From: CBS%UK.AC.EARN-RELAY::EARN.UTORONTO::LISTSERV 13-SEP-1989 12:19:51.13 To: ARCHIVE CC: Subj: File: "BIOGRAFY 16" being sent to you Via: UK.AC.EARN-RELAY; Wed, 13 Sep 89 12:19 BST Received: from UKACRL by UK.AC.RL.IB (Mailer X1.25) with BSMTP id 3137; Wed, 13 Sep 89 12:18:24 BS Received: from by UKACRL.BITNET (Mailer X1.25) with BSMTP id 5568; Wed, 13 Sep 89 12:18:21 B Received: by UTORONTO (Mailer R2.03A) id 5096; Wed, 13 Sep 89 07:01:08 EDT Date: Wed, 13 Sep 89 07:01:05 EDT From: Revised List Processor (1.6a) Subject: File: "BIOGRAFY 16" being sent to you To: ARCHIVE@UK.AC.OXFORD.VAX ========================================================================= Date: 4 January 1989 From: Willard McCarty Subject: BIOGRAFY 16 Autobiographies of Humanists Fifteenth Supplement Following are 27 additional entries to the collection of autobiographical statements by members of the Humanist discussion group and 1 revised entry. Humanists on IBM VM/CMS systems will want a copy of Jim Coombs' exec for searching and retrieving biographical entries. It is kept on Humanist's file-server; for more information, see the Guide to Humanist. Further additions, corrections, and updates are welcome. Willard McCarty Centre for Computing in the Humanities, Univ. of Toronto mccarty@utorepas.bitnet 4 January 1989 ================================================================= *Aichele, Klaus E. Prof., Department of Modern Languages, Brooklyn College, Brooklyn NY 11210. Telephone 212 877 3389. I was born in Germany in 1939 and have lived in New York since 1966. I have doctoral degrees in Classical Philology (Tuebingen l966) and in Comparative Literature (Columbia Un.l972). Books on Greek tragedy (Tuebingen l966) and on the drama of Antichrist in medieval and Renaissance literature (The Hague l974). Since l975 my interests have shifted to the theater, I have received solid training as an actor-singer-dancer, have participated in a number of Off-off Broadway productions and written two plays (unpublished). In l989 I will have a sabbatical that I would like to spend in North Africa with the goal of learning Arabic which I studied for two years about five years ago. I am interested in Computer software for the study of Arabic and in language institutes and schools in North Africa. ================================================================= *Anderson, Ivy Brandeis University Libraries, PO Box 9110, Waltham, MA 02254- 9110, (617) 736-4671 I am the Systems Librarian at Brandeis University, where I manage an automated library system and participate in long-range planning for information technology. Prior to 1985 I worked in the field of music librarianship (also at Brandeis), and I have a background in music history and theory, although I do not work actively in music at present. I am interested in knowing about the kinds of things scholars in the humanities are doing in the area of computer applications, and how computer systems are being used in general to support scholarly communication and research, as part of my role in trying to develop the kinds of information systems and services that scholars will need from academic libraries in the future. ================================================================= *Burt, John Department of English, Brandeis University, Waltham, MA 02254, (617) 736-2158 I am an Assistant Professor of English at Brandeis, and I direct its Freshman Writing Program. My chief interests in computers are in supporting Freshman Writing. I also of course use both our mainframe at Brandeis and my computer at home for word processing and recordkeeping. I have recently published a book on Robert Penn Warren. I also have an interest in public domain programming for the cp/m operating system. I have put together out of public domain parts a word processing system which does just about everything I might want to do, and I have done some recreational programing in MBASIC and Small-C. ================================================================= *Cope, KEVIN L. Assistant (Associate Pending) Professor of English Literature, Department of English, Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, Louisiana, 70803-4001, U.S.A., (504) 388-2864 or (504) 388-5922 (offices), (504) 766-2719 (home and answering machine). Kevin L. Cope took his doctorate at Harvard University in 1983. Since that time, he has served on the faculty of the Department of English of Louisiana State University, specializing in Restoration and Eighteenth-Century Studies. His interests and publications include genre theory, especially the theory of satire, relations between philosophy and literature, gothicism, Samuel Johnson, Scottish studies, political rhetoric, social contract theory, sentimentalism, and a variety of other topics in his field of specialization. Recently, he has taken an interest in comparative studies and comparative literature. Kevin Cope is a member of the American Society for Eighteenth- Century Studies, the Northeast Area Society for Eighteenth- Century Studies, the South-Central Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies, the Mississippi Philological Association, the American Comparative Literature Association, the International Comparative Literature Association, the International Society for Eighteenth- Century Studies, the Rocky Mountain Modern Language Association, and the South-Central Modern Language Association. He reviews books in his area of expertise for the South-Central Review, the South Atlantic Quarterly, The Eighteenth Century: A Current Bibliography, The Age Of