From: VAX::JOHN "JOHN COOPER" 8-AUG-1989 10:08:38.25 To: ARCHIVE CC: Subj: sawles warde Dear Archivist, a new text? Sawles Warde, as seen on CTILIB. John =============================================================================== Her bigine& Sawles Warde: {ital}Si sciret paterfamilias qua hora fur uenturus esset, vigilaret utique et non sineret perfodi domum suam.{/ital} {para}Ure Lauerd i `e godspel teache& us `urh a bisne hu we ahen wearliche to biwiten us seoluen wi& `e unwiht of helle ant wi& his wernches. "|ef `es lauerd wiste', he sei&, "hwenne ant hwuch time `e `eof walde cume to his hus, he walde wakien, ne nalde he nawt `olien `e `eof forte breoken hire.' ~is hus `e ure Lauerd speke& of is seolf `e mon; inwi&, `e monnes wit i `is hus is `e huse-lauerd, ant te fulitohe wif mei beon Wil ihaten; `et ga `e hus efter hire, ha diht hit al to wundre, bute Wit ase lauerd chasti hire `e betere, ant bineome hire muchel of `et ha walde; ant tah walde al hire hird folhin hire oueral, \ef Wit ne forbude ham, for alle hit beo& untohene ant reche- lese hinen, bute 3ef he ham rihte. Ant hncche beo& `eos hinen? Summe beo& wi&vten ant summe wi&innen. ~eo wi`vten beo& `e monnes fif wittes -- sih&e ant herunge, smechunge ant smeallunge, ant euch limes felunge. ~eos beo& hinen vnder Wit, as under huse-lauerd, ant hwer se he is \emeles, nis hare nan `e ne feare& ofte untoheliche ant gulte& ilome, o&er i fol semblant oder in vuel dede. Inwi& beo& his hinen in se moni mislich `onc to cwemen wel `e husewif a\ein Godes wille, ant swerie& sometreadliche `et efter hire hit schal gan. ~ah we hit ne here nawt, we mahen felen hare nur& ant hare untohe bere, a`et Wit cume for& ant ba wi& eie ant wi& luue tuhte ham `e betere. Ne bi& neauer his hus for `eos hinen wel iwist, for hwon `et he slepe o&er ohwider fare from hame -- `et is hwen mon for3et his wit ant let ham inr&en. Ah ne bihoue& hit nawt `et tis hus beo irobbet, for `er is inne `e tre[sor] `et Godd 3ef himseolf fore -- `et is monnes sawle. Forte breoke `is hus efter `is tresor `et Godd bohte mid his dea& ant lette lif o rode is moni `eof abuten, ba bi dei ant bi niht: vnseheliche gasttes wi& alle unwreaste `eawes; ant a\ein euch god `eaw `e biwite& i `is hus Godes deore chatel vnder Wittes wittunge `et is huse-lauerd is eauer hire un`eaw forte sechen in@ong abute `e wahes, to amur&rin hire `rinne. ~et heaued `rof is `e feont, `e meistre& ham alle. A\eines him ant his keis `e husebonde, `et is Wit, warne& his hus `us: vre Lauerd haue& ileanett him fowre of his dehtren, `et beo& to vnder- stonden `e fowr heaued-`eawes. ~e earste is Warschipe icleopet, ant te o&er is ihaten Gastelich Streng&e, ant te `ridde is Mea& ; Rihtwisnesse `e feor&e. {para}Wit `e husbonde, Godes cunestable, cleope& Warschipe for& ant maki& hire durewart, `e warliche loki hwam ha leote in ant ut, ant of feor bihalde alle `e cuminde -- hwuche beo wur&e in\ong to habben, o&er beon bisteken `rute. Streng&e stont nest hire, `et \ef ei nle in Warschipes vn`onkes warni Streng&e fore, `et is hire suster, ant heo hit ut warpe. ~e `ridde suster, `et is Mea&, hire he make& meistre ouer his willesfule hird `et we ear of speken, `et ha leare ham mete, `et me meosure hat, `e