========================================= SAPPHO AND PHAON: in a Series of Legitimate Sonnets, with Thoughts On poetical Subjects, and Anecdotes of the Grecian Poetess. ========================================= By Mary Robinson. Author of Poems, &c. &c. &c. &c. ========================================= LONDON: Printed by S. Gosnell for the author, and Sold by Hookham and Carpenter, Bond Street, 1796. ========================================== This hypertext document was prepared at the University of Virginia as a class project during Jerome McGann's graduate seminar ENNC 981: The Poetry of Sensibility (Fall 1993). This document comprises of a transcription of the 1796 edition of "Sappho and Phaon," together with notes created by members of Professor McGann's course, and images created at the Electronic Text Center. Text: RobSapp: a copy of Robinson's Sappho and Phaon marked up according to the Text Encoding Initiative Guidelines. An HTML copy, with hypertext links in place, can be accessed (using a World Wide Web client such as Mosaic) at the following address: http://www.lib.virginia.edu/etext/britpo/britpo.html Images: sappho1.jpg: titlepage, in color, scanned from a copy in the University of Virginia Special Collections. sappho2.jpg: Greyscale image of a printer's ornament, from the Introduction (page 30). sappho3.jpg: Greyscale image of the first page, to give some indication of the work's typography.