Contents of the Lampeter Corpus (ordered by decade)

N.B.: Texts marked with an * are not pamphlets, but self-contained parts of larger works.
file name author of text title of text
RelA1642 Thomas Hill The Trade of Truth Advanced in a Sermon Preached to the Honourable House of Commons,
RelB1644 Henry Hammond Of Scandall ...
PolA1646 John Campbell Severall speeches, spoken by ... Lord High Chancellor of the Kingdome of Scotland
PolB1648 J.B.C. (James Howell) A Venice looking-glasse: or, A letter written very lately from London to Rome, by a Venetian clarissimo to Cardinal Barberino, protector of the English nation, touching these present distempers ...
EcA1641 Richard Kilvert A reply to a most untrue relation made and set forth in print, by certaine vintners, in excuse of their wine project.
EcB1641 East India Company The petition and remonstrance of the governour and company of merchants of London trading to the East Indies, exhibited to the Lords and Commons in the high court of Parliament assembled.
SciA1644 William Lilly Merlinus Anglicus junjor: the English Merlin revived; or, His prediction upon the affaires of the English Common-wealth ...
SciB1649 John Gregorie The description and use of the terrestrial globe. London: William Du-gard, for Laurence Sadler, 1649. [Part of Gregorii posthuma: or, Certain learned tracts: written by John Gregorie, MA and Chaplain of Christ-Church in Oxford.
LawA1643 Robert Devereux Laws and Ordinances of Warre, Established for the better Conduct of the Army, ...
LawB1649 William Prynne A Legall Vindication of the Liberties of England against illegal taxes and pretended acts of Parliament lately enforced on the people ...
MscA1643 Henry Foster A true and exact relation of the marchings of the two regiments of the trained bands of the city of London ... As also of the three regiments of the auxiliary forces ... who marched forth for the reliefe of the city of Glocester ...
MscB1646 anon. The answer of the Commissioners of the Navie, to a scandalous pamphlet, published by Mr. Andrewes Burrell.
RelA1653 Joseph Sedgwick A sermon, preached at St. Marie's in the University of Cambridge May 1st, 1653. Or, An essay to the discovery of the spirit of enthusiasme and pretended inspiration, that disturbs and strikes at the universities.
RelB1650 John Cook A true relation of Mr. Iohn Cook's passage by sea from Wexford to Kinsale in that great storm Ianuary 5. Wherein is related the strangeness of the storm, and the frame of his spirit in it ...
PolA1659 Nathaniel Lord Fiennes The speech of the right honourable the Lord Fiennes, one of the lord keepers of the great seale of England, made before his Highnesse, and both houses of Parliament: on Thursday the 27th, of January, 1658 ...
PolB1659 Edward Sexby(cat.: Silas Titus) Killing, no murder. With some additions briefly discourst in three questions, fit for publick view; to deter and prevent single persons, and councils, from usurping supream power.
EcA1652 anon. The ADVOCATE.
*EcB1653 Walter Blith The English improver improved or the Survey of husbandry surveyed ...
SciA1653 Cressy Dymock et al. A discoverie for division or settling out of land, as to the best form. Published by Samuel Hartlib Esq., for direction and more advantage and profit of the adventurers and planters in the Fens and other waste and undisposed places in England and Ireland
*SciB1652 Peter Heylin Cosmographie in four bookes containing the chorographie & historie of the whole world, and all the principall kingdomes, provinces seas, and isles, thereof. ... Of Swethland.
LawA1653 Henry Robinson Certaine proposals in order to a new modelling of the lawes, and law-proceedings, for a more speedy, cheap, and equall distribution of justice throughout the Common-wealth ...
LawB1659 anon. ENGLAND's safety in the laws supremacy.
MscA1650 Henry Neville Newes from the new exchange, or the commonwealth of ladies, drawn to the life, in their severall characters and concernments ...
MscB1658 Matthew PoleRichard Baxter et al. A model for the maintaining of students of choice abilities at the university, and principally in order to the ministry .
RelA1669 Richard Sherlock A sermon preached at a visitation, held at Warrington in Lancashire May 11, 1669.
RelB1667 John Owen Indulgence and toleration considered: in a letter unto a person of honour.
PolA1668 Slingsby Bethel The world's mistake in Oliver Cromwell; or, A short political discourse , shewing that Cromwell's mal-administration ... layed the foundation of our condition, in the decay of trade.
PolB1660 Sir Edmond Peirce England's monarchy asserted, and proved to be the freest state, and the best common-wealth throughout the world With a word to the present authority, and ... General Monck.
EcA1668 Sir Thomas Culpepper A discourse ,shewing the many advantages which will accrue to this kingdom by the abatement of usury ... Humbly presented to the High Court of Parliament now sitting.
