@style[fill no] @modify[hang, indent -14 char] @headert[@=Pinihas Bunggu's Story @=Orya Language, Recorded in Guay, November 1985] @header[@=Pinihas Bunggu's Story @=Orya Language, Recorded in Guay, November 1985] The glosses in this paper reflect the attempt by the researcher to follow Foley and Van Valin [@I, Cambridge University Press, 1984]. An analysis of this text will appear in a collection of anthropology studies published by the Summer Institute of Linguistics, Dallas. ABBREIVIATIONS used in GLOSS LINES: @begin[hang, columns = 2] 1sg first person singular 1pl first person plural 2dl second person dual 2sg second person singular 2pl second person plural 3dlM third person dual male 3sgF third person dual female 3sgM third person singular male 3sgF third person singular female ADJ adjective ALREADY already (a modal) AM am (a modal) BE be (a modal) BECAUSE because (discourse marker) BEN benefactive BUT but (discourse marker) CAUSE cause, reason (discourse marker) COMPL completive COND conditional DID did (a modal) DIR direction DL dual DLIO dual indirect object DLO dual object DO do (verb compounding prefix) DON'T negative imperative FIO female indirect object FO female direct object FUT future FUT/IRR future or irrealis GER gerund GOAL goal HAB habitual HAD had (a modal) HAS has (a modal) HAVE have (a modal) HOWEVER however (discourse marker) IMP imperative INF infinitive INSTR instrument INTERROG interrogative IRR irrealis IS is (a modal) LOC locative MAKE make (verb compounding prefix) MANNER manner MIO male indirect object MO male direct object MOD modal suffix MUTUAL verb infix showing dual subject equals dual object NOT negative PAST past tense (less than 24 hours past is REC) PERHAPS conditional modal PL plural PLIO plural indirect object PLO plural direct object PLZER pluralizer POS possessive PRES present tense PUNCT punctiliar past PURP purposive PVT pivot REC recent REDUP reduplication REF reference to same topic REF=PVT reference that same topic is pivot REFER reference to same topic REL relative clause marker REPET repetative, repeated action SAME-REFER same referent (same as REF above) SG(leader)+PL action of singular leader and a group of people SO so (discourse marker) STATE stative verb marker TAKE take (verb compounding prefix) THAT that (discourse marker) THEN then (discourse marker) THEREFORE therefore (discourse marker) TOP topic VREC very recent tense (within last few minutes) WAS was (a modal) WE WILL we will (a modal) WERE were (a modal) WHILE aspect verb infix: other event happened while action of this verb was happening WILL will (a modal) @end[hang] ADDRESSES: Anthropology Department Attn: Marilyn Gregerson Summer Institute of Linguistics 7500 West Camp Wisdom Rd. Dallas, TX 75236 Phil Fields SIL - Kotak Pos 54 Jayapura 99000, Irian Jaya INDONESIA