will Contrive to be
over here before he returnes, for he is very desireous of haveing
Some Discourse with you — J he sends his Compliments, and
J am
    Dr Sr
    Your Obliged & most obt. St
    Saml: Cooper
Stockpt. 8: May 1779
Mr Chetham desires his Compliments
to mr Legh


Mr. Orford.
      new page
Dr. Sir
    J have had a L~re from Mr. Chetham, and he Seems
Determined upon Selling his Estate, and is Impatient of haveing
it lookt over again by you — Jf you can, J %wish you
wou'd meet me tomorrow at Mellor as Early as you please
that Something may be got forward in the Busieness — We must
take our Chance as to the Weather — J send the Bearer on
purpose, that J may Certain of your answer, and am
    Good Sr
    your most ob{*}. Serv{*}
    Samlt Cooper
Stockp{*}: 28th: Aug{*}. 1782


Dr. Sr.
    Tomorrow J Can't Conveniently, but will be at the
publickhouse at Mellor on Saturday Morning betwixt
Nine & Ten, and hope you'll be able to give me the Meeting,
who am
    Your Obliged & most h~le S{*}.
    Samlt: Cooper
Stockp{*}: 29h: Aug{*}. 1782


Dr. Sir
    Mr. Stelfoor will be here on Tuesday Morning, when J
hope to have the pleasure of seeing you, and am
    Your most ob{*}. Serv{*}.
    Samlt: Cooper
Stockp{*}: 8th: Septr. 1782.


Mr. Orford —
      new page
Good Sir
    At the meeting on Monday last, which was a pretty full
one, Jt was ordered that the accounts of the several Surveyors
and persons Employed, in the repair of the Road from this Town, to
Whaley Bridge, shou'd be produced, at the next adjourned Meeting
of the Trustees, to be on the Second Monday in Janry. next, at the
White Lyon in this Town, to be then inspected & Examined, of which
J was Directed to give imediate Notice, and that no more money
must be laid out, on the Turnpike account, betwix't & that Time,
    you'll therefore be pleased to acquaint Bowden, Forbington &
Mellor, and Such others as are Employed undr. you, of this Notice,
as soon as possible, and you'll see, J %have no Doubt, of their
Comeing properly prepared at the next Meeting — you'll be so
obligeing to return me the Vouchers J lent you, at the next Meeting
or at any other Time that is most Convenient to you
    J am
    Good Sir
    Your most ob{*}. St.
    Samlt: Cooper
Stockp{*}: 16th: Novr. 1785.
      new page
The Comrs. that attended at the last Meeting, were Sr. Jno. Moseley
Mr. Jodrell, Mr Legh Booths, Mr. Jacson, Mr. Brooksbank, Mr. porsley
Mr. prescott, Mr. Bentham, Mr. Bayley & Mr. Nathan [corrected] hyde & Mr.
Joseph Dale —


Mr. Oorford
[Postmarked Manchester]
      new page
    Haveing lately heard that
of Mr Marsdens death, Ive made
bold to Derect these lines to You,
to beg You to steat me the mode
of application, for Payment of
a %pair of Boots wich has lain
in my Books from the 12 Iuly
1787 — Value one Pound eight
Shillings. Your Complyance with
this Request, will add to the favors
Conferd, and be esteemd a
great Favor by Sir Your
    most Obedient [corrected] Humle
    Thos: Coppock
Cannon Street
8 Iune / 90.


Mr Orford
      new page
Mr Orford Sir
    I only find 11s/10d Charg'd to mr Leigh
as above, since you paid me his Acct in 1777 — The Inclos'd
is due from Mrs Ann Leigh — In any_thing I can serve
the Familey with their Comds will be thankfully recd by
    Sir yr. Oblig'd & mo %Obedt Sert
    Wm. Coppock

[Accounts omitted]


Mr. Orford
      new page
    I have order'd half a %pound of Wooll
to be dyed exactly to your pattern, it may
be ready to send on Tuesday next, but if
it comes sooner, shall forward it directly.
    I %am Sir your most
    Humble Servt.
    Luke Cotes
10 Sepr. 1771


Mr. Richard Alford
Lyme hall
Hansley [Added in different hand] Nr Stockport
[Second hand] Missent to [Postmarked Knutsford]
[Postmarked Congleton?]
      new page
        1777 June the 28th Biddulph Saffordshier
Sir J have sent you word of the
Names of the two lives William Waller
Son of Ralph Waller farmer Jn
Biddulph age 10y Thomas Cottrell my son
Age 14 years Sir you must fix a time
When you must have your Money J desier
you will write to Joseph barber in Wincle
and he will help me to it
    from your umble
    John Cottrell
[Different hand]
[At different angle]
Six Wks
[Accounts in pencil omitted]


To Mr
Gaskill Bollington
to Be forwarded to
Lime With All Speed
      new page
        11th of Iune 1778
Iohn Cottrell Biddulph Yro B st Mr Alford
Sir I Desire You to Me Bring Me the
Lease At the Rent Day And I %intend
to Give You the Meeting and to Loose
the Same And in so Doing You Will
Greatly Oblidge Your HBSt
    Iohn Cottrell


        Frodsham 17 Iuly 1788

    One Thos Barrow who was Clarke to Wm Tomlinson of
this place & to whom Mr Tomlinson turnd over his Coal Trade
here, orderd from Your Pitts in Lancashire his Coals but Your
Agents were diffident of his Credit & always made out their
Notes to Tomlinson in consequence of which Barrow gave his [corrected]
Money to Tomlinson & Tomlinson remitted You on Your Agents in his
own Drafts drawn in Your or Your Agents favor, dureing the
time there was two Bills that Tomlinson drew for £86— was
running Tomlinson died & I beleive his Affairs will not turn out
so as to give every_One their own, but Barrow out of an honest
disposition has in a measure promised to be answerable for
Tomlinsons Drafts He begun the World with a %small Capital
& I fear was You to press him it woud nearly ruin him & I think
He proposes very honorably, if You please to order Your Agents
to receive what dividend Tomlinsons effects will pay & He will
afterwards pay One half of the Money that may afterwards be
short, Your Character is such that I think You woud not hurt the
Young Man & You'll excuse me tho' unknown writeing to You upon the
Subject, but beleive me Sir Your %most obt Hble Ser
    Wm Crosbie
      new page
Peter Legh Esqr
Lyme Hall

[Draft of Orford's answer]


    I %am favor'd with yours of %the 17. Inst. and have laid your Inclosed Letter
before my Master, who has given for Answer, that he expects Mr. Barrow
to pay one half of the £86 immediately, and the other half he is willing
to postpone till the late Mr. Barrows ^Tomlinson's^ affairs are settled, and in Case Mr
Bro{rro} ^Barrow^ shd. prove a %great Sufferer Mr %Legh will then assist Mr Barrow
in part of his Suffering, but cannot think of lying out of the whole
debt till Mr Tomlinson's affairs are made an end of, As Mr.
Barrow both %promised and gave it under his Hand to take up the
Bills when they came returned.
    I %am Sir &c [Orford's signature]
To Wm Crosbie Esqr.


        Frodsham 17 Iuly 1788

    I am desired by poor Thos Barrow to hand You the inclosd to
be %presented to Mr Legh as the contents tells itself need not
recapitulate to You the same, but You wou'd do a Freindly
action by makeing use of Your rethoric to Mr Legh in his
favor, I am
    Your %most %hble Ser
    Wm Crosbie


Mr: Richd. Orford
      new page
Mr. Orford
    The Haunch of Venison you sent shall be duely
forwarded to_day — The small parcel of bound Books — Mrs. Bancks
as sent to Haddock I %am
    Your Obliged
    Humble Servt.
    Charles Crossley

Warrington Sepr. 1. 1781


Mr: Richd Orford
at Lyme Hall near
[Postmarked Warrington]
      new page
Mr. Orford
    The Sacks you gave Bror. an order to gett. was Sent by the
Coach and will be at Manchester this Evening
    I %am
    Your Obliged Humble Servt
    Charles Crossley

Warrington Novemr. 16th. 1781


[Different hand than that of the first two letters]

Mr. Richard Orford

[Accounts omitted]
      new page
Mr. Richd. Orford
Dear Sir
    I am sorry to acquaint you
of the Death of my Dear Brother who dyed on Saturday
the 24 Instant about 8 o'Clock in the morning.
    I have sent you herewith a Hatband
and a pair of Gloves in remembrance of him.
    I am
    Sir your obliged hble %servt.
    Chas. Crossley
August 30. 1782


Mr: Richd Orford
Lyme Hall near
[Postmarked Warrington]
      new page
Mr. Orford
Dear Sir
    Your Letter J %received, and this
Afternoon I received one from Mr Ashley — in which; he orders
me to acquaint you that Grappenhall Court — is to be held
on Friday 9 of Decemr J have acquainted Mr Holt of the
Same —
    I %am Sir
    Your Humble Servt
    Chas Crossley

Warrington Novemr 30th. 1785


Mr Richard Orford
      new page
Mr Orford
    To your Request — J %have Jnclosed you a %Bill on London
Value Forty Pounds — on Acct of Rent due to Madam A— Legh — for the
year 88 — the receiving of which! — you'll please to acknowledge, and you'll
oblige —
    Your Humble Servt
    Chas Crossley
NB — J %shod be glad to be informed
when you Intend being at Warrn


Mr: Orford
Haydock Lodge
      new page
        Warrington Iune 29th: 1778
Mr: Orford
    I have sent p~ this day's Coach to London. According to your direction
a Salmon. perticulars as Under, — being very Nice and fresh. — They being very
Scarse and dear, Have [corrected] not had an opportunity to meet with one till now —
I %remain —
    Your Oblig'd Humble Servt
    Iohn Crossley

To a Salmon 21 pounds 9d pr: pound            15s..9d
    paid for Cord & pack'g                         3
Paid Car~ge of the above Salmon to London 5/6: when pack'd 22 pounds     5..6


Mr Holford
      new page
        Sunday Evg
    As Mr. Cooper of Stockport hath bot a seat
in the Church — where I now sitt, & hath given me
notice to quit it — I shall be much obliged to you if
you would let me have that seat of mr Lee's, which
mr Cooper now sits in — paying the same rent
shall be glad of your answer by mr thomson
or any opportunity that offers sooner — I am
    your obliged Hbl %Ser
    R Crowther

author DAINTRY J T

Mr. Orford
Lime Hall
[Postmarked Macclesfield]
      new page
        Macclesfield 8 Octo~. 89
    I %receiv'd Yours this Morning, & have
acquainted my Father, when you will be at Home —
if Thursday be a fine Day, no doubt my Father
will do himself the pleasure of waiting on You, if not
on Friday, perhaps Mr. Ryle may come, I have
told, him but it is a little uncertain — Am
    Yr. Mo. obt. Servt.
    I T Daintry


Mr. Orford
      new page
Mr. Orford
    The Bearer Mr. Cherry will inform you
without my description of the nature of my request;
And shall esteem myself much oblig'd if you can
accommodate me — Will endeavour to wait
upon you any day you shall fix to execute the
Lease whenever they are ready — With compliments
to Mr Marsden I am Sir
    Yr Obedt. & respectfull Hble Serv
    Michl. Daintry
Leek 3 July 1789.


Mr. Orford Steward
at Lyme
near Disley
[Postmarked Buxton?]
[Accounts in pencil omitted]
      new page
This Indenture made the fiveteenth day of Iuly in the
fifth year of the Reign of our soverign Lord Charles by the
Grace of God King of England Scotland France &
Ireland Defender of the faith &c Between Thomas
Cooper of Eyam in the county of Derby yeoman
of one part and Ralph Hegginbotham of ffairfield
in the sd: county of Derby Yeoman of the other part
Wittnesseth that the sd. Thomas Cooper for and in Consideration
of the sum of five pounds and ten shillings of Good
and Lawfull money of England to him paid by the
sd. Ralph Hegginbotham at and before ensealing & delivering
of these Presents Hath demised granted Leased set and the farm
Let And by these presents doth demise grant Lease
set and Let to farm unto the sd. Ralph Hegginbotham
Two Beast Grasses in {*}e Borrows or little woodall
with all the title right or Interest that the sd. Thomas
Cooper hath in and to the sd. {*}e Borrows or little Woodall
with the appurtenances situate lying [corrected] and being within
the fields and Territories of fairfield afforesaid within the
Parrish of hope and County of Derby
    P.S. part of a %copy [corrected from coppy] of a lease of two Beast Grasses in woodall
Dated in 1629 and now in the Occupation of John Bradshaw
belonging his Grace the Duke of Devonshire and paid
four pence ^a %year^ for the space of 21 years d if demanded while this
lease was in force —

Sir the above is part of a %lease belonging to woodall
which plainly sheweth it is of the same tenure as
cunning dale is therefore desire this may go up with the
case as well as all other have sent one to mr. Lad &
Mr. Stafford and mr. Beighton and shall produce the
originall next meeting and am yours most obedt. Servt
    Edward Dakin
ffairfield 23d Agust 1771 —


Mr. Orford
      new page
        Wincham 11th Sepr


    Daniel Astles has lived in the family
of the Hon~ble Booth Grey 3 Years, during that
time he has behaved himself as an honest clean good
Servant, which enables me to say with Justice to him and
my_Self likewise, that I think him a servant in Every Way
Suitable for an Under Butlers place in any Gentlemans
family, and I make not the least doubt but he will Give
You Satisfaction in his place
    I am
    Your most hble %Sert.
    Jon: Dakin


Richd. Orford Esqr.
[Postmarked Warrington]
[Note of two words in different hand: Tho{*} quist]
      new page
        Grappenhall 22d Iuly 1789
Dear %Sir
    Yours of the 6h came to hand by favour of
Mr. {*}urgess [paper damaged], it was the intention of the majority
of the Inhabitants [corrected from Inhabitance?] to remove the School from
the cold and uncomfortable situation it now
stands in where the Sun in Winter scarcely ever
shines, to the place you mention, on account
of its being a more elegible situation, it now
and near a fine Spring of Water, a good and
safe road for the Children, and its vicinity
to the Town, the other situation is more
distant a dangerous and further way, and
along the Navigation side, and a total
deprivation from Water for the Children,
{*...} [torn off] greeable to the Rowson's and indeed.
{*...} [torn off] thirds of the Inhabitants [corrected]; It was intended
to remove it by private subscription, Boonwork, ^&c^
but not before the consent of both Lords of the
manor first obtain'd, If Mr Legh or you have
any Objection to the situation proposed the
project drops to ye ground, as it is not
Intended to give offence either at Lyme or
Marbury when convenient shoud be proud
of your favourable answer I am Dear %Sir
    Your most obet. Humble Servt.
    Thomas Dakin

author DALE JOHN

Mr. Orford
Lyme near
[Postmarked Liverpool]
      new page

    I writ you since I was over at Lyme respecting the Leasing
business, but have not been favor'd with an answer.
Shou'd the Present Parliamentary business bring you
over to Newton, please to advise me thereof and i'll give
you the meeting; if not; be kind enough to aquaint
me when I shall be shure to find you at Lyme &
i'll wait on you there; wishing much to have the
Business finaly settled —
    I am Your mo. Obed{*}. Serv{*}.
    Ino.. Dale
L'pool June 19th..


Mr. Orford
at Newton

[In different hand]
      new page
    I am sorry to find by Mr. Porter that
You cannot attend the proposed meeting
tomorrow at Blindfoot in Windle, and in
consequence thereof, have signified by a
Note to Mr. Penswick that some future day
must (as conveniency may suit) must be
fixed upon; of which (when settled) You
shall be informed by
    Sr. Your Most Obedt Servt.
    Thos. Dana
12. Augt. 1776

Mr. Orford


Mr. Orford

[Scribbles in different hand, and accounts, omitted]
      new page
        Stockport April 2 1771
    Upon reviewing our Cash. Acct. I find I have
made a Mistake of £10 in my own Favor
Instead of the 16..16— you paid me I ought
to have had only £6..16 So that I am Dr. to you
£10 — I ask you pardon for making this
Mistake and Am sir Your most %hble Serv{*}
    Saml Daniel


        Stockpt. April 27 1771
Dear sir

    I Ask pardon for not sending the Bills
yesterday but was so busy I had not t Opportunity
I have inclosed you 7 Bills Amounting to £120..16..0
I suppose the Number will be ^no^ Inconvenience as I expect
you write under Cover which alas I cannot do, being
quite frankless
    I am sir your most Obliged hble Serv{*}.
    Saml Daniel


Mr.. Orford

[Accounts omitted]
      new page
        Stockpt. 6th. Janry 1772
Dr sir
    Your Demand on Mr. Newton is in the same
Situation as when you left it with me
I Asked him the Beginning of last Week if he
cou'd fix a Time for payment but he replied
he cou'd not, So I must give up all Thoughts
of getting the Money from him
    I have sent my Acct. to the 1st. of December
    And Am Your most hble Serv{*}.
    Saml Daniel


        Stockpt March 11 1772
Dear Sir
    Yesterday I reced from you by your
Brother £20 and have herein sent you a Bill
for Fifty pounds which being nearer to you
than Mr. Craftons I thought might be more
Acceptable than my draft As I hope it will
prove good. If there be any Hesitation in the
Acceptance of it please to write me and I will
send you my draft at what Date you mention
    I am sir Your most hble Servt.
    Saml Daniel


Mr. Orford
      new page
        Stockpt. May 11 1772
Dr sir
    Mr. Kendall of Warmingham writes me
that if you please to send him a Ton of the
pig Iron he will give you what it is worth
and if it proves well he will take a Quantity
Annually I %am sir Yr most hble Ser{*}
    Saml Daniel


Mr. Orford
      new page
        Stockpt. Janry 22 1774
Dear Sir
    Altho the Storm seems to be leaving us
Yet it is very cold But you have made me
more comfortable than I have been this
Frost for I have been very low But
this has come very seasonably and Am
vastly Obliged to you for it and also for
the Franks which is plain tho old Proverb
Out of Sight Out of Mind is not always true
The Lyme Bill I will get ready as soon
as I can and also your's But if I don't
so soon as you wish You can very justly
tell Mrs. Orford its my Fault
    I am Dear sir Yr. most Obliged hble Ser{*}.
    Sam Daniel
It looks af as if you had a small hhd of Guins
to pick out of for they are all old every one
14 I shall pay with much Difficulty and
4 or 5 I doubt I shall never pay for Guins


Mr. Orford
      new page
        Stockpt June 6 1774
Dear sir
    As you was so kind to Assist me with the
greatest puntuality It woud give me pain
to disapoint you an Hour and therefore as
I was so unfortunate as not to see you on your
Return from Manchester I sent my Son last
Week to Lyme to know what and when you
wou'd Want and wish you had been at Home
for as [corrected] Bills of short Date wou'd be as Acceptable
as Cash I cou'd have got 2 Banks of £50 each, but
they are now gone and I have not one Bill but
wants more than a Month However I will endever
to get some against friday or Cash
    I am sorry that I have Occasion to send you black Wax
for I was much Affected with the Loss of our mutual
very worthy Friend but such Events may be
expected and must be Submitted to, tis in vain to
repine I am sir Yr. most Obliged hble Serv{*}
    Sam Daniel
Your professions of Serving me were unnecessary as
I have always experienced more than professions

I have got you 2 Bank Notes for Sixty pounds
I coud have had one for £200 also, but the
person must pay it {*} Cash in 2 Hours — So

4oz. best black Wafers0.1.9
8oz. best black Wax0.3.0


Mr. Orford        Stockpt. Augst. 30 1774

Dear %sir

    I have sent you 2 Ream of paper as
below which wish may be the Sorts you want
Instead of the Sort at 15/ you wish for a larger
Size which I have sent you but have none
betwixt this at 21 and that at 15/
    I am sir Yr most Obedt serv{*}
    Sam Daniel

1 Rm paper0.12.6
1 Rm Do.1.1.0


Mr. Orford
      new page
        Stockpt. June 20 ,75
    I've sent the paper you Orderd and hope
it will prove according to your Expectation
I think I match'd your paper inclosed but
have finer Cutt at 15/ P~ Rm
    I hear Mr. Legh returnd to Lyme last Night
I hope he is there in a good State of Health
    & am Dear %sir Yr. most hble Serv{*}.
    Sam Daniel