EcB1660 Francis Cradocke An expedient for taking away all impositions, and for raising a revenue without taxes ...
SciA1666 John Wallis "An essay of Dr. John Wallis, exhibiting his hypothesis about the flux and reflux of the sea, taken from the Consideration of the Common Center of Gravity of the Earth and Moon ..." Philosophical Transactions 16
SciB1666 Richard Holland Globe notes per R.H.
LawA1668 anon. The TRYALS of such persons as under the motion of London-apprentices were tumultuously assembled in Moore-Fields ... under colour of pulling down bawdy-houses ...
LawB1661 Thomas Violet (et al.) Two petitions of Thomas Violet of London goldsmith, to the Kings Majestie ...
MscA1669 Heneage Finch A true and exact relation of the late prodigious earthquake and eruption of Mount Ætna it came in a letter written to his Majestie from Naples by ...the Earle of Winchilsea...
MscB1666 Henry Stubbs The Miraculous Conformist: or An account of severall marvailous cures performed by the stroaking of the hands of Mr Valentine Greatarick....
RelA1679 Henry Jones A sermon of Antichrist, preached at Christ-Church, Dublin. Novemb. 12. 1676.
RelB1674 William Penn A just rebuke to one & twenty learned and reverend Divines (so called). Being an answer to an abusive epistle against the people call'd Quakers ...
PolA1672 George Villiers A letter to Sir Thomas Osborn, one of his Majesties Privy Council, upon the reading of a book, called The present interest of England stated.
PolB1674 Thomas Turnor The case of the bankers and their creditors. Stated and examined ... By a true lover of his King and country, and a sufferer for loyalty ...
EcA1676 anon. Is not the hand of Joab in all this? Or An enquiry into the grounds of a late pamphlet [by J.R:] intituled, The mystery of the new-fashioned-goldsmiths or bankers, &c. And answering the exceptions in it to the bankers trade.
EcB1676 anon. An Answer to Two Letters, Concerning the East-India Company.
SciA1674 Robert Hooke An attempt to prove the motion of the earth from observations ...
*SciB1676 Thomas Guidott A discourse of Bathe, and the hot waters there. Also, Some Enquiries into the Nature of the water...
LawA1673 E.W. The Continuation of the Case between Sir William Courten, his heyres and assignes, and the East India Company of the Netherlands, concerning the shipps Bona Esperanza and Henry Bonadventure, to the 23. of December 1673 ...
LawB1678 anon. An EXACT account of the trials of the several persons arraigned at the sessions-house in the Old-Bailey for London and Middlesex ...
MscA1676 A.B. A letter of advice concerning marriage.
MscB1670 John Gadbury A brief relation of teh Life and Death of the late Famous Mathematician and Astrologer, Mr. Vincent Wing. Together with his Nativity, as it was done, many years before his Death, by his on hadn; And now for general satisfaction, made publick.
RelA1682 Thomas Pittis An old way of ending new controversies; in a sermon preached to the comptoller, and the rest of the gentlemen of the ... Inner Temple: on Sunday the 8th January 1681/2
RelB1687 Elinor James Mrs. James's Vindication of the Church of England, in an answer to a pamphlet entituled, A new test of the Church of England's loyalty ....
PolA1684 William Assheton The royal apologie: or, an answer to the rebels plea: wherin, the most noted anti-monarchical tenents ... are distinctly consider'd ....
PolB1689 Robert Ferguson The late proceedings and votes of the parliament of Scotland; contained in an address delivered to the King, signed by the plurality of the members thereof, stated and vindicated ...
EcA1681 anon. The Trade of England Revived: And the Abuses thereof Rectified, ...
EcB1681 Sir Josiah Child A treatise wherein is demonstrated, I. That the East India Trade is the most national of all foreign trades ...
SciA1683 Walter Charleton Three anatomic lectures, concerning 1. The motion of the bloud through the veins and arteries; 2. The organic structure of the heart; 3. The efficient causes of the hearts pulsation ...
SciB1684 Robert Boyle Experiments and considerations about the porosity of bodies, in two essays.
LawA1680 Sir John Hawles The English-mans right. A dialogue between a barrister at law and a jury-man....
LawB1688 Sir Edward Herbert A short account of the authorities in law, upon which judgement was given in Sir Edw. Hales his case ...
MscA1685 Thomas Phelps A True Account of the Captivity of Thomas Phelps, At Machaness in Barbary, ...
MscB1685 Nicholas Barbon An apology for the builder: or a discourse shewing the cause and effects of the increase of building.
RelA1696 John Piggott A good king and his people, the special care of heaven. A sermon preached the 16th of April, 1696 ...
RelB1692 Humphry Hody A letter from Mr. Humphrey Hody to a friend, concerning a collection of canons said to be deceitfully omitted in his edition of the Oxford treatise against schism ...