Johnson, and Studies in the Novel. He is currently organizing conference sessions on extreme experience in the eighteenth century and on philosophical rhetoric in Locke, Leibniz, Berkeley, and Shaftesbury. ================================================================= *Corre, Alan David Professor of Hebrew Studies, Department of Hebrew Studies, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, PO Box 413, Milwaukee, WI, 53201, USA. (414) 229-4245 I was born in London, England May 2, 1931. I am married with four grown children. I came to live in the United States in 1955 and served for eight years as rabbi of Congregation Mikveh Israel, Philadelphia. I received a Ph.D. in Linguistics in 1962 from the University of Pennsylvania, and in 1963 was appointed to the Hebrew Studies faculty of the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, where I have remained ever since. My research interests include Semitic Linguistics and the history and culture of the Sephardic Jews. I am particularly interested in Judeo-Arabic (Arabic written in Hebrew characters) which spans both interests. I became interested in computer applications in the Humanities around 1975 when I visited Professor Alinei at the University of Utrecht to see his project on Italian. I decided to work on a computerized dictionary and chrestomathy of modern literary Judeo-Arabic, and this disk-based project has been completed. I learned a number of computer languages including Pascal, Lisp and Snobol-4. I have written a number of programs for instructional purposes in Hebrew, and have taught Pascal in faculty computer literacy programs. I have also worked summers for the Astronautics Corporation of America on such things as data flow analysis and writing procedures for software production. I have written a book on the Icon programming language which is scheduled for publication in April 1989. ================================================================= *Halteren, Hans Dept. of English OR Dept. of Language and Speech, University of Nijmegen, Erasmusplein 1, 6525 HT Nijmegen, The Netherlands; telephone (NL) 080-512836 As computer science was not available as a main subject at the time, I studied mathematics. However, I threw in all the computer science courses that were given. Apart from being fun, this had another positive effect: I was offered a job as a computer scientist before I got my master's degree. The job was being the main worker on the Linguistic DataBase (LDB) project. This joint project of the computer science and the linguistics departments was to create a database for the storage and access of syntactic analyses trees of natural language utterances. As I thought it would be nice to work with computers and language (as well as just to work with computers, and even just to work), I took the job and thus became part of the TOSCA (originally abbreviation for TOols for Syntactic Corpus Analysis) group, the local corpus linguists. As you can guess from the name and from the job description above, the main focus of the group's work is syntactic analysis (i.e. full syntax trees, not just morphological tagging) of corpora (i.e. running texts with all those strange things people never produce when they are asked to provide example sentences). After about three years (I never believed the two years they planned) the LDB was pronounced complete, stable and available to the outside world (of course bug were discovered and fixed afterwards, and will be until the end of time, as the laws of software engineering teach us). It could store analysed corpora, let linguists view the analysis trees on their terminal (whatever type: vt100-like if lucky, adm if not) and contained a full query language for searching, counting, creating frequency tables etc. ... I'd better stop now ot I'll be rewriting all those nice descriptions sitting around; see eg. the Humanities Computing Yearbook for a short, the proceedings of ALLC86 for a medium or Linguistic Exploitation of Syntactic Databases (van Halteren and van den Heuvel, Rodopi, Amsterdam) for a long description. ... Now, after some more years, more than 40 universities all over the world have requested, been sent and (I hope) used the LDB. Meanwhile, back here developments went on. The LDB was transformed to the Computer Library of Utterances for Exercises in Syntax (CLUES). The query language was extended for the specification of student exercises, such as filling in categories removed from the analysis tree nodes or even rebuilding parts of the trees. The terminal interface also was extended, so that the student could do these exercises interactively. After the experiences with implementing these programs, together with lots of other, smaller, programs operating on analysis trees, I concluded that there was a real need for a development system for applications working on linked data, at least suitable for trees but preferably even nets. It should provide storage, search and terminal interfacing facilities and more. I coined the name STRIDER (Study of Tree Representable Information by Direct Exploratory Research, sorry, better forget that) for this project and am now working on it, hoping it will result in a Phd. for me and something useful for the world. All this means that my interests are: Primary interest: - large amounts of data with links between the items, eg. analysis trees, family relations, hypertext (let me know if you have/know of such data) Secondary interests: - compilation, analysis and exploitation of corpora - syntactic analysis of natural language Other