Whaley Youth (Huntington) Theterlude of youth. J<_his>esu that his armes dyd sprede And on a tree was done to dead From all perils he you defende I defye audyence tyl I haue made an ende For am come from God aboue To occupye his lawes to your behoue And am named Charytye There maye no man saued be Wythout the helpe of me For he that Charytye doth refuse Other vertues thought he do use A.i. Without charitye it wyl no be For it is written in the faythe Qui manet in charitate in deo monet I am the gate I tell the Of heauen that ioyful citye Ther maye no man thider come But of charyty he must haue some Or ye may not come iwis Unto heauen the citie of blysse Therfore charitie who wil hyn take A pure soule it wyl him make Before the face of God In the.A.B.C. of bokes the least yt is written deus charitas est Lo charytie is a great thinge Of all vertues it is the kynge Whan God in earth was here liuinge Of charyti he found none endinge I was planted in his hart We two might not departe Out of hys harte I dyd fyrynbge Throughe the myght of the heauen Kinge And all prestes that be Maye singe no masse without charitie And chary to them they do not take Thei may not receyue him that did them make And all thys worlde of noughte Youthe.<_capit>A backe felowes and gyue me roume Or I shall make you to auoyde sone I am goodle of persone I am pereles where euer I come My name is youth I tell the I florysh as the vine tre Who may be likeneth unto me In my youthe and Jolytye My hearte is royall and hushed thicke My body plyaunt as a hasel styck Mine armes be bothe fayre and strong My fingers be both faire and longe My chest bigge as a tunne My legges be full lighte for to runne To hoppe and daunce and make mery By the masse I recke not a chery What so euer I do I am the heyre of my fathers lande And it is come into my hande I care for no more <_capit>Are you so disposed to dooCharite. To folowe vyce and let vertue go ye syr euen soYouthe. For nowe a dayes he is not set by Without he be unthryftye you had nede to aske God mercyeCharite. Why do you so prase your body Why knaue what is that to the youthe. Wylt thou let me to prayse my body Why shuld I not praise it & it be good<_amb> I wil not fet for the What shalit be whan thou shalt flyt Charite.<\sp> For the wealth into the pyt Therfore of it be not to boolde Least thou forthink it whan thou art olde ye maye be Ihkened to a tre In youth floryshyng with royalte And in age it is cut downe And to the fyre is throwne So shalt thou but thou amende Be burned in hel without ende Ye horson trowest thou soYouthe A.ii. Be ware leaue ?? thou thyder go Hence caytyfe go thy way Or with my dagger I shal the slay Hens knaue out of this place Or I shall lay the on the face Sayest thou that I shal go to hel For euer more there to dwel I had leuer thou had euyll fare Charite<_capit>A yet syr do by my rede And aske mercy for they mysdede And y shalt be an herytoure of blysse Where al ioye and myrthe is Where thou shal se a gloryus syght Of au<_abv>geles singyng w<_abv> saintes bright Before the face of God Youthe.<_capit>What syrs abowe the sky I hath nede of a ladder to climbe so hie But what and the ladder slyppe Than I am deceyued yet And if I fal I catche a quecke I may fortune to breke my necke And that ioynte is yll to fet Nay nay not so Charite<_capit>I yet remember cal to thy minde The mercy of God passeth al thyng For it is wryten by noble clerkes The mercye of God paseth all werkes That witnesseth holy scrypture saynge thus Miseratio domini super omnia opera eius Therfore doute not goodes grace Ther of is plenty in euery place Youthe.<_capit>What me thynke ye be clerkyshe For ye speake good gibbryshe Syr I pray you and you haue any store Soyle me a questyon or ye cast out any more Least whan your connynge is all done My question haue no solucyon Syr and it please you thys Why do men eate mustred with sal<_abv> fishe Sir I praye you foile me thys question That I haue put to your discrecyon <_capit>This question is but vanitiecharite. yt longeth not to me Suche questions to assoyle <_capit>Sir by god that me dere boughtyouthe. Ise your connynge is littell or nought And I shuld folo we your scole Sone ye wold make a fole Therfore crake no longer here Least I take you on the eare And make your