From: CBS%UK.AC.EARN-RELAY::EARN.UTORONTO::LISTSERV 9-SEP-1989 02:11:10.12 To: ARCHIVE CC: Subj: File: "BIOGRAFY 21" being sent to you Via: UK.AC.EARN-RELAY; Sat, 9 Sep 89 2:10 BST Received: from UKACRL by UK.AC.RL.IB (Mailer X1.25) with BSMTP id 2612; Sat, 09 Sep 89 02:08:23 BS Received: from by UKACRL.BITNET (Mailer X1.25) with BSMTP id 8378; Sat, 09 Sep 89 02:08:22 B Received: by UTORONTO (Mailer R2.03A) id 1907; Fri, 08 Sep 89 11:10:42 EDT Date: Fri, 8 Sep 89 11:10:38 EDT From: Revised List Processor (1.6a) Subject: File: "BIOGRAFY 21" being sent to you To: ARCHIVE@UK.AC.OXFORD.VAX ========================================================================= Date: 23 June 1989 From: Willard McCarty Subject: biographical supplement 20 Autobiographies of Humanists Twentieth Supplement Following are 35 additional entries to the collection of autobiographical statements by members of the Humanist discussion group. Humanists on IBM VM/CMS systems will want a copy of Jim Coombs' exec for searching and retrieving biographical entries. It is kept on Humanist's file-server; for more information, see the Guide to Humanist. Further additions, corrections, and updates are welcome. Willard McCarty Centre for Computing in the Humanities, Univ. of Toronto mccarty@utorepas 23 June 1989 ================================================================= *Lavagnino, John I'm a graduate student in English at Brandeis University; my fields of interest are twentieth-century literature, textual criticism, and the theory of narrative. But to date what I've actually done has mostly been computerized typesetting; I designed, typeset, and indexed *Shakespeare's Othello: A Bibliography* by John Hazel Smith (AMS Press, 1988). Before entering this field, I was the systems programmer in the computer center here, from 1985 through 1987; I kept in touch with the humanities by teaching people to use our Kurzweil scanner and by starting the Bialik poetry server, which I still run. B.A., Physics, Harvard, 1981; M.A., English, Brandeis, 1989 ================================================================= *Lavagnino, Merri Beth SML Systems, Room 512, P.O. Box 1603A, Yale Station, New Haven, CT 06520 (203) 432-1850 I am the Assistant to the Head of Systems at Yale University Libraries. I am most interested in learning how scholars presently use library systems, and how to plan for their use in the future. I have a B.S. in Education from Temple University, and a Masters in Library and Information Science from Indiana University. ================================================================= *Logan, Tracy User-services, Academic Computing Services, Lafayette College Easton, PA 18042. 215/250-5502 I've taught physics, math, astronomy at college-level, and was a househusband for a decade. Currently I work for Academic Computing Services at Lafayette, a "small, independent college." One of my roles, and one I enjoy greatly, is to provide support for fledgling and experienced computer-users in the Humanities Division. Particular interests: Printing (hot and cold type), Logo, Uwe Johnson's work, Rudolf Bahro's work. ================================================================= *McSwain, James B. History Department, University of South Alabama, Mobile, AL, 36688; 205-460-6210 My interest is religious history, broadly conceived, particularly early modern Europe. I am concerned with infant baptism, for example, as a ritual and rite of passage in the context of puritan covenant theology. I have taught courses here on the history of Christianity and religion in Europe also. Currently, I am using the RLIN facilities at Stanford to compile a bibliography of 18th c. imprints on infant baptism which is done via moden/PROCOMM arrangements. ================================================================= *Megginson, David Paul c/o Centre for Medieval Studies University of Toronto Toronto, Canada M5S 1A1; (416) 969-8512 I have just finished my two years' residency towards a Ph.D. at the Centre for Medieval studies. I have declared a major field of early Middle English philology, and am deeply involved in humanities computing, both as a programmer for two research projects and as a user. I believe that with our concording and word-counting programs we are scarcely scratching the surface of our computers' abilities to help us analyze text, and I am working on my own to develop a simple free-form database built around grammatical parsing rather than keys and fields. I am interested in obtaining as many early Middle English texts as possible in electronic form, and would appreciate any help other subscribers can give me. ================================================================= *Merrilees, Brian French Department, Victoria College, University of Toronto (416) 585-4481. Trained in medieval French and the editing of texts, especially Anglo-Norman, I have a general interest in the history of the French language. I have edited three Anglo-Norman texts and written on Anglo-Norman language. My interest in Anglo-Norman led to a study of the teaching of French as a second language in England, other grammars written in French in the Middle Ages, esp. translations of Donatus, and more recently to work on a large (467 folios) manuscript dictionary (Latin-French) compiled in the 15th cty. Text entered in WordPerfect on an XT and submitted to WordCruncher. ================================================================= *Mielniczuk, Simon Manager, Information and Computer Resources, Faculty of Social Work, Univ. of Toronto 246 Bloor St. W., Toronto, Ont. M5S 1A1 416-978-3266 I am responsible for developing a social information resource centre for the Faculty. The centre combines the print resources of the reading room, the video materials of our in-house A-V department, and the electronic resources of our computer lab. The model guiding our technical development is the Integrated Work Station (c) developed by Donald Forgie at the Advanced Communicating Lab in 1984. Using it, we developed computer work stations in support of centre management and student use. Currently, we are working on one for social policy researchers. Befor becoming consumed by information technology and its implications, my career started in 196 as a community organizer working in various disadvantaged neighbourhoods in both Canada and the U.S. ================================================================= *Nimick, Thomas Griggs (prefer Tom) <0632281@PUCC.BITNET> Graduate Student, Department of East Asian Studies, Princeton University, 211 Jones Hall, Princeton, NJ 08544; (609) 466-0542 (home); (609) 452-4276 (daytime message) I am a user with curiosity who is willing to try most any new tool that looks promising. I am also a graduate student in Chinese history, specializing in the institutional and social history of the middle and late Ming dynasty (1550-1620). I study the county magistracy, for which I have found a number of unusual sources. The county magistrate was the lowest centrally appointed official, so local interests met central interests within his administration. His underlings, the clerks, were reputed to be one of the most corrupt groups in China and it is interesting to see how the magistrate deals with them. I majored in French as an undergraduate at Princeton University after deciding against Chemistry and Mathematics. I got interested in China through teaching English there. I spent a year and a half after graduation learning Chinese at the summer school at Middlebury College and at Princeton. I then taught English in Shanghai at Fudan University for one year. I married one of my students and we came to the States. After a brief experience in the travel industry, I returned to Princeton to work in the Chinese Linguistics Project, helping to prepare a new Chinese textbook called Chinese Primer. I continued my study of Chinese language and became so interested in the history that now I am studying it full time. All students of Chinese history must learn Japanese, so now I have that under my belt as well. Though I was exposed to computers in an early project by Carnegie-Mellon University, in which high schools could sign on to CMU's mainframe, it was only when I became a statistical programmer to support myself while learning Chinese that I became a regular user. Since then I have used a number of packages in various lines of work. I used SAS as a programmer, WATERLOO SCRIPT and GML to prepare the romanized text for the Chinese textbook, and SPIRES for my own historical and bibliographic research. I am very interested in seeing Chinese characters available on mainframe computers. I would like to use them when I build databases, keep bibliographic records, and when I send electronic mail or read bulletin boards. A number of systems have been developed for PCs and Macs, but I am looking forward to the day when mainframes will have Chinese characters as part of their regular character set. I have also been watching developments in computing carefully to see in what ways computers can benefit the study of East Asia. I am interested in historical geography and the possibilities of graphics packages. Bibliographic databases are also an obvious application. Though I encourage other scholars of East Asia to use computers, to date (6/89), interest has been slight because it is not clear that computers are that useful for our field. When Chinese characters become available, things will probably change rather quickly. I have many other interests too numerous to mention, but Chinese current events, theology, railroads, and Chinese chess top the list. I continue to use computers for my own work and encourage others, particularly my colleagues in East Asian Studies and History, to do the same. ================================================================= *O'Neill, Ynez Viole Professor of Medical History, Medical History Division, Department of Anatomy and Cell Biology, UCLA School of Medicine, Center for the Health Sciences, Los Angeles, California 90024- 1763 USA; office (213) 825-4933, dept. (213) 825-9555 After degrees from Stanford University and the University of Paris, I received my Ph.D. at UCLA in 1964 in history, working under C.D. O'Malley, the biographer of Vesalius. My early work centered on the conceptualization of speech and speech disorders in ancient and medieval times. Acting on a suggestion from my mentor, Professor O'Malley, I began some twenty years ago to gather materials for a history of early anatomy, and have heavily focussed my