interests: - everything else ================================================================= *Harpold, Terence Alan 420 Williams Hall, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19104 (USA), office: 215 898 6836; home: 215 386 5569 Education: September 1983-present: University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA. A.M. (Comparative Literature and Literary Theory), May, 1987. Currently working towards PhD in Comparative Literature and Literary Theory. September 1982-June 1983: Universite de L'Etat de New York a Stony Brook, Programme de Philosophie et de Sciences Humaines (Paris IV), Paris, France. Courses in Philosophy (Paris IV), Linguistics (Paris III), Literary Theory (Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales, Paris VII),and Sociology (Paris X). September 1977-May 1983: State University of New York, Stony Brook, NY. B.A. (English), May 1983. Extensive coursework in Computer Science, Mathematics and Linguistics. Current research interests (dissertation topics?): The hysterical subject in the English sentimental novel; Psychoanalytic interpretation of non-linear narrative structures (i.e.,hypertext); Hypertext models of psychotic discourse. Lectures: 1. "The Dream of the Dead Father in the Scene of the Law: On Wilde's ." "Lacan, Language, and Literature." Kent State University, Kent, Ohio, May 26-29, 1988. 2. "'Did you get Mathilda from Papa?': Family Romance and the Circulation of Mary Shelley's Mathilda." (Program on "The Romantic Family", arranged by the Division of the English Romantic Period.) 1986 Convention of the Modern Languages Association of America. New York, NY, December 27-30, 1986. 3. "The Anatomy of Satire: Psychic Aggression and Satirical Physic in Gulliver's Travels." International Conference on Wit and Humor in Literature and the Visual Arts. West Georgia College, Atlanta, GA, 7-9 November 1986. 4. "'An object of terror and delight': Notes on a Privileged Signifier of Sexual Difference in Cleland's Fanny Hill ." Conference on Feminism and Psychoanalysis. Illinois State University, Normal, IL, May 1-3, 1986. Publications: 1. "'Wilde's Incision': Murder, Sacrifice and the Fading of the Subject." Forthcoming (Fall 1989) in collection of selected essays from Kent State University conference, Fall 1988. 2. "'Did you get Mathilda from Papa?':Seduction Fantasy and the Circulation of Mary Shelley's Mathilda." Studies in Romanticism (Forthcoming, Spring 1989). Other: Independent consultant for Macintosh (hardware, software, instruction), specializing in custom Hypercard design and programming. ================================================================= *Harris, Judi Teacher-LINK Coordinator, Curry School of Education, University of Virginia, 292 Ruffner Hall, 405 Emmet Street, Charlottesville, VA 22903, U.S.A. (804) 924-7471 Hello! I am the coordinator for a teacher telecommunications network called Teacher-LINK that is a cooperative effort between IBM and the Curry School of Education at the University of Virginia. We link professors, supervising teachers in public schools, student teacher interns, university student teaching supervisors, and public school students electronically through remote use of mainframe computers from classrooms and homes. Our participants share lesson plans, solve practical problems, share resource information, engage their astudents in international correspondence, even help public school students to electronically correspond with novels' protagonists and historical figures by using electronic mail and conferencing in a variety of innovative ways. My job is to function as the facilitative liason between the school of education, where I am completing my doctoral work in Instructional Teachnology, and the area public schools. All of our participants have BitNet access, and we would love to hear from those of you that would like to correspond with them! I came to the University in the fall of 1986 to do doctoral work and teach graduate courses in instructional computing. Before then, I was an elementary school classroom teacher (6th grade), elementary math and computer specialist, and adjunct professor for six years in the Philadelphia, Pennsylvania area. In 1981, I became involved with teaching the Logo programming language to students and teachers as a specialist, graduate instructor, and computer consultant. I've written a monthly column for a national publication called LOGO Exchange since September 1986 that offers ways in which Logo use can be integrated into traditional subject study in elelmentary and middle schools. Now I also write a Logo column for a national educational computing journal called The Computing Teacher. My dissertation, is, of course, a study involving Logo. It is a qualitative study of the scope and depth of cross-referencable information that can be culled from upper-elementary students' drawings done with Logo, a touch-sensitive graphics tablet, and crayons. I hope to finish it in December of 1989. My non-academic interests include folk music, metaphysics, and undoing racism. ================================================================= *Harris, Tim Assistant Professor, History Department, Box N, Brown University, Providence, R.I. 02912. U.S.A. Tel: (401) 863 2131 My research is into religion, party politics, popular politics and popular culture in late seventeenth-century England. My book, London Crowds in the Reign of Charles II, came out in 1987, and I am currently working on a study of Britain in the First Age of Party, 1660-1714. Before coming to Brown, I was