head to ake <_capit>Sir it falleth not for me to fightcharite. Nether by day ne be night Therfore do my counsayle I saye Than to heuen thou shalt haue thy way <_capit>No syr I thynke ye wyll not fighteyouthe. But to take a mannes purs in the night ye wyll not say nay For suche holy caitifes Were wonte to be theues And such wolde be hanged as hye As a man may se with his eye In faith this same is true <_capit>God saue euery christen bodycharite. From such euell destenye And sende us of his grace In heuen to haue a place <_capit>Nay nay I warrant theyouthe. He hathe no place for the Wenest thou he wyll haue suche fooles To fyt on his gaie stooles Naye I warrant the naye humu-itye<_capit>Well sir I put me in goddes wyll Whither he wyll me saue or spyll And sir I pray you do so And truste in god what so euer ye do youthe.<_capit>Syr I praye the olde thy peace And talke to me of no goodnes And soone loke thou go thy waye Leste with my dagger I the slaye In faythe yf thou mene my harte Thou shalte be wearye of thy parte Or thou and I haue done charite.<_capit>Thynke what God suffered for the His armes to be spred upon a tree A knight with a speare opened his side In his harte appeared a wounde wyde That bought both you and me youthe.<_capit>Goddes faste what is that to me Thou dawe wylte thou rede me In my youth to Iose my foylytie Hence knaue and go thy waye Or wyth my dagger I shall the slaye charite.O syr heare what I you tell And be ruled after my counsell That ye might fyt in heuen hye With God and his company youthe.<_capit>I yet of God thou wilte not ceasse Tyll I fyght in good earneste On my fayth I tell the true yf I fyght I tell the true All the dayes of thy lyfe <_capit> Syr I se wen none other wile becharite I wyll go to my brother Humilitie And take good counsayle of hym Nowe it is best to be do theryn ye mary sire I pray you of thatyouthe Me thinke it were a good fight of your backe I wolde se your heles hither And your brother and you together Fettred fine fast I wys and I had the kay Ye shulde singe wel a way Or I let you losecharitie. <_capit>Fare well my maysters euerychone I wyll come agayne anone And tel you howe I haue doneyouth. <_capit>And thou come hither agayne I shall sende the hens in y_ diuels name What nowe, I maye haue my space To let here in thys place Before I myght not stere whan the churle charitie was here but nowe amonge al thys chere I wold I had some company here I wis my brother Riot wold helpe me for to beate charitye And his brother toRyot <_capit>Huffa, huffa who calleth after me I am Riot ful iolyte My heart as light as the wynde and all on Riot is my mynde Where so euer I go But wote ye what I do here To seke youth my compere S?nne???of hym I wolde haue a fight But my lippes hange in my lyght God spede master youth by my faie youthe.Welcom Ryot in the deuels waye who brought the hither to Ryot.That dyd my legges I tell the Me thought thou dyd me call And I am come now here To make rofall there And tell the how I haue done youthe.what I wende thou hadst ben henged But I se thou arte escaped For it was told me heere you toke a man on the eare That his purse in your bosome did flye And so in newegate ye dyd lye Ryot.So it was I beshrewe your parte I come lately from Newgate But I am as readye to make good chere As he that neuer came there For and I haue spendyng I wyll make as mery as a kynge And care not what I do For I wyll not lye longe in prison But wyll get forthe soone For I haue learned a pollycie That wyll lose me lyghtlye And sone let me go youthe.I loue well thy discretyon For thou arte all of one condicion Thou arte stable and stedfast of mynde And not chaungable as the wynde But fix I praye you at the leaste Tell me more of that feste That thou told me ryght nowe <_capit>Moreouer I shall tell theRyot. The mayre of London sent for me Forth of Newgate for to come For to preche at Tyborne. <_capit>By our Lady he dyd promote theyouthe. To make the preche at the galowe tre But syr how diddest thou scape <_capit>Nerely syr the rope brakeRyot. And so I fell to the ground And ran away safe and sound Be they way I met with a courtyers lad And twenty nobles of gold in hys purs he had I toke the ladde on the eare Besyde his horse I felled him there I toke his purs in my hande