Mr. Orford.
      new page
        Octor. 30 .78
Dear sir
    Will you be so Obliging while Mr Keck is
Over to get me a %few Franks for Mildred Walker
London I woud have sent Covers but have
not Time I am glad I was able to send you
£20 for your Bank Note
    I am sir Yr most hble Serv{*}
    S Daniel


Mr. Orford
      new page
Mr. Orford        Stockpt. Novr. 10 1778

Dear sir
    I have sent you two Bills for the £100
Cash that you sent me by Bearer But you sent
at a bad Time for I have no other Bills above £10
for I have had one pretty large One returnd this post
which has took my shorter dated Bills
    I return you Thanks for your Goodness in procuring
me the paper of Franks, but I have Reason to Say
that you are always kind to Dear sir
    Your most Obliged hble Serv{*}
    Sam Daniel


Mr. Orford
      new page
        {*...} [torn off] t. Octor. 4 1779
Dear sir

    I sent of this Morning all my Bills at a Month
and now have none of so [corrected] short a Date, So have
sent you my draft for £30 — and shall always
be glad if I can do any_Thing that will give my worthy
Friend Mr. Orford any Degree of Satisfaction
    I am in hast Good sir Yr most Obedt
    S Daniel


Mr.. Orford
      new page
        Stockpt:. Octor. 27
Dear sir

    The Bearer Mr. David Clark is in Partnership in the Cotton Trade
with Mr. Booth son in Law of Dr. Thomson. As they are Strangers
to you They desired I wou'd signify by this Line the Intention of his
waiting on you. They have agreed with Mr. Drabble for his
Interest in Waley Mills provided they can have a Satisfactory
Lease from Mr. Legh, which I don't ^doubt^ he will grant them
They therefore desire your Assistance that it may be expedited as soon
as possible I am Dr sir most respectfully Yr %hble Ser{*}
    Sam Daniel


Mr. Orford
      new page
        Stockpt Octor. 28 ,79
Dear %sir

    I have sent you my draft for £45. for I happen
to be poor and out of Stock of Bills or I shoud have
sent it in 2 Bills, without drawing
    I have agreable to your Request sent Mrs. Orford very
good Hops But you are a tantalizing Chap to
tell one of your good Ale and woud make a Shew of
blaming me for not tasting it oftner But you are
not ^to^ come of in that Manner for tho' you make an
Offer of your good Liquor, Yet you are never at Home
for me or any_One else, So that I can hear of no_Body [line break]
but your_Self that Praises Mr Orfords Ale
But I will tire you no longer, but will conclude
    with Saying as I really Am Yr much Obliged frd.
    S Daniel


        Stockpt. Augst. 22 1781
Dear sir

    I have experienced the Goodness of your
Disposition that you are willing to help those
in Distress, which happens to be my Case at
this Time and therefore make free to beg
your Assistance as now it woud be of
particular Service to Dr sir
    Your most hble serv{*}
    Sam Daniel

And if you can lend me a hundd. or two
if the Bills be 2 Month's on London I
will pay again soon


Mr.. Richd.. Orford
How Lane
      new page
        Stockport Sepr.. 14th 1771
    Inclosed you have 2 Bills for the sums
you desired me to send, will give you an
Answer about what you mention'd to me
yesterday in a %few Days
    I %am Sir Yr.. hble %Sert..
    Saml Daniel


Mr.. Orford
      new page
        Stockport Febry 3d 1772
Mr.. Orford
    I have reced yours with Cash fifty
pounds & have as above sent a draft agreable
to your desire for £100..
    I %am Sir Yr.. hble Sert..
    Saml Daniel


Mr.. Orford
Lyme Hall
      new page
        Stockport May 4th 1772
    You'll herewith receive 3 drafts
for £150.. agreable to your desire except
the date, & as I wrote Mr.. Crasston P~ %this
Mornings post cou'd not date them to_Day
    I %am Sir Yr hble sert..
    Saml Daniel Junr..

[Different hand]
2 6Noting


Mr.. Orford
Lyme Hall
      new page
        Stockport May 27th 1772
    I yesterday reced the inclosed from
Mr.. Newton which he thinks nearly Ballances
your [corrected] Acct.. but will look it over particularly
    I %am Sir Yr.. hble %Sert..
    Saml Daniel


Mr.. Orford

[Accounts in pencil omitted]
      new page
    As my Father is for London tomorrow
& I shall have occasion for some Covers shall
be much oblig'd to you to perform your promise
in a Day or two if possible & you'll oblige —
    Sir Yr.. hble %Sert..
    Saml Daniel Junr..
Stockport Iuly 27th 1772

author DANNETT J

Mr. Orford at Peter Legh's Esqr
[Postmarked Liverpool]
      new page
        Wavertree Iuly 31st. 1778

    Having lately had the misfortune of
losing my brother Robert, a life in the lease
of the tenement I %hold under Mr. Legh, I
take the earliest occasion of letting you
know of it, and the desire I have of renewing
immediately. The life I %would propose,
in his stead is Lydia Dannett my daughter
just turned of four years old. I %have the
money now in my hands formerly demanded
by Mr. Legh; therefore the sooner the
business is finished, the better it will
be. On the receipt of the new lease I will
pay the money to any_one in Liverpool
you please.
    I %am Sr. your humble servt
    I Dannett

[Details of old lease, with note of the intended change, on reverse of paper. Different hand, probably Orford's]

Mr. Dannett lease
March 12. 1777

Consideration Money paid for adding a life 50£
        the Revd. Mr. Thos. Dannett Lessee aged 31 Years
Lives     Robt. Dannett of Manchester aged 29 Yrs
        Mary Daughter to the Lessee agd.- 5 Yrs
Lords Rent    16s..6d P~ Year.
Quantity        12A..—R.. 25P

Life proposed ^to be added^ is Lydia Daughter of the Lessee
as above Aged — 4 Years


        Manchester Sepr. 8th 1774
Mr. Orford
    J am this Afternoon favour'd with your's — And Jn answer thereto
we Expect Bror. Jas. Leigh here on Sunday Evening Or on Mondy
Next        J am Yr. mo: obt. Servt
    Thomas Darwell


Mr. Richd. Orford
      new page
        Manchester Novr. 1st: 1775
Mr. Orford
    J am this day favourd with your's of the 28th. Ulto
and am Sorry to Send the Webbs back, which you Sent to be
Exchang'd, The Reason for our Sendg. them again, is they might
Lie by us for Years to Come, being made Considerabley to Good
for the Comn. Course of Trade, — we Shall Allways be prow'd
to do Every_thing that lies in our Power to Serve our Worthy
Friend Mr. Legh & am Very Clear he wd: not desire us to Make
Goods Ext. to Pattns. & then return 'em upon our Hands —
    If you chuse others made to Any Perticular Pattn.
Desire you'll Send us a %Pattn. & the Same Shall be done
Agreeable thereto — J am with respts. Yr. Mo:
    Obt. Servt.
    Thos. Darwell

[Accounts in different hand omitted]


Mr. Orford
Peter Legh's Esqre.
Lyme Park
      new page
        London March 14th. 1788

    I desire you will be so good
to remit the 450£ for the interest of my Mortgage
as soon as possible for I depended on having
it before this time (being due the 2nd. Jnst.) as you
promis'd last year to be very punctual in
the payment, therefore I beg you will send
the Bills to me, directed to Bloomsbury Square.
    I hope all the Family
at Lyme are well, & beg my best respects to them.
    I am yr. humble. Servt.
    Jane Davenport


Mr. Richd. Orford
Peter Legh's Esqre.
Lyme Park
      new page
        London April 11th. 1788

    I wrote to you 3 Weeks ago
to desire you wou'd pay the 450£ interest
on my Mortgage, but as I have recd. no
answer, I trouble you with another Letter
to know when I may expect the Money, for
I depended on its being remitted punctually
according to your promise last year, &
the 2nd. of March, is the day it was due —
    I beg an answer by return of the Post
directed to Bloomsbury Square, & am
    yr. humble Servt:
    Jane Davenport
My respects to the
Family at Lyme, who
I hope are well —

[Draft of Orford's reply attached]


        Lyme 24th May 1788

My Lady

    I am ashamed to acknowledge the Rect.
of both your Letters, and can assure your Ladyship, that
the delay of your payment of Interest, was not owing to
me; My Master Insisted that a Sum shd. be discharged,
when I informed him, if it was, I really cd. not be
punctual with your payment, but he persisted it
shd. be so, Therefore assure you, this is the first Money
I possibly cd. Raise, but hope you will not have
the same reason to complain again, Inclosed is
Five Bills as under amounting to £425.1.4, and
in a post or two you may depend of [corrected] Receiving another
Bill to Balance the Acct. till after which I hope for
your Answer,
    and am My Your Ladyships Most
    Obt. & very Hble Sert.
    [Orford's signature]
No. 121 Kent OnOn Abel's77. 6.4
137 BrandtOn Iones.73. 6.0
140 Cockle & COn Castell & Co.73.14.0
141 Gideon & CoOn Smith & Co.100.15.0
142 RussellOn Ladbroke & Co.100 —
425. 1.4


Mr. Richd. Orford
Lyme Park
      new page
        London June 2nd. 1788


    I receiv'd your Letter
enclosing 5 Bills value £425,1,4, & this
moment I have got the second Letter, with a
Bill of £24.18,8. therefore I send you a receipt
for the whole; & shall hope in future that
you will be punctual in the payment, & not
send Bills that have so long to run after
the Date, which is a great Disappointment
to me.
    With Compts. to the Family
at Lyme, I remain Sir
    yr. humble Servt.
    Jane Davenport


Mr R. Orford
at Peter Legh's Esqr
      new page
    On the other side agreeable to your Request
Mr Cotes has included all the Bills sent in one, which
he hopes you will find right, he will esteem it a
Favor, if you will recommend him to Mr Legh, if
any further shd be wanting in our Way, for
as Mr Cotes is declining Business he purposes to
oblige his friends with any Article they ^may^ want at
the first Cost,
    I %am, sir, for Mr Cotes
    Your hble serv
    Richd Davenport
Manr.. 2 Mar. 1778


Mr. Richard orford
at Lyme
      new page
        Chester augst. 29th. 1779 —

    Mr. Keck is so pressed by Mr. Fisher for ye whole
or %part of ye Sum due, that a large payment on
that account must be made at Mich~as. I can
do nothing without help from Every Quarter,
I %desired him to %inform you, that ye half
year's Interest now growing due, must be
Remitted to me before Mich~as, to meet ye.
above payment — I have wrote to Every_body,
upon ye same Errand, to prevent a failure in ye.
payment, & ye. Consequent Disgrace upon %it
Below is ye Receipt for your last Remittance
My nephew has contracted with Sr. Wm. for ye.
Land you saw, at a fair price, as near your
Valuation as possible — I %am Yr. humble Servt.
    Thos. Davenport


Mr. Richard orford
at Lyme
near Disley

T. {***}
      new page
        Hendon 28th. Decr. 1781.
    The Reports concerning poor Mr. Legh's Health
have induced me to Desire a Line from you, to know how the old
Gentleman really is. Ld. Bulkeley told me, that he Enquired
at Lyme abt. 3 Weeks ago, & received a bad account [ink blot] I %did
not Care to give any disturbance, and therefore I forbore to %send
ye mortgage Deeds, in order to have ye. 2000£ indorsed upon them,
to make up ye. 10.000£; this should have been done ye. last year, but
was neglected by my agent Mr. Manley — If matters are now well
Enough at Lyme, I will give orders to %have them sent to mr.
Cook of %macclesfield, who will call upon you, & have the
Indorsement made & witnessed — You Surprize me much by your
Dilatory payments of ye. Interest, the last half year was due
on ye. 2d. Septr. last, & now near four months are Elapsed — This
must be Entirely owing to Want of Method in ye %business, as the
Rents ought to be Remitted halfyearly as they are received, to
Mr. Fazakerly & myself, & no part of them applied to any other
purpose whatsoever, & Harry Porter was inserted in ye. Deeds as
a Receiver for us, tho' I chose to let things go on in ye. old
way to avoid Disturbance — By these arrears, I do not receive
one paymt. before ano~r is due; on ye. 2nd. March ano~r half
year will be due, which I desire may be Remitted in due time.
Even 5 P~ Ct. by this mode of paymt., wd. fall short of ye. Interest
which every^body^ now receives, but I do not want to add to ye. Interest
but to Enforce ye punctual paymt. of %it. I desire that I may have
no further occasion for Complaint, as your Conduct totally Deranges
all ye. regular Settlements of %my own affairs — If Mr. Legh is
well Enough, pray present my Respects to him & write Immediately
    I %am yr. humble Servt.
    Thos: Davenport


Mr. Richd. Orford
at Lyme
near Disley
T. {***}
By Buxton
      new page
Mr Orford
    You have disappointed me much, in not
remitting ye. last half year's Interest —
another will be due in a month's time, and
therefore I desire that both may be Remitted
as soon as possible. the Inconvenience to me,
is the nonpayment to ye. Tradesmen, Employed
about my new house, whose bills amount
to a %large Sum. I have heard nothing from
the old Gentleman, since my last Letters to
him, inclosing ye. Inventories of Effects
at Salthrop, & Mrs. Legh's Acceptance of
ye. terms proposed, and her preference of
ye. annuity &c: to %ye. keeping ye. Estate, which
she desires to give up. I hope he is in good
health, and does not Suffer from the
very Severe Weather. Captn. Legh is gone
to Golbourne again, but I could have
wished his Stay in Town a little longer, if it
had been Convenient —
    I %am yr. humble Servt.
    Thos. Davenport
Bloomsbury Square
31st. Iany. 1784


        Saty. 14th. feb.
    I received your last with ye. Letter ^you^ inclosed,
but what answer shd. be given, I don't know,
unless I was acquainted with ye. Gentleman's
Connection or intimacy with Mr. Legh — If he
has none at all, it is a pretty clear Case, if
he has some, the Degree of %it will be very
material to know; which you can inform
me of, and also what Strength and Interest
he has in yt. place — From several Circumstances,
I much Suspect ye Post office opening Letters
from me to your [some letters crossed out] master, and therefore
advise me, how I can best direct them under
Cover to somebody Else; when you answer this,
be so good to direct it for Iohn Lee Esqre.
M.P. Lincolns Inn, London, who will give
it me — This Evening I have a Letter from
Golbourne, informing me that on friday
se'ennight Captn. Legh's anxiety has carried
him from Golbourne in a full %intention to go
to Lisbon — I have not seen, or heard any_thing
of %him in London & which way he is gone, & where
he %is, I am wholly at a %loss to guess, I %certainly wd.
have Endeavoured to Stop him, had I met with him
    make my best Respects. I am yr. humble Servt. T. D.
[At different angle]
P.S. my own Clerk Iust put ye. two missing
packets in_to ye. Post office —


        London 21st. feby. 1784
    Your's came duly, and I am glad to see
that no United Effort of %ye. persons you mention can
disturb Newton — You hope no such thing is in agitation,
but I can assure %you that it is ye. Case in many
places, that ye meanest & lowest arts are practising
by ye friends of %ye. present ministry. I wish you to keep some
steady person who can Watch Newton, & inform you
whether any secret applications have been made,
and in what quarters, so as to Concert ye. properest
method of Counteracting them — Things are in such
a Situation now, that ye King must give up his
present Ministers, or dissolve his Parliament, and
ye. Crisis is at hand; Therefore you shd. ^take^ all right
measures immediately, to prepare for %an Election,
but without seeming to do it, or giving ye. least
alarm. I observe, that Mr. B's. last Letter talks of
ye. Real & %true right of %Election, which he says is
at present doubtful — Surely this is Hint enough,
for us to take Caution Early, & be prepared upon ye.
old accustomed Right of %Election, which I suppose you
well know — I think Mr. Bs. last Letter so Impertinent
that it deserves no answer, as it seems to be a
meer Bully — However, if mr. Legh thinks proper to
send him word, that he knows of %no Objection to %my
Conduct, nor has heard of %any from ye Burgesses, and
that he has no ^reason to withdraw his^ Vote or what Interest he has in
ye Borough from me, I don't know that it can do any harm
      new page
Whatever Expence attends Enquiry, or arises in any
other Respect, I give you full %power to Defray, as
Mr. Legh shall not suffer one shilling on my account,
and I think that in point of property, I shall not
be %found Deficient, or inferior to mr. B. or %his friends
if ^he has^ any — my best respects to mr. L. & mrs. Anne, I %hope
they Continue well, as a %fine Thaw is now coming on
    I am
    Yr. humble Servt.
    Thos. Davenport
Do you know, where the
papers are, which mr. Nic. Starkie
collected together, when ye late Ld.
Strange talked of %setting up Mr.
Blackburne of orford?
Be %so good to make Enquiry
after them, as well as
ye Enquiry above pointed out,
& lose no time —

If %any Donation to ye poor of Newton
at this Inclement Season, seems
proper in your judgment, or mr. Legh's,
I authorize you to give for me
what may be %judged necessary.


Mr. Richd. orford

[Note in different hand]
This Letter came in Gates cover with To
upon it

new page

        Mar 84

    I have but just time to say that I %receivd
your's this Evening, and am glad to find
that every_thing is right. Indeed Mr. B's.
Letter seemed to be a meer Bully, & nothing more
You judged right most certainly about ye.
Donation, as ye severe weather is gone —
Tomorrow I %set out for York, from whence
you shall hear from me — abt. ye first week
in April I hope to %see my friend at Haydock,
& %rejoice to find that he is so well. my best
respects to him & mrs. Ann —
    I %am Yr. humble Servt.
    Thos. Davenport
The Expected Event
will %not happen
immediately —


London thirtieth November 1785
Mr. Richard Orford
Haydock Lodge
near Warrington
T. {***}
      new page
        London 30th Novr. 1785

    I am afraid that my Letter
concerning ye. Remittance has not found
you, or that I shd. have heard to %ye %purpose
before this time — The old Gentleman
I find, continues pretty well, Mrs. Keck
was Expected in town this week, but I %have
not seen her, nor know with Certainty,
whether she %is Arrived or not — The present
weather will be favourable to %ye. farmers, who
have little Hay, When ye. Snow begins, so [crossed out?] as
to continue on ye. Ground, that article will be
very dear — The Rise of ye. Stocks has put
ye. merchants here in spirits, whether it %be
a %permanent one or not, is very doubtful, &
will most likely Remain ^so^ untill ye. minister
opens his new Budget in ye. Spring
    I am yr. humble %sert.
    Thos. Davenport
Remember me
to mr. Legh — I suppose
that he %is now at Haydock
    If you want ye. Receipts you mentioned sometime
ago, I %will send them, but my acknowledgment
of having Received ye. Interest up to Lady^day^ last, is quite
Sufficient, as it will be presumed to %be %paid punctually


London ninth December 1785
Mr. Richd. orford
near Disley

T. {***}
By Buxton

[Different hand] Missent
to [Postmark Chesterfield]
      new page
        London 9th. Decr. 1788
    Having received no answer to ye [corrected] last
or former Letter which I addressed to Haydock,
I fear that they both miscarried.
They were to press a %Speedy Remittance
of %ye. 225£ due 1st. Septr last, and also
of %ye. amount of Mr. Manley's Bill —
I had a Letter from %Mr. Legh, who
I hope, continues well, and indeed
shd. conclude %so from ye Strength of
his handwriting.
    I remain
    Your humble %Servt.
    Thos. Davenport


Mr Orford
Steward at Lyme
[Postmarked Manchester]
[Accounts in different hand omitted]
      new page
        Manchester May 26 1789 —
Sir    As the time of your Comeing to Blackley
to Receve your Rents is at Hand, I Desire
that if My Lease Be Ready that you Would
Bring it Along With you, and you Will Ablige
your Humble Sert. —
    James Dawson


Mr Orford

[Note in pencil omitted]
      new page
        Macclesfd Sepr. 24th 1781
Mr. Orford

    As Warden for Maxfd Old %Church I take the liberty
of writing respecting some repairs that are necessary
to be immediately madein ^the roof of^ Mr. Leghs Chappel and
desire to know if you would be reimburse me if
I got it repaired, or you would order somebody to
repair it yourself. By Mr. Iennings who I expect
must wait on you in the Course of the week youll have
an opportunity of returning an answer — Am %Sir
    Your Obdt Hbl %Sert
    Ralph Deane


Mr. Orford
      new page
Dear Sir
    Your Neighbour Iohn Marsland instead of Iohn of
Disley brought me yours of this Morning, And am sorry
I have it not in my Power either to see or even send
to Ekkells before next Monday Morning (at present not
knowing where he is neither does his Wife who I %called on
yesterday) When he has promised to be at Disley & to agree
to the Terms you & I have already talked on which if
he offers to Run from I have promised him to have
nothing more to do with the Matter — I %shou'd have
been happy to have seen you at the above time if your
Engagemts woud have admitted of it, however as it
is purely in respect to you I am desirous of Mittigating
the business amongst the parties, if they in your absence
can rely on my settling it I hope you can depend on
my Integrity therein & will do it in such manner as I
{***}an to give satisfaction to both sides, I %repeat again
I %shou'd be glad to have you there if it be practicable
& am most respectfully Your Obedt. Servt.
    Thomas Dewhurst.
Marple Hall 2d. Mar : 1784.