a research fellow at Emmanuel College Cambridge. ================================================================= *Hawthorne, Mark Professor of English, Department of English, James Madison University, Harrisonburg, VA 22807, (703) 568- 6655 office, (703) 886-0576 (home) Most recent publications: _Spanish Business Letters_, with Howard Cohen, an interactive MSDOS program written in Turbo Pascal, November 1988. _Checker_, a style and mechanics checker for Advanced Composition, an interactive MSDOS program written in Turbo Pascal and used with WordPerfect 4.x, August 1988. _Review_, a grammar and style review for Remedial Composition, an interactive MSDOS program written in Turbo Pascal and used with Diana Hacker's _Rules for Writers_ in our computer composition lab, June 1988. Most recent activities: Running the Computer Composition Lab, a part of the English Department's composition program, December 1986 to now. Seminar on Seminars, an interdisciplinary project developing materials and software for a university wide and cross cultural course in Liberal Studies. Scholarly areas not referenced above: Earlier in my career I published on Maria Edgeworth, the O'Hara brothers, the young Browning, and Anglo- Irish literature before 1850. Later my attention shifted to computer composition and James Joyce, a strange pair of bedfellows. I earlier helped to develop Humanities curricula in Florida (Jacksonville University), a background that I am using now in work with the Liberal Studies program here at JMU. I have spent the last twenty-five years teaching a wide variety of courses in the humanities--from such literature courses as those dealing with Finnegans Wake and prosody to such humanities courses as graduate seminars on Wagner and Verdi and in comparative arts. ================================================================= *Heberlein, Friedrich University, Slf, D-8o78 Eichstatt, W.Germany. I am a lecturer in classics, my work focusses on Latin linguistics. The computer activities of our institute are about compiling databases on Latin word history and running (and, hopefully, enlarging) a morphosyntactic coded computer corpus of Latin texts. ================================================================= *Hernandez, Nicolas Jr. I hold the B.A., Summa Cum Laude, with majors in French and Spanish from Iona College. I hold the M.A. in Hispanic literature from Cornell University and the Ph.D. also from Cornell, Field of Romance Studies, major in Hispanic lit. and minor in comparative lit. As an undergraduate I wrote my honors thesis on the Comparative Origins of French and Spanish Romanticism. My doctoral dissertation is entitled "Una aproximacion a la estetica de Larra como articulista"(1982). My main specialty is Spanish peninsular lit. of the 19 and 20th centuries. As a comparatist I am interested in the European novel since since realism, and in poetry since symbolism, and in literary relations between Spanish American modernismo The aforegoing description might sound stuffy, but I guess it is a formality of the application process in academe. Allow me to reserve the right to make it less pompous in the future. I teach at the Georgia Institute of Technology, where I am supervisor of the Modern Languages Computer Laboratory. I have published in applied linguistics and literary criticism in various journals. I have also spoken at conferences on these fields. I established a new department at ISAAC (Information System for Advanced Academic Computing): The Languages & Linguistics Room. ISAAC is operated by the University of Washington-Seattle, and it is funded by IBM. I have written reviews for CALICO Journals (Computer Assisted Language Learning & Instruction Consortium. I am also an avid contributor to FLEFO at CompuServe (Foreign Language Education Forum). I have worked on a couple of television and radio programs, and I am very interested in advanced technologies in higher education (SCOLA at Creighton University, for example). I love music and I am not a bad keyboard person. I am also interested in graphic arts, especially printmaking and some painting. I work mostly with Spanish and French, but I am also interested in Italian, Portuguese, Latin and some German. I have struggled with Esperanto (there is a neat community of Esperantists at FLEFO) but without much success. I guess I speak BASIC thanks mostly to Clive Sinclair's revolutionary ZX81 machine. I am interested in concordance-making and in computer modeling of language structures. ================================================================= *Hollander, Robert or Professor in European Literature, Department of Comparative Literature, Princeton University, Princeton, NJ 08544 After a literature major (French & English) at Princeton, a Comp. Lit. doctorate at Columbia (1962), I have taught in the Departments of Romance Languages and Comparative Literature at Princeton since 1962. My area of special interest is the Italian fourteenth century. Almost all of my scholarly publications have dealt with Dante and Boccaccio (some 7 books and three dozen articles). I became interested in the application of the resources of computing to my own work at Dartmouth College when I taught there in the summer of 1982. The Dartmouth Dante Project is the most tangible sign of that interest. It is a database of sixty commentaries on the COMMEDIA which will "open" in October of 1988 with twenty or more commentaries running. The database will be on-line starting then--at least that is our plan. The administrator of the database is Jonathan