And twenty nobles therin I fande Lorde howe I was mery: <_capit>Goddes fote thou diddest ynoughe thereyouthe. For to be made knight of the colere. <_capit>Ye syr I truste to God all myghtRyot. That wolde I fayne se And I plyght the so God me saue That a surer coler thou shalt haue And becauser gold colers be so good chepe Unto the roper I shal speke To make the one of a good pryde And that shalbe of warrantyse. <_capit>youth I pray the haue a dooRyot. And to the tauerne let us go And we will drynke diuers wine And the cost shal be myne Thou shalt not pay one peny iwis B.i. Yet thou shalt haue a wenche to kysse Whan so euer thou wilte youthe.<_capit>Mary Ryot I thanke the That thou wylt be stowe it on me And for thy pleasure so be it I wold not charity shuld us mete And turne us agayne For right nowe he was with me And said he wolde go to Humilitie And come to me agayne Ryot.<_capit>Let him come if he will He were better to hide styll And he gyue the croked langage I wyll laye him on the visage And that thou shalt se sone How lightly it shall be done And he wyl not be ruled with knockes We shall set him in the stockes To heale his sore shinnes youthe.<_capit>I shall helpe the if I can To dryue a waye that hang man Herke Riot thou shalt understande I am heyre of my fathers land And nowe they be come to my hand Me thynke it were best therfore That I had one man more To wayte me upon Ryot.<_capit>I can spede the of a seruaunte of pryce That wil do the good service I se him go here be side Some men call him mayster pryde I sweare by God in Trinitie I wyll go fetche him unto the And that euen anone Hye the apace and come a gayneyouthe. and brynge with the that noble swayne <_capit>Lo mayster youth here he isRyot. A prety man and wife He wyl be glad to do good you seruyce In al that euer he may <_capit>Welcome to me good felloweyouthe. I pray the whence commest thou And thou wylt my seruaunt be I shall geue the golde and fee <_capit>Syr I am content iwisPride. to do you any servis That euer I can do <_capit>By likelyhod thou shulde do well ynoweyouthe. Thou art a lykely felowe <_capit>Yes syr I warrant youPride. yf ye will be rulde by me I shall you brynge to hye degre <_capit>What shall I do tell meyouthe. And I wyll be ruled by the <_capit>Mary I shall tell youPride. Considre ye haue good ynowe And thing ye come of noble kinde Aboue all men exalte thy minde Put downe the poore and se nought bi them Be in company with gentelman Jette up and downe in the waye And your clothes loke they be gaye The pretye wenches wyll saye than yonder goeth a gentlemen And euery pore felowe that goeth you by Will do of his cap and make you curteisie In faith this is true Sir I thanke the by the roodeyouthe. B.ii. For thy counsell that is so good And I commit me euen nowe Under the technynge of Ryot and you Ryot.Lo youth I tolde you That he was a lustye felowe youthe.Mary syr I thanke the that you wolde brynge hym unto me Pride.<_capit>Syr it were expedyente that ye had a wife To liue with her all youre life Ryot.A wyfe nay nay for God auowe He shall haue fleshe inoughe For by God that me dere bought Ouer muche of one thinge is nought The deuyl sayd he had leuer burne al his lyfe Than ones for to take a wife therfore I saye so god me saue Ne shall no wise haue thou haste a syster fair and fre I knowe well hys lemman she wyll be Therfore I wolde she were here That we might go and make good chere At the wine some where youthe.<_capit>I pray you hither thou do her brynge For she is to my likinge Pryde.Syr I shall do my diligence To bringe her to your presence youthe.Hye the apace and come agayn To haue a fight I wolde be faine Of that lady fre Ryot.Syr in faith I shall tell you traue She is a freshe and faire of hue Men call her Lady Lechery youthe.