Mr. Orford
      new page
        Marple Hall 28th. Feb~ry 1788
Dear Sir
    Mr. Isherwood having some time ago requested me
to receive your interest money & Mr. Tho. Ishewo~d
being expected here this day by whom his ffather
will probably expect my send_ing it, I %send my Clerk
over to you for it, if its convenient for you to %send
it by him desire you will, if not, some other Opp~ty
    I %also send by him Joseph Hibberts Settlement & J
thank you for intrusting it into my Care.
    J am Dear Sir yr mt Obed{*} S{*}
    Thomas Dewhurst.


Mr. Orford
How Lane
      new page
        Marple Hall 29 may 1788.


    The Executors of the late Thomas Isherwood Esquire having [corrected] a
Sum of Money to raise have directed me to inform you they are
necessitated to call upon you for the 200£ & int. owing on your Note
which is %in my Hands in order to my receiving the money for their use
    J am {*...} [paper torn] your Most Obed. Servt.
    Thomas Dewhurst.


Mr. Orford
      new page
        Marple 18th. Novr. 1789
Dr. Sir

    Mrs. Isherwood informs me you mentd. to her
Your having a Copy of the late Mr. Thomas Bradshawes
Settlement at Lyme, I shall esteem it a
favor if you will be kind enough to send it
me by the bearer (for I %do not find that the
family here have one) to peruse, to see if I
can find out the mode in which the money
was borrowed from the Cavendishes, in Short
Mr. I is desirous of cutting of the Intail this
term & shou'd there be a Mortgage in ffee on
the Derbyshire Estates we must trouble the
Mortgagee to be e party which will prevent
the business being settled at least this term
if a Mtge for term of years there will be no
Occasion Your Copy I %will take Care speedily
to return & am Your Obliged
    Thomas Dewhurst.


Mr. Orford
      new page
        Marple 21 Novr. 1789
Dr. Sir
    Inclosed I send you the Rect. Signed for
Returning the Deeds relating to Mr.
Isherwoods Estates which I now receive
by your Servant, I thank you for the
trouble of Your Servants Iourney herein Sr.}
& am Dr. Sir Your Mt. Obed{*}. & Obd. Servt.
    Thomas Dewhurst.

author DIALL ANN

Mr Orford at
Peter Legh Esqr
Lyme near Stockport
[Postmarked Bath]
      new page
        Bath Iuly 15 90

    according to your desire
have Sent you Stephen Ford
receipt & acounts & likewise Mrs
Pheoboe Ford acount & mony
received Please Sir to Compare
these with the receipts you have
received for the mony & you will
See if it is right Should be
glad Sir to give you all the
Information in my Power & hope
madam will be Satisfied
    From your
    Humble Servant
    A. Diall

author DIALL ANN

        Bath August 13 90

    This is to Inform you that i have
Settled with Mrs Ford Stephen Ford
Sir is Out of Town & was before i
received yours you may depend on
my getting his Acount as Soon as
Posible From your Humble
    Servant Ann Diall

[Different hand]
Mr, Goodwin
Mr. Potts

author DIALL ANN

Mr Orford at
Peter Legh Esqr
Lyme near Stockport
[Postmarked Bath]
      new page
        Bath October 11th 90

    I hope you will not think it any
Neglect of mine in regard of the Bill
I had it Iust time enough to Send it
to the Post Mrs Ford Sir insisted it
was a Bad Bill i did not know
what to Say Still i knew it wrong
in her to keep it So Long after it
was due as i am always Carefull
my_Self to Charge all Bills in time
the five guinea Bill Sir was a good
One the mony more than the Bills
due to me is 19S ["S" crossed out?] Shillings as i Set
all Letters to madams Acounts
    From Sir your
    Humble Servant A Diall


Mr. Orford
      new page
    Mr Dickenson set off for Manchesr:
this morning before you Messenger arrived.
He will be at home (please God) on Satturday
Eveng. I am (with Compts: to Mrs: Orford)
    Your humble Servt:
    S Dickenson


Mr: Richd: Orford Lyme
[Postmarked Warrington]
      new page
        Kenyon April 20th: 1790
    These with my Most Humble respects to You, and
Mrs: Frith — Desiring You will Acquaint her that my
Wife departed this life on Sunday last after a long and
painfull Ilness, and I am left in a poor Condition
with two Small Children, But I hope the Goodness
of Mrs: Frith will Consider to Give Me Something,
(as You was Mentionedg the last time I Saw You, [corrected])
A{*} [paper torn] I have Been at a Great deal of Exspence of
{*}arling [paper torn] and Mucking, and likewise Ditching in the
Estate for this two Years past, — Ino Sanderson and
Ino. Wright did agree to Give me ten pounds, but as
I had No Witness, they say they promised to Give me only
five pounds, which will not pay me for the Cloverseed
I put Upon the Estate the last Year; plaese to Acquant
her with this, and I Desire You will send me a few lines as
soon as Conveniancy permitt to lett me know what Cash her
Goodness please to Give Me, And of what person, and When
I must Recevie the same; And if You please to Ask her
about the Old Chest and Table As I Mentiond to You Whether
I must have them; will much Obbled, Yours; Ino. Dickenson
      new page
I Desire You will Send as Soon as possiable You Can, As I may
know how to Settle the Case, As I intend to leave the premisess
in a fortnight time at the furthest; So I remain Your Humbl..
    Sert, and Well Wisher whilst I am —
    Ino. Dickinson


        Leverpool 19 feb: 1774
Mr.. Orford
    I this morning went to ye.. Mill
Stone Jnn, in Dale Street to enquire for Mr.. Leechs.
cart, but was told that ye.. Cart that carried for Mr.
Leech would not be there till munday & return agn..
thro' Ashton on Thursday & that no other cart was
expectd.. there belonging to him, I left word, if an
opportunity offerd.. to_day to send a parcell, to lett me
know, but have not heard any_thing, as this is ye..
case, should be glad to know by return of post, weather
I must send them on Tuesday to [corrected] Haydock, or weather
they are to go to Disley, if ye.. latter, will take them
with me in ye.. Coach Tuesday next to Manchester,
I am,
    Yr. Very humble Servt.
    Wm Dingman


Mr. Alford
      new page
    I desire a line from your hand to
to Ma{**}: Whauldon I think will take
Place Plase to Remember the favour
I asked you If Ever In my Power
will Return the fevour —
    I am your Hule. Sert. Ed{*}. Dixon
    Oldfeild Aut. 14 1785

author DIXON S

Mr. Orford
      new page
        manchr. Iuly 19 1788
    I have been repeted-ly to Mr. Walker
who rote to London abought the Chine
but he hath not yet had an answer
but Expects one everey post I have
Sent you a %patern of the Comon ons
and [corrected] the price to them if you will
pleas to fix on aney of the patarns
and Let me know the nombr. you
will have, I will Send thees emedatly
thean is dishes &c to the Sqr. ones and
thay Look verey well, I am unewey
abought the Cheaney as you sade you
wanted it the Couch man will Call
on Monday for thes Box and then will
Send them
    Sr. your obedt. Sert. S Dixon


Mr: Orford
      new page

    I have herewith sent 4½ Doz of large plates 3 Do. small
& ½ Doz soop Do, the Remainder You shall have the latter
end of Next Week. Would have sent them all now but that
they are not so perfect as I could wish therefore thought
it better to wait for A fresh Assortment I have sent
two Pattern Cups the largest of which is 4s. P~ Doz the
small ones 3s if either of them will do shall send
them with the Rest of the Plates at the time above
Mentioned I could not Match them at any Other Place
or I would send them all to_day. I am Sir with best
Respect to Mrs: Orford Your.
    Much Oblidged
    and very Hbl: Sert
    Sarah Dixon
Manchester. July. 22. 1788.

author DOD THOMAS CREWE AND OTHERS [written by William Egerton?]

Mr. Orford
Hough Lain
or Mr. Hancock

[At different angle]
To convay this to Mr. Orford or Loos — or {********}
all Well your Br. R Hancock
A Numerous Meeting this Day {****}
      new page
[Different hand]

        Northwich 18th. Iany. 1788.
To the Gentlemen Clergy & Freeholders of the
County of Chester

    Mr. Basnett having by the advice of his Friends
absolutely refused to abide by the Sence of a very numerous
and respectable Meeting of Freeholders, this Day held
at Northwich, in direct Violation of an Ageement
mutually signed by him, and Mr. Naylor, at a previous
meeting, that to save the County the Trouble of a Poll
they would abide by the Sence of this Meeting; and which
Mr. Naylor without Hesitation declar'd himself ready
to submit to, We are extremely concerned in Consequence
of such conduct to be under the Necessity of troubling
the Freeholders of the County to attend at Chester
upon the Poll, but hope the Cercumstances
above mentioned will justify us in earnestly
recommending to your support Mr Thos. Naylor
as a proper Person to succeed Mr. Ralph Audley
as one of the Coroners for this County
    The Poll will commence at the Shire-
Hall at Chester on Tuesday the 22d of this Instant
Ianuary, and proper Notices will be given to the
different parts of the County, of the particular Times
when the appearance of the Freeholders at Chester
will be wished, that they may suffer as little Delay
& Inconvenience as possible on this Occasion

Thos Crewe DodWm. Egerton
D. Davenport.I %Crewe
Iohn Thos. Stanley    I. Glegg
Booth GreyGeorge Wilbraham
Chas LeicesterPeter Warburton
Croxton JohnsonIohn Parker
Geo: LeycesterDomville Poole
Peter Halsted

[With printed version of the letter, with note to Hancock by John George Hoppole, and answer from Richard Orford (on Peter Legh's behalf) attached]


Mr Hancock Sir plese to Send an Expres
of Imaidatly With the In_Closd and the man
will waite til he Returns for an Anser
    Iohn George
    Hoppole Chests
By Ord{*} of Mr Booth Gray


        Lyme Tuesday Morng
        10 o'Clock
Hond. Sir!

    My Master Peter Legh of
Lyme Esqr. directed me to acknowledge
the Receipt of your favor by Express,
He being Confined to the House for
some time past, puts it out of
his power to wait on you, and
the Gentlemen in the address you
inclosed him, but wishes you ^Mr. Naylor^
success, as he has no doubt to
fear the Cont~ary.
    I am Hond. Sir
    Your most Obt. & very
    Hble Sert.
    Richd, Orford


Mr. Orford
      new page
    Inclosd is a Hatt for Mr Legh which
hope will prove wright size if so doubt not but will Please
it being as good a one as ever I saw. Price Duty Included
25/- may if you Please Return ye Box — any^thing^ further
which you may be wanting of for self or friends will be
thankfully Recd. by Sir
    Your mo Obt Servt.
    Saml Dodge
Stockpt. March 30th 1789

[Note, probably in different hand: 180.—.—]


Mr. Orford
      new page
Dear Sir,
    Inclos'd you have two Bills value
Twenty five pounds, which with fifteen
Pounds, I have %pass'd to your Credit, on
the Flatt Kittys Accompt, is the Amt.
of the Forty pounds bill (Tomlinson on
Wilcoxs) — I %am
    Dear Sir Your mo: Obedt.
    D. Donbavand
    25 Oct: 1779
M~rs Brideoake begs her Compts. will esteem
it a %favor if you'll at your Best oppertunity
get her a %few Franks to %this
[two letters crossed out] address, {*...} [cut off]

if you please n{*...} [cut off]
to me at {**} {*...} [cut off]


Mr. Orford
at Haddock Lodge
      new page
        Wigan Dec 19 1772
Mr. Orford
    Jmclosed is a %pr. of Snuffers brought by
Mr. Potts to be Repaird the Charge is 2s/
    J %am Sr. Yr. Hble Set.
    Tho: Doncaster


Mr. Orford
at Lyme.

[Numbers, probably in different hand, omitted]
      new page
    I am Sorry, I had not the pleasure
of seeing you, When you came over the other day to view
^the^ Road now making in Taxal. our new Road will be,
J am very Sensible, of more real advantage to my
neighbours at the Reddish, than to any ^one^ Estate upon
the whole Road, and Yet they are so Blind to their
own Jnterest, as to be against it, or at least they woud
not have any of their Land to be made Use of. I have
meerly to oblige 'em, (knowing their odd dispositions,)
sacrificed my Land, when it woud be more proper to
go into theirs, and still nothing will please them, nor wd.
they, I know, be pleased with the price, wch. is fix'd for
their Land, if they were to have 5 times its Value. But
why do J condemn them, when they only act upon this occasion,
as they have done all their Lives. — If you can reconcile [word crossed out] ^'em^
      new page
to act concerning the Road, as other people do, you will have
the Honour & Credit to do that, wch. was never done before.
    J am, Sir, with great Respect,
    Your very humble %servt.
    I %Dickenson
    Taxal. 26th: Jany 1771.


Mr. orford.

[Accounts in pencil omitted]
      new page
Dear Sir

    I am Sensible You are going to
have a busy time upon Your hands, but J must beg
you will spare one hour or two, in giving Directions
to some proper' P~son about stooping out the Hills; &
when You have done Yours in Cheshire, be pleased to
order the man to come over to me, & he shall do ours
to Buxton &c — . Our kindest Respects waite upon
Mrs. Orford, and J %hope in a little time Your Fury, or
Courage, will be somewhat abated, & then J flatter
myself a Boy will be the happy Consequence.
    J am, Sir, Your very humble %Servt.
    I %Dickenson
    Taxal. 27th. June 1773.


Mr. Orford
How Lane
      new page
    Herewith I return you the accts. wch. you
drew out from what Mr. Cooper furnish'd you with. The Ballance
of his Acct. J see exactly corresponds with what you call the Ballance,
except a few odd pence. J coud wish you had explained to the
Gentlemen, that there was no difference between your two accts.
for J apprehend, they took upon it you had discover'd many
mistakes; J own they dont appear to me in that Light, but if
they shoud be otherwise, J shoud be glad you wd. explain 'em
to Mr. Cooper, or point out the Same
    Sir, Your very humble Servt.
    I %Dickenson
    Taxal. 11th. July. 1775.


Mr. orford
How Lane
      new page
Dear Sir!
    If you did not disapprove of it, J shoud
be glad you woud once more look at the Road near Shallcross
School. I think you woud contrive it in such a Manner, as
woud please all Sides.
    Be so obliging to speak to your Banksman to lay me by
10 or 12 Quarters of norbury Coal, and shoud be glad, he
woud let me know when to fetch 'em, wch. J mean [corrected] to do
by the Lime Carts. J %am, Sir, Your very hble Servant
    I %Dickenson
    Compts. to Mrs. orford.
Taxal. 5th. 7 br. 1775.


Mr. Orford
      new page
Dear Sir.
    Mr. Cooper has sent me
a Copy of the Accts. for this Year,
wch. are very properly drawn up,
agreeable to the Form you recommended
to him. As there will probably be
a full meeting, J woud have you
shew the Accts. to a few of your
own Friends, but there is no Occasion
to let every_body know — . The
mistakes are rectifyed by you, &
that is enough — . J will get Mr.
Cooper to let me take the Accts.
to our house wch. J dare say, J shall
find settled right. J send this, for
      new page
fear J %shoud not see you before the
meeting begins. J %am,
    Your most hble %sert
    I %Dickenson
    Birch. 22d June.


Mr. Orford
      new page
Dr %Sir.
    J am just thinking it woud
not be improper. to send Mr. Richardson
over on Saturday to examine the
Road Leading from Norridge Common
& so on above Mr. Jacson's Coal
Pits, wch. woud go in a pretty
Streight Line, below old Longdens;
This Scheme woud have it its
Difficulties, but it is not amiss to
view it. farewell in haste,
    always, Yours.
    J D:


Mr. Orford
      new page
Dear Sir!
    J am obliged to go tomorrow into
Lancashire, & there J shall be all week. — Mr. Clarke is now
at Buxton, & he desires you will fix upon a Day to shew him
our new intended Road — . If it is possible to be done, pray
bring Mr. Legh to the meeting. Mr. Jackson will give
no opposition — . We are certain, J think, to succeed, &
a very ^great^ advantage it will be to the whole Publick.
    J %am, Your obliged hble %servt.
    I %Dickenson
    Taxal. Sunday.
shoud not mathew be called to
attend the meeting?


Mr. orford.
      new page
Dear Sir!
    J have looked over & examined both Mr.
Cooper's Accts. & Yours, and find 'em to be right. — . J have taken ^out^
an exact Acct. from Mr. Cooper's Books, from whence J understand
you drew your Acct. — . You have to be sure placed the several
Counties in a very proper manner, but J am glad to perceive the
Ballance of each come out the Same at last, that is, there is not
a difference of Sixpence. — . Tho' Mr. Cooper might commit a
mistake in dividing the Shares to each County, still his Books
must be Right, because the Ballance of his Acct. does tally and
coincide with Yours, in June 1774 — . The whole Acct. appears to
me now very different to what J thought, but the Question J %have
to ask ^is^ whether he furnish'd you with the same Books, as he has
now done to me — . Mr. Cooper J believe to be a very honest man,
& in that Light J dare say you look upon him — But his Reputation
has suffer'd greatly in the opinion of the first Commissioners, &
J am sure, you will take a pleasure, if you judge of the Accts. as J
do, to undeceive the Gentlemen.
    J %have drawn out from his Books all his Receipts & payments, &
      new page
the Ballance of each Year, wch. J have done for the ten Years
you have follow'd him — . You see the Ballance of his Book is
563£..11s..9½d — & the Ballance of your Acct. is 5d.¾ ^more^ making
563..12..3¼ to June 1774 — . I make no doubt but the general
Acct. as made out by Mr. Cooper in June 1774 might be wrong, but
it is plain, now you have dissected his Acct. & as there is little or
no difference to June 1774, that some of the Gentlemen have really
misunderstood what you have done, & as that is the Case, J %know
you woud be glad to set 'em to rights.
    J %am, Sir, Your most obedt Servant
    I %Dickenson
You will let me have the Jnclosed
Shoud mathew Wheilton be sent for to meet the Gentlemen on monday?


Mr. Orford

[Different hand?]
    Plese to fix after
the Next week as it is
the wake [signiture]

[Accounts omitted]
      new page
        {*...} [torn off] xal. Thursday.
Dr %Sir

    J desire you will fix absolutely
with metcalfe concerning the Lime Stone.
Jt will J %apprehend make a very considerable
Saving, & before the Road is made, and
every_thing paid, we shall be hurryed.
Settle, if you can, all the Terms with him.
Remember, if he [corrected] wants two Eyes, he has
it made up to him in other Respects.
Whatever you do, will be certain to have
the approbation of Your very hble %st.
    I %Dickenson


Mr Orford

J %shall be at Disley about
9 tomorrow morn:
      new page
Dear Sir!
    J shoud ^at this time^ have been in Lancashire,
but J have waited 2 or 3 Days in
Expectation of your Coming over this very
Day. J will now go in the morning, & hope
to be back against Saturday next.
The making this part of the new Road
with Greet Stone will be a Saving of
a hundred pounds or upwards, but J
apprehend that metcalfe wants to
take an advantage of us very unfairly,
& his bare attempting of it shews him
to be a dirty Fellow. He has by it
entirely forfeited my good Opinion, but
that he thinks is of no Value. mathew
& J have just been upon this Subject for an
      new page
hour. He is an honest man, the reverse
of metcalfe. mathew tells me, You take
the matter perfectly right, & that your
Sentiments are the Same with those of
    Your obliged hble %servt.
    I %Dickenson
    Sat. noon.