Altman: is his e-mail address. If we can find the necessary funds, we hope to finish editing the commentaries by 1991. While this project has taken (and will continue to take) a considerable amount of my time, I hope also to be involved in other projects of a similar sort, and would like to be of aid to those who hope to develop computing resources in the Humanities. I should add that I am not particularly skilled in the art of talking about this remarkably powerful addition to our competence as teachers and scholars, and am probably too old and too involved in my studies to become "computer-literate" in any meaningful way. Nonetheless, I am a true believer, and already spend a certain amount of time trying to get my colleagues interested in what computers will mean to their future, and to that of their discipline. ================================================================= *Jennings, Edward M. English, State University of New York at Albany. I was a charter subscriber to CHum, originated NEMLA "computer" section, am interested in literature and science, have taught writing via terminals-mainframe-network (without paper). ================================================================= *Keller, Michael A. Associate University Librarian for Collection Development, Yale University Library, P.O. Box 1603A, Yale Station, (130 Wall Street/ 118 Sterling Memorial Library) New Haven, CT 06520 USA 203-432-1763 Present occupation: senior library adminstrator with responsibility for overseeing collection development in a major research library and general responsibility for participating in the administration of that library on all fronts. B.A. Hamilton College, Clinton, N.Y. (1967 -- Music, Biology) M.A. SUNY/Buffalo (1971 -- Musicology) M.L.S. SUNY/Geneseo (1972 -- Academic librarianship) [Ph. D. SUNY/Buffalo (ABD -- Italian instrumental music of the late Renaissance)] Employed as Music Librarian and Lecturer at Cornell and UC/Berkeley. Visiting instructor at Stanford University in music bibliography. (1973-86) Co-director of Italian Music and Lyric Poetry of the Renaissance, a multi-national project attempting to develop full text data bases of poetic texts and musical texts (poetry in a poetry file and musical text in a parallel file) in order to: 1. define the extent of the literature, a purely bibliographic and indexing endeavor; 2. using a variety of SPIRES tools investigate the practice of parody and imitation in these art forms; in the case of poety consider the relationships of rhetorical and/or structural elements to meangin; in the case of music attempt to define tune families; 3. To date, about 16,000 poems have been entered into the data base; a total of apx. 484,000 more remain to be entered; we are still exploring the ways music needs to be coded so that the SPIRES algorithms can be applied in ways parallel to those used on the poetic texts; 4. the Italian part of the project has developed from about 25 incipitari a single, collated incipitari of perhaps 100,000 poems; the source incipitari are in manuscript form; 5. a number of grants and donations have permitted the project to continue for the past 3 years; the largest single grant was from the NEH. I am engaged in a small number of musicological and musico- bibliographical investigations using IBM PC/ATs to store and manipulate information. I am a constant and reasonably fluent user of the RLIN bibliographic data base. As a collection development officer, I am quite concerned that my library and the humanists it serve are very much up to date in what is occurring in the field. Yale is a very traditional place, but there are many here who are already engaged in humanistic research using computers. I have made a point of discovering what is underway around the world, not necessarily to purchase data sets, but to able to provide information to those who may not have the knowledge of what is being pursued beyond the Yale campus. Because of my role as a bibliographer, a reviewer and panalist for the NEH, and my interest in the retrospective conversion of card catalogs to machine readable form, I am reasonably up to date with developments in the commercial world applicable to humanistic research in general. ================================================================= *LaCure, Jon 103 E. Southern Dr. Bloomington, IN 47401 (812) 332-3101 I'm currently working on a dissertation in East Asian Languages and Literatures at Indiana University. The topic is: "Sound, sense and structure in the Kokinshu: an analysis using the Icon programming language." The Kokinshu is an early 10th century Japanese poetry anthology of about 1100 short (31 syllable) poems. So far I'm mostly doing lexical analysis (alliteration, vowel usage, etc.). I also recently became involved in the Tibetan Union Catalog Project. This is a grant funded project to produce a bibliography of IU's Tibetan holdings. We are still working on a test tape but when the records are stripped from the library's OCLC archive tape, the plan is to use Icon to clean up the tapes, sort, delete duplicates, and explode the remaining records to produce separate entries for all subjects and names. To pay the bills I work at the IU library as a Japanese cataloger and doing acquisitions work with Chinese, Japanese, and Korean materials. In the library we are using Icon to run the user interface (log, announcements, registration, etc.) for a BBS providing dial access to a CD-ROM database. --From: Confessions of an Icon Addict. ================================================================= *Lockyear, Kris 