history, which will be published in the near future, will describe the medieval development of the discipline of anatomy, which in turn produced a metamorphosis of medical theory and practice in the later Middle Ages. Meanwhile, I have published on the the transfer of anatomical knowledge through the Islamic world to the Latin Middle Ages; on the relationship between canon law, autopsy, and dissection; on the link between the earliest anatomical manual and the concept of the microcosm, a dominant philosophical idea of the twelfth century; on the school of surgery at Bologna where systematic human dissection was first accepted; on the "new surgery" in Chaucer's Knight's Tale; and numerous other medieval medical topics. At present, I am overseeing the creation of the Index of Medieval Medical Images (IMMI), the compilation of all medical illustrations in North American collections before 1500. ================================================================= *Pace, Guy L. Consultant, Computer Services Information Center Washington State University Pullman, WA 99163-2088 (509)335-0411 Born July 3, 1951, Great Falls, Mont. Served in the U.S. Navy from 1970 to 1974, with combat service in Vietnam. Commissioned in the U.S. Army Reserve in 1976. Retired in 1987 as Captain. Earned a BA degree in Communication at Central Washington University, Ellensburg, WA., 1985. Worked as reporter, sports and news editor and managing editor at four community newspapers, published a computer users newsletter, edited a National Guard bi-monthly information newsletter. Currently providing information and help to IBM 3090 and micro users. ================================================================= *Parsons, Mikeal Assistant Professor, Department of Religion, BU Box 7294, Baylor University Waco, TX 76798-7294; 817-755-3735 ext 6332 wk; 817- 666-4683 hm I am an assistant professor of New Testament and Christian Origins at Baylor University. I am most interested in literary theory and its application to biblical texts. Below are representative publications and professional involvement. Publications: The Departure of Jesus in Luke-Acts: The Ascension Narratives in Context (Sheffield: JSOT Press, 1987); with Richard I. Pervo, The Unity of the Lukan Writings Reconsidered (Philadelphia: Fortress, forthcoming); "'Allegorizing Allegory': Narrative Analysis and Parable Interpretation," Perspectives in Religious Studies, 15 (1988) 147-164; "A Christological Tendency in P75," Journal of Biblical Literature, 105 (1988): 463-479. Professional Involvement: Charter Member, Literary Facets Seminar, Westar Institute Member, Literary Aspects of the Gospels and Acts Group, Society of Biblical Literature Member, Acts Group, Society of Biblical Literature Member, Editorial Board, Perspectives in Religious Studies I spent last summer as a Visiting Scholar studying literary theory at Duke University in the English Department, headed by Stanley Fish. Jeanne and I have one daughter, Lauren, and are expecting a second child on May 28, 1989! ================================================================= *Perry, Richard Todd 110 Morris Hall Wabash College Crawfordsville, IN 47933 (317) 362-9965 I am a student at Wabash College, a liberal arts instiution in Indiana. Although I am a double major in History and Theatre, I have always had a passionate interest in anything technical. I am interested in computers, in radio ( both professional and amateur ), and engineering. I would love to be able to relate one side of my brain to the other, and membership in groups like Humanist are a way to do that. I prefer to be called Todd. I enjoy reading anything that comes within reach, and play the recorder. I also fiddle with circuts. The rest is subject to change without notice. ================================================================= *Pierssens, Michel , Full Prof., Dept of Literary Studies, UQAM (Montreal). 514-342- 2297. Field: lit. and science. European lits. 19th and 20th c. Books: La tour de babil, Paris, Minuit (The Power of Babel, London, Routledge and Kegan Paul); Lautreamont, Presses Univ. de Lille; Maurice Roche, Amsterdam, Rodopi; in press: Epistemocritique, Presses univ. de Lille; in progress: Literature and the Psychical Sciences Movement in England and France, 1848-1924. Career: lecturer, Aix-en-Provence; U of Wisconsin-Madison; Associate prof., U of Michigan-Ann Arbor; visiting various places. Founder and editor, SubStance, U of Wisconsin Press (1970-pres). Editorial boards: Etudes francaises (Montreal), Litterature (Paris), Transatlantique (Paris-Montreal), Surfaces (electronic journal starting september, Montreal), etc. ================================================================= *Pival, Paul J., Jr., Associate Professor of English, University of Pittsburgh at Bradford, Bradford, PA 16701 (Office) (814) 362-3801; 573 West Washington, Bradford, PA; (Home) (814) 362-1757 after 5 pm ET Once upon a time active in English literature of the middle ages (Ph.D. 1973, University of Wisconsin-Madison), but the vagaries and vicissitudes of employment have allowed me to forget most of what I once professed to have known about the Chester Cycle. Married, two children away at college. For the past thirteen years I have taught courses in