If you ^he wd. have made^ this new Road in the
manner you wd. have had it, he shoud have
been allow'd a trifle more for the other part
that was to be done with Lime Stone, as it is


Mr. Orford
How Lane
      new page
Dear Sir!
    Jnclosed J %send you a most extraordinary
Letter from a man of Fortune, tho' J am Sorry to
say not wrote by a man of Honour. our Surveyor tells me,
it was his own Proposal, or that of his Tenant, to alter the
Bridge, but J am now truly Sorry it was ever thought ^on^ or ever
agreed to. J had till lately a good Opinion of Mr. Needham,
but J %shall never again think favourably of a man, who
aggravates his Crime, by Quibling & Evading the Truth.
When mathew first acquainted me of this Alteration, he said
Johnson woud do it for the Sum of 35£.
     J %have had so very much Trouble about the Buxton Road,
that J %shoud be Glad, very Glad, if my name coud be struck
out of the present Committee; J %shall however waite upon the
Gentlemen at Disley, tho' the Day we are to view the Buxton
Road shall be the Last of my Acting, as Jnspector, from whaley
to Hurdlow. J wish you wd. meet me early on the morning of the
      new page
21st. at Mr. Hancocks, for J want to lay before you my Accts.
with the several Vouchers, wch. will be settled in a few minutes,
together with the Accts. of our Surveyor.
    J %am Your most obedt Servt.
    I %Dickenson
    Taxal. 6 July.
Compts. to Mrs. orford.


Mr. Orford
      new page
Dear Sir!
    J have very seriously been reflecting upon the
Conduct & Behaviour of Mr. Bayley and his Friends yesterday, wch.
to be sure ^was^ very Extraordinary. Pray was not the whole of this
Business properly consider'd at the last general meeting, & was
not an order made appointing a Committee to carry into Execution
what had then been determined upon? As these Gentlemen coud
not but know the Sentiments of Mr. Legh, that they shoud
oppose it as they do, does it ^not^ shew the Height of Jmpertinence,
but we can, J am certain, easily defeat their favourite object,
if your Worthy master will ^but^ give the Word of Command.
Is it not evident they have private Views to serve, & that
they came determined to counteract what was before agreed to?
Do, bless you, step over to Stockport on friday — lay the
whole before Mr. Cooper, & your other friends, & consult with
them, what they woud advise to be done. we must secure, &
make all the Friends we can, or they will ruin & for ever destroy
one of the greatest Roads, in this Kingdom, especially at this distance
      new page
from the metropolis. Mr. Lingard is now with me, he says,
there are many Commissioners, who are not down in the Printed
List. Remember the meeting is but 6 weeks to. You may always
depend upon the Friendship, & every Assistance in the power of
    Your most Obedt Servt.
    I %Dickenson
    Taxal. Tuesday.
Their fine Scheme will only
make a Road of meed & Dirt,
& can never be supported & maintained.
This is a Fact.

Be so obliging to let me know how Mr Legh does. J am, as
every_body must be, very anxious for his speedy Recovery, — .
      new page
Mr. Bayley talk'd hard about his Conscience. Jt is not many weeks ago, since
J saw him at Disley, he then left his Compts. for Mr. Orford, and as the lower
Road was so much disapproved off, he desired that you woud contrive a Scheme
to ease & Lower the Hills. His Conduct Yesterday convinced me of the
Duplicity of his Heart, & how little Dependance there is upon a man, who
was born & Educated in the Principles of Knox & Calvin.


Mr. Orford
How Lane.
      new page
Dear Sir!

    Dr. Norton did not come to Buxton, as he sent me
word he woud, but yesterday he was at Taxal, and staid all
night; The Gentlemen at Maxfield have a Club every wednesday,
& the Subject of our Road was ^then last wednesday^ very much talk'd off. Mr. moseley
said, that Mr. Jodrell had at present given up the intended
Road from Whaley to Disley, but he strongly objected to the
Scheme of laying out the Sum, as he called it, of 800£, in Easing
the Hills upon the old Road. You see by this, where the Shoe
pinches, but J woud by all means have you stick fast to the
order made at the general meeting, only J coud like, if you
approved of it, ^to^ change the Committee to the Jnspectors for
the County. To avoid Blunders, J desire whatever is to be done
may for the future be better considered. J %shall pay Johnson in
full tomorrow & so Close every_thing. J am Your most obedt sert
    I %Dickenson.
    Friday. night.
I %hope you left Mr. Worsley fully prejudiced
against the Scheme...


Mr. Orford
      new page
Dear Sir!
    When J was desired to act as a Trustee for
the 200£. belonging to Dixon, J remember saying J woud do so,
provided Richd. Turner, his Son in Law, woud joyn along with
me. — Dixon has just been with me to desire J woud give him an
order for ten pounds, but the Answer J gave him was, if Richd.
Turner approved of it, & that J ^he^ woud draw it up himself, &
sign it, that J woud do the same, otherwise J woud not.
The Money was intended for the Children of Dixon, only
there was a power given to us, if Old Dixon or his wife were
in Distress to advance for him, not exceeding 20£ or 25£.
J just mention these little matters, that you may be better able
to judge of my Conduct. whatever Richd. Turner, who knows
the Situation of his father, desires me to do, J will acquiesce with.
    J am, with great respect, Your most obedt Sert.
    I %Dickenson
    Taxal. Frid. 5 June.


Mr. Orford
      new page
Dear Sir!
    J %have scrolled over the Acct. about
our new Buxton Road, wch. J %shall trouble you with. J sent
the Same to Mr. Worsley. There is no Occation J think to send
it to the rest of the Committee. The whole Sum Borrowed
on this Acct. is 1760.£. Jt cost a good deal more, but the
rest is what came to the Buxton Share, J mean the Surplus
after Keeping the Road in Repair.
    If you, or any other Gentleman, shoud want any part to be
explained, J %will do it any time. The Acct. J believe is
perfectly right.
    As Mr. Jacson is come to reside at Stockport (for J ^only^ acted for
the Buxton Road in his Absence) J shall ^now^ decline acting any
longer, as Jnspector. J am, with great respect,
    Your very hum Sert.
    I %Dickenson
    Taxal. 7th June
Every Shilling paid by Mr. Wheilton
was either paid in my Presence, or by
my Direction. respects to mrs orford wishing her a happy minutes


Mr. Orford
      new page
        Taxal. Sund. 29th June.
Dr Sir!
    J have not had the pleasure of
seeing you for a long time. J have indeed called at your
House 2 or 3 times. — — . J am going to be a Collier, wch.
is a Business J thought J shoud never have engaged in,
but my Son, J %saw, woud one time or other make a Tryal,
& as J ^am^ upon the Spot, J judged it better to do it under my
own Jnspection. — . There is Something to settle between
Mr. Jacson & myself, and wch. is left to be adjusted by You,
Mr. Fletcher, & Mr. Johnson of macclesfield. J %shall
not say one Word touching the present Business, but as
it is left to You to fix the Time, J %shoud be glad you wd.
do it soon, for a Relation of mine is dead, wch. will oblige ^me^
to take a Journey into Yorkshire. Mr. Jacson wd. let Mr.
Fletcher know, & J wd. take upon me to fix with Mr. Johnson.
    J am Sr. Your most obedt Servt.
    I %Dickenson
      new page
I left some money with Mr. Cooper for the Alterations in whaley. If you shoud
want more let me know. J do assure you J like these Alterations very much, & wch. will
be a great Jmprovement, but J %wish you woud order a wall to be made near the Smithey at
Stone Head, or else it will be dangerous. J hope you received the Accts about our new Buxton
Road. If any_thing wants to be explained J will do it at any time.


Mr. Orford

[Accounts in pencil omitted]
      new page
Dear Sir!
    J am much obliged to you for your
very kind Letter, & immediately sent to acquaint Mr Johnson
of the meeting. J dare say, the Business will be soon finished,
but, as J find Mr. Jacson won't be at Shallcross, J %shall
not appear amongst You, till you have determined ^it^. J %must beg
you will then step up, & take pot Luck with us. J am
going into Lancashire, but shall be back on Tuesday Eveng.
    J %am, Your obedt hble %servt.
    I %Dickenson.
    Taxal. monday morn:

[The next set of letters, until that of 7 November ?1781, have been attached to each other, and consequently are in reverse order of date; the order has been changed to chronological order]


        Taxal. Thurs. 3d. augt. 1780.
    J am Sorry your Memory won't allow you
to recollect what passed at the Reference in 1778, on which
Acct. J beg Leave to remind you of a few facts, wch. then occur'd.
Mr. Fletchers Conduct was too' shameful for me to trouble
you with any Remarks upon it. — . When you were told
the morning after the meeting at whaley, that J was strongly
urged to stop Mr. Jacson's Wheel, did not you express
yourself to be much alarmed, and did not you then propose,
that J shoud receive such a Sum, upon Acct. of a Tunnel
that J had made (wch. was only done to preserve Mr.
Jacson's Colliery) and a trifling Acknowledgment Yearly?
Have You forgot, that you told Messrs. Gardner & Johnson,
that it wd. be doing very great Jnjustice to my Family, if
a power was not given to me to stop Mr. Jacson's Wheel,
if J found any, or the least, Obstruction to our Work from it?
You Yourself seem'd thoroughly convinced of my readiness to
serve & oblige Mr. Jacson, but coud it ever be imagined, that J
      new page
meant to injure my Family by granting a priviledge to him? J relyed
upon you, as the Umpire, who had long been acquainted with the
Nature of such Concerns, and J remember telling You at our house,
as J was quite ignorant in these affairs, that J left it wholly to
You to determine what was right & what was wrong. my poor
wife was then in the parlour with us, & she let drop some Tears,
wch. seemed to affect you. — . J must beg Leave to ask you this
serious Question, which is all J want to know from You, Was two
Guineas a Year, in your Opinion, a full & adequate Consideration
for all the great & important Advantages J was to give
Mr. Jacson? Was it right, that J shoud run every risque to
serve a Neighbour & bring all the Losses upon myself.? Let us
suppose that J, or any_one else had involved your innocent Babes
in such hardships, woud not you in that case have thought we
had acted contrary to every principle of Justice & Equity? J say
woud not an honest man, Supposing a mistake was likely to be
committed, (if iether of the parties was unacquainted with such
Business) shoud not the other have pointed out a proper remedy,
instead of throwing Clauses into the agreement, wch. were unjust &
ungrateful to the highest Degree — J %have sustained a Loss of 600£
      new page
nor am J one single penny in pocket for all that J %have done for Mr.
Jacson. Good God! What Trouble & Uneasiness have J suffered by
endeavouring to serve a neighbour, but it shews what some men will
do, & the Lengths they will run, for the Sake of sordid Wealth.
    I now appeal to you, Sir, whether J have been fairly treated,
for if I had been so disposed, coud not J have stop'd Mr Jacson's
Wheel, and you know J %was advised to do so, and if J %had, wd. not you
in particular have thought me an unkind neighbour? Pray was
such a neighbour to be ill used? J understand Mr.
Jacson is pleased to say, that J had made him a perpetual promise
never to disturb his Colliery. Was it likely that J shoud respect
a Man, whom J never received a favour from in all my Life, &
to prefer his Jnterest, to that of my own Flesh & Blood? Did Mr.
Jacson himself act upon this Principle, when he hinder'd every
neighbour he has from getting their own Coal? Don't J owe a
Duty to my Children much more than to a person, whom J never
wished to have more than a Slight Acquaintance with? J %am
certain of one thing, that J shoud never have attempted to open
my Colliery, if J had not been solicited to do it by a Son, who
deserves from me every Encouragement. If Mr. Jacson had
himself made a genteel & proper Acknowledgment for wt. we
had done for him, it might have stop'd our proceeding, but then
      new page
it woud have prevented me from knowing him, as J now do.
J cannot help acquainting you, (notwithstanding the Treatment J %have
all along received,) that J lately proposed to sell for ever all the
Lands necessary for Mr. Jacson's Colliery, which woud have been
of infinite advantage to him, together with the whole of our
work, — . Mr. Broom of Didsbury, a most unexceptionable Gentleman,
was one of the Referees, but he declared himself to be (like me)
unacquainted with Coal Concerns, so that this Appointment
answered no other End, than to get rid of Mr. Gardner.
    I am, Sir, Your Obedient Servant
    John Dickenson.


Car. paid
Mr. Orford
How Lane
      new page
        Birch Sat. 18th August 1780


    J shoud be glad, whenever it suits yor. Convenience
to have some further Conversation with You, as to the unhappy Frecas
between two Neighbours. — You were pleased to say, when J saw you
last, that you thougth I wrote with some Warmth, but pray let us
consider, whether J had ^any or the least reason for it. — Jt always was^ my
principle — (Despised as J now am, by a certain 'p~son) that if J
had it in my power to serve & oblige a Neighbour J ought to do so,
but J never imagined it coud be expected, that J shoud injure the
rights of my Children. — J confess J did ^formerly^ entertain such an opinion
of Mr. Jacson, that J coud not form an Jdea, that he was capable
of acting in an ungenerous manner. — If J had been brought up
with a Knowledge of Coal Concerns, and that Mr. Jacson, or You,
were ignorant in such matters, and that you chose to place an
implicit Confidence in my Honour, ought not J to be the last man
upon Earth, that shoud take an unfair Advantage? Had J received
great & important favours from you (in short, for no equitable
Consideration) woud it be just, that J shoud with a bad Design throw
      new page
in Clauses into an Agreement, (contrary to the Opinion of the Umpire)
by wch. J occationed you to run a risque of sacrificing several hundred
pounds? — If such a proceeding as this was to be laid before a
Court of Equity, is it to be supposed, that the Chancellor woud give
it as his opinion, that J had acted with G Honour & Gratitude to you
& your Family? —. Jt is not what a man is (whether he has
had the Education of a fine Gentleman, or whether he be proud
& arrogant as too' many of the Clergy are) but what his Actions
shew him to be. — My Son tells me to my Face, that J have injured
him, by being too' desirous to serve an ungenerous neighbour, & yet
this man was never satisfyed, till he had actually made me
obnoxious to my own Children. Now J shall leave it to you to
determine, whether J coud restrain my pen from expressing some Degree
of warmth, but it is plain that Mr. Jacson always looked upon me
as a downright Fool — . No_body knew better how to draw the Line
of Justice & Equity in a dispute between two Neighbours than Yourself,
for what you declared to Gardner & Johnson to be your Sentiments,
is a clear proof of your Judgment, & how well you understood the
Business — But how the Agreement came to be made otherwise,
& wch. has brought on all the prest. mischief, is wt. J coud never comprehend, [page break]
      new page
nor was it meant that J %shoud do so. God knows ^it^ to %be true,
that J %have been most cruelly injured, but never will J %place Confidence
in any man again. That no man may ever be wronged as we have been,
is the ardent wish, of Sir, Your obedt %hble servt. J Dickenson.

My Son is desirous to lay the whole of this affair before Mr. Legh & two or 3
more Gentlemen for his own Satisfaction, wch. can Only be done by viewing the
premises, & Examining Evidences, & then they will be a Judge, whether
we have been treated with Candour & Honour, or Artifice & Duplicity.

Is it fair that a Man, who is a party concerned, shoud be, as it were, his
own Referee — Do the Business as Umpire — & after all settle the Terms of
Agreement by Clauses under his own hand, as he shall think proper? I %have
myself transacted Business of more Consequence, than the Value of Mr.
Jacsons Colliery, but J took Care to draw up the award myself — and
then to examine every Line of the rough Dft of the Agreement, & to see
that it was done as it ought to be. When a fresh Reference was appointed Mr.
Jacson fix'd upon ^a^ Referee, who owned he was no Judge in such affairs, & tho'
^tho' the Referees or Umpire were to put a Value upon the whole of our^ work, then Mr. Jacson
declared, he wd. only buy the Land, so that wt. cost me **** J %must give away to the
Poor of the Parish.


Mr. Orford
      new page
        Taxal Thurs: 2d Novr.
        [different hand:] 1780

Dr %Sir!
    An old Woman dyed Yesterday, who was
a Life in a Lease, and by whose Death an Estate descends
to me. Her Brother, (who is to be sure a very honest man)
took her to live with him a few Years ago, & then sold what
little property she had, wch. he did to prevent my having
an Harriot, whenever she dyed, as he knew J was entitled
to the best Good. Pray am J to be fobb'd off with
an old dirty Red Petty Coat, or am J to have Recourse
to the Tenant who occupys the Premises.? Her Brother
likewise intends to have the whole of this Years Rent, &
only leave me the winter Pasture.
    J shall be much obliged to you for yor. friendly advice,
how J am to act in this Affair, — . J am, Sir
    Your obedt hble %Servt.
    John Dickenson
My Son waites upon You ^with this^ pray
don't give him too' much Lyme Beer
& do you see that he does not bring
Johnson along with him.


Mr. Orford.

new page

        Taxal 26th. April 1781.

Dear Sir!

    Tho' no Accomodation J apprehend is
likely ever to take place between Mr. Jacson & me, J am however
very much obliged to you for the favour of your kind Letter.
What you say is perfectly right, that a Meeting of you & Mr.
Johnson, requested by one of the Parties, woud not be proper,
but J only proposed it as a private Satisfaction to myself, &
for the Sake of that Satisfaction, J am still desirous of your
Coming over, as J want to have my Conduct vindicated to my
Children, and wch. J thought coud best be done by a friendly
meeting of you two, who knew how the Business stood before,
& what was then done — What was just & right three Years
ago, is the Same this Day, & will be so tomorrow. A Reference
did, you know, take place, & as nothing was done, we had
Recourse to You — You then mentioned what the Terms
shoud be, and that it woud be Unjust to extend the priviledge
beyond such a Line, but an Article was afterwds. drawn up, and
Clauses thrown into it by Mr. Jacson contrary to yor. just Decision,
or if no Award had been made, it ^the agreemt^ was contrary to every principle
      new page
of Honour Justice & Equity. Let us consider, whether Mr. Jacson
was, or was not under Obligations to us. If he was not, no Charge
can be made against him, but if he was, was it right & Grateful
of him to injure the property of my Children, and that at a time,
when he saw J was ignorant & unacquainted in such dark Affairs?
God knows my heart, J %had then no doubt, but every proper Care
woud have been taken (and J placed an implicit Confidence
in its being done) that the Jnterest of my Blessings shoud be
honestly secured, for this was not like a common Agreement, as
J was the 'P~son, who condescended to grant a priviledge to a
Neighbour, not for that neighbour to injure us. Had not J
done my Duty, (now J appeal to you,) as a kind neighbour & a
Christian, in favour of Mr. Jacson, ^so^ it did not become him to
take an unfair Advantage? What have J got for great and
important priviledges, not one penny? Woud he have done as
much for me, or for Mr. Orford? J %have been his Neighbour three
& twenty Years, and in all that time never heard of any one Benevolent
Action, that he did, but he is so Great a Man, that J suppose
it is honour enough to let him take away all our Rights &
Priviledges. — . If you chuse it, J shoud be glad, extreamly so, to
see you at Taxal, with or without Mr. Johnson. J can pay you
handsomely for yor. Trouble
      new page
and it is a mercy all things considered that J can do so, for had
my Father but lived one month longer, this Affair woud then, (my
good Friend) have had most dreadful Consequences to our prejudice,
and J will candidly own to Mr. Orford, this was the Matter, that
so highly affected my dear Wife, who often declared we had been
upon the very Brink of Ruin. Mr. Jacson's whole Estate
coud not make us Amends for the Trouble & anxiety we have
undergone — As soon as our public Affairs mend, we mean to sell
every foot of Land we have in this Township, & a most improveable
Estate it is, for my Children are determined to remove their
property, where J hope an honest Man ^Neighbour^ may be found.
It is really a pity, [word rubbed out] as Mr Jacson chose to commit what was a %sad
Blot, but since he did do it, J wish for his own Sake (You see
J %have some Charity left) that he had made a more early
Acknowledgment of his Error — Had he done so, it wd. have been
happy for himself — happy for his Family — & happy
for us all. J know this Subject is disagreeable to you, but J
promise J %will not trouble you again, so shall hasten to tell you, that
J am, Dr. Sir, Your obliged & obedient Servt.
    John Dickenson.
J have now unbosomed my whole
Soul concerning this unhappy affair.
Mr. Broome, who has been
another of his Referees, declared no man coud be worse used than J %have
been & that I ought to have Redress.