123, Adelaide Road, St Denys, Southampton, UK. I am an archaeologist. I did my first degree at The University of Durham and am now studying for a M.Sc. in archaeological computing at the University of Southampton. My main interests lie in later Roman archaeology and numismatics. ================================================================= *Mabry, Don. Professor of History, Mississippi State University, Miss State, MS 39762 Land mail: P.O. Box 1096, Mississippi State, MS 39762 Telephones: office: (601)325-7084; home/computer: (601) 323-6852 Speciality: 20th century Mexico (books written on PAN, UNAM, and US-Mex relations, plus articles. Current research and writing: Latin American narcotics trade. Second academic interest: History of US rhythm & blues, early rock'n'roll as reflection of social change. Also, interest in the role of reason in humanistic studies. Have son in Marburg, W. Germany and another in Kansas. ================================================================= *Milikowsky, Chaim F12016@BARILAN Talmud Department, Bar Ilan University, Ramat Gan, Israel I have been teaching Talmud at Bar Ilan University for the past eleven years, and also teach Talmud at the Jerusalem Campus of the Jewish Theological Seminary of America. I use computers extensively in my personal work, mainly, of course, word processing (Nota Bene). I am involved in several computer projects, one inputting manuscripts of the Babylonian Talmud into computer format and developing collation programs, and the other a large index to citations of rabbinic in medieval and modern Jewish literature. I would be happy to give more information to anyone interested. Most of my experience is with micros, including networks, and use the mainframe at Bar Ilan mainly for BITNET, etc. I find the mainframe staff not very helpful to Humanities people, very much behind the situation in the States. Am interested in text collation, text retrieval, text storage, word processing, i.e. the computer as tool on the boundary between quantitative and qualitative change. Very unenamoured of computer as revolutionary. ================================================================= *Oksa, Jukka Karelian Institute, University of Joensuu, P.O.Box 111 80101, Joensuu, Finland I am researcher (sociologist) doing work on rural agricultural and forestry communities. They are located in periphery of Finland, one could say in periphery of Europe. I am interested in the possibilies and threats that new information systems may bring to people living in remote areas. Secondly, in addition to my research work, I am running a training and support project for humanists and social scientists of our university to introduce them into use of BITNET. I have organised introductory courses of BITNET and maintain an userid for questions&answers and other information for beginners. In my net there are several linguists, sociologists, economists, psychologists, and experts of social policy. Besides being myself interested in socially meaningful use of these new devices of communication, I would like to introduce HUMANIST network to my group. I have studied social sciences at universities of Helsinki and Tampere, and worked for over ten years as reseache at University of Joensuu, mostly in Karelian Institute, doing regional research, and recently rural studies. My intertwined professional interests and hobbies are (too) various, from social movements and remote communities to third world development problems, politics, sci-fi, cinema, daughter (20 yrs), her mother, some friends, and computer networking. ================================================================= *Peebles, Christopher Spalding Director, Glenn A. Black Laboratory of Archaeology, Indiana University, 9th and Fess Streets, Bloomington, Indiana 47405 USA, (812) 855-9544, -6274 Christopher Spalding Peebles is Director of the Glenn A. Black Laboratory of Archaeology at Indiana University. He also is a member of the Department of Anthropology and the Research Center for Language and Semiotic Studies at that institution. He is a 'corresponding member' of the Albert Egges van Giffen Institute for Pre- and Protohistory at the University of Amsterdam and an adjunct member of the faculty at the University of Alabama. Professor Peebles received the AB in anthropology and philosophy from the University of Chicago and the PhD from the University of California, Santa Barbara. He has taught at the University of Windsor, Canada and the University of Michigan. He was curator of the Division of Great Lakes at the University of Michigan Museum of Anthropology. He has been a visiting associate professor at Northwestern, Northern Illinois, Indiana, and the Pennsylvania State University. He was visiting Professor of Cultural Prehistory at the University of Amsterdam. His scholarly interests include the later prehistory of the Southeastern United States and the Iron Age of northern Europe. He has maintained an interest in database and management information systems over the last three decades. His first work with computers was in 1959, on an IBM 709 owned by his employer, the U.S. Air Force. His recent research in this area includes the construction of intelligent knowledge based management systems and the application of expert systems and other techniques from artificial intelligence to archaeological research. One of his current projects involves the emulation of early hominid cognition with the aid of a frame-based production system. His work has been supported by the National