middel of twa uueles (for `et is `eaw in euch stude, ant tuht forte halden) ant hate& ham alle `et nan of ham a\ein hire nohwer wi& vnmea& ne ga ouer mete. ~e feor&e suster, Rihtwisnesse, sit on hest as deme, ant beate& `eo `e agulte&, ant crune& `eo `e wel do&, ant deme& euchan his dom efter his rihte. For dret of hire nime& his hird, euch efter `et he is, warde to witene: `e ehnen hare, `e mu& his, `e earen hare, `e honden hare, ant euch alswa of `e o`re wit, `et onont him ne schal nan un`eaw cumen in. {para}As `is is ido `us, ant is al stille `rinne, Warschipe `et aa is waker, is offearet lest sum fortruste him, ant feole o slepe ant for\eme his warde, ant sent ham in a sonde `et ha wel cnawe&, of feorren icumen, forte offearen `eo `e beo& ouerhardi, ant `eo `e \emelese beo& halden ham wakere. He is underuon in ant swi&e bihalden of ham alle, for lonc he is ant leane, ant his leor dea&lich ant blac ant elheowet, ant euch her `unche& `et stont in his heaued up. Warschipe hat him tellen biuoren hwet he beo ant hweonene he comme ant hwet he `er seche. "Ne mei Ich,' he sei&, "nohwer speoken bute Ich habbe god lust. Lustni& me `enne: Fearlac Ich hatte, ant am Dea&es sonde ant Dea&es munegunge ant am icumen biuore hire to warnin ow of hire cume.' Warschipe, `et best con bisetten hire wordes ant ec hire werkes, speke& for ham alle, ant freine& hweonene ha cume ant hwuch hird ha leade. Fearlac hire ontswere&: "Ich nat nawt `e time, for ha ne seide hit me nawt; ah eauer loki& hwenne, for hire wune is to cumen bi stale ferliche ant unmundlunge hwen me least wene&. Of hire hird `et tu easkest, Ich `e ondswerie: ha lihte& hwer se ha eauer kime& wi& a `usent deoflen, ant euchan bere& a gret boc al of sunnen iwriten wi& swarte smeale leattres, ant an unrude raketehe gledread of furc, forte binden ant to drahen into inwarde helle hwuch se he mei preouin `urh his boc, `et is on euch sunne enbreuet `et he wi& wil o&er wi& word o&er wi& werc wrahtte in al his lif-si&e, bute `et he haue& ibet ear`on wi& so& schrift ant wi& deadbote.' At Warschipc hire easke&: "Hweonene cumest tu, Fearlac, Dea&es munegunge ?' "Ich cume,' he sei&, "of helle.' "Of helle ?' ha sei&, Warschipe, "ant hauest tu isehen helle ?' "|e,' sei& Fearlac, "witerliche, ofte ant ilome.' "Nu,' sei& `enne Warschipe, "for `i trow&e treoweliche tele us hwuch is helle ant hwet tu hauest isehen `rin.' "Ant Ich,' he sei&, Fearlac, "o mi trow&e blu&eliche, nawt tah efter `et hit is -- for `et ne mei na tunge tellen -- ah efter `et Ich mei ant con, `er- towart Ich chulle reodien. {para}"Helle is wid wi&ute met ant deop wi&ute grunde; ful of brune uneuenlich, for ne mei nan eor&lich fur euenin `er- towart; ful of stench un`olelich, for ne mahte in eor&e na cwic `ing hit `olien; ful of sorhe untalelich, for ne mei na mu& for wrecchedom ne for wa rikenin hit ne tellen. Se `icke is `rinne `e `osternesse `et me hire mei grapin. For `et fur ne \eue& na liht, ah blent ham `e ehnen `e `er beo& wi& a smor&rinde smoke, smeche forcu&est, ant tah i `et ilke swarte `eosternesse swarte `inges ha iseo&, as deoflen `et ham mealli& ant derue& aa ant drecche& wi& alles cunnes pinen, ant iteilede draken grisliche ase deoflen `e forswolhe& ham