<_capit>My herte burneth by God of myght Till of that lady I haue a fyght Intret superbia cu<_abv>luxuria et dica superbia <_capit>Syr I haue fulfylled your ententPryde. And haue brought you in thys present That you haue sent me fore <_capit>Thou art a redy messengereyouthe. Come hither to me my herte so dere ye be welcome to me as the hert in my body <_capit>Syr I tha_ you and at your pleasure I am Lechery ye be the same unto me <_capit>Maisters wyl ye to tauerne walkyouthe. A worde with you here wyll I talke And gyue you the wine <_capit>Gentleman I thanke you verelyLechery And I am all redye To waite you upon <_capit>What sister lecheryeRyot. ye be welcome to our companye <_capit>Well wanton well, fye for shameLechery So sone ye do expresse my name What if no man shuld haue knowne I wis I shal you bete, well wanton well <_capit>A lytell pretye nyletRyot. ye be well nise God wote ye be a lytell prety pye, iwis ye go ful gingerie <_capit>Wel I se your false eyeLechery Winketh on me full wantonly ye be full wanton iwis <_capit>Pryde I thanke you of your laboureyouthe. That you had to ferth thys fayre floure <_capit>Lo youthe I tolde thePryde. That I wolde brynge her with me Sir I pray you tel me nowe Nowe doth she lyke you B.iii. youthe.<_capit>Verely wel she pleased me For she is courteis gentyll and fre Howe do you fayre Ladye Howe fare you tell me Lecheri<_capit>Syr if it please you, I do well ynowe And the better that you wyl wite youthe.<_capit>Riot I wolde be at the tauerne fayne Least charitie us mete and turne us agayne Than wold I befor y because of thys farye ladi Pryde.<_capit>Let us go agayne be tyme That we maye be at the wyne Or euer that he come Pryde.Hie the apace and go we hence We wil let for none expence youthe.Now we wil fil the cup and make good chere I trust I haue a noble here Herke sirs for God almighte Herest thou not howe they fight In fayth we shal them part If there be any wine to sell They shall no longer together dwell No than I be shrewe my herte Ryot<_capit>No syr so mote I the Let not they seruau fight within the For it is a carefull lyfe Euermore to lyue in strife Therfore yf ye wyll be ruled bi mi tale We will go to the ale And se howe we can do I truste to God that sitteth on hye To lese that lyttell companye Pride.With in an houre or two <_capit>Now let us goo for goodes sake And se howe merye we can make <_capit>Now lette us go a paceRyot. And I belast there I be shre we my face <_capit>Nowe let us go that we were thereyouthe. To make this Ladye some chere <_capit>Merelye sir I thanke theLecheri. That ye wyll bestowe it on me And whan it please you on me to call My heart is yours bodye and all <_capit>Faire Ladye I thanke theyouthe. In the same wyse ye shall haue me Whan so euer ye please Riot we tarye very longePryde. We wyl go euen now with a lusty songeRyot. In fayth I wyll be rector choryePryde. Go to it then hardely, and let us be agateyouthe. Abide felowe a worde with thecharite. Whether go ye tell me Abyde and here what I shall you tell And be ruled by my counsel <_capit>Naye no felowe ne yet matePryde. Shal we tell the whether we go Nay iwis good John a Pepo Who learned the thou mistaught man To speake so to a gentylman Thoughe his clothes be neuer so thine yet he is come of noble kinne Thoughe thou gyue him suche a mocke yet he is come of a noble stocke I let the well to wite <_capit>What syr John what saye yeRyot. Wolde you be fetred nowe Thynke nat to long I pray you It mye fortune come sone ynowe ye man thynke it a lyren soone. youthe.<_capit>yet syrs let thys cease And let us talke of goodnes charite.He turned his tale he is a ferde But faith he shalbe skerd He weneth by flatterynge to please us againe But he laboureth all in vayne charitie.<_capit>Syr I praye you me not spare For nothinge I do care That ye can doe to me Ryot.No horeson sayst thou so holde him pride and let me go I shall set a prayre of rynges That shall fit to his shinnes And that euen a none Pride.<_capit>Hye the apace and come agayne And bringe with he ta good chaine To holde him here stil. charite<_capit>J<_abv>esu that was borne of Mare milde From all euyll he us shielde And sende you grace to amende Or oure lyfe be at an ende For I tell you trewlye That ye lyue full wickedlye I praye God it amende Ryot,Lo syrs loke what I bringe Is not thys a ioly ringinge By my trouth I trowe it be I wiill go with of charitie How sayest thou mayster charitie Dothe this geare please the. charitie.