literature and composition to undergraduates at a small (enrollment 1000) rural branch campus. I am keenly interested in innovative applications of computers in the classroom, so interested, in fact, that I am presently pursuing an undergraduate degree in computer science. ================================================================= *Public Access Humanist Bulletin Board Richard Likwartz, Systems Programmer II, University of Wyoming. This account represents humanist pieces being posted to a university wide bulletin board. They will be read by many people with varying backrounds. The people responding to the posted pieces will have to give there biographies, if they wish. The account INFOVAX is synonomous with the University of Wyoming HUMANIST bulletin board. ================================================================= *Rakestraw, John A. Jr. "[DCGQAL]WESLEYAN.GA" (this entire address, incl. the quotation marks, must be used from any Bitnet/NetNorth/EARN site) Philosophy and Religious Studies, Wesleyan College, Macon, Georgia 31297 912/474-7057, ext. 231 AppleLink address: WESLEYAN.GA I am an Assistant Professor of philosophy and religious studies at Wesleyan College in Macon, Georgia. In addition, I chair Wesleyan's Computer Focus committee. The Computer Focus program, which the committee developed and maneuvered through the faculty and board of trustees last year, has several components, the most visible being the plan to provide a Macintosh computer to each full-time faculty member and each full-time student. (Faculty computers are owned by the College; each student will take her computer with her when she graduates.) I first became interested in using the computer while writing my dissertation. In the past year I have become more and more excited about the possibilities of using the computer in support of our educational program. I am currently focussing on the use of hypermedia, using, on one level, Brown University's Intermedia and, on another level, Apple's HyperCard, as a software platform. ================================================================= *Rollmann, Hans , CIS:75040,21, GEnie: ROLLMANN Assoc. Prof., Department of Religious Studies, Memorial University of Newfoundland, St. John's, NF, A1C 5S7; Voice: 726- 2559 (home), 737-8171.8166 (university). EDUCATION: B.A. Religious Studies/Greek (Pepperdine University); M.A. World Religions (Vanderbilt University); Ph.D. New Testament (McMaster University). EMPLOYMENT: Post-doctoral Research Associate, McMaster Project on Normative Self-Definition in Judaism and Christianity (1979/80); Assistant Professor of Religious Studies, University of Toronto (1980/81); Assist. Prof. Christian Thought and History, Memorial University of Newfoundland (1981/83); Assoc. Prof. Christian Thought and History, Memorial University (1984-present); Coordinator Newfoundland Studies Minor Programme (1987-present). RESEARCH INTERESTS: Historical Critical Method in Biblical Studies during the 19th Century; History of Religions Methodology; Religion in Newfoundland and Labrador; Religious and Intellectual History of Germany, England, and North America during the 19th and 20th Centuries. COMPUTER: IBM/286 with 40 MB harddisk at home and at work (peripherals: 2400 Baud Modem, DFI HS3000 Hand scanner, Mouse, Hercules Plus Graphics Card, 24-pin printer (home) and LJ II (at work). COMPUTER APPLICATIONS: Text; Database; Graphics; Communications; PIMs; Project Management. ================================================================= *Ronit, Shamgar (Miss) 48c Tshernichovski str. Jerusalem, Israel Tel. 630784 I am a student of comparative religion in the Hebrew University, I read the letter you sent to Galen Marquis (with his permission) and I am interested in joining the HUMANIST. I am in the last stages of writing my post graduate paper (my M.A. thesis) on manichaean liturgy in the middle Iranian texts found in Tun- Huang; it sound pompous but what it actually is trying to find out what was the ritual of the manichaeans (a 4th cent. dualistic heresy), a goal that cannot be reached really (though it is nice to try) but one finds nice things on the way. For a living I work now in DTP (Dest Top Publishing), I worked a few years as a computer programmer but I needed a change from that. ================================================================= *Shapira, Ronen 03-443090 8a Miriam Hahashmonait, Tel-Aviv 62665 Israel; tel 972-3-443090 I am gradute student in history at the Tel-Aviv university with a specific intrest in French history. I am even thinking to go for a Ph.D thesis. History is my obsession, but translating is my profession. Just lately I prepared a new translation of "Gone With the Wind" to Hebrew and I am working as a translator for Israel bigest daily: "Yediot Aharonot". At the moment my main scholarly intrest is Alexis De Tocqueville, the greatest French of them all. (To my opinion, at least). ================================================================= *Short, Dennis Ray Associate Professor, Purdue University, School of Technology, 363 Knoy Hall W. Lafayette, IN 47907 (317) 494-6457 Purdue, (317) 497-3135 Home I currently teach CAD and CIM courses in the School of Technology at Purdue Uinversity. Promoted to Assoc. Prof. and