ihal ant speowe& ham eft ut biuoren ant bihinden, o&er-hwile torende& ham ant tocheowe& ham euch greot, ant heo eft iwur&e& hal to a swach bale bute bote as ha ear weren. Ant ful wel ha iseo&, ham to grisle ant to grure ant to echen hare pine, `e la&e helle-wurmes, tadden ant froggen, `e freote& ham ut te ehnen ant te nease-gristles, ant snike& in ant ut neddren ant eauroskes, nawt ilich `eose her ah hundret si&e grisluker, et mu& ant et earen, ed ehnen ant ed neauele, ant ed te breoste- holke as mea&en i forrotet flesch, eauer\ete `ickest. ~er is remunge i `e brune ant to&es hechelunge i `e snawi weattres. Ferliche ha flutte& from `e heate into `e chele, ne neauer nuten ha of `eos twa hwe&er ham `unche& wurse, for ei&er is un`ole- lich. Ant i `is ferliche mong `e leatere `urh `e earre derue& `e mare. ~et fur ham forbeame& al to colen calde, `et pich ham forwalle& a&et ha beon formealte, ant eft acwikie& anan to drehen al `et ilke ant muchedeale nrse a wi&uten ende. At tis ilke unhope is ham meast pine, `et nan naue& neauermare hope of nan acouemmge, ah aren sikere of euch uuel to `urh- leasten i wa from worlde into worlde aa on echnesse. Euch a`rusme& o&er, at euch is o&res pine, ant euchan heate& o&er ant him seoluen as `e blake deouel; ant eauer se ha i `is world luueden ham mare, se ha `er heatie& ham swi&ere; antei&er curse& o&er ant fret of `e o&res earen, ant te nease alswa. Ich habbe bigunne to tellen of `ing `et Ich ne mahte nawt bringe to eni ende, `ah Ich hefde a `usent tungen of stele ant talde a&et ha weren alle forwerede. Ah `enche& nu her`urh hwuch `e rneaste pine beo: for `e leaste pine is se heard `et hefde a mon islein ba mi feader ant mi moder ant al `e ende of mi cun, ant ido me seoluen al `e scheome ant te hearm `et cwic mon mahte `olien, ant Ich isehe `es mon i `e ilke leaste pine `et Ich iseh in helle, Ich walde, \ef hit mahte beon, `olien a `usent dea&es to arudden him ut `rof, swa is `e sih&e grislich ant reow&ful to bihalden. For `ah neauer nere nan o&er pine bute to iseon eauer `e unseli gastes ant hare grisliche schape, biseon on hare grimfule ant grurefule nebbes, ant heren hare rarunge, ant hu ha wi& hokeres edwite& ant upbreide& euchan his sunnen, `is schendlac ant te grure of ham were unimete pine -- ant hure `olien ant abeoren hare unirude duntes wi& mealles istelet ant wi& hare eawles gledreade hare dustlunges as `ah hit were a pilche-clut euchan towart o&er i misliche pinen. O helle dea&es hus, wununge of wanunge, of grure ant of granunge, heatel ham ant heard wan of alle wontrea&es, buri of bale ant bold of eauereuch bitternesse, `u la&est lont of alle, `u dorc stude ifullet of alle dreorinesses, Ich cwakie of grisle ant of grure, ant euch ban scheke& me ant euch her me rue& up of `i munegunge, for nis `er na steuene bituhhe `e fordemde bute "wumme', ant "wa is me' and "wa beo `e' and "wa beo `e'. "Wa' ha \eie& ant wa ha habbe&, ne of al `et eauer wa is ne schal ham neauer wontin. ~e snch wununge ofearne& for ei hwilinde blisse her o `isse worlde, wel were him \ef `et he neauer ibore nere. Bi `is \e mahen sumdel witen hwuch is helle, for iwis Ich habbe `rin isehen a `usent si&e wurse; ant from `eonne kime& Dea& wi& a `usent deoflen