<_capit>They please me well in dede The more soro we th? more mede For God saide whyl he was man Beati qui perfecutione<_abv> patiu<-abv>tur pyteriusticia Unto his apostles he sayde so To teache them howe they shulde do <_capit>We shall se how they can pleasePride. Sit downe sir and take youre ease Me thinke these same were ful meete To go about your fayre feete <_capit>By my truthe I you tellyouthe. They wolde become him very well Therfore hye that they were on Unto the tauerne that we were gone <_capit>That shall ye se anoneRyot. Do we soone they shall be on And after we wyll not tary longe But go hence with a mery songePryde. <_capit>Let us begyn all at onceyouthe. <_capit>Nowe haue at it by cockes bones And soone let us goocharitie <_capit>Lo maisters here you maye see beforne That the weeds ouergroweth the corne Nowe maie ye see all in this tide Now vice is taken, and vertue set aside yonder ye maye see youth is stable But euermore chaungeable And the nature of men is frayle That he wotteth not what may auayle Vertue for to make O good Lorde it is a pitifull case Sith God hath lent man wyt and grace To chose of good and euyll That man shulde voluntarylye To suche thynges himselfe applye That his soule shuld spyll <_capit>Christ y<_abv> was crucified & crowned w<_abv> thorne C.i. And of a virgin tor man was borne Some knowledge sende to me Of my brother Charitye charite.<_capit>Dere brother humilitie ye be welcome unto me Wher haue ye be so longe humili.<_capit>I shall do you to understande That I haue sayd myne euensonge But sir I praye you tel me nowe Nowe this case happened to you charite.<_capit>I shall tell you anone The felowes that I tolde you on Haue me thus arayed humili.Sir I shall undo the bandes From your feete and your handes Sir I praye you tell me anone Whether they be gone And when they come againe charite.<_capit>Sir to the tauerne they begone And they wyll come againe anone And that shall you see humili.<_capit>Then wyll we them exhorte Unto vertue to reforte & so forsake syn charite.<_capit>I will helpe you that I can To conuert that wicked man youthe.<_capit>I will helpe you that I can To conuert that wicked man youthe.<_capit>A backe galantes and loke unto me And take me for your speciall For I am promoted to hye degree By ryght I am kinge eternal Neither duke ne Lorde, Baron ne knight That maye be lykened unto me They be subdued to me by ryght As seruantes to their masters shulde be humili.<_capit>Ye be welcome to thys place here We thynke ye labour all in vayne Wherefore your brayned we wyll stere And kele you a lytel agayne <_capit>Saiest thou my braynes thou wylt stereyouthe. I shall laye the on the eare Were thou borne in trumpington and brought up at Hogges norton By my faith it semeth so Well go knaue go <_capit>Do by our counsell and our redecharitie. And aske mercye for thy mysdede And endeuer the for goddes sake For thy sinnes amendes to make Or euer that thou die <_capit>Harke youth for god auoweRyot. He wolde haue the a sainte nowe But youth I shall you tell A yonge sainte an olde deuyll Therfore I holde the a foole And thou folo we his scole I warrant thee I wyll not do sooyouthe. I wyll be ruled by you two <_capit>Then shall ye do wellPryde. yf ye be ruled by our counsell We wyll bringe you to hye degree And promote you to dignitie <_capit>Sir it is a pitifull casehumili. That ye wolde forsake grace And to vyce applye <_capit>Whie knaue dothe it geue theehumili. Thou shalte not answer for me When my soule hangeth on the hedge once Then take thou and caste stones As faste as thou wylte C.ii. charite.Syr if it please you to do thus Forsake them and do after us The better shall you do Ryot.<_capit>Syre he shall do well inowe Thoughe he be ruled by neither of you Therfore crake no longer here Least you haue on the eare And that a good knocke Pride.<_capit>Lyghtlye se thou auoyde the place Or I shall gyue the on the face youth I trowe that he wolde Make you holy or ye be olde And I swere by the rode It is tyme inoughe to be good Whan that ye be olde youthe.<_capit>Syr by my truthe I the say I wyll make mery whiles I may I can not tell you howe long Ryot.<_capit>ye sir so mote I thryue Thou art not certayne of thy life Therfore thou were a starke foole So leue myrthe and folo we their scole humili.<_capit>Syr I shall him exhorte Unto us to resorte And you to forsake Pride.<_capit>Aske him if he wyll do so To forsake us and folowe you two Nay I warrant you nay humili.<_capit>That shall you se euen anone I wyll unto him gone and se what he will saye Ryot.