PolA1699 Archibald FoyerAndrew Fletcher A DEFENCE of the Scots settlement at Darien. With an answer to the Spanish memorial against it ...
PolB1690 Edward Fowler An answer to the paper delivered by Mr. Ashton at his execution to Sir Francis Child ... Together with the paper it self.
EcA1697 Pollexfen, John England and East India inconsistent in their manufactures. Being an answer to a treatise, intituled, An essay on the East-India trade ...
EcB1696 W.C. (attrib. by Bowdler to William Culliford) A discourse (by way of essay) humbly offer'd to the consideration of the Honourable House of Commons, towards the raising moneys by an excise ...
SciA1698 William Alingham A Short Account of the Nature and Use of Maps.
SciB1696 John Woodward Brief instructions for making observations in all parts of the world: as also for collecting, preserving, and sending over natural things ... Drawn up at the request of a person of honour: and presented to the Royal Society.
LawA1694 Sir Matthew Harte A treatise, showing how usefull, safe, reasonable and beneficial, the inrolling & registring of all conveyances of lands, may be to the inhabitants of this kingdom.
LawB1697 anon. A Letter to a Friend, In Vindication of the Proceedings against Sir John Fenwick, by Bill of Attainder. ...
MscA1696 Moses Pitt An account of one Ann Jefferies, now living in the County of Cornwall, who was fed for six months by a small sort of airy people call'd fairies ... In a letter from Moses Pitt to ... Dr. Edward Fowler, Bishop of Glocester ...
MscB1692 Elkanah Settle The second part of the notorious impostor, compleating the history of the life, cheats, &c. of William Morrell, alias Bowyer, sometime of Banbury, Chirurgeon ...
RelA1708 John Waller Religion and loyalty, or the reverence due both to Church and state, asserted in a sermon, preach'd at the parish-church of Bishop-Stortford ... at the anniversary solemnity of the school-feast.
RelB1701 William Higden The case of sureties in baptism. In which is shewn, that schismaticks ought not to be admitted as godfathers and godmothers in the ministration of that holy sacrament.
PolA1702 Thomas Wagstaffe The present state of Jacobitism in England. A second part. In answer to the first
PolB1706 John Hamilton The Lord Beilhaven's speech in the Scotch Parliament, Saturday the second of November, on the subject-matter of an union betwixt the two kingdoms ...
EcA1705 John Broughton Remarks upon the Bank of England, with regard more especially to our trade and government. Occasion'd by the present discourse concerning the intended Prolongation of the Bank. Humbly address'd to the Honourable House of Commons.
EcB1700 James Puckle England's Path to wealth and honour between an English-man and a Dutch-man ...
SciA1709 George Keith Geography and navigation compleated; being a new theory and method whereby the true longitude of any place in the world may be found ...
SciB1701 anon. The present state of physick & surgery in London. With an estimate of the prizes of all the medicines now in use. In a letter from a merchant in London, to a dispensary physician ...
LawA1703 Charles Hore et al. A true and exact account of many great abuses committed in the victualling her Majesties Navy, from February 3. 1702/3. to July 1703 ...
LawB1704 Francis North An Argument of a Learned Judge in the Exchequer-Chamber upon a Writ of Error out of the King's-Bench, ...
MscA1704 Matthew Tindal Reasons against restraining the press.
MscB1700 Edward Ward Labour in vain: or, What signifies little or nothing ...
RelA1711 Samuel Wright A funeral sermon, upon the sudden and much lamented death of Dr. Francis Upton; who died September 4th, 1711 ...
RelB1718 Mrs Anne Roberts The Flying Post posted: or, An answer to a late pamphlet of that author's call'd The Chichester dean, and his Colchester Amazon ...
PolA1711 William Oldisworth (attributed) Reasons for Restoring the Whigs.
PolB1713 Daniel Finch (attributed) Observations upon the State of the Nation, in January 1712/13.
EcA1714 William Cleland Some observations, shewing the danger of losing the trade of the sugar colonies. Humbly offer'd to the consideration of the Parliament.
EcB1717 (William?) Broome Wednesday club-law: or, The injustice, dishonour, and ill policy of breaking into parliamentary contracts for publick debts ...
SciA1712 Francis Guybon An essay concerning the growth of empiricism; or the encouragement of quacks. Wherein the present state of physick in this kingdom is fairly represented ...
SciB1714 R.B. Longitude to be found out with a new invented instrument, both by sea and land ... Written by R.B. secretary to the Honourable Sir Francis Wheeler, when admiral and general in an expedition to Martineco.
LawA1716 Great Britain. Parliament. The whole Proceedings to Judgment upon the Articles of Impeachment of High Treason ...