hiderwart, as Ich seide, ant Ich com `us,' quo& Fearlac, "forte warnin ow fore, ant tellen ow `eos tidinges.' {para}"Nu, Lauerd Godd,' quo& Warschipe, "wardi us ant werie, ant rihte us ant reade hwet us beo to donne, ant we beon `e warre ant wakere to witen us on euch half under Godes wengen. |ef we wel werie& ant wite& ure hus ant Godes deore tresor `et he haue& bitaht us, cume dea& hwen he wulle, ne `urue we now&er beon ofdred for hire ne for helle, for ure dea& bi& deore Godd, ant in\ong into heouene. Of `eos fikelinde world ne of hire false blisse ne neome we neauer \eme, for al `et is on eor&e nis bute as a schadewe, for al wur&e& to noht bute `et deore tresor, Godes deorewur&e feh `et is us bitaht to witene. Ich habbe `eruore sar care, for Ich iseo,' sei& Warschipe, "hu `e unwhiht wi& his ferd ase liun iburst gea& abuten ure hus, sechinde \eornliche hu he hit forswolhe. Ant tis Ich mei', sei& Warschipe, "warnin ow of his la& ant for his wrenches; ah Ich ne mei nawt a\eines his streng&e.' {para}"Do nu', quo& Streng&e, Warschipe suster, "`et te limpet to `e, ant warne us of his wiheles, for of al his streng&e ne drede we nawiht: for nis his streng&e noht wur& bute hwer se he ifinde& e&eliche ant wake, unwarnede of treowe bileaue. ~e apostle sei&: "Etstont `en feont, ant he fli& ananriht.' Schulde we `enne fleon him? |e, nis Godd ure scheld? and alle beo& ure wepnen of his deore grace, ant Godd is on ure half ant stont bi us i fehte. |ef he schute towart me wi& weole ant wunne of `e world, wi& este of flesches lustes, of `ulliche nesche wepnen Ich mahte carien summes weis, ah ne mei me na `ing heardes offearen, ne nowcin ne na wone falsi min heorte ne wursi mi bileaue towart him `et \eue& me alle mine streng&en.' {para}"For ba me ah,' quo& Mea&, "ant for heart of nowcin ant for wone of wunne, dreden ant carien. For rnoni for to muchel heard of wa `et he drehe& for\et ure Lauerd, ant ma `ah for nesche ant for flesches licunge for\eme& ham ofte. Bituhhen heard ant nesche, bituhhe wa of `is world ant to muche wunne, bituhhe muchel and lutel is in euch worldlich `ing `e middel wei guldene. \ef we hire halde&, `enne ga we siker- liche, ne `erf us now&er for dea& ne for deouel dreden. Hwet se beo of heardes, ne drede Ich nawiht nesches, for ne mei na wunne ne na flesches licunge ne licomlich este bringe me ouer `e midel of mesure ant of mete.' {para}Rihtwissnesse speke& nu. "Mi suster,' ha sei&, "Warschipe, `e haue& wit ant schad bituhhe god ant uuel, ant wat hwet is in euch `ing to cheosen ant to schunien, reade& us ant leare& forte \eme lutel alle fallinde `ing ant witen warliche `eo `e schulen a lesten. Ant sei& as ha so& sei&, `et `urh unweotenesse ne mei ha nawt sunegin, ant tah nis nawt siker of `e unwihtes streng&e, as `eo `e halt hire wac, `ah ha beo muche wur& to ure alre ehnen, ant deme& hire unmihti onont hireseoluen to etstonden wi& his turnes, ant de& ase `e wise. Mi suster Streng&e is swi&e bald, ant sei& `et nawiht heardes ne mei hire offearen, ah `ah ha ne trust nawt on hire ahne wepnen, ah de& o Godes grace, ant `et Ich demi riht ant wisdom to donne. Mi `ridde suster, Mea&, speke& of `e middel sti bituhhe riht ant luft, `et lut cunnen halden, ant sei& i nesche