Tenured in July 88. Currently member of World Future Society and have presented papers in the area of the Impact of Computers on Education and the application of Futures Research to Curriculum planning. More recent activity involved a pilot futures course at the U. of Arizona at Tuscon. This was a distance learning exercise involoving the ICOSY c conferncing systems. Functioned as guest lecturer remotely from Indiana. Currently working with two colleagues on computer applications to History and Archaeology. One involves the modeling of potery into a CAD system to make structural classification to aide in classification and the other involves imaging cuneiform tablets, producing "cleaned up" images, and attempting automatic partial translation using a field portable system. The potery project is with a Professor in PRC. ================================================================= *Smith, Scott Lecturer, Dept. of Computer Science, SUNY Plattsburgh, Plattsburgh, N.Y. 12901 (518) 564-2781 My interests include the development of hypertext courseware environments, philosophy of mind and language, the German language, cognitive science, etc. I hold the B.Sc. and M.Sc. in Computing and Information Science from Queen's University in Kingston, Ontario, Canada. Subsequently, I worked as a guest researcher in Bonn, West Germany, at the Gesellschaft fuer Informatik und Datenverarbeitung, on the topic of designing better computer interfaces for people. For the last three years, I have been teaching in the Department of Computer Science at SUNY Plattsburgh, where my teaching and research interests have included teaching programming (to majors and non-majors), computers in society, artificial intelligence and philosophy of mind, and the development of hypertext courseware environments. Beginning in September, I will be on leave of absence from SUNY Plattsburgh while commuting to McGill University in Montreal, where I will be working on a Ph.D. in Philosophy, with an orientation towards cognitive science, emphasizing comparisons between philosophy of mind and artificial intelligence. I would be pleased to hear from like-minded individuals on any overlapping interests. ================================================================= *Smurthwaite, John S. Dept. of Foreign Languages and Literatures, Hillyer 326, University of Hartford, W. Hartford, CT 06117; (203) 243-4317; 119 Hollywood Ave., W. Hartford, CT 06110; (203) 953-3474 I was born in La Grande, Oregon. I left my mountain home to gain both an education and experience of something (not necessarily better) than logging and farming. I received my Ph.D. in Romance Studies from Cornell University in 1986. My dissertation investigated how time functions in the narrative of Augustine's Confessions, Dante's Divine Comedy and Petrarch's "Triumph of Eternity." And while I remain primarily interested in literary and philosophical topics which focus of medieval and renaissance Italian literature, I am also involved in studying and writing on how feminist theory can help gain more under- standing of the literature and society of the Middle Ages and Renaissance. Current research projects: I am editing the important Renaissance commentaries on Dante's Divine Comedy by Landino and Vellutello for the Dartmouth Dante Project. I am also preparing a book on Petrarch's Triumphs. I have nearly completed articles on Primo Levi's "Il canto of Ulisse," and feminist readings of Dante's Francesca and Petrarch. Other fields of interest: Interdisciplinary studies and education (I teach an undergraduate interdisciplinary course on the Italian Renaissance each semester.); the evolution of humanistic education during the 14th and 15th centuries; Renaissance treatises on aesthetics before Tasso; Primo Levi, and on and on. ================================================================= *Sperberg-McQueen, Marian R. Associate Professor, Dept. of German, M/C 189, Univ. of Illinois at Chicago, P.O. Box 4348, Chicago, IL 60680; (312) 996-3205 I teach German language and literature to undergraduate and graduate students; my main research interest is seventeenth- century German literature, especially poetry. I developed a computer-dependency in about 1983; my spouse had been trying valiantly to get me hooked since 1978. My earliest computer memories are not happy ones, as they generally seemed to involve overcooked dinners resulting from said spouse's own habit -- "I just need to make one little change and then I can print it out and come home." Ha. My first computer high -- and the beginning of my addiction -- came when I was preparing to publish some 17th-century German and Latin poems by Paul Fleming that I'd recently discovered: getting an initial, accurate transcription of the poems, with their idiosyncratic orthography was a pain; the thought that I'd probably introduce errors every time I edited and cleaned up and re-typed the article was pretty irritating. The solution was to put the things into the computer once, accurately, and-- voila.... I seem to use the computer (IBM mainframe and PC with WP) mainly for word processing, data base (SSI-Data), and mail. I'm also slowly building up a collection of texts of German prose and verse for use in teaching -- this decreases my dependency