LawB1715 William Fleetwood The counsellor's plea for the divorce of Sir G[eorge] D[owning] and Mrs. F[orrester].
MscA1712 Arthur Fairman A full confutation of witchcraft: more particularly of the depositions against Jane Wenham, lately condemned for a witch; at Hertford. In which the modern notions of witches are overthrown ... proving that, witchcraft is priestcraft ... In a letter from a physician in Hertfordshire, to his friend in London.
*MscB1718 John Laurence The fruit garden calender: or, A summary of the art of managing the fruit-garden ...
RelA1721 Joseph Trapp The dignity, and benefit, of the priesthood; the lawfulnesse of marriage in the clergy; the hardships of them, and their families, in this nation; and the excellency of the charity by which they are relieved, &c. Set forth in a sermon preached before the Sons of the clergy ... December 8, 1720 ...
RelB1721 Francis Hare Scripture vindicated from the misinterpretations of the Lord Bishop of Bangor: in his answer to the Dean of Worcester's visitation sermon concerning church-authority.
PolA1720 John Toland Reasons most humbly offered to the hon House of Commons, why the Bill sent down to them from the ... House of Lords, entitul'd, An Act for the better securing the dependency of the kingdom of Ireland upon the Crown of Great-Britain, shou'd not pass into a law ...
PolB1724 John Trueman An examination and resolution of the two questions following, viz. First, Whether Unfreemen can Vote in our Wardmote Elections. Secondly, Whather Freemen paying to one or more Scots, and not to all, shall be qualified to Vote in those Elections.
EcA1720 anon A letter to a member of parliament, concerning the naval store-bill, brought in last session ...
EcB1720 John Meres The equity of Parliaments, and publick faith, vindicated; in an answer to the Crisis of property, and address'd to the annuitants ...
SciA1720 Richard Mead A short discourse concerning pestilential contagion and the methods used to prevent it.
SciB1722 Charles Maitland Mr. Maitland's account of inoculating the small pox vindicated, from Dr. Wagstaffe's misrepresentations of that practice, with some remarks on Mr. Massey's sermon.
LawA1723 anon.Great Britain. Parliament.House of Lords. A report from the Lords Committees to whom the report and original papers delivered by the House of Commons at several conferences were referred, and who were impowered by the House of Lords to examine Christopher Layer ...
LawB1723 George Kelly The speech of Mr. George Kelly. Spoke at the Bar of the House of Lords, on Thursday, the 2d of May, 1723. In his defence against the bill then depending, for inflicting pains and penalties upon him ...
MscA1722 Thomas Fairchild The city gardener. Containing the most experienced method of cultivating and ordering such ever-greens, fruit-trees ... &c. as will be ornamental, and thrive best in the London gardens.
MscB1729 George Akerby The Life of Mr. James Spiller, The late Famous Comdian. In which is interspers'd much of the Poetical History of His own Times.
RelA1730 Arthur Bedford A sermon preached in the parish-church of St. Butholf's Aldgate ... Occasioned by the erecting of a play house in the neighbourhood ...
RelB1730 John Henley Light in a candlestick, to all that are in the House: Or, the impartial churchman, considering the celebrated discourses on the 30th of January, of ... the Bishop of Bristol ... Dr. Croxall ... and of the Reverend Dr. Trap ...
PolA1731 Horatio Walpole The case of the Hessian forces, in the pay of Great Britain, impartially and freely examin'd; with some reflections on the present conjuncture of affairs . In answer to a late pamphlet, intitled, Considerations on the present state of affairs &c.
PolB1730 John Hervey Observations on the writings of the Craftsman.
EcA1731 Fayrer Hall Remarks upon a book, entituled, the present state of the sugar colonies consider'd. Wherein some of the consequences and effects of restraining our trade are examined.
EcB1731 Joseph Davies An humble proposal for the increase of our home trade, and a defence to Gibraltar ...
SciA1730 Sir John Colbatch A Dissertation concerning mistletoe: a most wonderful specifick remedy for the cure of convulsive distempers ...
SciB1735 George Berkeley A defence of free-thinking in mathematics. In answer to a pamphlet of Philalethes Cantabrigiensis [i.e. James Jurin], intituled, Geometry no friend to infidelity ... By the author of The minute philosopher ...
LawA1732 anon. The RIGHTS and liberties of subjects vindicated: in answer to the adjuster of the dispute about the proper time of applying for a repeal of the Corporation and Test Acts ...
LawB1738 anon. REMARKS on the trial of John-Peter Zenger , printer of the New-York weekly journal, who was lately try'd and acquitted for printing and publishing two libels against the government of that province.
MscA1730 John Southall A treatise of buggs ...
MscB1739 anon. The history of the life and actions of Gustavus Vasa, deliverer of his country.