ha is bald, ant heard mei hire offearen, ant for`i ne \elpe& ha of na sikernesse, ant de& as `e wise. Mi meoster is to do riht ant riht forto demen, ant Ich deme me seolf `et Ich `urh me ne do hit nawt: for al `et god is of Godd `et we her habbe&. Nu is riht `enne `et we demen us seolf eauer unmihtie to werien ant to witen us o&er ei god to halden wi&ute Godes helpe. ~e rihtwise Godd wule `et we demen us seolf e&eliche ant lahe, ne beo we neauer swucche, for `enne deme& he us muche wur&, ant gode, ant halt for his dehtren. For `ah mi forme suster war beo of euch uuel, ant min o&er strong beo to\eines euch nowcin, ant mi `ridde mea&ful in alles cunnes estes, ant Ich do riht and deme, bute we wi& al `is milde beon ant meoke, ant halden us wake, Godd mei mid rihte fordemen us of al `is `urh ure prude; ant for`i is riht dom `et we al ure god `onkin him ane.' {para}Wit `e husebonde, Godes cunestable, here& alle hare sahen and `onke& God \eorne wi& swi&e glead heorte of se riche lane as beo& `eos sustren, his fowr dehtren `et he haue& ileanet him on helpe forte wite wel ant werien his castel, ant Godes deorewur&e feh `et is biloke `rinne. ~e willesfule husewif halt hire al stille, ant al `et hird `et ha wes iwunet to dreaien efter hire turne& ham treowliche to Wit hare lauerd ant to `eos fowr sustren. Vmben ane stunde speke& eft Warschipe ant sei&: "Ich iseo a sonde cumen, swi&e glead-icheret, feier ant freolich ant leofliche aturnet.' "Let him in,' sei& Wit, "\ef Godd wule, he bringe& us gleade tidinges, ant `et us were muche neod, for Fearlac, Dea&es sonde, haue& wi& his offearet us swi&e mid alle.' Warschipe let him in, ant he gret Wit, `en lauerd, ant al `et hird seo&en wi& lahhinde chere, ant ha \elde& him his gretunge, ant beo& alle ilihtet, ant igleadet ham `unche& of his onsih&e, for al `et hus schine& ant schimme& of his leome. He easke& ham \ef ham biluue& to heren him ae hwile. "|e,' quo& ha, Rihtwisnesse, "wel us biluue& hit, ant wel is riht `et we `e li&eliche lustnin.' {para}"Hercni& nu `enne,' he sei&, "ant \eornliche understonde&. Ich am Mur&es sonde, ant munegunge of eche lif, ant Liues Luue ihaten, ant cume riht from heouene, `et Ich habbe isehen nu ant ofte ear `e blisse `et na monnes tunge ne mei of tellen. ~e iblescede Godd iseh ow offruhte ant sumdel drupnin of `et Fearlac talde of dea& ant of helle, ant sende me to gleadien ow, nawt for`i `et hit ne beo al so& `et he seide, ant `et schulen alle uuele fondin ant ifinden. Ah \e, wi& `e fulat of Godd, ne `urue na `ing dreden, for he sit on heh `et is ow on helpe, ant is alwealdent `et haue& ow to witene.' {para}"A,' sei& Warschipe, "welcume, Liues Luue, ant for `e luue of Godd seolf, \ef `u eauer sehe him tele us sumhwet of him ant of his eche blisse.' "|e, i seo&,' quo& Liues Luue, Murh&es sonde, "Ich habbe isehen him ofte, nawt tah alswa as he is -- for ; a\ein `e brihtnesse ant te Iiht of his leor `e sunne-gleam is dosc ant `unche& a schadewe; ant for`i ne mahte Ich nawt a\ein `e leome of his wlite lokin ne bihalden, bute `urh a schene schawere bituhhe me ant him `et schilde mine ehnen ; Swa Ich habbe ofte isehen `e hali `rumnesse, Feader ant Sune ant Hali Gast, `reo an untodealet. Ah lutle hwile Ich