Car. paid
Mr. Orford
How Lane

[Scribbles omitted]
      new page
        Birch monday. 20th august —
Dear Sir!
    J forgot this Morning to mention to You
about the Macclesfield Turnpike Road, not but Yesterday
J desired Mr. Gee woud write to you concerning it. There is
J am told a Meeting advertized to be on Tuesday the 28th.
of this Month. — & J am afraid the Tolls will not keep
down the Jnterest, so that it is absolutely necessary, that you
& Mr. Gee shoud then attend to consider what is most
proper to be done for the Benefit of the Securities. Mr.
Lankford J believe will receive the Tolls no longer. If it be
possible J %will be there, if J thought you wd. go. J %am 500£ in.
J shoud be glad to have the meeting you mention take
place, the Sooner the Better. J will upon this Occasion candidly
own to you, as J %had done a great deal to serve & oblige a
Neighbour, J always considered it in this Light, that it was
indeed cruel to take an unfair advantage, because Mr.
Jacson coud not but see, that J %was totally unacquainted in
such Matters. Jt is well known, that he had been all his Life
      new page
a Collier, therefore he shoud not have acted, as a party at all,
especially as he said, he woud wholly leave the Settling of it
to ^two^ honest men, & as there was an Umpire called in, who had
made a fair & just Determination, the parties shoud not
have interfered in giving Jnstructions for the Agreement, but
have left it to you. J did not entertain an Jdea to hurt Mr.
Jacson's family, either in Thought, Word or Deed, nor shoud
he have done any_thing to the prejudice of my Son. He really is
2/3ds. of a Jesuit, & yet
he is an Enemy to his darling
object — self Jnterest
    J am Your obedt. %hble %servt.
    John Dickenson.

J have little reason to expect any_thing being settled with Mr.
Jacson, if J am to judge of him from his Late Behaviour, but
let the Event go as it will, J %shall be very glad to have the
Frecas reconciled between You & J.D. What you mentioned
about the Wear, if it be a fact, aggravates in my Opinion the Conduct
of Mr. Jacson, because the greater Confidence you place in his Honour the more
Ungrateful he is.


Mr. Orford
at Peter Legh's Esqre.
[Postmarked Chester]
      new page
        Bebington Augt. 29. 1781
    I yesterday received your Favour dated
the 20th. Instt: I propose being at Stockport the 14th.
or 15th. of next Month, and on Monday or Tuesday in
the Week following, I will attend you and Mr. Dickenson
at Disley, unless our Meeting at Stockport could be made
equally convenient to all Parties, if it could it would
be more convenient to me to make that the Place of
meeting; but if it is in any Respect inconvenient I
will readily attend at Disley. Mr. Dickenson and you
will fix upon a Gentleman, and I will lay before him the
whole Proceedings, which I make no Doubt will satisfactorily
exculpate you from every Imputation and
    I am Sir Your obliged hule: Servt.
    S. Jacson.


        Taxal Sat. 8th. Sepr. 81.


    If Mr. Jacson had only injured me,
J am sure J coud freely have forgiven him, but as he chose
to sacrifice the Jnterest of my dear Children, who had never
offended him, and the Remembrance of this Affair having
occasioned great Trouble of Mind to a most worthy good
Woman, for these reasons J shall candidly own to you ^it^ woud
be very disagreeable ^to me^ to meet One, who has highly offended
this Family, but if he chuses to meet my Son at Disley,
who is more immediately concerned, He & some_one else shall
attend on Tuesday the 18th. — J am now thoroughly convinced,
that Mr. Jacson never meant an Arbitration shoud take place,
to be conducted as it ought to have been, but only held it out,
as a Decoy to amuse & deceive us. — Just before it was to
take place, he was pleased to send to me to desire it might
be settled without an Arbitration — & after it had taken Effect
at Lyme, he still wanted it to be settled amongst ourselves,
both these proposals J rejected, having placed my whole
Confidence in you, & so J repeatedly acquainted you with, for
      new page
it was a Subject, ^J %own^ J did not understand — . The very Moment his
own favourite Agreement came to be signed, he coud then tell me
(with a contemptuous Sneer in his Countenance) that if J had not
insisted upon an Arbitration, (which that Agreement was ^or shd. have been^ the
Consequence off,) he woud [corrected from shoud] himself have settled the Affair in a
very different manner, nay that he shoud have given me a
great deal more, tho' it was ^only^ a %little before this, he wrote, that he
wd. submit it entirely to Arbitration to settle every_thing, that is,
the Rent & Conditions. One day it goes by the Title of Arbitration
& then if it will give any Advantage, it is to have a difft. Name,
and be called a seperate Agreement — J %have known it to be a
fact, as clear as the Sun at Noon Day, that whatever Mr. Jacson
can get into his possession, right or wrong, he will not part with
it. — . [phrase crossed out] ^Let him^ call upon me to prove what J now assert — .
    Mr. Jacson had also enjoyed valuable priviledges from us for
near ten Years with_out puting one penny in my pocket, & during that
time, J he coud not but know, that J then lived upon a very trifling
Jncome, so that a Compliment of a few Guineas wd. then have done
me infinite Service. — To return to the old Subject, let us suppose
that J had taken an unfair advantage of his Jgnorance, & that J %had never
been refused a favour whenever asked by myself or Servants, or had ever
      new page
laid a Scheme to trap & injure the Rights of his Son. What wd.
you, nay what woud the World ^small as J am^ have said of me? J %shall
always lament it, as a misfortune, that you were not permitted to settle
in writing what your Award was, but alass! such a wish was never
meant by him to take place — . J was indeed led, like a
Lamb, to the Slaughter — . J shoud not have been thus
particular, but J see by that part of his Letter, wch. you copy'd,
that notwithstanding all our Wrongs, he has no Jdea of doing us
Justice — If we are to %have no Redress here, J %shall submit
the Cause of an injured Family to the Searcher of all Hearts,
& then J doubt not, it will lye before an impartial Judge,
who is not to %be sway'd, nor influenced by Pride, and
Swelling high Looks — . J %hope wt. has happen'd to us will be
a Warning to all mankind — to be Cautious & circumspect,
how & where they place Confidence. J am sorry, J %have given you
so much trouble, but J %have been most cruelly & barbarously
treated. J am, Sir, Your Obedt. servt.
    I %Dickenson.
What Comfort can a man have, that over_reaches his neighbour,
& by doing so, make a Father obnoxious to his very Children!


Mr. Orford
How Lane.
      new page
        Stockport September [corrected] 15. 1781

    I some time since wrote you Word in Answer
to a Letter that was sent after me to Bebington, that
I should be at home at this time for a few Days,
and that I would attend you and Mr Dickenson
at Disley on Monday next, if our Meeting at
Stockport was not convenient to all Parties, and
I hoped to have found a Note from you at my
coming home to have informed me where and when
I might attend, as I have received no Notice
from you, I am apprehensive that my Letter ^directed^ to you
at Lyme miscarried; in that Case our Meeting
must be postponed till I return from Sommershall [corrected]
which will be some time in November; but if our
Meeting is fixed for next Monday, I shall be obliged       new page      to
to you to inform me of it, by some Opportunity
    I am Sr. Your obliged Friend
    Simon Jacson.


Mr. Orford
      new page
    Mr. Jacson in his Letter to you fixed
upon two days, the Latter of which J made Choice of: to
meet at Disley. — My Son will attend at 12 'oClock on
when J %hope Mr. Jacson will come prepared to
do ample Amends for the Jnjuries we have already recd.
from him. J %am Sir, Your obt. Servt.
    I %Dickenson.
    Taxal. Sunday After:
If Mr. Jacson wishes Mr. Cooper to attend
he may apply to %him — . . . .


Mr. Orford
      new page
        Wednesday 7th November:
Dear Sir!

        J wish you woud let me know, whether
you continue to pay, as heretofore, the several Undertakers upon the
Road in Cheshire. — Mr. Broome's. Children have a Demand upon
us in Lancashire, & we want to know, how you proceed. Jt is a
pity but this matter had been settled at the last meeting, but perhaps
the Jnspectors have a power to do it of themselves.
    J coud like some time or other to talk over in a friendly manner
with you ^concerning^ the unhappy Frecas with Mr. Jacson. — He really did,
what a Man shoud not have done — He first wrote, that he wd.
leave it to honest Men to settle the Rent & Terms — . Jt now appears,
because there was no Bonds of Arbitration to tye down our Honour,
that he was on that Acct. at Liberty to settle the Terms, as he
thought proper, which Declaration he made at Disley, tho' at that
very time he knew, J wholly depended upon the Arbitration, & upon
the Jmpartiallity of You, for J had repeatedly wrote to him, that
J woud submit to no other Determination — Strange as it is,
but it is an undoubted Fact, that Mr. Jacson ^or his Uncle^ coud not have sold,
nor has he sold, a single Basket of fire Coal without our Assistance
for upwards of 40 Years, wch. J can prove by a writing now in my possession,
      new page
& yet to behave as he chose to do at last, was it either Just or kind? ours
was no common Agreement, such as frequently happen between man & man,
for never did we in any ^one^ Jnstance refuse him a favour, therefore to
take an Advantage of my Weakness, because J confided in others,
nor did J then know the particular Conditions, on wch the Agreemt.
was to take place, till it was explained to me afterwards — These
are the several Reasons, wch. have caused me to be blamed by my
Children, & wch. have render'd me very unhappy — . J am still
willing at this Day to submit it to Yourself, or to any other honest
man, how & in what manner these mistakes shall be rectifyed.
    J am, Sir, Your obedt. hble %servt.
    John Dickenson.


Mr. Orford
      new page
Dear Sir!

    J am exceedingly obliged to you for yor.
kind Assurances of Regard, which J shall always have in
Remembrance. — You tell me, if any proper Method coud be
hit upon to reconcile the unhappy misunderstanding between
two Neighbours, that you shoud be glad to embrace it. J dare
say, that J don't need to remind you, that J %have every reason to
think, J am the party injured. — The Jnjury J %have received was
in Consequence of an Arbitration, wherein Terms were at last held
out to me, which J unfortunately imagined to have been Your
Determination. — Notwithstanding I was innocently led to do
wrong to my Children, one cannot well suppose, that Mr. Jacson
woud at this day be against having a fair Hearing to know,
whether the Agreement was in Consequence of calling in indifferent
people to settle the Terms & Conditions, wch. Mr. Jacson declared
he woud abide by — J am unwilling to suppose, because there was
no Bonds to tye down the honour of the Parties, that it woud be any
Reflection upon either Side to rectifye past mistakes. If I %had
injured Mr. Jacson, (wch. J woud not have done knowingly to have got
all the Riches in a County) ought not J, as an honest Man, to be glad
      new page
to let others enquire into my Conduct. Mr. Jacson knew that J %was
no Collier, therefore instead of taking the Advantage of my Jgnorance
or weakness, & because ^tho'^ there was no Bonds of Arbitration [corrected], he shoud
rather have taken Care of my ^the^ Jnterest of my Young Folks, than
of his own, and so he woud, if he had entertained a right Sense
of what we had [changed from did] done for him.
    I wish you woud recommend it to Mr Jacson to let us have a fair,
honest, Hearing, wch. J imagine coud best be done by You, as having
been the Umpire appointed by himself, & approved of by me. J
woud agree to any Expedient, that coud be thought just & reasonable.
    J am, Dr Sir, Your Obedt hble Servt.
    John Dickenson.
Taxal. 15th. Novr. 1781.

    Some Care shoud be taken abot. our maxfield Road,
wch. will not keep down the Jnterest, & the longer it is upon the
prest. footing the worse it will be. Mr. Gee & J wd. meet you any
day at Disley, when J wd. order mathew Wheilton (the Treasurer) to
meet us with the whole Acct. — .
    J look upon your Acquaintance Mr. John Lingard to %be as honest
a man as any J %know, & J %woud with pleasure submit it to him
& to you, whether the Agreement with Mr. Jacson was a fair one,
or otherwise.


Mr. Orford
Lyme or
at his House in
How Lane.
      new page
        Taxal. Monday.
Dear Sir!
    J did some time ago recommend to Mr. Lankford
that a meeting might be first had between him, You, Mr. Gee & J
before the Creditors were all called together, & yesterday I sent for
mathew over, who tells me, that the meeting ^tomorrow^ is only a common Adjournment,
& that Mr. Lankford highly approves of our going over some
time soon to examine the Accts. & to determine wt. is most proper to %be
done. If You coud in abot. ten days fix upon a day to meet, we will
attend you. — . The whole Years Jntt. was due near 5 months ago
& is not yet discharged from the Tolls to this time, so you see, how
necessary it is to look into this Affair.
    J %am Your obedt hble %sert.
    I %Dickenson.

[The next three letters are attached to each other]


Car: Pd.

Mr. Orford
How Lane
with Care.
      new page
        Manchester 31st. xbr. 1781
Dear Sir!
    About 8 days ago, as J %was coming into
Lancashire, J met with Mr. Jacson, who was pleased to say, that
he was Sorry for the Differences, which had too' long subsisted
betwixt us, but did not point out any proper mode, how a period
might be put to them. J happen'd to express a desire of seeing
you at Taxal, or meeting you else_where, and Mr. Jacson wished
J woud call at your House, but J rather chose, that he himself
shoud write to you, which he said he woud — My Business here
will keep me longer than J expected, & for fear you shoud be
disappointed, J write to acquaint you, that J shall not return
till the End of the week. — J shoud be very glad to see you
either alone, or that you woud bring Mr. Barber along with you,
or else give me an Opportunity of sending over for Mr. Lingard.
I do not mean, let what will pass, that it shoud in any respect
be binding upon Mr. Jacson, but you know, that sometimes two
might hit upon an Expedient better than One — Some Satisfaction
for past Errors J am determined to have for the Sake of that
excellent good woman, who shed many a Tear in Consequence of
the present Frecas. She was very Sensible, that J had done a great deal
      new page
to serve Mr. Jacson, therefore she thought it was very unkind, nay that
it was Cruel to the highest Degree, to take, (as he ungenerously did,)
an Advantage of my total Jgnorance to injure the Just Rights
of her Children, especially as Mr. Jacson had received no small
favours from a Family for 50 Years, without whose Assistance it
was not in his power to be Master of his Colliery, nor coud he
have got his Thousands, which he has done, where he worked his
Mine before. — J will freely confess to you, J %woud rather have
lost the whole of Taxal Estate, than to have been Over:reached,
where J %had placed a Confidence, but Good God! how coud it be
avoided, as there was no Bonds to tye down the Honor of the parties.
Mr. Jacson, (when at Disley,) exultingly declared, that he was on
that acct. at Liberty to set aside the Decision of the Umpire,
& wch. has occasioned the whole of the present Confusion. an
honest man is a valuable Creature to Society, but such J fear is
not to be met with, at the Top or Bottom of a Coal pit. As we are
near Neighbours, it is a pity but some generous man wd. step forth
to reconcile these unhappy Differences. — If any_thing coud be done
to satisfye my Son, if it was not of the Value of one single shilling
it shoud have the full & entire Approbation of Sr. Your obedt. & obliged hble %st.
    I %Dickenson
      new page
If you will give it under your hand, that Mr. Jacson has in
every Respect acted becoming the Character of a Gentleman, during
every part of the Arbitration, & that the Agreement was made
pursuant to your Determination ^at Lyme^ or agreeable to your Jdea of
the mode of Justice between us, J %say if you will sign such
a Declaration, J will not trouble you any more upon this Subject,
for as J told you at first J %wd. wholly submit ^it^ to Mr. orford
to settle, because at that time J did not then understand it,
& the real merits coud be as well ascertained now, as it shoud
have been done before. Mr. J did to %be sure play off the
    Jesuit, & by [corrected] doing so, he
    was his greatest Enemy.


Mr. Orford
      new page
        Taxal. 12th: September 1783.
    I request the favour of you not to take amiss my
Writing to you, tho' it is upon a Subject J have formerly troubled you with.
J %shall submit it to yourself, is it not a pity that the misunderstanding
betwixt Mr. Jacson & J shoud not have a period put to it? No one in the
opinion of your own Friends is more proper to reconcile wt. has happen'd
between two Neighbours, than the very Gentleman who was Umpire in
their unhappy Differences. Mr. Jacson was pleased two Years ago to
promise me he wd. write to you to desire you wd. once more step over to Taxal, as J told
him J had my Reasons, why J coud not receive the Yearly Acknowledgment,
till J had first conversed with You — J %shall in a candid manner explain
to you what were then my Reasons, and what J %wished to be satisfyed with,
in doing of which it is far from my Jntention to give you the least Offence.
You did at Lyme on the 3d. of Septemr. 1778 fix the Acknowledgment,
subject, (as J heard afterwards) to certain Conditions, & about 6 weeks after
J remember you came over to Taxal. Mr. Jacson having that morning sent
for You (wch. was only 2 or 3 days before the Agreemt. or Jnstructions for it
took place) J therefore wish you to recollect if you can, wt. you then said
to me, because if you mentioned the bare Acknowledgment without pointing
out the Conditions, wch. J am apt to think must have been the Case, J %shoud
be glad you woud inform me what had occasioned the Omission. Was it
in Consequence of any Letter or Conversation you had with Mr. Jacson, or
with me? Something must no doubt have happen'd to bring about so wide
a difference betwixt what passed at Lyme, & afterwds. at Taxal. Jt has J
know been often mentioned (tho' Referees had been fix'd upon, & an Umpire
appointed) that this was no Arbitration, yet what did Mr. Jacson himself
say at the very moment he had the Pen in his hand to sign his Name to
the Agreement "That had not Mr. Dickenson insisted upon having an
      new page
Arbitration, he shoud have thought himself in Honour Bound to have given
a much larger Consideration" — We have for a long Series of Years endeavd.
to serve Mr. Jacson's Colliery, & have always shewn every Jndulgence, that one
man coud do to another. Was it kind in Mr. Jacson to interfere, especially as
he knew J had placed my whole Confidence in the decision of honest men?
Some people are too' apt, (where Jnterest is concerned) to exert their superior
Abilities, when they have to do with a Neighbour, whose Jgnorance or
Situation in Life they woud be thought to despise. Jt is strange, that Mr.
Jacson wd. not abide by the Determination of what he himself had
nominated & appointed — The Declaration he made at Disley before you
& my Son was pretty Extraordinary, & wch. will never be forgot; Because
says he, there were no Bonds to restrain him, he was on that acct.
at Liberty to act as he pleased. Now give me Leave to ask, pray did
Mr. Dickenson in any one Jnstance offer to interfere? God Almighty
knows it to be true, all J meant by wishing for an arbitration was,
that J might not be blamed by my Children, whose Rights J thought
woud be best preserved by the Determination of upright & impartial men,
J had not the least Jdea, how a Gentleman coud interfere in such a
Business — The only thing to be lamented ^is^ that you did not apprize me
in time what were Mr. Jacson's Designs, wch. you coud not but discover
after he had received your Letter from Lyme.
    Since we are to be Neighbours, J am for my part desirous to have
the present Frecas accomodated, & woud consent to any Terms, that
you thought wd. be just & right. Js not there a great Difference betwixt
a Trifle by way of Acknowledgmt. subject to Conditions, & enjoying a
Priviledge, as an Established Right? mistakes have been committed,
& we are willing to forget every_thing & bury in oblivion the unkind
      new page
Treatment we have received, provided a Satisfaction for past Errors shoud
be made. Had Mr. Jacson been of my turn of mind, the prest. misunderstand^ing^
woud never have happen'd, but those who can act improperly are seldom
Open to Conviction [corrected] — . J %hope you will do me the favour to answer this,
or if it wd. be more agreeable to you, J %woud meet you at any time at
Disley, where we may discourse further upon this unhappy Subject.
You have already had your Share of Trouble, & so have J.
    J am Sir Your obedt hble Servt.
    John Dickenson