on published editions and anthologies, which, with a few notable exceptions, assume that no undergraduate student could ever possibly be interested in, much less capable of, reading anything written in German before 1750, and that students just beginning their study of German literature should not be exposed to anything earlier than Kafka. I frequently find myself wishing that more of my colleagues -- ones at my own university and elsewhere -- were less mainframe phobic. I can't think of anyone who doesn't have a pc, but as a mainframe user, I feel pretty lonely. What does it take to get people convert from the stone age to e-mail? So I guess I'm sort of banking on Humanist to supply me with the support group I need for my habit. ================================================================= *Steele, Kenneth Bruce. Ph.D. Thesis Student, Graduate Department of English, University of Toronto. 1101-30 Charles Street West, Toronto, Ontario M4Y 1R5; (416) 920-4543 My current thesis research involves evidence for "poetic revision" in the early plays of Shakespeare. My professional interests are therefore Renaissance drama and literature, textual studies, editorial theory, and holograph manuscripts. My literary affections also tend toward the Romantic poets, major novelists (Walter Scott, Charles Dickens), and popular romance. For the past 18 months, I have devoted much energy to the consolidation of electronic texts in the Centre for Computing in the Humanities' Shakespeare Text Archive project. I have been adapting the electronic texts of the Howard-Hill Concordances, kindly supplied by Oxford University Computing Services, for use with Brigham Young University's WordCruncher text retrieval software. ================================================================= *Stevens, Wesley M. Professor of Medieval History, University of Winnipeg, Winnipeg, Manitoba R3B 2E9; 204/786-9203 leave message for return call. Stevens is interested in early medieval schools and early Latin manuscripts, especially in evidence of scientific writing and activites. Among his publications are the Computus of Hrabanus Maurus of Fulda, A.D.820; "Fulda scribes at work, the paleographical analysis and dating of an early Carolingian manuscript" (1972), and the Jarrow Lecture for l985: "Bede's scientific achievement." He has lectured at several universities in several countries, served six years on the Board of the Canadian Federation for the Humanities, and now is a member of the Canadian National Committee for the International Union of History and Philosophy of Science. He organised a Symposium on "Computer Programmes for Medieval and Renaissance Manuscript Sources" at the International Congress of History of Science, Hamburg/Munich, 1-9 August l989. He is co- director of the Benjamin Catalogue for History of Science and co- author of "The Benjamin Data Bank and BAG/2: a case history" (l980). The focus of his research is the medieval computus, and he is preparing a "Catalogue of computistical tracts in medieval Latin manuscripts, A.D.200-1600," with current attention on the years 200-1200 for the first volume. Stevens has also given some years of public service on boards of the Winnipeg Art Gallery, The Manitoba Chamber Orchestra, the Winnipeg Bach Festival, and the Manitoba Arts Council. He and his wife, Virginia, belong to an amateur recorder quartet and would enjoy playing with others who love music, whether early or modern. ================================================================= *Strudwick, Nigel Lecturer in Egyptology, Dept. of Near Eastern Languages and Cultures, UCLA My interests lie in both the Ancient Egyptian Old and new Kingdoms. I am currently involved in fieldwork in Luxor in Egypt, publishing some of the "Tombs of the Nobles". This work has been going on since 1984, and is a sort of rescue project, since all antiquities there are in danger of destruction from a variety of sources. Computer interests vary widely. I use micros for a gret deal of my work, and am particularly interested in databases, especially encouraging the making available of them to the wider academic community. I am presently a member of the international committee for computers in Egyptology. ================================================================= *Stuart, Ralph Chemical Safety Coordinator, 109 S. Prospect St., Burlington, VT 05405 (802) 656-3068 I am an Industrial Hygienist in Training at the University of Vermont. My primary responsibilties are running the Chemical Right to Know Office, which involves providing information to laboratory workers about the hazards of the chemicals they are using. I also get involved in various environmental health and safety issues around campus, such as indoor air quality problems, concerns about video display terminals, and other assorted stuff. I use micro computers to produce a newsletter for the campus on chemical safety topics, and for general office work. I have used both mainframes and microcomputers at various times since 1970, when I was in high school. My primary interest in them beyond using them as a tool is how they might be used to provide access to information, particularly scientific information, to lay people. It seems to me that this involves communication theory, the