mahte `olie `e leome, ah summes weis Ich mahte bihalden ure Lauerd Iesu Crist Godes sune, `et bohte us o rode, hu he sit blisful on his Feader riht half `et is alwealdent, rixle& i `et eche lif bute linnunge, se unimete feier `et te engles ne beo& neauer ful on him to bihalden. Ant \et Ich iseh etscene `e studen of his wunden, ant hu he schawe& ham his feader to cu&en hu he luuede us ant hu he wes buhsum to him `e sende him swa to alesen us, ant biseche& him a for moncunnes heale. {para}"Efter him Ich iseh on heh ouer alle heouenliche wordes `e eadi meiden his moder, Marie inempnet, sitten in a trone se swi&e briht wi& \immes istirret, ant hire wlite se weoleful `et euch eor&lich liht is `eoster `era\eines. ~ear Ich iseh as ha bit hire deorewur&e sune se \eornliche ant se inwardliche for `eo `et hire serui&, ant he hire \ette& bli&eliche al `et ha biseche&. {para}"~et liht `a Ich ne mahte lengre `olien, Ich biseh to `e engles ant to `e archangles ant to `e o&re `e beo& buuen ham, iblescede gastes `e beo& a biuore Godd ant serui& him eauer, ant singe& a unwerget. Nihe wordes `er beo&, ah hu ha beo& i-ordret ant sunderliche isette, `e an buue `e o&re, ant euchanes meoster, were long to tellen. Se muche murh&e Ich hefde on hare onsih&e `et ne mahte Ich longe hwile elleshwider lokin. {para}"Efter ham Ich iseh towart te patriarches ant te prophetes `e makie& swuch murh&e `et ha aren nu&e i `et ilke lont of blisse `et ha hefden of feor igret ear on eor&e, ant seo& nu al `et iso&et `et ha hefden longe ear icwiddet of ure Lauerd, a he hefde ischawed hom i gastelich sih&e. Ich iseh `e apostles, poure ant lah on eor&e, ifullet ant bigoten al of unimete blisse, sitten i trones, ant al under hare uet `et heh is i `e worlde, \arowe for te demen i `e dei of dome kinges ant keiseres ant alle cunreadneg of alles cunnes ledenes. {para}Ich biheolt te martyrs ant hare unimete murh&e `e `oleden her pinen ant dea& for ure Lauerd, ant lihtliche talden to alles cunnes neowcins ant eor&liche tintreohen a\eines `e blisse `et Godd in hare heorte schawede ham to cumene. {para}Efter ham Ich beheolt `e cunfessurs hird `e liueden i god lif ant hal[il]iche deiden, `e schine& as do& steorren i `e eche blissen, ant seo& Godd in his wlite `et haue& alle teares iwipet of hare ehnen. {para}Ich iseh `et schene ant `et brihte ferreden of `e eadi meidnes ilikest towart engles, ant feolahlukest wi& ham blissin ant gleadien `e, libbinde i flesche, ouerga& flesches lahe ant ouercume& cunde, `e leade& heouenlich lif in eor&e as ha wunie&. Hare murh&e ant hare blisse, `e feierleac of hare wlite, `e swetnesse of hare song, ne mei na tunge tellen. Alle ha singe& `e `er beo&, ah hare song ne mahe nane buten heo singen. Se swote smeal ham folhe& hwider se ha wende&, `et me mahte libben aa bi `e swotnesse. Hwamse heo biseche& fore is sikerliche iborhen, for a\ein hare bisocnen Godd him- seolf arise& `et alle `e o&re halhen sittende ihere&.' {para}"Swi&e wel,' quo& Warschipe, "like& us `et tu seist. Ah nu `u hauest se wel iseid of euch a setnese of `e seli sunderlepes, sumhwet sei us nu hwuch blisse is to alle iliche meane.' And Liuea Luue hire ondswere&: "~e imeane blisse is seouenfald, leng&e of lif, wit, ant luue, ant