In the Year 1768 Mr Iacson began to erect a wheel upon his
own Land, adjoining to Mr Dickensons [final s rubbed out?] for the purpose of
laying Dry, and working his Coal mine, & continued to discharge
the Tail water upon Mr D—'s Land for which no Consideration
was ever made. —
    Afterwards Mr. Iacson finding that situation for his
wheel disadvantageous applyed to his Agent & prevailed
upon Mr. D— to permit him to erect a %wheel upon Mr.
Ds.— own Land, which wheel Mr. J— continued to work &
enjoy the Benefit of, without making any Compensation
for the Same. — But upon Mr. D—'s begining to open
his own Colliery in 1778 it was at length agreed to
submit it to indifferent people to settle by Arbitration
the Rent & Terms. — The Matter was accordingly refered
to the Determination of a Mr Fletcher nominated by
Mr. Jacson and a Mr. Iohnson nominated by Mr D—,
as a^r^bitrators, and of Mr. O— as umpire, but the
Referee named by Mr. J— seemed determined not
to agree to any one point. This necessarily occasioned
the Interference of the Umpire, upon whom alone
the Decision of the matters in Dispute now rested.
    Mr. O— the Umpire declared to Mr. Johnson (the
referee of Mr. Dickenson) that he shoud award the
Terms & Conditions as under ['equals' sign?] That Mr Dickenson shd.
receive £35 upon Acct. of a Tunnel which had been
made, by Mr D— in order to preserve Mr I—'s Colliery
from being totally destroyed & a small acknowledgem{*} [torn off]
of 2 Guineas a Year for the privilege [corrected from priviledge] of the Wheel & the lo{**} [torn off]
of the Tail Water, And Mr. O— added that as it was the{*} [torn off]
uncertain how Mr. D— might succeed in his Colliery
(the wheel shaft being at that time about half sunk
down) that he ought not to grant a privilege [corrected from priviledge] to
      new page
a neighbour wch. wd. destroy his own works, & therefore he
had settled the Terms in this manner that Mr. I— shd-
only enjoy the Liberty given him so long as Mr. D shd-
himself find no Jnconvenience —
from it, and that when Mr. D. experienced any, the
least obstruction, that a power shd. be given to Mr.
D— to stop the wheel or else Mr. O— declared that
Mr. D— wd. be granting a priviledge which might
be of great injury to Mr. D— or his Family;
Soon after this an Agreement was drawn up, when
Mr J— threw in Clauses contrary to what Mr. O—
the Umpire had declared wd. be just & right, & yet
Mr. I— had before agreed he wd. leave it to two
indifferent people, & then the Umpire to settle the
whole of the matter between the parties —
    Mr. D— not having the particulars of the %Award
properly explained or even laid before him —
but yet at that time never doubting the Agreement
was drawn up & settled according to the Award
made by Mr O— who had before declared that he
wd. take care that the Interest of Mr. D— & his
Family shd not be enjured did upon this
presumption sign the Agreement totally relying
upon Mr. Orford's Honor that nothing wd be done
injurious to the Interest of Mr D—'s Family, as
from his own Ignorance in Coal concerns he had
repeatedly assured Mr. O— that he trusted & shd.
wholly confide in his justice & impartiallity.
It now appears that Mr. I— was contriving
all in his power to give himself a Right by the
Agreement to enjoy extensive priviledges for
an unlimited time which Mr. O— the Umpire
      new page
had declared shd be confined & subject to Conditions, and
the trifling Consideration ascertained must have been
fix'd upon under that Idea meerly by way of an acknowledgment.
If Mr O— had meant that Mr. I. shd have
enjoy & extend the priviledges, as long as he chose to
carry on his work how will Mr. O— reconcile the
smallness of the compensation & the Injury done &
continued to the [some words crossed out] destruction of
Mr. D—'s Colliery with his solemn declaration that
he wd. take care that Mr. D. or his family shd. not
be injured — As every matter in dispute was
to be determined by Arbitration & then by the award
of an umpire neither party had a Right to interfere
with the settling the terms of such Award, or altering
the Draft of the Agreement, but the same ought
wholly to have been refered to the Settlement &
Correction of the Umpire alone. —
    If Mr. Iacson will venture to say that the determination
by the award of the Umpire was waved &
given up with the Knowledge & Consent of each party
let him recollect his own Declaration to Mr. D—
at the very time of Signing the Agreement, when
he told Mr. D— that if he had not insisted on
having an Arbitration that he shd. himself have
given a %great deal more than was then fix'd upon
    After Mr O— had communicated what he
chose to say to Mr. I— Mr. I— wrote to Mr. D— complaining
that Mr O— had fixed the Terms too high
(tho the Consideration as it now stands has not put
one penny into Mr Ds. pocket) & Mr. J. in his letter
was pleased to request, that he & Mr. D— might
settle the matter between themselves when Mr. J.
came to Shallcross but Mr. D— wrote for Answer
      new page
that the %whole having been left to the Determination
of an Umpire by that alone he wd. abide. —
    Mr. J—'s Banksman was always telling Mr D what a
Worthy good Man his Master was & was constantly
insinuating that the advantage which Mr D—
gave wd. be properly & handsomely recompensed by
Mr. J— or wd. in the end be mutual service to each
party. An Agreement was drawn up (but never
executed) that if Mr D. shd. receive any Benefit
by what Mr. I— had done he was to pay a %Consideration
such as two honest Men wd. think just & reasonable [corrected]
    A few months after Mr D— began to attempt
to open his Colliery John Hill strongly solicited Mr
D— for his consent to erect a %wheel in another
Situation that wd. have open'd to their principal
mine of Coal but [word crossed out] ^ as ^ Mr. D— had then receivd
no {****} [worn off] of Compliment from Mr. J— Mr D—
for that very reason gave no encouragemt.
to the proposal
    Iohn %Dickenson
    Taxal 17 Sep. 1781

[Different hand]
Mr Dickenson's

Mr Dickenson's


Mr. Orford
Peter Legh's Esqr.
[Postmarked Buxton?]

[Different hand]
Mr. Dickenson's Letters
      new page
        Taxal. 22d April 1784.
    I find by my Son, you are pleased to say, you were
not appointed umpire in the dispute betwixt Mr. Jacson & J, wch. shews
Evidently, that you only look upon me as a proper 'P~son to be placed in a
mad House, being deprived of my reason & understanding. All J %shall say,
if J %had not wholly confided in you, it wd. have been impossible that ^Mr. Jacson^ coud
with all his Art have tricked & overreached me as he did, wch. he knew perfectly
well. — J %have some reason to fear Your memory is not the Best in the
world (tho' J acknowledge I %have a very high opinion of yor. abilities) for you
can not but remember, when the meeting was at Disley, you had ever forgot
you had ever wrote to Mr. Jacson, a Copy of wch. I %have now by me, wherein
you mentioned to that Gentleman how & in what manner you had fixed
your Award, but Mr. Jacson not liking your mode of settling it, he then
wanted to throw aside the Umpire, whom he had nominated, & proposed to
settle the Matter with me himself. J told him in my answer, as J said
before, that J wd. only abide by your candid Determination. A few weeks
after this, when he found he coud do no Better, he came over & sent his
Servant to Lyme with a Letter to desire you wd. waite upon me that day at
Taxal. You came to our House, delivered in fresh proposals or Terms for
an agreement (my poor wife being ^present^ all the time) & when you left us you went
to Mr. Jacson at Shallcross. Your memory won't J dare say let you recollect
what you told messrs. Gardner & Johnson, (this was when you first fix'd the
Terms,) that you wd. take Care no Jnjustice was in the Sequel of this Business
      new page
done to my Children, on whose Acct. alone J %wished to have an Arbitration.
You might, Sir, with equal Truth have said, that Mr. Jacson had never
interfered at all, as to say you were not the Umpire, nominated as you were
by mr. Jacson. — God almighty knows (if J am not to know) how far Mr.
Jacson did interfere, after he received your Letter wrote from Lyme. This
Affair now gives me infinitely more Uneasiness than ever, but still J %have this
Consolation & a Comfort it is, that J did no Act whatever during the time of
the arbitration unbecoming the Character of an honest man. You woud
insinuate there was no Arbitration, but you cannot have forgot your
Attendance at whaley, and if you were not to be concern'd, how came You
there? I %wish with all my Soul you woud condescend to ask messrs.
Gardner & Johnson how far you acted as Umpire, because as you have
a bad memory, they wd. perhaps convince you, how you undertook the Office
of Umpire, when they waited upon you the morning after you had been at
Tom Jones's. — They woud be apt to remind you of the Declarations You
made in Behalf of my Children, whose Jnterest you said ought to be
preserved. Your own Letter wrote that very day to mr. Jacson is a clear
Evidence of what I %have now advanced. Mr. Jacson acknowledged the
agreement, such as it was, was in Consequence of the Arbitration, & he was
pleased to add, he shoud have given a very difft. Consideration, if J %had not
insisted on having an arbitration, so it is plain whether there was to be
an Arbitration or no Arbitration J %was to be sacrificed. If any of the Parties
or of those concerned had acted in any respect wrong, or any mistake had been
made, shoud not Justice be done, but alass one side never meant to do any kind
      new page
of Justice. This Gentleman Mr. Jacson had put Thousands into his pocket by
our kind Assistance, therefore as J mentd. in my Last he shoud have been a
Guardian to protect the rights of my innocent Family, & not to %lead them
as he designedly did into Error. Facts are stubborn things, but your
memory J am sorry to say is like my weak Jntellects rather deficient.
I only hope for the Blessing of Happiness in the world to come, as J %have said
nothing in this Letter but the Truth, wch J %am ready to declare upon Oath, if
nothing else will satisfye [corrected] you, that we have been ill used throughout the whole
of this affair
    J am Sr. Your obedt Servt. J %Dickenson

It is not, Sir, the Value of it, that J so much contend for, but Mr. Jacson
first agreeing to the Arbitration, appointing a Referee & nominating the
Umpire, and after all interfering wch. J know if he did, If a Conduct like
this be right, then it is impossible for a Man, let him be Gentle or Simple,
to commit a wrong Action, however if no Satisfaction is to be made, this
Subject shall never cease, nor will J ever take the Wages of a %partial, mistaken,
Agreement. The Duke of Devonshire's agents [corrected] a few Years ago forcibly
took from me 50 Acres of Land, but they were not like this neighbour of
mine, J prevailed upon them to let the rights of it be fairly examined into
wch. they did, & then they were convinced it was my property. Jt woud have ^been^
a happy thing at this day if Mr. Jacson had acted in this Manner.
J am still a Lover of Peace, & shoud not be against an Accomodation for
past Errors.

[Draft of Orford's answer on page with address]


    I %am %favor'd with yours of the 22d. Inst. by this M{***}ings [seal]
post, and shd. be happy to have an opportunity of seeing you
and Mr. Iacson together to vindicate my Conduct in the business
between you two Gentlemen, and remain ^am^
    Sir Your very hble Ser{*}-
    [Orford's signature]
26 Apl. 1784

[The next five letters are attached to each other, in reverse order of date. Ordered chronologically here.]


post paid
Mr. Orford
[Postmarked Macclesfield]
      new page
        Taxal. 27th. march 1785.
    Jn order to put an End to our unhappy Differences
J desired Mr. Nicholson woud deliver the following messuage "That the
Referees were to examine the premises, & then determine whether the Sum
allowed to us was a proper Consideration for the priviledges Mr. Jacson had
received. If it was they were to declare in writing this Approbation to the
Terms, wch. if they did Mr. D woud abide by, but in case it was not a proper
Consideration, then it is expected the Referees shoud declare what Satisfaction
Mr. Jacson in Justice ought to make, or what they shoud have thought themselves
entitled to had they been in our Situation" — When Mr. Nicholson had
waited upon Mr. Jacson, he was pleased to write to me in these words. "Mr
Jacson concurs with you in wishing the Referees might meet & consult on
the Terms of the Agreement, & that he will do any_thing for your Satisfaction
they shall recommend." — As J wished you to meet without Reference
to what had happen'd during our unfortunate Frecas, you woud oblige me
by letting me know how the Object of the meeting was not attended to, or
did Mr. Jacson only consent to it with a View to increase the present
misunderstanding? — J %was for my part perfectly well disposed to have
put an End to it, had the same disposition appeared on the other Side, nay
J %was so confident of its Success, that the very morning you were expected
at Taxal to view the premises, J acquainted my Eldest Daughter how pleased
I was with the Thoughts of the Referees coming over. She made me this Reply,
that she was afraid Mr. Jacson woud act as he always had done from the very hour
      new page
he first solicited favours from us, however this Conversation between us
ended in a wager, when J ventured to lay a hundred to one, that the whole
dispute woud that day be finished by the Gentlemen Referees, but alass as J
said before, it is now Evident that the object of the meeting was never intended
by Mr. Jacson to be laid before you, tho' it was only a few days before you
came to Disley, that Mr. Jacson got Mr. Nicholson to enter down his
Sentiments in writing, which were "Whether the Agreement executed by
Mr. Jacson & Mr. Dickenson was conformable to the Jnstructions given
to Mr. orford by Mr. Dickenson & Mr. Johnson; If it appears to be
different, then Mr. Jacson is willing the Agreement shall be rescinded
as to the Consideration, & he was pleased to add he woud give what the
Referees shoud think an adequate Consideration." — Pray was my
Messuage to Mr. Jacson, or what issued out of his own mouth to Mr.
Nicholson ever discussed by the Referees? — Mr. Fletcher after you went
away told me it was not. J %shoud therefore be glad to know how & in what
manner J am to represent ^reconcile^ a Conduct so truly inconsistent, for J am at a
Loss to represent to my family, that Mr. Jacson was willing to submit
himself to the three Referees, & after they were met for that purpose, that
he woud not permit them to consider what was the real object of the
Meeting, "when he woud do any_thing for my Satisfaction you Gentlemen
shoud recommend" The Trouble you have had, & the Uneasiness we
have suffered in our Family, are wholly to %be imputed to Mr. Jacson from
his Behaviour in ^from^ the Year 1766 down to this very day. This good Gentleman
      new page
& J were certainly cast in a very different mould.
    Had this Matter been settled by the Referees, whatever Consideration you had
recommended to me shoud never have found its Way into my Purse, or into
the pocket of any Child of mine, but shoud have been [corrected] distributed to the
poor & indigent out of respect to her, who shed many a Tear about this
strange affair. J %hope you will however do me the favour to
send an Answer, to Sir Your Obedt. hble Serv{*}.
    John Dickenson

[Draft of Orford's answer]


        Haydock 30 Mar. 1785
    I am favor'd with yours —
    The principal thing I wished on my own Acct. at the late
meeting at Disley was to have it explained the great odium and
disagreeable reproach so freely thrown ^out^ against me explained
whether any blame was in me about cd. be attributed to me to
in you signing any the deed You [corrected] have to Mr. Iacson, when both
Mr. Nicholson (your Attorney) and all others that attended clearly
acquited me from every part of that deed, Mr Cooper convincing
them, that I was an utter stranger to the same as I neither gave
instructions, nor Saw the draft or deed before signed, and [two words crossed out] ^long after^
I was a Stranger to it in every Respect; that time — The next
thing as [^that^ in red to signal insertion point, and the following added in red at end of letter]
that was looked into was your former Letters to Mr Jacson
where it appeared you had given him assurance for the
Water to him and his Heirs — [end of insertion] I Suppose was that Mr. Iacson intends has some thoughts
of bring water to his Engine in a different form to what he does
at present, but this was not proposed at the meeting to Mr Fletcher
Mr. Johnson & me as such nothing cd. be say'd on this business, —
It wd. ^have given [n added later] me great pleasure to have^ been [en added later] of service in making
you & Mr. Iacson agreeable neighbours let your thoughts be
as they will to me and remain


post paid
Mr. Orford
[Postmarked Manchester]
      new page
        Manchester 5th: April 1785.
{*...}ir [point of attachment to the other letters]
    You & I have been sawing in a Knot, & whilst we look
different Ways we shall J am afraid never get through it. — You seem to have forgot
that you declared at Lyme, wch. you did in a solemn manner, how the Terms shoud be,
nay you said if Lyme Estate belonged to you, that you wd. sacrifice every part of it sooner
than recede from what you had then determined upon — You also declared the Terms
were only fixed by way of acknowledgment, & not as a Consideration to give away an
absolute Right, yet when you came to Taxal you gave in other Terms, wch. Terms
were the Ground work for our extraordinary agreement, & wch. laid the foundation
for all the Confusion we have since experienced. You seem to lay great Stress
& to claim mighty Merit to yourself, that you never saw the rough Draft of
the agreement, wch. is a proof that J placed Confidence in You. Had not you
taken upon you the office of doing Justice between man & man, & did not
you when you came to Taxal know the Designs Mr Jacson had formed against
us, or how came You to deviate from what you assured Mr. Gardner & Mr. Johnson
you never woud? Suppose J %had been nominated Umpire, wherein your family
had been interested, woud not you have expected me as an honest man, when J
found Mr. Jacson wishing to interfere in what J alone was to settle, to have
apprized you of it, as well as every 'P~son concerned in the arbitration, therefore is
it not plain, that the Terms you brought to me at Taxal were the Cause
& sole Cause of this unfortunate Agreement, nay what is more You & Mr. Jacson
both knew it coud not have taken place without You, or how came Mr. Jacson
to send for You on purpose wch. he did, but let us suppose through Jnadvertency
I had committed a mistake, had it been against the Jnterest of Mr. Jacson
was that a reason why it shoud not be rectifyed? Had you not taken upon
you the kind office of Umpire after the meeting at whaley, (where Mr. Fletcher's
Behaviour did not correspond with the Character of a Man of Knowledge) a
final Stop woud in a few hours have been put to Mr. Jacson's Colliery, till
we had obtained Justice from him, for it was upon that very Acct. that you were
waited upon [word rubbed out] at Lyme, as J wd. not suffer the Wear to be touched, wch. is a fact,
till you had first determined whether to act as Umpire or not. Did not Mr.
Jacson own, if there had been no Arbitration he shoud have given me a great deal more
      new page
Yet it was owing to this Gentleman's Interference that all this Confusion has happen'd,
& that in consequence of a mistaken Agreement, J am considerably out of pocket,
for granting such priviledges as few men ever enjoyed at least on the same Terms.
I join with you in saying it is a pity you shoud have undertaken this Business at all
or that you ever promised as you did to take Care [corrected] of our Jnterest, as you
afterwards suffered Yourself to be influenced to act under the Umpirage
of Mr. Jacson, who was no less than one of the Parties concerned, & all this
you did at a time when [corrected] you coud not but know, that J respected your
Determination in the same Light, as J %shoud have done had you been
the Lord High Chancellor of England.
    Mr. Gardner, whom
I saw the morning after you referees had been at Disley, & had he attended
the meeting, wch. J did not mean he shoud, woud have refuted many points
that you unfortunately wrested & twisted to suit a particular purpose.
He understood the whole Subject in a most masterly manner & woud have
demonstrated every fact whatever, provided you woud not have shut your
Ears against reason & common Sense.
    When Mr. Jacson first
solicited favours from us, (which J mention in order to lay the naked Truth
before you,) at that time our whole Jncome did not amount to 70 £ a year
with which J %had myself — & an amiable Wife with 4 or 5 Children to
maintain, J %shall leave you to suppose, that Jn our distressed Situation
we had an Eye towards some handsome Present by way of acknowledgmt
from Mr. Jacson, whom we [corrected from J] then looked upon as a Gentleman of noble
Generous Principles, but alass! how we mistook him, for nothing
ever came — Some of the Letters that have been exposed to public View
were wrote at the request of others, wch. no doubt were done with a View
to be treasured up in the manner they have been — .
    J now call upon
you, & J also call upon Mr. Jacson [corrected], since J %have been held out as a public
Spectacle, to produce one single Jnstance during my whole Life that J
ever tricked or overreached any man whatever, or was ^not^ ready to do every
friendly office to a neighbour that was in my power to do.
    As you have
      new page
mentioned Mr. Cooper & Mr. Nicholson J %shall just say, that these Gentlemen & so
woud every honest man in our neighbourhood have been Better pleased [corrected], that the
Referees had attended to the fair & candid propositions I %wished to have discussed,
in order to put an End to a misunderstanding, instead of wrangling as you did,
whether it was A, or whether it was B that was to blame, when God knows
some_body was to blame. however since you wd. not fall in with these
Propositions, let us have one meeting more, & then let every person be
interrogated upon Oath, because it is but right, that Justice shoud be
done to those, who have have been injured by an improper Jnterference.
    J %am Sir Your very hble ser{*}.
    John Dickenson
You will ^be pleased to^ let me know when the meeting is to be,
only J %shall for once take the Liberty to say, that J
desire every 'P~son may take a View of the premises,
& not stop as they did at Disley, because every
Referee shall declare upon Oath, especially those
who are Blessed with Children, whether they themselves
wd. have granted such priviledges as J did on
the Terms of the Agreement.