<_capit>Hardely go on thy waye I knowe well he will say naye youthe.<_capit>ye syr be God that me dere bought Me think ye laboure all for nought Kenest thou that I wyll for the Or thy brother Charytie Forsake thys good companye Nay I warrant the <_capit>No mayster I praye you of thatPride. For anye thynge for sake us nat And all oure counsell rule you by ye may be Emperour or ye dye <_capit>While I haue life in my bodyyouthe. Shall I be ruled by Riot and the <_capit>Sir than shall ye do wellRyot. For we be true as stele Syr can teache you to play at the dice At the quenes game and at the Fryshe The Treygobet and the hasarde also And many other games mo Also at the cardes I can theche you to play At the triump and one and thyrtye Soft, pinion and also aumsase. And at ad other they call dewface yet I can tel you more & ye wyll con me thanke Pinke and drinke and also at the blanke And many sportes mo <_capit>I thanke the Riot so mote I theyouthe. For the counsell thou haste geuen me I will folowe thy minde in euery thinge And guide me after thy learnynge <_capit>youth leue that counsell for it is noughtcharite. And amende that thou hast mys wrought That thou maist saue that God hath boughte <_capit>What saye ye mayster charitieyouthe. Whath hath God bought By my trouth I knowe not C.iii. Whether that he gooth in white or black He came neuer at the stues Nor in no place where I do use I wis he bought not my cap Nor yet my ioylie hat I wot not what he hath bought for me And he bought any thynge of myne I wyll geue hym a quarte of wyne The nexte tyme I hym meete charitie.<_capit>Sir this he dyd for the When thou wast bonde he made the free And bought the wyth his bloud youthe.<_capit>Sir I praye you tell me Howe may thys be That I knowe I was neuer bonde Unto none in Englande charite.<_capit>Sir I shall tell you Whan Adam had done greate trespas And out of paradise exiled was Then all the foles as I can you tell Were in the bondage of the deuyll of hell Tyll the father of heauen of hys great mercie Sent the seconde person in Trinitie As for to redeme And so with his precyous bloude He bought us on the roode And our soules dyd saue youthe.<_capit>Nowe shulde I saue it tell me nowe and I wyll be ruled after you my soule to saue Ryot.<_capit>What youth wyll you forsake me I wyll not forsake thee humili.<_capit>I shall tell you shortely Knele downe and aske God mercye For that you haue offended youth wylte thou do so Pride. Folowe then and let us go marye I trowe naye <_capit>Here all sinne I forsake youthe. And to God I me betake Good Lorde I praye the haue no indignacion That I a sinner shulde aske saluacyon <_capit>Nowe thou muste forsake prydecharitie. And all Riot set aside <_capit>I wyll not him forsakePride. Neither early ne late I wende he woldle not forsake me But if it wyll none other wife bee I wyll go my waye <_capit>Sir I praye God be your spedeyouthe. and help your at your nede <_capit>Iam sure thou wilt not forsake meRyot. <_capit>And I forsake the utterlyeRyot. Fye on the caytife fye Once a promise thou dyd me make That thou wolde me neuer forsake But nowe I se it is harde For to truste the wretched worlde Fare well masters euerycheonehumili. For your synne looke ye morne and euyll creatures loke ye tourne For your name who maketh inficion Saye it is good contricion That for sinne doth morne <_capit>Here is a new arayecharite. For to walke by the waye Your prayer for to saye <_capit>Here be bedes for your deuocyon And kepe you from all temptacyon Let not vyce deuoure Whan ye se mysdoing men Good counsell geue them And teach them to amende MARGINALIA! youthe.<_capit>For my synne I wyll morne All creatures I wyll turne and whan I see misdoinge men Good counsell I shall geue them and exorte them to to amende charite.<_capit>Then shall ye be an heritour of blysse Where all ioye and myrth is youthe.<_capit>To the whiche eternall Go brynge the persons all Here beynge amen. khumili.Thus haue we brought our matter to an ende Before the persons here present Wolde euery man be contente Leaste onother daye we be shente charite.<_capit>We thanke all thys presente Of theyr meeke audyence humili.<_capit>Jesu that sytteth in heauen so hye Men and women that here be amen amen, for charitie. Imprinted at London, by John Waley dwellyng in Foster lane.