of `e luue a gleadunge wi&ute met, murie loft-song ant lihtschipe, ant sikernese is `e seoue&e.' "~ah Ich `is,' sei& Warschipe, "sumdel understonde, `u most unwreo `is witerluker ant openin to `eos o&re.' "Ant hit schal beon,' sei& Liues Luue, "Warschipe, as `u wilnes.' {para}"Ha liuie& a in a wlite `et is brihtre seoueuald ant schenre `en `e sunne, ant eauer in a streng&e to don buten euch swinc al `et ha wulle&, ant eauermare in a steal in al `et eauer god is wi&ute wonunge, wi&uten euch `ing `et mahe hearmin o&er eilin, in al `et eauer is softe o&er swote; ant hare lif is Godes sih&e ant Godes cnawlechunge, as ure Lauerd seide: "~et is,' quo& he, "eche lif, to seon ant cnawen so& Godd ant him `et he sende, Iesu Crist ure Lauerd, to ure alesnesse'; ant beo& for`i ilich him i `e ilke wlite `et he is, for ha seo& him as he is, nebbe to nebbe. Ha beo& se wise `et ha witen alle Godes reades, his runes, ant his domes `e derne beo&, ant deopre `en eni sea-dingle. Ha seo& i Godd alle `ing, ant witen of al `et is ant wes ant eauer schal inr&en, hwet it beo, hwi, ant hwerto, ant hwerof hit bigunne. {para}Ha luuie& God wi&ute met, for `et ha understonde& hu he haue& bi ham idon `urh his muchele godlec ant hwet ha ahen his deorewur&e milce to \elden, ant euchan luue& o&er ase muchel as himseoluen. {para}Se gleade ha beo& of Godd `et al is hare blisse se muchel `et ne mei hit munne na mu& ne spealie na speche. For`i `et euch- an luue& o&er as himseoluen, euchan haue& of o&res god ase muche murh&e as of his ahne. Bi `is \e mahen seon ant witen `et euchan haue& sunderlepes ase feole gleadschipes as ha beo& monie alle, ant euch of `e ilke gleadschipes is to eauereuchan ase muche gleadunge as his ahne sunderliche. |et ouer al `is, hwen euchan luue& Godd mare `en himseoluen ant `en alle `e o&re, mare he gleade& of Godd wi&uten ei etlunge `en of his ahne gleadunge ant of alle `e o&res. Neome& nu `enne \eme: \ef neauer anes heorte ne mei in hire underuon hire ahne gleadunge sunderliche -- se unimete muchel is `e anlepi blisse -- hu nime& in hire `us monie ant `us muchele? For`i seide ure Lauerd to `eo `e him hefden icwemet: {ital}Intra in gaudium{/ital} etc. "Ga,' quo& he, "into `i Lauerdes blisse. ~u most al gan `rin, ant al beon bigotten `rin, for in `e ne mei hit nanesweis neomen in.' Herof ha herie& Godd ant singe& a unwerget eauer iliche lusti in his loft-songes, as hit iwriten is: {ital}Beati qui habitant{/ital} etc: Eadi beo& `eo, Lauerd, `e i `in hus wunie&; ha schulen herien `e from worlde into worlde. {para}Ha beo& alle ase lihte ant ase swifte ase sunne-gleam `e scheot fram est into west as tin ehlid tune& ant opene&: for hwer se eauer `e gast nle, `e bodi is ananriht wi&ute lettunge. For ne mei ham na`ing a\eines etstonden, for euchan is almihti to don al `et he wule, \e, makie to cwakien heouene ba ant eor&e wi` his an finger. {para}Sikere ha beo& of al `is, of `ulli lif, of `ulli wit, of `ulli luue ant gleadunge `rof, ant of `ulli blisse, `et hit ne mei neauermare lutlin ne wursin, ne neome nan ende. ~is lutle ich habbe iseid of `et ich iseh in heouene, ah nower neh ne seh ich al, ne `et \et `et ich seh ne con ich half tellen.' {para}"Witerliche,' quo& Warschipe, "wel