Mr. Orford
[Postmarked Stockport]
      new page
        Taxal 22d — April 1785

{*...} [Point where letters are attached to each other]

    The dispute between my Father and Mr. Jacson
has been the unfortunate Occasion of creating much Uneasiness
to themselves and their friends — the Concern that I have
felt on Acct. of this Affair has generally been confined to my own
breast — but I can ^not^ reftrain my present inclination of writing
to you — nor shd. I trouble you at all, were you not very assiduous
in blaming my Father in order to exculpate yourself from
from any want of Attention in that Business — by saying
that you knew nothing of the Agreement, as it was a private
transaction between the parties themselves — There I
blame you, and shall give you my reasons for it — Had
you not undertaken at Lyme to act as Umpire — Mr. Jacsons
works wd. have been stopt — till necessity compelled him to
make honorable proposals — but no further — as we did not
mean to act from mean and sordid motives — and prevent
our Neighbors from getting Coals at all, that we might have
the whole Sale to ourselves — My Father only wished to have
a valuable Consideration — which Mr. Jacsons great Generosity
wd. not allow him to propose voluntarily
    The Award that you made at Lyme in writing after your
Conversation with Messrs. Johnson and Gardner, was a candid one
and the terms you proposed, I heard you say, were considered
merely as an Acknowledgment from one gentleman to another
my Father and Mr. Jacson being Neighbors — You was then
very sensible that my Father only wished to have an
equitable Agreemt., and not to take any Advantage of
Mr. Jacson's Necessities — nor did you at all consider the
importance of the Priviledges Mr. Jacson enjoyed from my
Father, and for which he had never made any Return —
At Lyme you told Mr. Gardner, that you had fixed the
terms agreeable to what you thought ^was^ right — and you also
said, that if Lyme Estate was yr own, you wd. lose the whole
of it before you wd. recede from any part of the terms — You
then offered my Father the Letter to read — but he relying
in yr honor, and yr promises, that you wd. consider the interest
      new page
of his family as your own and act impartially /— to manifest
his Confidence in you, refused to peruse it — which was unfortunate
enough — Afterwards — when Mr. Jacson objected to the terms
of the Award — you proposed — after a Consultation at Shallcross,
that Mr. Jacson shd. enjoy an exclusive priviledge for the Sum
of two Guineas a year and also an additional Guinea if any
Alteration was made at his Wheel — my Father told you
that you possessed his Confidence, and that whatever you
proposed he would accede to — Yr determination was then
handed over to Mr. Cooper in yr own words — Now it
appears very evident to me — that, when you made an Attention
in yr Award, so favorable to Mr. Jacson, and so extremely
disadvantagious to our Interest — you cd. not but Know —
that Mr. Jacson had designs of taking every advantage of
my Father's friendly Intentions towards him — taking your
hands from the plow at that time, and leaving my Father
at the Mercy of Mr. Jacson was acting to be sure very
impartially — consistently — and disinterestedly —
    Mr. Jacson certainly looked upon yr award as binding
only upon my Father, because when they met to sign it
he had the Modesty to say — that if my Father had not
insisted upon an Arbitration, he shd. have thought himself
bound in honor to have given a great deal More — You
also heard [corrected] this Gentleman declare, that the reasons why
he interfered after yr award, was made — was, "because there
were no Bonds of Arbitration" — to restrict him from
acting in such a Manner, as was most agreeable to his
principles of Honor — What could be
more fair than my Father's proposals at the last Meeting
that if the Referees thought the Sum you fixed was not an
adequate Consideration for an exclusive priviledge — that
whatever you unanimously agreed to — he wd. be satisfied wh.
but that you wd. not allow to be a Subject of yr Consideration
Mr. Gardner was at Taxal — the day after yr last Meeting
and had he been at Disley, he wd. clearly have proved to you
that many things which you advanced — from a defect of Memory
      new page
were erroneous —
    Mr. Jacson once boasted that he had established
his Colliery for Generations — but I believe he is very
sensible that he cannot do without further priviledges
nor wd. my Father, I'm sure, wish to take an unreasonable
advantage either of him or any other Man — but he will
not submit to have his property wrested from him —
Tho you are pleased to say, that the piece of Land on
which Mr. Jacsons wheel stands is of no Value — yet I
believe no person Knows better than yourself, that
Situation generally constitutes the Value of Land —
and that Plot of Ground, by its being a Key to Mr. Jacson [edge paper]
Colliery, is of Consequence both to him, and
    Yr. hble Servant
    John Dickenson Junr


Mr. Orford
      new page
    Taxal Tuesday morn:
{*...}r [point at which letters are attached to each other] Sir
    I omitted to mention to You Yesterday
amidst the Conversation we had about our late disagreeable
affair, that by laying out the Sum of Thirty pounds J coud
bring a Tunnel to our Wheel without going through any
part of Mr. Jacson's Land, which Expence might however
as well be avoided. — If my Neighbour who was a party
Concern'd had never interfered in our Arbitration, there woud
never have been any or the least Objection ^made by me^ but as he chose
to interfere, wch. he acknowledg'd he did, & in doing which
he was very much to be censured. — Woud not the World,
insignificant as J am [corrected], have condemn'd me if J %had
even attempted to do such a thing? — J thank my God
I am not capable of acting on such a principle, still as
he did ^wrong^ by interfering he ought to make some Apology.
He who had received favours from a Family shoud rather
have protected their Rights, instead of declaring when he
came to sign his Name to a [corrected] mistaken agreement, that if
I had submitted to his Honor, he shoud have given me
a deal more than what he then knew had been done by his
      new page
own Contrivance. There is Dear Sir a Difference
I say a material Difference between a Consideration by way
of acknowledgment subject to Conditions, & granting away an
exclusive Right for Ever. — J am very Sensible J %was not
treated as a good neighbour deserved, but it is high time
to forget & to forgive what has passed. — Let the Event
be what it will, J am glad J %waited upon you, for had another
plan taken place wch. was in Agitation it wd. only have
widen'd the Breach, & wch. has already been extended too' far.
    J am J know a great Loser in Consequence of my
Neighbours Conduct, & had he acted otherwise he might then
have had still greater priviledges, so that each Side have
sustained a Loss, we can however afford it wch. is very well,
    J %am Your Sincere hble servt.
    John Dickenson
J am this moment seting out for


[Probably in Orford's hand]
Mr Dickenson
Iany. 30. 1786
      new page
Wrote the following Note to Mr. Jacson 24th. xbr 1785
"Mr. Dickenson has nothing to say respecting this offer from
Mr. Jacson further than refering him to Mr. Nicholson"
    Mr. Jacson waited upon Mr. Nicholson in Consequence
of the above, who informed Mr. Jacson that Mr. D woud leave
the Settlement of the present unhappy Dispute to Mr. orford
& Mr. Fletcher, & who woud chearfully acquiesce [corrected] with their
Determination, but Mr. Jacson instead of complying with so
fair a Proposal has returned an Answer as Under.
    "Mr. Jacson has
been with Mr. Nicholson, & can on no account consent to the
Reference Mr. Dickenson proposes." Shallcross 24 Jany 1786.
    NB Mr. Dickenson did not mean a Reference as Mr.
Jacson chuses to call it, otherwise than leaving it to two
Gentlemen to accomodate & put an End to unhappy Differences
subsisting between two near Neigh_bours.


Mr. Orford
at Peter Legh Esqr.
[Postmarked Stockport]
      new page
[Different hand]

Dr. Sir

    In consequence of some new works carrying forward by
Mr. Iacson for taking out the Water from the River Goit, which divides his
land from Mr. Dickenson's, at a different place from where it was taken
before at the time of making their agreement, and even so far further
down the Current as to interfere with a fresh Stream of Water not at all
included in that agreement, and which Mr. Dickenson is determined
not quietly to submit to; I have waited several times on Mr.
Iacson, with a view of trying the Effect of amicable means before
measures of extremity should become inevitable; and at length,
it hath been proposed by Mr. Dickenson, and if I understand
Mr. Iacson right as to the meaning of the proposal I am going to
state, acceded to by him; — "that the same Referrees who had been
before concerned in the business of the agreement should now meet
again in order to determine whether the sum allowed to Mr. Dickenson
was a proper consideration for the valuable privileges Mr. Iacson
received from him — If it was, they are to declare their approbation
of the Terms of the Agreement in writing, which if they do,
Mr. Dickenson will abide by; but in case they should be of
opinion, it was not a proper consideration, then it is expected
from them that they shall declare what satisfaction
Mr. Iacson in Justice ought to have made, or what they
      new page
should have thought themselves entitled to, if in Mr. Dickenson's
situation" — And "this enquiry and consideration to be had without the
interference of either of the parties concerned, and without reference to
the terms or manner of obtaining the former agreement" —
    Mr. Iacson was to inform you and Mr. Fletcher of the
intended meeting and to request your attendance on some day
agreeable to yourselves, and Mr. Dickenson to inform and procure
the attendance of Mr. Iohnson — Disley Mr. Dickenson thinks the
most convenient for the Referrees to meet at on account of it's
vicinity to the place in dispute and the opportunity it will afford
of their viewing the premises if they should think proper — —
    Mr. Iacson has since told me that he had communicated
the business to you and that you should not be able to attend before
Wednesday the 16th. Inst. — Be so good as to inform me
immediately whether you can with certainty meet Mr. Fletcher
and Mr. Iohnson at Disley in the morning of that day (or on what
other if any_thing may have happened to render it inconvenient)
and I will mention it to Mr. Iacson and engage the attendance of
Mr. Iohnson —
    [Nicholson's hand]
    I am Dr. Sir
    Your mot. obt. Servt.
    Tho. Nicholson
4th. March


Mr. Orford
Peter Legh's Esqr.
[Postmarked Manchester]
      new page
        Manchester 5th. January 1785.

    Mr. Jacson was pleased the other day to tell a friend of
yours, that he never did us any Wrong, nay what is as extraordinary, that he never recd. a
favour from us. No Man ought to confer an Obligation, & then to remind them of it, unless
he was to be treated as we have been, however let us examine some particular Circumstances.
When our unfortunate Arbitration was to take place Mr. Jacson sent his Agent to me to desire
we might settle every_thing betwixt ourselves, to wch. J gave an absolute negative. He at
last condescended to wait upon me when he requested the same, but as J thought it best
to have it done by impartial men, he then nominated you to be Umpire. J own J had
no Idea that Mr. Jacson woud interfere, wch. he has since acknowledged he did, and
wch. in my opinion is a proof that he acted wrong. — When you wrote to him from Lyme
about the Settlement of this unhappy Business you can call to your Remembrance
what then passed, and it was on the Receipt of your Letter he again solicited ^me^ to
have it done betwixt him & J, but as he coud not prevail upon me ^he^ to sent his Servant
for you to come to Taxal, wch. you did that very day, and then it was contrived to
make me (Jnnocent as J %was) an Jnstrument about giving wrong Jnstructions for the
agreement, wch. were contrary to what you yourself had declared shoud be your
final Determination. Mr. Jacson coud not but know, he was deceiving a Family, who
had enabled him to put Thousands into his pocket — Did not this Gentleman tell me,
if I had not insisted upon having an Arbitration, (wch. was only done by me because
I did not understand this Subject) that J %shd. have received from him a difft. Consideration
if J %wd. have confided in his Honour? From the moment he named you to be Umpire to
the day he executed his own partial agreement J never saw his Face. As soon as he had got
[word crossed out] what he aimed at, he insinuated & made a great noise, that we had raised our wear
two foot higher, than it was originally fixed, wch. he pretended to say had obstructed his
Tail Loose, & wch. occasioned me to have abundance of Trouble, besides no small Expence,
but when a second Reference was upon the Eve of taking place, he coud then declare to
my Son at Shallcross Hall, that he did upon his Honour believe the wear had never
been raised at all, so you see this fine word called Honour can veer about & fly like the
wind into any Quarter. — Woud my poor wife, who was equal to Mr. Jacson in every Respect
& who was in herself a Credit to human Nature, J %say woud she have shed Thousands
      new page
of Tears, if she had not been satisfyed he had acted wrong, however to compleat the wrongs
we have received, he is now upon the pursuit of a fresh object, tho' J apprehend nay I am certain
he will not meet with his usual Success. — By his own Agreemt. we were not to impede
the Delivery of the water, wch. we have never done in any respect whatever, but it now appears
Mr. Longden is going to open his Colliery, being entitled they say to half of the water
runing through his Land from the wear erected upon our property. where this wear is
situated there is water to supply what ^every_thing^ Mr. Jacson wanted [interlineation rubbed out] but as half of the water
is going to be taken away ^in consequence of a very old agreement^ he means J am told to take another Stream of Water
wch. supplys the river below our House, being the ^its^ principal Beauty, & wch. from its
natural advantages may one time or other be as valuable as a Coal mine, so if it
be in his power ^(wch. it is not)^ we are never to see one Drop of water in our River — one man [corrected] %may
indeed have superior abilities to another, but let me appeal to Mr. orford is it not
Best to be fair & upright in our Dealings with mankind? Mr. Jacson seems to %be
possessed of a priviledge equal to our Kings, who can do no Wrong. He has
indeed involved himself in a Labyrinth of Difficulties, wch. might easily have been
prevented by submitting, as it was his Duty to have done, to the Decision of what he
had nominated & appointed — Had J interfered as he did to his prejudice, woud not
such a Conduct be pronounced wrong? my Family let him say what he will had
not been unkind neighbours, therefore they had a just right to expect a ^proper^ Return of
Kindness from him. — The Terms you mentioned at Lyme were a certain
Acknowledgment subject to Conditions, but let me ask you this Question, is there not a
material Difference betwixt a trifling Sum by way of Acknowledgment only, &
giving away an absolute right? shoud not the Latter have had a proper
Consideration annexed to it? never as long as we live shall We accept the
wages of a mistaken Agreement where the Terms on every Acct. were so
disproportioned to what were just & right. — You, Mr. Fletcher & Mr. Johnson
are still Living, and the advantages we gave Mr. Jacson are objects in the same
State they were in the Year 1778, Suppose you were to examine the premises over
again, without the Interference of either ^one^ Side or the other, perhaps a period might in some
measure be put to the present misunderstanding.
    J am Sir Your most obedt %servt.
    John Dickenson


Mr. Orford
Peter Legh's Esqr.
[Postmarked Stockport]
      new page
        Taxal. 6th. may. 1784.
    As Mr. Jacson & J appointed regular Arbitrators
to settle any dispute betwixt us relative to his Colliery, he appointing two of those
who were to act in this Business, & J the other, and as there has been in Consequence
of it unhappy misunderstandings, instead of examining into the Conduct of
one single Gentleman, pray let the Arbitrators all meet, as one is immediately
connected with the other, and we shall perhaps ^then^ be able to find out, who it is
that has occasioned all this Confusion — For my part J solemnly declare, J
left the whole of it to the Arbitrators to settle, nor coud J have acquiesced
more, had it been submitted to the Chancellor of England. — When you came
to our House after the Meeting at Lyme, J made no doubt (as you were the
Umpire nominated by Mr. Jacson) but every_thing had been considered
by you agreeable to Equity, Justice & Honour, nor had J then, or for a
long afterwards heard, how matters had been fixed before, wch. your own
Letter will more properly explain. — J had not the least Jdea, that any
Attempt woud be used to influence the Judgment, or to interfere as mr.
Jacson acknowledged he did in the Arbitration. — Let such a Charge be
proved against me, (who was the other party concerned) & what property J %have
shall chearfully be sacrificed. my Family had done a great deal to serve
a neighbour, wch. J remember you were sensible of, therefore we did not merit
an ungenerous Return, but some persons, when a mistake has been made, are
seldom open to Conviction — — Had you apprized me when you came to Taxal
touching Mr. Jacsons Designs, which you then coud not but know, the prest. mischief
      new page
and all the disagreeable Consequences it has had woud never have happen'd, & J wish
for the sake of her, who is now no more, it never had. — You have, Sir, a good wife
with a fine Brood of Children, who may one time or other want a Friend
to preserve & take Care of their just Rights. — For my part J only wished to have
an Arbitration, & had no other reason for it, than that J might not be blamed by
my Son, but God help me, J was doomed to suffer every way, for had there
been no Arbitration, Mr. Jason very modestly told me by way ^of^ Consolation, that
he shoud have given me a great deal more — . It is possible this Gentleman
might maneuvre in such a Manner, as to deceive You, as well as the 'P~son
whom he had been so much obliged to. — Had J interfered, where J %was a
party concerned, to the Jnjury of your dear Blessings, pray Sir, woud not
you have been apt to blame me, & shoud not J have deserved it? Such a
Conduct was not likely to happen, because J %shoud for ever despise myself,
if J coud be prevailed ^on^ for the Sake of private Jnterest to act wrong.
    The Day the Arbitrators met at whaley was the 2d. Sepr. 1778. The Umpire was ^there^
    Messrs. Gardner & Johnson waited upon you at Lyme when you (as Umpire)
fixed the Terms, & wrote that day to Mr. Jacson — This was the 3d. of September.
    When you came to Taxal (^Mr. Jacson^ having sent for You on purpose) wch. was about
6 weeks after the meeting at Lyme, and the day, or day but one following,
Jnstructions for this mistaken Agreemt. were given in Consequence of what
then passed.
    Pray is ^it^ not meant, that an Arbitration, or the Office of
Umpire, is to do Justice? Woud it not be thought a Crime to influence the
Lord Chancellor? & wd. it not be the Same for any 'P~son, who was a party concerned,
to interfere in an Arbitration? The Almighty we are told knows the secret
Actions of us all, whether it be in a Court of Justice, or in ascertaining the
      new page
Rights betwixt man & man. These however are my Sentiments, & on this principle
alone J conducted myself during our Unfortunate Arbitration, — . That we may
have no Altercation at our meeting, (as we have had too' much already) let every
'P~son be examined on Oath, whether parties concerned, Arbitrators or others, by
the means of wch. we may expect to come at the Truth, as J flatter myself every
honest man wd. wish to know, who has been treated with Jnjustice — .
    J am [word crossed out] ^sorry^ J %have given you so much Trouble upon a Subject, so truly disagreeable
as it has been, to Sir, Your very hble Servt.
    I %Dickenson
My Son was present, when Mr. Jacson named you as Umpire. He shall
make Oath along with the Rest. — If the Parties had confided in those
whom they had appointed to settle wt. they thought was just & right, there is not a doubt ^but Peace^ wd. have
been established between them, but Mr. Jacsons Jnterference is the true ^& sole^ Cause of all the
Uneasiness we have had, wch. has ^also^ made me obnoxious
to my own Family, whom J love Better than J do myself.


Mr. Orford
      new page
        Manchester 23d. March 1784.