sociology of science, and the influence of the speed of information on culture as much as the constraints of the technology. ================================================================= *Stuehler, David M. Assoc. Prof., English Department, Special Assistant to the Dean, School of Humanities and Social Sciences; English Department, Montclair State College, Upper Montclair, New Jersey 07043 Phone: (201) 893-7305, 4314 My present job duties include maintaining and managing a computer lab of 20 networked PC's running Novell Netware and coordinating all computer purchases for our school. In addition, I am planning a larger network to encompass five other labs and all the individual computers in the school. This will also be a Novell network but be connected through TCP/IP to the college's VAX's, a mainframe, and Internet. I also teach technical writing in the lab and am planning a graduate course in computing in the Humanities for next Spring. All this leaves little time for my real interests--hypertext teaching applications and computer assisted literary analysis. A colleague and I are seeking support for a hypertext, hypermedia project on a gender related issue, and I am just beginning to explore the possibility of using QUALOG, a qualitative data analysis program that runs on the VAX for a study of Conrad's novels. I have been fooling around with Word Cruncher and Heart of Darkness to little effect as yet. My schedule has left little time for the necessary research so I am not current in this area. Perhaps in the Summer. ================================================================= *Taylor, James Stewart. 348 Palmerston Blvd. Toronto, Ontario, M6G 2N6. (416) 972-6852. Of myself, I may say the following: I am currently enrolled in a Master's programme at the University of Toronto. The subject of my thesis is Sanskrit grammar. Linguistics and Indian culture are closely related fields in which I have done work. Formerly, I taught Music and occasionally played professionally. I am particularly interested in spoken Sanskrit and exploring applications of this most unusual language in the modern context. ================================================================= *Tingsell, Jan-Gunnar Computer Service Center, Faculty of Arts, University of Gothenburg, S-412 98 Gothenburg, Sweden Telephone: +46 (0)31 634553 I am working as the administrator for the Computer Service Center at the Faculty of Arts, University of Gothenburg, Sweden. Our center is intended to be a support organisation for all research in the humanities. We try to encourage the teachers and researchers to use this technology, to collect information about programs and ideas about computing in the humanities from other research instituitons. It embraces disciplines for instance such as languages, linguistics, philosophy, history, archeology, ethnology and musical research. We are running a mini computer, terminal network and peripherials. We are also supporting micro computers, IBM (clones) and Macintosh, and are working to connect them all to an Ethernet based computer network. We are also running courses for the most commonly used computer programs. I belong to the anonymous group "Humanists in Gothenburg". We have a local distribution list here to save the network capacity. The following persons are at time being members of our local list: Daniel Ridings, Gunhild Viden, Jan-Gunnar Tingsell, Yvonne Cederholm, Karin Wagner, Gerhard Bauhr, Tore Jansson. ================================================================= *Treloar, Andrew Edward (TRELOARAC@CSV.VICCOL.EDU.AU) Lecturer in Information Management, Victoria College, Rusden Campus 662 Blackburn Road, Clayton Victoria, Australia, 3168. Ph. (03) 542-7338 Fax (03) 544 7413 B.A. (hons.), University of Melbourne, 1980; Majors in Germanic Languages and Linguistics; Grad. Dip. in Computer Science, University of Melboune, 1983; M.A., University of Melbourne, Submitted, awaiting (anxiously) examiner's report. My interests are currently in the areas of computational stylistics (and its relationship to literary criticism), expert systems and artificial intelligence, and human-computer interface design. My undergraduate thesis involved the analysis of some aspects of a Dutch novel 'Boeren Psalm' by Felix Timmermans using my own computer programs. For my Master's thesis I built on the programs I had already written and extended them to analyse 'Characterization in Virginia Woolf's The Waves'. The results of this work provided strong support for one of the main schools of thought regarding this work. Until recently I have been lecturing in the areas of Database Design and Microcomputer Hardware and Software. I am presently on secondment as the National Co-ordinator of the Health Education and Promotion System (HEAPS), an on-line database of programs and resources in the field of health education and promotion. I am a member of the Association for Literary and Linguistic Computing (ALLC), and the Australian Computer Society (ACS). I would love to join the ACM as well, but I can't afford it! ================================================================= *Unger, Richard W. Professor, Department of History, University of British Columbia 1297-1873, East Mall, Vancouver, B. C. Canada