we understonde& `et tu hauest ibeo `ear ant so& hauest iseid trof efter `i sih&e. Ant wel is him `et is war ant bisi& him hu he mahe beast halden his hus `et Godes tresor is in a\eines Godes unwine `e weorre& `ertowart a wi& un`eawes: for `et schal bringen him `ider as he schal al `is `et tu hauest ispeken of, an hundret si&e mare, of blisse buten euch bale fondin ant ifinden.' Quo& Streng&e: "Hwen hit swa is, hwet mei tweamen us from Godd ant halden us `eonne? Ich am siker ine Godd `at ne schal lif ne dea& ne wa ne wunne now&er todealen us ant his luue `at al `is us haue& i\arcket \ef we as treowe tresurers wite& wel his tresor `et is bitaht us to halden as we schulen ful wel under his wengen.' {para}"Varpe& ut,' quo& Warschipe, "Farlac ure fa. Nis nawt riht `et an hus halde `eos tweien: for `er as mur&es sonde is and so& luue of eche lif, farlac is fleme.' "Nu ut!' quo& Stren&e, "Farlac, ne schaltu na lengere leuen in ure ende.' "Nu,' quo& he, "Ich seide for god al `et ich seide; and `ah it muri nere nes na lessere mi tale `en wes Murh&es sondes ne unbihefre to ow, `ah it ne beo so licwur&e ne icweme'. "Ei&er of ow haue& his stunde to speokene, ne nis incker no&res tale to schunien in his time. ~u warnest of wa, he telle& of wunne. Muche neod is `et me ow ba \eornliche hercni. Flute nu, Farlac, `ah, hwil Liues Luue is herinne, and `ole wi& efne heorte `e dom of Rihtwisnesse: for `u schal ful bli&eliche beon underfon in as ofte as Liues Luue stutte& forto spekene.' {para}Nu is Wil `et husewif al stille `et er wes so willesful, al ituht efter Wittes wissunge `et is husebonde ; ant al `et hird halt him stille `et wes iwunet to beon fulitohen ant don efter Wil, hare lefdi, ant nawt efter Wit; lustne& nu his lare ant fonde& eauereuchan efter `et him limpe& to `urh `eos twa sonden `et ha iherd habbe& ant `et fowr sustren lerden `ruppe: for euch un`eawes in\ong his warde te witene and te warden treowliche. {para}~us ah mon te `enchen ofte ant ilome ant wi& `ulliche `ohtes awecchen his heorte, `e i slep of \emeles for\et hire sawle heale, efter `eos twa sonden; from helle sih&e biseon to `e blisse of heouene; to habben farlac of `et an, luue toward `et o&er, ant leaden him ant his hinen, `et beo& his limen, alle nawt efter `at his Wil, `e untohe lefdi, and his lust leare&, ah efter `et Wit nle `et is husebonde, tuhten ant teachen `et Wit ga euer biuore ant teache Wil efter him to al `et he dihte& ant deme& to donne ant wi& `e fowr sustren `erfore, `e fowr heued-`eawes -- Warschipe, Strenc&e in Godd, ant Me& and Rihtwisnesse -- witen Godes treosor `et is his ahne sawle i `e hus of `e bodi from `e `eof of helle. ~ulli `oht make& mon te fleon alle un`eawes ant ontent his heorte toward `e blisse of heouene. ~et ure Lauerd \eue us `urh his hali milce, `et wi& `e Feder ant e Sune ant e Hali Gast rixle& in `reohad a buten ende. Amen. {para}Par seinte charite bidde& a paternoster for Iohan `et `eos boc wrat. {poet}Hwase `is writ haue& ired Ant Crist him haue& swa isped, Ich bidde par seinte charite ~at \e bidden ofte for me Aa paternoster ant Aue Marie, ~et Ich mote `et lif her drehen Ant ure Lauerd wel icwemen I mi \uhe&e ant in min elde ~et Ich mote Iesu Crist mi sawle \elde. Amen.