|bAbbrev/spelling_list [^ ABBREVIATIONS AND NON-STANDARD SPELLINGS A Corpus of Late Modern English Prose, revision 8 Jun 94 LEFT column: abbreviation or non-standard spelling as in the text files MIDDLE column: corresponding expanded word or standard British spelling RIGHT column: location and number of occurrences of the abbreviation/ non-standard spelling, with Al = Amberley (letters), Aj = Amberley (journal), B = Bell, D = Dowson, Gj = Green (journal), Gl =Green (letters), W = Webb. Columns are separated by (one or more) Tab characters. For example: abt about Al x2 means that "about" is abbreviated as "abt" twice in Amberley (letters). No attempt has been made to discriminate between misprints in the editions and mistakes/idiosyncrasies of the original writers. There is silent expansion of contractions in Webb (edn. p.xvi). These lists do NOT include: Abbreviations of days of the week, e.g. Mon., Mony for Monday; Sat, Sat., Satdy, Sat'dy for Saturday Abbreviations of months of the year, e.g. Sep., Sept, Sept., Sepr. for September Some very familar abbreviations, e.g. etc, i.e., n.b., St. for saint Abbreviations of proper names, e.g. H., Hy, Hy. for Henry; L'pl for Liverpool Abbreviations of words coded as foreign, e.g. T. … T. for Tout … Toi; aet. for aetatis Misspellings of foreign words, e.g. p‚tite for petite; wetter for Wetter (It proved impossible to be consistent in coding Dowson's mannerism of 'writing in a French accent', as with d‚cadent, etc. Most have been coded as foreign in the text and therefore ignored here.) Corrections or additions would be welcome. FUNCTION WORDS & and Al; Aj; D (many) abt about Al x2 altho' although Al x3; D x2 Altho' Although Al x2 an and Al x15 An And Al x1 an' an/and 'if' D x1 any one anyone Al x1; Gl x3 cant can't D x1 cd could Al x10 cd. could Al x8 d'ye do you Gl x1 dont don't D x1 every one everyone B x1 fr ?from, ?for Al x1 fr. for Al x1 fr. from Al x7; D x1 her's hers Al x2 it's its B x2 its it's B x6 Its It's B x7 mt might Al x1 mt. might Al x2 my self myself Al x2 no-one no one Al x1 or course of course W x1 s. some Al x1 Sh She Al x1 shd should Al x17 shd. should Al x12 should-be should be D x1 some one someone Al x1; W x1 some thing something D x1 t'other the other Al x2 the become they become D x1 tho' though Al x9; D x2; W x3 thro through Al x1 thro' through Al x5 thse these D x1 'un one D x1 wch which Al x22 wd would Al x38 wd. would Al x22 wh which Al x3; D x2 wh. which Al x21; D x5 Where you Were you D x1 whh which Al x1 wont won't Al x1 ye the Gl x3 you suggestion your suggestion D x1 yr your Al x45 Yr Your Al x20 yr. your Al x14 Yr. Your Al x15 yrs yours Al x2; D x7 Yrs. Yours Al x2 yrself yourself Al x2 yr self yourself Al x1 yrselves yourselves Al x2 LEXICAL WORDS &c etcetera Al x3; Aj x1 &c. etcetera Al x1; Aj x1 2d second Al x1 2n second D x1 3d third Al x1 8vo octavo W x1 A I A1 D x1 accomodation accommodation D x1 acct account Al x1 acct. account Al x1 ad. ?addendum Al x1 adovcate advocate W x1 advt ?advertisement D x1 aff affectionate Al x11 aff. affectionate Al x3 affec affectionate Al x3 affect. affectionate Gl x1 affectly affectionately Al x3 affly affectionately Al x1 affte affectionate Al x1 aftern afternoon Al x1 aftern. afternoon Al x1 aftn afternoon Al x2 aftn. afternoon Al x1 aftn'n afternoon D x2 AI A1 D x1 AM ante meridiem D x4 (a.m. unlisted) A M ante meridiem D x1 an‘mia anaemia B x1 an‘mic anaemic B x1 Andrews Andrew's D x1 anot another D x1 anti-Cathc. anti-Catholic Al x1 Arc. Archaeological Gl x1 Arch‘ol. Archaeological Gl x2 arch‘ological archaeological Gj x1; Gl x2 arch‘ologists archaeologists Gl x1 arch‘ology archaeology Gj x1 Ass. Association Gl x2 Athen‘um Athenaeum Gl x2 b & s's brandy & sodas D x1 B.M. British Museum D x2 bath room bathroom B x1 begg. beginning Al x1 Belg‘ Belgae Gl x1 bkfst breakfast Al x1 bkfst. breakfast Al x1 Bohees Bohemians D x1 Britainy Brittany D x1 brkfst breakfast Al x1 Buscuits Biscuits Al x1 by-&-bye by and by Al x1 C. in C. Commander in Chief B x3 C.B.E. Commander of the Order of the British Empire B x1 C.C. ?Commander in Chief B x1 C.O. Colonial Office W x6 C'wtch Cesarewitch D x1 caricte caricature D x1 C‘sar Caesar Gl x1 C‘sars Caesars Aj x1 cent century D x1 Cent Century D