    If you knew the Concern it gives me to trouble
you in the manner I have done, J am certain J %shoud not incur your
displeasure. My Neighbour Mr. Jacson first wished to have settled our Business
with me, that we might have had no Arbitration, but as J %was totally unacquainted
in these dark Concerns, J %was desirous to have it done by others, that J might
not be blamed by my Children afterwards. When Messrs: Fletcher & Johnson
coud not settle any_thing at their meeting, J %was advised in consequence of it
to have recourse to violent methods, wch. J declared shoud not take place, till
I %had the pleasure of waiting upon you to know your Sentiments, & the next
morning we all went to Lyme. — J %was very happy, when you undertook the
friendly office of umpire (being always a Lover of Peace betwixt Neighbour
& Neighbour) & it appears from the Letter you wrote that day to Mr. Jacson,
that you had fixed the Terms in so judicious a manner, as wd. have preserved
a right understanding for Ever, had not Mr. Jacson interfered afterwds. wch. has
occasioned the whole of the present mischief. For 50 Years & upwds. have we
assisted this Gentleman in opening two Colleries, & every Shilling wch. his family
have made during that time they may thank us for, consequently he was the last
'P~son in the world, who shoud have acted as he has since done. — Jt was my misfortune
never to have heard what had passed at Lyme, till the agreement had been over some %time,
& tho' you candidly gave me the Letter to peruse, wch. You had wrote to mr. Jacson ^but being^ but ^being^ then
      new page
sat down to dinner in the Stone parlour J did not read it, nor did J wish to do so,
as J told you J had placed my Confidence in your Decision. Mr. Jacson wrote to me in
answer to yours, (as J sent it by a special messenger) that he wd. come over & settle the matter
with me himself, but J immediately wrote again to acquaint him, J wd. abide & only
abide by what you did. what J now wish to know is what he wrote to you betwixt
the time of receiving your Letter & your coming over to Taxal, when he sent his Servt.
for you. When you came you mentioned the following Terms. That J %was to receive
a Sum of money on acct. of a Tunnel J %had made, wch. was done by me to prevent
destroying mr. Jacson's Colliery; also two Guineas a Year for the priviledge of the
wheel standing upon our Land, & in case mr. Jacson shoud ever alter the wheel
then J %was to have 3 Guineas a Year. — Mr. Jacson's Jnterference begun at
this period to display itself, & it was so contrived that Jnstructions shoud be
given for an agreemt. the day after you were at Taxal, & J further remember ^after you left us^
you went from Taxal to Shallcross — . Had you kept a Copy of yours to
mr. Jacson, it woud have shewed that these Terms were different to what had
been before fixed, when a declaration had been made at Lyme ^by you^ that great Jnjustice
wd. be done to my Children, if the Terms had been put upon any other footing.
    mr. Jacson acknowledged at Disley before you, my Son, & Mr. Nicholson the reason
why he did interfere, because says he there were no Bonds to restrain him. This
was the very reason why J never interfered at all, because by doing so, J %shoud have
acted against those principles, wch. have always been the rule of my Conduct [corrected] in this Life.
    Had J appointed not only a Referee, but had presumed to nominate the umpire, & after
the Terms were fixed, J %shoud afterwards have made Use of every Jnfluence in my power to have other
Terms inserted, J %say if J %had acted in this manner how woud my name & character have been
stigmatized all over the Country, & wd. it not have been highly aggravated, when it came to be known
      new page
J had received for 50 Years uncommon obligations from a neighbour, such as few men
ever experienced? — . Had J wronged an innocent man, & when called upon to do Justice,
J %shoud take refuge under the Sanction of my own Duplicity, how J shoud have
have been censured, & shoud not J have deserved it? Did not mr. Jacson himself
tell me the moment he was going to sign his name to an agreement, (where he was
a party concerned, was ^acted as^ Referee, Umpire & his own Lawyer,) that if J %had not
insisted on having an arbitration, & woud have submitted to his Honour, J %shd.
then have received a much larger consideration. You now see evidently J %had it out
of his own mouth, J coud regard this very agreement in no other Light, than in
Consequence of the Arbitration. J am still willing to leave it to any honest
man to point out a Remedy for the Evil we have too' much reason to complain
of, and woud rather it was done by You than any other, but if no Satisfaction is
to be made to an injured Family, it can surely never be thought a Crime to
let the great world know, how ungratefully we have been treated.
    I have been appointed Umpire in settling a dispute, wch. had subsisted for some
time. J only accepted of it on Condition that neither of the Parties shoud speak
to me, till the matter was finally determined, nor woud J %have acted at all, if either of
those concern'd had nominated me. No man ought to interfere in a Business,
when it had been left to indifft. people to determine. J never heard of any
man who attempted to act as mr. Jacson did, nor had J the least Jdea how
a Gentleman coud behave in that manner, besides there was every reason,
why he ought to have been [word crossed out] a Guardian to protect the rights of my
Children & not to injure them. I am, Sir, Your obedt hble Serv{*}.
    Iohn Dickenson
(I want nothing but what is fair & honest).


Mr. Orford
Car. pd.
      new page
Dr %sir.
    J have the pleasure to send you the Jnclosed
wch. J am Sorry to say has already given you & your friends more
Trouble than it ought to have done, not but a Compromise of any
kind is better than throwing money away in London ^Law^, J got to
my little warm friend soon after 6 this morning, who gave me
up this Deed on Condition that it was cancell'd in my
presence, wch. may be done any time when we meet.
    I paid him the Consideration of £50 as fixed by Mr. Upton
without taking a Receipt or any Acknowledgment whatever.
Don't trouble yourself about the money we shall see each
other another Day.
    J desire Compts. to Mr. Gaskill, & am
    Sir. Your obedt %hble servt.
    John Dickenson.
    excuse haste.
Sunday morn: 10' O Clock


Mr. Orford

[Note, possibly in different hand: 420=21]
      new page
        Taxal. 16th. february 1788.

Dear Sir

    Give me Leave to write my Thoughts to you
concerning the Road from Horridge End to the Town of Macclesfield. The
Road lying in our Township Leading to Taxal may with great Ease be
walk'd in 4 or 5 minutes, & let me remind you that our Road was formerly
as Good as it is now, nor has any one man in Taxal ever received any or the
least Benefit from this Turnpike Road, whereas the Road in every other
Township to Maxfield was impassable for a Carriage of any kind, so that
a good Road through Kettleshulme, Rainow & Hurdsfield has been to
every person's property of infinite Service, woud it therefore be reasonable
or Just to place a Bar between us & Horridge, when in a Ride of two minutes
we are to pay again at Whaley, on wch. we do the whole of our Business.
    There is not a Man in the Kingdom according to my power, who wd. go greater
Lengths to serve the public than J woud, or who woud contribute with more pleasure
to bear a Share of the Expence, but if a Bar is to be placed on purpose to
throw a particular Hardship upon my neighbours contrary to every principle
of Honour or Justice, J shoud not look upon myself to be an honest man if J did
not oppose it — Had J no property in Taxal, or that every Security on the Road
belonged to me, J shoud be against removing the Bar for these strong and
important Reasons, one because it woud be cruel & oppressive upon Taxal,
& the other because J know it woud not answer to the mistaken money Lenders.
      new page
    The whole Year's Jnterest amounts to 205£ a Year — The Bars at
prest. make £201, and if they coud be advanced 5£ or ten pounds a Year more
we shoud then do every_thing — still we shoud consider what will become of us when
we are to renew our act, wch. will be the Case in 3 or 4 Years.
    J do assure you let the Bars be placed where they will, (tho' it shoud be between
my House and the Necessary) it shall occasion no misunderstanding between
    You, & Sir, Your obedt hble serv{*}.
    J.. Dickenson.
People in this Township have no more
Business, ^to do^ with the Town of macclesfield, than if
it was a Town in Cornwal, nor has a Team gone
from Taxal to maxfd. for the last dozen Years.
    I wish indeed the Road had never been made.


Mr. Orford

[Note at different angle]
J shoud like this alteration take place, if money
coud be had, as J think the Public wd. be pleased with it.
      new page
        Sat. morng. 7th June

Dear sir

    J find we are not to escape,
wherein too' many have already suffered of Late.
a Gentleman in manchester, whom we not long
ago advanced a £1000 to, gave up the other day.
we have however good Security from him. J %am
now going into Lancashire upon that Business,
wch. will put it out of my power to attend you
& Mr. Jacson to Buxton on monday next.
    Pray are we all to fall in peices, &
will there never be an End to these calamitous
times? — J was aware some time ago that a
Storm like the prest. wd. happen, but J coud
not tell how or where it wd. fall. advise your
friends to do as little Business as possible, the less
the Better. Be pleased to give Compts to Mr. Jacson
    & J %am your obliged
    I %Dickenson.


Mr. Orford
      new page
        — 7th. July 1788.

Dear Sir

    When you mentioned at Stockport in your
usual good natured manner recommending Mr. Frith & myself to be
Jnspectors for the Derbyshire Road in case mr. Jacson chose to resign, a
certain Gentleman J understand was pleased to desire we ^might^ have yor. assistance,
    No 'P~son whatever woud be better pleased to have recourse to you for
advice than J shoud, as J %have a real Esteem for You. but if the Insinuation
extended so far as to suppose we were in some measure disqualifyed from
taking such an office without the help of another, or that we were not
worthy the Confidence of the Public, if that be the case as it coud have no
other meaning, notwithstanding the Experience J %have had for many Years,
J %shall take it in the very Light it was intended, therefore from this time
You are to consider me no longer, as a Commissioner. When the Lancashire
Road is got into a different train than it is at present, wch. J %hope will be the
Case in a little time, then J %shall also resign the Honor of that Trust to
those, who have or may have superior Judgment, nor am J willing to throw
away my little Services, tho' they shoud not be quite as Jmportant as others.
In one respect J am equal to the Best (let him be ever so great) wch. is
in my good wishes to the real Jnterest of the Public.
    Buxton Road, wch. J %was always a %little partial to, is now J am afraid left
      new page
without a single Friend, however J %hope some of the Cheshire Gentlemen,
who are so conversant in Knowledge & in Figures, will now take compassion
upon this Road, tho' few of them will J doubt take the pains J have done during
the last 6 months, when J adjusted & settled every matter, wch had been
left open for Years past, & J %have some reason to believe J did it as
properly, as the most pompous Commissioner that ever met at Stockport.
    J %am, with all possible respect,
    Your obliged & most obedt.
    J.. Dickenson
J shall notwithstanding assist in the intended
Alteration at Sherbrook, then J %shall bid a
final adieu to Turnpike Concerns.


Mr. Orford

[Accounts, and note in pencil, in other hands omitted]

[At different angle]
Mr. Gates shall be paid every Expence whatever.
      new page
        taxal. 18th. august.

Dear Sir

    The purchase of Land J find will in some
measure cost a Sum equal to what J thought woud have compleated
every_thing, & as you know it wd. be imprudent to borrow money, nor coud we
with propriety spare it from the rest of the Road, for these reasons J %am
no longer an advocate for the present Alteration till our Finances were
better situated, besides there is an argument still stronger against it, wch. is,
that J am of opinion (this between ourselves) our Tolls are very much
upon the Decline, nor will they ever again produce what they have done.
    The Hill at Sherbrooke leading to Ashborne is but a very short
Length, Suppose we were to widen the Road in that part as it is too' narrow,
& might not something be done at the Bottom to ease the present Rise,
woud not this, all things considered, be making every Useful & necessary
Improvement, as we have no money to advance without injuring the rest of the
Road, except a certain Sum wch. wd. go but a %little way towds. laying out near
400 £. There was J %am certain more people concerned in promoting that
wild Goose Scheme than the Gentleman who went along with us. private Views
prevail every_where & with every_one. Let me have your Sentiments touching
the above, which will oblige him, who is very Sincerely Yours I %Dickenson.


Mr. Orford.
      new page
Dear %sir

    When the intended Alteration at Sherbrooke
was first mentioned to me they said it might be done for 200 £, nay they
woud engage to do it for that Sum, but when they found the Commissrs.
woud make the Road, then the whole Two hundred pounds must be laid
out in the purchase of Land & making Fences. Jt was not any_thing
that happen'd at Buxton J took amiss, as J respect & value you too'
much to do so, besides we must not imitate those Jnspectors, who chuse
to expend an incredible Sum about a trifling matter, wch. was of no
Consequence in itself, especially when you ^we^ had not the money to throw
away & other parts of the Road had not been fresh paved for 20 Years.
    J am sorry to hear you are indisposed, but J hope you have
had Value received, otherwise it woud be very hard to suffer Pain, &
to be wrap'd in Flannel. J expect every moment to be called into Lancashire,
or J woud have contrived to visit my Gouty Friend, who is greatly esteemed
    by John Dickenson
Taxal Thursday morning.


Mr. Orford

[At different angle]
If J %am alive, & able to attend, I %will be with you
on tuesday the 23d. Inst. & coud wish to hear from
you before that Day.
      new page
        Taxal friday.
Dear Sir

    After J had the pleasure of seeing You
Yesterday, J had a great deal of Conversation with Mr. Johnson,
who was pleased to say that the new Branch woud be compleated
for 700 £ including every Article, and wch. he said woud no
doubt increase the Tolls considerably.
    J %shall leave you alone
to determine whether J %shall espouse this Branch, or how you
wd. have me act on the occasion, because J %know you will
countenance whatever You know will be Best for the public.
    J did not like by any means what one Gentleman in
particular went upon yesterday, that it wd. affect his private
Jnterest, not but his Views seemed to be narrow & confined,
& his title to a Gentleman from his Conduct J am sure is of
a very fresh Date.
    J %am always Your obliged.
    I %Dickenson


Mr. Orford

[Accounts in different hand omitted]
      new page
        Taxal. 6th. May.

Dear Sir

    J %have viewed the Tree that is in dispute
between Mr. Legh & Mr. Jodrell. — As the Fence runs —
(provided it always ^did^ go as it now does) the Tree in that case must
be the property of Mr. Jodrell, but if the Fence has been
alter'd, or that the Fence ^formerly^ went on this Side a little Streamlet of
Water, then the Tree in Question woud be the right of mr Legh.
    It is not possible to give a proper Decision, unless the matter
concerning the Fence was fairly settled, & J am informed each
Tenant gives a very difft. Acct — J am certain John Sellers wd. not
have fallen the Tree, had he not been assured it belonged to the
Yeardsley Estate. — J beg there may be no frecas about it.
    I have just received your favor. J wish both Bars coud be set
wch. is much Better than taking what they please to give in. no one has
mentioned Gap house Bar to me.
    Kettleshulme people were very simple
      new page
in accusing me of Partiality to Jodrell, on wch. acct. J was determined
not to recommend it to Jonathan, not but if you had taken the hint
J sent to you to Buxton, J think he wd. have made an Agreemt. for his
Son in Law, and if you can do nothing with Pott, wch. J apprehend
you will not, J woud Late as it is advise you to send over for him, say Jonathan. [last two words outside margin, probably later addition]
to speak to You.
    You have almost killed your Buxton friends.
Shoud they die, & that J %shoud receive a Summons to be upon the
Jury, J shall certainly bring in a severe Verdict against You.
    J %am Your obedt servt.
    J. Dickenson
poor Mrs. Gee is going to leave this world. She cannot live much
longer. — J %shoud not be at all surprised, if it was not to bring her
Husband to Life again. He was J know very anxious to survive her,
& if he had, he woud soon have been dignifyed with a pair of Horns.


Mr. Orford
      new page
        Taxal. August
Dear Sir!

    It always hurts me whenever J hear that any
of my Neighbours have recourse to Law, which is to be sure a most
simple method of ending a Dispute, especially when People have little
Property to throw away — Joseph Mellor, who lately occupyed an Estate
from the Late Robt. Bennet in this Town, set a small House to
wilkinson, whereas it now appears that during the time of wilkinson
living there some of his Family committed a Trespass in the House,
on wch. Acct. his Landlord compelled Joseph Mellor to pay him the Sum
of five Guineas. These two Tenants are at this time in dispute
about the money, & J am thinking it woud be infinitely Better to
settle it by calling in two indifferent people than by giving money
to those, who woud perhaps abuse & laugh at them for their folly.
    In case you entertain the same Sentiments J do, wch. from my
Knowledge of mr. orford J am certain he does, might not some method
be hit upon to reconcile these two people? J %am Dr Sir Yor. obliged hble %st.
    J.. Dickenson
Joseph mellor is a man of very fair character
& is respected by every_Body —


Mr. Orford
      new page
        Taxal. Wed: 11th. novr. 1789.

Dear Sir

    J shall leave & quit Taxal this very day
& as it will be but seldom J shall for the future have the pleasure
of seeing you J take this Opportunity of thanking you for the many
civilities I %have from time to time received from You, nor shall J ever
forget, let me reside where J %will, the favours of my Friends.
    It is my last wish that my neighbours may never want one, who had
their Jnterest more at Heart than J %have always had.
    J sincerely wish you & your Family health
    & happiness, & shall ever be,
    Your obliged hum %servt.
    J.. Dickenson.
my Son, whom J %have given the property
of this place to, will meet you at maxfd.
on the [17 crossed out and replaced (possibly in different hand, certainly different ink) by] ^16^th: Jnst.


Mr. Orford
      new page
        Taxal. Wednesday.

Dear Sir

    J am perswaded that no one wishes Better
to the Public than you do, for which reason let me entreat you never
to consent that we shoud next Year keep the Bars in our own
hands, because ^if^ we do so, J apprehend, we shoud in that case be
very deficient in paying Mr. Wright for the renewal of a fresh
Act. Mr. Gee & J once appointed a Man whom you know,
who had taken the Bar the Year before, & strange to tell the
fellow did not bring in more than woud answer his Wages, yet
he made no Scruple of making an Affidavit before Mr %Brooksb^ank^
that he had done no Jnjustice. The Gentlemen at Buxton
when they first applyed to me only desired we woud make the
Alteration at Sherbrooke on the plan we are now doing, wch. J
hope the Public at large will approve of, but whether a certain
Gentleman in the Neighbourhood of Prestbury may be pleased
      new page
or displeased with my particular Conduct is at prest. no Object with me.
J have always endeavoured to act upon a principle of Honour, &
I believe J may say J %have done as much for the Jnterest of the public,
& have acted with as much propriety at least in matters of this kind,
as ever he did, but for the future my attendance at Stockport
shall ever be dispensed with, where Family Pride is so very
p predominant. J am Dr %Sir Your obliged
    I %Dickenson
J %shall leave Mr. Frith to vindicate himself [corrected]
from dirty Jnsinuations, as the attack was
General to us both, — no man who was a Gentleman woud have
thrown out such ungenerous Hints, unless he coud have supported the
Charge with some degree of Truth.
      new page
If you think John Pott will not take Gaphouse Bar I %wish you wd.
encourage the Bearer.


Mr. Orford

[Accounts, probably in different hand, omitted]
      new page
        Birch 2nd- [added in different hand?] Sepr. 1790.

Dear Sir

    Poor John Dixon, who is 82 Years of age,
& who has been possessed of a small Annuity ^for 14 Years^ has never himself
yet received one penny of this very Annuity, as the whole money
arising from it has been thrown away in foolish Law proceedings
& Keeping him in Goal, which a single Grain of Prudence might
easily have prevented, it therefore gives me particular pleasure
to see him still alive after strugling through uncommon difficulties
to receive at last one Year's Jnterest, J must on that acct desire
you will pay it to him, & if you will be so Good to draw up a
Receipt, or the Form of one, it shall be sent back signed by me.
    Jt is now too' late, or J wish J %had transacted this Business
from the first, which if J %had the old man woud J am certain
{*...} [torn off] the Troubles he has since undergone.
{*...}e [torn off] man J took him for; There are
      new page
too' many, (God knows it to be true,) of his unnatural Disposition
in the World. J shoud ^not^ speak against him if J had not strong
Reasons for it. J hope this finds you enjoying better Health,
& that your good family are Well, to whom J desire best respects.
    J am, Dear Sir, Your Sincere hble %st.
    J.. Dickenson.
    one of the two Trustees of John Dixon.


Mr. Orford
How Lane.
      new page
Dear Sir!
    J desire the favour of you to let me
know, how you have gone on this Day at Stockport.
Be so obliging to have a Line ready in the morning,
so [corrected] that J shall ^then^ be certain to have it tomorrow.
    J am, Your Sincere hble Servt.
    I %Dickenson
    Taxal. Wednesday.
Compliments to Mrs. orford.


Mr. Orford
      new page
Dear Sir!

    J have look'd over the Accts. wch. you
sent, and wherein You have had abundance of Trouble.
Mr. C must surely have omitted Charging the orders drawn
by upon him by one County or other, or there coud never have
been So great a Deficiency against him. Are you certain
that he did not pay to the Several Countys the Ballance
of 294£..14s..5½d in June 1764? J shoud imagine he did.
J think it woud be kind of you to let him see your
manner of drawing out the Accts. that he may have time to
examine & compare ^it^ with his own Book. If any mistake has
been made, J am perswaded, it was not done with Design.
    For the future the Accts. shoud be finally closed at
the End of every Year to commence the first of every June. All
Jnterest shoud be paid to that Day, and Jnterest shoud be
pd. for the Collateral Securitys not by Mr. Cooper, but by the
Jnspectors of those Countys, who have borrowed the Same. The
Barrs shd. be set & take place from that very Day, & then yor.
      new page
^Accts.^ wd. come out right. If there was any_body proper to be
Jnspector for the Buxton Road J woud give it up. J begin
not to be at all fond of these Concerns.
    J am, with great respect, (in haste..)
    Yor. obliged h'ble %Servt.
    I %Dickenson.
    Taxal. monday morn:

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This document last updated 5 May 2003.