Science Foundation, the U.S. Department of the Interior, and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. He has served as a consultant to several state and federal agencies and to the J. Paul Getty Trust. ================================================================= *Pulli, Joe I am currently working on a Ph.D. at the University of Tennessee in Knoxville and am fairly new to computing. My areas of interest are primarily in the field of forensics, more specifically competency and insanity defense evaluations. My dissertation will focus on the determination of criminal responsibility and how attribution theory might help in the understanding of that process. I have both a bachelor's and master's degree in social work, a master's degree in adult education, and worked for two years on a Ph.D. in sociology. My area of interest while in sociology was ethnomethodology. The Ph.D. program in which I am currently involved places much emphasis upon the use of computers in research and I am rapidly gaining experience with SAS and SPSSX. I would like to be involved in a discussion group that deals with more than just the statistical applications of computing and hope that your group may be the answer. ================================================================= *Reed, John Shelton Professor of Sociology, Adjunct Professor of American Studies, and Director, Institute for Research in Social Science, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill NC 27599-3355, USA, (919) 962-0781 I've written a good deal about the society and culture of the U.S. South, particularly in the 20th century. Recently I've published a couple of articles and I'm working on a book about the Anglo-Catholic movement in the Victorian Church of England. I am a sociologist by training, but find that I'm interested in applying sociological concepts and methods to topics usually regarded as historical. I've directed seminars for the (U.S.) National floor, Endowment for the Humanities, and presently sit on the NEH council. As president of the Southern Sociological Society, I've made the theme of our 1989 meetings "Sociology, the Arts, and the Humanities," and I was on the American Sociological Association committee that prepared a report for the ACLS on sociology as a humanistic discipline. I guess I saying that although humanists might not recognize me as one of their own, to sociologists I look like a humanist. ================================================================= *Ridings, Daniel University of Gothenburg, Department of Computational Linguistics, S-412 98 Gothenburg, Sweden, telephone: +46 31 634553 I am employed part-time at the above address. The rest of my time is spend at the same university though at the Dept. of Classics/Greek. I am working towards my dissertation in Greek. The dissertation is nearing the end. At the Dept. of Computational Linguistics I work as a systems analyst for the departments projects in lexicography with a slant towards bilingual dictionaries. The works in progress at this point are Swedish/Greek (Modern), Swedish/Kurdic (northern dialect), Swedish/Viet., and Swedish/Farsi. ================================================================= *Sandys-Wunsch, John. Provost, Thorneloe College, Ramsey Lake Road, Sudbury, Ont. P3E 2C6. 705-673-1730 (office) 705-674-3286 (home). My basic competence is in Bible, both Hebrew Bible and New Testament. I have of late become interested in the history of exegesis, especially in the 18th century. This has led me to wider considerations of the history of western thought in the modern period and in particular to criticisms of the basic assumptions of much of our cultural and political life. As head of a liberal arts college I have to consider both the realities and the theory of humanistic studies in the age of the silicon chip. (I might add I also enjoy computers but agree with Theodore Rozak). In particular I would like to hear from anyone exploring the nature of public theology (e.g. ideas of Max Stackhouse, Parker Palmer, et al). ================================================================= *Tucker, Charles W. Associate Professor, Department of Sociology, University of South Carolina, Columbia SC 29208 (803) 777-3123; 1714 Maplewood Drive, Columbia SC 29205, (803) 254-0136. I was born 7/31/1937 in Flint, Michigan and spend my first nineteen years there until I went to California to attend college (Whittier College, 1960) then returned to Michigan State University (MA, 1963; PHD, 1966) and came to USC-Columbia in 1966. Except for three years at Emory University, Dept. of Psychiatry (1968-71) I have been in this department. I have continued my interest which developed in graduate school with my colleagues McPhail (UIUC), Brymer (McMasters), Waisanen (MSU), and Stewart (USC-C) of trying to develop an answer to the question: How is society possible? This question as you may notice is credited to Simmel but I have found George Mead, John Dewey, Herbert Blumer, Erving Goffman and other symbolic interactionists/behaviorists/pragmatists to be most helpful in my attempts to formulate an answer to this question. More recently I have found the work of Bob Stewart, Morse Peckham, Bill Powers, Gregory Bateson, David Willer and several of my friends to be useful. This interest in human behavior has led my to an approach that I would consider to be humanist. At times it is as simple as saying that "people" must be taken into account in solving problems to proposing a drastic recon- struction of human group life is required to solve