A Corpus of Late Modern English Prose. þ File list: SPELLING List of abbreviations and non-standard spellings GREEN .JNL Letters of John Richard Green (diary entry) GREEN .LTR Letters of John Richard Green (letters, selection) BELL .LTR Letters of Gertrude Bell (selection) DOWSON .LTR Letters of Ernest Dowson (selection) WEBB .LTR Letters of Sidney and Beatrice Webb (selection) AMBERLEY.LTR Amberley Papers (letters, selection) AMBERLEY.JNL Amberley Papers (diary entries, selection) LMODEPRS.ARC Archive file containing the full text of the corpus indexed for WordCruncher. Archive contains LMODEPRS.BYB = spelling/abbrev list + full text, plus files LMODEPRS.BYA, LMODEPRS.BYC, LMODEPRS.BYF, LMODEPRS.BYU, LMODEPRS.BYX used by WordCruncher ARCE.COM Program for extracting files from archive README This file, revision 7vi94 þ Copyright: Compilation and coding (C) 1994 University of Manchester (Department of English Language & Literature). Text of The Letters of Ernest Dowson (C) Associated University Presses, NJ, USA. The letters of Bell and the Webbs are out of copyright. We believe the Amberley and Green texts to be out of copyright too, having tried without success to trace copyright holders. Please acknowledge the corpus in any published work that makes use of it. þ Compilation: Corpus constructed 1992-1994 by David Denison with the very considerable assistance of Graeme Trousdale and Linda van Bergen. Department of English, University of Manchester, Manchester M13 9PL, U.K. e-mail: d.denison@man.ac.uk þ Editions used: Approx. 20,000 words in one randomly chosen block from each of: Russell, Bertrand and Patricia Russell (eds.) 1937 The Amberley Papers: The Letters and Diaries of Lord and Lady Amberley, vol. 2, pp.512-71. London: Leonard & Virginia Woolf at the Hogarth Press. Bell,Lady (ed.) 1927 The Letters of Gertrude Bell, vol. 1, pp.396-403; vol. 2, pp.404-55. London: Ernest Benn. Flower, Desmond and Henry Maas (eds.) 1967 The Letters of Ernest Dowson. pp.110-59. London: Cassell. Stephen, Leslie (ed.) 1901 Letters of John Richard Green. pp.72-123. London: Macmillan. Mackenzie, Norman (ed.) 1978 The Letters of Sidney and Beatrice Webb, vol. 1, Apprenticeships 1873-1892, pp.270-319. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press in cooperation with the London School of Economics and Political Science. þ References: Denison, David 1994 A Corpus of Late Modern English Prose. In Merja Kyt”, Matti Rissanen and Susan Wright (eds.) Corpora across the Centuries: ... . Amsterdam and Atlanta GA: Rodopi. Kyt”, Merja 1994 Manual to the Diachronic Part of the Helsinki Corpus of English Texts: Coding Conventions and Lists of Source Texts, 2nd edn. Helsinki: Helsinki University Press for Department of English, University of Helsinki. þ Plain Ascii version: All reference codes are contained within COCOA-style brackets enclosed by <>, while editorial material is contained within various sorts of paired brackets, following as far as possible the conventions of the diachronic part of the Helsinki Corpus of English Texts. Two subperiods are identified: items dated 1860-1889 are coded as L86 and 1890-1919 as L89. The seven files of text are 8-bit (extended) Ascii files, created under DOS code page 850 (International English) but containing characters common to most other code pages too. Also unlike Helsinki, line length is NOT limited and occasionally even exceeds 80 columns. Users may easily combine some or all of the files if desired, e.g. by the command copy amberley.ltr+bell.ltr+dowson.ltr+green.ltr+webb.ltr allfive.ltr Alternatively, the Ascii file LMODEPRS.BYB can be used as is: it has sentence boundaries marked with |s (vertical bar + s), page boundaries by |p, and books by |b. þ WordCruncher version: Users with the WordCruncher Viewer may prefer to use the LMODEPRS files, where identical text and coding is stored in a single file for use with WordCruncher, with additional marking of sentence and page boundaries. (Page boundary markers are always made to coincide with a sentence boundary.) The spelling and text files are concatenated in the order shown above, so that users can search either - the whole corpus or, by the use of Bookmarks (which we have preset), - material from any one of the five editions - letters only, excluding journal entries The lists of abbrevs/spellings can be referred to. They are NOT indexed. Nor is editorial and reference coding within <> or []. To extract the WordCruncher version, change directory to the subdirectory where you wish to place the files. Then assuming the distribution disk is in drive A:, enter a:arce a:lmodeprs and all the files in the archive will be extracted to the current directory. If you only wish to extract selected file(s), enter for instance a:arce a:lmodeprs lmodeprs.byb To access from WordCruncher the "book" containing this corpus, run the NOMENU.BAT batch file so that the bookshelf version of WCV will load. Once in WordCruncher, press Ins to insert a new book, then select LMODEPRS.