V6T 1W5 604-228- 5110 Areas of interest: History of the medieval economy and especially the development of technology and its relationship to that economy. The work has concentrated on four principal topics which range through the Middle Ages and down into the 19th century. The first is the history of Dutch shipbuilding up to 1800. The second is more general and includes the development of European ship design and shipping in its economic context from 600 to 1600. The third is illustrations of shipbuilders in medieval art which means principally pictures of Noah buiding the ark. The fourth is the economic and technical history of Dutch brewing from the early Middle Ages through the 19th century. There are publications on the first and second and publications beginning to appear on the third and fourth. There is a fifth area on the horizon where some work has already been done and that is the international trade in grain, its origins and effects, in Europe from the 14th century through the 19th. ================================================================= *Verboom, A.W.C. Drs. (= M.A.), Kern Institute, P.O.Box 9515, NL 2300 RA Leiden, The Netherlands. Aad Verboom is currently doing a doctorate research at Kern Institute, University of Leiden, the Netherlands. The research is largely in the field of indology (i.e. Languages and Cultures of South and South-East Asia) but it also comprises computer- linguistics in sofar as Sanskrit, the most important classical language of India, is concerned. The indological research is focused on a buddhist Sanskrit text, the first two chapters of the Astasahasrika-prajnaparamita- sutra, i.e. the teaching on the perfection of discriminating insight in eight-thousand lines. While the extant Sanskrit text of the 11th Century A.D. is often quite unreliable and hard to understand, there are some Chinese translations from the 2nd Century A.D. onwards which are shorter, more concise and especially more clear. The research aims at the reconstruction of a relatively old (5th Century A.D.) and more reliable/understandable version by comparison of the extant Sanskrit versions and their correspon- ding Chinese translations, mainly those of Kumarajiva. The subject-matter of the texts is mysticism, they deal with a method of gaining the full enlightenment of a buddha in contrast to methods of reaching lower levels of enlightenment as in other schools of buddhism. The computer linguistic research aims at the development of forma- lisms and computerprograms to deal with Sanskrit, a classical Indo-European language with a very complex morphology. In order to lay a good foundation for an intelligent system the initial efforts of the last few years have gone into the development of a quite sophisticated Sanskrit wordparser, which will be finished April 1989. Prototypes for the reconstruction of Sandhi as well as for the creation of computer-generated lexica have already been created. For the next few years attention will be focused mainly on the development of a syntax-parser and a formalism to split up the very frequent composites. The last few years the use of OCP has provided support for the comparison of the Sanskrit texts in the above-mentioned indologi- cal research. At the present stage the facilities have improved considerably in sofar as an Online-Database system is now available at Leiden University. ================================================================= *Wupper, Axel Department of Historical Geography, University of Bonn, Konviktstrasse 11, D-5300 Bonn 1 (Fed.Rep. of Germany); +49 (228) 733690. PRIVATE: Am Botanischen Garten 16, D-5300 Bonn 1 (Fed.Rep. of Germany), +49 (228) 636972. Born 1954, working on a doctor's thesis on "Changes in the Agricultural Landscape in the Rhineprovinz between the World Wars". The department is collecting data for a bibliography on "Settlement Research in Central Europe" which is intended to develope into a databank ... ================================================================= *Zielke, Thomas <113355@DOLUNI1> Universitaet Oldenburg, FB 3/Historisches Seminar, Postfach 2503, 2900 Oldenburg, Federal Republic of Germany 0441/798-3109 Since about 1984, I've been exploring what computers can do for me to make my work as a historian more interesting, faster and easier. I have started from to very beginnings of computering and now work mainly on analysing tax (and related) registers from the 17th to the 19th century. My interests led me soon to the problem where to find people with same or similar interests (especially of course the use of computer technology), people I could ask for a solution of a current problem, people I could tell about my ideas for processing of data and, which I would call my very strongest interest, people I could talk to without being regarded as being a half-god, a computer-idiot, a betrayer of the historians' race and so on. (You wouldn't believe it, but actually some of my colleagues believe me to at least one of the mentioned things...) So my hope is that finally in this list I should find someone whose interests lie in the same area and with whom I could start an interesting conversation, which I would assume to go beyond being asked how to solve this and that problem with what program.....