x1 Ch. Church Al x1; G x1 chap chapter D x1 Chap Chapter D x14 chap. chapter D x1 chaps chapters D x2 charmg charming Al x1 Cirng Circulating D x1 Cl. Class Al x1 colers collars Al x1 conve convenience D x1 cotlets cutlets D x1 counter protest counter-protest Gl x1 croqueses crocuses Al x1 d. pence D x1; Gl x4 d's demoiselles D x1 d-d damned D x2 days days' W x1 d‚but debut D x1 d‚noument d‚nouement D x1 depart. department Gl x1 Developement Development Gl x1 disapprovg disapproving Al x1 disembarassed disembarrassed D x1 do. ditto Gl x2 doutbless doubtless W x1 Dt Dearest Al x1 eat ate Al x2 edn edition D x1 Edn. Education Al x1 edtn edition D x2 Eng. English Al x2 evg evening Al x1 evg. evening Al x1 Exec. ?Executive W x1 f. c'd fair copied D x1 F.O. Foreign Office Al x1 fig figurative D x1 G.H.Q. General Head Quarters B x2 Gd Grand Al x1 Genl. ?General Al x1 Geog. Soc. Geographical Society B x1 Geol. Geological Gl x1 Govt Government Al x2 Govt. Government B x3 Gramr. Grammar Al x1 great-aunts great-aunt's D x1 gs. guineas Al x1 guages gauges D x1 H. of Lds House of Lords Al x1 handkfs handkerchiefs D x1 Hist. Historical Gl x1 Hist. History Gl x2 Histy History Al x1 hrs. hours Al x1 hythians ?hyacinths Al x1 I.G.C. Inspector-General ? B x5 I.O.C. ??Intelligence (or ?Iraq/India) ?Officer ?Commanding B x1 Illtd Illustrated D x1 in. inches B x1 India O. India Office B x1 inst instant W x1 installment instalment D x2 interestg interesting Al x2 L.S.C. ??Linen/London ?Supply ?Company B x1 L'pool C Liverpool ?Cup/Chase D x1 Ld Lord Al x2 Ld. Lord Al x4 Ldy Lady Al x1 Ldy. Lady Al x1 (on the) look out (on the) look-out B x1 lovg loving Al x4 Ly Lady Al x2 Ly. Lady Al x1 M'ter November H. Manchester ... Handicap D x1 maccaronni maccaroni Al x1 Macmillans Macmillan's D x1 Mawsdley Mawdsley W x1 max. maximum B x1 Mdlle Mademoiselle D x2 Medi‘val Mediaeval Gl x1 Medit. Mediterranean B x1 melo melodrama D x2 mem. memoires Gl x1 mem. memo(randum) Gl x1 Mesop. Mesopotamian B x1 metrop metropolis D x1 mg. morning Al x3 min. minutes B x1 min: minutes D x1 months months' W x1 MSS. manuscripts B x1 N.L. National Liberal W x1 N.L.F. National Liberal Federation W x3 n'more no more D x1 Nat. National Gl x1 oclock o'clock D x2 origines origins Gl x1 ouline outline B x1 over careful over-careful Gl x1 over critical over-critical D x1 over tired over-tired Al x1 over work over-work Al x2 p.c. postcard D x1 P.O. Post Office Al x1 P.O.O. Post Office order Gl x1 pal‘ontology palaeontology Gl x1 Parlt. Parliament Al x1 pars. paragraphs W x1 Phys. Physical Gl x1 pic-nicing picnicking Al x1 Plarrs Plarr's D x1 pref. preface Gj x1 Prest. President Al x1 prob. probably Gl x1 prox. proximo D x1 Prs Princess Al x1 Puir deils (Sc.) Poor devils Gl x1 p-ke poke D x1 R. right B x1 r.o ?roman(tic) ?opus D x1 (or ?oeuvre) R.O. ?roman(tic) ?opus D x2 (='Felix Martyr') Rs. ?rupees B x1 Ramadhan Ramadan, Rhamadhan B x6 recd received Al x1 recvd received D x1 Red X Red Cross B x2 re-inclose re-enclose Gl x1 rheum rheumatism D x1 s. shillings Al x1; Gl x4 S. Saint Gl x2 S.S. Saints Gl x1 sais says Al x3 Schah Shah Al x1 scons scones Al x1 s‚ance seance Aj x1 Sec. Secretary B x1; W x1 Secty. Secretary D x1 self respect self-respect W x1 sens sends Al x1 Shakespere Shakespeare D x2 shewed showed Al x1 Shocquing Shocking D x1 Soc. Society Gl x3 st stone D x2 St Jame's St James' D x1 staid stayed Al x2 Stanhopes Stanhope's D x1 subtility subtlety D x1 subtilty subtlety D x1 T. Un Trade Union(?ism) W x1 T. Unionism Trade Unionism W x2 T.U. Trade(s) Union(s) W x13 temp. temperature B x3 tempemomy temporary Gl x1 tenour tenor Gl x1 Tert. Tertiary Gl x1 to = to equal Gl x1 to day today Al x1 to morrow tomorrow Al x1; D x1 Trans. Transactions Gl x1 tryg trying Al x1 umberella umbrella Al x1 Univ. University Al x1 Unonist Unionist W x1 Vety Surgn Veterinary Surgeon Al x1 vilain villain D x1 vol. volume D x1 Vol. Volume D x1 W.O. War Office B x2 werry very D x1 whoopingcough whooping cough Al x1 worldiness worldliness Gl x1 worth while worthwhile Al x1; Gl x1; W x1 Xmas Christmas Al x1; B x1; D x3; G x3 Xtian Christian D x1 years year's W x1 yestdy yesterday D x1 yestereen yesterday evening D x1 yesty yesterday Al x3 yg young Al x1 yrs years Aj x1 ^]