our societal problems. I am firmly convinced that the pragmatic approach, as put forth by Dewey, Mead and Blumer, the most reasonable way to devise solutions our problems. It is most unfortunate that very few people approach problems in this manner and find that empiricism, positivism and political expediency to their liking. The Enlightenment doctrine has given rise to these procedures and they are firmly entrenched in our liberal arts disciplines. Unless the disciplines are transformed there will be very little support for a pragmatic approach and in my view we will continue to create our own problems with little chance for meaningful, fair and honest solutions. I look forward to hearing from anyone who has anything to say about the issues, questions and problems with my view and proposals. I have come to view the computer and its related culture pragmatically; how can these matters be put to use to move toward solving my problems? If I find that any of these matters become more complicated or, even worse, become an end in themselves, I will abandon them; throw out the computer and all of its "stuff" and find another way to proceed. I always try to keep that thought in front of me; I want the computer ( or whatever) to serve my interests! I have found that the computer has served an number of interests in terms of efficiency, record keeping, writing, rewriting and now I want to see if it can help me with more that these matters. First, I am interested in finding out if through simulation I can model very simple sequential interaction that occur between human organisms. If these simulations can "test" some notions about human interaction without bothering other human beings to perform the instructions that can be simulated then that might be useful. I think that much of the existing experimental work is so simple (some even simplistic) that simulations can serve the same purpose. Second, I would like to find out if programs can be written where people can actually interact meaningful with a computer and actually learn information beyond the most simple exercises. I have recently found several programs in sociolgy (called "Sociology on a Disk") that I think have great promise but they require adequate testing and may require modification to become useful. If anyone knows about such programs from their own use, please tell me! Third, several of my colleagues are thinking about extending the one person interacting with a program on a computer to several people interacting with each other with several computers and their programs. Initially, our ideas are generated from experiments of face-to-face interaction which we want to modify by have the persons interact with another through a computer whose program we will construct so as to control and perhaps modify the communication content and form. This is an extention of simulation. Again, any help would be appreciated. Finally, for now, all of these matters present problems of proper hardware and software and especially programming. We want to see if we can make any dent in the compatibility problem. We have to be able to move quickly and simply from one language to another; one machine to another; one program to another. This is quite a challenge. ================================================================= *Wang, Jude Wang Manager, Humanities Computing Facility, c/o English Department, Arizona State University, Tempe, AZ 85287-0302 U.S.A., (602) 965- 2679 I manage a PC-lab supporting faculty and graduate students in the departments of English and Foreign Languages. Mostly this means word-processing and some text analysis programs. My academic training was in linguistics rather than computers. I would like to know more about what one can do with computers in the humanities. ================================================================= *Whittaker, Brian Assistant Professor, Department of English, Atkinson College, York University, 4700 Keele Street, Downsview, Ontario, CANADA M3J 1P3, (416) 736-5098 Major disciplinary interests: stylistic analysis, philology, literary history, linguistic history. Major fields: Old English (Anglo-Saxon); Sixteenth Century; Canadian. Much of what I do is interdisciplinary (as opposed to multi- disciplinary). For example, a colleague and I are currently engaged in a seminar on the reformation of the tenth century in England, combining historical linguistics literary criticism, genre theory, institutional history, liturgical history, art history, aesthetic theory and theory of design. I have developed an introductory course for the Canadian Studies Programme at Atkinson College in which students learn to combine the theoretical foundations, methodologies and data from a variety of disciplines, including sociology, literary criticism history and engineering to analyse selected topics, including the Jesuit mission at Midland, the CPR and the development of Toronto over the last two centuries. For many years I taught a course on Aesthetic Theory and Photographic Technique that combined a survey of aesthetics from Plato to Cassirer with the history of photography and a thorough training in lab technique, including desnsitometry and the Zone System. I am currently preparing for publication a book on sentence structure and style in the Old English poem Beowulf. I have produced two text books by way of what is now called Desk Top Publishing. The first is on stylistic analyusis at the grammatical level and the second is a manual for English students on how to write essays of literary analysis. *****END*****